Story (Full) 5

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The story so far...

By 2015, players had accepted that the story of Ben Drowned might never have a conclusion. However, one day they encountered a user named "thelaw" who introduced them to a new website - This website contained cryptic files relating to a young man named Doug, who was expressing his regrets for having joined a cult. Players eventually made contact with a past version of Doug from the year 2009 who had only just joined the cult a few days ago. Seeing this as their chance to rescue Doug from his eventual fate, players began attempting to convince Doug to leave the cult. One player named Jacob took a different approach and looked into joining the cult himself. Doug directed Jacob to his friend Mason - another cultist who handles the processing of new recruits.

Meanwhile, players were introduced to Patrem - an imposing entity that seemed to be the leader of Doug's cult. Through various chats on Within Hubris, players learned that Patrem was currently trapped within the body of a cultist named Vincent. While it's unknown how exactly this happened, Patrem implied that it was the result of some sort of accident that occurred during an important ritual. Patrem seemed to be hunting down the fleeting spirit of Ben, who actually managed to contact the players via Skype under the name "Drown". Players were also introduced to Helper - a friendly spirit who had special delivery-based abilities. With Helper's assistance, players were able to steal Doug's mail and glean more details about his day-to-day activities.

The more players learned about the cult, the more suspicious it became. Doug revealed that the cult's headquarters was an old fishery in rural Florida. The cult was also incredibly secretive and demanded a great deal of loyalty. Regardless, Doug's faith in it was unmoving. Unfortunately, this seemingly led to his downfall. One day out of the blue, Doug made one distressing blog post - "Help".



Doug was now in danger. Fearing for his safety, the players began searching for clues. They quickly discovered that the front page of had updated and now featured a new video - Name.swf".






<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • This video features the four images found on "".
  • The photo of Deku Link is highlighted as a "NO" symbol appears.
  • The photo of Zora Link is highlighted and selected successfully.
  • The File Select screen from Majora's Mask appears where Doug's save file can be seen.
  • A new save file is created, though it has not yet been named.

This video implies that Doug is currently unavailable as the players' Link. This was compounded by some text that was found on the same webpage - "You must act, for you cannot ‘save’ him". Meanwhile, the player Jacob discovered a new page on - "". This page contained the image notes.png, which contained some fairly cryptic text:


If another timeline is created, outcomes are inevitable, and cannot be changed.
If multiple lines are merged, chaos ensues.
She has told me of this happening. And it is her will.
They seek to stop her. To cause this merged chaos.
I was a fool to have my doubts.
And that is why she chose me.

There is one among you who is a traitor.
There are two among you who must die.
There are three that are thieving.
And all are waiting.

One of these will be your salvation.
A soul for a soul. An eye for an eye.
Light for dark.
Circles for squares.
Men for women.
Wolves for cats.

Time is like a network.
And networks can be hacked.

This page features a excerpt from someone who was spoken to by Luna - possibly Doug himself. He discusses the creation of multiple different timelines and how the merging of them could lead to chaos - something that Luna herself supposedly wills. However, the players intend on opposing Luna and standing against her.

This is followed by a poem that's directed at the players. This poem warns that one of the players is a traitor, two players must die, three players are thieves, and all of them are waiting. However, one of the following players will be their salvation:

  • A soul for a soul - (Unknown)
  • An eye for an eye - (Unknown)
  • Light - TheSeekerOfLight
  • Dark - Mugen Kagemaru
  • Circles for squares - CircleHunter
  • Men for women - (Unknown)
  • Wolves for cats - Wolfcat

Meanwhile, players discovered that the page "/help" had updated. Instead of just containing one instance of the word "No", it now featured the word copy-and-pasted across the page countless times. Scrolling down far enough would reveal an entire face made up of the word "No".

Using steganography, players discovered a hidden text file within this image titled "Masks.txt".

Your mask is everything.

You wear it when you talk to others.
You wear it during rough times.
And during good times.
You wear it to show what you'd like to be outwardly.
And hide what you are inwardly.

A mask protects your identity. It protects your soul.
It protects you from others, and yourself.

Your mask is everything.


What are you, without your mask?

It seems as though the concept of masks in relation to the cult are being tied with one's own identity - similar to what Kayd mentioned during Ben Drowned. However, this seems to imply that masks also act as shields protecting an individual's true identity. It then raises the question of what happens to someone when they lose this protection.

Meanwhile, the player Jacob discovered a new page on - "", which was simply titled "r" and saw the surprising return of the red dot. Since its enigmatic appearance on Doug's newspaper article, the red dot had become a bit of a memetic symbol amongst the players. Some even went so far as to give it a name - Fred.

Meanwhile, back on Within Hubris, Helper sent several players private messages titled "Hello! You have mail!". These all contained the following image:

These seemed to be more of Doug's notes - this time for his Psychology class. Interestingly, the top-right corner featured a cipher that translated to the following: "You are in danger." While this initially seemed to be a warning directed at the players, it's also possible that this was Doug's subconscious warning him about his own eventual fate.

On , the player Eve submitted the video "Not yet gone", which featured Deku Link being revived from death. This was submitted because the players feared that Doug may have already been killed. However, this theory was seemingly debunked by Patrem:


"Attempting to breathe life into the living? You amuse me children."

Unsure of what exactly they should do next, the players turned to Patrem for answers. On , he answered as follows:



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #609
Joined: February 19, 2015

Mar 6th 2015, 01:30 AM Post #N/A

At this moment my child, all we may do is wait. However I have been watching you all, and I see you enjoy playing games. So to amuse myself while I wait, I would like to play a game with the “detectives”. Should you all succeed I will reward you all for your display of wisdom. Tell the children precisely what I have told you now; What is the song that makes mother cry? Speak it then move to the fourth. Wqafi lps bpv npy dfza wyrraamam; You all have 1 hour, and remember, I am watching

The players were given a cipher and a riddle - "What is the song that makes mother cry?" Given that the cult's "Mother" is Luna, tears that fall from the heavens could be symbolic for rain, meaning the song in question would be the "Song of Storms". Using "Song of Storms" as a key, the players were able to solve the cipher and post it's solution on Within Hubris - "Speak now for you have succeeded", leading to the following interaction:



Group: Players
Member: #593
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Mar 6 2015, 02:40 AM Post #279

Song of Storms
Speak now for you have succeeded



Group: Canon Characters
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Mar 6 2015, 03:02 AM Post #280



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Mar 6 2015, 03:31 AM Post #281

With these long ears, we can hear the voices that were unclear to us.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #609
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Mar 6 2015, 03:44 AM Post #282

For their efforts, the players were given an audio file recorded by Patrem. However, due to various distortions, it was very difficult to make out his voice. Thankfully, the players were able to submit the "Bunny Hood" to receive a clearer version of this audio, which is transcribed below:

Children, I’ve been asked “Who is Vincent?” You foolish children have spent quite some time to dive into the matter. However, I shall now unmask what wisdom you may know in time. At this time 'I do not dwell within him. However, now, I shall ((exist / dwell))' within him. After you have ((unintelligible)) the rank of Overseer, the chosen must move forward. ((Some accident / A ceremonial accident )) is essential. A ((section / sanction)) They will be having an Ascension. What the fool said about his soul, and my cruel nature ((unintelligible roar)); Understand detectives… You’ll find the FATHER. Vincent, I’m afraid, must now carry on his journey.

Sadly, Patrem's voice is still very difficult to understand and archives of this audio do not exist.

Patrem seems to be responding to the players' constant inquiries regarding Vincent. Here, he reveals that Vincent is the individual who he was trapped inside of at the fishery. From what we can discern from this audio, it seem as though Patrem became trapped within Vincent at some point after 2009 - likely due to an accident that took place during a cult-related ceremony.

On , Letschasethemouse underwent an odd change. The background changed to a misty photograph of a field and someone other than Doug began using it to contact the players:


I don't have much time, sadly. There's a lot of work to be done.
If anyone happens to be paying attention, feel free to ask anything. I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Otherwise, we will meet soon enough.


An individual simply going by M offers to answer some of the players' questions.


The tree int he middle of a plain... covered in fog? Does this revolve around ascending in the cult of Luna?


I do not know what you mean by "cult".


hello m if you are still here i have a few questions. firstly what brings you to post here, and second hows doug holding up


Doug is alive, but I don't know how he's doing.

"M" seems somewhat put-off by the assertion that Doug's religion is a cult. They also aren't sure what exactly Doug's doing, though they believe that he's currently still alive. Shortly after this, "M" posted another update:

3/7/15 - Time

Sorry my last post was so urgent.

They took Doug, which I didn't expect. They need him for something, but they won't tell me.

And I need your help, because he's in obvious danger. I don't know what to do.

"M" claims that Doug's been kidnapped by the cult. He fears that Doug is in some sort of danger and isn't sure what to do.


How can we help you?


That's for you to tell me.


Who took him? Do you have any idea where? Also, who are you?


Our group. The fishery. Mason.

"M" reveals that he's actually Mason - Doug's friend who handles the cult's recruitment process. Mason is the same individual who invited Doug into the cult and oversaw Jacob's initiation.


Do you have any other information in regard to Doug getting taken? I want to help in any way I can. Does Vincent have anything to do with this? Do you know who that is?


Some members took him to a secluded area, and I haven't seen from him. I checked his blog, and saw "help". That's why I know something's up.

We don't have anyone who is named Vincent, as far as I know. That's a good name, though.

Strangely, Mason claims he doesn't know of anyone named Vincent within the cult. This implies that Vincent likely joined the cult at some point after 2009.


Can you go to the fishery? Record what happens and everything you see and hear, in case we need to go to the authorities.


I can try, though I'm worried they won't like me getting close.

The players suggest that Mason travels to the Fishery in the hopes of finding out exactly what happened to Doug. However, they realized that Mason might need some extra help. This entire conversation is archived below:


Mason Blog Comments

Back on Within Hubris, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" in an attempt to summon an ally for Mason. This led to the following interaction:



Group: Players
Member: #536
Joined: May 13, 2014

Mar 7 2015, 09:01 PM Post #285



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #286

Do you have need of assistance, adventurer?

Using The Ocarina, the players managed to summon Helper - the entity that previously delivered them Doug's mail and Psychology notes.



Group: Players
Member: #593
Joined: January 23, 2015

Mar 7 2015, 09:03 PM Post #287

We need to help Douglas, how can we?



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:05 PM Post #288

I'm not particularly sure. Has he lost his mail?



Group: Players
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Mar 7 2015, 09:07 PM Post #289

No, he seems to have gone missing. He may have lost his mail as well though.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:10 PM Post #290

Ooh, that's droll. I may be able to find him, which will take me a fair bit.
However, I will find the perpetrator who has taken his mail! Thank you for bringing this information to light, adventurer!



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Mar 7 2015, 09:10 PM Post #291

Dont forget his marbles.



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Mar 7 2015, 09:12 PM Post #292

That reminds me of when I was a child, fair maiden!
I used to love my marbles, with small hornets encased inside.

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
Member: #83
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Mar 7 2015, 09:14 PM Post #293

Beware the Twelfth Tribe, they observe too much.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:17 PM Post #294

That's dumb.

Helper agrees to locate Doug. However, true to character, he seems more interested in the well-being of his mail...

Dawn Of a New Day


Group: Other / Character
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Mar 7 2015, 09:18 PM Post #296

How heavy is the package that you carry? WHjad.png



Group: Canon Characters
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Mar 7 2015, 09:20 PM Post #297

I am not currently in possession of any package.

However, I assure you that I deliver quite large packages, demon.

Dawn Of a New Day


Group: Other / Character
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Mar 7 2015, 09:22 PM Post #300

Helper Mar 7 2015, 09:20 PM




Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:24 PM Post #301

You know why, villain.

You seek to create what the others do not.



Group: Players
Member: #593
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Mar 7 2015, 09:25 PM Post #302

Helper, if you find our friend Douglas. Can you deliver him to his home?

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
Member: #83
Joined: August 15, 2012

Mar 7 2015, 09:25 PM Post #303

What would that be?



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:28 PM Post #304

wickedlady4180 Mar 7 2015, 09:25 PM
Helper, if you find our friend Douglas. Can you deliver him to his home?

I am not sure he would be able to survive with a lack of oxygen, maiden.

Mugen Kagemaru
What would that be?

The near opposite of what you wish, adventurer.

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
Member: #83
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Mar 7 2015, 09:31 PM Post #306

And what would be the near opposite of what we wish?



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:35 PM Post #307

Obviously the near opposite of what you wish, adventurer!

Strangely, Helper calls the player Dawn a "Demon". When asked the reason for this, Helper claims that Dawn "seeks to create what the others do not", implying that his goals differed from that of the other players. This is possibly a reference to how Dawn would often joke about wanting to kill Doug.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
Joined: February 23, 2015

Mar 7 2015, 09:35 PM Post #308

I have found what you seek. DAMAGED. He is where you imagined he would be, adventurer.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
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Mar 7 2015, 09:39 PM Post #311

i am not a hero

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
Member: #83
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Mar 7 2015, 09:47 PM Post #312

Are you a savior?



Group: Canon Characters
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Mar 7 2015, 09:58 PM Post #313




Group: Players
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Mar 7 2015, 10:09 PM Post #314

Helper? Are you still here?



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #612
Joined: February 23, 2015

Mar 7 2015, 10:10 PM Post #315

wickedlady4180 Mar 7 2015, 10:09 PM
Helper? Are you still here?

That insect has been dealt with.

Helper suddenly begins speaking very differently - now utilizing ciphers and cryptic sentences. He eventually posts an SSTV signal revealing the Postman's Hat laying in a pool of blood. This implies that Helper travelled to the fishery as requested by the players but was unfortunately killed. Back on Letschasethemouse, the players continued chatting with Mason:


Are you still there, friend?


Yes. I'm not dumb enough to run off without help, though I am watching the building now.

I saw another person jog past, and the yells were terrible. This isn't right.

Mason claims he witnessed someone jog into the fishery and scream - possibly Helper moments before he died.


There are about four men outside the building, as far as I can tell.

I'd take a picture, if I had a good enough camera for it. I can't see much else than the fishery and the people.

A bit ago I watched a few other people running around, but couldn't make anything out.


Get as close as you can, without putting yourself in danger and tell us what you see? Please be careful.


I'm in danger just being here. The only reason they don't see me is because I'm low to the ground, and it's dark.

I'm feeling bad about this. Something's up. I hear chanting.


Can you make out any of the chanting? Leave if its not safe. Dont be there longer than you need to.


No, I cannot. It's not anything I've ever heard before, even during our usual processions. I don't want to stand up, in case someone spots me.

Mason says he can hear some chanting coming from the fishery, though it's not any sort of chanting that he's familiar with. This implies that some sort of ceremony might be taking place.


Do you see anything near them that might cause a loud noise when hit? Maybe like a bell or a glass bottle maybe?


No, there's nothing that would cause a loud noise if I were to hit it.

There are rocks all over I guess I could throw, though. Right now I'm in a more forested part.


Okay, try throwing a rock towards the other side of them. Get them to think you're in the other direction.


Alright, I'm going to try and throw a rock.

The player KendoSF convinces Mason to throw a rock to distract the guards at the fishery. This full conversation is archived below:


Mason Blog Comments

Shortly after this, Mason made another post:


I think I'm safe.
After they saw me, they took a good look and chased after me.

I can't see them anymore, so I think I'm good. I don't know what happened with them.
All this running is making me tired.


Take a break and stay hidden Mason. We need to rethink our plan of attack.


alright. im getting way tired anyways. gonna sleep

Unfortunately, Mason was spotted by the guards at the fishery and fled into the woods. Thankfully, he's managed to evade them and is now presumably on his way home to get some rest.













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<--- Click for Video Transcript



