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<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/24/18 - Chat with Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)
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<span class="vip">nocta 5:36 PM: I have seen the most incredible light
nocta 5:36 PM: It would be easy to assume you could change anything, but you can’t
nocta 5:36 PM: Why do you insist on this?
nocta 5:36 PM: Really</span>
Jos 5:40 PM: Because is the right thing to do, doing otherwise would be illogical.
<span class="vip">nocta 5:40 PM: What is right?</span>
Wolfcat 5:42 PM: What exactly are you after?
<span class="vip">nocta 5:42 PM: What are you after?</span>
Jos 5:44 PM: Well, certanly hunting down a person since 2011 is not right. yet, we only want the safety of that person.
Wolfcat 5:44 PM: Keeping our friends safe and uncovering the truth
<span class="vip">nocta 5:47 PM: So, you think infiltrating my forums and worrying my friends is the way to do it?</span>
Dense 5:49 PM: We are not worrying your friends
Jos 5:50 PM: No, I did not infiltrate nowere, all the people there are cool and it has been nice to meet them, and i would still be around those forums to speak to those, the thing is, is that i want Tyler safe, you care for your freinds safety, so i want him to be safe too.
Dense 5:51 PM: Also
Dense 5:51 PM: Where
Dense 5:51 PM: Is
Dense 5:51 PM: Him
Wolfcat 5:51 PM: We don’t mean any ill will among the forum goers, but it’s clear that this is all connected, and there is definitely something fucked up going on beneath the surface. If they are worried, then they probably have reason to be.
Jos 5:53 PM: And do not confuse me, i seek the same truth no matter what group i may represent. Today I can be an ID, tomorrow i can be another thing if the truth is there.
Dense 5:58 PM: :hidden: HOLY SHIT :hidden:
Wolfcat 6:16 PM: Look, on the off-chance that you aren’t in league with that cult, I promise you we mean no harm to your friends. However, we have more than enough evidence that proves you and your website is at least connected to it.
<span class="vip">nocta 6:26 PM: All things are easy to believe
nocta 6:26 PM: When you have only been spoonfed information from one side of the story
nocta 6:26 PM: That being said, you assume too much</span>
Jos 6:27 PM: Then help us see the other side so we can know whats going on
Jos 6:27 PM: Please.
Wolfcat 6:29 PM: Your own YouTube channel raises suspicion, not to mention the appearance of your site on Johnisdead.com. We’re just as suspicious of that website as you all are, so you cannot blame us for being intrigued whenever you are randomly connected to it.
Wolfcat 6:29 PM:If you have an explanation, then please tell us, but surely you can see why we’re suspicious at best.
Jos 6:31 PM: I think we may been deceived to be confronted, i mean, i think there is a third party controlling all of this, if you say there is another side of the story
Jos 6:31 PM: if that is the case, confronting would be illogical, we need to put all the info in the table to see whats going on.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta enters the [[Safehaven Discord Server]] and confronts the players. He claims that the players cannot change anything, and all they're doing is worrying his friends. He then implies that the [[players]] have only been given information from one side of the story and they assume to much.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/26/18 - Chat with Moonman and Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that it’s time to clear some things up))</span>
Dense 1:44 PM: Yeet the fuck
<span class="vip2">nocta 1:44 PM: what are you doing?</span>
Jos 1:45 PM: okay
Jos 1:45 PM: lets me search the meaning of that term first
Dense 1:45 PM: Oh
Jos 1:46 PM: oh, i see, yup, i’m against no one
<span class="vip">((Moonman claims that no one in this chat is enemies with one another))</span>
<span class="vip2">nocta 1:46 PM: Idiot</span>
<span class="vip">((Moonman asks if Nocta can just let it go))</span>
<span class="vip2">nocta 1:46 PM: No.</span>
Jos 1:47 PM: sorry my lenguage is not english i think i fucked up a little up there, i am agaisnt no one, all friendly and nice
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that Nocta was calling him an idiot, not Jos))</span>
Jos 1:47 PM: i see
Jos 1:47 PM: Nocta, I think we need to clarify stuff, lets sit down, and lets talk cool
<span class="vip2">nocta 1:48 PM: Ha.
nocta 1:48 PM: I will see you all around.</span>
<span class="vip2">((Nocta leaves the Discord server))</span>
Jos 1:49 PM:  Are you sure this is the correct route?
Jos 1:49 PM: I hope so
Jos 1:49 PM: He is like
Jos 1:49 PM: “you are the bad guys oooo so lets talk about it nocta and he is like no0o0o0”
<span class="vip">((Moonman claims that is not how the situation actually is))
((Moonman believes his life might actually be in danger at this point))
moonman31 1:51 PM: but
moonman31 1:51 PM: I can reveal some things that I could not before
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more you discover
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more I can reveal
moonman31 1:51 PM: It seems.</span>
Jos 1:52 PM: So, you know about this “he is trapped?”
Jos 1:52 PM: Could mean tyler, could mean Samuel who hasnt posted a single time
<span class="vip">((Moonman claims he knows nothing about that phrase))</span>
Jos 1:52 PM: aw
Jos 1:52 PM: so, what is the new stuff you can reveal?
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he needs to know who all is in the chat))</span>
Jos 1:52 PM: ok
Jos 1:52 PM: so, we have Wolfcat, me, Circle Hunter, Dense, Glad Mans, Bianca, and Raven
Jos 1:52 PM: no one else
Jos 1:52 PM: x
Jos 1:52 PM: lets see if others are here
Jos 1:52 PM: post x
Wolfcat 1:55 PM: I think it’s just you, me, jos, and raven
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he believes there is a spy among our ranks))</span>
Jos 1:57 PM: I trust you, I have a theory but I don’t want to reveal just to mantain stuff secure
Jos 1:57 PM: anyway, i will find the spy soon or later
Jos 1:57 PM: and i have the perfect idea
Jos 1:57 PM: I see
<span class="vip">((Moonman says “Well…”))</span>
Jos 1:57 PM: Nothing else? well, We will be careful with what we say… thank you
Dense 2:03 PM: Oh nocta left
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he was waiting for a response from us))</span>
Jos 2:04 PM: oh, sorry, non english native so idk when something follows a reply lol
Wolfcat 2:04 PM: Dense is also here
<span class="vip">((Moonman says “Obviously”))</span>
Jos 2:04 PM: so, why are you at line?
<span class="vip">((Moonman says we are right about some things and wrong about others))</span>
Jos 2:04 PM: please, tell us the wrong part so we can see the both sides of the coin
<span class="vip">((Moonman says we are right about “Greth”))</span>
Jos 2:04 PM: Well, he is probably Nocta? The Johnisdead page points to to it, and have bunch of evidence, still, it could be wrong info.
Jos 2:04 PM: Nocta
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that Greth is not Nocta, at least not as far as he knows))
((Moonman confirms that he is Greth, but he doesn’t know us and Greth Vlogs is not familiar to him))
((Moonman says that he is not the person on the front page of Johnisdead, despite being Greth))</span>
Jos 2:04 PM: Sorry, I have no words, im confused… Then, the guy from the front page must be another guy who looks really the same
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: It sounds to me like some stupid magic shit is going on
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: More time bullshit
Jos 2:11 PM: except if you cant remember
Jos 2:11 PM: because of the sp00ky stuff
Jos 2:11 PM: wait
Jos 2:11 PM: then
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: back when YSHDT.net was up, a lot of strange things were happening with various timelines converging into one another
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: maybe this is still happening somehow
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: as crazy as that sounds
Jos 2:15 PM: what if there are 3 , you, the greth from the vlogs, and the sp00ky one
Jos 2:15 PM: for some reason
Jos 2:15 PM: what if Patrem has been converted into a vessel for Kevin who is using the vlogs greth as vessel?
Jos 2:15 PM: idk,
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:16 PM: Now you’re losing me</span>
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: I mean, that’d be a double vessel.
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he doesn’t know anything about that))</span>
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: It seems like either way, Nocta is Kevin
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: That much we can be certain of
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: At least to some extent
<span class="vip">((Moonman asks about Patrem))</span>
Jos 2:17 PM: there is this entity called patrem, it needs a vessel to survive, a physical, weak body to assimilate,
Jos 2:17 PM: in the greth videos and the jid page, everything reffering this entity, is purple
Jos 2:17 PM: yet
Jos 2:17 PM: in the jid page, nocta has been referring as this purple sp00ky greth
Jos 2:17 PM: but nocta is kevin
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he’s not sure about that))</span>
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Maybe the “Wayward cretin” is just fucking with us some more
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Tenebris, I mean
Jos 2:19 PM: What im saying “Kelbris” needs a body, maybe kevin did the same when patrem was weak, and took over patrem and then used patrem to vessel this sp00ky greth, so, kevin would be nocta at the same time of Greth vlogs
<span class="vip">((Moonman says there are some very dark things happening on Astral Observatory))
((Moonman says he’s frustrated because he believes it might be too late to stop it))</span>
Jos 2:19 PM: i can use a proxy and access the truth part, if you are willing to help me…
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: Do you know if there’s any possible way for us to access The Truth?
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: or is that still just completely out of reach
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that the password has been changed and that he no longer knows it))</span>
Jos 2:21 PM: shit, i should have asked earlier, but i didnt wanted look like impolite
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: I am here now
<span class="vip">((Moonman says the old password was “pqbxhtlopa”))</span>
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: oh fuck
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: shit
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: Whoa
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: the shit that was on jid.com
Jos 2:22 PM: FUCK
CircleHunter 2:22 PM: That means
CircleHunter 2:22 PM:Try the current title
Jos 2:22 PM: Now is when i want a tardis you know
Jos 2:22 PM: The timer wont reset tought
<span class="vip">((Moonman asks what timer Jos is referring to))</span>
Jos 2:22 PM: it was an old page in jid
Jos 2:22 PM: just a referrence tho
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that it reminded him of something))</span>
Jos 2:22 PM: what about?
Jos 2:22 PM: maybe its important
Jos 2:22 PM: i can provide old images of the page if that helps
Wolfcat 2:26 PM: Maybe “pqbxh” and “tlopa” on JiD was merely a hint towards The Truth, and not something about Nocta
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Damn we were too late then
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Has jid changed?
Wolfcat 2:27 PM: Not on my end
<span class="vip">((Moonman says a post has been deleted since he lost access to The Truth))</span>
Jos 2:27 PM: i will find that post
Jos 2:27 PM it must be the new password being hidden
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: I think it was the post in The Truth
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: There used to be two posts in there
<span class="vip">((Moonman confirms he was talking about the post that was deleted in The Truth))</span>
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: I want to test something
Jos 2:28 PM: aw
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: And the older post was deleted
Jos 2:28 PM: it was the old one right
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: But the newer one remained
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Just to be absolutely sure here, you were around for jadusable and posted the new wave bossa nova, right?
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Or was that this other greth?
<span class="vip">((Moonman says he did in fact submit the NWBN during YSHDT.net))</span>
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Ok, hmm
<span class="vip">((Moonman says that the timeline seems similar up to a point))
((Moonman begins acting strangely and posts “Kevin, Tyler, Tenebris))
((Moonman then deletes this post))</span>
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Please tell me someone was paying attention to that
CircleHunter 2:35 PM: Kevin, tyler, tenebris
<span class="vip">((Moonman says "save please tyler”))</span>
Raven 2:37 PM: He’s deleting everything
Wolfcat 2:37 PM: We’ll save Tyler.
<span class="vip">((Moonman then says “no save please”))</span>
Jos 2:41 PM: what is going on
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:41 PM: tylers
moonman31 2:41 PM: STOP IT
Wolfcat 2:42 PM: Who’s doing this to you?
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:43 PM: t\
moonman31 2:45 PM: he
moonman31 2:45 PM: is
moonman31 2:45 PM: Today at 14:16</span>
((Users noticed that Moonman’s post from 2:16 now had an alien emote reaction))
((Wolfcat posted an image of the Bow and Arrow))
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:47 PM: I feel ok
moonman31 2:47 PM:  for now
moonman31 2:48 PM: what did you do?</span>
Wolfcat 2:49 PM: Can you tell us who he is? Do you know? The man with the alien mask?
Jos 2:49 PM: lets say
Jos 2:49 PM: its sp00ky stuff too
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:49 PM: The what</span>
Jos 2:49 PM: but we did it to save you
Jos 2:49 PM: wait, you cant remember? few seconds ago
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:50 PM: The man with the alien mask?</span>
Wolfcat 2:51 PM: Was he not the one who was just hurting you?
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:52 PM: I don’t know what does that</span>
Jos 2:54 PM: lets see if this works ?
((Jos posts Epona’s Song))
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:55 PM: ???
moonman31 2:55 PM: Wait are you
moonman31 2:55 PM: god,im ((this was originally a cipher))
moonman31 2:55 PM: hold on
moonman31 2:55 PM: someone is at the door</span>
Jos 2:55 PM: ok
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: wait no
Jos 2:55 PM: but dont open
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: don’t pull this
Jos 2:55 PM: waito
Wolfcat 2:56 PM: dude you KNOW this never ends up well
Jos 2:56 PM: before he opens the door
((Jos posted an image of the Stone Mask))
<span class="vip">((Moonman then posted the message “too late”))</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta and [[Moonman]] have a brief argument in the [[Safehaven Discord Server]]. Nocta insults Moonman and leaves the [[players]] a threatening message.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/12/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 4th, 2018</span>
Jos 6:59 PM: "Today, officially, I've lost contact with every physical person I've ever meet that I had a social interaction with, all my family, gone, friends, gone, know people, they don't even remember me, no one of them. At some point one of them threated me, with calling the police because they didn't know the name of my mother, brother, etc. This... This is getting ridiculus. I'm so alone... At least i have you guys... Idk if ghost aliens or whatever, i just want to... Know the truth behind all of this. i'm walking down the street right now, and using the last drops of internet my mobile company provides. I will go, idk, i will try to survive I guess..."
Wolfcat 8:43 PM: "Are you being serious right now? Dude, find a hotel or someplace to sleep. If you need money can try to send you some, but idk how exactly paypal works when different currencies are involved. Any idea what's going on?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 5th, 2018</span>
Deadhead 4:10 AM: "That sounds rather strange. I hope things will sort out in time."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 12th, 2018</span>
AMGain 5:05 PM: "Do you remember where you have been the last week? Something strange that could make you think? Every piece to make the puzzle."
Jos 5:08 PM: "If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road."
Jos 5:09 PM: "Also, im not from these forums, I just registered 2 weeks ago, just telling my stories."
AMGain 5:23 PM: "Actually, I think that the most important thing right now is finding a hostage or something. And if it even sounds bad, you need to ensure if this could happen you again. We'll help you out dude."
<span class="vip">moonman31 5:43 PM: "Wow ok edgelord"
moonman31 5:43 PM: "<i>"If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road."</i> Honestly dude if you are serious, you could contact the police, depending on how much you trust them."</span>
Jos 5:46 PM: "Minus zero, honestly."
Dense 5:47 PM: "You are the best moonman"
AMGain 5:49 PM: "There is no need to be like this. I'm not a native english speaker, so I try to make me understandable, at least. I don't want to sound stupid or something like that."
Jos 5:51 PM: "No no its ok, the thing is that you just said hostage, that means when a criminal detains a civilian for protecting against authorities, like a bank rob lol"
AMGain 5:53 PM: "Oh god. I wanted to say a hotel, a place to sleep."
Jos 7:16 PM: "What is the point? Why do I exists? What is my purpose?."
<span class="vip2">Kaiden_Zoromichi 7:25 PM: "Hmph. Assuming you're telling the truth (though I doubt it), then I know what you are going through in a way."</span>
Jos 7:45 PM: "I know mane, i can't still find any reason why everything of thus is happening, I just know the gov has something to do, they first take people apart from society, and then those disappear, that wont be my case, im fine."
<span class="vip">moonman31 11:18 PM: "Kaiden has an entire lore and continuity built around his origin story it's fucking incredible"</span>
Jos 9:28 AM: "Whats the story?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 23rd, 2018</span>
<span class="vip2">Kaiden_Zoromichi 2:23 PM: "Tch. He's just trying to make fun of me."</span>
ARGdov 2:41 PM: "care to elaborate? any info could be useful. this is worrying."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 24th, 2018</span>
<span class="vip2">Kaiden_Zoromichi 8:41 PM: "Hmmm. I have talked about all of this before but I suppose it couldn't hurt to elaborate again."</span>
ARGdov 9:42 PM: "if you had I've missed it. I'll skim through your posts to find it I suppose."
<span class="vip2">Kaiden_Zoromichi 10:03 PM: "I believe the site shutting down before removed the old posts. Tch, you are very impatient. There is a lot of... new people. Sigh."</span>
CelestialLight 10:29 PM: "It Seems like your annoyed by people."
Z3R0 10:38 PM: "..."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 29th, 2018</span>
<span class="vip3">nocta 11:13 AM: "There's no need for any side eyeing, let's keep the discussion civil."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
After a brief argument, Nocta warns the [[players]] to keep discussions civil.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
2/5/19 - "Aliens Spotted" - CelestialLight
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">February 4th, 2019</span>
CelestialLight 6:17 PM: "So what do you guys think of aliens? Like Has anyone spot one? like i heard story's of Alien abductions, but i never seen a alien, i do know they are like these small people with big eyes and like green skin, and are really good with technology, to where they are really advance and can build these amazing ships."
Jos 7:18 PM: "t̷h̸i̸s̵ ̷w̴a̸s̶ ̴t̷o̸t̶t̷a̷l̸y̸ ̸u̸n̶n̶e̷c̷e̸s̵a̸r̸y̶"
ADULT_LINK 7:24 PM: "This thread has no need to exist, there's already another that covers this."
CelestialLight 7:27 PM: "I am sorry, but those accounts really don't belong to me.. i am just trying to be nice and tell you that, just so you won't get me confused with someone else, i have no clue who any of these people you are talking about are nor do i know them and i really don't know who any of you are, i am just also posting my own opinions don't know why you are getting mad at me, all i am doing is posting stuff that interest me and things i seen on youtube a long time ago and i can't really get on a account that does not belong to me, now can i? i am just here to chat with like-minded people."
Jos 7:29 PM: "You sound really like Mercury there when dense told him "kys", what a coincidence."
Dense 7:30 PM: "Ok cuck gtfo"
CelestialLight 7:34 PM: "I am telling you the truth, some people do think alike and i don't want to fight with you, jos.. you seem like a nice person though i never met you and i would never do that to someone, its just mean. I am trying to tell you the truth, those accounts don't belong to me, but you're just making it hard. I am trying to clear some mix ups, i have never heard of you nor the internet detectives and i just wanted to post on here with people, who like the same things. please think before you act, i really don't want to start a fight on here. I Also, don't know what any of these groups are for nor the internet detectives one, but each of them seem interesting.. like they have their own tale of how the group names came to be, kinda cool."
Z3R0 8:26 PM: "Both of you are expanding pretty wide. I'd be careful if I were you."
CelestialLight 8:35 PM: "I am sorry, so should i tone down on my excitement? i am just really happy, i found like-minded people such as myself who believes aliens and spirits are real, as well as the world being a lie."
Z3R0 8:54 PM: "That isn't really what I meant. -_-"
CelestialLight 9:04 PM: "I know what you meant and i will be careful, i just hate when people confuse me with others. I mean, i don't even know anyone on this forum and people think i do, when i don't. But, i am not letting it bother me, i do hope this forum becomes more active.. i want to see, if anyone seen spirits maybe some in the shape of like a shadow? but in the shape of a person. and to Jos, i may not know who you are.. i think your art style is cute and charming, i love all kinds of art styles.. though yours may seem simple, i do want to see more, it just so charming and cute to me. I would never make fun of anyones art style, the only art style i make fun of or do any bashing to is my own."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">February 5th, 2019</span>
<span class="vip">nocta 12:02 AM: "This topic already exists and has unnecessary arguing. Locked."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta locks a thread for being redundant and containing too much arguing.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
2/5/19 - Nocta and CelestialLight
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
Subject: Thanks
CelestialLight 4:26 AM: "Question, do you play any video games?"
<span class="vip">nocta 4:28 AM: "no. and welcome to the Believers group. Once you have been in this role for a little bit, you will be given the password for The Truth."</span>
CelestialLight 4:31 AM: "Thank you, Nocta it is a honor..but, You must be busy not to be able to play some video games, i get alot of things on your hands..i do hope one day, you will see the joys of gaming."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">February 21st, 2019</span>
<span class="vip">nocta 2:32 PM: "I spend my time mostly working on this website the password for the truth is mindconstruct"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta gives the [[player]] CelestialLight the login information to "The Truth" board while she attempts to chat with him about video games.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
2/5/19 - "Welcoming a new brother into our fold." - nocta
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">nocta 12:15 AM: "ARGDov has officially been welcome into our ranks, though he does not yet know our true purpose. These coming weeks it will be upon all of you-- and if any of our other former members rejoin, them as well-- to teach him about us and our mission."</span>
<span class="vip2">moonman31 12:33 AM: "Okay that is an understandable thing my broham my dude my leader man But you have also promoted CelestialLight??? What the shit is happening."</span>
<span class="vip3">yuukichan 12:36 AM: "OMG ARGDOV WELCOME!~~~~~~~"</span>
<span class="vip">nocta 12:48 AM: "She is on the path to joining us as well."</span>
ARGdov 12:48 AM: "Hello, all. I don't know exactly why I've been accepted, but it means a lot to me. Questions have plagued me for so long and I hope to finally find answers along with all of you. I know I've got quite a long ways to go before then, but even being let in is truly a privilege. I won't let anyone down, I promise you. And another welcome to CelestialLight as well, I'm sure we have much to learn together."
<span class="vip3">yuukichan 12:49 AM: "Yay!! She PMs me a lot ^_________^"</span>
<span class="vip4">NotAHoax_M12 1:22 AM: "Welcome to the ranks brother"</span>
CelestialLight 9:35 PM: "It's a Honor to Be a Part of This group, Thank you for allowing me to know such knowledge and ARGdov, i hope you find the questions that you are looking for."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">July 7th, 2019</span>
<span class="vip5">Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:30 PM: "Odd to add more to the 'ranks' considering everything that's happened."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta announces that the [[players]] ARGdov and CelestialLight have both been promoted to the "Believer" rank and now have access to "The Truth" board.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/2/19 - Server still acting up - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">So, it’s come to another pitiful update. For this I am truly sorry, but I am never one to shy away from the status of the website from you, my friends. Due to reasons I still cannot explain we are having our ups and downs with the server. Every time we seem to get this back in working order and things seem to stabilize, something happens and everything seems to start crawling again; last time it happened on January 27th, just over a month ago. Everything should still work but expect some slowdown.
On the brightside, activity in our community generally seems to be in an upward swing. Carpe noctem.
sometimes more treasures are hidden in the chest that lies in plain sight</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta addresses some technical issues with [[Astralobservatory.net]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/19/19 - "Dragons" - CelestialLight
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 10th, 2019</span>
CelestialLight 3:09 PM: "Question, if you had a Dragon what would you do with it? and i believe, Dragons have their own realm apart from ours. Not much is known about them though."
Jos 4:53 PM: "The only thing I think as a dragon is a Latias, and I would have it to travel everywhere without the problem of buying gasoline or finding a place to park my car."
Buzz 4:58 PM: "I dunno, I haven't seen any dragons around here but they're said to be pretty powerful creatures, so maybe pact with one for some serious reality changing power? Occultist D.J. Conway created a sub-tradition of magic called "Draconic Wicca" about just that, revering and pacting with dragons. Can't say I believe in it though, seems like some hackish stuff. Assuming they're real though, they'd have a lot to offer in terms of power."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 11th, 2019</span>
Heloise 8:32 AM: "Dragons are very intelligent creatures, so assuming they were real they would be very cool creatures to just observe and learn more about."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 19th, 2019</span>
<span class="vip">nocta 12:22 PM: "Despite the inherent cynicism humans have to the supernatural, it is certainly nice to believe. Why should we let society dictate what is 'acceptable' to believe?"
nocta 12:23 PM: "Something of note, by the way"
nocta 12:23 PM: <nowiki>https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-bones-of-the-wawel-dragon-krakow-poland</nowiki></span>
CelestialLight 6:45 PM: "Dragons are my Favorite thing and i have a very strong belief on dragons, as well as them existing in their own realm."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">April 22nd, 2019</span>
Mercury 3:03 PM: "Why would you like dragons, they would leave shits like trucks everywhere."
CelestialLight 3:17 PM: "To Me, Dragons are Mystical Beings that are to be Respected, they are very wise and know more then we do, they are also strong and powerful creatures, they also each have different magnificent forms."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">July 19th, 2019</span>
<span class="vip2">Kaiden_Zoromichi 4:01 PM: "I once heard a rumor that Tiamat may be real. That was a long time ago..."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta discusses the existence of dragons.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/12/19 - Forum Spam - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">So, due to the nature of our interests, I have never required e-mail verification when registering and posting on the forums; however, the amount of malicious bots trying to prey on our boards means that I now have to require it.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta announces that the [[Astral Observatory Forums]] will now require more verification due to the sudden influx of spambots.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/19/19 - "Adventures of Kaiden Zoromichi: Abridged" - Astral Observatory Forums
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Kaiden Zoromichi 7:15 PM: "I made a video for some of my RP escapades. <nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_fltggv6E</nowiki> If you guys like this, maybe I will make more..."</span>
CelestialLight 7:26 PM: "i Love it, reminds me of a certain someones, style of RP Videos."
<span class="vip3">nocta 8:08 PM: "...cute, Kaiden. We should talk."</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Nocta later deleted this message at an unknown time.}}
<span class="vip2">moonman31 11:56 PM: "Glad I could help you out buddy"</span>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">July 27th, 2019</span>
<span class="vip4">IsocelesAssassin 8:42 PM: "Pretty bold to slip in footage of Nocta there Kaiden"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
[[Kaiden Zoromichi]] shares his new [[Adventures_of_Kaiden_Zoromichi_ABRIDGED_(Ep._1)|YouTube series]] with the forums. Nocta leaves a threatening message directed at him - likely due to the video containing footage of him.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/19 - (Unarchived Title) - nocta
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">nocta 9:14 PM: "Hello everyone, is with a heavy heart I let you know that I have banned Moonman. Investigation has led me to discover that he was responsible for the excess of forum spam from bots that we have received, and would continue to receive were registration not stringently controlled as of now. You can thank him for our extremely limited registration capabilities, which will have to continue that way until further notice."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta announces that [[Moonman]] has been banned from the [[Astral Observatory Forums]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/21/20 - Greek Mythos and Spell Casting Page Text - Astralosbervatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Yugi 14:59: Whats going on
Yugi 14:59: This is bullchit</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 14:59: lol
Moonman31 14:59: sorry Yuugs.
Moonman31 15:00: Hate the game, not the player.</span>
<span class="vip">Yugi 15:00: laught while you can
Yugi 15:00: Soon I will hold victory… tch..</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:00: ...</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:01: ᵵ Heehee (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎)Շ</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:01: Don't encourage them, Yuuki.</span>
<span class="vip">Yugi 15:02: I'm judt kiddign kaiden</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *just
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *kidding</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:02: *just
Moonman31 15:02: *losing</span>
<span class="vip">Yugi 15:03: *just
Yugi 15:04: *kissing</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:04: :blushing:</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:06: oh?? (꒪//w//꒪)</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:06: …
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Yeah, no.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Not dealing with THIS again.</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:07: aww...</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Besides
Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Nocta's already warned the two of you about shitposting in here too much.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:08: You don't gotta be such a stick in the mud brah
Moonman31 15:08: It's not like we're flooding the forums with a certain rp… :thinking:</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:08: ""Flooding""
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: Please.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: As if your 24/7 deluge of vaporwave and unfunny memes is any better.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: At least OUR activities are contained within the correct section of the forums with minimal double-posting.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:10: About half the posts in the anime thread are quintuple posts
Moonman31 15:10: You serious right now?</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:10: >w>"
Yuukichan 15:11: Sorry…</span>
<span class="vip5">Nocta 15:12: That's quite enough.
Nocta 15:12: Moonman
Nocta 15:12: Kaiden
Nocta 15:12: Do I need to time you both out again?</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Not necessary, Noct.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Moonman was simply mistaken and I felt the need to correct him.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:14: thank you, oh mighty Master Zoromichi
Moonman31 15:14: I am honored to be graced by your hollowed wisdom</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:14: *hallowed</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:15: shut up im hi</span>
<span class="vip5">Nocta 15:15: Yugi.
Nocta 15:15: Check your PM's.
Nocta 15:15: It's important.</span>
<span class="vip">Yugi 15:17: Ok
Yugi 15:17: one second</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:17: Whats this about now?</span>
<span class="vip5">Nocta 15:18: Private business.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 15:18: I see.
Moonman31 15:18: Getting intimate huh?
Moonman31 15:19: Looks like I got some competition.</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:20: Ooh?</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:22: Yuuki, please.</span>
<span class="vip4">Yuukichan 15:22: Sorry, sorry <(¬n¬)></span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta asks to speak to [[José]] in private - likely to ask him to use his [[Ocarina]] powers to retrieve the [[Lunar Children]] servers.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/21/20 - Witchcraft Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:23: Hello, everyone.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yuukichan 18:24: KAIDEEEEEEEN!!!
Yuukichan 18:24: O(≧∇≦)O *GLOM{S*</span>
<span class="vip3">Moonman31 18:24: Welp.
Moonman31 18:24: It was fun while it lasted.</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:25: Happy to see you too, Moonman.</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 18:26: We're glad to have you back Kaiden.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yuukichan 18:26: How was the trip?
Yuukichan 18:26: did you take any pictures??? OwO</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: It was refreshing, but I'm happy to be back.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: Also yes, but unfortunately I do not have them on me at the moment.</span>
<span class="vip3">Moonman31 18:27: speaking of trips, excuse me one moment
Moonman31 18:27: (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅m̲̅a̲̅r̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅a̲̅n̲̅a̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅()</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: I see not much has changed around here.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: Well, aside from all the new faces.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: What's up with that, by the way?</span>
<span class="vip2">Yuukichan 18:28: they're ben drowned people!</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:29: Oh?</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 18:29: They're from a group known as the "Internet Detectives". Read the post I made in The Truth.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yuukichan 18:29: things have been kinda crazy since you left xD
Yuukichan 18:29: all of the new guys are fun!!
Yuukichan 18:30: it's been really active around here</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:32: I see…</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 18:33: Let us not forget that these newcomers are closely connected to the "Johnisdead" site responsible for the attack on our servers that took place several weeks ago.
Nocta 18:33: Keep a close eye on them. </span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:34: An attack on our servers!?</span>
<span class="vip2">Yuukichan 18:35: like I said, youve mised a lot ε-(´・`)</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta welcomes [[Kaiden]] back to the [[Astral Observatory Forums]] and informs him about the [[Internet Detectives]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/21/20 - Deleted Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Moonman31 15:12: huh
Moonman31 15:12: pretty tame for a DDOS attack :thinking:</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:14: I assure you.
Nocta 15:14: After last night, some valuable information was brought to light.</span>
<span class="vip">Moonman31 15:14: what does THAT mean?</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:15: You'll see soon enough.</span>
<span class="vip">Moonman31 15:16: :thinking:</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:16: What did I tell you about spamming emojis?</span>
<span class="vip3">Yuukichan 15:16: We're baaaack!!!
Yuukichan 15:16: oh no are the forums ok??</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:16: The forums are fine.</span>
<span class="vip3">Yuukichan 15:18: Wait, where's hoaxy?</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:19: After much contemplation, I've decided to not add him back here.
Nocta 15:19: Please do not let him know the Subspace is still operational.
Nocta 15:19: He currently believes it was lost during the DDOS attack.</span>
<span class="vip3">Yuukichan 15:20: what?
Yuukichan 15:20: why? :c</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:21: The truth he seeks is not our own.
Nocta 15:21: He seeks an illusionary truth consisting of his own desired beliefs and delusions.</span>
<span class="vip">Moonman31 15:21: Meaning...?</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:22: He suffers from constant confirmation bias.
Nocta 15:22: This has blinded him.</span>
<span class="vip3">Yuukichan 15:23: but hoax really wants to learn the truth too...
Yuukichan 15:23: more than all of us combined...</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:23: To put it simply.
Nocta 15:23: He's not ready for the truth.
Nocta 15:23: As I said, he seeks not the actual truth - only his own perversion of it.</span>
<span class="vip">Moonman31 15:24: hmm...</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:26: This isn't to say his theories or beliefs are necessarily incorrect, only that he's so committed to them that he's unable to see the path laid before us.</span>
<span class="vip3">Yuukichan 15:28: Ok... :c</span>
<span class="vip2">Nocta 15:31: I enjoy having Hoax here.
Nocta 15:31: He's a good man.
Nocta 15:31: I'll add him back when he's ready.</span>
<span class="vip">noctalies</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta explains that [[Astralobservatory.net]] went offline because [[Johnisdead.com]] stole their bandwidth. He also announces that [[NotAHoax]] will not be added back to the [[Subspace]] for the time being.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/22/20 - "hh_(6).png" Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:31: You are still in possession of the gift, correct?</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:31: what gift
Yugi 15:32: oh wait
Yugi 15:32: you mean the songs?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:32: Yes.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:32: yup
Yugi 15:32: why do you ask?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:34: There is an essential component of our plan that's missing.
Nocta 15:34: Our goal lies beyond a door we cannot yet open - and only you hold the key.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:35: oh shit
Yugi 15:35: i did not realize
Yugi 15:35: i locked it in my car
Yugi 15:39: sorro im jk
Yugi 15:39: what do you need?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:41: You recall the location of the Lunar Children's original meeting grounds, correct?</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:41: florida
Yugi 15:41: right?
Yugi 15:41: at the fishery?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:42: That's right.
Nocta 15:42: That decrepit fishery contains the final piece we need.
Nocta 15:43: Something that was left behind.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:44: what is it?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:44: Their portals.
Nocta 15:44: Johnisdead.com and Lunarchildren.com.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:45: ahh
Yugi 15:45: you want their info?
Yugi 15:45: i can hack in for you</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:47: That won't be necessary.
Nocta 15:47: What we require is their physical servers.
Nocta 15:47: They are still operational and dormant within the fishery.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:48: no problem
Yugi 15:48: the song of soaring can get me there in two seconds</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:49: It's not that simple.</span>
<span class="vip2">Yugi 15:49: no?</span>
<span class="vip">Nocta 15:50: Let me explain.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Nocta chats with [[José]], outlining the plan to use his [[Ocarina]] powers to retrieve the [[Lunar Children]] servers.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Temp_Folder Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:33: (シ;゚Д゚)シ
Yuukichan 17:33: Aaaah!!! </span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:35: oh boy
Moonman31 17:35: whats goin on now</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:35: <nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrVpSMIWK50</nowiki></span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:36: whats this
Moonman31 17:36: >pewdiepie
Moonman31 17:36: wow</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:37: Moonie I don't like the gray man... ( ≧Д≦)</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:37: yeah me neither
Moonman31 17:38: guys a real asshole</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:38: ???</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That wasn't the gray man.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That's actually a randomly spawning NPC.</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:39: oh?</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:39: uh
Moonman31 17:39: I think I know what the gray man looks like
Moonman31 17:39: we're pretty good buddies irl</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:40: I'm talking about the video, asswipe.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:40: oh my bad
Moonman31 17:40: I wouldnt know
Moonman31 17:40: only losers watch pewds :sunglasses:</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:41: Whatever.</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:41: (╬⓪益⓪)
Yuukichan 17:41: your mama</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:41: oof
Moonman31 17:41: im going to have to go for a bit
Moonman31 17:42: on the account of being utterly annihilated by yuuki
Moonman31 17:42: sorry guys</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:42: :sunglasses:</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:42: If only…</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:44: What's all this?</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:44: wut</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:44: The Gray Man.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:45: uh
Moonman31 17:45: some video game character</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:46: Are you watching too nocta? :surprised:</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:47: It's nothing.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:47: bruh</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
[[Yuukichan]] and [[Kaiden]] watch videos from the YouTuber Pewdiepie. Nocta becomes interested when he hears the term "[[The Gray Man]]".
File:Skychild.jpg|link=Sky Children - Kaleidoscope|[[Sky Children - Kaleidoscope]]
File:Kaidenthumb.jpg|link=Adventures of Kaiden Zoromichi ABRIDGED (Ep. 1)|[[Adventures of Kaiden Zoromichi ABRIDGED (Ep. 1)]]

Latest revision as of 14:25, 29 August 2024


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Check back later for more updates.



Name Nocta
Alias Kevin Hendricks
Affiliation Astral Observatory
Lunar Children
Astral Internet Detectives
Gender Male
Status Ascended
Relations Moonman (Former Friend)
IsocelesAssassin (Former Friend)
Yuukichan (Former Friend)
José (Former Friend)
NotAHoax (Former Friend)
Kaiden_Zoromichi (Former Friend)
Kevin (Prime Self)

Nocta, also known as Kevin Hendricks, is the enigmatic leader of the Astral Observatory. Though he is supposedly the Astral Timeline incarnation of Kevin, much of Nocta's past is shrouded in mystery. After joining the Astral Internet Detectives in 2017, he is believed to have played some role in their destruction before creating the Astral Observatory.


Not much is known about Nocta's past. Being the Astral Timeline incarnation of Kevin, it can be assumed that their pasts are very similar with Nocta joining the Lunar Children and ascending on Undecim Nocte 2011. In 2012, it is believed that Nocta ambushed IsocelesAssassin and Mason. However, Nocta was supposedly in a weakened state during this time, allowing IsocelesAssassin to escape. This differs quite drastically from the Prime Timeline Kevin who managed to kill IsocelesAssassin. After this, Nocta's presence throughout the Astral Timeline seemed somewhat subdued as seemingly made less video appearances.

While the exact details of Nocta's actions are unknown, it can be assumed that he attempted and failed to bend Youshouldnthavedonethat.net to his will - much like his Prime Timeline counterpart in 2016. In 2017, Nocta managed to join the Astral Internet Detectives and befriend many of the users there. Nocta worked alongside the players up until early 2018, when he suddenly disappeared. Shortly after this, most of the Astral Internet Detectives were killed off. Nocta, presumably at the request of a high ranking Lunar Children individual or possibly The Jaeger formed the Astral Observatory and first started going by the alias "Nocta". The names "Nocta" and "Astral Observatory" were both taken from BUP from the Fucked Timeline.

In July of 2018, the Astral Observatory officially went online via Astralobservatory.net. The Astral Observatory Forums quickly followed with Nocta presenting himself as their leader. The surviving members of the Astral Internet Detectives, Moonman, IsocelesAssassin, and José, managed to track down Nocta and join the Astral Observatory. While Moonman and IsocelesAssassin adopted new aliases to protect their identities, José presented himself to Nocta as an old friend, slowly regaining his trust and offering to use his Ocarina powers should they be needed. Meanwhile, IsocelesAssassin and Moonman slowly gained Nocta's trust and were allowed entrance into the group's inner circle - the Subspace. Nocta also allowed the other new users into the Subspace as well - Yuukichan, NotAHoax, and Kaiden Zoromichi.

Nocta would fill the Subspace with various teachings - mainly ones surrounding Lunar Children beliefs such as Luna and the Parallelos. It appeared as though he mainly used the Astral Observatory Forums as a pipeline to pull in new users and gauge them before inducting them into the Subspace. From this point, it is likely that Nocta intended on ascending these members, as was seen later on in the case of Yuukichan. It is also implied that, during all of this, Nocta was still taking orders from an unknown individual or group.

At some point, Nocta decided to take José's offer and utilize his Ocarina powers. Nocta's plan was to send José back in time to the year 2016 so that he could enter into the Prime Timeline and steal the Lunar Children servers. This was supposedly done to somehow link Astralobservatory.net and Johnisdead.com - or perhaps to better link the two timelines together. Though José agreed to do so, he was secretly working alongside IsocelesAssassin to use the Lunar Children servers for their own gains.

On October 22nd, Astralobservatory.net went offline, destroying the forums. The next day, Nocta claimed that Johnisdead.com had stolen the site's bandwidth. A few days later on October 24th, the players discovered Astralobservatory.net for the first time after being linked to it from Johnisdead.com. When the forums were reconstructed on October 31st, the players joined them as well and began interacting with the Astral Observatory members for the first time. Nocta took note of this and warned the members of the forums that the players were seemingly involved with Johnisdead.com and perhaps related to Astralobservatory.net's downtime. This antagonized the players in the eyes of the forum members, effectively putting them at arm's length for a while. Despite this, the players managed to connect with the forum members and establish friendships.

Over the next few weeks, Nocta would occasionally engage in casual discussion with both the players and the members of the Astral Observatory on the forums. In one thread, Nocta posted the video Sky Children - Kaleidoscope - a music video featuring a song he enjoyed. This video contained some distorted footage that seemed to involve Tyler in some way. Shortly after this, Moonman contacted the players and gave them a brightened video of Nocta's clip - mask of truth. After this, Moonman began contacting the players in private via the Safehaven Discord Server. Nocta eventually caught wind of Moonman's betrayal, however, joining the Discord server on his own on November 24th. The next morning, Nocta and Moonman had an argument. Nocta called Moonman a fool and left the server. Shortly after this, Moonman was attacked by The Jaeger and removed from "The Truth" board on the forums. He was likely kicked from the Subspace as well.

In early 2019, Nocta took a trip with Yuukichan and Kaiden. During this trip, Yuukichan was killed and ascended. This resulted in Nocta's friendship with Kaiden becoming strained. Nocta later placed Yuukichan's within Astralobservatory.net.

Moonman eventually regained access to "The Truth" - possibly though being given access by another forum member. During this time, the players ARGdov and CelestialLight were slowly gaining Nocta's trust. On February 5th, Nocta gave both players access to "The Truth" board. After this, Nocta browsed the Internet Detectives Tumblr and discovered that the contents of "The Truth" had been posted. Believing that Moonman was responsible for leaking them, Nocta once again removed him from "The Truth". In retaliation, Moonman flooded the Astral Observatory Forums with Spambots which Nocta then had to deal with.

On June 5th, Moonman hacked Nocta's account and gave all of the players moderator status, allowing them to view deleted and hidden posts. On July 19th, Kaiden slipped in some footage of Nocta from the trip in which Yuukichan was killed in his video. This angered Nocta, who then proceeded to threaten Kaiden. On August 8th, Nocta finally struck back by trapping Moonman within the Subspace. Fortunately, this attacked quickly subverted by the players with the assistance of GHOSTBABEL. Though the players had managed to free Moonman, it caused Astralobservatory.net to undergo a substantial amount of damage and temporal chaos. This, combined with Yuukichan's chaotic spirit and the various other attacks on the boards, frightened Nocta, causing him to retreat.


Nocta is a very manipulative and enigmatic individual. It is difficult to tell when exactly he is being truthful. At times, Nocta appears to truly regard others as his friends. Despite this, Nocta continues to use them for his own gains.


A reality that could not stay across spheres. Can we be friends forever? No? Why? I wont make him dwell on this its not even the same man this was practically an accident.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Nocta.


7/28/18 - Welcome to the Astral Observatory - Astralobservatory.net

Category: Thoughts

This is a website dedicated to sharing news, opinions, and thoughts from an underground collective that believe in what some may call paranormal or supernatural. We believe in that modern society has pulled a warm blanket over our eyes, trying to lull us into a false reality in which the masses, now imperceptible to the greater machinations of the universe, are more malleable for cooperation.

We have been exposed to some of the truths that shattered that illusion, and now we seek more.

If you are interested in joining us on this journey, bookmark this webpage for further updates, and head on over to our forums for new community of people like us, and we believe, yourself.

Tags: welcome


10/22/18 - Malicious Attack; Forums Offline - Astralobservatory.net

Category: News

Dearest believers,

I have some news you may find unfortunate. On Sunday morning, around 12am, this site was taken offline. I do not know how or why, but during that time our bandwidth was temporarily re-purposed for another website, ‘johnisdead.com’. While I’m not sure why this has happened, I can only conclude it was some form of malicious hack. Please stay patient while I work to get my previous posts on this website back up, and work to restore the forums to their former glory. For now the forums are locked.

We will get through this.


10/31/18 - Good news and bad news. - Astralobservatory.net

Hello everyone,

I have both good news and bad news to report today, Oct. 31st.

The good news is that soon, our forums will be up and running once again!

The bad news is, most of the our previous posts have become corrupted. I was unable to salvage anything but the protected forum. Some users may need to find that they will need to re-register themselves, even.

We will rebuild.


  • Nocta announces that the Astral Observatory Forums had been recreated. Unfortunately, he was unable to salvage any posts outside of "The Truth".

7/28/18 - "Forum Rules" - nocta

nocta 12:00 PM: "These are the rules of the Observatory's forums by which you must abide. Do so and you will enjoy your stay here.
-No spam. All automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites will be deleted immediately.

-Post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.

-Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by moderators.

-Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for deletion from the forums.

-No Pornography, please.

-Bandwidth. All signatures must be 500 x 500 pixels or smaller. Posts containing over-sized images and signatures will be removed.

-Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.

-Do NOT try to break into the Truth!"


  • Nocta outlines the basic rules of the Astral Observatory Forums. These also include a warning for users to not to try and break into "The Truth" board.

10/31/18 - "We starting over?" - moonman31

moonman31 1:32 PM: "Y'all know me, still the same OG."
nocta 1:34 PM: "Welcome back moonman. Keep the trolling to a MINIMUM this time?"
moonman31 1:35 PM: "I promise nothing. (kidding)"
yuukichan 1:40 PM: "MOONIE!!!!"
NotAHoax_M12 2:06 PM: "Of course you'd be the first back besides Nocta and Samuel"
moonman31 2:06 PM: ((A gif from "The Simpsons" is posted)) target=_blank


10/31/18 - "AAAAH WE'RE BAAAACK" - yuukichan

yuukichan 1:41 PM: "Hello everyooooone~"
nocta 1:42 PM: "Hello again Yuuki"
yuukichan 1:43 PM: "Nocta! Pls fix my group status QwQ"
nocta 1:44 PM: "I'm working as fast as I can as everyone sees the message and re-registers... patience."
moonman31 1:50 PM: "Welcome back kiddo."
yuukichan 1:55 PM: "Where is grampa? He's registered but he hasn't posted yet... TTwTT"


10/31/18 - "Nice to be back." - NotAHoax_M12

NotAHoax_M12 2:01 PM: "Glad my favorite group of people are back online. Well, soon to be. What's up with the avatars? Uploads are broken."
nocta 2:01 PM: "I know, just use TinyPic for now. I will get it fixed."
NotAHoax_M12 2:05 PM: "I'm sure this is really frustrating. Take your time, Nocta."


10/31/18 - "JohnIsDead.com" - moonman31

moonman31 1:46 PM: "So let's get down to brass and talk about it, and this seemed like the most appropriate section. How does someone redirect bandwidth from one website to another? I smell a conspiracy about this 'johnisdead.com' :ugeek:"
nocta 1:46 PM: "It was some asshole messing with us. I'd suggest letting it go."
yuukichan 1:52 PM: "I'm gonna fight them (ง •̀_•́)ง"
NotAHoax_M12 2:03 PM: "I'd be scared of whoever you try to fight, Yuuki."
Dense 4:34 PM: "|...by which a new vessel' may then be obtained. The flesh must be made weak. the mind must be made weary. the upon one who ye hath chosen shall descend lunar wisdom. Exalt him upon the hour of choosing and then through worldly works father thine children anew.|=ll"
Jos 4:47 PM: "Ok I join the fight to WHERE IS THE GUY *starts throwing punchs into the air*"
moonman31 7:15 PM: "Shut up Hoax"
Jos 7:48 PM: "Moonman, be nice."

November 1st, 2018

Wolfcat 10:16 AM: "You guys haven't had any connections to Johnisdead in the past? Like, you guys didn't piss off any spooky deep web people, did you? I mean you guys don't really seem like the type that'd go out and anger anyone purposefully. Well, except for Moonman, but he seems to do it in an endearing way."
moonman31 12:26 PM: "You are learning fast"
NotAHoax_M12 12:33 PM: "No, this john is dead website is new to us. I am convinced it is controlled by some otherworldly force to stop US from SPREADING OUR TRUTHS"
Jos 1:03 PM: "May I hear from those Truths too? I want to learn."
yuukichan 1:12 PM: "Stick around and you will find out!!"
nocta 1:40 PM: "I don't like where this thread is headed. Locking."


10/31/18 - "What's up, spookboys" - Wolfcat

Wolfcat 2:30 PM: "I stumbled across this place while looking up some rad music from Majora's Mask. I expected this place to be some sort of Zelda fan-board so I was a bit surprised to see people talking about aliens and stuff, lol. That's good, though. I've always been interested in listening to theories and stuff on YouTube, even ones that people say are a bit "out there" like the hollow Earth and hollow Moon stuff. Anyways, yeah, I'll probably stick around a bit, so what's up guys."
NotAHoax_M12 2:34 PM: "Very cool, someone new! Welcome friend. You will get used to the crazy lot that tends to lurk this place, and you will definitely learn a thing or two!"
moonman31 2:35 PM: "salutations newf-... newfriend."
yuukichan 2:38 PM: "WELCOOOME~"
Jos 4:44 PM: "Yeah me too, me too, i'm new, I been waiting for the forums to come back online so I could tell you guys about me lol."
nocta 5:56 PM: "Welcome, detective."


10/31/18 - New users - Astralobservatory.net

As the forums come back online, and while our previous users find my previous post and continue to rejoin, there is something I would like to address: new users

We have always been a lightly secluded gathering of folk, but we have always embraced new users and brought them into the fold; there is, however, a small influx of users joining that are related to ‘johnisdead’.

I suppose I knew this would happen, and there’s only one way to address. Welcome them, teach them, and embrace them… with one eye open.

These users will be placed into the ‘Internet Detectives’ usergroup as they are identified (that name is what they already call themselves in other parts of the internet).

Keep lips sealed on certain subjects. Stay wary.

Change their minds.


10/31/18 - "What are your thoughts about visitors?" - Jos

Jos 4:53 PM: "One thing is clear, the universe is so big and vast that saying they don't exist would be ridiculous in the eyes of stadistics I don't think we are the first intelligent species, and I don't think there is not a only planet out there in the life zone of a star. What are your thoughts, you think they came to observe us, or they are contacting the biggest gov in secret? or there is no aliens near our star?"
NotAHoax_M12 5:13 PM: "There are absolutely visitors in our midst brother. You are simply opening your eyes to the grand conspiracy that the US Government has been trying to hide our entire lives: They're here. They're among us. And they are in control."
Jos 5:17 PM: "Everyone needs to open the eyes and fight them, they cannot hide forever, humans will gain true independence from these unknown creatures!"
NotAHoax_M12 5:19 PM: "That is the struggle we fight brother"

November 1st, 2018

Wolfcat 1:35 PM: "Some say they're on our very moon, or maybe even living within it."
NotAHoax_M12 5:38 PM: "That is INTERESTING that you think that way. I have often wondered if they have a base somewhere within our SOLAR SYSTEM although I doubt it is THE MOON."
Jos 5:42 PM: "You must think like them, best place? THE ASTEROID BELT around the solar system, the one between Mars and Jupiter, Thousands and thousands of asteroids there, impossible to detect."

November 2nd, 2018

Wolfcat 9:25 AM: "I'm assuming you're pretty interested in the Majestic 12, based off of your username. I never really looked into it myself, but it always sounded interesting. It's pretty much where the whole classic "Men in Black" thing started, right?"

November 3rd, 2018

yuukichan 5:35 PM: "Hoaxy can talk about Majest 12 for hoursszzzz Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ"
NotAHoax_M12 11:28 PM: "I know it's real brother I have firsthand experience. I grew up in the nexus of all visitor activity, New Mexico; ever since I was young I knew something was off and I have DEDICATED my LIFE to understanding that which lies beyond the curtain of falsities. Ever since they took her."
yuukichan 11:30 PM: "It is so sad that they did that Hoaxie :c"
Wolfcat 11:31 PM: "Wait, what happened? If you don't mind me asking."
NotAHoax_M12 11:33 PM: "They fucking took her brother. My mother. I watched it happen. Visitors. And the next day suits came and took my dad just the same man. Wanted to take me too. So I ran."
yuukichan 11:35 PM: "Before you detective guys showed up most of us only had each other! We've all been affected by... stuff, like this. We want to find our truths! We have a path and leader to guide us the way!"
Wolfcat 11:40 PM: "Shit, that's awful. I'm really sorry to hear that. We're all just searching for our own truths, too. That's admirable. Just be sure that the truth you seek is your own, not someone else's."

November 4th, 2018

nocta 12:29 AM: "Everyone here has sought the same guidance and walks the same path. We are all trying to break the veil because we had questions about ourselves and our paths that needed to be answered."
CelestialLight 9:43 AM: "I totally agree with you nocta, i have always believed in the Veil and always wanted to see past it."

November 5th, 2018

Wolfcat 12:58 PM: "Not gonna lie, this freaked me out at first, heh..."
Wolfcat 12:58 PM: ((A screenshot of the online users list on the Astral Observatory forums where a forum bot named "Majestic-12 [Bot]" can be seen))
NotAHoax_M12 2:22 PM: "Are you really surprised? The easiest way for the enemy to hide is in PLAIN SITE I'm sure if you look into it's just a Google Bot; that's what they WANT you to believe as they lure you into a false sense of security. Keep an eye open brothers!"

Darkzero 2:33 PM: "The truth is not for everyone to know. simply because not everyone is ready. but one day they will come to understand. like when we understood that the planet was not flat and square. On the other hand, it is round. but until that moment. The truth will be hidden. It does not matter if they fight against something or not. Give your best for remaining faithful to the search for knowledge and truth"

November 6th, 2018

nocta 12:58 AM: "The universe has a vastness to it that is essentially unknowable to us, conceptually. We have mere inklings of sight into these wonders, but very little is accessible to us as a species. Dimensionally beyond what we comprehend. It would follow that in this endlessness, other sapient species are out there, and they may or may not be benevolent."
yuukichan 1:08 AM: "Of course~"
moonman31 1:11 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5hB4hBKngg"
moonman31 1:11 AM: ((An image of the "X-Files" along with text reading "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE" is sent))


  • NotAHoax discusses his tragic past with aliens. When discussing the nature of the Astral Observatory as a whole, Nocta gives a speech on how all members are walking the same path towards the truth. He also shares his view on aliens.

11/3/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense

Dense 11:48 PM: "So hey guys, SHARE YOUR MUSIC! Who's your favorite musician?"
NotAHoax_M12 11:50 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc greatest voice of the last 100 years brother voice of the REAL people"
Wolfcat 11:54 PM: "Anything by Rush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiRuj2_czzw"
Dense 11:56 PM: "Well dad I'm sorry but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk-iWj_a-68 and from other personal tastes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crOZk88eCcg&"
Wolfcat 11:59 PM: "Yes is good. I'm always down for any sort of classic rock. Rush just has something special to it.

November 4th, 2018

Dense 12:01 AM: "You made me get high with that song and also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JjOpXsJ7A"

November 5th, 2018

NotAHoax_M12 2:29 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2MtEsrcTTs"

November 6th, 2018

yuukichan 1:05 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm8UjBAS3cs"
CircleHunter 2:01 AM: "Anything by Blue Öyster Cult. Favorite band of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVSUX4EVgVw"
nocta 7:47 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHu_0Bn9Gr8"
Dense 9:00 PM: "Wow nice, someone misses John hehe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpW8X0duEAU"

November 8th, 2018

Wolfcat 1:25 AM: "Now here's some good shit. Anyone here like vaporwave? https://succmarijuano.bandcamp.com/releases"
CelestialLight 8:54 AM: "I found this Music on youtube while looking for different types of Music to listen to, i really like it. I don't know if the Music genre is Jazz or Not. I Just learned about Jazz, years ago and found, that i really like Jazz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3WgsKEDg5Q"
Jos 9:03 AM: "Ups, I broke my bag of good music and it split all over the place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5BuYf8q4o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY https://youtu.be/yZ5P4hfOqtk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGMabBGydC0"
CelestialLight 9:35 AM: "I Love this Selection of Music, you Picked Jos. Speaks to the Soul in a good way and it's also interesting."
Jos 4:56 PM: "thanko"

November 11th, 2018

nocta 2:44 AM: "I really enjoy this song"
nocta 2:44 AM: ((A link to the video "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" uploaded by Nocta himself is posted))

CircleHunter 2:49 AM: "This man has taste."
CelestialLight 4:43 AM: "Nocta's Music picks are the type of Music i enjoy."

November 12th, 2018

moonman31 4:03 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki-fATpXa00 vaporboys boys"

November 23rd, 2018

Z3R0 2:05 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGb7PsesPG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ0eK-Kewss whichever suits ones' tastes. ( I enjoy dancing to this song most.) I have always enjoyed the classics, but any other genre that suits my mood would do just fine.

November 29th, 2018

Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:49 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9geXVAOFDg - \m/"

December 11th, 2018

CelestialLight 1:27 PM: "Music i love/Enjoy from a video game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C3Ib5zGndw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtIbEy1HYrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqGiv8avBDM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRO9JZ2j2so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAKLJiAKJxM I love zelda music, Nintendo really does make their music sound Enchanting."

January 14th, 2019

Nephalem 10:58 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRcZ0BF ... ueRG5zMbvH black mage album is a artwork"

March 14th, 2019

CelestialLight 2:21 PM: "My Favorite Music Video from my favorite anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76NcpnpENMw"
Jos 3:05 PM: "ARE WE SPEAKING ABOUT ANIME MUSIC? cause i have one that i love a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xksw77o7gKc"
CelestialLight 3:12 PM: "Jos wrote: ↑March 14th, 2019, 3:05 pm ARE WE SPEAKING ABOUT ANIME MUSIC? cause i have one that i love a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xksw77o7gKc Jos, its more like Anime Music Videos, but its a Amv."

March 24th, 2019

EdwardAmarl 6:31 PM: "To all you Pantera fans out there, this Saturday night at 9:00 - Pantera behind the music on Vh1 classic... Set the DVR for this one"

July 19th, 2019

Kaiden_Zoromichi 11:53 PM: "Yuuki listens to this a lot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBff4F5egLc"
moonman31 11:59 PM: "<3"


11/6/18 - "Hellooo" - CircleHunter

November 5th, 2018

CircleHunter 7:59 PM: "Hey there, guys. I've been lurking for a few days because I've been too nervous to do this, but hello! I look forward to hearing/telling about the spooky things that we've experienced. And also, why is my name green? I just joined and have no idea what's up with that lmao"
CelestialLight 8:04 PM: "Welcome! Newcomer, i hope you enjoy your stay here."

November 6th, 2018

nocta 12:48 AM: "We know well of you CircleHunter, you were on Within Hubris as Internet Detective. Welcome to this part of the internet."
yuukichan 1:02 AM: "ooh a ben drowned guy!! hi!!! (。≧◇≦)ノ"


11/11/18 - "Cryptids" - CircleHunter

November 6th, 2018

CircleHunter 1:51 AM: "So, I'm a native West Virginian. This state has a good few spooky creatures associated with it, not the least of which are the Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster. I have always been really interested in this sort of thing, so I'd like to know if you guys have any well-known native cryptids or stories about them."
CelestialLight 10:54 AM: "What about, nessie the loch ness monster, my Favorite of the mystical monsters. they say its a creature said to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands."

November 11th, 2018

nocta 3:06 AM: "Classic cryptids have been discussed so much, I've always been more fond of internet-age supernatural creatures."
CircleHunter 3:21 AM: "Yeah, I feel that. I wish I could name more that fit that criteria than just the Slender Man and Rake. Do you have any spooky creatures of that nature to talk about in particular? I'd be down for some of that."
moonman31 5:40 PM: "SLENDERMAN TIME"

November 13th, 2018

Wolfcat 11:47 AM: "I spotted strange frog creatuore outside home... take a look...."
Wolfcat 11:47 AM: ((A blurry image of the Pokemon "Greninja" floating in the air is sent))
Darkzero 4:29 PM: "Is it just me or does it look a lot like greninja? ... or whatever it is written ..."
Jos 4:41 PM: "Its a pikachu, any other guesses are automatly declined."

November 22nd, 2018

yuukichan 11:30 AM: "owo *throws pokeball*"


  • Nocta discusses cryptids with the players.

11/13/18 - Nocta and ARGdov

Subject: What game is it you play, ARGDov?

nocta 2:33 PM: "I would like to know. I've been told you haven't been with the Detectives for some time."

November 14th, 2018

ARGdov 4:10 PM: "To put it simply, I'm trying to find answers just like anyone else here. I was with Internet Detectives for a considerable ammount of time it's true but I left for a number of reasons which would be too complicated to enumerate here. To put it simply, the number of unreconcilable differences I had with most of the members eventually made me feel I had to leave. Not to mention, I've encountered some strange stuff with them as, stuff which no one in the group was able to explain. I was looking for answers and it seemed there approach wasn't garnering the results I was looking for, so there seemed no point in staying with them. With that said, I did get wind of this place from an old contact of mine who's part of the group (I don't believe he's joined yet though I haven't asked for certain). Despite there presence here the forum itself did sound promising, provided I was allowed to work on my own. The detectives are slow and often times come to rather poor conclusions, to the point that they've put people at risk in the past as well. I want answers and they clearly aren't going to be of any help. They've tried to save lives and have failed, and I question at times wether those lives were worth saving."

November 16th, 2018

nocta 7:54 PM: "How far does your curiosity go?"

November 17th, 2018

ARGdov 6:44 PM: "I want to know to put it simply, "the truth". Not the nebulous thing that ID constantly yammer about but really and truly, the truth. I don't know what you have to do with Johnisdead or any of the cults that the detectives have encountered (if you have any connection at all in the first place), but it seems you know something worthwhile. I've encountered so many bizarre things, even before joining ID. Some of it seemed to point to the moon cults, and I guess specifically 'Luna', whoever she really is (another of my many questions. I'm not so quick to dismiss the claims of the MC or the LC....those groups certainly have power, power which isn't natural). You told the members here that they should try and change the ID's minds about something, I'd like to know what that "something is" and what they're wrong about If I may ask, who are you, anyways? You seem to know a bit more about me than I do about you. I'm convinced that ID are putting people at risk by interfering and that they're attempts to learn the truth have lead them to come to inaccurate conclusions. I don't trust the few allies they made when I was with them, and I feel you can clear things up."

November 20th, 2018

nocta 7:07 PM: ((Nocta asks the player ARGdov if he would like to be friends))
ARGdov 7:10 PM: ((ARGdov accepts Nocta's offer))

February 4th, 2019

nocta 12:35 AM: "I’ve been watching. I have recently removed some sensitive material from The Truth, but you now have access to this forum which is mostly empty, for now. The current password is 'mindconstruct'. I change it every time new material is posted in there."


  • Nocta questions the player ARGdov about his true motives. ARGdov claims that he wishes to leave the Internet Detectives and join the Astral Observatory. He eventually gains Nocta's trust, resulting in him obtaining the login information to "The Truth" board.

11/24/18 - Website temporarily down, but we're back. - Astralobservatory.net

Today we had a small DDOS attack on our servers. This caused our account to be temporarily suspended. It would be easy to say it was the “Internet Detectives”, but I can’t be sure that is the case. It would be inappropriate of us to try and assume anything in this instance, so we will move forward, as we have always planned


  • Nocta discusses a DDOS attack that had damaged Astralobservatory.net recently. He claims that it is possible that the players were responsible. This post also contained bolded letters that led players to the Johnisdead.com page "https://johnisdead.com/heistrapped.html".

11/24/18 - Chat with Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)

nocta 5:36 PM: I have seen the most incredible light
nocta 5:36 PM: It would be easy to assume you could change anything, but you can’t
nocta 5:36 PM: Why do you insist on this?
nocta 5:36 PM: Really

Jos 5:40 PM: Because is the right thing to do, doing otherwise would be illogical.
nocta 5:40 PM: What is right?
Wolfcat 5:42 PM: What exactly are you after?
nocta 5:42 PM: What are you after?
Jos 5:44 PM: Well, certanly hunting down a person since 2011 is not right. yet, we only want the safety of that person.
Wolfcat 5:44 PM: Keeping our friends safe and uncovering the truth
nocta 5:47 PM: So, you think infiltrating my forums and worrying my friends is the way to do it?
Dense 5:49 PM: We are not worrying your friends
Jos 5:50 PM: No, I did not infiltrate nowere, all the people there are cool and it has been nice to meet them, and i would still be around those forums to speak to those, the thing is, is that i want Tyler safe, you care for your freinds safety, so i want him to be safe too.
Dense 5:51 PM: Also
Dense 5:51 PM: Where
Dense 5:51 PM: Is
Dense 5:51 PM: Him
Wolfcat 5:51 PM: We don’t mean any ill will among the forum goers, but it’s clear that this is all connected, and there is definitely something fucked up going on beneath the surface. If they are worried, then they probably have reason to be.
Jos 5:53 PM: And do not confuse me, i seek the same truth no matter what group i may represent. Today I can be an ID, tomorrow i can be another thing if the truth is there.
Dense 5:58 PM: :hidden: HOLY SHIT :hidden:
Wolfcat 6:16 PM: Look, on the off-chance that you aren’t in league with that cult, I promise you we mean no harm to your friends. However, we have more than enough evidence that proves you and your website is at least connected to it.
nocta 6:26 PM: All things are easy to believe
nocta 6:26 PM: When you have only been spoonfed information from one side of the story
nocta 6:26 PM: That being said, you assume too much

Jos 6:27 PM: Then help us see the other side so we can know whats going on
Jos 6:27 PM: Please.
Wolfcat 6:29 PM: Your own YouTube channel raises suspicion, not to mention the appearance of your site on Johnisdead.com. We’re just as suspicious of that website as you all are, so you cannot blame us for being intrigued whenever you are randomly connected to it.
Wolfcat 6:29 PM:If you have an explanation, then please tell us, but surely you can see why we’re suspicious at best.
Jos 6:31 PM: I think we may been deceived to be confronted, i mean, i think there is a third party controlling all of this, if you say there is another side of the story
Jos 6:31 PM: if that is the case, confronting would be illogical, we need to put all the info in the table to see whats going on.


  • Nocta enters the Safehaven Discord Server and confronts the players. He claims that the players cannot change anything, and all they're doing is worrying his friends. He then implies that the players have only been given information from one side of the story and they assume to much.

11/26/18 - Chat with Moonman and Nocta - Discord (Safehaven)

((Moonman says that it’s time to clear some things up))
Dense 1:44 PM: Yeet the fuck
nocta 1:44 PM: what are you doing?
Jos 1:45 PM: okay
Jos 1:45 PM: lets me search the meaning of that term first
Dense 1:45 PM: Oh
Jos 1:46 PM: oh, i see, yup, i’m against no one
((Moonman claims that no one in this chat is enemies with one another))
nocta 1:46 PM: Idiot
((Moonman asks if Nocta can just let it go))
nocta 1:46 PM: No.
Jos 1:47 PM: sorry my lenguage is not english i think i fucked up a little up there, i am agaisnt no one, all friendly and nice
((Moonman says that Nocta was calling him an idiot, not Jos))
Jos 1:47 PM: i see
Jos 1:47 PM: Nocta, I think we need to clarify stuff, lets sit down, and lets talk cool
nocta 1:48 PM: Ha.
nocta 1:48 PM: I will see you all around.

((Nocta leaves the Discord server))
Jos 1:49 PM: Are you sure this is the correct route?
Jos 1:49 PM: I hope so
Jos 1:49 PM: He is like
Jos 1:49 PM: “you are the bad guys oooo so lets talk about it nocta and he is like no0o0o0”
((Moonman claims that is not how the situation actually is))
((Moonman believes his life might actually be in danger at this point))
moonman31 1:51 PM: but
moonman31 1:51 PM: I can reveal some things that I could not before
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more you discover
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more I can reveal
moonman31 1:51 PM: It seems.

Jos 1:52 PM: So, you know about this “he is trapped?”
Jos 1:52 PM: Could mean tyler, could mean Samuel who hasnt posted a single time
((Moonman claims he knows nothing about that phrase))
Jos 1:52 PM: aw
Jos 1:52 PM: so, what is the new stuff you can reveal?
((Moonman says he needs to know who all is in the chat))
Jos 1:52 PM: ok
Jos 1:52 PM: so, we have Wolfcat, me, Circle Hunter, Dense, Glad Mans, Bianca, and Raven
Jos 1:52 PM: no one else
Jos 1:52 PM: x
Jos 1:52 PM: lets see if others are here
Jos 1:52 PM: post x
Wolfcat 1:55 PM: I think it’s just you, me, jos, and raven
((Moonman says he believes there is a spy among our ranks))
Jos 1:57 PM: I trust you, I have a theory but I don’t want to reveal just to mantain stuff secure
Jos 1:57 PM: anyway, i will find the spy soon or later
Jos 1:57 PM: and i have the perfect idea
Jos 1:57 PM: I see
((Moonman says “Well…”))
Jos 1:57 PM: Nothing else? well, We will be careful with what we say… thank you
Dense 2:03 PM: Oh nocta left
((Moonman says he was waiting for a response from us))
Jos 2:04 PM: oh, sorry, non english native so idk when something follows a reply lol
Wolfcat 2:04 PM: Dense is also here
((Moonman says “Obviously”))
Jos 2:04 PM: so, why are you at line?
((Moonman says we are right about some things and wrong about others))
Jos 2:04 PM: please, tell us the wrong part so we can see the both sides of the coin
((Moonman says we are right about “Greth”))
Jos 2:04 PM: Well, he is probably Nocta? The Johnisdead page points to to it, and have bunch of evidence, still, it could be wrong info.
Jos 2:04 PM: Nocta
((Moonman says that Greth is not Nocta, at least not as far as he knows))
((Moonman confirms that he is Greth, but he doesn’t know us and Greth Vlogs is not familiar to him))
((Moonman says that he is not the person on the front page of Johnisdead, despite being Greth))

Jos 2:04 PM: Sorry, I have no words, im confused… Then, the guy from the front page must be another guy who looks really the same
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: It sounds to me like some stupid magic shit is going on
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: More time bullshit
Jos 2:11 PM: except if you cant remember
Jos 2:11 PM: because of the sp00ky stuff
Jos 2:11 PM: wait
Jos 2:11 PM: then
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: back when YSHDT.net was up, a lot of strange things were happening with various timelines converging into one another
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: maybe this is still happening somehow
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: as crazy as that sounds
Jos 2:15 PM: what if there are 3 , you, the greth from the vlogs, and the sp00ky one
Jos 2:15 PM: for some reason
Jos 2:15 PM: what if Patrem has been converted into a vessel for Kevin who is using the vlogs greth as vessel?
Jos 2:15 PM: idk,
moonman31 2:16 PM: Now you’re losing me
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: I mean, that’d be a double vessel.
((Moonman says he doesn’t know anything about that))
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: It seems like either way, Nocta is Kevin
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: That much we can be certain of
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: At least to some extent
((Moonman asks about Patrem))
Jos 2:17 PM: there is this entity called patrem, it needs a vessel to survive, a physical, weak body to assimilate,
Jos 2:17 PM: in the greth videos and the jid page, everything reffering this entity, is purple
Jos 2:17 PM: yet
Jos 2:17 PM: in the jid page, nocta has been referring as this purple sp00ky greth
Jos 2:17 PM: but nocta is kevin
((Moonman says he’s not sure about that))
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Maybe the “Wayward cretin” is just fucking with us some more
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Tenebris, I mean
Jos 2:19 PM: What im saying “Kelbris” needs a body, maybe kevin did the same when patrem was weak, and took over patrem and then used patrem to vessel this sp00ky greth, so, kevin would be nocta at the same time of Greth vlogs
((Moonman says there are some very dark things happening on Astral Observatory))
((Moonman says he’s frustrated because he believes it might be too late to stop it))

Jos 2:19 PM: i can use a proxy and access the truth part, if you are willing to help me…
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: Do you know if there’s any possible way for us to access The Truth?
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: or is that still just completely out of reach
((Moonman says that the password has been changed and that he no longer knows it))
Jos 2:21 PM: shit, i should have asked earlier, but i didnt wanted look like impolite
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: I am here now
((Moonman says the old password was “pqbxhtlopa”))
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: oh fuck
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: shit
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: Whoa
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: the shit that was on jid.com
Jos 2:22 PM: FUCK
CircleHunter 2:22 PM: That means
CircleHunter 2:22 PM:Try the current title
Jos 2:22 PM: Now is when i want a tardis you know
Jos 2:22 PM: The timer wont reset tought
((Moonman asks what timer Jos is referring to))
Jos 2:22 PM: it was an old page in jid
Jos 2:22 PM: just a referrence tho
((Moonman says that it reminded him of something))
Jos 2:22 PM: what about?
Jos 2:22 PM: maybe its important
Jos 2:22 PM: i can provide old images of the page if that helps
Wolfcat 2:26 PM: Maybe “pqbxh” and “tlopa” on JiD was merely a hint towards The Truth, and not something about Nocta
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Damn we were too late then
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Has jid changed?
Wolfcat 2:27 PM: Not on my end
((Moonman says a post has been deleted since he lost access to The Truth))
Jos 2:27 PM: i will find that post
Jos 2:27 PM it must be the new password being hidden
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: I think it was the post in The Truth
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: There used to be two posts in there
((Moonman confirms he was talking about the post that was deleted in The Truth))
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: I want to test something
Jos 2:28 PM: aw
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: And the older post was deleted
Jos 2:28 PM: it was the old one right
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: But the newer one remained
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Just to be absolutely sure here, you were around for jadusable and posted the new wave bossa nova, right?
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Or was that this other greth?
((Moonman says he did in fact submit the NWBN during YSHDT.net))
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Ok, hmm
((Moonman says that the timeline seems similar up to a point))
((Moonman begins acting strangely and posts “Kevin, Tyler, Tenebris))
((Moonman then deletes this post))

CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Please tell me someone was paying attention to that
CircleHunter 2:35 PM: Kevin, tyler, tenebris
((Moonman says "save please tyler”))
Raven 2:37 PM: He’s deleting everything
Wolfcat 2:37 PM: We’ll save Tyler.
((Moonman then says “no save please”))
Jos 2:41 PM: what is going on
moonman31 2:41 PM: tylers
moonman31 2:41 PM: STOP IT

Wolfcat 2:42 PM: Who’s doing this to you?
moonman31 2:43 PM: t\
moonman31 2:45 PM: he
moonman31 2:45 PM: is
moonman31 2:45 PM: Today at 14:16

((Users noticed that Moonman’s post from 2:16 now had an alien emote reaction))
((Wolfcat posted an image of the Bow and Arrow))
moonman31 2:47 PM: I feel ok
moonman31 2:47 PM: for now
moonman31 2:48 PM: what did you do?

Wolfcat 2:49 PM: Can you tell us who he is? Do you know? The man with the alien mask?
Jos 2:49 PM: lets say
Jos 2:49 PM: its sp00ky stuff too
moonman31 2:49 PM: The what
Jos 2:49 PM: but we did it to save you
Jos 2:49 PM: wait, you cant remember? few seconds ago
moonman31 2:50 PM: The man with the alien mask?
Wolfcat 2:51 PM: Was he not the one who was just hurting you?
moonman31 2:52 PM: I don’t know what does that
Jos 2:54 PM: lets see if this works ?
((Jos posts Epona’s Song))
moonman31 2:55 PM: ???
moonman31 2:55 PM: Wait are you
moonman31 2:55 PM: god,im ((this was originally a cipher))
moonman31 2:55 PM: hold on
moonman31 2:55 PM: someone is at the door

Jos 2:55 PM: ok
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: wait no
Jos 2:55 PM: but dont open
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: don’t pull this
Jos 2:55 PM: waito
Wolfcat 2:56 PM: dude you KNOW this never ends up well
Jos 2:56 PM: before he opens the door
((Jos posted an image of the Stone Mask))
((Moonman then posted the message “too late”))


11/12/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos

November 4th, 2018

Jos 6:59 PM: "Today, officially, I've lost contact with every physical person I've ever meet that I had a social interaction with, all my family, gone, friends, gone, know people, they don't even remember me, no one of them. At some point one of them threated me, with calling the police because they didn't know the name of my mother, brother, etc. This... This is getting ridiculus. I'm so alone... At least i have you guys... Idk if ghost aliens or whatever, i just want to... Know the truth behind all of this. i'm walking down the street right now, and using the last drops of internet my mobile company provides. I will go, idk, i will try to survive I guess..."
Wolfcat 8:43 PM: "Are you being serious right now? Dude, find a hotel or someplace to sleep. If you need money can try to send you some, but idk how exactly paypal works when different currencies are involved. Any idea what's going on?"

November 5th, 2018

Deadhead 4:10 AM: "That sounds rather strange. I hope things will sort out in time."

November 12th, 2018

AMGain 5:05 PM: "Do you remember where you have been the last week? Something strange that could make you think? Every piece to make the puzzle."
Jos 5:08 PM: "If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road."
Jos 5:09 PM: "Also, im not from these forums, I just registered 2 weeks ago, just telling my stories."
AMGain 5:23 PM: "Actually, I think that the most important thing right now is finding a hostage or something. And if it even sounds bad, you need to ensure if this could happen you again. We'll help you out dude."
moonman31 5:43 PM: "Wow ok edgelord"
moonman31 5:43 PM: ""If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road." Honestly dude if you are serious, you could contact the police, depending on how much you trust them."

Jos 5:46 PM: "Minus zero, honestly."
Dense 5:47 PM: "You are the best moonman"
AMGain 5:49 PM: "There is no need to be like this. I'm not a native english speaker, so I try to make me understandable, at least. I don't want to sound stupid or something like that."
Jos 5:51 PM: "No no its ok, the thing is that you just said hostage, that means when a criminal detains a civilian for protecting against authorities, like a bank rob lol"
AMGain 5:53 PM: "Oh god. I wanted to say a hotel, a place to sleep."
Jos 7:16 PM: "What is the point? Why do I exists? What is my purpose?."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 7:25 PM: "Hmph. Assuming you're telling the truth (though I doubt it), then I know what you are going through in a way."
Jos 7:45 PM: "I know mane, i can't still find any reason why everything of thus is happening, I just know the gov has something to do, they first take people apart from society, and then those disappear, that wont be my case, im fine."
moonman31 11:18 PM: "Kaiden has an entire lore and continuity built around his origin story it's fucking incredible"
Jos 9:28 AM: "Whats the story?"

November 23rd, 2018

Kaiden_Zoromichi 2:23 PM: "Tch. He's just trying to make fun of me."
ARGdov 2:41 PM: "care to elaborate? any info could be useful. this is worrying."

November 24th, 2018

Kaiden_Zoromichi 8:41 PM: "Hmmm. I have talked about all of this before but I suppose it couldn't hurt to elaborate again."
ARGdov 9:42 PM: "if you had I've missed it. I'll skim through your posts to find it I suppose."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 10:03 PM: "I believe the site shutting down before removed the old posts. Tch, you are very impatient. There is a lot of... new people. Sigh."
CelestialLight 10:29 PM: "It Seems like your annoyed by people."
Z3R0 10:38 PM: "..."

November 29th, 2018

nocta 11:13 AM: "There's no need for any side eyeing, let's keep the discussion civil."


  • After a brief argument, Nocta warns the players to keep discussions civil.

2/5/19 - "Aliens Spotted" - CelestialLight

February 4th, 2019

CelestialLight 6:17 PM: "So what do you guys think of aliens? Like Has anyone spot one? like i heard story's of Alien abductions, but i never seen a alien, i do know they are like these small people with big eyes and like green skin, and are really good with technology, to where they are really advance and can build these amazing ships."
Jos 7:18 PM: "t̷h̸i̸s̵ ̷w̴a̸s̶ ̴t̷o̸t̶t̷a̷l̸y̸ ̸u̸n̶n̶e̷c̷e̸s̵a̸r̸y̶"
ADULT_LINK 7:24 PM: "This thread has no need to exist, there's already another that covers this."
CelestialLight 7:27 PM: "I am sorry, but those accounts really don't belong to me.. i am just trying to be nice and tell you that, just so you won't get me confused with someone else, i have no clue who any of these people you are talking about are nor do i know them and i really don't know who any of you are, i am just also posting my own opinions don't know why you are getting mad at me, all i am doing is posting stuff that interest me and things i seen on youtube a long time ago and i can't really get on a account that does not belong to me, now can i? i am just here to chat with like-minded people."
Jos 7:29 PM: "You sound really like Mercury there when dense told him "kys", what a coincidence."
Dense 7:30 PM: "Ok cuck gtfo"
CelestialLight 7:34 PM: "I am telling you the truth, some people do think alike and i don't want to fight with you, jos.. you seem like a nice person though i never met you and i would never do that to someone, its just mean. I am trying to tell you the truth, those accounts don't belong to me, but you're just making it hard. I am trying to clear some mix ups, i have never heard of you nor the internet detectives and i just wanted to post on here with people, who like the same things. please think before you act, i really don't want to start a fight on here. I Also, don't know what any of these groups are for nor the internet detectives one, but each of them seem interesting.. like they have their own tale of how the group names came to be, kinda cool."
Z3R0 8:26 PM: "Both of you are expanding pretty wide. I'd be careful if I were you."
CelestialLight 8:35 PM: "I am sorry, so should i tone down on my excitement? i am just really happy, i found like-minded people such as myself who believes aliens and spirits are real, as well as the world being a lie."
Z3R0 8:54 PM: "That isn't really what I meant. -_-"
CelestialLight 9:04 PM: "I know what you meant and i will be careful, i just hate when people confuse me with others. I mean, i don't even know anyone on this forum and people think i do, when i don't. But, i am not letting it bother me, i do hope this forum becomes more active.. i want to see, if anyone seen spirits maybe some in the shape of like a shadow? but in the shape of a person. and to Jos, i may not know who you are.. i think your art style is cute and charming, i love all kinds of art styles.. though yours may seem simple, i do want to see more, it just so charming and cute to me. I would never make fun of anyones art style, the only art style i make fun of or do any bashing to is my own."

February 5th, 2019

nocta 12:02 AM: "This topic already exists and has unnecessary arguing. Locked."


  • Nocta locks a thread for being redundant and containing too much arguing.

2/5/19 - Nocta and CelestialLight

Subject: Thanks

CelestialLight 4:26 AM: "Question, do you play any video games?"
nocta 4:28 AM: "no. and welcome to the Believers group. Once you have been in this role for a little bit, you will be given the password for The Truth."
CelestialLight 4:31 AM: "Thank you, Nocta it is a honor..but, You must be busy not to be able to play some video games, i get alot of things on your hands..i do hope one day, you will see the joys of gaming."

February 21st, 2019

nocta 2:32 PM: "I spend my time mostly working on this website the password for the truth is mindconstruct"


  • Nocta gives the player CelestialLight the login information to "The Truth" board while she attempts to chat with him about video games.

2/5/19 - "Welcoming a new brother into our fold." - nocta

nocta 12:15 AM: "ARGDov has officially been welcome into our ranks, though he does not yet know our true purpose. These coming weeks it will be upon all of you-- and if any of our other former members rejoin, them as well-- to teach him about us and our mission."
moonman31 12:33 AM: "Okay that is an understandable thing my broham my dude my leader man But you have also promoted CelestialLight??? What the shit is happening."
yuukichan 12:36 AM: "OMG ARGDOV WELCOME!~~~~~~~"
nocta 12:48 AM: "She is on the path to joining us as well."
ARGdov 12:48 AM: "Hello, all. I don't know exactly why I've been accepted, but it means a lot to me. Questions have plagued me for so long and I hope to finally find answers along with all of you. I know I've got quite a long ways to go before then, but even being let in is truly a privilege. I won't let anyone down, I promise you. And another welcome to CelestialLight as well, I'm sure we have much to learn together."
yuukichan 12:49 AM: "Yay!! She PMs me a lot ^_________^"
NotAHoax_M12 1:22 AM: "Welcome to the ranks brother"
CelestialLight 9:35 PM: "It's a Honor to Be a Part of This group, Thank you for allowing me to know such knowledge and ARGdov, i hope you find the questions that you are looking for."

July 7th, 2019

Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:30 PM: "Odd to add more to the 'ranks' considering everything that's happened."


  • Nocta announces that the players ARGdov and CelestialLight have both been promoted to the "Believer" rank and now have access to "The Truth" board.

3/2/19 - Server still acting up - Astralobservatory.net

So, it’s come to another pitiful update. For this I am truly sorry, but I am never one to shy away from the status of the website from you, my friends. Due to reasons I still cannot explain we are having our ups and downs with the server. Every time we seem to get this back in working order and things seem to stabilize, something happens and everything seems to start crawling again; last time it happened on January 27th, just over a month ago. Everything should still work but expect some slowdown.

On the brightside, activity in our community generally seems to be in an upward swing. Carpe noctem.

sometimes more treasures are hidden in the chest that lies in plain sight


3/19/19 - "Dragons" - CelestialLight

March 10th, 2019

CelestialLight 3:09 PM: "Question, if you had a Dragon what would you do with it? and i believe, Dragons have their own realm apart from ours. Not much is known about them though."
Jos 4:53 PM: "The only thing I think as a dragon is a Latias, and I would have it to travel everywhere without the problem of buying gasoline or finding a place to park my car."
Buzz 4:58 PM: "I dunno, I haven't seen any dragons around here but they're said to be pretty powerful creatures, so maybe pact with one for some serious reality changing power? Occultist D.J. Conway created a sub-tradition of magic called "Draconic Wicca" about just that, revering and pacting with dragons. Can't say I believe in it though, seems like some hackish stuff. Assuming they're real though, they'd have a lot to offer in terms of power."

March 11th, 2019

Heloise 8:32 AM: "Dragons are very intelligent creatures, so assuming they were real they would be very cool creatures to just observe and learn more about."

March 19th, 2019

nocta 12:22 PM: "Despite the inherent cynicism humans have to the supernatural, it is certainly nice to believe. Why should we let society dictate what is 'acceptable' to believe?"
nocta 12:23 PM: "Something of note, by the way"
nocta 12:23 PM: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-bones-of-the-wawel-dragon-krakow-poland

CelestialLight 6:45 PM: "Dragons are my Favorite thing and i have a very strong belief on dragons, as well as them existing in their own realm."

April 22nd, 2019

Mercury 3:03 PM: "Why would you like dragons, they would leave shits like trucks everywhere."
CelestialLight 3:17 PM: "To Me, Dragons are Mystical Beings that are to be Respected, they are very wise and know more then we do, they are also strong and powerful creatures, they also each have different magnificent forms."

July 19th, 2019

Kaiden_Zoromichi 4:01 PM: "I once heard a rumor that Tiamat may be real. That was a long time ago..."


  • Nocta discusses the existence of dragons.

4/12/19 - Forum Spam - Astralobservatory.net

So, due to the nature of our interests, I have never required e-mail verification when registering and posting on the forums; however, the amount of malicious bots trying to prey on our boards means that I now have to require it.


  • Nocta announces that the Astral Observatory Forums will now require more verification due to the sudden influx of spambots.

7/19/19 - "Adventures of Kaiden Zoromichi: Abridged" - Astral Observatory Forums

Kaiden Zoromichi 7:15 PM: "I made a video for some of my RP escapades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_fltggv6E If you guys like this, maybe I will make more..."
CelestialLight 7:26 PM: "i Love it, reminds me of a certain someones, style of RP Videos."
nocta 8:08 PM: "...cute, Kaiden. We should talk."
moonman31 11:56 PM: "Glad I could help you out buddy"

July 27th, 2019

IsocelesAssassin 8:42 PM: "Pretty bold to slip in footage of Nocta there Kaiden"


  • Kaiden Zoromichi shares his new YouTube series with the forums. Nocta leaves a threatening message directed at him - likely due to the video containing footage of him.

8/8/19 - (Unarchived Title) - nocta

nocta 9:14 PM: "Hello everyone, is with a heavy heart I let you know that I have banned Moonman. Investigation has led me to discover that he was responsible for the excess of forum spam from bots that we have received, and would continue to receive were registration not stringently controlled as of now. You can thank him for our extremely limited registration capabilities, which will have to continue that way until further notice."


4/21/20 - Greek Mythos and Spell Casting Page Text - Astralosbervatory.net

Yugi 14:59: Whats going on
Yugi 14:59: This is bullchit

Moonman31 14:59: lol
Moonman31 14:59: sorry Yuugs.
Moonman31 15:00: Hate the game, not the player.

Yugi 15:00: laught while you can
Yugi 15:00: Soon I will hold victory… tch..

Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:00: ...
Yuukichan 15:01: ᵵ Heehee (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎)Շ
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:01: Don't encourage them, Yuuki.
Yugi 15:02: I'm judt kiddign kaiden
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *just
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *kidding

Moonman31 15:02: *just
Moonman31 15:02: *losing

Yugi 15:03: *just
Yugi 15:04: *kissing

Moonman31 15:04: :blushing:
Yuukichan 15:06: oh?? (꒪//w//꒪)
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:06: …
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Yeah, no.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Not dealing with THIS again.

Yuukichan 15:07: aww...
Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Besides
Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Nocta's already warned the two of you about shitposting in here too much.

Moonman31 15:08: You don't gotta be such a stick in the mud brah
Moonman31 15:08: It's not like we're flooding the forums with a certain rp… :thinking:

Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:08: ""Flooding""
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: Please.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: As if your 24/7 deluge of vaporwave and unfunny memes is any better.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: At least OUR activities are contained within the correct section of the forums with minimal double-posting.

Moonman31 15:10: About half the posts in the anime thread are quintuple posts
Moonman31 15:10: You serious right now?

Yuukichan 15:10: >w>"
Yuukichan 15:11: Sorry…

Nocta 15:12: That's quite enough.
Nocta 15:12: Moonman
Nocta 15:12: Kaiden
Nocta 15:12: Do I need to time you both out again?

Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Not necessary, Noct.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Moonman was simply mistaken and I felt the need to correct him.

Moonman31 15:14: thank you, oh mighty Master Zoromichi
Moonman31 15:14: I am honored to be graced by your hollowed wisdom

Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:14: *hallowed
Moonman31 15:15: shut up im hi
Nocta 15:15: Yugi.
Nocta 15:15: Check your PM's.
Nocta 15:15: It's important.

Yugi 15:17: Ok
Yugi 15:17: one second

Moonman31 15:17: Whats this about now?
Nocta 15:18: Private business.
Moonman31 15:18: I see.
Moonman31 15:18: Getting intimate huh?
Moonman31 15:19: Looks like I got some competition.

Yuukichan 15:20: Ooh?
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:22: Yuuki, please.
Yuukichan 15:22: Sorry, sorry <(¬n¬)>


4/21/20 - Witchcraft Page Text - Astralobservatory.net

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:23: Hello, everyone.
Yuukichan 18:24: KAIDEEEEEEEN!!!
Yuukichan 18:24: O(≧∇≦)O *GLOM{S*

Moonman31 18:24: Welp.
Moonman31 18:24: It was fun while it lasted.

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:25: Happy to see you too, Moonman.
Nocta 18:26: We're glad to have you back Kaiden.
Yuukichan 18:26: How was the trip?
Yuukichan 18:26: did you take any pictures??? OwO

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: It was refreshing, but I'm happy to be back.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: Also yes, but unfortunately I do not have them on me at the moment.

Moonman31 18:27: speaking of trips, excuse me one moment
Moonman31 18:27: (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅m̲̅a̲̅r̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅a̲̅n̲̅a̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅()

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: I see not much has changed around here.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: Well, aside from all the new faces.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: What's up with that, by the way?

Yuukichan 18:28: they're ben drowned people!
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:29: Oh?
Nocta 18:29: They're from a group known as the "Internet Detectives". Read the post I made in The Truth.
Yuukichan 18:29: things have been kinda crazy since you left xD
Yuukichan 18:29: all of the new guys are fun!!
Yuukichan 18:30: it's been really active around here

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:32: I see…
Nocta 18:33: Let us not forget that these newcomers are closely connected to the "Johnisdead" site responsible for the attack on our servers that took place several weeks ago.
Nocta 18:33: Keep a close eye on them.

Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:34: An attack on our servers!?
Yuukichan 18:35: like I said, youve mised a lot ε-(´・`)


4/21/20 - Deleted Page Text - Astralobservatory.net

Moonman31 15:12: huh
Moonman31 15:12: pretty tame for a DDOS attack :thinking:

Nocta 15:14: I assure you.
Nocta 15:14: After last night, some valuable information was brought to light.

Moonman31 15:14: what does THAT mean?
Nocta 15:15: You'll see soon enough.
Moonman31 15:16: :thinking:
Nocta 15:16: What did I tell you about spamming emojis?
Yuukichan 15:16: We're baaaack!!!
Yuukichan 15:16: oh no are the forums ok??

Nocta 15:16: The forums are fine.
Yuukichan 15:18: Wait, where's hoaxy?
Nocta 15:19: After much contemplation, I've decided to not add him back here.
Nocta 15:19: Please do not let him know the Subspace is still operational.
Nocta 15:19: He currently believes it was lost during the DDOS attack.

Yuukichan 15:20: what?
Yuukichan 15:20: why? :c

Nocta 15:21: The truth he seeks is not our own.
Nocta 15:21: He seeks an illusionary truth consisting of his own desired beliefs and delusions.

Moonman31 15:21: Meaning...?
Nocta 15:22: He suffers from constant confirmation bias.
Nocta 15:22: This has blinded him.

Yuukichan 15:23: but hoax really wants to learn the truth too...
Yuukichan 15:23: more than all of us combined...

Nocta 15:23: To put it simply.
Nocta 15:23: He's not ready for the truth.
Nocta 15:23: As I said, he seeks not the actual truth - only his own perversion of it.

Moonman31 15:24: hmm...
Nocta 15:26: This isn't to say his theories or beliefs are necessarily incorrect, only that he's so committed to them that he's unable to see the path laid before us.
Yuukichan 15:28: Ok... :c
Nocta 15:31: I enjoy having Hoax here.
Nocta 15:31: He's a good man.
Nocta 15:31: I'll add him back when he's ready.



4/22/20 - "hh_(6).png" Text - Astralobservatory.net

Nocta 15:31: You are still in possession of the gift, correct?
Yugi 15:31: what gift
Yugi 15:32: oh wait
Yugi 15:32: you mean the songs?

Nocta 15:32: Yes.
Yugi 15:32: yup
Yugi 15:32: why do you ask?

Nocta 15:34: There is an essential component of our plan that's missing.
Nocta 15:34: Our goal lies beyond a door we cannot yet open - and only you hold the key.

Yugi 15:35: oh shit
Yugi 15:35: i did not realize
Yugi 15:35: i locked it in my car
Yugi 15:39: sorro im jk
Yugi 15:39: what do you need?

Nocta 15:41: You recall the location of the Lunar Children's original meeting grounds, correct?
Yugi 15:41: florida
Yugi 15:41: right?
Yugi 15:41: at the fishery?

Nocta 15:42: That's right.
Nocta 15:42: That decrepit fishery contains the final piece we need.
Nocta 15:43: Something that was left behind.

Yugi 15:44: what is it?
Nocta 15:44: Their portals.
Nocta 15:44: Johnisdead.com and Lunarchildren.com.

Yugi 15:45: ahh
Yugi 15:45: you want their info?
Yugi 15:45: i can hack in for you

Nocta 15:47: That won't be necessary.
Nocta 15:47: What we require is their physical servers.
Nocta 15:47: They are still operational and dormant within the fishery.

Yugi 15:48: no problem
Yugi 15:48: the song of soaring can get me there in two seconds

Nocta 15:49: It's not that simple.
Yugi 15:49: no?
Nocta 15:50: Let me explain.


5/5/20 - Temp_Folder Page Text - Astralobservatory.net

Yuukichan 17:33: (シ;゚Д゚)シ
Yuukichan 17:33: Aaaah!!!

Moonman31 17:35: oh boy
Moonman31 17:35: whats goin on now

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrVpSMIWK50
Moonman31 17:36: whats this
Moonman31 17:36: >pewdiepie
Moonman31 17:36: wow

Yuukichan 17:37: Moonie I don't like the gray man... ( ≧Д≦)
Moonman31 17:37: yeah me neither
Moonman31 17:38: guys a real asshole

Yuukichan 17:38: ???
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That wasn't the gray man.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That's actually a randomly spawning NPC.

Yuukichan 17:39: oh?
Moonman31 17:39: uh
Moonman31 17:39: I think I know what the gray man looks like
Moonman31 17:39: we're pretty good buddies irl

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:40: I'm talking about the video, asswipe.
Moonman31 17:40: oh my bad
Moonman31 17:40: I wouldnt know
Moonman31 17:40: only losers watch pewds :sunglasses:

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:41: Whatever.
Yuukichan 17:41: (╬⓪益⓪)
Yuukichan 17:41: your mama

Moonman31 17:41: oof
Moonman31 17:41: im going to have to go for a bit
Moonman31 17:42: on the account of being utterly annihilated by yuuki
Moonman31 17:42: sorry guys

Yuukichan 17:42: :sunglasses:
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:42: If only…
Nocta 17:44: What's all this?
Moonman31 17:44: wut
Nocta 17:44: The Gray Man.
Moonman31 17:45: uh
Moonman31 17:45: some video game character

Yuukichan 17:46: Are you watching too nocta? :surprised:
Nocta 17:47: It's nothing.
Moonman31 17:47: bruh







DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi