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|gender = Male
|gender = Male
|status = Deceased
|status = Deceased
|relations = [[Sheepdog]] (Friend)<br />[[Hina616]] (Friend)<br />[[Alignak]] (Friend)
|relations = [[Sheepdog]] (Friend)<br />[[Hina616]] (Friend)<br />[[Alignak]] (Friend)<br />[[1_Tsukuyomi_1]] (Friend)
<b>Harry</b> is a minor character who is a member of the [[Lunar Children]]. First seen during [[The Truth Arc]], Harry could be found posting on the [[Lunar Children Forums]] casually chatting with the other users.
<b>Harry</b> is a minor character who is a member of the [[Lunar Children]]. First seen during [[The Truth Arc]], Harry could be found posting on the [[Lunar Children Forums]] casually chatting with the other users.

Latest revision as of 14:07, 24 September 2021




Harry's avatar on the Lunar Children Forums.

Name Harry
Alias HarryM1
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Male
Status Deceased
Relations Sheepdog (Friend)
Hina616 (Friend)
Alignak (Friend)
1_Tsukuyomi_1 (Friend)

Harry is a minor character who is a member of the Lunar Children. First seen during The Truth Arc, Harry could be found posting on the Lunar Children Forums casually chatting with the other users.


Not much is known about Harry's backstory. At some point, he joined the Lunar Children and wished to ascend. He would often create songs and sing in honor of Luna. On the Lunar Children Forums, Harry could be seen chatting with the user Hina616, comforting her after she had just broken up with her boyfriend. When Hina posted a photo of the Crescent Moon Neckace she found at The Fishery, Harry teased her for the image's large size but still praised her on the find. He still informed her that he believed the fishery was forbidden holy grounds, though.

Elsewhere on the forums, Harry discussed the Moon Children with the other members, where he did some research on Kelbris and was surprised to learn he was originally a member. Later on, Harry could be seen chatting with Alignak in an IRC where the two of them asked the user 1_Tsukuyomi_1 for information regarding the Libro Lunarus and Moon Children. Here, Harry mentioned the prospect of hitchhiking to The Spire so that he might have a chance to read the book.

Sometime after the events of Undecim Nocte 2015, Harry asked the Lunar Children in the IRC if they had seen Hina lately. The others explained that Hina has not been seen since she got in trouble for trespassing at the fishery. Eddie began playing into Harry's fears, claiming that Hina was possibly responsible for Undecim Nocte's failure since she interacted with the necklace. He then began claiming that Hina was dead, posting a photo of a gory corpse. This threw Harry into a frenzy, as he was incredibly distraught at the thought of Hina's death. Kuu_32 soon entered the chat and banned Eddie. When asked about Hina, Kuu told Harry that she was never placed on Eddie's hitlist.

Later on, Sheepdog reassured Harry that Hina was fine, claiming that the person shown in Eddie's photograph was not her. The two then played a game with Luke.


Harry comes off as a very genuine individual, showing concern and compassion for his fellow Lunar Children and expressing himself through his singing.


I heard his friends around the rest of the board think he and his family are free masons. Spooky.... But he is not an old wrinkly man though???


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Harry.


11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums

Name: HarryM1
Group: N/A
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: N/A
Bio: I am a man of the night, I go out at night and enjoy singing to my mother in the light of her moon. I sing and sing in hopes that my talent of the voice she has gifted me with pleases her when I return all of this gift to her through my songs. One day I hope to ascend so that I can sing eternally in her majesty.


  • Harry expresses his love for Luna and singing.

11/5/15 - "My introoooo XD" - Source

Hina616: "HIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone ^^ You can all call me Hina (as I was recommended I picked a name that honored mother and I thought this one was the cutest ~ <3 ) I was just accepted a few weeks ago and even though I live about 1 hour away I plan to come visit the meeting grounds as often as I can (even if I gotta hitch hike I want to experience the power of Luna!!!!!!) As of 2 days ago my bf left me "Because this creepy cult shit is too much for me" FUCK HIM he does not understand how important this is and was not right for me anyways. He is cold and alone without the love of mother and does not even realise this. However the expeiance hurt me pretty bad, so I could really use some support from my loving brothers and sister at this time. I wanted to hopefully show him the way and him maybe ascend with me to be with mother together, but I suppose mother has other plans. Im really happy to be accepted and thank you all for being here for me."
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "He sounds like a rather confused individual"
HarryM1: "Hey girl thats areal shame, oh well sucks for him. You will always have your true family, as well as the moon mother and father. Our dreams and even further beyond waits for us in the future, so forget about the ignorant and the weak minded."


  • Harry comforts the user Hina616 after hearing that she had recently broken up with her boyfriend.

11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616

Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted)) target=_blank
Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"
HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"
Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."
Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."
Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."
Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."
_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."
Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"
Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."
SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."
MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."
Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"
MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."


  • The user Hina616 posts a photo of the Crescent Moon Necklace she found at the Fishery. Harry teases her for the image's large size and informs her that the fishery was off-limits.

11/5/15 - "Who were the misguided?" - Alignak

Alignak: "I have been trying to consult the library about them but so much of the information seems to be lost or unavailable, all I really know is that they seemed to lie about a couple members living in california and that they had a meeting ground in what was known as the orchard."
HarryM1: "They were a group that thought that they knew luna, there really isn't much more to say."
sin_yarikh: "There was also an individual known as Kelbris,but information about him even amongst what was stolen from them during the time Regiminis infiltrated the ranks for us is basically zilch. I do know for a fact he was said to hold some affiliation with our father, the founder of our current group,based off what a elder said in a meeting last month."
Jarilo333: "I know a bit about them as well seeing as I used to be a member before I followed a friend of mine over here to the truth. But I will need to wait for permission to talk much about it, Im already on thin ice for being such a loud mouth, haha!"
HarryM1: ((A screenshot of Kelbris's Luna Prophecy from YSHDT.net is posted, though it is too small to read))
HarryM1: "huh I guess maybe I am a bit ignorant, I had no idea kelbris was of direct relation to them! If I recall from my studies, a good portion of our current parallelos knowledge and the knowledge of transcendence is based off what Regiminis discovered about him back in 2010. Its a shame he died in what I believe was 1998, he could have truly seen glory had he walked our path."

Jarilo333: "Ok I have permission to talk about a tiny a bit of what I know. I know Kelbris was the one who discovered the Ceremony of the three elements, also it ain't true that he died in 1998. The man who managed that group liked to spread misinformation at times for what almost seemed like the heck of it, but Ill get into that in a bit, hahaha! I do like how particular he was about the wording though,the misguided leader I mean, "later found electrocuted" hiding the truth in there with that lie, hahaha what a joker that guy was! Kelbris made his discoveries in 1998 and the misguided initially denounced everything he said until around 2002 oddly enough, the point when he actually died. If I recall he was actually killed in order to silence what they thought was blasphemous talk by an initiate at the time known as Ifrit as part of his initiation. Whatever Ifrit did it triggered ascension and everyone began to realize, some of what Kelbris said may have had some weight to it. I was with them since around the beginning so you can trust that I know this kind of stuff haha! Now the leader of the group was a man we refereed to by many names, The Dark Shepard, The Happy Man, The Fuehrer. But the name applied to him the most was Mr.D, who he said was "the one I have consumed", I really never understood what he meant by that. He made us sure to know that he was our Link to Luna and that he was The Father, and that this knowledge was not one of his "games" that he liked to play with us. As for what happened to him, well heck, I feel like I should not say much more! I have been going on and on and I have probably already said too much, hahahahaha! I will say though that he certainly wasn't a normal human being, and seemed a bit ahead of his time in a few ways."
Alignak: "Wow thanks for all the information Jarilo, why aren't you an elder member anyways?"
Jarilo333: "He talks too much"


4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"
9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"

9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"
9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."

9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."

9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."
9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."

9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."
9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"

9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"
9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."

9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"
9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"
9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."
9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"
9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"
9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."

9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"
9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."
9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"
9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."
9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."

9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"

9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"
9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"

9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"

9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"

9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"
9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."
9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"

9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"
9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."

9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"

9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"
9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)

9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."
9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)
9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."
9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"
9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."
9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."

9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"

9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"
9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."

9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."
9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"

9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."

9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."
9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."
9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."
9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."


  • Harry asks if anyone has seen Hina616 lately. Eddie claims that she has likely been killed by the Elder Children for tampering with the Crescent Moon Necklace, which he believes possibly led to the failure of Undecim Nocte 2015. Eddie then posts a photo of a dead person, claiming it is Hina. Eddie is then promptly banned by kuu_32. Harry asks if Hina is alive, but Kuu only answers that she was never placed on Eddie's hitlist.

4/27/20 - "chat59203301" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with Harry
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:35:56 PM SheepDog: "Harry dude you need to calm down"
9:35:58 PM SheepDog: "Dont listen to that asshole"

9:36:14 PM Harry: "HE KILLED HER"

9:36:21 PM SheepDog: "I dont know who that was but it wasnt Hina"
9:36:22 PM SheepDog: "I would know"
9:36:24 PM SheepDog: "me and Hina shared some selfies a while back and thats not her"

9:36:26 PM Harry: "Then who the hell is it??"
9:36:28 PM SheepDog: "who fucking knows"
9:36:31 PM SheepDog: "Maybe some random gore pic he found on reddit?"
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "or maybe it actually is a photo he took while on one of his missions"
9:36:36 PM SheepDog: "theres no telling with edd"

9:36:52 PM Harry: "You're SURE thats not Hina"
9:36:57 PM SheepDog: "Im sure dude"
9:37:21 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:37:22 PM SheepDog: "this is the pic she sent me"
9:37:23 PM SheepDog: "looks completely different."
9:37:26 PM SheepDog: "I'm sure Hinas just fine"

9:37:52 PM Harry: "Why the hell would he do that...."
9:37:55 PM SheepDog: "Hes a fucked up guy"
9:37:57 PM SheepDog: "We all know this"
9:38:22 PM SheepDog: "I mean its not exactly a secret what he does for the elders"
9:38:25 PM SheepDog: "and its no secret that he really really enjoys it"

9:38:41 PM Harry: "Sheep I dont know if I can keep doing this"
9:38:52 PM Harry: "I mean I knew we all werent exactly mainstream going in and a lot of us kinda "tow the line" but just"
9:38:53 PM Harry: "fuck dude"

9:38:57 PM SheepDog: "I get it"
9:39:11 PM SheepDog: "Look"
9:39:13 PM SheepDog: "come join me and Luke in a game"
9:39:14 PM SheepDog: "It'll get your mind off things"

9:39:20 PM Harry: "No fuck that"
9:39:23 PM Harry: "I can't just sweep this shit under the rug any more"
9:39:25 PM Harry: "I just can't fucking do it man"

9:39:32 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:37 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

9:39:45 PM Harry: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:48 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:52 PM Harry: "Ok"
9:39:53 PM Harry: "Hold on."


  • Sheepdog attempts to calm Harry after the two witnessed Eddie claiming that Hina616 was dead. Sheepdog convinces Harry that the gory photo Eddie provided was not of Hina. The two then agree to play a game together with Luke.

4/27/20 - "chat00219930" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

2:02:23 PM Harry: "No clue."
2:02:45 PM Harry: "Oh hey, @tsukuyomi is here"
2:02:46 PM Harry: "Ask them, they'd know."

2:03:09 PM tsukuyomi11: "Hello, everyone."
2:03:13 PM Alignak: "Yo tsu"
2:03:15 PM Alignak: "I got some questions about the Misguided and the Libro Lunaurs."

2:03:33 PM tsukuyomi11: "Libro Lunarus."
2:03:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "Andyou know we aren't allowed to speak about that."

2:03:39 PM Harry: "The misguided or the book?"
2:03:41 PM tsukuyomi11: "Both."
2:03:44 PM Harry: "oh well, I guess there goes any chance I have of reading it"
2:03:47 PM Harry: "Unless I get the chance to hitchike out to Ohio"

2:03:58 PM Alignak: "Ehh, even then there's no guarantee you'll get to see it."
2:04:03 PM Alignak: "iirc, most of the time the Elders just read it to you."

2:04:06 PM Harry: "really?"
2:04:12 PM Alignak: "Yeah, they won't let anyone touch it."
2:04:14 PM Alignak: "Pretty stingy if you ask me."

2:04:19 PM tsukuyomi11: "Its one of our most sacred objects, what do yuo expect?"
2:04:24 PM Harry: "what was it like?"
2:04:28 PM tsukuyomi11: "It was just like any other book on the outside, really."
2:04:32 PM tsukuyomi11: "Surprisingly thin, but packed with wisdom"

2:04:37 PM Alignak: "What?"
2:04:41 PM Alignak: "It looks pretty thick to me"

2:04:43 PM Harry: "yeah isnt that what they used in the blood moon thing?"
2:04:52 PM tsukuyomi11: "One moment"
2:04:53 PM Harry: "for real, it looked like a dictionary to me"
2:04:54 PM Harry: "pretty bulky and all"

2:05:31 PM tsukuyomi11: "Okay, yes"
2:05:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "The rite recited in the blood moon ritual is certainly an excerpt from the Libro Lunarus"
2:05:37 PM tsukuyomi11: "Strange, I was told there were only the three copies"
2:05:38 PM tsukuyomi11: "One second"
2:05:58 PM tsukuyomi11 (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)

2:06:03 PM Harry: "uh can you try sending that again"
2:06:05 PM Harry: "looks like it didnt send"

2:06:45 PM Alignak: "You still there, Tsu?"






DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi