Mathew Hubbard
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Mathew Hubbard

The portrait of Mat drawn by Sheepdog.
Name | Mathew Hubbard |
Alias | Ifrit Matt Hubris Rodney R. MattR Operator Mat Hubbard |
Affiliation | Lunar Children Moon Children |
Gender | Male |
Status | Unknown |
Relations | Hank Hubbard (Stepfather) Diana Hubbard (Stepmother) Ben Hubbard (Stepbrother) Rosa (Sister) |
Mathew Hubbard, also known as Ifrit or MattR, is an enigmatic character who has antagonized the players throughout Johnisdead. Mat first appeared in Jadusable's ARG as a high ranking Moon Child. Over the course of Johnisdead, it was revealed that he was responsible for the tragedy that wiped out most of the Moon Children, after which he later joined the Lunar Children. However, even while in the Lunar Children, Mat's loyalties were difficult to pin down, as he often disregarded the Elder Children's wishes and contacted Tenebris in private.
Not much is known about Mat's early childhood. At some point, he and his biological sister, Rosa, were moved to an orphanage. The two were raised here until 1990, when a Moon Children couple - Hank Hubbard and Diana Hubbard - adopted Mat. The couple had previously been unable to have a child of their own, and at this point, they could only afford to raise one child, meaning that Mat had now been separated from his sister. Later that year, however, Diana finally gave birth to a baby boy - Ben Hubbard. Tragically, she passed away during the process, leaving Hank to raise Ben and Mat alone.
Hank adored Ben, resulting in Mat becoming more and more neglected over the years. At some point, Hank had inducted Ben into the Moon Children. In 1998, Hank slowly began to lose his grip on reality, resulting in Luna teaching him the ways of ascension. The Moon Children saw this as blasphemy and he was cast out form the cult. Hank used this time to go and form his own cult, the Lunar Children. During this time, though, Ben remained within the Moon Children as a spy of sorts.
Moon Children
By this point, Mat and Hank's relationship had been soured for quite some time. In 2002, Mat decided to join the Moon Children on his own accord under the name "Rodney R". In order to become an official member, Mat had to carry out one final task - killing Hank. Mat travelled to Hank's house on April 23rd, where he discovered that Ben had already been killed by Hank earlier in the day. Mat proceeded to kill Hank - likely through bludgeoning and electrocuting him. Unexpectedly, this resulted in Hank ascending into Patrem and transcending into one of the Four Giants. Mat reported back to the Moon Children. They were surprised to discover that this proved Hank's previous testimonies about ascension. The cult later decided to lie about the date of Hank's death to cover up this mistake.
Over the next several years, Mat proved himself to the Moon Children and rose through their ranks, eventually becoming one of the administrators on their website, ( At some point, Mat reunited with his sister Rosa. Though she never became a true initiate of the cult, she was still closely involved with them. Under the username "Ifrit", Mat would occasionally post announcements about general happenings within the cult. Events surrounding are somewhat confusing and unclear, as players from 2016 began interacting with it within various different timelines. The following seems to be the most universal series of events that took place around this time, however:

Mat's avatar on
At some point in 2010, the Blackout occurred. This resulted in several members of the Moon Children including Rosa and Alex going missing. On September 14th, 2010, Mat oversaw the reconstruction of Early in the morning of September 16th, players from 2016 began emailing Mat. This confused him, as he hadn't publicly released his email anywhere yet. Regardless, Mat happily obliged to answer any questions, viewing the players as potential recruits. Here, he revealed that he would be holding a "party" of sorts on Sunday, September 19th - a religious "Revival" for the cult. When asked about Hank's body, Mat claimed that he doesn't like thinking about the day he killed his father and that it was a dark time for him. After being swamped with emails, Mat told the players to send their questions to Spencer instead.
The next day, on September 17th, Mat made a general post announcing some work he completed on the site and addressing the sudden influx of new users. He also ended off this post asking other members if they wished to participate in the upcoming party on Sunday. On September 19th, the day of the party, the giant Kelbris arose from his grave and travelled to Mat's home. Here, infused Mat with holy knowledge from Luna - likely Lunar Children teachings and Tenebris's influence. After this, Mat fell into a trance of sorts. He later proceeded to kill off most of the remaining Moon Children, transcending Alex and Spencer in the process.
Lunar Children
Mat was later brought into the Lunar Children. It was later implied that this was part of Kevin's goal - a Lunar Child operative who was spying on the Moon Children during 2010. Mat shared valuable information with the Lunar Children, having deep knowledge of the now-destroyed Moon Children's teachings. By 2015, Mat had been granted the rank of Elder Child and was offered a personal bedroom within the upper floors of The Spire in Ohio. He would also occasionally most announcements on under the name "MattR" or "Operator", much like how he did as "Ifrit" back on

Mat at the Blood Moon Ritual.
On April 4th, 2015, Mat oversaw the cult's Blood Moon Ritual, while a new recruit carried out the ceremony. Mat could be seen activating the Listening Device so that Patrem may begin speaking. Near the end of the video, Mat can be seen killing the new recruit as a sacrifice to Luna. On May 26th, Mat made an announcement regarding's recent technical difficulties, claiming that the site had just been rebuilt. The next day, Mat made another announcement informing users that the site's terminology pages had been updated and that the Lunar Children Forums were currently being worked on.

Mat's avatar on
On June 18th, Mat announced that now had a new layout and revamped security features. A few days later on June 23rd, Mat announced another security update and informed users that Liquidsaint was making progress on the forums. On July 5th, Mat made an announcement revealing that Liquidsaint would be travelling to The Spire later that year. At some point, Mat began communicating with Tenebris in private - a taboo act due to Tenebris's mischievous nature. On August 1st, Mat announced a banquet that would take place on August 3rd welcoming Liquidsaint to the Spire. On the night of the banquet, Mat convinced Tenebris to steal away the players' Ocarina powers and give them to the cult. He then proceeded to submit the "Bolero of Fire", resulting in a fire breaking out at Tyler's workplace. While this was a beneficial act for the cult, Mat was still punished for acting out of turn and was unable to attend the banquet.
On September 9th, Mat used the Ocarina to power up Regiminis. Mat returned to the public eye and apologized for his rash actions a few days later on September 11th. Mat's words were insincere, however, as it was later revealed that he was still communicating with Tenebris in private. The other Elder Children discovered this and began listening in on these meetings in secret. Around this time, the Lunar Child Hunter Jarvis had proven himself to be quite capable - so much so that he was being considered a position among the other Elder Children. Mat himself recommended Hunter as well.
Once the Lunar Children Forums finally became operational, he could be found occasionally posting there. When the user Hina616 trespassed on the Fishery grounds and recovered Tyler's Crescent Moon Necklace, Mat harshly reprimanded her, threatening her with death if she did not immediately place the necklace back where she found it. On Undecim Nocte 2015, while most of the Lunar Children were at The Spire, Mat was at the fishery. Undecim Nocte went awry when the players managed to recover their Ocarina powers and rescue Tyler. The Lunar Children were unable to complete their ceremony as their "ace in the hole", the crescent moon necklace, had been given back to Tyler by Hunter. After this, both Mat and Hunter disappeared.
Mat's personality is difficult to pin down. On the surface, Mat is often well mannered and welcoming to new members. However, when things begin to go awry, such as when Hina616 interfered with the Crescent Moon Necklace, Mat quickly becomes enraged. Mat is overall hard to read as well, as his loyalties are difficult to discern.
Mathew Hubbard
The borrowed son, borrowed from what? What actualization is found in self appointed names? Is hubris to seek to step outside ones self or to fal to far into reflection? A product of the all minds shadow, false son of the Grand Father. Almost as aware as I pretend I am not, capable of working with "mandella effects" not unlike his master, but probably not as good XD
He craves the real realm, what does he think that is? XD
Relevant documents and files pertaining to Mat.
5/26/15 - Announcement -
Technical Difficulties
Posted on May 26, 2015 11:37 pm by MattR
Due to technical difficulties, we have been going on and offline as of recent. We just secured our servers for the time being, nothing else should go wrong with father on our side. The archive was lost, around august of 2012 and we are just now rebuilding the new lunar children website. We will hold a ceremony at our holy place tonight as another milestone has been reached within this year! Expect new content soon children. -Operator
- Mat apologizes for being down recently. He also mentions an "archive" that was lost in August of 2012.
5/28/15 - Announcement -
Posted on May 28, 2015 12:45 am by MattR
Hey guys, working on getting up the terminology page tonight! It’ll include three terms tonight: Tenebris Link, Deuro, and The Absque facie. Remember to check up on those pages when they are done as they hold important information. -Operator
ps: Our member communication forums are on the backlog, but should be up in the near future!
- Mat announces that some of the terminology pages on will soon be completed. He also claims that the Lunar Children Forums will be worked on soon.
6/18/15 - Blog Post -
Theme Update, Security and Forum Progress
June 18, 2015 by MattR
Matthew here, we recently updated our theme and layout of the main site, as well as some new security features. Our user database has been fixed once again as recent attacks disabled it. If you can’t login, your account has been compromised temporarily for your protection, however, you should not have any issues accessing your account. Security now requires you to update your password once you login. We expect you to use numbers and letters, as well as upper and lowercase and other characters. Our site will never go down again with our new security protocols!
About the forums, they are coming together quite nicely and should be up soon, so expect that soon! -Operator
- Mat announces that now has a new theme and that the site's security has had an overhaul. He also mentions that progress is being made on the Lunar Children Forums.
6/23/15 - Announcement -
Password Changed
Posted on June 23, 2015 at --:-- by MattR
To all the uninformed members, ALL PASSWORDS HAVE CHANGED! Go ahead check your emails, the new password has been emailed to you. To those who choose not to use email, a letter will arrive shortly… I realize those who don’t have passwords cannot read this, so those that can, inform them about this update.
The forums are coming together quite nicely, thanks to the help of our loyal Liquid Saint! I have sent emails on how to get to the beta forums, but expect them to open up soon! -Operator
- Mat announces that all passwords have been changed as a part of's buffed security. He also reveals that the Lunar Children Forums are now accessible in beta.
7/5/15 - Announcement -
Good News
Posted on July 5, 2015 at --:-- by MattR
My fellow children a glorious time is coming, a glorious time indeed. One of our admins and fellow elder child, Liquid Saint is at long last going to be physically attending with us in our endeavors. It has been a hard year and our though our spiritual funds may be great our monetary funds have been lacking. At last though he can come to be with us under the holy roof of the spire.
I know many of you have been suspicious of him, a member who holds no physical contact with us, but he has contributed much to us, the construction of the portal, management of this website during the most horrible attacks from blasphemers, and the slow but soon to be completed reconstruction of our holy forums. However any and all suspicions should be over upon his arrival.
- Matt announces that Liquidsaint will be visiting The Spire later on in the year.
7/31/15 - Announcement -
The Time is Near
Posted on July 31, 2015 at 6:23 PM by MattR
My fellow children the time is is upon us and we must prepare for the arrival of one of our dearest brothers, on Monday, Liquid Saint shall arrive and I advise you all to prepare for the ceremony of his welcoming. There will be a banquette and offers made to Father Patrem and Luna to bring good blessings upon his time here. Just as well Father Vincent shall speak to us during the event to act as our medium in communications to The Father.
Just as well I personally receiving messages from you all know who. Despite his unpredictable nature it seems as I have stated before, he can be of great use to us. Brothers and sisters we may be receiving a great power upon completion of the forums in the next few days. -Operator
- Mat announces that Liquidsaint will be arriving on August 3rd and that a banquet will be held in his honor. He also mentions that he has been in contact with Tenebris and hints about the fact that soon he will steal away the players' Ocarina powers.
9/11/15 - Announcement -
My Apologies
Posted on September 11, 2015 at 12:46 AM by MattR
I wish to apologize to everyone for the error in my prior actions, I wish only to keep us at prime in our quest to attain enlightenment and reach full and true ascension to our Mother Luna. I have truly learned the error of my ways after fathers punishment and am grateful that I have been left with this life so that I might finish my mission to help us all on our way from this world to the next. That being said, I am aware that Tenebris is not predictable. However I am also aware that Tenebris has found himself connected to the deuro as his spiritual avatar.
This was not as originally planned, without his full power the portal has been in chaos with no one to govern it, and for our benefit and the completion of the coming Ceremony of the 3 elements on Undecim Nocte, Regiminis must hold Duero as his avatar. We now hold the power of the Harbingers, and can effect this reality as they once could thanks to Tenebris actions and my own. To liberate myself and return my honor in the eyes of all of us, I promise we shall make great use of this power, and we shall set things as they were always intended to be. On Wednesday, upon conformation that we in fact had control of the power, I used the power to further awaken Regiminis so that he may begin physically manifesting and drawing power from the surroundings of the harbinger links place of dwelling. As soon as we discover how, we shall separate Tenebris from the deuro and things shall be made right once more. I swear to you this my brothers and sisters. -Operator
- Mat apologizes for contacting Tenebris in private - a taboo act within the Lunar Children. He also announces that he has used the Ocarina to power up Regiminis.
11/5/15 - "I found this thing" - Hina616
Hina616: ((A photo of someone holding Tyler's crescent moon necklace is posted))
Hina616: "I was forced to go out of state to visit with some family recently. While I was in the area, I went to the place I was told about that the blood moon ritual was performed in. I was hoping maybe I could use some of the power there, left over from the ceremony to make contact with someone from beyond this parallelos and gain knowlege. I think I failed -_-;'But I did find this cool necklace, I was wondering if it belonged to anyone who was here for the ritual?"
HarryM1: "That is a pretty obnoxiously big image, but yeah looks pretty cool. Nice find, but wasn't that place meant to be off limits?"
Jarilo333: "That necklace actually looks pretty familiar, if I recall we had a member who was given the name lunaris draco after attaining certain rank. However I also recall her turning her back on us and running away. Not much else to say really, other than the thing being identical from my memory."
Hina616: "oopsies ^^;'well if it was I never got any notice then, it certainly wasn't mentioned at any meetings anyways."
Ezekiel_thoth333: "Two things right now, how did you find that location on your own, and how did you find that necklace? Also this is being reported to the elders as we speak, you may or may not be reprimanded."
Igaluk123: "I honestly can't remember the last meaningful thing I did outside the holy building, so congratulations I suppose."
_jinn_: "All children please disregard Jarilos words as he does not know what he is speaking of, we have never had a member by the name of lunaris draco and she was never in possession of any necklace. You should cease speaking out of turn Jarilo, you are a very old member but your loud and misguided ways are beginning to lead to your undoing."
Losna152: "What do you mean out of state? We only have the meeting grounds, the holy building, what the hell are you talking about?"
Hina616: "Why would I to get in trouble??? I don't understand, Iwas just trying to make myself better for serving Luna."
SheepDog: "Calm down friend, we have some out of state members, I mean I thought we all already knew that given the fact that one of our admins is not even in the country atm but take it easy man. Don't worry, you haven't been with us too long and what you did is a very minor offense that you didn't even know about I am almost positive you will be fine, they might yell at you a bit though heh heh."
MattR: "Hina you are most certainly going to be in a great deal of trouble, you will go immediately to the fishery location and you will leave that necklace there inside the building tonight. Upon your return to us you will immediately receive your punishment for this offense."
Hina616: "But that place is really scary at night and I don't wanna go there alone DX"
MattR: "This thread is closing now, discussion of this topic shall cease immediately. Hina follow my instructions or face termination. You do not wish to anger Mother or Father! Goodnight to you my brethren."
- The user Hina616 reveals that she trespassed at the Fishery and found Tyler's Crescent Moon Necklace. Mat condemns her for this taboo act, threatening her with "termination" should she not return the necklace.
11/11/15 - "Undecim Nocte 2015" -
Today is the day my brothers and sisters, I shall be away at the holy place of our past, but in the mean time banquets shall be held here at the spire. Celebrate everyone for the glorious time of Mothers descent is nearly upon us! -Operator
7/3/16 - Email Chats with Matt - (Email)
Moondancer 5:17 PM: "who is this?"
Matt ((To Moondancer)) 5:54 PM: "How did you get this email?"
Moondancer 8:12 PM: "Your contact page. It didn't actually show up on the page, only in the description on the search page, so I was just confirming. Also, I think someone messed with all the dates on my laptop. What's the date, if I may ask? PS: Heard from Alex recently?"
Matt ((To Moondancer)) 8:31 PM: "It is approximately September 16th 2010 1:29am EST. Also I have not heard from Alex since the black out, which is a shame, since a certain incident resulting his friend introducing him to our group, he has been one of our gretest warriors. I hope we can find him again soon as he is a valuable asset."
Aaver 8:33 PM: "Hey! I'm Morgan. Is this Ifrit? I found the email in the source code of the site, but I'm not sure if this is actually correct"
Matt ((To Aaver)) 8:40 PM: "I was not expecting emails, or so many, so soon. But anyone truly interested in our cause is welcome. This is Ifrit, while I am awake I can let you know anything you need within reason."
Aaver 8:53 PM: "I'm so sorry if I was disturbing you, then. I hope my email wasn't adding to the pile. Regardless, I wanted to know if joining was still an option for me. From what I've read about on the site, it seems like most of meetings are in-person (unless I'm mistaken)? I live in Canada, and I'm still quite dependent on my parents. Trips out of the country aren't an option for me, due to my financial situation. I'm not sure if any members live nearby. How might initiation work for me, if I join? Thank you so much for answering these, if you can. I'm really grateful."
Matt ((To Aaver)) 9:04 PM: "If you wanted to come to us in the physical world that may be a bit challenging for you, in your current condition, I am afraid. We are much bigger than we were a long time ago but we are still smaller than many "Real" as some might say, religions. We are mostly on the American east coast (Florida, New york ect.) however After we finally get everything situated I will being to seriously get through applications to join for those who are serious. I am expecting to have this all done after Sunday if we stick to schedule with no hang ups. In the mean time, check up on our theories and creed page for a little glimpse at what we are all about."
Moondancer 9:04 PM: "Oh, thank you. I'm curious, what exactly's going down at the party on Sunday? And, if I may ask, how late do you think it'll go? If I can go, it'll only be around 10 or 11 PM."
Matt ((To Moondancer)) 9:20 PM: "It is a revival and prayers to our Goddess. But my apologies as it is members only. Just as well do expect slow replies from me as oddly enough I am getting swamped with email at the moment."
Moondancer 9:24 PM: "Alright. One more question, for now. Have you heard from Rosa lately? A friend recommended that I talk to her, but I couldn't find any contact information."
Aaver 9:25 PM: "That's kind of disappointing. Still, I understand. I really hope that you guys grow big enough in the future so that international meetups are possible. I'll definitely be waiting for that day! I'll put in my contact info later today, hopefully you can get to it when you can go through applications. Thanks again for answering my questions. Since you seem to be swamped right now, do you know of anyone else I could take my questions to? I don't want to be a bother."
Moondancer 9:45 PM: "Additionally, please be careful. Some weird stuff's been happening lately, and it's only been getting worse as time goes on"
Matt ((To Aaver)) 9:57 PM: "If he is awake and set up his email properly, DW might be able to talk to you seeing as he promised to help out with the extra traffic and new members we were expecting. Drop him a line at if you would like to get to know another fantastic member of our family. Don't worry, in the not so distant future we expect to be one of the biggest religious groups in all of the country. Assuming people know whats good for them By 2017, we project having at least one grotto in every state."
Matt ((To Moondancer)) 9:59 PM: "Rosa is my sister, I have been trying my best to keep in contact with her since the blackout. However I do not know who told you you needed to talk to her or why. Where did you hear that?"
- Mat begins responding to the players' emails. He confirms that, from his perspective, the date is September 16th, 2010. He also confirms that Alex joined the Moon Children but disappeared during the Blackout. He then explains that the party he is holding on Sunday, September 19th is actually a religious "revival".
7/3/16 - Email Chats with Matt - (Email)
Moondancer --:-- PM: "Don't open the door. I hope it isn't too late."
Matt ((To Moondancer)) --:-- PM: "What are you talking about?"
Moondancer --:-- PM: "Nothing, probably. By the way, was Kelbris' body ever found? I heard he was electrocuted. but not much more."
Matt ((To Moondancer)) --:-- PM: "That day in 2002 is something I do not like talking about. I was young back then and it was a crazy and awful time, but what happened had to be done. It would have hurt either way. I can't talk about it, to put it short, however you can be sure his body cannot be found anymore"
HauntedMaster --:-- PM: "Is this Ifrit from ""? I know the site from a friend, he said this email was one of the best people to contact about questions and stuff. But I could also have the wrong email address, whoops. But I do have a few questions, if you are the right person! I am interested about this site! Thank you, HauntedMaster"
Matt ((To HauntedMaster)) --:-- PM: "If you are serious about joining us or something of the like leave the proper contact information on our main contact page."
HauntedMaster --:-- PM: "Thank you, just filled out stuff on the contact us page! Also, I read "Nekko"'s post on the home page. I hope the party goes well for! :). Just be careful at the party, I've been ones that were so wild that people have, well... Had pretty terrible fates >_<. Maybe I'm just over-worrying. Stay on your toes either way! Thank you, Haunted Master"
Matt ((To HauntedMaster)) --:-- PM: "Very good, I will be discussing new children joining the ranks with our leader as soon as possible. the policy has always been the more the merrier aside from a few small exceptions, so I am sure you will make it in. The party should go great as well, a lot of friends I can't wait to get back with again after so long. A night of fun and praises to Her is just what I have needed for a while."
- Mat claims that the time during which he had to kill his father [[Hank Hubbard] was an awful time that he does not like to remember.
7/5/16 - Announcement -
Posted: 9/18/10 @ 2:00am
Hey guys, just wanted to apologize for the site being down all day yesterday. We have a huge influx of trolls, no doubt because we're a bit more "mainstream" now. We've been going down every so often because of bandwidth overload, and we've gotten and insane amount of requests to join us, most of theM are trolls. We will woRry about all of this after Sunday though. I want to thank Chris for pushing the iDea for us to have that group reunion. I am excited to get to Spend timE with all of you again my old friEndS. Since it is starting tomorrow this will be my last post until next week, I have to get everything ready. See you all then.
P.S. Also I know it is late but TGIF since the site was down when I wanted to say it. Also shoot me a message if you are an old friend! I am trying to get plenty of people together so we can get some good chi energy going sunday, or not its all The Same to me.
- Mat addresses's recent influx of trolls and hosting issues. He once again acknowledges the upcoming party on September 19th, 2010.
7/5/16 - Email Chat with Matt - (Email)
Prism 2:54 AM: "When and where will we meet? -BGK"
Matt 3:32 AM: "The meeting grounds in Florida. That is all I am saying because I know you are no one I know. If I am wrong then I will see you there."
Prism -:-- AM: ((This message was not archived. It likely involved Rosa.))
Matt 5:45 AM: "What are you talking about? This is Ifrit, do I know you or are you trolling? ((...))"
Prism 6:18 AM: "Do the numbers 15423 mean anything to you? -BGK"
Matt 6:26 AM: "Keep that number to yourself. I do not know who told it to you but keep it a secret if you know what is good for you. Good Night"
- Mat confirms that The Orchard is in Florida. He also implies that the number "15423" is very important and threatens the player to keep it to themselves.
4/23/20 - Subterranean Page Text -
NO I am being serious I can't remember if I threw him in the / or just threw him in a hole in front of it. I almost remember it like I did both. Those parts of the story dont matter anymore, what matters is what the next step made me realize. After It sent him to knock on my door. I woke up and now I finally see what the important parts of the story are now in the grand scheme. I can see the entire story, I know what to do with it now. Its all just
- Mat struggles to remember what he did with Hank's body, seemingly experiencing multiple memories.
8/8/20 - Entry Page Text -
After much work I have atlast achieved a certain degree of higher gnosis in regards to this world and its connection to yet more plains. The lord of this world is demiurgic and of course all that I can witness is falsehood. The people of it seeking to play ruler over yet smaller segments hidden within this world of false light and faceless archon like forces.
My sister in my true home is as Sophia, the god of this realm has lost his Ella for all time and I have no need to let him play out the rest of his journey with that Sophia Phantasm. The Order of Metatron shall align me to my true self and world once more.
- Mat claims to have joined something called the Order of Metatron, which has opened his eyes to more of the world's hidden truths.
![]() ![]() Characters |
Links Lunar Children: Douglas • JadusableLunar Children: The Second Giant Moon Children: Alex Hall • Kayd HendricksMoon Children: Rem • Mason • Tyler Internet Detectives CircleHunter • Dawn • Greth • JacobLunar Children: Vincent Adams • John • JoséAstral Observatory: Yugi • Wolfcat Allies DeadOne • Drowned • Erika • Helper • Max • SKMLunar Children: LiquidSaint |
Figures Lunar Children: Douglas • The Second GiantHarbingers: Jadusable Moon Children: Alex Hall • The Third GiantMoon Children: Spencer • The Fourth Giant Elder Children Alan Alphonse • Ezekiel Konrad • Jennifer • Kylie • LiquidSaintHarbingers: SKM • MattRMoon Children: Ifrit • Vincent AdamsHarbingers: Jacob Members Alignak • Carla • Cici849 • Daniel • Douglas • Eddie • George • HarryM1 • Hina616 • Hope • Jarilo333Moon Children: Jeremy Jarvis • Jie_Lin_HunterL • Jason • Kalfu9000 • KevinMoon Children: Insidiae • Losna152 • Luke • Mason • Sheepdog • Sin_Yarikh • 1_Tsukuyomi_1 |
Moderators Members Alex HallHarbingers: Jadusable Lunar Children: The Second Giant • Ben Hubbard • Danielle • David • Diana Hubbard • Hank Hubbard • Jeremy JarvisLunar Children: Jarilo333 • RemHarbingers: Kayd Hendricks • Rosa • The Old Man • Thomas • William Reynolds |
Astral Children Hacker Group GHOSTBABEL • Seth • Dusk • The Gray ManAstral Observatory: IsocelesAssassin |
Other / Unaffiliated |
Layered Beings WireTalk Mr. Silent • Mrs. Moon Janus Entities Child • Dead • Halicord • Prominence • Shadow_0388 • Stackoverflow • Trapped Other Cody • Hilario • Hotspot • Kyle • OFA Group • Pumpkinhead • Pursan • The Jaeger • Time Turner • Randy BUP's DnD Game Flint • Greth of Ruskunne • Innsman Greth • The Jester • Max (DnD) • Munnin • Sam the Genasi |