Story (Full) 3
Johnisdead shares many elements with Ben Drowned - an ARG created by Alex Hall in 2010. The first few sections of this story recap will be dedicated to covering the story of Ben Drowned so that readers will have full context required for Johnisdead.
The story so far...
In the previous section, players discovered the Moon Children - a cult that worshipped a moon goddess named Luna. The cult was supposedly led by an individual named "Mr. D" - also known as "The Father". Its various members included Matt, Chris, Spencer, and Kevin. As players explored the website, they learned of Ascension - a ritualistic suicide that's believed to connect one with Luna and grant them spiritual powers.
Players eventually managed to contact Matt, who revealed that not only was Ben somehow connected to the cult, but that he was also Matt's brother. He also implied that Alex was a member of the Moon Children as well. Shortly after this, Matt was confronted by Kelbris - a deceased Moon Child who supposedly died in 1998. Around this time, Alex reemerged and uploaded a video of the "Song of Time". Much like its effect in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the song caused the Moon Children's website,, to revert back to how it was three days prior - rewinding time back into another three day cycle.
Unfortunately, Matt was absent during this new cycle. Thankfully, players managed to contact his sister, Rosa. During this time, players discovered that the possessed the power known as "The Ocarina" - the ability to submit various songs, items, and images from The Legend of Zelda series to effect the world of the ARG. Unfortunately, some poorly timed submissions led to both Rosa and Alex disappearing. As the website entered its third cycle, something unexpected occurred...
On September 20th, 2010, entered into its third cycle. However, before much could be explored, the website changed once again. It now contained an out-of-character update from Alex Hall - the creator of the ARG.
"Hey, Jadusable here. Consider this the 'real' TheTruth.txt. A lot of you may hate me for this, but I've decided that I can no longer continue the Majora's Mask story the way I originally wanted to."
Alex claims that the ARG is now on hiatus. The main reason for this is the lack of funds to keep online. The website will be transformed into an archive of the story, though it will likely go offline near the end of the month due to a lack of funds. However, he is now accepting donations.
Alex describes himself as a "closet dork", going into his interest regarding videogames and films. He claims that he wanted the horror of his ARG to stem mostly from psychological games rather than morbid gore. He was interested in toying with the "fourth wall" and involving the players with the story more directly, believing it to be a creepy idea in general. He also claims that it's possible that this entire out-of-character post was actually written by BEN in an attempt to trick the players into not caring anymore, though he quickly brushes this off with "Probably not".
Alex apologizes to the fans for having to place the ARG on hiatus, noting how much it "kills him" to have to do it. He also apologizes to /x/ for their board being taken over by posts relating to the ARG, claiming that it will all go back to normal "Not too much longer". He also claims he'd like to continue the ARG at some point, noting that "This isn't the end". A transcript of Alex's entire post can be found below:
Alex's Post
Hey, Jadusable here,
Consider this the 'real' TheTruth.txt
A lot of you may hate me for this, but I've decided that I can no longer continue the Majora's Mask story the way I originally wanted to. Even as I'm typing this I can feel the disappointment and the "OH MY GOD YOU ASSHOLE" cries as you guys read this, and really, it kills me. A lot of people have initially surmised that this must be some kind of viral marketing effort from Nintendo, or some kind of marketing ploy, and while I can't tell you how flattering that is I can assure you that it is neither. I'm just a sophomore in college who came up with this elaborate idea and as it stands I simply don't have the manpower or the funds to continue this in the direction that I wanted it to go (now I realize why it took a team of talented individuals to do Marble Hornets as opposed to just a one-man-army).
Perhaps too ambitious, I purchased the cheapest webhosting service I could find given my budget (aka nonexistant), and with all of the people attempting to access the site (since the website opened two days ago, I've gotten over 300,000 visits and I've spent probably half that time in maintence) - it was almost consistently down. If you're going to involve a website this closely in your interactive story, then you can't have your website crashing or unavailable for the majority of your users; you would need a service that could handle that many viewers. Unfortunately this was something I simply could not afford being a broke college student. I paid for the site out of my own pocket (in retrospect probably not the most sound finanical decision), and with the insane amount of traffic I was getting the server host wasn't cutting it and I didn't want to "break character" by putting Google ads in to generate revenue. I didn't have the money to upgrade and I knew that I wouldn't be doing this story justice if I continued on as things were. Even if the money issue was solved, there's still the matter of the updates taking too long - I simply did not have the time to devote enough attention into the project for speedy updates. So I was presented with two options - either wrap up this game in a lackluster ending that would feel contrived, or stop here and resume it later.
A bit of backstory: Writing/story-telling has always been a hobby of mine - I actually have a TV show that I'm currently finding an agent for - and being a closet dork, videogames have always interested me as a kid with Majora's Mask ranking among my favorite. I've never attempted writing anything remotely scary before, but MM aways had that "creepy" vibe to it and so on a whim I decided to try my hand at it. Maybe it wasn't everyone's forte, maybe a little cliched to some, but the concept of a videogame - a device that only reacts to what the user tells it - suddenly going outside its coding was something I wanted to explore and something that could engage the reader and have it relatable on more than one level. I wanted to make the story creepy not because of severed heads or morbid descriptions, but on a more psychological level with a fair amount of mindfuckery, for both the poor bastard protagonist and the reader.
I view this whole story as two separate stories - the original "Haunted Zelda Cartridge" - which ended with TheTruth.rtf - that is my original work and story. The second story - involving the website - would pick up where "Haunted Zelda Cartridge" left off. However, it obviously isn't completed and may seem too "out of place" for people to really get the whole picture, thus subject to a lot of "jumping the shark" claims. I know that there were some of the original fans who weren't happy with the direction it went in after the website came out and that it seemed like two different concepts entirely - they were, but I feel had this thing run its course the way I intended those same people may see the "second part" of the story in a new light. This explaination will not do it justice, but perhaps clears things up as to what my overall goal was:
The story was just as much of an experiment to me as it was an adventure for you guys. Being new at this genre, I wanted to try and bring a new kind of feel to the standard "creepy" stories; one that had to do with shattering the fourth wall and that sense of security. When you read a scary story, there's no doubt that it can be creepy, but in the back of your mind you know you're safe behind your computer screen on the internet connected to millions of other people. You've used the internet for years and you know how it works inside and out - and as a result you have this built up sense of security because of how familiar it is. I attempted to shatter that "fourth wall" with BEN. I wanted to write a story that involved the reader so they would feel more connected to the story. The biggest example of this is the big reveal at the end of TheTruth.rtf where the reader suddenly realizes that BEN has not only tricked the protagonist, but the reader as well, making them personally feel betrayed and uneasy at the same time. Obviously Cleverbot isn't haunted, but the way it works is that if a bunch of people start chatting with it saying specific words, the program will notice a pattern and start to associate them together, making it a perfect choice for leaving that lingering doubt of "what if?", especially now that BEN has leaked out into the internet and could theoretically control exactly what you're reading now. Maybe he just wants you to think this was all fake so you stop worrying about it and continue on with your normal lives. Probably not.
As I played with the concept of having the reader become more and more involved, the story sort of evolved into an Alternate Reality Game. I had always admired the unique sense of impending disaster and the three day concept in the videogame, and I wanted to take Majora's Mask and incorporate it into reality without copy/pasting it, which would make it lose all sense of believability. Instead, I opted for a more "modern" take, on how Majora's Mask would be if it happened in real life - there would be no goofy giant moon with a nasty face on it, there would be no floating mask that can possess said moon, etc. Instead there was a cult worshipping a moon that is destined to fall, a hero from another world, an evil entity that has crossed over into another dimension (Majora into Termina, similiar to BEN's entrance into the real world), a three day time cycle, as well as other parallels that would have become available further in the story. I wanted to capture and recreate the same feelings that we all got when we were playing Majora's Mask for the first time as kids. That feeling when you first went back in time, realizing that everyone else was oblivious, that was something that I wanted to try and bring to life. After that, with new knowledge of the events that will unfold, you then set out to change what was about to transpire.
I eventually introduced a "Link" to the viewers, with a second Youtube account, and my idea was to have him decide what kind of actions he'd take based on reponse videos. These response videos would require the user to boot up their own copy of Zelda and preform an action, not only making them feel more apart of the story, but directly in control of it. The viewers now served as Link's guide - or Navi as it was in the game. The main example of this is how Link is killed because of a bad video response on Youtube to a video put up by Jadusable (an incorrect song played). Link then posts a video on his account of the game over screen and nothing more. Yet not even 30 minutes later another user records a video - without any hints from me whatsoever - of him playing HIS Zelda game and releasing a fairy (which revives the player if killed) - which prompted me to revive Link and continue as him. This was only the beginning of what I originally had in mind - Link was the only person who could save our reality despite him being in a completely different dimension, but the players could dictate his actions. So in a sense, they were the guide, yet they were also the actual "player" controlling Link. I'm not going to reveal entirely what would have happened to the main characters or the plot, because I do intend to pick it up again some day and continue this.
I'm still experimenting, but I feel like the genre of "ARGs" is something that should be explored more often; the level of interactivity between the viewers and the creators gives the story a much more "personal" feel. I really hope that we see a rise of them in the coming years - if one single busy college student like me got this far - with an actual team the sky's the limit. The one major issue that I've noticed though, is fraud - no matter how many times I'd subtly try and remind my viewers "in character" that the only people they should be taking information as canon are accounts/websites linked to the original Jadusable Youtube account, every time some new guy claiming to either be a player in the story or be in contact with someone who is came to light, immediately people would swarm them and they'd end up throwing everyone else off because of bad information. I suppose I can't blame them, some of them were pretty damn convincing with their explainations of how they got into the story.
I expect that some of you are pissed now, and I can completely understand why - I can't tell you how much it kills me to have to cut it short like this because I know I'm letting you guys down, but hopefully you can see it from my perspective. I would like to thank my fans - it's because of your support that has motivated me to get this far. If I had it my way, it wouldn't end like this, believe me. But I'm still amazed at how big this has all gotten - its really surreal browsing the internet and seeing an article about something you've written up on Digg, Kotaku, and what-have-you, or overhearing a conversation in class and doing a double-take when you realize what they're talking about.
I would also like to extend an apology to a certain message board who has literally been taken over by people analyzing, exchanging theories, and discussing all aspects of what all this could mean or what the next move is. Haha, I'm sure there are quite a few people who can't wait until this is all over so things can go back to their regularly scheduled programming. Not too much longer.
I am going to leave the website up, but modify it so that it now serves as an archive of the story, and include a timeline of events (I know a few members have been keeping a record, if you could forward that to me at the address below when it's done that'd be much appreciated). Unfortunately being as broke as I am, I don't have the funds to maintain the website for very long, and donations would be appreciated just for the sake of keeping the website up as an archive for future viewers, otherwise the website will probably have to be taken down by the end of the month. If you are legitmently interested in making a donation to help host, there is a donate link at the top of this page. Don't feel obligated at all - knowing that I've kept you guys entertained all this time and provided something fun is reward enough, as lame as that sounds.
As I said before, this has been an experiment, and I've learned a lot of lessons from this for the future, and this is something that I would very much love to do again if given the resources. But, just know that this isn't the end.
If you need to get in contact with me or write me a nasty letter, my email is
Thanks again guys, it's been a wild ride. Loved every single second of it.
inb4 obligatory "FAKE AND GAY" response
This marked the ARG entering into its first "OoC Era" - or "Out-of-Character Era". Most of the updates that took place during this time are considered non-canon. Because of this, they will not be covered in great detail here. However, archives of most of them will be presented when available. Around the same time Alex made the post above, most of the canon content found on was removed. Later that night, Alex partook in a QnA on /x/ - the transcript of which can be found below:
Alex's /x/ QnA
Jadusable: Hey guys, you probably already heard the news, again I'm sorry it had to end like this, I hate the feeling that I'm letting down a lot of people that have devoted so much time into this; I just couldn't keep up with it all.
I dont have class for an hour or so and figured there would be a lot of unanswered questions, so feel free to speak your mind/hate me/call me a troll/ask a question
Ryukaki: What was the use of the username/password I got from Rosa?
Jadusable: That would unlock The Truth section of the website when the time reset and the site came back up.
Anon 5711159: How were we supposed to save Chris?
Jadusable: There was no way to reach Chris, like the Skull Kid hitting Tael, no matter what Tatl said or did it happened every time, you would simply have to watch him Ascend every time reset.
Anon 5711159: That's horrible, yet realistic, to hear. I was really hoping we could save their lives, even though they were obviously fictional. Now, my other question. On the site there was a picture of Kelbris on the drowned page. Before that was even revealed, someone started a creepy pic thread with that same image. Did you start that thread, was that a preexisting image, etc?
Jadusable: Strangely it resembled what kind of image I wanted for Kelbris, well, what I wanted you guys to view Kelbris as. So yeah I decided to use it
Anon 5711160: Personally, I think you're awesome. Well done. :3
Jadusable: Thank you - it means a lot man. I had a lot of fun doing this, it was very consuming, but in the end I'm glad I could provide entertainment to you guys.
Anon 5711161: Why did you fuck up /x/ to the point where the entire front page were all BEN!!11!!1? Why did you write another damn videogame creepypasta when you obviously have the skills and devotion to make something original and cool?
Jadusable: Was never my intention to do that, I can totally understand how the "vets" of /x/ probably loathe my guts for hijacking their board for two weeks. I was new at writing creepypasta, had no idea videogame thing was a cliche.
NickSayre: What was the main plan going to be. Let's say were were smart (ish), and actually did the right things. What would have happened?
Jadusable: Mirrored Majora's Mask, the next step was to play the Song of Healing, but for "Link/Alex", giving you the Fierce Deity mask. I tried hinting at it in the contact/alex page and implying that you could trust him because he was the lone wolf. The story was flexible enough so you could fuck up, lose main characters (like Rosa), but still manage to beat it. It was flexible, nothing was stagnant.
Anon 5711166: What is your opinion on the popularity the videos gathered?
Jadusable: Depends. A lot of them are smart people and I'm impressed with the theories they've come up with, but there's a small percentage of the fanbase that represent everything I hate about the internet.
Anon 5711169: So what caused the whole Kelbris front page freakout last night? Was it The Song of Healing or the New Wave Bossa Nova?
Jadusable: Song of Healing. Playing the Song of Healing to Jadusable/BEN always fucked shit up.
Jadusable: Oh, and about the plot and stuff - I'm going to pick it up later, I'd rather not spoil everything here.
Anon 5711173: You had more videos, didn't you? Children.wmv and MATT.wmv? Did you plan to release those yourself eventually, or only after we triggered something in the story?
Jadusable: Yes I have children.wmv, and the first part of matt.wmv (jadusable.wmv was the second part of matt.wmv, just renamed and spliced by BEN)
Anon 5711175: I have one: How long did you think the ARG was going to last? Link obviously didn't beat all 4 dungeons in 3 days.
Jadusable: Probably until next weekend, I surmised that you'd be able to complete it in 4 resets, one for each "giant".
Ryukaki: Will you promise to return my e-mail? :D
Jadusable: Haven't checked my email yet, but yes. Probably later tonight though.
Anon 5711198: we all spent a lot of time on this, and you don't owe us anything obviously but give us a little closure on the story! also, give a link for donations? I got at least 5 bucks w/your name on it, but for the entertainment I got i'd say it's worth way more then I've got to give :P
Jadusable: Haha much appreciated, but really, if you're honestly serious toss me an email at but I don't want you to feel oblidgated in any way, I'm just glad people have been entertained by this - reward enough.
Anon 5711205: Jad, we got a bunch of people in here that would like to talk to you. If you could please join us when you're ready, that would be awesome tinychat link
Jadusable: Dear god, I'd get swarmed with text, haha. Can you guyss come here?
Anon 5711210: How much control of the story did we have? Like, if for example, another vid was posted beating Dark Link, would the hunt stop? If we used certain items (like the fairy) and posted those in response, would something happen? (Like going to OOT and getting light arrows to help defend the hunt), etc.
Jadusable: You wouldnt be able to beat Dark Link just by posting a video, at least not yet in the story. Playing songs, using items (like fairy or a poe), going to certain places (like talking to navi at Link's house), would be valid actions though.
Anon 5711220: Who was Matt? It's what Ifrits email said, but the site said he was Rodney. Ballpark figure of when you can start the game again?
Jadusable: Matt was Ifrit. Rodney was a fake name on the website to cover his own ass. And no idea on when it might be, but I'll make sure you guys know.
Anon 5711222: Did you actually plan to incorporate the VTM Rosa and Prototype Consume kills videos or did that just kind of happen? If yes, what was the point of the Prototype one, because besides "Consume! Consume everything!" nobody managed to find any connection.
Jadusable: I sort of planned my story loosely around what Rosa said, I had those videos uploaded a year prior for some reason and decided that it would be pretty insane to use them and have her predict the future. Prototype was mainly used for keywords, with kind of a vague metaphor for how BEN operated.
Anon 5711215: Dude, you're fucking slow to answer. Now that I mention that... How did you choose who to answer when you gave the email adress? What did we have to ask?
Jadusable: I answered people who sounded "normal", people who were genuinely good at typing and sounding innocent enough. But with the sheer amount of emails I got it was hard to answer every single one that fit that category.
Anon 5711: What is the main goal of the story? What did we have to do?
Jadusable: Stop BEN, essentially. Kind of hard to explain
J4C3: the story was great my friend, bravo. I rather quite enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind being a member on your team when you do create the next creepypasta/ARG.
Jadusable: I may take you up on that, all I know is that I definitely need a team next time around.
Anon 5711242: Jadusable, would you mind clarifying whether or not it is true your name is Judas/Abel in scrambled letters?
Jadusable: Good eye.
Anon 5711314: I'm pretty sure they were trolling but did you really change some of the tags in the videos to Dead Brot, The grifter, who was phone etc. because somone was sure that you did, if you did though, why?
Jadusable: No, I never did that. Wouldnt even make sense.
Anon 5711245: Would you have ended this with a "happy" ending? Or one that would leave us thinking, or anything in between?
Jadusable: I had two endings in mind, I wanted to give you guys a sense of accomplishment for beating the ARG if you did, but given the nature of the content it wouldn't just be a "straight win".
the guy who fucks things up!: Do you share your address with other people trying to help you for your next projects?
Jadusable: If I start recruiting for a team to do an ARG with, I'll come to /x/, right now I'm not really concerned with it, just looking for some time off. It's taxing work haha.
Anon 5711266: really good arg, but totally though it was going to turn out to be a new real nintendo game :3 like ZeldaBlack,BEN edition or something silly. If you ever got the chance, do you think you'd like to go into game design and make a game creation as complex but involving as this ARG? (: it'd be such an awesome game~
Jadusable: If i would, I would do it in a heartbeat. I've always wanted to create a game moreso than a movie because you have an actual connection with the game, you're interacting in it and you feel apart of it. I would do an Eternal Darkness style horror where its more psychological than just "jumpscare jumpscare jumpscare" which seems to be too common these days.
nKoshi: What were the most important things you've learned? Since you mentioned you learned a good amount of things for the future.
Jadusable: How to cover your bases with frauds, honestly this really started annoying me, because I didn't want to break character and say "durr hur I dont have a twitter", but he was leading everyone astray and it was annoying. This kind of stuff happened a lot. Also, I realized how much work these things do take, and a lot about writing horror / filming horror in general, like pacing, setting the atmosphere, etc. Learned a lot about what people thought was scary too, just by the reactions on the different majora's mask videos. I tried to do different things with each one (Jadusable.wmv had no jump scares, all atmosphere and creepy elegy following you around).
Anon 5711283: Is that really you in the tinychat channel?
Jadusable: No. Its not. Not in any chat.
Anon 5711303: Jadusable! An odd request, and one that's not truly relevant to the story, but I was wondering if we could get a peek at the face of the man who revived /x/ from the depths of succubi summoning, who was phone, and ded bort. ALSO, did you, a friend, or someone else create this picture? I love it, and if it's part of a set, or something, I'd love a link!!!!
Jadusable: Yeah I'll grab a picture, hang on. Pic related, its me. And i found [the inkblot] off google surprisingly
wariatka: Hey, just wanted to tell you that for the last week or so my thoughts were on /x/ when I was at my job, outta my flat, anywhere far from the web. You gave me nearly sleepless nights, but most of all, you awoke emotions in me. Anticipation and excitement are something very rare for me, recently I've had lots of it. Thank you. You're a one man army of pure, liquid internet genius. Hats down. Regards and best wishes from Poland.
Jadusable: God, thank you. I really love reading comments like that. Thank you to everyone, I can't individually say it to you - it's hard enough typing all these responses as it is, but yeah.
Anon 5711346: What's your real name? Also, did you shamelessly tip off sites like kotaku or was it someone else?
Jadusable: Haha, dont know how comfortable i feel about posting my real name, but no I didn't tip off any sites actually, like I said, never expected this to get so big.
Anon 5711351: What role did "The Father" have?
Jadusable: Happy Mask Salesman
A: Can you put up a donate link? I'd be more than willing to help out when i get paid next, even if it just goes towards your college instead of the story, you earned it bro and i personally would not mind one bit.
Jadusable: I'll get a donate link up on the website probably later today, I just don't want to come across as a pompous douchebag.
Anon 5711370: Why did you post that video so close to stopping the ARG, was it an impulse decision or? (Note: this is referring to huntyoudown.wmv)
Jadusable: After posting that, I kind of realized what path I had set this down on and there wasn't really any way of backing out without making it seem like a cheap cop-out. It kind of made me realize that there was no way I could reasonably spread myself far enough to finish this.
Jadusable: Everyone posting their email: Just so you know I am saving them and your details, dont think I'm ignoring you guys.
Anon 5711387: So if Song of Healing brought out Kelbris, what did New Wave Bossa Nova do?
Jadusable: Made Rosa speak to you guys
Anon 5711402: Jad can we have links to download all the music you used on your site? Or could you put them on it somewhere to download? I loved them all especially the Lost In My Thoughts one. They really got me into it and have to have been one of my favorite parts. Also I know you have probably a million emails and a million people who would want to help with something like this, but I'd love working on a ARG as well., I emailed you one of the pastebins we were using to keep up with things.
Jadusable: I'm sure if you ask him he could give you an mp3, I dont personally know him
Anon 5711393: You sort of forgot about the old man at the start of the story, who he was and his importance. Obviously he's the happy mask salesman, but why? the story only took place on the web, was/is the story gonna come back to that?
Jadusable: He was going to come back into the story, sort of foreshadowed it with the protagonist mentioning he saw him and then the next entry he said he ran.
Anon 5711458: was f3tusrape a part of the story at all?
Jadusable: No he was not.
Anon 5711452: Did you ever post as anonymous? Giving us hints and what not?
Jadusable: Hah, only like twice and the hints were for nothing monumental. You guys figurd it out pretty quick.
Anon 5711404: Was thetruth.txt becoming thetruth.rtf a genuine fuckup due to poor preplanning with that last character or was there another reason?
Jadusable: Was originally planning to hide text in there, plus .rtfs just looked nicer.
Anon 5711414: I have one: What the fuck is that The Genies song that u posted? I REALLY not get that. and, again, you're a genious, really.
Jadusable: Just a hint about the knocking, thats all
Anon 5711426: What would have happened if a vid were posted of Link playing the Song of Healing backwards? Anything?
Jadusable: You couldn't play the song of healing backwards in the game, so no.
Anon 5711438: Theoretically, what if someone had uploaded the moon finally crashing? Would that have fucked things up?
Jadusable: You only controlled Link, with the exception of playing songs to BEN, so no, not really.
Anon 5711486: Were there any cameos in it, such as rl friends names that you used just to pay homage, or any general easter eggs in the story you care to share?
Jadusable: My real life name is Alex - sort of a play on the fact that Link was named "Alex" and was the "link" to you guys and the story. Lame, I know. Funny though, I showed my friend, who's name is also Ben, the story I had been writing (it was right after TheTruth.rtf came out), and I totally didnt make the connection - didnt really pay it any mind - until he said "did you name the character after me?", we had a good laugh about it after.
Anon 5711491: Jad, you are confirmed for Bro tier. Really, I'm proud of you for doing this. And was it you in that thread with the gary coleman picture before? You're a classy motherfucker, and thank you for coming up with all this.
Jadusable: Yeah , that was me hah.
Anon 5711505: Had Elegy of Emptiness been the first and most posted video, how would you have gone with that?
Jadusable: Huh, what do you mean?
Anon 5711505: As in, had we done the stupidest thing, and posted the Elegy of Emptiness, how would you have gone with that creative/story wise?
Jadusable: Turned Link into an elegy probably. To be honest I didnt expect anyone to do that, if they did they'd be trolling and I'd ignore it.
Anon 5711303: Jadusable, guy who asked for your pic here. I have one other question. I haven't been analyzing the story as much lately, I started getting confused when YSHDT was introduced, but tell me. Is Kelbris supposed to be a boss, one of the four giants, or something else entirely?
Jadusable: One of the four giants
Anon 5711539: have people seen this alternative account video? not a troll btw
Jadusable: wat
Anon 5711543: I've only read the first story and visited the "Moon Children" website a couple of times but I absolutely loved all the effort you put into this. Especially the videos. I'm not sure if I can think the same of my favorite game as a child the same again. So even if I wasn't involved in the story much, I can still appreciate the hard work you put into this. Did you mod the zelda game or what for the videos? it was rather impressive.
Jadusable: Everything I did was through gameshark cheats and sneaky video editing. No modding involved, unfortuantely, which is a shame, because if I could mod, I would so release the ROM to you guys in a sort of "now you have to save BEN/the protagonist" twist.
Anon 5711545: Would you mind posting all the videos you've made so far?
Jadusable: They're all on youtube, under Jadusable and TheLinkMissing. I'm going to rearrange the website later today (tomorrow) to host them there as a reference.
!DOCTORl4Wg: Just thought I'd pop in and say you have my respect. I disliked the effect this had on /x/, but it was an entertaining story and I appreciate that you've done the right thing here. Kudos!
Jadusable: I'm not a huge fan of the tripfags here on /x/, but you are among the few actual decent tripfriends here. Sorry for cluttering your board again, and sorry for the Cleverbot spam. I knew people would go to Cleverbot, but I didn't realize everyone would be spamming /x/ with their own chat logs (funfact, I emailed the creator of Cleverbot and turns out their traffic had gone up 20% since I mentioned CB).
Ryukaki: In the future: Keep player interaction like with Rosa to about the same degree as you did this time. When I was speaking with her and got that information from her, I wasn't even thinking. I was shaking and worried and filled with fear and hope and resolve and just acting on impulse, which is why I spammed caps and made so many typos. It was so incredibly immersing, but if you do it too much, people will abuse it. God that was the most terrifying few minutes of the last few years.
Jadusable: Oh that was YOU, huh? Haha oh wow. Well good, that's what I was going for!
Ryukaki: Yeah, I was involved in both the first and second contacts with the gmail address. The first one with "Alex" left me cussing and wishing I'd just acted a few minutes sooner, that I hadn't fucking hesitated, and that made me resolve that I wouldn't lose another one. Losing Rosa, too, or even just the thought of it really fucking screwed with me, total suspension of disbelief. It was awesome.
Anon 5711553: Any details on how the story evolved? I'm sure there were rewrites here and there yeah? Was the original concept more or less the same, or perhaps completely different?
Jadusable: Not really any rewrites, except for a few. I didn't like the ending of the original TheTruth, so I redid it. All from scratch too =\
Anon 5711605: Why'd you pick Majoras Mask? It could have been anything right? It coulda been any of the games, hell something even completely different like a Mario of Final fantasy game. Is it just your favourite or did something spurr you on to do it. especially keeping in mind Wii virtual console sales probably rocketed all because of you.
Jadusable: Majoras Mask was one of my favorite games, and there's something just so bittersweet creepy about it that I figured it would be perfect for this kind of setting.
Anon: When you have some time, and you're feeling down, check your facebook page: ARG FB Fanpage Everyone is thanking you. Some guy even made new lyrics for the clasic zelda song.
Jadusable: Haha, a facebook group? Geez... really cool.
Anon 5711649: Quick question: Was Ifrit always gone, even after the Song of Time was played? Could we have saved him?
Jadusable: He was like the giants. If you defeat them, they stay defeated when you go back in time (well, you keep their remains, which is a sort of paradox that had to be modified for this story)
Anon 5711659: Were Passadore and whatserface actually part of the story or just some faggots trying to steal your thunder?
Jadusable: No they werent involved.
The Abyssal Zone: Alex, I see. Although I have same chances of being ignored as everyone else in the thread, I want to tell you that your story was great, even greater if you worked everything by yourself, and although you can pretty call me a pussy because of it, the story really got into me, enough to have to sleep with lights on and even then, wake up in the middle on the night just to be staring aimlessly around my room. I really hope that maybe you'll make something new in the future, until then, congratulations mate, I salute you gentleman, you did a good job. If you need any help, emails always work. Until then, see ya and take care
Jadusable: /salute
Anon 5711667: I'm actually halfway through setting up an ARG, any tips?
Jadusable: Plannn. If you have outcomes that you know will happen eventually prepare them ahead of time. Make sure to cover your tracks to prevent people from posing as you, like "dont listen to anyone who doesnt post from <XYZ>" or something. Always have some kind of cliffhanger or a "what a tweest" ending to the updates or whatever to keep people fishhooked.
omfgitstabitha: @Jad: I "know people" in the community, would you be interested in doing an interview? I could probably arrange that with =/
Jadusable: Haha, absolutely. That'd be pretty neat.
Anon 5711768: What do you think of people that did shit like this?
Jadusable: /shrug, I'm usually too caught up in my thing to pay attention to what other people are doing with their videos
Ryukaki: Hey Jad, don't forget to put up a "donate" button on the website, damn you. You deserve it.
Jadusable: Ahhh fine. I'll have it up either later today or tomorrow :P
Raixsarin: Jad, this thing was amazing. While I admit, I am slightly dissapointed at this ending, I understand completely and it's totally cool. All in all, you've done a splendid job and I hope you will try to pick this up again in the future. One thing I am curious about though... During the night the countdown was supposed to end, I received a text on my phone that read: Warn them. Warn them all. The End comes with Luna tonight. I've never posted my number to anyone online and it freaked me the fuck out for a while. It came from an ip address too. It probably was one of my friends fucking with me, but still, it was cool noneoftheless. Anyway, thanks for the awesome week. I had a hell of a time trying to figure this all out. Posting my email as well, for giggles.
Jaudsable: LOL. That wasn't me, that's for sure.
Anon 5711783: Hey jad are you a full blown /x/file or did you just stumble upon the site by chance?
Jadusable: Hmm.. Depends, really. I've lurked /x/ on and off for about a year or so, never triped. I only donned this trip to post the story and the followup.
Anon 5711920: I was following this damn story religiously until we were waiting for the countdown, when I kind of got busy and then lost track of everything. I must say though, this was amazing, and I was pretty pleased and spooked the entire time. Thanks for making this, I know a ton of us enjoyed it a lot. Also, there were a few people on your Jadusable youtube account talking about calling the police about the school shooting stuff on, when the site was discovered. Did you expect that kind of thing?
Jadusable: No, I did get kind of freaked out though.
Anon 5711615: Did you ever get nervous that maybe after your first post you wouldn't be able to sustain a following, if the story had flopped what wouldve been your plan of action
Jadusable: I didnt really think about it honestly, as soon as i was done writing the first part of the creepypasta i just posted it and the reaction was pretty quick. And for those of you asking, yes, I decided to put a "Donate" tab on the website. Don't feel like you have to though, at all.
Q: I can't explain how awesome the past days were, Alex. The story was... brilliant. The cult, the riddles, everthing. Can't figure how could you think in this all. Anyway, i have some questions, but i will understand if you don’t answer them. (i have bad inglesh, so, sorry, i will do my best) First of all, the video posted by F3TURAPE. What was the role of it? It's oddie, seemed be fake, but i don't know. There is something like the Majora's Mask moon in the background xP. Second, September 18 (Saturday) was the International Observe the Moon Night, (exactly the day of the creepy countdown) like said in this link: Was it part of the plan? And about Jadusable (the person in the story), which is his connection with the Moon Children? Who's the person advertising us with messages like "You need to warn them"? Thanks again. You made my days much better. I wish all the best for you. Kudos.
Jadusable: The Fetus thing was fake, and the lunar moon watch was a fortunate coincidence when I was planning this whole thing out :) Also Jadusable (the protagonist) is not related to the Moon Children
Q: (This question disappeared)
Jadusable: I'd be happy to host it if you need someone, and thank you for the donations guys, it means a lot. I'm so glad that this is well received.
- Ryukaki is present in this QnA. Here, he asks Alex what the point of the login information was, who confirms that it would have unlocked "The Truth".
- Ryukaki asks Alex to respond to his email. He claims that he will later in the night.
- Ryukaki urges Alex to put a "Donate" button up on
- Alex claims that there were still two videos that the players hadn't seen yet - "children.wmv" and the rest of "jadusable.wmv" - "matt.wmv".
- The direction the ARG was going to take after the upload of "huntyoudown.wmv" was supposedly too complex for Alex to do at this point - adding to what caused the hiatus.
- A user named "Tabitha" offers to set up Alex with an interview with ZeldaInformer.
- Alex claims that the character "Alex" is not connected to the Moon Children.
Sometime later that night, a "Donate" Page was added to, where users could send donations to Alex. Also, strangely, TheTruth.rtf was once again posted to /x/ - though this time the image of the Happy Mask Salesman that accompanied it was renamed to "TheFather.jpg".
On September 21st, 2010, Alex posted three separate announcements on Here, he reiterates that the ARG is not cancelled but instead simply on pause. He also notes that he's hoping to have the website's story archive pages online by tomorrow. Alex then proceeds to go over a few other small details, claiming that he's designing some T-shirts, asking users to create banners for the website, and sifting through emails. However, most importantly, Alex reveals that several generous donations from fans have ensured that will remain online. Moreover, the ARG will be able to continue sooner than expected. An archive of these posts can be found here:
Alex's Posts
((Post One))
I have a ridiculous amount of mail right now, but rest assured I will get to each and every one of your letters. Thank you for your interest in this story and thank you for supporting it.
Just so everyone is clear - the story is not over yet, but it is paused for now. Check the menu bar for new links being put up of the Archive/Stories/Q&A, these are all coming tomorrow.
((Post Two))
Because of the sheer volume of requests, I am currently working on making a few t-shirt designs for you guys should you feel the need to have them. Stay tuned for updates on that end. Also, I am updating the site to include the full history of the story so far, I'll let you know when the "Chapters" section is completed. Also, I am needing new banners to post up here, whether it be a custom image or a collage or what have you. I have seen a LOT of amazing artwork from you guys, so if you are artistically talented feel free to submit a 800x192 JPG or PNG to my email. Title your email something along the lines of "Banner image submission", I'll be sure to credit you accordingly if I use it. Thanks again guys!
((Post Three))
Due to the donations of several extremely generous people, the website is no longer in danger of going offline. Not only that, but it looks like I'll be able to continue working on the story in the near future. I can't tell you guys how excited this makes me, expect to hear some new developments soon. Thank you again for being so supportive, I couldn't have done this without you all. I'm not going to discourage continued donations, but just know that your donations are not going to keeping the site up, but rather, your donations will be going towards hiring assistance and purchasing a bigger website and other goodies I've got in store for you guys.
On September 22nd, 2010, various pages cataloging the story of the ARG were added to On October 4th, 2010, players discovered a hidden message spread out within the code of various pages on that spelled out "http:// WHAT IS not so fast .com" - presumably hinting towards the existence of a new website. This led players to discovering "" - a website that had just recently been created. However, it was completely blank at this time.
On October 5th, 2010, the music on changed to a much more menacing track. The words "Probably not" in Alex's message "Maybe ((BEN)) just wants you to think this was all fake so you stop worrying about it and continue on with your normal lives. Probably not." were marked out, perhaps implying that some of Alex's recent out-of-character updates were actually canonical to some degree.
On October 6th, 2010, "The Glitch" occurred - an event that resulted in undergoing many strange changes. First, the website's favicon changed to a small image of a child wearing a gas mask. After this, a large image of a gas mask appeared on the Front Page. Below this were three locked files. Their contents were as follows:
You didn't think I was done with you. Did you? You are done playing when I say you are done playing.
This is just a dream.
Wake up. You have to wake up.
The text "It's not real"" was also typed out nine times above the image of the gas mask. Meanwhile, strange whispering sounds could be heard both on the Front Page and within "The Truth". The FAQ Page and "The Truth" page both contained text that read "This Will Hurt You.", with the former also containing an image of Kelbris. Over time, the following three messages appeared on the Front Page:
You are waking up now. 13 minutes.
You are waking up now. 5 minutes.
Pulling the plug.
By investigating the URL's of the website's various files, players discovered an entire index of the website's images, audio, and text files. While many of these had been seen before, some were new. The entire list of "Downloadable Files" will be archived below, with the newer files being examined more closely further down on this page: Downloadable Files
File 01 - "inneroptics_dot_net_aspens.jpg"
An unused page banner featuring some trees.
File 02 - "inneroptics_dot_net_canyonlands.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Press Room" Page featuring some canyons.
File 03 - "inneroptics_dot_net_new_zealand_sheep.jpg"
An unused page banner featuring some sheep.
File 04 - "inneroptics_dot_net_starfish.jpg"
An unused page banner featuring starfish, coral, and barnacles.
File 05 - "inneroptics_dot_net_portland.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Blastoff!" Page featuring a city.
File 06 - "the father.jpg"
The image of the Happy Mask Salesman that accompanied "TheTruth.rtf".
File 07 - "Day 1 Bookmark Icon.jpg"
The website's first favicon - an image of Majora's Mask.
File 08 - "majoralinkepona_2.jpg"
An unused image of Majora's Mask concept art featuring Link, Epona, and Tatl.
File 09 - "moon.jpg"
An unused screenshot from Majora's Mask featuring the Skull Kid standing next to the moon.
File 10 - "moon.jpg"
The same screenshot from File 09, though now with a border and text that reads "Children of the Moon."
File 11 - "Destroyed Vioiln Beat Dark Rap Instrumental.mp3"
The tense audio track that played during the website's second cycle.
File 12 - "Lost in My Thoughts by Chi-iLL.mp3"
The eerily calming track that played during the website's first cycle.
File 13 - "DarkWorld23 Avatar.jpg"
Spencer's avatar.
File 14 - "nekko.jpg"
Nekko's avatar.
File 15 - "Drowned.png"
DROWNED's avatar.
File 16 - "5342.jpg"
A screenshot of the Elegy Statue. This appeared when hovering over DROWNED's avatar.
File 17 - "Ebon.jpg"
Matt's avatar.
File 18 - "moon banner 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Contact" Page featuring a tree and the moon.
File 19 - "moon banner2 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Search" Page featuring two trees.
File 20 - "moon banner3 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Creed" Page featuring two moons above an ocean.
File 21 - "moon banner4 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the Front Page featuring the moon above the horizon.
File 22 - "moon banner5 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the "About" Page featuring the moon above some water.
File 23 - "Ebon.jpg"
Matt's avatar - the same as File 17.
File 24 - "Insidiae.jpg"
Kevin's avatar.
File 25 - "Song of Healing Reversed.mp3"
An unused audio file that's completely empty.
File 26 - "Creeeep Sales.mp3"
An unused audio file featuring a reversed, sped up version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme.
File 27 - "Day 2 Bookmark Icon.jpg"
An unused image of a small moon with a face on it.
File 28 - "Day 1 Bookmark Icon.jpg"
The website's first favicon - the same as File 07.
File 29 - "moon banner6 192.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Theories" Page featuring the Earth being struck by meteors.
File 30 - "Kelbris.jpg"
The image of Kelbris found on DROWNED's Contact Page.
File 31 - N/A
This file did not exist.
File 32 - "OOT_BongoBongo_Murmur.mp3"
Audio of the boss "Bongo Bongo" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Played on the Front Page after the "Song of Healing" was submitted.
File 33 - "Majora's Mask Music Ikana Valley Reversed 0.0.mp3"
Audio of Ikana Valley's theme from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask but reversed. Played on DROWNED's Contact Page.
File 34 - "Matt's Final Hour.mp3"
Audio of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme but reversed and sped up even more. Played on the Front Page as the countdown neared its end.
File 35 - "BEN.jpg"
A screenshot of the Elegy Statue that appeared on Matt's Contact Page during the second cycle.
File 36 - "Get it yet..mp3"
Audio of the Skull Kid's laugh but slowed down. Played on Matt's Contact Page during the second cycle.
File 37 - "closer.mp3"
Unused audio of the boss "Bongo Bongo" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
File 38 - "4g.jpg"
Kelbris's avatar.
File 39 - "notover.mp3"
Unused audio of the Skull Kid laughing even more slowly.
File 40 - "TheTruth.rtf"
Alex's notes - the same TheTruth.rtf from before.
File 41 - "9857865167_53Dkx.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Donate" Page featuring the Happy Mask Salesman.
File 42 - "9857891195_9dhxc.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Chapters" Page featuring the Happy Mask Salesman.
File 43 - "Banner donations.jpg"
The page banner found on the "Donate" Page featuring the Happy Mask Salesman - a larger version of File 41.
File 44 - "Eyes.jpg"
An image of the gas mask that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch".
File 45 - "NeverCould.mp3"
Audio of strained sobbing that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch".
File 46 - "Eyes.jpg"
An image of the gas mask that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch" - the same as File 44.
File 47 - "StoleMy.jpg"
An image of the gas mask that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch" - the same as Files 44 and 46.
File 48 - "HKBBDIN.jpg"
The website's second favicon - an image of a child wearing a gas mask.
You didn't think I was done with you. Did you? You are done playing when I say you are done playing.
File 49 - "FSZTKU.txt"
A text file containing a message from BEN that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch".
This is just a dream.
File 50 - "TheLie.txt"
A text file that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch". This was locked behind the password "BEN".
Wake up. You have to wake up.
File 51 - "TheTruth.txt"
A text file that appeared on the Front Page during "The Glitch". This was locked behind the password "BEN".
File 52 - "unintelligible.mp3"
An audio file of chant-like whispering that appeared during "The Glitch". This was locked behind the password "jadusable".
File 53 - "unintelligible.mp3"
An audio file of chant-like whispering "Help me, please! You have to help me!" that appeared during "The Glitch". This was locked behind the password "free".
File 54 - "nowyou.jpg"
A completely black image that appeared on the "FAQ" Page during "The Glitch".
File 55 - "trapped.jpg"
A cropped image of Kelbris that appeared on the "FAQ" Page during "The Glitch".
File 56 - "unintelligible.mp3"
An unused audio file of someone shivering and crying. This was locked behind the password "Ifrit".
File 57 - "unintelligible.mp3"
An unused audio file of someone whispering "Please kill me". This was locked behind the password "Ifrit".
File 58 - "Day 1 Bookmark Icon.jpg"
The website's first favicon - an image of Majora's Mask. The same as Files 07 and 28.
File 59 - "mhftt.txt"
An unused text file. This was locked behind the password "thelensoftruth".
This file's contents will be covered in more detail later.
It comes for us all Sephiriam.
File 60 - "Fate.txt"
An unused text file that referenced the player Sephiriam.
- Unused Files:
- Three unused page banners featuring trees, sheep, and ocean fauna respectively.
- Majora's Mask concept art of Link, Epona, and Tatl.
- Two screenshots of Majora's Mask featuring the Skull Kid next to the Moon - one of which seemed to be a banner with text reading "Children of the Moon".
- A completely blank version of the "Song of Unhealing".
- A sped up and reversed version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme.
- A favicon of the moon with a face on it.
- "File 31", which was completely non-existent.
- Slightly different audio files of Bongo Bongo and the Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda.
- Two audio files of someone crying and asking to be killed locked behind the password "Ifrit".
- A text file titled "Fate.txt" that read "It comes for us all Sephiriam." - referencing a player named Sephiriam.
Overall, the website seemed to have several hidden files relating to the idea of someone "waking up" to reality and various individuals seemingly trapped, scared, or in pain. However, the most interesting file was File 59 - "mhftt.txt", which is believed to be an abbreviation for "Matt Hubris Four Two Three". This file contained a message from Matt that read as follows:
If you're reading this then you've found the secret message. This is the last one i can send out. I am not dead. its sitting right in front of you. You are meant to survive this, you can't give him what he wants. I don't know how to tell you this, but there is no more link now, he was the last thing that stood between you and IT as some kind of conduit. that conduit is severed now. there is notConsider this the REALhing that is separating you from him, he will try to get to you, It will try to break you, but you have to remain strong, you cannot it. It is sadistic. It will try and give you guys a fighting chance like it's given everyone else. it wants you to try and resist to try and be fooled into thinking that you have any semblence of free will. do not buy it. do not believe it. It is always watching, and it will lead you iTruth.txtnto oblivion if you let it. do not be fooled, if something is too good to be true - be wary. you must use this overconfidence and systematic prediction against it. how? I do not know. that is something that i could not figure out before the end. even now, its allowing me to reach you, through this message.
Matt tells the players that they no longer have a "link" - referring to Alex. He was the last thing standing between the players and BEN. This began the trend of the players referring to the main character of the ARG as their "Link" - an individual who usually seems to be the most affected by The Ocarina. Matt also warns the players about BEN's insidious and manipulative nature. Strangely, his message is interspersed with snippets of Alex's first OoC message on - mainly the message "Consider this the 'real' TheTruth.txt".
Your first instinct may be to assume that this message has been tampered with, but then you may not really understand who It really is. It wants to play, it wants a challenge. It has led you thWhat are you talking about?is far for a reason, but now you will be given the means to fight back. I say let Its arrogance be its undoing.
There are strength in numbers. you no doubt have others who will help collaborate with you. there are those who have left behind clues subtle enough for It to not realize their significance. they may help you if you can find them. combine your brains together, starting with the recent "glitch", compile every bit of evidence you have and share it amongst yourselves, and you may gain the upperhand yet.
Do not ever let It use you. It thinks It is in control, yet despite all the omnipotence in the world, there is nothing more dangerous than the illusion of compliance.
- Ifrit,
Matt says that BEN likely has not tampered with this particular message because BEN actually wants the players to be able to put up a fight and play with him. However, this sentiment is cut off by the message "What are you talking about?", calling into question its validity. Matt stresses that the players should group together and not be fooled by BEN, stressing that "there is nothing more dangerous than the illusion of compliance", implying that BEN isn't fully in control.
It's unclear who exactly Matt is referring to in regards to "YOU THREE", though it's believed that this might be relating to's other three moderators - Chris, Spencer, and Kevin. Matt also gives a warning to someone named Kayd Hendricks. Players quickly discovered that this was the real name of Ryukaki - the player who previously obtained the login information for "The Truth" from Rosa. Further exploration led players to one of Ryukaki's private IRC chatrooms. Here, they began chatting with Kayd's girlfriend - Quia.

Ryukaki is online now?

That's an odd question. If we aren't active, how are we supposed to let you know?

I dunno I've never been in an IRC. I found this place through Ryukaki's deviantart.

I see. Why are you looking for him?

He's in grave danger. Do you know anything about BEN?

Oh shit. What the hell is going on?

Oh hell. What's happened?

Nothing, yet, but I don't know where he is right now.
Unfortunately, Quia wasn't sure where Kayd was at the moment. Regardless, the players attempted to garner some more information:

Wait, what are we talking about?

Ryukaki's connection with BEN.

Well that's a good question. Not too long ago he started going a bit weirder than usual. He mentioned Ben and some crazy moon people he was talking with.

Has he mentioned ascending?

He hasn't talked about HIM ascending but there's some really weird shit going down.

Who has he talked about that has ascended?

Uhh... shit, he did, let me try and remember. Chris?

Yeah, anyone else?

He was a bit of a jackass about it actually, he wouldn't tell me much. Just that he was involved in something 'big.' I think it's some kind of moon cult?
Quia claims that Kayd has been somewhat secretive and hasn't told her much about his interactions with the Moon Child. This, coupled with the warning found on signaled that he might actually be a canon character within the ARG - not just another player.

say, how do you know Ryu?

Me? We've been friends for years now. Met here, actually. This moon stuff is all new.
Kayd and Quia supposedly met via the IRC chat a few years ago. However, his newfound obsession with the Moon Children seems to be relatively new.

Just a sec, there's someone here.

At your door? Don't open it.

Don't open your door.

For the love of god, don't open it.

Quia, unless you're expecting someone, do not open that god damn door.


What the... What are you guys doing here?!

RYU. Thank god.
Quia hears someone knocking on her door and goes to open it. Shortly after this, Kayd joined the IRC. He's surprised as to how the players found this place - seemingly unaware of the warning discovered on

Who the hell told them about this place.

BEN did. you're in grave danger.

Wait wait, when did Ben mention anything to anyone? Who do you think you are?

Ifrit told us you are in danger.

You guys know that was all just some fun, right? You shouldn't concern yourselves with it anymore.
Strangely, Kayd claims that the entire ARG was "just some fun", parroting what was said on during the "OoC Era".

Don't presume to tell me what is and what isn't regarding Ben! I had to sit and see Rosa die, so don't you fucking dare presume to tell me about Ben or the Children or anything. What the hell do you guys want.

You watched Rosa die?
Kayd's tone suddenly shifts. He becomes defensive, no longer treating the ARG as if it were just a game, mentioning how he had to watch Rosa die.

You watched Rosa die? We want answer mate, ANSWERS.

Then answer my questions, first. For instance, who led you here?

Ifrit did, and Ben. File 59.

What is file 59?

File 59 is ifrit, telling us to warn you. "KAYD HENDRICKS YOU ARE IN DANGER"

Hah, cute. If I was in any danger I think I would know. I guess I'll answer what I can. What do you want to know?

What can you tell us about the Father?

I can tell you nothing about the Father. Next question.
Kayd confirms that he is seemingly unaware of File 59 or any supposed danger that he might be in. Regardless, he offers to answer some of the players' questions. He's reluctant to answer anything regarding The Father, however - possibly due to him either being reluctant to divulge such deep secrets of the Moon Children or simply because he doesn't know much about them.

Who is Chris?

Chris.. Chris is one of the Children, by now I imagine, haha..

What can you tell us about the Children?

The Children. That is a complicated question you ask.

What is the purpose of The Children?

The Children's purpose? To serve Luna, of course. To become one with her. To finally hear her voice. What a thing, tha tmust be..
Kayd begins speaking in a somewhat malicious tone, laughing at Chris's Ascension and praising the idea of serving and becoming one with Luna. This seemingly confirms that he is a member of the Moon Children.

You need a mask, don't you?

The masks are a symbol. They are a symbol of who you are. Of what you are. And your connection to Luna. They are a symbol of .. where do you get your information from, if I ask.

We get our information from your Ben, and the clues he leaves us.

I'm sorry, I've only met Ben once, as far as I recall. He went missing recently, though. You say you've spoken to him?
Kayd explains that the Moon Children use masks as symbols of their identities and their connection to Luna. He also claims that he met Ben once, but he recently went missing. This contradictory claim is similar to what Matt stated when emailing users on

What of Rosa? Why did she die? Could you explain what you saw?

I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone, and heard some noises when she went to answer her door. Later we couldn't find her. Maybe it was a spontanious vacation, but I presume she died.

Did Kelbris get her?

Kayd claims that he was speaking with Rosa over the phone when she died. This is odd, because he was actually emailing her on his computer - not calling her. He also claims to be unaware of Kelbris.

Oh hell. Do you have Quia's phone number?

Why are you worried about Quia?

She said she needed to answer her door for a moment.

She has a good friend named Rena who visits her from time without notice. I'm sure it's nothing.
Kayd claims that the person who was at Quia's door was likely one of her friends named Rena and that the players shouldn't be concerned.

I'm sorry you guys, but if there's nothing else, I have your warnings, and I need to get back to.. studying. I'm expecting a group over for this comp scie class.

Wait one more question. WHat is the truth?

The Truth is inside all of us. you will know it when you find it. Ooh, and one more thing. "This time, beware false prophets."
Kayd has to leave the chat to attend to a "Computer Science" group that would be soon visiting his home - presumably for a college class. When asked about the contents of "The Truth", Kayd simply gives a cryptic answer and warns the players to beware of "false prophets". Overall, this entire conversation is somewhat strange. One moment, Kayd claims that the entire ARG was simply a game. After that, he begins acting like a malicious Moon Child, spouting similar beliefs about Luna and the same contradictory messages about Ben's disappearance. A full archive of this conversation can be found below:
Kayd's IRC Chat
JarSqwuid: Ryukaki is online now?
Quia: That's an odd question.
Quia: If we aren't active, how are we supposed to let you know?
Xerot: Oh good, someone else.
JarSqwuid: I dunno I've never been in an IRC
JarSqwuid: I found this place through Ryukaki's deviantart
Quia: I see.
Quia: Why are you looking for him?
Xerot: None of that matters though. We need to talk to him.
Xerot: He's in grave danger.
JarSqwuid: There are a lot of people posting on his deviantart
Quia: And you two are...?
Xerot: People hoping to stop whatever is about to happen.
JarSqwuid: Me too
Xerot: Do you know anything about BEN?
Quia: Oh shit.
Xerot: Oh hell. What's happened?
Quia: What the hell is going on?
Xerot: I don't have time to fully explain, but we NEED to find a way to talk to Ryukaki.
Quia: Nothing, yet, but I don't know where he is right now.
Xerot: ...What?
JarSqwuid: Wait
JarSqwuid: Huh?
JarSqwuid: Elaborate
Quia: Wait, what are we talking about?
JarSqwuid: Ryukaki's connection with BEN.
Xerot: Quia... What exactly are we playing?
Quia: Well that's a good question. Not too long ago he started going a bit weirder than usual.
Quia: He mentioned Ben.
Xerot: How long?
Quia: And some crazy moon people he was talking with.
DarkScythe: Has he mentioned knowcking at all?
JarSqwuid: Has he mentioned ascending?
Xerot: I'm sorry we're pestering the hell out of you, but we've got to hurry before we're too late.
JarSqwuid: He's in serious trouble now.
Xerot: Was it about 3 days ago this all began?
Quia: He hasn't talked about HIM ascending.
Quia: But there's some really weird shit going down.
JarSqwuid: Who has he talked about that has ascended?
Xerot: Well, yeah. We're talking to you, lol.
JarSqwuid: Has he mentioned names, or anything?
Quia: Uhh... shit, he did, let me try and remember.
JarSqwuid: Thanks
JarSqwuid: Take your time.
Quia: Chris?
JarSqwuid: Yeah, anyone else?
Xerot: Any kind of online conversations, data, anything?
JarSqwuid: And if you can, what did he say abotu Chris?
Quia: He was a bit of a jackass about it actually, he wouldn't tell me much. Just that he was involved in something 'big.'
Quia: And he mentioned Chris in reference to Ascending.
alicia: whoa.
JarSqwuid: Ahh okay, yeha they're pretty secretive. And yes we know Chris was supposed to ascend.
DarkScythe: Did he mention Luna at all?
JarSqwuid: Has he mentioned Kelbris?
Quia: Luna, yes, Kelbris, I don't think so.
Quia: I think it's some kind of moon cult?
JarSqwuid: Yeah it is
Xerot: for lack of a better word, yes.
alicia: Did I miss something
alicia: Did Ryu join a cult
DarkScythe: Has he said anything about a guy named Matt or his sister Rosa?
alicia: of ffs did he start his own?
alicia: wb koko
Komaru: thanks!
alicia: If Ryu started a damned cult and didn't invite me I'm going to be offended.
Xerot: Uh, ali, this is one you probably don't want to get involved in.
alicia: Probably not
Xerot: No offense of course, but it's just plain dangerous.
alicia: I don't get involved i nanything
alicia: *anything
Xerot: say, how do you know Ryu?
alicia: I'm not even sure why these guys let me hang around, I don't even rp
Quia: Me?
alicia: who?
Xerot: Uh, anyone, actually.
alicia: I guess not me cause I don't actually know him.
JarSqwuid: Matt?
Quia: We've been friends for years now.
JarSqwuid: Do you know his real name?
Quia: Met here, actually. This moon stuff is all new.
Geo: ...on that note...
Geo: If this is a cult I wanna join!
alicia: That's what I'm sayin!
Geo: I wanna be a cultist!
Quia: Maybe, but I don't know about giving it out to people who want to 'help' him.
alicia: Will there be koolaid?
Quia: I don't know who the hell you really are.
Geo: Ooooo koolaid!
Komaru: Oh, THIS is Russel Brand
Komaru: I've seen him on Mock the Week
Xerot: I know.
alicia: If you guys have a cult, you can hold your meetings with our late shift meetings.
alicia: Combine our powers and such.
DarkScythe: Quia, you've got to trust us here. We think ryu is in danger.
Komaru: Late shift!
Komaru: I have missed it so much
DarkScythe: Serious danger.
Xerot: Correction, we KNOW he's in danger.
Quia: From what?
Quia: Or who?
alicia: As have I, which is why I brought snacks this time.
JarSqwuid: Yeah, he seriously is. This Moon Cult does something to acsend, and supposedly the last one that did died.
Xerot: This will sound far-fetched.
Quia: ...Dieing is not good.
JarSqwuid: Generally.
alicia: I dunno Geo, it doesnt' sound like Ryu started the cult.
Quia: Generally?
Xerot: However they ascend, it's somehow related to Majora's Mask and their death. the time frame being really similar as well.
alicia: I'm only willing to join a cult founded by Ryu or Qui.
DarkScythe: That's why we need to talk to Ryu. To make sure he doesn't die.
JarSqwuid: We're trying to help, we seriously are. This cult that he's joined is bad, very bad.
alicia: Ha@ Ryu dying.
Geo: Ryu is too mean to die
alicia: You must not know him very well.
Komaru: Ryu's too angry to die.
Geo: It wouldn't spite enough people
alicia: I don't even know him very well and even I know that any cult Ryu joins would be in danger of him, not the other way around.
alicia: Jussayin.
Exactly koko!
Geo: lmfao Ali
Xerot: Uh, besides Quia, who else has talked to him over the past 3/4 days?
alicia: He helped me fix my minecraft, does that count?
alicia: Or was it some form of brain washing?
Geo: 3 or 4, or 3 quarters of one?
JarSqwuid: Why would anyone be afraid of Ryu?
Xerot: 3 to 4, sorry.
alicia: Because when people die, he throws death parties.
Geo: ...No one, Ryu is a sweet fluffy bunny of a person >.>
Quia: Aaahahaha
alicia: ha.
Quia: So, you guys want to help Ryu, right?
Geo: ...that hurt my head to type
Xerot: Yeah. We're hoping to.
JarSqwuid: Yes
alicia: I'm so tickled that I have to tinkle. brb
Quia: But, you have no idea who he is. How does this work exactly?
Xerot: I'll try to summarize it
alicia: Qui I request all of this be posted to the quotes page. brb forreals
DarkScyte: We need to talk with him. He'll know what exactly whe're talking about.
Xerot: Recently a malicious entity called BEN was released onto the internet.
JarSqwuid: We found information that connects him to all of this, and the fact that you know about it CONFIRMS our fears
Quia: Damnit don't go all cipher on me.
JarSqwuid: Did he cipher to you?
Quia: He threw those at me and I got bored after the first one.
Komaru: YOu all realize, the fun bit of irony, about, no offense good sir, but a man (I think?) going by the name "DARKSCYTHE" trying to warn someone away from a CULT?
JarSqwuid: What did his first one say?
Xerot: It spreads like a virus, but the issue with that one is that after someone sees it, they're generally compelled to research it. That's probably how - wait, he sent you some ciphers?
JarSqwuid: Did you save the ciphers?
JarSqwuid: I will decode them if you have them
JarSqwuid: We need all the clues we can get.
Xerot: We need those ciphers. It's like... It's like a fun little treasure hunt, figure out the clues and potentially save whoever's in danger.
Xerot: But we don't know the time limit, so this makes it all the more intense.
JarSqwuid: Way more intense
Quia: Ugh, I'd have to go looking through my logs, but it was a youtube page. And I watched the videos on it, by jad-something, and they made no sense, and when I asked him about he was a jerk and said I wouldn't understand.
Quia: That was a while back.
JarSqwuid: Jadusable
Xerot: Oh no.
JarSqwuid: Yes the videos mean a lot.
alicia: back
JarSqwuid: Check that link.
Xerot: Why did he send you the link to Jadusable?
Quia: Also, I hate to break it to you, but he's in class right now, he should be back in the next halfhour or so, but I'm not sure exactly.
Quia: If something happens to him on the way home I'm going to hurt you.
JarSqwuid: Alright, I'll aim him directly.
Xerot: Halfhour? Ok. Wait, are you guys in britain or something?
JarSqwuid: Hun, trust me, we're trying to save him
Geo: Ireland
Quia: Uhhhh.. no.
Xerot: Ok. Just, if you guys get to him before us, please tell him this. It could save his life.
Xerot: Don't open it.
JarSqwuid: Xerot, where did Jad say he lived before he changed it to everywhere?
alicia: wtf are you guys talking about
Quia: 'Don't open it'
JarSqwuid: Just tell him not to open his door when he gets in
JarSqwuid: Tell him to ignore the knocking
DarkScythe: Despite my username I have good intentions. Tell him if he hear knocking to ignore it as well.
Xerot: Just 'Don't open it' in general, please.
Quia: Heh.
Xerot: And Jar, I dunno.
Quia: You do know he's going to read all this when he gets back?
JarSqwuid: Lemme check my records
Xerot: I hope so.
JarSqwuid: I hope so as well
JarSqwuid: Did he mention any songs recently?
Quia: Songs?
Quia: Wtf does this have to do with music?
JarSqwuid: Yeah, like names of songs.
JarSqwuid: It has a LOT to do with music....
DarkScythe: What kind of music does he play?
Xerot: Ever play majora's mask?
Quia: I don't know, definitely not while I was around to hear it.
DarkScythe: Wait sorry read that wrong.
Quia: Wait.
Quia: What does it sound like?
JarSqwuid: Well, ever play Majora's Mask?
DarkScythe: Hang on. I'll link you to a Youtube video.
Xerot: Depends. Anything reversed, morbid-sounding, maybe demonic even.
JarSqwuid: The songs from the zelda games
JarSqwuid: The song of healing?
DarkScythe: Here's one song from the game
Quia: I don't know, I've never played the game. He did watch those videos he linked me to, rather obsessively.
Xerot: Do you remember him even humming the tuns you may have heard from the videos?
JarSqwuid: Did he mention why he watched them>
Xerot: Specifically the reversed song of healing?
Quia: No, he never mentioned why. I don't think he's been humming them, either.
DarkScythe: Then why did you want to know what they sound like?
JarSqwuid: Has he eer mentioned the Truth?
JarSqwuid: Yeah, how are we supposed to explain what they sound like?
Quia: So I could tell you if he'd been humming anything like that.
DarkScythe: Actually you were a bit more specific saying what "IT" sounds like.
Xerot: I thought I explained it kinda well...
Quia: He sings and hums all the time.
Xerot: In that case, has he stopped doing that lately?
JarSqwuid: < > v < > v
Xerot: Anything out of the ordinary you can think of.
JarSqwuid: I'm guessing I shouldn't have done that....
Quia: Well, yeah, but it doesn't help at all. Normally he tells me everything, but he's been real damned secretive lately.
Quia: I guess this is why.
JarSqwuid: They normally are.
JarSqwuid: Has he ever mentioned The Truth?
Xerot: You could say we're the closest thing to the FBI we can in this case, lol.
JarSqwuid: "plase if you are nearby a phone please call the policei can hear it outside my door"
JarSqwuid: That was on the Youtube Channel today.
JarSqwuid: 2 hours ago.
JarSqwuid: When does this class start?
Xerot: I thought Jadusable had already...
Xerot: Hmm.
Quia: Just a sec, need to look something up.
Xerot: Oh, has he given you any files, besides the links to those videos?
Xerot: Ok.
Xerot: Hey, Jar?
JarSqwuid: Yeah?
Xerot: Can you see my PMs?
JarSqwuid: No, I dunno how to work IRC lol this is literally my first time.
Xerot: ok. Do you see my name in red next to the arrow saying private?
Xerot: You can change the channels you're viweing by clicking on those.
Xerot: they light up red whenever someone says something new.
JarSqwuid: Oh okay
JarSqwuid: Quia, you there?
Quia: Yeah.
JarSqwuid: What did you find?
JarSqwuid: What about his classes?
Quia: Just a sec, there's someone here.
DarkScythe: At your door? Don't open it.
JarSqwuid: Don't open your door.
Xerot: For the love of god, don't open it.
Xerot: ... Oh shit, I think we're too late.
JarSqwuid: Quia, unless you're expecting someone, do not open that god damn door.
Geo: oh calm the hell down
Geo: She's probably talking to her parents
Xerot: Do you have her number?
Geo: and pay for the long distance?
Xerot: What's her life worth?
Geo: ...good qestion!
Geo: I shall ponder it!
Xerot: You have to think about it?!
Ryukaki: What the..
JarSqwuid: RYU
JarSqwuid: Thank god
Ryukaki: What are you guys doing here?!
Ryukaki: Who the hell told them about this place.
Xerot: BEN did.
Xerot: you're in grave danger.
JarSqwuid: We know about the Children.
alicia: Dun dun dunnnnnn.
alicia: sorry I couldn't help myself.
Ryukaki: Wait wait, when did Ben mention anything to anyone? Who do you think you are?
DarkScythe: Ifrit told us you are in danger.
Xerot: Well, we know you know BEN for certain now.
Ryukaki: You guys know that was all just some fun, right?
JarSqwuid: Ifrit says you're in danger Ryu
Ryukaki: You shouldn't concern yourselves with it anymore.
Geo: Well damn Ryu, ruin all the fun why don't you.
JarSqwuid: Well you know what, it's not
JarSqwuid: This happened 2 hours ago.
Xerot: But I think we should. We came this far through all the codes to help you.
Ryukaki: Don't presume to tell me what is and what isn't regarding Ben!
JarSqwuid: Who is Ben?
JarSqwuid: Why are you so intent on protecting him?
Xerot: And... Where is Quia?
Ryukaki: I had to sit and see Rosa die, so don't you fucking dare presume to tell me about Ben or the Children or anything. What the hell do you guys want.
Xerot: Answers.
JarSqwuid: You watched Rosa die?
JarSqwuid: We want answer mate, ANSWERS.
JarSqwuid: Is that how you ascend?
JarSqwuid: Is dying?
JarSqwuid: Was Rosa a child?
Ryukaki: Then answer my questions, first.
JarSqwuid: FIne.
Xerot: Shoot.
Ryukaki: For instance, who led you here?
JarSqwuid: Ifrit did, and Ben.
Ryukaki: We've had no real visitors here in a long time.
Xerot: Jadusable's account.
Ryukaki: How. Nobody knows about this place.
JarSqwuid: File 59.
Xerot: We're guessing BEN, since he has total control over it.
Ryukaki: I don't tell any of my.. what?
JarSqwuid: File 59, we cracked the password. It was thelensoftruth
Ryukaki: What is file 59?
JarSqwuid: File 59 is ifrit, telling us to warn you.
Xerot: Ryu, do you have Quia's phone number?
JarSqwuid: We know about the ciphers, we know about the children, we know about Ben. But we need answers.
Ryukaki: Hah, cute. If I was in any danger I think I would know.
JarSqwuid: Ifrit was one of the children.
Xerot: You might not be the only one in danger.
Ryukaki: I guess I'll answer what I can. What do you want to know?
JarSqwuid: What can you tell us about the Father?
Ryukaki: I can tell you nothing about the Father. Next question.
Xerot: Before any of us forget, I feel I should mention this - Don't open it.
JarSqwuid: What can you tell us about the Children?
JarSqwuid: Yeah don't open your door if you hear knocking
JarSqwuid: And wh is Chris?
Ryukaki: Chris.. Chris is one of the Children, by now I imagine, haha..
Ryukaki: The Children. That is a complicated question you ask.
JarSqwuid: Why?
JarSqwuid: Yeah I know.
Xerot: What is the purpose of The Children?
JarSqwuid: Whatever you can give s will help.
Ryukaki: The Children's purpose? To serve Luna, of course. To become one with her. To finally hear her voice.
Ryukaki: What a thing, tha tmust be..
DarkScythe: Your ascensions.
JarSqwuid: Why would you want to? And you need a mask, don't you?
Ryukaki: The masks are a symbol.
JarSqwuid: What kind of masks?
JarSqwuid: I understand you wear them, because you wish to disassociate yourself with humans.
Xerot: A symbol of... What? Giving up your humanity to serve Luna?
JarSqwuid: Because humas have a choice, and masks don't.
Ryukaki: They are a symbol of who you are. Of what you are. And your connection to Luna. They are a symbol of .. where do you get your information from, if I ask.
Ryukaki: *may ask.
JarSqwuid: We get our information from your Ben, and the clues he leaves us.
JarSqwuid: That is why we need to know who he is.
JarSqwuid: We believe he was a failed ascension.
DarkScythe: BEN thinks of it as a game. He plays us and you.
Ryukaki: I'm sorry, I've only met Ben once, as far as I recall. He went missing recently, though.
Ryukaki: You say you've spoken to him?
Xerot: through one method or another.
JarSqwuid: Yeah kind of...
JarSqwuid: What of Rosa?
JarSqwuid: Why did she die?
JarSqwuid: COuld you explain what you saw?
Ryukaki: I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone, and heard some noises when she went to answer her door.
Ryukaki: Later we couldn't find her.
JarSqwuid: Did Kelbris get her?
Ryukaki: Maybe it was a spontanious vacation, but I presume she died.
Xerot: Oh hell. Do you have Quia's phone number?
Ryukaki: Kelbris?
JarSqwuid: No, you're lying.
Ryukaki: Why are you worried about Quia?
JarSqwuid: You said you had to sit and see her die.
JarSqwuid: Tell the Truth.
Xerot: Did you scroll up a bit before you joined in?
JarSqwuid: She went to her door too.
Xerot: She said she needed to answer her door for a moment.
JarSqwuid: She's not back.
Ryukaki: I used "see" as a metaphor, forgive me. It's something I disagree with the others on.
Ryukaki: It's a bit emotional.
Ryukaki: I wouldn't worry about her.
Xerot: Why?
Ryukaki: She has a good friend named Rena who visits her from time without notice.
Ryukaki: I'm sure it's nothing.
Xerot: I hate to be paranoid, but could you call and check up?
JarSqwuid: Rosa was ifrit's sister mate.
JarSqwuid: Ifrit was a moon child, like you.
JarSqwuid: Or like you wish to be.
Ryukaki: I'm sorry you guys, but if there's nothing else, I have your warnings, and I need to get back to.. studying. I'm expecting a group over for this comp scie class.
Ryukaki: Thank you for stopping by, but I'm out of time.
Xerot: Wait.
JarSqwuid: Wait one more question
JarSqwuid: WHat is the truth?
Ryukaki: The Truth is inside all of us. you will know it when you find it.
JarSqwuid: Alright... be safe.
JarSqwuid: Avoid these children.
Xerot: Just watch that real quick, before you go.
Ryukaki: Ooh, and one more thing.
Xerot: Mmm?
JarSqwuid: Yeah?
Ryukaki: "This time, beware false prophets."
JarSqwuid: You mean, people who are pretending to be conected to the story.
JarSqwuid: Sure....
Ryukaki: Now I have things to attend to. I hope you'll excuse me.
Ryukaki: And please, don't tell anyone else about this place.
Geo: ...>.>
Ryukaki: I don't want my friends here involved in any of this.
JarSqwuid: We won't.
Xerot: Yeah. Is there any chance we can talk to you again?
JarSqwuid: But be safe.
Xerot: Hmm.
Xerot: hey, you guys know much about Ryu's poetry from wayyyy back when?
Xerot: Some of this is really awesome, but I dunno what to make of some of it.
ceonn: Hiya
ceonn: How goes everything?
ceonn? Hey? ryukaki, you here?
Xerot: You're late dude.
ceonn? huh?
Xerot: He left about half an hour ago.
ceonn: Thats tooo bad. Wanted to ask him about tomorrow. Oh well.
Xerot: tomorrow?
Xerot: What about it?
ceonn: huh?
Xerot: What's so special about tomorrow?
ceonn: Don't worry about it. It doesn't concern you. Cya!
On October 7th, 2010, players would gain a bit more clarity as they chatted with Kayd in his IRC chat once again:

Hey, I thought you went to bed, Ryu.

I tried. Been hearing noises outside. Can't sleep.

Ahhh, I'm sorry...we all got you pretty spooked huh?

It's alright, I guess. I'm more upset that people were bothering my friends. They have nothing to do with it.

Yeah we didn't mean for that to happen, we're sorry. But Quia was talking about you a lot. I dunno if she knows about the story and was just shouting BS

Qui knows nothing. This place is a very private room with just us close friends who have known eachother for a long time.
Kayd claims that he's hearing some strange noises and that it's difficult for him to sleep. He also says that Quia is uninvolved and doesn't know much about what's going on with the Moon Children.

After Rosa, I was really shaken up, and so very close to solving the puzzle. But when it was announced to be fake, interest was lost. I wandered off and put it behind me.

It seems to have been a little more than fake though huh.... Everyone who's gotten close has been marked.

I don't get what's with this "marking" thing. I am the only person so far outside of Rosa and the others to be mentioned by Jadusable.

Wasn't the Seraphim person also marked?

He was only mentioned, very shortly, in one file, that came AFTER the 59, which said it was the last communication we'd get from Jadusable. Fate.txt "It comes for us all Sephiriam" that's all.
Kayd has seemingly gone back to referring to everything as if it were simply an ARG. He also downplays the player Sephiriam's significance.

How did you even find Rosa?

Ifrit's Gmail account came online. I quickly ran over and opened up a Gmail chat with what I thought was Ifrit. It was Rosa. Without thinking and in my panic, I asked for the Username and Password. I didn't clarify to what. She gave me it, and suddenly said "the sounds have stopped"


I promised her I wouldn't let anyone else die. That I could still save them. I didn't think I'd be next.

I guess The Truth on the website wasn't were the password and stuff went right?

No, I tried it many times, even after the site restarted, and many times every day up until about Oct 2nd.

What a mess. Rosa dies, Alex dies, Ifrit supposedly died and we have no idea what to make of Chris or Ben. I managed to get into WAAL, but they won't freely give me info. I"m determined to get the info from WAAL and leak it.

People died not because of the chaos of things, but because people refused to work together. People were being excluded, and those were the people making mistakes.
Kayd clarifies that he indeed spoke to Rosa via email - not over the phone, as he was claiming the night before. After getting the login information from Rosa, Kayd supposedly tried to enter "The Truth" multiple times. However, he could never access it. Meanwhile, the player discusses "WAAL", or "We All Are Link" - a player group that had been hoarding information. Kayd criticizes this behavior, claiming that everyone should share information freely with one another.

you said you watched Rosa die, then yuo said you were on the phone with her, and now chat which makes sense because "watching."

I don't recall saying anything about the phone. And I never said "watched", I said I had to "see" her die, which I did, even if it was poorly worded.

"I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone, and heard some noises when she went to answer her door."

Where did I say that?

AFter I asked "What of Rosa?"

Wow, I see that in my logs, but do not recall ever typing it. Maybe I'm just tired. In any case, disregard it. I never actually spoke to her. It was all over Gmail chat.
The player calls out the discrepancy regarding how Kayd contacted Rosa. He claims that he never remembers saying he spoke to her over the phone and that maybe he was simply tired and got the details wrong.

But then why would Jad say that was the password and stuff for the truth? Why would he give you that info if he was Ben?

So that when it didn't work, I would give up with it? So that when I tried to use it, he could track it to me? I didn't show the username/pass in any screenshot. Ben has never seen it. I didn't think about it at the time, but if that was Ben, then I led him right to me.
The player questions the possibility of Alex in the "OoC Era" secretly being BEN in disguise. Kayd says that it's possible that BEN wanted him to try to use the login information to access "The Truth", give up, then stop playing the ARG. Alternatively, it's possible that BEN wanted to track Kayd down. He also notes that he censored the login information in the screenshot he shared on /x/ and to "OoC Era" Alex, meaning BEN has supposedly never seen the username and password. However, Kayd admits that doing this likely outed that he himself has the information to BEN and that he's now being targeted.
Overall, Kayd seems far more reasonable during this conversation when compared to the one from the night before. There's no signs of him acting maliciously. In fact, he implies that he doesn't even remember writing some of his messages from the previous conversation. He now seems a bit paranoid that BEN is actively tracking him down. A full archive of this conversation can be found below:
Kayd's IRC Chat
JarSqwuid: Hey, I thought you went to bed, Ryu.
Ryukaki: I tried. Been hearing noises outside. Can't sleep.
JarSqwuid: Ahhh, I'm sorry...we all got you pretty spooked huh?
JarSqwuid: And those poeple on YT probably aren't helping.
JarSqwuid: It's annoying how they're trying to milk you for answers, really...
JarSqwuid: Ad I'm sorry abou tthe floo dearlier.
JarSqwuid: *flood
JarSqwuid: Was trying to prevent that.
Ryukaki: It's alright, I guess.
Ryukaki: I'm more upset that people were bothering my friends. They have nothing to do with it.
JarSqwuid: Was trying to prevent that.
JarSqwuid: Errr, stupid IRC still getting used to it...
JarSqwuid: Yeah we didn't mean for that to happen, we're sorry.
JarSqwuid: But Quia was talking about you a lot.
JarSqwuid: I dunno if she knows about the story and was just shouting BS
JarSqwuid: Or if she was saying things about you that were true...
JarSqwuid: I really don't know what to believe
Ryukaki: Qui knows nothing. This place is a very private room with just us close friends who have known eachother for a long time.
Ryukaki: They don't go around on the internet.
Ryukaki: Much less get involved in things like Youtube/4chan.
JarSqwuid: Well then, she mentioned you sending her ciphers, like I said earlier...
JarSqwuid: I don't mean to bother you at all, but she seemed pretty weirded out by recent behavior.
JarSqwuid: Said you'd been humming things as well, and really sucked into the whole Jadusable deal.
Ryukaki: I mentioned it to her in passing, that is, I had her help me with a few of the ciphers early on.
JarSqwuid: Ahhh, that makes sense.
Ryukaki: After I started getting into it, I took some time away from this place to start digging.
Ryukaki: After Rosa, I was really shaken up, and so very close to solving the puzzle.
JarSqwuid: Oh yeah? Just rtying to figure out stuff?
JarSqwuid: Yeah you mentioned that.
Ryukaki: But when it was announced to be fake, interest was lost.
Ryukaki: I wandered off and put it behind me.
JarSqwuid: It seems to have been a little more than fake though huh....
JarSqwuid: Everyone who's gotten close has been marked.
JarSqwuid: You were one of them I suppose, especially getting into contact with Rosa like that.
JarSqwuid: That would have done it huh.
JarSqwuid: What are the noises outside like? Can you put some music on? Get some sleep that way?
Ryukaki: I don't get what's with this "marking" thing.
JarSqwuid: When people find out important information the get marked, sucked into the story and mentioned by BEN.
Ryukaki: I am the only person so far outside of Rosa and the others to be mentioned by Jadusable.
JarSqwuid: I haven't personally seen it...
Ryukaki: Ben taunts, sometimes.
Ryukaki: But he has never actually spoken to anyone.
Ryukaki: Everyone who claims it was exposed as a hoax.
JarSqwuid: Wasn't the Seraphim person also marked?
JarSqwuid: For the Reality Theory?
Ryukaki: He was only mentioned, very shortly, in one file, that came AFTER the 59, which said it was the last communication we'd get from Jadusable.
JarSqwuid: Hmm, that makes sense.
Ryukaki: Fate.txt, number 60
Ryukaki: Fate.txt "It comes for us all Sephiriam"
Ryukaki: that's all.
JarSqwuid: Ahh, yeah I didn't get to that txt before it was removed, and no one will release it to me.
JarSqwuid: I managed to get into WAAL, but they won't freely give me info.
JarSqwuid: I've gotta earn it...
JarSqwuid: Eh, this is all very confusing.
JarSqwuid: Er, nevermind I got the txt file.
JarSqwuid: Logging this site gets confusing lol.
JarSqwuid: Ahh well, you doing alright hun?
JarSqwuid: Ummm...and just a're not Ben are you....
JarSqwuid: Well I guess you're not but.
JarSqwuid: Yeah...
Ryukaki: I'm just fine, and no, I'm not Ben. At least, I hope I'm not.
Ryukaki: Ben plays games. He leads people astray. Jadusable lead you all to me as his last will and testament.
Ryukaki: There has to be a reason for that.
JarSqwuid: Alright cool... I hate that the trust in everyone is getting so screwed up. And the only reason I can think of is the information you have.
JarSqwuid: Don't worry I won't ask
JarSqwuid: But how did you even find Rosa?
JarSqwuid: I mean, nobody else did, nobody. Not only that, but how did you even get involved with that insane cult...
JarSqwuid: Well besides this whole mess.
Ryukaki: During the final day-- after the songs were played, for a brief moment Ifrit's Gmail account came online.
Ryukaki: I had a notice set up for him.
Ryukaki: I quickly ran over and opened up a Gmail chat with what I thought was Ifrit. It was Rosa.
Ryukaki: She told me that she was hearing scratching and noises outside her door. That I needed to call the police. To help her.
Ryukaki: Without thinking and in my panic, I asked for the Username and Password. I didn't clarify to what.
Ryukaki: She gave me it, and suddenly said "the sounds have stopped"
Ryukaki: Then the account went offline.
JarSqwuid: Wow really.... so that was the question then? That we were told to ask? And geeeze...
JarSqwuid: Is that quote on Jad's page what she said?
JarSqwuid: The one in her announcements?
Ryukaki: Yes.
Ryukaki: And I don't know if that was the question.
Ryukaki: I kind of had to coerce her.
JarSqwuid: AHhh...
Ryukaki: I promised her I wouldn't let anyone else die.
Ryukaki: That I could still save them.
Ryukaki: I didn't think I'd be next.
JarSqwuid: You'll be fine hun, really.
JarSqwuid: We're not going to let anything happen to you, i promise.
JarSqwuid: What happened to Rosa, I dunno... but it won't happen to you or anyone else. We can solve this things...
JarSqwuid: But I guess The Truth on the website wasn't were the password and stuff went right?
JarSqwuid: You know, the one that was locked...
JarSqwuid: I know you probably tried it.
Ryukaki: No, I tried it many times, even after the site restarted, and many times every day up until about Oct 2nd.
JarSqwuid: Hmm...
Ryukaki: When I closed all of my Jad/YSHDT tabs on Chrome and forgot about it.
JarSqwuid: And then all this happen eh.
JarSqwuid: What a mess.
JarSqwuid: And the funny thing is, it really started to pick up when songs were submitted as video responses.
JarSqwuid: And then it stopped.
JarSqwuid: Like it was on pause.
JarSqwuid: And now, once it's been started again, you get the blunt end of it.
JarSqwuid: Rosa dies, Alex dies, Ifrit supposedly died and we have no idea what to make of Chris or Ben.
JarSqwuid: Or I don't.
JarSqwuid: It's why I"m so determined to get the info from WAAL and leak it.
JarSqwuid: SLowly...
JarSqwuid: Quietly to select people so I'm not suspected.
JarSqwuid: Hopefully keep leaking it.
Ryukaki: I just don't want them doing what was done last time.
Ryukaki: People died not because of the chaos of things, but because people refused to work together.
Ryukaki: People were being excluded, and those were the people making mistakes.
JarSqwuid: Yeah, it was really very stupid.
Kiram: Kayd
Kiram: I just want you to know.
Kiram: Your death will come EITHER by heatray, or by boulder.
Ryukaki: Can it please be Heatray?
Kiram: Only if the tech is perfected soon.
Ryukaki: that sounds fair.
Kiram: and by soon I mean 3 days earlier than it otherwise would have needed to have been.
Ryukaki: #%$@#$^
JarSqwuid: Hahaha awwwe...
JarSqwuid: that's what the meatray is for though, right?
Kiram: No. The meatray sounds disgusting.
Kiram: Also, like a sea creature
JarSqwuid: Keeping this open, so if you need help just shout.
Ryukaki: I think I would be more afraid if I ran into the Meatray.
JarSqwuid: Jad said the username/password is for the truth in the archive...
Ryukaki: It never worked. We can only assume that was a lie, or to throw us off.
JarSqwuid: Then it was Ben in the archive?
JarSqwuid: Errr, /x/
Ryukaki: I don't know.
JarSqwuid: I find it kind of hard to believe some of the responses though...
JarSqwuid: And still not asleep then?
JarSqwuid: And by "the" I mean your.
Ryukaki: What responses, exactly?
JarSqwuid: you said you watched Rosa die, then yuo said you were on the phone with her, and now chat which makes sense because "watching."
JarSqwuid: And I saw the image yo posted on /x/ of the chat
JarSqwuid: And the email
Ryukaki: I don't recall saying anything about the phone.
Ryukaki: And I never said "watched", I said I had to "see" her die, which I did, even if it was poorly worded.
JarSqwuid: I might be mistaken, let me go over my records, I'm very tired I know you understand that lol...
Ryukaki: I"m assuming it was all a rouse to find out who knew what.
Ryukaki: In order to find out who to go after, next.
Ryukaki: I know it's easier to not believe that, but I was extremely blindsided by this. I got home from class and saw my E-mail and was excited because I thought some of the job applications I'd made recently went through.
Ryukaki: Not that I had, and then suddenly almost a hundred warnings.
JarSqwuid: "I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone, and heard some noises when she went to answer her door."
Ryukaki: Where did I say that?
JarSqwuid: AFter I asked "What of Rosa?"
Ryukaki: Wow, I see that in my logs, but do not recall ever typing it. Maybe I'm just tired.
Ryukaki: In any case, disregard it. I never actually spoke to her.
Ryukaki: It was all over Gmail chat.
JarSqwuid: It seems you don't recall much actually.
JarSqwuid: What happend after the 2nd?
JarSqwuid: What do you remember from those days after?
JarSqwuid: Any blanks?
Ryukaki: Absolutely nothing important, literally. I went to school, I went job hunting, I was waking up a little bit..unusually late in the afternoon, 1-2 PM, but I figured I was just tired from all the driving around I was doing.
Ryukaki: It was normal life.
JarSqwuid: Unusually late? Hmmmm.
JarSqwuid: I just don't like how the stories don't match up.
Ryukaki: Really, don't sweat it. That's nothing more than me typing without thinking first.
JarSqwuid: I figure, and with all the panic from all those crazy messages I don't blame you.
JarSqwuid: But that's a pretty descriptinve thing to screw up, is all.
Ryukaki: It's been extremely stressing. :\
JarSqwuid: I imagine. I'm sorry.
JarSqwuid: Wish I could help more, perhaps a hug.
JarSqwuid: I just wonder how "really freaky chat on gmail" got changed into "phoned her, heard weird noises, she left."
JarSqwuid: And why you never linked or mentioned the screenshot you have of it.
Ryukaki: I thought everyone knew about the screenshot, I was very vocal about it for a while.
JarSqwuid: Ahh.
Ryukaki: the mix up, probably because of how into it I was. I was there, too, on Gmail, when Ifrit was taken away.
JarSqwuid: Really?
Ryukaki: When I was talking with Rosa, there wasn't thinking. I honestly felt like I was right there with her. I was terrified. Shaking. See how I'm always generall calm, if vulgar, and very proper with my typing?
Ryukaki: you can see how different it was when I was speaking with Rosa.
Ryukaki: Typing in caps? Typos like crazy?
JarSqwuid: Yeah I can tell.
Ryukaki: I was just freaking out. :\
JarSqwuid: But then why would Jad say that was the password and stuff for the truth?
JarSqwuid: Why would he give you that info if he was Ben?
JarSqwuid: And if he was Ben, why didn't he use it already?
Ryukaki: So that when it didn't work, I would give up with it? So that when I tried to use it, he could track it to me? I didn't show the username/pass in any screenshot.
Ryukaki: Ben has never seen it.
Ryukaki: I didn't think about it at the time, but if that was Ben, then I led him right to me.
JarSqwuid: A bit.
JarSqwuid: Why would he lead us to you though? I know he likes playing games with us, and everyone, but...
JarSqwuid: You also left some of it visible...
Ryukaki: Ben didn't lead anyone to me.
Ryukaki: Jad did, with his last will and testament.
Ryukaki: His final word to us before the Link was broken.
Ryukaki: "Kayd Hendricks you are in danger."
Ryukaki: That, and a long briefing on how we all need to work together to beat Ben.
Ryukaki: That if we remain divided and refuse to work together, he wins.
JarSqwuid: Yeah...
JarSqwuid: I got all that.
JarSqwuid: It's real jumbled...
JarSqwuid: And what's the glitch?
JarSqwuid: The 4th day?
Ryukaki: I think that's what he means.
Ryukaki: But I'm not sure.
JarSqwuid: He said "recent."
Ryukaki: Maybe it was the front page of the YSHDT site when it was all fucked up. I wasn't there for that, but I read about it.
JarSqwuid: What was it again? I have all of my records on me
JarSqwuid: When it was restarted? Or when Kelbris arrived?
Ryukaki: I don't know what all of it was off hand, but I recall there being a countdown timer to the "reset" and some weird images/music being cut across the front page.
JarSqwuid: Oh yeah....
JarSqwuid: I have no clue....
JarSqwuid: This is the craziest thing I've ever been a part of, and I can't imagine how insane it is for you.
JarSqwuid: Consider this the REAL Truth.txt What are you talking about?"
JarSqwuid: Comes out of what Ifrit said....
JarSqwuid: And I dunno if anyone solved the top portion of the cipher.
Ryukaki: Wish I had some answers :\
JarSqwuid: I think we all do really.
JarSqwuid: Could do with some real truth right now.
JarSqwuid: AH well.... I'm gonna go to bed, too tired to function right now.
JarSqwuid: Are you good?
JarSqwuid: You should try and get some sleep too hun.
JarSqwuid: Night, and I'll leave this open.
JarSqwuid: If you need to message me or something, it'll be here when I get up, alright?
JarSqwuid: Night, and you'll be fine, don't worry.
Meanwhile, players who had previously entered their phone numbers on's "Contact" Page began receiving strange phone calls. These calls featured the "Elegy of Emptiness", a strange mumble, the "Song of Unhealing", and one of the songs that played on Later in the day, WAAL's Livejournal was supposedly hacked into and purged of all of its data. This coincided with a post from BEN appearing on Jadusable's YouTube channel:
"You are now stripped of this resource as punishment for your arrogance, and yet by eliminating that website, this is the most charitable act I will ever do. Do not think that there is any place that is beyond my reach."
It seems as though BEN himself had destroyed WAAL's archives - or at least was taking credit for it. Later on, Kayd proceeded to upload four different videos to his YouTube channel:
A few notes: Upon reviewing this footage, I noticed two bright lights in my livingroom. There are no lights or sources of illumination there that I know of. I do not know what was making those.
I am uploading this right now because I have been hearing the sounds from outside-- they sound like they're inside now, but there's nothing in here. My doors are all locked and windows shut.
I feel a foreboding presence all around me, though. I'm going to call a friend in the morning to come over and spend the day with me.
I will keep you all updated.
<--- Click for Video Transcript
The video begins with Kayd recording himself in a dark room. Kayd focuses it on his computer monitor.
"It's October 7, 5:02am. I just woke up, been trying to sleep, but the noises, they keep coming."
He turns the camera toward his bedroom door.
"The knocking, the scratching. I don't know if you can see this, but my door has been opened. It was not like this when I went to bed."
He moves to his doorway, the camera faces outside it, and he walks toward a lit room.
"This light, this light was not on either. Hello?"
A loud thump comes from behind him and he turns.
"Oh, I'm jumping and everything."
He turns back to the lit room.
"Oh God. This is all getting way, way too real for me. This was supposed to just be a game. But those noises haven't stopped."
He focuses the camera on a mirror.
"This is me. This is Kayd Hendricks. I'm keeping this log, so that all of you out there who are following will know exactly how things went."
He ventures further into the darkness.
"It's been almost eight hours now. It didn't begin just eight hours ago."
He points the camera out a window.
"I got a warning directed at me and only me. I didn't think it was anything serious at first, but...I've been having weird dreams lately. I've been waking up much later than usual."
He turns the camera back into the house.
"I don't know what it is, but I think something is following me. I haven't seen anything outside yet. Nothing out of the ordinary, but..."
He turns the camera back into the lit room and looks back into the mirror.
"This is all just gotten so real. It's beyond just a game now, you guys, there's...there's something going on and I don't know what it is."
He turns the camera to the darkness, where two small lights are visible, then turns it back to the camera, unaware of them.
"I'm going to turn these lights off and try to go back to bed. With any luck..."
The sound of something being moved comes from behind him.
"Oh, God. With any luck, whatever it is, it's all in my head, it's all just me imagining things."
He walks back into his room.
"The alternative is too gruesome to think about. I'm closing my door again. Listen, this goes out to everyone out there who can see this."
He turns the camera to his monitor, then back toward his face.
"Please, please, if anything happens to me, if I disappear, if anything goes awry, don't let everything we've done be in vain. Don't let this all go to nothing. Jadusable, he's reached out to us. He, he's given us...he's given us a chance. Please, don't let that be wasted."
- The noises mentioned by Kayd the night before continue, keeping him awake.
- Kayd's paranoia worsens as he no longer believes that the ARG is simply a game.
The noises mentioned by Kayd have continued, keeping him awake. Outside his home appears to be two bright eyes, watching him. He mentions that he no longer believes the ARG to simply be a game, noting that this is all becoming "too real" for him. He also mentions that he's going to try and call a friend in the morning to spend the day with him.
The song keeps playing. It's been this way for hours now. I can let it ring, but he calls back. When I answer it, the music. It's just the music in an endless loop until I hang up.
I want this to stop. I think I can hear it even when my phone is turned off and I'm laying in bed.
That same damn song.
<--- Click for Video Transcript
The video begins with Kayd recording his cellphone. He begins speaking:
"He keeps calling. The phone, it keeps ringing, and every time I open it, the same song plays. I don't know what he wants from me. I don't understand...what this is all about, but it's getting really freaking weird. Every time I pick it up--"
The phone starts ringing.
"There it is again. He keeps calling. Listen."
He answers the phone.
"Every single time."
The "Song of Unhealing" plays from his phone.
"No end, j--...It's the same damn song and I want it to stop."
- This video features Kayd getting a strange phone call that simply consists of the "Song of Unhealing" playing through the speaker.
It seems as though Kayd was also getting strange phone calls - much like many other players at the time. It seems as though Kayd believes BEN himself is responsible for these calls.
I got a call on the way back from school. I tried to attend class today, but I couldn't really focus. I kept hearing that music.
This is being uploaded from an anonymous location using a swap-out SD card that I will throw away after this upload, to be sure BEN cannot infect my camera and change what you are seeing.
I still have a lot of footage from at the school to go over.
I'll be in touch.
<--- Click for Video Transcript
Kayd begins filming while walking away from his bike.
"I just got a call from a restricted number, on my phone with the eulogy. And this time, it told me to wait up, that it's coming, and I decided that I'm not going to wait. I need to find a place to hide until this is all over. I'm going to...try..."
The sound of passing cars makes it hard to hear him.
"...the orchard. I don't know what is going on, but whatever it is, I'm really deeply involved in this."
Kayd hops over the fence leading into the orchard, then faces the camera at himself.
"I'm right over the fence, as they say."
He faces the camera forward and starts walking.
"I've been feeling that foreboding feel. That terrible burdensome presence. It's been hovering over me, and I don't know what it is. But I think..."
He starts running.
"...if I get off the main road, leave my bike, and get hidden, he won't be able to find me. I've left my phone back near the bike. Hopefully,"
Kayd slows down.
"He'll think I'm better on foot than on the road, and won't know where I've been. I haven't used this camera to upload anything. It's gone from the camera to an extern--"
The camera faces back.
"What the hell was that? Shit!"
He turns back again and keeps walking.
"I hope he's not following me. Look, I got some footage earlier at the schoolyard I just came back from."
Kayd slows even more and begins to pant loudly.
"I think I have him on video, I'm not sure yet. I haven't had time to check, but, if I do, I can blow this whole thing wide open. For now, I think I need to get down and wait, and see where this goes, 'cause if he finds me, you guys are never going to get this anyway. So please..."
Kayd turns the camera toward his face.
" aware, if somebody finds this, with my instructions to put it online, it found me. If I get there in time to put this up, then know wherever I was when I put this up, I'm not there anymore. I'm being followed."
- Kayd is now running on foot. He implies he's going to visit a location called "The Orchard".
- Kayd received a phone call that claimed something was coming for him and that he should wait. Instead, he left his bike and his phone near the road in an attempt to throw any pursuers off.
- While at school earlier in the day, Kayd supposedly recorded footage of BEN. He's now hoping to get to a safe location to review and upload it.
While at school earlier in the day, Kayd recorded footage of BEN. He's now on the run and presumably being chased by something or someone. He claims to be going to a location known as "The Orchard", hoping to eventually get a safe location where he can review and upload his footage.
I started running again after some sounds in the first video, apparently the camera got shut off. You can hear the dogs in the first video pretty clearly.
This was taken roughly an hour after the first. All important details are in the video.
Wish me luck everyone. I'm going to try and find somewhere safe to go over the schoolyard footage. I know a friend who should be able to help.
<--- Click for Video Transcript
The camera is focused on Kayd's face for the entire video.
"This is Kayd Hendricks. I'm outside the property where my bike was. My phone is gone, I-I don't know if somebody stole it, or what happened, but it's gone. I was in the orchard, and I don't know if I caught any of the sound or video on my camera, but there were some dogs freaking out, and it wasn't at me. They were chasing something else. I-I don't know if I got them, but, apparently they scared it off, because after a short while, one of the dogs was gone, and they've mellowed out, and came over to check on me, so...I don't know what the hell is going on, but I don't know where I'm safe. I'm going to try and keep moving."
- Kayd is back from visiting The Orchard. While there, he witnessed some dogs barking - though one of them eventually disappeared.
- Upon arriving back at where he left his back, he discovered that his phone had been stolen.
Kayd visited The Orchard, where he witnessed some dogs barking and freaking out. Upon returning to where he left his bike, he discovered that his phone had been stolen. After this, Kayd presumably arrived at some sort of safe location where he uploaded all of these videos.
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