LC Brain Operation

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The LC Brain Operation is a surgical operation preformed by the Lunar Children on certain members within its ranks.


The LC Brain Operation was first mentioned on February 25th, 2020 when Vincent Adams was divulging more information about the Lunar Children in the Internet Detectives Discord Server. Here, Vincent revealed that the cult would use the LC Brain Operation on Lunar Children as a part of an advanced initiation process. Upon the completion of the LC Brain Operation, Lunar Children would essentially be completely different people and leave their old lives behind. It was also a test to view whether or not participants were prepared to die for Luna. However, the procedure was known to fail occasionally, resulting in the participant losing their minds. At this point, the Lunar Children would kill them.[1]

Vincent claims that the operation was mainly surgical, though there was some magic involved.[2] He also states that this operation was used on each new initiate, though the veracity of this claim is questionable.[3]


  1. Vincent mentions the basics of the LC Brain Operation here.
    • "This procedure was a part of advanced initiations. The "experimental procedure", when it worked, it would "change you". It would change you into a different person on a literal level. If it didn't work, it's not that you would die - it's that you would lose your mind and, subsequently, we would put them out of your misery. If we succeeded, they would come back a different person."
    • "When - if it succeeds, your mind changes in a very serious way, and assuming that you even got to this point, you're basically saying "Yes, I'd do anything for the Luna. I would die for Luna. I want to be a part of this. I'm aware of the risks and if I die right now, at least I'm dying with purpose." That's how the people would see it. That's how I saw it, because they can be really convincing, you know, and some people went through with it, it worked, but with a fair amount of people, it didn't work. Before this treatment, that is your only chance to leave - to turn around, walk away, and pretend it never happened."
  2. Vincent mentions the involvement of magic within the LC Brain Operation here.
    • "I think it's less magic, more surgical. Some kind of magic is used, but it's also surgical. You can't just zap them through their skull and it works, you know, you have to actually pinpoint the exact spot on the brain."
  3. Vincent claims that the LC Brain Operation was done on each member of the Lunar Children here.
    • "Xenquility, yes. It was used on each new initiate. They were presented with the risks. They were not told what was going to happen, and that was basically the final proving point, like, "Are you willing to die to keep this going? Because you might die.""
    • "Every single member has had this done to them, from the highest down to the first initiates."



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