Astral Observatory Forums

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Astral Observatory Forums


The front page of the forums.

Name Astral Observatory Forums
Type Forums
Affiliation Astral Observatory
Date October 31st, 2018
Status Active

The Astral Observatory Forums are the main form of communication used by the members of the Astral Observatory. Though players only first discovered them on October 31st of 2018, an earlier incarnation of them had supposedly existed since July of that same year. These forums hosted countless character interactions for the players, making them a very important location.


The Astral Observatory was founded sometime in July of 2018. It is implied that along with the creation of, the forums were created around this time as well. While IsocelesAssassin, Moonman, and José all joined the site with the intention of putting a stop to Nocta's plans, other users such as Kaiden Zoromichi, Yuukichan, and NotAHoax all flocked to the site naturally with no secondary motivations. The users all seemed to get along well. Kaiden, IsocelesAssassin, and Yuukichan all participated in a roleplay together. There was also supposedly a "Kemono Friends" thread with over 1000 pages.

Nocta later created a board titled "The Truth" on the Astral Observatory Forums. This board was locked and the login information was only given out to users he trusted. For an unspecified amount of time, the password to access this board was "pqbxhtlopa". This board contained a thread detailing the group's history and a link to the Subspace - a secret section of that contained the group's more occult knowledge. Over time, the Astral Observatory Forums were revealed to be more of an indoctrination tool that Nocta uses to gain more members for the Subspace.

On October 21st, went offline, resulting in massive data loss and the corruption of the forums. Nocta blamed this on supposedly stealing the site's bandwidth. The players discovered on October 24th. Due to their past involvement with, Nocta portrayed the players as if they were potentially responsible for the loss of the forums. On October 31st, the Astral Observatory Forums had been recreated. The players were now able to chat with the other members of the forums. Around this time, Nocta made a post about the players in "The Truth" board. The exact contents of this post are unknown, however.

An example of a thread on the Astral Observatory Forums.

Players began prying for more information about the Astral Observatory and their connection to the Lunar Children. On November 11th, Moonman reached out to the players in PM's, offering to give them more information in a secure location. This led to the creation of the Safe Haven Discord Server, where players could chat with Moonman in a more controlled environment. On November 13th, Nocta reached out to the player ARGdov, seeing potential in adding him to the group's inner circle.

On November 26th, Nocta discovered that Moonman was a traitor who had been giving the players information. After this, the login information for "The Truth" was changed to "mindconstruct". Moonman was not given this password and he no longer had access to the cult's inner circle. Despite this, Moonman later found his way back into the board - possibly though being given the password by another member or by simply hacking his way back in. Here, he discovered that the players ARGdov and CelestialLight had both been granted access to "The Truth" as well.

At some point in early 2019, Yuukichan was ascended and her spirit was trapped within Despite this, she was seemingly able to continue using her account as if nothing were wrong - similar to Jeremy Jarvis as seen on the Lunar Children Forums. Over time, however, oddities began cropping up surrounding her account, such as her sending the player Wolfcat a message simply reading "thewoods" repeated over 100 times.

On April 23rd, the Astral Observatory Forums went down - presumably both as a threat from Nocta and due to Yuukichan's spirit slowly corrupting the site. On June 5th, Moonman hacked the forums and gave all of the players moderator access. Here, they discovered that Yuukichan had indeed been ascended earlier in the year. On July 26th, IsocelesAssassin finally returned to the forums after the player Wolfcat submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova". IsocelesAssassin soon joined the Safe Haven Discord server and began chatting with the players there alongside Moonman.

Over time, the forums slowly corrupted more and more - both because of Yuukichan's presence and due to an influx of "spambots" summoned by Moonman. On August 8th, Nocta announced that Moonman had been banned from the forums. In reality, Moonman had been trapped within the Parallelos within a section of the site's Subspace. IsocelesAssassin's ally, GHOSTBABEL, assisted the players in saving Moonman. This process caused the site to undergo some strange sort of temporal flux, however, resulting in posts from the forum members from different timelines appearing for a brief period of time.

The Astral Observatory Forums experiencing temporal chaos.

With Moonman saved, the players managed to scare Nocta away from the site, who was likely fearful considering the temporal chaos it had just underwent. This chaos also allowed Pumpkinhead to enter into the Astral Timeline, who then proceeded to pretend to be the player Wolfcat. On April 20th, 2020, IsocelesAssassin, Moonman, and the Hacker Group began to enact a plan to get the players into the Subspace and, by extension, This required the use of a Data Bomb. It was then that Pumpkinhead made his move, destroying the Safe Haven Discord server and stealing away the Data Bomb. Fortunately, the Hacker Group was able to send the players a second Data Bomb, which was then posted in "The Truth" by the player ARGdov. This resulted in the site corrupting further, allowing the players to access the Subspace.

On May 12th, players began using the Astral Observatory Forums as their main form of communication once again. On July 3rd, Pumpkinhead attacked once again by locking the players' Ocarina powers within the Astral Observatory Forums. The players were then forced to explore a labyrinth of pages in the Sanctum Hole in order to regain access to the forums. The "Sanctum" hole was finally completed on September 1st, as the players discovered the username was "finalastralbarrier" and the password was "fleetingdream".

On December 21st, IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL informed the players that they had hatched a new plan to regain communication with the Hacker Group. The players were to scour for a transmission code that they would then plug in to a new page on the Astral Observatory Subspace. The players accomplished their mission on December 22nd. On December 23rd, GHOSTBABEL would begin occasionally posting transmissions from the Hacker Group on the Astral Observatory Forums, offering the players to send questions in the form of posts to ask the group.


Below is an archive of all threads that contain canon interactions.



Helpful topics for those new

Help & FAQ

A board for asking questions that either nocta or another can answer; the board rules are also posted in here.

Introduce yourself here
General Discussion

Talk about anything not relevant to the other discussion forums here


Theories and Discussion

Aliens & Visitors

Ghosts / Demonology

Political Conspiracy

Supernatural, Folklore & Etc

The Truth