The portrait of Kylie drawn by Sheepdog.
Name |
Kylie U. |
Alias |
kuu_32 |
Affiliation |
Lunar Children |
Gender |
Female |
Status |
Deceased |
Kylie, also known as kuu_32 online, is a minor character who is a member of the Lunar Children. Kylie oversees the library at The Spire and holds the rank of Elder Child, meaning she holds a degree of control over the lower ranking members of the cult.
Not much is known about Kylie's past. It can be assumed that she developed a love for reading fairly early on, as this carried over when she joined the Lunar Children. Kylie rose through the ranks of the cult and joined the Elder Children, likely due to her studious nature helping her absorb all of the Lunar Children's teachings. Kylie was also made an overseer of the library at The Spire alongside Jennifer. While in the Lunar Children, Jennifer would spend much of her time reading over various holy texts of other religions, fascinated by what she presumed was their interpretations of Luna.
In 2015, Kylie began posting on the Lunar Children Forums under the username "kuu_32". Here, she would greet users and occasionally answer questions. When Jeremy joined the forums, she welcomed him and offered him an invitation to an upcoming meeting. When the user sin_yarikh joined the cult, he explained that he was convinced to join after Jeremy showed him the Libaro Lunarus. While Kylie informed him that this was a taboo act, she was still happy that it resulted in Sin joining.

Kylie's avatar on the Lunar Children Forums.
In November of 2015, Undecim Nocte went awry after the players were able to rescue Tyler using their Ocarina. Shortly after this, the Elder Children Hunter and Mat went missing. The other Elder Children, Kylie, Jennifer, and Thoth began investigating what went wrong. Kylie checked The Spire's cameras and discovered that Hunter could be seen entering the basement - presumably to give Tyler back his Crescent Moon Necklace. This puzzled Kylie, who wondered what Hunter's true motives were. When Jennifer reported that the Lunar Children at the Fishery hadn't seen anything, Kylie lamented that they should have set up cameras there.
The lower ranking Lunar Children began discussing Undecim Nocte 2015 as well. The user Eddie claimed that Hina616 was responsible for the cult failing, as she had tampered with the necklace. When Harry began defending Hina, Eddie began taunting him by claiming that Hina had been killed. He then proceeded to post a gory photo of a dead girl as evidence. After being alerted by 1_Tsukuyomi_1, Kylie entered the chat and banned Eddie, claiming that he had been warned for this type of behavior in the past. Harry, troubled by Eddie's claims, asked Kylie if Hina had been killed, to which she simply replied that Hina was never placed on Eddie's list.
In early 2016, Regiminis tracked down Tyler after he managed to escape to Australia. During this time, Regiminis also intercepted and killed Helper, who had taken Tyler's necklace at the request of the players. Kylie and the other Elder Children began discussing this situation. Kylie expressed regret that Helper had to be killed, though acknowledging that it was necessary due to him assisting the players. When asking about the necklace, Jennifer assured her that it was now in a secure location.
Kylie's fate is currently unknown. Since she lived in The Spire, it is believed that she died during the Cataclysm.
Though she is one of the highest-ranking Lunar Children, Kylie has a surprisingly friendly demeanor - even when addressing members who have partook in taboo actions. She expresses regret for Helper's passing as well. Despite this, she is still loyal to Luna and the cult as a whole, acknowledging that harsh actions must be taken for them to reach their goals.
Kylie U.
A funny sound I can hear John and Tyler making when I look over the memory banks, I think thats how she actually got her start. Jokes come far around here I see
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Kylie.
11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums
Name: kuu_32
Group: N/A
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: N/A
Bio: Just the local Elder of the library, I always enjoy a good book and I have a fascination with religious texts. They are always very fun for me to read because I love to see how Luna has effected the minds of those who are just on the edge of finding her but unable to find true knowledge of her, choose to make up stories instead. Alas they will never find the truth as we have. THINK NOT YOUR STORY IS FALSEHOODS NOT YOUR FATHER IS ONE OF LIES
Kylie introduces herself on the Lunar Children Forums as an avid reader who enjoys the holy texts of other religions, noting that it is interesting how they seemingly had their own interpretations of Luna.
11/5/15 - "Hello from an old geezer" - Jarilo333
Jarilo333: "I was about to have my son go on and do one of these as well, so I figured I would do one too even though I am not new, I have been a Lunar Child since around 2003 hahaha! After all, though I am not new, this iteration of the forum is. The most interesting about myself is... well... heck not even about me ha ha. My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye. My son should be around to say hello to you all sometime today as well. So stick around for that everyone!"
Jie_Lin_HunterL: "I had always wished I could have known uncle a little better. But oh well, we will probably get to meet after the holy descent."
kuu_32: "Good to see you online Jar. I hope you will be attending the meeting next week."
1_Tsukuyomi_1: "Who is Tenebris? I know there is a bit of info on it on the front page, but I was hoping I could learn more."
_jinn_: "Risky subject for new moons, Im an elder though so pm me if you want to know a bit more. But in depth discussion is best kept for meetings."
11/5/15 - "Glad to be a child of Luna" - sin_yarikh
sin_yarikh: "Fresh into the family as of 5 days ago. I didn't realize we were gonna have forums and everything, this is actually pretty cool. About me, Im a college drop out, fucking sick of my life. I hate my family and could not find any real aspirations for shit. Until my friends dad (also known around here as Jarilo333) told me about Luna. He let me look at a bit of The Libro Lunarus and I slowly began to realize that she is what I have been missing in my life. I am very excited about the concept of ascending and even now cannot wait to finally escape all of this shit I am surrounded by and be greeted by the infinite mind scape, the way in which we may all be gods."
kuu_32: "While we would usually be highly against exposure of sacred texts to outsiders, this was a special case in which Jarilo's bad judgement led quite luckily to a positive outcome. However I would recommend you never make a similar choice, for you own well being."
Hina616: "Im actually not sure if I met you yet. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ~<3"
_jinn_: "Welcome to the family new moon."
Ezekiel_thoth33: "We will need to have a word with him about this, but congratulations on finally finding your way to the truth child."
Kylie welcomes the user sin_yarikh to the Lunar Children. Despite the fact that he became a member due to Jeremy showing him the Libro Lunarus - a highly taboo act, Kylie overlooks it due to it leading to the cult gaining a new member.
8/8/20 - "chat66069314" -
Chatting in #elders
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.
11:23:30 PM kuu_32: "Of course. "
11:23:32 PM kuu_32: "One moment..."
11:23:42 PM Thoth33: "Thank you."
11:24:55 PM kuu_32: "Yes, there's no doubting it."
11:24:59 PM kuu_32: "That's Hunter."
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: "Sent file "screenshot.jpg"
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: ((The image "screenshot.jpg" is sent)) 
11:25:11 PM Thoth33: "Of all people, why HIM??"
11:25:13 PM Thoth33: "He was Mat's number one pick!"
11:25:16 PM Thoth33: "Speaking of, where's Mat!? What on Earth is happening??"
11:25:24 PM jinn: "We've received mixed reports from the fishery group. There's still no sign of Mat. Most of them didn't even notice him leave. Of course, there's no functional surveillance equipment left there, so their word is all we have to go off of."
11:25:31 PM kuu_32: "If only we had a few cameras set up down there..."
11:25:36 PM kuu_32: "I can't imagine it'd be very hard to do."
11:25:37 PM Thoth33: "This is something I requested of Saint, but I suppose now it's all too obvious to us why he was so hesitant to do so."
11:25:40 PM Thoth33: "Regardless, Douglas was all the surveillance we ever needed."
11:25:44 PM Thoth33: "He was bound to the fishery. Nothing escaped his gaze."
11:25:48 PM Thoth33: "Which is all the more baffling."
11:25:50 PM Thoth33: "Why was he here!?"
11:25:53 PM Thoth33: "Was his hubris so great he felt the need to personally torment and assault the Harbinger's Link?"
11:25:58 PM Thoth33: "No one told him to do such things!"
11:26:11 PM jinn: "Ezekiel, are you asserting authority over the transcended? The Four are directly linked to Luna. You know this. It's not our place to question the thurses, for doing so directly undermines Luna herself."
11:26:14 PM Thoth33: "But this was our holiest of nights!"
11:26:20 PM Thoth33: "Forgive me Luna, but I cannot fathom such rogue actions!"
11:26:24 PM Thoth33: "Why did this have to happen?"
11:26:31 PM Thoth33: "We never should have trusted a Jarvis with such an important item."
11:26:42 PM kuu_32: "I just don't understand what he was trying to accomplish."
11:26:48 PM kuu_32: "Why just hand it back over to the Harbinger's Link like that?"
4/27/20 - "chat94922031" -
Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.
9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"
9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"
9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"
9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."
9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."
9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."
9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."
9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."
9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"
9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"
9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."
9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"
9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"
9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."
9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"
9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"
9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."
9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"
9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."
9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"
9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."
9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."
9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"
9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"
9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"
9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"
9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"
9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."
9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"
9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"
9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."
9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"
9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"
9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."
9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)
9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."
9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"
9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."
9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"
9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"
9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."
9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."
9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"
9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."
9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."
9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."
9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."
9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."
The user Harry asks about Hina's whereabouts, as she had not been seen in quite some time. Eddie taunts Harry, claiming that Hina was killed by the Elder Children, posting a gory photo as evidence. 1_Tsukuyomi_1 alerts Kylie in this, resulting in her entering the chat and banning Eddie. Harry then asks Kylie if Hina is dead, to which she only claims that Hina was never placed on Eddie's hitlist.
8/8/20 - "chat44404402" -
Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.
9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"
9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."
9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."
9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."
9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."
9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."
9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."
9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"
9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."
9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."
Kylie regrets that Helper had to be killed by Regiminis, though she acknowledges that it was necessary.