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<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence - Withinhubris.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "How did you get here?"</span>
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."</span>
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"</span>
nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The weird blue thing"</span>
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."</span>
Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."</span>
xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"</span>
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "are you one of us"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "He may not even be aware"</span>
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."</span>
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."</span>
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."</span>
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "TheLaw?"</span>
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"</span>
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."</span>
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."</span>
nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "are you a god?"</span>
Yoshi: "no."
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "then"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "die"</span>
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"</span>
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"</span>
Yoshi: "im an observer"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "of?"</span>
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"</span>
Yoshi: "these places"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "will she come back?"</span>
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no no no"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"</span>
nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "bubble?"</span>
nfreak: "sounds like it."
<span class="vip3">dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"</span>
Yoshi: "i can tell"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"</span>
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
<span class="vip3">dead: "walking?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no"
dead: "run?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"</span>
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
<span class="vip3">dead: "no"</span>
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
<span class="vip3">dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "please don't let it out"</span>
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "stay"</span>
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
<span class="vip3">dead: "she will stay"</span>
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"</span>
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
<span class="vip">Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"</span>
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"</span>
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
<span class="vip3">dead: "1"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "That's disgusting"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"</span>
xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
<span class="vip3">dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "HELPA"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "555"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "yes"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"</span>
xenquility: "Yes"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."</span>
nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Who are you."</span>
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Yes."</span>
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."</span>
Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."</span>
Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Then who"</span>
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"</span>
Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"</span>
xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
<span class="vip4">Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn informs the players that he's been imprisoned in the "Emerald Prison" Janus map by the two dead_1266 entities. He is unsure how long he's been trapped here.
Dawn claims that the "Emerald Prison" was created specifically to imprison his soul. He claims he's traied to escape several times, but his soul is repeatedly sent back.
Dawn ponders if the sun god Helios would be able to save him if he knew he was there, implying that this Dawn is indeed the sun cultist Dawn who took all of the sun notes.
The players question Dawn on what he can remember in an attempt discern his true identity. He claims that he doesn't remember being the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead, but he does remember TheLaw joining the Internet Detectives Discord server.
Dawn is unsure of what the dead_1266 entities want with him. He believes they either have some sort of plan for him, or they want to simply lock away the power of Helios - something Dawn would contain, as he is the current "Dawn" of the sun cult.
The players ponder if submitting the "Sun's Song" would free Dawn.
Stackoverflow is still angered that the players have invaded their home, claiming they have "<span class="canquote">taken</span>" it from them. He begins threatening the players.
The dead_1266 entities often speak nonsensical phrases throughout this conversation.
Prominence gives the players the hint "<span class="canquote">the missing 13hh ast</span>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/11/20 - Chat with Dawn and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "was doing it by hand
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "f
[9:38 PM] Fancypigg: "epic
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "F
<span class="vip">[9:38 PM] Dawn: "F"</span>
[9:38 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "But cool Xen"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey dawn"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "..."
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "DAWN"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Sup"</span>
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "Thats how a real man works"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn!"
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "How are you doing?"
[9:39 PM] nfreak141: "tho you managed to get out. like a man."
[9:39 PM] Jos: "F"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm doing alright"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Walkin n shit"</span>
[9:39 PM] scout: "uhhhh"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Been walking for a long time"</span>
[9:39 PM] scout: "we've already seen the wayward horizon stuff on within hubris right"
[9:39 PM] scout: "and solved that"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uhhhhh"
[9:40 PM] Pako: "it's fine he escaped from a machine"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "the patrem stuff?"
[9:40 PM] scout: "<nowiki>https://withinhubris.net/viewforum.php?f=25</nowiki>"
[9:40 PM] scout: "this is what I mean"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "oh that uh"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure that's just the og wayward stuff and if so yeah"
[9:40 PM] nfreak141: "scout that's ben drowned stuff"
[9:40 PM] scout: "I ask because"
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "hey dawn"
[9:40 PM] Problematik: "Can you give us some details about that place?"
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] Dawn: "Hey"</span>
[9:40 PM] scout: "there are little snippets of text at the bottom of each post that say something like"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Details about what place?"</span>
[9:41 PM] scout: ""Originally posted by" etc."
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "hope your walks going well"
[9:41 PM] scout: "and they coincide around the date of that message"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "about the machine"
[9:41 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hmm I see where your going scout"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "I mean it's not by choice but it's a good workout"</span>
[9:41 PM] scout: "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "did you rememeber something?"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get rid of my belly somehow"</span>
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "shouldve invested in a car"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "heard theyre popular these days"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "When I awoke my car was gone"</span>
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:42 PM] Fancypigg: "woke"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Your car is gone"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "damn no wayback machine dates on february 2011"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "nope"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "shit"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Some green ass man probably took it"</span>
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Shit"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Can't trust the greens"</span>
[9:42 PM] Pako: "uhh"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "doug?"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Green ass man?"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "gofundme for dawn to get a fuckin uber"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "fucken green people"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "yes"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "kill all the green people"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: ":keljump:"</span>
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":hulkkid:"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "the frogs are green"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "so"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "not all are green"
[9:43 PM] nfreak141: "...a frog took dawn'th car. maketh thenthe"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So uh, where ya walking to buddy?"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "almost"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "all"
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you see another people in a green place?"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] Dawn: "I was making a joke about Kelbris"</span>
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Fuck"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gg even"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Haha Kelbris steals cars now"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "ahahha"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xen or wolf"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "it was me"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "im sorry"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "uhhh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "that fucker cant even drive, he has no eyes"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] Dawn: "But nah, I'm walkin"</span>
[9:44 PM] Pako: "almostt"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "phew"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Kelbris should come to mexico to make some profit"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get to my destination"</span>
[9:44 PM] nfreak141: "don't you have like teleport powerth?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "which?"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "erika walks too"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "which is?"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm erika"</span>
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What destination"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "knew it"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Where are you exactly? And where are you going?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "tyler's house"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Where ya going dawn"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "dawn always struck me as the erika type"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "It's pretty dark out so I'm hanging out in a walmart"</span>
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "th(erika) sun"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Well, not in because of corona"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Around"</span>
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh corona"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "corona canon"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to know there's walmarts in the parallelos. Fukn chinese..."
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh ok Dawn"
<span class="vip">[9:45 PM] Dawn: "Paralellos?"</span>
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts in parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf hes in the parallelos?"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Im joking"
[9:45 PM] nfreak141: "pretty thure he'th out now"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sheesh"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "paralellos are dark"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "my ass is in the parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Problematik: "Even in parallelos they need to buy food"
[9:46 PM] scout: "so dawn do you just have like holes in your body that you're bleeding out of now or did you bandage them up or what"
[9:46 PM] Pako: "in paralellos the people eat grass"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "pick me up some A S T R A L C H I P S from the A S C E N D E D W A L M A R T please"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who beat you up man?"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Parallelos got some sushi"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm heading down to Florida"</span>
[9:46 PM] Fancypigg: "O"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "O"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "damn nice"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "where in florida?"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "It's taking a while to walk there"</span>
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "what's the occasion?"
[9:46 PM] Problematik: "Something to do in florida?"
[9:46 PM] scout: "you're gonna walk to Florida?"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for gators"
[9:46 PM] nfreak141: "...thong of thoaring would be pretty cool"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "To be honest I just picked one direction and started walking"</span>
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "bruh you need a lift or some shit?"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hope its not north"
[9:47 PM] Problematik: "Also is not a good idea to go to the beach during the corona shit"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "floridas a straight drive down from where im at in alabama"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "hmu"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "so the destianation is the Tyler's house."
<span class="vip">[9:47 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will, Yoshi"</span>
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's a lot of walking"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yes, please social distance as you walk the path again and again."
[9:47 PM] Pako: "he is the second"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:47 PM] scout: "dawn get like a long thin piece of metal and slide it into the little gap between the drivers window and the drivers door"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: "deep"
[9:48 PM] scout: "and then wiggle it around until it goes click and open the driver door"
<span class="vip">[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm strong. I don't need no social distancing. :muscle_1: :dawn: :muscle_2:"</span>
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Should we ordered you an uber?"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "we can break into disney world too and steal some merch"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "then go wherever you need to be"
<span class="vip">[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not stealing cars"
[9:48 PM] Dawn: "That's not lawful"</span>
[9:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So why do you need to go to fl? Sunshine state?"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "he isn't a green ass dude"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "Get some crocodiles"
[9:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn. Be careful my dude"
[9:49 PM] nfreak141: "they caught you onthe, they can catch you again."
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "just dont sleep tbh"
<span class="vip">[9:49 PM] Dawn: "Because I left something there a little while ago"
[9:49 PM] Dawn: "I need to retrieve it"</span>
[9:49 PM] yoshi: "smh dude make it to central alabama and you dont gotta walk anymore, hmu for spooky florida trip"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "And if something bad happens, talk to us"
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "is tyler the baby you left on a random person's doorstep"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Spooky Florida"
[9:50 PM] Xenquility: "do you need him back"
<span class="vip">[9:50 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will. To be honest I don't know which way is alabama from here."</span>
[9:50 PM] nfreak141: "what did you leave?"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Man, wouldnt happen to be like a necklace, or server, would it?"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "baby crying noises except its tyler going super saiyan"
[9:50 PM] Pako: "tyler is scary because dawn is coming"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "where are you at rn?"
[9:50 PM] scout: "dawn where are  you even walking to Florida from"
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] Dawn: "Ohio"</span>
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] yoshi: "yikes dude"
[9:51 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[9:51 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you just like uber or thomething?"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "my lord"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya in 20years bro"
[9:51 PM] scout: "youre gonna walk to Florida from Ohio, nigga you crazy"
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a giant ark a bit ago"
[9:51 PM] Dawn: "So I think kentucky?"</span>
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sun you got some strong legs my dude"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo, hit up some BBQ"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Helios built me in his image."
[9:52 PM] Dawn: "I was thinking about getting some bourbon"</span>
[9:52 PM] Fancypigg: "ncie"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "do it"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "NICE"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Mmmm, Southern Comfort & OJ"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Also an uber from Ohio to Florida costs like $5000"</span>
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "bruh"
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "rip ur legs"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Could you take a bus or something"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "also accidental yoshi doxx"
[9:53 PM] scout: "dawn is doing some forrest gump bullshit right now"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@scout lol"
[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
<span class="vip">[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Got no money"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Wallet went missing"</span>
[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "got no grace"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""rip ur legs" More like: Legs ur ripped"
<span class="vip">[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Honestly speaking I'm typing up on a shitty $20 walmart phone right now"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Using the walmart wifi"</span>
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "is more expensive if you go walking because you need to stop more times to eat"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I don't need to eat"</span>
[9:54 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why?"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "he can live off the land like a man"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "well ok"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dawn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "photosynthesis"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "The typical human can live like a month without food"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Right?"</span>
[9:54 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you like teleport?"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok, cool"
[9:54 PM] scout: "id say more like 2 weeks"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "so he will get there just in time"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I already used the little bit of power I had left"</span>
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "nvm"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "bout to reference a specific tumblr meme here"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "1 month without walking"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back"</span>
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "hey peabrain, you teleport?"
[9:55 PM] scout: "congrats yoshi nobody understood the reference"
[9:55 PM] scout: "are you happy"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back" Yes, yes you will"
[9:55 PM] Pako: "but if you do exercise and don't eat you will die"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "yes"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] Dawn: "Hoping I can teleport back to Ohio once I get my power"</span>
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmao eve"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "lol"
[9:55 PM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "i am absolutely pleased with myself scout"
[9:55 PM] Dense: "Sun"
[9:55 PM] scout: "damn why are you about to walk to Florida just to teleport back to Ohio"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Need a dispencer here"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "at least teleport into disney world and steal one of the mickey suits for a meme"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:56 PM] Pako: "haha"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt have his power rb"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "rn"
[9:56 PM] scout: "you need a better travel agent my man this sounds stupid"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Teleportation sounds cool"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] Dawn: "Scout, I can't teleport right now. I used up the last bit of power a bit ago, sadly. My link with Helios is currently severed."
[9:56 PM] Dawn: "I need my holy book"</span>
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "What book?"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: ""Helios Link" new terminology page when"
[9:57 PM] nfreak141:"Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles" @Deleted User jutht to thee you tonight"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "@helios bro wyd help my man dawn out"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:57 PM] Pako: "did you spend a lot of power escaping?"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "is it the book that someone who sounded like you quoted in a call a while back"
[9:57 PM] scout: ">jutht to thee you tonight"
what? what'd you say? speak up I can't hear you I can't understand you"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] Dawn: "A lot of my power was stolen from me"</span>
[9:57 PM] scout: "also dawn needs the Libro Lunaris"
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "I see, thanks xen"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who took it from you dawn"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn, who beat you up tho"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "yes dawn needs the moonbook"
[9:57 PM] Fancypigg: "gg"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That head wound is nasty"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "where is that libro?"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "in the spire?"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "dawns power got the succ"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Im will sent you a care package with some good mexican food"
[9:58 PM] Fancypigg: "cate"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "cate"
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "cate"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Cake"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I don't really know who"
[9:58 PM] Dawn: "They blindsided me"</span>
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "also realizing now that unless you get way off track you wont end up in alabama"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "f"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I thought this impossible, as Helios watches all"</span>
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn, surprise attack."
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Did they have a sword?"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "good idea"
[9:59 PM] nfreak141: "doeth heh watch all at night?"
[9:59 PM] Pako: "greth got a sword"
[9:59 PM] Problematik: "That person who beat you up, did he talked? And if he said a word, do you remember his voice?"
[9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "if somehow you get off track and end up here the offers still good, buuut if you walk the actually fastest route you wont"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "f"
[10:00 PM] nfreak141: "thimp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 tell that to your account owner"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for wild mugens in north carolina"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Stfu bin"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "i heard theyre vicious this time of year"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Chris is a simp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Bruh"
<span class="vip">[10:00 PM] Dawn: "I don't really remember any voices"</span>
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "sump"
[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sunp"
[10:01 PM] Pako: "did you see anybody strange?"
[10:01 PM] nfreak141: "you remember tenebrith? he had a meththage for ou"
<span class="vip">[10:01 PM] Dawn: "My time hooked to that infernal device was one of torture. It kept me locked in a state from which I couldn't recover."
[10:01 PM] Dawn: "But all of that will change once I get my book."</span>
[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Would you be able to recover your power Dawn?"
[10:02 PM] nfreak141: ""sump" That's actually a secondary fishtank that people use to filter saltwater in."
[10:02 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The more you know"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@Deleted User Really? Nice"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "also"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "are you heading to panama city"
[10:02 PM] Problematik: "Come to mexico"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Wow problem how do u kno"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Too late bud"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] Fancypigg: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] HaouDeSoul: "come 2 Brazil"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "come 2 antartic"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "pls"
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] Dawn: "Man, if Florida takes 2 weeks, brazil would take like...3"</span>
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "br? br?"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "3? only"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead is down"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "whot"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "just swim across the gulf on a gator"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "still up for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I can enter"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "jid is fine for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "ok"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Jid is fine?"
[10:04 PM] Fancypigg: "same for me"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "thtill up"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you has been banned problem"
[10:04 PM] scout: "does exalted have a janus room or are we sort of done fucking with janus"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "banned for arg crimes"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you know that feeling"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "it doeth not"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "No Janus in exalted"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "Nvm was a shitty connection problem"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I was banned like 3 times in jid,com"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Y'all don't use VPN?"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "so slow"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Not really"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "ha"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting for like"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting since I started using a computer"
[10:05 PM] scout: "and I have never once used a VPN"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i just Don't Care"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "fuck the police"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i seed without a vpn"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "in the street"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "We got a badass over here"</span>
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "ill fight the cops"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Cool scout"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "believe me"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "same"
[10:06 PM] scout: "police do not give a shit about torrentors"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] scout: "unless you're eastern european and you own a torrenting site"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "polie"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But you know who does care about the torrents?"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "Maybe not the polie"</span>
[10:06 PM] Problematik: "What about to take a break dawn, could be good for you"
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "IIIII I SAW THAT"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "awa"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But THE LAW :muscle_1: :ANGERY3D: :muscle_2:"</span>
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "I SAW YOU REACT TYLER"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "thelaw is important"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "*the law"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "but apparently susceptible to frogs"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "tyler reacted on the pumpkin above for like .5 seconds"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah right"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "Frogs?"</span>
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "FROGS?"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "F R O G S"</span>
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "FROGSSSSSSS"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "yeah uh"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "sorry bout that"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "FROGS"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "It's okay"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "I didn't like him anyways"</span>
[10:07 PM] Pako: "is true that IIIII is always here?"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:07 PM] Pako: "xDD"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "you know who that guy was"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "IIIII is always here"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "he literally reacted to that pumpkin above so yes"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "way to drop a bombshell"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "is like god"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "hi tyler"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "he is watching us"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Watching"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "i saw that."
[10:08 PM] scout: "hey IIIII"
[10:08 PM] scout: "blow me"
[10:08 PM] scout: "ahahahaha gottem"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "come play with us IIIII"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Btfo"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:08 PM] scout: "i saw that react"
[10:08 PM] scout: "lmao"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Also drink water"
[10:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "IIIII is spoookt"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Water"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Good"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "i was looking to see who was spam reacting/unreacting and saw it lmao"
[10:09 PM] scout: "if i hear another one of you fucks say "drink water guys!!" I'm gonna fucking murder one of you"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "what if i dont"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "don't drink water"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "everyone tell scout to drink water"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "drink coca cola"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "right now"
[10:09 PM] scout: "FUCK you I'm gonna drink MORE diet soda"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "or pepsi"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Yes, water is good for preventing you to get corona and evade 5g cancer"
[10:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "AGUITA"
[10:10 PM] Pako: "how you know?"
[10:10 PM] scout: "i will FURTHER RUIN my TOOTH ENAMEL"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "5g cancer is how I get my power"</span>
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Bc im the lord of hydration"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "The radiation empowers me"</span>
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Oh"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"</span>
[10:10 PM] yoshi: "gg"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Drink Sunny D."</span>
[10:10 PM] Pako: "yes fuck"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That was an epic battle tbh"
[10:11 PM] Problematik: "WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Holy fuck"
[10:11 PM] Dawn: "PaKo new bin"</span>
[10:11 PM] Fancypigg: "yes fuck :lewd:"
[10:11 PM] Pako: "the sunny is like orange juice right?"
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "um... fucking thcuthe?"
[10:11 PM] Dense: "The law..."
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "thay that again and imma thell you tF out"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "ey teleport and bring me some fresh OJ before going back to ohio ty"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sunshine drank"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "that good florida shit"
[10:11 PM] scout: "">thay that again and imma thell you tF out" why do you do this"
[10:11 PM] scout: "this is the most retarded shit ever"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Alright, will do"</span>
[10:11 PM] scout: "just type normally"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "nice bro"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I apologize dawn cuz he is a sun, but pako? Hes a fucking human, he needs to drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida oranges are over rated. Mandarine oranges are the new shit. China rules over the world now"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "no"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "China"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I will fight pako if he doesnt drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "you're going to China"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "I'm a mars"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] Dawn: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fql5Am95p28</nowiki>"</span>
[10:12 PM] Dawn: "^My feelings"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "im going to drink PURE SALT"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "UNTIL I SHRIVEL"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "hey I'm mars"
[10:13 PM] scout: ">Florida oranges are over rated."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Gonna drink nada"
[10:13 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "im uranus"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "hehehehehehehehehhehehe"
[10:13 PM] nfreak141: "thank you for that beautiful video. i am now stealing it."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scout pulling out rlm memes"
<span class="vip">[10:13 PM] Dawn: "You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men"</span>
[10:13 PM] Problematik: "Dawn, i said that i apologize you cuz u are a sun, and suns cant drink water"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "HEY"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "DAWN LOL"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "maybe"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "bifreak141"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Fucking nfreak"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "also because i have something to post when haou says "drink water guys""
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "i don't remember saying you could use my name"
[10:14 PM] Pako: "the water is bad to the sun"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Sorry"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men" Quick delete it before Dov shows up"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH SHIIIIT"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "in pokemon the water beat the fire"
[10:15 PM] yoshi: "when u water"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "The rock, the earth"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "ohhh"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "he is god"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "pussy lake"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "is hard to cross"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "Time to get some Pussy"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Time to get some Pussy" Thank me for my service"
[10:16 PM] Pako: ":roommate:"
[10:16 PM] scout: "">is hard to cross" I sail through the pussy lake like I'm hauling new spices and syphilis"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sure"
[10:16 PM] Problematik: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] Fancypigg: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I now realise the error of that quote without context.... oof"
[10:17 PM] scout: "I'll pass"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:17 PM] Dense: "w"
[10:18 PM] scout: "did anyone else see deadone typing"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm a little worried hanging around this closed walmart is going to give me a bad look. I'm gonna start walking again."</span>
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Yep"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Was there anything you guys wanted before I go?"</span>
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "shhh we dont talk about deadfuck"
[10:18 PM] scout: "a selfie"
[10:18 PM] scout: "with today's newspaper"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "get me some cheez its"
[10:18 PM] scout: "or date"
[10:18 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts close?"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "oh wait its closed nvm"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "A selfie with this $20 walmart phone?"</span>
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Can you buy me some parallelos cheetos"
<span class="vip">[10:19 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, walmarts have been closing early since corona hit"</span>
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "uhhhhhhh borger"
[10:19 PM] scout: "i didnt even know walmart sold phones"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Sleep in wallmart, they have good beds"
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh, you right."
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get yourself food Dawn"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Get some vitamine D"
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt need to eat remember"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need food"</span>
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes stronk"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god"</span>
[10:20 PM] Pako: "The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"</span>
[10:20 PM] Problematik: "Actually, the moonlight is just sun reflection"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "Until I pass out on the street at 3 in the morning"</span>
[10:20 PM] scout: "">I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god" what happens when it's night"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "It's always daylight out somewhere"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "The moon reflects the light of my lord"</span>
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna get rioted , boii"
[10:21 PM] Pako: "so the moon don't have light"
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well if you say so Dawn. Just be careful."
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "Rioted?"</span>
[10:21 PM] Pako: "it's all a lie"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "try not to pass out in the middle of the road"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound too safe"
[10:21 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah there are a bunch of riotth going on"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "I will keep to the dark, then."</span>
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "3am, you about to walk through some bad boi states"
[10:21 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you glow in the dark?"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "You've been with me on my midnight walks before"</span>
[10:21 PM] scout: ">I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "be nice scout"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "if dawn claps twice he lights up like a lamp"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "duh"
[10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah, I remember the ice cream run"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "wow you arent supposed to say it to his face"
[10:22 PM] Pako: "I will see the sun on a 3 hours or less"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Damn, I was called an idiot"</span>
[10:22 PM] scout: "to be honest I just wanted an excuse to use that .gif"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "that's the kind of talk that gives you skin cancer"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Brb going to build a bomb and blow up the moon children"</span>
[10:22 PM] scout: "based"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "nuke the moon"
[10:22 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "NUKE THE MOON"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "don't nuke my mom"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "im gonna ban problematik"
[10:23 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uh, we prefer the lunar children"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "ban problem he thaid nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "actually sun you can fight with the moon?"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Not again"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "hold on"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "call luna a bitch for me before you blow it up ty"
<span class="vip">[10:23 PM] Dawn: "<nowiki>https://i.imgur.com/dYmiKtK.jpeg</nowiki> This meme is how I look at full power"</span>
9:23 PM] Pako: "if sun fight with the moon will defeat the lunar children"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "Nice, you glow in the dark"
<span class="vip">[10:24 PM] Dawn: "Can someone please change my AA batteries?"</span>
[10:24 PM] yoshi: "that image gave me skin cancer"
[10:24 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Imagine this bright asshole ruining your sleep"
[10:24 PM] Jack: are The Sun and The Moon married or divorced?"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "That could be hot to date, like "oh sweetie is so dark" and you are like "dont worrie honey, i got this" and then you glow and have sex"
[10:24 PM] Pako: "<nowiki>https://www.amazon.com/Sun-Energise-Waterproof-Battery-Charger/dp/B084DP61FJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=batteries+to+sun&qid=1591928687&sr=8-1</nowiki>"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "wait so dawn is grillby"
[10:25 PM] nfreak141: "undertale canon"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen likes undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: yeah"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "laugh at him"
[10:25 PM] Dense: "alo sans"
[10:25 PM] Fancypigg: "hahahahahahahaahahaha"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "i wrote in amazon: batteries to sun"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jk i love undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: no, undertale is actually good."
<span class="vip">[10:25 PM] Dawn: "I'll have to try that line next time I find myself alone in a dark room with a female, Problem"</span>
[10:25 PM] Dense: "owo"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "i can be a female for you dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[10:25 PM] Problematik: "Thanks dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jacks name"
[10:25 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "thats GAY"
[10:25 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna tan the cooter"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "ik"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "or the booter :thinking:"
[10:26 PM] scout: "">i can be a female for you dawn" why am I not surprised the undertale fan said this"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] Dawn: "The best way to get a full-body tan"</span>
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "where the sun DOES shine :3DEyes:"
[10:26 PM] Jack: Hello eevee"
[10:26 PM] Jack: and also screw you wolf."
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i only recall the game"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i am not an active fan"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] Dawn: ""Haha, did you forget to flip over? You only have a tan on one side of your body""</span>
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "biSQUAD"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "bisquad"
[10:27 PM] Jack: i can't bc if i do an tan i will be less powerful."
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "only bi for ids"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "like jeff"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "still bi"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Bisquad"
[10:27 PM] scout: "nah not bi he just said he could be a female"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] Dawn: "I feel like getting that close to me would only result in skin cancer"</span>
[10:27 PM] scout: "what the fuck is that about xen"
[10:27 PM] Fancypigg: "hes a frog"
[10:27 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I image a full body blister"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "doesnt matter, had sex"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "what is what about"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Transquility"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] Dawn: "What if the glow is an STI?"</span>
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Or an std"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "sun transmitted infection"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "sun transmitted -"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "FICK"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "even"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Frick?"
[10:28 PM] Jack: :eve: is that eevee reborn? lol"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":worried:"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "that's the pokemon"
<span class="vip">[10:28 PM] Dawn: "That's xen"</span>
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "maybe"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Xen is the sexiest man in ID"
[10:29 PM] Jack: maybe its xen"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually yosh"
[10:29 PM] scout: "unfortunately that is eve"
[10:29 PM] Jack: oh damn"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "no"
[10:29 PM] Problematik: "Then goes jacob"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "god no"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "A"
[10:29 PM] scout: "she was not aware of what she was doing"
[10:29 PM] Jack: holy turns out"
[10:29 PM] Jack: that is an thot?"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is thoth"
[10:29 PM] Dense: "Sexiest man? CircleHunter"
[10:29 PM] Pako: "thoth 33"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is ezekiel thoth himself]"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "in the flesh"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "thoth"
[10:29 PM] Jack: thot"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "*thoth"
[10:29 PM] Fancypigg: "thoth"
<span class="vip">[10:29 PM] Dawn: "But I really should get going. I'll pop in and out as wifi signal is good. Again, anything else you guys need from me?"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Other than apparently some cheez-its and oj"</span>
[10:30 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "rice"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Parallelos cheetos"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "for you to be careful"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "some rice"
[10:30 PM] yoshi: "a will to live"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I feel like this is important"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "And red bull"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Oh and cereal"
<span class="vip">[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Alright let's make a shopping list"</span>
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get good footage"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "if you can buy"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "buy some rice"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "oh and thome tecate"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "and chicken"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Cheetos, red bull, cereal"
[10:31 PM] Problematik: "And nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Jack: equals dead"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "BUY LIST:"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "just bring the entire store"
[10:31 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Tecate is the worst garbage"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh shit another update"
<span class="vip">[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"</span>
[10:31 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:31 PM] scout: "@The Sun jnb, ligher fluid, and a flashlight"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "classic dov"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "something else?"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: what even is this"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is talking"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "making a shopping list"
[10:31 PM] Jack: @The Sun  totino's pizza rolls"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "walking to florida"
<span class="vip">[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Fleshlight"</span>
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "literally just teleport an entire walmart to everyones house"
[10:31 PM] Dense: "Fleshlight...?"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "and finally watermelon"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh okay"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "madame"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "problem solved"
[10:32 PM] scout: "i said flashlight you unfunny solar fucker"
<span class="vip">[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Hey ARG"</span>
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "we need SECRETS"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "not selects"
<span class="vip">[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Long time no see"</span>
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "though"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "Wh"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "those would probably be good too"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "a"
[10:32 PM] Jack: a"
[10:32 PM] Problematik: "Some will to live could be good"
[10:32 PM] Jack: eevee when is going to do the other vid of JID series?"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Solar Fucker Fleshlight (Specifically for Scout)"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Totino's Pizza Rolls"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Watermelon"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Will to Live (Gelato and whipped cream)"
[10:33 PM] Dense: "Yes"</span>
[10:33 PM] Jack: nice"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "just that sun"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: hang on what"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "This list good?"</span>
[10:33 PM] Pako: "NO MORE"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "yes is good"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "we need all of it"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: how did i look away for a few hours and now you’re fine"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "HOT POCKETS"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "buy the walmart out"
[10:33 PM] nfreak141: "thome thun kitht"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to have a hard time carrying all of this to Yoshi's place"</span>
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "just literally purchase the franchise"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "oh no im getting ALL OF IT"
[10:33 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna carry that weight cowboy"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Liam, have you seen me? I'm always damn fine. B)"</span>
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: ":cowboy:"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "howdy"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "And use paper bags"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "No more plastic"
[10:34 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "im gonna end up with an entire goddamn grocery store at my house"
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: only recently"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm cutting my shopping list off at Hot Pockets"</span>
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: when you looked like you were fuckin dying"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I was dying"</span>
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "he got better liam"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "My power was stolen from me"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I used the last bit to get away"</span>
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: damn. that sucks fam."
[10:34 PM] Jack: oh crap"
[10:35 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking my way to Florida to try to get my holy book, which will allow me to re-establish my link with Helios and get my power back"</span>
[10:35 PM] Problematik: "In the morning you will feel better"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've never had one"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I think that's about where we're at"</span>
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you’re walking to Florida?"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "imagine almost dying but you have so many balls that you just tp out and go to wallmart"
[10:35 PM] ARGdov: i forgot helios is a legit entity lol"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, from Ohio"</span>
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Don't come"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I passed a huge Ark a bit ago"</span>
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "It's hell here"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "we've played sun song like three times"
[10:35 PM] nfreak141: "we ddi that. that'th how he got out we think"
[10:35 PM] Jack: is this and upd8?"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What's with the ark"
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: im sorry an Ark???"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Yeah"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, so I think I'm in kentucky"</span>
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the ark encounter"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Where coronel sanders lives?"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "that giant religious thing"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: ok hold up"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the retarded thing"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "he will lead us"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "<nowiki>https://arkencounter.com/tickets/</nowiki>"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "to the ark"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "^"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "what jacob posted"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, that thing"</span>
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "niceeeeeee"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: you’re gonna die of fuckin exposure walking between states like this"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Did you know it cost $50 to get in?"</span>
[10:36 PM] Jack: holy sheeps"
[10:36 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Make sure to wear protection"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: can we play the song of soaring for this lad?"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "I can't die from exposure. The Sun will protect me."</span>
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Bernie sanders looks like coronel sanders"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: ok but what about at night"
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "altho, dawn. apparently tyler ith waiting for you online or thomething"
[10:37 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Sun is really strong"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "Tyler's waiting for me?"</span>
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:37 PM] Jack: i think"
[10:37 PM] Jack: yes"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "At night I'll punch the darkness to death"</span>
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "the destination is the Tyler's house or the fishery?"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: i mean alright man if you’re sure you’re good"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "I'll be fine :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: hit us up if you need anything tho"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "also apparently "Tenebris" is watching you so try not to die"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "Well, from that it looks like he was waiting for me back in 2013"</span>
[10:38 PM] scout: "dawn if you come to Miami you will get ripped off because you're a tourist so don't come to Miami"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "2011 actually"</span>
[10:38 PM] nfreak141: "yeah that'th why i thaid to be careful"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a tourist"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: wait you can time travel?"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: what part of florida does all this shit happen in anyway"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I was born in Florida"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: oh"
[10:38 PM] Pako: "since 2011 tyler is waiting the sun?"
[10:38 PM] Fancypigg: "Florida"
[10:38 PM] scout: "central florida, LIAM"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: ayyy fellow florida man"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for your loss dawn that must be a burden to live with"
[10:38 PM] scout: "Liam*"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "and liam"
[10:38 PM] yoshi: "florida hell"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "welcome to eldery orange gator town"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's better than being born in Ohio"</span>
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: ew gross, that’s Orlando territory"
[10:39 PM] Jack: in florida are many toads yoshi"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "they go bup"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "there are a lot of frogs and toads"
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: altho i cant talk"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: im from the most memed city in florida"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's the sunshine state"</span>
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "hey buddy. lithp ith my thing."
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: actual hell"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "Therefore it is best"</span>
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: Jacksonville"
[10:39 PM] Dense: "awa"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "what"
[10:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida is spook"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "i was born in illinois so im just a stalk of corn tbh"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "im in orange park whats good"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: i am, unironically, born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida."
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: it is an eternal curse"
[10:40 PM] Jack: are you still have your powers? The sun?"
<span class="vip">[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was born and raised for a bit in Jacksonville, actually"</span>
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "liam we should hang out dude"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: then you know"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: and im sorry"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: jacob we do hang out"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh how ironic. you were born in the thunthine thtate."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "wha"
<span class="vip">[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was taken away at 3 though so I don't remember much"</span>
[10:40 PM] Jack: ok"
[10:40 PM] scout: "i am also a floridian"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: or do you mean in person"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "in person"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: cus im in santa monica now"
[10:40 PM] scout: "but sort of only technically because some people dissociate south florida"
[10:40 PM] yoshi: "im stuck in alabama so"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "well not ironic."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: i got out"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "the escape"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: but it’s with you forever"
[10:41 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "f"
<span class="vip">[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I was just asking these guys if they needed anything from me or wanted to ask any questions, and that's how I got this shopping list."
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Do you want to add something to it before I go, Liam?"</span>
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "which is apparently being delivered to my house"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "help"
[10:41 PM] Dense: "Oh"
<span class="vip">[10:41 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where I'll find a fleshlight at walmart"
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "But I know Yoshi wants it so"</span>
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "in the back"
[10:41 PM] nfreak141: "pharmathy area"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "what would i even use one for"
[10:42 PM] scout: "flashlight"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "lesbian masturbation"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "or rather get like a lighter"
[10:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "so you can light yourself up"
[10:42 PM] Jack: oh yeaaa"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: To the shopping list, no. But can you give like a Sparknotes on what exactly you’ve been doing for this whole time while quietly pretending to be a normal ID?"
[10:42 PM] yoshi: "theres better ways than that xen"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: cus like"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "what better ways"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: im still kinda shocked you’re not"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "tell me pls"
<span class="vip">[10:42 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean?"
[10:42 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a normal ID?"</span>
[10:42 PM] yoshi: "(points) HORNY"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you have fucking SUN POWERS"
[10:42 PM] Jack: are ya?"
[10:42 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:42 PM] Fancypigg: "we knew this"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "bitch i have frog powers"
<span class="vip">[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been saying that since forever though"</span>
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else here have sun powers?"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has always been god"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "its you that didnt believe it"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "your poing"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "t"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "point."
[10:43 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:43 PM] Jack: pointss"
[10:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn just needs sunny d"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: I have literally never heard this before you got nabbed"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "d"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "i summon an army of frogs"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: YES FR"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "nae naed"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
<span class="vip">[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been talking of the glorious light of the Sun and my amazing strength and endurance for the longest time. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
[10:43 PM] Dawn: "My powers are legend"</span>
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "sadly theyre feral and dont listen to me"
[10:43 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "this is how thelaw was eaten by frogs"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "now that you know, look its everywhere"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else have magical powers I don’t know about???"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "xens gay"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: SHUT UP WOLF"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "can't go a day without hearing about this man talking about the sun"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "long dick does count? Because I don't"
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "idk if you know about my powers"
[10:44 PM] nfreak141: "ith me bin hath thome magic powerth"
[10:44 PM] scout: "This sun power arc is stupid when do we get to the sideplot when we follow some random lunar children cult member escaping and reforming"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Jayckup has the ability to lose his eyebrow hairs at extreme speeds"</span>
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "i mean unless he's not active which is most days so"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just found Dawn's Kentucky selfie"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Fuck"</span>
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "You got it"</span>
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "nice"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I can uh summmon coffed"
[10:44 PM] Pako: "nice photoshop"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "his voice just does that"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: ""photoshop""
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg:"
jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
@yoshi this is also true"
[10:45 PM] aliveLiam: yall really on some shit"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "^"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I've been talking of my powers for ages now, Liam. So I'm a normal ID, right?"</span>
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "youre a normal ID dont listen to him"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "huh"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "Yes you are"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Are you saying I'm not normal just because I'm GLOWING?"</span>
[10:45 PM] Dense: "You are loved as anyone else"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "the real test"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "is erika canon"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Pako: "indeed"
[10:45 PM] nfreak141: "thath rathitht"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Who the fuck is erika"</span>
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "smh"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: i just"
[10:46 PM] Xenquility: "she's a canon character"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: okay"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "normal non-pumpkin-up-the-ass wolf can instantly incite a frenzy with cursed images"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "u ok lia"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "m"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "a very strong power"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "C o o l"
<span class="vip">[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Liam has a power too"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Shall I reveal it?"</span>
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: ":frogdance:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
<span class="vip">[10:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm gonna reveal it"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Get ready"</span>
[10:46 PM] Pako: ":whathesay:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] nfreak141: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "do it"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "DO IT"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "do it"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "DO IT"
[10:47 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has the power of building suspense"
<span class="vip">[10:47 PM] Dawn: ":BLANK: :kirby_ono: :dawn: :BLANK: ":frogcouch1::frogcouch2::frogcouch2::frogcouch3:"</span>
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:47 PM] nfreak141:"
<span class="vip">[10:47 PM] Dawn: "He can be with me on the casting couch and survive"</span>
[10:47 PM] Dense: ":movie_camera:"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: all my secrets, revealed"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the froggy casting couch"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the sexiest of couches"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn Liam"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "exactly jacob"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh god"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: tbh Dawn’s the only one who can handle me"
[10:47 PM] scout: "i have freed y ou all from your orange color prisons"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "for noe"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "now"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Scout ily"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "fried"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "holy fuck i cannot type today"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:48 PM] scout: "was getting really sick of it"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "scout gamejacking"
[10:48 PM] nfreak141: "you are a bro"
[10:48 PM] scout: "to be quite honest"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "ban scout"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "gamejacker"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "WH0t"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: @Wolfcat you gonna take that?"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "I'm red!"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "LIAM"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: :slight_smile:"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "WHY WOULD YOU PING HIM"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "also haou too"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: cus is funne"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've always been red"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "same haou"
[10:49 PM] nfreak141: "well pumpkin  head hath been thlowly lothing today. hueuehuehue"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "IT WAS LIAMS FAULT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "EVERYONE POINT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "LIAM"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "LIAAAAAAAMMM"
[10:49 PM] aliveLiam: is that the case? every time i ping him someone dies?"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "liam killed wolf?"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "@The Sun what can you tell us about the holy book, if anything?"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "has pretty sun pics in it"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "looks cool"
[10:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hot sun girls"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "local suns in your area"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hey"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "horny"
<span class="vip">[10:50 PM] Dawn: "Sure, but I really need to get going. I have a feeling the few cars that are entering the parking lot and leaving are because I'm still hanging out around here."</span>
[10:50 PM] Pako: "all oranges"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "FUCK OFF"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "haha xens orange too"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: thanks dad"
[10:50 PM] Fancypigg: "ty dawn"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: also bye dawn"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "sun can you save us?"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: save a spot on the couch for me"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya Sun"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "WOW WTF"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "im under the couch hiding"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCKING SHAME"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "yeah wtf guys"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "smh"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "will suck dick for my colour back"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "or puss"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "fr"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[10:51 PM] Pako: "sun give us our colours"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "hmu"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: will suck anything for Xen to not get his color back"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "ok whos he succin"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: panLiam"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: Ed: Liam is not actually pan"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I don't understand the concept of pansexuality"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "im bi/pan so"
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "that's exactly what a pan would say"
[10:52 PM] scout: "GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: gottem"
[10:52 PM] nfreak141: "ah damn i'm orange again"
[10:52 PM] Pako: "xen pink and rest orange?"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I return."
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "i just say bi because its easier and less confusing"
[10:52 PM] scout: "FUCK"
<span class="vip">[10:52 PM] Dawn: "The book essentially contains a lot of text that is very important to me. It's nearly one of a kind, and has been passed down from heir to heir. The text inside has been replaced, but the power and the core of the book itself is older than I even know. That being said, I was using it for a session at Tyler's place, and kinda left it there."</span>
[10:52 PM] scout: "i will win"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I WILL WIN"
<span class="vip">[10:52 PM] Dawn: "Also I cannot save you. Maybe if I still had my power, but I don't want to piss off mad pumpkin god"</span>
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You have no power here scoot the orange"
[10:52 PM] ARGdov: Wait “a session”"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "scouts abouta become canon"
[10:53 PM] ARGdov: Whats that mean"
<span class="vip">[10:53 PM] Dawn: "I need to go now; I'll see you guys"</span>
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scoot"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "good luck dude"
[10:53 PM] Fancypigg: "hope you rest well my dude"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "dont get jumped again"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont die dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "AAAAUAHG"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont sleep"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you Dawn!"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "also will post pumpkins for xen to be orange again"
[10:53 PM] Pako: "the sun will die on 7.5 billions of years so don't care"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you later Dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "I WILL DIE"
[10:53 PM] scout: "ON THIS HILL"
[10:54 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
<span class="vip2">[10:54 PM] DeadOne: You will."</span>
[10:54 PM] Dense: "shit"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn informs the players that he is currently walking from Ohio to Florida in order to retrieve a <b>holy book</b> he left there.
Dawn explains that his holy book was passed down from heir to heir, and that the text inside it has been replaced, buy the book's power and core is ancient.
Dawn says that Dawn used the book for a "<span class="canquote">session</span>" at Tyler's house, and it still remains there.
Dawn says that he's been walking for quite a while, and that he currently believes he is in Kentucky.
Dawn praises Helios throughout this conversation, cementing the fact that this Dawn is indeed the one players spoke to on Janus who owned the computer containing the sun notes.
Dawn says that he cannot teleport to Florida as his link with Helios has been severed and he has no more power left. He claims he will regain his power if he can retrieve his book, however.
Dawn doesn't know who attacked him - only that they captured him and hooked him up to "<span class="canquote">that infernal device</span>", which kept him in a state of torture.
Dawn says that he was actually born in Florida - he simply lives in Ohio.
Dawn claims that he is a normal Internet Detectives and that he's simply always claimed to have "<span class="canquote">sun powers</span>". This is true, because as a player, Dawn would often joke about being a member of a cult known as "<b>The Sun Children</b>" and possessing sun powers.
Pumpkinhead becomes active in this conversation and threatens the players.

Revision as of 14:21, 30 August 2021



Dawn after escaping the machine in Libertatea Soare.

Name Dawn
Alias Dawn Of a New Day
The Dawn
Affiliation Harbingers
The Sun Children
Gender Male
Status Alive
Relations Tyler (Unknown)
BUP (Enemy)

Dawn is a character who has been present since the beginning of Johnisdead. First appearing as a player during the YSHDT Arc, Dawn's status as a canon character was confirmed during the Our Horizon Arc, where it was revealed he was The Dawn - a high ranking member of a cult known as The Sun Children. Following this reveal, players helped Dawn escape a machine that had trapped his soul within the "Emerald Prison" Janus Room, after which he began a long journey to Florida to retrieve an old holy book that he had apparently left in Tyler's home. Once he arrived, Dawn was attacked by BUP, but he managed to fend him off and retrieve his book. Following this, Dawn was seemingly represented by a Rook Chess piece.


Dawn was born in Jacksonville, Florida sometime in the 1990's. He cannot remember much about his time in Florida, claiming that he was "taken away" at the age of three. Later in life he joined the Within Hubris Forums, becoming a long-standing member. In 2011, Dawn became friends with Tyler, often sharing art projects, talking philosophy, and played games. At some point, Dawn was inducted into The Sun Children - a cult that worships Helios. Though not much is known about him, Dawn's father was also a high ranking member of the cult, holding the esteemed title of The Dawn. At some point, Dawn's father was killed due to "Hubris". At this point, the rank of "The Dawn" was passed down to Dawn himself, and he gained various special powers such as that of teleportation from a sacred holy book of Helios. However, at some point, Dawn was separated from his holy book after leaving it at Tyler's house after some sort of "session".

Dawn trapped in the machine.

In 2015, Dawn joined the Internet Detectives in 2015 during the YSHDT Arc. Dawn was seemingly a normal player in the ARG up until March 7th, 2015, when Helper referred to him as a "Demon". Helper claimed this was because Dawn "seeks to create what the players did not", likely referring to how he often joked about wishing to kill the players' Link, Doug. On March 21st, the current GM of the ARG, The Man, asked to speak to Dawn in private. A few days later on March 25th, The Man confirmed that Dawn had "traded away" his Ocarina powers for some unknown reason.

Following the events of the YSHDT Arc, Dawn became largely inactive in the Internet Detectives. In 2020, he created Withinhubris.com - a general hub for the community that hosted various Wikis, such as the one you're currently reading. In April of 2020, Dawn began acting strange in the Internet Detectives Discord server, with his username changing to "|||||" as he posted strange screenshots of JanusVR environments. It is believed that around this time, Dawn was kidnapped and his special powers were mostly drained from him. Dawn was seemingly hooked into a machine that trapped his soul in the "Emerald Prison" Janus room.

Later on, layers discovered a new Chatango chatroom titled "The Real Within Hubris" through a blog post on Letschasethemouse. Here, TheLaw explained that he and Dawn are "the same in spirit" before proceeding to lead the players to the "Sun Tower" Janus room, which he describes as a sort of "digital lockbox" or "deadman's switch" that contains all of Dawn's accumulated information.

A section of the "Emerald Prison" Janus room.

In the "Sun Tower" Janus room, players discovered the login information needed to access Dawn's desktop via "Anydesk" - a remote desktop viewing software. Dawn's passwords were named after some of his favorite sweets - "lindttruffles", "whippedcream", and "gelato". As players explored Dawn's files, they uncovered the existence of the "Sun Children", and Dawn's involvement with them. Players also discovered various text commands that could be used in the hidden command line found on Withinhubris.com. Once entered, these commands led players to the "Spire" Janus room.

On May 4th, Dawn's Discord account began acting strangely once again. The next day, players were led back to the "Spire" Janus room where Stackoverflow led them to the "Emerald Prison" Janus room. Here, players encountered Dawn, who was still imprisoned and entrapped by two blue entities named Dead. Dawn was unsure how long he had been trapped in the Emerald Prison, only that, in this state, he was unable to die and pass on the title of "The Dawn". Fortunately, the players were able to free him by submitting the "Sun's Song". Dawn's escape can be seen in the videos maşină and Libertatea Soare, where he wakes up in the machine he was previously entrapped by. Dawn pulls out various cords and wires that were connected to his body before opening a portal and escaping.

Dawn shortly after fending off BUP.

After Dawn escaped the machine, he began travelling towards Florida. He explained that his connection with Helios had been severed since he is no longer in possession of his holy book, which was still at Tyler's house. Over the next couple weeks, Dawn would occasionally chat with players in the Internet Detectives Discord server, asking them for advice and updating them as he travelled to Florida on foot. Throughout these chats, he revealed that he was being followed by some sort of entity. At some point, Dawn rented out a motel room. Here, he left a variety of taunting messages directed at the entity that was tracking him, which would later come across them and become enraged as seen in the video following.mp4.

When Dawn eventually arrived at Tyler's house, he was attacked by BUP. The two engaged in a swordfight, as seen in the video halo.mp4. Dawn managed to fend off BUP and proceeded to enter Tyler's home, where he finally recovered his holy book. Following this, Dawn was represented by a Rook Chess piece. Afterwards, Dawn thanked the players for assisting him and promised to help them in the future should they ever need him.


Dawn is an incredibly relaxed individual, often cracking jokes and not taking on a very serious tone, even when the stakes are high. After escaping a horrific machine and embarking on a massive journey on-foot, Dawn still took time to have casual conversations with his friends in the Internet Detectives. Even when placed in the worst situation possible, such as during his time trapped within the "Emerald Prison" Janus room and faced with death, Dawn maintained a cool-headed approach to things, mainly complaining about his boredom and inability to continue his duties with with Sun Children. Despite all of this, Dawn is very devout to Helios and places his religious duties above all else.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Dawn.


5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence - Withinhubris.com

Dawn: "How did you get here?"
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"

nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
Dawn: "The weird blue thing"
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."

Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."

xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."
stackoverflow: "are you one of us"
Dawn: "He may not even be aware"
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
Dawn: "TheLaw?"
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."

nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."
stackoverflow: "are you a god?"
Yoshi: "no."
stackoverflow: "then"
Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"
stackoverflow: "die"
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"

Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"
Yoshi: "im an observer"
stackoverflow: "of?"
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"

Yoshi: "these places"
stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"
dead: "will she come back?"
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"
dead: "no no no"
stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"

dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"

nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
stackoverflow: "bubble?"
nfreak: "sounds like it."
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"

Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"
stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"
Yoshi: "i can tell"
Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
dead: "walking?"
Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."
dead: "no"
dead: "run?"

Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"
stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"
Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
dead: "no"
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"
stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"

Dawn: "please don't let it out"
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"
dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"

Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"
dead: "stay"
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
dead: "she will stay"
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
dead: "1"
Dawn: "That's disgusting"
dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"

xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"

Dawn: "HELPA"
dead: "555"
stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"
Dawn: "yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"

xenquility: "Yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."

nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
stackoverflow: "Who are you."
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."

Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."

Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
stackoverflow: "Then who"
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"

Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"

xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"


  • Dawn informs the players that he's been imprisoned in the "Emerald Prison" Janus map by the two dead_1266 entities. He is unsure how long he's been trapped here.
  • Dawn claims that the "Emerald Prison" was created specifically to imprison his soul. He claims he's traied to escape several times, but his soul is repeatedly sent back.
  • Dawn ponders if the sun god Helios would be able to save him if he knew he was there, implying that this Dawn is indeed the sun cultist Dawn who took all of the sun notes.
  • The players question Dawn on what he can remember in an attempt discern his true identity. He claims that he doesn't remember being the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead, but he does remember TheLaw joining the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • Dawn is unsure of what the dead_1266 entities want with him. He believes they either have some sort of plan for him, or they want to simply lock away the power of Helios - something Dawn would contain, as he is the current "Dawn" of the sun cult.
  • The players ponder if submitting the "Sun's Song" would free Dawn.
  • Stackoverflow is still angered that the players have invaded their home, claiming they have "taken" it from them. He begins threatening the players.
  • The dead_1266 entities often speak nonsensical phrases throughout this conversation.
  • Prominence gives the players the hint "the missing 13hh ast".

    6/11/20 - Chat with Dawn and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "was doing it by hand
    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "f
    [9:38 PM] Fancypigg: "epic
    [9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "F
    [9:38 PM] Dawn: "F"
    [9:38 PM] Pako: "F"
    [9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "But cool Xen"
    [9:38 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey dawn"
    [9:38 PM] nfreak141: "..."
    [9:38 PM] nfreak141: "DAWN"
    [9:39 PM] Dawn: "Sup"
    [9:39 PM] Problematik: "Thats how a real man works"
    [9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn!"
    [9:39 PM] Problematik: "How are you doing?"
    [9:39 PM] nfreak141: "tho you managed to get out. like a man."
    [9:39 PM] Jos: "F"
    [9:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm doing alright"
    [9:39 PM] Dawn: "Walkin n shit"

    [9:39 PM] scout: "uhhhh"
    [9:39 PM] Dawn: "Been walking for a long time"
    [9:39 PM] scout: "we've already seen the wayward horizon stuff on within hubris right"
    [9:39 PM] scout: "and solved that"
    [9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uhhhhh"
    [9:40 PM] Pako: "it's fine he escaped from a machine"
    [9:40 PM] Xenquility: "the patrem stuff?"
    [9:40 PM] scout: "https://withinhubris.net/viewforum.php?f=25"
    [9:40 PM] scout: "this is what I mean"
    [9:40 PM] Xenquility: "oh that uh"
    [9:40 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure that's just the og wayward stuff and if so yeah"
    [9:40 PM] nfreak141: "scout that's ben drowned stuff"
    [9:40 PM] scout: "I ask because"
    [9:40 PM] yoshi: "hey dawn"
    [9:40 PM] Problematik: "Can you give us some details about that place?"
    [9:40 PM] Dawn: "Hey"
    [9:40 PM] scout: "there are little snippets of text at the bottom of each post that say something like"
    [9:41 PM] Dawn: "Details about what place?"
    [9:41 PM] scout: ""Originally posted by" etc."
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "hope your walks going well"
    [9:41 PM] scout: "and they coincide around the date of that message"
    [9:41 PM] Pako: "about the machine"
    [9:41 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hmm I see where your going scout"
    [9:41 PM] Dawn: "I mean it's not by choice but it's a good workout"
    [9:41 PM] scout: "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34"
    [9:41 PM] Pako: "did you rememeber something?"
    [9:41 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get rid of my belly somehow"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "shouldve invested in a car"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "heard theyre popular these days"
    [9:41 PM] Dawn: "When I awoke my car was gone"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "damn"
    [9:41 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "f"
    [9:42 PM] Fancypigg: "woke"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "F"
    [9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Your car is gone"
    [9:42 PM] Xenquility: "damn no wayback machine dates on february 2011"
    [9:42 PM] nfreak141: "nope"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "shit"
    [9:42 PM] Dawn: "Some green ass man probably took it"
    [9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Shit"
    [9:42 PM] Dawn: "Can't trust the greens"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "uhh"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "doug?"
    [9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Green ass man?"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "gofundme for dawn to get a fuckin uber"
    [9:42 PM] Xenquility: "fucken green people"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "hahah"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "yes"
    [9:42 PM] nfreak141: "kill all the green people"
    [9:42 PM] Dawn: ":keljump:"
    [9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":hulkkid:"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "the frogs are green"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "so"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "not all are green"
    [9:43 PM] nfreak141: "...a frog took dawn'th car. maketh thenthe"
    [9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So uh, where ya walking to buddy?"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "almost"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "all"
    [9:43 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you see another people in a green place?"
    [9:43 PM] Dawn: "I was making a joke about Kelbris"
    [9:43 PM] Problematik: "Fuck"
    [9:43 PM] yoshi: "gh"
    [9:43 PM] yoshi: "gg even"
    [9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Haha Kelbris steals cars now"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "ahahha"
    [9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "xen or wolf"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "xD"
    [9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "it was me"
    [9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "im sorry"
    [9:43 PM] Pako: "uhhh"
    [9:43 PM] yoshi: "that fucker cant even drive, he has no eyes"
    [9:43 PM] Dawn: "But nah, I'm walkin"
    [9:44 PM] Pako: "almostt"
    [9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "phew"
    [9:44 PM] Problematik: "Kelbris should come to mexico to make some profit"
    [9:44 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get to my destination"
    [9:44 PM] nfreak141: "don't you have like teleport powerth?"
    [9:44 PM] Pako: "which?"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "erika walks too"
    [9:44 PM] yoshi: "which is?"
    [9:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm erika"
    [9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What destination"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "knew it"
    [9:44 PM] Problematik: "Where are you exactly? And where are you going?"
    [9:44 PM] Pako: "tyler's house"
    [9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Where ya going dawn"
    [9:44 PM] Pako: "xD"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "dawn always struck me as the erika type"
    [9:44 PM] Dawn: "It's pretty dark out so I'm hanging out in a walmart"
    [9:44 PM] yoshi: "th(erika) sun"
    [9:44 PM] Dawn: "Well, not in because of corona"
    [9:44 PM] Dawn: "Around"

    [9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh corona"
    [9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh"
    [9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "corona canon"
    [9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to know there's walmarts in the parallelos. Fukn chinese..."
    [9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh ok Dawn"
    [9:45 PM] Dawn: "Paralellos?"
    [9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts in parallelos"
    [9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf hes in the parallelos?"
    [9:45 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Im joking"
    [9:45 PM] nfreak141: "pretty thure he'th out now"
    [9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sheesh"
    [9:45 PM] Pako: "paralellos are dark"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "my ass is in the parallelos"
    [9:45 PM] Problematik: "Even in parallelos they need to buy food"
    [9:46 PM] scout: "so dawn do you just have like holes in your body that you're bleeding out of now or did you bandage them up or what"
    [9:46 PM] Pako: "in paralellos the people eat grass"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "pick me up some A S T R A L C H I P S from the A S C E N D E D W A L M A R T please"
    [9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who beat you up man?"
    [9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Parallelos got some sushi"
    [9:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm heading down to Florida"
    [9:46 PM] Fancypigg: "O"
    [9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
    [9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "O"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "damn nice"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "where in florida?"
    [9:46 PM] Dawn: "It's taking a while to walk there"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "what's the occasion?"
    [9:46 PM] Problematik: "Something to do in florida?"
    [9:46 PM] scout: "you're gonna walk to Florida?"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for gators"
    [9:46 PM] nfreak141: "...thong of thoaring would be pretty cool"
    [9:46 PM] Dawn: "To be honest I just picked one direction and started walking"
    [9:47 PM] yoshi: "bruh you need a lift or some shit?"
    [9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hope its not north"
    [9:47 PM] Problematik: "Also is not a good idea to go to the beach during the corona shit"
    [9:47 PM] yoshi: "floridas a straight drive down from where im at in alabama"
    [9:47 PM] yoshi: "hmu"
    [9:47 PM] Pako: "so the destianation is the Tyler's house."
    [9:47 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will, Yoshi"
    [9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's a lot of walking"
    [9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yes, please social distance as you walk the path again and again."
    [9:47 PM] Pako: "he is the second"
    [9:47 PM] Pako: "hahah"
    [9:47 PM] scout: "dawn get like a long thin piece of metal and slide it into the little gap between the drivers window and the drivers door"
    [9:48 PM] Xenquility: "deep"
    [9:48 PM] scout: "and then wiggle it around until it goes click and open the driver door"
    [9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm strong. I don't need no social distancing. :muscle_1: :dawn: :muscle_2:"
    [9:48 PM] Problematik: "Should we ordered you an uber?"
    [9:48 PM] yoshi: "we can break into disney world too and steal some merch"
    [9:48 PM] yoshi: "then go wherever you need to be"
    [9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not stealing cars"
    [9:48 PM] Dawn: "That's not lawful"

    [9:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So why do you need to go to fl? Sunshine state?"
    [9:48 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
    [9:49 PM] Pako: "he isn't a green ass dude"
    [9:49 PM] Problematik: "Get some crocodiles"
    [9:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn. Be careful my dude"
    [9:49 PM] nfreak141: "they caught you onthe, they can catch you again."
    [9:49 PM] Xenquility: "just dont sleep tbh"
    [9:49 PM] Dawn: "Because I left something there a little while ago"
    [9:49 PM] Dawn: "I need to retrieve it"

    [9:49 PM] yoshi: "smh dude make it to central alabama and you dont gotta walk anymore, hmu for spooky florida trip"
    [9:49 PM] Problematik: "And if something bad happens, talk to us"
    [9:49 PM] Xenquility: "is tyler the baby you left on a random person's doorstep"
    [9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Spooky Florida"
    [9:50 PM] Xenquility: "do you need him back"
    [9:50 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will. To be honest I don't know which way is alabama from here."
    [9:50 PM] nfreak141: "what did you leave?"
    [9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Man, wouldnt happen to be like a necklace, or server, would it?"
    [9:50 PM] yoshi: "baby crying noises except its tyler going super saiyan"
    [9:50 PM] Pako: "tyler is scary because dawn is coming"
    [9:50 PM] yoshi: "where are you at rn?"
    [9:50 PM] scout: "dawn where are you even walking to Florida from"
    [9:51 PM] Dawn: "Ohio"
    [9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
    [9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
    [9:51 PM] yoshi: "yikes dude"
    [9:51 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [9:51 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you just like uber or thomething?"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "my lord"
    [9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya in 20years bro"
    [9:51 PM] scout: "youre gonna walk to Florida from Ohio, nigga you crazy"
    [9:51 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a giant ark a bit ago"
    [9:51 PM] Dawn: "So I think kentucky?"

    [9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sun you got some strong legs my dude"
    [9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo, hit up some BBQ"
    [9:52 PM] Dawn: "Helios built me in his image."
    [9:52 PM] Dawn: "I was thinking about getting some bourbon"

    [9:52 PM] Fancypigg: "ncie"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "do it"
    [9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "NICE"
    [9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Mmmm, Southern Comfort & OJ"
    [9:52 PM] Dawn: "Also an uber from Ohio to Florida costs like $5000"
    [9:52 PM] yoshi: "bruh"
    [9:52 PM] yoshi: "rip ur legs"
    [9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Could you take a bus or something"
    [9:53 PM] yoshi: "also accidental yoshi doxx"
    [9:53 PM] scout: "dawn is doing some forrest gump bullshit right now"
    [9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@scout lol"
    [9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
    [9:53 PM] Dawn: "Got no money"
    [9:53 PM] Dawn: "Wallet went missing"

    [9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "got no grace"
    [9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""rip ur legs" More like: Legs ur ripped"
    [9:53 PM] Dawn: "Honestly speaking I'm typing up on a shitty $20 walmart phone right now"
    [9:53 PM] Dawn: "Using the walmart wifi"

    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "damn"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "f"
    [9:54 PM] Pako: "is more expensive if you go walking because you need to stop more times to eat"
    [9:54 PM] Dawn: "I don't need to eat"
    [9:54 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why?"
    [9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "he can live off the land like a man"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "well ok"
    [9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dawn"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "photosynthesis"
    [9:54 PM] Dawn: "The typical human can live like a month without food"
    [9:54 PM] Dawn: "Right?"

    [9:54 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you like teleport?"
    [9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok, cool"
    [9:54 PM] scout: "id say more like 2 weeks"
    [9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "so he will get there just in time"
    [9:54 PM] Dawn: "I already used the little bit of power I had left"
    [9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "nvm"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "bout to reference a specific tumblr meme here"
    [9:54 PM] Pako: "1 month without walking"
    [9:54 PM] Dawn: "Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back"
    [9:55 PM] yoshi: "hey peabrain, you teleport?"
    [9:55 PM] scout: "congrats yoshi nobody understood the reference"
    [9:55 PM] scout: "are you happy"
    [9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back" Yes, yes you will"
    [9:55 PM] Pako: "but if you do exercise and don't eat you will die"
    [9:55 PM] yoshi: "yes"
    [9:55 PM] Dawn: "Hoping I can teleport back to Ohio once I get my power"
    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmao eve"
    [9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "lol"
    [9:55 PM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
    [9:55 PM] yoshi: "i am absolutely pleased with myself scout"
    [9:55 PM] Dense: "Sun"
    [9:55 PM] scout: "damn why are you about to walk to Florida just to teleport back to Ohio"
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "Need a dispencer here"
    [9:56 PM] yoshi: "at least teleport into disney world and steal one of the mickey suits for a meme"
    [9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles"
    [9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
    [9:56 PM] Pako: "haha"
    [9:56 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt have his power rb"
    [9:56 PM] yoshi: "rn"
    [9:56 PM] scout: "you need a better travel agent my man this sounds stupid"
    [9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Teleportation sounds cool"
    [9:56 PM] Dawn: "Scout, I can't teleport right now. I used up the last bit of power a bit ago, sadly. My link with Helios is currently severed."
    [9:56 PM] Dawn: "I need my holy book"

    [9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
    [9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "What book?"
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: ""Helios Link" new terminology page when"
    [9:57 PM] nfreak141:"Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles" @Deleted User jutht to thee you tonight"
    [9:57 PM] yoshi: "@helios bro wyd help my man dawn out"
    [9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
    [9:57 PM] Pako: "did you spend a lot of power escaping?"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: "is it the book that someone who sounded like you quoted in a call a while back"
    [9:57 PM] scout: ">jutht to thee you tonight"
    what? what'd you say? speak up I can't hear you I can't understand you"
    [9:57 PM] yoshi: "AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES"
    [9:57 PM] Dawn: "A lot of my power was stolen from me"
    [9:57 PM] scout: "also dawn needs the Libro Lunaris"
    [9:57 PM] Problematik: "I see, thanks xen"
    [9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who took it from you dawn"
    [9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn, who beat you up tho"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: "yes dawn needs the moonbook"
    [9:57 PM] Fancypigg: "gg"
    [9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That head wound is nasty"
    [9:58 PM] Pako: "where is that libro?"
    [9:58 PM] Pako: "in the spire?"
    [9:58 PM] yoshi: "dawns power got the succ"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Im will sent you a care package with some good mexican food"
    [9:58 PM] Fancypigg: "cate"
    [9:58 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
    [9:58 PM] nfreak141: "cate"
    [9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "cate"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Cake"
    [9:58 PM] Dawn: "I don't really know who"
    [9:58 PM] Dawn: "They blindsided me"

    [9:58 PM] yoshi: "also realizing now that unless you get way off track you wont end up in alabama"
    [9:58 PM] yoshi: "f"
    [9:58 PM] Dawn: "I thought this impossible, as Helios watches all"
    [9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn, surprise attack."
    [9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Did they have a sword?"
    [9:59 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
    [9:59 PM] Xenquility: "good idea"
    [9:59 PM] nfreak141: "doeth heh watch all at night?"
    [9:59 PM] Pako: "greth got a sword"
    [9:59 PM] Problematik: "That person who beat you up, did he talked? And if he said a word, do you remember his voice?"
    [9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
    [9:59 PM] yoshi: "if somehow you get off track and end up here the offers still good, buuut if you walk the actually fastest route you wont"
    [9:59 PM] yoshi: "f"
    [10:00 PM] nfreak141: "thimp"
    [10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 tell that to your account owner"
    [10:00 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for wild mugens in north carolina"
    [10:00 PM] Problematik: "Stfu bin"
    [10:00 PM] yoshi: "i heard theyre vicious this time of year"
    [10:00 PM] Problematik: "Chris is a simp"
    [10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Bruh"
    [10:00 PM] Dawn: "I don't really remember any voices"
    [10:00 PM] yoshi: "sump"
    [10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sunp"
    [10:01 PM] Pako: "did you see anybody strange?"
    [10:01 PM] nfreak141: "you remember tenebrith? he had a meththage for ou"
    [10:01 PM] Dawn: "My time hooked to that infernal device was one of torture. It kept me locked in a state from which I couldn't recover."
    [10:01 PM] Dawn: "But all of that will change once I get my book."

    [10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Would you be able to recover your power Dawn?"
    [10:02 PM] nfreak141: ""sump" That's actually a secondary fishtank that people use to filter saltwater in."
    [10:02 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The more you know"
    [10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@Deleted User Really? Nice"
    [10:02 PM] Xenquility: "also"
    [10:02 PM] Xenquility: "are you heading to panama city"
    [10:02 PM] Problematik: "Come to mexico"
    [10:03 PM] Dense: "Wow problem how do u kno"
    [10:03 PM] Dense: "Too late bud"
    [10:03 PM] yoshi: "come 2 brazil"
    [10:03 PM] Fancypigg: "come 2 brazil"
    [10:03 PM] HaouDeSoul: "come 2 Brazil"
    [10:03 PM] Pako: "come 2 antartic"
    [10:03 PM] yoshi: "pls"
    [10:03 PM] Dawn: "Man, if Florida takes 2 weeks, brazil would take like...3"
    [10:03 PM] yoshi: "br? br?"
    [10:03 PM] Pako: "3? only"
    [10:04 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead is down"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "whot"
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "just swim across the gulf on a gator"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "still up for me"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "I can enter"
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "jid is fine for me"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "ok"
    [10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Jid is fine?"
    [10:04 PM] Fancypigg: "same for me"
    [10:04 PM] nfreak141: "thtill up"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "you has been banned problem"
    [10:04 PM] scout: "does exalted have a janus room or are we sort of done fucking with janus"
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "banned for arg crimes"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "you know that feeling"
    [10:04 PM] nfreak141: "it doeth not"
    [10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "No Janus in exalted"
    [10:04 PM] Problematik: "Nvm was a shitty connection problem"
    [10:04 PM] Pako: "I was banned like 3 times in jid,com"
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "gg"
    [10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Y'all don't use VPN?"
    [10:05 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
    [10:05 PM] Pako: "so slow"
    [10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Not really"
    [10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "ha"
    [10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting for like"
    [10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting since I started using a computer"
    [10:05 PM] scout: "and I have never once used a VPN"
    [10:05 PM] scout: "i just Don't Care"
    [10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [10:05 PM] Xenquility: "same"
    [10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "fuck the police"
    [10:05 PM] scout: "i seed without a vpn"
    [10:05 PM] Pako: "in the street"
    [10:06 PM] Dawn: "We got a badass over here"
    [10:06 PM] yoshi: "ill fight the cops"
    [10:06 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
    [10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Cool scout"
    [10:06 PM] Pako: "believe me"
    [10:06 PM] Dense: "same"
    [10:06 PM] scout: "police do not give a shit about torrentors"
    [10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] scout: "unless you're eastern european and you own a torrenting site"
    [10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "polie"
    [10:06 PM] Dawn: "But you know who does care about the torrents?"
    [10:06 PM] Dawn: "Maybe not the polie"

    [10:06 PM] Problematik: "What about to take a break dawn, could be good for you"
    [10:06 PM] yoshi: "IIIII I SAW THAT"
    [10:06 PM] Dense: "awa"
    [10:06 PM] Dawn: "But THE LAW :muscle_1: :ANGERY3D: :muscle_2:"
    [10:06 PM] yoshi: "I SAW YOU REACT TYLER"
    [10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
    [10:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [10:06 PM] Xenquility: "thelaw is important"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "*the law"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "but apparently susceptible to frogs"
    [10:07 PM] yoshi: "tyler reacted on the pumpkin above for like .5 seconds"
    [10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
    [10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah right"
    [10:07 PM] Dawn: "Frogs?"
    [10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "FROGS?"
    [10:07 PM] Dawn: "F R O G S"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "FROGSSSSSSS"
    [10:07 PM] yoshi: "yeah uh"
    [10:07 PM] yoshi: "sorry bout that"
    [10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "FROGS"
    [10:07 PM] Dawn: "It's okay"
    [10:07 PM] Dawn: "I didn't like him anyways"

    [10:07 PM] Pako: "is true that IIIII is always here?"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [10:07 PM] Pako: "xDD"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "you know who that guy was"
    [10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "IIIII is always here"
    [10:08 PM] Pako: "haha"
    [10:08 PM] yoshi: "he literally reacted to that pumpkin above so yes"
    [10:08 PM] Xenquility: "way to drop a bombshell"
    [10:08 PM] Pako: "is like god"
    [10:08 PM] yoshi: "hi tyler"
    [10:08 PM] Pako: "he is watching us"
    [10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Watching"
    [10:08 PM] yoshi: "i saw that."
    [10:08 PM] scout: "hey IIIII"
    [10:08 PM] scout: "blow me"
    [10:08 PM] scout: "ahahahaha gottem"
    [10:08 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [10:08 PM] Pako: "come play with us IIIII"
    [10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Btfo"
    [10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
    [10:08 PM] scout: "i saw that react"
    [10:08 PM] scout: "lmao"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Also drink water"
    [10:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "IIIII is spoookt"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Water"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Good"
    [10:09 PM] yoshi: "i was looking to see who was spam reacting/unreacting and saw it lmao"
    [10:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "FOR GOD SAKES DRINK WATER"
    [10:09 PM] scout: "if i hear another one of you fucks say "drink water guys!!" I'm gonna fucking murder one of you"
    [10:09 PM] yoshi: "what if i dont"
    [10:09 PM] Pako: "don't drink water"
    [10:09 PM] yoshi: "everyone tell scout to drink water"
    [10:09 PM] Pako: "drink coca cola"
    [10:09 PM] yoshi: "right now"
    [10:09 PM] scout: "FUCK you I'm gonna drink MORE diet soda"
    [10:09 PM] Pako: "or pepsi"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Yes, water is good for preventing you to get corona and evade 5g cancer"
    [10:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "AGUITA"
    [10:10 PM] Pako: "how you know?"
    [10:10 PM] scout: "i will FURTHER RUIN my TOOTH ENAMEL"
    [10:10 PM] Dawn: "5g cancer is how I get my power"
    [10:10 PM] Problematik: "Bc im the lord of hydration"
    [10:10 PM] Dawn: "The radiation empowers me"
    [10:10 PM] Problematik: "Oh"
    [10:10 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"
    [10:10 PM] yoshi: "gg"
    [10:10 PM] Dawn: "Drink Sunny D."
    [10:10 PM] Pako: "yes fuck"
    [10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That was an epic battle tbh"
    [10:11 PM] Problematik: "WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
    [10:11 PM] Dawn: "Holy fuck"
    [10:11 PM] Dawn: "PaKo new bin"

    [10:11 PM] Fancypigg: "yes fuck :lewd:"
    [10:11 PM] Pako: "the sunny is like orange juice right?"
    [10:11 PM] nfreak141: "um... fucking thcuthe?"
    [10:11 PM] Dense: "The law..."
    [10:11 PM] nfreak141: "thay that again and imma thell you tF out"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "ey teleport and bring me some fresh OJ before going back to ohio ty"
    [10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sunshine drank"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "that good florida shit"
    [10:11 PM] scout: "">thay that again and imma thell you tF out" why do you do this"
    [10:11 PM] scout: "this is the most retarded shit ever"
    [10:11 PM] Dawn: "Alright, will do"
    [10:11 PM] scout: "just type normally"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "nice bro"
    [10:12 PM] Problematik: "I apologize dawn cuz he is a sun, but pako? Hes a fucking human, he needs to drink water"
    [10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida oranges are over rated. Mandarine oranges are the new shit. China rules over the world now"
    [10:12 PM] Pako: "no"
    [10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "China"
    [10:12 PM] Problematik: "I will fight pako if he doesnt drink water"
    [10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "you're going to China"
    [10:12 PM] Pako: "I'm a mars"
    [10:12 PM] Dawn: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fql5Am95p28"
    [10:12 PM] Dawn: "^My feelings"
    [10:12 PM] yoshi: "im going to drink PURE SALT"
    [10:12 PM] yoshi: "UNTIL I SHRIVEL"
    [10:12 PM] Pako: "hey I'm mars"
    [10:13 PM] scout: ">Florida oranges are over rated."
    [10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Gonna drink nada"
    [10:13 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
    [10:13 PM] yoshi: "im uranus"
    [10:13 PM] yoshi: "hehehehehehehehehhehehe"
    [10:13 PM] nfreak141: "thank you for that beautiful video. i am now stealing it."
    [10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scout pulling out rlm memes"
    [10:13 PM] Dawn: "You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men"
    [10:13 PM] Problematik: "Dawn, i said that i apologize you cuz u are a sun, and suns cant drink water"
    [10:14 PM] nfreak141: "HEY"
    [10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "DAWN LOL"
    [10:14 PM] nfreak141: "maybe"
    [10:14 PM] yoshi: "bifreak141"
    [10:14 PM] Problematik: "Fucking nfreak"
    [10:14 PM] nfreak141: "also because i have something to post when haou says "drink water guys""
    [10:14 PM] nfreak141: "i don't remember saying you could use my name"
    [10:14 PM] Pako: "the water is bad to the sun"
    [10:14 PM] Problematik: "Sorry"
    [10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:"
    [10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
    [10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men" Quick delete it before Dov shows up"
    [10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH SHIIIIT"
    [10:15 PM] Pako: "in pokemon the water beat the fire"
    [10:15 PM] yoshi: "when u water"
    [10:15 PM] Problematik: "The rock, the earth"
    [10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "ohhh"
    [10:15 PM] Pako: "he is god"
    [10:15 PM] Pako: "haha"
    [10:15 PM] Pako: "pussy lake"
    [10:15 PM] Pako: "is hard to cross"
    [10:15 PM] Problematik: "Time to get some Pussy"
    [10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Time to get some Pussy" Thank me for my service"
    [10:16 PM] Pako: ":roommate:"
    [10:16 PM] scout: "">is hard to cross" I sail through the pussy lake like I'm hauling new spices and syphilis"
    [10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sure"
    [10:16 PM] Problematik: "Thank you lady"
    [10:17 PM] Fancypigg: "Thank you lady"
    [10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I now realise the error of that quote without context.... oof"
    [10:17 PM] scout: "I'll pass"
    [10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
    [10:17 PM] Dense: "w"
    [10:18 PM] scout: "did anyone else see deadone typing"
    [10:18 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm a little worried hanging around this closed walmart is going to give me a bad look. I'm gonna start walking again."
    [10:18 PM] Problematik: "Yep"
    [10:18 PM] Dawn: "Was there anything you guys wanted before I go?"
    [10:18 PM] yoshi: "shhh we dont talk about deadfuck"
    [10:18 PM] scout: "a selfie"
    [10:18 PM] scout: "with today's newspaper"
    [10:18 PM] yoshi: "get me some cheez its"
    [10:18 PM] scout: "or date"
    [10:18 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts close?"
    [10:18 PM] yoshi: "oh wait its closed nvm"
    [10:18 PM] Dawn: "A selfie with this $20 walmart phone?"
    [10:19 PM] Problematik: "Can you buy me some parallelos cheetos"
    [10:19 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, walmarts have been closing early since corona hit"
    [10:19 PM] yoshi: "uhhhhhhh borger"
    [10:19 PM] scout: "i didnt even know walmart sold phones"
    [10:19 PM] Problematik: "Sleep in wallmart, they have good beds"
    [10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh, you right."
    [10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get yourself food Dawn"
    [10:19 PM] Problematik: "Get some vitamine D"
    [10:19 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt need to eat remember"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need food"
    [10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes stronk"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god"
    [10:20 PM] Pako: "The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
    [10:20 PM] Problematik: "Actually, the moonlight is just sun reflection"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "Until I pass out on the street at 3 in the morning"
    [10:20 PM] scout: "">I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god" what happens when it's night"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "It's always daylight out somewhere"
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "The moon reflects the light of my lord"

    [10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna get rioted , boii"
    [10:21 PM] Pako: "so the moon don't have light"
    [10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well if you say so Dawn. Just be careful."
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "Rioted?"
    [10:21 PM] Pako: "it's all a lie"
    [10:21 PM] yoshi: "try not to pass out in the middle of the road"
    [10:21 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound too safe"
    [10:21 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah there are a bunch of riotth going on"
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "I will keep to the dark, then."
    [10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "3am, you about to walk through some bad boi states"
    [10:21 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you glow in the dark?"
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "You've been with me on my midnight walks before"
    [10:21 PM] scout: ">I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
    [10:22 PM] yoshi: "be nice scout"
    [10:22 PM] yoshi: "if dawn claps twice he lights up like a lamp"
    [10:22 PM] yoshi: "duh"
    [10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah, I remember the ice cream run"
    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "wow you arent supposed to say it to his face"
    [10:22 PM] Pako: "I will see the sun on a 3 hours or less"
    [10:22 PM] Dawn: "Damn, I was called an idiot"
    [10:22 PM] scout: "to be honest I just wanted an excuse to use that .gif"
    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "that's the kind of talk that gives you skin cancer"
    [10:22 PM] Dawn: "Brb going to build a bomb and blow up the moon children"
    [10:22 PM] scout: "based"
    [10:22 PM] yoshi: "nuke the moon"
    [10:22 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
    [10:23 PM] yoshi: "NUKE THE MOON"
    [10:23 PM] nfreak141: "don't nuke my mom"
    [10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
    [10:23 PM] Problematik: "Nuke the moon"
    [10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
    [10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "im gonna ban problematik"
    [10:23 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uh, we prefer the lunar children"
    [10:23 PM] nfreak141: "ban problem he thaid nuke the moon"
    [10:23 PM] Pako: "actually sun you can fight with the moon?"
    [10:23 PM] Problematik: "Not again"
    [10:23 PM] Pako: "hold on"
    [10:23 PM] yoshi: "call luna a bitch for me before you blow it up ty"
    [10:23 PM] Dawn: "https://i.imgur.com/dYmiKtK.jpeg This meme is how I look at full power"
    9:23 PM] Pako: "if sun fight with the moon will defeat the lunar children"
    [10:24 PM] Problematik: "Nice, you glow in the dark"
    [10:24 PM] Dawn: "Can someone please change my AA batteries?"
    [10:24 PM] yoshi: "that image gave me skin cancer"
    [10:24 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Imagine this bright asshole ruining your sleep"
    [10:24 PM] Jack: are The Sun and The Moon married or divorced?"
    [10:24 PM] Problematik: "That could be hot to date, like "oh sweetie is so dark" and you are like "dont worrie honey, i got this" and then you glow and have sex"
    [10:24 PM] Pako: "https://www.amazon.com/Sun-Energise-Waterproof-Battery-Charger/dp/B084DP61FJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=batteries+to+sun&qid=1591928687&sr=8-1"
    [10:25 PM] Xenquility: "wait so dawn is grillby"
    [10:25 PM] nfreak141: "undertale canon"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen likes undertale"
    [10:25 PM] Jack: yeah"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "laugh at him"
    [10:25 PM] Dense: "alo sans"
    [10:25 PM] Fancypigg: "hahahahahahahaahahaha"
    [10:25 PM] Pako: "i wrote in amazon: batteries to sun"
    [10:25 PM] Pako: "haha"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "jk i love undertale"
    [10:25 PM] Jack: no, undertale is actually good."
    [10:25 PM] Dawn: "I'll have to try that line next time I find myself alone in a dark room with a female, Problem"
    [10:25 PM] scout: "UNDERTALE FAN DETECTED"
    [10:25 PM] Dense: "owo"
    [10:25 PM] Xenquility: "i can be a female for you dawn"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
    [10:25 PM] Problematik: "Thanks dawn"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "jacks name"
    [10:25 PM] Jack: damn"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen"
    [10:25 PM] yoshi: "thats GAY"
    [10:25 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna tan the cooter"
    [10:26 PM] Xenquility: "ik"
    [10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "or the booter :thinking:"
    [10:26 PM] scout: "">i can be a female for you dawn" why am I not surprised the undertale fan said this"
    [10:26 PM] Dawn: "The best way to get a full-body tan"
    [10:26 PM] yoshi: "where the sun DOES shine :3DEyes:"
    [10:26 PM] Jack: Hello eevee"
    [10:26 PM] Jack: and also screw you wolf."
    [10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i only recall the game"
    [10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i am not an active fan"
    [10:26 PM] Dawn: ""Haha, did you forget to flip over? You only have a tan on one side of your body""
    [10:26 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
    [10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "biSQUAD"
    [10:27 PM] yoshi: "bisquad"
    [10:27 PM] Jack: i can't bc if i do an tan i will be less powerful."
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "only bi for ids"
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "like jeff"
    [10:27 PM] yoshi: "still bi"
    [10:27 PM] Problematik: "Bisquad"
    [10:27 PM] scout: "nah not bi he just said he could be a female"
    [10:27 PM] Dawn: "I feel like getting that close to me would only result in skin cancer"
    [10:27 PM] scout: "what the fuck is that about xen"
    [10:27 PM] Fancypigg: "hes a frog"
    [10:27 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I image a full body blister"
    [10:27 PM] yoshi: "doesnt matter, had sex"
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "what is what about"
    [10:27 PM] Problematik: "Transquility"
    [10:27 PM] Dawn: "What if the glow is an STI?"
    [10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Or an std"
    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "sun transmitted infection"
    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "sun transmitted -"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "FICK"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "even"
    [10:28 PM] Problematik: "Frick?"
    [10:28 PM] Jack: :eve: is that eevee reborn? lol"
    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "no"
    [10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":worried:"
    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "that's the pokemon"
    [10:28 PM] Dawn: "That's xen"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "yes"
    [10:28 PM] yoshi: "maybe"
    [10:28 PM] Problematik: "Xen is the sexiest man in ID"
    [10:29 PM] Jack: maybe its xen"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually yosh"
    [10:29 PM] scout: "unfortunately that is eve"
    [10:29 PM] Jack: oh damn"
    [10:29 PM] yoshi: "no"
    [10:29 PM] Problematik: "Then goes jacob"
    [10:29 PM] yoshi: "god no"
    [10:29 PM] yoshi: "A"
    [10:29 PM] scout: "she was not aware of what she was doing"
    [10:29 PM] Jack: holy turns out"
    [10:29 PM] Jack: that is an thot?"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is thoth"
    [10:29 PM] Dense: "Sexiest man? CircleHunter"
    [10:29 PM] Pako: "thoth 33"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is ezekiel thoth himself]"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "in the flesh"
    [10:29 PM] yoshi: "thoth"
    [10:29 PM] Jack: thot"
    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "*thoth"
    [10:29 PM] Fancypigg: "thoth"
    [10:29 PM] Dawn: "But I really should get going. I'll pop in and out as wifi signal is good. Again, anything else you guys need from me?"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "Other than apparently some cheez-its and oj"

    [10:30 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [10:30 PM] Xenquility: "rice"
    [10:30 PM] Problematik: "Parallelos cheetos"
    [10:30 PM] nfreak141: "for you to be careful"
    [10:30 PM] Pako: "some rice"
    [10:30 PM] yoshi: "a will to live"
    [10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I feel like this is important"
    [10:30 PM] Problematik: "And red bull"
    [10:30 PM] Xenquility: "same"
    [10:30 PM] Problematik: "Oh and cereal"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "Alright let's make a shopping list"
    [10:30 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
    [10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get good footage"
    [10:30 PM] Pako: "if you can buy"
    [10:30 PM] Pako: "buy some rice"
    [10:30 PM] nfreak141: "oh and thome tecate"
    [10:30 PM] Pako: "and chicken"
    [10:30 PM] Problematik: "Cheetos, red bull, cereal"
    [10:31 PM] Problematik: "And nuggets"
    [10:31 PM] Jack: equals dead"
    [10:31 PM] Pako: "BUY LIST:"
    [10:31 PM] yoshi: "just bring the entire store"
    [10:31 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Tecate is the worst garbage"
    [10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh shit another update"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"

    [10:31 PM] Pako: "yes"
    [10:31 PM] scout: "@The Sun jnb, ligher fluid, and a flashlight"
    [10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "classic dov"
    [10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
    [10:31 PM] Pako: "something else?"
    [10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
    [10:31 PM] ARGdov: what even is this"
    [10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
    [10:31 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is talking"
    [10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "making a shopping list"
    [10:31 PM] Jack: @The Sun totino's pizza rolls"
    [10:31 PM] Xenquility: "walking to florida"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
    [10:31 PM] Dawn: "Fleshlight"

    [10:31 PM] yoshi: "literally just teleport an entire walmart to everyones house"
    [10:31 PM] Dense: "Fleshlight...?"
    [10:31 PM] Pako: "and finally watermelon"
    [10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh okay"
    [10:31 PM] Xenquility: "madame"
    [10:31 PM] yoshi: "problem solved"
    [10:32 PM] scout: "i said flashlight you unfunny solar fucker"
    [10:32 PM] Dawn: "Hey ARG"
    [10:32 PM] Xenquility: "we need SECRETS"
    [10:32 PM] Xenquility: "not selects"
    [10:32 PM] Dawn: "Long time no see"
    [10:32 PM] Xenquility: "though"
    [10:32 PM] Dense: "Wh"
    [10:32 PM] Xenquility: "those would probably be good too"
    [10:32 PM] Dense: "a"
    [10:32 PM] Jack: a"
    [10:32 PM] Problematik: "Some will to live could be good"
    [10:32 PM] Jack: eevee when is going to do the other vid of JID series?"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Solar Fucker Fleshlight (Specifically for Scout)"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Totino's Pizza Rolls"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Watermelon"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Will to Live (Gelato and whipped cream)"
    [10:33 PM] Dense: "Yes"

    [10:33 PM] Jack: nice"
    [10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
    [10:33 PM] Pako: "just that sun"
    [10:33 PM] aliveLiam: hang on what"
    [10:33 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "This list good?"
    [10:33 PM] Pako: "NO MORE"
    [10:33 PM] Pako: "yes is good"
    [10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "no"
    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "we need all of it"
    [10:33 PM] aliveLiam: how did i look away for a few hours and now you’re fine"
    [10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "HOT POCKETS"
    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "buy the walmart out"
    [10:33 PM] nfreak141: "thome thun kitht"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to have a hard time carrying all of this to Yoshi's place"
    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "just literally purchase the franchise"
    [10:33 PM] yoshi: "oh no im getting ALL OF IT"
    [10:33 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna carry that weight cowboy"
    [10:33 PM] Dawn: "Liam, have you seen me? I'm always damn fine. B)"
    [10:33 PM] Fancypigg: ":cowboy:"
    [10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "howdy"
    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
    [10:33 PM] Problematik: "And use paper bags"
    [10:33 PM] Problematik: "No more plastic"
    [10:34 PM] Pako: "yes"
    [10:34 PM] yoshi: "im gonna end up with an entire goddamn grocery store at my house"
    [10:34 PM] aliveLiam: only recently"
    [10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [10:34 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm cutting my shopping list off at Hot Pockets"
    [10:34 PM] aliveLiam: when you looked like you were fuckin dying"
    [10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
    [10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
    [10:34 PM] Dawn: "I was dying"
    [10:34 PM] yoshi: "he got better liam"
    [10:34 PM] Dawn: "My power was stolen from me"
    [10:34 PM] Dawn: "I used the last bit to get away"

    [10:34 PM] aliveLiam: damn. that sucks fam."
    [10:34 PM] Jack: oh crap"
    [10:35 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
    [10:35 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking my way to Florida to try to get my holy book, which will allow me to re-establish my link with Helios and get my power back"
    [10:35 PM] Problematik: "In the morning you will feel better"
    [10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've never had one"
    [10:35 PM] Dawn: "I think that's about where we're at"
    [10:35 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you’re walking to Florida?"
    [10:35 PM] Xenquility: "imagine almost dying but you have so many balls that you just tp out and go to wallmart"
    [10:35 PM] ARGdov: i forgot helios is a legit entity lol"
    [10:35 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, from Ohio"
    [10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Don't come"
    [10:35 PM] Dawn: "I passed a huge Ark a bit ago"
    [10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "It's hell here"
    [10:35 PM] Xenquility: "we've played sun song like three times"
    [10:35 PM] nfreak141: "we ddi that. that'th how he got out we think"
    [10:35 PM] Jack: is this and upd8?"
    [10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What's with the ark"
    [10:35 PM] aliveLiam: im sorry an Ark???"
    [10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [10:36 PM] Problematik: "Yeah"
    [10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, so I think I'm in kentucky"
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the ark encounter"
    [10:36 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
    [10:36 PM] Problematik: "Where coronel sanders lives?"
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "that giant religious thing"
    [10:36 PM] aliveLiam: ok hold up"
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the retarded thing"
    [10:36 PM] yoshi: "he will lead us"
    [10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "https://arkencounter.com/tickets/"
    [10:36 PM] yoshi: "to the ark"
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "^"
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "what jacob posted"
    [10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, that thing"
    [10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "niceeeeeee"
    [10:36 PM] aliveLiam: you’re gonna die of fuckin exposure walking between states like this"
    [10:36 PM] Dawn: "Did you know it cost $50 to get in?"
    [10:36 PM] Jack: holy sheeps"
    [10:36 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Make sure to wear protection"
    [10:36 PM] aliveLiam: can we play the song of soaring for this lad?"
    [10:36 PM] Dawn: "I can't die from exposure. The Sun will protect me."
    [10:36 PM] Problematik: "Bernie sanders looks like coronel sanders"
    [10:37 PM] aliveLiam: ok but what about at night"
    [10:37 PM] nfreak141: "altho, dawn. apparently tyler ith waiting for you online or thomething"
    [10:37 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Sun is really strong"
    [10:37 PM] Dawn: "Tyler's waiting for me?"
    [10:37 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
    [10:37 PM] Pako: "yes"
    [10:37 PM] Jack: i think"
    [10:37 PM] Jack: yes"
    [10:37 PM] Dawn: "At night I'll punch the darkness to death"
    [10:37 PM] nfreak141: "W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4"
    [10:37 PM] Pako: "the destination is the Tyler's house or the fishery?"
    [10:37 PM] aliveLiam: i mean alright man if you’re sure you’re good"
    [10:37 PM] Dawn: "I'll be fine :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
    [10:38 PM] Jack: damn"
    [10:38 PM] aliveLiam: hit us up if you need anything tho"
    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "also apparently "Tenebris" is watching you so try not to die"
    [10:38 PM] Dawn: "Well, from that it looks like he was waiting for me back in 2013"
    [10:38 PM] scout: "dawn if you come to Miami you will get ripped off because you're a tourist so don't come to Miami"
    [10:38 PM] Dawn: "2011 actually"
    [10:38 PM] nfreak141: "yeah that'th why i thaid to be careful"
    [10:38 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a tourist"
    [10:38 PM] Jack: wait you can time travel?"
    [10:38 PM] aliveLiam: what part of florida does all this shit happen in anyway"
    [10:38 PM] Dawn: "I was born in Florida"
    [10:38 PM] Jack: oh"
    [10:38 PM] Pako: "since 2011 tyler is waiting the sun?"
    [10:38 PM] Fancypigg: "Florida"
    [10:38 PM] scout: "central florida, LIAM"
    [10:38 PM] aliveLiam: ayyy fellow florida man"
    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for your loss dawn that must be a burden to live with"
    [10:38 PM] scout: "Liam*"
    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "and liam"
    [10:38 PM] yoshi: "florida hell"
    [10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
    [10:39 PM] yoshi: "welcome to eldery orange gator town"
    [10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
    [10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's better than being born in Ohio"
    [10:39 PM] aliveLiam: ew gross, that’s Orlando territory"
    [10:39 PM] Jack: in florida are many toads yoshi"
    [10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
    [10:39 PM] nfreak141: "they go bup"
    [10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "there are a lot of frogs and toads"
    [10:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
    [10:39 PM] aliveLiam: altho i cant talk"
    [10:39 PM] aliveLiam: im from the most memed city in florida"
    [10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's the sunshine state"
    [10:39 PM] nfreak141: "hey buddy. lithp ith my thing."
    [10:39 PM] aliveLiam: actual hell"
    [10:39 PM] Dawn: "Therefore it is best"
    [10:39 PM] aliveLiam: Jacksonville"
    [10:39 PM] Dense: "awa"
    [10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "what"
    [10:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida is spook"
    [10:39 PM] yoshi: "i was born in illinois so im just a stalk of corn tbh"
    [10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "im in orange park whats good"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: i am, unironically, born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida."
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: it is an eternal curse"
    [10:40 PM] Jack: are you still have your powers? The sun?"
    [10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was born and raised for a bit in Jacksonville, actually"
    [10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "liam we should hang out dude"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: then you know"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: and im sorry"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: jacob we do hang out"
    [10:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh how ironic. you were born in the thunthine thtate."
    [10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "wha"
    [10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was taken away at 3 though so I don't remember much"
    [10:40 PM] Jack: ok"
    [10:40 PM] scout: "i am also a floridian"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: or do you mean in person"
    [10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "in person"
    [10:40 PM] aliveLiam: cus im in santa monica now"
    [10:40 PM] scout: "but sort of only technically because some people dissociate south florida"
    [10:40 PM] yoshi: "im stuck in alabama so"
    [10:40 PM] nfreak141: "well not ironic."
    [10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [10:41 PM] aliveLiam: i got out"
    [10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "the escape"
    [10:41 PM] aliveLiam: but it’s with you forever"
    [10:41 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
    [10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "f"
    [10:41 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I was just asking these guys if they needed anything from me or wanted to ask any questions, and that's how I got this shopping list."
    [10:41 PM] Dawn: "Do you want to add something to it before I go, Liam?"

    [10:41 PM] yoshi: "which is apparently being delivered to my house"
    [10:41 PM] yoshi: "help"
    [10:41 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [10:41 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where I'll find a fleshlight at walmart"
    [10:41 PM] Dawn: "But I know Yoshi wants it so"

    [10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "in the back"
    [10:41 PM] nfreak141: "pharmathy area"
    [10:41 PM] yoshi: "what would i even use one for"
    [10:42 PM] scout: "flashlight"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "lesbian masturbation"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
    [10:42 PM] scout: "or rather get like a lighter"
    [10:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
    [10:42 PM] scout: "so you can light yourself up"
    [10:42 PM] Jack: oh yeaaa"
    [10:42 PM] aliveLiam: To the shopping list, no. But can you give like a Sparknotes on what exactly you’ve been doing for this whole time while quietly pretending to be a normal ID?"
    [10:42 PM] yoshi: "theres better ways than that xen"
    [10:42 PM] aliveLiam: cus like"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "what better ways"
    [10:42 PM] aliveLiam: im still kinda shocked you’re not"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "tell me pls"
    [10:42 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean?"
    [10:42 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a normal ID?"

    [10:42 PM] yoshi: "(points) HORNY"
    [10:42 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you have fucking SUN POWERS"
    [10:42 PM] Jack: are ya?"
    [10:42 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
    [10:42 PM] Fancypigg: "we knew this"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "bitch i have frog powers"
    [10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been saying that since forever though"
    [10:43 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else here have sun powers?"
    [10:43 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has always been god"
    [10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "its you that didnt believe it"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "your poing"
    [10:43 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "t"
    [10:43 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "point."
    [10:43 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
    [10:43 PM] Jack: pointss"
    [10:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn just needs sunny d"
    [10:43 PM] aliveLiam: I have literally never heard this before you got nabbed"
    [10:43 PM] Dense: "d"
    [10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "i summon an army of frogs"
    [10:43 PM] aliveLiam: YES FR"
    [10:43 PM] Dense: "nae naed"
    [10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
    [10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been talking of the glorious light of the Sun and my amazing strength and endurance for the longest time. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
    [10:43 PM] Dawn: "My powers are legend"

    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "sadly theyre feral and dont listen to me"
    [10:43 PM] aliveLiam: HOW HAS THIS ALWAYS BEEN A THING"
    [10:43 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "this is how thelaw was eaten by frogs"
    [10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "now that you know, look its everywhere"
    [10:44 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else have magical powers I don’t know about???"
    [10:44 PM] yoshi: "xens gay"
    [10:44 PM] aliveLiam: SHUT UP WOLF"
    [10:44 PM] Xenquility: "can't go a day without hearing about this man talking about the sun"
    [10:44 PM] Dense: "long dick does count? Because I don't"
    [10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "idk if you know about my powers"
    [10:44 PM] nfreak141: "ith me bin hath thome magic powerth"
    [10:44 PM] scout: "This sun power arc is stupid when do we get to the sideplot when we follow some random lunar children cult member escaping and reforming"
    [10:44 PM] Dawn: "Jayckup has the ability to lose his eyebrow hairs at extreme speeds"
    [10:44 PM] Xenquility: "i mean unless he's not active which is most days so"
    [10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just found Dawn's Kentucky selfie"
    [10:44 PM] Dawn: "Fuck"
    [10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
    [10:44 PM] Dawn: "You got it"
    [10:44 PM] yoshi: "jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
    [10:44 PM] Dense: "nice"
    [10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I can uh summmon coffed"
    [10:44 PM] Pako: "nice photoshop"
    [10:44 PM] yoshi: "his voice just does that"
    [10:44 PM] Xenquility: ""photoshop""
    [10:45 PM] Fancypigg:"
    jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
    @yoshi this is also true"
    [10:45 PM] aliveLiam: yall really on some shit"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "^"
    [10:45 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I've been talking of my powers for ages now, Liam. So I'm a normal ID, right?"
    [10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf"
    [10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "youre a normal ID dont listen to him"
    [10:45 PM] Dense: "huh"
    [10:45 PM] Dense: "Yes you are"
    [10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
    [10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
    [10:45 PM] Dawn: "Are you saying I'm not normal just because I'm GLOWING?"
    [10:45 PM] Dense: "You are loved as anyone else"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "the real test"
    [10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "is erika canon"
    [10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
    [10:45 PM] Pako: "indeed"
    [10:45 PM] nfreak141: "thath rathitht"
    [10:45 PM] Dawn: "Who the fuck is erika"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "smh"
    [10:46 PM] aliveLiam: i just"
    [10:46 PM] Xenquility: "she's a canon character"
    [10:46 PM] aliveLiam: okay"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "normal non-pumpkin-up-the-ass wolf can instantly incite a frenzy with cursed images"
    [10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "u ok lia"
    [10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "m"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "a very strong power"
    [10:46 PM] Dense: "C o o l"
    [10:46 PM] Dawn: "Liam has a power too"
    [10:46 PM] Dawn: "Shall I reveal it?"

    [10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: ":frogdance:"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "yes"
    [10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
    [10:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm gonna reveal it"
    [10:46 PM] Dawn: "Get ready"

    [10:46 PM] Pako: ":whathesay:"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
    [10:46 PM] nfreak141: "do it"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
    [10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "do it"
    [10:46 PM] Dense: "do it"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "DO IT"
    [10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "do it"
    [10:47 PM] Dense: "DO IT"
    [10:47 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has the power of building suspense"
    [10:47 PM] Dawn: ":BLANK: :kirby_ono: :dawn: :BLANK: ":frogcouch1::frogcouch2::frogcouch2::frogcouch3:"
    [10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
    [10:47 PM] nfreak141:"
    [10:47 PM] Dawn: "He can be with me on the casting couch and survive"
    [10:47 PM] Dense: ":movie_camera:"
    [10:47 PM] yoshi: "gg"
    [10:47 PM] aliveLiam: all my secrets, revealed"
    [10:47 PM] yoshi: "the froggy casting couch"
    [10:47 PM] yoshi: "the sexiest of couches"
    [10:47 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
    [10:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn Liam"
    [10:47 PM] yoshi: "exactly jacob"
    [10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh god"
    [10:47 PM] aliveLiam: tbh Dawn’s the only one who can handle me"
    [10:47 PM] scout: "i have freed y ou all from your orange color prisons"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "for noe"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "now"
    [10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Scout ily"
    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "fried"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "holy fuck i cannot type today"
    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [10:48 PM] scout: "was getting really sick of it"
    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "scout gamejacking"
    [10:48 PM] nfreak141: "you are a bro"
    [10:48 PM] scout: "to be quite honest"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "ban scout"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "gamejacker"
    [10:48 PM] Pako: "WH0t"
    [10:48 PM] aliveLiam: @Wolfcat you gonna take that?"
    [10:48 PM] Pako: "I'm red!"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "LIAM"
    [10:48 PM] aliveLiam: :slight_smile:"
    [10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "WHY WOULD YOU PING HIM"
    [10:48 PM] Pako: "also haou too"
    [10:48 PM] aliveLiam: cus is funne"
    [10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've always been red"
    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
    [10:49 PM] Pako: "same haou"
    [10:49 PM] nfreak141: "well pumpkin head hath been thlowly lothing today. hueuehuehue"
    [10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "IT WAS LIAMS FAULT"
    [10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam"
    [10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "EVERYONE POINT"
    [10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "LIAM"
    [10:49 PM] yoshi: "LIAAAAAAAMMM"
    [10:49 PM] aliveLiam: is that the case? every time i ping him someone dies?"
    [10:49 PM] Pako: "liam killed wolf?"
    [10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "@The Sun what can you tell us about the holy book, if anything?"
    [10:49 PM] yoshi: "has pretty sun pics in it"
    [10:50 PM] yoshi: "looks cool"
    [10:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hot sun girls"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "local suns in your area"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hey"
    [10:50 PM] yoshi: "horny"
    [10:50 PM] Dawn: "Sure, but I really need to get going. I have a feeling the few cars that are entering the parking lot and leaving are because I'm still hanging out around here."
    [10:50 PM] Pako: "all oranges"
    [10:50 PM] Pako: "FUCK OFF"
    [10:50 PM] yoshi: "haha xens orange too"
    [10:50 PM] aliveLiam: thanks dad"
    [10:50 PM] Fancypigg: "ty dawn"
    [10:50 PM] aliveLiam: also bye dawn"
    [10:50 PM] Pako: "sun can you save us?"
    [10:50 PM] aliveLiam: save a spot on the couch for me"
    [10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya Sun"
    [10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "WOW WTF"
    [10:51 PM] yoshi: "im under the couch hiding"
    [10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCKING SHAME"
    [10:51 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
    [10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
    [10:51 PM] yoshi: "yeah wtf guys"
    [10:51 PM] yoshi: "smh"
    [10:51 PM] Xenquility: "will suck dick for my colour back"
    [10:51 PM] Xenquility: "or puss"
    [10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
    [10:51 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
    [10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "fr"
    [10:51 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [10:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
    [10:51 PM] Pako: "sun give us our colours"
    [10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "hmu"
    [10:51 PM] aliveLiam: will suck anything for Xen to not get his color back"
    [10:51 PM] yoshi: "ok whos he succin"
    [10:51 PM] aliveLiam: panLiam"
    [10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
    [10:52 PM] aliveLiam: Ed: Liam is not actually pan"
    [10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok"
    [10:52 PM] scout: "I don't understand the concept of pansexuality"
    [10:52 PM] yoshi: "im bi/pan so"
    [10:52 PM] Xenquility: "that's exactly what a pan would say"
    [10:52 PM] scout: "GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME"
    [10:52 PM] aliveLiam: gottem"
    [10:52 PM] nfreak141: "ah damn i'm orange again"
    [10:52 PM] Pako: "xen pink and rest orange?"
    [10:52 PM] scout: "I return."
    [10:52 PM] yoshi: "i just say bi because its easier and less confusing"
    [10:52 PM] scout: "FUCK"
    [10:52 PM] Dawn: "The book essentially contains a lot of text that is very important to me. It's nearly one of a kind, and has been passed down from heir to heir. The text inside has been replaced, but the power and the core of the book itself is older than I even know. That being said, I was using it for a session at Tyler's place, and kinda left it there."
    [10:52 PM] scout: "i will win"
    [10:52 PM] scout: "I WILL WIN"
    [10:52 PM] Dawn: "Also I cannot save you. Maybe if I still had my power, but I don't want to piss off mad pumpkin god"
    [10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You have no power here scoot the orange"
    [10:52 PM] ARGdov: Wait “a session”"
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "scouts abouta become canon"
    [10:53 PM] ARGdov: Whats that mean"
    [10:53 PM] Dawn: "I need to go now; I'll see you guys"
    [10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scoot"
    [10:53 PM] yoshi: "good luck dude"
    [10:53 PM] Fancypigg: "hope you rest well my dude"
    [10:53 PM] yoshi: "dont get jumped again"
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont die dawn"
    [10:53 PM] scout: "AAAAUAHG"
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont sleep"
    [10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you Dawn!"
    [10:53 PM] yoshi: "also will post pumpkins for xen to be orange again"
    [10:53 PM] Pako: "the sun will die on 7.5 billions of years so don't care"
    [10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you later Dawn"
    [10:53 PM] scout: "I WILL DIE"
    [10:53 PM] scout: "ON THIS HILL"
    [10:54 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
    [10:54 PM] DeadOne: You will."
    [10:54 PM] Dense: "shit"


    • Dawn informs the players that he is currently walking from Ohio to Florida in order to retrieve a holy book he left there.
    • Dawn explains that his holy book was passed down from heir to heir, and that the text inside it has been replaced, buy the book's power and core is ancient.
    • Dawn says that Dawn used the book for a "session" at Tyler's house, and it still remains there.
    • Dawn says that he's been walking for quite a while, and that he currently believes he is in Kentucky.
    • Dawn praises Helios throughout this conversation, cementing the fact that this Dawn is indeed the one players spoke to on Janus who owned the computer containing the sun notes.
    • Dawn says that he cannot teleport to Florida as his link with Helios has been severed and he has no more power left. He claims he will regain his power if he can retrieve his book, however.
    • Dawn doesn't know who attacked him - only that they captured him and hooked him up to "that infernal device", which kept him in a state of torture.
    • Dawn says that he was actually born in Florida - he simply lives in Ohio.
    • Dawn claims that he is a normal Internet Detectives and that he's simply always claimed to have "sun powers". This is true, because as a player, Dawn would often joke about being a member of a cult known as "The Sun Children" and possessing sun powers.
    • Pumpkinhead becomes active in this conversation and threatens the players.




    DougLunar Children: The First Giant
    Lunar Children: Douglas
    JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
    Moon Children: Alex Hall
    Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

    Internet Detectives
    CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

    DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

    Lunar Children


    LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
    Lunar Children: Douglas
    The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
    Moon Children: Alex Hall
    The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

    Elder Children
    Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

    AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

    Moon Children


    ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

    Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
    Lunar Children: The Second Giant
    Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

    Astral Observatory

    Astral Children

    IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

    Hacker Group
    GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

    Other / Unaffiliated

    Layered Beings

    BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

    Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

    Janus Entities

    CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

    BUP's DnD Game
    FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi