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Not much is known about Sheepdog's past. At some point, she joined the [[Lunar Children]] and became an active member on the [[Lunar Children Forums]]. Here, she became good friends with [[Luke]] and [[Hope]]. At some point, Sheepdog worked on an unknown project called [[Mooned]], which supposedly touched upon some taboo subject matter within the cult. [[Thoth]] would later have Sheepdog modify Mooned to remove these taboo subjects. During this time, Luke and Sheepdog would occasionally play online games together. She also became friends with [[Hina616]] and the two later exchanged selfies.
On the forums, Sheepdog could be seen attempting to calm the user [[Kalfu9000]] - a troubled individual who was threatening to harm himself and others. When the users [[Losna]] lashed out in confusion regarding out-of-state meeting grounds, Sheepdog explained that the cult had several out-of-state members. She also attempted to comfort Hina, who had just broken some of the cult's rules by trespassing at the [[Fishery]]. At some point, Sheepdog created portraits of the various [[Elder Children]]. These portraits were displayed within the cafeteria of [[The Spire]].<ref>Sheepdog's portraits can be seen in the [[Spire (Janus)|Spire Janus Room]].</ref>
Following the failure of [[Undecim Nocte]] 2015, various Lunar Children began discussing the event in early 2016. In this conversation, [[Eddie]] implied that Undecim Nocte failed because Hina interfered with the [[Crescent Moon Necklace]]. Sheepdog refuted this claim, believing there to be no connection. Angered, Eddie claimed that Hina was most likely killed by the Elder Children for her taboo actions. He then proceeded to post a gory photo of a dead girl as proof. This greatly upset [[HarryM1]], who had become quite fond of Hina. Sheepdog quickly comforted Harry in PM's, however, explaining that the girl shown in Eddie's photos were not Hina. She then invited Harry to play a game with her and Luke.
At some point, Sheepdog decided to move to The Spire in Ohio. Hope helped set this move up with Thoth, who, surprisingly, was glad to help. By April of 2016, [[Lunarchildren.com]] had become somewhat corrupted. Sheepdog, who had seemingly become somewhat disillusioned with the cult by this time, used this opportunity to contact the [[players]]. Here, she explained that she never was really into the more morbid parts of the cult and thought that they had gone too far with torturing [[Tyler]] back in 2015.
Sheepdog's fate is currently unknown. If she moved to The Spire in 2016, it is likely that she died in the [[Cataclysm]] that occurred there on April 23rd, 2016.
Despite being a [[Lunar Child]], Sheepdog is an overall easy going and approaching individual. She is seen attempting to comfort those in distress on the [[Lunar Children Forums]] out of the goodness of her heart. She is also quite accepting of the [[players]], despite the fact that they are supposedly her enemies. Sheepdog is also a fan of video games and is a skilled artist.
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<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Name: SheepDog
Group: In house Artist
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: Male
Bio: I consider myself a decent artist, I make comics every now and then and I am a pretty enjoyable guy. However all of this is thanks to none other than Luna and my devotion to her. All of my art I dedicate to her and her greatness. Praise be unto her so that I may continue to improve and make better and better art in her holy name.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Sheepdog introduces herself as an artist who is devoted to [[Luna]]. Strangely, she claims she is male in her forum profile.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "Luna liberate them all" - Kalfu9000
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Kalfu9000: "I have been a child of Luna for 3 months now so I am not exactly new, but this is the first time I have seen our forums. I fucking hate every damn disgusting fucker in my life, I am so fucking angry at everything I almost even hate all of you. But I could never say that truthfully. Father, Mother, and all of their children have been my saving grace for the last while. But I can't fucking stand it anymore. I want to ascend, I want to escape this reality. I long to be free of this mortal coil, and I have already read that just simply suicide will only bring me even more greife. But if somethign does not change soon, then I will probably make a big change to many others when summer is over and I am back in highschool."</span>
<span class="vip2">Hina616: "Hey there hun I know things can be really hard. But just remember that Luna and father love us all very much. Just remember that in the end they will help us be happy."</span>
<span class="vip3">EddieD222: "Hey kid don't even worry about it, all of these worthless pieces of shit are just that. They don't know Luna, and don't wanna know her either. They are cancer to this damned parallelos. But you know what? It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty... it's all the same once you're dead! And hey, its like I always say, killing a person ain't no big deal. Just put the gun to their head... pow!"</span>
<span class="vip4">SheepDog: "Hey friend, try and contain all that rage for just a bit. Come to next weeks meeting and you will probably be relieved to some extent. All of the new moons and crescents seem to want to have another one of the "group ceremonies" again so maybe that will put you in a good mood."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Sheepdog attempts to calm the user [[Kalfu9000]] and invites them to an upcoming group ceremony.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c2/Thing.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"</span>
<span class="vip2">HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."</span>
<span class="vip4">Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."</span>
<span class="vip5">Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."</span>
<span class="vip6">_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."</span>
<span class="vip7">Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."</span>
<span class="vip8">SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."</span>
<span class="vip9">MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."</span>
<span class="vip">Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"</span>
<span class="vip9">MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The user [[Hina616]] shows off the [[Crescent Moon Necklace]] she found at the [[Fishery]]. [[Thoth]] and [[Jinn]] both chide Hina for trespassing on at the fishery. Sheepdog attempts to comfort her, claiming that she'll most likely just get yelled at and that things will be alright. Sheepdog also informs [[Losna]] that the cult have several out-of-state members and meeting grounds.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/1/16 - "Whats going on here?" - SheepDog
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">SheepDog: "I know you people are in here so just be chill about it and let me know whats happening, I have some information for all of you right now that you might wanna hear."</span>
<span class="vip">SheepDog: "Im not really sure how I have managed to get access to this place while no one else can, but I see you guys used that power that is held here a bit. Things have been.... going... I guess you could say, here at the lunar spire still despite various screw ups and the hole 11/11 flop. But your last song actually did something goodish and badish both both sides standards. Tyler was brought through one of the parallelos and then back to the fishery, idk exactly what happened to him there but he proceeded to run right back to his house. He is held up in there now and some of the children are trying to keep an eye on him but something there wont let us get any closer, something kind of fuckin freaky to say the least. We can hear him in there in his house but we can't see him. But I am sure he is ok for now."</span>
<span class="vip">SheepDog: "I never have in terms of the torture and blood sacrifices. But the way they treated this Tyler guy was just a bit much. We nearly killed him multiple times, and that point where we held him in a trunk for a couple days was going overboard."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Sheepdog briefly chats with the [[players]] on the [[Lunar Children Forums]]. Here, she explains a bit about what happened to [[Tyler]] after [[Undecim Nocte]] 2015 from their perspective. She also implies that [[Tenebris]] is currently keeping the Lunar Children from capturing Tyler again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat10030923" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with SheepDog
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">10:43:54 PM Igaluk123: "Alright, I'm here."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:44:10 PM SheepDog: "eyy"
10:44:14 PM SheepDog: "what's up"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:44:26 PM Igaluk123: "Been trying to connect for the past half hour."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:44:31 PM SheepDog: "oof"
10:44:52 PM SheepDog: "The net's still shoddy there?"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:45:12 PM Igaluk123: "It's ALWAYS shoddy."
10:45:23 PM Igaluk123: "Or at least it has been since Undecim Nocte."
10:45:38 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">10:45:42 PM SheepDog: "damn"
10:45:47 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">10:46:01 PM Igaluk123: "Chill, it's PM's."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:46:17 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">10:46:46 PM Igaluk123: "Uh wow okay then."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:47:00 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">10:47:15 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:21 PM Igaluk123: "We'll just have to see if the internet is willing to cooperate."
10:47:27 PM Igaluk123: "It's been pretty stable so far though."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:47:29 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">10:47:32 PM Igaluk123: "No worries."
10:47:35 PM Igaluk123: "I'll hop on in a bit."
10:48:49 PM Igaluk123: "Fucking updates."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:50:22 PM SheepDog: "how's it been over there in general?"
10:50:25 PM SheepDog: "I mean besides living in the stone age with no internet"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:50:34 PM Igaluk123: "Weird."
10:50:42 PM Igaluk123: "The Elders aren't really telling us much of anything."
10:50:48 PM Igaluk123: "They're running wild trying to track down the Harbinger's Link."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:50:54 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">10:51:11 PM Igaluk123: "I know, chill."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:51:16 PM SheepDog: "sorry"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:51:22 PM Igaluk123: "But we here in the Spire don't really know any more than the rest of you guys."
10:51:32 PM Igaluk123: "Half of the Elders seem to be missing and the other half are too tight-lipped to tell us anything."
10:51:37 PM Igaluk123: "Aside from Thoth with the occasional site announcement."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:51:42 PM SheepDog: "right"
10:51:45 PM SheepDog: "he always manages to talk a lot without really saying much of anything lol"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:51:51 PM Igaluk123: "True."
10:52:21 PM Igaluk123: "Aren't you going to delete that?"</span>
<span class="vip3">10:52:26 PM SheepDog: "nah thoth doesnt really care too much about me shitting around on him"
10:52:34 PM SheepDog: "its only when you start mentioning big no-no topics he gets angry"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:52:40 PM Igaluk123: "Like in Mooned."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:52:43 PM SheepDog: "god"
10:52:45 PM SheepDog: "dont remind me"
10:52:53 PM SheepDog: "I'm actually working on getting that all reuploaded somewhere"
10:52:57 PM SheepDog: "But of course it's taking a bit longer cause I've gotta bend over backwards for braindead over here"</span>
<span class="vip2">10:53:14 PM Igaluk123: "I'm surprised he allowed it to go on as long as it did."</span>
<span class="vip3">10:53:21 PM SheepDog: "yeah, thoth ain't really one for jokes"
10:53:25 PM SheepDog: "or fun in general, honestly"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Sheepdog and [[Luke]] discuss recent news regarding the [[Lunar Children]]. Sheepdog wants to play an online game, but Luke is having difficulty because of the internet at [[The Spire]]. Sheepdog seems to be a bit worried about her messages being logged, as she is repeatedly deleting her messages. The two of them also briefly discuss Sheepdog's old project [[Mooned]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few  days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't  really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:53 PM Harry: "YOURE SICK IN THE HEAD MAN"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."</span>
<span class="vip7">9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The user [[HarryM1]] asks if anyone has seen [[Hina]] lately. [[Eddie]] taunts him and claims that she was killed by the [[Elder Children]] for interfering with the [[Crescent Moon Necklace]], which he claims ruined [[Undecim Nocte]] 2015. Sheepdog refutes this claim, which angers Eddie. He then posts a gory photo of a girl's corpse, claiming it is Hina.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat59203301" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with Harry
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:56 PM SheepDog: "Harry dude you need to calm down"
9:35:58 PM SheepDog: "Dont listen to that asshole"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:12 PM Harry: "BULLSHIT DID YOU SEE THE PHOTO"
9:36:14 PM Harry: "HE KILLED HER"
9:36:15 PM Harry: "HE FUCKING KILLED HER"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:21 PM SheepDog: "I dont know who that was but it wasnt Hina"
9:36:22 PM SheepDog: "I would know"
9:36:24 PM SheepDog: "me and Hina shared some selfies a while back and thats not her"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:26 PM Harry: "Then who the hell is it??"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:28 PM SheepDog: "who fucking knows"
9:36:31 PM SheepDog: "Maybe some random gore pic he found on reddit?"
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "or maybe it actually is a photo he took while on one of his missions"
9:36:36 PM SheepDog: "theres no telling with edd"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:52 PM Harry: "You're SURE thats not Hina"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:57 PM SheepDog: "Im sure dude"
9:37:21 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:37:22 PM SheepDog: "this is the pic she sent me"
9:37:23 PM SheepDog: "looks completely different."
9:37:26 PM SheepDog: "I'm sure Hinas just fine"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:37:52 PM Harry: "Why the hell would he do that...."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:37:55 PM SheepDog: "Hes a fucked up guy"
9:37:57 PM SheepDog: "We all know this"
9:38:22 PM SheepDog: "I mean its not exactly a secret what he does for the elders"
9:38:25 PM SheepDog: "and its no secret that he really really enjoys it"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:38:41 PM Harry: "Sheep I dont know if I can keep doing this"
9:38:52 PM Harry: "I mean I knew we all werent exactly mainstream going in and a lot of us kinda "tow the line" but just"
9:38:53 PM Harry: "fuck dude"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:38:57 PM SheepDog: "I get it"
9:39:11 PM SheepDog: "Look"
9:39:13 PM SheepDog: "come join me and Luke in a game"
9:39:14 PM SheepDog: "It'll get your mind off things"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:20 PM Harry: "No fuck that"
9:39:23 PM Harry: "I can't just sweep this shit under the rug any more"
9:39:25 PM Harry: "I just can't fucking do it man"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:39:32 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:37 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:45 PM Harry: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">9:39:48 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:52 PM Harry: "Ok"
9:39:53 PM Harry: "Hold on."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
After the previous conversation, Sheepdog calms [[Harry|Harry's]] fears about [[Hina|Hina's]] potential death by revealing that the photo of the corpse shown by [[Eddie]] wasn't her. She then invites Harry to play a game with her and [[Luke]].
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat33032313" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with SheepDog:
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:14 AM fairProspect: "Other than that, no."
1:12:17 AM fairProspect: "I've already informed Ezekiel about everything."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:12:23 AM SheepDog: "oof"
1:12:26 AM SheepDog: "how'd he take it lol"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:33 AM fairProspect: "Fairly well, actually."
1:12:35 AM fairProspect: "Aside from a forced eye-roll, haha."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:12:42 AM SheepDog: "well thats surprising"
1:12:46 AM SheepDog: "I didn't think hed want me anywhere near that place lol"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:51 AM fairProspect: "I think deep down he really does like you."
1:13:21 AM fairProspect: "He's probably happy that you'll be closer from now on."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "ew"
1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "gross"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:13:33 AM fairProspect: "Come on, you know what I mean."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:13:35 AM SheepDog: yeah yeah"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:14:37 AM fairProspect: "I need to get getting to sleep, now."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:14:41 AM SheepDog: "same here probably"
1:14:44 AM SheepDog: "see you tomorrow, HOPE-fully"
1:14:46 AM SheepDog: ":sunglasses:"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:14:52 AM fairProspect: ":eyeroll:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Sheepdog discusses the prospect of her moving to [[The Spire]] with [[Hope]]. Hope says that she's already passed the idea by [[Thoth]], who she claims doesn't dislike Sheepdog as much as he may appear to.

Latest revision as of 13:15, 23 September 2021




Sheepdog's avatar on the Lunar Children Forums.

Name Sheepdog
Affiliation Lunar Children
Gender Female
Status Deceased
Relations HarryM1 (Friend)
Hina616 (Friend)
Hope (Friend)
Luke (Friend)

Sheepdog is a minor character who is a member of the Lunar Children. First seen during The Truth Arc, Sheepdog could be found posting casually on the Lunar Children Forums. Despite her alignment with the Lunar Children, she seems to have a fairly casual and laid back personality and seems to have a distaste for the cult's more immoral actions.


Not much is known about Sheepdog's past. At some point, she joined the Lunar Children and became an active member on the Lunar Children Forums. Here, she became good friends with Luke and Hope. At some point, Sheepdog worked on an unknown project called Mooned, which supposedly touched upon some taboo subject matter within the cult. Thoth would later have Sheepdog modify Mooned to remove these taboo subjects. During this time, Luke and Sheepdog would occasionally play online games together. She also became friends with Hina616 and the two later exchanged selfies.

On the forums, Sheepdog could be seen attempting to calm the user Kalfu9000 - a troubled individual who was threatening to harm himself and others. When the users Losna lashed out in confusion regarding out-of-state meeting grounds, Sheepdog explained that the cult had several out-of-state members. She also attempted to comfort Hina, who had just broken some of the cult's rules by trespassing at the Fishery. At some point, Sheepdog created portraits of the various Elder Children. These portraits were displayed within the cafeteria of The Spire.[1]

Following the failure of Undecim Nocte 2015, various Lunar Children began discussing the event in early 2016. In this conversation, Eddie implied that Undecim Nocte failed because Hina interfered with the Crescent Moon Necklace. Sheepdog refuted this claim, believing there to be no connection. Angered, Eddie claimed that Hina was most likely killed by the Elder Children for her taboo actions. He then proceeded to post a gory photo of a dead girl as proof. This greatly upset HarryM1, who had become quite fond of Hina. Sheepdog quickly comforted Harry in PM's, however, explaining that the girl shown in Eddie's photos were not Hina. She then invited Harry to play a game with her and Luke.

At some point, Sheepdog decided to move to The Spire in Ohio. Hope helped set this move up with Thoth, who, surprisingly, was glad to help. By April of 2016, Lunarchildren.com had become somewhat corrupted. Sheepdog, who had seemingly become somewhat disillusioned with the cult by this time, used this opportunity to contact the players. Here, she explained that she never was really into the more morbid parts of the cult and thought that they had gone too far with torturing Tyler back in 2015.

Sheepdog's fate is currently unknown. If she moved to The Spire in 2016, it is likely that she died in the Cataclysm that occurred there on April 23rd, 2016.


Despite being a Lunar Child, Sheepdog is an overall easy going and approaching individual. She is seen attempting to comfort those in distress on the Lunar Children Forums out of the goodness of her heart. She is also quite accepting of the players, despite the fact that they are supposedly her enemies. Sheepdog is also a fan of video games and is a skilled artist.


A funny joker, a good artist, a GAMER GRRL!!!!1
Also an all around good person in spirit.


Relevant documents and files pertaining to Sheepdog.


11/5/15 - Lunar Children Profiles - Lunar Children Forums

Name: SheepDog
Group: In house Artist
Date of Birth: N/A
Sex: Male
Bio: I consider myself a decent artist, I make comics every now and then and I am a pretty enjoyable guy. However all of this is thanks to none other than Luna and my devotion to her. All of my art I dedicate to her and her greatness. Praise be unto her so that I may continue to improve and make better and better art in her holy name.


  • Sheepdog introduces herself as an artist who is devoted to Luna. Strangely, she claims she is male in her forum profile.

11/5/15 - "Luna liberate them all" - Kalfu9000

Kalfu9000: "I have been a child of Luna for 3 months now so I am not exactly new, but this is the first time I have seen our forums. I fucking hate every damn disgusting fucker in my life, I am so fucking angry at everything I almost even hate all of you. But I could never say that truthfully. Father, Mother, and all of their children have been my saving grace for the last while. But I can't fucking stand it anymore. I want to ascend, I want to escape this reality. I long to be free of this mortal coil, and I have already read that just simply suicide will only bring me even more greife. But if somethign does not change soon, then I will probably make a big change to many others when summer is over and I am back in highschool."
Hina616: "Hey there hun I know things can be really hard. But just remember that Luna and father love us all very much. Just remember that in the end they will help us be happy."
EddieD222: "Hey kid don't even worry about it, all of these worthless pieces of shit are just that. They don't know Luna, and don't wanna know her either. They are cancer to this damned parallelos. But you know what? It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty... it's all the same once you're dead! And hey, its like I always say, killing a person ain't no big deal. Just put the gun to their head... pow!"
SheepDog: "Hey friend, try and contain all that rage for just a bit. Come to next weeks meeting and you will probably be relieved to some extent. All of the new moons and crescents seem to want to have another one of the "group ceremonies" again so maybe that will put you in a good mood."


  • Sheepdog attempts to calm the user Kalfu9000 and invites them to an upcoming group ceremony.

11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616

Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted)) target=_blank
Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"
HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"
Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."
Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."
Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."
Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."
_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."
Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"
Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."
SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."
MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."
Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"
MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."


  • The user Hina616 shows off the Crescent Moon Necklace she found at the Fishery. Thoth and Jinn both chide Hina for trespassing on at the fishery. Sheepdog attempts to comfort her, claiming that she'll most likely just get yelled at and that things will be alright. Sheepdog also informs Losna that the cult have several out-of-state members and meeting grounds.

4/1/16 - "Whats going on here?" - SheepDog

SheepDog: "I know you people are in here so just be chill about it and let me know whats happening, I have some information for all of you right now that you might wanna hear."
SheepDog: "Im not really sure how I have managed to get access to this place while no one else can, but I see you guys used that power that is held here a bit. Things have been.... going... I guess you could say, here at the lunar spire still despite various screw ups and the hole 11/11 flop. But your last song actually did something goodish and badish both both sides standards. Tyler was brought through one of the parallelos and then back to the fishery, idk exactly what happened to him there but he proceeded to run right back to his house. He is held up in there now and some of the children are trying to keep an eye on him but something there wont let us get any closer, something kind of fuckin freaky to say the least. We can hear him in there in his house but we can't see him. But I am sure he is ok for now."
SheepDog: "I never have in terms of the torture and blood sacrifices. But the way they treated this Tyler guy was just a bit much. We nearly killed him multiple times, and that point where we held him in a trunk for a couple days was going overboard."


  • Sheepdog briefly chats with the players on the Lunar Children Forums. Here, she explains a bit about what happened to Tyler after Undecim Nocte 2015 from their perspective. She also implies that Tenebris is currently keeping the Lunar Children from capturing Tyler again.

4/27/20 - "chat10030923" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with SheepDog
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

10:43:54 PM Igaluk123: "Alright, I'm here."
10:44:10 PM SheepDog: "eyy"
10:44:14 PM SheepDog: "what's up"

10:44:26 PM Igaluk123: "Been trying to connect for the past half hour."
10:44:31 PM SheepDog: "oof"
10:44:52 PM SheepDog: "The net's still shoddy there?"

10:45:12 PM Igaluk123: "It's ALWAYS shoddy."
10:45:23 PM Igaluk123: "Or at least it has been since Undecim Nocte."
10:45:38 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

10:45:42 PM SheepDog: "damn"
10:45:47 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

10:46:01 PM Igaluk123: "Chill, it's PM's."
10:46:17 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:46:46 PM Igaluk123: "Uh wow okay then."
10:47:00 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:15 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:21 PM Igaluk123: "We'll just have to see if the internet is willing to cooperate."
10:47:27 PM Igaluk123: "It's been pretty stable so far though."

10:47:29 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:32 PM Igaluk123: "No worries."
10:47:35 PM Igaluk123: "I'll hop on in a bit."
10:48:49 PM Igaluk123: "Fucking updates."

10:50:22 PM SheepDog: "how's it been over there in general?"
10:50:25 PM SheepDog: "I mean besides living in the stone age with no internet"

10:50:34 PM Igaluk123: "Weird."
10:50:42 PM Igaluk123: "The Elders aren't really telling us much of anything."
10:50:48 PM Igaluk123: "They're running wild trying to track down the Harbinger's Link."

10:50:54 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:51:11 PM Igaluk123: "I know, chill."
10:51:16 PM SheepDog: "sorry"
10:51:22 PM Igaluk123: "But we here in the Spire don't really know any more than the rest of you guys."
10:51:32 PM Igaluk123: "Half of the Elders seem to be missing and the other half are too tight-lipped to tell us anything."
10:51:37 PM Igaluk123: "Aside from Thoth with the occasional site announcement."

10:51:42 PM SheepDog: "right"
10:51:45 PM SheepDog: "he always manages to talk a lot without really saying much of anything lol"

10:51:51 PM Igaluk123: "True."
10:52:21 PM Igaluk123: "Aren't you going to delete that?"

10:52:26 PM SheepDog: "nah thoth doesnt really care too much about me shitting around on him"
10:52:34 PM SheepDog: "its only when you start mentioning big no-no topics he gets angry"

10:52:40 PM Igaluk123: "Like in Mooned."
10:52:43 PM SheepDog: "god"
10:52:45 PM SheepDog: "dont remind me"
10:52:53 PM SheepDog: "I'm actually working on getting that all reuploaded somewhere"
10:52:57 PM SheepDog: "But of course it's taking a bit longer cause I've gotta bend over backwards for braindead over here"

10:53:14 PM Igaluk123: "I'm surprised he allowed it to go on as long as it did."
10:53:21 PM SheepDog: "yeah, thoth ain't really one for jokes"
10:53:25 PM SheepDog: "or fun in general, honestly"


  • Sheepdog and Luke discuss recent news regarding the Lunar Children. Sheepdog wants to play an online game, but Luke is having difficulty because of the internet at The Spire. Sheepdog seems to be a bit worried about her messages being logged, as she is repeatedly deleting her messages. The two of them also briefly discuss Sheepdog's old project Mooned.

4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"
9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"

9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"
9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."

9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."

9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."
9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."

9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."
9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"

9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"
9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."

9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"
9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"
9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."
9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"
9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"
9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."

9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"
9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."
9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"
9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."
9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."

9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"

9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"
9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"

9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"

9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"

9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"
9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."
9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"

9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"
9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."

9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"

9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"
9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)

9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."
9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)
9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."
9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"
9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."
9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."

9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"

9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"
9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."

9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."
9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"

9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."

9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."
9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."
9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."
9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."


  • The user HarryM1 asks if anyone has seen Hina lately. Eddie taunts him and claims that she was killed by the Elder Children for interfering with the Crescent Moon Necklace, which he claims ruined Undecim Nocte 2015. Sheepdog refutes this claim, which angers Eddie. He then posts a gory photo of a girl's corpse, claiming it is Hina.

4/27/20 - "chat59203301" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with Harry
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:35:56 PM SheepDog: "Harry dude you need to calm down"
9:35:58 PM SheepDog: "Dont listen to that asshole"

9:36:14 PM Harry: "HE KILLED HER"

9:36:21 PM SheepDog: "I dont know who that was but it wasnt Hina"
9:36:22 PM SheepDog: "I would know"
9:36:24 PM SheepDog: "me and Hina shared some selfies a while back and thats not her"

9:36:26 PM Harry: "Then who the hell is it??"
9:36:28 PM SheepDog: "who fucking knows"
9:36:31 PM SheepDog: "Maybe some random gore pic he found on reddit?"
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "or maybe it actually is a photo he took while on one of his missions"
9:36:36 PM SheepDog: "theres no telling with edd"

9:36:52 PM Harry: "You're SURE thats not Hina"
9:36:57 PM SheepDog: "Im sure dude"
9:37:21 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:37:22 PM SheepDog: "this is the pic she sent me"
9:37:23 PM SheepDog: "looks completely different."
9:37:26 PM SheepDog: "I'm sure Hinas just fine"

9:37:52 PM Harry: "Why the hell would he do that...."
9:37:55 PM SheepDog: "Hes a fucked up guy"
9:37:57 PM SheepDog: "We all know this"
9:38:22 PM SheepDog: "I mean its not exactly a secret what he does for the elders"
9:38:25 PM SheepDog: "and its no secret that he really really enjoys it"

9:38:41 PM Harry: "Sheep I dont know if I can keep doing this"
9:38:52 PM Harry: "I mean I knew we all werent exactly mainstream going in and a lot of us kinda "tow the line" but just"
9:38:53 PM Harry: "fuck dude"

9:38:57 PM SheepDog: "I get it"
9:39:11 PM SheepDog: "Look"
9:39:13 PM SheepDog: "come join me and Luke in a game"
9:39:14 PM SheepDog: "It'll get your mind off things"

9:39:20 PM Harry: "No fuck that"
9:39:23 PM Harry: "I can't just sweep this shit under the rug any more"
9:39:25 PM Harry: "I just can't fucking do it man"

9:39:32 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:37 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

9:39:45 PM Harry: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:48 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:52 PM Harry: "Ok"
9:39:53 PM Harry: "Hold on."


  • After the previous conversation, Sheepdog calms Harry's fears about Hina's potential death by revealing that the photo of the corpse shown by Eddie wasn't her. She then invites Harry to play a game with her and Luke.

4/27/20 - "chat33032313" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with SheepDog:
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

1:12:14 AM fairProspect: "Other than that, no."
1:12:17 AM fairProspect: "I've already informed Ezekiel about everything."

1:12:23 AM SheepDog: "oof"
1:12:26 AM SheepDog: "how'd he take it lol"

1:12:33 AM fairProspect: "Fairly well, actually."
1:12:35 AM fairProspect: "Aside from a forced eye-roll, haha."

1:12:42 AM SheepDog: "well thats surprising"
1:12:46 AM SheepDog: "I didn't think hed want me anywhere near that place lol"

1:12:51 AM fairProspect: "I think deep down he really does like you."
1:13:21 AM fairProspect: "He's probably happy that you'll be closer from now on."

1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "ew"
1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "gross"

1:13:33 AM fairProspect: "Come on, you know what I mean."
1:13:35 AM SheepDog: yeah yeah"
1:14:37 AM fairProspect: "I need to get getting to sleep, now."
1:14:41 AM SheepDog: "same here probably"
1:14:44 AM SheepDog: "see you tomorrow, HOPE-fully"
1:14:46 AM SheepDog: ":sunglasses:"

1:14:52 AM fairProspect: ":eyeroll:"


  • Sheepdog discusses the prospect of her moving to The Spire with Hope. Hope says that she's already passed the idea by Thoth, who she claims doesn't dislike Sheepdog as much as he may appear to.


  1. Sheepdog's portraits can be seen in the Spire Janus Room.




DougLunar Children: The First Giant
Lunar Children: Douglas
JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant
Moon Children: Alex Hall
Kayd HendricksMoon Children: RemMasonTyler

Internet Detectives
CircleHunterDawnGrethJacobLunar Children: Vincent AdamsJohnJoséAstral Observatory: YugiWolfcat

DeadOneDrownedErikaHelperMaxSKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint

Lunar Children


LunaPatremTenebris LinkMoon Children: Mr. DThe First GiantHarbingers: Doug
Lunar Children: Douglas
The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable
Moon Children: Alex Hall
The Third GiantMoon Children: SpencerThe Fourth Giant

Elder Children
Alan AlphonseEzekiel KonradJenniferKylieLiquidSaintHarbingers: SKMMattRMoon Children: IfritVincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob

AlignakCarlaCici849DanielDouglasEddieGeorgeHarryM1Hina616HopeJarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy JarvisJie_Lin_HunterLJasonKalfu9000KevinMoon Children: InsidiaeLosna152LukeMasonSheepdogSin_Yarikh1_Tsukuyomi_1

Moon Children


ChrisSpencerLunar Children: The Third GiantIfritLunar Children: MattRInsidiaeLunar Children: KevinMr. DLunar Children: Tenebris Link

Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable
Lunar Children: The Second Giant
Ben HubbardDanielleDavidDiana HubbardHank HubbardJeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333RemHarbingers: Kayd HendricksRosaThe Old ManThomasWilliam Reynolds

Astral Observatory

Astral Children

IsocelesAssassinHacker Group: The Gray ManKaiden_Zoromichimoonman31NoctaNotAHoax_M12Samuel CharlestonYugiHarbingers: Joséyuukichan

Hacker Group
GHOSTBABELSethDuskThe Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin

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FlintGreth of RuskunneInnsman GrethThe JesterMax (DnD)MunninSam the Genasi