Astral Arc

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The Astral Arc is the fourth arc of Johnisdead. This arc began on February 4th, 2017, and ended on June 5th, 2019. This arc covered the aftermath of The Truth Arc, introducing a new character named Greth and his connection to the Astral Observatory - a group of online paranormal enthusiasts with some unknown connection to the Lunar Children. Throughout this arc, players were required to navigate the Astral Observatory forums and interact with its various members while avoiding the suspicion of Nocta - the mysterious leader of the Astral Observatory. Meanwhile, Tyler began investigating the Lunar Children on his own terms.


February 4th, 2017

  • At 2:27 PM, the player Scout discovered that the front page of had updated. The page had reverted to how it was in 2015, with the "Foggyworld248.jpg" image and the audio "background.mp3", also known as "@90 by Kevin".

February 24th, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the front page of had updated. The page was now titled "construction" and contained an image of someone's face on top of the Libro Lunarus titled "DSC_0324.jpg". target=_blank

March 24th, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uplaoded to the Silentdork YouTube channel. This video's title consisted of glitchy characters that reversed the browser's title. target=_blank

3/24/17 - ((Blank)) - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • The text "Still Here" appears, implying that Tenebris survived the "Kill Switch".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "So many still trapped". target=_blank

3/24/17 - "So many still trapped" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video featured a faint image of the Libro Lunarus along with the song "@90" by Kevin.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "4‍/23​‍/2017 ebuTouY". target=_blank

3/24/17 - "4‍/23​‍/2017 ebuTouY" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video simply featured a black background with the sounds of someone drowning.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

March 26th, 2017

  • The players began using Discord as their main method of communication.

April 3rd, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "show me". target=_blank

4/3/17 - "show me" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)


  • This video shows footage of someone's room as the the Lunar Children theme can be heard playing on a keyboard.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "show me"
  • Tags: "show me show me"
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "Foolish child". target=_blank

4/3/17 - "Foolish child" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)


  • Based off the description and the things said by Vincent, this video was recorded on March 19th, 2015 - the day Vincent briefly broke free from Patrem's control and spoke with the players. Vincent mentions the park where he spoke to the kid asking about the "Purple man", which he also discussed on Within Hubris back in 2015.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "march 19th 2015 Did you think you would remember this?"
  • Tags: N/A

April 23rd, 2017

  • At 6:30 PM, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Going to kevins". target=_blank

4/23/17 - "Going to kevins" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video shows what happened to Tyler in 2015 after he departed for Kevin's house. Upon opening a door, Tyler was attacked by Doug and taken to the Spire. While there, he attempted to find his way out, only to get stuck in a spatial loop of sorts - constantly coming across the same rooms.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "oct 11th 2015 never made it shouldnt have went outside shouldnt have opened the door they got me"
  • Tags: "Friends?, / \\, Tired, Still among, lies, Father, new year
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the front page of began updating with journal entries from Hope - the young cultist girl who spoke with players through the sign-in page during the previous arc:

4/23/17 - Hope's Journals -


  • Hope reveals that she is a former Lunar Child. She is currently living with one of her friends after surviving the cataclysm that destroyed the Spire. She mentions that another one of her friends is currently in a coma.
  • After living in a motel for a brief time, Hope and her friends returned to the Spire. Despite the chaos that ensued, Hope and her friends perceive the Spire as completely normal.
  • Upon approaching the Spire a second time, Hope sees it as a pile of ruins. When she gets closer, however, it returns to normal. Outsiders seem to not be able to see the Spire at all.
  • The cataclysm that destroyed the Spire on April 23rd, 2016 is described as an explosion of sorts.

April 24th, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that more journal entries from Hope had been posted on the front page of

4/24/17 - Hope's Journals -


  • Hope dropped her male friend off at the hospital. He has now completely fallen into his coma and is unresponsive.
  • Hope and her female friend attempt to visit the hospital the next day, but are unable to approach it for some unknown reason.
  • Hope mentions that her female friend has left some drawings around the Spire.

April 25th, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that more journal entries from Hope had been posted on the front page of

4/25/17 - Hope's Journals -


  • Hope explores the Spire and comes across a lockbox that was sealed with a three-digit number. She was able to break the box open and found a necklace, along with some other valuable contents.
  • Hope visits her male friend at the hospital. He is now doing better and can speak with them. Hope's female friend draws some pictures for him.
  • Hope's male friend is very apologetic. She mentions that she hopes he returns to how he was soon, though maybe "a little less serious".

November 11th, 2017

  • At 11:32 PM, players discovered a new video on the Silentdork YouTube channel - ".". This video had actually been uploaded on October 23rd, 2013, but it had only now been made public. This video also contained closed captions created by the uploader that reveal more information. target=_blank

11/11/17 - "." - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video is gameplay footage recorded by Tyler and John. They appear to be walking around a giant swimming pool.
  • This video's captions reference the disappearance of the Lunar Children and a missing persons report being filed around January 1st, 2017.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "."
  • Tags: "Play, Games, This, Game, sucks, dick, Let's Play"

November 12th, 2017

  • At 12:27 AM, the player ARGdov submitted the "Sonata of Awakening" by sending it to the Pididoip email address. target=_blank
  • At 1:27 AM, the player Scout discovered that the front page of had updated. The page was now titled "Comatose" and contained a distorted image of Tyler titled "Awaken.jpg", which contained the word "HELP" hidden within the distortions. target=_blank This page also contained a disturbing track titled "Awaken.ogg". target=_blank The text "dtrH" was hidden within this page's source code.
  • At 1:34 AM, the player ARGdov sent another email to the Pididoip email address, asking how the players can help tyler. "Tyler, are you there? Can you hear us or speak? Tyler, I hope I've managed to get your attention, I think I have, and I can only hope this message gets to you. ((...)) in any way you can. Where are you? What's happened?".
  • At an unknown time, the Pididoip account sent a response to ARGdov, asking "Who's Tyler?". target=_blank
  • At 1:57 AM, the player Dila discovered that the page "/hole" had changed. The page was now completely black with white text reading "whats lost can be found m /". target=_blank
  • At 2:50 AM, players discovered a new page on - "". This page was titled "Forget" and contained audio of a deep voice asking "Did you forget me?" titled "ForgetMe.mp3". target=_blank
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that staying on the page "/memory" for too long would redirect them to a new page - "". This page was titled "J" and contained an image of a blue John titled "John.gif". target=_blank This page also contained a song titled "Hello_again.mp3". target=_blank This page hid the text "New Year New You" in its source code.
  • At 3:08 AM, the player ARGdov received an email from the Pididoip email asking "Where did that suitcase go?". target=_blank

November 13th, 2017

  • At 1:22 AM, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube account - "Hello again". target=_blank

11/13/17 - "Hello again" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • Tyler speaks directly to the audience for the first time in over a year. He gives a general update on how his life has been the past year.
  • Tyler claims that he got into some sort of accident in June of 2016 and was in a coma up until January 1st of 2017. His memory is worse than ever and he is having trouble remembering many details.
  • Tyler mentions that he now has a bullet necklace. He isn't sure where it came from - only that he woke up with it already around his neck after recovering from his coma.
  • Tyler remembers receiving the briefcase containing the camera from Helper, but he isn't sure where it went.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Meant to upload this yesterday but had some problems and was not feeling too great either'Edit: I dont know who you people are but I am going to make the poor assumption you hold no ties with that cult. I dont know how to speak spanish and I dont think google translate is very reliable so I am sorry I cant really communicate with all of you but assuming you are here because you are on some level concerned, thanks I guess. Ill be uploading more soon when I can get my thoughts together more clearly to try and sift through all of this shit."
  • Tags: "You have forgotten, But you still remember, The USB, Find it"
  • At 2:00 AM, players discovered that the videos "Taking a walk" and "Waiting.wmv" had been privated on YouTube.
  • At 9:20 PM, the player CircleHunter discovered that the video "Paranoid knocking" had been renamed to "did you think I would just vanish?" and now featured Regiminis as its thumbnail.
  • At 9:20 PM, the player CircleHunter discovered that the videos ".", "3", "5646", "Regiminis", "calling john", "stuck at work", and "found a cool thing and now i am gonna go to work i guess" had all been privated on YouTube.

November 15th, 2017

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the video "5646" was once again public on YouTube.
  • At 10:19 PM, players discovered that the video "5646" had been renamed "Its Tyler" and its description now read "YOU MUST KEEP MOVING TYLER. DO NOT LET YOU WHO. WE ARE LATE FOR SOMEONES BIRTHDAY. HAPPYBIRTHDAYBEN".
  • At 11:51 PM, players discovered that the description of the video "5646" now read "Whats a few more moments to the man from the dawn of time? Who am I? The liar? The child? The Governor? The first son? The liars body?".
  • At 11:59 PM, players discovered that the description of the video "5646" now read "You know who you are.".

November 16th, 2017

  • At 12:02 AM, players discovered that the description of the video "5646" now read "I am not safe in my home".
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the tags of the video "I am not safe in my home" now read "Daniel was a short lived tool, so many have I used. Closer closer and closer" and the description read "Who is he?".
  • At 1:00 AM, the player Eve asks if Patrem is responsible for the recent YouTube video changes.
  • At an unknown time, the player Eve's Discord message is responded to with an eggplant emoji reaction.
  • At 1:09 AM, players discovered that the video "I am not safe in my home" now contains new closed captions. These captions read as follows: "They want you to forget over and over stalling tactics. but what is a few more moments to us. Why did you do that Daniel? He was not supposed to see you! We see. Regiminis is not ready to be brought to him yet we are not ready. Impatient. I flick the domino. Awaken. You know who you are".
  • At 1:23 AM, players discovered that the description of the video "I am not safe in my home" now read "Children forum notes".
  • At 2:10 AM, players discovered that the description of the video "I am not safe in my home" had returned to normal, except it now contained out-of-place capitalized letters that spell out "SPIRK" - the username of the player Spirkiroid.
  • At an unkonwn time, players contacted the player Spirkiroid, who still had the Lunar Children Forums downloaded. This resulted in them rediscovering who Daniel was - the Lunar Child who spied on Tyler.

March 4th, 2018

  • At 7:17 PM, the player ARGdov discovered that the front page of had updated. The page was now titled "ERROR" and contained an image of the elegy statue along with a text box from the game "Chrono Trigger" that read "Enemies will attack even if you’re not ready!" titled "ERROR.png". target=_blank This page featured audio of a man laughing titled "awaken.ogg".

April 23rd, 2018

  • At 4:45 PM, the player ZenCoder discovered that the front page of featured a post from a user named "TheArchiveGuy".

4/23/18 - "Update" -


  • TheArchiveGuy is someone who has recovered the Lunar Children servers from the fishery. He claims he is reconstructing the site because he had friends who knew people who were once members of the cult.
  • TheArchiveGuy mentions that he is also in possession of
  • TheArchiveGuy mentions that many of the files on the site are corrupted. He asks the players to email him at the Pididoip email address.
  • At an unknown time, players began emailing the Pididoip account hoping to contact TheArchiveGuy.
  • At 5:32 PM, players received a response from the Pididoip account. TheArchiveGuy says the following: "I will be uploading the files directly on so wait for them there. Did you know anything at all about the cult? Are you a member or something?" target=_blank
  • At 6:02 PM, players discovered that Tyler had uploaded a new video to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "The usual". target=_blank

4/23/18 - "The usual" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • Tyler remembers that April 23rd is an important date for the Lunar Children. He is also seen visiting the Lunar Children website, indicating that he is becoming more knowledgeable of the cult.
  • Tyler mentions that he visited the fishery again and found the servers. He then visited the fishery for a second time and noticed that the servers were missing. This was because they had already been recovered by TheArchiveGuy by that time.
  • Tyler hears a loud bang coming from outside his house and the video ends.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Tags: "5646"
  • At 6:42 PM, players discovered that the page "/key592" had updated. This page now contained a link to another page - "".
  • At 6:42 PM, players discovered a new page on -". This page contained an image board where players and characters alike could post images and messages. Unfortunately, nothing from this image board was archived.
  • At 10:40 PM, players discovered that Tyler had uploaded a new video to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Unusual". target=_blank

4/23/18 - "Unusual" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • Tyler is investigating his yard after hearing something hit the side of his house. The beginning of this video appears to mirror the video "Not safe in my home".
  • Tyler finds a random "Detour Sign" sitting in his yard. The sign seems to emit strange noises, and whenever Tyler tries to walk away from it, he ends up teleporting back in-front of it.
  • Tyler touches the "Detour Sign". As he does, the parallelos symbol appears and he is teleported to a random location in the woods.
  • A voice sounding similar to Patrem's is heard claiming that Tyler's "friend" has given him this "gift".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Getting tired of this shit"
  • Tags: N/A


  • The parallelos symbol that appears as Tyler touches the "Detour Sign". target=_blank

May 4th, 2018

  • At an unknown time the player Greth began uploading videos to a new channel titled "Greth Vlogs". At first, it was not immediately apparent that these videos were canon to Johnisdead. However, over time, it soon became clear that these videos were a pivotal part of the story. The first video uploaded to Greth Vlogs was titled "Greth Vlogs 1". target=_blank

5/4/18 - "Greth Vlogs 1" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth introduces the players to his new channel. He mentions that he's just moved into a new apartment with a few roommates.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, Greth posts a message in the Internet Detectives Discord server specifying that he created the Greth Vlogs channel so he can become more connected with the players.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 2". target=_blank

5/4/18 - "Greth Vlogs 2" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth gives the players a tour of his house. He mentions that one of his roommates is named "Matt" and a white mask can be seen in his closet.
  • Greth mentions that he was up until 4 AM talking with Tyler.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 3". target=_blank

5/4/18 - "Greth Vlogs 3" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth visits his old family home. He mentions a separate ARG that he had created in the past known as "I Am 979".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, several arguments take place within the Internet Detectives Discord server as players disagree on various moderation policies.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 4". target=_blank

5/4/18 - "Greth Vlogs 4" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth references the drama in the Internet Detectives Discord server and expresses his love for the community.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 6(?)". target=_blank

5/4/18 - "Greth Vlogs 6(?) - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth explains that he attempted to upload a separate video titled "Greth Vlogs 5", but it completely disappeared.
  • At the end of the video, what appears to be a figure holding the white mask from Greth's closet can be seen.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Not sure what happened to 5"
  • Tags: N/A


  • The figure holding the while mask: target=_blank

May 5th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 7". target=_blank

5/5/18 - "Greth Vlogs 7" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth assures the players that everything is fine. He brushes off the strange clip of the masked at the end of "Greth Vlogs 6(?)" as a glitch or some footage he forgot that he recorded.
  • Greth once again mentions having spoken to Tyler the night before starting Greth Vlogs.
  • Greth mentions that he is very tired.


  • Description: "lmao I'm so tired"
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "heard something outside". target=_blank

5/5/18 - "heard something outside" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth is hearing something knocking on his second story window.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Not a vlog, kind of weirded out. I live in a condo complex so people come and go all the time, but this sounded like it was directly outside my window, and I live on the second floor."
  • Tags: N/A


  • The strange glitchy face: target=_blank

May 6th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that Greth had uploaded a new video to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 8". target=_blank

5/6/18 - "Greth Vlogs 8" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth claims he is becoming more and more paranoid in his new apartment. He questions if there's something wrong with him.
  • Greth mentions that a party will be held at his apartment that night to bid farewell to a friend of his named Ben.
  • A few video glitches can be seen followed by Greth sitting in his car as the footage slowly gets darker and darker.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A


  • Greth in the darkness: target=_blank

May 7th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "happy birthday". target=_blank

5/7/18 - "happy birthday" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • A figure wearing a silver alien mask appears, claiming to know a secret that Greth is supposedly hiding. The players dub this entity "The Watcher".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Tags: N/A


  • The entity known as "The Watcher": target=_blank
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "SKMRETURNS". target=_blank

5/7/18 - "SKMRETURNS" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • SKM appears to be attempting to get in contact with someone but is having difficulties.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Scarcely have we begun to acquire a little information when death arrives before we can put it to use."
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the descriptions of both "SKMRETURNS" and "happy birthday" are excerpts from pieces written by the French author "Voltaire". This officially confirmed that Greth Vlogs was canon to Johnisdead.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "greth vlogģgghhghhhhhhhhhhhhggggģ". target=_blank

5/7/18 - "greth vlogģgghhghhhhhhhhhhhhggggģ" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • Greth mentions the video "happy birthday", believing someone has hacked into his account.
  • The video begins glitching out. "The Watcher" can once again be seen during these glitches.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A


  • "The Watcher": target=_blank
  • Greth looking very tired: target=_blank

May 8th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 9". target=_blank

5/8/18 - Greth Vlogs 8 - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth claims he didn't upload a "Greth Vlogs" video yesterday, implying that he doesn't remember creating and uploading "greth vlogģgghhghhhhhhhhhhhhggggģ".
  • Greth once again mentions that he hasn't been sleeping wel.
  • Text reading "C O N T R O L" appears, implying that Greth is under the control of some unknown entity.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

May 10th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 10". target=_blank

5/10/18 - "Greth Vlogs 10" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth continues having sleeping problems. While walking outside, a green entity can be seen following him from a distance.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A


  • The green entity following Greth: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • Greth with a purple-colored tint: target=_blank

May 12th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 11". target=_blank

5/12/18 - "Greth Vlogs 11" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth is slowly going insane due to the lack of sleep. He believes his body is completely rejecting sleep for some reason.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

May 19th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Escape". target=_blank

5/19/18 - "Escape" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth boards an airplane headed for an unknown destination.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

July 28th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 5". target=_blank

7/28/18 - "Greth Vlogs 5" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • This video simply features someone sneaking up behind Tyler in his house.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

August 16th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Greth Vlogs 12: General Update". target=_blank

8/16/18 - "Greth Vlogs 12: General Update" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • It's revealed that Greth boarded the airplane so he could take a hiking trip away from home, still believing his apartment is responsible for his poor sleeping patterns.
  • At the end of the video, Tyler can be seen teleporting into the background next to the "Detour Sign" - presumably having just touched it again.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

August 18th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "RWBN RWBN". target=_blank

8/18/18 - "RWBN RWBN" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Tyler appears to be attacked while laying on his bed.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: "Night night"

August 25th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "experimentations". target=_blank

8/25/18 - "experimentations" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth claims that he's finished running away from his problems. Instead, he is now experimenting with drugs in an attempt to subdue his sleeping issue.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: "i'm, still, here"

August 28th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Silentdork - "A guest". target=_blank

8/28/18 - "A guest" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • In this video's description, Tyler mentions he has another video he was planning on uploading but it is currently glitched. He claims that he figured something out about the "Detour Sign" in that video.
  • Tyler and Greth discuss the Moon Children and the Lunar Children.
  • Tyler questions what took place on April 23rd, 2016. Greth isn't sure, and all Tyler knows is that some cataclysmic event took place at the Spire involving Luna punishing the Lunar Children.
  • Greth offers to introduce Tyler to the players on the Internet Detectives Discord server. Tyler claims that he does have a Discord account.
  • Greth mentions having helped the players by submitting songs on a website. When he tells Tyler that the site was "", the video glitches.
  • TheArchiveGuy's real name is revealed to be "José".
  • Tyler says that he's never visited "", but claims that he remembers the phrase. He believes that he remembers the phrase from one of the sites on the Lunar Children servers - likely referring to "".
  • Tyler introduces Greth to his personal religion - Odin. He also claims he is studying the "Armanen Futhark" runes.
  • Tyler tells Greth what he's learned about Patrem and the fishery.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "I had this other video I planned on uploading that I recorded before this that was pretty important, it featured me figuring out something pretty important about that sign in my yard. But something fucked it up and I am trying to figure out how to fix it (maybe the sign itself? idk) but this is the guy I talked about in that video who was gonna come hang out with me who knew a bit about the various cult doings in the area."
  • Tags: "hidden in plain sight Kevi"

October 11th, 2018

  • At 7:30 PM, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "never sleeping". target=_blank

10/11/18 - "never sleeping" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Greth is looking extremely tired. He is reading a book titled "Moon Magic".
  • "The Watcher" is shown briefly along with a menacing-looking Greth.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A


  • "The Watcher": target=_blank
  • A menacing-looking Greth: target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 9:00 PM, the player Dense submitted the video "GORONLULLABY - a video featuring Goron Link playing the "Goron's Lullaby" in an attempt to put Greth to sleep out of fear for his deteriorating mental health. target=_blank
  • At 11:46 PM, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "J J S K K N V G H". target=_blank

10/11/18 - "J J S K K N V G H" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • The "Goron's Lullaby" successfully places Greth to sleep. Unfortunately, it is revealed that Patrem was housed within his body all along. Just like with Vincent Adams, now that Greth has fallen asleep, Patrem has taken over his body.
  • Greth can be seen wearing the white fish-like mask from before.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "| which a new vessel' may then be obtained. The flesh must be made weak. the mind must be made weary. the upon one who ye hath chosen shall descend lunar wisdom. Exalt him upon the hour of choosing and then through worldly works father thine children anew.|=ll"
  • Tags: "poor decision"


  • Images of Greth: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

October 22nd, 2018

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the front page of had updated. This page no longer had a title and contained an image of a red-tinted Tyler grinning titled "maj.jpg". target=_blank This page also featured the audio "recruit.mp3". target=_blank Hidden within this page's source code was the text "howdoesitwork" repeated 55 times.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that now featured a new favicon of a crudely-drawn smiley face. target=_blank

October 23rd, 2018

  • At 1:58 PM, players discovered that the front page of had updated. This page was now titled "construction" and once again featured the green, distorted image of Tyler titled "awaken.jpg". This page still contained the audio "recruit.mp3".
  • At 2:19 PM, players discovered that would once again redirect players if they attempted to access a non-existent page. The pages player would be redirected to seemed to all be previously discovered canon sources such as the Silentdork YouTube channel and Doug's blog.

October 24th, 2018

  • At 9:53 AM, the player Jos discovered a new page on - "". This page was simply the previous version of the front page which featured the red-tinted image of Tyler.
  • At 9:56 AM, the player Jos discovered that would sometimes redirect him to a new website when attempting to access a non-existent page - "". This site appeared to be a blog themed around paranormal activity and conspiracies. Players noticed that some of the wording within the blog posts found on this page were distinctly cult-like. target=_blank

10/24/18 - Announcements -


  • The announcement welcoming users to the site was posted on July 28th, implying that the Astral Observatory has existed for several months.
  • The members of the Astral Observatory believe that society has obscured various truths regarding the nature of the paranormal and reality itself. The author of these posts claims that the Astral Observatory has been exposed to information that has "shattered that illusion", and that now they want more.
  • On October 22nd, an announcement was posted on Astral Observatory claiming that had stolen their bandwidth on October 21st. This explains why now redirects to
  • It is revealed that the Astral Observatory has some forums that are temporarily offline.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the front page of contained a link to their forums - "". Unfortunately, these forums were still offline.
  • At 10:01 AM, the player Jos discovered that the Javascript code on that redirected players could now be read. The redirects were as follows:
  • -
  • Silentdork YouTube Channel -
  • Greth Vlogs YouTube Channel -
  • -
  • Doug's Blog -
  • Lostmemory423 YouTube Channel -
  • "M" YouTube Channel -
  • Vincent Adams YouTube Channel -
  • "home.html" Page -
  • -

October 25th, 2018

  • At 3:28 PM, the player Jos discovered that the generic "404" page on that users were sent to before being redirected was now titled "lost?". This page also contained a dark image of Tenebris and the elegy statue titled "ha.png" and hid the text "find your way" in its source code. target=_blank

October 31st, 2018

  • At 4:02 PM, players discovered that the front page of now contained a new announcement titled "Good news and bad news.".

10/31/18 - Announcement -


  • It is revealed that any content on the previous incarnation of the Astral Observatory forums has been lost.
  • The author mentions a "protected forum" that contains some archived posts. This implies that there is some degree of secrecy within the inner workings of the Astral Observatory.
  • At 4:16 PM, players discovered that the Astral Observatory forums were now accessible. These forums contained a header that read "Seeking the truths that lie beyond the grand illusion" and a small image of the "Astral Observatory" location from Majora's Mask. target=_blank The following characters were discovered on the forums: target=_blank
  • nocta - The mysterious leader of the Astral Observatory.
  • Avatar: N/A
  • Signature: N/A
  • Rank: "Site Admin"
  • Groups: "Leader", "Truth Seekers"
  • Joined: "October 21st, 2018 at 11:44 AM"
  • Samuel_Charleston - A mysterious member of the Astral Observatory forums who had yet to make a post.
  • Avatar: N/A
  • Signature: N/A
  • Rank: N/A
  • Groups: "Truth Seekers"
  • Joined: "October 21st, 2018 at 11:12 PM"
  • moonman31 - A male forum-goer who often posts memes and "trolls" other users.
  • Avatar: An image of the McDonalds mascot "Mac Tonight". target=_blank
  • Signature: N/A
  • Rank: N/A
  • Groups: "Believers"
  • Joined: "October 31st, 2018 at 12:59 PM"
  • yuukichan - A female forum-goer who enjoys anime and often posts messages containing Japanese emojis.
  • Avatar: An image of the character "Yuki Nagato" from the anime "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya". target=_blank
  • Signature: An image of the character "Yuki Nagato" kissing an alien from the "Aliens" franchise. target=_blank
  • Rank: N/A
  • Groups: "Believers"
  • Joined: "October 31st, 2018 at 12:59 PM"
  • NotAHoax_M12 - A male forum-goer who is a fervent believer of outlandish conspiracy theories.
  • Avatar: A photo of a crashed UFO. target=_blank
  • Signature: N/A
  • Rank: N/A
  • Groups: "Believers"
  • Joined: "October 31st, 2018 at 1:57 PM"
  • Players began searching through the Astral Observatory forums. The following is the structure of the various message boards and the threads contained within them:
  • Section - "Forum"
  • Board - "Welcome" - "Helpful topics for those new"
  • Sub-Board - "Help & FAQ" - "A board for asking questions that either nocta or another can answer; the board rules are also posted in here."
  • Expand

    7/28/18 - "Forum Rules" - nocta


    • Nocta forbids users from attempting to break into "The Truth" - the password-protected board on the forums that was mentioned previously.

  • Sub-Board - "Introductions" - "A board for asking questions that either nocta or another can answer; the board rules are also posted in here."
  • Expand

    10/31/18 - "We starting over?" - moonman31


    • The user "moonman31" introduces himself on the newly created forums.
    • The other users welcome Moonman back to the forums. Judging by their wording, Moonman has a history of trolling the others.

    10/31/18 - "AAAAH WE'RE BAAAACK" - yuukichan


    • The user "yuukichan" introduces herself on the newly created forums.
    • Yuukichan asks Nocta to fix her group status, referring to the "Believers" group.
    • Yuukichan notes that "grampa" is registered but hasn't made a post yet. This is referring to "Samuel_Charleston" - a member who has not yet posted. He is also the only member aside from Nocta who is in the "Truth Seekers" group.

    10/31/18 - "Nice to be back." - NotAHoax_M12


    • The user "NotAHoax_M12" introduces himself on the newly created forums.

  • Sub-Board - "General Discussion" - "Talk about anything not relevant to the other discussion forums here"
  • Expand

    10/31/18 - "A N I M E" - yuukichan


    • The user Yuukichan creates a thread for casual anime discussion. It's implied that a similar thread existed before the Astral Observatory forums were purged that surpassed 1000 posts.
    • Updates

      • Files:
      • Two gifs relating to the anime "Kemono Friends" are posted by Yuukichan: target=_blank target=_blank

    • Section - "Theories & Discussion"
    • Board - "Aliens & Visitors"
    • This board had no posts.
    • Board - "Ghosts / Demonology"
    • This board had no posts.
    • Board - "Political Conspiracy"
    • This board had no posts.
    • Board - "Supernatural, Folklore & Etc"

    10/31/18 - "" - moonman31


    • Moonman questions the logistics of redirecting bandwidth from
    • Nocta urges the players to cease discussion of the topic.
    • The player Dense posts the description of the video "J J S K K N V G H".

    • Section - "Forum"
    • Board - "The Truth" - "Only those chosen may enter here; the greatest truths that only the ready minds are capable of discussing are within here; to access you will need to belong to the 'Believers' usergroup or above"
    • This board was locked and required a password to enter. Only users who are trusted and added to the "Believers" group may receive the password.
  • At 2:30 PM, the player Wolfcat created a thread titled "What's up, spookboys", introducing himself to the Astral Observatory members. Several of them replied to this thread:

10/31/18 - "What's up, spookboys" - Wolfcat


  • The Astral Observatory members welcome the new players with open arms.
  • Nocta refers to the player Jos as "detective", implying that he knows of the Internet Detectives player group.
  • At 4:20 PM, the player Jos created a thread titled "Hehe how funny...", sharing a strange "Princess Peach" fetish video he found online.

10/31/18 - "Hehe how funny..." - Jos


  • Moonman claims that the player Jos is "on some weird shit".
  • At 4:53 PM, the player Jos created a thread titled "What are your thoughts about visitors?", asking for opinions on aliens.

10/31/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • The player Jos brings up the topic of aliens. NotAHoax chips in, claiming that aliens are indeed real and that the United States government is keeping their existence a secret.
  • At an unknown time, the player Dense's post in the "" thread which contained the translated description of the video "J J S K K N V G H" was edited by Nocta. The contents from the post were completely removed and replaced with ".".
  • At 5:16 PM, Nocta sent the user Dense a PM on the Astral Observatory forums which read "I would stop while you are ahead.".
  • At 5:48 PM, the player Wolfcat discovered that a new announcement had been posted on the front page of titled "New users".

10/31/18 - Announcement -


  • Nocta addresses the players joining the forums. He tells the other users to welcome the players, but to keep an eye on them and not reveal any secretive information.
  • Nocta seems willing to indoctrinate the players rather than outright banning them.
  • At 5:57 PM, players discovered that the front page of had changed. The page was now titled "The timer (won’t) reset" and contained an image of a moon with occasional flashes of a smiling face appearing titled "infinitecycle.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "brokencycles.ogg". target=_blank
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the front page of had changed. The page appeared exactly the same, but the audio file had changed from "brokencycles.ogg" to "brokencycles.mp3". Despite the different file extension, these two tracks were exactly the same.
  • At 10:24 PM, players discovered that Tyler had uploaded a new video the Silentdork YouTube channel - "experiments". target=_blank

10/31/18 - "experiments" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Video I recorded about a week before the last one that came out all messed up in my phone and I could not get it to work. But I checked my phone today and suddenly it works now. Must be that Samhain magic I guess. I have not messed with the sign much more since that point. I have been waiting for that guy I hung out with last time to come back again so maybe I could try and see if he would like to help me try a few Ideas I have had with it. Also seems to have come back since then, but Archive guy never emailed me or anything like he said he would. Not sure what the deal is with that but I assume he is probably just really busy. The cult main site is not back however and idk what the deal is with that."
  • Tags: N/A

November 1st, 2018

  • At 10:35 AM, the player Wolfcat created a thread titled "MKUltra", asking about the MKUltra experiments.

11/1/18 - "MKUltra" - Wolfcat


  • The player Wolfcat asks about the MKUltra experiments. NotAHoax chips in, claiming that it is connected to aliens.
  • At 12:26 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "" thread once again.

11/1/18 - "" - moonman31


  • NotAHoax claims that they have no connections to and have never heard of it before.
  • Yuukichan says that the players will learn the Astral Observatory's "truths" if they stick around.
  • Nocta claims he doesn't like where the thread is heading and locks it.
  • At 12:34 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Idk if this happened to you guys..." created by the player Jos on October 31st, 2018.

11/1/18 - "Idk if this happened to you guys..." - Jos


  • The player Jos brings up the subject of ghosts. NotAHoax believes that ghosts are a manifestation of our souls - something that aliens do not possess.
  • Moonman31 jokes about NotAHoax's conspiracy theories.
  • At 5:48 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/1/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • The players and NotAHoax casually speculate about the existence of aliens.

November 2nd, 2018

  • At 7:22 PM, the player Jos discovered that Tyler was hosting a livestream on the Silentdork YouTube channel titled "testing testing 123". target=_blank

11/2/18 - "testing testing 123" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "never live streamed before but some spanis hfriends pm'd me about a live stream or something so I thought "hey got some stuff to talk about why not live stream for the first time ever" this is a test however. Thought it was cute might delete later"
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 7:42 PM, the player Wolfcat discovered that Tyler was hosting another livestream on the Silentdork YouTube channel titled "First live stream: general talk". target=_blank

11/2/18 - "First live stream: general talk" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

November 3rd, 2018

  • At 8:50 AM, the player F.N created a thread titled "Brand New", introducing themselves to the forums.

11/3/18 - "Brand New" - F.N


  • Yuukichan welcomes the player "F.N" to the forums. The player then quickly changes their username to "CelestialLight".
  • At 1:39 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Paranormal Encounter" created by the player F.N on November 2nd, 2018.

11/3/18 - "Paranormal Encounter" - F.N


  • Yuukichan believes that ghosts are real and claims to have been around them ever since she was young.
  • At 5:35 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • NotAHoax confirms that he is a believer of the "Majestic 12" conspiracy theory, explaining the "M12" in his username.
  • NotAHoax reveals that he grew up in New Mexico, where he witnessed "visitors" take away his mother. He claims that the next day, his father was taken as well. Since then, he's been searching for the truth and wishes to expose the government's lies.
  • At 5:39 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "Idk if this happened to you guys..." - Jos


  • Yuukichan reiterates her belief in ghosts.
  • At 11:37 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "MKUltra" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "MKUltra" - Wolfcat


  • Yuukichan assures the player Jos that he is not crazy and attempts to make him feel welcome in the Astral Observatory.
  • At 11:47 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "AAAAH WE'RE BAAAACK" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "AAAAH WE'RE BAAAACK" - Yuukichan


  • Yuukichan explains that Samuel_Charleston is not her biological grandfather, but just an elderly member of the forums. She claims that he doesn't have a family anymore.
  • At 11:48 PM, the player Dense created a thread titled "G O O D MUSIC", urging users to post their favorite songs.

11/3/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • NotAHoax shares the song "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash. target=_blank

November 4th, 2018

  • At 12:29 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • Nocta claims that the purpose of the Astral Observatory is to "break the veil" and find the truth.

November 5th, 2018

  • At 1:41 PM, the player Deadhead created a thread titled "Moon Children", hoping to learn how much the Astral Observatory members know about the Moon Children.

11/5/18 - "Moon Children" - Deadhead


  • The player Deadhead creates a thread about the Moon Children hoping to learn if the Astral Observatory members are aware of them.
  • NotAHoax and Yuukichan appear to be unaware of the Moon Children, though they appear somewhat interested.
  • At 2:22 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • The player Wolfcat jokingly posts a screenshot of a forum bot named "Majestic-12 [Bot]". NotAHoax believes it to be real.
  • At 2:29 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

11/5/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • NotAHoax shares another song he enjoys - "Harvest Moon" by Neil Young.
  • At 2:41 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "My Introduction" created by the player CelestialLight on November 4th, 2018.

11/5/18 - "My Introduction" - CelestialLight


  • NotAHoax welcomes the player CelestialLight to the forums.
  • At 2:45 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "MKUltra" thread once again.

11/5/18 - "MKUltra" - Wolfcat


  • NotAHoax welcomes the player Jos to the Astral Observatory.
  • At 2:57 PM, the players discovered that Nocta had made a post in the locked "The Truth" board on the Astral Observatory forums. Because this post was made in a locked board, it is unknown what its contents were.
  • At 7:23 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Paranormal Encounter" thread once again.

11/5/18 - "Paranormal Encounter" - F.N


  • Yuukichan explains that her first encounter with ghosts occurred when her mother began writing on the walls.


  • Files:
  • A photo sent by Yuuki of her walls covered in her mother's writings: target=_blank

November 6th, 2018

  • At 12:48 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Hellooo" created by the player CircleHunter on November 5th, 2018.

11/6/18 - "Hellooo" - CircleHunter


  • The player CircleHunter introduces himself to the forums.
  • Nocta identifies CircleHunter as an Internet Detective and a former member of Within Hubris. Yuukichan refers to CircleHunter as a "ben drowned guy", implying the Astral Observatory members are aware of not only the Internet Detectives, but a fair amount of history regarding Within Hubris and "Ben Drowned" as well.
  • At 12:58 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "What are your thoughts about visitors?" thread once again.

11/3/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos


  • The Astral Observatory members ponder the existence of aliens within the universe.
  • Updates

    • Files:
    • An "X-Files" image with text reading "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE" sent by Moonman: target=_blank
  • At 1:01 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Paranormal Encounter"" thread once again.

11/6/18 - "Paranormal Encounter" - F.N


  • Yuukichan fears she scared away the rest of the users after posting the photo of her mother's writings.
  • At 1:04 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "My Introduction" thread once again.

11/6/18 - "My Introduction" - CelestialLight


  • Yuukichan welcomes the player CelestialLight to the forums.
  • At 1:05 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

11/6/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • Yuukichan shares the opening of the anime "Parasyte". target=_blank
  • Nocta shares the song "Old Lace (To John)" by Emily Bindiger. This is the same song that can be heard in the background of the Greth Vlogs video "never sleeping". target=_blank

November 7th, 2018

  • At 12:58 PM, NotAHoax created a thread titled "Harvard Agrees: They're Out There".

11/7/18 - "Harvard Agrees: They're Out There" - NotAHoax_M12


  • NotAHoax links to an online news article relating to aliens.

November 11th, 2018

  • At 12:02 AM, the player Wolfcat discovered that the front page of had changed. This page was now titled "tlopa" and contained a purple, distorted image of Greth smiling titled "pqbxh.gif". target=_blank This page also contained a distorted audio track titled "fillicaelo.mp3", which roughly translates to "Child of the sky". target=_blank
  • At 2:44 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

11/6/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • Nocta shares a link to a video he has uploaded on his own personal YouTube channel featuring the song "Sky Children" by Kaleidoscope. This is the same song that appeared on the recent update.
  • The video shared by Nocta is titled "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope". See below for more information. Through this YouTube channel, Nocta's real name is revealed - "Kevin Hendricks". This implies that Kevin is somehow related to Kayd Hendricks.
  • At 2:44 AM, Nocta shared a new video titled "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" on a yet undiscovered YouTube channel titled "Kevin Hendricks". target=_blank target=_blank

11/11/18 - "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" - YouTube (Kevin Hendricks)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: ((This video's description contained the lyrics heard in the song "Sky Children" by Kaleidoscope))
  • Expand

    Kaleidoscope Lyrics

  • Tags: "he, was, never, safe"
  • At 3:06 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Cryptids" created by the player CircleHunter on November 6th, 2018.

11/11/18 - "Cryptids" - CircleHunter


  • Nocta expresses interest in internet-based cryptids. Moonman is excited to discuss Slenderman.
  • At 5:42 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "A N I M E" thread once again.

11/11/18 - "A N I M E" - Yuukichan


  • Moonman discusses anime with the players and calls the user "Darkzero" a cuck for their comments regarding the anime "Kemono Friends".
  • At 5:43 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Harvard Agrees: They're Out There" thread once again.

11/11/18 - "Harvard Agrees: They're Out There" - NotAHoax_M12


  • Moonman jokes about the "veil" growing thick.
  • At 10:44 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Moon Children" thread once again.

11/11/18 - "Moon Children" - Deadhead


  • Moonman mentions that people online have always been interested in the Moon Children, implying that he's known of them for quite some time.
  • At 10:57 PM, Moonman began chatting with the player Wolfcat through PM's.

11/11/18 - Chat with Moonman - Astral Observatory Forums (PM's)


  • Moonman offers the players something that he believes they might want - a brightened clip from the video "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" titled "mask of truth". See below for more details.
  • At 11:05 PM, Moonman shared the video "mask of truth" which was uploaded to his own YouTube channel - a previously undiscovered account named "moonman". target=_blank target=_blank

11/11/18 - "mask of truth" - YouTube (moonman)


  • This video is a short clip of "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" that has been brightened. Tyler can faintly be seen, revealing that he was present at whatever ritual was taking place in Nocta's footage.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

November 12th, 2018

  • At 12:58 PM, Moonman began chatting with the player Wolfcat in PM's once again.

11/12/18 - Chat with Moonman - Astral Observatory Forums (PM's)


  • Moonman offers to answer three questions:
  • When asked if Nocta is the same Kevin known as Regiminis, Moonman answers "In a way, yes.".
  • When asked if the footage involving Tyler and Greth's car from "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" was recorded after 2015, Moonman answers "Yes.".
  • When asked of Nocta is "The Watcher", Moonman replies "No idea.".
  • At 4:03 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

11/12/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • Moonman shares a Vaporwave track he enjoys titled "Private Caller" by Saint Pepsi. target=_blank
  • At 5:43 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Ok, this is important." created by the player Jos on November 4th, 2018.

11/12/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos


  • The player Jos claims that he is currently on the run after his family completely disappeared. Moonman suggests contacting the police for help.
  • Moonman calls the player AMGain an edgelord after they suggest Jos take a hostage.
  • At 6:00 PM, a new user named "Kaiden_Zoromichi" joined the Astral Observatory forums and posted a thread titled "I have returned.". His avatar appears to be his own original character from the "Kingdom Hearts" series - an anime-esque character wearing a black cloak. target=_blank Kaiden_Zoromichi appears to be a returning user to the forums, and he has already been added to the "Believers" group.

11/12/18 - "I have returned." - Kaiden_Zoromichi


  • The members of the Astral Observatory welcome Kaiden_Zoromichi back to the forums.
  • It's implied that there was once a "Roleplay" board on the forums, but Kaiden and Yuukichan were the only ones who ever used it.
  • It's implied that Moonman and Kaiden are not on very good terms with one another.
  • At 7:25 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Ok, this is important." thread once again.

11/12/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos


  • Kaiden is skeptical of the player Jos's story.
  • Moonman claims that Kaiden has crafted an entire backstory surrounding his original character.
  • At 11:15 PM, Moonman sends the player Wolfcat a PM that reads "I may be interested in chatting further, but it needs to be away from here, and no where that eyes know of- not your discord or skype groups you boys have advertised those too frequently.".

November 13th, 2018

  • At 2:33 PM, Nocta sent the player ARGdov a PM on the Astral Observatory forums titled "What game is it you play, ARGDov" that read "I would like to know. I've been told you haven't been with the Detectives for some time."
  • At 7:00 PM, the player Wolfcat sends Moonman a PM on the Astral Observatory forums, asking "Would a newly created discord server work? The only people in it are about five others that I closely trust, other Internet Detectives who are on these forums..
  • At 8:15 PM, Moonman responded to the player Wolfcat's PM on the Astral Observatory forums with "should work just fine".
  • At 8:26 PM, a separate Discord server named "Safehaven" was created. The player Wolfcat sent Moonman an invite link to this Discord server in a PM on the Astral Observatory forums.
  • At 8:34 PM, Moonman joined the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players. Moonman's Discord avatar was an image of the character "Mac Tonight" in a digital, vaporwave-esque environment. target=_blank

11/13/18 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman is well aware of "Ben Drowned" and the story surrounding the Moon Children. He also knows of Tyler, Matt, and the players as well.
  • Moonman says that the rest of the Astral Observatory forum-goers don't know the full history of "Ben Drowned" and the Moon Children - only he and Nocta do.
  • Moonman claims he is physically incapable of answering certain questions for some unknown reason. He is also unable to tell us what is in "The Truth" board.
  • Moonman says that his inability to speak about certain things is not caused by Nocta.
  • Moonman says he's been a member of the Astral Observatory since its creation, which he claims was in July of 2018.
  • Moonman simply describes Samuel Charleston as an "older dude who posts on the forums". He isn't sure why he's been absent lately.
  • Moonman knows of Greth, but he is unable to tell us how.
  • Moonman saw Tyler's recent livestream, but he doesn't know anything about the red "R" mask that was shown.
  • At 8:38 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Does anyone have/ever tried to do a Tulpa?" created by the player Jos on November 12th, 2018.

11/13/18 - "Does anyone have/ever tried to do a Tulpa?" - Jos


  • The players discuss the concept of tulpas. NotAHoax doesn't know what the players are talking about.
  • At 8:39 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "I have returned." thread once again.

11/13/18 - "I have returned." - Kaiden_Zoromichi


  • NotAHoax welcomes Kaiden back to the forums.

November 14th, 2018

  • At 4:10 PM, the player ARGdov sent Nocta a PM on the Astral Observatory forums claiming that he was no longer a member of the Internet Detectives and that he now truly wished to discover the truth.

11/14/18 - ARGdov's PM - Astral Observatory Forums (PM's)

  • At 5:25 PM, Moonman briefly chatted with the players in the Safehaven Discord server.

11/14/18 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman informs the players that he is currently stoned.

November 16th, 2018

  • At 7:54 PM, Nocta replied to the player ARGdov's message with a PM on the Astral Observatory forums that read "How far does your curiosity go?".

November 17th, 2018

  • At 6:44 PM, the player ARGdov replied to Nocta's message with a PM on the Astral Observatory forums explaining that he wishes to learn to real truth behind all the recent going-on's.

11/17/18 - ARGdov's PM - Astral Observatory Forums (PM's)

November 19th, 2018

  • At 9:18 PM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

11/19/18 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman describes his inability to speak about certain subjects as a "spooky-ooky thing".
  • Moonman claims to have met other members of the Astral Observatory in person.

November 20th, 2018

  • At 9:46 AM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

11/20/18 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman reveals that he was a member of the Internet Detectives in 2016. During this time, he spoke to Jeremy on Skype - just like the players did during The Truth Arc. He also claims to own the "Moon Magic" book seen in the Greth Vlogs video "never sleeping", heavily implying that he is Greth.
  • Moonman claims that Nocta would know Thomas - Kayd's friend. This further connects Nocta "Kevin Hendricks" and Kayd Hendricks.
  • Moonman says that the "Truth Seekers" group on the Astral Observatory forums is simply a moderator group and is nothing special.
  • At 7:07 PM, Nocta sent the player ARGdov a PM on the Astral Observatory forums asking if he would like to become friends.
  • At 7:10 PM, ARGdov replied to Nocta's message with a PM on the Astral Observatory forums accepting Nocta's offer.

November 22nd, 2018

  • At 11:30 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Cryptids" thread once again.

11/22/18 - "Cryptids" - CircleHunter


  • Yuukichan jokes with the players about the Pokemon series.
  • At 11:36 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Spirit World" created by the player CelestialLight on November 5th, 2018.

11/22/18 - "Spirit World" - CelestialLight


  • Yuukichan mentions that there are people who believe that realms beyond our own reality can be access through the parallelos. This reveals that she has a basic understanding of the Lunar Children concept of the "parallelos".

November 23rd, 2018

  • At 2:23 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Ok, this is important." thread once again.

11/23/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos


  • Kaiden claims that Moonman is simply making fun of him in reference to his OC's backstory.

November 24th, 2018

  • At 12:09 PM, the player Zero discovered that was completely offline.
  • At 2:29 PM, the player Deadhead discovered that was once again online. The site now contained a new announcement on the front page titled "Website temporarily down, but we’re back.".

11/24/18 - Announcement -


  • Nocta explains that was offline for a brief time due to a sudden DDOS attack. He claims it would be easy to blame the players for this attack, but he isn't completely sure it was them.
  • This post contained bolded letters that spelled out "he is trapped".
  • At 2:37 PM, the player Jos created a topic on the Astral Observatory forums titled "Page suspended".

11/24/18 - "Page suspended" - Jos


  • Kaiden believes that the players are partially responsible for the DDOS attack on
  • At 3:18 PM, the player Jos discovered a new page on - "". This page was titled "trapped" and contained an image of a pained Greth titled "trapped.gif". target=_blank This page also contained a rendition of the "Astral Observatory" theme from Majora's Mask titled "astral.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 3:55 PM, the player Wolfcat discovered that the audio "astral.mp3" hid the text "what do you think you can do to save them" in its source code.
  • At 5:36 PM, Nocta joined the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players. He had no avatar.

11/24/18 - Chat with Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Nocta claims that the players cannot change anything, and all they're doing is worrying his friends.
  • Nocta implies that the players have only been given information from one side of the story and they assume to much.
  • At 8:41 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Ok, this is important." thread once again.

11/24/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos


  • Kaiden implies that he will share his odd past experiences with the players. It's likely Kaiden is simply referring to his past roleplaying adventures, however.

November 26th, 2018

  • At 1:44 PM, Moonman and Nocta became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players. Many messages in this chat were deleted before they could be properly archived, so a simple approximation is given in their place.

11/26/18 - Chat with Moonman and Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman and Nocta have a brief argument. Moonman tells Nocta that no one is enemies with one another, but Nocta simply calls him an idiot.
  • Moonman asks Nocta if he can just "let it go". Nocta says he can't and leaves the Safehaven Discord server.
  • Moonman claims that the situation isn't exactly what we believe it to be. Moonman believes that his life may now be in danger.
  • Moonman believes that there may be a traitor among the Internet Detectives.
  • Moonman is able to reveal more to us now. He believes that the more we discover on our own, the more he is able to speak about.
  • Moonman confirms that he is indeed Greth, but he never made "Greth Vlogs". He also claims that the Greth seen in the image on the front page of is not him. This means that Moonman and the other members of the Astral Observatory are from a separate timeline. Players commonly refer to Moonman's timeline as the "Astral Timeline", while they call their own timeline the "Prime Timeline".
  • Moonman claims that there are some "dark things" happening within the Astral Observatory behind the scenes, and he is frustrated because he believes he may be too late to stop it.
  • Moonman reveals that he no longer has access to "The Truth" board on the Astral Observatory forums. The password has been changed, and he has not been given the new one. He reveals that the previous password was "pqbxhtlopa" - the two ciphers that were previously discovered on
  • Moonman notices that a post has been deleted from "The Truth" board on the Astral Observatory forums, but he doesn't know what post it was since he no longer has access to that board.
  • Moonman recalls submitting the "New Wave Bossa Nova" on, implying that the Astral and Prime timelines are fairly similar at some points.
  • Moonman begins acting oddly as he is seemingly attacked by an entity. He posts strange messages such as "EVERYTHING IS TYLER AND NOTHING IS TYLE" and begins deleting his own posts. When asked who is doing this to him, he reacts to one of his own messages with an alien emoji, implying that "The Watcher" is responsible.
  • The player Wolfcat submits the "Bow and Arrow" from Majora's Mask, resulting in Moonman returning to normal.
  • The player Jos submits "Epona's Song", resulting in Moonman leaving with someone who was knocking at his door.
  • At 4:41 PM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players once again.

11/26/18 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman explains that someone came to his house and he felt the need to leave with them. This was likely a strange effect caused by "Epona's Song".
  • Moonman says that he's safe - he just felt the strange urge to leave with the person who visited him.

November 29th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, Nocta sent the player ARGdov a PM on the Astral Observatory forums that read "Just keep an open mind to possibilities and we will get along well.".
  • At 1:42 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "A N I M E" thread once again.

11/11/18 - "A N I M E" - Yuukichan


  • Kaiden confesses that he watches anime to no-one's surprise.
  • At 1:45 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Kingdom Hearts" created by the player Wolfcat on November 14th, 2018.

11/29/18 - "Kingdom Hearts" - Wolfcat


  • Kaiden confesses that he plays "Kingdom Hearts" to no-one's surprise. He claims that Yuukichan is also a fan of the series.
  • At 1:46 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "My Little Pony" created by the player Wolfcat on November 2nd, 2018.

11/29/18 - "My Little Pony" - Wolfcat


  • Kaiden reveals that he's a fan of "My Little Pony" to no-one's surprise.
  • At 1:49 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

11/12/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense


  • Kaiden shares the song "Venice Rooftops" from the video game "Assassin's Creed II". target=_blank
  • At 1:52 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Video Games" created by the player Darkzero on November 16th, 2018.

11/29/18 - "Video Games" - Darkzero


  • Kaiden claims he is currently playing through two Zelda titles - "A Link to the Past" and "Ocarina of Time". He also claims he has a YouTube channel where he wishes to speedrun them sometime.
  • At 1:54 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Magic" created by the player CelestialLight on November 23rd, 2018.

11/29/18 - "Magic" - CelestialLight


  • Kaiden ponders if time travel could be considered magic or science.
  • At 1:56 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Art" created by the player CelestialLight on November 13th, 2018.

11/29/18 - "Art" - CelestialLight


  • Kaiden expresses his resentment for Moonman.
  • At 2:00 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Hehe how funny..." thread once again.

11/29/18 - "Hehe how funny..." - Jos


  • Kaiden insults Moonman for his use of drugs.
  • At 11:13 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Ok, this is important." thread once again.

11/24/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos


  • Nocta urges the players to keep discussion within the topic civil.

November 30th, 2018

  • At 9:30 PM, the player ARGdov responded to Nocta's message on the Astral Observatory forums with a PM that reiterated his eagerness to learn the truth.

January 11th, 2019

  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "Escape p.2". target=_blank

1/11/19 - "Escape p.2" - Greth Vlogs


  • This video seems to be a recording of Greth travelling to the hiking trail where he met Tyler following the video "Escape".
  • A woman can be heard speaking to Greth while he's driving. This is likely his girlfriend, who was mentioned in a previous Greth Vlogs video.
  • This video ends with an image of Moonman. This image coupled with the description implies that Moonman somehow leaked this video to the players.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "You weren't supposed to have this"
  • Tags: N/A

January 21st, 2019

  • At 12:20 AM, Yuukichan created a thread titled "Haunted houses".

1/21/19 - "Haunted houses" - Yuukichan


  • Yuukichan asks if anyone's ever been to a place that lets them interact with ghosts.

January 26th, 2019

  • At 1:09 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Haunted houses" thread once again.

1/21/19 - "Haunted houses" - Yuukichan


  • Yuukichan claims to have recently visited a haunted location. She says "It wasn't just any old house... But it *was* an old house", implying that it may have been her childhood home where her mother was seemingly haunted by spirits.
  • Yuukichan says that her experience at this haunted location was eye-opening and it "awakened me further to The Truth in ways I never hoped", implying that she witnessed something disturbing related to the paranormal.
  • Yuukichan claims to have taken photos at the haunted house, but she doesn't have access to them at the moment.

January 27th, 2019

  • At 11:42 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Haunted houses" thread once again.

1/21/19 - "Haunted houses" - Yuukichan


  • Yuukichan is frustrated that her photos are corrupted and cannot be sent. She claims "I wish I could will things into existence". The "i" in "existence" in this sentence is a link that redirects players to a new page on See below for more details.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the "i" in the word "existence" in Yuukichan's newest post on the Astral Observatory forums linked to a new page on - "". This page was titled "case file" and contained the image that rapidly flashed photos of an old house titled "hh.gif". target=_blank This page also contained a piano theme titled "mater.mp3", which is Latin for "Mother". target=_blank The mentions of "mother" and the contents of "hh.gif" seem to imply that these photos are the ones Yuukichan took.
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the audio file "mater.mp3" contained a voice whispering "stop" at the end in reverse.

January 30th, 2019

  • At 12:52 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Timelines and time travel" created by the player Mercury on January 26th, 2019.

1/30/19 - "Timelines and time travel" - Mercury


  • The players discuss time travel. Kaiden scoffs at them, claiming to have experienced time travel personally.
  • The players ask Kaiden to explain his experiences with time travel. He claims he will in an upcoming YouTube series, implying that perhaps he's simply referring to his past roleplaying adventures rather than actual time travel.
  • At 6:47 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Art" thread once again.

11/29/18 - "Art" - CelestialLight


  • Yuukichan and Kaiden praise the player Jos's fanart.

January 31st, 2019

  • At 11:20 PM, players discovered that the Greth Vlogs account had left a comment on the video "Escape p.2" that read "upon several worlds did these men stumble, each world only slight less and more than the last. inviting themselves into these folds allowed their conscious too see her".

February 1st, 2019

  • At 11:59 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "The Hidden Truth" created by the player CelestialLight on November 12th, 2018.

2/1/19 - "The Hidden Truth" - CelestialLight


  • NotAHoax claims that politics are a staged chess game played by aliens. Moonman agrees, though it's unclear how serious he is.
  • At 3:01 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Moon Children" thread once again.

2/1/19 - "Moon Children" - Deadhead


  • NotAHoax compliments the player Dawn, saying that he is a natural born leader.
  • At 3:46 PM, the player Jos discovered that the page "" had been added to the list of redirects.
  • At 3:53 PM, the player Jos discovered that the avatar used for the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel had changed into an upside down image of Greth's face with a purple tint. target=_blank
  • At 6:59 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "The Weather And Will Power" created by the player CelestialLight on January 30th, 2019.

2/1/19 - "The Weather And Will Power" - CelestialLight


  • Moonman shares an image of the super villain "Weather Wizard" and links to the vaporwave track "天気予報 - 雰囲気". target=_blank
  • At 8:11 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Art" thread once again.

2/1/19 - "Art" - CelestialLight


  • The players call Yuukichan their friend, embarrassing her.

February 4th, 2019

  • At an unknown time, the player ARGdov was promoted to the "Believer" group on the Astral Observatory forums, signifying that he had gained Nocta's trust.
  • At 12:34 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "do you have any alien proof?" created by the player Jos on February 3rd, 2019.

2/3/19 - "do you have any alien proof?" - Jos


  • The player Jos claims to have proof that aliens exist. NotAHoax asks Jos for this proof.

February 5th, 2019

  • At 12:02 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Aliens Spotted" created by the player CelestialLight on February 4th, 2019.

2/5/19 - "Aliens Spotted" - CelestialLight


  • Nocta locks the thread for being redundant and the excessive arguing within it.
  • At 12:14 AM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

2/4/19 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman informs the players that ARGdov has been accepted into the "Believers" group on the Astral Observatory forums, meaning he should onw have access to "The Truth" board.
  • Moonman claims that the player CelestialLight has also been added to the "Believers" group and has access to "The Truth" board. Moonman says this is highly unusual for multiple users to be added to the "Believers" group at once.
  • Moonman says that Nocta is watching closely to see if any info gets leaked from "The Truth" board. This is how he will know if ARGdov and CelestialLight are truly trustworthy or not.
  • Moonman confirms that he was the one who uploaded the "Escape p.2" video to Greth Vlogs.
  • Moonman tells the players to keep an eye on Yuukichan, saying "Something is not good there".
  • At 12:35 AM, Nocta sent the player ARGdov a PM on the Astral Observatory forums that read "I’ve been watching. I have recently removed some sensitive material from The Truth, but you now have access to this forum which is mostly empty, for now. The current password is 'mindconstruct'. I change it every time new material is posted in there.".
  • At 12:37 AM, the player ARGdov gained access to "The Truth" board on the Astral Observatory forums and discreetly leaked its contents to the players:
  • A thread titled "Internet Detectives" created by Nocta on November 5th, 2018, at 2:57 PM. This topic contained only a single post that read "[original post has been pruned]- nocta".
  • A thread titled "Welcoming a new brother into our fold." posted by Nocta on February 5th, 2019 at 12:15 AM.

2/5/19 - "Welcoming a new brother into our fold." - Source


  • Nocta welcomes the player ARGdov to "The Truth" board on the Astral Observatory forums. He tasks the other members of the Astral Observatory with teaching ARGdov their ways.
  • Moonman is present in the thread, implying that he was given permission to re-enter "The Truth" board. Moonman expresses his confusion over two users being promoted at once.
  • At 12:38 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Haunted houses" thread once again.

2/5/19 - "Haunted houses" - Yuukichan


  • The player thetraveler posts the image "hh.gif". Yuukichan confirms that these are the photos she took while at her mother's haunted house.
  • At 10:58 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Webcomic General" created by the player ADULT_LINK on February 4th, 2019.

2/5/19 - "Webcomic General" - ADULT_LINK


  • The Astral Observatory members discuss webcomics with the players. NotAHoax enjoys "Perry Bible Fellowship", whereas Yuukichan is a fan of "Homestuck".
  • At 12:07 PM, the player Wolfcat message Yuukichan on the Astral Observatory forums with a PM that read "Hey, this is just something I was wondering after seeing the haunted house thread. Forgive me if this is a personal question, but is the haunted house you visited the same house that had the writing on the walls? The one you posted a picture of a while back?

February 11th, 2019

  • At 9:43 PM, Yuukichan responded to the player Wolfcat's message on the Astral Observatory forums with a PM that contained the phrase "the woods" repeated 110 times.

March 2nd, 2019

  • At 10:49 AM, the player Jos discovered that the front page of had changed. The page was now titled "Go there" and contained a distorted image of Tyler titled "hitilp.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "future.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 10:54 AM, players discovered a new page on - "". This page contained the audio file "misrem_old.mp3". target=_blank This page was titled "here" and contained the image "p_message_from.jpg". This image was a distorted photo of Hank Hubbard along with a piece of paper with Elder Futhark runes written on it. target=_blank These runes have been translated below:

3/2/19 - "p_message_from.png" Runes -

  • At 1:20 PM, players discovered that the image "p_message_from.jpg" could be opened by a .zip file manager to reveal three new files:
  • A video titled "t.mp4". target=_blank

3/2/19 - "t.mp4" -


  • Tyler is attacked by someone in his yard.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • A video titled "j.mp4". target=_blank

3/2/19 - "j.mp4" -


  • This is a heavily distorted video of someone sitting in a car.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • The image "messagefrom_.jpg", which featured more runes written down on a piece of paper. target=_blank

3/2/19 - "messagefrom_.jpg" -

March 10th, 2019

  • At 8:58 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "What Happened to Everyone?" created by the player CelestialLight on March 9th, 2019.

3/10/19 - "What Happened to Everyone?" - CelestialLight


  • Moonman chides the players for partaking in pointless drama and posts a link to a vaporwave track. target=_blank

March 19th, 2019

  • At 12:22 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread titled "Dragons" created by the player CelestialLight on March 10th, 2019.

3/19/19 - "Dragons" - CelestialLight


  • Nocta suggests that dragons could perhaps exist.

April 22nd, 2019

  • At an unknown time, the Astral Observatory forums became flooded with forum bots attempting to scam users.
  • At 1:44 PM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/22/19 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman explains that he's been laying low as of late. Nocta realized that the players had posted the contents of "The Truth" board on the Internet Detectives Tumblr, and he believes that Moonman is responsible. Nocta now does not trust Moonman at all.
  • Moonman says that Nocta still trusts the player ARGdov, which is the most important thing at the moment.
  • Moonman reveals that he was the one responsible for all the scambots on the Astral Observatory forums. He invited them so that they would slow Nocta down.
  • Moonman reveals that there is a secret part of known as the "Subspace". The Subspace contains the Astral Observatory's secret cult-like information, whereas the Astral Observatory forums are more of a recruitment tool for new members.
  • Moonman says that Yuukichan, Kaiden, Nocta, and Samuel are a part of the "inner" Astral Observatory and partake in more cult-like activities.
  • Moonman has managed to hack into parts of the "Subspace" and retrieve some email snippets between Astral Observatory members. On April 23rd, 2019, something involving an "agent of Luna" bringing the "final piece of the puzzle" into place will occur. This will somehow involve the parallelos.
  • Moonman isn't sure what's wrong with Yuukichan. He believes she is conflicted on some things.
  • Moonman mentions that the "Subspace" is locked with a password - which he no longer knows.
  • Moonman mentions that members of the Astral Observatory can be referred to as "Astral Children".
  • Moonman reveals that there are two members of the Astral Observatory who have yet to return - IsocelesAssassin and an unnamed Spanish user.

April 23rd, 2019

  • At 5:45 AM, the player Jos discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "LevANnhUa". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "LevANnhUa" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This short video contains imagery of gates and a strange, green environment. The description implies that Tyler will be travelling somewhere.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Your time away from us has come to a close You are coming to see us now Final day Did you expect us to start counting for you? After the bridge, the next destination is the gate."
  • Tags: "Luna, Tyler, Mistake, Tenebris awaken, lostinforest"
  • At 6:15 AM, the player Pedropi3 discovered that Tyler was hosting a stream on the Silentdork YouTube channel titled "Good Morning". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "Good Morning" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "111111". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "111111" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 6:40 AM, Jos discovered that Tyler was once again hosting a livestream on the Silentdork YouTube channel titled "awake". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "awake" - YouTube (Silentdork)



  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 8:14 PM, the player Deadhead discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "sacredartifact.mp4". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "sacredartifact.mp4" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • The haunted Majora's Mask cartridge is shown in a wooded area.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 4:25 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "423". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "423" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • A man is praying before the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge, resulting in the mannequin-like entity that previously represented Drowned manifesting.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 5:50 PM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/23/19 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman has convinced someone within the inner circle of the Astral Observatory to leak him some videos. The video "sacredartifact.mp4" was one of these leaked videos. Moonman was able to hack into the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel to upload it.
  • Moonman believes that these videos have something to do with what the Astral Observatory members were discussing regarding an "agent of Luna" and the "final piece of the puzzle".
  • Moonman believes that Nocta may be following orders from someone or something from the players' timeline.
  • At 6:41 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "guidance.mp4". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "guidance.mp4" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • This video seems to be a continuation of the video "423". A man wearing a gas mask appears behind the mannequin-like "Drowned" entity and commands the kneeling man to rise.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 6:55 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "soon". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "soon" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video shows Alex along with text reading "We will show you were later" along with the "Detour Sign".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 7:04 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "g4". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "g4" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • Alex informs the players that Tyler has been taken somewhere. We will apparently be told where he has gone at a later point in time.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 7:48 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.". target=_blank

4/23/19 - "a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead." - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • This video contains more footage of the mannequin-like "Drowned" entity.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the boards on the Astral Observatory forums were no longer visible. Instead, there was text that read "Punish ye who have traitorous roots in holy soil".

April 24th, 2019

  • At 9:29 AM, the player Wolfcat discovered that the title of the video "Escape p.2" had changed to "joyous parallelos", and the description now read "I’m glad you have this.".

April 25th, 2019

  • At 11:51 AM, the player Wolfcat discovered that the text on the Astral Observatory forums had changed. Throughout the day, the text would periodically change:
  • 11:51 AM: "Did you think that would work?"
  • 11:58 AM: "That’s not going to work, either."
  • 11:58 AM: "The more you try, the more you will fail."
  • 12:11 PM: "It is amusing to see you flounder with every attempt, hacker. Whats secrets do you hope to gain from this?"
  • 12:29 PM: "020224 200414 14212411 0414152106162123"

April 30th, 2019

  • At 4:30 PM, players discovered that the text on the Astral Observatory forums had changed. Throughout the day, the text would periodically change:
  • 4:30 PM: "ON24 200414 14212411 0414152106162123"
  • 5:28 PM: "ON24 20A14 14212411 04141521061621D"
  • 7:52 PM: "ONE 20AS B212411 04141521061621D"

May 1st, 2019

  • At 8:48 PM, the player Jos discovered that the text on the Astral Observatory forums solved to the following: "ONE HAS BEEN ASCENDED".
  • At an unknown time, players discovered that the Astral Observatory forums had returned to normal.

May 17th, 2019

  • At 9:02 PM, NotAHoax posted a thread titled "Man is this place dead or what?" on the Astral Obsevatory forums.

5/17/19 - "Man is this place dead or what?" - NotAHoax_M12


  • NotAHoax questions where the other Astral Observatory members went.

May 18th, 2019

  • At 8:47 AM, Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Man is this place dead or what?" thread once again.

5/18/19 - "Man is this place dead or what?" - NotAHoax_M12


  • NotAHoax finds it suspicious that the Astral Observatory members are gone.

June 5th, 2019

  • At 11:23 AM, Moonman became active in the Safehaven Discord server and began chatting with the players.

6/5/19 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Safehaven)


  • Moonman reveals that he's managed to hack into Nocta's account on the Astral Observatory forums.
  • Moonman claims he's about to "pull my final act of defiance".
  • At 11:59 AM, Moonman posted a thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "!?!" which simply read "be free internet detectives".
  • At 12:13 PM, players discovered that they had all been given moderator powers on the Astral Observatory forums. The following discoveries were made:
  • A thread created by Nocta in the "The Truth" board on November 12th titled "The History of Us". This thread was deleted and its contents could not be recovered.
  • A thread created by Nocta in the "The Truth" board titled "Test". This thread was deleted and its contents could not be recovered.
  • A thread created by Yuukichan titled "ascension". This thread was deleted, but its contents were recovered - a single post by Yuukichan that read "are you awake?". This reveals that Yuukichan was the one member of the Astral Observatory who was ascended.
  • At 12:17 PM, the player Jos deleted Moonman's "!?!" thread in an attempt to cover his trail.

Read the next arc!
