The Ocarina

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The Ocarina refers to the power of the Harbingers to manipulate reality via submissions of videos, images, and sound files. It is implied that this power was bestowed to the players by Luna herself. Tenebris also seemingly has the ability to both utilize and transfer this power.


Players can utilize The Ocarina by posting images, videos, or sound files wherever The Ocarina is currently being hosted. This is a process known as "Submitting". The location where The Ocarina is hosted has changed throughout the course of Johnisdead. It is usually hosted on a website such as Within Hubris or The effects of the submission depend on what exactly was submitted and they usually effect the current Link. Example: the "Song of Storms" is likely to result in a storm manifesting near the Link. Submissions generally need to be images, videos, or sounds originating from The Legend of Zelda series. However, there have been a few rare exceptions to this rule.


The players first discovered the power of The Ocarina on September 19th, 2010 during Ben Drowned. Tenebris congratulated them for realizing their abilities, though he warned that this power could easily double as a hindrance.[1] Sure enough, due to several poorly timed submissions, the players ended up harming a few of their allies.[2] This happened near the beginning of Johnisdead as well in 2015, with players nearly killing Doug and Mason at multiple points.[3]

On March 24th, 2015, Rosa implied that the players had lost some of their powers and would have to recover them. Strangely, this never seemed to be the case, as the players were able to use submissions perfectly fine.[4] Later on, however, The Man confirmed that the players could still submit videos.[5] The next day, The Man revealed that the player Dawn gave up his Ocarina powers two days prior and that he was the only player capable of trading away their submission powers.[6]

On August 4th, Tenebris revealed that he had stolen away the players' Ocarina and given it to the Lunar Children via the video take.webm. The Lunar Children are seen using the Ocarina in the videos therainhasbegun.webm and Governing.webm. On September 18th, Rosa explains that Tenebris was the one who originally asked Luna to grant the players The Ocarina.[7] On November 5th, players discovered a post in which Mat revealed that he worked alongside Tenebris in order to steal The Ocarina away from the players.[8] Upon regaining access to on November 5th, the players retrieved their Ocarina powers. However, they were still mainly hosted on the Lunar Children Forums.

The history of The Ocarina's movement becomes a bit muddled at this point. At some point around 2016, the Lunar Children Forums went offline. During the return of, The Ocarina was mainly hosted within the website's Guestbook. During the Astral Arc in 2017 and 2018, The Ocarina was seen being used both in the Internet Detectives Discord Server and the Astral Observatory Forums. However, as of 2020, The Ocarina seemingly became cemented on Within Hubris once again.


  1. The players are warned that The Ocarina could be a curse here.
  2. Players made faulty submissions in Ben Drowned in the following examples:
    • "The Song of Healing was played by HigurashiMGOST. This song caused Rosa to disappear." (link)
    • "The Oath to Order was played by moonman2522. It is believed to have killed Alex." (link)
    • "Another user, Cerxi, played the Sonata of Awakening. It caused Alex to disappear." (link)
  3. A few faulty player submissions in early Johnisdead include the following:
    • The "Song of Storms" submission here.
    • At 11:19 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the "Song of Storms" in response to Patrem's "wet the ashes" phrase.
    • At 12:50 AM, Doug made a post that simply read "It's raining too hard." along with a picture of a flooding room.
    • The "Stone Mask" submission here.
    • At 9:10 PM, the player Seeker submitted the video "StoneMask.arg".
    • At 12:28 AM, Doug claims that everyone has been ignoring him. However, Doug is becoming very depressed due to its effects.
    • The submission of "Jailbreak.wmv" here.
    • At 2:54 AM, the player Circlehunter submitted the video "Jailbreak.wmv".
    • Helper informs the players that Mason has been trapped within a storm drain that is currently filling with water - an adverse effect of "Jailbreak.wmv".
  4. Rosa claims that the players lost some of their powers here.
    • "You have lost some of your powers through interaction with dangerous items and people. Your most powerful weapon has been rendered useless, and it should be obtained once again."
  5. The Man confirms that the players can still submit songs here
    • [11:45:47 PM] The Man: I have been told you think your song playing powers have been taken.
    • [11:45:59 PM] The Man: This is not the case.
  6. The Man mentions Dawn giving away his Ocarina powers here.
    • [1:24:07 AM] The Man: I would like to inform you all that Dawn traded the power to play powerful songs about two days ago.
    • [1:27:47 AM] The Man: I would also like to inform you all that you do not have the same power to trade away your song ability.
  7. Rosa discusses the origins of The Ocarina here.
    • <Rosa>: After it was sent here, it asked that “goddess” to give a gift of her own power to your kind.
    • <ADULT_LINK>: The Ocarina?
    • <<Rosa>: It is forced to call it that yes.
    • <Rosa>: No, the power is not sentient.
    • <Rosa>: But its original wielder is.
    • <Rosa>: Luna
    • <ADULT_LINK>: Hey rosa, any ideas on how they took the ocarina from us?
    • <Rosa>: A whim it seems
    • <Rosa>: A whim of the dark link
    • <Rosa>: He moved it to them, for only he and his mother may touch the untouchable, as it is said.
  8. Mat mentions his involvement in stealing The Ocarina here.
    • "We now hold the power of the Harbingers, and can effect this reality as they once could thanks to Tenebris actions and my own. To liberate myself and return my honor in the eyes of all of us, I promise we shall make great use of this power, and we shall set things as they were always intended to be."



ascended e-girlBullet NecklaceCrescent Moon NecklaceGC MajorHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHelios BookLC Brain OperationLenis ConversionLibro LunarusLunar Children ServersNovum AscensionemNullstormsParallelos PathPortalsProject BifrostProject MindshapeProto RecollectionRemember SeriesRule of ThreeSpiritustest audio onlyThe DyadThe OcarinaThree Silver Secrets


Astral ObservatoryAstral Observatory (Fucked)Elder ChildrenHarbingersLunar ChildrenMoon ChildrenOFA GroupSun ChildrenWireTalk

Entities and Figures

Absque FascieAmalgamationConduitsLinksRemnantThe DawnThe Four Giants

Ceremonies and Rituals

AggregationAscensionBlood Moon RitualCeremony of the Three ElementsGiant Awakening RitualRune CastingSpell CirclesThe Circle of Three


NullspaceOverworldParallelosThe FisheryThe LibraryThe OrchardThe ShortcutThe Spire


BUP's DnD GameJohnisdead Scavenger HuntThe CataclysmTournament of SoulsUndecim Nocte


Analysis DeviceData BombKeyLogger592Listening DeviceOniontryptamine BombOoTv2.1Particle ParserResonance BurstScrying DeviceSignal CannonThe MachineTime BombTransmission DeviceWraith Trap


JanusVRThe Legend of Zelda