Internet Detectives Tumblr

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Internet Detectives Tumblr


The Internet Detectives Tumblr.

Name Internet Detectives Tumblr
Type Archival
Affiliation Players
Status Online (Deprecated)

Tumblr is a blogging website where users can create their own customized blogs and upload images, videos, and audio files. The players created a Tumblr account for the Internet Detectives and used it as their main method of archiving Johnisdead for throughout 2015 and 2016. The Tumblr was used in conjunction with the original Johnisdead Wiki and Dropbox. The Tumblr saw its final large bout of activity in 2019, when it was used to archive canon conversations with characters. Since then, all archival activities have taken place on this Wiki.


Below is a transcript of the various pages found on the Internet Detectives Tumblr and its many posts.


This section contains all of the blog posts created on the Internet Detectives Tumblr, as well as the files contained within them.




The first failure






"wonkwenkwonkwenkwonkwenknwonk ydaerla uoy enoemos si revewoh tnecniV .won mih dnoyeb raf ma I, sgnilbbircs yttep sih rof gnirac dnoyeb raf ma I dna yob taht denmad evah uoY"
- /Patrem\

#within hubris





We were the coolest motherfuckers on the earth.
Power, Wisdom, Courage.

#we rocked hard



We literally stole Doug’s mail.

#within hubris


Jayckup sells his soul.

#within hubris






You were the best helper…

Sorry we killed you.

#he ran to his death



Eye spy with my little i, something in those eyes.

#azure rebirth
#grey man


"My father is dead, I don’t have any father figures and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I am gonna go before someone steals my shit. Some little kid just walked up to me, like this young kid and just asked me if the “Purple man” is gone now, crying and shit. Fuck this, fuck everything about this, fuck you guys, fuck whoever the purple man is. I am going home now. Fuck this."
- Vincent

#potty mouth
#within hubris




The Fishery



"You’ve all been very lucky so far. In all the times your members have rushed in and acted without the consensus of others, you haven’t killed anybody yet. Perhaps this will change tonight."
- Helper










Doug’s Notes





From bad to worse.

#RIP Wyatt




The beast is waiting.





Why are we always drowning ppl?

#ben drowned


"Anyways, hello adventurers! I am here to deliver a message. As I have lost my hat, and you heroes clearly are not on top of things, this message has been somewhat delayed, by about fourteen days. As it just so happens, you have not gone down the rabbit hole!
Or, more precisely, you guys “Missed something fucking big and apparent.” And that “Someone died because of your fuck up.” Not my words, I tell you! This came straight from your questgiver! I just know that finding out what it is should be priority number one. Well, good day! Try not to kill anyone else.


- Helper








Doug, Mason, Vincent



The owl statue


"There will be a coming time in which a portal shall be opened. This place was forged by the one they call saint, and is governed by the one I call grand.
Named a petty insult directed at the terrible fate of one child and the loss of another. Through here you may encounter many things both of your kind, and from times before man.

He will seek the burned one, without his puppet he is only half of his potential. He will seek the link of that time, for it is through his death that he believes he will truly become a god."

- /Patrem\




No seriously… Fuck file 3. amIright?








Translated: “WARNING: Long-term exposure to rear of factory may cause death or illness. You must wear protective gear in the area. Please remember more than anything else for your future safety.



"Yes child, sleep is a very important thing for your kind. So I shall tell you the tail of another who also has trouble sleeping. There once was a child who was quite curious, he was surrounded by children and yet, it was not enough for him. So he sought the company of others.
Through trials and tribulations he found sanctuary in their communion, however he lost sight of the other children, his own name and even his self. But his new family loved him very much, so his father decided to give him a name.

Vincent, and before he new it he was a very responsible man. He was to oversee all of the children in his fathers home when his father was away. However one night, father saw that one of his children had become quite grand. This child was to come and see his father so that he might be told the secrets that only father may know.

But two terrible children, who must not be spoken of, one flying, one simply screaming, had come and interfered. Luckily the grand child had still done what was needed on that night, but their father was displaced.

He was hurt, that children would fuss in such a time of glory. But Vincent was a good boy, he gave his father refuge. But the event was much to bare, and Vincent had forgotten once again who his family truly was.

This all kept Vincent awake, always awake, and his father can do no work, if Vincent is always awake and crying as though he is still simply another child.

Now you must rest, for sleep is a very important thing for your kind. I may be able to go on without such a time wasting practice, but neither you nor Vincent can."

- /Patrem\’s Bedtime Story




Broken Dimension




I’m Watching




The Mist



"Your link has been severed. You will no longer be able to use the power of Link. Songs will no longer affect the ARG for the time being."
- The Man

#The Man









The Fool



"I will contact you soon.
Be ready."

- Mason 4/4/15




Newspaper clippings



We need guidance
Hello /Patrem\ ,

A lot of events have recently unfolded, some of which we are still unsure of.

We learned that someone has ascended, though who that may be, is still unclear to us.

We were contacted by Mason, who now appears to be in our own timeline. I remember once you advised against crossing timelines, but I’m unsure how to avoid the chaos you said it would bring.

I know you must be very busy as of late, but any information you could give us would be helpful, and greatly appreciated.

~ Your faithful child.


The Man’s ARG has ended, and he will no longer make updates.

A new, ARG will now take it’s place: The Dead ARC
#best arg ever


target=_blank final image.



#The Man


The Dead ARC
Welcome to the new ARG: The Dead ARC.

All links are up to date, and the timeline is complete and ready for the new game to begin.

Good luck Internet Detectives!
#The Dead ARC



Main page image of
#The Dead Arc



New ARG character: SKM
#within hubris


mugen is cac lelelelelel

Yes. Let’s tie him up.


hi eve!

Hi Anon! (I mean Lonk)



getthenotes.png, from the first version of



just wanted to share this. u can remove it in a sek if u want eve. sorry ._.

Is that a weenie on his hat?



table.jpg, the background from the first version of


"never forget morgan 2015"
- Circlehunter

#4 hours of laughter



_o_n__urned.png = John Burned


"February 19, 2015




Dis’ nigga ded.

#he died as he lived: FLAMING






This GM thinks he’s funny…..

#he's spying on us



main page “DSC_0488.jpg”



/key592 Before it was deleted.






Artist: K3v1n
Track: @90 (update ver.2) Background.mp3 (un-reversed)




Oh, Dawn.

#The Man
#The Mother Fucking Sun






/key592 (updates ver.2)



Artist: Unknown
Track: firekid.wav

Found on “/key592″, 5/18/15



The Fishery (fishery.jpg) 5/18/15
#The Dead ARC



a .gif image of the flash video “deadjohn.webm” on /regiminis.
#The Dead ARC



Page update 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



/key592 update 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



Artist: unknown
Track: linebusy.mp3
Album: The Dead Arc Soundtrack

linebusy.mp3, /tyler, 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



A screen cap of “operator.webm” 5/19 15
#The Dead ARC



Main page of


Lunar children video titled ”MAXYHAXXXY.webm“ 5/19/15



<totesnotagamejacker>: ur all cacs
--- SKM has banned *!*
*** totesnotagamejacker was kicked by SKM (SKM)

#RIP Thorin



“hisgoal.jpg” - /lostmemory423 - 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC





Bottom: Clip from Ryukaki’s video.

from the /lostmemory423 page (Drowned’s takeover) 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC



/lostmemory423 - (Regiminis)
#The Dead ARC



#The Dead ARC



Main page update 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC




johnisdead main page, update 5/21/15




/key592, update 5/21/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: friend.mp3
Album: John is Dead Sountrack


johnisdead main page audio, update 5/21/15




/key592, update 5/21/15










( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#patrem is a sexy muther fucker
#doesn't afraid of anything!



We’ll get you NEXT TIME, Morgan!!!!



#he's gonna open up and accept the father - one way or another!



Circle strippin’ on cam 4 us ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#John was on fire - and now so are my panties!


Seems "tempdrezzed png" resembles Patrem's avatar.

Yes, I think the idea was that SKM did something to hinder /Patrem\s’ ability to hunt him that night. SKM uses the word “Drezzed” as a synonym for “fucked”. Luckily it’s only temporary, cuz’ I gotta have my /Patrem\!



fwoogrglyd.gif update 5/22/15


FIREKID.webm update 5/22/15


FOG.webm update 5/22/15



Artist: Tylep
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression #1
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Posted to WH on 3/17/15

Believed to have been recorded the same night as the Youtube videos.




Artist: Tylep
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression #2
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Posted to the ID’s Main Skype Chat Group on 3/17/15

Believed to have been recorded the same night as the Youtube videos.



NOTTHEONE.jpg update 5/23/15
#The Dead ARC







Fun with Tyler!




Circlehunter: A True American Hero.



Convo i (link) had with K over email.



Insightful info.




(and yes, this is ARG related, stfu)







Spirk’s Emails to:







Adult Link’s emails with





Oceanstuck’s email exchange with



ID Theme Song

Despite Wolfcat saying months ago that he’d heard it, The Internet Detectives are shocked to learn that our own theme song has always had whispering in the beginning that says: John is Dead.


#we suck


In Loving Memory

of Mugen Kagemaru. You were the light that guided us in our empty, soulless journey. Our wounds are cut deep at your departure, and we’ll never forget the sharp edge you kept us on. Always on edge…. ow, the edge.



#WTF is a Kaizell?




Update: 5/26/15


i knew id heard of the 8/8 archive loss thing before

It’s something I’m not at all familiar with, I’d have to re-read the whole moon children Arc again. I suppose that’s a good idea now that The Dead Arc is rich in that lore.


Chat with Tyler 5/26/15
Please read Below!

[5/26/2015 1:45:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Is all well?
[5/26/2015 1:45:25 AM] Wolfcat: …dat avatar
[5/26/2015 1:45:37 AM] Dovid Magady: Oh. hi, I haven’t met you before.
[5/26/2015 1:45:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I thought I should change it ^^;
[5/26/2015 1:45:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Wasn’t sure what the other one was for
[5/26/2015 1:46:04 AM] Eve: Woah that sounds pretty spooked broskino XDYeah, I’m at work, all alone and i heard a spooky noise, lol
[5/26/2015 1:46:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I like to make dumb faces so I figured this was a good excuse ^^
[5/26/2015 1:46:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Oh woa rip
[5/26/2015 1:46:25 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I’m off..
[5/26/2015 1:46:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have had to do overnight watch of my store before and it can be pretty spooky
[5/26/2015 1:46:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: we live in a not so good hood
[5/26/2015 1:47:01 AM] Eve: I work in a church, it’s extra spooky!
[5/26/2015 1:47:38 AM] Dovid Magady: That sounds creepy as hell- no sort-of pun intended
[5/26/2015 1:47:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hue
[5/26/2015 1:48:11 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 1:48:18 AM] Eve: It’s ok now, I’m fine
[5/26/2015 1:49:37 AM] Eve: So tyler, How you doing?
[5/26/2015 1:51:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol tired
[5/26/2015 1:51:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just got home from work
[5/26/2015 1:51:35 AM] Dovid Magady: You mst be tired..
[5/26/2015 1:52:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I got the rest of the week off cause its my 6 year aniversary at the place.
[5/26/2015 1:52:36 AM] Dovid Magady: Wow. congrats!
[5/26/2015 1:53:09 AM] Eve: That’s a long time
[5/26/2015 1:53:12 AM | Removed 1:53:15 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[5/26/2015 1:53:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol thnx ^^
[5/26/2015 1:53:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The pay is almost worth it
[5/26/2015 1:53:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: just enough to keep me in this shitty trailer
[5/26/2015 1:53:58 AM] Eve: I live in a shitty apartment, you’re lucky
[5/26/2015 1:54:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But hey, the place is back up in the woods away from most everyone so I am cool with it.
[5/26/2015 1:54:11 AM] Oceanstuck: hey tylep
[5/26/2015 1:54:13 AM] Oceanstuck: hey guys
[5/26/2015 1:54:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yea?
[5/26/2015 1:54:15 AM] Dovid Magady: Isnt thaqt scary?
[5/26/2015 1:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: oh
[5/26/2015 1:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol
[5/26/2015 1:54:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hai
[5/26/2015 1:54:41 AM] Oceanstuck: lol i was just popping in to really quickly check on everyone
[5/26/2015 1:54:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have been in these woods since I was born
[5/26/2015 1:54:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so nah XD
[5/26/2015 1:54:49 AM] Oceanstuck: i actually need to go to sleep
[5/26/2015 1:54:55 AM] Oceanstuck: what is le haps
[5/26/2015 1:54:58 AM] Eve: we’re good ocean, :)
[5/26/2015 1:55:22 AM] Eve: you’re a country boy?
[5/26/2015 1:55:29 AM] Eve: I’ve always lived inthe city
[5/26/2015 1:55:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol I guess Xp
[5/26/2015 1:55:59 AM | Edited 1:56:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I like to think I am none of the country stereo types, but I probably am and just don’t see it.
[5/26/2015 1:56:26 AM] Dovid Magady: You don’t seem like it to me
[5/26/2015 1:58:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It is kind of lonely around here though ^^;
[5/26/2015 1:58:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My grandparents used to live here with me
[5/26/2015 1:58:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but not anymore, so the place can admittedly be a bit spooky.
[5/26/2015 1:58:57 AM] Eve: I live with my grama now
[5/26/2015 1:59:04 AM] Oceanstuck: me too
[5/26/2015 1:59:13 AM] Wolfcat: you live with eves grama?
[5/26/2015 1:59:41 AM] Eve: lol, wolf
[5/26/2015 2:00:26 AM] Oceanstuck: yes
[5/26/2015 2:00:50 AM | Edited 2:00:56 AM] Eve: Ever think about moving tyler?
[5/26/2015 2:03:18 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have thought about it but I kinda have sentimental value attached to this place.
[5/26/2015 2:03:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: That and moving would be really expensive
[5/26/2015 2:04:29 AM] Eve: yeah everything is so expensive nowadays
[5/26/2015 2:04:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The land I am currently on is mine because I inhereted it from my grandparents, we have our own well so we got no water bill either.
[5/26/2015 2:04:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: This place is pretty cheap XD
[5/26/2015 2:04:46 AM] Eve: That’s really cool
[5/26/2015 2:05:31 AM] Oceanstuck: i wanna stick around but i really need to sleep so night guys
[5/26/2015 2:05:37 AM] Dovid Magady: Night, ocean
[5/26/2015 2:05:40 AM] Oceanstuck: see you around ty?
[5/26/2015 2:05:40 AM] Eve: Night ocean!
[5/26/2015 2:05:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty night broskino ^^
[5/26/2015 2:05:47 AM] Oceanstuck: ^_^
[5/26/2015 2:05:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah I ought to be around more I wanna think
[5/26/2015 2:06:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Don’t have much of anyoe else to talk to really ^^;
[5/26/2015 2:06:19 AM] Eve: There’s always someone on around here
[5/26/2015 2:06:34 AM] Eve: We got broskinos 24/7 :)
[5/26/2015 2:06:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wooooooooooo XD
[5/26/2015 2:08:40 AM] Wolfcat: Pretty much all my friends are online now
[5/26/2015 2:08:52 AM] Wolfcat: I get hardly any interaction in person
[5/26/2015 2:09:01 AM] Wolfcat: #shutin
[5/26/2015 2:09:12 AM] Eve: yeah, me too.
[5/26/2015 2:09:29 AM] Eve: though i do go to taco bell on wed. nights with my ex-coworkers
[5/26/2015 2:09:41 AM] Eve: they’re cool, and funny
[5/26/2015 2:11:22 AM] Eve: So, Tyler, ever think about making more videos for youtube?
[5/26/2015 2:11:56 AM] Eve: You’re pretty funny :P
[5/26/2015 2:12:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol tnx XD
[5/26/2015 2:12:23 AM] Dovid Magady: Yeah, I liked them
[5/26/2015 2:13:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was thinking of maybe making a sort of memorial video for my broskinos before I do anything else
[5/26/2015 2:14:10 AM] Eve: That would be nice.
[5/26/2015 2:14:34 AM] Dovid Magady: That would seem good, as a memorial, yeah
[5/26/2015 2:15:33 AM] Eve: Thinking of making it soon?
[5/26/2015 2:15:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I went by johns old house today on my way home from work actually
[5/26/2015 2:16:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: to get some pictures for it
[5/26/2015 2:16:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was thinking of going by kevins house but it is a bit farther away so maybe tomorrow.
[5/26/2015 2:18:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I’d go by where jacob lived but that is on the other end of the state ^^;
[5/26/2015 2:19:14 AM] Eve: That’s the guy is the first video, right?
[5/26/2015 2:19:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I know I have some old pics of him though somewhere on an old usb so that should be good to find.
[5/26/2015 2:19:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol yeah
[5/26/2015 2:20:09 AM] Eve: You live in a big state?
[5/26/2015 2:20:23 AM] Eve: I’m in NJ, you can drive from one end to the other in like 2 hrs
[5/26/2015 2:20:29 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 2:20:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: >.>
[5/26/2015 2:20:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: <. am tylep the rotaerc: i live in florida="p" eve: woah yeah big lol never been to but heard it nice parts wolfcat: need head out for now. night all wolf..... dovid magady: allright wolf edited isn t like really hot and humid flroida or do you get used well if make that memorial video love see friends seemed cool. stevey heister freeman: are cool eve needs be added quotes of da year they were coolest broskinos knew hold on a sec brb k :p : soon was actually about plug my phone show guys something oh ok sounds uosl yo hey there zack hai whats up apparently didnt know who an hour ago not much just checking what he then why ask could quote exact words think misunderstood me bach tyler hello again your message with comman ...comma nevermind huh weird would why. thought took more than this since john ... curious question has anyone borrowed recently figure is kind business as well. cell almost always right next so nah. captain desdinova: returned from being here however house acting yesterday morning now reminded paid bill can dial tone="[" have tried calling sorry makes no sense won work="[" sucks ever woke by ringing before look maybe tower working area stopped may made laugh should circle oddly enough caller id fuked too its also pretty old kinda expect time areamaybe yea thingy gonna rotaerc fuck happened moved accident guess right.... thats left wow. god..... some wood looks burnt.. fire wireing hear .. wow.. man hope okay.. or...was okay his family told didn sadly home when mother country father trip sorry.. mean bring bad memories. fine hard pass every day coming gotten awful... don pry friend kevin around anymore sure relating him at one disapeared strange went once long back after hearing few months place looked ran sacked had else go hoping idk gone someone lost person disappeared haven talked her years she sort abandoned how feels awful we start over sometimes break looking these pictures reported missing later nothing cops couldn find anything police very helpful internet detectives help. tbh only amatuers hate negative mystery any leads said tomorrow clues. planing going last door hanging wide open normal little did seem take inside help want it. broken into hmmm still them totally wrecked thanks. twizzlers mess... sprikiroid: reminds marble hornets entry which found where goes encounters masky first forgot does note say real spook di-dion... rest word says enjoy di-di called nope aok checking. mh alex sleeping couch notes wall move slightly chills honest entries scared stop watching. those things there. im fraidy cat good closer picture line careful. many totheark videos pictureeven better yee dont part slenderman cough blood attacked creepy guy suit then. ha aw arg anyways got sound demanding lot pics anyway another pic today aggrivated though spraypainted kok rite large image shitty iphone less min minute noticed something. theres typed tape shit god seven sun drop bought way flapping wind everything regarding cross.. broke law noooo xd englnad already while investigation ended come seriously though. iu pissed enforcement hardly avoid it.. funeral even buried wow best highschool fam least cut contact aww well.. cant give atleast.. us will bottom new friendo asked property none business. further notice. spent other nights early ok. talk freinds ppl remember call papa johns abruptly leave because late group church. wasn religion imagine assume church goers="p" regards argument christian reacted rather strongly stupid youth subject hmm groups same. cause militant athiest fun debates thinking world religious concepts try recruit secretive opposite wanted quit asking met members .......kevin member sounded breifly described exactly spooky might exist dropped saying effect magic fucking doing wanna magics lemme in. please tell jacob barely mentioned regular dude conversation fight sad date october bullshit bit heading pizza finally job full oughta able own busy gotta go. again. man. damn number random unfamilliar voice meaning probably rid service spoken parents jacobs quite adventure let goes. invested bro exaclty life drudge memories mind our questions either sitting chatting leave. wish luck walk home. right. walking super spoops spoop myself shouldn done rip mainly hood hi hay broskino missed stuff fill later. scroll deal peeps scary lots drugs town ruskin ah hillsborough county fuk ur stalk>.>;
[5/26/2015 4:10:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: spoky
[5/26/2015 4:10:09 AM] Eve: LOL, NAH
[5/26/2015 4:10:20 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Nah, we’re all to lazy to stalk people
[5/26/2015 4:10:22 AM] Eve: I work to much to stalk
[5/26/2015 4:10:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: How did you know my county so fast though
[5/26/2015 4:10:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah
[5/26/2015 4:10:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Maybe mugen would, but that’s just cuz he’s a creep tho
[5/26/2015 4:11:44 AM] Dovid Magady: on a lghter note, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[5/26/2015 4:12:03 AM] Eve: I have a map of the us on my wall in my office
[5/26/2015 4:12:12 AM] Eve: I have to call missionaries
[5/26/2015 4:12:24 AM] Eve: a lot of them are located in florida
[5/26/2015 4:12:48 AM] Dovid Magady: Florida is the state where like every messed up story ever has happned.
[5/26/2015 4:12:53 AM] Dovid Magady: At least haf of them
[5/26/2015 4:13:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait its LITERALLY RAINING SPIDERS IN AUSTRALIA
[5/26/2015 4:13:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: WHAT THE FUCK?
[5/26/2015 4:13:25 AM] Dovid Magady: YEP
[5/26/2015 4:13:28 AM] Dovid Magady: I KNOW, RIGHT
[5/26/2015 4:13:32 AM] Dovid Magady: AHHHH
[5/26/2015 4:13:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ;-;
[5/26/2015 4:14:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why is Australia even a thing
[5/26/2015 4:14:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: like
[5/26/2015 4:14:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why
[5/26/2015 4:14:18 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i’m in the mood for pizza
[5/26/2015 4:14:27 AM] Dovid Magady: Australia- the only thing that wont kill you is old age
[5/26/2015 4:14:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: but it’s 4 in the morning
[5/26/2015 4:14:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Circ same, but its 1. and my mom is asleep
[5/26/2015 4:14:41 AM] Dovid Magady: Wow. random craving
[5/26/2015 4:14:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [Tuesday, May 26, 2015 4:14 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: </.>id
[5/26/2015 4:32:58 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: > ID
[5/26/2015 4:33:10 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: you missed your chance eve
[5/26/2015 4:33:11 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:33:12 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: pff
[5/26/2015 4:33:13 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: you fucked up
[5/26/2015 4:33:32 AM] Eve: Yes stevey, ID'mire him
[5/26/2015 4:33:37 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: GOOD
[5/26/2015 4:33:40 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I am now pleased
[5/26/2015 4:33:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah
[5/26/2015 4:33:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: sounds like a spooky chooky broskino
[5/26/2015 4:33:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but coolio tho
[5/26/2015 4:34:02 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: …..he is erm
[5/26/2015 4:34:05 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: not a broskino
[5/26/2015 4:34:08 AM] Eve: He’s great stevey
[5/26/2015 4:34:11 AM] Eve: great
[5/26/2015 4:34:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Aw
[5/26/2015 4:34:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: oh
[5/26/2015 4:34:13 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: lol
[5/26/2015 4:34:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wut
[5/26/2015 4:34:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im confused
[5/26/2015 4:34:17 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: ignore eve.. she’s infaturated…
[5/26/2015 4:34:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Do I not like this guy or do I
[5/26/2015 4:34:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: uhh
[5/26/2015 4:34:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: fug
[5/26/2015 4:34:27 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: YOU DO NOT
[5/26/2015 4:34:29 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I AM IN YOUR MIND
[5/26/2015 4:34:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: ok
[5/26/2015 4:34:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yay
[5/26/2015 4:34:34 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: cool
[5/26/2015 4:34:37 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: potato
[5/26/2015 4:34:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yes
[5/26/2015 4:34:54 AM] Eve: Thorin
[5/26/2015 4:35:12 AM] Eve: Patrem has ALL the Chocolate Milk
[5/26/2015 4:35:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: WO
[5/26/2015 4:35:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I love this guy
[5/26/2015 4:35:28 AM | Edited 4:35:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: GIMME
[5/26/2015 4:35:50 AM] Eve: He also Lurks between Worlds (heart)
[5/26/2015 4:35:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Wo
[5/26/2015 4:36:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: sounds lovecraftian
[5/26/2015 4:38:12 AM] Eve: I jest :P
[5/26/2015 4:38:17 AM] Eve: I like to spooks
[5/26/2015 4:38:31 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: GREAT OLD ONE
[5/26/2015 4:38:35 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: FORBIDDEN SIGHT
[5/26/2015 4:38:41 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: HE SEARCHES
[5/26/2015 4:38:49 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: HUNTER OF THE SHADOWS IS RIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIING
[5/26/2015 4:38:59 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: IMMOOOOORTAAAAAAAAAAL
[5/26/2015 4:41:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: sorry did the power of metallica kill everyone
[5/26/2015 4:41:29 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: no
[5/26/2015 4:42:44 AM] Eve: Fade to black is my fav metallica song
[5/26/2015 4:42:49 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh great, I bit my lip and now theres a bump on it from it swelling a bit
[5/26/2015 4:42:59 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i can play most of that actually
[5/26/2015 4:43:07 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i can’t solo though
[5/26/2015 4:43:31 AM] Eve: the intro is so beautiful
[5/26/2015 4:43:38 AM] Eve: you should play it for me one day
[5/26/2015 4:44:25 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i dont even know what my favorite metallica song is
[5/26/2015 4:44:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: they’re just great
[5/26/2015 4:44:59 AM] Eve: I think we wore out tyler :P
[5/26/2015 4:45:13 AM] Eve: he’s probably morgan snoring
[5/26/2015 4:45:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: lol
[5/26/2015 4:45:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: then we probably shouldn’t have done that
[5/26/2015 4:45:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:45:34 AM] Eve: BUT WE DID!
[5/26/2015 4:48:19 AM] Eve: We should start a band
[5/26/2015 4:48:41 AM] Eve: Circle on the guitar
[5/26/2015 4:48:49 AM] Eve: I can play piano
[5/26/2015 4:49:00 AM | Edited 4:49:12 AM] Eve: Thorin, you play any instruments?
[5/26/2015 4:49:06 AM] Dovid Magady: Im heading out for the night
[5/26/2015 4:49:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i can make ear bleeding sounds on a recorder (the flute shit)
[5/26/2015 4:49:21 AM] Eve: night dovid
[5/26/2015 4:49:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cya dov!
[5/26/2015 4:49:41 AM] Dovid Magady: C you all tomorrow night!
[5/26/2015 4:49:57 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I kinda want to learn to play a banjo or ukulele
[5/26/2015 4:50:02 AM] Eve: All we need is a kick ass singer…..
[5/26/2015 4:50:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hmmm
[5/26/2015 4:50:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah fuck sorry guys I fell asleep at the keyboard
[5/26/2015 4:50:26 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Tyler, can you sing?
[5/26/2015 4:50:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh lol
[5/26/2015 4:50:36 AM] Eve: lol, it’s ok tyler
[5/26/2015 4:50:43 AM | Edited 4:51:02 AM] Eve: we’re gonna start a band
[5/26/2015 4:50:46 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: We could get dawn to sing maybe?
[5/26/2015 4:51:01 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: idk
[5/26/2015 4:51:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i cant sing for shit
[5/26/2015 4:52:27 AM] Eve: Well, Tyler if you’re gonna head off for the night, take it easy
[5/26/2015 4:52:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Yeah
[5/26/2015 4:52:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah weird
[5/26/2015 4:53:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ?
[5/26/2015 4:53:01 AM] Eve: what?
[5/26/2015 4:53:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am kinda spooked now ^^;
[5/26/2015 4:53:07 AM] Eve: why?
[5/26/2015 4:53:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remembered closing both the doors to my room
[5/26/2015 4:53:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: they are now both wide open
[5/26/2015 4:53:35 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Huh
[5/26/2015 4:53:38 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that’s a bit spooky
[5/26/2015 4:54:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Got roommates or something that could have done it?
[5/26/2015 4:54:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Nope
[5/26/2015 4:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I live alone
[5/26/2015 4:54:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Well. that’s creepy
[5/26/2015 4:54:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Maybe I didn’t close them good enough ^^;
[5/26/2015 4:54:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thats probably it
[5/26/2015 4:54:46 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:54:50 AM] Eve: Maybe thats it
[5/26/2015 4:55:02 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hopefully
[5/26/2015 4:55:22 AM] Eve: Tyler
[5/26/2015 4:55:29 AM] Eve: try closing the doors
[5/26/2015 4:56:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Alrighty brb =p
[5/26/2015 4:59:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t notice before
[5/26/2015 4:59:14 AM] Eve: notice what?
[5/26/2015 4:59:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ?
[5/26/2015 4:59:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but it looks like the door handle peice thingies are messing up
[5/26/2015 4:59:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh man, that sucks
[5/26/2015 4:59:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the things that catch the little peice that come out of the door knob
[5/26/2015 4:59:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk what they are called
[5/26/2015 5:00:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but it should stay closed now
[5/26/2015 5:00:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: k
[5/26/2015 5:00:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Id fix them myself but
[5/26/2015 5:00:29 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: my living room door does that if we slam it close too hard
[5/26/2015 5:00:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: WHOLLY MOLLY IS IT LATE INTO NIGHTTIME
[5/26/2015 5:00:46 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: YES
[5/26/2015 5:00:52 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: GET SOME SLEEP NOW YOUNG… OLD… MAN?
[5/26/2015 5:00:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I should probs sleep XD
[5/26/2015 5:01:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel old XD
[5/26/2015 5:01:08 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: wait yeah how old even are you
[5/26/2015 5:01:20 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: 60
[5/26/2015 5:01:33 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i thought you were like 20 but your skype says 30
[5/26/2015 5:01:49 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: WOW CIRCLE. you cant just ASK someone how old they are
[5/26/2015 5:01:55 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: r000d with a capital R
[5/26/2015 5:01:59 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 5:02:01 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: even though mine doesnt have a capital R
[5/26/2015 5:02:02 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: … fuck you
[5/26/2015 5:02:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol my skype age is fake XD
[5/26/2015 5:02:21 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: pff
[5/26/2015 5:02:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am actually 25 though
[5/26/2015 5:02:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: bout to be 26
[5/26/2015 5:03:00 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: circle, did you get “pff” from ocean? I know she uses it alot and havent seen you use that untill lately
[5/26/2015 5:03:11 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Ooooh, come celebrate your birthday with us!
[5/26/2015 5:03:14 AM] Eve: and I should probs sleep XDHave a great night
[5/26/2015 5:03:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: nah man i’ve been using that for a long time
[5/26/2015 5:03:23 AM] Eve: or morning
[5/26/2015 5:03:25 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 5:03:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: its like 5 am right now DX
[5/26/2015 5:03:39 AM] Eve: make sure those doors are cloosed as best you can, don’t want teh spooks
[5/26/2015 5:03:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so yeah actually mornin
[5/26/2015 5:03:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: fuk spooks
[5/26/2015 5:03:53 AM] Eve: yeah I’m eastcoast too :P
[5/26/2015 5:03:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im too tired for dat shit
[5/26/2015 5:03:57 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: then that is what is called “morning” not “night” #problemsofanightowl
[5/26/2015 5:04:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: set up cameras at night
[5/26/2015 5:04:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: record spook
[5/26/2015 5:04:37 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: catch slender man on video
[5/26/2015 5:04:59 AM | Edited 5:05:03 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: catch freddy spookbear on cam15
[5/26/2015 5:05:21 AM] Eve: lol, guys, don’t spook him anymore than he already is :P
[5/26/2015 5:05:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: #spookedtillheischook
[5/26/2015 5:05:53 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol sorry
[5/26/2015 5:05:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: just fuckin around for a bit
[5/26/2015 5:06:45 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: anyway
[5/26/2015 5:06:50 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: you probably should get some sleep, young man
[5/26/2015 5:06:51 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: so sleep
[5/26/2015 5:06:59 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: GOODNIGHT TYLER. NO DISAGREEMENTS YOUNG MAN
[5/26/2015 5:07:05 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Or no supper tomorrow
[5/26/2015 5:07:16 AM | Removed 5:07:19 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: This message has been removed.
[5/26/2015 5:08:39 AM] Eve: Pray to Patrem, he’ll keep you safe
[5/26/2015 5:08:43 AM] Eve: :P
[5/26/2015 5:09:46 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: or give you a spookjob
[5/26/2015 5:11:49 AM] Eve: Guess he’s gone :(
[5/26/2015 5:12:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol sorry started falling asleep again XD
[5/26/2015 5:12:12 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: or not
[5/26/2015 5:12:13 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 5:12:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Ok Im heading off to bed now ^^;
[5/26/2015 5:12:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht broskinos







Kevin’s House

Posted by Tyler in the Main ID Skype Chat on 5/26/15





Posted by Tyler in the ID Main Chat Group on 5/26/15



Chat with Tyler 5/27/15
Read chat below:

[5/26/2015 11:59:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey broskinos
[5/26/2015 11:59:13 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Hi tylep
[5/26/2015 11:59:17 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: is all well?
[5/26/2015 11:59:23 PM] Eve: Meh
[5/26/2015 11:59:24 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Is aight
[5/26/2015 11:59:24 PM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: Heya tylep
[5/26/2015 11:59:31 PM] Oceanstuck: its…ok i guess?
[5/26/2015 11:59:37 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: hello friend ^^
[5/26/2015 11:59:49 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Ocean, I’m just going to answer my own question since you can’t apparently
[5/26/2015 11:59:58 PM] Oceanstuck: i was about to answer
[12:00:07 AM] Oceanstuck: but then tylep showed up and i lost it
[12:00:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: It’s been lik 15 minutes
[12:00:49 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: So what’s up tyler?
[12:01:14 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ohai Tyler
[12:01:15 AM] Oceanstuck: i take a really long time to find a decent-quality answer
[12:01:54 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: I’m sorry to say this, I really am, but I know you can’t think of any way to dispute my point
[12:01:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I had a really uncomfortable day today ^^;
[12:02:06 AM] Oceanstuck: circle im not done
[12:02:13 AM | Edited 12:02:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @Tyler
[12:02:15 AM] Oceanstuck: ffffuck
[12:02:20 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: You can’t
[12:02:21 AM] Oceanstuck: im taking it to drama room
[12:02:27 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: aight go ahead
[12:03:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What happened Tyler?
[12:03:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well I woke up really late for some reason
[12:03:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: like around 6pm
[12:04:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the power was out and the house was REALLY hot
[12:04:08 AM] Eve: You were up late with us, sorry
[12:04:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why was your house hot?
[12:04:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: no ac cause no powah ^^;
[12:04:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and Im in florida
[12:04:49 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but damn
[12:04:57 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ah.
[12:05:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the temp difference between inside and outside my house was crazy
[12:05:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: a bit cool when I stepped outside
[12:05:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: a bit rainy too
[12:05:22 AM] Eve: Hotter inside?
[12:05:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but DAMN was it burning inside ^^;
[12:05:37 AM] kidpichu: like ocean I like you X3
[12:05:45 AM] Eve: Tyler, were your bedroom doors open?
[12:05:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: actually nope
[12:06:02 AM] Eve: Good
[12:06:17 AM] Eve: That spooked me last night
[12:06:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: strangely enough though I had a hard time getting them open at first when I awoke
[12:06:28 AM] kidpichu: e-e but I dunno it feels so weird when you say that
[12:06:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Weird
[12:06:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: which was weird cause last night they seemed broke in a way that would imply they were just gonna be swinging open easily for a while
[12:06:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: spoopy ^^;
[12:07:00 AM] Oceanstuck: very spoopy
[12:07:06 AM | Edited 12:07:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No comment
[12:08:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I decided since the power was out I would use the phone battery I had to go try and take pictures of kevins house like I said I would do yesterday
[12:08:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It started getting dark pretty quickly
[12:09:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the town was pretty empty around like 9 when I started my trek
[12:09:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I only made it about half way there before turning back
[12:10:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Uh, OK? (:| :| :^)
[12:11:04 AM] *** kidpichu added Gabriel Leonardo ***
[12:11:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: what does that have to do with anything, mugen?
[12:11:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I saw a really really weird man
[12:11:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You expect me to know?
[12:11:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Oh hey
[12:12:02 AM] Oceanstuck: [12:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦):

<<< Uh, OK? (:| :| :^)[12:11 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman:

<<< what does that have to do with anything, mugen?im not seeing how the latter follows from the former
[12:12:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What do you remember about the Weird Man?
[12:12:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I saw him in the distance at first while I was coming up to the town library
[12:12:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Curly hair? Accordion? (smirk)
[12:12:46 AM] *** Oceanstuck misses the reference ***
[12:12:51 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: the fuck are you talking about ocean?
[12:12:53 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: it’s a question
[12:12:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Later, Ocean.
[12:13:02 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: of course it follows, cause I’m asking how it relates..
[12:13:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Later, Steve
[12:13:36 AM] kidpichu: by mugi
[12:13:44 AM] kidpichu: smell ya later bro
[12:13:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not what I mean, Pichu
[12:13:51 AM] kidpichu: ooohhh
[12:13:53 AM] kidpichu: XD
[12:14:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Anyway Tyler what did the guy look like?
[12:14:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He was just kind of moving left and right far off in the distance
[12:14:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I couldn’t really make him out
[12:14:35 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Didn’t get close enough?
[12:14:42 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Moogs
[12:14:46 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i wouldn’t even want to
[12:14:52 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why would he go up to the creepy guy moving left and right
[12:14:56 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: like
[12:14:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: seriously
[12:14:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hey you never know
[12:15:04 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Might be worth it
[12:15:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: (facepalm)
[12:15:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Kickstarted my career
[12:15:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: he seemed pretty tall and I guess he was in all black because I could barely make him out in the dim bit of nighttime light
[12:15:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Uh oh
[12:16:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Suddenly sounding like keeping distance was a good call
[12:16:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I really had no choice but to go closer seeing as he was on the path I was on
[12:17:11 AM] Grey: ey wat up
[12:17:14 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: hey grey
[12:17:17 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Met tyler yet?
[12:17:19 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): … Thought you said you didn’t do that
[12:17:33 AM] Grey: huh?
[12:17:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He seemed kind of weird just leaning around and going left and right but I figured, fuck it probs just one of the drugged up people in my not so good hood.
[12:17:40 AM] Grey: oh hello
[12:17:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): We got a newcomer, Grey
[12:17:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hai broskino
[12:18:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Seems he was friends with John
[12:18:44 AM] kidpichu: tylep was it the good kind?
[12:18:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): So anyway Tyler you say you didn’t get a good look at him?
[12:18:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Gah
[12:18:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pichu
[12:18:55 AM] kidpichu: I know the difference
[12:19:08 AM] kidpichu: i’m not sorry
[12:19:12 AM] *** kidpichu aways ***
[12:19:30 AM] Eve: What happened next Tyler?
[12:19:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t want to upset the guy by making him think I was staring (cause I was a lot)
[12:19:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So I just looked down at my phone and pretended I didn’t notice him
[12:20:16 AM] Eve: Hmm
[12:20:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and kept walking
[12:20:30 AM] Eve: Did you walk past him?
[12:20:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hoping I could just pass by him
[12:20:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I looked up for a moment as I got next to the library
[12:21:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: where he was moving around at
[12:21:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and realized he had disapeared
[12:21:23 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And as a result you didn’t get a good look at him, meaning he might still not be who he could have been
[12:21:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I got some pictures and a short video of him
[12:22:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh cool
[12:22:06 AM] Eve: Perfect.
[12:22:08 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Mind if we see em?
[12:22:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am putting it together right now
[12:22:20 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cool
[12:22:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: :D
[12:22:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I began filming and taking pics as fast as I could
[12:22:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: because I realized something as I looked up
[12:22:46 AM] Eve: In case he does something weird, you can show it to authority.
[12:22:59 AM] Eve: Some ppl, ya know
[12:23:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I looked at the library
[12:23:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the lights were now on
[12:23:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: at around 9:30 at night
[12:23:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and he was standing inside the library
[12:24:27 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Was he doing anything else?
[12:24:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: he was just standing there
[12:24:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: perfectly still
[12:24:58 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Did his head tilt any?
[12:25:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: it felt unnatural how unmoving he was in that moment
[12:25:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I felt a bit unerved
[12:25:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so I decided to sprint back home
[12:25:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: as I was attempting to take the pictures and video
[12:25:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the lights in the library shut back off
[12:26:25 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Damn, could it really be him? What’s he even doing here?
[12:26:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: uhhh who?
[12:27:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Moogs
[12:27:13 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: don’t scare the new guy with random stuff m8
[12:28:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: him implying you know who this guy is
[12:28:07 AM] Eve: Lol, no
[12:28:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Tbh I am kind of angry now
[12:28:19 AM] kidpichu: mugi thinks he knows everyone like at the club
[12:28:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Guy I ran into a while back. I do know he was doing something in FL, but I doubt it’s relevant.
[12:28:25 AM] Eve: Moogen has a dumb sense of humor
[12:28:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because I feel like this guy knows where I live now or something
[12:28:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because I found this paper when I came home
[12:28:47 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What was on it?
[12:29:04 AM] kidpichu: tylep peper spray is you’re friend
[12:29:16 AM] Wolfcat: holy pepper spray
[12:29:28 AM] kidpichu: my dad said to get some i’ll give you some
[12:29:46 AM] kidpichu: but my dad has a tazer too so you’d think he’d give me that
[12:29:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t like this shit
[12:30:11 AM | Edited 12:30:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’d be worried if you did
[12:30:23 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait what was on the paper?
[12:30:28 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): ^
[12:30:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It was just this crumpled up peice of parchment paper under a rock on my door step
[12:30:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: it had all this moon shit on it
[12:30:38 AM] kidpichu: he’s a security guard last I checked
[12:30:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: also moogs stahp creepin tyler, you don’t know the guy
[12:30:50 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it was probably just some crazy homeless guy
[12:30:50 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Can we get a picture of the paper?
[12:30:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: my dad used to be one of them
[12:31:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Thorin I wanna believe that.
[12:31:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and a weird symbol on the back with the word “WATCHING” on it
[12:31:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: woah
[12:31:25 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that’s sp00ky
[12:31:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): welp
[12:31:47 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: moogs why did you change your name
[12:31:53 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i keep thinkin you’re seeker
[12:31:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am on the ropes about the police at the moment because they have such a fucking shitty track record
[12:32:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I have no one else to turn to
[12:32:11 AM] kidpichu: i had a mental dude on my street who would take empty bottles and leave full bottles of windex
[12:32:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hey Tyler? Can we get a picture of this paper?
[12:32:38 AM] Wolfcat: Maybe get one of those security lights that flicks on when it detects motion? Or set up a camera at night?
[12:32:41 AM] kidpichu: e-e" in my yard
[12:32:43 AM] Wolfcat: Just in case
[12:33:00 AM] kidpichu: oh camera lights are good we have those here
[12:33:11 AM] kidpichu: lights not the camera
[12:33:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What about the action?
[12:33:29 AM] Wolfcat: boo
[12:33:36 AM] kidpichu: boo
[12:33:55 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But no seriously, picture of the paper?
[12:34:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Might have clues on it
[12:34:20 AM | Removed 12:34:22 AM] Wolfcat: This message has been removed.
[12:34:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[12:34:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes, Erik
[12:34:34 AM] kidpichu: e-e" moon shit ? clues to the spooky bunny in the moon
[12:34:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Just like Blue’s Clues
[12:34:51 AM] The Sun: I heard there were shitstorms.
[12:34:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Or maybe a super advanced civilization?
[12:34:59 AM] The Sun: Do I need to smack someone?
[12:35:05 AM] Wolfcat: yeah smack mugen
[12:35:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Oh hey it’s THE MAN
[12:35:09 AM] The Sun: Because I’m too lazy to.
[12:35:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): (y) (y) (y)
[12:35:25 AM] The Sun: Mugen has three arms?
[12:35:29 AM] The Sun: I thought he only had one.
[12:35:30 AM] Wolfcat: well
[12:35:34 AM] Wolfcat: jfc
[12:35:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): (facepalm)
[12:35:42 AM] kidpichu: dearest mugi of valiant nature refrain from using personal names for it is creepy
[12:35:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Dude
[12:35:51 AM] kidpichu: dude seriously
[12:35:56 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Was ages ago
[12:36:02 AM] Wolfcat: he got better
[12:36:04 AM] The Sun: That’s literally the last time I was here.
[12:36:11 AM] The Sun: Oh, that explains it.
[12:36:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Norma plz don’t start in front of the new guy
[12:36:17 AM] kidpichu: it’s creepy and i kinda want you 10 feet from this conversation
[12:36:31 AM] Wolfcat: collin fuckboy m gonna slap ur shit
[12:36:38 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Bring it
[12:36:42 AM] *** Wolfcat slaps ur shit ***
[12:36:47 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i’ll punch yer gobs
[12:36:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pfft
[12:36:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): All you got?
[12:36:59 AM | Edited 12:37:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Also ew
[12:37:03 AM] Wolfcat: I did what I stated out to do
[12:37:29 AM] Wolfcat: sorry tyler
[12:37:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: …
[12:37:51 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lel we r dum
[12:37:51 AM] kidpichu: i punch where dawn don’t shine
[12:38:07 AM] kidpichu: or not
[12:38:12 AM] kidpichu: :P
[12:38:13 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): So anyway Tyler found an interesting paper that may have some vital info on it
[12:38:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Can we have a photo plz?
[12:38:26 AM | Edited 12:38:35 AM] kidpichu: it has a map to the rabbit in the moon
[12:38:39 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Had other shit too he said
[12:39:12 AM] Eve: Tyler you still here man?
[12:39:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah sorry
[12:39:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Trying to take the picture but ever since I got back
[12:39:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: my phone has been acting really weird too
[12:40:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Weird how?
[12:40:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh that sucks
[12:40:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the screen keeps fucking up while I am doing things and then it shuts itself off
[12:40:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but hold on a sec
[12:40:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh man that sucks
[12:41:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Flat much, Thorin?
[12:42:14 AM] kidpichu: secretly he’s double D’s
[12:42:27 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: whaddya mean flat
[12:42:27 AM] *** kidpichu shot ***
[12:42:29 AM] Wolfcat: nice
[12:42:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Would explain his behavior Pichu
[12:42:40 AM] kidpichu: D:
[12:42:46 AM] Wolfcat: pics plz
[12:42:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): If he was Edd
[12:42:50 AM | Removed 12:43:11 AM] kidpichu: This message has been removed.
[12:42:56 AM] Eve: Tyler was telling us last night, that his phone service was screwing around too
[12:43:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pichu TMI
[12:43:12 AM] Eve: I hope he gets that sorted
[12:43:14 AM] kidpichu: k XD
[12:43:15 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i finally have context for the image
[12:43:19 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[12:43:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: not your place to decide that, mugen
[12:43:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yeah moogs
[12:43:31 AM] Wolfcat: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova
[12:43:34 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: she can say whatever the fuck she wants
[12:43:38 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: 4 u moog
[12:43:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not yours either Steve
[12:43:49 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it can be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or non ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[12:43:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Alright FINALLY got my phone to work
[12:44:03 AM] kidpichu: i would care if stevey said tmi tho
[12:44:05 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Lol circ
[12:44:10 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Yes it is, cause you’re trying to tell people what to do. I’m telling you to stop telling people what to do.
[12:44:12 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Stop trying to start fights in front of the new giy
[12:44:16 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh sweet tyler
[12:44:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oi
[12:44:25 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: stevey and moogs
[12:44:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: stahp pls
[12:44:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): If he absconds it’s on you
Tylep the rotaerc
[12:44:41 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: mostly moogs tbh you need to just stop talking
[12:45:09 AM] kidpichu: but mugi you’re making this a soap opera just a lil
[12:45:13 AM] Wolfcat: whoa
[12:45:14 AM] kidpichu: ok no a lot
[12:45:21 AM] kidpichu: o__O
[12:45:24 AM] kidpichu: oh
[12:45:29 AM] Wolfcat: maybe it’s just some crazy flyer?
[12:46:14 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wow so much for subtlety
[12:46:16 AM] kidpichu: woah which one is she?
[12:46:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Could be all of them
[12:46:31 AM] kidpichu: or is it bunch of moon goodeses
[12:46:41 AM] Eve: It won’t load for me ;(
[12:46:47 AM] kidpichu: she doesn’t look like any of my tribes soo
[12:47:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’m hazarding a guess that they think she’s all of them
[12:47:15 AM] kidpichu: i mean not that i’m an indian XD that’s my ancestors
[12:47:38 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Already gotten
[12:47:43 AM] kidpichu: not cause its a she
[12:47:49 AM] kidpichu: the moon god i know is a he
[12:48:03 AM] kidpichu: or heard about
[12:48:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wouldn’t surprise me
Tylep the rotaerc
[12:48:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: “ALL ARE HER” “WATCHING”
[12:48:32 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[12:48:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wow
[12:48:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Called it
[12:48:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I fucking swear
[12:48:49 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: If the police don’t do something about this
[12:48:55 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Mugen what the fuck are you even talking about?
[12:48:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I NEED to find a way to move
[12:49:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @Circle
[12:47 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦️): I’m hazarding a guess that they think she’s all of them
[12:50:09 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: mugen
[12:50:15 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: how much crack have you been smokin
[12:50:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not enough seeing as you think I am.
[12:50:39 AM] kidpichu: pffp
[12:50:41 AM] kidpichu: mugi
[12:50:47 AM] kidpichu: the paper says goddesses
[12:51:00 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And on the back says “ALL ARE HER”
[12:51:13 AM | Edited 12:51:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I did not expect to be right about that
[12:51:19 AM] kidpichu: ?
[12:51:22 AM] kidpichu: oki
[12:51:27 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh yeah i saved the images i’d put them in the Dropbox but my Dropbox is full
[12:51:43 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: moogs srsly what the fuck are you on about
[12:51:45 AM] kidpichu: dropbox y u nu eat it
[12:51:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): FFS Thorin read up
[12:51:56 AM] kidpichu: i want what mugi is havening
[12:51:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yer creepin me out a bit, and i bet tyler is creeped out too
[12:52:18 AM] kidpichu: unless it really bad then no
[12:52:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just want to know what the fuck is going on
[12:52:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: like seriously
[12:52:25 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: tbh so do i
[12:52:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No clue
[12:52:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’m just shooting off theories on the folks that sent it
[12:52:47 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i doubt any of us know.
[12:52:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: we can probably try to help find out
[12:53:37 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: crap
[12:53:38 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i g2g
[12:53:43 AM] kidpichu: i don’t think it’s werewolves or vampires if that’s help ^-^“
[12:56:32 AM] kidpichu: it doesn’t….does it? i’m sorry Q^Q
[12:56:58 AM] Eve: Tyler, tbh, lock all your doors, shut all your blinds.
[12:57:00 AM] Wolfcat: git yerself a gun
[12:57:14 AM] Oceanstuck: whatd i miss
[12:57:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Lycans would be interesting but I doubt it
[12:57:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ohai Ocean
[12:57:28 AM] Eve: And don’t answer the door to anyone
[12:57:42 AM] kidpichu: not even the pizza boy
[12:57:48 AM] Oceanstuck: esp not the pizza boy
[12:57:54 AM] Wolfcat: never the pizza boy
[12:57:58 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): He might take your eyes
[12:58:03 AM] Wolfcat: and your money
[12:58:07 AM] Oceanstuck: double esp if hes green and malformed
[12:58:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But def your eyes
[12:58:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Have any of you seen these symbols before?
[12:58:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No
[12:58:55 AM] Captain "CircleHunter” Desdinova: nope
[12:59:07 AM] Wolfcat: hm
[12:59:13 AM] Oceanstuck: what symbols were they again
[12:59:36 AM] Oceanstuck: i had to skim the backlog i think i missed them
[1:00:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ocean
[1:00:24 AM] Oceanstuck: what
[1:00:25 AM] Oceanstuck: just
[1:00:29 AM] Oceanstuck: tell me what they were
[1:00:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I was trying to
[1:00:41 AM] Eve: Well, one symbol kinda reminds me of Zelda
[1:00:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Skype and phone were being bitches
[1:01:02 AM] kidpichu: yeah it kinda does
[1:01:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah the upper one makes me think of the falling moon from MM
[1:01:20 AM] kidpichu: D: that’s horrible
[1:01:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: and the bottom one is a TIE bomber
[1:01:27 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Illuminaughty
[1:01:35 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: and the bottom one is a TIE bomberCIRCLE NO
[1:01:38 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: YOU’RE NOT MEANT TO MAKE MEL AUGH
[1:01:40 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: STHAP
[1:01:41 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Immediatly
[1:02:28 AM] kidpichu: XD
[1:02:31 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: nah though it looks like an eye
[1:02:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Makes sense
[1:02:45 AM] Wolfcat: I need to check something
[1:02:56 AM | Edited 1:03:05 AM] kidpichu: oh aren’t their like eye monsters Zelda?
[1:03:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Says “watching” between them
[1:03:23 AM] kidpichu: where you shoot arrows at them like pew pew
[1:03:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes but none like that
[1:03:30 AM] Wolfcat: brb
[1:03:36 AM] Eve: I was thinking of the eye of truth
[1:03:50 AM] Eve: But I’m just a Zelda buff
[1:03:59 AM] Eve: Tyler… Srsly.
[1:04:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Nope
[1:04:30 AM] Eve: Don’t answer the door. And draw your shades
[1:04:33 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Looks nothing like it not even Agahnim’s version
[1:04:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Eve
[1:04:37 AM] kidpichu: not even vatti?
[1:04:44 AM] Eve: BTW, do you have power yet?
[1:04:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Broken record much?
[1:04:51 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No Pichu
[1:05:03 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Methinks it’s original but I could find someone
[1:05:05 AM] kidpichu: you shouldn’t break records bad mugi bad
[1:05:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wasn’t me who broke it
[1:05:20 AM] kidpichu: those are history
[1:05:33 AM] kidpichu: but you smelt it
[1:05:46 AM] kidpichu: so you delt it
[1:05:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): T'was Eve who dealt it as I was calling her on it
[1:06:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Seriously people can we knock off the damn hostilities around the new guy?
[1:06:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Fucking hell
[1:06:31 AM] kidpichu: just teasin~
[1:06:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And look where it got you
[1:06:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [1:04 AM] Eve:

<<< BTW, do you have power yet?
[1:06:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: How else would I be on my computer with the lights on lol
[1:07:05 AM] kidpichu: wizzard
[1:07:21 AM] kidpichu: it got me where i like it~
[1:07:56 AM] kidpichu: xD ok sorry that one was bad
[1:08:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes it was
[1:08:18 AM] kidpichu: chu~
[1:08:36 AM] Eve: On 5/27/2015, at 1:06 AM, Tylep the rotaerc wrote:
> How else would I be on my computer with the lights on lol
Lol, yur right. That was dumb.
[1:08:39 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Noones even being “mean” to the new guy
[1:08:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Semantics
[1:08:56 AM] kidpichu: pfff
[1:08:56 AM] Eve: He he, guys….
[1:09:04 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You’re being mean where he can see it
[1:09:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am actually in a skype call with my girlfriend at the moment who I am trying to convince I am ok.
[1:09:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): How’s she doing?
[1:09:48 AM] kidpichu: i-i read that sooo wrooongg
[1:09:55 AM] Eve: Oh, your GF, cooool
[1:09:55 AM] kidpichu: i’m so sorry XD
[1:10:17 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[1:10:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t want to show her the paper, but I know she has done some relgious studies before so I doodled the symbol on a piece of paper. And showed her.
[1:10:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Don’t worry Tyler you’ll get used to it
[1:10:35 AM] kidpichu: seamonkeys
[1:10:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She said she has never seen it before ^^;
[1:10:50 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not surprised
[1:11:24 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: that eye does look familar to be honest
[1:11:31 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: cant seem to place it… its so annoying
[1:11:43 AM] Wolfcat: Yeah, the bottom symbol looks very familiar
[1:11:55 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: I know right?
[1:12:02 AM] Wolfcat: Reminds me of Gohma
[1:12:19 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: seems almost egyptian or somethin. or illoominati
[1:12:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wat
[1:13:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not seeing the resemblance
[1:13:54 AM] Wolfcat: mostly the hyrule warriors one
[1:14:05 AM] Wolfcat:
[1:14:31 AM] kidpichu: o-o spooky
[1:14:34 AM] kidpichu: that look right
[1:14:35 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): OK that might make some sense
[1:14:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But why Gohma?
[1:14:55 AM] kidpichu: cause go big or gohma
[1:15:01 AM] Wolfcat: I don’t think it’s acutlaly meant to be Gohma, it just reminds me of that
[1:15:06 AM] Wolfcat: pichu go home you’re drunk
[1:15:14 AM] kidpichu: 3: k
[1:15:25 AM] kidpichu: can i stay and watch?
[1:15:43 AM] Wolfcat: sure
[1:15:51 AM] kidpichu: yay
[1:16:20 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: [1:14 AM] kidpichu:

<<< cause go big or gohmaXD PICHU NO
[1:16:28 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: stop.jpeg
[1:17:35 AM] Sprikiroid: yo
[1:17:44 AM] Sprikiroid: what have I missed
[1:17:46 AM] Oceanstuck: sup
[1:17:57 AM] Oceanstuck: site shit and drama
[1:18:15 AM] kidpichu: drama lama
[1:19:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: does llama have two l’s?
[1:20:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yep
[1:20:22 AM] kidpichu: that’s how much drama it brings XD
[1:20:42 AM] kidpichu: i prefer alpacas though
[1:29:56 AM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: Welp, Gotta go guys, see ya later ^^
[1:30:03 AM] Oceanstuck: bye zack
[1:32:29 AM] Wolfcat: I’m gonna head out also. Night guys.
[1:33:27 AM] Dovid Magady: Hello
[1:33:56 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hai Dov
[1:34:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You meet Tyler yet?
[1:34:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I got a video together of the guy to show the authorities
[1:34:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: also hello ^^
[1:35:39 AM] Dovid Magady: Whats ip?
[1:35:48 AM] Dovid Magady: Yeah, we met lst night
[1:36:39 AM] Dovid Magady: What happnened, Tyler?
[1:37:26 AM] kidpichu: o-o that’s smart
[1:38:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: In the middle of editing I added in text as if I was talking to all of you
[1:39:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel like I kind of did that on accident unconciously since I was technically on skype with you all while editing with the intent to show you all as well.
[1:39:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But if they ask I’ll just say I was gonna show it to random un named friends first.
[1:43:42 AM] Eve: OK, that’s believable
[1:43:50 AM] Eve: :P
[1:43:56 AM] Dovid Magady: Sounds good
[1:44:46 AM | Removed 1:47:30 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[1:45:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [1:43 AM] Eve:

<<< OK, that’s believableIs that sarcasm cause I can’t even tell ^^;
[1:45:16 AM | Removed 1:47:33 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[1:46:18 AM] Dovid Magady: And now I realize that no one knows what the fuck Im talking about
[1:50:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am locking all my doors and shutting off my lights
[1:51:10 AM] Dovid Magady: All right. be careful.
[1:51:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel very un easy at the moment
[1:51:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You post the vid?
[1:52:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc:
[1:52:26 AM] Dovid Magady: Thanks
[1:52:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I put it together in a bit of a rush but yeah
[1:52:33 AM] Eve: On 5/27/2015, at 1:45 AM, Tylep the rotaerc wrote:
> [1:43:47 AM] Eve: OK, that’s believable

<<< Is that sarcasm cause I can’t even tell ^^;
It wasn’t, sorry.
[1:52:55 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Awesome
[1:53:01 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: why do you feel unsafe..?
[1:53:04 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: is something the matter?
[1:53:07 AM] Dovid Magady: What paper did you find in front of your home?
[1:53:14 AM] Dovid Magady: What’d it say?
[1:53:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I thought I already uploaded it
[1:53:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thinking back I feel I should have put it in the video
[1:53:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): It’s cool
[1:53:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but Ill just show it to the police when I call them tomorrow
[1:53:56 AM] Dovid Magady: I might have missed it
[1:54:19 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Dov the paper has two sides, one was a flyer about Moon patrons, all female
[1:54:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): This is the back
[1:54:40 AM] Dovid Magady: Thank you
[1:54:54 AM] Dovid Magady: you don’t have the front, I take it?
[1:55:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I do
[1:55:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Just went back and saved it
[1:56:13 AM] Dovid Magady: Thank yo, again. not much help, though
[1:56:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah
[1:57:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I had a theory that they believed all of these Moon patronesses were the same person, like seconds before he showed us the back
[1:57:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Caught me off guard
[1:57:49 AM] Dovid Magady: The words and symbols seem to mixed up… #statingtheobvious
[1:58:46 AM] Dovid Magady: But yeah, I get the idea. you allright, Tyler?
[1:59:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Not really
[1:59:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Just got out of a call with carla
[1:59:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She just thinks I am suddenly obsessively curious about obscure symbols now
[1:59:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So thats good
[1:59:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I hate to worry her
[2:00:26 AM] Dovid Magady: Sorry, whos Carla?
[2:01:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My girlfriend
[2:01:25 AM] Dovid Magady: Ah. I should have figured
[2:01:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have been with her for the longest time
[2:01:46 AM] Dovid Magady: That’s sweet
[2:01:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey actually now that I just thought about it
[2:02:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Damn
[2:02:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: That necklace
[2:02:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was wearing it in “Fun night with john and kevin”
[2:02:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She gave it to me as a birthday present
[2:02:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I lost it a while back
[2:03:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): It’s still missing?
[2:03:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah
[2:05:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remember when it went missing me and kevin got in a fight about it
[2:05:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because he had shown some serious interest in it a few times
[2:05:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and then it was just gone one day
[2:05:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I looked everywhere
[2:05:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and could not find it at all
[2:06:03 AM | Edited 2:06:19 AM] Dovid Magady: Wher’d Carla get the necklace?
[2:06:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She told me she bought it online
[2:06:53 AM] Dovid Magady: Oh, ok. Nothing more specific?
[2:07:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I think it might have been ebay or amazon
[2:07:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk
[2:07:28 AM] Dovid Magady: Allright. sorry to pry
[2:07:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Its fine
[2:07:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I thought he might have taken it
[2:07:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: which made me feel like an ass hole to say
[2:08:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I had searched my entire home
[2:08:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: top to bottom
[2:08:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and it was just gone
[2:08:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What about Kevin’s place?
[2:08:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The only time I have thoroughly been through his house
[2:09:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: was after he disapeared
[2:09:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No joy?
[2:09:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But he was rather upset with me for accusing him
[2:09:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So I just dropped it after a while
[2:10:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Maybe it went with him and he didn’t know
[2:10:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk
[2:10:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Although blowing up at the thought that he ran off with it
[2:10:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Carla wasn’t upset though that I lost it
[2:10:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: she is a very forgiving person
[2:10:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so it was fine
[2:10:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah
[2:11:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But I find Kevin’s outburst strange
[2:11:20 AM] Dovid Magady: It was definetly odd
[2:11:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I mean yeah, not very friendly but damn
[2:11:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Kevin was always a pretty weird guy though
[2:11:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Silent and weird one minute
[2:12:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Welp, maybe if we find Kevin we’ll get our answer
[2:12:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: very loud the next
[2:12:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel like he didn’t take it though
[2:12:20 AM] Dovid Magady: But how can we find him?
[2:12:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): His name does strike a chord with me
[2:12:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Or he would have said something
[2:12:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel
[2:13:00 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Maybe he didn’t but better to check for something that isn’t there than to be blindsided by what is.
[2:13:23 AM] Dovid Magady: But there was guy by his house wasn’t there?
[2:16:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: huh?
[2:16:45 AM] Dovid Magady: The man in the shadows you passed by
[2:17:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I never even made it to kevins house today ^^;
[2:17:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I got too scared when that happened
[2:17:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and ran back home
[2:17:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: that was about 3 and a half hours ago
[2:17:56 AM] Dovid Magady: Allright. Im just saying that guy seemed weird.
[2:18:37 AM] Eve: So, you said you’re gonna go to the authorities tomorrow?
[2:18:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yes
[2:18:57 AM] Eve: Let us know what they say
[2:19:30 AM | Edited 2:19:44 AM] Eve: If they can’t help you, we’ll find a way, somehow
[2:21:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Idk what you guys could really do
[2:22:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You never know
[2:23:33 AM] Dovid Magady: We could help in someway
[2:23:55 AM] Dovid Magady: Im sure we can
[2:24:04 AM] Eve: At the very least, we’re here to be some bro’s for you.
[2:24:35 AM] Eve: In honor of John ;)
[2:25:06 AM] Eve: His bro’s are our bro’s
[2:32:43 AM] Eve: You OK, Tyler?
[2:33:38 AM] Eve: :( maybe he fell asleep.



A video of the encounter Tyler had with the spooky guy, on the way home from Kevin’s house.

EDIT: The police made Tyler delete this video from Youtube! (5/29/15)






The note Tyler found at his house.

#gotta love that Skype call!



LCD249.bmp update 5/27/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: CHILD.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

CHILD.mp3 update 5/27/15

#john is dead


Chat with SKM 5/28/15
Read chat below:

<wolfcat>: What’s up broskino
<CaptainDesdinova>: I have arrived
<Oceanstuck>: hellos
<Helper>: Hello, adventurers!
<Helper>: I have decided to follow you.
<CaptainDesdinova>: Awesome
<SKM>: Well not a whole hell of a lot, but things of importance none the less. The damn shazz bots fixed the domain faster than I thought they would ^^;
<wickedlady4180>: SKM, we were told to contact you
<Oceanstuck>: hey again skoom
<Oceanstuck>: hey again helper
<SKM>: I arranged for you to receive this message yes XD
<wickedlady4180>: The message said you had more information about Tyler
<wolfcat>: Was the kid the one sending us the texts?
<SKM>: You mean our good old numbers friend?
<ADULT_LINK>: Hi! i’m not banned this time
<SKM>: Oh no
<wolfcat>: not yet
<SKM>: I have no idea what that thing is
<SKM>: Speaking of texting, it is quite good Tylers phone has such a formidable battery as it is my only form of access into his actions in meat space atm.
<wickedlady4180>: Tyler is is trouble
<SKM>: Just a weeeee bit ^^;
<SKM>: His power went out last night
<ADULT_LINK>: he also found a spooky guy
<wickedlady4180>: More than that, he’s being watched and followed
<SKM>: I have been keeping up with the goings and doings of the piss children as well, and I am very certain they shan’t drezz him just yet.
<SKM>: However
<SKM>: they are not above simply trying to fuck with the mans psyche
<Oceanstuck>: >
<SKM>: and potentially hurt him a bit
<wickedlady4180>: We want to avoid that
<SKM>: But they seem to be waiting for something of significance to happen before acting.
<Oceanstuck>: ‘like what
<SKM>: I am honestly not sure
<ADULT_LINK>: Any idea on what we can do to help tyler?
<SKM>: They have been getting MUCH more secretive of what they do. The updates you are seeing on the terminology went through almost 48hrs of debate before getting clearance.
<wickedlady4180>: I have a few questions for you
<SKM>: Yes of course
<SKM>: proceed m'lady
<wickedlady4180>: Are you aware of the note tyler got? What do the symbols mean?
<ADULT_LINK>: M'duck
<SKM>: I saw all that yes
<SKM>: The symbol on the top refers to a part of there beliefs known as “Parallelos” and they put it on shit all over the place. Sometimes I can make connections as to why, and other times I feel it is just used because a “Parallelos” ranked member had something to do with the related action, or just for what appears to be shits and giggles.
<ARGdov>: Sorry, but what exactly is Parallelos? Or was that already sked?
<SKM>: The symbol on the bottom is known as the “lunarum oculus” and simply means they want to emphasize that “mother” is bearing witness to whatever is unfolding.
<SKM>: Parallelos is a strange idea they have about parallel dimensions, the multiverse, and the various time lines in each one. Some idea that through lunas power certain things can be manifested by borrowing from other “Parallelos” and that when you ascend you are traveling through certain kinds of “Parallelos”
<Oceanstuck>: elaborate on it please
<SKM>: and that luna currently resides in a special kind of “Parallelos”
<ARGdov>: Cool. I had a feeling it was something like that
<ZackyN>: Hai!
<Oceanstuck>: sup
<wickedlady4180>: I still have another question, and then I’ll let everyone have a go
<ADULT_LINK>: Parallelos does sound like Parallel
<ADULT_LINK>: i mean
<SKM>: Parallelos parrallelos parallelos yada yada yada, tbh it felt like a bunch of drek to me.
<ADULT_LINK>: it kinda comes from it
<Oceanstuck>: i wanna know tho
<ARGdov>: What about the stuff on the other side of the note? Is that relevant in any way?
<SKM>: It seems to me like all that is happening
<SKM>: to these people that they kill
<SKM>: is they are somehow becoming digitized afterwards
<SKM>: which is REALLY schway in concept XD
<ARGdov>: Asension?
<ADULT_LINK>: Kinda like BEN from the old creepypasta?
<Oceanstuck>: hnh. ive heard something like that
<SKM>: YES actually that is another thing they go on about A LOT
<ARGdov>: Yeah, exactly
<SKM>: Before I messed up there shit the first time
<ADULT_LINK>: what’d ya do?
<wickedlady4180>: SKM, I wanna ask about Kevin. Tyler is searching for Kevin, and we think that we know where he is.
<SKM>: They had a collection of explanatory pages and videos
<wickedlady4180>: Or rather, who he is now
<SKM>: I actually got nothing on Tylers friend Kevin ^^;
<SKM>: I am pretty in the dark about this guy actually
<wickedlady4180>: I see, ok.
<SKM>: hell more in the dark then usual now that I think about it
<ARGdov>: Allrighty, then
<ADULT_LINK>: he never told us about him before he got the minor amnesia about us
<wickedlady4180>: What did you do to patrem?
<SKM>: But that is probably my own fault due to lack of further observation on my own behalf ^^;
<ARGdov>: By any chance do you know who “MattR” is?
<Oceanstuck>: speaking of patrem
<ADULT_LINK>: Yo zack, you have any questions bout stuff? this’d be your time to ask bro :3
<Oceanstuck>: i remember someone asked you what relation you had with that guy last time we spoke
<Oceanstuck>: you said it could wait until next time
<Oceanstuck>: and its next time now
<Oceanstuck>: so
<SKM>: woah nelly slow down kids
<SKM>: which question first ^^;
<Oceanstuck>: whats the relation between you and patrem
<ARGdov>: Didn’t something happen to him? Matt, I mean.
<ARGdov>: Ocean can go first
<SKM>: Me and pisstrum
<Oceanstuck>: ye
<Oceanstuck>: whats the relation between you two
<SKM>: About 4 years back I was visiting family in america
<SKM>: they had recently moved to florida and planned to live out the rest of their retirement there.
<SKM>: I had a younger brother, about 9 at the time who was quite active on the internet. And introduced me to a place known as “Within Hubris”
<ADULT_LINK>: we know hubris ;3
<SKM>: Yes… I know… ^^;
<Oceanstuck>: hubris?
<ARGdov>: Yep. don’t we know it well
<SKM>: I payed no mind to it at the time
<Oceanstuck>: weve all been
<SKM>: However that would prove to be a costly mistake on my own behalf
<ADULT_LINK>: (you can answer this later, but have you read Weenie Licked yet? its glorious)
<ARGdov>: What could be so bad?
<SKM>: My brother told me of a character he met in his actions on the website
<SKM>: He called him “The purple man”
<ARGdov>: Well, that could be any number of-… oh
<SKM>: I was under the assumption he was talking about a bloody teletubby or something
<SKM>: and payed it no mind
<SKM>: About a month later he went missing
<SKM>: He was last seen playing with his camera in the local park.
<ADULT_LINK>: wait, your bro went missing or patrem
<SKM>: My brother
<ADULT_LINK>: oh shit
<ARGdov>: Wow.
<ARGdov>: Im sorry to hear that
<ADULT_LINK>: that sucks D:
<SKM>: On his camera there was nothing but garbled purple mess in each photograph
<Oceanstuck>: ;_;
<ARGdov>: That’s awful.
<wickedlady4180>: So, what you assume happened?
<SKM>: I felt at the time he may have been abducted by someone he met in his online games.
<ADULT_LINK>: probably not somone from hubris (mugen is a possibility, hes a creep) but still that sucks
<Oceanstuck>: lel
<SKM>: So I made I began to pay close attention to the website he spoke of most. “This place where ben is always being really scary and I talk to the purple man, who tells me he will show me how to fly.”
<ARGdov>: BENs not been on there for awhile, though
<Oceanstuck>: tbf its not the same hubris now that it was 4yrs ago
<ARGdov>: Yeah, I just realized my mistake.
<Oceanstuck>: derp
<SKM>: At the begining of november I was contacted by a strange character that was calling itself BEN
<SKM>: It was telling me all sorts of gibberish code and nonsense so I ignored this as well.
<SKM>: until around november 11th
<SKM>: I don’t remember a whole lot about that day, but I know that was the day it happened.
<SKM>: I was minding my own business
<SKM>: analyzing everything from the information on the previous cults website, and the various other groups that seemed to be interested in all of this, hoping for some chance to discover anything regarding my brother.
<SKM>: My techno drek lost its fucking mind all of a sudden.
<CaptainDesdinova>: I feel pretty good about maintaining the wiki now
<SKM>: The screen literally blew out in my face
<SKM>: I thought the computer would fully catch on fire as I watched bits of steam come out of it, but as I went to pull the plug I noticed something.
<SKM>: My vision was a bit blurred, but I saw this… thing at my doorway.
<SKM>: About up to my neck in height it seemed and looked to be dressed in green with its hands at its sides.
<SKM>: But it didn’t look right
<Oceanstuck>: (an elegy?)
<SKM>: I heard a loud screeching and I passed out.
<ARGdov>: Then what?
<ARGdov>: Also, you ever play Majoras Mask?
<SKM>: I awoke and my grandfather was asking me what had happened, I was bloody disturbed he had not called paramedics seeing as I had cuts all over my face from the pieces of computer screen. But I did not want to come off as a fucking mad man so I explained “I may have been experiencing some EXTREAMLY” faulty wiring issue.
<Oceanstuck>: arg
<Oceanstuck>: focus
<ARGdov>: Sorry. I was just wondering if he recognized the statue and scream
<SKM>: I eventually got a new computer screen and discovered my computer (Very strangely) still worked just fine.
<ARGdov>: Weird
<ADULT_LINK>: well i mean
<ADULT_LINK>: if only the screen was damaged
<ADULT_LINK>: then it makes sence that it’d work
<SKM>: But there were a text file on my computer titled lostmemory423 with some binary in it
<SKM>: stating
<ZackyN>: Stating what!?
<SKM>: “you do not realize how much you have helped me, but I shall help you. Father had him taken for the children. Watch 27.718435, -82.429048 they are near there.”
<SKM>: Sorry had to go find the file ^^;
<Oceanstuck>: k
<ZackyN>: Sorry, just impatient -,-
<ZackyN>: But thank you!
<ARGdov>: You ever check that place out?
<ADULT_LINK>: why are “the children” near Ruskin florida
<SKM>: The current main base of operations, and a bloody sad one at that, “The fishery” is there.
<SKM>: for the lunar children
<SKM>: Father
<SKM>: is that fucking purple bastard
<ARGdov>: Patrem?
<wolfcat>: No, the other purple bastard
<ADULT_LINK>: other?
<ARGdov>: Who?
<Oceanstuck>: megun?
<ADULT_LINK>: what?
<wolfcat>: ..
<SKM>: Thats the “Holy title” they call “Father” by
<ADULT_LINK>: oh wait mugen said that
<ADULT_LINK>: patrem is the father?
<Oceanstuck>: i thought we already knew that
<Oceanstuck>: anyway skoom go on
<SKM>: Its what they call him
<ZackyN>: What did you actually do to patrem?
<SKM>: Ahhhhhh yessss
<ADULT_LINK>: Hey SKM, eve wants to know where patrem is Right now, but you can answer zack first
<SKM>: He is in pain most likely ^^
<SKM>: if whatever he is can feel it
<SKM>: But sadly he will be at large again soon.
<SKM>: He came at me at a horrible time when he did.
<SKM>: The time shift had just happened, as well as the trick I had the kid pull on him to use up his resources trying to make it into your skype room.
<SKM>: for a computer program and/or “god” he sure has a human like ego XD
<SKM>: and was almost unaware of his own strengths
<SKM>: He was trying to brute force me through my connection to your site he seems to like inhabiting.
<SKM>: So I sent him a little present
<ADULT_LINK>: Lol wow
<ARGdov>: What was it?
<ADULT_LINK>: did you DDoS him?
<SKM>: I overloaded him with more data than he could handle at once at that moment in time.
<Oceanstuck>: >:D
<SKM>: then temporarily dl’d him
<SKM>: and cut and paste him into the 592 directory
<ARGdov>: Smart move
<ARGdov>: You can do that? just move him around like that?
<SKM>: while he was idle yes
<SKM>: but it was rather risky ^^;
<SKM>: and damn the action alone almost blew my rig up
<ARGdov>: Why not just delete him?
<SKM>: I actually tried that tbh ^^;
<SKM>: It did literally nothing
<SKM>: which is rather strange honestly
<SKM>: however
<ARGdov>: Dang.
<SKM>: I still have little understanding of what these things are
<SKM>: So I am sure there is a way to truly “Delete” this bastard
<SKM>: but I am currently not sure how
<ADULT_LINK>: you could probably put him on an external drive and dispose of that
<wolfcat>: then shoot it off into space. on the moon, for poetic justice
<SKM>: I remember trying something similar to this once back in 2013 XD
<SKM>: I got him in a rather similar position as the one he was recently in
<SKM>: But I put him on my old laptop (rip old friend =[ )
<SKM>: I smashed the bloody thing once I was sure he was there
<SKM>: and connected to no internet
<SKM>: and plugged into NOTHING
<SKM>: But somehow
<SKM>: This fucking THING
<SKM>: as I smashed the laptop with a meat tenderizer from my kitchen
<ADULT_LINK>: maybe he somehow has split himself, or made backups?
<SKM>: I was electrocuted
<SKM>: passed out
<wolfcat>: Or some wacky paralellos thing brought him back
<SKM>: and assumed he must have been gone
<ADULT_LINK>: you were electrocuted? damn
<SKM>: until I heard the fucking bloody piss children going on about them as though they had recently made contact with him.
<SKM>: him*
<Oceanstuck>: oof
<SKM>: but enough about my damn shazzbotry
<SKM>: You will probably hear from him again soon enough
<ARGdov>: Allrigjht
<SKM>: but when that happens I hope to have a new plan devised for harming this bastard.
<SKM>: I feel we have plenty more question do we not?
<ARGdov>: I think some of us do. I have non right now at the moment
<wolfcat>: Do you have any suggestions for helping bring back Tyler’s memory?
<wolfcat>: Or should we just do it the old fashioned way, dropping hints ect ect
<SKM>: That will be rather tricky
<SKM>: Because I do not understand what they did to even make him lose it to begin with.
<SKM>: On a side note about Tyler
<SKM>: I am currently doing some work to get his power back on
<ADULT_LINK>: he told us it was one when we asked
<ADULT_LINK>: he said something like “if my power was off how could i be on my computer with the lights on” or something
<ADULT_LINK>: *on not one
<SKM>: Near the beginning of this conversation I thought I said it went back off again ^^;
<SKM>: But you might have missed that so my appologies
<Oceanstuck>: oh yeah you did i just checked
<SKM>: I was taking note of his chat with you all last night
<SKM>: and then my feed went black
<SKM>: so I switched over to his cell phone
<ADULT_LINK>: oh oops sorry
<SKM>: and eventually established he lost power again
<ADULT_LINK>: oh lol i must have missed that
<ZackyN>: So, why is this lostmemory423 in the chat?
<ZackyN>: and admin at that
<SKM>: Well after the last escapade when I damn near lost the kid do to my own shazzbotry
<Oceanstuck>: (i still remember when regipimpiss popped in and i was like FUCKIN RUN BITCH. hehe)
<SKM>: I had to download him directly onto my computer for a brief moment, which has not happened in a bloody long time.
<SKM>: Which was why for a moment he was talking through me as you may recall
<Oceanstuck>: i think i remember that
<SKM>: I call him kid for a reason
<SKM>: In the time I have spent working with this thing
<SKM>: He sure as hell feels like a kid XD
<wolfcat>: The Lunar Children sure seem touchy about this 'Deuro’ thing
<SKM>: So touchy actually that I am just barely hearing of the term actually
<SKM>: They just made it “Public” so to speak about 2 weeks ago.
<wolfcat>: They still haven’t uploaded what exactly a 'Eulogy’ is yet
<Oceanstuck>: it seems to be a taboo subject, barring really dire circumstances
<SKM>: Still not sure what this “Deuro” thing is to them.
<SKM>: however “Eulogy”
<SKM>: its funny you should mention that XD
<CaptainDesdinova>: Eulogy?
<SKM>: I actually just jacked in and got that drok off of the site admin while he was not paying attention to his network XD
<SKM>: fucking shazzbots run this bloody site
<wolfcat>: You mean MattR?
<SKM>: YESSS that bloody fool lel
<wolfcat>: It’s weird, he’s got a name really similar to someone from the Moon Children.
<SKM>: I have a small handful of intel on him.
<Oceanstuck>: matt r and matt h
<SKM>: but he doesn’t come off as too important
<wolfcat>: Even more, Matt H’s alias was Rodney R, hence the R
<SKM>: What I do know about him
<SKM>: is that he is fairly new
<SKM>: but managed to quickly prove his worth and attain “Parallelos” rank
<SKM>: His mask, like other parallelos members, bares the parallelos symbol.
<SKM>: His mask is a skull, and I have never seen him without it.
<SKM>: Also did anyone want that drok I got off him?
<Oceanstuck>: ok
<Oceanstuck>: sure
<SKM>: Its a draft of the “Eulogy” info page
<Oceanstuck>: aight
<Oceanstuck>: give it here
<SKM>: Eulogy A eulogy is defined by its capabilities as an ascended child. One who has simply Ascended may communicate to this realm by some means, however one who has more capabilities (such as minor manipulation of this reality, minor physical manifestation ect…) is to be seen as a eulogy capable of even greater power.
<SKM>: But more often than not, a eulogy will remain a capable as it is upon awakening in its asended form.
<SKM>: couldn’t fit it all in one post ^^;
<ARGdov>: Allright, thanks
<wolfcat>: Last time you said those against Patrem call him “The misguided legion”. Those against Patrem, are you referring to the Moon Children? Just want to clarify.
<SKM>: The moon children had referred to him as that a few times in some conversations about him I had taken note of.
<SKM>: Any more questions?
<SKM>: I have about 13 minutes before I should be going
<CaptainDesdinova>: Any Tyler advice?
<SKM>: Just wait till tomorrow
<SKM>: and I should have him online
<SKM>: I just remembered XD
<SKM>: Do tell him
<SKM>: stop talking to the police
<Oceanstuck>: why tho
<SKM>: they are not his friends in that town
<Oceanstuck>: wait so the lc has a hold on the police?
<lostmemory423>: What’s wrong with the police?
<wolfcat>: It does sound like a shady place, what with the drug dealers and killer cults
<SKM>: good question kid XD
<SKM>: Glad to see your awake now
<SKM>: surprised me there
<Oceanstuck>: hello lm423
<Oceanstuck>: can i call you loom
<lostmemory423>: Why?
<Oceanstuck>: wanted to give you a nickname
<lostmemory423>: …
<Oceanstuck>: oh never mind that we need to get back to business
<Oceanstuck>: sry sry distracted
<SKM>: He has been a little wonky do to everything I had him do before
<SKM>: But the down time has seemed to stabilize him a bit
<SKM>: But the police
<SKM>: A good portion of them are either corrupt and taking bribes from the lunar children
<SKM>: have children in the lunar children
<SKM>: or are actually senior members
<Oceanstuck>: oh
<SKM>: My advice would be do not talk to them anymore
<SKM>: ever
<ARGdov>: Wow. That’s gonna br a problrm
<SKM>: seriously XD
<Oceanstuck>: how are we gonna get him to stay away tho
<wolfcat>: Oh also… do you know anyone named George?
<ARGdov>: Thanks for the heads up
<Oceanstuck>: in a normal situation talking to law enforcement is the sensible option. how are we gonna convince him to not do that without spooping him half to death
<SKM>: That is actually the hard part ^^;
<SKM>: I don’t know how to social engineer my way through that honestly
<SKM>: But
<SKM>: Him showing them the paper
<SKM>: Isn’t so bad
<SKM>: chances are they already knew
<Oceanstuck>: ok so were not fucked *yet*
<ARGdov>: Maybe we should tell him theres something up and to be careful. But then he probably wont trust us either
<wolfcat>: Well he already doesn’t put much stock in the police
<wolfcat>: Can’t be that hard
<wolfcat>: Especially since they didn’t do anything after Kevin disappeared
<Oceanstuck>: if we can explain why the turnaround in opinion on going to the feds, then yeah i guess
<Oceanstuck>: we just need to figure out how to explain the turnaround in opinion on going to the feds
<SKM>: Annnnnd the alarm has gone off
<SKM>: That is my que to leave
<ARGdov>: You better get out
<Oceanstuck>: bye skoom
<SKM>: to anyone taking note
<ARGdov>: Thnaks for the info!
<wolfcat>: Alright, thanks for all the help man
<Oceanstuck>: bye loom
<SKM>: hurry up
<SKM>: good bye for now friends




Tyler’s Anonymous phone calls



Chat with Tyler 5/29/15
Read chat below:

[9:33:09 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: HELLO
[9:33:23 PM] Mando 寒山: look who lives
[9:33:38 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: wut
[9:35:18 PM] The Sun: o fuk
[9:35:24 PM] The Sun: It’s asking me for previous teaching experience
[9:35:30 PM] The Sun: I’m just not going to put anything in
[9:38:33 PM] Eevee: Hi tyler
[9:38:53 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hello ^^;
[9:40:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: the past couple days have been pretty…. eventful
[9:40:30 PM] Eevee: Really? How have you been, safe, I hope
[9:44:33 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well yesterday my power finally came back
[9:45:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: it had been coming on and off really frequently just before hand
[9:45:30 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and when it would I would get a phone call while the power was on
[9:47:21 PM] Eevee: Who was on the other end of the phone?
[9:47:41 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I would pick up and hear silence right before the power would instantly go back off
[9:49:07 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Creepy
[9:49:26 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: However around the 6th or 7th time
[9:49:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: It came on and stayed on
[9:49:35 PM] Eevee: Yeah, did you get the number?
[9:49:48 PM] Eevee: like did you recognize it?
Tylep the rotaerc
[9:50:43 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh
[9:51:14 PM] Eevee: spooky
[9:51:26 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Probably just some kids prank calling you
[9:51:28 PM] Eevee: When they stayed on, did they say anything?
[9:51:29 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Happened to me once
[9:51:57 PM] Dovid Magady: Hello
[9:52:01 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hey arg
[9:52:42 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I heard a kinda of garbled and stuttery voice talking, like its connection was shitty and over the internet.
[9:52:44 PM] Dovid Magady: That’s creepy
[9:52:50 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: In an english accent
[9:52:52 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: it said
[9:52:54 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait, over the internet?
[9:53:01 PM] Dovid Magady: By any chance did you record the call?
[9:53:04 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Right then, this is a test.”
[9:53:47 PM | Edited 9:53:58 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: The sound of it was similar to what I usually hear in a voice call over the web, when the connection starts to shit out.
[9:54:29 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was going to but couldn’t find my phone at the time
[9:54:44 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: which reminds me, I should go get that thing charged up.
[9:54:56 PM] Dovid Magady: That would be a good idea
[9:56:05 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I decided to call the police earlier today
[9:56:14 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: A bit later than I planned
[9:56:26 PM] Eevee: Tyler, I noticed that you deleted the video you posted for the police
[9:56:35 PM] Dovid Magady: whatd they say?
[9:57:04 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well they told me to delete the video after I gave them a digital copy
[9:57:06 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Said it was
[9:57:31 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Important to their investigation that I make sure anyone stalking you does not know you have evidence of them.”
[9:57:42 PM] Dovid Magady: That seems weird.
[9:57:47 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: They also took the weird paper from me.
[9:58:25 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hmm
[9:58:39 PM | Edited 9:59:07 PM] Eevee: Tyler, did the police act weird?
[9:58:57 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and they spent about 6 hours or so questioning me about everything in the back room of the ruskin station.
[9:59:05 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: well we have the photos of it, and I think one of us downloaded the video, so we may still be able to help. Even if it is only minorly
[9:59:08 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: also wow 6 hours?
[9:59:29 PM] Dovid Magady: That seems extreme for a case like this. Your not a suspect in anything
[9:59:41 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Most of my wait time was them walking off after a few questions and then not coming back for fucking ever
[9:59:58 PM] Dovid Magady: what kind of questions did they ask?
[10:00:20 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Did you see any detail of this man that was not captured on film”
[10:01:16 PM] Dovid Magady: Did you, by any chance?
[10:01:16 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Have you seen him since then”
[10:01:26 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well I mean not really ^^;
[10:02:08 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I saw him moving back and forth and what looked like him leaning around before he seemed to just dimension jump into the fucking library and turn the lights on.
[10:02:31 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yeah that’s really screwy
[10:02:39 PM] Dovid Magady: Well, that’s just creepy
[10:02:40 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I still do not understand how he so quickly got in there
[10:03:04 PM | Edited 10:03:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Or how he did it without walking past me, or atleast without me noticing him do it.
[10:03:14 PM] Eevee: Tyler, now that you’ve gone to the Police. You should probably lay low for a bit.
[10:04:25 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Yeah, they held you for a pretty long time
[10:04:42 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I’d lay low too, just to try to get rid of whoever might be stalking you too
[10:04:45 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: They asked me weird shit too
[10:05:02 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “How close did you get to him?”
[10:05:42 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Did he make any noise?”
[10:06:11 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Did the footage make any notable changes during viewing?”
[10:06:23 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hmm
[10:06:32 PM] Eevee: That seems like legit questions.
[10:06:34 PM] Dovid Magady: Somethings weird
[10:06:51 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: The last one specifically felt weird in the various lines of questions
[10:07:00 PM] Eevee: What makes me feel suspicious is them asking to delete the video
[10:07:12 PM] Dovid Magady: If your stalking someone
[10:07:14 PM] Eevee: They shouldn’t have asked that
[10:07:32 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I mean the first two make general sence, The third one makes a little less, but I guess I understand it.
[10:07:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but they just continued on with questions like it was nothing
[10:08:13 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: “Describe his movement patterns?”
[10:08:13 PM] Dovid Magady: and you found out your victim had evidence, wouldn’t you try to get rid of it or be even more careful?
[10:08:23 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Is another slightly odd thing I recall
[10:08:26 PM] Dovid Magady: brb
[10:08:49 PM | Edited 10:08:56 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: like how the fuck do I answer that?
[10:08:59 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: he was moving
[10:09:07 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: he kind of leaned around a bit
[10:09:24 PM] Eevee: Y'know Tyler, between what you’ve told me about the way the cops handled the dissapearance of your friends, and now this, they seem suspicious
[10:09:30 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk I get a bad feeling this is gonna be another instance of the police doing jack shit
[10:09:50 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hmm
[10:11:38 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: did you tell them about the seemingly teleporting movement patterns?
[10:12:14 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I did tell them how he seemed to be in one place while I walked towards him
[10:12:21 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: then he was somehow in the library
[10:12:26 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: when I looked up again
[10:12:36 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and they went away for a bit
[10:12:44 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: like 2 hours actually ^^;
[10:13:34 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I could kinda get why that’d be a bit strange, Missing friends, seeming stalker, teleporting guy, Some people could think that to be a bit off.
[10:14:17 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Not that we don’t believe you ofc, just that cops tend to be a bit more suspicious than most people (at least that’s what ive noticed, may not be like that everywhere tho)
[10:17:00 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Anyways, anything else happen?
[10:17:11 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: DId you call a technitian about your power or anything?
[10:17:32 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Around 8:30 they let me go then I walked home and got here about 9
[10:17:49 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I guess I should call a technician tomorrow.
[10:18:09 PM] Dovid Magady: That sounds good
[10:19:13 PM] Eevee: This all reminds me of creepy stories you read about where crazy shit happens, and the police can’t be trusted, cuz’ they’re in on it.
[10:19:21 PM] Eevee: lol
[10:19:27 PM] Eevee: I hope that’s not the case
[10:19:43 PM] Dovid Magady: yeah, lets hope not
[10:19:49 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Lol, creepypastas make me see everything as spookier than it should be
[10:20:16 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I should really stop reading scary shit at night
[10:20:31 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: stupid subconscious D<
[10:21:08 PM] Eevee: Still, it’s always good to be cautious
[10:21:38 PM] Dovid Magady: is there anyone you know who you couldstay with you until this blows over, tyler?
[10:21:44 PM] Dovid Magady: You know, to be safe
[10:22:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have no one ^^;
[10:22:22 PM] Dovid Magady: Oh, im sorry.
[10:22:40 PM | Edited 10:25:25 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I mean I was leaving to go see my girlfriend at the end of the year like I do every year
[10:22:50 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: But that is not for another 6 months
[10:25:09 PM] Eevee: Well, anything else happen on your wild journey?
[10:25:56 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Nothing else of note really
[10:26:35 PM] Eevee: Ah, I see
[10:27:01 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am feeling like I wanna go to sleep soon
[10:27:05 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: with airconditioning XD
[10:27:17 PM] Eevee: Yeah, it was really hot today
[10:27:18 PM] Dovid Magady: xD
[10:27:33 PM | Edited 10:27:42 PM] Eevee: I hope your power holds up
[10:28:14 PM] Dovid Magady: Yeah, get a repairman to check into that as soon as you can.
[10:28:15 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yeah, fluctuating power sucks
[10:28:45 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Also, check with a few of your neighbors, Could have been a thing happening a few places and not just you
[10:31:06 PM] Eevee: Well, have a good night Tyler
[10:31:21 PM] Eevee: And be careful :)
[10:31:26 PM] Eevee: tust no one! lol
[10:31:42 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: especially not the police from what i just read
[10:31:50 PM] Eevee: ^^^ I agree
[10:31:57 PM] Dovid Magady: Watch out for them
[10:32:02 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: that’s just complete bullshit
[10:32:12 PM] Dovid Magady: And keep an eye out for anything.
[10:32:15 PM] Dovid Magady: What?
[10:35:34 PM] Eevee: I guess he fell asleep
[10:35:45 PM] Dovid Magady: He does that all the time
[10:35:56 PM] Dovid Magady: Just leaves without telling us, I mean.
[10:36:17 PM] Dovid Magady: By the way has anyone tried searching anything on the lunarchildren website?
[10:38:21 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah sorry nearly passed out at the key board again there
[10:38:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: what is the lunarchildren website?
[10:39:08 PM] Eevee: It’s a website we go to for spooks
[10:39:18 PM] Eevee: We are a spooky loving group
[10:40:11 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah can I see it?
[10:40:22 PM] Eevee: sure
[10:41:09 PM] Eevee:
[10:42:02 PM] Eevee: It’s a brand new website we are investigating
[10:42:46 PM] Eevee: We found it because I was tipped off by an annonymous phonecall as well
[10:44:04 PM] Eevee: Righ now, it seems as though there’s a group of people in some sort of “gang”
[10:44:18 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah
[10:44:22 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: sounds pretty chooky
[10:44:31 PM] Eevee: We’re waiting to find out more stuff.
[10:44:47 PM] Dovid Magady: I have to go. The Sabbaths starting
[10:44:56 PM] Dovid Magady: I’’ see you all Saturday night
[10:44:58 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cya arg!
[10:45:22 PM] Dovid Magady: Good luck to you all.
[10:45:52 PM] Eevee: Night dovid
[10:47:45 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am probably gonna go to bed too
[10:47:53 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht broskinos
[10:48:01 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: nighty
[10:48:12 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: do a safe and be a happy
[10:48:23 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I hope tomorrow everything is ok, no fukn power outages, weird people or any need to call police.
[10:48:43 PM] Eevee: Ok, Tyler :P
[10:48:48 PM] Eevee: Have a great night
[10:48:51 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht



itwasme.webm update 5/30/15



Artist: K3v1n
Track: laughter.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

laughter.mp3 update 5/30/15



12121 May 30th, 2015 You are wrong update 5/30/15


Chat with Tyler 5/31/15
Read more below:

[10:44:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im staying in a motel tonight
[10:44:52 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Oh you’re safe!
[10:44:55 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im leaving my house now
[10:45:00 PM] Dovid Magady: Oh, hai, Tyler
[10:45:01 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Oh? Cant stay home tonight, Tyler?
[10:45:06 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Be very careful out there
[10:45:23 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: There was a person outside my house
[10:45:27 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I caught it all on video
[10:45:28 PM] Dovid Magady: Whoa
[10:45:35 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Oh crap
[10:45:37 PM] Dovid Magady: That’s bad.
[10:46:08 PM] Dovid Magady: Like really
[10:46:09 PM] Eevee: Tyler, please be very careful
[10:46:12 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: tyler
[10:46:19 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have been back for a while now but I am very shaken
[10:46:26 PM] Dovid Magady: You don’t know who that could be.
[10:46:28 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: you were gone for a while after saying you were going to “take care” of that guy
[10:46:38 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it sounded like you were gonna go shoot him or something :L
[10:46:38 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: did you like
[10:46:39 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: anyways
[10:46:41 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: kill him?
[10:46:42 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: you ok tho?
[10:46:43 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: He left a recorder on one of my grandfathers old broken trucks
[10:46:50 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t want to kill him
[10:46:50 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: That’s creepy
[10:46:53 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: good
[10:46:54 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just wanted him to leave
[10:47:03 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: those cops were strange enough, don’t want to have a murder on your hands
[10:47:04 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: But he was all over the fucking place
[10:47:13 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: whaddya mean
[10:47:20 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I chased after him
[10:47:26 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: to try and scare him away
[10:47:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and everywhere I would go
[10:47:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: it seemed like he would vanish and appear somewhere else
[10:48:14 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: that’s incredibly odd
[10:48:21 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: That is really spooky
[10:48:32 PM] Dovid Magady: That’s really weird.
[10:48:56 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I chased him a decent ways into the woods to make sure he was off my property
[10:49:17 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and then it seemed like I was going to have him out in the open because we were reaching the road
[10:49:31 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: once I had him out on the road
[10:49:35 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: he was just gone
[10:49:50 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Sounds like a creepypasta TBH
[10:49:52 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that’s spooky
[10:49:56 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: What did he throw earlier?
[10:50:29 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: It looked like a lid to a container
[10:50:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: thinking back on it actually
[10:50:56 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: it looked like it came off of one of my bait buckets
[10:51:32 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im going to try to upload the video to my chanel straight from my phone
[10:51:38 PM] Dovid Magady: Do you guys think this guy may be supernatural?
[10:51:42 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I am leaving now
[10:51:49 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t know or care what he is
[10:52:06 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have a night set up at an inn down the road
[10:52:13 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Good
[10:52:23 PM] Dovid Magady: That sounds good
[10:52:30 PM] Eevee: Tyler, please be very careful
[10:52:36 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im going to have to go in the dark now that the sun has set
[10:52:36 PM] Dovid Magady: You should be careful, really
[10:52:38 PM] Eevee: Don’t answer the door to anyone
[10:52:40 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but fuck it
[10:52:45 PM] Dovid Magady: WHOA
[10:52:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Its better than being here
[10:52:55 PM] Dovid Magady: Are you sure that’s a good idea?
[10:53:06 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I wanna think he is gone
[10:53:21 PM] Eevee: Tyler, will/can you contact us as soon as you get to your hotel room?
[10:53:28 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yes Ill try
[10:53:32 PM] Eevee: Good.
[10:53:33 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Sweet
[10:53:50 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: we don’t want anything bad to happen to ya, and I think its safe to say we’re all interested in whats happening
[10:53:54 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: and Ill try to get the video uploaded from my phone
[10:54:04 PM] Eevee: ok
[10:54:05 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have to leave now
[10:54:09 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t feel safe
[10:54:12 PM] Eevee: Take care Tyler


Video from Tyler, posted in the ID Main Skyp Chat on 6/1/15




Chat with Tyler 6/1/15
Read more below:

[6/1/2015 2:01:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey guys
[6/1/2015 2:01:27 AM] Eevee: Hi!
[6/1/2015 2:01:27 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Hi
[6/1/2015 2:01:33 AM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: hI
[6/1/2015 2:01:33 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Thorin has terrible timing
[6/1/2015 2:01:36 AM] The Chosen: Hey!
[6/1/2015 2:01:38 AM] Eevee: Lol
[6/1/2015 2:01:49 AM] The Chosen: Is everything all right, man?
[6/1/2015 2:02:17 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: WHAT HAPPENED
[6/1/2015 2:02:43 AM] Sprikiroid: wow literally two minutes after he leaves
[6/1/2015 2:02:58 AM] Eevee: BTW, is anyone on that cipher?
[6/1/2015 2:03:24 AM | Edited 2:03:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well I gathered some clothes and shit and threw them in a bag and hauled ass to the inn down the road from my house after I hastly booked a last minute room over the phone
[6/1/2015 2:04:38 AM] Eevee: Do you feel safe?
[6/1/2015 2:04:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: As safe as I can be
[6/1/2015 2:05:00 AM] The Chosen: did anything strange on the way there?
[6/1/2015 2:05:04 AM] Sprikiroid: [Monday, June 01, 2015 2:02 AM] Eevee:
<<< BTW, is anyone on that cipher?I would be if I knew what the hell it was
[6/1/2015 2:05:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: there are people in the rooms next to me
[6/1/2015 2:05:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: which has not been a thing for about 2 years now
[6/1/2015 2:05:35 AM] The Chosen: must be weird
[6/1/2015 2:07:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I felt like I was being watched the moment I stepped outside
[6/1/2015 2:08:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I wish I hadn’t wasteds all the time chasing the guy through the woods before and I would have had some day light left to run to the inn
[6/1/2015 2:08:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I think I dropped some clothes on the way
[6/1/2015 2:08:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I couldn’t really see
[6/1/2015 2:08:34 AM] Eevee: Were you able to upload the video?
[6/1/2015 2:08:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am trying to now that I am somewhere sitting still and semi safe
[6/1/2015 2:12:28 AM] Eevee: Look through your things, hopefully you didn’t drop anything important
[6/1/2015 2:16:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have everything except a couple shirts I guess I dropped
[6/1/2015 2:16:29 AM] The Chosen: Oh, that’s not so bad, then.
[6/1/2015 2:16:34 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remember having 3 but now I only have 1
[6/1/2015 2:16:46 AM] The Chosen: oh. not so good,I guess
[6/1/2015 2:17:13 AM] Eevee: Don’t go back for them
[6/1/2015 2:23:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The fucking shit in this video
[6/1/2015 2:24:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: what the hell is this guy
[6/1/2015 2:24:33 AM] Eevee: ??
[6/1/2015 2:26:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc:
[6/1/2015 2:27:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: there its uploaded
[6/1/2015 2:27:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Ill be right back
[6/1/2015 2:27:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I need a drink
[6/1/2015 2:29:53 AM] The Chosen: Thanks!
[6/1/2015 2:31:13 AM] Sprikiroid: I think I heard the happy birthday song around 2:47
[6/1/2015 2:32:10 AM] The Chosen: There are eyes
[6/1/2015 2:32:16 AM] The Chosen: 1:58
[6/1/2015 2:35:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Bongo Bongo when the man appears
[6/1/2015 2:36:32 AM] The Chosen: tyler, is there anyway we can get a dgital copy of what was on the recorder?
[6/1/2015 2:37:13 AM] The Chosen: Wait, this isn’t the tall guy?
[6/1/2015 2:42:22 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: woah shit
[6/1/2015 2:42:26 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: that was trippy
[6/1/2015 2:42:32 AM] The Chosen: yeah, at the end?
[6/1/2015 2:43:36 AM] Eevee: When he brandished the knife, I laughed more than I should have
[6/1/2015 2:45:26 AM] The Chosen: you sure you should say that?
[6/1/2015 2:47:25 AM] Eevee: Sure, why not. He’s right though, he should have a gun
[6/1/2015 2:48:01 AM] The Chosen: Well, that’s hard to disagree with. But he cant risk going back
[6/1/2015 2:50:36 AM] The Chosen: If I were him, I would try and get as far away as I possibly could.
[6/1/2015 2:50:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Laughing huh?
[6/1/2015 2:50:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Sorry I can’t have the army surplus on standby
[6/1/2015 2:51:13 AM] Eevee: No, I wish you could get away as far as possible
[6/1/2015 2:51:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I mean I was expecting some punk ass kid or something
[6/1/2015 2:52:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: A knife would be fine for some stupid kid or drug addict from around my town
[6/1/2015 2:52:20 AM] The Chosen: and that’s not who it was?
[6/1/2015 2:52:21 AM] Eevee: Me too, but now it seems as though it’s something far more sinister
[6/1/2015 2:52:34 AM] The Chosen: What did this guys mask look like?
[6/1/2015 2:53:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It had some fur around the edges and was bumpy and tan
[6/1/2015 2:53:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: with no facial features
[6/1/2015 2:53:50 AM | Edited 2:53:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: except what kind of looked like holes at the top
[6/1/2015 2:54:34 AM] Eevee: Hmmm
[6/1/2015 2:55:58 AM] Eevee: Anything funny happening at the inn?
[6/1/2015 2:56:05 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: no
[6/1/2015 2:56:08 AM] Eevee: Good
[6/1/2015 2:56:18 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: most everyone is sleeping
[6/1/2015 2:56:25 AM] The Chosen: Did the mask look anything like an animal?
[6/1/2015 2:56:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: No animal I have ever seen
[6/1/2015 2:57:22 AM] The Chosen: you should be safe, right?
[6/1/2015 2:57:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im not too fucking amused by the fact that in the end of the video he stalked me all the way back to my house again
[6/1/2015 2:58:05 AM] The Chosen: That was strang
[6/1/2015 2:58:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im over reacting to all of this shit right now though
[6/1/2015 2:58:22 AM] The Chosen: and that was an understatement
[6/1/2015 2:58:36 AM] The Chosen: What I said, to be exact
[6/1/2015 2:58:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Weird shit was in the video
[6/1/2015 2:59:20 AM] Eevee: Tyler, have you considered that something supernatural maybe happening?
[6/1/2015 2:59:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: my camera has been weird on my phone since I saw the tall guy, maybe because it was sprinkling a bit and the phone isn’t supposed to get wet
[6/1/2015 3:00:11 AM] The Chosen: I think that’s the case, to be honest
[6/1/2015 3:00:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I felt like the guy was teleporting or something.
[6/1/2015 3:00:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But in all honesty
[6/1/2015 3:00:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He could have just been damn good at sneaking around the woods
[6/1/2015 3:01:01 AM | Edited 3:01:09 AM] Eevee: Do you have enemies?
[6/1/2015 3:01:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Not that I know of
[6/1/2015 3:02:29 AM] The Chosen: remind me, when did all this start happening?
[6/1/2015 3:03:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Weird people stalking me?
[6/1/2015 3:03:34 AM] The Chosen: Yeah.
[6/1/2015 3:03:40 AM] Eevee: My guess, is that there’s some people who are screwing with you. I have a few suspicions.
[6/1/2015 3:04:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: A few nights ago when I thought I would go walk to kevins house and I saw that weird guy get into the library.
[6/1/2015 3:04:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Then someone left that paper at my doorstep
[6/1/2015 3:04:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: then the police didn’t do shit about it
[6/1/2015 3:04:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: now this
[6/1/2015 3:04:46 AM] Eevee: The police won’t help you
[6/1/2015 3:05:05 AM] The Chosen: So, when you started looking into krvins disappearance, then?
[6/1/2015 3:05:12 AM] The Chosen: That cant be coincidence
[6/1/2015 3:06:35 AM] Eevee: Tyler, how’s your memory?
[6/1/2015 3:06:53 AM] Eevee: Have you forgotten stuff recently?
[6/1/2015 3:07:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My memory is fine
[6/1/2015 3:07:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and why would it not be a coincidence?
[6/1/2015 3:08:18 AM] The Chosen: It seems weird
[6/1/2015 3:08:31 AM] The Chosen: You look into the house of your friend who disapeared
[6/1/2015 3:08:41 AM] The Chosen: And then your getting stalked by people.
[6/1/2015 3:09:17 AM] Eevee: I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with that religion he was a part of.
[6/1/2015 3:09:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My phone is about to die
[6/1/2015 3:09:30 AM] The Chosen: It could be
[6/1/2015 3:09:37 AM] Eevee: OK, Tyler.
[6/1/2015 3:09:45 AM] Eevee: Please be safe
[6/1/2015 3:09:53 AM] The Chosen: Allright.
[6/1/2015 3:10:08 AM] The Chosen: Goodnight, tyler.
[6/1/2015 3:10:35 AM] Eevee: We’re here for you, if you need to talk
[6/1/2015 3:10:37 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t know a damn thing about his religion
[6/1/2015 3:10:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I never did
[6/1/2015 3:10:43 AM | Edited 3:11:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and he would never tell me
[6/1/2015 3:10:44 AM] Eevee: I know
[6/1/2015 3:11:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I don’t understand how that could have anythign to do with this
[6/1/2015 3:11:21 AM] The Chosen: it could, you never know
[6/1/2015 3:11:23 AM] Eevee: But, maybe they have something to do with his dissapearance
[6/1/2015 3:11:49 AM] Eevee: And you asking questions made them mad
[6/1/2015 3:12:03 AM] Eevee: Just throwing out an idea
[6/1/2015 3:12:03 AM] The Chosen: In both that case of him disappearing and with the stalker, the police have been unhelpful/suspicious.
[6/1/2015 3:12:11 AM] The Chosen: We could be wrong
[6/1/2015 3:12:51 AM] The Chosen: But it seems like it could be likely
[6/1/2015 3:13:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im going to try to sleep for now
[6/1/2015 3:13:39 AM] Eevee: OK, Tyler.
[6/1/2015 3:13:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have a lot of shit on my mind
[6/1/2015 3:13:47 AM] Eevee: I understand
[6/1/2015 3:14:02 AM | Edited 3:14:06 AM] Eevee: Try to rest
[6/1/2015 3:14:10 AM] The Chosen: Good night, tyler
[6/1/2015 3:14:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im not going to leave my home because of some fucker in a shitty halloween costume
[6/1/2015 3:14:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im going back home day after tomorrow
[6/1/2015 3:15:04 AM] Eevee: OK, give it some time to calm down
[6/1/2015 3:15:27 AM] The Chosen: All right. you should probably wait, you’re rigght
[6/1/2015 3:15:29 AM] Eevee: Let know you’re safe.
[6/1/2015 3:15:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I may go back tomorrow for my charger though
[6/1/2015 3:15:37 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because in the rush I forgot it
[6/1/2015 3:15:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im going for now
[6/1/2015 3:16:05 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: goodnight broskinos


  1. chat</nowiki>


Artist: K3v1n
Track: orld.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack update 6/2/15






Chat with Tyler 6/2/15
Read more below:

[1:38:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey everybody
[1:38:26 AM] Sprikiroid: nope, nothing new there yet
[1:38:36 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: sup
[1:38:42 AM] Dovid Magady: Hey, tyler
[1:38:45 AM] Oceanstuck: well shit so much for going to bed i guess
[1:38:48 AM] Oceanstuck: sup typles
[1:39:17 AM] Dovid Magady: You doing ok, tyler?
[1:41:15 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh hey tyler
[1:43:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hello
[1:43:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: everything go good with the Hotel?
[1:44:02 AM] Dovid Magady: Hows your day been, tyler?
[1:44:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: its been
[1:44:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I went home today for a short bit to get my charger
[1:44:51 AM] Oceanstuck: sure thats safe?
[1:45:34 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: no it wasn’t
[1:45:45 AM] Oceanstuck: didnt think so
[1:45:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I figured fuck it and just took the walk
[1:45:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: during the day of course
[1:46:03 AM] Dovid Magady: that should have been allright
[1:46:27 AM] Oceanstuck: well
[1:46:33 AM] Oceanstuck: couldve been worse i guess
[1:46:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have spent most of the day walking around trying to clear my head
[1:47:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I was procrastinating going to my house
[1:47:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I did
[1:47:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: You should listen to some Vaporwave. Might help ya calm down
[1:47:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I actually was once I got my phone charged
[1:47:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: niice
[1:48:09 AM] Sprikiroid: The hotel room you’re staying in, does it have a nice view?
[1:48:17 AM] Sprikiroid: or is it like a shitty motel like in Psycho
[1:48:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: [1:48 AM] Sprikiroid:
<<< like in Psychoprob shouldn’t compare a creepy situation with horror.
[1:48:56 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: :L
[1:49:05 AM] Oceanstuck: yeah probably a bit too soon for that
[1:49:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im on the top floor actually as of this morning
[1:49:12 AM] Wolfcat: we only got shitty crackhead motels around here
[1:49:14 AM] Dovid Magady: Undoubtly
[1:49:22 AM] Sprikiroid: very nice
[1:49:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Idk why but I was told I had to relocate myself
[1:49:32 AM] Dovid Magady: weird
[1:49:33 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Huh
[1:49:36 AM] Oceanstuck: relocate?
[1:49:45 AM] Dovid Magady: Did the people in the other room complain or something?
[1:49:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: was it like, Move from room 592 to 600 or something
[1:50:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: to room 592 after the inn got some call from oversees management or something about my room needing to be inspected
[1:50:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh woah
[1:50:26 AM | Edited 1:50:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: They didn’t really go into too much detail ^^;
[1:50:33 AM] Oceanstuck: woah
[1:50:35 AM] Oceanstuck: spoopy
[1:50:39 AM] Dovid Magady: That sounds strange
[1:50:45 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wow I guessed your room number perfectly :L
[1:50:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: im scared now
[1:50:53 AM] Dovid Magady: this is a chain hotel then?
[1:50:53 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I never get things that wright
[1:50:58 AM] Dovid Magady: Like the holiday inn?
[1:51:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: This place used to be a holiday inn actually
[1:51:20 AM] Dovid Magady: oh. wow.
[1:51:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remember it was back when I was a little kid
[1:51:37 AM] Oceanstuck: what happened to it
[1:51:37 AM] Dovid Magady: Who owns it now?
[1:51:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t feel to comfortable at the moment giving off every detail of where Im at ^^;
[1:51:59 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol yeah
[1:52:03 AM] Oceanstuck: fair enough
[1:52:09 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I mean
[1:52:10 AM] Dovid Magady: sorry. Yyour right
[1:52:11 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that makes sence
[1:52:25 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: if hes being stalked
[1:52:33 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I doubt he’d want to say where he is
[1:53:42 AM] Wolfcat: oh yeah that weird recording device thingy
[1:53:56 AM] Wolfcat: I can’t make out what it says
[1:54:02 AM] Dovid Magady: Do you have a digital copy of what it is?
[1:54:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: At this point I can’t either
[1:54:16 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: huh
[1:54:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: any guesses?
[1:54:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the quality of the sound in the device seems to get shittier each time I play it
[1:54:50 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh damn
[1:54:56 AM] Oceanstuck: wo
[1:55:00 AM | Edited 1:55:05 AM] Dovid Magady: weird
[1:57:28 AM] Oceanstuck: any idea what to do now?
[1:57:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im actually gonna try and record what it sounds like now and send it to you guys
[1:58:06 AM] Dovid Magady: K.
[1:58:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: its gotten rather fucky
[1:58:10 AM] Oceanstuck: stay safe
[1:58:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im in my room =I
[1:58:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Alright
[1:58:42 AM] Oceanstuck: tru
[1:59:17 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh I have a question, is the hotel your at a decent hotel? Like, i’m trying to figure out if its really nice, clean, fancy ect. or if its like, run down trailer park quality hotel
[1:59:27 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: my brain isn’t sure what to go with
[1:59:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: :L
[2:05:59 AM] Oceanstuck: its so quiet in here…
[2:06:16 AM] Dovid Magady: I hate it when it gets like this.
[2:06:33 AM] Dovid Magady: Did you get the download by anychance yet, Tyler?
[2:07:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: download?
[2:08:20 AM] Oceanstuck: i think he means the recording
[2:08:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yeah I got it hold on
[2:09:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh also sorry if my last question sounded a bit creepy
[2:09:05 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: .-.
[2:09:11 AM] *** ***
[2:09:20 AM] Dovid Magady: Thanks!
[2:10:02 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh damn
[2:10:09 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[2:10:17 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it sounds like a pencil sharpener I have
[2:10:26 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: its a monster dude
[2:10:38 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: you have him eat the pencil, it sounds like hes eating it when he chews
[2:10:43 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: when you take it out he burps
[2:10:51 AM | Edited 2:11:05 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: but its more ofa LOOEEHKKK
[2:11:04 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: dem bedsprings
[2:11:08 AM] Oceanstuck: i cant hear it my audios broken
[2:11:08 AM | Edited 2:11:13 AM] Oceanstuck: per usual
[2:11:27 AM] Oceanstuck: thankfully im finally getting that shit checked out this weekend
[2:11:52 AM] Dovid Magady: It kind of sounds like weird throat sounds
[2:12:14 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i’d record the pencil sharpener
[2:12:23 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: but its late and i’m supposed to be going to sleep
[2:12:32 AM] Oceanstuck: lol same
[2:12:48 AM] Oceanstuck: id sleep but i have shit to take care of
[2:13:05 AM] Oceanstuck: and also this is really attention-grabbing
[2:13:11 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i’d sleep but I was just gonna go play some xenoblade till like 2
[2:13:34 AM] Wolfcat: I’m gonna head out. Noight
[2:13:38 AM] Oceanstuck: night wolf
[2:13:42 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cya
[2:13:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah fuck
[2:13:50 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ?
[2:13:52 AM] Dovid Magady: Night, wolf
[2:13:55 AM] Dovid Magady: What is it?
[2:14:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: some guy just got carted out of his room
[2:14:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh shit
[2:14:08 AM] Dovid Magady: Why?
[2:14:10 AM] Oceanstuck: what why
[2:14:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Idk I was walking around on the first floor hallway cause its the only one with a vending machine oddly enough
[2:15:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I just watched this guy getting carried out by paramedics from his room
[2:15:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im not sure what just happened to him
[2:15:22 AM] Dovid Magady: Can you try asking someone?
[2:15:28 AM] Oceanstuck: did it look like he had anything in particular
[2:16:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He looked kind of old so maybe he is just having an old broskino problemo
[2:16:27 AM] Dovid Magady: Seizure maybe?
[2:16:33 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: prob a heart attack or somethin
[2:16:45 AM] Oceanstuck: makes sense
[2:17:18 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He was shouting “152” over and over right before they got him out of the hallway.
[2:17:27 AM] Oceanstuck: 152?
[2:17:31 AM] Dovid Magady: Ok, that’s strange
[2:17:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I think that was his room number
[2:17:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk
[2:17:46 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: How old did he look?
[2:17:52 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: could have been some sort of PTSD
[2:18:03 AM] Eevee: Ahem ;)
[2:18:10 AM] Oceanstuck: hey eevee
[2:18:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I live next to a retirement community so he was probs in his 60’s but idk
[2:19:01 AM] Dovid Magady: Hey, eve
[2:20:02 AM] Eevee: Tyler, did you get what you needed from the vending machines?
[2:20:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol yeah, I was grabbing a butter finger.
[2:20:29 AM] Eevee: If so, you should get back to your room.
[2:20:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thats the plan
[2:20:47 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: [2:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc:
<<< butter finger.classy
[2:20:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Its pretty late honestly
[2:21:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am probs about to go to bed
[2:21:08 AM] Eevee: I’m an Almond Joy girl…
[2:21:14 AM] Oceanstuck: i like crunch
[2:21:17 AM] Oceanstuck: or kit kat
[2:21:34 AM] Dovid Magady: Kit Kats and crunchs are the besy
[2:21:49 AM] Eevee: On 6/2/2015, at 2:21 AM, Tylep the rotaerc wrote:
> I am probs about to go to bed
OK, if anything else happens, let us know.
[2:21:55 AM] Sprikiroid: night Tyler
[2:21:55 AM] Dovid Magady: Night, tyler
[2:21:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: righto broskino
[2:22:01 AM] Eevee: I’m glad you’re safe
[2:22:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Ill most likely return home tomorrow
[2:22:16 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cool
[2:22:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thnx me too ^^;
[2:22:21 AM] Oceanstuck: night broskino
[2:22:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht broskinos




Wolfcat’s screenshot of the virtual reality program.




Emails from 6/4/15




Artist: unknown
Track: noise.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Audio on main page - update 6/4/15


control.webm main page update - 6/4/15


blood-moon.avi - update 6/5/15


wickedlady4180 asked:
Whenever /Patrem\ says "Child"... I melt.

Chat with Tyler 6/4/15
Read more below:

[6/4/2015 11:01:53 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have returned home at long last
[6/4/2015 11:01:54 PM] Wolfcat: NO CHOICE
[6/4/2015 11:02:06 PM] Wolfcat: oh hey
[6/4/2015 11:02:07 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Hey Tyler, how was your stay?
[6/4/2015 11:03:07 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Pretty chill ^^
[6/4/2015 11:03:34 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Feeling better?
[6/4/2015 11:04:31 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: as good as I can be tbh
[6/4/2015 11:04:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I mean
[6/4/2015 11:04:56 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel like there are probably people stalking me even now
[6/4/2015 11:05:20 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I havent seen anything out of the ordinary since I have returned
[6/4/2015 11:05:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I started back at work again as well so atleast thats something.
[6/4/2015 11:05:59 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: everything has been pretty good the past couple days
[6/4/2015 11:07:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: That’s good
[6/4/2015 11:09:58 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im also going to be looking into getting soem security cameras soon
[6/4/2015 11:10:07 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: probably a good gun as well
[6/4/2015 11:10:10 PM] ADULT_LINK: Thats probably smart
[6/4/2015 11:10:15 PM] ADULT_LINK: Ooh a gun
[6/4/2015 11:10:23 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: I’m not sure about having a gun
[6/4/2015 11:10:32 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Like, sure, it can protect you
[6/4/2015 11:10:48 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: But you’d need to keep an eye on it always
[6/4/2015 11:11:02 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Or it could be taken from you and then it’ll literally backfire
[6/4/2015 11:11:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: Yeah
[6/4/2015 11:11:10 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: maybe something a bit less dangerous?
[6/4/2015 11:11:26 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Idk
[6/4/2015 11:11:43 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Long-range Taser guns are effective
[6/4/2015 11:11:52 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Or maybe a concealed one that looks like an umbrella?
[6/4/2015 11:11:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: tasers are cool
[6/4/2015 11:12:07 PM] Wolfcat: Anything could be taken and backfire honestly
[6/4/2015 11:12:15 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I would feel safer knowing I have a weapon that can blow Mr.Masks brains out before he decides to Mgs his ass over to my house again.
[6/4/2015 11:12:18 PM] Wolfcat: though it’d be badass to have a machette
[6/4/2015 11:12:20 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I would just call the police
[6/4/2015 11:12:26 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Well, if a taser backfires, you’d get paralyzed
[6/4/2015 11:12:32 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but they will probably once again
[6/4/2015 11:12:39 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: do litterally nothing but make my day worse
[6/4/2015 11:12:42 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: If a gun backfires, you probs couldn’t tell the tale at all
[6/4/2015 11:13:18 PM] Wolfcat: this is murrica son
[6/4/2015 11:13:27 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Not for me :P
[6/4/2015 11:13:35 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah wut is it for u?
[6/4/2015 11:14:47 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: I live in South America
[6/4/2015 11:14:51 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Not the states
[6/4/2015 11:16:19 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Oh I see now, venezuela sounds like a pretty coolio place from what I have heard.
[6/4/2015 11:16:36 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: …It… Kind of isn’t
[6/4/2015 11:16:42 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Strange, I feel Deja Vu
[6/4/2015 11:16:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: wait
[6/4/2015 11:16:57 PM] ADULT_LINK: he never said it was Venezuela tho….
[6/4/2015 11:17:06 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: My old friend denny used to make it out to be coolio from what he described lol
[6/4/2015 11:17:21 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Interesting…
[6/4/2015 11:18:00 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: “Cursed, takes the souls of those there”
[6/4/2015 11:18:14 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Scarily accurate, but not nailed
[6/4/2015 11:18:39 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: >the spirit of his dance
[6/4/2015 11:18:49 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: nigga be describing some next level shit
[6/4/2015 11:19:02 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I wanna do the lsd he does lol
[6/4/2015 11:19:11 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Oh
[6/4/2015 11:19:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: lol
[6/4/2015 11:19:17 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: That explains…. Waaaaaaaaaaay too much
Tylep the rotaerc
[6/4/2015 11:20:57 PM] ADULT_LINK: lol
[6/4/2015 11:21:04 PM] ADULT_LINK: poor maggie
[6/4/2015 11:21:53 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: I’d say…
[6/4/2015 11:23:03 PM] Stevey “Kyubey: Son of Satan” Freeman: 5 shots o rum ago
[6/4/2015 11:24:27 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Feisbewk pls
[6/4/2015 11:28:23 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Welp I just remembered I have work early in the morning so I am actually gonna head off to bed
[6/4/2015 11:29:10 PM] ADULT_LINK: Cya tyler
[6/4/2015 11:29:19 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Night, Bro
[6/4/2015 11:29:36 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Just wanted to say all is well now broskinos
[6/4/2015 11:29:39 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: for now anyways
[6/4/2015 11:29:52 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am expecting everything to stay smooth for now
[6/4/2015 11:31:24 PM] ADULT_LINK: Cool
[6/4/2015 11:31:58 PM] ADULT_LINK: Yo, anyone on janus?
[6/4/2015 11:32:14 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht broskinos ^^





JanusVR - portal:




File:Https:// npngxhGZ8q1uv6z7xo1.mp3

Track: Call with John #1

The first call with John Mesic 6/8/15

Read transcript below:
John: I’m not the one you seek (not in audio)
Circlehunter: John?
Circlehunter: What do you mean? What do you mean?
Circlehunter: uhg, what do you mean you’re not the one we seek?
John: I mean (inaudible)
John: (inaudible)
John: (inaudible)
Call ends

(if anyone can understand what john said, please submit the transcript asap)




Track: Call with John #2: The Flute (reversed)


ID Tyler Info Fail 6/8/15
Read more below

[6/8/2015 10:51:36 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah nelleh
[6/8/2015 10:51:36 PM] Eevee: Hi tyler!
[6/8/2015 10:51:38 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: your icon looks creepy XD
[6/8/2015 10:51:39 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah woah woah
[6/8/2015 10:51:45 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: hey broskinos ^^
[6/8/2015 10:51:58 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Was actually just cheking in really quick
[6/8/2015 10:51:59 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Yo, Tylerino
[6/8/2015 10:52:02 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Got a question for ya
[6/8/2015 10:52:04 PM] Oceanstuck: sup typles
[6/8/2015 10:52:07 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I woke up a little late for my nightshift ^^;
[6/8/2015 10:52:14 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Are you tyed up right now
[6/8/2015 10:52:23 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: we could talk later
[6/8/2015 10:52:30 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Thinkin’ of doin’ a quick call. You want in?
[6/8/2015 10:52:37 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have to go to work in about 15 minutes DX
[6/8/2015 10:52:39 PM | Edited 10:52:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: [Monday, June 08, 2015 10:52 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut:
<<< tyed up>Ty
[6/8/2015 10:52:44 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: ^ kek
[6/8/2015 10:52:52 PM] ADULT_LINK: kek
[6/8/2015 10:52:55 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You in or no?
[6/8/2015 10:52:58 PM | Edited 10:53:39 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: v nigga u gay
[6/8/2015 10:53:32 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: hue
[6/8/2015 10:53:34 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Up for it?
[6/8/2015 10:53:39 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: : >
[6/8/2015 10:53:46 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: lel
[6/8/2015 10:53:50 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: How could you?
[6/8/2015 10:53:52 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: XD
[6/8/2015 10:53:57 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: ;~;
[6/8/2015 10:53:58 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: BOOM GRILLED
[6/8/2015 10:53:59 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Tyler
[6/8/2015 10:54:00 PM] Eevee: Truth is we need to talk to you for a min
[6/8/2015 10:54:01 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Call?
[6/8/2015 10:54:07 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You in?
[6/8/2015 10:54:31 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t really got time atm however I did wanna mention some good news
[6/8/2015 10:54:38 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: ahh
[6/8/2015 10:54:41 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): So is that a no?
[6/8/2015 10:54:43 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: What it beee
[6/8/2015 10:54:47 PM] Eevee: i think so mugen
[6/8/2015 10:54:52 PM] ADULT_LINK: Good news everyone!
[6/8/2015 10:55:02 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Common sense says “It’s a no”
[6/8/2015 10:55:02 PM] ADULT_LINK: o͡͡͡╮༼ ಠДಠ ༽╭o͡͡͡━☆゚.*・。゚
[6/8/2015 10:55:10 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Guys let him talk
[6/8/2015 10:55:15 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have some things set up and I am going to be leaving the country and moving in with my girlfriend
[6/8/2015 10:55:21 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Awesome
[6/8/2015 10:55:25 PM] Oceanstuck: cool
[6/8/2015 10:55:27 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Where does your GF live?
[6/8/2015 10:55:27 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Aweesome
[6/8/2015 10:55:32 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Bye to USA
[6/8/2015 10:55:35 PM] Eevee: Oh, that’s great
[6/8/2015 10:55:36 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: It wont be for a few months
[6/8/2015 10:55:41 PM] Eevee: oh
[6/8/2015 10:55:52 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Wait Ty YOU HAVE A GF??
[6/8/2015 10:55:56 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[6/8/2015 10:55:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: … GG
[6/8/2015 10:55:59 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I think I can handle myself till then ^^
[6/8/2015 10:56:00 PM] Oceanstuck: hehehehe
[6/8/2015 10:56:01 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Old news Faut
[6/8/2015 10:56:03 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: [Monday, June 08, 2015 10:56 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut:
<<< Wait Ty YOU HAVE A GF??Lol
[6/8/2015 10:56:14 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: s hit i fu ked up
[6/8/2015 10:56:22 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Well good news indeed!
[6/8/2015 10:56:22 PM] Oceanstuck: lol faut
[6/8/2015 10:56:23 PM | Edited 10:56:34 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Anyway you might wanna hear what we have for you Tyler
[6/8/2015 10:56:32 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Australia should be damn good for you
[6/8/2015 10:56:40 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: nah australia is dedly
[6/8/2015 10:56:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: oh jeesus australia
[6/8/2015 10:56:48 PM] ADULT_LINK: im too scared to go there
[6/8/2015 10:56:48 PM] Eevee: I’m happy for you Tyler
[6/8/2015 10:56:55 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: If its anythign too long I don’t have time atm sadly
[6/8/2015 10:56:56 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: everything is trying to kill you in australia
[6/8/2015 10:56:58 PM] Oceanstuck: everything in australia either wants to kill you or is going to want to kill you after a while
[6/8/2015 10:57:00 PM] ADULT_LINK: i’m afread of being killed by an australlian kitten or somethin
[6/8/2015 10:57:06 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Stay away from poisonous shit (AKA stay away from everything not man–made)
[6/8/2015 10:57:10 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @tyler
To tell ya the truth it’s about your problem
[6/8/2015 10:57:14 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am already about to be late in about 3 minutes as it stands
[6/8/2015 10:57:18 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: GOGOGOGO
[6/8/2015 10:57:25 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Then we wait for it
[6/8/2015 10:57:25 PM] Oceanstuck: then well have to make this quick
[6/8/2015 10:57:27 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Oh, don’t let us keep you, brotherino
[6/8/2015 10:57:28 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: If I lose my job I am boned DX
[6/8/2015 10:57:30 PM] Eevee: ok, well. We’ll wait for it
[6/8/2015 10:57:33 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: SHIT GO
[6/8/2015 10:57:36 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: RUN
[6/8/2015 10:57:41 PM] Oceanstuck: im not sure if well have time to wait on it tho
[6/8/2015 10:57:44 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: yeah g2g guys
[6/8/2015 10:57:46 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF
[6/8/2015 10:57:48 PM] Eevee: bye
[6/8/2015 10:57:48 PM] Oceanstuck: but
[6/8/2015 10:57:49 PM] ADULT_LINK: How long you think you gon be gone?
[6/8/2015 10:57:51 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Chao
[6/8/2015 10:57:52 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: shit
[6/8/2015 10:57:53 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: just wanted to share the good news
[6/8/2015 10:58:03 PM] ADULT_LINK: K
[6/8/2015 10:58:03 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: okiee
[6/8/2015 10:58:05 PM] Eevee: Tyler, please be careful
[6/8/2015 10:58:09 PM] Eevee: I mean it
[6/8/2015 10:58:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I should be around sometime tomorrow night if I am not dead asleep
[6/8/2015 10:58:15 PM] ADULT_LINK: We do have some important stuff to tell ya when you get back tho
[6/8/2015 10:58:17 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Take care of yourself
[6/8/2015 10:58:20 PM] Oceanstuck: [Monday, June 08, 2015 10:58 PM] Tylep the rotaerc:
<<< not dead
[6/8/2015 10:58:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: Cya
[6/8/2015 10:58:24 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: Cool, hopefully we’ll talk then ^^
[6/8/2015 10:58:26 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Emphasis on important
[6/8/2015 10:58:30 PM] ADULT_LINK: yeah
[6/8/2015 10:58:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: like
[6/8/2015 10:58:36 PM] Oceanstuck: TYPLES
[6/8/2015 10:58:37 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Thorin
[6/8/2015 10:58:37 PM] ADULT_LINK: really important
[6/8/2015 10:58:44 PM] Eevee: lol
[6/8/2015 10:58:48 PM] Master Swordsman, Faut: I think we made dat clear
[6/8/2015 10:58:49 PM] Oceanstuck: be
[6/8/2015 10:58:50 PM] Oceanstuck: safe
[6/8/2015 10:58:50 PM] ADULT_LINK: what
[6/8/2015 10:58:51 PM] ADULT_LINK: o͡͡͡╮༼ ಠДಠ ༽╭o͡͡͡━☆゚.*・。゚
[6/8/2015 10:58:52 PM] Oceanstuck: i guess
[6/8/2015 10:58:53 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: I think Tallarino is gone
[6/8/2015 10:58:55 PM] ADULT_LINK: u wan fukin go mugen
[6/8/2015 10:59:07 PM] Oceanstuck: guys
[6/8/2015 10:59:07 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: yeah all should be good
[6/8/2015 10:59:09 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: but g2g
[6/8/2015 10:59:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: ttyl
[6/8/2015 10:59:13 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: tyler no
[6/8/2015 10:59:20 PM] Oceanstuck: i kinda still wanna talk now instead of later
[6/8/2015 10:59:21 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: peace be upon ye broskinos ^^
[6/8/2015 10:59:22 PM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @Tyler
All we’ll say for right now is what we have for you is relevant to your problem
[6/8/2015 10:59:31 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: …fuck
[6/8/2015 10:59:37 PM] Gabriel Leonardo: gente
[6/8/2015 10:59:42 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: I just realized
[6/8/2015 10:59:43 PM] Eevee: Tyler, you won’t be ok


John’s Call (reverse trans)
Read more below

what, no!
what, stop! (inaudible)
what i go by is nuts
Your notes, hope your taking
I really, really
you must not know
he hates
not how he communicates
new, redo
clearly am i not speaking
its the only way
he has to know what happened
(inaubible), what you, i already told you
i’m not (inaudible)
he is the messenger
were, i’ve said it once, in the (inaudible)
sure, we’re all in danger
tell you, i cannot
know who I am, you already
ill have him soon
at all costs, must stop him


Convo with Tyler 6/10/15
Read more below:

[6/10/2015 12:18:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hello broskinos ^^
[6/10/2015 12:18:12 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Tyler!
[6/10/2015 12:18:19 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: We need to tell you something very important
[6/10/2015 12:18:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol ok ^^
[6/10/2015 12:18:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah sorry I couldn’t be around for whatever it was before
[6/10/2015 12:19:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was gonna be late DX
[6/10/2015 12:19:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I was
[6/10/2015 12:19:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but it was ok
[6/10/2015 12:19:21 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Okay, this is gonna be long
[6/10/2015 12:19:27 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: But do take your time with this read:
[6/10/2015 12:19:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: alrighty ^^
[6/10/2015 12:19:39 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: I have some information to tell you, and I’d like to ask that you hear me out with an open mind.

I’d like to begin by explaining a little more about us, The Internet Detectives. We are a group that investigates, and tries to help people who fall into the clutches of a certain religious group. A cult, basically. This cults members are followers of a Moon Goddess named Luna, and they are split into two factions; one is called the Lunar Children, and the other is called the Moon Children. Both factions are very dangerous, and they have odd practices that include human sacrifice to achieve higher forms of enlightenment.
[6/10/2015 12:21:04 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: In the past, The Internet Detectives had certain powers that were granted to us, and by using those powers we were able to effect people, even those who were a great distance away from us
[6/10/2015 12:21:25 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: So far, so good?
[6/10/2015 12:21:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: …uh yeah ^^;
[6/10/2015 12:22:08 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Okay, lemme continue
[6/10/2015 12:22:13 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: But do feel free to ask questions
[6/10/2015 12:22:33 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: John, Jacob, and yourself were members of our group. You all shared in our powers, and you helped us try to save two young men from this cult. Unfortunately, somewhere along our path, something went wrong.
[6/10/2015 12:23:45 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: We believe that your friend Kevin, was a member of this cult. We believe that on the night you recorded the videos you uploaded to youtube, something happened to the four of you. We still don’t know what, but as a result John was killed, and you, Kevin, and Jacob went into hiding.
[6/10/2015 12:25:03 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: We’ve been contacted by other people who are also trying to help save members of this cult. They’ve kept us informed, and we know for sure that you’ve suffered from some kind trauma from that night, and have lost your memory. The fact that you don’t remember all of us as good friends, is evidence of that. I’m sorry we did not tell you right away, but we needed to gain your trust first. Whether we have succeeded or not, is no longer important.
[6/10/2015 12:26:14 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: We have learned recently that you are in serious danger, this cult is the cause of all the crazy stuff that’s been happening to you. The cult is located in Florida, very near to your home. Their base of operation, is at an abandoned fishery, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, and know exactly where it is. DO NOT GO THERE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!
[6/10/2015 12:26:44 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: (I really need to stress out that you should NOT go to the fishery under any circumstance)
[6/10/2015 12:27:26 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: for some reason, we no longer have our powers of effect. If you fall into their clutches we cannot help you. The police are not your allies, they are loyal to the cultists. Do not speak to them!
[6/10/2015 12:27:45 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: We’ve been told to warn you, and now we have. We can prove all of this, I have several links to websites that will back up our story. Please don’t freak out! You are one of us, and we believe that we can find Jacob and Kevin, wherever they are hiding. I hope you understand the gravity of this situation, and the reason for us not coming right out and telling you.
[6/10/2015 12:28:38 AM | Edited 12:28:46 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: …Phew, that’s a mouthful, but there, that’s all
[6/10/2015 12:38:57 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: …Tyler?
[6/10/2015 12:41:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Ok
[6/10/2015 12:42:05 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: What you are saying right now is kind of fucking insane tbh
[6/10/2015 12:42:42 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: ….But?
[6/10/2015 12:43:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Are you expecting me to believe this?
[6/10/2015 12:44:51 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: I hope you will… If not… Well, I did say we have links that prove it
[6/10/2015 12:51:21 AM] Grey: You guys tell him he got mindwiped by an elder god yet
[6/10/2015 12:51:23 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ty
[6/10/2015 12:51:40 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Okay man this may sound crazy but I can swear its all true
[6/10/2015 12:51:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Show me proof
[6/10/2015 12:51:55 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Those crazy incidents? Those are proof
[6/10/2015 12:51:57 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Fair enough
[6/10/2015 12:52:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Tbh I don’t think you can
[6/10/2015 12:52:19 AM] Gabriel Leonardo:
This is a post you made yourself, with a recording of your own voice
[6/10/2015 12:52:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: because this sounds like a rp you are taking a little to seriously
[6/10/2015 12:52:30 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Those crazy ass incidents with the police, that disappearing man
[6/10/2015 12:52:34 AM] Grey: Mugen’s not here
[6/10/2015 12:52:39 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Grey
[6/10/2015 12:52:54 AM] Grey: What I can’t come in and make a joke?
[6/10/2015 12:52:56 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: You experienced it yourself, Ty.
[6/10/2015 12:52:57 AM] Grey: alrighty
[6/10/2015 12:53:02 AM] Grey: walks out
[6/10/2015 12:53:24 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: That recording, do you recall making it?
[6/10/2015 12:53:38 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Actually, it doesn’t matter, how about this: See the whole thread
[6/10/2015 12:53:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: What recording?
[6/10/2015 12:54:07 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: …What do you mean “What recording”? I linked to it
[6/10/2015 12:54:29 AM] Gabriel Leonardo:
[6/10/2015 12:54:33 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: There it is again
[6/10/2015 12:57:08 AM] Grey: I’m actually getting a 404
[6/10/2015 12:57:26 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ty okay man I don’t know how to put this across and it’s okay if you don’t trust us for now
[6/10/2015 12:57:28 AM] Grey: could be my internet
[6/10/2015 12:57:49 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: But even if you don’t believe us I still wanna tell you to be careful man
[6/10/2015 12:58:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I go to that link and just get a black page
[6/10/2015 12:58:13 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: ehhhh just a secc
[6/10/2015 12:58:54 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut:
[6/10/2015 12:58:57 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Here ya go
[6/10/2015 12:59:57 AM] *** ***
[6/10/2015 1:00:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The front page of the vocaroo site???
[6/10/2015 1:01:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Do we have anything else?
[6/10/2015 1:01:07 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Noope, not working. Eh
[6/10/2015 1:01:08 AM] Grey: I’ll be honest I have no idea what’s going on, I’ve been away for a couple weeks.
[6/10/2015 1:01:15 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Remember the vids you posted?
[6/10/2015 1:01:16 AM] Archery 2000: ^
[6/10/2015 1:01:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Becuase atm you guys are kind of coming off like a bunch of kids who think they have magic powers or something
[6/10/2015 1:01:34 AM] Grey: they said what
[6/10/2015 1:02:01 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: The crazy ass incidents recently, do they really seem like a bunch of bizzares?
[6/10/2015 1:02:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Uhh… yeah.
[6/10/2015 1:03:18 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Okie point taken but
[6/10/2015 1:03:28 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ahh screw it even if you dont believe us
[6/10/2015 1:03:34 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Just be careful, okay?
[6/10/2015 1:03:41 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Just do us one thing, even if you don’t believe us
[6/10/2015 1:03:47 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: One little thing
[6/10/2015 1:04:06 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Do not, under any circumstance on earth, go to the fishery
[6/10/2015 1:04:22 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: ^
[6/10/2015 1:05:14 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Also, for fucks sake bring pepper spray
[6/10/2015 1:06:23 AM] Grey: Who puts pepper on fish?
[6/10/2015 1:06:27 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ty. Bring pepper spray anywhere you go jus do it
[6/10/2015 1:06:41 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: funny story bout that actually
[6/10/2015 1:06:59 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: fish and pepper is a necessity in chinese culture
[6/10/2015 1:07:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I plan to have something a lot stronger than pepper spray
[6/10/2015 1:07:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: do not worry
[6/10/2015 1:07:08 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: perfect
[6/10/2015 1:07:31 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: also wait is pepper spray legal in Florida
[6/10/2015 1:07:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So is this all the proof you have of this crap you have been saying?
[6/10/2015 1:08:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because the front page of vocaroo and a black page is not all that compelling.
[6/10/2015 1:08:10 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Not exactly, but we’ll just do the rest of this thing tomorrow i guess
[6/10/2015 1:08:15 AM] Gabriel Leonardo:
Does this show up in your screen?
[6/10/2015 1:08:28 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: As long as you bring stuff to protect yourself we should be fine
[6/10/2015 1:11:07 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ty? Does it?
[6/10/2015 1:11:24 AM] Paul Rudd: Woah
[6/10/2015 1:11:28 AM] Paul Rudd: Hello
[6/10/2015 1:11:35 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: ayy yo whatsup
[6/10/2015 1:11:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: brb a sec I gotta take a piss
[6/10/2015 1:11:49 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: BRING PEPPER SPRAY
[6/10/2015 1:11:54 AM] Paul Rudd: Wait how long can you hold it
[6/10/2015 1:12:01 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: AND A SURVIVAL KNIFE
[6/10/2015 1:12:04 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: or something
[6/10/2015 1:12:45 AM] Wolfcat: Just in case it didn’t show up before (since apparently pages are being wonky and stuff) I’ll post it here. You might not remember this, but just the slightest chance that you do, I’m going to show it to you anyway. It was a shitty comic I made for the group back when we were doing all that crazy stuff gabriel told you about. You even used a portion of it as your avatar for a while on here. Here it is, the shite comic. (its about a fag named Patrem who’s a huge anus btw). Do you remember using it, right? If I recall correctly, you used it for a few days after getting back on here.
[6/10/2015 1:14:45 AM] Grey: wut
[6/10/2015 1:15:14 AM] Paul Rudd: I found a conversation you participated in involving the events described. It was logged in real time and stored away
[6/10/2015 1:15:16 AM] Paul Rudd: Here
[6/10/2015 1:15:49 AM] Paul Rudd: You may have to scroll down a bit
[6/10/2015 1:15:58 AM] Paul Rudd: I’ll see what else I can find
[6/10/2015 1:16:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am back
[6/10/2015 1:16:39 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Welcome back I suppose
[6/10/2015 1:16:44 AM] Paul Rudd: wb
[6/10/2015 1:17:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Actually yeah I feel like I remember having a picture with a purple guy on my skype before
[6/10/2015 1:18:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Oddly enough I don’t see him in my skype pictures anymore
[6/10/2015 1:18:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I probs deleted it
[6/10/2015 1:18:36 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: I’ll have to leave for the night, it’s terribly late. Sorry
In any event, refer to Wolfcat, Faut or Paul
[6/10/2015 1:18:45 AM] Paul Rudd: Good night Sengi
[6/10/2015 1:19:04 AM] Gabriel Leonardo: Aye
[6/10/2015 1:19:05 AM] Paul Rudd: Don’t get up to anything funky!
[6/10/2015 1:20:06 AM] Paul Rudd: I found another file
[6/10/2015 1:20:22 AM] Paul Rudd: You don’t really talk until around the end of it but you talk
[6/10/2015 1:20:23 AM] Paul Rudd:
[6/10/2015 1:20:37 AM] Wolfcat: If you can see it, this is the blog we use. We’ve got all the stuff that happened with our previous shenanigans logged here. (Though on there you’re referred to as ‘tylep’)
[6/10/2015 1:26:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: dude what are you doing?
[6/10/2015 1:26:31 AM] Paul Rudd: Me or Wolfcat?
[6/10/2015 1:26:34 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Is this some kind of secret code?
[6/10/2015 1:27:18 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Wuuhh
[6/10/2015 1:27:22 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Which one
[6/10/2015 1:27:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [Wednesday, June 10, 2015 1:20 AM] Wolfcat:

<<< If you can see it, this is the blog we use. We’ve got all the stuff that happened with our previous shenanigans logged here. (Though on there you’re referred to as 'tylep’)
[6/10/2015 1:27:43 AM] Paul Rudd: You…
[6/10/2015 1:27:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: That one
[6/10/2015 1:27:58 AM] Paul Rudd: You can’t see half of what we’re talking about
[6/10/2015 1:28:04 AM] Paul Rudd: Can you?
[6/10/2015 1:28:16 AM] Wolfcat: ….huh, I sent a link. idk why it’s not showing. anyways, heres a pic of the blog to show I’m not bullshitting you
[6/10/2015 1:28:29 AM | Removed 1:29:22 AM] Wolfcat: This message has been removed.
[6/10/2015 1:28:39 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Its a tumblr blog
[6/10/2015 1:29:15 AM] Wolfcat: ugh curse my internet btw
[6/10/2015 1:29:16 AM] Paul Rudd: “This photo is unavailable”
[6/10/2015 1:29:20 AM] Paul Rudd: Fucking incredible
[6/10/2015 1:29:35 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: wolf, your internet is bad
[6/10/2015 1:29:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have had some baaad experiences with tumblr lol
[6/10/2015 1:29:54 AM] Wolfcat: tumblr is pretty shitty yeah
[6/10/2015 1:29:58 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: I’m on tumblr, and believe me when I say it is shit
[6/10/2015 1:30:01 AM] Wolfcat: almost as shitty as my internet
[6/10/2015 1:30:04 AM] Paul Rudd: Yeah
[6/10/2015 1:30:09 AM] Paul Rudd: I had a tumblr once
[6/10/2015 1:30:13 AM] Paul Rudd: Then it got stolen
[6/10/2015 1:30:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Anything else you wanna show me regarding my past life? Am I the avatar?
[6/10/2015 1:31:01 AM] Wolfcat: btw that was just to verify that the blog existed, you might be able to manually type in the url shown
[6/10/2015 1:31:37 AM] Paul Rudd: I can’t see your second attempt at sending the photo actually
[6/10/2015 1:32:05 AM] Grey: I can’t either
[6/10/2015 1:32:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Tbh I am begining to feel like I am surronded by crazy people
[6/10/2015 1:32:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and/or back in highschool
[6/10/2015 1:32:40 AM] Grey: lol
[6/10/2015 1:32:59 AM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: h t t p : / / i n t e r n e t d e t e c t i v e s . t u m b l r . c o m / y s h d t - t i m e l i n e
[6/10/2015 1:33:12 AM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: Can ya read that?
[6/10/2015 1:33:24 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Not the Avatar, more the Link
Paul Rudd
[6/10/2015 1:33:41 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: I swear its just everything spaced apart
Paul Rudd
[6/10/2015 1:33:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: large mass of giberish spaced apart?
[6/10/2015 1:34:12 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: I CALLED IT.
[6/10/2015 1:34:15 AM | Edited 1:34:24 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: TotALLY CALLED IT
[6/10/2015 1:34:21 AM] Grey: Is it zalgo text
[6/10/2015 1:34:24 AM] Grey: like I see
[6/10/2015 1:34:51 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Ty
[6/10/2015 1:35:00 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Could you get on another computer
[6/10/2015 1:35:20 AM] Paul Rudd: Tylep I just sent you three screencaps, two of parts of the page and one of the page’s url
[6/10/2015 1:35:26 AM] Paul Rudd: Can you see them?
[6/10/2015 1:38:13 AM] Eevee: Tyler
[6/10/2015 1:38:38 AM] Eevee: Do you remember hiding in the woods?
[6/10/2015 1:38:39 AM] Paul Rudd: Are you still there?
[6/10/2015 1:38:44 AM] Wolfcat: [Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc:

<<< Anyways, happy birthday coolio artisto broskino brotisto
Hope your day is going well!You don’t remember any of this? This will probably show up as gibberish as well. : /
[6/10/2015 1:40:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: When did I say that?
[6/10/2015 1:40:12 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: 26/04/2015
[6/10/2015 1:40:14 AM] Wolfcat: It was in pm’s with me
[6/10/2015 1:40:37 AM] Paul Rudd: It was?
[6/10/2015 1:40:40 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: 12121
[6/10/2015 1:41:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t have that in my history with you
[6/10/2015 1:41:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wtf
[6/10/2015 1:41:07 AM] ARG Dov: So, whats up?
[6/10/2015 1:41:16 AM] Paul Rudd: Arg
[6/10/2015 1:41:28 AM] Paul Rudd: We’re trying to tell him
[6/10/2015 1:41:40 AM] Paul Rudd: It is trippy shit, I’ll admit
[6/10/2015 1:42:18 AM] Wolfcat: This is all I got.
[6/10/2015 1:42:21 AM] ARG Dov: Is he here with us now?
[6/10/2015 1:42:28 AM] Wolfcat: idk why it’s not showing up for you
[6/10/2015 1:42:51 AM] Wolfcat: but I’m not messing with you. Sorry this is all so weird.
[6/10/2015 1:42:59 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: 12121 remember
[6/10/2015 1:43:02 AM] ARG Dov: And who’s using Paul Rudd’s account if you’re here, wolf?
[6/10/2015 1:43:05 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: does ANYTHING work.
[6/10/2015 1:43:08 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: At all.
[6/10/2015 1:43:22 AM] Paul Rudd: ((Paul is using Paul’s account :P))
[6/10/2015 1:43:42 AM] ARG Dov: I see….
[6/10/2015 1:43:52 AM] ARG Dov: And again, is Tyler with us now?
[6/10/2015 1:43:59 AM] Eevee:
[6/10/2015 1:44:32 AM] Wolfcat: oh whoa
[6/10/2015 1:44:37 AM] Wolfcat: thats different
[6/10/2015 1:44:41 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: FUCK
[6/10/2015 1:44:42 AM] ARG Dov: we need a username now?
[6/10/2015 1:44:45 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: WHAT THE FUCK!?
[6/10/2015 1:44:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am getting a password and user name request
[6/10/2015 1:44:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yeah
[6/10/2015 1:44:53 AM] Paul Rudd: Woah
[6/10/2015 1:44:55 AM] Paul Rudd: Huh
[6/10/2015 1:45:00 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: ME EITHER MAN IM SEEING THIS SHIT TOO
[6/10/2015 1:45:43 AM] Paul Rudd: Hmm…
[6/10/2015 1:45:47 AM] ARG Dov: what can we do we this, then?
[6/10/2015 1:45:57 AM] Paul Rudd: I might need a minute
[6/10/2015 1:46:05 AM] ARG Dov: to do what?
[6/10/2015 1:46:12 AM] Paul Rudd: To try something
[6/10/2015 1:46:33 AM] ARG Dov: Try what?
[6/10/2015 1:46:35 AM] Eevee: Johnisdead is down too
[6/10/2015 1:47:08 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: What the hell is going on
[6/10/2015 1:47:18 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [Wednesday, June 10, 2015 1:46 AM] Eevee:

<<< Johnisdead is down tooare you talking about my fucking dead friend?
[6/10/2015 1:47:57 AM] Eevee: Tyler, you’ve been told who we are and what we do. You can choose to believe us, or fall victim to the followers of luna
[6/10/2015 1:47:57 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Would you believe me if I explained it all
[6/10/2015 1:48:13 AM] Paul Rudd: That’s actually the url of a certain spoop site we’ve been investigating
[6/10/2015 1:48:13 AM] Eevee: You are being targeted
[6/10/2015 1:48:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wtf is johnisdead
[6/10/2015 1:48:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I wanna know right now
[6/10/2015 1:48:38 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: it was a website
[6/10/2015 1:48:41 AM | Removed 1:48:46 AM] Paul Rudd: This message has been removed.
[6/10/2015 1:48:52 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Note “was” until we found out a few seconds ago
[6/10/2015 1:48:59 AM | Edited 1:49:03 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: its down
[6/10/2015 1:49:07 AM] Eevee: It’s a website that allows us to communicate with others
[6/10/2015 1:49:58 AM] Eevee: We learned everything we know from there
[6/10/2015 1:49:59 AM | Edited 1:50:06 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: #’s Guy then begins a series of posts in the Call Group. The transcript is:

o I’ll show you

o I

o Father is very mad

o Im not allowed to talk right now

o You did it

o 01101010 01101111 01101000 01101110 01101001 01110011 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101

o (translated:
[6/10/2015 1:50:14 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: This is what happened.
[6/10/2015 1:50:37 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Believe it or not, its something to do with the purple guy.
[6/10/2015 1:52:39 AM] Paul Rudd: I tried entering through the “VR Program” we were showed
[6/10/2015 1:52:43 AM] Paul Rudd: It didn’t work
[6/10/2015 1:52:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just see some text that says “Under construction” and some piano music playing.
[6/10/2015 1:53:06 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Uwah?
[6/10/2015 1:53:12 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Could you send the music over?
[6/10/2015 1:53:23 AM] Paul Rudd: Checking the page
[6/10/2015 1:53:25 AM] Paul Rudd: Huh
[6/10/2015 1:53:37 AM] Paul Rudd: It does say “Under Construction”
[6/10/2015 1:53:40 AM] Paul Rudd: In purple text
[6/10/2015 1:53:43 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Huh.
[6/10/2015 1:53:45 AM] Archery 2000: piano music?
[6/10/2015 1:53:49 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But tbh I am pretty fucking pissed off right now if this is about john
[6/10/2015 1:54:06 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: We’re as pissed as you
[6/10/2015 1:54:12 AM] Paul Rudd: Sorry
[6/10/2015 1:54:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t know how I feel about you guys atm
[6/10/2015 1:54:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im sorry but I am gonna go
[6/10/2015 1:54:38 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: But right now we have every reason to believe you’re in danger as well
[6/10/2015 1:54:47 AM] Eevee: Tyler, we’re your friends
[6/10/2015 1:54:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I needed to call my gf
[6/10/2015 1:54:52 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: No eve
[6/10/2015 1:54:57 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Just let him cool off
[6/10/2015 1:55:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and this
[6/10/2015 1:55:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: this is a bunch of bullshit



V.jpg update 6/10/15




Artist: unknown
Track: patrem.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

patrem.mp3 Update 6/10/15



Purple robe, white polar bear rug under his golden throne, goblet full of red wine. Perfect!






Emails to Spirk, from “K”

In response to questions about the numbers on V.jpg, and the password for lunarchildren.




E-leet Haxxorz!





JanusVR =

New feature!





Site updates: johnisdead & lunarchildren


Blood moon ritual part one
[June 17, 2015] by [liquidsaint]

Wanted to get this out right now since you have all been waiting for it so bloody long. Shame about that new guy, but as you all may already know (as I do very well) when it comes to “her”, sacrifices must often be made.

#blog post


Blood Moon Ritual




Liquidsaint & MattR.’s Avatars


target=_blank layout update 6/18/15



Artist: unknown
Track: whoishe.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack main page update - whoishe.mp3


target=_blank update 6/18/15




Artist: unknown
Track: searchfornewpaths.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack




johnisdead/asleep/ 6/18/15



Artist: unknown
Track: sleeptalk.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack




update 6/18/15 - /asleep/rememberme/index.html



Artist: unknown
Track: LEAVE.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack


[6/20/2015 1:21:51 AM] Le lune ‘Jayckup’: I gotta pee
[6/20/2015 1:21:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I gotta skee
[6/20/2015 1:22:09 AM] Le lune 'Jayckup’: I gotta yee
[6/20/2015 1:22:15 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: I gotta REEEE
[6/20/2015 1:22:23 AM] Thorin: SKREEE
[6/20/2015 1:22:38 AM] John Mesic: I gotta HE
[6/20/2015 1:22:44 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: HAS
[6/20/2015 1:22:54 AM] Thorin: NO


#it goes to hell pretty fast


“The stuff you featured in the “Dead Arc Timeline” is part of an ARG? I didn’t know that and I’m curious, as I and a group of friends discovered this on on our own and I’m curious.”

Yes, it is part of an ARG. The “Dead ARC” is a continuation of the previous ARG; YSHDT. The Dead ARC follows the story of a group of friends Tyler, John, Jacob, and Kevin. They seem to have gotten mixed up with the Moon Children, and have had terrible fates… The game is still in it’s early stages, and if you and your friends are interested, we’d love to have you join! Our main discussions take place in our Skype group. If you’d like, I’d gladly add you.


Made by Tyler on OOC night. oh shit wait was it john or jayckup
i have a bad memory. ~Link

Only for you Thorin….. Next time, we sacrifice you to /Patrem\



FTP0592.jpg update 6/23/15


Why is there an ask here? More importantly, will this be answered by members or something?

There was always an ask, and it will be answered by me, the Time-Lord.


Zangooses suck

More like FAGgoose!




johnisdead/fakeworld update 6/23/15




johnisdead/where update 6/23/15



Artist: unknown
Track: she.mp3 (un-reversed)
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

she.mp3 (un-reversed) update 6/23/15





so uh? are you guys related to the mystery of the ascension cult?

The ARG that we are currently playing is a sort of spinoff of the “Moon Children Arc” from the Haunted Cartridge. We are in our 2nd arc “John is Dead”.

If you’d like to know more about the game, please read the timelines starting with YSHDT. If you’d like to join, let us know.



What is the password to enter

That Sir, is the million dollar question. As of 6:23am on June 18th, we’ve been locked out of the site. As stated by “Matt R.”, the password will be randomly changed. So we will continue to loose access to the site as the game progresses.

As soon as the new password is discovered, it will be posted.



In Remembrance
Of Zack Nelson.
You were a Nazi Spy, but a cool dude. We all suspected you from day one, little did we know… you were fucking dead the whole time!

Wolfcat: “Zack was a fuck shit stick ass bitch who was a fucking cunt ass canon bitch fuck shit stack"

Sengi: “RIPERINO Zack. Never on our side, but always by our side… Also eve loved u y u tear her heart out like so?“




#zack nelson
#gone but immediately forgotten


so uh eve after you left i found some sp00k shit on the site but my subconcious started to flip out and i got too scared so i stopped progressing ._. currently listening to Guar plains theme to try to calm down. would do the lost woods like i normally do but the backwards Lost woods is what freaked me out (along with other stuff) so thats probably not the best idea. ._. help me.

Thorin, there’s someone knocking at your front door….

#plays song of unhealing
#lol its totally Kelbris


>in where patrem's dick size is revealed

It’s coming…..

  • Ba Dum Pst*


Artist: unknown
Track: lost.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

lost.mp3 update 6/26/15



Artist: unknown
Track: hiding.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

hiding.mp3 update 6/26/15



Artist: unknown
Track: keeplooking.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

keeplooking.mp3 update 6/26/15



hole.gif - update 6/26/15



Artist: unknown
Track: hole.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

hole.mp3 - update 6/26/15



falling.gif - update 6/26/15



Artist: unknown
Track: fall.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

fall.mp3 - update 6/26/15












lost1.gif - update 6/26/15



Artist: unknown
Track: areyoulost.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

areyoulost.mp3 (lost forest theme reversed) - update 6/26/15





The Clue is:

est/5 ***** IS SHE?

#wtf does it mean?


it's 'where is she'. you should try johnisdead/where

Oh, we did….. we have found all the secrets… Updates soon to come!




/hole/fall/lostinforest/where - update 6/28/15



Artist: unknown
Track: wowuk.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack



eetneq4.jpg - update 6/28/15



letmegoplease.gif - update 6/28/15



suffer.gif - update 6/28/15



fakeplace.gif - update 6/28/15



maiden.gif - update 6/28/15



uotls.gif - update 6/28/15


help.gif - update 6/28/15





/I/am/True (Father) - update 6/28/15


thethirdgiant.webm - update 6/28/15



1hgy65r.gif - update 6/28/15



/fakeplace/find/you - update - 6/28/15


ah! so you guys are trying to complete or solve the ARG too? thats cool, i first heard if this from someordinarygamers video and joined in on a thread, could you do me and the thread a favor and tag or add what website updates with the clues that happen? thanks

Hello Anon, we are unaware of other groups playing this ARG, but would love for you to join us! Our Skype group is the main hub for activity regarding this ARG, and as such we have access to resources that someone outside of our group wouldn’t have.

If you have a Skype, please PM me your name so I can add you!


To that anon who just said that they had a group working on stuff, where can you guys be found? I'm helping with this group, and i'd personally love to mix what we've been doing. The more heads the faster (and more efficently) things an get done i guess just make an ask on here. ~ADULT_LINK

alwayswatchingyou.wmv - update 6/28/15



FoggyWorld223.jpg - Update 6/28/15


Timeline Update
6/27/15 - 6/28/15 has been updated.

#Praise Luna
#The father is tots real



Artist: unknown
Track: alwayswatchingyou-reversed
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

This is the audio of the video “alwayswatchingyou” reversed.




Regiminis, te nostrae vos (translated: You are our governance)








Heistryingtohide.gif - update 6/30/15



Artist: unknown
Track: t.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack


johnisdead update 6/30/15




Artist: unknown
Track: htaed.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

htaed.mp3 - update 6/30/15




BinReset.png update - 6/30/15



Tlink -




#The Dead ARC


To all new visitors:
Please send us an ask with your Skype name, to be added in the main group. Being in the Skype group gives you access to resources you will not have as a casual observer.

We strongly recommend you read the timelines, starting with YSHDT to understand what’s happening.

The ARG is currently in its second Arc: johnisdead, but knowledge of the events in the first Arc, yshdt, is crucial.

#join us #one of us
#/Patrem\ is calling you!


Every game has rules.
He chose this game when he chose the boy.



Do you know about the YT channel "Savemepleaseee"? He made a comment on one of Tyler's videos. "are you okay? 12121" He has a couple creepy Zelda videos, and something about Thomas and someone's dad. Sorry if you already know about this, I just thought it was weird. It all just seemed... strange. Too much so to be a coincidence.

I can safely say that “savemepleaseee” is not affiliated with this ARG in any way. He’s just a YouTube account that commented on Tyler’s video.

#confirmed by dead people



assimilating.gif - update 6/30/15


target=_blank - Update 6/30/15


Current objective:
Destegging the image on the main page of johnisdead.

Possible password: tenebris
Possible hints: coding in the source of /listen.

If someone cracks it, please submit your findings. Sharing is caring!



Happy Birthday /Patrem
We wish you a very spoopy day.

Have some cake!


#happy birthday



BeReTins.jpg - 7/5/15



BitEnsRe.jpg - update 7/5/15



/key592/ - Update 7/5/15


TL.webm - Update 7/5/15



A screenshot of janusVR room for

This is NOT fakeworld

~Sengi #The Dead ARC #JanusVR #submission


It’s a bunch of LIES!

#we found it
#what do we win?


Hey, I'm that one Fennekin from Janus, just have a few questions about this. Is it related to BEN DROWNED in anyway? Is it like a spiritual successor or something? How do I join the IDs if I am interested?

Hi Fenn,
Yes, this ARG is directly inspired by Ben Drowned and can be considered a (fan made) sequal to the Moon Children arc.

If you would like to join, send us your Skype name and we will add you to the ID’s main chat.


Current objective: (Solved!)

Destegging the image on the main page of johnisdead.

Objective met! Cipher found in image: aHR0cDovL3ZvY2Fyb28uY29tL2kvczFFbVE1aUhyajVJ Translates to: Editing the song file in audacity gave us a spectogram image. (Posted above)



Spectrogram of the vocaroo found in BinReset.

Johnisdead update 7/8/15
#The Dead ARC



Artist: Unknown
Track: (Audio link hidden) Binreset.jpg
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

The Audio from ( hidden in BinReset.jpg

File found 7/7/15 by: Leslie


A lot of things have been pointing to “Tenebris” lately. Namely the image files: “BitEnsRe.jpg, BeReTins.jpg, Bentlres.jpg, BinReset.png”.

Is this a message to us that John has been assimilated by the Tenebris Link?
#poor john



Artist: Unknown
Track: bones.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

bones.mp3 - Update 7/8/15


Update: 7/8/15
#The Dead ARC









target=_blank (JanusVR)



TIME.jpg update 7/13/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: 36.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

36.mp3 update 7/13/15


“Everything has been sorted out since the incident with the masked person who invaded my property. Ill be moving in with my girlfriend at the end of the year, which means Ill be leaving the country so I can say goodbye to anymore locale stalkers.
But for now life is pretty boring, so until then Ill just use this channel to vlog about things whenever anything worth bullshitting about comes to mind.

(On a side note, I really need to get a new phone. Its been fucking up forever but now that I see the way the video recorded I know its probably on its last leg.)”

 Silentdork update 7/12/15




It’s (Me)



v.gif - Main page update 7/20/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: forever.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

forever.mp3 update 7/20/15



Cipher hidden in /index

Binary 3=0, 6=1





Artist: Unknown
Track: say_goodbye.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Update 7/20/15



sign.gif update 7/20/15















mute.gif #7-20-15-update









Artist: unknown
Track: imagine.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack











(wtf is this even?)

































three.mp3 spectrogram




Clearer spectrogram image of three.mp3

#thank you anon


alright, whats up? -shnnhs223

Ass loads of new pages yet to be discovered.

True story.


Update Bookmarks

Due to character limits on the pages, I had to split the timeline into chapters. In doing so, I had to rename some urls. If you have the timelines bookmarked, you’ll have to update them.




Published on Jul 21, 2015

Power went out today so I decided to just go on a little walk.
The camera is fucky as usual so the footage of me going by the fire-station and then off into the river bank seems to have completely vanished. Its in my memories still I suppose.
Atleast there is the part at the end, There was a man walking behind me with a funny parrot, and I didn’t notice a first but upon looking at the footage here I guess it was trying to say hi to me.









Things to do:
So there are a few things that need solving until the next update!

1) oYz2ZF0icHXn.gif (not sure if this is a cipher, if it is, it needs solving)

2) ADTINEO (we need to figure out what the heck this means)


Johnisdead Youtube Page
For audio and video re-uploads, updates, and game stuffs.




Update 7/23/15
#The Dead ARC


ID haxxorz
Links ahoy – Javanese for “breath” – Afrikaans for “caught” – Afrikaans for “prisoner” – Afrikaans for “prison” – Turkish for “prison” – Turkish for “prisoner” – Latin for “dying” – Latin for “I deserve it” – Basque for “save me” – Indonesian for “save me” – Latin for “dead” – Latin for “prisoner” – Malay for “caught” – French for “dying” – French for “prisoner” – Indonesian for “dead” – Indonesian for “asleep” – Basque for “dead” – Basque for “help” – Basque for “hello” – Welsh for “help” – Welsh for “captive/confined” – Malay for “prisoner/prisoners” – Spanish for “trapped”ón/ – Spanish for “prison”í/ – Catalan for “died” – No idea. Probably “redmi” which is Slovenian for “he following” – Turkish for “who are you”

#thanks ryfoxx


I told you so. I always says. You won't be missed. I can't let it happen. What I though so, happend and will, I will be. Do You remember me? ... I don't. Redd will be dited. He's here. I'm now, death is nothing, Kill him. I will. Hes in Me, I'm him. is he? KILL ME

… I need an adult.



target=_blank (password: 6802)

update 7/30/15











Youtube page discovered through /paradise/tricked/enlightenment.txt/


John enlightened us



Summons me to cage
Man plays new wave bossanova
Man to Kafei
envy of 4th giant
wants to have the moon
Tell man of truth
Man wants truth so to go to moon
suffocate child
Put child in cage
play elegy
take childs mask
Give man truth
Man does not know me
Man wants the shepherds mask
My mask
Man lies of shepards mask to my toys
father of lies
Wait in cage
Puppette give cage to link
The link opens cage
I can see all
Man has new children
Man lies of mask
Kafie to salesman
Dawn of a new day lose my new mask

It’s worth noting that the number three is reported by Kelbris to have been said numerous times

Use the three to get moon day 4
Power to grand child
Wisdom to ____burned take mask now my mask
Courage to new link
three are to this“


Published on Aug 3, 2015

finding cool and free shit is always nice




Current objective:

#a cookie to the first person who gets it



Anon: “Credentials of Ministry” and “Certificate of Membership, The Satanic Temple”

Tyler’s a learned individual.

#Tyler #got dem credentials


New website!





image on main page of



Artist: Unknown
Track: 26.mp3
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack





Image on







I control you child, and your futile attempts to remember this are nothing but a game to me.

#vincent adams




/key592 update /key592


Published on Aug 4, 2015

Today was a REALLY scary day at work. Idk what happened, but the fry vat I was working on just suddenly caught on fire right in front of me. I had to hold the camera weird and not talk much because I didn’t want my boss to get mad at me for filming, but I didn’t get the company logo in any shots so idk any reason for them to be mad. If anything I should be mad because that fire actually nearly hurt me really badly.



do u all suc dix?

8==D~~~ (*o*)

#and swallow



/fakeworld/ update - 8/6/15



Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

#best theory from theory night



find.txt - update /key592/ 8/8/15


target=_blank - /key592/ update 8/8/15



/key592/ - update
New directory



ten b is.l. /_____

Update 8/9/15



Update 8/9/15



eye.gif -


Game Break
As stated by The Guy’s this evening in the Main Skype group, the ARG will be taking a break for approx. 2 weeks.

#get well GM Drink orange juice!


through the fire and flames


Did you find something?


Text found on
we will be here soon

wait here


Hey there I think i might habe found something in the johnisdead.c0m Website... A New link... Johnisdead.c0m/3/ Hidden there is a link which gave me a New passworded ZIP called three.ZIP...

That’s quite old actually. It’s in the timeline, the password is: A key.




Stahp posting anon. Your syrup isn’t sweet anymore.



Key592 update (date unknown)

Not sure when the image link was added to Key592, or the significance of it.

The image is a re-hash, already documented in a previous update.


Is the ARG dead?
seems like nothings going on for a long time now

No, the ARG is fine. One of the GM’s was sick, it should be starting up any day now :)


target=_blank update 9/4/15



Binary trans:
I am the supervisor who reports espionage agent when in the field.

I am a spiritual agency believes that help half a seance.

I am a pitcher’s ability to throw the ball in the strike zone consistently.

What am I?

Update 9/4/15
#The Dead ARC




update 9/4/15 - /whatdidido/




Screen caps from “therainhasbegun.webm”




#lunar children




update 9/4/15 - /whatdidido/control



I put it in by accident when screwing around with friends. Gives a 3D image of a cat when viewed. Very peculiar, cannot decipher any meaning behind it. Can someone help?

Great find! I believe this is a test page from a long time ago, when John was testing out stuff on Janus. I’m sure it has no relevance to the game, but good job anyway :p

#when john attacks


So we can safely assume that the Lunar Children have seen this video, and know that they do indeed possess song powers, with an Ocarina that rightly belongs to the ID’s!!!

#We need our ocarina back asap!


Burning flesh flesh melting bones. Nothing could stop my singing. Someone pick up the phone please.Soon he will belong to. REGIMINIS



“That’s his Necklace. Why is K I here. It was not meant for you John. What have you done. No do not touch that. John you shouldn’t be here. Thats his necklace. Ja why are you here?“

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! We told him to stay away from the fishery…







All of the still frames with text from the fishery video






All the stills from the Passing By John’s House video

must be another one someone knows whats this about? or whats the picture?

Although it’s not mentioned in the timeline, some other ID’s have said they remember this page.



Who dat?!

Screen cap from the Fishery video.

#those are all the bricks I shat when I saw it


Published on Sep 9, 2015

I was at a convenience store earlier and must have started recording on accident while I was holding my phone in my hand. I decided I would upload it though, because I didn’t notice while I was there, but when I went to get some beer off the shelf in the end, it looks like some guy was smiling at me from the room behind the shelves. It is kinda hard for me to tell though since everything started getting fucked up near the end. Oh well, at least I shouldn’t be seeing him again anytime soon.




powergenerator.gif update - 9/9/15


Governing.webm - update 9/9/15

“It appears this is what had thought, and after careful planning and judgement, we have decided it may be in our best interests to apply this gift to his power, Regiminis. Though he does not hold the deuro in his grasp as planned, he may still watch over the Harbringers link and have enough power to communicate his knowledge of the portal to us. Mothers shine be upon you Ascended brother Regiminis! Power unto thee through thine sigil!”

the site has died?



fortune.webm update - 9/16/15





how do you find those subsites? yourself or somehow else?
We know from experience, that trying key words as URLs usually provides outcomes.

/rosa, in particular, was tried because of the .mp3 clip on the main page.



Artist: Unknown
Track: Begining.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

Begining.mp3 (un-reversed) update - 9/15/15


Published on Sep 19, 2015

I am not going back, yesterday is the last time I go anywhere near that area of the woods. But damn it took me a long time to get the hell out of there after I saw that man. It felt like I was wondering through the woods for hours and fucking hours.



Rosa - 9/18/15
This conversation happened between 12:43am-2:17am. (/key592)

<Rosa>: I have seen so much in my time
<Rosa>: too much
<Rosa>: That thing
<Rosa>: “Luna”
<Rosa>: Would take the sight of those who have seen so much
<Rosa>: not I
<Rosa>: I have received no such mercy
<Rosa>: I keep my eyes
<Rosa>: There is much for me to tell
<Rosa>: So please
<Rosa>: Ask again
<Zangoose>: What is it that you saw? What is it that is so terrible you’d rather have lost your sight
<Rosa>: When he came to me, Kelbris, it was nothing like when he came to my brother. It was a great punishment and I was forced from this world.
<Rosa>: This sent me back to hopeless chaos, until I finally happened upon a place many referred to as Holy.
<Rosa>: I saw Her
<Rosa>: it
<Rosa>: it is no god
<Rosa>: it is indescribable
<Rosa>: a horrific terror of unimaginable power
<Rosa>: However, it freed me from where I was.
<electricusagi>: that sounds pretty scary
<ADULT_LINK>: Agreed
<Rosa>: I know it only returned me as part of a plan, but not even I fully understand.
<Zangoose>: Do the names “Doug” or “Mason” ring any bells?
<Rosa>: Yes
<Rosa>: I promised myself after the previous events I would stop everything
<Rosa>: and interact no more
<Zangoose>: And yet here we are. Is there something so sever coming up that you decided to intervene again?
<Rosa>: I have no choice
<Rosa>: There are powers at play that have forced my hand so that I may not stay silent. My interaction is part of the rules of their “game”.
<Rosa>: I have seen this game over and over
<Rosa>: The passing of many links
<Rosa>: I feel though if this link may be sparred, a change may take place.
<Rosa>: This place is dangerous, the architect of this place made this location in secret, with 3 numbers under the idea that it would protect him. Due to what that group calls “the rule of 3”
<AmoBishopRoden>: Any advice?
<Rosa>: Your current link shall see one of the transcended tomorrow.
<Rosa>: He thought you were all insane
<Rosa>: He shall soon change his mind
<ADULT_LINK>: wait the link thought we were insane?
<Rosa>: He has lived a quiet life free of these horrors for so long
<Rosa>: The voice in the darkness
<Rosa>: the one behind you
<Rosa>: You allowed him to fool you
<Rosa>: And thus you lost the trust of the lone wolf
<Rosa>: He is still a friend
<Rosa>: I gave you my vision
<Rosa>: Ask me of it
<Rosa>: I shall tell you what I may
<Zangoose>: Is there anything that we’ve been doing that is constantly throwing us off track?
<Rosa>: No
<Rosa>: But the ‘track’ may throw itself from you and you will be forced to find it again.
<ADULT_LINK>: any suggestions to help us find it easier?
<Rosa>: Wait until tomorrow, meditate upon what wisdom you are given.
<Rosa>: You have yet to ask of the vision, your fortune.
<electricusagi>: oh
<AmoBishopRoden>: what is our fortune?
<electricusagi>: can we have a vision?
<electricusagi>: miss rosa ?
<Rosa>: He will leave this place
<Rosa>: your link
<Rosa>: But what shall follow
<Rosa>: I must not say
<ADULT_LINK>: aw why no
<ADULT_LINK>: aw why not
<Zangoose>: What is our goal?
<Rosa>: There will be a ceremony on the 11th night
<Rosa>: so many died in that place
<Rosa>: more than you understand
<ADULT_LINK>: another ascension?
<Rosa>: they wish to right a horrible mistake
<Rosa>: the failure of the night of the past
<Rosa>: there are many in that building
<Rosa>: but you can see none
<Rosa>: He is being forced there
<Rosa>: wait
<Rosa>: He is there
<ADULT_LINK>: what of skm, do you know where he is? or how we can reach him?
<Rosa>: The exile
<Rosa>: Patrem he calls himself
<Rosa>: He is there at this time
<Rosa>: He will bring him there on the 11th night
<Rosa>: But he does not understand what he is doing
<Rosa>: the four are not a mere tool
<Rosa>: The ceremony will not bring the moon he is calling for
<Rosa>: but
<Rosa>: I must not speak of it
<Rosa>: You have already seen some of them
<Rosa>: the four
<Rosa>: giants
<AmoBishopRoden>: who are they?
<ADULT_LINK>: are some of them called “Tyler” “John” and/or “Jacob”
<ADULT_LINK>: by any chance
<Rosa>: I may tell you what you already know
<Rosa>: you know two names
<Rosa>: Kelbris
<Rosa>: Douglas
<Zangoose>: Vincent, by chance?
<Rosa>: No
<ADULT_LINK>: any idea on when we might learn the other 2 names?
<ADULT_LINK>: since i dont think you’re going to say them here
<Rosa>: You may look into the past and see them, but you would still never truly know.
<Rosa>: This wisdom will come when the time is right.
<AmoBishopRoden>: the cult’s website, how do we get in and take back what is ours?
<Rosa>: You seem to not understand what was taken from you.
<Rosa>: Allow me to help you
<AmoBishopRoden>: please so
<Rosa>: Do you know the creature, the one you have all fought for so long, since the times of the old links?
<AmoBishopRoden>: Yes
<ADULT_LINK>: is it patrem?….
<Rosa>: no
<ADULT_LINK>: oh ben
<ADULT_LINK>: nevermind im dumb
<ADULT_LINK>: sorry
<electricusagi>: ?
<mib_nstgs2>: hello
<mib_nstgs2>: (this is arg, by the way)
<Rosa>: The creature controlled that boy.
<Rosa>: The creature is what you fight against
<mib_nstgs2>: Patrem>
<Rosa>: No
<mib_nstgs2>: who then?
<ADULT_LINK>: ben ya goof
<Rosa>: You know him as the dark link.
<Rosa>: Tenebris
<electricusagi>: o:
<Rosa>: It is from before our time
<mib_nstgs2>: before the time of the moon children?
<Rosa>: from before this realm, or any realms aside from its own existed.
<mib_nstgs2>: Oh, nevermind
<Rosa>: It only wishes to make games of your kind. It seeks only to amuse itself.
<Rosa>: After it was sent here, it asked that “goddess” to give a gift of her own power to your kind.
<ADULT_LINK>: The Ocarina?
<Rosa>: It is forced to call it that yes.
<mib_nstgs2>: “forced’?
<ADULT_LINK>: Your wording for that, are you saying that the ocarina is sentient?
<mib_phnj81>: Ay tis faut
<Rosa>: I know little of its workings
<Rosa>: however
<Rosa>: His time with that boy left an imprint on him.
<mib_phnj81>: Emotional imprint? Physical imprint? Ya saying he slashed him?
<Rosa>: He cannot escape the need to call everything by the eye of that boys mind.
<mib_phnj81>: also has the ocarina decided to abandon us, if it is indeed sentient
<electricusagi>: o: he’s trapped in a kids mindset
<Rosa>: No, the power is not sentient.
<Rosa>: But its original wielder is.
<mib_phnj81>: ahh
<mib_phnj81>: so thats how it is
<mib_phnj81>: im sorry i just missed a LOT so
<mib_nstgs2>: yeah, same.
<electricusagi>: the original wielder?
<Rosa>: Luna
<mib_nstgs2>: Ah.
<mib_nstgs2>: and who is Luna, exactly?
<ADULT_LINK>: really gys
<ADULT_LINK>: like
<ADULT_LINK>: really
<Rosa>: I have seen the it already
<Rosa>: you will have this power back though
<mib_nstgs2>: oh, that’s good
<mib_nstgs2>: I hope.
<Rosa>: You will soon take their domain as your own. That is where this power has been moved.
<mib_nstgs2>: you mean the lunar children site?
<ADULT_LINK>: Hey rosa, any ideas on how they took the ocarina from us?
<Rosa>: A whim it seems
<Rosa>: A whim of the dark link
<Rosa>: He moved it to them, for only he and his mother may touch the untouchable, as it is said.
<ADULT_LINK>: Oh rosa, i have a question
<Rosa>: Ask
<ADULT_LINK>: do you know a John?
<Rosa>: I know of the the burned one as he is called.
<ADULT_LINK>: is it correct tht the dark link has possesed him? or something along the lines of that
<ADULT_LINK>: It’s a bit late where i am and i’m not great at remembering things
<Rosa>: On the 11th night
<Rosa>: The dark link lost control of the boy he once held
<electricusagi>: so yes
<Rosa>: He was forced to roam this world in his true form, for some time.
<Rosa>: After the point in which he saw our link, he seemed to think it humorous to steal the soul of his friend.
<Rosa>: The "weird guy” as your friend Tyler called him.
<ADULT_LINK>: Well damn.
<ADULT_LINK>: What about “Jacob”
<mib_nstgs2>: so that’s who that was.
<ADULT_LINK>: he was a freind of tyler, and we arent too sure what happened to him
<Rosa>: I would put myself in harms way to say much, but I can promise you he is very much alive and safe from any danger for now.
<mib_nstgs2>: oh, good.
<ADULT_LINK>: Oh, well thats good news.
<Rosa>: But his fate is sealed, and what will happen to him may not be changed.
<ADULT_LINK>: i dont want you to put yourself in harm, but knowing that he is alive and well is good
<ADULT_LINK>: i’m hoping its a good fate…
<mib_nstgs2>: So, he will die, though
<ADULT_LINK>: but if you cant say thats fine
<mib_nstgs2>: yeah, never mind, don’t answer whether hes destined for death
<k592>: time is running short
<Rosa>: Thank you for the warning
<ADULT_LINK>: is k592 SKM?
<mib_nstgs2>: your welcome. thank you for contacting us.
<mib_nstgs2>: Yeah, I was wondering who that was
<ADULT_LINK>: um why did you say your welcome… you arent… uhg nevermind
<Rosa>: It is a spirit I borrowed, to hold our connection in this place.
<ADULT_LINK>: Oh duh, K. should have recognized that.
<Rosa>: Ask what you will
<Rosa>: There is much you may ask of me, but you will not like what I say.
<ADULT_LINK>: I dont actually have any time either. sorry
<ADULT_LINK>: Sorry, but i must leave
<k592>: n
<k592>: Not much longer
<AmoBishopRoden>: one more question
<AmoBishopRoden>: who should we trust?
<Rosa>: There is little to trust
<Rosa>: You trusted that man in the beginning, Patrem, this was a mistake.
<mib_phnj81>: we didnt have a choice tho
<ARGdov>: It was, I guess
<Rosa>: The burned one is overtaken by the dark one, who should not be trusted at any time.
<mib_phnj81>: so who can we trust
<mib_phnj81>: and when will they arrive
<Rosa>: This SKM, wishes to help you, but I have seen already, he has his own goals, and would do anything to make sure they are complete. Tread carefully.
<Rosa>: Tyler however
<Rosa>: he is your link
<mib_phnj81>: tyler refuses to trust us yo
<mib_phnj81>: its like
<mib_phnj81>: “NO YALL A BUNCH OF WHACKOS”
<k592>: No one can enter now
<Rosa>: What the lone wolf shall soon see, will make him trust you.
<mib_phnj81>: ahh then theres no problems there
<mib_phnj81>: but theres something that disturbs me still
<mib_phnj81>: what is tylers fate and what is our fate after his
<Rosa>: If you fail to spare this link a terrible fate.
<Rosa>: All shall be consumed
<mib_phnj81>: WELL FUCJ ME
<Rosa>: it will descend
<Rosa>: and its tribe shall take all as their masks
<mib_phnj81>: probs wearing tshirts labelled #ifuckedthemoon
<ARGdov>: oh. no pressure then.
<mib_phnj81>: no but in all seriousness
<mib_phnj81>: who is after us and tyler
<mib_phnj81>: also i would love to know SKM’s goal but since you stated it that way i’m p. sure we arent supposed to know
<k592>: Regiminis is coming
<mib_phnj81>: fuckfuckfuck
<k592>: Time to go Rosa
<Rosa>: All shall be known in time
<mib_phnj81>: How long more do we have
<Rosa>: I must leave
<Rosa>: My time is up
<mib_phnj81>: so like noe okay
<mib_phnj81>: See ya around
<ARGdov>: Thank you, again. well do all we can.
<mib_phnj81>: when will we speak again
<mib_phnj81>: also thanks
<k592>: She is gone
<ARGdov>: oh well. we should probably get going too
<k592>: I recommend you do the same
<mib_phnj81>: thanks for setting this up
<mib_phnj81>: SOMEONE LOG THIS
<k592>: It was Rosa’s idea
<mib_phnj81>: but still
<mib_phnj81>: thank you
<mib_phnj81>: we’ll try to not screw things up
<electricusagi>: owo everyone due your best
<mib_phnj81>: gambatte


update to the main page



Artist: Unknown
Track: d.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

d.mp3 (un-reversed)

“Come on let me in, it’s me Douglas” update 9/25/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: it_was.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

it_was.mp3 update 9/25/15


me.webm update 9/25/15


Stout Shako for 2 Refined!

I’m sending the Lunar Children to your house.


Paranoid Knocking
Silentdork upload 10/8/15 - 10:08am




kelbris is like the jehovah's witnesses of the arg in that they both go around knocking on people's doors

Cool thing about Kelbris is that he may (or may not) have a pizza.

#but he'll fuking kill you anyway!


Published on Oct 8, 2015

I accidentally stopped the recording early but yeah that was really weird. I had a dream last night I went to that website I was shown a while back,, made by those assholes who I guess wanted to make some joke out of my friends death or something. And in the dream it actually wasn’t just a blank red page with music or weird sounds, someone I talked to on the website told me to call john. So I looked through some of my old shit and found his old number. I was just expecting a disconnected message, or someone to already have the number taken over, but I guess whoever has it now also has a fucked up phone.





Screenshots from Paranoid Knocking





Artist: unknown
Track: number.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

/key592 - Update 10/12/15



this is the number: 1213182592 (I’ve used tone generator online)


That’s almost amazingly accurate, although the number 7 should be swapped for the 1’s. The number is (727)378-2592, this number has been in the timeline for a long time, it was the original number given to us by /key592.



what is or who is /key592 ? is it something like a tip provider?

It’s a link to “them”.

#We'll learn more in the future



anomaly.jpg - REMEMBER THE HOUSE - scared.mp3

Johnisdead update 10/25/15


im a spooky anon happy halloween ya damn nerds. OH AND TELL THORIN HE'S A FAT DWARF

guess who's a bunch of nerds

Oh, oh, oh! Is it us?
What do I win?????

Presumably, this was meant for us to download and play “lostmemory.exe” Unfortunately, several of us were unable to download it. So I’m not sure how to go about this now. Until, we get a clearer view of what this update meant, it won’t be added to the timeline.


11/1 Cipher formula
step 1: reverse code
step 2: see spooky sKm
step 3: remove lowercase s&m
step 4: get new code
step 5: see spooky HElp
step 6: remove lowercase l&p
step 7: get ASCII code
step 8: read the message: “they have him and I am
scared, he let me out of his box and im waiting in
my house but something bad is gonna happen in ten
more days I just know it. The masks just wont stop
watching him.”

step 1: reverse code
step 2: base32 (ASCII)
step 3: ASCII (base32)
Step 4: remove lowercase i&m (HEX)
step 5: remove the obvious “4” (ASCII)
step 6: reverse ASCII
step 7: (partial decode) “Come to my mind 5?a? home pass I have to tell you the e h he is coming to get m m”


Ok, it does seem as though this was hinting towards downloading the three games: Remember.exe, Lostmemory.exe, and Link.exe.

It may may be, that these will come in handy sometime in the future. If anyone would like to download these games, please go here:




Need help {SOLVED!}




Update 11/3/15 - lostmemory.exe


  1. X92dT98lA2J79*8Y8@iamtwo@QnMO9iFtZ8PVrK93+t^7oi&Y79)*F7nQES79*8[7nQ6O78u$38kqiE






Artist: Unknown
Track: pastevent.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

10/25/15 update -



New update added!
The timeline has been updated to reflect the events that occurred on 10/25/15.




Artist: Unknown
Track: scared.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack update - 10/25/15



Undecim Nocte - Countdown Timer
Undecim Nocte – “November eleventh 2011, thought by many lower ranking members to be the end times prior to its passing due to limited knowledge of what was to occur. In depth discussion is even now highly restricted do to the nature of what occurred on that night. However what is allowed to be said is that on that night the parallelos in all of space and time is thought to have been in perfect alignment, while an unknown growing time anomaly caused instability in time, giving opportunity for many unusual happenings to occur. It may also be known an ascension was performed on this night and was extremely successful, however no more may be spoken of on the matter. Anyone who asks of that night out of turn, or is revealed to hold forbidden knowledge of the 11/11/11 night shall be terminated immediately.”

#Undecim Nocte


target=_blank update - 11/4/15


whats with the timer?

Countdown to Undecim Nocte (ctrl+f in the timeline to learn more)


find the name
The ANSwe3r is right In front of yOu
               fac3e it

 S I



WE ARE IN!!!!!

Username: thoth33

Password: 3MrC6OLRutS}


Our new home









Interesting profiles on the forum.


the lunarchild is fake and gives distraction, rather then clues
07-25-2015 = date of all accounts created, all which has spooky cringeworthy avatars and fake as topgear bios. all posts are probably made by one person leaving in and out of accounts at around 10/23 to 10/26 days. The site won’t give any clues, it’s all a distraction. do not trust lunarchildren.

Tenebris… Is that you???



Convo w/ SKM

<SKM>: get in here now
<PatremsBitch>: SKM! Ma nigga
<Amo>: what’s up
<SKM>: I am very short on time
<SKM>: there are cameras everywhere
<SKM>: they watch everything I do
<PatremsBitch>: fuck that’s terrible
<SKM>: they see me using the bloody bathroom XD
<SKM>: but I have no time for banter
<SKM>: I had to essentially steal their irc and lock everyone out to make this work
<SKM>: I couldn’t even jack into the special page I made for this
<SKM>: not that it matters
<Faut>: skm whats up
<SKM>: the damn ai’s ( funny I can still convince myself to call them that) have basically hijacked it
<SKM>: this is a very unstable place though
<PatremsBitch>: Shit nigga, say what you need quick
<SKM>: I lied to you all
<Faut>: how much time do we have
<Amo>: about what?
<Faut>: skm…
<Faut>: are you ls
<SKM>: I have been in that group since long before you knew of me
<Faut>: then why
<Faut>: why did you lie to them as well
<SKM>: this is a very long story
<Amo>: we’re listening
<SKM>: I do not have time to explain
<Amo>: oh
<Faut>: short version
<SKM>: However I can get you back into those forums
<Faut>: summarize it in 20 words or less
<SKM>: I do not know how the shit works
<SKM>: but they have a power
<SKM>: the same one you all had before
<SKM>: that broken thing gave it to them
<SKM>: like he could just move it around
<SKM>: like it was his all along and he was just letting them have it now
<Faut>: he was playing us like a fiddle?
<SKM>: I will get you all back in
<SKM>: you will have access to that and nothing more
<Amo>: what do you suggest we do once we get back in?
<SKM>: be careful
<SKM>: its not a bloody toy
<SKM>: that is my suggestion
<Amo>: got it
<Faut>: okay what do we NOT do
<SKM>: something very strange is going on there
<PatremsBitch>: I assume we NOT get in there and play every song we know
<SKM>: things beyond my control
<SKM>: users coming in beyond my control and weird shit like that
<PatremsBitch>: SKM, are you LiquidSaint?
<Faut>: ^
<Faut>: the real question
<SKM>: yes
<SKM>: goodbye

#Lunar Children


Good News Adventurers!
We’ve made contact with helper!

Sorry about the delay with getting the timeline updated. I will work on it this weekend.

Friend, We Miss You.






Message from Tyler

She doesn’t want me to talk to anyone. She’s taken away all of my electronics, filming will get me into trouble. She won’t tell me why. It’s new years eve, I thought this would be a happy time, but she has me locked in this room. However she forgot to close her laptop.

I feel like someone is still watching me, even now. She said she had to go somewhere for a bit, something about keeping everything under control. I don’t know where she is. But she’s is so different now than I remember her being.

I would try to get out of here, but this place is way up in the mountains.

I keep having dreams over and over. Nightmares. Some burning guy telling me something, and then some owl telling me I need to ‘tell the rest of the story’
It’s the videos
I Know it is
shE says not to upload anymore

I feel like I haVe to
she says I don’t need a vlog
it hurts my aNonymity
that bad people will watch it, she won’t tell me who.

those masked people? The Lunar Children she won’t even talk about. but she acts like she knows something about them
I feel like she always has. I don’t like all the fucking masks she has in her house
I don’t like the chest she has with all the masks covered in “fake blood”. I don’t think it’s fake. Someone is watching me, I know it
but she is not here. I’m going crazy. I think I am fucked.
I was fucked before I was taken by those masked people.

47 4d 33 43 41 4e 5a 56 45 41 32 54 43 49 42 58 47 4d 51 44 4d 4d 52 41 47 4a 52 43 41 4e 42 56 45 41 33 54 43 49 42 57 47 45 51 44 49 4e 4a 41 47 51 32 53 41 4e 52 55 45 41 5a 54 51 49 42 57 47 51 51 44 49 4e 5a 41 47 51 5a 53 41 4e 52 59 45 41 5a 47 45 49 42 56 4d 45 51 44 45 4d 5a 41 47 51 32 53 41 4e 52 53 45 41 32 54 49 49 42 53 4d 45 51 44 45 4e 52 41 47 51 59 53 41 4d 5a 51 45 41 5a 57 4d 49 42 53 4d 59 51 44 47 4f 4a 41 47 51 33 43 41 4e 4a 58 45 41 33 44 45 49 42 57 4d 51 51 44 49 4f 42 41 47 51 32 43 41 4e 44 43 45 41 32 72 65 64 44 53 6d 61 6e 49 42 53 47 49 51 44 47 4d 4a 41 47 51 59 53 41 4e 44 43 45 41 32 57 43 49 42 53 48 45 51 44 47 4f 42 41 47 51 59 43 41 4d 33 43 45 41 33 54 41 49 42 54 47 41 51 44 4f 4d 5a 41 47 51 59 53 41 4d 5a 51 45 41 5a 57 4b 49 42 56 47 41 51 44 4f 4d 5a 41 47 51 32 53 41 4e 52 53 45 41 5a 47 49 49 42 55 47 45 51 44 45 59 4a 41 47 51 32 43 41 4e 52 57 45 41 32 54 43 49 42 58 47 51 51 44 47 59 4a 41 47 51 32 43 41 4e 52 57 45 41 5a 54 41 49 42 54 47 45 51 41




Someone is here messing with he computer somehow. I need to go. She usually uses irc chat and lenphone. So hopefully she won’t notice that I managed to get into her skype for a moment.



Hello chaps. I'd like to enquire as to how I can become one of these Internet Detectives?

PM us your Skype name and we’ll add you.


background noise.mp3


you guys dead?

No, Tyler’s still trapped in his girlfriends house in Australia. Hopefully , he’ll contact us soon.




February 11th, 2016
At an unknown time, a video was uploaded to the Silent Dork youtube channel. The video was titled “Waiting”, and featured a flaming background with red shaking text that flashed: “Waiting, Friends, Masks, The Ashes”. The video was tagged with: “NNN”, “from beyond your world”, “tenebris watches”, “regiminis watches”, “play again”, “soon”.



February 15th, 2016
At about 2am, the video “IMG_1426” was uploaded to lostmemory23. It features a person walking around in a wooded area examining a key and various notes, one of which features the names of significant arg characters. The description features a cipher which translated: “If you wish to be called SKM from here on, fine that is what we will call you, but before we can let you come to the fishery we need you to prove your worth to us, record yourself going to the enclosed geo coordinates, this place was the meeting grounds of who we knew as the misguided. There should be a key, this key gathered the essence of the dying remnants of that place, find it, open the last standing building in that orchard with it and film what masks remain for our archives. If you succeed you will be answering to the man who ended them for us from the inside, Elder child Mathew.” (cipher was encoded in base 64, then reversed) This suggests that the video may be partial footage of SKM fulfilling the described actions.



Johnisdead Timeline - 2015
Below is the entire timeline for 2015
May 14th, 2015
· At 9:51pm, /Patrem\ posted on WH. He wrote “The time is coming children”

· At 10:07pm, /Patrem\ posted again: “The boy, the deceiver, he is approaching you. He is upon you all yet you cannot even see.

· At 10:27pm, /Patrem\ posted again: “That damaged boy who knows himself now by numbers. Ignore him, he is foolish.”

· At 10:29pm, User “31071157 35667145 310” (#’s Guy) joined the ARG Call Group and posted:

“00100000 00100000 01101000 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100” (translated: “hn is dead”)

· At 10:36pm, #’s Guy posted “01011001 01110011 01101000 01100100 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 01110010 01110101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 01110011 00101110 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01101101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101110” (translated: “Yshdt you must follow the instructions. I am blind but I can feel them there.”)

· At 10:39pm, /Patrem\ posted on WH in response to #’s guy’s post in the ARG Call Group: “BE SILENT BOY IT IS NOT YET TIME!”


· At 10:46pm #’s Guy posted in the ARG Call Group: “He is hurting me”


· #’s Guy then begins a series of posts in the ARG Call Group. The transcript is:

· I’ll show you

· I

· Father is very mad

· Im not allowed to talk right now

· You did it

· 01101010 01101111 01101000 01101110 01101001 01110011 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101

· (translated:

This new website features an image of a foggy road titled “foggyworld248.jpg”.

It has an audio file titled “uploads/background.mp3”, the title of the page is “WAKE UP”.

· At (unknown timestamp), /Patrem\’s status changes to “exsecutus”,
which translates to “lazily”

· At (unknown timestamp), Drowned ( #’s Guy) began to contact the ID’s via Skype. The transcript is as follows:

o Drowned joins the Skype call (Skull Kid’s laugh is played)

Drowned leaves the call

Drowned posts in the Skype chat: “I’ll show you”

o Drowned joins call again. (Plays Song of Unhealing)
Drowned posts “I” in text chat.
(More Song of Unhealing is played)

Drowned whispers into the mic. Words are hard to make out, some guesses are “Yes”, “Cannot”, “Secret”, and “Isn’t it“
(Drowned then begins to speak clearly)
Drowned - ”I’ll show you.“
Drowned - ”He’s hurting me.“
Mugen - “Who’s hurting you?”
Drowned - “He’s hiding now.”
Mugen - “Who’s hiding now?”
Drowned- “Father”
Drowned - “Quiet, he’s coming now.”
Mugen - “Understood.”
(Song of Unhealing plays, loud noises are
“Please don’t hurt me.”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
(A loud noise is heard, and Drowned
leaves the call)

Drowned joins call again “Father is very mad”
“Im not allowed to talk right now”
(More Song of Unhealing is played)
“Father said ”
“I’m hiding from him.”
(Corrupted music plays)
“Please let me go, please stop.”
(Drowned is quiet for a long time)
Drowned - “Four”
Mugen - “What is your name?”
Drowned - “I can’t remember anymore.”
Mugen - “Message corrupted. Can you repeat that.”
Drowned - “He’s trying to…”
(Loud corrupted messages come from Drowned)
Mugen - “He’s trying to what?”
(More corrupted noises)
(Drowned says something very quietly)
Mugen - “Speak up, we cannot hear you.”
Drowned - “I’ll show you.”
Mugen - “Lead the way.”

(Drowned speaks sobbingly)
Mugen - “Calm down, we will do what we can.”
Drowned - “Father is angry.”
Mugen - “I can see him. The fool.”
Drowned - “Free our God.”
Mugen - “Mission Accepted.”
Drowned - “Three are gone now.”
Drowned - “Father sent three of you.”
Wolf - “Who are the three?”
Drowned - “I can’t tell you.”
Drowned - “They were never really there.”
(Drowned whispers things very quietly)
Mugen - “Standby.”
Mugen - “Speak up a bit it’s hard to hear.”
Drowned - “Father will hurt me.”
Mugen - “Do you think it’s worth it?”
Drowned - “I will do it.”
Mugen - “If that is your wish.”
Drowned - “Do you think I am?”
Wolfcat - “Kelbris?”
Mugen - “Could it be that you are Kelbris?”
Drowned posts more binary in the text chat, it translates to the same as before:
“Yshdt you must follow the instructions. I am blind but I can feel them there.”

(A deep voice comes out of Drown’s call)

(Drowned leaves the call, and posts the following in the text chat)
“You did it”

· At 11:52pm, #’s Guy posts in the ARG Call Group, and is apparently now taken over by /Patrem\ the transcript is:

I have silenced that boy for now.

I am still in him in this time.

This worthless meat puppet

I have silenced the boy

I sent my neophyte first, the grand child to silence him.

But I must do all myself it seems.

All of you

Are damned

My child, you know who you are child, I speak now to you.

You have lost fellow detectives now

But, They were never here

Don’t worry children

Expect one back soon

But you must find him first

In this time

We made him forget

You shall not find him

The child known as Vincent

Due to your foolishness

The one who is dead

Has left words for you

Be aware

The grand one is coming


May 15th, 2015
· At 12:21am, /Patrem\ (#’s Guy) PM’ed wickedlady4180 on Skype and gave her a choice. He asked her to choose between 3 options and find out information about that option. The options were:

· > The one who was taken

· > The one who died

· > The one who has forgotten

· Wickedlady4180 chose option #2, and was given this information:

He will never return

You knew him as mesic


/Patrem\ then left for the night.

May 16th, 2015
· At 12:13am, A new user on WH by the name of “SKM” posted in the ARG thread. “I can’t talk long but I am a friend. This encryption is good but not that good. /tyler”

· At 12:48am, Wolfcat posts a new link: This new page features a black page, nothing hidden its source code, and an audio file named “findhim.mp3“

· At 1:01am, “SKM” posted again: “That purple bastard and his “neophyte” regimins can’t see what I am saying for now but I have to be fast so you better be taking note. There is a lot going on right now you could not begin to understand, you guys really did it with that time jumping shit (who in the bloody hell gave you control of such dangerous shit?). Those 3 were never there to begin with, have you bothered to listen to the beginning of your “theme”. The rabbit hole goes deep my friends. If things go as planned I will be setting up a secure communications point with you all on sometime between the 19th and 20th (yes in 2015 because the purple bastard can never be exact in his reference to time)”

· At 1:11am, Wolfcat asked: “Who is this ‘neophyte’?”. SKM answered: “Well you will have to be a bit specific. He has had a handful of neophytes and “grand children”. Ha I’m just pissing about. I know you are talking about ol regimipiss. Well all I know about him personally is that he wasn’t always called that, regiminis I mean. He was dedicated really strongly to “The path of parallelos” and all the other various teachings of the lunar children. He was ready to die for the purple bastard. Then father vincent over at the fishery compound up and decided the kid was ready for ascension, by decree of the purple bastard himself.”

· At 1:17am, Sengi asked: “By those 3… Do you mean John, Tyler and jayckup or Mason, Doug and Vincent?”. SKM answered: “Tl;dr, the 3 are jayckup, tyler and john.

I can’t exactly get to into detail about this but when regiminis hijacked the “portal” as it has been called (the purple bastard is a bit silly with his need to mystify) and called it what he did, it was for a damn petty reason. But it is what it is, john is certainly no longer around and has not been since the accident on 11/11/11.

Tyler is perfectly fine at the moment. However, fuckery from the purple bastard and his children brigade has caused him to forget this whole mess. Worry not, I’ll be doing some work soon to make him come out into the open again, just try not to scare the “broskino”.

I actually have no intel on this jayckup person other than he was closely associated with tyler and john and vanished some time before the 2011 accident, nor do I have any intel on mason.

Doug is still around, but let us just say that a lot has changed since 2009.

I don’t think you ever knew vincent before 2015, but I can’t be sure since he wasn’t always named vincent either and I have no intel on him before that. But since the 11/11/11 bs he has still been doing the same thing, being blissfully un aware of his role as purple bastard vessel (but a little fun fact I know that no one else does, he can’t get the hell out of vincent either, and THAT is bloody hilarious XD )”

· At 1:55am, SKM posted: “Times up, I hope you were taking note of this. See you all again soon hopefully.” He then proceeded to deleted all of his messages, and replaced them with: “Catch me if you can purple bastard XD”

· At 5:56am, /Patrem\ posted to WH: “Fool who dares to mock his god, my sight is without limit. While you may have obscured your words, I can sense you. I test you to tread once more in this domain, and I shall show you why those under me would sooner choose to bleed themselves than invoke my wrath.”

May 17th, 2015
· At 12:13am, a new player by the name of Zack Nelson discovered a change to the main page of The page now featured green text that read: “NNSXSNJZGI”. Wolfcat used Base32 to find the translation: “key592”. This leads to a new page on the site: This new page (titled: Index of /key592), has three links:

o Parent Directory (leads to main page)

o _o_n__urned.png (shows a corrupted image, the blanks fill into: John Burned)

o Fate.txt (the text reads: February 19th, 2015 Check your notes)

· The Internet Detectives then check the notes from Feb.19th. They discover that this is the day we first met /Patrem\, one of his messages to us was: “He also enjoyed music. o n urn d. Now he has ascended.” We first thought that message meant Vincent was burned, now we realize it was Mesic (John) this whole time.

· At 3:14am, Zack Nelson discovered that “Fate.txt” had changed. It was now a wall of text that read over and over: “He also enjoyed music. John Burned. Now he has ascended.” The same words as /Patrem.

· At 3:20am Oceanstuck discovered that “Fate.txt” had changed again. It now said: “Too late…”

· At 3:31am it was discovered that the image and background music of the main page of had also changed. It now featured an image of Transmission Towers named: “DSC_0488.jpg”, and an audio file named “uploads/background.mp3”. The audio played is reversed. (Audacity was used to un-reverse the song. The title of the song was discovered to be: “@90” by artist: “k3v1n”). The page title was renamed to “Research”.

· The extension on the audio file lead to a new page: “/uploads”. The new page features an image similar to the favicon.ico on the main page. It’s a pink block with a digital “Y” in the center, the image is titled: “GOH.png”. Above the image, red text reads: “UPLOADED FROM REMOTE SOURCE 8/29/2014 4:44 AM”. The title of the page is: ”8/29/2014 4:44 AM”. Nothing is hidden in the source code.

· At 3:52am, ArgDov discovered a new link on “/key592”. The new link was titled: “firekid.jpg”, and linked to a corrupted image of John Mesic.

· By 3:55am, the photo “firekid” was removed. ArgDov commented: “you think we might be getting messed with?” to which Oceanstuck replied: “clearly”.

· At 4:00am, Archery2000 discovered that “Fate.txt” had changed once again. It now read: “you think we might be getting messed with? clearly”. The Internet Detectives realized, they were being watched!

· By 4:04am, the entire “/key592” page was deleted.

May 18th, 2015
· At 12:03am, ArgDov noticed the site’s main page had changed. The green lettering, in smaller font size, one again read: “key592”.

· The directory of /key592 featured a link titled “fishery.jpg”, an audio file called “firekid.wav”, and a link titled “i.txt” which read: “one page remains at this moment…You tryed but got it wrong…” Meaning that there was an undiscovered page we had yet to find.

· By 12:14am, /key592 was purged of links. The Internet Detectives will from now on refer to the GM as “The Guy”

· At 12:45am, wickedlady4180 posted in the Skype: “GM we can’t find it, give us a hint”

· At 12:53am, a new link appeared on /key592, the new was: “threei.txt”. This document read: “A brand new name”, meaning The Guy was giving us a hint.

· At 12:59am, a new link was added to /key592: “R I I I S.txt”. Then yet another link was added: “REG I I I S.txt”.

· At 1:01am, Wolfcat posted a link to a new page: “/regiminis”. This new page featured a flash video of John Mesic called “deadjohn.webm”. The flash was not saved, but a .gif exists.

May 19th, 2015
· At 9:10pm, Seeker discovered an update on the main page of This new page featured a black background with floating green text that read: “HP/NCLEC/ T:LAHDNOT/URIR.M”, the audio was called: “l_nar__il_ren.mp3”, and nothing was hidden in the source code.

· At 9:17pm, Wolfcat discovered a new file on /key592. The new link was titled: “output.wav”, and was a Morse Code that translated to: “safehaven”.

· At 9:19pm, The page /tyler was updated. The page read: “Please stay in the line, your next. Link will be arriving shortly”. The audio was titled: “linebusy.mp3”. There was a video on the page called; “operator.webm”. The page also featured a falling marquee of text in several different languages, that read: “Father of lies, Save from GOVERNANCE/Regimins, We ’re stuck here, Give us our Savior, Help us, Our Savior, Save us from GOVERNANCE/Regimins”

· At 9:37pm, Adult Link discovered a new audio on /tyler. The new audio was titled: “dial.mp3”

· At 10:02pm, Mugen Kagemaru decoded the cipher on the main page. It was a url link to: “”. The new page featured a black background with green text that read: “Drezzed again you bloody shazbots, you’ll have this place back when I damn well please. -SKM”. The page also featured a video that was titled: “MAXYHAXXXY.webm”.

· At 10:20pm, Wolfcat discovered a new page on, this new page was (no longer a link). On this new page was a chat box, in this new chat, SKM was waiting for us.

The chat with SKM was long, and a lot of things were discussed.

The link to the chat is here.

May 20th, 2015
· At 12:03am, SKM link us to a new Youtube channel “” and tells us to keep watch on it for updates.

· At 12:45am, a new page was given to us: “/lostmemory423”, it featured a picture titled “hisgoal.jpg”. The audio file on the page was “icanfinnalybreathe.mp3”

· By 12:53am, in the SafeHaven chat, SKM introduces the Internet Detectives to his helper, who he calls “Kid”. The Kid then changes /lostmemory423. The page now features an icon of the original character “Drowned” from Jadusable’s Moon Children ARC. In the background were multiple .gif images of the glowing eyes from Ryukaki’s video.

· By 1:42am, SKM is panicking, trying to save his helper. Someone called “The Red Man” (aka: Patrem’s Neophyte; Regiminis) takes over /lostmemory423. /lostmemory423 then changes again, to a black page with red falling marquee text that reads: “Drowned”. The text eventually becomes smaller and smaller, until it disappears entirely. The page then features a new video: “R.webm”. This video features a black and white skull-like creature. The name “R” refers to the beloved “Red Dot” (whose image name was also R).

· At 2:14am, Regiminis finally enters the SafeHaven chat and posts: “I found you!” SKM flees the chat. And the pages were once again purged from the site.

· At an unknown time, the main page of changed to an image of a burned down home called “HOME.JPG”. The title of the page is: “JOHNIS”. Nothing is hidden in the source code.

May 21th, 2015
· At 3:36am, Zack Nelson discovered a site update. The main page of changed to an image of a purple cloud, The image is called “hewaits.jpg”. The title is “T”, and the audio file is titled: “FRIEND.mp3”

· At 3:45am, Wolfcat discovered a new link on /key592. It was an image called “DELAPITATED.jpg”.

· At 3:47am, SKM posted on WH: “I only have a thin window to talk. Tyler is about to upload those videos seeing as connection with him was drezzed, meaning he probably replaced his hard drive. Be on the look out.” He then deleted the message, and replaced it with binary: “01001000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00001010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101” (translated: “He is coming say no more”)

· At 3:52am, /Patrem\ posted on WH: “You thought you could hide from me child? I knew I would draw you out. Now Let us see what it is you truly are!” He then posted: “49 20 41 4d 20 47 4f 49 4e 47 20 54 4f” (translated: “I AM GOING TO”)

· At 4:05am, SKM responded to /Patrem\: “Oh come off it purple bastard, do you think you can drezz me right now while you are still booting back up? I didn’t bloody think you would try me in the condition your in but whatever, your funeral shazbot! XD” He then posted a large block of binary (view post here) that translated to: “592”.

· At 4:07am, /Patrem\ posted a cipher that has not yet been solved: “áþ­áý´ãžã^x”. This is likely a continuation of his previous post.

· At 4:09am, /Patrem\ posted again: “45 67 6f 20 44 65 75 73 20 74 75 75 73” (translated ” I am your God”)

· At 4:15am Mugen Kagemaru posts an incredibly pretentious display of self-importance. To which /Patrem\ replies: “53 53 45 4c 54 49 4d 49 4c 20 53 49 20 52 45 57 4f 50 20 59 4d” (translated: “My power is limitless”)

· At 4:20am, /Patrem\’s status on WH changes to “fluxus”, which is latin for “flowing”.

· At 4:34am, Wolfcat discovered a new file on /key592: “tempdrezzed.png”. This image is a corrupted image of /Patrem\’s avatar.

· At an unknown time, Tyler’s youtube channel (, uploaded 3 video’s:

o (Jacob), Featured Tyler having a casual conversation with Jacob.

o (Fun night with john and kevin), Featured Tyler, John, and Kevin playing Bloody Mary and Candy Man, in their bathroom.

o (Fun night with john and kevin 2), Featured the same 3, playing the Ouija board.

May 22nd, 2015
· At 2:03am, Drowned posted to the main Skype group: “01001001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101” (translated: “it’s time”).

· At 2:11am, Drowned posted again: “He is there, Tyler.” And “silentdork active”

· Tyler then began answering posts made to his youtube comments by ID members.

Notable comments from these video’s include:

· Wolfcat: ‘Any of this stuff ever work? Did spookies come after you?”

· Silentdork: “I have not logged into it in forever ever sense I moved over to just using facebook a while back. But damn now I am really sad actually. I just went racing through everything and yep I lost the old skype logs from my previous drive. That is a hell of a lot of convos with john and jacob lost. Kevin wasn’t much about social media though to my understanding.”

· Wickedlady4180: “Love that t-shirt, I’m a Nintendo addict too! Do you like Zelda?”

· Silentdork: ”I love that series! I know john and kevin liked it more though. Kevin even had every thing zelda there was to obtain up until 2011 when he went missing. I preferred windwaker myself, but john and kevin both liked majoras mask the most. However my favorite games series is actually silent hill.”

· Wickedlady4180: “Majora’s Mask is my personal favorite in the series, but Windwaker was awesome too! I never got into Silent Hill though, it’s too spooks for me :(”

· Silentdork: “I don’t know if you know the other people who have been commenting on my videos or something. But I am pretty happy I guess that a few broskinos have suddenly taken a liking to my new vids out of the blue. I’ll honestly add you all on skype seeing as I don’t think I really have anyone else to talk to at the moment.”

· At 9:28pm, Zack Nelson discovered an update on This new update featured a background called “fwoogrglyd.gif”, and flashed various parts of the video “fog.webm”. There were two videos on the page: The first was called “FIREKID.webm”, and featured a loop of John from Tylers’ 2nd Youtube video. The second video is called “FOG.webm”, and is a badly corrupted video that appears to be the three guys walking down a street. On the page was green text that read: “watch?v=”. Hidden in the source code was: “9bZHz5PhHxM 1:41 WATCH THE SKY”

· At 9:43pm, Adult Link rewatched Tyler’s 2nd Youtube video at the 1:41 mark, and noticed in the sky was the moon from Majora’s Mask.

· At 10:39pm Wolfcat discovered a new page “”, however the page was blank.

· At 10:43pm, Sengi checked /lunar and discovered a message that said: “Wait”. It seemed we found a page that was currently being created & edited.

· The page /lunar then began update and purge:

o 11:01pm: “I’m in the phone lines”

o 11:04pm: “Nothing could stop the irritation”

o 11:06pm: “Fire… burning flesh and melting bones…”

· At 11:09pm, John Mesic initiated a call in the ID Skype Call Group, but disconnected before anyone could answer.

· At 11:10pm, /lunar updated again: “…I cannot speak…”

· At 11:12pm, Wolfcat suggests in the ID Main Skype Group that New Wave Bossa Nova should be played, as it had worked in allowing us to communicate with players in the past.

· At 11:15pm, /lunar updated: “Your old ways will not work…“ This means that we cannot use the Ocarina.

· The ID’s then began to ask a series of questions in the Main ID Skype Group Chat, the answers were provided on /lunar. Below are the exchanges:

o Wolfcat: “John what caused the fire? Or should we talk at a different time”

o Answer: “…that is not my name…”

o Mugen Kagemaru: “Who is it, then…? If you’re not John Mesic then who are you?”

o Answer: “Sorry of this, the various inhabitants like playing around. Don’t trust all you hear. He is not the one who burned.”

· By 11:43pm, /lunar was purged.

May 23rd, 2015
· At 11:55pm, Wolfcat discovered a change on /tyler. The page was black, with an audio file called “callwaiting.mp3”.

· At 11:55pm, The background to the main page of changed to an image called “NOTTHEONE.jpg”.

May 24th, 2015
· At 12:04am, The page /tyler changed again. There was now an audio file called “dial.mp3”.

· At 12:24am, Wickedlady4180 noticed the page /tyler had changed once again, it now featured an option to upload a file. Above the option was an address: “pididoip@”. However within minutes, the option to upload was removed, and the email remained.

· The ID’s deduced that they needed to decipher the tones in the audio file “dial.mp3”. In the meantime, ID members began to email “”.

Below are the email exchanges between “K” and ID members:

o Spirkiroid: Hello? (Response: Upload.)

o Adult Link: Can I have my chocolate milk soon, guy? (Response: image of strawberry milk)

o Spirkiroid: (Response: LETTERS)

o Adult Link: (Response: dial.mp3 numbers and letters)

o Adult Link: (Response: You miss him already)

o Adult Link: (Response: Pick up the phone)

o Spirkiroid: (Response: The answer is right in front of you)

o Spirkiroid: (Response: Attachment)

Around this time, Spirkiroid deciphered the dial tones: “86274644462225”

(Trans: “To bring him back”)

o Spirkiroid & Adult Link: (Response: keyed tobringhimback not yet discovered)

o Spirkiroid: (Response: joghismemory tyler detectives)

o Oceanstuck: Sent a horrifying image. (Response: Another horrifying image)

o Spirk, Link, & Ocean: (Response: Your call has been forwarded)

· Between 12:46am, and 1:26am, “K” then sent a series of email’s to Adult Link. In them he revealed that he “travels through wires”, his name is “George”, and finally gave Thorin his beloved “Chocolate Milk”

· At 1:38am, Tylep joined the Skype group. Tyler did not remember us, he only knew us from our brief communication through his Youtube videos. We all introduced ourselves, laughed, and had a fun time. He promised to join us again at a later date.

The full conversation with Tyler can be found HERE.

May 25th, 2015
· At 8:38pm, Spirkiroid discovered an update to The main page was now black, the title was changes to “PHONELINES”, and hidden in the source code was: ”CALL BACK LATER”.

May 26th, 2015
· At 12:09am, Wolfcat discovered the main page to updated again. The site now featured an image we already saw before (firekid.jpg), in the source code was hidden: “PICKUP”.

· At 12:14am, Spirkiroid discovered a new page: “/pickup”. Nothing was added yet.

· At 12:19am, “/pickup” featured an image previously seen: “_o_n__urned.png”, but was renamed to: “(727).png”. This seemed to be an area code, from Florida.

· At 12:21am a new file appeared on “/pickup”, the file name was: “otherline.txt”, and read: “1 5 6 - 0 ascending twice. a number you’ve already known”. The Internet Detectives had a hard time figuring this out, tried many combinations of numbers, and awoke many sleeping Floridians.

· At 12:45am, after watching us fail-hard, John Mesic (“dead guy-firekid”), posted to the ID Main Skype Group: “8-2”. This baffled the Internet Detectives even more.

· At 12:59am, John Mesic posted again: “78-2”, this sparked an idea! (1560 ascended by 2 = 3782 + “a number we already know” 592) The number was formed: (727) 378-2592.

· At 1:07am, Wickedlady4180 called the number over a Skype Group Call. An audio was played over the phone, it was the song “@90 by K3v1n”. The whole song played, then the line cut off. Immediately, the number called back, and demonic laughing could be heard. When other people tried to call, only beeping was heard. Several members of the Internet Detectives then texted the number with simple hellos.

The Internet Detectives then began to receive text messages from “75973”

The name on the texts was: “dustesilverwolf”

The text log is recorded below in blue:

· (text) 1:20am to WL4180: “NOTTHEONEWHOBURNED”

· (text) 1:26am to Sprikiroid: “JOHNBURNED”

· (text) 1:40am to WL4180: “DON’TSCARETHENEWGUY”

· (text) 1:42am to WL4180: “HISMEMORYISBAD”

· (text) 1:45am to WL4180: “DONTSCAREHIMOFF”

· At 1:45am, Tylep joined the Main ID Skype Chat and said: “Is all well?”.

· (text) 1:46am to WL4180: “HE’SHERE”

· Between 1:50-1:54am, Tylep posted: “I just got home from work. But I got the rest of the week off cause its my 6 year aniversary at the place. The pay is almost worth it. Just enough to keep me in this shitty trailer. But hey, the place is back up in the woods away from most everyone so I am cool with it. I have been in these woods since I was born’.”

· (text) 1:55am to WL4180: “HEHIDINTHEWOODS”

· 1:55am Tylep: “I like to think I am none of the country stereo types”

· (text) 1:57am to WL4180: “FORWEEKSONEND”

· 1:58am Tylep: “It is kind of lonely around here though. My grandparents used to live here with me. But not anymore, so the place can admittedly be a bit spooky.”

· (text) 1:58am to WL4180: “he got clever…”

· 2:00am WL4180: “Ever think about moving, Tyler?”

· (text) 2:01am to WL4180: “No… GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”

· 2:04am Tylep: “The land I am currently on is mine because I inhereted it from my grandparents, we have our own well so we got no water bill either.”

· (text) 2:04am to WL4180: “IT’SNEARTHEFISHERY”

· At 4:00am, WL4180 announces that she’s going to quit for the night.

· (text) 4:06am to WL4180: “DONTSTOP”

· (text) 4:07am to WL4180: “HURRY”

· (text) 4:09am to WL4180: “THEWORLDBEYONDISUNSTABLE

There is a long pause between Tylep’s posts.

It’s implied that he fell asleep.

· (15 texts in a row!) 4:20am to WL4180: “key”

· 4:22am WL4180: “Hey Tyler, you still here?”

· (text) 4:23am to WL4180: “HELURKSBETWEENWORLDS”

· 4:25am Tylep: “Dozzing off a bit sorry”

· (text) 4:35am to WL4180: “KEY 592 IT’S A FAIL SAFE”

· (text) 4:38am to WL4180: “CONTACT THE HACKER”

· (text) 4:39am to WL4180: “HE KNOWS MUCH MORE”

· 4:50am Tylep: “woah fuck sorry guys I fell asleep at the keyboard”

· 4:52am Tylep: “Woah weird. I am kinda spooked now. I remembered closing both the doors to my room, they are now both wide open”

· (text) 4:55am to WL4180: “CLOSETHEDOORS”

At 5:12am, Tyler left the Skype chat for the night.

The Skype chat discusses the in-depth relationships between Tyler, John, Kevin, and Jacob. The transcript can be found HERE.

· At 11:42pm, The website updated. It has become a blog, and the first entry is by a user named: “Matt R”. The post read: “Due to technical difficulties, we have been going on and offline as of recent. We just secured our servers for the time being, nothing else should go wrong with father on our side. The archive was lost, around August of 2012 and we are just now rebuilding the new lunar children website. We will hold a ceremony at our holy place tonight as another milestone has been reached within this year! Expect new content soon children. -Operator”.

May 27th, 2015
· At 12:00am, Tylep posted in the Main ID Skype Group. The chat was long, the transcript can be found HERE. Tyler tells a story about meeting a strange man on the way to Kevin’s house and a video he recorded of the encounter, and also about a strange note he found at his house.

· At 11:27pm, Spirkiroid discovered an update on the main page of The background was an image of a 1st quarter waning moon called: “LCD249.bmp”, and had text below that read: “WATCH THE MOON”. There was also an audio file called: “CHILD.mp3”.

May 28th, 2015
· At 12:37am, Wolfcat discovered a new file on /key592. The file was called “update.txt” and simply read: “lunarchildren”.

· At 12:38am, The ID’s found that had updated. A new post titled “Update” by Matt R. read: “Hey guys, working on getting up the terminology page tonight! It’ll include three terms tonight: Tenebris Link, Deuro, and The Absque facie. Remember to check up on those pages when they are done as they hold important information. -Operator ps: Our member communication forums are on the backlog, but should be up in the near future!” There was also a drop down menu titled: Terminology. The links lead to descriptions:

o Parallelos – (page empty)

o Deuro – “An extremely taboo eulogy, not to be spoken of under any circumstances without permission from an elder member. To be discussed ONLY during the most dire or appropriate of times. Disregard for these rules is grounds for IMMEDIATE termination.”

o Tenebris Link – “Commonly referred to as “it” by the misguided, he has been known of since sometime in 2002 but is thought to have potentially descended to our realm even earlier then that. Unlike the link the Harbingers hold on the sacred parallelos, he may act on his own. He is one of the darkness of our mothers night. It is said he was once nothing more than one of the Absque Facie, but was said to have been gifted the vessel of the first eulogy and then took on his name. It was not until the event on the night of Undecim Nocte, that he would lose control of that eulogy and revert to his true form in search of another spirit to assimilate. It is thought now that he seeks to assimilate the Deuro, however due to the nature of Tenebris, direct communication is next to impossible. Just as well it is highly doubtful he would ever give any direct input, as his goal it seems for the longest time has been to obscure the truth in the eyes of the Harbingers.”

o The Absque Facie – “Servants of the holy mother Luna who have existed in her realm since before the dawn of mankind. It is said that they hold great power, however those who work under the will of father and mother can attain power even greater. Little is known of this ancient tribe aside form the fact that they currently have minimal access to our parallelos, it is there will to serve Luna for her benefit and there own, and that it is part of Luna’s will to bring them with her in her descent during the true end times.”

o Undecim Nocte – “November eleventh 2011, thought by many lower ranking members to be the end times prior to its passing due to limited knowledge of what was to occur. In depth discussion is even now highly restricted do to the nature of what occurred on that night. However what is allowed to be said is that on that night the parallelos in all of space and time is thought to have been in perfect alignment, while an unknown growing time anomaly caused instability in time, giving opportunity for many unusual happenings to occur. It may also be known an ascension was performed on this night and was extremely successful, however no more may be spoken of on the matter. Anyone who asks of that night out of turn, or is revealed to hold forbidden knowledge of the 11/11/11 night shall be terminated immediately.”

· At 1:15am, The main page to changed. The background was black, and in green text, read: “Safety”, the title was “/727/”. Nothing was hidden in the source code.

· By 1:20am, a new link was discovered: “”, and was a new chat page set up by SKM. The chat discussed SKM’s history with /Patrem\, and some advice about Tyler. The full chat can be read HERE.

May 29th, 2015
· At 9:33pm, Tyler joined the ID Main Skype Chat. He talked about his encounter with the police, and how they questioned him for 6 hours, and made him delete the video he’d taken of the Spooky guy. During the chat, the ID’s took SKM’s previous advice, and tried to persuade Tyler from going to the police again in the future. Towards the end of the conversation, ArgDov inadvertently mentioned the site, causing Tyler to inquire about it.

The full chat can be read HERE.

May 30th, 2015
· At 12:21am, Wolfcat noticed the main page to had updated. The page featured a video titled “itwasme.webm”. The video is of a Skype call screen capture of Circlehunter drinking a coke, corrupted and tainted red. Super imposed in the video is an image of the figure that Tyler saw walking home from Kevin’s house. Nothing was hidden in the source code. (EDIT: It has since been confirmed that the person in the video is NOT Circlehunter!)

· At 10:52pm, Wickedlady4180 noticed an update to the main page of The page still had the video “itwasme.webm”, but now beneath it was text that read: “12121May 30th, 2015 You are wrong”. The title of the page was changed to: “12121” and a new sound file was added: “laughter.mp3”.

(The theory was that the update was pointing to a timestamp in the ID Main Skype Chat, in which Wolfcat wrote at 12:21am on May 30th 2015: “it looks a bit like circle” referring to the video “itwasme.webm”. In response, Eve edited the timeline, to show that we had confirmation that the person in the video was indeed NOT Circlehunter.)

· By 11:50pm, The update to the main page was removed, following the correction in the timeline.

May 31st, 2015
· At 9:49am, Wickedlady4180 noticed an update to, the page had a new drop down menu titled Ascension, and two new links:

o Devium – “One who has died or has been killed under specific conditions, but has not undergone the training required to control the spiritual power within ones self, may later re manifest under the most basic of prerequisites for the definition of ascension. However such a status is not to be sought after. In Devium status you are in a state of minimal power and the environment is found to be difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior brought forth by ‘novum ascensionem’ otherwise known as ‘newly ascended syndrome’. The only sure way to avoid such a terrible fate is to study the path that mother has laid out for us, and abide by fathers instructions. This alone will harden your soul and prepare you for the glory of ascension.
(Side note: There has been no seen cases of one who has manifested on the devium level ever rising above said level.
The majority of those found in ‘The portal’ under the rule of Regiminis are prime examples of Deviums.)”

o Eulogy – (the same as in the terminology tabs, but with extra info) “A eulogy is defined by its capabilities as an ascended child. One who has simply Ascended may communicate to this realm by some means, however one who has more capabilities (such as minor manipulation of this reality, minor physical manifestation etc…) is to be seen as a eulogy capable of even greater power.
But more often than not, a eulogy will remain a capable as it is upon awakening in its ascended form.
(Side note: The term Eulogy was coined by the Lunar child overseer of the orchard compound, during his controversial speech on the ascension of a previous child of Luna’s teachings.”Though he may no longer be under total control of his own fate, in his short time he was a eulogy to his death. His sacrifice to Tenebris will prove to put us far beyond the harbingers.”)”

o Finitor – (Page empty)

o Transcendence – (Page empty)

· At 7:38pm, Tyler posted on the ID Main Skype Chat: “Fantastic news. I don’t know what the fuck is going on right now or who is outside my fucking house but I am about to take care of this problem my god damn self. For the past 20 minutes I have been hearing a constant knocking. I would look outside but I put tinfoil on the windows so no one could watch me. There was just a loud ass bang a second ago, someone threw something. I am going to find out who the fuck it is and do something about it myself.”

· At 10:44pm, Tyler posted again to the ID Main Skype Chat: “Im staying in a motel tonight. Im leaving my house now. There was a person outside my house, I caught it all on video. I have been back for a while now but I am very shaken. He left a recorder on one of my grandfather’s old broken trucks. I didn’t want to kill him. I just wanted him to leave. But he was all over the fucking place. I chased after him, to try and scare him away, and everywhere I would go, it seemed like he would vanish and appear somewhere else. I chased him a decent ways into the woods to make sure he was off my property, and then it seemed like I was going to have him out in the open because we were reaching the road. Once I had him out on the road, he was just gone.” He then answered some questions from the ID’s:

o Circlehunter: “What did he throw earlier?”

Tyler: “It looked like a lid to a container, thinking back on it actually, it looked like it came off of one of my bait buckets. I’m going to try to upload the video to my channel straight from my phone.”

o ArgDov: “Do you guys think this guy may be supernatural?”

Tyler: “I don’t know or care what he is. I have a night set up at an inn down the road.”

o Wickedlady4180: “Tyler, will/can you contact us as soon as you get to your hotel room?”

Tyler: “Yes I’ll try”

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

June 1st, 2015
· At 1:25am, Spirkiroid created a new thread on WH titled “WITHIN HUBRIS EMPIRE PART 3”, it was a game non related to the ARG. However, /Patrem\ posted in the thread: “0elHm5;?Y72)IE@4Z?8+Bi\DQ3@O” (this was not immediately translated, not would be for nearly 24hrs)

· At 2:01am, Tyler posted again on the ID Main Skype Chat: “Hey guys, Well I gathered some clothes and shit and threw them in a bag and hauled ass to the inn down the road from my house after I hastly booked a last minute room over the phone…I felt like I was being watched the moment I stepped outside. I wish I hadn’t wasteds all the time chasing the guy through the woods before and I would have had some day light left to run to the inn. I think I dropped some clothes on the way, but I couldn’t really see.” Tyler then posted the video he took of the man he chased in the woods: “”.

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

June 2nd, 2015
· At 1:01am, Oceanstuck decoded the cipher posted by /Patrem\: “0elHm5;?Y72)IE@4Z?8+Bi\DQ3@O” (translated: “fakeworld”)

· At 1:06am, Zack Nelson noticed a change to The update featured a white background with a falling marquee of text that read: “0elHm5;?Y72)IE@4Z?8+Bi\DQ3@O”, the same text that /Patrem\ had posted in the thread on Within Hubris. There was also text on the page that read: “Come and See”, and an audio file: “orld.mp3”.

· At 1:08am, Wolfcat discovered a new page: “”. The page featured a white background, on which was written in several languages: “How to get inside”.

· At 1:38am, Tyler posted to the ID Main Skype Chat. He spoke of his time at the hotel, and how an old man was removed from his room by EMT’s while shouting “152!”

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

· By 1:40am, the page “” was discovered. The page featured a black background with the text: “YOUR NEW LENSE OF TRUTHlssm://bfitqup.kjh/” The cipher was a keyed; the key was “12121”. The cipher translated to a url: The website leads to a 3D virtual reality program.

June 4th, 2015
· At 7:50pm, Wickedlady4180 got a series of texts from “dustesilverwolf”. The messages read: “I’m under control for now. E-mail. It’s the only way I can speak at this moment. I don’t know much.” The ID’s then went on to Below is a transcript of the emails:

o Eve wrote: “Can we help you? Tyler? Is that you?”

Answer: “No. I cannot speak my name…”

o Eve wrote: “Tyler hasn’t been online to tell us he’s safe. We want to make sure he’s ok. What can you tell me, so that we can help Tyler? Any information is appreciated.”

Answer: “Tyler is doing just fine, despite current happenings. He is a busy man and has started up work again… He has had a rather unfortunate encounter with some very strange youth… They will stop at nothing. He should be back online soon.”

o Spirkiroid wrote: “You alright? What’s going on over there?”

Answer: “Nothing… I am fine. Don’t worry about me, I am irrelevant.”

Mass E-mail to: Oceanstuck, Seeker, Eve, Sengi, Spirk, Link: “JZHVIVCIIVHU4RI” (translated: “NOTTHEONE”)

· At 8:41pm, Adult_Link discovered an update to The main page now featured a black background, the title was: “PLEASE WAIT”, there was a video named: “control.webm”, and audio named: “noise.mp3”. Nothing was hidden in the source.

June 5th, 2015
· At about 12:00am, Zack Nelson found a new page on It was titled “Archives”, and was password protected. In the JanusVR program, a user named “DankyTooBlazed” was watching and reading our chat; he tried the translated password “NOTTHEONE”, and opened the locked page. The Archive page featured a download link to a video named: “blood-moon.avi”. It featured a 31 second scene of the Lunar Children summoning /Patrem. The page also had a note: “Please note, this is not the complete video. We will have that up soon’.”

· At 11:01pm, Tyler joined the ID’s Main Skype Group, and informed us that he was back at home, and safe.

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

June 6th, 2015
· At 1:13am, The ID’s were called twice on the ARG Call Group by John Mesic’s account.

o The first call lasted less than two minutes, and can be heard HERE with a transcript.

o The second call was nearly an hour long. The audio file is currently being split up into several parts, so it can be uploaded to the Tumblr, where a transcript will be provided. The tl;dr is that someone is in control of John’s account (not John), and that person suggested Tyler was in serious danger and should be told about everything. (During the recording, there were things said backwards. A transcript can be read HERE.)

June 8th, 2015
· At 6:06am, ArgDov posted the song of soaring on WH. The idea behind the song was that we needed to get Tyler as far away from danger (his home) as possible.

· The Internet Detectives had laid out a splendid plan. They were set to tell Tyler everything thing they knew, and warn him against impending doom. At 10:51pm he was added to the ID Call Group. He told us he couldn’t stay to talk, but told us that he planned to move to Australia with his girlfriend. He then left, telling us he’d be back the following day.

· At an unknown time, the /index page of changed to a blank page with an audio file named: “soaring.mp3”, and was an audio clip of a flying plane.

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

June 10th, 2015
· At 12:18am, Tyler returned to the ID Main Skype Group. ID member Sengi seized the opportunity and posted the full speech written by Eve, for Tyler to read. He did not receive the information well. When he asked for proof, the ID’s provided links to WH, johnisdead, lunarchildren, and the tumblr. However, while providing Tyler with the links, things were going wrong in order to prevent him from seeing the sites.

o Now needs a username and password to access it.

o Now says “Under Construction”

o WH: Not available to Tyler.

o Tumblr page: Not available to Tyler.

A full transcript of the conversation with Tyler can be read HERE.

· At 1:59am, /Patrem\ posted on WH: “You fools may have turned from the path of salvation, but you shan’t foil my destiny. From here on out, your failure is your fate.”

· At 2:12am, When asked what the ID’s have done wrong, /Patrem\ posted: “You let that bearer of falsehoods guide you, it is of no matter however. As you have already seen, I have the power to keep any and all under my veil. You will not enlighten that child, my children have worked hard to keep him as a good little sheep. He will stay under our observation until the time of the grand child’s true awakening. Which will occur once I can pry the burned one away from that wayward cretin.”

· At 2:37am, After being asked if there was any other way to help Tyler, /Patrem\posted: “IIII have gazed through many parallelos, and he has triedwill eht emitofDBC has trytryhastried to stand against my will. II speak of the one my children know as the Tenebris Link. Though they know his power can serve us as it has served me in the past. III was the one who first granted “it” power in this realm so I would know. As I have told my children he is not to be followed without the proper precautions and this is something you failed to do.”

· At 3:12am, After being asked what was left to be done regarding Tyler, /Patrem\posted: “I shall not allow him to be enlightened, he will bring damnation. Soon nothing else will matter, the mother awaits, and her children watch over the harbingers until the time of descent.”

· Sometime after the conversations with Tyler and Patrem, had been updated. The main page, purple text that read: “Under Control”, below which was a pixelated image of a person (unknown), the image was titled “V.jpg”, there was also an alt text added to the source code: “father”. There was an audio file named “patrem.mp3”.

June 11th, 2015
· At 3:01am, Wickedlady4180 noticed numbers on the image “V.jpg”, and shared the discovery with the ID’s. The general consensus was that this may be the password to Spirkiroid suggested that the username might be “Nocturne”, because the piano piece that accompanied the image on /index was “Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2” by Chopin.

· At 3:22am, While several ID’s were trying to identify the numbers on the image, Spirkiroid E-mailed, and asked for help identifying the numbers.

· At 3:43am, “K” E-mailed Spirkiroid back: “2_1_52”.

· At 350am, After the ID’s whether the user name might be “FATHER” or “Nocturne”, Spirk received another E-mail: “Night”.

· By 3:52am, Entrance to was recovered! USERNAME: Nocturne / PASSWORD: 23152.

· At 5:50pm, Wickedlady4180 noticed a new feature to the /fakeworld/ room in JanusVR. The area in the room where there was once a clock with the time 4:53 (backwards) was now replaced with a green landscape.

June 14th, 2015
· At 12:01am, Wolfcat noticed music in the source code of The audio was titled: “theme.mp3”.

· At an unknown time, the username and password to was changed. We no longer have access to the site.

June 16th, 2015
· At an unknown time, The main page to updated. The page now featured a new title: “HIDE”, the page read:




They know you’ve been watching”

Nothing was hidden in the source code.

· At 10:30pm, Spirkiroid tried “.pi;y+-$H{wa” as a password to, and gained entrance. The site has been given a new layout, and a new post was visible:

“General site changes and security improvement

June 17, 2015 by liquidsaint

Sup chummers it’s Saint here, to those who didn’t catch it in the recent meat space meetings and irc talks. The site recreation has been rather slow as of late due to the rise in needed meat space activity. Our big star aka the “Harbingers link” has required lots of observation as of late, and we can’t afford for him to take too much note of it. The last child with observation duty (yes we are talking to you Daniel) did a fantastic job leaving the beacon with him. Just as well, the task was also his trial to be worthy of the Parallelos path (We all saw your fantastic use of jumping in the video he decided to show to the harbingers, really good work to be fair XD ). However having been seen Daniel’s position in the observation task has been retired and it has been passed on to an elder member, who needs no introduction (You all know who I am talking about XD ).

On another important note, I have been told to inform you all of the fact that some skiddies have been worming there way through our drok. So new security measures have been taken, and the previous sign up area has been removed and will be re added when our screening process has been updated. Just as well the site login info will be regularly updated now as more outsider ip’s are noted by operator, so keep in the loop via meat sace and irc.

Thats all for now, some time later tonight operator is going to forward more of the recovered blood moon ritual to me (he explained that tenebris may have been trying to communicate in it so be hyped ^^ ) and I will put it up in a post for now and he can move it to archive later. -LS”

June 17th, 2015
· At 1:31pm, Zack Nelson alerted The ID’s to a new post on

““’Blood moon ritual part one

June 17, 2015 by liquidsaint

Wanted to get this out right now since you have all been waiting for it so bloody long. Shame about that new guy, but as you all may already know (as I do very well) when it comes to “her”, sacrifices must often be made.


The video posted depicts the murder of a Lunar Child, who’s holding the Blood Moon Ritual but is not aware of what’s about to happen to him. Within the video, there are several things hidden, and /Patrem\ makes an appearance. The following is a rundown of what we’ve found so far:

o 0:00-0:19 – A “device” is engaged.

o 0:20-0:40 – /Patrem\ is asked why the ceremony is taking place away from the holy building.

o 0:41-0:52 – /Patrem\ answers: “To___ on this night, you must be nearest to me______on this night”

o 0:53-4:04 – the Ritual is prepared and performed.

o 4:05–4:06 – very briefly, an image of Ocarina of time Adult link, with one bloody missing eye, is flashed on the screen with the words: “I the true”.

o 4:07-4:09 – A second person appears to murder the ritual holder with a blade he removes from his back pocket.

o 4:10-4:22 – The screen blackens, and an image of the Happy Mask Salesman is shown with fading lines of text that read: “We honored her first, father of lies, He will bring on her decent with the death of three, He killed that boy for her, He will give us all masks, I gave him all he has, And my mask was a salesman, I am the true controller, He is lying to you all.”

o 4:23-end – We hear the death grunt of the victim, then the screen goes black and we see the words: “FUN GAME”.

· At an unknown time, began re-routing known pages to random other ARG locations such as: johnisdead/index, lunarchildren, or tyler’s youtube page. While re-routing, the URL bar shuffles through various extentions: /404, /recursion, /getout, /goaway, /leave, /return, /go, /escape. (It is not known if these extensions existed before) Currently, no pages besides /index will work on johnisdead.

· At an unknown time, the two known bloggers on lunarchildren uploaded avatars. The avatar for LiquidSaint seems to be an image of a person with inverted coloring. While the avatar for MattR is a person wearing the same skull mask worn in the blood moon ritual video. On the forehead of the mask is a symbol that was drawn onto the flyer that was left at Tyler’s house.

June 18th, 2015
· At an unknown time, the layout to was once again changed. At the bottom of the page near the copyright, the single letter “L” in Lunar Children was a link to a new song called: “showmesad1.mp3”. The blog post with the link to the Blood Moon Ritual was renamed to “TRUTH”, and the video was moved to the archives page. We currently do not have the password to the archives.

· At 4:30am, a new blog post was added to

“Theme Update, Security and Forum Progress

June 18, 2015 by MattR

Matthew here, we recently updated our theme and layout of the main site, as well as some new security features. Our user database has been fixed once again as recent attacks disabled it. If you can’t login, your account has been compromised temporarily for your protection, however, you should not have any issues accessing your account. Security now requires you to update your password once you login. We expect you to use numbers and letters, as well as upper and lowercase and other characters. Our site will never go down again with our new security protocols!

About the forums, they are coming together quite nicely and should be up soon, so expect that soon! -Operator”

· At 5:00am, The audio on changed to: “whoishe.mp3”.

· At 5:30am, The main page of updated. The title changed to: “Run”, had a background image: “finduswaitinginthe.jpg”, and an audio file called: “searchfornewpaths.mp3”.

· At 5:37am, Eve found a new page on /asleep/. This page featured an image called: “a_different_sleep.gif”, and an audio file called: “sleeptalk.mp3”. After a few seconds, the page is once again redirected to: “/asleep/rememberme/index.html”. This page featured an image: “D.gif”, and an audio file called: “LEAVE.mp3”.

· As of 6:23am, the password to no longer works. We once again lost access to Lunar Children.

June 20th, 2015
· Sometime on this day, the JanusVR room /fakeworld/ was updated. The wall that read “GET OUT” was removed, and opened up a new section of the room. Many of the wall decorations were removed, as well as the audio.

June 23rd, 2015
· At an unknown time, The main page to johnisdead updated. The background image was of a green colored moon, named: “FTP0592.jpg”, and the page’s title changed to “Soon”.

· At 4:19pm, The ID’s found an update to the page “/fakeworld/”. The page now featured a video named “see.webm”, the video was of a chair and a swinging noose. Nothing was hidden in the source code.

· At 4:35 Thorin was trying to find more pages, and was redirected to a new page /where. This new page was titled: “MORE TO DISCOVER”, the background image was named “index.gif”, and had an audio file named “she.mp3” which has been un-reversed in audacity. In the source code was approx. 15k lines of script that read: hr size=“5000”. The HR tag is a line break code, and the size set to “5000” at 15k lines of text meant the page scrolled 4EVER!!!

· At about 5:00pm, the main page to reverted to its original front page. The image was once again “foggyworld248”, and the music was once again “[[|background.mp3]]” (which is the reversed audio of K3v1n’s song @90). The page’s title was also named “MORE TO DISCOVER”.

June 25th, 2015
· At 11:35pm Lighting struck Zach Nelson’s house. He burst into flames and died.

· At 11:49pm A ritual was performed by the Id’s, and Zack’s soul was ascended. He will never return. Rest in Peace.

· At 11:52pm Eve spilled her blood for /Patrem\, in Zach’s honor. She is now a hideous specter, haunting the Skype group.

· At 11:59pm Stevey was sacrificed to Luna. He will never return. Rest in Peace.

Let us have a moment of silence in remembrance of this bloodbath

June 26th, 2015
· At 3:18am, The Ghost of Eve discovered a change to the main page of johnisdead. The title of the page was changed to: “KEEP SEARCHING”. The background to the page “foggyworld.jpg” was minimized and repeated, so that it looked like the page was covered with orange dots. There was 5 different audio files playing all at once: “background.mp3”, “lost.mp3”, “hiding.mp3”, “keeplooking.mp3”, and “KEEPLOOKING.ogg”. In the source code was hidden “”.

· At 4:01am, Thorin found a new page on johnisdead: “/hole”. This new page lead to a series of redirects:

o /hole – Title:“Welcome”, background image:“hole.gif”, audio:“hole.mp3”.

o /hole/fall – Tile:“terriblefate”, background image:“falling.gif”, audio:“fall.mp3”. From this page, a series of pop-ups emerge:

o Watching – “mask1iswatching.webm”

o Findyou – “mask2willfindyou.webm”

o Waiting – “mask3iswaiting.webm”

o Sleeping – “mask4issleeping.gif”

o /hole/fall/lostinforest – Title:“Lost?”, background image:“lost1.gif”, audio“areyoulost.mp3”. There was hidden text in the page: “est/5 ’***** IS SHE’?”.

o hole/fall/lostinforest/they – Title:“Lost?”, background image:“old2.gif”, audio:“wowuk.mp3”.

OOC time begins for 48hrs

June 27th, 2015
· We were informed that there are missing pages yet to be discovered.

· We learned that /Patrem\’s dong measures ∞².

· /Patrem\ finally acknowledges Eve’s love for him, and asked for nudes.

· Wolfcat spoke his first words in call: “Mugen sucks”.

June 28th, 2015
· At 1:00am OOC Night officially ends.

· At1:05am, the ID’s discovered the clue to finding the missing pages on johnisdead. The clue was hidden in “/lostforest”: “est/5 ’***** IS”. Assuming the “est” was the end of “forest” the ID’s discovered: “/hole/fall/lostinforest/where/” This page featured another series of redirects:

o /hole/fall/lostinforest/where – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“struggle.jpg”, audio:‘Icannot.mp3”.

o /hole/fall/lostinforest/where/whataretheydoingtome – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“eetneq4.jpg”, audio:“NBSWY4DVON3WKYLSMVUHK4TUNFXGO.mp3” ( cipher translation: “helpuswearehurting”)

o (popup) whataretheydoingtome/stopit/ – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“letmegoplease.gif”, audio:“LETMEGOPLEASE’.mp3”.

o /hole/fall/lostinforest/where/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpain– Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“suffer.gif”, audio:“5.mp3”.

o/hole/fall/lostinforest/where/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpain/woods – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“finduswaitinginthe.jpg”, audio:“NRXXG5A.mp3” (cipher translation: lost) , hidden in source:“fakeplace, here, I”. (these lead to more urls branching off from /woods/)

o /woods/fakeplace/ (popup page – “___n_/index.html”)

o /woods/here/

o /woods/I/

o /hole/fall/lostinforest/where/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpain/woods/itis/ – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“fury.gif”, audio:“GOAWAY.wav”.

  • Below are the sub pages of /woods/*

o woods/fakeplace - Title:“FAKE”, background image:“fakeplace.gif”, audio:“faraway.mp3”, text on the page:














o /woods/fakeplace/___n_/ (popup) - Title:“WHERE”, background image:“maiden.gif”, audio:“ 45_-_NeverCould.ogg”, text on page:“Who am I?”.

o woods/here/ - Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“uotls.gif”, audio:“___.wav”.

o woods/here/popup – Title:“STOP IT”, background image:“help.gif”, audio:“screaming.wav”.

o woods/I (redirected to new urls) – Title:“Father”, background image:“hidden.gif”.

o woods/I/am – background image:“am.gif”

o woods/I/am/true – background image:“true.gif”.

· At 1:27am, Sengi posted the three links mentioned in “/woods/fakeplace/”:

o /woods/fakeplace/thethird/ - Title:“THIRD”, video:“thethirdgiant.webm”, audio:“GETOUT’.wav”.

o /woods/fakeplace/sickness/ - Title:“flight”, background image:“1hgy65r.gif”, audio:“air.mp3”. (opened popup from this page)

o /woods/fakeplace/sickness/giant – Title:“2ndGIANT”, video:“icansmellyou.webm”, audio:“ KILLYOU’.mp3”.

o /woods/fakeplace/find/ - opens a number of popups titled “laughing” with the image “D.gif”. (redirects to “/find/you/”)

o /woods/fakeplace/find/you/ – This page was a directory (image), that had a password protected .rar file called “WhoWasTheFirstAccount.7z”. (The password was discovered to be DandP, the account that Doug used in the first arc of YSHDT.) When opened, the file contained a video called: “alwayswatchingyou.wmv”.

· At 2:18am, John Mesic’s Skype account displayed video image during a call. There is no video of the things displayed on his screen, but here is a description: The screen was black, text began to appear that read: “Transmission Incoming”, “A new chapter begins” (@90 by K3v1n begins to play) “Run Tyler”, “Show Me”, (an image of a street appears, and someone running in first person perspective), “Tyler is”.

· At 2:38am, Suddenly a timer begins to count down on John Mesic’s screen. The timer is the same one displayed on the JanusVR /fakeworld/ room. The Internet Detectives suddenly panic, we have 4mins :40sec to possibly save Tyler.

· At 2:40am, Thorin suggests playing the Inverted Song of Time.

· At 2:41am, Dawn play’s the Song of Inverted Time through the Skype call. The timer stops around the 2min mark. (the exact number was not recorded)

· At 9:19am, Master Swordsman Faut discovered a change to the main page of The title now reads: “TIME”, the background image is now “FoggyWorld223.jpg”, and the audio is still “background.mp3”. Nothing is hidden in the source code.

June 29th, 2015
· At 8:25pm, Thorin used Transmutation to bring back Eve. RIP Mugen Kagemaru.

· At 9:27pm, The ID’s reanalyzed the video “alwayswatchingyou”. The red textin the video reads: “Regiminis te nostrae vos means” in Latin (translated: “you are our governance”).

· At 9:40pm, Eve reversed the audio of “alwayswatchingyou” and discovered a music track with laughing and whispering that has yet to be translated.

June 30th, 2015
· At 1:02am, Eve noticed the page /key592/ was back on johnisdead. It was a blank directory.

· At 1:12am, an image file named “heistryingtohide.gif” was found on /key592/. This image (as pointed out by ARGdov) is a screen shot of a boy wearing a gasmask, from a Dr.Who episode.

· At 1:16am, A new ID member Mr.Pancake3 noticed the .gif image was removed from /key592/.

· At 2:38am, Circlehunter discovered posts on reddit by the user “shnnhs223”. This user had been following the ARG for some time, and was looking for answers. Circlehunter posted an introduction to the internet detectives of reddit, to possibly shed light on us, and the ARG.

· At 4:56am, Thorin noticed an update to the main page of the title of the page has changed to: “mymasks”, the background image is: “BinReset.png” (features and image of John’s eye, with a face in the blackness of his cornea, in the image the Happy Mask Salsesman and Ben can be seen), the audio file is: “t.mp3”, and hidden in the source code is binary that translates to: “Every game has rules, he chose this game when he chose the boy.”

· At 5:18am, Circlehunter noticed a new thread on reddit titled: “donottrusttheinternetdetectives” (link), in this thread a user by the name of “25046151_334654” (translated: “TLink”) posted a cipher: “c2VlYTovL3V6c3l0ZG9wbG8ubnp4L3d0ZGVweS8=”

· At 5:22am, Thorin translated the cipher to: “”. This new page’s title was: “trustme”, and the background image was “Bentlres.jpg”, also on this page was a .gif image: “assimilating.gif”, the audio file was: “htaed.mp3”.

· At 4:46pm, Wolfcat discovered a new file on /key592/: “number.txt”. This file contained the same phone number we received on May 26th. New ID members Mr.Pancake3 and Ryfoxx called the phone number, and both experienced similar outcomes: When the phone picked up their call, it played the Song of Unhealing. When they hung up, it immediately called back and played static noise with demonic whispering (words not understood).

· At 9:14pm, New ID member Ryfoxx discovered a change to /key592. The page now featured a new .txt file named: “gate.txt”. The file contained coding which was translated to the direct link of the Main Skype Group. It was removed within minutes.

July 5th, 2015
· At 4:45am, Eevee noticed an update on /key592. The page now featured two new links, an image file: “BeReTins.jpg”, and a text file: “ILLUSION.txt” which was filled with text that read “LIES” over and over. Thorin, used Ctrl+f and found several words misspelled: “LTES, LRES, LIEU, TIES, LIEH”.

· At 4:47am, ARG Dov noticed a change to the main page of The page now featured a new title: “Tlink” (a call back to the name of the person who posted on Reddit’s /r/arg), the background image: “BitEnsRe”, and a video: “TL.webm”.

· At 12:09pm, Sengi discovered a JanusVR firebox code in the source of the main of The new Janus room was a red landscape with a blue cloudy sky, and a red structure in the middle of the landscape. (image)

July 7th, 2015
· At 1:20am, Eevee was re-checking the updates of the 5th, and noticed that the misspelled words of the illusion.txt file (“LTES, LRES, LIEU, TIES, LIEH”), spell the word “TRUTH” when you read the mistaken letters in order.

· At 1:36am, new user Leslie remarks that the replaced letters are “IISLS”, then suggest we try using /truth as a url extension.

· At 1:40am, is discovered by Leslie, as not a 404 (as previously thought), but an actual page that redirects. The page redirects almost instantly, which is why no one noticed it before. Leslie used “noscript” and was able to see the source. The title of the page is “LIES”, nothing is hidden in the source code.

· At 11:34pm, Leslie destegged the image “BinReset.jpg”, and found a cipher: “aHR0cDovL3ZvY2Fyb28uY29tL2kvczFFbVE1aUhyajVJ” (Translated to a vocaroo link: “”). The audio file seems to be a still undetermined weird noise.

· At 11:49pm, Wolfcat changed the audio file in Audacity to spectrogram and discovered an image that seems similar to the message “GET OUT” in the JanusVR room /fakeworld/.

July 8th, 2015
· At an undetermined time, the /fakeworld/ page changed. The new page was black with green text that read: “LOADING ASSETS”, and an audio file: “bones.mp3”. The JanusVR /fakeworld/ room was also changed. The room was expanded beyond the two enclosed rooms, and now included a purple-ish landscape.

July 12th, 2015
· At an undetermined time, Tyler uploaded a video to Youtube titled: “Bored and had a weird dream”. In the video he discusses his current life, his reasons for not using Skype (apparently the internet detectives are “bat-shit insane”), and a strange dream he recently had. There are several images within the video, one was during a scene where Tyler is coughing (image).

July 13th, 2015
· At an undetermined time, the main page of updated. The new page featured an image called: “TIME.jpg” it was a thermal vision(ish) image of Tyler, with the words “It’s not time yet” hidden in the picture. The title of the page was now: “seeyou”, and a new audio titled: “36.mp3”.

· At 4:45pm a spontaneous OOC time occurred.

July 15th, 2015
· At 4:30am, OOC time ended.

July 20th, 2015
· At 1:58am, Thorin discovered an update to The main page’s title changed to “thetimeisnear”, the page had an image titled: “v.gif”, an audio file called: “forever.mp3”, and hidden in the source code was a cipher: “366363333666363336663633366633333366636333636666336366663666366636663666366636663363666336666336366366663666363636663633366636363663336336633636336366633663336636636666366366363363666636663666366333363666363336633366366363333366666636663663336666363633633336333663363336333633363636366336363633363663366336363336336663363636363336363636” The cipher translates to a Youtube video: The account that uploaded the video is named Vincent Adams. (This is the same ‘Vincent’ who hosts /Patrem\)

· At 2:08am, John/Mesic posted in the ID Main Skype chat: “1Helpme”

· The ID’s began to discover new redirect pages:

Below is a list of new redirects and their images/audio/hidden-text


· BG image: “sign.gif”, audio: “say_goodbye.mp3”.


· BG image: “hold-on.gif”, audio: “holdon.mp3”, hidden: “ADTINEO”.


· BG image: “limbo.gif”, audio: “lost_forever.mp3”.


· BG image: “noentry.gif”, audio: “anotherone.mp3”.


· BG image: “mislead.gif”, audio: “misleading.mp3”. Hidden in the audio (reversed) are numbers: 6802.


· BG image: “listen.gif”, audio: “mute.mp3”.


· BG image: “engulf.gif”, audio: “blue_flame.mp3”.


· BG image: “smile.gif”, audio: “occasions.mp3”.


· Audio: “imagine.mp3”.


· BG image: “oYz2ZF0icHXn.gif” (translated: “”), audio: “pray_for_rest.mp3”.


· BG image: “fantasy.gif”, audio: “fantasy.mp3”.


· BG image: “smoke.gif”, audio: “breathe.mp3”.


· BG image: “back.gif”, audio: “back.mp3”.


· BG image: “N.gif”, audio: “goback.mp3”.


· BG image: “water.gif”, audio: “cant_swim.mp3”, hidden in the source code: “B”.


· BG image: “inmyhead.gif”, audio: “in_my_head.mp3”.


· BG image: “E.gif”, audio: “getout.gif”.


· BG image: “angel.gif”, audio: “gone.mp3”.


· BG image: “oooooo.gif”, audio: “oooooo.mp3”, hidden: “”.


· BG image: “WHATIS.gif”, audio: “lost_my_mind.mp3”.


· BG image: “trappedinside.gif”, audio: “forever.mp3”, hidden: “IFVPWSBFUkEgRVJFSFcNCg0KWU1NT00gRVNBRUxQIGVzYWVscCAucHUgZW0gZWthdyBlc2FlbHAgdHN1aiB5bW1vbSAuLi5kZXJhY3MNCg0Kb3MgbSdpIHVveSBzc2ltIGkgLGRldG5hdyBzeWF3bGEgZXYndW95IHlvYiBlbHR0aWwgZWh0IGViIGxsJ2kgZXNpbW9ycA0KDQppICxub3MgcmV0dGViIGEgZWIgbGwnaSBlc2ltb3JwIGkgLnlycm9zIG9zIG1pIHltbW9tIC4uLnlsZW5vbCBvcyBtJ2kNCg0KP2Vub3lyZXZlIHNpIGVyZWh3IC5kZXJhY3Mgb3MgbSdpICxlc2FlbHAgZW0gcGxlaCA/c2lodGVyZWh3ID9zaXRhaHc= ”. The cipher translates to: “WHERE ARE YOU. scared… mommy just please wake me up. PLEASE MOMMY, promise i’ll be the little boy you’ve always wanted, I miss you i’m so, i’m so lonely… mommy im so sorry. I promise i’ll be a better son, I whatis? wherethis? help me please, i’m so scared. where is everyone?”

· Sometime during the redirect discoveries, The ID’s notice that there are 3 single letters in the redirects. The image in /getout/ “E”, the image in /go_back/ “N”, and hidden in /cant_swim/ is “B”. Put together, they spell out BEN.

· At 7:58am, Thorin played New Wave Bossa Nova on WH to help “unsilence John”.

· Sometime later the GM’s super encoded the redirect script, so we could no longer view the list of redirect pages.

July 21st, 2015
· At 1:20am, Eevee received a text message from dustesilverwolf: “3”.

· At 1:30am, “K” responded to an e-mail sent by Spirkiroid. He wrote: “BQS?8F#ks-GB\6`H#IhIF^eo7@rH3;G@>T'BKpZ'G]R%b1iu5_D-AbC@”, it translates to another video by Vincent Adams:

· At 2:03am, Eevee received a new text: “T05FIFRXTyBUSFJFRQ==” (translates: “ONE TWO THREE”)

· At 2:16am, Spirkiroid found a new page: “”. This new page had an image: “”III.gif”, an audio called: “up_in_flames.mp3”, a password protected .rar file called: “three.rar”, and hidden in the source code was: “32661557 33067165 10067564 10074545 32620101 10062563 252” (translated: “kcolnu ot yek A esU”).

· At 2:59am, after exhausting every possibility, the ID’s realize the password was “A key”. The file opened up to an audio file called: “three.mp3”. It’s a 6:38 long audio track with hidden spectrogram. The words in the spectrogram are a call back to Jad’s arg: “It’s worth noting that the number three is reported by Kelbris to have been said numerous times, sometimes in-between words and even between letters.”

· Sometime before midnight, Tyler uploaded a video on his youtube account. In it, he takes us on a walk around his property, and down a main road. He also talks about his family, and other subjects. The video is glitch, and has things hidden in it. Towards the end, Tyler sees a Help wanted sign, and begins to comment on it. He say’s “Helper” a number of times, and a calling sound can be heard with each utterance.

July 22nd, 2015
· At 10:42am, Master Swordsman Faut discovered a new page on /help/. This new page featured an image called: “andagain.gif”, and an audio file called: “help_me_out.mp3”.

July 23rd, 2015
· At an unknown time, updated. Below the words “Loading Assets” was the word “Distending”.

· Sometime later, Thorin discovered that the JanusVR room /fakeworld/ was considerably larger than it had been previously.

July 27th, 2015
· At 4:50pm, Ryfoxx decoded the obfuscated redirect script. The new list of redirects numbered nearly 100 links. Many of the links were ones we’ve seen already, but some were brand new ones, and their meanings were very interesting.

A list of the redirects links can be found HERE.

July 30th, 2015
· At 6:34am, John starts a Skype call in the ID Main Group. No one was available.

· At 6:40am, John posts a code: 24040522 20242111 246424.

· At 6:41am, Thorin decodes the cipher to: “paradise”, and finds a new page /paradise/. The page has an image called: “paradise.gif”, and an audio called: “paradise.mp3”. (The page has a password box, the pass is the same numbers that Spirkiroid found in the audio of /misleading: 6802). The password box then asks if you like to disable future dialouge (The same results happen if you check the box or not)

o The page then redirects to: “/paradise/tricked/”. This page features a background image: “mislead.gif”, and a video: “FOOLEDYOU.webm”.

o /paradise/tricked/, then redirects to a .txt file: “enlightenment.txt”. The text file features a long wall of binary code.

At the time, the code could not be deciphered. However, Thorin did a google search of the code itself and discovered a match in the description of a youtube video: “”. The Youtube account is “lostmemory423”, the same account “seems” to be associated with the original Remember.exegame. The youtube page featured 4 videos uploaded within the previous two weeks. Each video featured ciphers in the descriptions, and one with ciphers throughout the video itself.

o Video #1) Title: “IMG_1507”, the cipher in the video description box translated to: “Was looking for father’s house. The masks were waiting.” This video featured a shaky, night-cam view of a wooded area, and a structure within the vegetation. There were ciphers within the video itself, listed is order of appearance:


(trans: I could see everything)


(trans: I could finally think)


(trans: I could finally breathe)


(trans: It was December 1st 2011, you went to the numbers to find the masks.)


(trans: But r/u werH lostinforest)

The audio was reversed, a fixed copy can be heard HERE.

o Video #2) Title: “IMG_1508”, the cipher in the video description box translated to: “It is december 3rd now. You found the masks and talked to them, they told you where to go yesterday but you got /lostinforest. was you need to go here 33 32 34 324 32 34 2e 32 38 2d 20 2c 31 30 38 35 39 36 2e 37 324”. This video featured another shaky night time video, this time in the pouring rain. The person recording is walking with a flashlight towards a building in the woods. The audio was reversed, a fixed copy can be heard HERE.

o Video #3) Title: “2”, the cipher in the description box translated to: “pleasestopidontwanttodothisanymoreITSTOLATENOWpleasesomeonehelpmeSILENCEBOYTHISWASYOURCHOICEyoudidntsayitwouldbelikethispleasesomeonehelpmeNOONECANHEARYOUNOWBOYITISTIMEFORYOUTOASCENDDIANAISWAITINGpleasehelpmeidontwanttodieNOHILDYOUSHALLBENOTDEADUTANEVERLASTINGGLORYTOYOURMO”. This video featured a black screen with the words “No one came.” The audio sounded like bubbling/gurgling underwater noise. (This video appears to be the same one uploaded to the Jadusable youtube channel on November 8th, 2010.)

o Video #4) Title: “3”, the cipher in the description box translated to: “whathaveiforgottenwhoami”. The video was black with a high pitched screeching noise, and flashing images of The Happy Mask Salesman.

· At approx. 5pm, OOC weekend began.

August 3rd, 2015
· At Approx. 2am, OOC weekend ended.

· At 4:34pm, A new user on WH named “Mesic” posted in the johnisdead thread. His message was: “Game has been getting boring. Ill change the rules.”

· At 4:46pm, Tyler uploaded a youtube video titled: “Found a cool thing and now I am gonna go to work I guess”. The video features Tyler talking about a framed image of Max Headroom, a known reference to “SKM”.

August 4th, 2015
· At 2:05am, /Patrem\ responded to Mesic: “What games do you play now trickster?”.

· At 2:12am, Mesic responded: “call not I this. You know many names, you are many names. Man to kafei, kafei to salesm, atheroflies. Play now with me father of lies, you know my names, found my name.”

· At 2:22am, /Patrem\ responded: “By the human way of perception it has only been about a decade since we last spoke, but by my own it has been eons. I see you still have yet to shake the imprint of that children’s game from yourself. I would ask you to still thine tongue of my affairs but I see in your current host you can do nothing more than babble, wretched parasite. However I thank you for your services up to this point, your “fun” has been most useful to my cause. However I suggest you release the deuro soon, as Regiminis is growing impatient.”

· At 2:29am, Mesic responded: “KNOW WHO AM I. YOUR MOON IS FALSE. LAUGH. FATHER OF LIES. Puppet release after toy take back.”

· At 2:58am, /Patrem\ responded: “And what toy would that be?”

· At 3:39am, BEN responded to /Patrem\’s question: “The one this one pretended to be yes, this one is mine. This one is not the old mask, my old toy. Here will be it when take him back GA(E,BlbC>+>./BD# Changed rules, what but did I do? NJXWQ3TJONSGKYLEFZRW63JPO5UGC5DENFSGSZDP You shouldn’t have done that…” (Presumably, the entity that was responding as “Mesic” is now responding as “BEN”)

o The first cipher: “GA(E,BlbC>+>./BD#” translates to: “whatis .com”, this leads to a new website: This main page features an image titled: “it.gif”, and an audio file titled: “26.mp3”. The tile of the page read: “not so fast”, and hidden text on the page read: “we will be here soon. wait here.” Nothing else was hidden, and no further pages could be found on the new site.

o The second cipher: “NJXWQ3TJONSGKYLEFZRW63JPO5UGC5DENFSGSZDP” leads to a new page on johnisdead: “/whatdidido/”. This new page features an image called: “it.jpg”, and audio file called: “it.wav”, and a binary code hidden in the source: “!!11!111 !!11!1!! !!1!!!!! !!11!11! !!11!!!1 !!1!!!!! !!11!11! !11!!!1! !!1!!!!! !!11!11! !!11!1!1” (translated: “take”)

o The binary leads to a new page: “/take/”. This new page features a background image titled: “ocarinagone.gif”, and a video called: “take.webm”. The video shows text: “Do you wonder what I have done? ”, then shows what appears to be a test post on the Lunar Children forums by Matt R. The video also shows text saying: “Ocarina of Time: Bolero of Fire.”

· At 4:42am, /Patrem\ responded to BEN: “That boy is beyond even my own reach at this moment, so I doubt in your current state you will be taking your “toy” back anytime soon. I do find it amusing how quickly you can still spread yourself. Now I must bid you farewell, talking to two of yourself is quite a headache and I have much to prepare for the coming of the second Undecim Nocte.”

· At approx. 3:00pm, Ryfoxx discovered an update to the main page of johnisdead. The title and background image was the same, but it now featured a youtube video centered on the page. The video was uploaded by Vincent Adams, and was titled: “Trip”. Hidden in the source code is: “key592”

o The video “Trip” shows Vincent talking about making music. Then he seems to fall asleep, and awakens as /Patrem. There was a cipher in the description of the video: “SSBjb250cm9sIHlvdSBjaGlsZCwgYW5kIHlvdXIg­ZnV0aWxlIGF0dGVtcHRzIHRvIHJlbWVtYmVyIHRo­aXMgYXJlIG5vdGhpbmcgYnV0IGEgZ2FtZSB0byBt­ZS4=” (translation: “I control you child, and your futile attempts to remember this are nothing but a game to me”).

· Soon after, Ryfoxx discovers an update on /key592/. The page now had a link to a file called: “path.txt”, the text file read: “do/t”.

August 5th, 2015
· At 12:30am, Tyler uploaded a video to his youtube account. The video is titled: “Fire at my work”. The text in the description box reads: “Today was a REALLY scary day at work. Idk what happened, but the fry vat I was working on just suddenly caught on fire right in front of me. I had to hold the camera weird and not talk much because I didn’t want my boss to get mad at me for filming, but I didn’t get the company logo in any shots so idk any reason for them to be mad. If anything I should be mad because that fire actually nearly hurt me really badly.”Apparently, The Lunar Children played the Bolero of Fire, and nearly killed Tyler.

August 6th, 2015
· At an unknown time, the ID’s discovered an update to “/fakeworld/”. The page now read: “Loading Assets. Distending… Waiting for Authorization.” (image).

· At an unknown time, the ID’s discovered the JanusVR room “/fakeworld/” had also changed. The open space, beyond the main room, was darkened so that you could not see more than directly in front of yourself. Nothing was found to be hidden in the darkness. killed Tyler.

August 8th, 2015
· At 11:56pm, Faut discovered an update to /key592/. The page displayed a new link: “” (image). This link leads to a brand new website, although the main page redirects back to

August 9th, 2015
· At 12:17am, Thorin discovers a link to a new directory: “/key592/key59/”.

· Soon afterwards, a link was added to the new directory: “/key592/key59/find.txt”. The .txt read: “ten b is.l /_____”.(

· At 12:25am, after trying many urls, Wolfcat discovered: “”. The page featured a background titled: “line.gif” (which was a gif image of the police tape Tyler saw at Kevin’s house.) There was also the same video which played on “operator.webm”.

· At 12:36am, Ryfoxx discovers a new link on /key592/: “moon.txt”. The text first read: “/5moon”, then later changed to “m-s_c”.

· Soon afterwards, “” was discovered. This new page featured an image called: “eye.gif”, and a reused audio: “noise.mp3”.

· At 12:37am, John’s Skype name changed to “Tenebris”, and a message was posted in the main group: “IHAVEHIMNOW”.

· At 12:38am, Tenebris posted: “heisnolongerwithyou”.

· At 12:39, Tenebris posted: “undermycontrol”.

· At 12:43, Tenebris posted: “youfoolsarewastingtime”.

· At 1:48am, Thorin was informed by Tenebris that the entity “George” was terminated. Killed by Tenebris himself.

August 10th, 2015
· At an unknown time, the ID’s discovered an update to “/fakeworld/”. The page now read: “Loading Assets. Distending… Waiting for Authorization.” (image).

· At an unknown time, the ID’s discovered the JanusVR room “/fakeworld/” had also changed. The open space, beyond the main room, was darkened so that you could not see more than directly in front of yourself. Nothing was found to be hidden in the darkness.

( Game paused for approx. 3 wks )

September 4th, 2015
· Between 12:47am & 2:00am, Tenebris (John) posts to Skype:

o conTrol i gained

o i lost old friend

o I wear New mask

o burnt but fit

o Hhr e doesn’t know… I know not

o old mask no good

o I change the game

o this is no game

o it’s under control.

o I have it

o sorry for your lost

o worthless alone

o better now

o it begins

o something he tells what to you

o check again

· At 2:06am, Thorin discovers a site update on the main page of The page is black and reads: “WHAT DID I DO”, and there is audio on the page: “back.wav”.

· At 2:25am, Thorin discovered an update to /whatdidido/. The page has an image titled: “it.jpg”, and an audio called: “it.wav”. There was also a binary code that translated to: “I am the supervisor who reports espionage agent when in the field. I am a spiritual agency believes that help half a seance. I am a pitcher’s ability to throw the ball in the strike zone consistently. What am I?”

· At 5:58pm, Eevee noticed text hidden in the source of /whatdidido/: “ido/To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over/”. The answer to the riddle was: “control”.

· At 6:00pm, Sengi discovers a new page: This new page featured a .gif image: “itrains.gif”, this image shows a “weather channel” style graphic of a storm headed for the western coast of Florida. The page also has a video called: “therainhasbegun.webm”. The video has text that reads: “Let’s just try one more time to be sure this is what we have been granted. Song of Storms”. There is also a screen shot of a new user name: “Ezekiel_Thoth33”, and a screen shot of text that reads: “Diana descends. The three lay at my feet. DID YOU THINK I WAS FINISHED CHILDREN?”

September 5th, 2015
· Sometime during the day, Tyler uploaded 3 videos to youtube.

o Stuck at work: This video, Tyler shows a rain storm while he’s at work. This suggests that the Lunar Children have indeed used the Fairy Ocarina to manipulate the weather, and now know the power they wield.

o Passing by Johns house: This video shows Tyler walking home, past John’s destroyed home. There are corrupted messages in the video that read: “Burning flesh flesh melting bones. Nothing could stop my singing. Someone pick up the phone please.Soon he will belong to. REGIMINIS.” (images)

o Fishery: This video shows Tyler discovering the Fishery during a walk near his house. There are corrupted messages in the video that read: “That’s his Necklace. Why is K I here. It was not meant for you John. What have you done. No do not touch that. John you shouldn’t be here. Thats his necklace. Ja why are you here?” (images)

September 6th, 2015
· In response to the Lunar Children possessing and using the Fairy Ocarina, the ID’s try to take back the Ocarina by posting a video on WH, of Deku Link taking the Ocarina from the Scull Kid (MM). It is unknown if it has worked.

September 7th, 2015
· Between 8:52pm and 9:57pm, Tenebris (john) posted to the Skype group a series of words: “Curiosity”, “I’ll send him”, “Confusion”, “Sabotage”.

September 9th, 2015
· At an unknown time, the main page of updated. The title of the page changed to: “Manifest”, and there was a background image called: “powergenerator.gif”, hidden in the source code is: “Malagasy”. There was also a video titled: “Governing.webm”, which featured a corrupted view of the Lunar Children’s message board, and a post by Matt R., which reads: “It appears this is what had thought, and after careful planning and judgment, we have decided it may be in our best interests to apply this gift to his power, Regiminis. Though he does not hold the deuro in his grasp as planned, he may still watch over the Harbingers link and have enough power to communicate his knowledge of the portal to us. Mothers shine be upon you Ascended brother Regiminis! Power unto thee through thine sigil!” (This post signifies that the LC have confirmed their possession of song power, and will try to hand this gift over to Regiminis, who has been watching over Tyler.)

September 10th, 2015
· At approx. 2:00am, Tyler posted a new video on youtube. The title of the video is called Accidental Recording, and it features Tyler walking through a liquor store buying beer. In the last frames of the video, we see a figure behind a beer cooler, and the words “GUESS WHO”. The description of the video reads: “I was at a convenience store earlier and must have started recording on accident while I was holding my phone in my hand. I decided I would upload it though, because I didn’t notice while I was there, but when I went to get some beer off the shelf in the end, it looks like some guy was smiling at me from the room behind the shelves. It is kinda hard for me to tell though since everything started getting fucked up near the end. Oh well, at least I shouldn’t be seeing him again anytime soon.”

September 15th, 2015
· At 10:20pm, Spirkiroid discovered an update to the main page of The page featured an audio file titled: “beginning.mp3”, and was a sound bite of Rosa’s dialogue from the Vampire the Masquerade game. The sound bite was the line: “I’m sorry, sometimes I see… nothing. Disregard what I say.” There was also a background image code found in the source: “t_tl.jpg” (assumed to be Tatl, the fairy helper in Majora’s Mask) , but the image url only lead to the redirect pages.

· At 10:23pm, The ID’s discovered the page /rosa/. This new page featured a title: “Listen Carefully”, a background image: “skyup.gif”, and text hidden in the source: “I will speak to you soon”

September 16th, 2015
· At 5:13pm, Eevee noticed an update to /rosa/. The page now featured a video: “fortune.webm”. In the video Rosa gives us our fortune, while showing us images of the future. Some notable highlights of the video include:

o Text in the video reads: “B. The Controller I am true. Puppeteer holding the strings. THE DARK. Waiting to take my true puppet.EN. I have the damn trinket she gave him.”

o Several flash images of the Sydney Airport in Australia.

o An ending scene of Tyler approaching a door, with 50’s Rock & Roll music playing in the background, with Rosa saying the infamous quote: “Don’t open it!”

September 18th, 2015
· Between 12:35am-12:38am, Tenebris posted to the Skype group. His posts were deleted, and missed by the group.

· At 12:39am, Tenebris posted: “Tatl speaks”

· At 12:42am, Tenebris posted: “fingers on hand, three of three, twice” (592)

· The ID’s discovered an update to /key592/, a link to a chat. Where Rosa was awaiting them. Rosa gave the ID’s a glimpse into the future, and the story of what happened to her in the past. Some things of note: She foresees Tyler beginning to trust the Internet Detectives again. She suggests that Patrem does not understand what power he’s seeking to bring forth, and that the ID’s will soon reclaim our power that was stolen from us.

The entire chat with Rosa can be read HERE.

September 19th, 2015
· Sometime before 11am, Tyler uploaded a new video to his youtube channel. The video was titled: “returning to fishery”, and featured Tyler making a return visit to the fishery with the company of a baseball bat. At the end of the video, he encounters a man wearing a mask, before he begins to runs in terror. The description of the video is: “I am not going back, yesterday is the last time I go anywhere near that area of the woods. But damn it took me a long time to get the hell out of there after I saw that man. It felt like I was wondering through the woods for hours and fucking hours.”

September 25th, 2015
· At an unknown time, Tumblr follower Sebastien alerted the ID’s to an update on the main page of johnisdead. The page featured a black background with the words: “/myname” in green font color. There were two audio files in the source:

o it_was.mp3 : This audio seemed to be slowed down ambient sounds.

o d.mp3 : This audio was someone speaking, but was reversed. The words spoken were: “Come on let me in, it’s me Douglas”.

· At 11:22pm, Spirkiroid discovered a new page /douglas/. This new page featured a video called: “me.webm”. This video displayed a corrupted image (that we’ve seen many times in the past) of who we now know for certain is Douglas P. At the end of the video text is shown: “I’ll be knocking on his door next”. In the source code was a BG image that seemed to not exist. This image was called: “zed.jpg”.

o It should be noted that there was one other instance in which a BG image code was placed into the source, yet no actual image seemed to exist. That other image was t_tl.jpg, that appeared on the main page the night Rosa spoke with the ID’s. The connection between the two is unknown, or whether the img coding was a mistake.

October 8th, 2015
· At 10:08am, Tyler uploaded a video to YouTube called: “Paranoid Knocking”. A breakdown of the events of the video are below:

o The video opens with a first person view of Tyler’s home, he’s speaking about sporadic knocking on his doors at all hours of the day.

o At about the 1:00 mark of the video he passes a window, and a face can be seen in the window. It appears to be the face of Kelbris looking in the window.

o At the 6:00min. mark, knocking is heard and his lights begin to flash. Suddenly a barrage of images and sounds are shown on the screen:

§ Flashing lightbulb

§ High-pitched noise

§ A red/black hand closes over the screen

§ Red text: “Some have to knock”

§ Douglas (green man) laughing

§ The pig-mask (mask #2 “will find you”)

§ Mason’s storm drain

§ The Third Giant

§ A close up of Kelbris’ face

§ Undistinguishable red text

§ Footage of the fishery

§ Undistinguishable red text

§ Images of an unknown person (possibly Kevin)

§ An image of what appears to be a rose, or a man with a towel on his head.

§ /Patrem\

§ The same image of a rose/man with a different filter

§ A black screen with the audio @90 by K3v1n

o The imagery is stopped and Tyler once again gains control of his camera.

October 9th, 2015
· At 2:25am, ARG Dov discovered a new video uploaded to Tyler’s YouTube account. The new video was titled: “calling john” and originally had a description that read: “I accidentally stopped the recording early but yeah that was really weird. I had a dream last night I went to that website I was shown a while back,, made by those assholes who I guess wanted to make some joke out of my friends death or something. And in the dream it actually wasn’t just a blank red page with music or weird sounds, someone I talked to on the website told me to call john. So I looked through some of my old shit and found his old number. I was just expecting a disconnected message, or someone to already have the number taken over, but I guess whoever has it now also has a fucked up phone.” The video featured Tyler dialing John’s phone # and a spooky guttural noise was heard coming from the speaker.

· Earlier in the day, the Internet Detectives decided to begin to try and contact Tyler via his YouTube comment section again. ARG Dov, Thorin, and Eevee posted. Tyler responded to Eevee’s post:

o Eevee: “Tyler, you need to come back to us. We are not trying to hurt you, we care about you.”

o Tyler: “Why the hell do you people always lose your shit so hard in my comment section? “We are not trying to hurt you, we care about you.“ Like jeez are you some kind of cult? Goodnight actually before I get sucked into whatever is going on here; I have work in the morning.”

· At 2:38am, Spirkiroid noticed that the phone number dialed by Tyler was the same number we’d been calling and texting for months. So the ID’s began to call and text the number again.

· At 2:47am, the ID’s noticed the description of the video “calling john” changed. It now read: “TAGS”. By checking the source codes of the YouTube video’s page, we discovered hidden tags on multiple videos:

o Calling John: “Why, dont, you, check, again, old, friend”.

o Paranoid Knocking: “We, have, no, need, to, knock, child, regiminis, shall, be, watching, you, until, your, time, comes”

o Accidental Recording: “Icanseeyounow, Iamherewaiting”

o Jacob: “what, do, you, think, they, did, to, him?”

o Found a Cool Thing: “The, hackers, message”

o Bored: “the, four, will, come, and, open, way, for, goddess, on, november 11, you, have, to, make, choice”

· At 3:03am, the description to “calling john” was changed again, it now read: “i hit the Fucking end button a bit to early. oh well, I called johnS old pHone ERlier because i had a strange dream about the website i was shown before but it doenst matter suppose Yeah i don’t think i should call that again no ok llllll llllll 111111”. The capitalized letters spell out “FISHERY”.

· The ID’s rushed to check the tags to the fishery video and discovered a new hidden tag: “HELP THE ROOF IS COLLAPSING PLEASE DONT LET US ALL DIE”

· At 3:06 the description to “calling john” changed again: “i hit the Fuckilledusing end button a bit to early. oh well, I called johnS old pHone ERlier because i had a strange dream about the websitdhne i was showwhereamin before but it doenst matter suppose Youknowwhereweareburriedeah i don’t think i should theyarewaitingtocall that again no. You Know where we were buiried. they are waiting”

· By 3:07am, the description box was wiped clean.

October 11th, 2015
· At 11:06pm, the ID’s noticed a new upload to Tyler’s YouTube page. The new video was called: “I’m going to”. The description reads: “I know whoever runs that thing probably watches my channel, so here you go. I might have over reacted a bit at first, but fine, I don’t know who the fuck you are but Ill actually go to kevs house, I haven’t been in a really long time anyways and was thinking of going by to reminisce.”, and it featured Tyler calling John’s phone number again and hearing a busy signal. He also spoke about a browser that his GF introduced him too. This browser makes him unable to view Hidden in the source code of the youtube video was: “blood moon ritual ground I’ll see you soon Harbingers Link”.

October 12th, 2015
· At 10:14am the ID’s discovered a new video uploaded to LostMemory423’s YouTube account. The new video is titled: “IMG_1509”, and featured a camera-man filming the fishery. At the end of the video, there’s a note on the floor that reads: “Due to recent unfortunate events the continued use of the fish house has been deemed unfavourable for the continuation of our worship and personal well being. If you have recieved this notice, it is because you have been given the task of removing any valuable holy items from the fishery, the holy building provided to us by the Father Patrem, and transporting them to our new central meeting grounds, the Ohio Spire. Collect everything of value and await further instructions. AVOID THE FISH PONDS AND LEAVE NO SHREDS OF EVIDENCE TO ANY ACTIONS IN SAID LOCATION AND REPORT ANY ABNORMALITIES OR STRANGE SENSATIONS DURING YOUR TIME IN THE BUILDING! - Ezekiel”. There was a binary code in the description box, which has yet to be decoded.

· At 8:09pm, the ID’s discovered the main page to updated. The new page said simply: “Listen”, and a radio stream was imbedded to the page:link here. The stream played song of unhealing, had some spooky noises, and then played vaporwave Elton John.

· At 8:58pm, the ID’s noticed an update to “/key592”. A new link was added called “number.mp3”, and was simply an audio of a phone dialing numbers. The ID’s called the number, and it now works once again. Audio was played when called.

· At 10:20pm, Tenebris posted to the Skype group: “Run”.

October 13th, 2015
· After 12:00am, the ID’s noticed new redirect pages. A list of pages can be foundHERE. One of the redirect pages had hidden text in the source code:

o /head: “trying to feed her son”, who officials say by then had been “deceased for at least six days.”

October 25th, 2015
· At 2:15am, Tenebris posted to the Skype Group: “Run”.

· At 2:18am, The ID’s discovered an update to /run. This new page featured a .gif image of train tracks called: “tracks.gif”, and an audio file called: “pastevent.mp3”.

· At 2:31am, The main page of was updated. The main page now featured a new image of train tracks called: “anomaly.jpg”, and an audio file called: “scared.mp3”. Hidden in the source was: “REMEMBER. THE HOUSE”.

· At 2:41am, The ID’s discovered an update to /key592. There was now a link called: “execute.txt”. The .txt file says: “ry.ex”.

It is presumed at this point, that we being

instructed to download the game lostmemory.exe

November 1st, 2015


November 3rd, 2015
· At 12:50am, ID member Spirkiroid played lostmemory.exe, and wrote his experience: “I walked into the house, everything was regular, then the tv in the living room turned to static and the lights downstairs broke. I went upstairs and walked around a bit and then I was teleported behind the locked door on the first floor like Zack was. Cremia appeared floating, crying, and without a face. text appeared on the screen saying “hernamewas”, and then “diana”. I was teleported outside the house and text appeared saying “heisnotthefather”. Then I was teleported under the map into water.”

· At 4:28pm, Spirkiroid noticed a .txt file on his desktop called: “ezekielthoth33.txt”. When opened, it contained:





  1. X92dT98lA2J79*8Y8@iamtwo@QnMO9iFtZ8PVrK93+t^7oi&Y79)*F7nQES79*8[7nQ6O78u$38kqiE















· At 9:48pm, The Ghost of Eevee solved the cipher, using the clues given in the second half of the .txt. What remained afterwards was: “3MrC6OLRutS}”.

November 4th, 2015
· At 9:48am, ID member Juplaylp discovered an update to /key592. The page now featured a new link called: “findthename.txt”, which read:

The ANSwe3r is right In front of yOu

fac3e it









· At some point during the night, the main page of changed, the title was now: “NAME”, and hidden in the source was: “33”.

November 5th, 2015
· At 10:06pm, Drowned posted to the Skype group: “JNBEERSPKIZFISSGINCVCVCTKNFTKTKFINGVGQ2JIZEEMQ2XKNMUWRJSIRDVIS2IJJMTERKD ǝɥʇ ɹǝʍusɐ sɐɥ uǝǝq ʇɥƃıɹ uı ʇouɹɟ ɟo onʎ” (Trans: “The answer has been right in front of you xli glmph l3xsl3x”

· By 10:12pm, after trying various usernames, the ID’s used [username:thoth33/pass:3MrC6OLRutS}] to gain access to the Lunarchildren’s website once again, and also found their forums.

November 6th, 2015
· At 1:29am, Tenebris started a video call on Skype. His screen displayed a 30min countdown timer, along with text that read: “HURRY”. The ID’s quickly ripped the forums to a .zip file.

· By 2:00am, the LC’s forum was wiped clean (except for a single board titled: “’Controller’”). There was also a new post to the LC’s main web page apologizing for the purge due to “trolls” making new accounts in the forum.

· At 2:30am, the main page to changed to a chat-box. SKM began to communicate with us once again. He apologizes to us, and explains that he lied to us about who he really is. The ID’s learn that he’s actually a high ranking member of the Lunar Children, and administrator of the website/forum; LiquidSaint.

The full conversation with SKM can be found HERE.

· At 4:23am, the ID’s chose to test their song powers, and played New Wave Bossa Nova.

November 8th, 2015
· At 12:54am, a user by the name of Jarilo333 posted a thread to the LC Forums titled: “I can post here now?” It was clear that the NWBN had brought us a new character.

· At 8:00pm, The ID’s used the mask of truth on Jarilo, and began to ask questions. Among some of the things learned:

o He has a son named Hunter.

o He is an old LC member, and was with the Moon Children before the split.

o He has a brother with the “misguided”, that new the original Tenebris. (Who we believe to be user “Spencer_23”)

November 10th, 2015
· At 3:57am, Drowned posted to the Skype group: “somtheinsideaurfomlunarntalktothemyL. Jarilo333 knows so much more. nheisotheseems”.

· At 9:09pm, a user by the name of: “___”, posted to the LC forums: “ulmth.91-res”. The content of the post was: “Why don’t you tell him about his son”. The thread title translated to: “user-19.html”, and lead to a user called: “Jie_Lin_HunterL”. This is Jarilo333’s son, and he’s an admin of the forum.

· At 11:11pm, after searching through the saved archives of the forums, we discovered a post from Ezekielthoth33 to Hunter L.: “I sent you an invoice Hunter, there is a task you must perform and a voice you must silence. It may be hard to break this bond, but remember who your true family is. That is all I shall say here.” It was then realized by the ID’s that Jarilo333 might be in trouble, his son was tasked with killing him to gain promotion in the LC ranks.

The ID’s spent the evening trying to convince Jarilo that his son might kill him. He displayed anger at us for speaking against Hunter, and did not heed our advice.

November 11th, 2015 (Night of the final day! Undecim Nocte)
· At 3:01am, Jarilo333 posted to the LC forums: “HUUGY2ZFIE4CYULTJARUSZ2KIE4GAVBUIJIEITRRIZCGSOR5IFFVSWRPIRFUWSBR” (Trans:“Why did you do this to me hunter”) It now appeared that Jarilo has been killed (or was already killed) by his son, Hunter L.

· Ay 3:17am, Jarilo333, posted for the final time before his account was deactivated: “Your friend is next, I can see him now, young one what was done to me shall be the terrible fate of your link. They have him now, he cannot escape alone.”

· At 3:21am, with the revelation of Tyler being captured and held by the LC, the ID’s played The Song of Soaring. (This post was quoted by user Mertap, which later counted as a second playing of the song!)

· At abt. 9:00am, Tyler posted a video to his Silentdork channel, titled: “I am doing just fine.” It appeared that he was home, safe, and found his lost necklace at the fishery. There was a hidden message in the video via search tags: “john died you are next tyler they make choices never realize NOONECANHELpYOU”.

· Sometime during the day, Ezekielthoth33 posted on the LC blog: “THE HARBINGERS LINK IS MISSING. ’He is no longer in his holding area at the fishery! I have been informed he uploaded a video from his home earlier today. There is little time, and we must hurry and move in on his location! Anyone with the capability to move in for capture, do so at once!”.

· At 4:25pm, Panicked with the revelation that the LC would eventually find Tyler at his home, the ID’s played the Song of Soaring once again, to whisk Tyler to safety. (Unknowingly, this meant that the ID’s playing the SoS 3 separate times!)

· At 9:01pm, unsure of the results of playing the SoS, The ID’s choose to use one last item to help Tyler. The Stone Mask was used to make Tyler invisible to the LC, should they discover him.

(During an impromptu OOC Q&A, the ID’s were informed that their actions were successful

in saving Tyler from the Lunar Children. Undecim Nocte was foiled by the ID’s!)

November 12th, 2015
· At 9:45pm, The ID’s decided to play Epona’s Song to call Helper.

· At 10:41pm, Helper made contact with us once again: “Hello, Adventurers! It sure has been quite a while. Has everything gone well for you? Do you need assistance? Perhaps the deliverance of a package?”

· It was decided by the ID’s to ask Helper to steal Tyler’s necklace, and give him the Picto Box (camera), in hopes that he would share the images he captured with us.

· In Helper’s last post to us, he agreed to give us Tyler’s necklace, and drop off the Picto Box. The ID’s now await the item from Helper.

December 31st, 2015
At an unknown time, Tyler messaged the ID’s on Skype. He spoke about being trapped in his girlfriend’s home in Australia. The message can be read here.
The 1st cipher in his message (HEX) translated to this: “Dont worry old friend you wont be trapped here for long”
The 2nd cipher (shifted) has never been solved.



Blog cleanup
Just letting ya’ll know I’ll be doing some maintenance on the blog. I’m also going to change the way I update the timeline, it will now appear in the feed, and will be read newest-first. (It’s easier for me, and will cut a lot of time out of updating)




Timeline update 2/11 - 2/15
February 11th, 2016

At an unknown time, a video was uploaded to the Silent Dork youtube channel. The video was titled “Waiting”, and featured a flaming background with red shaking text that flashed: “Waiting, Friends, Masks, The Ashes”. The video was tagged with: “NNN”, “from beyond your world”, “tenebris watches”, “regiminis watches”, “play again”, “soon”. (the video has since been removed by the user)

February 12th, 2016

At an unknown time, updated. The bg-image was a recycled image, but had a ben effigy added, and was renamed “madness.png”, the bg-audio was named: “april.mp3”. Hidden in the source code was: “WE SEE YOU WHOLE AGAIN SOON”.

February 15th, 2016

At about 2am, the video “IMG_1426” was uploaded to lostmemory423. It features a person walking around in a wooded area examining a key and various notes, one of which features the names of significant arg characters. The description features a cipher which translated: “If you wish to be called SKM from here on, fine that is what we will call you, but before we can let you come to the fishery we need you to prove your worth to us, record yourself going to the enclosed geo coordinates, this place was the meeting grounds of who we knew as the misguided. There should be a key, this key gathered the essence of the dying remnants of that place, find it, open the last standing building in that orchard with it and film what masks remain for our archives. If you succeed you will be answering to the man who ended them for us from the inside, Elder child Mathew.” (cipher was encoded in base 64, then reversed) This suggests that the video may be partial footage of SKM fulfilling the described actions.



hey, its not a question but. Sebastien in the storyline of 2015 and shnnhs223 from reddit are the same person, and he was on skype with you for some time but you trash-talked to much and he had a lot of spam that he couldn't mute. and he was actually me. so yeah. I still stick to you guys, just not into skype things.


Internet Detectives = Confirmed Trash


March 2nd, 2016

  • At 11:04pm, ID member Eevee posted the “Postman’s Hat” in the inventory thread on the LunarChildren Forums, with a message that read: “Hey Helper! You promised us a necklace… ”.



March 10th, 2016

  • At 1:17am, Drowned (#’s guy) posted a series of Binary, Hex, DEC, and OCT codes which translated to: “You played new wave bossa nova, We are glad. By chance it gave us the energy to escape far enough to speak to you all through this thin window.I am becoming more aware to consciousness. We are coming closer and closer to self realization, and I am remembering many things.”

  • At 1:28am, #’s guy posted more code that translated to: “One of us drowned. Me drowned drowned drowned but this was before one of us was taken by a man named sikzjowned drowned drowned drowned drowned drowned. Truth.”

  • At 1:29am, #s guy then posted: “It was not his fault. They forced him. He didn’t know.”

  • At 1:50am, #’s guy posted a series of code that read: “the man who has us wants to sell us to the who has worked amongst you all since before your inception. s a l e s m a n.”

  • At 2:29am, #’s Guy posted more code that translated to: “The one who has us, reginimis, makes the deal. He will take john, and the harbingers shall return to (CCC). All the visions, the LOSTMEMORYs I had shown you, have been memories of what my (juzapdh) did in his search for the masks.” The words in (parenthesis) are not known/decoded, so this is quite a mystery. Does this mean that #’s guy is the one we see in the (now deleted) video of a person finding a key and a list of names? And since the ID’s are the “harbingers”, where are we going to go back too?

  • At 2:53am, #’s guy posted more code: “He wanted to find the masks. He thought they had me. They had us. Have. He did their bidding to enter their ranks. He searched for it with the numbers we learned so he could find them.” He then posted a youtube link of an old lostmemory video: “” He then posted more code that read: “He met with the masks and they told him what they wanted. They sent him to the Moonchildren who were already d ” (We do not know what “d” represents)

  • At 3:14am, #’s guy posted a HEX code that was only partially deciphered to: “killed them all but left behind something important.”

  • At 3:30am, #’s guy posted more code that translated to “ He found the list and, then the key, and went to the orchard my father used to play with the children in. the gift we asked the postman to leave him IMG_1509” ( “what was in that container was once mine. He opened it and I was with him when he did”

  • At 3:56am #’s guy posted a code that translates to: “He returned from the orchard of the moonchildren to meet with the masks again, but then had already left for their Spire. He found the gift we asked the postman to leave him.”

  • At 4:16am, #’s guy asked us if we wanted to see what was inside the suitcase Tyler found at the end of IMG_1509. The ID’s answered YES!

  • At 5:21am, #’s guy posted a video: ( The video is titled: “Untitled”, and features someone opening the suitcase (found at the fishery in img_1509) and finding a gasmask.

  • At 5:30am, #’s guy posted a code that translated to: “somethings wrong some one changed something, this never happened.”

  • At 9:13am, new ID member “Hitro” asked #’s guy “What never happened?”

  • At 11:16am, #’s guy answered him by posting a binary code that translated to: “someone who plays with time has changed the story he was never given that book he gave it to the masks.”, and a video titled “This Never Happened”: ( This new video features the same scene as “untitled”, but now the suitcase contains a book wrapped in chains with a note that reads “Don’t open it”. (the word “ don’t ” is scribbled out with red ink.)

  • #JohnIsDeadTimeline


time.gif update = 3/15/16




Artist: Unknown
Track: id.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack update = 3/15/16



March 11th - 15th, 2016
March 11th, 2016

  • At 4:00am, Eevee Reborn played The Song of Time in the control thread of the Lunar Children Forums. No permission was asked from other ID’s, no fucks were given.

March 15th, 2016

  • At 2:08pm, the ID’s noticed an update to The title of the main page was: “RETURN”. Hidden in the source code was: “<!– –>”, the image was called: “Time.gif”, and the audio was called: “id.mp3” and sounded like a plane flying in the air. (sound not confirmed) Could this mean that Tyler is returning from Austrailia?

  • At 3:09pm, ID user “Juplayp” noticed an update to page “/key592”. The page featured a link to a photo titled: “fva.jpg”.



/key592 - Update 3/15/16






We had a long interaction with Drowned (#’s Guy), but unfortunately we lost the backlog. One thing we can remember: Kevin=Regiminis.

Wolf totally figured that out… NOT CIRCLE!!!!!!

#not circle




Timeline Update
March 17th, 2016

  • At approx. 2am, DROWNED (#’s guy) posted to the ID’s Skype group: “you played song of time. The red man. He wants to take everthing. You have power I know this. Please hide us from him. Please stop him, this time he will take us, we will be offered to the salesman for trade of the burned one. SKM will be offered the salesmans conduit. his body. Save us.”

  • #’s guy posts a series of videos to the Skype chat:

  • (

  • (

  • (

  • (

  • (

  • At 2:14am, ID member Spirkiroid posted the Garo’s Mask on the LC Forum.
  • At 2:30am, #’s Guy posted: “You saved us. Hid us as one of the servants of the red man. Regiminis, the title of one to govern. He was to govern the portal, as its called. And portals there are many, but they sought to organize, he named it after what he did. But he was angered as all was not according to plan. This was only to taunt his destined kill: The link.

Eevee Reborn asked: “The link? Tyler?”


Oceanstuck asked: “Do you have an idea what the plan was?”
I cannot be sure. I know the woman of the clock tower knows more but she is frightened of returning to the portal.

Thorin asked: “Rosa?”
Yes she has been once called this.

ARG Dov asked: “What is she called now?”
Many things. They. He wished to make a great sacrifice to the mother. It wishes to consume. Consume everything. Their first plan was with the first portal, but due to what they called the harbingers, this plan failed years ago in your time before many could ascend to it.

Thorin asked: “Do you know who the harbringers are?”

All of you. The warriors of hubris before he lost himself. They have many now. Too many. The masks. The Children. So many they have, that they could not keep them confined to johnisdead. You have seen what happened to Their pride stops them from admitting their failure.

  • At 2:52am, Eevee checked and discovered that the last post from 11/11/15 was deleted. (The post stating Tyler had escaped.)

  • At 2:55am, #’s Guy posted: “There was a time in which the red man took me to be traded to the salesman. To be rid of the burned one as he was meant to be the red mans conduit and take me once more.”

Eevee Reborn asked: “Will you be safe for long?”
Rosa has already spoken. You have only prolonged the inevitable. The salesman wants two things from red man; a body in exchange for the burned one, and MUCH more power than he has now.

Thorin asked: “Why is the burned one important?”
The masks tell many lies, but between lies hides truth. Amongst their now twisted lore it is a truth that one who ascends can be promised much more power if they have what is deemed a conduit.A conduit is one who has been killed as a result of their own assention. However beings beyond all of us may take sacrifices as conduits when lowering to our realms.

Eevee Reborn asked: “So was john a sacrifice conduit?”
By mistake yes. The one who plays with time is laughing. The father spoke with beings beyond all of us during that year before that day. Before Patrem became bound to his vessel and before I could breath once more.

Eevee Reborn asked: “What can you tell us about Patrem?”
Patrem spoke to them and said ‘He must be sacrificed to the mother as I have watched his existence break many things in my time, he will be used by regiminis as a conduit’ I hate him. I will not talk about him.

  • At 2:59am, Drowned made his last post of the night: “Regiminis. qmmri://mgfyiwfml.pzzpwl.jzx/#fnmz/ly/vlst”. The cipher decodes to: Kevi=Governing. The general consesus now, is that Kevin is Regiminis.

  • At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to the lostmemory youtube channel: (

  • March 23rd, 2016

    • At 9:10pm, DROWNED (#’s guy) posted to the ID Skype group: “I am sorry that this cannot be changed, but the time is coming, it is nearly here. Sam will be spared, you managed this. You really do have the gift to change things. We are sorry.”

    • At 9:13pm DROWNED left the ID Skype group.




01111010 01110101 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101100 01110011 01100101 01101000 01101111 01101111 01100100

Solved: Zune is a falsehood


Solved: Shift 11 and __SE32




Solved: no key reverse code


Solved: let go of my hand child its time to grow up









The four giants revealed?

Douglas, Alex, Spencer, Hank

#tha fuck is hank?


New Page discovered:

It’s Password protected. We do not have the pass as of yet.


March 24th, 2016

  • At 4:26pm, ID member Spirkiroid discovered a new video posted to the Silentdork youtube channel: ( The video is titled “Regiminis” featured several ciphers in the description box. Through trial and error, the ciphers eventually decoded to a new page on lunarchildren: “” This new page is password protected, and we do not have access as of yet. (see 5/23/16 for password). The video itself had dial tones that decoded to: “Dont listen to him, its me john, his mask, ill talk later”, and had an SSTV that decoded to two images: (01) and (02). The youtube source code had a hidden message: “Your old friend, malagasy,”.

  • #JohnIsDeadTimeline

I’ve edited the id.mp3 and the picture


- The picture seems to be a mask or a skull with an eye, with background of forest, probably the one from videos on youtube.

-the file was stereo, and the left speaker had less noise going on, and I captured 2/3 strange sounds in 1 minute of a file.


Update on /tyler. $-$



I’ve used MMSSTV to encode an image from sound at 1:49 - 2:29 of Regiminis Video, You may know better what that is.

It looks like more images of Regiminis (aka: Red Man)



“read these off to the newyork grotto” and “New Text Document (3)” (from IMG_1427)
115 111 109 101 116 104 105 110 103 32 105 115 32 119 114
111 110 103 32 119 105 116 104 32 73 102 114 105 116 44 32
104 101 32 104 97 115 32 115 110 97 112 112 101 100 32 97
110 100 32 115 116 97 114 116 101 100 32 107 105 108 108
105 110 103 32 112 101 111 112 108 101 32 100 113 105 32
108 122 119 101 118 113 118 111 32 105 118 108 32 109 116
109 107 98 122 119 107 99 98 113 119 118 32 40 105 97 107
109 118 97 113 119 118 32 120 105 98 98 109 122 118 97 41
32 97 110 100 32 115 101 101 109 115 32 116 111 32 98 101
32 116 114 121 105 110 103 32 116 111 32 98 122 105 118 97
107 109 118 108 32 98 112 109 117 32 99 118 108 109 122 32
98 112 109 32 116 99 118 105 122 32 107 112 113 116 108
122 109 118 97 32 98 109 105 107 112 113 118 111 97 32 40
114 99 97 98 32 116 113 115 109 32 101 112 105 98 32 97
109 109 117 97 32 98 119 32 112 105 100 109 32 112 105 120
120 120 109 118 109 108 32 98 119 32 115 109 116 106 122
113 97 32 105 110 98 109 122 32 112 109 32 115 113 116 116
109 108 32 112 113 117 32 49 48 32 103 109 105 122 97 32
105 111 119 41 32 32 105 107 119 122 108 113 118 111 32 98
119 32 98 112 105 98 32 406 119 119 115 32 105 116 109 102
32 106 122 119 99 111 112 98 32 99 97 32 13 10 72 101 32
100 105 100 32 104 105 115 32 99 101 114 101 109 111 110
121 32 116 111 32 65 108 101 120 32 97 110 100 32 97 99 99
111 114 100 105 110 103 32 116 111 32 111 110 101 32 111
102 32 121 111 117 114 32 108 111 99 97 108 32 103 117 121
115 32 104 101 32 103 111 116 32 83 112 101 110 99 101 114
32 40 73 32 100 111 110 116 32 107 110 111 119 32 104 111
119 32 117 110 108 101 115 115 32 104 101 32 99 97 110 32
115 111 109 101 104 111 119 32 102 117 99 107 105 110 103
32 116 101 108 101 112 111 114 116 41 98 117 116 32 73 32
97 109 32 115 117 114 101 32 121 111 117 32 97 108 114 101
97 100 121 32 107 110 111 119 46
73 110 115 105 100 105 101 97 32 105 115 32 97 32 115 112
121 32 102 111 114 32 116 104 101 32 116 114 97 105 116
111 114 115 32 100 111 32 110 111 116 32 116 114 117 115
116 32 104 105 109 32 73 32 117 110 100 101 114 115 116 97
110 100 32 110 111 119 32 119 104 121 32 104 101 32 119 97
115 32 115 111 32 117 112 115 101 116 32 97 102 116 101
114 32 97 108 101 120 32 98 114 111 117 103 104 116 32 117
115 32 116 104 97 116 32 98 111 111 107 32 102 114 111 109
32 116 104 101 32 108 117 110 97 114 115 33 32 73 32 116
104 105 110 107 32 105 102 114 105 116 32 105 115 32 119
111 114 107 105 110 103 32 119 105 116 104 32 104 105 109
32 111 114 32 115 111 109 101 116 104 105 110 103 46



Deciphered: “read these off to the newyork grotto” and “New Text Document (3)” (from IMG_1427)
Something is wrong with Ifrit, he has snapped and started killing people via drowning and electrocution (ascension patterns) and seems to be trying to transcend them under the lunar children teachings (just like what seems to have happened to Kelbris after he killed him 10 years ago) according to that Ɩook Alex brought us.

He hid his ceremony to Alex and according to one of your local guys, he got Spencer (I don’t know how unless he can somehow fucking teleport) but I’m sure you already know.




73 110 115 105 100 105 101 97 32 105 115 32 97 32 115 112 13 121 32 102 111 114 32 116 104 101 32 116 114 97 105 116 13 111 114 115 32 100 111 32 110 111 116 32 116 114 117 115 13 116 32 104 105 109 32 73 32 117 110 100 101 114 115 116 97 13 110 100 32 110 111 119 32 119 104 121 32 104 101 32 119 97 13 115 32 115 111 32 117 112 115 101 116 32 97 102 116 101 13 114 32 97 108 101 120 32 98 114 111 117 103 104 116 32 117 13 115 32 116 104 97 116 32 98 111 111 107 32 102 114 111 109 32 116 104 101 32 108 117 110 97 114 115 33 32 73 32 116 13 104 105 110 107 32 105 102 114 105 116 32 105 115 32 119 13 111 114 107 105 110 103 32 119 105 116 104 32 104 105 109 13 32 111 114 32 115 111 109 101 116 104 105 110 103 46

Insidiea is a spy for the traitors do not trust him I understand now why he was so upset after Alex brought us that book from the lunars! I think ifrit is working with him or something.

Assuming “Insidiea” is a code-word for “SKM”, and we are the “traitors”.



Tones decoded from Regiminis video
Dont listen to him
its me john
his mask
ill talk later


New contact on LC Forums
Whats going on in here?
I know you people are in here so just be chill about it and let me know whats happening, I have some information for all of you right now that you might wanna hear. - Sheepdog


What Regiminis means

Hey guys, just to make this clear as there hasnt been anyone talking about it. Regiminis is latin for “one rule” jsut to let you lads know, so its not a name of anyone. Correct me if wrong. Just interesting in this stuff and good work btw- Bio

Regiminis is the name of an entity within the game. His wiki page is here


April 1st, 2016

  • At 2:20pm, a user on the Lunar Children Forum named Sheepdog (Profile link: posted a thread titled: “Whats going on in here? ”(since deleted).

  • The initial post:
    I know you people are in here so just be chill about it and let me know whats happening, I have some information for all of you right now that you might wanna hear.

  • Second post:
    Im not really sure how I have managed to get access to this place while no one else can, but I see you guys used that power that is held here a bit. Things have been…. going… I guess you could say, here at the lunar spire still despite various screw ups and the hole 11/11 flop. But your last song actually did something goodish and badish both both sides standards. Tyler was brought through one of the parallelos and then back to the fishery, idk exactly what happened to him there but he proceeded to run right back to his house. He is held up in there now and some of the children are trying to keep an eye on him but something there wont let us get any closer, something kind of fuckin freaky to say the least. We can hear him in there in his house but we can’t see him. But I am sure he is ok for now.

  • Third Post:
    I never have in terms of the torture and blood sacrifices. But the way they treated this Tyler guy was just a bit much. We nearly killed him multiple times, and that point where we held him in a trunk for a couple days was going overboard.

  • A new page was discovered on the Lunar Children website: “Auxiliatis”

“One of the Absque Fascie from before the time of mankind. Her most sacred assistant, responsible of the deliverance of her testament unto man in the early times, and the movement of her word throughout her own parallelos, on her behalf. He could move all things in her stead, the only thing he could not move on her behalf was anything comprised only of the essence of her power alone.

At the sacred time when Luna was to send an ambassador of her parallelos to help guide humanity to her light, he was commanded by Luna to perform this task. But he refused, desiring to partake in the ways of the overworld more than his obligation to Mother.

“Why and wherefore dost you bid this of me? I hath served thee and thy kingdom since my creation. I wished to partake for but a moment in the ways of man, and yet here you trap me to this right? Nay, give this power not to me but unto my brother.” -Auxiliatis response to Luna’s final request of him quoted from the Libro Lunarus

Furious with his disobedience, she cast him to the parallelos he desired. Only for him to be subject to eternal servitude of all those who dwell in it. That being said, he will give his service to us, but for his treason unto mother his name alone is considered taboo. Call upon him only in times of absolute desperate need, or when invocation of True Father Patrem or Tenebris Link is not possible, and only with the permission and observation of an elder member or Father Vincent.”





johnisdead update - 4/12/16



Artist: Unknown
Track: despair.mp3
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack

johnisdead update - 4/12/16




File Three.rar

I found on johnisdead file “three.rar”.

You know that?

Need a key.

I’ll give you a hint,

The password is: A key



The site stopped giving random subsites when typed the nonexistent link, instead, when you type in truth, the site gives word "LIES" and random subsite, otherwise its just "lost?" and goes back to main page, since when that has changed?

It seems that the change happened some time last night. The redirects are gone, also / key592 is clear again.


Guys i found some spooky file three.rar . lel.

The password is NOT A key


What is shrine?

It’s where I lay my soul down on the sacrificial slab for /him


Where can i download three.rar? (I cant find it because i am so stupid)

Look in the top left corner for the link


/hole/fall/ Something new here, look.

I don’t see anything new in the redirects, this page was recorded here


Where can i download lostmemory.exe?


Published on May 23, 2016

968 6878 5337 668464 89537
36 668 538 48888448 48848888 48884848 946
93 273 5283 367 76636637 24784329

you must keep moving tyler

do not let you win

we are late for someone birthday





5646 Transcript
Where am I?
You are home
You are sleeping
and be careful, you are watching.
I only have a little bit of time so im sorry

Im still not sure whats happened to me man
but I am not dead, as much as they want you to think I am.
But I don’t think I am alive either. The thing behind this all wants to confuse you. I was under it for a long time, it really hates you. But I don’t know why, all I know is that you living traps it in some way
The thing is like a parasite, I t has to have the lives of others to exist and the religioun kevin was following teaches people to try to be like that as well, except that’s not how it seems to work.

That religion Kevin was in, if you can remember, is a cult.
I don’t understand a lot of whats going on, but that thing is at the top of it all whether or not they know. This thing has walked through time and created a huge mess in its wake. Somehow this all ties to you, a kid who drowned and his father who was killed 14 years ago, and many others

You have to understand this is real
Don’t try to explain this away as a “glitch”
I have been trying to give you signs for a long time
I don’t know what will happen but you must not let yourself be taken. Whatever this thing is will be unstoppable if you do

I know you are scared
But please
Open it

#Thanks Thorin


5646 video tags



New Page discovered:


It’s Password protected. We do not have the pass as of yet.

Password discovered: 4277924784329236


What is the password for lunarchildren/archives/ ?

We currently do not have that password.


so john is dead site wont be updated anymore? this arg is so closed (for friends) only : (

The ARG still ongoing, and is open to everyone.


cant you guys make subreddit for posting and chatting with everyone?

I’ll run it past the rest of the group, and see what they think. 😊


cant you guys make subreddit for posting and chatting with everyone?

I’ll run it past the rest of the group, and see what they think. 😊


#we got a reddit



NOT a pig mask


May 23rd, 2016

  • At an unknown time, a video was uploaded to Tyler’s Youtube channel. The title was: 5646, and the description was a HEX / corrupted binary/ OCT combo that translated to: “you must keep moving tyler. do not let you win. we are late for someone birthday” There was also a message hidden in the tags: “I AM IN CONTROL OF EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR BEING. DO NOT THINK FOR ONE MOMENT YOUR CONTINUED STRUGGLE IS NOTHIMG NORE THAN A GAME FOR YOU

  • ID member Thorin transcribed the messages within the YouTube video: “”.

  • A new page was discovered on the LC website: “” The password is: “4277924784329236”. This new paage has an image: “”, and a message: “Father why couldn’t she make it to the picture? Your Mother? She is sleeping, but worry not Benjamen as her awakening is coming soon, even now ones from beyond these parallels speak to me. They told me not to listen to “kelbris” anymore and to stay with them. I am no longer Kelbris, that was my fools name. As I said before do not listen to the misguided, merely dwell with them. Our time is coming soon, while they flounder about, we shall soon bring the times of the mother to this forsaken land. Now let us go inside, I obtained for you the game device you wanted and a nice game as well, alas the label seemed to be torn. None the less, happy birthday my son. I love you dad. Hurry there is much to be done in the coming days, inside at once.

  • #timeline






Artist: Unknown
Album: Johnisdead Soundtrack



target=_blank (SSTV)

ubyq bar

Ernq Gurz


[password: lostmemory]







June 22nd, 2016



June 23rd, 2016






Hot Ben Memes











A note to all JID players & followers:
During the Moon Children Reboot (Aka: “Salty Jad’s Arc3 - Better than ever before“), the ID’s will be working on both JID & MC.

#lol jad's upset



straight pimpin’

#ben drowned
#snoop dogg
#king kong





(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(҂⌣̀_⌣́)

i found a page eith nothing on it

Hey if you’d like to join our skype, everyone is welcome :)



What is the username and the password?

To what?


Message from YSHDT GM
A sad hour is upon us I am afraid
I would like to take this short moment of my time to apologize for what has occurred in the past months that what being absolutely nothing.

Consider this to be OOC, something I was hoping and planning to never do except maybe MAYBE at the end of it all.

There is still plan for continuation however, but before anything else I would like to take time to answer some question and further apologize for my (the GM’S) various failings, but I do not have time for it at this exact moment, I will however be available this Tuesday and if anyone is interested I would be happy to answer whatever questions anyone has on and what is going to be happening in the future, as well as apologize for the long inactivity and basically pulling a classic jad on everyone.


Johnisdead 2017 News!
Great news ID’s, youshouldnthavedonethat ended at midnight new years eve, and that means JID is scheduled for a return.

We now know that YSHDT and JID, were two sides of the same coin, and both stories intertwined, so there is wonderful insight in to the identities of many JID characters. I would highly recommend reading up on the YSHDT timeline, if you haven’t been following.

As soon as JID reboots, this page will start updating regularly once again.

Praise Luna.


4chan Thread
I forgot to share this for a legit year, but I made a thread about this. Members of /x/ helped a lot.


Hey this is saint hyrule. Do you have any follow ups since I took a long break?

Hey Saint, sorry for the looong hiatus, but yes, JID is coming back for 2017. The GM has finished up yshdt, and plans to reboot JID.


Lunar children password on the website? >~

Lunar children should now be accessible to everyone, no need for a password.


What is the username and the password to yshdt?

User name: JadusableIsGay
Pass: PraiseKek


what's jid?

John is dead.


dude yshdt got changed to a chinese porn website

I know, it’s hilarious.
Unfortunately Dawn did not maintain the site.


dude is there a place where i can catch up on literally all of lunar children? i checked out within hubris wiki but they don't have it there. ive been missing this stuff.

Yes, here actually. Lunar Children content is JID, and can be found in the JID timeline posted here on tumblr.


what does the yshdt mean by 'the plans have changed' like did someone find a clue that set this off? when did it change? im so out of the loop man

As of Jan 1st, 2017 the arc is finished. The site was handed over to an ID member (circlehunter) for lulz, and anything appearing on the site IS NO LONGER CANON.


What's the current ARG?

Current ARG is Johnisdead.


Hello, good afternoon/night, i just wanted to ask, is this ARG still active?

Yes! Johnisdead is still active, and as soon as it updates, we’ll alert everyone here.


How many years has this arg been going on?

2 years


I'm starting to think this ARG will never update honestly.

Don’t worry, it will.


So are Youshouldnthavedonethat and Johnisdead separate things?

Technically yes, which is why I have omitted the events of from the JID timeline. However, their stories and characters are intertwined.




The next step is to reverse. (Wink*)


Is all this real, or is it a story of a person?

This is an ARG. Please read the faq page


Do you love me, child?

  • cumz intensely*

February 4th, 2017

  • At 2:27pm, ID member Scout Pancake discovered an update to the JID website. The backround changed back to the original “Foggyworld.jpg”, and the BGmusic changed to the original “@90, by Kevin”.



Is it one person answering questions or is it multiple?

It is me, Eevee. I update, and answer questions :)


Is it one person answering questions or is it multiple?

It is me, Eevee. I update, and answer questions :)




Eevee, if you evolve, what kind of Eevee would you be?



Do you answer all of your questions?

I try too. Some asks are incomprehensible so I end up deleting those.




Johnisdead has fockin changed again. ripperoni.


This morning the site changed again, Now showing a newspaper published Feb 2nd 2017.


Hi xd


Hey can you answer my question?


(next question)


Please help me




Hi xd


I image searched Broken Heart and found this photo:


This accurately portrays my feelings RN.



Choose wisely.

#dark vs light


When was this place created?

Are you referring to the groups? If so, then one is Tyler’s group and one is Mugen’s group.


Is this for real? a comeback of the IDs after such a long time? ~ Sincerely, An ID-lover

Well, the ID’s have never been away. We changed Skype groups. The large group we had last year has been dramatically reduced. Basically, we’re ID classic again. Original recipe 😆




jid update - 2/24/17



February 24th, 2017
At an unknown time, the main page of JID updated. The title was canged to: “construction”, and the BG image was titled: “DSC_0324.jpg” (423 backwards). The image shows a faded red face, and the Lunaris Libro (the holy book of the Lunar Children). Nothing was hidden in the source code.




changed again
the pic on the book reminds me of the holy lance myth??
don’t know where we’re headed or why it keeps changing (gotta read up on the arg) but at least it changed.


IIIIT’S another update. noice.



a g u i t a

#spanish tyler memes
#why am i doing this at 3:11 AM? why the fuck not my guy


I was watching some lostmemory423 videos, when i noticed, in the last video, there is a gas mask. I saw that gas mask earlier, it's the SCP-1499, you think its the same gas mask? it has the same color scheme and shape

The gas mask is meant to represent the character Drowned, which is in fact lostmemory423. As to the model # of the mask, I’m not really sure.





Lunar Children?

Question: Well I was searching and changing some codes now the John is dead site bring me to a page called and is asking for a password to see the archives.

Dunno if this was already posted so…

Yes, the Lunar Children site has been a part of Johnisdead since the early stages of the ARG. As of yet, we are not allowed into the archives.

#ask ID


dO72dgR2loYOBHaWBDY2li7OBKZOhgSephYqBHS2phYuBA42phYELhI've found this by replacing the 3 characters from the code in the description of IMG_1509 and converted it to base64. Any idea?: bmlrYErvaeBC6GFi4E5naWDvYWBDSmtvYWBE6WphYuBBbmrvZOFi4EJqZu9rYErvaeBM6GBK72ngTmdpYWxi6G7gQ0pk6mFi4ENjaWLs4Epk6m7gS2phYuBGb2BKa29s4ELq5GBDS2phYuBHamps4ETqZupnYEpm6GFgQmNq72xgSu9poEdM6m9uYE5naWnobOBE6WphYuBM6GBJ42ToamBM6G7gR29va2BE6WphYuBC6uRgQ05naWLqamtgROrvaeBPYuBKYuhjYEnoYmBIYEpk6m7gSu9p4ENIyMDEwEJnZMBE6mRramxqYi

Neither of those look complete to me. As of right now, we have no unsolved ciphers. Which one exactly are you looking to solve?


This video was originally uploaded to the Silentdork youtube channel on 5/28/15. Tyler told the ID’s the day before that he’d captured this footage while walking home from Kevin’s abandoned house.

In the subsequent days after uploading the video, Tyler was contacted by the police, and asked to remove the video from his youtube page, and destroy the original copy.




Timeline update:
An update to the timeline of: June 22, 2016 has been made to reflect a cipher that was decoded today, and a .txt file that was not previously recorded and is no longer available at

Please update your notes.


Is the title of JID "construction" because it's going under construction???

It may be a message to us that the site is undergoing changes, yes.


New mayb? this is another channel of the args, idk if it’s something new but it just appeared in an e-mail of a famous spanish youtuber sent by an anon

The M account is part of YSHDT, which is the first ARC of Johnisdead. (Check the timelines for yshdt) We’re not really sure what’s going on the Spanish youtube community right now, we know that there is a lot of interest in johnisdead, especially the Silentdork channel.



Hello :)


How do I get the password to enter the lunarchildren files?

The archive page is still locked. We do not have the password.


Now the spanish community es very interest in silentdork channel because a famous Youtuber is investigating what's going on there . Maybe he knows that is an ARG but he receives many mails and most of the community is discovering files that you already know

We all think its really cool that the Spanish YouTube community is intetested.

The internet detectives are watching you 🕵



I found that in the “M” channel. At the left you can see a ghost face and “S0K0It”.


“uhm.. hello, I read that for now some a persons have no idea what is happening in the Spanish or Latin community of youtube, I wanted to tell you that in fact I do not speak English, maybe you can notice it xD, but, possibly, I can help inform you about the situation in this community.”

That’s cool, we’d love to know more.



I found this page on the box of comments in youtube, on a video Called “N” created by “M"

There is the link:

I dont know if your staff already saw this.

Sorry bad english lmao

Yes, we do already know about this, thank you. This page was where the last ARC took place (The truth arc). That ARC ended on January 1st, now we are in the Final Arc.


Oh yay, we got new people! That’s awesome

We’ve get new people everyday asking questions, and getting really interested.


I just wanna to say, that I started investigating and decoding the johnisdead and all the arcs things weeks before that famous spanish youtuber did, i just wanted to say that, xDDDD -Josplosion also know as NitroCo or Beast.

So why don’t you join our Skype? We need good investigators.




SSTV images from Regiminis video decoded by: Josplosion.


Timeline update
I have updated the timeline for the date of 3/24/16 to reflect the ciphers solved within the Silentdork video “Regiminis”. I noticed that I never included them in the timeline. Please update your notes.


Three biggest tips for getting into investigating these changes? I was too young when the yshdt ARG happened to pitch in, but now I'm feeling ready to- and super inexperienced,,

You should send us your Skype, we’ll add you.


have you seen that?¿

any command list for jid web? found /tyler today and it says please stand by, maybe treating the image could show us some light

We don’t have one, no.

Mostly because the GM always erase pages after we discover them.


Internet Detectives Theme Song
Originally just an mp3, now on youtube!



Hello c:

Hi :p




I found some staff

There is a YouTube Spanish Channel, BersGamer, who has been emailed with a game, send by the MC guys. And silentdork has subscribed to his channel, but only some weeks ago. Not only that, he has liked four videos, while the rest are in private or eliminated. You should get in contact with him, because he doesn’t understand a thing.

The other thing is that I found this image and put what was important. Maybe you already know all that I’m saying but I would like to give my part to solve this problem. I have “some” theories, that I would like to share.

By the way, John changing his username for Tenebris makes a reference to Eulogy.

Last thing, those Ben and Ed has to do something with this?

First of all, I’d like to point out that the GM/Tyler DID NOT email BersGamers that dumbass game, it was one of his own fans fucking with him. Silentdork only followed his channel after we found his first video on the ARG. Bersgamers has literally nothing to do with this ARG.

If you’d like to join the Skype group and share your theories with us, add me on Skype: wickedlady4180 (Eevee Reborn).


Timeline Update
An update was made to the timeline date June 23, 2016, to reflect several things left out of the original edit.

  • The password to Lunarchildren update 3

  • Silentdork video 3


Artist: Lunar Children
Track: Blood Moon Orgy
Album: Unknown

This is a lost recording of the Lunar Children’s Blood Moon Orgy.

#Lunar Children


Hi, first, sorry about my probably bad English XD, well I just know about silentdork and all of this topic last week, I just want to know what do you know about it and, the most important think to me... Is it real? I mean, all about lunar children and silentdork and Lostmemories it's real? Or just an internet game?... Thanks :D

Hello, I know more than most ppl, as I write the timeline. Yes, this is an ARG, and we’ve been playing since 2015.


Hello. I was seeing a lot of things about Lunar Children, and Kevin and John is Dead. I am really confued about this things. Sorry, my question is, ¿What is an Arg? I search it on internet but I still not having it clearly yet, so, if you can explain me clearly, y would be very happy. And, another question, ¿Is this real? I mean, all this things about a murders in a fishery an human sacrifices and that kind of crazy things. thanks.

An ARG means “Alternate Reality Game”

And no, it is not real. Also Kevin is not dead :P


We’re here to answer any questions you have about John Is Dead. We don’t run the game ourselves, only one guy does. Anyway, ask away if you like.

- CircleHunter


New video on Silentdork channel
Silentdork published a new video!!


What's new since the events in the last year ?

The timeline is completely updated.

Yes, there updates.


JordiWild is doing a review about you. You appear on his last video.

Cool, I’m glad he’s interested in the ARG.


May I join?

May I join?

Yes, PM me your Skype name.


I’m curious

I wanted to know why this game is like that, and how does it actually finishes? like…. when is the finish line? who is Vincent Adams? and also, who is doing all of these?

  • I don’t know how it finishes.

  • Vincent Adams = Jacob.

  • Not sure about your last question.

Think this last 2 hours were very crazy in Spanish community



Can I join to the internet detectives?

Sure!, Send us your Skype name and we’ll add you :D



Today is a great day for Jhonisdead or that is what they think

Well, it certainly looks that way! Let’s see how it goes from here.

- CircleHunter


Do all the internet detectives know what the plan for the ARG is or do only the Game Masters know?

Only the GMs know the true plan. A few of us are sort of in moderating positions, but aside from that, we’re all players.

- CircleHunter


Can I join to ID?
Its a way to join Internet Detectives?

Absolutely, just send your skype username and we’ll get to ya.


who is "Jordi Wild"?

A Spanish Youtuber who found the ARG.


Honestly it looks very interesting . Sure the investigation will continue

Thank you, yes the ARG is still ongoing.


New mods
Everyone welcome our new mods Circle Hunter, Thorin, and Wolfcat.



I want the truth? i need participer

We can answer any question you have. You can also read the timeline, it’s updated. :)


March 24th, 2017
At an unknown time, Silentdork uploaded a video titled: “4‍/23​‍/2017 ebuTouY -” ( The video featured a black screen with water gurgling sounds. No messages were hidden in the source code.



Timeline Update
An update was made to the timeline of 3/10/16, timestamp 3:56am, to reflect a recently decoded cipher.



Yes, we know about the stream, we were all watching it.

The videos were subsequently unlisted after the stream finished, but sometime during the night Silentdork relisted this particular video. This video constitutes as an official update.


Will we ever know the truth about john is dead?

Eventually, yes.


Do you know who threatened Jordi Wild and his fans on that Johnisdead wikia? It seems that you run that site, but you don't seem bad people at all.

We got raided lastnight on our Wiki 😣
But we have deleted the pages, and blocked the users.


johnisdead but patrem sings spanish songs and has a spanish dong. i want to die



I know jordi wild is not the only one looking for the truth. I will find out what happened.

I wish you luck :p



I have detected all the codes but I don’t know the cipher method of this code




Can you help me? THX

Those don’t look like anything TBH.

Maybe incomplete?


Why Vicent Adams is Jacob??

I have a question because I saw a post telling that Vicent Adams is Jacob.
Thanks for the help.

Yes Jacob is Vincent Adams.

After John died, Tyler and Jacob lost their memory. Tyler ran away, but Jacob remained and became a vessel for Patrem. The Lunar Children renamed him Vincent Adams, and we currently do not know where he is.

If you watch his videos, you’ll notice he has a problem with “sleep deprivation”. This is because Patrem can only control him while he’s asleep. It’s implied that Vincent is trying to keep himself awake because he wakes up in different places than he fell asleep, and is scared.


i started the investigate the silentdork ARG.

how i can join the internet detective i´m very interested in the case.

We are in the process of setting up a discord server that will be utilized for the influx of new ppl. For now add me on Skype, and we’ll get you sorted out.

wickedlady4180 (Eevee Reborn)



What do you know about the lunar children’s secret post? Do you know the password? Thanks

No, the LC archives is currently locked. We do not have the password yet.



This happened on a live yesterday.

Actually it didn’t, Silentdork posted that comment 2 weeks ago…..


how is Patrem involved in the lunar book?

He shared it’s knowledge with the Lunar Children.



This is the second message, previously at this video was published another one with another message that said “STILL HERE”

I have copies of these videos, and will upload them soon.


who is mugen?



Whats next?

We all have to wait and find out.


The Help

This is very interesting!

He’s got a few things wrong, but I give him a giant A++ for effort.


So I Can join the group?

Yes, we finally got the discord server up:



We are glad that you enjoy the ARG :)

Fortunately, this is a game, not reality.


We have a discord server now!
The Internet Detectives now have a discord that we will be utilizing to interact with new players interested in the ARG.

Feel free to join:



When you go to, the source code has a comment with :


If you write anything in like ( or something like this), the redirect.js always redirect you to some content in the web.

But… I can’t obtain the cipher method of the code :(

Hi, this was discovered back in 2015, and has been in our timeline:


  • BG image: “trappedinside.gif”, audio: “forever.mp3”, hidden: “IFVPWSBFUkEgRVJFSFcNCg0KWU1NT00gRVNBRUxQIGVzYWVscCAucHUgZW0gZWthdyBlc2FlbHAgdHN1aiB5bW1vbSAuLi5kZXJhY3MNCg0Kb3MgbSdpIHVveSBzc2ltIGkgLGRldG5hdyBzeWF3bGEgZXYndW95IHlvYiBlbHR0aWwgZWh0IGViIGxsJ2kgZXNpbW9ycA0KDQppICxub3MgcmV0dGViIGEgZWIgbGwnaSBlc2ltb3JwIGkgLnlycm9zIG9zIG1pIHltbW9tIC4uLnlsZW5vbCBvcyBtJ2kNCg0KP2Vub3lyZXZlIHNpIGVyZWh3IC5kZXJhY3Mgb3MgbSdpICxlc2FlbHAgZW0gcGxlaCA/c2lodGVyZWh3ID9zaXRhaHc= ”. The cipher translates to: “WHERE ARE YOU. scared… mommy just please wake me up. PLEASE MOMMY, promise i’ll be the little boy you’ve always wanted, I miss you i’m so, i’m so lonely… mommy im so sorry. I promise i’ll be a better son, I whatis? wherethis? help me please, i’m so scared. where is everyone?

PS: The cipher is BASE64


If all this is a game and it is not true, why did they threaten Jordi wild ??

Hello! Yes, this is all a very interactive game. Nobody who is actually a part of the game threatened anyone, it must have been one of his fans. If you would like to join our group so you can participate in things, here’s a link to our new discord: (to any people reading this in the future, if the link doesent work just send an ask and we’ll get you a new one)

we’re all so exited that you new guys are interested in everything! :D


Canon ARG Sources
The recent spike in popularity has attracted many gamejackers. A gamejacker is someone who is not involved in the ARG pretending to be a canon source. These gamejackers spread misinformation and are usually quite devious. Two examples - the game sent to BersGamer and the threats sent to Giorgio. The game was completely unrelated to JohnIsDead, and the threats weren’t sent by anyone involved in the ARG.

Make sure you get all of your info from canon sources:

YouTube Channels:

silentdork’s YouTube
lostmemory423’s YouTube
Vincent Adams’ YouTube

Canon Sites:

Older Links:
Doug’s Blog
Helper’s YouTube
Original JiD Thread


Internet Detectives Tumblr
Internet Detectives YouTube
OceanStuck’s Dropbox
CircleHunter’s Timeline
JohnIsDead Wiki




Would you recommend using that discoverthemistery.blogspot to keep going?

Definitely feel free to watch whatever group or blog you wish. Having different perspectives on the ARG is a great thing and we encourage that blog to keep it up, just make sure you keep your speculations based on evidence. Always read up on the JohnisDead wiki and timelines.


I don't know if you have discovered this before, but I've found the password of the Protected: Update page of Lunar Children: mhftt. There is a text, exactly this one: what will happen this time. Father O true Father I worship thee in mind, body and soul. Your victory is assured in this and all times, Father!You were too late for this one. The game is not over yet, keep playing.

Yep, this was found a while back and it’s listed in the JohnIsDead timeline.


I is posible join in game

Join our discord:


Is this only a game??

Yes, this is an ARG.


Bible verse John 4:23 on silentdork video

Hey IDs! I actually don’t know if you’ve already discovered this, but on the final part of silentdork’s video Update June 23rd More to come, there’s a bible verse: John 4:23 (though it’s really soft, low-pitched and reversed).

“But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to worship him.”

Hope this can help :)

Oh wow. We did not notice this. I will take another look and add it to the timeline. Thank you!



In the letter from IMG_1427 video, the text is cipher in decimal and it says

“something is wrong with Ifrit, he has snapped and started killing people dqi lzwevqvo ivl mtmkbzwkcbqwv (iakmvaqwv xibbmzva) and seems to be trying to bzivakmvl bpmu cvlmz bpm tcviz kpqtlzmva bmikpqvoa (rcab tqsm epib ammua bw pidm pixxmvml bw smtjzqa inbmz pm sqttml pqu 10 gmiza iow) ikwzlqvo bw bpib jwws itmf jzwcopb ca He did his ceremony to Alex and according to one of your local guys he got Spencer (I dont know how unless he can somehow fucking teleport)but I am sure you already know.Insididiea is a spy for the traitors do not trust him I understand now why he was so upseu after alex brought us that book from the lunars! I think ifrit is working with him or something.”

I don`t Know if the part without sense its cipher too or its corrupted.

Can you help me?

Yes, here is the link to the transcript: Grotto Papers



I have decode all the urls in redirects.js from but some urls are not available at this moment.

Do you know something about this? If you want I can put here a list with all the urls

Yes, we currently have a list of the redirects, and pages of, thank you.


I love this <3

Aww thanks <3 you’re so kind :D


I’m so glad we have so many people here to help us out with decoding stuff and what not. This is going to be pretty fun-


Just a friendly reminder
We have a discord! if you want to join please use to join us!



What's the game about? How do i get in?


TY Internet Detectives

Hi, I am Asterion. Someone does Spanish speak in Internet Detecives? I would like to know Spanish-speaking people to advance in this ARG. The organization of his tumblr is perfect and possesses a lot of information in the matter. TY to everything, seems still to this!

Our new discord server has a section with Spanish speakers.



How can i enter the game with yours?

Join us on Discord:


2, Lostmemory

Good, I would like to know whom is the cipher that it uses in the description of the video. I put you in link:

Thank you very much, ID!

That link doesn’t work :(


Hi I have two questionsThe first that has to see internet detectives with lunar children and the second is what is used for internet detectives is its purpose

Hello! The Internet Detectives is just a group that was created to play ARGs. Our relationship with the Lunar Children is the same as most players - stop them from summoning Luna into our world and save those who they’re after.



password of lunar children

I’m guessing you’re referring to the protected post on the front page? The password is: mhftt

Edit: Unless you’re talking about the Archives. We currently have no password for that.



Hello I would like to join the internet detectives group as ID's as I could join and what advantages does it have to give my skype?

Hello, we’ve recently moved over to Discord instead of skype. If you’d like to join, go here.

The advantages of joining are really just being in a large group that’s been playing the ARG for a long time, so you have plenty of people to work with. Of course, we encourage the growth of other groups playing the ARG as well and our resources are free to use, so don’t feel restricted to just us.


yshdt. net

As of right now, this site is unrelated to JohnIsDead. Unless a canon source acknowledges this site, nothing posted on it should be considered canon.




This was found a while back. It’s an SSTV that reveals an image when translated:


There should be more info on this in the Timeline.


have you got password for the .rar's archive?

I’m not sure what exactly you’re talking about. We still don’t have access to the Archives on the Lunar Children website - no one knows the password. There were two .rar’s that were password protected, do you mean those? “three.rar” has the password “A key”, and “ WhoWasTheFirstAccount.7z” had the password “DandP”.



Hey IDs! Some time ago I downloaded a rar file named “three.rar” on a JID site. It was password protected, but later I saw a post of you saying it was “A key” XD. So I found it contained a mp3 file named “three.mp3”, and I decided to take a look at it.

At first glance, it was just sort of a weird song (a weird experimental song XD). but then I noticed something very odd. I remember watching a video several years ago in which I learned you can hide images in an audio spectrum, this produces a very funny audio that “hides” the image.

And indeed! When I started analyzing the mp3 file I found some weird stuff hidden in it.

The first thing hidden in the audio features like a drawing of a burning house and, next to it, the words “He burned”

The next thing I found reads: “The number three is reported [some weird lines] to have been said numerous times.”

The next thing is sort of a drawing, I really don’t know what it is, but it seems like three stick figures and one of them is really strange XD

I’ll leave the images here, just so you can see them. Hope this might help:)




#submitted post




Hey IDs! Some time ago I downloaded a rar file named “three.rar” on a JID site. It was password protected, but later I saw a post of you saying it was “A key” XD. So I found it contained a mp3 file named “three.mp3”, and I decided to take a look at it.

At first glance, it was just sort of a weird song (a weird experimental song XD). but then I noticed something very odd. I remember watching a video several years ago in which I learned you can hide images in an audio spectrum, this produces a very funny audio that “hides” the image.

And indeed! When I started analyzing the mp3 file I found some weird stuff hidden in it.

The first thing hidden in the audio features like a drawing of a burning house and, next to it, the words “He burned”

The next thing I found reads: “The number three is reported [some weird lines] to have been said numerous times.”

The next thing is sort of a drawing, I really don’t know what it is, but it seems like three stick figures and one of them is really strange XD

I’ll leave the images here, just so you can see them. Hope this might help:)




Yep, this was found a while back but some of it is still unexplained. The house burning is clearly a reference to John. The three figures in the middle we suspect to be Tyler, John, and either Jacob or Kevin, but we’re not sure. This is just speculation. The line at the end about the number three is a direct quote from the original Moon Children website about Kelbris’s talks with Luna. The number three does indeed seem to be very important with Luna, as mentioned on the Lunar Children website.



New video update! This time on the much more scarcely used channel, Vincent Adams. We can hear a piano rendition of “Show me”, the Lunar Children theme. The code in the description and title all translate to “show me”. Checking the video tags reveals “show me” and “73 68 6f 77 20 6d 65″ as tags, again translating to the former.


#john is dead


Another new video from Vincent. This one is very interesting. First let’s get the codes out of the way. The title translates to “Foolish child”, and the description says “Did you think you would remember this?” As of the time of this tumblr post, there are no tags.

There is also a date in the description: March 19th 2015. This is the day when Patrem was speaking to us through Vincent on Within Hubris. In the middle of our conversation, Patrem lost control of Vincent and we were able to speak to Vincent for a while. Vincent said he was in some park and mentioned a child asking him about a strange purple man (most likely referring to Patrem a few moments earlier). Based on what Vincent says in this video (The park - the park he woke up in, the child - the child who asked about the purple man, the website - Within Hubris where we were talking to him), it’s clear that this takes place in the specified time and is from Vincent’s point of view.

There is also whispering that can be heard about 30 seconds in - most definitely from Patrem. We’ll update when we have a better transcript of them. Check March 19, 2015 on the timeline for part of our conversation with Vincent.


#john is dead


April 3rd, 2017

  • at approx. 6pm, Vincent Adams’ youtube account uploaded a video titled: “73 68 6f 77 20 6d 65” (Translated: “Show me”) The description of the video also repeated the title’s cipher several times. The video featured a view of Vincent’s window, the view outside, and an indistinguishable reflection in window. Vincent is heard playing a piano in the backround, seemingly creating the song that plays on This seems to be the piano creation that was decribed on the anthem page of the LC’s website. “This song is a lyricized version of a piano melody created by Father Patrem in honor of Luna, just prior to the creation of our group.”

  • At approx. 7pm, Vincent Adams’ youtube uploaded another video. ( The title translates to “Foolish child”, and the description says “Did you think you would remember this?” There is also a date in the description: March 19th 2015. ( This is the day when Patrem was speaking to us through Vincent on Within Hubris. In the middle of our conversation, Patrem lost control of Vincent and we were able to speak to Vincent for a while. Vincent said he was in some park and mentioned a child asking him about a strange purple man (most likely referring to Patrem a few moments earlier). Based on what Vincent says in this video (The park - the park he woke up in, the child - the child who asked about the purple man, the website - Within Hubris where we were talking to him), it’s clear that this takes place in the specified time and is from Vincent’s point of view. There is also whispering that can be heard about 30 seconds in - most definitely from Patrem, the whispering appears to be what’s written in the title and description.



Thank you wolfie
Helped a girl out with writing the timeline.





Artist: Johnisdead Soundtrack
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression pt.1

On March 17th, 2015 Tyler uploaded two Vocaroo’s making fun of /Patrem.




Artist: Johnisdead Soundtrack
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression pt.2

On March 17th, 2015 Tyler uploaded two Vocaroo’s making fun of /Patrem.



How are you?

We are doing good, growing fast, and waiting for a new update.


Where'd everyone go?

We’re still here, there just hasn’t been much ARG activity. We’re expecting things on 4/23 though. If you’re talking about ID in general, we’ve moved to discord:



That's good to know :D What type of music do you like? Have nice day :D

Eve and I both like Alternative Classic Rock. Adult_Link is a bore who likes video game music.


How would you suggest killing a person?

Make them a character in this ARG. I’m sure we’d end up accidentally offing them eventually.


Reminder that we got a discord now. Join to know what’s up in the ARG.


So, I don't know if you knew about Jordi Wild streaming, but if you did... Can you explain me what happens with the call or something about it? Thanks

We’re not sure what happened.


you think the link in silentdork website its important?

The Silentdork Youtube is very important, it’s the main character.


Is Kevin dead?
And why is slientdork sorry?

To answer both questions: We don’t know.


1.Would you mind tell us what's happening? Silentdork posted a video and it was creepy, most the final.. 2. It's drownedman really part of this story or we are taking the wrong path?

1) The video itself was pretty straight forward, Tyler was brought to a very spooky place and attacked.

2) Drowned is a very important character, he helped us many times during the arc, and we helped him as well.


Were you guys trying to help Jordi wild?

We noticed that he almost never tries to solve ciphers, and honestly that’s where all the secrets are hidden. We just tried to push him in the right direction.


Everything is an ARG, however, do not explain it through videos to Jordi Wild, if not scare and more.

We like to help everyone, that will not likely change. Thank you :)


Do you think it could have been "Lunar Children" of Jordi Wild's live?

No, we are 110% sure his fanbase is messing with him. Which is sad, cuz’ we were enjoying the stream.


Que piensan de Jordi Wild? va por buen camino o se esta metiendo en donde no debe?

We like Jordi, and enjoyed the short stream he did, but yes he got sidetracked by a video that was not part of the ARG. (This one)


Srry, me again... What do you think that could happened?

In regards to what?


In the live of Jordi someone pointed with a laser in his eyes, and called in his house. We think they are only some fans kidding him, Jordi said that he's okay

That’s good to know, we were a bit concerned for him. We’ll keep an eye out for a new video from him.


About El Rincon de Giorgio

Has tenido contacto directo con Jordi?

We have never had direct contact with Jordi.

Que significa la fecha 4/23 para el canal?

4/23 is a sacred day for the Moon Children & Lunar Children, it is the birthday of Benjamin Hubbard.

Deberías hacer una transmisión y ayudar a Jordi, este tema está de película.

I’ll talk with the other ID’s and we’ll see if we’d want to do something like that.


To all those concerned…
Because we are Internet Detectives, we have discovered who shined the laser pointer at Jordi Wild during the stream last night….


When will his reign of terror end?


Who is the guy from the video me in your channel?

That is Doug


Are you part of this game, or are you investigating?

Our group is investigating.


If you are detectives, why your videos are soo fucking creepys?

The videos on our youtube channel are mostly all backups of things that were on Johnisdead and the other related websites, that are no longer up. It’s like an archive.



Just wanted to let you know that you guys are amazing, I love all the work and time you dedicate to the ARG. So ummm, what do you usually do on your daily life, you know like, besides being "internet detectives"

Well, some of us work and go to school, but most importantly we are friends. We usually hang out on the discord and play video games and have fun ;)


I have a little question. I watched the video of Silentdork where you can hear someone drowning, and I see that he liked a video of BersGamer about Ben Drowned.

Does it have any relation? The video is a reference of Ben Drowned?

(Pd: Sorry for my english, I speak spanish)

Yes, Johnisdead is a fan continuation of the Moon Children Arc of Ben Drowned.


Why LunarChildren's website doesn't work?



For how long have you guys been investigating this?

Since January of 2015.


On 4/23/2017, “going to kevins” was uploaded to the SilentDork channel. Let’s go over what we see in the video.

First off, we can assume that this happened to Tyler a while back, so whatever danger he faces in this video is no longer a threat to him. In his video “Update june 23rd: More to come”, he stated that he was going to upload some videos he took himself. Judging by the timestamps in both the descriptions and the video itself, we can assume that this was uploaded by Tyler himself, not some malicious spirit.

The description reads:

“oct 11th 2015
never made it
shouldnt have went outside
shouldnt have opened the door
they got me”

October 11th 2015 was the day Tyler uploaded “going to” on his channel. In this video, he visits JohnIsDead. The site tells him to go to Kevin’s house, which he agrees to do before the video cuts off. It appears that we’re finally seeing exactly what happened when he arrived in this most recent video. The tags of the 2015 video read “blood moon ritual ground I’ll see you soon Harbingers Link,” This might help clue us in to what exactly we’re seeing.

Onto the newest video’s contents.

We start off seeing what seems to be a dark room. Possibly somewhere in Kevin’s house? We faintly see Jadusable’s video of Rosa overlay the current vid. In the background, we hear “Who’s That Knocking At My Door?” playing in reverse very softly. This is often considered Doug’s theme song, as it usually accompanies him. Right on cue, we hear some spooky noises as the video cuts to a faint picture of Doug smiling at the camera.

Doug then appears and does a jumpscare before the video switches to someone holding a sign saying, “She told you not to open it.” This is clearly another reference to Jad’s Rosa videos, wherein one of Rosa’s predictions was simply “Don’t open it.” After this, we see a faint image of Rosa before the video cuts once again to a different figure. This figure is very hard to make out, as we can only see what appears to be the mouth, but judging by the red coloring, we can guess it’s Kevin.

After this, we hear a very quiet and staticy voice saying something. By raising the volume in a video editing program, we can make out this: “We need to lock him up. But ???????? first. Just don’t let him kill himself.”

The video cuts to some unknown date in 2015. Tyler appears to be locked in some sort of server room. Tyler says: “This place is so fucking huge. ????. I don’t know who the fuck these people are. Hey, at least I found my fucking phone. Now if I can just find a fucking exit. What the fuck is this shit?"

We then see Tyler filming in some sort of dark room in front of a strange light. In the background we can hear what sounds like drums and some chanting. Tyler begins talking again: "Okay… I managed to find something like a fuckin’ lamp… This is the only light… This is the only lamp(?). I wanna know what the fuck these people are doing in here, it’s dark as shit… I think the exit might be through this way."

The video cuts to Tyler walking around in a dark room. "It’s always so fucking dark… I don’t think anyone’s in here. Not gonna risk turning the light on though. I think I’m almost out… What the fuck is this fucking… fuck fuck fuck… I’m going in fucking circles… Damn it, it’s so fucking dark. I’m fucking walking through walls or some shit. My eyes are fucking playing tricks on me cause I’m fucking teleporting or some shit through all these fucking rooms cause I keep seeing the same shit again and again-”

The video abruptly cuts once more. Tyler is now looking outside through some kind of metallic door or grate. “Oh wait, wait, what? What the fuck? Fuck it, fucking solid metal fucking door! It’s fucking-” Tyler is then cut off by a loud distorted voice as the video corrupts. The voice appears to say: “HURRY, STOP TYLER/THE(?)” It is a bit difficult to make out. Judging by how the video turns green while this entity speaks, we can guess that it is Doug, since he is always associated with the color green. The video then cuts to black as Tyler yells.

We once again hear a staticy voice like before. It appears to say: “[????] Did you get Douglas up here? …Good. Take the Harbinger’s Link to the interrogation chamber. I have a few questions-” The first part of this is very difficult to make out. I think it may be in Spanish, but we aren’t sure. As we know, the Harbinger’s Link is Tyler.

After this we see what resembles lights moving overhead, perhaps this represents Tyler being dragged somewhere and we’re seeing his point of view?

We then see where Tyler was taken - some sort of freezer. “J-jokes on you, I happen to fuckin’ like the cold…” The video cuts to Tyler banging at the icy wall. “Fucking pricks, let me out… let me out…” The video cuts again to the ventilation fans in the freezer. We can hear a distorted voice when the camera is focused on the left fan. The voice is backwards - reversing it, it says “You’re wasting your battery.” Tyler then looks at the other fan and says: “Maybe I can get out through these vents…”

The video cuts to Tyler looking at the freezer door while we hear some more backwards voices. Reversing this, it says: “Really, you should listen to yourself. Just this once.” This voice sounds like Tyler’s. We then see Tyler laying on the floor in pain, the cold clearly starting to get to him. There is one final video cut as we see someone grab Tyler off the floor by his hair.




April 23rd, 2017


Answering some submitted questions
“Good afternoon. I have a question. I’ve been researching on the Johnisdead wiki, but I’ve seen things (in the “died” box) as “2009 (human)”, but then something like “January 1, 2017 (entity)” appears. The “entity” comes to me in characters characters and with the same date.
My question is: What does “entity” mean and why should the “entity” of all that I have seen be exactly the same date?
Thank you in advance.“

Some characters were once humans who, when they died, turned into a spirit, ascended, or transformed into an entity. For example, let’s look at Kevin. Kevin died as a human in 2011, transforming him into Regiminis. Regiminis was defeated in 2017. This is why there are two different death dates, they are for the different ‘forms’ of characters.

“amigos yo llevo 11 meses en este cuento de lunar childrend y los canales de you tube y he tenido experiencias por medio de correos electrónicos que me envían advertencias y amenazas y con ellos un par de códigos vinarios y me siento un poco asustado, y aunque solo sea un juego no me siento seguro“

This is strange. The only time users have ever gotten emails to my knowledge is when they were the ones who emailed characters first. Are you sure you aren’t being trolled? I know some popular youtubers like Giorgio have been getting emails from trolls pretending to be characters from the ARG. Also, I wouldn’t worry or feel unsafe - it’s all just a story. You’re just dealing with classic trolls.

“How did Silentdork know that someday someone its going to try to find out this mystery?“

It is an ARG, so there are clues all over the place, slowly uncovering the truth for us. If you’re asking how he knew people would be interested, he originally had someone pose as a regular user on Within Hubris, a message board for Ben Drowned, pretending to stumble across the first website - a clever way of giving us the URL for the website without giving away his identity.

“Hello guys,I’ve have founded the website, the sound is pretty scary, i’m not sure what the binary code means (it’s posted on the website).”

This is an impressive and spooky site, but it is not canon at all, and is made by a fan. You can tell because no canon JohnIsDead sources link to this site, and the youtube channel that the codes lead to is subscribed to prank channels and stuff, lol.

“Ehhh Tío , tu crees que Jordi está haciendo las cosas bien o hay Algo de que aún no se ah dado cuenta? Si sabes algo verdad de SilentDork que Jordi junto nosotros no sabemos“

There is a lot that Jordi has not yet realized, but I think that’s because he has not read the timeline yet and sometimes stumbles across videos that are completely unrelated. It’s not his fault though, the ARG can be confusing to newcomers. Hopefully soon we will have a comprehensive video detailing the timeline in an easy to understand way.

“What about the threats that Jordi has been receiving?“

These are just trolls, just like whoever was pointing the laser in his eye and leaving him notes. A similar thing happened to BersGamer - someone sent him a completely unrelated video game claiming it was related to John is Dead. You can’t trust random emails, lol. There are a lot of fakes out there.

“1. Have you Lunar Children’s pass?. 2. Do you understand Spanish? If not, how do u know what Giorgio says in the streams?“

The password to the protected post is mhftt. We currently have no password to the Archives. And now that Giorgio has given John is Dead a lot of attention, we have many new Spanish speaking players who help translate what he’s saying for us. A big thanks to those guys <3

“What will happen on April 28?”

Nothing, I think. Are you talking about April 23? 423 is a number that appeared numerous times in Jadusable’s Ben Drowned ARG, and so important things usually happen on 4/23. In this case, a video was uploaded to SilentDork.

“La pescadería o pesquería tiene algo que ver con silentdork o con la casa de John?”

The Fishery is a Lunar Children meeting place. A lot of important events happened there, and is a spooky location.

“Hey, ¿Link to the ID discord?“

Here you go:



Alright, that appears to be all of the asks for now. Sorry I cannot respond in Spanish, my Spanish is very bad and I think google translate would just confuse people lol.



“Hello guys, how are you? Are you Satanic or something? C'mon, answer me as soon as you can.?”

I think we are mostly not satanic probably.



“Porqué no puedo entrar en la pagina de lunar children??”

The site was DDoS’d. It will probably be back up eventually.



So have you abandoned this place?

Nah, its just there’s been a mix of nothing happening in the ARG, and nobody asking us stuff. We’re a lot more active on the discord.

When stuff starts back up, we’ll deff post stuff here.



Hello guys, writing to you from COL. First of all, I want to say that I admire the work u guys are doing, and the time you dedicate to this. I wanted to ask you a little question. Lst month a new ARG started inside the campus of my college. Right now there is a FB group with about 800 ppl, investigating, but only few are into the subject. I'm afraid that in our country we're not familiarized with this things, and ppl are leaving the game. Please, wht tools can we use, any recomendations? -krvvs

Hello, the best answer I can give is to regularly post theory, and keep interest going by talking about the ARG. In down times, ppl tend to lose interest quickly, and that can be remedied by trying to create a group of friends within the most interested players.


How can I enter the ARG as player?

You can join our discord, there’s links in previous posts.


Who or what is Tenebris Link??

John was our Tenebris link.


Where does the term Tenebris Link come from?

It’s a term used by the lunar children. Tenebris is an entity, and he used John as a link to this world.


can I have succ succ?




Are you the nice guys?

It depends on who you ask.


Very sad and confused
“Hi my best friends, thanks to all the people that helped me :3 and I want see my friends but is hard. :c I live in a very small and dangerous nation. Elsalvador SV kisses, my time is short. and what happen the october 22?”

Dude, I hope you’re ok. We wish you all the best luck, pls stay safe. As for 10/22, to our knowledge nothing happened on that date.


Kevin is from the lunar children


where is jhon?



JID Update
Just a shout-out to all the johnisdead players out there: after 4/23 the game is obviously on a hiatus. For those who’ve been with us from the early days, this is nothing new, we know that the GM is a human just like us, and whether it’s general life stuff or creative barrirers, content sometimes comes to a halt.

For our new players, fear not! Johnisdead is not “over”, it’s just taking a break. At several points in the timeline you can see the large gaps in updates. Now is a great time to get totally familiar with the Lore, characters, and gameplay technique. For those who haven’t joined our discord, head on over and say hi, we’ll answer all your questions.

Right now as it stands, the stats are this: Tyler is still at home (Silentdork’s last “abduction” video was set in the past), John is still theoretically dead (though there are theories that suggest he’s alive according to the ending of the Regiminis video), SKM/LiquidSaint is alive and in the U.K., all but 2 possibly 3 Lunar Children are dead/ascended, Jacob is still missing, Vincent/Patrem are safe at home, the Moon Children are also dead, and the Harbingers have moved their communication location (Skype to Discord).

Updates will be announced here and on the wiki as soon as they occur.

~ Eevee


“How can i be member of Lunar Childrens¿ Im from CAnary Islands”

Currently, the Lunar Children website is 404’d.





send n00t?


noot sent


“yep, could you post any link to discord channel? youtube´s link appears offline, thanks”

Oh my gosh i’m so sorry! we removed our old links and i guess we forgot to update them :L



what is love?

Baby don’t hurt me.


What about Giorgio? No more videos? You must contact him to continue the investigation! Greetings from Spain.

Giorgio got too spooked. He shouldn’t have done that.


Do you know when this might be coming back?

We are looking towards 11/11 for a possible update.


How can we find again the lunarchildren page? the last one is closed…

Right now the LC page is closed to traffic. We’re not sure if it will come back.


Johnisdead info & news
Sorry for the lack of content and updates in the past few months. I noticed a few new followers, hello to you all.

As far as updates go, there’s been nothing officially since 4/23. The ID’s did save Tyler from hurricane Irma (, but he hasn’t thanked us yet. Ungrateful fuck …

Future dates to look forward to are 11/11, which is coming up fast, and possibly Halloween (but that is more of wishful thinking on my part.)

I’m still planning on creating a youtube video series on Johnisdead, but am trying to work out the formatting details. I don’t have a definite project launch as of yet, but look out for more info on that in the future.

That about sums up everything so far, feel free to join the discord and interact with us.


Johnisdead update 11/11
Alert: New video


11/12/17 update



Dov’s 1st email to K.




11/12/17 JID update.




Artist: Unknown
Track: Awaken.ogg

JID update 11/12/17




Dov’s 2nd email to “K”
11/12/17 update



11/12/17 update



Dov’s 3rd email to “K”
11/12/17 update



Artist: Unknown
Track: ForgetMe.mp3

11/12/17 update




Artist: Unknown
Track: Hello_again.mp3


11/12/17 update



Dov’s last email from “K”
11/12/17 update


New video from Tyler


November 11th, 2017
• At 11:32pm, the ID’s discovered a new video on the Silentdork youtube channel ( This video was titled “.”, and was originally uploaded on 10/23/13, but has been unlisted all these years. It is now the official oldest video on the Silentdork channel. The video featured gameplay from what we believe to be one of the remember.exe trilogy games. In the video Tyler is screen sharing his gameplay with John, his character is underwater and he’s remarking about how his character is not drowning.

• At 11:45pm, Captions are discovered in the video settings. The captions read:
o This story is older than all of you
o and now you show up
o but so late
o 01000111 01001001 01001111 01010010 01000111 01001001 01001111 (= GIORGIO)
o “…Filed missing persons report just before 2017 new years eve…”
o Do you really think he is still alive?
o “…deaths all linked to members of local religious group”
o Glphqvlrqv (= DIMENSIONS) Where is Tyler? h e n

• At 11:58pm, ID member Circle mentions the video shares a title with a previously uploaded Silentdork video ( This previous video has drowning sounds. There is now speculation that Tyler may be dead.


November 12th, 2017
• At 12:27am, ID member ArgDov sends an email to (aka: “K”), this email contains the MM song Sonata of Awakening. (

• At 1:27am, ID member Scout discovers an update to JID main page. The title changed to “Comatose”, the BG image changed to “awaken.jpg” (, the BG music changed to “awaken.ogg” ( hidden in the source code was a cipher “dtrH” (Unsolved). This update is important in two ways:

1. This proves that we now have our song powers back! Although we do not know at what point we were given back our Ocarina, we are certainly happy to have it back in our possession.
2. ArgDov has finally redeemed himself, atoning for his sinful giving of the bomb plans to Doug. He’s finally done something useful in over 2 ½ years. Mazel Tov!

• At 1:34am, ArgDov sends another email to “K”, asking how we can help Tyler. The reply was “Who’s Tyler?”. (

• At 1:57am, ID member Dila discovers a change to the page /hole. The page now displays a black screen which says “whats lost can be found m/” (

• At 2:24am, ArgDov get an additional response to his email, this time a cipher which decodes to “whats lost can be found”. (The ID’s now attempt to figure out what’s been lost, trying several url extensions)

• At 2:50am, the ID’s discover a new page: “”. The title was “Forget”, and the BG music is “ForgetMe.mp3” (
o The page redirects to “/memory/john/”, This new page’s title is “J”, the BG image is “mesic.gif” (, the BG music is “Hello_again.mp3” (, hidden in the source code was “New Year New You”.

• At 3:08am, ArgDov gets his final email of the night, it asks “Where did that suitcase go?” (


did you know something about giorgio??

Sorry, we don’t know about Giorgio.


hi, can i join you?? (on discord cause i don't have tumblr)

Everyone is welcome to join us on the discord


November 13th, 2017
• At 1:22am, Silentdork uploaded a video ( Hidden in the tags of the video was: “You have forgotten,But you still remember,The USB,Find it”. The title of the video is “Hello again”, and in the video he talks about what’s happened in the past year. Apparently Tyler has been in a coma, and woke up on January 1st 2017, we assume after the kill switch during the Truth Arc. He claims that he’s not being followed by the Lunar Children anymore or the police. However, he has major memory loss, and seems to have acquired a new item: a large bullet keychain. He mentions the suitcase at the very end of the video, but doesn’t remember what he’s done with it. The video is glitchy, and has obvious moments of editing not done by the uploader. It’s heavily suggested that Tyler is still being watched and his memory is still being suppressed by someone, possibly /Patrem.

• At 2:00am several videos from the Silentdork playlist were removed: Stopping a Storm, Taking a walk, and Waiting.wmv, as far as we know these videos were never backed up. They may be lost forever.

• At 9:20pm, ID member CircleHunter noticed several videos on Silentdork’s YouTube channel being changed. The changes are as follows:

o The video “paranoid knocking” has been renamed “did you think I would just vanish?” and now has Regiminis in the thumbnail.

o Videos deleted from the channel: ., 3, 5646, Regiminis, calling john, stuck at work, found a cool thing and now i am gonna go to work i guess. #timeline #johnisdeadtimeline


Straw Poll - Vote Now!
We’re voting on our next move, if you’d like to put your 2 cents in, vote now.



November 14th, 2017
• ID member ArgDov started a strawpoll ( to help us determine our next move. The choices were:
1. Play NWBN (in an attempt to contact John)
2. Play Epona’s Song (To try and summon helper)



the last november 12 giorgio get "lost" he started to post videos and some tweets in the silentdork line. All of this happens when silentdork upload a video again. what do you think its going on? you should check it, maybe it can helps in the arg.

Maybe it was just a coincidence that Giorgio chose 11/11 to upload that ritual video, but I’m not too sure. He did a lot of research, and no doubt followed the updates here. If he is trying to start an ARG of his own, we will certainly follow it and try to play.

After all, we are The Internet Detectives.


So, I was thinking of making an ARG, where would I go to make a website for this arg? I was thinking of having it in the form that JohnIsDead's website had looked, with an image(possibly gif) and sound. If you could answer this I would be delighted, Thank you.

There’s lots of cheap web hosting options available, you should try Go Daddy.

If you need to go the free rout, you can actually use Tumblr and build your page in the html editor. Adding music would be easy, if you do start an ARG, send a link.


Updated Discord Link


A video has been updated on Silentdork’s YouTube channel (

Title: 487 89537 (It’s Tyler)

Description: 968 6878 5337 668464 89537
36 668 538 48888448 48848888 48884848 946
93 273 5283 367 76636637 24784329
4277924784329236 (YOU MUST KEEP MOVING TYLER


November 15th 2017
• At 10:19pm, the Silentdork video titled “5646” was renamed to a cipher “Its Tyler”, and the description changed to cipher “YOU MUST KEEP MOVING TYLER. DO NOT LET YOU WHO. WE ARE LATE FOR SOMEONES BIRTHDAY. HAPPYBIRTHDAYBEN”.

• At 11:51pm, the video description changes again to: “Whats a few more moments to the man from the dawn of time? Who am I? The liar? The child? The Governor? The first son? The liars body?”

• At 11:59pm, the video description changes again to: “You know who you are.”



November 16th, 2017
• At 12:02am, the video description changes once again to: “I am not safe in my home”, this is the title of an already existing video, so the ID’s check that video and discover the tags have been changed to: “Daniel was a short lived tool, so many have I used. Closer closer and closer”. The description of the video was “Who is he?”

• At 1:00am, Eevee asks if the person sending the messages is /Patrem\, confirmation was given in the discord chat via eggplant reaction emotes.

• At 1:09am, captions were discovered on the video “Not safe in my home”, the captions read: “They want you to forget over and over stalling tactis. but what is a few more moments to us. Why did you do that Daniel? He was not supposed to see you! We see. Regiminis is not ready to be brought to him yet we are not ready. Impatient. I flick the domino. Awaken. You know who you are”

• At 1:23am, the description of “Not safe in my home” changed to a cipher that read “Children forum notes”. This most likely means that we must check the saved files of the lunar children forums for clues to who Daniel might be.

• At 2:10am, the description box reverted back to it’s original contents, only this time misplaced capital letters spelled out “SPIRK”, which is a former ID member.




He’s back, bitches.



Who is Daniel?
The general consensus is that Daniel is the masked man stalking Tyler in the video “I am not safe in my home”. Some of the ID’s believe that Daniel may also be the one who was sacrificed in the Blood Moon Ritual video.

Right now, we cannot be certain until we go over the Lunarchildren forum notes, as we’ve been instructed to do.


Johnisdead Timeline Series
Ep.00 - The Intro


Who is Daniel?


The general consensus is that Daniel is the masked man stalking Tyler in the video “I am not safe in my home”. Some of the ID’s believe that Daniel may also be the one who was sacrificed in the Blood Moon Ritual video.

Right now, we cannot be certain until we go over the Lunarchildren forum notes, as we’ve been instructed to do.

It has been confirmed in the Lunar Children notes that Daniel is indeed the man who is stalking Tyler in the “I’m not safe in my home” video.

The notes also suggests that Daniel was walking the path of parallelos, and may have been ascended, but we are unsure if his ascension was successful.


Is This Tumblr Broken?

Broken how? i dont think anythings broken.



JID is officially an anime now. Thanks, Scrublord!

- CircleHunter


Is dear david real?

No idea. i vaguely remember the story but i have no idea if its real or if it was just a story by some dude on twitter. anyways, real or not, it has nothing to do with John is Dead.



March 4, 2018
• At 7:17pm, ARGdov discovered a change to the main page of The page now shows an Elegy statue and the phrase, “Enemies will attack even if you’re not ready!” This phrase and assorted leftover parts of the image are part of the description of the battle system from Chrono Trigger. The image is called “ERROR.png.” The audio file is a man laughing, called “awaken.ogg.”




Update 4/23

April 23, 2018

You may not know me, and that is fine. I am the current owner of this website “Lunar Children”.

Some of my friends knew people a part of this cult. I wish to help them out by reconstructing this website. I discovered this server in a fishery that had no power. Hell, the system must of been running on battery power or something. Wires were coming out of the ground connecting to the server room. I must of done something wrong cuz as soon as I got the server home, most of the files were lost or encrypted. I also linked another domain to this one by the name of “” which also acted strange once I got this server home… It’s been a long day, just finding this thing was a hassle. I will post the encrypted files here for anyone to solve. I see am getting some traffic, so if anyone is able to solve anything, send me an email to “”. I will be uploading some files once I get my Internet working better. fucking 10 MBPs right now…






April 23, 2018

  • At 4:45pm, ID member ZenCoder discovered an update to Lunar Children ( The update reads: “You may not know me, and that is fine. I am the current owner of this website “Lunar Children”. Some of my friends knew people a part of this cult. I wish to help them out by reconstructing this website. I discovered this server in a fishery that had no power. Hell, the system must of been running on battery power or something. Wires were coming out of the ground connecting to the server room. I must of done something wrong cuz as soon as I got the server home, most of the files were lost or encrypted. I also linked another domain to this one by the name of “” which also acted strange once I got this server home… It’s been a long day, just finding this thing was a hassle. I will post the encrypted files here for anyone to solve. I see am getting some traffic, so if anyone is able to solve anything, send me an email to “”. I will be uploading some files once I get my Internet working better. fucking 10 MBPs right now…

  • At 5:32pm, after several ID members sent emails to “K”, an email was recieved. (

  • At 6:02pm, Silentdork uploaded a new video: ( In this video Tyler explains about going to the fishery and finding it empty. The cipher in the description reads: “YOU ALL HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THINGS USE IT”

  • At 6:42, /key592 updated, links to a new message board: (

  • At 10:40pm, a new video was uploaded to silentdork: (



Timeline correction
I had to edit the timeline, I made a mistake.

I originally thought that Tyler brought the servers home from the fishery, but he clearly states in the video “as usual” that he did not, they were gone when he went back.

So officially, Tyler is NOT “Archive Guy”



The real goal was reuniting a son with his long-lost father. Congratulations!

- Circle


Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

The old discord link has expired because I’m a dummy. Here’s an updated one.


Do you like Tyler's ass?

Personally, yes. Speaking for the group, I can probably assume yes as well.


Hi. I need help decoding messages. I lost my google bookmarks including the message decoder I have been using in the last 2 years. I am excited to keep investigating about LunarChildren and Tyler. Which is the best message decoder you know? Thank you. I am looking forward to receiving an asnwer. Adrián,

This is a great question! These are tools I use to decode ciphers:

These are the very basic things you’ll need to solve most JID ciphers


I would like to join, your discord..


May 7th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, a video was uploaded to Silentdork’s youtube channel. ( The video title is “Ai, returns”, and the description was a quote from Voltaire. It featured a black screen, with indistinguishable voices. There was nothing hidden in the source page.



We are not dead!
Only John is. RIP.

The ARG is still on one of it’s long hiatus’s, and will be returning. Hopefully, we still have some interested ppl here on tumblr, and you’re all free to join the discord if you like. The link is everywhere :p


I forgot to post this here, but we’ve started a timeline series for JID!

Here is Ep.01 👌


It’s been confirmed that Greth’s vlog is a new JID source.

Keep an eye out for clues, I will being to update the timeline accordingly.

#greth vlogs


Timeline Updates Jul-Aug
July 28th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, a video was uploaded to a youtube account called Greth Vlogs. ( The video was titled “Greth Vlogs 5” and featured a corrupted video of a 1st person view of Tyler’s bedroom. Tyler appears in the video sitting in front of his computer screens. The content on his screens are static, and the video ends abruptly as Tyler turn to face the cameraman.

August 16th, 2018

  • At an unknown time a video was uploaded to Greth Vlogs. The video was titled “Greth Vlogs 12: General Update” ( and featured the vlogger Greth in what appears to be the wooded area around Tyler’s house. he talked about being on a hike in the middle of nowhere. In the distance you hear Tyler cough, then the video ends. The same purple glitchyness of his previous video is present.

August 18th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to Greth Vlogs ( The title was “RWBN RWBN”, and it featured Tyler laying in his bed sleeping. Tyler woke up and the video abruptly ends. the same glitches as his previous videos are present.

August 25th, 2018

  • At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to Greth Vlogs. The video was titled “experimentations” (, and it featured the vlogger Greth discussing how he tried to run away from his problems, but has found a new way to deal with them. He seems to smoke an unknown substance on camera, then glitches begin to happen. Hidden in the sorce code was: “I’m still here”.



August 28th, 2018

  • At 11:40pm, Tyler uploaded a video to the Silentdork youtube channel. the title was “A guest”, and the description read: “I had this other video I planned on uploading that I recorded before this that was pretty important, it featured me figuring out something pretty important about that sign in my yard. But something fucked it up and I am trying to figure out how to fix it (maybe the sign itself? idk) but this is the guy I talked about in that video who was gonna come hang out with me who knew a bit about the various cult doings in the area.” Hidden in the source code was: “hidden in plain sight Kevi”. The video featured Greth as a cameraman talking to Tyler in his bedroom. They discussed the Lunar Children, and who /Patrem\ was. We discover that “Archive Guy” is named Jose, and Tyler knows that he has the LC’s servers in his home. At around the 5:15 timestamp, the video glitches and two images flash in quick succession: one of BEN, and one of Kevin (Regiminis).




Big update, guys. Regiminis found an ancient Lunar Children artifact known as the Super Crown and has transformed into REGIMINETTE.

#super crown


October 11th, 2018

  • At Aprox 7:30pm, a new video was uploaded to Greth Vlogs titled “never sleeping” (, there was no description and nothing was hidden in the tags. The video featured corrupted footage of Greth unable to sleep. Vaporwave music was playing in the background.

#greth vlogs


October 11th, 2018

  • At 9:00pm, ID user Dense uploaded a video titled “GORONLULLABY” ( and posted the link in the comment section of Greth’s video “never sleeping”. The video featured Goron Link playing the goron lullaby, and putting baby goron to sleep as well as nearby gorons. The description read: “Pls sleep dude”



October 11th, 2018
At 11:46pm, a new video was uploaded to Greth Vlogs titled* “J J S K K N V G H ” (, in the description was a cipher: “|///cy tuvxu e jit wimmig’ hey puij ci ocpevji;/ Pui sgimu h[mp ci he;i tier. pui hvj; h[mp ci he;i tie,y. pui [koj oji tuo yi uepu xuomij muegg ;imxij; g[je, tvm;oh/ Idegp uvh [koj pui uo[, os xuoomvjn ej; puij pu,o[nu to,g;gy to,rm sepui, puvji xuvg;,ij ejit/|=gg

{Trans: “|…by which a new vessel’ may then be obtained. The flesh must be made weak. the mind must be made weary. the upon one who ye hath chosen shall descend lunar wisdom. Exalt him upon the hour of choosing and then through worldly works father thine children anew.|=ll”}

hidden in the source tags* was: “cbbe qrpvfvba”.

(*as of this edit, the title and sorce tag have not been decoded).

This video features Greth falling alseep, with the footage dissolving into darkness with the image of a purple moon and Greth wearing the Zora’s mask.

It is clear by this video that Greth is now the new vessel for Patrem. RIP Vincent.

#vincent adams
#greth vlogs





Artist: Unknown
Track: recruit.mp3 update 10/22/18


target=_blank index source page

Update 10/22/18



johnisdead update 10/22/18


October 22, 2018

  • At an unknown time, the johnisdead website was updated and brought back online. There was no title on the index page, the BG image was titled: “maj.gif” and featured a corrupted image of Tyler staring into a camera with eyes wide and mouth open. The BG audio was titled: “recruit.mp3”. In the source code was a message repeated 55 times: “howdoesitwork”. The page now has a new icon.


The Purple Edge
by Wickedeve

“Leave me alone!”

Cold gusts of wind whistled past his ears as he ran frantically through the woods in a desperate attempt to flee his pursuer.

“Do not fear, my child. I promise little pain.” The words were mere whispers deep within his mind

He knew it had been a huge mistake to taunt the entity for so long, mocking it’s divinity. This was a game after all, none of this is supposed to be real.

“Fuck off, monster!” His legs were growing tired, his lungs stinging with each intake of frigid air.

The entity laughed, it’s layered voice growing louder with each snicker until it rang so loud in his head he could barely remain upright. He lost his footing, his momentum propelling him forward, he face planted into the dirt. Frantically, he tried to get up, but the being was already upon him. Frozen in fear he was quickly enveloped by a thick smoke, purple in hue.

“Child, I’ve waited so long to take you”

He opened his mouth to scream, only to inhale the thick smoke. His eyes watered in reaction to the burning in his lungs. He kicked his legs out in a panic, grasping at his throat, in a desperate attempt to inhale fresh air, but it was too late.

Soon, his motions died down as he continued to breath, his body involuntarily inhaling deeper. His vision blurred, and the scene of the darkened moonlit forest faded as he heard his new master speak to him.

“You see child, your delusions of grandeur were fictitious. You are nothing in the grand scale of things. However, now you can be of use. Your body will become a vessel, and you shall now willingly obey. Now arise a new man, a servant dedicated to /ME\, and never will you be known again as Collin.”


#lol ghey


Hey guys, I got a feeling we’re about to see an influx of activity. Just a reminder that all of this is an Alternate Reality Game, none of it is real. Please do not stress the GM’s or anyone involved by sending threats or acting maliciously. For more information, check the Johnisdead wiki.

Hey a todos. Tenemos el presentimiento de que tendremos una sobrecarga de actividad. Solo un recordatorio de que todo esto es un simple Juego De Realidad Alternativa, nada de esto es real. Por favor, no estresen a el GM o a cualquier persona involucrada enviándoles amenazas sean inofensivas o no. Tampoco actúen maliciosamente. Para más información, pueden ver la Wikia de Johnisdead.


October 23, 2018

  • At 1:58 PM was found to have updated once more. The title of the page was changed to “construction”, featuring an image that we had seen before, “awaken.jpg”, an image showing a distorted Tyler with many other images layered over it. The audio remained unchanged since the previous update, “recruit.mp3″.

  • At 2:19 PM it was discovered that redirects had returned to Johnisdead. Whenever a user would attempt to reach a nonexistent page, they would be redirected to a random canon site or YouTube channel. The javascript code used for redirects was also found, but users could not decode it.




johnisdead update 10/24/18


October 24th, 2018

  • At 9:53 AM, Jos discovered that the previous front page for Johisdead could be reached at “”.

  • At 9:56 AM, Jos was redirected to a brand new site called “”. This new site appeared to be based around conspiracy theories. Two blog posts were discovered. This first post was from July 28th and was sorted under “Thoughts”. It was titled “The Astral Observatory”:
    Welcome to the Astral Observatory.
    This is a website dedicated to sharing news, opinions, and thoughts from an underground collective that believe in what some may call paranormal or supernatural. We believe in that modern society has pulled a warm blanket over our eyes, trying to lull us into a false reality in which the masses, now imperceptible to the greater machinations of the universe, are more malleable for cooperation.

    We have been exposed to some of the truths that shattered that illusion, and now we seek more.

    If you are interested in joining us on this journey, bookmark this webpage for further updates, and head on over to our forums for new community of people like us, and we believe, yourself.

    • The second post was from October 22nd and was sorted under “News” and titled “Malicious Attack; Forums Offline“:

    Dearest believers,

    I have some news you may find unfortunate. On Sunday morning, around 12am, this site was taken offline. I do not know how or why, but during that time our bandwidth was temporarily re-purposed for another website, ‘’. While I’m not sure why this has happened, I can only conclude it was some form of malicious hack. Please stay patient while I work to get my previous posts on this website back up, and work to restore the forums to their former glory. For now the forums are locked.

    We will get through this.

    • Users discovered a link for the forums at the top of the page, though they are currently down.

    • At 10:01 AM, Jos discovered the javascript code used for redirecting could now be read. The full list of redirects is the following:

