The Dawn

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The Dawn is a special title given to a devout member of the Sun Children. It is implied that The Dawn is given special powers and is tasked with spreading the light of Helios. It seems as though there can only be one Dawn at any given time.


The Dawn is a holy title given to specially selected members of the Sun Children cult. The title has been passed down through the ages from one member to the next - something that's done in an attempt to make the bearer of the title seem immortal.[1] It is implied that possessing the title of Dawn grants one some of Helios's powers. This seems to have a strange side-effect of making one eventually believe they're immortal. Because of this, those who possess the title of Dawn inevitably die due to their own hubris. This happened to Dawn's father and he has accepted that he will likely meet the same fate himself.[2]

There is a special ceremony that one must go through before being given the title of Dawn. This seems to simply involve the participant reading off a sacred rite and devoting themselves to Helios. Dawn mentions that his father recorded this rites for him before passing away.[3] These rites are as follows:

Gather round, followers of the light. A new Dawn has risen. May he speak the sacred rite and become one with Helios. Follow in my lead:

The light shall guide me. Never shall my mind betray the light, nor my sword, nor my shield. I shall always work in the best interest of the Grand Helios. I will become herald of the light. I will bring the light to all. I will become the Dawn. When I die, I will become one with the light of Helios. I understand my sacred duty as the bring of light, and I shall forever work only to spread the wisdom and strength of Helios throughout the land. I shall become Helios's eyes. I shall become his sword. This is now what I am and may Helios guide me.

I am now the Dawn.


  1. Dawn referring to how the title is passed down can be found here.
    • It’s a little known fact that the title of Dawn is passed through multiple people. This gives the illusion that the “Dawn” is forever-- “Dawn” never dies.
  2. Dawn discussing how The Dawn inevitably succumbs to hubris can be found here.
    • "It’s known that the “Dawn” will always eventually die due to their interaction with hubris. The power of Helios cannot fully flow through a mortal’s being, but the “Dawn” will eventually think of themselves as something more – something immortal. This is an inevitable fact. Hubris will kill me as it killed the Dawn before me."
    • Dawn mentions his father leaving the sacred rites before his passing here.
      • "But it’s actually the righteous and glorious duty of one select individual of an age to become the “Dawn”. My father was the “Dawn” before me, and his rites were recorded so that I may listen."



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