The Dyad

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The Dyad is a concept first theorized by Father Alphonse, who proposes that a sort of recurring duality is present throughout many of Luna's creations. The most prevalent example of this can be found in Finitors.


The Dyad was first mentioned on May 3rd, 2021 within Father Alphonse's journals. Here, he describes The Dyad as his own personal theory regarding the multiple instances of duality found within Luna's creations. His main example of this are Finitor ascensions, which he theorized resulted in the creation of two separate entities instead of just one. His theories were presumably proven correct when he met Arawn, who described himself as a "shell" left behind from a Finitor ascension.[1]


  1. Father Alphonse discussing The Dyad can be found here.
    • Father Alphonse: "I see... Am I correct in assuming you are the "other" of a Finitor, then?"
    • Arawn: "Impressive. Your wit does not disappoint, Alan. Yes, I am the "shell" of my ascended self. My ascension was a success, but... Well, as you can see, I am the half that does not get to reap its benefits."
    • Father Alphonse: "A-ha! This proves the existence of the Dyad, then! Hahahaha, my, I haven't been this giddy in quite some time!"
    • "For many years I have theorized the existence of a Dyad - the concept of duality that is prevalent through the works of Luna. The Finitor is a prime example of this. Many long nights I have struggled to grasp what exactly took place back in 2002. How did two ascended beings result from a single entity - Our Father and the Transcended known as Kelbris? There seemed to be a strong sense of duality between the two, the most prevalent being their very makeup - Father being the pure essence, whereas Kelbris was the empty shell given life. Arawn's words seemed to prove this theory. However, if this is true... could this mean that an "effigy" exists for the Tenebris Link as well...?"



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