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A Conduit is a term typically used to refer to a person or object that's used as a vessel for an Ascended entity. The Lunar Children believe that ascended individuals that utilize conduits can attain far greater powers than those who don't. Because of the vagueness of this term, there appear to be a few different classifications of conduits.


Ascended Conduit

This is the most typical form of conduit. Ascended conduits are individuals who have been killed as a result of someone else's ascension. These conduits basically act as sacrificial vessels to be used by the ascended individual. These types of conduits can be created intentionally or by accident. The most prominent example of this is John, who was somehow accidentally killed as a result of Kevin's ascension, resulting in him becoming Kevin's conduit.[1]

Possessive Conduits

A more vague type of conduit are possessive conduits. The term conduit seems to sometimes be used to encompass any general type of "vessel" - regardless if they were spawned from an ascension or not. An example of this is the Old Man who was said to have been used as Tenebris's conduit before he died.[2] Another example is SKM who was also going to be used as Tenebris's conduit despite still being alive.[3]


  1. Drowned explains what conduits are here
    • "Drowned 2:-- AM: "The masks tell many lies, but between lies hides truth. Amongst their now twisted lore it is a truth that one who ascends can be promised much more power if they have what is deemed a conduit. A conduit is one who has been killed as a result of their own assention. However beings beyond all of us may take sacrifices as conduits when lowering to our realms."
    • Eevee Reborn 2:-- AM: "So was john a sacrifice conduit?"
    • Drowned 2:-- AM: "By mistake yes. The one who plays with time is laughing."
  2. Jeremy mentions that the Old Man was used as Tenebris's conduit here.
    • Jarilo333: "My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye."
  3. Drowned mentions SKM being possibly used as Tenebris's conduit here.
    • "SKM will be offered the salesmans conduit. his body. Save us."



ascended e-girlBullet NecklaceCrescent Moon NecklaceGC MajorHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHelios BookLC Brain OperationLenis ConversionLibro LunarusLunar Children ServersNovum AscensionemNullstormsParallelos PathPortalsProject BifrostProject MindshapeProto RecollectionRemember SeriesRule of ThreeSpiritustest audio onlyThe DyadThe OcarinaThree Silver Secrets


Astral ObservatoryAstral Observatory (Fucked)Elder ChildrenHarbingersLunar ChildrenMoon ChildrenOFA GroupSun ChildrenWireTalk

Entities and Figures

Absque FascieAmalgamationConduitsLinksRemnantThe DawnThe Four Giants

Ceremonies and Rituals

AggregationAscensionBlood Moon RitualCeremony of the Three ElementsGiant Awakening RitualRune CastingSpell CirclesThe Circle of Three


NullspaceOverworldParallelosThe FisheryThe LibraryThe OrchardThe ShortcutThe Spire


BUP's DnD GameJohnisdead Scavenger HuntThe CataclysmTournament of SoulsUndecim Nocte


Analysis DeviceData BombKeyLogger592Listening DeviceOniontryptamine BombOoTv2.1Particle ParserResonance BurstScrying DeviceSignal CannonThe MachineTime BombTransmission DeviceWraith Trap


JanusVRThe Legend of Zelda