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11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums
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<span class="vip">Name: _jinn_
Group: Administrator
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: Female
Bio: An elder who oversees the library and other affairs. I have little interest for anything aside from Lunar child affairs therefore I have little more to speak of beyond this.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer describes herself as an [[Elder Child]] who oversees the library at [[The Spire]]. She claims she cares little for anything that is not related to the [[Lunar Children]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "Hello from an old geezer" - Jarilo333
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Jarilo333: "I was about to have my son go on and do one of these as well, so I figured I would do one too even though I am not new, I have been a Lunar Child since around 2003 hahaha! After all, though I am not new, this iteration of the forum is. The most interesting about myself is... well... heck not even about me ha ha. My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye. My son should be around to say hello to you all sometime today as well. So stick around for that everyone!"</span>
<span class="vip2">Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I had always wished I could have known uncle a little better. But oh well, we will probably get to meet after the holy descent."</span>
<span class="vip3">kuu_32: "Good to see you online Jar. I hope you will be attending the meeting next week."</span>
<span class="vip4">1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Who is Tenebris? I know there is a bit of info on it on the front page, but I was hoping I could learn more."</span>
<span class="vip5">_jinn_: "Risky subject for new moons, Im an elder though so pm me if you want to know a bit more. But in depth discussion is best kept for meetings."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The user [[1_Tsukuyomi_1]] asks for more information regarding [[Tenebris]]. Jennifer informs him that it is a risky subject, and offers to divulge more information in PM's.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "Hello everyone" - Jie_Lin_HunterL
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I can't really think of much to say about myself, but hi everyone. I have been a Lunar child since I was born and it has always been really good for me. It always reminds me that I am part of the elite, and no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, I am part of the liberation of humanity and will be part of those laughing last in the end. I have never felt much like I am anything special, but then I think of Luna and Father and how I might serve them, and I understand that my purpose is divine and that I am very special much like the rest of my fellow children. May Luna shine on us all, and may father bring us his secrets and blessings."</span>
<span class="vip2">_jinn_: "Very well put Hunter. As one would expect to hear from a gibbous like yourself! Keep up with your teachings and soon you will be full, from there I am thinking an elder spot might be open for you."</span>
<span class="vip3">Jarilo333: "Thats my boy! Humble and yet fully aware of his destiny! Well put son, I can't wait for the speech your doing at this weekends revival! Your really gonna knock em dead ha ha ha!"</span>
<span class="vip">Jie_Lin_HunterL: "Thanks dad"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer congratulates [[Hunter]] and welcomes him to the [[Lunar Children Forums]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "I was just shown the light today" - 1_Tsukuyomi_1
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Hello all I am new here, Iwas just accepted into this group litterally today. I hope to learn more of the moon mother very very soon. And luckily for myself I live very close to the meeting grounds so if anyone wants to call upon me for assitance please let me know. I really hope I can ascend soon, I am sick and tired of being beat up at school."</span>
<span class="vip2">_jinn_: "Welcome to your destiny child. Glory awaits you, be ready."</span>
<span class="vip">1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Thankyou, I was told by one of the elder children (I am sorry I still haven't gotten peoples names down) that I showed a lot of promise. I am excited to figure out what is in store for me in the future and if I can maybe partake in ascension one day."</span>
<span class="vip3">Ezekiel_thoth33: "Ascension is a very challenging road that requires lots of mental and physical preparation. If you let your soul be one with Luna, and allow Father to guide you, and you take his guidance to heart, you will see the glory of the parallelos beyond. Ready yourself child, if true ascension is your goal, then a great journey awaits you."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer welcomes the use [[1_Tsukuyomi_1]] to the [[Lunar Children]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "Glad to be a child of Luna" - sin_yarikh
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">sin_yarikh: "Fresh into the family as of 5 days ago. I didn't realize we were gonna have forums and everything, this is actually pretty cool. About me, Im a college drop out, fucking sick of my life. I hate my family and could not find any real aspirations for shit. Until my friends dad (also known around here as Jarilo333) told me about Luna. He let me look at a bit of The Libro Lunarus and I slowly began to realize that she is what I have been missing in my life. I am very excited about the concept of ascending and even now cannot wait to finally escape all of this shit I am surrounded by and be greeted by the infinite mind scape, the way in which we may all be gods."</span>
<span class="vip2">kuu_32: "While we would usually be highly against exposure of sacred texts to outsiders, this was a special case in which Jarilo's bad judgement led quite luckily to a positive outcome. However I would recommend you never make a similar choice, for you own well being."</span>
<span class="vip3">Hina616: "Im actually not sure if I met you yet. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ~<3"</span>
<span class="vip4">_jinn_: "Welcome to the family new moon."</span>
<span class="vip5">Ezekiel_thoth33: "We will need to have a word with him about this, but congratulations on finally finding your way to the truth child."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer welcomes the user [[sin_yarikh]] to the [[Lunar Children]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "Holy Names?" - EddieD222
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">EddieD222: "ya know I have honestly wondered for a while, what are the reasons for the holy names and what exactly do you have to do to earn one?"</span>
<span class="vip2">_jinn_: "You simply have to perform actions that appease the mother or father and you can earn a holy title in this way, you will be given a name transcribed from across the parallelos and to one of our listening devices. If you have never seen a listening device, you can find an example of one in the blood moon ritual video."</span>
<span class="vip">EddieD222: "Well what the hell are the point of the names anyways? I mean Douglas for example transcended he is a living knight of the mothers honor why the fuck is he still called by his birth name!?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Jie_Lin_HunterL: "Its perfectly possible to choose not to hold a holy name and continue with your birth name. Actually, Regiminis nearly did that if I recall, but we have all called him that so long I can't even remember what his name was before that."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
[[Eddie]] asks what holy titles are within the [[Lunar Children]] and how they are obtained. Jennifer answers that holy titles are granted from the [[Parallelos]] via a [[Listening Device]] to those who appease [[Luna]] and [[Patrem]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c2/Thing.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"</span>
<span class="vip2">HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."</span>
<span class="vip4">Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."</span>
<span class="vip5">Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."</span>
<span class="vip6">_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."</span>
<span class="vip7">Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."</span>
<span class="vip8">SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."</span>
<span class="vip9">MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"</span>
<span class="vip9">MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
When the user [[Hina616]] shares the [[Crescent Moon Necklace]] she found at the [[Fishery]] with the [[Lunar Children]], [[Jeremy]] points out that it looks similar to one that [[Carla|Lunaris Draco]] once had. This is seen as a taboo subject, so Jennifer threatens Jeremy to stop talking and tells the others that he is lying.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer and [[Thoth]] discuss [[Mat|Mat's]] secret meetings with [[Tenebris]]. Jennifer manages to convince Thoth to allow them to continue under their own secret supervision so that they may learn more about Tenebris.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat72773021" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">1:31:27 AM jinn: "Thoth is rather unhappy with the discussions that took place earlier today. "
1:31:32 AM jinn: "He suspects that Tenebris is receiving a concerningly large amount of adoration among the others."
1:31:38 AM jinn: "Honestly, I wasn't aware this was happening."
1:31:46 AM jinn: "You of all people should know the dangers Tenebris presents."
1:31:52 AM jinn: "You and Mat both have family that have interacted with Tenebris in the past."
1:31:58 AM jinn: "And we all know what that leads to."
1:32:07 AM jinn: "It's foolish to underestimate Tenebris and his empty words."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:32:34 AM JieLinHunter: "What exactly was said?"
1:32:40 AM JieLinHunter: "Such misplaced adoration. I do not understand the other New Moons at times."
1:32:48 AM JieLinHunter: "In these times, we need only follow the words of Father."
1:32:58 AM JieLinHunter: "We do not need the hollow words of Tenebris."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:33:15 AM jinn: "Thoth agrees."
1:33:28 AM jinn: "Though for now, he will not take any action."
1:33:41 AM jinn: "We will not allow any such blasphemy in the future, but no drastic punishment will befall those who spoke out today."
1:33:56 AM jinn: "Future meetings will decide how to handle these things better."
1:34:11 AM jinn: "We need to focus on what's important."
1:34:22 AM jinn: "Continue to prepare for Undcim Nocte."
1:34:30 AM jinn: "I'm telling you this secretly because I trust you. In fact, I have something I must ask of you."
1:34:42 AM jinn: "I need you watching the others."
1:34:56 AM jinn: "Watch them. Let us know if you notice anything suspicious."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:35:24 AM JieLinHunter: "He trusts me as well?"
1:35:38 AM JieLinHunter: "I'm not complaining, I will do as you asked."
1:35:44 AM JieLinHunter: "If I ever discover anything, I'll tell you as soon as possible."
1:35:51 AM JieLinHunter: "The all comes before the few."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:37:40 AM jinn: "Tell no one about this."
1:37:48 AM jinn: "No Elder either. Not Mat. Not Kylie. No one."
1:38:01 AM jinn: "Furthermore, you must continue on as normal."
1:38:12 AM jinn: "Our meetings must remain secret."
1:38:27 AM jinn: "Handle this with care, and everything will be fine."
1:38:34 AM jinn: "Tenebris could grant us newfound wisdom."
1:38:52 AM jinn: "This is a certainty. But, we mustn't forget."
1:38:59 AM jinn: "His words are fake."
1:39:09 AM jinn: "Countless conversations with him documented in our records prove this."
1:39:21 AM jinn: "What we need now is to practice caution. "
1:39:32 AM jinn: "New, sudden developments like this could possibly ruin Undecim Nocte."
1:39:38 AM jinn: "Just observe the previous location, and you understand the dangers this presents."
1:39:51 AM jinn: "There's no need for panic to arise within our ranks."
1:40:01 AM jinn: "The true coming of Luna will soon be upon us, but only if we are truly faithful."
1:40:28 AM jinn: "In recent meetings, we've discussed how exactly we should handle dissent within our ranks. I believe that if we were to take a brute-force approach to this issue, it would only lead to disaster. That's why I need you for this."
1:40:32 AM jinn: "Scout out the source of this dissent."
1:40:36 AM jinn: "Once we finally find out the cause of all this, we can begin to carefully fix the issue. I have an idea as to where these dissenters are gathering."
1:40:40 AM jinn: "They're in the basement. That's my guess."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:40:52 AM JieLinHunter: "Understood."
1:40:55 AM JieLinHunter: "I will look into this as soon as I can."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer informs [[Hunter]] of her previous conversation with [[Thoth]] regarding [[Mat|Mat's]] secret meetings with [[Tenebris]]. Jennifer claims she believes there is a sect of [[Lunar Children]] who are fond of Tenebris that meet up in [[The Spire|The Spire's]] basement.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat66069314" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #elders
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">11:23:30 PM kuu_32: "Of course. "
11:23:32 PM kuu_32: "One moment..."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:23:42 PM Thoth33: "Thank you."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:24:55 PM kuu_32: "Yes, there's no doubting it."
11:24:59 PM kuu_32: "That's Hunter."
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: "Sent file "screenshot.jpg"
11:25:03 PM kuu_32:  ((The image "screenshot.jpg" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/Screenshothunter.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip3">11:25:11 PM Thoth33: "Of all people, why HIM??"
11:25:13 PM Thoth33: "He was Mat's number one pick!"
11:25:16 PM Thoth33: "Speaking of, where's Mat!? What on Earth is happening??"</span>
<span class="vip4">11:25:24 PM jinn: "We've received mixed reports from the fishery group. There's still no sign of Mat. Most of them didn't even notice him leave. Of course, there's no functional surveillance equipment left there, so their word is all we have to go off of."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:25:31 PM kuu_32: "If only we had a few cameras set up down there..."
11:25:36 PM kuu_32: "I can't imagine it'd be very hard to do."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:25:37 PM Thoth33: "This is something I requested of Saint, but I suppose now it's all too obvious to us why he was so hesitant to do so."
11:25:40 PM Thoth33: "Regardless, Douglas was all the surveillance we ever needed."
11:25:44 PM Thoth33: "He was bound to the fishery. Nothing escaped his gaze."
11:25:48 PM Thoth33: "Which is all the more baffling."
11:25:50 PM Thoth33: "Why was he here!?"
11:25:53 PM Thoth33: "Was his hubris so great he felt the need to personally torment and assault the Harbinger's Link?"
11:25:58 PM Thoth33: "No one told him to do such things!"</span>
<span class="vip4">11:26:11 PM jinn: "Ezekiel, are you asserting authority over the transcended? The Four are directly linked to Luna. You know this. It's not our place to question the thurses, for doing so directly undermines Luna herself."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:26:14 PM Thoth33: "But this was our holiest of nights!"
11:26:20 PM Thoth33: "Forgive me Luna, but I cannot fathom such rogue actions!"
11:26:24 PM Thoth33: "Why did this have to happen?"
11:26:31 PM Thoth33: "We never should have trusted a Jarvis with such an important item."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:26:42 PM kuu_32: "I just don't understand what he was trying to accomplish."
11:26:48 PM kuu_32: "Why just hand it back over to the Harbinger's Link like that?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The [[Elder Children]] Jennifer, [[Thoth]], and [[kuu_32]] discuss the aftermath of [[Undecim Nocte]] 2015. Kuu confirms that [[Hunter]] seemingly entered [[The Spire|The Spire's]] basement and returned [[Tyler|Tyler's]] [[Crescent Moon Necklace|necklace]]. Thoth is angered, lashing out against [[Doug]] for leaving his post at the [[Fishery]]. Jennifer chides him, noting that Doug is a holy servant chosen by [[Luna]] and that they have no authority over him.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jennifer, [[Mat]], and [[kuu_32]] discuss how [[Regiminis]] had recently killed [[Helper]] so that he could retrieve the [[Crescent Moon Necklace]]. Jennifer confirms that she has hidden the necklace away in a secure place.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat42114029" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">8:44:31 PM sinYarikh: "I just want to know theyre alright"
8:44:39 PM sinYarikh: "No ones seen Hunter for weeks"
8:44:43 PM sinYarikh: "What the hells happening up there?"</span>
<span class="vip3">8:45:54 PM jinn: "As I've stated before, Hunter is absolutely fine. He is currently very busy with his new Elder duties."</span>
<span class="vip2">8:46:21 PM sinYarikh: "And his dad??"</span>
<span class="vip3">8:47:01 PM jinn: "Jarilo was a traitor and you should not concern yourself with the likes of him."</span>
<span class="vip2">8:47:11 PM sinYarikh: "A traitor?? What are you talking about?"
8:47:21 PM sinYarikh: "Yeah he was a loudmouth but if it werent for him I wouldnt even be here right now"</span>
<span class="vip3">8:47:44 PM jinn: "His loose lips assisted the Harbingers and revealed much of our inner workings. He was a rebellious old fool who never learned his place."</span>
<span class="vip2">8:47:51 PM sinYarikh: ""Was"??? What do you mean by that?"
8:48:06 PM sinYarikh: "What did you do to Jeremy?"
8:50:21 PM sinYarikh: "Hello??"</span>
<span class="vip3">8:51:02 PM jinn: "Cease delving into this matter or you will meet a similar fate. The Elders' decisions are final and are not to be questioned. To do so is treason."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The user [[sin_yarikh]] asks what happened to [[Jeremy]] and [[Hunter]], as the two of them seemed to disappear around [[Undecim Nocte]] 2015. Jennifer lies, claiming that Hunter is simply busy with his new [[Elder Children]] duties. She accidentally implies that Jeremy has been killed, however, and proceeds to threaten Sin, should he oppose the Elder Children.

Revision as of 10:53, 16 September 2021

Jennifer B.


The portrait of Jennifer drawn by Sheepdog.

Name Jennifer B.
Alias _jinn_
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Female
Status Deceased

Jennifer, also known as Jinn online, is a high-ranking Lunar Child who lives at The Spire. She is one of the overseers of the cult's library at The Spire and she could often be found on the Lunar Children Forums giving advice to newer members.


Not much is known about Jennifer's past. At some point, she joined the Lunar Children and dedicated her life towards the cult, claiming that she cared little for anything outside of it. Over time, Jennifer rose through the cult's ranks and eventually became an Elder Child. Jennifer was also given the duty of overseeing the cult's vast library at The Spire and was offered her own personal bedroom within The Spire's upper floors.[1]

Throughout 2015, Jennifer could be seen posting on the Lunar Children Forums under the username "Jinn". Here, she would often spend her time instructing and answering the questions of newer members. Jennifer welcomed one new user, 1_Tsukuyomi_1, with open arms. When he asked about Tenebris, Jennifer warned him that it was a rather risky subject to discuss openly, so she would divulge more information in PM's instead. Later on, Hunter joined the forums and posted his introductory speech. Jennifer praised him, informing him that a position within the Elder Children may soon become available for him. Jennifer could also be seen answering Eddie's questions regarding holy titles, claiming that in order to earn one, one simply had to carry out tasks for Patrem and Luna.

Jennifer's avatar on the Lunar Children Forums.

On August 3rd, the Elder Child Mat contacted Tenebris in secret and had him steal away the players' Ocarina powers. Though this was overall beneficial for the cult, it was still seen as a taboo action. Despite being punished, Mat would later continue these secret meetings with Tenebris, much to the Elder Child Thoth's dismay. Thoth privately discussed this issue with Jennifer, who did not appear to be as concerned. Throughout their conversation, Jennifer referred to Tenebris as a vital part of Luna's grand plan, noting that despite his dark nature, he is a holy figure. Thoth did not agree, referring to Patrem's warnings about Tenebris. The two eventually agreed to allow Mat's meetings to continue while they secretly watched them, should they be able to learn any information regarding Tenebris. Jennifer later informed Hunter about this issue, claiming that she believed a sect of Tenebris-praising Lunar Children likely congregated in The Spire's basement.

Back on the forums, Jeremy began speaking out of turn. Jennifer responded to this by insulting him and discrediting his claims about the existence of Lunaris Draco. Not long after this, Hunter was given the task of killing Jeremy, his own father. He did so, earning him the title of Elder Child. He was not among their ranks for long, however, as he quickly disappeared after the failure of Undecim Nocte 2015. When the Elder Children began checking the security cameras at The Spire, they discovered that Hunter seemingly gave their "ace in the hole", the Crecent Moon Necklace, back to Tyler. This angered Thoth, who proceeded to go into a rant about Hunter, Mat, and Doug, who had left his post at the Fishery for some reason. Jennifer interjected, chiding Thoth for assuming any control over Doug, as he is one of Luna's chosen Four Giants.

After escaping the cult on Undecim Nocte 2015, Tyler fled to Australia. Regiminis pursued him, travelling through the internet to capture him. In the meantime, the players asked Helper to steal back Tyler's necklace, believing it to be a danger to him. Helper did as he was instructed, but was killed by Regiminis shortly after. Regiminis then returned the necklace to the Elder Children, who had Jennifer lock it away in a secure location. Later on, the user sin_yarikh began asking about the disappearance of Hunter and Jeremy, believing the Elders to be responsible. Jennifer claimed that Hunter was simply busy with his new duties as an Elder Child, but claimed that Jeremy was a traitor who was rightfully punished. She then threatened Sin, implying that he would meet a similar fate should he question the Elder's actions.

Jennifer's fate is unknown. It is likely that she died during the Cataclysm, as she lived at The Spire.


Jennifer is not a very emotive individual, often speaking with a matter-of-factly tone. She seems to be very knowledgeable and methodical, making decisions based off of her vast knowledge of Lunar Children teachings. This makes her a rather cold individual, focusing only on her cult duties and caring little for those who get in her way.

Jennifer B.

Not a worshiper of the moon as she presents herself. One who seeks to play games outside of the limits of the board. Transcending the waters through angels? Im not sure if it can work but I would love to see it happen ^^


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Jennifer.


11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums

Name: _jinn_
Group: Administrator
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: Female
Bio: An elder who oversees the library and other affairs. I have little interest for anything aside from Lunar child affairs therefore I have little more to speak of beyond this.


11/5/15 - "Hello from an old geezer" - Jarilo333

Jarilo333: "I was about to have my son go on and do one of these as well, so I figured I would do one too even though I am not new, I have been a Lunar Child since around 2003 hahaha! After all, though I am not new, this iteration of the forum is. The most interesting about myself is... well... heck not even about me ha ha. My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye. My son should be around to say hello to you all sometime today as well. So stick around for that everyone!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I had always wished I could have known uncle a little better. But oh well, we will probably get to meet after the holy descent."
kuu_32: "Good to see you online Jar. I hope you will be attending the meeting next week."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Who is Tenebris? I know there is a bit of info on it on the front page, but I was hoping I could learn more."
_jinn_: "Risky subject for new moons, Im an elder though so pm me if you want to know a bit more. But in depth discussion is best kept for meetings."


  • The user 1_Tsukuyomi_1 asks for more information regarding Tenebris. Jennifer informs him that it is a risky subject, and offers to divulge more information in PM's.

11/5/15 - "Hello everyone" - Jie_Lin_HunterL

Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I can't really think of much to say about myself, but hi everyone. I have been a Lunar child since I was born and it has always been really good for me. It always reminds me that I am part of the elite, and no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, I am part of the liberation of humanity and will be part of those laughing last in the end. I have never felt much like I am anything special, but then I think of Luna and Father and how I might serve them, and I understand that my purpose is divine and that I am very special much like the rest of my fellow children. May Luna shine on us all, and may father bring us his secrets and blessings."
_jinn_: "Very well put Hunter. As one would expect to hear from a gibbous like yourself! Keep up with your teachings and soon you will be full, from there I am thinking an elder spot might be open for you."
Jarilo333: "Thats my boy! Humble and yet fully aware of his destiny! Well put son, I can't wait for the speech your doing at this weekends revival! Your really gonna knock em dead ha ha ha!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "Thanks dad"


11/5/15 - "I was just shown the light today" - 1_Tsukuyomi_1

1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Hello all I am new here, Iwas just accepted into this group litterally today. I hope to learn more of the moon mother very very soon. And luckily for myself I live very close to the meeting grounds so if anyone wants to call upon me for assitance please let me know. I really hope I can ascend soon, I am sick and tired of being beat up at school."
_jinn_: "Welcome to your destiny child. Glory awaits you, be ready."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Thankyou, I was told by one of the elder children (I am sorry I still haven't gotten peoples names down) that I showed a lot of promise. I am excited to figure out what is in store for me in the future and if I can maybe partake in ascension one day."
Ezekiel_thoth33: "Ascension is a very challenging road that requires lots of mental and physical preparation. If you let your soul be one with Luna, and allow Father to guide you, and you take his guidance to heart, you will see the glory of the parallelos beyond. Ready yourself child, if true ascension is your goal, then a great journey awaits you."


11/5/15 - "Glad to be a child of Luna" - sin_yarikh

sin_yarikh: "Fresh into the family as of 5 days ago. I didn't realize we were gonna have forums and everything, this is actually pretty cool. About me, Im a college drop out, fucking sick of my life. I hate my family and could not find any real aspirations for shit. Until my friends dad (also known around here as Jarilo333) told me about Luna. He let me look at a bit of The Libro Lunarus and I slowly began to realize that she is what I have been missing in my life. I am very excited about the concept of ascending and even now cannot wait to finally escape all of this shit I am surrounded by and be greeted by the infinite mind scape, the way in which we may all be gods."
kuu_32: "While we would usually be highly against exposure of sacred texts to outsiders, this was a special case in which Jarilo's bad judgement led quite luckily to a positive outcome. However I would recommend you never make a similar choice, for you own well being."
Hina616: "Im actually not sure if I met you yet. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ~<3"
_jinn_: "Welcome to the family new moon."
Ezekiel_thoth33: "We will need to have a word with him about this, but congratulations on finally finding your way to the truth child."


11/5/15 - "Holy Names?" - EddieD222

EddieD222: "ya know I have honestly wondered for a while, what are the reasons for the holy names and what exactly do you have to do to earn one?"
_jinn_: "You simply have to perform actions that appease the mother or father and you can earn a holy title in this way, you will be given a name transcribed from across the parallelos and to one of our listening devices. If you have never seen a listening device, you can find an example of one in the blood moon ritual video."
EddieD222: "Well what the hell are the point of the names anyways? I mean Douglas for example transcended he is a living knight of the mothers honor why the fuck is he still called by his birth name!?"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "Its perfectly possible to choose not to hold a holy name and continue with your birth name. Actually, Regiminis nearly did that if I recall, but we have all called him that so long I can't even remember what his name was before that."


11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616

Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted)) target=_blank
Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"
HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"
Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."
Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."
Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."
Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."
_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."
Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"
Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."
SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."
MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."
Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"
MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."


8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"

9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."
9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."
9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."

9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."
9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."

9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."

9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"

9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."

9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."


  • Jennifer and Thoth discuss Mat's secret meetings with Tenebris. Jennifer manages to convince Thoth to allow them to continue under their own secret supervision so that they may learn more about Tenebris.

8/8/20 - "chat72773021" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

1:31:27 AM jinn: "Thoth is rather unhappy with the discussions that took place earlier today. "
1:31:32 AM jinn: "He suspects that Tenebris is receiving a concerningly large amount of adoration among the others."
1:31:38 AM jinn: "Honestly, I wasn't aware this was happening."
1:31:46 AM jinn: "You of all people should know the dangers Tenebris presents."
1:31:52 AM jinn: "You and Mat both have family that have interacted with Tenebris in the past."
1:31:58 AM jinn: "And we all know what that leads to."
1:32:07 AM jinn: "It's foolish to underestimate Tenebris and his empty words."

1:32:34 AM JieLinHunter: "What exactly was said?"
1:32:40 AM JieLinHunter: "Such misplaced adoration. I do not understand the other New Moons at times."
1:32:48 AM JieLinHunter: "In these times, we need only follow the words of Father."
1:32:58 AM JieLinHunter: "We do not need the hollow words of Tenebris."

1:33:15 AM jinn: "Thoth agrees."
1:33:28 AM jinn: "Though for now, he will not take any action."
1:33:41 AM jinn: "We will not allow any such blasphemy in the future, but no drastic punishment will befall those who spoke out today."
1:33:56 AM jinn: "Future meetings will decide how to handle these things better."
1:34:11 AM jinn: "We need to focus on what's important."
1:34:22 AM jinn: "Continue to prepare for Undcim Nocte."
1:34:30 AM jinn: "I'm telling you this secretly because I trust you. In fact, I have something I must ask of you."
1:34:42 AM jinn: "I need you watching the others."
1:34:56 AM jinn: "Watch them. Let us know if you notice anything suspicious."

1:35:24 AM JieLinHunter: "He trusts me as well?"
1:35:38 AM JieLinHunter: "I'm not complaining, I will do as you asked."
1:35:44 AM JieLinHunter: "If I ever discover anything, I'll tell you as soon as possible."
1:35:51 AM JieLinHunter: "The all comes before the few."

1:37:40 AM jinn: "Tell no one about this."
1:37:48 AM jinn: "No Elder either. Not Mat. Not Kylie. No one."
1:38:01 AM jinn: "Furthermore, you must continue on as normal."
1:38:12 AM jinn: "Our meetings must remain secret."
1:38:27 AM jinn: "Handle this with care, and everything will be fine."
1:38:34 AM jinn: "Tenebris could grant us newfound wisdom."
1:38:52 AM jinn: "This is a certainty. But, we mustn't forget."
1:38:59 AM jinn: "His words are fake."
1:39:09 AM jinn: "Countless conversations with him documented in our records prove this."
1:39:21 AM jinn: "What we need now is to practice caution. "
1:39:32 AM jinn: "New, sudden developments like this could possibly ruin Undecim Nocte."
1:39:38 AM jinn: "Just observe the previous location, and you understand the dangers this presents."
1:39:51 AM jinn: "There's no need for panic to arise within our ranks."
1:40:01 AM jinn: "The true coming of Luna will soon be upon us, but only if we are truly faithful."
1:40:28 AM jinn: "In recent meetings, we've discussed how exactly we should handle dissent within our ranks. I believe that if we were to take a brute-force approach to this issue, it would only lead to disaster. That's why I need you for this."
1:40:32 AM jinn: "Scout out the source of this dissent."
1:40:36 AM jinn: "Once we finally find out the cause of all this, we can begin to carefully fix the issue. I have an idea as to where these dissenters are gathering."
1:40:40 AM jinn: "They're in the basement. That's my guess."

1:40:52 AM JieLinHunter: "Understood."
1:40:55 AM JieLinHunter: "I will look into this as soon as I can."


8/8/20 - "chat66069314" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #elders
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

11:23:30 PM kuu_32: "Of course. "
11:23:32 PM kuu_32: "One moment..."

11:23:42 PM Thoth33: "Thank you."
11:24:55 PM kuu_32: "Yes, there's no doubting it."
11:24:59 PM kuu_32: "That's Hunter."
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: "Sent file "screenshot.jpg"
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: ((The image "screenshot.jpg" is sent))
11:25:11 PM Thoth33: "Of all people, why HIM??"
11:25:13 PM Thoth33: "He was Mat's number one pick!"
11:25:16 PM Thoth33: "Speaking of, where's Mat!? What on Earth is happening??"

11:25:24 PM jinn: "We've received mixed reports from the fishery group. There's still no sign of Mat. Most of them didn't even notice him leave. Of course, there's no functional surveillance equipment left there, so their word is all we have to go off of."
11:25:31 PM kuu_32: "If only we had a few cameras set up down there..."
11:25:36 PM kuu_32: "I can't imagine it'd be very hard to do."

11:25:37 PM Thoth33: "This is something I requested of Saint, but I suppose now it's all too obvious to us why he was so hesitant to do so."
11:25:40 PM Thoth33: "Regardless, Douglas was all the surveillance we ever needed."
11:25:44 PM Thoth33: "He was bound to the fishery. Nothing escaped his gaze."
11:25:48 PM Thoth33: "Which is all the more baffling."
11:25:50 PM Thoth33: "Why was he here!?"
11:25:53 PM Thoth33: "Was his hubris so great he felt the need to personally torment and assault the Harbinger's Link?"
11:25:58 PM Thoth33: "No one told him to do such things!"

11:26:11 PM jinn: "Ezekiel, are you asserting authority over the transcended? The Four are directly linked to Luna. You know this. It's not our place to question the thurses, for doing so directly undermines Luna herself."
11:26:14 PM Thoth33: "But this was our holiest of nights!"
11:26:20 PM Thoth33: "Forgive me Luna, but I cannot fathom such rogue actions!"
11:26:24 PM Thoth33: "Why did this have to happen?"
11:26:31 PM Thoth33: "We never should have trusted a Jarvis with such an important item."

11:26:42 PM kuu_32: "I just don't understand what he was trying to accomplish."
11:26:48 PM kuu_32: "Why just hand it back over to the Harbinger's Link like that?"


8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"

9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."
9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."
9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."

9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."
9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."

9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."

9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"

9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."

9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."


4/27/20 - "chat42114029" - Lunarchildren.com

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8:44:31 PM sinYarikh: "I just want to know theyre alright"
8:44:39 PM sinYarikh: "No ones seen Hunter for weeks"
8:44:43 PM sinYarikh: "What the hells happening up there?"

8:45:54 PM jinn: "As I've stated before, Hunter is absolutely fine. He is currently very busy with his new Elder duties."
8:46:21 PM sinYarikh: "And his dad??"
8:47:01 PM jinn: "Jarilo was a traitor and you should not concern yourself with the likes of him."
8:47:11 PM sinYarikh: "A traitor?? What are you talking about?"
8:47:21 PM sinYarikh: "Yeah he was a loudmouth but if it werent for him I wouldnt even be here right now"

8:47:44 PM jinn: "His loose lips assisted the Harbingers and revealed much of our inner workings. He was a rebellious old fool who never learned his place."
8:47:51 PM sinYarikh: ""Was"??? What do you mean by that?"
8:48:06 PM sinYarikh: "What did you do to Jeremy?"
8:50:21 PM sinYarikh: "Hello??"

8:51:02 PM jinn: "Cease delving into this matter or you will meet a similar fate. The Elders' decisions are final and are not to be questioned. To do so is treason."


  • The user sin_yarikh asks what happened to Jeremy and Hunter, as the two of them seemed to disappear around Undecim Nocte 2015. Jennifer lies, claiming that Hunter is simply busy with his new Elder Children duties. She accidentally implies that Jeremy has been killed, however, and proceeds to threaten Sin, should he oppose the Elder Children.



  1. Jennifer's bedroom can be found in the Upper Janus Room.




DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi