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|relations = [[Sheepdog]] (Friend)
|relations = [[Sheepdog]] (Friend)
<b>Hope</b> is a former [[Lunar Child]] who has appeared sporadically throughout [[Johnisdead]]. First appearing during [[The Truth Arc]], Hope seems to be one of the few cultists who survived the [[Cataclysm]] at [[The Spire]].  
<b>Hope</b>, also known as <b>fairProspect</b> online, is a former [[Lunar Child]] who has appeared sporadically throughout [[Johnisdead]]. First appearing during [[The Truth Arc]], Hope seems to be one of the few cultists who survived the [[Cataclysm]] at [[The Spire]].  

Revision as of 11:47, 16 September 2021


Name Hope
Alias fairProspect
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Female
Status Unknown
Relations Sheepdog (Friend)

Hope, also known as fairProspect online, is a former Lunar Child who has appeared sporadically throughout Johnisdead. First appearing during The Truth Arc, Hope seems to be one of the few cultists who survived the Cataclysm at The Spire.


Not much is known about Hope. At some point, she decided to run away from her home and join the Lunar Children to live at The Spire. Here, she became good friends with Sheepdog over the Lunar Children Forums. Sometime presumably in early 2016, Sheepdog decided to move to live at the Spire as well, a process which Hope helped with by clearing it with Thoth.

On April 23rd, 2016, the Cataclysm destroyed The Spire, killing off most of the Lunar Children in the process. Hope, an unknown female friend, and an unknown male friend were the only survivors. At first, the three of them lived together at a nearby motel. Over time, Hope's male friend became more and more sick until he eventually became less and less responsive. Hope and her friends decided to go check back at the Spire for assistance. Oddly, while the Spire appeared as ruins to everyone else, it appeared perfectly fine to the three of them. The Spire would also occasionally appear to be nothing more than smoking ruins to Hope as well, though once she approached it, it would return to normal. With nowhere else to go, the three of them decided to live in the now deserted Spire.

Though the Spire appeared to be in perfect condition, Hope would occasionally hear a familiar voice speaking to her at night. During the day, Hope would leave the Spire in order to find food for her friends. On December 29th, Hope began hearing voices in her head. Some of these voices were messages from the players, as they gained the ability to briefly communicate with her through the Youshouldnthavedonethat.net login page. Hope was very confused throughout all of this and seemed to be experiencing some very strange hauntings, such as seeing people staring at her and hearing loud noises. It was around this time that Hope had finally found her hat - something that she had presumably lost during the chaos of the Cataclysm.

On April 23rd, 2017, after a year of staying at the Spire after the cataclysm, Hope began posting journals of what happened to her and her friends on Youshouldnthavedonethat.net. On April 24th, Hope's male friend became completely unresponsive. Though she was against going out in public fearing she would be attacked, Hope brought her male friend to the hospital. Around this time, Hope began experiencing more strange hauntings, such as her hat being moved while she was asleep and being physically unable to approach the hospital for some unknown reason. Though her male friend had still yet to make a recovery, Hope was comforted from her female friend's drawings around the Spire.

A few days later, Hope came across a lockbox inside a closet in the Spire. After breaking it open, Hope found some unopened letters, a Rubik's Cube, six dollars, a newspaper clipping, $600, a necklace, and a bible. Hope split the money with her female friend and the two of them visited their male friend at the hospital, who was now responsive and feeling much better.


Having survived the horror of The Spire's Cataclysm, Hope understandably comes off as solemn and paranoid. Despite this, she tries to keep a generally cheerful and, as her namesake suggests, hopeful attitude, taking charge for her two friends who had since fallen ill.


A pure being born of a mind that sought only to help. Never be swayed again says the all mind of the sphere. She descends in spite of the devil machine. Below the tower of hubris she treads.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to hope.


12/29/16 - Chat with Hope - YSHDT.net

Hope: "Sign in to I found my hat!"
Leliel: "Hat, are you taking questions?"
Hope: "Sign in to Unfortunately, I don't think I can answer much of anything."
Players: ((Players ask Hope if she is Helper))
Hope: ((Hope says she doesn't know who Helper is))
Hope: ((Hope says she doesn't know who the players are))
Hope: ((Hope introduces herself as Hope))
Hope: ((Hope says she is scared and people are staring at her))
Hope: ((Hope mentions that she can hear the players' Skype messages in her head))
Hope: ((Hope ponders if the players are the people staring at her))

YSHDT.net: ((A separate entity briefly speaks through YSHDT.net))
Hope: ((Hope continues speaking through YSHDT.net))
Hope: "Sign in to I can't handl"

YSHDT.net: ((A separate entity briefly speaks through YSHDT.net))
YSHDT.net: ((A separate entity warns someone to step away or they will shoot))
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 10"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 9"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 8"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 7"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 6"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 5"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 4"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 3"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 2"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 1"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 0"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to Why is he smiling?"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to The Father?"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"

Hope: ((Hope regains control of YSHDT.net))
Hope: "Sign in to Gun?!"
Hope: ((Hope explains that she was with her friends when the players' messages suddenly began playing in her head))
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"

YSHDT.net: ((A separate entity briefly speaks through YSHDT.net))
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to ate the coming year with a"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to How could you forget?"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to I can’t handl"
YSHDT.net: ((Various messages from earlier in the conversation are sent))

Hope: "Sign in to OUCH"
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to The show is going to be ruined."
Hope: ((The following messages began appearing in another seemingly random cycle of previous messages))
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to Whoa, that hurt. Hello? I can hear you out there!"
Hope: "Sign in to Gun?!"
Hope: "Sign in to Dawn"
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to Jesus Christ, that was loud!"
Hope: "Sign in to Why is he smiling?"
Hope: "Sign in to How could you forget?"
Hope: "Sign in to Yes, it's Hope, what do you want with me?"
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to Yeah, you did! What do you want?!"
Hope: "Sign in to I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to OUCH"
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to I found my hat!"
Hope: "Sign in to ike the Four"
Hope: "Sign in to Gun?!"
Hope: "Sign in to Dawn"
Hope: "Sign in to People are looking at me, why are these voices talking to me?"
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to The father?"
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to ate the coming year with a"
Hope: "Sign in to The show is going to be ruined."
Hope: "Sign in to Jesus Christ, that was loud!"
Hope: "Sign in to It's just me now, my friends were looking at me like I was crazy, I ran away!"
Hope: "Sign in to The voices are back, I want them to stop!"
Hope: "Sign in to Sorry, I can't really tell what's happening right now."
Hope: "Sign in to splay, community unh"
Hope: "Sign in to OUCH"
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to Sorry, I can't really tell what's happening right now."

Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"
Hope: "Sign in to You're not my father."
Hope: "Sign in to You are NOT."
Hope: "Sign in to False Father!"
Hope: "Sign in to FALSE FATHER!"
Hope: "Sign in to I'm hearing them again, but one of them is not angry."
Hope: "Sign in to Daddy, please. I want to know."
Hope: "Sign in to Night of the First Day"

YSHDT.net: ((A separate entity briefly speaks through YSHDT.net))
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 8^("
YSHDT.net: "Sign in to 8^j"


  • Hope begins hearing the players' messages in her head, causing her some distress. She also claims to see people staring at her and begins hearing loud noises.

4/23/17 - Hope's Journals - YSHDT.net

I guess it's time to clear things up.

Hello. I don't know who's out there, and I'm not sure I want to. Kinda didn't think I'd ever feel the need to come here again, but I feel drawn to this place like there's unfinished business.

I'm going to tell you what's happened so far.

I'm not sure where to start, so it may take a while to get my head in the right place for this.

Maybe it would be best to tell anyone reading this that I used to be involved in the Lunar Children. They had their ways of molding young and impressionable minds. I was one of them and so were several of my friends. I wish I knew why we fell for all of it, but knowing wouldn't change anything. If we'd been smarter, maybe one of my friends wouldn't be comatose right now.

There was a big event where we were meeting a while back. I was not told exactly what was going on, being a lowly peon like I was. That was the day of the incident that ruined my life. There was a lot of people, too many people, and I wish I had known about the outsider guy they brought in sooner than I did. God, that day was the worst.

I'm really sorry if it sounds like I'm beating around the bush, I just don't know if anyone who poses a threat to me can see this. I've done well to stay pretty low so far, so who can blame me for being paranoid, right? So, once we made it out of there, a few of us stayed together for a while. I don't know how many actually escaped.

When it had all settled, it was just us hiding out in a motel. I couldn't go back to my parents, we were so far away and I didn't have the guts to return after running away like I did. When we ran out of money, we had to find another way. One of us was very sick from the start, I don't know what happened to make him like this. It got worse. One day, he was just unresponsive. We didn't have anywhere to keep him safe, so we sought shelter in the only place we knew of. We went back to the site of the disaster and hoped that whatever had caused so much pain was no longer there. It wasn't there.

I mean that in two ways. When we arrived, it was just untouched as if nothing had happened. We went inside, and it seemed like the morning of the incident. There was no ruin, no bodies. The sanctuary doors were still attached, like the blast that took them off was just a dream. How was that possible? Even weirder was that later that night, as we slept in the most comfortable pews we could find, I heard a voice that sounded impossibly close to me. I couldn't tell what it was saying, but it sounded familiar.

The other way that I meant that it wasn't there...well, that's harder to explain. We had to leave in order to find food. Well, I did. The others stayed behind. I wasn't gone for long. I came back to find some kids playing near the entrance to the holy place (why do I still call it that?), and that it was smoking ruins. I panicked. I ran to the entrance and screamed for the others. I was hysterical, and crying, and by the time I got to the door, I noticed that the place was just fine. I was met at the door and assured that everything was okay.

But the kids were still playing. They didn't turn to see me. They just had no knowledge that anything was wrong in the first place. Could they hear me? Were they real? Was I hallucinating the fire? I didn't know at the time.

Hell, I don't even know if I know now. Later, I came to find that no matter what, it's impossible to get the attention of anyone outside the building or its property from within it. In fact, I'm not even sure what they see when they look in its direction. Is it like it was before the incident? Is it just an empty lot? Whatever the case, it looked like we had a safe place to stay and no rent to pay for it.

About a week after deciding to stay there, we became much more comfortable with knowing we couldn't be discovered. I mean, we had lost everything and had no plans for the future, so at least one thing went our way. Turns out that getting a job is much harder when you don't have a home address. I left the property when those kids showed up again and asked what they saw when they look in its direction. They told me it was empty.

I didn't want to believe it, but at this point, who am I to complain?

Time passed pretty quickly after all that happened. It has now been a year since that day. I want things to get better for us. The others aren't too well. I don't have much more time to spend talking here, so if anyone is reading this, I might not be back after this entry. Many people I knew have died, and I'm scared for our friend's health. He hasn't spoken a full sentence in months. We can't take him to a hospital. We can't risk being found by surviving cultists, if there are any. We're the only three left that I know of, and I would rest easy if only I could know the Lunar Children name has truly died.

All I can do now is hope.


  • Hope begins writing journals and posting them on the now abandoned Youshouldnthavedonethat.net. Here, she mentions that she and two friends, one male and one female, survived the Cataclysm at The Spire and lived at a nearby motel for a short while. Eventually, with her male friend becoming ill, the three of them returned to The Spire, which appeared perfectly fine upon approach.

4/24/17 - Hope's Journals - YSHDT.net

It is 6:16pm. He has stopped responding to us entirely. No matter what, he just doesn't react. We have no choice but to take him to a hospital, and hope for the best. If you're out there, wish us luck.

Well, it's been about six hours since we arrived at the nearest hospital. He's in the care of people we can't trust, but we couldn't even feed him anymore, so what were we supposed to do? We can't spend the night in the open at the hospital, so we came back. I contemplated telling my other friend to stay there, and that she needed to be seen as well. I didn't. She insists that it's just a cold, and it might just be a cold. We just can't afford the luxury of assuming anymore. I'm still updating here, I guess. If anyone's out there, I sincerely hope we're not enemies. The one thing I'm afraid of now is the others being harmed. It might be a while until I say more here, it might not. I don't know anymore. The last six hours have been beyond stressful.

Earlier today, those kids came back. I walked up to them and they ran away. I guess it's for the best since we don't know what's in the rubble that they see. I haven't bothered racking my brain to figure out the deal with that, by the way. After a while you just learn to accept shit no matter how weird it is. And that brings me to this morning.

I woke up really early for some reason, and found that some of our stuff had been moved. Maybe I'm just imagining it because of the stress, but I could have sworn I left my hat next to the pulpit with the rest of my stuff. I found it in the pew next to me.

Anyway, we're going to the hospital to check on our friend. I hope he's okay.

We never made it to the hospital. I am okay, she's okay. We just couldn't get close to the place, I can't explain it. Something was keeping us from it.

I left to go to the hospital by myself after that last entry, and ran the whole way. I know how unlikely it is that I'm being followed after so long, but even so, it's still really hard to feel safe out here in the dark with nobody else. I found that he had been put under for whatever reason, and has yet to wake up. They're not sure what's wrong.

I returned to find the place empty, which isn't very comforting this late at night. Some stray drawings were left lying around on her side of the sanctuary. I liked them a lot. She came back a short while later, turns out she just went out to get food for the night. I'm tired of being so paranoid all the time.


  • Hope mentions that her male friend has become completely unresponsive and she has taken him to a hospital. Strange hauntings seem to be happening around the Spire, but Hope's female friend's drawings bring her comfort.

4/25/17 - Hope's Journals - YSHDT.net

Nothing much going on right now. Woke up at like 6. Really tired. You know how sometimes you can see something once and then it's everywhere? It's very irritating and I want it to stop. I swear I've seen this weird thing six times since I woke up.

Once, just ONE TIME, I would like to have a day where it feels like things are looking up. ONE DAY.

Okay, so I just woke up to the sound of a loud crash from outside, sounded like thunder but the sky is clear right now. Not amused. I think I'll see if she wants to go to the hospital with me later, kinda hope she does since I'm not a fan of walking there by myself. She's feeling a lot better now, so I guess I was just worried for nothing. Now we just need to know what's wrong with him.

I came back inside after a short walk, and it wasn't a great idea to even go out there in the first place since it's currently like 50 degrees and I didn't have my jacket. Anyway, I came back inside and decided to kill time by wandering around inside. I came around to a closet we haven't been inside of much, since we really have no need to be rifling around in them, but I was curious and it looks like it paid off. I now hold in my hands a small box, maybe the size of a shoebox, but locked. A three-digit combination lock built into it is keeping me out. I've tried several famous three-letter combinations, yet none have worked so far. I don't know anyone who might be good with this sort of thing, and taking this out into the open is an obvious invitation for trouble.

I looked at more of her drawings a few minutes ago. Very relaxing.

Wow, that was an incredibly obvious solution. I dropped the box on its corner and it popped right open! Also, I realize now that I typed "three-letter combination" but wow, I meant number. Never doing this that early again.

After breaking it open, I recorded the contents. Inside were some unopened letters, a Rubik's cube, six one-dollar bills, a newspaper clipping, $600 in twenties, a necklace, and a Bible. Score???

I like this necklace though, kinda like one I used to have. It would make a nice gift.

On the way to the hospital, we talked about what was in the box. I gave her $300 and kept the other half for myself. We arrived and were allowed to see him, and he looked much better than when we brought him in. He must be eating again, which is great. He also spoke clearly to us, something he hasn't done in a long time. He says he doesn't know what's wrong with him and he understands if he's been a burden on us. God, I feel so horrible if that's the impression he got from all this. I just want him to be okay again, like he was before the incident. Maybe a little less serious. She drew a picture of him while we talked and gave it to him. She's so adorable. I'm glad he's speaking again. For the last year, he's just been wandering and talking mostly nonsense. In the last month, he stopped moving and speaking. I don't know what they did to make him better, but I'm glad they did. He hasn't been discharged yet, not sure how long it'll be before we can take him back. Or how long it'll be before he's back to the way he was before we brought him here.


  • Hope explores The Spire and comes across a lockbox containing money, letters, a newspaper clipping, a bible, and a necklace. She and her female friend later go to check on their male friend, who has made a full recovery.

4/27/20 - "chat33032313" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with SheepDog:
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

1:12:14 AM fairProspect: "Other than that, no."
1:12:17 AM fairProspect: "I've already informed Ezekiel about everything."

1:12:23 AM SheepDog: "oof"
1:12:26 AM SheepDog: "how'd he take it lol"

1:12:33 AM fairProspect: "Fairly well, actually."
1:12:35 AM fairProspect: "Aside from a forced eye-roll, haha."

1:12:42 AM SheepDog: "well thats surprising"
1:12:46 AM SheepDog: "I didn't think hed want me anywhere near that place lol"

1:12:51 AM fairProspect: "I think deep down he really does like you."
1:13:21 AM fairProspect: "He's probably happy that you'll be closer from now on."

1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "ew"
1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "gross"

1:13:33 AM fairProspect: "Come on, you know what I mean."
1:13:35 AM SheepDog: yeah yeah"
1:14:37 AM fairProspect: "I need to get getting to sleep, now."
1:14:41 AM SheepDog: "same here probably"
1:14:44 AM SheepDog: "see you tomorrow, HOPE-fully"
1:14:46 AM SheepDog: ":sunglasses:"

1:14:52 AM fairProspect: ":eyeroll:"






DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi