Libro Lunarus

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The Libro Lunarus is the holy book of the Lunar Children. The book is held with great care and only read to those that are deemed worthy. There supposedly exists only three copies of the Libro Lunarus - all of which were held within the library at The Spire prior to its destruction. Despite this, the Libro Lunarus has cropped up in several strange places throughout Johnisdead and is believed to hold some magical properties.


Not much is known about the origin of the Libro Lunarus. It is implied that, at some point, Hank Hubbard obtained the book and began writing beliefs pertaining to the Lunar Children within it.[1] At some point, two other copies of the Libro Lunarus were created. In 2010, Alex was sent to the Fishery where he stole a copy of the Libro Lunarus, bringing it back to the Moon Children.[2] It's implied that the Libro Lunarus possesses some magical properties, as obtaining this book seemingly led to Alex's mental decline.[3] This particular copy of the Libro Lunarus was recovered by SKM in 2011 on behalf of the Lunar Children, as seen in the video IMG_1427.


  1. Jeremy mentions that Hank "defaced" the Libro Lunarus here.
    • [12:50:20 AM] Jeremy J: The one copy of it was defaced by someone I used to be very friendly with and filled with many of his grief driven delusions.
    • [12:51:10 AM] Jeremy J: Delusions I mostly followed, if for nothing else, due to my fondness of him.
  2. Alex is first mentioned stealing a copy of the Libro Lunarus here.
    • "Something is wrong with Ifrit, he has snapped and started killing people via drowning and electrocution (ascension patterns) and seems to be trying to transcend them under the lunar children teachings (just like what seems to have happened to Kelbris after he killed him 10 years ago) according to that book Alex brought us."
  3. The Libro Lunarus is speculated to have changed Alex here.
    • [12:44:23] .:@rem:. So he just wont talk at all anymore?
    • [12:46:21] .:@david:. nope nothing
    • [12:47:03] .:@david:. as much as I hate it we have beaten him fucking sensless now but he thinks we are all "part of his nightmare" or something
    • [12:47:45] .:@david:. what the hell did that book do to alex?



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