Story (Full) 4

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Notice: This page begins coverage of the first arc of Johnisdead. Johnisdead shares several characters, concepts, and locations with Ben Drowned - a separate ARG created by Alex Hall in 2010. It is recommended that one becomes familiar with Ben Drowned through one of the following methods:

If you're already familiar with Ben Drowned, continue reading on:

The story so far...

In the previous section, the ARG's creator, Alex, seeming stepped out from behind the curtain and announced that the story was on hiatus. However, during this period that was supposedly meant to be out-of-character, the players noticed several oddities. This culminated in "The Glitch" - an event that corrupted, allowing the players to access various hidden files. Here, it seemed as though several characters such as Alex were trapped and asking for help.

One of these files was a message from Matt warning that someone named "Kayd Hendricks" was in danger. Kayd was actually Ryukaki - a player who had received the login information for "The Truth" from Rosa before her disappearance. After this, Kayd uploaded several videos to his YouTube channel showing that he was being chased by BEN. At one point, he attempted to hide out in a mysterious location called "The Orchard", though this attempt was short-lived. Unfortunately, the players were unable to save Kayd as he was presumably killed - though not before giving the players a piece of the login information for "The Truth".

After this, Alex teased that the final part of the ARG would coincide with the release of a video game. Unfortunately, this game's development was very troubled and was repeatedly delayed. Eventually, Alex created Within Hubris - a canon message board where the players could cooperate more efficiently. Within Hubris also contained Wayward Horizon - a strange board that seemed to contain the souls of ascended Moon Children. This seems to imply that ascension results in the soul of the participant being trapped within digital environments or technology - much like how Ben was trapped within the Majora's Mask cartridge.

Eventually, the ARG was placed on hiatus once again as Alex moved onto another project - a film titled "Methods of Revolution". After a while, Within Hubris was deleted, forcing the players to create their own version called "Newbris". Over the next few years, all was quiet on Within Hubris. That is, until 2015...

After Within Hubris shut down in 2012, the players spent the next few years creating their own projects on the board's successor - Newbris. For the sake of simplicity, Newbris will simply be referred to as "Within Hubris" throughout these pages. By 2015, most players had given up hope of Alex ever returning to complete Ben Drowned. However, on , a new user reignited the players' interests.



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Member: #592
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Jan 22 2015, 07:12 PM Post #1

I just read the arg a few days ago and decided to look up some things in case i could find something.
I looked at all the sites
When is the arg coming back?



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Jan 22 2015, 07:41 PM Post #2

It'll resume when Half Life 2 Episode 3 releases... AKA THE FUCKING RAPTURE!!!!

Mugen Kagemaru


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Jan 22 2015, 07:42 PM Post #3

As soon as Mr. Hall finishes and releases his movie, Methods Of Revolution, he has promised that he will immediately resume working on the ARG.



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Jan 22 2015, 07:55 PM Post #4

oh ok
The site said soon so i thought he had a date



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Jan 22 2015, 08:03 PM Post #5

GreyouTT Jan 22 2015, 07:42 PM
As soon as Mr. Hall finishes and releases his movie, Methods Of Revolution, he has promised that he will immediately resume working on the ARG.

You're really naive, arent ya?

EDIT: HO, SHIT!! yshdt works!? Wonder if it's true then...

Edited by Sengi, Jan 22 2015, ((Unknown Time)).



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Jan 22 2015, 10:08 PM Post #6

Whoa what the fuck? When the hell did that happen?



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Jan 22 2015, 10:10 PM Post #7

The 15th, apparently. I made a thread to discuss it kinda maybe sorta



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Jan 23 2015, 01:03 AM Post #8

You did not know?

A user named thelaw joined Within Hubris and asked if Ben Drowned was starting up again. Some players scoffed at this idea, having lost faith in Alex years ago. However, they quickly noticed something odd with thelaw's post - he had linked to a brand new website, This acronym was a clear reference to the Moon Children's website from Ben Drowned. While the players were shocked at the website's existence, thelaw was more surprised that the players hadn't stumbled across it yet. It seems as though thelaw had simply come across while researching Ben Drowned and assumed that it was already something that was widely known.

Upon accessing, players were met with a Zelda-styled text box that read as follows:

It's been too long.
I survived.
The sky is falling, the people are crying. Where is your link now?

This message was presumably from BEN himself, taunting the players for failing to defeat him back during the events of Ben Drowned. In an attempt to round up some remaining players, the player Sengi created a thread on Within Hubris dedicated to investigating



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Member: #342
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Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #1

Ok, so a little while ago this new guy posts in the Help Central asking when the ARG returns, and one of the links he puts up is This one here
A page called not the full old "" because that's a corpse.
In the page there's a zelda-styled textbox saying

"Im still waiting
Let's play again soon"

with some eerie music playing in the background, and maybe some figure in the darkness, I can't really telland honestly, it unnerves me to fuck and back, im a scaredy-cat, whatever
When inspecting the html, there's text saying

So..... New development hype or troll baiting us? Discuss



Group: Canon Characters
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Jan 22 2015, 08:48 PM Post #2

yes hello
I am that new guy. So the ARG is coming back soon?



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Jan 22 2015, 08:57 PM Post #3


Players began theorizing whether or not was an official continuation of Ben Drowned created by Alex Hall. Meanwhile, the website updated once again. It now featured an eyeless version of Link with updated text that now read "I'm still waiting. Let's play again soon.". This was accompanied with a reversed version of the "Game Over" theme from the original Legend of Zelda game - more hints that the players failed to stop BEN in the past and that he now wished to challenge them once again.

On , the player Greyoutt decided to submit the "Oath to Order". This was done for two reasons:

  1. An attempt to summon a new Link for the players.
  2. A joke referencing how submitting the "Oath to Order" led to disastrous consequences during Ben Drowned.

As the players waited to see the results of this submission, they decided to form their own official player group. At the time, many of the players exploring had previously investigated a mysterious Ben Drowned-related videogame named Remember.exe. Since activity involving that game had dwindled, these players decided to repurpose their Remember.exe Skype Group into one dedicated specifically to They called this new group the Internet Detectives. Two new players named Tyler and Jacob even created a theme song for this new group:

After this, remained untouched - that is until when its front page updated with a video titled "dontstickaround.swf".






<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • Unfortunately, this video was not archived.
  • This video simply featured the "Oath to Order" being played - followed by a laugh from the Skull Kid.

Sadly, this video was not archived. Its contents seem to suggest that BEN was amused by the players' submission of the "Oath to Order". After staying on's front page for a while after the video already ended, players would be redirected to a new page - "". This page was titled "What does he know?" and contained an image of the following newspaper article:

Cherrington High

New Spiritual Discovery!

Left behind in a small town, one of the few scientifically-minded pastors is left to govern his own local chapter. In this small town, however, a seemingly large discover has been found. Now that I think about it, the father there didn't really want me to Know the specifics, only that it is the next stage ████████████████████. Eternal happiness is well at hand, he claims, due to his amazing discovery about how ██████████████████████████ data! ████████████████ of two worlds, ████████████ will lead to the understanding of ███████████ our new scientific world! Do read on, to see the future of █████████ knowledge as a whole!

Continued on page 8

This article was written by Douglas P. - a student attending Cherrington High. Doug writes about the leader of a local religious group who's made some sort of scientific and spiritual discovery involving data and multiple worlds. Doug refers to this individual as "The Father". All of this sounds very reminiscent of the Moon Children. It's also worth noting that the image of this newspaper article was entirely black and white except for a single red dot that could be found near the bottom of the page. The existence of this red dot puzzled many players and led to them speculating about its significance - along with the elusive "Page 8".

Upon examining this article further, players noticed that the capitalized letters within it spelled out a word - "LINKED". This led them to a new page on the website - "". This page contained "blue.jpg" - a photo taken underwater that was looking back up towards the surface. Accompanying it was an audio file that contained an SSTV signal - a series of audio tones that can be played through a special program to reveal hidden images. The image hidden within this audio was of BEN along with the following text:


> NO

Further exploration of the website led players to "" - a page that contained the following threatening message:

Curiosity killed that cat. That's what the mother said to the brat. But the cat didn't listen. And then lost it's vision. Because it couldn't find it's way home. Go home.

Not long afterwards, this page was deleted and replaced with what appeared to be a generic "404 - Page Not Found" page. However, remaining on this page for an extended period of time would cause another SSTV signal to play - this one containing the following text:

Find your way home. He needs you. But you cannot help him If you cannot help yourselves. 4 days.

The players were supposedly being tasked with saving someone - and they only had four days to do it. The individual in question was presumably Doug, since he was the only named character at this point. Two days later on , players discovered that "/warning" had updated once again. It now contained text that read "For more information, see /home.", leading players to another new page - "". This page was titled "Play Ball" and contained an image of a baseball field, which was accompanied by the Internet Detectives theme song. However, the audio file now featured someone quietly whispering "No." after the song. This was all possibly indicative of BEN once again being ready to play with and challenge the players.

On , players discovered that the image of the baseball field from "/home" actually hid a text file within its code. This is a technique known as "steganography", and it would appear somewhat frequently as the ARG progressed. The text file in question was titled "warning.txt" and simply asked "How can you play a game you haven’t even started?". Players discovered that the image of Doug's newspaper article also contained a hidden text file. This one was titled "oh.txt" and read as follows:

I wish I could go back.

The father is now who he seemed. He is not what he seemed.
He hurt us.
He hurt him.

I just want to go back.
Back in time.
Back before I betrayed my mother.
Before I joined this religion.

I'm scared mommy.

- Doug

Doug was clearly regretting having joined the religious group he was seen praising from before. Something went wrong and "The Father" was revealed to be a malicious, harmful individual. Later that night, the front page of updated with a new video - "Game over.swf".






<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • This video features gameplay footage of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
  • Deku Link can be seen dying in Termina Field, resulting in a Game Over.
  • The cursor repeatedly switches between "Yes" and "No" when asked if the player wishes to continue.
  • The "Dawn of ------ Day" screens flash on screen as "No" is seemingly selected.
  • The players are told that they've "Failed at the most basic task." as the Happy Mask Salesman laughs at them.
  • The "Song of Time" plays as the word "No" once again flashes on screen.

The players witness Deku Link die - likely representing whatever terrible fate befell Doug. They are then mocked for failing to save him. After this, the "Song of Time" plays - possibly indicating that the players are about to interact with the past.

Players discovered that if they remained on the front page of for too long, they would be redirect to a new website - a blog titled "Letschasethemouse" hosted on This blog was ran by someone named "DandP" and contained the following posts:

2/13/15 - Beginnings

I just re-created my blog.

It sucks starting from scratch, but whatever. At least I get to start anew.


Today was fun.
I spent most of my time inside today, reading articles on the internet.

I should join my high school newspaper, it'd be fun.


Work today was bad.
I have to tell you, it'd be a terrible fate to be relegated a job you know you suck at, when a better position is out there.

A better position for me.


This is odd.

My friend told me of a club that he was hoping I'd join.
He told me that they could let me live forever.
And that we'd be changing things inside out soon.

I'm not too sure about this, but why not?

2/16/16 - Finding a Religion

I've been invited to go visit their congregation out in the woods by my friend.
We're going to head out in about an hour and a half.
I'm excited, if not a little worried.

2/16/16 - The Truth

I'm going to try to figure out everything I can. This is huge.
I swore an oath of secrecy, but I'm still just so amazed by everything they told me.

I'll have a long ways ahead of me, and a lot of work to do before I'm ready, though.

DandP created Letschasethemouse just a few days prior. It's implied that he had a previous blog that was deleted for some reason. He mentions that he wants to join his high school's newspaper team. This led to players speculating that he might actually be a past version of Douglas P. This seems to be the case, as DandP also revealed that they were invited to join a religious group by one of their friends, catching us back up to the present. Here, players began chatting with Doug via the comments on his blog.


Hey, friend. Are you there?


Sorry, I've been having trouble with my computer recently. Anyways, who are you?


I read what I believe to be you article?


Huh? I haven't written any articles.


I'm sorry, may I ask your name?




Douglas P?


...Yeah. I guess my name kinda gives that away.


Did you not write this article?

((A link to the newspaper article discovered on is sent.))


No... But that's my high school. I'm actually getting creeped out now. Are you guys from school?


Yes we are. But it feels like we know whats going on.

DandP confirms that his username is a shorthand for his real name - Douglas P.. He also confirms that he's a student at Cherrington High School - however, he hasn't written any articles and has yet to join the school's newspaper team. This is more evidence hinting that the players are actually interacting with the past and speaking to a past version of Doug. Doug quickly becomes suspicious of the players, but they manage to quell his fears by claiming that they're fellow students at Cherrington.


We know you are interested in this religious organization but I don't think you should do it.


I know it's a little odd to see a new religion start up - especially in this Christian nation of ours, but it will lead us all closer to god and happiness.


How could we go about joining?


I will set you up with my friend. He will contact you through e-mail or blogspot.

Dawn of a New Day

I am also interested. Mine is


Not you, The Sun. I see by your profile you don't live near me.

The players attempt to persuade Doug to leave the cult. Unfortunately, he's already somewhat attached to his new religion and is unwilling to leave it. The players instead attempted to learn more information about the cult through another way. The players Jacob and Dawn of a New Day ("Dawn" for short) both asked Doug if they could join the cult. However, only Jacob was accepted - Dawn supposedly lived too far away. This implies that the cult was located in the same state that Jacob lived in - Florida. Doug proceeded to share Jacob's information with his friend - the same individual who oversaw his own initiation into the cult.

Mugen Kagemaru

Be careful. Things may not be as they seem and you may be wandering into a spider's web...



Mugen Kagemaru

Form your own thoughts. Let none think for you. But most importantly, take nothing at face value. Remember the Assassins, their creed, and what that creed means.


Are you serious? The Assassins Creed?? Ignore this guy, he's just trolling


Good advice. I will ignore this guy from now on.

One rather strange player named Mugen Kagemaru attempts to warn Doug in a cryptic way. Fortunately, the other players manage to convince Doug to ignore Mugen's comments - not wanting Doug to be weirded out. A full archive of these conversations can be found below:


Doug Blog Comments

On , Doug made two new posts on his blog:

2/17/15 - Deja Vu

I just had a serious case of Deja Vu.

The building they took me too looked so familiar. I could have sworn it used to be the old fishery.

I'll grab some pictures later. Maybe you guys know what I'm talking about.

2/17/15 - Fishery

The cult had supposedly granted Doug access to their headquarters - an old Fishery out in the middle of the woods. For some reason, this location gave Doug a strong sense of deja vu. Players began prying for more information in the comments:

Mugen Kagemaru

Huh... Looks familiar...


Sounds fishy


That sounds like it would hurt. Don't bass have teeth?

Mugen Kagemaru

Actually, yes they do.

Players call out the fishery for being suspicious. The player Sengi also posts a crude anime meme about a fish, resulting in a confused reply from Doug. This spawned many "#fuckthefish" memes within the Internet Detectives Skype group.


It looks pretty fishy to me, man. Be safe.


Yeah, that's why I tried to hide away while taking the pictures. They probably wouldn't like me sharing them, but it's just so interesting...

Doug mentions that he had to hide in order to take the photos seen above, implying that the cult is very secretive in nature. A full archive of these conversations can be found below:


Doug Blog Comments

On , the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova". This was done in an attempt to summon an ally who could assist the players in their efforts - or at least grant them more information. Later that night, players discovered a new page on - "". This page simply contained the word "No", implying that the players would receive no help.

However, the players' submission did manage to summon a new character. On , a new user joined Within Hubris - /Patrem\.



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Feb 19 2015, 12:10 AM Post #184

I heard my children crying



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Feb 19 2015, 12:24 AM Post #185

/Patrem\Feb 19 2015, 12:10 AM
I heard my children crying

And who might you be?



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Feb 19 2015, 12:33 AM Post #186

Three of you are not as you seem.



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Feb 19 2015, 12:37 AM Post #187

This one's for the record... History is written by the victors



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Feb 19 2015, 12:58 AM Post #188

Ego sum vocantem. Ego sum Vocatique.



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Feb 19 2015, 01:02 AM Post #189

That translates to "I am calling. I am called" or so we believe...
What calls you and what is your purpose?

Patrem claims that he heard his "children" crying and that he was called to Within Hubris - confirming that his arrival was the result of the "New Wave Bossa Nova". He also cryptically warns that three of the players are not what they seem. It's also worth noting that most of Patrem's responses were hidden within ciphers. For the sake of simplicity, the ciphers themselves will not be documented on these pages - only their solutions.



Group: Canon Characters
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Feb 19 2015, 01:30 AM Post #191

I came to the fishery, and the fools trapped me inside him. Vincent, return to your slumber now. There is no home for you brats.



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Feb 19 2015, 01:36 AM Post #192

why were you at the fishery? who is this vincent? who trapped you in who? is this meant to be taken literally?



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Feb 19 2015, 01:55 AM Post #193

He also enjoyed music. o n urn d. Now he has ascended.

Patrem claims that he was trapped inside of someone at the Fishery. He also cryptically mentions that someone has ascended, adding "o n urn d". Patrem also mentions a new character - Vincent, who he tells to go to sleep.



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Feb 19 2015, 02:14 AM Post #194

What shall you know? In this time I am always awake.



Group: Players
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Feb 19 2015, 02:21 AM Post #196

whos vincent, what are you, who are you in, and can we be assured of a certain friend's safety?



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Feb 19 2015, 03:36 AM Post #201

You have damned that boy and I am far beyond caring for his petty scribblings, I am far beyond him now. Vincent however is someone you already knowknewknowknewknowknewknowknewknow

Mugen Kagemaru


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Feb 19 2015, 03:43 AM Post #202

Is Vincent's last name Shaw?



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Feb 19 2015, 04:06 AM Post #205

Not Shaw; I lielaylayed in another; I am the one who honored her first.

Patrem claims that Doug has already somehow been doomed by the players. He also claims that Vincent is someone that the players are already familiar with. Patrem adds that he himself "honored her first" - likely referring to Luna. Patrem's presence at the Fishery, his reverence for Luna, and the fact that his name is Latin for "Father" all seems to imply that Patrem is perhaps the leader of Doug's cult.

Mugen Kagemaru


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Feb 19 2015, 04:49 AM Post #209

Is there anything else to be found, or should we cut our losses and start over?



Group: Canon Characters
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Feb 19 2015, 04:53 AM Post #210

Your tricks are but the humorous wrigglings of an insect. What day do you think it is child? Where has your emit gone?

Mugen Kagemaru


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Feb 19 2015, 04:55 AM Post #212

Final Day?

But next question, what is the name of your host?



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Feb 19 2015, 05:22 AM Post #213



Group: Canon Characters
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Feb 19 2015, 05:26 AM Post #214

Make your final request, I grow tired of your games and your foolish ways.

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
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Feb 19 2015, 05:38 AM Post #215

How do we contact Vincent if necessary?

Furthermore, Douglas' newspaper article mentioned a pastor. Who is this pastor?



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Feb 19 2015, 05:48 AM Post #216

Some children have drowned, others will burn. I am through giving you my pity.



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Feb 19 2015, 06:09 AM Post #217

Go back child, go back, and try to wet the ashes.
Say hello to your composer for me. I already have been.

Patrem taunts the players, telling them that they've run out of time and that their efforts are in vain. Patrem also makes reference to the fact that Ben drowned. However, he goes on to add that someone has burned and tells the players to try and "wet the ashes". It's also worth noting that during this conversation, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the "Inverted Song of Time" - presumably in response to Patrem's implication that the players were running out of time. A full archive of this conversation can be found below:


Chat with Patrem

Later on in the day, Patrem posted the following in one of the chatrooms found on Within Hubris:


"Since I am in the midst of my travels... I must bid you farewell. Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow."

This was a quote from the Happy Mask Salesman from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. During Ben Drowned, the Happy Mask Salesman was often linked with The Father. This further implies that Patrem is indeed the leader of Doug's cult. Afterwards, Doug posted the following on his blog:


I'm a little worried.
After telling my friend of the new recruit, he had a plethora of questions. He doesn't seem too happy about this.

He hasn't talked to me all day today.


huh. why do you think hed be upset over this? maybe thats something for you to think about when you try to approach the issue.


I have no idea why. I'll try to figure this out as I go.

Doug's friend who handles the cult's initiations is upset that Jacob was suddenly sent to him for recruitment. Doug has seemingly underestimated how much this cult values its secrecy. Meanwhile, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the "Song of Storms" - a response to Patrem's cryptic message regarding the wetting of ashes.

On , Doug made another post on his blog:


They said I had to stay away for a while.
That I'd be given more time to sort things out.

I don't know what this all means. Right after they told me this, it started pouring outside.
Is this a sign of things to come?


Lad, I'm not too sure about that group and whether it's safe for you or not... So much secrecy isn't healthy and the fact that they don't let you join outright doesn't help things much... Stay wary, my friend.


They're only secretive to outsiders, just like any religion. They're my friends and family. I won't turn my backs on them.

As punishment for spreading information about the cult, Doug's been forbidden from visiting the Fishery. Also, it's started storming outside his home - likely an unintended effect of the "Song of Storms". They players once again attempt to warn Doug about the cult, but to no avail. Shortly after this, Doug made another worrisome post:


It's raining too hard.


Get out! Now!


Sure, I'll go outside. Where the streets are worse than my house.

The intense rain has begun to flood Doug's house. Fearing for Doug's safety, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "Song of Storms" a second time in an attempt to end the storm. Fortunately, this was a success, as indicated by another post from Doug:


This is quite odd.

It seems like the rain stopped, even though it was supposed to go on until the next day.
Everything is still flooded, though. I hope the place of meeting is alright...

I might head out there now.


I'm going to head out to the meeting place guys.

Hopefully it's not as flooded as I'm worrying about.
I'll post more tomorrow.

Fearing that the Fishery might be flooded, Doug decides to go check on it. Meanwhile, a strange new user joined the Internet Detectives Skype group. This user's name was a long string of numbers that translated to "Drown" - possibly linking them back to "Drowned" who was previously seen on However, due to their name being a relatively long cipher, many players opted to simply call them "Numbers Guy".


Found you

Just like me

Got away from him

Got away from patrem


Are you Vincent?



Drown seems to be a frightened entity that managed to escape Patrem. They also confirm that they are not Vincent.


Couldn’t save him


Like me


((Drown initiates a Skype call with the players.))

((Drown plays the "Song of Unhealing" over the call.))

((The sounds of someone drowning can be heard over the call.))

((Drown leaves the Skype call.))


You already know

Given the name "Drown", the sounds of drowning, and the "Song of Unhealing", it seems as though Drown is Ben's spirit. It's worth remembering that Ben himself is not malicious - he was simply the unfortunate child who was presumably ascended and trapped within the Majora's Mask cartridge. The evil entity that was tormenting Alex was BEN - an unknown entity that simply stole Ben's identity.

Shortly after this, a player named John discovered that the front page of updated. It now featured a new video titled "swf.swf":






<--- Click for Video Transcript


  • Unfortunately, this video was not archived.
  • This video featured the "Inverted Song of Time" being played - referencing the player Mugen Kagemaru's submission.
  • A distorted view of the Fishery's interior is shown from the perspective of someone breathing heavily.

This video was seemingly created in response to the player Mugen Kagemaru's submission of the "Inverted Song of Time", and it seems to depict a strange entity dwelling at the Fishery while breathing heavily. Meanwhile, the player John made another discovery on - the front page's source code now hid text that read "/vincent", leading players to a new page - "". This page was titled "He may be given more time to live yet." and featured the following four images:

The image of Deku Link is named "Doug.jpg". In addition to this, clicking on the image would link players to Doug's blog, further confirming that Deku Link is meant to be representative of him. It is unknown who exactly Zora Link and Goron Link are meant to be representative of, however. Patrem is also present and simply referred to here as "Him". Clicking his image would link players to his profile on Within Hubris. Shortly after this, Patrem posted the following on Within Hubris:


"I can see you boy."

This resulted in Drown once again becoming active in the Internet Detectives Skype group:


Im scared

((Drown initiates a Skype call with the players.))

((Audio from "jadusable.wmv" plays - specifically around the moment the Elegy Statue appears.))

((The "Song of Unhealing" plays.))

He's coming.

((The Happy Mask Salesman can be heard laughing.))

He's here.

((Audio from "jadusable.wmv" plays - specifically around where Link is killed by Gomess.))

He's smiling.

((Drown leaves both the Skype call and the group.))

Drown hides from Patrem as he warns that someone is coming - possibly referring to BEN. In an attempt to rescue Drown, the player ADULT_LINK submitted "Epona's Song". This submission had an unintended effect, however. Instead of warping Drown to safety, it instead allowed Patrem to communicate more clearly on Within Hubris:



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #609
Joined: February 19, 2015

Feb 20 2015, 03:27 AM Post #226

Now that I have stabilized myself in this plane I can take a moment to explain.
You think yourselves detectives, and yet you fail time and time again at the most simple of tasks. That child only seeks to mislead you. I have been watching you, you frightened sniveling children. You lack patience and you lack courage. Why should I even begin to help you when you can't even stay on the path laid plain before you?



Group: Players
Member: #536
Joined: May 13, 2014

Feb 20 2015, 03:42 AM Post #227

Which child?



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #609
Joined: February 19, 2015

Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #228

Fool, the one who had you all cowering in fear. Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots. If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children.

Mugen Kagemaru


Group: Players
Member: #83
Joined: August 15, 2012

Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #229

/Patrem\ Feb 20 2015, 03:48 AM
Fool, the one who had you all cowering in fear.

A name, smartass. Give their name.

You might think yourself clever, but assuming we know who you speak of when we don't doesn't get us anywhere.

/Patrem\ Feb 20 2015, 03:48 AM
Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots.

True of them as that might be, it doesn't help if you make assumptions.


/Patrem\ Feb 20 2015, 03:48 AM
If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children.

Nor would we give even you the time of day if we didn't have anything else to work with. Show some gratitude and take our limits into account.

Edited by Mugen Kagemaru, Feb 20 2015, 04:04 AM.



Group: Canon Characters
Member: #609
Joined: February 19, 2015

Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #230

Patrem is now able to speak without having to use ciphers thanks to the submission of "Epona's Song". He also taunts the players for being fearful and confused regarding Drown's presence. When asked who exactly Drown is, Patrem responds with an audio file featuring the "Song of Unhealing" and repeated utterances of the name "Ben", seemingly confirming that Drown is the spirit of Ben.

Meanwhile, it seems as though the player Jacob's request to join the cult was finally being processed. Later that night, he received an email from Mason - Doug's friend who handles the cult's recruitment process. This email read as follows:

Hello. This is Doug’s friend, Mason. He’s allowed me to use his E-Mail to contact you, so that you don’t believe it is spam. Since we’re thinking that we’re going to have an opening in the future, we would gladly accept you into our group. But first, you must pass a short series of tests to make sure you would be loyal to our cause. The first, is the official chant for recruits into our order. Please make a video, or record you reading this: I spit on my mother’s womb for it is filth, Luna shall cradle me with her glory. I strike down my father for he is weak, our Father shall grant me his might. I shall know that this family is sacred, a meta tribe of masters. I will heed the cry, of the children in the night, for I am as they are. I am, have been, and will be as a god. Though we may be of flesh we shall transcend, into the night, our mothers arms and know the euphoria of flying. The glory of ascension

In order for Jacob to join the cult, he'll have to prove himself by partaking in a few trials. The first of these trials is to record himself reciting the cult's mantra - one that pays tribute to Luna, The Father, and ascension. Jacob quickly recorded himself reading off the mantra and send a video of it to Mason, easily passing the first trial. However, this video was unfortunately not archived.

Later that night, Doug made another post on his blog:

2/20/15 - Watched

I went to the meeting place. It was, oddly, not as bad as I'd imagined it'd be. It's closer to the water level, but there wasn't any flooding.

However, the entire time I was there, I felt odd. For a second, I could have sworn I saw a figure in the window watching my every move, but that's probably just my paranoia.

Shortly after this, a new user briefly joined the Internet Detectives Skype group - The Man. In a conversation that seemed to be out-of-character, The Man introduced himself as the current GM of the ARG. Strangely, he also claimed that "Drown" was simply a distraction and to not take everything and everyone at face value.

On , The Man returned and chided the players for not spreading his warning to one another in their various different Skype groups. In order to prove that he was indeed the current GM of the ARG, The Man claimed that Doug's next post on Letschasethemouse would contain the phrase "the sun is shining brightly". Sure enough, a new post appeared on Doug's blog that read as follows:


Be careful, friend! :(


I don't need to be careful around my family, and as such I don't need to be careful around my own home.

But thanks for being worried about me. The sun is shining brightly, so it will dry up this rain.

The players began speculating that whatever entity was seen breathing heavily in "swf.swf" was possibly stalking Doug - resulting in him feeling watched. Fearing for his safety, the players submitted "StoneMask.arg" - a video that featured Link taking off the Deku Mask and equipping the Stone Mask. This was done with the intention of making Doug invisible to his pursuer.

On , the submission took effect:

2/22/15 - Excommed

All day, my friends and fellow family ignored my calls. They didn't speak to me, even when I asked them questions right in front of their face.

I'm confused.


Yo, are you alright man?


Yes, I am.


Hey, man. I know how it feels being ignored, but just know you have people looking out for you. Do you need anything?


I just want to learn the truth about life...

While the "Stone Mask" successfully made Doug invisible to his stalker, it also made him invisible to everyone around him. He was now feeling ignored and outcast, leading to him feeling depressed. He also mentions wanting to "learn the truth". This spurred players to submit the video "video", which featured Link unequipping the "Stone Mask" and instead wearing the "Mask of Truth". This had a rather unexpected result, as Doug proceeded to post the following:

2/22/15 - TRUTH



Doug, is that you?




Who sent you? Or, what summoned you?











Mugen Kagemaru

...Wha? What does that even mean?



Mugen Kagemaru

It's not a waste, that bit about time links made no sense!



Mugen Kagemaru

Paternal fledgeling, you waste our even more limited time with your smartass remarks.







Continue reading:





Group: Players

Jan 22 2015, 08:44 PM Post #POSTNUM


















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