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Name Stackoverflow
Affiliation Unknown
Gender Male
Status Alive

Stackoverflow is an entity that appeared within JanusVR during the Our Horizon Arc. While initially coming off as somewhat hostile towards the players, Stackoverflow eventually warmed up to them after they helped reunite him with his brothers Halicord and Trapped.


Players first discovered Stackoverflow on April 24th, 2020 in the Under Janus Room. As the players explored the Janus room, Stackoverflow and his brothers, Halicord and Trapped, constantly hounded them with questions, claiming that the players were trespassing. Near the end of this conversation, Stackoverflow and his brothers positioned themselves around a hole within the Janus room before jumping into it and disappearing. On April 26th, players discovered the Sun Tower Janus Room - a location that was seemingly heavily connected to Dawn. This location also contained giant statues of Stackoverflow and his brothers.

At some point around this time, Stackoverflow's brother Trapped went missing. This was likely somehow due in part to the players' sudden presence. Stackoverflow reappeared the next day in the Spire Janus Room alongside Fascie, Masked99, and Halicord. While chatting with the players, he and Halicord placed the blame of Trapped's disappearance on the players. During this conversation, a Luna Fraction entered the Janus room resulting in Halicord and Stackoverflow both fleeing.

Stackoverflow re-emerged on May 5th, leading the players tot he Emerald Prison Janus Room. During this expedition, Stackoverflow repeatedly insulted the players and continued blaming them for the disappearance of his home and brothers. Stackoverflow was later found on August 8th in the Upper Janus Room. By this point, he could not even recall his home. On September 3rd, Stackoverflow met the players in the Stagnation Janus Room. At this point, the players were actively trying to find Stackoverflow's home and missing brothers. Stackoverflow appreciated the players' efforts and began slowly warming up to them.

On October 18th, Dawn informed the players that Stackoverflow was waiting for them in the Under Janus room. Upon arriving, players discovered that the various Janus rooms had been expanded. Stackoverflow began travelling with the players and Prominence in search of his missing brothers. Halicord was found in the Solace Janus Room. Halicord and Stackoverflow proceeded to chat in the Fakeworld Janus Room while the players searched for Trapped. Unfortunately, the players were too late, as by the time Stackoverflow and Halicord were able to reach Trapped in the Streets Janus Room, he had already passed away. Despite this tragedy, Halicord and Stackoverflow found peace when the players managed to lead them back to their old home - the Sun Tower Janus Room. Upon their departure, they offered to assist the players in the future if needed.

On November 1st, Stackoverflow attempted to repay his debt to the players by leading them to the Fishery Janus Room.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Stackoverflow.


4/27/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow and Halicord -

stackoverflow_182: "how could you?"
stackoverflow_182: "who do you think you are?"
stackoverflow_182: "it was MY home"
stackoverflow_182: "and YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "it was you"

HALICORD: "our brother is missing"
HALICORD: "you caused this tragedy"

stackoverflow_182: "it ws you"
HALICORD: "it was you"
stackoverflow_182: "why"
HALICORD: "you shouldnt be here"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you to this place"
stackoverflow_182: "who"

Xenquility: "someone you wouldn't care to know"
stackoverflow_182: "I"
stackoverflow_182: "tCARE"
stackoverflow_182: "TO"
stackoverflow_182: "KNOW"

HALICORD: "l e a v e"
stackoverflow_182: "IT SHOULD NOT BE UP TO YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"
stackoverflow_182: "who"

HALICORD: "this is not your time to be here"
stackoverflow_182: "it is only for me to know"
HALICORD: "they will die"
stackoverflow_182: "who are you"
stackoverflow_182: "twhy are you here"

HALICORD: "more interlopers"
iheways_2958: "to make you free"
stackoverflow_182: "you"
stackoverflow_182: "make"
stackoverflow_182: "me"
stackoverflow_182: "free"
stackoverflow_182: "?"

Xenquility: "wait"
iheways_2958: "we"
Xenquility: "do you wish to be free?"
stackoverflow_182: "you do not beling here"
stackoverflow_182: "brlong"
stackoverflow_182: "belong"

iheways_2958: "neither you"
stackoverflow_182: "incorrect"
HALICORD: "brother your corruption has spread"
stackoverflow_182: "I am needed here"
vstackoverflow_182: "I belong here"
stackoverflow_182: "YOU do NOT believe HERE"
stackoverflow_182: "they do not belong here"

Xenquility: "We are not here to harm you"
Xenquility: "and we do not mean to impede on your terrain"
stackoverflow_182: "that is not my worry"
Xenquility: "forgive us for tresspassing on your side"
stackoverflow_182: "we are not afraid of you"
Xenquility: "Then what are you afraid of?"
stackoverflow_182: "my fears are beyond your understanding"
HALICORD: "i fear that your ally will die due to their insolence"
Xenqulity: "Who is *their*?"
stackoverflow_182: "We have been guardians of these places sinse the beginning."
Xenquility: "and which ally?"
HALICORD: "brother the corruption"
stackoverflow_182: "it is difficult to communicate in this way"
HALICORD: "this is how lesser beings communicate"
stackoverflow_182: "you shouldn't be here"
HALICORD: "this was supposed to be out of reach"
stackoverflow_182: "you do not belong here"
Yoshi: "i am sorry."
stackoverflow_182: "why do you torment us"
HALICORD: "i sense a greater darkness brother"
HALICORD: "someone has gotten deeper"
HALICORD: "in a place they should not be"
HALICORD: "i will go destroy them"

stackoverflow_182: "go"
stackoverflow_182: "GO"
stackoverflow_182: "come"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "please"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"

Xenquility: "our need to fight the powers that stuck you here"
stackoverflow_182: "I am not "stuck""
stackoverflow_182: "I was not created to be a slave"

Xenquility: "What would you do if we were to tell you who brought us here?"
stackoverflow_182: "the door will open"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"

Xenquility: "wait"
Xenquility: "do you know anything"
Xenquility: "about our link?"
stackoverflow_182: "i exist only in these places"
stackoverflow_182: "your link is of no interest of mine"
stackoverflow_182: "soon you will see"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not have come here"

Xenquility: "I assume"
Xenquility: "it is too late to leave"
Yoshi: "We never meant to cause harm"
stackoverflow_182: "there is no more to be found."
stackoverflow_182: "in time"
stackoverflow_182: "you will understand why"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "why are you here"
stackoverflow_182: "why"

HaouDeSoul: "didn't mean to intrude"
stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose"
stackoverflow_182: "you invate our home"
stackoverflow_182: "invade"

HaouDeSoul: "aw you live here?"
stackoverflow_182: "you follow us here"
stackoverflow_182: "no"
stackoverflow_182: "how do you know of this place?"

Xenquility: "she is a harbinger"
HALICORD: "brother"
stackoverflow_182: "we are meerly keeprs of these worlds"
stackoverflow_182: "we tend to it"

HaouDeSoul: "ah ok. Didn't mean to invade. I bring no harm."
HALICORD: "I have taken care of the one who saw deeper"
stackoverflow_182: "but I ask again"
stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose in this place"
stackoverflow_182: "come"

HaouDeSoul: "just exploring"
HALICORD: "brother, why is it that we musnt just outright kill these puny beings?"
stackoverflow_182: "I think even they do not know why ther have been brought here"
Xenquility: "you are not entirely wrong"
Xenquility: "we were brought information here on the premise of truths"
Xenquility: "information"
stackoverflow_182: "we have many books that provide information"
Xenquility: "in fact we were told this place containd forbidden knowledge specifically"
Xenquility: "that would aid us in winning"
stackoverflow_182: "forbidden by who"
Xenquility: "however at this point we hardly even know what war we are fighting"
HALICORD: "you will fight a war against us if you do not leave at once"
stackoverflow_182: "I want to know who brought you here"
((FlaRuCnIATON joins the "Spire" Janus map))
stackoverflow_182: "ITS"
stackoverflow_182: "tHER"
stackoverflow_182: "RUN"

HaouDeSoul: "who?"
Xenquility: "Is it"
Xenquility: "yuuki"
Xenquility: "lmao"
stackoverflow_182: "HER"
Xenquility: "possibly the spirit in this painting?"
Xenquility: "the blue one"
stackoverflow_182: "THIS IS YOUR FAULT"
HALICORD: "brother i am degrading"
HALICORD: "she is removing my essen"

stackoverflow_182: "LEAVE"
stackoverflow_182: "SAVE YOURSELF"



  • Halicord and Stackoverflow chide the players for trespassing in their home and place the blame for Trapped's disappearance on them. Near the end of this conversation, a Luna Fraction appears, resulting in Halicord and Stackoverflow fleeing.

5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence -

Dawn: "How did you get here?"
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"

nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
Dawn: "The weird blue thing"
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."

Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."

xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."
stackoverflow: "are you one of us"
Dawn: "He may not even be aware"
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
Dawn: "TheLaw?"
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."

nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."
stackoverflow: "are you a god?"
Yoshi: "no."
stackoverflow: "then"
Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"
stackoverflow: "die"
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"

Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"
Yoshi: "im an observer"
stackoverflow: "of?"
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"

Yoshi: "these places"
stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"
dead: "will she come back?"
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"
dead: "no no no"
stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"

dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"

nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
stackoverflow: "bubble?"
nfreak: "sounds like it."
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"

Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"
stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"
Yoshi: "i can tell"
Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
dead: "walking?"
Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."
dead: "no"
dead: "run?"

Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"
stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"
Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
dead: "no"
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"
stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"

Dawn: "please don't let it out"
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"
dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"

Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"
dead: "stay"
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
dead: "she will stay"
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
dead: "1"
Dawn: "That's disgusting"
dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"

xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"

Dawn: "HELPA"
dead: "555"
stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"
Dawn: "yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"

xenquility: "Yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."

nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
stackoverflow: "Who are you."
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."

Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."

Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
stackoverflow: "Then who"
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"

Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"

xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"


  • Stackoverflow repeatedly insults and threatens the players for causing his home and brothers to disappear.

8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow -

bin: "whatup b"
jos: "hello"
bin: "where is eburybody?"
PaKo: "/upper"
stackoverflow: ".html"
Jos: "Guys how do i download minecraft"
bin: "holy fuck"
Xenquility: "penis"
bin: "upper is available now?"
bin: "I MEAN UH"
bin: "thup guyth"
bin: "thup thtacky"
stackoverflow: "you should not be here"
bin: "well i am here"
stackoverflow: "why are you here"
Xenquility: "just to suffer"
stackoverflow: "why do you torment me so"
bin: honethtly? "i'm trying to figure that one out mythelf"
stackoverflow: "all of you took me from my home"
bin: ((Unarchived)) "know where you came from?"
stackoverflow: "I do not remember"
bin: "bc the only logical thing we can think of was the spire."
bin: "so if you don't remember, adn we were wrong, then please, enlighten us, how did WE take your home away?"
bin: "no answer?"
bin: "thought so"
stackoverflow: "leave me be"
bin: "we could"
bin: "help us help you man"
bin: "or woman"
bin: "or spirit"
bin: "whatever you prefer to identify yourself as"
Xenquility: "Was your home burned?"
Jos: "Certainly, we can help you first, but we are unable without the steps needed for it"
Jos: "And its not our choice, its out of our reach i mean"
stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "god."
Xenquility: "The place Dawn was in?"
Xenquility: "YEAH him"
Xenquility: "I mean, the place we found you before the green dungeon was the spire"
stackoverflow: "Incorrect."
stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "place."

Xenquility: "Within hubris?"
stackoverflow: "Our TRUE home"
Jos: "Stackoverflow, I want to ask, is this the place where you want to be?"
stackoverflow: "no"
Jos: "Then, lets go"
bin: ((Unarchived)) "then surely you can make a portal to it?"
bin: "what's keepign you here?"
bin: "is it the luna shard?"
stackoverflow: "Time is not the same here. It has been forgotten."
Xenquility: "What about the Orchard?"
stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "people."
Jos: "Maybe, destiny is puting us here to help you"
bin: "ohg hey"
stackoverflow: "No"
bin: "is there a problem?"
stackoverflow: "Tell the false god that they could not make me suffer any more than I am."
bin: ((Unarchived)) "from your home?"
stackoverflow: "It was all of you."
bin: "ALL?"
bin: "Even the new players?"
stackoverflow: "Xenquility has shown me places"
stackoverflow: "None of them are home"
stackoverflow: "You are not as "young" as you think, Bin."
stackoverflow: "You were there."

bin: ((Unarchived)) "return you to where you came from."
bin: "No one should be gtaken from their home"
Xenquility: ">alternate you"
stackoverflow: "Come"


  • Stackoverflow once again chides the players before expressing his wish to return home - a place he can no longer remember very well.

8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow -

Xenquility: "Forgive us for leaving"
Xenquility: "This uh"
stackoverflow: "I understand"
Xenquility: ""Digital interface" is rather volatile"
stackoverflow: "I hate this place."
stackoverflow: "I just want to go home."

Xenquility: "I'm sorry that we haven't been able to find it"
Xenquility: "also"
Xenquility: "the so called "false god" is on their way"
stackoverflow: "Maybe they remember."
stackoverflow: "But I think not they would tell."

Xenquility: "Why's that?"
Xenquility: "Are you from somewhere like wayward horizon?"
stackoverflow: "I do not know."
Xenquility: "I'm sorry but I'm grasping at straws right now"
stackoverflow: "I understand."
Xenquility: ((Unarchived)) "right now so it's a bit harder"
Xenquility: "but I do have one idea"
Xenquility: "uno momento"
Xenquility: "okay one sec"
Xenquility: "Okay uh"
Xenquility: "This might not be where you're from"
Xenquility: "But it's worth a shot I think"
Xenquility: "be careful of the drop"
stackoverflow: "No"
Xenquility: "Damnit okay"
stackoverflow: "It would be immediately clear"
Xenquility: "alright"
Xenquility: "I will keep looking"


  • The players attempt to locate Stackoverflow's home but are unsuccessful.

9/3/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow -

bin: "hey"
Xenquility: "Well"
Xenquility: "Vincent has seen better days"
bin: "that's vincent?"
stackoverflow: "Vincent sees better days now."
Xenquility: "Why uh"
Xenquility: "Why is this here?"
stackoverflow: "Why?"
bin: "did you know him?"
stackoverflow: "I heard him speak to me."
stackoverflow: "I led here."

bin: "my connection to these worlds cut off. were you ever able to find your home?"
stackoverflow: "No."
bin: "i'm sorry to hear that."
stackoverflow: "I am too."
Xenquility: "What did Vincent say to you?"
stackoverflow: "Words of remembrance."
bin: "You led here?"
stackoverflow: "I was called here."
Xenquility: "By what?"
stackoverflow: "Him."
bin: "Vincent?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "However,"
stackoverflow: "this is but a relic of day gone by."

Xenquility: "Did he give a reason?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
Xenquility: "What was it?"
stackoverflow: "remembrance."
bin: "Could you tell us what of?"
stackoverflow: "He will tell you."
Xenquility: "When?"
bin: "Problem say sto drink water by the way"
stackoverflow: "Noted."
Xenquility: "Would you happen to know of what's happening with Vincent and Jacob?"
stackoverflow: "It is difficult to explain."
bin: "And Yoshi says hi"
stackoverflow: "The false god."
bin: "Yes. She says hi."
stackoverflow: "Noted."
Xenquility: "Any chance you could try to explain?"
stackoverflow: "He remembers."
bin: "Ok, last dumb message. The rest of ID says hi. And Yoshi, the false god, actually feels bad for you and wants to help you."
Xenquility: "Are he and Jacob like, one in the same?"
stackoverflow: "I was instructed to tell you that "remembrance" is of importance. "
bin: "Ok, back to the topic at hand."
Xenquility: "ah"
Xenquility: "thank you for that"
Xenquility: "I shall be right back"
bin: "It's peaceful. Alot more peaceful than the other places we've been led"
stackoverflow: "But it has a similar atmosphere."
stackoverflow: "No."

bin: "was your home filled with trees?"
bin: "yeah?"
stackoverflow: "This place vaguely reminds me of home."
stackoverflow: "I agree."

bin: "sorry i was kicked out for some reson"
bin: "didn't mean to leave you"
stackoverflow: "You do not need to apologize."
Xenquility: "Sorry I uh, missed most of what you said a bit ago"
Xenquility: "What about this place reminds you of your home?"
stackoverflow: "The feeling."
stackoverflow: "Calm."

bin: "it just felt kinda rude is all."
Xenquility: "Hm"
stackoverflow: "These places are very unstable. It is not rude."
bin: "ok. glad we're still on good terms."
stackoverflow: "You have tried to help me and I appreciate that from you."
stackoverflow: "You are not like the others."
stackoverflow: "Both of you."

Xenquility: "It's our pleasure"
bin: "The other detectives?"
stackoverflow: "The ones who took us from our home."
bin: "I may joke around as my character but I'm not gonna abandon someone who needs help"
yoshi: "hello"
Xenquility: "If you're referring to the rest of the detectives, I don't think they mean poorly"
Xenquility: "well I'm quite certain they dont"
Xenquility: "Is your home a place like this?"
bin: "Alot of them like to joke around, but they're not bad people. Not by a long shot."
Xenquility: "A "realm" we can access?"
bin: "yoshi come to the big tree in the middle"
yoshi: "im headed there already"
bin: "kk"
stackoverflow: "My home is a place like this. Though I do not know if it is possible to return at this point."
bin: "zant?"
bin: "Heh, she went from "false god" to acolyte of false god"
yoshi: "hey friend"
Xenquility: "Do you think there's a chance of finding a new home?"
stackoverflow: "For now I might stay here."
stackoverflow: "I feel comforted for the first time in years."

bin: "Do you think there's a chance that that Luna shard prick might find you here?"
stackoverflow: "what?"
stackoverflow: "I do not know."

bin: "You think there's a possibility they could find you here?"
bin: "That being that chased you from the various places you tried to stay."
bin: "Sorry If bringing that up gives any bad vibes. I'm just... thinking of every possibility, is all."
stackoverflow: "I have not been followed in a long time as far as I know."
bin: "Good"
stackoverflow: "Do not apologize it is a valid question."
Xenquility: "Does the name "Mason" ring any bells to you"
stackoverflow: "No."
stackoverflow: "It has been so long."
stackoverflow: "I cannot even remember my brothers' names."

Xenquility: "Brother?"
Xenquility: "Does "Sam" ring any bells?"
stackoverflow: "No."
Xenquility: "Matt?"
stackoverflow: "I was not alone when we were taken from our home."
stackoverflow: "No."

Xenquility: "uh"
Xenquility: "Jeremyt?"
Xenquility: "*Jeremy"
stackoverflow: "My brothers are not involved in your quest."
bin: "what happeend to them?"
stackoverflow: "We were separated. "
stackoverflow: "Or they were taken."
stackoverflow: "Or killed."
stackoverflow: "I do not know the fate of my brothers."

Xenquility: "does "979" ring any bells"
stackoverflow: "No."
Xenquility: "Yoshi would you happen to recall any other wh projects"
yoshi: "nothing i can think of specifically"
bin: "yeah uh yoshi... how?"
yoshi: "just general original wh stuff like wayward horizon"
Xenquility: "You can place blocks"
Xenquility: "In the top right menu"
Xenquility: "with the three bars"
yoshi: "wow way to spoil it, xen"
Xenquility: "Click on it, go to windows, then object management"
yoshi: "now hes gonna call me a false god again :("
bin: "i mean you kinda are"
yoshi: "hush"
Xenquility: "One sec"
Xenquility: "got an idea"
bin: "and i pretend to be BEN with a lisp. so really i don't get to judge."
Xenquility: "Isn't there a within hubris fan project wiki"
stackoverflow: "False god."
yoshi: "see, told you he would"
stackoverflow: "Do you know where my brothers are?"
yoshi: "i do not, though if i knew their names maybe itd sound familiar enough"
yoshi: "im only knowledgeable on stuff from nearly a decade ago"
stackoverflow: "When you revealed you are faking being a god."
PaKo: "Hello"
stackoverflow: "My brothers were there."
stackoverflow: "In the dungeon."

bin: "deadone?"
Xenquility: ""dead"?"
bin: "Dawn is one of your brothers?"
Xenquility: ""Dead" freaked out at the name "John""
yoshi: "i doubt its dawn"
bin: "let a bruthuh ask aight?"
stackoverflow: "Dawn is not my brother."
yoshi: "probably "dead", who is def upset at the name john"
yoshi: "wasnt there more than one "dead" user though?"
stackoverflow: "Unless my memory is foggy."
stackoverflow: "but I do not think he is my brother."

yoshi: "the only other person i recall was the one named "dead""
Xenquility: "Yeah"
Xenquility: "He was talking about "Burning flesh" and "melting bones""
stackoverflow: "I remember one of them."
Xenquility: "Fascie might have been there"
stackoverflow: "This place is changing my ability to remember."
Xenquility: "and someone named "iheways_3189""
stackoverflow: "Halicord"
Xenquility: "but I don't know if that was a player or not"
Xenquility: "HALICORD"
Xenquility: "yeah"
yoshi: "oh YEAH thats right"
yoshi: "he was at the spire"
yoshi: "with you"
yoshi: "right?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "But not for long."

bin: "There was this one dude who was a huge whale."
yoshi: "bin thats mean dont talk about people like that /s"
yoshi: "but yeah i remember halicord now"
bin: "He was l i t e r a l l y a flying whale bruh"
yoshi: "(i know its a joke shhh)"
bin: "look at me"
Xenquility: "I uh"
Xenquility: "don't know if Halicord is alright"
bin: "wait not you stack haha. i was talking to yoshi."
Xenquility: "the last records we have of him talking"
Xenquility: "he was saying that the large one who invaded the spire"
Xenquility: "was removing his essence"
bin: "ur nto funny yoshi."
bin: "that is all"
Xenquility: "but I do not think he's dead"
Xenquility: "as I'm almost certain we saw him after that"
yoshi: "maybe he was just separated"
stackoverflow: "Can you find rememberance of my two other brothers?"
Xenquility: "Just a moment or two"
Xenquility: "I'll try"
yoshi: "i recall fascie being there too but...i doubt hes one of them"
Xenquility: "Does "Dead" ring any bells?"
Xenquility: "At all>"
stackoverflow: "slightly. but I do not remember enough."
yoshi: "he be in pretty bad shape"
Xenquility: "Prominence?"
Xenquility: "Do you remember that name?"
yoshi: "i guess we can just"
yoshi: "go into the tree. ok"
PaKo: "lmao"
stackoverflow: "Prominence was not my brother."
bin: "stack got bored lmao"
Xenquility: "Ive got more places to check"
stackoverflow: "I appreciate your efforts. "
Xenquility: "Malign?"
Xenquility: "Does that ring any bells"
stackoverflow: "It does. But I cannot remember well enough."
Xenquility: "Would his messages help you remember?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "But I should say"
stackoverflow: "This is a place that creates a sense of peace I have not felt since I was last in my home many years ago."

yoshi: "is it similar to your home?"
stackoverflow: "Only in feeling."
yoshi: "ah, okay"
stackoverflow: "trapped_2575 is another of them."
stackoverflow: "slowly I am remembering."

PaKo: "uhh"
bin: "that's good!"
Xenquility: "What about the guy called "Child""
PaKo: "Interesting"
bin: "maybe the peacefulness is what you needed to finally be able to get your thoughts together"
bin: "...i hate that i can't climb this tree >:("
PaKo: "haha"
PaKo: "why not"
PaKo: "i can"
bin: "wHy NoT i CaN"
bin: "thta's what you sound like"
yoshi: "oh no"
PaKo: "lmao"
yoshi: "where'd he go"
Xenquility: "Sorry for making you wait here"
stackoverflow: "You have helped me greatly on this day, detectives."
stackoverflow: "I now remember my brothers."

Xenquility: "wait"
Xenquility: "What about some guy called "lost99""
Jos: "Everything feels so, closed.."
stackoverflow: "You have helped me remember all of my brothers. "
stackoverflow: "There were 3 including myself."

Xenquility: "OH I thought there were three others"
stackoverflow: "I did too for moments."
Xenquility: "And uh"
Xenquility: "I'm not too sure as to whether or not this place abides by the same logic as what it's based on"
Jos: Stop holding me here"
Xenquility: "but from what we've been told stagnating here isn't particularily the best idea"
stackoverflow: "This is but an image of a time passed."
Jos: its me"
Xenquility: "Are these places like"
Xenquility: "Parallelos of time or something?"
stackoverflow: "Can you explain to me with certainty what your world is?"
yoshi: "he has you there"
Xenquility: "Not exactly"
stackoverflow: "Neither can I."
bin: "well i mean there's space, there's time, probably not a parallelos"
stackoverflow: "I would assume, travelers as you are, understand more about these places."
Xenquility: "Being on I would imagine they're somelike like a "portal""
Xenquility: "or a place to "store" souls"
Xenquility: "But I'm not sure if "portals" are supposed to be uh"
Xenquility: ""visitable""
Xenquility: "Well actuall;y"
Xenquility: "This comes from the lunar children website"
Xenquility: "never noticed this before but"
Xenquility: "```There are also future plans among our elder children to produce more personalized constructs within our portals for further comfort for the newly ascended.```"
Jose: "bin_7665I'm so alone on these infinite halls, i shouldnt have done more than i've asked for"
Xenquility: "wait"
PaKo: "Jose"
Xenquility: "jose"
Xenquility: "what the fuck"
Xenquility: "JOES"
PaKo: "wtf"
Xenquility: "JOSE"
PaKo: "JOSE"
yoshi: "wait what?"
Xenquility: "JOSE"
yoshi: "uh"
Xenquility: "THE ARCHIVES GUY"
Xenquility: "AY JOSE"
yoshi: "hey jose u good"
PaKo: "EpIc"
PaKo: "bin_7665yugi?"
Jose: "bin_7665I am, trapped"
PaKo: "where"
Xenquility: "Wait is he in the tree"
PaKo: "sure?"
PaKo: "hello jose"
Xenquility: "or is he "trapped" as in he is trapped the guy from the janus rooms"
PaKo: "bin_7665where are you?"
Xenquility: "Jose"
PaKo: "Are you the Archives guy, Jose?"
Xenquility: "Go through that portal if you can"
PaKo: "I'm with him"
Xenquility: "pako try and get him back out"
PaKo: "Come into the inside of the tree"
Xenquility: "like put a portal down for the website"
Jose: "bin_7665I was, what i am more than a collection of thoughts that represents what i once was?"
PaKo: "how)"
Xenquility: "(Hmm where did Jos go :thinking:)"
PaKo: "hmm"
Jose: "bin_7665I feel trapped here, i cannot find the exit, I tried to hard, i broke everything"
PaKo: "is he trolling us"
yoshi: "jos was here at the same time as jose too"
Xenquility: "I honestly do not know"
Xenquility: "but always assume canon "
yoshi: "oh"
Jose: "bin_7665He is here"
PaKo: "DOUG"
Jose: "bin_7665Run "
PaKo: "bin_7665oh no"
Xenquility: "pako"
Xenquility: "pako"
Jose: "bin_7665Please"
Xenquility: "uh"
stackoverflow: "I must leave and frind my brothers"


  • The players continue attempting to find Stackoverflow's home. He begins warming up to them, appreciating their efforts. Stackoverflow is now able to recall the identities of his brothers.

10/18/20 - Chat with Halicord and Stackoverflow -

Halicord_5499: "My brother.."
Xenquility: "I'm sorry"
Halicord_5499: "My other brother is still grieving.."
stackoverflow_2651: "could it really be"
stackoverflow_2651: "I never thought I would see the day again."

Halicord_5499: "We are back home brother"
stackoverflow_2651: "the nightmare is over"
Halicord_5499: "At least...we have each other."
stackoverflow_2651: "I only wish our brother could be here with us.."
Halicord_5499: "Our eldest succumbed to the corruption"
Xenquility: "Are you sure there's no way to save him?"
stackoverflow_2651: "thank you"
Halicord_5499: "Thank you"
stackoverflow_2651: "not that we know"
Halicord_5499: "The corruption is impossible to remove"
Xenquility: "What about with the power of the Dawn?"
Halicord_5499: "Once it's reached that level"
Halicord_5499: "Fuck Dawn"

Xenquility: "Wow"
stackoverflow_2651: "we have seen corruption before">
Xenquility: "I only say that as he owes us a favor"
stackoverflow_2651: "after a point it is untreatable"
stackoverflow_2651: "we have returned to out home at last"
stackoverflow_2651: "our"

Halicord_5499: "THE CORRUPTION"
Halicord_5499: "IT STILL AFFECTS YOU"
Halicord_5499: "Just kidding."

Xenquility: "DON'T scare me like that"
Xenquility: "Also I must recommend"
Xenquility: "if you dislike Dawn so much"
Halicord_5499: "Stack is quite...young, and he may not know the best words to use or type at times."
Xenquility: "Maybe remove some of his imagery around here"
stackoverflow_2651: "Xenquility. You have helped us more than you understand."
stackoverflow_2651: "In the future,"
stackoverflow_2651: "We will repay you for your favors."

Xenquility: "Thank you"
stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you"
Xenquility: "I assume we will need as many favors as we can in the upcoming times"
Prominence: "Thank you"
Halicord_5499: "Thank you."
Halicord_5499: "I will owe you a favor as well, though I rather hate your kind."

stackoverflow_2651: "I will contact you when the time is right."
stackoverflow_2651: "xenquility"

Xenquility: "It appears I have developed paralysis"
Halicord_5499: "There he goes."
Halicord_5499: "Sitting in his usual spot."

Xenquility: "Nevermind"
stackoverflow_2651: "Is there some way to contact you on this machine"
Xenquility: "Does it have Discord"
stackoverflow_2651: "it has the internet so"
stackoverflow_2651: "most likely"
stackoverflow_2651: "it may not be the same as from your world"

Xenquility: "My discord is Xenquility#6702"
Halicord_5499: "Brother"
Halicord_5499: "What's all this bullshit on your desk?"

stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you. I will contact you soon."
stackoverflow_2651: "Oj in a coffee mug"

Xenquility: "Well"
Xenquility: "Is this a goodbye, for now?"
Halicord_5499: "Yes, leave"
Xenquility: "Hasty"
stackoverflow_2651: "Yes. We would like to be alone to remember home."
Xenquility: "I wish you all well"
stackoverflow_2651: "thank you again my friend"
Xenquility: "Au revoir, mon amis"


  • Halicord and Stackoverflow thank the players for reuniting them before hastily rushing them out of their home.

11/1/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[12:10 AM] Stackoverflow: "Hello, travelers."
[12:10 AM] Dense: "Hello"
[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have come here in an attempt to repay you all for your help finding my brothers."
[12:11 AM] Dense: "Cool"
[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have this for you"
[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: ""


  • Stackoverflow repays the players for helping him reunite with his brothers by giving them access to the Fishery Janus Room.





DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi