Internet Detectives Tumblr

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Internet Detectives Tumblr


The Internet Detectives Tumblr.

Name Internet Detectives Tumblr
Type Archival
Affiliation Players
Status Online (Deprecated)

Tumblr is a blogging website where users can create their own customized blogs and upload images, videos, and audio files. The players created a Tumblr account for the Internet Detectives and used it as their main method of archiving Johnisdead for throughout 2015 and 2016. The Tumblr was used in conjunction with the original Johnisdead Wiki and Dropbox. The Tumblr saw its final large bout of activity in 2019, when it was used to archive canon conversations with characters. Since then, all archival activities have taken place on this Wiki.


Below is a transcript of the various pages found on the Internet Detectives Tumblr and its many posts.


This section contains all of the blog posts created on the Internet Detectives Tumblr, as well as the files contained within them.




The first failure






"wonkwenkwonkwenkwonkwenknwonk ydaerla uoy enoemos si revewoh tnecniV .won mih dnoyeb raf ma I, sgnilbbircs yttep sih rof gnirac dnoyeb raf ma I dna yob taht denmad evah uoY"
- /Patrem\

#within hubris





We were the coolest motherfuckers on the earth.
Power, Wisdom, Courage.

#we rocked hard



We literally stole Doug’s mail.

#within hubris


Jayckup sells his soul.

#within hubris






You were the best helper…

Sorry we killed you.

#he ran to his death



Eye spy with my little i, something in those eyes.

#azure rebirth
#grey man


"My father is dead, I don’t have any father figures and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I am gonna go before someone steals my shit. Some little kid just walked up to me, like this young kid and just asked me if the “Purple man” is gone now, crying and shit. Fuck this, fuck everything about this, fuck you guys, fuck whoever the purple man is. I am going home now. Fuck this."
- Vincent

#potty mouth
#within hubris




The Fishery



"You’ve all been very lucky so far. In all the times your members have rushed in and acted without the consensus of others, you haven’t killed anybody yet. Perhaps this will change tonight."
- Helper










Doug’s Notes





From bad to worse.

#RIP Wyatt




The beast is waiting.





Why are we always drowning ppl?

#ben drowned


"Anyways, hello adventurers! I am here to deliver a message. As I have lost my hat, and you heroes clearly are not on top of things, this message has been somewhat delayed, by about fourteen days. As it just so happens, you have not gone down the rabbit hole!
Or, more precisely, you guys “Missed something fucking big and apparent.” And that “Someone died because of your fuck up.” Not my words, I tell you! This came straight from your questgiver! I just know that finding out what it is should be priority number one. Well, good day! Try not to kill anyone else.


- Helper








Doug, Mason, Vincent



The owl statue


"There will be a coming time in which a portal shall be opened. This place was forged by the one they call saint, and is governed by the one I call grand.
Named a petty insult directed at the terrible fate of one child and the loss of another. Through here you may encounter many things both of your kind, and from times before man.

He will seek the burned one, without his puppet he is only half of his potential. He will seek the link of that time, for it is through his death that he believes he will truly become a god."

- /Patrem\




No seriously… Fuck file 3. amIright?








Translated: “WARNING: Long-term exposure to rear of factory may cause death or illness. You must wear protective gear in the area. Please remember more than anything else for your future safety.



"Yes child, sleep is a very important thing for your kind. So I shall tell you the tail of another who also has trouble sleeping. There once was a child who was quite curious, he was surrounded by children and yet, it was not enough for him. So he sought the company of others.
Through trials and tribulations he found sanctuary in their communion, however he lost sight of the other children, his own name and even his self. But his new family loved him very much, so his father decided to give him a name.

Vincent, and before he new it he was a very responsible man. He was to oversee all of the children in his fathers home when his father was away. However one night, father saw that one of his children had become quite grand. This child was to come and see his father so that he might be told the secrets that only father may know.

But two terrible children, who must not be spoken of, one flying, one simply screaming, had come and interfered. Luckily the grand child had still done what was needed on that night, but their father was displaced.

He was hurt, that children would fuss in such a time of glory. But Vincent was a good boy, he gave his father refuge. But the event was much to bare, and Vincent had forgotten once again who his family truly was.

This all kept Vincent awake, always awake, and his father can do no work, if Vincent is always awake and crying as though he is still simply another child.

Now you must rest, for sleep is a very important thing for your kind. I may be able to go on without such a time wasting practice, but neither you nor Vincent can."

- /Patrem\’s Bedtime Story




Broken Dimension




I’m Watching




The Mist



"Your link has been severed. You will no longer be able to use the power of Link. Songs will no longer affect the ARG for the time being."
- The Man

#The Man









The Fool



"I will contact you soon.
Be ready."

- Mason 4/4/15




Newspaper clippings



We need guidance
Hello /Patrem\ ,

A lot of events have recently unfolded, some of which we are still unsure of.

We learned that someone has ascended, though who that may be, is still unclear to us.

We were contacted by Mason, who now appears to be in our own timeline. I remember once you advised against crossing timelines, but I’m unsure how to avoid the chaos you said it would bring.

I know you must be very busy as of late, but any information you could give us would be helpful, and greatly appreciated.

~ Your faithful child.


The Man’s ARG has ended, and he will no longer make updates.

A new, ARG will now take it’s place: The Dead ARC
#best arg ever


target=_blank final image.



#The Man


The Dead ARC
Welcome to the new ARG: The Dead ARC.

All links are up to date, and the timeline is complete and ready for the new game to begin.

Good luck Internet Detectives!
#The Dead ARC



Main page image of
#The Dead Arc



New ARG character: SKM
#within hubris


mugen is cac lelelelelel

Yes. Let’s tie him up.


hi eve!

Hi Anon! (I mean Lonk)



getthenotes.png, from the first version of



just wanted to share this. u can remove it in a sek if u want eve. sorry ._.

Is that a weenie on his hat?



table.jpg, the background from the first version of


"never forget morgan 2015"
- Circlehunter

#4 hours of laughter



_o_n__urned.png = John Burned


"February 19, 2015




Dis’ nigga ded.

#he died as he lived: FLAMING






This GM thinks he’s funny…..

#he's spying on us



main page “DSC_0488.jpg”



/key592 Before it was deleted.






Artist: K3v1n
Track: @90 (update ver.2) Background.mp3 (un-reversed)




Oh, Dawn.

#The Man
#The Mother Fucking Sun






/key592 (updates ver.2)



Artist: Unknown
Track: firekid.wav

Found on “/key592″, 5/18/15



The Fishery (fishery.jpg) 5/18/15
#The Dead ARC



a .gif image of the flash video “deadjohn.webm” on /regiminis.
#The Dead ARC



Page update 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



/key592 update 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



Artist: unknown
Track: linebusy.mp3
Album: The Dead Arc Soundtrack

linebusy.mp3, /tyler, 5/19/15
#The Dead ARC



A screen cap of “operator.webm” 5/19 15
#The Dead ARC



Main page of


Lunar children video titled ”MAXYHAXXXY.webm“ 5/19/15



<totesnotagamejacker>: ur all cacs
--- SKM has banned *!*
*** totesnotagamejacker was kicked by SKM (SKM)

#RIP Thorin



“hisgoal.jpg” - /lostmemory423 - 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC





Bottom: Clip from Ryukaki’s video.

from the /lostmemory423 page (Drowned’s takeover) 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC



/lostmemory423 - (Regiminis)
#The Dead ARC



#The Dead ARC



Main page update 5/20/15
#The Dead ARC




johnisdead main page, update 5/21/15




/key592, update 5/21/15



Artist: Unknown
Track: friend.mp3
Album: John is Dead Sountrack


johnisdead main page audio, update 5/21/15




/key592, update 5/21/15










( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#patrem is a sexy muther fucker
#doesn't afraid of anything!



We’ll get you NEXT TIME, Morgan!!!!



#he's gonna open up and accept the father - one way or another!



Circle strippin’ on cam 4 us ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#John was on fire - and now so are my panties!


Seems "tempdrezzed png" resembles Patrem's avatar.

Yes, I think the idea was that SKM did something to hinder /Patrem\s’ ability to hunt him that night. SKM uses the word “Drezzed” as a synonym for “fucked”. Luckily it’s only temporary, cuz’ I gotta have my /Patrem\!



fwoogrglyd.gif update 5/22/15


FIREKID.webm update 5/22/15


FOG.webm update 5/22/15



Artist: Tylep
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression #1
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Posted to WH on 3/17/15

Believed to have been recorded the same night as the Youtube videos.




Artist: Tylep
Track: Tyler's /Patrem\ impression #2
Album: John is Dead Soundtrack

Posted to the ID’s Main Skype Chat Group on 3/17/15

Believed to have been recorded the same night as the Youtube videos.



NOTTHEONE.jpg update 5/23/15
#The Dead ARC







Fun with Tyler!




Circlehunter: A True American Hero.



Convo i (link) had with K over email.



Insightful info.




(and yes, this is ARG related, stfu)







Spirk’s Emails to:







Adult Link’s emails with





Oceanstuck’s email exchange with



ID Theme Song

Despite Wolfcat saying months ago that he’d heard it, The Internet Detectives are shocked to learn that our own theme song has always had whispering in the beginning that says: John is Dead.


#we suck


In Loving Memory

of Mugen Kagemaru. You were the light that guided us in our empty, soulless journey. Our wounds are cut deep at your departure, and we’ll never forget the sharp edge you kept us on. Always on edge…. ow, the edge.



#WTF is a Kaizell?




Update: 5/26/15


i knew id heard of the 8/8 archive loss thing before

It’s something I’m not at all familiar with, I’d have to re-read the whole moon children Arc again. I suppose that’s a good idea now that The Dead Arc is rich in that lore.


Chat with Tyler 5/26/15
Please read Below!

[5/26/2015 1:45:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Is all well?
[5/26/2015 1:45:25 AM] Wolfcat: …dat avatar
[5/26/2015 1:45:37 AM] Dovid Magady: Oh. hi, I haven’t met you before.
[5/26/2015 1:45:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I thought I should change it ^^;
[5/26/2015 1:45:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Wasn’t sure what the other one was for
[5/26/2015 1:46:04 AM] Eve: Woah that sounds pretty spooked broskino XDYeah, I’m at work, all alone and i heard a spooky noise, lol
[5/26/2015 1:46:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I like to make dumb faces so I figured this was a good excuse ^^
[5/26/2015 1:46:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Oh woa rip
[5/26/2015 1:46:25 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I’m off..
[5/26/2015 1:46:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have had to do overnight watch of my store before and it can be pretty spooky
[5/26/2015 1:46:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: we live in a not so good hood
[5/26/2015 1:47:01 AM] Eve: I work in a church, it’s extra spooky!
[5/26/2015 1:47:38 AM] Dovid Magady: That sounds creepy as hell- no sort-of pun intended
[5/26/2015 1:47:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hue
[5/26/2015 1:48:11 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 1:48:18 AM] Eve: It’s ok now, I’m fine
[5/26/2015 1:49:37 AM] Eve: So tyler, How you doing?
[5/26/2015 1:51:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol tired
[5/26/2015 1:51:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just got home from work
[5/26/2015 1:51:35 AM] Dovid Magady: You mst be tired..
[5/26/2015 1:52:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I got the rest of the week off cause its my 6 year aniversary at the place.
[5/26/2015 1:52:36 AM] Dovid Magady: Wow. congrats!
[5/26/2015 1:53:09 AM] Eve: That’s a long time
[5/26/2015 1:53:12 AM | Removed 1:53:15 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[5/26/2015 1:53:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol thnx ^^
[5/26/2015 1:53:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The pay is almost worth it
[5/26/2015 1:53:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: just enough to keep me in this shitty trailer
[5/26/2015 1:53:58 AM] Eve: I live in a shitty apartment, you’re lucky
[5/26/2015 1:54:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But hey, the place is back up in the woods away from most everyone so I am cool with it.
[5/26/2015 1:54:11 AM] Oceanstuck: hey tylep
[5/26/2015 1:54:13 AM] Oceanstuck: hey guys
[5/26/2015 1:54:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yea?
[5/26/2015 1:54:15 AM] Dovid Magady: Isnt thaqt scary?
[5/26/2015 1:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: oh
[5/26/2015 1:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol
[5/26/2015 1:54:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hai
[5/26/2015 1:54:41 AM] Oceanstuck: lol i was just popping in to really quickly check on everyone
[5/26/2015 1:54:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have been in these woods since I was born
[5/26/2015 1:54:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so nah XD
[5/26/2015 1:54:49 AM] Oceanstuck: i actually need to go to sleep
[5/26/2015 1:54:55 AM] Oceanstuck: what is le haps
[5/26/2015 1:54:58 AM] Eve: we’re good ocean, :)
[5/26/2015 1:55:22 AM] Eve: you’re a country boy?
[5/26/2015 1:55:29 AM] Eve: I’ve always lived inthe city
[5/26/2015 1:55:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol I guess Xp
[5/26/2015 1:55:59 AM | Edited 1:56:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I like to think I am none of the country stereo types, but I probably am and just don’t see it.
[5/26/2015 1:56:26 AM] Dovid Magady: You don’t seem like it to me
[5/26/2015 1:58:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It is kind of lonely around here though ^^;
[5/26/2015 1:58:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My grandparents used to live here with me
[5/26/2015 1:58:53 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but not anymore, so the place can admittedly be a bit spooky.
[5/26/2015 1:58:57 AM] Eve: I live with my grama now
[5/26/2015 1:59:04 AM] Oceanstuck: me too
[5/26/2015 1:59:13 AM] Wolfcat: you live with eves grama?
[5/26/2015 1:59:41 AM] Eve: lol, wolf
[5/26/2015 2:00:26 AM] Oceanstuck: yes
[5/26/2015 2:00:50 AM | Edited 2:00:56 AM] Eve: Ever think about moving tyler?
[5/26/2015 2:03:18 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have thought about it but I kinda have sentimental value attached to this place.
[5/26/2015 2:03:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: That and moving would be really expensive
[5/26/2015 2:04:29 AM] Eve: yeah everything is so expensive nowadays
[5/26/2015 2:04:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The land I am currently on is mine because I inhereted it from my grandparents, we have our own well so we got no water bill either.
[5/26/2015 2:04:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: This place is pretty cheap XD
[5/26/2015 2:04:46 AM] Eve: That’s really cool
[5/26/2015 2:05:31 AM] Oceanstuck: i wanna stick around but i really need to sleep so night guys
[5/26/2015 2:05:37 AM] Dovid Magady: Night, ocean
[5/26/2015 2:05:40 AM] Oceanstuck: see you around ty?
[5/26/2015 2:05:40 AM] Eve: Night ocean!
[5/26/2015 2:05:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty night broskino ^^
[5/26/2015 2:05:47 AM] Oceanstuck: ^_^
[5/26/2015 2:05:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah I ought to be around more I wanna think
[5/26/2015 2:06:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Don’t have much of anyoe else to talk to really ^^;
[5/26/2015 2:06:19 AM] Eve: There’s always someone on around here
[5/26/2015 2:06:34 AM] Eve: We got broskinos 24/7 :)
[5/26/2015 2:06:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wooooooooooo XD
[5/26/2015 2:08:40 AM] Wolfcat: Pretty much all my friends are online now
[5/26/2015 2:08:52 AM] Wolfcat: I get hardly any interaction in person
[5/26/2015 2:09:01 AM] Wolfcat: #shutin
[5/26/2015 2:09:12 AM] Eve: yeah, me too.
[5/26/2015 2:09:29 AM] Eve: though i do go to taco bell on wed. nights with my ex-coworkers
[5/26/2015 2:09:41 AM] Eve: they’re cool, and funny
[5/26/2015 2:11:22 AM] Eve: So, Tyler, ever think about making more videos for youtube?
[5/26/2015 2:11:56 AM] Eve: You’re pretty funny :P
[5/26/2015 2:12:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol tnx XD
[5/26/2015 2:12:23 AM] Dovid Magady: Yeah, I liked them
[5/26/2015 2:13:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was thinking of maybe making a sort of memorial video for my broskinos before I do anything else
[5/26/2015 2:14:10 AM] Eve: That would be nice.
[5/26/2015 2:14:34 AM] Dovid Magady: That would seem good, as a memorial, yeah
[5/26/2015 2:15:33 AM] Eve: Thinking of making it soon?
[5/26/2015 2:15:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I went by johns old house today on my way home from work actually
[5/26/2015 2:16:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: to get some pictures for it
[5/26/2015 2:16:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was thinking of going by kevins house but it is a bit farther away so maybe tomorrow.
[5/26/2015 2:18:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I’d go by where jacob lived but that is on the other end of the state ^^;
[5/26/2015 2:19:14 AM] Eve: That’s the guy is the first video, right?
[5/26/2015 2:19:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I know I have some old pics of him though somewhere on an old usb so that should be good to find.
[5/26/2015 2:19:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol yeah
[5/26/2015 2:20:09 AM] Eve: You live in a big state?
[5/26/2015 2:20:23 AM] Eve: I’m in NJ, you can drive from one end to the other in like 2 hrs
[5/26/2015 2:20:29 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 2:20:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: >.>
[5/26/2015 2:20:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: <. am tylep the rotaerc: i live in florida="p" eve: woah yeah big lol never been to but heard it nice parts wolfcat: need head out for now. night all wolf..... dovid magady: allright wolf edited isn t like really hot and humid flroida or do you get used well if make that memorial video love see friends seemed cool. stevey heister freeman: are cool eve needs be added quotes of da year they were coolest broskinos knew hold on a sec brb k :p : soon was actually about plug my phone show guys something oh ok sounds uosl yo hey there zack hai whats up apparently didnt know who an hour ago not much just checking what he then why ask could quote exact words think misunderstood me bach tyler hello again your message with comman ...comma nevermind huh weird would why. thought took more than this since john ... curious question has anyone borrowed recently figure is kind business as well. cell almost always right next so nah. captain desdinova: returned from being here however house acting yesterday morning now reminded paid bill can dial tone="[" have tried calling sorry makes no sense won work="[" sucks ever woke by ringing before look maybe tower working area stopped may made laugh should circle oddly enough caller id fuked too its also pretty old kinda expect time areamaybe yea thingy gonna rotaerc fuck happened moved accident guess right.... thats left wow. god..... some wood looks burnt.. fire wireing hear .. wow.. man hope okay.. or...was okay his family told didn sadly home when mother country father trip sorry.. mean bring bad memories. fine hard pass every day coming gotten awful... don pry friend kevin around anymore sure relating him at one disapeared strange went once long back after hearing few months place looked ran sacked had else go hoping idk gone someone lost person disappeared haven talked her years she sort abandoned how feels awful we start over sometimes break looking these pictures reported missing later nothing cops couldn find anything police very helpful internet detectives help. tbh only amatuers hate negative mystery any leads said tomorrow clues. planing going last door hanging wide open normal little did seem take inside help want it. broken into hmmm still them totally wrecked thanks. twizzlers mess... sprikiroid: reminds marble hornets entry which found where goes encounters masky first forgot does note say real spook di-dion... rest word says enjoy di-di called nope aok checking. mh alex sleeping couch notes wall move slightly chills honest entries scared stop watching. those things there. im fraidy cat good closer picture line careful. many totheark videos pictureeven better yee dont part slenderman cough blood attacked creepy guy suit then. ha aw arg anyways got sound demanding lot pics anyway another pic today aggrivated though spraypainted kok rite large image shitty iphone less min minute noticed something. theres typed tape shit god seven sun drop bought way flapping wind everything regarding cross.. broke law noooo xd englnad already while investigation ended come seriously though. iu pissed enforcement hardly avoid it.. funeral even buried wow best highschool fam least cut contact aww well.. cant give atleast.. us will bottom new friendo asked property none business. further notice. spent other nights early ok. talk freinds ppl remember call papa johns abruptly leave because late group church. wasn religion imagine assume church goers="p" regards argument christian reacted rather strongly stupid youth subject hmm groups same. cause militant athiest fun debates thinking world religious concepts try recruit secretive opposite wanted quit asking met members .......kevin member sounded breifly described exactly spooky might exist dropped saying effect magic fucking doing wanna magics lemme in. please tell jacob barely mentioned regular dude conversation fight sad date october bullshit bit heading pizza finally job full oughta able own busy gotta go. again. man. damn number random unfamilliar voice meaning probably rid service spoken parents jacobs quite adventure let goes. invested bro exaclty life drudge memories mind our questions either sitting chatting leave. wish luck walk home. right. walking super spoops spoop myself shouldn done rip mainly hood hi hay broskino missed stuff fill later. scroll deal peeps scary lots drugs town ruskin ah hillsborough county fuk ur stalk>.>;
[5/26/2015 4:10:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: spoky
[5/26/2015 4:10:09 AM] Eve: LOL, NAH
[5/26/2015 4:10:20 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Nah, we’re all to lazy to stalk people
[5/26/2015 4:10:22 AM] Eve: I work to much to stalk
[5/26/2015 4:10:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: How did you know my county so fast though
[5/26/2015 4:10:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah
[5/26/2015 4:10:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Maybe mugen would, but that’s just cuz he’s a creep tho
[5/26/2015 4:11:44 AM] Dovid Magady: on a lghter note, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[5/26/2015 4:12:03 AM] Eve: I have a map of the us on my wall in my office
[5/26/2015 4:12:12 AM] Eve: I have to call missionaries
[5/26/2015 4:12:24 AM] Eve: a lot of them are located in florida
[5/26/2015 4:12:48 AM] Dovid Magady: Florida is the state where like every messed up story ever has happned.
[5/26/2015 4:12:53 AM] Dovid Magady: At least haf of them
[5/26/2015 4:13:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait its LITERALLY RAINING SPIDERS IN AUSTRALIA
[5/26/2015 4:13:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: WHAT THE FUCK?
[5/26/2015 4:13:25 AM] Dovid Magady: YEP
[5/26/2015 4:13:28 AM] Dovid Magady: I KNOW, RIGHT
[5/26/2015 4:13:32 AM] Dovid Magady: AHHHH
[5/26/2015 4:13:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ;-;
[5/26/2015 4:14:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why is Australia even a thing
[5/26/2015 4:14:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: like
[5/26/2015 4:14:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why
[5/26/2015 4:14:18 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i’m in the mood for pizza
[5/26/2015 4:14:27 AM] Dovid Magady: Australia- the only thing that wont kill you is old age
[5/26/2015 4:14:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: but it’s 4 in the morning
[5/26/2015 4:14:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Circ same, but its 1. and my mom is asleep
[5/26/2015 4:14:41 AM] Dovid Magady: Wow. random craving
[5/26/2015 4:14:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [Tuesday, May 26, 2015 4:14 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: </.>id
[5/26/2015 4:32:58 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: > ID
[5/26/2015 4:33:10 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: you missed your chance eve
[5/26/2015 4:33:11 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:33:12 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: pff
[5/26/2015 4:33:13 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: you fucked up
[5/26/2015 4:33:32 AM] Eve: Yes stevey, ID'mire him
[5/26/2015 4:33:37 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: GOOD
[5/26/2015 4:33:40 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I am now pleased
[5/26/2015 4:33:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah
[5/26/2015 4:33:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: sounds like a spooky chooky broskino
[5/26/2015 4:33:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but coolio tho
[5/26/2015 4:34:02 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: …..he is erm
[5/26/2015 4:34:05 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: not a broskino
[5/26/2015 4:34:08 AM] Eve: He’s great stevey
[5/26/2015 4:34:11 AM] Eve: great
[5/26/2015 4:34:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Aw
[5/26/2015 4:34:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: oh
[5/26/2015 4:34:13 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: lol
[5/26/2015 4:34:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: wut
[5/26/2015 4:34:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im confused
[5/26/2015 4:34:17 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: ignore eve.. she’s infaturated…
[5/26/2015 4:34:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Do I not like this guy or do I
[5/26/2015 4:34:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: uhh
[5/26/2015 4:34:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: fug
[5/26/2015 4:34:27 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: YOU DO NOT
[5/26/2015 4:34:29 AM] Stevey “Proest Heister 2015” Freeman: I AM IN YOUR MIND
[5/26/2015 4:34:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: ok
[5/26/2015 4:34:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yay
[5/26/2015 4:34:34 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: cool
[5/26/2015 4:34:37 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: potato
[5/26/2015 4:34:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: yes
[5/26/2015 4:34:54 AM] Eve: Thorin
[5/26/2015 4:35:12 AM] Eve: Patrem has ALL the Chocolate Milk
[5/26/2015 4:35:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: WO
[5/26/2015 4:35:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I love this guy
[5/26/2015 4:35:28 AM | Edited 4:35:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: GIMME
[5/26/2015 4:35:50 AM] Eve: He also Lurks between Worlds (heart)
[5/26/2015 4:35:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Wo
[5/26/2015 4:36:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: sounds lovecraftian
[5/26/2015 4:38:12 AM] Eve: I jest :P
[5/26/2015 4:38:17 AM] Eve: I like to spooks
[5/26/2015 4:38:31 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: GREAT OLD ONE
[5/26/2015 4:38:35 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: FORBIDDEN SIGHT
[5/26/2015 4:38:41 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: HE SEARCHES
[5/26/2015 4:38:49 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: HUNTER OF THE SHADOWS IS RIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIING
[5/26/2015 4:38:59 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: IMMOOOOORTAAAAAAAAAAL
[5/26/2015 4:41:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: sorry did the power of metallica kill everyone
[5/26/2015 4:41:29 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: no
[5/26/2015 4:42:44 AM] Eve: Fade to black is my fav metallica song
[5/26/2015 4:42:49 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh great, I bit my lip and now theres a bump on it from it swelling a bit
[5/26/2015 4:42:59 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i can play most of that actually
[5/26/2015 4:43:07 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i can’t solo though
[5/26/2015 4:43:31 AM] Eve: the intro is so beautiful
[5/26/2015 4:43:38 AM] Eve: you should play it for me one day
[5/26/2015 4:44:25 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i dont even know what my favorite metallica song is
[5/26/2015 4:44:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: they’re just great
[5/26/2015 4:44:59 AM] Eve: I think we wore out tyler :P
[5/26/2015 4:45:13 AM] Eve: he’s probably morgan snoring
[5/26/2015 4:45:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: lol
[5/26/2015 4:45:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: then we probably shouldn’t have done that
[5/26/2015 4:45:24 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:45:34 AM] Eve: BUT WE DID!
[5/26/2015 4:48:19 AM] Eve: We should start a band
[5/26/2015 4:48:41 AM] Eve: Circle on the guitar
[5/26/2015 4:48:49 AM] Eve: I can play piano
[5/26/2015 4:49:00 AM | Edited 4:49:12 AM] Eve: Thorin, you play any instruments?
[5/26/2015 4:49:06 AM] Dovid Magady: Im heading out for the night
[5/26/2015 4:49:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i can make ear bleeding sounds on a recorder (the flute shit)
[5/26/2015 4:49:21 AM] Eve: night dovid
[5/26/2015 4:49:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cya dov!
[5/26/2015 4:49:41 AM] Dovid Magady: C you all tomorrow night!
[5/26/2015 4:49:57 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I kinda want to learn to play a banjo or ukulele
[5/26/2015 4:50:02 AM] Eve: All we need is a kick ass singer…..
[5/26/2015 4:50:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hmmm
[5/26/2015 4:50:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: woah fuck sorry guys I fell asleep at the keyboard
[5/26/2015 4:50:26 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Tyler, can you sing?
[5/26/2015 4:50:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh lol
[5/26/2015 4:50:36 AM] Eve: lol, it’s ok tyler
[5/26/2015 4:50:43 AM | Edited 4:51:02 AM] Eve: we’re gonna start a band
[5/26/2015 4:50:46 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: We could get dawn to sing maybe?
[5/26/2015 4:51:01 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: idk
[5/26/2015 4:51:04 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i cant sing for shit
[5/26/2015 4:52:27 AM] Eve: Well, Tyler if you’re gonna head off for the night, take it easy
[5/26/2015 4:52:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Yeah
[5/26/2015 4:52:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Woah weird
[5/26/2015 4:53:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ?
[5/26/2015 4:53:01 AM] Eve: what?
[5/26/2015 4:53:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am kinda spooked now ^^;
[5/26/2015 4:53:07 AM] Eve: why?
[5/26/2015 4:53:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remembered closing both the doors to my room
[5/26/2015 4:53:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: they are now both wide open
[5/26/2015 4:53:35 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Huh
[5/26/2015 4:53:38 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that’s a bit spooky
[5/26/2015 4:54:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Got roommates or something that could have done it?
[5/26/2015 4:54:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Nope
[5/26/2015 4:54:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I live alone
[5/26/2015 4:54:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Well. that’s creepy
[5/26/2015 4:54:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Maybe I didn’t close them good enough ^^;
[5/26/2015 4:54:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thats probably it
[5/26/2015 4:54:46 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 4:54:50 AM] Eve: Maybe thats it
[5/26/2015 4:55:02 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Hopefully
[5/26/2015 4:55:22 AM] Eve: Tyler
[5/26/2015 4:55:29 AM] Eve: try closing the doors
[5/26/2015 4:56:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Alrighty brb =p
[5/26/2015 4:59:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t notice before
[5/26/2015 4:59:14 AM] Eve: notice what?
[5/26/2015 4:59:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ?
[5/26/2015 4:59:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but it looks like the door handle peice thingies are messing up
[5/26/2015 4:59:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh man, that sucks
[5/26/2015 4:59:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the things that catch the little peice that come out of the door knob
[5/26/2015 4:59:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk what they are called
[5/26/2015 5:00:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but it should stay closed now
[5/26/2015 5:00:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: k
[5/26/2015 5:00:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Id fix them myself but
[5/26/2015 5:00:29 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: my living room door does that if we slam it close too hard
[5/26/2015 5:00:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: WHOLLY MOLLY IS IT LATE INTO NIGHTTIME
[5/26/2015 5:00:46 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: YES
[5/26/2015 5:00:52 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: GET SOME SLEEP NOW YOUNG… OLD… MAN?
[5/26/2015 5:00:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I should probs sleep XD
[5/26/2015 5:01:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel old XD
[5/26/2015 5:01:08 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: wait yeah how old even are you
[5/26/2015 5:01:20 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: 60
[5/26/2015 5:01:33 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i thought you were like 20 but your skype says 30
[5/26/2015 5:01:49 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: WOW CIRCLE. you cant just ASK someone how old they are
[5/26/2015 5:01:55 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: r000d with a capital R
[5/26/2015 5:01:59 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 5:02:01 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: even though mine doesnt have a capital R
[5/26/2015 5:02:02 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: … fuck you
[5/26/2015 5:02:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol my skype age is fake XD
[5/26/2015 5:02:21 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: pff
[5/26/2015 5:02:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am actually 25 though
[5/26/2015 5:02:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: bout to be 26
[5/26/2015 5:03:00 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: circle, did you get “pff” from ocean? I know she uses it alot and havent seen you use that untill lately
[5/26/2015 5:03:11 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Ooooh, come celebrate your birthday with us!
[5/26/2015 5:03:14 AM] Eve: and I should probs sleep XDHave a great night
[5/26/2015 5:03:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: nah man i’ve been using that for a long time
[5/26/2015 5:03:23 AM] Eve: or morning
[5/26/2015 5:03:25 AM] Eve: lol
[5/26/2015 5:03:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: its like 5 am right now DX
[5/26/2015 5:03:39 AM] Eve: make sure those doors are cloosed as best you can, don’t want teh spooks
[5/26/2015 5:03:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so yeah actually mornin
[5/26/2015 5:03:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: fuk spooks
[5/26/2015 5:03:53 AM] Eve: yeah I’m eastcoast too :P
[5/26/2015 5:03:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Im too tired for dat shit
[5/26/2015 5:03:57 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: then that is what is called “morning” not “night” #problemsofanightowl
[5/26/2015 5:04:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: set up cameras at night
[5/26/2015 5:04:30 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: record spook
[5/26/2015 5:04:37 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: catch slender man on video
[5/26/2015 5:04:59 AM | Edited 5:05:03 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: catch freddy spookbear on cam15
[5/26/2015 5:05:21 AM] Eve: lol, guys, don’t spook him anymore than he already is :P
[5/26/2015 5:05:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: #spookedtillheischook
[5/26/2015 5:05:53 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol sorry
[5/26/2015 5:05:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: just fuckin around for a bit
[5/26/2015 5:06:45 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: anyway
[5/26/2015 5:06:50 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: you probably should get some sleep, young man
[5/26/2015 5:06:51 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: so sleep
[5/26/2015 5:06:59 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: GOODNIGHT TYLER. NO DISAGREEMENTS YOUNG MAN
[5/26/2015 5:07:05 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Or no supper tomorrow
[5/26/2015 5:07:16 AM | Removed 5:07:19 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: This message has been removed.
[5/26/2015 5:08:39 AM] Eve: Pray to Patrem, he’ll keep you safe
[5/26/2015 5:08:43 AM] Eve: :P
[5/26/2015 5:09:46 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: or give you a spookjob
[5/26/2015 5:11:49 AM] Eve: Guess he’s gone :(
[5/26/2015 5:12:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: lol sorry started falling asleep again XD
[5/26/2015 5:12:12 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: or not
[5/26/2015 5:12:13 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[5/26/2015 5:12:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Ok Im heading off to bed now ^^;
[5/26/2015 5:12:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: nighty nacht broskinos







Kevin’s House

Posted by Tyler in the Main ID Skype Chat on 5/26/15





Posted by Tyler in the ID Main Chat Group on 5/26/15



Chat with Tyler 5/27/15
Read chat below:

[5/26/2015 11:59:10 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey broskinos
[5/26/2015 11:59:13 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Hi tylep
[5/26/2015 11:59:17 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: is all well?
[5/26/2015 11:59:23 PM] Eve: Meh
[5/26/2015 11:59:24 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Is aight
[5/26/2015 11:59:24 PM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: Heya tylep
[5/26/2015 11:59:31 PM] Oceanstuck: its…ok i guess?
[5/26/2015 11:59:37 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: hello friend ^^
[5/26/2015 11:59:49 PM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Ocean, I’m just going to answer my own question since you can’t apparently
[5/26/2015 11:59:58 PM] Oceanstuck: i was about to answer
[12:00:07 AM] Oceanstuck: but then tylep showed up and i lost it
[12:00:17 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: It’s been lik 15 minutes
[12:00:49 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: So what’s up tyler?
[12:01:14 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ohai Tyler
[12:01:15 AM] Oceanstuck: i take a really long time to find a decent-quality answer
[12:01:54 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: I’m sorry to say this, I really am, but I know you can’t think of any way to dispute my point
[12:01:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I had a really uncomfortable day today ^^;
[12:02:06 AM] Oceanstuck: circle im not done
[12:02:13 AM | Edited 12:02:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @Tyler
[12:02:15 AM] Oceanstuck: ffffuck
[12:02:20 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: You can’t
[12:02:21 AM] Oceanstuck: im taking it to drama room
[12:02:27 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: aight go ahead
[12:03:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What happened Tyler?
[12:03:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Well I woke up really late for some reason
[12:03:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: like around 6pm
[12:04:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the power was out and the house was REALLY hot
[12:04:08 AM] Eve: You were up late with us, sorry
[12:04:30 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why was your house hot?
[12:04:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: no ac cause no powah ^^;
[12:04:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and Im in florida
[12:04:49 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but damn
[12:04:57 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ah.
[12:05:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the temp difference between inside and outside my house was crazy
[12:05:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: a bit cool when I stepped outside
[12:05:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: a bit rainy too
[12:05:22 AM] Eve: Hotter inside?
[12:05:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but DAMN was it burning inside ^^;
[12:05:37 AM] kidpichu: like ocean I like you X3
[12:05:45 AM] Eve: Tyler, were your bedroom doors open?
[12:05:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: actually nope
[12:06:02 AM] Eve: Good
[12:06:17 AM] Eve: That spooked me last night
[12:06:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: strangely enough though I had a hard time getting them open at first when I awoke
[12:06:28 AM] kidpichu: e-e but I dunno it feels so weird when you say that
[12:06:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Weird
[12:06:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: which was weird cause last night they seemed broke in a way that would imply they were just gonna be swinging open easily for a while
[12:06:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: spoopy ^^;
[12:07:00 AM] Oceanstuck: very spoopy
[12:07:06 AM | Edited 12:07:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No comment
[12:08:08 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I decided since the power was out I would use the phone battery I had to go try and take pictures of kevins house like I said I would do yesterday
[12:08:52 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It started getting dark pretty quickly
[12:09:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the town was pretty empty around like 9 when I started my trek
[12:09:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I only made it about half way there before turning back
[12:10:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Uh, OK? (:| :| :^)
[12:11:04 AM] *** kidpichu added Gabriel Leonardo ***
[12:11:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: what does that have to do with anything, mugen?
[12:11:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I saw a really really weird man
[12:11:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You expect me to know?
[12:11:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Oh hey
[12:12:02 AM] Oceanstuck: [12:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦):

<<< Uh, OK? (:| :| :^)[12:11 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman:

<<< what does that have to do with anything, mugen?im not seeing how the latter follows from the former
[12:12:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What do you remember about the Weird Man?
[12:12:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I saw him in the distance at first while I was coming up to the town library
[12:12:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Curly hair? Accordion? (smirk)
[12:12:46 AM] *** Oceanstuck misses the reference ***
[12:12:51 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: the fuck are you talking about ocean?
[12:12:53 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: it’s a question
[12:12:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Later, Ocean.
[12:13:02 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: of course it follows, cause I’m asking how it relates..
[12:13:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Later, Steve
[12:13:36 AM] kidpichu: by mugi
[12:13:44 AM] kidpichu: smell ya later bro
[12:13:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not what I mean, Pichu
[12:13:51 AM] kidpichu: ooohhh
[12:13:53 AM] kidpichu: XD
[12:14:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Anyway Tyler what did the guy look like?
[12:14:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He was just kind of moving left and right far off in the distance
[12:14:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I couldn’t really make him out
[12:14:35 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Didn’t get close enough?
[12:14:42 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Moogs
[12:14:46 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i wouldn’t even want to
[12:14:52 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: why would he go up to the creepy guy moving left and right
[12:14:56 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: like
[12:14:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: seriously
[12:14:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hey you never know
[12:15:04 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Might be worth it
[12:15:10 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: (facepalm)
[12:15:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Kickstarted my career
[12:15:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: he seemed pretty tall and I guess he was in all black because I could barely make him out in the dim bit of nighttime light
[12:15:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Uh oh
[12:16:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Suddenly sounding like keeping distance was a good call
[12:16:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I really had no choice but to go closer seeing as he was on the path I was on
[12:17:11 AM] Grey: ey wat up
[12:17:14 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: hey grey
[12:17:17 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Met tyler yet?
[12:17:19 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): … Thought you said you didn’t do that
[12:17:33 AM] Grey: huh?
[12:17:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: He seemed kind of weird just leaning around and going left and right but I figured, fuck it probs just one of the drugged up people in my not so good hood.
[12:17:40 AM] Grey: oh hello
[12:17:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): We got a newcomer, Grey
[12:17:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hai broskino
[12:18:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Seems he was friends with John
[12:18:44 AM] kidpichu: tylep was it the good kind?
[12:18:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): So anyway Tyler you say you didn’t get a good look at him?
[12:18:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Gah
[12:18:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pichu
[12:18:55 AM] kidpichu: I know the difference
[12:19:08 AM] kidpichu: i’m not sorry
[12:19:12 AM] *** kidpichu aways ***
[12:19:30 AM] Eve: What happened next Tyler?
[12:19:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t want to upset the guy by making him think I was staring (cause I was a lot)
[12:19:51 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So I just looked down at my phone and pretended I didn’t notice him
[12:20:16 AM] Eve: Hmm
[12:20:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and kept walking
[12:20:30 AM] Eve: Did you walk past him?
[12:20:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: hoping I could just pass by him
[12:20:46 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I looked up for a moment as I got next to the library
[12:21:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: where he was moving around at
[12:21:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and realized he had disapeared
[12:21:23 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And as a result you didn’t get a good look at him, meaning he might still not be who he could have been
[12:21:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I got some pictures and a short video of him
[12:22:00 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh cool
[12:22:06 AM] Eve: Perfect.
[12:22:08 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Mind if we see em?
[12:22:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am putting it together right now
[12:22:20 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Cool
[12:22:21 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: :D
[12:22:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I began filming and taking pics as fast as I could
[12:22:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: because I realized something as I looked up
[12:22:46 AM] Eve: In case he does something weird, you can show it to authority.
[12:22:59 AM] Eve: Some ppl, ya know
[12:23:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I looked at the library
[12:23:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and the lights were now on
[12:23:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: at around 9:30 at night
[12:23:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and he was standing inside the library
[12:24:27 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Was he doing anything else?
[12:24:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: he was just standing there
[12:24:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: perfectly still
[12:24:58 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Did his head tilt any?
[12:25:04 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: it felt unnatural how unmoving he was in that moment
[12:25:19 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I felt a bit unerved
[12:25:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so I decided to sprint back home
[12:25:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: as I was attempting to take the pictures and video
[12:25:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the lights in the library shut back off
[12:26:25 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Damn, could it really be him? What’s he even doing here?
[12:26:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: uhhh who?
[12:27:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Moogs
[12:27:13 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: don’t scare the new guy with random stuff m8
[12:28:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: him implying you know who this guy is
[12:28:07 AM] Eve: Lol, no
[12:28:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Tbh I am kind of angry now
[12:28:19 AM] kidpichu: mugi thinks he knows everyone like at the club
[12:28:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Guy I ran into a while back. I do know he was doing something in FL, but I doubt it’s relevant.
[12:28:25 AM] Eve: Moogen has a dumb sense of humor
[12:28:28 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because I feel like this guy knows where I live now or something
[12:28:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because I found this paper when I came home
[12:28:47 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What was on it?
[12:29:04 AM] kidpichu: tylep peper spray is you’re friend
[12:29:16 AM] Wolfcat: holy pepper spray
[12:29:28 AM] kidpichu: my dad said to get some i’ll give you some
[12:29:46 AM] kidpichu: but my dad has a tazer too so you’d think he’d give me that
[12:29:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I don’t like this shit
[12:30:11 AM | Edited 12:30:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’d be worried if you did
[12:30:23 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait what was on the paper?
[12:30:28 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): ^
[12:30:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: It was just this crumpled up peice of parchment paper under a rock on my door step
[12:30:35 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: it had all this moon shit on it
[12:30:38 AM] kidpichu: he’s a security guard last I checked
[12:30:40 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: also moogs stahp creepin tyler, you don’t know the guy
[12:30:50 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it was probably just some crazy homeless guy
[12:30:50 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Can we get a picture of the paper?
[12:30:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: my dad used to be one of them
[12:31:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Thorin I wanna believe that.
[12:31:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and a weird symbol on the back with the word “WATCHING” on it
[12:31:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: woah
[12:31:25 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: that’s sp00ky
[12:31:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): welp
[12:31:47 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: moogs why did you change your name
[12:31:53 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i keep thinkin you’re seeker
[12:31:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am on the ropes about the police at the moment because they have such a fucking shitty track record
[12:32:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I have no one else to turn to
[12:32:11 AM] kidpichu: i had a mental dude on my street who would take empty bottles and leave full bottles of windex
[12:32:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hey Tyler? Can we get a picture of this paper?
[12:32:38 AM] Wolfcat: Maybe get one of those security lights that flicks on when it detects motion? Or set up a camera at night?
[12:32:41 AM] kidpichu: e-e" in my yard
[12:32:43 AM] Wolfcat: Just in case
[12:33:00 AM] kidpichu: oh camera lights are good we have those here
[12:33:11 AM] kidpichu: lights not the camera
[12:33:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What about the action?
[12:33:29 AM] Wolfcat: boo
[12:33:36 AM] kidpichu: boo
[12:33:55 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But no seriously, picture of the paper?
[12:34:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Might have clues on it
[12:34:20 AM | Removed 12:34:22 AM] Wolfcat: This message has been removed.
[12:34:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[12:34:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes, Erik
[12:34:34 AM] kidpichu: e-e" moon shit ? clues to the spooky bunny in the moon
[12:34:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Just like Blue’s Clues
[12:34:51 AM] The Sun: I heard there were shitstorms.
[12:34:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Or maybe a super advanced civilization?
[12:34:59 AM] The Sun: Do I need to smack someone?
[12:35:05 AM] Wolfcat: yeah smack mugen
[12:35:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Oh hey it’s THE MAN
[12:35:09 AM] The Sun: Because I’m too lazy to.
[12:35:11 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): (y) (y) (y)
[12:35:25 AM] The Sun: Mugen has three arms?
[12:35:29 AM] The Sun: I thought he only had one.
[12:35:30 AM] Wolfcat: well
[12:35:34 AM] Wolfcat: jfc
[12:35:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): (facepalm)
[12:35:42 AM] kidpichu: dearest mugi of valiant nature refrain from using personal names for it is creepy
[12:35:45 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Dude
[12:35:51 AM] kidpichu: dude seriously
[12:35:56 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Was ages ago
[12:36:02 AM] Wolfcat: he got better
[12:36:04 AM] The Sun: That’s literally the last time I was here.
[12:36:11 AM] The Sun: Oh, that explains it.
[12:36:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Norma plz don’t start in front of the new guy
[12:36:17 AM] kidpichu: it’s creepy and i kinda want you 10 feet from this conversation
[12:36:31 AM] Wolfcat: collin fuckboy m gonna slap ur shit
[12:36:38 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Bring it
[12:36:42 AM] *** Wolfcat slaps ur shit ***
[12:36:47 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i’ll punch yer gobs
[12:36:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pfft
[12:36:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): All you got?
[12:36:59 AM | Edited 12:37:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Also ew
[12:37:03 AM] Wolfcat: I did what I stated out to do
[12:37:29 AM] Wolfcat: sorry tyler
[12:37:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: …
[12:37:51 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lel we r dum
[12:37:51 AM] kidpichu: i punch where dawn don’t shine
[12:38:07 AM] kidpichu: or not
[12:38:12 AM] kidpichu: :P
[12:38:13 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): So anyway Tyler found an interesting paper that may have some vital info on it
[12:38:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Can we have a photo plz?
[12:38:26 AM | Edited 12:38:35 AM] kidpichu: it has a map to the rabbit in the moon
[12:38:39 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Had other shit too he said
[12:39:12 AM] Eve: Tyler you still here man?
[12:39:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah sorry
[12:39:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Trying to take the picture but ever since I got back
[12:39:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: my phone has been acting really weird too
[12:40:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Weird how?
[12:40:07 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh that sucks
[12:40:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: the screen keeps fucking up while I am doing things and then it shuts itself off
[12:40:36 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but hold on a sec
[12:40:48 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh man that sucks
[12:41:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Flat much, Thorin?
[12:42:14 AM] kidpichu: secretly he’s double D’s
[12:42:27 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: whaddya mean flat
[12:42:27 AM] *** kidpichu shot ***
[12:42:29 AM] Wolfcat: nice
[12:42:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Would explain his behavior Pichu
[12:42:40 AM] kidpichu: D:
[12:42:46 AM] Wolfcat: pics plz
[12:42:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): If he was Edd
[12:42:50 AM | Removed 12:43:11 AM] kidpichu: This message has been removed.
[12:42:56 AM] Eve: Tyler was telling us last night, that his phone service was screwing around too
[12:43:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Pichu TMI
[12:43:12 AM] Eve: I hope he gets that sorted
[12:43:14 AM] kidpichu: k XD
[12:43:15 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: i finally have context for the image
[12:43:19 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[12:43:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: not your place to decide that, mugen
[12:43:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yeah moogs
[12:43:31 AM] Wolfcat: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova
[12:43:34 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: she can say whatever the fuck she wants
[12:43:38 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: 4 u moog
[12:43:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not yours either Steve
[12:43:49 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: it can be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or non ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[12:43:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Alright FINALLY got my phone to work
[12:44:03 AM] kidpichu: i would care if stevey said tmi tho
[12:44:05 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Lol circ
[12:44:10 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Yes it is, cause you’re trying to tell people what to do. I’m telling you to stop telling people what to do.
[12:44:12 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Stop trying to start fights in front of the new giy
[12:44:16 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Oh sweet tyler
[12:44:22 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oi
[12:44:25 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: stevey and moogs
[12:44:28 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: stahp pls
[12:44:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): If he absconds it’s on you
Tylep the rotaerc
[12:44:41 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: mostly moogs tbh you need to just stop talking
[12:45:09 AM] kidpichu: but mugi you’re making this a soap opera just a lil
[12:45:13 AM] Wolfcat: whoa
[12:45:14 AM] kidpichu: ok no a lot
[12:45:21 AM] kidpichu: o__O
[12:45:24 AM] kidpichu: oh
[12:45:29 AM] Wolfcat: maybe it’s just some crazy flyer?
[12:46:14 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wow so much for subtlety
[12:46:16 AM] kidpichu: woah which one is she?
[12:46:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Could be all of them
[12:46:31 AM] kidpichu: or is it bunch of moon goodeses
[12:46:41 AM] Eve: It won’t load for me ;(
[12:46:47 AM] kidpichu: she doesn’t look like any of my tribes soo
[12:47:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’m hazarding a guess that they think she’s all of them
[12:47:15 AM] kidpichu: i mean not that i’m an indian XD that’s my ancestors
[12:47:38 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Already gotten
[12:47:43 AM] kidpichu: not cause its a she
[12:47:49 AM] kidpichu: the moon god i know is a he
[12:48:03 AM] kidpichu: or heard about
[12:48:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wouldn’t surprise me
Tylep the rotaerc
[12:48:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: “ALL ARE HER” “WATCHING”
[12:48:32 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[12:48:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wow
[12:48:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Called it
[12:48:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I fucking swear
[12:48:49 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: If the police don’t do something about this
[12:48:55 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: Mugen what the fuck are you even talking about?
[12:48:56 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I NEED to find a way to move
[12:49:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): @Circle
[12:47 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦️): I’m hazarding a guess that they think she’s all of them
[12:50:09 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: mugen
[12:50:15 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: how much crack have you been smokin
[12:50:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not enough seeing as you think I am.
[12:50:39 AM] kidpichu: pffp
[12:50:41 AM] kidpichu: mugi
[12:50:47 AM] kidpichu: the paper says goddesses
[12:51:00 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And on the back says “ALL ARE HER”
[12:51:13 AM | Edited 12:51:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I did not expect to be right about that
[12:51:19 AM] kidpichu: ?
[12:51:22 AM] kidpichu: oki
[12:51:27 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: oh yeah i saved the images i’d put them in the Dropbox but my Dropbox is full
[12:51:43 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: moogs srsly what the fuck are you on about
[12:51:45 AM] kidpichu: dropbox y u nu eat it
[12:51:54 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): FFS Thorin read up
[12:51:56 AM] kidpichu: i want what mugi is havening
[12:51:58 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: yer creepin me out a bit, and i bet tyler is creeped out too
[12:52:18 AM] kidpichu: unless it really bad then no
[12:52:20 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just want to know what the fuck is going on
[12:52:23 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: like seriously
[12:52:25 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: tbh so do i
[12:52:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No clue
[12:52:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I’m just shooting off theories on the folks that sent it
[12:52:47 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i doubt any of us know.
[12:52:55 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: we can probably try to help find out
[12:53:37 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: crap
[12:53:38 AM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: i g2g
[12:53:43 AM] kidpichu: i don’t think it’s werewolves or vampires if that’s help ^-^“
[12:56:32 AM] kidpichu: it doesn’t….does it? i’m sorry Q^Q
[12:56:58 AM] Eve: Tyler, tbh, lock all your doors, shut all your blinds.
[12:57:00 AM] Wolfcat: git yerself a gun
[12:57:14 AM] Oceanstuck: whatd i miss
[12:57:16 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Lycans would be interesting but I doubt it
[12:57:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ohai Ocean
[12:57:28 AM] Eve: And don’t answer the door to anyone
[12:57:42 AM] kidpichu: not even the pizza boy
[12:57:48 AM] Oceanstuck: esp not the pizza boy
[12:57:54 AM] Wolfcat: never the pizza boy
[12:57:58 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): He might take your eyes
[12:58:03 AM] Wolfcat: and your money
[12:58:07 AM] Oceanstuck: double esp if hes green and malformed
[12:58:15 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But def your eyes
[12:58:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Have any of you seen these symbols before?
[12:58:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No
[12:58:55 AM] Captain "CircleHunter” Desdinova: nope
[12:59:07 AM] Wolfcat: hm
[12:59:13 AM] Oceanstuck: what symbols were they again
[12:59:36 AM] Oceanstuck: i had to skim the backlog i think i missed them
[1:00:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Ocean
[1:00:24 AM] Oceanstuck: what
[1:00:25 AM] Oceanstuck: just
[1:00:29 AM] Oceanstuck: tell me what they were
[1:00:36 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I was trying to
[1:00:41 AM] Eve: Well, one symbol kinda reminds me of Zelda
[1:00:48 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Skype and phone were being bitches
[1:01:02 AM] kidpichu: yeah it kinda does
[1:01:06 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah the upper one makes me think of the falling moon from MM
[1:01:20 AM] kidpichu: D: that’s horrible
[1:01:24 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: and the bottom one is a TIE bomber
[1:01:27 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Illuminaughty
[1:01:35 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: and the bottom one is a TIE bomberCIRCLE NO
[1:01:38 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: YOU’RE NOT MEANT TO MAKE MEL AUGH
[1:01:40 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: STHAP
[1:01:41 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Immediatly
[1:02:28 AM] kidpichu: XD
[1:02:31 AM] Captain “CircleHunter” Desdinova: nah though it looks like an eye
[1:02:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Makes sense
[1:02:45 AM] Wolfcat: I need to check something
[1:02:56 AM | Edited 1:03:05 AM] kidpichu: oh aren’t their like eye monsters Zelda?
[1:03:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Says “watching” between them
[1:03:23 AM] kidpichu: where you shoot arrows at them like pew pew
[1:03:26 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes but none like that
[1:03:30 AM] Wolfcat: brb
[1:03:36 AM] Eve: I was thinking of the eye of truth
[1:03:50 AM] Eve: But I’m just a Zelda buff
[1:03:59 AM] Eve: Tyler… Srsly.
[1:04:01 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Nope
[1:04:30 AM] Eve: Don’t answer the door. And draw your shades
[1:04:33 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Looks nothing like it not even Agahnim’s version
[1:04:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Eve
[1:04:37 AM] kidpichu: not even vatti?
[1:04:44 AM] Eve: BTW, do you have power yet?
[1:04:44 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Broken record much?
[1:04:51 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No Pichu
[1:05:03 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Methinks it’s original but I could find someone
[1:05:05 AM] kidpichu: you shouldn’t break records bad mugi bad
[1:05:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wasn’t me who broke it
[1:05:20 AM] kidpichu: those are history
[1:05:33 AM] kidpichu: but you smelt it
[1:05:46 AM] kidpichu: so you delt it
[1:05:59 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): T'was Eve who dealt it as I was calling her on it
[1:06:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Seriously people can we knock off the damn hostilities around the new guy?
[1:06:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Fucking hell
[1:06:31 AM] kidpichu: just teasin~
[1:06:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): And look where it got you
[1:06:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [1:04 AM] Eve:

<<< BTW, do you have power yet?
[1:06:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: How else would I be on my computer with the lights on lol
[1:07:05 AM] kidpichu: wizzard
[1:07:21 AM] kidpichu: it got me where i like it~
[1:07:56 AM] kidpichu: xD ok sorry that one was bad
[1:08:09 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yes it was
[1:08:18 AM] kidpichu: chu~
[1:08:36 AM] Eve: On 5/27/2015, at 1:06 AM, Tylep the rotaerc wrote:
> How else would I be on my computer with the lights on lol
Lol, yur right. That was dumb.
[1:08:39 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: Noones even being “mean” to the new guy
[1:08:49 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Semantics
[1:08:56 AM] kidpichu: pfff
[1:08:56 AM] Eve: He he, guys….
[1:09:04 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You’re being mean where he can see it
[1:09:12 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am actually in a skype call with my girlfriend at the moment who I am trying to convince I am ok.
[1:09:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): How’s she doing?
[1:09:48 AM] kidpichu: i-i read that sooo wrooongg
[1:09:55 AM] Eve: Oh, your GF, cooool
[1:09:55 AM] kidpichu: i’m so sorry XD
[1:10:17 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): …
[1:10:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I didn’t want to show her the paper, but I know she has done some relgious studies before so I doodled the symbol on a piece of paper. And showed her.
[1:10:29 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Don’t worry Tyler you’ll get used to it
[1:10:35 AM] kidpichu: seamonkeys
[1:10:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She said she has never seen it before ^^;
[1:10:50 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not surprised
[1:11:24 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: that eye does look familar to be honest
[1:11:31 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: cant seem to place it… its so annoying
[1:11:43 AM] Wolfcat: Yeah, the bottom symbol looks very familiar
[1:11:55 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: I know right?
[1:12:02 AM] Wolfcat: Reminds me of Gohma
[1:12:19 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: seems almost egyptian or somethin. or illoominati
[1:12:34 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Wat
[1:13:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Not seeing the resemblance
[1:13:54 AM] Wolfcat: mostly the hyrule warriors one
[1:14:05 AM] Wolfcat:
[1:14:31 AM] kidpichu: o-o spooky
[1:14:34 AM] kidpichu: that look right
[1:14:35 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): OK that might make some sense
[1:14:40 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But why Gohma?
[1:14:55 AM] kidpichu: cause go big or gohma
[1:15:01 AM] Wolfcat: I don’t think it’s acutlaly meant to be Gohma, it just reminds me of that
[1:15:06 AM] Wolfcat: pichu go home you’re drunk
[1:15:14 AM] kidpichu: 3: k
[1:15:25 AM] kidpichu: can i stay and watch?
[1:15:43 AM] Wolfcat: sure
[1:15:51 AM] kidpichu: yay
[1:16:20 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: [1:14 AM] kidpichu:

<<< cause go big or gohmaXD PICHU NO
[1:16:28 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: stop.jpeg
[1:17:35 AM] Sprikiroid: yo
[1:17:44 AM] Sprikiroid: what have I missed
[1:17:46 AM] Oceanstuck: sup
[1:17:57 AM] Oceanstuck: site shit and drama
[1:18:15 AM] kidpichu: drama lama
[1:19:21 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: does llama have two l’s?
[1:20:08 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yep
[1:20:22 AM] kidpichu: that’s how much drama it brings XD
[1:20:42 AM] kidpichu: i prefer alpacas though
[1:29:56 AM] uoslǝN ʞɔɐZ: Welp, Gotta go guys, see ya later ^^
[1:30:03 AM] Oceanstuck: bye zack
[1:32:29 AM] Wolfcat: I’m gonna head out also. Night guys.
[1:33:27 AM] Dovid Magady: Hello
[1:33:56 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Hai Dov
[1:34:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You meet Tyler yet?
[1:34:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I got a video together of the guy to show the authorities
[1:34:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: also hello ^^
[1:35:39 AM] Dovid Magady: Whats ip?
[1:35:48 AM] Dovid Magady: Yeah, we met lst night
[1:36:39 AM] Dovid Magady: What happnened, Tyler?
[1:37:26 AM] kidpichu: o-o that’s smart
[1:38:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: In the middle of editing I added in text as if I was talking to all of you
[1:39:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel like I kind of did that on accident unconciously since I was technically on skype with you all while editing with the intent to show you all as well.
[1:39:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But if they ask I’ll just say I was gonna show it to random un named friends first.
[1:43:42 AM] Eve: OK, that’s believable
[1:43:50 AM] Eve: :P
[1:43:56 AM] Dovid Magady: Sounds good
[1:44:46 AM | Removed 1:47:30 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[1:45:15 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: [1:43 AM] Eve:

<<< OK, that’s believableIs that sarcasm cause I can’t even tell ^^;
[1:45:16 AM | Removed 1:47:33 AM] Dovid Magady: This message has been removed.
[1:46:18 AM] Dovid Magady: And now I realize that no one knows what the fuck Im talking about
[1:50:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I am locking all my doors and shutting off my lights
[1:51:10 AM] Dovid Magady: All right. be careful.
[1:51:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel very un easy at the moment
[1:51:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You post the vid?
[1:52:21 AM] Tylep the rotaerc:
[1:52:26 AM] Dovid Magady: Thanks
[1:52:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I put it together in a bit of a rush but yeah
[1:52:33 AM] Eve: On 5/27/2015, at 1:45 AM, Tylep the rotaerc wrote:
> [1:43:47 AM] Eve: OK, that’s believable

<<< Is that sarcasm cause I can’t even tell ^^;
It wasn’t, sorry.
[1:52:55 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Awesome
[1:53:01 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: why do you feel unsafe..?
[1:53:04 AM] Stevey “Bastard Of Winterfell” Freeman: is something the matter?
[1:53:07 AM] Dovid Magady: What paper did you find in front of your home?
[1:53:14 AM] Dovid Magady: What’d it say?
[1:53:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I thought I already uploaded it
[1:53:38 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Thinking back I feel I should have put it in the video
[1:53:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): It’s cool
[1:53:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but Ill just show it to the police when I call them tomorrow
[1:53:56 AM] Dovid Magady: I might have missed it
[1:54:19 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Dov the paper has two sides, one was a flyer about Moon patrons, all female
[1:54:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): This is the back
[1:54:40 AM] Dovid Magady: Thank you
[1:54:54 AM] Dovid Magady: you don’t have the front, I take it?
[1:55:41 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I do
[1:55:46 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Just went back and saved it
[1:56:13 AM] Dovid Magady: Thank yo, again. not much help, though
[1:56:18 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah
[1:57:05 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I had a theory that they believed all of these Moon patronesses were the same person, like seconds before he showed us the back
[1:57:10 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Caught me off guard
[1:57:49 AM] Dovid Magady: The words and symbols seem to mixed up… #statingtheobvious
[1:58:46 AM] Dovid Magady: But yeah, I get the idea. you allright, Tyler?
[1:59:01 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Not really
[1:59:14 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Just got out of a call with carla
[1:59:40 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She just thinks I am suddenly obsessively curious about obscure symbols now
[1:59:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So thats good
[1:59:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I hate to worry her
[2:00:26 AM] Dovid Magady: Sorry, whos Carla?
[2:01:11 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: My girlfriend
[2:01:25 AM] Dovid Magady: Ah. I should have figured
[2:01:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I have been with her for the longest time
[2:01:46 AM] Dovid Magady: That’s sweet
[2:01:57 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Hey actually now that I just thought about it
[2:02:03 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Damn
[2:02:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: That necklace
[2:02:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I was wearing it in “Fun night with john and kevin”
[2:02:41 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She gave it to me as a birthday present
[2:02:54 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I lost it a while back
[2:03:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): It’s still missing?
[2:03:42 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yeah
[2:05:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I remember when it went missing me and kevin got in a fight about it
[2:05:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Because he had shown some serious interest in it a few times
[2:05:33 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and then it was just gone one day
[2:05:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and I looked everywhere
[2:05:45 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and could not find it at all
[2:06:03 AM | Edited 2:06:19 AM] Dovid Magady: Wher’d Carla get the necklace?
[2:06:22 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: She told me she bought it online
[2:06:53 AM] Dovid Magady: Oh, ok. Nothing more specific?
[2:07:07 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I think it might have been ebay or amazon
[2:07:09 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk
[2:07:28 AM] Dovid Magady: Allright. sorry to pry
[2:07:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Its fine
[2:07:39 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But I thought he might have taken it
[2:07:48 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: which made me feel like an ass hole to say
[2:08:00 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: but I had searched my entire home
[2:08:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: top to bottom
[2:08:10 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and it was just gone
[2:08:31 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): What about Kevin’s place?
[2:08:59 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: The only time I have thoroughly been through his house
[2:09:06 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: was after he disapeared
[2:09:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): No joy?
[2:09:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: But he was rather upset with me for accusing him
[2:09:55 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: So I just dropped it after a while
[2:10:07 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Maybe it went with him and he didn’t know
[2:10:16 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: idk
[2:10:22 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Although blowing up at the thought that he ran off with it
[2:10:25 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Carla wasn’t upset though that I lost it
[2:10:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: she is a very forgiving person
[2:10:32 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: so it was fine
[2:10:37 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Yeah
[2:11:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): But I find Kevin’s outburst strange
[2:11:20 AM] Dovid Magady: It was definetly odd
[2:11:24 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): I mean yeah, not very friendly but damn
[2:11:50 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Kevin was always a pretty weird guy though
[2:11:58 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Silent and weird one minute
[2:12:02 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Welp, maybe if we find Kevin we’ll get our answer
[2:12:02 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: very loud the next
[2:12:17 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel like he didn’t take it though
[2:12:20 AM] Dovid Magady: But how can we find him?
[2:12:21 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): His name does strike a chord with me
[2:12:26 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Or he would have said something
[2:12:29 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I feel
[2:13:00 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): Maybe he didn’t but better to check for something that isn’t there than to be blindsided by what is.
[2:13:23 AM] Dovid Magady: But there was guy by his house wasn’t there?
[2:16:30 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: huh?
[2:16:45 AM] Dovid Magady: The man in the shadows you passed by
[2:17:13 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I never even made it to kevins house today ^^;
[2:17:27 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: I got too scared when that happened
[2:17:31 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: and ran back home
[2:17:47 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: that was about 3 and a half hours ago
[2:17:56 AM] Dovid Magady: Allright. Im just saying that guy seemed weird.
[2:18:37 AM] Eve: So, you said you’re gonna go to the authorities tomorrow?
[2:18:44 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Yes
[2:18:57 AM] Eve: Let us know what they say
[2:19:30 AM | Edited 2:19:44 AM] Eve: If they can’t help you, we’ll find a way, somehow
[2:21:24 AM] Tylep the rotaerc: Idk what you guys could really do
[2:22:52 AM] Kaizell, Seeker Of Wisdom (K♦): You never know
[2:23:33 AM] Dovid Magady: We could help in someway
[2:23:55 AM] Dovid Magady: Im sure we can
[2:24:04 AM] Eve: At the very least, we’re here to be some bro’s for you.
[2:24:35 AM] Eve: In honor of John ;)
[2:25:06 AM] Eve: His bro’s are our bro’s
[2:32:43 AM] Eve: You OK, Tyler?
[2:33:38 AM] Eve: :( maybe he fell asleep.



A video of the encounter Tyler had with the spooky guy, on the way home from Kevin’s house.

EDIT: The police made Tyler delete this video from Youtube! (5/29/15)






The note Tyler found at his house.

#gotta love that Skype call!
















