Remember Arc

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The Remember Arc covers the events surrounding the Remember.exe games posted on Within Hubris in 2013. While this isn't wholly a canon arc of the Johnisdead story, the games and events surrounding them are still tangentially connected to the ARG and will be documented below.

April 21st, 2013

  • At an unknown time, a user named "BEN" contacted the player Crash. While the contents of this conversation are unknown, it is said that "BEN" was posting in a manner similar to "BEN" from Jadusable's Ben Drowned ARG. "BEN" gave Crash a specific time to "come see him". This message was presumably accompanied by a Mediafire link that contained a download link for a file named "Remember.exe".
  • At an unknown time, the player Crash unfortunately had to leave early, missing the time initially set up to meet "BEN".
  • At 5:30 PM, "BEN" joined the Within Hubris Chatango - a livechat hosted on the Within Hubris message board. They were now going by the name "BE". "BE" proceeded to share the download link for Remember.exe with several players in the chatroom.
  • At an unknown time, the player HeartlessMasterZ began playing Remember.exe.

4/21/13 - HeartlessMasterZ's Playthrough

The details of HeartlessMasterZ's playthrough aren't fully known. It is implied that they encountered something within the game that related it back to Jadusable's Ben Drowned ARG, however. Upon attempting to exit the game, a loud-scream sound played as the following text appeared:

You shouldn't have done that

After this, HeartlessMasterZ's computer shut down. Upon restarting, HeartlessMasterZ discovered many strange files on their desktop. While the full contents of these files are unknown, they stitched together the "strange parts" of them into the following block of code:



  • The full details of HeartlessMasterZ's playthrough are unknown, though it is implied they encountered something that related the game back to Jadusable's Ben Drowned ARG.
  • Attempting to exit the game caused it to emit a scream-like sound as the words "You shouldn't have done that" appeared.
  • The player's computer shut down on its own. Upon restarted, many strange files were discovered. The player stitched together ciphers from each of them into "2Sz8Dm5L19SO575R8BaCDUJMBzoaP2CoeSsMEvQrL9G5XzoCi5ksizKf5DRdN5dpg6Nblhw3nRQesAnzyIuQQ0ZlSxQgQoJAusY6pzvYs4YKwkB8GkYjGKmB".
  • At an unknown time, the player Seeker began playing Remember.exe.

4/21/13 - Seeker's Playthrough

The details of Seeker's playthrough aren't fully known. At some point, Seeker attempted to click out of the game so they could notify their friends that they were currently playing. This resulted in a jumpscare along with the following text:

You shouldn't have done that

This text was followed by Seeker's username for her computer profile. After this, Seeker's desktop was flooded with various files that all read as follows:

You shouldn't have done that

Seeker's browser and Skype were then closed. Shortly afterwards, her computer was shut down as well.


  • The full details of Seeker's playthrough are unknown.
  • Seeker attempted to click out of Remember.exe's window resulting in a jumpscare appearing along with the words "You shouldn't have done that".
  • Various files reading "You shouldn't have done that" appeared on Seeker's desktop. Shortly afterwards, her Skype, browser, and computer all shut down.
  • At an unknown time, the download link for Remember.exe on Mediafire was removed.
  • At 7:11 PM, the player HeartlessMasterZ created a thread for discussing Remember.exe on Within Hubris titled "Remember.EXE mystery".
  • At an unknown time, the player Crash uploaded their copy of Remember.exe to a new Mediafire link.

April 22nd, 2013

  • At an unknown time, the player Seeker began playing Remember.exe again.

4/22/13 - Seeker's Playthrough

The details of Seeker's playthrough aren't fully known. Upon attempting to boot the game up, a pop-up appeared on Seeker's computer that read as follows:


Upon attempting to start the game a second time, the Happy Mask Salesman's laugh played as the Elegy Statue appeared on Seeker's desktop. While this was occurring, Seeker was unable to exit the game or open her browser, forcing her to ultimately restart her computer.


  • Upon attempting to boot-up the game, Seeker was met with a simple pop-up that read "Leave".
  • Attempting to start the game a second time caused the Happy Mask Salesman to laugh as the Elegy Statue appeared.
  • Seeker was unable to close the game or open her browser, forcing her to restart her computer.