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A depiction of Kaiden Zoromichi as he appears while roleplaying.
Kaiden Zoromichi is a character who first appeared on the Astral Observatory Forums. Introduced as a stereotypically "edgy" internet geek, Kaiden often spends his time discussing anime and video games. At some point, Kaiden found himself within the inner circle of the Astral Observatory. After Nocta killed his friend Yuukichan, he decided to assist the players.
Not much is known about Kaiden's childhood. For one reason or another, Kaiden was raised in an orphanage. Over time, he took an interest in video games and anime. Years later in 2018, Kaiden joined the Astral Observatory - a group that claimed to exist for those interested in the paranormal, conspiracies, and the supernatural to gather. Kaiden frequented the Astral Observatory Forums where he became close friends with Yuukichan - another user who shared many of his interests. The two would amass incredibly high post counts through the discussion of anime and roleplaying.
Kaiden also befriended José and IsocelesAssassin on the forums - the latter of whom would occasionally partake in some of Kaiden's roleplays. Kaiden had a strained relationship with Moonman, who often mocked him for his stereotypical "weeaboo" behavior. Over time, Kaiden gained the trust of Nocta - the leader of the Astral Observatory. Nocta invited Kaiden into the group's inner circle where Lunar Children teachings were discussed. On October 21st, 2018, Astralobservatory.net went offline, resulting in the forums being completely lost. Fortunately, Nocta was able to recreate the forums on October 31st. A few weeks later on November 12th, Kaiden created an account on these new forums. When meeting the players, Kaiden came off as a bit cold and unwelcoming, seemingly uninterested in befriending new users.
In early 2019, Yuukichan was ascended by Nocta. This left Kaiden feeling betrayed and distraught, just having lost one of his best friends. After this, Kaiden became more much aggressive towards Nocta on the forums, often making passive aggressive posts directed at him. Months later on July 19th, Kaiden created an abridged video series of his past roleplaying adventures. During this video, Kaiden seemingly snuck in some footage of Nocta that was taken during their trip to Yuukichan's ascension.[1]
On July 26th, IsocelesAssassin finally returned to the forums after a long absence. IsocelesAssassin submitted the "Sonata of Awakening" so that Kaiden's memories of his childhood would return. This was supposedly successful, as Kaiden and IsocelesAssassin seemingly proceeded to chat in PM's about these returned memories. On July 1st, Moonman informed the players that Kaiden was suddenly acting unnaturally friendly towards him. A year later on April 23rd, 2020, Kaiden uploaded a second video in his abridged series. Unfortunately, this video was heavily corrupted by BUP.
On September 8th, Kaiden joined the Internet Detectives Discord Server and offered to assist the players by tracking down the one who killed the Astral Internet Detectives. On September 12th, Kaiden visited the home of the Astral version of the player Scout. Here, he found a "Two of Diamonds" card. On October 3rd, Kaiden visited the home of the Astral version of Wolfcat. He found a "Seven of Hearts" card here before he was supposedly confronted by something.
Kaiden has an inherently off-putting exterior, fitting the stereotype of the internet "weeaboo". He often speaks with a condescending attitude and is not a very friendly individual. Despite this, Kaiden actually seems to be a good person who cares deeply for his friends. After the death of Yuukichan, Kaiden offers to help the Internet Detectives - the very people he was suspicious and cold towards in the beginning.
Kaiden Zoromichi
(A) key to all of this XD
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Kaiden.
11/12/18 - "I have returned." - Kaiden_Zoromichi
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:00 PM: "I'm making my standard introductory post; welcome me if you will."
nocta 6:12 PM: "Welcome back Kaiden"
moonman31 6:13 PM: "Fuck"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:15 PM: "Moon, heh. Same 'humor' as usual I see. I see you are already 18 posts ahead? No matter. Why is the RP forum gone?"
moonman31 6:18 PM: "Because only you and Yuuki used it?"
ARGdov 6:26 PM: "Hi there, Kaiden. I'd say welcome back but as I'm sure you realized I'm new myself. Took you awhile to return though. Hoping thats a sigh that others will be too. if theres one thing I hate it's a dead forum"
CelestialLight 6:27 PM: "You guys had a RP Forum, cool.. This Whole forum site is really intresting and Cool."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:33 PM: "A lot of new people I see. Interesting."
Wolfcat 6:37 PM: "Hey Kaiden. You seem like the cool guy around these parts. Nice to meet you."
ARGdov 6:41 PM: "Yeah, you seem neat. who doesn't love to RP?"
Jos 6:44 PM: "Nice to meet ya."
Dense 8:40 PM: "Hey dude, my name is Dense, or the one, nice to meet ya"
moonman31 11:08 PM: "Everyone being nice is about to get real disappointed"
yuukichan 11:20 PM: "YAY KAIDEN"
yuukichan 11:20 PM: ""Everyone being nice is about to get real disappointed" Moonie stop :c"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 11:21 PM: "Yuuki~"
November 13th, 2018
NotAHoax_M12 8:39 PM: "Welcome back!"
11/12/18 - "Ok, this is important." - Jos
November 4th, 2018
Jos 6:59 PM: "Today, officially, I've lost contact with every physical person I've ever meet that I had a social interaction with, all my family, gone, friends, gone, know people, they don't even remember me, no one of them. At some point one of them threated me, with calling the police because they didn't know the name of my mother, brother, etc. This... This is getting ridiculus. I'm so alone... At least i have you guys... Idk if ghost aliens or whatever, i just want to... Know the truth behind all of this. i'm walking down the street right now, and using the last drops of internet my mobile company provides. I will go, idk, i will try to survive I guess..."
Wolfcat 8:43 PM: "Are you being serious right now? Dude, find a hotel or someplace to sleep. If you need money can try to send you some, but idk how exactly paypal works when different currencies are involved. Any idea what's going on?"
November 5th, 2018
Deadhead 4:10 AM: "That sounds rather strange. I hope things will sort out in time."
November 12th, 2018
AMGain 5:05 PM: "Do you remember where you have been the last week? Something strange that could make you think? Every piece to make the puzzle."
Jos 5:08 PM: "If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road."
Jos 5:09 PM: "Also, im not from these forums, I just registered 2 weeks ago, just telling my stories."
AMGain 5:23 PM: "Actually, I think that the most important thing right now is finding a hostage or something. And if it even sounds bad, you need to ensure if this could happen you again. We'll help you out dude."
moonman31 5:43 PM: "Wow ok edgelord"
moonman31 5:43 PM: ""If I am honest with you, I don't know of many days has passed, i would say a week ago I left my house because the ambience was like super super hostile, i was afraid, this is the only place for entertaining I have. I'm afraid if I go live somewhere else people will do the same, so, I'm just a nomad on the road." Honestly dude if you are serious, you could contact the police, depending on how much you trust them."
Jos 5:46 PM: "Minus zero, honestly."
Dense 5:47 PM: "You are the best moonman"
AMGain 5:49 PM: "There is no need to be like this. I'm not a native english speaker, so I try to make me understandable, at least. I don't want to sound stupid or something like that."
Jos 5:51 PM: "No no its ok, the thing is that you just said hostage, that means when a criminal detains a civilian for protecting against authorities, like a bank rob lol"
AMGain 5:53 PM: "Oh god. I wanted to say a hotel, a place to sleep."
Jos 7:16 PM: "What is the point? Why do I exists? What is my purpose?."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 7:25 PM: "Hmph. Assuming you're telling the truth (though I doubt it), then I know what you are going through in a way."
Jos 7:45 PM: "I know mane, i can't still find any reason why everything of thus is happening, I just know the gov has something to do, they first take people apart from society, and then those disappear, that wont be my case, im fine."
moonman31 11:18 PM: "Kaiden has an entire lore and continuity built around his origin story it's fucking incredible"
Jos 9:28 AM: "Whats the story?"
November 23rd, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 2:23 PM: "Tch. He's just trying to make fun of me."
ARGdov 2:41 PM: "care to elaborate? any info could be useful. this is worrying."
November 24th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 8:41 PM: "Hmmm. I have talked about all of this before but I suppose it couldn't hurt to elaborate again."
ARGdov 9:42 PM: "if you had I've missed it. I'll skim through your posts to find it I suppose."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 10:03 PM: "I believe the site shutting down before removed the old posts. Tch, you are very impatient. There is a lot of... new people. Sigh."
CelestialLight 10:29 PM: "It Seems like your annoyed by people."
Z3R0 10:38 PM: "..."
November 29th, 2018
nocta 11:13 AM: "There's no need for any side eyeing, let's keep the discussion civil."
Kaiden expresses disbelief in the player Jos's story. He then alludes to his past roleplaying adventures.
11/24/18 - "Page suspended" - Jos
Jos 2:37 PM: "They don't want us to find the truth. There is nothing wrong with AO.net, so why would they suspend the page? Because the gov want to hide stuff or anything threatening their veil."
Z3R0 2:48 PM: "8-)"
Jos 3:42 PM: "8-)"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 8:41 PM: "Heh, as far as I can tell you're partially to blame."
10/31/18 - "A N I M E" - yuukichan
yuukichan 2:12 PM: "WE GOT TO A 1000 PAGES LAST TIME LET'S DO IT AGAIN! TALK ANIME HERE!! o(〃^▽^〃)o"
NotAHoax_M12 2:12 PM: "I remember a lot of double-posting, is what I remember."
Wolfcat 2:31 PM: "Where my Kemono Friends at."
yuukcihan 2:40 PM: ":o ! I LIKE THE NEW GUY" ((An edited gif from the anime "Kemono Friends" is sent)) 
Wolfcat 2:53 PM: "https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/244/430/a3d.gif"
yuukichan 4:20 PM: ((A fan created gif for the anime "Kemono Friends" is sent)) 
Dense 6:31 PM: "My all life waifu"
November 1st, 2018
Wolfcat 10:18 AM: "Every now and then I have to go back to Dragon Maid because I forget how legitimately good of an anime it is. The scenes with Takiya and Fafnir being bros always warms my heart."
November 3rd, 2018
F.N 12:19 PM: "danganronpa is my favorite anime, who here like this Anime/Game?"
November 6th, 2018
Darkzero 9:32 AM: "I did not know if I really should share about this. but I'm also a fan of the anime ... I've seen many series in general. in a certain way the anime, manga and light novels. They have a lot of information. It may be useful for your life or it may not. but it also helps cultivate your general knowledge. It's how I see it."
Wolfcat 10:38 AM: ((An image related to the anime "Kemono Friends" is posted))
Darkzero 10:45 AM: "Kemono friends... the only way in which the CGI seems good to me."
November 7th, 2018
CircleHunter 1:04 AM: "Anyone here keep their ideals?"
November 11th, 2018
moonman31 5:42 PM: "Darkzero wrote: ↑November 6th, 2018, 10:45 am Kemono friends... the only way in which the CGI seems good to me. Ok cuck"
moonamn31 5:42 PM: "CircleHunter wrote: ↑November 7th, 2018, 1:04 am Anyone here keep their ideals? Is this a reference to BNHA"
Jos 5:44 PM: "what is an " BNHA "?"
Dense 5:55 PM: "Boku no Hero Academia, one of the best animes I've watched (BUT JOJO'S STILL BETTER)"
Jos 6:15 PM: "Pardon me, but one of the best are Ueki Law and Death Note"
Jos 6:15 PM: "Oh and this is not an anime but CODE LYOKO ROCKS."
moonman31 10:48 PM: "French people can't anime you silly gaijin"
Dense 11:05 PM: "Moonman you are the best one in here"
November 12th, 2018
Jos 5:17 AM: "Oh bonjour bonjour oh dare you You will pay saqueble"
November 23rd, 2018
Z3R0 2:18 PM: "I do enjoy anime, as well as anime art I can find online."
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:42 AM: "I watch plenty of anime."
Kaiden reveals that he is an anime fan.
11/29/18 - "Kingdom Hearts" - Wolfcat
November 14th, 2018
Wolfcat 12:45 PM: "So... Anyone here like Kingdom Hearts?"
Z3R0 6:00 PM: "Never played it."
Jos 6:32 PM: "Never played it. Well, I played to the 365 days one on a DS emu, but that was like 10 or 11 years ago. I may get to it."
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:45 AM: "I have played the entire series, it's my favorite and while your mileage may vary, it's important to me. I believe yuuki has as well."
Kaiden reveals that he is a fan of the "Kingdom Hearts" series.
11/29/18 - "My Little Pony" - Wolfcat
November 2nd, 2018
Wolfcat 9:30 AM: "Where my BRONIES at?"
Deadhead 9:42 AM: "What's a brony?"
Wolfcat 10:32 AM: "Only the coolest people on the planet get to call themselves bronies."
Deadhead 11:00 AM: "Okay then."
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:46 AM: "/) *brohoofs*"
Wolfcat 11:01 AM: "Hell yeah. (\ *brohoofs*"
Kaiden reveals that he is a "brony".
11/3/18 - "G O O D MUSIC" - Dense
Dense 11:48 PM: "So hey guys, SHARE YOUR MUSIC! Who's your favorite musician?"
NotAHoax_M12 11:50 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJlN9jdQFSc greatest voice of the last 100 years brother voice of the REAL people"
Wolfcat 11:54 PM: "Anything by Rush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiRuj2_czzw"
Dense 11:56 PM: "Well dad I'm sorry but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk-iWj_a-68 and from other personal tastes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crOZk88eCcg&"
Wolfcat 11:59 PM: "Yes is good. I'm always down for any sort of classic rock. Rush just has something special to it.
November 4th, 2018
Dense 12:01 AM: "You made me get high with that song and also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JjOpXsJ7A"
November 5th, 2018
NotAHoax_M12 2:29 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2MtEsrcTTs"
November 6th, 2018
yuukichan 1:05 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm8UjBAS3cs"
CircleHunter 2:01 AM: "Anything by Blue Öyster Cult. Favorite band of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVSUX4EVgVw"
nocta 7:47 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHu_0Bn9Gr8"
Dense 9:00 PM: "Wow nice, someone misses John hehe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpW8X0duEAU"
November 8th, 2018
Wolfcat 1:25 AM: "Now here's some good shit. Anyone here like vaporwave? https://succmarijuano.bandcamp.com/releases"
CelestialLight 8:54 AM: "I found this Music on youtube while looking for different types of Music to listen to, i really like it. I don't know if the Music genre is Jazz or Not. I Just learned about Jazz, years ago and found, that i really like Jazz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3WgsKEDg5Q"
Jos 9:03 AM: "Ups, I broke my bag of good music and it split all over the place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5BuYf8q4o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY https://youtu.be/yZ5P4hfOqtk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGMabBGydC0"
CelestialLight 9:35 AM: "I Love this Selection of Music, you Picked Jos. Speaks to the Soul in a good way and it's also interesting."
Jos 4:56 PM: "thanko"
November 11th, 2018
nocta 2:44 AM: "I really enjoy this song"
nocta 2:44 AM: ((A link to the video "Sky Children - Kaleidoscope" uploaded by Nocta himself is posted))
CircleHunter 2:49 AM: "This man has taste."
CelestialLight 4:43 AM: "Nocta's Music picks are the type of Music i enjoy."
November 12th, 2018
moonman31 4:03 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki-fATpXa00 vaporboys boys"
November 23rd, 2018
Z3R0 2:05 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGb7PsesPG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ0eK-Kewss whichever suits ones' tastes. ( I enjoy dancing to this song most.) I have always enjoyed the classics, but any other genre that suits my mood would do just fine.
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:49 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9geXVAOFDg - \m/"
December 11th, 2018
CelestialLight 1:27 PM: "Music i love/Enjoy from a video game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C3Ib5zGndw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtIbEy1HYrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqGiv8avBDM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRO9JZ2j2so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAKLJiAKJxM I love zelda music, Nintendo really does make their music sound Enchanting."
January 14th, 2019
Nephalem 10:58 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRcZ0BF ... ueRG5zMbvH black mage album is a artwork"
March 14th, 2019
CelestialLight 2:21 PM: "My Favorite Music Video from my favorite anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76NcpnpENMw"
Jos 3:05 PM: "ARE WE SPEAKING ABOUT ANIME MUSIC? cause i have one that i love a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xksw77o7gKc"
CelestialLight 3:12 PM: "Jos wrote: ↑March 14th, 2019, 3:05 pm ARE WE SPEAKING ABOUT ANIME MUSIC? cause i have one that i love a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xksw77o7gKc Jos, its more like Anime Music Videos, but its a Amv."
March 24th, 2019
EdwardAmarl 6:31 PM: "To all you Pantera fans out there, this Saturday night at 9:00 - Pantera behind the music on Vh1 classic... Set the DVR for this one"
July 19th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 11:53 PM: "Yuuki listens to this a lot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBff4F5egLc"
moonman31 11:59 PM: "<3"
Kaiden shares a track from the "Assassin's Creed" game series.
11/29/18 - "Video Games" - Darkzero
November 16th, 2018
Darkzero 9:21 AM: "I want to create this to talk about video games. By the way, has anyone played this game? ... for some reason I think I've seen something similar recently."
Darkzero 9:21 AM: ((An image of the "Quake II" logo is sent))
Wolfcat 10:45 AM: "Huh, you know the logo kinda looks like the "Parallelos Symbol" used by the Lunar Children. I wonder if they were fans, lol. Also, don't we already have a video game topic? A "favorite video game" thread, at least."
Wolfcat 10:45 AM: ((An image of the parallelos symbol is sent))
Darkzero 2:27 PM: "sorry. I did not see that the other topic about video games was already there. You can delete this. and I do not know where I've seen that other symbol. but I think I've seen it before."
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:52 AM: "I am currently replaying the A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. I'm thinking of doing a Youtube speedrun of both (non tool assisted)."
Kaiden claims that he is currently playing "A Link to the Past" and "Ocarina of Time" from the Legend of Zelda game series.
11/29/18 - "Magic" - CelestialLight
November 23rd, 2018
CelestialLight 12:27 PM: "I am a magic user, i have practiced it for months and started collecting books on it, now i have like a stack of books, on the subject. Just wondering if people are into the same reading as me."
Wolfcat 12:52 PM: "Uh What kinda magic are we talking about here?"
Z3R0 1:03 PM: "witchcraft. perhaps one of which relating to nature and the moon? I do hear of its use these days more often than then."
November 24th, 2018
CelestialLight 10:33 PM: "I do use the Moon in my magic and nature as well, i like to see what life has to offer and what truth's the world is hiding."
Z3R0 10:38 PM: "Very nice."
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:54 AM: "Would you consider time travel magic?"
Z3R0 8:09 AM: "I'd say yes and no."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 10:47 AM: "Do you mean because it could also be science?"
Kaiden discusses the concept of time travel with the players.
11/29/18 - "Art" - CelestialLight
November 13th, 2018
CelestialLight 3:35 PM: "I just felt, like this Forum needed some Art.. also, Because i wanted to see what others would make."
Wolfcat 3:44 PM: "I've made some art in my time."
Wolfcat 3:44 PM: ((A comic featuring Patrem is posted))
Jos 4:02 PM: ((A drawing of Moonman with the text "WOW OK EDGELORD" is sent))
November 27th, 2018
Jos 7:44 AM: ((Various images of space ships are posted))
Jos 7:44 AM: "just cool art ships, not mine"
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:56 AM: ((Jos's drawing of Moonman is quoted))
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:56 AM: "Tch. Reminds me of someone on these very boards... *shudders in disgust*"
January 29th, 2019
Jos 7:30 PM: "Yuuki this is for you cause i know you like serval-chan idk i just wanted to do it"
Jos 7:30 PM: ((A drawing of Yuukichan is posted))
January 30th, 2019
Mercury 6:35 PM: "If you are going to post here, post good stuff, not these things. Fucking id..."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:47 PM: "Do you take commissions? Hm."
yuukichan 6:48 PM: ":o I love ittttt"
yuukichan 6:48 PM: ""If you are going to post here, post good stuff, not these things. Fucking id..." That was mean :c"
Jos 6:48 PM: ""Do you take commissions? Hm." Yes..."
Jos 6:49 PM: "":o I love ittttt" THANK YOU T.T"
Dense 6:49 PM: ""If you are going to post here, post good stuff, not these things. Fucking id..." Go for me motherfucker, not with my brother"
Jos 6:50 PM: ((An edited version of the player Mercury's forum signature is posted))
CelestialLight 7:45 PM: "Jos, make more drawings of Yuuki. Yuuki is one of my favorites on here and a new friend."
February 1st, 2019
yuukichan 8:11 PM: "Awww~ (ノ≧ڡ≦)"
Kaiden expresses his disgust for a player's fanart of Moonman. After seeing fanart of Yuukichan, he asks the artist if they do commissions.
10/31/18 - "Hehe how funny..." - Jos
Jos 4:20 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySZEs5JPe1A this is funny, isn't it.-.. heheh"
Wolfcat 4:26 PM: "Oh no..."
moonman31 7:17 PM: "You are on some weird shit friend"
November 29th, 2018
Kaiden_Zoromichi 2:00 AM: "For as long as I've known you, I'd say *you're* one to talk..."
Kaiden implies that Moonman has weird interests.
1/30/19 - "Timelines and time travel" - Mercury
January 26th, 2019
Mercury 6:01 PM: "I belive everytime someone or something does a choice, no matter the % ratio, it creates a new timeline with the opposite result of it. Imagine there are 2 people, 1 trying to marry the other. Example: 50% of the other person saying yes to something, 50% of the other person saying no to something Now we have 2 timelines, the Yes timeline, and the No timeline. If we continue, we could have a third and fourth timeline Example: After this person says yes to something, it rectifies to no. After this person says no to something, it rectifies to yes. Now we have 4 timelines. Time is really old, a lot of things has happen, imagine the number of timelines currently active in this reality. Now, years later, imagine there is a third person who is the son of those 2 people (from the Yes timeline, and the Yes rectified timeline). For some reason, it decies to make his mother say no, just by curiosity. It goes to the past, convinces his mother to say no (just cruious note: another timeline has been created where the mother ignores the son and he fails) Ok she says no and they never spoke again, what happens to this son, he dissapears? Nope. His timeline has dissapeared, but there is no reason for him to dissapear, he is a bunch of atoms not connected to that timeline any longer. And even if he could recreate the timeline again, if he goes to that new timeline, he would encounter himself but from that timeline, he would need to wait and see if that guy would return to the past, but that would mean that if that second himself sucessed, the timeline where he is right now would be deleted along him. the sad story about time travel is that if you ever try to change time, time will punish you deleting your world."
CelestialLight 7:05 PM: "Oh, Time is Very real.. but, the moon in history is known to be a part of the cycle of time and known to control people, like their moods.. after all, the full moon is known to bring lovers together. And People did say, Parallel Universes is a thing.. where you do something and the next thing you know, something else is happening in another. There has been story's on youtube of people, disappearing and some coming from a Parallel world to this one, only to vanish the next day, the world is such a big mystery after all we don't have all the clues and not all the answers, but maybe some day, this truth will come to light."
Mercury 7:10 PM: "Yeah, ever heard of Taured? https://blogs.publico.es/strambotic/files/2016/12/taured1a-515x400.jpg"
CelestialLight 7:13 PM: "I Watched a video on youtube of that place, vanishing from the map and a person saying they lived there, but when they went to show someone, that place is truly real. It was not on the map, really odd."
Mercury 7:15 PM: "That guy had a passport from a lot countries seal, which means they thought Taured is real, but this guy reached Japan and suddenly this city doesn't exist but the country Andorra replaces it, i think something in the past changed that the name changed to Taured or the name changed to Andorra."
CelestialLight 7:24 PM: "This is truly a Odd Mystery, the world is full of them."
Heliose 9:09 PM: "You would be surprised at the amount of mysteries the world has to offer. It truly makes you wonder what goes on behind the scenes."
Dense 9:46 PM: "timelines are a scientific reality"
January 29th, 2019
Jos 7:50 PM: "Ok let me fix all of this The 50%, why would a new timeline be created? When one thing happens, the other doesn't, a new timeline won't appear magically. If you were able to get back in time to change something, you automatically are negating te same reason why would you return in time, meaning you will never want to travel back in time. All other things you say seems taken out of a movie."
Dene 7:54 PM: "like ok cuck big damn yeet we get it fam u woke"
Mercury 7:58 PM: "Ha, like if you guys were scientist or something."
Dense 8:02 PM: "Let me tell you, HE IS YOU BASTARD"
Mercury 8:07 PM: "If you are going to be like this, then leave me alone."
Dense 8:07 PM: "like ok cuck big damn yeet we get it fam u woke"
January 30th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 12:52 PM: "Heh. You all speculate on time travel, but what would you know?"
Jos 1:06 PM: "i know nothing actually but like to speculate What do you know?"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 1:36 PM: "Hmph. I have experience."
Jos 1:40 PM: "May we hear it? it's ok if not >o<."
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:43 PM: "It will all be explained in my two... or maybe three part Youtube series."
Kaiden implies that he has experience with time travel, alluding to his past roleplaying adventures.
5/17/19 - "Man is this place dead or what?" - NotAHoax_M12
NotAHoax_M12 9:02 PM: "Where did everyone go?"
CelestialLight 9:10 PM: "Long Time, No See! Hoax. It's the same here with me, i too wonder where everyone went."
May 18th, 2019
NotAHoax_M12 8:47 AM: "I had taken off for some business for a bit and I see the forums EMPTY. Hmmm."
ARGdov 9:40 PM: "The forums been rather quiet for awhile now. I guess everyone is busy, and it had to get shut down for a bit to deal with the invasion of bots. I'm sure things will become active very soon with any luck."
Jos 9:40 PM: "I do make search on my head to find good themes of conversation, but there are none, b̴̲͐̈́̈́é̴͕̕c̶̼̬̓͗ą̶͖͇̅u̸͓̱͌s̷̑͒͜͠ȩ̷̈́ ̶͔͕̠͆͐̎m̶̤͎̺͋͐̓ÿ̵̛̭̯̲́ ̶͈̦̈́o̶͎̞͎͑̈̚l̷̪͒d̴̼̗͇̐͆ ̶̨͓̃͒ͅḷ̴̡̱̌ĭ̴͖̘̈́f̷̘̝̥͒̅̆ĕ̴̝̟̼ ̴̡̒͝w̵̛̤̜͐̕a̸̭͐͛̽s̶̮̩͋̆̒ ̷̝̽́̀m̴̤͐ê̵͕͗a̴̤̜̹͌̿̕n̷̖̝͠î̴̹͔ṇ̵̜͖͂g̷̮̀ͅl̸̙̜͐e̵̠͉̓s̵̥͓͂ŝ̸̙͈̠̇̈́."
Zinzio 9:43 PM: "I tend to lurk, and not much has been happening that's piqued my interests recently"
June 21st, 2019
Bellimor 11:42 PM: "Activity tends to spawn activity. Perhaps more interaction will encourage those to come back into the light."
June 19th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:20 PM: "I would say there's a reason most of us have been quiet but I wouldn't worry about it too much..."
Wolfcat 3:31 PM: "Hey Kaiden how's be been goin"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:35 PM: "Hmmm... Well outside of this place/these people, not terrible. Been working on an abridged lore video for my character... I need some art for it though."
Wolfcat 3:37 PM: "yo I can do some art, what do you need honestly"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:39 PM: "PM sent."
11/2/18 - "Favorite Videogames" - DeadHead
DeadHead 9:56 AM: "What are your favorite Videogames?"
Wolfcat 9:59 AM: "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, purely for sentimental reasons. Other than that, The World Ends With You."
DeadHead 11:21 AM: "I have come to enjoy the yakuza games myself. Mostly because of the characters, plot, and locations. The OST also plays a important role. An example would be the theme of a boss from yakuza 2 kiwami: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6YHEirud2A"
November 3rd, 2018
Jos 8:03 AM: "Final Fantasy 7, All the way in."
I'mTheOne 11:05 PM: "MGS 3, Earthbound, Pokemon B/W, Super Smash Bros. and idk another one hehe"
yuukichan 11:22 PM: "Right now I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and it's amazing!!! So that is my favorite right now! Of all time it would probably be....... Phoenix Wright 3~"
January 14th, 2019
Mercury 8:33 PM: "Cave story, Hotline miami, DDLC, undertale, all rachet and clank games, all jack and daxter games, etc."
April 23rd, 2019
Shardonette 4:12 PM: "When traveling the world f runescape you will come across some fabulous and catchy tunes Which is your favorite?"
July 19th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:22 PM: "Kingdom Hearts III, Assassin's Creed Odyssey for right now... Well, that's what I'm playing, anyway."
Kaiden lists off games that he is currently playing.
2/5/19 - "Welcoming a new brother into our fold." - nocta
nocta 12:15 AM: "ARGDov has officially been welcome into our ranks, though he does not yet know our true purpose. These coming weeks it will be upon all of you-- and if any of our other former members rejoin, them as well-- to teach him about us and our mission."
moonman31 12:33 AM: "Okay that is an understandable thing my broham my dude my leader man But you have also promoted CelestialLight??? What the shit is happening."
yuukichan 12:36 AM: "OMG ARGDOV WELCOME!~~~~~~~"
nocta 12:48 AM: "She is on the path to joining us as well."
ARGdov 12:48 AM: "Hello, all. I don't know exactly why I've been accepted, but it means a lot to me. Questions have plagued me for so long and I hope to finally find answers along with all of you. I know I've got quite a long ways to go before then, but even being let in is truly a privilege. I won't let anyone down, I promise you. And another welcome to CelestialLight as well, I'm sure we have much to learn together."
yuukichan 12:49 AM: "Yay!! She PMs me a lot ^_________^"
NotAHoax_M12 1:22 AM: "Welcome to the ranks brother"
CelestialLight 9:35 PM: "It's a Honor to Be a Part of This group, Thank you for allowing me to know such knowledge and ARGdov, i hope you find the questions that you are looking for."
July 7th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:30 PM: "Odd to add more to the 'ranks' considering everything that's happened."
11/5/18 - "Internet Detectives" - nocta
nocta 2:57 PM: "[original post has been pruned]- nocta"
July 7th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 3:31 PM: "Coward."
July 26th, 2019
IsocelesAssassin 11:26 PM: "Play me a song, you're the ocarina man, play me a song tonight..."
3/19/19 - "Dragons" - CelestialLight
March 10th, 2019
CelestialLight 3:09 PM: "Question, if you had a Dragon what would you do with it? and i believe, Dragons have their own realm apart from ours. Not much is known about them though."
Jos 4:53 PM: "The only thing I think as a dragon is a Latias, and I would have it to travel everywhere without the problem of buying gasoline or finding a place to park my car."
Buzz 4:58 PM: "I dunno, I haven't seen any dragons around here but they're said to be pretty powerful creatures, so maybe pact with one for some serious reality changing power? Occultist D.J. Conway created a sub-tradition of magic called "Draconic Wicca" about just that, revering and pacting with dragons. Can't say I believe in it though, seems like some hackish stuff. Assuming they're real though, they'd have a lot to offer in terms of power."
March 11th, 2019
Heloise 8:32 AM: "Dragons are very intelligent creatures, so assuming they were real they would be very cool creatures to just observe and learn more about."
March 19th, 2019
nocta 12:22 PM: "Despite the inherent cynicism humans have to the supernatural, it is certainly nice to believe. Why should we let society dictate what is 'acceptable' to believe?"
nocta 12:23 PM: "Something of note, by the way"
nocta 12:23 PM: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-bones-of-the-wawel-dragon-krakow-poland
CelestialLight 6:45 PM: "Dragons are my Favorite thing and i have a very strong belief on dragons, as well as them existing in their own realm."
April 22nd, 2019
Mercury 3:03 PM: "Why would you like dragons, they would leave shits like trucks everywhere."
CelestialLight 3:17 PM: "To Me, Dragons are Mystical Beings that are to be Respected, they are very wise and know more then we do, they are also strong and powerful creatures, they also each have different magnificent forms."
July 19th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 4:01 PM: "I once heard a rumor that Tiamat may be real. That was a long time ago..."
Kaiden claims that the dragon "Tiamat" is real.
6/10/18 - "Well" - Jos
Jos 11:27 AM: "It's interesting the new paths that one can I̬̲͙̯̭t̞̺̞̰͉̯'̞̲͍̗̫̻̘s̨͍͚ ̲͙̤į̩̪̯͇n̢͓̺͖te̺̫̰̟̮̣ͅŗ̰e̗̯s̛͙͕̤̼t̢i͜n̟͇̼g̸ ̬t͎̟̤̟̯̠͞h̤̖e̮͙̗̝͙͔͡ ͕ne̼͉͖͠ẁ̥̭ ͏̩̗͈̝p̬̬̞a̰̹̭̫t͏̝͍͇h̪̙̳̬͇̕s̥ ̜͔͚̲̦̪͚t̠̫̫͉̕ͅh̭̰ạ̴̱͓t̡̙͇̦ ̹̲̻̭̫o̥͈̟̥n͇̳̤͎̗̼e̠̣̯̜ ̘͘c͉͖̞̮̦̬͝a̸͕n ̣͘fin̴̖̞d̠̦̲̞ ̯̥͕̕o̬̻͖̦̤̳n̘̭c͔̙͈͙͚̥̭e ̛̞̥̠̲̠ͅy͔̯͔̤͔̺̥ou͏̳̺̦ͅ ̠r̙̭̖̣̟͢ͅe͙̣͕a͖̺̥̜c̡̹͈h̤̤̬̩̠ͅ ̝a̖͔̝̭͕̯ ̱̖͉͖̞͙͠c͓͎͠e͇͔͙rt̷a̙̫i̤͈͍̝̬̬̱͡ṇ̣͖̪̗̯ ̬͕̗͇͕͈͎l͉̣͙͡e̡̹v̮e̢̮l̴̯͍̭̖͎̮̫"
July 19th, 2019
Kaiden_Zoromichi 4:02 PM: "Tch. Trying too hard to be edgy..."
Kaiden calls the player Jos edgy.
7/19/19 - "Adventures of Kaiden Zoromichi: Abridged" - Astral Observatory Forums
Kaiden Zoromichi 7:15 PM: "I made a video for some of my RP escapades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_fltggv6E If you guys like this, maybe I will make more..."
CelestialLight 7:26 PM: "i Love it, reminds me of a certain someones, style of RP Videos."
nocta 8:08 PM: "...cute, Kaiden. We should talk." 
moonman31 11:56 PM: "Glad I could help you out buddy"
July 27th, 2019
IsocelesAssassin 8:42 PM: "Pretty bold to slip in footage of Nocta there Kaiden"
7/21/19 - "Vague Memories" - Kaiden_Zoromichi
Kaiden_Zoromichi 11:53 PM: "Does anyone know how to better access memories that you can't quite seem to fully...grasp? I have a lot of dreams that I believe to be memories. Mostly of my time at an orphanage when I was young and... some other things."
July 22nd, 2019
The Sun 9:56 AM: "If you're ready and willing to believe it works, hypnotism/psychiatric help works out real well if you're trying to remember or forget something."
Wolfcat 10:01 AM: "Keeping a dream journal of sorts might help - at the very least it would ensure you don't forget these supposed memories a second time. I draw webcomics from time to time and occasionally I'll have a dream about comics I've never drawn before. It's kinda weird but it lends itself to some good inspiration."
July 23rd, 2019
Jos 4:21 PM: "Smells can bring you back to what you where in the past, try smelling something that were in your memories and are unique to them."
July 26th, 2019
IsocelesAssassin 11:29 PM: "Here's an idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOIOhTbSYoE"
Kaiden_Zoromichi 11:38 PM: "Not sure what you're getting at IA (welcome back, by the way), but I did remember something. I fill you in on the details. Do you still have Skype?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:40 PM: "I'd say we just discuss it here, Kaiden. The others could be of help too."
Kaiden claims to have some vague memories of his time back at the orphanage that he cannot fully remember. IsocelesAssassin uses his Ocarina powers to return some of Kaiden's memories.
4/21/20 - Greek Mythos and Spell Casting Page Text - Astralosbervatory.net
Yugi 14:59: Whats going on
Yugi 14:59: This is bullchit
Moonman31 14:59: lol
Moonman31 14:59: sorry Yuugs.
Moonman31 15:00: Hate the game, not the player.
Yugi 15:00: laught while you can
Yugi 15:00: Soon I will hold victory… tch..
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:00: ...
Yuukichan 15:01: ᵵ Heehee (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎)Շ
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:01: Don't encourage them, Yuuki.
Yugi 15:02: I'm judt kiddign kaiden
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *just
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:02: *kidding
Moonman31 15:02: *just
Moonman31 15:02: *losing
Yugi 15:03: *just
Yugi 15:04: *kissing
Moonman31 15:04: :blushing:
Yuukichan 15:06: oh?? (꒪//w//꒪)
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:06: …
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Yeah, no.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:07: Not dealing with THIS again.
Yuukichan 15:07: aww...
Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Besides
Kaiden_Zoromichi: 15:07: Nocta's already warned the two of you about shitposting in here too much.
Moonman31 15:08: You don't gotta be such a stick in the mud brah
Moonman31 15:08: It's not like we're flooding the forums with a certain rp… :thinking:
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:08: ""Flooding""
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: Please.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: As if your 24/7 deluge of vaporwave and unfunny memes is any better.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:09: At least OUR activities are contained within the correct section of the forums with minimal double-posting.
Moonman31 15:10: About half the posts in the anime thread are quintuple posts
Moonman31 15:10: You serious right now?
Yuukichan 15:10: >w>"
Yuukichan 15:11: Sorry…
Nocta 15:12: That's quite enough.
Nocta 15:12: Moonman
Nocta 15:12: Kaiden
Nocta 15:12: Do I need to time you both out again?
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Not necessary, Noct.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:13: Moonman was simply mistaken and I felt the need to correct him.
Moonman31 15:14: thank you, oh mighty Master Zoromichi
Moonman31 15:14: I am honored to be graced by your hollowed wisdom
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:14: *hallowed
Moonman31 15:15: shut up im hi
Nocta 15:15: Yugi.
Nocta 15:15: Check your PM's.
Nocta 15:15: It's important.
Yugi 15:17: Ok
Yugi 15:17: one second
Moonman31 15:17: Whats this about now?
Nocta 15:18: Private business.
Moonman31 15:18: I see.
Moonman31 15:18: Getting intimate huh?
Moonman31 15:19: Looks like I got some competition.
Yuukichan 15:20: Ooh?
Kaiden_Zoromichi 15:22: Yuuki, please.
Yuukichan 15:22: Sorry, sorry <(¬n¬)>
4/21/20 - Witchcraft Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:23: Hello, everyone.
Yuukichan 18:24: KAIDEEEEEEEN!!!
Yuukichan 18:24: O(≧∇≦)O *GLOM{S*
Moonman31 18:24: Welp.
Moonman31 18:24: It was fun while it lasted.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:25: Happy to see you too, Moonman.
Nocta 18:26: We're glad to have you back Kaiden.
Yuukichan 18:26: How was the trip?
Yuukichan 18:26: did you take any pictures??? OwO
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: It was refreshing, but I'm happy to be back.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:27: Also yes, but unfortunately I do not have them on me at the moment.
Moonman31 18:27: speaking of trips, excuse me one moment
Moonman31 18:27: (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅m̲̅a̲̅r̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅a̲̅n̲̅a̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅()
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: I see not much has changed around here.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: Well, aside from all the new faces.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:28: What's up with that, by the way?
Yuukichan 18:28: they're ben drowned people!
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:29: Oh?
Nocta 18:29: They're from a group known as the "Internet Detectives". Read the post I made in The Truth.
Yuukichan 18:29: things have been kinda crazy since you left xD
Yuukichan 18:29: all of the new guys are fun!!
Yuukichan 18:30: it's been really active around here
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:32: I see…
Nocta 18:33: Let us not forget that these newcomers are closely connected to the "Johnisdead" site responsible for the attack on our servers that took place several weeks ago.
Nocta 18:33: Keep a close eye on them.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 18:34: An attack on our servers!?
Yuukichan 18:35: like I said, youve mised a lot ε-(´・`)
Kaiden is welcomed back from his absence. He is surprised to see the influx of new users.
5/5/20 - Temp_Folder Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
Yuukichan 17:33: (シ;゚Д゚)シ
Yuukichan 17:33: Aaaah!!!
Moonman31 17:35: oh boy
Moonman31 17:35: whats goin on now
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrVpSMIWK50
Moonman31 17:36: whats this
Moonman31 17:36: >pewdiepie
Moonman31 17:36: wow
Yuukichan 17:37: Moonie I don't like the gray man... ( ≧Д≦)
Moonman31 17:37: yeah me neither
Moonman31 17:38: guys a real asshole
Yuukichan 17:38: ???
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That wasn't the gray man.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That's actually a randomly spawning NPC.
Yuukichan 17:39: oh?
Moonman31 17:39: uh
Moonman31 17:39: I think I know what the gray man looks like
Moonman31 17:39: we're pretty good buddies irl
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:40: I'm talking about the video, asswipe.
Moonman31 17:40: oh my bad
Moonman31 17:40: I wouldnt know
Moonman31 17:40: only losers watch pewds :sunglasses:
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:41: Whatever.
Yuukichan 17:41: (╬⓪益⓪)
Yuukichan 17:41: your mama
Moonman31 17:41: oof
Moonman31 17:41: im going to have to go for a bit
Moonman31 17:42: on the account of being utterly annihilated by yuuki
Moonman31 17:42: sorry guys
Yuukichan 17:42: :sunglasses:
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:42: If only…
Nocta 17:44: What's all this?
Moonman31 17:44: wut
Nocta 17:44: The Gray Man.
Moonman31 17:45: uh
Moonman31 17:45: some video game character
Yuukichan 17:46: Are you watching too nocta? :surprised:
Nocta 17:47: It's nothing.
Moonman31 17:47: bruh
Kaiden and Yuukichan watch the YouTuber "Pewdiepie" together while Moonman mocks them.
9/8/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "HOLY SHIt"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "oh jesus fuck"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "no"
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "woah"
[10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "how's it going"
[10:53 PM] Dense: "oh shit"
[10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What an exceptional set of introductions."
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "hey dude"
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "sup"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry just didn't know you were alive"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "oh dear"
[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, why wouldn't I be?"
[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "... Perhaps that was rude. It has been a while."
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "Some guy named BUP seemed to hijack your last video"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "was a bit uh"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "worrying"
[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes, I was quite annoyed about that."
[10:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was told to post in here."
[10:57 PM] Dense: "damn"
[10:57 PM] Dense: ":eggplant:"
[10:57 PM] money machine: "this is indeed the place to post"
[10:57 PM] money machine: ":eggplant:"
[10:57 PM] Pako: "post what?"
[10:58 PM] money machine: "eggplants"
[10:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Why are you spamming that stupid emote?"
[10:58 PM] money machine: "because you're eggplant role"
[10:58 PM] money machine: "look man i dont make the rules i just enforce them"
[10:58 PM] Basil: "lmao"
[10:59 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[10:59 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Sigh"
[11:00 PM] yoshi: ":circumcision:"
[11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Thank you, Yoshi!"
[11:01 PM] Basil: "lol"
[11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I didn't come here without a reason, you know..."
[11:01 PM] Pako: "so tell us"
[11:01 PM] Basil: "tell us bb"
[11:01 PM] Pako: "which is the reason"
[11:02 PM] Problematik: "We are listening"
[11:02 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Well, first of all, I thought you should know Hoax is alive."
[11:02 PM] Pako: "who is Hoax?"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "notahoax"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "one of the guys on ao"
[11:02 PM] Dense: "Damn"
[11:02 PM] Pako: "ok"
[11:02 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "but not sure much about him"
[11:02 PM] Super: "i guess his death was a hoax"
[11:02 PM] Basil: "lol"
[11:03 PM] Problematik: "No"
[11:03 PM] Problematik: "Bad joke"
[11:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting the last time anyone has seen him, however, was around the time there was that stupid "meme" about raiding Area 51. Supposedly, he went."
[11:03 PM] Basil: "oh"
[11:03 PM] Dense: ">imagine"
[11:04 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lmao"
[11:04 PM] Problematik: "One year ago"
[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, I was able to talk to him."
[11:04 PM] Xenquility: "Damn what a fucking god"
[11:04 PM] Problematik: "Thats a lot of time"
[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "And by talk to him I mean through a radio, but this was yesterday."
[11:04 PM] Basil: "epic"
[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is a strange man but I did grow fond of him, so I left home and tracked down to see if he was okay..."
[11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is incredibly paranoid though so that's as close as he'd let me get."
[11:05 PM] Basil: "i see"
[11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Supposedly he was not far away."
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "What's he been up to?"
[11:05 PM] Basil: "Well as long as he's fine that's all that matters i guess"
[11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have no idea, but according to him, something big."
[11:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "what about you, what have you been up to?"
[11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As far as I can tell, living in a moving camper covered* in tinfoil."
[11:07 PM] Super: "are you still in contact are you basically only able to talk to him when he directly contacts you?"
[11:07 PM] Xenquility: "Damn is notahoax imitating tyler"
[11:07 PM] Dense: "based"
[11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently he has lived this way for decades. He was stealing his internet and radio services from government lines but he's always moving. They started catching on so he went silent. That was as much as he was willing to say other than he was up to something big."
[11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I felt you all deserved to know that much."
[11:09 PM] Super: "i feel stealing internet/radio from government lines is a fuckin horrible idea but all the power to him if it's working"
[11:09 PM] Dense: "damn"
[11:09 PM] ADULT_LINK: "huh"
[11:09 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Let me rephrase: he was misappropriating public utilities. He wasn't exactly tapping into the white house."
[11:11 PM] Basil: "Lol"
[11:11 PM] Xenquility: "Damn that would've been considerably cooler"
[11:11 PM] Basil: "Yes"
[11:12 PM] Super: "if possible is there anyone you know of that he actually trusts a significant amount? Or the possibility of setting up some two way contact via pgp?"
[11:12 PM] Basil: "pgp?"
[11:13 PM] Dense: "cum wash radio"
[11:14 PM] Pako: "radio it's obsolete"
[11:14 PM] Xenquility: "you're obsolete"
[11:14 PM] Dense: "oog"
[11:14 PM] Pako: "man who uses internet and who uses the radio"
[11:14 PM] Problematik: "Obsolete my asscrack"
[11:14 PM] Dense: "indeed"
[11:14 PM] Super: "@Basil Very secure encryption usually used for two way communication"
[11:14 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Back from* uafk"
[11:15 PM] Pako: "Internet destroys radio"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "we aren't playing LoL"
[11:15 PM] Problematik: "No"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "no"
[11:15 PM] Problematik: "Lol is for gays"
[11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I really couldn't tell you, I have a new set of priorities now that I know he's okay."
[11:15 PM] Dense: "what's wrong with being gay"
[11:15 PM] Pako: "ok i'm gay"
[11:15 PM] Basil: "same"
[11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
[11:15 PM] Pako: "wtf is that logic"
[11:15 PM] Pako: "lol"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "dense is just saying random things dont mind him kaiden"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "im answering to problem"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "what are your new set of priorities"
[11:16 PM] Pako: "he didn't say nothing random"
[11:16 PM] Pako: "lol"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "talk in #general this is important"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "ok Kaiden go fucking ahead"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "who do we need to kill"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "or save"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "or save AND kill"
[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
[11:17 PM] Pako: "or save and kill and then save"
[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Nothing like that, actually."
[11:17 PM] Basil: "oh"
[11:17 PM] Dense: "ok"
[11:17 PM] Pako: "ok but we need do something?"
[11:17 PM] Dense: "keep going bro"
[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I... Well. I've made some poor decisions. Things I regret."
[11:17 PM] Basil: "everyone has"
[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Things I need to make up for..."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "So, I figure to at least try and undo some of the damage... I've caused..."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I could at least try and figure out what happened to the Internet Detectives."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, from here."
[11:18 PM] Basil: "okay"
[11:18 PM] Xenquility: "Your internet detectives I'm assuming?"
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes."
[11:18 PM] Dense: "huh"
[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You were told before they mostly went missing or confirmably died."
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "indeed"
[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But no one knows how or why."
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "Really?"
[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No one."
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "I thought some at least had some insight into the situation"
[11:19 PM] Problematik: "Jacob is dead"
[11:19 PM] Pako: "why?"
[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Maybe, but if they haven't come forward now, they never will.."
[11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""why?" @Pako Because people deserve to know, and it will help those who need to know."
[11:20 PM] Pako: "i didn't ask you but is ok"
[11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "If you had been murdered due to this 'game', wouldn't you want people to know who did it? How they did it?"
[11:21 PM] Basil: "wait am i dead in your universe kaiden"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "You've certainly come to the right place I guess"
[11:21 PM] Basil: "oh yeah i am oof"
[11:21 PM] Dense: "maybe"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "the site of the disaster filled with many people who also want to know"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "but uh"
[11:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, well, that's true."
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "Where do your loyalties currently fall"
[11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, something has been... itching at me to find out. Maybe I'm supposed to find out."
[11:22 PM] Basil: "fair"
[11:22 PM] Super: "So tell me, were there other mass disappearances around that time or was it relegated to the Internet Detectives?"
[11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Where do your loyalties currently fall" @Xenquility These days... myself. But my intentions are good, of that I can promise...."
[11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I mean, consider that I left home on a very uncertain trip just to let you all know Hoax was alive."
[11:24 PM] Xenquility: "That's at least slightly reassuring"
[11:24 PM] Basil: "yes"
[11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As I had mentioned, I feel some atoning has to be done."
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "damn i hope au me just vanished and isnt dead, f"
[11:25 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To start with, the only one who seems to know anything, that I know, would be moonman, and he will not open up to me about it."
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "well we could always pin him down and wrestle the mask of truth on him"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[11:26 PM] Basil: "lmao yes"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "i mean moonman is here"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "but maybe that isn't the best option"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "you can yell at him here"
[11:27 PM] Basil: "yes"
[11:27 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh yeah he came back like yesterday or something right"
[11:27 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm already traveling. So, the practical reality is I'm going to have to go investigate these people's last whereabouts in person."
[11:27 PM] Basil: "I see"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "does au me also like frogs"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "ill be disappointed if they dont"
[11:28 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "How should I know? I wasn't around then."
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "aw"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "Have you tried IA?"
[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He doesn't trust me."
[11:29 PM] Basil: "who trusts you"
[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I can't say I blame him..."
[11:29 PM] Basil: "oh"
[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yuuki trusted me."
[11:29 PM] Basil: "rip yuuki"
[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Moonman trusts me, he just won't talk about it."
[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He also doesn't necessarily like me."
[11:30 PM] Basil: "oof"
[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes... rip Yuuki."
[11:30 PM] Dense: "Damn"
[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting IA has been pretty inactive recently. I mean, I know I have as well, but I do find it odd for him."
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I don't mean to breathe false hope into anything but if I'm recalling correctly there were like"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: ""chat logs" from yuuki on the subspace"
[11:31 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Oh...?"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I uh"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "one sec"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "I'll try to find them if you'd like"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "There was also one we saw where whichever Wolfcat was trapped by that orange thing was talking to her"
[11:33 PM] Basil: "yeah she is alive in some way"
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "ah I'm also realizing I probably shouldn't be this forthcoming with this type of stuff"
[11:33 PM] Basil: "just not like in her body"
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "but yeah what deadhead said"
[11:35 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "....ok."
[11:36 PM] Basil: "yep"
9/12/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
[9:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Good evening."
[9:53 PM] Dense: "Hey"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Buenos noche"
[9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have found something you may find interesting."
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "Ooo"
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "What'd that be?"
[9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I went to the last known location scout was seen."
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "Could you say that you"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "scouted out the location?"
[9:56 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No."
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Xen"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "so basically yes"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Thats probably one of the worst thing you could ever said"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Anyways, if could we get back to serious discussion..."
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "Sure"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "What'd you find?"
[9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I think it would be easier to show you..."
[9:58 PM] Xenquility: "Sounds enticing"
[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-1.jpg" is sent))
[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-2.jpg" is sent))
[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-3.jpg" is sent))
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "Huh"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
[10:01 PM] Problematik: "Any idea why the back part of the card is full black?"
[10:01 PM] Problematik: "Is burned or painted?"
[10:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure but it's not burned."
[10:02 PM] yoshi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "Damn imagine asterisk was the villain this whole time"
[10:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality" @yoshi I'm working with cheap equipment and roaming around the country, cut me some slack."
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "just wondering"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "i can practically count the pixels"
[10:04 PM] Dense: "damn"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Do we know of uh"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "anyone else associated with playing cards?"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "DnD?"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Jk"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA hypothesized that it was trading Mason the eight of club that somehow "cursed" him"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Like Yugi"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Yugi-Oh"
[10:06 PM] Jackuan: "???"
[10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not really sure what it means, to be truthful."
[10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was hoping one of you could enlighten me."
[10:08 PM] Jackuan: "I don't really now too"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "I mean"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "I don't think there are even any other mentions of playing cards in our current archives, outside of the Grey Man giving one to Mason"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "uno momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Es un momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "No uno momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: ":u"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Also, guess what"
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Do you have something, xen?"
[10:10 PM] yoshi: "xens on the hunt"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Not that I can think of"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "other than the mugen thing being associated with a king of diamonds"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "project returner"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "but that also sounds incredibly far fetched"
[10:11 PM] Xenquility: "But honestly who knows at this point"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "god please no"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "no mugen"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "have we not suffered enough"
[10:11 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA traded a playing card for Helper's Hat, so like, maybe whoever did this also had the hat?"
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "I think there might be three helper's hats in play right now"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "No mugen allowed"
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "In the most recent Silentdork video we saw what happened to the "Dead" IA"
[10:12 PM] Jackuan: "Outlast and Minecraft"
[10:12 PM] Jackuan: "What a boundle"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and when IA died it sounded like Helper came back and took the hat"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "but at the same time there's also a timeline where IA survives and comes back with helper's hat"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and then I'd imagine that Kaiden's timeline also has a helper's hat somewhere"
[10:14 PM] Xenquility: "because as far as I know, IA going back in time affected our timeline, meaning the Helper's Hat IA had would've been from Our Mason, not his"
[10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "haha that image quality is so weird"
[10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i love it"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "im too high for this"
[10:15 PM] Xenquility: "tl;dr Both our timelines have a helper's hat (I think), but as IA both died and lived while having OUR timeline's hat, that would make three (I think)"
[10:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...what?"
[10:18 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry that was both off topic and probably incorrect"
[10:19 PM] Xenquility: "Here's what IA said about the matter "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be.:"
[10:19 PM] Xenquility: "speaking of which be careful with those cards"
[10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I see. I will take note of that."
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: ""Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them.""
[10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Considering what little I have witnessed of the strange things surrounding our circumstances, maybe it's the best of caution I delete those links."
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: "Probably a good idea"
[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...I'm now also wondering if it's in my best interest to have this."
[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But I won't give up on you all, yet."
[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm heading off to the hotel now."
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry, to have what?"
[10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "The card."
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Ah okay"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "honestly"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "probably not the best idea"
[10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "We'll just have to see."
Kaiden has searched the last location the Astral Timeline version of the player Scout was seen. He discovered a "Two of Diamonds" card.
10/3/20 - Chat with BUP and Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You people are a fucking disgrace"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Poop, really?"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not even 'disgusting', it's just"
[11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: ""you people""
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so unoriginal"
[11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: "dont blame the victims"
[11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "blame the person who changed everything"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "wasnt it actually your boss though"
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Fuck you I'm an all powerful being I'll blame who I want"
[11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ok"
[11:21 PM] yoshi: "poop is unfunny"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Actually I suppose that is a bit of a lie"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am not so pretentious to pretend I'm 100% all powerful"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would say Luna and Tenebris are closer than I"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But not by much :moonthink:"
[11:23 PM] yoshi: "damn bro whats your powerlevel"
[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is no deeplore here, just honest self analysis"
[11:23 PM] yoshi: "how many gokus we talkin"
[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am capable"
[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I could squash Goku if we 1v1'd because there would be no 'combat' per se"
[11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This is assuming Goku and I existed in a concurrent reality and that we had access to the entire structure of our abilities as present in our own realities"
[11:24 PM] yoshi: "damn...hes over a Goku level..."
[11:24 PM] yoshi: "we are fucked"
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I suppose if I were forced to play on Goku's level he'd shred me, because anime is dumb"
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I wouldn't have to, is the point"
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "this is at least 5 gokus"
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "bup is too powerful"
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm glad you quantified that for me."
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "np"
[11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait like base goku or like"
[11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "powered up goku"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "shit"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "good question"
[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am just assuming Goku at his very best"
[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because the level at which Goku battles based on how 'powered up he is' makes no difference"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "i am not goku lored enough to quantify that properly"
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Ok bup"
[11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The differences between his anime powerups 'strength' and my own conceptual end to that confrontation don't mean anything"
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Goku or regi"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "Ok bup"
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Who would win"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "so ill just stick to like 5 gokus as a measurement"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "put this in the wiki"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: ""how powerful is bup? at least like 5 gokus""
[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Goku or regi" @Problematik Regi"
[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "For similar reasons."
[11:30 PM] Problematik: "Ok"
[11:32 PM] yoshi: "tbh i stole the gokus joke from a webcomic creator because its an absolute valid way to judge power"
[11:33 PM] yoshi: "all things should be measured in gokus"
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Hmmm."
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, I try helping you people out and I come back here and :tired_face:"
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What did you... do!?"
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To the server I mean."
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "Technically I think it was some guy named IIIII"
[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nerd alert."
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "we are unwilling"
[11:37 PM] yoshi: ":eggplant:"
[11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What's with the eggplants!?"
[11:37 PM] yoshi: "i do not agree with...whatever the poopening stuff is"
[11:37 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i also do not agree with the Poop Theme"
[11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I don't know why you guys keep sending me eggplant emojis but STOP."
[11:38 PM] yoshi: ":5_PepeEggplant:"
[11:38 PM] yoshi: "i wouldnt recommend looking at your discord roles then"
[11:39 PM] yoshi: "anyways kaiden, how many gokus strong are you"
[11:40 PM] yoshi: "this is important info"
[11:46 PM] yoshi: "did i scare him off"
[11:46 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[11:51 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure what that means"
[11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was taking a photograph."
[11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "7-of-diamonds.jpg" is sent)) 
[11:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was checking where Wolfcat supposedly was last seen and... well. You see."
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Damn"
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "he got carded too?"
[11:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently so."
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?"
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Other than being associated with cards, I mean"
[12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm still not sure."
[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "About what?"
[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Also who are you"
[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?" @Xenquility what thing?"
[12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not sure about your cards."
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "you ever just turn into a card"
[12:02 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID" @Xenquility I'm not sure if the cards are related to that or not yet. It would be assumptive to assume so."
[12:04 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...Assumptive to assume. That was unnecessary. Blech."
[12:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eh hehehe."
[12:04 AM] yoshi: "gg"
[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I know your answers."
[12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "????"
[12:05 AM] Xenquility: "This guy is some weird stalker god guy"
[12:05 AM] yoshi: "bups being mysterious again"
[12:05 AM] Xenquility: "he knows a lot of things and whatnot"
[12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know who killed the Internet Detectives???"
[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Of course."
[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not going to share though."
[12:05 AM] yoshi: "stop bein mysterious, bad bup"
[12:05 AM] yoshi: ":spray:"
[12:09 AM] yoshi: "dont make any weird deals with him for info though kaiden, or youll end up with a missing soul and a cool frog pic in its place"
[12:10 AM] yoshi: "worth it"
[12:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":BUP:"
[12:15 AM] yoshi: ":buppog:"
[12:16 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Shit. I have to go. I had more to talk about but something is going on. No time to explain."
[12:16 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "OMINOUS."
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "damn bro at least say something less vague"
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "smh"
[12:18 AM] yoshi: "booooo"
[12:20 AM] yoshi: "kaiden has Fucking Died"
[12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "RIP ripoff Mugen"
11/12/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger
November 12th, 2020
the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."
November 13th, 2020
NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."
Jose 8:35 PM: "Brother hoax, this is brother Jos, that guy is a fuck, take out the shotgun. thank for your time."
November 17th, 2020
Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:04 PM: "Who the hell are you?"
November 18th, 2020
TheOtherLiam 5:54 AM: "He’s a creepy stalker that’s been hanging out in the background for awhile. We call him “Watcher”. He’s been trying to get us to give up, calling us all useless and such. Joke’s on him, that’s never stopped us from doing shit anyway. I assume he’s scared we’ll actually stop whatever’s happening, otherwise he wouldn’t bother. Then again I did just get nearly wiped out of existence by one of these creepy evil guys. Granted I think BUP was in another league than this tool, but still. Be safe, yall."
November 21st, 2020
TLBITW 12:56 PM: "is matt hubbard the watcher?"
November 27th, 2020
TLBITW 6:04 PM: "whats gonna happen?"
November 28th, 2020
TLBITW 5:49 PM: "someone gonna post something?"
IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "No"
IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "Oh wait"
December 11th, 2020
TLBITW 12:58 AM: "also nocta dont be scared"
December 21st, 2020
IsocelesAssassin 10:56 PM: ""also nocta dont be scared" He fucking should be."
- ↑ IsocelesAssassin implies that the footage seen in Kaiden's video is Nocta in this conversation. Moonman later corroborates this here.
- "Pretty bold to slip in footage of Nocta there Kaiden"
- moonman31 8:18 PM: "but yeah that was nocta"
- moonman31 8:18 PM: "it was from the trip"
- moonman31 8:18 PM: "sneaky sneaky kaiden"
- moonman31 8:19 PM: "if I had to guess, though, probably the same one where they last ‘saw’ Yuuki"