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Ascension is a sacrificial ceremony practiced by both the Moon Children and Lunar Children cults. The main purpose of ascension is to release one's soul or spirit into a higher plane of existence upon their death. While this is often presented as if the ascended individual will gain untold amounts of freedom, more often than not, the ascended individual will become trapped in one way or another. These ascended spirits are often taken advantage of by their respective cults for one reason or another.


There are various different types of ascension.



Deviums are the lowest rank of ascended beings. These entities are trapped in a perpetual state of torment or uncontrollable emotion. The Lunar Children claim Deviums suffer from Novum Ascensionem, which is implied to entrap these entities and limit their freedom. Portals such as are often full of Deviums, which often manifest in the form of distorted sounds and imagery.



ascended e-girlBullet NecklaceCrescent Moon NecklaceGC MajorHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHelios BookLC Brain OperationLenis ConversionLibro LunarusLunar Children ServersNovum AscensionemNullstormsParallelos PathPortalsProject BifrostProject MindshapeProto RecollectionRemember SeriesRule of ThreeSpiritustest audio onlyThe DyadThe OcarinaThree Silver Secrets


Astral ObservatoryAstral Observatory (Fucked)Elder ChildrenHarbingersLunar ChildrenMoon ChildrenOFA GroupSun ChildrenWireTalk

Entities and Figures

Absque FascieAmalgamationConduitsLinksRemnantThe DawnThe Four Giants

Ceremonies and Rituals

AggregationAscensionBlood Moon RitualCeremony of the Three ElementsGiant Awakening RitualRune CastingSpell CirclesThe Circle of Three


NullspaceOverworldParallelosThe FisheryThe LibraryThe OrchardThe ShortcutThe Spire


BUP's DnD GameJohnisdead Scavenger HuntThe CataclysmTournament of SoulsUndecim Nocte


Analysis DeviceData BombKeyLogger592Listening DeviceOniontryptamine BombOoTv2.1Particle ParserResonance BurstScrying DeviceSignal CannonThe MachineTime BombTransmission DeviceWraith Trap


JanusVRThe Legend of Zelda