Moon Children

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Moon Children

10 - moon.jpg

An unused banner for the Moon Children found on

Name Moon Children
Type Religion
Status Inactive
Founded Unknown
Leader Tenebris

The Moon Children is a malicious cult that worships the moon goddess Luna. While their off-shoot cult the Lunar Children is often more prevalent within Johnisdead, the Moon Children and the events surrounding them are still vital to the overall story of the ARG. Much of the Moon Children's history is unknown, as it is implied to have dated back into the mid-1900's.


The Moon Children were founded by the malicious primordial entity known as Tenebris. Though it is not know exactly when the cult was created, it is implied to have existed since the mid-1990's.[1] The Moon Children's primary purpose is the continued worship of the moon goddess Luna. The cult seems to be very brazen and strict, as they do not shy away from violence. This can be seen within the recruitment process, which has been shown to sometimes require a blood sacrifice from a list of targets before one can truly be inducted into the cult.[2]

The actual structure of the hierarchy within the Moon Children isn't exactly known. It is possible that Tenebris mostly controlled the cult from the shadows and rarely made appearances himself, while a team of moderators perhaps led by a singular overseer handled the cult's day-to-day activities and organization. The cult also owned a physical meeting grounds - The Orchard, a plot of land in rural Florida. In the 90's, the Moon Children would often communicate via archaic BBS websites. During this time, many users would take note of the Tenebris's odd behaviors, noting that he appeared to have a strange amount of foresight. At this time, Tenebris was going by the name "Mr. D", which stood for Mr. Drowned. This was a reference to Ben Hubbard, who Tenebris would later use as a conduit.

In 1998, one cultist named Hank Hubbard, or as he was known within the cult itself, Kelbris, began hearing whispers from Luna. Hank was taught the ways of ascension. When he told the other Moon Children of this, he was seen as a crazed blasphemer and cast out from the cult. Hank then proceeded to create his own cult, the Lunar Children. Despite this, Hank's son, Ben, remained within the Moon Children, acting as a spy of sorts. Members would occasionally be funneled from the Moon Children over to the Lunar Children by Hank's friend Jeremy Jarvis - a longstanding Moon Child.[3]



  1. Jeremy Jarvis claims he dropped out of high-school to join the Moon Children in this conversation, implying that they have existed since the mid-1990's.
    • "It’s a bit of a play on words, but I never was much of a speller… Dropped out of high school to be in a, uh, cult."
  2. The violent recruitment process of the Moon Children was referenced in this conversation.
    • "When told blood must be shed for his rite of passage, he did not hessitate, and he knew exactly of our targets who he wanted to choose"
  3. The Moon Child William Reynolds is an example of this - he had heard of Hank's legacy and was told the truth by Jeremy, who presumably later helped him enter into the Lunar Children. This is documented in a letter in the Compound Janus Room.
    • "I knew it had to be a lie, none of the stories lined up. That's when Jarvis spoke to me and told me everything. I know you may not trust me. I understand that. I'm willing to undergo whatever vetting necessary to join you in pursuit of the truth."



ascended e-girlBullet NecklaceCrescent Moon NecklaceGC MajorHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHelios BookLC Brain OperationLenis ConversionLibro LunarusLunar Children ServersNovum AscensionemNullstormsParallelos PathPortalsProject BifrostProject MindshapeProto RecollectionRemember SeriesRule of ThreeSpiritustest audio onlyThe DyadThe OcarinaThree Silver Secrets


Astral ObservatoryAstral Observatory (Fucked)Elder ChildrenHarbingersLunar ChildrenMoon ChildrenOFA GroupSun ChildrenWireTalk

Entities and Figures

Absque FascieAmalgamationConduitsLinksRemnantThe DawnThe Four Giants

Ceremonies and Rituals

AggregationAscensionBlood Moon RitualCeremony of the Three ElementsGiant Awakening RitualRune CastingSpell CirclesThe Circle of Three


NullspaceOverworldParallelosThe FisheryThe LibraryThe OrchardThe ShortcutThe Spire


BUP's DnD GameJohnisdead Scavenger HuntThe CataclysmTournament of SoulsUndecim Nocte


Analysis DeviceData BombKeyLogger592Listening DeviceOniontryptamine BombOoTv2.1Particle ParserResonance BurstScrying DeviceSignal CannonThe MachineTime BombTransmission DeviceWraith Trap


JanusVRThe Legend of Zelda