Greth Vlogs

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Greth Vlogs

Name Greth Vlogs
Date 5/4/18
Owner Greth
Status Active

Greth Vlogs is an important YouTube channel featured in Johnisdead. Created during the Astral Arc in 2018, Greth Vlogs was used by its owner Greth as a place to upload casual videos of his daily life. Over time, however, Greth's videos became focused on the strange hauntings that seemed to be happening around his new home. After Greth became possessed by Patrem in 2018, the channel became a host to various entities and other characters such as BUP, The Jaeger, and Moonman.


Greth Vlogs was created on May 4th, 2018 as a place for Greth to upload casual vlogs to. In these videos, Greth usually discussed the Internet Detectives and the new building he had recently moved in to. At the time, there was no indication that Greth was involved with Johnisdead. As Greth began to upload more videos to the channel, players began noticing some oddities hidden within them. Firstly, the videos initially skipped "Greth Vlogs 5", as Greth claims he is unsure what happened to its original upload. Secondly, the video Greth Vlogs 6(?) ended with a shot of a strange figure holding a mask. These oddities continued as Greth seemingly became more and more exhausted as time went on.

After weeks of hauntings and increasing insomnia, Greth decided to visit a nature trail in an attempt to clear his mind on May 18th. During this trip, he met Tyler as seen in the video Greth Vlogs 12: General Update. Greth and Tyler became friends and began sharing their experiences with the Lunar Children and Moon Children with one another, as seen in the Silentdork video A guest.
