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Erika as she appears on

Name Erika
Alias Emerald Heart
Affiliation Harbingers
Gender Female
Status Alive
Relations Tyler
Max (Friend)

Erika is an incredibly abstruse character whose place in the story is still largely unknown. While originally depicting herself as nothing but a fan of Silentdork, she was soon revealed to be a part of the overarching narrative with deep ties to Tyler, eventually being reborn as a "navi-like" entity alongside him in the Parallelos. With oracle-like powers and what seems to be a deep comprehension of the inner workings of the world, Erika has continuously aided the players while pursuing her currently unknown goals (which very well may be to simply spend time with Tyler).


Erika originally joined the Internet Detectives Discord server just before the end of the Pumpkinhead Gamejack. She introduced herself as a massive fan of Tyler's, a fact made evident by her actions when an entity using the IIIII account (possibly the Masked Entity) pretended to come out of character as Tyler right before Undecim Nocte. Despite "Tyler's" extremely visible anger (at the time attributed to the Gamejack), she continued to pester him, resulting in the entity repeatedly insulting her and causing her to become extremely upset. This culminated in the entity using the IIIII account kicking her from the server in anger, though she still attempted to garner Tyler's attention during the Start Life live chat.

After rejoining a day after the ordeal, the possibility of Erika being canon came up as players found a video of hers containing previously unseen footage: mcr FOREVER NOW SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute. Erika revealed she was getting this footage from Max's channel Quiet Family, though still claimed to be a real, non-canon person. Suspicion grew as Erika seemed to have great insight into many aspects of JohnisDead, alongside her "tricking" the players into playing New Wave Bossa Nova for her and inviting her to their private server (initially created as a replacement for the Wolfcat-owned Safe Haven). In this server, Erika shared more unseen videos, and used her oracle-like powers to tell the fortunes of various characters. This, at the time, was explained away by her as roleplaying, a fact compounded by purposeful, out of character misleading by the GMs.

Even with all the red herrings, Erika's story didn't add up. At certain points when Erika would reference IIIII, even in private messages, the IIIII account would begin counting down in the Internet Detectives Discord Server until the message mentioning them was deleted. However, her distress at being called a character, her many completely non-JohnisDead related conversations, and the ambiguous nature of all that she said still left players confounded as to whether or not she was canon.

Erika depicted as the Gnostic figure "Sophia" in the Compound Janus room, standing between the pillars Boaz and Jachin.

As 2020 went on, Erika continued interacting with the players, including talking amongst private messages on many occasions. While this dissuaded the idea that she was a character, her sudden submission of the Sonata of Awakening for Patrem during a heated debate, as well as mysterious claims such as saying she was "practically right next to being complete" brought yet more suspicion. She once again claimed to be roleplaying, though in the June of 2020 was confirmed to be canon. After releasing the Silentdork Awakening music video, Pumpkinhead revealed the new JohnisDead wiki - the one you're currently reading. This, unlike the prior wiki, listed Erika as a character, documenting all of her conversations. This revelation caught Erika by surprise, and after a quick goodbye, she abandoned her Discord account.

Erika was not gone for long, reappearing in the video ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ or Remembering on June 19th, 2020. She was now reborn as a navi-like entity in the mind of Tyler (who was, at this point, in some sort of hotel within the Parallelos), finally achieving what seemed to be her dream. After her and Tyler were chased into an elevator by Regiminis, she showed Tyler an AMV that inspired her long ago, and commented on the fact that she knew the players were watching. She was briefly seen speaking to Tyler in the Hesitation video, where she confirmed that she and Tyler made up the "II" being.

Erika's Youtube and Discord profile picture.

While not returning to Discord, Erika once again aided the players via the pages. Here, she once again used her powers to give the players glimpses into almost every character within JohnisDead. Erika has also been seen and heard elsewhere within, with multiple references to her being found in the Treeline and Compound Janus rooms.