1_Tsukuyomi_1 is a minor character who is a member of the Lunar Children. First seen during The Truth Arc, Tsukuyomi could be found posting on the Lunar Children Forums. Tsukuyomi seemed to be very enthusiastic about the cult and furthering his studies in their teachings, later becoming a knowledgeable member themselves.
Not much is known about Tsukuyomi's past other than that they lived in Ohio near The Spire. In 2015, he joined the Lunar Children and eagerly wanted to ascend. The Elder Child Thoth informed him that ascension was a process that required a lot of rigorous training and preparation. After this, Tsukuyomi began diving into the cult's teachings.
Tsukuyomi's studies were impeded by the Elders in charge of The Spire's library. Even after a month of studying, he was still not allowed to view the Libro Lunarus. Thoth would later step in and speak to Jinn and Kuu_32 so that Tsukuyomi would be allowed a reading session with the holy book. Tsukuyomi would occasionally post on the Lunar Children Forums. Here, they could be seen asking about Tenebris. Jinn informed them that Tenebris was a touchy subject and took the conversation to PM's.
Over time, Tsukuyomi became a respected member of the cult because of his ever expanding knowledge regarding their teachings. In an IRC conversation, the users HarryM1 and Alignak could be seen asking Tsukuyomi about the Libro Lunarus and the Moon Children. Tsukuyomi informed them that both things were subjects he was forbidden from revealing too much information about. In this chat, he could be seen defending the Elder Children's tight security measures surrounding the Libro Lunarus. An odd discrepancy became evident regarding the appearance of the book, however. While Tsukuyomi described the book as somewhat thin, Alignak noted that it appeared quite large in the Blood Moon Ritual video. This confused Tsukuyomi, who believed all copies of the book were identical.
After the failure of Undecim Nocte 2015, various Lunar Children gathered in the IRC to discuss the aftermath. When Harry asked if anyone had seen Hina616 recently, Tsukuyomi claimed that they had seen her account active a few days prior. Eddie entered the chat shortly thereafter, claiming that the Elder Children most likely had her killed for interfering with the Crescent Moon Necklace. Tsukuyomi asked the others to cease the discussion, worrying that the Elder Children wouldn't like them talking of such things. Eddie responded to this with "pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds", implying that Tsukuyomi is a bit of a "brown nose" towards the Elder Child Kuu_32.
The argument between Harry and Eddie degraded to the point where Eddie posted a gory photo of a dead girl claiming it was Hina. Tsukuyomi then alerted Kuu of this, who promptly banned Eddie. After this, Tsukuyomi urged the others to drop the conversation. Tsukuyomi's fate is currently unknown. Living close to The Spire and frequenting their library, it is likely that they died during the Cataclysm.
Tsukuyomi is an eager, studious young man who is very interested in the Lunar Children's teachings. Over time, however, he eventually started coming off as a bit of a "know-it-all" to others who seems to be at the beck and call of the Elder Children - Kuu_32 specifically.
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Tsukuyomi.
11/5/15 - "I was just shown the light today" - 1_Tsukuyomi_1
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Hello all I am new here, Iwas just accepted into this group litterally today. I hope to learn more of the moon mother very very soon. And luckily for myself I live very close to the meeting grounds so if anyone wants to call upon me for assitance please let me know. I really hope I can ascend soon, I am sick and tired of being beat up at school."
_jinn_: "Welcome to your destiny child. Glory awaits you, be ready."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Thankyou, I was told by one of the elder children (I am sorry I still haven't gotten peoples names down) that I showed a lot of promise. I am excited to figure out what is in store for me in the future and if I can maybe partake in ascension one day."
Ezekiel_thoth33: "Ascension is a very challenging road that requires lots of mental and physical preparation. If you let your soul be one with Luna, and allow Father to guide you, and you take his guidance to heart, you will see the glory of the parallelos beyond. Ready yourself child, if true ascension is your goal, then a great journey awaits you."
11/5/15 - "Hello from an old geezer" - Jarilo333
Jarilo333: "I was about to have my son go on and do one of these as well, so I figured I would do one too even though I am not new, I have been a Lunar Child since around 2003 hahaha! After all, though I am not new, this iteration of the forum is. The most interesting about myself is... well... heck not even about me ha ha. My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye. My son should be around to say hello to you all sometime today as well. So stick around for that everyone!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I had always wished I could have known uncle a little better. But oh well, we will probably get to meet after the holy descent."
kuu_32: "Good to see you online Jar. I hope you will be attending the meeting next week."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Who is Tenebris? I know there is a bit of info on it on the front page, but I was hoping I could learn more."
_jinn_: "Risky subject for new moons, Im an elder though so pm me if you want to know a bit more. But in depth discussion is best kept for meetings."
Tsukuyomi asks for more information regarding Tenebris. Jinn informs them that it is a touchy subject and offers to give them more information in PM's.
11/5/15 - "How do I ascend?" - 1_Tsukuyomi_1
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "It has been a month now and I have been REALLY dedicated, when can I finally leave this world?"
Ezekiel_thoth33: "Have you had access yet to the Libro Lunarus yet?"
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "NO, keep getting denied permission from elders in the spire library, they act like I am a fucking outsider and I am tired of it."
Ezekiel_thoth33: "I will have to have a talk with the library managers then, you have been fully part of our family for an entire month now, you should have at least had access to a reading session a long time ago."
Tsukuyomi vents their frustrations, wanting to ascend but having been denied access to the library in The Spire. Thoth claims that they will speak with the Elder Children to allow Tsukuyomi to have a reading session with the Libro Lunarus
4/27/20 - "chat00219930" - Lunarchildren.com
Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.
2:02:23 PM Harry: "No clue."
2:02:45 PM Harry: "Oh hey, @tsukuyomi is here"
2:02:46 PM Harry: "Ask them, they'd know."
2:03:09 PM tsukuyomi11: "Hello, everyone."
2:03:13 PM Alignak: "Yo tsu"
2:03:15 PM Alignak: "I got some questions about the Misguided and the Libro Lunaurs."
2:03:33 PM tsukuyomi11: "Libro Lunarus."
2:03:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "Andyou know we aren't allowed to speak about that."
2:03:39 PM Harry: "The misguided or the book?"
2:03:41 PM tsukuyomi11: "Both."
2:03:44 PM Harry: "oh well, I guess there goes any chance I have of reading it"
2:03:47 PM Harry: "Unless I get the chance to hitchike out to Ohio"
2:03:58 PM Alignak: "Ehh, even then there's no guarantee you'll get to see it."
2:04:03 PM Alignak: "iirc, most of the time the Elders just read it to you."
2:04:06 PM Harry: "really?"
2:04:12 PM Alignak: "Yeah, they won't let anyone touch it."
2:04:14 PM Alignak: "Pretty stingy if you ask me."
2:04:19 PM tsukuyomi11: "Its one of our most sacred objects, what do yuo expect?"
2:04:24 PM Harry: "what was it like?"
2:04:28 PM tsukuyomi11: "It was just like any other book on the outside, really."
2:04:32 PM tsukuyomi11: "Surprisingly thin, but packed with wisdom"
2:04:37 PM Alignak: "What?"
2:04:41 PM Alignak: "It looks pretty thick to me"
2:04:43 PM Harry: "yeah isnt that what they used in the blood moon thing?"
2:04:52 PM tsukuyomi11: "One moment"
2:04:53 PM Harry: "for real, it looked like a dictionary to me"
2:04:54 PM Harry: "pretty bulky and all"
2:05:31 PM tsukuyomi11: "Okay, yes"
2:05:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "The rite recited in the blood moon ritual is certainly an excerpt from the Libro Lunarus"
2:05:37 PM tsukuyomi11: "Strange, I was told there were only the three copies"
2:05:38 PM tsukuyomi11: "One second"
2:05:58 PM tsukuyomi11 (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
2:06:03 PM Harry: "uh can you try sending that again"
2:06:05 PM Harry: "looks like it didnt send"
2:06:45 PM Alignak: "You still there, Tsu?"
The users Alignak and HarryM1 ask Tsukuyomi for information regarding the Libro Lunarus and the Moon Children. Tsukuyomi informs them that these are both touchy subjects. This conversation leads to Tsukuyomi being confused about the appearance of the Libro Lunarus - the one he witnessed was thin, but the one seen in the Blood Moon Ritual video was thick.
4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com
Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.
9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"
9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"
9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"
9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."
9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."
9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."
9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."
9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."
9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"
9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"
9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."
9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"
9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"
9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."
9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"
9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"
9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."
9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"
9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."
9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"
9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."
9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."
9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"
9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"
9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"
9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"
9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"
9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."
9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"
9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"
9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."
9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"
9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"
9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."
9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)
9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."
9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"
9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."
9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"
9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"
9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."
9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."
9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"
9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."
9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."
9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."
9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."
9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."
The user HarryM1 asks if anyone has seen Hina616 lately. Tsukuyomi claims they saw her account active a few days prior. The user Eddie then claims that she was likely killed by the Elder Children. Tsukuyomi warns everyone to stop discussing this matter, but Eddie carries on, posting a gory photo of a girl and claiming it was Hina. Tsukuyomi then alerts Kuu_32, who bans Eddie.