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"Must be another one..."

This is the page for the ascended spirit Patrem.
You may be looking for his human self, Hank Hubbard, or his transcended self - Kelbris.



Patrem's avatar on the Within Hubris Forums.

Name Patrem
Alias /Patrem\
False Father
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Male
Status Ascended
Relations Diana Hubbard (Wife)
Ben Hubbard (Son)
Mat Hubbard (Stepson)
Jeremy Jarvis (Friend)
Old Man (Friend)
Vincent Adams (Vessel)
Greth (Vessel)
Hank Hubbard (Original Self)
Kelbris (Alternate Self)

Patrem is one of the main antagonists of Johnisdead. Being the Ascended spirit of Hank Hubbard, the founder of the Lunar Children, Patrem holds many forces at his command. Though he has many powerful abilities such as the ability to manipulate time and memories, he still often finds himself trapped within the bodies of others and uses them as hosts, such as with Vincent Adams and Greth.


Patrem is the ascended spirit of Hank Hubbard. He came into existence on April 23rd, 2002 when Hank was killed and inadvertently ascended by his adopted son Mat. This same event also resulted in the creation of Hank's transcended self, Kelbris. As an ascended spirit, Patrem carried on his duties of leading the Lunar Children as "Father". It is assumed that Patrem would mainly communicate with and issue commands to the cult from the Paralellos through Listening Devices.

In early 2011, Patrem would occasionally communicate with Max on the Within Hubris Forums. He eventually managed to lure him to a park when Max and his family visited Florida. Here, Patrem abducted Max. Max's soul was later absorbed by Tenebris and fused with Ben's to create the entity known as Drowned. Months later on Undecim Nocte 2011, Patrem oversaw Kevin's ascension into Regiminis. However, this ceremony went awry when Drowned escaped Tenebris's control. As a result, John was somehow killed as a result of the ascension, resulting in him inadvertently becoming Regiminis's conduit. Before Regiminis could properly utilize John's spirit, it was stolen by Tenebris, who used him as a replacement for Drowned. This chaos also damaged Patrem, who became trapped within the body of Vincent Adams.

Patrem had limited control while within Vincent, only able to freely move about by controlling Vincent whenever he fell asleep. Patrem's presence also resulted in Vincent suffering from insomnia and amnesia, meaning he was unaware of his history with the cult and Patrem's existence. Despite being trapped within Vincent, Patrem was still able to occasionally commune with the Lunar Children. In 2013, SKM attempted to kill Patrem by trapping his spirit on a laptop and destroying the device. This was unsuccessful, however, as Patrem later manifested unharmed.

On February 19th, 2015, Patrem joined the Within Hubris Forums and began contacting the players. Here, he would occasionally give them cryptic advice while taunting their efforts. On April 4th, Patrem attended the Blood Moon Ritual, where the Lunar Children contacted him via a listening device before sacrificing a new recruit in Luna's honor. On February 20th, Patrem threatened Drowned, who had contacted the players on Skype. This happened again on May 14th, though this time it resulted in Patrem losing some of his energy. It was later revealed that SKM intentionally used Drowned as bait to cause Patrem to over-exert himself, giving SKM and the players an opportunity to speak a few days later. Patrem soon returned, however, chasing SKM off of the forums.

On May 21st, SKM contacted the players on Within Hubris once again. Patrem threatened SKM, but he was still weakened. SKM used this opportunity to "cut up" Patrem's spirit and trap him in the "/key592" directory on This was only temporary, however. On June 9th, the players attempted to explain everything that was going on to Tyler. Unfortunately, Patrem interfered with their efforts, blocking all of their proof from being seen by Tyler. The next day, Patrem confirmed this was his doing and taunted the players further. On August 4th, Patrem had a conversation with Tenebris on Within Hubris, during which he suggested that Tenebris give up John's spirit, as Regiminis was growing impatient. Here, Tenebris revealed that he would release John's spirit in exchange for Ben's, though Patrem replied that Ben's spirit was currently even out of his own reach.

On Undecim Nocte 2015, the players were able to rescue Tyler from the cult's grasp, foiling their plans. On March 1st, 2016, Patrem announced that the Lunar Children would have a second opportunity to capture Tyler on April 23rd, 2016. This plan went awry as well, however, and the Lunar Children were unable to capture Tyler. On the night of April 23rd, Patrem was mysteriously removed from Vincent's body and "pulled into" some other location. This occurred shortly before the Cataclysm destroyed The Spire and most of the Lunar Children.

Patrem was not heard from again until October 11th, 2018 when it was revealed that he was now housed within Greth's body. When exactly Greth came into contact with Patrem is unknown, though over the course of the previous year, Patrem's presence had been causing him a great deal of insomnia. After the players put Greth to sleep through the submission of the "Goron Lullaby", Patrem gained full control of Greth. Patrem then proceeded to confront Tyler on April 23rd, 2019, chasing him into the Parallelos via the Detour Sign.

What happened to Patrem after this is currently unknown. He seems to have become awakened of the true nature of the world at some point, now being guided under a "master" of sorts - likely Synchron.


Most of the time, Patrem carries himself very highly, speaking in a grandiose fashion as he boasts of his power while taunting the players. Despite this, there are times where he acts more cordially while interacting with them. Since his resurgence on Within Hubris in 2020 after supposedly meeting Synchron, however, he speaks much more humbly and in a more cryptic fashion.


Delving deeper into madness after changing the book he moved the pages and hid them in the bindings of "Something people would least expect to observe my secrets in" as he said. The cover is not the original one that bound the pages like the symbols that mask the spirit of the works in these spheres. Gifted with the holy lunacy, his persuit for her shaped the world around him. The reality of the board is malleable, anyone gifted like that can will what they want. I wonder what will caused his son to come out as a story character?

Alternate Incarnations

Other timeline versions of Patrem.


Astral Patrem seems to be fairly similar to this version of himself up until around 2017. For some unknown reason, Patrem was never housed within Astral Greth's body like he was with Prime Greth.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Patrem.


2/19/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 12:10 AM: "I heard my children crying."
Sengi 12:24 AM: "And who might you be?"
/Patrem\ 12:33 AM: "Three of you are not as you seem."
Sengi 12:37 AM: "This one's for the record... History is written by the victors"
/Patrem\ 12:58 AM: "I am calling. I am called."
Sengi 1:02 AM: "That translates to "I am calling. I am called" or so we believe... What calls you and what is your purpose?"
/Patrem\ 1:30 AM: "I came to the fishery, and the fools trapped me inside him. Vincent, return to your slumber now. There is no home for you brats."
Oceanstuck 1:36 AM: "why were you at the fishery? who is this vincent? who trapped you in who? is this meant to be taken literally?"
/Patrem\ 1:55 AM: ((A link to an audio file featuring reversed music, loud sounds, and what sounds like Patrem whispering "John is dead now")) target=_blank
/Patrem\ 1:55 AM: "He also enjoyed music. o n urn d. Now he has ascended.
/Patrem\ 2:14 AM: "What shall you know? In this time I am always awake."
Eve 2:20 AM: "Where is page 8?"
Oceanstuck 8:21 AM: "whos vincent, what are you, who are you in, and can we be assured of a certain friend's safety?"
/Patrem\ 2:33 AM: ";.n_kL?3xN+Ilk;Et8H@GnP/=+IZ79+IQ.<+@.,oEOD5=G*7ZFIK&q,+I_e?@:nh-K\:f6L= :W3FUr9/I?O%>G124+E79(uGJkWs+IQ*:K]VYFJI__;Et,;G@:^UrF5]GJ:17eAK@oC6@;?y"
/Patrem\ 2:33 AM: "yEt5E;F5Ng4E86=0K&\B7ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt8."
Jacob 3:21 AM: "Is there an easier version of that answer?"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:21 AM: ((The "Inverted Song of Time" is submitted)) target=_blank
ADULT_LINK 3:23 AM: ((The "Lens of Truth" is submitted and used on Patrem's cipher))
/Patrem\ 3:36 AM: "You have damned that boy and I am far beyond caring for his petty scribblings, I am far beyond him now. Vincent however is someone you already knowknewknowknewknowknewknowknewknow"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:43 AM: "Is Vincent's last name Shaw?"
/Patrem\ 4:06 AM: "Not Shaw; I lielaylayed in another; I am the one who honored her first."
Mugen Kagemaru 4:35 AM: "Could the veil be lifted by a maelstrom?"
/Patrem\ 4:39 AM: ""
Mugen Kagemaru 4:49 AM: "Is there anything else to be found, or should we cut our losses and start over?"
/Patrem\ 4:53 AM: "Your tricks are but the humorous wrigglings of an insect. What day do you think it is child? Where has your emit gone?"
Mugen Kagemaru 4:55 AM: "But next question, what is the name of your host?"
/Patrem\ 5:22 AM: ((A strange reversed audio file is posted.))
/Patrem\ 5:26 AM: "Make your final request, I grow tired of your games and your foolish ways."
Mugen Kagemaru 5:38 AM: "How do we contact Vincent if necessary? Furthermore, Douglas' newspaper article mentioned a pastor. Who is this pastor?"
/Patrem\ 5:48 AM: ((A discolored image of the fishery is posted.)) target=_blank
/Patrem\ 5:48 AM: "Some children have drowned, others will burn. I am through giving you my pity."
/Patrem\ 6:09 AM: "Go back child, go back, and try to wet the ashes."
/Patrem\ 6:09 AM: "Say hello to your composer for me. I already have been."


  • Patrem contacts the players for the first time. He hints that the players Tyler, Jacob, and John are not what they seem. He also briefly hints towards his identity as the leader of the Lunar Children and that he is trapped within Vincent Adams.

2/20/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 3:27 AM: "Now that I have stabilized myself in this plane I can take a moment to explain. You think yourselves detectives, and yet you fail time and time again at the most simple of tasks. That child only seeks to mislead you. I have been watching you, you frightened sniveling children. You lack patience and you lack courage. Why should I even begin to help you when you can’t even stay on the path laid plain before you?"
ADULT_LINK 3:42 AM: "Which child?"
/Patrem\ 3:48 AM: "Fool, the one who had you all cowering in fear. Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots. If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "A name, smartass. Give their name. You might think yourself clever, but assuming we know who you speak of when we don't doesn't get us anywhere."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "Patrem: "Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots.""
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "True of them as that might be, it doesn't help if you make assumptions."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "Patrem: "If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children.""
Mugen Kagemaru: 3:58 AM: "Nor would we give even you the time of day if we didn't have anything else to work with. Show some gratitude and take our limits into account."
/Patrem\ 4:34 AM: ((A disturbing audio file is posted. This file contains the "Song of Unhealing" along with a voice repeating the name "Ben" and "You already know")) target=_blank


  • Patrem is now able to speak more clearly, likely a result of the players submitting "Epona's Song". He proceeds to taunt the players for failing repeatedly. He also states that Drowned is indeed Ben and that they wish to mislead the players.

3/6/15 - Message from Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)

"At this moment my child, all we may do is wait. However I have been watching you all, and I see you enjoy playing games. So to amuse myself while I wait, I would like to play a game with the “detectives”. Should you all succeed I will reward you all for your display of wisdom. Tell the children precisely what I have told you now; What is the song that makes mother cry? Speak it then move to the fourth. Wqafi lps bpv npy dfza wyrraamam; You all have 1 hour, and remember, I am watching"


  • Patrem challenges the players to a game of sorts and gives them a riddle.

3/15/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 9:35 PM: "I am in the midst of my work child, what is it that you must call on me in such a place?"
Spirkiroid 9:39 PM: "hey dude can we get a selfie"
/Patrem\ 9:44 PM: "Do you think you are worthy of my visage, child?"
Mugen Kagemaru 9:47 PM: "Hah. Ha ha, funny. Come now. Don't be shy. That's my girlfriend's department."
Stevey 9:48 PM: "A majority of us have contributed to this avertion of chaos. Found multiple truths and therefore aided you in your work... so yes... or alternatively... don't be shy!"
Rafal 9:53 PM: "And if you think us not worthy of your visage, you still have deemed us at least somewhat worthy of your time based upon your actions. If you decline to show, perhaps you could still do us the honor of telling us something."
ihatesigningupforstufflikethis 10:00 PM: "patrem i bet yr cute"
GreyouTT 10:01 PM: "WELL, WELL, WELL. You actually posted. Now that you're here, I think it's time we got some things out in the open. For example, you seem to be sticking to PMs quite a bit there my inter-dimensional friend. Why so secretive?"
/Patrem\ 10:40 PM: "You have all amused me greatly. So despite requesting in such a childish manner, I may grant you the privilege of a glimpse at my current form. However, this may take time, as capturing and sending a depiction of it from where I currently dwell is a task of great complexity. Just as the method in which I dwell is that of complexity, and often is the cause of disrepair in electrical devices. All this aside, is there anything you request at this time children, or shall I return to my work?"
Archery 10:45 PM: "Hey Patrem, Why do you keep ignoring my PMs? Am I asking the wrong questions?"
Stevey 10:51 PM: "On what we believe is Helper's channel "M" on Youtube.. there was a shadow at the end of his latest video, do you know what it is?"
Archery 10:59 PM: "Also, what are demons and how do you become one? Can you stop being one?"
/Patrem\ 11:03 PM: "Shadow's come in many forms child. Maybe your primative eyes misinterpreted unimiportant information as something of siginificance. Also chide me not should I be sans response of your tedious masked requests, I give each deep observation prior to action. However those that needn't require said observation to begin with often do not warrant my attention for I am quite busy and time truly is finite, even for one such as I."
Stevey 11:07 PM: "I said this as a joke to my friends in our chat a few moments ago... ... how did you...?"
GreyouTT 11:12 PM: "What is the group attempting to do at the Fishery? What exactly do they plan to do with Doug?"
Oceanstuck 11:13 PM: "im here guys. hello ok i have a quick question. what are the defining characteristics of a demon? shits come up a bit in a few conversations and i think we should probably get that sorted out"
/Patrem\ 11:48 PM: "I am always watching you brats, for it is unwise to leave children unattended. As for the place of worship, my children are simply attempting to better themselves for the coming times. As for douglas, I have stated before what shall become of him is unchangeable as I have spoken previously and I have no reason to speak of what is currently happening to him, so I shall not."
/Patrem\ 11:13 PM: "I know nothing of these "Demons" of which you speak. Why must you pry me of such foolish imaginings, what next? Shall you beseech me of the monsters beneath the place in which you rest?"

Mugen Kagemaru 11:53 PM: "Someone talked about demons and we're asking in case it becomes relevant. Better to look into red herrings than to ignore the right trail when it's revealed."
((Patrem begins quoting players' messages from Skype and responding to them in his posts. These quoted messages will be italicized.))
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: "Since Patrem is the leader of the cult we should capture him"
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: "I would be delighted if you would speak more of these grandiose propositions. Please, if you honestly believe you carry knowledge not of my own understanding, do enlightened me. For surely you and your fellow "Detectives" are supremely powerful beings that I should not trifle with."
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: ((A distorted audio file is posted))

Stevey 1:00 AM: "We're the most powerful thing since god my friend. We clearly have no need of these petty games..."
Archery 1:02 AM: "Ignore his insolence, forgive us father, for we have sinned..."
GreyouTT 1:08 AM: "Good to know higher beings are still capable of sarcasm. But since you asked, I'll tell you: We may not be powerful beings, but you should never count us out. We have a power of our own."
/Patrem\ 1:29 AM: "Then try and wield this power child, see what it gets you in return. If you have some plan to "catch" me, I would be most pleased to see you execute it."
GreyouTT 2:05 AM: "Tempting, but I think we'll save that for later. For now though, I think it's time us detectives fell off of your radar for a while."
GreyouTT 2:05 AM: ((The "Stone Mask" and "Gibdo Mask" are both submitted))
/Patrem\ 2:38 AM: "Do you think you have sort of control over me? Do you even understand the power you attempt to wield? Look upon your foe, and kneel."
/Patrem\ 2:38 AM: ((Patrem posts a photo of himself though it is incredibly distorted))
Stevey 2:46 AM: "More Technical issues.. huh?"
Archery 4:39 AM: "My word, you're the only handsomest ethereal entity I have ever set my eyes on, what a lovely complexion you have!"
/Patrem\ 4:50 AM: "My true intent was to show you the form I currently reside in. However the power radiated from my own presence, and the complexity of delivering such a thing to this place resulted in showing nothing more than my essence, and some scrambled remains. Pity, the sight of my form would have sent you all into quite a bit of turmoil."
Archery 4:52 AM: "Is the face found in the bottom right corner a remnant of the original image?"
/Patrem\ 4:54 AM: "Yes child."
Archery 4:56 AM: "Apologies about the comments earlier regarding capturing you. On a more serious note, is there any way we can contact Mason, or could you kindly put us in contact with him?"
/Patrem\ 5:05 AM: "I found it quite amusing, as it always is, but most certainly it is when you think you can use your toys on me."
Archery 5:10 AM: "Amusing it might be, but the statement is true, isn't it. You aren't asking us to cower in fear or kneel before you unlike before. If you do not mind, could you answer a few questions we have, including the prior question?"
Helix 5:12 AM: "Previously I've messaged you a couple of questions though I wasn't sure if it was something you could answer. In /notes, it is said that two of us must die. Is there a reason for this 'sacrifice'? What exactly is "her will"? Is /notes written by doug or you? And, if I may boldly ask again, are you against or for the idea of humans like us ascending?"
/Patrem\ 5:20 AM: "I will answer but one final question, I have many things I must attend to and have no time for the incessant babbling of children."
Archery 5:26 AM: "How can we can contact Mason ourselves? If we are unable to, could you kindly put us in contact with him?"
/Patrem\ 5:35 AM: "Mason is a foolish child, there is no need for you to contact him. However I shall tell you that he is currently within his own residence. There is more to know of him, but it shall surely come to you in time, you are not infants and I shan't spoon feed you. Now I shall depart, as this child shall soon awaken and I still have tasks to address."


  • Patrem begins responding to messages from the players that were being sent in Skype, despite not being there himself. He claims that Doug cannot be saved. Patrem also boasts that the players' powers have no effect on him.

3/16/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Patrem: "... I will make falsehood of [Greyou's] life.""
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Patrem: "... in any time you should be my foe, know your foe is timeless...""
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: ((A video of the character "The Joker" from the Batman series laughing is posted))
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Haaaaaah... Ha ha.. Hah! And they say empty words are nothing. Fuckers were wrong, that shit's hilarious!"
GreyouTT 11:59 PM: "Welp, I'm done for the week. Goodbye world."
/Patrem\ 12:18 AM: "Falsehood of ones life is to say that I shall render ones status of living to now be false, as yours shall soon be, and in the most terrible ways imaginable should you continue to act as though your position with me is any different than the other children. I have watched you speak as though you wield some form of power, remember this well child. The only one in power here is me."
Mugen Kagemaru 12:23 AM: "The only one pf this world, perhaps, and therein lies your error. I'M NOT OF THIS WORLD YOU BLIND LITTLE FERRET"


  • The player Mugen Kagemaru mocks Patrem, resulting in the two of them having a brief spat.

3/17/15 - Patrem's Bedtime Story - Within Hubris (PM's)

Yes child, sleep is a very important thing for your kind. So I shall tell you the tail of another who also has trouble sleeping. There once was a child who was quite curious, he was surrounded by children and yet, it was not enough for him. So he sought the company of others. Through trials and tribulations he found sanctuary in their communion, however he lost sight of the other children, his own name and even his self. But his new family loved him very much, so his father decided to give him a name. Vincent, and before he knew it he was a very responsible man. He was to oversee all of the children in his father’s home when his father was away. However one night, father saw that one of his children had become quite grand. This child was to come and see his father so that he might be told the secrets that only father may know. But two terrible children, who must not be spoken of, one flying, one simply screaming, had come and interfered. Luckily the grand child had still done what was needed on that night, but their father was displaced. He was hurt, that children would fuss in such a time of glory. But Vincent was a good boy, he gave his father refuge. But the event was much to bare, and Vincent had forgotten once again who his family truly was. This all kept Vincent awake, always awake, and his father can do no work, if Vincent is always awake and crying as though he is still simply another child. Now you must rest, for sleep is a very important thing for your kind. I may be able to go on without such a time wasting practice, but neither you nor Vincent can.


3/18/15 - Chat with Patrem and Vincent - Within Hubris

/Patrem\ 10:39 PM: "My time is very limited. I am timeless, but my flesh puppet moves on a most cumbersome schedule."
/Patrem\ 10:39 PM: ((Patrem posts a corrupted version of the player Tyler's audio file))

Stevey 10:45 PM: "Is that.... Tylep's stuff in there? ... what are you implying? ... On Doug's old blog... Mason mentioned he met a Grey Man.. Do you know who this is?"
Sengi 10:58 PM: "Hey Patrem, who is The gray man? Can we get any clues to it's identity?"
Eve 11:27 PM: "Patrem, is there anything we can do to aid you? Or is there something that we've overlooked?"
Stevey 11:28 PM: "It seems Patrem is unwilling to talk of the identity of this Grey Man. .... we should use this time to ask something vital before Patrem leaves.."
GreyouTT 11:30 PM: "Or maybe you should be more patient."
Wolfcat 11:40 PM: "Do you have other 'puppets' at your disposal? If so, have we met them?"
Tyler: 11:43 PM: "Patrem used my thingy, does this mean I am cannon now?"
GreyouTT 12:02 AM: "Hey Patrem, what are you children at the fishery preparing for exactly?"
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: ""Is that.... Tylep's stuff in there? ... what are you implying?""
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: "Something about it felt nostalgic, I then quickly realized it was not I who felt it but my flesh."
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: ""Hey Patrem, what are you children at the fishery preparing for exactly?""
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: "They are simply playing now, as children do. I however am the one preparing, so that things may be a bit more favorable in that time."

Chuckles 12:51 AM: "hey Patrem what do you jerk off to?"
GreyouTT 12:52 AM: "What's going to happen when the time you're preparing for comes? Some sort of spiritual event or something like the moon falling?"
Oceanstuck 1:01 AM: ""hey Patrem what do you jerk off to?""
Oceanstuck 1:01 AM: "your mom"
/Patrem\ 1:27 AM: ""So maybe at some point we can play the Goron's Lullaby to put Vincent to rest, which will allow Patrem to further his plans""
/Patrem\ 1:27 AM: "He sleeps even now, in fact, he fell asleep in a rather unfamiliar location as you may have over heard in my previous message."

Mugen Kagemaru 1:45 AM: "Does the name Valoron Lyro mean anything to you? He claims he once killed you but I doubt the validity of such a claim."
Oceanstuck 1:49 AM: "i have a nagging feeling that shit is about to be thrown everywhere..."
/Patrem\ 1:50 AM: "Child none have killed me and I may never truly die. I have never encountered this man but he tells foolish tales of a liar."
Oceanstuck 1:55 AM: "idk whether to be relieved or perturbed by this info regarding a joke statement"
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: ""Should we ask about the Spire?""
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: "Ask me not of this."

GreyouTT 1:58 AM: "What do you think of the color Azure?"
/Patrem\ 2:11 AM: "It is a meaningless color to me. This place is quite loud, and soon this child shall awaken once again. I have time for but one more question."
Mugen Kagemaru 2:13 AM: "Will you permit the child to converse with us?"
/Patrem\ 2:26 AM: "I can feel him awakening so I may have no choice. However before I depart, I wish to clear up a prior confusion that I found most aggravating. Vincent and Douglas are two separate children, also Ibfda fd awakened"
GreyouTT 2:29 AM: "Thank goodness he managed to click send before the seizure completely took hold."
((Vincent begins speaking through Patrem's account))
/Patrem\ 2:40 AM: "What is this?"
Mugen Kagemaru 2:43 AM: "This... is a place of gathering, really. Um, what can you tell us about where you are?"
GreyouTT 2:45 AM: "It's a forum yo. You feeling alright?"
/Patrem\ 2:50 AM: "I'm really confused, I don't know who you are or what this website is. But the last thing I remember is going to sleep in my room, and now it looks like I am in my local park. I am feeling kinda of weird and my head hurts. Who are you people and do you know anything about this?"
Eve 2:52 AM: "We are the Internet Detectives. What's your name?"
/Patrem\ 2:54 AM: "Why should I tell you my name? What the fuck is going on!?"
Mugen Kagemaru 2:54 AM: "Um, Eve? Don't we already know his name? Anyway, some unusual things have come up regarding a group with a thing for the moon. Is there anything you can tell us about that while you make your way home?"
/Patrem\ 3:01 AM: "A thing for the moon? Thats a shame, there is no moon in the sky tonight. But I don't know anything about this group. Do you know why I am sitting here with this page open in my night clothes in the middle of my local park at night?"
GreyouTT 3:01 AM: "Well this is going to take some explaining. Well not the park thing, not sure about that part, but the rest of it we can explain. Well kind of. You see it's very complicated, you may want to sit down if you aren't already. If anything, you may or may not want to look back at your post history."
/Patrem\ 3:03 AM: "Wait... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:04 AM: "You don't know anything? That's odd... Why would that one choose you, then...? As Grey implied, we do have an explanation for your little mystery, but we fear it won't exactly be... ... ah... how would you people put it... ...believeable? Yes, there we go. We fear you won't believe us. (Addendum) As for your name... well, someone told us."
GreyouTT 3:14 AM: "Yes well the name thing is I admit, suspicious, and you are no doubt confused by what is going on. But right now I think you should be focusing on why you are in the park right now. Now, could you describe your surroundings, do you see anything out of the ordinary that does not involve pajamas."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:17 AM: "*facepalm* Grey... Anything odd that doesn't involve pajamas or the fact that total strangers over the Internet just happen to know your name?"
/Patrem\ 3:21 AM: "I have no idea where my phone is, and the lights in the park were all flickering for a few moments when I woke up. I recall having it in my hand before I fell asleep. I have no idea why I would be in the park but I am about to head home, when I leave the park there will be no wifi until I get back to my house."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:27 AM: "OK, before you go, could you clear something up for us? The person who told us your name, they also said you helped a person who was like a father figure to you when something went wrong. Can you tell us anything about that?"
/Patrem\ 3:35 AM: "My father is dead, I don't have any father figures and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I am gonna go before someone steals my shit. Some little kid just walked up to me, like this young kid and just asked me if the "Purple man" is gone now, crying and shit. Fuck this, fuck everything about this, fuck you guys, fuck whoever the purple man is. I am going home now. Fuck this."


  • The players ask Patrem if they can speak to Vincent. He claims that he does not have a choice, as Vincent is waking up. Vincent then briefly chats with the players on Within Hubris Forums.

4/4/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 4:29 PM: "No mortal can go without rest."
Eve 5:04 PM: "Indeed, your host was quite upset the last time he awoke."
Stevey 5:15 PM: "I find it odd we do something to find a "friend" and you return to us..."
/Patrem\ 5:21 PM: "He is a fool, and in his time has become a detriment to my plans. He will now know nothing of what has transpired however. Despite his best efforts to keep archive of what he learned."
Helix 5:27 PM: "What of Doug? He is a fool now too?"
Eve 5:32 PM: "That would be a very wise idea. He'd be too bewildered. But now that you're able to communicate again, is there any information that you'd like to impart?"
/Patrem\ 5:50 PM: "Douglas is of significance and that is all I shall say of him. As for information that may be of interest to you children, I may be willing to tell you of what is to come."
Stevey 5:50 PM: "We'd be much grateful.."
Eve 5:54 PM: "That would be a helpful gift."
Helix 5:59 PM: "That would be very much appreciated. Doug is also important to us. If I may humbly ask, do you know of how Mason is doing? We are concerned as we lost contact with him at a crucial point, as well as if you know of a certain individual named Rosa?"
/Patrem\ 6:21 PM: "That foolish girl has damned herself, she and her brother started on the wrong path and never attempted to correct this. Her toungue is that of lies and she is a blind whore. Ask me not of her again for she and her kin are nothing but ignorant fools."
Stevey 6:24 PM: "So what is to come..?"
Oceanstuck 6:43 PM: "this is a bit late but what awaits mason as things stand now, and if that which awaits is unfavorable how may we change those things in our favor"
/Patrem\ 7:19 PM: "Shall you continue to ask me foolish questions, or shall I speak to you the true words of the future? The choice is yours."
Circlehunter 7:23 PM: "We'd love to hear about the future. Anything at all would be wonderful."
/Patrem\ 8:31 PM: "There will be a coming time in which a portal shall be opened. This place was forged by the one they call saint, and is governed by the one I call grand. Named a petty insult directed at the terrible fate of one child and the loss of another. Through here you may encounter many things both of your kind, and from times before man. He will seek the burned one, without his puppet he is only half of his potential. He will seek the link of that time, for it is through his death that he believes he will truly become a god. He is a grand fool, but he is one of my special children. However, this is not of the task at hand. Worry now for what lies before you. Now I must go, a ceremony shall soon be at hand, blood must be spilled when mother calls for it."
GreyouTT 11:33 PM: "Wait, BLOOD? WHAT? WHAT?!"


4/4/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)

Stevey 6:39 PM: "Mugen constantly acts above everyone else.. he also erm.. claimed you were a "worthless buffoon" thought you should know."
/Patrem\ 6:46 PM: "I am aware of this child, I see him even now."
/Patrem\ 6:46 PM: ""I'm already smelling the ashes""

Stevey 6:47 PM: "He's a inconvinence... I hope you agree on that.."
/Patrem\ 6:48 PM: "He knows not the child that burns"
/Patrem\ 6:49 PM: "There is no time to wet the ashes now"

Stevey 6:50 PM: "...who was or is this child...?"
/Patrem\ 6:55 PM: "And yet he hides, the grand child clings to me as he as the burned one hides. Grand and yet weak, you have already heard his name, but his new name will be spoken in time. The burned one is beyond us yet works within my dominion, he seeks to communion with one who is flying, who is of the water. He screams loudly, he is but a nuisance."
/Patrem\ 6:56 PM: "Speak to me no more of this screaming burned child."

Stevey 6:58 PM: "I thank you again for sharing your knowledge with me.. I apologize if it caused any discomfort or annoyance."
/Patrem\ 7:00 PM: "He is not mason nor douglas, he is one of you."
Stevey 7:01 PM: "... and now I suddenly worry for my safety... well I thank you again, that aids us in narrowing it down."
Stevey 7:44 PM: "You mentioned a "mother" who calls for blood... may I get a hint or answer to her identity?"


4/11/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris

Eve 12:44 AM: "Hello Patrem. Plans coming along smoothly?"
/Patrem\ 12:52 AM: "My aspirations shall never cease to unfold favorably my child."
Eve 12:59 AM: "I'm happy to hear that."
/Patrem\ 1:13 AM: "The time has passed, my children performed a humorous ceremony in the holy building. They seem to think mother is impressed by the bleeding of their own blood and their carnal motions."
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: "Spilling their own blood? Amusing. Pointless, but amusing. Any fallen?"
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: ""My aspirations shall never cease to unfold favorably my child.""
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: "I wonder about that..."
Seeker 1:29 AM: "YOU ALL NEED HELP."
Stevey 1:30 AM: "this is why everyone is turned away by mugen..."
Oceanstuck 1:42 AM: "that is so unhealthy of them i have the urge to reprimand this"
Eve 1:45 AM: "Did they harm anyone?"
Seeker 1:47 AM: "It say's THEIR OWN. which means one thing, they must be self harming themselves."
Sengi 1:55 AM: "Maybe a member was sacrificed... Maybe it could have been Douglass at this point..."
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: "If they are weak and foolish enough to choose these actions, father shall leave them to their terrible fates. These foolish neophytes have disgraced mother with their petty bleeding and carnal actions before her."
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: ((An audio file is posted which seems to be a recording of the ritual Patrem is speaking of. Drums, sobbing, and moaning can be heard along with someone saying "As I stand here on this most holy of nights, what pours from my arm is spilled in her name."))
Stevey 2:07 AM: "What sort of madness even persuaded them to take these actions?"
Sengi 2:08 AM: "I cant distinguish anything within the voice clip beyond crying/sobbing and probably someone making a sacrifice..."
Seeker 2:13 AM: "SOUNDS like a whale dying."
Eve 2:17 AM: "That sounds terrible. How sad."
Oceanstuck 2:19 AM: "aw come on dont pervert my happy birthday song that shit was supposed to be fuckin heartfelt keep your creepy ritual bullshit out of that"
Eve 2:25 AM: ""Father shall leave them to their terrible fates.""
Eve 2:25 AM: "Their loss! Make sure you never leave us."
Circlehunter 3:49 AM: "You mean to tell us that there was an orgy in the holy building? Terrible fate incoming, indeed. That's sacred ground!"


  • Patrem mocks his followers for performing rituals of self sacrifice in The Spire.

4/11/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)

Stevey 2:13 AM: "Why would they do that? .. did someone tell them to sacrifice their blood for Luna? I dont understand why such madness would overtake them so suddenly.. Also, what sort of voices (before the chanting) were mixed up in that vocaroo file you sent to us?"
/Patrem\ 2:27 AM: "The child who acts as overseer while the fishery overseer is away was the one who spoke in the beginning. I was not physically present, for I was baring witness to a much more important ceremony on the night of the blood moon, the true blood moon ritual. As for what he said: "As I stand here on this most holy of nights, what pours from my arm is spilled in her name." He did not leave the fishery that night, silly child.
Stevey 2:36 AM: "Okay, thank you.. what is involved in the true blood moon ritual...? the others claim (in the call group) that they can hear some of their own voices mixed in there too, during the begining. Oceanstuck claims she can hear her recent "happy birthday" to a thorin in there.. more nolstalgia again..?"
/Patrem\ 2:40 AM: "Nothing but the cries of my children, seeking favor from their mother. As for the true blood moon ritual, it was filmed to be added to our holy archive which is currently under reconstruction after an incident that occurred shortly after august of 2012 in your time."


5/14/15 - Chat with Drowned and Patrem - Within Hubris / Skype (Internet Detectives)

((Within Hubris))
/Patrem\ 9:51 PM: "The time is coming children"
/Patrem\ 10:07 PM: "The boy, the deceiver, he is aproaching you. He is upon you all yet you can not even see."
Mugen Kagemaru 10:19 PM: "What is his name, that we might stand a chance to catch him?"

((Drowned rejoins the Skype group))

((Within Hubris))
/Patrem\ 10:22 PM: "That damaged boy who knows himself now by numbers. Ignore him, he is foolish."
GreyouTT 10:24 PM: "Oh that Drowned dude.Yeah he joined our skype chat a few seconds ago."

Drowned 10:29 PM: "hn is dead"
Drowned 10:36 PM: "Yshdt you must follow the instructions. I am blind but I can feel them there."

((Within Hubris))
Mugen Kagemaru 10:41 PM: "Securing connection! Keep talking, boy!"

Drowned 10:46 PM: "He is hurting me"

((Within Hubris))
Mugen Kagemaru 11:03 PM: "It's so not yesterday, mother-fucker!"
Mugen Kagemaru 11:03 PM: ((Mugen submits a video of Link playing the "Song of Double Time" to skip ahead to the "Final Day". While this submission was not accepted, it did signify to Patrem that the players' allegiance aligned with Drowned))
GreyouTT 11:26 PM: "MUGEN DID IT"

((Drowned joins the players' Skype call and begins speaking to them in hushed whispers))
Drowned: "I'll show you"
Drowned: "I"
Drowned: "Father is very mad"
Drowned: "I'm not allowed to talk right now"
Drowned: "You did it"
Drowned: ""

Drowned: ((The sound of the Skull Kid laughing is heard))
Drowned: "I'll show you"
Drowned: ((The Song of Unhealing plays))
Drowned: "I"
Drowned: "Yes it"
Drowned: "I'll show you."
Drowned: "He's hurting me."

Mugen Kagemaru: "Who's hurting you?"
Drowned: "He's hiding now."
Mugen Kagemaru: "Who's hiding now?"
Drowned: "Father"
Drowned: "Quiet, he's coming now."

Mugen Kagemaru: "Understood."
Drowned: ((The Song of Unhealing plays along with some loud noises))
Drowned: "Please don't hurt me."
Drowned: "Please don't hurt me."
Drowned: "Please don't hurt me."
Drowned: ((A loud sound is heard))
Drowned: "Father is very mad. I'm not allowed to talk right now."
Drowned: ((The Song of Unhealing plays))
Drowned: "Father said I'm hiding from him."
Drowned: ((Corrupted music plays))
Drowned: "Please let me go, please stop."
Drowned: "Four"

Mugen Kagemaru: "What is your name?"
Drowned: "I don't remember anymore."
Mugen Kagemaru: "Message corrupted. Can you repeat that."
Drowned: "He's trying to..."
Drowned: ((Loud sounds are heard))

Mugen Kagemaru: "He's trying to what?"
Drowned: ((Drowned speaks too quietly to hear))
Mugen Kagemaru: "Speak up, we cannot hear you."
Drowned: "I'll show you."
Mugen Kagemaru: "Lead the way."
Drowned: ((Sobs))
Mugen Kagemaru: "Calm down, we will do what we can."
Drowned: "Father is angry."
Mugen Kagemaru: "I can see him. The fool."
Drowned: "Three are gone."
Mugen Kagemaru: "Mission accepted."
Drowned: "Three are gone now."
Drowned: "Father sent three of you."

Wolfcat: "Who are the three?"
Drowned: "I can't tell you."
Drowned: "They were never really there."
Drowned: ((Drowned speaks too quietly to hear))

Mugen Kagemaru: "Standby. Speak up a bit it's hard to hear."
Drowned: "Father will hurt me."
Mugen Kagemaru: "Do you think it's worth it?"
Drowned: "I will do it."
Mugen Kagemaru: "If that is your wish."
Drowned: "Who do you think I am?"
Wolfcat: "Kelbris?"
Mugen Kagemaru: "Could it be that you are Kelbris?"
Drowned: "Yshdt you must follow the instructions. I am blind but I can feel them there."
Patrem: ((Patrem speaks through the Skype call in a deep voice))

((Drowned leaves the call))
Patrem: "You did it"
Drowned: ((Drowned rejoins the call before quickly leaving again))
Patrem: "Be quiet, foolish child."
Patrem: ""
Patrem: "I have silenced that boy for now."

GreyouTT: "Is that you Patrem?"
Patrem: "I am still in him in this time."
Patrem: "This worthless meat puppette."

GreyouTT: ((GreyouTT asks who is speaking through Drowned's account))
Patrem: "I have silenced the boy"
Patrem: "I sent my neophyte first, the grand child to silence him."
Patrem: "But I must do all myself it seems."
Patrem: "All of you."
Patrem: "Are damned"
Patrem: "My child"
Patrem: "You know who you are child"
Patrem: "I speak now to you"

Player: ((Players question who Patrem is referring to))
((Drowned rejoins the call and begins speaking once more))
Drowned: "He's hurting me I have to get away."

Mugen Kagemaru: "I believe we may have an answer."
Mugen Kagemaru: "You first."
Patrem: "You have lost fellow detectives now"
Patrem: "But"
Patrem: "They were never here"
Patrem: "Dont worry children"
Patrem: "Expect one back soon"
Patrem: "But you must find him first"

((A normal sounding voice begins speaking from Drowned's account))
Unknown: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
((Loud sounds and corrupted music being playing))
Unknown: "Alright... I think I'm safe..."
((The man screams as the audio corrupts further))

((Patrem returns, speaking to the players through text))
Patrem: "Sounds"
Patrem: "Of his fate"
Patrem: "You could not recognize the child?"
Patrem: "Fools"
Patrem: "In this time"
Patrem: "We made him forget"
Patrem: "You shall not find him"

Wolfcat: "Who is ur meat puppet"
Patrem: "The child known as Vincent"
Patrem: "Due to your foolishness"
Patrem: "The one who is dead"
Patrem: "Has words left for you"

((A strange droning sound with unintelligible whispers can be heard in the call))
Patrem: "I am through with you children for now"
Patrem: "Be aware"
Patrem: "The grand one is coming"
Patrem: "regiminis"


  • Patrem warns the players not to talk to Drowned. They ignore him, angering him. Patrem then chases Drowned off of Skype and chides the players. He then warns them that Regiminis is coming.

5/15/15 - Chat with Patrem - Skype (PM's)

Patrem 12:21 AM: ((Patrem gives offers the player Eve more information on one of the following))
Patrem 12:21 AM: "The one who was taken"
Patrem 12:21 AM: "The one who died"
Patrem 12:21 AM: "The one who has forgotten"

Eve 12:?? AM: ((Eve chooses the second option))
Patrem 12:?? AM: "He will never return"
Patrem 12:?? AM: "You knew him as mesic"
Patrem 12:?? AM: "John"
Patrem 12:?? AM: "He is elusive"
Patrem 12:?? AM: "My neophyte, the grand child, is always searching for him.


5/16/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris

/Patrem\ 5:56 AM: "Fool who dares to mock his god, my sight is without limit. While you may have obscured your words, I can sense you. I test you to tread once more in this domain, and I shall show you why those under me would sooner choose to bleed themselves than invoke my wrath."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:37 PM: "From a good friend of mine who is more of a god than either you or I will ever be: And he's put a lot of work into how things are here. As have I, for that matter. Do you really think either he or I would just sit back and let you wreck all our hard work? The Void and its leaders failing their task, the moon crash failing, the machine's destruction... I played a role in each of those! Worthless cretin, I threw you down once before, at the tree, and I'll do it again! Once and for all, this time!"


5/21/15 - Chat with SKM and Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

SKM 3:47 AM: "I only have a thin window to talk. Tyler is about to upload those videos seeing as connection with him was drezzed, meaning he probably replaced his hard drive. Be on the look out."
SKM 3:47 AM: "He is coming say no more"

/Patrem\ 3:52 AM: "You thought you could hide from me child? I knew I would draw you out. Now Let us see what it is you truly are!"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:52 AM: "Max, run! I'll hold him here!"
ARGdov 4:00 AM: "Be careful, SKM!"
/Patrem\ 4:04 AM: "I AM GOING TO"
SKM 4:05 AM: "Oh come off it purple bastard, do you think you can drezz me right now while you are still booting back up? I didn't bloody think you would try me in the condition your in but whatever, your funeral shazbot! XD"
SKM 4:05 AM: "592"

GreyouTT 4:06 AM: "You...You're gong to what? You You gotta finish sentences you know."
/Patrem\ 4:07 AM: "áþáý´ãžã^x"
/Patrem\ 4:09 AM: "I am your God"

GreyouTT 4:10 AM: "Boy I think you have a sore throat. Might be why you're all purple. Should probably get a doctor to look at that. Also WHAT?"
Mugen Kagemaru 4:13 AM: ""
GreyouTT 4:15 AM: "I would like to point out that Gandalf was not a god, but a wizard."
Eve 4:19 AM: "*swoon*"
Wolfcat 4:20 AM: "Yeah right, my stupid dick is limitless"
Mugen Kagemaru 4:27 AM: "Release restraint, level three."


  • Patrem attempts to confront SKM, but he is still weakened.

6/10/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 1:59 AM: "You fools may have turned from the path of salvation, but you shan't foil my destiny. From here on out, your failure is your fate."
Eve 2:03 AM: "We don't understand. Please tell us what we've done wrong?"
Faut 2:05 AM: "F8? U wana go m8 i r8 ur f8 0/8 put it in a cr8, put a stamp on it and ship it off to mercury u lil shit Fine I digress. Seriously though, would you tell us what went wrong?"
ruddyweenies25 2:10 AM: "no sword man thats ill-timed Anyway. Patrem, or whoever the hell you are. Please explain what you're referring to."
/Patrem\ 2:12 AM: "You let that bearer of falsehoods guide you, it is of no matter however. As you have already seen, I have the power to keep any and all under my veil. You will not enlighten that child, my children have worked hard to keep him as a good little sheep. He will stay under our observation until the time of the grand child's true awakening. Which will occur once I can pry the burned one away from that wayward cretin."
ruddyweenies25 2:18 AM: "Who do you mean, "bearer of falsehoods"? Why do you intend to keep our friend in the dark? Also, elaborate on whatever it is you're prying that "burned one" away from."
Eve 2:19 AM: "Patrem, Tyler is our friend. We just want him safe. I'm sorry, is there any other way?"
GreyouTT 2:24 AM: "orly is that why you still haven't fulfilled it despite the fact that we traveled forwards 6 years."
Faut 2:30 AM: "Okay, fine, I trust you. However if you let Tyler be hurt, I will take things into my own hand and tell him every single thing he has to know to protect himself."
/Patrem\ 2:37 AM: "IIII have gazed through many parallelos, and he has triedwill eht emitofDBC has trytryhastried to stand against my will. II speak of the one my children know as the Tenebris Link. Though they know his power can serve us as it has served me in the past. III was the one who first granted "it" power in this realm so I would know. As I have told my children he is not to be followed without the proper precautions and this is something you failed to do."
Eve 2:50 AM: "I've tried to heed your warnings. What now?"
/Patrem\ 3:12 AM: "I shall not allow him to be enlightened, he will bring damnation. Soon nothing else will matter, the mother awaits, and her children watch over the harbingers until the time of descent."


  • Patrem implies he is responsible for keeping Tyler from being able to view the players' links and images. He then hints towards Regiminis's true awakening upon his eventual retrieval of John. He also hints towards his past with Tenebris.

8/4/15 - Chat with /Patrem\ and Tenebris - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 2:05 AM: "What games do you play now trickster?"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "call not I this"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "you know many names"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "you are many names"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "man to kafei kafei to salesm atheroflies"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "play now with me father of lies"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "you know my names"
Mesic 2:12 AM: "found my name"

/Patrem\ 2:22 AM: "By the human way of perception it has only been about a decade since we last spoke, but by my own it has been eons. I see you still have yet to shake the imprint of that children's game from yourself. I would ask you to still thine tongue of my affairs but I see in your current host you can do nothing more than babble, wretched parasite."
/Patrem\ 2:22 AM: "However I thank you for your services up to this point, your "fun" has been most useful to my cause. However I suggest you release the deuro soon, as Regiminis is growing impatient."

Mesic 2:29 AM: "KNOW WHO AM I"
Mesic 2:29 AM: "LAUGH"
Mesic 2:29 AM: "FATHER OF LIES"
Mesic 2:29 AM: "puppet release after toy take back"

/Patrem\ 2:58 AM: "And what toy would that be?"
((Tenebris begins speaking through another account named "BEN"))
BEN 3:39 AM: "the one this one pretended to be yes"
BEN 3:39 AM: "this one is mine"
BEN 3:39 AM: "this one is not the old mask"
BEN 3:39 AM: "my old toy"
BEN 3:39 AM: "here will be it when take him back"
BEN 3:39 AM: "whatis .com"

BEN 3:39 AM: "changed rules, what but did I do"
BEN 3:39 AM: ""

/Patrem\ 4:42 AM: "That boy is beyond even my own reach at this moment, so I doubt in your current state you will be taking your "toy" back anytime soon. I do find it amusing how quickly you can still spread yourself. Now I must bid you farewell, talking to two of yourself is quite a headache and I have much to prepare for the coming of the second Undecim Nocte."


  • Patrem has a brief conversation with Tenebris. He suggests Tenebris give John's spirit back to Regiminis soon. Tenebris agrees to do so if he can retrieve Ben's spirit.








DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi