Helios Book

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The Helios Book is a holy book used by the Sun Children. The book seemingly holds some magical properties and is implied to be passed down from one Dawn to the next.


Players first learned about the existence of the Helios Book on June 11th, 2020. Dawn informed them that he was currently making his way down to Tyler's home in Florida to retrieve the book after leaving it there in the past. He claims he left it there after using it in some sort of "session".[1] Dawn implies that the Helios Book possesses some magical properties, claiming that he needs to retrieve it in order to restore his link to Helios and give him back his abilities.[2]

Dawn notes that the book is "nearly" one of a kind, implying that there may be other similar copies. He also notes that the text inside of it has been replaced - likely due to revisions over the ages. Despite this, the core of the book is still incredibly old and powerful.[3]


  1. Dawn mentions his "session" with Tyler here
    • [10:52 PM] Dawn: "That being said, I was using it for a session at Tyler's place, and kinda left it there."
  2. Dawn mentions that obtaining the Helios Book will restore his power here.
    • [9:56 PM] Dawn: "Scout, I can't teleport right now. I used up the last bit of power a bit ago, sadly. My link with Helios is currently severed."
    • [9:56 PM] Dawn: "I need my holy book"
    • [9:57 PM] Dawn: "A lot of my power was stolen from me"
    • [10:01 PM] Dawn: "My time hooked to that infernal device was one of torture. It kept me locked in a state from which I couldn't recover."
    • [10:01 PM] Dawn: "But all of that will change once I get my book."
    • [10:35 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking my way to Florida to try to get my holy book, which will allow me to re-establish my link with Helios and get my power back"
  3. Dawn describes the book and text within it here
    • [10:52 PM] Dawn: "The book essentially contains a lot of text that is very important to me. It's nearly one of a kind, and has been passed down from heir to heir. The text inside has been replaced, but the power and the core of the book itself is older than I even know."



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