Story (Full) 3

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Notice: These first three pages of Johnisdead's story recap are dedicated to Ben Drowned - a separate ARG created by Alex hall in 2010. This is because the two ARG's share several characters, concepts, and locations with one-another.

For a full recap of the Ben Drowned ARG, continue reading this page.

The story so far...

In the previous section, players discovered the Moon Children - a cult that worshipped a moon goddess named Luna. The cult was supposedly led by an individual named "Mr. D" - also known as "The Father". Its various members included Matt, Chris, Spencer, and Kevin. As players explored the website, they learned of Ascension - a ritualistic suicide that's believed to connect one with Luna and grant them spiritual powers.

Players eventually managed to contact Matt, who revealed that not only was Ben somehow connected to the cult, but that he was also Matt's brother. He also implied that Alex was a member of the Moon Children as well. Shortly after this, Matt was confronted by Kelbris - a deceased Moon Child who supposedly died in 1998. Around this time, Alex reemerged and uploaded a video of the "Song of Time". Much like its effect in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the song caused the Moon Children's website,, to revert back to how it was three days prior - rewinding time back into another three day cycle.

Unfortunately, Matt was absent during this new cycle. Thankfully, players managed to contact his sister, Rosa. During this time, players discovered that the possessed the power known as "The Ocarina" - the ability to submit various songs, items, and images from The Legend of Zelda series to effect the world of the ARG. Unfortunately, some poorly timed submissions led to both Rosa and Alex disappearing. As the website entered its third cycle, something unexpected occurred...

On , entered into its third cycle. However, before much could be explored, the website changed once again. It now contained an out-of-character update from Alex Hall - the creator of the ARG.


"Hey, Jadusable here. Consider this the 'real' TheTruth.txt. A lot of you may hate me for this, but I've decided that I can no longer continue the Majora's Mask story the way I originally wanted to."

Alex claims that the ARG is now on hiatus. The main reason for this is the lack of funds to keep online. The website will be transformed into an archive of the story, though it will likely go offline near the end of the month due to a lack of funds. However, he is now accepting donations.

Alex describes himself as a "closet dork", going into his interest regarding videogames and films. He claims that he wanted the horror of his ARG to stem mostly from psychological games rather than morbid gore. He was interested in toying with the "fourth wall" and involving the players with the story more directly, believing it to be a creepy idea in general. He also claims that it's possible that this entire out-of-character post was actually written by BEN in an attempt to trick the players into not caring anymore, though he quickly brushes this off with "Probably not".

Alex apologizes to the fans for having to place the ARG on hiatus, noting how much it "kills him" to have to do it. He also apologizes to /x/ for their board being taken over by posts relating to the ARG, claiming that it will all go back to normal "Not too much longer". He also claims he'd like to continue the ARG at some point, noting that "This isn't the end". A transcript of Alex's entire post can be found below:


Alex's Post

This marked the ARG entering into its first "OoC Era" - or "Out-of-Character Era". Most of the updates that took place during this time are considered non-canon. Because of this, they will not be covered in great detail here. However, archives of most of them will be presented when available. Around the same time Alex made the post above, most of the canon content found on was removed. Later that night, Alex partook in a QnA on /x/.

During this QnA, the player Ryukaki asks Alex was the point of the login information he received from Rosa was. Alex specifies that it's meant to unlock "The Truth" on Ryukaki actually shares a screenshot of his conversation with Rosa here, though he censors the login information that she have him. Ryukaki also urges Alex to put a "Donate" button up on the website and to answer his emails, which Alex says he'll do. A full transcript of this QnA can be found below:


Alex's /x/ QnA

Sometime later that night, a "Donate" Page was added to, where users could send donations to Alex. Also, strangely, TheTruth.rtf was once again posted to /x/ - though this time the image of the Happy Mask Salesman that accompanied it was renamed to "TheFather.jpg".

On , Alex posted three separate announcements on Here, he reiterates that the ARG is not cancelled but instead simply on pause. He also notes that he's hoping to have the website's story archive pages online by tomorrow. Alex then proceeds to go over a few other small details, claiming that he's designing some T-shirts, asking users to create banners for the website, and sifting through emails. However, most importantly, Alex reveals that several generous donations from fans have ensured that will remain online. Moreover, the ARG will be able to continue sooner than expected. An archive of these posts can be found here:


Alex's Posts

On , various pages cataloging the story of the ARG were added to On , players discovered a hidden message spread out within the code of various pages on that spelled out "http:// WHAT IS not so fast .com" - presumably hinting towards the existence of a new website. This led players to discovering "" - a website that had just recently been created. However, it was completely blank at this time.

Supplemental Material: Alex partook in an OoC interview with Zelda Informer, which can be found here.

On , the music on changed to a much more menacing track. The words "Probably not" in Alex's message "Maybe ((BEN)) just wants you to think this was all fake so you stop worrying about it and continue on with your normal lives. Probably not." were marked out, perhaps implying that some of Alex's recent out-of-character updates were actually canonical to some degree.

On , "The Glitch" occurred - an event that resulted in undergoing many strange changes. First, the website's favicon changed to a small image of a child wearing a gas mask. After this, a large image of a gas mask appeared on the Front Page. Below this were three locked files. Their contents were as follows:

You didn't think I was done with you. Did you? You are done playing when I say you are done playing.

This is just a dream.

Wake up. You have to wake up.

The text "It's not real"" was also typed out nine times above the image of the gas mask. Meanwhile, strange whispering sounds could be heard both on the Front Page and within "The Truth". The FAQ Page and "The Truth" page both contained text that read "This Will Hurt You.", with the former also containing an image of Kelbris. Alex's "Contact Page" had also been emptied of its contents. Over time, the following three messages appeared on the Front Page:

You are waking up now. 13 minutes.

You are waking up now. 5 minutes.

Pulling the plug.

By investigating the URL's of the website's various files, players discovered an entire index of the website's images, audio, and text files. While many of these had been seen before, some were new. The entire list of "Downloadable Files" will be archived below, with the newer files being examined more closely further down on this page:

Expand Downloadable Files

Unused Files:

  • Three unused page banners featuring trees, sheep, and ocean fauna respectively.
  • Majora's Mask concept art of Link, Epona, and Tatl.
  • Two screenshots of Majora's Mask featuring the Skull Kid next to the Moon - one of which seemed to be a banner with text reading "Children of the Moon".
  • A completely blank version of the "Song of Unhealing".
  • A sped up and reversed version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme.
  • A favicon of the moon with a face on it.
  • "File 31", which was completely non-existent.
  • Slightly different audio files of Bongo Bongo and the Skull Kid from The Legend of Zelda.
  • Two audio files of someone crying and asking to be killed locked behind the password "Ifrit".
  • A text file titled "Fate.txt" that read "It comes for us all Sephiriam." - referencing a player named Sephiriam.

Overall, the website seemed to have several hidden files relating to the idea of someone "waking up" to reality and various individuals seemingly trapped, scared, or in pain. However, the most interesting file was File 59 - "mhftt.txt", which is believed to be an abbreviation for "Matt Hubris Four Two Three". This file contained a message from Matt that read as follows:

If you're reading this then you've found the secret message. This is the last one i can send out. I am not dead. its sitting right in front of you. You are meant to survive this, you can't give him what he wants. I don't know how to tell you this, but there is no more link now, he was the last thing that stood between you and IT as some kind of conduit. that conduit is severed now. there is notConsider this the REALhing that is separating you from him, he will try to get to you, It will try to break you, but you have to remain strong, you cannot it. It is sadistic. It will try and give you guys a fighting chance like it's given everyone else. it wants you to try and resist to try and be fooled into thinking that you have any semblence of free will. do not buy it. do not believe it. It is always watching, and it will lead you iTruth.txtnto oblivion if you let it. do not be fooled, if something is too good to be true - be wary. you must use this overconfidence and systematic prediction against it. how? I do not know. that is something that i could not figure out before the end. even now, its allowing me to reach you, through this message.

Matt tells the players that they no longer have a "link" - referring to Alex. He was the last thing standing between the players and BEN. This began the trend of the players referring to the main character of the ARG as their "Link" - an individual who usually seems to be the most affected by The Ocarina. Matt also warns the players about BEN's insidious and manipulative nature. Strangely, his message is interspersed with snippets of Alex's first OoC message on - mainly the message "Consider this the 'real' TheTruth.txt".

Your first instinct may be to assume that this message has been tampered with, but then you may not really understand who It really is. It wants to play, it wants a challenge. It has led you thWhat are you talking about?is far for a reason, but now you will be given the means to fight back. I say let Its arrogance be its undoing.

There are strength in numbers. you no doubt have others who will help collaborate with you. there are those who have left behind clues subtle enough for It to not realize their significance. they may help you if you can find them. combine your brains together, starting with the recent "glitch", compile every bit of evidence you have and share it amongst yourselves, and you may gain the upperhand yet.

Do not ever let It use you. It thinks It is in control, yet despite all the omnipotence in the world, there is nothing more dangerous than the illusion of compliance.

- Ifrit,

Matt says that BEN likely has not tampered with this particular message because BEN actually wants the players to be able to put up a fight and play with him. However, this sentiment is cut off by the message "What are you talking about?", calling into question its validity. Matt stresses that the players should group together and not be fooled by BEN, stressing that "there is nothing more dangerous than the illusion of compliance", implying that BEN isn't fully in control.



It's unclear who exactly Matt is referring to in regards to "YOU THREE", though it's believed that this might be relating to's other three moderators - Chris, Spencer, and Kevin. Matt also gives a warning to someone named Kayd Hendricks. Players quickly discovered that this was the real name of Ryukaki - the player who previously obtained the login information for "The Truth" from Rosa. Further exploration led players to one of Ryukaki's private IRC chatrooms. Here, they began chatting with Kayd's girlfriend - Quia.


Is Ryukaki online now?


That's an odd question. If we aren't active, how are we supposed to let you know?


I dunno, I've never been in an IRC. I found this place through Ryukaki's DeviantArt.


I see. Why are you looking for him?


He's in grave danger. Do you know anything about BEN?


Oh shit. What the hell is going on?


Oh hell. What's happened?


Nothing yet, but I don't know where he is right now.

Unfortunately, Quia wasn't sure where Kayd was at the moment. Regardless, the players attempted to garner some more information:


Wait, what are we talking about?


Ryukaki's connection with BEN.


Well, that's a good question.

Not too long ago he started going a bit weirder than usual. He mentioned Ben and some crazy moon people he was talking with.


Has he mentioned ascending?


He hasn't talked about HIM ascending, but there's some really weird shit going down.


Who has he talked about that has ascended?


Uhh... shit, he did. Let me try and remember.



Yeah, anyone else?


He was a bit of a jackass about it, actually. He wouldn't tell me much, just that he was involved in something 'big.'

I think it's some kind of moon cult?

Quia claims that Kayd has been somewhat secretive and hasn't told her much about his interactions with the Moon Child. This, coupled with the warning found on signaled that he might actually be a canon character within the ARG - not just another player.


Say, how do you know Ryu?


Me? We've been friends for years now. Met here, actually. This moon stuff is all new.

Kayd and Quia supposedly met via the IRC chat a few years ago. However, his newfound obsession with the Moon Children seems to be relatively new.


Just a sec, there's someone here.


At your door? Don't open it.


Don't open your door.


For the love of god, don't open it.


Quia, unless you're expecting someone, do not open that god damn door.




What the…

What are you guys doing here?!


RYU. Thank god.

Quia hears someone knocking on her door and goes to open it. Shortly after this, Kayd joined the IRC. He's surprised as to how the players found this place - seemingly unaware of the warning discovered on


Who the hell told them about this place.


BEN did. you're in grave danger.


Wait wait, when did Ben mention anything to anyone? Who do you think you are?


Ifrit told us you are in danger.


You guys know that was all just some fun, right? You shouldn't concern yourselves with it anymore.

Strangely, Kayd claims that the entire ARG was "just some fun", parroting what was said on during the "OoC Era".


Don't presume to tell me what is and what isn't regarding Ben! I had to sit and see Rosa die, so don't you fucking dare presume to tell me about Ben or the Children or anything. What the hell do you guys want.


You watched Rosa die?

Kayd's tone suddenly shifts. He becomes defensive, no longer treating the ARG as if it were just a game, mentioning how he had to watch Rosa die.


We want answers mate, ANSWERS.


Then answer my questions, first. For instance, who led you here?


Ifrit did, and Ben. File 59.


What is file 59?


File 59 is ifrit, telling us to warn you. "KAYD HENDRICKS YOU ARE IN DANGER"


Hah, cute. If I was in any danger I think I would know.

I guess I'll answer what I can. What do you want to know?


What can you tell us about the Father?


I can tell you nothing about the Father. Next question.

Kayd confirms that he is seemingly unaware of File 59 or any supposed danger that he might be in. Regardless, he offers to answer some of the players' questions. He's reluctant to answer anything regarding The Father, however - possibly due to him either being reluctant to divulge such deep secrets of the Moon Children or simply because he doesn't know much about them.


Who is Chris?


Chris.. Chris is one of the Children, by now I imagine, haha..


What can you tell us about the Children?


The Children. That is a complicated question you ask.


What is the purpose of The Children?


The Children's purpose? To serve Luna, of course. To become one with her. To finally hear her voice

What a thing that must be…

Kayd begins speaking in a somewhat malicious tone, laughing at Chris's Ascension and praising the idea of serving and becoming one with Luna. This seemingly confirms that he is a member of the Moon Children.


You need a mask, don't you?


The masks are a symbol. They are a symbol of who you are. Of what you are. And your connection to Luna.

They are a symbol of... where do you get your information from, if I ask?


We get our information from your Ben and the clues he leaves us.


I'm sorry, I've only met Ben once, as far as I recall.

He went missing recently, though. You say you've spoken to him?

Kayd explains that the Moon Children use masks as symbols of their identities and their connection to Luna. He also claims that he met Ben once, but he recently went missing. This contradictory claim is similar to what Matt stated when emailing users on


What of Rosa? Why did she die? Could you explain what you saw?


I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone, and heard some noises when she went to answer her door.

Later we couldn't find her. Maybe it was a spontaneous vacation, but I presume she died.


Did Kelbris get her?



Kayd claims that he was speaking with Rosa over the phone when she died. This is odd, because he was actually emailing her on his computer - not calling her. He also claims to be unaware of Kelbris.


Oh hell. Do you have Quia's phone number?


Why are you worried about Quia?


She said she needed to answer her door for a moment.


She has a good friend named Rena who visits her from time without notice. I'm sure it's nothing.

Kayd claims that the person who was at Quia's door was likely one of her friends named Rena and that the players shouldn't be concerned.


I'm sorry you guys, but if there's nothing else, I have your warnings, and I need to get back to... studying.

I'm expecting a group over for this comp scie class.


Wait, one more question. What is the truth?


The Truth is inside all of us. You will know it when you find it.

Ooh, and one more thing.

"This time, beware false prophets."

Kayd has to leave the chat to attend to a "Computer Science" group that would be soon visiting his home - presumably for a college class. When asked about the contents of "The Truth", Kayd simply gives a cryptic answer and warns the players to beware of "false prophets". Overall, this entire conversation is somewhat strange. One moment, Kayd claims that the entire ARG was simply a game. After that, he begins acting like a malicious Moon Child, spouting similar beliefs about Luna and the same contradictory messages about Ben's disappearance. A full archive of this conversation can be found below:


Kayd's IRC Chat

At some point, returned to it's pre-glitched state. On , players would gain a bit more clarity as they chatted with Kayd in his IRC chat once again:


Hey, I thought you went to bed, Ryu.


I tried. Been hearing noises outside. Can't sleep.


Ahhh, I'm sorry… We all got you pretty spooked, huh?


It's alright, I guess. I'm more upset that people were bothering my friends. They have nothing to do with it.


Yeah, we didn't mean for that to happen. We're sorry, but Quia was talking about you a lot. I dunno if she knows about the story and was just shouting BS.


Qui knows nothing. This place is a very private room with just us close friends who have known each other for a long time.

Kayd claims that he's hearing some strange noises and that it's difficult for him to sleep. He also says that Quia is uninvolved and doesn't know much about what's going on with the Moon Children.


After Rosa, I was really shaken up and so very close to solving the puzzle, but when it was announced to be fake, interest was lost. I wandered off and put it behind me.


It seems to have been a little more than fake though, huh... Everyone who's gotten close has been marked.


I don't get what's with this "marking" thing. I am the only person so far outside of Rosa and the others to be mentioned by Jadusable.


Wasn't the Seraphim person also marked?


He was only mentioned very shortly in one file that came AFTER the 59 which said it was the last communication we'd get from Jadusable.

Fate.txt "It comes for us all Sephiriam" that's all.

Kayd has seemingly gone back to referring to everything as if it were simply an ARG. He also downplays the player Sephiriam's significance.


How did you even find Rosa?


Ifrit's Gmail account came online. I quickly ran over and opened up a Gmail chat with what I thought was Ifrit. It was Rosa.

Without thinking and in my panic I asked for the Username and Password. I didn't clarify to what. She gave me it and suddenly said "the sounds have stopped".

I promised her I wouldn't let anyone else die. That I could still save them. I didn't think I'd be next.


I guess The Truth on the website wasn't where the password and stuff went, right?


No. I tried it many times even after the site restarted and many times every day up until about Oct 2nd.


What a mess. Rosa dies, Alex dies, Ifrit supposedly died and we have no idea what to make of Chris or Ben.

I managed to get into WAAL but they won't freely give me info. I"m determined to get the info from WAAL and leak it.


People died not because of the chaos of things but because people refused to work together. People were being excluded and those were the people making mistakes.

Kayd clarifies that he indeed spoke to Rosa via email - not over the phone, as he was claiming the night before. After getting the login information from Rosa, Kayd supposedly tried to enter "The Truth" multiple times. However, he could never access it. Meanwhile, the player discusses "WAAL", or "We All Are Link" - a player group that had been hoarding information. Kayd criticizes this behavior, claiming that everyone should share information freely with one another.


You said you watched Rosa die, then you said you were on the phone with her, and now chat which makes sense because "watching."


I don't recall saying anything about the phone. And I never said "watched".

I said I had to "see" her die, which I did, even if it was poorly worded.


"I didn't see anything. I was speaking with her on the phone and heard some noises when she went to answer her door."


Where did I say that?


After I asked "What of Rosa?"


Wow, I see that in my logs but do not recall ever typing it. Maybe I'm just tired.

In any case, disregard it. I never actually spoke to her. It was all over Gmail chat.

The player calls out the discrepancy regarding how Kayd contacted Rosa. He claims that he never remembers saying he spoke to her over the phone and that maybe he was simply tired and got the details wrong.


But then why would Jad say that was the password and stuff for the truth? Why would he give you that info if he was Ben?


So that when it didn't work I would give up with it? So that when I tried to use it he could track it to me?

I didn't show the username/pass in any screenshot. Ben has never seen it. I didn't think about it at the time, but if that was Ben, then I led him right to me.

The player questions the possibility of Alex in the "OoC Era" secretly being BEN in disguise. Kayd says that it's possible that BEN wanted him to try to use the login information to access "The Truth", give up, then stop playing the ARG. Alternatively, it's possible that BEN wanted to track Kayd down. He also notes that he censored the login information in the screenshot he shared on /x/ and to "OoC Era" Alex, meaning BEN has supposedly never seen the username and password. However, Kayd admits that doing this likely outed that he himself has the information to BEN and that he's now being targeted.

Overall, Kayd seems far more reasonable during this conversation when compared to the one from the night before. There's no signs of him acting maliciously. In fact, he implies that he doesn't even remember writing some of his messages from the previous conversation. He now seems a bit paranoid that BEN is actively tracking him down. A full archive of this conversation can be found below:


Kayd's IRC Chat

Meanwhile, players who had previously entered their phone numbers on's "Contact" Page began receiving strange phone calls. These calls featured the "Elegy of Emptiness", a strange mumble, the "Song of Unhealing", and one of the songs that played on Later in the day, WAAL's Livejournal was supposedly hacked into and purged of all of its data. This coincided with a post from BEN appearing on Jadusable's YouTube channel:


"You are now stripped of this resource as punishment for your arrogance, and yet by eliminating that website, this is the most charitable act I will ever do. Do not think that there is any place that is beyond my reach."

It seems as though BEN himself had destroyed WAAL's archives - or at least was taking credit for it. Later on, Kayd proceeded to upload four different videos to his YouTube channel:


A few notes: Upon reviewing this footage, I noticed two bright lights in my livingroom. There are no lights or sources of illumination there that I know of. I do not know what was making those.

I am uploading this right now because I have been hearing the sounds from outside-- they sound like they're inside now, but there's nothing in here. My doors are all locked and windows shut.

I feel a foreboding presence all around me, though. I'm going to call a friend in the morning to come over and spend the day with me.

I will keep you all updated.


Jadusable., BEN., Kelbris., Rosa.


<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • The noises mentioned by Kayd the night before continue, keeping him awake.
  • Kayd's paranoia worsens as he no longer believes that the ARG is simply a game.

The noises mentioned by Kayd have continued, keeping him awake. Outside his home appears to be two bright eyes, watching him. He mentions that he no longer believes the ARG to simply be a game, noting that this is all becoming "too real" for him. He also mentions that he's going to try and call a friend in the morning to spend the day with him.


The song keeps playing. It's been this way for hours now. I can let it ring, but he calls back. When I answer it, the music. It's just the music in an endless loop until I hang up.

I want this to stop. I think I can hear it even when my phone is turned off and I'm laying in bed.

That same damn song.


Music, Elegy of Emptiness


<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • This video features Kayd getting a strange phone call that simply consists of the "Song of Unhealing" playing through the speaker.

It seems as though Kayd was also getting strange phone calls - much like many other players at the time. It seems as though Kayd believes BEN himself is responsible for these calls.


I got a call on the way back from school. I tried to attend class today, but I couldn't really focus. I kept hearing that music.

This is being uploaded from an anonymous location using a swap-out SD card that I will throw away after this upload, to be sure BEN cannot infect my camera and change what you are seeing.

I still have a lot of footage from at the school to go over.

I'll be in touch.


Orchard, Kelbris, Hunted, dogs, mysterious creature.


<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • Kayd is now running on foot. He implies he's going to visit a location called "The Orchard".
  • Kayd received a phone call that claimed something was coming for him and that he should wait. Instead, he left his bike and his phone near the road in an attempt to throw any pursuers off.
  • While at school earlier in the day, Kayd supposedly recorded footage of BEN. He's now hoping to get to a safe location to review and upload it.

While at school earlier in the day, Kayd recorded footage of BEN. He's now on the run and presumably being chased by something or someone. He claims to be going to a location known as "The Orchard", hoping to eventually get a safe location where he can review and upload his footage.


I started running again after some sounds in the first video, apparently the camera got shut off. You can hear the dogs in the first video pretty clearly.

This was taken roughly an hour after the first. All important details are in the video.

Wish me luck everyone. I'm going to try and find somewhere safe to go over the schoolyard footage. I know a friend who should be able to help.


Orchard, Kelbris, Dogs, strange creature, moving on


<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • Kayd is back from visiting The Orchard. While there, he witnessed some dogs barking - though one of them eventually disappeared.
  • Upon arriving back at where he left his back, he discovered that his phone had been stolen.

Kayd visited The Orchard, where he witnessed some dogs barking and freaking out. Upon returning to where he left his bike, he discovered that his phone had been stolen. After this, Kayd presumably arrived at some sort of safe location where he uploaded all of these videos. Later that night, Kayd sent Quia an email titled "thelensoftruth" that read as follows:

Kayd Hendricks

"Spread the word -- Youtube, IRC, everywhere. I've seen it. I think I got it on video. Do not trust any source other than me or the website. I don't have time to explain. I'll be in touch."

On , Kayd sent Quia another email. This one was titled "finalhours" and read as follows:

He's found me. He has my scent, or something, I don't know. I guess I never really knew?

I have answers. For everyone. They're being prepared. I've got everything ready. It wont be what they want, but it should be enough to fight whatever this thing is.

Tell them I'm sorry I couldn't help more.

Please, spread the word. Everywhere. Tell everyone. The website is the key. Everything else is a lie. You must tell them to see clearly past the deception, to look away from the false prophets.

If they let themselves be led down the wrong path by anyone, everything is lost.

It's too late for me. Make my work count.

BEN has finally tracked Kayd down. Fearing that he'll soon be killed, Kayd once again warns about the existence of "false prophets" and tells the players that "The website is the key. Everything else is a lie.".

Supplemental Material: Alex partook in an OoC interview with VidyaGameZ, which can be found here.
The next day on

, another video was uploaded to Kayd's YouTube channel:





notime, music


<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • This video features Kayd chatting with one of his friends - Thomas.
  • Kayd is supposedly having Thomas oversee the upload of some files - something that's implied to be a partially automated process.

As seen above, one of Kayd's friends named Thomas is overseeing the upload of his files. The video also contained a hidden link to a MediaFire folder. This folder contained various sub-folders named "connections" which contained the following files:

  • quickly.txt
  • must.txt
  • secret.txt
  • reveal.txt
  • Last.txt

When combined, these files contained one long message from Kayd:

These messages will not last long. I have set up a failsafe so that you all will get this information before Ben can tamper with it, and it will be quickly removed so that he cannot infect it. I hope you are all watching this account.

By now, I'm either long gone, or it's caught up to me. Either way, these uploads will be my last messages to you.

Kayd has set these messages to only remain online very briefly, which he hopes will keep BEN from tampering with them. He believes that he'll likely be dead by the time the players read these. These files going up here, they're on a timer. The timer is taking them down, too. Everything will be automated, so don't worry. I can't tell you how I'll be letting it out. If Ben doesn't know, when it goes, he'll have less time to try and stop it. Just keep an eye out. I hope this reaches at least one of you, and you will spread the word.

I know there will be skepticism, I know there will be a lot of mistrust among all of you. Ben has done an amazing job at keeping you fighting over just who and what is real.

That's not going to stop.

But also know that his lies will only reach so far. He wants you all to keep playing. He wants you in the game, but only just enough that he can keep mocking you.

The file that led you to me, it contained a larger secret than you knew.


Kayd says that BEN enjoys making the players question who and what is real and not. He also claims that BEN wants to continue mocking and toying with the players, and that "mhftt" or "Matt Hubris Four Two Three" holds some sort of secret.

You have all been following this as though it were a game.

Ben, he was a part of that game, so he sees things in hues that reflect it, but it's real now. It's beyond a game.

I know it is natural for everyone to want to look deeper. To make connections where they don't exist.

The Truth has always been right there. Like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the answers were given to you.

Kayd says that the ARG was once a game but that now it's real. He also claims that "The Truth" has been right in-front of the players the entire time. A full archive of Kayd's message can be found below:


Kayd's IRC Chat

Shortly after this, a new video was uploaded to Kayd's YouTube channel:


Please know, that you have done nothing wrong.

I was.. a sacrifice? I understand now.

There was nothing you could have done for me.

I do not know if this will be true for those that come after.





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  • This video acts as Kayd's final message.
  • This video seemingly contains old footage of Kayd moving into his home on April 23rd. Here, it's implied that Kayd actually moved into Ben's old home.
  • The video makes repeated references to "m.h.f.t.t.".

As mentioned above, it's heavily implied that on April 23rd, Kayd moved into Ben's former home. The repeated references to "m.h.f.t.t." and the name of Kayd's email to Quia "thelensoftruth" were hints towards the login information Kayd received from Rosa - "MattHubris423 / thelensoftruth". This is the information he was trying so desperately to keep out of BEN's grasp. Unfortunately, the players were still unable to access "The Truth" using this information.

Later that night, players returned to Kayd's IRC chat where they held one final conversation with Quia.


Quia, it's JarSqwuid.


Come to see it all end, then.


What's that mean, hun?


You were there at the begining. Why not be here at the end.


No, I've come to see if you're okay.


Sure. My boyfriend's a sacrifice in your stupid game. Ff course I'm okay. I haven't heard from him at all.


I am so, so sorry. God dammit... I don't know how this happened, I don't know how to fix it, all I know is we have to keep playing this fucking game.

Maybe something we do will bring him back. We'll make it right Quia


Yeah, right. Just go away, please. I don't need someone saying it's okay when he's saying he's your goddamned sacrifice.

Quia is understandably distraught at the supposed death of her boyfriend, Kayd. Not wanting to hear any more from the players, she sends them away. This entire conversation is archived below:


Quia's IRC Chat

On , the ARG entered into its second "OoC Era". updated with another out-of-character post from Alex addressing the future of the ARG. Here, Alex states that Kayd's role in the ARG has come to a close. He also claims that the players are fully equipped with the information needed to defeat BEN - though what exactly this was referring to isn't known.

Alex announces that the final part of the ARG will be accompanied by an interactive video game - dubbed the "Hubris Game" by the players. He stresses that this signifies BEN finally targeting the players after their various links had been defeated. The Hubris Game will have to be played in tandem with further exploration of and updates on the Jadusable YouTube channel in order to fully complete the ARG. Alex also says that coming together as a community and work as one in order to ensure success.

Alex is hoping to have the game released around the Holiday Season and claims that he'll have a definitive release date ready to reveal on Halloween. He also says he'll be taking questions for an upcoming QnA and notes that the players supposedly "missed a very important detail". This entire announcement can be read below:


Alex's Post

Unfortunately, Halloween passed with no word from Alex. Players didn't hear from him again until

On , when he finally uploaded the long-awaited QnA. First, Alex apologizes for the delay, noting that he and his team have been very busy. He's no longer confident revealing a release date at this moment, claiming that this final part of the story will be far more expansive than the first two combined. He's also hoping that it won't cost anything. However, if it does, it will only be a few dollars.

Alex claims that the main character of the game will be the player themselves. It will be a first-person game where they player will be investigating a location previously mentioned in the ARG. As the players as a whole progress through the ARG, new versions of the game will be released that feature more content. An archive of this QnA can be found below:


Alex's QnA

The next day on , the following video was uploaded to the Jadusable YouTube channel:






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  • This video contains text reading "No one came." and the sound of someone drowning.

This video's title and runtime amount to "423" - the date of Ben's death. This is accompanied by the sound of someone drowning. The significance of this video is unknown, however. After this video's upload, there was no activity until Alex posted another announcement on . Here, he claims that the Hubris Game is still in development and admits that a "Holiday Season" release date was too ambitious. Alex stresses that he's mostly funding this project by himself and he doesn't have a very large team to assist him.

Strangely, Alex claims that the players will know when the ARG recommences "internet access or not", implying that he was planning some IRL promotional event. He claims that the Hubris Game will be released before April, however. A full archive of this announcement can be read below:


Alex's Post

Meanwhile, players discovered a few oddities on Firstly, the text spanning across pages that originally spelled out "http:// WHAT IS not so fast .com" was partially replaced with the following - "This could come in hand later", possibly implying that "" was still going to be important further down the line. The "Timeline" Page also contained hidden text that read "- Pyrrhic prophecy is hinted at", implying that the players might fail. This text was removed a few days later, however.

On , the website's Guestbook was removed due to its large size lagging the Front Page. On , Alex posted the following to the Jadusable YouTube channel:


"Update: The game is coming along smoothly, we actually may end up getting a release date early next month, but I'm not going to come out and confirm anything yet until it's certain. Rest assured there will be announcement plenty of time ahead of its release."

On , updated with another post from Alex. This coincided with the website's Guestbook returning. Here, Alex claimed that production on the Hubris Game hit a bit of a snag regarding "original level that we had in mind". Regardless, development is continuing - Alex had even managed to get in touch with a talented composer for the game's music. He claims that the next update he posts will likely be the final out-of-character announcement he makes and that it will also feature some screenshots. An archive of this post can be found below:


Alex's Post

On , text on the Front Page of slowly changed over the course of the day:

You're beginning to slowly go insane.

You're beginning to slowly go insane. You begin to slowly lose your grip on reality.

You begin to slowly lose your grip on reality.

Not time yet Not yet time. Too soon. So

Over the next few days, the website experienced some strange, subtle changes. On , the website's Favicon disappeared. , the website briefly went offline. On , players began having difficulty connecting to due to a DDOS attack. Later in the day, Alex posted two announcements on the Jadusable YouTube channel:


"I'll be having a public Q&A with you guys at 11:00pm EST tonight (roughly an hour form now), feel free to stop by at I'll be under the screen name JadusableH. I'm moving the Q&A to a more moderated chat, it'll be less spamtastic this way -"

Later on, Alex initiated the aforementioned QnA. Here, he claimed that he was currently completely out-of-character. He also implies that the callout regarding the player Sephiriam might hold more significance than originally thought, saying "wait and see". He also claims that the presence of Link's fairy Navi briefly appearing towards the end of huntyoudown.wmv is very important. He implies that Navi is meant to be representative of the players themselves. Alex also suggests that the Moon Children's origins will be further explored in the final arc of the ARG.

Alex implies that there's some canon significance to the strange changes found on - even seeming out-of-character ones such as the recent removal of the Guestbook, claiming that "there is a method to the madness". He also claims that Kayd's role in the overall story is fairly minimal - though still canon. Alex notes that he has some mixed feelings regarding how Kayd's arc played out, but he wanted to experiment with allowing a player to have the reigns on the story. He also seems to imply that the frequent reference to eyes being taken is metaphorical and that perhaps the players' own eyes have already been taken from them.

Throughout this QnA, Alex's username was "JadusableH". The "H" was implied to stand for "Hubris". A full archive of this QnA can be found below:


Alex's Chatango QnA

On , Alex posted the following message to the Jadusable YouTube channel:


"Looking for three responsible individuals to act as forum moderators. Send me a brief resume at if you think you would be interested."

Later that night, a timer appeared on that was counting down to around 7:00 PM. This timer was labelled "Another Step" and contained the text "When you unite. 18 Feb 2011". When the timer reached zero, went offline. This coincided with a link to a new website being posted to Jadusable's YouTube channel - a message board named Within Hubris. This was accompanied by the text "The final piece of the puzzle is sliding into place, when the bastion is completed you will have everything you need.".

Within Hubris's boards and categories were laid out as follows:

  • Announcements
  • Announcements
  • Forum Help
  • Story
  • General Discussion
  • Theory Discussion
  • Story Speculation
  • New Developments
  • Community
  • Newbie/Help Center
  • Community General
  • Videogame General
  • Fan Created Content
  • Recruitment

The board also contained a variety of accounts belonging to canon characters. Most of these belonged to an enigmatic user group named "Tenor".

  • 1. Administrator - Jadusable
  • 2. Tenor - Hubris
  • 3. Tenor - Ryukaki
  • 4. Tenor - Alex
  • 5. Tenor - Nekko
  • 6. Tenor - Duskworld23
  • 7. Tenor - Drowned
  • 8. Tenor - BEN
  • 9. Tenor - Rosa
  • 10. Tenor - Insidiae
  • 11. Tenor - Tyler
  • 12. Tenor - Kelbris
  • 13. Administrator - Guide

This "Guide" user could be found posting what appeared to be various out-of-character topics introducing players to the forums. For some reason, he used Insidiae's avatar from His first post contained the following:



Let me be the first to welcome you to Within Hubris.

"Here, all of us walk the fine line between absolution and conviction.
This is our last safe haven, our last bastion of defense. And yet it houses our greatest minds, and our strongest warriors."

This is a general forum designed to have every tool, every text, and every cipher available at the player's fingertips. This forum is not meant to replace any existing forum, but rather, its purpose is to serve as a central hub for you, the player. From here, you will be able to access everything related to the story - from a specific video to a certain Wikipedia article - in one convenient and organized location.

  • Players who are confused or feel lost at any point of the story are no longer left behind - the Newbie/Help Center was designed specifically for them in mind.

  • Organized player factions/groups now have their own sub-forum in which they can recruit, and are encouraged to advertise their own community websites (provided it's kept only in that forum).

  • Discussion of the story can be divided up into four categories - each specific arc and then the story as a whole. Those who want to solely focus their discussions on a specific arc now have the opportunity to do so.

  • The New Developments forum offers a quick and easy way for players to archive, log, and share their findings - with a separate forum for discoveries made in the game itself.

The forum has just had new life breathed into it, expect a lot to change in the next few days. And most importantly, enjoy your stay.

Guide welcomes the players, describing Within Hubris as a hub for them to use to organize and share information. Interestingly, Guide describes as Within Hubris as a "bastion of defense" and refers to the players as "our strongest warriors" - a phrase the Matt previously used when referring to Alex.

Supplemental Material: Guide made a variety of "Board Rules" posts on Within Hubris, which can be found here.

Shortly after this, two new boards and categories briefly appeared on the forums:


On , another new category and board appeared on Within Hubris:

  • Wayward Horizon
  • ???

Unfortunately, this board was locked and could not be accessed. That is, until the next day on when players discovered that Rosa's account on Within Hubris contained the phrase "bastionof" - a shortened version of "bastionofdefense" from Guide's welcome post - and the password to access Wayward Horizon, which contained the following:

WELCOME TO THE WAYWAR01011001110000101, ????//


You're not supposed to be here.Get.




whatis? wherethis? help me please, i'm so scared. where is everyone? i'm so lonely... mommy im so sorry. i promise i'll be a better son, i promise i'll be the little boy you've always wanted, i miss you i'm so scared... mommy just please wake me up. please PLEASE MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU



whatis? wherethis? help me please, i'm so scared. where is everyone? i'm so lonely... mommy im so sorry. i promise i'll be a better son, i promise i'll be the little boy you've always wanted, i miss you i'm so scared... mommy just please wake me up. please PLEASE MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU



I can become God. I can become everything.




Firstly, Guide can be seen speaking in a somewhat malicious sense - in a canon environment, no less. This perhaps implies that there's more to Guide than what was first thought. Secondly, Chris and Spencer are both seemingly trapped within Wayward Horizon and are being tormented. They are referred to as "The First" and "The Fourth" respectively. This seems to imply that when an individual is ascended, their souls become trapped within digital environments like websites. This is possibly how Ben became trapped within the Majora's Mask cartridge in the first place. There is also another entity found within Wayward Horizon - one who simply goes by "???" and "The Seventh". This individual ominously speaks about becoming a god, implying that it might actually be BEN. They, too, were classified as a "Tenor" account. Finally, Kelbris was found in Wayward Horizon telling the players to leave.

Shortly after this, the password for Wayward Horizon changed, logging everyone out of the board. Thankfully, players quickly managed to guess the new password - "youshouldntbehere". Unfortunately, nothing on the board had changed. Meanwhile, updated with the following text:

February 17, 2011

The time has come to unite.

This was accompanied with a link to Within Hubris, ushering more players to the forums. On , the copyright information on changed to read "Within Hubris". Later on in the day, went offline. Attempting to access the website would now direct the players to Within Hubris instead, indicating that had been retired for the time being.

On , several announcements were made. First was the creation of HubrisOST - a YouTube channel that featured a variety of tracks previously used in the ARG. Supposedly it was going to also contain upcoming tracks used in the Hubris Game as well. Secondly, an official Twitter account was created - "@WithinHubris", which was used for occasional announcements from Alex. Thirdly, Guide posted the following thread on Within Hubris:



"Hubris Reveal" trailer announcement

A trailer for the Hubris story arc - and subsequent game - will be released this week under Jadusable's Youtube account, featuring in-game footage and a few other surprises.

To be notified as soon as the trailer is revealed, remember to subscribe to Jadusable on Youtube, or alternatively follow WithinHubris on Twitter.

For all inquiries/fanmail/requests, the new contact address is The regular address,, will no longer be accepting mail.

A trailer for the long-awaited Hubris Game was going to be released later in the week on the Jadusable YouTube channel.

Supplemental Material: Guide posted a recap of the first arc of the ARG titled "THE HAUNTED CARTRIDGE - THE COMPLETE STORY, which can be found here.

Around this time, Alex began posting announcements across Twitter, YouTube, and Within Hubris. For the sake of brevity, this page will not catalogue each individual instance of every announcement made by Alex. A comprehensive list of all of Alex's announcements will be provided at a later date, however.

On , Alex announced that "'Hubris Reveal' trailer debuts on Jadusable's Youtube channel on Sunday, February 27th at 6pm EST." on Twitter. The next day on , several players began receiving letters and newspaper clippings in the mail. These read as follows:

City to approve demolition of Lawman residence

Earlier today, an inside source confirmed that the abandoned residence of the Lawman family will be demolished due to an overwhelming amount of complaints. The two-story suburban home was the site of the shocking murder/suicide that claimed the lives of ██████ and █████ Lawman and their son ████████ while leaving the community speechless. "It's absolutely horrible," a neighbor who has requested to remain anonymous attests, "No one expected it from them, they seemed normal. When we started smelling something no one even gave it a second thought. I remember telling my husband it was probably just a sewage leak." In fact, it's become taboo to even mention the incident, and for good reason. One of the first officers on the scene would later recount entering the house to find Mrs. Lawman "trying to feed her son", who officials say by then had been "deceased for at least six days." Three months may have passed since, but for the neighborhood the nightmare hasn't ended. Police are routinely called back to the house by terrified families claiming that they keep hearing "unnatural" noises coming from inside the vacated house. Several neighbors have since moved, insisting that the neighborhood is now haunted. A select few even went as far as to claim that "something horrible" was prying into their dreams. [See HAUNTED on page 8]

This article covers a terrible incident that befell the Lawman Family. Supposedly, Mrs. Lawman and Mr. Lawman's son had died. In her grief, Mrs. Lawman still attempted to feed her son post-mortem. It's implied that the parents later killed themselves and that the abandoned house is now haunted. According to, Spencer's last name started with an L. This led to many believing that Spencer's full name was Spencer Lawman and that this article was covering the tragedy that befell his family after his ascension.

--llion-- likely to see-- growth in tourism. It offers a tourist experience that is second to none----also has the ability to bring-- range of hotels, flights, cars,-- to create your own bespoke-- - offering you the ultimate in-- (Ac)cording to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 2011 will be a record breaking year for tourism. Bloomberg encourages any potential tourists to take advantage of our hospitality. However, Bloomberg stresses to watch out for [See TOURISM on page 6]

This partially obscured article seems mostly irrelevant. However, it helps date the newspaper - the current year, 2011.

Spring is in the air!
One of our readers speaks out
M.H., guest writer.

███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ I'm right beside you, ████████████ You thought I forgot about you, didn't you? ██████████████████ I'm done playing games with you, ██ it's your turn █████████████████████████████████████████████ You ████ shouldn't have done that.

This article has been heavily censored, transforming it into a threatening message. The name of it's author, "M.H.", is likely "Matt Hubris". Given the date 2011 and the fact that this article is ushering in Spring, this seems to imply that Matt survived his encounter with Kelbris in 2010. He's also now speaking far more maliciously - almost similarly to BEN.





This letter seems to be from BEN who taunts the players for failing to save Alex and urges them to challenge him once again.

On Within Hubris, a timer appeared that was counting down to the release of the Hubris Game trailer later that night. It was accompanied with the text "They have to warn you.".

Supplemental Material: Guide posted a thread dedicated to helping newcomers catch-up on the ARG's story titled "A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE STORY", which can be found here.

Later on, a "Donate" button was also added to Within Hubris - presumably due to the one that was previously on no longer being accessible.

Supplemental Material: Guide posted a thread announcing the Donate Button and the story guide thread from earlier titled "DONATION BUTTON AND GUIDE TO THE STORY", which can be found here.

On , three messages were posted on Jadusable's YouTube channel - "what are you doing? STOP THIS /i". Later on, the following video was uploaded:


Here it is, the long awai-;;;..///;'BREAK;///////////;.


break, hubr, 00012, warn, incomplete, not, the, real, fail, to, communicate, tyler, look, closely, isnt, only, on, day, four, reach, you, soon


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  • This video features a corrupted version of the Hubris Game's reveal trailer.
  • Several excerpts from TheTruth.rtf scroll by - including a new one that was not in the original document.
  • A 3D model of a house is shown - presumably the environment that players will be exploring in the Hubris Game.

It seems as though the Hubris Game's reveal trailer had been corrupted - possibly by BEN himself. This video contains various excerpts from TheTruth.rtf - as well as a new one that was not in the original document. Between the recordings of "DROWNED.wmv" and "CHILDREN.wmv", Alex wrote "8:25pm: Somethings appeared, but its not like the other... no". This video also shows off the interior of a house - presumably the level players will be exploring in the Hubris Game.

This video's tags imply that this isn't meant to be the full reveal trailer. Strangely, the Within Hubris Twitter account posted a seemingly canon update, writing "H b i s r ea l uploaded instead?" - obviously confused at the corrupted upload on the YouTube channel. After this, several videos on the Jadusable YouTube channel began disappearing and reappearing - almost as if something was fighting for control of the channel. This coincided with Guide's trailer announcement post on Within Hubris having the following text added to it: "not the real not the real not the real not the real not the real". This blending of canon updates on presumably non-canon accounts confused players. With the real Hubris Game trailer nowhere in sight, all players could do was wait.

The next few months only saw the occasional update from Alex here and there. On , Guide made a post on Within Hubris searching for an additional programmer and artist for the game. On , Guide made another post where they claimed that the Hubris Game was undergoing some development issues.

Supplemental Material: Guide's threads above regarding applications and development troubles titled "LOOKING FOR A PROGRAMMER/ARTIST FOR THE GAME" and "APRIL 4TH UPDATE" can be found here.

On , a new "Tenor" account joined Within Hubris - "Usekeb". Unfortunately, its purpose remained unknown. On , the Within Hubris Twitter account announced that there would be an update later on in the day. Sure enough, Guide made a post on Within Hubris in which they announced that the REAL Hubris Game trailer will be uploaded on May 10th. Unfortunately, came and went with no trailer. Guide claimed that the trailer has been delayed until further notice.

Supplemental Material: Guide's thread above regarding the planned May 10th trailer titled "4/23 UPDATE" can be found here.

Supposedly, the reason for the trailer's delay was due to some individual that Alex had been working with on the game. This individual had failed to send Alex the footage required for the trailer. On , Alex says he's finally made contact with this individual and that hopefully the Hubris Game's trailer will be released within the following week, claiming "hopefully we're getting close to the light at the end of the tunnel.". Unfortunately, the Hubris Game's trailer would still not be released. On , the Within Hubris Twitter account became inactive as users were instead directed to Alex's personal out-of-character Twitter account.

Supplemental Material: Alex partook in an OoC QnA with the players, which can be found here.

Sadly, on , Alex officially announced that the ARG had been put on hiatus. Though he hopes to eventually conclude the story, he claims that it won't be happening anytime soon. This coincided with his YouTube account's avatar changing to a frame from the video "free.wmv".



As much as you guys probably don't want to hear this, I have to put the development of the game, as well as the third arc, on hold as of now. There are several factors that have been cropping up over the past few weeks that have really left me with no other choice.

For starters, the game is simply not the place where I want it to be yet. It's not shaping up to what I envisioned. It still needs more work - a lot more work. In addition to the development, there is the ever-present fact that I also have a real life to attend to. I wish this was my job, but the fact of the matter is it simply isn't. I have to put aside money because I want to attend a film school next year. The truth is, this project has been the source of a lot of unneeded stress for me for some time now, so for the sake of clarity perhaps it would be therapeutic to be able to take some pause from it and explore other avenues before returning to it reinvigorated.

I know this is going to bum a lot of you guys out, but it was either keep up this balancing act with a wishy-washy release date that would most likely be pushed back again (thus perpetuating the current cycle we've had of me just parroting to you guys what my team tells me at that given moment) or take pause from it and hopefully be able to resume it later this year when I have all my ducks in a row.

I didn't make this decision lightly, but with everything that is going on I ultimately had to do what was best for the long term. It's not about the money, it's not about trying to please as many people as possible, it's about the integrity of the work. It's about creating something that I'm proud of. If that means it has to have a long development time because of my inexperience doing something of this nature, then that's what it will have.

I want to hammer home that this project is not cancelled by any means, it will be finished, but at this point in time I do not have the means or the resources available to finish it in the way I want to. In closing, I want you guys to take from this the fact that there is nothing holding you back from achieving success in whatever field it is that you want to do. You can't wait for it to come to you, you have to go out there and take it. Fortune favors the bold, etc. and all that, but I'll be damned if it isn't true. Nothing good comes from waiting. All I needed was a laptop and an internet connection - that's it. There was no company backing this story, it was just me.

Supplemental Material: Alex's full post regarding the hiatus can be found here.

Later on in the day, Kayd conducted his own out-of-characters QnA, here he claimed that he had little to no contact with Alex throughout 2010. This led to many players accusing Alex of being neglectful and ungrateful. This drama continued into where Alex claimed that he supposedly never intended for Kayd's story to happen in the first place and that he had essentially gamejacked the ARG. At the time, Alex allowed Kayd's story to remain canon out of good will, though he's now considering revoking that privilege.

Supplemental Material: Kayd's QnA thread can be found here.

The announcement of the hiatus and the drama with Kayd drastically soured Alex's reputation amongst the players - a perception that continued into 2012 when was put up for sale on . On , Alex initiated an elaborate April Fool's joke that involved a Goron character named King Kong. While many players enjoyed the King Kong saga, some viewed it as immersion-breaking and in poor taste due to the current state of the ARG. Later on in the month, the videos "2" and "h b i s r ea l" were both removed from the Jadusable YouTube channel.

On , Alex announced his next major project - an inspirational film titled "Methods of Revolution". This film was crowdfunded via and accompanied many out-of-character videos unrelated to the ARG. Unfortunately, much like with the Hubris Game, its development was very troubled and it was sadly never released. To make matters worse, Within Hubris was deleted on , leaving the remaining community scrambling. Thankfully, players were able to band together to create their own incarnation of Within Hubris named "Newbris".

This is where our coverage of Alex's activities will end. It is worth noting that Alex eventually returned several years later in 2020 to revive Methods of Revolution in the form of the third and final arc of Ben Drowned, finally completing the story. However, the story involved in the final arc of Ben Drowned isn't necessarily relevant to understand Johnisdead.

Continue reading:



















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