Jeremy Jarvis

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Jeremy Jarvis


Jeremy's avatar as drawn by his son Hunter.

Name Jeremy Jarvis
Alias Jarilo333
Affiliation Moon Children
Lunar Children
Gender Male
Status Ascended
Relations Hunter Jarvis (Son)
Old Man (Brother)
Hank Hubbard (Friend)

Jeremy is a friendly character who has shown up frequently throughout Johnisdead. First appearing as another Lunar Child on the Lunar Children Forums, it was eventually revealed that Jeremy's history with the cult spans much further than expected, as he was originally good friends with Hank Hubbard and the brother of the Old Man, as the three were originally all Moon Children before leaving the cult. In his later years, Jeremy had become disillusioned with the cult and often made small talk with the players, despite it being seen as a taboo act. Though he was eventually killed and ascended by his son Hunter, he still assists the players as a spirit.


Jeremy Jarvis was presumably born and raised in rural Florida with his brother. The two eventually met Hank Hubbard and became life long friends. Sometime during the 90's, Jeremy joined the Moon Children - possibly due to Hank already having been a member. While in the cult, Jeremy fell in love and married an unknown female member. In 1998, the two of them had a child - Hunter Jarvis. Later on during that same year, Hank began hearing Luna speaking to him in whispers, telling him the ways of ascension. When Hank told the Moon Children of this, he was seen as a blasphemer and was outcast, after which he left the cult to create the Lunar Children. Jeremy presumably remained within the Moon Children during this time, though his allegiance was likely secretly with the Lunar Children.

In 2002, Hank's adoptive son, Mat, killed him as a part of an initiation into the Moon Children. This accidentally resulted in Hank's ascension into Patrem and transcendence into Kelbris. Despite this, Jeremy remained within the Moon Children until 2003, when he finally became an official member of the Lunar Children. It is likely around this time that Jeremy began raising Hunter to become a devout follower of Luna, as he was finally old enough to truly begin comprehending the cult's teachings. In 2010, Jeremy's brother was used as a conduit by Tenebris to handle the haunted cartridge that Ben had become trapped in. This led to him going blind in one eye and slowly losing his sanity. Presumably, he later died as well.

Jeremy's avatar on the Lunar Children Forums.

By 2015, Jeremy and his son had moved to Ohio to live near The Spire. By this point, Jeremy had become quite disillusioned with the cult, often scoffing at their attempts to cover up their history and chiding them as "stupid kids". He would often get in trouble for divulging what was seen as taboo information. One such instance was when he met his son's friend, sin_yarikh, and let him view the Libro Lunarus. While this was highly forbidden, it resulted in Sin becoming interested in the cult and later joining it. Jeremy's rouge actions continued on the Lunar Children Forums when he claimed that Tyler's Crescent Moon Necklace that the user Hina616 had found looked similar to one that Lunaris Draco once had - not knowing that they were one in the same. This was seen as forbidden information, which the mods quickly warned him about and denied the existence of "Lunaris Draco".

In another thread by Alignak, Jeremy explained some of the Moon Children's history. This was likely seen as taboo as well, since his account was briefly taken over afterwards and claimed that he talks too much. Eventually, the Elder Children had enough of Jeremy's rash behavior and ordered his song Hunter to kill him. Hunter did so, ascending him in the process. This earned him the title of Elder Child as well.[1] For a while, Jeremy was unaware of his fate, perceiving his surroundings as if he were simply trapped in his home. Over time, his fate became more apparent, however, when he began noticing oddities such as the clocks no longer moving and the surprisingly dim light in his home. The truth eventually became clear to him, to which he expressed shock and regret that his son would do such a thing. Before departing, he urged the players to help Tyler escape his fate on Undecim Nocte 2015.

Hunter's drawing of Jeremy's avatar found in the Spire Janus Room.

Jeremy later returned to assist the players in 2016 upon the return of During this time, Jeremy had to be very vague and careful about how he worded things, lest he anger Mr. D. First speaking to the players in a chat room, he explained some of the Moon Children's history and claimed that he forgives his son for what he did. Jeremy later joined the players' Skype group and began divulging more information. Jeremy claimed that he was now in a strange, painful place where time seems to be rather chaotic - likely the Parallelos. He also warned the players against Kevin, who was maliciously using for his own means.

On July 27th, Jeremy enacted the Circle of Three - a ritual that involved him choosing three players so that he may speak more clearly to them. The players chosen were Velvet, Spanosa, and Greth. Through these conversations, Jeremy explained more of Hank's past and stressed that the players need to enter the locked "The Truth" page on the website. On December 29th, Jeremy spoke to the players over Skype, warning them that the final cycle of would soon begin. Once it did, they would need to enter into "The Truth", where they would have a chance to 'turn off' Mr. D. The players successfully did so, resulting in Jeremy congratulating them on January 1st, 2017.

Jeremy was not heard from again until December 21st, 2020, where he could be heard speaking in the Treeline Janus Room. Here, he explained that he knew he was going to die and that perhaps he actually needed to for some reason. He went on to claim that death doesn't really mean what the players think it does, and that the Parallelos is a very strange place.


Despite being a longstanding member of two cults, Jeremy is a rather jovial person who greets the players with a smile - the same people he was taught were blasphemous traitors. Jeremy is a friendly old man who has a habit of laughing after most of his sentences. Though he seems to have a good heart, he has a somewhat bleak outlook and sense of humor - something expected of a long time cultist. Despite his laughter and constant jokes, the words that come out of his mouth are often solemn and layered with sadness.

Jeremy Jarvis

A story teller, a legend keeper. Brother of yet more of his own kind. The most outspoken of the gray ones.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Jeremy.


0/0/0 - Chat with Character - Source

Name: Jarilo333
Group: N/A
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: N/A
Bio: Just a proud dad who has seen a fair share of crazy things in this world Luna made for us (and a couple things from beyond hahahaha) I am very proud of my son and can't wait for him to come with me to the parallelos beyond and even join me in Lunas majesty.


  • Jeremy describes himself as a proud father and a loyal follower of Lunar.

11/5/15 - "Hello from an old geezer" - Jarilo333

Jarilo333: "I was about to have my son go on and do one of these as well, so I figured I would do one too even though I am not new, I have been a Lunar Child since around 2003 hahaha! After all, though I am not new, this iteration of the forum is. The most interesting about myself is... well... heck not even about me ha ha. My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye. My son should be around to say hello to you all sometime today as well. So stick around for that everyone!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I had always wished I could have known uncle a little better. But oh well, we will probably get to meet after the holy descent."
kuu_32: "Good to see you online Jar. I hope you will be attending the meeting next week."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Who is Tenebris? I know there is a bit of info on it on the front page, but I was hoping I could learn more."
_jinn_: "Risky subject for new moons, Im an elder though so pm me if you want to know a bit more. But in depth discussion is best kept for meetings."


11/5/15 - "Hello everyone" - Jie_Lin_HunterL

Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I can't really think of much to say about myself, but hi everyone. I have been a Lunar child since I was born and it has always been really good for me. It always reminds me that I am part of the elite, and no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, I am part of the liberation of humanity and will be part of those laughing last in the end. I have never felt much like I am anything special, but then I think of Luna and Father and how I might serve them, and I understand that my purpose is divine and that I am very special much like the rest of my fellow children. May Luna shine on us all, and may father bring us his secrets and blessings."
_jinn_: "Very well put Hunter. As one would expect to hear from a gibbous like yourself! Keep up with your teachings and soon you will be full, from there I am thinking an elder spot might be open for you."
Jarilo333: "Thats my boy! Humble and yet fully aware of his destiny! Well put son, I can't wait for the speech your doing at this weekends revival! Your really gonna knock em dead ha ha ha!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "Thanks dad"


  • Jeremy praises his son Hunter on the forums.

11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616

Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted)) target=_blank
Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"
HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"
Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."
Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."
Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."
Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."
_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."
Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"
Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."
SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."
MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."
Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"
MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."


11/5/15 - "Who were the misguided?" - Alignak

Alignak: "I have been trying to consult the library about them but so much of the information seems to be lost or unavailable, all I really know is that they seemed to lie about a couple members living in california and that they had a meeting ground in what was known as the orchard."
HarryM1: "They were a group that thought that they knew luna, there really isn't much more to say."
sin_yarikh: "There was also an individual known as Kelbris,but information about him even amongst what was stolen from them during the time Regiminis infiltrated the ranks for us is basically zilch. I do know for a fact he was said to hold some affiliation with our father, the founder of our current group,based off what a elder said in a meeting last month."
Jarilo333: "I know a bit about them as well seeing as I used to be a member before I followed a friend of mine over here to the truth. But I will need to wait for permission to talk much about it, Im already on thin ice for being such a loud mouth, haha!"
HarryM1: ((A screenshot of Kelbris's Luna Prophecy from is posted, though it is too small to read))
HarryM1: "huh I guess maybe I am a bit ignorant, I had no idea kelbris was of direct relation to them! If I recall from my studies, a good portion of our current parallelos knowledge and the knowledge of transcendence is based off what Regiminis discovered about him back in 2010. Its a shame he died in what I believe was 1998, he could have truly seen glory had he walked our path."

Jarilo333: "Ok I have permission to talk about a tiny a bit of what I know. I know Kelbris was the one who discovered the Ceremony of the three elements, also it ain't true that he died in 1998. The man who managed that group liked to spread misinformation at times for what almost seemed like the heck of it, but Ill get into that in a bit, hahaha! I do like how particular he was about the wording though,the misguided leader I mean, "later found electrocuted" hiding the truth in there with that lie, hahaha what a joker that guy was! Kelbris made his discoveries in 1998 and the misguided initially denounced everything he said until around 2002 oddly enough, the point when he actually died. If I recall he was actually killed in order to silence what they thought was blasphemous talk by an initiate at the time known as Ifrit as part of his initiation. Whatever Ifrit did it triggered ascension and everyone began to realize, some of what Kelbris said may have had some weight to it. I was with them since around the beginning so you can trust that I know this kind of stuff haha! Now the leader of the group was a man we refereed to by many names, The Dark Shepard, The Happy Man, The Fuehrer. But the name applied to him the most was Mr.D, who he said was "the one I have consumed", I really never understood what he meant by that. He made us sure to know that he was our Link to Luna and that he was The Father, and that this knowledge was not one of his "games" that he liked to play with us. As for what happened to him, well heck, I feel like I should not say much more! I have been going on and on and I have probably already said too much, hahahahaha! I will say though that he certainly wasn't a normal human being, and seemed a bit ahead of his time in a few ways."
Alignak: "Wow thanks for all the information Jarilo, why aren't you an elder member anyways?"
Jarilo333: "He talks too much"


  • The user Alignak asks for information regarding the Moon Children. Jeremy divulges some of the cult's history, explaining Kelbris's supposed 'blasphemy' and the lie surrounding his death, the nature of Mr. D, and some of how it connects to the Lunar Children. Jeremy's account is seemingly briefly taken over after this and a threatening message is left.


  1. Thoth claims that Hunter will be given the rank of Elder for killing his father here.
    • Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I do not mean to make a deal of it, but I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that no has gotten around to assigning my next test to become Elder."
    • Ezekiel_thoth33: "I sent you an invoice Hunter, there is a task you must perform and a voice you must silence. It may be hard to break this bond, but remember who your true family is. That is all I shall say here."




DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi