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Anyways, this threat will be intended towards this new ARG from this point onwards. I'll leave the original post here, spoilered<strike>, to conserve it's historical value</strike>
Anyways, this threat will be intended towards this new ARG from this point onwards. I'll leave the original post here, spoilered<strike>, to conserve it's historical value</strike>

Revision as of 12:51, 2 August 2021

"Must be another one..."

This is the page for the Within Hubris Forums.
You may be looking for the website Withinhubris.com.

Within Hubris forums


An approximation of how the Within Hubris Forums appeared in 2015.

Name Within Hubris Forums
URL https://s13.zetaboards.com/WithinHubris/
Type Forums
Affiliation Players
Status Online (Defunct)

The Within Hubris Forums are messages boards that have had several incarnations over the years. Throughout Johnisdead, the "Newbris" incarnation of the forums were used by players to archive information, theorize, and interact with characters.


The Within Hubris forums have had several different incarnations over the years. The original Within Hubris forums, dubbed "Oldbris" by the players, was created by Jadusable and hosted in Invisionfree. These forums were to be used in Arc 3 of his ARG. On Oldbris, players discovered various accounts belonging to canon characters and a locked board named Wayward Horizon, where souls of various ascended Moon Children were being guarded by Kelbris. Unfortunately, "Oldbris" was short lived, as the forums were shut down on August 8th, 2012 by the police.

Later that same day, players created a reconstructed version of the Within Hubris forums that was dubbed "Newbris". Now being hosted on Zetaboards, these forums contained a variety of new, customizable features that the original did not, including badges, customized emojis, a built-in chatroom, and more. Johnisdead itself began with a post on "Newbris" from TheLaw, asking players if they were aware of the newly created YSHDT.com. Players created an individual topic to investigate YSHDT.com titled "yshdt.com - Side-Story thread". It was in this thread where players first spoke to various characters such as Helper, Patrem, and SKM. Once the YSHDT Arc of Johnisdead ended, the thread was eventually renamed to simply "johnisdead.com". Canon activity continued to take place in this thread well into the Our Horizon Arc.

In 2018, Zetaboards was bought out by a company named Tapatalk. Taking priority in minimalistic, mobile-centric designs, many of the customized aspects of "Newbris" were removed. In response to this, players created another incarnation of Within Hubris forums dubbed "Tribris". These forums were hosted independently from sites like Zetaboards of Invisionfree, as they were established on the newly created Withinhubris.net. These forums aren't to be confused with Withinhubris.com, which is a general player-owned website that hosts several wikis. Despite this, canon activity continues on "Newbris" as opposed to "Tribris".


Below is an archive of threads from "Newbris" that are relevant to Johnisdead.


Jan 23, 2015 1:44 AM Post #1

Updated 15/5/2015: Old game (yshdt.com) has ended (sort of). There's a new ARG coming up apparently. and Dawn/Eve told me to rename this topic... I'm down with that, but i'd like to conserve everything as is for Legacy reasons. Anyways, this threat will be intended towards this new ARG from this point onwards. I'll leave the original post here, spoilered, to conserve it's historical value


Jan 23, 2015 1:44 AM Post #1

Updated 15/5/2015: Old game (yshdt.com) has ended (sort of). There's a new ARG coming up apparently. and Dawn/Eve told me to rename this topic... I'm down with that, but i'd like to conserve everything as is for Legacy reasons. Anyways, this threat will be intended towards this new ARG from this point onwards. I'll leave the original post here, spoilered, to conserve it's historical value