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Tyler in his military jacket.

Name Tyler
Alias Silentdork
Harbinger's Link
Affiliation Harbingers
Gender Male
Status Alive
Relations John (Deceased friend)
Jacob (Missing friend)
Kevin (Former friend)
Carla (Former lover)
Greth (Friend)

Tyler is the main protagonist of Johnisdead and the players' Link. He and his friends John, Jacob, and Kevin became embroiled with a dangerous cult known as the Lunar Children since 2009. Since then, various individuals from the cult have pursued Tyler with the intent of sacrificing him to summon their goddess Luna.



Tyler grew up in the woods of rural Florida. While his childhood and extended family are never elaborated on, it is known that he now lives alone in his grandparents' trailer. At some point, Tyler became good friends with John, Jacob, and Kevin. While Jacob lived far away from Tyler, Kevin and John's homes were both within walking distance. Tyler mentions that he often acted as a mediator between John and Kevin, as the two of them would occasionally get into fierce religious debates. Tyler claimed that John was a militant atheist, while Kevin was a member of some secretive religious "youth group", later revealed to be the Lunar Children.

Tyler hanging out with his friends.

In 2009, Tyler, John, and Jacob joined the Internet Detectives and participated in the YSHDT Arc as players. During this time, John would often poke fun at the ARG's story, while Tyler would often entertain the idea that it was real. In May of 2009, Tyler and his friends presumably lost contact with the Internet Detectives when the YSHDT Arc came to a close. Months later in October, Tyler spoke to Jacob on the phone, who claimed he had just gotten a new job that would take up most of his free time. In reality, Jacob had just recently joined the Lunar Children. After this, Tyler was unable to contact Jacob. At some point, Tyler got into a relationship with Carla, a girl living in Australia who was secretly a member of the Lunar Children. Carla later gifted Tyler a crescent moon necklace, which he wore constantly.

In early 2010, Tyler recorded videos of John, Kevin, and himself hanging out and attempting various creepy rituals they found online. Shortly after these videos were recorded, John and Kevin had a big argument about magic. Over time, Tyler noticed that Kevin started taking interest in his necklace. This culminated in Kevin eventually stealing the necklace - something Tyler was suspicious of, but never had any definitive proof of. On Undecim Nocte 2011, Kevin's Ascension was to take place. The ceremony went awry, however, resulting in John accidentally being killed in a housefire. This resulted in John becoming Kevin's conduit, though before Kevin could utilize him, John's spirit was stolen and used by Tenebris instead.

Tyler was unaware of John and Kevin's fates. The local corrupt police claimed that John's death was simply the result of faulty wiring and his parents were both away when it occurred. As for Kevin, Tyler would occasionally check out his abandoned house and ask the police about it, but they would always warn him to stop looking into it. By this point, all of Tyler's friends had disappeared thanks to the cult in one way or another.

Meeting the Detectives

Over time, Tyler had completely forgotten about his involvement in the YSHDT Arc and the Internet Detectives, most likely due to Patrem's interference. By 2015, the Lunar Children had begun targeting Tyler with the intention of sacrificing him on Undecim Nocte 2015 in an attempt to summon their goddess Luna. On May 19th, 2015, Tyler's computer was destroyed by a hacker named SKM. This was done for Tyler's benefit with the intention of having him create an online account where the players could begin contacting him. This was a success, as Tyler later created the Silentdork YouTube channel. Here, he uploaded a video of himself hanging out with Jacob from 2009 and videos of him, John, and Kevin attempting the rituals from 2010.

The players began contacting Tyler via the YouTube comment section of these videos. Tyler, still having had his memory tampered with by Patrem, had no recollection of the players. After some chatting in the comment section, Tyler decided to join their Skype group only to discover that he was already a member, having never left in 2009. Despite this oddity, he stuck around and befriended the players, having no other active friends online. In these chats, Tyler explained his current living situation and what little he knew of the disappearances of his friends. Tyler promised to travel to Kevin's old home to take some photos to show the players.

On May 26th, 2015, the Lunar Children began attacking Tyler in small, indirect ways to begin messing with his psyche. Their first act was cutting off Tyler's electricity so that he could not contact the players. He also found that his trailer was hotter than normal and that he had trouble opening his doors, implying some sort of paranormal activity was already present. Tyler departed for Kevin's home to take the photos. On his way there, he encountered a "strange, tall man" that seemed to teleport within a nearby building. Being weirded out, Tyler took a few photos of the man before decided to go back home. Once he arrived, he found a few flyers about Luna that were left on his doorstep by the Lunar Children.

Tyler recording himself, unaware of Daniel creeping behind him.

Once home, Tyler's power would occasionally turn on and off. On May 27th, Tyler uploaded a video containing images of the "weird guy" from before. The next day, his power continued flickering on and off. This was often accompanied by a phone call from SKM, testing whether or not he had successfully brought Tyler's power back permanently. Eventually, Tyler's electricity returned for good. The next day, on May 29th, 2015, Tyler brought the footage of the "weird guy" and the Lunar Children flyers to the police. As usual, the local police were uncooperative and aggressive towards Tyler, asking him many strange questions regarding the "weird guy" - presumably taking interest in what was most likely a manifestation of Tenebris since they hold some connection to the Lunar Children. Later that night, Tyler updated the players on what had taken place. Here, he mentioned that he was planning on visiting Carla in Australia around the end of the year.

A few days later on May 31st, 2015, a Lunar Child named Daniel who was tasked with observing Tyler began harassing him outside his home. After throwing a bucket lid at the side of his house, Daniel led Tyler through the nearby woods and seemingly teleported away - presumably through usage of the Parallelos Path. Tyler discovered a Beacon left on an old truck outside his home - a small device that appeared to be a recorder of sorts. Startled by these events, Tyler informed the players that he would be spending the night at a nearby motel instead of his house.

Tyler stayed at the motel for a couple more days, only heading back home to grab a charger for his phone and take a walk. Strangely, Tyler claims that he was forced to change rooms after the motel received an "overseas call" asking him to be moved to room 592 - presumably more involvement from SKM. While he was changing rooms, Tyler claims he heard a strange man yelling out the number "152" - a number that guided the players to a hidden page on Johnisdead.com where they discovered JanusVR. A few days later around June 3rd, Tyler returned home and resumed his work at a local fast-food joint.

At this point, players began fearing for Tyler's safety as they were unable to convince him that the Lunar Children were involved with his recent troubles. On June 9th, 2015, the players added Tyler to a separate Skype group where they attempted to explain everything to him. This only ended up angering him, however, as none of the players' links could be viewed by Tyler and he viewed the mention of "Johnisdead.com" as a sick joke at the expense of his deceased friend. Tyler left the Skype group out of anger, cutting off contact with the players.

Targeted and Alone

On June 28th, 2015, the players discovered a disturbing video titled alwayswatchingyou.wmv that implied that the Lunar Children were observing Tyler closely. Around July 12th, Tyler had a strange prophetic dream of sorts that seemed to depict various Lunar Child figures. A few days later, Tyler's power went out again, resulting in him taking another walk. Things returned to normal for a while until August 3rd, 2015, when Tyler found a poster of "Max Headroom" outside his home - presumably left for him by SKM, who was just in the area recently.

A few days later on August 5th, 2015, the Lunar Children began targeting Tyler more directly. Using the players' Ocarina powers that Tenebris had just recently stolen for them, the Lunar Children submitted the "Bolero of Fire", resulting in a fire breaking out at Tyler's workplace. These attacks continued on September 5th, 2015 when the Lunar Children caused a sudden downpour of rain to temporarily trap Tyler at work via the "Song of Storms". Once the rain subsided, Tyler decided to pass by the remains of John's house after work. After this, he decided to take a shortcut through the woods back home, resulted in him stumbling upon the ruins of The Fishery. The location interested Tyler and he wished to return and explore it further some day.

Around this time, the Lunar Children used the players' Ocarina powers to venerate Regiminis and give him energy. Shortly after this, Regiminis could be seen manifesting near Tyler in a recording he accidentally took while in a convenience store. On September 19th, Tyler visited the fishery once again. While there, he was stalked and chased away by Doug. After this, Tyler was constantly pestered by knocking sounds on the sides of his trailer. On October 9th, he attempted to call John's old phone number - only to hear strange, disturbing sounds.

These hauntings came to a head on October 11th, when Tyler checked Johnisdead.com only to find a message directing him to go to Kevin's house. Angered, Tyler did as he was instructed, travelling to Kevin's house. Here, he was assaulted by Doug and transported to The Spire, where the Lunar Children intended to sacrifice him on Undecim Nocte. At some point during this time, Tyler was also locked in a trunk and beaten. While at the Spire, Tyler, at some point, broke free from his captivity and explored the dark, terrifying basement where chanting could be heard. Here, he was confronted by Doug once again and then locked within what appeared to be a freezer.

Fortunately, Tyler was spared when the players broke into the Lunar Children Forums with SKM's assistance. Here, they regained their Ocarina powers and used the Song of Soaring to teleport Tyler back to his home. Tyler wasn't in the clear yet, however, as he was confronted by Regiminis in his home. Here, he was forced to create a video and upload it to Silentdork where he claimed he was safe. The players did not believe it, however, submitting the "Song of Soaring" a second time. This teleported Tyler to the Fishery, where he evaded the Lunar Children there and escaped back home - now safe due to the players' submission of the "Stone Mask".

As seen in his upload, Tyler had now regained possession of his crescent moon necklace. On November 12th, 2015, players summoned Helper and asked him to steal Tyler's necklace and give him a camera. Helper agreed to do so and departed. At some point, presumably around November 30th, 2015, Tyler departed for Australia. While there, he discovered that Carla was actually somewhat derange, being a former Lunar Child herself who was paranoid about the cult. She locked Tyler in her home for his own safety. He managed to contact the players over Skype where he asked for help. His transmission was cut short by Regiminis, however, who presumably travelled to Australia to confront the two of them. What happened next isn't exactly known, though it resulted in Tyler returning to his home in Florida in early 2016.

In March of 2016, Tenebris regained control of his original conduit, Drowned. This seemingly resulted in Tenebris occasionally haunting Tyler in his own home. Tyler began investigating the Lunar Children a bit around this time as well. Though it is not too clear, Tyler was seemingly given a briefcase around this time as seen in the video 5646 - though this could simply be a dream. Regardless, Tyler holds memories of this briefcase, as will be made clear later on. It is also believed that Tyler lost his necklace around this time. In June of 2016, Tyler fell into a coma. This coincided with the return of Youshouldnthavedonethat.net.

Picking Up the Pieces

Tyler awoke from his coma on January 1st, 2017 with a strange Bullet Necklace. He was now once again suffering from a case of amnesia, unable to fully remember some details of his life. Throughout 2017, Tyler would occasionally check in on his YouTube channel, uploading the footage he took of when he was captured on April 23rd, 2017. On November 13th, 2017, Tyler uploaded a video properly addressing the audience for the first time in over a year. Here, he explained how his life has been over the past year and seeming very confused when attempting to remember certain events. He was able to recall the briefcase, though it now seems to be missing.

Tyler hanging out with Greth.

Following this upload, it seems that Tyler continued his own investigation into the Lunar Children and their history. In April of 2018, Tyler went back to investigate the fishery. While there, he found a room containing the Lunar Children's servers that he was previously unable to access. He then travelled back to the fishery on a later date only to find that the servers were missing - having already been retrieved by José. On April 22nd, Tyler was emailed a link to a strange page - presumably one on Johnisdead.com. He could be seen viewing this page in a video he uploaded the next day on April 23rd, 2018, where he is also seen reading José's announcement posted on Lunarchildren.com.

While recording said video, Tyler heard another bucket lid being thrown against the side of his trailer. When he went outside to investigate he discovered that a strange Detour Sign had been placed in his yard. This Detour Sign appeared to trap him in a loop, where he was unable to leave its vicinity. Whenever he would touch the Detour Sign, it would teleport him to a random location. On August 16th, 2018, Tyler was experimenting with the Detour Sign, which caused him to teleport in-front of Greth who was hiking somewhere nearby. Tyler and Greth began hanging out together, listening to vaporwave and discussing their past experiences with the Moon Children and Lunar Children. Around this time, Tyler had taken interest in runes, referring to "Odin" as his "personal religion".


On April 23rd, 2019, Tyler began acting strange. Several videos were uploaded to his channel hinting that he would be taking a trip somewhere. Later that day, Tyler was attacked by Greth, who had just recently fallen under Patrem's control. In an attempt to escape, Tyler hopped onto the Detour Sign, which teleported him into the Parallelos. Once inside, Tyler was trapped, unable to use the Detour Sign to return home. Tyler's only option was to pass over a wooden bridge and approach a strange, Mannequin Entity.

Tyler in Alex's Hall of Fame.

After coming in contact with the mannequin entity, Tyler can be seen lying in a hospital bed. Following this, Tyler is shown to be waking up in a forest-like environment before becoming trapped in what appears to be a hotel. This location is said to be Alex's Hall of Fame - a place where Tyler undergoes a trial of sorts placed upon him by Alex. This trial seems to involve Tyler being confronted with past works of Alex Hall. Tyler seemingly passes these trials and begins wandering Alex's Hall of Fame. Here, he meets Erika - an enigmatic entity that seems very friendly towards him. Erika acts as a Navi-like entity, guiding Tyler and giving him advice as he progresses.

As Tyler explores Alex's Hall of Fame, he is suddenly attacked by Regiminis. Erika and Tyler escape into a nearby elevator before Regiminis can capture them.


Throughout the majority of Johnisdead, Tyler comes off as a frustrated and paranoid individual. This is understandable, however, since he is often being hounded by entities partnered with or related to the malicious Lunar Children cult. The few times throughout the story when he is not being actively pursued by the cult, he is shown to be a very chill and good natured individual, as seen throughout his conversations with the players and his video with Greth. As for hobbies, Tyler enjoys "Vaporwave" and later on took an interest in runes.




Relevant documents and files pertaining to Tyler.








DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaDanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Janus Entities

PumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi