Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge

The cartridge as seen in Konvergenz.
The Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge is an important item within Johnisdead. The Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge was the copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask that Ben's Ascended spirit became trapped in on April 23rd, 2002. The cartridge also came to possess Tenebris and gained supernatural properties over time.
Ben was gifted The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on his birthday in 2002 by his father Hank.[1] Ben managed to complete over 70% of the game, obtaining 75% of the masks and making his way to the Stone Tower.[2] When Ben was ascended on April 23rd, 2002, his spirit became trapped within his copy of Majora's Mask. At some point, perhaps at the same time as Ben, Tenebris became trapped within the cartridge as well.
At some point, The Old Man obtained the cartridge. During this period, he became Tenebris's conduit and was eventually blinded in one eye.[3] Eventually, the Old Man encountered Alex and presumably recognized him as an individual chosen by Luna. It is likely for this reason that he passed the cartridge off to him.[4] Alex proceeded to play the cartridge, making contact with Ben and Tenebris. Through both the recordings he made on Jadusable and the spreading of TheTruth.rtf, Tenebris was able to escape the cartridge alongside Ben. At some point, Alex decided to burn the cartridge, destroying it.[5] However, it is unknown if this ever came to pass as Kayd claims that Alex simply lost the cartridge during a Moon Children IRC chat.[6]
What happened to the cartridge after this is unknown. It was later seen in the videos sacredartifact.mp4 and 423 in 2019 where it was seemingly being used in some sort of ritual. The cartridge wasn't seen again until June 19th, 2020 in the video Konvergenz, where Tyler discovered it in the bottom of a shopping cart presumably within the Parallelos.
The cartridge as seen in Konvergenz.
The cartridge as seen in sacredartifact.mp4.
The cartridge as seen in 423.
- ↑ It is mentioned that Ben is gifted the cartridge by Hank here.
- "Now let us go inside, I obtained for you the game device you wanted and a nice game as well, alas the label seemed to be torn. None the less, happy birthday my son."
- ↑ Ben's progress through the game is mentioned here.
- "Out of curiosity I looked at the save file. Eyeballing it, I could tell that he was pretty far in the game - he had almost all of the masks and 3/4 remains of the bosses. I noticed that he had used an owl statue to save his game, he was on Day 3 and by the Stone Tower Temple with hardly an hour left before the moon would crash. I remember thinking that it was a shame that he had come so close to beating the game but he never finished it."
- ↑ The Old Man being Tenebris's conduit is mentioned here.
- Jarilo333: "My brother was a conduit for Tenebris link back in 2010 during the first event with the original harbingers link. However the close contact with Tenebris to his physical body, as is with others of the same situation, caused him to go blind in one eye."
- ↑ It is implied that the Old Man recognized Alex as Luna's chosen here.
- Leliel 2:55 AM: "I can't quite remember where I heard this, but I think your brother was the one who gave it to this Alex?"
- Leliel 2:55 AM: "They say its lost, however."
- Jeremy 2:56 AM: "I heard he found one Luna chose"
- Jeremy 2:56 AM: ""Devine coincidence""
- ↑ Alex shares his intentions with destroying the cartridge here.
- "This fifth day will be my last day, I'm going to burn the cartridge and then come back to destroy my laptop."
- ↑ Kayd mentions that Alex lost the cartridge here.
- [13:17:37] .:@seth:. "What ever happened to Jeremys brother though?"
- [13:19:12] .:@rem:. "I dont really know actually, based on alex's description of a things he saw before we went to get him from his ordeal. He met with him unknowingly and was given the item in question by him. We are still trying to peice together what hank was doing. But that cartridge, which alex seems to have lost, is a big part of the puzzle. He really seems to have had a lot more access to power than we are ready for the full order to know."