Lunar Children Servers

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The Lunar Children Servers are the servers used by the Lunar Children to host a variety of websites. These include,,, and possibly others as well. Being used to host websites that are classified as Portals, these severs seemingly have supernatural properties about them.


The Lunar Children servers were first mentioned in an announcement on made by SKM on July 7th, 2015. Here, SKM mentioned that he was currently travelling to the Fishery to attend to the servers before travelling to The Spire.[1] On December 31st, 2016, a message presumably from a Moon Child appeared on the front page of that reaffirmed that the Lunar Children's servers were being held at the fishery.[2]

On April 23rd, 2018, players discovered that the Lunar Children servers had been retrieved by Jose, who wished to study them.[3] In the video The usual, Tyler mentions that he returned to the fishery at some point after 2015 and witnessed the servers himself, which he describes as having cables running into the dirt despite there being no clear power cables near the fishery.<ref>Tyler describes the servers here.