Blood Moon Ritual

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The Blood Moon Ritual is a ceremony held by the Lunar Children during nights where a "Blood Moon", or a total lunar eclipse is present. The goal of the ritual seems to be to simply honor Luna while making contact with Patrem.


The Blood Moon Ritual was first alluded to by Patrem during the YSHDT Arc on April 4th, 2015. In a conversation on the Within Hubris Forums, Patrem claimed that he would soon depart for a ritual that required a blood sacrifice for Luna. Though it was not known at the time, this was actually referring to the Blood Moon Ritual. At the time, the players believed that Doug was the one who was going to be sacrificed during the ritual. In an attempt to save him, the player Circlehunter submitted the video Jailbreak.wmv. Patrem later chided the players for this, however, claiming that Doug was never in any danger.

Mat present at the Blood Moon Ritual.

During the actual Blood Moon Ritual, several Lunar Children gathered at The Fishery in the evening. Mat oversaw the ritual and activated one of the cult's Listening Devices so that Patrem could begin communicating with those present. A new recruit in the cult began reading an excerpt from the Libro Lunarus. Once he finished, he questioned where the blood mentioned in the script would come from. Shortly afterwards, the new recruit was stabbed and killed by Mat. Around this point, Tenebris began communicating via the video recording of the event. Tenebris seemingly taunted Patrem and the Lunar Children before the video ended. Players did not see any of this event until June 5th, when blood-moon.avi was uploaded to the archives on The full video was later posted on on June 17th by Liquidsaint.


The Blood Moon Ritual takes place outside, seemingly at The Fishery so that a large amount of spiritual energy can be amassed. The ritual involves three indivudals:

  • An overseer
  • Patrem
  • A sacrifice

The ritual begins with the overseer activating a Listening Device so that Patrem can begin communicating. Once communication has been established, the sacrifice begins reading the following excerpt from the Libro Lunarus:

Oh, Luna, ((Indecipherable)) mother of the night. On this night, grant us your blessing. Oh, Father, protect us from the ignorance that is those who do not understand Luna's glory, so that we might keep ((Indecipherable)) and keep ourselves pure. It is time in which we ascend. On this night, most holiest of nights, when Mother's visage is red, blood shall be spilled in her honor. Death be upon those who do not understand her glory. Death be upon those who are unholy in her eyes. All glory be unto Luna. All glory be unto Father. Now, as the moon is high and her visage red, blood be spilled in her honor.

After this, the sacrifice is then killed by the overseer, their blood spilled in Luna's honor.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to the Blood Moon Ritual.


4/4/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 4:29 PM: "No mortal can go without rest."
Eve 5:04 PM: "Indeed, your host was quite upset the last time he awoke."
Stevey 5:15 PM: "I find it odd we do something to find a "friend" and you return to us..."
/Patrem\ 5:21 PM: "He is a fool, and in his time has become a detriment to my plans. He will now know nothing of what has transpired however. Despite his best efforts to keep archive of what he learned."
Helix 5:27 PM: "What of Doug? He is a fool now too?"
Eve 5:32 PM: "That would be a very wise idea. He'd be too bewildered. But now that you're able to communicate again, is there any information that you'd like to impart?"
/Patrem\ 5:50 PM: "Douglas is of significance and that is all I shall say of him. As for information that may be of interest to you children, I may be willing to tell you of what is to come."
Stevey 5:50 PM: "We'd be much grateful.."
Eve 5:54 PM: "That would be a helpful gift."
Helix 5:59 PM: "That would be very much appreciated. Doug is also important to us. If I may humbly ask, do you know of how Mason is doing? We are concerned as we lost contact with him at a crucial point, as well as if you know of a certain individual named Rosa?"
/Patrem\ 6:21 PM: "That foolish girl has damned herself, she and her brother started on the wrong path and never attempted to correct this. Her toungue is that of lies and she is a blind whore. Ask me not of her again for she and her kin are nothing but ignorant fools."
Stevey 6:24 PM: "So what is to come..?"
Oceanstuck 6:43 PM: "this is a bit late but what awaits mason as things stand now, and if that which awaits is unfavorable how may we change those things in our favor"
/Patrem\ 7:19 PM: "Shall you continue to ask me foolish questions, or shall I speak to you the true words of the future? The choice is yours."
Circlehunter 7:23 PM: "We'd love to hear about the future. Anything at all would be wonderful."
/Patrem\ 8:31 PM: "There will be a coming time in which a portal shall be opened. This place was forged by the one they call saint, and is governed by the one I call grand. Named a petty insult directed at the terrible fate of one child and the loss of another. Through here you may encounter many things both of your kind, and from times before man. He will seek the burned one, without his puppet he is only half of his potential. He will seek the link of that time, for it is through his death that he believes he will truly become a god. He is a grand fool, but he is one of my special children. However, this is not of the task at hand. Worry now for what lies before you. Now I must go, a ceremony shall soon be at hand, blood must be spilled when mother calls for it."
GreyouTT 11:33 PM: "Wait, BLOOD? WHAT? WHAT?!"


  • Patrem claims he must depart of a blood sacrifice, alluding to the Blood Moon Ritual.

6/16/15 - Announcement -

General site changes and security improvement
June 17, 2015 by liquidsaint

Sup chummers it’s Saint here, to those who didn’t catch it in the recent meat space meetings and irc talks. The site recreation has been rather slow as of late due to the rise in needed meat space activity. Our big star aka the “Harbingers link” has required lots of observation as of late, and we can’t afford for him to take too much note of it. The last child with observation duty (yes we are talking to you Daniel) did a fantastic job leaving the beacon with him. Just as well, the task was also his trial to be worthy of the Parallelos path (We all saw your fantastic use of jumping in the video he decided to show to the harbingers, really good work to be fair XD ). However having been seen Daniel’s position in the observation task has been retired and it has been passed on to an elder member, who needs no introduction (You all know who I am talking about XD ).

On another important note, I have been told to inform you all of the fact that some skiddies have been worming there way through our drok. So new security measures have been taken, and the previous sign up area has been removed and will be re added when our screening process has been updated. Just as well the site login info will be regularly updated now as more outsider ip’s are noted by operator, so keep in the loop via meat sace and irc.

Thats all for now, some time later tonight operator is going to forward more of the recovered blood moon ritual to me (he explained that tenebris may have been trying to communicate in it so be hyped ^^ ) and I will put it up in a post for now and he can move it to archive later. -LS


  • Liquidsant announces that the Blood Moon Ritual video will be uploaded soon.

6/17/15 - Blog Post -

Blood moon ritual part one
June 17, 2015 by liquidsaint

Wanted to get this out right now since you have all been waiting for it so bloody long. Shame about that new guy, but as you all may already know (as I do very well) when it comes to “her”, sacrifices must often be made.



  • Liquidsant links to a video of the Blood Moon Ritual while expressing sympathy for the sacrifice.




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Entities and Figures

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Ceremonies and Rituals

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