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SKM's avatar on Within Hubris.

Name SKM
Alias LiquidSaint
Affiliation Harbingers
Lunar Children (Spy)
Gender Male
Status Alive
Relations Max (Brother)

SKM is an extremely skilled hacker who has used his talents to oppose the Lunar Children and assist the players throughout the ARG. After his brother Max was tragically killed by the cult, SKM devoted his life to taking them down, infiltrating their ranks under the alias "LiquidSaint". Over the years, SKM was able to divulge many of the cult's secrets to the players while working alongside the friendly amalgamate known as Drowned. At some point after 2018, SKM seems to have entered into the Parallelos.



SKM was raised in Europe with his brother Max. While not much is known about his childhood, it is known that SKM developed an intense love for technology, becoming a skilled hacker over time. In 2011, SKM and Max travelled to the United States to visit their grandparents in Florida. His brother, Max, would often frequent Within Hubris, where he claimed to speak with BEN and Patrem. At the time, SKM simply wrote this off as silly online roleplaying. However, tragedy struck when Max was kidnapped by Patrem in a local Florida park. When SKM went to investigate, all he found was a camera containing a photograph of a distorted, purple mass.

From this point onwards, SKM devoted his life to taking down the Lunar Children. He began exploring various sites related to the cult, though he wasn't able to make much progress. In November of 2011, SKM was contacted by Tenebris going by the name BEN. Days later on Undecim Nocte 2011, the entity named Drowned escaped Tenebris's possession and hid inside SKM's computer, resulting in it combusting right in-front of him. When he came to, SKM discovered a text file left by Drowned that contained coordinates to the Lunar Children's base - the Fishery.

SKM's discovery at The Orchard.

At some point, SKM made contact with the Lunar Children and began undergoing an initiation process. Before SKM would be allowed to meet the cult at the fishery, he was tasked with travelling to the Moon Children's old base, The Orchard, and recording some masks left in an old building there. SKM carried out this task and retrieved the copy of the Libro Lunarus stolen by Alex years prior. For his success, SKM was allowed to meet with the cult on December 1st. Unfortunately, SKM was late to their meeting after having gotten lost in the surrounding forest. On December 2nd, SKM arrived at the fishery, which was now completely abandoned. However, he was still allowed to join and was gifted a gas mask in a briefcase for his services.

SKM later returned the Libro Lunarus to the cult and began assisting them with various technological projects. He continued this façade until 2013, when he attempted to destroy Patrem by downloading him into a laptop and destroying it. This attempt was unsuccessful, unfortunately, and likely resulted in SKM being outed as a traitor. At some point, SKM managed to rejoin the cult under the alias "LiquidSaint". One year later in 2014, SKM began working alongside the Hacker Group. Sadly, their alliance was cut short when SKM suddenly stopped contacting them - presumably as to not risk his "LiquidSaint" persona.

Assisting the Harbingers

In early 2015, SKM began observing the players directly, occasionally helping them from the shadows. On February 20th, 2015, SKM sent Drowned to chat with the players over Skype to distract Patrem. SKM did this again on May 14th, 2015, where he was able to use this opportunity to chat with the players directly on Within Hubris a few days later. Here, he divulged some important information to them before being forced to flee upon Patrem's return - though this, too, was implied to intentionally cause Patrem to over-exert himself, temporarily putting him out of commission. Around this time, SKM managed to remotely destroy Tyler's computer. This was done to force him to create an online account to store his files so that the players could contact him, resulting in the creation of Silentdork.

On May 19th, 2015, SKM hacked, locking off most of the site and replacing it with a taunting message. Later that night, he created a chatroom on Here, he was able to properly introduce himself to the players and chat freely. Throughout this conversation, he used Drowned to distract Regiminis by creating pages on However, Regiminis eventually became too much of a danger, resulting in the two of them being forced to leave, but not before giving the players the link to Silentdork. A few days later on May 21st, 2015, SKM informed the players on Within Hubris that Tyler would soon start uploading videos to YouTube. Shortly after this, Patrem threatened SKM, but his text was cut off as he was still damaged from SKM's previous attack. SKM seemingly used this opportunity to damage Patrem further, overloading him with data and trapping him in the "/key592" directory on

SKM's Lunar Children hack.

On May 28th, 2015, SKM chatted with the players on once again. Here, he explained his backstory with Patrem and Max to the players and gave them some behind-the-scenes information regarding some terminology that was currently being processed on Their conversation was cut short once again when SKM's alarm went off, implying Regiminis was nearing their location. The next day, SKM managed to get Tyler's electricity working once again, which the Lunar Children had just recently turned off.

On June 16th, 2015, SKM posted made an announcement on under the "Liquidsaint" persona praising the Lunar Child Daniel and discussing the site's buffed security. The next day, SKM made another announcement on linking to footage recorded during the Blood Moon Ritual. On July 7th, 2015, SKM announced on that he was currently preparing to travel back to Florida to work on the Lunar Children servers at the Fishery. Later that month on July 21st, he made another announcement addressing some rumors in which he denounced the idea that he was SKM and the existence of the Hacker Group.

On July 30th, 2015, players were linked to Drowned's YouTube channel - lostmemory423, which contained various recordings of SKM's past journeys. A few days later on August 3rd, 2015, SKM left Tyler a "Max Headroom" poster before travelling to The Spire in Ohio. Once he arrived, SKM was placed under heavy surveillance and was constantly being recorded. At The Spire, SKM continued his technical maintenance of Lunar Children networks, as evidenced by a post he made on August 15th where he mentioned he was working on the Lunar Children Forums.

Sometime, presumably around late October, SKM released Drowned from his computer who then managed to contact the players via the Remember.exe games. On November 2nd, 2015, SKM addressed some concerns in another Lunar Children announcement regarding some strange pages that recently appeared on their website. Days later on November 6th, SKM posted another announcement addressing some technical issues with the forums. Shortly after this, he began chatting with the players through another chatroom on Here, he confirmed to the players that he was Liquidsaint and allowed them access to the Lunar Children Forums, where they would be able to use their stolen Ocarina powers once more. This allowed the players to rescue Tyler on Undecim Nocte 2015, thwarting the Lunar Children's plans.


The failure of Undecim Nocte sparked chaos among the Lunar Children. On November 12th, 2015, Thoth could be seen frantically searching for SKM, questioning why the forums were currently not responsive. At some point after this, SKM was outed as a traitor by the cult, having been officially deemed one by Thoth in an announcement posted on March 2nd, 2016.

It was presumably around this time that both SKM and Drowned were captured by Regiminis. Drowned reached out to the players on Skype explaining that Regiminis was intending to trade them to Tenebris in exchange for John's spirit - John was Regiminis's original conduit, meaning once he regained possession of him, he would become far more powerful. Here, Drowned explicitly reveals that he is actually two souls merged into one - Ben and Max, which meant that SKM was unknowingly working alongside his missing brother all along.

Drowned reveals more of SKM's past to the players before implying that SKM was going to be given to Tenebris as well to be used as a host-body of sorts. In an attempt to hide Drowned and SKM, the players submitted the "Garo's Mask". This successfully hid SKM, sparing him from being used by Tenebris. Unfortunately, Drowned was unable to escape, once again being used as Tenebris's conduit. Not long after this, Tenebris seemingly used his newly expanded powers to revive

Continued Assistance

SKM did not make any appearances for over a year after this event. It is assumed that, at some point, he was reunited with Max's spirit which was no longer fused with Ben. On May 7th, 2018, a mysterious video appeared on Silentdork that seemed to be a message from SKM attempting to contact someone. Months later - presumably sometime near November, Tyler discovered a few objects outside his home including SKM's gas mask, a red mask with an "R" written on it, and a photograph of Hank and Diana. It is possible that SKM left these objects for Tyler to discover. SKM also stole Tyler's Bullet Necklace and presumably infused Max's spirit into it somehow.

SKM's image on

During Tyler's livestream on November 2nd, 2018, SKM can be seen sneaking into Tyler's room and retrieving his gas mask. Before he leaves, he returns the bullet necklace, asking Tyler to keep Max safe. At some point after this interaction, SKM entered into the Parallelos. Here, he managed to create a small camp where he could occasionally steal internet usage from a nearby building - this allowed him to speak through the IIIII account on Discord. When he first entered into the Parallelos, it is implied that Erika had a brief casual chat with him. However, not wanting to entertain disembodied voices, SKM ignored her.

While in the Parallelos, SKM seems to have befriended George - a friendly spirit who spoke to the players back in 2015. While George would go out in search of food, SKM seemed to continue experimenting with devices, having somehow tapped into the strange array of phonelines strewn across the Parallelos's highways. At some point, a strange individual that spoke in many voices approached SKM's camp in a "silly" manner, leaving a black and red flannel jacket behind. Unfortunately, SKM's chat with the players was cut short when the player Pako submitted the "Elegy of Emptiness".

After this, SKM's presence was seen in the Treeline Janus Room, where some of his past calls could be heard on a phone. These calls include SKM asking George for food and SKM regretting playing the game "Cyberpunk 2077" at his camp, as it supposedly ruined his equipment.


SKM is an incredibly intelligent individual - something that is evident from his hacking abilities and constant array of backup plans. He usually greets the players in a cheerful manner, cracking jokes with them and posting about video games despite his often dire situations. He speaks with a mixture of UK-slang and tech-heavy jargon.


A very important friend who has sadly been lost on us with time. What we see here is a reflection of something, a caricature. But I will still be happy to see him. One of the most frightening yet beautifully kind men one could ever know and this is all compliment really. We will make it lad.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to SKM.


5/16/15 - Chat with SKM - Within Hubris

SKM 12:13 AM: "I can't talk long but I am a friend. This encryption is good but not that good. /tyler"
Sengi 12:42 AM: "Yes, hello. Please give us an idea of what we need or can do right now if possible. Or at least explain the situation if you can"
Eve 12:49 AM: "It is what it is."
SKM 1:01 AM: "That purple bastard and his "neophyte" regimins can't see what I am saying for now but I have to be fast so you better be taking note. There is a lot going on right now you could not begin to understand, you guys really did it with that time jumping shit (who in the bloody hell gave you control of such dangerous shit?). Those 3 were never there to begin with, have you bothered to listen to the beginning of your "theme". The rabbit hole goes deep my friends. If things go as planned I will be setting up a secure communications point with you all on sometime between the 19th and 20th (yes in 2015 because the purple bastard can never be exact in his reference to time)"
Wolfcat 1:11 AM: "Who is this 'neophyte'?"
SKM 1:15 AM: "Well you will have to be a bit specific. He has had a handful of neophytes and "grand children"."
SKM 1:15 AM: "Ha I'm just pissing about. I know you are talking about ol regimipiss. Well all I know about him personally is that he wasn't always called that, regiminis I mean. He was dedicated really strongly to "The path of parallelos" and all the other various teachings of the lunar children. He was ready to die for the purple bastard. Then father vincent over at the fishery compound up and decided the kid was ready for ascension, by decree of the purple bastard himself."

Sengi 1:17 AM: "By those 3... Do you mean John, Tyler and jayckup or Mason, Doug and Vincent?"
Eve 1:39 AM: "You'll find, that the "Purple Bastard" has those who are Loyal to him."
SKM 1:49 AM: "Tl;dr, the 3 are jayckup, tyler and john."
SKM 1:49 AM: "I can't exactly get to into detail about this but when regiminis hijacked the "portal" as it has been called (the purple bastard is a bit silly with his need to mystify) and called it what he did, it was for a damn petty reason. But it is what it is, john is certainly no longer around and has not been since the accident on 11/11/11."
SKM 1:49 AM: "Tyler is perfectly fine at the moment. However, fuckery from the purple bastard and his children brigade has caused him to forget this whole mess. Worry not, I'll be doing some work soon to make him come out into the open again, just try not to scare the "broskino"."
SKM 1:49 AM: "I actually have no intel on this jayckup person other than he was closely associated with tyler and john and vanished some time before the 2011 accident, nor do I have any intel on mason. Doug is still around, but let us just say that a lot has changed since 2009."
SKM 1:49 AM: "I don't think you ever knew vincent before 2015, but I can't be sure since he wasn't always named vincent either and I have no intel on him before that. But since the 11/11/11 bs he has still been doing the same thing, being blissfully un aware of his role as purple bastard vessel (but a little fun fact I know that no one else does, he can't get the hell out of vincent either, and THAT is bloody hilarious XD )”
SKM 1:55 AM: "Times up, I hope you were taking note of this. See you all again soon hopefully."


  • This is SKM's first interaction with the players, taking place on Within Hubris. SKM introduces himself as an ally, giving the players information that clarifies the identities and history of characters who, at the time, had just been revealed - Regiminis, John, Jacob, and Tyler. This conversation gave the players some solid ground to stand on at the start of the Johnisdead Arc.
  • Shortly after this conversation, SKM edited all of his messages to read "Catch me if you can purple bastard XD" in response to Patrem coming online.

5/19/15 - Chat with SKM - (Safehaven)

<ADULT_LINK>: hello?
<SKM>: About bloody time
<ADULT_LINK>: sorry ._.
<SKM>: Hello there ^^
<Wolf>: Heyy
<SKM>: Glad you could make it
<GreyouTT>: Ey yo what up
<SKM>: Hello hello hello to all XD
<MugenKagemaru>: Ah, so YOU'RE SKM
<SKM>: That would be me captain edge
<MugenKagemaru>: ...
<MugenKagemaru>: I apologize for not being on hand during your last appearance.
<SKM>: Its fine its fine worry not
<ADULT_LINK>: So uh, whats goin on?
<SKM>: I run on a rather queer schedual
<ADULT_LINK>: Meh, thats fine
<SKM>: Well, a hell of a lot is going on to say the least.
<MugenKagemaru>: Eh, them's the breaks in this line of work
<MugenKagemaru>: Care to share?
<ADULT_LINK>: Ooh i can be green. sweet.
<GreyouTT>: Never heard the term queer used that way before, but whatevs
<SKM>: I have made a bit of progress on getting our old pal Tyler back in action.
<ADULT_LINK>: Oh yay
<MugenKagemaru>: Awright
<MugenKagemaru>: Care to elaborate?
<SKM>: I broke his computer XD
<ADULT_LINK>: :L how and why
<GreyouTT>: That seems...counterproductive
<MugenKagemaru>: And that was necessary because...?
<GreyouTT>: How's he gonna talk to us now?
<SKM>: Domino effect my friends
<ADULT_LINK>: Mugen, i doubt he meant to :L
<SKM>: I have been keeping a very close eye on the ol shazbot, and he has a lot of important drok he doesn't want to lose.
<ADULT_LINK>: drok?
<MugenKagemaru>: Dude, brah, too vague. What happened that made destroying his comp necessary?
<SKM>: drok=things
<ADULT_LINK>: ah, allright
<SKM>: sorry I usually talk with some friends who have a off colour dialect.
<ADULT_LINK>: That's fine. i like it
<MugenKagemaru>: It's cool
<ADULT_LINK>: sounds fun
<SKM>: He holds no memory of any of you
<SKM>: This is all thanks to the purple bastard

<MugenKagemaru>: Called it
<ADULT_LINK>: Hmm. so we should ease into talking to him again
<MugenKagemaru>: Albeit seconds in advance
<ADULT_LINK>: Don't want to scare the shit out of him
<GreyouTT>: Fuck that, BALLS TO THE WALL
<MugenKagemaru>: No Grey
<ADULT_LINK>: lol pls no
<MugenKagemaru>: We don't want a repeat of Doug
<MugenKagemaru>: Or Vincent
<ADULT_LINK>: doug was a dick tho
<SKM>: Purple bastard knew he would be of an importance
<SKM>: And wanted to keep him docile till he gets drezzed

<GreyouTT>: Doug? Doug went apeshit on his own
<MugenKagemaru>: Of course he did. Clever fuck
<ADULT_LINK>: anyways, i dont want tyler to flip his shit when we all start spamming him with questions
<MugenKagemaru>: Define Drezz plz?
<ADULT_LINK>: if we do that is
<GreyouTT>: Derezzed
<SKM>: killed
<MugenKagemaru>: Heh
<ADULT_LINK>: I like the way you talk
<MugenKagemaru>: BTW we saw your handiwork
<MugenKagemaru>: Nice one
<ADULT_LINK>: what?
<SKM>: Handi work?
<wolfcat22>: Nice hacker skillzzzzz
<MugenKagemaru>: The site
<SKM>: What are you refering to?
<MugenKagemaru>: Lunar Children?
<ADULT_LINK>: moogs yer gonna confuse him jeesus
<SKM>: Oh bloody hell XD
<SKM>: That

<MugenKagemaru>: Yeah
<MugenKagemaru>: We saw that.
<MugenKagemaru>: We approve
<SKM>: I was gonna show you that first
<SKM>: I guess one of those damn moving balls of code got antsy

<MugenKagemaru>: Saves the trouble XD
<ADULT_LINK>: Interesting chat site too
<ADULT_LINK>: i like it
<MugenKagemaru>: It's just Mibbit, Thorin
<ADULT_LINK>: yeah ik
<wolfcat22>: So this regipiss guy
<GreyouTT>: I take it tall dark and purple can't see this?
<SKM>: Ahhh yes the purple bastard XD
<MugenKagemaru>: He'll know soon sadly. Can't trust all of us, I'm sorry to say
<SKM>: Nope he doesn't know about this just yet
<SKM>: And even if he does

<ADULT_LINK>: if he does, fuk'im
<ADULT_LINK>: the sp00k lord aint fucking with me any more
<SKM>: He shant get through my encryption without giving setting off an alarm that will warn me to pack my bloody shit
<ADULT_LINK>: or us rather
<GreyouTT>: Noice
<MugenKagemaru>: ANyway
<MugenKagemaru>: About Regiminis
<SKM>: Right
<SKM>: Him
<SKM>: He is asstrums right hand man atm

<MugenKagemaru>: We figured
<ADULT_LINK>: lol asstrums
<MugenKagemaru>: Later, Thorin
<ADULT_LINK>: what
<MugenKagemaru>: Business before pleasure
<SKM>: any time is good for lels XD
<ADULT_LINK>: whaa?
<wolfcat22>: Hey, what happened on 11/11/11?
<SKM>: Ooooh pleasure
<SKM>: my my my

<MugenKagemaru>: Guys please
<SKM>: >11/11/11
<SKM>: >.>;

<MugenKagemaru>: We can fuck around after the mission
<MugenKagemaru>: But yes please tells us about Nov 11
<GreyouTT>: ( ?o ?? ?o)
<SKM>: Some bloody shit
<SKM>: thats what

<SKM>: To elaborate the best I can
<ADULT_LINK>: bad things?
<MugenKagemaru>: In entirety
<MugenKagemaru>: Hold nothing back
<ADULT_LINK>: dont boss him around
<GreyouTT>: I think they have a cream for that
<MugenKagemaru>: Our efficiency IS determined by how much we know
<SKM>: A ritual was to be performed that day.
<ADULT_LINK>: let the guy type
<ADULT_LINK>: jeesus
<wolfcat22>: Was this big Purple's ticket into Vincent?
<MugenKagemaru>: What ritual, exactly?
<totesnotagamejacker>: lel
<SKM>: Ascension, but not just of anyone. A few years prior to this they had one rather successful go at it.
<totesnotagamejacker>: ur all cacs
<MugenKagemaru>: Chris, AKA Nekko
<totesnotagamejacker>: I am a being
<totesnotagamejacker>: of great pinkness
<MugenKagemaru>: Ignore that one, SKM. You were saying?
<SKM>: I am a being
<SKM>: of great this
--- SKM has banned *!*

      • totesnotagamejacker was kicked by SKM (SKM)

<SKM>: My appologies
<MugenKagemaru>: ... OK, further than necessary but whatever
<MugenKagemaru>: Please do go on
<wolfcat22>: gamejacker got rekt
<SKM>: lels are good but I have little time to piss about now actually ^^;
<MugenKagemaru>: (facepalm) Dammit Thorin don't mess around like that
<SKM>: Appologies friend ^^;
<MugenKagemaru>: It's cool.
<SKM>: bu i am actually now pressed for time
<MugenKagemaru>: Purple bastard knocking?
<SKM>: Potentially
<MugenKagemaru>: Understood
<MugenKagemaru>: What do you know of a person called "Drown"?
<SKM>: Right
<SKM>: He is a legend that one
<SKM>: I have a bit of a contract with him so to speak

<GreyouTT>: Is his name Ben by chance
<MugenKagemaru>: Even if it was, he no longer recalls, Grey.
<SKM>: Not entirely sure what his name is to be fair.
<SKM>: Aside from some code (oct I think at the moment) that seems to say "Drowned"

<MugenKagemaru>: Is he at least safe? Last we heard, the purple bastard went after him.
SKM>: Me and this boy/creature/ai go way back
<GreyouTT>: AI?
<MugenKagemaru>: Possibly
<GreyouTT>: It's gotta be Ben then
<wickedlady4180>: 31071157 35667145 310
<SKM>: In my line of work, sentient entity that communicates only through electro drek = ai
<MugenKagemaru>: Don't leap to conclusions Grey
<wolfcat22>: Almost sounds like Mason
<GreyouTT>: Electro Drek?
<wolfcat22>: But we could be guessing all day
<SKM>: Electro drek = electronic shit
<SKM>: Sorry ^^;

<MugenKagemaru>: BTW the Nov 11 Ascension. Whose was it? Chris/Nekko?
<wolfcat22>: Was it not Vincent's?
<MugenKagemaru>: Hang on Wolf let him answer
<GreyouTT>: Nekko? From the original yshdt?
<SKM>: Ah I think he had something to do with the lunar childrens rival group didn't he?
<MugenKagemaru>: Guys
<SKM>: This chris/Nekko man?
<MugenKagemaru>: Nnnnnnooooooo... He was with the purple bastard.
<MugenKagemaru>: The one we weren't able to save
<wolfcat22>: The Moon Children vs The Lunar Children?
<GreyouTT>: Well that blows my mind
<MugenKagemaru>: Anyway
<MugenKagemaru>: If it wasn't Chris, then who was it that was to Ascend on Nov 11?
<SKM>: This grand one purple bastard has been hyping up most recently.
<MugenKagemaru>: Regiminis?
<SKM>: I don't know what he was called before
<SKM>: but yes that is his new name

<MugenKagemaru>: I see
<SKM>: part of some mystical bullshit
<SKM>: they are all buggered honestly

<MugenKagemaru>: Yeah we're familiar. Mostly
<GreyouTT>: So how'd shit get bloody?
<GreyouTT>: Was Regi's body not ready?
<MugenKagemaru>: Probably the decided method of Ascension
<SKM>: >Regi's body not ready
<SKM>: Im fucking screaming man
<SKM>: Good show really
<SKM>: your all legends honestly XD

<wickedlady4180>: SKM, are you a Neophyte?
<MugenKagemaru>: Think that line was referring to Regi
<wolfcat22>: There is always time for memes
<GreyouTT>: Why thank ya
<MugenKagemaru>: Guys stay on task
<MugenKagemaru>: Cripes
<MugenKagemaru>: Also while we have time
<SKM>: >cripes
<GreyouTT>: Link says he's sorry
<MugenKagemaru>: Do you mind elaborating further on what led up to you needing to destroy Tyler's comp
<MugenKagemaru>: And fine
<MugenKagemaru>: I was gonna save it for when we were done with questions
<MugenKagemaru>: But the idiot from earlier was "ADULT_LINK" messing around
<MugenKagemaru>: Wanna unban him?
<SKM>: Ooops
<MugenKagemaru>: It's fine
<MugenKagemaru>: He deserved it TVH
<MugenKagemaru>: TBH*
<MugenKagemaru>: Ohai Ocean
<Oceanstuck>: im here
<Oceanstuck>: hi
<MugenKagemaru>: >Tyler's comp
<Oceanstuck>: thorin wants to be unbanned could you do that mod
<wolfcat22>: did patrem eat him
<SKM>: something has gone a bit fucky atm and I have no time to guess if it is patrem or just my own fault
<MugenKagemaru>: One at a time folks
<SKM>: just send him the logs later
<MugenKagemaru>: We will
<MugenKagemaru>: You can unban him on your way out
<SKM>: >patrem
<SKM>: I mean dicktrum

<Oceanstuck>: ok so we apparently have a log of this chat
<Oceanstuck>: good
<GreyouTT>: Mugen just an fyi when someone's name is red in the user list it means they're typing
<MugenKagemaru>: We know
<GreyouTT>: It seemed like you were getting a bit impatient
<SKM>: What other questions did we have?
<MugenKagemaru>: Tyler's comp
<MugenKagemaru>: What led up to you needing to destroy it?
<SKM>: I only drezzed his hard drives
<SKM>: So that he would not have anywhere to put these videos I saw him talking about
<SKM>: Aside from online

<Oceanstuck>: the satan ones?
<GreyouTT>: videos?
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocean
<MugenKagemaru>: No
<MugenKagemaru>: Bad Ocean
<MugenKagemaru>: SKM: Care to elaborate on the videos?
<SKM>: Oh yes I saw he had some hilarious satan related stuff on his computer
<SKM>: As well as MAX HEADROOM

<Oceanstuck>: called it
<MugenKagemaru>: Someone write that down
<wolfcat22>: I've got it all written down
<MugenKagemaru>: OK so what was so bad about the videos?
<GreyouTT>: no don't write that down
<GreyouTT>: I think that might be a porn video
<Oceanstuck>: well i kinda need the log for the dropbox
<SKM>: Nothing bad about them to my current understanding
<Oceanstuck>: not right now but later
<SKM>: They are just very important to the bloke
<MugenKagemaru>: In what way?
<GreyouTT>: Well Mugen, when a man needs porn
<SKM>: they are all he has left of his friends out in meat space before they went perma afk.
<SKM>: Meat space = irl

<MugenKagemaru>: Makes sense.
<wolfcat22>: You said he was gonna post them online. Do you know if he's done that yet?
<SKM>: not quite yet
<MugenKagemaru>: YouTube?
<SKM>: But he should be doing it soon
<wolfcat22>: Or Pornhub
<MugenKagemaru>: Guys
<MugenKagemaru>: On task
<wickedlady4180>: i wanna know the difference between the moon children, and the lunar children. And of which is Patrem the father of?
<kidpichu>: ^-^
<SKM>: "This damn drive is on its least leg, I don't know if I have a virus or a fucking curse but I have no where else to put these videos of john, jacob and kevin."
<SKM>: yep going on youtube soon

<MugenKagemaru>: ... Kevin
<MugenKagemaru>: Oh
<MugenKagemaru>: What channel, so we can have an eye on it?
<wickedlady4180>: did kevin like music? like john?
<SKM>: I like music
<SKM>: who the bloody hell doesnt?

<MugenKagemaru>: ...
<MugenKagemaru>: Are YOU Kevin?
<kidpichu>: I can subscribe
<SKM>: No XD
<GreyouTT>: Mugen he was making a oint
<GreyouTT>: *point
<MugenKagemaru>: Yeah but the context
<Oceanstuck>: heheh
<SKM>: I would tell you my name
<MugenKagemaru>: Not wise
<MugenKagemaru>: Not with a certain someone here
<SKM>: But anonymity is golden in my line of work.
<Oceanstuck>: if this hasnt been asked then whats skm short for? (if it has then ignore me)
<SKM>: ^ right
<MugenKagemaru>: No it's just one of us might report it to the purple bastard
<MugenKagemaru>: And we can't have that
<wolfcat22>: come on mugen
<SKM>: She
<Oceanstuck>: *eyes eve*
<SKM>: killed
<SKM>: me
<SKM>: lol

<SKM>: Suck
<SKM>: kok
<SKM>: mane
<SKM>: whatever you want it to stand for

<MugenKagemaru>: Spencer
<MugenKagemaru>: Kevin
<MugenKagemaru>: Matt
<Oceanstuck>: suk kok megun
<Oceanstuck>: *shot*
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocnea
<wolfcat22>: Sick Kong Memes
<kidpichu>: everything we name disappears XD
<MugenKagemaru>: Guys
<MugenKagemaru>: Focus
<MugenKagemaru>: Let's see...
<GreyouTT>: Can we call you Zeke Strahm then?
<GreyouTT>: just so we can cal you something other than letters?
<GreyouTT>: *call
<MugenKagemaru>: Oh, what YouTube Channel are the videos going to be on? We'd like to be able to watch for them.
<Oceanstuck>: im trying to pronounce it as if it were a word and it sounds like "skoom" or smth
<Oceanstuck>: therefore i elect we call him skoom
<SKM>: Amongst my friends I am sometimes called MAX
<GreyouTT>: Alright, Max then
<MugenKagemaru>: Max Hedrum
<MugenKagemaru>: A good a name as any
<SKM>: But thats just because of my social engineering signature
<SKM>: I LOVE that guy
<SKM>: He is a legend to be fair.

<Oceanstuck>: im still using skoom
<Oceanstuck>: also
<Oceanstuck>: thorin wants me to deliver a message
<MugenKagemaru>: A pleasure for the proper introduction, Max.
<MugenKagemaru>: Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom, at your service.
<Oceanstuck>: he thinks skm stands for "some kewl mothafucka"
<wolfcat22>: Mugen, stay on focus
<kidpichu>: mugi come back
<MugenKagemaru>: I ain't goin' nowhere, Pichu
<MugenKagemaru>: But yeah let's get back to work
<wolfcat22>: Oh yeah, MadMax do we got a youtube channel to look for?
<GreyouTT>: Kaizell wut
<MugenKagemaru>: ^
<MugenKagemaru>: So we can watch for the videos?
<SKM>: Ah yes my appologies

<Oceanstuck>: *subscribes*
<SKM>: Dealing with something a bit nasty atm
<MugenKagemaru>: Purple bastard?
<wickedlady4180>: Fucking stop calling him that.
<MugenKagemaru>: (subscribes)
<MugenKagemaru>: No
<MugenKagemaru>: It's what he is.
<MugenKagemaru>: Fuck what you think
<wickedlady4180>: fuck you
<SKM>: DO you understand who you sympathize with when you suck up to this creature?
<MugenKagemaru>: And yes, Max, the Wicked Lady is our snitch to him, sadly
<Oceanstuck>: she WUVS him
<wolfcat22>: She's not a snitch
<Oceanstuck>: ???
<MugenKagemaru>: Understatement of the year there Ocean
<SKM>: My apologies really if you have some connection with him
<SKM>: but I have been fighting him since around 2011

<MugenKagemaru>: Got you beat by a year but so have some others at a certain forum
<Oceanstuck>: i couldnt think of anyway to _not_ make it an understatement
<Oceanstuck>: fuck underscore italics dont work
<kidpichu>: bad/evil/ weird can be loved too e-e"
<MugenKagemaru>: True
<MugenKagemaru>: The term "Draco In Leather Pants" comes to mind
<SKM>: But he is buggered at the moment
<SKM>: I am not worried about him

<MugenKagemaru>: But there is one last question on the list for now
<wolfcat22>: Max, what's with the Path of Paralellos or whatever?
<Oceanstuck>: also if purple bastard ever goes down i vote megun be her next option
<SKM>: Our numbers friend handled him for me.
<MugenKagemaru>: And that was not it
<Oceanstuck>: but thats beside the point
<MugenKagemaru>: He seemed pretty scared of him. What gathered his nerve?
<wickedlady4180>: hes never done anything to warrant being called evil, hes helped un on our path
<Oceanstuck>: yeah sure i guess
<MugenKagemaru>: When it suited him yes
<MugenKagemaru>: Now we're done with him
<Oceanstuck>: *slooooooooow shruuuuug*
<SKM>: Being a "God" sure seems to have fucked him morality though.
<SKM>: Not to mention his history with me

<MugenKagemaru>: He was like that even when we worked with him
<SKM>: He has always been on my bloody shit list
<MugenKagemaru>: You can elaborate on that next
<Oceanstuck>: hes a huge coc
<SKM>: and for damn good reasons
<wickedlady4180>: we dont know anything about you
<MugenKagemaru>: This question still needs answering
<SKM>: but thats not important right now
<MugenKagemaru>: " i wanna know the difference between the moon children, and the lunar children. And of which is Patrem the father of?"
<MugenKagemaru>: From the Wicked Lady earlier
<SKM>: Becuase a certain piss pot is breathing down my neck at the moment
<SKM>: I can't say to much
<SKM>: But a long time ago
<SKM>: I believe it was some time in the 80's
<SKM>: There was a split in the initial group known as moon children

<MugenKagemaru>: Another one... Hmm...
<SKM>: They started off as some hippy dippy new thought new age group
<SKM>: but got slowly more and more fucked
<SKM>: when the split happened it was even worse to my understanding

<MugenKagemaru>: Let him finish Grey
<GreyouTT>: I take it the Lunar Children are the worse half that split off
<SKM>: "Followers of the true path, the true honor of her grace, Luna." Was there schtick at start.
<wickedlady4180>: and i take it, patrem lead that?
<MugenKagemaru>: And that was the Lunar Children
<SKM>: Yes and yes
<MugenKagemaru>: Three factions, four if we count that... Hmm...
<Oceanstuck>: i counted two
<GreyouTT>: whoa what where are you pulling all these factions from
<wickedlady4180>: seeing that hes a very old being, id venture to say he was one if the first to follow luna
<MugenKagemaru>: One of the first to lead the schism
<MugenKagemaru>: This one anyway...
<wolfcat22>: Was pisstrem always a god or was he just some dude who got super ascended or something.
<MugenKagemaru>: ib4 neither
<MugenKagemaru>: inb4*
<wolfcat22>: Like a super saiyan
<SKM>: Hold on a moment
<SKM>: I didn't want to have to do this

<MugenKagemaru>: For the record, we are NOT very lucky.
<SKM>: Hey kid
<MugenKagemaru>: Kid?
<SKM>: Could you come in here for a moment?
<Oceanstuck>: who be the kid tho
<MugenKagemaru>: Uhh... who's the kid?
<kidpichu>: new person?
<MugenKagemaru>: You asking for Pichu, Max?
<Oceanstuck>: oh yeah that makes sense
<SKM>: Damn laggy when I need him the most DX
<MugenKagemaru>: Wait who are you contacting?
<SKM>: AH bout bloody time
<Oceanstuck>: who dis
<SKM>: I am terribly sorry about this ^^;
<MugenKagemaru>: Purple bastard on your ass?
<kidpichu>: it's a trap?
<MugenKagemaru>: ?
<MugenKagemaru>: What, Pichu?
<SKM>: But the mean man from before
<SKM>: the red one

<MugenKagemaru>: Whoa, red person? What?
<MugenKagemaru>: Ah! It's him!
<SKM>: He is bullying me again ^^;
<MugenKagemaru>: That one is here. Good. You're safe.
<GreyouTT>: Drown?
<MugenKagemaru>: That's him
<Oceanstuck>: "HE WILL HURT ME"
<SKM>: I know and I am sorry DX
<MugenKagemaru>: We'll protect you
<GreyouTT>: Who? Patrem?
<MugenKagemaru>: Yes Grey
<SKM>: But he seems to be much more attracted to you than me.
<GreyouTT>: Quick! Hide in a Majora's Mask cartridge!
<Oceanstuck>: last time we tried to protect someone we fucked it up majestically
<SKM>: Might have something to do with you both being the same damn thing, whatever the hell that means.
<MugenKagemaru>: Grey
<Oceanstuck>: sooooo
<MugenKagemaru>: stahp
<GreyouTT>: The same thing?
<MugenKagemaru>: Care to elaborate on that, Max?
<SKM>: I explain later
<SKM>: Kid
<SKM>: I need you to do your thing
<SKM>: just one more time
<SKM>: I promise I will try to make sure this is not a reacuring issue

<IRZG653OMVSA>: I will try
<Oceanstuck>: "I will try"
<SKM>: Your a legend to be fair XD
<MugenKagemaru>: Agreed
<SKM>: Thanks for this
<SKM>: and all the times you have saved my skin.

<MugenKagemaru>: And to be fair we're sorry we ignored you earlier. We didn't know what was going on there.
<SKM>: He has bought us some time ^^
<wickedlady4180>: what exactly is "his thing"?
<SKM>: this place
<SKM>: this site

<Oceanstuck>: site update?
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocean
<SKM>: Is a focal point
<SKM>: For a collective of spirits
<SKM>: I mean
<SKM>: I don't like to say spirits
<SKM>: but
<SKM>: Hell who am I kidding
<SKM>: I lost the ability to comfort myself by saying it is just complex programing a long time ago

<MugenKagemaru>: We've seen similar
<MugenKagemaru>: Does "Wayward Horizon" mean anything to you?
<SKM>: I recall in my studies of these lunar children blokes, them all being in a buzz about it.
<MugenKagemaru>: Yeah, what you described about this site fits the bill as well
<MugenKagemaru>: Not that I think it's relevant but hey
<SKM>: This is apparently going to be "On a MUCH grander scale"
<MugenKagemaru>: Big surprise
<MugenKagemaru>: Well if that's all for that topic, there is still one last question.
<MugenKagemaru>: What's the history between you and the purple bastard?
<SKM>: Ouch my electro drek
<SKM>: He is getting bloody close

<MugenKagemaru>: Understood. The question can wait
<MugenKagemaru>: You stay safe, man.
<Oceanstuck>: wait whos getting close
<SKM>: No no please repeat, its what I am here for.
<SKM>: Regimipiss

<MugenKagemaru>: @Ocean: Patrem
<Oceanstuck>: oh
<MugenKagemaru>: Oh
<MugenKagemaru>: OK
<MugenKagemaru>: Uh, what's the history between you and Patrem?
<SKM>: Can bloody wait though
<SKM>: However

<Oceanstuck>: god dammit
<MugenKagemaru>: Yeah I figured
<MugenKagemaru>: You can start our next chat with it
<SKM>: lets just say that I sure as hell didn't want to have anything to do with him, this cult, any of it.
<SKM>: Nor did anyone I am kin to
<SKM>: But he gets what he wants I suppose.
<SKM>: If he even understand what he wants

<MugenKagemaru>: Typical of him, thinking he's a god
<MugenKagemaru>: Well he ain't, for sure. Else I'd be too and I know I'm not
<Oceanstuck>: kek
<Oceanstuck>: he be a kok
<MugenKagemaru>: Yep
<wolfcat22>: Real quick. Are you still in the flesh?
<SKM>: Heh if I could go transhuman
<MugenKagemaru>: ?
<SKM>: I would be walking in cyber space
<Oceanstuck>: idgi what does that mean
<SKM>: quicker than you could say welcome to 2077
<MugenKagemaru>: ... 2077
<MugenKagemaru>: Dafuw
<MugenKagemaru>: But yeah please elaborate if you can
<Oceanstuck>: "dafuw"
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocean
<MugenKagemaru>: Not now
<SKM>: Sorry just referencing a game I am HYPED as fuck for.
<SKM>: I mean
<SKM>: Life might be fucking crazy
<SKM>: But I need my games

<Oceanstuck>: ooo what dis
<SKM>: but enough about that
<SKM>: I am in the flesh
<SKM>: I wouldn't mind getting a chance to see how these guys experience things
<SKM>: but
<SKM>: It doesn't look to fun
<SKM>: I feel like they are all doing something wrong

<Oceanstuck>: yeah i dont much wanna try it either
<MugenKagemaru>: With who's running the show right now, yeah I can understand that
<SKM>: I feel like some people had some other questions
<SKM>: andI may have not explained a few things that well

<MugenKagemaru>: For the sake of making the most of what time we still have, let's just get answers to relevant questions
<wickedlady4180>: can you tell us about Jayckup?
<SKM>: All I know is that he is a close friend of tyler
<SKM>: Or was

<MugenKagemaru>: Until the wipe
<SKM>: In the time I have been watching him I have established that he disappeared
<MugenKagemaru>: We think the purple bastard might have him
<SKM>: Just quit talking to him
<Oceanstuck>: will we gain anything from doing so
<MugenKagemaru>: Make no mistake. We're not trusting him over you. Hell I don't fucking trust him at all. But he is a source of information, despite his bullshit
<SKM>: He is not to be "tusted"
<Oceanstuck>: tusted
<Oceanstuck>: *tusted*
<MugenKagemaru>: OCean
<MugenKagemaru>: Fucking stop
<GreyouTT>: wait Jayckup or Mr. Fabulous?
<MugenKagemaru>: The latter
<Oceanstuck>: is that a reference to eves downvotes
<GreyouTT>: wha?
<SKM>: I have been watching you all a long time as well ^^
<SKM>: By proxy for some time
<SKM>: but still managing

<Oceanstuck>: *unsurprised*
<GreyouTT>: wait
<kidpichu>: ^-^ heehee
<GreyouTT>: so you've been watching us the whole time
<GreyouTT>: evene when we're alooone?
<MugenKagemaru>: Grey
<wickedlady4180>: are you telling us not to trust jayckup?
<Oceanstuck>: *tust
<SKM>: Until purple bastard caught me and, to the best I can describe it, updated and patched himself.
<GreyouTT>: It's just a joke Mugen
<SKM>: I was able to pull info
<MugenKagemaru>: Save it for later
<SKM>: Directly from him
<GreyouTT>: That doesn't sound safe
<SKM>: Remember
<wolfcat22>: I saw patrem lookin' at the best butt thread once
<SKM>: no matter how scary
<SKM>: He is just a bunch of code and data

<wickedlady4180>: he has the best butt, by popular vote
<wolfcat22>: yes
<Oceanstuck>: yep
<kidpichu>: chu?
<MugenKagemaru>: Tyler forgot, John died, and Jayckup was taken. Bang.
<MugenKagemaru>: Oh that reminds me
<SKM>: Bloody hell
<SKM>: I picked a REALLY

<MugenKagemaru>: We heard John left a message for us. Do you know what it is?
<SKM>: fucking scary time to order pizza XD
<wickedlady4180>: GO ANSWER IT
<wolfcat22>: Are they knocking on your door?
<Oceanstuck>: that *is* pizza right
<MugenKagemaru>: He ordered, not received
<wolfcat22>: Make sure to check first
<kidpichu>: O^O do it for the pizza
<Oceanstuck>: but first confirm its pizza
<Oceanstuck>: if it isnt then get the hell out of there
<SKM>: I have "Tools" on stand by though so either A): tonight a bastard dies or B): the pizza man thinks I am insane answering the door with a stun gun
<SKM>: He sure is late though XD

<MugenKagemaru>: Mesic's message?
<SKM>: But anyways hold up one moment
<MugenKagemaru>: K
<wickedlady4180>: kekbris is on the other side if that door....
<Oceanstuck>: god dammit eve now im wondering if skoom has read kelbris an anthology
<Oceanstuck>: *shakes head to clear mind of thought*
<wolfcat22>: What kind of pizza is it
<wickedlady4180>: someone please find the pick of kelbris with the pizza hat
<kidpichu>: i wonder what type of pizza it
<wolfcat22>: This is vital information
<kidpichu>: <3 aww
<kidpichu>: *highfives wolf*
<wickedlady4180>: hes not comming back
<Oceanstuck>: skoom you still there?
<GreyouTT>: It takes a few minutes to pay for pizza
<wolfcat22>: Someone Killed Max
<wickedlady4180>: hes being eaten by creatures
<kidpichu>: Max is a dogs name...
<kidpichu>: I'm sure he's fine
<kidpichu>: probably
<wolfcat22>: A man needs some privacy with his pizza time
<kidpichu>: maybe
<Oceanstuck>: i can wait
<kidpichu>: nope...he's doomed
<wolfcat22>: he's got a shotgun
<wolfcat22>: he's fine
<Oceanstuck>: unless it ends up being 5 fucking hours
<kidpichu>: i thought it was a stun gun
<wickedlady4180>: it is a stun gun
<Oceanstuck>: i told him to confirm it was pizza first
<wolfcat22>: that's much less cool
<wickedlady4180>: that shoots bullets
<kidpichu>: D:
<ZackyN>: Hmm, yeah guess I closed out of this, where did SKM go anyways??
<kidpichu>: *electric pokemon pride is stabbed*
<Oceanstuck>: to get pizza
<Oceanstuck>: inb4 its actually someone trying to kill him
<Oceanstuck>: disguised as a pizza guy
<wickedlady4180>: he went to answer his door
<ZackyN>: Oh ^-^
<kidpichu>: we need some creepy waiting music
<Oceanstuck>: jeopardy music
<kidpichu>: no XD that always goes through my head
<wickedlady4180>: i hope patrem in a poppa john outfit, slams a hot cheese pie in his face
<Oceanstuck>: and then kills him?
<Oceanstuck>: or wait
<wickedlady4180>: yes
<wickedlady4180>: lol
<Oceanstuck>: does he kill him *by* slamming a hot cheese pie in his face
<wickedlady4180>: yes, thats how john got burned
<kidpichu>: ugh want pizza now
<wickedlady4180>: canon
<wolfcat22>: S.ucking K.elbris's
<wickedlady4180>: hes dying a hideous death
<kidpichu>: so kill me
<Oceanstuck>: man he ded rn aint he
<SKM>: Sorry about that ^^;
<SKM>: I am back

<Oceanstuck>: OH THANK GOD
<Oceanstuck>: i was worried for a bit
<SKM>: Pizza guy thought I was fucking daft
<Oceanstuck>: figures
<SKM>: I couldn't see him
<kidpichu>: what kinda toppings?
<wickedlady4180>: did you zap him?
<SKM>: so I swung the door open
<SKM>: and stuck the stun gun in his face DX

<Oceanstuck>: did you hide the body
<kidpichu>: it is important to build a trusting bond
<MugenKagemaru>: Mesic's message?
<SKM>: I gave him a very generous tip of €10
<SKM>: and the toppings were just pepperoni bacon and a light bit of mushrooms

<wickedlady4180>: eww, the queens money
<Oceanstuck>: eve dats racist
<Oceanstuck>: wats stevey gonna say
<SKM>: I suddenly feel like a stupid bastard for specifying that ^^;
<wickedlady4180>: my bloid hails from warwickshire, i can say it
<SKM>: But at least that still gives a damn large radius for my location.
<wolfcat22>: should I emit it from our notes
<Oceanstuck>: how far back is that blood from tho
<SKM>: Feel free to take note of whatever you see fit.
<wickedlady4180>: not very far, early 1900
<MugenKagemaru>: Max what about John Mesic's message?
<Oceanstuck>: also you shouldve gotten pineapple
<Oceanstuck>: from under the sea (me)
<SKM>: What message would that be?
<MugenKagemaru>: We heard John left a message for us
<MugenKagemaru>: Do you know anything about that?
<wolfcat22>: Purpleman may have told us what the message was, it's hard to tell. The guy doesn't give context for anything.
<wolfcat22>: "The one who is dead - Has left words for you - Be aware - The grand one is coming - Regiminis"
<MugenKagemaru>: Thanks a lot Wolfcat. We're never gonna get an answer now
<wolfcat22>: Anytime.
<Oceanstuck>: welp
<Oceanstuck>: well manage
<Oceanstuck>: er
<Oceanstuck>: id like to believe
<MugenKagemaru>: No srsly think your shit through next time
<SKM>: I am confussed
<SKM>: I turn away to take a bite of pizza
<SKM>: and what are you all going on about?

<MugenKagemaru>: John's message
<MugenKagemaru>: We thought you knew something
<MugenKagemaru>: But that no longer matter
<kidpichu>: >w< interesting
<MugenKagemaru>: Because Wolfcat failed to think his actions through and spilled that our source was the purple bastard
<MugenKagemaru>: So I'm pretty damn sure you're not gonna say anything
<SKM>: Bloody hell
<Oceanstuck>: you cant be sure of that
<Oceanstuck>: skoom
<SKM>: you act like I am a tumblrina
<MugenKagemaru>: Pretty sure I can, Ocean
<Oceanstuck>: spill
<SKM>: He isnt my "Trigger"
<wolfcat22>: Patrem came in and told us that stuff after your bud Drowned was talking to us. He took over Drowned's account or something.
<wolfcat22>: Mugen's making it sound like we're in cahoots with Patrem or something.
<SKM>: Ah yes
<MugenKagemaru>: Of course you'd dramatize it
<Oceanstuck>: coc
<SKM>: I sent drowned to distract pisstrum and friend
<SKM>: I know a few things about how this guy seems to operate

<wolfcat22>: So you don't have any messages from John then?
<SKM>: Ouch
<SKM>: again
<SKM>: No worries though
<SKM>: Is anyone still alive?

<MugenKagemaru>: I'm here
<kidpichu>: yes?
<Oceanstuck>: oh sorry we were arguing in another room
<SKM>: Ah good good
<SKM>: Ah no good ^^;

<Oceanstuck>: so did mesic say anything?
<MugenKagemaru>: The Wicked Lady had some choice words about you and we were scolding her
<Oceanstuck>: and also you thought wolf had fucked everything up
<Oceanstuck>: re:megun
<SKM>: Its fine honestly
<SKM>: You should not be obligated to trust anyone
<SKM>: To be fair
<SKM>: You have no reason to trust me over purple bastard
<SKM>: Beyond my word

<MugenKagemaru>: Honestly, I trust you about as much as I do Mason
<SKM>: Which is all I can give you.
<kidpichu>: hmm
<Oceanstuck>: im inclined to take everyone with a grain of salt
<SKM>: Well well well
<Oceanstuck>: so yeah
<kidpichu>: do you trust us?
<SKM>: It looks like I shouldn't have to worry about anymore interruptions for now.
<SKM>: Take a look at the front of this site
<SKM>: Our friend has already begun his work

<Oceanstuck>: woah fuck
<MugenKagemaru>: "I have something to show you"
<SKM>: Must be trying to taunt regimipiss
<SKM>: Not entirely sure what any of that stuff means to be honest ^^;
<SKM>: Peculiar though
<SKM>: >Legion
<SKM>: I have heard that title used before

<MugenKagemaru>: That gas mask...
<MugenKagemaru>: As have I but I don't think my thing is relevant so go ahead
<SKM>: Those against the lunar children
<SKM>: have referred to patrem as "The misguided legion"

<MugenKagemaru>: ... Perhaps another taunt?
<MugenKagemaru>: Check the source for that
<Oceanstuck>: icanfinallybreathe.mp3
<GreyouTT>: OH FUCK
<Oceanstuck>: ??
<Oceanstuck>: drown.wav
<GreyouTT>: THE EYES
<GreyouTT>: OH GOD
<wickedlady4180>: He's here
<SKM>: If you are referring to purple bastard
<SKM>: He is out of commission for the time being.

<Oceanstuck>: how so
<SKM>: Not enough dedotated wam
<wickedlady4180>: Is Vincent awake?
<MugenKagemaru>: Source for homepage guys
<Oceanstuck>: wait do you mean the main or lostmemory423
<MugenKagemaru>: Main
<SKM>: What we tricked him into doing left him rather fucked
<Oceanstuck>: i didnt see anything
<Oceanstuck>: or did it get changed again
<MugenKagemaru>: Nah
<MugenKagemaru>: Just saw something else of interest in the source
<MugenKagemaru>: Hmm? Who's the new one?
<mib_yej7ys>: I just kinda stumbled here.
<Oceanstuck>: uh
<MugenKagemaru>: Skype?
<Oceanstuck>: do you know what this is
<SKM>: Identify yourself or get drezzed
<Oceanstuck>: skoom dont scare the anon
<SKM>: sorry ^^;
<mib_yej7ys>: Nope, no clue. Besides the fact that I saw the Unfiction post about JohnIsDead...
<SKM>: A bit on edge
<MugenKagemaru>: Might be an actual newcomer
<MugenKagemaru>: Ah
<MugenKagemaru>: Wow I was right
<Oceanstuck>: unfiction post?
<mib_yej7ys>: Lol.
<MugenKagemaru>: You have a lot to catch up on
<Oceanstuck>: havent heard of an unfiction post
<MugenKagemaru>: Do you have Skype?
<Oceanstuck>: link pls
<mib_yej7ys>: Nah, I don't use it.
<GreyouTT>: It's finally made it to Unfiction?
<MugenKagemaru>: Well we are based in a Skype room...
<mib_yej7ys>: I was actually looking up stuff on Ascend, and found my way here.
<MugenKagemaru>: ...?
<Oceanstuck>: ok so
<Oceanstuck>: wait
<Oceanstuck>: lemme try and guess this
<MugenKagemaru>: Care to elaborate on that?
<mib_yej7ys>: Okay.
<Oceanstuck>: you read that kanyequest thing i remember mando brought up
<Oceanstuck>: and looked up stuff on ascend
<Oceanstuck>: and found the site
<mib_yej7ys>: Yes.
<mib_yej7ys>: Exactly.
<Oceanstuck>: and ended up here
<MugenKagemaru>: OK
<GreyouTT>: funny thing, we know the guy who found the Ascend stuff
<Oceanstuck>: small internet
<mib_yej7ys>: The morse code thing intrigued me, so i figured it out.
<mib_yej7ys>: Sorry to kinda barge in here.
<MugenKagemaru>: But yeah we're called the "Internet Detectives" if that means anything
<MugenKagemaru>: It's cool, the latest shit is going down right here
<GreyouTT>: I have no idea where that name came from
<GreyouTT>: I was gone for two weeks
<Oceanstuck>: internet detectives
<SKM>: And my apologies for being so distant with all of you
<Oceanstuck>: from the remember.exe skype group
<SKM>: I would join the group but that may be a bit dangerous for me ^^;
<MugenKagemaru>: It's cool. Gotta stay ahead of the Purple Bastard
<Oceanstuck>: cmon sing the jingle
<mib_yej7ys>: Nope, never heard of any of it. Haha.
<Oceanstuck>: internet detectives
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocean
<MugenKagemaru>: Later
<Oceanstuck>: okok rerailing
<MugenKagemaru>: But yeah Max we'll keep a slot open for ya
<SKM>: When things cool down
<GreyouTT>: So to get you up to speed new guy, SKM here is up against some purple dude called Patrem
<SKM>: I may join temporarily
<SKM>: You all seem like a fun lot
<SKM>: But I have a lot to focus on.

<MugenKagemaru>: If you need a hand with it I'm "the_endless_warlock"
<Oceanstuck>: msamiclassified
<Oceanstuck>: it was an old thing if anyone asks
<wickedlady4180>: @new guy everything you need to know is there
<GreyouTT>: Patrem is some kind of spectral entity who is currently using some dude named Vincent as his meat puppet
<MugenKagemaru>: Let the tumblr catch him up brah
<GreyouTT>: aight
<Oceanstuck>: yeah just check the timeline
<Oceanstuck>: though do note its split into two args that exist in the same continuity
<Oceanstuck>: the first one is about two guys named doug and mason
<GreyouTT>: Yeah we kinda fucked up with that
<Oceanstuck>: the second is the current one (its section is much shorter since it just started)
<Oceanstuck>: we did
<Oceanstuck>: we fucking got baited into running right for the worst ending
<Oceanstuck>: but then dawn had to cut it off early so i guess those two assholes are alive for now
<Oceanstuck>: so anyway new guy
<MugenKagemaru>: Ocean
<Oceanstuck>: need anything else?
<mib_yej7ys>: Lol, I don't think so. This is quite intense, especially when the last ARG I took part in was ilovebees, haha.
<wickedlady4180>: is he typing, or....
<SKM>: My appologies ^^;
<GreyouTT>: ilovebees, now that takes me back
<Oceanstuck>: we should probably stay on topic
<MugenKagemaru>: Agreed
<SKM>: I need to get my bloody priorities strait
<SKM>: But this pizza is so damn good XD

<Oceanstuck>: yeah us too
<SKM>: Are there any other question I can answer?
<SKM>: I know much about the lunar children groul
<SKM>: Sorry for the terrible typing

<MugenKagemaru>: It's cool
<SKM>: eating and typing atm
MugenKagemaru>: Uhh... Other than Patrem leading them and how they split off from Kelbris' Moon Children...
<Oceanstuck>: yeah i dont like typing and eating at the same time either. im afraid to get my keyboard dirty so i always type with one hand and its really annoying
<Oceanstuck>: but enough of me
<wickedlady4180>: So, what now?
<MugenKagemaru>: Is there anything else you think we should know, Max?
<wickedlady4180>: woah, the lost memory page, thats jayckup, isnt it?
<Oceanstuck>: wait huh?
<MugenKagemaru>: That's Drown, I think
<wolfcat22>: 'lostmemory423' is also the name of a youtube channel
<wickedlady4180>: or wait, tyler
<GreyouTT>: wait what
<MugenKagemaru>: It's Drown
<SKM>: For now the most important things to know, is that Tyler will be coming back to you soon. This I can promise. He has forgotten everything so try to fill him in. Also that other website that something (and when I say something I mean I have no idea which one of these "Spirits" chose to spill the beans) linked you to. Keep and eye on it.
<SKM>: That is the "Archive" that may have been mentioned before.
<SKM>: As well as a place they communicate with each other.

<MugenKagemaru>: Drown once said to us "Free our god," who was he referring too?
<MugenKagemaru>: Sorry, pasted that as soon as you finished
<SKM>: I bloody saw that you all thought that before, thanks for reminding me.
<SKM>: I was keeping a wire on what was being said.

<Oceanstuck>: ??
<Oceanstuck>: wait nvm
<Oceanstuck>: sry ninjad
<MugenKagemaru>: Uh, OK?
<SKM>: You misheard him ^^;
<SKM>: Its fine
<SKM>: So do I sometimes >.>;
<SKM>: A strange thing this "Drowned" is.

<MugenKagemaru>: So what did he say?
<SKM>: "Three are gone" I believe.
<MugenKagemaru>: Ah
<MugenKagemaru>: OK
<MugenKagemaru>: Phew
<MugenKagemaru>: Sorry was there more after the "communicate" line
<MugenKagemaru>: ?*
<wickedlady4180>: im lost
<MugenKagemaru>: I accidentally interrupted him and hoping to get it back on track
<wickedlady4180>: no really, this chat glitched on me
<MugenKagemaru>: Best I got for ya
<MugenKagemaru>: Max you wanna continue that original line of thought before I interrupted?
<MugenKagemaru>: Sorry about that BTW
<SKM>: Technical difficulties please standby.
<SKM>: This is not good

<MugenKagemaru>: Well that doesn't sound good
<Oceanstuck>: oh no
<Oceanstuck>: what is it
<wickedlady4180>: whats not good?
<Oceanstuck>: skoom? you there?
<SKM>: I might need to have that kid jack out soon.
<Oceanstuck>: why
<SKM>: Things are getting a little crazy.
<MugenKagemaru>: Should we clear off as well?
<Oceanstuck>: crazy how
<Oceanstuck>: whats happening on your end
<SKM>: Well for starters my shit is running on a generator and I am down a hall and bloody bathroom light due to the bastards popping.
<SKM>: My drok is going to get broken in a sec if I don't unplug it, I should not have skipped on the bloody surge protector ^^;

<MugenKagemaru>: So you're clearing off?
<SKM>: Any last question before I pull the kid out and leave?
<wolfcat22>: What 'other website' did you say had something for us?
<MugenKagemaru>: Lunar Children site, wasn't it?
<wolfcat22>: " Also that other website that something (and when I say something I mean I have no idea which one of these "Spirits" chose to spill the beans) linked you to. Keep and eye on it."
<Oceanstuck>: yeah i think it was lunarchildren
<MugenKagemaru>: Well? Are we right?
<SKM>: Yes
<MugenKagemaru>: K
<MugenKagemaru>: This isn't a question, but a gift. I know you have other allies on your end, and share this with them:
<SKM>: Any thing else?
<SKM>: OH fucking drezz me
<SKM>: the kid
<SKM>: hold on

<MugenKagemaru>: Stay safe man. We'll do what we can from here.
<SKM>: I am doing my bloody best to pull him out
<Oceanstuck>: seeya skoom, best of luck out there, watch yourself, etc
<Oceanstuck>: *waves goodbye*
<MugenKagemaru>: Anything we can do to help?
<SKM>: ./lostmemory423
<wickedlady4180>: dont wear him out
<wickedlady4180>: will you contact us again?
<SKM>: Hold on
<SKM>: ./lostmemory423 is not fucking looking ok

<wickedlady4180>: it changed
<SKM>: Bloody hell I am trying my damndest here but I can only dl so fast
<MugenKagemaru>: There a way we can help?
<kidpichu>: O^O"
<wickedlady4180>: what happened?
<kidpichu>: >^<" eep
<Oceanstuck>: grey theyre miles away in another continent we cant
<SKM>: 70% fucking drezz me
<MugenKagemaru>: MAx
<MugenKagemaru>: How can we help?
<kidpichu>: please work
<SKM>: All you can do is watch
<SKM>: I am doing all I can

<Oceanstuck>: i had a feeling
<Oceanstuck>: god damn it
<MugenKagemaru>: Changed
<Oceanstuck>: changed again, words are gone
<SKM>: Christ the fucking kid please
<SKM>: 95%
<SKM>: please

<wickedlady4180>: changed again, no title
<wickedlady4180>: what does this mean?
<GreyouTT>: wait a second
<GreyouTT>: song of healing
<Oceanstuck>: what about it
<wickedlady4180>: nooooo
<SKM>: The fucking kid
<GreyouTT>: He's dying so heal him
<SKM>: wait
<Oceanstuck>: you dont know that
<SKM>: I am scared
<MugenKagemaru>: "I am scared"
<GreyouTT>: Well we could always elegy and leave a decoy
<Oceanstuck>: lets not
<SKM>: The red man is coming
<wickedlady4180>: why not bust out you famous oath to order
<MugenKagemaru>: "The red man is coming
<Oceanstuck>: "The red man is coming"
<Oceanstuck>: ninjad
<MugenKagemaru>: Who is the red man, though?
<SKM>: I know
<SKM>: We are about to jack out

<MugenKagemaru>: New guy, now would be a good time to set up a Skype... account...
<MugenKagemaru>: Tch... Gone already...
<GreyouTT>: He's not here
<wickedlady4180>: who is the red man?
<Oceanstuck>: i think that was arg
<GreyouTT>: He's been gone
<ARGdov>: Hello
<GreyouTT>: also i'm getting lag all over the god damn palce
<Oceanstuck>: sup
<ARGdov>: Same, as before, I guess
<MugenKagemaru>: Sorry Dov you're getting the tail end of it. SKM's pulling out because of crap
<ARGdov>: I take it I missed everything?
<SKM>: To anyone who isn't sure
<wickedlady4180>: SKM, who is the red man?
<Oceanstuck>: yeah
<MugenKagemaru>: Maybe. I dunno
<SKM>: I have him
<MugenKagemaru>: SKM: He's safe?
<SKM>: Im here
<ARGdov>: All right. I'm sorry to be rude, but could you be a little clearer next time?
<MugenKagemaru>: "Im here"
<MugenKagemaru>: Kid: But are you safe?
<GreyouTT>: One would assume that if he's there, then e's safe
<MugenKagemaru>: Grey
<MugenKagemaru>: Stop
<SKM>: Heisalmostherehavetogetouthurrryplease
<Oceanstuck>: "Heisalmostherehavetogetouthurrryplease"
<SKM>: Calm down kid its fine
<MugenKagemaru>: But who is he?
<SKM>: My appologies for all of this.
<Oceanstuck>: im sorry are we slowing you down
<SKM>: I am still trying to classify all of this shit but I am pretty sure "red man" is neophyte regimipiss.
<wickedlady4180>: ah... so HE'S the neophyte.... GOT IT!
<GreyouTT>: First purple guys with god complexes, and now a red men who might be deadmen
<wickedlady4180>: thank you skm, you just solved a mystery
<GreyouTT>: wat?
<ARGdov>: Yes, thanks you
<Oceanstuck>: thanks
<GreyouTT>: Okay I missed something
<GreyouTT>: What mystery?
<SKM>: When he calls him a neophyte I think he may be saying he is new to ascension or something, or new to trying to reach pisstrems level of ascension.
<MugenKagemaru>: Makes sense
<MugenKagemaru>: You set to go?
<GreyouTT>: So Patrem was a semi-normal human once too huh?
<Oceanstuck>: "HURRY PLEASE"
<SKM>: Fuck
<MugenKagemaru>: Calm down kid we're sorting it out
<SKM>: ./lostmemory423
<MugenKagemaru>: Someone record the source of that
<SKM>: We gotta jack out
<Oceanstuck>: got it already
<Oceanstuck>: SKOOM JUST GO
<kidpichu>: go
<MugenKagemaru>: Damn. Hoped the fool would have stuck around


  • SKM chats with the players in a chatroom he created on He reveals to them that the Moon Children and Lunar Children are two separate groups. He also explains that is similar to Wayward Horizon in that it contains many Ascended souls. SKM also informs the players that the Lunar Children is targetting Tyler, and that they need to keep him safe.
  • The players are introduced to Drowned, who begins editing various pages on to distract Regiminis. Near the end of this conversation, Regiminis confronts Drowned and SKM, forcing them to flee.







DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi