The Legend of Zelda is a videogame series created by Nintendo. Many elements found within Johnisdead and Ben Drowned are based off of The Legend of Zelda. While it's not required for one to have played any Zelda games to understand or participate in Johnisdead, it is recommended that one has a base understanding of the games - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask specifically. This page will cover the basics needed to understand Johnisdead and Ben Drowned.
This page will also contain descriptions for various items and tools within the more important titles as they are relevant to Johnisdead's Gameplay.
This page contains spoilers for all the games listed. If you haven't played peak vidya yet then go fix that.
The Legend of Zelda is a videogame series created by Nintendo. The games follow a protagonist named Link who is usually tasked with liberating the kingdom of Hyrule from the malicious Ganondorf. In the process, he will rescue the princess of Hyrule, Zelda. One of Ganondorf's main goals is to obtain the Triforce - a sacred item within Hyrule made up of three golden triangles. Each piece of the Triforce represents a different aspect - Power, Courage, and Wisdom. These are associated with Ganondorf, Link, and Zelda respectively. Sometimes the different pieces of the Triforce are imbued in their respective owners, requiring all three to congregate in order for the relic to physically manifest.
Most Zelda games follow a completely different incarnation of Link and Zelda at a different point in Hyrule's history. It is implied that there is some degree of reincarnation taking place between the two characters. The series also sports a fairly long timeline that splits into three different concurrent timelines. Sometimes Link will travel to other lands and face unique enemies separate from Ganondorf.
Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask holds the greatest influence over Johnisdead and Ben Drowned compared to any other Zelda game. This game is a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and it follows Link entering into a strange parallel version of Hyrule called Termina. Here, Link must face Skull Kid - a small forest creature who's been possessed by the evil Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask originally belonged to the enigmatic Happy Mask Salesman - a strange salesman who initially sets Link on his quest after stepping foot into Termina. Under the influence of Majora's Mask, Skull Kid has caused a variety of problems for the citizens of Termina. Above all else, he's cast a spell over the moon, causing it to slowly descend towards the planet. Link has only three days to defeat Majora's Mask and stop the moon from destroying the planet.
To do this, Link must travel to four different key locations in Termina - the Southern Swamp, the Snowhead mountains, the Great Bay, and Ikana Valley. In each location, Link must defeat a malicious creature and free that area's associated Giant. Once all Four Giants are freed, Link can summon them to stop the moon's descent. Link is accompanied by Tatl - a small fairy guide. Link also has a variety of transformation masks that transform him into a variety of species. These include Dekus, Gorons, and Zoras. Link obtains these transformation masks by soothing the spirits of deceased / dying individuals, transforming their spirits into the masks themselves.
Upon finally stopping the moon's descent, Link enters the mouth of the moon itself, warping him to an idyllic, dream-like field. Here, five Moon Children can be found frolicking around a large tree. Four of the children are wearing masks representative of the four bosses defeated to free the four giants. The final one is wearing Majora's Mask. Speaking with him will initiate the final boss fight against Majora. Defeating Majora will finally free the Skull Kid and end Termina's woes, allowing the land to finally enter into a fourth day.
Link is also armed with a magical instrument called the Ocarina of Time. By playing specific songs on his Ocarina, Link can achieve a variety of different effects:
Majora's Mask Songs
Song of Time
A mysterious song Link learned in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that's said to be connected to the Goddess of Time.
Resets the three day cycle, warping Link back to the dawn of the first day.
Inverted Song of Time
A secret song taught to Link by the Scarecrow found in the Astral Observatory.
Slows the flow of time during the current three day cycle.
Song of Double Time
A secret song taught to Link by the Scarecrow found in the Astral Observatory.
Fast forwards to the following night or dawn - depends on when exactly the song is played.
Song of Healing
A soothing song taught to Link by the Happy Mask Salesman.
Heals Link's Deku curse, transforming it into the Deku Mask.
Heals the troubled spirit of the deceased Darmani, creating the Goron Mask.
Soothes the troubles of the dying Mikau, creating the Zora Mask.
Heals the troubled spirit of Kamaro, creating Kamaro's Mask.
Removes the curse placed upon Pamela's father, creating the Gibdo Mask.
Lowers the price of the Poe Collector's mini-game in Ikana Valley.
Repairs broken signs.
Has the general ability to soothe troubled souls and granting one peace.
Epona's Song
A song first learned in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and later re-learned in this game after saving Romani Ranch from aliens.
Summons Link's horse, Epona.
Song of Soaring
A song taught to link by the Owl in the Southern Swamp.
Teleports Link to any previously activated Owl Statue of his choosing.
Song of Storms
A song first learned in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and later re-learned in this game when encountering Flat.
Creates a storm around Link's location.
Restores the dried up Ikana River.
Removes curses placed upon Link.
Grows the floating Magic Bean plants.
Originally created by Flat to heal the cursed soul of his brother, Sharp.
Sonata of Awakening
A magical song known only by those trusted by the Deku Royal Family.
Raises the Woodfall Temple from the depths of Woodfall in the Southern Swamp.
Awakens NPCs that have fallen asleep.
Taught to link by the captured monkey in the Deku Palace.
Goron Lullaby
A lullaby used by the Gorons.
Makes certain NPCs and enemies fall asleep.
Makes the large Goron guarding Snowhead Temple fall asleep.
Taught to Link by thy Goron Elder and the Baby Goron.
New Wave Bossa Nova
A song originating from Lulu's newborn children.
Returns Lulu's lost voice, allowing her to speak and summoning the turtle granting Link access to the Great Bay Temple.
Taught to Link by Lulu's newborn children after he rescues them.
Elegy of Emptiness
A song said to summon a heartless soldier who will not falter in the darkness.
Creates a lifeless statue of Link called an Elegy Statue. Can be done up to four times at once - one Elegy Statue for each of his forms.
Taught to Link by the deceased spirit of Igos du Ikana after he is defeated.
Oath to Order
A song used to summon The Four Giants.
Summons The Four Giants when played atop the Clocktower. Only will be successful once all four giants are freed.
Taught to Link by the giant freed from Woodfall Temple upon its completion.
Scarecrow's Song
A customizable song created by the player.
Summons a Scarecrow in specific locations that Link can use to Hookshot to.
Created when Link plays a song to the Scarecrow found in the Astral Observatory.
As mentioned above, Link obtains a variety of useful masks throughout the course of the game. Some of them have unique effects and abilities. These include the following:
Majora's Mask Masks
Deku Mask
A mask created from the deceased spirit of the Deku Butler's son.
Transforms Link into a Deku, granting him the following abilities:
Blasting into the air and gliding via the use of certain flowers.
Skipping across the surface of water.
Shooting magic bubbles.
Extended dialogue options with other Deku.
Goron Mask
A mask created from the deceased spirit of Darmani.
Transforms Link into a Goron, granting him the following abilities:
An infinite, powerful roll.
Breaking large boulders and obstacles.
Walking through lava unscathed.
A ground-pound to press certain switches.
Wielding the Powder Keg item.
Zora Mask
A mask created from the dying spirit of Mikau.
Transforms Link into a Zora, granting him the following abilities:
Shooting fins as boomerangs.
Incredibly fast and nimble swimming.
An electric underwater aura.
Breathing underwater.
Fierce Deity's Mask
A mask implied to be the culmination of Link's efforts in Termina.
Transforms Link into a powerful adult version of himself, granting him expanded combat abilities.
Great Fairy's Mask
A mask gifted to Link by the Great Fairy in Clock Town after he restores her.
Alerts Link when a Stray Fairy is nearby.
Causes Stray Fairies to move towards Link when he's close enough to them.
Kafei's Mask
A mask used to indicate that Link is on the search for the missing citizen Kafei. Obtained after speaking to Madame Aroma.
Allows Link to receive unique responses from NPCs relating to Kafei.
Bremen Mask
A mask obtained from listening to Guru-Guru's story in Clock Town.
Allows Link to begin marching to a cheery tune. Nearby animals will follow along.
Marching with a line of baby chickens will result in them growing into adults, cheering up Grog.
Kamaro's Mask
A mask created from the deceased spirit of Kamaro.
Allows Link to preform Kamaro's strange dance, impressing the Rosa Sisters.
Blast Mask
A mask obtained when stopping Sakon from robbing the Old Lady.
Causes Link to explode like a bomb, destroying some obstacles and damaging enemies.
Normally damages Link. However, this damage can be avoided if Link uses his shield while detonating himself.
Bunny Hood
A mask given to Link by Grog after growing all of the baby chicks into adults with the Bremen Mask.
Doubles Link's speed and jump distance.
Displays the timer that is normally invisible during the Postman's minigame.
Keaton Mask
A mask previously worn by Kafei and later given to Link by the Curiosity Shop's owner.
Causes a Keaton to appear and quiz Link if he attacks a circle of moving bushes.
Postman's Hat
A mask given to Link by the Postman upon the completion of his duties.
Allows Link to check the various mailboxes around town.
Mask of Truth
A mask given to Link by the cursed man after completing the Spider House in the Southern Swamp.
Allows Link to read the minds of small animals.
Allows Link to listen to rumors spoken by Gossip Stones.
Mask of Scents
A mask rewarded to Link after completing the Deku Butler's race in the Deku Shrine.
Allows Link to track certain scents - mainly used to obtain Magic Mushrooms.
Don Gero's Mask
A mask given to Link after he feeds a stranded Goron a Rock Sirloin.
Allows Link to communicate with frogs, recruiting them for the Frog Choir.
Romani's Mask
A mask obtained after protecting Cermia from Gorman Brothers.
Allows Link to enter the Milk Bar in Clock Town and purchase milk.
Garo's Mask
A mask obtained after defeating the Gorman Brothers in a race.
Disguises Link as a Garo, tricking other Garo into revealing themselves before fighting Link.
Gains the Mysterious Figure's faith in Link, resulting in him allowing Link to enter Ikana Valley.
Causes ReDeads to dance.
Captain's Hat
A mask obtained after defeating Captain Keeta in Ikana Graveyard.
Allows Link to speak with and command Stalchildren.
Causes ReDeads to dance.
Stone Mask
A mask obtained after giving a potion to the Invisible Man.
Turns Link invisible, allowing him to sneak by most guards and enemies in the game.
Circus Leader's Mask
A mask given to Link by Gorman after playing the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" in the Milk Bar.
Causes the Gorman Brothers to become non-hostile while they're attacking Cremia.
Initiates a side-quest to deliver "Mystery Milk" from the Gorman Brothers to Gorman for an Empty Bottle.
All-Night Mask
A mask that can be bought at the Curiosity Shop if Link saved the Old Lady from being robbed by Sakon earlier.
Allows Link to stay awake when listening to Anju's Grandmother's bedtime stories.
Gibdo Mask
A mask obtained after curing Pamela's Father of his curse.
Allows Link to communicate with Gibdo's.
Couple's Mask
A mask created from the fusion of the Sun's Mask and the Moon's Mask after reuniting Kafei and Anju.
Causes Mayor Dotour to end the argument in his office and reward Link.
Giant's Mask
A mask found within the Stone Tower.
Causes Link to transform into a giant. This can only be used during the battle with Twinmold, however.
Odolwa's Remains
A mask obtained after defeating Odolwa in the Woodfall Temple in the Southern Swamp.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
One of the Moon Children inside the Moon wears this mask.
Attacks Link during the battle with Majora.
Goht's Remains
A mask obtained after defeating Goth in the Snowhead Temple.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
One of the Moon Children inside the Moon wears this mask.
Attacks Link during the battle with Majora.
Gyorg's Remains
A mask obtained after defeating Gyorg in the Great Bay Temple.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
One of the Moon Children inside the Moon wears this mask.
Attacks Link during the battle with Majora.
Twinmold's Remains
A mask obtained after defeating Twinmold in the Stone Tower in Ikana Valley.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
One of the Moon Children inside the Moon wears this mask.
Attacks Link during the battle with Majora.
Moon's Mask
A mask created by Anju for her wedding with Kafei.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
Fuses with the Sun's Mask to create the Couple's Mask.
Sun's Mask
A mask created by Kafei for his wedding with Anju. It was stolen by Sakon but later recovered by Kafei and Link.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
Fuses with the Moon's Mask to create the Couple's Mask.
Majora's Mask
An ancient mask possessing evil powers that was once used in hexing rituals.
This mask cannot be worn by Link.
Possesses whoever wears it and grants them evil powers.
Like in most Zelda games, Link obtains many different items during his journey. These are as follows:
Majora's Mask Items
Ocarina of Time
A magical ocarina obtained by Link in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Used to play a variety of songs for different magical effects.
Hero's Bow
A bow of arrow capable of firing magical arrows.
Used to fire arrows to damage enemies.
Activates various different switches.
Fire Arrows
Magical arrows infused with the element of fire. Obtained in Snowhead Temple.
Used to set enemies on fire.
Melts ice and sets certain obstacles on fire.
Ice Arrow
Magical arrows infused with the element of ice. Obtained in the Great Bay Temple.
Used to freeze enemies.
Freezes water, creating platforms that Link can use.
Light Arrows
Magical arrows infused with the element of light. Obtained in the Stone Tower.
Used to disintegrate enemies.
Activates certain light-triggered switches and blocks.
Activates the red jewels found within the Stone Tower, flipping the dungeon upside-down.
An explosive bomb. Obtained after purchasing a Bomb Bag in the Bomb Shop in Clock Town.
Used to damage enemies.
Can destroy certain obstacles like boxes and cracked surfaces.
A mobile bomb that can climb up walls and roll across the ceiling.
Used to damage enemies.
Can destroy certain obstacles like boxes and cracked surfaces.
Deku Stick
A stick from the stem of a Deku Baba.
Used as a mobile torch that can be lit to ignite other nearby torches and burn certain obstacles.
Deku Nut
A powerful nut from a Deku Baba.
Used as a flashbang-esque attack that stuns most enemies.
Magic Bean
A magical bean that can be obtained from the Bean Salesman.
Can be planted in certain patches of soil.
After being watered, grows into a mobile floating plant that Link can ride.
Powder Keg
A powerful bomb that can only be wielded by Gorons.
Damages enemies.
Destroys large, specific obstacles.
Pictograph Box
A camera obtained upon visiting the Swamp Tourist Center after rescuing Koume.
Used to take black-and-white photographs. It can hold only one photo at a time.
Lens of Truth
A magical lens obtained within a cave atop Snowhead Mountain.
Allows Link to see things that were previously invisible.
A powerful hook and chain that can be obtained within the Pirate's Fortress.
Damages and stuns enemies.
Activates certain switches.
Can be shot at certain surfaces and enemies to pull Link towards them.
Can be shot at certain items to pull them towards Link.
Great Fairy's Sword
A powerful sword granted to Link after he rescues the Great Fairy in Ikana Valley.
Empty Bottle
An empty bottle. There are multiple ones that can be obtained in a variety of different ways.
Used to hold a variety of different items.
Red Potion
A magical potion that can be bought in shops.
Held in empty bottles.
Used to restore Link's health.
Used to remove curses placed upon Link.
Restores Kotake's energy, allowing her to escape the Woods of Mystery.
Green Potion
A magical potion that can be bought in shops.
Held in empty bottles.
Used to restore Link's magic.
Blue Potion
A magical potion that can be bought in shops.
Held in empty bottles.
Used to restore Link's health and magic.
Used to remove curses placed upon Link.
Milk that can be purchased at stores or received from a cow by playing Epona's Song.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to restore Link's health.
Chateau Romani
A special milk for adults with inebriating effects. Can only be obtained under very specific conditions.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to restore Link's health and magic.
Grants Link unlimited magic during the current three-day-cycle.
A magical fairy that's been captured within a bottle.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to restore Link's health.
Revives Link upon death.
Spring Water
Water that can be obtained from a variety of different sources.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to grow Magic Bean plants.
Hot Spring Water
Water obtained from a hot spring.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to melt ice.
Transforms into regular Spring Water after a certain period of time.
Magic Mushroom
A strange mushroom that can be found in specific locations using the Mask of Scents.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be sold to the Potion Shop to unlock Blue Potions.
A fish that can be found in most bodies of water.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be sold to the Curiosity Shop for money.
Can be fed to larger fish for rewards.
A bug that can normally be found beneath small rocks.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be released at soft patches of soil for rewards.
Poe Soul
The soul of a Poe captured after its defeat.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be consumed to either restore of deplete health.
Big Poe Soul
The soul of a Big Poe captured after its defeat.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be sold to certain individuals for rewards.
Deku Princess
The Deku Princess stuffed into a bottle so that Link can transport her back to her father after completing the Woodfall Temple.
Held in an empty bottle.
Must be released at the Deku Palace so that she can be returned to her father.
Gold Dust
Valuable gold dust obtained after Link completes the Goron Race.
Held in an empty bottle.
Can be sold for money.
Used to permanently upgrade Link's sword.
A glowing seahorse caught in a bottle. Obtained from the Fisherman after giving him a photograph of a pirate.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to guide Link through the murky section of the Great Bay.
Zora Egg
One of seven of Lulu's children. Rescued from either the Pirate's Fortress or the Great Bay.
Held in an empty bottle.
Must be returned to the Marine Research Lab to learn the New Wave Bossa Nova.
Bombers' Notebook
A notebook that signifies that one is a member of the Bombers' Gang.
Used to track Link's progress through various sidequests.
Moon's Tear
A tear-shaped jewel that fell from the Moon.
Can be traded to a Deku Salesman to gain access to his flower.
Land Title Deed
A deed to a Deku Salesman's flower. There exists different ones for Clock Town, the Southern Swamp, Snowhead, and Great Bay.
Can be traded to another Deku Salesman for another Land Title Deed or a Piece of Heart.
Room Key
A key to a hotel room in the Stock Pot Inn given to Link by Anju.
Allows Link to enter a hotel room inside the Stock Pot Inn.
Letter to Kafei
A letter address to Kafei given to Link by Anju.
Must be given to Kafei in order to progress the Anju and Kafei sidequest.
Pendant of Memories
A pendant belonging to Kafei that is given to Link to be shown to Anju.
Must be shown to Anju in order to progress the Anju and Kafei sidequest.
Special Delivery to Mama
A special letter Kafei left addressed to his mother that Link obtains during the Anju and Kafei sidequest.
Can be given to the Postman to obtain the Postman's Hat.
Can be given to Madame Aroma to obtain a bottle of Chateau Romani.
Dungeon Map
Maps showing the dungeon Link is currently exploring. Found in chests within their respective dungeons.
Shows a map of the dungeon on-screen.
A compass found in dungeons.
Shows icons for Link, chests, and bosses within dungeons.
Small Key
A small key typically found within dungeons.
Used to unlock locked doors found within dungeons.
Boss Key
Large keys found within dungeons.
Used to unlock the doors to boss rooms inside dungeons.
Kokiri Sword
A child-sized sword belonging to the Kokiri. Link's starting weapon in this game.
Used as Link's main method of attack. Has a variety of different attacks.
Razor Sword
An upgraded version of the Kokiri Sword obtained after speaking with the Snowhead blacksmiths.
Used as Link's main method of attack. Has a variety of different attacks.
Has increased damage but will revert back to the Kokiri Sword after extended use.
Gilded Sword
A permanently upgraded version of the Kokiri Sword obtained after giving the Snowhead blacksmiths Gold Dust.
Used as Link's main method of attack. Has a variety of different attacks.
Has vastly increased damage and will never revert back to the Kokiri Sword.
Hero's Shield
A Hylian shield used by Link at the beginning of the game.
Mirror Shield
A magical shield obtained within the Stone Tower.
Used to block attacks.
Can be used to reflect light and certain attacks.
JID Connections
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask contains the most connections with Johnisdead. A large plot point within both Johnisdead and Ben Drowned is a college student named Alex coming across a haunted copy of Majora's Mask. Within Johnisdead, it's implied that evil spirit within this haunted cartridge was influenced by the game itself, leading to many different aspects of the ARG having similar names and properties to those found within Majora's Mask. Examples of this are certain main characters being referred to as "Links", special individuals who have undergone a process known as "Transcendence" being called the Four Giants, and the prominent use of masks.
The complete number of connections between Johnisdead and Ben Drowned and Majora's Mask are too numerous to list. However, it should be noted that the the players of the ARG possess a special ability known as the "Ocarina". This power allows them to submit images and videos of various songs, items, and objects listed in the sections above. Once submitted, the songs and items used will have effects in the ARG similar to what they had in the original game. This power can also be used with items and songs from other Zelda games as well - though to a lesser extent. More information regarding this power can be found here.
Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time holds some significance to Johnisdead and Ben Drowned. It is a prequel to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and the first 3D Zelda title ever created. Because of this, the two games share many assets. The game follows Link - a young boy who was raised by the Kokiri - a race of children living in the woods who never age into adults. Despite being a young child, Link is thrust out of his home and set on a quest to save Hyrule. On his quest, he learns that he himself is not a Kokiri but instead a Hylian. Accompanying Link is a fairy named Navi.
Link meets Princess Zelda and the two begin conspiring against Ganondorf - a man belonging to the Gerudo race from the desert. Though he is seemingly pledging his loyalty to Hyrule, Link and Zelda both sense a degree of malice and evil within Ganondorf. Link sets off and obtains the three Spiritual Stones - magical jewels that act as keys to open the enigmatic Temple of Time. However, before Link can regroup with Zelda, Ganondorf attacks Hyrule Castle, causing her to flee - though not before entrusting Link with a magical ocarina called the Ocarina of Time. Using this instrument along with the Spiritual Stones, link gains access to the Temple of Time's inner chamber where he finds the Master Sword.
Upon obtaining the Master Sword, Link is placed into a seven years stasis so that he can become old enough to properly wield it. During this time, Ganondorf takes advantage of the newly opened Temple of Time to enter a magical realm known as the Sacred Realm. Here, he gains control of Hyrule, positioning himself as king. Upon waking up seven years later, Link, now an adult, sets off across Hyrule to awaken the Seven Sages and defeat Ganondorf.
When all Seven Sages are awakened, Link gains access to Ganondorf's Castle and confronts him. With the help of the Seven Sages, Link defeats Ganondorf and seals him away. Feeling pity of Link's lost childhood, Zelda proceeds to use the Ocarina of Time to send Link back in time. This action causes a split in the timeline.
Link, now a child, returns the Master Sword to the Temple of Time. He then teams up with Zelda and warns Hyrule about Ganondorf, leading to Ganondorf's imprisonment. Zelda then once again gifts Link the Ocarina of Time. Navi also departs for unknown reasons. This results in Link heading off into the Lost Woods to search for her, leading into The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Zelda, having just sent Link back in time, is now tasked with rebuilding a Hyrule that was left devastated by Ganondorf. However, over time, Ganondorf eventually manages to break free from his seal. With Link absent from this version of Hyrule, no one arises to stop Ganondorf. The Goddesses of Hyrule eventually flood the land, sealing Ganondorf away underwater. This leads into the events of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
There is also a third timeline that exists that covered what would have happened had Link failed during his final battle with Ganondorf. In this timeline, the Seven Sages work to defeat Ganondorf themselves in an event known as "The Imprisoning War". This leads into The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time shares many songs with The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Because of this, only the ones unique to Ocarina of Time will be listed below:
Ocarina of Time Songs
Zelda's Lullaby
A secret song belonging to the Hyrule Royal Family that was also used as Zelda's lullaby when she was younger.
Proves that Link is entrusted by the Hyrule Royal Family, allowing him access to certain areas and opening certain doors.
Saria's Song
A song belonging to Link's childhood friend, Saria.
Allows Link to chat with Saria, providing him with different hints depending on where the player is at in the game.
Sun's Song
A magical song discovered in the Royal Family's Tomb in the Kakariko Graveyard.
Speeds up time, changing day into night and night into day.
Freezes ReDeads and Gibdos in place for a short period of time.
Minuet of Forest
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link in the Sacred Forest Meadow.
Warps Link to the Sacred Forest Meadow.
Bolero of Fire
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link in the Death Mountain Crater.
Warps Link to the Death Mountain Crater.
Serenade of Water
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link in Ice Cavern.
Warps Link to Lake Hylia.
Nocturne of Shadow
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link in Kakariko Village.
Warps Link to the Kakariko Graveyard.
Requiem of Spirit
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link outside the Desert Colossus.
Warps Link to the Desert Colossus.
Prelude of Light
A magical song Sheik teaches to Link in the Temple of Time.
Warps Link to the Temple of Time.
Though they are not as prominent as they are in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time still possesses a few different masks that can be worn by Link. These masks are all obtained from the Happy Mask Shop by the Happy Mask Salesman. The ones unique to this game will be listed below:
Ocarina of Time Masks
Skull Mask
A mask that looks like a skull.
Elicits unique dialogue from characters - usually relating to the mask's creepiness.
Can be sold to a Skull Kid in the Lost Woods to make him feel tougher.
Spooky Mask
A mask that looks like a ReDead's face.
Elicits unique dialogue from characters - usually relating to the mask's creepiness.
Can be sold to the kid in the Kakariko Graveyard to help him feel scarier like Dampé the Gravekeeper.
Gerudo Mask
A mask that looks like a Gerudo woman.
Elicits unique dialogue from characters - usually relating to stigmas against the Gerudo people.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time shares many items with The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Because of this, only the ones unique to this game will be listed below:
Ocarina of Time Items
Fairy Slingshot
A simple slingshot found within the Deku Tree.
Shoots Deku Seeds as weak projectiles to damage enemies.
Can be used to activate some switches.
A boomerang discovered inside Jabu Jabu's Belly.
Stuns and damages enemies.
Can be used to activate some switches.
Fairy Ocarina
An ocarina gifted to Link by Saria as he leaves the Kokiri Forest.
Can be used to play a variety of magical songs.
An upgraded version of the Hookshot that has a longer range.
Damages and stuns enemies.
Activates certain switches.
Can be shot at certain surfaces and enemies to pull Link towards them.
Can be shot at certain items to pull them towards Link.
Megaton Hammer
A large hammer obtained in the Fire Temple.
Damages enemies.
Can be used to press some switches.
Can break certain obstacles.
Din's Fire
A magical spell obtained from the Great Fairy near Hyrule Castle.
Uses magic to create a sphere of fire around Link.
Damages enemies.
Can be used to light torches.
Can be used to burn certain obstacles.
Farore's Wind
A magical spell obtained from the Great Fairy in Zora's Fountain.
Can be used to create a warp point inside a dungeon that one can return to at a later time.
Nayru's Love
A magical spell obtained from the Great Fairy near the Desert Colossus.
Can be used to make Link invulnerable as long as he maintains magic.
Master Sword
The legendary "Blade of Evil's Bane" obtained within the Temple of Time.
Used as Link's main method of attack.
Can be returned to the Temple of Time to go back in time.
Giant's Knife
A powerful sword that can be bought in Goron City.
Used as Link's main method of attack.
Breaks after only a few uses.
Biggoron's Sword
A powerful sword crafted by Biggoron after a lengthy sidequest.
Used as Link's main method of attack.
Is an upgraded version of the Giant's Knife that will never break.
Kokiri Shield
A wooden shield that can be bought in Kokiri Forest.
Can be used to defend Link from attacks.
Is easily flammable and can be burned.
Hylian Shield
A metal shield used by Hylians. Can be bought in various locations.
Can be used to defend Link from attacks.
Cannot be burned, though certain enemies can steal it away from Link.
When used as a child, Link has to crouch due to its large size.
Kokiri Tunic
Link's default clothing - garb usually worn by the Kokiri.
Link's default clothing. Has no unique effects.
Goron Tunic
A red colored tunic sold in Goron City.
Protects Link from extreme heat in certain locations.
Zora Tunic
A blue colored tunic sold in Zora's Domain.
Allows Link to breathe underwater.
Kokiri Boots
Link's default boots - usually worn by the Kokiri.
Link's default boots. Has no unique effects.
Iron Boots
Boots with metallic plating found in the Ice Cavern.
Drastically increases Link's weight, allowing him to sink to the bottom of bodies of water.
Hover Boots
Magical boots discovered in the Shadow Temple.
Allows Link to briefly glide when crossing gaps.
Goron's Bracelet
A bracelet given to Link by Darunia.
Increases Link's strength, allowing him to pick up Bomb Flowers and push large stone blocks.
Silver Gauntlets
Gauntlets discovered in the Spirit Temple.
Increases Link's strength, allowing him to pick up large, silver blocks.
Golden Gauntlets
Gauntlets discovered in Ganon's Tower.
Increases Link's strength, allowing him to pick up large, black pillars.
Silver Scale
A magical scale that can be obtained after completing the Diving Game found in Zora's Domain.
Increases the time Link can spend diving underwater.
Golden Scale
A magical scale that can be obtained through the fishing minigame.
Increases the time Link can spend diving underwater.
Gerudo Token
A card obtained after freeing the kidnapped carpenters from Gerudo Fortress.
Grants Link free access to Gerudo locations.
Stone of Agony
A strange stone obtained after freeing one of the cursed members of the House of Skulltula.
Causes the player's controller to vibrate when Link is near a hidden grotto.
Shard of Agony
A strange stone obtained after freeing one of the cursed members of the House of Skulltula.
Flashes on-screen when Link is near a hidden grotto.
Ruto's Letter
A letter written by Princess Ruto found at the bottom of Lake Hylia.
Held in an empty bottle.
Must be given to King Zora in order to gain access to Zora's Fountain.
Blue Fire
A magical flame that can be bought in stores or found in dungeons.
Held in an empty bottle.
Used to melt ice.
Pocket Egg
A miniature cucco egg given to Link by the Cucco Lady.
Transforms into the Pocket Cucco after one in-game night.
Pocket Cucco
A miniature cucco that hatches from the Pocket Egg.
Can be used to wake up Talon who is found sleeping in Kakariko Village.
Can be brought back to the Cucco Lady in exchange for Cojiro.
A strange blue-colored cucco that is said to only crow for nice people.
Can be used to wake up the Cucco Lady's brother in the Lost Woods and traded to him in exchange for the Odd Mushroom.
Odd Mushroom
A strange mushroom obtained from the Cucco Lady's brother in the Lost Woods.
Can be given to the Old Hag in exchange for the Odd Potion.
Will spoil if not given to the Old Hag within three minutes.
Odd Potion
A strange potion obtained from the Old Hag in Kakariko Village.
Can be given to Fado in exchange for the Poacher's Saw.
Poacher's Saw
A saw previously used by the Cucco Lady's brother given to Link by Fado in exchange for the Odd Potion.
Can be given to the Master Craftsman in exchange for the Broken Goron's Sword.
Broken Goron's Sword
A broken sword crafted by a Goron given to Link by the Master Craftsman.
Can be given to Biggoron in exchange for the Prescription.
A prescription for eyedrops given to Link by Biggoron.
Can be given to King Zora in exchange for the Eyeball Frog.
Eyeball Frog
A strange frog given to Link by King Zora.
Can be given to the Lake Scientist in exchange for the World's Finest Eye Drops.
Will spoil if not given to the Lake Scientist quickly enough.
World's Finest Eye Drops
Special eyedrops created by the Lake Scientist out of the Eyeball Frog.
Can be given to Biggoron in exchange for the Claim Check.
Will spoil if not given to Biggoron quickly enough.
Claim Check
A stone given to Link by Biggoron in exchange for the World's Finest Eye Drops that proves he is the true recipient of the Biggoron's Sword.
Can be given to Biggoron after three in-game days to obtain the Biggoron's Sword.
Weird Egg
A cucco egg given to Link by Malon in Hyrule Market Town.
Will transform into a cucco after one in-game day.
A cucco hatched from the Weird Egg given to Link by Malon.
Can be used to awaken Talon outside Hyrule Castle.
Zelda's Letter
A letter written by Princess Zelda verifying her trust in Link.
Can be shown to the guard in Kakariko Village to gain access to Death Mountain.
JID Connections
There are fewer Johnisdead connections found within The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time compared to its sequel. The main connection seems to be the importance placed on the Triforce, which was almost completely absent from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The three elements of the Triforce - Power, Courage, and Wisdom, have been referenced several times throughout Johnisdead. The game itself also made a brief appearance during Ben Drowned.
Regardless of direct references, this game's various items and songs have been utilized within Johnisdead - mainly the Minuet of Forest, Bolero of Fire, and the Sun's Song. This, and the game's focus on time travel and alternate timelines seems to be the most prominent connection to the ARG.
Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening was a 2D title released for the Gameboy. This game holds significantly less relevance to Johnisdead and Ben Drowned compared to the two titles listed above. Regardless, it has been referenced more than many other Zelda titles. The game follows a completely different Link from the one found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. This Link has been shipwrecked on a strange island called Koholint Island. At the island's center is a mountain, atop of which rests the egg of a magical being known as the Windfish.
Link is told that if he wishes to escape Koholint Island, he'll need to defeat the Nightmares across the island and awaken the Wind Fish from its egg. Upon doing so, Link discovers that the island and all of its inhabitants were merely figments of the Wind Fish's imagination that were dreamt up during his sleep. With the Wind Fish finally awakened, Link is able to leave Koholint Island and return home - though at the cost of the existence of the island and its inhabitants. However, the game ends with a small hint that they might still exist in the real world through other forms.
Due to this game's lack of relevance compared to the other titles on this page, its items will not be listed here. However, a full list of them can be found here.
JID Connections
As stated above, this game contains the least amount of connections to Johnisdead out of the titles listed on this page. At one point, the game's Nintendo Switch remake was to be used in an interactive event within the ARG. Upon purchasing the Ascended E-Girl album, players would also be gifted a customized dungeon through the utilization of the game's "Amiibo" feature. The character BUP's avatar is also stylized after the enemy "Shadow Link" found in the Nintendo Switch remake.