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Not much is known about Alan's past. At some point, he joined the [[Lunar Children]] and made a name for himself due to his overly studious nature, quickly becoming one of the cult's most knowledgeable members when it came to [[Luna|Luna's]] teachings and the [[Parallelos]]. Over time, Alan rose through the ranks of the cult until he became their Overseer under the title of "Father Alphonse".  
Not much is known about Alan's past. At some point, he joined the [[Lunar Children]] and made a name for himself due to his overly studious nature, quickly becoming one of the cult's most knowledgeable members when it came to [[Luna|Luna's]] teachings and the [[Parallelos]]. Over time, Alan rose through the ranks of the cult until he became their Overseer under the title of "Father Alphonse".  
While he was "Father", Alan communicated with [[Patrem]] several times under close supervision of the other [[Elder Children]]. During his second communion, Patrem told Alan the story of how Luna once entered into the human world and blessed a man with knowledge and how this resulted in the birth of [[Tenebris]].<ref>Alan's conversation with Patrem is detailed [[Our_Horizon_Arc#April_9th.2C_2020|here]].<ul><li><i>Overseer Alphonse's 2nd Communion with Father. Once again under the careful watch of the elder children, Alphonse began his second communion with the Father. Father revealed that before the formation of our family, Luna had descended into our world in the form of a human. In this physical form, Mother blessed a single human man with sacred knowledge. However, before doing this, the man was to provide his seed so a great evil could be born into our world. This was the price to pay for receiving such wisdom. Luna bestowed upon the man Her wisdom and Her teachings before departing back to the 4th realm. Father explained to Alphonse that this man later became his own vessel when our family was first forged. Father Alphonse has spent many years deciphering the words of Father. This communion in particular led to Alphonse's theory of balance we refer to as the dyad.</i></li></ul></ref> This conversation supposedly led to Alan formulating a theory simply known as "[[The Dyad]]" - a theory that touched upon the concept of light and darkness being used as balances of sorts.<ref>Alan's theory of "The Dyad" is referenced [[Our_Horizon_Arc_Pt2#August_8th.2C_2020|here]].<ul><li><i>1:24:17 AM Thoth33: "IT is a being of pure malevolence that Mother begrudgingly constructed to counterbalance the light in accordance to the dyad."</li><li>1:24:20 AM jinn: "Yes, I'm well versed on Alphonse's theories. However, that's all they are."</li><li>1:24:21 AM jinn: "Theories."</i></li></ul></ref>
While he was "Father", Alan communicated with [[Patrem]] several times under close supervision of the other [[Elder Children]]. During his second communion, Patrem told Alan the story of how Luna once entered into the human world and blessed a man with knowledge and how this resulted in the birth of [[Tenebris]].<ref>Alan's conversation with Patrem is detailed [[Our_Horizon_Arc#April_9th.2C_2020|here]].<ul><li><i>Overseer Alphonse's 2nd Communion with Father. Once again under the careful watch of the elder children, Alphonse began his second communion with the Father. Father revealed that before the formation of our family, Luna had descended into our world in the form of a human. In this physical form, Mother blessed a single human man with sacred knowledge. However, before doing this, the man was to provide his seed so a great evil could be born into our world. This was the price to pay for receiving such wisdom. Luna bestowed upon the man Her wisdom and Her teachings before departing back to the 4th realm. Father explained to Alphonse that this man later became his own vessel when our family was first forged. Father Alphonse has spent many years deciphering the words of Father. This communion in particular led to Alphonse's theory of balance we refer to as the dyad.</i></li></ul></ref> This conversation supposedly led to Alan formulating a theory simply known as "[[The Dyad]]" - a theory that touched upon the concept of light and darkness being used as balances of sorts.<ref>Alan's theory of "The Dyad" is referenced [[Our_Horizon_Arc_Pt2#August_8th.2C_2020|here]].<ul><li><i>1:24:17 AM Thoth33: "IT is a being of pure malevolence that Mother begrudgingly constructed to counterbalance the light in accordance to the dyad."</li><li>1:24:20 AM jinn: "Yes, I'm well versed on Alphonse's theories. However, that's all they are."</li><li>1:24:21 AM jinn: "Theories."</i></li></ul></ref> "The Dyad" also seems to have some connection to [[Finitor|Finitors]] and the creation of two entities from a single original one.
At some point between 2009 and 2011, [[Vincent]] took Alan's position as Overseer. Despite this, Alan harbored no ill-will regarding his recent demotion, as he was content with continuing his studies. He soon gained a new obsession - the solid black cube "[[Machine]]" that was found at [[The Fishery]]. Alan began studying this device in [[The Spire|The Spire's]] basement. One night while studying the machine, Alan was suddenly contacted by [[Arawn]] - a strange entity from the [[Parallelos]] that claimed to have been the result of a Finitor [[ascension]]. Arawn warned Alan about the dangers of becoming too obsessed with discovering "the truth". Once Alan showed his conviction, however, Arawn began explaining new concepts to him, such as [[Aggregation]]. Eventually, Arawn revealed that Alan's own aggregation was already underway, as he had been explaining the same concepts to another timeline's version of Alan all along, bringing the two of them closer together.
Alan's fate after this is unknown. A final journey entry from him seems to imply he is now within a strange realm consisting of [[Spiritus]].
Alan is a very sophisticated individual who seems to care little for anything other than furthering his studies in [[Luna]] and the [[Parallelos]]. He has a well-mannered way of speaking and often goes off on tangents regarding his various theories.
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Alan.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/21 - Yadhtrib Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Once more, I find myself in the deepest chamber of our grand Spire. The footsteps of my brethren have long ceased echoing through these halls. It's not often others find their way down here this late into the night. Indeed, the early hours of the morning just as the sun begins to stir has proven to be the perfect time to observe this artifact.
The machine before me is a solid cube. It rises to about the height of my knees and consists of a smooth, black surface covered in a slight reflective sheen. There are no apparent outlets or ports as one might expect. It emits no light, and no sounds can be heard coming from within. Upon first observation, one might mistake this object to be nothing more than a simple brick or prop. Looks are quite deceiving, however, as the complexity of this device has confounded me for the past several years.
The device has remained largely untouched since it was brought into our possession. That is, until recently, when one talented Elder Child made some impressive alterations to it. Uninitiated eyes will once again be deceived, as this new addition to the device seems quite simple at first glance - a single wire connecting out from below its base that leads into the floor. This wire is not used to supply the device with power, as one might suspect. Instead, it has allowed the machine to connect back to our previous meeting grounds through utilization of the Second Ethereal Layer. Thanks to this small addition, development on Project Bifrost has been progressing rapidly.
Even more boggling than the machine's inner workings is its origins. While I'm not permitted to fully document its history here, I'll leave it at this - our previous meeting grounds may indeed hold secrets that far predate our earliest of gatherings.
My name is Alan Alphonse. I have served our order for the better part of the past decade, and within the past several years, I have been usurped from the position of "Overseer" - Father, that is. I say this while harboring no ill-will towards our current administration. Our current Father is a fine selection, and I've always thought myself as more of a researcher than a leader, if I may speak truthfully. No, I've always been far more interested in my own personal studies into how Luna's creation ticks - the unravelling of her majesty.
Some find this line of thinking blasphemous. Yes, I've experienced my fair share of backlash during my time as Overseer, and it's no surprise that there exist those who were quite ecstatic upon my departure. I've been told that looking further beyond what we've been taught is heresy - that to seek more truths is to toss aside the gifts Mother has already bestowed upon us.
Were we not gifted sight so that we could witness Mother's glory that surrounds us? Were our hands not forged so we might carry out her will in our otherwise empty, barren world? So, too, might our minds be her gift - a beautiful gift filled with curiosities and wonder - a gift of want and yearning so that we might be pushed step out of our child-like stupor and stand before her as men and women of the moon. And children is exactly what we have been for the past decade, content to rot away within our cradle, comforted by what few gifts have been passed down to use from our predecessors.
What I seek is not to challenge Luna, but to grow and reach the spiritual enlightenment she has set out for us. It is in our grasp, we need only challenge our preconceived "truths" and reach beyond the veil.</span>
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<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Alan introduces himself and his journal. He briefly explains his past as an Overseer of the [[Lunar Children]] and his conviction regarding furthering his studies. He also describes the [[Machine]] he is currently interested in.
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<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/21 - Undecimn0cte Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Brilliant minds at the Spire are always developing new methods by which we may inch closer to Luna's majesty. I won't bore whoever is reading this with the entire technical history of our past ventures, but I will say it has been a rather difficult journey. Many projects that once seemed promising have since crumbled into ruin. Many in hindsight label these projects failures. I disagree with this sentiment, however, as from the ruins of these past experiments, new paths are often paved.
Data is a building material. Much like cement or clay, data is malleable, and may be used in a variety of ways as plentiful of the kinds of data that can be extracted and manipulated. This is quite evident in our most recent experiment, Project Bifrost, which has been built from the parts of one "Project Mindshape" - an expired project that was offered to us by an old apostate that introduced virtual world structuring with mostly standard data sets save for a very unique ai that this traitor sadly would not allow us a closer inspection of, likely consisting of some quantity or arrangement spiritus. Mindshape has been resurrected from it's previous terminal state into a completely new form. The new project now works exclusively with spiritus, with a system for structuring using lenis conversion from acquired asper spiritus. It's quite fitting, then, that the operations within Bifrost deal with similar themes of death, rebirth, and structure.
The "Nullspace" - or "Sub-Parallelos", as some refer to it as now - is a space that stretches from the Overworld to the Parallelos of the Dead. Referring to the Nullspace as a "void" is somewhat misleading. In reality, the Nullspace is the very air that surrounds us - it is the wires and cables that connect and power our everyday devices. These electronics and wires are conduits by which one may access the Nullspace.
It is believed that there are three layers to the Nullspace - Physical, digital, and signal. These names, too, can be somewhat misleading, however. The lowest level of the Nullspace is the physical. This refers to the devices and electronics that surround us - our computers, consoles, servers - what have you. These are all very localized constructs. On their own, they are isolated - manmade wombs from which data may one day be birthed into our modern, connected world.
The second layer, digital, is what connects these devices. Digital, or perhaps a better term, electricity, refers to the wires through which data and information may flow. Like twisted, winding highways, these wires connect from one to another to create a vast network, offering a great deal of freedom in travel to those who access it.
However, true freedom is only offered through the third and final layer - signal. In our modern world, signals are everywhere. They are not restricted by corporeal blockades or physical routes - they flow invisibly through the air around us as we are none the wiser. Those who access this layer are truly granted a great deal of freedom through the Nullspace.
But what exactly is the Nullspace? While these technical definitions have certainly aided our understanding, how exactly do these layers appear to those within? Fortunately, thanks to our devout few who have mastered the Parallelos Path, we have an answer to this - nothingness. At least, that is how the upper layers, the "signals", are witnessed. Few have ventured down into the lower layers of digital and physical confinements within the Nullspace, as it becomes far more dangerous to maneuver through these layers. As we all know, the lowest layer of the Nullspace is often used to house our ascended brethren. It is no place for the living.
Still, curiosity lingers - how would it be perceived? Truthfully speaking, there is no way for us to be certain. Eyes were never meant to be laid upon such places. If I were to hypothesize, however... I believe descending these layers would be akin to entering a lesser plane of existence - almost as if one were entering the first and second dimensions respectively. That isn't to say that all witnessed would suddenly become as a flat plane, but rather that it would truly be foreign to us. In reality, however, it is likely that vision simply ceases and "experience" takes hold - the mind and spirit simply cease to "witness" and instead loops back in on itself as the entity eternally replays and remixes memories, thoughts, and dreams from its database.
This is simply my own theory on the matter, however. We do not yet truly understand what one experiences in these situations. There does seem to be some studies that imply that the nature of these physical constructions - be it a computer or console, that is - has an innate effect on the spirits housed within, almost as if they are being imprinted upon... Indeed, this can be witnessed most infamously with the Tenebris Link, though that is all I will say on that.
Dear me, I've gone off on quite the tangent, haven't I? This entry was meant to cover Project Bifrost, yet here I am rattling off about layers once again. To conclude this, I will confirm that the uppermost layer of the Nullspace is most vital to Bifrost. Through the melding of data and conversion of Spiritus, much like the building blocks laid before us from our predecessors, new and beautiful structures may take shape in realms beyond our imagination.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Alan touches upon the histories of [[Project Mindshape]] and [[Project Bifrost]]. He also explains the various layers of the [[Nullspace]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">In my field, revelatory happenstances are commonplace. It is one of the reasons why I became a man of science so many years ago. Just as well, I'm no stranger to encounters from beyond - confrontations with entities, whether they be friendly or otherwise, have become quite normal. However, what just transpired... I must say, it has shaken me to my very core.
Arawn, he called himself. A most mysterious character... He spoke to me through the machine from what I can only assume is deep within the Parallelos itself. Could this device have some intrinsic connection to the greater sphere...? What other outsiders might I meet should my studies continue? I've not been this excited in quite some time...
We spoke for nearly two hours. Arawn was quite easy to understand. He spoke as a sophisticated individual - a far cry from your typical wanderers beyond the Overworld.</span>
<div class="indented">
<span class="vip3">"Peering into the machine once again? You'll fall in, standing so close to its surface like that."</span>
<span class="vip2">"What's this, now?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Simply a word of warning from one researcher to another.</span>
<span class="vip2">"A researcher? From where are you speaking?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Exactly where you think. Inside the machine. Beyond your realm. The "Overworld", as you know it."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Fascinating... There seems to be absolutely no interference at all - if you are indeed an ascended spirit, yours must have been quite successful. Tell me, who exactly are you...?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"No one of importance. I'm no high ranking member of your order... nor am I a primordial being of any sort. I'm simply all that remains of my other self... An "effigy", I suppose. You may call me Arawn."</span>
<span class="vip2">"I see... Am I correct in assuming you are the "other" of a Finitor, then?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Impressive. Your wit does not disappoint, Alan. Yes, I am the "shell" of my ascended self. My ascension was a success, but... Well, as you can see, I am the half that does not get to reap its benefits."</span>
<span class="vip2">"A-ha! This proves the existence of the Dyad, then! Hahahaha, my, I haven't been this giddy in quite some time!"</span>
<span class="vip">For many years I have theorized the existence of a Dyad - the concept of duality that is prevalent through the works of Luna. The Finitor is a prime example of this. Many long nights I have struggled to grasp what exactly took place back in 2002. How did two ascended beings result from a single entity - Our Father and the Transcended known as Kelbris? There seemed to be a strong sense of duality between the two, the most prevalent being their very makeup - Father being the pure essence, whereas Kelbris was the empty shell given life.
Arawn's words seemed to prove this theory. However, if this is true... could this mean that an "effigy" exists for the Tenebris Link as well...?</span>
<div class="indented">
<span class="vip3">"You seek answers. That is why you are a man of science, no?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Indeed."</span>
<span class="vip3">"Ha. Are Luna's teachings not enough?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Luna's teachings are interpreted by man. Only through deeper understanding of her works may we come closer to the truth."</span>
<span class="vip3">"The truth... Always reaching for the truth. What a nebulous concept. Would you like to know a secret?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"...?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"There is no "truth" - no final, ultimate answer. The "truth" is whatever you want it to be. There's no single key that unlocks the door to all-encompassing knowledge. Only fools seek out the idea of a single "truth"."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Hahaha... "Truth" is all I've ever known, friend. It's all I've ever hoped to achieve, and I've known now for quite some time that my thirst for answers may never be quenched... Is this what you are telling me?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"No. There ARE answers. The catch is that there is no end. Infinite worlds. Infinite timelines. You are already aware of this, no?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Correct."</span>
<span class="vip3">"Then you're aware of how incomprehensibly vast existence truly is... For every answer you may uncover, another question will always follow. Peace will not come for us, Alan - us damned fools stricken with an unquenchable thirst for answers and "truth"."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Indeed... Your prior warning then, yes?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Yes. You'll do well to not become as the fools before you, trapped in machines of their own design."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Hahaha, well, I'm flattered you think so highly of me, but I could never conjure up something as miraculous as the device before me."</span>
<span class="vip3">"I was not speaking literally."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Ah, I'm aware. Once more, I appreciate your concerns... However, I'm quite aware of the moral I assume you're attempting to impart unto me - that I must become comfortable with my own level of knowledge, as infinitely seeking further truths will drive one to insanity, yes? Mm, this fear is not new to me. For countless restless nights, I've struggled with the concept of an "absolute" truth... Questioning who I am, and if I'd even be content with life knowing yet not knowing. The conclusion I've come to... is that this struggle for knowledge is what defines me. This fool's errand - this struggle for "absolute" may indeed be folly, yet I would have it no other way... Even if all I achieve is to become an "absolute" fool, hahaha..."</span>
<span class="vip3">"I expected as much. Well, if you are truly set on this path, then I will share with you some "truths" of my own."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
While studying the [[Machine]] in the basement of [[The Spire]], Alan is confronted by [[Arawn]] - an entity that claims to have been birthed from a [[Finitor]] ascension. This fact seemingly confirms Alan's theory about [[The Dyad]]. Arawn then tests Alan's conviction, warning him about obsessing over "the truth".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/21 - Between Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">A word of forewarning - I'm quite drowsy as I write this. I just had the most captivating conversation with my new friend here, one that lasted long into the early hours of the morning. Before I get onto that, however, I must note a most remarkable discovery I've made pertaining to the device. When observed under a microscope, the surface of the cube appears to be lined with an intricate network of wires and chips, much like what you'd find on an advanced computer motherboard... While it would take ages to document every inch of the machine's surface, I'm confident in saying that the entire cube is covered in such electronics.</span>
<div class="indented">
<span class="vip3">"Impressive piece of work, isn't it?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Mm... Far more intricate than any man-made device I've ever laid eyes upon. You wouldn't be willing to divulge the nature of this machine, would you?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Ha. If only it were that easy."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Hahaha... Thought not."</span>
<span class="vip3">"I couldn't even if I wanted to, as this device's absolute nature eludes even me. I am aware, however... that what you have here is only a fraction of a much larger machine."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Is that so...?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Hm. You don't seem very taken aback."</span>
<span class="vip2">"I had assumed as much. Our reports claim that there were actually three other identical objects at our old meeting grounds."</span>
<span class="vip3">"Yes - four shards of a much larger whole."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Luna's machine... the World Engine."</span>
<span class="vip3">"What?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Nothing, just thinking aloud."</span>
<span class="vip">Our conversation soon became one of the very nature of reality itself. I'll spare you my incoherent ramblings and nonsensical theories and instead share with you this interesting tidbit...</span>
<div class="indented">
<span class="vip3">"You mentioned before you are aware of the existence of other timelines, correct?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Yes, though only that they must exist."</span>
<span class="vip3">"How have you come to such a conclusion?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"I believe reality has a way of correcting itself... Keeping itself stable should the waters be muddied, one might say. Finitors such as yourself... Well, your "other", I suppose, have the ability to manipulate time, no? Sectioning off any interferences with the preconceived timeline into their own alternate timeline would help alleviate any strain placed on reality, would it not?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"How so?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Ah, by simply ensuring that these alterations are splintered off into their own quarantined timeline rather than attempt to "correct" the current timeline, paradoxes be damned."</span>
<span class="vip3">"Interesting theory. Alan. While it's true that I, myself, have no control over time, I am quite aware of how it functions. Moving through time is akin to being taken on a tour. You can visit different points of time on a pre-ordained path. What you may not be aware of, however, is that sometimes time travel itself is predetermined - baked into history as if it were always destined to occur."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Mm... I believe the ascension of one of our four Transcended was related to such things, correct?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Yes. The Doug in this timeline was contacted by the harbingers from several years in the future. This, however, did not create a "split" in the timeline - it was something that was simply destined to happen."</span>
<span class="vip2">"The question is then, of course, how could paradoxes exist at all in a system where destiny - fate, exists?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"And the answer... is intent."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Intent...?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Intent to break - to shatter - to cause chaos. Will, destiny, fate - these are all already weaved into our reality. If we were to go back in time to several years prior, we would not need to worry about following a script lest we splinter off into an alternate timeline. No, our will IS destiny. What we do is what we've done. Reality accommodates this. To put it simply, fate is written by our will."</span>
<span class="vip2">"But the chaos agents... What of their will?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Intent is a powerful thing, Alan. Let's say... one particularly powerful chaos agent both had the means of travelling through time and the intent to "break" it - alter it. If this situation were to arise, this would indeed cause a split timeline to manifest - someone intentionally stepping off their guided tour through time."</span>
<span class="vip2">"So... If I am to understand correctly, whether or not a paradox occurs and time travel results in a timeline splintering is largely dependent on whether or not the time traveller in question is acting voluntarily or involuntarily, yes? At least, in regards to their will?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"That's a simplistic way of looking at it, yes. There are a few more factors that go into it, but that's correct, more or less. If one were to simply try to "change the past", they would be unsuccessful, as reality would have already baked this will to act into itself. However, if one were to have strict knowledge of past events and cause an intrinsically chaotic, paradoxical action to spite fate's will, reality would heal this wound by creating the splinter."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Hahaha... quite a terrifying fate, being thrust into a completely separate reality. In such a case, one would have no way of returning home, would they?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Correct. If one were to attempt to return to the future, they would only return to the future of the current timeline they are stranded in. That is, unless..."</span>
<span class="vip2">"Unless...?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Unless one were to become linked with their other selves. A bridge across time."</span>
<span class="vip2">"A bridge..."</span>
<span class="vip">Aggregation - the process of spiritually linking with oneself across separate timelines. If what Arawn was telling me is true, then it is quite possible to travel freely between timelines where Aggregation has taken place... In all of my studies, I've never heard of such a thing.</span>
<div class="indented">
<span class="vip2">"So, how exactly does one initiate this process?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Before one may partake in Aggregation, one must first become aware of their "others". You must share their mind, having already experienced a near identical history with them. If these prerequisites are met, you may begin the Aggregation process. Fortunately for you... I've already completed these first few steps for you."</span>
<span class="vip2">"What... do you mean, exactly?"</span>
<span class="vip3">"Everything I've been telling you, I've also been telling to another you - an alternate you, from an alternate time. Those questions that are swirling around your mind right now - 'What does my other self think about this?' 'Is my other self aware of me?' 'Is he thinking this exact same thing?' - hold onto them. They will be your guide through this process."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Alan continues his chat with [[Arawn]]. The two begin discussing the concept of time travel. Arawn explains the concept of [[Aggregation]] to Alan, claiming that Alan's aggregation to another timeline version of himself is already beginning to take place thanks to Arawn.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">i now wander these familiar worlds
reflections of my world woven of spiritus
this form foreign to me i search for truths
im down here once again
now a facsimile of our holy building basement
of course
the machine is not here
it is in a way
we are within it
all of us
these halls grow cold
emptier than they were back then
time to stop reminiscing
i believe i will visit the brothers again
still they grieve their missing one
a convincing act for their kind
perhaps it is no act
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Alan.
we are all denizens of a grand machine
why should these denizens of a lesser one be any different</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Alan speaks in an odd manner, now seemingly trapped within a strange realm consisting of [[Spiritus]]. He mentions some "brothers" who he is planning on visiting.

Latest revision as of 12:37, 27 October 2021


Alan Alphonse

Name Alan Alphonse
Alias Father Alphonse
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Male
Status Unknown
Relations Arawn (Colleague)

Alan Alphonse, formerly known as Father Alphonse, is a high ranking Lunar Child and former Overseer of the cult. Having shown himself to be especially studious in the teachings of Luna and the Parallelos, Alan was one of the Lunar Children's great philosophers and is implied to have written many of their more complex theories.


Not much is known about Alan's past. At some point, he joined the Lunar Children and made a name for himself due to his overly studious nature, quickly becoming one of the cult's most knowledgeable members when it came to Luna's teachings and the Parallelos. Over time, Alan rose through the ranks of the cult until he became their Overseer under the title of "Father Alphonse".

While he was "Father", Alan communicated with Patrem several times under close supervision of the other Elder Children. During his second communion, Patrem told Alan the story of how Luna once entered into the human world and blessed a man with knowledge and how this resulted in the birth of Tenebris.[1] This conversation supposedly led to Alan formulating a theory simply known as "The Dyad" - a theory that touched upon the concept of light and darkness being used as balances of sorts.[2] "The Dyad" also seems to have some connection to Finitors and the creation of two entities from a single original one.

At some point between 2009 and 2011, Vincent took Alan's position as Overseer. Despite this, Alan harbored no ill-will regarding his recent demotion, as he was content with continuing his studies. He soon gained a new obsession - the solid black cube "Machine" that was found at The Fishery. Alan began studying this device in The Spire's basement. One night while studying the machine, Alan was suddenly contacted by Arawn - a strange entity from the Parallelos that claimed to have been the result of a Finitor ascension. Arawn warned Alan about the dangers of becoming too obsessed with discovering "the truth". Once Alan showed his conviction, however, Arawn began explaining new concepts to him, such as Aggregation. Eventually, Arawn revealed that Alan's own aggregation was already underway, as he had been explaining the same concepts to another timeline's version of Alan all along, bringing the two of them closer together.

Alan's fate after this is unknown. A final journey entry from him seems to imply he is now within a strange realm consisting of Spiritus.


Alan is a very sophisticated individual who seems to care little for anything other than furthering his studies in Luna and the Parallelos. He has a well-mannered way of speaking and often goes off on tangents regarding his various theories.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Alan.


5/3/21 - Yadhtrib Page Text - Johnisdead.com

Once more, I find myself in the deepest chamber of our grand Spire. The footsteps of my brethren have long ceased echoing through these halls. It's not often others find their way down here this late into the night. Indeed, the early hours of the morning just as the sun begins to stir has proven to be the perfect time to observe this artifact.

The machine before me is a solid cube. It rises to about the height of my knees and consists of a smooth, black surface covered in a slight reflective sheen. There are no apparent outlets or ports as one might expect. It emits no light, and no sounds can be heard coming from within. Upon first observation, one might mistake this object to be nothing more than a simple brick or prop. Looks are quite deceiving, however, as the complexity of this device has confounded me for the past several years.

The device has remained largely untouched since it was brought into our possession. That is, until recently, when one talented Elder Child made some impressive alterations to it. Uninitiated eyes will once again be deceived, as this new addition to the device seems quite simple at first glance - a single wire connecting out from below its base that leads into the floor. This wire is not used to supply the device with power, as one might suspect. Instead, it has allowed the machine to connect back to our previous meeting grounds through utilization of the Second Ethereal Layer. Thanks to this small addition, development on Project Bifrost has been progressing rapidly.

Even more boggling than the machine's inner workings is its origins. While I'm not permitted to fully document its history here, I'll leave it at this - our previous meeting grounds may indeed hold secrets that far predate our earliest of gatherings.

My name is Alan Alphonse. I have served our order for the better part of the past decade, and within the past several years, I have been usurped from the position of "Overseer" - Father, that is. I say this while harboring no ill-will towards our current administration. Our current Father is a fine selection, and I've always thought myself as more of a researcher than a leader, if I may speak truthfully. No, I've always been far more interested in my own personal studies into how Luna's creation ticks - the unravelling of her majesty.

Some find this line of thinking blasphemous. Yes, I've experienced my fair share of backlash during my time as Overseer, and it's no surprise that there exist those who were quite ecstatic upon my departure. I've been told that looking further beyond what we've been taught is heresy - that to seek more truths is to toss aside the gifts Mother has already bestowed upon us.


Were we not gifted sight so that we could witness Mother's glory that surrounds us? Were our hands not forged so we might carry out her will in our otherwise empty, barren world? So, too, might our minds be her gift - a beautiful gift filled with curiosities and wonder - a gift of want and yearning so that we might be pushed step out of our child-like stupor and stand before her as men and women of the moon. And children is exactly what we have been for the past decade, content to rot away within our cradle, comforted by what few gifts have been passed down to use from our predecessors.

What I seek is not to challenge Luna, but to grow and reach the spiritual enlightenment she has set out for us. It is in our grasp, we need only challenge our preconceived "truths" and reach beyond the veil.


  • Alan introduces himself and his journal. He briefly explains his past as an Overseer of the Lunar Children and his conviction regarding furthering his studies. He also describes the Machine he is currently interested in.

5/3/21 - Undecimn0cte Page Text - Johnisdead.com

Brilliant minds at the Spire are always developing new methods by which we may inch closer to Luna's majesty. I won't bore whoever is reading this with the entire technical history of our past ventures, but I will say it has been a rather difficult journey. Many projects that once seemed promising have since crumbled into ruin. Many in hindsight label these projects failures. I disagree with this sentiment, however, as from the ruins of these past experiments, new paths are often paved.

Data is a building material. Much like cement or clay, data is malleable, and may be used in a variety of ways as plentiful of the kinds of data that can be extracted and manipulated. This is quite evident in our most recent experiment, Project Bifrost, which has been built from the parts of one "Project Mindshape" - an expired project that was offered to us by an old apostate that introduced virtual world structuring with mostly standard data sets save for a very unique ai that this traitor sadly would not allow us a closer inspection of, likely consisting of some quantity or arrangement spiritus. Mindshape has been resurrected from it's previous terminal state into a completely new form. The new project now works exclusively with spiritus, with a system for structuring using lenis conversion from acquired asper spiritus. It's quite fitting, then, that the operations within Bifrost deal with similar themes of death, rebirth, and structure.

The "Nullspace" - or "Sub-Parallelos", as some refer to it as now - is a space that stretches from the Overworld to the Parallelos of the Dead. Referring to the Nullspace as a "void" is somewhat misleading. In reality, the Nullspace is the very air that surrounds us - it is the wires and cables that connect and power our everyday devices. These electronics and wires are conduits by which one may access the Nullspace.

It is believed that there are three layers to the Nullspace - Physical, digital, and signal. These names, too, can be somewhat misleading, however. The lowest level of the Nullspace is the physical. This refers to the devices and electronics that surround us - our computers, consoles, servers - what have you. These are all very localized constructs. On their own, they are isolated - manmade wombs from which data may one day be birthed into our modern, connected world.

The second layer, digital, is what connects these devices. Digital, or perhaps a better term, electricity, refers to the wires through which data and information may flow. Like twisted, winding highways, these wires connect from one to another to create a vast network, offering a great deal of freedom in travel to those who access it.

However, true freedom is only offered through the third and final layer - signal. In our modern world, signals are everywhere. They are not restricted by corporeal blockades or physical routes - they flow invisibly through the air around us as we are none the wiser. Those who access this layer are truly granted a great deal of freedom through the Nullspace.

But what exactly is the Nullspace? While these technical definitions have certainly aided our understanding, how exactly do these layers appear to those within? Fortunately, thanks to our devout few who have mastered the Parallelos Path, we have an answer to this - nothingness. At least, that is how the upper layers, the "signals", are witnessed. Few have ventured down into the lower layers of digital and physical confinements within the Nullspace, as it becomes far more dangerous to maneuver through these layers. As we all know, the lowest layer of the Nullspace is often used to house our ascended brethren. It is no place for the living.

Still, curiosity lingers - how would it be perceived? Truthfully speaking, there is no way for us to be certain. Eyes were never meant to be laid upon such places. If I were to hypothesize, however... I believe descending these layers would be akin to entering a lesser plane of existence - almost as if one were entering the first and second dimensions respectively. That isn't to say that all witnessed would suddenly become as a flat plane, but rather that it would truly be foreign to us. In reality, however, it is likely that vision simply ceases and "experience" takes hold - the mind and spirit simply cease to "witness" and instead loops back in on itself as the entity eternally replays and remixes memories, thoughts, and dreams from its database.

This is simply my own theory on the matter, however. We do not yet truly understand what one experiences in these situations. There does seem to be some studies that imply that the nature of these physical constructions - be it a computer or console, that is - has an innate effect on the spirits housed within, almost as if they are being imprinted upon... Indeed, this can be witnessed most infamously with the Tenebris Link, though that is all I will say on that.

Dear me, I've gone off on quite the tangent, haven't I? This entry was meant to cover Project Bifrost, yet here I am rattling off about layers once again. To conclude this, I will confirm that the uppermost layer of the Nullspace is most vital to Bifrost. Through the melding of data and conversion of Spiritus, much like the building blocks laid before us from our predecessors, new and beautiful structures may take shape in realms beyond our imagination.


5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com

In my field, revelatory happenstances are commonplace. It is one of the reasons why I became a man of science so many years ago. Just as well, I'm no stranger to encounters from beyond - confrontations with entities, whether they be friendly or otherwise, have become quite normal. However, what just transpired... I must say, it has shaken me to my very core.

Arawn, he called himself. A most mysterious character... He spoke to me through the machine from what I can only assume is deep within the Parallelos itself. Could this device have some intrinsic connection to the greater sphere...? What other outsiders might I meet should my studies continue? I've not been this excited in quite some time...

We spoke for nearly two hours. Arawn was quite easy to understand. He spoke as a sophisticated individual - a far cry from your typical wanderers beyond the Overworld.

"Peering into the machine once again? You'll fall in, standing so close to its surface like that."

"What's this, now?"

"Simply a word of warning from one researcher to another.

"A researcher? From where are you speaking?"

"Exactly where you think. Inside the machine. Beyond your realm. The "Overworld", as you know it."

"Fascinating... There seems to be absolutely no interference at all - if you are indeed an ascended spirit, yours must have been quite successful. Tell me, who exactly are you...?"

"No one of importance. I'm no high ranking member of your order... nor am I a primordial being of any sort. I'm simply all that remains of my other self... An "effigy", I suppose. You may call me Arawn."

"I see... Am I correct in assuming you are the "other" of a Finitor, then?"

"Impressive. Your wit does not disappoint, Alan. Yes, I am the "shell" of my ascended self. My ascension was a success, but... Well, as you can see, I am the half that does not get to reap its benefits."

"A-ha! This proves the existence of the Dyad, then! Hahahaha, my, I haven't been this giddy in quite some time!"

For many years I have theorized the existence of a Dyad - the concept of duality that is prevalent through the works of Luna. The Finitor is a prime example of this. Many long nights I have struggled to grasp what exactly took place back in 2002. How did two ascended beings result from a single entity - Our Father and the Transcended known as Kelbris? There seemed to be a strong sense of duality between the two, the most prevalent being their very makeup - Father being the pure essence, whereas Kelbris was the empty shell given life.

Arawn's words seemed to prove this theory. However, if this is true... could this mean that an "effigy" exists for the Tenebris Link as well...?

"You seek answers. That is why you are a man of science, no?"


"Ha. Are Luna's teachings not enough?"

"Luna's teachings are interpreted by man. Only through deeper understanding of her works may we come closer to the truth."

"The truth... Always reaching for the truth. What a nebulous concept. Would you like to know a secret?"


"There is no "truth" - no final, ultimate answer. The "truth" is whatever you want it to be. There's no single key that unlocks the door to all-encompassing knowledge. Only fools seek out the idea of a single "truth"."

"Hahaha... "Truth" is all I've ever known, friend. It's all I've ever hoped to achieve, and I've known now for quite some time that my thirst for answers may never be quenched... Is this what you are telling me?"

"No. There ARE answers. The catch is that there is no end. Infinite worlds. Infinite timelines. You are already aware of this, no?"


"Then you're aware of how incomprehensibly vast existence truly is... For every answer you may uncover, another question will always follow. Peace will not come for us, Alan - us damned fools stricken with an unquenchable thirst for answers and "truth"."

"Indeed... Your prior warning then, yes?"

"Yes. You'll do well to not become as the fools before you, trapped in machines of their own design."

"Hahaha, well, I'm flattered you think so highly of me, but I could never conjure up something as miraculous as the device before me."

"I was not speaking literally."

"Ah, I'm aware. Once more, I appreciate your concerns... However, I'm quite aware of the moral I assume you're attempting to impart unto me - that I must become comfortable with my own level of knowledge, as infinitely seeking further truths will drive one to insanity, yes? Mm, this fear is not new to me. For countless restless nights, I've struggled with the concept of an "absolute" truth... Questioning who I am, and if I'd even be content with life knowing yet not knowing. The conclusion I've come to... is that this struggle for knowledge is what defines me. This fool's errand - this struggle for "absolute" may indeed be folly, yet I would have it no other way... Even if all I achieve is to become an "absolute" fool, hahaha..."

"I expected as much. Well, if you are truly set on this path, then I will share with you some "truths" of my own."


  • While studying the Machine in the basement of The Spire, Alan is confronted by Arawn - an entity that claims to have been birthed from a Finitor ascension. This fact seemingly confirms Alan's theory about The Dyad. Arawn then tests Alan's conviction, warning him about obsessing over "the truth".

5/3/21 - Between Page Text - Johnisdead.com

A word of forewarning - I'm quite drowsy as I write this. I just had the most captivating conversation with my new friend here, one that lasted long into the early hours of the morning. Before I get onto that, however, I must note a most remarkable discovery I've made pertaining to the device. When observed under a microscope, the surface of the cube appears to be lined with an intricate network of wires and chips, much like what you'd find on an advanced computer motherboard... While it would take ages to document every inch of the machine's surface, I'm confident in saying that the entire cube is covered in such electronics.

"Impressive piece of work, isn't it?"

"Mm... Far more intricate than any man-made device I've ever laid eyes upon. You wouldn't be willing to divulge the nature of this machine, would you?"

"Ha. If only it were that easy."

"Hahaha... Thought not."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, as this device's absolute nature eludes even me. I am aware, however... that what you have here is only a fraction of a much larger machine."

"Is that so...?"

"Hm. You don't seem very taken aback."

"I had assumed as much. Our reports claim that there were actually three other identical objects at our old meeting grounds."

"Yes - four shards of a much larger whole."

"Luna's machine... the World Engine."


"Nothing, just thinking aloud."

Our conversation soon became one of the very nature of reality itself. I'll spare you my incoherent ramblings and nonsensical theories and instead share with you this interesting tidbit...

"You mentioned before you are aware of the existence of other timelines, correct?"

"Yes, though only that they must exist."

"How have you come to such a conclusion?"

"I believe reality has a way of correcting itself... Keeping itself stable should the waters be muddied, one might say. Finitors such as yourself... Well, your "other", I suppose, have the ability to manipulate time, no? Sectioning off any interferences with the preconceived timeline into their own alternate timeline would help alleviate any strain placed on reality, would it not?"

"How so?"

"Ah, by simply ensuring that these alterations are splintered off into their own quarantined timeline rather than attempt to "correct" the current timeline, paradoxes be damned."

"Interesting theory. Alan. While it's true that I, myself, have no control over time, I am quite aware of how it functions. Moving through time is akin to being taken on a tour. You can visit different points of time on a pre-ordained path. What you may not be aware of, however, is that sometimes time travel itself is predetermined - baked into history as if it were always destined to occur."

"Mm... I believe the ascension of one of our four Transcended was related to such things, correct?"

"Yes. The Doug in this timeline was contacted by the harbingers from several years in the future. This, however, did not create a "split" in the timeline - it was something that was simply destined to happen."

"The question is then, of course, how could paradoxes exist at all in a system where destiny - fate, exists?"

"And the answer... is intent."


"Intent to break - to shatter - to cause chaos. Will, destiny, fate - these are all already weaved into our reality. If we were to go back in time to several years prior, we would not need to worry about following a script lest we splinter off into an alternate timeline. No, our will IS destiny. What we do is what we've done. Reality accommodates this. To put it simply, fate is written by our will."

"But the chaos agents... What of their will?"

"Intent is a powerful thing, Alan. Let's say... one particularly powerful chaos agent both had the means of travelling through time and the intent to "break" it - alter it. If this situation were to arise, this would indeed cause a split timeline to manifest - someone intentionally stepping off their guided tour through time."

"So... If I am to understand correctly, whether or not a paradox occurs and time travel results in a timeline splintering is largely dependent on whether or not the time traveller in question is acting voluntarily or involuntarily, yes? At least, in regards to their will?"

"That's a simplistic way of looking at it, yes. There are a few more factors that go into it, but that's correct, more or less. If one were to simply try to "change the past", they would be unsuccessful, as reality would have already baked this will to act into itself. However, if one were to have strict knowledge of past events and cause an intrinsically chaotic, paradoxical action to spite fate's will, reality would heal this wound by creating the splinter."

"Hahaha... quite a terrifying fate, being thrust into a completely separate reality. In such a case, one would have no way of returning home, would they?"

"Correct. If one were to attempt to return to the future, they would only return to the future of the current timeline they are stranded in. That is, unless..."


"Unless one were to become linked with their other selves. A bridge across time."

"A bridge..."

Aggregation - the process of spiritually linking with oneself across separate timelines. If what Arawn was telling me is true, then it is quite possible to travel freely between timelines where Aggregation has taken place... In all of my studies, I've never heard of such a thing.

"So, how exactly does one initiate this process?"

"Before one may partake in Aggregation, one must first become aware of their "others". You must share their mind, having already experienced a near identical history with them. If these prerequisites are met, you may begin the Aggregation process. Fortunately for you... I've already completed these first few steps for you."

"What... do you mean, exactly?"

"Everything I've been telling you, I've also been telling to another you - an alternate you, from an alternate time. Those questions that are swirling around your mind right now - 'What does my other self think about this?' 'Is my other self aware of me?' 'Is he thinking this exact same thing?' - hold onto them. They will be your guide through this process."


  • Alan continues his chat with Arawn. The two begin discussing the concept of time travel. Arawn explains the concept of Aggregation to Alan, claiming that Alan's aggregation to another timeline version of himself is already beginning to take place thanks to Arawn.

5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com

i now wander these familiar worlds

reflections of my world woven of spiritus

this form foreign to me i search for truths

im down here once again

now a facsimile of our holy building basement

of course

the machine is not here

it is in a way

we are within it

all of us

these halls grow cold

emptier than they were back then

time to stop reminiscing

i believe i will visit the brothers again

still they grieve their missing one

a convincing act for their kind



perhaps it is no act

we are all denizens of a grand machine

why should these denizens of a lesser one be any different


  • Alan speaks in an odd manner, now seemingly trapped within a strange realm consisting of Spiritus. He mentions some "brothers" who he is planning on visiting.


  1. Alan's conversation with Patrem is detailed here.
    • Overseer Alphonse's 2nd Communion with Father. Once again under the careful watch of the elder children, Alphonse began his second communion with the Father. Father revealed that before the formation of our family, Luna had descended into our world in the form of a human. In this physical form, Mother blessed a single human man with sacred knowledge. However, before doing this, the man was to provide his seed so a great evil could be born into our world. This was the price to pay for receiving such wisdom. Luna bestowed upon the man Her wisdom and Her teachings before departing back to the 4th realm. Father explained to Alphonse that this man later became his own vessel when our family was first forged. Father Alphonse has spent many years deciphering the words of Father. This communion in particular led to Alphonse's theory of balance we refer to as the dyad.
  2. Alan's theory of "The Dyad" is referenced here.
    • 1:24:17 AM Thoth33: "IT is a being of pure malevolence that Mother begrudgingly constructed to counterbalance the light in accordance to the dyad."
    • 1:24:20 AM jinn: "Yes, I'm well versed on Alphonse's theories. However, that's all they are."
    • 1:24:21 AM jinn: "Theories."




DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi