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Upon finally stopping the moon's descent, Link enters the mouth of the moon itself, warping him to an idyllic, dream-like field. Here, five Moon Children can be found frolicking around a large tree. Four of the children are wearing masks representative of the four bosses defeated to free the four giants. The final one is wearing Majora's Mask. Speaking with him will initiate the final boss fight against Majora. Defeating Majora will finally free the Skull Kid and end Termina's woes, allowing the land to finally enter into a fourth day.
Upon finally stopping the moon's descent, Link enters the mouth of the moon itself, warping him to an idyllic, dream-like field. Here, five Moon Children can be found frolicking around a large tree. Four of the children are wearing masks representative of the four bosses defeated to free the four giants. The final one is wearing Majora's Mask. Speaking with him will initiate the final boss fight against Majora. Defeating Majora will finally free the Skull Kid and end Termina's woes, allowing the land to finally enter into a fourth day.
<h4>Ocarina Songs</h4>
Link is also armed with a magical instrument called the Ocarina of Time. By playing specific songs on his Ocarina, Link can achieve a variety of different effects:
Link is also armed with a magical instrument called the Ocarina of Time. By playing specific songs on his Ocarina, Link can achieve a variety of different effects:
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<b>Kokiri Sword</b> - Link's starting weapon.
<b>Razor Sword</b> - An upgraded version of the Kokiri Sword. However, it will revert back to the Koriri Sword after extended use.
<b>Gilded Sword</b> - A permanently upgraded version of the Razor Sword created by using Gold Dust.
<b>Hero's Shield</b> - A basic shield used to block attacks.
<b>Mirror Shield</b> - A shield capable of reflecting light and projectiles.
<b>Bombers' Notebook</b> - A notebook used by the Bombers Gang to track the progress of different sidequests.
<b>Moon's Tear</b> - A stone that fell from the moon. Can be used to trade to a Deku to gain access to his flower.
<b>Title Deeds</b> - A series of four different title deeds that allow Link to access their respective Deku flowers.
<b>Room Key</b> - A key to a hotel room within Stock Pot Inn.
<b>Letter to Kafei</b> - A letter written by Anju addressed to her fiancé Kafei.
<b>Pendant of Memories</b> - A pendant worn by Kafei that holds special significance to him and Anju. Giving it to Anju convinces her to wait for Kafei.
<b>Special Delivery to Mama</b> - A latter from Kafei addressed to his mother. Depending on who it is given to, it can be used to obtain either a bottle of Chateau Romani or the Postman's Hat.

Revision as of 17:08, 5 September 2024

The Legend of Zelda is a videogame series created by Nintendo. Many elements found within Johnisdead and Ben Drowned are based off of The Legend of Zelda. While it's not required for one to have played any Zelda games to understand or participate in Johnisdead, it is recommended that one has a base understanding of the games - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask specifically. This page will cover the basics needed to understand Johnisdead and Ben Drowned.

This page contains spoilers for all the games listed. If you haven't played peak vidya yet then go fix that.


The Legend of Zelda is a videogame series created by Nintendo. The games follow a protagonist named Link who is usually tasked with liberating the kingdom of Hyrule from the malicious Ganondorf. In the process, he will rescue the princess of Hyrule, Zelda. One of Ganondorf's main goals is to obtain the Triforce - a sacred item within Hyrule made up of three golden triangles. Each piece of the Triforce represents a different aspect - Power, Courage, and Wisdom. These are associated with Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda respectively. Sometimes, the different pieces of the Triforce are imbued in their respective owners, requiring all three to congregate in order for the relic to physically manifest.

Most Zelda games follow a completely different incarnation of Link and Zelda at a different point in Hyrule's history. It is implied that there is some degree of reincarnation taking place between the two characters. The series also sports a fairly long timeline that splits into three different concurrent timelines. Sometimes, Link will travel to other lands and face unique enemies separate from Ganondorf.


Below are specific games whose elements are related to Johnisdead.

Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask holds the greatest influence over Johnisdead and Ben Drowned compared to any other Zelda game. This game is a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and it follows Link entering into a strange parallel version of Hyrule called Termina. Here, Link must face Skull Kid - a small forest creature who's been possessed by the evil Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask originally belonged to the enigmatic Happy Mask Salesman - a strange salesman who initially sets Link on his quest after stepping foot into Termina. Under the influence of Majora's Mask, Skull Kid has caused a variety of problems for the citizens of Termina. Above all else, he's cast a spell over the moon, causing it to slowly descend towards the planet. Link has only three days to defeat Majora's Mask and stop the moon from destroying the planet.

To do this, Link must travel to four different key locations in Termina - the Southern Swamp, the Snowhead mountains, the Great Bay, and Ikana Valley. In each location, Link must defeat a malicious creature and free that area's associated Giant. Once all Four Giants are freed, Link can summon them to stop the moon's descent. To assist him on this journey, link is accompanied by Tatl - a small fairy guide. Link also has a variety of transformation masks that transform him into a variety of species. These include Dekus, Gorons, and Zoras. Link obtains these transformation masks by soothing the spirits of deceased / dying individuals, transforming their spirits into the masks themselves.

Upon finally stopping the moon's descent, Link enters the mouth of the moon itself, warping him to an idyllic, dream-like field. Here, five Moon Children can be found frolicking around a large tree. Four of the children are wearing masks representative of the four bosses defeated to free the four giants. The final one is wearing Majora's Mask. Speaking with him will initiate the final boss fight against Majora. Defeating Majora will finally free the Skull Kid and end Termina's woes, allowing the land to finally enter into a fourth day.


Link is also armed with a magical instrument called the Ocarina of Time. By playing specific songs on his Ocarina, Link can achieve a variety of different effects:

  • Song of Time - Resets the three day cycle so that the moon does not crash into Termina.
  • Inverted Song of Time - Slows time down so that Link has more time during the three day cycle before the moon crashes.
  • Song of Double Time - Skips ahead to either the night of the current day or the dawn of the next day.
  • Song of Healing - Soothes the spirits of troubled, dying, or dead individuals - sometimes transforming them into masks.
  • Epona's Song - Summons Link's horse, Epona.
  • Song of Soaring - Used for quick traversal across Termina. Teleports Link to an Owl Statue of his choosing.
  • Song of Storms - Manifests a storm around Link. It is also associated with easing the woes of restless spirits.
  • Sonata of Awakening - A song belonging to the Deku Royal Family that has the power to awaken anything that's asleep. It also raises the Woodfall Temple from the bottom of the Southern Swamp.
  • Goron Lullaby - A lullaby belonging to the Gorons that has the ability to put them to sleep.
  • New Wave Bossa Nova - A song taught to Link by the Zora Lulu's children. Playing the song to Lulu will recover her voice, allowing her to speak.
  • Elegy of Emptiness - A song that creates an empty shell called an "Elegy Statue" of whoever plays it.
  • Oath to Order - Summons the Four Giants to stop the moon's descent. This will only be successful if all Four Giants are freed.
  • Scarecrow's Song - A customizable song that when played will summon a scarecrow.


As mentioned above, Link obtains a variety of useful masks throughout the course of the game. Some of them have unique effects and abilities. These include the following:

  • Deku Mask - A mask created from the deceased spirit of the Deku Butler's son. This mask transforms Link into a Deku, allowing him to glide using flowers, skip across water, and shoot bubbles.
  • Goron Mask - A mask created from the deceased spirit of Darmani. This mask transforms Link into a Goron, allowing him to roll infinitely, break boulders, and walk through lava.
  • Zora Mask - A mask created from the dying spirit of Mikau. This mask transforms Link into a Zora, allowing him to use his fins as boomerangs, swim incredibly fast, and breathe underwater.
  • Fierce Deity's Mask - A mask implied to be the culmination of Link's efforts in Termina. This mask transforms Link into a powerful adult version of himself. This mask can only be obtained by obtaining and sacrificing every other mask in the game.
  • Great Fairy's Mask - Notifies Link if a Great Fairy Sprite is nearby. It also draws them to Link if they're close enough.
  • Kafei's Mask - A mask used to indicate that Link is on the search for the missing citizen Kafei. It allows him to progress through the quest and obtain unique details from citizens of Clocktown.
  • Bremen Mask - Allows Link to begin marching, which causes small animals to follow along. Doing this with baby chickens causes them to grow into adults.
  • Kamaro's Mask - A mask bestowed to Link from the spirit of Kamaro. Allows Link to imitate his strange dance.
  • Blast Mask - Causes Link to explode on command. Useful for replacing bombs, but damages Link in the process.
  • Bunny Hood - Allows Link to run at a much faster speed.
  • Keaton Mask - Summons a Keaton at specific locations, who will proceed to ask Link several questions for a prize.
  • Postman's Hat - Allows Link to check the various mailboxes around Clocktown.
  • Mask of Truth - Grants Link the ability to read the minds of small animals and obtain rumors from Gossip Stones.
  • Mask of Scents - Enhances Link's smelling ability, allowing him to sniff out specific items.
  • Don Gero's Mask - Allows Link to recruit frogs for the Frog Choir.
  • Romani's Mask - Grants Link access to the Milk Bar found in Clocktown.
  • Garo's Mask - Disguises Link as a Garo, resulting in them showing themselves to him. However, they will attack shortly thereafter. Also causes ReDeads to dance.
  • Captain's Hat - Disguises Link as an Ikana Captain, allowing him to speak with and command Stalchildren enemies. Also causes ReDeads to dance.
  • Stone Mask - Makes Link invisible to guards and most enemies within the game.
  • Circus Leader's Mask - Makes the Gorman Brothers non-hostile.
  • All-Night Mask - Restricts its wearer from sleeping, allowing Link to listen to Anju's Grandmother's story all night instead of falling asleep.
  • Gibdo Mask - Allows Link to speak with Gibdo enemies.
  • Couple's Mask - Used to end the argument within the Mayor's office.
  • Giant's Mask - Allows Link to transform into a giant.
  • Odolwa's Remains - Unwearable. The remains of the boss of the Southern Swamp area.
  • Goht's Remains - Unwearable. The remains of the boss of the Snowhead area.
  • Gyorg's Remains - Unwearable. The remains of the boss of the Great Bay area.
  • Twinmold's Remains - Unwearable. The remains of the boss of the Ikana Valley area.
  • Moon's Mask - Unobtainable. A mask belonging to Anju to be used in her and Kafei's wedding ceremony.
  • Sun's Mask - Unobtainable. A mask belonging to Kafei to be used in his and Anju's wedding ceremony.
  • Majora's Mask - Unobtainable. A malicious mask that possesses its wearer. The main antagonist of the game.


Like in most Zelda games, Link obtains many different items during his journey. These are as follows:

  • Ocarina of Time - Allows Link to play magical songs for a variety of effects.
  • Hero's Bow - A bow used to fire a variety of arrows to defeat enemies or activate switches.
  • Fire Arrow - An arrow infused with fire energy. Can be used to melt ice or burn certain surfaces.
  • Ice Arrow - An arrow infused with ice energy. Can be used to freeze enemies or create ice platforms on water.
  • Light Arrows - An arrow infused with light energy. Can be used to disintegrate enemies, activate light-sensitive switches, and flip the Stone Tower upside-down.
  • Bombs - Used to damage armored enemies and destroy certain obstacles.
  • Bombchu - A mobile bomb that has the same effect as normal bombs. Can also travel across walls and ceilings.
  • Deku Stick - A stick that can be lit on fire and used to light torches.
  • Deku Nut - A nut that can be thrown to activate a flashbang-esque effect. Can be used to stun enemies.
  • Magic Bean - A magical bean that can be planted and watered to sprout a floating plant that can be ridden.
  • Powder Keg - A powerful bomb that can only be wielded by Gorons. Used to destroy larger obstacles.
  • Pictograph Box - A camera that can be used to take photos.
  • Lens of Truth - An item that allows Link to see invisible enemies and objects.
  • Hookshot - An chained hook that can be shot into specific surfaces to pull Link towards them. Can also pull some items and enemies towards Link instead.
  • Great Fairy's Sword - A powerful sword rewarded to Link after assisting in the reformation of the Great Fairy.
  • Empty Bottle - An empty bottle that can be filled with a variety of different items and substances.
  • Red Potion - Fully restores Link's health and removes curses. Also used to energize Kotake.
  • Green Potion - Fully restores Link's magic bar.
  • Blue Potion - Fully restores Link's health, magic, and removes curses.
  • Milk - Restores some health.
  • Chateau Romani - Restores health and grants Link unlimited magic for the current three-day cycle. However, it is said to have an inebriating effect.
  • Fairy - Restores some health when released. However, if kept, can revive Link upon death.
  • Spring Water - Can be used to grow Magic Beans.
  • Hot Spring Water - Can be used to melt ice. Will transform into Spring Water after an extended period of time.
  • Magic Mushroom - Can be sold to the Potion Shop to unlock Blue Potions.
  • Fish - Can be sold to the Curiosity Shop or fed to other fish for a reward.
  • Bugs - Can be released in specific areas to obtain rewards.
  • Poe Soul - Can be consumed. Will either restore or deplete health.
  • Big Poe Soul - Can be sold or given away to certain individuals for a reward.
  • Deku Princess - Must be released in the Deku Palace to progress through the game.
  • Gold Dust - Can be used to permanently upgrade Link's sword.
  • Seahorse - Can be used to guide Link through a dark section of Great Bay.
  • Zora Egg - Lulu's children. Seven of them must be reclaimed for Link to learn the New Wave Bossa Nova and progress through the game.
  • Kokiri Sword - Link's starting weapon.
  • Razor Sword - An upgraded version of the Kokiri Sword. However, it will revert back to the Koriri Sword after extended use.
  • Gilded Sword - A permanently upgraded version of the Razor Sword created by using Gold Dust.
  • Hero's Shield - A basic shield used to block attacks.
  • Mirror Shield - A shield capable of reflecting light and projectiles.
  • Bombers' Notebook - A notebook used by the Bombers Gang to track the progress of different sidequests.
  • Moon's Tear - A stone that fell from the moon. Can be used to trade to a Deku to gain access to his flower.
  • Title Deeds - A series of four different title deeds that allow Link to access their respective Deku flowers.
  • Room Key - A key to a hotel room within Stock Pot Inn.
  • Letter to Kafei - A letter written by Anju addressed to her fiancé Kafei.
  • Pendant of Memories - A pendant worn by Kafei that holds special significance to him and Anju. Giving it to Anju convinces her to wait for Kafei.
  • Special Delivery to Mama - A latter from Kafei addressed to his mother. Depending on who it is given to, it can be used to obtain either a bottle of Chateau Romani or the Postman's Hat.



ascended e-girlBullet NecklaceCrescent Moon NecklaceGC MajorHaunted Majora's Mask CartridgeHelios BookLC Brain OperationLenis ConversionLibro LunarusLunar Children ServersNovum AscensionemNullstormsParallelos PathPortalsProject BifrostProject MindshapeProto RecollectionRemember SeriesRule of ThreeSpiritustest audio onlyThe DyadThe OcarinaThree Silver Secrets


Astral ObservatoryAstral Observatory (Fucked)Elder ChildrenHarbingersLunar ChildrenMoon ChildrenOFA GroupSun ChildrenWireTalk

Entities and Figures

Absque FascieAmalgamationConduitsLinksRemnantThe DawnThe Four Giants

Ceremonies and Rituals

AggregationAscensionBlood Moon RitualCeremony of the Three ElementsGiant Awakening RitualRune CastingSpell CirclesThe Circle of Three


NullspaceOverworldParallelosThe FisheryThe LibraryThe OrchardThe ShortcutThe Spire


BUP's DnD GameJohnisdead Scavenger HuntThe CataclysmTournament of SoulsUndecim Nocte


Analysis DeviceData BombKeyLogger592Listening DeviceOniontryptamine BombOoTv2.1Particle ParserResonance BurstScrying DeviceSignal CannonThe MachineTime BombTransmission DeviceWraith Trap


JanusVRThe Legend of Zelda