The YSHDT Arc is the first arc of Johnisdead. This arc began on January 22nd and ended on May 14th, 2015. It is highly recommended that one is knowledgeable on both the Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge story written by Alex Hall and the video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask before reading through the timelines. This arc introduced pivotal characters such as Vincent and Patrem and required players to explore the cryptic pages of YSHDT.com.
- 1 January 22nd, 2015
- 2 January 24th, 2015
- 3 February 13th, 2015
- 4 February 15th, 2015
- 5 February 16th, 2015
- 6 February 17th, 2015
- 7 February 18th, 2015
- 8 February 19th, 2015
- 9 February 20th, 2015
- 10 February 21st, 2015
- 11 February 22nd, 2015
- 12 February 23rd, 2015
- 13 February 24th, 2015
- 14 March 3rd, 2015
- 15 March 4th, 2015
- 16 March 5th, 2015
- 17 March 6th, 2015
- 18 March 7th, 2015
- 19 March 8th, 2015
- 20 March 11th, 2015
- 21 March 12th, 2015
- 22 March 13th, 2015
- 23 March 14th, 2015
- 24 March 15th, 2015
- 25 March 16th, 2015
- 26 March 17th, 2015
- 27 March 18th, 2015
- 28 March 19th, 2015
- 29 March 20th, 2015
- 30 March 21st, 2015
- 31 March 23rd, 2015
- 32 March 24th, 2015
- 33 March 25th, 2015
- 34 March 29th, 2015
- 35 March 30th, 2015
- 36 March 31st, 2015
- 37 April 4th, 2015
- 38 April 5th, 2015
- 39 April 7th, 2015
- 40 April 8th, 2015
- 41 April 10th, 2015
- 42 April 11th, 2015
- 43 April 22nd, 2015
- 44 April 23rd, 2015
- 45 April 30th, 2015
- 46 May 3rd, 2015
- 47 May 4th, 2015
- 48 May 6th, 2015
- 49 May 14th, 2015
January 22nd, 2015
At 7:12 PM, a user named thelaw joined the Within Hubris forums and created a thread titled "Arg".
1/22/15 - Chat with thelaw - Within Hubris (Arg Thread)
thelaw 7:12 PM: "I just read the arg a few days ago and decided to look up some things in case i could find something. I looked at all the sites"
thelaw 7:12 PM: "http://jadusable.wikia.com/wiki/Jadusable_Wiki"
thelaw 7:12 PM: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/207 ... T/main.htm"
thelaw 7:12 PM: "http://yshdt.com/"
thelaw 7:12 PM: "When is the arg coming back?"
Sengi 7:41 PM: "It'll resume when Half Life 2 Episode 3 releases... AKA THE FUCKING RAPTURE!!!!"
Mugen Kagemaru 7:42 PM: "As soon as Mr. Hall finishes and releases his movie, Methods Of Revolution, he has promised that he will immediately resume working on the ARG."
thelaw 7:55 PM: "oh ok"
thelaw 7:55 PM: "The site said soon so i thought he had a date"
Sengi 8:03 PM: ((Mugen Kagemaru's post is quoted))
Sengi 8:03 PM: "You're really naive, arent ya?"
Sengi 8:03 PM: "EDIT: HO, SHIT!! yshdt works!? Wonder if it's true then..."
GreyouTT 10:08 PM: "Whoa what the fuck? When the hell did that happen?"
Sengi 10:10 PM: "The 15th, apparently. I made a thread to discuss it kinda maybe sorta"
thelaw 1:03 AM: "You did not know?"
Thelaw asks if Jadusable's ARG is returning, claiming to have just read over it a few days ago.
Thelaw posts links to two websites associated with Jadusable's ARG followed by a never before seen website - "http://yshdt.com".
At 8:03 PM, players began investigating YSHDT.com. The front page was titled "It's been too long." and contained the image "site1.png", which featured the text "I survived.".
The page's source code also hid the text "The sky is falling, the people are crying. Where is your link now?"
- At 8:44 PM, the player Sengi created a thread for investigating YSHDT.com. (Link)
- At 8:48 PM, thelaw posted the following in the YSHDT.com thread: "yes hello I am that new guy. So the ARG is coming back soon?"
At an unknown time, the front page of YSHDT.com updated. The page now contained the image "site2.png" - an edited version of "site1.png" with text that read "I'm still waiting. Let's play again soon.". This image also contained an image of an eyeless Link from the game "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" faintly in the background.
This page also contained an audio file titled "Game over.wav" which was a music box version of the game over theme from the original "The Legend of Zelda" game playing in reverse.
- At 10:10 PM, the player Sengi discovered that YSHDT.com had only been registered on January 15th.
January 24th, 2015
At 8:59 PM, the player GreyouTT submitted the "Oath to Order" hoping to summon a new "Link".
- At an unknown time, the players formed a group called the "Internet Detectives". The Internet Detectives began utilizing a Skype group that was previously used to investigate a Ben Drowned-related videogame titled "Remember.exe".
At an unknown time, two new players, Tyler and Jacob, created a theme song for the Internet Detectives.
February 13th, 2015
At an unknown time, YSHDT.com underwent several changes. The front page now contained the video "dontstickaround.swf".
2/13/15 - "dontstickaround.swf" - YSHDT.com
This video begins completely black. The ocarina prompt from Majora's Mask appears with the accompanying sound effect. The "Oath to Order" is played, followed by a laugh from the "Skull Kid".
This video simply featured the "Oath to Order" being played - presumably due to the player GreyouTT's submission. After this, a laugh from the "Skull Kid" can be heard.
- YouTube Details:
- Description: N/A
- Tags: N/A
At an unknown time, players discovered that remaining on the front page of YSHDT.com for too long would redirect them to a new page: "http://yshdt.com/news". This page was titled "0" and contained the image "1s.png" - a newspaper written by an individual named Douglas P.. The contents of this article will be covered below.
This page's source code also hid text that read "What does he know?".
2/13/15 - "1s.png" - YSHDT.com
Cherrington High
New Spiritual Discovery!
Left behind in a small town, one of the few scientifically-minded pastors is left to govern his own local chapter. In this small town, however, a seemingly large discover has been found. Now that I think about it, the father there didn't really want me to Know the specifics, only that it is the next stage ((Redacted)). Eternal happiness is well at hand, he claims, due to his amazing discovery about how ((Redacted)) data! ((Redacted)) of two worlds, ((Redacted)) will lead to the understanding of ((Redacted)) our new scientific world! Do read on, to see the future of ((Redacted)) knowledge as a whole!
Continued on page 8
- This article seems to originate from a high school newspaper. The highschool in question is Cherrington High and its author is Douglas P..
- Doug writes about a local cult in a small town whose leader made some sort of scientific discovery regarding spirituality.
Doug refers to the leader of this cult as "The father".
- Doug implies that this discovery relates to eternal happiness, data, and alternate worlds.
- This article is supposedly continued on "Page 8" of the newspaper.
- This image is entirely black-and-white aside from a small Red Dot that can be found next to the message regarding "Page 8".
At an unknown time, players discovered that the capitalized letters found in "1s.png" spelled the word "LINKED", leading players to discover a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/linked". This page was titled "Linked" and contained the image "blue.jpg" - a photo of the ocean's surface taken from below.
This page also contained the audio "eulb.wav", which contained an SSTV signal.
This SSTV signal contained an image of BEN with text that read "GAME OVER. CONTINUE? >YES. >NO."
- At an unknown time, players discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/warning". This page was titled "Untitled Document" and contained hidden text within its source code that read "Curiosity killed that cat. That's what the mother said to the brat. But the cat didn't listen. And then lost it's vision. Because it couldn't find it's way home. Go home."
At an unknown time, players discovered that the page "http://yshdt.com/warning" was deleted and replaced with a generic 404 error page. However, this 404 page hid a SSTV signal titled "Soon.wav" which revealed the text "Find your way home. He needs you. But you cannot help him If you cannot help yourselves. 4 days."
February 15th, 2015
- At 2:50 AM, the player Kidpichu discovered that the page "http://yshdt.com/warning" had updated. It now contained text that read "For more information, see /home."
At 2:50 AM, players discovered a new page - "http://yshdt.com/home". The title of this page read "Play Ball" and it featured the image "home.bmp".
It also contained the audio "brats.wav" - an altered version of the Internet Detectives' theme song with someone whispering "No..." at the end.
February 16th, 2015
At 3:44 AM, the player Jacob discovered that the image "home.bmp" contained the file "warning.txt" hidden within it via steganography, which read "How can you play a game you haven’t even started?".
- At 3:44 AM, the player Jacob discovered that the image "1s.png contained the file "oh.txt" hidden within it via steganography. This file read as follows:
2/16/15 - "oh.txt" - YSHDT.com
I wish I could go back.
The father is now who he seemed. He is not what he seemed.
He hurt us.
He hurt him.
I just want to go back.
Back in time.
Back before I betrayed my mother.
Before I joined this religion.
I'm scared mommy.
- Doug
- Despite his earlier praise, Doug is now regretting joining the cult he wrote about in his newspaper article.
- Doug warns that "The father" is not who he initially seemed to be and that "He hurt us. He hurt him.".
- Doug wishes he could go back in time to before he joined the cult.
At 11:00 PM, players discovered that the front page of YSHDT.com had changed. The page was now titled "..." and contained the video "Game over.swf".
- This video features gameplay footage of "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".
Deku Link is seen being killed by an "Eeno" enemy on the Night of the First Day.
- When the "Game Over" screen appears, the player is asked if they wish to continue. The cursor then alternates between the "No" and "Yes" options.
The various screens for when the player enters a new day in-game flash on screen.
- The "No" option is selected, resulting in the players being chided for failing to save Doug.
The "Song of Time" plays as both the "Happy Mask Salesman" and "Skull Kid" laugh.
- YouTube Details:
- Description: N/A
- Tags: N/A
At an unknown time, players discovered that remaining on the front page of YSHDT.com for too long would redirect them to a new website - Letschasethemouse. (Link) This was a blog owned by a user named "DandP". The blog's background image was an edited version of the band Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album cover art.
The blog's favicon was an image of a pixelated face.
DandP's posts can be read below:
- DandP has been invited to join a secretive cult by a friend.
- DandP is interested in joining his high school's newspaper team, indicating that he could perhaps be the "Douglas P" who wrote the article about a "religious discovery" seen in "1s.png".
- At an unkonwn time, players began chatting with DandP through the comments of his latest post. Below are the conversations:
- DandP confirms that he is Douglas P - the same person who wrote the newspaper article.
- Doug claims that he has not written any articles and is not on his high school's newspaper team, implying that players were now speaking to a past version of Doug - possibly due to the "Song of Time".
- The player Jacob asks if he can join the cult. Doug says his friend will be contacting Jacob soon to begin the recruitment process.
- Doug claims that Jacob is the only player who lives close enough to be eligible to join the cult. Jacob lives in Florida, implying that this is where the cult is located as well.
Doug says the cult has something to do with the moon, indicating that it has some connection to the "Moon Children".
- At 1:00 AM, Doug made a new post titled "Deja Vu" on Letschasethemouse:
- The cult brought Doug to their headquarters - a familiar-looking building that he believes to be an old fishery.
At 1:01 AM, Doug made a new post titled "Fishery" on Letschasethemouse. This post simply contained photographs of the Fishery that the cult brought Doug to:
Players began chatting with Doug through the comments of his latest post:
- Doug says he had to hide while taking these pictures, implying that the cult is secretive and dangerous.
- Doug says he will attempt to pry for more information.
At 7:07 PM, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" in an attempt to contact someone.
- At 9:29 PM, the player Eve discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/help". The title of this page read "Untitled Document" and simply contained the text "No.".
At 12:10 AM, a user named "/Patrem\" joined Within Hubris. The word "Patrem" is Latin for "Father", and their status read "Vocatique" - a Latin term that means "called" or "summoned". This imples that the "New Wave Bossa Nova" summoned Patrem. Their avatar depicted a strange, distorted, purple entity.
Patrem began speaking with players in the thread they created for YSHDT.com discussion. The covnversation went as follows:
- Patrem hints that three players are not what they seem.
Patrem implies that he is "The Father" - the leader of Doug's cult. He also claims that he was the one who honored Luna first.
- Patrem claims that he was "trapped inside" someone named Vincent at the fishery, implying he is a ghostly spirit of sorts using someone named Vincent as a vessel. He also claims the players already know Vincent.
- Patrem posts the mysterious messge " o n urn d. Now he has ascended."
- Patrem tells the players to try and "wet the ashes", claiming that "Some children have drowned, others will burn."
The player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the "Inverted Song of Time".
- Files:
- At 12:59 AM, Patrem posted "Since I am in the midst of my travels... I must bid you farewell. Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow." in the Within Hubris chatroom. This is a quote from the "Happy Mask Salesman" from Majora's Mask, further connecting Patrem with "The Father".
- At 1:14 AM, Doug made a new post on Letschasethemouse:
- Doug's friend is upset that he told others about the cult and sent the player Jacob to him to be recruited.
- At 2:30 AM, Doug replied to a player's comment asking him why his friend would be upset. Doug replied "I have no idea why. I'll try to figure this out as I go."
At 11:19 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the "Song of Storms" in response to Patrem's "wet the ashes" phrase.
- At 12:33 AM, Doug made a new post on Letschasethemouse:
- The cult has forbidden Doug from visiting the fishery as punishment for him initiating the recruitment of the player Jacob without permission.
- It's suddenly started raining heavily outside Doug's home - likely due to the "Song of Storms".
- At 12:42 AM, Doug replied to a player's comment warning him about the cult's secrecy with "They're only secretive to outsiders, just like any religion. They're my friends and family. I won't turn my backs on them."
- At 12:50 AM, Doug made a new post on Letschasethemouse:
- The heavy rain has begun flooding Doug's house.
- Files:
- At 1:01 AM, Doug replied to a player's comment warning them to leave their room with "Sure, I'll go outside. Where the streets are worse than my house."
At 1:07 AM, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "Song of Storms" to stop the rain.
- At 1:09 AM, Doug made a new post on Letschasethemouse:
- Doug claims that the rain suddenly stopped - likely due to the submission of the "Song of Storms".
- Doug is heading to the fishery to ensure that it's not flooded.
- At 1:17 AM, Doug made a new post Letschasethemouse:
- Doug confirms that he's heading to the fishery and claims he'll post more tomorrow.
At 1:18 AM, a user named "31071157 356670" joined the Internet Detectives Skype group and began chatting with the players. Their username was a cipher that translated to "drown", though some users simply referred to them as "numbers guy".
- Drown seems to be a spirit or entity that's fleeing from Patrem.
- Drown confirms that he's not Vincent.
- Drown claims that the players already know who he is.
Drown plays the "Song of Unhealing" and the sound of someone drowning, leading to some players speculating that he miht be Ben.
At 1:33 AM, the players John and ADULT_LINK discovered the front page of YSHDT.com had updated. The page now featured the video "swf.swf".
The page's source also hid the text"/vincent".
- This video features the "Inverted Song of Time" being played - presumably a response to the player Mugen Kagemaru's submission.
- A distorted shot of the interior of the fishery is shown as somehow can be heard breathing heavily.
- YouTube Details:
- Description: N/A
- Tags: N/A
At 1:33 AM, the player John discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/vincent". This page was titled "1" hid the text "He may be given more time to live yet." in its source code. This page also contained the audio "time.wav" - a continuous drum beat.
This page also featured four images:
- "Doug.jpg" - A photo of Link transforming into "Deku Link" with blood on it. Clicking this would redirect players to Letschasethemouse.
"2.png" - A photo of Link transforming into "Goron Link" with an "X" drawn on it.
- "3.png" - A photo of Link transforming into "Zora Link" with a question mark written on it.
"him.bmp" - A photo of Patrem. Clicking this would redirect the players to Patrem's profile on Within Hubris.
- At 1:47 AM, Patrem became active on Within Hubris and posted "I can see you boy.".
- At 1:47 AM, Drown became active in the Internet Detectives Skype group and began chatting with the players.
- Drown expresses his fear and attempts to hide - presumably from Patrem, who he claims is chasing after him.
- Drown leaves the Internet Detectives Skype group.
- At 2:28 AM, the player Jacob received an email from someone named "Mason", which read as follows:
- Mason introduces himself as Doug's friend - presumably the same one who introduced him to the cult in the first place.
- Mason informs the player Jacob that the cult has allowed him to join the cult because they'll soon have an opening. However, he'll have to pass a series of tests first.
- Mason gives the player Jacob his first task - uploading a video of himself reciting the cult's mantra.
At 3:13 AM, the player ADULT_LINK submitted "Epona's Song", hoping to save Drown.
- At 3:27 AM, Patrem became active on Within Hubris. He began chatting with the players in the ARG thread:
- Patrem claims that he has now "stabilized himself" in our realm, implying that "Epona's Song" is allowing him to speak more clearly now.
- Patrem insults the players for repeatedly failing.
- Patrem reveals that "Drown" is "Ben" and they wish to mislead the players.
- Files:
At 7:03 AM, the player Jacob uploaded the video "official chant for recruits" to his YouTube channel - Jacob Anthony. This video simply features Jacob reading the chant as requested by Mason.
- This video simply features the player Jacob reading out the cult's mantra as instructed by Mason.
- YouTube Details:
- Description: N/A
- Tags: N/A
- At 3:30 PM, Doug made a new post titled "Watched" on Letschasethemouse:
- Doug says that the fishery is strangely not flooded at all despite being on lower ground.
- Doug claims he thought someone at the fishery was watching him through a window.
At 3:55 PM, a user named "The Man" joined the Internet Detectives Skype group and began chatting with the players. Unfortunately, this conversation was not archived. The Man claimed that he was the GM of the ARG. He also claimed that "Drown" was simply a distraction and not to take everyone and everything at face value. This conversation ws presumably OoC.
- At 2:46 AM, The Man joined the Skype group once again. The Man chides the players for not spreading his message from the previous night across the various Skype groups involved with the ARG. He also confirms that he is indeed the GM by stating that Doug's next blog post will contain the phrase "the sun is shining brightly". Since this was the GM speaking OoC, it has no bearing on the story.
- At 2:55 AM, Doug replied to a player's comment warning him to be careful. "I don't need to be careful around my family, and as such I don't need to be careful around my own home. But thanks for being worried about me. The sun is shining brightly, so it will dry up this rain." This contained the phrase The Man claimed it was, confirming his status as GM.
At 9:10 PM, the player Seeker submitted the video "StoneMask.arg" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Link taking off the "Deku Mask" and applying the "Stone Mask". This was done in an attempt to hide Doug from whatever was watching him at the fishery.
At 12:28 AM, Doug made a new post on his blog titled "Excommed". He claims that everyone has been ignoring him, indicating that the Stone Mask was successful. However, Doug is becoming very depressed due to its effects. This post was accompanied by a photo of a man sitting alone in a room.
- At 12:45 AM, the player Jacob received another email from Mason. After having read the official chant in his previous video, he is now expected to pass three more trials, the first of which will test his courage:
- At an unknown time, Doug makes mention of wanting to "know the truth" in a comment. Unfortunately, this comment was not archived and currently cannot be viewed on Doug's blog.
At 1:36 AM, the player Dawn submitted a video simply titled "video" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Link removing the Stone Mask and equipping the "Mask of Truth". This was done in response to Doug claiming he wanted to know "the truth".
- At 2:06 AM, Doug made a new post on his blog titled "TRUTH". This post contained a Base64 cipher that translated to "AGGREGATING LINKS…TIME LINKS AGGREGATED. WHAT?". Doug appeared to be in some sort of time-related trance. Players began chatting with him in the comments:
At 2:35 AM, the player Kidpichu discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/them". The title of this page read "These". Two images were found on this page - "table.jpg", a simple texture of a table that acted as the page's background
and "getthenotes.png", which was four photos of different players participating in the ARG
The audio "wet.wav" played on this page, which was a recording of a rainstorm.
In the page's source, a snippet of a Wikipedia article about electrocution was found.
- At 3:35 AM, Doug made a new post on his blog. Players began speaking to him through the comment section:
- Doug says that Mason has apologized to him.
- Doug is unable to see the "TRUTH" post and does not have any recollection of it.
- Doug claims that the player Jacob is still going through the initiation process and that it is taking longer that usual, which he says only happens for important individuals.
At 5:04 AM, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted the video "PostmanSearch.arg" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Link equipping the "Postman's Hat" and searching through a mailbox. This was an attempt by the players to retreive the notes mentioned in the title of the image "getthenotes.png".
At 5:44 PM, the player Eve sent Patrem a PM (Private Message) on Within Hubris asking if he is the first to ascend.
- At 9:57 PM, Patrem replied to Eve's question with "I predate the forerunner."
At 10:52 PM, a user named Helper joined Within Hubris. Their avatar was the "Postman's Hat" from Majora's Mask, implying they were summoned thanks to "PostmanSearch.arg".
Helper posted an image of someone's mail. This indicates that using the Postman's Hat literally stole Doug's mail instead of his notes. The mail contained dates with the year "2009", confirming that we are speaking to Doug in the past - 2009 specifically. The players were speaking to Doug from six years in the future. The mail also revealed two classes that Doug is taking - Networking Fundamentals and English IV.
- At 10:56 PM, Doug made a new post on his blog titled "What a day..." about his missing mail. Players began speaking with him in the comment section:
- Doug's package was lost in the mail.
- Doug's package was something special to him that was religious in nature.
- Doug confirms that he is in a Networking class and will share his notes later.
At 12:26 AM, Doug made a new post on his blog. This post was simply a photo of his Networking notes.
One of the terms written in the notes was "Link Aggregation", which is similar to the "TIME LINKS AGGREGATED" phrase spoken by Doug in the "TRUTH" post. A cipher was also handwritten on the paper which translated to "Man will be betrayed by its minions and I will be brought down from the sky, consuming everything." This is a portion of Kelbris's prophecy. Some brief interactions also took place in the comment section of this post:
- At 6:41 PM, The Man joined the Skype group and chatted with the players. This was a fairly casual conversation where the GM revealed that he has a "co-author", implying there are multiple GM's running the ARG. The Man also states that the ARG will be placed under a hiatus for the time being. Since this was the GM speaking OoC, it has no bearing on the story.
- At 7:00 PM, Doug made a new post on his blog. This post simply read "Help".
At 8:05 PM, the player Stevey discovered that the front page of YSHDT.com had updated. The page's title now read "You must act, for you cannot ‘save’ him". The page now played a SWF file titled "Name.swf", after which the page would link players to Doug's blog.
"Name.swf" played out as follows:
At 9:28 PM, the player Jacob discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/notes". The title of this page read "Documents". Players found the image "notes.png" which depicted an image of a moon goddess and the text below.
This page's source also contained some of the text found within the image. (Link)
At 10:48 PM, the player Joan discovered that the page "/help" had updated. The page now contained the word "No" countless times. If players scrolled down far enough, the image "No.bmp" could be found - a face made out "No's".
Through steganography, this image hid a text file "Masks.txt" which read the following:
At 11:19 PM, the player Jacob discovered a new page on YSHDT.com - "<b>http://yshdt.com/yes". This page was titled "r" and contained an image of a single red dot titled "millett_5moa_popup.jpg".
At an unknown time, Helper sent various players a PM containing the message "Hello! You have mail!" along with a photo of Doug's Psychology notes. These notes contained a cipher that translates to "You are in danger."
At 12:07 AM, the player Eve submitted a video titled "Not yet gone" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Deku Link being brought back to life by a fairy after being killed. This was done in an attempt to save Doug after his previous post implied he was in danger.
- At 12:27 AM, Patrem replied to Eve's video on Within Hubris, implying that Doug was still alive. "Attempting to breathe life into the living? You amuse me children."
At 4:10 PM, the player Eve submitted a video titled "A New Player" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring a new save file being created named "Vincent".
- At 12:30 AM, the player Eve asked Patrem what their next step is.
- At 1:30 AM, Patrem replied to Eve, telling her that currently all they can do is wait. However, Patrem challenges the players with a riddle, asking them what song "makes mother cry" along with a cipher.
- At 2:00 AM, the player GreyouTT solved the cipher. It was a keyed caesar that required the key "Song of Storms" and shifting the cipher by four. This translated it "Speak now for you have succeeded"
- At 2:40 AM, the player Eve posted "Song of Storms; Speak now for you have succeeded." on Within Hubris.
- At 3:02 AM, Patrem posted a cipher on Within Hubris that translated to "http://picosong.com/26BF/" - a distorted audio file of Patrem speaking.
- At 3:13 AM, the player GreyouTT submitted the "Bunny Hood" along with the text "With these long ears, we can hear the voices that were unclear to us.", hoping it would produce a clearer version of the audio file.
- At 3:44 AM, Patrem posted another cipher on Within Hubris that translated to "http://picosong.com/26Zg/" - a slightly clearer version of the same audio file from 3:02 AM. Players transcribed the audio file:
- At "this time", Patrem does not dwell within Vincent, but he will later on. This means that Patrem entered Vincent sometime between 2009 and 2015.
- Some unspecified "accident" at an ascension is inevitable.
At 11:06 AM, a new post appeared on Doug's blog. However, this post wasn't made by Doug. Instead, it was made by someone who went by "M", who claims they will meet the players soon. An image of a tree in a misty environment titled "themist.jpg" accompanied this post.
- At an unknown time, the background image of Letschasethemouse changed to an image of a misty, wooded environment. Unfortunately, this image was not archived.
- At 8:28 PM, a new post titled "Time" appeared on the blog. Unfortunately, the comments were not archived and cannot be accessed at this time.
- Doug has been kidnapped by the cult and taken to the fishery.
- The person posting updates on the blog is Doug's friend Mason.
- Mason doesn't know who Vincent is.
- Mason is currently heading towards the fishery.
At 9:01 PM, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" in the hopes of summoning someone to help the players. This resulted in Helper becoming active on Within Hubris once again. Players began speaking to him in the Within Hubris thread.
- The players ask Helper to help rescue Doug.
- Helper calls the player Dawn a "demon". This is because Dawn has jokingly stated that he wishes to kill Doug in the past.
- At 9:17 PM, Mason speaks to the players through the comments on his latest blog post. Unforunately, these comments were not archived and currently cannot be viewed. Mason says he has arrived at the fishery and witnesses Helper run inside. He hears screaming and tosses a rock, which accidentally hits Helper.
At 9:35 PM, Helper began posting on Within Hubris once again. He confirms that Doug is inside the fishery before dying. He then posts an audio file that contains and SSTV that reveals an image of his hat in a pool of blood.
At 11:47 PM, Mason made a new post on his blog. He says that the cult spotted him and chased him into the woods but he managed to get away. He posts an image of a dark forest as well:
At an unknown time, Helper's avatar on Within Hubris changed to a shaking moon alternating through the different moon cycles.
At 12:31 AM, Helper posted a video titled "02" on Within Hubris. This video was uploaded on a YouTube channel named "M", which is believed to be owned by Helper. "02" was a recording of Majora's Mask. We see a new game being created on the file select screen named "Mason". We are then shown Zora Link leaving a wooded area with a camera and Helper's Hat in his inventory. This confirms that Mason is the players' new Link.
At 2:32 AM, the player Wolfcat submitted a ten hour version of the song "Hide and Seek" by "Imogen Heap" as a joke along with the message "Thank you for all your help, Helper. You were too innocent for this world."
At 2:35 AM, Helper posted an image of the artwork for a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" card named "Soul Release", implying that Wolfcat's song was accepted and Helper had been brought back to life.
- At 4:00 PM, Helper joined the Skype group and began speaking to the players.
- Helper has lost his hat which was a part of his being. Because of this, he no longer considers himself a messenger.
- Helper doesn't know what Skype is and is hearing the players' questions in his head as if they were speaking to him.
At 5:20 PM, players were sent a PM on Within Hubris linking to a video titled "S" which was uploaded on the "M" YouTube channel. This video was simply a recording of someone walking down a dark street.
At 2:50 AM, a new video titled "R" was uploaded to the "M" YouTube channel. This video was a continuation of the "S" video, showing someone coming across a shadowy figure with glowing eyes.
At 3:14 AM, the player Stevey submitted the "Song of Soaring" hoping to save Mason from the shadowy figure seen in the video "R".
- At 5:59 AM, the player Archery discovered several updates on YSHDT.com
The front page's title now read "It’s lonely out here." and it now contained an image titled "eyes.bmp" which featured the eyes from Link's "Deku transformation" from Majora's Mask.
Another image titled "orange.jpg" was hidden within "eyes.bmp" via steganography which depicted an orange, misty urban setting at night.
The audio "itshardtobreathe.wav" played on this page - audio of someone struggling to breathe.
The page "/news" was now titled "02" and contained an image featuring a strangely shaped building titled "spire.jpg".
The audio "mumble.wav" played on this page - a slowed down recording of a robotic voice that read the following:
The page "/them" was now titled "THEM" and contained an image titled "knownlocations.jpg" which featured various states and countries belonging to several active players.
The page "/no" was now titled "." and contained an image titled "no.jpg" which featured many disturbing screaming faces and the word "no".
Within the page's source code was an excerpt about a Chinese mooncake festival from Wikipedia:
- At 5:19 PM, the player GreyouTT submitted the "Lens of Truth" with the intention of revealing something hidden within the image "eyes.bmp".
At 9:07 PM, Helper posted a clearer version of "eyes.bmp". The left pupil now contained an image of a character known as "The Gray Man" from the game "LSD: Dream Emulator". This character was often used as an avatar by the player Circlehunter. The right pupil now contained text that read "Azure Rebirth". This was an old project that the player Mugen Kagemaru was involved in.
At 12:16 AM, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" with the intention of summoning Patrem.
- At 10:03 AM, Helper rejoined the Skype group and began speaking with the players.
- Helper asks the players if they have found his hat. They tell Helper they believe Mason currently possesses it.
- Helper says that whoever is in possession of his hat is the "Messenger", which gives them access to his various accounts and grants them the ability to relay messages and packages across space and time.
- Helper refers to players who have their own separate goals or who wish to tempt others down the wrong path as "Demons".
- Helper claims there are three demons within the Internet Detectives - Circlehunter, ADULT_LINK, and Dawn of a New Day.
- Helper warns the players that while they are currently interacting with the past, entities from the future may still contact them.
- At 9:35 PM, Patrem became active on Within Hubris thanks to the "New Wave Bossa Nova" and began chatting in the ARG thread.
- Patrem begins quoting and responding to messages from the Skype group despite having never been present there, implying that he is always watching the players.
- Patrem claims that Doug's fate cannot be changed.
The player GreyouTT attempts to use the "Stone Mask" and "Gibdo Mask", but neither of them effect Patrem.
- Patrem says that Mason is currently at home, presumably safe.
- Files:
- At 11:52 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru taunted Patrem on Within Hubris by sharing one of his PM's, resulting in a short interaction between the two.
- At 12:00 AM, Mason made a new blog post titled "It's been a while". Players chatted with him briefly in the comments.
- Mason claims that lately he has been appearing in strange places near statues. This is due to the "Song of Soaring" being submitted.
- Mason says he met someone dressed in all grey who claimed to be from the future. This person gave Mason a "Eight of Clubs" card in exchange for Helper's Hat. The man in grey claimed the card would be important in the future. The players begin referring to this figure as "The Gray Man". This means that "The Gray Man" now has possession of Helper's various accounts.
- At an unknown time, the player Kidpichu sent Patrem a PM on Within Hubris asking for a bedtime story.
- At 12:25 AM, Patrem replied to Kidpichu's PM with the following:
- At some point, Vincent had forgotten his past. "Vincent" is not his original name.
- A child who Patrem describes as "grand" was going to ascend, but a "flying" and "screaming" child interrupted the process. This somehow damaged Patrem.
- Patrem was forced to recover inside Vincent's body. However, this caused Vincent to forget his past once again.
At 11:36 PM, the player Tyler posted two audio files that jokingly imitated Patrem's speaking patterns.
- At 10:39 PM, Patrem became active on Within Hubris. He began chatting with players in the ARG thread. Halfway through the conversation, Vincent wakes up and begins speaking in Patrem's place.
- Patrem refuses to talk about the "Spire" building seen on YSHDT.com.
- Patrem confirms that Vincent and Doug are not the same person.
- Vincent wakes up, causing Patrem to lose control of his body. Vincent begins speaking with the players through Patrem's account.
- Vincent doesn't know anything about Patrem or the cult. He is unaware of anything that occurs while he is possessed.
- The last thing Vincent remembers is falling asleep in his room. He is now in a park.
- Vincent is confused and frustrated with his situation and the players. He begins heading home.
- Files:
Patrem links to an audio file that is a corrupted version of the parody file that Tyler created. The number "1937" is repeated several times.
At 7:43 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru submitted "KamaroMaskFever.arg" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Link equipping the "Kamaro Mask" and dancing.
- At 9:30 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Dancing".
At 10:10 PM, Mason made a new post that simply read "Huh." along with a photo of a cloudy sky.
At 10:16 PM, Mason made a new post that contained only a photo of a nearby lighting strike.
At 10:19 PM, the player Stevey submitted the "Song of Soaring" with the intention of saving Mason from the thunderstorm.
- At 10:19 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Thunder".
- At 11:23 PM, "The Gray Man" posted the following using Helper's account on Within Hubris:
- At 3:49 PM, "The Gray Man" posted the following using Helper's account on Within Hubris:
At 12:35 PM, the player Mugen Kagemaru discovered a new video on the "M" YouTube channel titled "E". This video simply features someone looking around a wooded area.
- At 1:18 PM, The Man became active in the Skype group. He asked for two players to contact him - Wolfcat and Dawn of a New Day.
- At an unknown time, the players rethought their spontaneous submission habits and addressed some drama that had taken place within the Skype group.
- At 12:52 AM, "The Gray Man" thanked the players on Within Hubris for addressing the problems of their group dynamic - "Goodnight, "adventurers." Thank you for heeding my words."
At 1:13 AM, Mason made a new post on his blog titled "The next step.". A photo of an "Owl Statue" accompanied this post.
- The "Song of Soaring" submitted several days prior had taken effect and teleported Mason to an owl statue.
- The cult is currently unaware that Mason was the one who was chased away from the fishery, meaning they are still on good terms with him.
- Mason claims to have misplaced the card given to him by The Gray Man.
- Mason says that the cult promised its members special powers and immortality. He says it described itself as a "scientific/religious organization".
- Mason was a lower ranking member of the cult so he does not know much of its inner workings.
- At 10:29 PM, Helper joined the Skype group and began chatting with the players.
- Helper confirms that his hat has been passed on from Mason to "The Gray Man".
- Helper claims his hat is closer to the players than they might think.
- Helper's body was claimed by the Mexican drug cartel. He has now regained his body, but is being forced to pay off his debt to the cartel by delivering drugs and "Nazi gold" for them.
- Helper perceives the players conversations and interactions as if they were literally taking place with him physically. Skype and forums do not exist for him - from Helper's perspective, the players are speaking to him with their voices.
- Helper claims that once the players retrieve his mask for him, he will grant them an item that will help them ward off demons.
- Helper claims that "The Gray Man" has a feminine figure.
- At 2:02 AM, "The Gray Man" posted "Interesting." on Within Hubris.
- At 10:26 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Decisions". He says he's decided to go back to the fishery to find out of Doug is alright.
At 10:57 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Okay". He claims that rain has suddenly began to pour down. A photo of a foggy wooded area accompanied this post.
At an unknown time, the player ADULT_LINK submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" in an attempt to summon someone who can help the players.
At 11:10 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Someone" which read "There's a girl just standing there. I have a bad feeling.". A blurry photo of a woman standing in the rain was posted as well.
At 11:10 PM, the player Sengi submitted the "Song of Storms" in an attempt to end the rainstorm.
- At 11:15 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Rain". The "Song of Storms" successfully stops the rain. Mason begins speaking to the girl.
- At 11:21 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Girl".
- The girl tells Mason that she was summoned by a song, confirming that the "New Wave Bossa Nova" caused her to appear.
- The girl tells Mason that if he continues to the fishery, he will face many obstacles but also gain allies.
- The girl claims that the players can trust her and offers to read their fortunes.
- At 11:30 PM, Mason made another post on the blog:
The girl confirms that she is indeed Rosa.
- Rosa claims that old and new villains will face the players. She also implies that some players may turn traitorous.
- Rosa implies that some of the players' Ocarina powers have been taken from them.
- At 11:38 PM, Mason made a new post titled "Rain.". He says he is still headed for the fishery and it has started raining again.
- At 11:44 PM, The Man briefly chatted with the players over Skype to inform them that they still had the ability to submit songs.
At 11:52 PM, the player GreyouTT submitted the "Song of Storms" to stop the rain once again.
At 11:56 PM, "The Gray Man" posted a ten hour long version of the "Song of Storms" on Within Hubris. They had a brief interaction with the players, refusing to let them stop the rain.
- At 12:15 AM, Rosa joined the Internet Detectives Skype group under the name "OracleRosa" and began chatting with the players.
- Rosa warns the players of an important choice they will have to make in the future. She tells them to keep the poem found on YSHDT.com in mind.
- At 12:29 AM, Mason made a new post. He claims that the cult allowed him to see Doug, but Doug is now different.
- At 12:38 AM, Mason made a new post warning the players to not trust Doug. This post was very corrupted.
- At 12:51 AM, a new blog post titled "Doug" appeared on Letschasethemouse.
- Doug urges the players to trust him, claiming that Mason has been lying to them.
- Doug claims he is trapped in the fishery and needs the players' to help him escape and send Mason away.
- At 1:23 AM, The Man began chatting with the players in the Skype group. He informed them that the player Dawn of a New Day had given up his Ocarina powers a few days prior.
- At 8:59 PM, The Man rejoined the Skype Group and began chatting with the players.
The Man offers the players a choice between Doug and Mason's "save file".
- Three players will be selected to vote for the group as a whole - Mando, Circlehunter, and Wolfcat. Should one of these three players not appear, the player Oceanstuck will act as a proxy.
- At 7:45 PM, the players Mando, Circlehunter, and Wolfcat came to an unanimous decision to select Doug's save file and posted their votes on Within Hubris.
- At 10:49 PM, The Man rejoined the Skype Group and spoke with the players once more.
- The Man claims that he is not a member of the Within Hubris community and reiterates that he has another user helping him which is how he knows what is taking place in the Skype group.
- The Man says that he is not in control of Patrem, and that Patrem is "his own being".
- The Man accepts the players' vote of Doug's save file.
- The Man claims that there were multiple choices besides simply Doug and Mason.
- The Man continues to refer to players who have different goals from the group as "demons", claiming that there are currently three and a half demons within the Internet Detectives and that Mando is one of them.
- At 11:13 PM, Helper rejoined the Skype group and began chatting with the players.
- Helper claims to have finished his business with the Mexican drug cartel.
- Helper directs the players to a new upload on the "M" YouTube channel.
At 11:25 PM, a video titled "N" was posted on the "M" YouTube channel. This video seemed to be a continuation of the previous video "E", depicting someone approaching a radio tower in a wooded area. Near the end of the video, a link to an audio file is posted. Unfortunately, the link led to an audio file that had already been deleted off its host website Vocaroo.
At 11:42 PM, The Man rejoined the Skype group and chatted with the players briefly. He explains that the audio file linked at the end of the "N" video was deleted by the host website. The Man gives the players a new link to the audio file before leaving. This audio file was an SSTV signal that hid an image of "The Fool" tarot card.
- At 5:10 PM, "The Gray Man" chided the players on Within Hubris. This was in response to some drama within the Internet Detectives surrounding the idea of three players being responsible for choosing Doug's save file.
- At 4:29 PM, Patrem began chatting with the players on Within Hubris.
- Vincent has fallen asleep and thus Patrem is in control once again.
- Patrem speaks poorly of Rosa and Matt, claiming that they "started on the wrong path and never attempted to correct this".
- Patrem speaks cryptically of a portal soon opening that was created by someone referred to as "saint" and governed by someone Patrem calls "grand".
- Patrem claims this portal has a name that is based off the "terrible fate" of one child and the "loss of another".
- Patrem claims that the players will meet both familiar and foreign entities in the portal - some from the present and others from ancient times before man.
- Patrem claims the "grand" one he mentioned previously is seeking a puppet known as "the burned one" that will make them more powerful.
- Patrem says that the "grand" one wishes to kill the "link of that time", as it will lead to them becoming a god.
- Patrem says that while the "grand" one is one of his "special children", he is also a "grand fool".
- Patrem departs for a ceremony that requires a blood sacrifice.
- At 6:39 PM, the player Stevey contacted Patrem on Within Hubris.
- Patrem claims that the players already know the name of the "Grand Child", but he has a new name that will later be revealed to us.
- Patrem claims the "Burned One" seeks to find the "One who is flying", who he also describes as being "of the water". This is the "flying" entity mentioned in the bedtime story.
- Patrem reveals that the "Burned one" is one of the players, and that he was the "screaming" entity mentioned in the bedtime story.
- The player Stevey asks Patrem which "mother" Patrem has referred to in the past, but he does not respond.
- At 8:11 PM, the player Oceanstuck messaged Patrem on Within Hubris, asking the following: "did someone want to speak with me".
- At an unknown time, players begin speculating that Mason is going to be sacrificed at the ceremony Patrem mentioned.
- At 2:15 AM, Patrem posted "You foolish children, this affair has nothing to do with mason." on Within Hubris.
At 2:54 AM, the player Circlehunter submitted the video "Jailbreak.wmv" - a video of Majora's Mask featuring Link dancing with the "Kamaro's Mask, playing the "Song of Soaring" to escape to Link's house from "Ocarina of Time"
before playing the "Song of Storms" to make it rain, and finally playing the "Sun's Song
to turn day into night. This was done with the intention of saving Doug.
- At 2:58 AM, Patrem posted "There was no plan to spill the blood of the child douglas on this night. You children ran forth blindly and your efforts were thus wasted." on Within Hubris.
- At 1:14 AM, Helper joined the Skype group and began speaking with the players.
- Helper informs the players that Mason has been trapped within a storm drain that is currently filling with water - an adverse effect of "Jailbreak.wmv".
Helper posts a ciphered message from Mason that translates to "The time will come".
- At 4:14 PM, Patrem replied to the player Stevey's PM from several days prior, answering his question "You mentioned a "mother" who calls for blood... may I get a hint or answer to her identity?" with "I bring swift demise to those who dare question her. You may know her as Luna, maiden of the night and goddess of the moon.", confirming that this cult's goddess is Luna.
- At 6:15 PM, Patrem replied to the player Oceanstuck's PM from several days prior with "Was it not you who wished to be spoken too? Who is it you desire child?"
- At 11:13 PM, The Man joined the Skype group and began chatting with the players. Unfortunately, this conversation was not archived. Below is a generalized summary of what was discussed:
- The ARG will be placed under a hiatus due to server issues regarding YSHDT.com.
- All players have an equally important role in determining the direction of the ARG.
- A hint was given for the "Tt lmhiw eemic elo" cipher left by Helper a few days prior, which at this point in time had yet to be solved.
- At 11:42 PM, The Man briefly rejoined the Skype group and simply asked the players "Yes or no?". The player Eve answered "No", after which The Man simply replied with "ok" before leaving the group.
- At 11:45 PM, "The Gray Man" begins speaking to the players on Within Hubris, simply greeting them and asking if they had solved Helper's cipher yet.
- At 12:52 AM, Patrem began speaking with the players on Within Hubris
- Patrem mocks his followers for performing rituals of self sacrifice in the holy building.
- Files:
- At 2:13 AM, the player Stevey contacted Patrem on Within Hubris.
- Patrem says that the one who said "As I stand here on this most holy of nights, what pours from my arm is spilled in her name." in the Blood Moon Ritual recording was the person who acts as the overseer of the fishery while the other overseer is away.
- Patrem mentions that the cult once had an "archive" that is currently being reconstructed after going offline in 2012. This was the same year that the original Within Hubris website was taken offline. Patrem claims that a recording of the "true" Blood Moon Ritual will be added to this archive.
- At 9:46 AM, the player Eve discovered several updates on YSHDT.com.
The front page's title now read "..." and featured the image "me.jpg" - a gray, blurry image.
Atop "me.jpg" was another image titled "help.jpg", which was a photo of a storm drain with the words "DUMP NO WASTE DRAINS TO STREAM" painted on the ground.
The audio "rain.mp3" played on this page - audio of heavy rainfall.
Hidden in the page's source was an excerpt from a Wikipedia article about drowning.
- The page "/help" was discovered to have the same photo of a storm drain that was on the front page - "help.jpg".
The page "/news" was now titled "2" and hid source text that read "...". The page now featured an image titled "2s.png" - another picture of a newspaper article. This article featured inappropriately capitalized letters that spelled out the word "COME", which led to the discovery of "http://yshdt.com/come".
The newspaper article read as follows:
The players discovered a new page - "http://yshdt.com/come". This page was titled "THESE" and hid source text that read "ONE OF THESE PLACES". This page also contained the image "GOTYOU.png", which was an altered version of "knownlocations.jpg" that had been updated with more locations of prominent players. Black, shadowy arms were now reaching out from the state of Florida which had been circled. The states of West Virginia and Ohio were also circled.
The page "/yes" was now titled "YES" and featured the audio file "WARNING!!!.wav" - an SSTV signal.
This page also contained an image titled "yes.png"" which featured an image of a red dot, a gas mask, and Japanese text that translated to the following:
- At 10:30 PM, Helper rejoined the Skype group and began chatting with the players.
- Helper gives the players a message from the GM telling them that they've missed something big.
- The players are informed that apparently someone has died because of what they missed.
- At 10:42 PM, The Man rejoined the Skype group and began chatting with the players. He informed them that it was never specified that Mason was the one who died.
- At 5:59 PM, the player Yuki solved the "WARNING!!!.wav" SSTV signal previously found on "/yes", which translated to "18203".
At 5:59 PM, the player Yuki discovered a new page - "http://yshdt.com/18203". This page was titled "Please respond soon... and hid the source text "...Accessing...Accessing...". This page also contained a SWF file titled "tower.swf" which had a flashing light.
The audio file "thisisgroundcontrol.wav" also played on this page, which was a "Number's Station" recording that translated to the following: "Please tell me the code look on your note page for more information."
At 7:42 PM, the player Jacob discovered a new page - "http://yshdt.com/psychology". This page was titled "It's been too long." and contained the image "pnotes.png" which are notes written about the Players and "demons". "FILE 3" was also written across the page.
- At 7:44 PM, the player Spirkiroid discovered a new page - "http://yshdt.com/networking". This page was titled "Untitled Document" and featured the text "Notes:" followed by five links:
A link titled "1" that led to a password protected .zip file named "the COlOR".
This file contained an image titled "1.png", which featured a shadowy entity.
A link titled "2" that led to a password protected .rar file named "It affects everything, but is not real".
This file contained an image titled "2.png", which featured the same shadowy entity from “1.png” but now with glowing eyes.
A link titled "3" that led to a password protected .rar file named "The Ascension of Jesus by Benjamin West".
This file was titled “3.png and it contained the painting “The Ascension of Jesus” by Benjamin West.
A link titled "5" that led to a .zip file named "help" that contained the image "5.png" - a photo of a storm drain.
- A link titled "6" that led to a text file named "linkaggregation" that contained the text "NO WAY BACK" repeated many times.
- At 12:56 AM, The Man rejoined the Skype group and briefly chatted with the players.
- The Man informs the players that there is a lull in activity as a result of his schooling.
- The Man changes the name of the Skype group to include "Device incoming."
- At 2:48 AM, Doug made a new post on his blog. Players briefly chatted with him in the comment section.
- Doug attempts to convince the players he is still a regular high school student.
- Doug claims that he is always in contact with the cult now.
- At an unknown time, several pages on YSHDT.com were updated.
The front page was now titled "MASON" and hid the text "WHATDIDYOUDO" in the source code. The page now contained a SWF file titled "drain.swf" that featured a photo of a sewage drain with a device sitting next to it. The device had three lights on it that blinked in the following sequence: "1 321 321 123 123 1".
- The page "/networking" now contained five new links that replaced the previous ones.
A link titled "4" that led to a password protected .rar file named "UQSA6WUBMZS38DTY7ZT5T27O7DPU7JP87ZU7O3". This file contained a text file named "4.txt that read "MasonFreed".
- A link titled "9" that led to the page "http://yshdt.com/come".
A link titled "10" that led to a password protected .rar file named "Wells had considered the notion of time travel before".
The password for this file was quickly discovered to be "timebomb", revealing the image "20150503_023757.jpg" - a photo of some hand-drawn blueprints for what appears to be a bomb. This blueprints also contained a cipher that translated to "Messages through time".
A link titled "10.5" that led to the image "11.jpg" - an image of a distorted, orange smiley face with text that read "IM WATCHING".
The page "/come" was now titled "THIS" and hid the text "..." in the source code. This page now contained an updated version of the image "GOTYOU.png", which was now titled "GOTHIM.png". The image now had black streaks extending to each of the locations with West Virginia now having an "X" marked across it along with the text "HIM".
The page "/18203" contained an updated version of "tower.swf" - the flashing red light was now green.
- At 5:12 AM, the player ARGdov posted a link to "20150503_023757.jpg" in a comment on Letschasethemouse.
At 5:26 AM, Doug made a new post on Letschasethemouse titled "WHERE", repeatedly asking where the players found the bomb plans. The title of the blog changed to "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT" and the background image became a corrupted mess.
The players briefly spoke to Doug in the comment section of this post.
- The player ARGdov links Doug to the "time bomb" plans, causing the entire blog to corrupt as Doug becomes angered.
- Doug claims the players' "Link" will be severed.
- Files:
- At 5:48 AM, Helper rejoined the Skype group and told the players to fix their mistake.
- At 6:08 AM, The Man rejoined the Skype group and confirmed that the players' Link had been severed, meaning their Ocarina powers were unavailable.
- At 12:50 AM, the player Stevey was friended by a user named "Mason xxxxxxxxx". Mason sent the message "Transmission will occur under reasonable circumstances.".
- At 12:54 AM, Mason sent Stevey another message that read "Currently, there is a storm affecting the area of JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. Please remain indoors until the storm rests.".
- At 12:58 AM, the player Mando added Mason to the Internet Detectives Skype group. Mason began chatting with the players.
- Mason is speaking to the players from some sort of DOS-like operating system. He claims it belongs to Doug.
- Mason says that the current year for him is 2015, meaning we are now speaking to a Mason from the present instead of 2009.
- When asked what happened to him, Mason simply claims that he "lived".
- Mason requests the "time bomb" plans from the players. Once he receives them, he claims he is unsure what he is supposed to do with them.
- Mason tells the players that he will be returning soon.
- At 10:21 PM, Helper briefly rejoined the Internet Detectives Skype group and sent the message "Hello. I begrudginggly bring you all a message. "Substitute for phone"".
- At 10:59 PM, Mason became active in the Skype group and briefly chatted with the players. Unfortunately, the player Sengi submitted the command ".root", causing the connection with Mason to be severed.
- At 9:00 PM, The Man joined the Skype group and began chatting with the players. He announced that this arc of the ARG was now over and revealed his identity.
- The Man reveals that he was secretly the player "Dawn of a New Day" all along. He was also "Thelaw" - the user who first found YSHDT.com.
- The players Mando and Circlehunter were revealed to have assisted The Man in creating the ARG. Mando often attempted to lure the players off course, while Circlehunter was "The Gray Man".
- A new ARG is being created for the players by a new group of GM's.
At 9:19 PM, The Man linked the players to a video titled "Outro", which was hosted on his OoC YouTube channel. This video alludes to the following arcs and closes out the YSHDT Arc.
2/16/15 - "Game over.swf" - YSHDT.com
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Deku Link is in Termina Field near Snowhead. It is 8:00 PM on the night of the first day, and he has two rupees. The Deku Mask and Lens of Truth can be seen in his inventory. Deku Link dies, presumably to an Eeno enemy, which can be seen in the background.
The game over screen appears, presenting the player with the option to continue. The cursor highlights "No", "Yes", and "No", in that order. The following text then appears:
"DAWN of the Second Day"
"DAWN of the Third Day"
The option "No" is selected, causing the video to begin corrupting. The screen fades to white as the following text appears:
"You failed.
At the most basic task."
The Happy Mask Salesman's laugh can be heard. An image of the Ocarina of Time appears and the "Song of Time" is played. The word "No" then appears on a black screen as the Skull Kid's laugh is heard.
2/16/15 - Blog Posts (6) - Letschasethemouse
((First Post))
2/13/15 - Beginnings
"I just re-created my blog.
It sucks starting from scratch, but whatever. At least I get to start anew."
((Second Post))
"Today was fun. I spent most of my time inside today, reading articles on the internet.
I should join my high school newspaper, it'd be fun."
((Third Post))
"Work today was bad.
I have to tell you, it'd be a terrible fate to be relegated a job you know you suck at, when a better position is out there.
A better position for me."
((Fourth Post))
"This is odd. My friend told me of a club that he was hoping I'd join. He told me that they could let me live forever. And that we'd be changing things inside out soon.
I'm not too sure about this, but why not?"
((Fifth Post))
2/16/15 - Finding a Religion
"I've been invited to go visit their congregation out in the woods by my friend. We're going to head out in about an hour and a half. I'm excited, if not a little worried."
((Sixth Post))
2/16/15 - The Truth
"I'm going to try to figure out everything I can. This is huge. I swore an oath of secrecy, but I'm still just so amazed by everything they told me.
I'll have a long ways ahead of me, and a lot of work to do before I'm ready, though."
2/16/15 - Chat with DandP - Letschasethemouse Comments
Jacob Anthony: "Hey, friend. Are you there?"
DandP: "Sorry, I've been having trouble with my computer recently. Anyways, who are you?"
Jacob Anthony: "I read what I believe to be you article?"
DandP: "Huh? I haven't written any articles."
Jacob Anthony: "I'm sorry, may I ask your name?"
DandP: "Douglas."
Jacob Anthony: "Douglas P?"
DandP: "..Yeah. I guess my name kinda gives that away."
Jacob Anthony: "http://i.imgur.com/kMohnwR.jpg Did you not write this article?"
DandP: "No...but that's my high school. I'm actually getting creeped out now. Are you guys from school?"
Jacob Anthony: "Yes we are. But it feels like we know whats going on. We know you are interested in this religious organisation but I don't think you should do it."
DandP: "Alright, that takes a load off my mind. I know it's a little odd to see a new religion start up, especially in this Christian nation of ours, but it will lead us all closer to god and happiness."
ADU: "Mind if i ask for the rest of that article? that is, if you are able to get it."
Jacob Anthony: "I understand what it sounds like but we've seen this happen before. This particular one isn't safe."
DandP: "I'm sorry, friend, but I haven't seen that article in the paper. I wasn't even aware we had color in our school newspaper."
Jacob Anthony: "if I may ask, what does the P in your name stand for?"
Jacob Anthony: "How could we go about joining?"
Jacob L.: "I am also interested."
DandP: "I will set you up with my friend. He will contact you through e-mail or blogspot."
ADU: "Mind if i get an email too? Email is **********@gmail.com"
DandP: "I don't think they would appreciate so many new members at once. I'm sorry."
Jacob Anthony: "My email is ***************@gmail.com if you were talking to me about setting me up. It would be much appreciated."
Jacob L.: "Mine is TheSunIsTheBestSolarBody@gmail.com"
DandP: "My friend will contact you in a day or two. I have to talk to him."
ADU: "Sweet, Thanks Dan"
Jacob Anthony: "I thank you much. I look forward to it."
DandP: "Not you, the sun. I see by your profile you don't live near me."
ADU: "It doesent say where i live"
Stevey: "do you have a name for this my friend? I'd like to join also.."
DandP: "I'm sorry, you probably don't live near me. But hopefully someday the group will spread far enough so that you may join, also."
Stevey: "I shall await eagerly for this day. Thank you, regardless. And now my wait begins.."
Stevey: "I am currently in the UK, if that matters any.."
DandP: "One day we will hopefully have congregations around the world."
DandP: ((This comment has been removed by the author))
Mugen Kagemaru: "Be careful. Things may not be as they seem and you may be wandering into a spider's web..."
ADU: "No."
DandP: "What?"
Mugen Kagemaru: "Form your own thoughts. Let none think for you. But most importantly, take nothing at face value. Remember the Assassins, their creed, and what that creed means."
Unknown: "Are you serious? The Assassins Creed?? Ignore this guy, he's just trolling"
DandP: "Good advice. I will ignore this guy from now on."
Oceanstuck: "huh. seems like youre turning a new leaf. ive been needing something like that for a while, so can i have in?"
DandP: "As I told another person, I don't think you live close enough to me to be able to join. But someday hopefully you'll be able to join also."
Oceanstuck: "are you sure? where _do_ you live anyway? is it near some cherrington high place?"
DandP: "This is kinda scary. Are you guys from the government?"
Oceanstuck: "as funny as itd be to say yes just to see your reaction, no. i just really want to know about this new faith youve found and if i can join"
Oceanstuck: "so tell me, what makes you think i live too far away to join"
DandP: "I just said I didn't think. That was before I knew you were from my school."
X3KidPichu: "sounds interesting. Besides location is there any prerequisite to joining? I'd like to prepare if this ever becomes widespread."
DandP: "You must be of age, have an open mind, and have a great affinity for space. Namely, the moon."
X3KidPichu: "Alright thank you so much. I'm even more excited to join now."
February 17th, 2015
2/17/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
"I just had a serious case of Deja Vu. The building they took me too looked so familiar. I could have sworn it used to be the old fishery. I'll grab some pictures later. Maybe you guys know what I'm talking about."
2/17/15 - Chat with DandP - Letschasethemouse Comments
Mugen Kagemaru: "Huh... Looks familiar...
"Unknown: "Sounds fishy http://animeyume.com/blog_images/funny_fansubs/funny_fansub14.jpg"
DandP: "That sounds like it would hurt. Don't bass have teeth?"
Unknown: "Maybe?"
Mugen Kagemaru: "Actually, yes they do."
Wolfcat22: "It looks pretty fishy to me, man. Be safe."
DandP: "Yeah, that's why I tried to hide away while taking the pictures. They probably wouldn't like me sharing them, but it's just so interesting..."
Jacob Anthony: "Nice looking place. Dilapidated in the beautiful way."
DandP: "It will be your new home away from home, soon enough, friend."
Jacob Anthony: "How do you mean? Do you live there?"
Jacob Anthony: "Stay safe, man. I saw in another comment you had to hide to take the pictures. Dont do anything that could get you hurt"
DandP: "I'm going to head off to sleep for tonight guys. I'll try to pry more information later."
Jacob Anthony: "Don't do anything dangerous. Goodnight, guy"
February 18th, 2015
February 19th, 2015
2/19/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JID Thread)
/Patrem\ 12:10 AM: "I heard my children crying."
Sengi 12:24 AM: "And who might you be?"
/Patrem\ 12:33 AM: "Three of you are not as you seem."
Sengi 12:37 AM: "This one's for the record... History is written by the victors"
/Patrem\ 12:58 AM: "I am calling. I am called."
Sengi 1:02 AM: "That translates to "I am calling. I am called" or so we believe... What calls you and what is your purpose?"
/Patrem\ 1:30 AM: "I came to the fishery, and the fools trapped me inside him. Vincent, return to your slumber now. There is no home for you brats."
Oceanstuck 1:36 AM: "why were you at the fishery? who is this vincent? who trapped you in who? is this meant to be taken literally?"
/Patrem\ 1:55 AM: ((A link to an audio file featuring reversed music, loud sounds, and what sounds like Patrem whispering "John is dead now"))
/Patrem\ 1:55 AM: "He also enjoyed music. o n urn d. Now he has ascended.
/Patrem\ 2:14 AM: "What shall you know? In this time I am always awake."
Eve 2:20 AM: "Where is page 8?"
Oceanstuck 8:21 AM: "whos vincent, what are you, who are you in, and can we be assured of a certain friend's safety?"
/Patrem\ 2:33 AM: ";.n_kL?3xN+Ilk;Et8H@GnP/=+IZ79+IQ.<+@.,oEOD5=G*7ZFIK&q,+I_e?@:nh-K\:f6L= :W3FUr9/I?O%>G124+E79(uGJkWs+IQ*:K]VYFJI__;Et,;G@:^UrF5]GJ:17eAK@oC6@;?y"
/Patrem\ 2:33 AM: "yEt5E;F5Ng4E86=0K&\B7ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt80'ErU$pEt8."
Jacob 3:21 AM: "Is there an easier version of that answer?"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:21 AM: ((The "Inverted Song of Time" is submitted))
ADULT_LINK 3:23 AM: ((The "Lens of Truth" is submitted and used on Patrem's cipher))
/Patrem\ 3:36 AM: "You have damned that boy and I am far beyond caring for his petty scribblings, I am far beyond him now. Vincent however is someone you already knowknewknowknewknowknewknowknewknow"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:43 AM: "Is Vincent's last name Shaw?"
/Patrem\ 4:06 AM: "Not Shaw; I lielaylayed in another; I am the one who honored her first."
Mugen Kagemaru 4:35 AM: "Could the veil be lifted by a maelstrom?"
/Patrem\ 4:39 AM: "http://yshdt.com/help"
Mugen Kagemaru 4:49 AM: "Is there anything else to be found, or should we cut our losses and start over?"
/Patrem\ 4:53 AM: "Your tricks are but the humorous wrigglings of an insect. What day do you think it is child? Where has your emit gone?"
Mugen Kagemaru 4:55 AM: "But next question, what is the name of your host?"
/Patrem\ 5:22 AM: ((A strange reversed audio file is posted.))
/Patrem\ 5:26 AM: "Make your final request, I grow tired of your games and your foolish ways."
Mugen Kagemaru 5:38 AM: "How do we contact Vincent if necessary? Furthermore, Douglas' newspaper article mentioned a pastor. Who is this pastor?"
/Patrem\ 5:48 AM: ((A discolored image of the fishery is posted.))
/Patrem\ 5:48 AM: "Some children have drowned, others will burn. I am through giving you my pity."
/Patrem\ 6:09 AM: "Go back child, go back, and try to wet the ashes."
/Patrem\ 6:09 AM: "Say hello to your composer for me. I already have been."
2/19/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
"I'm a little worried.
After telling my friend of the new recruit, he had a plethora of questions. He doesn't seem too happy about this. He hasn't talked to me all day today."
February 20th, 2015
2/20/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
They said I had to stay away for a while.
That I'd be given more time to sort things out.
I don't know what this all means. Right after they told me this, it started pouring outside.
Is this a sign of things to come?
2/20/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
2/20/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
This is quite odd.
It seems like the rain stopped, even though it was supposed to go on until the next day.
Everything is still flooded, though. I hope the place of meeting is alright...
I might head out there now.
2/20/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
I'm going to head out to the meeting place guys.
Hopefully it's not as flooded as I'm worrying about.
I'll post more tomorrow.
2/20/15 - Chat with Drown - Skype (Internet Detectives)
drown 1:19 AM: "Found you"
drown 1:20 AM: "Just like me"
drown 1:24 AM: "Got away from him"
drown 1:25 AM: "Got away from patrem"
Eve 1:26 AM: "Are you Vincent?"
drown 1:26 AM: "No"
drown 1:26 AM: "Couldn’t save him"
drown 1:27 AM: "Doug"
drown 1:27 AM: "Like me"
drown 1:28 AM: "I"
drown 1:29 AM: ((Drown enters a call with the players))
drown 1:29 AM: ((The "Song of Unhealing" plays))
drown 1:29 AM: ((Audio of someone drowning plays))
drown 1:30 AM: ((Drown leaves the call))
drown 1:33 AM: "Who"
drown 1:33 AM: "You already know"
2/20/15 - "swf.swf" - YSHDT.com
This video begins completely black. The ocarina prompt from Majora's Mask appears with the accompanying sound effect. The "Song of Inverted Time" is played. Shortly after this, a distorted photo of the inside of the fishery is shown as if from the perspective of someone breathing heavily, as a panting sound effect can be heard as the camera bobs up and down.
2/20/15 - Chat with Drown - Skype (Internet Detectives)
drown 1:47 AM: "Im scared"
drown 1:53 AM: ((Drown enters a call with the players))
drown 1:54 AM: ((Audio from "jadusable.wmv" plays. The audio seems to be from 3:49 to 4:19 in the original video))
drown 1:56 AM: ((The "Song of Unhealing" plays))
drown 1:59 AM: "He's coming."
drown 1:59 AM: ((The "Happy Mask Salesman" can be heard laughing))
drown 2:00 AM: "He's here."
drown 2:00 AM: ((Audio from "jadusable.wmv" plays. The audio seems to be from 4:21 to 4:58 in the original video))
drown 2:01 AM: "He's smiling."
drown 2:01 AM: ((Drown leaves the call and the Skype group))
2/20/15 - Chat with Mason - Email
Hello. This is Doug’s friend, Mason. He’s allowed me to use his E-Mail to contact you, so that you don’t believe it is spam. Since we’re thinking that we’re going to have an opening in the future, we would gladly accept you into our group. But first, you must pass a short series of tests to make sure you would be loyal to our cause. The first, is the official chant for recruits into our order. Please make a video, or record you reading this: I spit on my mother’s womb for it is filth, Luna shall cradle me with her glory. I strike down my father for he is weak, our Father shall grant me his might. I shall know that this family is sacred, a meta tribe of masters. I will heed the cry, of the children in the night, for I am as they are. I am, have been, and will be as a god. Though we may be of flesh we shall transcend, into the night, our mothers arms and know the euphoria of flying. The glory of ascension
2/20/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JID Thread)
/Patrem\ 3:27 AM: "Now that I have stabilized myself in this plane I can take a moment to explain. You think yourselves detectives, and yet you fail time and time again at the most simple of tasks. That child only seeks to mislead you. I have been watching you, you frightened sniveling children. You lack patience and you lack courage. Why should I even begin to help you when you can’t even stay on the path laid plain before you?"
ADULT_LINK 3:42 AM: "Which child?"
/Patrem\ 3:48 AM: "Fool, the one who had you all cowering in fear. Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots. If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "A name, smartass. Give their name. You might think yourself clever, but assuming we know who you speak of when we don't doesn't get us anywhere."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "Patrem: "Mortals are all the same, cowering idiots.""
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "True of them as that might be, it doesn't help if you make assumptions."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:58 AM: "Patrem: "If not for our mutual needs I would waste no time with you ignorant children.""
Mugen Kagemaru: 3:58 AM: "Nor would we give even you the time of day if we didn't have anything else to work with. Show some gratitude and take our limits into account."
/Patrem\ 4:34 AM: ((A disturbing audio file is posted. This file contains the "Song of Unhealing" along with a voice repeating the name "Ben" and "You already know"))
2/20/15 - "official chant for recruits" - Youtube.com (Jacob Anthony)
This video simply consists of a shot of Jacob's bed while he recites the chant given to him by Mason.
"I spit on my mother's womb, for it is filth. Luna shall cradle me with her glory. I strike down my father, for he is weak. Our father shall grant me his might. I shall know that my family is sacred, a meta-tribe of masters. I will heed the cry of the children in the night, for I am as they are. I am, have been, and will be as a god. Though we may be the flesh, we shall transcend into the night, our mother's arms, and know the euphoria of flying. The glory of ascension."
2/20/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
I went to the meeting place. It was, oddly, not as bad as I'd imagined it'd be.
It's closer to the water level, but there wasn't any flooding.
However, the entire time I was there, I felt odd. For a second, I could have sworn I saw a figure in the window watching my every move, but that's probably just my paranoia.
February 21st, 2015
February 22nd, 2015
2/22/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
All day, my friends and fellow family ignored my calls. They didn't speak to me, even when I asked them questions right in front of their face.
I'm confused.
2/22/15 - Chat with Mason - Email
We have discussed things, and have decided to allow you to join through three more trials. The first of which will test your courage. We ask that you spend as long as possible recording yourself staring into a camera, thinking of your deepest fears. Through your facial expression and eye movements, we will be able to see how courageous you are.
2/22/15 - Chat with Doug - Letschasethemouse Comments
Player: ((Players ask why Doug is acting so strangely))
Player: ((Players ask what time links are))
Eve: ((Asks if they are speaking to "The Father"))
Player: ((Players ask if they are speaking to Doug))
Player: ((Players ask who summoned Doug))
DandP: "THEY"
DandP: "THEY"
DandP: "T H E Y"
DandP: "/them."
Mugen Kagemaru: ((Insults Doug and calls them a "paternal fledgling"))
2/22/15 - Page Source Text - YSHDT.com
2/22/15 - Chat with Doug - Letschasethemouse
I woke up with a start just a little ago. My friend texted me, and told me he was sorry for dismissing me.
I'm starting to feel a little better.
Dovid M: "I just wanted to make sure your feeling all right. It must have been hard having everyone ignore you for no reason. do you have any idea what you were doing in your last post? It looks kind of like gibberish."
DandP: "My last post was about everyone ignoring me. What do you mean?"
Dovid M: "You can't see what I'm talking about? Do you see a post called "The Truth" Underneath this?"
DandP: "...Like I told you, the last post I see is the one about everyone ignoring me. What are you going on about?"
Dovid M: "Sorry, there must be something wrong with my computer... it gets like that sometimes"
DandP: "I know what that feels like."
Oceanstuck: "glad to know that got sorted out. hey weird question, who is this friend and whats he like anyway?"
DandP: "I'm not sure he would like me sharing his information online."
Oceanstuck: "oh i dont need any particular personal information, just a general idea of what kind of guy he is and /maybe/ a first name...probably not the last part"
DandP: "That's....really odd. Why do you want me to tell you this?"
Oceanstuck: "just curious"
Kat Sociopath: "ah! glad your ok and your feeling betters!!! :)"
Wyatt Hunt: "Hey, glad to see you're okay! I also have a question. Have you heard from Jacob lately?"
DandP: "No, I haven't. Last I heard, he was still going through the initiation process. For some reason, his is taking longer than usual. This only usually happens for important members."
DandP: "I'm going to head off for tonight. I feel oddly tired. I want to study my notes for a little while before going to sleep, at least."
Kat Sociopath: "Ok! good night! sleeepppp tight!!!"
2/22/15 - Chat with Doug - Letschasethemouse
Today was nothing but trouble.
Constantly through the halls, I heard people faintly whispering, and I couldn't tell who it was or why they were doing it. Probably mocking me.
At least my family wasn't so mean today. It was productive. After I went home, however, I was expecting a package in the mail. As it turns out, the mail never came. I hope I get it tomorrow. It's special to me.
Oceanstuck: "sucks to hear that you didnt get that package. i know id be pretty upset if something i was waiting for didnt show up. trust me, im expecting a game this week. whatever those whispers were saying, dont let it bring you down. youre a cool guy, i like you. if someone tries to bring you down, dont let them, ok?"
DandP: "Okay, thank you."
Wolfcat22: "The weather's been shit lately, maybe it will get there soon? Sucks hard when that kind of stuff gets delayed. What was it? My stuff is just usually useless video game merch."
DandP: "It was something religious. I can't really tell you specifically what it was."
Stevey: "Mail delivery services can be a pain. I hope you get it soon friend. You say it was religious yes? would the new recruit be expecting such mail too?"
Wyatt Hunt: "Hey, do you have a networking class?"
DandP: "Yeah, I do. Today was actually the first day."
DandP: "Sorry, I meant last friday. Wouldn't make much sense today."
Wyatt Hunt: "Alright, if it's networking fundamentals, I was wondering if I could borrow the notes. I misplaced mine."
DandP: "Sure, I'll grab a picture really quick."
DandP: "Hey, I posted the notes. Sorry about the drawings on the side. I like to doodle whatever comes to mind."
February 23rd, 2015
2/23/15 - Chat with Doug - Letschasethemouse Comments
Wyatt Hunt: "Thank you for the notes, it really saved me some trouble!"
DandP: "Sure thing. Maybe we can meet up sometime?"
Wyatt Hunt: "That sounds pretty cool, but I'm never free. I'll let you know when I have some free time."
Oceanstuck: "is that magnetos helmet?"
DandP: "Magneto's helmet?"
Oceanstuck: ((Image of Magneto's helmet was linked here))
Oceanstuck: "*whistles casually* http://s13.zetaboards.com/WithinHubris/single/?p=8085755&t=7339903"
February 24th, 2015
2/24/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
The Man 6:41 PM: "Hello."
The Man 6:42 PM: "I'm coming in to regretfully inform all of you that the next update might take a little longer than one or two days."
The Man 6:43 PM: "I'll try to make the next update a big one, with more lore information. "
The Man 6:44 PM: "Don't take that to mean it will be big though. Sadly, the reason for the delay is because me and my "co-author", I guess you could call him, are having trouble working some things out."
The Man 6:44 PM: "Patrem will most likely still be active during this time."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov speculates that The Man is likely pm'ing a co-author.))
The Man 6:45 PM: "Yes, he keeps me up-to-date on the crazy stuff you guys are up to. I figure you guys would know that much already, though."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov expresses fear that the co-author witnessed some silly roleplaying that took place in the Skype group))
The Man 6:46 PM: "He hasn't told me anything recently. So don't worry."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov mentions that another player referred to him by his real name))
The Man 6:48 PM: "Don't worry. I won't talk about anything pertaining to the ARG here. Other than stuff that is specifically OOC."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov apologizes for being impatient regarding ARG updates))
The Man 6:48 PM: "I do not forgive you."
Eve: ((Eve laughs at ARGdov))
The Man 6:48 PM: "Nor you."
The Man 6:49 PM: "Anyways. I have a few minutes. If any of you have any questions that do not pertain to the future, past, or current ARG, or anything having to do with anything interesting at all, feel free to ask me."
Oceanstuck: ((Oceanstuck asks The Man if he likes Mudkips (A type of Pokemon)))
The Man 6:51 PM: "I've never owned an Axolotl. However, I have seen one at the local pet store. They are quite lovely."
Kidpichu: ((Kidpichu asks The Man if he likes Pichus (Another type of Pokemon)))
The Man 6:51 PM: "I do not like yellow rats."
Kidpichu: ((Kidpichu says they are surprised that rats come in yellow))
The Man 6:52 PM: "If you paint them that way."
Kidpichu: ((Kidpichu says they feel awkward))
The Man 6:54 PM: "I am watching you."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov asks The Man what his "favopite" farm animal is))
The Man 6:55 PM: "I do not have a favoprite farm animal. I do, however, have a favorite one. And it is the majestic cow."
Player: ((Players ask The Man for his opinion on horses))
The Man 6:55 PM: "I wish to consume them."
Kidpichu: ((Kidpichu asks The Man if he killed "Bambi's mom" (A reference to the Disney movie "Bambi")))
The Man 6:56 PM: "No. I killed Mufasa, however."
The Man 6:57 PM: "He had a better mane than I."
Oceanstuck: ((Oceanstuck expresses disdain with their internet connection))
The Man 6:57 PM: "I feel your pain."
Wolfcat: ((Wolfcat asks who The Man is))
The Man 6:59 PM: "I am not."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov asks if "The Man" is "The Woman"))
The Man 6:59 PM: "Yes."
Eve: ((Eve says they hope whatever issues holding up the ARG get resolved))
The Man 7:00 PM: "Thank you."
ARGdov: ((ARGdov says that someone should document this conversation))
The Man 7:01 PM: "Apparently out of character information doesn't count."
Oceanstuck: ((Oceanstuck comments about the size of the upcoming "The Legend of Zelda" title for the Wii U, claiming that it could be the size of Kanto (A region from the Pokemon series)))
The Man 7:06 PM: "Kanto the island?"
The Man 7:25 PM: "Is this a creative server?"
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK asks The Man if he can create a page on YSHDT.com - "http://yshdt.com/sandroll))
The Man 7:25 PM: "Yes. No. Did you guys relay the message?"
The Man 7:26 PM: "I would appreciate if you did that to the membes who were not here."
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK asks The Man if he had a "break" last week))
The Man 7:27 PM: "Break?"
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK says they thought The Man might bave been in school))
The Man 7:27 PM: "I am in college."
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK asks The Man if he's going to make a movie))
The Man 7:28 PM: "No, it is because I'm having trouble working things out with my co-author currently. I'm hoping to have a lot of lore information to offer people."
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK speaks more about a "movie"))
The Man 7:28 PM: "I don't understand."
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK explains that he was making a joke about Alex Hall (Alex Hall proceeded to move onto a crowded movie idea called "Methods of Revolution" after placing his ARG on hiatus)))
ADULT_LINK: ((ADULT_LINK asks The Man to troll the player Mugen Kagemaru more))
Wolfcat: ((Wolfcat makes a remark about how Mugen Kagemaru has been ignored by several ARG characters))
The Man 7:32 PM: "I haven't specifically chosen anyone to target."
Player: ((Players begin speaking about strange things the player Mugen Kagemaru had done recently))
The Man 7:34 PM: "Do not fret. I already know what he posted. ;)"
March 3rd, 2015
3/3/15 - "Name.swf" - YSHDT.com
We are shown the photos found on the "/vincent" page. "Doug.jpg" (The photo of Deku Link) is highlighted as a "No" sign appears on it. "3.png" (The photo of Zora Link) is then highlighted and selected. The video then cuts to gameplay footage of Majora's Mask showing the "file select" screen. The first save file is named "Douglas". The cursor chooses the second save file that has yet to be created.
3/3/15 - "notes.png" - YSHDT.com
If another timeline is created, outcomes are inevitable, and cannot be changed.
If multiple lines are merged, chaos ensues.
She has told me of this happening. And it is her will.
They seek to stop her. To cause this merged chaos.
I was a fool to have my doubts.
And that is why she chose me.
There is one among you who is a traitor.
There are two among you who must die.
There are three that are thieving.
And all are waiting.
One of these will be your salvation.
A soul for a soul. An eye for an eye.
Light for dark.
Circles for squares.
Men for women.
Wolves for cats.
Time is like a network.
And networks can be hacked.
3/3/15 - "Masks.txt" - YSHDT.com
Your mask is everything.
You wear it when you talk to others.
You wear it during rough times.
And during good times.
You wear it to show what you'd like to be outwardly.
And hide what you are inwardly.
A mask protects your identity. It protects your soul.
It protects you from others, and yourself.
Your mask is everything.
What are you, without your mask?
March 4th, 2015
March 5th, 2015
March 6th, 2015
3/6/15 - Message from Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)
"At this moment my child, all we may do is wait. However I have been watching you all, and I see you enjoy playing games. So to amuse myself while I wait, I would like to play a game with the “detectives”. Should you all succeed I will reward you all for your display of wisdom. Tell the children precisely what I have told you now; What is the song that makes mother cry? Speak it then move to the fourth. Wqafi lps bpv npy dfza wyrraamam; You all have 1 hour, and remember, I am watching"
3/6/15 - Patrem's Audio File - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
Children, I’ve been asked “Who is Vincent?” You foolish children have spent quite some time to dive into the matter. However, I shall now unmask what wisdom you may know in time. At this time 'I do not dwell within him. However, now, I shall ((exist / dwell))' within him. After you have ((unintelligible)) the rank of Overseer, the chosen must move forward. ((Some accident / A ceremonial accident )) is essential. A ((section / sanction)) They will be having an Ascension. What the fool said about his soul, and my cruel nature ((unintelligible roar)); Understand detectives… You’ll find the FATHER. Vincent, I’m afraid, must now carry on his journey.
March 7th, 2015
3/7/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
I don't have much time, sadly. There's a lot of work to be done.
If anyone happens to be paying attention, feel free to ask anything. I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Otherwise, we will meet soon enough.
3/7/15 - Chat with M - Letschasethemouse
Sorry my last post was so urgent.
They took Doug, which I didn't expect. They need him for something, but they won't tell me. And I need your help, because he's in obvious danger. I don't know what to do.
Player: ((Players ask who the author is))
DandP: ((DandP states that he is Doug's friend Mason))
Player: ((Players ask what happened to Doug))
DandP: ((Mason says Doug was taken by the cult and taken to the fishery))
DandP: ((Mason is currently heading towards the fishery))
Player: ((Players ask if he knows who Vincent is))
DandP: ((Mason says he doesn't know who Vincent is))
3/7/15 - Chat with Helper - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
ADULT_LINK 9:01 PM: ((The "New Wave Bossa Nova" is submitted))
Helper 9:02 PM: "Do you have need of assistance, adventurer?"
Eve 9:03 PM: "We need to help Douglas, how can we?"
Helper 9:05 PM: "I'm not particularly sure. Has he lost his mail?"
ADULT_LINK 9:07 PM: "No, he seems to have gone missing. He may have lost his mail as well though."
Helper 9:10 PM: "Ooh, that's droll. I may be able to find him, which will take me a fair bit. However, I will find the perpetrator who has taken his mail! Thank you for bringing this information to light, adventurer!"
Seeker 9:10 PM: "Dont forget his marbles."
Helper 9:12 PM: "That reminds me of when I was a child, fair maiden! I used to love my marbles, with small hornets encased inside."
Mugen Kagemaru 9:14 PM: "Beware the Twelfth Tribe, they observe too much."
Helper 9:17 PM: "That's dumb."
ADULT_LINK 9:17 PM: "I agree"
Dawn 9:18 PM: "How heavy is the package that you carry?"
Helper 9:20 PM: "I am not currently in possession of any package. However, I assure you that I deliver quite large packages, demon."
Eve 9:21 PM: "#rekt"
Mugen Kagemaru 9:22 PM: "That's no demon, my friend. That's just the Sun."
Dawn 9:22 PM: ""demon." y"
Helper 9:24 PM: "You know why, villain. You seek to create what the others do not."
Eve 9:25 PM: "Helper, if you find our friend Douglas. Can you deliver him to his home?"
Mugen Kagemaru 9:25 PM: ""You seek to create what the others do not." What would that be?"
Helper 9:28 PM: ""Helper, if you find our friend Douglas. Can you deliver him to his home?" I am not sure he would be able to survive with a lack of oxygen, maiden."
Helper 9:28 PM: ""What would that be?" The near opposite of what you wish, adventurer."
Seeker 9:30 PM: "Why not add oxygen tanks and some snacks in the box, it can be lifesize. Just a though..here.."
Mugen Kagemaru: "And what would be the near opposite of what we wish?"
Helper 9:35 PM: "Obviously the near opposite of what you wish, adventurer!"
3/7/15 - Chat with Mason - Letschasethemouse Comments
Mason: ((Mason tells the players that he has arrived at the fishery))
Mason: ((Mason tells the players that he is hiding in some bushes after seeing some guards patrolling the fishery grounds))
Mason: ((Mason tells the players that someone just jogged past him into the fishery, referring to Helper))
Mason: ((Mason tells the players that he hears some screaming))
Player: ((The players tell Mason to throw a rock in an attempt to distract the guards))
Mason: ((Mason throws a rock which hits Helper))
3/7/15 - Chat with Helper - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
Helper 9:35 PM: "I have found what you seek. DAMAGED. He is where you imagined he would be, adventurer."
Helper 9:39 PM: "i am not a hero"
Helper 9:58 PM: ((An audio file containing an SSTV signal depicting Helper's Hat sitting in a pool of blood is posted))
Eve 10:09 PM: "Helper? Are you still there?"
Helper 10:10 PM: "That insect has been dealt with."
3/7/15 - Chat with Mason - Letschasethemouse
I think I'm safe.
After they saw me, they took a good look and chased after me. I can't see them anymore, so I think I'm good. I don't know what happened with them.
All this running is making me tired.
KendoSF: "Take a break and stay hidden Mason. We need to rethink our plan of attack."
DandP: "alright. im getting way tired anyways. gonna sleep"
March 8th, 2015
3/8/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[4:00:22 PM] *** Helper joined. ***
[4:00:35 PM] *** Kidpichu is confused ***
[4:00:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: helper?
[4:00:37 PM] Wolfcat: We should Mass Debate together over this issue
[4:00:37 PM] Archery 2000: o.m.g.
[4:00:48 PM] Archery 2000: they really are listening to the chat
[4:00:57 PM] Helper: Hello adventurers!
[4:00:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hi helper! :D
[4:01:00 PM] Wolfcat: Hello!
[4:01:01 PM] Archery 2000: hi!
[4:01:03 PM] Captain Desdinova: Hey!
[4:01:04 PM] Kidpichu: XD
[4:01:09 PM] Helix 236: hi
[4:01:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so what happened?
[4:01:12 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': Helper!
[4:01:14 PM] Archery 2000: who is the postman?
[4:01:14 PM] Kidpichu: oh hello ^-^
[4:01:24 PM] Helper: You seem to be excited to meet me.
[4:01:25 PM] Grey: What was that pixie picture I don't even
[4:01:32 PM] Archery 2000: yes we are
[4:01:33 PM] Helper: Again.
[4:01:33 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Indeed we are
[4:01:42 PM] Archery 2000: indeed
[4:01:45 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so what happened a while ago
[4:01:56 PM] Kidpichu: are you well?
[4:02:11 PM] eve sim: Hi, sorry I killed you
[4:02:13 PM] Wolfcat: Are you dead?
[4:02:29 PM] Skype: do you like yugioh?
[4:02:54 PM] *** Skype gives helper premium ***
[4:03:09 PM] Helper: Sadly, I am no longer a messanger.
[4:03:12 PM] *** Skype premium ***
[4:03:23 PM | Edited 4:03:29 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: did you lose your hat?
[4:03:23 PM] Grey: I actually haven't met you before Helper. So I can be excited if I want.
[4:03:33 PM] Archery 2000: did you lose your hat?
[4:03:56 PM] Kidpichu: why?
[4:04:30 PM] Helper: Yes, I have lost an important part of my person, adventurer.
[4:04:35 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Aww, that sucks
[4:04:35 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': helper, Im happy that you are alive.
[4:04:44 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': Can we get it back?
[4:04:49 PM] Helper: I do not feel alive.
[4:04:54 PM] Helix 236: can we help you get it back?
[4:05:00 PM] Archery 2000: can we help you?
[4:05:10 PM] Helper: I do not have a person any longer.
[4:05:18 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': How do you mean?
[4:05:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Were you ascended?
[4:05:24 PM] Skype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4
[4:05:27 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': Ill give you a person.
[4:05:29 PM] Archery 2000: who was your person?
[4:05:29 PM] Kidpichu: D:
[4:05:38 PM] Wolfcat: Such as in masks.txt I'm guessing
[4:05:41 PM] eve sim: Again, I'm sorry.
[4:05:52 PM] Helper: I am without a body. A most peculiar predicament.
[4:06:11 PM] Grey: Must be hard to chat on skype from the spirit world.
[4:06:45 PM] Helper: I do not know what has happened to me.
[4:06:46 PM] Archery 2000: what is the last thing you recall from when you have your body?
[4:06:47 PM] Wolfcat: Who sent you to the shadow realm? [4:06:50 PM] Archery 2000: ah I see
[4:07:15 PM] eve sim: Can we help you somehow?
[4:07:36 PM] Helix 236: did something happen when you sleep?
[4:07:43 PM] Archery 2000: is there anything you can recall that might help us aid you?
[4:07:52 PM] Helper: I do not remember much past yesterday.
[4:07:59 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I'm sorry D;
[4:08:03 PM] Archery 2000: what was the last thing you were doing?
[4:08:05 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': Do you remember your name?
[4:09:21 PM] Helper: Skype?
[4:09:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ?
[4:09:38 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': What about skype?
[4:09:39 PM] Skype: yes?
[4:09:50 PM] *** Skype updates ***
[4:09:54 PM] Archery 2000: lol
[4:09:56 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[4:10:00 PM] Captain Desdinova: lol
[4:10:00 PM] Wolfcat: I'm guessing you don't know what medium you're speaking to us in
[4:10:22 PM] Helper: What is skype?
[4:10:44 PM] Skype: http://zeldawiki.org/images/thumb/7/7b/MM3D_Postman%27s_Hat.png/745px-MM3D_Postman%27s_Hat.png
[4:10:52 PM] Wolfcat: It's how we are communicating with you, no big deal.
[4:10:58 PM] Helper: Your questions clog my ears, adventurers.
[4:11:07 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Sorry about that
[4:11:19 PM] Helix 236: yeah We're sorry T.T
[4:12:01 PM] Archery 2000: do these numbers make any sense?
[4:12:02 PM] Archery 2000: 25 11 17 14
[4:12:48 PM] Archery 2000: well, I was looking at the message that was unsolved, and those are the numbers needed to make sense of each word from Caesar shifting
[4:13:14 PM] Helper: I am a corporeal spirit. Not a mathematician.
[4:13:23 PM] Archery 2000: apologies
[4:13:53 PM] eve sim: Helper, how can we help you?
[4:13:54 PM | Removed 4:14:52 PM] Wolfcat: This message has been removed.
[4:14:24 PM] Kidpichu: guys one at a time XD
[4:16:49 PM] Archery 2000: helper, are you still there?
[4:17:43 PM] Helper: I do not imagine you will be able to help me, adventurers.
[4:17:54 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: D;
[4:19:06 PM] Grey: Do you know how we can help Mason?
[4:20:17 PM] Helper: Mason is in no need of help currently, adventurer. The ones in need of help are yourselves.
[4:20:25 PM] Archery 2000: How can we help ourselves?
[4:21:05 PM] Helper: By helping yourselves, of course!
[4:21:22 PM] Grey: There is logic in what he says.
[4:21:37 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: What is it we need help with?
[4:21:48 PM] Helper: Everything.
[4:21:52 PM] Wolfcat: Helper, can you tell us what all you remember before becoming a spirit? If anything at all.
[4:21:53 PM] Captain Desdinova: I love you, Helper
March 11th, 2015
March 12th, 2015
March 13th, 2015
3/13/15 - "mumble.wav" - YSHDT.com
Mason, you are a bane on my existence now. In the past, you were an ally. In the future, you are my foe. You’ve done great things for us, and also terrible things. It’s time to hunt you down and finish what I started in 2009.
3/13/15 - Page Source Text - YSHDT.com
The festival is intricately linked to the legends of Chang E, the mythical Moon Goddess of Immortality. According to “Li-Ji”, an ancient Chinese book recording customs and ceremonies, the Chinese Emperor should offer sacrifices to the sun in spring and the moon in autumn.
March 14th, 2015
3/14/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:03:07 AM] *** Helper joined. ***
[10:03:15 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: !!!
[10:03:26 AM] Helper: Hello adventurers.
[10:03:36 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hi helper
[10:04:06 AM] Helper: I would be pleased to know if you've found any leads on the whereabouts of my hat.
[10:05:19 AM] Wolfcat: I believe we know who has your hat, but we haven't been able to contact him yet.
[10:06:12 AM] Helper: I see.
[10:06:18 AM] Grey: Helper! You're back!
[10:06:33 AM] Helper: Hello, tactician!
[10:06:43 AM] Archery 2000: hey helper!
[10:06:46 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so helper
[10:06:51 AM] Archery 2000: way to go! first thing I see when I wake up ^^
[10:06:53 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: any luck getting your body back?
[10:07:42 AM] Mando 寒山: Yo yo yo
[10:07:48 AM] Helper: I have not, sadly.
[10:08:02 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: aw
[10:08:09 AM] Mando 寒山: What's up helpman
[10:08:43 AM] Helper: Not my spirits, sadly.
[10:09:01 AM] Archery 2000: did something happen?
[10:09:21 AM] Mando 寒山: I have some free bodies if you want any
[10:09:23 AM] Helper: I do not have a body.
[10:10:00 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: any way we could help?
[10:10:27 AM] Helper: I do not see how, adventurer.
[10:10:40 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: darn
[10:11:02 AM] Grey: How will we get your hat back to you once we find it?
[10:11:02 AM] Mando 寒山: Where's your body now
[10:11:05 AM] Helper: However, I may have some information you might need during your future endeavors.
[10:11:13 AM] Archery 2000: and that might be?
[10:11:18 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando, not the time
[10:11:23 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we can explain later
[10:11:45 AM] Mando 寒山: Sure, lay it on us
[10:11:54 AM] Helper: I do not know, adventurer. If I knew where my body was, I would be in possession of it.
[10:12:15 AM] Archery 2000: helper, what is the information you have for us?
[10:13:42 AM] Helper: The one you call mason is still alive.
[10:13:59 AM] Archery 2000: is he in trouble?
[10:14:09 AM] Helper: Absolutely not.
[10:14:20 AM] Helper: He happens to be doing nothing.
[10:14:32 AM] Eve Sim: That's good to know.
[10:14:41 AM] Grey: thank goodness he's alive
[10:14:46 AM] Archery 2000: is he unable to do anything? or is it his choice to do nothing?
[10:15:00 AM] Helper: I imagine it is his choice.
[10:15:08 AM] Eve Sim: I have a question.
[10:15:21 AM] Helper: Yes, adventurer?
[10:15:46 AM] Eve Sim: Do you know if "The Vile Man" will be back soon?
[10:16:21 AM] Oceanstuck: quickly refreshes yshdt thread out of curiosity
[10:16:32 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ocean, helper is back!
[10:16:40 AM] Helper: I do not know of which vile man you speak.
[10:16:44 AM] Oceanstuck: finds an image with the words "azure rebirth" hidden in it and moogen flipping his shit
[10:16:45 AM] Archery 2000: patrem
[10:16:45 AM] Eve Sim: Patrem
[10:16:57 AM] Oceanstuck: o hai helper
[10:17:35 AM] Helper: His actions are far outside what I will ever be able to perceive.
[10:17:47 AM] Helper: So no.
[10:17:58 AM] Eve Sim: Ok, thank you.
[10:18:02 AM] Mando 寒山: Oh, I got my internet back. Cool
[10:18:24 AM] Mando 寒山: Okay so does this Azure Rebirth stuff have anything to do with whatever forum Mugen made or is this a coincidence
[10:19:00 AM] Helper: Azure Rebirth?
[10:19:16 AM] Oceanstuck: shrugs thats what it said
[10:19:33 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Helper, im not sure how we could explain it to you without confusing you
[10:19:40 AM] Archery 2000: helper, do you know how our friend Doug is?
[10:19:45 AM] Grey: It was hidden in a clue we found.
[10:20:02 AM] Archery 2000: so azure rebirth was hidden in eyes
[10:20:07 AM] Helper: I do not know of any Azure Rebirth.
[10:20:11 AM] Oceanstuck: whats this azure rebirth thing mean anyway
[10:20:17 AM] Oceanstuck: those of you who actually know
[10:20:43 AM] *** Oceanstuck added Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙) ***
[10:20:52 AM | Removed 10:21:10 AM] Archery 2000: This message has been removed.
[10:20:52 AM] Helper: Doug is, as far as I know, still in his prison.
[10:21:02 AM] Archery 2000: I see, is there anything we can do to help him?
[10:21:03 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: his prison?
[10:21:23 AM] Helper: The fishery.
[10:21:27 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ah.
[10:21:29 AM] Oceanstuck: describe the fishery
[10:21:38 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Helper did you get my message earlier?
[10:21:44 AM] Helper: My memories are still a little fuzzy.
[10:21:55 AM] Oceanstuck: try the best you can
[10:22:00 AM] Helper: It seemed to be a run down building.
[10:22:13 AM] Helper: I do not know how else to describe it.
[10:22:18 AM] Oceanstuck: oh
[10:22:20 AM] Oceanstuck: well you tried
[10:22:31 AM] Helper: I have not gotten your message, adventurer.
[10:22:38 AM] Archery 2000: is there anything we can do to help doug?
[10:22:46 AM] Helper: For I am not in possession of my hat.
[10:22:58 AM] Helper: I am no longer a messenger.
[10:23:01 AM] Mando 寒山: [10:21 AM] Helper: <<< It seemed to be a run down building.I do not know how else to describe it.Are there any defining characteristics you can remember? Cars, a sign, etc.
[10:23:02 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Helper, check your Private Messages on here and the forum
[10:23:06 AM] Oceanstuck: hey has anyone asked about that image with a bunch of our states of residence on it
[10:23:09 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): The message is for you
[10:23:13 AM] Helper: There were no cars or signs.
[10:23:27 AM] Mando 寒山: How did you know it was a fishery
[10:23:27 AM] Helper: It was near a forested area, I believe.
[10:23:28 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: the one who we believe to have your had has not been in contact with us for a while
[10:23:50 AM] Helper: Because it was a fishery, adventurer!
[10:24:08 AM] Helper: This is most odd.
[10:24:15 AM] Archery 2000: what is?
[10:24:15 AM] Oceanstuck: helper i suggest you try to cut down on the tautologies
[10:24:18 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what is?
[10:24:23 AM] Helper: You have gotten messages, yes?
[10:24:33 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): No
[10:24:37 AM] Archery 2000: supposedly from you?
[10:24:38 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: from whom?
[10:24:58 AM] Helper: None whatsoever? Not even a video, picture, or hint?
[10:25:12 AM] Oceanstuck: what kind of messages are we talking
[10:25:17 AM] Helper: None other than the messenger, adventurer.
[10:25:18 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Nothing we could consider as such, no.
[10:25:30 AM] Helper: I have just listed them, heroine.
[10:25:39 AM] Oceanstuck: oh
[10:25:42 AM] Oceanstuck: heroine, huh
[10:25:47 AM] Helper: This is most odd indeed.
[10:25:47 AM] Oceanstuck: i like the sound of that
[10:25:50 AM] Oceanstuck: ^.^
[10:25:50 AM] Grey: Do you mean the videos with that weird shadow?
[10:25:55 AM] Archery 2000: I suppose some could have received messages?
[10:25:59 AM] Wolfcat: Do you mean, 'M'? Are they our Messenger?
[10:26:10 AM] Helper: The one in possession of the hat can share messages.
[10:26:17 AM] Oceanstuck: mason?
[10:26:22 AM] Oceanstuck: huh
[10:26:26 AM] Archery 2000: you have been quite active for the past few days
[10:26:28 AM] Oceanstuck: kinda weird youd say that
[10:26:33 AM] Oceanstuck: considering hes gone quiet on us
[10:26:38 AM] Helper: I do not know what the messenger has sent you, or what they call themselves.
[10:26:53 AM] Oceanstuck: how would we contact this messenger
[10:26:53 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Can you find out?
[10:27:14 AM] Archery 2000: would this count as a message? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r4PMimSF7s
[10:27:15 AM] Archery 2000: ?
[10:27:34 AM] Helper: Of course not, they are messages for you, not I!
[10:27:45 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ....hwat
[10:28:01 AM] Archery 2000: was it sent by you?
[10:28:36 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): I have sent messages, Helper. Messages addressed to you. Did you receive them?
[10:29:07 AM] Helper: I do not understand your tongue.
[10:29:17 AM] Oceanstuck: he sent you shit
[10:29:21 AM] Helper: I am no longer the messenger.
[10:29:23 AM] Oceanstuck: he wants to know if you got it
[10:29:39 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): They are not for you to pass along
[10:29:51 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): They are for you to peruse
[10:29:57 AM] Grey: I believe it's clear helper hasn't gotten anything
[10:29:59 AM] Helper: The messenger has gotten them. You are trying my patience, adventurer, I have explained such.
[10:30:19 AM] Archery 2000: my apologies helper, we have been rather rude hosts
[10:30:23 AM] Kidpichu: hi ^-^
[10:30:23 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Guys, lets calm down with all of the questions
[10:30:25 AM] Oceanstuck: sry
[10:30:28 AM] Oceanstuck: hi pichu
[10:30:43 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): It is my belief that I am not correctly wording my question. I am trying to correct this problem.
[10:31:01 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh also helper, I'm very sorry for my persistence last time you were here, i did not mean to come off as impatient
[10:31:30 AM] Helper: I understand your question, rude one. I am not an idiot.
[10:31:41 AM] Oceanstuck: welp
[10:31:45 AM] Grey: Helper, if I may ask, how can we get your hat to you once we've found it?
[10:32:10 AM] Helper: The one who owns the hat is the messenger.
[10:32:21 AM] Oceanstuck: how can we contact the messenger
[10:32:21 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Um, let me try this. Uh, Helper? Did the Messenger give you any messages from me?
[10:32:24 AM] Archery 2000: we have to get him to deliver it to you?
[10:32:26 AM] Helper: The messenger may relay messages across time and space.
[10:32:36 AM] Helper: You simply give me a message.
[10:32:43 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I am very confused by all of this
[10:32:50 AM] Archery 2000: I see
[10:32:56 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so when we get your hat, we have to use the hat to bring the hat to you?
[10:33:05 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): I wonder if that's the point Thorin
[10:33:06 AM] Oceanstuck: pfp
[10:33:19 AM] Helper: I have not gotten any messages, adventurer.
[10:33:27 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): There we go
[10:33:34 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Did it right
[10:33:36 AM] Helper: The messenger gets the messages. They relay the messages.
[10:33:45 AM] Archery 2000: can they choose not to relay the messages?
[10:33:46 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: :^)
[10:33:48 AM] Helper: I have spoken such three times now.
[10:33:48 AM] Oceanstuck: how do we give them messages to relay
[10:34:06 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): You did not speak sense so we did not understand
[10:34:12 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oi
[10:34:13 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mugen
[10:34:15 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: chill
[10:34:17 AM] Oceanstuck: nah i think that was just you
[10:34:21 AM] Grey: I do believe we are being a bit repetitive.
[10:34:22 AM] Oceanstuck: shot
[10:34:26 AM] Helper: It is the job of the messanger to do such things as giving you chances to relay. I am not he.
[10:34:28 AM] Wolfcat: Mugen stop being rude : /
[10:34:33 AM] Oceanstuck: dammit
[10:34:37 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: Can we focus on something more productive
[10:34:43 AM] Archery 2000: Helper, can the messenger choose not to relay the message?
[10:34:51 AM] Helper: Yes.
[10:34:52 AM] Oceanstuck: is there anything we could do to get him to let us send stuff
[10:34:58 AM | Edited 10:35:05 AM] Archery 2000: should we trust the current messenger?
[10:35:08 AM] Helper: I do not know whom it is.
[10:35:14 AM] Helper: You claim to know.
[10:35:29 AM] Grey: We believe Mason has the hat
[10:35:34 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i believe his name is "mason" but we are not in contact with him
[10:35:38 AM] Helper: Then he is the messenger.
[10:35:41 AM] Grey: and is being chased by some sort of Shadow
[10:35:45 AM] Oceanstuck: how do we gain contact with him
[10:35:53 AM] Helper: I do not know.
[10:35:55 AM] Oceanstuck: aw
[10:35:59 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hmmm
[10:36:04 AM] Helper: For I, once again, am not the messenger.
[10:36:21 AM] Oceanstuck: welp
[10:36:25 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lets let soe of the other people ask some questions, don't want to be rude and hog all of the question time
[10:36:34 AM] Oceanstuck: ok
[10:36:37 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: what's the meaning of the image you posted in the thread?
[10:37:21 AM] Helper: I have not given you any image.
[10:37:29 AM] Eve Sim: I understand helper. I'm sorry for the barrage by the others, we're not entirely organized at the moment
[10:37:37 AM] Oceanstuck: spirk, hes not the one posting in the thread
[10:37:41 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: oh
[10:37:44 AM] Oceanstuck: eve were never organized
[10:37:44 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: well shit
[10:37:45 AM] Grey: Told ya so
[10:37:46 AM] Archery 2000: Helper, is there any meaning when you call us hero/heroes/heroine?
[10:37:46 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Our communication skills are not very advanced.
[10:38:01 AM | Edited 10:38:07 AM] Archery 2000: or is it merely interchangeable with adventurer?
[10:38:23 AM] Helper: Young archer, a rock will always be a rock, no matter what you happen to call it.
[10:38:48 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Helper, I've been wondering. why were you calling some of us demons?
[10:38:51 AM] Helper: However, the demons seek to drive you off your course.
[10:38:56 AM] Helper: Be wary.
[10:39:07 AM] Archery 2000: are there still only two demons here?
[10:39:39 AM] Helper: I believe there are three now.
[10:39:50 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: any idea who the third one is?
[10:39:53 AM] Helper: One more by the name of link.
[10:39:57 AM] Oceanstuck: !!
[10:39:57 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: how can we recognize them?
[10:39:57 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what
[10:40:03 AM] Oceanstuck: hwat
[10:40:06 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: wait I am a demon?
[10:40:10 AM] Archery 2000: so ADULT LINK is a demon?
[10:40:11 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Thorin is a demon? What?
[10:40:27 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I'm not sure how i feel about this.
[10:40:28 AM] Oceanstuck: its because i made an awful injoke about him isnt it
[10:40:30 AM] Helper: This is only my opinion on the subject.
[10:40:40 AM] Oceanstuck: wait
[10:40:43 AM] Mando 寒山: Can I get a list of all known demons
[10:40:49 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Mando
[10:40:50 AM] Oceanstuck: the other two demons, are they the same ones from before?
[10:40:57 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Circle, Dawn, and i guess Me
[10:41:06 AM] Oceanstuck: yeah but circle and dawn arent here
[10:41:16 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh that is true.
[10:41:19 AM] Helper: The potential demon speaks the truth.
[10:41:19 AM] Eve Sim: Ocean, it's doesn't matter
[10:41:19 AM] Oceanstuck: so im not sure if hes referring to them
[10:41:26 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: wait
[10:41:31 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ocean is a potential demon?
[10:41:40 AM] Eve Sim: No guys Link is
[10:41:42 AM] Betrayed in the Octagon: I think he means you
[10:41:46 AM] Helper: No, you.
[10:41:47 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh
[10:41:49 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: alright
[10:41:51 AM] Oceanstuck: \(think)
[10:42:07 AM] Eve Sim: Seriously, Helper. I apologize deeply.
[10:42:11 AM] Archery 2000: Helper, I recall that the last time you spoke to us, you mentioned that people don't simply become demons
[10:42:13 AM] Oceanstuck: [10:41 AM] Helper: <<< No, you.im lost who do you mean by "you"
[10:42:20 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Eve knock it off
[10:42:28 AM] Archery 2000: No you was referring to link
[10:42:33 AM] Oceanstuck: ok
[10:42:37 AM | Edited 10:42:47 AM] Archery 2000: why is it that Link may now be a demon even though he wasn't previously
[10:42:45 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: well i mean
[10:42:50 AM] Helper: You ask him.
[10:42:51 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i had been asking if i was one
[10:42:54 AM] Oceanstuck: maybe he just couldnt tell the first time
[10:42:57 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: and i ended up being called impatient
[10:42:58 AM | Edited 10:43:56 AM] Archery 2000: helper, being a demon is a matter of choice?
[10:44:02 AM] Helper: If that is all, I will be taking my leave of you.
[10:44:12 AM | Edited 10:44:43 AM] Oceanstuck: wait
[10:44:20 AM] Grey: I have one more question if that's alright
[10:44:21 AM] Archery 2000: helper, is being a demon a matter of choice?
[10:44:25 AM | Edited 10:44:33 AM] Helper: I would take an aspirin if I had hands.
[10:44:26 AM] Oceanstuck: me too
[10:44:45 AM] Eve Sim: Thank you helper.
[10:44:46 AM | Edited 10:44:56 AM] Archery 2000: Helper, are you in pain?
[10:44:58 AM] Helper: Yes, being a demon is a matter of choice.
[10:45:06 AM] Oceanstuck: how so
[10:45:13 AM] Oceanstuck: define this choice
[10:45:26 AM] Helper: Simply listening to all of you has given me considerable pain in my skull.
[10:45:32 AM] Archery 2000: My apologies
[10:45:35 AM] Oceanstuck: sry
[10:45:40 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: sorry about that helper.
[10:45:47 AM | Edited 10:46:15 AM] Archery 2000: I hope you do not hold it against us, we are just surprised at a second opportunity to speak to you
[10:46:05 AM] Grey: okay, now I have two questions
[10:46:14 AM] Eve Sim: Grey, he's leaving
[10:46:21 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we really need to improve our communication skills, and decide what to say instead of barraging you with questions.
[10:46:26 AM] Oceanstuck: yeah
[10:46:37 AM] Grey: Yes, but I'm wondering why he has a headache if he's dead.
[10:46:43 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: he is a spirit
[10:46:50 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: he has a ghostly headache
[10:46:54 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: or so i would imagine
[10:46:55 AM] Archery 2000: helper, is there any final advice you can give us?
[10:47:00 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Spirits feel pain too guys
[10:47:00 AM] Eve Sim: ^
[10:47:04 AM] Oceanstuck: yeah that
[10:47:15 AM] Oceanstuck: lol link ninjad you
[10:47:20 AM] Helper: The level of idiocy has reached paranormal levels.
[10:47:26 AM] Eve Sim: ^^^^^^
[10:47:30 AM] Oceanstuck: sounds about normal
[10:47:31 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Sorry helper
[10:47:41 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Anyway
[10:47:43 AM] Archery 2000: Sorry helper, but I still have to ask, is there any final advice you can give us?
[10:47:48 AM] Grey: It's a fact that the larger a group is, the lower their IQ gets.
[10:47:59 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: everyone shh
[10:48:04 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Grey has one more question yes?
[10:48:04 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: please
[10:48:10 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: im starting to get a headache too
[10:48:19 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: and i imagine that Helpers is way larger
[10:48:25 AM] Helper: I will answer the tactician's last question.
[10:48:34 AM] Helper: And give one last piece of advice.
[10:49:30 AM] Oceanstuck: leans in to listen closely
[10:49:46 AM] Oceanstuck: which is kinda pointless since this is all text
[10:50:43 AM] Grey: Recently we've seen that the group of people who imprisoned Doug have found where some of us reside. I just want to know, who's still safe?
[10:51:55 AM] Helper: Whomever they cannot get to. While the group may know your location, they might not have the means to get to it.
[10:52:22 AM] Archery 2000: and the advice?
[10:52:27 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): May I ask one final question before you give your advice?
[10:52:33 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i believe that was the advice archery
[10:52:42 AM] Oceanstuck: too late moogs
[10:52:49 AM] Helper: I would protect your mailing addresses though. Just in case my hat is used for nefarious deeds.
[10:53:13 AM] Helper: I will allow one last question from the rude one.
[10:53:29 AM] Helper: But only to give him a chance to redeem himself.
[10:53:42 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): What is the goal of your current journey?
[10:53:59 AM] Helper: He has not redeemed himself.
[10:53:59 AM] *** Stevey "Wolfe" Freeman gasp ***
[10:54:02 AM] Stevey "Wolfe" Freeman: helper
[10:54:08 AM] Grey: Saw that coming.
[10:54:10 AM] Oceanstuck: this revelation surprises no one
[10:54:13 AM] Stevey "Wolfe" Freeman: My friend! :D
[10:54:26 AM] Oceanstuck: LE GASP
[10:54:40 AM] Eve Sim: Helper, what was your last word of advice?
[10:54:45 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Well helper, i hope youquest to get you body back is successful, we shall continue to search for and regain your hat to you!
[10:54:49 AM] Oceanstuck: dont give your mailing addresses
[10:54:51 AM] Helper: I stated in the beginning, and throughout my replies, that I still no longer have my body, and am in search of it.
[10:54:51 AM | Edited 10:55:12 AM] Archery 2000: yes, if you've said your advice, could you repeat it?
[10:55:22 AM] Helper: I have not stated it yet.
[10:55:24 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): The question was to clarify this. I thank you for it
[10:55:34 AM] Helper: I am thinking up some good sage advice.
[10:55:35 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Your advice, please?
[10:55:41 AM] Archery 2000: haha, we're all ears
[10:55:56 AM | Edited 10:55:58 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Helper you have the greatest personality
[10:56:00 AM] Oceanstuck: i like you helper
[10:56:10 AM] Grey: Why does Mugen's comments read like a Phoenix Wright cross examination.
[10:56:25 AM] Oceanstuck: PFFPT
[10:56:48 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Because I'm not rude, I am merely not intimidated.
[10:56:55 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: >_<
[10:56:58 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: stfu the rude one
[10:57:00 AM] Oceanstuck: hahahahahahaha
[10:57:01 AM] Mando 寒山: Not mutually exclusive duderino
[10:57:01 AM] Wolfcat: Nah you're pretty rude
[10:58:39 AM] Helper: Remember that, while you change events in the past, the future may also contact you. Also, the rude one is very rude, and also easily intimidated at the mention of their past. This goes for your member, and theirs.
[10:58:59 AM] Archery 2000: theirs?
[10:59:04 AM] Archery 2000: oh
[10:59:07 AM] Archery 2000: thank you
[10:59:18 AM] Oceanstuck: huh
[10:59:20 AM] Wolfcat: Thank you very much, Helper.
[10:59:23 AM] Archery 2000: again, sorry for the badgering
[10:59:25 AM] Grey: Thank you Helper.
[10:59:30 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Thank you for the sageful advice helper, i hope you get your body soon
[10:59:44 AM] Helper: I think that statement sets us at even odds, the one who calls themself Mugen.
[10:59:54 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): That past belongs to another. He may be connected to me, and it was he who was angered by the remider
[11:00:01 AM] Oceanstuck: bullshit
[11:00:01 AM] *** Helper has left ***
March 15th, 2015
3/15/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
/Patrem\ 9:35 PM: "I am in the midst of my work child, what is it that you must call on me in such a place?"
Spirkiroid 9:39 PM: "hey dude can we get a selfie"
/Patrem\ 9:44 PM: "Do you think you are worthy of my visage, child?"
Mugen Kagemaru 9:47 PM: "Hah. Ha ha, funny. Come now. Don't be shy. That's my girlfriend's department."
Stevey 9:48 PM: "A majority of us have contributed to this avertion of chaos. Found multiple truths and therefore aided you in your work... so yes... or alternatively... don't be shy!"
Rafal 9:53 PM: "And if you think us not worthy of your visage, you still have deemed us at least somewhat worthy of your time based upon your actions. If you decline to show, perhaps you could still do us the honor of telling us something."
ihatesigningupforstufflikethis 10:00 PM: "patrem i bet yr cute"
GreyouTT 10:01 PM: "WELL, WELL, WELL. You actually posted. Now that you're here, I think it's time we got some things out in the open. For example, you seem to be sticking to PMs quite a bit there my inter-dimensional friend. Why so secretive?"
/Patrem\ 10:40 PM: "You have all amused me greatly. So despite requesting in such a childish manner, I may grant you the privilege of a glimpse at my current form. However, this may take time, as capturing and sending a depiction of it from where I currently dwell is a task of great complexity. Just as the method in which I dwell is that of complexity, and often is the cause of disrepair in electrical devices. All this aside, is there anything you request at this time children, or shall I return to my work?"
Archery 10:45 PM: "Hey Patrem, Why do you keep ignoring my PMs? Am I asking the wrong questions?"
Stevey 10:51 PM: "On what we believe is Helper's channel "M" on Youtube.. there was a shadow at the end of his latest video, do you know what it is?"
Archery 10:59 PM: "Also, what are demons and how do you become one? Can you stop being one?"
/Patrem\ 11:03 PM: "Shadow's come in many forms child. Maybe your primative eyes misinterpreted unimiportant information as something of siginificance. Also chide me not should I be sans response of your tedious masked requests, I give each deep observation prior to action. However those that needn't require said observation to begin with often do not warrant my attention for I am quite busy and time truly is finite, even for one such as I."
Stevey 11:07 PM: "I said this as a joke to my friends in our chat a few moments ago... ... how did you...?"
GreyouTT 11:12 PM: "What is the group attempting to do at the Fishery? What exactly do they plan to do with Doug?"
Oceanstuck 11:13 PM: "im here guys. hello ok i have a quick question. what are the defining characteristics of a demon? shits come up a bit in a few conversations and i think we should probably get that sorted out"
/Patrem\ 11:48 PM: "I am always watching you brats, for it is unwise to leave children unattended. As for the place of worship, my children are simply attempting to better themselves for the coming times. As for douglas, I have stated before what shall become of him is unchangeable as I have spoken previously and I have no reason to speak of what is currently happening to him, so I shall not."
/Patrem\ 11:13 PM: "I know nothing of these "Demons" of which you speak. Why must you pry me of such foolish imaginings, what next? Shall you beseech me of the monsters beneath the place in which you rest?"
Mugen Kagemaru 11:53 PM: "Someone talked about demons and we're asking in case it becomes relevant. Better to look into red herrings than to ignore the right trail when it's revealed."
((Patrem begins quoting players' messages from Skype and responding to them in his posts. These quoted messages will be italicized.))
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: "Since Patrem is the leader of the cult we should capture him"
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: "I would be delighted if you would speak more of these grandiose propositions. Please, if you honestly believe you carry knowledge not of my own understanding, do enlightened me. For surely you and your fellow "Detectives" are supremely powerful beings that I should not trifle with."
/Patrem\ 12:35 AM: ((A distorted audio file is posted))
Stevey 1:00 AM: "We're the most powerful thing since god my friend. We clearly have no need of these petty games..."
Archery 1:02 AM: "Ignore his insolence, forgive us father, for we have sinned..."
GreyouTT 1:08 AM: "Good to know higher beings are still capable of sarcasm. But since you asked, I'll tell you: We may not be powerful beings, but you should never count us out. We have a power of our own."
/Patrem\ 1:29 AM: "Then try and wield this power child, see what it gets you in return. If you have some plan to "catch" me, I would be most pleased to see you execute it."
GreyouTT 2:05 AM: "Tempting, but I think we'll save that for later. For now though, I think it's time us detectives fell off of your radar for a while."
GreyouTT 2:05 AM: ((The "Stone Mask" and "Gibdo Mask" are both submitted))
/Patrem\ 2:38 AM: "Do you think you have sort of control over me? Do you even understand the power you attempt to wield? Look upon your foe, and kneel."
/Patrem\ 2:38 AM: ((Patrem posts a photo of himself though it is incredibly distorted))
Stevey 2:46 AM: "More Technical issues.. huh?"
Archery 4:39 AM: "My word, you're the only handsomest ethereal entity I have ever set my eyes on, what a lovely complexion you have!"
/Patrem\ 4:50 AM: "My true intent was to show you the form I currently reside in. However the power radiated from my own presence, and the complexity of delivering such a thing to this place resulted in showing nothing more than my essence, and some scrambled remains. Pity, the sight of my form would have sent you all into quite a bit of turmoil."
Archery 4:52 AM: "Is the face found in the bottom right corner a remnant of the original image?"
/Patrem\ 4:54 AM: "Yes child."
Archery 4:56 AM: "Apologies about the comments earlier regarding capturing you. On a more serious note, is there any way we can contact Mason, or could you kindly put us in contact with him?"
/Patrem\ 5:05 AM: "I found it quite amusing, as it always is, but most certainly it is when you think you can use your toys on me."
Archery 5:10 AM: "Amusing it might be, but the statement is true, isn't it. You aren't asking us to cower in fear or kneel before you unlike before. If you do not mind, could you answer a few questions we have, including the prior question?"
Helix 5:12 AM: "Previously I've messaged you a couple of questions though I wasn't sure if it was something you could answer. In /notes, it is said that two of us must die. Is there a reason for this 'sacrifice'? What exactly is "her will"? Is /notes written by doug or you? And, if I may boldly ask again, are you against or for the idea of humans like us ascending?"
/Patrem\ 5:20 AM: "I will answer but one final question, I have many things I must attend to and have no time for the incessant babbling of children."
Archery 5:26 AM: "How can we can contact Mason ourselves? If we are unable to, could you kindly put us in contact with him?"
/Patrem\ 5:35 AM: "Mason is a foolish child, there is no need for you to contact him. However I shall tell you that he is currently within his own residence. There is more to know of him, but it shall surely come to you in time, you are not infants and I shan't spoon feed you. Now I shall depart, as this child shall soon awaken and I still have tasks to address."
March 16th, 2015
3/16/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Patrem: "... I will make falsehood of [Greyou's] life.""
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Patrem: "... in any time you should be my foe, know your foe is timeless...""
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: ((A video of the character "The Joker" from the Batman series laughing is posted))
Mugen Kagemaru 11:52 PM: "Haaaaaah... Ha ha.. Hah! And they say empty words are nothing. Fuckers were wrong, that shit's hilarious!"
GreyouTT 11:59 PM: "Welp, I'm done for the week. Goodbye world."
/Patrem\ 12:18 AM: "Falsehood of ones life is to say that I shall render ones status of living to now be false, as yours shall soon be, and in the most terrible ways imaginable should you continue to act as though your position with me is any different than the other children. I have watched you speak as though you wield some form of power, remember this well child. The only one in power here is me."
Mugen Kagemaru 12:23 AM: "The only one pf this world, perhaps, and therein lies your error. I'M NOT OF THIS WORLD YOU BLIND LITTLE FERRET"
March 17th, 2015
3/17/15 - Chat with Mason - Letschasethemouse
3/17/15 - It's been a while
"Sorry I’ve blown you guys off. I’m really out of it now, especially after I couldn’t even see Doug. This week has been crazy, too. I’ve met some new friends, have been waking up earlier than usual, have been finding myself in places that I’ve never seen before, and finally met a really odd person that claimed to be from the future. It’s been a rough week and a half."
Player: ((Players ask Mason about the person claiming to be from the future))
Mason: "He was dressed in all grey. I couldn’t make out what he looked like. He came and wanted to trade me for an item.
Player: ((Players ask what the man wanted))
Mason: "He wanted a hat I’d found at the fishery for a card. He said the card would be very important in the future for me. I didn’t want the hat anyways; it had blood on it."
Player: ((Players ask about the card))
Mason: "It’s…not a collectible card. It’s just an 8 of clubs."
Player: ((Players question if there's anything special about the card))
Mason: "No, there isn’t anything special about the card that I can tell of. I would give you a picture, but my phone/camera is currently dead."
Player: ((Players ask Mason about how he is appearing in different places))
Mason: "I have no idea. One second I’m walking down the street, the next I’m just by some park’s statue…"
Player: ((Players ask about the statue like))
Mason: "The statue was just some abstract sculpture. Also, I did say I’ve never seen that place before."
3/17/15 - Patrem's Bedtime Story - Within Hubris (PM's)
Yes child, sleep is a very important thing for your kind. So I shall tell you the tail of another who also has trouble sleeping. There once was a child who was quite curious, he was surrounded by children and yet, it was not enough for him. So he sought the company of others. Through trials and tribulations he found sanctuary in their communion, however he lost sight of the other children, his own name and even his self. But his new family loved him very much, so his father decided to give him a name. Vincent, and before he knew it he was a very responsible man. He was to oversee all of the children in his father’s home when his father was away. However one night, father saw that one of his children had become quite grand. This child was to come and see his father so that he might be told the secrets that only father may know. But two terrible children, who must not be spoken of, one flying, one simply screaming, had come and interfered. Luckily the grand child had still done what was needed on that night, but their father was displaced. He was hurt, that children would fuss in such a time of glory. But Vincent was a good boy, he gave his father refuge. But the event was much to bare, and Vincent had forgotten once again who his family truly was. This all kept Vincent awake, always awake, and his father can do no work, if Vincent is always awake and crying as though he is still simply another child. Now you must rest, for sleep is a very important thing for your kind. I may be able to go on without such a time wasting practice, but neither you nor Vincent can.
March 18th, 2015
3/18/15 - Chat with Patrem and Vincent - Within Hubris
/Patrem\ 10:39 PM: "My time is very limited. I am timeless, but my flesh puppet moves on a most cumbersome schedule."
/Patrem\ 10:39 PM: ((Patrem posts a corrupted version of the player Tyler's audio file))
Stevey 10:45 PM: "Is that.... Tylep's stuff in there? ... what are you implying? ... On Doug's old blog... Mason mentioned he met a Grey Man.. Do you know who this is?"
Sengi 10:58 PM: "Hey Patrem, who is The gray man? Can we get any clues to it's identity?"
Eve 11:27 PM: "Patrem, is there anything we can do to aid you? Or is there something that we've overlooked?"
Stevey 11:28 PM: "It seems Patrem is unwilling to talk of the identity of this Grey Man. .... we should use this time to ask something vital before Patrem leaves.."
GreyouTT 11:30 PM: "Or maybe you should be more patient."
Wolfcat 11:40 PM: "Do you have other 'puppets' at your disposal? If so, have we met them?"
Tyler: 11:43 PM: "Patrem used my thingy, does this mean I am cannon now?"
GreyouTT 12:02 AM: "Hey Patrem, what are you children at the fishery preparing for exactly?"
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: ""Is that.... Tylep's stuff in there? ... what are you implying?""
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: "Something about it felt nostalgic, I then quickly realized it was not I who felt it but my flesh."
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: ""Hey Patrem, what are you children at the fishery preparing for exactly?""
/Patrem\ 12:38 AM: "They are simply playing now, as children do. I however am the one preparing, so that things may be a bit more favorable in that time."
Chuckles 12:51 AM: "hey Patrem what do you jerk off to?"
GreyouTT 12:52 AM: "What's going to happen when the time you're preparing for comes? Some sort of spiritual event or something like the moon falling?"
Oceanstuck 1:01 AM: ""hey Patrem what do you jerk off to?""
Oceanstuck 1:01 AM: "your mom"
/Patrem\ 1:27 AM: ""So maybe at some point we can play the Goron's Lullaby to put Vincent to rest, which will allow Patrem to further his plans""
/Patrem\ 1:27 AM: "He sleeps even now, in fact, he fell asleep in a rather unfamiliar location as you may have over heard in my previous message."
Mugen Kagemaru 1:45 AM: "Does the name Valoron Lyro mean anything to you? He claims he once killed you but I doubt the validity of such a claim."
Oceanstuck 1:49 AM: "i have a nagging feeling that shit is about to be thrown everywhere..."
/Patrem\ 1:50 AM: "Child none have killed me and I may never truly die. I have never encountered this man but he tells foolish tales of a liar."
Oceanstuck 1:55 AM: "idk whether to be relieved or perturbed by this info regarding a joke statement"
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: ""Should we ask about the Spire?""
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: "Ask me not of this."
GreyouTT 1:58 AM: "What do you think of the color Azure?"
/Patrem\ 2:11 AM: "It is a meaningless color to me. This place is quite loud, and soon this child shall awaken once again. I have time for but one more question."
Mugen Kagemaru 2:13 AM: "Will you permit the child to converse with us?"
/Patrem\ 2:26 AM: "I can feel him awakening so I may have no choice. However before I depart, I wish to clear up a prior confusion that I found most aggravating. Vincent and Douglas are two separate children, also Ibfda fd awakened"
GreyouTT 2:29 AM: "Thank goodness he managed to click send before the seizure completely took hold."
((Vincent begins speaking through Patrem's account))
/Patrem\ 2:40 AM: "What is this?"
Mugen Kagemaru 2:43 AM: "This... is a place of gathering, really. Um, what can you tell us about where you are?"
GreyouTT 2:45 AM: "It's a forum yo. You feeling alright?"
/Patrem\ 2:50 AM: "I'm really confused, I don't know who you are or what this website is. But the last thing I remember is going to sleep in my room, and now it looks like I am in my local park. I am feeling kinda of weird and my head hurts. Who are you people and do you know anything about this?"
Eve 2:52 AM: "We are the Internet Detectives. What's your name?"
/Patrem\ 2:54 AM: "Why should I tell you my name? What the fuck is going on!?"
Mugen Kagemaru 2:54 AM: "Um, Eve? Don't we already know his name? Anyway, some unusual things have come up regarding a group with a thing for the moon. Is there anything you can tell us about that while you make your way home?"
/Patrem\ 3:01 AM: "A thing for the moon? Thats a shame, there is no moon in the sky tonight. But I don't know anything about this group. Do you know why I am sitting here with this page open in my night clothes in the middle of my local park at night?"
GreyouTT 3:01 AM: "Well this is going to take some explaining. Well not the park thing, not sure about that part, but the rest of it we can explain. Well kind of. You see it's very complicated, you may want to sit down if you aren't already. If anything, you may or may not want to look back at your post history."
/Patrem\ 3:03 AM: "Wait... HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?"
Mugen Kagemaru 3:04 AM: "You don't know anything? That's odd... Why would that one choose you, then...? As Grey implied, we do have an explanation for your little mystery, but we fear it won't exactly be... ... ah... how would you people put it... ...believeable? Yes, there we go. We fear you won't believe us. (Addendum) As for your name... well, someone told us."
GreyouTT 3:14 AM: "Yes well the name thing is I admit, suspicious, and you are no doubt confused by what is going on. But right now I think you should be focusing on why you are in the park right now. Now, could you describe your surroundings, do you see anything out of the ordinary that does not involve pajamas."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:17 AM: "*facepalm* Grey... Anything odd that doesn't involve pajamas or the fact that total strangers over the Internet just happen to know your name?"
/Patrem\ 3:21 AM: "I have no idea where my phone is, and the lights in the park were all flickering for a few moments when I woke up. I recall having it in my hand before I fell asleep. I have no idea why I would be in the park but I am about to head home, when I leave the park there will be no wifi until I get back to my house."
Mugen Kagemaru 3:27 AM: "OK, before you go, could you clear something up for us? The person who told us your name, they also said you helped a person who was like a father figure to you when something went wrong. Can you tell us anything about that?"
/Patrem\ 3:35 AM: "My father is dead, I don't have any father figures and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I am gonna go before someone steals my shit. Some little kid just walked up to me, like this young kid and just asked me if the "Purple man" is gone now, crying and shit. Fuck this, fuck everything about this, fuck you guys, fuck whoever the purple man is. I am going home now. Fuck this."
March 19th, 2015
3/19/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
For some reason I feel like dancing.
Really badly. I don't even know how to dance. -M
Sengi: "nah, dont... Those urges are dumb and you can prove your will to be strong by ignoring them completely"
DandP: "It at least raised my spirits."
Sengi: "Use that energy for productive things! Paint a picture, write a story, do that while being guided by your raised spirits!! Maybe then will that energy be put for good use"
Oceanstuck: "im gonna join you if you dont mind"
DandP: "That's dumb."
Oceanstuck: "aw come on man dancing is fun no matter shitty you may think you are at it. uhm, hold on, lemme think of a good dance to do. you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out...wait no thats stupid. uhh, you know the macarena?"
Wyatt Hunt: "I think you should go with your gut. You have this urge for a reason, and dance is an art form. If you feel like dancing, that's just awesome."
DandP: "Alright."
3/19/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
THat was fuking close.
For those of you who are going to ask, no, I didn't dance. I noticed that the clouds were forming outside, then a bolt appeared close to me.
I'm a little worried about this.
3/19/15 - Message from "The Gray Man" - Within Hubris
You've all been very lucky so far. In all the times your members have rushed in and acted without the consensus of others, you haven't killed anybody yet.
Perhaps this will change tonight.
March 20th, 2015
3/20/15 - Message from "The Gray Man" - Within Hubris
The way you all treat each other is pitiful. What right have you to call others arrogant when your attitudes rival the very one you insult? What right has any of you to call me a false prophet when you failed to regard the information provided by my predecessor, the one you consider "real?"
If you seek my assistance, please hesitate before putting your own down and stepping onto your own pedestal. Your outfit is only as strong as its weakest link, and you fools are only rusting the chain. You seem to have been very lucky so far. Consider my words, friends, and become one unit. Or, you could ignore me and see how far that gets you.
March 21st, 2015
3/21/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[1:18:37 PM] The Man: Hello.
[1:19:19 PM] Oceanstuck: hello
[1:19:30 PM] Oceanstuck: holy shit guys the mans here
[1:19:38 PM] The Man: Does anyone happen to know where BlackLuigi7 and Wolfcat are?
[1:19:47 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn and wolf?
[1:19:51 PM] Oceanstuck: i dont
[1:19:55 PM] Oceanstuck: why
[1:20:13 PM] The Man: I have my reasons.
[1:20:15 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Ohai dude
[1:20:27 PM] The Man: Dawn messaged me about a problem a while back.
[1:20:37 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': hi guy
[1:20:40 PM] Oceanstuck: describe this problem
[1:20:44 PM] The Man: Wolfcat did something I need to speak to him about.
[1:20:55 PM] The Man: I...think that's private?
[1:20:59 PM] Oceanstuck: hm?
[1:21:23 PM] The Man: Terribly sorry. I did not know I was going to play 20 questions when I asked.
[1:21:44 PM] Oceanstuck: ive never heard the term 20 questions but i think i get it
[1:21:45 PM] Oceanstuck: sorry
[1:22:11 PM] The Man: It just happens to be important.
[1:22:17 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): They only ask so they can pass it on to your addressees when they pass on your looking for them
[1:22:24 PM] Oceanstuck: uh
[1:22:25 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah
[1:22:27 PM] Oceanstuck: something like that
[1:22:29 PM] The Man: Please tell them to issue me a friend request when they come back.
[1:22:47 PM] Oceanstuck: right
[1:22:57 PM] The Man: Thank you kindly.
[1:23:12 PM] The Man: Sorry about this, it is very important.
[1:23:22 PM] Oceanstuck: its alright
[1:24:01 PM | Edited 1:24:24 PM] Oceanstuck: as long as youre not trying to use our internal drama against us in the arg im chill
[1:24:04 PM] Oceanstuck: ...wait
[1:24:04 PM] Oceanstuck: fuck
[1:24:17 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): ...
[1:24:17 PM] The Man: Just to clear it
[1:24:34 PM] The Man: This has nothing to do with the ARG.
[1:24:48 PM] Oceanstuck: ill take your word for it
[1:24:59 PM] Oceanstuck: i just needed to make that joke, awful as it is
[1:25:20 PM] Oceanstuck: so
[1:25:32 PM] Oceanstuck: anything else you want or need to get out of the way while youre here?
[1:25:44 PM] The Man: I know. I just thought of how dreadfully odd it was that I ask for those two specifically.
[1:26:03 PM] Oceanstuck: shrug
[1:26:10 PM] The Man: I....don't think so? Are you expecting me to say something?
[1:26:17 PM] Oceanstuck: i was kinda referring to the group in general when i made that statement
[1:26:25 PM | Edited 1:26:32 PM] Oceanstuck: if semi-jokingly
[1:27:56 PM] Oceanstuck: as long as youre not trying to use our internal drama against us in the arg im chillthis one i mean
[1:28:24 PM] Oceanstuck: ...i may have made this confusing
[1:28:36 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Meh
[1:28:47 PM] Oceanstuck: shurg
[1:29:13 PM] Oceanstuck: wait are you still there The Man
[1:29:48 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah i think hes gone
March 23rd, 2015
3/23/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
Hey guys.
I just got back. One second, I was in my house, protecting myself from the storm.
The next, I was next to that fucking statue again.
((An image of an owl statue is posted))
This is getting ridiculous though. This time it was in a park far, far off from my house. I'm just glad my parents weren't home for the weekend.
But now, I feel like I want to do something. I need to know what happened to Doug. I have no idea how to go about doing something, though. So I want ideas. I'll add that it seems like the members of the...I guess I should call it a cult, now...haven't noticed that I was the man who spied on them that night. They're sending me messages, and trying to get to me at school, saying that they're worried and that I can always come back to them if I'm in trouble. I'm thinking about taking them up on their offer, to see if I can find anything.
Stevey: "From Dougs last posts... he joined them, and we never heard from him again... are you sure that'd really be a good idea?"
DandP: "I'm not sure."
Stevey: "Do you have a weapon of sorts? a baseball bat.. or a gun even? if you have to go, dont be a sterotypical horror protagonist and go unarmed... that never ends well."
DandP: "I have a small switchblade..."
Oceanstuck: "how well can you fight with that thing. if youre gonna use a weapon you should go with one you can use effectively"
Archery2000: "Hey Mason, sorry if it seems like I'm pressing you for it, but I'm rather interested in playing cards. Could you post up a picture of the card, ideally one from each side, just to show it fully. (i could send you a picture of my collection if you're interested, it's small but I just started recently, so...)"
DandP: "I think I misplaced the card somewhere. There's really nothing special about it, though. It isn't even name brand."
KendoSF: "I dunno, I think it might be a good idea to wait before going near them again. Has Doug come back yet? Or is he still in the fishery?"
DandP: "I haven't seen Doug since."
KendoSF: "Hmmm... I think you should keep your distance for now. If you want, try some spying. But don't follow them into a place you're not sure about. In fact I think you might want to bring back up if you decide to explore a place they hang out at."
Wickedlady4180: "Be careful, Mason. If you do go, please make sure to let us know. We'll help you any way we can."
DandP: "Alright."
Zangoose: "Do be careful, we suspect that cult from being a harmful organization, and maybe they take their lives off..."
DandP: "...No shit?"
Wolfcat22: "We'll try to help however we can. What more can you tell us about this cult? Like, anything about rituals or ranks? Also one more question, though it is a random one. Do you take Psychology? I got a random photo in the mail of some Psychology notes, it freaked me out a bit."
DandP: "We were promised to become part of a whole new way of thinking, including gaining powers and being one of the first to get the ability to never age once we hit it large as a sort of scientific/religious organization. I can't tell you much more than this for many reasons, partly because I wasn't told a lot about what was going on since I was lower ranked. No, I have never taken Psychology."
Zangoose: "Hey, by chance do you know if Doug did run psychology?"
DandP: "I think so. I'm not sure."
3/23/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:29:31 PM] *** Helper joined. ***
[10:29:39 PM] Oceanstuck: ohai
[10:29:53 PM] Helper: Hello, adventurers!
[10:29:59 PM] Grey: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/796/799/3de.gif
[10:30:02 PM] Grey: wait what
[10:30:03 PM] Kidpichu: (>_<) my whole little pichu life has been a lie?
[10:30:10 PM] Oceanstuck: sup bruh
[10:30:20 PM] Grey: Hi helper!
[10:30:23 PM] Helper: Has it been, heroine?
[10:30:26 PM] Oceanstuck: logging all of this before i forget
[10:30:33 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... oh...
[10:30:41 PM] Kidpichu: hi ^-^
[10:30:42 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: is this the sassy, amazing helper that I know and love?
[10:31:04 PM] Helper: It seems that my hat has exchanged hands.
[10:31:10 PM] Oceanstuck: so ive heard
[10:31:17 PM] Grey: Indeed, a Grey man has it now.
[10:31:20 PM] Grey: Not me
[10:31:26 PM] Grey: Even though my name is Grey
[10:31:31 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: A douchier .... Greyier.... man
[10:31:36 PM] Helper: I cannot say I am pleased by this, but it seems the hat is closer to your grasp than you think.
[10:31:45 PM] The Sun: No, Grey has it.
[10:31:47 PM] The Sun: Kill him.
[10:31:51 PM] Oceanstuck: oh?
[10:31:55 PM] Grey: hrm?
[10:32:03 PM] Oceanstuck: huh
[10:32:06 PM] Oceanstuck: if its so close
[10:32:09 PM] Oceanstuck: how might we get it
[10:32:21 PM] Helper: How might you get it?
[10:32:28 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah how
[10:32:34 PM] Helper: How?
[10:32:54 PM] Oceanstuck: yes im asking how we could potentially get the hat
[10:32:57 PM] Grey: Who?
[10:33:11 PM] Helper: By taking it from this grey man!
[10:33:18 PM] Oceanstuck: ok
[10:33:20 PM] Oceanstuck: but first
[10:33:28 PM] The Sun: Seems like a simple concept.
[10:33:40 PM] Oceanstuck: how do we figure out exactly who and/or where the grey man is
[10:33:40 PM] Grey: Alright, here's the plan
[10:33:44 PM] Grey: I run up
[10:33:48 PM] Grey: and kick him in the nuts. Dawn, you run after me
[10:33:57 PM] Grey: and grab the hat
[10:34:04 PM] Oceanstuck: hahahaha
[10:34:06 PM] The Sun: But I am in space.
[10:34:07 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: I'LL TBAG THE PAINED BODY!
[10:34:14 PM] Grey: Explain MArio 3
[10:34:18 PM] Helper: By asking them who they are!
[10:34:27 PM] Oceanstuck: how do we know who to ask
[10:34:40 PM] Helper: The grey man, of course.
[10:34:44 PM] Helper: Who else?
[10:34:45 PM] Grey: Fine, Ocean will grab the hat
[10:34:48 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .... ho boy
[10:34:55 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: but we've had no contact with this grey man.
[10:34:57 PM] Grey: Then we flee to mexico
[10:34:59 PM] Oceanstuck: you guys are hilarious
[10:35:01 PM] Grey: where we make the exchange
[10:35:04 PM] Kidpichu: could circle be the greyman? 3: he used to be a greyman but circle wouldn't take hats
[10:35:52 PM] Grey: The name of this operation will be called Ocean's 423
[10:39:05 PM] Helper: Once I gained my body back, I had to perform tasks for the one that claimed it before.
[10:39:24 PM] Oceanstuck: "the one that claimed it before"?
[10:39:25 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... intresting
[10:39:38 PM] Kidpichu: ....yaoi's...I'm sorry
[10:39:40 PM] Helper: They took my talent for running and used it for a thriving business they happened to have.
[10:40:04 PM] Grey: So it was pot
[10:40:09 PM] Helper: I simply had to run white powder cross-country!
[10:40:17 PM] Grey: or coke
[10:40:20 PM] Grey: or both
[10:40:26 PM] Oceanstuck: omai
[10:40:27 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: you're ... serious, arent you?
[10:40:29 PM] Oceanstuck: :O
[10:40:52 PM] Helper: I have no idea why I would not be serious, adventurer!
[10:41:12 PM] Oceanstuck: for amusement maybe
[10:41:17 PM] Oceanstuck: but i dont really think thats your thing
[10:41:28 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: I dont know how you supernatural beings.... function... but, where in the country "are you" ?
[10:41:47 PM] Helper: I am no longer supernatural.
[10:41:54 PM] Oceanstuck: was he ever supernatural
[10:41:59 PM] Helper: I currently reside in Jacksonville.
[10:42:04 PM] Helper: Florida.
[10:42:10 PM] Grey: Well now that you have your body we can get your hat back to you easier.
[10:42:11 PM] Oceanstuck: florida?
[10:42:22 PM] Helper: That is what I said.
[10:42:22 PM] Helper: That is what I said.
[10:42:29 PM] Oceanstuck: huh
[10:42:30 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Oh hi Helper
[10:42:35 PM] Helper: Hello!
[10:42:38 PM] Oceanstuck: we have a friend whos from florida
[10:42:44 PM] Oceanstuck: interesting
[10:42:53 PM] Helper: Yes, Mason, I take it?
[10:43:05 PM] Oceanstuck: mason is from florida?
[10:43:11 PM] The Sun: Wait so
[10:43:13 PM] The Sun: Helper runs coke
[10:43:16 PM] The Sun: For a living
[10:43:24 PM] Grey: Yes he does
[10:43:32 PM] Oceanstuck: apparently
[10:43:35 PM] Kidpichu: i think it was to pay his debt though XD
[10:43:40 PM] Helper: Yes.
[10:43:44 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Run the coke, wipe away the debt
[10:44:05 PM] Grey: SAy helper, do you think you could give Mason some back up if he ever needs it?
[10:44:12 PM] Kidpichu: circle dawn is a moon 3:
[10:44:19 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: i knew it
[10:44:22 PM] The Sun: I'M NOT
[10:44:25 PM] The Sun: UR A MOON
[10:44:26 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah you are
[10:44:27 PM] Oceanstuck: B)
[10:44:40 PM] Helper: Last time you asked me of this task, I died!
[10:44:47 PM] Oceanstuck: good point
[10:44:53 PM] Helper: Also, the demon is a male.
[10:44:58 PM] Oceanstuck: demon?
[10:45:01 PM] Kidpichu: 3'8 I don't want to beleaf it
[10:45:04 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... which demon?
[10:45:04 PM] Oceanstuck: circle?
[10:45:16 PM] Grey: I wasn't around for that, but wasn't the task to find doug and not help Mason?
[10:45:19 PM | Edited 10:45:36 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn?
[10:45:19 PM] Helper: The one called "BlackLuigi7".
[10:45:24 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Well I am a demon and I am male
[10:45:24 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn
[10:45:28 PM] The Sun: wat
[10:45:29 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Oh
[10:45:38 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: dawn.. what makes them a demon?
[10:45:42 PM] Grey: Working together with mason probably wouldn't cause you to die again
[10:45:47 PM] Helper: Yes, but you asked me to provide help.
[10:45:49 PM] Grey: probably
[10:45:50 PM] Oceanstuck: what are the defining characteristics of a demon
[10:46:01 PM] Helper: I do not wish to take this risk.
[10:46:11 PM] Helper: Well, I am glad you asked!
[10:46:12 PM] Grey: Alright, I won't force you.
[10:46:36 PM] Helper: Demons usually are in possession of horns and red skin.
[10:46:56 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: and... you think dawn looks like that?
[10:47:01 PM] Grey: Dawn, have you been hiding horns this entire time?
[10:47:04 PM] Helper: They are creatures of sin, whom try to entrap their victims in...
[10:47:05 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: If I could convey a sigh faithfully through text
[10:47:12 PM] Helper: Heavens no! The one called Dawn is a metaphorical demon.
[10:47:31 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[10:47:32 PM] *** Kidpichu climbs onto dawns head pats pats ***
[10:47:35 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: oh..?
[10:47:43 PM] The Sun: Ur a demon
[10:47:47 PM] Grey: Metaphorical?
[10:47:48 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I'm assuming it's the same for me
[10:47:53 PM] *** Grey tilts his head ***
[10:47:55 PM] Helper: Yes.
[10:47:59 PM] Helper: However
[10:48:09 PM] Helper: The one you call "Mando". Is a literal demon.
[10:48:28 PM] Kidpichu: dawn your still a sun to me~ ^-^
[10:48:33 PM] Oceanstuck: i shouldve guessed as much
[10:48:36 PM] Kidpichu: o:
[10:48:37 PM] The Sun: I am a sun though. ;-;
[10:48:40 PM] Grey: It was the punch wasn't it
[10:48:41 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... are demons capable of camoflaguing their true form?
[10:48:53 PM] Helper: I do not see why not.
[10:49:08 PM] Helper: Currently Circle and Dawn are doing such.
[10:49:14 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...
[10:49:15 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: :c
[10:49:18 PM] The Sun: :D
[10:49:24 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Thank god I'm not a demon
[10:49:29 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Could you imagine a british demon?
[10:49:31 PM] Oceanstuck: that explains things i guess
[10:49:36 PM] Grey: yes actually
[10:49:39 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: "I'm goin to fukin kick ur hed in and take u thell"
[10:49:41 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: there are two kinds of people
[10:49:45 PM] Oceanstuck: heheh
[10:49:52 PM] Helper: I happen to think all brits are demons.
[10:49:56 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...
[10:49:59 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: screw you too :c
[10:50:01 PM] Kidpichu: D: circle you can be a nice demon~
[10:50:03 PM] Oceanstuck: SHOTS FIRED
[10:50:04 PM] Grey: rekt
[10:50:16 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: dawn can't even provide sick burns that hot
[10:50:23 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: I see...
[10:50:25 PM] The Sun: Yes I can. ;-;
[10:50:28 PM] Kidpichu: D: stevey
[10:50:29 PM] The Sun: British people sound dum
[10:50:33 PM] The Sun: c?
[10:50:35 PM] The Sun: rekt
[10:50:43 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: that was hot
[10:50:45 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: So mando was always a demon, huh?
[10:50:56 PM] *** Kidpichu rests on stevey's head pat pats ***
[10:50:58 PM] Helper: I believe so.
[10:51:06 PM] Oceanstuck: so
[10:51:12 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .. so your information may not be correct?
[10:51:19 PM] Oceanstuck: if dawn and circle are metaphorical demons...
[10:51:21 PM] Oceanstuck: ...how so?
[10:51:23 PM] Kidpichu: you sound cool to me~
[10:51:32 PM] Helper: Just as any information may not be correct.
[10:51:38 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .... true
[10:51:54 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Helper, do you have a microphone? I want to hear dat sexy ex-mailman voice
[10:52:01 PM] Helper: Because they desire the opposite of you!
[10:52:05 PM] Oceanstuck: stevey we cant even do calls in here
[10:52:10 PM] Helper: I do not understand.
[10:52:16 PM] Oceanstuck: hm?
[10:52:19 PM] Oceanstuck: well dawn does yes
[10:52:22 PM] Oceanstuck: but circle
[10:52:28 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: hmm?
[10:52:33 PM] Oceanstuck: what desire exactly are you referrng to
[10:52:34 PM] Helper: If you cannot hear my voice, then how can you respond?
[10:52:37 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... what are you using to communicate with us, right now, helper?
[10:52:47 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: wait what?
[10:52:48 PM] Helper: I am speaking to you?
[10:52:50 PM] Kidpichu: D: so circle and dawn want what we don't want
[10:52:56 PM] The Sun: I want cake.
[10:52:56 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... speaking to us...?
[10:53:04 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: wait... what
[10:53:11 PM] Oceanstuck: well this is weird
[10:53:11 PM] Helper: ...Of course? How else?
[10:53:15 PM] Oceanstuck: anyway
[10:53:19 PM] Oceanstuck: what does circle want that we dont
[10:53:22 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I just want to keep our guys alive
[10:53:40 PM] Oceanstuck: anything else?
[10:53:47 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Nope
[10:53:48 PM] Helper: I don't know. Ask him.
[10:53:59 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I mean, that's the goal right?
[10:54:07 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: thats what a demon WOULD say
[10:54:11 PM] Kidpichu: I think i remember someone saying circle disagreed about something
[10:54:13 PM] Eve Sim: Hello guys
[10:54:17 PM] The Sun: (secretly Circle wants to make Mason and Doug fuse together and kill everyone)
[10:54:19 PM] Oceanstuck: hey eve
[10:54:23 PM] The Sun: Yo
[10:54:25 PM] Oceanstuck: pffpfphaha
[10:54:38 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Mason and Doug will fusion dance and form...
[10:54:40 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: DOUGSON
[10:54:48 PM] Helper: That may kill most, yes.
[10:54:56 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Hi Eve
[10:54:57 PM] Oceanstuck: im not fond of that mental image
[10:55:04 PM] Helper: I cannot think of a more volatile reaction.
[10:55:06 PM] Kidpichu: notp
[10:55:27 PM] Grey: I can only picture that ending with a lovecraftian horror.
[10:55:29 PM] Kidpichu: hi eve
[10:55:42 PM] The Sun: Guys
[10:55:44 PM] The Sun: Don't you get it
[10:55:48 PM] The Sun: Doug x Mason
[10:55:51 PM] The Sun: Doug enters mason
[10:55:57 PM] The Sun: And "fuses" with him.
[10:56:02 PM] The Sun: Causing a "volatile reaction"
[10:56:03 PM] Oceanstuck: hwat
[10:56:05 PM] Eve Sim: Are we being visited again? Hello Helper!
[10:56:09 PM] Grey: ......
[10:56:09 PM] Kidpichu: o////o go ooon
[10:56:17 PM] Helper: Welcome!
[10:56:20 PM] *** Grey covers his ears ***
[10:56:22 PM] The Sun: It would cause a flood.
[10:56:25 PM] The Sun: A flood of semen.
[10:56:26 PM] Kidpichu: oh eve helper is alive again
[10:56:35 PM] The Sun: AND KILL ALL
[10:56:47 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Yeah he's physically alive and it's awesome
[10:56:54 PM] Eve Sim: Did he get his hat back?
[10:56:55 PM] Grey: It's like chapter 16.5 of SAO
[10:56:57 PM] Kidpichu: no
[10:56:57 PM] Oceanstuck: no
[10:57:02 PM] Oceanstuck: grey dude still has it
[10:57:09 PM] Helper: That may be what Dawn wants.
[10:57:20 PM] Oceanstuck: thats nasty
[10:57:30 PM] Oceanstuck: 10/10 demonic
[10:57:39 PM] Grey: Dawn wants the world to be covered in semen? Dude watched too much Evangelion
[10:57:44 PM] Kidpichu: oh and dawns a moon
[10:57:45 PM] Helper: He would rather everyone die by male fluids.
[10:57:55 PM] The Sun: I'm not a moon. ;-;
[10:58:04 PM] Kidpichu: dawn is a soon
[10:58:04 PM] Helper: He is not a moon.
[10:58:11 PM] Eve Sim: Is Grey Man a bad person?
[10:58:12 PM] Helper: He is a male teenager.
[10:58:19 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Helper... the grey man used your hat to deliver a mask to Mugen, unless that was you... he used that mask to his advantage.. hopefully this did not aid the grey man..
[10:58:29 PM] Helper: With the stink of demon about him.
[10:58:38 PM] Oceanstuck: thorin?
[10:58:40 PM] Kidpichu: D: no he isn't he is a sun...
[10:58:43 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: do you advise we use any futher items we get from this grey man.. ?
[10:58:45 PM] The Sun: :<
[10:59:02 PM] Grey: Does that mean Dawn should take a holy shower?
[10:59:17 PM] Eve Sim: ... A golden holy shower
[10:59:22 PM] Kidpichu: i have a bottle of holywater
[10:59:25 PM] Helper: I haven't a clue, for I am not aware who or what this grey man is.
[10:59:42 PM] Helper: It would require much more than a shower.
[10:59:53 PM] Grey: save it, we need the holy water to test for fake floors while gather Dracula's parts.
[10:59:53 PM] Oceanstuck: repentance?
[10:59:56 PM] Helper: The only way to save that man is through death.
[11:00:02 PM] Kidpichu: hey circle did chu find a hat?
[11:00:04 PM] Oceanstuck: what man
[11:00:06 PM] Kidpichu: DDDD:
[11:00:08 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...that's a little extreme, dont you think?
[11:00:13 PM] Eve Sim: On 3/24/2015, at 1:59 AM, helpmail wrote:> I haven't a clue, for I am not aware who or what this grey man is.He has your hat
[11:00:15 PM] The Sun: Imma just walk away
[11:00:16 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I have not found a hat
[11:00:28 PM] Helper: I do know of this, Eve.
[11:00:48 PM] Helper: And no, Dawn is too set along a path.
[11:00:58 PM] Oceanstuck: hm?
[11:01:04 PM] Helper: There is no saving him, as there is no saving Mando.
[11:01:11 PM] Oceanstuck: ohh...
[11:01:16 PM] Oceanstuck: well shit
[11:01:20 PM] Eve Sim: Poor condemned Mando
[11:01:21 PM] Kidpichu: >^< Dawn I'll protect you!
[11:01:33 PM] *** The Sun takes Pichu and leaves ***
[11:01:34 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: were they the two destined to die in the poem..?
[11:01:43 PM] Kidpichu: and ok circle
[11:01:44 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn and mando?
[11:01:44 PM] Helper: I do not know.
[11:01:54 PM] Helper: A demon is still useful.
[11:01:54 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: hmm...
[11:02:12 PM] Oceanstuck: true...
[11:02:32 PM] Oceanstuck: i mean circ is a cool guy usually
[11:02:37 PM] Oceanstuck: keeps us cohesive often
[11:02:42 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: aww stoppit
[11:02:49 PM] Grey: wait what if the GRey man is Circle from the future
[11:02:58 PM] Eve Sim: Ya big useful demon
[11:03:04 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Helper, is that you on our forums...?
[11:03:07 PM] Oceanstuck: cmere circle
[11:03:10 PM] Helper: Circle can be saved.
[11:03:16 PM] *** Oceanstuck goes to give circle a big noogie ***
[11:03:21 PM] Helper: I do not know what these forums are.
[11:03:28 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .... curious..
[11:03:29 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: my hair
[11:03:41 PM] Oceanstuck: the other place where we used to meet
[11:03:48 PM | Edited 11:03:53 PM] Grey: Yeah that
[11:03:54 PM] Kidpichu: maybe the other place we gather ?
[11:04:02 PM] Helper: I do not know what you mean.
[11:04:13 PM] Helper: I have always met you on your journey.
[11:04:28 PM] Eve Sim: Hey Circle, you can be saved! Isn't that nice.
[11:04:33 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: It is indeed!
[11:04:47 PM] The Sun: Through death you can be saved. :DDDDDD
[11:05:03 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn please
[11:05:24 PM] Kidpichu: =^= I-I'l still protect chu dawn
[11:05:34 PM] The Sun: (ง°ل͜°)ง
[11:05:51 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah im not intent on having him dead either
[11:05:56 PM] Kidpichu: ^-^ circle too
[11:06:03 PM] Helper: It is your decision.
[11:06:04 PM] Oceanstuck: and everyone else
[11:06:18 PM] Helper: However.
[11:06:42 PM] Kidpichu: ?
[11:06:51 PM] Helper: When I acquire my hat once more, I will lend you an item that may help you on your quest.
[11:07:09 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: will you give it to all of us?
[11:07:18 PM] Grey: Do we get a hint of what it is?
[11:07:18 PM] Grey: Do we get a hint of what it is?
[11:07:36 PM] Oceanstuck: wait wait
[11:07:39 PM] Helper: You will be able to use it to protect from a demon's powers.
[11:07:43 PM] Oceanstuck: our past is often your future
[11:07:49 PM] Helper: But only in times of need.
[11:08:07 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... are you saying mando and the rest will turn on us?
[11:08:08 PM] Kidpichu: XD i think we should find his hat first~
[11:08:12 PM] Oceanstuck: what if from our perspective we already have the item
[11:08:12 PM] Helper: It will be for the group.
[11:08:19 PM] Oceanstuck: well i guess we should get the hat anyway
[11:08:25 PM] Oceanstuck: to fulfill the time loop
[11:08:28 PM] Grey: I think I see what you mean ocean
[11:08:42 PM] The Sun: I don't. :P
[11:08:42 PM] Eve Sim: We'll try to get your hat back, as soon as we contact the person who has it.
[11:08:42 PM] Eve Sim: We'll try to get your hat back, as soon as we contact the person who has it.
[11:09:03 PM] Oceanstuck: hey question
[11:09:05 PM] Oceanstuck: the grey man
[11:09:09 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: This Grey Man takes an awfully long time to respond...
[11:09:12 PM] Oceanstuck: was he a literal demon or a metaphorical one
[11:09:15 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Just like Patrem.. slow assholes..
[11:09:15 PM] Grey: Essentially, we don't have the hat yet, because we haven't gone back in time to get it
[11:09:15 PM] Grey: Essentially, we don't have the hat yet, because we haven't gone back in time to get it
[11:09:33 PM] Grey: And the one who goes back in time to get it
[11:09:37 PM] Grey: is the grey man
[11:09:51 PM] Oceanstuck: so
[11:09:57 PM] Oceanstuck: time loop
[11:09:57 PM] Helper: I do not understand.
[11:10:02 PM] Kidpichu: ack stevey is the greyman the one who is pretending to be helper on the forum?
[11:10:03 PM] Oceanstuck: god dammit this is gonna get so weird
[11:10:08 PM] Grey: time travel
[11:10:18 PM] Grey: which means
[11:10:20 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .. I assume so
[11:10:27 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Oh Stevey
[11:10:28 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: I asked him once if he was the grey man, and he responded with "I am the second"
[11:10:29 PM] Oceanstuck: as a homestuck, god fucking dammit
[11:10:29 PM] Grey: if we specify the place the grey man should leave the hat
[11:10:36 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Oh nevermind that was the thing
[11:10:36 PM] Helper: You are in my timeline currently, as far as I can discern.
[11:10:55 PM] Grey: helper can go get the hat from that spot in the future
[11:10:55 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I wasn't aware that he answered you
[11:11:08 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: yeah... he did :c
[11:11:16 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: he keeps quoting someone though... quite worrying
[11:11:17 PM] The Sun: Wait, I'm a little confused.
[11:11:17 PM] The Sun: Wait, I'm a little confused.
[11:11:22 PM] The Sun: I thought we already were in the past?
[11:11:22 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: seems to imply he's posessed..
[11:11:39 PM] Grey: we're in the future of the past
[11:11:43 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I thought we were communicating into the past from the future
[11:11:48 PM] Oceanstuck: fucking time shit
[11:11:56 PM] The Sun: I don't get how that changes the items, though.
[11:12:08 PM] The Sun: We've been getting items with no need to go "into the past"
[11:12:11 PM] Grey: it doesn't
[11:12:16 PM] Grey: it's a bootstrap paradox
[11:12:17 PM] Eve Sim: Grey, I think your confused
[11:12:19 PM] The Sun: So this doesn't affect the hat at all.
[11:12:25 PM] Oceanstuck: i think we can interact with both 2009 and 2015 at will as if they were the present
[11:12:31 PM] The Sun: ^
[11:12:41 PM] Grey: how am I confused
[11:13:05 PM] Helper: I think I can solve your concerns.
[11:13:10 PM] Oceanstuck: oh thanks
[11:13:12 PM] Oceanstuck: in advance
[11:13:21 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... go ahead
[11:13:25 PM] Helper: Don't think about it so hard.
[11:13:42 PM] Oceanstuck: ...of course not
[11:13:59 PM] Kidpichu: oh
[11:14:20 PM] Kidpichu: helper got his body back so does that mean he has page 8 now?
[11:14:31 PM] Grey: page 8?
[11:14:45 PM] Oceanstuck: o shit that old thing
[11:14:46 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: The newspaper
[11:14:46 PM] Helper: I do not know of this page 8.
[11:14:48 PM] Oceanstuck: i almost forgot about that
[11:14:53 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: you people are so rude... talking as if helper is not here...
[11:15:03 PM] Kidpichu: the news article
[11:15:12 PM] Kidpichu: D: I'm sorry Q^Q
[11:15:19 PM] Grey: whatchu talkin about
[11:15:35 PM] Grey: I'm just planning out loud
[11:15:44 PM] Eve Sim: On 3/24/2015, at 2:15 AM, Kidpichu wrote:> the news article I think that has no relevance anymore
[11:15:49 PM] Helper: I will require a sacrifice of a girl who has a fascination of yellow mice.
[11:15:58 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...
[11:15:59 PM] Oceanstuck: pichu??
[11:16:03 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: what sort of sacrifice?
[11:16:08 PM] Grey: WEll, that came out of nowhere
[11:16:12 PM] Helper: Death.
[11:16:18 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: .... wait.. what? why?
[11:16:18 PM] Oceanstuck: HWAT
[11:16:21 PM] Eve Sim: Well pichu.. Time to hit the dusty trail
[11:16:26 PM] Kidpichu: Q^Q I can't
[11:16:32 PM] Oceanstuck: are you fucking with us
[11:16:35 PM] Grey: Now hold on a second
[11:16:36 PM] Helper: I am just kidding, adventurer s.
[11:16:39 PM] Kidpichu: I gotta let wolf know
[11:16:47 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ....ha ha... very funny, mailman.
[11:16:50 PM] Grey: :|
[11:16:52 PM] Oceanstuck: ill take that as a yes...
[11:16:53 PM] Kidpichu: but he's asleep
[11:17:02 PM] Oceanstuck: fuckin christ
[11:17:06 PM] Oceanstuck: you had me there
[11:17:08 PM] Grey: Ahem...Well then...
[11:17:29 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Hey Eve, you copying all this?
[11:17:31 PM] The Sun: ...We're still gonna kill Pichu, right?
[11:17:36 PM] Kidpichu: Q^Q I'm not scared of death though~
[11:17:36 PM] Oceanstuck: im already logging it circ
[11:17:43 PM] Oceanstuck: ive been logging it since helper first got here
[11:17:47 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: I see what you mean by demon now, helper..
[11:18:00 PM] Eve Sim: No, I'm on my phone. Thanks ocean
[11:18:05 PM] Oceanstuck: welcome
[11:18:11 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I need sleep soon
[11:18:12 PM] Helper: If you say so, adventurer.
[11:18:22 PM] Oceanstuck: i should sleep too but this is just too interesting
[11:18:36 PM] Kidpichu: No dawn 3: wolf is not here
[11:18:41 PM] Helper: I need to take my leave now. One more job and my debt is lifted.
[11:18:49 PM] Grey: Alrighty
[11:18:50 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[11:18:54 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: what is this job..?
[11:18:55 PM] Grey: Good luck Helper
[11:18:55 PM] Oceanstuck: one more question
[11:18:57 PM] Oceanstuck: real quick
[11:18:57 PM] Eve Sim: So this Helper isn't the one posting on the forum?
[11:19:00 PM] Helper: Have you any more questions?
[11:19:12 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... make this count
[11:19:21 PM] Helper: I count 3.
[11:19:26 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...
[11:19:33 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ha.. ha..
[11:19:33 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I get it
[11:19:35 PM] Grey: xD
[11:19:39 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: lol
[11:19:42 PM] Oceanstuck: dammit stevey now i dont know if i wanna ask what i was about to ask
[11:19:52 PM] Oceanstuck: fuck it
[11:19:53 PM] Oceanstuck: the grey guy, is he a literal demon or a metaphorical one
[11:19:53 PM] Grey: ask
[11:19:58 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Now I remember why I missed this guy..
[11:20:00 PM] Helper: I do not know.
[11:20:15 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[11:20:30 PM] Oceanstuck: i feel like i just wasted a question
[11:20:39 PM] Helper: You have.
[11:20:43 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: If nobody else had one, then I think you're fine
[11:20:48 PM] Oceanstuck: god dammit
[11:20:49 PM] Kidpichu: he's close though but how close is close
[11:21:00 PM] Helper: Close enough.
[11:21:10 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: He's among us?
[11:21:15 PM] Helper: If it is even a he.
[11:21:20 PM] Grey: IT's too bad we don't have anything that can pull that hat towards us.
[11:21:24 PM] Helper: Their figure is most feminine.
[11:21:24 PM] Grey: wait
[11:21:27 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: well grey MAN implies they're a man...
[11:21:39 PM] Kidpichu: O: its a chic
[11:21:40 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: y'know... just saying...
[11:21:41 PM] Oceanstuck: idk huge trenchcoat
[11:21:44 PM] Helper: You are the ones who mentioned it was a man.
[11:22:02 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: so they have a feminine build...h uh?
[11:22:18 PM] Grey: Well that rules me and circle out I assume
[11:22:23 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: This just got a hell of a lot more interesting
[11:22:36 PM] Grey: Looks like we have a trap on our hands.
[11:22:39 PM] Kidpichu: so are they in this group?
[11:22:42 PM] Helper: I didn't take you for a ladies man, demon.
[11:22:47 PM] Oceanstuck: man for a woman i guess
[11:22:52 PM] Helper: I do not know, rat lover.
[11:22:58 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: rat lover..
[11:23:05 PM] Kidpichu: 3: it's mice not rats
[11:23:06 PM] The Sun: Can I get amazing demon powers?
[11:23:48 PM] Kidpichu: .....is a wolfcat lover....is really sorry
[11:23:49 PM] Helper: Demons are characterized by their wiles and powers.
[11:24:15 PM] Helper: I must take my leave.
[11:24:20 PM] Oceanstuck: wiles and powers huh
[11:24:23 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: what is this final job, helper?
[11:24:29 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: it's nothing.. extreme, is it?
[11:24:33 PM] Kidpichu: ^
[11:24:41 PM] Grey: I'm assuming it's moving more white stuffs
[11:24:42 PM] Oceanstuck: i guess those have to do with swaying people to their side away from us
[11:25:17 PM] Grey: I have to wonder
[11:25:27 PM] Helper: It is to run "nazi gold" across the border of Mexico into the united states, then moving through Canada into Russia by boat, then trading it off there.
[11:25:40 PM] Oceanstuck: hwat
[11:25:43 PM] Eve Sim: Bye Helper, thanks again.
[11:25:51 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Good luck with your smuggling op, Helper
[11:25:57 PM] Helper: Yes. Bye!
[11:26:01 PM] *** Helper has left ***
[11:26:05 PM] Grey: Oh, goodbye Helper
[11:26:07 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: hmm..
[11:26:09 PM] Grey: aaand he's gone
[11:26:15 PM] The Sun: Helper got more badass.
[11:26:18 PM] Kidpichu: bye bye
[11:26:30 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: [11:26 PM] The Sun:
<<< Helper got more badass.Silence, demon. No more from you.
[11:26:33 PM] Grey: So what if we used the hookshot to grab the hat?
[11:26:33 PM] The Sun: Less fun doe
[11:26:35 PM] The Sun: fuq u
March 24th, 2015
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
I have decided on what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go back to the fishery, and make sure to take my blade with me. I won't be able to take any pictures, or post at all while I'm there because it might arouse suspicion. I need to figure out if Doug is alright.
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
The rain seemed to stop, which is good. Maybe I'll dry off a little.
The girl said she was sent here through the powers that be, to help me. I don't know what any of that means. I'm going to ask her more now.
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
So, she told me a bunch of bs about how songs can create powers, and she came because some song was played that calls an ally. Totally crazy, but I'm hearing her out anyways.
She says that if I go now, "many pitfalls will be laid in place on your journey, but you will also gain amazing allies in the coming battle". I don't really understand what she means by battle, but I don't like the sound of this.
She also told me to tell you guys specifically that you should trust her, and asked if you wanted your fortunes to be told. Should I just walk away? This is kinda surreal.
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
She says her name is Rosa.
She also said she's only going to give a simple group fortune, to help us or something.
You will no longer be able to obtain what you originally sought, moving forward.
There will be many troubles ahead. Old villains, new ones, and even your own brethren.
You have lost some of your powers through interaction with dangerous items and people. Your most powerful weapon has been rendered useless, and it should be obtained once again.
That age-old poem will guide you during a dangerous and fateful choice. Use it well.
Do not trust them.
I'm really getting weirded out here. I'm feeling a lot of bad vibes from this. I think I'm just going to go, guys.
3/24/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
Damn, it started raining much harder this time.
I won't be able to post at all now. Wish me luck.
I told the woman thanks, and to keep me in mind. She said she wouldn't be able not to.
3/24/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[11:44:31 PM] The Man: Hello.
[11:44:32 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Post your own version of stopping the rain
[11:44:39 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: or like
[11:44:39 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Since we cant doublepost
[11:44:40 PM] Grey: what
[11:44:45 PM] Kidpichu: we angered the sky
[11:44:54 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: HO!
[11:44:57 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: the arg retaliates in the most dumbest way possible like, it stops raining, mason admires the strange weather pattern, in the middle of a street
[11:44:57 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: THE MAN APPEARS
[11:44:59 PM] Wolfcat: Hello
[11:45:00 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: and get ran over
[11:45:04 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Ohai dude
[11:45:10 PM] Grey: herro
[11:45:14 PM] The Man: Please do not spam
[11:45:18 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: YOu got this Ocean?
[11:45:24 PM] Oceanstuck: hello The Man
[11:45:27 PM] Oceanstuck: no i dont got it
[11:45:29 PM] Oceanstuck: gimme a sec
[11:45:33 PM] Oceanstuck: you guys are going too fast for me
[11:45:47 PM] The Man: I have been told you think your song playing powers have been taken.
[11:45:57 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Sorry if I post late, my Skype is lagging from all the activity and all these damn typoes aren't helping
[11:45:59 PM] The Man: This is not the case.
[11:46:09 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Oh, awesome
[11:46:15 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: fantastic
[11:46:16 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Hah
[11:46:19 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Thought so
[11:46:20 PM] Oceanstuck: oh thank god
[11:46:28 PM] Grey: Then what was?
[11:46:28 PM] The Man: And with that, I bid farewell!
[11:46:33 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: One question though... Some of the actions I've seen appear to be done by a player, yet I don't think we ourselves did
[11:46:34 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ...erm... thanks
[11:46:40 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Are we the only players on this?
[11:46:48 PM] The Man: But do remember that Mugen is still a "coc".
[11:46:54 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: ... HA!
[11:46:57 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: ...
[11:46:59 PM] Kidpichu: <3
[11:47:03 PM] Wolfcat: He reminds us of that himself everyday
[11:47:06 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: [11:46 PM] The Man:
<<< But do remember that Mugen is still a "coc".I want this on the "Quotes" file NAO
[11:47:11 PM] Grey: ...
[11:47:13 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: he's not a crony of cuteness
[11:47:13 PM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: So are you making it your goal to have literally everyone in the game ignore mugen?
[11:47:15 PM] The Man: How should I know, Austin?
[11:47:17 PM] Oceanstuck: on it
[11:47:20 PM] Grey: Good god I think I know who
[11:47:21 PM] The Man: I am not.
[11:47:23 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: ...Austi-- Oh, right
[11:47:26 PM] *** Grey is
3/24/15 - Chat with "The Gray Man" - Within Hubris
Helper 11:56 PM: "NO."
Sengi 11:57 PM: "Oh, dayum...Maybe this means we need a different play?"
GreyouTT 11:59 PM: "Wait, what?"
Helper 11:59 PM: "I won't let it stop."
Mugen Kagemaru 12:02 AM: "Why? Explain!"
March 25th, 2015
3/25/15 - Chat with Rosa - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[9:15:23 PM] *** OracleRosa joined. ***
[9:15:30 PM] Oceanstuck: OH FUCK
[9:15:33 PM] Oceanstuck: I MEAN
[9:15:35 PM] Oceanstuck: hi
[9:15:35 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh shit that was fast
[9:15:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hi rosa
[9:15:41 PM] OracleRosa: Hello.
[9:15:43 PM] Oceanstuck: logging
[9:15:50 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Oh my, it worked
[9:16:09 PM] OracleRosa: You have already contacted me once already through mason.
[9:16:17 PM] Oceanstuck: so ive heard
[9:16:20 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: True enough
[9:16:32 PM] Wolfcat: http://i.imgur.com/1k1AUI6.png Here is the poem for you guys
[9:16:41 PM] OracleRosa: I can't spend much longer here. I have my own duties to attend to.
[9:16:56 PM] Oceanstuck: duties?
[9:16:59 PM] OracleRosa: Would you like another fortune?
[9:17:14 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Hmm...
[9:17:18 PM] OracleRosa: I will accept one of your members.
[9:17:19 PM] Oceanstuck: i would but
[9:17:26 PM] The Sun: Should be me.
[9:17:28 PM] Oceanstuck: im not sure what kind of fortune to ask for
[9:17:30 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I'd like to venture forth
[9:17:33 PM] The Sun: I am most important.
[9:17:33 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Err
[9:17:37 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: But I dunno what to ask
[9:17:39 PM] Oceanstuck: dawn no
[9:17:41 PM] The Sun: Rock papter scissors
[9:17:45 PM] The Sun: papter
[9:17:54 PM] Oceanstuck: scissors
[9:18:00 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: guys
[9:18:01 PM] The Sun: papter beats scissors
[9:18:03 PM] Kidpichu: hmm maybe someone from the poem?
[9:18:04 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we should be serious
[9:18:09 PM] Oceanstuck: bitch no
[9:18:13 PM] Wolfcat: Should we ask circles?
[9:18:14 PM] Oceanstuck: eh whatever
[9:18:17 PM] The Sun: papter is a paper raptor doe
[9:18:19 PM] Wolfcat: He is a demon, and we do not know why.
[9:18:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I'm thinking circle
[9:18:26 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: well so am i
[9:18:27 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so
[9:18:29 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: ...Circle is always absent when characters are here...?
[9:18:34 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: anyways, rosa is here
[9:18:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lets not waste her time
[9:18:40 PM] The Sun: Circle is absent in general nowadays.
[9:18:42 PM] The Sun: Probably life.
[9:18:50 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Rosa...
[9:18:57 PM] OracleRosa: Yes, please hurry.
[9:18:59 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: i'll give you 20$
[9:19:02 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: Actually I'm here
[9:19:03 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I'm always here
[9:19:06 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Let's see if im right
[9:19:08 PM] The Sun: SSSH
[9:19:10 PM] The Sun: CIRCLE
[9:19:11 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Circle, ask rosa a question
[9:19:23 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I don't have a question actually
[9:19:27 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Fuck
[9:19:35 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: We should have prepared
[9:19:36 PM] Kidpichu: so who's fortune are we getting read?
[9:19:40 PM] Oceanstuck: wait i thought of something
[9:19:43 PM] OracleRosa: Have you called me here without anything in mind?
[9:19:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: No
[9:19:50 PM] Oceanstuck: guys can i
[9:19:53 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we're just very dysphunctional
[9:19:54 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: And by "always here" i mean i always get lucky and am here when stuff happens
[9:20:02 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I think Ocean should do it if nobody else will
[9:20:07 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: We thought you could give us a hand and help us draw the big picture
[9:20:08 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): I have one question
[9:20:08 PM] The Sun: Circle is ALWAYS HERE
[9:20:12 PM] Oceanstuck: do i have clearance to ask
[9:20:16 PM] The Sun: coincidence?
[9:20:22 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Like, what are the oh-so-known common golas between Patrem and us?
[9:20:24 PM] Kidpichu: let ocean speak!
[9:20:29 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I'd like to know why circle, Dawn and i are demons, but i feel like that should be aimed at helper
[9:20:32 PM] Oceanstuck: everyone please slow down
[9:20:45 PM] OracleRosa: I will only accept one question.
[9:20:50 PM] Oceanstuck: okok
[9:20:52 PM] Oceanstuck: i got this
[9:21:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i have to go after this :L
[9:22:02 PM] Oceanstuck: when the time comes for that "dangerous and fateful choice"
[9:22:32 PM] Grey: Oh god you guys summoned Rosa
[9:22:35 PM] Oceanstuck: what things other than the poem should we keep in mind in making that choice
[9:22:44 PM] Oceanstuck: and what will surround it
[9:22:56 PM] Grey: That's two questions
[9:23:03 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Grey sshh
[9:23:08 PM] OracleRosa: I will accept the first
[9:23:22 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Dammit Grey!
[9:23:29 PM] Oceanstuck: hehehe
[9:23:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: (facepalm)
[9:23:41 PM] Oceanstuck: damn thought i could pull that one over her
[9:23:43 PM] Oceanstuck: but oh well
[9:23:48 PM] Grey: Honesty is the best policy
[9:23:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: eh whatever
[9:23:57 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Grey's right on this one
[9:23:58 PM] Oceanstuck: i guess
[9:24:06 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i just want to hear the answer so i can leave
[9:24:12 PM] OracleRosa: When the time comes, you must be wary of not only the poem, but whom you trust the most, and whom you hold dear.
[9:24:24 PM] OracleRosa: You must make a great sacrifice.
[9:24:51 PM] Oceanstuck: whom we trust and hold dear...
[9:24:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: if we have to sacrifice somone
[9:24:55 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: [9:24 PM] OracleRosa: <<< whom you hold dear....So... No one? /shot
[9:24:56 PM] OracleRosa: Greater than any worldly object, or power.
[9:24:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i volunteer
[9:25:06 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Thorin
[9:25:08 PM] Kidpichu: Q^Q are we gonna have to put someone dowm?
[9:25:10 PM] Oceanstuck: THORIN NO
[9:25:11 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): You're assuming again
[9:25:18 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: im not assuming shit
[9:25:21 PM] Grey: Nobody's gonna sacrifice anybody.
[9:25:29 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): You're assuming we're gonna have a choice
[9:25:31 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Except it seems we have to
[9:25:44 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Anyways
[9:25:45 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i g2g
[9:25:47 PM] Oceanstuck: either way thorin aint doing shit just yet
[9:25:52 PM] Oceanstuck: night bruh
[9:25:53 PM] Grey: sacrafice does not always mean human
[9:25:54 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ill be back tomorrow (possibly later)
[9:25:57 PM] Kidpichu: 3: who do we trust
[9:26:00 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Actually let me fucking explain myself before you go "no i aint"
[9:26:00 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: See ya
[9:26:01 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: bye
[9:26:10 PM] Kidpichu: (( also I've been breathing in toxic stuff for a couple hours apparently the gas guy installed our things wrong an I'm kinda scared o move ))
[9:26:11 PM] Grey: wait, is Rosa still here?
[9:26:17 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Nope
[9:26:18 PM] OracleRosa: Only through the poem and these thoughts shall you make it through.
[9:26:25 PM] OracleRosa: I am still here.
[9:26:30 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Or she is. Meh
[9:26:34 PM] Oceanstuck: hah
[9:26:36 PM] Kidpichu: ((am I gonna die?))
[9:26:42 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Pichu
[9:26:43 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: ((No, Boss))
[9:26:44 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Relax
[9:26:49 PM] Oceanstuck: if you do
[9:26:49 PM] OracleRosa: You will make this choice.
[9:26:53 PM] OracleRosa: I can see it.
[9:26:54 PM] Oceanstuck: im gonna flip a bitch
[9:26:56 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): I doubt it's gonna be any of us
[9:27:05 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: "You" who?
[9:27:11 PM] Grey: Hey...Rosa... How far into the future can you see?
[9:27:13 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Might be Doug or Vince or Mason
[9:27:13 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: All of us? or a specific someone?
[9:27:14 PM] OracleRosa: I must leave before it happens.
[9:27:17 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Grey
[9:27:25 PM] OracleRosa: I am in great danger here.
[9:27:31 PM] *** OracleRosa has left ***
[9:27:33 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): She won't answer any more questions
[9:27:37 PM] Oceanstuck: bye rosa
[9:27:41 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: And there she goes
3/25/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
3/25/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
This is fḑ̗͇̲̜̦̈́̂̂ͤ̀̾͑̄ͩ̌͋́ͦ͂̅̚͢ǫ͇͕̙̭̞͍̖̥̘̫̙͇̞̰̯̥͕̭̲͂̎ͧ̊ͧ́̀͢ ̶̧̫̱͉̼̩̣͎̊̆̒̉̌n̢͇̝̥̰̜͍̩̤̝̥̟̪͎͚͒͌͒͋ͩ̍̀ͯ̓̉̓̐͂ͥ̀ͦ̉͡ͅͅͅţ̴̳̲̖͉̣̝͕̜̤͚̝̳͚̭̜̯͚̓ͬ̀ͣͣ̅ͭ̍̉̂̏͘͢͠ͅ.
they dil̛̦̹͙̜̬͍̮̬̹̙̻͚̙̹͈̖̉̓ͪͧͣ̿͋ͪ̍͊ͮ̃͒͒ͫͥ͌͡i͑͂̂ͪ̉̔͛ͨ̃ͭ̊ͦ͆̄̐ͯͥͤ͏̝͉̦̻͕̺̹̲̬̝̼͖̪̱̗̤̞̬̳s̶̷̨̞͍̰̱̭̗̘͖̟͒͒̔͛͂̇͑͡t̸̹͙̮̬̖ͫ́̄̑͂ͤͯ̃̇̅ͥ͢ḛ͇̩̤͔͍͑̈̓͐͐ͤ͌̊̃͂̀̈́͆̚̕͘͟n͐ͧ̒̾͗͂̏͗ͣ̓͘͏̛̮̫̰͇̼̺͙̤̣̖̦̀ ̟̝̮̗̯̞ͪ̃̽̑̔̍̎̉̚͝ẗ̵̢̞̙͖̼̙̘̻͉́̍̔ͭͫ͋͆͌̀͊̈́̀͢o̡͕̮̠̙̫͓̤͓͔͔͎͙͈͈͇͛̓̿̆̆ͥͩͬ́̏ͩ͒̏ͩ͗̐́͟ doug
i dont know if i shoulḣ̩̰̭̳̳̲̹͓͕̩̤̬͉̹̰̊͂̆̈͑͑͞ͅͅi̸̵̛̻̭̙̖͍̫̻͉͓ͦͭ̓̂́̕ͅm̷̢̖̼͉̙͖͇͙̤̯̱̼̻ͯ̓ͦͦ̈́͑ͣͣ trust
im just gonna go home.
h̶̡̩̜͓̲͈̖͒́̊ͤͤ̂̉ͮe̜͚͈͎͇̲̱̩ͧ̋́ͣ̆̔͐͘͠ ̞̟͚̎̂͗ͯͦi̛͙̦͙̩̫͙̝̦ͭ̾͌̒̈ͫͣ̽ṡ̡͔̬̝͕̰͇̞̬̋̎͂͑̾̚ ̶̺̲͈̬̜ͯ̓͌ͬ̑̈́́͠t̟̥̠̟͚͖̭̞ͬ͌r̦͇͋̓͆ͬ̀͂ͯ͠y͙̼̪͎͍͖ͦ̐̅̌͆ͨͩ͋͛͘͞i̶͎͕̠̠̩̦̹̮ͫ̔ͦ̊͐ͤ̋͞ͅṅ̸͔̭̣̐͗̐̽ͧ͡g͙̘̜̼̠̯̦͌̑̈̄͘ ̰̻͉̪͈̜̲ͨ̒ͬ̓̀̀͠ť̤̣̗͆ͧ́͒́ͣ̋̚͜o̳̟ͨͨ̐̌̉̾͗̏́ͅ ̝͔̟̜͖̜̥̣̒̐͜l̴̺̪̪͎̯̭̳͚͛ͧ͊̄̉͐ͦ͋͊͡u̝̬̿ͯ́͛̽̔̔́͡r̳̳̳͙͙͚̲͍ͯ͗̆͐͝ë̖̰͇̹͍͚̦́͊̿̋ͯ̍̐̀ͅ ̲͈̦͔͚͂̒y̧̜͙̬̏̈͠ͅo̡̮ͯ͆͢͠ǘ̗̱͙̪̦̖ͪ͒̅͌̏͑́͜ ̷̠̣̳̫̙ͫ͂̈̑͂̋̚̕a̙̣̘̼ͣ̾̈́͑̽̓͆̋́w̛̯̿͌͑̏̒a̶̜̬̬͉͈̥̫̓ͨ͟y̺͚̙̰̠͌̊̀̍ͪ͋͗͑ͯͅ ̵͔ͪ͗́͆̐f̤̲̿̔̄͊ͯ̚r̢̜͒̆̓̓͌͊̎ͮ̂͢ọ̴͚͍̬̤̭̳̋ͯͨ̋̈ͨ̉̎ͭṃ̨͈͔̭̪̌̌͜ ̡̮̱͉̠̦̫̲̖̩̃͊ͯ̽̃ͮͪm̞̖ͬ̈̕͟é̯̤͎̹̰͚̦̣̃͘
3/25/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
Hello, guys. It's been a while.
Mason's off running with his tail between his legs. I need your help.
He's going to try to convince you I am the bad guy. I'm not. I'm just trying to escape. And I need your help.
Mason is kinda getting in the way of it. He's luring you guys away from me with his lies and wit. I didn't even know he was capable of this.
Everything is fine with me, they are keeping me captive and questioning me about you guys, but they haven't done anything else. It's been kind of harsh, but I guess they would be that way, huh?
I've been told of your powers, and it makes sense, considering all the crazy stuff that's happened to me while I was in contact with you guys. I need you to send Mason far away, and I need you guys to help me again.
I'm sure you will have time to plan things out.
3/25/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[1:23:24 AM] The Man: Hello.
[1:23:29 AM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: hello man
[1:23:29 AM] Oceanstuck: ohai
[1:23:40 AM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: Mugen is freaking out about a song you'll probably not allowed to be activated.
[1:23:54 AM] Oceanstuck: well dawn was the one who posted it so
[1:23:58 AM] Oceanstuck: i blame dawn for this
[1:24:01 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Got my counter ready
[1:24:07 AM] The Man: I would like to inform you all that Dawn traded the power to play powerful songs about two days ago.
[1:24:13 AM] The Sun: fuq
[1:24:21 AM] Oceanstuck: wait is that what you pmd him for the other day
[1:24:30 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): So... What does that mean?
[1:24:44 AM] Oceanstuck: im guessing it means unhealing did nothing
[1:24:51 AM] The Man: His song does not count. He actually personally contacted me just to make sure.
[1:24:55 AM] Oceanstuck: im also praying im right
[1:24:56 AM] The Sun: Yeh
[1:24:56 AM] The Sun: Yeh
[1:24:57 AM] Oceanstuck: oh good i am
[1:25:18 AM] Oceanstuck: welp crisis resolved
[1:25:21 AM] Oceanstuck: good night la
[1:25:23 AM] Oceanstuck: i think
[1:25:34 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Oh good I can get rid of that "Hold It!" I had
[1:25:54 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Shit man don't fucking scare us like that
[1:25:56 AM] Oceanstuck: so tl;dr
[1:25:58 AM] The Man: I am sorry I had to disclose this information, Dawn, but it may have caused problems in the future.
[1:26:01 AM] Oceanstuck: dawn is master troll
[1:26:03 AM] The Sun: Is k.
[1:26:05 AM] The Sun: And yes.
[1:26:06 AM] The Sun: I am
[1:26:07 AM] The Sun: THE MASTER
[1:26:09 AM] The Sun: BAITOR
[1:26:15 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Basically, Ocean
[1:26:19 PM | Edited 10:26:30 AM] Kidpichu: =^= i thought it was obvious though...
[1:26:25 AM] Oceanstuck: THE MASTER[1:26 AM] The Sun: <<< BAITOR
[1:26:34 AM] The Sun: Yes.
[1:26:36 AM] Kidpichu: cause it's dawn
[1:26:38 AM] The Sun: I am the master b8or
[1:26:42 AM] Kidpichu: and dawn is dawn
[1:26:53 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Srsly dude bad taste
[1:27:01 AM] The Sun: It tasted so sweet.
[1:27:02 AM] Oceanstuck: you fucking had me
[1:27:02 AM] The Sun: The tears.
[1:27:12 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): It'd be one thing if you were saying it and weren't gonna do it
[1:27:15 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): But fuck
[1:27:24 AM] Oceanstuck: fuckin trolls
[1:27:44 AM] Kidpichu: ;P you guys we're the ones who were reverse psyco XDD
[1:27:47 AM] The Man: I would also like to inform you all that you do not have the same power to trade away your song ability.
[1:27:57 AM] Stevey "Hero Of Doge" Freeman: [1:27 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): <<< Srsly dude bad taste only to you moogs.
[1:28:13 AM] Oceanstuck: idk stevey i kinda flipped out there too
[1:28:15 AM] The Man: Have a nice night!
[1:28:16 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Uh no
[1:28:21 AM] Kidpichu: thank you
[1:28:23 AM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Ocean too Steve
[1:28:25 AM] *** The Man has left ***
[1:28:31 AM] Oceanstuck: ninja
March 29th, 2015
3/29/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[3/29/2015 8:59:38 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[3/29/2015 8:59:43 PM] Oceanstuck: i just remembered i have to do four portraits, a guide, and maybe make another chapter of that dumb fanfic i posted the other day
[3/29/2015 8:59:43 PM] Wolfcat: and the anthromorphic monkey
[3/29/2015 8:59:44 PM] The Sun: Drawing a blank.
[3/29/2015 8:59:50 PM] Oceanstuck: holy shit The Mans back
[3/29/2015 8:59:56 PM] The Man: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HGy9i8vvCxk
[3/29/2015 9:00:33 PM] Oceanstuck: this says explicit whats in it
[3/29/2015 9:00:44 PM] Wolfcat: Is this
[3/29/2015 9:00:49 PM] Wolfcat: Our KingKong.wmv
[3/29/2015 9:00:57 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: I made this joke like two weeks ago
[3/29/2015 9:01:16 PM] The Man: I decided it will be my new theme song.
[3/29/2015 9:01:20 PM] Oceanstuck: ok
[3/29/2015 9:01:25 PM] The Sun: u can tell everybody
[3/29/2015 9:01:27 PM] The Sun: he's the man
[3/29/2015 9:01:31 PM] Wolfcat: u da man
[3/29/2015 9:01:47 PM] Oceanstuck: this is going in the memorable quotes txt
[3/29/2015 9:01:48 PM | Removed 9:04:24 PM] The Man: This message has been removed.
[3/29/2015 9:01:55 PM] Oceanstuck: I have came.
[3/29/2015 9:02:05 PM | Removed 9:04:31 PM] The Man: This message has been removed.
[3/29/2015 9:02:39 PM] Wolfcat: Patrem needs a theme song
[3/29/2015 9:02:44 PM] The Sun: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:01 PM] Oceanstuck:
<<< I have came.
[3/29/2015 9:02:58 PM] Oceanstuck: i was quoting The Man
[3/29/2015 9:03:01 PM] Oceanstuck: that doesnt count
[3/29/2015 9:03:11 PM] Wolfcat: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 10:01 PM] Oceanstuck:
<<< I have came.
[3/29/2015 9:03:12 PM] Oceanstuck: hey The Man
[3/29/2015 9:03:19 PM] Oceanstuck: play hubris demo
[3/29/2015 9:03:22 PM] Oceanstuck: its in the shit folder
[3/29/2015 9:03:31 PM] The Man: I do not see what message you have quoted.
[3/29/2015 9:03:39 PM] Oceanstuck: you deleted it you shit
[3/29/2015 9:03:47 PM] Wolfcat: He deleted nothing
[3/29/2015 9:03:54 PM] The Man: I am innocent.
[3/29/2015 9:04:05 PM] Oceanstuck: holy shit is this an orwellian novel
[3/29/2015 9:04:14 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Ohai dude
[3/29/2015 9:04:17 PM] The Man: And sorry, I do not play shit.
[3/29/2015 9:04:20 PM] Wolfcat: The Man Is Watching You.
[3/29/2015 9:04:22 PM] Oceanstuck: aw
[3/29/2015 9:04:29 PM] The Sun: ill fite u
[3/29/2015 9:04:32 PM] Oceanstuck: ohai moogle
[3/29/2015 9:04:39 PM] Wolfcat: Everything Is Fine On Newbris.
[3/29/2015 9:04:48 PM] Wolfcat: The Mods Are Supreme.
[3/29/2015 9:04:52 PM] Wolfcat: The Mods Are Your Friends.
[3/29/2015 9:04:57 PM] The Man: Remember my three tenants.
[3/29/2015 9:05:10 PM] The Man: Ignorance is strength.
[3/29/2015 9:05:18 PM] The Man: Drama is peace.
[3/29/2015 9:05:44 PM] The Man: Doug is cool.
[3/29/2015 9:05:48 PM] Oceanstuck: fuck
[3/29/2015 9:05:55 PM] Wolfcat: Ignorance, Drama, and Doug. The Triforce of Within Hubris.
[3/29/2015 9:06:02 PM] Mando 寒山: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:05 PM] The Man:
<<< Doug is cool.Drug*
[3/29/2015 9:06:09 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Hah! I knew I picked the right side
[3/29/2015 9:06:30 PM] Wolfcat: Mugen is the holder of the Triforce of Ignorance.
[3/29/2015 9:06:31 PM] Oceanstuck: well im most certainly glad i did not pick mason like a fucking traitor yes i am
[3/29/2015 9:06:34 PM] The Man: I misspelt drug. Sorry.
[3/29/2015 9:06:54 PM] Wolfcat: dude doug is still evil
[3/29/2015 9:06:56 PM] Mando 寒山: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:05 PM] Oceanstuck:
<<< well im most certainly glad i did not pick mason like a fucking traitor yes i amSee
Told you guys we couldn't trust that bricklaying motherfucker
[3/29/2015 9:06:58 PM] The Sun: Doug is evil
[3/29/2015 9:06:58 PM] Wolfcat: fuck doug
[3/29/2015 9:07:01 PM] Wolfcat: kill doug
[3/29/2015 9:07:06 PM] The Sun: ew
[3/29/2015 9:07:07 PM] Mando 寒山: Dawn are you an R-tard bro
[3/29/2015 9:07:12 PM] Wolfcat: those are not commands
[3/29/2015 9:07:17 PM] Oceanstuck: demon works
[3/29/2015 9:07:25 PM] The Sun: fuk u mando
[3/29/2015 9:07:28 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Doug is mindfucked must save Doug and Mason
[3/29/2015 9:07:38 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah lets go with that
[3/29/2015 9:07:48 PM] The Man: Anyways.
[3/29/2015 9:07:49 PM] Oceanstuck: what moogle said
[3/29/2015 9:07:51 PM] Admiral Desdinova / CircleHunter: #Mason2015
[3/29/2015 9:07:53 PM] Oceanstuck: even if it is moogle
[3/29/2015 9:07:55 PM] Mando 寒山: I think Doug holds higher priority over mason
I mean without Doug we wouldn't be here, so I think saving doug has to come first
[3/29/2015 9:08:04 PM] The Man: I have came to hear what your choice is.
[3/29/2015 9:08:04 PM] Wolfcat: #TheFish2015
[3/29/2015 9:08:14 PM] Mando 寒山: Mason is kind of secondary if not tertiary
[3/29/2015 9:08:18 PM] The Man: Doug, or Mason?
[3/29/2015 9:08:21 PM] Oceanstuck: wait are we having a serious vote on this
[3/29/2015 9:08:22 PM] Mando 寒山: Good source of information, but not much else
[3/29/2015 9:08:23 PM] Oceanstuck: omai
[3/29/2015 9:08:25 PM] Oceanstuck: :O
[3/29/2015 9:08:47 PM] Mando 寒山: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:07 PM] The Man:
<<< Doug, or Mason? http://nottheitgirls.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/roses.jpg
[3/29/2015 9:08:50 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): What are we choosing them for, exactly?
[3/29/2015 9:09:03 PM] The Man: If you have not figured it out already, I will elect three people to choose.
[3/29/2015 9:09:04 PM] Oceanstuck: i think because circle made a banner
[3/29/2015 9:09:05 PM] Mando 寒山: Who we save first
[3/29/2015 9:09:12 PM] The Man: Whose side you will pick.
[3/29/2015 9:09:17 PM] Mando 寒山: Yeah that
[3/29/2015 9:09:19 PM] Mando 寒山: I say Doug
[3/29/2015 9:09:24 PM] Mando 寒山: Doug is the key here
[3/29/2015 9:09:29 PM] The Man: You are electing to choose a save file.
[3/29/2015 9:09:37 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Mason
[3/29/2015 9:09:42 PM] The Sun: I choose delete save pls
[3/29/2015 9:09:48 PM] Mando 寒山: Yo for real
[3/29/2015 9:09:49 PM] Oceanstuck: i choose fuk u dawn
[3/29/2015 9:09:50 PM] Mando 寒山: We should choose Doug
[3/29/2015 9:10:00 PM] Mando 寒山: Because what does mason give us?
[3/29/2015 9:10:05 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Mando just vote
[3/29/2015 9:10:13 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Stop trying to swing it
[3/29/2015 9:10:13 PM] Mando 寒山: I mean sure he's a nice guy (maybe)
But Doug is our mealticket here
[3/29/2015 9:10:25 PM] Oceanstuck: yes i get it mando you vote doug
[3/29/2015 9:10:28 PM] Mando 寒山: I already voted for Doug bro I got the right to tell the ppl
[3/29/2015 9:10:42 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Tell them once it's over
[3/29/2015 9:10:47 PM] The Man: I do not wish for a vote. I had figured you guys may have came to a consensus already.
[3/29/2015 9:10:48 PM] Mando 寒山: Hell naw bruh
[3/29/2015 9:10:52 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Honest vote and shit like that
[3/29/2015 9:11:05 PM] Oceanstuck: uh
[3/29/2015 9:11:05 PM] Mando 寒山: A vote without discussion is weak dude
[3/29/2015 9:11:19 PM] Mando 寒山: I had figured you guys may have came to a consensus already.2muchfaith
[3/29/2015 9:11:23 PM] Oceanstuck: dammit mando you got me
[3/29/2015 9:11:27 PM] The Man: Instead I will choose three "proxies", and they will tell me their choice.
[3/29/2015 9:11:33 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): @The Man
Dude, we didn't even talk about it after the blog post
[3/29/2015 9:11:37 PM] Oceanstuck: proxies?
[3/29/2015 9:11:48 PM] Mando 寒山: Good luck I'm behind seven proxies
[3/29/2015 9:11:59 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Not what he means Mando
[3/29/2015 9:12:08 PM] Oceanstuck: i think that was a pun
[3/29/2015 9:12:09 PM] Mando 寒山: I'm aware man
[3/29/2015 9:12:12 PM] Oceanstuck: and you missed it
[3/29/2015 9:12:14 PM] The Man: It will be up to the group to sway their vote. I figure this will please patrem's lust for lust
[3/29/2015 9:12:23 PM] Mando 寒山: >lust for lust
[3/29/2015 9:12:25 PM] The Man: The three proxies will be
[3/29/2015 9:12:28 PM] The Man: Mando
[3/29/2015 9:12:31 PM] Mando 寒山: Welp
[3/29/2015 9:12:33 PM] Wolfcat: Is it only between Doug and Mason?
[3/29/2015 9:12:38 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Yes
[3/29/2015 9:12:38 PM] The Man: Circle
[3/29/2015 9:12:40 PM] Mando 寒山: I'm all 3 proxies
[3/29/2015 9:12:47 PM] The Man: Wolf
[3/29/2015 9:12:51 PM] Mando 寒山: Ding ding ding
[3/29/2015 9:12:55 PM] Oceanstuck: why wolf
[3/29/2015 9:13:00 PM | Edited 9:14:22 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Irrelevant
[3/29/2015 9:13:05 PM] Oceanstuck: Itrelevant
[3/29/2015 9:13:09 PM] Mando 寒山: Because eh's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything
[3/29/2015 9:13:10 PM] The Man: I chose completely at random.
[3/29/2015 9:13:18 PM] The Man: Other than Mando.
[3/29/2015 9:13:26 PM] The Man: I chose mando on purpose.
[3/29/2015 9:13:33 PM] Oceanstuck: ok i guess :/
[3/29/2015 9:13:33 PM] Mando 寒山: (flex)
[3/29/2015 9:13:35 PM] The Man: I will check back tomorrow!
[3/29/2015 9:13:48 PM] Oceanstuck: aight i guess
[3/29/2015 9:13:53 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Assuming Circle turns up
[3/29/2015 9:14:04 PM] Oceanstuck: ??
[3/29/2015 9:14:04 PM] The Man: Have fun. And sorry Ocean, Mugen.
[3/29/2015 9:14:09 PM] The Man: Actually.
[3/29/2015 9:14:11 PM] Oceanstuck: wait sorry for what
[3/29/2015 9:14:15 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Hey dude I'm not sore
[3/29/2015 9:14:17 PM] The Man: If circle does not turn up.
[3/29/2015 9:14:23 PM | Removed 9:15:58 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': This message has been removed.
[3/29/2015 9:14:29 PM] The Man: Ocean will be the back up proxy.
[3/29/2015 9:14:33 PM] The Man: Good day!
[3/29/2015 9:14:36 PM] Mando 寒山: a l m a o
[3/29/2015 9:14:40 PM] *** The Man has left ***
[3/29/2015 9:14:40 PM] Wolfcat: its night
[3/29/2015 9:14:42 PM] Oceanstuck: wait seriously?
[3/29/2015 9:14:44 PM] Wolfcat: goodNIGHT
[3/29/2015 9:14:46 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah hes gone
[3/29/2015 9:14:51 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Oyasumi
[3/29/2015 9:14:53 PM] Mando 寒山: [Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:14 PM] Wolfcat: <<< its nightNot in Aus
[3/29/2015 9:14:55 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[3/29/2015 9:14:56 PM] Mando 寒山: Alright so
[3/29/2015 9:15:06 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Fuck
[3/29/2015 9:15:11 PM] Oceanstuck: ok now hes back for some reason
[3/29/2015 9:15:18 PM] The Man: It is not night if I am in space.
[3/29/2015 9:15:19 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): Phone lag made me miss it
[3/29/2015 9:15:23 PM] *** The Man has left ***
[3/29/2015 9:15:23 PM] Wolfcat: goodspace
[3/29/2015 9:15:25 PM] Oceanstuck: what
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山: Proxies for the Final Decision of COOL:
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山:Me
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山:Wolf
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山:Circle
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山:if Circle is gone
[3/29/2015 9:15:33 PM] Mando 寒山:Oceangrunge takes his spot
[3/29/2015 9:15:36 PM] Oceanstuck: The Man is dawn confirmed
[3/29/2015 9:15:44 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙): ^
[3/29/2015 9:15:49 PM] The Sun: I am the man
[3/29/2015 9:15:50 PM] Mando 寒山: lmao
March 30th, 2015
3/30/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:49:56 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[10:50:09 PM] The Man: Hello.
[10:50:22 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hallo again
[10:50:22 PM] Mando 寒山: Soup /b/ wat do
[10:50:30 PM] Wolfcat: Hey
[10:50:44 PM] Oceanstuck: sup
[10:50:49 PM] The Man: I would like to inform all of you that I am probably not mando.
[10:50:51 PM] The Man: Maybe.
[10:50:56 PM] Peep Beep Meme Creep: maybe
[10:51:03 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[10:51:03 PM] Mando 寒山: I'm not too sure if the man is not me tho tbh
[10:51:12 PM] Peep Beep Meme Creep: I think The Man might be me
[10:51:18 PM] The Man: I am unsure as well.
[10:51:18 PM] Mando 寒山: That's possible
[10:51:22 PM] Peep Beep Meme Creep: I have a stuffed manatee named The Man
[10:51:24 PM] Oceanstuck: are you dawn
[10:51:26 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: am i you?
[10:51:31 PM] Mando 寒山: The man is a hot new memer and spirk is a memer so there you am
[10:52:01 PM] The Man: I am not anyone in your current group of inhabitants on Hubris.
[10:52:06 PM] The Man: If you must know.
[10:52:08 PM] Oceanstuck: wait really?
[10:52:11 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: wait what?
[10:52:11 PM] Mando 寒山: O snizz to the izzap
[10:52:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: then how do you know what we saying while you not here?
[10:52:26 PM] Mando 寒山: Spoopy spies
[10:52:27 PM] Wolfcat: Are you an alien
[10:52:28 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: o
[10:52:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: o my
[10:52:31 PM] Wolfcat: If u r in spaec
[10:52:38 PM] The Man: I...did tell you I had a helper.
[10:52:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh yeah
[10:52:49 PM] Oceanstuck: is it dawn
[10:52:54 PM] Oceanstuck: are you jad
[10:53:02 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: is dawn jad
[10:53:15 PM] The Man: I own multiple helicopters.
[10:53:16 PM] Oceanstuck: what if dawn is you are jad
[10:53:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[10:53:38 PM] Peep Beep Meme Creep: [10:52 PM] The Man:
<<< I am not anyone in your current group of inhabitants on Hubris.
If you must know.I can confirm or deny this
But I won't say anything to keep it ultra spooky
[10:53:49 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: awwww
[10:53:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: eh
[10:53:57 PM] Mando 寒山: I can confirm or deny it too but that wouldn't be a fact it would be a bad joke
[10:54:22 PM] Oceanstuck: same
[10:54:39 PM] The Man: I will allow you two to speak freely as long as you support what I claim.
[10:54:46 PM] Wolfcat: helicopters > helcopters > helopters > helpters > helpers
[10:54:49 PM] Oceanstuck: hm?
[10:54:49 PM] Wolfcat: confirmed
[10:54:52 PM] Mando 寒山: okay so question
[10:54:59 PM] The Man: Yes?
[10:55:00 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: wait what?
[10:55:11 PM] Kidpichu: @^@ dizzy
[10:55:11 PM] Grey: who two
[10:55:12 PM] Mando 寒山: when can we have a hostage swap so we can trade mugen for patrem
[10:55:20 PM] Oceanstuck: mando no
[10:55:28 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what about mugen for helper
[10:55:31 PM] Mando 寒山: I mean let's be honest lesser of two evils here
[10:55:55 PM] Oceanstuck: ok moogle for helper i can actually sorta get behind
[10:55:59 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[10:56:10 PM] The Man: I am not in control of Patrem.
[10:56:14 PM] Mando 寒山: mugen for 2 pairs of socks
[10:56:16 PM] The Man: Patrem is his own being.
[10:56:25 PM] Oceanstuck: mugen for 2 pairs of sockslame
[10:56:29 PM] Oceanstuck: oh?
[10:56:37 PM] Eve Sim: #teampatrem2015
[10:56:38 PM] Wolfcat: When will the Red Dot get his time to shine?
[10:56:46 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[10:56:49 PM] Oceanstuck: its all real confirmed
[10:57:01 PM] The Man: The red dot is you.
[10:57:11 PM] Oceanstuck: who do you mean "you"
[10:57:14 PM] Mando 寒山: [10:55 PM] The Man:
<<< Patrem is his own being.hold on
[10:57:25 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: [10:57 PM] The Man:
<<< The red dot is you.
[10:57:26 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hwat
[10:57:44 PM] Kidpichu: O:
[10:58:18 PM] Mando 寒山: http://youareherefw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/logo_20131.gif
[10:58:37 PM] Oceanstuck: heh
[10:58:59 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: http://gyazo.com/ff9f9ba0f369e3925c99b3ad788541be
[10:59:02 PM] The Man: Anyways.
[10:59:08 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: that's going in my sig on hubris.
[10:59:10 PM] The Man: I have accepted the votes.
[10:59:17 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Cool
[10:59:20 PM] Mando 寒山: Cool
[10:59:24 PM] Oceanstuck: cool
[10:59:27 PM] The Man: There was a third choice.
[10:59:31 PM] The Man: And a fourth.
[10:59:32 PM] Oceanstuck: i
[10:59:34 PM] Oceanstuck: fucking
[10:59:34 PM] The Man: And a fifth.
[10:59:36 PM] Oceanstuck: knew it
[10:59:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what
[10:59:45 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hwat
[10:59:50 PM] Wolfcat: u coc
[10:59:55 PM] Wolfcat: u said between doug and mason
[10:59:55 PM] The Man: There happened to be multiple choices.
[11:00:01 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: who were the other choices
[11:00:05 PM] The Man: I mislead you.
[11:00:15 PM] Oceanstuck: I FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS
[11:00:15 PM] Wolfcat: u tricker
[11:00:26 PM] The Man: I did provide a hint.
[11:00:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Woooow
[11:00:34 PM] Kidpichu: guys i think my tea is killing me
[11:00:36 PM] Grey: I still have no idea what the hell happened while I was gone
[11:00:37 PM] The Man: That you were choosing save files.
[11:00:39 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i wasn't even here for that
[11:00:49 PM] Oceanstuck: wait so
[11:00:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we could have chosen the unknown 3rd one
[11:00:50 PM] Wolfcat: Didn't MM only have two save files
[11:00:52 PM] Oceanstuck: our options were
[11:00:54 PM] Oceanstuck: doug
[11:00:55 PM] Oceanstuck: mason
[11:00:58 PM] Oceanstuck: vincent
[11:00:58 PM] Grey: MM3D has three
[11:01:01 PM] Oceanstuck: me
[11:01:02 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Fuuck
[11:01:03 PM] Oceanstuck: sengi
[11:01:12 PM] The Man: No.
[11:01:20 PM] *** Mando 寒山 has changed the conversation topic to "We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes (Last Update: Visit From "The Man" - 3/29)" ***
[11:01:20 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[11:01:25 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Bollacs, i missed that entire thing, it happened while i was gone
[11:01:30 PM] The Man: I would have accepted the third save file on MM3D.
[11:01:31 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh yeah also
[11:01:35 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: theres a bad ending appearently
[11:01:51 PM] Oceanstuck: hey if we get the bad ending
[11:01:52 PM] The Man: But there were multiple things you could still do.
[11:02:01 PM] Oceanstuck: do we get to go back and try for the other ones
[11:02:10 PM] Grey: So why did you guys choose Doug over the guy who we knew was still good
[11:02:18 PM] The Man: I don't know. Do you?
[11:02:32 PM] Oceanstuck: is that for me
[11:02:34 PM] Eve Sim: wait, who said they chose to save doug?
[11:02:38 PM] The Man: Yes.
[11:02:42 PM] Kidpichu: because demons are purrsuasive
[11:02:49 PM] Grey: the fact that they said Doug on the thread
[11:02:52 PM] Kidpichu: XD
[11:02:56 PM] The Man: Funnily enough.
[11:02:58 PM] Wolfcat: Just because we chose their file
[11:03:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: [11:02 PM] Kidpichu:
<<< because demons are purrsuasivei wasn't even here, circle is having issues, and i don't know if dawn and mando were there
[11:03:30 PM] The Man: One demon tried to force a choice towards one of the other options.
[11:03:43 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:01 PM] Grey:
<<< So why did you guys choose Doug over the guy who we knew was still good http://pastebin.com/1kg3G84i
[11:03:50 PM] Oceanstuck: one of the other options.you mean not doug or mason?
[11:03:58 PM] The Man: Yes.
[11:04:03 PM] Mando 寒山: Wait what
[11:04:03 PM] Oceanstuck: that...
[11:04:06 PM] Oceanstuck: me?
[11:04:08 PM] Grey: Too long, didn't read
[11:04:12 PM] Wolfcat: Ocean are you logging this
[11:04:17 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah of course
[11:04:22 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:03 PM] Grey:
<<< Too long, didn't readThen don't ask you penorphile
[11:04:22 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: was rosa an option
[11:04:25 PM] The Man: No. Once again, you were not a choice.
[11:04:26 PM] Wolfcat: Grey read it if you want to understand
[11:04:31 PM] Oceanstuck: i just hope notepad doesnt stop responding when i go to save
[11:04:39 PM] The Man: I am not going to state the options.
[11:04:43 PM] Oceanstuck: damn
[11:04:44 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: k
[11:04:44 PM] Grey: I'd rather someone just said it than link me to a long file
[11:04:45 PM] The Man: For obvious reasons.
[11:04:52 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: yeah i guess that makes sence
[11:05:02 PM] Grey: while a convo with The MAn is going on
[11:05:06 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: its like looking at the end of a guide book you just started
[11:05:37 PM] Mando 寒山: Okay so I have one question that I think everyone has been wondering about since Day 1
[11:05:43 PM] Mando 寒山: When do I win the ARG?
[11:05:46 PM] Oceanstuck: hwat
[11:05:55 PM] The Man: You are already winning.
[11:06:07 PM] *** Mando 寒山 retires at the peak of his game ***
[11:06:12 PM] Oceanstuck: do you mean mando or the group
[11:06:27 PM] The Man: I don't know. What do I mean?
[11:06:31 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh god
[11:06:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: helper logic
[11:06:35 PM] Wolfcat: So am I a demon now
[11:06:37 PM] Mando 寒山: Spoilers Plot twist I am everyone here
[11:06:39 PM] Wolfcat: (devil)
[11:06:45 PM] The Man: You are not.
[11:06:46 PM] Oceanstuck: well he does play helper
[11:06:48 PM] Wolfcat: woo
[11:06:55 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: (devil) mando lets fuck with mugen
[11:06:57 PM] Oceanstuck: am i a demon
[11:07:05 PM] Mando 寒山: (devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)
[11:07:07 PM] The Man: You are not.
[11:07:10 PM] Oceanstuck: aw
[11:07:14 PM | Edited 8:07:18 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: (devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)
[11:07:17 PM] Grey: Am I still a Tactician?
[11:07:21 PM] The Man: There are only three and a half.
[11:07:23 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: the 4 demons
[11:07:26 PM] The Man: Yes, you are.
[11:07:29 PM] Eve Sim: I feel bad for Mason...
[11:07:29 PM] Oceanstuck: i dont have emoticons on so all those devils are text
[11:07:32 PM] Grey: yey
[11:07:35 PM] Wolfcat: Hey Man
[11:07:36 PM] Wolfcat: ^ ^ v v < > < > B A Select Start
[11:07:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: o god
[11:07:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: u didnt
[11:07:53 PM] The Man: Although being a tactician does not grant you anything special over other players.
[11:07:54 PM] Oceanstuck: i should totally teach that to the scarecrow
[11:08:02 PM] Grey: I was just wondering
[11:08:07 PM] The Man: You still get a fancy title.
[11:08:13 PM] Eve Sim: Mason got stabbed in the back by us.
[11:08:23 PM] Wolfcat: How so?
[11:08:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hwat
[11:08:37 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: he ran away from us
[11:08:39 PM] The Man: Not necessarily. Yet.
[11:08:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i think
[11:08:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i don't remember whats happening
[11:08:51 PM] Grey: We don't know where he is
[11:09:05 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I think my brain is missing java or something
[11:09:07 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: needs more ram
[11:09:08 PM] Grey: the cult could be mind fracking him right now
[11:09:16 PM] Oceanstuck: ew
[11:09:30 PM] Kidpichu: D:
[11:09:37 PM] Grey: And yes
[11:09:38 PM] Kidpichu: yaoi kinds?
[11:09:42 PM] Grey: I do mean fracking
[11:09:43 PM] Wolfcat: yes
[11:09:47 PM] Grey: as in the oil
[11:09:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hey uh, on hubris im having errors getting http://imgur.com/rlGhkkE
in my sig
[11:09:52 PM] Oceanstuck: ...hwat
[11:09:58 PM] Mando 寒山: (devil)(devil)(devil)(devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil)(devil) (devil)(devil)
(devil) (devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)
(devil)(devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil) (devil)
(devil) (devil)(devil)
(devil) (devil)
[11:09:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol grey
[11:10:01 PM | Edited 8:10:11 PM] Grey: battlestar galactiga
[11:10:41 PM] Eve Sim: We gotta' help Circle get back onto Skype tho'
[11:10:46 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we do
[11:10:49 PM] Kidpichu: Do i still get to be a pichu?
[11:10:49 PM] Oceanstuck: yeh
[11:10:50 PM] *** The Man has left ***
[11:10:50 PM] Wolfcat: I'm updating him a bit
[11:10:53 PM] Oceanstuck: hes gone
[11:10:56 PM] Wolfcat: on what's going on
[11:10:56 PM | Edited 8:11:04 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: we can't only have 2.5 demons
3/30/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[11:13:42 PM] *** Helper joined. ***
[11:13:48 PM] Oceanstuck: ohai helper
[11:13:53 PM] Wolfcat: Hello Helper
[11:13:54 PM] Mando 寒山: Oh hi mark
[11:14:00 PM] Eve Sim: Hi Helper <3
[11:14:04 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hi helper
[11:14:11 PM] Helper: Hello there adventurers and demon!
[11:14:22 PM] Helper: I have completed my quest.
[11:14:23 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;3
[11:14:24 PM] Oceanstuck: i thought he was a half demon
[11:14:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: shh don't be picky ocean
[11:14:34 PM] Oceanstuck: ok
[11:14:36 PM] Mando 寒山: no I'm the super demon king remember
[11:14:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: at least im something
[11:14:39 PM] Helper: I would like to know how your travels are going?
[11:14:51 PM] Oceanstuck: wait so youre demise from skyward sword mando?
[11:14:56 PM] Mando 寒山: All good homie how's it hangin
[11:14:57 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: guys guys
[11:15:03 PM] Helper: I do not know of this sword.
[11:15:04 PM] Oceanstuck: (watch that go over helpers head lol)
[11:15:06 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:14 PM] Oceanstuck:
<<< wait so youre demise from skyward sword mando?Tiny bit less homoerotic
[11:15:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: everyone pay attention to helper, no fuckery for a minute
[11:15:15 PM] Oceanstuck: ninjad
[11:15:19 PM] Helper: I do know of homoerotic.
[11:15:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: >_<
[11:15:24 PM] Wolfcat: Oh?
[11:15:29 PM] Grey: It's going fine Helper, I've discovered Pumpkin Island
[11:15:36 PM] Mando 寒山: Alright so
[11:15:46 PM] Helper: There is no such thing.
[11:15:56 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Helper, appearently Dawn has demon powers
[11:15:56 PM] Mando 寒山: You asked how we've been
And we gathered the facts
And we voted to take control of Doug's save file
[11:15:58 PM] Oceanstuck: so help what brings you here
[11:16:09 PM] Helper: Well, of course!
[11:16:25 PM] Helper: What would a demon be without powers?
[11:16:31 PM] Mando 寒山: Pretty shite
[11:16:39 PM] Oceanstuck: i thought he was a metaphorical one though
[11:16:41 PM] Helper: A red person!
[11:16:45 PM] Oceanstuck: do those count for getting to have powers
[11:16:45 PM] Wolfcat: Helper how do we become angels? Besides getting killed.
[11:17:01 PM] Helper: Angels?
[11:17:05 PM] Oceanstuck: people dont become angels when they die they become saints
[11:17:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: helper, im a demon
[11:17:14 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: but i don't have powers ;-;
[11:17:16 PM] Oceanstuck: wolf learn your christian dogma will you
[11:17:20 PM] Helper: You are half demon.
[11:17:27 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;(
[11:17:39 PM] Helper: And I do not sympathize with you, foul creature.
[11:17:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oki
[11:17:50 PM] Eve Sim: #shotsfired
[11:17:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i luv u too
[11:17:52 PM] Mando 寒山: Helper do you want to play Mario Kart with me
[11:17:53 PM] Oceanstuck: harsh
[11:17:54 PM] Grey: Link, You must learn to control Tetsaiga and travel with a Japanese school girl.
[11:18:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: uhh
[11:18:26 PM] Oceanstuck: anyway helper
[11:18:26 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i don't know much about inuyasha
[11:18:30 PM] Oceanstuck: whatcha doin here
[11:18:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: whatever
[11:18:54 PM] Eve Sim: Ocean, he came to ask about our adventures
[11:18:55 PM] Helper: I have came to see how the quest is going.
[11:19:00 PM] Oceanstuck: of course
[11:19:02 PM] Oceanstuck: what did i expect
[11:19:09 PM] Helper: I hope you all are having a venerable time.
[11:19:24 PM] Oceanstuck: venerable how
[11:19:55 PM] Helper: Do you know what venerable means, young lady?
[11:20:10 PM] Kidpichu: cough ok i think i swallowed a leaf
[11:20:21 PM] Oceanstuck: ven·er·a·ble
adjective: venerable
accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
"a venerable statesman"
synonyms: respected, venerated, revered, honored, esteemed, hallowed, august, distinguished, eminent, great, grand
"the venerable Martin Steed joined our faculty in 1962"
(in the Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a deceased person who has attained a certain degree of sanctity but has not been fully beatified or canonized.
(in the Anglican Church) a title given to an archdeacon.
[11:20:22 PM] Eve Sim: ven·er·a·ble
adjective: venerable
accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
[11:20:26 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: jesus
[11:20:29 PM] Helper: That is not healthy!
[11:20:48 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: guys can we focus
[11:20:58 PM] Helper: In this instance, young lady, venerable simply means grand.
[11:21:06 PM] Wolfcat: But yes, our quest. We're currently trying to heal our friend Doug.
[11:21:10 PM] Oceanstuck: ok
[11:21:16 PM] Kidpichu: Q^Q i am never making tea alone again
[11:21:17 PM] Oceanstuck: we think theres something wrong with him
[11:21:21 PM] Oceanstuck: brainwashing maybe
[11:21:23 PM] Wolfcat: Well, he I guess he's still our friend.
[11:21:30 PM] Wolfcat: He's a weird kid
[11:21:40 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah i dont wanna give up on him
[11:21:44 PM] Oceanstuck: and i dont intend to
[11:21:48 PM] Helper: I do not know how I can be of assistance.
[11:21:53 PM] Oceanstuck: so i wont
[11:22:09 PM] Oceanstuck: hmm
[11:22:12 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: helper, to be honest i think we're very scattered about what we are doing right now.
[11:22:44 PM] Eve Sim: [11:21 PM] Helper:
<<< I do not know how I can be of assistance.Why not run back in to the fishery to talk to doug?
[11:22:48 PM] Oceanstuck: hey what if we had helper hang out with mason
[11:22:52 PM] Wolfcat: Eve nooo
[11:22:56 PM] Oceanstuck: [11:21 PM] Helper:
<<< I do not know how I can be of assistance.Helper, Today 8:21 PMWhy not run back in to the fishery to talk to doug?last time he did that he died
[11:22:59 PM] Wolfcat: Are you addicted to killing helper
[11:23:02 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: eve that sounds like a terrible idea
[11:23:12 PM] Helper: I will do that this instance!
[11:23:12 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: do you want helper to die again?
[11:23:15 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: NO
[11:23:21 PM] Oceanstuck: wait what
[11:23:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: HELPER PLS
[11:23:27 PM] Oceanstuck: is that for me or eve
[11:23:29 PM] Mando 寒山: That's weird.
[11:23:34 PM] Wolfcat: Helper no I can't stand to lose you again
[11:23:40 PM] Oceanstuck: guys
[11:23:43 PM] Kidpichu: helper is gonna poof again D: ?
[11:23:45 PM] Oceanstuck: what if hes talking to me
[11:23:48 PM] Mando 寒山: Didn't know T-Mobile was allowed to put random cell towers so close to schools.
[11:23:49 PM] Eve Sim: Ok, Helper don't
[11:23:55 PM] Helper: I am not running to the fishery. I was simply joking.
[11:24:03 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[11:24:08 PM] Helper: What are you on about, Demon?
[11:24:09 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: (whew)
[11:24:13 PM] Oceanstuck: what about hanging out with mason
[11:24:16 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what?
[11:24:22 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i don't want you to die ;-;
[11:24:23 PM] Eve Sim: My ribs are nearly broken from laughing so hard
[11:24:26 PM] Wolfcat: Mason's like, with Doug now right
[11:24:31 PM] Wolfcat: He's in danger too
[11:24:33 PM] Oceanstuck: is he
[11:24:35 PM] Wolfcat: I doubt that'd be a good idea
[11:24:42 PM] Helper: I am speaking to the demon. Not the half demon.
[11:24:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh
[11:24:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ok
[11:24:59 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:23 PM] Helper:
<<< What are you on about, Demon? (chuckle)
[11:25:00 PM] Kidpichu: chu?
[11:25:09 PM] Grey: Where exactly is Mason?
[11:25:25 PM] Oceanstuck: he said in one of the blog posts he was heading home
[11:25:26 PM] Mando 寒山: He's right where he has to be,
[11:25:31 PM] Oceanstuck: but that blog post was glitchy so
[11:25:55 PM] Kidpichu: he wasn't heading home
[11:26:03 PM] Kidpichu: its a trap D8
[11:26:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Im not sure what we should do
[11:26:24 PM] Eve Sim: i've been assuming he's at the fishery
[11:26:26 PM] Oceanstuck: well yeah why do you think i made note of the fact that the post was hijacked
[11:26:29 PM] Mando 寒山: Do what we've always done
[11:26:49 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando
[11:26:51 PM] Oceanstuck: if its soaring im led to believe that might not be the best idea
[11:26:55 PM] Helper: I have been informed a new message awaits you from a messenger....but not the current one. How odd.
[11:26:58 PM] Oceanstuck: i mean
[11:27:02 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what?
[11:27:21 PM] Oceanstuck: doug asked us to send mason away and dougs kinda compromised
[11:27:22 PM] Helper: What indeed.
[11:27:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Indeed
[11:27:47 PM] Oceanstuck: mhm
[11:28:04 PM] Oceanstuck: so whats this about another messenger
[11:28:08 PM] Grey: Someone who isn't the Grey person?
[11:28:12 PM] Grey: how odd
[11:28:33 PM] Wolfcat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6ubbT8Z2oE
[11:28:34 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: helper, do you know the identity of the messanger? or know what time period they are from?
[11:28:44 PM] Wolfcat: It is the video.
[11:28:56 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[11:28:57 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: did that just get posted
[11:29:03 PM] Wolfcat: Yes
[11:29:08 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: o
[11:29:09 PM] Oceanstuck: yeah
[11:29:15 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: it hasn't been sent to my email yet
[11:29:25 PM] Wolfcat: He's looking at a radio tower
[11:29:33 PM] Wolfcat: something Mando just talked about
[11:29:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh my
[11:29:39 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando
[11:29:41 PM] Oceanstuck: hwat
[11:29:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: do you know things we dont
[11:29:43 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: also
[11:29:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: since im a demon can i get in on it
[11:30:00 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: HOLY CRAP
[11:30:09 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: That the video spooked me
[11:30:17 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;-;
[11:30:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: T-Mobile
[11:30:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Mandooooooo
[11:30:27 PM] Oceanstuck: i havent watched it all yet
[11:30:39 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: MANDOOOO
[11:30:49 PM] Eve Sim: fking jump scares...
[11:31:07 PM] Kidpichu: guys whats that red message at the scream?
[11:31:17 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: guys
[11:31:22 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: theres a vocaroo link that's broken
[11:31:31 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: http://gyazo.com/0b8ae06acd4ca0c8713fff7c8305ca1f
[11:31:33 PM] Eve Sim: Yes, at the end
[11:31:33 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: thats at the end
[11:31:37 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ill get the red text
[11:32:10 PM] Grey: what's s0K0II
[11:32:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: it coud be the missing part of the URL
[11:32:24 PM] Wolfcat: three blanks
[11:32:27 PM] Wolfcat: six I mean
[11:32:50 PM] Oceanstuck: plugging it in
[11:32:59 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0K0IIRd1rFi
[11:33:06 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: this may not be it
[11:33:12 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: yeah not it
[11:33:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: maybe its a cipher?
[11:33:25 PM] Oceanstuck: ninjad
(grey posts a screencap of part of the video)
[11:34:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hmm
[11:34:51 PM] Oceanstuck: i sense an incoming moogle
[11:34:57 PM] Wolfcat: guys
[11:34:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Kupo
[11:35:27 PM] Mando 寒山: Shhhhhh
[11:35:28 PM] Kidpichu: yes?
(wolf posts psychology notes)
[11:35:30 PM] *** Mugen Kagemaru (W♔♙) has changed the conversation topic to "Internet Detectives (Last Update: Helper Video - 3/30)" ***
[11:35:33 PM] Wolfcat: Six Blanks
[11:35:42 PM] Wolfcat: Look at the top right corner
[11:35:47 PM] Wolfcat: Six blanks in the vocaroo link
[11:35:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh my
[11:35:55 PM] Oceanstuck: o shit
[11:36:00 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: that alphabet is screwy
[11:36:13 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: could that be a different shift than the default one?
[11:36:26 PM] Oceanstuck: ??
[11:37:11 PM] Oceanstuck: do you mean like
[11:37:13 PM] Oceanstuck: a crypto
[11:37:17 PM] Oceanstuck: or a keyed caesar
[11:37:18 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: nevermind
[11:37:18 PM] Mando 寒山: Six blanks, sure But do you think they mean anything
[11:37:19 PM] Oceanstuck: or something
[11:37:24 PM] Wolfcat: [9:23 PM] Mando 寒山:
<<< Didn't know T-Mobile was allowed to put random cell towers so close to schools.
[11:37:31 PM] Grey: what about the letters we got from the videos, channel, and that one page from YSHDT
[11:37:36 PM] Wolfcat: I always thought this looked like a school (posts orange)
[11:37:44 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando how did you know what happened in the video before it was posted
[11:37:52 PM] Grey: He probably saw and made a joke
[11:37:54 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:36 PM] Grey:
<<< what about the letters we got from the videos, channel, and that one page from YSHDTI don't think so
[11:37:56 PM] Grey: and didn't tell us
[11:38:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando
[11:38:18 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: if you things they dont
[11:38:27 PM] Mando 寒山: [11:37 PM] Grey:
<<< He probably saw and made a joke???
[11:38:27 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: can we make a truce as demons
[11:38:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando have you seen the N video
[11:38:37 PM] Oceanstuck: if you things they dont
[11:38:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6ubbT8Z2oE&hd=1
[11:38:58 PM] Mando 寒山: Of course I have dude
[11:39:07 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: mando, if you know things they ont, can i know some of it because im a demon too?
[11:39:11 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: demon buddies :D
[11:39:26 PM] Oceanstuck: is helper still here
[11:39:26 PM] Wolfcat: counting the youtube page and the video titles, we get these letters
[11:39:26 PM] Wolfcat: M N E R S
[11:39:38 PM] Mando 寒山: I don't know what I know man
PS, remember to check your homes
[11:39:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: check your homes how....
[11:39:48 PM] Oceanstuck: hm?
[11:39:57 PM] Oceanstuck: why
[11:40:14 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hold on somones knocking at my door
[11:40:20 PM] Oceanstuck: thorin no
[11:40:20 PM] Grey: wouldn't it be M S R E N
[11:40:35 PM] Wolfcat: If you go by upload date yes
[11:40:40 PM] Grey: ha Ms. Ren
[11:40:45 PM] Grey: wait what
[11:41:01 PM] Wolfcat: It could eventually spell out a scrambled version of 'Messenger'
[11:41:05 PM] *** Helper has left ***
[11:41:08 PM] Mando 寒山: Bye bye
[11:41:10 PM] Oceanstuck: and there he goes
[11:41:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: bai
3/30/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[11:42:14 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[11:42:17 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: [11:39 PM] Mando 寒山: <<< PS, remember to check your homes
[11:42:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: hi again
[11:42:22 PM] Kidpichu: my house
[11:42:23 PM] Oceanstuck: wb The Man
[11:42:27 PM] The Man: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0lGIRzBQiBS
[11:42:29 PM] Kidpichu: is checked
[11:42:36 PM] The Man: Funny thing about vocaroo.
[11:42:37 PM] Eve Sim: lol
[11:42:39 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: OOH
[11:42:41 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: OOH
[11:42:43 PM] Oceanstuck: owmyears
[11:42:50 PM] The Man: They sometimes delete stuff.
[11:42:51 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: where jayckup
[11:42:53 PM] The Man: Sorry.
[11:42:57 PM] Wolfcat: It's all coo
[11:42:59 PM] *** The Man has left ***
March 31st, 2015
3/31/15 - Message from "The Gray Man" - Within Hubris
Some of you seem to be having trouble trusting your peers. This is a quality unsuitable for this type of mission you're taking on. Perhaps you should learn to give others a chance, regardless of your personal feelings and contempt. If you fight for too long, your chance will slip by and your new friends could die.
And after that painful, friendship-threatening vote, you wouldn't want that, would you?
April 4th, 2015
4/4/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
/Patrem\ 4:29 PM: "No mortal can go without rest."
Eve 5:04 PM: "Indeed, your host was quite upset the last time he awoke."
Stevey 5:15 PM: "I find it odd we do something to find a "friend" and you return to us..."
/Patrem\ 5:21 PM: "He is a fool, and in his time has become a detriment to my plans. He will now know nothing of what has transpired however. Despite his best efforts to keep archive of what he learned."
Helix 5:27 PM: "What of Doug? He is a fool now too?"
Eve 5:32 PM: "That would be a very wise idea. He'd be too bewildered. But now that you're able to communicate again, is there any information that you'd like to impart?"
/Patrem\ 5:50 PM: "Douglas is of significance and that is all I shall say of him. As for information that may be of interest to you children, I may be willing to tell you of what is to come."
Stevey 5:50 PM: "We'd be much grateful.."
Eve 5:54 PM: "That would be a helpful gift."
Helix 5:59 PM: "That would be very much appreciated. Doug is also important to us. If I may humbly ask, do you know of how Mason is doing? We are concerned as we lost contact with him at a crucial point, as well as if you know of a certain individual named Rosa?"
/Patrem\ 6:21 PM: "That foolish girl has damned herself, she and her brother started on the wrong path and never attempted to correct this. Her toungue is that of lies and she is a blind whore. Ask me not of her again for she and her kin are nothing but ignorant fools."
Stevey 6:24 PM: "So what is to come..?"
Oceanstuck 6:43 PM: "this is a bit late but what awaits mason as things stand now, and if that which awaits is unfavorable how may we change those things in our favor"
/Patrem\ 7:19 PM: "Shall you continue to ask me foolish questions, or shall I speak to you the true words of the future? The choice is yours."
Circlehunter 7:23 PM: "We'd love to hear about the future. Anything at all would be wonderful."
/Patrem\ 8:31 PM: "There will be a coming time in which a portal shall be opened. This place was forged by the one they call saint, and is governed by the one I call grand. Named a petty insult directed at the terrible fate of one child and the loss of another. Through here you may encounter many things both of your kind, and from times before man. He will seek the burned one, without his puppet he is only half of his potential. He will seek the link of that time, for it is through his death that he believes he will truly become a god. He is a grand fool, but he is one of my special children. However, this is not of the task at hand. Worry now for what lies before you. Now I must go, a ceremony shall soon be at hand, blood must be spilled when mother calls for it."
GreyouTT 11:33 PM: "Wait, BLOOD? WHAT? WHAT?!"
4/4/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)
Stevey 6:39 PM: "Mugen constantly acts above everyone else.. he also erm.. claimed you were a "worthless buffoon" thought you should know."
/Patrem\ 6:46 PM: "I am aware of this child, I see him even now."
/Patrem\ 6:46 PM: ""I'm already smelling the ashes""
Stevey 6:47 PM: "He's a inconvinence... I hope you agree on that.."
/Patrem\ 6:48 PM: "He knows not the child that burns"
/Patrem\ 6:49 PM: "There is no time to wet the ashes now"
Stevey 6:50 PM: "...who was or is this child...?"
/Patrem\ 6:55 PM: "And yet he hides, the grand child clings to me as he as the burned one hides. Grand and yet weak, you have already heard his name, but his new name will be spoken in time. The burned one is beyond us yet works within my dominion, he seeks to communion with one who is flying, who is of the water. He screams loudly, he is but a nuisance."
/Patrem\ 6:56 PM: "Speak to me no more of this screaming burned child."
Stevey 6:58 PM: "I thank you again for sharing your knowledge with me.. I apologize if it caused any discomfort or annoyance."
/Patrem\ 7:00 PM: "He is not mason nor douglas, he is one of you."
Stevey 7:01 PM: "... and now I suddenly worry for my safety... well I thank you again, that aids us in narrowing it down."
Stevey 7:44 PM: "You mentioned a "mother" who calls for blood... may I get a hint or answer to her identity?"
April 5th, 2015
April 7th, 2015
4/7/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[1:14:05 AM] *** Helper joined. ***
[1:14:11 AM] Oceanstuck: ohai
[1:14:35 AM] Helper: Ehrm.
[1:14:42 AM] Oceanstuck: is it just me or am i always here when you show up
[1:14:46 AM] Helper: Hello adventurers!
[1:14:52 AM] Oceanstuck: sup
[1:15:00 AM] Kidpichu: psst ocean who is black for helper?
[1:15:06 AM] Wolfcat: Hello... Helper.
[1:15:11 AM] The Sun: black for helper?
[1:15:15 AM] Oceanstuck: psst ocean who is black for helper?dont ask me
[1:15:25 AM] Helper: I do not recall if you have been in my previous meetings.
[1:15:36 AM] Oceanstuck: then pretend i didnt say anything
[1:15:43 AM] Kidpichu: ?
[1:15:58 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: Someone recording this?
[1:16:01 AM] Mando 寒山: Yooo Helpz
[1:16:02 AM] Oceanstuck: me
[1:16:04 AM] Oceanstuck: as usual
[1:16:39 AM] Oceanstuck: so what brings you here help
[1:16:39 AM] Kidpichu: thank chu ocean chu the best <3
[1:17:18 AM] Oceanstuck: helper?
[1:17:45 AM] The Sun: Jesus have some patience or some shit
[1:17:46 AM] The Sun: I mean
[1:17:50 AM] The Sun: He runs drugs 4 a living
[1:17:57 AM] Helper: I would like to inform you all of a message given to me. I am no longer a messanger, but I will do such tasks as this if the time calls for it.
[1:18:20 AM] Oceanstuck: a message huh
[1:18:49 AM] Helper: The time will come
[1:19:03 AM] Helper: Is what I have been sent to say.
[1:19:19 AM] Oceanstuck: huh
[1:19:31 AM] Oceanstuck: gimme a sec
[1:19:42 AM] Helper: There may have been more to the message, but I could not hear under the gurgling noises.
[1:19:45 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: i didnt have the patience to save it but have this
[1:19:46 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: http://gyazo.com/c0c924937f175293799bfc2d8ea18513
[1:19:54 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: OH hello
[1:19:57 AM] The Sun: looks gay
[1:20:11 AM] The Sun: I like it
[1:20:22 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: yay
[1:20:27 AM] Helper: Hello, demon.
[1:20:42 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: tried to find the cheesiest fonts possible without using comic sans or papyrus
[1:20:53 AM] The Sun: Arial
[1:21:09 AM] Oceanstuck: perfect timing
[1:21:37 AM] Kidpichu: <3 i will watch it ever friday
[1:21:44 AM] Helper: Do you request more of me, adventurers?
[1:21:50 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: yeah i got a prime time slot on tbs' friday lineup
[1:21:53 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: hit the big time
[1:22:00 AM] The Sun: TBS?
[1:22:05 AM] The Sun: Almost as bad as fox.
[1:22:36 AM] Kidpichu: uuh is this a merperson message?
[1:22:37 AM] Oceanstuck: uh sure helper
[1:22:40 AM] Oceanstuck: um
[1:22:52 AM] Oceanstuck: i have a question
[1:22:56 AM] Helper: Of course not.
[1:23:13 AM] Helper: Merpeople no longer appreciate my company.
[1:23:16 AM] Oceanstuck: has anything unusual been flying in the area around the fishery
[1:23:37 AM] Oceanstuck: Merpeople no longer appreciate my company.also that sounds like an obscure incident that intrigues me in its bizareness
[1:23:45 AM] Helper: I do not believe so, but I haven't been there in a while.
[1:23:54 AM] Oceanstuck: oh
[1:23:58 AM] Helper: On account of the death and all.
[1:24:02 AM] Oceanstuck: i was just wondering since we tried something recently
[1:24:36 AM] Helper: The merpeople do not take kindly to the ones who save their quarry.
[1:24:47 AM] The Sun: What did you guys do?
[1:25:04 AM] Oceanstuck: merpeople exist?
[1:25:04 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: We kind of
[1:25:06 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: Stole Doug
[1:25:11 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: Or attempted to, anyway
[1:25:11 AM] Oceanstuck: wait what am i saying im a water spirit
[1:25:12 AM] The Sun: wat
[1:25:14 AM] Oceanstuck: of course they exist
[1:25:46 AM] Helper: They exist just the same as alligators and the bermuda triangle do.
[1:26:05 AM] Oceanstuck: describe them
[1:26:13 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: we did four actions at one time and i'm not even sure it did anything
[1:26:18 AM] Helper: They are pretty fishy.
[1:26:23 AM] The Sun: wat
[1:26:25 AM] Kidpichu: XD
[1:26:29 AM] Oceanstuck: :P
[1:26:33 AM] The Sun: Ah, it doesn't matter.
[1:26:39 AM] The Sun: #fuckthefish
[1:26:41 AM] Kidpichu: how about dragons?
[1:27:07 AM] Oceanstuck: ooh
[1:27:08 AM] Kidpichu: omg 8D
[1:27:12 AM] Helper: I am not sure dragons will help you.
[1:27:21 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh hi helper
[1:27:23 AM] Oceanstuck: that sucks
[1:27:25 AM] Helper: Happy birthday, adventurer.
[1:27:33 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: didn't realize you were here, sorry about screaming like that
[1:27:34 AM] Helper: I may get you a gift.
[1:27:36 AM] Kidpichu: HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY
[1:27:39 AM] Oceanstuck: hahahaha
[1:27:40 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Ooh
[1:27:41 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: :D
[1:27:44 AM] Oceanstuck: ooh get him something good
[1:27:47 AM] Helper: Anyways.
[1:27:59 AM] Helper: I am surprised none of you asked whom the sender was.
[1:28:12 AM] Oceanstuck: i was gonna get to that eventually
[1:28:16 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: sorry for disrupting, I just was dropping in to share some rage. Somone fill me in on whats happening tomorrow
[1:28:19 AM] Wolfcat: Was it Mason by any chance?
[1:28:20 AM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Cya guys
[1:28:25 AM] Oceanstuck: seeya thorin
[1:28:35 AM] Helper: The wolf man hit the nail on the point.
[1:28:45 AM] Oceanstuck: so it was mason
[1:28:46 AM] Wolfcat: He did say his basement was flooding
[1:28:48 AM] Wolfcat: oh no
[1:28:49 AM] Wolfcat: gurgling
[1:28:53 AM] Helper: It is Mason who has sent it.
[1:28:57 AM] Oceanstuck: ...shit
[1:29:05 AM] Helper: Soon it will be Mason.
[1:29:07 AM] Helper: Or...
[1:29:20 AM] Helper: You know.
[1:29:33 AM] Oceanstuck: You know.:?
[1:29:44 AM] Helper: He'll be dead soon if the weather doesn't change for the better.
[1:29:52 AM] Kidpichu: D:
[1:29:54 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: oh fuck
[1:29:58 AM] Oceanstuck: define better
[1:30:14 AM] Wolfcat: uuugh I can't solve this cipher
[1:30:15 AM] Kidpichu: dawn make it better please?
[1:30:21 AM] Helper: It is currently downpouring.
[1:30:26 AM] The Sun: Fuk no.
[1:30:28 AM] The Sun: He dies
[1:30:30 AM] The Sun: I win
[1:30:31 AM] Oceanstuck: ohh
[1:30:37 AM] Kidpichu: i'll let you eat a puppy?
[1:30:51 AM] Wolfcat: But other-helper will probably start the rain again
[1:30:51 AM] Kidpichu: and add a kitten?
[1:31:00 AM] Oceanstuck: are you sure
[1:31:03 AM] Wolfcat: But we can still try
[1:31:08 AM] Oceanstuck: ok
[1:31:28 AM] Kidpichu: is there a way to freeze other helper?
[1:31:29 AM] Helper: Mason is stuck inside a storm drain, if any of you were worried about what situation he is in.
[1:31:49 AM] Oceanstuck: how did he get in a storm drain
[1:32:01 AM] Kidpichu: D: did he try to meet the tmnt?
[1:32:02 AM] Helper: Yes, how?
[1:32:16 AM] Kidpichu: cause that's happened...
[1:32:16 AM] Helper: It seems like an odd place to hang around.
[1:32:50 AM] The Tylep: yes
[1:32:53 AM] Ifrit [KILL ALL NORMIES]: OI BRUV CHEK MY BEATZ https://clyp.it/4jg15sqr
[1:32:55 AM] *** The Tylep awakens ***
[1:32:57 AM] Helper: Or...drown in.
[1:33:01 AM] Oceanstuck: ifrit not now
[1:33:03 AM] Ifrit [KILL ALL NORMIES]: srsly tho what do u guys think of that
[1:33:13 AM] The Tylep: wo hot as fuk fam
[1:33:20 AM] Ifrit [KILL ALL NORMIES]: #fireemoji
[1:33:31 AM] The Tylep: like right off the bat in the first 5 seconds
[1:33:35 AM] Kidpichu: fritty can you not
[1:33:52 AM] Ifrit [KILL ALL NORMIES]: im trying to convince gf to scream nonsense about drugs and occultism over it a la crystal castles
[1:33:54 AM] Wolfcat: Someone wanna try song of storms?
[1:33:57 AM] Oceanstuck: i wanna post storms right now
[1:33:58 AM] Ifrit [KILL ALL NORMIES]: but she hasn't done it yet
[1:34:04 AM] Wolfcat: try it
[1:34:07 AM] Oceanstuck: but im looking for a video to save me the time itd take to record
[1:34:21 AM] Kidpichu: do eet
[1:34:34 AM] Wolfcat: meanwhile lets think of an alternative
[1:34:35 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: Helper 2 was able to use the OST video to keep it going
[1:34:47 AM] Oceanstuck: o yeah
[1:34:53 AM] Helper: I really must get going now, however.
[1:35:08 AM] Captain King Kim-Jong CircleHunter Dedede Desdinova's Career of Evil V: Thank you for the advice, Helper
[1:35:10 AM] Kidpichu: thanks helper
[1:35:18 AM] Wolfcat: Thanks Helper, and goodbye
[1:35:21 AM] Oceanstuck: buh bye
[1:35:30 AM] Helper: If the weather does change, I am unsure I would like to be outside when it happens.
[1:35:37 AM] Helper: Good day!
[1:35:41 AM] *** Helper has left ***
April 8th, 2015
April 10th, 2015
4/10/15 - Chat with "The Gray Man" - Within Hubris
Helper 11:45 PM: "I'm rather bored at the moment. How is everyone tonight?"
Eve 11:49 PM: "Hi Helper, I'm good."
JosephOfGlass 11:53 PM: "Shit's Gucci, Helper."
Oceanstuck 11:53 PM: "a bit stressed but otherwise fine"
Circlehunter 11:54 PM: "I'm pretty alright."
Kidpichu 11:56 PM: "I am ok X3 it's fun being with everyone"
Eve 12:11 AM: "I take it back :p"
Helper 12:22 AM: "Do you have any leads on that cipher?"
Oceanstuck 12:26 AM: "keyed rot13 the key is 9 letters without repeats other than that i got nuthin"
April 11th, 2015
4/11/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris
Eve 12:44 AM: "Hello Patrem. Plans coming along smoothly?"
/Patrem\ 12:52 AM: "My aspirations shall never cease to unfold favorably my child."
Eve 12:59 AM: "I'm happy to hear that."
/Patrem\ 1:13 AM: "The time has passed, my children performed a humorous ceremony in the holy building. They seem to think mother is impressed by the bleeding of their own blood and their carnal motions."
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: "Spilling their own blood? Amusing. Pointless, but amusing. Any fallen?"
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: ""My aspirations shall never cease to unfold favorably my child.""
Mugen Kagemaru 1:25 AM: "I wonder about that..."
Seeker 1:29 AM: "YOU ALL NEED HELP."
Stevey 1:30 AM: "this is why everyone is turned away by mugen..."
Oceanstuck 1:42 AM: "that is so unhealthy of them i have the urge to reprimand this"
Eve 1:45 AM: "Did they harm anyone?"
Seeker 1:47 AM: "It say's THEIR OWN. which means one thing, they must be self harming themselves."
Sengi 1:55 AM: "Maybe a member was sacrificed... Maybe it could have been Douglass at this point..."
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: "If they are weak and foolish enough to choose these actions, father shall leave them to their terrible fates. These foolish neophytes have disgraced mother with their petty bleeding and carnal actions before her."
/Patrem\ 1:56 AM: ((An audio file is posted which seems to be a recording of the ritual Patrem is speaking of. Drums, sobbing, and moaning can be heard along with someone saying "As I stand here on this most holy of nights, what pours from my arm is spilled in her name."))
Stevey 2:07 AM: "What sort of madness even persuaded them to take these actions?"
Sengi 2:08 AM: "I cant distinguish anything within the voice clip beyond crying/sobbing and probably someone making a sacrifice..."
Seeker 2:13 AM: "SOUNDS like a whale dying."
Eve 2:17 AM: "That sounds terrible. How sad."
Oceanstuck 2:19 AM: "aw come on dont pervert my happy birthday song that shit was supposed to be fuckin heartfelt keep your creepy ritual bullshit out of that"
Eve 2:25 AM: ""Father shall leave them to their terrible fates.""
Eve 2:25 AM: "Their loss! Make sure you never leave us."
Circlehunter 3:49 AM: "You mean to tell us that there was an orgy in the holy building? Terrible fate incoming, indeed. That's sacred ground!"
4/11/15 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (PM's)
Stevey 2:13 AM: "Why would they do that? .. did someone tell them to sacrifice their blood for Luna? I dont understand why such madness would overtake them so suddenly.. Also, what sort of voices (before the chanting) were mixed up in that vocaroo file you sent to us?"
/Patrem\ 2:27 AM: "The child who acts as overseer while the fishery overseer is away was the one who spoke in the beginning. I was not physically present, for I was baring witness to a much more important ceremony on the night of the blood moon, the true blood moon ritual. As for what he said: "As I stand here on this most holy of nights, what pours from my arm is spilled in her name." He did not leave the fishery that night, silly child.
Stevey 2:36 AM: "Okay, thank you.. what is involved in the true blood moon ritual...? the others claim (in the call group) that they can hear some of their own voices mixed in there too, during the begining. Oceanstuck claims she can hear her recent "happy birthday" to a thorin in there.. more nolstalgia again..?"
/Patrem\ 2:40 AM: "Nothing but the cries of my children, seeking favor from their mother. As for the true blood moon ritual, it was filmed to be added to our holy archive which is currently under reconstruction after an incident that occurred shortly after august of 2012 in your time."
4/11/15 - Page Source Text - YSHDT.com
the final set of autonomic reactions in the 20 – 60 seconds before sinking underwater, and to the untrained eye can look similar to calm safe behavior
4/11/15 - "2s.png" - YSHDT.com
Times Are C ((Redacted))
As time goes on, the world reaches new lows, and new highs. As we fight to keep ourselves safe, we slowly eat away at another's existence. Destroying the world, Consuming it, even though we are the ones who made it.
These valuable words, taught to me by someone I highly regard, are Of the utmost importance to me. They show me that, even as we create the most perfect utopia, it May always fail. I would like to take the time to ask all of you, that even if you were to create the perfect situation, or the perfect place to be, what would you Eat, or destroy, or conquer, or incinerate, or drown, to accomplish it.
4/11/15 - "yes.png" - YSHDT.com
WARNING: Long-term exposure to rear of factory may cause death or illness. You must wear protective gear in the area. Please remember more than anything else for your future safety.
April 22nd, 2015
4/22/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:31:00 PM] *** Helper joined. ***
[10:31:07 PM] Mando 寒山: oh no not this asshole
[10:31:18 PM] Mando 寒山: i mean
[10:31:18 PM] Mando 寒山: hello
[10:31:20 PM] Wolfcat: Helper <3<3<3
[10:31:20 PM] Helper: Oh, okay.
[10:31:23 PM] Helper: Bye, adventurers!
[10:31:27 PM] Mando 寒山: goodbye
[10:31:28 PM] *** Helper has left ***
[10:31:32 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh hi
[10:31:34 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: whayt
[10:31:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: LOL
[10:31:35 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: aw
[10:31:38 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: DYING
[10:31:38 PM] Oceanstuck: nice going mando
[10:31:40 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;-; helper I love you come baaack
[10:31:46 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: also ocean
[10:31:47 PM] Wolfcat: :c helper (hb)
[10:31:49 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: my dropbox is full
[10:31:49 PM] Mando 寒山: no problem I'll be here all week
[10:31:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: again
[10:32:01 PM] Oceanstuck: nooo D:
[10:32:08 PM] *** Helper joined. ***
[10:32:12 PM] Oceanstuck: also we have 2 copies of fnafb so
[10:32:15 PM] Mando 寒山: Oh no not THIS asshole
[10:32:24 PM] Helper: Oh okay.
[10:32:39 PM] Helper: Anyways, hello adventurers!
[10:32:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: So, how's it going helper? :D
[10:32:49 PM] Helper: I am here to deliver a message.
[10:32:56 PM] Kidpichu: I like delivered messages
[10:32:56 PM] Mando 寒山: The message isAsparagus
[10:33:00 PM] Wolfcat: WHAT COULD IT MEAN
[10:33:16 PM] Eve: Hi Helper!
[10:33:20 PM] Kidpichu: I keep dozing off
[10:33:24 PM] Helper: As I have lost my hat, and you heroes clearly are not on top of things, this message has been somewhat delayed.
[10:33:28 PM] Oceanstuck: hello helper
[10:33:29 PM] Helper: By about fourteen days.
[10:33:34 PM] Kidpichu: D:
[10:33:37 PM] Mando 寒山: Sorry buddy I tried telling them how to play games but they just don't listen
[10:33:47 PM] Helper: Yes!
[10:34:02 PM] Oceanstuck: ok this is just the worst time for my internet to stop working
[10:34:10 PM] Helper: As it just so happens, you have not gone down the rabbit hole!
[10:34:11 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: http://gyazo.com/f9a3447305353bd4c0a3100f78decf04
[10:34:11 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: :L
[10:34:20 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: is that a good thing?
[10:34:26 PM] Mando 寒山: guys this is important listen up
[10:34:29 PM] Oceanstuck: dont mind me helps im just frustrated grumble grumble
[10:34:47 PM] Kidpichu: Helper how do we find the rabbit hole?
[10:34:50 PM] Mando 寒山: Should I tell mugen
[10:34:52 PM] Helper: Or, more precicely, you guys "Missed something fucking big and apparent"
[10:34:52 PM] Mando 寒山: JK
[10:34:57 PM] Mando 寒山: Yes
[10:35:01 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh
[10:35:09 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so in other words we're all idiots?
[10:35:16 PM] Mando 寒山: wel
[10:35:18 PM] Helper: And that "Someone died because of your fuck up".
[10:35:19 PM] Kidpichu: I'm sick
[10:35:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh god
[10:35:31 PM] Mando 寒山: Oh thank god we killed Patrem
[10:35:40 PM] Helper: Not my words, I tell you!
[10:35:40 PM] Mando 寒山: ARG saved
[10:35:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Who did we kill?
[10:35:56 PM] Helper: This came straight from your questgiver!
[10:36:02 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh god
[10:36:06 PM] Mando 寒山: Who's dead
[10:36:08 PM] Mando 寒山: Who got murked
[10:36:20 PM] Mando 寒山: Who dropped the spaghetti on the linoleum at papa johns
[10:36:32 PM] Kidpichu: can it be me
[10:36:33 PM] Kidpichu: ?
[10:36:42 PM] Helper: I have no clue!
[10:36:46 PM] Kidpichu: D: that was awful
[10:37:11 PM] Helper: I just know that finding out what it is should be priority number one.
[10:37:28 PM] Helper: Well, good day!
[10:37:36 PM] Helper: Try not to kill anyone else.
[10:37:37 PM] Mando 寒山: Seeya buddy
[10:37:39 PM] Helper: Murderers.
[10:37:40 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Bye helper!
[10:37:43 PM] Mando 寒山: I can't promise
[10:37:43 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;-;
[10:37:44 PM] *** Helper has left ***
[10:37:52 PM] Mando 寒山: So we killed someone
[10:37:54 PM] Mando 寒山: That's good
[10:37:55 PM] Mando 寒山: Progress
[10:38:02 PM] Wolfcat: Mason I guess
4/22/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:42:34 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[10:42:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hi
[10:42:39 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: welp, nobody ever said we were on hiatus so
[10:42:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: ;-;
[10:42:58 PM] The Man: Just came in to mention that I never said Mason was dead.
[10:42:59 PM] Oceanstuck: hi...
[10:43:08 PM] Oceanstuck: well no but we assumed it
[10:43:20 PM] Oceanstuck: considering we left him stuck in a storm drain for two weeks and all
[10:43:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: We're all idiots :L
[10:43:22 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Ohai Dude
[10:43:23 PM] The Man: And I never said I was on haitus, just that updates would be really slow.
[10:43:30 PM] Kidpichu: ^
[10:43:31 PM] Mando 寒山: You missed it mugen
[10:43:33 PM] Oceanstuck: we kinda sorted that out
[10:43:36 PM] Kidpichu: that is true
[10:43:39 PM] The Man: Alright, bye!
[10:43:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Cya
[10:43:43 PM] Mando 寒山: NO WAIT
[10:43:45 PM] Mando 寒山: WHO DIED
[10:43:48 PM] Mando 寒山: WHO IS PHONE
[10:43:53 PM] Mando 寒山: WHAT IS THE DANKEST MEME
[10:44:01 PM] The Man: And please tell your friends in the other two chats this information.
[10:44:10 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Can we have a hint at what we should do?
[10:44:11 PM] Mando 寒山: No
[10:44:14 PM] The Man: I do not want them to be left out of the loop.
[10:44:19 PM] The Man: Yes.
[10:44:24 PM] The Man: The hint is
[10:44:35 PM] The Man: You already found it.
[10:44:42 PM] Oceanstuck: we have?
[10:44:43 PM] The Man: Ok, take care!
[10:44:47 PM] *** The Man has left ***
April 23rd, 2015
4/11/15 - "pnotes.png" - YSHDT.com
- Introduced operative, bait was taken
- Infighting leads to loss of ability to solve puzzles and riddles
- Believes too much that they will understand
- Bent on saving, without a single thought
- Too trusting
- Perceptive and deceptive
- Decide to disclude for unknown reason
They are unneded
- On top of other notes, are sort of bumbling
- Have good hearts, not heads
- Forget all to easily
While needed, will be a pain
April 30th, 2015
4/30/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[12:56:36 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[12:56:41 PM] The Man: Hello
[12:56:57 PM] The Man: Sorry it is so late/early for all of you.
[12:57:32 PM] The Man: I would like to inform you all that this week I haven't been active because my finals were pushed a week early.
[12:58:17 PM] The Man: So the lack of updates and replies to any e-mails is not because of a lack of figuring things out.
[12:58:47 PM] The Man: I hope to push out an update by the end of tomorrow.
[12:58:52 PM] *** The Man has left ***
[1:06:33 PM] Evie: Oh... Shit.
[1:06:51 PM] Evie: We straight missed that nigga
[1:13:39 PM] Pol Pot Mall Cop: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD0G2etWAAAkb22.jpg
[1:28:35 PM] Evie: I'm excited for tomorrow. That means the whole site is gonna change.
[1:32:54 PM] Evie: If anyone reads this, quickly grab screenshots of the site for your notes.
[1:38:21 PM] Evie: Too late man, he's already taken down most of the pages, fuck!
[1:49:20 PM] Grey: FUCK I MISSED HIM
[1:49:30 PM] Oceanstuck: we all missed him
[1:54:08 PM] *** Evie has changed the conversation topic to "Internet Detectives | Update: 04/30 | We hardcore ignored The Man" ***
[2:19:57 PM] *** The Man joined. ***
[2:20:09 PM] The Man: I love the new name.
[2:21:07 PM] *** The Man has changed the conversation topic to "Internet Detectives | Update: 04/30 | Device incoming." ***
[2:21:19 PM] The Man: Now I really love it.
[2:21:23 PM] *** The Man has left ***
[2:23:07 PM] Neon Syrup for the Cemertery Sisters: oh fuck
May 3rd, 2015
5/3/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
I'm sorry it's been so long. Things have been hectic around here, what with all the planning and such.
I also had a really bad headache, but something tells me that pain is going to end soon.
Very soon.
Player: ((Players ask Doug about his headache))
DandP: "It’s just a headache I expect to end."
Player: ((Players ask Doug about the cult and his current situation))
DandP: "I’m still where I live. Don’t you go to my school? I’m not part of any cult. Stop saying things like that."
Player: ((Players ask Doug why things have been hectic recently))
DandP: "It’s the end of the school year. What do you think?"
Player: ((Players ask Doug if he has heard from the cult))
DandP: "I am in constant contact with them now."

5/3/15 - Blog Post - Letschasethemouse
W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ 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ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟W̴̡͚̱̮̮̬ͤ͋͗ͮ̈ͬͦͧͦ̎͊͂̓̍͑̀̚͠H͆ͩͭͤ̒͆͡҉͓͙̩̤̬͈͎̬͢͟ͅE̒͆̉̆ͥ͗̍̉͆̎͐̊̀͑ͦ҉҉̥̹͍̙̺̦̭͡Ŕ̵̺͔̩̞̩̰̝̗͔̠͙͙̪̻͇͙͖̾͋ͭ͗̉ͩͫͣ̈́̄̈́̿ͤ̒̚̕͠Ẻ͛ͪ̔͌̔ͧ̃̊̒ͮ̉ͥ̎̿͜͏̵̛̭͔̥̜͍͍̼̹̤̩̩̦ͅ ̸̴̷̛̮̫̫̙͇͔͚͚̦̮̼͖̤̝͕̞̬͊́ͫ̿̾͊̔̌ͪ̓̾ͅḒ̡̖͍͈̘͓̩̦̤͔̣̣͇̥͕̰̔̆̀̂͜I̷̊̂́ͣ̈̀̿ͣ̽̑͏̻̞͈̞̤̰̩̹͈͎͎̺̝D̨̬̫̣͉͓͖̬̋̒̓̑͋̂̇̐̍̊̎͆̎͆̓͠ ̢͉̭͈̹̯̻̳̮͔͛̈́͒͛̆ͬ̌̚͘͘Y̛̱̮̱̭̥̺̘͇͍̳̰̭̖̲͕̥͍ͫ͋̾ͣ̇͂͑̑́͆ͮ́ͬ͒͗̐̑̽̕Ǫ̓̔͆̾̀͡҉̟͖͎͉̩̯̭̖̤̩̲̭͎͖̩ͅŨ̡͚͇̟̭̙͔̋ͨ́̐̉ͥͫͩ̓ͭ͢͠ ̶̧̛͍̫̼͍̣ͫ̉͐̒͋ͮͭͪ́G̨̡̢̘̖̯̳͍͍̱͓̩̱̠̤̪͕͙̩ͭͥͭ̅ͮ̎̽̇ͣ͆Ȩ̹̣̖͓̩̀̈́̇͌̽̓͂̽̈̕͢͢͝ͅT̨̢̮̜͔̝̦̮͐̅̅ͩ̿̎̓̽̊̓̚ ͯ̈̌̔̒҉̶̰̭̭͙͝T̷̨ͣ̓̎̈͐̅ͨ͠҉̧̺͈̪̥̤̪͉͖͍̜̪̲͖͈̥̣H̨̹̝͉͓͙̘̹͈͙̻ͮ̽͐̄̓͠͠A̸̰͖̼̯̠̹̜̦̠̩̣̯ͮ̄̎̍̿̎͛̔̃͂ͩ͒͐̎ͫ̚͡T̤̘̭͇͖̔͋ͩͪ̉͒̎̋͌̽̋̌̈ͦͥ̅͢͟
ARGdov: "A friend showed it to me, he said you would be able to tell us what it is."
DandP: ((A loud audio file of what sounded like a drill is posted))
Oceanstuck: ((This post was deleted and not archived))
5/3/15 - Chat with Helper - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[5:48:37 AM] *** Helper joined. ***
[5:48:44 AM] Oceanstuck: its gone again
[5:48:45 AM] Oceanstuck: ohai helper
[5:48:49 AM] Helper: What did you do.
[5:48:54 AM] Archery 2000: hello helper
[5:48:57 AM] Oceanstuck: fucked up apparently
[5:49:08 AM] Helper: More than that.
[5:49:10 AM] Dovid Magady: We pissed off doug.
[5:49:15 AM] Helper: Fix it.
[5:49:18 AM] Dovid Magady: What were the repercussions of that?
[5:49:20 AM] Oceanstuck: how
[5:49:22 AM] *** Helper has left ***
[5:49:24 AM] Dovid Magady: How?
[5:49:35 AM] Oceanstuck: god dammit
5/3/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[6:08:07 AM] *** The Man joined. ***
[6:08:12 AM] Oceanstuck: hi The Man
[6:08:13 AM] Archery 2000: hi
[6:08:14 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: did we fuck up
[6:08:18 AM] The Man: Your link has been severed.
[6:08:19 AM] Archery 2000: ^noshit
[6:08:26 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: Dude we fucked up?
[6:08:26 AM] Archery 2000: our link with?
[6:08:34 AM] The Man: You will no longer be able to use the power of link.
[6:08:39 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: oh no
[6:08:50 AM] Master Swordsman, Faut: dude is there any way we can fix this
[6:08:51 AM] Oceanstuck: the power of link....huh?
[6:08:54 AM] The Man: Songs will no longer affect the ARG for the time being.
[6:08:58 AM] Archery 2000: well, now we've done it
[6:09:03 AM] *** The Man has left ***
[6:09:04 AM] Oceanstuck: ok now our songs dont work
May 4th, 2015
5/4/15 - Chat with Mason - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[12:58:22 PM] *** Mando 寒山 added Mason xxxxxxxxx ***
[12:58:32 PM] Grey: Mason?
[12:58:41 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Media established.
[12:58:49 PM] Neon Syrup for the Cemertery Sisters: Mason do you like shoegaze
[12:58:56 PM] Grey: are
[12:59:00 PM] Grey: are you a cyborg now
[12:59:17 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hey mason, you feeling OK?
[12:59:18 PM] Evie: Can we not be asses right now
[12:59:20 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Looking up "shoegaze" on recently used search engines.
[12:59:38 PM] Grey: Yeah he's a cyborg
[12:59:54 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: uh. Mason?...
[12:59:55 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Search completed. Requesting reply.
[12:59:58 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:00:00 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:00:04 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:00:15 PM] Grey: Reply sent
[1:00:16 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Reply downloaded.
[1:00:40 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I don't like the sound of that."
[1:00:46 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what
[1:01:03 PM] Evie: Mason, what happened to you?
[1:01:12 PM] Neon Syrup for the Cemertery Sisters: so Mason doesn't like shoegaze, good to know
[1:01:21 PM] Grey: execute command: access log
[1:01:53 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Log cannot be accessed.
[1:02:02 PM] Mando 寒山: >go north
[1:02:07 PM] Grey: execute command: help
[1:02:11 PM] Wolfcat: Mason where are you? Are you okay?
[1:02:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Insufficient administrative rights.
[1:02:32 PM] Mando 寒山: Query: What is xxxxxxxxx
[1:02:33 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: when you dont have enough rights for "help'" you're fucked...
[1:02:33 PM] Grey: what, help should be available to everyone
[1:02:36 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:02:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:02:39 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:02:42 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:03:03 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Reply downloaded.
[1:03:14 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "Fuck no."
[1:03:22 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: That is amazing
[1:03:27 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: sassy...
[1:03:41 PM] Grey: alrighty
[1:03:43 PM] Mando 寒山: QUERY: WHERE YOU AT
[1:03:55 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:03:57 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:03:58 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:04:00 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:04:14 PM] kidpichu: omg that made me laugh harder than it should XD
[1:04:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded. Exceeds limit. Removing end.
[1:04:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "In the future. In o"
[1:04:43 PM] Wolfcat: We need to install more ram into mason
[1:04:44 PM] Grey: Query: list of available commands
[1:04:57 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Insufficient rights.
[1:05:06 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: Query: Users
[1:05:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:05:25 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:05:26 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:05:26 PM] Grey: Oh who the fuck puts administrative privileges on that
[1:05:28 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:05:34 PM] Grey: that is ANTI-USER
[1:05:40 PM] Evie: Query: can we help you?
[1:05:43 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:05:45 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Mason-bot for President 2016
[1:05:52 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "Users? What?"
[1:06:02 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: ...
[1:06:08 PM | Edited 10:06:16 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Query: what year is it?
[1:06:22 PM] Neon Syrup for the Cemertery Sisters: SLOW DOWN, LET HIM REPLY
[1:06:27 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:06:30 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:06:31 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:06:33 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:06:41 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Reply downloaded.
[1:06:47 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "2015"
[1:06:50 PM] Evie: Query: Mason, how can we help you?
[1:06:53 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oh woah
[1:07:00 PM] Oceanstuck: holy shit
[1:07:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:07:19 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:07:21 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:07:24 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:07:25 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: so it went from 2009 to 2015 for him
[1:07:37 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:07:37 PM] Grey: inb4 "Make me not a cyborg"
[1:07:53 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "It's complicated."
[1:07:53 PM] Mando 寒山: "Install more ram"
[1:08:12 PM] Oceanstuck: fuck
[1:08:19 PM] Oceanstuck: i dont know what to say to this
[1:08:29 PM] Mando 寒山: QUERY: Is this the real Mason
[1:08:40 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:08:41 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:08:43 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:08:44 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:08:53 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:09:13 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "Me? Or the prog?"
[1:09:25 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: whats a prog guys
[1:09:30 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: program?
[1:09:30 PM] Wolfcat: program?
[1:09:31 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i don't get it
[1:09:32 PM] Mando 寒山: Program
[1:09:32 PM] Evie: Program
[1:09:32 PM] Grey: Obviously the prog
[1:09:35 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: cease
[1:09:36 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh program
[1:09:42 PM] Grey: OF COURSE WE MEAN YOU
[1:09:52 PM] Grey: Query: What the fuck did they do to Doug?
[1:10:03 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:10:04 PM] Mando 寒山: That's good though he's using a program to communicate so he's not actually an robot
[1:10:05 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:10:08 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:10:12 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:10:29 PM] Evie: Should we give him the thing, guys?
[1:10:29 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Download failed.
[1:10:38 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: Query: do you know who has administrative rights?
[1:10:41 PM] Oceanstuck: Should we give him the thing, guys?give him what
[1:10:44 PM] Mando 寒山: Yeah
[1:10:45 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: the D
[1:10:47 PM] Mando 寒山: let's do it
[1:10:47 PM] Mando 寒山: let's do it
[1:10:53 PM] Mando 寒山: It's the only way
[1:10:53 PM] Evie: The thing!
[1:11:00 PM] Oceanstuck: the Dthen yes
[1:11:05 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:11:06 PM] Grey: Download failed?
[1:11:08 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: H O H.
[1:11:11 PM] Grey: god dammit
[1:11:14 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:11:15 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:11:17 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:11:18 PM] *** Grey smacks computer ***
[1:11:33 PM] Grey: WORK DANGNABBIT
[1:11:35 PM] kidpichu: Q^Q ugh this makes me sad DX grey
[1:11:39 PM] Evie: Grey stop
[1:11:50 PM] Grey: what? I'm smacking my computer
[1:11:54 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:12:01 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I do."
[1:12:06 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: ... well then
[1:12:29 PM] Oceanstuck: Query: who has administrative rights?
[1:12:41 PM] Wolfcat: inb4 you need administrative rights to know that
[1:12:44 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: I just ask that...
[1:12:48 PM] Evie: We asked that already
[1:12:52 PM] Oceanstuck: oh
[1:12:53 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request aborted. Query asked.
[1:12:56 PM] Grey: Query: Can you give us admin rights too? Not being able to check the list of commands is annoying.
[1:13:00 PM] kidpichu: was it like i do as he does or id as in i know
[1:13:12 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:13:21 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:13:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:13:25 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:13:34 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:13:44 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "How do I do that?"
[1:13:53 PM] Grey: uhhh
[1:14:04 PM] Grey: Query: Depends, what OS are you on?
[1:14:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:14:19 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:14:21 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:14:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:14:32 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:14:49 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I don't know. Doug made."
[1:15:00 PM] Grey: Oh lovely
[1:15:02 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: Query: you're an admin right? can you ask for "help" for us, for a list of commands?
[1:15:20 PM] Evie: Why do we need commands?
[1:15:35 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:15:35 PM] Grey: Always check the list of commands to see what you can do on a system
[1:15:36 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:15:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:15:40 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:15:48 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:15:49 PM] Grey: Especially in DOS
[1:15:54 PM] Grey: or UNIX
[1:16:06 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "List too long"
[1:16:08 PM] Stevey "Proest Hiester 2015" Freeman: we must hire 4chan to hack masonBOT
[1:16:11 PM] Grey: or anything that uses a command
[1:16:17 PM] Grey: oh for the love of
[1:16:21 PM] Wolfcat: Query: What do you remember before being sent to the future?
[1:16:47 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:16:49 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:16:50 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:16:52 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:17:01 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:17:20 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I was never sent here."
[1:17:27 PM] Grey: huh.
[1:17:31 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: guys
[1:17:33 PM] Oceanstuck: Query: then what happened?
[1:17:40 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: he didn't teleport, he aged
[1:17:53 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: remember, the doug that went loco is in 2009
[1:18:17 PM] Grey: And he's either on an OS or computer that Doug made
[1:18:22 PM] Grey: I'm gonna assume computer
[1:18:28 PM] Grey: unless Doug used Linux
[1:18:37 PM] Grey: in which case I hate Doug
[1:18:47 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:18:49 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:18:50 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:18:52 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:19:03 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:19:10 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I lived."
[1:19:22 PM] Wolfcat: thats good
[1:19:29 PM] Grey: There is logic in what he says
[1:19:56 PM] Evie: Query: We have notes that Doug made, can you use them?
[1:20:12 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:20:15 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:20:17 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:20:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:20:30 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:20:43 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I have all but T."
[1:20:53 PM] Evie: We have t!
[1:20:54 PM] Grey: >T.
[1:20:56 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: t?
[1:20:58 PM] Grey: Ah shit
[1:21:07 PM] Mando 寒山: No we don't
[1:21:13 PM] Evie: Give him t, the bomb note
[1:21:14 PM] Mando 寒山: Do we?
[1:21:19 PM] Evie: Yes!
[1:21:20 PM] Mando 寒山: Oh okay
[1:21:20 PM] Mando 寒山: well
[1:21:21 PM] Mando 寒山: here
[1:21:22 PM] Mando 寒山: http://i.imgur.com/wtVZJow.png
[1:21:28 PM] Mando 寒山: oh hold on
[1:21:32 PM] Mando 寒山: UPLOAD: http://i.imgur.com/wtVZJow.png
[1:21:36 PM] Grey: woot
[1:21:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[1:21:44 PM] Grey: watch this backfire gloriously
[1:21:45 PM] kidpichu: yes send it
[1:21:49 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Upload aborted.
[1:21:51 PM] Wolfcat: I think we might be too trusting
[1:21:51 PM] Oceanstuck: lel
[1:21:56 PM] Grey: HA
[1:21:57 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: File too large.
[1:21:58 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Hmm
[1:22:02 PM] Oceanstuck: dammit grey
[1:22:06 PM] Grey: Query: So what happened after we lost contact with you?
[1:22:08 PM] Evie: Are you kidding?
[1:22:13 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Acceptable file size:
[1:22:16 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: 4kb
[1:22:27 PM] Evie: Someone zip it
[1:22:30 PM] Mando 寒山: [1:22 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: <<< 4kbChallenge accepted
[1:22:30 PM] Grey: 4kb? Must be on comcast
[1:22:42 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Oi
[1:22:45 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: i use comcast
[1:23:07 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: oh guys
[1:23:13 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: who doesent have a dropbox account?
[1:23:21 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Requesting reply.
[1:23:22 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:23:24 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:23:25 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:23:31 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request downloaded.
[1:23:43 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "Explanation too long."
[1:23:50 PM] Evie: Is Mando on that?
[1:24:09 PM] Grey: Okay mason
[1:24:12 PM] Grey: get a computer
[1:24:17 PM] Grey: that isn't from the fucking 90s
[1:24:19 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: I dunno, but if i get One person to sign up and download it with a referral i'll have 25 gigs for ARG stuff
[1:24:21 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: https://db.tt/l9QogTP9
[1:24:48 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing link....
[1:24:53 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: what
[1:24:57 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: uh
[1:24:59 PM] Evie: Link...!
[1:25:03 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: shit
[1:25:10 PM] Wolfcat: oh boy
[1:25:11 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing link....
[1:25:14 PM] Oceanstuck: :O
[1:25:15 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: well i mean
[1:25:23 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: shit
[1:25:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: File exceeds 4kb.
[1:25:24 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: uh
[1:25:26 PM] Wolfcat: he's gonna find all our files
[1:25:27 PM] Wolfcat: oh good
[1:25:29 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Upload failed.
[1:25:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Whew
[1:25:32 PM] Evie: Not during ARG stuff, link
[1:25:37 PM] Dovid Magady: Hey guy
[1:25:38 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: heheh. sorry
[1:25:39 PM] Evie: Later, k?
[1:25:41 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Link sent as text.
[1:25:42 PM] Oceanstuck: hey arg
[1:25:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: dov, mason is an ARG charecter
[1:25:48 PM] Grey: ....
[1:25:51 PM] Grey: link y
[1:26:09 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: im sorry ._.
[1:26:14 PM] Grey: WELP
[1:26:16 PM] Evie: Is Mando on that zip?
[1:26:21 PM] Grey: Mason has all our stuff now
[1:26:38 PM] Dovid Magady: Whoa, a lot of stuff been happening tonight
[1:26:42 PM] Oceanstuck: File exceeds 4kb.[1:25 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: <<< Upload failed.
[1:26:59 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Dov, you have dropbox yet?
[1:27:00 PM] Wolfcat: [11:25 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: <<< Link sent as text.
[1:27:08 PM] Grey: Oh wait, you need a dropbox account to look at all that anyway
[1:27:13 PM] Evie: Guys, we gotta give Mason the T note, can we please focus right now???
[1:27:25 PM] Wolfcat: Isn't Mando doing that
[1:27:31 PM] Evie: I don't know
[1:27:35 PM] Oceanstuck: what if we just
[1:27:36 PM] Oceanstuck: fuckin
[1:27:37 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: yeah i think mando doing shit
[1:27:38 PM] Oceanstuck: crop it down
[1:27:43 PM] Grey: alright hold on
[1:27:53 PM] Grey: QUERY: Do you mean this Mason? <nowki>http://i.imgur.com/wtVZJow.png</nowiki>
[1:28:04 PM] Oceanstuck: grey we already showed him that
[1:28:14 PM] Grey: it didn't send
[1:28:21 PM] kidpichu: ^yeah
[1:28:25 PM] Grey: I'm trying to send as text
[1:28:33 PM] Grey: so he can just click the link
[1:28:39 PM] kidpichu: ^yes i get it this seems good to me
[1:28:50 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: wait uh guys
[1:28:54 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: this isn't the full group
[1:28:55 PM] Oceanstuck: i think i get it?
[1:29:04 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Link processing…
[1:29:04 PM] Grey: It is not
[1:29:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Link processing…
[1:29:20 PM] Oceanstuck: theres enough of us
[1:29:22 PM] Oceanstuck: or
[1:29:23 PM] Grey: Someone sould probably post to the forum
[1:29:25 PM] Oceanstuck: it feels like enough
[1:29:26 PM] Grey: about this
[1:29:28 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: that means the 9 people not in here arend getting this
[1:29:29 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Aborting
[1:29:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Eh whatev
[1:29:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Message aborted.
[1:29:41 PM] Grey: Mother fu-
[1:29:43 PM] kidpichu: hmm...
[1:29:49 PM] Grey: Alright
[1:30:01 PM] Grey: IT'S ON PC BOY
[1:30:05 PM] kidpichu: how do we send this
[1:30:10 PM] Mando 寒山: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/lt3wm4lkk4geq/mason_notes
Here you go folks
[1:30:21 PM] Mando 寒山: Split the image into a 13 part archive
[1:30:24 PM] Mando 寒山: each piece under 4kb
[1:30:29 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[1:30:34 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing link.
[1:30:35 PM] Evie: Omg...
[1:30:42 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Send individual files?
[1:30:43 PM] Oceanstuck: brb
[1:30:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: XD
[1:30:56 PM] Mando 寒山: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qeamxf6tw1hnmee/notesformasonyes.part01.rar
[1:31:02 PM] Grey: Choice: YES
[1:31:10 PM] Mando 寒山: Oh
[1:31:12 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Choice accepted.
[1:31:14 PM] Mando 寒山: I thought he was asking us too
[1:31:15 PM] Mando 寒山: Yeah
[1:31:19 PM] Mando 寒山: go ahead duder
[1:31:37 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing statement "duder".
[1:31:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: lol
[1:31:47 PM] Dovid Magady: A lot of shit seems to be happening.
[1:31:48 PM] Wolfcat: ...
[1:32:00 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing…
[1:32:09 PM] Wolfcat: ...
[1:32:11 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I'm missing so much because of homework
[1:32:13 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Word added to dictionary.
[1:32:23 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Processing files…
[1:32:26 PM] Dovid Magady: I would scroll up to see what I missed, but I tried that and skype screwed up,
[1:32:27 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:32:28 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:32:28 PM] Mando 寒山: Yeesssss
[1:32:30 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: well guys i g2g
[1:32:32 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: …
[1:32:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Files sent.
[1:32:47 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: Cya Guyz
[1:32:48 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Request reply?
[1:32:55 PM] Grey: Choice: YES
[1:32:57 PM] Mando 寒山: Yes
[1:33:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Choice accepted.
[1:33:40 PM] Oceanstuck: ok someone else post to thread i just got dragged afk
[1:33:45 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Downloading reply.
[1:33:56 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: .
[1:33:56 PM] Dovid Magady: Anyone able to update me quickly? All I know is whatsin the thread
[1:33:56 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ..
[1:33:59 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: ...
[1:34:04 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Reply downloaded.
[1:34:19 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "What do I do with these?"
[1:35:00 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Connection halted.
[1:35:13 PM] Oceanstuck: we finally figured out file 4 and also mason came to stevey and some other people
[1:35:18 PM] Grey: oh boy
[1:35:18 PM] Oceanstuck: fuck
[1:35:33 PM] Dovid Magady: All right. what are you trying to send him?
[1:35:34 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Connection lost.
[1:35:47 PM] Grey: Oceans's posting something I think
[1:35:53 PM] Grey: ah crap
[1:35:54 PM] Oceanstuck: no
[1:36:07 PM] Oceanstuck: i was but then i had to afk
[1:36:10 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Playing message…
[1:36:21 PM] Dovid Magady: then whats grey doing?
[1:36:31 PM] Dovid Magady: Hai, Mason
[1:36:31 PM] Evie: Shh
[1:36:38 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: "I will contact you soon. Be ready."
[1:37:02 PM] Grey: eh? I'm just lurking on the thread
[1:37:10 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: D.O.S. going into standby.
[1:37:17 PM] Evie: OK, please be safe, Mason
[1:37:19 PM] ₳ḎUL₸_ⱢINĶ: send: Got it, Cya later Mason!
[1:37:20 PM] Grey: Doug OS
[1:37:22 PM] Grey: wut
[1:37:30 PM] Grey: oh wait
[1:37:32 PM] Grey: DOS
[1:37:33 PM] Oceanstuck: l8r mason
May 6th, 2015
5/6/15 - Chat with Mason - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[10:59:36 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Possible connection modulation event soon.
[10:59:46 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Oh my god
[10:59:48 PM] Le lune 'Jayckup': WOAH
[10:59:50 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Time estimation processing.
[10:59:56 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: .root
[11:00:18 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Process aborted due to user input.
[11:00:31 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Override
[11:00:36 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Whoops
[11:00:38 PM] Oceanstuck: O FUCK MASONS HERE
[11:00:39 PM] Oceanstuck: I MEAN
[11:00:39 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Continue proce
[11:00:41 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: You do not have the required rights.
[11:00:41 PM] Oceanstuck: hi mason
[11:00:50 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: .groot
[11:00:53 PM] Mason xxxxxxxxx: Powering into sleep mode.
[11:00:57 PM] Oceanstuck: abort
[11:01:07 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): .root
[11:01:12 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Resume
[11:01:26 PM] Wolfcat: he's crashing into slumber
[11:01:41 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: nigga wait
[11:01:44 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: what is your os?
May 14th, 2015
5/14/15 - Chat with The Man - Skype (Internet Detectives)
[9:04:50 PM] *** Brittany added The Man ***
[9:05:04 PM] The Man: Hello.
[9:05:07 PM] Brittany: Hi
[9:05:11 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: nice
[9:05:16 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: What's up, Man?
[9:05:47 PM] Brittany: Whats your annoccment, kind sir?
[9:06:00 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Wo I tried to join call
[9:06:05 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: But it pooped
[9:06:13 PM] The Man: I am trying to figure out how many members are here.
[9:06:18 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: 24
[9:06:27 PM] The Man: Online.
[9:06:33 PM] Brittany: roger, roger.
[9:06:45 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I see about 9
[9:07:16 PM] Grey: Why hello. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:19 PM] Grey: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:20 PM] Grey: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:21 PM] Grey: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:22 PM] Grey: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:22 PM] The Man: Thanks.
[9:07:28 PM] The Man: Anyways.
[9:07:34 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: U picked a good time mane
[9:07:43 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I just got off work Xp
[9:07:48 PM] Grey: I'm always the best at timing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[9:07:58 PM] The Man: I guess I will announce this anyways, even though not many members are on.
[9:08:20 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: can't join call
[9:08:23 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: the blacklist
[9:08:33 PM] Grey: I can't either, no headset near me
[9:08:33 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: Gimmie one second
[9:08:47 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I can join in a sec when I get inside
[9:08:51 PM] The Man: My arg isn't going to be finished in the forseeable future.
[9:08:58 PM] Grey: D:
[9:09:01 PM] Brittany: :<<
[9:09:09 PM | Edited 6:09:31 PM] Grey: Is it because we suck at puzzles?
[9:09:16 PM] Brittany: or your busy?
[9:09:28 PM] The Man: I have decided to stop updating.
[9:09:28 PM | Edited 6:09:39 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Do you mean that we're not close to endgame?
[9:09:38 PM] The Man: I will not announce my reasons why.
[9:09:42 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Ohai d00d
[9:09:48 PM] Grey: Aw man
[9:09:51 PM] The Man: Because I do not want to point fingers.
[9:09:56 PM] The Man: However.
[9:10:02 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: is it my fault
[9:10:04 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: im sorry
[9:10:04 PM] Grey: Is it because finals are near?
[9:10:07 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: don't kill me
[9:10:10 PM] Brittany: no, thorin... calm down
[9:10:13 PM] The Man: A leading cause of this is the group dynamic.
[9:10:25 PM] Grey: Oh
[9:10:26 PM] Grey: that
[9:10:27 PM] The Man: I have finished my finals last week.
[9:10:30 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: We need to stop being asshats
[9:10:31 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: :L
[9:10:32 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I think I know where this is going
[9:10:42 PM] The Man: Anyways.
[9:10:51 PM] The Man: I have a more hapoy announcement.
[9:10:54 PM] Mando 寒山: hapoy
[9:10:55 PM] Brittany: GO on.
[9:10:55 PM] The Man: Happy.
[9:11:01 PM] The Man: My arg.
[9:11:05 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: [9:11 PM] The Man: <<< hapoy o3o
[9:11:11 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): @Grey Apparently at least one person here is to blame, but we won't know who because we don't want trouble.
[9:11:12 PM] Grey: Mhm
[9:11:17 PM] The Man: Was actually just an introduction to a bigger one.
[9:11:19 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
[9:11:27 PM] Grey: : O
[9:11:39 PM] The Man: Another group has been crafing a story for you all.
[9:11:50 PM] Grey: But wait, does that mean we're going into another ARG?
[9:11:50 PM] The Man: And hopefully a bigger group than this.
[9:11:51 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: how nice of them
[9:11:55 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Was it going to be connected to BEN as well?
[9:11:55 PM] Brittany: PLOT TWIST
[9:12:02 PM] Brittany: PLOT TWIST
[9:12:07 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): SEEKER
[9:12:09 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: wait
[9:12:10 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): STAHP
[9:12:14 PM] The Man: I will not announce anything about it other than it is a thing.
[9:12:15 PM] Brittany: Love you too, Mugen.
[9:12:15 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: did the other group fuck something up?
[9:12:20 PM] The Man: For it is not my story
[9:12:24 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): No
[9:12:24 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: um
[9:12:27 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Thorin
[9:12:28 PM] Grey: Is this one just stopping completely then? Or stopped until we get a beter group dynamic?
[9:12:28 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I am so confused
[9:12:31 PM] The Man: And it is not my place to mention it.
[9:12:33 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): It was one or some of us
[9:12:49 PM] The Man: My story is not continuing, sadly.
[9:12:49 PM] Mando 寒山: [9:12 PM] Grey: <<< one just stopping completely then?It's going to lead into the bigger one, which the man won't be running
[9:13:07 PM] The Man: You will not see an end to the doug and mason story.
[9:13:08 PM] Mando 寒山: Lead into being the other group will pick up where this left off and segue it
[9:13:21 PM] Grey: WEll damn
[9:13:28 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: mason's... no one cared for Doug after the blueprints o3o
[9:13:33 PM] The Man: I am sorry.
[9:13:40 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: it's okay
[9:13:47 PM] Brittany: its ok, dude!
[9:13:49 PM] The Man: I have a few more things.
[9:13:49 PM] Brittany: X3
[9:13:57 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: This means everything we've done so far is pretty much irrelevant at this point?
[9:13:57 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): When the big one ends, I hope you come forward without the mask so we can thank you properly for the awesome ride.
[9:13:58 PM] The Man: First, the site has updated.
[9:14:01 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: You, as an author, made a decision, and i'll respect that, even if I don't agree
[9:14:08 PM] *** Brittany nods ***
[9:14:18 PM] Grey: OH GOD MY EARS
[9:14:23 PM] The Man: Second, I have made a sign out video.
[9:14:27 PM] The Man: Third
[9:15:00 PM] Grey: Well, the site just killed my hearing.
[9:15:01 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Yes?
[9:15:02 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: I cna't join call now fuk
[9:15:03 PM] The Man: No.
[9:15:04 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Escape to the future to return them all. -R
[9:15:09 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: someone add me plz =[
[9:15:09 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: whos r
[9:15:15 PM] The Man: I did not end this like Jad.
[9:15:16 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I found that in the source of the main page
[9:15:34 PM] Brittany: man, can u hear us in call?
[9:15:36 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Guys he's not pulling an Alex Hall
[9:15:38 PM] The Man: I went out of my way to make sure I did not follow in his footsteps.
[9:15:41 PM] The Man: Third
[9:15:50 PM] The Man: I am announcing who I am.
[9:15:55 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Oh
[9:15:57 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: he didn't get out money anyways
[9:15:58 PM] Grey: Are you dawn
[9:16:04 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: MRW Its dawn
[9:16:11 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I bet it was circle o3o
[9:16:12 PM] The Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNgxyL5zEAk
[9:16:19 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I fuckin wish
[9:16:20 PM] The Man: Its been me all along
[9:16:22 PM] Grey: btw /no is some kind of anime dragon
[9:16:27 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: lol
[9:16:39 PM] The Man: Yeah
[9:16:39 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: D:
[9:16:41 PM] Grey: AW SONOFABITCH
[9:16:45 PM] The Sun: It's been me all along.
[9:16:46 PM] The Sun: Austin.
[9:16:50 PM] Grey: I FUCKING KNEW IT
[9:16:53 PM] Mando 寒山: Lmao
[9:16:56 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): ...
[9:17:01 PM] Grey: Mostly because I was there when you made the site
[9:17:01 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): You
[9:17:04 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Magnificent
[9:17:07 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Bastard
[9:17:12 PM] The Man: <3
[9:17:13 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I knew there was a reason for you to be the first to see the site
[9:17:19 PM] The Man: I love you too.
[9:17:23 PM] Brittany: XD
[9:17:28 PM] Grey: Actually "Law" was the first to see the site
[9:17:36 PM] Grey: which was actually Dawn
[9:17:38 PM] Brittany: you got me man
[9:17:38 PM] The Man: I am law.
[9:17:39 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: IF we're gonna be technical about it
[9:17:45 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I saw it before any of you
[9:17:46 PM] The Man: I AM THE LAW
[9:17:57 PM] The Man: wat
[9:18:04 PM] The Man: Wat
[9:18:07 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I fought the law and... I won
[9:18:11 PM] The Man: Anyways
[9:18:13 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: according to the code on YSHDT
[9:18:14 PM] Mando 寒山: I have to admit something tooI knew the whole time and was in on some aspects My role as a demon was to lead you guys astray Choosing Doug's file? Leading to the bad end Suggesting we send Mason the blueprints for the bomb? Would have lead to he killing himself to attack Doug
[9:18:14 PM] Grey: But who was Helper?
[9:18:15 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: Escape to the future to return them all. -R
[9:18:22 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagnificentBastard
[9:18:22 PM] Mando 寒山: Sorry folks, but thems the breaks
[9:18:35 PM] The Man: I will answer any questions concerining my arg in call
[9:18:36 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Mando
[9:18:40 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Well played to you too
[9:18:44 PM] Grey: WHO WAS PHONE?
[9:18:46 PM] Mando 寒山: Thanks, it was fun
[9:18:48 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): Going into call
[9:18:52 PM] Brittany: OH DEAR
[9:18:54 PM] Brittany: LORD
[9:18:54 PM] Brittany: NO
[9:18:58 PM] Brittany: NO MUGEN
[9:19:01 PM] Brittany: NOT AGAIN
[9:19:03 PM] Tylep the rotaerc: http://www.yshdt.com/no
[9:19:05 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I can't join the call
[9:19:22 PM] The Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFIg8xymcr0
[9:19:26 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): https://youtu.be/XxcZZ0m7ZuI
[9:19:26 PM] The Sun: That is my outro video
[9:19:29 PM] Grey: Yeah it's an anime dragon
[9:19:37 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: I know that artist omg
[9:19:39 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Rudragon is <3
[9:19:46 PM] Brittany: Dawn
[9:19:48 PM] The Sun: I just copied generic furry dragon
[9:19:52 PM] Brittany: you fancy man.
[9:19:54 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: D;
[9:20:11 PM] Brittany: so basically, Dawn and eve were gf and bf.
[9:20:12 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: Rudragon's art is bae
[9:20:13 PM] Brittany: WOW.
[9:20:15 PM] Brittany: ok.
[9:20:44 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: http://agar.io/
[9:20:45 PM] Grey: I thought Patrem was someone else?
[9:20:46 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: US west
[9:21:12 PM] *** Brittany slow claps ***
[9:21:20 PM] *** Brittany VERY SLOW CLAPS. ***
[9:22:00 PM] Grey: We never did get that hat
[9:22:11 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Didn't you?
[9:22:22 PM] Grey: I did?
[9:22:29 PM] Brittany: Mugen
[9:22:32 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Oh no I meant the group as a whole
[9:22:32 PM] Brittany: are you outside?
[9:23:04 PM] Grey: I mean it's not like if I just look to my right and see the hat sitting there
[9:23:14 PM] Grey: Oh hey it is sitting there
[9:23:17 PM] Grey: how about that.
[9:23:20 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: lol
[9:23:29 PM] The Sun: Don't worry
[9:23:31 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Relax kiddies, I have the hat
[9:23:45 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I MEAN
[9:23:51 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: OMG CIRCUL
[9:24:02 PM | Edited 6:24:17 PM] John Mesic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFIg8xymcr0
[9:25:09 PM] Grey: So Helper is actually a cowboy who can play the geetar?
[9:25:26 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Wait did he tell you who Helper is?
[9:25:38 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Again, I'm not in the call so I can't hear :/
[9:25:44 PM] The Sun: That's up for you to tell them Circ
[9:25:48 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Well fuck
[9:25:49 PM] The Sun: If you wanna tell them who fake helper is
[9:25:56 PM] The Sun: I told them I played real helper
[9:25:57 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: That sure didn't give it away
[9:26:01 PM] The Sun: I mean
[9:26:10 PM] The Sun: The video kinda gives it away anyways
[9:26:12 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Nah for real guys, I do have the hat
[9:26:22 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I'm the second helper
[9:26:24 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: So you were the Grey Man al along?
[9:26:31 PM] Grey: I figured that
[9:26:39 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I've been the Gray Man for four years, m8
[9:26:51 PM] Grey: So who was Patrem
[9:26:53 PM] [Gabriel Leonardo]: ...I c wot u did dere
[9:27:10 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Patrem's actually an ethereal entity
[9:27:13 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: That wasn't fake
[9:28:07 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: But yeah remember when I "went to Florida?"
[9:28:17 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: no
[9:28:22 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: I forget things
[9:28:24 PM] ᴹᶦᶰᶦˢʰ ᴬᴰᵁᴸᵀ_ᴸᴵᴺᴷ: easily
[9:29:00 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I went to Florida and it was hot
[9:29:07 PM] The Sun: Florida is very hot
[9:29:23 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: And I also stumbled upon an idiot who traded a hat for a playing card six years in the past
[9:29:35 PM] The Sun: Mason is very dumb.
[9:29:44 PM] Grey: So what was thepoint of that card
[9:29:50 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: So I could get the hat
[9:29:55 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: The card is so unimportant
[9:30:00 PM] The Sun: The card was actually a talismin from rosa doe
[9:30:02 PM] Mugen Kagemaru (K♦): @Dawn Is there an official title for this story?
[9:30:06 PM] The Sun: Had an incantation on it and shit
[9:30:14 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: Oh it was?
[9:30:21 PM] The Sun: Probably simply the Doug vs Mason arc.
[9:30:21 PM] Captain "CircleHunter" Desdinova: I didn't even know that lol
[9:30:25 PM] The Sun: Yeh
[9:30:28 PM] The Sun: Didn't tell you that shit
[9:31:11 PM] Grey: So why was MAson's PC so shit
[9:31:42 PM] The Sun: Because Mason doesn't know anything about PC
[9:31:49 PM] The Sun: He's fukin dum as shit
[9:32:10 PM] The Sun: Also he was contacting you from the future
[9:32:15 PM] The Sun: Which takes a lot of shit
[9:33:57 PM] Grey: My god, PCs run on shit in the future
5/14/15 - "Outro" - YouTube (LouisAndPillz)
The video begins with footage of a mountainous environment at twilight. A Zelda melody is being played on a guitar in the background.
The Man begins speaking to the players.
"And the end came sooner than expected."
"Doug and Mason's fated battle came to a halt."
An image of a cloudy night sky is shown.
"Their stories, ever intertwining, took a backseat to something that was coming."
"Something that was huge."
"Their timelines, now completely entangled with another, were wavering and failing."
"They had to jump ahead."
"They had to leave."
"Their struggle will remain. Forever."
"They will face each other in fight until one is dead and the other is the victor."
"But it didn't have to be this way."
"They could have had a decisive ending - they could have carried on."
"They could have made peace, or died in the sins that they wore."
"Some cite this lack of an ending to whomever introduced them to this fate."
An image of an exclamation mark appears.
"Some say it's the fault of their family and friends."
An image of a Goron Mask appears.
"Some say it's the fault of the groups that helped them through this journey."
An image of a bade that reads "Internet Detective Earthling 1999" appears.
"Some say it's the fault of four individuals who would have sacrificed their lives to save these two."
An image of the four giants holding up the moon from Majora's Mask appears.
"Some say it's the Helper's fault for not doing his job with enough gusto."
An image of Helper's Hat appears.
"Some say it's the fault of the man standing in gray, wearing his hat triumphantly, spouting his words of wisdom to all, though trapping the same people in a Circle of doubt."
An image of The Gray Man appears.
"However, it can never be told who was at fault for this turn of events. It could be destiny, for all anyone knew."
"While the story may never come to a close, there will still be a tale."
"A tale that encompasses all."
"A tale that comes from a new Questgiver."
"A tale as old as time."
"And on this new journey, you will have help."
"You will find new friends, and you will encounter new enemies."
"And the help may come from some familiar faces."
"And you can rest assured, because me, your faithful Helper, will be there watching you every step of the way."
The "Song of Double Time" is played.
"So, do not feel disheartened, because your actions will decide if another story lies after this unfinished one."
Read the next arc!