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IIIII's current profile picture.

Alias ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ
The Five Eyes
Affiliation Unknown
Gender Unknown
Status Unknown
Relations Unknown

IIIII is seemingly a seldom mentioned entity, as well as the name of a Discord account utilized by many other characters throughout JohnisDead. Little is known about the entity itself, though they may represent either the Out of Character Tyler or simply an iteration of Tyler with great power.[1] The account itself is often utilized by other characters, and appears to be located on a computer within a building in the Parallelos.[2] IIIII is also a general name used to refer to the collective group of characters represented by Is, including I, II, III, IIII, and IIIII. The former four appear to be slightly less enigmatic than IIIII, having clearer identities and purposes in the story. Of those four, only the identities of three are known: I is likely the "Mask Entity" or Tenebris, II is likely the Tyler who made the Silentdork videos, and IIII is likely the "Rune Entity" or "Synchron".


Very little is known about IIIII itself. Whether it's an individual entity, a collective of some sort, or simply an account by which the lesser Is can contact us is not clear. It's possible that IIIII represents an Out of Character Tyler, or is a powerful version of Tyler that's part of BUP's Game-Master-esque group.[1] Fortunately, much more can be said about the various other Is that have used the account.

The IIIII Discord account was created out of Tyler's OOC account in the August of 2019. It appeared to be used by two entities in the Parallelos simultaneously - a kind figure, reminiscent of Tyler, who spoke in runes and was friendly with the players, and a maliciously playful entity who fought against and toyed with the rune user. Through various context clues given over a long period of time, it's been revealed that the former entity is a wizard-like figure (who may be, in some way, a version of Tyler) named "Synchron" or "IIII", and the latter seems to be Tenebris, or "I".

IIII often had to find ways to communicate with the players that wouldn't "alert" Tenebris. One method was by messaging inactive players, who weren't currently on Tenebris' radar. The runes were used as a way to contact the active players, as, despite being overt, it was a method of communication that Tenebris was unable to decipher. However, this was temporarily thwarted later in August, when Tenebris tricked the players into giving him a rune translation guide.

After accidentally giving up the runes, the players aided IIII when they were in a battle with Tenebris by playing the "Song of Soaring", teleporting Tenebris out of whatever room they were in. This allowed IIII to make direct contact with the players, where they revealed things would get a lot more complicated, and that they would be attending a ceremony of sorts. This ceremony entailed "sleep fasting" as a part of purging inner darkness, which would allow IIII to gain power.

IIII would continue to give the players vague hints, now using a different runic alphabet. As well, they began going by "ᛇᛇᛇᛇ" - changing their name from four "Isa" runes, which represent stagnation, to four "Eihwaz" runes, which represent new developments or transformation. Their gambit for power was paying off, with ᛇᛇᛇᛇ now having access to the Silentdork channel, where they seem to have had a hand in uploading the videos depicting Tyler in the Parallelos.

Near undecim nocte 2019, an entity, likely Tenebris, began pretending to be an Out of Character Tyler on the IIIII account. This was part of Pumpkinhead's attempt to divert suspicion away from themselves. This entity acted with great hostility towards Erika, and claimed that JohnisDead would be ending. However, after the video "The end" continued into "Start Life" unexpectedly, the malicious entity grew distraught that the game was continuing, and disappeared. After this ordeal, Is would once again be used in place of ᛇs.

At the beginning of 2020, SKM was able to contact the players through the IIIII account. He revealed that he was in the Parallelos, and that the account was located in a building with wifi. He was otherwise unfamiliar with IIIII, and disappeared from the account after the players accidentally submitted the "Elegy of Emptiness". Over the next months, often incredibly cryptic messages and images would be sent by the account, likely by both Tenebris and IIII. An image accidentally posted by BUP revealed that he was in contact with one of the entities using the account, and was planning seemingly out of character occurrences. The account would also frequently become active when Erika spoke, possibly implying that she was under the watch of Tenebris.

Gaining yet more power and control, IIII began more clearly communicating with the players over Discord. They would occasionally speak to them, obscurely referencing various events such as the fight between them and Tenebris over the IIIII account. They also, at one point, spoke through a subservient Patrem, revealing their true name to be Synchron.

  1. 1.0 1.1 The IIIII account was originally an Out of Character account used by Tyler which abruptly became a part of the game on 8/9/2019. As well, The Producer referred to IIIII as his boss in a conversation held with the players on 11/22/2019.
  2. This was revealed by SKM during a conversation with the players held on 1/3/2020.