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Erika as she appears on

Name Erika
Alias Emerald Heart
Affiliation Harbingers
Gender Female
Status Alive
Relations Tyler
Max (Friend)

Erika is an incredibly abstruse character whose place in the story is still largely unknown. While originally depicting herself as nothing but a fan of Silentdork, she was soon revealed to be a part of the overarching narrative with deep ties to Tyler, eventually being reborn as a "navi-like" entity alongside him in the Parallelos. With oracle-like powers and what seems to be a deep comprehension of the inner workings of the world, Erika has continuously aided the players while pursuing her currently unknown goals (which very well may be to simply spend time with Tyler).


Erika originally joined the Internet Detectives Discord server just before the end of the Pumpkinhead Gamejack. She introduced herself as a massive fan of Tyler's, a fact made evident by her actions when an entity using the IIIII account (possibly the Masked Entity) pretended to come out of character as Tyler right before Undecim Nocte. Despite "Tyler's" extremely visible anger (at the time attributed to the Gamejack), she continued to pester him, resulting in the entity repeatedly insulting her and causing her to become extremely upset. This culminated in the entity using the IIIII account kicking her from the server in anger, though she still attempted to garner Tyler's attention during the Start Life live chat.

After rejoining a day after the ordeal, the possibility of Erika being canon came up as players found a video of hers containing previously unseen footage: mcr FOREVER NOW SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute. Erika revealed she was getting this footage from Max's channel Quiet Family, though still claimed to be a real, non-canon person. Suspicion grew as Erika seemed to have great insight into many aspects of JohnisDead, alongside her "tricking" the players into playing New Wave Bossa Nova for her and inviting her to their private server (initially created as a replacement for the Wolfcat-owned Safe Haven). In this server, Erika shared more unseen videos, and used her oracle-like powers to tell the fortunes of various characters. This, at the time, was explained away by her as roleplaying, a fact compounded by purposeful, out of character misleading by the GMs.

Even with all the red herrings, Erika's story didn't add up. At certain points when Erika would reference IIIII, even in private messages, the IIIII account would begin counting down in the Internet Detectives Discord Server until the message mentioning them was deleted. However, her distress at being called a character, her many completely non-JohnisDead related conversations, and the ambiguous nature of all that she said still left players confounded as to whether or not she was canon.

Erika depicted as the Gnostic figure "Sophia" in the Compound Janus room, standing between the pillars Boaz and Jachin.

As 2020 went on, Erika continued interacting with the players, including talking amongst private messages on many occasions. While this dissuaded the idea that she was a character, her sudden submission of the Sonata of Awakening for Patrem during a heated debate, as well as mysterious claims such as saying she was "practically right next to being complete" brought yet more suspicion. She once again claimed to be roleplaying, though in the June of 2020 was confirmed to be canon. After releasing the Silentdork Awakening music video, Pumpkinhead revealed the new JohnisDead wiki - the one you're currently reading. This, unlike the prior wiki, listed Erika as a character, documenting all of her conversations. This revelation caught Erika by surprise, and after a quick goodbye, she abandoned her Discord account.

Erika was not gone for long, reappearing in the video ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ or Remembering on June 19th, 2020. She was now reborn as a navi-like entity in the mind of Tyler (who was, at this point, in some sort of hotel within the Parallelos), finally achieving what seemed to be her dream. After her and Tyler were chased into an elevator by Regiminis, she showed Tyler an AMV that inspired her long ago, and commented on the fact that she knew the players were watching. She was briefly seen speaking to Tyler in the Hesitation video, where she confirmed that she and Tyler made up the "II" being.

Erika's Youtube and Discord profile picture.

While not returning to Discord, Erika once again aided the players via the pages. Here, she used her powers to give the players glimpses into almost every character within JohnisDead. Erika has also been seen and heard elsewhere within, with multiple references to her being found in the Treeline and Compound Janus rooms.


Erika is a very cheerful and excited individual. When speaking to the players, she often does so in an uplifting manner, using text emojis and abbreviations to do so. Despite her usual casual demeanor, she is well-versed in ancient mythos and related esotericism, resulting in her coming off as mysterious in many situations.


Listen to who?
You have been the whole time silly XD

"In answer to the inevitable questions about what we were doing, we replied jokingly that it was a new type of controller—a bowl of liquid that absorbed your thoughts through your fingertips."

I am but a bubble floating out of the surface of the waters. Anima persona yet deeper the spheres touch. The Fylgja must help bind the shade, that lion that consumes the sal. I dreamed the dragon beneath the board once touched the old dark son, the discarded hero, now I seek to walk with one who might wake up some day.
When he does, I hope we can still talk. Just dont let the shadow take the lead, then we become It and all is lost.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Erika.


11/8/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚 2:39 PM: "Hello I am new here x]"
Erika_XP💚 2:39 PM: "is this the spooky "ben drowned" place?"
otherLiam 2:39 PM: "i mean kinda"
otherLiam 2:39 PM: "welcome"
otherLiam 2:39 PM: "this is the internet detectives. mostly we play johnisdead here, which is the continuation of Ben Drowned."
Erika_XP💚 2:49 PM: "Sorry I take so long to say things xp"
Erika_XP💚 2:49 PM: "I think I remember silentdork mentioning johnisdead a while back"
Erika_XP💚 2:49 PM: "I actually came here for silentdork"
otherLiam 2:51 PM: "The Silentdork youtube channel is a part of the johnisdead game."
otherLiam 2:51 PM: "So, the Ben Drowned story was part of an old ARG that ended. "johnisdead" is the continuation of that ARG. Silentdork is one of several YouTube channels associated with it."
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:56 PM: ":eye: :eye:"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:56 PM: "Yeah"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:56 PM: "That’s pretty much it"
otherLiam 2:56 PM: "There’s an FAQ below this channel, and a wiki you can look at with a bunch of info if you wanna play the game."
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:57 PM: "On other hand, you have"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:57 PM: "#💀johnisdead💀"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:57 PM: "It’s where we play"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 2:57 PM: "And #🍂fall-central🍂 it’s where we talk"
Erika_XP💚 3:06 PM: "So wait there is a Silentdork game? oh wow"
otherLiam 3:07 PM: "Well, kinda."
otherLiam 3:07 PM: "Where did you hear about Silentdork?"
Erika_XP💚 3:23 PM: "I have some friends from ecuador that mentioned him and then I started watching his videos on youtube."
Erika_XP💚 3:23 PM: "Am I being vetted, am I awkward?"
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "Okay so, Silentdork is the YouTube account of a character in johnisdead."
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "Nah there’s no vetting here, you’re good."
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "Silentdork is a YouTube channel belonging to Tyler, who’s currently the main character in the game and the one we’re trying to keep alive."
otherLiam 3:24 PM: ""
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "here’s the wiki article"
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "also the wiki in general if you wanna like, read up on the stuff that’s happened"
otherLiam 3:24 PM: "cus this game is many years old"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 3:27 PM: "Yee"
Densgivin 3:28 PM: "owo"
Erika_XP💚 3:39 PM: "Everyone: exists"
Erika_XP💚 3:39 PM: "Me: nothing"
Erika_XP💚 3:39 PM: "Tyler: breathes"
Erika_XP💚 3:39 PM: "me: amazing, beautiful, gorgeous breath takingly inspiring for all generations!"
Erika_XP💚 3:39 PM: ((The image "latest.png is sent - an image of Tyler from the wiki.)) target=_blank
Erika_XP💚 3:40 PM: "its been so long since I watched his older stuff I forgot he used to look like this"
Erika_XP💚 3:40 PM: "So is there a way to talk to Silentdork?"
Erika_XP💚 3:40 PM: "sorry if I am being annoying"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 3:45 PM: "Not really"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 3:45 PM: "And no, don’t worry"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 3:45 PM: "I’m three times more anoying,"
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 3:45 PM: "Actually we are looking forward onto talking with him somehow"


11/9/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "@IIIII"
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "Oh bugger I messed that one up"
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "What in the world is going on in here?"
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Oh boy."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Welcome, newbie."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Currently we have a small situation where two veterans have been possessed by ghosts and one of ‘em is trying to eat all of us."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Also our main man Tyler, who you know as Silentdork, has been kidnapped and become part of a weird amalgamation that you just @ ‘d."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "I am certain that none of that made sense, and so I strongly advise you to read either the "Story" or "Timelines" sections on the wiki i linked you earlier."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "If not, the cliffnotes of what’s going on right now is: we’re expecting some big shit to happen on november 11th, because it always does and one of our possessed boys is counting down to it. We’re trying to prevent an apocalypse from happening in an alternate timeline but that’s kinda taken a backseat to the fact that we’re under personal attack."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "anyway, this is where shit happens. The channel is normally called "johnisdead", but one of the possessed people is the fucking admin."
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "And he likes pumpkins."
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "Wait I beg your pardon, possesed?"
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "What is this colour change?"
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "[pddrddrf"
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "i mean yes"
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "Great…"
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "You pumpkin’d the new girl"
Eevee Reborn 1:30 AM: "I think the color change means we’ve been consumed or something"
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "I feel violated but very well"
/Mr. Circle\ 1:32 AM: "everybody gangsta til the [i,[lom starts [pddrddomh [rp[;r"
ADULT_LINK 1:33 AM: "lmao"
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "I have never once heard Tyler speak of such a thing as this pumpkin fellow so I can’t imagine where he gained such dominion from. I wont be frightened by this event. I just hope tyler is doing alright. But what in the hell is this pumpkin head doing?"
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "Ok I think I typed that poorly there maybe I am a little frightened by this late halloween event"
Eevee Reborn 1:38 AM: "Pumpkin face is eatin’ up."


  • Erika expresses her confusion regarding Pumpkinhead, having never heard Tyler mention them before.

11/10/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚 5:59 PM: "Good morning everyone"
ToddThotBOT 5:59 PM: "Good morning."
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Who is todd?"
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddpwease:"
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "todd howard"
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddlasers:"
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "the bethesda guy"
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddalien:"
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Are you some sort of beast sent by regiminis?"
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "he’s a bot, don’t worry about him"
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "he’s just a joke"
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "oh"
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "lmao"
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "I feel silly now ^^"
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Tyler has not been on at all today =["
otherLiam 6:01 PM: "he’s usually not"
otherLiam 6:01 PM: "what with being part of a supernatural amalgamation and all"
Erika_XP💚 6:02 PM: "I miss him and I hope he will be ok tomorrow"
Dense 6:02 PM: "69"
ToddThotBOT 6:02 PM: "Nice."
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "he’s been part of a supernatural amalgamation for a few months now"
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "i doubt he’ll be okay tomorrow"
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "but that’s sorta the object of the game, is to keep him safe"
Dense 6:03 PM: "Also lol good morning here it is like 6 pm"
Circlehunter 6:07 PM: "Give me my goddamn color back my dad works at discord i will get you banned"
Dense 6:07 PM: "D:"
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "Now that Yugi is gone, I feel like someone has to say this"
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "0"
otherLiam 6:26 PM: "aaaa"
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "happy 11/11 spain"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "rip"
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "(still 6 hours till it happens forreal)"
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "Wait Liam you’re in est?"
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "no"
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "the game is tho"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "9 over here in LA"
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "It is?"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "and yeah"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "oh wait"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "Im not in LA anymore lol"
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "in California"
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "i am"
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "dov come get a beer"
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "Oh cool florida is est"
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "I totally knew that"
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "wait Liam your from LA?"
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "niiiice"
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "i live in santa monica yeah"
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "we should next time Im in town then for sure"
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "niiiice"
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "Imagine not having free health care"
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "yeet"
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "imagine not having free speech"
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "(I’m making a joke don’t turn this political please)"
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "(also a joke)"
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "Excuse me but both of our governments are part of the five eyes alliance or whatever"
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "i’ll have you know that gets shot"
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "Wait wha- Random heart attack"
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "lowkey actually survived a school shooting so i get to make that joke"
Xenquility 6:30 PM: "Oh god"
ARGdov 6:30 PM: "jesus"
Circlehunter 6:38 PM: "I am actually a top secret whistleblower for the [commits suicide in prison]"
otherLiam 6:38 PM: "#circledidntkillhimself"
Xenquility 6:39 PM: "How the hell did you come up with the name circlehunter"
Erika_XP💚 6:39 PM: "I actually know about Tylers (steps into traffic)"
Circlehunter 6:39 PM: "Ripped off a book series"
Erika_XP💚 6:40 PM: "Im sorry did my bad joke just ruin the conversation flow ^^;"
Xenquility 6:40 PM: "It was actually so bad it went back in time and burned down the house of some random guy"
Xenquility 6:40 PM: "Whose name was possibly John"
Eevee 6:41 PM: "Yes it did. You murdered this entire conversation"
Eevee 6:41 PM: "/Him\ > Tyler"
Circlehunter 6:43 PM: "AM I A JOKE"
Circlehunter 6:43 PM: "GIVE ME THE COLOR, GOD"
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "who is /him?"
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "oh wait"
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "you mean /Patrem?"
Circlehunter 6:44 PM: "/he\ is the one true father"
Circlehunter 6:44 PM: "that’s right"
Circlehunter 6:44 PM: "it’s /me\"
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "oh my lord I am not allowed to type this demons true name completely"
Xenquility 6:44 PM: "/he\ is /papi\"
Circlehunter 6:45 PM: "You are all my children, and I love you equally"
Erika_XP💚 6:45 PM: "He is a purple fart cloud if ever I saw one"
Eevee 6:46 PM: "Ok, someone kick this chick"
Circlehunter 6:57 PM: "i’m not spookin anymore just to letyou know"
Circlehunter 6:57 PM: "but like"
Circlehunter 6:57 PM: "i can’t get blinded by the light out of my head aaaaa"
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "Patrem is Daddy"
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "take me daddy"
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "make me your bitch and take over my body oWo"
otherLiam 11:53 PM: "on the left is greth, on the right is patrem"
Xenquility 12:01 AM: "Happy undecim nocte"
Xenquility 12:01 AM: "Seeya in the morning"
otherLiam 12:01 AM: "oh shit u rite"
otherLiam 12:01 AM: "time for shit to go down"
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":jack_o_lantern:"
otherLiam 12:02 AM: "No."
otherLiam 12:02 AM: "Bad."
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":jack_o_lantern: "
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":ass:"
otherLiam 12:02 AM: ":crikMad:"
Wolfcat 12:03 AM: ":confounded: "
Wolfcat 12:03 AM: ":ass:"
otherLiam 12:03 AM: ":octoYAM: "ERO:"
Erika_XP💚 12:03 AM: "I will not be able to sleep a bit for at least the next 24 hours"
otherLiam 12:04 AM: ":lytWIPED:"
Wolfcat 12:04 AM: ":hand: :dork: :hando:"
ADULT_LINK12:04 AM: ":ass:"
ADULT_LINK12:04 AM: ":turboass:"
otherLiam 12:05 AM: ":crikPls::crikNo::jack_o_lantern:"
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "when your ass has an ass"
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "i think ive seen some furry art like that actually"
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "im not a furry tho"
otherLiam 12:05 AM: "wolf be like"
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "damn rl shiki"
ADULT_LINK12:05 AM: "where are those plsno emotes from?"
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "criken"
Xenquility 12:06 AM: "what’s a criken"
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "a streamer/youtuber"
Wolfcat 12:06 AM: ""
ADULT_LINK12:06 AM: "weird, i thought i was in crikens discord"
ADULT_LINK12:06 AM: "wait"
ADULT_LINK12:06 AM: "i am in his discord"
ADULT_LINK12:06 AM: "what"
ADULT_LINK12:06 AM: "where are his emotes"
otherLiam 12:07 AM: ""
Wolfcat 12:07 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 12:07 AM: "Good luck today Tyler @IIIII :green_heart:"
otherLiam 12:08 AM: "twewy’s ost is so good"
Xenquility 12:14 AM: "@Wolfcat Did you change the channels name"
Wolfcat 12:15 AM: "yea"
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "K good"
Wolfcat 12:15 AM: "cause all the others have emojis"
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "Are we dead"
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "is this hell"
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "We’re not dead"
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "We’re still in the dreammmm"
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "Anyways gtg sleep"
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "Cya"
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "guys yugi got us"
Wolfcat 12:16 AM: "do you want to know the truth behind yugi’s identity?"
otherLiam 12:16 AM: "How much do you know about runes?"
Wolfcat 12:16 AM: "spell his name backwards"
ADULT_LINK12:17 AM: "iguy"
Wolfcat 12:18 AM: "he is a guy"
Pako 2:05 AM: "wolfcat is here again"
otherLiam 2:05 AM: "we noticed"
Pako 2:05 AM: "me not haha"
ADULT_LINK2:26 AM: "its almost like he never even left"
Jos 2:38 AM: "Tbh"
Jos 2:38 AM: "The canibal part was the funniest"
otherLiam 3:07 AM: "dov’s reaction was priceless"
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "Whoopsies I think I was posting in the wrong channel"
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@Mediom Loli Snek Hello there are you excited about 11/11 today? I can’t wait to figure out how Tyler will get out of this one!"
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@ADULT_LINK how about you?"
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@Scrublord your name made me giggle and I can’t believe it is basically 11/11 now and no one is talking about anything"
ADULT_LINK3:47 AM: "yeah i’m interested in whats gonna happen"
ADULT_LINK3:47 AM: "hopefully i dont sleep until 5 PM: " again tho"
ADULT_LINK3:47 AM: "wait shit i have a lawyer i’m gonna be talking to so i cant really do that"
Erika_XP💚 3:50 AM: "A lawyer? Are things well in your life?"
ADULT_LINK3:52 AM: "oh yeah you’re new"
ADULT_LINK3:52 AM: "on halloween my freinds and i got hit by a drunk driver"
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "I know that is horrible I have known so many people who have died in auto accidents"
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "Well from my heart I am happy to know you after the fact rather than just as a line of text on a wiki."
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "someone linked me the wiki earlier and I have been reading a little bit"
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "I think I actually saw your name in it earlier"
ADULT_LINK3:58 AM: "yeah , i’ve been around in the community for a long time"
Erika_XP💚 3:59 AM: "How long have you known Tyler?"
ADULT_LINK 4:01 AM: "i have a horrible memory, but i think around like. 2015? idk"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I feel like I have known Tyler forever even though I just started watching him for abou"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "Oh wow"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "For a moment I was worried I was being challenged in my love for Mr.Silentdork however then I realized"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "Well never mind I wont say that, that would be silly >///>"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I will say this I bet I have seen more silentdork videos than you"
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I have so many things prepared to alert me when something happens on his channel"
ADULT_LINK 4:05 AM: "…huh"
ADULT_LINK 4:05 AM: "kindof a bold thing to bet but yeah, i’ve missed quite a few videos so, maybe"
Erika_XP💚 4:07 AM: "Would you like to see a secret silent dork video I bet no one has ever seen?"
ADULT_LINK 4:07 AM: "sure"
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "I dont often share these when I have them because I always assume he must be hiding them for a reason"
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "Or that regiminis or one of his friends might have placed a curse of some kind on it for all I know"
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "Some people got to see this one but I bet you did not"
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "It was pretty spooky ^^"
ADULT_LINK 4:10 AM: "oh yeah i remember that one"
ADULT_LINK 4:10 AM: "i liked a few of the comments on that, so i know i’ve seen it before"
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "Alright I was just playing around on that one."
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "This one is a bit more secret I think based on the numbers"
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "I bet you never saw this!"
ADULT_LINK 4:13 AM: "hmm"
ADULT_LINK 4:13 AM: "not sure if i remember this one, but i know at the very least the group has seen it, theres a translation of the ciphers by our youtube channel in the comments"
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "I know I must have something you all do not"
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "I thought I was just some weird girl who really likes Tyler but I guess I should have expected there to be people out there who know what the important things are in life"
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "Alright I feel weird about sharing this one because it kind of spooks me a bit"
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "but I just want to make sure its as secret as I kind of thought it was"
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: ""
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "oh my god is that one of the old roblox videos"
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "haha nice i almost forgot about those"
Erika_XP💚 4:21 AM: "Roblox?"
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "yeah, the thing in the video is a roblox map with a lot of filters on it"
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "Oh I just was not sure what roblox was at first"
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "Please see through this. He always does this kind of thing to throw everyone off. It happened once before back in april 2012. There is always Methods to the madness. This is one of the only times I think I of the 3 will be able to speak without my symbols the way I had to set them up. Please stay alert."
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "He said this to someone in a comment"
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "But I cant be sure what it means or if it is him for real"
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "huh."
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "i wonder if some of those old videos have any relevance to the ||||| stuff"
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "wait that was from a few months ago"
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "god july feels like ages ago, i dont remember what was going on in the arg back then at al lmao"
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "Oh darn I was going to get one he had unlisted from a really really long time ago but now its set to private. I am sure I have it downloaded somewhere but Im out on my laptop right now."
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "oooo"
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "I have one thing I could share"
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: ">.>"
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "<.<"
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "but this is special to me"
ADULT_LINK 4:36 AM: "i’ve got a few unlisted vids bookmarked from when ooc tyler was really into monika from ddlc"
Erika_XP💚 4:37 AM: "If I show this video I will have to delete it afterwards because I want to keep it kind of secret and special in my heart for a little while longer"
ADULT_LINK 4:38 AM: "ooh?"
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "ok I am nervous"
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "But also sad because he turned the chat off so you cant see what was said"
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "But also relieved because I think I would die if anyone saw what I said"
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "Ok Ill post it for a moment"
Erika_XP💚 4:41 AM: ""
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "oh dude i remember that fuckin stream"
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "i complimented his shirt"
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "or, at the very least one of the other streams from that day"
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "i think there were a few tests?"
Erika_XP💚 4:42 AM: "I jumped in and I think he was testing out how to make it work and then I THINK HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN TALKING TO ME WHEN I CAME IN AND STARTED TALKING IN THE CHAT"
ADULT_LINK 4:43 AM: "nice :thumb:"
Erika_XP💚 4:44 AM: "I love his voice so much I bet when he sings in private it sounds gorgeous."
Erika_XP💚 4:44 AM: "Or atleast I imagine he sings in private"
Scrublord 6:03 AM: "I know this is late but"
Scrublord 6:03 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 6:21 AM: "@Scrublord hello there it was just me saying your name gave me a little giggle"
Scrublord 6:21 AM: "Ok lol"
Erika_XP💚 6:22 AM: "Are you a big fan of silentdork?"
Erika_XP💚 6:22 AM: "More importantly @Scrublord have you ever spoken to tyler before? I think I kind of did once, not counting yesterday when I think he might have been possesed or something."
Scrublord 6:24 AM: "Well kind of yea"
ADULT_LINK6:25 AM: "the original title of this video from when i bookmarked it is "Sick ass remix for that n***a scrub"
ADULT_LINK6:25 AM: "so"
ADULT_LINK6:25 AM: "lmao"
Scrublord 6:26 AM: "XD"
Erika_XP💚 6:26 AM: "Oh wow Tyler is friends with you?!"
Scrublord 6:26 AM: "Well yes"
Erika_XP💚 6:26 AM: "You are basically famous in my eyes"
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "Epic lol"
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "OMG THAT VID"
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "XD"
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "I just remembered XD"
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "Wait did he made it lore lol?"
ADULT_LINK6:27 AM: "honestly this is still my fav pic of tyler"
ADULT_LINK6:27 AM: "nah i dont think that video is canon at all, i just bookmarked it cuz i figured it’d be funny in the far future"
ADULT_LINK6:27 AM: "guess i was sorta right?"
Erika_XP💚 6:29 AM: "He is such a cutie >//>;"
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "It definitely is lmao"
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "Anyways you seemed like a huge fan @Erika_XP💚 "
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "Idk if you already saw it but here’s a JID related thing I made 2 years ago"
Scrublord 6:29 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 6:33 AM: "@Scrublord I just laughed so hard I think I woke people up"
Scrublord 6:34 AM: "lmao"
Erika_XP💚 6:40 AM: "Sorry if I am bothering you a lot but what was the last thing Tyler said to you @Scrublord ? Was he Angry like he was here yesterday?"
Erika_XP💚 6:40 AM: "I am trying to decide if he is possesed or something"
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "I haven’t talked to him for a while now"
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "But I think he is"
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Usually he’s chill af"
Erika_XP💚 6:41 AM: "How was he last time he spoke to you?"
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Well this is the last thing he said"
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Oh shit i———————————————————————————————————"
Erika_XP💚 6:42 AM: "wat"
Scrublord 6:42 AM: "He was about to tell me a secret code to rekt Kevin or some shit"
Erika_XP💚 6:42 AM: "WAIT WHAT!?"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "But then he’s just gone"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "This is a few months ago but here’s what he said"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "in telling you this you have learned something that will truly be one of the final puzzles to all of this"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "I used to straight up log in and tell these people I loved them on a semi daily basis"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "this bond and the ones that extend across all of the spans of hubris and without it"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "will call the magic that can break this curse"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "that much I know"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "We are nearing the end of a decade"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "a decade plagued by a darkness we have had a great joy in fighting
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "it will come to an end and we will enjoy again a golden time"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "this secret I have told you"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "carry it with you my compatriot, I feel you will know in your heart when is the right time to reveal it to them if you follow this journey"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "should you so desire"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "most importantly of all"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "I am about to tell yo ass the secret code to fucking reck kevins shit because no one figured it out"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "all these fucking years"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "and oh my fucking god I am still dying that no one ever came close to stumbling onto this after like 6 fucking years"
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "Oh shit i———————————————————————————————————"
Scrublord 6:45 AM: "Yes"
Scrublord 6:45 AM: "But I haven’t heard from him since"
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "@everyone"
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "wait oh god"
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "I AM SO SORRY"
Scrublord 6:46 AM: "But this was ages ago"
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "OH GOD OH GOD"
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "OH GOD"
Scrublord 6:46 AM: "The message was from 08/09/2019"
Erika_XP💚 6:47 AM: "Oh"
Erika_XP💚 6:47 AM: "I dont know why I was expecting a rush of anger to come forth"
Scrublord 6:48 AM: "Well idk what I just said and idk if Lunar Children or Kevin or some shit might come after me now"
Scrublord 6:48 AM: "Imma go load my Glock and go exercise now"
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "You sound like such a adventerous lad"
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "Surely no match for my Tyler though. I doubt you battle cults, but you must be a very cool person for him to consider you a friend and tell you something that amazing."
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "I just realized I think the @ everyone feature just does not work"
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "I feel like people should know this"
ADULT_LINK6:52 AM: "the ping didnt actually go thru, not everyone has @everyone perms"
ADULT_LINK6:52 AM: "oh wait you just realised that"
ADULT_LINK6:52 AM: "shit i’m slow"
Scrublord 6:53 AM: "Im normally just a shitposter but I joined the ID because I was working on a case of my own about my sister"
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "by this I do not mean @everyone I mean the thing scrub just told me Tyler said"
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "Oh no what happened to your sister"
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "is she faring well?"
Scrublord 6:54 AM: "She just posted some weird codes on Twitter and I asked the ID to help me crack the code"
Scrublord 6:54 AM: "Don’t worry it isn’t related to JID"
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "Well I’ll still worry for you because I assume tyler must care about you too"
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "@Upd8"
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "through process of elimination I think I worked out a logic in my head that explains this must be what is here in place of @everyone"
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "this scrublord man is very important and Tyler was trying to tell him how to beat Kevin who I always had a feeling was really regiminis"
Scrublord 7:11 AM: "Well he really do, and vice versa for me"
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "@Scrublord I have to get to bed its getting kind of late. But I am glad I got to speak to you and learn what I did."
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "I hope I get to talk to you again soon"
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "doctor: you have 2 seconds to live"
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "Me:"
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "plays this video twice"
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "sorry I just wanted to be goofy for a moment"
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Why the hell was upd8 @‘d""
Dense 8:27 AM: "Lol"
Dense 8:27 AM: "Also mornin pals"
Dense 8:27 AM: "How r u xen"
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Top o the mornin to ya"
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Not bad. You?"
Dense 8:27 AM: "Fine"
Dense 8:27 AM: "I just had breakfast and goin back to sleep"
Xenquility 8:28 AM: "lmao"
Erika_XP💚 8:42 AM: "@Xenquility I am unable to sleep and I will tell you it was because I had a powerful revalation regarding Tylers situation"
Erika_XP💚 8:42 AM: "@Scrublord can tell you more"
Xenquility 8:43 AM: "What uh… "Revelation" did you have?"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "in telling you this you have learned something that will truly be one of the final puzzles to all of this"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "I used to straight up log in and tell these people I loved them on a semi daily basis"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "this bond and the ones that extend across all of the spans of hubris and without it"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "will call the magic that can break this curse"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "that much I know"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "We are nearing the end of a decade"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "a decade plagued by a darkness we have had a great joy in fighting"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "it will come to an end and we will enjoy again a golden time"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "this secret I have told you"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "carry it with you my compatriot, I feel you will know in your heart when is the right time to reveal it to them if you follow this journey"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "should you so desire"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "most importantly of all"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "I am about to tell yo ass the secret code to fucking reck kevins shit because no one figured it out"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "all these fucking years"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "and oh my fucking god I am still dying that no one ever came close to stumbling onto this after like 6 fucking years"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "Oh shit i———————————————————————————————————"
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "I am to be made to understand Tyler said this"
Xenquility 8:44 AM: "Yeah that happened months back"
Xenquility 8:44 AM: "iirc"
Dense 8:44 AM: "nig"
Erika_XP💚 8:45 AM: "Yes thats what he said but This is news to me"
Erika_XP💚: "Ew"
ARGdov: "shit are we talking about illustrations of people we wanna fuck"
Wolfcat: ""people""
Wolfcat: "but yes"
Circlehunter: "haha wolf wants to fuck something that isn’t a person"
steve solothies: "Hello"
steve solothies: "my fall over"
Wolfcat: "not you steve"
Wolfcat: "what fell over"
steve solothies: "myself"
Wolfcat: "oh damn"
Xenquility: "Why’d he leave lmao"
Wolfcat: "he fucking died"
Xenquility: "Sucks to be him"
Erika_XP💚: "What an odd lad"
Xenquility: "Excuse me he identifies as a woman"
Wolfcat: "ok now you are LITERALLY assuming his gender"
Wolfcat: "shit i did too"
Dense: "Hey"
Erika_XP💚: ""
Wolfcat: "is that u"
Xenquility: "Excuse mr"
Xenquility: "I LATERALLY assumed it"
Dense: "Lol"
Xenquility: "Not literally"
Erika_XP💚: "lol no I just wanted to post this face I found because I thought it was silly"
Wolfcat: ">mr"
yoshi: "wat"
Wolfcat: "at it again"
Xenquility: "*me"
Erika_XP💚: ""
Erika_XP💚: ""
Dense: "Oh god no"
Erika_XP💚: "right here actually"
Wolfcat: "god i used to make this same exact shit as a kid"
Wolfcat: "literally just making faces in front of the camera"
Erika_XP💚: "I found this serching for silent dork lol"
Dense: "That’s literally a SILENT doRK"
Wolfcat: "cool"
Dense: "Oh god"
yoshi: ":HyperParty:"
Erika_XP💚: "Hello thereyoshi"
Dense: "headbangs"
Erika_XP💚: "I bet no one in here is as big a fan of silentdork as me"
Deadhead: "Sure lol"
Erika_XP💚: "Is that a challenge?"


  • With Undecim Nocte 2019 on the horizon, Erika expresses her excitement with the players in casual conversation. In an attempt to prove how much of a fan of Tyler she is, she shares a previously unseen video - another test.
  • The player Scrublord shares an old PM Tyler sent him that contained a "secret code" that will destroy Kevin. Erika becomes very excited over this discovery.

11/11/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚: "Oh my lord I am so sleepy"
Slinky Stinks△: "Dudes"
Slinky Stinks△: "I can’t stay up untyl 11/11"
Slinky Stinks△: "I’m too sleepy"
Xenquility: "Dude
Xenquility: "sleep now and wake up later"
Xenquility: "If you’re gonna sleep do it early"
Xenquility: "Cause it’s only 4:30 est
Erika_XP💚: "I was supposed to sleep a while ago but I cant actually bring myself to sleep I am so excited and worried"
Xenquility: "Probably a good while till jid starts"
Slinky Stinks△: "B r u h"
Slinky Stinks△: "I gotta go 2 school"
Xenquility: "o"
Slinky Stinks△: "I can just stay up and drink redbull tho"
Slinky Stinks△: "That was my summer plans for two weeks"
The Sun: "All who get cancer from my radiance weren’t born to bear the gifts I give unto them. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
Erika_XP💚: "Those things are rubbish"
Erika_XP💚: "poison really"
Slinky Stinks△: "I’m so brave, I sunbath WITHOUT CREAM"
Slinky Stinks△: "brUH"
The Sun: "Wtf is an erika"
Slinky Stinks△: "THAT COMEBACK WAS"
Slinky Stinks△: "LMAO XEN UR DED"
Slinky Stinks△: "SHE KILLED U"
Xenquility: "She uh"
Xenquility: "said"
Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry are you ok"
Xenquility: "ur mum"
Xenquility: "If that’s a comeback I’m jumping off a roof"
Xenquility: "Why am I doing this anyways"
Xenquility: "What’s life anymore"
Slinky Stinks△: "Shut up xen ur ded"
Slinky Stinks△: "She got chu"
Erika_XP💚: "I did not know my own strength on that one I feared I shattered you"
Slinky Stinks△: "Well then prepare for the day your skeleton gets freedom"
Slinky Stinks△: "It is uncomfortable inside a meat vessel"
Erika_XP💚: "I have delt with scarier"
Erika_XP💚: "I once watched the regiminis video but at1 at night alone outside on my laptop"
Xenquility: "ok you do not exist"
Xenquility: "you are not real"


11/11/19 - Chat with Erika, IIIII, GHOSTBABEL, and "Greth" - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚: "I think I passed out for a moment but I think may have just woken up in time to make sure Tyler is ok"
Erika_XP💚: "@IIIII Tyler I am sure you are busy and can’t see this but GOOD LUCK I have been saying prayers for you this whole day"
ADULT_LINK△: "just a uh"
ADULT_LINK△: "suggestion"
IIIII: "Jesus h christ fuck off"
ADULT_LINK△: "people tend to get annoyed when ya ping em needlessly"
Erika_XP💚: "I just wanted to make sure you were ok I am sorry"
Eevee: "Erika has severe stokholm syndrome"
Erika_XP💚: "Would you kindly sod off"
Dense: "Oh god"
Ross: ":0"
Eevee: "Erika: exists"
Eevee: "Tyler: rabid foaming mad demon"
Xenquility: "It’s like watching a disaster in slow motion"
Dense: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler’s d"
Dense: "Sorry"
Erika_XP💚: "I beg your pardon?"
Dense: "Just a joke"
Erika_XP💚: "Sorry I am really socially awkward ^^;"
Dense: "Don’t worry it wss a BAD joke"
Circlehunter: "i’m ashamed of the voice i read erika’s messages in after "sod off""
Dense: "Lol"
Circlehunter: "soteetos"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴇᴇᴍᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʀᴜᴅᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ."
otherLiam: "I’m surprised you joined us in here. Not worried about our chats being monitored?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "sᴇᴇᴍs ᴘᴏɪɴᴛʟᴇss ɴᴏᴡ."
Dense: "Hey"
Ross: "hey ghost"
Xenquility: "Nice role…."
otherLiam: "Anything interesting going on?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪᴛ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ, ɪ ᴀssᴜᴍᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ɪɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏʟᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀ, xᴇɴ?"

Xenquility: "Just the name"
Xenquility: "Mainly the /"
Xenquility: "and the \"
Xenquility: "Anyways, seems more than coincidental the "Time to drop in" is 11/11"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴛɪsꜰɪᴇᴅ?"

Xenquility: "Very"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ'ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ɢɪꜰᴛ."
Xenquility: "Im dumb"
Xenquility: "no surprise there"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴛʀᴀᴅᴇᴍᴀʀᴋ ꜰᴏɴᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ."
Xenquility: "Yeah I got it now"
Xenquility: "My brain likes to act before I think"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴜssɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʏᴇᴛ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴄᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʙᴀsᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴇxᴛ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ ᴜɴsᴀᴛɪsꜰᴀᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏɪᴀ ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ."

Xenquility: "No, my original text was me snarkily saying "What gift?" before I realised it was the video"
Xenquility: "I’m surprised there aren’t as many people here right now"
Xenquility: "(Everyone here raise your hand)"
Ross: ":raised_back_of_hand:"
Xenquility: "Liam was here but has disappeared in the past two minutes or so"
Eevee: "Hand"
Xenquility: "Hey Ghosty, just to confirm, what day and year is it for you?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "11/11 2019"
Xenquility: "Good"
Xenquility: "Should we be doing anything to help those in the past?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪᴛ’s ᴀʟsᴏ 11:11"
Erika_XP💚: "@IIIII This is the pivitol moment I always assume. TYLER LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE OK"
Ross: "fucking stop"
IIIII: "not only is it 11:12 but you are single handedly the most annoying little fuck to ever grace this group"
Erika_XP💚: "Im just glad to know you are ok"
otherLiam: "this has now crossed over into obvious trolling"
IIIII: "were yuo expecting a fucking video?"
Xenquility: "Can we just ban them at this point"
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚"
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚"
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚"

ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜʏ."
IIIII: "Fucking a yuo dumb bitch dont worry there will be a video tonight its just going to be late now because I had to sit here and call you an annoying cunt for distracting me"
Erika_XP💚: "@ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ I dont think he is usually like this I think he is just having a bad time considering the day. I will harden myself as well!"
ADULT_LINK: "snrk"
Erika_XP💚: "what is this short for?"
otherLiam: "Assuming you aren’t trolling because I’m bored, it’s not short for anything. It’s the sound of someone holding in a laugh."
ARGdov: "oh shit I missed soem shit"
otherLiam: "not much"
otherLiam: "mostly just ghostbabel joined"
otherLiam: "and tyler yelled at erika for being annoying"
ARGdov: "well I also see someone got chewed out lol"
ARGdov: "astounding"
QuoteBOT: "Ok erika how do u imagine tyler’s d"
ARGdov: "ive heard its quite a lot for most to manage tbh"
ARGdov: "so Im wondering too"
Erika_XP💚: "Ok I get that I am annoying, I remind myself of this often. But I see no reason for all the awful aggression. I only excuse it because of who we are talking about here and considering the situation."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ sᴇᴇ ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ."
Eevee: "The fuck"
Xenquility: "Actually you are needed"
ARGdov: "nope"
Xenquility: "We always need you"
IIIII: "You were literally never needed"
ADULT_LINK: "hi ghost"
ARGdov: "as usual we are capable of tearing ourselves apart on our own"
ADULT_LINK: "howsit goin"
otherLiam: "okay hang on what is happening here"
IIIII: "can you stop fucking larping"
ARGdov: "Im lost"
ARGdov: "if tylers fucking ooc why is ghost not ooc"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ?"
otherLiam: "That’s what I’m wondering"
Eevee: "This went from trial of fire to full on…. dammnit, Dov’s watching"
ARGdov: "lol what did I do now"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ: "ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ, ᴀᴅɪᴇᴜ."
IIIII: "Oh trust me I would fucking love to dumbass"
otherLiam: "Is this ooc?"
ARGdov: "night, ghost"
Eevee: "Oof"
ARGdov: "…..if it is Im confused."
otherLiam: "I can’t even fucking tell anymore."
ARGdov: "but also if I start asking Tyler questions I feel like it’ll annoy him more lol"
Erika_XP💚: "what does ooc mean?"
ARGdov: "out of character"
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye::eye:"
Eevee: "I’ll ask him a question"
IIIII: "@Erika_XP💚 it means none of this is real and you are a stupid cunt brb"
ARGdov: "gosh"
otherLiam: "ok so he is ooc"
otherLiam: "but is talking to characters"
ARGdov: "weird"
ARGdov: "still dunno what you mean by this xD"
otherLiam: "by the way eevee, it’s become clear this is a troll"
Eevee: "You guys are brutal"
ARGdov: "this is certainly a new form of trolling tbh"
ARGdov: "acting like a fangirl who wants sempai to notice her"
ARGdov: "this is forwarding the field of trolling quite a bit, it used to be you barged in and called people slurs and made them mad"
Eevee: "Quick, let’s play bolero of fire so Erikas epic trial of fire has a soundtrack"
ARGdov: "this is much more subtle"
ARGdov: "much more sinister"
otherLiam: "where’ve you been, trolling has advanced quite a bit"
ARGdov: "much more traditionally feminine"
ARGdov: "she deserves an award"
otherLiam: "i’m gonna laugh when it turns out this is just wolfcat on another
Erika_XP💚: "I dont know where this "trolling" idea comes from"
Xenquility: "Honestly the wolf idea has come to my head a few times"
Eevee: "Feminine troll"
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 I present to you this honorary doctrate in trolling"
ARGdov: "oh my gosh"
Xenquility: "fuckdsf"
ARGdov: "this being Wolf"
ARGdov: "that makes a lot of sense"
ARGdov: "but also like"
ARGdov: "I dunno if he’d do that"
ARGdov: "after he got in trouble for gamejacking"
Xenquility: "They did just freak out after being accused of being wolf"
otherLiam: "he totally would"
ARGdov: "they did yes"
ARGdov: "which makes me wonder if they are"
Xenquility: "Also wolf has never been online with her"
Xenquility: "Or interacted with her"
ARGdov: "shit yeah"
otherLiam: "lmao"
otherLiam: "good bit wolf"
ARGdov: "@Wolfcat WHERE ARE YOU"
otherLiam: "10/10"
ADULT_LINK△: "what iff…."
ARGdov: "you got us all lol"
ADULT_LINK△: "this is ALl canon"
otherLiam: "that’s a good fuckin bit"
ADULT_LINK△: "im :high:"
ADULT_LINK△: "fuck"
ARGdov: "thorin"
ARGdov: "you’re always high"
ARGdov: "and you’ve lost track of the story"
ADULT_LINK△: ":eye:"
ADULT_LINK△: ":eyes:"
otherLiam: "we’ve all lost track of the fuckin story"
mfgreth: ":thinking:"
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 because you’re wolf we’re revoking your honorary doctrate"
Eevee: "Quick Dov, we need your wise ideas. Ideas that have NEVER lead us astray."
otherLiam: "greth pls help"
ARGdov: "yes, listen to me"
ARGdov: "clearly I have always made the right decision in this ARG"
Xenquility: "We need to post a screenshot of the future to the past"
Xenquility: "bomb plans 8.9"
otherLiam: "brilliant"
otherLiam: "then we play the oath to order and summon all the giants"
Eevee: "We look Dov. Our overlord"
Xenquility: "Then song of storms 10 hours which we never turn off"
otherLiam: "but then we use the giant mask to make them bigger"
Xenquility: "then .root"
otherLiam: "then we >c_connect"
Erika_XP💚: "who is wolf?"
ARGdov: "uh no we dont need to use the giant mask to mkae them bigger"
ARGdov: ""
ARGdov: "we’ll just use the rita repulsa method"
otherLiam: "damn u rite"
mfgreth: "You wan erika banned???"
Xenquility: "yes"
Xenquility: "please god"
otherLiam: "prolly a good idea"
otherLiam: "before tyler’s head explodes"
Xenquility: "holy shit the tags on the pumpkinpology video say "erika""
Xenquility: "no jk"
otherLiam: "…holy shit there’s no way."
Xenquility: "no"
Xenquility: "I’m kidding"
ARGdov: "ahahahhaha"
otherLiam: "fuck off"
otherLiam: "dont do that to a man when he’s already hurtin"
ARGdov: "in any case I need a magic wand to go make whatever the fuck grow"
Eevee: "Penor"
Erika_XP💚: "Why should I be getting banned???"
ARGdov: "because you’re Wolfcat"
otherLiam: "because you’re either a troll, wolfcat, or way too young to play this game."
mfgreth: "Im not gonna ban erika"
mfgreth: "I dont see a reason tbh"

ARGdov: "or alternaively because you are a naive nusiance and for once we’re gonna nip a problem in the bud before it gets too large"
Eevee: "And being wolfcat is NOT a victimless crime"
Xenquility: "(They might not actually be wolfcat lmao)"
otherLiam: "I mean she literally poked tyler until he was forced to drop character with weird fan worship"
ARGdov: "see the one thing is about her being wolfcat Im not sure about is"
ARGdov: "Tyler was super pissed at him literally yesterday"
ARGdov: "why would Wolf decide to try and troll him"
otherLiam: "im mostly memeing, i doubt it’s wolf"
Erika_XP💚: "Maybe you are naive actually, just last night I was linking one of you a video none of you had technically ever seen and now you are acting like this"
ARGdov: "Im pretty sure we had seen that video actualy"
otherLiam: "wat"
ARGdov: "just because it ws unlisted doesnt make you special"
Eevee: "Wolfcat likes to start drama. Big drama starter always. Yup"
ARGdov: "actually Im next to POSITIVE we have"
otherLiam: "What video was it?"
Xenquility: "Yknow if this is a troll they’ve succeeded"
Xenquility: "We’re all fighting over nothing on 11/11"
otherLiam: "I mean, nothing’s happened yet."
otherLiam: "Other than the Greths poking us"
Xenquility: "If they aren’t getting banned we can’t do anything about it"
otherLiam: "and GB joining"
mfgreth: "I can protect erika with communism"
otherLiam: "people cant even protect their own families with communism"
ARGdov: "this was the video"
Xenquility: "Yeah we’ve seen that"
ARGdov: "Im aware"
ARGdov: "Erika claimed she was the first person to find it"
Xenquility: "It’s been on the ID channel for months"
ARGdov: "my point is literally just that she was wrong"
otherLiam: "Not only have we seen that"
otherLiam: "we’ve also solved the ciphers on it"
ARGdov: "yup"
mfgreth: "Rood"
ARGdov: "look, if shes not Wolf, then idk what her deal is"
ARGdov: "because she clearly knows to some extent that this isnt real. earlier yesterday she asked if the issue was "gm stuff""
otherLiam: "listen slinky’s a kid, but at least he just endearingly screws up instead of weirdly worshipping Tyler."
Xenquility: "I think we should just drop the issue for now. We’re not going to be reaching a resolution anytime soon and to be fair, if this is a really young kid, we’ve kinda just mobbed on her like a lynch mob"
otherLiam: "this is clearly a plant from the lunar children"
ADULT_LINK△: "i bet yall bitches never seen THIS video"
otherLiam: "if you post rickroll"
ARGdov: "or its Raven"
ARGdov: "or Suxx"
ARGdov: "honestly I would buy it being Raven"
ARGdov: "…"
ADULT_LINK△: "and now nobody else gets to see the video"
ARGdov: "Im not sure if we have seen this"
ARGdov: "Ive opened it"
Xenquility: "oh my gid"
Xenquility: "I love this"
ARGdov: "oh my gosh"
ARGdov: "its a monica vid"
ADULT_LINK△: ":hylotl_eyes:"
ARGdov: "of course"
otherLiam: "tfw you will never have tyler because his heart belongs to monika sempai"
Xenquility: "Some say video 2 only appears once a year"
otherLiam: "just monika"
ARGdov: "always"
ARGdov: "just monika"
ARGdov: "only monika"
otherLiam: "Just Monika"
otherLiam: "Just Monika"
otherLiam: "Just Monika"
ARGdov: "smack Liam"
otherLiam: "neck snaps at 90 degree angle"
otherLiam: "runs at screen"
ARGdov: "pulls out fairy in a bottle"
ADULT_LINK△: ":honl:"
ARGdov: "heals you"
ADULT_LINK△: ":fairy:"
otherLiam: "dov have you played this dumb game"
Xenquility: "what the hell he gets a sledge hammer"
ARGdov: "I have but I didnt finish it tbh"
ARGdov: "but I know its deal"
Xenquility: "this usb is indestructible"
otherLiam: "takes too long to get going imo"
otherLiam: "act 1 should be like, a day shorter"
ARGdov: "eh, whatever"
ARGdov: "its god shit either way"
Xenquility: "LMAO I didn’t see the "Game" part and I thought you were talking about the video"
ADULT_LINK△: "im gonna keep smoking and open my f o u r t h e y e "
ARGdov: "this reminds me"
otherLiam: "no im talking about ddlc"
otherLiam: "also man"
ARGdov: "I should keep palying Dream Daddy"
otherLiam: "it’s almost not 11/11 anymore on the ec"
ARGdov: "but it was so wholesome it made me gag"
ARGdov: "rip"
ARGdov: "somethings coming"
mfgreth: "Yeesh"
Eevee: "Me :sweat_drops:"
Eevee: "Now if anyone is going to obsessively fangirl over a hottie, jontron is it"
otherLiam: "he got married"
Eevee: "Jontron > Tyler"
ARGdov: "what if I wanna fangirl over someone else"
mfgreth: "Happy 11/12"
ARGdov: "Lestat the Vampire > Jontron"
ARGdov: "he can suck me any day"
otherLiam: "but something’s"
otherLiam: "changed"
otherLiam: "Changed"
otherLiam: "Changed"
otherLiam: "CHANGED"
mfgreth: "Lestat is a punk bitch"
ARGdov: "or any night, I guess"
ARGdov: "well yeah and thats why hes great"
Eevee: "Lestat? But he’s french."
ARGdov: "I can forgive him for that"
Erika_XP💚: "11/11 is over @IIIII Tyler are you safe? I hope so"
ADULT_LINK△: "oh goddamn it"
otherLiam: "erika"
otherLiam: "stop spamming tyler"
Erika_XP💚: "Whatika?"
Eevee: "Oof"
ADULT_LINK△: "i had the song i wanted to hear earlier downloaded :dabeangery:"
ARGdov: "no one likes getting that manys pings"
Erika_XP💚: "Im not spamming him"\
ARGdov: "also"
ARGdov: "NONE"
otherLiam: "he’s been pretty clear he wants you to stop"
ADULT_LINK△: "quit pingin him"
ARGdov: "Tylers not in character right now"
ARGdov: "in fact, do you know whats happened to Tyler in-game?"
Eevee: "Ben is real Dov, stop ruining the emersion"
ARGdov: "Tyler was kidnapped"
ARGdov: "and taken to another dimension"
ARGdov: "and we dont know whats happened to him"
IIIII: "I’ll show you something real"
ARGdov: "so before you spam, read the fucking wiki for starters"
Xenquility: "LOL"
Xenquility: "She’s gone"
IIIII: "Fucking stupid bitch"
Eevee: "what happened"
mfgreth: "What the heck"
ARGdov: "what?"
ARGdov: "no shes still here for me?"
ADULT_LINK△: "why u so aggresive over the dum fangirl"
ADULT_LINK△: "yeesh"
otherLiam: "she’s a troll"
ADULT_LINK△: "like i get she’s annoying you but like"
ARGdov: "dumb fangirls tend to do that topeople"
ADULT_LINK△: "still, we didnt get this hostile towards raven"
ARGdov: "um"
ADULT_LINK△: "at least, not this quickly"
ARGdov: "we sort of did? after awhile?"
mfgreth: "Wow"
mfgreth: "Tyler"

ARGdov: "like I literally told her to fuck off"
IIIII: "What"
Eevee: "Is she kicked or something?"
ARGdov: "granted I didnt call her a bitch but still"
mfgreth: "Banned"
ARGdov: "no shes still here, Im p sure"
otherLiam: "man i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she really did kinda reach that point real fast"
ARGdov: "@Erika_XP💚 testing"
Eevee: "OOF"
ADULT_LINK△: "she got kicked"
ARGdov: "oh ok"
ARGdov: "well"
ARGdov: "we did try and explain to her multiple times she was acting inappropirately but she refused to listen"
ARGdov: "so, even if we were pretty harsh on her overall the ban still seems deserved"
otherLiam: "just constantly pinging tyler and asking him weird shit"
ADULT_LINK△: "damn"
Eevee: "Wow, Tyler. Wow"
ADULT_LINK△: "fuckin brutal yall"
mfgreth: "Thats fucked up imo"
mfgreth: "I am not down with that"

otherLiam: "she referred to him as "my Tyler"."
ARGdov: "and called him ‘handsome'"
mfgreth: "Shes probably 12"
mfgreth: "Or 14"

ARGdov: "wait no she didnt but she said something close to that"
Eevee: "My tyler? Handsome? That BITCH"
otherLiam: "slinky is 13"
mfgreth: "What if she has some sort of spectrum disorder?"
otherLiam: "he doesnt act like that"
ADULT_LINK△: "she sounded older than 12/14"
ARGdov: "I was an obnoxious needy 14 year old and I wasnt this bad"
ARGdov: "you know"
ARGdov: "she may have been on the spectrum"
otherLiam: "what if she does? who cares? i hold people to the same standard of not being assholes."
Eevee: "No, you’ve gotten badder"
ADULT_LINK△: "when i called her young she said something about who said she was young"
mfgreth: "I feel like yall are gonna do the usual fucking thing start speculating i was erika trolling like you did wolf"
mfgreth: "(Bs btw)"
mfgreth: "But im not cool with that"
mfgreth: "Im out."

otherLiam: "that was mostly a joke"
ARGdov: "but even people on the spectrum can understand that when you’re told "you should stop this" multiple times will usually stop"
ADULT_LINK△: "whys everyone bein so fuckin hostile tho jesus"
otherLiam: "wat"
ARGdov: "oh I dont think shes you"
ARGdov: "I mean"
ADULT_LINK△: "shes not mugen, she’s just some random chick whos a bit odd"
Xenquility: "Wha-"
Xenquility: "Holy fuck"
ARGdov: "I dont think greths totally wrong tbh"
ADULT_LINK△: "aaaand greth left"
ARGdov: "Tyler got out of hand"
ADULT_LINK△: "goddamn it you guys who the fuck gave everyone angery pills"
ARGdov: "welp"
ARGdov: "wait shit"
Xenquility: "Welp"
ARGdov: "…oh ok right other people are mods"
Circlehunter: ":angery:"
Xenquility: "If they’re a troll, they sure as hell succeeded"
Circlehunter: "this emoji is massive??"
ADULT_LINK△: "emoji’s are bigger when alone!"
ADULT_LINK△: ":notzelda:"
ADULT_LINK△: "i love it"
ADULT_LINK△: "makes gif ones easier to see"
IIIII: "So tonight"
IIIII: "is finally the end"

ARGdov: "I do think Tyler got out of hand and honestly I probably did too, but, also….yeah she needed to get banned."
ARGdov: "the end?"
otherLiam: "The end?"
IIIII: "I hope you are excited"
Circlehunter: "the end?"
ARGdov: "…..nope now Im nervous"
otherLiam: "arg ends in a rickroll"
IIIII: "I have been for years"
otherLiam: "is this real? We’re really ending it?"
ARGdov: "no way"
otherLiam: "the final death of the id’s"
ARGdov: "its not ending like this."
otherLiam: "jk i’ll fuckin start something if it really is"


  • After taking a rest, Erika "pings" IIIII, which greatly annoys "Tyler". This results in him seemingly speaking OoC as he rages against her.
  • Greth begins speaking, seemingly OoC as well. The players ask them to ban Erika, believing her to secretly be Wolfcat causing drama on an alternate account. Greth refuses to do so, but IIIII promptly kicks Erika from the Discord server anyway.

11/12/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚: "I am back and also something happened to the video"
otherLiam: "great"
ARGdov: "god how the hell are going to explain all this to peopel"
otherLiam: "you send them to the wiki"
ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ: "How did you get the entire live chat?"
ARGdov: "fuck, there’s shit we still dont fully understand"
otherLiam: "just link the new people to the wiki and tell them to read before asking"
ARGdov: "oh yeah I will, dont worry"
otherLiam: "because anything we tell them about this will make no sense out of context"
ADULT_LINK△: "we’re gonna be blind men describing colors"
Xenquility: "I gotta go to fucking bed"
Eevee: "Liam, be less savage. Lol"
ARGdov: "we dont even know what just happened"
otherLiam: "sorry"
otherLiam: "i have a massive headache"
Xenquility: "If you guys find anything cool out, mind dming me?"
otherLiam: "my fucking smoke alarm just fuckin"
ARGdov: "and theres been shit thats been happening for awhile we still dont have a good hold on"
otherLiam: "BLASTED me"
Xenquility: "Gunna be hard to crawl through chats tomorrow"
otherLiam: "right in the fucking ear"
ADULT_LINK△: "oh yikes"
ADULT_LINK△: "that blows man"
ARGdov: "with any luck SKM will be able to explain all this"
ADULT_LINK△: "yeah but that’ll be in a few days"
otherLiam: "im waiting for the skm vs ghostbabel hacker fight"
otherLiam: ""
ADULT_LINK△: "we should get a TLDR of the last few updates, and then link the timeline"
ARGdov: "well, maybe shit will happen elading up to that"
ARGdov: "how do we sum up whats been happening"
ARGdov: "its hard to keep track"
ARGdov: "*leading"
ADULT_LINK△: "i think we should get something thats like"
ADULT_LINK△: "a intro to the arg and how the silentdork channel relates to JID as a whole"
ADULT_LINK△: "cuz like"
ARGdov: "but where would you even begin"
Wolfcat: "thanks for archiving all that"
Wolfcat: "ill sort through it tomorrow"
ARGdov: "you need to know the ben drowned ARG and all its terminology"
ARGdov: "and a whole bunch of new shit on top of that"
ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ: "It is not the end, is it a new era?"
ADULT_LINK△: "if someone only knew about the channel, it would be a LOT to just link them to the wiki"
ARGdov: "something like that @ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ"
Erika_XP💚: "The entire introduction of the video vanished but I actually finshed downloading it a few moments ago and I seem to have gotten the full thing."
ARGdov: "oh nice"
otherLiam: "i dunno thorin"
otherLiam: "i didn’t even join the discord until i’d read the timelines"
otherLiam: "cus i didn’t wanna be a bother"
ARGdov: "honestly Im wary of bringing new people in, always"
ADULT_LINK△: "i respect that liam"
ARGdov: "especially (and no offense to Jos or Slinky) the spanish people"
ARGdov: "cause some of them struggle with english, understandably"
ARGdov: "and this is a headache to explain in english"
ADULT_LINK△: "yeah i worry about language barriers, we might need to wait for some of our resident spaniards to get up to explain"
otherLiam: "…holy shit, she’s right"
otherLiam: "the intro is gone"
otherLiam: "i’ve still got it open so i can record it if needed"
Xenquility: "oh yeah"
Xenquility: "it is gone"
Xenquility: "cool"
Erika_XP💚: "Tyler I wont ping you but please give us a sign of some kind if you are alright"
Xenquility: "he’s not"
Xenquility: "he’s fucked"
otherLiam: "erika he isn't"
ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ: "@ARGdov I am of Spain xD"
Erika_XP💚: "OH NO"
otherLiam: "he hasn’t been fine"
otherLiam: "this whole fucking time"
Wolfcat: "heres a sign"
otherLiam: "like i told you when you first joined"
Wolfcat: ":ban:"
otherLiam: "he’s been kidnapped and taken to another fucking dimension"
ARGdov: "Erika, let me explain"
ARGdov: "last we’d heard- yeah what Liam just said"
ARGdov: "which makes me wonder what the fuck all this was"
otherLiam: "well the intro was him trying to appease his captors"
otherLiam: "the rest was apparently SKM"
ADULT_LINK△: "i’d advise not pinging his account or trying to communitcate, he’s not just gonna break character and explain stuff for us"
ARGdov: "yeah"
otherLiam: "I mean in this case pinging him may not necessarily be a bad idea"
ADULT_LINK△: "eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
otherLiam: "just smartly"
ARGdov: "lets not"
otherLiam: "ok"
ADULT_LINK△: "my foot hurts"
otherLiam: "anyway i’ll transcribe the intro in case it gets lost"
ADULT_LINK△: "awa"
Eevee: "Ok, ok"
ARGdov: "damn, thorin"
Jos: "have you tried restarting the router"
ARGdov: "any idea how long till itll improve?"
otherLiam: "does anyone know what that song was btw?"
ADULT_LINK△: "well, 6-8 weeks"
ARGdov: "I dont"
ARGdov: "and damn"
otherLiam 1:00 AM: "ah it’s The End by My Chemical Romance - wait a second."
ADULT_LINK△ 1:00 AM: "later in the month i’m gonna go get it checked out again, and depending on how it is it could either be fine or need more time to heal"
Eevee 1:00 AM: "Let’s talk a bit about the video"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:00 AM: "really hoping i wont need surgery, that’ll extend the recovery period signifigantly"
otherLiam 1:01 AM: "nah nm"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:01 AM: "and yeah i’ll continue talkin about my broken foot more in general if anyone cares"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:01 AM: "otherwise lets go back to spook time"
ARGdov 1:01 AM: "I mean, what is there to say really"
otherLiam 1:01 AM: "the song in the intro is called The End, which leads into the song "Dead!""
ARGdov 1:01 AM: "actually there’s one thing Im wondering"
ARGdov 1:01 AM: "that video at the end"
ARGdov 1:01 AM: "are we sure we’ve seen that befor?"
otherLiam 1:01 AM: "the greth vlogs one?"
 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ 1:02 AM: "John is live"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "or have I just forgotten it"
otherLiam 1:02 AM: "we almost definitely haven't"
Xenquility 1:02 AM: "Nah we haven't"
otherLiam 1:02 AM: "i don’t remember anyone crossing a bridge to see an alien"
otherLiam 1:02 AM: "also john’s def dead"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "so all that shit was new"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "greth chasing tyler"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "tyler experimenting with the sign"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "tyler ending up in that weird green world"
ARGdov 1:02 AM: "also did anyone else see the mask lying on the bridge?"
Eevee 1:03 AM: "Because you only get three chances to use the sign"
ARGdov 1:03 AM: "….I didnt know that"
Circlehunter 1:03 AM: "@ADULT_LINK△ fourth tyler was my meme theory"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:04 AM: "oh"
ARGdov 1:04 AM: "so, some version of greth attacked some version of tyler, or tried to"
Circlehunter 1:04 AM: "because i opened the parallelos with my top secret ninjutsu immediately before tyler started verbally abusing erika"
ARGdov 1:04 AM: "in some last ditch attempt to escape tyler touched the sign"
Erika_XP💚 1:04 AM: "I cant believe this whole time"
ARGdov 1:04 AM: "and that sent him somewhere new"
Erika_XP💚 1:04 AM: "I was so in shock over what was going on I did not even notice"
ARGdov 1:04 AM: "where he saw a bridge, and a weird thing on the other side"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:04 AM: "damn was your meme theory like."
ADULT_LINK△ 1:04 AM: "legit"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:04 AM: "wild"
ARGdov 1:05 AM: "we know from the past that crossing bridges can symbolically mean crossing into a new paralellos"
Eevee 1:05 AM: "He’s stuck in the green world, forced to walk the path again and again."
ARGdov 1:05 AM: "so it might mean that here too"
Eevee 1:05 AM: "Oh no"
Eevee 1:05 AM: "Yea, it was mcr, lol"
Circlehunter 1:06 AM: "just gotta archive that"
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "NOw"
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "WELL I CANT"
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "AND I DONT KNOw"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:07 AM: "what"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "shes quoting MCR"
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "sorry thats an mcr song ^^"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:07 AM: "oh"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:07 AM: "i have poo brain dont mind me"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "because apparently shes tara gilesbie"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "jk"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "anyways so uh"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "that was a lot"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "and Im still confused by it, on a lot of levels"
ARGdov 1:07 AM: "how did this connect to whats been happening before"
 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ 1:09 AM: "This is a Hacked?"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:09 AM: "what?"
ARGdov 1:10 AM: "god see this is why I hate when we get a bunch of new people who only know the videos"
ARGdov 1:10 AM: "its not there fault"
ARGdov 1:10 AM: "and I appreciate they’re trying to understand"
ARGdov 1:10 AM: "but its such a headache"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:11 AM: "damn yall need to chill"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:11 AM: "everyone gettin headaches and gettin so hostile"
ARGdov 1:11 AM: "Im not hostile and Im speaking metaphorically about headaches"
ARGdov 1:11 AM: "its just irritating to have to be like"
ARGdov 1:11 AM: "we hardly know whats going on ourselves"
ARGdov 1:11 AM: "but we still need to explain shit to people"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:12 AM: "i mean"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:12 AM: ""god see this is why i hate……" seems a bit hostile to me"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:12 AM: "but"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:12 AM: "i get ur point"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:12 AM: "it is a bit much to have to explain stuff when we barely know whats going on rn in the first place"
 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏞᎾᏟKᎬᎠ 1:12 AM: "How did you get the entire video chat?"
Eevee 1:13 AM: "I recorded it on my phone"
Eevee 1:13 AM: "I’ll edit the vid and upload it to ID"
ARGdov 1:13 AM: "thorin, you’re kind of high at the moment arent you"
ARGdov 1:13 AM: "and I speak hyperbolically like this a lot so"
ARGdov 1:13 AM: "me doing it now shouldnt come as a surprise"
ARGdov 1:13 AM: "but I do find it extremely frustrating"
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "for archive purposes"
Erika_XP💚 1:14 AM: "I am not a fan of smoking myself"
Erika_XP💚 1:14 AM: "but I dont mind anyone who is"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:14 AM: "honestly i’ve been sober for a while"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:14 AM: "i was coming down when i said i was high, i just wanted to fuck around a little"
ARGdov 1:15 AM: "oh ok"
ARGdov 1:15 AM: "my bad"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:15 AM: "nah ur fine"
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "hey so uh"
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "what’s "‘classic’ time""
ARGdov 1:15 AM: "I have a tendency to say that I hate things, just, in general"
Erika_XP💚 1:15 AM: "Its all in good fun, I sneak a few drinks now and then sometimes myself but dont tell anyone I said that ^^;"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:15 AM: "classic time?"
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "in the silent family desc"
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "from our chummer"
ARGdov 1:15 AM: ""classic time""
ADULT_LINK△ 1:15 AM: "oh"
ARGdov 1:15 AM: "Ive no idea"
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "Ill try to speak again here in around 3 days in 'classic’ time. Cheerio chummers."
ARGdov 1:15 AM: "maybe they mean our timeline"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:15 AM: "wait"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:15 AM: "3 days…."
otherLiam 1:16 AM: "also why tf is tyler allergic to apostrophes"
ARGdov 1:16 AM: "as opposed to the AO timeline"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:16 AM: "we could play song of double time to skip ahead a bit"
ARGdov 1:16 AM: "no"
ARGdov 1:16 AM: "lets give tyler time to prep"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:16 AM: "jk that would probably piss tyler off out of character because he’d have less time to set stuff up"
Xenquility 1:16 AM: "ay quick thing the whole thing with greth was probably planned since he was in the stream chart'"
ARGdov 1:16 AM: "exactly"
Xenquility 1:16 AM: "*with greth leaving"
ARGdov 1:17 AM: "I mean, I dunno"
ARGdov 1:17 AM: "cause hes not rejoined has he"
Xenquility 1:17 AM: "*chat"
ARGdov 1:17 AM: "he will eventually Im sure but he was p pissed"
ARGdov 1:17 AM: "so unless Erika was in on this too, which I doubt, that wasnt planned"
Xenquility 1:17 AM: "Unless they planned for this anyways"
Xenquility 1:17 AM: "Erika was just a convinient solution"
Xenquility 1:17 AM: "The other option would’ve been the gamejack causing him to go insane"
Xenquility 1:17 AM: "or the anger was all real but who the fuck knows"
Wolfcat 1:18 AM: ":funkyface:"
Xenquility 1:18 AM: "K im going to bed"
Xenquility 1:18 AM: "gnight"
Erika_XP💚 1:18 AM: "I am not sure what I have solved but alright I am still just trying to solve weather or not I ought to try and send Tyler my tribute video now"
otherLiam 1:18 AM: "nothing is real"
otherLiam 1:18 AM: "everything is fake"
otherLiam 1:18 AM: "erika"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:19 AM: "obviosuly the gamejack rage was a jape"
otherLiam 1:19 AM: "just post it"
Wolfcat 1:19 AM: "damn do you have a shipping video"
otherLiam 1:19 AM: "he’ll look at it whenever"
ARGdov 1:19 AM: "yees post it"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:19 AM: "ooh shit send the tribute video"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:19 AM: "you keep talking about it i’m excited"
Erika_XP💚 1:19 AM: "I am too nervous to show it in front of everyone ^//^;"
Xenquility 1:19 AM: "dont be"
Xenquility 1:19 AM: "we’re a very loving and supporting group"
Xenquility 1:19 AM: "look at dov he’s gay and he’s still awesome"
Xenquility 1:19 AM: "or wolfcat he straight up stole the game and he’s still here"
Eevee 1:20 AM: "Du et"
Xenquility 1:20 AM: "or slinky he literally posted the elegy twice"
Erika_XP💚 1:20 AM: "Greth is also in the video as well but I kind of"
Erika_XP💚 1:20 AM: "just made it for Tyler ^^;"
Erika_XP💚 1:20 AM: "but"
Erika_XP💚 1:20 AM: "idk"
Eevee 1:21 AM: "We keep dov around, and hes a hot mess"
ARGdov 1:21 AM: "oh please Im awesome because of the gayness"
otherLiam 1:21 AM: "you made the video exclusively for a person you’ve never met before and only know through creepy fake videos to see"
Xenquility 1:21 AM: "liam is literally married to a larper"
Wolfcat 1:21 AM: "I’m stuff"
otherLiam 1:21 AM: "Xen"
otherLiam 1:21 AM: "I broke up with the larper"
Xenquility 1:21 AM: "shhh"
Erika_XP💚 1:21 AM: "I kept it unlisted until a few moments ago because I was so nervous"
otherLiam 1:21 AM: "i’m dating a hacker god now"
ARGdov 1:21 AM: "otherwise Id just be some weirdo who betrayed the entire group"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:21 AM: "im a being of chaos"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:21 AM: ":Jefault:"
ARGdov 1:21 AM: "now Im someone who betrayed the entire group who also gets his dick sucked by other men"
ARGdov 1:21 AM: "which is just cooler"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:22 AM: "hah, gay"
Eevee 1:22 AM: "Omg, did my jevil theme work?"
Wolfcat 1:22 AM: "buHAH"
ARGdov 1:22 AM: "@Erika_XP💚 well, link it!"
ARGdov 1:24 AM: "ok"
ARGdov 1:24 AM: "if we’re done for the evening"
ARGdov 1:24 AM: "Im going to bid you all good night"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:24 AM: "nighto dov"
otherLiam 1:24 AM: "who the fuck knows if we’re done"
Eevee 1:24 AM: "Im gonna stay alert, that was late"
Xenquility 1:24 AM: "I think we’re done"
ARGdov 1:24 AM: "this nice jewish gay boy needs his sleep"
Wolfcat 1:24 AM: "im going to fare you a bidew"
otherLiam 1:24 AM: "might be like that one time and we’ll just suddenly get a call and the creds to johnisdead"
Xenquility 1:24 AM: "Im not gay or jewish but I also need sleep"
Eevee 1:24 AM: "It might not even be over"
otherLiam 1:24 AM: "me and eevee will hold down the fort i guess"
ARGdov 1:24 AM: "well, let me know what I miss"
otherLiam 1:25 AM: "not like i sleep anyway"
ARGdov 1:25 AM: ""
Eevee 1:25 AM: "Ok"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:25 AM: "im going to fare you a bidoof"
Xenquility 1:25 AM: "All I can say is that was an emotional rollercoaster and a half"
Eevee 1:26 AM: "Lmfao"
Pakospooky 1:26 AM: ""
otherLiam 1:27 AM: "we noticed"
Pakospooky 1:27 AM: "yeah"
Wolfcat 1:27 AM: ""
Pakospooky 1:27 AM: "what is the black guy at the end of the bridge"
Wolfcat 1:28 AM: "i dunno but i dont trust em"
Erika_XP💚 1:32 AM: " I just found some really good vaporwave while trying to search the video up on my phone"
Circlehunter 1:32 AM: "hey real quick"
Circlehunter 1:32 AM: "what happened to the AO timeline tyler"
Wolfcat 1:32 AM: ":dkgroove:"
Pakospooky 1:32 AM: "this is the end?"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:32 AM: ":dream:"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:32 AM: ":dkdance:"
Circlehunter 1:32 AM: "quick please someone answer me"
Circlehunter 1:32 AM: "time is of the essence"
Circlehunter 1:32 AM: "which is to say"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:33 AM: "oh?"
Circlehunter 1:33 AM: "i don’t feel like taking all night"
Wolfcat 1:33 AM: "is time the season?"
Wolfcat 1:33 AM: "but also"
Wolfcat 1:33 AM: "im not sure if we know"
Circlehunter 1:33 AM: "time ain’t no reason"
Circlehunter 1:33 AM: ":ZoomEyes:"
Eevee 1:34 AM: "I dont know"
Wolfcat 1:34 AM: "I guess they didn’t tell you"
Wolfcat 1:34 AM: "So I guess they didn’t tell you"
Wolfcat 1:34 AM: "I guess they didn’t tell you"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:34 AM: "what"
Wolfcat 1:34 AM: "Guess you don’t know"
Wolfcat 1:34 AM: "I guess they didn’t tell you"
Eevee 1:35 AM: "I guess we weren’t informed"
Pakospooky 1:35 AM: "tyler should fight with Greth"
Wolfcat 1:35 AM: "I see"
Wolfcat 1:35 AM: "They didn’t tell you, huh"
Pakospooky 1:35 AM: "and not run away"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:36 AM: ":jeffEyes:"
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "I"
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "I ACTUASL"
Wolfcat 1:36 AM: "same"
Eevee 1:36 AM: "Are?"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:38 AM: "of nouveau life?"
Circlehunter 1:38 AM: "get ready"
Erika_XP💚 1:38 AM: ""
ADULT_LINK△ 1:38 AM: "he used that in the arg before"
Circlehunter 1:38 AM: "i am about to blow your minds"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:38 AM: "thats why i’m so glad you sent it i’ve been trying to remember what the real song was called for a while"
Wolfcat 1:39 AM: "damn"
Wolfcat 1:39 AM: "3 months ago"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:39 AM: "haha damn this fmv is fire"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:39 AM: "nice job"
Erika_XP💚 1:39 AM: "Pardon?"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:40 AM: "ooh you actually tagged it jadusable too"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:40 AM: ":thumb:"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:40 AM: "respecc"
otherLiam 1:41 AM: "oh boy"
otherLiam 1:41 AM: "incoming"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:42 AM: "amazing graphic"
Eevee 1:42 AM: "Circle and his charts"
Circlehunter 1:42 AM: "excuse me, this is a graph"
Erika_XP💚 1:43 AM: "Tyler is typing but taking forever I wonder what he is going to say"
Erika_XP💚 1:43 AM: "also I tagged wot?"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:43 AM: "in your fmv"
Circlehunter 1:43 AM: "but here it is without my dumb shitpost"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:43 AM: "the tags you added"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:43 AM: ""
ADULT_LINK△ 1:43 AM: ":NinjaLink:"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:43 AM: "jutsu"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:44 AM: "too late"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:44 AM: "lmao"
Wolfcat 1:45 AM: "oh"
otherLiam 1:45 AM: "pfffft"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:46 AM: "shit she left"
ADULT_LINK△ 1:46 AM: "oops"


11/17/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Xenquility 3:49 PM: “Welcome back!”
Slinky Stinks△ 3:49 PM: “Ayyy girl!”
Slinky Stinks△ 3:49 PM: “How you doin!”
Erika_XP💚 3:50 PM: “I take not even passes as a joke that come not from my Tyler thank you”
Erika_XP💚 3:50 PM: “(I am joking however) hello ^^”

ARGdov 3:51 PM: “glad you could finally joine lol”
Slinky Stinks△ 3:51 PM: “:beerd:”
Wolfcat 3:53 PM: “Hullo “
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: “@IIIII I dreamt last night you were getting attacked on the sidewalk somewhere. Even if you can’t respond now Tyler I know you will get out of whatever you are in right now. I BELIEVE IN YOU!”
ARGdov 3:53 PM: “@Erika_XP💚 I hate to drag this into the open but could you tell us where the footage I described to you in PMs is from?”
DensO Burton 3:53 PM: "Lol”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "I thought you were big followers of his dont you know where all his videos are silly?”


  • Erika rejoins the Internet Detectives Discord server and shares a dream she had in which Tyler was being chased down a sidewalk.
  • With players beginning to suspect Erika of being canon, they ask her where she found the previously unseen footage in her music video. Erika simply responds as if these clips were common knowledge, teasing the players for not knowing about them.

11/22/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚: “I think I just saw Tyler post a moment ago but I only saw the notification.”
Erika_XP💚: "Also @ARGdov hello sorry I had to step away for a moment”
Erika_XP💚: "well I guess it was for a bit longer than just a moment considering I fell asleep ^^;”

Xenquility: "Saw something get deleted but dont think it was tyler”
Erika_XP💚: "Oh well then that is odd. Do others in here find themselves possesed by some sort of dark force?”
Xenquility: "Nah, sometimes people just post and delete stuff for fun”
ARGdov: ”@Erika_XP💚 its good. Im busy as well lol”


  • Erika believes she saw Tyler post something in the Discord server and asks the players about it.

11/22/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

Erika_XP💚 10:15 PM: “I have been a bit scared to ask but did the internet detectives like my tribute I made for silentdork?”
Erika_XP💚 10:15 PM: “oh wait”
Erika_XP💚 10:15 PM: “I am such a ditz you were just asking about it before”

Xenquility 10:17 PM: "Honestly I loved it. Never really listen ed to MCR beforehand but I’m starting to love them”
Erika_XP💚 10:24 PM: “You wanted to know about where I got the video clips?”
Xenquility 10:25 PM: "Yeah. None of us have any clue where they’re from.”
Erika_XP💚 10:26 PM: "I’ll qoute my lil emo bean boi ~<3”
Erika_XP💚 10:26 PM: "There’s things that I have done you NEVER”
Erika_XP💚 10:26 PM: "should EVER KNOW”
Erika_XP💚 10:26 PM: "lol”

Xenquility 10:26 PM: "lol”
Xenquility 10:26 PM: "Are we able to know though? I kinda love the clips of greth at the beginning”
Erika_XP💚 10:27 PM: "I have a friend I think I mentioned a couple times”
Erika_XP💚 10:27 PM: "He does not like me mentioning him and I honestly understand why now”

Xenquility 10:28 PM: "How come?”
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Oi”
Erika_XP💚 10:29 PM: "wut”
Xenquility 10:29 PM: "C:”
Xenquility 10:29 PM: "Didn’t get the full thing as I’m on my phone but”
Xenquility 10:29 PM: "Anyways, any chance you could tell us where they got the vids from?”
Erika_XP💚 10:34 PM: "A friend of mine who helps me get things when I really really want to see them very badly. But I dont think he would like to be introduced to strangers :p”
Xenquility 10:34 PM: "Any chance of me becoming not a stranger?”
Xenquility 10:34 PM: "I completely understand not wanting to talk to random people on the internet but at this time I could really go for meeting someone that is actually able to do something other than meme”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 PM: "Does this mean you hate me because I happen to really love memes =”[“
Xenquility 10:40 PM: “Oh god no I love memes too”
Xenquility 10:40 PM: "Just seems that we lack extremely impressive allies right now”
Xenquility 10:40 PM: ”(Other than you, of course :p)”
Erika_XP💚 10:42 PM: “I mean I can show you my friends channel but he does not make his videos public and he will be grumpy I think if you comment or something. He is kind of upset right now I think too because his bro is late for something he said he was doing?”
Erika_XP💚 10:42 PM: "Im not sure if he would have wanted me to even mention the last part either X"D”

Xenquility 10:43 PM: "Actually that sounds great. I’ll make sure to respect his wishes and not comment or anything”
Erika_XP💚 10:45 PM: "”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Oh cool”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Don’t wanna seem pushy but if you’re able to link any of his video’s that’d be great”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: ”(Don’t worry if that’s out of your friends comfort zone though)”
Erika_XP💚 10:47 PM: “>.>” UH”
Erika_XP💚 10:47 PM: “Nah mate dont think that would be the best idea right now, he pays close attention to the views. I think I might lose my cool setup with him if I did something like that. Then I would not be able to get my special tyler videos even if they end up corrupting a bit here and there by the time I download them and sometimes its not even tyler so it makes me take forever when I am trying to get anything in order to make a good music video for tyler.”

Xenquility 10:50 PM: "Ah okay. No worries then”
Xenquility 10:50 PM: "I won’t bug you about him anymore, but if there’s anything we could know about him in the future, think you could tell me?”
Erika_XP💚 10:55 PM: "Im just happy to be in the internet detectives because it makes me feel like I am closer to Tyler”
Erika_XP💚 10:55 PM: "you can ask me just about anything there.”
Erika_XP💚 10:55 PM: "But I am not a big smarty pants about all sorts of things like you guys are, I just know a lot about Tyler.”

Xenquility 10:56 PM: "How "Far away”?”
Xenquility 10:56 PM: “We’re all pretty huge fans of Tyler (Though I doubt as huge as you are) and would be willing to do quite a lot to learn more about him”
Erika_XP💚 11:01 PM: "Im about to go for a walk I just woke up and need to stretch my legs, but I’ll be back in a little bit when I clear my head. I got a lot of anxiety right now and I am also scared that maybe Tyler saw my video.”


  • The player Xenquility and Erika begin speaking in PM's. Expanding upon where she got the previously unseen footage found in her music videos, Erika claims that she found them on the Quiet Family YouTube channel, implying the channel is actually ran by SKM's brother Max.

11/28/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚 3:34 PM: “”
Erika_XP💚 3:34 PM: "mood”

ARGdov 3:56 PM: "oh shit”
ARGdov 3:56 PM: "hey Erika”
Slinky stinks 4:00 PM: "Ay Erika How you doin gurl”
Wolfcat 5:49 PM: "ey guuuurl”
mfgreth 6:23 PM: "Look at the sky”
mfgreth 6:23 PM: "The planets align”
mfgreth 6:23 PM: "It feels right”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 PM: "I can’t believe I step away for just a moment and I come back and you are all being sillies xD”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 PM: "Happy thanks giving by the way everyone ~<3 :turkey:”


  • Erika wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

11/29/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

pakospooky 1:55 PM: “the song appear in returning to the fishery, going and 23rd update i think”
pakospooky 1:55 PM: "is the same song”
pakospooky 1:55 PM: "Does anyone know how to tell me?”
Erika_XP💚 7:07 PM: "I believe the song you are looking for is present here Mr Pako”
Erika_XP💚 7:07 PM: "”
Erika_XP💚 7:07 PM: ”@pakospooky”
Erika_XP💚 7:07 PM: “I am an expert on Silentdork ~<3”


  • Erika informs the player Pako that she is an expert on Silentdork.

11/30/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Xenquility 9:55 AM: “Yo”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "New theory”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "That mask we keep seeing isn’t Matt’s mask”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "It’s this one, from "First live stream: general talk"”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "It makes more sense that the mask on Tyler’s door from Greth Vlogs 5 is this mask”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "He found it when walking in the woods near the fishery”
Xenquility 9:55 AM: "He also says it seems familiar”
Erika_XP💚 10:31 AM: "By the coloration I would reckon it must be the property of none other than his old friend Kevin. The form I have learned he took on favors these colors above others. Probably for something really silly but meaningful to him =p”
Xenquility 10:33 AM: "Where did you find that out?”
Erika_XP💚 10:34 AM: "I was reading”
Erika_XP💚 10:34 AM: "god my heart is beating really fast”
Erika_XP💚 10:34 AM: "Not because I am scared lol”
Erika_XP💚 10:34 AM: "But because I was also going for a jog while I read >w>”

Xenquility 10:34 AM: "That’s some serious skill”
Xenquility 10:34 AM: "Ay Erika, you know the "Good Morning” and “Awake” live streams, right?”
Erika_XP💚 10:37 AM: “Tyler has not been around lately right <w<"”
Xenquility 10:38 AM: "Not that we know of, but right now we don’t really know what’s happening”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 AM: "I always know what is going on with my silentdork in my heart ~but I only tell certain people how~”
Xenquility 10:41 AM: "could you tell us xd”
Erika_XP💚 10:43 AM: "its always spoopy when I walk home at night”
Erika_XP💚 10:43 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 10:43 AM: "Mood”

Xenquility 10:49 AM: "Excuse me madame but that’s not the original”
Xenquility 10:49 AM: "Only truly cultured people watch the original”
Xenquility 10:49 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 10:49 AM: "Ooooooo sorry I had no idea DX”
Slinky stinks 10:49 AM: ”:0”
Slinky stinks 10:49 AM: “The legendary video”
Erika_XP💚 10:52 AM: "I already showed you guys a secret video a long time ago actually I thnk if thats what you are asking for and explained why I did not want to post it again >m>"”
Xenquility 10:53 AM: "You did?”
Erika_XP💚 10:54 AM: "I understand though, I should not act like people are going to think everyword I say is super important or anything >///>"”
Xenquility 10:54 AM: ”~Actually we do~”
Xenquility 10:54 AM: “Also, do you mean the wolfcat22 video?”
Erika_XP💚 11:03 AM: "No the one where I got into a stream he was doing and he said something to me I think maybe when I came in and said hello to him. he turned off the chat though <w<"”
Xenquility 11:03 AM: "Like the stream from start life?”
Erika_XP💚 11:05 AM: "I have a little theory about that video because that was not a stream it was a premier :p”
Xenquility 11:05 AM: "Sorry that’s what I meant lmao”
pakospooky 11:06 AM: ”:hando:”
Erika_XP💚 11:06 AM: “I think the screaming monster wanted to kill tyler very bad but could not do it because he missed 11/11”
Erika_XP💚 11:06 AM: "AAA scary DX”

Xenquility 11:06 AM: "screaming monster?”
pakospooky 11:06 AM: "lostinforest”
Erika_XP💚 11:07 AM: "I am thankfully not in any forest I am just walking on my very long street to home”
Erika_XP💚 11:07 AM: "that would be really really scary I hate being alone in woodsy places with lots of weird animals”

pakospooky 11:08 AM: "what monster?”
Erika_XP💚 11:09 AM: "The one that sounded really mad after the intro where I guess he was trying to act like he was having a fun time but he is clearly just, well, just mean or something I dont know xp”
Xenquility 11:10 AM: “What video?”
Erika_XP💚 11:10 AM: "the one that just came out on the night of 11/11 silly”
pakospooky 11:10 AM: "in the”
pakospooky 11:10 AM: "title of runes”
pakospooky 11:10 AM: "in halloween”
pakospooky 11:10 AM: "i think”
Erika_XP💚 11:11 AM: "but I think it was late for him I think since I know his time zone and all”
Xenquility 11:11 AM: "I don’t recall a screaming monster in Start Life”
pakospooky 11:11 AM: "”
pakospooky 11:11 AM: "that”
Erika_XP💚 11:11 AM: "lol no xD”
pakospooky 11:12 AM: "somebody screams”
pakospooky 11:12 AM: "no?”
Erika_XP💚 11:12 AM: "that is like a howling thingy”
Erika_XP💚 11:12 AM: "but it does not sound mad to me”

Xenquility 11:12 AM: "Hey Erika, so the video on 11/11 seems to take place on 4/23/2019 right?”
Erika_XP💚 11:13 AM: "Is that what you have discovered?”
Xenquility 11:13 AM: "I think so”
Xenquility 11:13 AM: "Right before the Tyler and Greth clip plays 4/23/2019 flashes on screen in runes”
pakospooky 11:13 AM: " 0:43 someone screams”
Xenquility 11:13 AM: "That’s also supposed to be the day he crossed the parallelos bridge if I recall correctly”
Xenquility 11:13 AM: "Hey, something I just noticed”
Xenquility 11:13 AM: "Greth is holding a sword in Start Life”
pakospooky 11:15 AM: "yeah”
pakospooky 11:15 AM: "and the video of esmerald heart too”
Xenquility 11:16 AM: "Another thing I’ve noticed (Though I doubt this means anything) is that the parallelos symbol flashes on screen when Tyler first touches the sign in Start Life”
Xenquility 11:16 AM: "The only other time this happens is in "Unusual”, the first time he uses the sign”
pakospooky 11:17 AM: “yeah”
pakospooky 11:17 AM: "but the parallelos symbol appear also in the video of g2”
Xenquility 11:18 AM: "In "Start Life”, he talks about it being a while since the guy broke into his house”
Xenquility 11:18 AM: “We haven’t known who that is, but I’m guessing it’s referring to SKM breaking into his house in the "First live stream: general talk” video”
Xenquility 11:18 AM: “So we know for sure that Start Life takes place after that”
pakospooky 11:19 AM: "yes”
Xenquility 11:21 AM: "Yo”
Xenquility 11:21 AM: "One of the IIIIIIs were always talking about "Wanting to end it” and “Bringing it back to null"”
Xenquility 11:21 AM: "Maybe that’s the one that took over and tried to convince us everything was ending”
Xenquility 11:31 AM: "Holy damn”
Xenquility 11:31 AM: "Tags on "Regiminis” have changed”
Xenquility 11:31 AM: “Old: "Your old friend,malagasy,” “
Xenquility 11:31 AM: “New: "Your old friend, malagasy,, to latin, to english, meaning of regiminis"”
Erika_XP💚 11:33 AM: "That is so poetic but Im spooped if this boi is on the move”
Xenquility 11:34 AM: "kevi from malagasy to latin to english translates to "govenors"”
Xenquility 11:34 AM: "Or "governing"”
Erika_XP💚 11:35 AM: "and the latin name also means the same thing I think”
Xenquility 11:36 AM: "and Regiminis translates to "governance"”
Erika_XP💚 11:37 AM: "sorry I got a little excited there XD”
Xenquility 11:37 AM: "I got the message but”
Xenquility 11:37 AM: "How did you get to that conclusion?”
Erika_XP💚 11:38 AM: "I love linguistics and poetry, but I am terrible at it in any written exam XD”
Erika_XP💚 11:38 AM: "to say that kevi is "Govenors” but Regiminis is “Governance” is as if to say he was governing his life but then once he became this he became the “governance” itself instead of being a “govenor"”

pakospooky 11:40 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 11:40 AM: "but thats just a silly idea that came to my head really fast when I read that”
Xenquility 11:40 AM: "Actually that makes sense”
Erika_XP💚 11:41 AM: "if we assume kevi is just "kevin” I guess x3”
pakospooky 11:42 AM: “gobernance”
Xenquility 11:43 AM: "It could be safe to assume that means Nocta is currently a governor then”
otherLiam 11:44 AM: "Hey, Erika. You said you’re an “expert on Silentdork”. Have you been keeping track of all the related channels, as well?”
pakospooky 11:45 AM: "father: in english”
Xenquility 11:45 AM: "yeah we’ve known that for a good 4 years”
pakospooky 11:46 AM: "yeah”
pakospooky 11:46 AM: "but regiminis and patrem come from latin”
Erika_XP💚 11:46 AM: "that made me laugh so loud I think I woke some people on the side of the road up XD”
Erika_XP💚 11:46 AM: "I am silly right now xp”

otherLiam 11:48 AM: "“On the side of the road”?”
otherLiam 11:48 AM: "Where are you that you’re waking up people sleeping on the side of the road?”
Erika_XP💚 11:48 AM: "walking home”
otherLiam 11:49 AM: "ahh”
Erika_XP💚 11:50 AM: "My secret <///<”
Xenquility 11:50 AM: "Thanks for the secret :)”
otherLiam 11:50 AM: "shhhh”
Xenquility 11:52 AM: “that sounds creepy”
Erika_XP💚 11:52 AM: ”~ :heart:”
Erika_XP💚 11:52 AM: “My heart beats so fast”
Erika_XP💚 11:52 AM: "when I try to jog and talk at the same time lol”

Xenquility 11:53 AM: "YO”
Xenquility 11:53 AM: "New theory”
Xenquility 11:53 AM: "In "Awake”, Tyler mentions having a dream that Greth was coming that day”
Xenquility 11:53 AM: “At the end of Awake, Tyler starts reciting the LevANnhUA cipher, saying that "He has to cross a bridge and go through a gate” or something”
Xenquility 11:53 AM: “Then the video ends”
Erika_XP💚 11:55 AM: "Sorry I get embarrased when I let myself get too excited like that”
Erika_XP💚 11:55 AM: "I wanna act mature ^^”

Xenquility 11:55 AM: "If Tyler was "Brainwashed” or put in a transe like state at the end of Awake, that could explain him forgetting the sign wasn’t working”
Xenquility 11:55 AM: “His dream about Greth coming over could’ve been Greth from Start Life”
Erika_XP💚 11:56 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 11:56 AM: "he is such a emo boi with this hat tho”

Xenquility 12:00 AM: "Please do say”
Xenquility 12:00 AM: "Any theory is a good theory right now”
Xenquility 12:00 AM: "It could literally be the most out there thing and it’d be okay”
Xenquility 1:25 PM: "oh hey”
Xenquility 1:25 PM: "big man is typing”
Deadhead 1:25 PM: ”@IIIII you cant just abandon us like this bro”
Deadhead 1:25 PM: “”
Erika_XP💚Today at 1:48 PM: "This image feels nice somehow O//w//O”
Xenquility 1:48 PM: "your kinky thoughts will never escape :>”
Erika_XP💚 1:48 PM: "Like he looks really cool and manly here is all I mean to say you weirdo”
ARGdov 1:49 PM: "Lol”
ARGdov 1:49 PM: "Hello Yuki”
ARGdov 1:49 PM: "Long time no speak. Hope shits been ok”
Erika_XP💚 1:49 PM: "who is yuki?”
ARGdov 1:49 PM: "facepalms”
ARGdov 1:49 PM: "Sorry, I meant you, Erika”
Xenquility 1:50 PM: "gj dov”
Slinky stinks 1:50 PM: "Lmao”
Erika_XP💚 1:50 PM: "Did I make myself look weeby somehow?”
ARGdov 1:50 PM: "Yuki was…someone weve come across. But shes seemingly gone now, sort of”
Erika_XP💚 1:50 PM: "is it my pfp?”
ARGdov 1:50 PM: "No Im just a dumbass”
Erika_XP💚 1:51 PM: "I was getting ready to change it soon anyways”
ARGdov 1:51 PM: "Either way- hope you’re doing well”
ARGdov 1:51 PM: "Lol ok”
Slinky stinks 1:53 PM: "Isn’t your pfp a Pokemon gym leader erika?”
ARGdov 1:56 PM: "Oh incidentally, @Xenquility did you finish writing your doc?”
Xenquility 1:57 PM: "PRetty close”
Xenquility 1:57 PM: "Scroll up for some juicy theories and shit I found”
Xenquility 1:57 PM: "One major thing is that the mask we keep seeing probably isn’t Matt's”
Xenquility 1:57 PM: "It’s probably the red mask Tyler talks about in First live stream: general talk”
Xenquility 1:57 PM: "Also, came up with a theory about the discrepancies between Goodmorning, Awake, and Start Life’s events”
ARGdov 1:58 PM: “Oooh”
Xenquility 1:58 PM: "Good morning and Awake take place right after each other”
Xenquility 1:58 PM: "in Awake, Tyler mentions having a dream about Greth coming over”
Xenquility 1:58 PM: "At the end of Awake, Tyler enters a trance like state and recites the cipher from Levannhua (Some shit about everything being okay once he crosses the bridge and passes the gate)”
Xenquility 1:58 PM: "The dream about Greth coming over was most likely Greth from the events of Start Life”
Erika_XP💚 2:01 PM: "I wish Tyler would talk about his dreams more xp”
Xenquility 2:02 PM: "In Good Morning, Tyler mentions that he doesn’t believe the sign works. This contradicts his video in Start Life, where he believes it’s working. I’m assuming the trance like state he was in was someone like Patrem fucking with his memory”
ARGdov 2:02 PM: "Oh nice? I need to rewatch.”
Xenquility 2:02 PM: "One oddity though, in Experiments, it’s revealed the sign doesn’t work unless it’s standing up”
Xenquility 2:02 PM: "However, each use in Start Life is with it laying down”
ARGdov 2:02 PM: ”…huh”
ARGdov 2:02 PM: “Could be hes figured out how to use it?”
ARGdov 2:02 PM: "The signs crazy inconsistent it seems”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: "Actually, it appears the opposite”
ARGdov 2:03 PM: "So it may have just acted up”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: ”(I just noticed this)”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: “But Tyler goes to pick it up in Start Life'”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: "That’s when he teleports and falls on the ground, where Greth runs at him”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: "He didn’t seem to expect it to teleport him”
Xenquility 2:03 PM: "in the end though I think we can all agree this is all Dense’s fault for playing goron lullaby”
ARGdov 2:04 PM: "Lol”
ARGdov 2:04 PM: "Ok so wait”
Xenquility 2:04 PM: "Erika mentioned the mask somehow relating to Kevin due to its colouration”
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "We assumed Tyler crossed over after he went into a trance, because he talked about crossing the bridge”
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "And there was that weird voice call where someone spoke to us from tylers account, who said he had a “ceremony to get to””
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "We assumed that may have somehow been tyler”
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "Or another version of him or something”
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "Although- wait”
ARGdov 2:05 PM: "If tyler suddenly teleports soon after that he could still have ended up in that paralellos so it does fit”
Erika_XP💚 2:07 PM: "My old pfp before I had to tweak it a bit to fit more to who I really am at heart”
Erika_XP💚 2:07 PM: ((Erika's old avatar is posted))

Xenquility 2:07 PM: "I mean the voice call was a good 4 months or so after he "Crossed the bridge"”
Erika_XP💚 2:07 PM: "here is the one from now which I like a bit more ~<3“
Erika_XP💚 2:07 PM: ((The image “Erika_more_complette.jpg” is posted))


  • Erika and the players discuss various going-on's in the ARG. She believes that the "R" mask found by Tyler belongs to Kevin. She also changes her avatar.

11/30/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

Xenquility 12:01 PM: “If you’re uncomfortable saying your theory in the discord, think you could say them here?”
Erika_XP💚 12:01 PM: ((Erika sends and deletes a message about having a dream where Tyler is chasing her while having discolored eyes))
Xenquility 12:01 PM: "A dream about Tyler chasing you?”
Xenquility 12:01 PM: "I missed the part about his eyes”
Xenquility 12:01 PM: "Trust me, don’t disregard your dreams”
Erika_XP💚 12:01 PM: ((Erika sends and deletes multiple unknown messages))
Erika_XP💚 12:50 PM: "I will show you one secret thing but you have to make a promise”

Xenquility 12:51 PM: "A promise?”
Erika_XP💚 12:52 PM: "do you remember what I need to have in order to speak better?”
Xenquility 12:53 PM: "I’m not entirely sure”
Xenquility 12:53 PM: "Could you remind me?”
Xenquility 12:52 PM: "Is it something I can find on the discord or has it been deleted?”
Erika_XP💚 12:57 PM: "It was”
Xenquility 12:58 PM: ”“It was” as in it’s no longer there?”
Xenquility 12:58 PM: “I’m not exactly sure what you mean”
Erika_XP💚 1:00 PM: ””
Erika_XP💚 1:00 PM: ((A link to the song "Helena" by My Chemical Romance is sent. The lyrics at the time linked are "Long ago"))
Erika_XP💚 1:00 PM: “emo boi gerard took my words away with his first line >///>
Erika_XP💚 1:01 PM: "I have always avoided saying anything un important when I can”
Erika_XP💚 1:01 PM: "its a good habbit”
Erika_XP💚 1:01 PM: "My mum taught me its the best way not to go looney XD”

Xenquility 1:03 PM: "I can see where she’s coming from but this conversation seemed pretty important”
Xenquility 1:03 PM: "You never told me the promise”
Erika_XP💚 1:04 PM: "I already told you everything you need to know ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 1:04 PM: “IIIhelpIII”

Xenquility 1:05 PM: "Shit”
Xenquility 1:05 PM: "Don’t fucking die”
Xenquility 1:05 PM: "Do you need the song?”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 PM: ”“Why cant we just be friends” its not that easy but its half of the fun WHEN YOU THROW THE FIRST PUNCH X3”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 PM: “I have plenty of good music I am listening to right now actually ^^”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 PM: "“
Erika_XP💚 1:08 PM: ((The image "Screenshot_144.png" is sent))
Xenquility 1:10 PM: ””
Xenquility 1:10 PM: “You good?”
Erika_XP💚 1:11 PM: "SHHHHHHHH”

((IIIII begins counting from "I" to "IIIII" in the Internet Detectives Discord server))
((The player Xenquility deletes the screenshot posted above))
((IIIII stops counting))
Erika_XP💚 1:24 PM: "I dont think he liked my snog but I dont think he knew what I meant either thankfully ^^”
Xenquility 1:26 PM: "Oh also I’ve got a question”
Xenquility 1:26 PM: "Have you editted your tribute video at all?”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 PM: "OWO I have been working REALLY hard on a new one”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 PM: "I have been listening to a lot of new music lately that feels like it talks so much about Tyler and his friends and his life”

Xenquility 1:33 PM: "Do you know anything about that white figure we kept seeing?”
Erika_XP💚 1:39 PM: "I remember you asking me something else but then i had a spook moment and i had to run a lil”
Erika_XP💚 1:39 PM: "”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 PM: "ok this is the most clear I think I can be with you here you. I have to be careful not to show the wrong colours.”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 PM: ””
Erika_XP💚 1:58 PM: “When was the time? Why not search it?”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 PM: "111”
Erika_XP💚 3:33 PM: "”
Erika_XP💚 3:33 PM: "remember what we talked about before?”
Erika_XP💚 3:33 PM: "Sorry I was spacing out I am still pretty far away from home and I thnk its probably because I got myself turned around for a sec while jogging, ooops ^^;”

Xenquility 3:36 PM: "I don’t recall the exact context of that question actually”
Erika_XP💚Last Saturday at 3:37 PM: "thats ok I have to disapear for a bit, I think you will figure it out”
Xenquility 3:37 PM: "Wait”
Xenquility 3:37 PM: "Don’t leave for a minute”
Xenquility 3:37 PM: "We have something”
Xenquility 3:37 PM: "For you specifically”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 PM: "hm?”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 PM: "Oh boy a present of some kind? >w>”

Xenquility 3:38 PM: "Indeed
Xenquility 3:38 PM: ((The player Xenquility submits the "New Wave Bossa Nova")) target=_blank
Xenquility 3:38 PM: "Enjoy
Xenquility 3:38 PM: "Hello?
Erika_XP💚 3:43 PM: "I will now say rather plainly, would you kindly find for me a place I can disclose things without the prying eyes of one whom is possesed.”


11/30/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Safest Haven)

pakospooky 3:47 PM: “uh”
Xenquility 3:47 PM: "Welcome”
pakospooky 3:47 PM: "hey”
Erika_XP💚 3:47 PM: "I have been waiting forever for this”
Erika_XP💚 3:47 PM: "I am at last an actualized player of johnisdead”

Xenquility 3:48 PM: "uh”
Genius 3:48 PM: "how did you get in here”
Xenquility 3:49 PM: ”(I invited her)”
pakospooky 3:49 PM: “xen invited”
Genius 3:49 PM: ”(oh)”
Genius 3:49 PM: “(nvm)”
Genius 3:49 PM: ”:sweat_smile:”
Erika_XP💚 3:49 PM: “I invited myself you just took too long to give me the invitation thank you ^^”
pakospooky 3:49 PM: ”:tyler7:”
Erika_XP💚 3:50 PM: “Because you have given me this I can now safely give you something in return without it creating too much of an issue”
Genius 3:50 PM: ”:dad:”
pakospooky 3:50 PM: “:dad4:”
Erika_XP💚 3:52 PM: "” target=_blank
pakospooky 3:52 PM: "oh shitt”
Xenquility 3:52 PM: "woah”
pakospooky 3:52 PM: "how you did get thattt”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "A friend nabbed it in mid production for me xp”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "heheheh now I am playing around with big buttons saying this kind of stuff”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "this is fun”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "GOD this is so liberating”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "OK ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT apparently that one sens big waves still”

Xenquility 3:56 PM: "Why?”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "well”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "actually”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "cool”
pakospooky 3:57 PM: "thank you for the video”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "Anyways welcome!”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”

Xenquility 3:57 PM: "We have cookies!”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "ok”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "I was losing my mind there ^^;”

Xenquility 3:57 PM: "No worries”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "We all do sometimes”
pakospooky 3:57 PM: ”:cookie:”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: “SHHH”
"About to fuck up” boy 3:58 PM: “HOW”
Xenquility 3:58 PM: "anyways”
Xenquility 3:58 PM: "No commenting on the video, I presume?”
pakospooky 4:00 PM: "you can see all the hidden videos of quiet family?”
Erika_XP💚 4:00 PM: "Would probably be the safest route for now, I was not expecting to make it so far today =]”
Erika_XP💚 4:00 PM: "Was losing hope a few hours in really to be fair”

"About to fuck up” boy 4:01 PM: “Ay welcome”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:01 PM: “Didn’t see you here”
Erika_XP💚 4:02 PM: "But my word what a pay off, the powers that be told me you were all just playing pretend in there and that was not where the real game was happening”
Erika_XP💚 4:02 PM: "I am also good at playing pretend ^^”

Eevee Reborn 4:03 PM: "Like green do ya?”
Xenquility 4:04 PM: "My brain is honestly fucked at this point”
Erika_XP💚 4:04 PM: "Its my favorite colour ~ :heart:”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:04 PM: “Xen I feel you bro”
ADULT_LINK 4:04 PM: "greens a good color”
pakospooky 4:04 PM: "hahah”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:04 PM: “Green is neat”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:04 PM: “But orange is the best one”
Xenquility 4:04 PM: "fuck yes slinky”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:04 PM: “:jack_o_lantern:”
pakospooky 4:04 PM: "because green is what you smoke”
ADULT_LINK 4:04 PM: ”:orange_justice2:”
“About to fuck up” boy 4:05 PM: “720”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 PM: ”:720:”
“About to fuck up” boy 4:05 PM: “:)”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 PM: ”:BowMan:”
Erika_XP💚 4:05 PM: “I have none of the devils lettuce myself personally but I am certain tyler does”
Xenquility 4:05 PM: "By the way thank eevee for all of this she’s the only one who has a brain”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:05 PM: “Oh shit I just remembered a Spanish meme”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:06 PM: “That one”
Eevee Reborn 4:06 PM: "Im gonna puke. It will be green. It will be good.”
ADULT_LINK 4:06 PM: "my freind gave me a new pipe yesteday”
ADULT_LINK 4:06 PM: "its nice”
pakospooky 4:06 PM: "”
pakospooky 4:06 PM: ”@ADULT_LINK”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: “I love when music does magic stuff like this”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: “”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: you just called up this song earlier”

"About to fuck up” boy 4:07 PM: “Ay erika”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:07 PM: “Which type of music u like”
pakospooky 4:07 PM: "wtf is that”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 PM: "you called it when you were looking for who’s that knowcking silly ^^”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 PM: "and doug is busy knocking right now on a big green door”

pakospooky 4:09 PM: "ahç”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "thats true”
Erika_XP💚 4:09 PM: "where at? Hopefully somewhere that does not get opened ^^”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "the fucking notsobot”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "always trolling me”
Xenquility 4:09 PM: "If he’s knocking at a big green door it could be the gate”
Erika_XP💚 4:09 PM: "They do that sometimes when spirits work their way in”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:09 PM: “On the big green Parallelos”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:09 PM: “On jah I need a parallelos concept map”
pakospooky 4:10 PM: "wow”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:10 PM: “”
pakospooky 4:11 PM: "”
Eevee Reborn 4:12 PM: "Three fingers”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:12 PM: “Whaddup with that”
Erika_XP💚 4:12 PM: “Now that I am in here I can say something I have never been able to say before. But I just realized”
Erika_XP💚 4:12 PM: "you would all probably be happy to hear this now”

"About to fuck up” boy 4:13 PM: “Huh? What’s that?”
pakospooky 4:13 PM: "yeah three fingers because the img dont catch full the img”
Erika_XP💚 4:14 PM: "I have a gift that lets me get as close to Tyler as I do that I have had to work very hard to foster and enjoy”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:14 PM: “Like uh”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:14 PM: “A necklace or something that reminds you of him?”
pakospooky 4:14 PM: ”:Tyler5:”
Xenquility 4:14 PM: “subtle”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:14 PM: “Or uh a letter?”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "No silly I am psychic =p”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "woah”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "alright what is he thinking right now”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:15 PM: “:someoneisknockingatmydoor:”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "thats parlor trickery and magic refuses to play under such conditions”
pakospooky 4:15 PM: ”:Tyler4:”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: “D:”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "magic will not run as a rat through a maze”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:16 PM: “Awoo”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "what about a hippo through a jungle?”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 PM: "ok you made me giggle XD”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:16 PM: “Ay Erika do you like punk? Or are you more onto green day and MCR”
Erika_XP💚 4:17 PM: "ok just kidding I love mcr”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:17 PM: “Oh lol”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:17 PM: “I like a few Green Day songs but MCR is not my thing”
Erika_XP💚 4:17 PM: "mcr is amazing and gerard way is cute”
Xenquility 4:17 PM: "woah”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:17 PM: “Sicko mode”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:17 PM: “Damn”
Xenquility 4:18 PM: "it’s okay”
pakospooky 4:18 PM: ”:sexymansleeping:”
“About to fuck up” boy 4:18 PM: “:GWeulixWar:”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:18 PM: “:GWgoaMonikaSmug:”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:18 PM: “:GWgoaThinken:”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:18 PM: “TOO MANY ANIME GURLS”
Eevee Reborn 4:19 PM: "Ok, now we have to summon a Belmont”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "I love gerard way so much he helped me figure out I am psychic actually ^^”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "seee ~<3”

"About to fuck up” boy 4:20 PM: “Gerard way?”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:20 PM: “Sorry but uh who is Gerard way?”
Xenquility 4:20 PM: "co founder of mcr iirc”
Xenquility 4:20 PM: "Vocals too I think”
Erika_XP💚 4:20 PM: "let me go get you one of my favorite pictures of Tyler ^^”
Erika_XP💚 4:20 PM: ((The image "a567b4a58c0fea8e38a572bd5b74fab4.jpg" is sent))
Xenquility 4:21 PM: ”:Tyler2:”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: “hee hee ooops ^^”
Xenquility 4:21 PM: "”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:21 PM: “W h o w a a t h a t”
"About to fuck up” boy 4:21 PM: “Oh”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: "oh now I might have done it”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: "Ill be back later”

"About to fuck up” boy 4:22 PM: “K bai”
Xenquility 4:22 PM: "Seeya”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "holy”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "what”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "she’s psychic.”


12/1/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Safest Haven)

((A player asks what the meaning of life is.))
Erika_XP💚 11:21 PM: “That question is so boring "whatever you want” is also very cliche for an answer”
Erika_XP💚 11:21 PM: “But it can be fun if you think about it long enough ~ :heart:”

otherLiam 11:23 PM: "Do you have a better answer?”
Erika_XP💚 11:24 PM: "lol no unless you want me to just say tyler or something”
Erika_XP💚 11:24 PM: "would this be funny?”
Erika_XP💚 11:24 PM: "I always wanted to be a comedian but I found myself more suited for a different role”
Erika_XP💚 11:24 PM: "Im on my way to work right now by the way”
Erika_XP💚 11:24 PM: "Was trying to jog but I got tired and decided to stop and read for a bit.”

Wolfcat 11:26 PM: "how do we install Erika_Vista”
Erika_XP💚 11:26 PM: "well not stop walking of course that would be silly then I would be late ^^”


  • Erika casually chats with the players while taking a walk.

12/2/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Safest Haven)

Erika_XP💚 1:32 AM: “I want to test my powers just a bit because if I have not made it clear enough I also have a bit of hidden power. I just had to be careful showing it in my previous position.”
Erika_XP💚 1:32 AM: "Would anyone like me to read a fortune?”
Erika_XP💚 1:32 AM: "sorry if I do badly I dont often get the chance to try ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 1:32 AM: "For anyone but myself anyways, but thats how reading works anyways so thats ok too I guess xp”

otherLiam 1:33 AM: "Sure, I’m down.”
otherLiam 1:33 AM: "How’s this work? Do I need to do anything?”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "No no not at all just pick a person you might be caring about and Ill see what I can do”
otherLiam 1:37 AM: "Alright. Well, the obvious first pick would be our mutual friend, Tyler.”
pakospooky 1:37 AM: "hahahha”
pakospooky 1:37 AM: "erika.exe”
Erika_XP💚 1:38 AM: "Im not in the mood for talking about him outloud right now, wakes sleeping giants really ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 1:38 AM: "Besides my connection with tyler is very personal >///>”

otherLiam 1:38 AM: "Okay, then, someone else.”
otherLiam 1:38 AM: "You’re in the main discord too, right? Any chance you could read “BUP”’s fortune?”
pakospooky 1:39 AM: "what is the connection?”
Erika_XP💚 1:39 AM: "OOOOOOOOooooooooooooo what a strange figure XD”
otherLiam 1:39 AM: "Yeah he’s a weird one alright.”
Erika_XP💚 1:40 AM: "this one might be tricky also but I’ll give it a quick try, he seems to be really far off to the edge of the sphere however, almost in his whole own bubble really ^^”
ARGdov 1:41 AM: "It may be hard”
Erika_XP💚 1:41 AM: "I’ll focus, brb”
ARGdov 1:41 AM: "He may not be human after all”
otherLiam 1:42 AM: "Good luck, be safe.”
pakospooky 1:42 AM: "Erika knows that he put the Detour poster?”
otherLiam 1:43 AM: ”?”
otherLiam 1:51 AM: “hope nobody minds my pick btw, it was a tossup between bup and skm”
pakospooky 1:53 AM: "Who set the detour signal?”
Erika_XP💚 2:09 AM: "Awwww I miss him =”[ “
Erika_XP💚 2:09 AM: “if its the fellow in the gas mask you are refering to”
Erika_XP💚 2:09 AM: "also I was going to say I journeyed far on bup just now and cuold not see the forest through the trees on this one sadly”
Erika_XP💚 2:09 AM: "I know he is of "something very foreign yet very close to home” as one just said”

otherLiam 2:11 AM: “Well, it was worth a shot. Thanks for trying.”
otherLiam 2:11 AM: "Wanna give it another go on someone else?”
Erika_XP💚 2:12 AM: "I still have some power left ask away mate ^^”
otherLiam 2:13 AM: "I’m still interested in hearing about SKM - we were supposed to hear from him recently and still haven’t.”
otherLiam 2:13 AM: "I’m a bit worried.”
Erika_XP💚 2:14 AM: ”“He makes large promises he can’t cash in on"”
Erika_XP💚 2:14 AM: "Im hearing a lot”
Erika_XP💚 2:14 AM: "one moment”

otherLiam 2:14 AM: "Well, that’s not wrong.”
otherLiam 2:14 AM: "Useful to know he bails on promises with others too, though.”
Erika_XP💚 2:16 AM: "I’ll NOT have him bad mouthed he is a good man and that much I can feel”
Erika_XP💚 2:16 AM: "One moment please ^^”

otherLiam 2:17 AM: "Whoa, sorry, guess that came out wrong. I know he’s a decent dude. Just wants to do more than he can, I think.”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: "He has been trying to find some way to communicate for some time now I can see. But his appearances in this world become more and more phantom like. I hope he is not fading, I beg of yee oh god that his spirit might carry on!”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: "Nay say thee of the sphere, walkers of the lines, for imprints fade but with strange eons a soul may find aid, run now oh rosecrucian rose like the rain of the pettles of the ogdoad. Beauty fleeting unto sun lit night, awaken under luellas light. The masked lad shall find fearfully the glad.”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: ”“He has been withheld by the null thralls once more."”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: ”“Timelessly the promise is remembered as failed and redeemed."”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: ”“Forever awaiting the return."”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: ”“Passing brothers like a torch"”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: "I had to stop too many voices at once ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 2:36 AM: "Now my head hurts D"X”

Xenquility 7:00 AM: "Hey Erika, would you happen to have any clue of what the masked figure in "guidance.mp4” is doing?”
Erika_XP💚 7:34 AM: “I don’t like that thing and I am sorry I had to be reminded x.x”
Erika_XP💚 7:34 AM: "Walking home from work now btw, was an easy shift I guess ^^”

Xenquility 7:36 AM: "Oh, sorry for reminding you. Didn’t realise it was that bad. Is it safe to assume that thing is not SKM?”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "It collects trinkets”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "Look at how much it carries really and just marvel for a moment”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "Disgusting materialistic behavior, not fit for me or you I reckon rightly xp”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "I wonder if he stole that mask at some point or gave it away first?”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "Sorry I am confusing myself now ^^”
Erika_XP💚 7:36 AM: "I think I could stand one more question, even though I never liked 4. This would be your 4th question if you asked now right? I’m awful at math with normal numbers <w<;”

Xenquility 7:43 AM: "Hmm”
Xenquility 7:43 AM: "One minute”
Xenquility 7:43 AM: "What can you tell us about the white entity?”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: ”“The child"”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: ”“The young"”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: ”“The still boy"”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "I have heard many whispering voices name it. It is an emination. A reflection. A energy sink. Also rather painful to think about ^^”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "I have seen him in private without influence and he is rather sweet when un touched. It is disgusting to make him anything other than as he is, only filthy souls desire otherwise.”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "Such are the words the whispering noise brings”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "Wow that was very scary actually but now I feel excited and like I want to run very fast XD”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "Now I feel a lot of energy because its not all negative energy their either with that one, he is good at heart :green_heart: “
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "I think I can answer one more and round it off to 5 actually”
Erika_XP💚 7:51 AM: "Much better number for a well rounded time I really think~”

Xenquility 7:56 AM: "Hmm”
Xenquility 7:56 AM: ”(This is sort of a preliminary as to what we can ask so if this is going to act as the 5th question dont answer it) Are there any topIcs that you are forbIdden from answerIng? I just don’t want to rIsk anythIng bad happening from questionIng lol”
Erika_XP💚 8:04 AM: “I just cant be as forward as I would like to yet ^^”
Erika_XP💚 8:04 AM: "Ask questions, get answers. This feels like such an old and tired concept. But a short conversation is sometimes all I need to light my trail up (and my phone camera light because this street is always so dark for me) >m>;”
Erika_XP💚 8:04 AM: "And I love proving to people I am serious business =d”
Erika_XP💚 8:04 AM: "I dont just know a lot about Tyler, I know a LOT about his life and whats going on around him and I am always working on finding out more ^^”

Xenquility 8:09 AM: "Well, if all hell breaks loose from asking this I’m sorry, but it’s one of the most important things we need to know right now. What can you tell us about the IIIIIIs?”
Erika_XP💚 8:09 AM: “OOOOOOOOOOOOOO you have asked such a WONDERFUL QUESTION”

Xenquility 8:09 AM: "Okay cool”
Xenquility 8:09 AM: "No one died from asking that”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "UGLY YET BEAUTIFUL I RECKON :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "God its so hard to explain it”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "Dissolution but reformation”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "Such a dynamic symbol really, very powerful (I know a lot about symbols actually) honestly this is not even making me have to use any power so I would hardly count this as a question”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "the lines”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "The many lines and the 5 that define”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "I guess you could say it is something like one of these but on a smaller and less reality warping level when applied”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: ((An image of the alchemic “Kabbalah” is posted))
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "I spoiler this because this is actually really high magic I am not a fan of that can give you really spooky (read not good) results if played with in a silly way <.<;”
Erika_XP💚 8:21 AM: "but so too are the lines”

Xenquility 8:24 AM: "Who are the 5 that define the lines?”
Erika_XP💚 8:26 AM: "No one people define the lines and that is part of what makes them so dangerous. When layed upon one it gives you access to 5 layers of being. However this is a really dumbed down explanation on the many angles that define this really powerful symbol.”
Erika_XP💚 8:26 AM: "It is a key to understanding the absolute when correctly applied”
Erika_XP💚 8:26 AM: "But it cannot be looked at with a flat mind”
Erika_XP💚 8:26 AM: "I am not a super expert so I dont play with it too much ^^”
Erika_XP💚 8:26 AM: "But I do actually use it when I am doing my psychic readings along with a few other little tricks (but those are my secrets I wont tell~)”

Xenquility 8:29 AM: "Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying that when we interact with one we have access to all 5 layers?”
Erika_XP💚 8:31 AM: "Well following the little bit of magic theory I have learned both in my reading (and a certain kind of class I sometimes go attend) You are any time you interact with anything at all so long as you are aware that you yourself are not not living ( I am paraphrasing a lot here xp)”
Erika_XP💚 8:31 AM: "I am guessing though you are actually asking about @IIIII”

Xenquility 8:33 AM: "Correct”
Xenquility 8:33 AM: "You speak of five beings, does that make reference to the fifth element?”
Erika_XP💚 8:33 AM: "I just felt something wierd in my head one moment ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 8:33 AM: "That was an unpleasant feeling, I might have went too hard on myself earlier with all of the null gazing DX”
Erika_XP💚 8:33 AM: "I wish I could lay down for a nap my eyes feel very tired now, but I have to keep walking I dont want to stay out here in the dark either =”[“

Xenquility 8:36 AM: “Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend falling asleep outside”
Erika_XP💚 8:36 AM: "I want to tell you something really crazy right now >w>”
Erika_XP💚 8:36 AM: "But I dont know how ok this would be”
Erika_XP💚 8:36 AM: "The five I's”
Erika_XP💚 8:36 AM: "the five eyes”
Erika_XP💚 8:36 AM: "As far as I can see the 5th is not just a who but a what”

Xenquility 8:38 AM: "That’s uh”
Xenquility 8:38 AM: "Ominous”
Erika_XP💚 8:40 AM: "I dont wanna look too close but thats also because it would be really redundant for me to do that and thats silly”
Erika_XP💚 8:40 AM: ”“If you look in the mirror and dont like what you see, you’ll find out first hand what its like to be me.” I once heard a voice whisper about the song of the 5th”
Erika_XP💚 8:40 AM: “the 5 who feel they are dying”
Erika_XP💚 8:40 AM: "Sorry my head is getting all funny and it makes me want to talk like a esoteric goof ball X)”

Xenquility 8:42 AM: "That was the song playing in "The end"”
Xenquility 8:42 AM: "Also, esoterics are cool.”
Xenquility 8:42 AM: "Forgive me for being a luddite when it comes to esoterics, but could the five at all be referencing the concept of the aether?”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "Well first I guess you have to ask what Aether is by your reckoning”
Xenquility 8:45 AM: "I guess the space in which gods lived”
Xenquility 8:45 AM: "Though (According to my probably-not-so-accurate sources) it’s also represented by the quintessence”
Xenquility 8:45 AM: "Truthfully I hardly know about any of this so forgive me if I sound stupid”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "OOO I love talking about gods and the absolute”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "I’ll say most gods are personal beings on different scales that exist spaced out on the inside and outside of time and reform and take shape in many ways for individuals who need them for key things (or when they decide they want to depending on their attitude)”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "the only thing that exists in a truly universal sense is the absolute (the only thing you will ever hear me simply call god)”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "As far as I am able to directly see yes gods live here around and within the lines.”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "Different people use different names a lot also for things so that can makes stuff confusing to, its easiest when you gain the power of eyes for the symbols as I have (for better and worse) then you can see the elements that relate between things instead of getting confused by redundancy”
Erika_XP💚 8:46 AM: "Like, for example, I know of some people that call this place the "parallelos” I think it is?”

Xenquility 8:52 AM: “Correct”
Xenquility 8:52 AM: "Well, they use that term to denote alternate worlds I think”
Xenquility 8:52 AM: "I could be wrong”
Erika_XP💚 8:53 AM: "this would be a helpful word to apply however its a limited word that only functions in the context of one system. It can apply but it will not describe fully what it touches upon. Cool looking old wizard men have tried to write their words straight for hundreds of years but their pens just dance and dance to find a nice spot to stop and shake hands.”
Erika_XP💚 8:53 AM: "Its so beautiful really =”]”
Erika_XP💚 8:53 AM: “I could just swoon thinking about the evolution of language and magic and how linguistics is truly an art of spellcasting in and of itself ~<3”
Erika_XP💚 8:53 AM: "but I think I am getting side tracked XD”

Xenquility 8:55 AM: "Would it actually help our understanding to be studying these things?”
Erika_XP💚 8:55 AM: "lol yes and no”
Erika_XP💚 8:55 AM: "This world is very complicated, sometimes such things can give you minor insights to very odd sub realities. If you have the right kind of mindset you can even use such views to get an edge on things that may or may not be happening.”

Xenquility 8:57 AM: “:(“
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "srry if that sounded mean <.<;”
"About to fuck up” boy 8:57 AM: “Sup”
Xenquility 8:57 AM: "Well my brain is sufficiently screwed”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "Hello their mr slinky is it?”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "OH lol mine too all the time XD”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "All this magic talk has me so excited, but be careful its all also very dangerous if you dont be careful when treading such a world as magic. Remember to keep protected your own unique connection to that which you find as god in your heart and life. This is the default life line of the spirit that holds you from tottal corruptions (some completely lose this as I have been deeply painedto see with my own eyes D"x)”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "Ill end off with this though, if you want to know of some people that know too much and yet not enough. It is the individuals Tyler called the "Lunar children"”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "Bad people mixed with sad people”
Erika_XP💚 8:57 AM: "very sad D"X”

Xenquility 9:01 AM: "Speaking of which, any clue how to access their site?”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: "Andthey make mockeries of good gods”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: "their faith is farce”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: ”(but somehow still holds bits and pieces of important wisdom)”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: “As many do I have a patron who acts as my go between for absolute”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: "She is of roman origin”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: "And her linguistics path leads one too insanity XD”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: ”(or so they say)”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: “That being said may you have a good night my battery is getting low :heart:”
Erika_XP💚 9:01 AM: "You all make me happy in this dark street ^^”

Xenquility 9:05 AM: "Have a good night Erika”


  • After revealing she was a "psychic" of sorts in the previous conversation, Erika begins testing her abilities by giving the players information regarding various characters.

12/4/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Erika_XP💚: “I asked the powers that be to tell me of the character of Mr Dov Xd”
Erika_XP💚: “”

Xenquility: "oh my god”
Xenquility: "it really is”
Erika_XP💚: "His essence in nature present in all its glory XD”
Erika_XP💚: "Brb again for great lengths of time sadly though as I am walking home right now and need to just focus on that and my editing ^^”


  • Erika posts a video as a joke about the player ARGdov.

12/9/19 - Chat with The Producer and Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Wolfcat: “”
Wolfcat: “The average Johnisdead player”
The Producer: "inaccurate”
The Producer: "this is implying any brain activity takes place”

otherLiam: "i mean, consider the facts:”
otherLiam: “”
otherLiam: “so really we’re doing it right”
The Producer: "true”
The Producer: "which is why i come here to smooth my brain out every now and then”

ARGdov: "pfff”
ARGdov: “I mean”
otherLiam: "lemme get the sander”
ARGdov: "some of us are trying to figure things out”
ARGdov: "either way, hey Producer”
ARGdov: "whats up”
otherLiam: "internet smoothbrains here”
The Producer: "im aware of this”
The Producer: "which is why im here to act as your link”
The Producer: "your steak in the ground”
The Producer: "an unyeilding bastion of sense in these trying times”
The Producer: "as everything i say makes sense”
The Producer: "ill tell you this much - you are all in an very unfavorable position”
The Producer: "things are very chaotic and fluid”

ARGdov: "wait”
otherLiam: "we’ve noticed”
ARGdov: "you’re are link”
ARGdov: ”*our”
The Producer: “we’re all link”
The Producer: "aren’t wek”
The Producer: "and also we”

otherLiam: "i dont think he means like that, Dov.”
ARGdov: "as in the way Tyler was our link or no”
ARGdov: "ok I just wanna be sure”
The Producer: "non”
ARGdov: "ok”
ARGdov: “in any case”
otherLiam: "Why help us?”
ARGdov: "so, we’re in an unfavorable position”
ARGdov: "is there anything we can do to fix that?”
ARGdov: "you dont need to say what we should do”
ARGdov: "but wether we CAN do something”
ARGdov: ”(also knowing our position would be nice but I figure thats asking for the moon)”
otherLiam: “we dont want the moon”
otherLiam: "the moon is Bad”
ARGdov: "lol true”
ARGdov: "pun not intended”
ARGdov: "welp, care to enlighten us, if you can?”
The Producer: "im helping you because i pity you”
The Producer: "and by unfavorable position I mean just everything that is happening”

otherLiam: "hard oof”
The Producer: "these are no longer linear mechanics we are dealing with”
ARGdov: "I mean, time travels nothing new”
ARGdov: "and well, yes”
The Producer: "i cannot go into much detail”
ARGdov: "I figured the unfavorable position related to "everything that is happening"”
The Producer: "i cannot control context, only content”
ARGdov: "right”
ARGdov: "so is there anything we can do to alter our position?”
The Producer: "well alright thats not 100% true I do have some influence but not as much as others”
ARGdov: "I feel like telling us were fucked isnt really helpful”
ARGdov: ”(also any idea whats going on with SKM? He vanished)”
otherLiam: “We’re usually fucked.”
otherLiam: "Like our default state is on the brink of disaster.”
The Producer: "I can’t give you any straight answers but perhaps I can train you”
The Producer: "prep your thinking”

ARGdov: "Yeah were fucked all right “
ARGdov: "and all for spite”
ARGdov: "we can kiss our sorry ass goodbye”
The Producer: "I’ll have to think this over though”
ARGdov: "oh?”
ARGdov: "alright…well, thank you”
otherLiam: "no musicals”
The Producer: "let’s get down to business”
ARGdov: "what makes you think thats a musical? :v”
ARGdov: "and yeah, ok”
ARGdov: "no time for Spring Awakening, for once”
ARGdov: "to defeat the huns?”
otherLiam: "He’s gonna “produce” us some functioning brains”
ARGdov: "sweet”
The Producer: "im not a miracle worker”
otherLiam: "lol”
otherLiam: “i mean im pretty sure you actually are, given your job is to make shit for crazy magical entities”
ARGdov: "man remember when most of the people we met had proper physical bodies that they were born with”
ARGdov: "I sure do”
ARGdov: "good times”
otherLiam: "no”
otherLiam: "im an id zoomer”
otherLiam: "by the time i came in we were already mostly dealing with ghosts”
ARGdov: "yup”
The Producer: "I assure you I am very fleshy”
ARGdov: "which I suppose is a sign of how shit we are at this lol”
ARGdov: "well, ok”
ARGdov: "fine”
ARGdov: "man remember when most of the peopel we met had proper physical bodies and didnt have freakish magic powers”
The Producer: "quite fleshy, in fact”
otherLiam: "You said you only produce things that are interesting to you, right?”
The Producer: "yes”
ARGdov: "wait is the producer Janet”
ARGdov: "from the good place”
otherLiam: "And given that you pity us, you must think we dont have much of a chance.”
ARGdov: ”(im sorry, I dont meant to keep shitposting)”
Erika_XP💚: “"man remember when most of the peopel we met had proper physical bodies"”
Erika_XP💚: "Are you making a commentary on the evolution of european man now good sir?”

ARGdov: "uh no”
otherLiam: "Would trying to produce something that would give us a fighting chance be an interesting enough problem for you?”
ARGdov: "Im talking about the fact when this started we were in contact with mostly regular people who mostly didnt have supernatural powers”
The Producer: "maybe”
The Producer: "you will always have a fighting chance”

Erika_XP💚: "we often say thngs we dont want to even when we try to say nothing at all, this is the pain of seeing things with the powers for I know them in every angle by which they can be seen”
ARGdov: "european men have proper af physical bodies”
ARGdov: "in fact, I was in europe this past summer, european bodies are looking fit af I can assure you”
ARGdov: "and really?”
ARGdov: "what do you see now”
Erika_XP💚: "Oh I am interrupting something I think, that is alright I need to continue my walk and get my own business done so pardon me XD”
otherLiam: "Sure, but right now we’re kinda fighting blind against a lot of factions way more knowledgeable and powerful than us.”
ARGdov: "yeah”
Erika_XP💚: "head has felt rather odd for the last few days anyways ^^”
Erika_XP💚: "allow me now to go try and clear it”

The Producer: "a good idea for all to do”
The Producer: "and also compartmentalize”
The Producer: "what are all of the factions you are fighting against?”

ARGdov: "well, its hard to say”
ARGdov: "theres alternate dimension regiminis (whos name currently escapes me) “
ARGdov: "and theres the IIIII entities, who may be connected to them”
otherLiam: "The Lunar Children are making noise, Nocta’s AO crew are still out there, and now BUP’s around too.”
ARGdov: "and then there’s you lot”
otherLiam: "And the IIIII’s, too, yeah.”
otherLiam: "The LC are behind a password so we dont even know what they’re doing, Nocta’s hiding and we’re waiting on other people to get into his hiding place, and we have no idea what BUP or the IIIII’s are.”
otherLiam: "So yeah. Fighting blind.”
ARGdov: "its possible, who evers got the LC servers isnt technically LC”
ARGdov: "because last we checked most of them had kicked the bucket”
The Producer: "it certainly sounded like they all disappeared in 2016”
The Producer: "well”
The Producer: "maybe not all”

Xenquility: "Oh hey prod”
The Producer: "yea”
ARGdov: "a good chunk”
ARGdov: "the people at the lunar spire anyways”
ARGdov: "and someone else eventually found the LC servers in the fishery”
otherLiam: "And now that guy is awol”
otherLiam: "as is skm”
The Producer: "right”
The Producer: "Jose”

ARGdov: ”?”
The Producer: “archive guy”
The Producer: "he got drezzed outta commission for a while”

otherLiam: "Who did that?”
The Producer: "more like "who didn’t do that"”
The Producer: "i mean he fell out of relevancy”
The Producer: "i didnt mean it literally”
The Producer: "or really whats the difference tbh”

otherLiam: "I mean, us not paying attention to him shouldn’t cause him to suddenly not exist. His email’s been deactivated and both the sites he supposedly owns are now locked down.”
The Producer: "true, maybe not you guys paying attention to him did it”
The Producer: "but”
The Producer: "well, nevermind”
The Producer: "as for the lllll's”
The Producer: "like i said, the lllll is kinda ourguy”
The Producer: "but at the same time Im not sure exactly how to define it”
The Producer: "the others even less so”
The Producer: "this is something I must look into”
The Producer: "i suddenly feel like all this is accomplishing is confusing you further”
The Producer: "remember the good old days when the struggle was as simple as one crazed man just trying to #riseup and gain p o w e r”
The Producer: "though to be fair that description could fit multiple people”
The Producer: "most of them have the same goal”
The Producer: "but each has a different way they go about it”
The Producer: "a method to the madness of each individual”

ARGdov: "I mean, one man attempting to #riseup also invovled some complicated shit
but not like this”
ARGdov: "and true I suppose”
The Producer: "and now some truly forbidden truths have been uncovered by some very dangerous individuals”
The Producer: "and they seek the True Ascension”
The Producer: "but that is getting into some very dangerous territory”
The Producer: "this twisted path will become clear in due time”

ARGdov: "by True Ascension do yu mean Transcendence”
ARGdov: "is there anything we an do until then?”
ARGdov: "and will it be too late by that point”
Jos: "Hello”
The Producer: "you all will have your chance to #riseup”
The Producer: "but not yet”
The Producer: "in the meantime”
The Producer: "compartmentalize”
The Producer: "layer your thinking”
The Producer: "you can only make it to the end of the path one step at a time”
The Producer: "and now im gonna get back to work”

ARGdov: "compartmentalize and layer our thinking”
ARGdov: ”…ok”
ARGdov: “welp, enjoy plotting our eminent failure I uess”


  • Erika makes some casual conversation before mentioning that her head has been feeling strange.

12/23/19 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Safest Haven)

Erika_XP💚 11:59 PM: “goodnight saturnus”
Xenquility 11:59 PM: "Oh hey erika”
otherLiam 12:00 AM: "Saturnus?”
Xenquility 12:00 AM: "Is Saturnus your patron?”
Erika_XP💚 12:00 AM: "oh no that would be far too advanced and scary XD”
Erika_XP💚 12:00 AM: "really very very scary forget I even mentioned that name I just had to be sure the worst of the energy was sent off in his final minute of the year by which he positions himself on the throne”
Erika_XP💚 12:00 AM: "I have learned far too much waiting around by those buildings where I listen to the voices when they are present”

Xenquility 12:03 AM: "That sounds rather ominous”
Xenquility 12:03 AM: "What buildings?”
Erika_XP💚 12:04 AM: "on the opposite end of where I work but I ought not to dox myself xp”
Xenquility 12:05 AM: "Sorry if this name is the equivalent of satan spawn or something but would you happen to know anything about this new wintertidedreams/harvestmemories guy?”
Xenquility 12:05 AM: "On a related note other than the first join date of dec 12 the joining and posting of WintertideDreams fits within the festival of Saturnalia”
Erika_XP💚 12:18 AM: "A saturnian manifestation I can sense, duality of joy and sorrow. A trickster guide manifest. The laughter of the old man, his stone faced tears in solemn silence.”
Erika_XP💚 12:18 AM: "Thinking about this makes my head hurt really bad all over the left side ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 12:18 AM: "or maybe its the right?”
Erika_XP💚 12:18 AM: "It sort of swings back and forth idk Xd”

Xenquility 12:20 AM: "alright on a lighter note”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "How’s your tribute video?”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "I don’t mean to seem like im rushing just trying to change to a lighter subject”
Erika_XP💚 12:20 AM: ((Erika posts a message about “reality distorting” but quickly deletes it))
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "uh”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "something about reality warping?”
Erika_XP💚 12:22 AM: "Its been a big undertaking but I now know Tyler must really love them I can say that very safely.”
Xenquility 12:23 AM: "So he’s doing well?”
Erika_XP💚 12:22 AM: "Now I am getting to see him a bit more often, soon enough I can reach and”
Erika_XP💚 12:24 AM: "I dont know D"X”
Xenquility 12:26 AM: "is it dangerous to be mentioning that "Thing”? The saturnian manifestation”
Erika_XP💚 12:27 AM: “Well magic gains just from talk of it I think but you must sometimes speak before you can watch”
Erika_XP💚 12:27 AM: "Atleast thats a line I once heard”

Xenquility 12:29 AM: "now that Saturn has been "Sent off” will the manifestation follow?”
Xenquility 12:29 AM: “Or is it still a concern?”
Erika_XP💚 12:29 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 12:29 AM: "What do you think of my music tastes >w>”

Xenquility 12:30 AM: "I saw those earlier lol”
Xenquility 12:30 AM: "Lost dreams is pretty cool”
Xenquility 12:30 AM: "Any particular song you like the best?”
Erika_XP💚 12:34 AM: "would it be silly if I said almost everything in the playlist has some small angle of meaning in my mind and really its hard for me to pick favorites?”
Xenquility 12:35 AM: "Ah that makes sense”
Xenquility 12:35 AM: "I’d say it’s hard not to find meaning in things these days”
Xenquility 12:35 AM: "My main problem is being able to tell what’s truly important if anything”
Wolfcat 12:40 AM: "What does the Pumpkin witch album mean to you”
Erika_XP💚 12:41 AM: "I really like pumpkins and enjoy the spoopy traditions around them Xd”
Erika_XP💚 12:41 AM: "even if some do not”
Erika_XP💚 12:41 AM: "I always hated the band smashing pumpkins though”
Erika_XP💚 12:41 AM: "just to be clear”

Xenquility 12:42 AM: "wow”
Xenquility 12:42 AM: "okay”
Xenquility 12:42 AM: "I’ve got a question”
Xenquility 12:42 AM: "Would we be able to find out the identities of the five that define IIIII?”
Erika_XP💚 12:44 AM: "they are symbolic beings, or rather archtypes”
Erika_XP💚 12:44 AM: "I know that much”

Xenquility 12:45 AM: "So not specific people?”
Erika_XP💚 12:45 AM: "they can be depending on the time I think”
Erika_XP💚 12:45 AM: "I dont really know how to explain it, I just know I meditated on them in a book I read once (I think but its hard to remember)”
Erika_XP💚 12:45 AM: "I just understand it I guess xd”
Erika_XP💚 12:45 AM: "I have a screeching head ache one moment all ^^;”

Wolfcat 12:48 AM: "of course i did”
Xenquility 12:48 AM: "Man”
Xenquility 12:48 AM: "I feel like some forces really don’t want us to understand these guys”
Xenquility 12:48 AM: "At this point, should we bother trying to understand the IIIIIs? Or is it just a waste of time at the moment?”
Erika_XP💚 12:56 AM: "The more you meditate on something the better you will understand it, but I have learned to be careful. They are what you eat they say”
Erika_XP💚 12:56 AM: "Which is to say you become that which you meditate upon XD”

Xenquility 12:57 AM: "they are what you eat”
Xenquility 12:57 AM: "So we’ll become IIIII if we think about it xd”
Erika_XP💚 12:57 AM: "oh wait sorry I worded that poorly, I have had a bit of the drink Ill admit ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 12:57 AM: "meant to say you ARE what you eat xd”

Xenquility 12:58 AM: "does that mean if we meditate about becoming an interdimensional power lord we’ll become one?”
Xenquility 12:58 AM: "because that seems like a really easy solution lmao”
Erika_XP💚 12:58 AM: "Its a bit more complicated than that”
Xenquility 12:58 AM: "aw”
Erika_XP💚 12:59 AM: "You had better have a very well planned idea of what that is or you will become the illusion of this”
Xenquility 12:59 AM: "Could i become megamind”
Erika_XP💚 1:01 AM: "In a way if you really really wanted to but it would be really silly and you would never have a litteral transformation of any form”
Xenquility 1:01 AM: "Ah damn”
Xenquility 1:01 AM: "wait”
Xenquility 1:01 AM: "are you trying to become tyler”
Erika_XP💚 1:02 AM: "But if thats fun for you I suppose you could but I have seen horrible examples of people who play with that sort of magic and let it take them from kings to paupers”
Erika_XP💚 1:02 AM: "if they stay too silly too powerfully for too long that is”
Erika_XP💚 1:02 AM: "Now I am just rambling on my very limited free time though Xp”
Erika_XP💚 1:02 AM: "There is so much I could tell you really but I am a bit frustrated”

Xenquility 1:03 AM: "What’s wrong?”
Erika_XP💚 1:04 AM: "I should not complain, its no ones fault but mine for not working to make it more clear but I like anything that gets me closer to Tyler XD”
Xenquility 1:05 AM: ”(I would still like a confirmation that you’re not trying to become tyler)”
Erika_XP💚 1:05 AM: “that would be weird >////>;”
Erika_XP💚 1:05 AM: "There are already enough people who probably wish they were Tyler though”
Erika_XP💚 1:05 AM: "I just wish I could hug him one time really”

Xenquility 1:06 AM: "dont we all”
Xenquility 1:06 AM: "that greth guy is pretty hunky too”
Xenquility 1:06 AM: "wish he wasnt possessed”
Xenquility 1:06 AM: "or back in time”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 AM: "I really think he is nice and would not mind having a conversation with him”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 AM: "but I’ll admit I added him in my first video because I wanted to do one about tyler and did not know who he was till videos of him started showing up and I was too embarrased to make it just about tyler anyways so yeah not that I think he is a bad guy I just idk Illshutup now”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 AM: "lol want me to show you something I never point out to people but you guys are really obsessed with this one numerology thing right?”

Xenquility 1:10 AM: "Sure”
Erika_XP💚 1:10 AM: "ok I said a secret in the description of my video”
Erika_XP💚 1:10 AM: "I was gonna delete that before but then everyone saw it >>;”

Xenquility 1:12 AM: "In the description?”
Erika_XP💚 1:14 AM: "I never told you what I do for a living?”
Xenquility 1:14 AM: "No”
Erika_XP💚 1:21 AM: "Well because I am psychic I can tell you with certainty Tyler is a clerk of some sort”
Erika_XP💚 1:21 AM: "I guess the most honest thing I can say is I like to hunt vampires above all else”

Xenquility 1:22 AM: "wait what the fuck”
Erika_XP💚 1:23 AM: "mead is a really tasty thing”
Xenquility 1:23 AM: "okay so quick question”
Xenquility 1:23 AM: "what century do you live in”
otherLiam 1:23 AM: "Xen, you mean you don’t know about vampires?”
Erika_XP💚 1:23 AM: "12/24/2019 is what the date says right here at the corner”
Xenquility 1:24 AM: "I mean I think I do“
otherLiam 1:24 AM: "and yeah dude mead is delish”
Erika_XP💚 1:24 AM: "but sometimes I put away the time because it gives me anxiety ^^”
Xenquility 1:25 AM: "oh erika got a question”
Xenquility 1:25 AM: "what’s with the new profile picture and background”
Erika_XP💚 1:27 AM: "Its my avi and a picture that reminds me of how I look without me having to take a picture of myself (that would weird and embarrassing on the internet) ^^;”
Xenquility 1:27 AM: "ah okay”
otherLiam 1:28 AM: "So, Erika. Is being a psychic something one can learn? Or are you just born that way?”
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "It happens when you want it too hard enough sometimes I think but some are born that way and then dont know what to do about it I guess”
Xenquility 1:29 AM: "So theoretically”
Xenquility 1:29 AM: "Could we become psychic”
Erika_XP💚 1:29 AM: "please dont try that hard XD”
Xenquility 1:29 AM: "Aw”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "Vampires tell people they can have that power and then leave them to figure out what to do with it all on their own when they are very confused, even if vampires pretend they dont know what the hell they are doing that is fucking awful to say the least”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "sorry I am feeling extra goofy tonight Xd”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "OK OK do you want me to show you the secret I mentioned”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "I’ll warn you its a long rabbit hole and I am not going to show off too much”

Xenquility 1:34 AM: "Sure”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: ””
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: “oops wrong video”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "sorry XD”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "but its a big part of how I come to know Tyler better but thats a big big secret”

Xenquility 1:34 AM: "No worries”
Erika_XP💚 1:35 AM: “”
Erika_XP💚 1:35 AM: "woops wrong again omg XD”

Xenquility 1:35 AM: "stalker”
Xenquility 1:35 AM: "gg”
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "ok this is almost impossible to explain”
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "but my psychic power runs through connections I can make because I am gifted with the sight of those connections”
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "ok my first liked video”
Erika_XP💚 1:36 AM: "its like that for a reason XD”

Xenquility 1:40 AM: "Ah”
Erika_XP💚 1:41 AM: "He was always going to be known of in certain places because a "likewise energy” called him there”
Erika_XP💚 1:41 AM: “pay attention for one of your favorite numbers”
Erika_XP💚 1:41 AM: "”

Xenquility 1:42 AM: "oh shit I watched this earlier today”
Xenquility 1:42 AM: "damn good concert”
Erika_XP💚 1:43 AM: "Its not as good as you think I have seen waaaaaayyyyyyyy too much ^^;”
Erika_XP💚 1:43 AM: "yeah I love it too”

Xenquility 1:44 AM: "anyways is it supposed to send me to 4:17 or was that just my auto timestamp thing youtube does”
otherLiam 1:45 AM: "no its timestamped.”
otherLiam 1:45 AM: "in the url”
otherLiam 1:45 AM: "see at the end there, t=257.”
Xenquility 1:45 AM: "oh cool”
otherLiam 1:46 AM: "thats 257 seconds, or 4 minutes and 17 seconda.”
Erika_XP💚 1:46 AM: "in 6 seconds from that point a certain explosion occured”
Xenquility 1:46 AM: "Switches to Dead!”
Erika_XP💚 1:46 AM: ”“The Wells are far deeper than the Ways I walk be long"”
Erika_XP💚 1:46 AM: ”- an old proverb I once heard idk where tho lol”

Xenquility 1:47 AM: “LOL”
Xenquility 1:47 AM: "Switches to "Dead!” at 4:23”
Xenquility 1:47 AM: “The IIIII’s believe they’re currently dying”
Xenquility 1:47 AM: "Their song is "The End"”
Xenquility 1:47 AM: "But on 4/23 it switches to "Dead!"”
otherLiam 1:47 AM: "hmm.”
Xenquility 1:47 AM: "subtle”
Erika_XP💚 1:48 AM: "5 guys burgers and fries is a fantastic resturaunt but its a shame the one I am passing by looks like its closing”
otherLiam 1:49 AM: ”…wait.”
otherLiam 1:49 AM: “are you saying there’s more IIIII’s out there?”
Xenquility 1:49 AM: "wait what?”
otherLiam 1:49 AM: "5 Guys.”
otherLiam 1:49 AM: "IIIII Guys.”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "hi wolf”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "also that could either just be referencing the normal IIIII”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "and the fact they’re dying”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: ”(or “closing) or it’s literally a reference to five guys”
otherLiam 1:50 AM: ”(also hell yeah 5 guys top tier burgers)”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: “definitely best fast food-esque burger”
Genius 1:50 AM: "Dead as in deadhead”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "oh deadhead”
Genius 1:50 AM: "Probably nah”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "I have a question”
Xenquility 1:50 AM: "are you spanish”
Genius 1:51 AM: "No”
Xenquility 1:51 AM: "k”
Erika_XP💚 1:51 AM: "someone once told me something really funny about vampires that I always have to laugh very hard about when I realize it”
otherLiam 1:52 AM: "When you say “vampires””
Erika_XP💚 1:52 AM: "they have no reflections”
Xenquility 1:52 AM: ”“When you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see"”
otherLiam 1:52 AM: "lol”
Erika_XP💚 1:52 AM: "That was in a dream maybe but I am not sure”
Erika_XP💚 1:52 AM: "fuck it I am gonna just break everythign tonight I am feeling silly and tired too XD”
Erika_XP💚 1:53 AM: "but I wont walk off road left or right”

Xenquility 1:54 AM: "Break everything?”
Wolfcat 1:54 AM: "That would be unwise”
otherLiam 1:54 AM: "nah fuck it break stuff”
otherLiam 1:54 AM: "what could possibly go wrong”
Xenquility 1:54 AM: "erika I dont want to see you getting locked in the slammer”
Xenquility 1:54 AM: "don’t do it”
Xenquility 1:54 AM: "it’s the mead talking not you”
otherLiam 1:54 AM: "mead is good”
Wolfcat 1:55 AM: "break it”
Wolfcat 1:55 AM: "”
otherLiam 1:55 AM: "i wish i had mead”
Xenquility 1:55 AM: "wenches are better”
otherLiam 1:55 AM: "”
otherLiam 1:55 AM: “i already have those”
Xenquility 1:55 AM: "”
Xenquility 1:55 AM: "do the safety dance”
Xenquility 1:55 AM: "don’t break stuff”
Erika_XP💚 1:57 AM: "ok I should not show this lol”
Xenquility 1:57 AM: "whatever it is”
Xenquility 1:57 AM: "show it”
Erika_XP💚 1:57 AM: "he wanted to delete this after so bad but it was too late because it was already on dvd”
Xenquility 1:57 AM: "is it damon albarn getting mad on stage”
otherLiam 1:58 AM: "yo we out here on the old data storage”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 AM: "it ruined his whole ritual LOL”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 AM: "well not completely but it messed it up enough I guess”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 AM: "”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 AM: "play this in slow motion”
Erika_XP💚 1:58 AM: "and be careful who you try to talk to about this please ^^;”

Wolfcat 2:00 AM: "nice recovery tho tbh”
Erika_XP💚 2:01 AM: "too many naughty things on his way to mexico, not enough energy, had to use a backing track its understandable considering this was supposed to be the big one. I think other people have made very similar mistakes actually but I wont name names XD”
Xenquility 2:01 AM: "oh damn”
Xenquility 2:01 AM: "that’s brutal”
Erika_XP💚 2:03 AM: "have I ever showed you my favorite picture of Tyler btw?”
Xenquility 2:04 AM: "I think you tried and then proceeded to post a picture of gerard way”
Erika_XP💚 2:04 AM: "LOOOOOOL”
Erika_XP💚 2:04 AM: "I just remembered one of my favorite old songs by him”
Erika_XP💚 2:04 AM: "”

Xenquility 2:08 AM: "drowning lessons”
Xenquility 2:08 AM: "subtle”
Erika_XP💚 2:09 AM: "I am showing you a certain kind of magic that has to be followed and can only be controlled at the right times”
Xenquility 2:10 AM: "external song magic?”
Erika_XP💚 2:10 AM: "I man with a name that sounded like sink mentioned it once I think”
Xenquility 2:10 AM: "slink xd”
Erika_XP💚 2:10 AM: "lol no”
Xenquility 2:11 AM: "wait lol no to slink or to external song magic”
Xenquility 2:11 AM: "or both”
Erika_XP💚 2:12 AM: "its even one of your favorite numbers to as well”
Xenquility 2:12 AM: "man”
Xenquility 2:12 AM: "I feel like that whole 423 thing is important”
Erika_XP💚 2:12 AM: "aw drink all gone DX”
Xenquility 2:12 AM: "or is this more numerology magic”
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "look I am cranky a little so forgive me if I end up saying too much ^^;
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "I get sick of people who lie
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "you have no idea how much I can see just by looking down any one path
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "I just choose the funny ones to make myself laugh a bit
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: ""
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "I tried following some older stuff but that got boring I actually dont like that much classic rock but it all ends up going the same way no matter where I am looking
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "I do like old poetry though
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: "but he always gets dark with that too ^^;
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: “wait a minute
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: ”Today at 2:03 AM: "have I ever showed you my favorite picture of Tyler btw?””
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: “XenquilityToday at 2:04 AM: "I think you tried and then proceeded to post a picture of gerard way””
Erika_XP💚 2:13 AM: “what do you mean by this?

Xenquility 2:20 AM: "uh”
Xenquility 2:20 AM: "one time you accidentally posted a picture of gerard way instead of tyler”
Xenquility 2:20 AM: "then said you had to go”
Xenquility 2:20 AM: "I fear saying more than that”
Erika_XP💚 2:23 AM: "woops old picture”
Xenquility 2:23 AM: "mph”
Xenquility 2:23 AM: "sexy beast”
Xenquility 2:23 AM: ”:)”
Erika_XP💚 2:24 AM: “wait no I only post pictures of Tyler when I say I want to post a picture of tyler you must be mistaken”
Xenquility 2:27 AM: "hm”
Xenquility 2:27 AM: "id rather not risk any more spooky things”
Xenquility 2:27 AM: "so maybe”
Erika_XP💚 2:28 AM: "Its amazing how many spooky things could honestly happen in this moment I feel, there is so much that I can sense is waiting to happen the moment it gets the chance”
Xenquility 2:28 AM: "that sounds absolutely terrifying”
Xenquility 2:28 AM: "any clue when that moment may be?”
Erika_XP💚 2:30 AM: "very soon maybe”
Erika_XP💚 2:30 AM: "or far from now but probably soon I would reckon”
Erika_XP💚 2:30 AM: "more than likely soon”
Erika_XP💚 2:30 AM: Well let me push some buttons and find out XD”

Xenquility 2:31 AM: "Two days soon or four months soon?”
Erika_XP💚 2:31 AM: "did you know mcr has 5 people in their band, I always forget about the drummer guy lol”
Xenquility 2:31 AM: "5”
Xenquility 2:31 AM: "cool”
Xenquility 2:31 AM: "Anyways, I think I’m going to head off for the night”
Xenquility 2:31 AM: "2:30 am for me xd”
Xenquility 2:34 AM: ”?”
Erika_XP💚 2:34 AM: “I HAVE A BONE TO PICK”
Xenquility 2:34 AM: "With?”
Erika_XP💚 2:35 AM: "Why the hell am I”
Erika_XP💚 2:35 AM: "actually never mind thats ok but really funny”
Erika_XP💚 2:35 AM: "I dont care what you have to say though I am actually a real person”

Xenquility 2:36 AM: "what’s going on?”
Erika_XP💚 2:38 AM: "I”
Erika_XP💚 2:38 AM: "need to lay down”

Xenquility 2:38 AM: "Headaches again?”


  • Players continue asking Erika about various characters, as per their previous conversation. She gives some cryptic information regarding IIIII.
  • Erika claims that she is a vampire hunter, expressing her distaste for vampires, or those who mislead others with the promise and misuse of power.
  • Erika begins acting strangely, reiterating that she is indeed a real person. She then goes to lie down.

2/3/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[7:53 PM] Erika_XP💚: "The epitome of what lol"
[9:42 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Omg what was this supposed to mean you weirdo XD"

[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "
[10:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Sorry I had to listen to it since you posted it =p also hey do you play minecraft?"
[10:01 PM] Xenquility: "Used to play it a ton but haven't much in a while"
[10:01 PM] Xenquility: "have been thinking of getting back into it though as the server seems to be thriving right now"
[10:11 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Oh WAIT I just realized you are literally the guy who was being weird to me on the minecraft server but I am actually sorry DX"
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "Please forgive me for that"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "it was quite a large understanding that was in no way your fault"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "it came mainly from jid related confusion and i was not trying to be mean"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "sorry if I made you uncomfortable"
[10:13 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I have been being weird about how I try to play "john is dead" and I probably really confused everyone because I was having too much fun rp'ing"
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: "sorry again for the misunderstanding but these days we cannot tell what is real and what isnt"
[10:21 PM] Xenquility: "the last time we thought something wasn't real we were tricked into thinking everything was ending lol"
[10:21 PM] Xenquility: "if anything I blame that @IIIII guy"
[10:27 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont know for sure who that is in "canon" but for sure that is Tyler right?"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "I mean maybe?"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "We don't really know"


  • Erika and the player Xenquility chat in PM's. Xenquility apologizes for accusing Erika of being a canon character. Erika claims that she was merely roleplaying throughout it all.

2/4/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Safest Haven)

[1:14 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Who is the Raven?"
[1:14 AM] Xenquility: "the thing that was speaking to us through signs"
[1:14 AM] Xenquility: "some thing we need to save for Yuuki"
[1:14 AM] otherLiam: "apparently it’s a fuvkin possessed amiibo"
[1:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OOOOOH yeah lol"
[1:15 AM] Xenquility: "yeah that too lol"
[1:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Well before I head out I just want to say sorry for always being confusing again btw"
[1:23 AM] otherLiam: "eh."
[1:23 AM] otherLiam: "everything is confusing."
[1:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was just havin a go before and wanted to rp (and was scared of talking in the server cause Tyler was being an extra big mean)"
[1:25 AM] otherLiam: "How did you get the footage for your video, then?"
[1:25 AM] otherLiam: "The clips we hadn’t seen before."
[1:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill admit I have not really known how to adress that because no one seemed to care but I guess it was just canon or something???(in regards to how Tyler was acting on 11/11)"
[1:26 AM] otherLiam: "you mean tyler acting like a dick? yeah i think he was in character"
[1:27 AM] otherLiam: "i mean i hope so"
[1:27 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if this excuse has been used before >.>"
[1:27 AM] otherLiam: "i wouldn’t know. im still pretty new."
[1:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also the youtube channel I showed before where I said I could get clips from used to be called something else"
[1:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I forget what though now"
[1:34 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Jacob showed me a funny video on the channel while a ton of stuff was still unlisted btw and that was basically where I got all the footage, then all the videos went unlisted later when I was almost done with my fmv and the name changed and I noticed it was spooki"
[1:35 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I honestly think in hindsight I was seeing stuff I was not supposed to be showing or seeing lol but I felt super cool about it XD"

[1:35 AM] otherLiam: "honestly i just can’t believe one gamejack died only for another to take its place"
[1:36 AM] Xenquility: "i dont think this was necessarily a gamejack just us being stupid"
[1:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "At the risk of being in trouble or something:"

[1:37 AM] Xenquility: ";o"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "oh yeah"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "this is actually real"
[1:37 AM] otherLiam: "maybe... dont do that."
[1:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He showed me this because he thought it was really funny lol"
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: "jos and wolf commented on this ages ago so quiet family really must have been a channel before it was canon"
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: "and if erika wasnt a character tyler wouldnt actually have a way to know of safest haven's existance"
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: "(other than the wiki but he might not even check it for all we know)"
[1:38 AM] otherLiam: "i think you forgot that his wife is here"
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: "(and eve says she still considers herself a player)"
[1:39 AM] Xenquility: "(and to be fair how many times have you actually seen her online here)"
[1:39 AM] otherLiam: "hey look"
[1:39 AM] otherLiam: "im offline"
[1:39 AM] otherLiam: "crazy"
[1:39 AM] Xenquility: "I mean active"
[1:40 AM] otherLiam: "i dunno man, this is a lot"
[1:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""Wife"""
[1:54 AM] otherLiam: "???"
[1:54 AM] Xenquility: "llmaoo"
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "it's okay erika"
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "affairs exist for a reason"
[1:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "and fanfiction"
[1:57 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also did I honestly gamejack?"
[2:00 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Well I guess considering there is a bloody page about me XD"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Well I am gonna go take my walk now and think on all this before sleepy time has to come. Bye bye friends ~ :heart:"

[2:03 AM] Xenquility: "Cya Erika"


  • Erika reiterates that she is not a canon character. She claims that the unseen footage used in her music videos was taken from the Quiet Family YouTube channel, which was shown to her by Jacob. Erika then shows the players a new video on the Quiet Family YouTube channel - vapr.

2/25/20 - Chat with Vincent and Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

Xenquility: "hello there father"
Vincent: "Father?"
Xenquility: "daddy"
Xenquility: "bad joke okay"
Xenquility: "So"
Xenquility: "How goes existance?"
Vincent: "Existence is... very confusing at this current point in time"
Xenquility: "Sounds about right"
Vincent: "So, are there any questions you guys wanted me to answer for you?"
Xenquility: "Sorry one minute"
Vincent: "That's okay."
Xenquility: "Probably should have thought some through beforehand but wasn't sure if we'd be doing it today"
Vincent: "It was kind of a spur of the moment decision. I apologize."
Vincent: "We can stay here for a while, though, if we have to. I don't mind."

Xenquility: "Alright sweet"
Xenquility: "OH"
Xenquility: "one thing"
Vincent: "I think it would be beneficial for me to try to, uh, outwardly express what I'm experiencing right now."
Xenquility: "Anything you'd rather us not ask about?"
Vincent: "Um, if we encounter a question that I cannot answer for either my or your safety I will let you know. I would say don't hang back and, uh, ask anything that you need to."
Slinky: "damn that voice is d e e p"
Vincent: "Thank you."
Xenquility: "alright uh"
Dawn of a New Day: "Not as deep as I am in your mum"
Vincent: "Gotta admit, that was a good one."
Xenquility: "You seem to be using some odd pronouns here. This due to the "other mind" for lack of a better word?"
Vincent: "Uh, what do you mean, "pronouns"? I wasn't really paying attention to my own speech."
Xenquility: ""We" followed by "I""
Xenquility: "sorry if it's just a mixup but we've seen that oddity before"
Vincent: "Hm... Yeah, probably. It, uh... I'm not entirely comfortable with it, nor do I really understand how to process it personally in my mind. I know that I'm me but I'm having memories of a different me. But it doesn't feel like me? But it does feel like me. It's- it's hard to explain. I hope you understand. If not, I can try to, uh, word that differently."
Slinky: "Have you felt like that before?"
Vincent: "No, this is new. I don't know if I made it fully aware to you guys before, but I am aware of my involvement with the cult and I am also aware of Patrem. Or pat-rem? However you guys call him. Where things start to get confusing for me is after that tower. I don't really understand what happened there, and from there I kinda just found my way back home. Called up some friends and family, that sort of thing. And then I just went home."
Xenquility: "You felt like this ever since you woke up?"
Vincent: "Not necessarily. This is, uh... this is new, I guess. It's either new or it has been happening so slowly that I hadn't noticed it. But now it's noticeable. I have memories of being a child - as ME being a child. But then I have seperate memories of being a child but I'm in a totally different place with totally different people. But it still feels like it's me. And this is what's confusing. It's that these new memories that are presenting themselves in my mind ARE me! But, I don't understand how... how that could be."
Xenquility: "Damn, that sucks dude. Any family and friends still around?"
Vincent: ((Vincent's microphone begins having issues))
Vincent: "I apologize I am having mic issues,"

Vincent: "I believe it is working now. I accidentally unplugged my microphone and that broke everything. What was the question? Was I answering something?"
Xenquility: "Have you been able to contact any old family or friends?"
Vincent: "Oh, yes, um… So, they're around, I just haven't really tried contacting them. At this point, I don't know if it's the best idea. At this point, I'm worried. I'm scared about a lot of different things. My involvement with the cult and gradually becoming such a high ranking member within the cult, I'm aware of the lengths with which they'll go to to keep track of someone. And with this memory stuff going on, I don't think it's safe to contact them. My HOPEFUL fear is if I contact them, that puts them in danger. My not-hopeful fear is that they're a part of it. And I'm really hoping that that is the case."
Xenquility: "Damn, sorry to hear dude."
Vincent: "I mean, as far as everything that's happened so far, that's not really a big deal. I'd rather live comfortably alone then have to deal with those people again."
Slinky: "And uh, any idea if the cult still looks for you?"
Xenquility: "Sorry to jump so quickly into the bad stuff, but that's where a lot of our issues seem to stem from. Did you ever have to do "rituals" in the dark place? "
Xenquility: "actually answer his first"
Vincent: "I'm, uh, not sure if they're still following me. I'm just not sure. If they are, they've been really quiet about it. But as far as I know I haven't had any contact with them since after the tower. During the early initiation process there were some "rituals" that you'd have to go through. What exactly do you mean by "rituals"?"
Xenquility: "Not exactly sure. One of our friends from there, someone named SKM, managed to contact us a while ago. He said he had to complete rituals to keep up appearances as a good "child of the moon" or something"
Vincent: "I'm not aware of anyone called SKM. Like, what kind of rituals? Cause, we had like ceremonies and that kind of thing, but if any, uh, more serious rituals - which I'm assuming that's what you mean - as far as the more serious rituals, that is when Patrem fully took over me. So I only caught glimpses of that."
Vincent: "I've seen it described in media as like possession is kinda like sitting in the back seat of a car and you're just watching what happens, but it's not like that. It's more like you're asleep. Every now and then you get a chance to see a snapshot, if you will, but it's very difficult to formulate any kind of narrative from that, so during the time that he had control over my body, I don't really know what happened at all during that time. On the night of the tower, um, all I know is that something went wrong and, uh, he was getting pulled into some place and me, being myself for the first time in however long it had been, was excited to be myself, but I also thought it best to just run as fast as I- like just get out of here, I shouldn't be here. I didn't think it would escalate to anything that serious."

Xenquility: "Sorry, you said he was getting pulled into some place?"
Vincent: "Yeah, that was the last thing that I saw. It's hard to describe what it looked like."
Xenquility: "And that would've been back around 2017?"
Vincent: "I can't remember the exact year of when all this happened, but this was the ritual in what I keep calling the "tower", but I think you guys have been calling the "spire". The word "spire" was not in my vocabulary at the time."
Xenquility: "I mean, do you think there's a chance he was getting pulled into the dark parallelos?"
Vincent: "I don't- what is... I don't understand "Parallelos"."
Xenquility: "Uh"
Xenquility: "The dark place"
Vincent: "I don't know. If there's an entrance or an exit to that place, I don't know what it looks like. So I wouldn't want to say "yes" or "no" as I genuinely don't know."
Xenquility: " Anyways, I think the only ritual we have any details of is when one of our friends (Possibly someone named Tyler, not sure if you know of him or not) said he had to "Sleep fast" to "purge darkness within him""
Vincent: "Tyler is a part of some of the memories that are coming back to me."
Jackuan: "@Vincentadams How is been inside the spire?"
Vincent: "I'm assuming he means what it was like? It was horrifying! I just needed to leave."
Vincent: "Assuming you mean how it was in the spire, I do not remember much as I was trying my best to leave as fast as I could"

Vincent: "At the exact moment that I gained control, I ran. I took a quick glance around and I ran."
Jackuan: "@Vincentadams okay, glad to have u back
Vincent: "Thank you."
Xenquility: "When you say Tyler was part of your memories, do you mean as some sort of friend?"
Vincent: "I don't know. The name is familiar but I don't really know why."
Jackuan: "@Vincentadams u have amnesia or something?"
Vincent: "I, uh, wouldn't call it amnesia. It's just... I was absent. I wasn't there, in a way of speaking. Feel free, you guys, to ask, like, really direct questions. I don't think any of your questions could offend me or trigger some sort of PTSD or whatever."
Vincent: "Somewone are you able to enter the voice chat and listen?"

Vincent: "Everyone has their microphones muted"
Xenquility: "Did you see anyone else in the dark place?"
Vincent: "Xenquility, I did see other people in the dark place. It's hard to describe what it's like in there. At first there were people, but eventually we just kind of wandered."
Xenquility: "Anyone identifiable?"
Vincent: "I mean, identifiable in the sense that they're other people, but not anybody that I recognized."
Xenquility: "Were you able to converse with them?"
Vincent: "Uh, probably? But I didn't just out of fear. Once I was there, it was just horrifying. And that was it. It was just horrifying. There was nothing else."
Xenquility: "How, I guess expansive was the place?"
Xenquility: "Was it infinite? Finite?"
Vincent: "I couldn't answer that definitively, but, um... As far as I understand, time functions differently in this place. That's why I asked what year it was when I came back and all that. I just- I saw it on my computer and didn't believe it. It felt like I was in there for a very long time. I don't even believe in heaven or hell and I believe I had died and gone to hell."
Slinky: "So uh, you blacked out and then you woke up in 2020?"
Vincent: "I did not black out. I blacked out at the time that Patrem entered my body, like a body my same size, and that was when I blacked out. After the tower - or, sorry, the spire - THEN I was me again. And I was me again for a while. And then after that, I felt my mental state sort of degrade and then, yeah, I guess you could say I woke up in 2020, but to
me I never went to sleep. This wasn't the same thing as with Patrem. During the sleep deprivation experiments... the sleep deprivation experiments was sort of a cover up or a coping mechanism - an excuse to stay awake, because when I would sleep, I would have these terrible nightmares and it got to the point where sleeping was a bad thing. But I'm still human, so eventually I just got so tired that I fell asleep. And from that point, I woke up at the tower and I escaped somehow. I guess everybody was so caught up in the chaos of whatever was happening up there that I was basically just able to walk away."

Xenquility: "Wait uh"
Xenquility: "Do you know at what point you actually went to the Dark Place?"
ARGdov: "Do you remember much of what was happening in all that chaos?"
ARGdov: "answer him first"
Vincent: "The only, um... I can find it really quickly. There's a video that was posted on my channel. I'll find it just to have a solid time frame. April 3rd, 2017 was the last day. it was on that day that I went to the dark place. I don't know how exactly, I don't know why, I just - I felt my mind, and... I don't know if it was because of my mind degrading, but I felt my mind degrading, and I felt my soul degrading."
Xenquility: "And that was after you woke up at the tower, right?"
Vincent: "No, I woke up at the tower some years before that. Escaped the tower, tried to escape the cult. I quickly ran home, grabbed the necessities - My clothes, my computer, and all that kind of stuff, because we live in the future and can't do anything without a computer - and it worked at first. I was still a little shaken by what had happened, but I just wanted to leave all of that behind me. Because the house that I was staying in at that time, before I left, they didn't keep it a secret that they were monitoring me. Everything that they did - everything from my internet history or however you want to say it to what time I went to the bathroom. So I knew that they were there, and... yeah."
Xenquility: "Ah okay"
Xenquility: "Anyways Dov's question seems like a good next step"
Vincent: ""How much do I remember" in which chaos? From the tower or from the dark place? Which seems to be what you guys call the parallelos."
ARGdov: "The tower, I guess"
Vincent: "It was just kind of... Everybody was panicking. It's like whatever they were trying to do went wrong. Whatever they were trying to do in that tower, they had a system set in place and they expected it to go one way and then something just went horribly wrong. And that was the first time I was conscious. I was on the floor on my back and right in front of me was Patrem getting sucked into something, or starting to get sucked into something? I'm not sure, I don't know. And that's when I just kind of scrambled to get back on my feet and from there I don't know what happened. I remember a lot, I just didn't see a lot, you know?"
Xenquility: "I guess next would be"
Xenquility: "Do you remember anything blatantly important from the dark place?"
Vincent: "Um, not really... The time dilation was unnoticeable at the time, so it felt like I had been in there for a long time.
Vincent: ((Some of Vincent's answers at this point were not archived))
Vincent: "Exhaustion. I didn't need to sleep, so I constantly had this baseline energy to just keep going. But mentally after walking around for so long, I found a comfortable looking tree and I sat down and just didn't get up. I was there for so long that the tree just began to grow around my body, and I was just going to let it. I was done. I had given up. I didn't care. Close to the point where I was rescued, I saw this storm in the distance, and there had been no weather up until this point. It was just still - I guess you could call it a forest - but it was just still. Nothing was moving unless you particularly moved it. And, all of a sudden, there was this storm that was like a massive tornado, and it was very dark and completely black, and it seemed to be piercing through the sky rather than being a part of the sky, if that makes sense."
Vincent: "The tornado itself looked less like spinning air - like, a regular tornado is just spinning air - and it looked more like a tentacle, if anything, and the storm around it was being produced by this tentacle, or tendril, or whatever you want to call it. The most noticeable thing about it was that it wasn't like the clouds came together and started spinning. It looked like something had pierced through the sky itself, and along with that came this dark, smoky storm. And it was just coming straight for me. It started directly in front of me and very slowly started coming towards me. And I was just going to let it. If it killed me, it killed me. Better than being completely alone - just sitting there, letting a tree grow around me, my motivation to continue wandering around regardless of how much energy I had. I wasn't exhausted, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized, "What's the point?". It seemed like the horizon wasn't as far as I thought it was, and it felt like it was getting closer."

Xenquility: "Speaking of which, the angel that rescued you, what did she look like?"
Vincent: "She specifically asked me not to talk about that, and I have to respect her. Until I have her permission."
Xenquility: "Hm, alright"
Xenquility: "If you don't mind talking about it, what did you see outside of the dark place?"
Xenquility: "Or hear?"
Vincent: "Outside of the dark place. So, when I say the "dark place", I don't necessarily mean it was dark. It was green, like... Hm. Imagine your shadow. Like, you have a bright light behind your body and you can see your shadow on the wall. Instead of the shadow being black, it was green. So, it was still just as hard to see because it was still dark - it was just that the darkness itself was a different colour. Outside of this place far more horrifying than anything that was happening. I wish I had stayed wandering around in the forest. I should not have seen what was out there. I just... I shouldn't have. This is when we're getting into the knowledge it feels like I shouldn't have. I hope I don't disappoint you, but for everybody's sake, I don't think I should talk about what I saw out there. I apologize."
IIFan2001: "Alright"
Xenquility: "No worries man"
ARGdov: "Eesh, well thats disturbing"
Slinky: "Okay so, uh"
Slinky: "I may fuck up here"
Vincent: "Don't worry about it. If you have a question, ask it. As my teachers used to say, there are no bad questions, only wrong answers."
ARGdov: "Do you think you're in any danger now? Sorry this is kind of a shift in topic but I'm wondering"
Vincent: "I don't *think* I'm in any danger, but at the same time that sensation makes me feel as if I might be in danger. But as of right now, I don't think there are any cult members following me, and if there are, they're being really discrete. I work at home, so I barely leave anymore. It's been several years, so there's a lot of new technology to support that. It was amazing. It was surprising - I can get my groceries delivered straight to my house"
Xenquility: "Did you ever hear about something named |||||"
Vincent: ""Did you ever hear about something named line line line line line" I don't know. Is that a thing? Or a person? Or a concept? What is that?"
Xenquility: "We have no clue LMAO"
ARGdov: "Its several things somehow connected"
Vincent: "Oh ((laughs)). "Its several things somehow connected...""
ARGdov: "to be honest we're at a bit of a disadvantage atm and its a bit worrying."
Vincent: "I think everyone's at a bit of a disadvantage, if I'm being honest. There are... I have been exposed to things, places, whatever, far beyond our control. And beyond even my own comprehension when I was there. There's a lot that I wish I could explain, but human communication hasn't evolved in such a way that I can express these things. We don't have the language for it."
Xenquility: "Did you ever see runes in the dark place?"
Xenquility: "Things like this"
Xenquility: ((An image of the "Othala Rune" is sent))
Vincent: "Um... No. There was no kind of symbolism. The whole time I was there, it was nothing but just a massive expanse of forest. I must've walked - and I'm not exaggerating - 10,000 miles. I, perceptually, was in there for a very, very long time. No buildings. No roads. The occasional wanderer, but there was never any communication. At the very most, a quick look and a nod and we'd continue walking. I don't even know if they were real or if it was just my mind, hoping that there would be something there. Hoping, because I hadn't seen or communicated with somebody in such a long time. I had no kind of time-keeping tool, so I don't know how long it really was. But, at a certain point, time just kind of... stopped existing for me, and I was just kind of there."
Xenquility: "Any bodies of water?"
Vincent: "I'm not entirely sure if I should answer that. There wasn't any water where I was. No... not for me. It was purely... I don't want to say a dense forest, but it was those kind of large trees, like it would probably take three of me to lock hands around the tree, and they were very, very tall. A lot of the time you couldn't see the sky, and when you could, it was just the green. There wasn't really anything to look at. I tried climbing one of the trees, and I fell. That was the last time I tried climbing one of the trees."
Xenquility: "I hope this isn't breaking any boundaries here but when you say there wasn't any water "for you", does that imply that it's different for others?"
Vincent: "Uh, I... I, again, don't know how much of this I should talk about. Uh, I don't know if I'm being honest. I just know that there wasn't any water there for me. I guess more what I mean to say is like, for the others that were there, maybe they wandered in a different direction and there was water for them. But, uh, I didn't see any water. There didn't seem to be any life or life-sustaining elements. It was just the trees and the grass and dirt, if we're being really specific."
Xenquility: "Ever heard of someone named Erika?"
Vincent: "No"
Xenquility: "Ever saw a raven?"
Vincent: "A raven? No. There were no animals or anything. It was just a deep forest."
ARGdov: "The raven was a statue iirc"
Vincent: "Statue?"
Xenquility: "Yeah but we also saw it in some of the vids"
Jackuan: "What about Yuuki?"
Vincent: "I do not know a Yuuki. And, uh, what did you say? In some of my videos? Or…"
Xenquility: "Someone elses"
Xenquility: ""Tylers" video"
Vincent: "Ah okay. And this is the "Silentdork" correct?"
Xenquility: "Yeah"
Vincent: "Okay. I've been trying to, uh, do research, if you will - to try and understand your collective understanding of your side of the story, is what I meant to say."
Xenquility: "Have you seen "5646"?"
Vincent: "No, I don't know what that means."
Xenquility: " "LevANnhUa"?"
Vincent: "I do not know what that means ((Laughs)). Lee-van-who-a! Lee-van-hu-a! Le-ven-hua!"
Xenquility: "Luna's heaven or something spooky"
Vincent: "No, I'm not aware of that."
Xenquility: "Did the sky ever flash red?"
Vincent: "Red? Uh... I don't think so. It may have, but I didn't really have much access to the sky. The trees kind of covered everything."
Xenquility: "Did you see a white statue of any sort?"
Vincent: "No."
Xenquility: "Ever heard of someone named BUP?"
Vincent: "Bup? Is it Bup or B-U-P? Bup is kind of silly. But no."
Slinky: "What about eoeoeoeoeo?"
Slinky: "You heard that?"
Vincent: "Eoeoeoeoeo? ((Laughs)) No, it was mostly silent. It was so quiet I could hear my blood flowing."
ARGdov: "Ok weird question"
Vincent: "There are no weird questions."
ARGdov: "Did the sky ever change"
ARGdov: "color, form, etc."
Vincent: "Towards the end, yes. The sky made a very clear change. But only towards the end, because of the storm. That was the first time I saw a colour besides green. Like, you know how it looks when you're using a night vision camera? And you can, like, see through the darkness, but everything is green? That's what it looked like in there."
Xenquility: "Did you ever hear of the "Absque Fascie"?"
Vincent: "I... have heard of the Absque Fascie. I... am not comfortable talking about that. This is one of those questions. I apologize. What I can say is that I wasn't going to say this unless you brought them up. The storm - the, uh, "tentacle" that sort of broke through the sky - that was one of them. The, uh... the black storm is the only term I can think of for it. I was shown and explained a lot of these things by what I'm calling the "Angel", so I know more of what is outside, I guess. Instead of the tendril or tentacle or whatever it was coming through the sky, if you were to exit the sky yourself, you would see what's out there. THAT was the difficult part. After all of the things that had happened in the forest and all the nothing that had happened in the forest… the constant, unending fear - even seeing the storm wasn't scary anymore. I was just... I was ready for whatever was going to happen. At the time, I didn't know what was going to happen, but once the angel took me out, a part of leaving that place entirely involves going to where they are. And that place is far more horrifying. Yeah. I don't think I should say more about them. At least not now. I don't want to give you guys false information."
Xenquility: "Would it be safe to assume "That place" is where luna resides?"
Vincent: "That, I do not know. I hadn't considered that. I want to say that I don't think so, but I also don't have the information to say for sure. Do you guys have a name for this place?"
Xenquility: "Luna's parallelos"
Xenquility: "Creative I know"
Vincent: "So are you saying that there are multiple parallelos?"
ARGdov: "Best of luck to you all"
ARGdov: "and yes there are"
ARGdov: "multiple dimensions, some similar to ours, others radically different"
Xenquility: "Basically just a fancy word for dimension/world"
Vincent: "When I was brought out of the- when- It's hard to explain. When she took me "through the sky", if you will, I was able to see the place that I was in. There were more of these places contained within a much, much larger space. This doesn't feel like a place that Luna would want to be."
Xenquility: "Do you know how many more?"
Vincent: "A lot more. Once I saw what was outside, I sort of went into fear mode. Panic mode. Just sort of closed my eyes and held on tight and buried my face into her shoulder until we were gone."
Xenquility: "Does "subspace" or "astral observatory" ring any bells?"
Vincent: "Um... No. But I've been calling things differently from what you guys have been calling them, so if you could describe these places, maybe I'd know if I've come into contact with them, or if I describe them with a different word."
Jackuan: "Hank Hubbard(?"
Vincent: "I don't know who Hank Hubbard is."
Xenquility: " Astral observatory is a "forum website" that alternate universes Kevin/Regiminis created under the name Nocta "
Vincent: "Okay. I do not know about Astral Observatory."
Xenquility: "But it apparently acts as a vessel for people's souls who are ascended"
Xenquility: "Like the website if you're familiar"
Vincent: "Um, yeah. I'm familiar. That is something that we paid attention to when I was involved with the cult. We didn't like people prying in our direction."
Xenquility: "How long were you actually in the area outside of the dark place?"
Vincent: "Briefly. It was sort of like a "I got you. It's time to go" and I sort of recklessly immediately trusted her, and just "okay". Anything to get out of here. It was sort of just a shot in the dark. I didn't know who she was or whether or not she should be trusted. When we exited the sky, it was sort of like - this is going to sound silly - a gelatinous kind of feeling? Like it was kind of solid, but it wasn't literal sky, you know. It had, for lack of better words, a kind of "Bloop!" feeling to it. Kind of like Mario 64 when he jumps through the paintings. Just like a ripple effect, but thicker... like a slick slime without residue. It was unreasonably far away. No way I could have reached it on my own."
Xenquility: "Does the name "Ghostbabel" ring any bells?"
Vincent: "Nope."
Xenquility: "Rosa?"
Vincent: "Rosa rings a single bell, but only because I know the name."
Xenquility: "Some girl who was forced into Luna's parallelos as a punishment"
Xenquility: "and it was apparently so fucking horrible"
Xenquility: "but uh"
Xenquility: "then she became psychic and knows everything"
Vincent: "Did she also escape or get rescued somehow?"
Xenquility: "Luna just flat out released her"
Vincent: "Oh. That doesn't sound good. Yeah, I don't know anything about all of that. My understanding was that the "Parallelos" as you call it ISN'T, for example, the forest. The parallelos is- I was explained what the parallelos is, and for the sake of everybody, I can't go incredibly into depth about it. But the parallelos isn't a single place contained within there. That whole place is the parallelos. That angel just called it the darkness. There are worlds contained within this place. Everything from non-existence to pure existence. And that's all I can say about that."
Xenquility: ""That whole place" referring specifically to the dark place or referring to all worlds within the area outside of it?"
Vincent: "Not even referring to all the worlds. I'm talking about the area outside of it. And I wouldn't even call them "worlds". From the outside, they're quite small. For a nerdy and/or annoying reference, it's bigger on the inside ((Laughs)). I'm not fully aware of how much I'm allowed to tell you about these kinds of things, so I'm going to leave that at that. These memories that I've been getting... It's like I have the memories of two seperate people at certain points in my life. And it's like... I know that I'm me. I know that I'm Vincent. I have a life. I have a family. I have parents. I have a brother... but at the same time I ALSO have parents. And a family. And TWO brothers. I have both of these at the same time, and I just... I don't get it. I don't understand. This is very disorienting. And also, these memories…"
IIFan2001: "lol"
IIFan2001: "Its like you have 2 families?"
Vincent: "It's not like I have two families. I mean, I guess it is like I have two families, but it's more like I have two lives. Almost as if there's a copy of me, but they're both me. I have two selves... I have two seperate lives. I have two families, and it makes me think that one of them isn't real."
Xenquility: "Wait, are your family actually different people in the other memories?"
Vincent: "Yes. I remember my fifth birthday party with... In the new memory, I remember a birthday party. We were in the backyard, and my parents spent a lot of money. They didn't have to buy me a cool Captain Hook Pinata, and it was awesome. It was like, as big as I was. All the neighbourhood kids came around. But then, my memory of that birthday is completely different. We lived in a higher class neighbourhood. We didn't have the pinata. We just had one of those stupid "pull the string and the candy falls out", you know what I mean? Ah, I don't know... There were more kids, the cake was bigger, but it's the same birthday."
Xenquility: " Did you have a sister in your new memory?"
Vincent: "Yes. In the new memory. She was just a baby at the time of that party."
Xenquility: " Do you remember your parents names in the new memories? Or what they look like?"
Vincent: "Yeah. I remember everything. It's like the memories have started from birth. Not that I remember the actual birth, but like it's starting from birth, and as I remember more and more, it's getting closer and closer to the current time period."
Xenquility: "Does this ring any bells?"
Xenquility: ((The photo of Hank and Diana is posted))
Vincent: "No. Who is that?"
Xenquility: "That's hank"
Vincent: "He... he does look familiar, but…"
Xenquility: "Just making sure you weren't getting Ben's memories (If you know who that is)"
Vincent: "I'm- I am aware of Ben. I am aware of him. "
Pako: "Or Patrem"
Pako: "or g4"
Vincent: "Who's g4? The movie?"
Xenquility: "Fourth giant "
Xenquility: "Luna summoning ritual"
Vincent: "Oh ((Laughs)). I was thinking of G-force."
Xenquility: "Do you know what YOU look like in the new memories?"
Vincent: "It's still me! I'm not different in these memories - it's me. These memories don't feel like dreams or visions of somebody else's life. It's me. Same name- Well, no. Not same name, I don't think. But it is the same me. Like, if I were to remember some time... If I were to think back for some reason to, like, looking in a mirror - because I do that a lot, for some reason. It's just a personal habit. It's not like a narcissist thing, it's just like, I stare at myself and think about existing. It stresses me out... it always has. But, I've done that. I did that in the old memories. Or the new memories? I don't know. In both sets of memories."
Xenquility: "OH"
Xenquility: "Same name?"
Xenquility: "I'm guessing you don't know your new memories name"
Vincent: "I... do know my name in the new memories, but I don't think that I should say it. I, uh… what's the term that I'm looking for... I think the repercussions of people knowing who that is would be too... I would use the word catastrophic. I think that would break things."
Xenquility: "What if we like"
Xenquility: "Found out without you telling us"
Vincent: "If you find out without me telling you, then that's how it was supposed to happen. But all I know at this point is that I cannot be the one to tell you. With these memories coming back, I'm also gaining a certain amount of knowledge that I feel like I shouldn't have. So there are certain things I know I can say and there are certain things I know that I absolutely cannot say. And if I can say them, I cannot say them now."
Xenquility: "hm"
Xenquility: "In your uh"
Xenquility: ""New memories""
Xenquility: "are you religious at all?"
Vincent: "I was raised religious, but I was also not really feeling it, even from like 3 or four years old - some of my oldest memories. My parents took me to get baptized and I screamed like the anti-christ the whole time ((Laughs)). So in my new memories, I would say no. I'm not religious, but I haven't gotten far enough into the memories yet to know for sure. Like I said, it's a chronological thing, if that makes sense. I don't remember stuff from my teenage years and then stuff from when I was eight. It goes in order from when I was born."
Xenquility: "Does John Mesic ring any bells?"
Xenquility: "Just in general"
Vincent: "Yes. He was a topic of discussion in the cult, but it was more one of those "hush hush" kinds of conversations. I never really pursued any information. I felt like it was just one of those rumors going around. And at the same time given the position that we're in, you don't really want to get involved in these kinds of rumors that are CLEARLY dangerous. You just don't want to do that. At least if you're a good member, I should say. So, I'm aware of the name and that's it. Whenever somebody would... like, we would act all professional or whatever, but there were downtimes, you know, where we were just sort of living together. And social circles were forming within, that sort of thing. At the end of the day, most of us were just like, sort of normal people. And whenever the topic came up, it was like "no no no no no, I'm not a part of this", because it would always be like "Hey, come over here you. Come hear about this", and I was like, "Nope. I have not, and I will not. Just stay away from me. I will not associate with you anymore." Cause when you're in something this serious, if there's even a hint that you shouldn't talk about something, you don't talk about it. Those people were being very reckless. I tried my best to keep my nose clean, which is why I ascended up the ranks."
Xenquility: "Heard anything about Matt lately?"
Xenquility: "Or Ifrit"
Xenquility: "or Operator"
Vincent: "I am not sure who any of those are."
Xenquility: "All the same guy"
Xenquility: ((An image of Matt wearing a skull mask is sent))
Xenquility: "This being the closest image"
Vincent: "All three are the same guy? Matt, Ifrit, AND the Operator? Uh, no. I'm not sure. My last cognitive experience... Here, let me see real quick. I'm pretty sure I have the specific dates for when Patrem took over me. Yeah, so four years ago, Patrem took over me. And some time between then - I don't have exact dates - that's when the tower thing happened. And then on April 2017, that was like the last speck of the self that existed within me. And then from there I was just in the dark place. And now I'm here. So I'm not aware of this person, if they're a new person involved."
Xenquility: "Quite old actually"
Vincent: "Yeah, then I'm just unfamiliar with him."
Xenquility: "Have you heard anything about a program called "JanusVR""
Vincent: "Yeah! It seemed like a cool spiritual successor to Worlds, which was cool. The guy who owned Worlds, not so cool. Look into it."
Xenquility: "Before I post this"
Xenquility: "Do you think you're in a scenario where viewing an image could cause something bad to happen"
Vincent: "Um... I don't think so? Not as far as I know. You're stressing me out. Kind of a scary question ((Laughs)). But I say go for it. Give it a shot."
Xenquility: "This dude look familiar at all?"
Xenquility: ((The image "ITWATCHES.gif" is sent))
Xenquility: "Kinda spooky so beware"
Xenquility: "ooga booga"
Vincent: ""Ooga booga"... What is this?"
Xenquility: "Some sort of entity chasing the Yuuki person"
Xenquility: "as far as I can gather"
Vincent: "Yeah, I'm not aware of that at all."
Xenquility: "Hm alright"
Xenquility: "Ever heard of someone named Max? Or a channel called Quiet Family?"
Vincent: "Uh... no. Who's Max?"
Xenquility: "SKM (Sam)'s brother"
Vincent: "Ah, okay. Yeah, no. I'm not aware."
Xenquility: "Any idea what the significance of "25" might be?"
Vincent: "Uh, no. I don't know the significance of "25"."
Xenquility: "This is pretty fucking dumb but as a filler question as I search for more would you happen to be aware of any "Enemy" plans you could tell us about LMAO"
Vincent: "((Laughs)) Uh, no. Currently just happy to be back and honestly just trying to stay away from any of the enemy plans. I can only hope they don't involve me, but that's what I thought before, so... As far as I know, the ritual or ceremony - whatever it was they were doing at the tower completely backfired and, uh, I haven't really heard anything from anyone. Like... Usually they're pretty quick to find you and basically just interrogate you, but I haven't heard anything about that."
Xenquility: "Does this look familiar at all?"
Xenquility: ((GHOSTBABEL's profile picture is sent))
Vincent: "What is this?"
Xenquility: "I'll take that as a no"
Vincent: "No, I'm sorry. But what is it?"
Xenquility: "Image of the ghostbabel person I asked about earlier"
Xenquility: "or their profile picture"
Vincent: "Yeah, I'm not sure who that is."
Xenquility: "We saw some leaked message from the baddies a while ago talking about janusVR"
Vincent: "What'd it say? Who are the "Baddies"?"
Xenquility: "Well we got the Lunarchildren still probably"
Xenquility: "and some new guys tghat work with the dude named BUP"
Xenquility: "who also work with the lc to some extent"
Xenquility: "And it was the IIIII account I was talking about earlier asking in a message if the janus vr roonm was completed yet"
Xenquility: ((The "leaked screenshot" posted by BUP is sent))
Xenquility: "Also uh"
Xenquility: "Vincent"
Xenquility: "Any idea why that message mentioned you?"
Vincent: "Were both of these messages sent by IIIII? Or was that somebody else in the beginning?"
Xenquility: "2nd one was IIIII"
Xenquility: "Not sure about the 1st"
Xenquility: "But it was most likely sent to the BUP guy as he's the one who accidentally posted the message"
Vincent: "I'm not entirely sure who or why."
Xenquility: " Have you heard anyone referred to as "The Gray Man"?"
Xenquility: ((An image of "The Gray Man" is sent))
Vincent: "It seems familiar, but I think only because I've been trying to go through and get up to date on the information that you guys have."
Xenquility: "Oh"
Xenquility: "Would the term "null storms" ring any bells?"
Vincent: "No."
Vincent: ((Vincent leaves to make some coffee))
Vincent: "Hello?
Vincent: "You guys got any more.. deep questions? ((Laughs))"

Xenquility: "OH"
Xenquility: "Got one"
Xenquility: "When you said the only way to escape the darkness it to keep moving"
Xenquility: "what does that actually mean?"
Jackuan: "Xen acts like he got a PhD :p Nice"
Vincent: "Xen does have a PhD."
Vincent: "When... When did I say that? Was this like, two nights ago or something?"

Xenquility: "Yesterday morning"
Vincent: "Oh, like super early in the morning?"
Xenquility: "yeah"
Vincent: "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was really disoriented at the time. But, basically, just as long as I kept wandering the forest, it felt like I wasn't going to "lose", if you will, and once I just decided to quit and stop and sit, that's when everything just started to kind of consume me."
Xenquility: "Ah alright"
Xenquility: "Do you think there is a cause of the darkness? Or would you just say it's a property of that "world""
Vincent: "I would say it's just a property of that world."
Xenquility: "Same with the time?"
Vincent: "Uh, the time dilation you mean?"
Xenquility: "Yeah"
Vincent: "Yeah, I think it's just a property of that world. That's why it was such a disorienting experience coming back, because I was expecting to be, like, 10,000 years in the future or something. But I wasn't. I was stuck in there for a very, very long time."
Xenquility: "Did time only seem odd after you had stopped walking, or was it constant?"
Vincent: "It was consistent. If anything, time felt like it was going by faster once I stopped walking, cause the need to keep moving kept me thinking, I guess. Like, "Maybe this way, maybe this way. Maybe straight. Am I going in circles?", all that kind of stuff. That was, like, keeping me aware, I guess, but after however many years it felt like I was walking, my brain was just exhausted. I was just ready for some quiet. I sat down with just the intention of resting, but like I said earlier, my body didn't need to rest or eat, so once I sat down and it felt comfortable, I decided that's where I wanted to be. It's better than wandering around in terror. Once I sat down, the terror turned into just fear, and the fear turned into just nothing. And nothing is a lot more comfortable than horrific fear - the stuff that's in your worst nightmares. Like when you're about to turn the corner and you KNOW something is going to be there. It was that feeling for the whole time. So I stopped."
ARGdov: "Ok unrelated question but - what are oyur plans now that you're out of there?"
ARGdov: "Just wanna make sure you're doing okay"
Vincent: "I don't know. Uh, ARGcat, I mean, in a literal and immediate sense, I am doing okay... I don't really have any plans as of yet. I'm probably just going to be... going to react to life as it happens, but I can't help but feel some sort of responsibility to help. So, if there's anything I can do to help, I'd be willing to do what I can."
ARGdov: "Ive been gone for a bit but it sounds like youve helped us a bit already"
ARGdov: "Theres still a lot more we need to work out but its something at least"
ARGdov: "Those BUP guys are still a mystery but I doubt youd know anything about them"
Vincent: "I do not know anything about Bup... B.U.P."
ARGdov: "Lol yeah didn't think so"
ARGdov: "Theyre up to something"
ARGdov: "They have powers"
ARGdov: "Theyre bad. Thats about it."
Vincent: "Are they part of the cult?"
ARGdov: "We dont know"
ARGdov: "But probably not"
ARGdov: "They seem to be their own thimg its weird"
ARGdov: "Theyre def involved though"
Vincent: "Are they similar to what I was involved with earlier?"
ARGdov: "Maybe? We've been speculating there may be a connection"
ARGdov: "All we know for sure is that they have power, and they have some plan, and itll probably be a danger to us. Thats the gist anyways."
Vincent: "I would've expected to be contacted at least by some of the higher ranking, but I haven't heard anything from anyone, which is comforting but also horrifying."
Xenquility: "Do we even know if the cult still exists in our world"
ARGdov: "Once the shit at the spire happened the LC kinda disapeared."
Vincent: "Oh... That's either a really good or really bad thing in my opinion."
ARGdov: "There's shit going on in other worlds, in wherever you were"
ARGdov: "So we're not done yet sadly"
Vincent: "If there's stuff going on in there, I do not want to go back… But, if it's like a last resort kind of thing, and you figure out how…"
Xenquility: "For all we know the cult might've been shoved into that parallelos"
Vincent: "Well, there was talk of that guy Tyler that might be in there, you guys were saying. Cause I didn't go there on purpose, it just kind of... happened. Really slowly, I guess."
ARGdov: "There are other people in there though"
ARGdov: "And it seems like some kind of cults been set up inside that world"
ARGdov: "We dunno by who"
Vincent: "There's a lot of people in there. There are very, very many people in there."
Xenquility: "That's scary to think about"
Xenquility: "We have some theory that they may be trying to make that world "habitable""
Vincent: "Uh... What's scary to think about is that if they're trying to make that place liveable, which I'm just going to come and say I don't think is possible. That is scary. If these BUP guys or guy are trying to do something like that, that's not... That's bad. We do not want that to happen."
Xenquility: "There may be a chance that ascended souls go there"
Xenquility: "as two people who were ascended seem to be there"
Vincent: "I don't know the, like, prerequisites you have to have to go in there. As far as I know, it's possible for some kind of, like, portal to be created to go in there for whatever reason you'd want to do that. But you don't go straight into one of the worlds. You go into that "Universe", if you will. Sort of like uh…"
ARGdov: "Some people seemingly crossed over on their own though"
ARGdov: "Over a bridge"
Vincent: "Yeah. I mean, I don't know how it works. Are you talking about a literal bridge, or like a symbolic bridge?"
ARGdov: "Kind of both?"
Xenquility: "Also does this at all look familiar?"
Xenquilty: ((An image of the circular rune board is sent))
ARGdov: "Weve seen people cross a bridge and then they kinda ended up on that side
ARGdov: "So who the fuck knows"
Vincent: "That may be just like a hot spot, if you will. For me, there was no bridge. I just kind of... faded into it, I guess. But that sent me straight into my world. I would imagine if you're trying to get into that place as a whole intentionally, you would have to have some way of navigating it, and a lot of it in there is just open space, and these worlds are just kind of... floating around, if you will. They seem to be connected by some sort of infrastructure, but I can't understand it. I think it's just incomprehensible. The bridge thing - it could just be the case for Tyler, you know. Maybe everybody has their own way of entering. I have no idea how the angel did it. I don't know why she came to me. I don't know how she got me out…"
Pako: ((A screenshot of the video "Start Life" featuring the white mannequin-like entity is sent))
Vincent: "I don't like that."
Pako: "You know something of this?"
Vincent: "No, but it's familiar and I don't know why. I don't like that. I don't like that. I do not like that. I don't like it."
Players: ((Players attempt to get Pako to delete the image))
Vincent: "I don't like it."
Pako: ((Pako deletes the image))
Vincent: "I can't see it anymore. What... What were we saying?"
ARGdov: "Can I ask one question about the angel?"
ARGdov: "Were they wearing a hat?"
Vincent: "Were they wearing a hat? I don't think so, but she's also requested that I don't describe her specifically. She might have larger plans. I like to think that she just rescued me, but I feel like she's going to come back into play at some point, which makes me nervous. But at the same time, she is the most trusted person I've encountered."
Xenquility: "Ay Vincent you still alive"
otherLiam: "Did anyone ask if there's a way we can contact the angel yet?"
Vincent: "There is not. Not that I'm aware of. She kind of just came in, got me out, put me down, and left. There was a little bit of talking, but…"
Xenquility: "the real question"
Xenquility: "WAS SHE HOT?"
Xenquility: "im sorry I had to"
Vincent: "((Laughs)) I would say that she's beautiful, yes."
otherLiam: "Guess we need to find a different way to get our people outta there"
Vincent: "I... have to wonder if she'll be back. I don't know why she would've chosen me, of all people, because it seems like there are people that to you guys are more important. I'm not sure of what my role is in this anymore. At least when I was in the cult I had a goal."
otherLiam: "Well you're also important. We'd just also like it if nobody was in the nightmare zone."
Vincent: "But why am I important? It feels like I was just a vessel. I got mixed up in something"
Xenquility: "Maybe that's why?"
Vincent: "I'm not sure to be honest."
otherLiam: "I think whatever's happening with your memories right now is an important piece of the puzzle."
Vincent: "I guess that I should explain to you since you just got here that these new memories are coming to me in chronological order. I have memories up to about 14 years old now. There isn't really much going on... just in school. I also don't think you were here when I explained that it's really confusing. It's not memories of another person, it's memories of me, but different, with a different family, and I lived in a different state. It's all different, but I'm still me. I still developed the same. My personality is still the same. The example I gave earlier was like my eighth or ninth birthday party... I remember two parties for that day and I remember being at both. And I remember feeling, like, exactly the same at both. You know what I mean? It's like I'm slowly becoming two people, if that makes sense. And as for how I'm feeling, I'm just confused, honestly. But, uh, other than "confused", everything's fine. It's just... confusing."
Vincent: "A couple of other key details that I think you missed is that while I was in that world, I was just kind of wandering around aimlessly in this, like, massive forest, which was horrifying the whole time, non-stop, until my mind just got tired of it after walking actually for like 1000 years. Time works differently in that place. I came across a tree that looked... comfortable ((Laughs)). So I just sat on the tree, and in that moment, I felt the closest thing to peace that I had felt since I had been there. So I just sat there. I didn't move."
Vincent: "In this place, for me, there was no hunger. There was no sleep. There was no exhaustion. There was nothing. There was just this world that I was in. And fear. And green. ((Laughs))
Vincent: "I was sitting in that place for so long that the trees kept growing and this tree grew around me, and I was just sunken in the tree with just a little bit of my chest and the forward half of my head sticking out, and I just... I still didn't move. I was ready, and right before the angel came, I saw something poke through the sky. Not, like, coming through the clouds or anything, but coming through the sky itself broke. Not broke, but, like, pierced, and it was this large, black tentacle sort of thing, and with it came this massive storm, the tentacle acting like the tornado in the center of it all."
Vincent: "The clouds that it was making were blackened. There was lightning just around the hole - everything a storm would have - and it started getting closer. And, again, I had completely given up at this point. At this point in time, my perception of time had lost me. I could have been there for 5 minutes, or I could have been there for fifty thousand, for all I know. I just had no idea. As it got closer, I could tell that it was coming for me, specifically, and that was when the angel showed up. In short terms, she was basically like, "What are you doing? We need to get out of here." So, she kind of like moved the tree in this kind of way, picked me up, brushed me off, and told me what was going to happen. And she could fly in this world, so she picked me up and we went straight up and then we went through the sky. And I saw the creature that was poking into my world. It was massive... and just terrible. I don't like thinking about it."
Vincent: "Once we were outside of the world that I was in, I immediately wished that I didn't stop moving. I wish I just kept walking around. It was so much more horrifying to see what was out there. I assume she has some sort of higher knowledge and she told me that there were certain things that I'm not allowed to talk about, and describing the place that contained the place that I was in is not something I should talk about. For my safety, and for your safety. All of you. And I just kept looking. She told me to stop looking, but I kept looking… Eventually, the fear hit the point where I basically just reverted to a child. I just held on, closed my eyes, and dug my face into her shoulder until we were... out. Out. And we were back at my house. It was the most disorienting thing."
Vincent: "After about a day or two of just processing, that's when I learned to play the song on the piano that I posted, "Glad to be back", because I realised it was real! I was actually out of there. It was over. I had a lot of time to myself... Too much time to myself. I feel like if we ever discover immortality, I wouldn't pick it. There is such a thing as living too long. But now that I'm back, it's different. I can look back on it all, and it doesn't feel like as long as it felt like at the time. So, yeah. I'm still just feeling confused, and these memories suddenly presenting themselves to me are making it a lot more confusing."

otherLiam: "Did you ever see any other people while you were in there?"
Vincent: "Yes, but there was never any contact, and I couldn't tell you if they were real. By the time I started seeing people, it had been so long completely alone that I could probably just say that it was my brain hoping that if I would like, turn my head, I'd see someone standing there. If I did see anyone, we would just look at each other and keep walking, so I don't know if there were any other "real" people in that place or if it was just me in this particular place. One thing that I am allowed to say is that earlier the tentacle creature that was trying to enter or break through my world, what have you, I truly believe it was coming for me, specifically. It broke through the sky directly in my line of site. It was coming straight for me, and as we left, just kind of in horror, I screamed. I was like, "What is that thing?", and she told me that it was a race of creatures that live in there called the "Absque Fascie", and I didn't ask any further questions. I also noted earlier that the world that I was in was not the only one in there. There were very, very many in there. Because we were still just going in an upward direction and I just started to be able to see, like, the larger expanse of space that was contained within this place. There were a lot of these places, of these separate worlds, that I would assume belong to someone, and if the people that I saw in the forest were real, maybe several people live in these places. And somebody was saying earlier that BUP or whatever it's called, they're trying to, like, "collinate" in there, and if they have the power to do that, that's a very, very bad thing. We do not want that to happen under any circumstances."
Xenquility: "Sorry what don't we want to happen? (Zoned out for a sec my bad)"
Vincent: "Somebody earlier said that the BUP people or whatever they're called were trying to colonize or inhabit a space within this place. That's bad news. You don't want that to happen. Absolutely not. And you say that they have powers and stuff, but something you need to understand is that not even Patrem could handle that place. You know, he was a part of me for so long, but even he couldn't handle that. He can't. There's just no way. He isn't HALF as strong as the Absque Fascie. If these guys are able to do literally ANYTHING to the Absque Fascie, that is a HUGE, like, multi dimensional reality breaking scenario. We do not want that to happen."
otherLiam: "Is there anything we can do to help you?"
Vincent: "As for anything you can do to help me, I don't really need help with anything right now. I'm kind of in a more or less comfortable place. I'm just confused with the memories coming into my brain and I don't really know how to handle that at the moment. I'd also like to make clear again that there IS more that I know that I cannot tell anybody. Not because I'm being threatened, but it's for everybodies safety."
ARGdov: "You and everyone else"
ARGdov: "nobody can tell us anything"
ARGdov: "well, actually most just refuse to, so at least you have an actual reason lol"
Vincent: "No, this is different. This is different."
ARGdov: "We get it"
Vincent: "And don't say I didn't tell you anything. I told you much stuff. ((Laughs))"
ARGdov: "Oh you did"
ARGdov: "dont worry, we're thankful dont worry"
Vincent: "But this is, like, "world breaking can't tell you" stuff. Not yet. It's stuff I believe you'll find out on your own, but I personally cannot tell you. At least not now. It's not the right time."
Liam: Can you tell us any more about that "Experimental procedure" the LC were using? Like, do you know of anyone it was definitely used on?"
Vincent: "Okay, so there was a procedure that we were trying to develop - and I say "We" because I was higher tier than most people at the time. This was before Patrem. This was just me as a part of this cult. I believed everything that they were telling me. This procedure was a part of advanced initiations. So, if you think about it in... I can't think of the word to use, but if you think about in like a ranking system - lowest rank to highest rank - lowest rank is fresh, brand new initiate - "I want to be a part of this", so, okay, let's see what you've got. Then you go through the first basic "tests" or "trials" or whatever they called it, but after that it gets more serious. You have to do more serious things, and a part of that is leaving your life behind. The "experimental procedure", when it worked, it would "change you". It would change you into a different person on a literal level. If it didn't work, you'd... Not even if it didn't work, but if the person administering it - because this was like brain surgery that we were doing - if it didn't work, it's not that you would die - it's that you would lose your mind and, subsequently, we would put them out of your misery. If we succeeded, they would come back a different person, and from that point on, I would say they were level 1 initiates into the cult. The position under that when you go through the initial steps with the "go do this" and "go do that", I would consider that a level 0 initiate."
otherLiam: "So it's a surgical thing? Not like, a magical ritual or something."
Vincent: "I wasn't a personal "administrator" of this kind of thing. I think it's less magic, more surgical. Some kind of magic is used, but it's also surgical. You can't just zap them through their skull and it works, you know, you have to actually pinpoint the exact spot on the brain."
Xenquility: "Sorry, was the "experimental treatment" used on each new initiate?"
Vincent: "Xenquility, yes. It was used on each new initiate. They were presented with the risks. They were not told what was going to happen, and that was basically the final proving point, like, "Are you willing to die to keep this going? Because you might die.""
Xenquility: "When was this actually developed?"
Vincent: "They've been using it for a long time. I don't know when this developed. When - if it succeeds, your mind changes in a very serious way, and assuming that you even got to this point, you're basically saying "Yes, I'd do anything for the Luna. I would die for Luna. I want to be a part of this. I'm aware of the risks and if I die right now, at least I'm dying with purpose." That's how the people would see it. That's how I saw it, because they can be really convincing, you know, and some people went through with it, it worked, but with a fair amount of people, it didn't work. Every single member has had this done to them, from the highest down to the first initiates. Before this treatment, that is your only chance to leave - to turn around, walk away, and pretend it never happened. Which, considering the kind of shit that these people do, is a graceful thing."
Xenquility: "Do they actually let people leave?"
Vincent: "Yeah, because usually people are like "Alright, this feels kind of bullshit", you know. If you were to be walking down the street and you heard some guy scream like, "Yo, there's this cult. They want to do brain surgery on me." ((Laughs)) And if people DO get too close to convincing someone, that is when the higher ups kind of... You know what I mean? Because it's a very, very organized group of people, and they keep track of everyone. So, they give you the chance to leave, and if you just go back to your regular old life, you're fine. But if you start trying to, like, expose them or something, then, um... you're done. You don't do that, and they made that clear. But the first couple of trials are super simple, but when you get to that one, it's permanent. You're not going back after that. You are a devotee to Luna until you die. It's irreversible. Well, theoretically irreversible. I've never administered the treatment. I've never seen it up close. It could be digital, it could be magical, I don't know. All I know is that once it's there, it's there, and if it doesn't work, it isn't like a "Well, we failed, let's just throw 'em into the dumpster!" It's like a very sad thing, you know, like we'll have a funeral for them and everything, because we know that even by accepting to try the treatment they were one of us. We respected each other. We were family, in a sense."
otherLiam: "You said you were a higher-up in the LC at this time, right?"
Vincent: "Yes, but not to the top."
otherLiam: "Then you also went through that?"
Vincent: "Oh yeah. That IS the first step. Everything before that is just bells and whistles."
Xenquility: "Damn guess it doesn't convince people that possession is good"
Vincent: "Well, no. See, that's the thing - once you're way way higher up into the ranks…"
Erika_XP💚: "@Vincentadams did you know Luna is actually my patron deity? Also hi xp"
otherLiam: "dude what"
Vincent: ((Vincent asks if Erika is being serious))
otherLiam: "she sure is"
Xenquility: "(Different Luna apparently, not jid luna)"
ARGdov: "shes"
ARGdov: "a lot"
Vincent: ((Vincent asks if Erika is a part of any cult))
Erika_XP💚: "lol no cults are dumb"
Xenquility: "lmao"
IIFan2001: "lol"
Erika_XP💚: "well I guess I should not say a cult in the classical sense is dumb but in its modern application normies have made it dumbo =p"
otherLiam: "please stop RPing"
Erika_XP💚: "Hey Im being SERIOUS actually sorry tho =/"
Vincent: "But yeah, as far as convincing people that possession's good, we were aware of the concept, but we didn't tell people that it would be a comfortable experience. The higher ups would make it clear that if you are chosen to be possessed by an entity that represents our cause that you should accept it, and that it is not going to be comfortable, and yeah. The treatment from before isn't supposed to make everything seem "normal" or "good" or any kind of thing like that, it's more of a test to see how serious you are about joining this cult, and what it actually does is that it changes you. Like, it completely changes you, in some kind of way, I guess. I'm not sure how to explain it, entirely, but it makes your dedication to the cult as a whole FAR stronger than before, and as you can probably tell, it IS possible to reverse these affects, given that I am here now and not a part of the cult, and, like, afraid of the cult, because as far as I know, post treatment nobody has ever... I don't even want to say "escaped", because nobody's ever wanted to escape. It's just that nobody has ever left. I think that whatever happened to me at the event at that tower... it must have reversed whatever happened to me during the initiation, and that's what allowed me to escape. Otherwise, I would've stayed and done everything I could to help."
otherLiam: "Have hte LC been in contact with you at all since you got back? Or are they even aware you're still alive?"
Vincent: "I have not encountered anybody at all. I am not even aware if they're still alive. I haven't seen anything from anyone about anything, but once I left the tower, or the spire, sorry, I called up some friends and family and just made my way back to my home. But, I started to get paranoid about my friends and families being in on it, so I sort of just picked up and left out of nowhere in a hurry to a different location in hopes that they didn't follow me, and I haven't seen anything happen yet. I haven't noticed anybody following me, because again I was a higher up, so I know how they do things. But, as far as I know I've escaped them, or they're just not around anymore. Preferably they're not around anymore. Anyone have any more questions?"
Erika_XP💚: "WAIT"
Erika_XP💚: "forget I asked that I was having a brain fart XD"
Erika_XP💚: "I know something =p"
Erika_XP💚: "You are the vincent man who forgot a bunch of stuff I think"
Erika_XP💚: "and you are a good person and I hope you have a good day sir XD"

otherLiam: "I mean most of what I wanted to know was about the angel and if we could get her to help our friends. But that may be something we need to investigate on our own.
Vincent: "I like to imagine that she will come back. And this isn't to imply anything, this is just a theory, she might be around, and we just don't know it."
Xenquility: "Woah"
Xenquility: "deeplore"
Xenquility: "cough cough"
Erika_XP💚: "Did you know angels are actually big scary geometrical shapes in reality?"
Erika_XP💚: "what is this angel business why would you want to be involved with a bloody angel lol"
Erika_XP💚: "Well Im not sure who "she" is but I know I would be insulted to get called something so grody"
Erika_XP💚: "Im just having a go mate sorry sorry XD"

otherLiam: "Erika, have some chill"
Vincent: "If she is powerful enough to enter that space AND enter my world, unage the tree that I was sitting in, pull me out of the world, and take me outside of the universe that contains those worlds, I'd imagine that she is some kind of all powerful being. Not all powerful, but far more powerful than anything I've encountered."
IIFan2001: "Jackuan is kinda pretending like he is in the voice chat XD"
Erika_XP💚: "in reality the imagery we see when we think of angels is better attributed to faeries if anything :p"
Jackuan: "@IIFan2001 just wanna be included but well."
Erika_XP💚: "rarely are they nice as far as I am aware but I dont think its impossible either =p"
Xenquility: "valkyries"
Xenquility: "or something"
Vincent: "Jackuan you are included."
Xenquility: "arguably'"
otherLiam: "dude just call her an angel"
Erika_XP💚: "Oh those are cool actually XD"
otherLiam: "dont let the pagan talk shit"
Jackuan: "@Vincentadams thanks bro but im not in the call."
Erika_XP💚: "oi pagan is a dumb word I dont call myself that >>"
otherLiam: "Jackuan is having internet trouble i think"
Vincent: "xen is recording the whole thing so you can watch it when he cuts it down"
Jackuan: "Yeah @otherLiam"
Vincent: "there are long periods of silence that can be removed to shorten it"
Vincent: "either way this is going to be 3+ hours long"
Erika_XP💚: "I am honestly not sure what you should call her but Ill say valkyries are cool. But also tragic at times in their tales"
Xenquility: ((The message "FEET PICS" is written in runes))
Erika_XP💚: "always very beautiful tho"
Jackuan: "@Xenquility feet pics(? Wtf"
Erika_XP💚: "LOL"
otherLiam: "This is a weird question, but while you were in the green place, did you ever hear any music?"
Vincent: "Just wait for the video if your wifi cannot handle it."
Vincent: "I am sorry that you cannot enter the call."
Erika_XP💚: "@Xenquility you really took off reading about runes after our talk before I take it XD"
Vincent: "Um, no. I did not hear music. It was very silent and very still. There was no wind. There were no animals. It was just grass, dirt, and trees. Very, very large trees that would take about 4 people to lock arms around. They were very, very tall. There were only certain places where I could see the sky, and I would much rather look at the trees than the sky"
otherLiam: "Why, what was in the sky?"
Vincent: "It was just uncomfortable to look at. It was a more or less normal sky, but with the way that everything looked in there, it was just uncomfortable."
Vincent: ""normal""
Erika_XP💚: "Ill be right back ^w^"
PaKo: "ᚲᛊᛖᚾᛊᚢᚲᚲᛊ xD"
Xenquility: "those are like"
Xenquility: "younger futhark I think"
Xenquility: "I can really only read elder futhark"
Xenquility: "but that's probably a goofy online translator you're using"
PaKo: ""
Erika_XP💚: "Aaaa XD"
Vincent: "Any more questions?"
otherLiam: "I guess I have one more. What do you think will happen when your "other memories" finally catch up to now?"
Erika_XP💚: "Hello vincent =p"
Vincent: "I don't know. That's something that I'm worried about. I, uh... I have no idea. I think whatever happens when the memories catch up to now, I'll just sort of have to react to that. And, like I said to you the other day, I've already become exposed to knowledge that I feel like I shouldn't have, and that I'm definitely not going to share with people. And if I am, it's going to be when the time is right."
Erika_XP💚: "I can sortof read runes a lil bit"
Erika_XP💚: "But thats crazy to me it was just a couple weeks ago I think I talked with you about that and you are already typing and reading stuff I guess"
Erika_XP💚: "good job @Xenquility ^w^"

Xenquility: "<3"
otherLiam: "Alright then. I guess we mostly need to wait to either learn that stuff on our own or for when the time is right, then. And also wait for this angel to show up."
Vincent: "Yeah, I'm not entirely sure of what the angel's agenda is, and I sure as hell am confused as to why she would pick me out of all the people in there. Me, specifically... As far as I know, she isn't on a massive rescue mission, picking out people one by one. Yeah... I'm just not sure what she's trying to do. But if I ever come into contact with her again, I will ask her questions on everyone here's behalf, and I'll sort of do my own investigation and I'll ask her what she's comfortable with me sharing. IF she shows up again. I haven't seen her since, but if she singled me out, I'd imagine I'm going to be seeing her again at some point. Or maybe not. I don't know."
Erika_XP💚: "spooko >.>"
Erika_XP💚: "<.<"
Erika_XP💚: "^.^"

otherLiam: "I guess that's all the questions I have too then."
Vincent: "Okay. If you guys think of more questions, I don't mind doing something like this again. It's up to you guys at the end of the day."
Xenquility: "Thanks for the help my dude"
Xenquility: "Especially with the touchy stuff"
otherLiam: "Thanks for being here dude"
otherLiam: "take care"
Vincent: "Thank you for listening."
Erika_XP💚: "Was just gonna say, nighty nighto Mr. Adams ~<3"
Vincent: "Oh ((Laughs)). Thank you, and nighty nighto to you too Erika_XP Square. I cannot see most emojis on my computer."
Erika_XP💚: "its a green heart :heart:"
Vincent: ":green_heart:"
Erika_XP💚: "yes ^^"
Vincent: "Alrighty! If nobody else has any questions, I'm going to go ahead and head out. I hope you all do well, and I'll talk to you guys later. Good night."
Erika_XP💚: "bye bye Xp"


  • Erika chats casually with the players and Vincent, noting that Luna is her patron deity.

2/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[4:52 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you think I should join this call Im nervous there are so many people lol"
[4:52 PM] Erika_XP💚: "also sorry I have not been on in forever I have been very very busy XD"

[4:53 PM] Xenquility: "I'd say join"
[4:53 PM] Xenquility: "ill protect you XD"
[4:53 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I will be a stronko =p"
[5:40 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I knew that man was some slight bit of a goof ^^"
[5:40 PM] Erika_XP💚: ""flowers" very cute viking name XD"
[5:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I also scrolled back for a good while and was reading one of your theories and now Irealize you must have REALLY been reading about runes A LOT"

[6:10 PM] Xenquility: "Yup"
[6:10 PM] Xenquility: "Have gotten interested in norse mythos in general"
[6:10 PM] Xenquility: "6 books with another on the way"
[6:10 PM] Xenquility: "(More like 5 as I have the edda as well as a seperate copy of the havamal)"
[7:32 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you remember that thing I told you about the research of magic? Because taping into esoteric elements can give you an AMAZING level of understanding but at a cost if you are not careful. There is a reason that big message made no sense to anyone you presented to but also seemed rather sensible to you Im guessing because you are aware of little rune mysteries =p"
[7:36 PM] Xenquility: "I wouldn't say my message was anything great as I had less of a knowledge of runes than than now, and even now I'd say I'm rather unfamiliar"
[7:37 PM] Xenquility: "And to be fair I still don't see myself going to deep into insanity through esoteric knowledge as I still see many hypocritical pieces of information in my readings that always ruin my suspension of disbelief"
[7:39 PM] Xenquility: "Though there was someone in a discord server I'm in (Norse mythology related) that seemed to be going bat shit insane and claiming he had like"
[7:39 PM] Xenquility: "Discovered the truth of the universe in a completely incoherent matter"
[7:40 PM] Erika_XP💚: "In my little personal view of things I have a way of defining that"
[7:40 PM] Xenquility: "Which I feel like was probably drugs as he seemed to return to normal a few days later"
[7:41 PM] Xenquility: "(And was after he quit his job)"
[7:43 PM] Erika_XP💚: "since we are talking about norse stuff I will say wodin is a god of very many things. Including inspiration through sudden bouts of madness"
[7:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I find many many people when in deep study will reach many forms of "inspiration" points, but if something is goofed up in some way and they are not completely prepared to go through this kind of process it will usually result in really awful metldowns in some cases. But if there are any ramblings they will not only seem coherent to whomever speaks them but often if payed heed to long enough the whole bloody bit will generally have a hidden logic that does infact show hidden secrets of complete coherence"
[7:47 PM] Erika_XP💚: "But usually when people are in that kind of state they both during and after seem to be unable to make any blunt sense of what they explain be it in words or pictures"
[7:47 PM] Erika_XP💚: "this is practical esoteric magic essentially"
[7:48 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I might have just explanied that poorly but not because I am trying to be esoteric I am just kind of sleepy and might take a tiny nap =p"
[7:49 PM] Erika_XP💚: "But its such a nice day I might go walk instead idk"
[7:51 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Basically when I see someone go loopy and say a bunch of really crazy stuff I just think about it kind of like those one christian people who have the people who speak in interdiemensional languages or something, except with people busting into really hard to understand mythopoetic and symbol talk instead of what is purely gibberish to the ears =p"
[7:55 PM] Erika_XP💚: "But I really think depending on how hard someone does a thing like that, creating meaning within esoteric madness, they can be driven mad if they do not have a powerful mental fortitude and/or magic/logic system to prevent themselves from being what some would call "overloaded with energy" and then become like the man you mentioned but for much longer periods of time and without the ability to cease. Because I have seen that before and it can be kind of sad ="["

[7:56 PM] Xenquility: "It seems scary to imagine something like that happening"
[7:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Well in old society "psychics" and "seers" were probably something like this, and they had a place in that society so they could have a functioning life in their own right at times as far as I have come to understand"
[7:57 PM] Xenquility: "How exactly does one reach that point? Seems pretty odd on my eyes"
[7:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "but modern day is weird about that I guess =/"
[7:59 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont want to come off as insulting in any way so please Im really sorry if I do but, it looked to me like you were rising to a lower level of this when you typed up that really big thingy on the rune cast XD"

[8:00 PM] Xenquility: "Oh no worries lmao"
[8:00 PM] Xenquility: "I was mainly just compiling a lot of what I've read into one message and didn't format it at all"
[8:01 PM] Xenquility: "The main reason I'm not exactly "proud" of that message is that it was mainly just a bunch of surface level knowledge from a few sources"
[8:01 PM] Xenquility: "Hence why I said it shouldn't be trusted that well"
[8:02 PM] Xenquility: "I just got on a ramble spree for the fun of it to be honest. Was struggling to get any theorizing at the time and wanted to get something out while I had sone time off and was motivated"
[8:03 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I think somewhere in the Havamal Odin says some line about not talking if you do not know very much lol"
[8:03 PM] Erika_XP💚: "but you know a lot tho"
[8:04 PM] Erika_XP💚: "So where as for others rambling off the top of the head would be like trying to cup water from a drying puddle you reach into a deep well as far as I can see ^^"
[8:07 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Just be sure to clear your mind on a routine basis and maybe clear your space of spooky energy that might come from delving too deep into corrupted magical teachings you dont have to do the last part I just worry about people"

[8:07 PM] Xenquility: "What are considered corrupted magical teachings lmao"
[8:11 PM] Erika_XP💚: "imo anything that claims "esoteric" wisdom more often than not, there are people in magical study who get a kick out of lying to you for one reason or another and they do it best in any field of "esoterics". It can be worth it to delve because its not all lies but the cryptic nature of this kind of stuff makes it the easiest spot for them to do it. Usually you will find if you have been in any way pathed towards something weird(not to be confused with wyrd lol) or just outright lied to, it is with intent that is not really purely for your own gain or good intentions"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "Thanks for uh, keeping an eye out for me for lack of a better phrase. I don't see myself going down any scary left hand paths but it's nice to know someone cares"
[8:19 PM] Erika_XP💚: "left hand path does not HAVE to be scary I dont think, I praise and take benefit from a moon goddess myself and I am fairly certain a good bit of my logic behind this is lefthand in nature. I guess if you are involved with any kind of group just be sure you know the full truth of their intention but I would not know much about that a lot of my practice is solitary =\"


  • Erika chats with the player Xenquility in PM's while the previous conversation with Vincent is taking place. She expresses her nervousness and whether or not she should join in on the conversation.
  • Erika discusses esoterics, magical teachings, and the dangers that come with mishandling such things. She warns that there are some who wish to intentionally mislead others through harmful magical beliefs.
  • Erika reiterates that she is devout to Luna - though not the Luna that the Lunar Children claim to worship.

3/17/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[4:12 PM] Erika_XP💚: I can hardly contain my excitement XD
[4:12 PM] ARGdov: oh shit
[4:12 PM] ARGdov: im here
[4:12 PM] ARGdov: oh hey erika!
[4:12 PM] Xenquility: AY ERIKA
[4:12 PM] IIFan2001: sup
[4:12 PM] Xenquility: How are ya?
[4:12 PM] Erika_XP💚: good just got back from a very refreshing walk ^^
[4:12 PM] IIFan2001: cool
[4:13 PM] ARGdov: super soon
[4:13 PM] ARGdov: oooh nice
[4:13 PM] ARGdov: erika can I ask?
[4:13 PM] ARGdov: do you have a house or an apartment?
[4:13 PM] Erika_XP💚: A home =p
[4:13 PM] Erika_XP💚: Im pretty sure anyways idk xd

[4:13 PM] Xenquility: wha-
[4:14 PM] ARGdov: what does that mean?
[4:14 PM] ARGdov: starts in a minute
[4:14 PM] IIFan2001: yep
[4:14 PM] Erika_XP💚: I hope I get to see Tyler in this one ~ :heart:
[4:15 PM] Wolfcat: :kill:
[4:15 PM] ARGdov: STARTING
[4:15 PM] Xenquility: JEBAITED
[4:15 PM] Xenquility: 2 more minutes lmao
[4:16 PM] Erika_XP💚: oh no its happening really close to the spooky time <<;
[4:16 PM] Xenquility: D:
[4:16 PM] IIFan2001: SPOOKZ
[4:17 PM] IIFan2001: its started
[4:18 PM] Erika_XP💚: ITS TYLER :heart: :heart:
[4:19 PM] ARGdov: What oh earth is this
[4:21 PM] IIFan2001: the image of the earth and sun in Jad's video was in this premiere
[4:21 PM] otherLiam: well that was fuckin weird
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: That was
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: a
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: lot
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: No tags
[4:22 PM] ARGdov: it really was
[4:22 PM] ARGdov: thats
[4:22 PM] ARGdov: eesh
[4:22 PM] ARGdov: thats gonna give us a lot to go over
[4:22 PM] otherLiam: well lets start with the obvious
[4:22 PM] otherLiam: @Xenquility go forth and translate, runeboi
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: On my way right now
[4:23 PM] ARGdov: thats a LOT to translate
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: Any clue what those weird characters were?
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: They looked familiar
[4:23 PM] otherLiam: eh. it’s individual words.
[4:23 PM] otherLiam: characters as in people or as in letters?
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: etters
[4:24 PM] ARGdov: letters yeah
[4:24 PM] ARGdov: no idea what that was
[4:24 PM] otherLiam: yeah no
[4:24 PM] otherLiam: someone should also download the vid so we can reverse that audio
[4:24 PM] Xenquility: did
[4:25 PM] Xenquility: can't upload though
[4:25 PM] Xenquility: too large
[4:26 PM] otherLiam: are you talking about these characters?
[4:26 PM] Xenquility: Yup
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: A lot of imagery of Jad in this video
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: and zelda shit compared to usual
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: and shit about things not being Tyler's "legacy" or "territory"
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: and this being uploaded on the same day BEN DROWNED IS CONTINUED
[4:27 PM] otherLiam: Well Alex was the most involved with Tenebris’ Zelda shit, obvi
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: yee
[4:28 PM] otherLiam: god we’re gonna have to frame by frame this shit
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: yeah ok
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: Im starting to suspect they may be related but we'll see
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: can you imagine though
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: like, Jads an ass but
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: if Tyler could wrap him into this
[4:29 PM] ARGdov: thatd be MENTAL
[4:29 PM] IIFan2001: it also showed a Discord message from Jadusable (Dingo) saying "Hope your day is good as well! Good luck with your ascension"
[4:29 PM] Dr. Circle: i'm skeptical that they are
[4:29 PM] otherLiam: Jad’s a guy that fucked up
[4:29 PM] Dr. Circle: high doubt
[4:30 PM] Xenquility: Not many runes but the ones at 2:27 are: "Inward one finds the true father Worker under the moon This holds the mystery of inspiration"
[4:30 PM] ARGdov: oh I doubt it too
[4:30 PM] ARGdov: but its an insane possibility
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: There was like a frame of text that said something about this just being an “easter egg nod”
[4:32 PM] Xenquility: That was after the weird majora's mask shit
[4:32 PM] otherLiam: oh you think it was referring to that specifically?
[4:32 PM] otherLiam: that makes sense
[4:32 PM] otherLiam: so hang on
[4:33 PM] otherLiam: that creepy mannequin child at the beginning that we’ve seen before
[4:33 PM] otherLiam: that’s Alex?
[4:33 PM] Xenquility: Most likely Ben?
[4:33 PM] Xenquility: I've got the evidence for that in a document somewhere
[4:33 PM] Xenquility: will post it later
[4:34 PM] PaKo: I think that this video is the most epic of Johnisdead ARG
[4:34 PM] PaKo: Wow!
[4:34 PM] otherLiam: wait, Ben or BEN?
[4:34 PM] Xenquility: Ben
[4:34 PM] otherLiam: ok
[4:35 PM] otherLiam: but why would Ben snatching Tyler up lead him to fucking Jadusable
[4:35 PM] PaKo: 3/24
[4:35 PM] PaKo: what are going to happen this date?
[4:36 PM] ARGdov: Im guessing its ben
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: is that date significant
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: it sounds familiar
[4:37 PM] PaKo: hello again tyler, who are you, lost?(appear the video of 5646 Where am I?), You can call me Alex, US, who else were you expecting?,(appear a short footage of You shouldn't have done that, Just a little easter egg nod, don't got too crazy that agreement. (appear a new weird code text) (more code weird in big), if you keep playing games, (sound of zelda), more weird code text, And since you are now cought IN THE MACHINE, let's start with a look at what you keep tecahing for (soung of a reverse voice of somebody), The man from across the tracks, What else do you want of mine? (appear more new weird code text) (appear a reverse text), Not an option not your territory, appear a footage of the earth, and then the video start to change the color, This wisdom is not your legacy, but we can have a glimpse from outside, lots of runes, appear some weird guys, Now the timelines are ..., (appear somebody walking in the bridge probably Tyler) You're better off on your side of the tracks, ¨I'm really excited to see what you have planned¨, I have much and little to do with it, We may speak again but likely only by a trial, shoot ¨me¨ a call when this is over if you remember.exe, ¨That was the final part of your trial with -¨
[4:37 PM] Erika_XP💚: I think its just the spooky number backwards, also WOW that was intense
[4:40 PM] otherLiam: Hmm. If it was 4/23 backwards that’d be 32/4, wouldn’t it?
[4:41 PM] ARGdov: its 4/23
[4:41 PM] Erika_XP💚: 32/4 = 8
[4:41 PM] Erika_XP💚: is 8 the new spooki number XD

[4:41 PM] IIFan2001: yes
[4:42 PM] IIFan2001: 8 is the spookiest number a human being could see
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: okay
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: huzzah
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: it's old hylian I think
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: or new hylian
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: some sort of hylian
[4:51 PM] otherLiam: fuckin nerds
[4:51 PM] Xenquility: I was just searching through fonts and shit fuck off
[4:51 PM] otherLiam: is there a hylian dictionary like there is for fuckin Klingon
[5:00 PM] Xenquility: well great hylian translates into fucking japanese
[5:00 PM] PaKo: the channel of Jadusable is in the list of the channels of Silentdork channel
[5:00 PM] PaKo: the weird code text is japanese?
[5:01 PM] IIFan2001: Silentdork subscribed to Jadusable
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: It's old hylian, which translates into japanese
[5:01 PM] PaKo: wtffffffffffff
[5:01 PM] PaKo: :rage:
[5:01 PM] otherLiam: It’s the language of a Zeda race.
[5:01 PM] otherLiam: So of course it translates to Japanese.
[5:01 PM] IIFan2001: lots of stuff happening today
[5:01 PM] otherLiam: So uh
[5:01 PM] otherLiam: I’ve got a guy.
[5:01 PM] otherLiam: He speaks Japanese.
[5:02 PM] otherLiam: Send me the translation.
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: Will do as soon as I cna
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: *can
[5:02 PM] PaKo: somebody have translation of the title of the video
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: "Dreaming"
[5:02 PM] PaKo: oh make sense
[5:02 PM] PaKo: can be this all a dream when tyler was in coma?
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: Could be but I doubt it
[5:09 PM] Xenquility: Liam
[5:09 PM] PaKo: the miniature of IIIIIIIIII video has changed
[5:09 PM] Xenquility: Do you have the guy like
[5:09 PM] Xenquility: available now
[5:14 PM] Eevee Reborn: What's the Japanese?
[5:14 PM] Eevee Reborn: I can read it
[5:16 PM] PaKo: seriously???
[5:16 PM] PaKo: the weird text of the new silentdork video
[5:17 PM] PaKo: its japanese
[5:17 PM] Eevee Reborn: No
[5:18 PM] Eevee Reborn: It's ancient hylian, according to Xen.
[5:18 PM] PaKo: yeah that sorry
[5:19 PM] PaKo: hylian is translated to Japanese
[5:19 PM] Eevee Reborn: He hasn't actually proved that tho
[5:20 PM] Eevee Reborn: Im still waiting for the japanese
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: oh shit hi
[5:20 PM] PaKo: its hylian
[5:20 PM] Jayckup: pics or it didnt happen
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: sorry in the midst of dinner
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: *making dinner
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: So I have no clue if this spacing is correct but according to a chart online
[5:21 PM] Xenquility: Hateshi sosunahe nasosu tatechi
[5:21 PM] Xenquility: Though "sosu" apparently translates to "thoth" so I think it may be completely off
[5:21 PM] PaKo:
[5:21 PM] PaKo: this text
[5:21 PM] otherLiam: Yeah. That’s Hylian.
[5:22 PM] otherLiam: Apparently.
[5:22 PM] PaKo: how we can translate this
[5:22 PM] otherLiam: he used a chart
[5:22 PM] otherLiam: Pako it’s a made-up Nintendo language, there’s just a chart online for it
[5:22 PM] PaKo: first we need transfer this img to text
[5:23 PM] Wolfcat: >trans
[5:23 PM] Wolfcat: :skeet:
[5:23 PM] PaKo: then translate
[5:23 PM] otherLiam: We are.
[5:23 PM] otherLiam: It’s in Japanese.
[5:23 PM] otherLiam: That’s the problem we’re having.
[5:23 PM] Eevee Reborn: Its deff not jap tho
[5:23 PM] PaKo: its hylian
[5:23 PM] Eevee Reborn: Lmfao
[5:23 PM] PaKo: :hando:
[5:24 PM] Wolfcat: i think we need to put the words from the image into text first
[5:24 PM] Wolfcat: then we translate the japanese
[5:24 PM] otherLiam: oh my god
[5:24 PM] PaKo: nice work wolfcat
[5:24 PM] Wolfcat: thanks
[5:24 PM] PaKo: that what i said before
[5:24 PM] PaKo: :eggplant~2:
[5:24 PM] Xenquility: That's what we are doing
[5:24 PM] otherLiam: We DID THAT
[5:24 PM] PaKo: nice
[5:24 PM] Jayckup: wait guys
[5:24 PM] PaKo: really?
[5:24 PM] otherLiam: Welcome to the fucking conversation
[5:25 PM] Eevee Reborn: Can we put the image through japanese and translate it
[5:25 PM] Jayckup: I think its hylian
[5:25 PM] PaKo: yeah it is
[5:25 PM] otherLiam: Is Pako real?
[5:25 PM] PaKo: what?
[5:25 PM] otherLiam: Is he just the greatest troll of all time?
[5:25 PM] Jayckup: we need to transfer the image to text
[5:25 PM] Wolfcat: i think we can use google translate for the japanese
[5:25 PM] PaKo: why?
[5:25 PM] Wolfcat: so we can translate it
[5:25 PM] PaKo: im not trolling
[5:25 PM] Jayckup: translate to translate
[5:26 PM] Jayckup: the hylian
[5:26 PM] Eevee Reborn: Can just cut the bullshit and google trans the image?
[5:26 PM] Wolfcat: we need to translate the hylian to japanese
[5:26 PM] PaKo: yee
[5:26 PM] Jayckup: google "trans" for the image
[5:26 PM] Wolfcat: :skeet:
[5:26 PM] PaKo: :wolf:
[5:26 PM] otherLiam: @Xenquility can you do the japanese again only with the actual characters instead of romanji
[5:27 PM] Eevee Reborn: But yea Xen, that wasn't japanese at all
[5:27 PM] Eevee Reborn: Maybe there's different charts
[5:27 PM] Xenquility: Gimme like 15 minutes here
[5:27 PM] Wolfcat: first we need to get the text from the image
[5:27 PM] PaKo: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:27 PM] Xenquility: Balancing dinner and jid is hard
[5:28 PM] otherLiam: whoa whoa slow down
[5:28 PM] PaKo: same
[5:28 PM] Wolfcat: hold on
[5:28 PM] Wolfcat: does anyone have a screenshot?>
[5:28 PM] PaKo:
[5:28 PM] otherLiam: But first we need to take the text from the image.
[5:28 PM] otherLiam: Only then can we translate it.
[5:28 PM] PaKo: there are more hylian
[5:28 PM] Eevee Reborn: Hold on Pako! We first have to translate the text!
[5:28 PM] Wolfcat: then we need to translate the image
[5:28 PM] otherLiam: Dont get ahead wolfcat
[5:28 PM] otherLiam: first we need the text
[5:29 PM] Jayckup: then translate the Japanese
[5:29 PM] PaKo: yep
[5:29 PM] otherLiam: no thats step 3
[5:29 PM] PaKo: no
[5:29 PM] PaKo: yes
[5:29 PM] otherLiam: guys hold up
[5:29 PM] Wolfcat: pako do it
[5:29 PM] Eevee Reborn: Damn it, too many steps
[5:29 PM] otherLiam: I think
[5:29 PM] otherLiam: it’s Hylian
[5:29 PM] PaKo: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:29 PM] Jayckup: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:29 PM] otherLiam: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:29 PM] Jayckup:
[5:30 PM] Jayckup: false
[5:30 PM] Wolfcat: thats not hylian though
[5:30 PM] otherLiam: that’s bullshit
[5:30 PM] PaKo: ye
[5:30 PM] Wolfcat: also where is the image?
[5:30 PM] IIFan2001: never trust Google Translate
[5:30 PM] PaKo:
[5:30 PM] Jayckup: oh THAT text
[5:30 PM] Wolfcat: are those runes?
[5:30 PM] Jayckup: can someone get the text from the image
[5:30 PM] Eevee Reborn: First word 2 char.
[5:30 PM] Jayckup: then translate from hylian
[5:31 PM] otherLiam: (ok but for real eve can you read that)
[5:31 PM] PaKo: letter to letter
[5:31 PM] Jayckup: (yes she can)
[5:31 PM] Wolfcat: yeah
[5:31 PM] Jayckup: we need letter to letter translation
[5:31 PM] Wolfcat: she has studied japanese
[5:31 PM] otherLiam: nice
[5:31 PM] PaKo: .img hylian alphabet
[5:31 PM] otherLiam: .rain
[5:31 PM] Xenquility: .img old julian syllybary
[5:32 PM] Dr. Circle: JULIAN
[5:32 PM] Eevee Reborn: (Yes I can read/write japanese)
[5:32 PM] PaKo: heyyyyy
[5:32 PM] IIFan2001: "what?"
[5:32 PM] PaKo: what
[5:32 PM] otherLiam: so he just pinned Jos saying “what?”
[5:32 PM] otherLiam: then removed it
[5:32 PM] IIFan2001: yeah
[5:32 PM] Xenquility: .img old hylian syllybary
[5:32 PM] Eevee Reborn: Also Xen, diff games have thier own hylian
[5:32 PM] Xenquility: At 4:23
[5:32 PM] Wolfcat: uh?
[5:32 PM] otherLiam: I JUST SAID
[5:32 PM] IIFan2001: He pinned Jos saying "What?"
[5:33 PM] Wolfcat:
[5:33 PM] Wolfcat: each game has their own alphabet
[5:33 PM] PaKo: what he pinned?
[5:33 PM] otherLiam: god tyler must have so much fun fucking with us
[5:33 PM] otherLiam: Pako.
[5:33 PM] otherLiam: We just said.
[5:33 PM] otherLiam: Three times.
[5:33 PM] Wolfcat: i pinned your guide
[5:33 PM] Wolfcat: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:33 PM] otherLiam: he did the same thing again.
[5:33 PM] IIFan2001: he pinned Jos saying "What?" again
[5:34 PM] PaKo: IIIII is pinning jos saying What?
[5:34 PM] Wolfcat: what did he pin?
[5:34 PM] otherLiam: is there something important from when Jos said that?
[5:34 PM] IIFan2001: WHAT HE PINNED
[5:34 PM] Wolfcat: he pinned what
[5:34 PM] Jayckup: jos sayinh what
[5:34 PM] Wolfcat: what
[5:34 PM] Xenquility: IT WAS POSTED AT 4:23 PM
[5:34 PM] Jayckup: what:thinking:
[5:34 PM] IIFan2001: what he pinned?
[5:34 PM] otherLiam: oof
[5:34 PM] PaKo: uh
[5:34 PM] otherLiam: guess we’re all gonna die
[5:35 PM] otherLiam: alright lets actually focus
[5:35 PM] PaKo: :regi: :hando: :hando: :regi: :regi: :hando: :hando:
[5:35 PM] otherLiam: xen which version of hylian is this
[5:35 PM] Wolfcat: thats japanese i think
[5:35 PM] PaKo: hello again tyler
[5:35 PM] Jayckup: so heres what we need to do
[5:35 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:35 PM] Wolfcat: hold on
[5:35 PM] otherLiam: there’s actually a step zero
[5:36 PM] PaKo: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[5:36 PM] otherLiam: figure out which game this version of Hylian comes from
[5:36 PM] otherLiam: then we can actually translate it
[5:36 PM] Xenquility: It is old hylian syllybary from what I assume to be botw
[5:36 PM] Xenquility: That is confirmed
[5:36 PM] PaKo: go to arg voice
[5:36 PM] otherLiam: HELL no
[5:36 PM] Xenquility: All of the other hylian are radically different
[5:36 PM] otherLiam: this’d be even more chaotic in voice chat
[5:36 PM] IIFan2001: no
[5:37 PM] PaKo: no
[5:37 PM] PaKo: why?
[5:37 PM] IIFan2001: because no
[5:37 PM] otherLiam: Okay then. Is there a better chart?
[5:37 PM] otherLiam: Because apparently that one’s garbage.
[5:37 PM] PaKo: ffo kcuf
[5:37 PM] Wolfcat: alright hold on
[5:37 PM] otherLiam: oh hell he’s swearing backwards
[5:37 PM] Wolfcat: can someone make a google doc or something of what we need to deo right now
[5:38 PM] Wolfcat: or draw out a chart
[5:38 PM] PaKo: .reverse ffo kcuf
[5:38 PM] Xenquility: This should not be this hard
[5:38 PM] PaKo: ye
[5:38 PM] PaKo: not more hard than the shits of IIIIIIIIIII
[5:39 PM] IIFan2001: Those shits are real hard
[5:39 PM] PaKo: ye
[5:39 PM] IIFan2001: Those shits are harder than metal
[5:42 PM] Eevee Reborn: Omg guys, look at this trans guide
[5:43 PM] PaKo: seems like the img of silentdork channel
[5:43 PM] PaKo: i did see that
[5:43 PM] PaKo: but is not the same
[5:43 PM] PaKo: is similar
[5:44 PM] otherLiam: did IIIII just do some shit in general old edition?
[5:44 PM] IIFan2001: IIIII said something in #general-old-edition
[5:44 PM] IIFan2001: wow...
[5:44 PM] otherLiam: he said IIIII
[5:44 PM] otherLiam: and then pinned Dov saying “this is gonna be difficult”
[5:44 PM] Dr. Circle: "MY HALL OF FAME"
[5:45 PM] IIFan2001: Talking in #general-old-edition is illegal
[5:45 PM] PaKo: what he pinned?
[5:45 PM] otherLiam: pako ffs i just said it
[5:45 PM] IIFan2001: what he pinned?
[5:46 PM] PaKo: haha
[5:46 PM] Wolfcat: IIIII pinned something
[5:46 PM] otherLiam: did he?
[5:46 PM] otherLiam: what was it?
[5:46 PM] PaKo: yes
[5:46 PM] Wolfcat: what he pinned?
[5:46 PM] PaKo: i dont know
[5:46 PM] otherLiam: pako what he pinned?
[5:46 PM] otherLiam: tell us
[5:46 PM] PaKo: liam what he pinned
[5:46 PM] PaKo: tell us
[5:47 PM] otherLiam: who?
[5:47 PM] otherLiam: did someone pin?
[5:47 PM] PaKo: the first letter is RI
[5:48 PM] PaKo: RIB Was He
[5:48 PM] Wolfcat: whats rib
[5:48 PM] PaKo: im translating to japanese
[5:52 PM] PaKo: i think is this the alphabet right
[5:59 PM] Wolfcat: but first we need to get the text from the image
[5:59 PM] Eevee Reborn: My hall of fame
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: hype
[6:00 PM] PaKo: ok now more hylian
[6:00 PM] Dr. Circle: wow i solved it too
[6:01 PM] Wolfcat: has pako solved it yet
[6:01 PM] PaKo: this one.The translate: not that either of
[6:01 PM] Wolfcat: alright
[6:01 PM] Wolfcat: first we need to get the text from this image too
[6:02 PM] Wolfcat: oh
[6:05 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[6:05 PM] Xenquility: "Not that either of us can do it
the same way again"
[6:05 PM] PaKo: wow
[6:05 PM] Jayckup: wow
[6:05 PM] PaKo: you are more quick than me
[6:05 PM] PaKo: haha
[6:05 PM] Wolfcat: :regi:
[6:06 PM] Xenquility: The shit at 0:36: " How real are you Tyler?"
[6:07 PM] Jayckup: how, tyler, are you real?
[6:07 PM] PaKo: another
[6:07 PM] Wolfcat: alright so
[6:07 PM] Wolfcat: hold on what do we do first
[6:08 PM] PaKo:
[6:08 PM] Wolfcat: alfabeto
[6:08 PM] Wolfcat: we dont need spanish
[6:08 PM] Wolfcat: we need english
[6:08 PM] Dr. Circle: "not that either of us can do it the same way again"
[6:08 PM] PaKo: They will pull
[6:09 PM] Wolfcat: "my hall of fame"
[6:09 PM] Xenquility: "they will pull the plug on you"
[6:09 PM] PaKo: ok
[6:09 PM] Dr. Circle: "my hall of fame"
[6:10 PM] Wolfcat: "not that either of us can do it the same way again"
[6:10 PM] Dr. Circle: "they will pull the plug on you"
[6:10 PM] Wolfcat: "th"
[6:10 PM] Dr. Circle: hey guys i solved it
[6:10 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[6:10 PM] PaKo: Solved: "my hall of fame" , "not that either of us can do it the same way again""they will pull the plug on you"
[6:10 PM] Wolfcat: gg pako
[6:10 PM] Jayckup: gg pako
[6:10 PM] Dr. Circle: gg pako
[6:11 PM] IIFan2001: gg pako
[6:11 PM] PaKo:
[6:12 PM] Xenquility: "The ending?"
[6:12 PM] Xenquility: wait no
[6:12 PM] Wolfcat: The talent?
[6:12 PM] PaKo: oohh
[6:12 PM] Xenquility: "The talent"
[6:12 PM] PaKo: I WAS FIRST
[6:13 PM] PaKo: HAHH
[6:13 PM] Wolfcat: i was first
[6:13 PM] PaKo: oh yeahh
[6:13 PM] Dr. Circle: "the talent?"
[6:13 PM] PaKo: noo
[6:13 PM] PaKo: wait that
[6:13 PM] PaKo: you was delete my comment
[6:13 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[6:13 PM] PaKo: IIIII typing
[6:13 PM] PaKo: wait guys
[6:13 PM] Dr. Circle: "not that either of us can do it the same way again"
[6:13 PM] Jayckup: |||||
[6:14 PM] Eevee Reborn: So this arg got us learning decoding, runology, and anciant hylian. Fuk this 5 year college course tbh.
[6:14 PM] Xenquility: ^
[6:14 PM] Jayckup: ^^
[6:14 PM] Dr. Circle: ^^^
[6:14 PM] Wolfcat: ^^^^
[6:14 PM] PaKo: wolf
[6:14 PM] Dr. Circle: LMAO
[6:14 PM] Erika_XP💚: ^^
[6:14 PM] PaKo: what are you doing
[6:14 PM] Erika_XP💚: XD
[6:15 PM] IIFan2001: XD
[6:15 PM] Eevee Reborn: Slow ass erika
[6:15 PM] Erika_XP💚: >.>
[6:15 PM] IIFan2001: ok
[6:15 PM] PaKo: we can go again
[6:16 PM] Xenquility:
0:36: "How real are you Tyler?"
0:46 (Flashing): "My hall of fame"
0:48: "The man off the couch"
[6:16 PM] Xenquility: "The man off the couch" paired with "You can call me Alex" means that alex is probably the man of the couch
[6:16 PM] PaKo: xenquility i have got some text
[6:17 PM] PaKo: The title: Dreaming hello again tyler, who are you, lost?(appear the video of 5646 Where am I?), You can call me Alex, US, who else were you expecting?,(appear a short footage of You shouldn't have done that, Just a little easter egg nod, don't got too crazy that agreement. (appear a new weird code text) (more code weird in big), if you keep playing games, (sound of zelda), more weird code text, And since you are now cought IN THE MACHINE, let's start with a look at what you keep tecahing for (soung of a reverse voice of somebody), The man from across the tracks, What else do you want of mine? (appear more new weird code text) (appear a reverse text), Not an option not your territory, appear a footage of the earth, and then the video start to change the color, This wisdom is not your legacy, but we can have a glimpse from outside, lots of runes, appear some weird guys, Now the timelines are ..., (appear somebody walking in the bridge probably Tyler) You're better off on your side of the tracks, ¨I'm really excited to see what you have planned¨, I have much and little to do with it, We may speak again but likely only by a trial, shoot ¨me¨ a call when this is over if you remember.exe, ¨That was the final part of your trial with -¨
[6:17 PM] PaKo: dont have time but
[6:19 PM] PaKo: finally IIIII didn't write nothing
[6:20 PM] PaKo: tyler
[6:20 PM] PaKo: i can hear you
[6:20 PM] Wolfcat: are you ok pako
[6:20 PM] PaKo: i heard he
[6:20 PM] PaKo: omg
[6:20 PM] PaKo: i swear
[6:20 PM] IIFan2001: He's hallucinating
[6:20 PM] IIFan2001: Oh no
[6:20 PM] PaKo: no he joined to arg voice
[6:20 PM] PaKo: i swear
[6:21 PM] Erika_XP💚: I believe him this has happened to me before also >.>
[6:21 PM] Erika_XP💚: oh

[6:21 PM] Eevee Reborn: Lel gamejerking
[6:21 PM] PaKo: ye is true
[6:21 PM] Erika_XP💚: ok never mind forget me lol
[6:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: hemlo frens
[6:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: i just woke up
[6:21 PM] IIFan2001: Hello
[6:21 PM] Jayckup: ok so link
[6:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: i heard a lot of discord notif sounds
[6:21 PM] Jayckup: heres where we are
[6:21 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[6:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: dope
[6:22 PM] Jayckup: also gm
[6:22 PM] Jayckup: and pako is hallucinating
[6:22 PM] Erika_XP💚: I am laughing so loud I can hear it echoing through the streets XD
[6:22 PM] Erika_XP💚: You are all so funny I love you ID :heart:

[6:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: i assume its google translate japansese and not like. proper japanese
[6:22 PM] Eevee Reborn: The mean streets of....
[6:22 PM] PaKo: i swear he joined like 4 seconds
[6:23 PM] PaKo: in the voice chat of ARG
[6:23 PM] Eevee Reborn: But pako, stip
[6:23 PM] Jayckup: did you record it?
[6:23 PM] ADULT_LINK: i mean
[6:23 PM] PaKo: no
[6:23 PM] ADULT_LINK: pako IS in voice by himself
[6:23 PM] Jayckup: then it didnt happen
[6:23 PM] PaKo: ok
[6:23 PM] ADULT_LINK: it'd be the perfect crime for tyler to do
[6:23 PM] ADULT_LINK: lmao
[6:23 PM] PaKo: for you
[6:23 PM] PaKo: for me yes
[6:23 PM] Eevee Reborn: ....BY HIMSELF
[6:23 PM] Jayckup: im jk what did he say then
[6:23 PM] Xenquility:
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 0:36: "How real are you Tyler?"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 0:46 (Flashing): "My hall of fame"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 0:48: "The man off the couch"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:05: "Not that either of us can do it the same way again"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:11: "they will pull the plug on you"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:26: "The Talent?
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:27: "The status?"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:28: "The fame?"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: 1:29: "The fortune?"
[6:23 PM] Xenquility: That is it all
[6:24 PM] PaKo: nothing
[6:24 PM] Xenquility: all of the hylian text
[6:24 PM] PaKo: I just heard him breathe
[6:24 PM] IIFan2001: uh
[6:24 PM] PaKo: @Jayckup
[6:24 PM] Jayckup: yes
[6:24 PM] IIFan2001: he isn't in the VC
[6:24 PM] PaKo: like 4 seconds
[6:24 PM] Wolfcat: .e :kill:
[6:24 PM] PaKo: ye
[6:25 PM] PaKo: tyler can here
[6:25 PM] Jayckup: what did he say
[6:25 PM] PaKo: nothing
[6:25 PM] Wolfcat: did he say anything
[6:25 PM] PaKo: he only breathe
[6:25 PM] Jayckup: but what did he say?
[6:25 PM] PaKo: nothing
[6:25 PM] PaKo: ahaa
[6:25 PM] Wolfcat: damn
[6:25 PM] Wolfcat: what else did he say
[6:25 PM] Jayckup: did he say anything?
[6:25 PM] PaKo: hahahaha
[6:25 PM] PaKo: nooo
[6:26 PM] Eevee Reborn: Oh, he sung "take on me"?
[6:26 PM] Jayckup: take me oooooooooooooooooooooooooon
[6:26 PM] Wolfcat: are you sure it wasnt IIfan
[6:26 PM] PaKo: hahah very sure
[6:26 PM] Jayckup: how can you know for sure
[6:26 PM] PaKo: dont worry
[6:26 PM] Jayckup: Im worried
[6:26 PM] IIFan2001: I had my mic muted the whole time
[6:26 PM] IIFan2001: so....
[6:26 PM] Wolfcat: be happu
[6:26 PM] PaKo: i saw the IIIII avatar joining
[6:26 PM] Jayckup: :open_mouth:
[6:27 PM] Jayckup: what did he say?
[6:27 PM] Wolfcat: :bruh:
[6:27 PM] PaKo: :eggplant~2:
[6:27 PM] Wolfcat: did you record it?
[6:27 PM] PaKo: nope
[6:27 PM] IIFan2001: he said Eggplant Emoji?
[6:27 PM] Wolfcat: then it didnt happen
[6:27 PM] PaKo: was only 4 secongs
[6:27 PM] PaKo: ok
[6:27 PM] PaKo: for you
[6:27 PM] PaKo: for me yes
[6:27 PM] PaKo: HAHAHHAH
[6:27 PM] IIFan2001: what are secongs
[6:27 PM] Wolfcat: idk biut there were 4
[6:28 PM] PaKo: ¨was only 4 seconds¨
[6:28 PM] Jayckup: did he speak?
[6:28 PM] PaKo: its aprox
[6:28 PM] Jayckup: aprox he spoke?
[6:28 PM] Jayckup: what did he say?
[6:28 PM] IIFan2001: Holy shit Jos joined with Pako
[6:28 PM] PaKo: ye
[6:28 PM] PaKo: only 2 seconds
[6:28 PM] Wolfcat: whoa
[6:28 PM] Jayckup: 2 now?
[6:28 PM] Jayckup: I thought 4?
[6:28 PM] PaKo: now 1
[6:28 PM] Wolfcat: what he said?
[6:29 PM] PaKo: now 0.5
[6:29 PM] Jayckup: did he say anything?
[6:29 PM] PaKo: now 0.4
[6:29 PM] PaKo: now 0,3
[6:29 PM] Xenquility: >the oldies hate us now cause we're racist and toxic
[6:29 PM] Xenquility: @Wolfcat
[6:29 PM] PaKo: now 0.0005
[6:29 PM] Jayckup: xen dont
[6:29 PM] Xenquility: dont what
[6:30 PM] Wolfcat: wot
[6:30 PM] Jayckup: youre too close to the truth
[6:30 PM] PaKo: who?
[6:30 PM] Xenquility: IIIII
[6:30 PM] PaKo: IIIII
[6:30 PM] Jayckup: what did he say?
[6:30 PM] Xenquility: Where?
[6:30 PM] Jayckup: in vc
[6:31 PM] PaKo: was only 4 seconds¨
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: pako heard him speak
[6:31 PM] Xenquility: heard who speak
[6:31 PM] PaKo: no i heard him breath
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: IIIII
[6:31 PM] Xenquility: where
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: in vc
[6:31 PM] PaKo: in the ARG
[6:31 PM] Xenquility: who did he hear in vc
[6:31 PM] Wolfcat: he said "IIIII" in voice
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: IIIII
[6:31 PM] PaKo: but only breath him
[6:31 PM] Xenquility: where
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: in vc
[6:31 PM] Xenquility: heard who in vc
[6:31 PM] Jayckup: what did he say?
[6:31 PM] Eevee Reborn: Whos in vc?
[6:32 PM] Xenquility: what's vc?
[6:32 PM] PaKo: IIIII
[6:32 PM] Jayckup: XEN
[6:32 PM] Xenquility: hi
[6:33 PM] Xenquility: whatd i do
[6:33 PM] Jayckup: VC
[6:33 PM] Jayckup: you missed it
[6:33 PM] StrongerCoffee: I had a class so I totally missed it
[6:33 PM] StrongerCoffee: but like what a video wow
[6:33 PM] Erika_XP💚: I swear on my life this poor man is possesed
[6:34 PM] Jayckup: IIIII said "nothing"
[6:34 PM] Jayckup: what does that mean
[6:34 PM] IIFan2001: nothing
[6:35 PM] Erika_XP💚: That actually made me drop my laptop XD
[6:35 PM] PaKo: reunion
[6:35 PM] IIFan2001: reunion
[6:35 PM] PaKo: IIIII we can do reunion?
[6:39 PM] Jayckup: nevermind pako was trying to gamejack
[6:39 PM] PaKo: what?
[6:39 PM] IIFan2001: no Pako is canon
[6:39 PM] IIFan2001: he's always canon
[6:40 PM] IIFan2001: what was that
[6:40 PM] PaKo: why tyler leave?
[6:40 PM] Jayckup: what did he say?
[6:41 PM] IIFan2001: no
[6:41 PM] IIFan2001: no fortnite
[6:41 PM] ADULT_LINK: :Jefault:
[6:41 PM] IIFan2001: fortnite bad
[6:41 PM] Erika_XP💚: he :clap: is :clap: possesed:clap:
[6:41 PM] Jayckup: :mug~1:
[6:42 PM] PaKo: fortnite is good for your health
[6:42 PM] IIFan2001: no
[6:42 PM] PaKo: ok
[6:42 PM] IIFan2001: ok
[6:43 PM] Jayckup: ok so next course of action:
[6:43 PM] Jayckup: FIRST take the text of the image to text and SECOND translate hylian to Japanese THIRD translate the fucking japanese
[6:43 PM] ARGdov: whos posessed
[6:43 PM] Jayckup: me
[6:43 PM] Jayckup: help
[6:43 PM] PaKo: yea
[6:43 PM] ARGdov: what the fuck is all this
[6:43 PM] Jayckup: pppppppako
[6:43 PM] Wolfcat: pako is gamejacking
[6:44 PM] PaKo: nope :slight_smile:
[6:44 PM] ARGdov: shits going on sorry I didnt see this till now
[6:44 PM] Jayckup: its ok
[6:44 PM] Erika_XP💚: I have to go do something. Let me know if this weirdo running tylers things says anything cool I guess. Xp


  • Erika expresses her excitement to see Tyler again. She claims that, at one point, Tyler randomly joined a voice chat with her.

3/27/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[12:03 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I noticed something weird I think >.>"
[12:03 PM] Xenquility: "What's going on?"
[12:04 PM] Erika_XP💚: "in that other place where people talk about arg stuff =p"
[12:05 PM] Xenquility: "What happened? We noticed a guy called TheLaw posted something in there last night called "Hello.bmp" or something but no one caught it"
[12:06 PM] Erika_XP💚: "oh lol I was just going to mention I was looking right at that in the #otherargs channel"
[12:06 PM] Xenquility: "Did you happen to download it?"
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "Actually, if you saw it it might be stored in your discord cache"
[12:26 PM] Erika_XP💚: ((The image "2.jpg" is sent)) target=_blank
[12:27 PM] Erika_XP💚: ((The image "1.jpg" is sent)) target=_blank
[12:28 PM] Xenquility: "Wait where did your messages go lmao"
[12:28 PM] Erika_XP💚: "?"
[12:28 PM] Xenquility: "I don't see your messages about the common themes"
[12:28 PM] Xenquility: "one sec"
[12:29 PM] Xenquility: "Yeah uh"
[12:30 PM] Xenquility: "OH"
[12:30 PM] Xenquility: "This is in the awakening discord"
[12:30 PM] Xenquility: "damnit"
[12:35 PM] Xenquility: "Thank you Erika :D"
[12:35 PM] Erika_XP💚: "np np ^w^"
[12:36 PM] Erika_XP💚: "where do you think I should post my silentdork amv's if at all >.>;"

[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "Probably to your youtube channel"
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "it's famous now"
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "4th result when you search "Greth vlogs"
[12:37 PM] Erika_XP💚: "aaaaaaaaa"
[12:38 PM] Erika_XP💚: "but I meant in that other server tho"

[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "probably in #self-promotion or #art-gallery"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "or other arg if you're canon :smirk:"
[12:39 PM] Erika_XP💚: "lol stop oml XD"


3/28/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[4:46 PM] Xenquility: "Hey Erika, I've got a question for when you next get online"
[4:47 PM] Xenquility: "Actually nevermind I'm dumb lmao"
[8:03 PM] Erika_XP💚: "yis?"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "Was confused as to why you said that the Quiet Family channel was owned by Max (I forgot we ended up figuring it out a month or so ago) as I needed concrete proof for the theory I'm working on"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "Remembered it was due to the description of the video though"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "(Stop and dont watch this)"
[8:06 PM] Erika_XP💚: "this possesion thing is getting out of control, first Tyler now this jad man and his friends XD"
[8:06 PM] Erika_XP💚: "or maybe it was jad and his friends and then Tyler?"

[8:06 PM] Xenquility: "Nah I dont think jad is possessed"
[8:06 PM] Xenquility: "(He might just want some patreon money ahem)"
[8:07 PM] Erika_XP💚: "well he already lied on that patreon implying nothing special would be happening in his discord server and now one of his mods may be possesed it seems XD"
[8:08 PM] Xenquility: "Who do you think is possessed?"
[8:08 PM] Erika_XP💚: "".......Today at 8:02 PM this vessel shall do, only in here I will pay attention Detectives""
[8:08 PM] Xenquility: "Also yeah at one point in the post it says patreon is just a tip jar and later on says that patrons will get special involvement"
[8:08 PM] Xenquility: "Wait who said this?"
[8:09 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Jd dos :p"
[8:09 PM] Erika_XP💚: "more like jd BEN now XD"

[8:10 PM] Xenquility: "Wait why are they playing another song lol"
[8:10 PM] Xenquility: "(And I'm hoping he's meming based on the "Hey I'm Ben' profile picture)"


3/31/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[10:31 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Lok"
[10:31 AM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:32 AM] HaouDeSoul: "No?"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:32 AM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Loki more like it =p"
[10:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lok"

[10:32 AM] Fancypigg: "lok"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "lok"
[10:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "LOK"
[10:32 AM] Fancypigg: "LOK"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "LOK"
[10:32 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Fuck"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "Fuck"
[10:32 AM] Slinky: "What is going on"
[10:32 AM] Fancypigg: "What is going on"
[10:32 AM] Xenquility: "What is going on"
[10:33 AM] Slinky: "Shaved my head btw y'all wanna see?"
[10:33 AM] Jos: "we are debating why loki tried to fuck a horse in mythology(edited)"
[10:33 AM] Xenquility: "^"
[10:33 AM] Xenquility: "loki likes horse cock"
[10:33 AM] Slinky: "Oh no"
[10:33 AM] Fancypigg: "oh YES"
[10:33 AM] Slinky: "The horse fucked loki"
[10:33 AM] Fancypigg: "mr hands"
[10:33 AM] Xenquility: "master builder more like masterbaiter"
[10:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "You played the elegy enough times that you can play this new arg jos mentioned"
[10:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "18+"
[10:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"

[10:33 AM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[10:33 AM] Wolfcat: "the only loki i know is the one everyone on tumblr wanted to fuck"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "true"
[10:34 AM] Xenquility: "which one"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "hes not even that cute"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "you know which one"
[10:34 AM] Xenquility: "i really dont"
[10:34 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Why would you want to fuck such a nasty man honestly XD"
[10:34 AM] Slinky: "Afair Loki turned into a horse and the male hire fucked Loki as a horse"
[10:34 AM] Xenquility: "I only know loki from warframe"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "oh"
[10:34 AM] Wolfcat: "some people like nasty men"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "lokie from marvel w/e"
[10:34 AM] Xenquility: "oh"
[10:34 AM] Wolfcat: "it gives people like us hope"
[10:34 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Whats With tumblr wanting to fuck fictive people(edited)"
[10:34 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Loki is really funny but he is also really REALLY gross imo"
[10:34 AM] Slinky: "Yee"
[10:34 AM] Xenquility: "why do people want to fuck tom hiddleston"
[10:34 AM] Fancypigg: "^"
[10:34 AM] Slinky: "Loki gave birth to a snake(edited)"
[10:34 AM] Wolfcat: "nasty boys rise up"
[10:34 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Who"
[10:35 AM] Slinky: "Which is"
[10:35 AM] Slinky: "Funny"
[10:35 AM] Fancypigg: "I have birth to a snake"
[10:35 AM] Xenquility: "i mean maybe if he has a beard but actual loki looks like a manbaby"
[10:35 AM] Slinky: "Wathever"
[10:35 AM] Fancypigg: "Wathever"
[10:35 AM] Wolfcat: "Wathever"
[10:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Loki transformed into a female horse to have relations with the horse a giant was using to cause him to lose a bet in which he sought to build the asgardian wall in under a few days in order to win ownership of the moon, the sun and freya"
[10:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "he distracted the giants horse as a mare"
[10:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "did gross things with said horse"

[10:37 AM] Jos: "are you telling me furry is legal(edited)"
[10:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "6 legged mutant horse to represent the crime against nature that occured lol"
[10:37 AM] Xenquility: "fuckin skinhead"
[10:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "then he gave it to odin and odin named it "sleipnir""
[10:37 AM] Jos: "i thought the same xen"
[10:37 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Discord is wack"
[10:38 AM] Slinky: "Nah I can't be a skin I'm not racist"
[10:38 AM] Fancypigg: "#baldforbeiber"
[10:38 AM] Jos: "because he likes to sleep"
[10:38 AM] Xenquility: "maybe tyler has just been hit with the svefnthorn"
[10:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: ">not racist"
[10:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "(gets out tumblr skin shade chart)"
[10:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "sorry I have news for you"

[10:38 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Yes"
[10:38 AM] Wolfcat: "tbh i cant blame my guy for being a clopper"
[10:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"
[10:38 AM] Xenquility: "i mean svefnthorn kind of looks like the IIIIIs"
[10:39 AM] Slinky: "Skin What"
[10:39 AM] Fancypigg: "phnbn"
[10:39 AM] Slinky: "Btw props to my man Loki for giving birth to a FUCKING SNAKE THE SIZE OF THE EARTH"
[10:39 AM] Wolfcat: "is this a cipher"
[10:39 AM] Fancypigg: "no its a term that irl horse fuckers use"
[10:39 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:39 AM] Fancypigg: "perfect height no bucket needed"
[10:40 AM] Slinky: "How the fuck do you know that"
[10:40 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Ouch"
[10:40 AM] Fancypigg: "saw a documentary about it at some point"
[10:40 AM] Fancypigg: "was one of the strangest things"
[10:40 AM] Slinky: "Ya me joderia"
[10:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Loki did not birth Jormangandr"
[10:40 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Theres documenteries?"
[10:40 AM] Slinky: "He did"
[10:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "that was angrboda if I am spelling her name right"
[10:40 AM] Slinky: "He ate the giantess' heart and got pregnant?"
[10:41 AM] Wolfcat: "why cant i use reaction emojis"
[10:41 AM] Fancypigg: "oh"
[10:41 AM] Wolfcat: "i wanna react to slinky's gianteess message with"
[10:41 AM] Fancypigg: "I didnt realize this server was gay"
[10:41 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ive actually never heard this story oddly enough
[10:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have only ever seen refrence to her being mother of gross things loki helped create but never any conception stories"

[10:42 AM] Slinky: "I have read a few versions and both say that from the giantess' heart jormangandr was bron"
[10:42 AM] Slinky: "Hel and Fenrir being born at the same time too"
[10:43 AM] Slinky: "Btw Fenrir is fucking dope"
[10:43 AM] Xenquility: "Okay furry"
[10:43 AM] Slinky: "Wathever"
[10:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Fenrir is silly for you to be telling me he actually fell for the trick that got him bound"
[10:43 AM] Slinky: "I mean yeah"
[10:44 AM] Slinky: "But still"
[10:44 AM] Slinky: "A fucking fire wolf that grows bigger the more he eats it's dope"
[10:44 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I honestly think its a shame they banked on the trustworthiness of their friend Tyr so much at such a great sacrifice to Tyr himself"
[10:44 AM] Erika_XP💚: "the gods that is"

[10:44 AM] Xenquility: "Most of the gods are quite silly"
[10:45 AM] Slinky: "Gods can suck my ass(edited)"
[10:45 AM] Xenquility: "Most of the gods are quite silly"
[10:45 AM] Fancypigg: "Gods can suck my ass"
[10:45 AM] Slinky: "gets struck by a thunder(edited)"
[10:45 AM] Slinky: "God my spelling is wild today"
[10:45 AM] Xenquility: "It was essentially woden's own hubris and efforts to escape ragnarok that lead to it"
[10:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I would never mock the gods personally xd"
[10:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But I do not think the gods even intended for everything they do to be followed to a T"
[10:46 AM] Slinky: "I don't get Thor personally"
[10:46 AM] Slinky: "Like yeah"
[10:46 AM] Slinky: "He is the good boy"
[10:47 AM] Slinky: "But his hammer wasn't even his"
[10:47 AM] Slinky: "You know who gave his hammer?"
[10:47 AM] Slinky: "Exactly"
[10:47 AM] Jos: "mario maker"
[10:47 AM] Xenquility: "You got a thing against dwarves?"
[10:48 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Yea loki gave him the hammer after acting like a lil shit and shaving his wifes head and then he was even dishonest in how he aquiredit from the dwarves lol"
[10:48 AM] Slinky: "Still, without the hammer Thor wouldn't be as good"
[10:49 AM] Slinky: "Also, y'all into Egyptian or Greek?"
[10:49 AM] Xenquility: "Less so"
[10:49 AM] Slinky: "Bummer"
[10:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "the tales are beautifully interwoven in their layers of themes. Loki is a necissary evil in so many ways, getting thors hammer being one of them."
[10:50 AM] Slinky: "I mean yeah Loki is more of a 50/50, the shitty stuff he does gets balanced with something good sooner or lster"
[10:51 AM] Slinky: "Like odin's spear that iirc was gifted to him after he poked out his eye with something (?)"
[10:51 AM] Slinky: "May be mixing stuff here(edited)"
[10:51 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I used to think that tale preceeded the baldr story where loki gets baldr killed, and I used to think it was revenge for him getting embarrased during the event where they sowed his mouth shut for losing the wager with the dwarves"
[10:51 AM] Erika_XP💚: "but I also know the most famous story of Bladr is not the oldest version of that tale"

[10:51 AM] Wolfcat: "bladr's basics"
[10:51 AM] Slinky: "Cursed"
[10:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Originally Baldr honestly got himself killed acting like a weird clingy ex bf over this one human girl"
[10:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and then he got defeated in battle by a Human man no less"
[10:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "even after he was explicitly warned he was going to do this to himself"

[10:53 AM] Slinky: "Also fun fact a few months ago I realized that the bible has actual more stuff apart from the: Jesus saved the earth thing"
[10:53 AM] Slinky: "And that's DOPE"
[10:54 AM] Slinky: "like, angels, aren't even like this: "
[10:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "The bible is so complicated I think I will be a grey headed skuld lady before I can safely say I know enough about it XD"
[10:54 AM] Wolfcat: "angels are like this: "
[10:54 AM] Slinky: "No no fr"
[10:54 AM] Slinky: "Angels are actually golden rings inside golden rings, with wings and FULL OF EYES"
[10:54 AM] Slinky: "Like wtf"
[10:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Angels are gods geometry homework =p"
[10:55 AM] Slinky: "Perhaps"
[10:55 AM] Slinky: "Only a lower tier of Angels are babies with wings"
[10:56 AM] Erika_XP💚: "secretly it seems when they are given their own dominion. Angels are often very very angry with humans. to roughly qoute one of them when being told by god they are supposed to serve humans "Why should we be made to serve below them? They are children of clay! We are children of FIRE!""
[10:56 AM] Slinky: "And the whole 7 hell rings shit is awesome (even tho it's not canon but a fanfic)"
[10:56 AM] Slinky: "Lmao bible is wild"
[10:57 AM] Slinky: "If you skip the part with actual humans it's dope af"
[10:57 AM] Slinky: "Except the Adam and eve shit"
[10:57 AM] Slinky: "And Cain and Abel"
[11:00 AM] Slinky: "Because the 12 apostols and all the Jesus pilgrimage and shit is way too long and really doesn't add nothing to the lore (which is what I like from the bible)"
[11:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""12""
[11:01 AM] Slinky: "Fuck"
[11:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This number will make me go crazy one day"
[11:01 AM] Slinky: "It's not 12 right?"
[11:01 AM] Slinky: "I always mess that number up"
[11:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "12 is the number of earth itself I honestly think"
[11:01 AM] Slinky: "Oh yeah"
[11:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "well maybe not the physical earth but 12 is the number of the important things all together at once in this world we currently know"
[11:02 AM] Slinky: "777 is divine and 666/616 is the beast number right?"
[11:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "there are 12 knights at the round table"
[11:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "12 tribes of israel"
[11:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I also recently noticed the sonnenrad is 12 spoked and thats been messin with my head a lot since I noticed XD"

[11:03 AM] Slinky: "Damn 12 do be wilding doe"
[11:04 AM] Wolfcat: "scout the son of earth is eternally 12"
[11:04 AM] Fancypigg: "12 shows up in like every religion"
[11:04 AM] Fancypigg: "also 777 isnt real"
[11:04 AM] Wolfcat: "you arent real"
[11:04 AM] Fancypigg: "sorry"
[11:04 AM] Slinky: "Im not too informed bout that so"
[11:04 AM] Fancypigg: "its ok I wasnt either"
[11:05 AM] Slinky: "Also why is there such a drama between 666 and 616"
[11:05 AM] Fancypigg: "I just did some fast goog and its a bs newage thing"
[11:05 AM] Fancypigg: "jews"
[11:05 AM] Slinky: "Ah"
[11:05 AM] Slinky: "Makes sense"
[11:05 AM] Fancypigg: "jews and their numbers"
[11:05 AM] Slinky: "Hebrew was difficult to translate with that shitty handwriting too afaik"
[11:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "iirc, 666 and 616 exist due to translation differences in regards to nero ceasars name, nero being the BEAST of that time that the 666 number arg was trying to refer to"
[11:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Jews and their args lol"


  • Erika and the players discuss various religions.

3/31/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[9:24 PM] Erika_XP💚: The painting style reminds me of Tarot cards xp
[9:24 PM] Dense: oh
[9:24 PM] Dense: yes
[9:24 PM] PaKo: yea
[9:24 PM] Dense: :menacing:
[9:24 PM] Xenquility: hello therika
[9:24 PM] otherLiam: kinda, actually.
[9:24 PM] Dense: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing: :menacing:
[9:24 PM] Xenquility: the skeleton could be seen as the death tarot
[9:25 PM] Jayckup: hi erika
[9:25 PM] Dense: oh shit
[9:25 PM] ADULT_LINK: can someone like
[9:25 PM] ADULT_LINK: eli5 whats happening
[9:25 PM] Xenquility: what does that mean
[9:25 PM] Jayckup: eli5?
[9:25 PM] ADULT_LINK: explain like i'm 5
[9:25 PM] Jayckup: ok
[9:26 PM] Jayckup: played a song
[9:26 PM] Jayckup: 2 icons are changed
[9:26 PM] Jayckup: the end
[9:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: so why do we think john is alive now?
[9:26 PM] Jayckup: we dont really its a joke
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: the server icon is his burnt house
[9:26 PM] Jayckup: unless..:smirk:
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: his profile picture is a skeleton
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: this is a stretch but skeleton might equal death tarot or burnt to death
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: i mean the usual is a skeleton riding on a horse
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: but im going to refrain from posting more tarots in the odd chance they're canon lmao
[9:28 PM] Jayckup: what if
[9:28 PM] Jayckup: all sorts of shit can be canon at this point
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: the tarots are a huge stretch in the first place though so I kind of doubt it
[9:29 PM] Dense: goron lullaby
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: and the ocarina canonically has a reason for it to work specifically
[9:29 PM] Jayckup: whats why Im saying what if we made another song thats not in the game with the assets and took a chance
[9:29 PM] Jayckup: just what if
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: let's go
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: right now
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: jk no
[9:29 PM] Jayckup: idk sounds like a cool idea
[9:29 PM] Dense: F F F F F F
[9:29 PM] Dense: that's a song
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: wait
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: idea
[9:30 PM] Dense: what
[9:30 PM] Jayckup: lets go
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: what's that mask that allows you to talk to skeletons
[9:30 PM] Jayckup: xen has turned the generators on
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: or dead things
[9:30 PM] Jayckup: ofuck
[9:30 PM] Erika_XP💚: I dreamt last night of tyler emerging from some water and then heading off too a place where we could walk together and for some reason this convo reminded me of this. I would say this in the dream channel but I guess thats not for normal people anymore :stuck_out_tongue:
[9:30 PM] Jayckup: idk enough about the game
[9:30 PM] Jayckup: tbh
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: Emerging from some water
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: okay erikanon
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: still though im jealous that sounds HOT
[9:31 PM] Erika_XP💚: I dont know what I am saying >.>
forget what I say <///<

[9:31 PM] Dense: the captains mask xen
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: AHEM
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: Ah okay
[9:31 PM] Erika_XP💚: I knew if I said that you would get goofy tho so I had to XD
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: Do we want to play captain's mask
[9:31 PM] Dense: captain keeta
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: why is erika a master of emoticons
[9:32 PM] Dense: wait it's captains hat
[9:32 PM] PaKo: 23 days remaining
[9:32 PM] Jayckup: do it
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: sorry "captain's hat"
[9:32 PM] Jayckup: or I will
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: @otherLiam @ARGdov give us YOUR OPINIONSSS
[9:32 PM] Erika_XP💚: Its a force of habbit of mine XI
[9:33 PM] Xenquility: erika x skm
[9:33 PM] Xenquility: i ship
[9:33 PM] PaKo: xD
[9:33 PM] Jayckup: lol
[9:33 PM] Erika_XP💚: I think lil text faces are cute xd
[9:33 PM] Xenquility: okay erika is female skm
[9:33 PM] Dense: i have a vid waiking up captain
[9:33 PM] Dense: but we don't want that
[9:33 PM] Dense: what about
[9:34 PM] Jayckup: ((The player Jayckup submits the "Captain's Hat".))
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: not even a good image
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: wait
[9:34 PM] Dense: JKSDJK
[9:34 PM] PaKo: what da hell is that
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: is that just a meme
[9:34 PM] Jayckup: idk the game if its a meme im sorry
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: what in god's name
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: well that should work
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: @IIIII
[9:34 PM] Erika_XP💚: Lol idk where you get that I think that guy is supposed to be really smart, especially with computers. I am the worst programmer ever, that is to say I have never really programed in my lifetime :p


  • Erika casually chats with the players. She claims the current conversation reminded her of a dream she had where Tyler was emerging from a body of water and heading off to a place where they could walk together.

4/1/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[1:07 AM] Erika_XP💚: I just hope everyone is happy right now, reading everyone speak here is heart warming sometimes ^^
[1:08 AM] Erika_XP💚: :green_heart:
[1:08 AM] Xenquility: oh my god she did it
[1:08 AM] Xenquility: she posted the green heart
[1:08 AM] PaKo: why all green?
[1:08 AM] Jayckup: its her color
[1:08 AM] Jayckup: duh
[1:08 AM] Dense: o
[1:08 AM] PaKo: she bought that calour?
[1:08 AM] Xenquility: smh pako you should know this
[1:08 AM] Xenquility: yes
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: she owns it
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: completely
[1:09 AM] Jayckup: erika is the embodiment of green
[1:09 AM] PaKo: :kill: :kill: :kill:
[1:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: got it trade marked by the local township xp


  • Erika casually chats with the players, expressing her fondness of them.

4/14/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

Erika_XP💚: "lol you make me laugh and raise my spirits in there, thanks for that XD"
nfreak: "lol. no prob. glad i could do that!"
Erika_XP💚: ""Im glad you did that" at the risk of hamming it up =p"
nfreak: "No, that was a perfect reference! You think I'm gonna be all "you shouldn't have done that?""
Erika_XP💚: "I figured I should send you a friend request just in case the mods decide to boot you or something, I noticed you already had a strike and I can never tell when shitposting is ok or not in there with them lol, not that I talk all that much myself x/"
nfreak: "Yeah, I did something dumb like tag everyone and TAHT started an avalanche of people being tagged. Shit posting is fine, just don't do it TOO much."
nfreak: "And THAT was a long story. I believe by tomorrow my strike should be rescinded."
Erika_XP💚: "Over in ID with my other friendies everything is p chill basically almost impossible to get banned, but they dont talk as much about jaddies game =["
nfreak: "oh yeah? they talk about jid?"
Erika_XP💚: "Im not a really big discord person so being in more than one server at a time actually has me like "aaaaa" lol"
nfreak: "ha, i'm only in the one"
Erika_XP💚: "yea they shitpost a lot and talk about jid lol"
nfreak: "Didn't the internet detectives get started around the Moon Children arc though?"
nfreak: "Well, to be fair, alot of members DID join around JiD, if I know my BEN DROWNED history lol"
Erika_XP💚: "The actual creation story is something I think only dat boi tyler knows, but idk maybe others know how they came together =p"
Erika_XP💚: "I think a lot of the people there are from yee olde times but they all come from different groups from different times I think"

nfreak: "yeah, same with this server. alot of the older remember JiD, even CircleHunter."
nfreak: "He was a part of it, if i'm not mistaken."
Erika_XP💚: "I really wonder what direction the story is gonna go, it seems to have less and less to do with the classic n64 stuff but I feel like that is the same for both stories"
nfreak: "Well, I think we saw the four giants. If you look at the pictures of the amalgamates, they are just four pictures that get more screwy. that also implies that the four giants aren't necessarily on our side."
Erika_XP💚: "I cant believe kelbris is really "The father" still honestly. Basically the same thing happened in jid at a point lol"
nfreak: "i know! some people I've amde friends with are thinking "...are they seriously doing the same thing jid did?!""
Erika_XP💚: "and I was reading a few days ago and talking with people and apparently spooki statue boi also became this amalgamation of souls in jid. I wonder if Tyler somehow hacked into Alex's mind or if Jaddie is doing this on purpose >w>"
nfreak: "Maybe at one point Jad actually thought he wouldn't be able to complete the ARG, and gave someone else the notes when they proved competent to him?"
Erika_XP💚: "wat mean?"
nfreak: "I mean that Tyler probably got daddy jaddy's notes with how the ARG was supposed to end and did his own thing with it."
nfreak: "Similar to how the writers of Game of THrones wrote Season 8"
Erika_XP💚: "the longer I look at the two things the more parallels I start to see and then I wonder if I am just crazy or something XD"
Erika_XP💚: "heck I think they even both feature subtle drug themes, I was watching one of the first silentdork episodes a while ago and noticed they were talking about lsd and jad has his dmt stuff"
Erika_XP💚: "I think jad said something about the forehead tingling (something that I think is often associated with the third eye) and one of the characters I forget which one right now srry ^^; has a eye of horus (also a third eye thingy) but maybe I am scrying too deeply XD"

nfreak: "who had this eye of horus? was it someone from jid>"
nfreak: "or this arg?"
nfreak: "because i also remember them saying something like "my forehead was tingling"
Erika_XP💚: "srry I was going on a big thing about jid ^^;"
nfreak: "Ah, it's fine. Alot of people do that lol"
Erika_XP💚: "I might have worded that poorly but I was basically drawing a kind of vague comparison between things, but the fact that so many can be made is whats crazy"
nfreak: "that's what makes me think there was a time ajd didn't think he would finish the arg and handed it over"
nfreak: "or at least he entertained the possibility"
Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if he would ever consider doing another ryukaki style thing at anypoint if their work keeps synergizing in weird ways like this? At the same time it would not shock me if they had some kind of friendly creators rivalry considering jad brought back "Tyler" just to go and have him kill himself I did not like that part because it had me thinking of my boi and even though I know they are not literally the same Tyler it really hurt to think about and I might have cried just a little bit as a result ^^;"
nfreak: "well, Tyler was always a part of the ARG, remember. He was the "friend" of Jadusable."
Erika_XP💚: "God personally for me thats the craziest part about jid. His name is literally Tyler in the real normal world XD"
Erika_XP💚: "its like magic"
Erika_XP💚: "its like he was made to end up in this situation or something, but I am silly and believe in things like "synchronicity""

nfreak: "(also I personally don't think that was his real name, that was just a construct of BEN)"
Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if that means Tyler is BEN or maybe spiritually merged with ben for some reason (which if real would also be giving me more bloody deja vu for jid lol)"
nfreak: "I think that in another timeline Ben had a brother or somethiing."
Erika_XP💚: "What makes you think that?"
nfreak: "that newspaper seemed to imply that Ben's last name is Lawman."
nfreak: "that's just a crackpot theory thoughlol"
Erika_XP💚: "You wanna know a even crazier vision that just came to my mind >w>"
nfreak: "whuzzat?"
nfreak: "there is also an alternative timeline where bin is the bad guy."
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Erika_XP💚: "lol"
Erika_XP💚: "I think jad did a thing once where he did a puzzle involving hidden connections to be seen at a kind of spiritual level between a random story on the internet and a thing happening in youshouldnthavedonethat"
Erika_XP💚: "The newspaper death is a story within the story of someone who thematically connected to ben drowning through their own death and somewhere within this was the ascension of that "character" to a higher status for the next story. I feel like each of jads stories do this. They have characters that come back again each ark but in different forms. With him always consistently having a sort of "self insert" that re incarnates in another form. But dont listen to me, my mind is in my mouth right now I swear to you. And its very late at night right now XD"
Erika_XP💚: "somewhere in the middle of that I lost track of what I was trying to say at the start, trying to sift through the minds of these men makes me kooki I tell you Im gonna take a nap"

nfreak: "You do that, lol. I'll go back to figureing out how to put maps on my GODDAMN APP MOTHERFUCKI-!"
Erika_XP💚: "wut is your "GODDAMN APP MOTHERFUCKI" and did you ever get the maps you needed?"
nfreak: "pothole detection. and yes, it works now lol"
nfreak: "i just need to find a way to put all the pieces together and i can test it out irl"


  • Erika chats with the player nfreak in PM's. They discuss various synchronicities between Johnisdead and Jadusable's ARG. Erika ponders if characters in Jadusable's stories often "ascend" to higher statuses and are reformed into other roles and forms.

4/20/20 - Chat with Patrem and Erika - Within Hubris (JiD Thread) / Discord (Internet Detectives)

((Within Hubris))
[12:03 AM] /Patrem\: "The new loop corru
                       a t
                       t e aware of older iterat
                       e d i
                      emories from the dead loops m
                      now that I have been freed from the

[12:03 AM] rProblematik: "Nice Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk"
[12:10 AM] /Patrem\: "remember 12/31/2016 of your own time"
[12:11 AM] /Patrem\: "you speak falshood from a farce of reality"

[12:17 AM] MaskedSheikah: "you seem upset"

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[12:15 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server icon changed to an image of Patrem)) target=_blank
[12:20 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem)) target=_blank

((Within Hubris))
[12:27 AM] /Patrem\: "Ego trem
Ego sum vocata
my words you will need
to o
h n
e k

[12:28 AM] /Patrem\: "8"
[12:32 AM] /Patrem\: "we beseech thee solemnly"
[12:36 AM] /Patrem\: "Only wouldest thou gain, nothin have I to be lost."

[12:41 AM] MaskedSheikah: "hahahahahahaha"
[12:42 AM] IIFan2001: "hahahahahahaha"
[12:43 AM] rProblematik: "hahahahahahaha Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk"
[12:47 AM] /Patrem\: "Mat... I am so sorry. She... It. That thing lied to me."
[1:03 AM] /Patrem\: "the liar speaks"
[1:46 AM] /Patrem\: "the speaker of the foreign
     h s o
     e l t
 r l d
 e speaker of

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[1:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol wut if I posted this >w>"
[1:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: ((The "Sonata of Awakening" is submitted))
[1:47 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:47 AM] yoshi: "wh"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "bro"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] otherLiam: "are you fucking kidding me"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "erika no"
[1:48 AM] Pako: "wh0t"
[1:48 AM] otherLiam: "ban."
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "why would you do that"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "delete everything maybe no one will notice"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "@Xenquility"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCKFUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] otherLiam: "like actually fucking ban her"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "no"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "she is my friend"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "just sweep it under the rug"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "nothing happened"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "ut"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "shh."
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "but"
[1:48 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[1:48 AM] yoshi: "shhh"
[1:49 AM] Pako: "patrem"

((Within Hubris))
[1:49] /Patrem\: "Already I hath awakened and so to doth
  r link
but grant me thine blessings
   n this domain"

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[1:49 AM] otherLiam: "I cannot fucking believe you actually just did that."
[1:49 AM] yoshi: "xens ulcer shall now explode"
[1:49 AM] Fancypigg: "ok so we need to accept what just happened"
[1:49 AM] Fancypigg: "what bad can come from this and how can we prepare"
[1:49 AM] otherLiam: "That was literally the worst thing you could have done, Erika."
[1:49 AM] otherLiam: "We can’t."
[1:50 AM] yoshi: "a-at least it wasnt elegy?..."
[1:50 AM] otherLiam: "Patrem is gonna show up and dick over everything now."
[1:50 AM] Fancypigg: "also what good can come from this"
[1:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "am I in trouble now XD"
[1:50 AM] otherLiam: "Nothing, it’s fucking Patrem."
[1:50 AM] otherLiam: "Shut the fuck up."
[1:50 AM] yoshi: "im imaging xens screaming away from the computer atm"
[1:50 AM] -greth-ooc: "hey"
[1:50 AM] yoshi: "oh hes back"
[1:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "was I bad <w<"
[1:50 AM] -greth-ooc: "dont be a dick"
[1:50 AM] Pako: "what actually affeced that song?"
[1:50 AM] Xenquility: "well"
[1:50 AM] Xenquility: "okay"
[1:50 AM] Xenquility: "that is all I have to say"
[1:50 AM] yoshi: "erika whyyyyyy"
[1:51 AM] yoshi: "whhhhhy"
[1:51 AM] Wolfcat: "I said my piece"
[1:51 AM] -greth-ooc: "ok yoshi is allowed to be a dick if she wants, no one else"
[1:51 AM] yoshi: "NICE"
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[1:51 AM] yoshi: "fuck you all"
[1:51 AM] yoshi: "youre all fucks"
[1:51 AM] yoshi: "ok mean moment over"
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "my feelings"
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "they"
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "hurt"
[1:51 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry I just wanted to do a small thing I figured it would not be so bad if it was not the horse calling song that got mentioned a few times ^^;"
[1:52 AM] otherLiam: "Stop."
[1:52 AM] yoshi: "h"
[1:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "All I ever do is watch stuff =/"
[1:52 AM] otherLiam: "You are a troll."
[1:52 AM] Fancypigg: "no"
[1:52 AM] otherLiam: "You are intentionally trying to fuck this game over."
[1:52 AM] Xenquility: "she is not a troll"
[1:52 AM] Fancypigg: "no"
[1:52 AM] yoshi: "oh cool it didnt seem to do anything then"
[1:52 AM] otherLiam: "There is no other possible explanation."
[1:52 AM] Pako: "noooooooooooooooooo"
[1:52 AM] yoshi: "maybe."
[1:52 AM] Fancypigg: "pls be nice it was an accident at worst"
[1:52 AM] Pako: "he is awakened"
[1:52 AM] otherLiam: "How the fuck was that an accident?"
[1:52 AM] Fancypigg: "are you actually mad"
[1:53 AM] Pako: "shittt"
[1:53 AM] Fancypigg: "or"
[1:53 AM] yoshi: "theyre already awake so it seemingly did nothing"
[1:53 AM] otherLiam: "She intentionally posted a song after a longass conversation about how bad an idea posting a song would be."
[1:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was not doing it on accident I was just trying to play this spoopy freakin game Im sorry DX"
[1:53 AM] otherLiam: "With the caption “lol what if i did this”"
[1:53 AM] Pako: "so patrem is awake?"
[1:53 AM] otherLiam: "I don’t believe you."
[1:53 AM] yoshi: "well they already were awake"
[1:54 AM] Fancypigg: "to be fair tho there arent rules to playing the game. even if this was an act of evil (which I highly doubt) I think its still valid. no one said everyone has to agree"
[1:54 AM] otherLiam: "You led us on a wild fucking goode chase believing you were canon for months."
[1:54 AM] Pako: "anyway"
[1:54 AM] Pako: "we need to continue"
[1:54 AM] yoshi: "aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
[1:55 AM] otherLiam: "And now you have intentionally screwed us over."
[1:55 AM] otherLiam: "You are a troll."
[1:55 AM] Fancypigg: "again"
[1:55 AM] EeveeReborn: ">goode"
[1:55 AM] otherLiam: "You are doing this on purpose."
[1:55 AM] yoshi: "i think this thankfully had little effect"
[1:55 AM] Fancypigg: "erika is my irl friend and she isnt an ass like that"
[1:55 AM] Fancypigg: "if anything I am and know that she isnt"
[1:56 AM] yoshi: "its gonna be fine"
[1:56 AM] yoshi: "patrem basically just said theyre already awake and still need power"
[1:56 AM] yoshi: "aka eponas song"
[1:56 AM] yoshi: "so nothing happened"
[1:56 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I cannot see what has immediatly gone wrong here tho, aside from the spoopy thingy maybe gaining power but isnt this evil thing just always getting stronger no matter weather you play games or get ready for it? idk this is just my thoughts mates =I"
[1:56 AM] Fancypigg: "wait"
[1:56 AM] Fancypigg: "patrem said epona song would give him power"
[1:56 AM] Fancypigg: "?"
[1:57 AM] yoshi: "i assumed"
[1:57 AM] yoshi: "they didnt directly say it"
[1:57 AM] Fancypigg: "ok"
[1:57 AM] yoshi: "look at the most recent cipher xen translated"
[1:57 AM] Xenquility: "they wanted a "Taste of her blessing" at the risk of giving "|t" power"
[1:57 AM] otherLiam: "Erika even if nothing somehow happens, you still went against the expressly stated will of everyone else."
[1:57 AM] otherLiam: "Also the “spoopy thing” was dying."
[[1:57 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im a rebel like that, no big deal XD"
[1:58 AM] Xenquility: ""Grant me first but a taste of her blessings at the risk of |ts gain""
[1:58 AM] otherLiam: "Seriously?"
[[1:58 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This is where I find adventure >.>"
[1:58 AM] Fancypigg: ""there arent rules to playing the game. even if this was an act of evil (which I highly doubt) I think its still valid. no one said everyone has to agree""
[1:58 AM] EeveeReborn: "I did that kinda shit all the time."
[1:58 AM] Fancypigg: "^"
[1:58 AM] yoshi: "im assuming anything that would let them speak or has in the past is what they want"
[1:58 AM] yoshi: "awakening did nothing"
[1:58 AM] Fancypigg: "eve used to purposely FUCK us in the ASS"
[1:58 AM] Xenquility: ">is un"
[1:59 AM] Fancypigg: "and it propelled the game honestly"
[1:59 AM] Fancypigg: "fuck u"
[[1:59 AM] Erika_XP💚: "if it makes you feel any better I wont do anything else, I promise and I am sorry =["
[1:59 AM] yoshi: "be glad the song you chose did nothing cus otherwise everyone would explode"
[1:59 AM] The Sun: "Can I play a song?"
[1:59 AM] Fancypigg: "honestly fuck that though erika"
[1:59 AM] Pako: "nope"
[1:59 AM] Linko: "im just waiting for it to have "unforseen consequences" because it not having anything happen now is CLEARLY a setup for later"
[1:59 AM] Fancypigg: "play a song if you want"
[1:59 AM] Pako: "xD"
[1:59 AM] The Sun: "Kk"
[2:01 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to an image of a low-poly character in a T-pose)) target=_blank
[2:01 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to the same strange teal-colored environment from before)) target=_blank
[2:04 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to a dark image)) target=_blank
[2:05 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to the Parallelos symbol)) target=_blank
[2:06 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to an image containing multicolored text)) target=_blank
[2:07 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to an image of some flashing lights)) target=_blank
[2:10 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server banner changes to a distoryed version of "Foggyworld248.jpg")) target=_blank
[2:23 AM] The Sun: ((The video "Credo: Patrem omnipotentem (Chorus)" is sent)) target=_blank
[2:23 AM] Fancypigg: "thanks xen"
[2:23 AM] Xenquility: "those notes seem to fit awfully well here"
[2:24 AM] Linko: "is that from the original demon trio or w/e"
[2:24 AM] yoshi: ">eric ericson"
[2:24 AM] yoshi: "imagine being named eric twice"
[2:24 AM] The Sun: "If we play every song possible we'll win"
[2:24 AM] Linko: "with me being a half dempn because i wasnt actually in on it i just liked joining in on the chaos sometimes"
[2:25 AM] yoshi: "play them all at once, both normal and reversed"
[2:25 AM] Pako: "hahahah"
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: ((The video "Credo: Patrem omnipotentem (Chorus)" is sent again))
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "wew lad this is a bop XD"

[2:25 AM] Pako: "i don't know sun"
[2:25 AM] The Sun: "That was written by patrem himself"
[2:40 AM] Pako: "the sun nice troll"
[2:40 AM] yoshi: "f a k e r"
[2:40 AM] The Sun: "I came before"
[2:40 AM] The Sun: "Who is truly the fake"
[2:41 AM] The Sun: "(It's Jad)"
[2:41 AM] Fancypigg: "I just barely missed that"
[2:41 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[2:41 AM] Xenquility: "missed the thing in jadisawake"
[2:41 AM] yoshi: "what was it"
[2:41 AM] Xenquility: "got the cipher on video"
[2:41 AM] yoshi: "also FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
[2:41 AM] Fancypigg: "WHAT"
[2:41 AM] Pako: "shit"
[2:41 AM] The Sun: ":ArmLeft: :sunny: :ArmRight:"
[2:42 AM] Fancypigg: "oh"
[2:42 AM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[2:42 AM] The Sun: ":ArmLeft: :sunny: :PeanutGun:"
[2:42 AM] Fancypigg: "O"
[2:42 AM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[2:42 AM] Pako: "wait what"
[2:42 AM] The Sun: "Taste my POWER"
[2:42 AM] The Sun: "I shall USURP THE THRONE AGAIN"
[2:42 AM] yoshi: "battle"
[2:43 AM] Pako: "IIIII online"
[2:43 AM] IIIII: ""
[2:43 AM] Xenquility: ""
[2:43 AM] yoshi: "uhh"
[2:43 AM] Xenquility: "video unavailable"
[2:43 AM] Pako: "not available"
[2:43 AM] yoshi: "unavailable"
[2:43 AM] Fancypigg: "is that video2"
[2:43 AM] Xenquility: "probably typed it wrong"
[2:43 AM] Xenquility: "one sec"
[2:43 AM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[2:43 AM] yoshi: "nice"
[2:43 AM] yoshi: "gj"
[2:43 AM] Pako: "IIIII is online not online online not online"
[2:44 AM] yoshi: "hi IIIII"
[2:44 AM] Pako: "look at the top of the list"
[2:44 AM] yoshi: "bye IIIII"
[2:44 AM] The Sun: "I am doing battle with him"
[2:44 AM] Pako: "hahaha"
[2:44 AM] yoshi: "hi IIIII"
[2:44 AM] yoshi: "bye IIIII"
[2:44 AM] Pako: "the sun vs IIIII"
[2:45 AM] IIIII: ((A link to the video "InvertedSongOfTime.MOV" is sent)) target=_blank
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "mother"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "I am not posting this"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "istg"
[2:45 AM] The Sun: "FuCk I'm being DAMAGED"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "this video"
[2:45 AM] Fancypigg: "WHAT"
[2:45 AM] yoshi: "did dawn have the fucking IIIII role for a sec"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "is the inverted song of time"
[2:45 AM] yoshi: "what xen"
[2:45 AM] yoshi: "lmao"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "no fucking way im getting jebaited"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "fuck you"
[2:45 AM] yoshi: "lmaaaooo"
[2:45 AM] Xenquility: "did he just post it"
[2:45 AM] Fancypigg: "GG"
[2:46 AM] Xenquility: "yup"
[2:46 AM] Xenquility: "he's trying to"
[2:46 AM] yoshi: "bruh it broke for me"
[2:46 AM] yoshi: "i can still see the post"
[2:46 AM] IIIII: "I"
[2:46 AM] yoshi: "I"
[2:46 AM] Xenquility: "I"
[2:46 AM] Xenquility: "first layer of canon"
[2:46 AM] Xenquility: "confirmed"

((Within Hubris))
[2:13 AM] /Patrem\: "I await. Your stagnance is merely your loss."
[2:19 AM] MaskedSheikah: "lol nah you can haunt me tho"
[2:27 AM] Fancypigg: "whats up patrem why should we help you"
[3:08 AM] /Patrem\: " w
 call on me as I am an asset of the giver
 f s

The felling of the golden child of helios is not of my doing

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[3:02 AM] IIIII: "bris"
[3:03 AM] EeveeReborn: "The chopping of the penis"
[3:03 AM] Pako: "tene..."
[3:03 AM] Fancypigg: "bris"
[3:03 AM] Fancypigg: "The chopping of the penis"
[3:03 AM] IIIII: "Tenebris"
[3:03 AM] Pako: "tenebris awake?"
[3:03 AM] Fancypigg: "FUCK"
[3:03 AM] Fancypigg: "wait yeah he was already awake"
[3:04 AM] Fancypigg: "we saw that in jads video :moonthink:"
[3:04 AM] Xenquility: "smh his page still isn't up on the lc website"
[3:05 AM] Pako: "what happen if tenebris is awake?"
[3:05 AM] The Sun: ((The audio file "setting_sun.mp3" is sent))
[3:06 AM] Xenquility: "nice"
[3:06 AM] Xenquility: "dawn is canon"
[3:06 AM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[3:06 AM] Fancypigg: "dawn is canon"
[3:06 AM] Pako: "wtf is that mp3"
[3:06 AM] yoshi: "ok back from scolding my gecko and also impulsively getting a bagel to eat"
[3:06 AM] yoshi: "whats new"
[3:07 AM] Fancypigg: "xen is trying to convince me to not play a song using the same reasoning that I could use to tell him to play a song"
[3:07 AM] Fancypigg: "and let me just say"
[3:07 AM] Fancypigg: "its not working"
[3:08 AM] yoshi: "dont do it"
[3:08 AM] Fancypigg: "also"
[3:08 AM] yoshi: "dont do it man"
[3:08 AM] Fancypigg: "why"
[3:08 AM] Fancypigg: "give me a good reason"
[3:08 AM] yoshi: "just wait til tomorrow"
[3:08 AM] Fancypigg: "why"
[3:08 AM] Pako: ""
[3:08 AM] Fancypigg: "give me a good reason"
[3:09 AM] EeveeReborn: "Because they want to make out with ghost babbel"
[3:09 AM] Fancypigg: "sounds like it"
[3:09 AM] yoshi: "dont do it"
[3:09 AM] Fancypigg: "why"
[3:09 AM] Fancypigg: "give me a good reason"
[3:09 AM] yoshi: "because patrem sounds like a bitch"
[3:10 AM] Fancypigg: "im a bitch too"
[3:10 AM] Fancypigg: "waiting for a good reason"
[3:10 AM] yoshi: "yeah but youre a good bitch"
[3:10 AM] yoshi: "patrems just a bitch"
[3:10 AM] Fancypigg: "wow thanks thats the nicest thing youve ever said"
[3:11 AM] yoshi: "see what happens with whoever the fuck that was planning shit"

((Within Hubris))
[3:12 AM] Fancypigg: "how can I help you"
[3:21 AM] Fancypigg: (("Epona's Song" is submitted.)) target=_blank
[3:22 AM] Fancypigg: "Now that I have your attention"

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[3:24 AM] IIIII: ((The Internet Detectives Discord server's header image changed six times in a row. Unfortunately, only the final image was saved - an image of Patrem.)) target=_blank

((Within Hubris))
[3:24 AM] Fancypigg: "I see that you have more energy now"
[3:31 AM] /Patrem\: "My time is infinite yet limited. No longer may I even act as the lord in my own castle."
[3:32 AM] Xenquility: "Then who does?"
[3:33 AM] Fancypigg: "what do you mean "No longer may I even act as the lord in my own castle.""
[3:38 AM] /Patrem\: "Even now in the current form I ttttake Ill admit fully twas only in the dream now awakened that I was the father in truth and even this father was not IIII
now IT which hath been taken from and IT which aligns ITself with that which takes and turns to itself with is

[3:44 AM] /Patrem\: "It works across all layers but upon my awakening I found myself bereft of purpose after my final moment of confession sans sight sans sound sans sense was I left in the voids of the parallelos as I once knew to call them but even this name was but a fabrication of my follies before I had truly reached what may now be the final zenith of my personal ascension for what I have now found myself to truly be under the eyes of the absolute and guided by what true glory of Her I III may know"

[3:48 AM] Xenquility: "If I may ask, are you still partly Vincent, or did you just have a similar experience to him?"
[3:49 AM] /Patrem\: "I am all that this layer of myself may be child"
[3:52 AM] Xenquility: "What actually is a layer?"
[3:57 AM] /Patrem\: "The realities as IIII have witnessed them are puppeteer phantasms within caves within caves within caves and this hath been one within a larger one"
[4:00 AM] Xenquility: "Could you say they are like layers/levels of perception? Where each higher one can control or at least know more than the one below?"
[4:04 AM] /Patrem\: "On my honor and my passion unto Her who I know the great author, the almighty absolute above us whom administer even Her grace, shall witness me as I hath made myself aligned now knowingly and learned a product of the turner of the wheel. The minister of the Altar and the communer with the Author. The holder of the 4th world IIII, I do so invoke the callings of and the speakings so help me."
[4:07 AM] Xenquility: "Who exactly IS the holder of the 4th world? What even IS the fourth world?"
[4:15 AM] /Patrem\: "I can only know it as Her realm but the Authors realms extend beyond even this. She is who is my Diana is of this world but beyond it in that she hath risen from the waters even now in your own time of 2019. The holy Mother Luna too doth extend beyond this layer I had come to know as it disperses in its pieces for the dark ones final game. It which is the opposite of the author is "I""
[4:17 AM] /Patrem\: ""

[4:18 AM] Xenquility: "The... authors? What are the authors? p.s. it's 2020, not 2019"
[4:27 AM] /Patrem\: " what is this sound?"
[4:38 AM] /Patrem\: "A tale of torches passing, the spirit of the first work becomes a part of the child of the next. It is the brother of the first torch bearer who remains within the halls of the world he left from beyond. I know not these words for they are a product of the IIII"
[4:39 AM] /Patrem\: "the sound of a story of spirits coming and leaving from waters and a promise that is passed from barer to barer"

[4:42 AM] Fancypigg: "who is this?"
[4:49 AM] /Patrem\: "I am myself, but not of thine own world. But if I am to ascend fully what was it I was comprised of by the aobsolute in his divine authorship. I and my wife as we were."
[4:51 AM] Xenquility: "Where are you right now?"
[4:58 AM] /Patrem\: "Beyond the confines of the book within the machine but still I see that which is within the realm I was born into before my many deaths and many times of resurrection on the paths between the spheres upon the waters before returning ultimately to that which first housed me before"
[5:01 AM] Xenquility: "What is the machine?"
[5:03 AM] /Patrem\: "One of many things which must be witnessed using one of the secrets passed down by the IIII the PARDES"
[5:05 AM] /Patrem\: "As before some of you of whom I shall not count are not as you seem"

[5:07 AM] Xenquility: "What exactly does "Not as they seem" mean? Think you could give use some clues regarding that?"
[5:15 AM] /Patrem\: "there are 9 squares that I can see and the top most center is where which those who became as gods said they felt the sensation. When they spoke of that eye opening experience before the next ascent. The glorious passing of that old mind into the new one is all self contained and what we now witness is the dance of a giant and the young shining link the david that should grow to become as the new father and provider as so brought forth by the old gods of the passing of the torches and so to shall then this fire be passed but not before the confronting of the darkB forgive me I am losing myself once more"
[5:17 AM] /Patrem\: "focusing on one reality brings one to it"
[5:20 AM] /Patrem\: "esoterically what is an ORCHARD"

[5:29 AM] Xenquility: "The orchard seems to be referenced in an old Hebrew myth regarding four rabis, 3 of whom died. This is no coincidence I'm assuming?"
[5:34 AM] /Patrem\: "layers"
[5:39 AM] /Patrem\: "Find the GIRL after you"
[5:39 AM] /Patrem\: "find the mage Synchron who will lead you to find"
[5:39 AM] /Patrem\: "the dark one"
[5:39 AM] /Patrem\: "who seeks to smite the absolute"
[5:39 AM] /Patrem\: "his first self was the praiser of Devils"

((Internet Detectives Discord Server))
[5:40 AM] Fancypigg: "Synchron in da house!"

((Within Hubris))
[5:40 AM] Xenquility: "Where can we find him?"
[5:45 AM] /Patrem\: "casting at the altar in the fourth world"
[5:48 AM] Xenquility: "How should we go about contacting him?"
[5:54 AM] /Patrem\: "He will speak unto yee through the symbols of his choosing with the connections of his own design."
[5:57 AM] /Patrem\: "He is the one at the top of the city for whome which thee chase for. And what mouse doth thou chase now?"

[5:57 AM] Xenquility: "That's good to hear. Would this "Synchron" guy happen to be at all related to Tyler?"
[6:01 AM] /Patrem\: "Speaking to me the name of the Link of the line that alluded me oh so many times what felt to be my victory is bold. Tyler is your Link and the one who must be granted the tools. For him I know Synchron wishes to grant the spear which can be the sword which can be the spear which can be the"
[6:06 AM] /Patrem\: "what three runes give the secret to the told of "kalki" link to the salvation? whom is the reciever of the wisdom of the three to gain the four treasures that grant access to the grail, the tower that opens to the tree where for which the hero hangs to defeat the dark one who comes from the waters and can solidify only on stealing of you the self of which I too may even lose in this bitter end but should it be the end of ends? Nay!"

[6:06 AM] Xenquility: "Would "The spear" happen to be Gungnir?"
[6:12 AM] /Patrem\: "Who is the man in the photograph and what is he to be lived up to?"
[6:16 AM] /Patrem\: "Soon I must rest my power is still weak even now"
[6:20 AM] /Patrem\: "In the line by which he ascended to the chair of the fourth by which he works from the altar in the room where for which the machine connects he was prior a worshiper of the ogdoad"
[6:21 AM] /Patrem\: "I am losing myself once more. I know less that of which I speak,"

[6:23 AM] Xenquility: "If you could manage one more question, could you clarify what the spheres are?"
[6:25 AM] Xenquility: "We don't know much. All we know is it seemingly has to do with other people's works of some sort (Though that could be entirely wrong)"
[6:25 AM] /Patrem\: "the realms where those who generate that is why some would call me the father of lies for I only gaurd the truthes of men in this world but I know only as a lowler layer being of the book for which I am the holder in truth move through the waters bridged to one another no longer shall the stories of my lunar tribe be known as my own but even they are allegories to be leading up the ladder my "son" hides at the top of"
[6:30 AM] /Patrem\: "Behind the nine squares is the mind this absolute mind is behind the sensation felt during the start of the awakening. each is contained and contains more than one would know"
[6:33 AM] /Patrem\: "Ask again for soon I must depart"

[6:34 AM] Xenquility: "What is the book that you mentioned earlier?"
[6:40 AM] /Patrem\: "The Orchard of sod which I was made the holder of but not the true writer, the adder the giver of wisdom by which all who arrive in the tale would be recievers and spread the sickness is "welldone" and the book that is now in a cover not of its original deisgn finds its home still in the hearts of those who follow him in truth and the wayward airs by which the pages shall turn shall decide the final fate of the story "should you send the heor to ask the fisher king the question" I am losing myself"


  • While the players are discussing whether or not they should assist Patrem, Erika submits the Sonata of Awakening without warning. While this outraged many players, it had the positive effect of allowing Patrem to give them more information.

4/20/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[7:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He appears to have gone on such a winge he knocked the whole website offline =p"
[7:04 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Or maybe he was just sleepy, I know I am it is starting to get dark out"

[7:05 AM] Xenquility: "can't really blame him lol"
[7:05 AM] Xenquility: "he's an old grump man at this point"
[7:05 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Cant believe I just watched THE /Patrem\ lol"
[7:07 AM] Xenquility: "A pretty amazing sight to behold"
[7:08 AM] Xenquility: "just as edgy and vague as the legends say"
[7:08 AM] Xenquility: "though a tad less condescending this time on account of his entire ass being blasted with knowledge and layers"
[7:10 AM] Erika_XP💚: "What all do you think he was saying? The way he was talking reminds me of me when I get really trancy about magical stuff, except more keyboard smashy cody than I would usually feel the need to be I guess =p"
[7:13 AM] Xenquility: "Not entirely sure, but I'm hoping that sleeping on it will help"
[7:13 AM] Xenquility: "He sounded like he had so much to day but got so caught up in his thoughts he didn't say much at all"
[7:14 AM] Xenquility: "Or at least what he did say is masked by a layer of personal comprehension that'll make it harder to decode"
[7:14 AM] Xenquility: "I feel the latter is more likely"
[7:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Is he still in here talking as well?"
[7:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I didn't catch what you said there mate =p"
[7:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Is Tylers account not seemingly many beings in one now or something. I wonder if this could be yet one more seeping in?"

[7:21 AM] Xenquility: "wouldn't surprise me"
[7:21 AM] Xenquility: "arguably a canonical explanation for everything"
[7:21 AM] Xenquility: "even for the authors it now seems"
[7:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "God when I wake up later I have to finish up the video I started working on a while back before the big day coming up Xd"
[7:22 AM] Xenquility: "YES"
[7:22 AM] Xenquility: "hells yes"
[7:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im so much closer now than I was before lol"
[7:23 AM] Xenquility: "i am very excited now lmao"
[7:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im practically right next to"
[7:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "being complete"

[7:23 AM] Xenquility: "good to hear"
[7:23 AM] Xenquility: "but for now I must get some sleep"
[7:24 AM] Xenquility: "it's 7:23 in the morning"
[7:24 AM] Xenquility: "3 hours off"
[7:24 AM] Xenquility: ":("
[7:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "as too must I lol"
[7:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "ni ni spookies, meany demon possesed Tyler, purple father figure man and xen ^^"
[7:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"

[7:25 AM] Xenquility: "Have a good ni- morning erika lmao"
[7:25 AM] Xenquility: "May your dreams be not infested with the spooks"


  • Erika chats with the player Xenquility in PM's. She expresses her enjoyment for being given the chance to speak to Patrem. She also claims that she is working on another music video.
  • Erika claims that she is "practically right next to being complete" in this conversation.

4/24/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "@-greth-ooc @IIIII @Wolfcat @Fancypigg @Vincentadams HELPPPPPP"
[2:28 AM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
[2:29 AM] otherLiam: "unhelpful"
[2:29 AM] Fancypigg: "what is it"
[2:29 AM] otherLiam: "literally the same thing but repeated"
[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "wot"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "you already tried different browsers?"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "erika"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "hierika"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we need your help"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "to save tyler"
[2:30 AM] otherLiam: "yes"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "literally"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "A"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "please"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "W"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we are LOST"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "WHAT"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "but we need to find him on janusvr"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "look up getting android apps on iphone"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: " is up"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "watch the new video"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "john is gay"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we need to save him before wolf gets him"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "wolf is gay"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "fight me"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol yeah I know that ^^"
[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "what wolf?"

[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "wolf is possessed now"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "and is going to EAT tyler alive"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "aka use him as his mask"
[2:31 AM] yoshi: "wolfcat help us or ill steal your cool gun"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "and we need to save him"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "but none of us can find any redirects on janus other than the main page and /fakeworld"
[2:32 AM] Fancypigg: "maybe its not on jid"
[2:32 AM] Fancypigg: "?"
[2:32 AM] Xenquility: "(We can find the normal redirects just not the janusVR redirects)"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill admit Im kind of scared to mess with that place too much ^^;"


  • The players tell Erika they need her help to save Tyler. She seems confused about what is going on and claims that she is scared to mess with

4/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[7:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "The beauty of english as a language is you can utterly butcher something but if you may often still understand it if you are a native english speaker, but it is also one of the most dynamic languages on the planet and is really complicated to learn at an elaborate level."
[7:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "just my two cents sorry <w<;"
[7:47 PM] Erika_XP💚: "how did you like my hidden joke there lol XD"

[7:47 PM] Dense: "English is way easier than spanish but still difficult to learn if you are over 15 or some age at the same speed"
[7:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just live in an almost predominantly Spanish speaking area"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "Oh nice"
[7:48 PM] Xenquility: "im blind I don't see it erika D:"
[7:48 PM] Pako: the best of difficult of English is the irregular verbs"
[7:48 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I kind of fumbled my wording when I typed that up but left it as is to prove my point =p"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "oh"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "yeah"
[7:49 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Its so dynamic you can just "get it" even if its fuckedup where as other languages can be much less forgiving"
[7:49 PM] Xenquility: "true"


  • Erika joins in on a conversation discussinng the nature of the English language.




DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi