Difference between revisions of "Prominence"

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(Created page with "{{PrimeTimeline}}{{Infobox Character |title = Prominence |image = Prom.png |name = Prominence |affiliation = Unknown |gender = Male |status = Alive }} <b>Prominence</b> is an...")
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
Long blocks of text.
<span class="vip">Prominence: "123"
<span class="vip">Prominence: "123"
Prominence: "/ascen"
Prominence: "/ascen"
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">keys
<span class="vip">Prominence: "keys"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"</span>

Latest revision as of 13:37, 27 October 2021



Name Prominence
Affiliation Unknown
Gender Male
Status Alive

Prominence is an enigmatic entity that appeared within various JanusVR worlds during the Our Horizon Arc. Taking on the appearance of a large, glitchy manta ray, Prominence often simply observes the players quietly while occasionally leading them to new Janus worlds or pages on websites.


Prominence was first discovered on May 5th, 2020 in the Fakeworld Janus room. Here, he hinted towards the existence of a hidden page on Lunarchildren.com before disappearing. Prominence reappeared later that day in the Emerald Prison Janus Room, where he quietly observed the interactions between the players and Dawn. Near the end of this conversation, he hinted towards the existence of a hidden file on Astralobservatory.net before leaving.

Several days later on May 30th, players discovered the Rooftop Janus Room. Upon entering it, they discovered that Prominence was spinning upon one of the roofs. After spinning for a short while, Prominence jumped off the building towards a hidden alcove that contained a portal to the City Janus Room. Prominence later reappeared in the Path Janus Room on June 6th, where he flew around the map before hinting towards and update on the Johnisdaed.com page "key592".

On August 8th, Prominence led players through an updated version of the Spire Janus Room to a previously locked door that now led to the previously undiscovered Upper Janus Room. Later that night, Stackoverflow led the players back into the Spire Janus room where Prominence was once again waiting for them. This time, Prominence led players around to The Spire's basement where there was now a portal to another new Janus room - the Bottom Janus Room.

On October 18th, Prominence met the players in Fakeworld after Dawn had informed them that Stackoverflow was asking for help in Janus. Prominence then led players to the Under Janus Room. This room and various others had been greatly expanded. Prominence accompanied the players and Stackoverflow as they travelled across the various Janus rooms in search of Stackoverflow's brothers, Halicord and Trapped. Prominence did not make another appearance until May 2nd, 2021 when he assisted the players in the Compound Janus Room by directing them towards the paintings in the Fishery's library. These paintings depicted the locations of a translation guide for a language found in several ciphers.

Prominence then reappeared in the Compound Janus Room the next day, where he claimed the location was familiar to him. He then led players to the large ritual hall found in the basement of the Bottom Janus Room before disappearing.


Though Prominence does not speak much, he appears to be a friendly entity that silently observes the players' actions and occasionally guides them to hidden locations.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Prominence.


5/5/20 - Chat with Prominence - Johnisdead.com

Prominence: "123"
Prominence: "/ascen"
Prominence: "Lunar"


5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence - Withinhubris.com

Dawn: "How did you get here?"
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"

nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
Dawn: "The weird blue thing"
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."

Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."

xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."
stackoverflow: "are you one of us"
Dawn: "He may not even be aware"
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
Dawn: "TheLaw?"
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."

nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."
stackoverflow: "are you a god?"
Yoshi: "no."
stackoverflow: "then"
Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"
stackoverflow: "die"
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"

Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"
Yoshi: "im an observer"
stackoverflow: "of?"
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"

Yoshi: "these places"
stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"
dead: "will she come back?"
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"
dead: "no no no"
stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"

dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"

nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
stackoverflow: "bubble?"
nfreak: "sounds like it."
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"

Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"
stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"
Yoshi: "i can tell"
Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
dead: "walking?"
Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."
dead: "no"
dead: "run?"

Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"
stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"
Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
dead: "no"
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"
stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"

Dawn: "please don't let it out"
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"
dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"

Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"
dead: "stay"
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
dead: "she will stay"
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
dead: "1"
Dawn: "That's disgusting"
dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"

xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"

Dawn: "HELPA"
dead: "555"
stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"
Dawn: "yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"

xenquility: "Yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."

nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
stackoverflow: "Who are you."
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."

Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."

Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
stackoverflow: "Then who"
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"

Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"

xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"


6/10/20 - Chat with Prominence - Johnisdead.com

Prominence: "keys"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"
Prominence: "592"


  • Prominence hints towards an undiscovered update on the Johnisdead.com page "/key592".






DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

Other / Unaffiliated

Layered Beings

BUPIIIIISynchronTheLawThe Producer

Mr. SilentMrs. Moon

Janus Entities

CodyHilarioHotspotKyleOFA GroupPumpkinheadPursanThe JaegerTime TurnerRandy

BUP's DnD Game
FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi