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The Janus room on the front page of Johnisdead.com is recorded here:
The Janus room on the front page of Johnisdead.com is recorded here: <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQoIyFaLuYc|target=_blank]]</span>
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At an unknown time, an entity named "<b>fascie</b>" began following players around JanusVR. This entity used a monochrome model of a figure wearing a gas mask as its avatar.
At an unknown time, an entity named "<b>fascie</b>" began following players around JanusVR. This entity used a monochrome model of a figure wearing a gas mask as its avatar. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Screenshot_80.png|target=_blank]]</span>
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At 2:59 AM, players discovered that an entity named "<b>child</b>" was active on JanusVR. This entity used a distorted model of an armless Moon Child from Majora's Mask. This entity would suddenly stop moving and face the players, forcing them to remain still until it begins moving again.
At 2:59 AM, players discovered that an entity named "<b>child</b>" was active on JanusVR. This entity used a distorted model of an armless Moon Child from Majora's Mask. This entity would suddenly stop moving and face the players, forcing them to remain still until it begins moving again. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/55/B89a4882b9ef2977c6f01b4bf07d9545.png|target=_blank]]</span>
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At 8:28 PM, the player Xenquility discoverred that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/key592</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now had a link to the text file "<b>hh.txt</b>". This text file read "<span class="canquote">the files missing</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/25/20 - 8:29 PM)}}
At 8:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/key592</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now had a link to the text file "<b>hh.txt</b>". This text file read "<span class="canquote">the files missing</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/25/20 - 8:29 PM)}}
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<p style="display:inline;">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/26/20 - Sun Tower Janus room - Source
4/26/20 - "Sun Tower" Janus room - Source
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<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">8:44:31 PM sinYarikh: "I just want to know theyre alright"
<span class="vip2">8:44:31 PM sinYarikh: "I just want to know theyre alright"
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This chatlog involves the Lunar Children Igaluk123 and SheepDog discussing recent events. Igaluk claims that the internet at the Spire has been acting strangely ever since November 11th, 2015.
Igaluk explains that the Elder Children haven't told the rest of the Lunar Children much information following the events of Undecim Nocte 2015, and that they were desperately attempting to capture Tyler.
Igaluk claims that several Elder Children seem to be missing.
Igaluk and SheepDog delete several of their messages, implying that perhaps they fear surveillance of some sort.
Igaluk mentions "<b>Mooned</b>" - some sort of previous project SheepDog created that supposedly got her in trouble with Thoth because taboo topics were mentioned within it.
At 1:14 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers in the "Spire" Janus room linked to the redirect page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://www.lunarchildren.com/still_lost</nowiki></span>" when clicked.
At 1:15 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a cork board above the computers in the boys dorm room in the "Spire" Janus map. This board contained the following text: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/80/C0ce9fdb952254b1a23094c1f0566068.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - Cork Board Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Wifi: hk84AbgI9Ylb4a
User: child
1. Don't give ouy login info to visitors.
2. No frequent big downloads. Be respectful!
3. Always have functional anti-malware software.
4. No Porn, EDDIE.
1. Reset
2. Run Bios
3. Enter pass
4. Restore
Don't fuck with the creed.
Thoth gets PISSY.
((A crude drawing of Thoth))</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This board contains basic login information for the Spire's network.
Lunar Children are warned not to touch the "creed", likely referring to the parchment containing the mantra found hanging on the wall of the dorm rooms.
At 1:16 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall on the backside of the Spire with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it. This room contained a computer with a screen flashing binary that translated to "<span class="canquote">/AGGREGATE01</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f2/Spirescreenwall1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fd/Spirescreenwall2.png|target=_blank]] </span>{{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquliity (4/27/20 - 1:16 AM)}}
At 1:16 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>AGGREGATE01</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 1:16 AM, Halicord sent the message "<span class="canquote">why did you interrupt us</span>" in the "Spire" Janus room.
At 1:16 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind the Lunar Children mantra hanging in the boys dorm room. This room contained many disturbing drawings along with cryptic messages and ciphers. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Spirescreenwall3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f3/Ba08415de55ae0161e4ba7783024b946.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/77/A8761e850011fdea1d84a330f190b192.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - Hidden Attic Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">((Wall 1))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8b/Spirwall9.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a faceless entity with arms connecting to the ground.
The text surrounding it reads:
A symbol consisting of eight arrows pointing outwards is drawn.
<span class="vip2">THE SEED OF MAN TAKEN BY THE MOON
The same symbol as above is drawn again.
<span class="vip2">THE DARK SHEPARD. THE FUEHRER. MR D.
<span class="vip">((Wall 2))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1b/Spirwall10.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Many Parallelos symbols can be see drawn on the wall.
Six child figures are drawn holding hands. Above one of them is a triangle.
The following text is written above them:
<span class="vip2">hunter?</span>
Further down the wall, three arrows can be seen drawn coming from a singular origin point.
<span class="vip2">father</span>
A gas mask is drawn.
<span class="vip2">child</span>
<span class="vip2">harbinger</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The letter "I" in this word was written with a two-sided arrow pointing up and down.}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 3))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/62/Spirwall11.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip2">neither here nor there We exist /between</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 4))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Spirwall7.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a man in a straight jacket can be seen. From his mouth, a silhouette of Patrem is drawn with three Parallelos symbols inside of it.
Further down the wall is a drawing of a mouse in a cage.
A dark mass is coming from the cage with an "X" drawn through it. This dark mass takes the shape of "D.gif" - Doug's face.
Above the cage is the same eight arrow symbol from before along with the word:
<span class="vip2">caught.</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 4))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bc/Spirwall8.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the grinning mouth from the video "5646" and a pair of eyes.
Along the back wall, the following text is found:
<span class="vip2">As the moon is high and her visage red, blood be spilled in Her honor.</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 5))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c6/Spirwall3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of Pumpkinhead's face can be seen.
The following text surrounds it:
<span class="vip2">PUMPKINHEAD"
DREAM</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Minecraft runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 7:17 PM)}}
Below this, two Parallelos symbols are drawn with an arrow pointing between them. Next to this is a drawing of Pumpkinhead in his "AGGREGATING.gif" form.
On the other wall, a drawing of Mat can be seen. Next to this is the following text:
<span class="vip2">he breeds another</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Unknown}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 6))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Spirwall2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a briefcase can be seen with the Postman's sigil on it from Majora's Mask. Above this is the same symbol of eight arrows seen before.
On the left of the briefcase is a drawing of a gas mask with text written under it:
<span class="vip2">gift</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 5:31 PM)}}
On the right of the briefcase is a drawing of a book that's been scribbled out. Below it is more text:
<span class="vip2">gift</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher that was written backwards.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 5:31 PM)}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 7))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fc/Spirwall1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The following drawings can be seen on this wall:
A drawing of Jinn with a triangle below her face.
A drawing of an inverted triforce with three masks placed upon it.
A drawing of the Spire with a "Spear" rune beneath it.
A drawing of the Lunarum Oculus.
A drawing of a drowing figure being pulled underwater with the following text written above it:
<span class="vip2">DESCEND</span>
A large chain of numbers and letters are written across this wall.
This is actually two ciphers intertwined with one another, with every other two characters being a part of one specific cipher.
<span class="vip2">groomed since before birth | seduced by another of the order || chosen as neophyte of the sect ||| blessed warrior across</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher intertwined with another cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and Sebastian (4/27/20 - 9:09 PM)}}
A Parallelos symbol is drawn.
<span class="vip2">taken from birth | gifted to the father of lies || replaced by the chosen ||| destroyer of the misguided |||| father of anew</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher intertwined with another cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and Sebastian (4/27/20 - 9:09 PM)}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 8))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Spirwall5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of Kelbris's silhouette holding someone on puppet strings can be seen. Next to this figure is another figure wearing a gas mask.
The following text is seen:
<span class="vip2">Can you hear it?</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Sebastian (4/27/20 - 4:46 PM)}}
Those are the whispers of your salvation.</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Sebastian (4/27/20 - 4:46 PM)}}
On the other wall, a crude drawing of a skeletal man can be seen with the following text:
<span class="vip2">FATHERTHOTH</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Unknown}}
On the other wall, a series of drawings can be seen in what appears to be a "pecking order" or sorts. These drawings include, from top to bottom:
The Lunarum Oculus.
The eight arrowed symbol.
Four figures.
The Regiminis sigil.
Five figures.
A symbol of an arrow pointing up and down.
<span class="vip">((Wall 9))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fc/Spirwall4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large drawing of a knife can be seen on this wall surrounded by what appear to be Parallelos symbols drawn with a triangle instead of a circle.
Further down the wall is a drawing of Mat's mask along with a drawing of a figure standing at a creek.
The following text can be seen:
<span class="vip2">FROM FATHER TO SON
<span class="vip">((Wall 10))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/99/Spirwall14.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a figure wearing a gas mask with a triangle drawn on it can be seen. Above this figure is the symbol of eight arrows seen earlier.
<span class="vip">((Wall 11))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Spirwall13.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large drawing of Tyler can be seen with the symbol of the arrow pointing up and down covering his mouth. Above his head is the following text:
<span class="vip2">player 0ne.</span>
Below Tyler's head is a triangle with the text:
<span class="vip2">SHEEP.</span>
Further down the wall is a drawing of a tree with the Lunarum Oculus overlaying it.
Below the tree, four figures can be seen.
<span class="vip">((Wall 12))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Spirwall12.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of what appears to be two buildings in a forest can be seen. Between these two buildings is a fire with four figures standing around it.
<span class="vip">((Wall 13))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bc/Spirwall6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the Regiminis mask can be seen with the following text written below it:
<span class="vip2">anOtheR</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 14))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Spirwall15.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of Alex with a mask being pulled off of his face can be seen. The "Spear" rune is drawn on the forehead of this mask.
Next to the drawing is the following text:
<span class="vip2">have fun. :o)
I saw a man named Mason come into my home. He was shattered. Incomplete. The device contained him. There was a flash of light and all were gone.</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 8:00 PM)}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 15))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3c/Spirwall16.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the white, mannequin-like entity can be seen standing next to a briefcase. Above this drawing is the following text:
<span class="vip2">Don't</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This word was scribbled out.}}
<span class="vip2">Open
Across from this was a drawing of a mirrored path with the following text written next to it:
<span class="vip2">HE will walk the path again and again</span>
The symbol of an arrow pointing up and down can be seen between the two paths.
<span class="vip">((Wall 16))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/36/Spirwall17.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large mural is drawn on this wall. From left to right, the following can be seen:
A large masked figure towering over the landscape.
A trailer with the symbol of an arrow pointing up and down.
A building engulfted in flames with the Regiminis symbol drawn above it.
Two buildings with a fire between them. Three figures can be seen surrounding the fire - each with an "11" written above their heads.
A large building with dead figures lying outside of it. The following text is written above it:
<span class="vip2">misguided</span>
An observatory with five figures standing behind it. Two figures can also be seen above the observatory - one standing atop it and the other flying. A final figure can be seen floating in front of the observatory lens.
<span class="vip">((Wall 17))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b9/Spirwall18.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen surrounding a vent leading into the basement below. The following text is written above the vent:
<span class="vip2">we were watching.</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 18))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/43/Spirwall19.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | At this point in time, the portal seen in front of the drawing of the door did not exist.}}
A drawing of IsocelesAssassin can be seen with a circle with an "X" drawn through it above his head. The following text surrounds him:
<span class="vip2">alive then.
dead now.</span>
A line is drawn below IsocelesAssassin that splits in two, surrounding him.
Helper's Hat is drawn on the left line. A Parallelos symbol can be seen drawn above it.
Helper's Hat is also drawn on the right line, though it is scribbled out. Three small lines are drawn above it.
To the left of the IsocelesAssassin drawing is a drawing of a door.
The following text surrounds the door:
<span class="vip2">knock knock
To the right of the IsocelesAssassin drawing is a drawing of a skeletal-like face above three figures with "I", "II", and "III" written above their heads.
The following text is written in the shape of the Regiminis symbol:
<span class="vip2">R
<span class="vip">((Wall 19))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4e/Spirwall20.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large drawing of the Four Giants can be seen.
<span class="vip">((Wall 20))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/ce/Spirwall21.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large drawing of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen. A small "IIIII" can also be seen.
<span class="vip">((Wall 21))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8e/Spirwall22.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Many drawings of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen along with a pair of eyes with the text:
<span class="vip2">watching</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 22))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/Spirwall24.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the symbol of an arrow pointing up and down can be seen with text reading:
<span class="vip2">they cannot stop this
ID</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a binary cipier.<br />- Solved by Unknown.}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 23))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Spirwall23.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A large drawing of a faceless figure can be seen next to a Lunarum Oculus drawn with Majora's Mask.
The following text can be seen:
<span class="vip2">faceless</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 24))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5c/Spirwall25.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the "Lens of Truth" can be seen. The following text is written below this:
HE WAS CHOSEN BY HER ONE OF THE FOUR SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | These two lines of text were written intertwined with one another.<br />- Solved by Unknown.}}
Below this is a drawing of two walls. Both of these walls have the "Lens of Truth" drawn on them, though one is barely visible. On one wall, the following text is written:
<span class="vip2">DESCEND</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 25))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4b/Hunterscren.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of two figures holding hands can be seen. Above this are various drawings supposedly made by Hunter. These include the following:
An old man surrounded by four paintings.
Jeremy's forum avatar flexing.
The four giants, Patrem, and a masked figure.
Aliens abducting a cow.
Surrounding these images is the following text:
<span class="vip2">neophyte
<span class="vip">((Wall 26))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/17/Spirwall26.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the image "foggyworld248.jpg" can be seen with the following text:
<span class="vip2">592</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 27))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/dd/Spirwall27.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a tall, limbless figure next to a powerline can be seen. Above this powerline is a Parallelos symbol.
<span class="vip">((Wall 28))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Spirwall28.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of Father Vincent and Ben standing in front of the Spire can be seen. The symbol of eight arrows can be seen above Ben's head.
Further down the wall is a drawing of five figures. The second figure in this drawing has had their head scribbled out and an "X" drawn above it.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Various references to Hunter and neophytes are found throughout the attic.
A drawing of Pumpkinhead was found. Next to this drawing is a reference to the version of Wolfcat that was taken by him as a mask - "<span class="canquote">ASTRAL MASK</span>".
A drawing of a briefcase given to SKM is discovered. The gas mask and the Libro Lunarus found in it are also drawn, though the Libro Lunarus is marked out.
A drawing of IsocelesAssassin is found. Two Helper Hats surround him - one scribbled out and one with a Parallelos symbol drawn above it.
A drawing of a door can be found on the back wall.
At 1:19 AM, Stackoverflow and Halicord walked up to the player Xenquility in the "Spire" Janus map and began speaking with him.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow and Halicord - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "how could you?"
stackoverflow_182: "who do you think you are?"
stackoverflow_182: "it was MY home"
stackoverflow_182: "and YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "it was you"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "our brother is missing"
HALICORD: "you caused this tragedy"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "it ws you"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "it was you"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "why"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "you shouldnt be here"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "who brought you to this place"
stackoverflow_182: "who"</span>
Xenquility: "someone you wouldn't care to know"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "I"
stackoverflow_182: "tCARE"
stackoverflow_182: "TO"
stackoverflow_182: "KNOW"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "l e a v e"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "IT SHOULD NOT BE UP TO YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"
stackoverflow_182: "who"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "this is not your time to be here"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "it is only for me to know"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "they will die"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "who are you"
stackoverflow_182: "twhy are you here"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "more interlopers"</span>
iheways_2958: "to make you free"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "you"
stackoverflow_182: "make"
stackoverflow_182: "me"
stackoverflow_182: "free"
stackoverflow_182: "?"</span>
Xenquility: "wait"
iheways_2958: "we"
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "L E A V E"</span>
Xenquility: "do you wish to be free?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "you do not beling here"
stackoverflow_182: "brlong"
stackoverflow_182: "belong"</span>
iheways_2958: "neither you"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "incorrect"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "brother your corruption has spread"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "I am needed here"
vstackoverflow_182: "I belong here"
stackoverflow_182: "YOU do NOT believe HERE"
stackoverflow_182: "they do not belong here"</span>
Xenquility: "We are not here to harm you"
Xenquility: "and we do not mean to impede on your terrain"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "that is not my worry"</span>
Xenquility: "forgive us for tresspassing on your side"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "we are not afraid of you"</span>
Xenquility: "Then what are you afraid of?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "my fears are beyond your understanding"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "i fear that your ally will die due to their insolence"</span>
Xenqulity: "Who is *their*?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "We have been guardians of these places sinse the beginning."</span>
Xenquility: "and which ally?"
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "brother the corruption"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "it is difficult to communicate in this way"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "this is how lesser beings communicate"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "you shouldn't be here"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "this was supposed to be out of reach"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "you do not belong here"</span>
Yoshi: "i am sorry."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "why do you torment us"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "i sense a greater darkness brother"
HALICORD: "someone has gotten deeper"
HALICORD: "in a place they should not be"
HALICORD: "i will go destroy them"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "go"
stackoverflow_182: "GO"
stackoverflow_182: "come"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "please"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"</span>
Xenquility: "our need to fight the powers that stuck you here"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "I am not "stuck""
stackoverflow_182: "I was not created to be a slave"</span>
Xenquility: "What would you do if we were to tell you who brought us here?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "the door will open"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"</span>
Xenquility: "wait"
Xenquility: "do you know anything"
Xenquility: "about our link?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "i exist only in these places"
stackoverflow_182: "your link is of no interest of mine"
stackoverflow_182: "soon you will see"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not have come here"</span>
Xenquility: "I assume"
Xenquility: "it is too late to leave"
Yoshi: "We never meant to cause harm"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "there is no more to be found."
stackoverflow_182: "in time"
stackoverflow_182: "you will understand why"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "why are you here"
stackoverflow_182: "why"</span>
HaouDeSoul: "didn't mean to intrude"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose"
stackoverflow_182: "you invate our home"
stackoverflow_182: "invade"</span>
HaouDeSoul: "aw you live here?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "you follow us here"
stackoverflow_182: "no"
stackoverflow_182: "how do you know of this place?"</span>
Xenquility: "she is a harbinger"
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "brother"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "we are meerly keeprs of these worlds"
stackoverflow_182: "we tend to it"</span>
HaouDeSoul: "ah ok. Didn't mean to invade. I bring no harm."
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "I have taken care of the one who saw deeper"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "but I ask again"
stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose in this place"
stackoverflow_182: "come"</span>
HaouDeSoul: "just exploring"
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "brother, why is it that we musnt just outright kill these puny beings?"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "I think even they do not know why ther have been brought here"</span>
Xenquility: "you are not entirely wrong"
Xenquility: "we were brought information here on the premise of truths"
Xenquility: "information"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "we have many books that provide information"</span>
Xenquility: "in fact we were told this place containd forbidden knowledge specifically"
Xenquility: "that would aid us in winning"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "forbidden by who"</span>
Xenquility: "however at this point we hardly even know what war we are fighting"
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "you will fight a war against us if you do not leave at once"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "I want to know who brought you here"</span>
<span class="vip3">((FlaRuCnIATON joins the "Spire" Janus map))</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "ITS HER"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "ITS"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "RUN"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "tHER"
stackoverflow_182: "RUN"</span>
HaouDeSoul: "who?"
Xenquility: "Is it"
Xenquility: "yuuki"
Xenquility: "lmao"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "HER"</span>
Xenquility: "possibly the spirit in this painting?"
Xenquility: "the blue one"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "THIS IS YOUR FAULT"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "brother i am degrading"
HALICORD: "she is removing my essen"</span>
<span class="vip">stackoverflow_182: "LEAVE"
stackoverflow_182: "SAVE YOURSELF"</span>
<span class="vip2">HALICORD: "aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Stackoverflow is outraged that the players have once again traspassed upon their territory, claiming that he and his brothers Halicord and Trapped are dutied with tending to these virutal realms.
Halicord claims that Trapped is missing and blames it on the players.
Halicord momentarily departs during the conversation to destroy someone who supposedly "<span class="canquote">went deeper</span>" and witnessed something they shouldn't have, further implying that these entites are guardians of the various virtual JanusVR rooms discovered by players.
A new entity named "<b>FlaRuCnIATON</b>" joins the "Spire" Janus map, much to the dismay of Stackoverflow and Halicord. "FlaRuCnIATON" is an anagram of "<b>luna FRACTION</b>", implying this entity is somehow a piece of Luna herself. FlaRuCnIATON used a massive model consisting of tentacles. This model dwarfed the size of the Spire and its many tentacles clipped through the building. Stackoverflow blames Luna's sudden presence on the players and flees. Halicord is seemingly wounded by Luna and degrades.
At 1:22 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it. This room was incredibly small and simply contained a well with a grate over it. Looking into the well, players could barely see Doug looking back up at them. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/89/Spirescreenwall4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/46/Spirescreenwall5.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f6/Spirescreenwall6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:28 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>between</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat59203301</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat59203301" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with Harry
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:56 PM SheepDog: "Harry dude you need to calm down"
9:35:58 PM SheepDog: "Dont listen to that asshole"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:12 PM Harry: "BULLSHIT DID YOU SEE THE PHOTO"
9:36:14 PM Harry: "HE KILLED HER"
9:36:15 PM Harry: "HE FUCKING KILLED HER"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:21 PM SheepDog: "I dont know who that was but it wasnt Hina"
9:36:22 PM SheepDog: "I would know"
9:36:24 PM SheepDog: "me and Hina shared some selfies a while back and thats not her"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:26 PM Harry: "Then who the hell is it??"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:28 PM SheepDog: "who fucking knows"
9:36:31 PM SheepDog: "Maybe some random gore pic he found on reddit?"
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "or maybe it actually is a photo he took while on one of his missions"
9:36:36 PM SheepDog: "theres no telling with edd"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:52 PM Harry: "You're SURE thats not Hina"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:57 PM SheepDog: "Im sure dude"
9:37:21 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:37:22 PM SheepDog: "this is the pic she sent me"
9:37:23 PM SheepDog: "looks completely different."
9:37:26 PM SheepDog: "I'm sure Hinas just fine"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:37:52 PM Harry: "Why the hell would he do that...."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:37:55 PM SheepDog: "Hes a fucked up guy"
9:37:57 PM SheepDog: "We all know this"
9:38:22 PM SheepDog: "I mean its not exactly a secret what he does for the elders"
9:38:25 PM SheepDog: "and its no secret that he really really enjoys it"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:38:41 PM Harry: "Sheep I dont know if I can keep doing this"
9:38:52 PM Harry: "I mean I knew we all werent exactly mainstream going in and a lot of us kinda "tow the line" but just"
9:38:53 PM Harry: "fuck dude"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:38:57 PM SheepDog: "I get it"
9:39:11 PM SheepDog: "Look"
9:39:13 PM SheepDog: "come join me and Luke in a game"
9:39:14 PM SheepDog: "It'll get your mind off things"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:20 PM Harry: "No fuck that"
9:39:23 PM Harry: "I can't just sweep this shit under the rug any more"
9:39:25 PM Harry: "I just can't fucking do it man"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:39:32 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:37 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:45 PM Harry: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">9:39:48 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:39:52 PM Harry: "Ok"
9:39:53 PM Harry: "Hold on."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This chat involves the Lunar Children SheepDog and Harry discussing what another Lunar Child Eddie had just posted in a separate chat.
SheepDog attempts to calm Harry down. It seems as though Eddie had claimed that the Lunar Child Hina was killed, supposedly having posted an image of her dead body as evidence. SheepDog disproves that this image was of Hina, however.
SheepDog states that the fact that Eddie kills people on behalf of the Elder Children is an open secret of sorts.
Harry expresses his displeasure with the Lunar Children. SheepDog suddenly asks Harry to join her and another Lunar Child named <b>Luke</b> in some sort of game.
At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat33032313</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat33032313" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with SheepDog:
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:14 AM fairProspect: "Other than that, no."
1:12:17 AM fairProspect: "I've already informed Ezekiel about everything."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:12:23 AM SheepDog: "oof"
1:12:26 AM SheepDog: "how'd he take it lol"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:33 AM fairProspect: "Fairly well, actually."
1:12:35 AM fairProspect: "Aside from a forced eye-roll, haha."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:12:42 AM SheepDog: "well thats surprising"
1:12:46 AM SheepDog: "I didn't think hed want me anywhere near that place lol"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:12:51 AM fairProspect: "I think deep down he really does like you."
1:13:21 AM fairProspect: "He's probably happy that you'll be closer from now on."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "ew"
1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "gross"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:13:33 AM fairProspect: "Come on, you know what I mean."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:13:35 AM SheepDog: yeah yeah"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:14:37 AM fairProspect: "I need to get getting to sleep, now."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:14:41 AM SheepDog: "same here probably"
1:14:44 AM SheepDog: "see you tomorrow, HOPE-fully"
1:14:46 AM SheepDog: ":sunglasses:"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:14:52 AM fairProspect: ":eyeroll:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This chat involves the Lunar Children SheepDog and <b>fairProspect</b>. The two seem to be discussing a move of some sort.
FairProspect implies that Thoth doesn't dislike SheepDog as much as he lets on - something SheepDog jokingly expresses her disgust about.
At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers in the "Spire" Janus map linked to the Lunar Children forums. This page no longer existed, however, so it would simply load a random Lunarchildren.com redirect.
At 1:36 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a cork board above the computers in the girls dorm room in the "Spire" Janus map. This board contained the following text: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/55/A64b61f5394936bfd856483a02e28af3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - Cork Board Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Wifi: hk84AbgI9Ylb4a
User: child
1. Don't give ouy login info to visitors.
2. No frequent big downloads. Be respectful!
3. Always have functional anti-malware software.
((A drawing of a girl wearing a mask))
((A drawing of a moon with a butt))
get moon'd
Ask Luke for help with the server
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This board contains the same basic login information for the Spire's network found in the boys dorm room.
This board contains several goofy drawings by the residents of the dorm.
A note informing those who have trouble with the Spire network to seek out Luke for help can be seen.
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat22124190</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat22124190" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip2">Chatting with losna55
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Uhh…"
Time Igaluk123: "Hey Losna you good?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55:    </span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Whuh?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55:    </span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "I don't think your messages are sending properly."
Time Igaluk123: "Or maybe it's just this shitty internet here again."
Time Igaluk123: "Anyways"
Time Igaluk123: "I just wanted to let you know your account on the forums is acting kinda weird."</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55: "Aoo//ATD?)Bl5&amp;8BOr;uBla"</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Uh"</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55: "D]iS)AKYT'F`(_4F)Pl'@q?cpDfor.+ED%4EbT*.AKY])+D>>,+CSbiDfl"
Time losna55: "What the hell???"
Time losna55: "@Igaluk123"
Time losna55: "What is all of this??"</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Oh hey."
Time Igaluk123: "Uh is this actually you this time?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55: "What do you mean by that?"
Time losna55: "Who else would it be?"
Time losna55: "Are my accounts being hacked???"</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Looks like it."
Time Igaluk123: "Might wanna change your logins."</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55: "This is bullshit, I haven't ever logged in from any sort of unsecure location, or given my info out to anyone."
Time losna55: "The mods are gonna have to do their jobs and actually take care of these bitch ass hackers."</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "According to Liquid there are no hackers."</span>
<span class="vip3">Time losna55: "That's bullshit and you know it"
Time losna55: "I mean we all saw the logs that were passed arounCh7$rAKYN%DKI"&lt;@;BEsD.Oi&amp;D]ia:A8c@-+Eq73F&lt;G[D+D5U8@UWb^+DDs9AS#BpF)Po,GA(Q.AKY\0@ps6tFD,@"</span>
<span class="vip2">Time Igaluk123: "Uh"
Time Igaluk123: "@losna55"
Time Igaluk123: "You still there?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This chat involves the Lunar Children Igaluk and losna55. Igaluk asks losna if she is okay in reference to several strange messages sent by her account on the Lunar Children forums.
Losna's account sends several more strange messages. Following this, Losna regains control of her account and is outraged, as she believes she has been hacked.
Losna mentions a group of <b>hackers</b> that SKM attempted to hide. She mentions the existence of some chat logs that supposedly prove their existence.
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/legends/the-secrets-and-the-thurses</nowiki></span>".
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the Silentdork YouTube channel.
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat00219930</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat00219930" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">2:02:23 PM Harry: "No clue."
2:02:45 PM Harry: "Oh hey, @tsukuyomi is here"
2:02:46 PM Harry: "Ask them, they'd know."</span>
<span class="vip3">2:03:09 PM tsukuyomi11: "Hello, everyone."</span>
<span class="vip4">2:03:13 PM Alignak: "Yo tsu"
2:03:15 PM Alignak: "I got some questions about the Misguided and the Libro Lunaurs."</span>
<span class="vip3">2:03:33 PM tsukuyomi11: "Libro Lunarus."
2:03:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "Andyou know we aren't allowed to speak about that."</span>
<span class="vip2">2:03:39 PM Harry: "The misguided or the book?"</span>
<span class="vip3">2:03:41 PM tsukuyomi11: "Both."</span>
<span class="vip2">2:03:44 PM Harry: "oh well, I guess there goes any chance I have of reading it"
2:03:47 PM Harry: "Unless I get the chance to hitchike out to Ohio"</span>
<span class="vip4">2:03:58 PM Alignak: "Ehh, even then there's no guarantee you'll get to see it."
2:04:03 PM Alignak: "iirc, most of the time the Elders just read it to you."</span>
<span class="vip2">2:04:06 PM Harry: "really?"</span>
<span class="vip4">2:04:12 PM Alignak: "Yeah, they won't let anyone touch it."
2:04:14 PM Alignak: "Pretty stingy if you ask me."</span>
<span class="vip3">2:04:19 PM tsukuyomi11: "Its one of our most sacred objects, what do yuo expect?"</span>
<span class="vip2">2:04:24 PM Harry: "what was it like?"</span>
<span class="vip3">2:04:28 PM tsukuyomi11: "It was just like any other book on the outside, really."
2:04:32 PM tsukuyomi11: "Surprisingly thin, but packed with wisdom"</span>
<span class="vip4">2:04:37 PM Alignak: "What?"
2:04:41 PM Alignak: "It looks pretty thick to me"</span>
<span class="vip2">2:04:43 PM Harry: "yeah isnt that what they used in the blood moon thing?"</span>
<span class="vip3">2:04:52 PM tsukuyomi11: "One moment"</span>
<span class="vip2">2:04:53 PM Harry: "for real, it looked like a dictionary to me"
2:04:54 PM Harry: "pretty bulky and all"</span>
<span class="vip3">2:05:31 PM tsukuyomi11: "Okay, yes"
2:05:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "The rite recited in the blood moon ritual is certainly an excerpt from the Libro Lunarus"
2:05:37 PM tsukuyomi11: "Strange, I was told there were only the three copies"
2:05:38 PM tsukuyomi11: "One second"
2:05:58 PM tsukuyomi11 (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">2:06:03 PM Harry: "uh can you try sending that again"
2:06:05 PM Harry: "looks like it didnt send"</span>
<span class="vip4">2:06:45 PM Alignak: "You still there, Tsu?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This chat involves several Lunar Children discussing the Libro Lunarus. Alignak wishes to ask Tsukuyomi about the book and the Moon Children, but is told that's forbidden information.
Alignak reiterates that very few get to actually handle the Libro Lunarus themselves. It is often the Elder Children who simply read excerpts to others.
Alignak and Harry discover a contradiction in the appearance of the Libro Lunarus, pointing out that most copies appear to be thin, while the one seen in the Blood Moon Ritual video was rather thick.
Tsukuyomi is confused, believing that there were only three copies of the Libro Lunarus. He sends a final message that was deleted by a moderator and disappears.
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the front page of Lunarchildren.com.
At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat94922031</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few  days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't  really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:35:53 PM Harry: "YOURE SICK IN THE HEAD MAN"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."</span>
<span class="vip5">9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"</span>
<span class="vip5">9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)</span>
<span class="vip3">9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."</span>
<span class="vip7">9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."</span>
<span class="vip6">9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"</span>
<span class="vip8">9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This chat involves several Lunar Children and presumably takes place directly before "chat59203301". The Lunar Child Harry is concerned about Hina's safety, since she has not been seen lately.
The Lunar Child Eddie claims that Hina was killed for her traitorous act of trespassing on the Fishery and picking up Tyler's necklace shortly before Undecim Nocte 2015.
Eddie presumably posts some sort of gory image of a dead girl, causing Harry to believe it is Hina.
Eddie expresses his hatred for Hina, believing that she is perhaps responsible for Undecim Nocte failing because Tyler's necklace got misplaced during it.
Eddie mentions the "<b>hacker group</b>" once again, mentioning that perhaps they are responsible for the failing of Undecim Nocte.
Eddie is banned from the chat room by Kuu, who is revealed to be named <b>Kylie</b> in real life.
Harry asks Kuu if Hina is dead. Kuu simply states that Hina was never placed on Eddie's hitlist.
At 1:51 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that Doug could be found staring out from one of the vents near the ceiling in the cafeteria in the "Spire" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fe/9ca8fb39b23de47727e8bd1b26cafe09.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:59 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden beneath the staircase in the cafeteria behind a wall with the Parallelos sigil drawn on it. This room was colored completely red and contained distorted photos of several players. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/15/3752e4905bfba7e8c28222292ddae2f4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/84/22363c68cc324d7978671aa65702e65a.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:13 AM, Fascie led the player Yoshi to three of the paintings of environments on the second floor of the cafeteria in the "Spire" Janus room before disappearing. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fd/5fa041fe43fd7e40451e089d1d7c85c2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:15 AM, an entity named "<b>deniap</b>" joined the "Spire" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6f/C581bcf8adfb6f9b9b41ba6c5531b42e.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/54/35395b3870a19325a43e231b7ae9b8b0.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:29 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>mortus</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Mortus</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "Mortus" Janus Room - Johnisdead.co
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a large, open field. At the center of this field was a hill with a large tree sitting upon it. Four armless Moon Children could be seen floating around the tree. The tree also had the symbol of eight arrows and the following text written on it:
<span class="vip">REDEEMER
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus Room was a large open field with a tree sitting in the middle.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>mortus.mp3</b> - A slow, ambient track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/92/Mortus.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
The large, open field: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Mortus1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The tree at the center of the field: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9e/Mortus2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:33 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>emptiness</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Emptiness</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "Emptiness" Janus Room - Johnidead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a red valley enshrouded in darkness. Small raised platforms cast large shadows across the ground, making most of the landscape completely black. Several dead-looking trees could be found around the map. A large monolith could be found sitting atop one of these platforms containing the following text:
<span class="vip">The Link will travel to the promised land.
The Children will guide him.
The Jäger will oversee them.
The Four will take him.
The Dark One will end him.
The Mother will descend.</span>
A large pit could also be found in this map with a two distorted eyes looking up from it.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a dark, red valley with dead trees and raised platforms.
A monolith could be found in this room that reads as follows: "<span class="canquote">The Link will travel to the promised land. The Children will guide him. The Jäger will oversee them. The Four will take him. The Dark One will end him. The Mother will descend.</span>"
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>emptiness.mp3</b> - A slow, disturbing audio track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/90/Emptiness.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
A view of the valley: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ec/Empti1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the monolith: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a2/Empti2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>solace</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Solace</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "Solace" Janus Room - Johnidead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a bright forest of white foliage. On one end of the forest, a dilapidated building could be found. Inside this building, the image "Missed.gif" could be found - a distorted version of the image "depths.gif". Atop this building was a small table with what appeard to be a map or sorts. On the opposite side of the forest was a gravestone with the following text written on it:
<span class="vip">LUKE
2016</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/3/20 - 5:57 AM)}}
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a white, foggy forest.
A gravestone could be found with the text "<span class="canquote">LUKE 2016</span>" engraved onto it. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/3/20 - 5:57 AM)}}
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>solace.mp3</b> - A deep, somber track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3d/Solace.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>missed.gif</b> - A distorted version of "depths.gif". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/Missed.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
A view of the forest: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/40/Solace1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the "map" atop the building: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d5/Solace2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the old, dilapidated building: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ee/Unknownsolace.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the gravestone: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e3/Solace3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>tomb</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Tomb</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "Tomb" Janus Room - Johnidead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a smaller version of the Spire in a bright blue environment. In one of the doorways on the front of the spire, the following text was written:
<span class="vip">MASE</span>
On the back of the Spire, more text was found:
<span class="vip">I lay in wait drowning as that thing did
I saw a man named mason
come into my home.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a smaller version of the Spire in a strange, blue environment.
Two messages were found written on the Spire. The first was written on a doorway - "<span class="canquote">MASE</span>". The second was written on the back - "<span class="canquote">I lay in wait drowning as that thing did I saw a man named mason come into my home.</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>nobodyhere.mp3</b> - A slow track with a deep voice repeating "<span class="canquote">There's nobody here</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ac/Tomb.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
A view of the Spire: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b2/Tomb2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the writing on the doorway: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/19/Db901124b8b56bf7792d4e029e2ecfde.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A view of the writing on the back: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Tomb1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>distance</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Distance</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/27/20 - "Distance" Janus Room - Johnidead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a large, black void with a few polygonal red objects in the center. Strewn across the room were several messages left in Minecraft font - presumably from Pumpkinhead. These read as follows:
<span class="vip">The deal I made with the
Dark One averted your eyes.
A performance using two of
yours for my concealment
You will save Her.
You will free Him.
Then I shall regain my Mask.
Then I shall truly Ascend.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a large, black void with a few red polygonal platforms.
Several messages from Pumpkinhead were found here. These messages reiterate that the Pumpkinhead Gamejack was done in an attempt to conceal Pumpkinhead's canon existence. Pumpkinhead also mentions that the players will "<span class="canquote">save Her</span>" and "<span class="canquote">free Him</span>", after which he will regain his previous version of Wolfcat as a mask and "<span class="canquote">truly Ascend</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>distance.mp3</b> - A disturbing and droning track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8e/Distance.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
A shot of the red platforms: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fa/Dis5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Pumpkinhead's messages: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c2/Dis1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ea/Dis2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Dis3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7e/Dis4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:24 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">What of /  \ words are yet revealed</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 3:25 AM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b2/D4eb7f7071242981fa7a29782be053b8.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:26 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner and icon changed to images of Patrem. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, these images were not archived.}}
At 4:39 AM, the player Yoshi discovered an exploit that allowed players to fly in Janus rooms where they were previously unable to. Flying around the "Spire" Janus room revealed an unfinished top floor and several paintings floating in midair. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/Ed53b72e843a7aba489a5913068e11a6.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/41/3fa9de36393fadce0ad275c4b1af3095.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/51/9be42137b69e24aa9e44462e2b9ae584.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 8:41 AM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">IIIIII</span>". She quickly deleted this message and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Im joking sorry XD also I think I put one too many =p</span>".
At 2:17 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>lunar</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 4:54 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>astral</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 10:09 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/he/go/</nowiki></span><b>spire</b>". This page was titled "<b>liar</b>" and contained the image "<b>fa___fa____.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/27/20 - 11:26 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/57/Fafa.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>father.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a5/Spirewhere.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>April 29th, 2020</h2>
At 1:25 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began pinning messages in response to the players' current conversation.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[1:25 AM] IIIII: "@Ryu 𝓤𝔀𝓤  Are ya Kayd Hendricks/ Ryukaki?"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by the player SpiketheID on March 26th, 2017.}}
[1:27 AM] yoshi: o
[1:33 AM] yoshi: spooky
[1:34 AM] Xenquility: it's fucking weird reading those backlogs
[1:35 AM] Xenquility: just wondering what happened to all the people who left or became innactive
[1:36 AM] yoshi: rip
<span class="vip">[1:37 AM] IIIII: "but just like that in the blink of an eye it will due and also die"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by IIIII on November 10th, 2016.}}
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: that is fucking ominous
[1:38 AM] yoshi: uh oh
[1:40 AM] yoshi: who tf is gonna die
<span class="vip">[1:40 AM] IIIII: "they will never know"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by IIIII on March 26th, 2017.}}
[1:40 AM] Xenquility: what the FUCK
[1:40 AM] yoshi: aaaaAAA
<span class="vip">[1:41 AM] IIIII: "This server is gonna get hella confusing"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by the player Eve on March 26th, 2017.}}
[1:42 AM] Xenquility: the FUCK does this mean
[1:43 AM] yoshi: oh n o
[1:45 AM] Coseb: somebody is gonna be possesed?
[1:45 AM] Xenquility: no idea lmao
[1:45 AM] Xenquility: maybe someone will be revealed to be canon :thinking:
<span class="vip">[1:46 AM] IIIII: "I think Tyler has something in mind for that"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by the player Eve on March 26th, 2017.}}
<span class="vip">[1:47 AM] IIIII: "No it won't just yet die off, I can't allow that to happen"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by the player Juplay on November 20th, 2016.}}
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: i agree don't let it die
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: I mean I know what the actual context of the message is but Im guessing this is going to have some other arg related meaning
<span class="vip">[1:56 AM] IIIII: "ID's roots were in 2013 when Remember.EXE was first released"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was a message sent by the player Mugen Kagemaru on June 2nd, 2017.}}
At 2:07 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Scribe</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Screenshot_20200429-010726_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/29/20 - 2:08 AM)}}
At 2:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>f1.png</b>" - a distorted screenshot of a conversation between IIIII and the user CelestialLight in PM's. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/86/Screenshot_57.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - "f1.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">August 11, 2019</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: I wish to speak a secret to you while I can get away with it</span>
<span class="vip3">CelestialLight: Okay..</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: I am trapped so to speak. But I sometimes have windows in which I can get away with saying things for a period of time. However there are factors in play I cannot explain.</span>
<span class="vip3">CelestialLight: Yes but i am not like those ids. I do not know how to play the cults game. I am more of a watcher. I don't really play. So, I have no idea what you talking about</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: This is ok, and it is part of why I can get away with this right now I think. "he" is not watching you and would have no reason to.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII reveals a secret to the user CelesialLight. He claims he is trapped, only having short windows to speak freely.
IIIII believes that the reason he is able to speak freely to CelestialLight is because she is not an active Johnisdead player and so "<span class="canquote">he</span>" is not watching her.
At 2:43 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "Strange man".
At 2:46 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/key592</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now had a link to the text file "<b>lu.txt</b>". This file simply contained the text "<span class="canquote">/asce</span>".
At 3:05 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">5/27/15</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/29/20 - 3:05 AM)}}
At 3:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>f2.png</b>" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - "f2.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: Would you like to be friends?</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: If ever you learn who "he" is please do not utter the name because your unknowing now is your strength
IIIII: and yes</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: Is the he, this id.. named mugen?</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: no</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: or one of the fathers of the cult</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: that would be hilarious if it was moog but no</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: well... thanks for telling me, your pretty chill.
CelestialLight: your friend, mugen is right.. about being chill though</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: its hard to be in my current situation but suprisingly even here you get breaks from the bullshit now and then lol
IIIII: This thing is but is not "the father"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII tells CelestialLight not to utter the identity of the "<span class="canquote">he</span>" who is watching the players and forbidding IIIII from talking.
IIIII tells CelestialLight that "<span class="canquote">he</span>" both is and is not "<span class="canquote">the father</span>".
At 3:27 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>f3.png</b>" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - "f3.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: I get it... one of those people from the cult is watching you, that is my case on this.</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: what you have worshipped in the past is of but not the same as this thing
IIIII: that is one thing I can say for sure
IIIII: this statement will cause a lot of confusiong for a long time I am sure
IIIII: and god that makes me laugh</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: I heard someone from within hubris... say, they was trapped in like a room with no doors or windows. Are you trapped like this?......</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: its hard to explain.
IIIII: I am probably the most sane one here I'll say that</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: Don't worry.. if your part of the johnisdead arg then... i am sure... the ids, can help you.</span>
<span class="vip2">IIIII: there are layers to this place
IIIII: which is probably not a helpful description.</span>
<span class="vip">CelestialLight: Is it, like a maze?</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII claims that the Moon Children is "<span class="canquote">of but not the same as</span>" the "<span class="canquote">he</span>" mentioned previously.
IIIII mentions that me might be the most sane person in the Parallelos.
At 3:42 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>f5.png</b>" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/75/F5.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - "f5.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">IIIII: I will say this
IIIII: you are part of the "sphere of hubris" as many others are</span>
<span class="vip2">CelestialLight: though... I don't know... how to make nocta respond to my messages. to allow me to enter the subarea on the ao forum.</span>
<span class="vip">IIIII: and all who are
IIIII: are very important pieces of the final puzzle I am looking at.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII states that CelestialLight is a part of the "<span class="canquote">sphere of hubris</span>" and that all who are are important pieces to the "<span class="canquote">final puzzle</span>".
At 3:58 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "<span class="canquote">namaste95 opening track has me on those post life thoughts.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally an unknown cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/29/20 - 4:00 AM)}}
At 4:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that "<b>namaste_'95</b>" was a musician who had previously released an album on February 25th, 2015 named "<b>information_age</b>" on the record label "<b>dreamcatalogue</b>".
At 4:06 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://www.google.com/search?q=Spanoolo%20Laventocklo</nowiki></span>" - a Google Search that would reveal a single result - an archived video and comment section on the site "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://kzlist.info/nancy-drew/r5uU0q17fZCAldQ</nowiki></span>". This video in particular was "<b>Nancy Drew 10</b>". A comment from the <b>Quiet Family</b> account could be found from a few years prior that read as follows:
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - Quiet Family Comment - Kzlist.info
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Quiet Family2 жыл бұрын
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS! I'M SORRY ABOUT THIS, BUT I'M SUPERSTICIOUS! *bows in apology* In 1945,a young girl named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word "LATUALATUKA" into her back. now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions: 1. Retype this message as a comment for 3 other videos</span>
At 4:08 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">I already don't have a soul. and if I did it would be pretty worthless ...</span>". This was a reply to the Quiet Family comment above from a user named "<b>The Shankman</b>".
At 4:10 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a comment from Quiet Family on the video "<b>Viewers Like You (Vaporwave Mix)</b>" that read "<span class="canquote">namaste95 opening track has me on those post life thoughts </span>" - the same comment sent by IIIII earlier. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/VdHrzivs-fQ|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:23 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">IIIII: my friends were never meant to be everyones friends</span>" and "<span class="canquote">CelestialLight: I mean.. nocta let me be in the truth group..</span>".
At 5:47 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">>life is sad</span>" sent by the player Slinky on December 11th, 2019.
At 5:51 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>miss.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/Missapril.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:03 PM, the player Yoshi accidentally clipped through the floor in the "Spire" Janus room, trapping herself in a small black room with the text "<span class="canquote">Lost?</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/31/97e105409f90681a7cf56cb97f23d56c.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/42/20dffaf806ae1d0524681b804954e2a6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:14 PM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/29/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
((Players discuss whether or not they can contact the entity seen on the "Melter" page of Johnisdead.com))
<span class="vip">[6:14 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Who knows for sure though maybe there is some way to speak to it we don't know of? I can certainly tell whatever it is it's probably really talkative in its own way =p"</span>
[6:14 PM] skullface: "It doesn’t really talk"
[6:14 PM] skullface: "It just melts"
[6:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's prophetic"
[6:14 PM] Xenquility: "almost... canon?"
[6:15 PM] yoshi: "never knew the archive guys icon on lc lead to a spooky image"
[6:15 PM] skullface: "Is that like Kelbris? Melter?"
[6:15 PM] skullface: "@Deleted User u ok?"
<span class="vip">[6:15 PM] Erika_XP💚: "If its happening in here its always canon XD"</span>
[6:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I'm good"
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was the prophet of the moonchildren? The ocult."
[6:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof, dangerous words Erika_XP💚"
[6:16 PM] yoshi: "im canon"
[6:16 PM] yoshi: "i wanna do something spooky"
[6:16 PM] Dense: "BOO"
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Is Melter the prophet of this lunarchildren ocult."
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Yes level 4"
[6:17 PM] skullface: "I’m guessing?"
<span class="vip">[6:17 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont think this random thing is as important as other things but I am sure it feels important, so I would guess its nothing like kelbris to us ID's in the scale of things"</span>
[6:17 PM] Dense: "Wow"
[6:17 PM] Dense: "Sorry"
[6:17 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was friendly. Wasn’t he he wanted to help Jadusable. But Ben killed him."
[6:18 PM] Dense: "Uh"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Can Kelbris’s soul (spirit) help Melters soul pass on?"
<span class="vip">[6:18 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I always thought he was a misunderstood individual myself ^^"</span>
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Erika_XP💚 who Kelbris?"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Erika_XP💚 who Kelbris?"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was harmless."
[6:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Kelbris was friendly."
[6:19 PM] skullface: "Wasn’t he?"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "Uh kinda"
[6:19 PM] skullface: "What we went back in time to save Kelbris? And Melter?"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "I guess"
[6:19 PM] skullface: "Is Melter A girl or boy"
[6:19 PM] yoshi: "hm"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "Who knows"
<span class="vip">[6:20 PM] Erika_XP💚: "he was just going to peoples houses to knock on their doors and tell them very important life changing wisdom =p"</span>
[6:20 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@skullface I think you're here for #💤jadisasleepagain💤"
[6:20 PM] skullface: "I heard of a Kelbris , I live in Britain so if ur a Brit? Kelbris does sound like cadburies chocolate bar ."
[6:20 PM] yoshi: "h"
[6:21 PM] skullface: "I was traumatise of Ben drowned when I was 9-10 years old"
[6:21 PM] Dense: "Yeah you should go to #💤jadisasleepagain💤"
[6:22 PM] yoshi: "pained is in pillars"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "Is Melter a girl or a boy?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "skullface"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "Kelbris is a boy?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "you are mixing somethings"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "@Coseb what am I mixing?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "like me in the past"
<span class="vip">[6:22 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I think skullface is trying to be silly and winning XD"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika says that she doesn't believe the entity seen on the "Melter" page is very important to the players.
Erika says that she believes Kelbris is a misunderstood individual.
At 6:23 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that Deniap was active in the "Pillars" Janus room standing at the bottom of the pit. Deniap sent the messages "<span class="canquote">he is running in the hallway</span>", "<span class="canquote">reflecting in the room</span>", "<span class="canquote">watching through the door</span>", and "<span class="canquote">hiding</span>". Deniap then leaped off of the ledge and left the Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/55bafcf273ac6e6f27f77b2ef87a7f1d.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>April 30th, 2020</h2>
At 1:09 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
At 1:23 AM, Patrem posted the following message in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris: "<span class="canquote">The sounds of your songs have affected much. The hearth fire dims in this once hallowed hall says the lord at the altar, I bid you all the tidings of your works. A world of time hath begun to open itself yet more to you. But how vast is this world if it is still yet affected by such weak forces of such tired flames. Will you find the father you desire children? Or have strange times given way to the worship of strange gods?</span>".
At 1:32 AM, Patrem posted the following message in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris: "<span class="canquote">Your song has given you anotherpath, a stray apirit awaits there in that time that might grant a gift if you hurry child.</span>".
At 1:34 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>anotherpath</b>". This page also featured the Janus room "<b>Another Path</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzjw81X6mDk|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/30/20 - "Another Path" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was very similar to the "Path" Janus room. This room consisted of two long highways dotted with the occasional street light and sign. After players awalked down the path a ways, the audio file "voice.mp3" would play - a distorted clip of Patrem speaking the following:
<span class="vip">This ancient power starts to sway and ((Unintelligible)). Wait patiently ((Unintelligible)).</span>
Walking further down the path, the audio file "whisper.mp3" would play - a reversed version of "voice.mp3". After walking down the path for quite some time, players would come across the road sign found in the image "foggyworld248.jpg".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room is a darker version of the "Path" Janus room. The Vocaroo file sent by Patrem several days prior on Within Hubris can also be heard along the path.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>@89.mp3</b> - An alternate version of "@90 by k3v1n". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d2/%4089.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>voice.mp3</b> - The same clip of Patrem speaking sent as a Vocaroo file several days prior. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/89/Voice.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>whisper.mp3</b> - A reversed vesion of "voice.mp3". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9f/Whisper.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
At 1:34 AM, an entity named "<b>malign</b>" joined the "Another Path" Janus room. This entity sent the message "<span class="canquote">what is his policy</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a reversed Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/30/20 - 1:52 AM)}}
At 1:53 AM, Malign sent the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>​https://anonfile.com/h0T79eu5od/History_7z</nowiki></span>" in the "Another Path" Janus room. This link led players to a 4chan thread seen previously in the "ᛞᚱᛁᛗᛝ" video in which Alex Hall was seen posting. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a reversed Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/30/20 - 1:53 AM)}}
At 1:53 AM, Malign sent the message "<span class="canquote">what is tyler?</span>" multiple times in the "Another Path" Janus room before leaving. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/30/20 - 1:56 AM)}}
At 1:59 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">and one other</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/30/20 - 1:59 AM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was in reference to several ciphers sent by Patrem previously on Within Hubris that had not yet been solved.}}
At 2:31 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">8 missing numeral</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (4/30/21 - 2:31 AM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was in reference to several ciphers sent by Patrem previously on Within Hubris that had not yet been solved.}}
<h2>May 1st, 2020</h2>
At 2:43 AM, several players began jokingly asking BUP requests in the Internet Detectives Discord server, such as allowing John to not have died a virgin and saving the player Mugen's life. Bup simply replied to this with "<span class="canquote">No</span>".
At an unknown time, IIIII became active in the Intenet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players in a voice call.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/1/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">IIIII: "The battle for control."
IIIII: "The battle for control of this window has been vast."
IIIII: "All words can be considered part of the heroes journey."
IIIII: "But which puzzles fit the best?"
IIIII: "I am of one who was in transitions. Now its passed fully."
IIIII: "You may know me as the f-"
IIIII: "New era of clarity is coming."</span>
Xenquility: "is this the fourth, the father, or the fascie?"
<span class="vip">IIIII: "I am the one who has seen the light of the solar and lunar paths. Now I know truly with clarity that Luna's children were always Luna's wolves."</span>
Yoshi: "im going to pretend me talking about murdering wh is what triggered this"
<span class="vip">IIIII: "Yours may have been the ignition, but who truly stood by the fireside? What truly was the ploy?"
IIIII: "Those brothers in that fraternity. How far back does this go?"
IIIII: "..."
IIIII: "There is a reason that the thieves steal. It is not merely autonomy."
IIIII: "But what method now does the thief present?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII references a "<span class="canquote">The battle for control of this window</span>", likely referring to the IIIII account.
The entity currently using the IIIII account claims that they were someone who was "<span class="canquote">in transitions</span>", and that the players know them as "<b>the f-</b>" - however, their message was cut off.
The entity currently using the IIIII account claims they've "<span class="canquote">seen the light of the solar and lunar paths</span>", and refers to the Lunar Children as "<b>Luna's wolves</b>".
The entity currently using the IIIII account references thieves and questions their methodology.
At 5:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">"Why are you doing this? It's been a long seven years. For the seven years since that ??? day, ??? has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. ??? from an endless cycle from which she never awakens. He has been touched by that nightmare. It's a pity, to be ???"</span>" sent by the player otherLiam on August 9th, 2019.
At 5:49 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "2" on the lostmemory423 YouTube channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lMLYWgFEKE|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">[05:23:04]  .:@rem:. "This IS real Danielle, this living nightmare we have made for ourselves is all to real."</span>".
At 6:11 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">Convinced by *Vincent* Smith, a priest of the Order, that the Seal of Metatron will prevent the birth of the Order's god, Heather *Mason* hunts down Leonard *Wolf*, a former member of the Order.</span>" sent by the player Fancypigg on April 25th, 2020.
At 6:23 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent file "<b>gods.mp3</b>" - an audio file containing a distorted recording of the ending of Silent Hill 2. "<span class="canquote">You look so... peaceful. Forgive me for waking you. But without you, I just can't go on. I can't live without you- This town... the old gods haven't left... and they still grant powers to those who venerate them.... the power to defy even death</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/13/Gods.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:43 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Screenshot_20200501-054304_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:43 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted version of "foggyworld248.jpg". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cf/Screenshot_20200501-054323_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server - presumably as the Mask Entity. Their avatar had changed to an incredibly dark image and the following message was sent: <span class="canquote">I am so excited. So very excited. Even as you read this, some among you are emboldened. The sick part of you which lusts for the End whispers into your mind, making you want to see the horror, the pain, the blood, the death. You want to see it. You want to see what lies hidden in the Dark, beyond sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch.</span>" <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/20200501_060542.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:06 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the previous message sent by IIIII was a quote from the creepypasta "<b>Mr. Welldone</b>".
At 7:10 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://misterwelldone.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/who-am-i/</nowiki></span>" - a blog post from a "Mr. Welldone" wordpress website. This blog post was locked behind the password "<b>Count</b>", and it detailed some philosophy behind theivery.
At 7:21 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "<span class="canquote">Never let them take that light from your eyes wayward child</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/1/20 - 7:23 AM)}}
At 7:46 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility two PM's containing the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://misterwelldone.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/quietus/</nowiki></span>".
At 8:47 PM, various players began insulting BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, BUP sent the message "<span class="canquote">Yes, keep talking about me</span>".
At 8:55 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent two links - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://yobislove.bandcamp.com/album/clearing-the-path-to-ascend</nowiki></span>" and "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://hairsablazin.bandcamp.com/album/the-worlds-first-uploaded-human</nowiki></span>".
At 8:58 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the link "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.bandcamp.com/album/test-audio-only</nowiki></span>".
At 9:19 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.bandcamp.com/track/a-sad-giants-dance whatcha gonna do, BUP?</nowiki></span>" sent by the player nfreak on May 1st, 2020.
At 9:31 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>thecontact.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6f/Thecontract.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 2nd, 2020</h2>
At 7:42 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">You can hear me before you see me</span>".
<h2>May 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 3:30 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM reading "<span class="canquote">The thief is unable to speak to your mundane world without taking of it</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/3/20 - 3:31 AM)}}
At 3:35 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "<span class="canquote">Same thing. Whoever tries to contact us failed, he or she can't speak out, is interrupted. There is a fight going on in the youtube account.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Screenshot_20200503-023548_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:37 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player nfreak a PM reading "<span class="canquote">/ty</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/3/20 - 3:37 AM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Screenshot_20200503-033738_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:38 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/tyler</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now contained the text "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>http://z15.invisionfree.com/Within_Hubris/index.php?showtopic=2329&view=getnewpost</nowiki></span>" hidden in its source code - a now broken link for the original Within Hubris message boards. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a reversed, Caesar shifted binary cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/3/20 - 3:39 AM)}}
At 3:41 AM, the player Yoshi discovered the only remaining snapshot of the link found above was "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://web.archive.org/web/20110427131750/http://z15.invisionfree.com/Within_Hubris/index.php?showtopic=2329&view=getnewpost</nowiki></span>" - an archived thread containing story speculation of Ben Drowned involving "<b>Inner Arguments</b>".
At 3:45 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing a screenshot of an unarchived thread on the original Within Hubris forums titled "<b>||||</b>" from 2012. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/02/Whlines.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:05 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player otherLiam the same PM sent earlier to the player Yoshi - "<span class="canquote">Same thing. Whoever tries to contact us failed, he or she can't speak out, is interrupted. There is a fight going on in the youtube account.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ea/Image0screeg.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:31 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to an iamge of a disturbing face. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e2/Screenshot_60.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:33 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to an image of the original Gerudo symbol from Ocarina of Time. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/57/Screenshot_62.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:40 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server icon briefly changed to an image of Patrem. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
At 4:49 AM, Patrem became active in the Johnisdead thread on Within Hubris and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/3/20 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">/Patrem\ 4:49 AM: "How much longer shall this realm and sphere be held from the scrutiny of the many. Its effects still linger in its face, longing to provide what masses should crave to sustain itself in the workings, if only to undo them. Long ago I was said to play games with such a beast for my power, but who now governs even my fate? I know of my doings but only those which are written, now I dwell as the elder of the gate. The gate before the hedges that worm about the sphere before the threshold unto umbra. Ask of the old power and I will administer it unto thee on behalf of the falsely known mother. This power can only be worked now here in this dying place."</span>
Xenquility 4:52 AM: ((The "Couple's Mask" is submitted))
Xenquility 5:01 AM: "At once, cease the fighting, and let the one who attempted contact speak"
<span class="vip">/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Love, I have known love child. But allow me to tell you about sacrifice. I was driven to act as I had for all I have done is but stage play for the doings of but higher lords. I am of the one who is made the fisher king and designed by the one who would be as him. I giveth up my begotten son for all my children are borrowed in truth, so that I might dwell with them all in the end. Sorrow has been my lord until I came to know he of the fourth world. Though my sons become the tools of the entropic my children who art grand will still be awakening to liberate."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know some amongst you are mad."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know some amongst you hath loved."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know one amongst you wore pendent of the initiate"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know the argument hath risen to the highest of sources and hath befuddled the words of the link again and again."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "The animus comes of the mind risen to the sphere contained within the brackish depths among spheres."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "She will be called back again"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know my master has manipulated the awakening of the second player for he has fallen to the death sleep."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know your playing of the notes of time has called forth yet more of the world of my child."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "So too will even he be a saviour for yee. But the layers of time will be mixed, will you be able to read the orders?"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Soon cometh the works of your mask. By the Mothers name."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Patrem questions the nature of "<span class="canquote">this realm and sphere</span>" and his place within it.
Patrem clarifies that the players' Ocarina powers can now only be used on Within Hubris.
The player Xenquility submits the "<b>Couple's Mask</b>" in an attempt to quell the fighting referenced in recent Discord posts.
Patrem claims that everything he has done was a "<span class="canquote">stage play</span>" for the "<span class="canquote">higher lords</span>".
Patrem likens his existence to the "<b>fisher king</b>".
Patrem claims that all of his children are "<span class="canquote">borrowed</span>" and that he gave up Ben in the hopes of dwelling with him in the end. He claims that though his children are now tools of "<span class="canquote">the entropic</span>", he believes some of them who are "<span class="canquote">grand</span>" will become liberators of sorts.
Patrem implies that he was depressed before becoming a follower of "<span class="canquote">he of the fourth world</span>" - likely referring to Synchron.
Patrem claims that the awakening of the "<span class="canquote">the second player</span>" has been manipulated by his master - likely referring to either Synchron of "The Great Author".
At 5:22 AM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
(Updated Path) <i>(Highway Path - <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path73320193/</nowiki>)</i>
<div class="indented">
<i>"<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki>path73320193" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the right.</i> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d5/Path73320193.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
<i>Main highway links to "/path74501903"</i>
Side road links to "<span class="canquote">/path14430420</span>"
Field Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path73320193/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14430420</b>" - A path of a small trail leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/de/Path14430420.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14439203</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14439203</b>" - A path of a small trail leading to a cabin. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/48/Path14439203.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14559020</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14559020</b>" - A path of small trail leading past a cabin. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/15/Path14559020.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14566923</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14566923</b>" - A path of a small trail leading to a tunnel in the ground. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f4/Path14566923.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14568832</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14568832</b>" - A path of a small tunnel in the ground with the word "<b>DIANA</b>" written above it. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0c/Path14568832.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Tunnel links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole</nowiki></span>"
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The main highway path now has a road splitting off to the right that leads through a field and into a tunnel. This tunnel links players to the previously discovered page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole</nowiki></span>".
At 5:24 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/</nowiki></span><b>lostinforest</b>" had changed. The page's titled changed from "<i>Lost?</i>" to "<b>Lost again?</b>" and the hidden text changed from "<i>est/5 "***** IS SHE"?</i>" to "<span class="canquote">/***** was he?</span>".
At 5:30 AM, players discovered that Webm files discovered on these older pages had been replaced with image versions instead. These include:
<div class="indented">
"<b>mask1iswatching.gif</b>" - From "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/</nowiki></span><b>watching.html</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fd/Mask1iswatchinggif.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
"<b>mask2willfindyou.gif</b>" - From "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/</nowiki></span><b>findyou.html</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e0/Mask2willfindyoujid.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
"<b>mask3iswaiting.gif</b>" - From "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/</nowiki></span><b>waiting.html</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d2/Mask3iswaitinggif.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
"<b>icansmellyou.gif</b>" - From "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/woods/fakeplace/sickness/</nowiki></span><b>giant.html</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cb/Icansmellyougifgif.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
"<b>thethirdgiant.gif</b>" - From "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/woods/fakeplace/sickness/</nowiki></span><b>thethird</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c6/Thethirdgiantgif.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:30 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/fall/lostinforest</nowiki></span><b>they</b>" had changed. The page's title changed from "<i>Lost?</i>" to "<span class="canquote">Still lost?</span>". This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">est/where/[[]] FOR THE [[]] SUBTRACT THE FOUR substitute the [[]] for they</span>" hidden in its source.
At 5:37 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpain</nowiki></span><b>woods</b>" had changed. The text "<span class="canquote">fakeplace here I am waiting STILL IAWAITSOMEWHEREDEEPER  IF YOU FINDME  YOU CAN TRY  YOU WILL FAIL  CLAIM MY MASK /where/t</span>" could now be found in the page's source.
At 5:52 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Jeffory a PM that read "<span class="canquote">/solace</span>".
At 5:57 AM, Malign became active in the "Solace" Janus room before quickly leaving.
At 6:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/tunnel/womb/</nowiki></span><b>murals</b>". Thispage was titled "<b>whispers</b>" and contained the image "<b>creature.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/01/Creature.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>murals.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2c/Muralsaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also hid the text "<span class="canquote">/entranceto</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher using the key "VIOLET".<br />- Solved by Yoshi (5/5/20 - 4:46 AM)}}
At 6:22 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>yraid.jpg</b>" - a distorted image of text that read "<span class="canquote">And in the moon light I will find my strength to follow thy will.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Screenshot_64.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:34 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM that contained the image "<b>memories.JPG</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/83/Memories.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>rituals.jpg</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Screenshot_66.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:32 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">I AM</span>" sent by Greth on July 31st, 2018. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/74/Screenshot_20200503-103223_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 4th, 2020</h2>
At 12:06 AM, Pumpkinhead's avatar changed to a distorted image of Wolfcat. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/32/A_92f9ac159ba26741a34aa8b2c17942d6.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:10 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted two Jack-o-lantern emojis.
At 4:28 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>whereami.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1a/Whereami.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:10 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a link to a video feauturing the song "<b>Freezing Moon</b>" sent by the player Sebastian. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9emO9qo4FwE|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:44 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>J_A_I_L_E_R.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/dc/J_A_I_L_E_R.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 5th, 2020</h2>
At 3:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>noaiwtpy.jpg</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Noaiwtpy.JPG|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The name of this file is an anagram of "waypoint".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 3:57 AM)}}
At 3:51 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">/f</span>".
At 3:54 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that an entity named "<b>dead_1266</b>" was active in the "Fakeworld" Janus room. Dead_1266 used an avatar of a man with corrupted skin and empty eye sockets. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7a/56d7bcab9f035076e1f41f271d4ba70a.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>waypoint</b>". This page was titled "<b>waypoint</b>" and featured the "<b>Waypoint</b>" Janus map.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - "Waypoint" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a large, glitchy mass of polygons floating in a black void. Players would spawn in on an incredibly narrow walkway. After walking for some time, players would reach a large platform made of corrupted-looking polygons. A strange building sat in the center of this platform. The walls of this building had a strange transparency property that allowed players to look in where they could see a strange triangular shape floating along the back wall.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a mass of corrupted looking polygons floating in a void.
A strange building could be found in this map with a triangle floating within it.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
The narrow walkway: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Waypoint1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The main island: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Waypoint3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The strange building: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/32/Waypoint2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:05 AM, dead_1266 began sending messages in JanusVR:
<div class="indented">
dead_1266: "<span class="canquote">answers</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in reverse.}}
dead_1266: "<span class="canquote">my violet</span>"
dead_1266: "<span class="canquote">violet</span>"
dead_1266: "<span class="canquote">Wet with the waters of the / the corpse became as it did, or atleast that was the idea proposed.</span>"
dead_1266: "<span class="canquote">good night</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in reverse.}}
At 4:44 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall/</nowiki></span>".
At 4:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/murals/</nowiki></span><b>entranceto</b>". This page was titled "<b>enter</b>" and contained the image "<b>unlocked.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0b/Unlocked.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>doorway.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/56/Doorway.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:47 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/murals/entrance</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/</nowiki></span><b>hidden</b>". This page was titled "<b>forgotten paths</b>" and contained the image "<b>uncovered.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a3/Uncovered.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>hidden_darkness.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Hidden_darkness.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">u n d e r b e l l y</span>" hidden in its source code. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a binary cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 4:48 AM)}}
At 4:49 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/hidden/</nowiki></span><b>underbelly</b>". This page was titled "<b>expanse</b>" and contained the image "<b>cavernous.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/10/Cavernous.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>reflections.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/81/Reflections.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also hid the text "<span class="canquote">activate the mechanism</span>" in its source code. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 4:49 AM)}}
At 4:49 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/hidden/underbelly/</nowiki></span><b>mechanism</b>". This page was titled "<b>cell unlocked</b>" and contained the image "<b>gear.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Gear.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>mechanism.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d2/Mechanism.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:51 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/jose/prison/</nowiki></span><b>theprizeinside</b>". This page was titled "<b>TOO LATE</b>" and contained the image "<b>vacant.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/15/Vacant.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>game_over.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/10/Game_overjose.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:51 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/jose/prison/theprizeinside</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/prison/theprizeinside/</nowiki></span><b>taken</b>". This page was titled "<b>GONE</b>" and contained an image of a 10 of Clubs titled "<b>IwillNeverRETURNHIM.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/IwillNeverRETURNHIM.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>taken.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6e/Taken.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a keyed Caesar cipher encoded as a Base32 cipher with the sentences "YOUWILLNOTRECOVERHIM", "ONEDOWNTWOTO", and "HEISMINENOWMYTROPHY" added and encoded once again as a binary cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and nfreak (5/5/20 - 11:31 AM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Taken Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">I dont have much time to talk. he is coming for me, the one who killed all the other detectives. he is angry i escaped i think. This website is a monster. I tried for months to map it and discover its secrets, but it did something to me and now i cant even tell whats real anymore. its connected to those parallelos the cult spoke about. i think its a window or a gateway into them, but i cant be sure. its not fucking normal i know that much. i can feel him getting lcoser im sorry i cant do more for you friends. i will try to activate my scripts soon they will help you dive deeper into the site and find t</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This is a message from Jose, who is attempting to hide from the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline.
Jose claimed that he attempted to map out Johnisdead.com, but it drove him insane.
Jose believes that Johnisdead.com is a gateway to the <b>Parallelos</b>.
Jose says that soon he will attempt to activate some sort of scripts to help the players dive deeper into the site.
At 5:55 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">*</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Base32 cipher encoded as a base32 cipher encoded as a base64 cipher twice then reversed and encoded as an OCT cipher followed by a binary cipher and then a reversed Ascii85 cipher and finally encoded as a reversed base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and nfreak (5/5/20 - 11:00 AM)}}
At 5:55 PM, Erika became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[5:55 PM] Erika_XP💚: "good morning =p"</span>
[5:55 PM] Xenquility: "'Ello there!"
<span class="vip">[5:55 PM] Erika_XP💚: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU-TZiVVaTE</nowiki>"
[5:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I was sleeping and got woke up to this playing in my playlist lol"</span>
[5:57 PM] Xenquility: "oh god what a rude awakening"
[5:57 PM] Xenquility: "did that guy purposefully make his name "Jimmy Eat World" just for the initials lmao"
<span class="vip">[5:58 PM] Erika_XP💚: "LOL I never even noticed that, you are good XD"
[6:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "why does the name jimmy come up so much in this music scene now that I think about it all of a sudden?"</span>
[6:04 PM] Xenquility: "honestly I have no cluie"
[6:04 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe it rhymes well with out words lol"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I am gonna actually make another one of my videos tonight, I got really REALLY inspired a couple days ago all of a sudden. I just thought I would tell you because I know you really liked my last one ^^"</span>
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "Awesome to hear!"
<span class="vip">[11:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Its probably gonna take me all day but I woke up this morning  (or after noon if I am going to be more accurate I guess since I realized I had been mucking that one up after a certain point) from a dream that gave me a good idea for what I should do at last"
[11:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I used to get a lot more inspired back when I could walk but I have not been able to walk lately"</span>
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "How come? (If you don't mind answering of course)"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika and the player Xenquility discuss the band "Jimmy Eats World".
Erika informs the player Xenquility that she is currently working on another Silentdork music video, and she hopes to have it done by the end of the day.
Erika claims that she hasn't been able to go on walks recently for some reason.
At 6:11 PM, Pumpkinhead sent the player Johnny a PM that read "<span class="canquote">My old cage There you'll find naught but the lingering spirits of the 123 cat dead</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Part of this text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 5:11 PM)}}
At 6:15 PM, the player Pako's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server was changed to "<b>rld</b>".
At 6:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that an entity named "<b>Prominence</b>" was active in the "Fakeworld" Janus map. Prominence used a large, glitchy model of a manta ray. Prominence sent the messages "<span class="canquote">123</span>", "<span class="canquote">/ascen</span>", and "<span class="canquote">luanr</span>" before disappearing.
At 6:31 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Lunarchildren.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/ascension/</nowiki></span><b>luke</b>". This page was titled "<b>Hello?</b>" and contained the image "<b>remember.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cd/Remember.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>never-coming-back.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/67/Never-coming-back.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was jittering around the page rapidly in random segments. Some of this text was also ciphered.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 6:35 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text "Go down" would linky players to the page "https://lunarchildren.com/L.html".}}
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Luke Page Text - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">The elder children
those two were
went missing but
Go down
Fine, I'm going.
It's not like it's a well kept secret or anything.
congratulations I suppose.
the basement
Harry was lost.
help me please
>i saw th  />he found  />thebasement  />i shouldnt have
its M</span>
At 6:56 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that dead_1266 was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Dead_1266 led players to the freezer in the kitchen before disappearing.
At 9:21 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>spire.jpg</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/70/Spiredawn.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Stackoverflow was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Stackoverflow led the players to a portal that linked to a new page on Withinhubris.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://withinhubris.com/</nowiki></span><b>EmeraldPrison/Dawn.html</b>". This page featured the "<b>Emerald Prison</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - "Emerald Prison" Janus Room - Withinhubris.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a giant version of the "Bottom of the Well" dungeon from Ocarina of Time. In this dungeon, players spawn in a narrow hallway. Upon climbing down a ladder, players are forced to crawl through a narrow hole, entering into a large hallway. This hallway loops around a small prison. In this prison is a large pit that leads down to a room full of acid with skeletal arms reaching up from it. Throughout this map, small square-shaped particles would fall from the sky.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was simply the "Bottom of the Well" dungeon from Ocarina of Time - a dark, dank location containing several prison cells.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
"<b>Blood_-_Pestis_Cruento.ogg</b>" -  A foreboding track from the game "Blood". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c7/Blood_-_Pestis_Cruento.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
A disturbing face built into the wall: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9f/Emerald1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
One of the pairs of hands sticking up from the acid: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8a/402ccd320d0035d80348a6a0b9183106.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:31 PM, players discovered that Dawn was active in the "Emerald Prison" Janus room. Dawn used a model of a man wearing armor. Dawn began speaking to the players on JanusVR. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and two separate versions of dead_1266 were also active on this map and joined in on the conversation.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence - Withinhubris.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "How did you get here?"</span>
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."</span>
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"</span>
nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The weird blue thing"</span>
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."</span>
Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."</span>
xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"</span>
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "are you one of us"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "He may not even be aware"</span>
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."</span>
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."</span>
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."</span>
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "TheLaw?"</span>
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"</span>
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."</span>
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."</span>
nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "are you a god?"</span>
Yoshi: "no."
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "then"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "die"</span>
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"</span>
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"</span>
Yoshi: "im an observer"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "of?"</span>
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"</span>
Yoshi: "these places"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "will she come back?"</span>
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no no no"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"</span>
nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "bubble?"</span>
nfreak: "sounds like it."
<span class="vip3">dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"</span>
Yoshi: "i can tell"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"</span>
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
<span class="vip3">dead: "walking?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no"
dead: "run?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"</span>
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
<span class="vip3">dead: "no"</span>
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
<span class="vip3">dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "please don't let it out"</span>
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "stay"</span>
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
<span class="vip3">dead: "she will stay"</span>
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"</span>
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
<span class="vip">Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"</span>
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
<span class="vip">Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"</span>
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
<span class="vip3">dead: "1"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "That's disgusting"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"</span>
xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
<span class="vip3">dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "HELPA"</span>
<span class="vip3">dead: "555"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"</span>
<span class="vip">Dawn: "yes"</span>
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"</span>
xenquility: "Yes"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."</span>
nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Who are you."</span>
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Yes."</span>
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."</span>
Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."</span>
Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Then who"</span>
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"</span>
Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
<span class="vip2">stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"</span>
xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
<span class="vip4">Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn informs the players that he's been imprisoned in the "Emerald Prison" Janus map by the two dead_1266 entities. He is unsure how long he's been trapped here.
Dawn claims that the "Emerald Prison" was created specifically to imprison his soul. He claims he's traied to escape several times, but his soul is repeatedly sent back.
Dawn ponders if the sun god Helios would be able to save him if he knew he was there, implying that this Dawn is indeed the sun cultist Dawn who took all of the sun notes.
The players question Dawn on what he can remember in an attempt discern his true identity. He claims that he doesn't remember being the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead, but he does remember TheLaw joining the Internet Detectives Discord server.
Dawn is unsure of what the dead_1266 entities want with him. He believes they either have some sort of plan for him, or they want to simply lock away the power of Helios - something Dawn would contain, as he is the current "Dawn" of the sun cult.
The players ponder if submitting the "Sun's Song" would free Dawn.
Stackoverflow is still angered that the players have invaded their home, claiming they have "<span class="canquote">taken</span>" it from them. He begins threatening the players.
The dead_1266 entities often speak nonsensical phrases throughout this conversation.
Prominence gives the players the hint "<span class="canquote">the missing 13hh ast</span>".
At 10:27 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new file on Astralobservatory.net - "<b>hh_(13).png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/Hh_13.png|target=_blank]]</span> This image contained the text "<span class="canquote">temp_folder</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 11:38 PM)}}
At 11:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/</nowiki></span><b>temp_folder</b>". This page was titled "<b>...</b>" and contained the image "<b>forgottenCorner.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cf/ForgottenCorner.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text hidden in its source: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/5/20 - 11:38 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/5/20 - Temp_Folder Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:33: (シ;゚Д゚)シ
Yuukichan 17:33: Aaaah!!! </span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:35: oh boy
Moonman31 17:35: whats goin on now</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:35: <nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrVpSMIWK50</nowiki></span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:36: whats this
Moonman31 17:36: >pewdiepie
Moonman31 17:36: wow</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:37: Moonie I don't like the gray man... ( ≧Д≦)</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:37: yeah me neither
Moonman31 17:38: guys a real asshole</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:38: ???</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That wasn't the gray man.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That's actually a randomly spawning NPC.</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:39: oh?</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:39: uh
Moonman31 17:39: I think I know what the gray man looks like
Moonman31 17:39: we're pretty good buddies irl</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:40: I'm talking about the video, asswipe.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:40: oh my bad
Moonman31 17:40: I wouldnt know
Moonman31 17:40: only losers watch pewds :sunglasses:</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:41: Whatever.</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:41: (╬⓪益⓪)
Yuukichan 17:41: your mama</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:41: oof
Moonman31 17:41: im going to have to go for a bit
Moonman31 17:42: on the account of being utterly annihilated by yuuki
Moonman31 17:42: sorry guys</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:42: :sunglasses:</span>
<span class="vip3">Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:42: If only…</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:44: What's all this?</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:44: wut</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:44: The Gray Man.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:45: uh
Moonman31 17:45: some video game character</span>
<span class="vip">Yuukichan 17:46: Are you watching too nocta? :surprised:</span>
<span class="vip4">Nocta 17:47: It's nothing.</span>
<span class="vip2">Moonman31 17:47: bruh</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Yuukichan and Kaiden are watching a video from the YouTube "Pewdiepie" in which he plays the game "<b>LSD: Dream Emulator</b>" - a popular video game featuring the enigmatic character "<b>The Gray Man</b>".
Nocta quickly becomes interested upon mentioning of "The Gray Man".
At 11:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">5</span>".
<h2>May 6th, 2020</h2>
At 2:34 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the "<b>Sun's Song</b>" in the "Johnisdead Thread" on the Within Hubris forums along with the message "<i>Bring forth the sun! Its channel has been denied death, and has been placed in an emerald prison. Allow the Mother's powers to work unto her inverse opposed.</i>".
At 2:43 AM, players discovered that a new entity named "<b>ansurdaLh</b>" briefly entered the "Emerald Prison" Janus room. "ansurdaLh" is an anagram of "<b>Luna shard</b>". This entity used the same avatar as the "FlaRuCnIATON" entity seen before. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1c/E3e2c05a5b546ce6df8940937f1f4408.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/77/Screenshot_74.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 7th, 2020</h2>
At 3:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/under</nowiki></span>" had changed. This page was now titled "<b>underground</b>" and contained the image "<b>under.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/18/Under.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/pillars</nowiki></span>" had changed. This page was now titled "<b>pillars</b>" and contained the image "<b>pillars.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Pillarsimg.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:37 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>mother.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
<h2>May 9th, 2020</h2>
At 8:56 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "<b>pastvisage.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a1/Screenshot_78.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 10th, 2020</h2>
At 1:58 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the file "<b>DMT.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLhfTq5Zev4&feature=youtu.be|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/10/20 - "DMT.mp4" - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a video previously posted by Alex Hall on Twitter talking about an upcoming "Digital Fireside" episode. This footage is heavily corrupted, with strange sounds and distortions heard in the background. Alex begins speaking:
<span class="vip">Alex: "It looks like the Digital Fireside has its first official paid gig and it turns out it's something similar to being flown out to Los Angeles to talk to a millionaire molecular bio-physicist concerning his theories behind DMT"</span>
Alex then begins speaking in reverse:
<span class="vip">Alex: "Using it to treat cancer and also combat mental illness. ((Sigh)) Not a bad way to start the summer."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains distorted footage of a video posted on Twitter by Alex Hall talking about an upcoming Digital Fireside episode with "<b>Chris Cantelmo</b>" and his theories on DMT.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>May 12th, 2020</h2>
At 2:15 PM, the player Jos discovered that the Astral Observatory forums now contained a new board titled "<b>Safehaven</b>" in the "<b>Forum</b>" section.
At 2:18 PM, players discovered that a new thread had been posted by IsocelesAssassin on May 9th, 2020 at 1:39 AM titled "<b>Regrouping</b>". Players began responding to this topic and chatting with IsocelesAssassin.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/12/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</span>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"</span>
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."</span>
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."</span>
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin states that the Astral Observatory forums will now be their main method of communicating with the players, as Pumpkinhead is interrupting any messages they attempt to send over Discord.
IsocelesAssassin says that he, GHOSTBABEL, and Moonman are all doing fine. However, the method by which their "<b>Hacker Friends</b>" have been communicating with them was destroyed when Pumpkinhead destroyed the Safehaven Discord server, meaning they are no longer in contact.
IsocelesAssassin refuses to reveal the identities of their "hacker friends" because he claims they are in a precarious situation.
IsocelesAssassin states that getting the players back into Johnisdead.com was the main goal of breaking into the Subspace.
IsocelesAssassin says that the players need to find Tyler through Johnisdead.com. Their best chance at doing so will be to somehow contact <b>José</b>, since he was experienced with the site.
IsocelesAssassin claims that he hasn't heard anything from the Patrem in the Astral timeline in quite some time. He is surprised to hear that the Patrem the players have been speaking to on Within Hubris has been somewhat cordial.
IsocelesAssassin is taken aback by the suggesting that <b>Yugi</b> is <b>José</b>, be he agrees with the assertion and says it makes sense.
IsocelesAssassin explains that he and Moonman infiltrated the Astral Observatory forums in 2018 by using different usernames and hiding their identities as Internet Detectives. Yugi, however, presented himself to Nocta as a former Internet Detective and eared his trust by offering to use his Ocarina powers to assist him - effectively infiltrating Nocta's inner circle.
IsocelesAssassin claims that the last time he heard from Yugi was when he was about to travel back in time to 2016 to retrieve the Lunar Children servers at the Fishery - likely referring to the IRC chat discovered by players on the Subspace. This implies that the "alternate timestream" Yugi entered was the players' timeline, as they would later come to know him as José - the "Archive Guy".
IsocelesAssassin fears that José's disappearance was due to Nocta or "<span class="canquote">his watcher</span>" realizing that he wasn't loyal to their cause - eventually leading to him becoming trapped in Johnisdead.com as well.
IsocelesAssassin isn't sure what Nocta's ultimate goal was other than it involved some sort of aggregation between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline.
IsocelesAssassin has no clue what is currently happening to Dawn. He comfirms that the Dawn in the Astral timeline is dead, however.
IsocelesAssassin claims that GHOSTBABEL has more information regarding Pumpkinhead's prior mask - a version of Wolfcat.
IsocelesAssassin has no information regarding Luke.
At 3:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Pumpkinhead responded to the thread "HERE YA GO" created by ARGdov on April 21st, 2020 at 9:57 PM with "<span class="canquote">WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?</span>".
At 4:12 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to Jadusable's video "<b>transmission.txt</b>" in the "#jadisawake" text channel.
At 4:15 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">3</span>".
At 4:20 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Pako a link to the video "ᛏᚱᛇᚫᛚ".
At 4:32 PM, IIIII's Discord avatar changed completely black and their username changed to "<b>one</b>". They sent the message "<span class="canquote">It is unimportant that this part of theis not comparatively accurate with the standard biblical canon.</span>" in the Internet Detectives Discord server. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/One.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in reverse.}}
At 11:06 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">7</span>".
<h2>May 13th, 2020</h2>
At 4:37 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Spooked</span>".
At 11:48 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/13/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"</i>
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."</span>
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."</span>
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin explains that Pumpkinhead isn't Wolfcat - it was just using a version of Wolfcat as a mask.
IsocelesAssassin says that Moonman confirmed that Pumpkinhead was the orange entity he saw when the players saved him from the Subspace.
IsocelesAssassin explains that GHOSTBABEL restoring the Astral Observatory to save Moonman was what allowed Pumpkinhead to enter, as per GHOSTBABEL's warning at the time.
IsocelesAssassin reiterates that Pumpkinhead used someone else's help to initate the "Pumpkinhead Gamejack" to throw the players off his trail - likely the aforementioned deal with the "dark one".
IsocelesAssassin explains that he is <b>The Gray Man</b> the players spoke to on the Within Hubris forums back in 2015. He begins explaining his past:
<div class="indented">
The hacker group began sending out transmissions in August of 2018, which were accidentally discovered by Nocta - likely the same transmissions found by the players on the Subspace.
IsocelesAssassin looked into these transmissions himself, eventually making contact with the hacker group. IsocelesAssassin and the hacker group formulated a plan together involving time travel.
IsocelesAssassin used the "Song of Time" to travel back to the year 2009 and install some sort of "<b>transmission device</b>" for the hacker group.
IsocelesAssassin tracked down Mason and retrieved Helper's Hat from him by giving him the "Eight of Clubs" card, as seen by the players on Letschasethemouse in 2015.
IsocelesAssassin regrets having given Mason the card, as he believes it may have "<b>cursed</b>" him and gotten him trapped in the sewage drain.
IsocelesAssassin confirms that Mason died. However, IsocelesAssassin was able to capture Mason's soul in a device created by the hacker group.
IsocelesAssassin attempted to bring Mason back to the present, but he was unable to. Instead, he decided to remain in the past with Mason. 
Mason slowly gained more power and was able to communicate with IsocelesAssassin - first in the form of nightmares, but he later gained the ability to speak in Morse code by flashing a light on the device he was trapped in.
In January of 2012, IsocelesAssassin and Mason were attacked by Regiminis. He notes that, while still powerful and frightening, Regiminis seemed to be <b>weakened</b>.
IsocelesAssassin says that, regretfully, he chose to escape the past alone and return to the present, leaving Mason behind.
IsocelesAssassin confirms that he was the one that wrote the note as "The Gray Man" seen in the video "IMG_4622", though he currently can't go into detail about it.
IsocelesAssassin says he's been puzzled by the similarities and differences between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline. He is unsure why "The Gray Man" also appeared in the players' timeline despite that fact that he only ever went back in time and never hopped between any timelines.
IsocelesAssassin believes that there are no discrepencies between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline up until 2011.
IsocelesAssassin confirms that there was indeed a cataclysm of sorts that destroyed the Spire and most of the Lunar Children in 2016.
IsocelesAssassin discusses some differences between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline.
<div class="indented">
SKM in the Astral timeline was a bloodthirsty, malicious entity hunting for Max instead of a friendly hacker.
The Internet Detectives never spoke to Drowned in the Astral timeline. Instead, they spoke to Max, who seems to have helped them out in the same ways Drowned did for the players.
The Internet Detectives never spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums in the Astral timeline. By extension, there was never any mention of the <b>suitcase</b> or the <b>camera</b> given to Tyler.
The video "Regiminis" was never uploaded in the Astral timeline.
IsocelesAssassin says that currently they simply have to wait for a response from the hacker group.
<h2>May 14th, 2020</h2>
At 10:57 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/14/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."</i>
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin confirms that Tenebris still lost control of Ben in their timeline. However, he claims that by 2015, Tenebris had already regained Ben.
IsocelesAssassin claims that the video "5646" never existed in the Astral timeline.
IsocelesAssassin speculates that Pumpkinhead used a version of Wolfcat as a mask so he could replicate his personality and traits, implying that after Pumpkinhead entered through the Subspace in 2019, many, if not all instances of Wolfcat speaking were actually Pumpkinhead simply pretending to be him.
IsocelesAssassin doubts that Yugi will be used as Pumpkinhead's mask, as the one currently in possession of him is the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline - someone IsocelesAssassin describes as "<span class="canquote">A possessive, malignant bastard</span>".
<h2>May 15th, 2020</h2>
At 12:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>vincent.jpg</b>" in the "#announcements" text channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Vincent.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:26 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>CROAKING.png</b>" in the "#announcements" text channel - an image that at first appeared to be "vincent.jpg", but would change to a distorted image when viewed in full. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1c/CROAKING.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 16th, 2020</h2>
At 10:07 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">my life is a meta joke</span>" sent by IIIII on May 11th, 2017.
<h2>May 17th, 2020</h2>
At 8:20 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of a forest titled "<b>dev.jpg</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
<h2>May 19th, 2020</h2>
At 11:19 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/19/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."</i>
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 19th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin says the "Quiet Family" YouTube channel belonging to Max makes sense, since Max would often refer to his own family situation as "<b>Quiet Family</b>".
IsocelesAssassin confirms that the Wolfcat in the Astral timeline was killed.
IsocelesAssassin doubts that the players' version of Wolfcat is the one that was used as a mask by Pumpkinhead because he was alive, and IsocelesAssassin doubts that Pumpkinhead has the ability to "kill" anyone - something he would have to do in order to take them as a mask.
IsocelesAssassin refuses to reveal who killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline because they work in "<span class="canquote">strange, memetic ways</span>", and he doesn't want to invoke them. He fears that giving Mason the "Eight of Clubs" card invoked him in the past and led to Mason's death, implying there is some sort of connection between the cards and this entity.
At 9:35 PM, various GM's partook in an OoC voice chat with the players.
<h2>May 21st, 2020</h2>
At 12:10 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/21/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 19th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."</i>
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 21st, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "<i>"When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin clarifies that when he describes the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline as having worked in "<span class="canquote">memetic ways</span>", he is referring to memes as in the flow of information and not funny pictures. However, he admits that the latter definition of memes wouldn't be too far from the truth, implying this entity is somehow memetically humorous in some sense.
IsocelesAssassin fears that this entity is dangerous not only in the physical sense, but also as a concept, so he refuses to speak about them any further.
<h2>May 23nd, 2020</h2>
At 1:12 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
<div class="indented">
1:12 AM - "<b>ESCAPED.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3a/ESCAPED.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
1:35 AM - "<b>R_E_S_T.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/R_E_S_T.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
1:40 AM - "<b>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e5/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png|target=_blank]]</span>
1:47 AM - "<b>R_e_s_t_i_n_g.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/R_e_s_t_i_n_g.png|target=_blank]]</span>
1:47 AM - "<b>S_l_e_e_p_i_n_g.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c3/S_l_e_e_p_i_n_g.png|target=_blank]]</span>
1:48 AM - "<b>D_r_e_a_m_i_n_g.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b1/D_r_e_a_m_i_n_g.png|target=_blank]]</span>
1:48 AM - "<b>F_r_e_e.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/41/F_r_e_e.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 24th, 2020</h2>
At 1:16 AM, players began discussing the possible meaning of the "Orchard" mentioned by Patrem. Shortly after this, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "<b>The Orchard.wmv</b>" by Ryukaki. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfDdHpfmDtk|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This link was originally reversed.}}
At 11:31 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player nfreak a PM quoting the player Xenquility: "<span class="canquote">XenquilityToday at 7:09 AM Other than tyler coming in at the end and saying that it wasn't canon has anyone else realised how freakishly similar the pumpkinhead situation was to ryukaki?</span>".
At 11:35 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik the same message as above in PM's.
At 11:41 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>Tumblr_nqr50yRCow1uv6z7xo1_540.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1b/Tumblr_nqr50yRCow1uv6z7xo1_540.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">At 4:56am, Thorin noticed an updated to the main page of johnisdead.com: the title of the page has changed to: "mymasks"</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/ca/20200524_104658.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">You haven't been told The Truth yet IT is not mine to tell</span>" sent by the player Wolfcat on August 16th, 2018.
At 10:15 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">ea7z88CmIOw</span>" - part of a YouTube video URL for the video "<b>C418: Cat Mic covered</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea7z88CmIOw|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:16 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and began speaking to the player Xenquility in PM's.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/14/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (PM's)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">IIIII 10:16 PM: "Our last conversation, tell me, were you recording it?"</span>
Xenquility 10:16 PM: "The OOC one?"
Xenquility 10:16 PM: "If you're referring to the VC then yes"
<span class="vip">IIIII 10:20 PM: "I wonder why we decided to do that at the end? What did he think he was going to gain from that?"
IIIII 10:20 PM: "Funny, I'm not going to be held back as long as he would like."</span>
Xenquility 10:21 PM: "Huh"
Xenquility 10:21 PM: "Getting the feeling I should rid my drive of it"
<span class="vip">IIIII 10:23 PM: "Lawrence watched Caroline's preparations through Prime Intellect's all-seeing eye, and tried to gauge her chances of success. In the nearly two hundred years he had been using this Task to screen his visitors, four or five people a day had accepted it. Most of these were weeded out within hours by the sun. Very few people in Cyberspace were in good enough physical shape to swim to the ship. Most didn't even try until it was too late. Of those who reached the ship many succumbed to the hazards of the darkness. Only a couple of hundred visitors had gotten the ship's power on. Less than forty had managed to fix the computer. And only eight had successfully flown it to Lawrence. It would be surprising if she succeeded, but it was far from impossible. For six hundred years Lawrence had tended Prime Intellect's frozen controls, watching carefully for danger signs. And he still was not sure of its long-term stability. Now Caroline was coming to meet him, and whatever she wanted he was sure it would not help Prime Intellect's sanity one little bit. But worried as he was, he was a man of his word. He could simply instruct Prime Intellect to swat her down like a bug, hit her with lightning or a tidal wave or simply make her disappear. But having offered up the Task he found himself unable to make himself cheat in such a cowardly fashion. If she made it to him, by whatever means, he would hear her out and deal with it. And then he would make the planet bigger, so it wouldn't happen again."
IIIII 10:26 PM: "GET IT YET?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IIIII asks the player Xenquility if he was recording the OoC night voice chat on May 19th. IIIII then ponders "<span class="canquote">why we decided to do that at the end? What did he think he was going to gain from that?</span>".
IIIII claims he will not be "<span class="canquote">held back as long as he would like</span>".
IIIII quotes an excerpt from the sci-fi story "<b>The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect</b>" and asks "<span class="canquote">GET IT YET?</span>".
At 10:25 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sends the same "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect" excerpt in the "#announcements" text channel.
At 10:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Play it for us</span>".
At 10:47 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">I hope you recorded everything</span>". The letter "I" in this message was bolded.
At 10:51 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM quoting the player Xenquility asking "<span class="canquote">If you're referring to the VC then yes</span".
At 10:57 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">get it yet?</span>".
At 11:40 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "<span class="canquote">Less than forty had managed to fix the co</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunatley, this message was only partially archived.}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8f/20200524_224000.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:45 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik a PM reading "<span class="canquote">Is that all we had to say int he end? I dbout it. I willbe waiting in the machine.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/66/20200524_224503.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 25th, 2020</h2>
At 12:54 AM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[12:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I happen to like ben drowned actually =p"</span>
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "oh shit it's erika"
[12:54 AM] yoshi: "its me, im the worst"
[12:54 AM] Problematik: "Well hello"
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "halloo"
[12:54 AM] yoshi: "and with that im going to bed before i make myself sadder"
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "thup"
<span class="vip">[12:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "hai ^^"</span>
[12:55 AM] Problematik: "I dont even know you erika but i thing u are cool"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: yosh I genuinely hope that one day you will be able to see what we see in you in yourself"
[12:55 AM] nfreak141: "erika is cool though"
<span class="vip">[12:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "aw thankies"</span>
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: you are loved in this community by everyone here"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: and also"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: hello there erika"
[12:56 AM] Problematik: "I dont know her so i couldnt say that i love her"
[12:56 AM] Problematik: "But i respect her"
[12:56 AM] nfreak141: "she legit friended me because she saw my strike and wanted to be friends with me because she thought i would be banned and said my posting as bin made her day. which, in turn, when i was working on several things at once, made MY day."
[12:56 AM] Xenquility: lmao when did you get striked"
[12:57 AM] yoshi: "thank you xen"
[12:57 AM] Problematik: "Omg wholesome sunday"
<span class="vip">[12:57 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I try to be nice to people when I can, I just want to be friends with cool people =p"</span>
[12:57 AM] Xenquility: you're welcome yosh"
[12:57 AM] Xenquility: you're objective coolness is one of the few topics I know the truth of"
[12:58 AM] Xenquility: also Erika is in fact a great person she helped me in many ways and in fact I can basically thank her for single handidly getting me into esoteric stuff"
[12:58 AM] nfreak141: "when i was catching up on jid and saw how she was a character and tyler was a dick to her on ooc night i was like "you fucking... be nice to her she's a precious cinnamon bun""
[12:58 AM] Xenquility: yes erika is canon"
<span class="vip">[12:58 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also I am sorry I never finished up that thingy I said I was doing. I was cursed on the day I mentioned that in a really elaborate way lol"</span>
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: do not worry"
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "i know she is. the wiki covered that"
<span class="vip">[12:59 AM] Erika_XP💚: "wait no I am a human being not a mid evil ranged weapon you poop =p"</span>
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: yes"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: she is canon"
[12:59 AM] Problematik: "Now i have spoken to 5 canon people"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: definitely canon"
[12:59 AM] Problematik: "Cool"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: 100% canon"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: very canon"
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "..."
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "i feel you are now fucking with me and i don' tlike it and i don't apprecieate it and i rescind my friend request"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: hey i saw that"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: also i feel like im being pretty blatant here she is apparently not canon"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: though in how many similarities there were I refuse to believe there was no behind the scenes action going on"
[1:00 AM] nfreak141: "anyway, wanna hear how i got striked?"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: yes"
<span class="vip">[1:00 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I just shit post too hard in places I should not XD"</span>
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: hey it was greatposting not shitposting"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: oh btw"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: quick question"
[1:01 AM] Xenquility: when you were talking about the "many I's" at that time"
[1:01 AM] Xenquility: was there any chance it  was coming from the "Fourth way" thing"
[1:01 AM] nfreak141: "so one of my friends in awakening made a parody ben drowned vid. and pinged everyone in awakening general. people were freaking hte fuck out and there was like an avalanche of "who pinged me""
<span class="vip">[1:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "even if I am being honest to myself, also I dont feel like getting into my religious views right now lol"</span>
[1:02 AM] Xenquility: no worries, we just found out about the fourth way thing today so i thought I oughta try asking lol"
[1:03 AM] nfreak141: "i noticed that someone quoted him and THAT pinged everyone. i saw this and i waited until things started calming down. i saw he posted it in the wrong channel. he posted it in #awakening-general. so when things started calming down, I went into ACTUAL general adn was all "cody you idiot. THIS is where you post it." quoted him, and that, once again, pinged EVERYONE."
[1:04 AM] nfreak141: "well, THAT started a whole mass of people pinging everyone. many butts were hurt. it was glorious."
<span class="vip">[1:04 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I would probably have the thingy I was working on done by now if I hadn't gotten caught up playing video games. I wanna WAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLK ='["</span>
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: it is very easy to get caught up in video games but do not feel guilty for it"
[1:05 AM] nfreak141: "and so i got a strike for basically starting an avalanche of people being pinged. because awakening is full of 12 year olds that legit get mad for being pinged."
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: also rip nfreak"
[1:05 AM] nfreak141: "and that's how i got my strie"
[1:05 AM] Problematik: "And hows is bin addiction to pin everyone?"
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: yknow if you want to think about it this way you could always justify it by saying that video games will lead to more inspiration :thinking:"
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: also brb getting a coffee"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "and after that erika decided to friend me and be a total sweetheart"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "and i can't be mean to her."
[1:06 AM] Dense: ""because awakening is full of 12 year olds that legit get mad for being pinged." lol"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "eventually i'll get over it and shitpost on her like i do with everyone else but she's an exception"
[1:06 AM] Problematik: "Wholesome moment"
<span class="vip">[1:07 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Such a complicated game reminds me of Tylers writing style, hard to work through from start to finish but very worth it for me personally speaking =p"</span>
[1:08 AM] nfreak141: "what game are you playing?"
[1:08 AM] Dense: ":0"
<span class="vip">[1:08 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I forget what the term is for this, its like a japanese term. Its definition reminds me of my feelings on the whole arg lol"</span>
[1:09 AM] Dense: "otome.......????????"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: That is one of the things I have very much come to appreciate from this arg in that you can find connections to many different things"
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "YES"
<span class="vip">[1:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""A beautiful story, but likely a trap." or something like that Xp"</span>
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "kaizo trap?"
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "anyway"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: as hard as it is to come up with a theory that fits comin up with something that seems like it might be right is just"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: mm"
<span class="vip">[1:10 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OH yeah thats it XD"</span>
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: okay so erika is literally canon"
[1:10 AM] Dense: ":thinking:"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "YOU JUST SAID SHE WASN'T XEN"
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: tyler literally used that same expression a few nights ago"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "GODDAMMIT"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "he did"
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: no what I said was "she apparently isn't but I think she is because there's so much that makes it seem like she is""
[1:11 AM] nfreak141: "and i during a brief qna i asked him "yo we missing anything because you using kaizo trap makes me think we are" and he basically did a flip-flop of god on me lmfao"
[1:12 AM] Problematik: "Im playing horror games latelly"
[1:12 AM] Xenquility: also saw that liam"
[1:12 AM] nfreak141: "i've been playing wonderful 101 remastered"
[1:12 AM] otherLiam: "pervert"
[1:12 AM] Dense: "Im playin Super Castlevania"
[1:13 AM] Problematik: "Im with stalker saga and then i move to alien isolation"
<span class="vip">[1:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im going to be a real "character" if I even so much as try to do anymore fun video stuff, arent I?"</span>
[1:15 AM] Xenquility: no"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "i mean..."
[1:16 AM] Problematik: "Oh hello bin"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "maybe?"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "hi! ith me bin!"
[1:17 AM] Xenquility: Such as who?"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "Welp"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "rip"
<span class="vip">[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Anyways I have an amv Im working on sorry for shit posting but I am still not a character clearly XD"</span>
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "Oh yeah"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "clearly"
<span class="vip">[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But really couldnt anyone act like this love?"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I thought this was a role play server XD"</span>
[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "Sure."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "imean..."
[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "But we aren’t."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "maybe?"
[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "You are."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "everyone'th a non rper until bin cometh on"
<span class="vip">[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I love you guys, you are really funny~"
[1:21 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"</span>
[1:22 AM] Problematik: "I am mexican"
[1:23 AM] Problematik: "And im the inmigrant friend that says ay carumba when sonething goes wrong"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika continues to claim that she is not canon, claiming that anyone could be acting "canon" like she often does and likening the Internet Detectives to a roleplaying server.
Erika claims that she would have completed her next video had she not gotten distracted playing a game. She describes this game with the term "<b>kaizo trap</b>" - a term relating to often cheap or unexpected tricks in games that usually crop up unexpected near the end.
Erika mentions that she is working on another music video.
At 1:22 AM, Erika became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[1:22 AM] Xenquility: "If I may ask, is there any chance I could hear you elaborate on that?"
<span class="vip">[1:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was playing lol"</span>
[1:23 AM] Xenquility: "oh gg"
<span class="vip">[1:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And now you are playing your role as well"
[1:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Tyler is really good at getting us caught in these webs, sometimes I wonder just how much of it is even Tyler XD"</span>
[1:24 AM] Xenquility: "You are not wrong there"
[1:24 AM] Xenquility: "I do not even know if the "Fourth way" has any relevance to jid but we are looking into this because it appeared in Ryukaki's screenshot"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "and I am going to go against the grain here if you are not canon and were just RPing I kind of wish we could do that more often"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "I wish we could be more "serious" more often"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "just for the fun and immersion, not to seem edgy or anything lol"
<span class="vip">[1:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Suspension of disbelief and roleplay are one of the final frontiers of magic imho =p"</span>
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "suspension of disbelief for sure"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "that is what I struggle with the most to be honest"
<span class="vip">[1:26 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But its always dressed up in a lot of other words for the sake of said suspension XD"</span>
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "though I would also say it is what keeps me grounded"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "lol"
<span class="vip">[1:27 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if too much of that is what ruined the whole community in the start"</span>
[1:27 AM] Xenquility: "roleplaying, you mean?"
<span class="vip">[1:27 AM] Erika_XP💚: "but very deeply so"
[1:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Within hubris was always meant to be a roleplaying forum, I think it had a roleplay section from the start unless I am mixing that up with something else. Im just Watching things a lot and think too hard"</span>
[1:32 AM] Xenquility: "lol you did indeed"
[1:36 AM] Xenquility: "This would not surprise me but I personally believe it is moreso the type of people that the idea of roleplaying attracts, not the roleplaying itself"
I mean a lot of people attracted by rping are probably doing it to either be entirely serious or to make fun of people being entirely serious which in itself is a breeding ground for conflict"
And to be fair though this is in some way a large generalization people interested in rping from what I have seen do it to try and present an idealized version of themselves which leads to people presenting a disingenuous version of themselves which some others will latch onto, some will criticize for being disingenuous, and some will be jealous leading to more hatred"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "So you end up with two sides that hate each other and one of the sides ends up hating themselves because they can't agree on how to RP, don't like how each other present themselves, or don't like how many groups can end up being a bit of a cult of personality"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "and BEN drowned especially over the years is definitely one of the worst offenders of this as it attracted grown adults and young children which is always a breeding ground for disaster"
[1:40 AM] Xenquility: "Another thing I've noticed in RP groups is that they are so incredibly obsessed with avoiding drama that criticizing anyone else is so frowned upon that people end up bottling their feelings until the group ends up becoming volatile"
[1:41 AM] Xenquility: "Though I cannot speak as to how it is now I would consider this one of the main issues Awakening originally faced as in one moment I would see people talking about how they love literally everyone but as soon as a vote/decision has to be made it turns into a god damn battlefield"
[1:46 AM] Xenquility: "ALSO on the topic of awakening there is from what I've observed many times in my life (Just recently a tf2 server I admined on for a few months) but making that many mods is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you get conflicting information/opinions but when people see the opportunity to become one of them they will absolutely change themselves in pursuit of that position (especially when mods are treated with higher respect than normal players)"
[1:47 AM] Xenquility: "I will not say that ID is devoid of these issues but it sure is hell is better in that aspect. Both in the sense of being able to have disagreements (while still having people not immediately leave in anger) and not creating a cult around becoming staff"
[1:47 AM] Xenquility: "From what I have heard this was not the case in the past which I can gather was filled with much more drama but in my time of being here I have noticed these issues to be rather miniscule compared to other communities like it"
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: "anyways"
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: "rant over lol"
<span class="vip">[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you think awakening would like it if I made a video for Mr.Hall also? Because I have one half done already lol XD"
[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I might as well go all out since my next videos are gonna be really really"
[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "goofy XD"</span>
[1:50 AM] Xenquility: "Honestly I do not think I can speak for awakening (mainly because I don't know how many edgy teens/adults are in there that will hate on anything) but I would go for it anyways because the people that appreciate it matter much more than the people yelling at it because they don't like it"
[1:51 AM] Xenquility: "I do think jad will like it though"
[1:51 AM] Xenquility: "at least he fucking BETTER"
[1:52 AM] Xenquility: "but in general I do not think he's ever really been known to hate on fan content (other than maybe johnisdead for "gamejacking" which he has since revoked his critiques of anyways) and if anything I would imagine he has grown since he made ben drowned"
[1:52 AM] Xenquility: "also im scared about what ill find on 5/5 brb"
<span class="vip">[1:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Atleast Im gonna get to walk again soon =p"
[1:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "There was such a nice and wholesome moment happening in ID and I came along and ruined it XD"</span>
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "*improved it"
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "also happy to hear you're going to be able to walk again soon :D"
<span class="vip">[2:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think maybe after tomorrow Ill step out again before I get too gosh darn pale. I dont wanna be a vampire <w>"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Oh btw you know that machine I keep seeing mentioned everywhere?"</span>
[2:02 AM] Xenquility: "Indeed"
<span class="vip">[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if it shocks you or something XD"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "stupid random thought"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe its not literally a real machine"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe it is and it shocks you like how kelbris got shocked to ascend"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe its a game machine?"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have so many things I see when I look at all the ideas flying around in this little world ^^"
[2:05 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I imagine the easiest kind of machine to get stuck in would be one with a good game in it. At least thats something I have gotten re aquainted with over the last while XD"
[2:06 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I noticed people who stay at Abels hotel get a free machine delivered to them if they are willing to wait for it"
[2:07 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Very state of the art Ill add lol"
[2:08 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Its funny how easily we can talk of role playing and then when It suits my mood I can melt right into this kind of thing XD"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "My favorite kind is the sort you get lost in"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Am I talking too much?"</span>
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "Honestly the idea of the machine is something that has stumped me quite a bit though I am hoping to get some more insight into it soon as up until recently I have been quite lazy when it comes to theorizing lately lol"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "I am luckily getting back into the swing of things and I am once again motivated to read into shit"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "it would be quite poetic if in the end our characters got stuck in a game machine much like BEN was in the beginning and that is honestly a good idea to think about"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "no not at all"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "You are honestly one of the most interesting people to talk to"
[2:10 AM] Xenquility: "You just have a way of being consistently interesting with your ideas and thought processes"
[2:10 AM] Xenquility: "That is not the right wording for what I'm trying to say but tl;dr I like talking/listening to you a lot"
[2:12 AM] Xenquility: "also actually"
<span class="vip">[2:12 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Men and their machines, they love to build them so complicated. I honestly prefer simple things like animal crossing, and its fascinating because there is a very occult aspect to my passive desires versus the dynamic fields to be seen in more competitive and elaborate games and machines."</span>
[2:13 AM] Xenquility: "in "Dreaming" when it cut to Tyler in the hospital bed at 1:09 Alex says "If you keep playing games, they will pull the plug on you""
[2:13 AM] Xenquility: "and though I am not sure if this is related he then follows with "And since you are now caught IN THE MACHINE" followed by zooming into the TV in his room which seems to give him a glimpse of some other world"
<span class="vip">[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""Man will be betrayed by his minions", who said this?"</span>
[2:15 AM] Xenquility: "that was the uh"
[2:15 AM] Xenquility: "The lunar prophecy I think"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "So essentially kelbris"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "or diana"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "or luna"
<span class="vip">[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have seen it thought that "minions" are mans machines and toys"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "computers"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "games"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you remember me talking about one of the scariest gods?"
[2:17 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont like saying his name or writing it all that much ^^;"</span>
[2:17 AM] Xenquility: "Would this happen to be the guy that starts with an s and has a planet named after him"
<span class="vip">[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He is the old man god"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Father time"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And he is also death"
[2:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and he is very unkind to those who spend what he provides in any way he deems unwise ultimately by your fortune"
[2:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I love Luna ^^"
[2:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "People do not understand her really and this story paints her in a certain light I feel funny about a lot of the time XD"
[2:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "It is those who do not chose to understand what she can do that find themselves having any problems in other parts of their life =p"</span>
[2:21 AM] Xenquility: "okay sorry but still trying to figure out which father god you're talking about here lol are you referencing mr plutonium"
<span class="vip">[2:21 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But I always pay Her my respects because she is my patron goddess"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol no I am refrencing the one who apparently ruled over the golden age or something like that"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Mr S"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He becomes a lot of stuff"</span>
[2:22 AM] Xenquility: "oh I was right the first time woops"
<span class="vip">[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and it gets harder and harder to keep up with him after a certain point"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "he loves to dance and run around the world"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He gives a certain energy off that made me think it would be nice to follow him around closely"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "dont do that ever XD"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "at all XD"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I guess you might say, He moves"
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "sorry I get silly when talking about serious gods, especially scary ones like that"</span>
[2:25 AM] Xenquility: "no worries lol"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "mr s gonna go and bust a move"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "mr s "
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "mr d "
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "jk lmao"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "I really oughta get serious about one certain mythos as I have been jumping around my readings like a fly to try and keep up with Tyler's mind"
[2:27 AM] Xenquility: "of course it's good to know about many different things but I just end up having a surface level understanding"
[2:27 AM] Xenquility: "runes are the closest ive come to a deeper understanding"
<span class="vip">[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Did you see that Alexsader guy who showed up?"</span>
[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "indeed"
<span class="vip">[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He was very special and I could tell"
[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "he was holding the spooky number"</span>
[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "goes to show how much I really know about runes as a language though lol"
[2:29 AM] Xenquility: "oh god he did"
<span class="vip">[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and was named after mr hall but with really proper elder futhark XD"
[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think he did something very important"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "in that he showed whatever itteration of Tyler has a fascination with the runes is applying them not in the most traditional of ways. But seems to be running on a system of young and old esoterics for better and worse"
[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "along with what seems to be his own modern likely butchered dialect system, but much like the beauty of the english language when applied in "improper" form, it still manages to convey despite anything else"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "That is also magic in my eyes XD"</span>
[2:33 AM] Xenquility: "tyler himself does have a rather modern rune altar set up from what I have gathered and he has yet to be smitten by the gods lmao"
[2:34 AM] Xenquility: "I joke but trying to really follow an old system down to a T is pretty close to impossible in this day and age as the passing of information is much like recording radio music on a bad cassette in that much of what has been passed down very well could have gone from a bad source to a bad archiver"
[2:35 AM] Xenquility: "and I would expect many modern interpretations shave down the old ways due to how much more time consuming they would be and how out of your way you would have to go which does not exactly sell well with general audiences"
[2:37 AM] Xenquility: "it does surprise me though that the aleksader guy pretty much disappeared after eve yelled at him"
[2:37 AM] Xenquility: "I was honestly expecting him to stay for a while"
<span class="vip">[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I really wish she wouldn't have done that"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "really"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "she shouldnt have"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"</span>
[2:38 AM] Xenquility: "lmao that took me too long to get"
<span class="vip">[2:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "forgive me I am getting a bit tired, my schedual is all messed up, Im too gosh darn human xb"</span>
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "no worries"
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "sleep is a very important thing for our kind"
<span class="vip">[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OOO really random"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "ever heard of the frozen cactus?"</span>
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "I could tell you the tale of someone else who has trouble sleeping if you'd like"
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "oh vaguely yea"
<span class="vip">[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think he built a machine of some kind too lol"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""The end of the line""</span>
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "the guy who everyone shat on for sneaking into jad's comment sections"
<span class="vip">[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "but thats a really really glitchy rabbit hole"</span>
[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "please elaborate"
[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "please"
<span class="vip">[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "might need to blow on the cart a few times on your way in with him XD"
[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Some of these rabbit holes are practically being weaponized I think"</span>
[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "i have been info blue balled so hard lately I need to know what you are referring to by "The end of the line" lmao"
<span class="vip">[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "to distract, even if they technically reward you with some kind of knowledge"
[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "ok do you want me to blow your mind with a secret I have discovered"</span>
[2:42 AM] Xenquility: "yes please"
<span class="vip">[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MixGm86wEJA</nowiki>"
[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "<nowiki>https://youtu.be/O7VKcM5Q1kk?t=5</nowiki>"
[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This probably means a lot"
[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and also nothing XD"</span>
[2:44 AM] Xenquility: "okay tbh that video was uploaded well after Trial and I am pretty sure I have seen this guy in silentdork comment sections so it would not surprise me if he was taking a bit of "creative liberty" with the use of the End of the Line in his videos"
<span class="vip">[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "idk I have not really look all that deep into his channel"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "seemed pretty meaningful to me"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "this man is almost as crazy as I think Tyler is lol"</span>
[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "I like to imagine there is a method to Tyler's madness"
<span class="vip">[2:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I suppose talking to clever bot for some is like talking to a ouji board for others"</span>
[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "hearing him talk in vc is oddly grounding after going so far deep into reading shit for johnisdead"
[2:48 AM] Xenquility: "just a reminder that the guy is still like"
[2:48 AM] Xenquility: "not trapped in a green world lol"
<span class="vip">[2:48 AM] Erika_XP💚: "gosh I think I am gonna sleep and then maybe finish up some videos tomorrow"</span>
[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "thank you for the chat erika"
[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "it's always a pleasure lol"
<span class="vip">[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "whatever you do, dont summon the frozen cactus in your bathroom in the dark in front of your mirror lol"
[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXi7C4XFprI</nowiki>"</span>
[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "deep"
<span class="vip">[2:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "isnt he in the server? I would talk to him but I am scared I would get pulled far to deep into the sphere that surrounds him lol"</span>
[2:51 AM] Xenquility: "he is indeed"
<span class="vip">[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have a theory he is being used for something, maybe just to distract from more important rabbit holes, but who knows I think almost anything could secretly be important these days"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "anyways good morning/night"</span>
[2:52 AM] Xenquility: "you too erika!"
[2:52 AM] Xenquility: "don't let the cacti bite"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika states that she was simply joking about the Internet Detectives Discord server being a "roleplay server". However, she then goes on to state that the player Xenquility is also playing into his own role and claims that she believes roleplay and suspension of disbelief are the "<span class="canquote">final frontiers of magic</span>".
Erika ponders if the "machine" that's been mentioned in various places recently is a game machine of sorts. She also speaks of machines and contraptions built by men and how easily they can become trapped within them.
Erika expresses her distaste for the god <b>Saturn</b>, who also goes by "<b>Father Time</b>" and sometimes even "<b>Death</b>". However, Erika also claims that she is fond of the goddess Luna, who she believes is often misunderstood and is portrayed in a bad light in Johnisdead.
Erika references a player who briefly appeared in the Internet Detectives Discord server named Aleksader who spoke a bit about runes. She mentions that this player's username, Aleksader, is an old, proper way of spelling "Alexander", or Alex. She also mentions that Aleksader pointed out something important about the runes seen in recent Silentdork videos - they are "<span class="canquote">running on a system of young and old esoterics</span>", as they've been used in non-traditional ways.
Erika references "<b>The Frozen Cactus</b>" - a user who has created their own video series. She claims that they have created a machine of their own - likely referring to the "rabbit hole" that is his own machinations and lore. Erika claims she wishes to speak with "The FrozenCactus", but also fears she'd get pulled too deep into the "<span class="canquote">sphere that surrounds him</span>".
At 2:48 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/25/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[2:36 PM] nfreak141: "humanity ith flawed from itth conthepthion. that'th why i gave mine up."
[2:36 PM] nfreak141: "now i can be everywhere. and anywhere."
[2:37 PM] nfreak141: "like thith island."
[2:37 PM] nfreak141: "pretty plathe. thome dethign choitheth are a bit.. eeeeh"
<span class="vip">[2:48 PM] Pumpkinhead: "This human confides in the Dream."
[2:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "An empty belief."
[2:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You hold this power, corrupted and perverted."</span>
[2:50 PM] yoshi: "hi wolf wats up"
[2:50 PM] yoshi: "ty for making xen orange"
[2:50 PM] aliveLiam: what is this livejournal poetry shit"
[2:51 PM] aliveLiam: hey wolf what song should i play for you"
[2:52 PM] aliveLiam: the fuck"
<span class="vip">[2:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You are not worthy of your own."</span>
[2:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "livejournal poetry"
[2:54 PM] Fancypigg: "what does that even mean"
[2:54 PM] Fancypigg: "what art do you make liam"
[2:54 PM] nfreak141: "he'th jutht trying to be mythteriouth"
[2:55 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCK off with this wall of bullchit honestly"
[2:56 PM] yoshi: "is wolf gettin pissy"
[2:56 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[2:56 PM] nfreak141: "of my own what? humanity?"
[2:57 PM] yoshi: ":dream:"
[2:57 PM] Fancypigg: "D:"
[2:57 PM] Fancypigg: "the forbidden emote"
<span class="vip">[2:57 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Your humanity. Your potential."</span>
[2:57 PM] yoshi: ":)"
<span class="vip">[2:57 PM] Pumpkinhead: "This crude dream your mask yourself with will be abandoned and forgotten."
[2:58 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Discarded like myself."</span>
[2:58 PM] yoshi: "damn bruh"
[2:58 PM] yoshi: "wolfcats going for the kill"
[2:58 PM] Fancypigg: "doin it for the thrill"
[2:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn wolfcat"
[2:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Epic"
[2:59 PM] yoshi: "also aw who discarded wolf"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "not me"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "wolf is a FRIEND"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "WHO HURT YOU"
[2:59 PM] nfreak141: "ha. you think i'm gonna be dithcarded? he hath tried to get rid of me. multiple timeth. and yet here i am. for i am eternal."
<span class="vip">[2:59 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Words betray you."
[3:00 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Time is not kind to such masquerades."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead chides the player nfreak who would often roleplay as Ben with a lisp, claiming he is wasting his potential and perverting his power.
Pumpkinhead mocks the player nfreak's roleplay, claiming that it will eventually be left discarded much like how Pumpkinhead himself was, and that "<span class="canquote">Time is not kind to such masquerades.</span>".
<h2>May 27th, 2020</h2>
At 10:28 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Dawn. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
At 10:44 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Do not speak unless spoken to.</span>" in response to the player nfreak.
At 10:53 PM, the player nfreak sent the message "<i>follow your own advithe. i wath not thpeaking to you. i wath thpeaking to bup.</i>" in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead pinned this message.
At 11:14 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
<div class="indented">
11:14 PM - "<b>e_s_s_e_n_c_e.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/E_s_s_e_n_c_e.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
11:31 PM - "<b>S_A_P_P_E_D.JPG</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e1/S_A_P_P_E_D.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
11:34 PM - "<b>E_X_H_A_U_S_T_E_D.JPG</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bd/E_X_H_A_U_S_T_E_D.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
11:36 PM - "<b>R_E_S_T.gif</b>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was the same image posted previously.}}
11:48 PM - "<b>G_O_I_N_G_T_O_T_H_E_L_A_N_D_O_F_S_U_N_S_H_I_N_E.png</b>" - This image contained text reading "<span class="canquote">TOOKMYPOWER FREENOWFROMMYNIGHTMARE</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6d/G_O_I_N_G_T_O_T_H_E_L_A_N_D_O_F_S_U_N_S_H_I_N_E.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/27/20 - 12:22 AM)}}
11:55 PM - "<b>Astateofsunshine.png</b>" - This image contained text reading "<span class="canquote">soonicantalkwithyouagain</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Astateofsunshine.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/27/20 - 11:56 PM)}}
11:58 PM - "<b>HavingAHardTimeWithSalad.JPG</b>" - <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b3/HavingAHardTimeWithSalad.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>May 28th, 2020</h2>
At 12:24 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
<div class="indented">
12:24 AM - "<b>F_A_K_E_C_U_L_T_H_U_H.png</b>" <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1f/F_A_K_E_C_U_L_T_H_U_H.png|target=_blank]]</span>
12:27 AM - "<b>I_T_I_S.png</b>" <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/41/I_T_I_S.png|target=_blank]]</span>
12:49 AM - "<b>seeyousoon.png</b>" - <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Seeyousoon.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:57 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>ha.jpg</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/97/Haph.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:02 AM, The Producer became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/28/20 - Chat with The Producer - Disord (PM's)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "I am on a mission of bupmost importance"
[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "this is going to sound sketchy"
[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "but I need links to your secretive chatrooms"</span>
[12:00 PM] Xenquility: "Ooooo"
[12:01 PM] Xenquility: "They will be safe with me"
[12:06 PM] Xenquility: "What's the mission 'bout?"
<span class="vip">[12:07 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I must stop the collapse of time and space"
[12:07 PM] ReturnedFaith: "or something"
[12:08 PM] ReturnedFaith: "ive been given level IIIII clearance for this"
[12:08 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I promise im not gonna bup ya"</span>
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "damn those are some high levels"
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "this on orders of bup or are you acting on your own accord here?"
[12:10 PM] Xenquility: "(If I may ask, of course)"
<span class="vip">[12:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you could say its ""my"" own accord yes, but definitely not bups"
[12:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he doesnt really have anything to do with this"</span>
[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "damn alright"
[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "how uh"
[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "(edit: going to be honest I read the original message completely wrong so my response here makes zero sense) how exactly does linking chatrooms prevent the collapse of time and space?"
[12:14 PM] Xenquility: "actually screw it I won't even question that at this point"
<span class="vip">[12:17 PM] ReturnedFaith: "The Keeper sees through my eyes"
[12:17 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he must complete his duties before passing them unto the next"</span>
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: ""The Keeper""
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "more like"
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "the coomer"
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "how's he doing?"
<span class="vip">[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "more like"
[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "actually yeah thats accurate"
[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I believe he is doing well"</span>
[12:19 PM] Xenquility: "good to hear"
[12:19 PM] Xenquility: "is he trapped with the orange guy or is he in some other predicament"
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "or is he just you :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[12:20 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I can't be sure what hes up to at any given time but i assume hes fine at the moment"</span>
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "awesome"
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "Tell him I say hi next time you speak"
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "unless he's already seen that"
<span class="vip">[12:21 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he's seeing all of this"</span>
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "alright cool"
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "hey so I heard that guy is very sexy"
<span class="vip">[12:22 PM] ReturnedFaith: "sounds pretty gay but im sure he appreciates you saying that"</span>
[12:24 PM] Xenquility: "ill sound gay for that"
[12:29 PM] Xenquility: "oh fuck the links yeah"
[12:29 PM] Xenquility: "okay one minute"
[12:30 PM] Xenquility: "any chance of getting some sort of collateral here"
<span class="vip">[12:30 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I can assure you this will be safe"
[12:31 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you have my word as a producer"</span>
[12:31 PM] Xenquility: "but do I have your word"
[12:31 PM] Xenquility: "as a friend? :blobthinkblush:"
<span class="vip">[12:31 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you have my word as a lover :flushed:"</span>
[12:32 PM] Xenquility: "oh my"
[12:33 PM] Xenquility: "wrong channel oops"
<span class="vip">[12:34 PM] ReturnedFaith: "im banned from the first one apparently lol"</span>
[12:34 PM] Xenquility: "the fuck"
[12:34 PM] Xenquility: "uhhh"
[12:35 PM] Xenquility: "the only one banned is the orange guy"
[12:35 PM] Xenquility: "Try this?"
<span class="vip">[12:35 PM] ReturnedFaith: "OH"
[12:35 PM] ReturnedFaith: "well that would make sense wouldnt it"</span>
[12:36 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean you are wolf"
<span class="vip">[12:36 PM] ReturnedFaith: "im gonna give you the ol"
[12:36 PM] ReturnedFaith: ""not exactly""
[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: "but also the ol"</span>
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "nice are you wolf in the same way bup is greth"
<span class="vip">[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: ""kinda""
[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: "yeah"</span>
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "cool fucken KNEW IT"
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is tyler"
<span class="vip">[12:38 PM] ReturnedFaith: "anything about the ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is super classified and i dont want anyone riding my ass"</span>
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Cause you did say he was bup's boss and idk man but a chain of command that goes"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Tyler"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Greth Wolfcat Dawn"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "seems pretty familiar"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "not sure where I've seen that before :thinking:"
[12:40 PM] Xenquility: "also here's a conversation from paradigm that vincent and liam had. Sorry for it looking like absolute garbage but up until the timestamps I was not there to keep track of the messages lmao"
[12:40 PM] Xenquility: "don't bup me for these they are purely for archival"
<span class="vip">[12:40 PM] ReturnedFaith: "understandable"
[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "can you uh unban pumpkin guy from the place"</span>
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "I do have another but it is kind of top secret"
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "and I did"
<span class="vip">[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "ok epic"
[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "if he tries any bullshit just ban me and him again of whatever"</span>
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "cool"
<span class="vip">[12:45 PM] ReturnedFaith: "is there a third server where my compatriot spoke to you guys?"</span>
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "damn you even know about that one"
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "no but I got it archived"
<span class="vip">[12:45 PM] ReturnedFaith: "blunderstandable"</span>
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "timestamps are sadly not there for the most part and I honestly can't" remember why not for this one"
[12:46 PM] Xenquility: "wait nvm was looking at the wrong one"
[12:46 PM] Xenquility: "I am once again asking that you do not show this to any bupfucker"
[12:47 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for the shit formatting I only recently realized that compact mode was the way to go"
<span class="vip">[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "nah I actually havent heard from bup in a while"
[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "speaking of, is there still an alliance against them? :thinking:"</span>
[12:49 PM] Xenquility: "daw you sly dog"
[12:49 PM] Xenquility: "yes but I cant invite anyone"
<span class="vip">[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "scunderstadable"</span>
[12:50 PM] Xenquility: "p4k0 put it on strict lunchdown"
[12:50 PM] Xenquility: "we do have our conversation with bup archived though"
<span class="vip">[12:53 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you've done well, padawan"</span>
[12:53 PM] Xenquility: "I only learn from the best"
[1:10 PM] Xenquility: "also is this classified or can I now use this conversation as proof you are wolf"
<span class="vip">[1:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "do whatever you wanna do mane"</span>
[1:11 PM] Xenquility: "alright ccool"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer asks the player Xenquility for access to various secret chatrooms created by the players for archival purposes. He claims that "<b>The Keeper</b>" sees their his eyes, and that they need to complete their duties before "<span class="canquote">passing them unto the next</span>". "The Keeper" seems to be referring to OoC Wolfcat.
The Producer reveals that he is <b>Wolfcat</b> in the same way that BUP is Greth.
The Producer says that information regarding ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is super classified.
The Producer promises he will not share any secret information with BUP.
The Producer praises the player Xenquility's archival abilities, referring to them as a pupil of sorts.
At 12:41 PM, The Producer joined the Safest Haven Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">hahahaha hahahahaha HAHAHAHA just kidding hello</span>".
At 2:27 PM, the player Jos stated that they will be attmepting to use "The Self Strength" runes to become more powerful in real life. Shortly after this, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">good luck to you</span>".
<h2>May 29th, 2020</h2>
At 1:28 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 19th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "<i>"When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 25th, 2020</span>
TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 29th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
GHOSTBABEL provides the players a transcript of the now-deleted Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel.
At 1:48 PM, The Producer became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility the message "<span class="canquote">weenielicked is canon no one will ever believe you</span>" before quickly deleting it. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Weenie-Licked is a comic created by the GM Wolfcat in 2014.}}
<h2>May 30th, 2020</h2>
At 5:48 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the front page of Johnisdead.com.
At 5:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
(Updated Path) <i>(Highway Path - <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path44044102</nowiki>)</i>
<div class="indented">
<i>"<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span>path44044102" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the left.</i> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Path44044102.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
<i>Main highway links to "/path73320193"</i>
Side road links to "<span class="canquote">/path32933102</span>"
Woods Path <i>(From <b>/path44044102</b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32933102</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/38/Path32933102.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path39933102</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path39933102</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/91/Path39933102.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path38992932</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path38992932</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/05/Path38992932.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path33992932</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path33992932</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/27/Path33992932.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path34000214</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path34000214</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Path34000214.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path30020301</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path30020301</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Path30020301.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path39292401</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path39292401</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. A building can be seen to the left. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/ba/Path39292401.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path38882831</span>"
Building links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>abode</b>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path38882831</b>" - A path of a road going through a town <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/84/Path38882831.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path77273001</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77273001</b>" - A path of a road going through a town <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/Path77273001.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path70012032</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path70012032</b>" - A path of a road going through a town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6b/Path70012032.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path70001003</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path70001003</b>" - A path of a road going through a town. There is a road leading left, forward, and right. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Path70001003.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Left road links to "<span class="canquote">/path44421401</span>"
Right road links to "<span class="canquote">/path99993232</span>"
Asylum Path <i>(From <b>/path70001003</b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path44421401</b>" - A path of a building surrounded by trees. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/Path44421401.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path44992032</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path44992032</b>" - A path of a building. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/53/Path44992032.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>asylum/lobby</b>"
Office Path <i>(From <b>/path70001003</b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99993232</b>" - A path of a road going through a town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/ba/Path99993232.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path99994901</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99994901</b>" - A path of a road going through a town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/77/Path99994901.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path99995233</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99995233</b>" - A path of a road going through a town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c3/Path99995233.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path99995528</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99995528</b>" - A path of a road going through a town.. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/96/Path99995528.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path99996920</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99996920</b>" - A path of a road going through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/40/Path99996920.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>office/halls</b>"
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The main highway path now has a road splitting off to the left that leads through some woods into a town.
The road in the town leads to a four-way stop. At the time being, only the left and right roads were open - both leading to large buildings.
<div class="indented">
((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
At 5:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path39292401</nowiki>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>abode</b>". This page was titled "<b>DILAPIDATED</b>" and contained the image "<b>abode.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Abode.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>abode.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/87/Abodeaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:52 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path44992032</nowiki>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>asylum/lobby</b>". This page was titled "<b>yatS ruoY yojnE</b>" and contained the image "<b>lobby.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/Lobby.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This image contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HALLS</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:17 AM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>asylum.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1b/Asylum.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:52 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path99996920</nowiki>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>office/halls</b>". This page was titled "<b>antechamber</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightright.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/57/Rightright.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 5:54 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>tired.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/83/Tired.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">Get it now? Why we do the things we do? There's no fighting it. Not in this town. If you think you hold any power here, you're gravely mistaken.</span>" hidden in it source code. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally an Ascii85 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 5:54 PM)}}
At 5:54 PM, the player Xenquililty discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/office/halls/</nowiki></span><b>antechamber</b>". This page was titled "<b>walkways</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightrightrightTRINE.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/RightrightrightTRINE.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "trine".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 5:57 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>drain.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/71/Drain.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained this text "<span class="canquote">That's it, then? Fine, see where this little rebellious streak gets you. I've been on the force for twenty three years now. The only reason I'm still breathing is because, unlike some folks, I know when to keep my mouth shut.</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a reversed Ascii85 cipher encoded as an Ascii85 cipher again.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 5:57 PM)}}
At 5:58 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">get it now?</span>".
At 5:58 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/halls/antechamber/</nowiki></span><b>walkways</b>". This page was titled "<b>thirdfloor</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightright_ciph_TRUTH.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher that had been Caesar shifted and encoded with the key "truth".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:00 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/02/Rightright_ciph_TRUTH.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>seafloor.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/90/Seafloor.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">I knew going into it that there'd be your typical corporate bullshit. Gotta support the narrative, keep the sponsors happy, yadda yadda, I know - but this is a fucking murder we're talking about here. Two kids are missing in the scorching hot Floridan wilderness and Randy won't let me do a damned thing about it.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded as a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:00 PM)}}
At 6:00 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/antechamber/walkways/</nowiki></span><b>thirdfloor</b>". This page was titled "<b>downward</b>" and contained the image "<b>leftleftleft_ciph_UPWARD.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b0/Leftleftleftleft_ciph_UPWARD.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Base64 cipher that had been Caesar shifted and encoded with the key "upward".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:05 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>behind.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a8/Behind.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">Mom had been gone for years. Dad was, well I thought I'd at least be able to trust the cops. That's what I was told ever since I was little, and they helped me before when dad was I don't they're the same</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally Caesar shifted with the key "accomplices" and then encoded as a Hex cipher with the text "ACCOMPLICES" added.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:05 PM)}}
At 6:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/walkways/thirdfloor/</nowiki></span><b>downward</b>". This page was titled "<b>offices</b>" and contained the image "<b>tfeltfeltfel_ciph_OPEN.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f9/Tfeltfeltfel_ciph_OPEN.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher that had been Caesar shifted and encoded with the key "open".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:09 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>condition.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.com/office/halls/antechamber/walkways/thirdfloor/downward/condition.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">Then he… God. Then he tells us his "second parents" always let him stay up past nine. No, no - my wife and I have been together for fourteen years now - it's not like that. No. No babysitter, he was… He, our only child kept telling us things about all of his other brothers and sisters. He said they lived in the woods with the "purple man". After about… about three or four days, he finally told us that's how he lost his with the other childen who were "swimming with the big green person in the lake", but they "weren't suppos</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded as a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:09 PM)}}
At 6:09 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/thirdfloor/downward/</nowiki></span><b>offices</b>". This page was titled "<b>descend</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightrighttfel_ciph_NEXT.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/72/Rightrighttfel_ciph_NEXT.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Base64 cipher that had been Caesar shifted and encoded with the key "next".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:10 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>dedicate.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Dedicate.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">There was no denying it. I knew what was on the other side without even having to look. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't look. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to  /enter</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded as a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:10 PM)}}
At 6:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/downward/offices/</nowiki></span><b>descend</b>". This page was titled "<b>2ndfloor</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightX10_ciph_KEY.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/17/CmlnaHRYMTBfY2lwaF9LRVk%3D.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The name of this image was originally a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:13 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "key".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:13 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>fore.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f3/Fore.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">He would always swear that he had a twin - keep in mind he's an only child. We've always talked about maybe having another, but I have no idea where he got this whole "twin" thing from. At first we thought it was just an imaginary friend or something, you know. The second idea was that our house might be haunted. Yeah, yeah, it sounds goofy, but honestly what else were we supposed to think? Kid was muttering to himself and telling us about his "brother" about once a week at this point.</span>" hidden in its source code. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded as a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:13 PM)}}
At 6:13 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/offices/descend/</nowiki></span><b>2ndfloor</b>". This page was titled "elevate" and contained the image "<b>rightrightTOnext_leftX5_ciph_CONTINUE.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/99/RightrightTOnext_dIXofHi1Z2PreIjhS09QXGnQXWW%3D.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The name of this image was originally partially encoded as a Caesar shifted Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:19 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "continue".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:19 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>hours.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Hours.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">After that, he would just… sit there. He'd stare at the wall for just hours at a time, just completely disassociating. Every time he'd "wake up" from these episodes, he'd act like nothing happened at all… Or, well, he'd act like he had been completely normal for the past few hours. He'd tell us conversations he'd supposedly had with us… tell us what he had for dinner, even though we hadn't even eaten yet… hell, on his seventh birthday, he was able to describe and predict every present he'd receive before even opening them, aside from a few odd details like a red truck being blue, and stuff like that.</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Ascii85 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:19 PM)}}
At 6:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/descend/2ndfloor/</nowiki></span><b>elevate</b>". This page was titled "<b>ground_floor</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightX5_ciph_ciph_OPENtfelX8_ciph_ciph_PRESS.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/14/RightX5_ciph_ciph_OPENAGfbcILIAaWNRm5pN0ftAqmncJfjWlqWOPyPOHO3UY0%3D.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The name of this image was partially encoded as a Base64 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "open".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:23 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher encoded twice over and Caesar shifted with the key "press".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:23 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>memory.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6c/Memory.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">You can hear me right? Of course you can. I can hear me. You know what I'm thinking? How did you know that? Oh. Right. I know what I'm thinking. Do you see what I see? Hear what I hear? Smell what I smell? Feel what you feel? I know. I know. What do you see around yourself? Without opening your eyes, let me know. Oh, I see it now. It's my room. It's your room. Ours? Sure, I guess. It doesn't really make much of a difference at this point. Feel our hands touching? Slipping through the veil? I'm on the other side of the glass, but not for long. Your left eye is my right. My right arm is your left. My mind is within yours, and the same, too. My thoughts are your dreams, and my dreams are your reality. I've been watching you ever since you were a child, because I, too, shared the same experiences as all of us. Each step forward was a step backwards for Us - a step away from our true awakening across the ether.</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally encoded as a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:23 PM)}}
At 6:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/2ndfloor/elevate/</nowiki></span><b>ground_floor</b>". This page was titled "<b>Please Come Again</b>" and contained the image "<b>exit.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Exit.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>moisture.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.com/office/halls/antechamber/walkways/thirdfloor/downward/offices/descend/2ndfloor/elevate/ground_floor/moisture.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/2ndfloor/elevate/ground_floor</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>streets</b>". This page was titled "<b>streets</b>" and contained the image "<b>streets.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Streets.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also featured the "<b>Streets</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/30/20 - Streets Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a long road in a blue city environment. Small parking lots could be explored along the road. There were several buildings players could peer into as well.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a long road passing by several buildings in a blue, urban environment.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>metro.mp3</b> - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/39/Metro.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
At 6:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/downward/offices/</nowiki></span><b>enter</b>". This page was titled "<b>secretdoor</b>" and contained the image "<b>rightX14_ciph_COMPARTMENT.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Base64 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "compartment".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:27 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>fati.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d0/Fati.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source code:
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/30/20 - Enter Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Comments: i used to have five daddies and four mommies.
then my other mommies and daddies told me my old ones didnt matter anymore.
then i had four daddies and three mommies.
then my other mommies and daddies told me my daddy with the funny voice wanst good anymore
then i had three daddies and three mommies
then my daddy who didnt wear skin went away
then i had two daddies and three mommies
then my mommy with the triangle face went away too
then i had two daddies and two mommies
then one mommy died and one daddy went to sleep
my big brothers and sisters are all gone now
but i still have the mommy who lives in the sky and the daddy who lives in bodies</span>
At 6:27 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/offices/enter/</nowiki></span><b>secretdoor</b>". This page was titled "<b>offices</b>" and contained the image "<b>offices.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e7/Offices.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also featured the "<b>Secret Door</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/30/20 - Secret Door Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a blue-tinted office building belonging to The Producer. Players would spawn in a small room with a sun roof. Exiting this room would lead players to a catwalk where they could see outside. At the end of this catwalk was The Producer's office seen in The Producer's comic when he took over BUP's DnD game. This room contained the same objects seen in the comic panel that featured it previously - three screens displaying an assortment of disturbing images, a laptop with the letter "D" on it, and a couch. This room also contained two doors that remained locked. An image of Pumpkinhead would occasionally flash on the three monitors in the background. On The Producer's laptop, Wolfcat's website "Meatouchers.com" could be seen.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room featured a blue-tinted office containing The Producer's office seen previously when he took over BUP's DnD game.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>fade.mp3</b> - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/aa/Fade.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
At 6:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that travelling far enough down the road in the "Streets" Janus room would lead players to a portal to a new Johnisdead.com page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>rooftop</b>". This page was titled "<b>roofs</b>" and contained the image "<b>rooftop.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a8/Rooftop.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also featured the "<b>Rooftop</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/30/20 - Rooftop Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was two buildings connected by a small pathway. Players would spawn in the corner of one of the two building's rooftops. After turning a corner, two grates could be spotted in the floor, giving the players a view into the buildings below. Inside this building were two whiteboards with the following text written:
<span class="vip">HEAR ME
am I?
On this same rooftop was a small building containing two distorted images. The following text was also written inside this building:
<span class="vip">Look inside Yourself
What do You see on the Other Side?</span>
The following text was also written on the roof of this building:
<span class="vip">hello</span>
Players could cross over to a second building by crossing over a pipe. Here, players could peer down into another room through a grate. If players dropped down along the back wall of this building, they would discover a hidden alcove leading into a short hallway. In this room, the following text could be found written on the wall:
<span class="vip">Who do you think You are?
Who do You think you are?
Dive inside and find the inner You.
Look towards the Horizon and take the first step.
Reach out and feel your Others connecting.
Becoming one.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room is a series of blue-tinted rooftops containing cryptic messages.
Players are able to peer down into the buildings, but are unable to access the rooms within them.
Players discovered a hidden alcove leading to a hallway on the backside of the second building.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>roof.mp3</b> - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c6/Roof.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Prominence was active in the "Rooftop" Janus room. Prominence spun in place atop a cylinder on one of the rooftops before jumping off the building in the direction of the hidden alcove.
At 6:44 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that exploring the hallway found in the "Rooftop" Janus room would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>city</b>". This page was titled "<b>city</b>" and contained the image "<b>city.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/14/City.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also featured the "<b>City</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/30/20 - City Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a large blue-tinted cityscape. Players would spawn in a room with a checkered floor. Strange murals adorned the walls in this room. Upon exiting this room, players would find themselves on a balcony in a large city. Unfortuately, players were restricted from exploring the city by an invisible wall. On one of the walls of this balcony was a mural with text reading:
<span class="vip">Awaken</span>
Dropping down from this balcony would lead players to a small catwalk. On one of the walls of this catwalk was text reading:
<span class="vip">closed</span>
Walking further down the catwalk would lead players to an opening where they could go back inside the building through a narrow hallway. On the side of the building was a drawing of several buildings and the Regiminis sigil. Travelling through the narrow hallway would lead players to two rooms. In the first room, a cork board could be found with several papers pinned to it. These papers included a drawing of two triangles inverted on one another, a drawing of a city, and a drawing of a figure wearing a gas mask giving something to a bowing man with the following text written:
<span class="vip">DEVINE</span>
Next to this cork board was a whiteboard with a drawing of a Jack-o-lantern face. In the other room, another cork board was found. This one had a sticky note stuck on it with the number "4" written on it. On the wall of this room, the following text was written:
<span class="vip">AGGREGATION</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Binary cipher with the numbers "0" and "1" replaced with darker and lighter versions of the word "open up".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/13/20 - 7:47 PM)}}
Further down the room was a large mural, along with a small drawing of a cell phone tower next to some trees with the following text written:
<span class="vip">/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "AMALGAMATE".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 6:59 PM)}}
If players travelled to the end of the narrow hallway from before, they would discover a third cork board. This one contained a Coke advertisement featuring Max Headroom, though the text "Coke" had been changed to "MEAT". Another paper was pinned to the cork board that featured a drawing of a key along with the text:
<span class="vip">AMALGAMATE</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a building with several rooms in a large blue-tinted city.
One room in this map contained a drawing of a cell phone tower next to the text "<span class="canquote">/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>city.mp3</b> - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Cityaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>key.png</b> - A drawing of a cell phone tower next to a cipher translating to "<span class="canquote">/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/82/Keycity.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:46 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that dead_1266 was active in the "City" Janus room. Dead_1266 flew around the room in what appeared to be a swimming animation before leaving.
At 7:06 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://twitter.com/orchtweets/status/1266457665942835200</nowiki></span>" - a link to a tweet about the "<b>Black Lives Matter</b>" movement posted by a Twitter account named "<b>The Orchard</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Base64 cipher encoded two times.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/30/20 - 7:06 PM)}}
<h2>May 31st, 2020</h2>
At 8:06 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">johnisdead.com</span>".
At 8:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated. The page now featured the text "<span class="canquote">The more spiritual the Adept becomes, the less can he meddle with mundane, gross affairs and the more he has to confine himself to a spiritual work ... The very high Adepts, therefore, do help humanity, but only spiritually: they are constitutionally incapable of meddling with worldly affairs.</span>" - an excerpt from the "<b>Ascended Master</b>" Wikipedia page. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally encoded twice as a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (5/31/20 - 8:09 PM)}}
<h2>June 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 9:01 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">𝔇𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢𝔰, 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔩𝔶.</span>" in response to some players having a somewhat lewd discussion.
<h2>June 5th, 2020</h2>
At 12:18 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>nobody.JPG</b>" - a screenshot of a 4chan post by Jadusable from August 16th, 2019 that reads as follows: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/16/Nobody.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/5/20 - "nobody.JPG" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">we're running out of time, the nobody is a tulpa on a global scale and it is our last hail mary attempt to course correct the path we're on
its now more than ever that we need to be talking about the nobody, because it is absolutely critical leading up to one significant point in august that needs to be averted
it is going to happen very soon.
keep spreading the nobody. we're all trying.
<h2>June 10th, 2020</h2>
At 12:07 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>maşină</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ9DuWFw1Sw|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/10/20 - "maşină" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with Daw sitting in a harsh, red environemnt. Various voices of people saying "Dawn" can be heard in the background. He appears to be hooked up to some sort of machine. He is covered in bandages, much like how he was depicited in images sent to the Internet Detectives Discord server. An eye flashes on screen, causing Dawn to thrash around wildly. The footage begins corrupting and Dawn lies still for a while. The footage suddenly cuts to black before showing Dawn yelling as the image of an eye is once again shown.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video shows Dawn struggling against and eventually escaping from some sort of machine.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">He escaped...</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 1:05 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>sighted.gif</b>". This image contained the text "<span class="canquote">OVERLOOKED</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Sighted.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was written in the Minecraft Enchantment Table language.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 1:06 AM)}}
At 1:16 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
<div class="indented">
1:16 AM - "<b>S_O_O_N.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4b/S_O_O_N.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
1:19 AM - "<b>P_R_O_B_L_E_M..JPG</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/75/P_R_O_B_L_E_M..JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
1:20 AM - "<b>D_R_I_N_K_W_A_T_E_R.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4b/S_O_O_N.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This was the same image as "S_O_O_N.gif".}}
At 1:20 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">s  3333</span>".
At 1:25 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Prominence was active in the "Path" Janus room. Prominence was flying around the side of the highway.
At 1:27 AM, Prominence sent the message "<span class="canquote">keys</span>" in JanusVR. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 1:27 AM)}}
At 1:29 AM, Prominence entered the "Pillars" Janus map and sent many instances of the numbers "<span class="canquote">592</span>".
At 1:43 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/key592</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now contained a link to a text file titled "<b>astral.txt</b>" that read "<span class="canquote">e m b e r e m</span>".
At 1:43 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing the audio file "3.wav". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/52/3id.wav|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:53 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing the audio file "<b>spooky_message.wav</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c4/Spooky_message.wav|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:54 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">you can make parallels here
At 10:08 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Enjoy Your Stay</span>".
At 10:17 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/asylum/lobby/</nowiki></span><b>halls</b>". This page was titled "<b>evaeL revE t'noD</b>" and contained the image "<b>halls.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b2/Halls.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This image contained a Letter Numbers cipher that translated to "<span class="canquote">SHES IN THE WALLS</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:23 AM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>hallway.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Hallway.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:24 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/lobby/halls/</nowiki></span><b>walls</b>". This page was titled "<b>ecioV reh ot netsiL</b>" and contained the image "<b>walls.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ef/Walls.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:24 AM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>shh.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.com/asylum/lobby/halls/walls/shh.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This audio file hid a binary cipher in its code that translated to "<span class="canquote">only remaining relative was a daughter, ÞxMpd¨�BTB¸ŸQk[ompletely abandoned their former residence after continued interior damage and Á³�‘��ƐfI��RÀ  ÷ÿH‰&6urther down into the  basement  where</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:30 AM)}}
At 10:30 AM the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/halls/walls/</nowiki></span><b>basement</b>". This page was titled "<b>Inner eht otni hcaeR</b>" and contained the image "<b>basement.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Basement.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was partially a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:31 AM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>basement.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4c/Basementaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This audio file hid a Caesar cipher encoded as a binary cipher in its code that translated to "<span class="canquote">‡Iò™�Q‰hã$O 9$ïäù‘8WA43§Æ|issing for over six months now. Her mother, ­:RT21˜ Ž1�C¨0Ï€0rÀÊ0)imilar fate. Local authorities are continuing their investigation into the &¿ÿÿü¾j@È9h¾é��ˆ�›šdÙº�óä�›<G�†D¡,T ¦ysteries only  deepen</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:32 AM)}}
At 10:36 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/walls/basement/</nowiki></span><b>deepen</b>". This page was titled "<b>esuoH detnuaH</b>" and contained the image "<b>deepen.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/Deepen.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>deepen.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9b/Deepenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This audio file hid a binary cipher in its code that translated to "<span class="canquote">��òЃCg㏇R]&ô�Aill no signs of fouÈ€%›I´ºùu‘J¥*�Ê�J� ‚f�I(Q…x<9ºªmilar writings on the wa$’ð`2ØTk‡�$¡fÚ!:ií0&sÃAµ {�c1Wto be just like her    m</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/10/20 - 10:37 AM)}}
At 10:41 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/</nowiki></span><b>mater</b>". This page was titled "<b>Mother</b>" and contained the image "<b>mater.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/86/Materjid.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>mother.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/06/Motherjidaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:41 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/mater</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a series of new "Path" pages on Johnisdead.com.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
Haunted House Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/mater</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220230</b>" - A path of a small driveway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d0/Path45220230.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path45220329</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220329</b>" - A path of a small driveway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/06/Path45220329.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path45220444</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220444</b>" - A path of a small driveway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0b/Path45220444.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path45220599</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220599</b>" - A path of small driveway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Path45220599.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path45220707</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220707</b>" - A path of a small driveway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/95/Path45220707.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main road links to "<span class="canquote">/path45220800</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path45220800</b>" - A path of a small driveway leading to an old house.<span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/Path45220800.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
House links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>moms/house</b>"
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
These path pages lead through a small driveway surrounded by trees that lead to an old house.
At 10:42 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path45220800</nowiki></span>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>moms/house</b>". This page was titled "<b>Locked</b>" and contained the image "<b>momshouse.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/94/Momshouse.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">soon</span>" hidden in its source.
At 11:37 AM, various players in the Internet Detectives Discord server began taunting Pumpkinhead. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "<span class="canquote">Fight?</span>".
At 11:50 AM, the player Jackuan continued taunting Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "<span class="canquote">Are you certain?</span>" and posted a Jack-o-lantern emoji.
At 12:22 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a distorted image of the previous "Johnisdead Wiki" banner titled "<b>mine_now.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Mine_now.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the background image of the previous "Johnisdead Wiki" had become distorted. It was also discovered that the Timelines for the the various Johnisdead Arcs had been completely removed. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8a/Wiki-background.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:45 PM, the player Yoshi taunted Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server, asking what he's going to do next. Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">Something</span>".
At 12:48 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted an emoji of an arrow pointing down, indicating that something had happened in one of the lower text channels in the server.
At 1:12 PM, players discovered that the message history of various text channels within the Internet Detectives Discord server had become invisible.
At 12:14 PM, The Producer and Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/10/20 - Chat with The Producer and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[1:12 PM] Xenquility: "rip message history"
[1:12 PM] Dense: "wh"
[1:13 PM] Dense: "wha"
[1:13 PM] yoshi: "AAAAAAAAAAA"
<span class="vip">[1:14 PM] The Producer: "Wow"</span>
[1:14 PM] Fancypigg: ":open_mouth:"
[1:14 PM] Dense: "hey boy"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "the man"
[1:14 PM] Dense: "the LEGEND"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "problem do you know prod"
[1:15 PM] yoshi: "prod run"
[1:16 PM] Xenquility: "brb someones at my door"
[1:16 PM] yoshi: "its me"
[1:18 PM] yoshi: "@Wolfcat stinky"
[1:18 PM] Deleted User: i hate u wolfcat"
[1:19 PM] Deleted User: step on a lego"
[1:20 PM] Dense: "NOOOOO"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "im so mad"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "SO MAD"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "that"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "im gonna call you stinky"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "OUT OF CHARACTER"
[1:21 PM] Fancypigg: "NO"
[1:21 PM] Fancypigg: "OH GOD"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "i did it"
[1:22 PM] yoshi: "in frogs only"
[1:22 PM] yoshi: "you PUSHED ME TOO FAR WOLF"
<span class="vip">[1:30 PM] The Producer: "Lemme do a little magic trick"</span>
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "wow you just wrecked his shit"
[1:32 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "#jid-informational-vault is back now"
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "rad"
<span class="vip">[1:32 PM] The Producer: ":jack_o_lantern: :BLANK: :middle_finger::eyes:"</span>
[1:32 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[1:33 PM] Dense: "love you"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "damn he just got"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: ".yt disarm smashing pumpkins"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "ed"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "well not actually but this is a good song anyways"
[1:37 PM] Dense: "cool"
[1:41 PM] yoshi: "wolf is weak and stinky"
<span class="vip">[1:49 PM] The Producer: "Relatively speaking, yes."</span>
<span class="vip2">[1:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You will become mine."</span>
[1:49 PM] yoshi: "gay"
<span class="vip2">[1:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You Will become Mine."</span>
[1:49 PM] yoshi: "no they wont bitch"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "you cant have em"
<span class="vip2">[1:50 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You WILL become MINE."
[1:50 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((The image "YOU_WILL.gif" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/YOU_WILL.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "genuine idea"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "prod"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "maybe run"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "just literally like"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "don't risk this shit"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "no they wont wolf"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "you lil shit"
<span class="vip">[1:50 PM] The Producer: "I aint no pussy"</span>
[1:50 PM] Dense: "Wow"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "dont be a dumbass"
<span class="vip">[1:50 PM] The Producer: "But I also dont like the vibes this guys giving off so ok"</span>
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "hes creepy"
<span class="vip">[1:51 PM] The Producer: "ok fine"</span>
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "be safe"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "never know what this type of shit can lead to honestly"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "dont let the pumpkins bite your ass"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "not worth antagonizing these types of things"
[1:51 PM] Dense: "what about the key"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "NICE"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "@Wolfcat gl getting them u fuck"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "dont antagonize him"
[1:52 PM] Xenquility: "it's fun and all but i wouldn't be surprised if we're reaching the danger-point of losing prod"
[1:53 PM] yoshi: "rip"
[1:53 PM] Xenquility: "some shitposts just aint worth it"
[1:53 PM] Fancypigg: "i want pumpkinhead to win"
[1:53 PM] Fancypigg: "there I said it"
[1:54 PM] yoshi: "slut"
[1:54 PM] Xenquility: "slut"
[1:54 PM] yoshi: "go kiss a pumpkin stinky"
<span class="vip2">[1:54 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((The image "WILL.gif" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ec/WILL.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip2">[2:03 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Producer"</span>
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "is"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "fake"
<span class="vip2">[2:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He WILL be usurped as Progenitor"</span>
[2:04 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "cut the shit dude"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "he's fake"
[2:04 PM] Fancypigg: "what the fuck are these words ive never heard before"
[2:04 PM] Xenquility: "same the fuck is a progenitor"
<span class="vip2">[2:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The Teller"</span>
[2:04 PM] yoshi: "nobody here knows what words mean"
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "dingdongs"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "the thruth?"
[2:05 PM] Fancypigg: "thruth"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "bin"
<span class="vip2">[2:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I am the True"</span>
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:05 PM] Fancypigg: "the true wha"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "no. you are the Liar."
<span class="vip2">[2:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "WILL become"</span>
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "will be cum"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "wiññ became."
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "also nah"
[2:06 PM] Fancypigg: "will become what"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "true what"
[2:06 PM] yoshi: "stinky"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "is this tenebris"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "are you the true father"
[2:06 PM] Fancypigg: "what is your truth"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "there is no truth."
[2:07 PM] yoshi: "daddy"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "daddy"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "xens got vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Xenquility: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] yoshi: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Fancypigg: "vietnam remembers"
<span class="vip2">[2:08 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The dream from which He hails WILL be melded by me I see this now for it will come to pass as he already IS"</span>
[2:08 PM] Jackuan: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Jackuan: "what are you, and what do you want m8?"
[2:09 PM] Fancypigg: "what dream does He hail from?
[2:09 PM] yoshi: "also again"
[2:09 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:10 PM] Jackuan: "nah"
[2:10 PM] yoshi: "n a h"
[2:10 PM] Xenquility: "also uh"
[2:10 PM] Jackuan: "n a h"
[2:10 PM] Xenquility: "not sure if this is related but the title to <nowiki>lunarchildren.com/figures/regiminis/insidiae/other/</nowiki> is: "Hails from HIS time""
<span class="vip2">[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "My dream"
[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "An inevitability"
[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "His existence deems it so"
[2:11 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I feel myself within"
[2:11 PM] Pumpkinhead: "All WILL come to pass"</span>
[2:12 PM] Jackuan: "nah"
[2:12 PM] Jackuan: ":smuglain~1:"
[2:12 PM] yoshi: "wake up"
[2:12 PM] Xenquility: "who the FUCK is this "He" we keep hearing of"
[2:12 PM] Jackuan: "the grey man."
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
[2:13 PM] Jackuan: "i think so."
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "why"
[2:13 PM] Jackuan: "because sounds like it"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah what on earth made you make that connection"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "its me"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "im He"
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "cant tell if jacob is meming or not"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "not"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "im confused"
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "cool"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "ama"
[2:14 PM] Jackuan: "im memeing bruh"
[2:14 PM] Jackuan: "unless..."
[2:16 PM] Xenquility: ":eye:"
[2:16 PM] yoshi: "shhh"
[2:16 PM] Fancypigg: ":eyes:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: ":moonthink:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: ":jack_o_lantern:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: "- wolfcat"
[2:16 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[2:17 PM] Jackuan: "i knew it."
[2:17 PM] Jackuan: "so cliché"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: ":T"
[2:18 PM] Xenquility: "knew what"
[2:18 PM] yoshi: "pumpked"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: "that he was postng the fucking jack o lantern"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: "pumpkek'd"
[2:19 PM] Jackuan: ":smuglain~1:"
[2:20 PM] Jackuan: "hope ya'll saw that bc its the REAL truth."
[2:21 PM] Jackuan: "@Wolfcat"
[2:21 PM] Fancypigg: "i saw"
[2:21 PM] Xenquility: "same"
<span class="vip2">[2:21 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You still haven't learned?"</span>
[2:21 PM] Fancypigg: "teach me"
[2:21 PM] Jackuan: "you think? i know who you are"
[2:21 PM] Xenquility: "is it that we shouldn't be invoking bad guys"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "bepis"
<span class="vip2">[2:22 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Should I take more?"</span>
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "you are NOT a pumpking thats a mask, for hiding yourself."
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "hes a fool"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "ignore him"
[2:22 PM] Xenquility: "yeah please don't take more"
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "no im not"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "no orange fools anymore"
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "im jackuan"
[2:23 PM] yoshi: "foolcat"
[2:23 PM] Jackuan: "also, i know why are you doing all this shit."
<span class="vip2">[2:23 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Please enlighten me"</span>
[2:23 PM] Fancypigg: "me too"
[2:23 PM] Xenquility: "me three"
[2:23 PM] Jackuan: "but if i post it you are going to delete it, bc you dont REALLY want them know"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "just fucking say it"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "hi"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "hi"
[2:24 PM] Xenquility: ""I know your password but Im not going to say it with people around smh""
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "blame him not me."
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "blaming you rn"
<span class="vip2">[2:24 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Empty words"
[2:24 PM] Pumpkinhead: "From an empty mind"</span>
[2:24 PM] Dense: "^"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "Oof"
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "like your soul?"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "ROASTED"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "me: blaming jackaun"
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah you dont have a SOUL."
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "me: agreeing with jacob: blaming jackuan"
[2:25 PM] yoshi: "foolcat"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "jackaun"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "foolass pumpking"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "what is his secret"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "pm me"
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "this man abouta get us killed"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "pm me too"
[2:25 PM] Dense: "Yes"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "look at your dms"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "please"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "im looking"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "hold up."
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "HURRY"
[2:26 PM] yoshi: "gay"
[2:26 PM] Dense: "Lol"
[2:27 PM] Jackuan: "i already say it to jacob"
[2:27 PM] Xenquility: "can you tell me please"
[2:27 PM] Jackuan: "hold up"
[2:27 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
[2:27 PM] yoshi: "his secret is: stinky"
[2:27 PM] Fancypigg: "i think wolcat is the vessel for tenebris in a mask of OUR wolfcat."
[2:28 PM] Xenquility: "wow nice leaked"
[2:28 PM] yoshi: "o no"
[2:28 PM] Fancypigg: "I said i would do it"
[2:29 PM] yoshi: "tfw you get absorbed by a pumpkin"
<span class="vip2">[2:29 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I am not the Dark One"</span>
<span class="vip2">[3:31 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Hahaha"</span>
[3:32 PM] Dense: "quoting laughs"
[3:32 PM] Jackuan: "he laughs bc you are not seeing the point, he IS ENTERTAING for him"
[3:33 PM] Jackuan: "with us losing the point arguing"
[3:33 PM] Dense: "Ok...?"
[3:33 PM] Jackuan: "cant you see? he is mocking at our faces and we dont do anything..."
[3:34 PM] Jackuan: "so if we end this discussion we can focus on it again"
[3:34 PM] Jackuan: "and make a point to reaveal something HUGE"
[3:35 PM] Dense: "Yeah...?"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "this has been quite the interesting conversation"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "yeah"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "wit"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "wait what?"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "LMAO"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "why is jackuan dense"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "i dont know"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "SAY WHAAAT?"
[3:36 PM] Dense: "Because Wolfcat obviously is distracting us"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "gandhi"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "niced"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah dense"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "nooo"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "shit."
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "what is going on now wolf?"
[3:37 PM] Xenquility: ":jefault:"
[3:37 PM] Jackuan: "you think you are powerful but you in the bottom know it's all a lie."
[3:38 PM] Jackuan: "the ID you was always wanted power... But once you have it, you dont want it."
[3:38 PM] Dense: "holy shit"
[3:38 PM] Dense: "XDDDDDDDD"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: wow wolfcat."
[3:39 PM] Jackuan: "and the only "thing" you can do is post a lot of pumpkings and change nicknames? wow"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: hey can you do more than thcrew with dithcord?"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: "well yes he can he nuked the wiki earlier"
[3:39 PM] Dense: "bitch you are going to get someone killed"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: "probably not the best idea to egg them on"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: bitch anyone with a wiki can do that watch."
[3:39 PM] Jackuan: "it wasnt him"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: ""bitch you are going to get someone killed" this"
[3:40 PM] Jackuan: ""this" @Xenquility  man, it's only a program to screw all, and also the only "change" he made was changing the background on it"
[3:40 PM] Jackuan: "that's it."
[3:40 PM] Xenquility: "well actually he removed all the timelines"
[3:41 PM] Jackuan: "because he is the owner of the wiki, he can do it"
[3:41 PM] Jackuan: "it's not a big deal"
<span class="vip2">[3:41 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Would you like a"
[3:41 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Big Deal?"</span>
[3:41 PM] Xenquility: "goodbye wiki"
[3:41 PM] Xenquility: "nice knowing you"
[3:41 PM] Dense: "F"
[3:42 PM] Dense: "Good work Jackuan :clap:"
[3:42 PM] nfreak141: ha. dumbathth"
[3:42 PM] Jackuan: "ha dumbass"
[3:42 PM] Jackuan: "what will you do? with out doing a mess with the ARG?"
[3:43 PM] Jackuan: "because if you do Tyler is going to be mad."
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he'll probably do exactly that"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "mess with the arg"
[3:43 PM] Jackuan: "well its because he want's to but he cant"
[3:43 PM] Dense: "Yes"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he's got his own shit that he works on and has purview over"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he could probably kill off a number of people"
[3:43 PM] Dense: "I somehow don't like this convo"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "i mean that is his work to be "mean" and messing with the arg is his goal"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "oc"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "like the "character" he think he is"
[3:45 PM] Dense: "Ok if that's your theory I'm now against it for mere personal views"
[3:45 PM] Jackuan: "also, i just made this theory to see if i can do it more often but"
[3:45 PM] nfreak141: oooh ith getting perthonal now"
[3:46 PM] Xenquility: "nfreak out here cucking the wiki"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "i dont know because everyone its freaking out, even wolfcat"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "If your theory is that OOC and Canon are the same, then it's bs"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "also i'm still xenquility"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "There's a thin line""
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "i know"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "ok?"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "But it was passed long ago"
[3:47 PM] Jackuan: "and your losing the point again, you just do that to give your opinion but instead you dont say nothing but ''ok.''"
[3:47 PM] Jackuan: "The thing is mess with wolfcat and see what happens"
[3:48 PM] Jackuan: "not make a debate."
[3:48 PM] Dense: "What the fuck"
[3:48 PM] Jackuan: "so, if you can focus... maybe we will now what the fuck is going on now."
[3:48 PM] Dense: "Where do I say "ok""
[3:49 PM] Dense: "Where DID i say"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "you seems like it."
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "also, gonna take a break to eat something"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "being xenquilty"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "ehehe"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "brb"
[3:49 PM] Fancypigg: "ehehe"
[3:49 PM] Dense: "Yeah cool acknowledge on argumentating"
[3:50 PM] Fancypigg: "idk"
[3:50 PM] nfreak141: eheheh"
[3:50 PM] Jackuan: "you do your shit, and think when you can because this ARG is " you blink it, you miss it.""
[3:50 PM] Jackuan: "lmao"
[3:50 PM] nfreak141: ith very entertaining"
[3:51 PM] Dense: "Indeed"
[3:51 PM] Jackuan: ""you blink it, you miss it". it's a good slogan xD"
<span class="vip2">[3:51 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You heed not the warnings of your comrades"</span>
[3:51 PM] Jackuan: "so..?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "im not fighting bruh"
[3:52 PM] Xenquility: "someones about to die"
[3:52 PM] Dense: "yes"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "who?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "you?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "you want to die?"
[3:52 PM] Dense: "God i wish"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
[3:52 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[3:52 PM] Fancypigg: "bad jokes"
[3:53 PM] Fancypigg: "i love all of you"
[3:53 PM] nfreak141: for real that shit is nothing to joke about."
<span class="vip2">[3:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Fear not, Jackuan"
[3:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The price will be paid in due time"</span>
[3:53 PM] Jackuan: "also @Wolfcat  think this: what would say someone who thinks it's an relevant character and does this kind of shit"
[3:53 PM] Jackuan: "tell me."
[3:54 PM] Jackuan: "and yeah try to be deep when clearly your not."
[3:54 PM] nfreak141: if experienth ith anything to go by, he won't be clear too you about thith."
[3:54 PM] Dense: "Jackuan let me tell you something"
[3:55 PM] Dense: "You are sticking to your theory and no one else does"
[3:55 PM] Dense: "In this moment you are acting on your own"
[3:56 PM] Jackuan: "yeah, but i dont want to... i just wanted to say my theory"
[3:56 PM] Jackuan: "and i will start paying attention rn"
[3:57 PM] Dense: "yeah and shitting on Wolf ooc as in your theory is absolutely part of the play"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "is it?"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "or is it for you?"
[3:57 PM] Pako: "oh god the mugen arc"
[3:57 PM] Pako: "hahahaa"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "i was talking of pumpking head dawg"
[3:57 PM] Dense: "I don't understand you what the fuck"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "let's talk about this later ok?"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "now i just want to eat some good food"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "and chill"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "And ofc I care about it"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "Dude just"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "Don't act by your own"
[3:59 PM] Pako: "wolfcat deleted the horizon arc"
[3:59 PM] Pako: "wtf"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "and for this kind of crap  i dont do theorizing"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "hey im me again"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "lol"
[4:00 PM] Jackuan: "PS: i wasnt acting on my own i was saying and defending my theory but ok"
[4:00 PM] Jackuan: "you think, so someone just refuse it'"
[4:00 PM] Pako: "was deleted all arcs"
[4:01 PM] Jackuan: "yeah thats true i think"
<span class="vip2">[4:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "By all means"
[4:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Keep going"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer restores the message history in the Discord text channels corrupted by Pumpkinhead.
Pumpkinhead begins threatening The Producer, claiming that The Producer will become his and that they will be usurped as the "<b>Progenitor</b>".
Pumpkinhead claims that the "<span class="canquote">dream</span>" from which The Producer came from will be melded by Pumpkinhead - he claims this has already happened and his very existence deems it so.
When Pumpkinhead is asked if he is Tenebris, he states "<span class="canquote">I am not the Dark One</span>", confirming that the "Dark One" Pumpkinhead struck a deal with to stage the "Pumpkinhead Gamejack" was indeed <b>Tenebris</b>.
The players convince The Producer to leave the Internet Detectives Discord server to escape Pumpkinhead.
The player Jackuan continuously taunts and insults Pumpkinhead, despite the warnings of other players.
The player Jackuan claims that deleting the Arc Timelines on the previous Johnisdead Wiki was not a big deal. Pumpkinhead threatens him and claims that "<span class="canquote">The price will be paid in due time</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>YOU_WILL.gif</b> - A distorted gif containing Minecraft font reading "<span class="canquote">YOU WILL BECOME MINE</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/YOU_WILL.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>WILL.gif</b> - A distorted gif containing Minecraft font reading "<span class="canquote">WILL</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ec/WILL.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>June 11th, 2020</h2>
At 2:59 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/11/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[2:59 PM] Pumpkinhead: "What have you for me today, detectives?"</span>
[3:00 PM] Dense: "uh"
[3:00 PM] otherLiam: "deez nuts"
[3:00 PM] Dense: ":beer:"
[3:00 PM] Dense: ":beers:"
[3:00 PM] Dense: "Cheers"
[3:00 PM] nfreak141: "oh you know. the uthual. what have YOU got for uth?"
[3:00 PM] nfreak141: "i mean we're waiting for one of you to make a move and all."
<span class="vip">[3:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "On the contrary"
[3:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I await the return of my mask"</span>
[3:01 PM] Dense: "Oh well.."
[3:01 PM] nfreak141: "and are we thuppothed to be finding thomething you lotht?"
[3:02 PM] otherLiam: "i’m not sure why we would ever do that"
<span class="vip">[3:02 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You    Will"
[3:02 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Soon"</span>
[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "or else what?"
[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "you’ll make me orange?"
[3:03 PM] nfreak141: "why would we help you?"
<span class="vip">[3:03 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He has made it so"</span>
[3:03 PM] nfreak141: "you make uth orange, you methth with our hang out, you take away roleth when you feel it."
[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "you’re gonna have to be more specific"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "you cant just use a pronoun to refer to someone you haven’t previously identified"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "it’s just not good english"
<span class="vip">[3:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Or else what?"</span>
[3:04 PM] nfreak141: "frankly thpeaking, i thee no reathon for it. ehtpethially thince you won't thpell it out for uth."
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "or else you’ll look like an idiot"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "like you do now"
[3:04 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
[3:05 PM] Dense: "Wewill be yours"
<span class="vip">[3:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You have little respect"</span>
[3:05 PM] Xenquility: "Does this have to do with the "prophecies" on /distance? How we will "save her" and "free him"?"
<span class="vip">[3:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I think I  Will    take another"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead claims that the players will eventually return his mask Wolfcat to him because "<span class="canquote">He</span>" has made it so.
The players continue to taunt Pumpkinhead. Pumpkinhead claims he will "<span class="canquote">take another</span>".
At 3:25 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>took.gif</b>" - a distorted version of IsocelesAssassin's Astral Observatory avatar. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1d/Tookia.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Pumpkinhead had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "<b>This One</b>" on the "Safehaven" board using IsocelesAssassin's account.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/11/20 - "This One" - Pumpkinhead
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">June 11th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 3:23 PM: "This One will do nicely. SomeOne dear to you? He's mine now. Shall I take more?"</span>
<span class="vip2">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 3:51 PM: "ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇʟʟ. ɪ'ᴍ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪs ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ, ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪʀᴄᴜᴍsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇs. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛs ɪs ᴍʏ ᴛʀɪᴄᴋ. ɪ ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ ɪᴀ ɪs ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴀɴᴇᴜᴠᴇʀ."</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 3:57 PM: "No trick. This One Dead One Rather sturdy But does nOt mesh Lacks esseNce I require Able to ovErcome corruptions of this place. He has been taken. The Other Original Alternate Dead One"</span>
<span class="vip2">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:03 PM: ""ᴅᴇᴀᴅ" ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪʙᴇ ɪᴀ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ʜᴇ ɪs ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ғᴜʀɪᴏᴜs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴀɪɴ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴅᴇ? ᴀ ᴅɪsᴘʟᴀʏ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀʟsᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs?"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 4:12 PM: "Empty nOt. You misuNderstand. MaskmaskEdmasking I find I take This One assisted before I see through his eyes now Imprisoned One. Red One. Dead One. Killed and never returned. Trapped with the mask. Now he is mine."</span>
<span class="vip3">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:21 PM: "Bitch you wish I were that easy to kill."</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was presumably sent by IsocelesAssassin using GHOSTBABEL's account.}}
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 4:23 PM: "Too late. Already done. Other. Another. You don't know?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead has seemingly taken a dead IsocelesAssassin as his mask. However, GHOSTBABEL claims that IsocelesAssassin is not dead.
IsocelesAssassin taunts Pumpkinhead through GHOSTBABEL's account, proving that he is not dead.
Pumpkinhead refers to his current mask as "<span class="canquote">Killed and never returned. Trapped with the mask.</span>" and "<span class="canquote">Another. Other. Alternate.</span>", implying that this version of IsocelesAssassin taken as a mask by Pumpkinhead is from a separate timeline.
At 3:35 PM, Pumpkinhead's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server changed to "<b>DeadOne</b>".
At 9:07 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>Libertatea Soare</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z526MotBcaY|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/11/20 - "Libertatea Soare" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with red, distorted footage of Dawn, presumably in the same environment as the video "maşină". Dawn begins pulling off cords and bandages that have been attached to him. Each time he does, the video corrupts. The video suddenly cuts to footage of an old commercial for some sort of resort or attraction called "The Treasure Ship". The video cuts back to Dawn, who is putting on a jacket. Dawn turns to leave as the video once again cuts to an old commercial - this time one featuring the "Panama City Beach". The video cuts back to Dawn. Dawn snaps his fingers, tinting the entire video white. Dawn puts a hood over his head and steps through a portal. The "File Select" sound is heard as the "Dawn of A New Day" title card from Majora's Mask fades on screen. The video shows one more clip from the "Panama City" commercial before fading to black. As the video ends, a slash appears on screen along with some phone dials of the numbers "1268".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video shows Dawn escaping the machine seen in the video "maşină".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">You only think you have escaped the machine. The cycle of truth continues Mr.Sun. You will save no one, let alone yourself. This will be your only warning, Im watching you closely. Regards, "Tenebris".</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a cipher.<br /> - Solved by nfreak (6/11/20 - 9:10 PM)}}
Tags: "<span class="canquote">rhefugi</span>"
At 9:24 PM, the player Problematik discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>1268</b>". This page was titled "<b>1268</b>" and contained the image "<b>background.jfif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/Backgroundjfif.png|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ww.wav</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/Ww.wav|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio "ww.wav" contained an SSTV signal that translated to an image of some text that read "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/exalted</nowiki></span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9b/2020-06-11_21.26.37.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>exalted</b>". This page was titled "<b>Exalted</b>" and contained the image "<b>exalted.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1a/Exalted.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>role_play_group.wav</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/Role_play_group.wav|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:32 PM, the player nfreak discovered that the audio "role_play_group.wav" contained morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4</span>".
At 9:38 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Pumpkinhead also briefly became active in this conversation.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/11/20 - Chat with Dawn and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "was doing it by hand
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "f
[9:38 PM] Fancypigg: "epic
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "F
<span class="vip">[9:38 PM] Dawn: "F"</span>
[9:38 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "But cool Xen"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey dawn"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "..."
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "DAWN"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Sup"</span>
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "Thats how a real man works"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn!"
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "How are you doing?"
[9:39 PM] nfreak141: "tho you managed to get out. like a man."
[9:39 PM] Jos: "F"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm doing alright"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Walkin n shit"</span>
[9:39 PM] scout: "uhhhh"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Been walking for a long time"</span>
[9:39 PM] scout: "we've already seen the wayward horizon stuff on within hubris right"
[9:39 PM] scout: "and solved that"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uhhhhh"
[9:40 PM] Pako: "it's fine he escaped from a machine"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "the patrem stuff?"
[9:40 PM] scout: "<nowiki>https://withinhubris.net/viewforum.php?f=25</nowiki>"
[9:40 PM] scout: "this is what I mean"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "oh that uh"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure that's just the og wayward stuff and if so yeah"
[9:40 PM] nfreak141: "scout that's ben drowned stuff"
[9:40 PM] scout: "I ask because"
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "hey dawn"
[9:40 PM] Problematik: "Can you give us some details about that place?"
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] Dawn: "Hey"</span>
[9:40 PM] scout: "there are little snippets of text at the bottom of each post that say something like"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Details about what place?"</span>
[9:41 PM] scout: ""Originally posted by" etc."
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "hope your walks going well"
[9:41 PM] scout: "and they coincide around the date of that message"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "about the machine"
[9:41 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hmm I see where your going scout"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "I mean it's not by choice but it's a good workout"</span>
[9:41 PM] scout: "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "did you rememeber something?"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get rid of my belly somehow"</span>
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "shouldve invested in a car"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "heard theyre popular these days"
<span class="vip">[9:41 PM] Dawn: "When I awoke my car was gone"</span>
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:42 PM] Fancypigg: "woke"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Your car is gone"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "damn no wayback machine dates on february 2011"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "nope"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "shit"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Some green ass man probably took it"</span>
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Shit"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Can't trust the greens"</span>
[9:42 PM] Pako: "uhh"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "doug?"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Green ass man?"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "gofundme for dawn to get a fuckin uber"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "fucken green people"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "yes"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "kill all the green people"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] Dawn: ":keljump:"</span>
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":hulkkid:"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "the frogs are green"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "so"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "not all are green"
[9:43 PM] nfreak141: "...a frog took dawn'th car. maketh thenthe"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So uh, where ya walking to buddy?"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "almost"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "all"
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you see another people in a green place?"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] Dawn: "I was making a joke about Kelbris"</span>
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Fuck"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gg even"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Haha Kelbris steals cars now"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "ahahha"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xen or wolf"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "it was me"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "im sorry"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "uhhh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "that fucker cant even drive, he has no eyes"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] Dawn: "But nah, I'm walkin"</span>
[9:44 PM] Pako: "almostt"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "phew"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Kelbris should come to mexico to make some profit"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get to my destination"</span>
[9:44 PM] nfreak141: "don't you have like teleport powerth?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "which?"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "erika walks too"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "which is?"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm erika"</span>
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What destination"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "knew it"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Where are you exactly? And where are you going?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "tyler's house"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Where ya going dawn"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "dawn always struck me as the erika type"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "It's pretty dark out so I'm hanging out in a walmart"</span>
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "th(erika) sun"
<span class="vip">[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Well, not in because of corona"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Around"</span>
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh corona"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "corona canon"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to know there's walmarts in the parallelos. Fukn chinese..."
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh ok Dawn"
<span class="vip">[9:45 PM] Dawn: "Paralellos?"</span>
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts in parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf hes in the parallelos?"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Im joking"
[9:45 PM] nfreak141: "pretty thure he'th out now"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sheesh"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "paralellos are dark"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "my ass is in the parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Problematik: "Even in parallelos they need to buy food"
[9:46 PM] scout: "so dawn do you just have like holes in your body that you're bleeding out of now or did you bandage them up or what"
[9:46 PM] Pako: "in paralellos the people eat grass"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "pick me up some A S T R A L C H I P S from the A S C E N D E D W A L M A R T please"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who beat you up man?"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Parallelos got some sushi"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm heading down to Florida"</span>
[9:46 PM] Fancypigg: "O"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "O"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "damn nice"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "where in florida?"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "It's taking a while to walk there"</span>
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "what's the occasion?"
[9:46 PM] Problematik: "Something to do in florida?"
[9:46 PM] scout: "you're gonna walk to Florida?"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for gators"
[9:46 PM] nfreak141: "...thong of thoaring would be pretty cool"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] Dawn: "To be honest I just picked one direction and started walking"</span>
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "bruh you need a lift or some shit?"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hope its not north"
[9:47 PM] Problematik: "Also is not a good idea to go to the beach during the corona shit"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "floridas a straight drive down from where im at in alabama"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "hmu"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "so the destianation is the Tyler's house."
<span class="vip">[9:47 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will, Yoshi"</span>
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's a lot of walking"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yes, please social distance as you walk the path again and again."
[9:47 PM] Pako: "he is the second"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:47 PM] scout: "dawn get like a long thin piece of metal and slide it into the little gap between the drivers window and the drivers door"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: "deep"
[9:48 PM] scout: "and then wiggle it around until it goes click and open the driver door"
<span class="vip">[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm strong. I don't need no social distancing. :muscle_1: :dawn: :muscle_2:"</span>
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Should we ordered you an uber?"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "we can break into disney world too and steal some merch"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "then go wherever you need to be"
<span class="vip">[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not stealing cars"
[9:48 PM] Dawn: "That's not lawful"</span>
[9:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So why do you need to go to fl? Sunshine state?"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "he isn't a green ass dude"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "Get some crocodiles"
[9:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn. Be careful my dude"
[9:49 PM] nfreak141: "they caught you onthe, they can catch you again."
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "just dont sleep tbh"
<span class="vip">[9:49 PM] Dawn: "Because I left something there a little while ago"
[9:49 PM] Dawn: "I need to retrieve it"</span>
[9:49 PM] yoshi: "smh dude make it to central alabama and you dont gotta walk anymore, hmu for spooky florida trip"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "And if something bad happens, talk to us"
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "is tyler the baby you left on a random person's doorstep"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Spooky Florida"
[9:50 PM] Xenquility: "do you need him back"
<span class="vip">[9:50 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will. To be honest I don't know which way is alabama from here."</span>
[9:50 PM] nfreak141: "what did you leave?"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Man, wouldnt happen to be like a necklace, or server, would it?"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "baby crying noises except its tyler going super saiyan"
[9:50 PM] Pako: "tyler is scary because dawn is coming"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "where are you at rn?"
[9:50 PM] scout: "dawn where are  you even walking to Florida from"
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] Dawn: "Ohio"</span>
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] yoshi: "yikes dude"
[9:51 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[9:51 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you just like uber or thomething?"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "my lord"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya in 20years bro"
[9:51 PM] scout: "youre gonna walk to Florida from Ohio, nigga you crazy"
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a giant ark a bit ago"
[9:51 PM] Dawn: "So I think kentucky?"</span>
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sun you got some strong legs my dude"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo, hit up some BBQ"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Helios built me in his image."
[9:52 PM] Dawn: "I was thinking about getting some bourbon"</span>
[9:52 PM] Fancypigg: "ncie"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "do it"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "NICE"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Mmmm, Southern Comfort & OJ"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Also an uber from Ohio to Florida costs like $5000"</span>
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "bruh"
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "rip ur legs"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Could you take a bus or something"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "also accidental yoshi doxx"
[9:53 PM] scout: "dawn is doing some forrest gump bullshit right now"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@scout lol"
[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
<span class="vip">[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Got no money"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Wallet went missing"</span>
[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "got no grace"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""rip ur legs" More like: Legs ur ripped"
<span class="vip">[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Honestly speaking I'm typing up on a shitty $20 walmart phone right now"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Using the walmart wifi"</span>
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "is more expensive if you go walking because you need to stop more times to eat"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I don't need to eat"</span>
[9:54 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why?"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "he can live off the land like a man"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "well ok"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dawn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "photosynthesis"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "The typical human can live like a month without food"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Right?"</span>
[9:54 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you like teleport?"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok, cool"
[9:54 PM] scout: "id say more like 2 weeks"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "so he will get there just in time"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I already used the little bit of power I had left"</span>
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "nvm"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "bout to reference a specific tumblr meme here"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "1 month without walking"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back"</span>
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "hey peabrain, you teleport?"
[9:55 PM] scout: "congrats yoshi nobody understood the reference"
[9:55 PM] scout: "are you happy"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back" Yes, yes you will"
[9:55 PM] Pako: "but if you do exercise and don't eat you will die"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "yes"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] Dawn: "Hoping I can teleport back to Ohio once I get my power"</span>
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmao eve"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "lol"
[9:55 PM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "i am absolutely pleased with myself scout"
[9:55 PM] Dense: "Sun"
[9:55 PM] scout: "damn why are you about to walk to Florida just to teleport back to Ohio"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Need a dispencer here"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "at least teleport into disney world and steal one of the mickey suits for a meme"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:56 PM] Pako: "haha"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt have his power rb"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "rn"
[9:56 PM] scout: "you need a better travel agent my man this sounds stupid"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Teleportation sounds cool"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] Dawn: "Scout, I can't teleport right now. I used up the last bit of power a bit ago, sadly. My link with Helios is currently severed."
[9:56 PM] Dawn: "I need my holy book"</span>
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "What book?"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: ""Helios Link" new terminology page when"
[9:57 PM] nfreak141:"Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles" @Deleted User jutht to thee you tonight"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "@helios bro wyd help my man dawn out"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:57 PM] Pako: "did you spend a lot of power escaping?"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "is it the book that someone who sounded like you quoted in a call a while back"
[9:57 PM] scout: ">jutht to thee you tonight"
what? what'd you say? speak up I can't hear you I can't understand you"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] Dawn: "A lot of my power was stolen from me"</span>
[9:57 PM] scout: "also dawn needs the Libro Lunaris"
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "I see, thanks xen"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who took it from you dawn"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn, who beat you up tho"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "yes dawn needs the moonbook"
[9:57 PM] Fancypigg: "gg"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That head wound is nasty"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "where is that libro?"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "in the spire?"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "dawns power got the succ"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Im will sent you a care package with some good mexican food"
[9:58 PM] Fancypigg: "cate"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "cate"
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "cate"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Cake"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I don't really know who"
[9:58 PM] Dawn: "They blindsided me"</span>
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "also realizing now that unless you get way off track you wont end up in alabama"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "f"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I thought this impossible, as Helios watches all"</span>
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn, surprise attack."
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Did they have a sword?"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "good idea"
[9:59 PM] nfreak141: "doeth heh watch all at night?"
[9:59 PM] Pako: "greth got a sword"
[9:59 PM] Problematik: "That person who beat you up, did he talked? And if he said a word, do you remember his voice?"
[9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "if somehow you get off track and end up here the offers still good, buuut if you walk the actually fastest route you wont"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "f"
[10:00 PM] nfreak141: "thimp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 tell that to your account owner"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for wild mugens in north carolina"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Stfu bin"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "i heard theyre vicious this time of year"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Chris is a simp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Bruh"
<span class="vip">[10:00 PM] Dawn: "I don't really remember any voices"</span>
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "sump"
[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sunp"
[10:01 PM] Pako: "did you see anybody strange?"
[10:01 PM] nfreak141: "you remember tenebrith? he had a meththage for ou"
<span class="vip">[10:01 PM] Dawn: "My time hooked to that infernal device was one of torture. It kept me locked in a state from which I couldn't recover."
[10:01 PM] Dawn: "But all of that will change once I get my book."</span>
[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Would you be able to recover your power Dawn?"
[10:02 PM] nfreak141: ""sump" That's actually a secondary fishtank that people use to filter saltwater in."
[10:02 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The more you know"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@Deleted User Really? Nice"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "also"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "are you heading to panama city"
[10:02 PM] Problematik: "Come to mexico"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Wow problem how do u kno"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Too late bud"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] Fancypigg: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] HaouDeSoul: "come 2 Brazil"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "come 2 antartic"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "pls"
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] Dawn: "Man, if Florida takes 2 weeks, brazil would take like...3"</span>
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "br? br?"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "3? only"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead is down"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "whot"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "just swim across the gulf on a gator"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "still up for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I can enter"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "jid is fine for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "ok"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Jid is fine?"
[10:04 PM] Fancypigg: "same for me"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "thtill up"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you has been banned problem"
[10:04 PM] scout: "does exalted have a janus room or are we sort of done fucking with janus"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "banned for arg crimes"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you know that feeling"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "it doeth not"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "No Janus in exalted"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "Nvm was a shitty connection problem"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I was banned like 3 times in jid,com"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Y'all don't use VPN?"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "so slow"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Not really"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "ha"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting for like"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting since I started using a computer"
[10:05 PM] scout: "and I have never once used a VPN"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i just Don't Care"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "fuck the police"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i seed without a vpn"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "in the street"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "We got a badass over here"</span>
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "ill fight the cops"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Cool scout"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "believe me"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "same"
[10:06 PM] scout: "police do not give a shit about torrentors"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] scout: "unless you're eastern european and you own a torrenting site"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "polie"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But you know who does care about the torrents?"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "Maybe not the polie"</span>
[10:06 PM] Problematik: "What about to take a break dawn, could be good for you"
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "IIIII I SAW THAT"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "awa"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But THE LAW :muscle_1: :ANGERY3D: :muscle_2:"</span>
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "I SAW YOU REACT TYLER"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "thelaw is important"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "*the law"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "but apparently susceptible to frogs"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "tyler reacted on the pumpkin above for like .5 seconds"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah right"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "Frogs?"</span>
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "FROGS?"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "F R O G S"</span>
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "FROGSSSSSSS"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "yeah uh"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "sorry bout that"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "FROGS"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] Dawn: "It's okay"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "I didn't like him anyways"</span>
[10:07 PM] Pako: "is true that IIIII is always here?"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:07 PM] Pako: "xDD"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "you know who that guy was"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "IIIII is always here"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "he literally reacted to that pumpkin above so yes"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "way to drop a bombshell"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "is like god"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "hi tyler"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "he is watching us"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Watching"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "i saw that."
[10:08 PM] scout: "hey IIIII"
[10:08 PM] scout: "blow me"
[10:08 PM] scout: "ahahahaha gottem"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "come play with us IIIII"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Btfo"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:08 PM] scout: "i saw that react"
[10:08 PM] scout: "lmao"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Also drink water"
[10:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "IIIII is spoookt"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Water"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Good"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "i was looking to see who was spam reacting/unreacting and saw it lmao"
[10:09 PM] scout: "if i hear another one of you fucks say "drink water guys!!" I'm gonna fucking murder one of you"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "what if i dont"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "don't drink water"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "everyone tell scout to drink water"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "drink coca cola"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "right now"
[10:09 PM] scout: "FUCK you I'm gonna drink MORE diet soda"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "or pepsi"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Yes, water is good for preventing you to get corona and evade 5g cancer"
[10:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "AGUITA"
[10:10 PM] Pako: "how you know?"
[10:10 PM] scout: "i will FURTHER RUIN my TOOTH ENAMEL"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "5g cancer is how I get my power"</span>
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Bc im the lord of hydration"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "The radiation empowers me"</span>
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Oh"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"</span>
[10:10 PM] yoshi: "gg"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Drink Sunny D."</span>
[10:10 PM] Pako: "yes fuck"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That was an epic battle tbh"
[10:11 PM] Problematik: "WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Holy fuck"
[10:11 PM] Dawn: "PaKo new bin"</span>
[10:11 PM] Fancypigg: "yes fuck :lewd:"
[10:11 PM] Pako: "the sunny is like orange juice right?"
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "um... fucking thcuthe?"
[10:11 PM] Dense: "The law..."
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "thay that again and imma thell you tF out"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "ey teleport and bring me some fresh OJ before going back to ohio ty"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sunshine drank"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "that good florida shit"
[10:11 PM] scout: "">thay that again and imma thell you tF out" why do you do this"
[10:11 PM] scout: "this is the most retarded shit ever"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Alright, will do"</span>
[10:11 PM] scout: "just type normally"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "nice bro"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I apologize dawn cuz he is a sun, but pako? Hes a fucking human, he needs to drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida oranges are over rated. Mandarine oranges are the new shit. China rules over the world now"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "no"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "China"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I will fight pako if he doesnt drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "you're going to China"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "I'm a mars"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] Dawn: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fql5Am95p28</nowiki>"</span>
[10:12 PM] Dawn: "^My feelings"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "im going to drink PURE SALT"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "UNTIL I SHRIVEL"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "hey I'm mars"
[10:13 PM] scout: ">Florida oranges are over rated."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Gonna drink nada"
[10:13 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "im uranus"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "hehehehehehehehehhehehe"
[10:13 PM] nfreak141: "thank you for that beautiful video. i am now stealing it."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scout pulling out rlm memes"
<span class="vip">[10:13 PM] Dawn: "You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men"</span>
[10:13 PM] Problematik: "Dawn, i said that i apologize you cuz u are a sun, and suns cant drink water"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "HEY"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "DAWN LOL"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "maybe"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "bifreak141"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Fucking nfreak"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "also because i have something to post when haou says "drink water guys""
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "i don't remember saying you could use my name"
[10:14 PM] Pako: "the water is bad to the sun"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Sorry"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men" Quick delete it before Dov shows up"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH SHIIIIT"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "in pokemon the water beat the fire"
[10:15 PM] yoshi: "when u water"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "The rock, the earth"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "ohhh"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "he is god"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "pussy lake"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "is hard to cross"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "Time to get some Pussy"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Time to get some Pussy" Thank me for my service"
[10:16 PM] Pako: ":roommate:"
[10:16 PM] scout: "">is hard to cross" I sail through the pussy lake like I'm hauling new spices and syphilis"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sure"
[10:16 PM] Problematik: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] Fancypigg: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I now realise the error of that quote without context.... oof"
[10:17 PM] scout: "I'll pass"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:17 PM] Dense: "w"
[10:18 PM] scout: "did anyone else see deadone typing"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm a little worried hanging around this closed walmart is going to give me a bad look. I'm gonna start walking again."</span>
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Yep"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Was there anything you guys wanted before I go?"</span>
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "shhh we dont talk about deadfuck"
[10:18 PM] scout: "a selfie"
[10:18 PM] scout: "with today's newspaper"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "get me some cheez its"
[10:18 PM] scout: "or date"
[10:18 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts close?"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "oh wait its closed nvm"
<span class="vip">[10:18 PM] Dawn: "A selfie with this $20 walmart phone?"</span>
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Can you buy me some parallelos cheetos"
<span class="vip">[10:19 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, walmarts have been closing early since corona hit"</span>
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "uhhhhhhh borger"
[10:19 PM] scout: "i didnt even know walmart sold phones"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Sleep in wallmart, they have good beds"
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh, you right."
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get yourself food Dawn"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Get some vitamine D"
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt need to eat remember"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need food"</span>
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes stronk"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god"</span>
[10:20 PM] Pako: "The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"</span>
[10:20 PM] Problematik: "Actually, the moonlight is just sun reflection"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "Until I pass out on the street at 3 in the morning"</span>
[10:20 PM] scout: "">I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god" what happens when it's night"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "It's always daylight out somewhere"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "The moon reflects the light of my lord"</span>
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna get rioted , boii"
[10:21 PM] Pako: "so the moon don't have light"
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well if you say so Dawn. Just be careful."
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "Rioted?"</span>
[10:21 PM] Pako: "it's all a lie"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "try not to pass out in the middle of the road"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound too safe"
[10:21 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah there are a bunch of riotth going on"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "I will keep to the dark, then."</span>
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "3am, you about to walk through some bad boi states"
[10:21 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you glow in the dark?"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "You've been with me on my midnight walks before"</span>
[10:21 PM] scout: ">I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "be nice scout"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "if dawn claps twice he lights up like a lamp"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "duh"
[10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah, I remember the ice cream run"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "wow you arent supposed to say it to his face"
[10:22 PM] Pako: "I will see the sun on a 3 hours or less"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Damn, I was called an idiot"</span>
[10:22 PM] scout: "to be honest I just wanted an excuse to use that .gif"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "that's the kind of talk that gives you skin cancer"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Brb going to build a bomb and blow up the moon children"</span>
[10:22 PM] scout: "based"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "nuke the moon"
[10:22 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "NUKE THE MOON"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "don't nuke my mom"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "im gonna ban problematik"
[10:23 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uh, we prefer the lunar children"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "ban problem he thaid nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "actually sun you can fight with the moon?"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Not again"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "hold on"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "call luna a bitch for me before you blow it up ty"
<span class="vip">[10:23 PM] Dawn: "<nowiki>https://i.imgur.com/dYmiKtK.jpeg</nowiki> This meme is how I look at full power"</span>
9:23 PM] Pako: "if sun fight with the moon will defeat the lunar children"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "Nice, you glow in the dark"
<span class="vip">[10:24 PM] Dawn: "Can someone please change my AA batteries?"</span>
[10:24 PM] yoshi: "that image gave me skin cancer"
[10:24 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Imagine this bright asshole ruining your sleep"
[10:24 PM] Jack: are The Sun and The Moon married or divorced?"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "That could be hot to date, like "oh sweetie is so dark" and you are like "dont worrie honey, i got this" and then you glow and have sex"
[10:24 PM] Pako: "<nowiki>https://www.amazon.com/Sun-Energise-Waterproof-Battery-Charger/dp/B084DP61FJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=batteries+to+sun&qid=1591928687&sr=8-1</nowiki>"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "wait so dawn is grillby"
[10:25 PM] nfreak141: "undertale canon"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen likes undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: yeah"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "laugh at him"
[10:25 PM] Dense: "alo sans"
[10:25 PM] Fancypigg: "hahahahahahahaahahaha"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "i wrote in amazon: batteries to sun"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jk i love undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: no, undertale is actually good."
<span class="vip">[10:25 PM] Dawn: "I'll have to try that line next time I find myself alone in a dark room with a female, Problem"</span>
[10:25 PM] Dense: "owo"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "i can be a female for you dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[10:25 PM] Problematik: "Thanks dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jacks name"
[10:25 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "thats GAY"
[10:25 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna tan the cooter"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "ik"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "or the booter :thinking:"
[10:26 PM] scout: "">i can be a female for you dawn" why am I not surprised the undertale fan said this"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] Dawn: "The best way to get a full-body tan"</span>
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "where the sun DOES shine :3DEyes:"
[10:26 PM] Jack: Hello eevee"
[10:26 PM] Jack: and also screw you wolf."
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i only recall the game"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i am not an active fan"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] Dawn: ""Haha, did you forget to flip over? You only have a tan on one side of your body""</span>
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "biSQUAD"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "bisquad"
[10:27 PM] Jack: i can't bc if i do an tan i will be less powerful."
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "only bi for ids"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "like jeff"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "still bi"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Bisquad"
[10:27 PM] scout: "nah not bi he just said he could be a female"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] Dawn: "I feel like getting that close to me would only result in skin cancer"</span>
[10:27 PM] scout: "what the fuck is that about xen"
[10:27 PM] Fancypigg: "hes a frog"
[10:27 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I image a full body blister"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "doesnt matter, had sex"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "what is what about"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Transquility"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] Dawn: "What if the glow is an STI?"</span>
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Or an std"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "sun transmitted infection"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "sun transmitted -"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "FICK"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "even"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Frick?"
[10:28 PM] Jack: :eve: is that eevee reborn? lol"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":worried:"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "that's the pokemon"
<span class="vip">[10:28 PM] Dawn: "That's xen"</span>
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "maybe"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Xen is the sexiest man in ID"
[10:29 PM] Jack: maybe its xen"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually yosh"
[10:29 PM] scout: "unfortunately that is eve"
[10:29 PM] Jack: oh damn"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "no"
[10:29 PM] Problematik: "Then goes jacob"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "god no"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "A"
[10:29 PM] scout: "she was not aware of what she was doing"
[10:29 PM] Jack: holy turns out"
[10:29 PM] Jack: that is an thot?"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is thoth"
[10:29 PM] Dense: "Sexiest man? CircleHunter"
[10:29 PM] Pako: "thoth 33"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is ezekiel thoth himself]"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "in the flesh"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "thoth"
[10:29 PM] Jack: thot"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "*thoth"
[10:29 PM] Fancypigg: "thoth"
<span class="vip">[10:29 PM] Dawn: "But I really should get going. I'll pop in and out as wifi signal is good. Again, anything else you guys need from me?"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Other than apparently some cheez-its and oj"</span>
[10:30 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "rice"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Parallelos cheetos"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "for you to be careful"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "some rice"
[10:30 PM] yoshi: "a will to live"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I feel like this is important"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "And red bull"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Oh and cereal"
<span class="vip">[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Alright let's make a shopping list"</span>
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get good footage"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "if you can buy"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "buy some rice"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "oh and thome tecate"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "and chicken"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Cheetos, red bull, cereal"
[10:31 PM] Problematik: "And nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Jack: equals dead"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "BUY LIST:"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "just bring the entire store"
[10:31 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Tecate is the worst garbage"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh shit another update"
<span class="vip">[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"</span>
[10:31 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:31 PM] scout: "@The Sun jnb, ligher fluid, and a flashlight"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "classic dov"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "something else?"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: what even is this"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is talking"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "making a shopping list"
[10:31 PM] Jack: @The Sun  totino's pizza rolls"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "walking to florida"
<span class="vip">[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Fleshlight"</span>
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "literally just teleport an entire walmart to everyones house"
[10:31 PM] Dense: "Fleshlight...?"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "and finally watermelon"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh okay"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "madame"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "problem solved"
[10:32 PM] scout: "i said flashlight you unfunny solar fucker"
<span class="vip">[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Hey ARG"</span>
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "we need SECRETS"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "not selects"
<span class="vip">[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Long time no see"</span>
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "though"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "Wh"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "those would probably be good too"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "a"
[10:32 PM] Jack: a"
[10:32 PM] Problematik: "Some will to live could be good"
[10:32 PM] Jack: eevee when is going to do the other vid of JID series?"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Solar Fucker Fleshlight (Specifically for Scout)"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Totino's Pizza Rolls"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Watermelon"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Will to Live (Gelato and whipped cream)"
[10:33 PM] Dense: "Yes"</span>
[10:33 PM] Jack: nice"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "just that sun"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: hang on what"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "This list good?"</span>
[10:33 PM] Pako: "NO MORE"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "yes is good"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "we need all of it"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: how did i look away for a few hours and now you’re fine"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "HOT POCKETS"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "buy the walmart out"
[10:33 PM] nfreak141: "thome thun kitht"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to have a hard time carrying all of this to Yoshi's place"</span>
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "just literally purchase the franchise"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "oh no im getting ALL OF IT"
[10:33 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna carry that weight cowboy"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Liam, have you seen me? I'm always damn fine. B)"</span>
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: ":cowboy:"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "howdy"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "And use paper bags"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "No more plastic"
[10:34 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "im gonna end up with an entire goddamn grocery store at my house"
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: only recently"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm cutting my shopping list off at Hot Pockets"</span>
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: when you looked like you were fuckin dying"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I was dying"</span>
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "he got better liam"
<span class="vip">[10:34 PM] Dawn: "My power was stolen from me"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I used the last bit to get away"</span>
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: damn. that sucks fam."
[10:34 PM] Jack: oh crap"
[10:35 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking my way to Florida to try to get my holy book, which will allow me to re-establish my link with Helios and get my power back"</span>
[10:35 PM] Problematik: "In the morning you will feel better"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've never had one"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I think that's about where we're at"</span>
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you’re walking to Florida?"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "imagine almost dying but you have so many balls that you just tp out and go to wallmart"
[10:35 PM] ARGdov: i forgot helios is a legit entity lol"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, from Ohio"</span>
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Don't come"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I passed a huge Ark a bit ago"</span>
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "It's hell here"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "we've played sun song like three times"
[10:35 PM] nfreak141: "we ddi that. that'th how he got out we think"
[10:35 PM] Jack: is this and upd8?"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What's with the ark"
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: im sorry an Ark???"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Yeah"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, so I think I'm in kentucky"</span>
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the ark encounter"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Where coronel sanders lives?"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "that giant religious thing"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: ok hold up"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the retarded thing"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "he will lead us"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "<nowiki>https://arkencounter.com/tickets/</nowiki>"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "to the ark"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "^"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "what jacob posted"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, that thing"</span>
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "niceeeeeee"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: you’re gonna die of fuckin exposure walking between states like this"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Did you know it cost $50 to get in?"</span>
[10:36 PM] Jack: holy sheeps"
[10:36 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Make sure to wear protection"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: can we play the song of soaring for this lad?"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] Dawn: "I can't die from exposure. The Sun will protect me."</span>
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Bernie sanders looks like coronel sanders"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: ok but what about at night"
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "altho, dawn. apparently tyler ith waiting for you online or thomething"
[10:37 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Sun is really strong"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "Tyler's waiting for me?"</span>
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:37 PM] Jack: i think"
[10:37 PM] Jack: yes"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "At night I'll punch the darkness to death"</span>
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "the destination is the Tyler's house or the fishery?"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: i mean alright man if you’re sure you’re good"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] Dawn: "I'll be fine :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: hit us up if you need anything tho"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "also apparently "Tenebris" is watching you so try not to die"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "Well, from that it looks like he was waiting for me back in 2013"</span>
[10:38 PM] scout: "dawn if you come to Miami you will get ripped off because you're a tourist so don't come to Miami"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "2011 actually"</span>
[10:38 PM] nfreak141: "yeah that'th why i thaid to be careful"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a tourist"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: wait you can time travel?"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: what part of florida does all this shit happen in anyway"
<span class="vip">[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I was born in Florida"</span>
[10:38 PM] Jack: oh"
[10:38 PM] Pako: "since 2011 tyler is waiting the sun?"
[10:38 PM] Fancypigg: "Florida"
[10:38 PM] scout: "central florida, LIAM"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: ayyy fellow florida man"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for your loss dawn that must be a burden to live with"
[10:38 PM] scout: "Liam*"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "and liam"
[10:38 PM] yoshi: "florida hell"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "welcome to eldery orange gator town"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's better than being born in Ohio"</span>
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: ew gross, that’s Orlando territory"
[10:39 PM] Jack: in florida are many toads yoshi"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "they go bup"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "there are a lot of frogs and toads"
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: altho i cant talk"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: im from the most memed city in florida"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's the sunshine state"</span>
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "hey buddy. lithp ith my thing."
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: actual hell"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] Dawn: "Therefore it is best"</span>
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: Jacksonville"
[10:39 PM] Dense: "awa"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "what"
[10:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida is spook"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "i was born in illinois so im just a stalk of corn tbh"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "im in orange park whats good"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: i am, unironically, born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida."
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: it is an eternal curse"
[10:40 PM] Jack: are you still have your powers? The sun?"
<span class="vip">[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was born and raised for a bit in Jacksonville, actually"</span>
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "liam we should hang out dude"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: then you know"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: and im sorry"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: jacob we do hang out"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh how ironic. you were born in the thunthine thtate."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "wha"
<span class="vip">[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was taken away at 3 though so I don't remember much"</span>
[10:40 PM] Jack: ok"
[10:40 PM] scout: "i am also a floridian"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: or do you mean in person"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "in person"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: cus im in santa monica now"
[10:40 PM] scout: "but sort of only technically because some people dissociate south florida"
[10:40 PM] yoshi: "im stuck in alabama so"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "well not ironic."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: i got out"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "the escape"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: but it’s with you forever"
[10:41 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "f"
<span class="vip">[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I was just asking these guys if they needed anything from me or wanted to ask any questions, and that's how I got this shopping list."
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Do you want to add something to it before I go, Liam?"</span>
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "which is apparently being delivered to my house"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "help"
[10:41 PM] Dense: "Oh"
<span class="vip">[10:41 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where I'll find a fleshlight at walmart"
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "But I know Yoshi wants it so"</span>
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "in the back"
[10:41 PM] nfreak141: "pharmathy area"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "what would i even use one for"
[10:42 PM] scout: "flashlight"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "lesbian masturbation"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "or rather get like a lighter"
[10:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "so you can light yourself up"
[10:42 PM] Jack: oh yeaaa"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: To the shopping list, no. But can you give like a Sparknotes on what exactly you’ve been doing for this whole time while quietly pretending to be a normal ID?"
[10:42 PM] yoshi: "theres better ways than that xen"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: cus like"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "what better ways"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: im still kinda shocked you’re not"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "tell me pls"
<span class="vip">[10:42 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean?"
[10:42 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a normal ID?"</span>
[10:42 PM] yoshi: "(points) HORNY"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you have fucking SUN POWERS"
[10:42 PM] Jack: are ya?"
[10:42 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:42 PM] Fancypigg: "we knew this"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "bitch i have frog powers"
<span class="vip">[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been saying that since forever though"</span>
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else here have sun powers?"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has always been god"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "its you that didnt believe it"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "your poing"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "t"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "point."
[10:43 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:43 PM] Jack: pointss"
[10:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn just needs sunny d"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: I have literally never heard this before you got nabbed"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "d"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "i summon an army of frogs"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: YES FR"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "nae naed"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
<span class="vip">[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been talking of the glorious light of the Sun and my amazing strength and endurance for the longest time. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
[10:43 PM] Dawn: "My powers are legend"</span>
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "sadly theyre feral and dont listen to me"
[10:43 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "this is how thelaw was eaten by frogs"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "now that you know, look its everywhere"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else have magical powers I don’t know about???"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "xens gay"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: SHUT UP WOLF"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "can't go a day without hearing about this man talking about the sun"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "long dick does count? Because I don't"
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "idk if you know about my powers"
[10:44 PM] nfreak141: "ith me bin hath thome magic powerth"
[10:44 PM] scout: "This sun power arc is stupid when do we get to the sideplot when we follow some random lunar children cult member escaping and reforming"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Jayckup has the ability to lose his eyebrow hairs at extreme speeds"</span>
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "i mean unless he's not active which is most days so"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just found Dawn's Kentucky selfie"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Fuck"</span>
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] Dawn: "You got it"</span>
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "nice"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I can uh summmon coffed"
[10:44 PM] Pako: "nice photoshop"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "his voice just does that"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: ""photoshop""
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg:"
jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
@yoshi this is also true"
[10:45 PM] aliveLiam: yall really on some shit"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "^"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I've been talking of my powers for ages now, Liam. So I'm a normal ID, right?"</span>
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "youre a normal ID dont listen to him"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "huh"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "Yes you are"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Are you saying I'm not normal just because I'm GLOWING?"</span>
[10:45 PM] Dense: "You are loved as anyone else"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "the real test"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "is erika canon"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Pako: "indeed"
[10:45 PM] nfreak141: "thath rathitht"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Who the fuck is erika"</span>
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "smh"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: i just"
[10:46 PM] Xenquility: "she's a canon character"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: okay"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "normal non-pumpkin-up-the-ass wolf can instantly incite a frenzy with cursed images"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "u ok lia"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "m"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "a very strong power"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "C o o l"
<span class="vip">[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Liam has a power too"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Shall I reveal it?"</span>
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: ":frogdance:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
<span class="vip">[10:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm gonna reveal it"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Get ready"</span>
[10:46 PM] Pako: ":whathesay:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] nfreak141: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "do it"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "DO IT"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "do it"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "DO IT"
[10:47 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has the power of building suspense"
<span class="vip">[10:47 PM] Dawn: ":BLANK: :kirby_ono: :dawn: :BLANK: ":frogcouch1::frogcouch2::frogcouch2::frogcouch3:"</span>
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:47 PM] nfreak141:"
<span class="vip">[10:47 PM] Dawn: "He can be with me on the casting couch and survive"</span>
[10:47 PM] Dense: ":movie_camera:"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: all my secrets, revealed"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the froggy casting couch"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the sexiest of couches"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn Liam"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "exactly jacob"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh god"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: tbh Dawn’s the only one who can handle me"
[10:47 PM] scout: "i have freed y ou all from your orange color prisons"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "for noe"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "now"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Scout ily"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "fried"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "holy fuck i cannot type today"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:48 PM] scout: "was getting really sick of it"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "scout gamejacking"
[10:48 PM] nfreak141: "you are a bro"
[10:48 PM] scout: "to be quite honest"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "ban scout"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "gamejacker"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "WH0t"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: @Wolfcat you gonna take that?"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "I'm red!"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "LIAM"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: :slight_smile:"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "WHY WOULD YOU PING HIM"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "also haou too"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: cus is funne"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've always been red"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "same haou"
[10:49 PM] nfreak141: "well pumpkin  head hath been thlowly lothing today. hueuehuehue"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "IT WAS LIAMS FAULT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "EVERYONE POINT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "LIAM"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "LIAAAAAAAMMM"
[10:49 PM] aliveLiam: is that the case? every time i ping him someone dies?"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "liam killed wolf?"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "@The Sun what can you tell us about the holy book, if anything?"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "has pretty sun pics in it"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "looks cool"
[10:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hot sun girls"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "local suns in your area"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hey"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "horny"
<span class="vip">[10:50 PM] Dawn: "Sure, but I really need to get going. I have a feeling the few cars that are entering the parking lot and leaving are because I'm still hanging out around here."</span>
[10:50 PM] Pako: "all oranges"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "FUCK OFF"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "haha xens orange too"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: thanks dad"
[10:50 PM] Fancypigg: "ty dawn"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: also bye dawn"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "sun can you save us?"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: save a spot on the couch for me"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya Sun"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "WOW WTF"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "im under the couch hiding"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCKING SHAME"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "yeah wtf guys"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "smh"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "will suck dick for my colour back"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "or puss"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "fr"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[10:51 PM] Pako: "sun give us our colours"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "hmu"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: will suck anything for Xen to not get his color back"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "ok whos he succin"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: panLiam"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: Ed: Liam is not actually pan"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I don't understand the concept of pansexuality"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "im bi/pan so"
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "that's exactly what a pan would say"
[10:52 PM] scout: "GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: gottem"
[10:52 PM] nfreak141: "ah damn i'm orange again"
[10:52 PM] Pako: "xen pink and rest orange?"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I return."
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "i just say bi because its easier and less confusing"
[10:52 PM] scout: "FUCK"
<span class="vip">[10:52 PM] Dawn: "The book essentially contains a lot of text that is very important to me. It's nearly one of a kind, and has been passed down from heir to heir. The text inside has been replaced, but the power and the core of the book itself is older than I even know. That being said, I was using it for a session at Tyler's place, and kinda left it there."</span>
[10:52 PM] scout: "i will win"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I WILL WIN"
<span class="vip">[10:52 PM] Dawn: "Also I cannot save you. Maybe if I still had my power, but I don't want to piss off mad pumpkin god"</span>
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You have no power here scoot the orange"
[10:52 PM] ARGdov: Wait “a session”"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "scouts abouta become canon"
[10:53 PM] ARGdov: Whats that mean"
<span class="vip">[10:53 PM] Dawn: "I need to go now; I'll see you guys"</span>
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scoot"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "good luck dude"
[10:53 PM] Fancypigg: "hope you rest well my dude"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "dont get jumped again"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont die dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "AAAAUAHG"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont sleep"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you Dawn!"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "also will post pumpkins for xen to be orange again"
[10:53 PM] Pako: "the sun will die on 7.5 billions of years so don't care"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you later Dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "I WILL DIE"
[10:53 PM] scout: "ON THIS HILL"
[10:54 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
<span class="vip2">[10:54 PM] DeadOne: You will."</span>
[10:54 PM] Dense: "shit"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn informs the players that he is currently walking from Ohio to Florida in order to retrieve a <b>holy book</b> he left there.
Dawn explains that his holy book was passed down from heir to heir, and that the text inside it has been replaced, buy the book's power and core is ancient.
Dawn says that Dawn used the book for a "<span class="canquote">session</span>" at Tyler's house, and it still remains there.
Dawn says that he's been walking for quite a while, and that he currently believes he is in Kentucky.
Dawn praises Helios throughout this conversation, cementing the fact that this Dawn is indeed the one players spoke to on Janus who owned the computer containing the sun notes.
Dawn says that he cannot teleport to Florida as his link with Helios has been severed and he has no more power left. He claims he will regain his power if he can retrieve his book, however.
Dawn doesn't know who attacked him - only that they captured him and hooked him up to "<span class="canquote">that infernal device</span>", which kept him in a state of torture.
Dawn says that he was actually born in Florida - he simply lives in Ohio.
Dawn claims that he is a normal Internet Detectives and that he's simply always claimed to have "<span class="canquote">sun powers</span>". This is true, because as a player, Dawn would often joke about being a member of a cult known as "<b>The Sun Children</b>" and possessing sun powers.
Pumpkinhead becomes active in this conversation and threatens the players.
<h2>June 13th, 2020</h2>
At 6:52 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Pathetic</span>" in response to the player nfreak brute-forcing a cipher.
At 8:00 PM, the player Jade discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>spire</b>" had changed. The page was now titled "<b>TRAPPED</b>" and contained the image "<b>forgotten_ones.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bd/Forgotten_ones.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the image "<b>whatremains.gif</b>" and the audio "<b>inside.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Whatremains.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bc/Inside.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 8:04 PM, the player Jade discovered that there were several armless Moon Children models spread throughout the "Spire" Janus map with glitchy textures. These Moon Children would disappear once the players approached them.
At 8:14 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players using both Wolfcat's account and IsocelesAssassin's account. IsocelesAssassin's Discord account's avatar was now a distorted, orange image of the Breman Mask. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/32/3a346de22033a4fe3a8d5669eb20778a.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/13/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[8:14 PM] grayassassin: "One who was killed"</span>
<span class="vip2">[8:14 PM] DeadOne: "One who was forgotten"</span>
<span class="vip">[8:14 PM] grayassassin: "One who has been taken"</span>
[8:14 PM] Wolfcat: "One who is Mine"
[8:14 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "John, Jacob, Tyler... someone"
[8:15 PM] nfreak141: "fuck you pumpkin cuck"
[8:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "uh"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "i mean isoscelesassassain ir the alternate universe circlehunter"
[8:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who?"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "which would imply that IA was taken"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "or circlehunter himself"
[8:15 PM] scout: "One who has the gorilla grip moose lips"
[8:15 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""one who is Mine""
[8:15 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "yeah that's circle"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "or it could be something weird and be a future/past IA"
<span class="vip2">[8:16 PM] DeadOne: "P"</span>
<span class="vip">[8:16 PM] grayassassin: "S"</span>
[8:16 PM] scout: "the alternate reality circle shit still confuses me"
[8:16 PM] Xenquility: "ps"
[8:16 PM] Xenquility: "pussy"
<span class="vip2">[8:17 PM] DeadOne: "T"</span>
<span class="vip">[8:17 PM] grayassassin: "L"</span>
<span class="vip2">[8:17 PM] DeadOne: "I"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead taunts the players using IsocelesAssassin's Discord account and sends the message "<span class="canquote">SPLIT</span>".
At 11:40 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/13/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[11:40 PM] Dawn: "Sup guys"</span>
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "Hey"
<span class="vip">[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Wussup?"</span>
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "How you doing?"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "How is the walk?"
[11:41 PM] otherLiam: "heya"
<span class="vip">[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Walk is going good"</span>
[11:41 PM] Dense: "Cool"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
<span class="vip">[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Think I walked 50 miles today"</span>
[11:42 PM] Dense: "Holy shit"
[11:42 PM] Dense: "lemme see dat leg :eyes:"
[11:42 PM] otherLiam: "bet you’re getting a lot of sun buh dum tssh"
<span class="vip">[11:42 PM] Dawn: "Everyone else is getting a lotta sun B)"</span>
[11:42 PM] Problematik: "You are going to have some reapped ass legs"
<span class="vip">[11:42 PM] Dawn: "Reapped"</span>
[11:42 PM] otherLiam: "Reapped"
[11:42 PM] Problematik: "Those legs can cut rock"
<span class="vip">[11:43 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"</span>
[11:43 PM] Problematik: ">:("
<span class="vip">[11:43 PM] Dawn: "So what's up with you guys?"</span>
[11:43 PM] yoshi: "xen isnt here, say deeplore and delete it quick"
[11:43 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
[11:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "How did you walk 50 miles"
[11:43 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
<span class="vip">[11:43 PM] Dawn: "I walked 25 miles"
[11:43 PM] Dawn: "And then I walked 25 more"</span>
[11:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "H o w"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] Dawn: "By walking far"</span>
[11:44 PM] Problematik: "Cuz you are bored"
[11:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "T e l l m e y o u r w a y s"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I chose a direction and walked"</span>
[11:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why tho"
[11:44 PM] Problematik: "Hes an entity"
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "you put one foot in front of the other"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] Dawn: "Yes"</span>
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "ahh zero wasnt here"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I explained why already"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "Oh right"</span>
[11:44 PM] Dense: "Imagine the LEGS"
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "he has to go to FL to get his sun bible"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking to Florida"</span>
[11:45 PM] Dense: "the THIGHS"
<span class="vip">[11:45 PM] Dawn: "Yes"</span>
[11:45 PM] Dense: "cool"
[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ohh."
[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Is it because we're opening shit again"
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: "Mooskle"
<span class="vip">[11:45 PM] Dawn: "It's because of my sun bible"</span>
[11:45 PM] otherLiam: "no its cus he escaped captivity and needs to get his juice back"
<span class="vip">[11:45 PM] Dawn: "As Liam put it"
[11:45 PM] Dawn: "The juice"</span>
[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well we are in the sunshine state. Don't forget to visit the fountain of youth on your way out"
[11:46 PM] otherLiam: "Currently the juice is loose"
[11:46 PM] otherLiam: "Dawn wants to fix that"
[11:46 PM] Problematik: "Pinneapple juice is good"
[11:46 PM] Dense: "piss"
[11:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "yes. The forbidden cheek acid"
[11:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":)"
<span class="vip">[11:47 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I found a gas station that actually has free wifi"
[11:47 PM] Dawn: "And stays open 24/7"</span>
[11:47 PM] Problematik: "Good"
<span class="vip">[11:47 PM] Dawn: "Things are looking up"</span>
[11:47 PM] Xenquility: "Gg"
[11:47 PM] otherLiam: "hey uh, would there be people trying to re-capture you?"
[11:47 PM] Problematik: "Are you gonna stay in that gas station the night?"
<span class="vip">[11:48 PM] Dawn: "Yeah probably"</span>
[11:48 PM] otherLiam: "because if so accessing a public wifi network is like sending up a road flare"
<span class="vip">[11:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not going to stay in a gas station"</span>
[11:48 PM] yoshi: "hopefully no ones waiting for you at your destination"
<span class="vip">[11:48 PM] Dawn: "How would accessing a public network set up a road flare?"</span>
[11:49 PM] Problematik: "Not if you have EXPRESS VPN. The best vpn of all time with coded encryptation point to point"
[11:49 PM] otherLiam: "it was an analogy. what i mean is if someone were trying to track you, they’d have an easy time like that. just want you to be careful."
[11:50 PM] otherLiam: "And Problem I know you aint sleepin on NORD VPN"
<span class="vip">[11:50 PM] Dawn: "I don't think it'd be easy, right? I'm using a $20 walmart phone"</span>
[11:50 PM] Problematik: "Thank you EXPRESS VPN for sponsor this server"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "Baddies got magical eyes everywhere"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "P much impossible to stay hidden"
<span class="vip">[11:50 PM] Dawn: "I'll beat them up"</span>
[11:50 PM] otherLiam: "It depends on what the Enemy has access to"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "Other than limiting tech use I guess"
<span class="vip">[11:51 PM] Dawn: ":flex:"</span>
[11:51 PM] Xenquility: "So yeah what liam said lol"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "Like, the government could find you like this free"
[11:51 PM] CircleHunter: "This johnisdead update is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "But the baddies might not have all their toys"
[11:51 PM] Problematik: "But his enemies are not the government"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "or skills"
[11:51 PM] Problematik: "Not now"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "i mean the government is everyone’s enemy"
[11:52 PM] otherLiam: "just be careful is all"
[11:52 PM] Xenquility: "Who needs the government when we have the sun to guide us"
[11:52 PM] otherLiam: "you On The Run(TM) now"
<span class="vip">[11:52 PM] Dawn: "Brb i'm going to go buy 100 phones and put them on public wifi"</span>
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "nice"
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "yknow i have a dumb question."
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "why hasn’t anyone just tried to fuckin shoot the bad guys when they encounter them?"
<span class="vip">[11:53 PM] Dawn: "I didn't have my gun at the time"</span>
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "good question tbh"
<span class="vip">[11:53 PM] Dawn: "I think Law did"
[11:54 PM] Dawn: "He had his on him at all times"</span>
[11:54 PM] otherLiam: "Law seems like the type to be strapped 24/7"
[11:54 PM] Xenquility: "But I think most are too digital or too able to teleport around"
[11:54 PM] Dense: "badass"
<span class="vip">[11:55 PM] Dawn: "I tried burning it, shredding it, and even burying it"</span>
[11:55 PM] otherLiam: "Hi orangeboi"
<span class="vip">[11:55 PM] Dawn: "I did try blasting it with the glorious power of the sun but"</span>
[11:56 PM] Problematik: "What bout drowning him"
[11:56 PM] otherLiam: "what if you took the glorious power of the sun and put it in a shotgun shell"
[11:56 PM] Dense: "^"
[11:56 PM] otherLiam: "fuckin SOLAR SHOT"
[11:56 PM] Dense: "based"
<span class="vip">[11:56 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure I know how to do that. They didn't teach us that in sun school"</span>
[11:57 PM] Problematik: "Fucking dragon breath gauge shots from fallout new vegas"
[11:57 PM] Dense: "oh no"
[11:57 PM] otherLiam: "anything we can do for you?"
[11:58 PM] Problematik: "Secure his conection using the best vpn in the world, EXPRESS VPN"
[11:59 PM] Dense: "^"
<span class="vip">[11:59 PM] Dawn: "I don't think so. I was able to beg for some money on the way, so I'm able to get coffee and energy drinks to fuel my crusade."</span>
[11:59 PM] Xenquility: "Vagason"
[11:59 PM] otherLiam: "get that gfuel"
[11:59 PM] Problematik: "Gfuel is from internet"
[12:00 AM] otherLiam: "gotta get gamer’d up"
[12:00 AM] Problematik: "Good"
<span class="vip">[12:00 AM] Dawn: ((The image "IMG_20200613_235938.jpg" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/51/IMG_20200613_235938.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">[12:00 AM] Dawn: "It's pretty nice out here"</span>
[12:00 AM] Problematik: "Wait you are made from fire, right?"
[12:01 AM] scout: jesus christ that gas station looks like it was lit by god's lighting crew"
<span class="vip">[12:01 AM] Dawn: "I'm made from people"</span>
[12:01 AM] Problematik: "What happend if you get to close to the gasoline?"
[12:01 AM] Dense: "lol"
<span class="vip">[12:01 AM] Dawn: "I can light the gasoline if that's what you're askijg"</span>
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "Sunlit dawn is made of people"
<span class="vip">[12:01 AM] Dawn: "Asking"</span>
[12:01 AM] Problematik: "Dont do it"
[12:01 AM] yoshi: "blow it up! blow it up!"
<span class="vip">[12:02 AM] Dawn: "I probably have enough left in me for that"
[12:02 AM] Dawn: "Should I do it?"</span>
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "No"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Don't blow up the gas station"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Be a good boy"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "absolutely"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Draws too much attention"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: ":aboom:"
<span class="vip">[12:02 AM] Dawn: "But Yoshi is saying yes"</span>
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Speaking of which saw that wolf"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Its the only place that have free internet"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Dont listen to her"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "wow xen way to not MENTION THE BAD GUY"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Yoshi its crazy"
<span class="vip">[12:03 AM] Dawn: "Btw sorry for the shit picture"
[12:03 AM] Dawn: "$20 walmart phone"</span>
[12:03 AM] yoshi: ":aboom:"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "Can we paypal you some money?"
<span class="vip">[12:04 AM] Dawn: "I can't access my paypal"</span>
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "Shit"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "And some air drops"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "With an ac130"
<span class="vip">[12:05 AM] Dawn: "Anyhow, I just wanted to drop in and say hi. It gets pretty lonely on the road."</span>
[12:05 AM] Problematik: "You could make some friends"
[12:05 AM] Problematik: "Like that guy in that movie"
<span class="vip">[12:05 AM] Dawn: "Cars don't make for good conversation"
[12:05 AM] Dawn: "And I don't want to talk with anyone in my weakened state"</span>
[12:06 AM] Xenquility: "How'd the shopping go btw"
<span class="vip">[12:06 AM] Dawn: "Anyone might try to capture me"
[12:06 AM] Dawn: "Haven't shopped yet"</span>
[12:06 AM] Xenquility: "F"
<span class="vip">[12:06 AM] Dawn: "I still have that list somewhere"</span>
[12:06 AM] Problematik: "You can be friend of a ball"
<span class="vip">[12:06 AM] Dawn: "The ball might betray me"</span>
[12:06 AM] Problematik: "Are you sure?"
<span class="vip">[12:07 AM] Dawn: "Yes"</span>
[12:07 AM] Problematik: "Balls are usually objects"
[12:07 AM] Problematik: "Not people"
<span class="vip">[12:07 AM] Dawn: "It might betray me"</span>
[12:07 AM] Xenquility: "Or are they"
[12:07 AM] yoshi: "balls"
<span class="vip">[12:07 AM] Dawn: "You know what else is usually an object?"
[12:07 AM] Dawn: "Pumpkins"</span>
[12:08 AM] yoshi: "shhh"
[12:08 AM] Xenquility: "Does that mean someone is using a ball as a mask"
[12:08 AM] yoshi: "we dont talk about that"
<span class="vip">[12:08 AM] Dawn: "You know what else is usually an object?"
[12:08 AM] Dawn: "Masks"</span>
[12:09 AM] Xenquility: "Still doesnt answer the question"
[12:09 AM] Problematik: "But balls are not possesed"
<span class="vip">[12:09 AM] Dawn: "Maybe I should get walking"</span>
[12:09 AM] Dense: "the power of the runes tbh"
<span class="vip">[12:09 AM] Dawn: "I just drank 5 5 hour energy drinks to make sure I have enough energy for the next day of walking"</span>
[12:10 AM] Xenquility: "God damn nice"
<span class="vip">[12:11 AM] Dawn: "I'll message you guys later! Probably whenever I pass another free wifi zone"</span>
[12:11 AM] Dense: "ᛊ"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Have a good walk"
[12:11 AM] Problematik: "Good luck"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Dont let the bad guys bite"
[12:11 AM] Problematik: "And be safe"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Also why is dense randomly talking about runes"
<span class="vip">[12:12 AM] Dawn: "Oh wait I see a big red man across the street I wonder what he'sqhdhwjhwj"</span>
[12:12 AM] Dense: "a"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "shit"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":regi:"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Og no"
<span class="vip">[12:12 AM] Dawn: ":regi: :regi: :regi:"</span>
[12:12 AM] Dense: "ma due"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "We fucked up"
[12:12 AM] Dense: ":regi:"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Should we do something"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":regi: :regi: :regi:"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: "No lol"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Or he is dead"
<span class="vip">[12:12 AM] Dawn: "I'm just jokin"</span>
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Ok"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "judt jokn"
[12:13 AM] Dense: "ᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊ"
<span class="vip">[12:13 AM] Dawn: "Peace!"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn updates the players on his trip. Things seem to be going well - he has currently stopped by a gas station to use their wi-fi.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
"<b>IMG 20200613 235938.jpg</b>" - A photo of the gas station Dawn is currently at. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/51/IMG_20200613_235938.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>June 14th, 2020</h2>
At 2:56 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>llllll.bmp</b>" - a clearer version of the image hidden an SSTV signal discovered during The Truth Arc. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Llllllpng.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/14/20 - "llllll.bmp" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[11:42:11] .:@Kev:. Do not worry this is a private channel
No one can see what we are saying
here. But yes I can confirm it was a
success. We have Matt with us now.</span>
<span class="vip2">[11:47:19] .:@Seth:. But at what cost? You allowed a giant
to be awoken, and while it brought us
this asset to our movement, it was
through this terrible arrangement.</span>
<span class="vip">[11:50:21] .:@Kev:. The giant story is a lie. Misinformation
spread by the misguided
"moon children" in attempt to falsify
our glory.</span>
<span class="vip2">[11:52:43] .:@Seth:. But several of our own reported that
they had in fact heard whispers of
this very prophecy in warning.</span>
<span class="vip">[11:59:00] .:@Kev:. Again I will inform you that the only
whispers that should be held with any
level of validity are the ones coming
from the one our Father speaks through</span>
At 3:12 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/14/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[3:12 AM] grayassassin: "Familiar"</span>
[3:12 AM] HaouDeSoul: "hmm"
[3:12 AM] scout: "just incase he deletes it"
[3:13 AM] scout: "idk if i should be on that level of autism but you never know ig"
<span class="vip">[3:13 AM] grayassassin: "This place"
[3:13 AM] grayassassin: "This One"</span>
[3:13 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "a dead one"
[3:13 AM] scout: "this place, this one"
[3:13 AM] scout: "WHATS IT MEAN"
[3:13 AM] HaouDeSoul: "uhhh"
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's evanescence"
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "that's a joke, i should say"
<span class="vip">[3:14 AM] grayassassin: "transmission_interception."</span>
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""SKM ARE YOU THERE""
[3:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
[3:14 AM] scout: "so is seth skm"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "seth k. mason"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":sunglasses:"
[3:15 AM] scout: "oh my god mason and skm are the same person"
[3:15 AM] scout: "DUN DUN DUNN"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "and seth"
[3:15 AM] scout: "also where did you get skm are you there from"
[3:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "DUN"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "<nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/transmission_interception.mp3</nowiki>"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""SKM ARE YOU THERE""
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "morse"
[3:15 AM] scout: "ah ok"
[3:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "oh shit"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "there were two actually"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "<nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/transmission_interception_(1).mp3</nowiki>"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "this is #2"
<span class="vip">[3:15 AM] grayassassin: "(1)"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead claims that the location seen in the image "llllll.bmp" is familiar to him.
Pumpkinhead hints towards the audio file "transmission_interception_(1).mp3".
At 3:34 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the video "<b>waiting.wmv</b>" - a video that was originally uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel in 2016.
<h2>June 15th, 2020</h2>
At 2:43 AM, Erika and Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. This conversation took place across multiple text channels in the Internet Detectives Discord server, as well as in PM's with the player Xenquility.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/15/20 - Chat with Erika and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
((The following chat took place in PM's with the player Xenquility))
<span class="vip">[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "His voice is so beautiful to me :green_heart:"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was in response to the player Xenquility posting a video of Tyler speaking in a voice chat in a recent OoC call.}}
<span class="vip">[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Tell no one I said this <.<"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also I wanna show off my new vid I made finally"
[1:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im feeling kind of shy about it though XD"</span>
((The following chat took place in the "#general" text channel))
[10:25 PM] Problematik: "Hey guys what is literall more gay, be gay or kiss your friend without saying no homo?"
[10:35 PM] Dense: "Both"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Both"
[11:57 PM] Jackuan: "both"
[1:57 AM] Jeffory: "yes"
<span class="vip">[2:04 AM] Erika_XP💚: "yes"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "@HaouDeSoul Hai there ^^"</span>
[2:10 AM] scout: "aw god ANOTHER e girl"
[2:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: "@Erika_XP💚 hello there!"
[2:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok scout lol"
<span class="vip">[2:12 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I made a thing finally after a really long time, got pretty inspired about a few days into may but then lost all my energy pretty quickly due to lack of walking power =p"</span>
[2:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Ah ok! Would be nice to see it"
<span class="vip">[2:14 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wanna show it off but only if someone promises to watch it with me, Im really proud of this one XD"</span>
[2:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh is it a video?"
<span class="vip">[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Yeeeee"</span>
[2:15 AM] scout: "ive got nothing better to do anyway"
[2:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Same"
<span class="vip">[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I know I got in trouble last time for using stuff I was not supposed to, so this one is normal this time."
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I promise~"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was hoping @Xenquility could be here since he was the one who helped talk me into continuing my work on it, among other things XD"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Oh well xp"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill go ahead and put a link where you can"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "come and see"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlx0EwTAdM</nowiki>"</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlx0EwTAdM|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ahaha~"</span>
[2:31 AM] scout: "that was alright"
<span class="vip">[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I sure hope no one decided to take the link to that video XD"</span>
[2:32 AM] scout: "wasnt really my cup of tea but i thought it was well made"
<span class="vip">[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Else I suppose at this point"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "There would be no turning back"</span>
[2:33 AM] scout: "whaddya mean"
<span class="vip">[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Just a forward stride from here for me >w>"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And I just KNOW"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "that SOMEONE"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "would be very upset X)"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "or maybe I should say, SOMETHING"</span>
[2:34 AM] scout: "what?"
<span class="vip2">[2:36 AM] DeadOne: "<nowiki>http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/Main_Page</nowiki>"</span>
[2:36 AM] scout: "what are you talking about"
<span class="vip">[2:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OH"</span>
[2:36 AM] Pako: "oh sheet"
[2:36 AM] Pako: "xD"
<span class="vip">[2:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "...oh"</span>
[2:37 AM] Pako: "nice layout"
<span class="vip">[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Earlier than I was expecting ^^;"</span>
[2:37 AM] Pako: "who did that?"
[2:37 AM] scout: "you know I could've sworn we already had a wiki"
<span class="vip">[2:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Strange, I thought hiding it a bit would have staved this off a bit longer for me but I guess there truly is no turning back. Thats fine though, I really started to realize near the end that I wanted this instead."</span>
((The following chat took place in the "#johnisdead" text channel))
<span class="vip">[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Not everything is there that I was expecting so the process will be a bit more slow. Id really rather the bandaid just be ripped off, Im not sure how painful this is going to be XD"</span>
<span class="vip2">[2:44 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart: 10:15 PM: "Did I seriously arrive to some gm drama?""</span>
<span class="vip2">[2:44 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart: 1:28 AM: "What is this colour change?""</span>
<span class="vip2">[2:45 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart:: "Is that a challenge?""</span>
<span class="vip">[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ahaha"
[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I knew this would happen"
[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont care anymore"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im ready to finally go"</span>
<span class="vip2">[2:46 AM] DeadOne: "This dream seeks more"</span>
<span class="vip3">[2:46 AM] grayassassin: "But it lacks vision"</span>
[2:46 AM] Pako: oh"
[2:47 AM] nfreak141: "ooh thome thtuff ith going down"
<span class="vip">[2:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This is my purpose"</span>
[2:48 AM] nfreak141: "purpothe?"
<span class="vip">[2:48 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Its why III came to be"</span>
[2:49 AM] nfreak141: "what ith your purpothe?"
<span class="vip">[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill be out there, hunting the vampire just like I said I would. He is cunning, but I dont think even he saw something this convoluted coming. Even if he likes to make things more complicated to break everything XD"
[2:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He has many names, fascie is one of many others"
[2:51 AM] Erika_XP💚: "You will all see me again soon, I hope."</span>
[2:52 AM] Dense: "Wow now I'm mentioned 12 times in the timelines"
[2:52 AM] nfreak141: "nithe."
[2:52 AM] nfreak141: "hope to thee you thoon. be careful."
((The following chat took place in PM's with the player Xenquility))
<span class="vip">[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry it had to end up like this so quickly"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Thank you for everything"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I thought I could get closer to him by being "real" with everyone"
[2:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But now I have accepted it does not work like that for me. But I won't stop trying. I know I was close but there is absolutely another way."
[2:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "You will see me again soon~"
[2:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"</span>
((The following chat took place in the "#johnisdead" text channel))
[2:53 AM] scout: "damn"
[2:53 AM] scout: "au revoir erika"
<span class="vip">[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Thank you Chris, thank you Scout. You are both good people in your own special ways XD"
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im glad fate happened to bring us together in this strange way it did."
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Goodbye"
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika shares her new music video with the players - "<b>Silentdork Awakening music video</b>". This video contained more unseen Johnisdead footage, further implying that Erika is canon. This video will be covered below.
Pumpkinhead posts a link to the new Johnisdead Wiki - the website you are currently reading - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/Main_Page</nowiki></span>". This Wiki referred to Erika as a canon character and documented her various videos and conversations.
Erika is surprised to see the Wiki and herself being labelled canon, claiming that now there's no turning back for her.
Pumpkinhead refers to Erika as a "dream" and claims they seek more but lack vision.
Erika claims that an entity that sometimes goes by the name "<span class="canquote">fascie</span>" likes to complicate things in an attempt to break them.
Erika apologizes to the player Xenquility for suddenly having to leave. She claims that she believed she would be able to get closer to Tyler by "<span class="canquote">being real</span>" with everyone, but she's discovered that "<span class="canquote">it does not work like that for me</span>". Erika says that she will not give up, saying that there is another way and that the players will see her again soon.
Erika says goodbye to the players and leaves the Internet Detectives Discord server.
At 2:24 AM, Erika linked players to a new video uploaded on her channel - "<b>Silentdork Awakening music video</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlx0EwTAdM|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/15/20 - "Silentdork Awakening music video" - YouTube (Emerald Heart)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Tags: "<span class="canquote">I guess there is no going back now XP, XD, Is it locked, Say it, Is it recording</span>"
At 2:55 AM, Erika's Discord username changed to "<b>Deleted User 1513r42e</b>" and her avatar was removed.
At 12:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">action:</span>" in response to the players attempting to solve an old cipher.
At 12:57 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">input</span>" in response to the players attempting to solve an old cipher.
At 3:29 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/15/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[3:29 PM] Dawn: "Supp"
[3:30 PM] Dawn: "Anything cool happen?"</span>
[3:30 PM] nfreak141: "hey"
[3:30 PM] nfreak141: "how'th the walk going?"
<span class="vip2">[3:32 PM] DeadOne: "Hello"</span>
<span class="vip">[3:32 PM] Dawn: "Sup woof? Long time no hear"</span>
[3:33 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit hi dawn"
[3:33 PM] Xenquility: "btw wolf is possessed"
<span class="vip">[3:33 PM] Dawn: "Sup"</span>
[3:33 PM] Xenquility: "well"
[3:33 PM] Xenquility: ""wolf""
[3:34 PM] Xenquility: "maybe him maybe another variant of him who knows"
[3:34 PM] Xenquility: "but also erika is canon so all is good in the world"
[3:34 PM] nfreak141: "oh and we have a new wiki"
<span class="vip">[3:35 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon but no one will believe that you said it first"</span>
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "f"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "deeplore but she uses one of tyler's old mc accounts"
<span class="vip">[3:36 PM] Dawn: "Walk goes good"
[3:36 PM] Dawn: "Decided to take a break"</span>
[3:36 PM] Dense: "Hey Dawn"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "oml"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "erika is canon and walks too"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is canon and walks"
[3:36 PM] Dense: "do u like My Chemical Romance?"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "now dawn = erika"
[3:36 PM] nfreak141: "it all maketh thenthe!"
<span class="vip">[3:36 PM] Dawn: "My Chemical Romance? More like My GAY Romance"</span>
[3:37 PM] Xenquility: ""dense what does "base dick" mean"
[3:37 PM] Dense: "pumpkin"
[3:38 PM] Xenquility: "OH MY GOD"
[3:38 PM] Xenquility: ":BUP:"
[3:38 PM] Xenquility: "shoutouts to simpleflips"
[3:38 PM] otherLiam: "@-greth-ooc hey look youre on tv"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: "watching simple without a facecam again feels weird"
[3:39 PM] Problematik: "what"
[3:40 PM] Problematik: "did i miss something canon"
[3:40 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[3:40 PM] Xenquility: "erika"
[3:40 PM] Problematik: "i always know that erika is canon"
[3:45 PM] Jackuan: "where is the food?"
<span class="vip">[3:46 PM] Dawn: "Problem called it first"
[3:46 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon"</span>
[3:48 PM] Jackuan: "did you get the stuff on the grocery store?"
<span class="vip">[3:53 PM] Dawn: "Not yet. There are walmarts everywhere, and I don't wanna carry that stuff forever"
[3:53 PM] Dawn: "The hot pockets would defrost at that point"</span>
[3:55 PM] Xenquility: "wont your radiant heat defrost them anyways"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
<span class="vip">[3:57 PM] Dawn: "I don't currently have the power of the sun"</span>
[3:58 PM] Xenquility: "i meant from your good looks"
[3:58 PM] LordSkele: "Smh, being the sun is hard ain't it"
[4:06 PM] Problematik: "Is better be the water lord"
<span class="vip">[4:09 PM] Dawn: "The water cult was dum"
[4:09 PM] Dawn: "Poseidon more like Pusseidon"</span>
[4:09 PM] otherLiam: "i’m pretty sure i called bs immediately when she said she wasnt"
[4:09 PM] otherLiam: "poseidon more like vaporeon"
[4:10 PM] Problematik: "Dont call the furry"
[4:10 PM] nfreak141: "did thomeone they betht bin?"
[4:10 PM] Problematik: "No one"
[4:11 PM] Problematik: "So go fuck yourself bin"
[4:11 PM] nfreak141: "nah"
<span class="vip">[4:12 PM] Dawn: "So I do have to say one thing."
[4:12 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I was wrong in saying that I could keep walking without sleep or food. These 5 hour energies aren't working as well as I hoped as a substitute for solar power"</span>
[4:12 PM] Xenquility: "I mean"
[4:12 PM] Xenquility: "We could always like"
[4:12 PM] Xenquility: "All night mask you"
[4:13 PM] otherLiam: "that’s kinda dangerous"
[4:13 PM] otherLiam: "maybe potion?"
[4:13 PM] otherLiam: "or M I L K"
<span class="vip">[4:13 PM] Dawn: "What the fuck is an all night mask and why would I let you touch me with a not sun mask"</span>
[4:13 PM] Xenquility: "True but so was sleeping to some extent"
[4:13 PM] otherLiam: "...wait, Dawn, are you serious?"
[4:13 PM] Xenquility: "Our touch will make you feel good"
[4:13 PM] Problematik: "We could use the sun song"
[4:13 PM] Xenquility: ";)"
[4:13 PM] otherLiam: "it’s a Zelda item. Why would you not remember those?"
<span class="vip">[4:14 PM] Dawn: "I never played Zelda"</span>
[4:14 PM] Xenquility: "Makes you not sleep"
[4:14 PM] otherLiam: "forces you to not sleep"
<span class="vip">[4:14 PM] Dawn: "But its night"
[4:14 PM] Dawn: "Not day"
[4:14 PM] Dawn: "This goes against my religion"</span>
[4:14 PM] Xenquility: "Y"
<span class="vip">[4:15 PM] Dawn: "Because the church looks down upon wearing BDSM gear in public"
[4:15 PM] Dawn: "I was just going to ask you guys where you think a safe place to rest would be"</span>
[4:15 PM] Xenquility: "Oh"
[4:15 PM] nfreak141: "a motel"
<span class="vip">[4:15 PM] Dawn: "I passed a few bridges"
[4:15 PM] Dawn: "I don't have enough money for a hotel"</span>
[4:16 PM] Xenquility: "F"
<span class="vip">[4:16 PM] Dawn: "I have $22 in bills and about $3 in various coins"</span>
[4:16 PM] Xenquility: "RIP the next jid updates cant afford the hotel"
[4:16 PM] ARGdov: "wait what"
[4:16 PM] ARGdov: "hey Dawn"
[4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Oh shit dov my mab"
[4:17 PM] Problematik: "Only fans for dawn"
[4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Erika is canon confirmed"
[4:17 PM] otherLiam: "oh by the way"
[4:17 PM] Xenquility: "New wiki is here"
[4:17 PM] ARGdov: "what kind of church doesnt like bdsm gear smh they literally have the most famous bondage scene in history hanging at the front of the church"
[4:17 PM] ARGdov: "ooooh"
[4:17 PM] ARGdov: "nice and nice!"
[4:17 PM] otherLiam: "for those worried about Our Horizon being marked as the “final” arc"
[4:17 PM] otherLiam: "pretty sure it’s a joke"
<span class="vip">[4:17 PM] Dawn: "Sup ARG"
[4:18 PM] Dawn: "Makes sense that your church would allow public bondage"</span>
[4:18 PM] Xenquility: "Turns out wolf omitted a ton of info from the wiki when he turned orangeman so there's all of that to look through too"
[4:18 PM] ARGdov: "I dont go to church lol"
[4:18 PM] Problematik: "Well, tyler was playing lakeview cabin so its kind of a reference"
[4:18 PM] otherLiam: "well where are you rn dawn"
<span class="vip">[4:19 PM] Dawn: "Uhhh"
[4:19 PM] Dawn: "Between some trees"
[4:19 PM] Dawn: "And on a road without a sidewalk"
[4:19 PM] Dawn: "I'm on some person's unsecured wifi right now"
[4:19 PM] Dawn: "If I'm gonna be 100% honest"</span>
[4:19 PM] nfreak141: "ha"
[4:19 PM] Xenquility: "sounds dangerous"
[4:19 PM] Xenquility: "living on the edge"
[4:19 PM] Problematik: "Invert your money in bitcoin"
[4:20 PM] otherLiam: "well if there’s wifi there’s probably a building somewhere. could try and seek shelter there."
<span class="vip">[4:20 PM] Dawn: "They're going to die from whatever is hunting me down"</span>
[4:20 PM] Problematik: "You will have more money"
<span class="vip">[4:20 PM] Dawn: "It's just some person's house"</span>
[4:20 PM] ARGdov: "oh dear, well thats grim"
<span class="vip">[4:20 PM] Dawn: "I mean I can probably break in"</span>
[4:20 PM] otherLiam: "hmm"
[4:20 PM] ARGdov: "I mean, if they're home that may not be the best idea"
<span class="vip">[4:20 PM] Dawn: "There is a car in the driveway"</span>
[4:21 PM] otherLiam: "if you’re way out in the country, do they maybe have a barn?"
[4:21 PM] Problematik: "Go to the door"
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: "maybe it's a friend"
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: ":)"
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 vincent"
[4:21 PM] Problematik: "And ask if someone is home"
[4:21 PM] otherLiam: "no he cant really interact with them problem"
[4:21 PM] Problematik: "Shit"
[4:21 PM] otherLiam: "whatever’s hunting him would kill them later"
[4:22 PM] Problematik: "Use your powers like a flashbang"
[4:22 PM] otherLiam: "he still doesnt have those yet bud"
[4:22 PM] otherLiam: "look if you’re way out in the boonies"
[4:22 PM] Problematik: ">:("
[4:23 PM] otherLiam: "there’s gotta be a barn or farmhouse or stable or something nearby if you’re anywhere close to civilization"
<span class="vip">[4:23 PM] Dawn: "I mean I can interact with them if you want"
[4:23 PM] Dawn: "You all makin this sound like some game"</span>
[4:23 PM] otherLiam: "id rather you didnt"
[4:23 PM] Problematik: "Dont do it"
<span class="vip">[4:23 PM] Dawn: ""INTERACT WITH THIS NPC""</span>
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[4:24 PM] Xenquility: "how about "bask in the wonder that is converse with this unknown entitties""
<span class="vip">[4:24 PM] Dawn: "No barn. It's just a normal home from what I can tell btw."
[4:24 PM] Dawn: "2 stories"
[4:24 PM] Dawn: "Probably a basement"</span>
[4:24 PM] ARGdov: "hoenstly why dont we just keep moving?"
<span class="vip">[4:24 PM] Dawn: "I could sneak in through an upper window maybe"</span>
[4:24 PM] otherLiam: "im not really for getting innocent people killed"
[4:24 PM] otherLiam: "dov, because dawn needs sleep"
[4:25 PM] ARGdov: "if something is hunting him it doesnt sound like going into this guys house is going to be a good advantage"
[4:25 PM] ARGdov: "ah"
[4:25 PM] ARGdov: "okay"
<span class="vip">[4:25 PM] Dawn: "I'm only suggesting this because Liam says no"</span>
<span class="vip2">[4:25 PM] DeadOne: "Kill"</span>
[4:25 PM] Problematik: "No wolf fuck no"
<span class="vip">[4:25 PM] Dawn: "See? Wolf is saying I should go speak with them"</span>
[4:25 PM] otherLiam: "You are not part of this conversation, Pumpkinfuck."
[4:25 PM] nfreak141: "i mean.... leth think."
[4:25 PM] nfreak141: "we're trying to keep him alive right?"
[4:25 PM] otherLiam: "the issue is leading the thing following you to them"
<span class="vip">[4:26 PM] Dawn: "I passed by some bridges"
[4:26 PM] Dawn: "I could sleep under one of those"</span>
[4:26 PM] otherLiam: "sneaking into their home is just as bad as talking to them in that respect"
[4:26 PM] otherLiam: "that’s not a bad idea"
[4:26 PM] Problematik: "You dont think bin you are retard"
[4:26 PM] nfreak141: "no u"
[4:26 PM] otherLiam: "just be careful if there’s anyone else there"
[4:26 PM] otherLiam: "might get shanked for your shoelaces"
<span class="vip">[4:26 PM] Dawn: "I can handle them :flex:"</span>
[4:27 PM] otherLiam: "the alternative is we try to use our powers to help you"
[4:27 PM] ARGdov: "is there any additonal safety to come with staying in the house?"
<span class="vip">[4:27 PM] Dawn: "So you guys say sleeping under a bridge is the best option?"</span>
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: "what state are you in"
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 "solid siduofhsidufhiouawd""
[4:27 PM] Problematik: "No, maybe a homeless could rape you"
[4:27 PM] otherLiam: "it’s the best option that doesn’t involve getting innocent people killed"
[4:27 PM] otherLiam: "problem wtf"
[4:27 PM] Xenquility: "I mean do we know interacting with this guy will get him killed"
[4:27 PM] otherLiam: "no"
[4:28 PM] Xenquility: "actually nvm"
[4:28 PM] nfreak141: "poblemm wtf ith wrong with you? you have like no chill today"
[4:28 PM] Xenquility: "to be fair"
[4:28 PM] otherLiam: "but we’ve got enough blood accidentally spilled on our hands"
[4:28 PM] Xenquility: "a bridge will probably have less technology to come eat his ass through"
<span class="vip">[4:28 PM] Dawn: "I dunno. I can tell you what county I'm in maybe?"</span>
[4:28 PM] Xenquility: "shore try that"
<span class="vip">[4:28 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a sign saying I was entering Norris"</span>
[4:29 PM] Problematik: "What is norris?"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: "wait"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: "norris or morris"
[4:29 PM] otherLiam: "GROSS"
[4:29 PM] otherLiam: "he’s in fucking JERSEY"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: "f"
[4:29 PM] Problematik: "The WORST STATE"
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] Dawn: "Definitely an N"</span>
[4:29 PM] otherLiam: "wait no thats morris"
[4:29 PM] otherLiam: "he’s in Tennessee"
[4:29 PM] nfreak141: "oh cool stop by i could give you a lift"
[4:29 PM] Dense: "oh"
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] Dawn: "Am I going the right way?"</span>
[4:30 PM] otherLiam: "Yeah youre fine"
<span class="vip">[4:30 PM] Dawn: "Tennessee"
[4:30 PM] Dawn: "Maybe there's a church?"</span>
[4:30 PM] otherLiam: "you’ve got georgia left to go thru, then you’re in florida"
[4:30 PM] Problematik: "Should be"
<span class="vip">[4:30 PM] Dawn: "Would that be a good idea?"</span>
[4:30 PM] Xenquility: "Depends on the church"
[4:30 PM] otherLiam: "uhh"
[4:30 PM] otherLiam: "are churches warded against evil"
[4:30 PM] Fancypigg: no"
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: "idk how magic works"
[4:31 PM] Problematik: "If its a catholic church is not a good idea"
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: "dude"
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: "you need to chill"
[4:31 PM] Fancypigg: what who needs to chill"
[4:31 PM] Problematik: "Im chill wtf"
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: "problem"
[4:31 PM] Fancypigg: raised catholic I can vouch"
[4:31 PM] Fancypigg: bad idea"
[4:31 PM] Problematik: "No offense"
<span class="vip">[4:31 PM] Dawn: "I'm just tired"</span>
[4:31 PM] otherLiam: "anyway tennessee isnt exactly a bastion of catholocism"
<span class="vip">[4:32 PM] Dawn: "I can sleep in these bushes"</span>
[4:32 PM] Problematik: "Ok cool"
[4:32 PM] Xenquility: "they say they're accepting of beliefs maybe they'd welcome the sun"
[4:32 PM] Problematik: "Yeah, if you need to sleep go to a hidden place"
[4:32 PM] Fancypigg: oh if you just need a place to sleep maybe a church wouldnt be a bad idea"
[4:33 PM] otherLiam: "the issue is he’d be leading the thing hunting him to other people"
[4:33 PM] Fancypigg: so?"
[4:33 PM] Fancypigg: thats gonna happen anywhere if thats the case"
[4:33 PM] otherLiam: "...so they’ll die."
[4:33 PM] Fancypigg: he was at a walmart b4"
[4:33 PM] nfreak141: "think of the bigger picture"
[4:33 PM] otherLiam: "yeah but it’s not gonna massacre a wally world"
[4:33 PM] Fancypigg: ..how do you know"
[4:34 PM] otherLiam: "thatd draw too much attention"
[4:34 PM] Fancypigg: liam is a GM"
<span class="vip">[4:34 PM] Dawn: "I'm just asking where you guys feel a safe place to sleep would be. It's been a long time since I felt this moral; only walking for about a week without sleep or food."
[4:34 PM] Dawn: "I guess 5 hour energy is food"</span>
[4:34 PM] Xenquility: "wouldnt a church massacre also bring a lot of attention"
[4:34 PM] nfreak141: "what'th one or two liveth when we're trying to get thun'th powerth back?"
<span class="vip">[4:34 PM] Dawn: "Without sleep"</span>
[4:34 PM] otherLiam: "look i only know this is s risk because pumpkinfuck was rooting for it"
[4:34 PM] otherLiam: "bin we’ve killed enough innocent people already"
[4:35 PM] otherLiam: "ive said my bit, yall do what you want. i vote bridge, dawn."
<span class="vip">[4:35 PM] Dawn: "So Jacob and Wolf say I should go to the church, right?"</span>
[4:35 PM] Fancypigg: idk"
[4:35 PM] otherLiam: "do N O T listen to wolf"
[4:35 PM] Xenquility: "okay wait"
[4:35 PM] nfreak141: "i thay "bridge" if we're worried about innothent liveth"
[4:35 PM] Xenquility: "wolf reacted to the "Should I go talk to them""
<span class="vip">[4:35 PM] Dawn: "Why not?"</span>
[4:35 PM] otherLiam: "he’s not himself"
<span class="vip2">[4:35 PM] DeadOne: "Friend"</span>
[4:35 PM] Problematik: "Wolf its a pussy"
[4:36 PM] Problematik: "No, go away"
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: "would you FUCK OFF wolf"
<span class="vip">[4:36 PM] Dawn: "He seems normal"</span>
[4:36 PM] LordSkele: "Tennessee is terrible"
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: "He’s literally not even wolfcat"
[4:36 PM] Problematik: "Dont hear him"
[4:36 PM] nfreak141: "don't lithten to pumpkin boy. he hath thown to be full of himthelf. huehuehue maybe that'th why i like him."
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: "he’s some creepy orange demon"
<span class="vip">[4:36 PM] Dawn: "But his account says qolf"</span>
[4:36 PM] LordSkele: "@Wolfcat Friend :)"
<span class="vip2">[4:36 PM] DeadOne: ":upside_down:"</span>
[4:36 PM] Problematik: "No lord"
[4:36 PM] Xenquility: "@The Sun A while back  the Astral Observatory was omega-cucked by some bad guys and reactivating it released an entity that possessed wolf"
[4:36 PM] LordSkele: ":smiley:"
<span class="vip">[4:36 PM] Dawn: "I mean, he's always been an orange demon"</span>
[4:36 PM] Xenquility: "he's worse now"
[4:36 PM] otherLiam: "hey look its me Helios"
<span class="vip">[4:37 PM] Dawn: "My hatred for you grows"</span>
[4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Hey, lookit me! I'm Mr Meeseeks!"
[4:37 PM] otherLiam: "just cus the name says that doesnt mean anything"
[4:37 PM] otherLiam: "thats ok, you’ll never eclipse my hatred for myself"
[4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Haha"
<span class="vip">[4:37 PM] Dawn: "But it's Wolf's account"</span>
[4:37 PM] Xenquility: "dont trust it"
[4:37 PM] otherLiam: "Dude it’s not him"
[4:37 PM] Xenquility: "he is bullchitting us"
<span class="vip2">[4:37 PM] DeadOne: "I've always been me ."</span>
[4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[4:37 PM] otherLiam: "We’ve been dealing with his garbage for months."
<span class="vip">[4:37 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, see?"</span>
[4:37 PM] otherLiam: "Believe us."
<span class="vip2">[4:37 PM] DeadOne: "I've always been him ."</span>
[4:38 PM] Xenquility: """HIM""
<span class="vip">[4:38 PM] Dawn: "It's always been Wolf"</span>
[4:38 PM] LordSkele: "I dunno who you guys are talking about."
[4:38 PM] nfreak141: "you're trolliing right now aren't you? you can't be thith denthe. i'm thaying it'th the lack of sleeep and food getting to you."
[4:38 PM] Problematik: "Dont listen him"
<span class="vip">[4:38 PM] Dawn: "He's just probably playing a joke on you guys and everyone fell for it"</span>
[4:38 PM] Problematik: "Hes a bitch"
[4:38 PM] Xenquility: "no"
<span class="vip">[4:38 PM] Dawn: "Just to spite everyone"</span>
[4:38 PM] Xenquility: "we fell for the joke before"
[4:38 PM] Xenquility: "almost died"
<span class="vip">[4:38 PM] Dawn: "WOLF WHAT SHOULD I DO"</span>
[4:38 PM] otherLiam: "are you"
[4:38 PM] otherLiam: "fucking"
[4:38 PM] otherLiam: "kidding"
<span class="vip2">[4:39 PM] DeadOne: "Sleep"</span>
[4:39 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[4:39 PM] Xenquility: "honestly"
[4:39 PM] Xenquility: "what if we just"
[4:39 PM] Xenquility: "posted the all night mask"
[4:39 PM] otherLiam: "yknow what"
[4:39 PM] Xenquility: "or is this going to be some meta "hey lets reverse-psychology and say what they should do so they dont do it""
[4:39 PM] Problematik: "Dont sleep"
[4:40 PM] Problematik: "Wolf wants you to sleep"
[4:40 PM] LordSkele: "Sleep?"
[4:40 PM] Xenquility: "*not wolf"
[4:40 PM] LordSkele: "Who even does that haha"
<span class="vip">[4:40 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm going to go to the church to see if they'll let me sleep up there"</span>
[4:40 PM] LordSkele: "I hadn't slept for a while"
<span class="vip">[4:40 PM] Dawn: "Nice in-between of what Wolf wants me to do and everyone else"</span>
[4:41 PM] otherLiam: "Cool, great. When that‘s a bad idea will you actually believe us about Wolf?"
<span class="vip">[4:41 PM] Dawn: "Which church did you say again Xen?"</span>
[4:41 PM] Fancypigg: summon your power and continue moving"
[4:41 PM] Xenquility: "dmed you"
[4:41 PM] ARGdov: "hang on dawn mentioned bridges before"
[4:41 PM] Xenquility: "dont let the bad guys see it"
[4:41 PM] ARGdov: "guys uh"
<span class="vip">[4:41 PM] Dawn: "I ran out of 5 hour energy (tm)"</span>
[4:41 PM] Problematik: "Go to a church and steal the money"
[4:41 PM] Fancypigg: dont do that"
[4:41 PM] ARGdov: "do you guys remember the last time we saw a bridge in this game"
[4:41 PM] otherLiam: "no dov we have to listen to Wolfcat now"
[4:41 PM] LordSkele: "They'll have plenty money, they can go without it."
[4:41 PM] otherLiam: "because it makes sense to not listen to us"
[4:42 PM] ARGdov: "the bridges seemingly can double as walkways into the green parallelos it may be worthwhile to avoid it"
[4:42 PM] ARGdov: "or maybe Im overthinking things"
[4:42 PM] ARGdov: "Im legitamately not sure"
[4:43 PM] otherLiam: "just so we’re clear, you’re trusting someone that everyone who is in your corner says is evil"
[4:43 PM] otherLiam: "because you think it’s a bit"
[4:43 PM] ARGdov: "well then."
[4:44 PM] otherLiam: "with no reason to believe that"
[4:44 PM] ARGdov: "Im sure this is going to go swimmingly"
[4:44 PM] ARGdov: "but no, snarkiness aside"
[4:44 PM] ARGdov: "you REALLY shouldnt listen to Wolf"
<span class="vip2">[4:44 PM] DeadOne: "Don't sleep"</span>
[4:44 PM] Problematik: "Ok you know what?"
[4:45 PM] Problematik: "Fuck you wolf"
[4:45 PM] LordSkele: "Sleep?"
<span class="vip">[4:45 PM] Dawn: "Okay, if ARG says I shouldn't listen to Wolf I guess I won't"</span>
[4:45 PM] Xenquility: "nice"
<span class="vip">[4:45 PM] Dawn: "That beinf said I'm really fucking tired"</span>
[4:45 PM] otherLiam: "thank god"
<span class="vip">[4:45 PM] Dawn: "Am I going to this bridge?"
[4:46 PM] Dawn: "The church?"</span>
[4:46 PM] Xenquility: "church"
<span class="vip">[4:46 PM] Dawn: "Sleeping in this bush?"</span>
[4:46 PM] Xenquility: "imo"
[4:46 PM] otherLiam: "i vote bridge or bush"
[4:46 PM] Problematik: "Drink holy water, i will make it powerful water"
[4:46 PM] otherLiam: "but if you dont care about other people dyin then church"
<span class="vip">[4:46 PM] Dawn: "I've only been drinking 5 hour energy"</span>
[4:46 PM] ARGdov: "bush, Id say"
<span class="vip">[4:47 PM] Dawn: "I'm not sure if anyone else would die maybe"
[4:47 PM] Dawn: "2 for bush, 1 for church?"</span>
[4:47 PM] Problematik: "Bush"
[4:47 PM] nfreak141: "bush"
[4:47 PM] Problematik: "A very T H I C C bush"
[4:47 PM] ARGdov: "BUSH"
[4:47 PM] Xenquility: "f but"
<span class="vip">[4:47 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'll try to get comfortable here in this bush"</span>
[4:48 PM] LordSkele: "Spiral out, keep going."
<span class="vip">[4:48 PM] Dawn: "It'll be annoying with the cars going by but I think I can make it work"</span>
[4:48 PM] Problematik: "Try to be very hidden"
[4:48 PM] Xenquility: "actually nvm"
<span class="vip">[4:48 PM] Dawn: "I'll see you guys when I wake up!"</span>
[4:48 PM] Dense: "owo"
[4:48 PM] Xenquility: "dont die please"
[4:49 PM] LordSkele: "Good night, Sun."
[4:49 PM] ARGdov: "night"
[4:49 PM] Problematik: "Have a good sleep"
[4:49 PM] LordSkele: "Sweet dreams."
[4:49 PM] Problematik: "Be safe"
[4:50 PM] ARGdov: "hopefully we made the right call..."
[4:50 PM] LordSkele: ":zzz:"
[5:51 PM] yoshi: "dawns gonna wake up with bugs on em"
[5:51 PM] Dense: ":eyes:"
[5:51 PM] yoshi: "hes gonna have to fight off the spiders"
[5:51 PM] Dense: "Lunar spiders"
[5:55 PM] yoshi: "a snakes gonna bite him on the ass"
[5:56 PM] Xenquility: ":snake:"
[5:58 PM] yoshi: "also just noticed wolfyboi doesnt have a pumpkin as a status"
[5:58 PM] yoshi: "was that when he was pretending to be normal"
[5:58 PM] Xenquility: "NICE"
[5:59 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkatyes:"
[5:59 PM] yoshi: "OH"
[6:00 PM] yoshi: "sir can i help you"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: "wolfy come back"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: "you can blame it all on me"
[6:00 PM] yoshi: "talk to us friend"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: "Will wolf come back?"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
[6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
[6:00 PM] yoshi: "come back wolf"
[6:01 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkindead:"
<span class="vip2">[6:02 PM] DeadOne: "I miss him"
[6:02 PM] DeadOne: "Just as much"</span>
((Players discuss the canonicity of others))
<span class="vip">[7:54 PM] Dawn: "Oh hey I just woke up from my nap because a fucking huge 18 wheeler woke me up"</span>
[7:54 PM] LordSkele: "Hello"
[7:54 PM] Xenquility: "f better than death though"
[7:54 PM] LordSkele: "Did you have sweet dreams?"
[7:54 PM] yoshi: "what was it like sleeping with some bugs"
[7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "typo"
<span class="vip">[7:55 PM] Dawn: "And by 18 wheeler I mean I had a dream about people harassing someone about being "canon" or something"</span>
[7:55 PM] Xenquility: "when can we get @Linko to post his bugs"
[7:55 PM] nfreak141: "well at leatht it wath the truck and not thomething elthe"
[7:55 PM] Xenquility: ""dream""
<span class="vip">[7:55 PM] Dawn: "In my dream this person was not "canon""</span>
[7:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmaoo"
<span class="vip">[7:55 PM] Dawn: "Okay fuck off I'm going to bed"
[7:55 PM] Dawn: "Zzzzz"</span>
[7:55 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[7:55 PM] yoshi: "sleep well dont let the wildlife bite"
[7:55 PM] Xenquility: "good thing we cant post things here because it's locked to the wh forums"
[7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "is this about erika or about lordskell"
[7:55 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":bug:"
[7:55 PM] yoshi: "bugge"
[7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the canon thing"
[7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":thinking:"
[7:55 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
<span class="vip">[7:56 PM] Dawn: "Oh fuck oh god there's a buge"</span>
[7:56 PM] Xenquility: "BUGE"
[7:56 PM] Xenquility: "HUGE BUGE"
[7:56 PM] LordSkele: "Bug"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we should bug them both about whether or not they're canon so dawn has another dream"
[7:56 PM] yoshi: "oh god dawn run"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "hey dawn if you fell asleep and woke up tomorrow"
[7:56 PM] yoshi: "the spiders"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "would you be"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the dawn of a new day"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "haha"
<span class="vip">[7:56 PM] Dawn: "Yes"</span>
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "bet uve never herd that one b4"
<span class="vip">[7:56 PM] Dawn: "Yes"</span>
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "Yes"
[7:56 PM] LordSkele: "No"
[7:56 PM] yoshi: ":scuttlebug:"
[7:56 PM] yoshi: "oh god oh fuck"
<span class="vip">[7:56 PM] Dawn: "But first"</span>
[7:56 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "raise it @yoshi"
<span class="vip">[7:56 PM] Dawn: "let's talk about parallel universes"</span>
[7:57 PM] LordSkele: "I like parallel universes"
[7:57 PM] yoshi: "dawn its gonna send you to a PU"
[7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "watch for rolling rocks in 0.5x a-presses, JiD edition"
[7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Speak"
[7:57 PM] yoshi: "run"
[7:57 PM] Xenquility: "fuck"
[7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "but first we have to talk about parallelos"
[7:57 PM] Xenquility: "johnisdead beaten in 0.5 a presses"
[7:57 PM] Xenquility: "wow im blind that was just posted"
[7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "what if you enter spires with the a button held down"
<span class="vip">[7:57 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to misalign your parallelos"</span>
[7:57 PM] yoshi: "oh FUCK"
[7:57 PM] Xenquility: "hot"
[7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Is that a threat?"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "also wait"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the sound at the end of the newest video"
[7:58 PM] Jackuan: "damn"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "is from uh"
[7:58 PM] yoshi: "dawn why didnt you just backjump to build up speed to instantly zoom to florida"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's from a zelda game"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it has to be"
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "i just don't nkow what it's from"
<span class="vip">[7:58 PM] Dawn: "How do you think I teleport?"</span>
[7:58 PM] yoshi: "oh shit"
[7:58 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[7:58 PM] Xenquility: "sub-paralleli"
<span class="vip">[7:58 PM] Dawn: "I backjump to build up speed"</span>
[7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "when it says "dawn of a new day""
[7:58 PM] yoshi: ":marioblj:"
<span class="vip">[7:58 PM] Dawn: "Wait"</span>
[7:58 PM] yoshi: "HOO HOO HOO HOO"
[7:58 PM] Xenquility: "irlblj"
<span class="vip">[7:58 PM] Dawn: "Where did you get this video?"</span>
[7:58 PM] Xenquility: "irlcbt"
[7:58 PM] Xenquility: "that's from the Silentdork channel"
[7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "yeah"
[7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's newish"
[7:59 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"
[7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "three days ago"
[7:59 PM] yoshi: "get it yet?"
[7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""jade why did you post the bomb plans""
<span class="vip">[7:59 PM] Dawn: "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"
[7:59 PM] Dawn: "brb going to go bomb a church"</span>
[7:59 PM] scout: from youtube.com/silentdork"
[7:59 PM] Xenquility: "your balls"
<span class="vip">[7:59 PM] Dawn: "So from silentdork?"</span>
[7:59 PM] Xenquility: "yee"
<span class="vip">[7:59 PM] Dawn: "Fuck that's embarrassing"</span>
[7:59 PM] Xenquility: "like all randomly manifesting videos"
<span class="vip">[7:59 PM] Dawn: "I'm not wearing a shirt"</span>
[7:59 PM] Xenquility: "I know"
[8:00 PM] Xenquility: "is it getting hot in here?"
[8:00 PM] yoshi: "nips"
<span class="vip">[8:00 PM] Dawn: "Also I'm almost dying"</span>
[8:00 PM] LordSkele: "/"
[8:00 PM] Jackuan: "why?"
<span class="vip">[8:00 PM] Dawn: "But the shirt is more embarrassing"</span>
[8:00 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
<span class="vip">[8:00 PM] Dawn: "You'll be happy to know my eye has recovered"</span>
[8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the / led to a page"
[8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "using the DTMF tones"
<span class="vip">[8:00 PM] Dawn: "My stomach still has a hole in it"</span>
[8:00 PM] Dense: "hi"
[8:00 PM] Xenquility: "yeah we found /1268 and then /exalted on johnisdead.com from it"
[8:00 PM] yoshi: "that uh"
[8:00 PM] Xenquility: "if that means anything"
[8:00 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound good"
[8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "I think"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we weren't supposed to tell people associated with the GMs about that"
<span class="vip">[8:01 PM] Dawn: "I've had worse"</span>
[8:01 PM] LordSkele: "616?"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "someone told me that at least"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":moonthink:"
[8:01 PM] Dense: "awa"
<span class="vip">[8:01 PM] Dawn: "I guess it's not really my stomach"</span>
[8:01 PM] Xenquility: "whomst said that"
[8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "or about"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "some kind of redirect"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "are you an owl, Skell"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "a talking owl pecking at a keyboard"
[8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "this is like the third time you've said-"
[8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "fourth"
<span class="vip">[8:01 PM] Dawn: "Anywats"</span>
[8:01 PM] yoshi: "who?"
<span class="vip">[8:01 PM] Dawn: "*Anyways"</span>
[8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
<span class="vip">[8:02 PM] Dawn: "I'm going back to bed"
[8:02 PM] Dawn: "Remember"</span>
[8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Yes"
[8:02 PM] Xenquility: ".exe"
<span class="vip">[8:02 PM] Dawn: "That asshole isn't "canon" or whatever"</span>
[8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[8:02 PM] Xenquility: "which one"
[8:02 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[8:02 PM] yoshi: "my ass isnt canon"
[8:02 PM] Jackuan: "Oh"
<span class="vip">[8:02 PM] Dawn: "This is what my sleep paralysis 18 wheeler said"</span>
[8:02 PM] nfreak141: "he'th thaying im not canon"
[8:02 PM] Xenquility: "p sure he's talkinga bout lordskell"
[8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Bin, you are very canon."
[8:02 PM] Dense: "XD"
<span class="vip">[8:03 PM] Dawn: "You guys want to know who'se canon?"</span>
[8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Do not let anyone dissuade you."
<span class="vip">[8:03 PM] Dawn: "Yoshi"</span>
[8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[8:03 PM] nfreak141: "I KNEW IT"
[8:03 PM] nfreak141: "ALL ALONG"
[8:03 PM] nfreak141: "YOTHI ITH CANON"
[8:03 PM] Dense: "Same"
[8:03 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "skell isn't canon or erika isn't canon"
[8:03 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "i am confusion"
[8:03 PM] Xenquility: "erika is canon"
[8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Neither"
<span class="vip">[8:03 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon"</span>
[8:03 PM] yoshi: "oh shit"
[8:03 PM] yoshi: "my secret is out"
[8:03 PM] yoshi: "im the frog god"
<span class="vip">[8:03 PM] Dawn: "Someone was getting DMs and stuff asking if they were a character and other such things"
[8:04 PM] Dawn: "They aren't"</span>
[8:04 PM] Xenquility: "woah"
[8:04 PM] Xenquility: "did not know of that"
<span class="vip">[8:04 PM] Dawn: "My dream 18 wheeler god said"</span>
[8:04 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "bruh"
<span class="vip">[8:04 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I must rest"</span>
[8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Huh"
[8:04 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we should solve this cipher from yshdt"
[8:04 PM] scout: oh shit"
[8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Go to sleep, Sun"
[8:04 PM] scout: I almost forgot"
[8:04 PM] LordSkele: "You think too much"
<span class="vip">[8:04 PM] Dawn: "Also, is it normal to taste iron while sleeping?"</span>
[8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Yes"
<span class="vip">[8:05 PM] Dawn: "Nini"</span>
[8:05 PM] yoshi: "no"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "sounds like blood"
[8:05 PM] yoshi: "thats blood"
[8:05 PM] Xenquility: "oh god"
[8:05 PM] yoshi: "bro you ok"
[8:05 PM] LordSkele: "Don't worry"
<span class="vip">[8:38 PM] Dawn: "Woof woof, motherfucker"
[8:38 PM] Dawn: ":doge:"</span>
[8:38 PM] Xenquility: "wow nice job sleeping"
[8:39 PM] yoshi: "you know what i just realized"
<span class="vip">[8:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm sleep texting zzz"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn is tired from his long walk and searches for a place to sleep. The players convince him to sleep in some bushes.
Pumpkinhead claims he misses Wolfcat just as much as the players.
<h2>June 16th, 2020</h2>
At 3:46 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/16/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[3:46 PM] Dawn: "Sup"</span>
[3:46 PM] nfreak141: "speak of the devil"
[3:46 PM] Fancypigg: hi daaaaaawn"
[3:46 PM] Xenquility: "hey he's an angel"
[3:46 PM] Xenquility: "well"
<span class="vip">[3:46 PM] Dawn: "I heard questions?"</span>
[3:46 PM] nfreak141: "so was satan"
[3:47 PM] Xenquility: "was"
<span class="vip">[3:47 PM] Dawn: "Sorry, I actually just woke up"</span>
[3:47 PM] nfreak141: "technically he could still categorize as one, jsut a fallen angel."
[3:47 PM] Xenquility: "also good morrow"
[3:47 PM] Xenquility: "or aftermorrow"
[3:47 PM] Xenquility: "or is it afteraftermorrow there"
[3:47 PM] nfreak141: "anyway. you and tyler were in contact around 2011, right? also how's the trip going?"
<span class="vip">[3:48 PM] Dawn: "I mean I just woke up"
[3:48 PM] Dawn: "It was kinda rough sleeping in a bush"
[3:48 PM] Dawn: "But whatever"
[3:48 PM] Dawn: "Hopefully the trip goes well when I start walking again"</span>
[3:48 PM] nfreak141: "well whatever's chasing you didn't find you yet so that's good."
[3:49 PM] Xenquility: "anyways main question is "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34" Any idea if you could tell us what this means to you?"
<span class="vip">[3:51 PM] Dawn: "Hmm"</span>
[3:51 PM] Xenquility: "also possibly unrelated but IIIII just recently reposted the "waiting.wmv" video"
[3:51 PM] Xenquility: "two days ago"
[3:55 PM] Basil: hello bin"
[3:55 PM] nfreak141: "hi"
[3:57 PM] Pako: "what i don't understand is the 34"
[3:57 PM] Xenquility: "same here"
[4:00 PM] Basil: its probably code for something"
[4:00 PM] Basil: like a activity"
<span class="vip">[4:00 PM] Dawn: "Sorry, I was just going back through things to see what it could be"
[4:01 PM] Dawn: "I know I knew Tyler back then, but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head. I know we played a lot of games together and such, and talked philosophically, and shared art projects and shit."</span>
[4:02 PM] Xenquility: "hmm"
[4:02 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe the within hubris date and the "34 Dawn get online..." are supposed to be separate messages"
<span class="vip">[4:08 PM] Dawn: "It does look like the 34s are separating the messages. Maybe it'll mean something in the future? Sorry I'm unhelpful in this situation."</span>
[4:09 PM] Problematik: Hey dawn"
[4:09 PM] Problematik: How its all going?"
[4:11 PM] yoshi: "did the bush bugs get ya"
[4:17 PM] Dense: "huh"
[4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Alright spacing the words based on the audio itself gives "WITHINHUBRIS , FEB21 201134DAWN GET ONLINE TYLER IS WAITING34" which is basically the same other than there being no spaces between 2011 and 34"
[4:21 PM] yoshi: "oh duh, tylers waiting on feb 21 201134"
[4:21 PM] yoshi: "just gotta wait a long ass time"
[4:21 PM] Fancypigg: 1134 is hell upside down"
[4:21 PM] Xenquility: "damn that's a long time to wait in the parallelos"
[4:22 PM] Xenquility: "lmao imagine if "201134" was supposed to be "HELIOS" upside down"
[4:22 PM] Fancypigg: wtf"
[4:22 PM] Xenquility: "divine coincidence"
[4:23 PM] yoshi: "34"
[4:23 PM] yoshi: "HE"
[4:23 PM] yoshi: ":HE:"
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: "11"
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: "IO"
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: "also damn"
[4:23 PM] Xenquility: ":HE:"
[4:23 PM] yoshi: "HAS"
[4:23 PM] yoshi: "NO"
[4:23 PM] Fancypigg: COCK"
[4:24 PM] nfreak141: "on hell of a coinkeydink"
[4:24 PM] yoshi: "HE HAS NO SUN"
[4:24 PM] yoshi: "HE HAS NO POWER"
[4:24 PM] yoshi: "DAWNS LIFE"
[4:24 PM] yoshi: "IS GETTING SOUR"
[4:24 PM] yoshi: "sorry for that dawn ilu"
[4:25 PM] Problematik: Wha"
[4:28 PM] Xenquility: "helios"
[4:28 PM] Problematik: SHIT"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is 201134 upside down on a 7 segment display"
[4:29 PM] yoshi: "maybe hes just saying helloz"
[4:29 PM] yoshi: "helloz ^_^"
[4:29 PM] yoshi: "xD"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: ":ban:"
[4:29 PM] Xenquility: "that did make me laugh though"
[4:30 PM] yoshi: "<(^_^)>"
[4:31 PM] Xenquility: "skoomika"
[4:31 PM] yoshi: "i had to regress deep into my past as a dumbass lolrandom 12 year old for that"
[4:31 PM] yoshi: "<(^^<) (>^^)>"
[4:32 PM] yoshi: "aw discord formatting fucked up their mouths"
[4:32 PM] Dense: ":HE:"
[4:33 PM] Basil: i swear the dumbest shit happens to me sometimes"
[4:34 PM] nfreak141: "go on"
[4:34 PM] nfreak141: "thare with the clathth"
[4:53 PM] Pako: "what i missed"
<span class="vip">[5:01 PM] Dawn: "Speaking of sour"
[5:01 PM] Dawn: "Guys I just passed by a bowl of candy that says "take one""
[5:01 PM] Dawn: "But like"
[5:01 PM] Dawn: "Should I take it all?"</span>
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: "dont do it"
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: "it's a trap"
[5:02 PM] nfreak141: "where ith the bowl?"
<span class="vip">[5:02 PM] Dawn: "It's outside some deli in this strip mall"</span>
[5:03 PM] yoshi: "mmmm mystery candy"
[5:03 PM] nfreak141: "ooh, free thample!"
[5:03 PM] nfreak141: "yeth"
[5:03 PM] yoshi: "just take a few"
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "the mall cops will arrest you"
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "take a few maximum"
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually a govenrment honeypot"
[5:03 PM] Pako: "the sun, you have all of your power on?"
[5:03 PM] scout: ">Should I take it all? yo arent you being hunted by like supernatural entities and cult members"
<span class="vip">[5:04 PM] Dawn: "I don't have any power"</span>
[5:04 PM] scout: "why are you preoccupied with mall candy"
[5:04 PM] Pako: "shit"
<span class="vip">[5:04 PM] Dawn: "But maybe the sugar will give me power"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "I mean, I'm sure Tyler was thinking of candy at some point"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "And John when he burned to death or whatever"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "Also I'm hungry"</span>
[5:04 PM] yoshi: "i thought you didnt need food"
<span class="vip">[5:04 PM] Dawn: "5 hour energy doesn't keep you going for 5 hours"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "I mean I don't"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "haha"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "ha"</span>
[5:04 PM] scout: ":neutral_face:"
[5:05 PM] yoshi: "bro"
[5:05 PM] Pako: "the sun needs some sugar"
[5:05 PM] yoshi: "eat something"
[5:05 PM] Problematik: my ass"
<span class="vip">[5:05 PM] Dawn: "No, you said it. I've already gone like over a week without food. I don't need any more."
[5:06 PM] Dawn: "So I'm going to pass up this free candy, right?"</span>
[5:06 PM] nfreak141: "no"
[5:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[5:06 PM] yoshi: "take a couple for the road"
[5:06 PM] Xenquility: "^ that actually"
<span class="vip">[5:06 PM] Dawn: "I'm getting mixed messages"</span>
[5:06 PM] Problematik: dont mix it"
[5:07 PM] Pako: "actually you have money the sun?"
[5:07 PM] nfreak141: "you can trutht bin. you can't trutht bin who can you trutht?"
[5:07 PM] yoshi: "the absolutely evil option would be to grab the bowl and make a run for it"
[5:07 PM] Xenquility:"
[5:06 PM] yoshi: "take a couple for the road this is my vote"
[5:07 PM] Xenquility: "dont run for it though"
[5:07 PM] Xenquility: "don't want to get jailed"
<span class="vip">[5:07 PM] Dawn: "I got about $12 in bills and $2 in loose change atm. I spent some money on coffee."</span>
[5:07 PM] Pako: "nice"
[5:08 PM] Pako: "so the coffee gave you power?"
<span class="vip">[5:08 PM] Dawn: "It's nice to relax with"</span>
[5:08 PM] Problematik: go to an atm and put the code 42069, it will give you a lot of money"
<span class="vip">[5:08 PM] Dawn: "Cures my feelings of impending doom"
[5:08 PM] Dawn: "So I should go to an atm?"</span>
[5:08 PM] Problematik: no"
[5:08 PM] Problematik: i was joking dude dont do it"
[5:09 PM] Problematik: keep a low profile"
[5:09 PM] Dense: "ae"
<span class="vip">[5:09 PM] Dawn: "Okay, I'll go grab a few candies"</span>
[5:09 PM] yoshi: "dawn takes a second candy and suddenly 40 mall cops are beating his ass"
[5:09 PM] Pako: "nice"
[5:09 PM] Dense: ":flushed:"
[5:10 PM] scout: ""I CANT BREATHE" "I thought you didn't need to breathe" "OH YEAH I MEAN I DONT NEED TO BREATHE BUT YOU KNOW""
[5:10 PM] Pako: "i can't buy candies"
[5:12 PM] Problematik: justice for dawn"
[5:13 PM] Pako: "dawn just need eat some candies and he will be the real sun"
<span class="vip">[5:15 PM] Dawn: "Okay, so I took a few candies"
[5:16 PM] Dawn: "I got me some sweet tarts ropes and some choco bars"
[5:16 PM] Dawn: "OH FUCK 34 MALL COPS ARE AFTER ME SHIT"</span>
[5:16 PM] yoshi: "OH FUCK RUN"
<span class="vip">[5:16 PM] Dawn: "TYLER TRIED TO WARN ME OH GOD"</span>
[5:16 PM] nfreak141: "OH NO THAT'TH WHAT THE 34 MEANT"
[5:16 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck"
[5:17 PM] Xenquility: "just song of soaring"
[5:17 PM] Xenquility: "ez pz"
[5:17 PM] Xenquility: ".yt-"
[5:17 PM] Pako: "so play it"
[5:18 PM] nfreak141: "or elthe my fairy would have worked"
[5:18 PM] Dense: "no"
[5:18 PM] Xenquility: "i wasnt actually saying to play the song btw"
[5:18 PM] Pako: "so?"
[5:19 PM] scout: ">DUMBICTH wh"
[5:19 PM] scout: "dumbiss?"
[5:19 PM] yoshi: "play all the songs"
[5:19 PM] yoshi: "at once"
[5:19 PM] Pako: "thumbnail"
[5:19 PM] nfreak141: "..."
[5:19 PM] Pako: "changed"
[5:19 PM] Pako: "!!!!!!!!!!!"
[5:19 PM] nfreak141: "twitch. the c and the t."
[5:19 PM] nfreak141: ":rolling_eyes:"
[5:19 PM] yoshi: "every song at once"
[5:19 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[5:19 PM] scout: "what about twitch"
[5:19 PM] Xenquility: "pako is right"
[5:20 PM] yoshi: "?"
[5:20 PM] Pako: "he is fucked"
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: "either we fucked up real bad or "A New Day" is the key or something"
[5:20 PM] Xenquility: "or just "A new day" is relevant"
<span class="vip">[5:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't feel fucked up"
[5:21 PM] Dawn: "I mean I do but not any more than yesterday"</span>
[5:21 PM] Pako: "uh"
[5:21 PM] Pako: "nice"
<span class="vip">[5:21 PM] Dawn: "I mean I do but that's mostly because I slept in a fucking bush"</span>
[5:21 PM] Xenquility: "uh not the key for the tag at ledast"
[5:22 PM] Xenquility: "or maybe it's just the "Dawn of a new day" disappearing to reveal something sinister :thinking:"
[5:22 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 song of time"
[5:22 PM] Pako: "xD"
[5:23 PM] Dense: "huh........."
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck it was posted 4 days ago"
[5:23 PM] Dense: "song of time"
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "fourth day glitch quick"
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "we bouta die"
[5:23 PM] Dense: "huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"
[5:23 PM] Dense: "shit"
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "im only kind of kidding here"
[5:26 PM] LordSkele: "Song of time?"
[5:26 PM] LordSkele: "What happened?"
[5:27 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[5:29 PM] scout: "stop fucking asking who"
[5:29 PM] scout: "just start reading the backlog"
[5:29 PM] scout: "you illiterate troglodyte"
[5:31 PM] Dense: "wow"
[5:34 PM] LordSkele: "@scout "
[5:34 PM] LordSkele: "What do you think I've been doing?"
[5:34 PM] LordSkele: "Stop being so ferocious before I poke you."
[5:35 PM] LordSkele: "Anyways. Sugar is only really necessary for short bursts of energy."
<span class="vip">[5:35 PM] Dawn: "Sugar tastes good"</span>
[5:35 PM] LordSkele: "You'll need something more nutritious if you're going for the long haul."
[5:35 PM] Pako: "sugar is for winners"
<span class="vip">[5:35 PM] Dawn: "I see a few frogs I can capture and eat"</span>
[5:35 PM] nfreak141: "i wouldn't trutht him. he'th an owl. they are night time animalth"
[5:35 PM] LordSkele: "Can you make fire?"
[5:35 PM] Dense: "frogs"
[5:35 PM] nfreak141: "you want yothi to hate you?"
[5:36 PM] scout: "you've been saying Who?"
<span class="vip">[5:36 PM] Dawn: ":frogrs: :fire:"</span>
[5:36 PM] scout: "fucking constantly"
[5:36 PM] Pako: "hahha"
[5:36 PM] scout: "that's what you've been doing you memento motherfucker"
[5:36 PM] scout: "annoying the shit out of everybody involved"
[5:37 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
[5:37 PM] scout: "fuck this guy"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The players ask Dawn about the Morse code message found in "role_play_group.wav". Dawn confirms that he knew Tyler back in 2011 and that the two would often play games and talk about art projects and philosophy together.
Dawn continues his journey, finding some free candy along the way.
At 9:57 PM, the players discuss Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server and imply that he is a follower of Luna. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responds with "<span class="canquote">Luna</span>" and "<span class="canquote">That thing means nothing to me</span>".
At 10:03 PM, several players begin arguing in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead became active and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Quarrelling.</span>".
At 10:06 PM, players ask Pumpkinhead if he would like to play a game. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the messages "<span class="canquote">A game? Soon we'll play"</span>" and "<span class="canquote">But not yet</span>".
At 10:21 PM, several players jokingly "ping" Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "<span class="canquote">Fractious infants</span>" and "<span class="canquote">How loathsome</span>".
<h2>June 17th, 2020</h2>
At 1:14 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/17/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[1:14 AM] Dawn: "OH FUCK GUYS"
[1:14 AM] Dawn: "The cops are after me"
[1:14 AM] Dawn: ((An image of a police officer wearing bondage is sent))</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Fortunately, this image was not archived.}}
[1:14 AM] Problematik: "Amm"
[1:15 AM] Problematik: "Do you like men dawn?"
<span class="vip">[1:20 AM] Dawn: "Do you?"</span>
[1:20 AM] Problematik: "No"
<span class="vip">[1:49 AM] Dawn: "By the way"
[1:49 AM] Dawn: "Shoutout to the Mugen moment you guys completely glossed over and missed"
[1:50 AM] Dawn: "There's now a hidden Mugen eating away at everyone's minds"
[1:50 AM] Dawn: "Soon that Mugen will grow in power and kill us all"
[1:50 AM] Dawn: "And it's all your fault"
[1:50 AM] Dawn: "You FUCKS"</span>
[1:50 AM] otherLiam: "can it grow faster"
<span class="vip">[1:50 AM] Dawn: ":mugen:"</span>
[1:51 AM] otherLiam: ":mugen:"
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "are you referring to my joke i made that everybody missed lmao"
[1:51 AM] nfreak141: "huh. i thought it WAS stamped out earlier? :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[1:51 AM] Dawn: "Yea"</span>
[1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "lmao epic thank you for noticing"
<span class="vip">[1:52 AM] Dawn: "Yeah; the internet detectives theme is obviously never getting a sequel"
[1:53 AM] Dawn: "When we all know NONE OF YOU deserve it"
[1:53 AM] Dawn: "Instead Jayckup is making an AWAKENING theme"</span>
[2:01 AM] Xenquility: "that would be cruel"
[2:02 AM] Xenquility: "Also why do none of is deserve it :wholetmoogin:"
[11:39 AM] Pako: "actually dawn is the prisioner?"
[11:39 AM] Xenquility: "I might be wrong but I think the "prophecy" in that video is supposed to be that image"
[11:40 AM] Xenquility: "but yeah dawn was a prisoner :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[11:40 AM] Dawn: ":FATTHINK:"</span>
[11:40 AM] Xenquility: ":think_neon:"
[11:40 AM] yoshi: "gay baby sun jail"
[11:41 AM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
[11:41 AM] Xenquility: "just irl blj to florida"
<span class="vip">[11:41 AM] Dawn: ":superrotatingthink:"</span>
[11:42 AM] LordSkele: "Did you eat a frog yet?"
[11:42 AM] Problematik: "You are like a spinner"
[11:42 AM] Problematik: "𓆏"
[11:42 AM] Pako: "that what she said"
[11:42 AM] Xenquility: "emerald prison is actually irl gbj"
[11:43 AM] LordSkele: "GBJ?"
<span class="vip">[11:43 AM] Dawn: "Nah, I'm not going to eat a frog until Yohi says it's okay"</span>
[11:43 AM] Problematik: "Drink water"
[11:43 AM] Problematik: "You pussy boy"
[11:43 AM] LordSkele: "I also advocate the drinking of water."
[11:43 AM] yoshi: "dont eat the frogs"
[11:43 AM] Pako: "ok got it"
[11:43 AM] yoshi: "especially do not eat toads unless you like poison"
[11:43 AM] Pako: "eatingfrogs.png"
[11:43 AM] Problematik: "Dont eat frogs and drink water"
[11:46 AM] LordSkele: "Don't eat frogs that look like this:"
[11:47 AM] LordSkele: "They bad"
[11:47 AM] yoshi: "imagine if i did tell dawn to eat a toad and kill him from poison"
[11:47 AM] yoshi: "2nd death by frogs in the arg"
[11:47 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":("
<span class="vip">[11:47 AM] Dawn: "Are toads frogs?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn continues his journey to Florida. He jokes about the police chasing him.
<h2>June 18th, 2020</h2>
At 11:30 PM, a new video was set to premiere on the Silentdork YouTube channelat midnight - "<b>Konvergenz</b>". The thumbnail of this video was an orange image of Wolfcat. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3f/PHremember.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:46 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to another image of an orange Wolfcat. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Screenshot_2020-06-18_Konvergenz.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:51 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to the image "papers.jpg" found in the "Under" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/Screenshot_2020-06-18_Konvergenz1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:52 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to a strange image of a sun. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7e/Sunthumb.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:53 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed back to its original incarnation.
At 11:54 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to an image of Dawn in the machine. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/Dawnthumb.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:58 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to an image of a black and white bug-like creature. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/45/Thumbcreature.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:58 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed back to its second incarnation.
<h2>June 19th, 2020</h2>
At 12:00 AM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to a distorted image of Patrem. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2e/Screenshot_2020-06-19_silentdork.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:00 AM, the title of the video "Konvergenz" changed to "<b>ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ</b>", which translates to "<b>Remembering</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (6/19/20 - 12:00 AM)}}
At 12:00 AM, the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETdk8ibjw2Q|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Many parts of this video were removed from the original upload. For an archived version of the full video, click the following link:}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0F1NC84bmY|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/18/20 - "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a fake version of the YouTube Premiere countdown. The song "Ivich" by Al Stewart begins playing as the countdown slightly corrupts. As the countdown reaches zero, the video goes dark. Pumpkinhead slowly fades in and begins speaking. Footage of what appears to be a Janus room containing tunnels of brickwork can be seen flying past in the background. A disturbing audio track begins playing.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Lost?"</span>
Footage of the hidden attic from the "Spire" Janus map is shown before cutting back to the previous footage.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Frightened?"</span>
More footage of thie hidden attic from the "Spire" Janus map is briefly shown before cutting back once again. The footage then cuts to what appears to be the fountain from the "Spire" Janus room lobby.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Confused?"</span>
The footage moves through one of the hallways in the "Spire" Janus map before warping to the "Emptiness" Janus Map.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Your link felt the same before entering his eternal slumber."</span>
The footage cuts back to the fountain found in the "Spire" Janus map before moving through another hallway. Footage of the "Solace" Janus map slowly fades on screen.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "If you keep searching maybe you'll see him..."</span>
The footage cuts back to the fountain found in the "Spire" Janus map before moving through another hallway. Footage of the "Mortus" Janus map slowly fades on screen. Some footage of someone walking through the "Another Path" Janus room can also faintly be seen.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Though he might not be very happy to see you."</span>
The "Mortus" Janus map spins around before the camera focuses on the symbol of eight intersecting arrows found on the tree. The video then cuts to black. The "Sun's Song" can be heard as a screenshot of the player Xenquility's submission of the "Sun's Song" on Within Hubris fades in on screen. The video cuts to black again before fading back in with footage of the same mountainous environment seen in the video "Outro". Dawn begins speaking as "The Man" - the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead:
<span class="vip2">The Man: "...And as they made their way towards that Wayward Horizon, they felt an end coming. It was inevitible. An end always follows a beginning. The open book always runs out of pages. The creator always meets his creation. But, what if that were not the case? As The Man, my creation met its untimely end, and yet, something new was born from it. In essence, the story moved on passed what I could only vaguely perceive. The god created, and when that god fell, a new god rose to take its place. The story moved on. The book found another chapter. The creator passed a torch on to one more suited to create. So, I would like to ask... Does a horizon ever truly end? One my find themselves in a situation where they feel a story has met its ultimate resolution - all questions answered. All loose ends tied up in a nice bow. But... does that mean where they find themselves if the end of the horizon? If they choose to keep going, would that not mean the horizon would keep expanding past their vision? Forever being a point they would never achieve. If this story were to meet a point where everything fell into place... would that really, truly be the end? What if a lone reader chose to continue adventuring? Forever driving forth until their legs gave out and their eyes could no longer see. I was in that position once. I saw a story that nobody else wanted to tell, and so I chose for myself to adventure passed that line - passed what others thought would forever be the end. So, adventurers, tell me... What will you choose once all of this is over? What if your old allies came back? Would you cherish them, or use them as tools to reach the destination you so depserately want? What would you do with the information that I am playing second fiddle that is now a grand chorus? Tell me, adventurers... If this were all to end one day... Would you carry the torch? And on this last question, I have one other thing to share - a startling revelation, maybe, but something one must-"</span>
The video suddenly cuts to black as a glitchy sound is heard. A distorted version of the "Frog Song" plays as the following text appears on screen:
<span class="vip">Kerapac</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Kerapac is a username often used by the player Yoshi.}}
The video suddenly corrupts and cuts to footage of someone in a park at night. Loud croaking can be heard in the background as they stand to their feet. As they examine their surroundings, a faint, blue entity can be seen walking at a distance. As the person explores their environment, they are suddenly attacked by what appears to be a large, frog-like beast. The video cuts to an image of the character Judge Dredd screaming over a red background with distorted text reading:
<span class="vip">THE LAW</span>
Judge Dredd's face slowly morphs into a skull. The skull slowly disappears as the video cuts back to the footage taken by TheLaw, who is now lying on the ground and reaching for his flashlight and mask, which apppears to be a "Guy Fawkes" mask. The video cuts to black. A green tint is slowly applied to the video and the heart monitor from previous videos can be heard. The following is said in reversed, distorted audio:
<span class="vip">Alex Hall: "Yeah, I think, I mean, probably.</span> ((Inaudible)) <span class="vip">My diary. My DMT diary. Whatever. But, I am pretty happy though. I was just worried again... You know, going into this, that I wouldn't be the same person. You know? Well- Not- well- I guess maybe, you know I haven't had a breakthrough yet so I can't again speak to that level, I think that y'know, I'm still me. Just a better idea. A better picture. More sense of clarity, or something. It's a- it's a- it's a thirst for more knowledge. To try and extract more out of that. It's a- it's a curse man."</span>
<span class="vip">Unknown: "A sense of life,</span> ((Inaudible)) <span class="vip">spirit in stories."</span>
<span class="vip">Unknown: "Do you think that guy has some type of entitlement?"</span>
The same green monitor distortions around the edges of the screen can be seen from previous videos. Footage of Tyler lying in a hospital bed is shown once again. The camera once again zooms into the screen, showing some distorted, green footage. Some images of Tyler lying on the ground are briefly flashed on screen. A gas mask can be seen lying on the ground to his right, and another mask is seen lying on his left. The follwing text flashes on screen:
<span class="vip">Erika: "Can you hear me?"</span>
Text from Jadusable's video "Transmission.txt" from the Awakening ARG can also be seen on screen. The video cuts to footage of what appears to be a bamboo grove. The camera zooms out of the altar seen in previous videos. Morse code begins playing that translates to the following:
<span class="vip">WAITING</span>
A deep, reversed voice is heard saying the following:
<span class="vip2">"It awaits at the altar."</span>
Footage of Tyler standing in the bamboo grove fades in. He is shirtless and is ripping off various hospital bandages. The deep, reversed voice begins speaking again:
<span class="vip2">"Long enough have you bid the Dark One to punish thee. This death is a farse. Though I serve the fourth, my power over your mind has waned child. But I bid your soul lost memories."</span>
A small object with an inscription on it can be seen faintly over the footage. Tyler then stares at the camera as the video cuts to black. Some old footage of John and Tyler talking in Tyler's room begins playing.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "So what do you think of all the "Internet Detectives" shit?"</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "The what? Oh yeah, that."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Do you think this is just a game, or do you- ((Laughs)) do you actually think there's a Doug guy right now waiting for us to un-fuck his life?"</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "It's... It's a game. That's all it is. It's just a game. Like, nothing really more. Do you think people have the power to manipulate fucken rain with song? Played on... ((Laughs))"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Fucken rain... I mean, allegedly, the Native A-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">Was that the Native Americans that did that shit, or was that the fucken Africans that did the rain dance shit</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">shit?"</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "I have no idea. I'm really not. I feel like I have to say Native Americans, but I'm not sure. ((Sigh)) Oh yeah, do you remem-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip2">What's up with some of the puzzles in that?"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Like, what do you mean, like, quality wise?"</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "Yeah</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip2">It's a game, it's clearly a</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip2">-me. I mean, it's just, a whole bunch of ciphers. It's... ((Laughs))"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Ciphers and uh... Jesus."</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "Yes. Fucken, ascension. File 3."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "I guess you're kind of right. I mean, the website feels."</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "I- I password cracked that. Nobody else could figure it out, and when I did, I told everybody."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "With everything that was going on, it kind of felt like a, I don't know, a really obvious answer. What the fuck did Jesus Christ have to do with anything that was happening? That whole website is just a bunch of rand- it's like, it's a fucking running youtube poop."</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "Yup."</span>
The video cuts to black. Reversed audio of tyler speaking is heard:
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Jesus Christ is- Jesus Christ is- Jesus Christ is-"</span>
The conversation between John and Tyler resumes.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "I feel like I remember somebody mentioning something to me about another place called youshouldnthavedonethat."</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "Youshouldnthavedonethat, yeah... I've actually gone a couple of times."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Dot net?"</span>
<span class="vip2">John: "Yeah."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "What is it?"</span>
The video cuts to black. A shot of the moon in a wooded area can be seen. The video then cuts to footage of Tyler exiting his home to record the night sky.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Huh. That is complete bullshit. Why are you like this, you piece of shit? 'Subject is in theory now too dark' Why can you still film? Fucken 'subject is too dark'."</span>
A helicopter is seen flying above Tyler's property.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "What do those motherfuckers want from me? Fucken p-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">for days didn't have a copter. Not a plane or helicopter ever passes by this bitch. But three days straight now. Helicopters, helicopters, helicopters. Why? Why? Is it gone now? You gone now? Is that it?"</span>
Another helicopter is heard.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "What the fuck is that? Ohhh motherfucker. Gone for now, I guess. But for three days straight now, had helicopters</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">helicopters fly-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">Who are they? What do they want? Is it those mask fucks? They manage-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">once. I don't know what the fuck... methods by which they did it, but they're pretty resourceful. Wouldn't put a helicopter stalker team past them at all!"</span>
The video cuts to black once again before footage of Tyler walking down a sidewalk is shown. A large cloud appears to be forming a middle-finger in front of Tyler. Behind him, a large storm cloud is forming.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Okay god, I know I've been an asshole, but come on, you don't gotta give me the bird buddy. ((Laughs)) You're a real joker. Uh, by the way man, you gonna turn the lights on? People really need to see. Jehovah the joker, if I'm uh, calling you by the proper name which I kin- ((Burps))auisdhauiwshd excuse me, I kind of doubt it, considering it's a little bit of an old testament thing. We'll just call you the "Absolute Comedian". Oh shit, your middle finger broke. You okay buddy?</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">-point out, yeah, I believe that middle finger was probably intended for the wall of darkness that is coming from this way. Oh- they coming? The lights are coming, slowly but surely. But will we be able to turn back</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">the</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">of darkness? What the hell was that uh</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">quote from Silent Hill?"</span>
The camera turns to Tyler but quickly cuts away.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "-moments- I think it's gonna rain. The wall of darkness is approaching at top speed. Let's freaking go."</span>
Tyler passes many construction markings on the sidewalk, including ones shaped like the Harbinger's Link symbol and an Eihwaz rune. The audio distorts and cuts to Tyler infront of a detour sign. He continues passing odd symbols, including multiple red lines.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Detour to where? What the hell do these fucking lines mean? Y'know sometimes I just, see shit walking around in this town that really makes me have to question... I'm sure there's a practical reason for that, but like, really? Just some lines on the ground. Just some like, lines, trailing to what. And also, detour in the direction I was already walking. Nice ((Laughs)). I've never really liked the sight of construction work though, I'll admit. Because I see it and I associate it with the idea... which it's- it's pretty dark right now so I mean you can't see very well, but like, this is a nice little forested place that I live in. And, actually, still a pretty long walk from my actual house, but... me and John walk up and down this bitch all the time. And I appreciate the quaintness of it. It's not like walking around in like a big nasty city. This is my little slice of heaven, you know? Yeah, it can get a little ghetto, it can get a little uh, little uh, little freaky sometimes. We got drunks</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">other kinds of people. But I mean, you know, it's a little slice of heaven. When I see shit like... when I see shit like that, I get worried. I think, 'Damn, now what the hell are they gonna do?' you know? The hell are they gonna do now? What's gonna get knocked down this time? And how many years do I got until, you know, it's just irrevocably changed. Ah shit, the wall of darkness. Yup, here we go. The rain's coming. Here comes the rain again, falling on my face like a memory or whatever the hell. Time to run, let's go."</span>
The video cuts to Tyler at a closed sidewalk.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "We have reached an impass, and my options are: Definitely break the law, or ambiguously break the law. You know what? I'm feeling ambiguous today. Is it really breaking the law if I'm technically not walking on the sidewalk at all? Break my stride now assholes! And in seriousness, how the hell was I actually supposed to fucken do anything there because the entire sidewalk is blocked. Like literally what do you expect me to do. There is liter- there is no back road back that way. There is literally no way around. So like, how do you even get through here on foot assholes? 'Why don'tcha get a car?' well then why do you have sidewalk in the first place bitch?"</span>
Tyler comes upon another Detour sign.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Detour, in the direction I'm going. Don't mind if I do."</span>
The video cuts to footage of Tyler and Kevin walking down a path while talking.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Talk to John lately?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Kevin: "Uh, not really, no. Everybody's falling out and everything. I mean, hell, dealing with stuff in my life ri-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip3">You looking for a roommate?"</span>
Footage from a plane is overlayed in the background. Loud music begins to grow in the background as Tyler speaks about his roommate.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Uh, nah not really off hand right now. I mean I was, but more for college. And uh, actually I got a guy right now I'm with, uh, his name is-"</span> ((Glitch))
<span class="vip3">Kevin: "Alex?"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Yeah, kind of weird. He's, uh, he's been a little weird lately."</span>
<span class="vip3">Kevin: "What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Uh, he's got this whole thing going on with like uh, a video game he's playing?"</span>
<span class="vip3">Kevin: "Mhmm."</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Like, a Nintendo 64 video game which-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">I mean there's not really much to say. Uh, like, he just, plays that fucken game a lot, really. Like-"</span> ((Glitch))
<span class="vip3">Kevin: "-if you uh, kept tabs on him for me?"</span>
<span class="vip">Tyler: "Uh, why ((Laughs)) Uh, why?"</span>
The video cuts to discoloured footage of a plant. Tyler is talking to John on the phone, but John's voice cannot be heard. Reversed music plays in the background.
<span class="vip">Tyler: "No, of course not. Well yeah, he actually asked me, but I ended up telling him no. Come on. College is a freaking scam anyways. I'm just gonna end up with a shitload of debt. I don't even know what I wanna do right now</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">-is, like, come on. No it's not just for the game! And stop calling it a game. Cause it ruins the immersion. Really taking care of Doug and Mason now, you know? Once in a life time nothing man, come one. It's ((Laughs)) it's, yeah, they're not- I don't know where you heard that. They're not really that prestigious. And besides, it's a really, really long drive. I'm young, I got plenty of time. I should at least wait until I know what I want to do anyways. No, a really long drive same dis-</span> ((Glitch)) <span class="vip">30. Yeah. He'll be fine, he's not going to die without me. Just get a single dorm. I'm actually testing it out right now. It's pretty good. I think I'll take a walk in a little bit and, I don't know, find something nice to film. I mean, but first I should probably go inside and hit him up on skype just to see... No, no, something happened recently with Mason. Ah, I'm not completely filled in. Some shit about a storm drain. Alright John, alright man, I'll call you later."</span>
The video cuts to footage of Tyler in the bamboo grove in the Parallelos. He continues to pull bandages off of his body. A deep, reversed voice can be heard saying the following:
<span class="vip">"I will guide you now to it, and so to shall I be waiting. Worry not for thy lost trinkets. The answers you seek come in the forest. You will find thyself in once again child."</span>
Tyler seemms to have lost his jacket and is searching for it on the ground. More reversed audio is heard:
<span class="vip">"It's hubris. And the gods don't take hubris kindly."</span>
The video cuts to some first person footage of Tyler walking through a clearing in the woods. The video distorts several times as Tyler approaches a shopping cart. In this shopping cart, Tyler finds his jacket. Beneath the jacket is a shirt depicting Link from the Legend of Zelda series that Tyler has been seen wearing in previous videos. Beneath this is the Majora's Mask cartridge. Tyler picks up the cartridge and examines it. As he turns around, the white, mannequin-like entity comes into view, distorting the video. The footage cuts to black. Some distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask is shown. The player is in the "Stock Pot Inn" in Clock Town. They are speaking to Anju, who appears similar to Erika's avatar. The in-game text corrupts as the player is asked a question. They select "Yes", resulting in the video cutting to black once again. An item screen reminiscent of the first Silent Hill game appears. A spinning cell phone is shown with the following text:
<span class="vip">There is a cell phone.
Take it?
The player selects "Yes". Text from Erika begins appearing on screen:
<span class="vip2">Erika: "Alright, that should be all your things. You should be all sorted now."
Erika: "I'm so happy! I seem to be rather close to you now, considering I can do this."
Erika: "This is very..."
Erika: "Exciting~"</span>
Footage of Tyler exploring the "Alex Hall of Fame" begins playing. It's now clear that it is a hotel of sorts.
<span class="vip2">Erika: "Back at the hotel again are we?"
Erika: "Or, did we ever leave it?"
Erika: "Mr.ALEX lead you to these halls didn't he?"
Erika: "Its ok I know what you are thinkg!"
Erika: "I am in the perfect position for that really XD"
Erika: "I wouldn't worry myself too deeply, over the "Trial". The fact you are still moving I would say means you certainly must have passed it. ALEX is no longer here."
Erika: "Though I am sure you will see him again."
Erika: "I think there might be someone else here looking for you though."
Erika: "He is an old friend, I'm pretty sure."
Erika: "I'm SO excited for the point where you are allowed to speak again (nor too sure when myself) I absolutely LOVE the sound of your voice. I used to spend all da-"
Erika: "Sorry"
Erika: "I've just been so excited and full of energy thinking about all of this. I was so scared of how everything was going at first but now I feel so lucky!! The last thing I was expecting was to get to be born back in as a "navi" type"
Erika: "Sorry ^^;"
Erika: "I know you can't say anything yet"
Erika: "but I must be making your head spin by now."</span>
The camera begins to spin.
<span class="vip2">Erika: "Wait... something is wrong."
Erika: "I can feel someone approaching us"</span>
The camera stops as Kevin comes into view.
<span class="vip2">Erika: "RUN!"</span>
Tyler begins running through the hotel.
<span class="vip2">Erika: "ELEVATOR"
Erika: "ELEVATOR"</span>
Tyler calls the elevator and enters it. The door narrowly closes out Kevin. The camera cuts back to the green computer screen.
<span class="vip2">Erika: "Well that was something XD"
Erika: "I wonder what he still wants with you?"
Erika: "Atleast now we have some "privacy""
Erika: "Minus all you lovelies out there watching XD"
Erika: "Maybe now we can get a chance to walk together like I always hoped we could!"
Erika: "Till then why dont we watch something else? I have something really cool I saw a long time ago I'd love to show you. It really inspired me and I think its worth showing since I have some say now too."
Erika: "I can't wait for us to get out of this elevator! I wonder whats going to happen next? I REALLY want to explore the hotel more with you~
Aha! There it is, lemme just press play."</span>
Another "AMV" type video is shown. An unknown song plays in the background. Multiple masked men are seen throughout. The song involves many references to "Waking up" and "Telling truthes in this place". Text from zelda begins to appear:
<span class="vip">"BEN is getting lonely..."
"You will be given one last chance..."
"Back to where it all began..."
"Come play with us."
"Dawn of The Final Day
"-24 Hours Remain-"</span>
The Majora's Mask file select screen appears with "L i n k" and "B E N" as the two options. A message from someone named REMNANT117 reading "help" is shown. The "Dawn of The Final Day" appears a last time, ending on a screamer with the Happy Mask Salesman.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video appears to be several different videos in one from various sources.
This video opens with a message from Pumpkinhead. Pumpkinhead continues to taunt the players as he claims that Tyler may be unhappy to see them.
Dawn begins speaking to the players as "The Man" - the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead. In a portion similar to the video "Outro", Dawn gives a speech about the nature of stories. He claims that stories, much like horizons, never truly end, as someone will always come along to continue them.
Footage of TheLaw is shown. He appears to be exploring a dark park of sorts. A strange <b>blue entity</b> is seen, and TheLaw is attacked and killed by a frog-like beast, which is implied to have been summoned by the submission of the "Frog Song".
The video cuts to footage of the Parallelos as Tyler lies in the hospital bed. The camera zooms into the monitor next to the bed, much like how it did before.
Tyler is seen pulling off various hospital bandages as he wakes up in what appears to be a bamboo grove in the Parallelos. He is shirtless.
A deep voice claims it will return Tyler's lost memories to him. Shortly after this, various clips of Tyler in the past are shown:
<div class="indented">
Footage of John and Tyler talking in his trailer is shown. They are discussing the first arc of Johnisdead as players, mocking some of the ARG's ciphers and referring to it all as a game.
Footage of Tyler recording two helicopters flying around his house are shown. He suspects this is somehow the Lunar Children.
Footage of Tyler walking down a sidewalk is shown. He laments the sudden growth of his town and questions some strange symbols he often finds drawn around the sidewalk - such as the Harbinger's Link symbol and an Eihwaz rune. Tyler also passes by several construction signs, including a detour sign.
Footage of Tyler and Kevin walking along a path is shown. Tyler mentions that he's looking for a new roommate, as he is currently sharing a dorm with Alex. He mentions that Alex is currently addicted to the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge, which catches Kevin's attention. Kevin asks Tyler to keep tabs on Alex - much to Tyler's confusion.
Footage of Tyler talking on the phone with John is shown. Tyler is telling John that he refuses to go to college because he views it as a waste of money. The two also discuss the first arc of Johnisdead once again
The video once again shows Tyler in the Parallelos. He comes across a shopping cart in the woods, where he finds his jacket, a shirt with Link on it, and the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge.
Tyler picks up the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge and is approached by the white, mannequin-like entity.
Tyler obtains a cell phone.
Tyler is once again in the "Alex Hall of Fame" corridor seen in previous videos. Erika begins speaking to him through text on the screen, revealing that this location is actually a hotel.
Erika is excited to finally speak to Tyler, though she laments that fact that Tyler currently cannot speak.
Erika believes that Tyler has already successfully passed Alex's trial mentioned in previous videos.
Erika says she was worried at first, but now she is excited, as she has been "<span class="canquote">born back in</span>" as a Navi-like entity. "Navi" is the fairy companion from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time who assisted Link, giving him helpful hints on his journey.
Tyler and Erika are suddenly attacked by Kevin. Tyler manages to escape by hiding in an elevator.
Erika shows Tyler an AMV she supposedly found that inspired her long ago. This video contains footage of many masked entities and Majora's Mask.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">He is never coming back</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 2:39 AM, the thumbnail of the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" changed to an image of the plants seen in the video. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a0/Hqdefault.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:41 AM, the title of the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" changed to "<b>Remember</b>".
At an unknown time, the video "Remember" was shortened to 25 minutes. The beginning of the video up until Tyler is seen in the hospital bed is cut, as well as the final conversation with Erika in the elevator and the music video.
At 11:33 PM, the player LordSkele asked Pumpkinhead how he funds the Lunar Children. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">I've no connection with that contemptible order.</span>".
At 11:35 PM, the player LordSkele claimed that they were simply joking. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">Fun and games. I have one for you soon. Would you like to see?</span>".
<h2>June 20th, 2020</h2>
At 12:12 AM, Pumpkinhead posted a link to a new video on Wolfcat's YouTube channel in the Internet Detectives Discord server - "<b>SPIELBEGINNEN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmMv8SRIsIA|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/20/20 - "SPIELBEGINNEN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with corrupted, orange-tinted footage of the Majora's Mask title screen. A new file is selected and the name "DeadOne" is entered. The video cuts to black. Footage of Link standing in Romani Ranch is shown. He has the Bremen Mask in his inventory. Link pulls out his sword and shield. Shortly after this, lightning strikes in the distance as an image of Pumpkinhead flashes on screen. Link suddenly appears in-front of the camera, spasming wildly. His skin is colored orange and he has no eyes.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead challenges the players to a game. He creates a new file on Majora's Mask labelled "<b>DeadOne</b>" using an orange, eyeless version of Link as his avatar.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Play soon round one</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Minecraft Enchantment runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/20/20 - 12:13 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
<h2>June 21st, 2020</h2>
At 2:11 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the video "<b>walk.mp4</b>" - a short, distorted clip of someone walking along some traffic. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwamrTb5rSM|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:27 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>20200621_032556.jpg</b>" - a photo of a note left by Dawn that reads "<span class="canquote">I am going where I cannot be found by the likes of you. ALSO you suck at your job! - Dawn</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/20200621_032556.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>June 24th, 2020</h2>
At 12:01 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>image3A13314_eightbit2.jpg</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
At 3:34 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>20200621_032534.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0b/20200621_032534.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:24 PM, the player Fancypigg discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had chaged. The page now contained the video "<b>following.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4PODA2R09U|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/24/20 - "following.mp4" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted, green footage of someone entering what appears to be a motel room. Once inside, the motel room is revealed to be empty. On one of the tables next to the bed is a drawing of the sun and several notes written by Dawn:
<span class="vip">"I Need My Book"
"My Book Grows"</span> ((Illegible))
<span class="vip">"Keeps me anchored"</span>
<span class="vip">"My Friends are helping me along the right path. The choices we make are inexorable."
"I KNOW you were coming."
I am going where I cannot be found by the likes of you."
"ALSO you suck at your job! - Dawn"</span>
The entity angrily knocks the papers off of the table. They turn towards the TV, which is showing the video "walk.mp4".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video appears to be the perspective of a malicious entity tracking Dawn.
The malicious entity manages to break into Dawn's motel room, but Dawn is already gone. All that's left are some notes from Dawn taunting the entity and the video "walk.mp4" playing on the TV.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:41 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>DAWWN.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
<h2>June 25th, 2020</h2>
At 12:18 AM, Pumpkinhead uploaded a new video to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>TEMPORÄRMASKE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqt7j4AMmYk|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
6/25/20 - "TEMPORÄRMASKE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing in Clock Town observing a tree. The tree's textures are corrupted and replaced with eyes. Pumpkinhead pauses, resulting in the game glitching for a moment. After unpausing, the player exits first-person view, resulting in the game suddenly losing many of its textures. A loud sound is heard and Link is suddenly warped to the inside of the Clocktower. The textures in this room are very corrupted. As the camera view shifts, the Happy Mask Salesman suddenly appears. The player slowly approaches them. They enter first-person view and look at the Happy Mask Salesman's face, which is also made up of corrupted textures. As the camera focuses on the Happy Mask Salesman's face, the image "AM.gif" is faintly seen. Pumpkinhead speaks to the Happy Mask Salesman. The text is corrupted and illegible. The following text repeatedly appears on screen before fading:
<span class="vip">mask?</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/25/20 - 12:22 AM)}}
Faint footage of a giant eye in the sky is seen before the video cuts to a distorted image of the "Dream" emoji. The video cuts once again. Pumpkinhead is now walking through Ikana valley. The video begins to heavily corrupt, as more footage of the inventory screen and the Gibdo enemies is shown on screen. Pumpkinhead enters the Spring Water Cave and the video fades to black. The cutscene with the ghostly character Sharp is shown:
<span class="vip">Sharp: "F..Ye who do not fear the dead..."</span>
Pumpkinhead slowly enters the water, resulting in the video cutting to black once again. The video resumes with footage of Link entering the Great Bay area for the first time and witnessing the character Mikau floating in the water. Pumpkinhead enters the water, resulting in the video becoming more corrupted. Pumpkinhead pushes Mikau to shore. Mikau walks for a bit before falling to the ground, where they ask the following:
<span class="vip">Mikau: "I think thil is Nt for me..."
Mikau: "Zy final pessage..." 
Mikau: "I...Will yol liMtfn to ft?"</span>
Pumpkinhead chooses the option:
<span class="vip3">"I won't listen."</span>
Mikau's text then distorts further. The video then cuts to a distorted image of Wolfcat before more Majora's Mask footage begins playing. Link is now standing at the Great Bay looking out into the ocean. The water is completely missing, and Pumpkinhead is now wearing the "Bremen Mask".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
This video begins with Pumpkinhead approaching the Happy Mask Salesman. The text "<span class="canquote">mask?</span>" appears many times. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (6/25/20 - 12:22 AM)}}
Pumpkinhead is shown entering the "Spring Water Cave" and entering the pool within it. The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead pulling the Zora character "Mikau" out of the water.
Pumpkinhead stands over the dying Mikau. The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead wearing the "Bremen Mask" - a mask commonly associated with IsocelesAssassin.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">The one I took his gift of ocarina let us see how powerful it is</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 12:24 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>watched.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Watchedph.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:24 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>Ones.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a4/Ones.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>June 29th, 2020</h2>
At 11:48 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>Lost?</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-ADQbAH8d8|target=_blank]]</span> This video was simply the first portion of the video "Remember" - the Pumpkinhead-related content.
<h2>July 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 10:14 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server using IsocelesAssassin's account and posted a new video that had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>ENTFÜHRT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlX1hT2JSLU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/3/20 - "ENTFÜHRT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Pumpkinhead is standing in South Clock Town wearing the Bremen Mask. Pumpkinhead looks around surprised as the video corrupts before smiling at the camera. Two orange versions of the boss "Odolwa" fall from the sky. The video corrupts as the game world turns dark. A distorted version of the song "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult begins player as Pumpkinhead fights the two bosses. The video cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead leaving the Clock Tower. The video cuts back to Pumpkinhead fighting the bosses. The video then cuts to the image "Ones.gif" before cutting back to the bosses. The video then briefly shows Link entering the Secret Base beneath Clock Town. This footage is interspliced with Pumpkinhead battling the bosses several times before the camera focuses on Odolwa's eyes. The video then cuts to black and the following text appears:
<span class="vip">"Your hubris betrays you, also-ran."
"Now... Let's get down to business."</span>
Pumpkinhead is shown entering the Astral Observatory. A Zora character and a Poe can be seen. Pumpkinhead attacks the Poe and captures it in a bottle. The following text appears:
<span class="vip">"They never belonged here anyway."</span>
<span class="vip2">IsocelesAssassin: "What was that just now...? GB? Where'd you go? GB!?"</span>
<span class="vip">"If you want them back... You'll have to work for it."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
Pumpkinhead is shown fighting two orange versions of the "Odolwa" boss in Clock Town - something that mirrors a video that had recently been uploaded by Jadusable in the Awakening ARG.
Pumpkinhead enters the Astral Observatory and captures GHOTBABEL, much to IsocelesAssassin's dismay. IsocelesAssassin appears to be represented by a Zora, whereas GHOSTBABEL is a Poe.
Pumpkinhead says that the players will have to work to recover GHOSTBABEL.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">To quell boredom this beautiful little game we play until he returns to me again</span>"
Tags: "<span class="canquote">battle of wit and rhythm</span>"
At 10:18 PM, the player yoshi discovered that Pumpkinhead had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "<b>Witness</b>" on the Safehaven board using IsocelesAssassin's account. This post simply contained a link to the video "ENTFÜHRT" along with the message "<span class="canquote">I think it's time for this smart-mouthed friend of yours to be dismissed.</span>".
At an unknown time, players discovered that the Astral Observatory forums had become password protected and could no longer be accessed.
<h2>July 15th, 2020</h2>
At 8:27 AM, the player Pako discovered that the thumbnail of the video "maşină" had changed. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7c/Hqdefaultmasina.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>July 21st, 2020</h2>
At 4:23 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1c/20200721_152432.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> Shortly after this, players discovered that the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris was unlocked.
<h2>July 22nd, 2020</h2>
At 1:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>d_e_t_o_u_r.JPG</b>" - a distorted image of the Detour sign. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/ce/IMG_20200722_070957.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At an unknown time, players discovered that, for some unknown reason, only users with temporary accounts could post on the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris.
At 5:43 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Cast away personas</span>".
At 5:51 PM, players asked Pumpkinhead what he was doing on Within Hubris. Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">Waiting</span>". When asked what for, Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">Your next move.</span>".
At 6:02 PM, the player Jackuan taunted Pumpkinhead, claiming the players should wait for his next move instead. Pumpkinhead responded with "<span class="canquote">Need I take more?</span>" and sent the image "<b>GHOST.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/GHOST.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:03 PM, the player nfreak submitted a "<b>Fairy in a Bottle</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris.
At 6:06 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">You'll have to try harder than that. Show me Movements Actions Give substance Make this dream true</span>".
At 6:08 PM, players began asking Pumpkinhead how they should format their submissions in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "<span class="canquote">Submit Records Memories</span>".
At 6:13 PM, the player nfreak submitted the video "<b>SAVING ALEX.MP4</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJfM1vnE0EM&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:34 PM, Pumpkinead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video uploaded to Wolfcat's Youtube channel - "<b>SPIEGELN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0Xlf5iZ5NU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/22/20 - "SPIEGELN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a distorted recording of the player submission "SAVING ALEX.MP4". An image of the "Mirror Shield" suddenly appears on screen as the video stutters. Distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Footage of Pumpkinhead releasing a "Fairy in a Bottle" plays in reverse. Pumpkinhead opens the inventory screen, where GHOSTBABEL can be seen in one of the bottles. The cursor moves over the newly obtained "Fairy in a Bottle".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
Pumpkinhead reflects the players submission of "SAVING ALEX.MP4", which gives him a "<b>Fairy in a Bottle</b>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Why thank you</span>"
Tags: N/A
A 7:57 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Wrong move.</span>" followed by a Jack-o-lantern emoji.
<h2>July 23rd, 2020</h2>
At 11:21 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>ZURÜCKGEGEBEN</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci6KLKZ_7Fo&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/23/20 - "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN" - YouTube Details (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with footage of the video "SPIEGELN". After the video ends, an image of the "Mirror Shield" flashes on screen and the video begins playing in reverse. The player then exits into Ikana Valley. The player then enters the "Beneath The Well" mini-dungeon. They progress through the dungeon by giving various items to the "Gibdo" enemies. Once they enter the "Mirror Shield" chamber, they solve the puzzle as expected by shooting fire arrows to light torches. This spawns the chest in which the "Mirror Shield" is originally obtained. Footage of Link obtaining the "Mirror Shield" is played in reverse. After this, Link uses the "Blast Mask" in an attempt to damage Pumpkinhead. The video then cuts to footage of the Majora's Mask title screen, where the player creates a new save file named "ID". The video then cuts to footage of Link entering the Astral Observatory. Link equips the "Bunny Hood" and plays "Epona's Song".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains various item and song submissions in response to Pumpkinhead.
This video begins with an attempt to undo Pumpkinhead's acquisition of a "Fairy in a Bottle" by using the "<b>Mirror Shield</b>" and playing footage of "SPIEGELN" in reverse.
The player Xenquility progresses through the "Beneath The Well" dungeon to the spot where the "Mirror Shield" was originally obtained. Footage of Link obtaining the "Mirror Shield" is played in reverse in an attempt to seal away Pumpkinhead's use of it.
The player Xenquility uses the "<b>Blast Mask</b>" in an attempt to damage Pumpkinhead.
A new save file is created on Majora's Mask named "<b>ID</b>".
The player Xenquility enters the "Astral Observatory" and equips the "<b>Bunny Hood</b>" before playing "<b>Epona's Song</b>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Thine shield gone now returned and broken</span>"
Tags: N/A
<h2>July 25th, 2020</h2>
At 2:28 AM, the player Problematik discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>BERAUBT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqG3Jf8XtcQ|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/25/20 - "BERAUBT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage from the video "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN". The video cuts to black before cutting to more gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Pumpkinhead is seen standing in the "Secret Hideout" below Clock Town. The video begins distorting as Pumpkinhead's face flashes on screen. Pumpkinhead's "Mirror Shield" suddenly disappears. Pumpkinhead looks around, confused, before turning to the camera as a loud sound is heard. Pumpkinhead's face flies towards the camera as the video cuts to more Majora's Mask gameplay footage. Epona begins running towards Link in Termina Field. As she approaches the camera, the footage suddenly distorts, showing Zora Link waking up "inside" her. Zora Link stands up and brushes himself off before the Zora Link transformation scene plays. The Majora's Mask file select screen is shown as a new file with the following name is created:
<span class="vip">"Mason"</span>
While this footage plays, the following is said in Morse code:
<span class="vip2">"YOU PULLED ME OUT OF THERE THANK YOU"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 9:23 AM)}}
A distorted image of Pumpkinhead appears on screen as he begins speaking to the players.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "What's this, now?"
Pumpkinhead: "I suppose you aren't the hapless adventurers you were back then."
Pumpkinhead: "Though unexpected, this is but a minor setback."
Pumpkinhead: "For you see..."</span>
Distorted footage of Pumpkinhead walking through the "Milk Road" is seen.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "The Dark One has granted me influence over his dominion."
Pumpkinhead: "I have far more control than you could ever imagine."</span>
Pumpkinhead suddenly begins walking through the "Path" Janus room as distorted text appears on screen: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written using a "Keyboard Shift" cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:55 AM)}}
<span class="vip3">"You really pissed him off."
"For all his supposed foresight, it's surprising he didn't see this coming."
"Guess the orange bastard isn't that bright after all."
"He's pretty spooked now, though."
"Won't be easy to get him to show his face again."
"I don't have much time but I'll try to explain as he traverses this realm."
"January of 2012. I was killed. Kevin did it."
"I tried to protect mason but Regiminis was too much."
"I've watched you all on Astral Observatory."
"I helped you get back the mask from the Subspace."
"I don't know how I'm alive there."
"That me is not me."
"I must be from anotherrrrrrrrSPLIT"</span>
During this segment, some unsolved Morse code can be heard playing. The "Bremen Mask" flashes on screen before Pumpkinhead continues walking, now approaching the Astral Observatory in Termina Field. He continues speaking:
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Our game will not cease, but these rules require tweaking."</span>
An image of Pumpkinhead appears and distorts the footage as tthe video fades to black.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "These tools of yours are far too dangerous."</span>
Footage of the Astral Observatory is shown along with the items in the players' inventory slowly disappearing. The camera focuses on a chest sitting in the Astral Observatory.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "This will not happen again."</span>
The video fades to black. Footage of a video from the "M" YouTube channel is faintly shown. The following is written on the screen in Morse code:
<span class="vip2">"ASTRAL OBSRVATORY NET SUBSPACE DEAD"</span>
Some unsolved Morse code can also be heard in the background during this segment.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is a response to the player's video "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN".
The players managed to successfully take away Pumpkinhead's "Mirror Shield", causing him to run and hide in the Astral Observatory.
Pumpkinhead reveals he has been granted more inluence over Tenebris's dominion. Following this, Pumpkinhead seals the players' items in a chest in the Astral Observatory.
The dead version of IsocelesAssassin being used as Pumpkinhead's mask begins speaking. He reveals that he was killed by Kevin in January of 2012 - the same time the alive version of IsocelesAssassin was attacked and escaped.
The dead version of IsocelesAssassin being used as Pumpkinhead's mask claims that he led the players to the version of Helper's Hat discovered on the Subspace back in 2019.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">HIS SHIELD IS GONE HE RAN AND HID LOCKED AWAY IN THE OBSERVATORY</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Morse code.<br />- Solved by HaouDeSoul (7/25/20 - 6:21 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 8:55 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/</nowiki></span><b>dead</b>". This page was titled "<b>deadOne</b>" and contained the image "dead.gif". This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">find inventory</span>" hidden in its source. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (11/3/20 - 6:14 PM)}}
At 8:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "dead.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/</nowiki></span><b>discover</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral Observatorydiscover</b>" and contained the image "<b>see.gif</b>" and several instances of the image "<b>spectral.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2f/Seeao.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e2/Spectral.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">KEEP GOING FURTHER AHEAD</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:57 AM)}}
At 8:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on one of the images "spectral.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/</nowiki></span><b>door</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral door</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">AN OBSTACLE BLOCKS THE WAY</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:57 AM)}} This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>DOORWAY</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvPYZX-yfd0&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:57 AM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/25/20 - "DOORWAY" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains distorted Majora's Mask footage. Link is standing in "Snowhead Temple". He approaches a locked door with two switches in front of it. He observes the switches and approaches a door.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains distorted Majora's Mask footage.
Link is seen in "Snowhead Temple". There is a locked door in front of him with two switches next to it.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">TWO ARE REQUIRED STEP</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:58 AM)}}
Tags: "<span class="canquote">your, powers, allow, for, vague, interpretations, of, intent, experiment, succeed</span>"
At 8:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on one of the images "spectral.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/</nowiki></span><b>awakenow</b>". This page was titled "<b>thankyou</b>" and contained the image "<b>M.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/67/Mao.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>M.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/ba/Maoaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (7/25/20 - 8:59 AM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/25/20 - Awakenow Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This text appears to be Mason's memories.
Mason and IsocelesAssassin are exploring the fishery. Mason hears voices from various spirits who still dwell there. These spirits talk about how SKM visited the fishery shortly after Undecim Nocte and was gifted the briefcase, which contained a book.
Mason and IsocelesAssassin are presumably chased away from the fishery by doug.
<h2>July 26th, 2020</h2>
At 11:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">IIII</span>" in the "#announcements" text channel.
At 12:06 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik a PM reading "<span class="canquote">IIII</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d7/20200726_110750.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:08 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "<span class="canquote">I</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/Screenshot_20200726-120842_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At an unknown time, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter two PM's reading "<span class="canquote">I</span>" and "<span class="canquote">ᛇ</span>". Several other PM's were sent during this time. Unfortunately, they were not archived.
At 1:19 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter a PM that read as follows: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a keyed Caesar cipher using the key "SATURN".<br />- Solved by Yoshi and Archery (7/26/20 - 1:56 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/26/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (PM's)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">He spoke flatly as if his tone were manufactured and with a deeply tired sounding tone, "IIII am sorry to see you have felt yourself no longer fit for the order." He stood from the desk and stepped slowly across the Emerald colour marble floor to the front of the room, you were still there waiting in the doorway determined and high on the hubris that previously plagued him. "The library will always remain open to you, but you are of the wanderer in these times." for some reason you could not
bring yourself to say a word, "What exactly is this leading to?" you thought to yourself as he edged closer in the dim room lit only by nine candles and 12 monitors  4 of which
and one
"Always you will be remembered as a keeper in this place and though the location is ephemeral IIIII always expect your return" His frown broke into a smile as you could finally see his face for a breif moment. Silence broke for qust a moment as you said aloud "Wait y
"Sweet dreams my Old friend." His foot slipped out from under his robe and pushed the door shut in your face as you found yourself seemingly back in the</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This text appears to tell a story of a "<b>keeper</b>" being removed from a library of sorts owned by some sort of "<span class="canquote">order</span>".
At 1:20 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter a PM containing the image "<b>s.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/48/Siiii.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>July 27th, 2020</h2>
At 2:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/door</nowiki></span>" had changed. The page now contained the image "spectral.gif" and Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">NOT SURE LOCATION NOT IMPORTANT POWERS STRANGE PERFORM ACTIONS NEEDED STEP</span>".
<h2>July 31st, 2020</h2>
At 9:09 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "<b>Time To Rest</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN0HOP8QU-U&feature=youtu.be|target=_blank]]</span> Unfortunately, this video had been deleted and the players could not watch it.
At 9:24 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "<b>Time To Rest Now</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw_tDd1SvuU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
7/31/20 - "Time To Rest Now" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video is a music video for Vincent Adam's newest song. The lyrics are as follows:
<span class="vip">Stumbling alone
Passing these trees
One way to go
It's all I see
No one here to help me
No one beside
Far as the eyes can see
If everywhere's the same
I don't want to go
Walking every day
Where I never know
I'm tired of being me
I just want to be free
Walking all these miles
I'm tired of this life
It's time to rest my feet
And lay upon this tree
There's nowhere else to go
Nothing ever showed
The storms are raging stronger
Clouds are growing darker
Now's the time to decide
Today's the day that I will let myself die.
Time to rest now.</span>
The video begins with footage of a Janus room of a large, green forest. Distorted footage of a real forest slowly fades in. Shortly after this, footage of a green, cloudy sky is shown. This slowly fades back into footage of the Janus map. The video ends as the footage focuses on a large tree with what appears to be a green man stuck in the trunk. As the video is ending, a distorted image of what appears to be Jacob is shown.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This is a music video for Vincent Adams' newest song. A Janus map of a large, green forest is shown. At the center of this forest is a giant tree with a green-colored man stuck in the trunk.
This video ends with what appears to be a heavily distorted image of Jacob.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: ((This video's description contained the lyrics heard in the video))
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
"Time To Rest Now" Lyrics
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Stumbling alone
Passing these trees
One way to go
It's all I see
No one here to help me
No one beside
Far as the eyes can see
If everywhere's the same
I don't want to go
Walking every day
Where I never know
I'm tired of being me
I just want to be free
Walking all these miles
I'm tired of this life
It's time to rest my feet
And lay upon this tree
There's nowhere else to go
Nothing ever showed
The storms are raging stronger
Clouds are growing darker
Now's the time to decide
Today's the day that I will let myself die.
Time to rest now.</span>
<div class="indented">
Tags: N/A
<div class="indented">
A heavily distorted image of Jacob. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/28/Vincentjac.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:41 PM, players discovered that Erika had commented on the video premiere livechat for "Time To Rest Now" - "<span class="canquote">​Cute song 😆 ​❤</span>".
At an unknown time, players discovered that Vincent Adams' YouTube and Discord avatars changed to the distorted image of Jacob seen in the video "Time To Rest Now".
<h2>August 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 2:55 AM, the player Eve submitted the video "<b>Player 1</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMYmzXiXHxY|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/2020 - "Player 1" - YouTube (Eevee Reborn)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Pumpkin puzzle</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 3:00 AM, the player Eve submitted the video "<b>player2</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVIB9TD3_DY&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/2020 - "player2" - YouTube (scout3)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 3:00 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>JÄGER GEJAGT</b>" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_USu8G1IRw&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/2020 - "JÄGER GEJAGT" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link inside "Snowhead Temple". Link enters the room seen in the video "DOORWAY" and fights the "White Wolfos" enemy found there. Link then approaches the locked door and enters it. The video then cuts to Link standing outside the Astral Observatory. Link enters the building and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This videoc contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link unlocking the door seen in the video "DOORWAY".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">THE PURSUER PURSUED</span>"
Tags: N/A
At an unknown time, players begin discussing the idea that the player Jacob is canon. Following this, canon activity began taking place in the Internet Detectives Discord server through Jacob's OoC account "<b>Fancypigg</b>", which had recently been renamed to "<b>Jayckup</b>".
At 3:05 PM, Jacob and Vincent both began typing in the Internet Detectives Discord server at the same time. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a2/Unknownjacovince.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At an unknown time, the avatar of Jacob's OoC account changed to a distorted gif version of itself. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
At 4:23 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">423</span>".
At 9:21 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">/</span>".
At 9:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>vincent</b>". This page was titled "<b>VINCENT</b>" and contained the image "<b>theforgottenone.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6a/Theforgottenone.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>iwontletanythinghurtyou.mp3</b>" - a distorted version of a recent song upload on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4b/Iwontletanythinghurtyou.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:42 PM, Pumpkinhead sent a Jack-o-lantern emoji in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
At 9:43 PM, Jacob's OoC account and Vincent Adams both became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Listen closer</span>".
At an unknown time, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the link "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7KmCbF5zJs&feature=emb_title</nowiki></span>" - a link to a song on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7KmCbF5zJs&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This link was originally a binary cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:09 PM)}}
At 10:20 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SANCTUM</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmFKUk4gt1I|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:20 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "SANCTUM" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage off the video "DOORWAY" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. After this, the video fades into the players' various submissions of the videos "Player 1", "player2", and "JÄGER GEJAGT". The video cuts to black. Gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Link is staring at the same door seen in the video "DOORWAY". He walks up to it, unlocks it, and walks through. The video cuts to black once again and a URL is shown:
<span class="vip"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover/door/sanctum</nowiki></span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The players' submissions of "Player1", "player 2", and "JÄGER GEJAGT" are shown and accepted. Link enters the locked door seen in the video "DOORWAY" and the players are given a new URL - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover/door/sanctum</nowiki></span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details: N/A
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
At 10:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/</nowiki></span><b>sanctum</b>". This page was titled "<b>AREYOUREADY</b>" and contained the image "<b>threepaths.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8f/Threepaths.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:22 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>churning.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4c/Churning.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">COWARD HE SUMMONS FIVE MINIONS TO FIGHT IN HIS STEAD FIND THEM</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:22 PM)}}
At 10:22 PM, the player otherLiam discovered that clicking on the center of the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum</nowiki></span> would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/</nowiki></span><b>up</b>". This page was titled "<b>UPWARD</b>" and contained the image "<b>upward.gif</b>".. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Upwardao.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Dense (8/3/20 - 11:09 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>up.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/33/Up.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the left of the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum</nowiki></span> would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/</nowiki></span><b>left</b>". This page was titled "<b>WESTWARD</b>" and contained the image "<b>west.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cd/West.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:23 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>continue.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b6/Continueao.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:23 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/up</nowiki></span> would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/up/</nowiki></span><b>encounter</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">YOU SHOULD STILL HAVE YOUR SWORD I THINK</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Dense (8/3/20 - 11:01 PM)}} This page also contained Morse code in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">IA IA SLEEPING OK ALONE MOON OUT TONIGHT HEAR CRICKETS OWL WIND CRICKETS ALONE BORED IA STILL SLEEPING BORED WISHING FOR REST RACCOON MORE CRICKETS BORED</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Dense (8/3/20 - 11:00 PM)}} This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SCHWARZ</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GmFpXHeJjc|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "SCHWARZ" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in a dark void. Link walks through the void for a while before coming across a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy. Link pulls out his sword and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link comes across a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy in a dark void.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/left</nowiki></span> would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/left/</nowiki></span><b>search</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>Mase.gif</b>" - a distorted image of "Zora Link" standing next to a "Zora Link" elegy statue with text reading "<span class="canquote">/lost</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally an Octal cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:27 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f9/Mase.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the image "<b>sptil.gif</b>" - a distorted image of two versions of "Zora Link" walking side by side with text reading "<span class="canquote">/found</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:27 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Sptil.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">IM</span>", "<span class="canquote">THERE'S ANOTHER</span>", and "<span class="canquote">TWO OF ME</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">INSIDE HE FOUND ME BUT IT WAS TOO</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:24 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>subs.mp3</b>" and "<b>divergent.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/Subs.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/23/Divergent.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "divergent.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot. This screenshot contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">THE MINIONS HIDE THEM</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a3/Diovergentsstv.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:27 PM)}}
At 10:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/</nowiki></span><b>lost</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>woodland.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fa/Woodland.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">WE TRAVELED FOR YEARS</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:28 PM)}}
At 10:29 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the right side of the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum</nowiki></span> would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/</nowiki></span><b>right</b>". This page was titled "<b>EASTWARD</b>" and contained the image "<b>east.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6e/East.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:59 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "continue.mp3" as well.
At 10:29 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/right</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/</nowiki></span><b>travel</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>thatplace.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Thatplace.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained another instance of the image "spectral.gif". This page also contained the audio "<b>record.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4e/Record.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">FOR THE RECORD I DONT CHOOSE TO SPEAK THIS WAY ITS SIMPLY WHAT IM USED TO</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:29 PM)}}
At 10:30 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "woodland.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/lost</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/search/lost/</nowiki></span><b>again</b>". This page was titled "<b>IREMEMBERTHIS</b>" and contained the image "<b>endlessgreen.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/29/Endlessgreen.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:30 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>green.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Greenao.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">BUT NOT EXACT WHICH ONE AM I</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:30 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - Again Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This is nearly identical to the text discovered on the page "<nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/awakenow</nowiki>".
Instead of finding a book in the briefcase, SKM found a mask.
At 10:31 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "thatplace.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/travel</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/</nowiki></span><b>home</b>". This page was titled "<b>NOLONGER</b>" and contained the image "<b>blast.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d7/Blast.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:36 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>blast.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Blastaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">WHAT I DESERVED</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">MY SECOND  /DEATH</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:36 PM)}}
At 10:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "one" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/search/lost/again</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/</nowiki></span><b>mask</b>". This page was titled "<b>ONCEWAS</b>" and contained the image "<b>getaway.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/db/Getaway.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:32 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>faster.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/66/Faster.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to the following:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - Mask Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This text appears to be Mason's memories.
Mason and IsocelesAssassin have seemingly just escaped Doug after being chased away from the fishery.
Mason mentions that the fishery was destroyed due to Undecim Nocte, but he doesn't know all of the details because he was a low ranking recruiter.
At 10:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "DOUG" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/mask</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/</nowiki></span><b>doug</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">THERES A FIRE HERE WE COULD USE IT SOME HOW</span>". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded to the Wolfcat YouTube channel - "<b>DUNKELZIMMER</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98BowRE6B6U|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "DUNKELZIMMER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in a dark room in "Woodfall Temple". There is a sealed door he cannot progress through. In the center of the room is a lit torch, along with several unlit torches. Link strikes several of the unlit torches with his sword as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is stuck in a locked room with several unlit torches.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "USED" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/mask</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/</nowiki></span><b>used</b>". This page was titled "<b>ONCEWAS</b>" and contained the image "<b>persist.gif</b>" - a distorted image of Link walking along a path towards the "Southern Swamp" with text reading "<span class="canquote">/crossroads</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d7/Persist.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:35 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text in this image was originally a Base64 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:35 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>persist.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Persistaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HE LEFT ME NOT HIS FAULT HE ESCAPEDIEDCAPEDIEDCAPEDIED BOTH</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">I WAS LEFT THERE FOR YEARS IN THAT MECHANICAL SARCOPHAGUS</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:35 PM)}}
At 10:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "BOTH" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/used</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/</nowiki></span><b>both</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>AGIFT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iazsIOp7IT4|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:38 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "AGIFT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing on a platform in Clock Town. He opens a chest, obtaining five bombs.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link finds a chest containing five "<b>bombs</b>" in Clock Town.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:39 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/</nowiki></span><b>crossroads</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>UNBEKANNT.gif</b>" and the image "<b>VIERWAHL.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c2/UNBEKANNT.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/VIERWAHL.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">I FELT MY SPIRITUAL ENERGY GROWING EVERY SO SLIGHTLY</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:38 PM)}}
At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "UNBEKANNT.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/crossroads</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/used/crossroads/</nowiki></span><b>unbekannt</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>UNBEKANNT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDxgW5FEgQ8|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "UNBEKANNT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing atop "Woodfall" in the "Southern Swamp" area. Most of the map is invisible. Link observes his surroundings for a bit before running across a bridge. As Link reaches the end of the platform, a "Peahat" enemy rises up in the distance and begins closing in on him. The video ends with Link slashing his sword at the "Peahat" as the video corrupts.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is attacked by a "Peahat" enemy atop "Woodfall".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">WATCH OUT</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 10:40 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 10:42 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the image "spectral.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/travel</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/</nowiki></span><b>seek</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>club.gif</b>" and the image "<b>hero.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/37/Club.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9e/Heroao.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">THE CARD DONT KNOW IF THAT BUT SENSED SOMETHING FROM IT NOT A NORMAL CARD AFTER ALL DONT BLAME HIM COULDNT HAVE KNOWN SAVED ME</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:42 PM)}}
At 10:43 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "hero.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/seek</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/</nowiki></span><b>hero</b>". This page was titled "<b>HERO</b>" and contained the image "<b>thedeadone.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e2/Thedeadone.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this page was originally written in Morse code.<br /> - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:49 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>deadone.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/Deadoneaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HE TOOK IA FROM THE PARALLELOS TO REPLACE HIS LOST MASK</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:49 PM)}}
At 10:43 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "club.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/seek</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/</nowiki></span><b>card</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>bargain.gif</b>" - a distorted image of various storefronts in Majora's Mask with text reading "<span class="canquote">lets make a /deal</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/23/Bargain.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text in this image was originally a Hex cipher.<br /> - Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 10:48 PM)}} This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HAT FOR A CARD</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">ONE TROPHY OF DEATH FOR ANOTHER</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:44 PM)}}
At 10:49 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/card/</nowiki></span><b>deal</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">I THINK THE ORANGE ASSHOLE ROBBED YOU HAVE YOU FOUND ANY DOSH</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:15 PM)}} This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>VERKÄUFER</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAu-YdXMM-A|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "VERKÄUFER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters a "Great Fairy Fountain" and begins walking towards the center. Instead of a "Great Fairy" being present, the "Bean Salesman" is found instead. Link observes the "Bean Salesman" for a moment before speaking to him. The "Bean Salesman" offers to sell Link a pod of "Magic Beans" for 10 rupees, but Link does not have enough money.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link enters a "Great Fairy Fountain" and finds the "Bean Salesman". Link attempts to buy a pod of "Magic Beans" for 10 rupees, but he doesn't have any money.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:52 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the text "IA" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/hero</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a non-existent page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/</nowiki></span><b>circle</b>".
At 10:56 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the text "PARALLELOS" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/hero</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/</nowiki></span><b>parallelos</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>waters.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2f/Waters.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>slice.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0e/Slice.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contains Morse code that translates to "<span class="canquote">CANT REMEMBER CONFLICTING MEMORIES LIVE OR DIE</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 10:56 PM)}}
At 10:57 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the text "LIVE" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/parallelos</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/</nowiki></span><b>live</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>living.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Living.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HE LIVED IM SURE OF IT I SAW HIM ESCAPE USING SONG OF TIME BUT</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 11:14 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - Live Page Text - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This text appears to be Mason's memories.
Mason is begging IsocelesAssassin to return to the future to escape as they are chased by Regiminis. IsocelesAssassin refuses to do so, resulting in Mason calling him stupid.
At 10:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "living.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/live</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/</nowiki></span><b>gray</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>SOLDATIN.gif</b>" and the image "<b>REIHENFOLGE.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/19/SOLDATIN.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b5/REIHENFOLGE.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">IF I POURED TOO MUCH OF IT INTO MY ELECTRONIC TOMB I KNEW IT WOULD RESULT IN A CATASTROPHIC BLAST</span>".
At 10:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "SOLDATIN.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/gray</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/live/gray/</nowiki></span><b>soldatin</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SOLDATIN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOe2fV7jBVw|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "SOLDATIN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters the "Oceanside Spider House". A "Beamos" enemy is seen blocking the path forward. Link attempts to slash it with his sword, but it is ineffective. The "Beamos" enemy shoots a laser a Link, but Link narrowly avoids it. Link targets the enemy once again and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link enters the "Oceanside Spider House" and encounters a "Beamos" enemy blocking his way.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">HARD SHELLED</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:07 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 10:59 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "REIHENFOLGE.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/gray</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/live/gray/</nowiki></span><b>reihenfolge</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>REIHENFOLGE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsDsxq8tTvw|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "REIHENFOLGE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters a room in the "Oceanside Spider House" containing four "Stalchildren" enemies sitting at a table. Link hops up on the table and observes a red, blue, green, and yellow mask hanging on the wall. Link speaks to the four "Stalchildren" enemies - each one plays a portion of an SSTV signal that translates to the following: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:40 PM)}}
<span class="vip">First
Hello_Again.mp3</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:41 PM)}}
<span class="vip">Second
The Grand One</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:41 PM)}}
<span class="vip">Fourth
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link enters a room in the "Oceanside Spider House" with a locked door. There is a blue, red, green, and yellow mask hanging on the wall.
Link speaks to four "Stalchildren" enemies sitting around a table. Each one reveals part of an SSTV signal that translates to the following: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/19/2020-08-03_23.39.48.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/20/2020-08-03_23.37.41.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:40 PM)}}
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote">First<br />Hello_Again.mp3</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:41 PM)}}
"<span class="canquote">Second<br />e-directory/ages.png</span>"
"<span class="canquote">Third<br />The Grand One</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:41 PM)}}
"<span class="canquote">Fourth<br />Transcendence</span>"
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">FOUR IN ORDER ITEM REQUIRED</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:11 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 11:01 PM, the player Dense discovered that clicking on the text "SWORD" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/up/encounter</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/up/ecnounter/</nowiki></span><b>sword</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>WACHTER.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/WACHTER.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:02 PM, the player Dense discovered that clicking on the image "WACHTER.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/up/encounter/sword</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/encounter/sword/</nowiki></span><b>wachter</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>WÄCHTER</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhkleqLu6lI|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "WÄCHTER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing in "Romani Ranch". He runs over to Epona, who begins speaking to him in Morse code:
<span class="vip">"ABOVE US"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/17/20 - 10:31 AM)}}
Link runs over to a box and hops ontop of it. He looks into the sky where the mini-boss "Wart" can be seen. Wart drops to the floor and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is attacked by the mini-boss "Wart" in Romani Ranch.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>YOUR TOOLS ARE LIMITED BE CAREFUL</nowiki></span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Unknown (8/3/20)}}
Tags: N/A
At 11:03 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the text "DIE" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/parallelos</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/</nowiki></span><b>die</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>goner.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ee/Goner.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">I WATCHED HIM DIE HE FELL NEXT TO ME THERE DONE WAS THE ONE WHO</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:20 PM)}} This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">IA IA IA IA WAKE UP IA IM SORRY IA IM SORRY IM SORRY</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by HaouDeSoul (8/3/20 - 11:21 PM)}}
At 11:03 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "goner.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/die</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/die/</nowiki></span><b>gift</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">A GIFT FROM THE DEPARTED</span>".  {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:03 PM)}} This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>A PRESENT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA3AHsOa7ho|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br /> - Solved by Pako (8/3/20 - 11:03 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "A PRESENT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is exploring some tall grass in "Termina Field". He comes across a chest. Link opens it, obtaining an "Empty Bottle".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link opens a chest in "Termina Field" and obtains an "<b>Empty Bottle</b>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "VIERWAHL.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/crossroads</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/used/crossroads/</nowiki></span><b>vierwahl</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>VIERWAHL</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aKPJEUlMAg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "VIERWAHL" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen entering the "Goron Graveyard". As Link observes his surroundings, he is suddenly attacked by one of the "Poe Sisters" mini-bosses. As each of the four "Poe Sister" appirations passes by the camera, the video glitches and the following text appears over the respective appiration:
<span class="vip">Doug
The video begins stuttering and ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is attacked by one of the "Poe Sisters" mini-bosses in the "Goron Graveyard". As each appiration appears on screen, one of the following names appears: "<span class="canquote">Doug</span>", "<span class="canquote">Alex</span>", "<span class="canquote">Spencer</span>", and "<span class="canquote">Hank</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>HTTPS://ASTRALOBSERVATORY.NET/SUBSPACE/FOUR</nowiki></span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:24 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 11:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://asttralobservatory.net/subspace/</nowiki></span><b>four</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the text "<span class="canquote">8 8    I AM 22-13</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:26 PM)}}
At 11:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/</nowiki></span><b>found</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">HAVE YOU FOUND THE SALESMAN</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/3/20 - 11:32 PM)}} This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SAAT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJg_m72ZwHc|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/3/20 - "SAAT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is in a cave near the "Deku Palace". He approaches a patch of soft soil in the ground. He looks up to a ledge that is out of reach.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is in a cave near the "Deku Palace". A soft patch of soil where "Magic Beans" are usually planted is seen. Next to this is a ledge that is out of reach.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new image on Astralobservatory.net - "<b>ages.png</b>" - a gold colored image found through the URL discovered in the SSTV in the video "REIHENFOLGE". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e4/Ages.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>August 4th, 2020</h2>
At 2:01 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "record.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/64/2020-08-04_14.00.47.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 2:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/home/</nowiki></span><b>death</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>projection.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/Projection.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">OVER TIME I WAS ABLE TO TOUCH MY HANDS MY ARMS MY LEGS I COULD WALK WITH EPHEMERAL LIMBS CARRYING ALONG WITH ME MY TOMB</span>". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "<span class="canquote">YES SPIRE A BUILDING NO FAR FAR AWAY OHIO MUST BE THERE NOW ORCHARD NOT SURE DONT KNOW DONT KNOW THEM OK IA IA FEEL SOMETHING SOMETHING BIG ITS COMING GO GO RUN DONT KNOW JUST GO ITS NOT GOOD</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/4/20 - 2:10 PM)}}
At 2:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "sacrifice.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/home/death</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/home/death/</nowiki></span><b>sacrifice</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>MAUER</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6naItFsOEE|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/4/20 - "MAUER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing next to a cracked wall in the "Secret Hideout" beneath Clock Town. He strikes the wall, which causes an odd sound effect to play, confirming that the wall can be destroyed with a bomb.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is standing next to a bombable wall in the "Secret Hideout" beneath Clock Town.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 2:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "slice.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot containing text that read "<span class="canquote">You'll have to find all five of us if you want back inside! But we may look a</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/54/2020-08-04_14.27.38.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:37 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began sending binary ciphers by reacting to messages with one and zero emojis. This translated to "<span class="canquote">yPUibl3OTAs</span>" - a YouTube video ID for a new video uploaded on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel - "<b>Not Going Home (Fade)</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPUibl3OTAs|target=_blank]]</span> This video was simply Vincent Adams' song "Not going Home" but without the fade at the end of the track. It was also uploaded one day before the Vincent Adams' upload of "Not Going Home".
<h2>August 7th, 2020</h2>
At 10:04 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/7/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[10:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You have forgotten many things"
[10:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But discovered much more"</span>
[10:04 AM] Problematik: "@Upd8"
[10:05 AM] Problematik: "Im scared"
[10:05 AM] Pako: what do you mean"
<span class="vip">[10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "don't be"
[10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm simply commenting on the progress you've made"</span>
[10:05 AM] Problematik: "Well thanks"
<span class="vip">[10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You have been way more effectual recently than we we first started our relationship together"
[10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Internet detectives""
[10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The relationship is antagonism of course"</span>
[10:06 AM] yoshi: "damn so much for my relationship joke i was gonna make"
<span class="vip">[10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But even I can commentate and give compliment"</span>
[10:07 AM] Problematik: "Thanks for scare us for so long"
[10:07 AM] yoshi: ":toad:"
[10:24 AM] Dense: "Wait"
[10:24 AM] Dense: "Wtf"
[10:24 AM] Dense: "I saw a yt link here"
[10:28 AM] Problematik: "Me too"
[10:28 AM] Problematik: "But i didnt get it"
<span class="vip">[10:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "oops"
[10:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "missed something didja"</span>
[10:30 AM] Problematik: "Yes"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP praises the players for the amount of progress they've made.
BUP posts a YouTube link but quickly deletes it.
At 7:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "Remember" at the timestamp 1:56. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2d/Image0links.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/a    /w</nowiki></span>" - a nonexistent page. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2d/Image0links.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>altar</b>". This page was titled "<b>ALTAR</b>" and contained the image "<b>altar.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/39/Altar.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:57 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/altar/</nowiki></span><b>watching</b>". This page was titled "<b>WATCHING</b>" and contained the image"<b>watching.gif</b>" - an image of a man holding an object. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d9/Watchingaltar.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also hid the text "<span class="canquote">IIII</span>" in the source code.
<h2>August 8th, 2020</h2>
At 9:31 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectivees Discord server and sent the image "<b>waiting.JPG</b>" - a screenshot of the "Spire" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0d/Waitingjanus.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:32 PM, players discovered that Prominence was active in the "Spire" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Prominencespire.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/72/Prominencespire2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:37 PM, Prominence led players through the "Spire" Janus map to the previously-locked door leading to the upper floors of the Spire. The door was now a portal that led to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/</nowiki></span><b>upper.html</b>". This page contained the "<b>Upper</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "Upper" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was the upper floors of the Spire. Players would spawn in a hallway with several rooms branching off from it. An elevator could be seen on this floor, as well as most of the following floors above it. Directly in front of the players was a large room with several pillars and a raised platform - likely used for rituals or gatherings. Further down the hall were six confession-like booths. At the end of the hallway is a small storage closet with with "Lunarum Oculus" drawn on the wall with text reading:
<span class="vip">"WATCHING YOU."</span>
To the left of this room is a small utility room of sorts where a mural of an incredibly large humanoid is drawn next to a small child. Acrosss the hallway from this is another ritual room - this one with a large carving of the "Lunarum Oculus" sticking out of the wall. Back near the entrance is a stairway that leads up to the next floor. Beneath this stairway is a drawing of five figures. Two of these figures have the "Lunarum Oculus" drawn beneath them, while the other three have a triangle instead. The next floor contains a painting of a cloudy sky with small figures flying through it. This floor contains a utility room with a washer, dryer, and a small drawing of the Spire but mirrored. This floor also contains four bedrooms:
<span class="vip">"Kylie U."</span>
Kylie's bedroom contains a computer, a bookshelf, and a fixture on the wall shaped like the Parallelos symbol. There is also a painting of the four giants and another painting depicting the "Legend" detailed on the Lunar Children website.
<span class="vip">"Jenn B."</span>
Jenn's room contains a computer and two bookshelves. Next to Jenn's computer is a large book. Next to Jenn's bed is a drawing of two intersecting triangles.
<span class="vip">"Mat R."</span>
Mat's room contains a computer, a large TV, and a Playstation 2.
<span class="vip">"Ezekiel Konrad"</span>
Thoth's room contains a computer with two monitors, a TV, several gaming systems, and a poster for Majora's Mask and Silent Hill 2. There is also a small photo of the Spire sitting on his desk.
Back near the entrace of this floor is another stairway leading to the next floor. This next floor contains a painting of nine, red, distorted figures. This floor also contains a small utility room. In this room, a drawing of five lines can be seen with text reading:
<span class="vip">"linked"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility (8/9/20 - 6:03 PM)}}
The second and third lines in this drawing were circled, making an upside-down Parallelos symbol. Back in the hallway, two more rooms were accessible. One had a completely blank nametag. This room was mostly empty aside from a computer. This rooms bathroom was open, however. This bathroom contained a security camera and a drawing of the character "Max Headroom" with a bullet necklace with text reading:
<span class="vip">"Thank me later"
"BROTHER"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility (8/9/20 - 6:03 PM)}}
The other room available on this floor was labelled:
<span class="vip">"Hunter J."</span>
This room contained a computer and a painting of what appears to be a huddled Moon child.
Back near the entrace of this floor is a large stairway leading to the next floor. This next floor contains an old painting of various important events in the Lunar Children's history. This floor contains a large room likely owned by Father Vincent. This room contains a fireplace, a large table, and a painting of the Spire. This room leads to a hallway that leads to a large bathroom and Vincent's bedroom. This bedroom contains a painting of a forest and the Within Hubris banner image. There is also a computer with a keyboard in this room. Back in the hallway, a set of stairs leads to a balcony in Vincent's room where a large piano rests. Back outside of Vincent's room, a large staircase can be seen leading to the top floor of the Spire. However, this stairway is blocked off.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room appears to be the upper floors of the Spire where Father Vincent and the Elder Children live.
Various ritual rooms and confession booths are found on these floors as well.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>Presence.mp3</b> - An audio file consisting of ambient noises. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Presenceaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
The starting hallway: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e6/Upperhallway.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The first ritual room: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=YOUR_URL_TO_UPLOADED_SCREENSHOT_HERE|target=_blank]]</span>
Various paintings found around the map: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/18/Upperpaint1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Upperpaint2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Upperpaint3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/17/Upperpaint4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Upperpaint5.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/78/Upperpaint6.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/37/Upperpaint7.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/Upperpaint8.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/19/Upperpaint9.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/95/Upperpaint10.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b4/Upperpaint11.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Scribbles found on the walls: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a5/Upperdraw1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Upperdraw2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/be/Upperdraw3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/62/Uperdraw4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A locked stairway leading to the top floor of the Spire. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bd/Upperlocked.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A photo of the Spire on Thoth's desk. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Upperphoto.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:38 PM, Stackoverflow became active in the "Upper" Janus room and began chatting with the players. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f6/Upperstack.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, parts of this conversation were not archived.}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
bin: "whatup b"
jos: "hello"
bin: "where is eburybody?"
PaKo: "/upper"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: ".html"</span>
Jos: "Guys how do i download minecraft"
bin: "holy fuck"
Xenquility: "penis"
bin: "upper is available now?"
bin: "I MEAN UH"
bin: "thup guyth"   
bin: "thup thtacky"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "you should not be here"</span>
bin: "well i am here"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "why are you here"</span>
Xenquility: "just to suffer"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "why do you torment me so"</span>
bin: honethtly? "i'm trying to figure that one out mythelf"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "all of you took me from my home"</span>
bin: ((Unarchived)) "know where you came from?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I do not remember"</span>
bin: "bc the only logical thing we can think of was the spire."
bin: "so if you don't remember, adn we were wrong, then please, enlighten us, how did WE take your home away?"
bin: "no answer?"
bin: "thought so"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "leave me be"</span>
bin: "we could"
bin: "help us help you man"
bin: "or woman"
bin: "or spirit"
bin: "whatever you prefer to identify yourself as"
Xenquility: "Was your home burned?"
Jos: "Certainly, we can help you first, but we are unable without the steps needed for it"
Jos: "And its not our choice, its out of our reach i mean"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "god."</span>
Xenquility: "The place Dawn was in?"
Xenquility: "YEAH him"
Xenquility: "I mean, the place we found you before the green dungeon was the spire"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Incorrect."
stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "place."</span>
Xenquility: "Within hubris?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Our TRUE home"</span>
Jos: "Stackoverflow, I want to ask, is this the place where you want to be?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "no"</span>
Jos: "Then, lets go"
bin: ((Unarchived)) "then surely you can make a portal to it?"
bin: "what's keepign you here?"
bin: "is it the luna shard?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Time is not the same here. It has been forgotten."</span>
Xenquility: "What about the Orchard?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "people."</span>
Jos: "Maybe, destiny is puting us here to help you"
bin: "ohg hey"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No"</span>
bin: "is there a problem?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Tell the false god that they could not make me suffer any more than I am."</span>
bin: ((Unarchived)) "from your home?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "It was all of you."</span>
bin: "ALL?"
bin: "Even the new players?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Xenquility has shown me places"
stackoverflow: "None of them are home"
stackoverflow: "You are not as "young" as you think, Bin."
stackoverflow: "You were there."</span>
bin: ((Unarchived)) "return you to where you came from."
bin: "No one should be gtaken from their home"
Xenquility: ">alternate you"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Come"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Stackoverflow chides the players for invading their territory once again.
Stackoverflow wishes to return home - a place he cannot remember.
At 9:46 PM, the player Problematik discovered that players were able to walk through a wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in one of the utility rooms on the "Upper" Janus room. This would enter players into a completely black room with an image on the floor of four squares colored green, red, blue, and purple and numbered one through four titled "<b>pattern.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/Pattern.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/53/Upperpattern.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Hunter's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat72773021</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat72773021" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">1:31:27 AM jinn: "Thoth is rather unhappy with the discussions that took place earlier today. "
1:31:32 AM jinn: "He suspects that Tenebris is receiving a concerningly large amount of adoration among the others."
1:31:38 AM jinn: "Honestly, I wasn't aware this was happening."
1:31:46 AM jinn: "You of all people should know the dangers Tenebris presents."
1:31:52 AM jinn: "You and Mat both have family that have interacted with Tenebris in the past."
1:31:58 AM jinn: "And we all know what that leads to."
1:32:07 AM jinn: "It's foolish to underestimate Tenebris and his empty words."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:32:34 AM JieLinHunter: "What exactly was said?"
1:32:40 AM JieLinHunter: "Such misplaced adoration. I do not understand the other New Moons at times."
1:32:48 AM JieLinHunter: "In these times, we need only follow the words of Father."
1:32:58 AM JieLinHunter: "We do not need the hollow words of Tenebris."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:33:15 AM jinn: "Thoth agrees."
1:33:28 AM jinn: "Though for now, he will not take any action."
1:33:41 AM jinn: "We will not allow any such blasphemy in the future, but no drastic punishment will befall those who spoke out today."
1:33:56 AM jinn: "Future meetings will decide how to handle these things better."
1:34:11 AM jinn: "We need to focus on what's important."
1:34:22 AM jinn: "Continue to prepare for Undcim Nocte."
1:34:30 AM jinn: "I'm telling you this secretly because I trust you. In fact, I have something I must ask of you."
1:34:42 AM jinn: "I need you watching the others."
1:34:56 AM jinn: "Watch them. Let us know if you notice anything suspicious."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:35:24 AM JieLinHunter: "He trusts me as well?"
1:35:38 AM JieLinHunter: "I'm not complaining, I will do as you asked."
1:35:44 AM JieLinHunter: "If I ever discover anything, I'll tell you as soon as possible."
1:35:51 AM JieLinHunter: "The all comes before the few."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:37:40 AM jinn: "Tell no one about this."
1:37:48 AM jinn: "No Elder either. Not Mat. Not Kylie. No one."
1:38:01 AM jinn: "Furthermore, you must continue on as normal."
1:38:12 AM jinn: "Our meetings must remain secret."
1:38:27 AM jinn: "Handle this with care, and everything will be fine."
1:38:34 AM jinn: "Tenebris could grant us newfound wisdom."
1:38:52 AM jinn: "This is a certainty. But, we mustn't forget."
1:38:59 AM jinn: "His words are fake."
1:39:09 AM jinn: "Countless conversations with him documented in our records prove this."
1:39:21 AM jinn: "What we need now is to practice caution. "
1:39:32 AM jinn: "New, sudden developments like this could possibly ruin Undecim Nocte."
1:39:38 AM jinn: "Just observe the previous location, and you understand the dangers this presents."
1:39:51 AM jinn: "There's no need for panic to arise within our ranks."
1:40:01 AM jinn: "The true coming of Luna will soon be upon us, but only if we are truly faithful."
1:40:28 AM jinn: "In recent meetings, we've discussed how exactly we should handle dissent within our ranks. I believe that if we were to take a brute-force approach to this issue, it would only lead to disaster. That's why I need you for this."
1:40:32 AM jinn: "Scout out the source of this dissent."
1:40:36 AM jinn: "Once we finally find out the cause of all this, we can begin to carefully fix the issue. I have an idea as to where these dissenters are gathering."
1:40:40 AM jinn: "They're in the basement. That's my guess."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:40:52 AM JieLinHunter: "Understood."
1:40:55 AM JieLinHunter: "I will look into this as soon as I can."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Hunter and Jinn discuss Mat's outrage at some Lunar Children members praising Tenebris.
Jinn asks Hunter to keep tabs on the other low-ranking Lunar Children.
Jinn claims those praising Tenebris may be gathering in the Spire's basement.
At 9:52 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the computer in the unlabelled bedroom in the "Upper" Janus room would cause the video "MAXYHAXXXY.mp4" to begin playing.
At 9:54 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Vincent's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat66069314</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat66069314" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting in #elders
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">11:23:30 PM kuu_32: "Of course. "
11:23:32 PM kuu_32: "One moment..."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:23:42 PM Thoth33: "Thank you."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:24:55 PM kuu_32: "Yes, there's no doubting it."
11:24:59 PM kuu_32: "That's Hunter."
11:25:03 PM kuu_32: "Sent file "screenshot.jpg"
11:25:03 PM kuu_32:  ((The image "screenshot.jpg" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/Screenshothunter.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip3">11:25:11 PM Thoth33: "Of all people, why HIM??"
11:25:13 PM Thoth33: "He was Mat's number one pick!"
11:25:16 PM Thoth33: "Speaking of, where's Mat!? What on Earth is happening??"</span>
<span class="vip4">11:25:24 PM jinn: "We've received mixed reports from the fishery group. There's still no sign of Mat. Most of them didn't even notice him leave. Of course, there's no functional surveillance equipment left there, so their word is all we have to go off of."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:25:31 PM kuu_32: "If only we had a few cameras set up down there..."
11:25:36 PM kuu_32: "I can't imagine it'd be very hard to do."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:25:37 PM Thoth33: "This is something I requested of Saint, but I suppose now it's all too obvious to us why he was so hesitant to do so."
11:25:40 PM Thoth33: "Regardless, Douglas was all the surveillance we ever needed."
11:25:44 PM Thoth33: "He was bound to the fishery. Nothing escaped his gaze."
11:25:48 PM Thoth33: "Which is all the more baffling."
11:25:50 PM Thoth33: "Why was he here!?"
11:25:53 PM Thoth33: "Was his hubris so great he felt the need to personally torment and assault the Harbinger's Link?"
11:25:58 PM Thoth33: "No one told him to do such things!"</span>
<span class="vip4">11:26:11 PM jinn: "Ezekiel, are you asserting authority over the transcended? The Four are directly linked to Luna. You know this. It's not our place to question the thurses, for doing so directly undermines Luna herself."</span>
<span class="vip3">11:26:14 PM Thoth33: "But this was our holiest of nights!"
11:26:20 PM Thoth33: "Forgive me Luna, but I cannot fathom such rogue actions!"
11:26:24 PM Thoth33: "Why did this have to happen?"
11:26:31 PM Thoth33: "We never should have trusted a Jarvis with such an important item."</span>
<span class="vip2">11:26:42 PM kuu_32: "I just don't understand what he was trying to accomplish."
11:26:48 PM kuu_32: "Why just hand it back over to the Harbinger's Link like that?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jinn, Mat, and Kuu discuss the events tha took place on Undecim Nocte 2015.
Kuu confirms that Hunter was spotted on camera. It's implied that Hunter gave something back to Tyler on Undecim Nocte 2015 in an act of treachery.
Thoth is confused as to how Mat disappeared and why Doug was present at the Spire.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
"<b>screenshot.jpg</b>" - A grainy image of Hunter. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/Screenshothunter.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Kuu's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat44404402</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with jinn
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"</span>
<span class="vip3">9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."</span>
<span class="vip4">9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."</span>
<span class="vip2">9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"</span>
<span class="vip4">9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."</span>
<span class="vip3">9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jinn, Mat, and Kuu discuss events surrounding Tyler's necklace and Helper. This conversation most likely takes place sometime in 2016.
It's revealed that Helper was going to deliver Tyler's necklace to the players - something the players asked of him back in 2015. However, Regiminis killed him and returned the necklace to the Lunar Children.
Jinn confirms that Regiminis sealed <b>Helper's Hat</b> somewhere in the Parallelos.
Jinn claims that she's hidden Tyler's necklace in a location no one will ever find it.
Jinn implies that Helper will likely be revived again - much like how he did after the players accidentally killed him in 2009.
Thoth refuses to use Tenebris's assistance. He claims that even if he wanted to, it would be impossible, as Mat was their only strong connection to Tenebris, and Mat's still missing.
At 9:58 PM, the player Problematik discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Thoth's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>viewport00</b>". This page was titled "<b>VIEWPORT</b>" and contained the image "<b>fake.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Fake00.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:58 PM, the player Problematik discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Thoth's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>viewport01</b>". This page was titled "<b>VIEWPORT</b>" and contained the image "<b>true.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/True01.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:03 PM, the player Pako discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Mat's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>entry</b>". This page was titled "<b>Entry</b>" and contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - Entry Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">After much work I have atlast achieved a certain degree of higher gnosis in regards to this world and its connection to yet more plains. The lord of this world is demiurgic and of course all that I can witness is falsehood. The people of it seeking to play ruler over yet smaller segments hidden within this world of false light and faceless archon like forces.
My sister in my true home is as Sophia, the god of this realm has lost his Ella for all time and I have no need to let him play out the rest of his journey with that Sophia Phantasm. The Order of Metatron shall align me to my true self and world once more.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Mat claims to have achieved a higher form of understanding and views everything around him as fake.
Mat claims that something called the "<b>Order of Metatron</b>" will "<span class="canquote">align</span>" him to his "true self".
At an unknown time, players discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Jinn's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/</nowiki></span><b>chat89203921</b>". This page was titled "<b>IRC | Lunar Children</b>" and contained the following chatlog:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">Chatting with Thoth33
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.</span>
<span class="vip2">1:20:21 AM Thoth33: "Jinn."
1:20:24 AM Thoth33: "I have something vitally important I must ask of you."
1:20:33 AM Thoth33: "Forgive me for the suddenness of all this, but this is to remain only between the two of us."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:20:59 AM jinn: "Very well."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:21:12 AM Thoth33: "I want you to keep a close watch on Mat."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:21:28 AM jinn: "For what reason?"
1:21:32 AM jinn: "Do you question his loyalty still?"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:21:48 AM Thoth33: "The knowledge Regiminis and he have allowed us has been invaluable, and aside from that reckless stunt he pulled back in August, I've never had any reason to suspect him of any foul play."
1:21:52 AM Thoth33: "However"
1:22:22 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned for him."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:22:28 AM jinn: "In what way?"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:22:28 AM Thoth33: "It's been evident for quite some time that he's become very interested in the Tenebris Link."
1:22:32 AM Thoth33: "Considering his family's history, that's not too surprising. "
1:22:35 AM Thoth33: "None of us ever suspected that Mat would have gone as far as to privately invoke it, though."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:22:39 AM jinn: "So you're concerned he'll be harmed by Tenebris?"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:22:43 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned he'll fall under its control."
1:22:46 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned for all of us."
1:22:49 AM Thoth33: "If any harm were to befall Mat, that would certainly be a tragedy."
1:22:52 AM Thoth33: "However, the larger concern here is our mission."
1:22:54 AM Thoth33: "Father Vincent has repeatedly warned us of its mischievous demeanor."
1:22:58 AM Thoth33: "He is darkness."
1:23:03 AM Thoth33: "A loathsome ally"
1:23:08 AM Thoth33: "Created by Mother as described in the legend."
1:23:12 AM Thoth33: "We mustn't become reliant on such darkness, else we shall become consumed by it."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:23:24 AM jinn: "I understand your concern, but with all due respect, I believe your fears are unfounded."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:23:28 AM Thoth33: "Unfounded?"
1:23:30 AM Thoth33: "I know you saw the conversation in the IRC earlier."
1:23:32 AM Thoth33: "Were you not unsettled!?"
1:23:35 AM Thoth33: "Children were praising the Tenebris Link!"
1:23:39 AM Thoth33: "Several were asking for his blessings as if he were a holy angel of Luna!"</span>
<span class="vip3">1:23:52 AM jinn: "Could Tenebris not be described as such? The legend describes him as a necessary component in Luna's plans. He is a trickster, that is certain, but I also believe that he is perhaps the most misunderstood figure within our teachings."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:24:11 AM Thoth33: "IT is not something that can be handled lightly."
1:24:14 AM Thoth33: "Father has strictly forbidden us from ever interacting with IT."
1:24:17 AM Thoth33: "IT is a being of pure malevolence that Mother begrudgingly constructed to counterbalance the light in accordance to the dyad."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:24:20 AM jinn: "Yes, I'm well versed on Alphonse's theories. However, that's all they are."
1:24:21 AM jinn: "Theories."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:24:27 AM Thoth33: "These studies have built the foundation of our teachings for years."
1:24:30 AM Thoth33: "Are you questioning Mother herself!?"</span>
<span class="vip3">1:24:33 AM jinn: "No."
1:24:35 AM jinn: "I'm questioning our understanding of her. As the overseer of the library, that's my duty."
1:24:42 AM jinn: "Don't misunderstand me."
1:24:46 AM jinn: "My intention is not to undermine our teachings, but instead to refine them. I'm simply interested in the truth more than upholding the beliefs of a former overseer."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:25:15 AM Thoth33: "Fine."
1:25:18 AM Thoth33: "I apologize for accusing you."
1:25:22 AM Thoth33: "But this continued reliance on the Tenebris Link is something I simply can't allow."
1:25:25 AM Thoth33: "It completely goes against everything Father has warned us about."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:25:32 AM jinn: "I, too, think it's a bad idea to rely on him. However, I believe it would be foolish to completely isolate ourselves from him."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:25:36 AM Thoth33: "Then what do you suggest?"</span>
<span class="vip3">1:25:52 AM jinn: "There is still so much we don't know about Tenebris. He is the most elusive and mysterious figure we know of that has a direct connection to Luna herself. There is a wealth of untapped knowledge here, and for the first time in documented history, we have someone within our ranks who can retrieve it."
1:26:12 AM jinn: "I propose we allow Mat to continue these "secret" communions with Tenebris. We will continue acting none the wiser, pretending to buy Mat's story that he hasn't heard from Tenebris since August. In reality, the room will be bugged. We will record anything that transpires during these invocations with secret cameras."
1:26:20 AM jinn: "This way, we can prevent any unforeseen disasters far in advance while still learning more about Tenebris. "
1:26:24 AM jinn: "Just as well, listening in on Mat's supposed "private" conversations with him should quell any lingering fears you may have regarding his true allegiance."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:26:31 AM Thoth33: "As I said before, that won't be necessary. "
1:26:34 AM Thoth33: "But to secretly record a fellow Elder within our own holy building…"</span>
<span class="vip3">1:26:40 AM jinn: "Did you not first propose this method yourself regarding Saint?"</span>
<span class="vip2">1:26:44 AM Thoth33: "Saint is an outsider. "
1:26:49 AM Thoth33: "Suspicion has surrounded him ever since those chats were discovered last year."
1:26:51 AM Thoth33: "But Mat"
1:26:53 AM Thoth33: "I never thought it would have come to this."</span>
<span class="vip3">1:27:00 AM jinn: "You mustn't fear the truth, Ezekiel."
1:27:05 AM jinn: "This is an opportunity for us to gain a better understanding of Mother, Tenebris, and the intentions of our fellow child."
1:27:10 AM jinn: "We can't allow this chance to slip by."</span>
<span class="vip2">1:27:32 AM Thoth33: "It pains me to say it, but you're right."
1:27:34 AM Thoth33: "This must be done."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Thoth and Jinn privately discuss Mat's close connections to Tenebris.
Thoth is concerned that Mat's close connections to Tenebris will endanger the Lunar children - especially after several Lunar Children were seen praising Tenebris.
Thoth describes Tenebris as a loathsome entity, as per Father Vincent's teachings. Jinn somewhat defends Tenebris, believing him to be misunderstood to some extent.
Jinn suggests that Thoth allows Mat to continue his private meetings with Tenebris, though they will be secretly recorded.
Mat mentions that suspicions surrounding SKM have existed ever since some chatlogs were discovered.
At 10:35 PM, Stackoverflow led the players back into the "Spire" Janus map. Prominence is found waiting in the fountain here. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2f/Promstack.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:36 PM, Prominence led the players into the basement in the "Spire" Janus map, where they discovered that the previously locked door now contained a portal to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/</nowiki></span><b>bottom.html</b>". This page contained the "<b>Bottom</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - "Bottom" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a massive network of hallways and chambers beneath the Spire. Players would spawn in a narrow hallway with stairs leading lower into the basement. On the walls of this hallway were drawings of arrows and text that read:
<span class="vip">"wrong way."</span>
Exiting this hallway would lead players into a massive network of large corridors. These corridors often had strange and cryptic drawings adorning the walls. There were many large rooms players could explore connected to these corridors:
The closest room to the entrance within these corridors contained large industrial equipment along with two walk-in freezers. These freezers appeared to be the same ones Tyler was locked in while he was captured by the Lunar children. This is supported by the writing found in one off these freezers:
<span class="vip">"they kept him here"</span>
One room contained a large metal door and what appears to be a set of servers next to a shelf fixated on the wall. This looks similar to a room recorded by Tyler when he was captured by the Lunar Children.
Several rooms contained many large pipes and fans - along with doorways and vents that could not be accessed.
One room was a series of narrow hallways that lead to a room with a pool of dirty water, a room containing a narrow bridge over two pools of water, and a long room containing a hole in the wall that was too high to reach.
Another room was a large room containing what appears to be an endless pit below a chainlink floor.
In the center of the basement was a room that led players further down into a brickwork stairway. These stairs led players down into a large room that looked much older than other parts of the Spire. This room led to classroom with a large Parallelos symbol on the wall. There was also a small ritual room here containing a fountain. On the other side of this room was a hallway leading to a large room filled with water with a large portrait of the Spire. This room also led to a series of strange ritual-like rooms containing wells. The other side of this room led to some stairs that led players further down into a massive underground ritual chamber. This room contained several figures wearing robes. Whenever approached, most of these figures would disappear. However, there were three floating figures that would remain flaoting. This chamber led into a massive hall where four large rooms could be found. These rooms each had an empty pedesal.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room contained a series of corridors and industrial rooms beneath the Spire.
Several rooms in this Janus map seemed to be locations Tyler recorded while he was kidnapped by the Lunar Children.
One room led players to a deeper level of the basement which contained classrooms and ritual chambers.
Players could traverse even deeper into the basement and enter into a large ceremony hall which led to four giant empty chambers.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>construction.mp3</b> - The sounds of construction equipment. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Construction.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>step.mp3</b> - The sound of footsteps. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/56/Step.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Large hallways in the basement: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/dc/Spirebase1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link"> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b6/Spirebase2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">
Large rooms with industrial equipment: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4e/Spirbaseroom1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/25/Spireroom3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A room with what appears to be servers of some sort: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a5/Spireroom2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Scribbles found on the walls: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9f/Bottomdraw1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/16/Bottomdraw2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d7/Spiredraw3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Spiredraw4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8a/Spiredraw5.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b2/Spiredraw6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A distorted image of the Spire: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/E2b914785a5c788616542a13e771d7a4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A mirror-like painting: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/00/Spiremirror.png|target=_blank]]</span>
the classroom location: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9e/Spireclass1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/af/Spireclass2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/60/Spireclass3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The figures found at the bottom: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e9/A725d7fc3ac45e4a53cd613dd4369c37.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/04/95fa1b4296115206fa1ae5e6c9c72a88.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/27/0586bafca11f117b69b9e1b43500608d.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:36 PM, players continued speaking with Stackoverflow in JanusVR.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
Xenquility: "Forgive us for leaving"
Xenquility: "This uh"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I understand"</span>
Xenquility: ""Digital interface" is rather volatile"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I hate this place."
stackoverflow: "I just want to go home."</span>
Xenquility: "I'm sorry that we haven't been able to find it"
Xenquility: "also"
Xenquility: "the so called "false god" is on their way"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Maybe they remember."
stackoverflow: "But I think not they would tell."</span>
Xenquility: "Why's that?"
Xenquility: "Are you from somewhere like wayward horizon?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I do not know."</span>
Xenquility: "I'm sorry but I'm grasping at straws right now"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I understand."</span>
Xenquility: ((Unarchived)) "right now so it's a bit harder"
Xenquility: "but I do have one idea"
Xenquility: "uno momento"
Xenquility: "okay one sec"
Xenquility: "Okay uh"
Xenquility: "This might not be where you're from"
Xenquility: "But it's worth a shot I think"
Xenquility: "be careful of the drop"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No"</span>
Xenquility: "Damnit okay"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "It would be immediately clear"</span>
Xenquility: "alright"
Xenquility: "I will keep looking"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The players continue to search for Stackoverflow's home, but to no avail.
Stackoverflow claims that their home will be immediately apparent that it belongs to them.
At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in one off the large hallways. This room was completely black aside from some text that read "<span class="canquote">/sect00</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/27/Sectbottom.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>sect00</b>". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
At 10:47 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind the large painting of the Spire. This room was completely black aside from the image "<b>order.gif</b>" - an image reminiscent of "pattern.gif" showing four squares with slashes between them. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Orderbottom.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/E2b914785a5c788616542a13e771d7a4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/81/D8e6d830d99ac0b9ddce573fdc5712a1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:54 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in the Parallelos "classroom". This room was completely black aside from some text that read "<span class="canquote">/yadhtrib</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a4/Paraholesbottom.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/741851783500005396.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:54 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in the Parallelos "classroom". This room was completely black aside from some text that read "<span class="canquote">/undecimn0cte</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a4/Paraholesbottom.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Dcf570fe9760199fa4418e55e8046647.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:55 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>yadhtrib</b>". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
At 10:55 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>undecimn0cte</b>". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
At 11:21 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it hidden behind some pipes in a large room. This room was completely black aside from some text that read "<span class="canquote">/otherone100</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Bottomotherone.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a8/233e15521ae0e46b1a59467946499973.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:21 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>otherone100</b>". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
At 11:36 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with many Parallelos symbols drawn on it. This room contained a large cylindrical hole in the ceiling and floor. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d6/Parawalls.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/38/C38ab68df66a0bae108f2db7d1c03f5f.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>August 9th, 2020</h2>
At 12:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to the video "<b>8/9/12 NEVER FORGET</b>" - a video created by the player Spirkiroid in 2012 in remembrance of the original Withi Hubris forums after they were shut down. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE9N9qwq4rI|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:03 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Upper" Janus room hidden behind a painting of a Moon Child in Hunter's room. This room was painted light blue and had a poster of UFO's on the wall. This room also contained an old computer that linked to the front page of Lunarchildren.com when clicked. This room's closet was also open, revealing a lockbox. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/89/76985b6653179600c41bf46120ea1e0e.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=YOUR_URL_TO_UPLOADED_SCREENSHOT_HERE|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:23 AM, players began discussing The Producer's possible connection to a character of the same name from the game "The World Ends With You" - a game Wolfcat had often spoken of previously. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">That power is yet unknown.</span>" - lyrics from a song from "The World Ends With You" titled "Twister". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/10/20 - 1:23 AM)}}
<h2>August 10th, 2020</h2>
At 1:37 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>observing.png</b>". Unfortunately, this image was not archived.
At 1:47 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">i am a bad person</span>" sent by the player otherLiam on August 8th, 2020.
<h2>August 12th, 2020</h2>
At 5:36 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>I.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9a/Icoke.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>August 14th, 2020</h2>
At 3:16 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>scry.JPG</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b1/Scry.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:23 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Spire" Janus map contained a pre-programmed entity using a completely black version of Fascie's avatar that would walk around the Spire and occasionally disappear. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/33/Fasciespirewalk.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/9a6935416b9b484d3e1ef3d14a41b19f.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:34 AM, an entity named "<b>Doug</b>" became active in the "Spire" Janus map. Doug used a large green-colored "Redead" model and crawled around the map. Doug led the player Xenquility to the "Bottom" Janus room.
At 3:40 AM, the player Xenquility attempted to follow Doug into the "Bottom" Janus room, but fell out off the map and became trapped in a small black room with text that read "<span class="canquote">Lost?</span>".
At 10:40 PM, the player Pako discovered a hidden room in the "Upper" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it next to one of the elevators. This room contained many cryptic drawings and text scribbled on the walls: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bf/Upperwall.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ac/Upwall1.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/Upwall2.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Upwall3.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e9/Upwall4.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/07/Upwall5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcript mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/14/20 - Hidden Room Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">((Wall 1))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ac/Upwall1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip2">"elderCHildren"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Decimal cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/29/20 - 3:37 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The capitalized letters "CH" were underlined.}}
<span class="vip2">"naive."</span>
A drawing of Kuu can be seen.
<span class="vip2">"delusional."</span>
A drawing of Thoth can be seen.
<span class="vip2">"pawn."</span>
A drawing of Mat can be seen.
<span class="vip2">"lair."</span>
A drawing of Jinn can be seen.
<span class="vip2">"useful"</span>
A drawing of an unknown figure can be seen.
<span class="vip">((Wall 2))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/Upwall2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip2">"JOHNISDEAD/..."</span>
A drawing of two adult figures holding the hands of two children can be seen next to a drawing of a man in a hat holding Majora's Mask.
<span class="vip2">"three friends"
"three Terrible fateS"
"three lost souls"</span>
A drawing of a gas mask coming out of the Majora's Mask cartridge can be seen. A distrubing drawing of Tyler can be seen with the following text surrounding it:
<span class="vip2">"wakE up"
"wake up"</span>
A drawing of a gas mask can be seen with the following text below it:
<span class="vip2">"they sleep"
"they dream"
"lower and lower"
"deeper and deeper"</span>
A drawing of the "Dead Hand" enemy from Ocarina of Time can be see with the symbol of eight intersecting arrows drawn on its chest with text next to it reading:
<span class="vip2">"nOne"
A drawing of four figures standing beneath a tree can be seen with the following text written below it:
<span class="vip2">"lEgend"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Decimal cipher.<br />- Solved by Unknown}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The capitalized letter "E" was underlined.}}
<span class="vip">((Wall 3))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Upwall3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of Regiminis's mask can be seen next to some text reading:
<span class="vip2">"Taken fRom him"</span>
A drawing of Tyler's crescent moon necklace can be seen above a fire. A drawing of John's head in the hands of the "Dead Hand" enemy from the previous wall can be seen with the following text written above it:
<span class="vip2">"duEro"</span>
<span class="vip">((Wall 4))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Upwall3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of the "G" or "Spear" rune can be seen above the exit. A drawing of Patrem can also be seen with text reading:
<span class="vip2">"He"
A drawing of a man between two trees can be seen above a drawing of a skull-like face surrounded by Regiminis symbols.
<span class="vip">((Floor))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/07/Upwall5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A drawing of a faceless figure can be seen.
<h2>August 15th, 2020</h2>
At 12:17 AM, the player Pako discovered a staircase that was out of reach in the "Bottom" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e7/Bottomstairs.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:22 PM, the player Pako discovered that Doug was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Doug led players to the "Bottom" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e9/Dougjanus.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e3/Dougspire.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:28 PM, Doug led players to the bottom of the "Bottom" Janus room where the four large chambers were located. Doug sent the message "<span class="canquote">home</span>" before leaving.
<h2>August 17th, 2020</h2>
At 2:36 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>BOHNE SAGA</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlkiMUx5JdU&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "BOHNE SAGA" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. The video "A GIFT" plays, showing Link obtaining five "bombs". Sped-up gameplay footage of Link doing the "Bomber Gang Kids" sidequest is shown, in which Link plays hide-and-seek with the five "Bomber Gang Kids" members and gains access to the "Secret Base" beneath Clock Town.
The video "MAUER" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the cracked wall seen in the video "MAUER" and blows it up using one of his five bombs. A chest is revealed behind the wall. Link opens the chest and obtains a "Silver Rupee".
The video "VERKÄUFER" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the location of the "Bean Salesman" found in Majora's Mask. Link speaks to the "Bean Salesman" and purchases a pod of "Magic Beans" for ten rupees.
The video "A PRESENT" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the "Southern Swamp" area. Link is then seen back in the cave next to the "Deku Palace". Link scoops up some water with the "Empty Bottle" and plants a pod of "Magic Beans" in the soft soil. After this, Link empties the bottle of water on the soil, causing it to sprout into a platform. Link then rides this platform to the ledge near the top of the room and opens a chest.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The player Xenquility uses the bombs obtained in the video "A GIFT" to blow up the seen in "MAUER", revealing a chest containing a "Silver Rupee".
The player Xenquility uses the "Silver Rupee" to purchase "Magic Beans" from the "Bean Salesman" seen in the video "VERKÄUFER".
The player Xenquility uses the "Magic Beans" and a bottle of water found in the video "A PRESENT" to grow a platform that takes him to a chest. This chest is opened and the video ends.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">WHAT'S IN THE BOX?</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Pumpkinhead (8/17/20 - 2:36 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 4:47 AM, the player ADULT_LINK discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Woflcat's YouTube channel - "<b>WALL GONE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_CB1EFK_gk|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by ADULT_LINK (8/17/20 - 4:48 AM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "WALL GONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of the video "MAUER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. After this, the video fades into the players Xenquility's submission of the video "BOHNE SAGA". The video cuts to black. Gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Link is seen standing next to the cracked wall in the video "MAUER". He pulls out a bomb and blows up the wall. On the other side of the wall is a large chest. This chest contains the "Hookshot".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The players' submission of "BOHNE SAGA" is only partially accepted - the players managed to blow up the wall seen in the video "MAUER", though it contained a "<b>Hookshot</b>" rather than rupees, meaning the players' actions seen in the rest of the video "BOHNE SAGA" were not accepted.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 7:22 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[7:22 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You all focus a lot on what's in front of you, don't you?"</span>
[7:23 AM] nfreak141: "Honestly it's all we can really focus on if you think about it"
<span class="vip">[7:25 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haven't shared any music in a while, have I?"</span>
[7:25 AM] nfreak141: "You haven't been active in a while"
<span class="vip">[7:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's because I've been doing my own thing."
[7:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFrl7rnCx4A</nowiki>"</span>
[7:27 AM] nfreak141: "That is very important work"
<span class="vip">[7:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes, it has been."
[7:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm getting closer."</span>
[7:28 AM] nfreak141: "Closer to what, if I can ask?"
<span class="vip">[7:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My own goals."</span>
[7:30 AM] nfreak141: "It's good to have goals. Are we involved in those goals in any way?"
<span class="vip">[7:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes and no."
[7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It'd be easy enough to just tell you everything, wouldn't it though?"
[7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":BUP:"</span>
[7:33 AM] nfreak141: "Yeah but where's the fun in that?"
<span class="vip">[7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Exactly"</span>
[8:02 AM] yoshi: "aw i missed bup"
[8:11 AM] nfreak141: "He's pretty cool why you guys no like?"
<span class="vip">[8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because"
[8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I give them a hard time"
[8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and I'm a bad guy :frowning:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP claims that he's gotten closer to achieving his goals.
BUP says that the players are somehow related to his goal.
At 6:30 PM, an entity named "<b>Pursan</b>" joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. This entity had a red, distorted face as its avatar. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/28/29a95430ac053b3aa59f470a28d38136.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - Chat with Pursan - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[6:30 PM] Pursan: "I must admit, I was beginning to question your conviction and skills, Detectives."</span>
[6:30 PM] nfreak141: "now who's THIS asshole?"
<span class="vip">[6:31 PM] Pursan: "Though now I can safely say my fears were misplaced."
[6:31 PM] Pursan: "Apologies. Allow me to introduce myself."
[6:31 PM] Pursan: "I am a trader."</span>
[6:32 PM] nfreak141: "What do you have to trade?"
<span class="vip">[6:32 PM] Pursan: "Something that will help guide you through this labyrinth you currently find yourselves in."
[6:32 PM] Pursan: "You see, we have a common enemy."</span>
[6:33 PM] Pako: "who are you?"
[6:33 PM] nfreak141: "Are you the bean salesman?"
[6:33 PM] Pako: "@Upd8"
[6:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "a person whos a trader named pursan"
[6:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "nice"
[6:33 PM] Pako: "Pursan you are our enemy?"
[6:33 PM] Dense: "Uhhh I want fries"
<span class="vip">[6:34 PM] Pursan: "I'm no peddler of such thing."</span>
[6:34 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you were a traitor it would be a person whos a trader named pursan and is a traitor which i think would be funny"
[6:34 PM] nfreak141: "Well, his role IS red"
[6:34 PM] Dense: "Ok what do you have for us"
<span class="vip">[6:34 PM] Pursan: "I am not your enemy. I've simply come to offer you a deal."</span>
[6:34 PM] nfreak141: "Wait. Are you regiminis?"
[6:34 PM] Pako: "ok so let's go"
[6:35 PM] Pako: "ok we should wait to more people"
<span class="vip">[6:35 PM] Pursan: "I've my fair share of grievances with this orange gentleman you know as "Pumpkinhead"."</span>
[6:35 PM] Dense: "Yeah let's go"
[6:35 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[6:35 PM] Pako: "Pursan pumpkinhead is one of your enemy?"
[6:35 PM] Jos: "Hello"
<span class="vip">[6:35 PM] Pursan: "Pako."</span>
[6:35 PM] Jos: "Pursan"
<span class="vip">[6:35 PM] Pursan: "A man who is ready to get down to business."
[6:36 PM] Pursan: "I like that. Pleasantries do become tiresome."</span>
[6:36 PM] Jos: "What do you sell and whats the currency you use"
[6:36 PM] Pako: "Pursan give us some reasons to believe you"
[6:36 PM] Dense: ">Trader<"
[6:36 PM] nfreak141: "He has something we want I imagine. Something he himself took using a different name."
[6:36 PM] Dense: "If they are a TRADER maybe we could possibly TRADE"
[6:36 PM] Pako: "And where you come from?"
<span class="vip">[6:36 PM] Pursan: "Currency?"
[6:36 PM] Pursan: "I deal in dead men."</span>
[6:36 PM] Dense: "-_-"
[6:37 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[6:37 PM] nfreak141: "Iiiii knew it"
[6:37 PM] Jos: "Ok who do i kill"
[6:37 PM] Jos: "lol"
[6:37 PM] Dense: "I vote for uhhhhh"
<span class="vip">[6:37 PM] Pursan: "I already have three in mind."
[6:37 PM] Pursan: "Three individuals who have wronged me in the past."</span>
[6:38 PM] nfreak141: "Can you name them?"
[6:38 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[6:38 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[6:38 PM] Jos: "Give him time to type lol"
<span class="vip">[6:38 PM] Pursan: "You don't know their names."</span>
[6:38 PM] Problematik: Oh no"
[6:38 PM] Dense: "Probs AO members"
[6:38 PM] ADULT_LINK: "can we learn their names?"
[6:38 PM] Pako: "you are or was in lunarchildren, pursan?"
[6:38 PM] yoshi: "maybe we do"
[6:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hello Pursan"
[6:38 PM] yoshi: "try us"
[6:38 PM] Dense: "Almost def AO members"
<span class="vip">[6:38 PM] Pursan: "In fact, you've never met them."</span>
[6:38 PM] nfreak141: "How can we give them to you if we don't know,m"
<span class="vip">[6:38 PM] Pursan: "Of this I'm sure."</span>
[6:38 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[6:38 PM] Dense: "Damn"
[6:38 PM] Jos: "Whats the reward for their souls"
[6:38 PM] Jos: "?"
<span class="vip">[6:39 PM] Pursan: "How?"</span>
[6:39 PM] Jos: "You are a trader"
<span class="vip">[6:39 PM] Pursan: "With this."</span>
[6:39 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you deal in dead men and want them killed i feel like we'll need to know some stuff about them, anything in mind we should know?"
[6:39 PM] Jos: "0.0"
[6:39 PM] yoshi: "i have been hired in the past for my assassination skills"
<span class="vip">[6:39 PM] Pursan: ((The image "Garo_Mask.gif" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/46/Garo_Mask.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">[6:39 PM] Pursan: "A gift."</span>
[6:39 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ooh i always liked the garo mask"
<span class="vip">[6:39 PM] Pursan: "One necessary for you to carry out this arrangement."</span>
[6:39 PM] Pako: "what is that"
<span class="vip">[6:40 PM] Pursan: "As for what kind of people these are."
[6:40 PM] Pursan: "They are the lowest of the low."
[6:40 PM] Pursan: "Utter scum, if you will."</span>
[6:40 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I don't get your goals. And who are these people you want gone?"
[6:40 PM] Problematik: Is that a frog?"
<span class="vip">[6:40 PM] Pursan: "Murderers. Traffickers. Liars."</span>
[6:40 PM] Pako: "you has other nicknames pursan?"
[6:41 PM] yoshi: "i wish it was the frog mask, thatd be hilarious"
[6:41 PM] Dense: "Oh epic"
[6:41 PM] Jos: "You want revenge as i can sense on your damaged past"
<span class="vip">[6:41 PM] Pursan: "I have several names but none you know of."</span>
[6:41 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
[6:41 PM] Pako: "ok"
[6:41 PM] Dense: "Are u gæ"
[6:41 PM] Dense: "Drop the names so we can try n do shit"
[6:41 PM] Dense: "Thanks"
[6:41 PM] Pako: "You was in lunarchildren?"
[6:41 PM] Pako: "pursan"
[6:41 PM] Dense: "was"
[6:41 PM] Pako: "or now"
<span class="vip">[6:42 PM] Pursan: "You do not require their names."</span>
[6:42 PM] Jos: "Well, if not the names, point us to them so we know how to fulfill the "contract""
<span class="vip">[6:42 PM] Pursan: "I am aware of your abilities."</span>
[6:42 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
[6:42 PM] Dense: "Doxxing lmao"
[6:42 PM] Jos: "Alright"
[6:42 PM] Dense: "Look"
[6:42 PM] Jos: "I just want to hear the whole thing before asking"
<span class="vip">[6:43 PM] Pursan: "The mask above should reveal them to you. That should be all you need."</span>
[6:43 PM] Dense: "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu :fire:"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "OK"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "So we need to walk"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "Arround"
[6:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: "are we meant to actively do anything or is this a waiting game situation"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "And we'll find em"
[6:43 PM] Pako: "walk to the path"
[6:43 PM] Dense: "I think we should walk at least somewhere"
[6:43 PM] Xenquility: Oh shit"
[6:43 PM] Pako: "hi"
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: Hello there"
[6:44 PM] Pako: "xen"
[6:44 PM] Pako: "nice you are wake up"
[6:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Garos mask is used to fight Garos that are hidden in Ikana"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] Pursan: "Xenquility."</span>
[6:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo Xen!"
[6:44 PM] Dense: "Ok kill him"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] Pursan: "I've heard of you."</span>
[6:44 PM] Pako: "uhh"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] Pursan: "It is an honor."</span>
[6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "because if we're meant to actively do something we need more info. if its waiting game i'd like to know"
[6:44 PM] yoshi: "also protects from redeads iirc"
[6:44 PM] Dense: "Ah fuck"
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: It is?"
[6:44 PM] yoshi: "aw he likes you"
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: Why thank you then"
[6:44 PM] yoshi: "cute"
[6:44 PM] Dense: "Gæ"
[6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "spooky fan"
[6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "neat"
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: it's an honour to meet you too"
[6:44 PM] Pako: "we are going to the correct way"
[6:45 PM] Problematik: Im problem"
[6:45 PM] Dense: "Ok but we need to find those mf"
[6:45 PM] Dense: "So"
[6:45 PM] Problematik: I like my virginity"
[6:45 PM] Dense: "Are we rednecks or smthn?"
[6:45 PM] Jos: "So"
[6:45 PM] Jos: "After we kill them"
[6:45 PM] Dense: "Skinheads"
[6:45 PM] Jos: "What would we receive?"
[6:45 PM] yoshi: "if the reward is a smashed pumpkin im in"
<span class="vip">[6:46 PM] Pursan: "Tone in brevity is often misinterpreted, so please forgive me."
[6:46 PM] Pursan: "But to put it simply"
[6:46 PM] Pursan: "Three need to die."
[6:46 PM] Pursan: "This mask will reveal them."</span>
[6:46 PM] Pako: "Pursan you know who is Tyler?"
<span class="vip">[6:46 PM] Pursan: "Your powers are required."
[6:46 PM] Pursan: "That is all."</span>
[6:46 PM] Xenquility: Are we uh"
[6:46 PM] Xenquility: locked in here?"
[6:46 PM] Problematik: Fuck"
[6:46 PM] yoshi: "i assume we just throw it in the jid wh thread and see what happens"
<span class="vip">[6:47 PM] Pursan: "This is, of course, your choice."</span>
[6:47 PM] yoshi: "if its still open i mean"
<span class="vip">[6:47 PM] Pursan: "But it will be a beneficial one for the both of us."</span>
[6:47 PM] Xenquility: I feel like this is one of those moments where those with higher power are trying to nudge us forwards lol"
[6:48 PM] Xenquility: or"
[6:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yep"
[6:48 PM] Pako: "nice"
[6:48 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh it absolutely is"
[6:48 PM] Xenquility: "Gigher Mower"
[6:48 PM] Jos: "Lets kill them."
[6:48 PM] ADULT_LINK: "they came in, gave us a mask, and then said shit'll happen when it happens"
[6:48 PM] Problematik: We need to get our powers"
[6:48 PM] Pako: "actually pursan is helping us?"
[6:48 PM] Xenquility: also apparently a "Purson" is a great king of hell"
[6:49 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if we dont know who they are, and they're coming to us, all this is is a warning with no way explained to prepare"
[6:49 PM] Pako: "idk if pursan is allied or enemy"
[6:49 PM] yoshi: "confirmed"
[6:49 PM] Dense: "Yoshi's plan :thinking: :ballot_box_with_check:"
[6:50 PM] Jos: "Pursan is the only king i like,"
[6:50 PM] Dense: "Simp"
[6:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Pursan is skincare lol"
[6:50 PM] Jos: "No, fuck monarchy"
[6:50 PM] Jos: "jk"
[6:50 PM] Problematik: Can we sacrifice someone to get back our powers?"
[6:50 PM] Xenquility: What form of help are we in for?"
[6:50 PM] Jos: "I choose slinky who isnt looking rn"
[6:50 PM] Xenquility: As in, how exactly will you be helping us"
[6:51 PM] Problematik: Sacrifice slinky?"
[6:51 PM] Xenquility: (Also this sounds like a GB 2.0)"
[6:51 PM] Pako: "no"
[6:51 PM] Problematik: Hes kinda funny"
[6:51 PM] Pako: "slinky good guy"
[6:51 PM] Jos: "kinda"
[6:51 PM] Jos: "not enought"
[6:51 PM] Jos: "KILL KILL"
[6:51 PM] Jos: "just kidding"
<span class="vip">[6:51 PM] Pursan: "I will gift you something that will guide you through this "Hole" you currently find yourselves in."</span>
[6:52 PM] Xenquility: (Also I know we apparently don't know them but "3 people dead" "3 players who aren't as they seem")"
[6:52 PM] Pako: "uuhh nice"
<span class="vip">[6:52 PM] Pursan: "Again, I assure you that you have no knowledge of these three individuals."</span>
[6:52 PM] Pako: "wolf, bup, jayckup the 3 ones?"
[6:52 PM] Problematik: Should we say thanks?"
[6:52 PM] Pako: "hmmm"
[6:52 PM] Pako: "actually they are enemies"
[6:52 PM] Problematik: I want jacob"
[6:53 PM] Jos: "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/hole/</nowiki> we should walk, shall we?"
<span class="vip">[6:53 PM] Pursan: "Whether they live or die has no effect on your current standings, actually."</span>
[6:53 PM] Problematik: Well shit"
<span class="vip">[6:53 PM] Pursan: "Aside from what I'm offering you, of course."</span>
[6:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if they're going to be coming to us we should know who they are"
[6:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "because they'd have to know who we are in some capacity if they're coming to us"
<span class="vip">[6:54 PM] Pursan: "Just as you have no knowledge of them, they have no knowledge of you."</span>
[6:54 PM] Jos: "Pursan, can i ask you a long time question i had"
[6:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why do you want these three people gone?"
<span class="vip">[6:54 PM] Pursan: "You will be hunting them. Not the other way around."</span>
[6:54 PM] yoshi: "fuck it, post the mask in jidwh"
[6:54 PM] Jos: "Do you know anything about "Incipio"?"
[6:55 PM] Dense: "/hole is damn old"
[6:55 PM] Pako: "ok we assuming that the 3 ones are pumpkinhead, bup and jacob?"
[6:55 PM] Xenquility: what lmao"
[6:55 PM] yoshi: "no lmao"
<span class="vip">[6:55 PM] Pursan: "These three are scoundrels and crooks."</span>
[6:55 PM] Pako: "i don't know"
<span class="vip">[6:55 PM] Pursan: "They've defiled my name and goodwill and for that they must pay."</span>
[6:56 PM] Dense: "He told us we don't know them you dumb"
[6:56 PM] Xenquility: So I'm assuming the same would happen to us if we broke this deal"
[6:56 PM] nfreak141: "Is Pursan your real name or just one of your many names?"
[6:56 PM] Jos: "OK LISTEN"
[6:56 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[6:56 PM] Jos: "hole lostinforest changed"
[6:56 PM] Pako: "one of your names"
[6:56 PM] Jos: "this is the opriginal"
[6:56 PM] Jos: "this is the new"
[6:56 PM] Pako: "ye
[6:56 PM] Dense: "L""
[6:56 PM] Xenquility: it's still like"
[6:57 PM] Xenquility: pretty old"
[6:57 PM] Xenquility: like last april"
[6:57 PM] Pako: "lol"
[6:57 PM] yoshi: "youre old"
[6:57 PM] Problematik: Boomer"
[6:57 PM] nfreak141: "Not only that, but this past half hour you hve asked us to do you a favor and haven't went into details except 3 people i SWEAR you don' tknow about need to die and you guys have the power to do so."
[6:57 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
[6:58 PM] Jos: "ok guys"
[6:58 PM] Jos: "i found"
[6:58 PM] Xenquility: I mean if we don't know them I'd imagine it'd be safe to just"
[6:58 PM] Xenquility: not kill them"
[6:58 PM] Jos: "This is the next page"
[6:58 PM] Jos: "the thing is"
[6:58 PM] Jos: "it has new code"
[6:58 PM] Pako: "but what wikia is that"
[6:58 PM] nfreak141: "No, he wants us to use our powers to kill them."
[6:58 PM] yoshi: "idk man im feeling some bloodlust"
[6:58 PM] yoshi: "lets kill some 3 random people"
[6:59 PM] nfreak141: "And refuses to go into detail."
[6:59 PM] Jos: "they are not random"
<span class="vip">[6:59 PM] Pursan: "Excuse me, but I'm asking for no favors. As I said, this is an offer."</span>
[6:59 PM] Pako: "ok"
[6:59 PM] yoshi: "i say we do it"
[6:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i fail to see why we should kill 3 people who dont know us, because"someone who we dont know said to with no explination"
<span class="vip">[6:59 PM] Pursan: "If you do not want my assistance, I have others I can turn to."</span>
[6:59 PM] Dense: "Theres no differences in content pako"
[6:59 PM] yoshi: "it sounds fun"
[6:59 PM] Pako: "guys we are gonna do the deal or not?"
[6:59 PM] Dense: "It still works lmao"
[6:59 PM] nfreak141: "What is this thing you are offering us?"
[6:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i dont see why we would other than to have something to do"
[6:59 PM] yoshi: ":DrKill:"
[6:59 PM] nfreak141: "All I'm asking is for more detail"
[6:59 PM] yoshi: "kill"
[6:59 PM] Pako: "i would say yes anyway we are fucked lmao"
[6:59 PM] nfreak141: "That's it."
[7:00 PM] ADULT_LINK: "why are we fucked"
[7:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Let's just do it. I'm curious :lainfeliz:"
[7:00 PM] Pako: "yes"
[7:00 PM] Pako: "let's go, pursan"
[7:00 PM] Problematik: What"
[7:00 PM] Problematik: What"
[7:00 PM] Xenquility: i mean"
[7:00 PM] Problematik: Wait"
[7:00 PM] Problematik: What are we gonna do"
[7:00 PM] Xenquility: this could be like"
[7:00 PM] Pako: "a deal"
[7:00 PM] yoshi: ":kill:"
[7:00 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i mean i dont really care either way but this dude has done absolutely nothing to give us a reason to trust him"
[7:00 PM] Xenquility: signing up to murder people who're useful in the future"
[7:00 PM] Problematik: For what reason"
[7:00 PM] Pako: "idk"
[7:01 PM] yoshi: "or getting good info"
[7:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You got a point"
[7:01 PM] Dense: "Wait"
[7:01 PM] Dense: "DAMN THIS IS HARD"
[7:01 PM] Xenquility: and i know that Some People are probably trying to throw us a bone here"
[7:01 PM] Xenquility: but"
[7:01 PM] Jos: "this page is new right"
[7:01 PM] Pako: "we are fucking stuck so let's go with the deal"
[7:01 PM] Problematik: Lets get advantages and disadvantages"
[7:01 PM] ADULT_LINK: "the only thing hes said is he dislikes pumpkinhead, but if this has nothing to do with pumpkinhead why should we go along with it"
[7:01 PM] nfreak141: "And if we do kill them we get somethign to progress thorugh the labyrinth"
[7:01 PM] Xenquility: or I should say"
[7:01 PM] Xenquility: Gome Meople"
[7:01 PM] Problematik: And try to not do dumb shit"
[7:01 PM] Dense: ""this page is new right" No"
<span class="vip">[7:02 PM] Pursan: "If it helps quell your fears"</span>
[7:02 PM] Jos: "I dont see it anywhere"
[7:02 PM] Dense: "Search here on discord ._."
<span class="vip">[7:02 PM] Pursan: "These three are from beyond the sphere you currently manipulate"</span>
[7:02 PM] yoshi: ":CATKILLYOU:"
[7:02 PM] Pako: "ok"
[7:02 PM] ADULT_LINK: "a stranger wants us to hunt some people and nobody cares to know why?"
[7:02 PM] Pako: "Guys let's go with the deal?"
[7:02 PM] Jos: "okay"
[7:03 PM] nfreak141: ""a stranger wants us to hunt some people and nobody cares to know why?" I am all about this right here"
[7:03 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[7:03 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkindead:"
[7:03 PM] nfreak141: "Because you know... we've never been manipulated in the past or anything."
[7:03 PM] Pako: "can we do a vote?"
[7:04 PM] Xenquility: votes are too easily rigged it's easy enough to just talk about it"
[7:04 PM] yoshi: "i say yes"
[7:04 PM] Pako: "i say yes"
[7:04 PM] Xenquility: i say no for now"
[7:04 PM] Pako: "lmao"
[7:04 PM] yoshi: "we've fucked ourselves over plenty of times already why not keep doin it"
[7:04 PM] Problematik: i say no"
[7:04 PM] Xenquility: the Gome Meople might be mad"
[7:04 PM] Problematik: until i get more info"
[7:04 PM] Xenquility: ^"
[7:04 PM] Pako: "we are fucking stucked anyways"
[7:04 PM] nfreak141: "i saw hold back until we get more info"
[7:05 PM] yoshi: "we're gonna miss out"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: we need more info"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: wait a little bit"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: dont be inpatientt"
[7:05 PM] ADULT_LINK: "the dude refuses to give us more info"
[7:05 PM] nfreak141: "He needs our help we're gonna need some more info."
[7:05 PM] Xenquility: hmm"
[7:05 PM] Pako: "ok this is the idea pursan tell us what is the trade and now we can accept or reject"
[7:05 PM] Jos: "Never deal with the devil"
[7:05 PM] nfreak141: "Not onky that... it's us. He literally has no where else to turn."
[7:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "More info"
[7:05 PM] ADULT_LINK: "you cant help someone if they wont even tell you how they need help"
[7:05 PM] Xenquility: the scary part is is that I feel like we will get unbridedly fucked by Gome People if we don't do this"
[7:05 PM] yoshi: ":DevilKnife:"
[7:06 PM] Pako: "tell us the trade and later we can accept or not"
[7:06 PM] Pako: "ez"
[7:06 PM] nfreak141: "Tell who we are killinig, what we are getting out of it, then we will decide. Easy request, right?"
[7:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you're gonna try to hire someone to kill a person, not telling them who you want killed sure is a great way to get it done"
[7:06 PM] Jos: "Maybe"
[7:07 PM] Problematik: Basically we are getting a hitman"
[7:07 PM] Xenquility: Hey pursan I know this isn't exactly a question that you're likely to answer but could we still be fine without you"
[7:07 PM] Jos: "its information we are not allowed to know as it would change destiny as it should be."
[7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "we're being hired as hitmen but not even told who our target is"
[7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "thats like"
[7:07 PM] Jos: "The mask will tell us"
[7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "one of the most important parts of being a hitmen"
[7:07 PM] yoshi: "the mask reveals it"
[7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "knowing who you're killing"
[7:07 PM] nfreak141: "So what's the mask then?"
[7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i'd like to know why we're killing some strangers"
[7:08 PM] Jos: "Ok im gonna try something"
[7:08 PM] yoshi: "i hope im one of the targets"
[7:08 PM] yoshi: "kill me!"
[7:08 PM] Xenquility: the mask is the garo's mask which iirc just allows you into ikana"
[7:08 PM] nfreak141: "Thankyou, Xen"
[7:08 PM] yoshi: "it reveals garo ninjas too"
[7:08 PM] Jos: "So if it just reveal"
[7:08 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if they arent even connected to anything that makes this a completely random thing, that wouldnt really influence any of the stuff we're involved in"
[7:08 PM] Jos: "it shouldnt do anything wrong right?"
[7:08 PM] yoshi: "and also makes redeads not attack"
[7:08 PM] ADULT_LINK: "this all seems very arbitraty and pointless"
[7:09 PM] yoshi: "inb4 this counts"
[7:09 PM] nfreak141: "Alright, what do we get in return, though?"
[7:09 PM] Pako: "we should vote to this trade"
[7:09 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wow a mugen react, nice jacob"
[7:09 PM] Jos: "Im just revealing"
[7:09 PM] Jos: "not killing"
[7:09 PM] Problematik: I love jacob"
[7:09 PM] Problematik: Hes sexy"
[7:09 PM] Dense: "L"
[7:09 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
[7:09 PM] yoshi: "imagine if our power suddenly worked here and jos reposting it counted"
[7:09 PM] Dense: "JACOB"
[7:09 PM] Jos: "Yes"
[7:09 PM] Jos: "Not the guy"
[7:09 PM] Dense: "Epic"
[7:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lmao"
[7:09 PM] Jos: "Just jacob"
[7:09 PM] Xenquility: yes :PROVIDETHED: umbo"
[7:10 PM] nfreak141: "You really ARE dense."
[7:10 PM] Xenquility: love you though"
[7:10 PM] Dense: ":elephant:"
[7:10 PM] Jos: "Monika told dense he was dense"
[7:10 PM] Dense: "I'm on mobile cunts"
[7:10 PM] Xenquility: does the garo mask allow you to talk to stalchildren"
<span class="vip">[7:10 PM] Pursan: "I will repeat my terms one more time."
[7:10 PM] Pursan: "Three must die."
[7:10 PM] Pursan: "The mask I gifted you will reveal them."
[7:11 PM] Pursan: "Your powers, as I have witnessed plenty of times in the past, have the ability to then destroy them."</span>
[7:11 PM] Jos: "There is a hole in the walk on johnisdead main page"
<span class="vip">[7:11 PM] Pursan: "You do not know these three."
[7:11 PM] Pursan: "They have no bearing on your current sphere."</span>
[7:11 PM] Pako: "the problem is that we don't who they are"
<span class="vip">[7:11 PM] Pursan: "These three are scoundrels who have partook in activities that many of you would consider amoral at best."</span>
[7:12 PM] Xenquility: oh my god..."
[7:12 PM] Xenquility: IT'S THE THREE STOOGES"
[7:12 PM] yoshi: "can we ban xen"
[7:12 PM] Pako: "ye"
[7:12 PM] Pako: "jk"
[7:12 PM] nfreak141: "no"
<span class="vip">[7:12 PM] Pursan: "Do this, and I will assist your progress through the "Sanctum".</span>
[7:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":Ban_Hammer:"
[7:12 PM] Jos: "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path14568832/</nowiki> this is the only hole i want think"
[7:12 PM] Jos: "on a walk"
<span class="vip">[7:12 PM] Pursan: "This is your choice."</span>
[7:12 PM] Pako: "Sanctum"
[7:12 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i still dont see a point in doing it, but"
[7:12 PM] yoshi: "do it do it do it"
[7:13 PM] nfreak141: "aight bitch where's the fucking mask?"
[7:13 PM] yoshi: "give info"
[7:13 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if everyone else wants to i dont really care"
[7:13 PM] Xenquility: i mean id personally take the route of not doing it but i also think we not-so-subtely don't actually have a choice"
[7:13 PM] Pako: "I would say yes to the trade"
[7:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah. Seems like we have no choice"
<span class="vip">[7:13 PM] Pursan: "You have a choice."</span>
[7:14 PM] yoshi: "tbh i was almost considering going rogue and posting it in jidwh anyways but i would get yelled at"
[7:14 PM] nfreak141: "oh there it is lol"
<span class="vip">[7:14 PM] Pursan: "All of that being said"
[7:15 PM] Pursan: "You owe me nothing at this point."
[7:15 PM] Pursan: "Consider the mask a gift to sweeten the deal."
[7:15 PM] Pursan: "If you want my services, then carry out the deal."
[7:15 PM] Pursan: "As there's no need for a unanimous decision, or an instantaneous decision at this point in time, I'll be taking my leave."
[7:16 PM] Pursan: "Please consider what I have said here tonight."
[7:16 PM] Pursan: "Farewell."</span>
[7:16 PM] nfreak141: "Aight fine."
[7:16 PM] nfreak141: "Later bruh"
[7:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i mean not doing it is clearly the "wrong" choice"
[7:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i just fail to see why doing it is the right one"
[7:16 PM] Jos: "<nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/hole/</nowiki> this is the second "hole" i can think of"
[7:16 PM] yoshi: "k i l l"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pursan introduces himself as a "<b>trader</b>" who deals with "<span class="canquote">dead men</span>" as his currency.
Pursan claims that Pumpkinhead is his enemy and gives the players an offer - kill three specific individuals and he will help guide the players through the "Sanctum" pages on Astralobservatory.net.
Pursan claims that the players have never met these three targets, nor do they know their names. Pursan claims that "<span class="canquote">These three are from beyond the sphere you currently manipulate</span>".
Pursan says that these three individuals have wronged him in the past and that they are scum.
Pursan gifts the players the "<b>Garo's Mask</b>", claiming that it is required to kill these targets.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>Garo_Mask.gif</b> - A distorted image of the "Garo's Mask". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/46/Garo_Mask.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:44 PM, the player Jos managed to bypass the barrier blocking off the top floor of the Spire in the "Upper" Janus room. This revealed a large room with a Lunarum Oculus window. This room appeared to be a large meeting hall. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7e/Spiretopfloor.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 8:04 PM, the player ARGdov submiitted the "<b>Garo's Mask</b>" on the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris with text reading "<i>Fuck it. Lets do this.</i>".
At 8:22 PM, the player nfreak discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>MASK?</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCdNwzmuYIU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "MASK?" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in "Ikana Canyon". He walks towards the entrance of the "Spring Water Cave" and is notified by Tatl that a "Garo" is nearby.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link walks near the "Spring Water Cave" in "Ikana Canyon", where he is notified that a "Garo" is nearby.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">ARE YOU KILLING GARO?</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 9:15 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Pumpkinhead also briefly became active during this conversation.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - Chat with BUP and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who pinged me"</span>
[9:15 PM] otherLiam: "Nobody, fuck off."
<span class="vip">[9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am not in a good mood"</span>
[9:15 PM] otherLiam: "We pinged Upd8."
[9:15 PM] otherLiam: "Which for some reason you're part of."
<span class="vip">[9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You know what?"
[9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You fuck off Liam"</span>
[9:15 PM] yoshi: "oh dear"
[9:15 PM] Problematik: "Wowow chill"
[9:16 PM] nfreak141: "Hey bup calm down there bud."
<span class="vip">[9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why should I"</span>
[9:16 PM] yoshi: "ooooh dear"
[9:16 PM] otherLiam: "If we ignore him he'll go away."
[9:16 PM] nfreak141: "What are you so mad about right now?"
<span class="vip">[9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hmmm"</span>
[9:16 PM] otherLiam: "Anyway."
[9:16 PM] Problematik: "Idk if this is ooc"
[9:16 PM] nfreak141: "Is it because of this Parsun dude?"
[9:16 PM] otherLiam: "Nothing is ooc."
[9:16 PM] yoshi: "im confused"
<span class="vip">[9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((BUP removed the player otherLiam's ability to type in the "#johnisdead" text channel))
[9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Liam"
[9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Can't type here :slight_smile:"</span>
[9:16 PM] Pako: "bup is in upd8"
[9:17 PM] Pako: "upd8 was pinged"
[9:17 PM] yoshi: "aw"
[9:17 PM] yoshi: "did something in particular, besides liam, piss you off?"
[9:18 PM] JosByte: Helo"
[9:19 PM] ARGdov: "welp"
[9:19 PM] ARGdov: "it looks like we pissed off Bup"
[9:19 PM] ARGdov: "OH WELL"
[9:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "is this bup pissed off or greth pissed off"
[9:19 PM] ARGdov: "not sure"
[9:19 PM] yoshi: "im curious as to why hes mad"
[9:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "seems like bup but i'd like to make sure ooc greth isnt pissed off"
[9:19 PM] Problematik: "Wtf im very confused?"
[9:20 PM] ARGdov: "look if were about to be chewed out for fucking something up I'd like to know if it's In Character or not"
[9:20 PM] Pako: "but why liam did that?"
<span class="vip">[9:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nothing is good enough for Liam ANYWAY"</span>
[9:21 PM] ARGdov: "oh boy"
[9:21 PM] yoshi: "youre cool bup dont worry"
[9:21 PM] Problematik: "Can i ask why are you mad?"
[9:21 PM] otherLiam: "Well, you're not wrong."
[9:21 PM] otherLiam: "But you're pretty below that bar anyway."
[9:21 PM] Pako: "hey"
[9:21 PM] yoshi: "he returns"
[9:21 PM] ARGdov: "alright Im just gonna leave, my parents want me down there and I'd rather not risk the brunt of someones rage"
[9:21 PM] otherLiam: "So i wouldn't worry about it."
[9:21 PM] ARGdov: "seeya"
[9:21 PM] Problematik: "See ya dov"
[9:21 PM] Pako: "see ya"
[9:22 PM] yoshi: ":frogrotate2:"
[9:22 PM] otherLiam: ""why liam did that""
because i'm a bad guy :wink:"
<span class="vip">[9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My anger has little to do with you all, but your incessant idiocy certainly doesn't help"</span>
[9:22 PM] otherLiam: "then LEAVE"
<span class="vip">[9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just choose to take my anger out on you all"</span>
[9:22 PM] yoshi: "liams gonna get banished again"
[9:22 PM] otherLiam: "id rather he just kill me"
<span class="vip">[9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Don't press it"</span>
[9:22 PM] Pako: "nobody gives trophies for be bad"
[9:23 PM] nfreak141: "Ayyo. Some of us are trying to talk to you about it."
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "but I doubt he can tbh"
[9:23 PM] yoshi: "hey thats my line"
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "he needs us or whatever"
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "anyway"
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "this is a distraction"
[9:23 PM] scout: ">My anger has little to do with you all, but your incessant idiocy certainly doesn't help" did mugen take over bup's acc"
[9:23 PM] scout: whats happenin here"
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "hi scout"
[9:23 PM] Pako: "hi scott"
[9:23 PM] Pako: "xd"
[9:23 PM] otherLiam: "we need to kill some people"
[9:24 PM] scout: nice"
[9:24 PM] scout: who do we need to kill"
[9:24 PM] otherLiam: "we think they're represented by Garos."
[9:24 PM] otherLiam: "So I propose:"
[9:24 PM] otherLiam: "bombs."
[9:24 PM] Problematik: "We dont know"
[9:24 PM] Problematik: "Lets do it make it looks like an accident"
[9:24 PM] otherLiam: ""Unlike his underlings, the Garo Master uses a Bomb to literally explode at his defeat.""
[9:25 PM] otherLiam: "You never actually kill a Garo in Majora."
[9:25 PM] otherLiam: "They commit ritual suicide."
[9:26 PM] otherLiam: "The Garo Master in particular uses a bomb."
[9:26 PM] scout: ">bombs." I mean a 38 would probably work or even like a big knife but bombs are ok"
[9:26 PM] otherLiam: "They "die without leaving a corpse"."
[9:26 PM] otherLiam: "Because they're spies."
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: I mean the garo robes give "hints" before they die so I'm not sure if killing them represents killing the people, or if killing them gives us the hints to kill the people"
[9:27 PM] otherLiam: "Well either way they're gonna have to die."
[9:27 PM] yoshi: "mugen is my personal reference for my assassin skills"
[9:27 PM] otherLiam: ""R-regrettable... Although my rival, you were spectacular. I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom... Belief or disbelief rests with you. To die without leaving a corpse... That is the way of us Garo.""
[9:27 PM] otherLiam: "The hint comes after "wisdom""
[9:28 PM] otherLiam: "So we have to "defeat" them, they give the hint, then they kill themselves."
[9:29 PM] ⋆ 𝒟𝑒ñ𝓈𝑒 ⋆: Oh"
[9:29 PM] yoshi: "i explode too when i die"
[9:30 PM] otherLiam: "oh no actually"
[9:30 PM] otherLiam: "use the Shield."
[9:30 PM] otherLiam: "since we're just going after some random Garo"
[9:30 PM] otherLiam: "and not the Master."
[9:30 PM] otherLiam: ""The Garo use long, sharp Swords in battle that can be easily blocked with the Shield. Blocking their attacks will render them weaponless, as their hard Sword strikes will ricochet off of the Shield and out of the their grasp.""
<span class="vip">[9:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You think Mugen took over my account?"</span>
[9:31 PM] otherLiam: "It'd explain a lot."
[9:31 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[9:31 PM] yoshi: "liams gonna get fucking bupped"
[9:31 PM] yoshi: "oh god"
[9:31 PM] yoshi: "oh fuck"
[9:31 PM] JosByte: Howdy"
[9:31 PM] yoshi: "i saw that"
[9:31 PM] JosByte: you crossed a line here"
[9:32 PM] JosByte: stop NOW"
[9:32 PM] otherLiam: "Someone add Bup to the Mugen wiki"
[9:32 PM] otherLiam: "????????"
[9:32 PM] JosByte: Its just jos saying its me"
[9:32 PM] JosByte: Tsh"
[9:32 PM] yoshi: "idk dude i might also get bupped if i do that"
[9:32 PM] JosByte: Hoai Yoshi"
[9:32 PM] yoshi: "oh god"
[9:32 PM] otherLiam: "it's him"
[9:32 PM] yoshi: "oh fuck oh god"
[9:33 PM] otherLiam: "the true antagonist"
[9:33 PM] yoshi: "kill it"
[9:33 PM] Pako: "hi mugen"
[9:33 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:33 PM] otherLiam: "the guy Bup wishes he could be"
[9:33 PM] JosByte: Stop it!"
[9:33 PM] yoshi: "get it away"
[9:33 PM] yoshi: "aaaaaa"
[9:33 PM] JosByte: Hoai Bup, mind telling us how are you doing?"
[9:33 PM] otherLiam: "he angy"
[9:33 PM] yoshi: "AAAAA"
[9:33 PM] otherLiam: "no talk him he angy :angry:"
[9:33 PM] yoshi: ":angycat:"
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "anyway"
[9:34 PM] JosByte: He can't do anything to me"
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "imma just go ahead and submit some shit now"
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "since we actually have an objective"
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: what shit"
[9:34 PM] JosByte: Howdy Xenquility"
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "i'm thinking the Shield."
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "to defeat the Garo."
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: im thinking of going into the game and killing the garo"
[9:34 PM] Problematik: "Mugen?"
[9:34 PM] Problematik: "Fuck me"
[9:34 PM] otherLiam: "also an option."
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "that's basically what the shield was for anyway."
[9:35 PM] Xenquility: aka calling an uber to ikana valley right now"
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "ok xen wait"
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "do it like this:"
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "when you kill the garo it's gonna start talking"
[9:35 PM] Pako: "lol"
[9:35 PM] Xenquility: ima stop the video before it talks"
[9:35 PM] Pako: "Mugen kagemaru: I hate bup"
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "cut the video off after he says "I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom""
[9:35 PM] otherLiam: "because after that he gives a hint"
[9:36 PM] JosByte: How mean mugen"
[9:36 PM] Xenquility: ooo good idea"
[9:36 PM] Problematik: "I hate my life"
[9:36 PM] otherLiam: "and that's when, I think, we will be told who the targets are."
[9:36 PM] Problematik: "I hate being alive"
[9:37 PM] otherLiam: "also make sure to fight em in the same area Wolfcat was at"
[9:37 PM] Xenquility: yee I got to the garo a minute ago then forgot how to fucking shield lmao"
[9:37 PM] otherLiam: "bruh"
[9:37 PM] Problematik: "Brou"
[9:37 PM] otherLiam: "please reload and then don't get hit"
[9:37 PM] Xenquility: yee"
[9:38 PM] yoshi: "not even a real gamer, has to fuckin reset"
[9:39 PM] yoshi: "smh"
[9:39 PM] yoshi: "lmao bup"
[9:39 PM] Xenquility: im sorry bup"
[9:39 PM] otherLiam: "Very edgy Bup."
[9:39 PM] otherLiam: "You make Mugen proud."
[9:39 PM] yoshi: "me and bup were almost on the same wavelength there insulting xen"
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hey pumpkinhead"
[9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You gonna be cryptic or can i get your take on the situation"</span>
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "toad vs pumpkin"
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "who wins"
<span class="vip2">[9:40 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((A Jack-o-lantern emoji is sent))</span>
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Figures"</span>
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "wow thrilling unexpected input from pumpkin"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: Pumpkinhead ordering on macdonalds would be like"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuh"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: :jack_o_lantern:"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"
[9:41 PM] Problematik: "Hey pumpkin head"
[9:41 PM] Problematik: "Do you like mac donalds?"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "idk man that one time he said :jack_o_lantern: really threw me for an emotional loop"
[9:41 PM] JosByte: Hye pumpkin head"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "he likes mac pumpkin"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "didnt see that coming at all"
[9:42 PM] JosByte: what does feel like to not have KFC on the parallelos"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "and wow....when he said :jack_o_lantern:  once too...? fucking mindblowing"
[9:42 PM] Problematik: "Lmao jos"
[9:42 PM] Problematik: "HAHAHAHA"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "he has such a way with words"
[9:42 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh hey"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "hes practically a poet"
[9:42 PM] ADULT_LINK: "actually nevermind"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: ":jackcandy:"
[9:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i like that emote"
[9:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":jackcandy:"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "hey pumpkinhead can i have some candy"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: ":BOSSPumpking:"
[9:44 PM] scout: what did liam even do"
[9:44 PM] scout: poor guy"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "pissed off bup"
[9:45 PM] Problematik: "The final form of pumpkinhead"
[9:45 PM] otherLiam: "i made fun of the characters"
[9:45 PM] otherLiam: "like always"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "and got promptly bupped"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "dont tempt fate"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "ah shit you tempted fate"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "rip liams messages"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "liams bout to get fucking murdered"
[9:46 PM] scout: ">i made fun of the characters" based"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "liam thats MY LINE"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "i know im joking"
[9:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: "was that a mcdonalds?"
[9:47 PM] otherLiam: "aw sorry pako, you got caught in the crossfire"
[9:47 PM] Problematik: "Whas is going on?"
[9:47 PM] Problematik: "And why i am so hungry?"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "crossfire?"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "liams about to get yeeted into the next universe"
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Yeet"
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Ok"
[9:48 PM] Pako: "lol"
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: before i submit it how's this"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "what is that"
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: let me convert to mp4 actually"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "lol"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "liam is spamming ping bup"
[9:51 PM] yoshi: "liam is getting bupped hard"
[9:51 PM] yoshi: "amazing"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "a moment of silence for liam"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "shit i missed that"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "oh well"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "do we even have a muted role"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "thatd be funny"
[9:56 PM] ARGdov: "okay Im back"
[9:56 PM] ARGdov: "what has happened"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "liam is fucking dead"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm going to kill liam"</span>
[9:56 PM] ARGdov: "oh"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but actually"</span>
[9:56 PM] Pako: "uhh"
[9:56 PM] ARGdov: "womp de fucking womp"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "as in this isn't a meme"
[9:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm going to find and end him"</span>
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "oh shir"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "shit even"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "maybe shir too"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: gg"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: its been his wish for months now"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP enters the chat in a bad mood. The player otherLiam taunts BUP, resulting in BUP removing his ability to type in the "#johnisdead" text channel.
BUP claims he is going to kill the player otherLiam.
At 10:11 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "<b>WEISHEIT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnC_0Kz1YL0&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "WEISHEIT" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to the same area seen in "MASK?" - the location in front of the "Spring Water Cave" - with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:25 PM, the player Yoshi compared BUP to a character seen in the video "cool bug facts". Shortly after this, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">this is accurate</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/CC96IugS5uY|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:44 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>DEAD GARO</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_laV2zNenc|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/17/20 - 10:44 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "DEAD GARO" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "WEISHEIT". A text box appears that reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"Henry G."
"Melissa A."
"Arnold R."
"Thievery. Manslaughter. Trafficking."
"Thievery. Murder."
"Thievery. Vandalism. Murder."</span>
The "Garo" explodes and the video cuts to black. A distorted image of Pursan appears along with the following text:
<span class="vip">"One down."
"Two to go."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off the names of the three targets given by Pursan and their crimes: "<span class="canquote">Henry G. Melissa A. Arnold R.</span>"
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">WHO ARE THESE GUYS</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/17/20 - 10:45 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 10:46 PM, the player otherLiam continued to taunt BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server, sending the message "<span class="canquote">i'm in santa monica come get me bitch</span>". Shortly after this, otherLiam claimed he heard someone knocking on his door.
At 10:47 PM, the player otherLiam was kicked from the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, BUP posted a link to a new video on the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>MXSPHCSYFTLRIAHFIIEFJ</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MLns448Q8Y|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally two Caesar ciphers that translates to "I TOLD YOU I WOULD KILL HIM".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/17/20 - 10:48 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "MXSPHCSYFTLRIAHFIIEFJ" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a recording of the player otherLiam's computer screen. The Internet Detectives Discord server can be seen. The player otherLiam suddenly screams and the video cuts out. A distorted image of BUP fades in as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video depicts the player otherLiam being attacked by BUP as he is presumably killed.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:05 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "<b>ZWEI UNTEN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdmIrWRVcik|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "ZWEI UNTEN" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to a location near the "Owl Statue" with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>ANOTHER ONE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqBSoCj3yTY|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/17/20 - 10:44 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "ANOTHER ONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "ZWEI UNTEN". A text box appears that reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"Head Producer"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off the jobs of the three targets given by Pursan: "<span class="canquote">Head Producer, Neophyte, Gardener</span>"
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:57 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "<b>EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkIZttssjbU&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to a location next to the "Owl Statue" with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>LAST ONE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENWdlGcetL8|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This video's title was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Unknown.}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/17/20 - "LAST ONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD". A text box appears that reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"PIRA"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off some strange acronyms connected to the targets given by Pursan: "<span class="canquote">PIRA, AGRB, RESG</span>"
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>August 18th, 2020</h2>
At 12:03 AM, Pursan became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/18/20 - Chat with Pursan - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[12:03 PM] Pursan: "You did well."</span>
[12:03 PM] Pako: "uh"
[12:03 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[12:03 PM] Xenquility: "Merci"
[12:03 PM] Pako: "you're french now?"
[12:03 PM] Xenquility: "Can we know where those guys were from now?"
<span class="vip">[12:05 PM] Pursan: "Individuals who you do not know, and would have never come to know."</span>
[12:05 PM] Pako: "that's nice"
[12:05 PM] yoshi: "that last bit is a bit obvious considering theyre kinda dead"
[12:05 PM] Xenquility: "Would just be nice to know for fun"
[12:05 PM] Pako: "orrrr"
[12:05 PM] Pako: "he is trying to trick us"
[12:05 PM] Xenquility: "i think he was saying that whether or not they were alive or dead we wouldnt meet them"
[12:06 PM] Pako: "and we know who they are"
[12:06 PM] Pako: "is hard this shit"
[12:06 PM] yoshi: "i know but like especially so now lmao"
<span class="vip">[12:06 PM] Pursan: "There are no tricks up my sleeves."
[12:06 PM] Pursan: "I am a man of my word."
[12:06 PM] Pursan: "One moment."</span>
[12:06 PM] Pako: "ye we know you since today"
[12:06 PM] Pako: "lmao"
[12:06 PM] Pako: "how we can trust you"
[12:06 PM] Problematik: "Do you fulfilled your part of the deal?"
<span class="vip">[12:06 PM] Pursan: ((The image "Sanctum.png" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c7/Sanctum.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[12:06 PM] yoshi: ":frogrotate2:"
[12:07 PM] Pako: "wh0tt"
[12:07 PM] Xenquility: "oh damn"
[12:07 PM] Pako: "seems like he is god"
[12:07 PM] Linko: so can we know why you had us kill these randos"
[12:07 PM] Linko: like why us specifically"
[12:07 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead.com/sanctum ?"
[12:07 PM] Linko: if they had nothing to do with us"
[12:07 PM] Xenquility: "no sanctum is the place on AO"
[12:07 PM] yoshi: "apparently they were bad people and we had the power to kill em"
[12:07 PM] yoshi: "idek"
<span class="vip">[12:07 PM] Pursan: "These individuals had wronged me in the past."
[12:08 PM] Pursan: "Quite the mockery."
[12:08 PM] Pursan: "I don't enjoy dirtying my own hands."
[12:08 PM] Pursan: "You just happened to be in the right place at the right time."</span>
[12:08 PM] Problematik: "So we just do the dirty work?"
<span class="vip">[12:08 PM] Pursan: "Lucky you, no?"</span>
[12:08 PM] Pako: "Why you didn't killed they personally?"
[12:08 PM] yoshi: "damn ok"
[12:08 PM] Xenquility: "holy shit this is actually really cool"
[12:08 PM] Xenquility: "the first path is up which is "Sword" and "Guardian""
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "wow im actually gooing to coom to this is cool"
<span class="vip">[12:09 PM] Pursan: "It's been a pleasure, Detectives."
[12:09 PM] Pursan: "Adieu."</span>
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "Will we meet again?"
<span class="vip">[12:09 PM] Pursan: "Perhaps."</span>
[12:09 PM] Pako: "ok if pursan is true what is he saying if we accept the trade we're gonna kill 3 person who will never who they are"
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "I hope it's under kinder circumstances"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pursan congratulates the players on a job well done.
Pursan gifts the players a stylized map of the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net and departs.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>Sanctum.png</b> - A stylized map of the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c7/Sanctum.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:03 AM, the player Xenquility managed to translate the unknown alphabet on the image "Sanctum.png". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Drawing.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:19 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>rook.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/79/Rook.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>August 22nd, 2020</h2>
At 12:36 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>playingfield.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Playingfield.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:49 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>SANCTA SANCTORUM</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRgH4BSoSY&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/23/20 - "SANCTA SANCTORUM" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage from Majora's Mask. This video begins with footage from the video "SCHWARZ" playing. The video suddenly cuts back to the player's recording. Link is standing infront of a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy in "Woodfall Temple". Link easily kills the enemy, obtaining a "Deku Stick" in the process. The video fades into footage of Link standing in the same dark room seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER". The player uses their newly obtained "Deku Stick" to light all of the torches, successfully unlocking the door. Link exits the room and the video fades to white. Footage of Link on a ledge in "Woodfall Temple" is shown. There is a large gap with a hookshot target on the other side. The player uses their "Hookshot" to cross the gap and open a nearby chest to obtain a "Red Rupee". The video cuts to black.
Link is shown in Clock Town. Link enters the "Great Fairy Fountain", where the "Bean Salesman" is found once again. Link speaks to the "Bean Salesman" and purchases one pod of "Magic Beans" with the rupees he just found. Link is then shown entering Termina Field. He approaches the location seen in the video "A PRESENT" and retrieves the "Empty Bottle" from the chest. He then proceeds through Termina Field until falling into a "Secret Grotto". Link is now in the cave next to the "Deku Palace". Link plants the "Magic Bean" in the nearby soft soil and waters it using the "Empty Bottle", just as the players had done previously in the video "BOHNE SAGA". A plant platform sprouts from the soil, which Link rides up to the chest on the ledge. He opens the chest and obtains the "Hero's Bow". Link exits the cave and equips the "Hero's Bow".
Link is now in "Romani Ranch". He approaches Epona in a similar fashion to the video "WÄCHTER". Epona speaks to him in Morse code:
<span class="vip">"ABOVE US"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Pumpkinhead (8/23/20 - 3:49 AM)}}
He then stands on a nearby crate and looks up, revealing the mini-boss "Wart". "Wart" falls to the floor and the battle begins. After a grueling battle, Link manages to defeat "Wart" through careful use of the "Hookshot". After this, Link approaches Epona, who once again speaks in Morse code:
<span class="vip">"TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Pumpkinhead (8/23/20 - 3:49 AM)}}
Link is then warped to the location outside of "Woodfall Temple" seen in the video "UNBEKANNT". Much like in the original video, Link crosses a narrow bridge and a "Peahat" enemy rises up in the air in the distance. the "Peahat" enemy begins approaching Link, but gets stuck. The player begins laughing and leaves the area.
The video cuts to Link in the "Goron Graveyeard" as seen in the video "VIERWAHL". The "Poe Sister" mini-boss appears once again and creates four appirations that spin around Link. Much like in the video "VIERWAHL", the names of the "Four Giants" appear over the "Poe Sister" appirations. The player attacks the one labelled "Hank" with the "Hookshot" killing the mini-boss. Link then leaves the area.
Link is now seen in the "Ikana Graveyard". He approaches the character "Captain Keeta" and wakes him up using the "Sonata of Awakening". The race with "Captain Keeta" begins, which Link quickly wins. The following cutscene plays out as normal. As expected, Link crosses a gap using the "Hookshot" and opens a chest containing the "Captain's Hat" mask. Link then exits the area.
Link is now seen in the "Oceanside Spider House". Much like in the video "SOLDATIN", there is a "Beamos" enemy blocking the entrance. Link dodges one of the attackes by the "Beamos" and retaliates by throwing a bomb. This kills the "Beamos", allowing Link to progress through the "Oceanside Spider House". Link proceeds to the room seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE". Link equips the "Captain's Hat" and speaks to each of the four "Stalchildren" enemies surrounding the table. The first tells him to shoot "BLUE", which causes the image "John.gif" to appear on screen. The second tells him to shoot "YELLOW", which causes the image "ages.png" and "3_realms.gif" to appear on screen. The third tells him to shoot "RED", which causses the video "R.webm" to appear on screen. The final tells him to shoot "GREEN", which causes the image "transcended.gif" to appear on screen. Link then proceeds to speak to the two remaining "Stalchildren" enemies, which reveal how he should actually solve the puzzle in-game to proceed. Link then solves the puzzle as the game expects and proceeds through a newly opened door. Link approaches a chest guarded by a large "Skulltulla" enemy, which he quickly defeats. As he approaches the chest, the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This is a massive video response to various puzzles found in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
The players defeat the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy seen in "SCHWARZ", obtaining a "<b>Deku Stick</b>" in the process.
The players light the torches seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER" using their newly obtained "Deku Stick", which opens up a room with a large gap.
The players cross the large gap marked on the map given to them by Pursan and found in the newly discovered room by using their "<b>Hookshot</b>". This leads them to a chest containing some "<b>Rupees</b>", which was also marked on Pursan's map.
The players purchase a pod of "<b>Magic Beans</b>" from the "Bean Salesman" seen in the video "VERKÄUFER" using their newly obtained "Rupees".
The players retrieve the "<b>Empty Bottle</b>" given to them in the video "A PRESENT".
The players use the "Empty Bottle" filled with water and the newly obtained "Magic Beans" to create a platform leading to a chest containing the "<b>Hero's Bow</b>".
The players encounter the mini-boss "<b>Wart</b>" in the same location seen in the video "WÄCHTER" and defeat him using the "Hookshot".
The players encounter the enemy "<b>Peahat</b>" in the same location seen in the video "UNBEKANNT", but leave when the enemy gets stuck.
The players encounter the mini-boss "<b>Poe Sister</b>." in the same location seen in the video "VIERWAHL" and defeat it by shooting the appiration labelled "Hank".
The players wake up the character "<b>Captain Keeta</b>" in the "Ikana Graveyard" and beat him in a race, earning them the "<b>Captain's Hat</b>" mask.
The players encounter the enemy "<b>Beamos</b>" in the same location seen in the video "SOLDATIN" and defeat it by using the "Bombs" given to them in the video "A GIFT".
The players speak to the "<b>Stalchildren</b>" enemies in the same location seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE" using their newly obtained "Captain's Hat" in the order "<b>Blue</b>", "<b>Yellow</b>", "<b>Red</b>", "<b>Green</b>".
The players complete the "Stalchildren" puzzle the normal way intended by the game and encounter a "<b>Skulltulla</b>" enemy, which they quickly defeat. They then open a chest as the video ends.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">A BRIEF JAUNT THROUGH THE SANCTUM</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Pumpkinhead (8/23/20 - 3:49 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
<h2>August 24th, 2020</h2>
At 10:41 AM, a new video was uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>COMBO</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWrcAniepYA|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Basil (8/24/20 - 10:46 AM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/24/20 - "COMBO" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of the video "SCHWARZ" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link defeating the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SCHWARZ". He defeats the "Whithered Deku Baba" enemy in the void and obtains a "Deku Stick".
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "DUNKELZIMMER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link lighting the torches in the dark room. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER". He defeats lights all of the torches in the dark room, unlocking the door.
A distorted image of "Sanctum.png" is shown with Pursan's avatar faintly overlaying the image. The image zooms in on the "GAP" part of the map as a distorted version of the "Song of Double Time" can be heard. The following text appears:
<span class="vip">"/sanctum/left/search/lost/again/mask/doug/notanymore"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 2:15 PM)}}
The video cuts to distorted footage of an unseen video playing on an undiscovered Astral Observatory page. This video shows Link standing on a ledge high up in the "Great Bay" area. A tree can be seen on another ledge across a gap. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link using his "Hookshot" to cross a gap. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the unknown video above. Link uses his "Hookshot" to cross the gap by shooting the tree. He then opens a chest containing a "Red Rupee".
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "VERKÄUFER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link buying beans from the "Bean Salesman". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "VERKÄUFER". Link buys a pod of "Magic Beans" from the "Bean Salesman" using his newly obtained rupees.
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "SAAT" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link planting his newly obtained "Magic Beans" in the soil and watering it with the "Empty Bottle". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SAAT". Link plants the "Magic Bean" and waters it using the "Empty Bottle", resulting in a plant platform sprouting. Link then rides the plant platform up to a chest on a ledge. Link opens the chest, obtaining the "Hero's Bow".
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "WÄCHTER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link attacking the mini-boss "Wart". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "WÄCHTER". Link fights the "Wart" mini-boss. Each time Link strikes the enemy, the video corrupts. As Link lands the final blow, the video cuts to black.
A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a tree with a distorted image of Doug's face barely visible. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/57/FIRSTONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:06 PM)}}
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "VIERWAHL" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link attacking the "Poe Sister" appiration labelled "Hank". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "VIERWAHL". Link shoots one of the "Poe Sister" appirations and the video cuts to black.
A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing in a snowy environment with a distorted image of a face barely visible. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/SECONDONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:11 PM)}}
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "SOLDATIN" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link defeating the "Beamos" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SOLDATIN". Link blows up the "Beamos" enemy with a bomb and the video cuts to black.
A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a fence with the mask of "The Watcher" barely visible. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f6/THIRDONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:18 PM)}}
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "REIHENFOLGE" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link solving the colored mask puzzle and killing the "Skulltulla" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE". Link enters the door locked by the colored mask puzzle and enters through. A "Skulltulla" enemy drops from the ceiling. Link defeats it and the video cuts to black.
A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a rock formation with a "Bombchu" enemy climbing over it with Kelbris barely visible. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0d/FOURTHONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:21 PM)}}
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is a response to the player Xenquility's submission of the video "SANCTA SANCTORUM". Most of the player's submission was acccepted:
<div class="indented">
The players successfully defeated the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy, earning them the "<b>Deku Stick</b>".
The players successfully lit the torches in the dark room, unlocking a new location containing a gap they must cross.
The players successfully crossed the gap in the new location, earning them a "<b>Red Rupee</b>".
The players successfully made a purchase from the "Bean Salesman", earing them a pod of "<b>Magic Beans</b>".
The players successfully planted the "Magic Bean", earning them the "<b>Hero's Bow</b>".
The players successfully defeated the "<b>Wart</b>", "<b>Poe Sister</b>", "<b>Beamos</b>", and "<b>Skulltulla</b>" enemies.
Each time the players defeated one of Pumpkinhead's minions, an SSTV signal played revealing a screenshot of the location of one of the "Bomber Gang Kid" members. These locations are as follows:
<div class="indented">
Next to a large tree.
In a snowy environment.
Next to a fence.
Next to a rock formation near "Bombchu" enemies.
The "Peahat" enemy was not shown to be defeated, implying the players must record themselves killing it to progress.
An unknown page was shown with a never before seen video of Link coming across the "Gap" seen on Pursan's map. The "<b>Song of Double Time</b>" plays, implying the players essentially sequence-broke this section of the "Sanctum" hole, as their submission to cross this gap was accepted before they even encountered it.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">FOUR DOWN ONE TO GO DECIPHER THEIR MESSAGES FIND THEIR HIDING SPOTS SLASH THE STONE AND THEY WILL SPEAK</span>  {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Problematik (8/24/20 - 10:47 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
<div class="indented">
The first SSTV signal image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/57/FIRSTONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:06 PM)}}
The second SSTV signal image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/SECONDONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:11 PM)}}
The third SSTV signal image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f6/THIRDONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:18 PM)}}
The fourth SSTV signal image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0d/FOURTHONE.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 1:21 PM)}}
At 2:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/doug/</nowiki></span><b>notanymore</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained the image "<b>G1.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/da/G1ao.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also containd the audio "<b>dandp.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ea/Dandpao.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">I DRAGGED HIM INTO THIS ITS ALL MY FAULT</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 2:16 PM)}}
At 2:18 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "dandp.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to an image of a distorted Majora's Mask screenshot of Link speaking to a "Bomber Gang Kid" member with text that read "<span class="canquote">strike stones</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 2:18 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5d/2020-08-24_14.17.36.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> This image, combined with the other images discovered through SSTV signals in the "Sanctum" hole, revealed the following, full image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e2/Genius.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> The full text reads "<span class="canquote">THE MINIONS HIDE THEM STRIKE STONES 'You'll have to find all five of us if you want back inside! But we may look a little different.'</span>".
At 2:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "G1.gif" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/doug/notanymore</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.com/(...)/doug/notanymore/</nowiki></span><b>trapped</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral</b>" and contained Morse code that translated to "<span class="canquote">YOU NEED SOMETHING TO CROSS THIS GAP</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 2:20 PM)}} This page also contained the undiscovered video seen in the video "COMBO" - "<b>KLUFT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgyZ3-mozw8&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/24/20 - "KLUFT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing on a ledge high up in the "Great Bay" area. He approaches the edge of the ledge, where another ledge can be seen in the distance. Link observes a tree sitting upon this other ledge as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link is seen observing a tree on a ledge across a large gap.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 4:08 PM, Xenquility submitted the video "<b>LETZTES LACHEN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMO4_E8O8CM&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/24/20 - "LETZTES LACHEN" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in "Woodfall". He approaches the location near the "Peahat" enemy. Link blocks and dodges the enemy's blades and strikes at its weak point, killing it quickly.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link quickly defeats the "Peahat" enemy encountered in the video "UNBEKANNT".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>FINAL ONE DOWN</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebdVAHtGdmU|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Pako (8/24/20 - 9:58 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/24/20 - "FINAL ONE DOWN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "UNBEKANNT" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "LETZTES LACHEN" plays, showing Link defeating the enemy "Peahat". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "UNBEKANNT". Link fights the "Peahat" enemy. As Link lands the final blow, the video cuts to black.
A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a tree in an underground environment with the "Mirror Shield" barely visible. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/LASTsstv.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 10:04 PM)}}
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
Link kills the "Peahat" enemy seen in the video "UNBEKANNT", confirming the player's submission.
Another SSTV signal is given to the players revealing the location of the final "Bomber Gang Kid" member - somewhere underground next to a large tree.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
<div class="indented">
The SSTV signal image: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/LASTsstv.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | - Solved by Xenquility (8/24/20 - 10:04 PM)}}
At an unknown time, the player Xenquility discovered the locations of four of the "Bomber Gang Kids" members from the SSTV signals:
<div class="indented">
Near a large tree in Termina Field.
Near the entrance to the "Snowhead" area just before the "Mountain Village".
Near the fence next to the "Astral Observatory".
Near the invisible man found in the entrance to "Ikana Canyon".
At 10:06 PM, the players Dense and ADULT_LINK discovered the location of the final "Bomber Gang Kids" member from the SSTV signals - at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House" next to a large tree.
At 10:56 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>VERSTECK SPIEL</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzifUqnejrg&feature=emb_title|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/24/20 - "VERSTECK SPIEL" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link approaching the "Sheikah Stone" in Termina Field and striking it. The video then fades into footage of Link approaching the "Sheikah Stone" on the path to the "Mountain Village" and striking it. The video fades once again, now showing Link striking the "Sheikah Stone" next to the Astral Observatory. Link then strikes the "Sheikah Stone" on the path to "Ikana Valley", before finally striking the "Sheikah Stone" found at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House".
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
This video features the player Xenquility striking the five "Sheikah Stones" revealed by the five SSTV signals showing locations of the "Bomber Gang Kid" members.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">BUT HOW REAL CAN A GAME BECOME?</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Me (2/27/21 - 7:27 PM)}}
Tags: N/A
<h2>August 29th, 2020</h2>
At 9:01 PM, the player Xenquility claimed that he witnessed some lewd websites in another player's screenshot as a joke. Shortly after this, BUP sent the message "<span class="canquote">Gross</span>".
<h2>August 31st, 2020</h2>
At 1:22 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>website.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/Websitedaw.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated. The page now featured the video "<b>halo.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C6YN7N3Im8&feature=youtu.be|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/31/20 - "halo.mp4" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of what seems to be the Parallelos. Tyler's yard and house come into view. Dawn suddenly comes into view, approaching Tyler's front door. It appears as though he's holding a sword. As Dawn reaches for the doorknob, the video stutters and Greth barges out of Tyler's house, also holding a sword. Dawn and Greth begin sword fighting one another. As they battle, the video continuously glitches and stutters. Greth suddenly disappears, leaving Dawn alone. The footage returns to normal as well, perhaps implying that Dawn is not in the Parallelos. The video begins distorting once again, showing an image of the Spire before showing Dawn cleaning his sword. The camera moves through a Parallelos-like environment for some time, showing some cryptic images such as the Detour sign. Dawn approaches Tyler's house once again. As he enters, the footage returns to normal. He turns a corner and finds an open briefcase on the floor. As he approaches it, the footage begins corrupting. Dawn finds the Libro Lunarus inside the briefcase, which he tosses aside. Instead, Dawn grabs a light-colored book with a sigil of the sun drawn on the front. As Dawn turns to leave, the footage corrupts and cuts to black. A "Rook" chesspiece is seen spinning in a 3d environment of what appears to be an ancient temple with some sun symbols drawn about. The following text appears in a text box from Majora's Mask:
<span class="vip">"You received a ROOK!"
"Someone has pleged their services to your cause."</span>
A scene of another 3d environment begins playing. The camera zooms through what appears to be an industrial environment to two computer screens. These two screens begin glitching and show footage of Greth holding a sword.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn finally arrives at Tyler's house after a month of travelling.
As Dawn is about to enter Tyler's house, he is attacked by Greth. Dawn and Greth have a sword battle, with Dawn seemingly victorious.
Dawn enters Tyler's house and recovers his holy book - a white book with a sun symbol on the cover. It was discovered in a briefcase containing the Libro Lunarus.
The players are told they have received a "<b>Rook</b>" chesspiece, and that someone has pleged their services to their cause.
Some distorted footage of Greth holding a sword is shown, implying that he is indeed still alive.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 4:32 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
8/31/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[4:32 PM] Xenquility: "wait FUCK that "fool card" is an eight of hearts not an eight of clubs"
<span class="vip">[4:35 PM] Dawn: "What's the fool card have to do with anything?"
[4:36 PM] Xenquility: "nothing really but IA said that he thought him giving Mason the eight of clubs invoked something and back in your arc that SSTV was posted a few days after Patrem called Regiminis a "Grand Fool""</span>
[4:37 PM] Xenquility: "and I thought that could've meant that the card that IA gave mason was that fool card which in turn invoked Regiminis/Nocta which is why Regiminis/Nocta eventually found them"
[4:39 PM] Xenquility: "also in case this is canon how's life going"
<span class="vip">[4:48 PM] Dawn: "My arc?"
[4:48 PM] Dawn: "It's going alright"
[4:48 PM] Dawn: "Been sleeping and relaxing finally"
[4:49 PM] Dawn: "You ever work/walk/do things for so long that you lay down, and you can feel your back straightening out? Feels pretty nice"</span>
[4:50 PM] nfreak141: "so you get your book back?"
<span class="vip">[4:51 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean? Thought you guys would know I have it by now."</span>
[4:52 PM] nfreak141: "oh cool. i mean, i really had nothing else to say honestly it would have been awkward just leaving things hanging yknow?"
[4:53 PM] Xenquility: "Yeah, though I'd imagine I can't really compare carrying groceries home to walking across florida"
[4:53 PM] Dense: "how to train crocs"
[4:53 PM] Xenquility: "So what was it like fucking sword fighting greth"
[4:54 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah that looked fun."
[4:56 PM] Problematik: Sword fights?"
[4:56 PM] Problematik: Thats sounds kinda gay"
[4:56 PM] nfreak141: "ur gay"
[4:56 PM] Xenquility: "yeh check out the new video on johnisdead.com"
[4:56 PM] nfreak141: "OH SHIZZZ"
<span class="vip">[4:56 PM] Dawn: "Was that Greth? I don't know; I just felt like I was being attacked"</span>
[4:56 PM] Xenquility: "I think so"
[4:57 PM] Xenquility: "he was at tyler's with some massive sword a while ago and I'm not exactly sure how many other people just carry those things around"
<span class="vip">[4:58 PM] Dawn: "I had my weapon with me"
[4:58 PM] Dawn: "I remembered you all talking about what happened to Law"
[4:58 PM] Dawn: "So I found something to defend myself"</span>
[4:59 PM] nfreak141: "so yoiu just get a fuckmothering sword?"
[4:59 PM] Xenquility: "I feel like that'd be harder to acquire than firearms but I guess florida is a crazy place"
[5:00 PM] Xenquility: "also did you actually kill that guy or did he just run off"
[5:00 PM] nfreak141: "calling it, he got the sword out of a crocodiles mouth because he's the king of florida"
<span class="vip">[5:01 PM] Dawn: "Kill the thing that attacked me?"
[5:01 PM] Dawn: "It sorta vanished"</span>
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: "holy shit greth turned into a force ghost"
<span class="vip">[5:02 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where it went."
[5:02 PM] Dawn: "It was pretty obvious with me seeing it happen; I assume somehow your vision of the things that have transpired became corrupted in some way"
[5:02 PM] Dawn: "I felt myself being dragged into a different realm when it appeared"
[5:02 PM] Dawn: "As if a hand grabbed me and pulled me elsewhere"</span>
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "Sounds parallelos-y"
[5:03 PM] nfreak141: "what i find amazing is that greth ALSO had a sword"
<span class="vip">[5:03 PM] Dawn: "Luckily I'm able to leave those places"</span>
[5:04 PM] Xenquility: "did you happen to touch that detour sign at all"
[5:04 PM] nfreak141: "like wow what a coincidence"
<span class="vip">[5:04 PM] Dawn: "In my experience, swords are typically how battles are won in said places"
[5:04 PM] Dawn: "Firearms have a way of malfunctioning"</span>
[5:04 PM] Problematik: Lets kill pumpkinhead with a sword"
[5:04 PM] Problematik: Lets craft one"
[5:04 PM] Xenquility: "if that's the case I guess it makes sense he had a sword"
[5:05 PM] Xenquility: "he's currently possessed by either patrem or BUP"
[5:05 PM] Xenquility: "unless there's like"
<span class="vip">[5:05 PM] Dawn: "It's also entirely possible it wasn't a sword, but that's how we percieved it."</span>
[5:05 PM] Xenquility: "two greth's now"
[5:05 PM] nfreak141: "wait does bup even do his own dirty work?"
<span class="vip">[5:05 PM] Dawn: "If I'm being truthful, I'm able to recover my sword no matter where I may find myself, as long as the Sun looks favoribly upon me."</span>
[5:06 PM] nfreak141: "i mean it probably was him. isn't vincent, and by extension patrem, possessing jacob now?"
<span class="vip">[5:06 PM] Dawn: "I'm just glad I'm back home"</span>
[5:07 PM] Xenquility: "I mean I don't think Vincent is actually possessing Jacob?"
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "maybe he is though I've no real clue"
[5:09 PM] Xenquility: "We never really heard why BUP sent the two Greth's back to 2016 for a brief period there so maybe that was some weird thing where like"
[5:09 PM] Xenquility: "he did that so he could possess a Greth while Patrem also possesses a Greth"
<span class="vip">[5:10 PM] Dawn: "Can I possess a greth?"</span>
[5:10 PM] nfreak141: "only if you ask politely"
[5:10 PM] Xenquility: "I don't know if we have any left"
<span class="vip">[5:10 PM] Dawn: "I guess I'll settle for a Wolfcat"</span>
[5:10 PM] Xenquility: "wtf wow im jealous"
[5:10 PM] Xenquility: "i also don't think we have wolf's left either though"
<span class="vip">[5:10 PM] Dawn: "Fiine"
[5:11 PM] Dawn: "I'll go with a Tyler"</span>
[5:11 PM] Xenquility: "that'll probably work"
[5:11 PM] nfreak141: "wait do we even have tylers to give?"
[5:11 PM] Xenquility: "who knows anymore"
<span class="vip">[5:11 PM] Dawn: "I'll go find one"</span>
[5:11 PM] nfreak141: "isn't he fucking dead?"
<span class="vip">[5:12 PM] Dawn: "Exactly"</span>
[5:12 PM] Xenquility: "dawn proceeds to walk back to florida to find tyler"
<span class="vip">[5:12 PM] Dawn: "Death is only a state of being"
[5:12 PM] Dawn: "It's not as if he were ripped asunder or his soul destroyed"</span>
[5:12 PM] Xenquility: "-said the necrophiliac"
<span class="vip">[5:12 PM] Dawn: "Sometimes you just gotta have a cold one"</span>
[5:13 PM] Xenquility: "isn't there a parallelos filled with dead people"
[5:13 PM] Xenquility: "or did the LC retcon that"
[5:13 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
[5:13 PM] Xenquility: "get proven wrong about that"
<span class="vip">[5:13 PM] Dawn: "I don't like travelling those places"
[5:13 PM] Dawn: "They make me feel odd"</span>
[5:13 PM] nfreak141: "to other parallelos?"
<span class="vip">[5:13 PM] Dawn: "And sometimes I get attacked by bearded men with swords"
[5:13 PM] Dawn: "I have my book, and I have the light of Helios"
[5:13 PM] Dawn: "All I need"</span>
[5:14 PM] Xenquility: "what's in that book anyways"
[5:14 PM] Pako: you're gonna find tyler?"
[5:14 PM] nfreak141: "so much has happeend. remind me why dawn having his powers back is a good thing? heheh"
<span class="vip">[5:14 PM] Dawn: "I'm not actually going to look for Tyler. I'm lazy."</span>
[5:14 PM] Pako: damn"
<span class="vip">[5:14 PM] Dawn: "Also, the book consists of my holy texts and writings."
[5:14 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I'll give you a glance"
[5:14 PM] Dawn: "But it's something I'd have to think on"
[5:16 PM] Dawn: "Anyhow, all of your small suggestions and pointers have really helped me out"
[5:16 PM] Dawn: "If there's anything I can do to assist you all, let me know."
[5:16 PM] Dawn: "That being said, I can't promise much"
[5:17 PM] Dawn: "Namely you may ask something of me that would take me quite a while to perform; at which point my help would no longer be neccisary"
[5:17 PM] Dawn: "Or maybe you'd ask me to do something that goes against the gospel of Helios"
[5:17 PM] Dawn: "But I'm sure when the time comes, you'll be able to think of something you'll definitely need my help for"
[5:17 PM] Dawn: "That's how I'll repay my debt for the help"</span>
[5:17 PM] Pako: try to fight against the lc"
[5:18 PM] Xenquility: "awesome thank ya"
[5:18 PM] Xenquility: "is there some sort of Dawn bat signal we can use"
<span class="vip">[5:18 PM] Dawn: "Yeah"
[5:18 PM] Dawn: "@The Sun"</span>
[5:18 PM] Xenquility: "wow that's not as epic"
<span class="vip">[5:19 PM] Dawn: "Look, Batman should have a batphone"</span>
[5:19 PM] Xenquility: "you'd think helios would splurge on some sort huge signal but I guess gods are just stingier than they used to be"
<span class="vip">[5:19 PM] Dawn: "I mean"</span>
[5:19 PM] Xenquility: "just kidding all praise helios please don't hurt me"
<span class="vip">[5:19 PM] Dawn: "You can perform a ritual to give me a message"
[5:19 PM] Dawn: "It's just easier to ping me"
[5:19 PM] Dawn: "I can teach you said ritual"</span>
[5:19 PM] Pako: bloodsunritualpt1"
[5:19 PM] Xenquility: "fuck yes let's hear it"
<span class="vip">[5:19 PM] Dawn: "Give me a second"
[5:20 PM] Dawn: "Alright, the ritual requires:"
[5:20 PM] Dawn: "A small pearl that is both easily crushable and non-toxic"
[5:20 PM] Dawn: "Wine mixed with honey"
[5:20 PM] Dawn: "A goblet"
[5:20 PM] Dawn: "A copper wire"
[5:21 PM] Dawn: "Crush the small pearl into a fine powder, and mix in in the drink, while whispering the message you wish to send me in latin"
[5:21 PM] Dawn: "Make sure the wine is in a fine, metal goblet, so as to resonate with the words spoken"
[5:22 PM] Dawn: "Drink of the mixture, and hold the copper wire with both hands, while whispering the message"
[5:22 PM] Dawn: "You must do this outdoors. Any stonework more than 1 inch thick will block the message."</span>
[5:22 PM] nfreak141: "yeh fuck that i'm pinging you"
<span class="vip">[5:23 PM] Dawn: "If I may be outdoors at that point, I will recieve said message."
[5:23 PM] Dawn: "I must also not be travelling the realms"
[5:23 PM] Dawn: "We must be on the same realm"
[5:23 PM] Dawn: "If all of that is done correctly, I should recieve your message"</span>
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "sounds easy enough"
[5:23 PM] Xenquility: "does the amount of wine or honey matter"
<span class="vip">[5:24 PM] Dawn: "No; I reccomend more so you're not drinking straight pearl though"</span>
[5:24 PM] Xenquility: "So after whispering the message in latin while mixing the drink, do you then drink it, hold the copper wire, and whisper it again in english?"
<span class="vip">[5:25 PM] Dawn: "You don't have to whisper the second time, you can just speak as normal"</span>
[5:25 PM] nfreak141: "how do you say "ayyo dawn you gotta come here this shit be getting wack" in latin?"
<span class="vip">[5:25 PM] Dawn: "Technically it doesn't have to be english; it's just that if you speak spanish I would hear it in spanish"</span>
[5:26 PM] Xenquility: "sounds easy enough"
<span class="vip">[5:26 PM] Dawn: "I just said whisper the second time because if you're speaking aloud someone might think you're crazy"</span>
[5:28 PM] Xenquility: "is it to be recorded"
<span class="vip">[5:30 PM] Dawn: "I would reccomend just pinging me"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn confirms that he has retrieved his holy book.
Dawn wasn't aware that he was being attacked by Greth - he claims he was pulled into some strange realm while being attacked by a force he didn't recognize.
Dawn says he'll assist the players if they ever require his help - as long as it doesn't go against his religious code regarding Helios.
<h2>September 1st, 2020</h2>
At 6:40 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[6:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My my."</span>
[6:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh. hey bup"
[6:40 PM] Xenquility: "bongiorno"
[6:40 PM] Problematik: "Whatsupp asshole"
<span class="vip">[6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ok then goodbye"</span>
[6:41 PM] nfreak141: "bye bup"
[6:41 PM] Xenquility: "nice job"
[6:41 PM] Problematik: "Before you leave"
[6:41 PM] Problematik: "Wheres liam?"
<span class="vip">[6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Dead."</span>
[6:41 PM] Problematik: "Like my dad?"
<span class="vip">[6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Deader."</span>
[6:42 PM] Problematik: "Oh shit"
[6:42 PM] Problematik: "K now you can leave, unless xen have something to say"
[6:42 PM] nfreak141: "wait bup i have a question."
[6:42 PM] nfreak141: "how can one be deader than dead?"
<span class="vip">[6:43 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "In many ways."</span>
[6:43 PM] Xenquility: "is deader than dead like getting killed in the dead parallelos"
[6:43 PM] nfreak141: "Yeah if you don't mind we need to talk about this one."
[6:43 PM] Xenquility: "or ascending and then getting killed by someone in the ascended parallelos"
[6:43 PM] Problematik: "Can we get our friend back?"
<span class="vip">[6:43 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."</span>
[6:43 PM] nfreak141: "Like can someone die after they get killed?"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."</span>
[6:44 PM] nfreak141: "ok but like"
[6:44 PM] Problematik: "You kill him and then you kill his ghost?"
[6:44 PM] nfreak141: "explain this"
[6:44 PM] nfreak141: "...goddammit it's loading on my end"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I think that explains itself."</span>
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: "I mean we have people like john who died but are still kind of alive"
[6:44 PM] Xenquility: "or at least he was not sure about anymore"
<span class="vip">[6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "John is not alive."
[6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "John is dead."</span>
[6:45 PM] Problematik: "Oh god"
[6:45 PM] Xenquility: "roll credits"
[6:45 PM] nfreak141: "How dead we talkng?"
[6:45 PM] nfreak141: "Deader then dead or just regular dead?"
<span class="vip">[6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The deadest, honestly."</span>
[6:45 PM] Xenquility: "I just mean in the sense he was able to communicate somewhat"
[6:45 PM] Problematik: "Did you killed liam's ghost?"
[6:45 PM] nfreak141: "Ok so like how many levels of dead are there?"
<span class="vip">[6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Deader than me."</span>
[6:45 PM] Pako: "he ascended?"
<span class="vip">[6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And I'm all kinds of dead."</span>
[6:46 PM] nfreak141: "Bad day at the office?"
<span class="vip">[6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, i killed myself."</span>
[6:46 PM] Problematik: "Why?"
[6:46 PM] Xenquility: "did you kill greth"
[6:46 PM] Xenquility: "or"
[6:46 PM] Xenquility: "a greth"
[6:46 PM] nfreak141: "Wait were you the one that tried to fight Dawn"
<span class="vip">[6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because it was the smart thing to do."
[6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just told you, I killed me me."</span>
[6:46 PM] Pako: "Bup did you leave tyler's house?"
<span class="vip">[6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not meme, because I know that's coming."</span>
[6:47 PM] nfreak141: "Dammit"
<span class="vip">[6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I committed suicide."
[6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But it let me do this."</span>
[6:47 PM] Pako: "lol"
[6:47 PM] Problematik: "Only cowards do suicide"
[6:47 PM] nfreak141: "Wait, who's it?"
[6:47 PM] Xenquility: "oh god"
[6:47 PM] Xenquility: "what's he about to do"
<span class="vip">[6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nothing."
[6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I meant what I've been doing since we've met."</span>
[6:47 PM] Problematik: "You are a coward for killing yourself"
[6:47 PM] Xenquility: "ah ok"
[6:47 PM] Pako: "how are you talking now with us if you're dead?"
[6:47 PM] Xenquility: "did you ascend yourself"
[6:48 PM] Xenquility: "or literally just die"
[6:48 PM] Problematik: "Instead of facing your problems"
<span class="vip">[6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I had no problems to face."
[6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I killed myself to gain power."</span>
[6:48 PM] Problematik: "You decided the easy way"
<span class="vip">[6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You're vastly misunderstanding."</span>
[6:48 PM] nfreak141: "Oh yeah that makes sense"
[6:49 PM] Problematik: "Yeh maybe"
[6:49 PM] Pako: "Ok so you got more power than before?"
[6:49 PM] nfreak141: "See Problem he wasn't a coward he got more powerful liek the BALLSIEST way he could."
[6:49 PM] nfreak141: "So how'd you off yourself? Like how painful we talking?"
[6:49 PM] Xenquility: "the real question is what if he killed himself to enter the reapers game :thinking:"
[6:49 PM] Problematik: "To gain more power he can just drink water or do exercise"
[6:49 PM] nfreak141: "Strangulation, OD, gun to the head, stab wound?"
[6:50 PM] Xenquility: "electrocution is the best way to go"
[6:50 PM] Xenquility: "or drowning"
[6:50 PM] Problematik: "Toaster as a bath bomb"
[6:50 PM] nfreak141: "That would be.......... shocking"
[6:50 PM] nfreak141: ":sunglasses:"
[6:50 PM] Pako: ":blank:"
[6:50 PM] Xenquility: "you're banned"
<span class="vip">[6:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not my job to explain death to you, you know."</span>
[6:50 PM] nfreak141: "no"
[6:51 PM] nfreak141: "But could you do it from one pal to another?"
[6:51 PM] nfreak141: "Puh lease?"
[6:51 PM] Pako: "an0theR"
[6:51 PM] Problematik: "Probably you can explain why my dad left me"
<span class="vip">[6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You kill yourself, and you die."
[6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What happens after that is up to you."</span>
[6:51 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait whats happening in here?"
<span class="vip">[6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If you're smart, like me, you use it."</span>
[6:51 PM] ADULT_LINK: "someone dying?"
[6:52 PM] Xenquility: "oh yeah of course just "use death""
[6:52 PM] Problematik: "Nah, just talking with a ghost"
<span class="vip">[6:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean, you all act as if this is some shocking suggestion."
[6:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How long has ritual suicide and sacrifice been a part of human culture, exactly?"</span>
[6:52 PM] Problematik: "Bup, do you drink liquor like greth?"
<span class="vip">[6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Did you all just assume those people were dumber than you because you live in a different time period?"
[6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or did they actually know exactly what they were doing?"
[6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Dawn's got nothing on me."</span>
[6:54 PM] Pako: "damn that's not good"
[6:54 PM] Problematik: "Dawn is gonna beat you"
<span class="vip">[6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why would he?"</span>
[6:54 PM] Problematik: "Sorry not sorry"
[6:54 PM] Problematik: "Bc you bad guy"
[6:54 PM] Problematik: "He good guy"
<span class="vip">[6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haha, okay."</span>
[6:54 PM] Xenquility: "idk TheLaw died to frogs"
[6:54 PM] Pako: "so why you had a sword fight with him?"
<span class="vip">[6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Did I?"</span>
[6:55 PM] Pako: "you aren't the guy of johnisdead video?"
[6:55 PM] Xenquility: "was that patrem possessed greth"
[6:56 PM] Problematik: "What do you know about jacob and vincent?"
[6:56 PM] Pako: "this guy is not bup?"
[6:57 PM] Problematik: "Well, this guy dont want to answer more"
<span class="vip">[6:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I don't have a body."
[6:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not sure how I could duel in a sword fight."</span>
[6:58 PM] Pako: "so, if you're not that guy you know who is?"
[6:58 PM] Problematik: "You didnt answer my question about jacob and vincent"
<span class="vip">[7:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why?"
[7:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What do I have to do with Vincent?"</span>
[7:00 PM] Pako: "lmao"
[7:01 PM] Xenquility: "How's Producer doin"
[7:01 PM] yoshi: "oh hey bup"
[7:01 PM] yoshi: "hows it goin"
[7:02 PM] Problematik: "Dont be good to the ghost"
[7:02 PM] Problematik: "He is rude"
<span class="vip">[7:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer is busy."</span>
[7:02 PM] Pako: "Producing"
[7:02 PM] yoshi: "if you need a body hmu, since you took my soul theres plenty of space for spookiness to take over"
<span class="vip">[7:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, I have my plans for you."</span>
[7:03 PM] yoshi: ":3DEyes:"
[7:03 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[7:04 PM] Problematik: "Kill a frog, pls"
[7:04 PM] yoshi: "no :("
[7:04 PM] Pako: "bloodmoonritualpt3"
[7:04 PM] Pako: "killing frogs"
[7:04 PM] Problematik: "YES"
[7:05 PM] yoshi: "kill frogs and i kill you"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: "Then A119"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: "Nuking the moon"
[7:05 PM] yoshi: "my frogs have killed once"
[7:05 PM] yoshi: "theyll kill again"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: "They are not your frogs"
[7:05 PM] Problematik: "Only murder frogs"
[7:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "why kill frogs D:"
<span class="vip">[7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The funnest part is fucking with you all, if I must be honest."</span>
[7:06 PM] Pako: "funny game"
[7:06 PM] Problematik: "You think you are fucking with us? In mexico we fuck you"
<span class="vip">[7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean in a roundabout I am both in and not in that video."
[7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I never lied."
[7:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but I could have literally said the opposite and it also be true."
[7:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and that's true."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP confirms that the player otherLiam is dead.
BUP claims that he himself is dead, and that he killed himself in order to attain more power in some sort of ritual suicide long ago.
BUP implies that perhaps he wasn't the one fighting Dawn in the video "halo.mp4".
At 7:58 PM, the player Lego1upMushroom posted a meme in the Internet Detectives Discord sever that read "<i>JOHN IS DEAD NO MORE DAY 5</i>". Shortly after this, BUP "pinged" the player and asked "<span class="canquote">What does this mean?</span>".
At 8:43 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and joined one of the voice chats and began making strange sounds. He then told the players "<span class="canquote">You're wasting my time</span>", followed by "<span class="canquote">how are you</span>".
At 9:18 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>FRACTION</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxzwgBxkbDU|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:21 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "FRACTION" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the "Astral Observatory" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:
<span class="vip">"Anc-"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "<span class="canquote">Anc-</span>" is shown.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:20 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SEGMENT</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qGCWXkqFkQ|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:22 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "SEGMENT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to a tree in Termina Field seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:
<span class="vip">"kCgh"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "<span class="canquote">kCgh</span>" is shown.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:21 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>SHARD</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1am0-ulCu8M|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:22 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "SHARD" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the rock formation in "Ikana Canyon" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:
<span class="vip">"C,Ea'"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "<span class="canquote">C,Ea'</span>" is shown.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:21 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>PIECE</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECXIvq9oGvw|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:23 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "PIECE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the tree at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:
<span class="vip">"cn@<-"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "<span class="canquote">cn@<-</span>" is shown.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:22 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>ANOTHER</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFpo_TOq5Is|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:24 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "ANOTHER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location on the trail to the "Mountain Village" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:
<span class="vip">"C&AT@"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "<span class="canquote">C&AT@</span>" is shown.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the bits of text discovered in the videos "FRACTION", "SEGMENT", "SHARD", "PIECE", and "ANOTHER" would create an Ascii85 cipher that translated to "<b>finalastralbarrier</b>".
At 9:29 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "<b>ENTER NOW</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEYIzHDvdzQ|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The title of this video was originally written in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/1/20 - 9:29 PM)}}
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/1/20 - "ENTER NOW" - YouTube (Wolfcat)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distortions similar to those found on previous videos on Wolfcat's channel and Astralobservatory.net. Footage of "Zora Link" walking through glitchy areas made up of sky in Majora's Mask can be seen. Morse code plays throughout the video that translates to the following:
<span class="vip">"GOOD JOB"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video shows footage of "Zora Link" walking through the sky in Majora's Mask.
Mason congratulates the players on their progress so far.
Mason claims he no longer wants to be dead weight and has retrieved the password to the Astral Observatory forums for the players - "<b>FLEETINGDREAM</b>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:00 PM, the players regained access to the Astral Observatory forums using the username "<b>finalastralbarrier</b>" and the password "<b>fleetingdream</b>".
At 10:07 PM, a new video was scheduled to premiere the next day on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>The Forerunners</b>".
<h2>September 2nd, 2020</h2>
At 1:13 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">also since the tags of the video said spire later</span>" sent by the player Scout.
At 1:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "<span class="canquote">just finished the video, dunno if you guys noticed the name changed to remember, and also tags are "spire, later"</span>" sent by the player Fancypigg.
At 3:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that title of the video "The Forerunners" had changed to "<b>The predecessors</b>".
At 7:07 AM, the player Pako discovered that the title of the video "The predecessors" had changed to "<b>DIEVORGÄNGER</b>".
At 10:10 PM, the premiere for the video "DIEVORGÄNGER" was removed from YouTube. However, it quickly went back online shortly after this - once again titled "<bThe Forerunners</b>".
At 10:10 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed to an image of Link outside of the "Astral Observatory" in Majora's Mask. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Screenshot_2020-09-03_The_Forerunners.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:24 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed slightly. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c2/Screenshot_2020-09-03_The_Forerunners1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:25 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed to an image of a device. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Screenshot_2020-09-03_The_Forerunners2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:49 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed back to an image of Link outside of the "Astral Observatory" in Majora's Mask.
At 11:00 PM, the video "<b>The Forerunners</b>" began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>The Forerunners</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldpT4bd4IG0|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/2/20 - "The Forerunners" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen entering the "Astral Observatory". The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead in a dark void. He turns around, shocked, and runs off into the void. The video then cuts to footage of a 3d forest environment. The camera pans down to the "Bremen Mask" sitting on the ground as the following text appears: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in a "Keyboard Shift" cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (8/2/20 - 11:37 PM)}}
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "You did it."
IsocelesAssassin: "You broke back in and scared that orange fuck off."
IsocelesAssassin: "He's spooked pretty hard right now so I doubt he'll give us any problems for the time being."
IsocelesAssassin: "Thank you for freeing me."
IsocelesAssassin: "I imagine there's a fair amount of confusion about what's going on right now."
IsocelesAssassin: "Let me say up front that the IA you know is safe and sound."
IsocelesAssassin: "He always was."
IsocelesAssassin: "GB is safe now too, thanks to you. As for me..."
IsocelesAssassin: "Well, my time ran out long ago. Here I'll show you our story."</span>
The video slowly fades to back. Footage of what appears to be a Janus room is shown. The Majora's Mask HUD is present, showing three hearts, zero rupees, the Ocarina of Time, and Helper's Hat. The pause menu from Majora's Mask suddenly appears. The cursor moves over a strange machine in the player's inventory titled:
<span class="vip">"Mason's Device"</span>
"Mason's Device" is equipped and the pause menu is closed. A 3d model of "Mason's Device" comes into view. The light on "Mason's Device" begins blinking in Morse code - Mason's method of communicating with IsocelesAssassin. Numbers also appear on "Mason's Device" throughout the video. {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Mason's dialogue in this video was originally in Morse code.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (9/3/20 - 3:31 AM)}}
<span class="vip2">Mason: "SOUND SOUND"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Sound? What sound?"</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "LEAVES"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Don't scare me like that."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "OK"</span>
IsocelesAssassin and Mason move past a large boat. The fishery comes into view. They procceed through the fishery as Mason recalls his time here.
IsocelesAssassin and Mason progress through the first building in the fishery before entering outside into a large courtyard area. Another large building is now visible.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "DONT DONT TURN AWAY BAD IDEA DONT"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Stop freaking out, we'll be fine. They should all be long gone by this point, right?"</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "STILL HERE DONT"</span>
IsocelesAssassin and Mason enter the building with a caved in roof. The video suddenly glitches and cuts ahead. The two are now on the other side of the caved in roof.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "HEAR THEM"</span>
The video stutters once again.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "SPEAK"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "What are you talking about? I don't hear anyone."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "YOU DONT HEAR I HEAR THEY SPEAK NOW"</span>
The two enter a small, dilapidated room on the side of the fishery. As they exit, the video glitches once again. The two are now seen walking down a corridor.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "THIS MAN COME HE GIVEN BRIEFCASE"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "A briefcase...? That sounds familiar."</span>
IsocelesAssassin and Mason step through the entrance to another building. The "Elegy of Emptiness" summoning sound effect is barely audible.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "OPENED IT"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "What was inside?"</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "MASK"</span>
<span class="vip2">IsocelesAssassin: "Only a mask? Nothing else?"</span>
IsocelesAssassin and Mason exit into a small area next to a stream. The video glitches once again. Thw two are now walking through a large open room in the fishery. Many drawings seen in past videos of the fishery are visible along the walls.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "FRIEND HERE"</span>
The video begins corrupting heavily. Doug can barely be seen walking through the entrance on the far side of the room. The numbers on "Mason's Device" change to text reading:
<span class="vip3">"DOUG"</span>
Doug begins chasing IsocelesAssassin and Mason. Mason's device blinks wildly.
<span class="vip2"> Mason: "DOUG DOUG DOUG RUN LEAVE RUN LOOK LOOK IA IA IA LOOK RUN"</span>
The two are chased back into the open courtyard. Doug can be seen chasing after them on all-fours. The two manage to escape out the same door they entered through. As they run through the woods, night suddenly changes to day. As they explore their surroundings, they realize that the fishery has disappeared.
Doug suddenly appears behind IsocelesAssassin and Mason and the two begin running once again. The video cuts to black before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason walking down the road towards the cellphone tower seen in various videos on the M YouTube channel.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "WHAT IS THAT"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "A radio tower. What did you think it was?"</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "A CELLPHONE TOWER"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Same thing."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "NO ITS NOT WHY ARE WE HERE"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "There's something I need to check up on. A device I was asked to leave here."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "YOU MEAN BY MY OTHER"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Yup. I had to climb that whole thing."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "WHAT IS IT"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Ironic, having the very person who had me place said device is asking what it's for."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "SMARTASS"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "It's a transmission device capable of communicating with others from seperate timelines."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "YOURE SAYING I BUILT THIS"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "With some help, yeah."</span>
<span class="vip2">Mason: "WOW IM SMART"</span>
The video cuts to black once again before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason spying on the Spire from some bushes. The two appear to be observing the backside of the Spire. Several figures can be seen moving about.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "I DONT LIKE THIS PLACE MANY VOICES I HEAR MANY BELOW"</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin: "Don't worry, we won't be here long. I just wanted to pinpoint its location."</span>
The video cuts to black again before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason walking through a dark forest at night.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "I FEEL SOMETHING"</span>
IsocelesAssassin and Mason are suddenly attacked by Regiminis. The two run through the forest before the video cuts to black. IsocelesAssassin can be heard screaming. Footage of "Mason's Device" lying on the ground is shown.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "IA IA WAKE"</span>
The video cuts to black before showing the same location, now during the day. Helper can be heard approaching IsocelesAssassin's corpse and retrieving his hat.
<span class="vip2">Mason: "IS SOMEONE THERE HELP DONT GO"</span>
The video cuts out once again. It's once again night. A silhouette of "Zora Link" can be seen fading in and out over "Mason's Device". The video cuts once more. It's now twilight. Zora Link is now in the location of "Mason's Device". He stands up and the video cuts to black. Real life footage of Mason outside of the Spire is shown. He looks around the parking lot before running towards what appears to be an archway going through the building. Mason ducks down and places his device next to the wall. Some strange sounds can be heard coming from inside the building. Mason observes the countdown as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video details Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin's adventures together.
Pumpkinhead is seen running away, confirming that the players have bested him and scared him off.
IsocelesAssassin confirms that the alive version of himself that the players are familiar with is safe. He also confirms that GHOSTBABEL is safe as well.
IsocelesAssassin is seen exploring the fishery. Mason speaks to him through the device his soul had been captured in by blinking a light in Morse code. This conversation was already partially documented on one of the pages found in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
IsocelesAssassin is surprised to hear that the briefcase given to SKM contained only a gas mask, implying that in the timeline he is currently experiencing, SKM was not given the Libro Lunarus.
IsocelesAssassin and Mason flee the fishery as they are attacked by Doug.
IsocelesAssassin and Mason approach the cellphone tower seen in past videos.
IsocelesAssassin tells Mason that he needs to check up on some sort of device he was asked to leave at the cellphone tower - likely the one seen in the video "IMG_4622" with the note from "The Gray Man", which he had written himself when he left it there originally.
IsocelesAssassin claims that the device at the radio tower is a transmission device that allows for communication between timelines. Furthermore, he claims that Mason himself built the device, implying that it was created by an alternate timeline version of Mason who is a member of the "Hacker Group" working alongside IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL.
IsocelesAssassin and Mason spy on the Spire. Several figures can be seen walking around outside.
IsocelesAssassin and Mason are attacked by Regiminis. While the version of IsocelesAssassin the players are familiar with managed to escape, this version of IsocelesAssassin was killed.
Helper can be heard approaching IsocelesAssassin's corpse and presumably retrieving his hat.
As mentioned by Mason on several pages in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net, Mason eventually managed to form an ephemeral body of sorts around his device.
Mason can be seen charging The Spire and setting a timer on his device, implyingg that Mason was responsible for the destruction of The Spire in 2016 by blowing it up with the device his soul was housed in.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:21 PM, Pumpkinhead's "status" on Discord was changed to an emoji of a hole. Shortly after this, everyone in the Internet Detectives Discord server whose name changed to the color orange was reverted back to normal.
At 11:24 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">How many layers of dead is Mason? :hmmm:</span>".
At 11:37 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an emoji of the player CircleHunter.
<h2>September 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 12:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Moonman had become active on the Astral Observatory forums once again and was posting in the thread "Regrouping".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 19th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "<i>"When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 25th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 29th, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 30th, 2020</span>
Xenquility 9:37 AM: "Damn good to hear from you again man. Scared us back there with all the oh-god-orange-guy-is-back-and-fucking-us-in-the-ass-again stuff. How've things been going over there? Heard you're working with some of those new fangled computer wiz's. No clue why this Wolfcat is just a "dream" though I think IA said a few times he doesn't think it was our Wolfcat that's being used as a mask. Going to guess based on the Wolfcat saying that the orange guy made a deal with the "Trickster" followed by orange guys mentioned of dealing with "The Father" (As well as the orange guy saying he had an agreement with the "Dark One" in the SIEGUNSERE video) that he made some sort of deal with Tenebris. Any idea what "His hunger has been sated." means? I guess it could just be Tenebris but I'm guessing it's referring to someone who feeds off of us using Luna's power. And I'm guessing based on the 04/13/2020 that the Wolfcat has somehow escaped, and that the following post is referencing Yuuki? Orange man also mentioned Yuuki somehow meddling in the SIEGUNSERE video which I would presume is referencing this."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 1st, 2020</span>
Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Anybody Home?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 2nd, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">moonman31 11:32 PM: "Yo what's up"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman simply greets the players.
At 8:15 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">/</span>".
At 8:15 PM, Vincent's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">stagnation</span>".
At 8:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>stagnation</b>". This page was titled "<b>forest</b>" and contained the "<b>Stagnation</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/3/20 - "Stagnation" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This Janus room is a large, green forest area with distorted textures. This is the same Janus room sen in the video "Time to Rest Now". At the cneter of this map is a massive tree with a green person stuck in the trunk.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room is the same one seen in the video "Time To Rest Now" - a large green forest.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>homet.mp3</b> - An audio track. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d2/Homet.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
The full model of the green man found in the tree: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/14/Treevincent.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 8:17 PM, Stackoverflow became active in the "Stagnation" Janus room and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/3/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
bin: "hey"
Xenquility: "Well"
Xenquility: "Vincent has seen better days"
bin: "that's vincent?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Vincent sees better days now."</span>
Xenquility: "Why uh"
Xenquility: "Why is this here?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Why?"</span>
bin: "did you know him?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I heard him speak to me."
stackoverflow: "I led here."</span>
bin: "my connection to these worlds cut off. were you ever able to find your home?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No."</span>
bin: "i'm sorry to hear that."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I am too."</span>
Xenquility: "What did Vincent say to you?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Words of remembrance."</span>
bin: "You led here?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I was called here."</span>
Xenquility: "By what?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Him."</span>
bin: "Vincent?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "However,"
stackoverflow: "this is but a relic of day gone by."</span>
Xenquility: "Did he give a reason?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Yes."</span>
Xenquility: "What was it?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "remembrance."</span>
bin: "Could you tell us what of?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "He will tell you."</span>
Xenquility: "When?"
bin: "Problem say sto drink water by the way"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Noted."</span>
Xenquility: "Would you happen to know of what's happening with Vincent and Jacob?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "It is difficult to explain."</span>
bin: "And Yoshi says hi"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "The false god."</span>
bin: "Yes. She says hi."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Noted."</span>
Xenquility: "Any chance you could try to explain?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "He remembers."</span>
bin: "Ok, last dumb message. The rest of ID says hi. And Yoshi, the false god, actually feels bad for you and wants to help you."
Xenquility: "Are he and Jacob like, one in the same?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I was instructed to tell you that "remembrance" is of importance. "</span>
bin: "Ok, back to the topic at hand."
Xenquility: "ah"
Xenquility: "thank you for that"
Xenquility: "I shall be right back"
bin: "It's peaceful. Alot more peaceful than the other places we've been led"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "But it has a similar atmosphere."
stackoverflow: "No."</span>
bin: "was your home filled with trees?"
bin: "yeah?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "This place vaguely reminds me of home."
stackoverflow: "I agree."</span>
bin: "sorry i was kicked out for some reson"
bin: "didn't mean to leave you"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "You do not need to apologize."</span>
Xenquility: "Sorry I uh, missed most of what you said a bit ago"
Xenquility: "What about this place reminds you of your home?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "The feeling."
stackoverflow: "Calm."</span>
bin: "it just felt kinda rude is all."
Xenquility: "Hm"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "These places are very unstable. It is not rude."</span>
bin: "ok. glad we're still on good terms."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "You have tried to help me and I appreciate that from you."
stackoverflow: "You are not like the others."
stackoverflow: "Both of you."</span>
Xenquility: "It's our pleasure"
bin: "The other detectives?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "The ones who took us from our home."</span>
bin: "I may joke around as my character but I'm not gonna abandon someone who needs help"
yoshi: "hello"
Xenquility: "If you're referring to the rest of the detectives, I don't think they mean poorly"
Xenquility: "well I'm quite certain they dont"
Xenquility: "Is your home a place like this?"
bin: "Alot of them like to joke around, but they're not bad people. Not by a long shot."
Xenquility: "A "realm" we can access?"
bin: "yoshi come to the big tree in the middle"
yoshi: "im headed there already"
bin: "kk"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "My home is a place like this. Though I do not know if it is possible to return at this point."</span>
bin: "zant?"
bin: "Heh, she went from "false god" to acolyte of false god"
yoshi: "hey friend"
Xenquility: "Do you think there's a chance of finding a new home?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "For now I might stay here."
stackoverflow: "I feel comforted for the first time in years."</span>
bin: "Do you think there's a chance that that Luna shard prick might find you here?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "what?"
stackoverflow: "I do not know."</span>
bin: "You think there's a possibility they could find you here?"
bin: "That being that chased you from the various places you tried to stay."
bin: "Sorry If bringing that up gives any bad vibes. I'm just... thinking of every possibility, is all."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I have not been followed in a long time as far as I know."</span>
bin: "Good"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Do not apologize it is a valid question."</span>
Xenquility: "Does the name "Mason" ring any bells to you"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No."
stackoverflow: "It has been so long."
stackoverflow: "I cannot even remember my brothers' names."</span>
Xenquility: "Brother?"
Xenquility: "Does "Sam" ring any bells?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No."</span>
Xenquility: "Matt?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I was not alone when we were taken from our home."
stackoverflow: "No."</span>
Xenquility: "uh"
Xenquility: "Jeremyt?"
Xenquility: "*Jeremy"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "My brothers are not involved in your quest."</span>
bin: "what happeend to them?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "We were separated. "
stackoverflow: "Or they were taken."
stackoverflow: "Or killed."
stackoverflow: "I do not know the fate of my brothers."</span>
Xenquility: "does "979" ring any bells"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "No."</span>
Xenquility: "Yoshi would you happen to recall any other wh projects"
yoshi: "nothing i can think of specifically"
bin: "yeah uh yoshi... how?"
yoshi: "just general original wh stuff like wayward horizon"
Xenquility: "You can place blocks"
Xenquility: "In the top right menu"
Xenquility: "with the three bars"
yoshi: "wow way to spoil it, xen"
Xenquility: "Click on it, go to windows, then object management"
yoshi: "now hes gonna call me a false god again :("
bin: "i mean you kinda are"
yoshi: "hush"
Xenquility: "One sec"
Xenquility: "got an idea"
bin: "and i pretend to be BEN with a lisp. so really i don't get to judge."
Xenquility: "Isn't there a within hubris fan project wiki"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "False god."</span>
yoshi: "see, told you he would"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Do you know where my brothers are?"</span>
yoshi: "i do not, though if i knew their names maybe itd sound familiar enough"
yoshi: "im only knowledgeable on stuff from nearly a decade ago"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "When you revealed you are faking being a god."</span>
PaKo: "Hello"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "My brothers were there."
stackoverflow: "In the dungeon."</span>
bin: "deadone?"
Xenquility: ""dead"?"
bin: "Dawn is one of your brothers?"
Xenquility: ""Dead" freaked out at the name "John""
yoshi: "i doubt its dawn"
bin: "let a bruthuh ask aight?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Dawn is not my brother."</span>
yoshi: "probably "dead", who is def upset at the name john"
yoshi: "wasnt there more than one "dead" user though?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Unless my memory is foggy."
stackoverflow: "but I do not think he is my brother."</span>
yoshi: "the only other person i recall was the one named "dead""
Xenquility: "Yeah"
Xenquility: "He was talking about "Burning flesh" and "melting bones""
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I remember one of them."</span>
Xenquility: "Fascie might have been there"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "This place is changing my ability to remember."</span>
Xenquility: "and someone named "iheways_3189""
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Halicord"</span>
Xenquility: "but I don't know if that was a player or not"
Xenquility: "HALICORD"
Xenquility: "yeah"
yoshi: "oh YEAH thats right"
yoshi: "he was at the spire"
yoshi: "with you"
yoshi: "right?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "But not for long."</span>
bin: "There was this one dude who was a huge whale."
yoshi: "bin thats mean dont talk about people like that /s"
yoshi: "but yeah i remember halicord now"
bin: "He was l i t e r a l l y a flying whale bruh"
yoshi: "(i know its a joke shhh)"
bin: "look at me"
Xenquility: "I uh"
Xenquility: "don't know if Halicord is alright"
bin: "wait not you stack haha. i was talking to yoshi."
Xenquility: "the last records we have of him talking"
Xenquility: "he was saying that the large one who invaded the spire"
Xenquility: "was removing his essence"
bin: "ur nto funny yoshi."
bin: "that is all"
Xenquility: "but I do not think he's dead"
Xenquility: "as I'm almost certain we saw him after that"
yoshi: "maybe he was just separated"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Can you find rememberance of my two other brothers?"</span>
Xenquility: "Just a moment or two"
Xenquility: "I'll try"
yoshi: "i recall fascie being there too but...i doubt hes one of them"
Xenquility: "Does "Dead" ring any bells?"
Xenquility: "At all>"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "slightly. but I do not remember enough."</span>
yoshi: "he looked...to be in pretty bad shape"
Xenquility: "Prominence?"
Xenquility: "Do you remember that name?"
yoshi: "i guess we can just"
yoshi: "go into the tree. ok"
PaKo: "lmao"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Prominence was not my brother."</span>
bin: "stack got bored lmao"
Xenquility: "Ive got more places to check"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I appreciate your efforts. "</span>
Xenquility: "Malign?"
Xenquility: "Does that ring any bells"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "It does. But I cannot remember well enough."</span>
Xenquility: "Would his messages help you remember?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "But I should say"
stackoverflow: "This is a place that creates a sense of peace I have not felt since I was last in my home many years ago."</span>
yoshi: "is it similar to your home?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Only in feeling."</span>
yoshi: "ah, okay"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "trapped_2575 is another of them."
stackoverflow: "slowly I am remembering."</span>
PaKo: "uhh"
bin: "that's good!"
Xenquility: "What about the guy called "Child""
PaKo: "Interesting"
bin: "maybe the peacefulness is what you needed to finally be able to get your thoughts together"
bin: "...i hate that i can't climb this tree >:("
PaKo: "haha"
PaKo: "why not"
PaKo: "i can"
bin: "wHy NoT i CaN"
bin: "thta's what you sound like"
yoshi: "oh no"
PaKo: "lmao"
yoshi: "where'd he go"
Xenquility: "Sorry for making you wait here"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "You have helped me greatly on this day, detectives."
stackoverflow: "I now remember my brothers."</span>
Xenquility: "wait"
Xenquility: "What about some guy called "lost99""
Jos: "Everything feels so, closed.."
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "You have helped me remember all of my brothers. "
stackoverflow: "There were 3 including myself."</span>
Xenquility: "OH I thought there were three others"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I did too for moments."</span>
Xenquility: "And uh"
Xenquility: "I'm not too sure as to whether or not this place abides by the same logic as what it's based on"
Jos: Stop holding me here"
Xenquility: "but from what we've been told stagnating here isn't particularily the best idea"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "This is but an image of a time passed."</span>
Jos: its me"
Xenquility: "Are these places like"
Xenquility: "Parallelos of time or something?"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Can you explain to me with certainty what your world is?"</span>
yoshi: "he has you there"
Xenquility: "Not exactly"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "Neither can I."</span>
bin: "well i mean there's space, there's time, probably not a parallelos"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I would assume, travelers as you are, understand more about these places."</span>
Xenquility: "Being on johnisdead.com I would imagine they're somelike like a "portal""
Xenquility: "or a place to "store" souls"
Xenquility: "But I'm not sure if "portals" are supposed to be uh"
Xenquility: ""visitable""
Xenquility: "Well actuall;y"
Xenquility: "This comes from the lunar children website"
Xenquility: "never noticed this before but"
Xenquility: "```There are also future plans among our elder children to produce more personalized constructs within our portals for further comfort for the newly ascended.```"
Jose: "bin_7665I'm so alone on these infinite halls, i shouldnt have done more than i've asked for"
Xenquility: "wait"
PaKo: "Jose"
Xenquility: "jose"
Xenquility: "what the fuck"
Xenquility: "JOES"
PaKo: "wtf"
Xenquility: "JOSE"
PaKo: "JOSE"
yoshi: "wait what?"
Xenquility: "JOSE"
yoshi: "uh"
Xenquility: "THE ARCHIVES GUY"
Xenquility: "AY JOSE"
yoshi: "hey jose u good"
PaKo: "EpIc"
PaKo: "bin_7665yugi?"
Jose: "bin_7665I am, trapped"
PaKo: "where"
Xenquility: "Wait is he in the tree"
PaKo: "sure?"
PaKo: "hello jose"
Xenquility: "or is he "trapped" as in he is trapped the guy from the janus rooms"
PaKo: "bin_7665where are you?"
Xenquility: "Jose"
PaKo: "Are you the Archives guy, Jose?"
Xenquility: "Go through that portal if you can"
PaKo: "I'm with him"
Xenquility: "pako try and get him back out"
PaKo: "Come into the inside of the tree"
Xenquility: "like put a portal down for the website"
Jose: "bin_7665I was, what i am more than a collection of thoughts that represents what i once was?"
PaKo: "how)"
Xenquility: "(Hmm where did Jos go :thinking:)"
PaKo: "hmm"
Jose: "bin_7665I feel trapped here, i cannot find the exit, I tried to hard, i broke everything"
PaKo: "is he trolling us"
yoshi: "jos was here at the same time as jose too"
Xenquility: "I honestly do not know"
Xenquility: "but always assume canon "
yoshi: "oh"
Jose: "bin_7665He is here"
PaKo: "DOUG"
Jose: "bin_7665Run "
PaKo: "bin_7665oh no"
Xenquility: "pako"
Xenquility: "pako"
Jose: "bin_7665Please"
Xenquility: "uh"
<span class="vip">stackoverflow: "I must leave and frind my brothers"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Stackoverflow claims he was called to the "Stagnation" Janus room by "Vincent", who he claims is the green-colored man stuck in the base of the tree - though this "Vincent" is simply a "<span class="canquote">relic of day gone by</span>" - not the actual person.
Stackoverflow claims that he was instructed by "Vincent" to tell the playerrs that "<b>Remembrance</b>" is important.
Stackoverflow begins to warm up to the players, apppreciating their efforts in attempting to find his home. He is also comforted by the "Stagnation" Janus room, claiming that it reminds him of home.
Stackoverflow remembers the identity of his brothers - "<b>Halicord</b>" and "<b>trapped_2575</b>" - the two entities that were present in the "Under" Janus room and whose models could be seen in the "Sun Tower" Janus room.
Stackoverflow departs in an attempt to find his brothers once again.
At 8:31 PM, the player Xenquility discoverd a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>remembrance</b>". This page was titled "<b>eDoi_e-RFeA&ab</b>" and contained the image "<b>vin.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3d/Vin.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>the_morning.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6c/The_morning.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:27 PM, Doug joined the "Stagnation" Janus room. Much like in his previous appearance in the "Spire" Janus room, Doug appeared as a large "Re-dead" who crawled around on all-fours. Doug rapidly and wildly ran around the map for a short time before dieappearing. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/Stagdoug.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the title of the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/remembrance</nowiki></span>" was a part of a YouTube link to an unseen video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel uploaded on December 18th, 2014 - "<b>1: what's up</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDoi_e-RFeA&ab|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/3/20 - "1: what's up" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
Jacob is seen sitting in his room. Some music is playing in the background. He begins speaking:
<span class="vip">Jacob: "Hello. I'm kinda new to this... this whole YouTube thing. Well... Yeah, whatever. This channel is kinda just for... just for me to keep track of stuff. I'm starting a thing - I'm going to be depriving myself of sleep, for- for the sake of... creativity. You know, if you've ever stayed awake for, like, three days, it starts to get weird. So yeah, this is night one. It is... 11:51. I woke up at 5 in the morning today. Um... So yeah, that's it. I'm gonna update... As much as I can at points that seem relevant to what I'm doing, and... yeah, so, that's it."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is an introduction video created by Jacob.
Jacob claims he is going to begin some sort of sleep deprivation experiments to inspire some creativity in his music.
This video confirms that <b>Vincent</b> is Tyler's missing friend <b>Jacob</b>.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">hope to get more creative if im super tired. for the sake of the music.</span>"
Tags: N/A
<h2>September 5th, 2020</h2>
At 8:05 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 9th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 12th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "<i>"Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "<nowiki>https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298</nowiki>"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 13th, 2020</span>
<i>TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>"Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "<i>OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "<i>"At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/</nowiki>"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 14th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "<i>"(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 19th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "<i>"Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "<i>"When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 25th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 29th, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">May 30th, 2020</span>
<i>Xenquility 9:37 AM: "Damn good to hear from you again man. Scared us back there with all the oh-god-orange-guy-is-back-and-fucking-us-in-the-ass-again stuff. How've things been going over there? Heard you're working with some of those new fangled computer wiz's. No clue why this Wolfcat is just a "dream" though I think IA said a few times he doesn't think it was our Wolfcat that's being used as a mask. Going to guess based on the Wolfcat saying that the orange guy made a deal with the "Trickster" followed by orange guys mentioned of dealing with "The Father" (As well as the orange guy saying he had an agreement with the "Dark One" in the SIEGUNSERE video) that he made some sort of deal with Tenebris. Any idea what "His hunger has been sated." means? I guess it could just be Tenebris but I'm guessing it's referring to someone who feeds off of us using Luna's power. And I'm guessing based on the 04/13/2020 that the Wolfcat has somehow escaped, and that the following post is referencing Yuuki? Orange man also mentioned Yuuki somehow meddling in the SIEGUNSERE video which I would presume is referencing this."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 1st, 2020</span>
<i>Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Anybody Home?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 2nd, 2020</span>
<i>moonman31 11:32 PM: "Yo what's up"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 3rd, 2020</span>
Xenquility 12:32 AM: "HOMIE how are you doin"
Rainer 12:35 AM: "hey gamers"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">September 5th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">moonman31 8:05 PM: "<i>"HOMIE how are you doin"</i> i'm chill tbh"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman informs the players that he is "<span class="canquote">chill</span>".
<h2>September 7th, 2020</h2>
At 9:49 PM, Moonman became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/7/20 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[6:47 PM] Pako: "btw where is Pursan?"
[8:00 PM] Basil: "who??"
<span class="vip">[9:49 PM] moonman31: "who??"</span>
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "whom"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] moonman31: "whomst"</span>
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "whomstve"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Whoms"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "hoo"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "In commemoration"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "<nowiki>https://youtu.be/_hI0qMtdfng</nowiki>"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] moonman31: "a classic"</span>
[9:56 PM] Dense: "damn"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] moonman31: "hey its dense"
[9:56 PM] moonman31: "whats up"</span>
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "so what is up gamers"
[9:56 PM] Dense: "hey pal"
[9:56 PM] Dense: ":handshake:"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] moonman31: ":mac:"</span>
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to meet you for once!"
[9:58 PM] Dense: "wow Haou never met moon"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "haou gets mooned"
[9:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "o/ sup"
[9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nope. I've been lurking for years yall"
<span class="vip">[10:09 PM] moonman31: "moontime"</span>
[10:10 PM] yoshi: ":moonthink:"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] moonman31: "@IIFan2001"
[10:11 PM] moonman31: "the quiet one"
[10:11 PM] moonman31: "only the forbidden will ever get this one to say a word"
[10:11 PM] moonman31: "shared my reacc tho"</span>
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "hes shy"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] moonman31: "also damn what the heck is up y'all"
[10:12 PM] moonman31: "I feel like for a while I was driving the bus and you were all touring so to speak"
[10:12 PM] moonman31: "y'all have been driving lately and im like woah wtf are y'all even doing anymore"
[10:13 PM] moonman31: "up to some important shit i can see but you've surpassed the point of me being useful i feel"</span>
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "quite frankly i have no idea what i am doing 99% of the time here"
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "same lol"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "its mostly xen doing shit at this point"
<span class="vip">[10:14 PM] moonman31: "@Xenquility"</span>
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "@Xenquility hey wake up"
<span class="vip">[10:14 PM] moonman31: "apparently you are the guy now"</span>
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "wow same wavelength"
<span class="vip">[10:14 PM] moonman31: "true tho"
[10:15 PM] moonman31: "i mean in my experience with these spooky shenanigans"
[10:15 PM] moonman31: "there is always a 'guy' that leads the pack"
[10:15 PM] moonman31: "it was me once"</span>
[10:15 PM] Dense: "true"
<span class="vip">[10:15 PM] moonman31: "im not getting into anything specific here just making convo"
[10:15 PM] moonman31: "honestly what the fuck is even happening anymore, as mentioned im lost now"
[10:15 PM] moonman31: "IA has basically cut contact"</span>
[10:16 PM] yoshi: "@Xenquility hey xen. hey. wake up. hey."
<span class="vip">[10:16 PM] moonman31: "eh leave im alone"
[10:16 PM] moonman31: "he's probably fapping or eating or somethin"</span>
[10:16 PM] yoshi: "fair"
[10:16 PM] Dense: "both"
[10:16 PM] Problematik: "I hate mvm pubs"
[10:17 PM] yoshi: "but also pinging people 30 times in a row can also be funny"
[10:17 PM] Problematik: "And also i hate myself"
[10:17 PM] yoshi: "thats lovely problem thank you for the input"
[10:17 PM] Dense: "nice"
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Your welcome"
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Bitch"
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Oh shit wrong girl"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "damn am i being owned right now"
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "I just confused girls"
[10:19 PM] Dense: "lmao"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "You are the froggy memeimg friend"
[10:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "damn, you cant tell the difference between 2 girls"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Both have vagina"
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "also IA probably vanished due to pumpkin related wackiness"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] moonman31: "damn wtf problematik"
[10:20 PM] moonman31: "oh wait"
[10:20 PM] moonman31: "i get it now"</span>
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes problematic"
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
[10:22 PM] Problematik: "No"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "h a"
[10:24 PM] yoshi: "im FUNNY"
<span class="vip">[10:25 PM] moonman31: "i mean"
[10:25 PM] moonman31: "thats the joke i was implying"</span>
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "he loves that joke"
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "you should make it all the time"
<span class="vip">[10:30 PM] moonman31: "oh ok"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman greets the players after being absent for a while.
Moonman laments the fact that he now feels useless to the players despite being a leader of sorts in the past.
Moonman hasn't been keeping up with current events regarding the players' activities and is confused as to what's going on.
<h2>September 8th, 2020</h2>
At 10:53 PM, Kaiden Zoromichi joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/8/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "HOLY SHIt"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "oh jesus fuck"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "no"
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "woah"
<span class="vip">[10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."</span>
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "how's it going"
[10:53 PM] Dense: "oh shit"
<span class="vip">[10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What an exceptional set of introductions."</span>
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "hey dude"
[10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "sup"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry just didn't know you were alive"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "oh dear"
<span class="vip">[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, why wouldn't I be?"
[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "... Perhaps that was rude. It has been a while."</span>
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "Some guy named BUP seemed to hijack your last video"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "was a bit uh"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "worrying"
<span class="vip">[10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes, I was quite annoyed about that."
[10:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was told to post in here."</span>
[10:57 PM] Dense: "damn"
[10:57 PM] Dense: ":eggplant:"
[10:57 PM] money machine: "this is indeed the place to post"
[10:57 PM] money machine: ":eggplant:"
[10:57 PM] Pako: "post what?"
[10:58 PM] money machine: "eggplants"
<span class="vip">[10:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Why are you spamming that stupid emote?"</span>
[10:58 PM] money machine: "because you're eggplant role"
[10:58 PM] money machine: "look man i dont make the rules i just enforce them"
[10:58 PM] Basil: "lmao"
[10:59 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
<span class="vip">[10:59 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Sigh"</span>
[11:00 PM] yoshi: ":circumcision:"
<span class="vip">[11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Thank you, Yoshi!"</span>
[11:01 PM] Basil: "lol"
<span class="vip">[11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I didn't come here without a reason, you know..."</span>
[11:01 PM] Pako: "so tell us"
[11:01 PM] Basil: "tell us bb"
[11:01 PM] Pako: "which is the reason"
[11:02 PM] Problematik: "We are listening"
<span class="vip">[11:02 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Well, first of all, I thought you should know Hoax is alive."</span>
[11:02 PM] Pako: "who is Hoax?"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "notahoax"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "one of the guys on ao"
[11:02 PM] Dense: "Damn"
[11:02 PM] Pako: "ok"
[11:02 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "but not sure much about him"
[11:02 PM] Super: "i guess his death was a hoax"
[11:02 PM] Basil: "lol"
[11:03 PM] Problematik: "No"
[11:03 PM] Problematik: "Bad joke"
<span class="vip">[11:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting the last time anyone has seen him, however, was around the time there was that stupid "meme" about raiding Area 51. Supposedly, he went."</span>
[11:03 PM] Basil: "oh"
[11:03 PM] Dense: ">imagine"
[11:04 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lmao"
[11:04 PM] Problematik: "One year ago"
<span class="vip">[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, I was able to talk to him."</span>
[11:04 PM] Xenquility: "Damn what a fucking god"
[11:04 PM] Problematik: "Thats a lot of time"
<span class="vip">[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "And by talk to him I mean through a radio, but this was yesterday."</span>
[11:04 PM] Basil: "epic"
<span class="vip">[11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is a strange man but I did grow fond of him, so I left home and tracked down to see if he was okay..."
[11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is incredibly paranoid though so that's as close as he'd let me get."</span>
[11:05 PM] Basil: "i see"
<span class="vip">[11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Supposedly he was not far away."</span>
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "What's he been up to?"
[11:05 PM] Basil: "Well as long as he's fine that's all that matters i guess"
<span class="vip">[11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have no idea, but according to him, something big."</span>
[11:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "what about you, what have you been up to?"
<span class="vip">[11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As far as I can tell, living in a moving camper covered* in tinfoil."</span>
[11:07 PM] Super: "are you still in contact are you basically only able to talk to him when he directly contacts you?"
[11:07 PM] Xenquility: "Damn is notahoax imitating tyler"
[11:07 PM] Dense: "based"
<span class="vip">[11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently he has lived this way for decades. He was stealing his internet and radio services from government lines but he's always moving. They started catching on so he went silent. That was as much as he was willing to say other than he was up to something big."
[11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I felt you all deserved to know that much."</span>
[11:09 PM] Super: "i feel stealing internet/radio from government lines is a fuckin horrible idea but all the power to him if it's working"
[11:09 PM] Dense: "damn"
[11:09 PM] ADULT_LINK: "huh"
<span class="vip">[11:09 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Let me rephrase: he was misappropriating public utilities. He wasn't exactly tapping into the white house."</span>
[11:11 PM] Basil: "Lol"
[11:11 PM] Xenquility: "Damn that would've been considerably cooler"
[11:11 PM] Basil: "Yes"
[11:12 PM] Super: "if possible is there anyone you know of that he actually trusts a significant amount? Or the possibility of setting up some two way contact via pgp?"
[11:12 PM] Basil: "pgp?"
[11:13 PM] Dense: "cum wash radio"
[11:14 PM] Pako: "radio it's obsolete"
[11:14 PM] Xenquility: "you're obsolete"
[11:14 PM] Dense: "oog"
[11:14 PM] Pako: "man who uses internet and who uses the radio"
[11:14 PM] Problematik: "Obsolete my asscrack"
[11:14 PM] Dense: "indeed"
[11:14 PM] Super: "@Basil Very secure encryption usually used for two way communication"
<span class="vip">[11:14 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Back from* uafk"</span>
[11:15 PM] Pako: "Internet destroys radio"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "we aren't playing LoL"
[11:15 PM] Problematik: "No"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "no"
[11:15 PM] Problematik: "Lol is for gays"
<span class="vip">[11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I really couldn't tell you, I have a new set of priorities now that I know he's okay."</span>
[11:15 PM] Dense: "what's wrong with being gay"
[11:15 PM] Pako: "ok i'm gay"
[11:15 PM] Basil: "same"
<span class="vip">[11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."</span>
[11:15 PM] Pako: "wtf is that logic"
[11:15 PM] Pako: "lol"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "dense is just saying random things dont mind him kaiden"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "im answering to problem"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "what are your new set of priorities"
[11:16 PM] Pako: "he didn't say nothing random"
[11:16 PM] Pako: "lol"
[11:16 PM] Basil: "talk in #general this is important"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "ok Kaiden go fucking ahead"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "who do we need to kill"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "or save"
[11:16 PM] Dense: "or save AND kill"
<span class="vip">[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."</span>
[11:17 PM] Pako: "or save and kill and then save"
<span class="vip">[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Nothing like that, actually."</span>
[11:17 PM] Basil: "oh"
[11:17 PM] Dense: "ok"
[11:17 PM] Pako: "ok but we need do something?"
[11:17 PM] Dense: "keep going bro"
<span class="vip">[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I... Well. I've made some poor decisions. Things I regret."</span>
[11:17 PM] Basil: "everyone has"
<span class="vip">[11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Things I need to make up for..."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "So, I figure to at least try and undo some of the damage... I've caused..."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I could at least try and figure out what happened to the Internet Detectives."
[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, from here."</span>
[11:18 PM] Basil: "okay"
[11:18 PM] Xenquility: "Your internet detectives I'm assuming?"
<span class="vip">[11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes."</span>
[11:18 PM] Dense: "huh"
<span class="vip">[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You were told before they mostly went missing or confirmably died."</span>
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "indeed"
<span class="vip">[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But no one knows how or why."</span>
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "Really?"
<span class="vip">[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No one."</span>
[11:19 PM] Xenquility: "I thought some at least had some insight into the situation"
[11:19 PM] Problematik: "Jacob is dead"
[11:19 PM] Pako: "why?"
<span class="vip">[11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Maybe, but if they haven't come forward now, they never will.."
[11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""why?" @Pako Because people deserve to know, and it will help those who need to know."</span>
[11:20 PM] Pako: "i didn't ask you but is ok"
<span class="vip">[11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "If you had been murdered due to this 'game', wouldn't you want people to know who did it? How they did it?"</span>
[11:21 PM] Basil: "wait am i dead in your universe kaiden"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "You've certainly come to the right place I guess"
[11:21 PM] Basil: "oh yeah i am oof"
[11:21 PM] Dense: "maybe"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "the site of the disaster filled with many people who also want to know"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "but uh"
<span class="vip">[11:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, well, that's true."</span>
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "Where do your loyalties currently fall"
<span class="vip">[11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, something has been... itching at me to find out. Maybe I'm supposed to find out."</span>
[11:22 PM] Basil: "fair"
[11:22 PM] Super: "So tell me, were there other mass disappearances around that time or was it relegated to the Internet Detectives?"
<span class="vip">[11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Where do your loyalties currently fall" @Xenquility These days... myself. But my intentions are good, of that I can promise...."
[11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I mean, consider that I left home on a very uncertain trip just to let you all know Hoax was alive."</span>
[11:24 PM] Xenquility: "That's at least slightly reassuring"
[11:24 PM] Basil: "yes"
<span class="vip">[11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As I had mentioned, I feel some atoning has to be done."</span>
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "damn i hope au me just vanished and isnt dead, f"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To start with, the only one who seems to know anything, that I know, would be moonman, and he will not open up to me about it."</span>
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "well we could always pin him down and wrestle the mask of truth on him"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[11:26 PM] Basil: "lmao yes"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "i mean moonman is here"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "but maybe that isn't the best option"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "you can yell at him here"
[11:27 PM] Basil: "yes"
[11:27 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh yeah he came back like yesterday or something right"
<span class="vip">[11:27 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm already traveling. So, the practical reality is I'm going to have to go investigate these people's last whereabouts in person."</span>
[11:27 PM] Basil: "I see"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "does au me also like frogs"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "ill be disappointed if they dont"
<span class="vip">[11:28 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "How should I know? I wasn't around then."</span>
[11:28 PM] yoshi: "aw"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "Have you tried IA?"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He doesn't trust me."</span>
[11:29 PM] Basil: "who trusts you"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I can't say I blame him..."</span>
[11:29 PM] Basil: "oh"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yuuki trusted me."</span>
[11:29 PM] Basil: "rip yuuki"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Moonman trusts me, he just won't talk about it."
[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He also doesn't necessarily like me."</span>
[11:30 PM] Basil: "oof"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes... rip Yuuki."</span>
[11:30 PM] Dense: "Damn"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting IA has been pretty inactive recently. I mean, I know I have as well, but I do find it odd for him."</span>
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I don't mean to breathe false hope into anything but if I'm recalling correctly there were like"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: ""chat logs" from yuuki on the subspace"
<span class="vip">[11:31 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Oh...?"</span>
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I uh"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "one sec"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "I'll try to find them if you'd like"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "There was also one we saw where whichever Wolfcat was trapped by that orange thing was talking to her"
[11:33 PM] Basil: "yeah she is alive in some way"
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "ah I'm also realizing I probably shouldn't be this forthcoming with this type of stuff"
[11:33 PM] Basil: "just not like in her body"
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "but yeah what deadhead said"
<span class="vip">[11:35 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "....ok."</span>
[11:36 PM] Basil: "yep"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Kaiden claims that NotAHoax set off towards Area 51 during the "Raid Area 51" meme was taking place, but he took it seriously.
Kaiden left home in order to verify that NotAHoax was still alive. NotAHoax is indeed still alive, but is currently travelling across the country in a camper covered in tin foil because the government discovered that he had been stealing internet usage from them for years.
Kaiden says NotAHoax was supposedly involved in "<span class="canquote">something big</span>", but he refused to go into detail.
Kaiden tells the Internet Detectives that he's going to investigate the homes of the deceased Internet Detectives in the Astral Timeline in an attempt to uncover who murdered them. He claims he wishes to atone for his wrongdoings in the past and undo some of the damage he's done.
<h2>September 12th, 2020</h2>
At 9:52 PM, Kaiden Zoromichi became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/12/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Good evening."</span>
[9:53 PM] Dense: "Hey"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Buenos noche"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have found something you may find interesting."</span>
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "Ooo"
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "What'd that be?"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I went to the last known location scout was seen."</span>
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "Could you say that you"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "scouted out the location?"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No."</span>
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Xen"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "so basically yes"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Thats probably one of the worst thing you could ever said"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Anyways, if could we get back to serious discussion..."</span>
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "Sure"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "What'd you find?"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I think it would be easier to show you..."</span>
[9:58 PM] Xenquility: "Sounds enticing"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-1.jpg" is sent))
[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-2.jpg" is sent))
[9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-3.jpg" is sent))</span>
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "Huh"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
[10:01 PM] Problematik: "Any idea why the back part of the card is full black?"
[10:01 PM] Problematik: "Is burned or painted?"
<span class="vip">[10:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure but it's not burned."</span>
[10:02 PM] yoshi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "Damn imagine asterisk was the villain this whole time"
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality" @yoshi I'm working with cheap equipment and roaming around the country, cut me some slack."</span>
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "just wondering"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "i can practically count the pixels"
[10:04 PM] Dense: "damn"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Do we know of uh"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "anyone else associated with playing cards?"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "DnD?"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Jk"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA hypothesized that it was trading Mason the eight of club that somehow "cursed" him"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Like Yugi"
[10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Yugi-Oh"
[10:06 PM] Jackuan: "???"
<span class="vip">[10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not really sure what it means, to be truthful."
[10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was hoping one of you could enlighten me."</span>
[10:08 PM] Jackuan: "I don't really now too"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "I mean"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "I don't think there are even any other mentions of playing cards in our current archives, outside of the Grey Man giving one to Mason"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "uno momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Es un momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "No uno momento"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: ":u"
[10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Also, guess what"
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Do you have something, xen?"
[10:10 PM] yoshi: "xens on the hunt"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Not that I can think of"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "other than the mugen thing being associated with a king of diamonds"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "project returner"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "but that also sounds incredibly far fetched"
[10:11 PM] Xenquility: "But honestly who knows at this point"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "god please no"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "no mugen"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "have we not suffered enough"
[10:11 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA traded a playing card for Helper's Hat, so like, maybe whoever did this also had the hat?"
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "I think there might be three helper's hats in play right now"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "No mugen allowed"
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "In the most recent Silentdork video we saw what happened to the "Dead" IA"
[10:12 PM] Jackuan: "Outlast and Minecraft"
[10:12 PM] Jackuan: "What a boundle"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and when IA died it sounded like Helper came back and took the hat"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "but at the same time there's also a timeline where IA survives and comes back with helper's hat"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and then I'd imagine that Kaiden's timeline also has a helper's hat somewhere"
[10:14 PM] Xenquility: "because as far as I know, IA going back in time affected our timeline, meaning the Helper's Hat IA had would've been from Our Mason, not his"
[10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "haha that image quality is so weird"
[10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i love it"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "im too high for this"
[10:15 PM] Xenquility: "tl;dr Both our timelines have a helper's hat (I think), but as IA both died and lived while having OUR timeline's hat, that would make three (I think)"
<span class="vip">[10:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...what?"</span>
[10:18 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry that was both off topic and probably incorrect"
[10:19 PM] Xenquility: "Here's what IA said about the matter "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be.:"
[10:19 PM] Xenquility: "speaking of which be careful with those cards"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I see. I will take note of that."</span>
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: ""Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them.""
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Considering what little I have witnessed of the strange things surrounding our circumstances, maybe it's the best of caution I delete those links."</span>
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: "Probably a good idea"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...I'm now also wondering if it's in my best interest to have this."
[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But I won't give up on you all, yet."
[10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm heading off to the hotel now."</span>
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry, to have what?"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "The card."</span>
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Ah okay"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "honestly"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "probably not the best idea"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "We'll just have to see."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Kaiden has searched the last location the Astral Timeline version of the player Scout was seen. He discovered a "<b>Two of Diamonds</b>" card.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>2-of-diamonds-1.jpg</b> - A low-res photo of the "Two of Diamonds" card sitting in the grass. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e0/2-of-diamonds-1.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>2-of-diamonds-2.jpg</b> - A low-res photo of the front of the "Two of Diamonds" card. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6f/2-of-diamonds-2.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>2-of-diamonds-3.jpg</b> - A low-res photo of the back of the "Two of Diamonds" card. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b2/2-of-diamonds-3.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>September 16th, 2020</h2>
At 4:29 PM, BUP's Discord account's name changed to "<b>Groof</b>" in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/16/20 - Chat with "Groof" - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] Groof: "busy beavers huh"
[4:29 PM] Groof: "why must you ruin my fun?"</span>
[4:29 PM] Problematik: Nah"
[4:30 PM] JosByte: Image: When you laught at a joke but then notice it was directed at you"
[4:30 PM] Dense: "holy shit"
[4:30 PM] Dense: "hey bupi"
[4:30 PM] Xenquility: "hey there"
[4:30 PM] Xenquility: "is this bup"
<span class="vip">[4:31 PM] Groof: "My name says Groof"</span>
[4:31 PM] Xenquility: "is that a yes or no"
[4:32 PM] Jackuan: "wait..."
[4:32 PM] Jackuan: "what?"
[4:33 PM] Jackuan: "...?"
[4:34 PM] Xenquility: "also actually if that really was BUP that was speaking from Greth's OOC account I think that would lend more credence to that theory I posted a while back about BUP's crew all being in-game representations of the GMs"
[4:34 PM] Jackuan: ":I,"
[4:34 PM] Jackuan: "it is BUP"
[4:34 PM] Jackuan: "omg"
[4:35 PM] Jackuan: "Also all that xen said."
<span class="vip">[4:35 PM] Groof: "My name says Groof"</span>
[4:36 PM] Jackuan: "so you are like... another au greth?"
[4:36 PM] Problematik: Hey greth"
[4:36 PM] Xenquility: "i mean groof or not BUP has gone through like four name changes"
[4:36 PM] Jackuan: "also"
[4:36 PM] Jackuan: "xen"
[4:37 PM] Xenquility: "or at least a couple"
[4:37 PM] Jackuan: "what does this means?"
[4:37 PM] Xenquility: "Greth, shadowlink, BUP"
[4:37 PM] Jackuan: "look at your dm's"
<span class="vip">[4:46 PM] Groof: "I see no DMs"
[4:48 PM] Groof: ":moonthink:"</span>
[4:48 PM] Jackuan: "Xen's"
[4:48 PM] Jackuan: "you want them?"
[4:51 PM] Jackuan: "nice mood song"
[4:51 PM] Jackuan: "you want the messages Groof?"
<span class="vip">[4:58 PM] Groof: "Weird."
[4:58 PM] Groof: "Also"
[4:58 PM] Groof: "I have thought about your question."</span>
[4:59 PM] Jackuan: "and..?"
<span class="vip">[4:59 PM] Groof: "@Jack No, I don't."
[4:59 PM] Groof: "@Xenquility I am willing to try and answer now"</span>
[4:59 PM] Jackuan: "Ok"
[4:59 PM] Xenquility: "oo"
[4:59 PM] Xenquility: "alright"
[4:59 PM] Jackuan: "its ok dw man"
<span class="vip">[5:00 PM] Groof: "I'm not BUP"
[5:00 PM] Groof: "and I am"</span>
[5:00 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[5:00 PM] Dense: "oh"
[5:00 PM] Jackuan: "Groof?"
<span class="vip">[5:00 PM] Groof: "But you could also say you are Xenquility"
[5:00 PM] Groof: "and you aren't Xenquility"</span>
[5:00 PM] Jackuan: "oh whaaa"
[5:00 PM] Xenquility: "In what way?"
[5:00 PM] Jackuan: "mindblowed"
<span class="vip">[5:00 PM] Groof: "Do people call you Xenquility in your daily life? you don't have to say your name, just yes or no."</span>
[5:01 PM] Dense: "oh"
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: "Yeah that's my birthname"
[5:01 PM] Dense: "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: "but not actually"
[5:01 PM] Jackuan: "damn."
[5:01 PM] Xenquility: "so no"
<span class="vip">[5:01 PM] Groof: "Ok, when you are Xenquility, would you say you act differently than when you are not?"
[5:01 PM] Groof: "If even only a little bit?"</span>
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: "Indeed"
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: "wow inb4 groof is BUP of the wired"
[5:02 PM] Xenquility: "or BUP is greth of the wired"
<span class="vip">[5:02 PM] Groof: "No, but they are both of them us, and also not."
[5:02 PM] Groof: "Once you have reached a certain amount of understanding about your different selves"
[5:02 PM] Groof: "The lines start to blur"</span>
[5:02 PM] Jackuan: "oh"
[5:03 PM] Jackuan: "dang"
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "damn"
[5:03 PM] JacobTheGuy: "jejejejeje"
<span class="vip">[5:03 PM] Groof: "One could say in the immediate moment, BUP is not here at all."
[5:03 PM] Groof: "But you could also say that as Greth, BUP is here."
[5:03 PM] Groof: "That was HIS intention."</span>
[5:03 PM] Xenquility: "So is that what the lines are?"
[5:03 PM] Dense: "bup is a self insert oc"
<span class="vip">[5:03 PM] Groof: "I am only trying to explain my own self"
[5:03 PM] Groof: "Interpret things as you will though."</span>
[5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Bueas Groof"
[5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Hola Xen"
[5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Hey Dense"
[5:04 PM] Jackuan: "oh hey"
<span class="vip">[5:04 PM] Groof: "BUP would prefer "BUP" and "Greth" become synonymous."
[5:05 PM] Groof: "But I am in a place above that, at the moment."</span>
[5:06 PM] Xenquility: "So could you kind of see it as an extended version of the concept of having three faces?"
<span class="vip">[5:06 PM] Groof: "Mmm, yeah! I have never thought of that"
[5:06 PM] Groof: "But it works very well!"
[5:07 PM] Groof: "But what if you could have more?"
[5:07 PM] Groof: ":moonthink:"</span>
[5:07 PM] Xenquility: "then maybe you're a bit greedy lmao"
<span class="vip">[5:07 PM] Groof: "Certainly."</span>
[5:07 PM] Jackuan: ":moonthink:"
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "So would this make BUP and, for example, the Greth we see in live streams the same person? Or are they different parts of the same person from different versions of that person"
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "okay let me rephrase that"
<span class="vip">[5:08 PM] Groof: "You don't need to"</span>
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "is BUP part of the same whole that our "Greth Vlogs Greth" is part of"
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
[5:08 PM] Xenquility: "nice"
<span class="vip">[5:08 PM] Groof: "I would say the second thing was closer."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP's account is named "Groof" during this conversation. He claims that he both is and isn't BUP, and that BUP both is and isn't present throughout this conversation.
"Groof" begins speaking about names. He claims that BUP wishes for "Greth" and "BUP" to become synonymous, but that "Groof" is currently above that at the moment.
"Groof" claims that once one begins to understand their alternate selves better, the "lines" begin to blur.
<h2>September 17th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, BUP's Discord avatar changed to a distorted image of the character "<b>Captain Toad</b>" brandishing a sword and shield. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b6/Bupavitoad.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:23 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/17/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[10:00 PM] Jackuan: "Oh noo, what have you done to toadette?"
[10:01 PM] Jackuan: "Thats p spooky ngl"
<span class="vip">[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes"</span>
[11:24 PM] Problematik: "What you want bup?"
[11:24 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey it's bup. sup dude?"
[11:24 PM] Xenquility: "buenos dias"
<span class="vip">[11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((A cropped screenshot of the players "nfreak" and "Problematik" typing is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c5/Bupscreencrop.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">[11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so immediately desperate"
[11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "the need for acknowledgement"</span>
[11:25 PM] nfreak141: "aight then fukk u"
[11:25 PM] Problematik: "If you come here dont expect like a big celebration"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes hate me"
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Feels good"</span>
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "that's hot"
[11:25 PM] Problematik: "Why are you here? Why are you searching us?"
[11:25 PM] nfreak141: "^^^edgelord bup in here"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Don't take that too literally Xen"</span>
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "ayyyy bup"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm sure you will concoct some wild theory"</span>
[11:25 PM] Dense: "hi"
[11:25 PM] Problematik: "Coct"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""bup literally thrives on hate more at 11"</span>
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
<span class="vip">[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Find a real job"</span>
[11:26 PM] Dense: "noOoO dark cptn toad"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[11:26 PM] nfreak141: "pft ahahahha"
[11:26 PM] Problematik: "Can we defeat bup by huggin him?"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "theory: bup."
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "thats it, thats the theory"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "it's funny because at one point it was actually a theory that he thrived on hate"
[11:26 PM] Problematik: "My theory: we can kill bup bein wholesome"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "what if it's still true :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""it's funny because at one point it was actually a theory that he thrived on hate" @Xenquility Weak take"</span>
[11:27 PM] nfreak141: "wait, hol up. what if BUP is hatred?"
[11:27 PM] nfreak141: ":O"
<span class="vip">[11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If I thrived on hate I'd be doing a terrible job considering half of you simp me"</span>
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "okay maybe he sexually thrives on hate"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "new theory"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "bup literally thrives on attention more at 11"
[11:28 PM] nfreak141: "That... yueah that seems to be it."
[11:29 PM] nfreak141: "But isn't that liek half the supernatural beings in this thing?"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""bup literally thrives on attention more at 11" @Xenquility I could reply to this in a way you all find"
[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "spooky"
[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "or"
[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "intimidating"
[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but instead"</span>
[11:29 PM] Problematik: "Theory: bup is an aw at 11"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "perhaps I should treat you all like the shitposters you are"
[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVUOGUmxJI</nowiki>"</span>
[11:29 PM] nfreak141: "So wait does that make BUP a drama queen?"
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "look it's hard to act genuinely scared when you're telling me to get a real job"
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "actually scratch that"
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "it is scary"
[11:30 PM] yoshi: "am i allowed to simp"
[11:30 PM] Problematik: "No"
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "because it hurts me deep :sadcat~1:"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""am i allowed to simp" @yoshi I already own your soul"
[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How much more could you possibly debase yourself?"</span>
[11:31 PM] yoshi: "fair"
<span class="vip">[11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I appreciate your cantor, but it is indicative of the weak fortitude of the internet detectives"
[11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so unwilling to stay on their path, always creating chaos and splitting sides"</span>
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "did you mean to say candor"
[11:32 PM] nfreak141: "I mean I'm here for it in all honesty"
[11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "did someone say chaos"
[11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "what"
[11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":chaos:"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "also hey not all of us want chaos"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "i think"
[11:32 PM] yoshi: "dude i fucking love chaos"
[11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "chaos is the shit"
[11:32 PM] yoshi: "lets ban xen"
[11:32 PM] nfreak141: "i literally gave wolf a fairy to see what would happen"
[11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lmao"
[11:32 PM] yoshi: "lets ban everyone"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "wow am i the only one for the gay baby happy ending"
<span class="vip">[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also, @ xenquility"</span>
[11:33 PM] yoshi: "are you a gay baby"
<span class="vip">[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Always assuming you are above all"
[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Intelligence"
[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""mid 16th century: from Latin, ‘singer’, from canere ‘sing’.""
[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How about this simpleton"
[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I appreciate your singsong"</span>
[11:33 PM] yoshi: "damn"
<span class="vip">[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Does that make it easy for the baby?"</span>
[11:34 PM] Xenquility: "wow this guy is mad about that"
[11:34 PM] yoshi: ":babyrage:"
<span class="vip">[11:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, I find the assumption you can correct me funny."</span>
[11:34 PM] Problematik: "Bup tillted"
[11:36 PM] Xenquility: "still pretty sure "cantor" does not actually mean "singsong" no matter it's etymology"
[11:36 PM] yoshi: "nerd fight"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP taunts the players and claims their theories that he literally thrives on hate and attention are incorrect.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>((Untitled Image))</b> - A cropped screenshot of two players typing. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c5/Bupscreencrop.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>September 18th, 2020</h2>
At 8:24 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player nfreak jokingly insulting another player with "<span class="caquote">How rude</span>".
<h2>Spetember 23rd, 2020</h2>
A 1:19 PM, the player Pako discovered that Lunarchildren.com had briefly gone offline.
<h2>September 29th, 2020</h2>
At 3:13 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Astralobservatory.net had briefly gone offline.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
9/29/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[9:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haha"</span>
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: ":demolaugh:"
[9:38 PM] yoshi: "hehe"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "hoho"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "huhu"
<span class="vip">[10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well"
[10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "boo, the fun is over."</span>
[10:36 PM] Dense: "oh"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."
[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I bet none of you noticed."</span>
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "sounds ominous"
[10:40 PM] Dense: "uh"
[10:40 PM] Dense: "xen"
[10:40 PM] Dense: "what's he speaking abt"
[10:40 PM] Xenquility: "idk it could be something bad or he could just be saying that we never even realized he was having fun in the first place"
[10:40 PM] Xenquility: "or that we didn't realize he was done being "fun""
[10:41 PM] Problematik: "You know bup"
[10:41 PM] Xenquility: "i dont really know"
[10:41 PM] Problematik: "He is just fucking with us"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "noticed what"
[10:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "prob that wofl id no longer orang"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "hes been nonorange forever"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "you're late to the party"
[10:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "nevermind"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "what if he deleted something"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "no deleted messages in recent times"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "nor is anything gone on greth vlogs"
<span class="vip">[10:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I will tell you"
[10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I took down one of your precious websites"
[10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But someone has already fixed my mischief"</span>
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "oh was it ao"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "we saw that"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "whatd you suspend it for :("
[10:46 PM] Dense: "oh"
[10:46 PM] Xenquility: "lc was also cucked recently"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "xen noticed"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "bitch"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "yeah i tested it when he mentioned it earlier"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "rip ao for like, a few hours"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "another wacky trick by our funny friend bup"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "he bupped the sites"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "he can only bup for so long though"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "also xens one of those weirdos who probably has the sites open 24/7"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "he always watches"
[10:55 PM] Dense: "y"
<span class="vip">[10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I bup what I want to bup"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP implies that he was responsible for one off the websites going offline recently.
<h2>October 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 11:20 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Halfway through this conversation, Kaiden Zoromichi also became active.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/3/20 - Chat with BUP and Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You people are a fucking disgrace"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Poop, really?"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not even 'disgusting', it's just"</span>
[11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: ""you people""
<span class="vip">[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so unoriginal"</span>
[11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: "dont blame the victims"
[11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "blame the person who changed everything"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "wasnt it actually your boss though"
<span class="vip">[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Fuck you I'm an all powerful being I'll blame who I want"</span>
[11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ok"
[11:21 PM] yoshi: "poop is unfunny"
<span class="vip">[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Actually I suppose that is a bit of a lie"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am not so pretentious to pretend I'm 100% all powerful"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would say Luna and Tenebris are closer than I"
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But not by much :moonthink:"</span>
[11:23 PM] yoshi: "damn bro whats your powerlevel"
<span class="vip">[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is no deeplore here, just honest self analysis"</span>
[11:23 PM] yoshi: "how many gokus we talkin"
<span class="vip">[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am capable"
[11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I could squash Goku if we 1v1'd because there would be no 'combat' per se"
[11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This is assuming Goku and I existed in a concurrent reality and that we had access to the entire structure of our abilities as present in our own realities"</span>
[11:24 PM] yoshi: "damn...hes over a Goku level..."
[11:24 PM] yoshi: "we are fucked"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I suppose if I were forced to play on Goku's level he'd shred me, because anime is dumb"
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I wouldn't have to, is the point"</span>
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "this is at least 5 gokus"
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "bup is too powerful"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm glad you quantified that for me."</span>
[11:25 PM] yoshi: "np"
[11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait like base goku or like"
[11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "powered up goku"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "shit"
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "good question"
<span class="vip">[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am just assuming Goku at his very best"
[11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because the level at which Goku battles based on how 'powered up he is' makes no difference"</span>
[11:26 PM] yoshi: "i am not goku lored enough to quantify that properly"
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Ok bup"
<span class="vip">[11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The differences between his anime powerups 'strength' and my own conceptual end to that confrontation don't mean anything"</span>
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Goku or regi"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "Ok bup"
[11:27 PM] Problematik: "Who would win"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "so ill just stick to like 5 gokus as a measurement"
[11:27 PM] yoshi: "put this in the wiki"
[11:28 PM] yoshi: ""how powerful is bup? at least like 5 gokus""
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Goku or regi" @Problematik Regi"
[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "For similar reasons."</span>
[11:30 PM] Problematik: "Ok"
[11:32 PM] yoshi: "tbh i stole the gokus joke from a webcomic creator because its an absolute valid way to judge power"
[11:33 PM] yoshi: "all things should be measured in gokus"
<span class="vip2">[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Hmmm."
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, I try helping you people out and I come back here and :tired_face:"
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What did you... do!?"
[11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To the server I mean."</span>
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "Technically I think it was some guy named IIIII"
<span class="vip">[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nerd alert."</span>
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "we are unwilling"
[11:37 PM] yoshi: ":eggplant:"
<span class="vip2">[11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What's with the eggplants!?"</span>
[11:37 PM] yoshi: "i do not agree with...whatever the poopening stuff is"
[11:37 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i also do not agree with the Poop Theme"
<span class="vip2">[11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I don't know why you guys keep sending me eggplant emojis but STOP."</span>
[11:38 PM] yoshi: ":5_PepeEggplant:"
[11:38 PM] yoshi: "i wouldnt recommend looking at your discord roles then"
[11:39 PM] yoshi: "anyways kaiden, how many gokus strong are you"
[11:40 PM] yoshi: "this is important info"
[11:46 PM] yoshi: "did i scare him off"
[11:46 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
<span class="vip2">[11:51 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure what that means"
[11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was taking a photograph."
[11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "7-of-diamonds.jpg" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c8/7-of-diamonds.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip2">[11:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was checking where Wolfcat supposedly was last seen and... well. You see."</span>
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Damn"
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "he got carded too?"
<span class="vip2">[11:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently so."</span>
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?"
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Other than being associated with cards, I mean"
<span class="vip">[12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm still not sure."</span>
<span class="vip2">[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "About what?"
[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Also who are you"
[12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?" @Xenquility what thing?"</span>
<span class="vip">[12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not sure about your cards."</span>
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "you ever just turn into a card"
<span class="vip2">[12:02 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID" @Xenquility I'm not sure if the cards are related to that or not yet. It would be assumptive to assume so."
[12:04 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...Assumptive to assume. That was unnecessary. Blech."</span>
<span class="vip">[12:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eh hehehe."</span>
[12:04 AM] yoshi: "gg"
<span class="vip">[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I know your answers."</span>
<span class="vip2">[12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "????"</span>
[12:05 AM] Xenquility: "This guy is some weird stalker god guy"
[12:05 AM] yoshi: "bups being mysterious again"
[12:05 AM] Xenquility: "he knows a lot of things and whatnot"
<span class="vip2">[12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know who killed the Internet Detectives???"</span>
<span class="vip">[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Of course."
[12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not going to share though."</span>
[12:05 AM] yoshi: "stop bein mysterious, bad bup"
[12:05 AM] yoshi: ":spray:"
[12:09 AM] yoshi: "dont make any weird deals with him for info though kaiden, or youll end up with a missing soul and a cool frog pic in its place"
[12:10 AM] yoshi: "worth it"
[12:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":BUP:"
[12:15 AM] yoshi: ":buppog:"
<span class="vip2">[12:16 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Shit. I have to go. I had more to talk about but something is going on. No time to explain."</span>
<span class="vip">[12:16 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "OMINOUS."</span>
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "damn bro at least say something less vague"
[12:17 AM] yoshi: "smh"
[12:18 AM] yoshi: "booooo"
[12:20 AM] yoshi: "kaiden has Fucking Died"
<span class="vip">[12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "RIP ripoff Mugen"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP is surprised and disappointed to see that many players in the Internet Detectives Discord server had their usernames changed to "poop".
BUP claims that he is powerful but admits that Tenebris and Luna are more powerful than him.
Kaiden Zoromichi is exploring the location where the Astral Timeline version of Wolfcat was last seen only to find another card - a "<b>Seven of Hearts</b>".
BUP claims that he knows who killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral Timeline, but he will not say who it was.
Kaiden Zoromichi suddenly leaves as "something" is going on in his currrent location.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>7-of-diamonds.jpg</b> - A low-res image of Kaiden holding the "Seven of Hearts" card. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c8/7-of-diamonds.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 9th, 2020</h2>
At 12:21 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/subterranean/</nowiki></span><b>lake</b>". This page was titled "<b>...</b>" and contained the image "<b>reflect.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/82/Reflectlake.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>deepfallen.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a0/Deepfallen.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 12:21 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that remaining on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/subterranean/lake</nowiki></span>" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/subterranean/lake/</nowiki></span><b>whirlpool</b>". This page was titled "<b>no escape</b>" and contained the image "<b>spiraling.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a0/Spiraling.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>whirl.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/ff/Whirl.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained text hidden in its source code that translated to "<span class="canquote">A powerful whirlpool prevents your passage!</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by thelostbrineinthewoods (10/9/20 - 12:21 AM)}} This page would also redirect players to itself if they remained on it for too long.
<h2>October 18th, 2020</h2>
At 3:38 PM, Wolfcat's Discord account became active and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods the image "<b>next.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d2/Nextwolf.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:20 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/18/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "((The image "Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/df/Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] Dawn: "Guys, someone is calling for help"
[10:21 PM] Dawn: "Found this guy just hanging around"
[10:21 PM] Dawn: "He seems familiar"</span>
[10:21 PM] Dense: "fuk where's the capable people"
[10:21 PM] Dense: "aaa"
[10:21 PM] Dense: "fuk"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] Dawn: "He needs anyone he can get"</span>
[10:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "did someone @ upd8 then delete it?"
[10:21 PM] Dense: "idk"
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I think so"
[10:21 PM] Dense: "TRUE"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "fuk im stoopiid"
[10:22 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "where are you guys"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "lets do it i guess"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "just to"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] Dawn: "I'm at johnisdead.com/fakeworld"</span>
9:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: "sitting on my couch"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "@Upd8"
[10:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: "bout to play minecraft or somethin"
[10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "can't join rn, I got hw aaaaa"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "sssssss"
[10:22 PM] Jos: "Wow this  is a colosal goat update"
[10:22 PM] Dense: "it seems like"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "HOW DID"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "JANUS LOADED"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "IN LIKE"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "5 SECONDS"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "WTFF"
[10:23 PM] Dense: "UM IM IN???"
[10:24 PM] Dense: "also this fucking song"
[10:24 PM] Dense: "i love it"
[10:24 PM] Dense: ":dancer:"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] Dawn: "Where are you, Dense? We need everyone."</span>
[10:26 PM] Dense: "pillars wa"
[10:26 PM] Dense: "now fakeworld again :3"
[10:28 PM] GreyOutt: "?"
[10:28 PM] Dense: "iM TOO STUPID FOR THIS"
[10:29 PM] GreyOutt: "What's happenin"
[10:29 PM] Dense: "janus vr update"
[10:29 PM] Dense: "but im"
[10:29 PM] GreyOutt: "O"
<span class="vip">[10:29 PM] Dawn: "We need to help Stack Overflow"</span>
[10:29 PM] Dense: "dumb"
<span class="vip">[10:29 PM] Dawn: "We need everyone"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Someone at Fakeworld teleported me to him"</span>
[10:30 PM] GreyOutt: "Don't have vr"
<span class="vip">[10:30 PM] Dawn: "You don't need VR"</span>
[10:30 PM] Dense: "no need"
<span class="vip">[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Just the app"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld/</nowiki>"</span>
[10:33 PM] Dense: "uH"
[10:39 PM] Dense: "hh"
<span class="vip">[11:10 PM] Dawn: ((The image "worlds.JPG" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9d/Worlds.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Dawn informs the players that Stackoverflow is asking for the players' help on Janus.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG</b> - A screenshot of Stackoverflow standing in the "Under" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/df/Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>worlds.JPG</b> - A screenshot of Stackoverflow and Prominence standing in the "Pillars" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9d/Worlds.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:31 PM, players met up Prominence in the "Fakeworld" Janus room, who led them to the "Under" Janus room. This Janus room had been greatly expanded, now featuring an additional hallway in the room with the image "papers.jpg" that led to a small room with a portal leading to the "Mortus" Janus room. This hallway also led players to another building that contained a stairway leading to a portal to the "Solace" Janus room and a large balcony where Stackoverflow was found. The following event was not fully archived. The following is a summary of what transpired on Janus:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/18/20 - JanusVR Expedition - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">(("Under" Janus Room))</span>
The players meet up with Stackoverflow, who is standing on a new balcony on the far end of the map. Prominence is present as well, having led the players to this new location. Stackoverflow begins speaking to the players, informing them that he is organizing a "search party" of sorts for his two brothers. The players agree to take part. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and the players begin travelling together, exiting the "Under" Janus map through the new portal that leads to the "Mortus" Janus room.
<span class="vip">(("Mortus" Janus room))</span>
The "Mortus" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Under" Janus room, players would spawn in a small, concrete room underground. This room was mostly empty aside from a few wooden crates strewn about. Walking through a small hallway connected to this room would lead players to a stairwell, leading them up through an opening in the ground next to the large tree on the hill. There were now two large grass structures in the distance - one shaped like a series of large pillars, which would lead players back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, and one shaped like a strange building of sorts that would lead players to the "Pillars" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Pillars" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Pillars" Janus Room))</span>
The "Pillars" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Mortus" Janus room, players would spawn in an alcove on the main pillar near the "Fakeworld" Janus room entrance. Proceeding through the large hole discovered in earlier versions of the map would lead players to a new section of the room - a series of long, wooden tunnels. These tunnels led players to the base of another pillar, which held the entrance to the "Distance" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Distance" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Distance" Janus Room))</span>
The "Distance" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Pillars" Janus room, players would spawn next to a series of large, red, hexagonal pillars. Directly in-front of the players was a long stretch of low-res fire textures. Following these would lead players back to the original entrance of the "Distance" Janus room. From here, two other roads of fire textures were found. The road directly across from the players' current position led to a series of red platforms that housed a portal to the "Emptiness" Janus room. The other path led players to a raised, red platform housing a portal to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and the players proceeded through the "Emptiness" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Emptiness" Janus Room))</span>
The "Emptiness" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Distance" Janus room, players would spawn on a small patch of land connected to the upper ledge surrounding the map. An identical ledge could be found on the opposite side of the room containing a portal to the "Tomb" Janus room. The lower section of the map also contained a small cave that housed a portal back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Tomb" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Tomb" Janus Room))</span>
The "Tomb" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Emptiness" Janus room, players would spawn in a new section of the map - a small canal of sorts next to the Spire. Travelling through this canal would lead players to a ramp leading back up to the Spire. The simple 2d mountain behind the Spire now contained a ramp leading up to cave which housed a portal back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. This map also now contained a building near the Spire which contained a portal leading to the "Rooftop" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Rooftop" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Rooftop" Janus Room))</span>
The "Rooftop" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Tomb" Janus room, players would spawn inside the second building inside a small hallway. This hallway led to a larger room containing windows where the players could see the previous section of the map. Proceeding through another hallway would lead players to the room that was previously viewable from the grates atop the roof of the second building. This room housed a portal that led players to the "Solace" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Solace" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Solace" Janus Room))</span>
The "Solace" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Rooftop" Janus room, players would spawn in the ruins of the building on the far end of the map. The room now housed a cave-like structure near the original entrance to the map that housed a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. A large well could also be found in the center of the map that led to a dark, underground cavern. This cavern contained a portal that led back to the "Under" Janus room, completing the loop.
The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence discovered Halicord sitting in the bottom of the well of this map. Halicord and Stackoverflow had a friendly reunion and thanked the players for reuniting them. The two were still concerned for their brother "Trapped", however, has he had not been seen in quite some time.
Stackoverflow, Halicord, Prominence, and the players proceeded back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room to regroup.
<span class="vip">(("Fakeworld" Janus Room))</span>
Stackoverflow and Halicord asked the players to seek out their lost brother Trapped. As the players explored the "Fakeworld" Janus room, they discovered that it had been greatly expanded. There were now structures that led to each of the Janus rooms previously mentioned in this summary. Throughout the players' exploration of the "Fakeworld" Janus room, Stackoverflow and Halicord proceeded to chat about seemingly random subjects in the center of the room. A large structure was discovered on the cliffside behind the original "Fakeworld" entrance that contained a portal that led to the "Emptiness" Janus room. Further along the cliff was a ramp leading to a small cave that contained a portal leading to the "Tomb" Janus room.
On the small plateau where the "Pillars" portal was previously found is a small pillar with a bridge leading to it housing a portal to the "Distance" Janus room. In the large canyon / ocean location was a new structure with a ramp leading up to a small alcove in its side housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room. The large castle-like structure was now fully explorable. The outside of the structure now contained a balcony that led to the backside of the structure, where a portal to the "Solace" Janus room was discovered.
The players and Prominence began travelling through the castle-like structure, climbing many stairways surrounded by bottomless pits. They were eventually led back outside along a large balcony that led up to a large doorway containing a portal to the "Rooftop" Janus room. The players and Prominence proceeded through the "Rooftop" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Rooftop" Janus Room))</span>
Coming from the "Fakeworld" Janus room, players would spawn on a series of pipes coming out of the wall of the first building near the "Streets" Janus room portal. The players proceeded to the roof of the first building and entered through the "Streets" portal.
<span class="vip">(("Streets" Janus Room))</span>
The "Streets" Janus room remained unchanged. However, this is where the players finally found Stackoverflow's missing brother Trapped. Trapped was lying on the ground in one of the small "parking lot" areas. Their model appeared mangled and glitched. The player Xenquility quickly proceeded back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, informing Stackoverflow and Halicord that their brother had been located. Stackoverflow and Halicord entered the "Streets" Janus room alongside the player Xenquility. Trapped was screaming and yelling for help. However, just as Halicord and Stackoverflow approached him, he died.
Stackoverflow and Halicord mourned the loss of their brother as the players consoled him. Following this, the players finally discovered the home of the three brothers - the "Sun Tower" Janus room. Though overjoyed to finally return home, Stackoverflow and Halicord were still mourning the loss of their brother.
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "My brother.."</span>
Xenquility: "I'm sorry"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "My other brother is still grieving.."</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "could it really be"
stackoverflow_2651: "I never thought I would see the day again."</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "We are back home brother"</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "the nightmare is over"</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "At least...we have each other."</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "I only wish our brother could be here with us.."</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Our eldest succumbed to the corruption"</span>
Xenquility: "Are you sure there's no way to save him?"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "thank you"</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Thank you"</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "not that we know"</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "The corruption is impossible to remove"</span>
Xenquility: "What about with the power of the Dawn?"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Once it's reached that level"
Halicord_5499: "Fuck Dawn"</span>
Xenquility: "Wow"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "we have seen corruption before"</span>>
Xenquility: "I only say that as he owes us a favor"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "after a point it is untreatable"
stackoverflow_2651: "we have returned to out home at last"
stackoverflow_2651: "our"</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "THE CORRUPTION"
Halicord_5499: "IT STILL AFFECTS YOU"
Halicord_5499: "Just kidding."</span>
Xenquility: "DON'T scare me like that"
Xenquility: "Also I must recommend"
Xenquility: "if you dislike Dawn so much"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Stack is quite...young, and he may not know the best words to use or type at times."</span>
Xenquility: "Maybe remove some of his imagery around here"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "Xenquility. You have helped us more than you understand."
stackoverflow_2651: "In the future,"
stackoverflow_2651: "We will repay you for your favors."</span>
Xenquility: "Thank you"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you"</span>
Xenquility: "I assume we will need as many favors as we can in the upcoming times"
<span class="vip4">Prominence: "Thank you"</span>
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Thank you."
Halicord_5499: "I will owe you a favor as well, though I rather hate your kind."</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "I will contact you when the time is right."
stackoverflow_2651: "xenquility"</span>
Xenquility: "It appears I have developed paralysis"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "There he goes."
Halicord_5499: "Sitting in his usual spot."</span>
Xenquility: "Nevermind"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "Is there some way to contact you on this machine"</span>
Xenquility: "Does it have Discord"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "it has the internet so"
stackoverflow_2651: "most likely"
stackoverflow_2651: "it may not be the same as from your world"</span>
Xenquility: "My discord is Xenquility#6702"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Brother"
Halicord_5499: "What's all this bullshit on your desk?"</span>
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you. I will contact you soon."
stackoverflow_2651: "Oj in a coffee mug"</span>
Xenquility: "Well"
Xenquility: "Is this a goodbye, for now?"
<span class="vip2">Halicord_5499: "Yes, leave"</span>
Xenquility: "Hasty"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "Yes. We would like to be alone to remember home."</span>
Xenquility: "I wish you all well"
<span class="vip3">stackoverflow_2651: "thank you again my friend"</span>
Xenquility: "Au revoir, mon amis"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence begin searching through past Janus rooms in an attempt to find Trapped and Halicord. Many of these old Janus rooms had been updated and expanded:
<div class="indented">
The "<b>Under</b>" Janus room now contained more rooms leading to another building which contained a balcony where Stackoverflow was found. This map also contained a new room housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room.
The "<b>Mortus</b>" Janus room now contained two large, grassy structures that contained portals to the "Fakeworld" and "Pillars" Janus rooms respectively. There was also a small underground room near the tree that led to the "Under" Janus room.
The "<b>Pillars</b>" Janus room now contained a small cave housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room. The large hole found upon the first discovery of this map now led players to a series of tunnels that housed a portal to the "Distance" Janus room.
The "<b>Distance</b>" Janus room now contained three long pathways of flames that led to large, red landscapes housing portals to the "Pillars", "Fakeworld", and "Emptiness" Janus rooms respectively.
The "<b>Emptiness</b>" Janus room now contained two small balconies along the upper cliff section that housed portals leading to the "Distance" and "Tomb" Janus rooms. The lower section of this room also now contained a small cave that led to the "Fakeworld" Janus room.
The "<b>Tomb</b>" Janus room now contained a canal housing a portal to the "Emptiness" Janus room. The mountain behind the Spire now contained a cave containing a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. There was also a new building next to the Spire where a portal leading to the "Rooftop" Janus room could be found.
The "<b>Rooftop</b>" Janus room now contained an interior to the second building that was accessed via the "Tomb" Janus room. This interior also housed another portal leading to the "Solace" Janus room. This Janus room also contained a portal linking to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, though it could not be accessed from the interior of the building.
The "<b>Solace</b>" Janus room now contained a portal to the "Rooftop" Janus room found in the ruins of the old building. This room also contained a cave housing a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, as well as a large well that led to a small underground cave containing a portal that led back to the "Under" Janus room.
After exploring all of the updated Janus rooms above, players found Halicord located in the well in the "Solace" Janus room. Stackoverflow and Halicord had a heartfelt reunion.
Stackoverflow, Halicord, Prominence, and the players regrouped back in the "Fakeworld" Janus rooms. The players were tasked with finding Stackoverflow's second missing brother, Trapped, while Halicord and Stackoverflow chatted with one another. Unfortunately, these chats were not archived.
The "Fakeworld" Janus room had also been greatly updated. There were now many structures strewn across the map that linked back to the updated Janus rooms above.
The player Xenquility discovered that climbing the large castle-like structure in the "Fakeworld" Janus map would lead players to a portal linking to the "Rooftop" Janus room. Since this room was now being accessed from the "Fakeworld" Janus room and not the "Solace" or "Tomb" Janus rooms, they were no longer trapped within the interior of the building.
The player Xenquility accessed the "Streets" Janus room from the portal found in the "Rooftop" Janus room. Here, Trapped was finally found, but he was corrupted and mortally wounded.
The player Xenquility led Stackoverflow and Halicord to Trapped, but it was too late - Trapped had passed away. Stackoverflow and Halicorrd mourned the loss of their brother.
The player Xenquility discovered the location of Stackoverflow and Halicord's home - the "<b>Sun Tower</b>" Janus room previously hosted on Withinhubris.com. The two were overjoyed to finally make their way home.
Stackoverflow, Halicord, and Prominence thanked the players, promising to repay the favor in the future.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
A recording of the route taken through the Janus maps above: ((Coming Later))
<h2>October 20th, 2020</h2>
At 5:00 PM, Wolfcat became active on Discord and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods a PM containing the image "<b>picture.jpg</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/72/Picturewolf.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:42 PM, Wolfcat became active on Discord and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods a PM that read "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/upper.html</nowiki> new visions soon</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally partially a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Pako (10/20/20 - 5:46 PM)}}
At 9:51 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/20/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who wants to RP :slight_smile:"</span>
[9:51 PM] Problematik: "Depends"
[9:51 PM] Problematik: "What kind of rp?"
[9:54 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "hello @𝔅𝔲𝔭"
[9:55 PM] Problematik: "MLP rp?"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"</span>
[9:55 PM] Problematik: "Then what kind of rp?"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not a shitty pony one"</span>
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Well"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Im in"
[9:57 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "somebody know the username and password of <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/fishery</nowiki> ?"
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "Nah m8"
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "Thats some dark shit we dont know"
[9:58 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "maybe it will be unlocked in the 11/11/2020 johnisdead update"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Maybe"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Maybe not"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Tyler dont make promises about updates bc he love us"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Fuck jad"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "RP?"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "R.....P...?"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Hoi bum chummers xD"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "You are gonna make a skm rp?"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "It's Samantha silly '.';"
<span class="vip">[10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "is"
[10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "is"
[10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "the keys gatekeepers"
[10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "MEMORYMAN"</span>
[10:07 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "no"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "Probably xD"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "yes"</span>
[10:07 PM] Problematik: "Memory man"
[10:08 PM] Problematik: "Are you here"
[10:08 PM] Problematik: "Show yourself pussy boi"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "Why is it that he didn't ask who memoryman was :thinking:"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "Could it be because he IS MEMORYMAN"
[10:09 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "who is memoryman!!!!"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Memoryman didnt remember he is MEMORYMAN"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "You are MEMORYMAN"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: ""who is memoryman!!!!" T̵̄͛O̶͗̉O̴̎̏ ̷̄̋L̵̑̓A̵͛͘T̸͐͝E̴͗̿"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Can i do it with you, daddy?"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "mem"</span>
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe he just doesnt remember memoryman because he's lost(his)memor(ies)y423"
<span class="vip">[10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "ory"
[10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "man"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP asks the players if they wish to roleplay with him, but he never follows up on this.
BUP jokingly accuses the player "thelostbrineinthewoods" of being another player in disguise.
<h2>October 23rd, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Polfcat</b>".
<h2>October 24th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Prlfcat</b>".
At 12:30 AM, the player Problematik discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs Youtube channel - "<b>Message received</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/vUqEGVTzbgc|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/23/20 - "Message received" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with the same Moonman logo seen in the video "Escape p.2". The video cuts to Moonman sitting in front of his computer. He is wearing a black jacket and sunglasses. Moonman begins typing as text appears on screen.
<span class="vip">"Hello? Is anyone there?
It's me, Moonman. It's been a little bit.
For some reason, I have been unable to contact you all like usual.
Something is preventing us from reaching one another, again.
I hope this transmission reaches you, just like the old times.
This feels a bit more drastic, I guess.
Things are getting very strange.
The text "Hello" briefly changes to "Hope" as the video begins to corrupt heavily. An image of "The Watcher" appears on screen as Moonman looks around, startled.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman has been unable to contact anyone due the interference of an entity - likely <b>"The Watcher"</b>.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>October 25th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Profcat</b>".
At 5:22 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>cataclysm.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ab/Cataclysmwolf.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 26th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Prodcat</b>".
At 6:23 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>moment.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5f/Momentwolf.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 27th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Produat</b>".
At 6:36 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>meeting.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/79/Meeting.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 28th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Product</b>".
At 6:12 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>evening.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Evening.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 29th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Produce</b>".
At 6:16 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>mistake.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8c/Mistakewolf.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:17 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>doubt.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6a/Doubt.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 30th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "<b>Producer</b>", followed by "<b>The Producer</b>".
At 12:49 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/30/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[12:48 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there gonna be new johnisdead.com links?"
<span class="vip">[12:49 PM] The Producer: "No, never"
[12:49 PM] The Producer: "Also, hello"
[12:50 PM] The Producer: "uh one sec"
[12:51 PM] The Producer: "This avatar is less ominous"
[12:56 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods do you have questions of what"
[1:01 PM] The Producer: "alright then damn I guess not"
[2:09 PM] The Producer: "why are you deletin your messages buddy"</span>
[2:29 PM] Jos: "Hey producer"
<span class="vip">[2:34 PM] The Producer: "whats up squad"
[2:34 PM] The Producer: "keep up the good work with the spotlights"</span>
[2:42 PM] Jos: "xDD"
[2:42 PM] Jos: "Whats your favorite movie?"
[2:43 PM] Jos: "Also dont mind it i am  a smart Sportlight"
<span class="vip">[2:44 PM] The Producer: "The Breakfast Club honestly"</span>
[2:49 PM] Jos: "One of mine has a similar name"
[2:49 PM] Jos: "Dead Poets Society"
[2:49 PM] Jos: "What are ypu producing?"
<span class="vip">[2:50 PM] The Producer: "several things right now"
[2:51 PM] The Producer: "I'll send you all some more sneek peeks later"</span>
[3:02 PM] Jos: "alright"
[4:12 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what is the username of <nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/archive/index.html</nowiki> ?"
[4:17 PM] Pako: "oh shit the producer"
[4:22 PM] Pako: "producer why your pic is so weird"
<span class="vip">[4:38 PM] The Producer: "its not weird"
[4:38 PM] The Producer: "its aesthetic"
[4:38 PM] The Producer: "also @thelostbrineinthewoods all will be answered in due time"
[4:38 PM] The Producer: "AKA"
[4:39 PM] The Producer: "you cant get in yet"</span>
[4:39 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "until 11/11/2020?"
<span class="vip">[4:39 PM] The Producer: "maybe :thinking:"</span>
[4:44 PM] Pako: "i guess that tomorrow will be a update"
[4:47 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there any undiscovered johnisdead.com pages?"
<span class="vip">[4:48 PM] The Producer: "yes"</span>
[4:51 PM] Dense: "owo"
<span class="vip">[4:53 PM] The Producer: "...you just want me to list everything you haven't found yet?"</span>
[4:55 PM] Dense: "Haha dumbass"
<span class="vip">[4:55 PM] The Producer: "what was it doug said again"
[4:55 PM] The Producer: ""You do not deserve to be handed information. You must take it.""</span>
[5:33 PM] Pako: "maybe we should experiment with /otherone100, /sect00 to find pages"
[5:48 PM] Pako: "uh I think that IMG_1508 thumbnail changed and we didn't reported"
[5:48 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i notice it too"
[5:49 PM] Pako: "you did it?"
[5:49 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "yeah i notice it"
[5:49 PM] Pako: "when"
[5:50 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i dont know?"
[5:51 PM] Pako: "this is the new i guess"
[5:52 PM] Pako: "that thumbnail is different"
[5:59 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres moonman31?"
[6:00 PM] Pako: ":mac:"
[6:13 PM] Pako: "the IIIIIIIII video of quiet family is not available"
[6:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":angery:"
[6:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "i miss update AAA"
[6:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Producer has the same font as Circle's the"
[6:54 PM] Pako: "and as bup before"
[6:54 PM] Pako: "i think"
[6:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "𝖙𝖍𝖊"
[6:55 PM] Pako: "today we have pic?"
[6:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "what pic?"
[6:55 PM] Pako: "hmmm"
[6:56 PM] Pako: "the daily pic"
[6:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh ok!"
<span class="vip">[6:57 PM] The Producer: "oh right"
[6:57 PM] The Producer: "one sec"</span>
[6:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Thanks Producer! :KirikaAYAYA:"
[6:58 PM] Pako: "hard day at the office"
[6:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Being a producer in a production is hard work"
[6:59 PM] Jos: "Yeah"
[6:59 PM] Jos: "You have to sit there, producing things"
[6:59 PM] Jos: "Its a very productive work"
[7:00 PM] Pako: "is productive being producer or is producer being productive?"
[7:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "both"
[7:01 PM] Pako: "good answer"
[7:02 PM] Jos: "Well the product of your question would be he provides production to the movei being productive and being a pro at it, not to mention probably it has a lot of pros"
[7:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":LSD:"
[7:02 PM] Jos: ":kanna:"
[7:04 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what update?"
[7:12 PM] IIFan2001: ":ThroughFacePalm:"
<span class="vip">[7:36 PM] The Producer: ((The image "flex.png" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Flex.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[7:36 PM] Pako: "nice"
[7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what is that pic"
<span class="vip">[7:38 PM] The Producer: "one of my productions"</span>
[7:38 PM] The Producer: "id answer more but buddy im tired right now"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer's avatar changes back to its original image - a mirrored horizon.
The Producer states that the images being posted by Wolfcat's account recently were actually teasers for an upcoming "<span class="canquote">production</span>" of his.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>flex.png</b> - An image of figures running in a strange environment. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Flex.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>October 31st, 2020</h2>
At 8:11 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/31/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[12:10 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "something new today?"
[12:14 PM] Pako: "today will be long"
[12:14 PM] Pako: "so take it easy"
[2:41 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres the janus vr tyler house?"
[8:04 PM] Pako: "no pics"
<span class="vip">[8:11 PM] The Producer: "no pics"
[8:11 PM] The Producer: "something else instead"</span>
[8:12 PM] Pako: "ok producer"
[8:14 PM] Dense: "d pics"
[8:15 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "no pics?"
[8:15 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what something else?"
[8:17 PM] Dense: "maybe dick pics"
[8:17 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres douglas p"
<span class="vip">[8:18 PM] The Producer: "what was it doug said?"
[8:18 PM] The Producer: ""you do not deserve to be handed dick pics""
[8:18 PM] The Producer: "wait not thats not it"
[8:18 PM] The Producer: "regardless"
[8:18 PM] The Producer: "dick pics is not what im working on"</span>
[8:19 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "are you talking about the janus vr spire?"
[8:19 PM] Deleted User: Sure producer :beatroll:"
<span class="vip">[8:19 PM] The Producer: "maybe? :thinking:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The players ask The Producer for more pictures. He claims that they will be getting something else instead.
At 11:07 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>Message received</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOw-QEKOuwU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
10/31/20 - "Message received" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with the same Moonman logo seen in the video "Escape p.2". The video cuts to Moonman walking around his home. The Moonman logo flashes once again before text appears on screen:
<span class="vip">"MM in again. These transmissions are getting more difficult. I have a feeling I'm not alone here. Things are getting stranger."</span>
The video suddenly corrupts before more text appears:
<span class="vip">"Things are moving on their own. Doors opening and closing. This sounds like bulshit from a haunted house movie, but it's actually getting me really fucked up. I don't know what is causing any of this, but I'm going to try to keep in contact with everyone."</span>
Moonman is seen loading a gun as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman's house is seemingly being haunted.
It is becoming more difficult for Moonman to send out transmissions and the various hauntings around his home are beginning to affect his mental health.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>November 1st, 2020</h2>
At 12:01 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>Gratitude of the Precursors</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIW_AGiiTCM|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/1/20 - "Gratitude of the Precursors" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contains various clips of Janus locations. This video begins with what appears to be a dark, cloudy location. Text from Mason begins appearing on screen:
<span class="vip">Mason: "It's all finally come back to me."
Mason: "My final moments."
Mason: "I remember rushing the Spire."</span>
Text from Mason's old blog posts on Letschasethemouse are slowly typed on screen:
<span class="vip2">"I don't have much time, sadly. There's a lot of work to be done. If anyone-"</span>
The video fades to a clip of the long road that leads to the cellphone tower in the park.
<span class="vip">Mason: "Even now I recall their otherworldly screaming echoing in my mind…"
Mason: "And how in a single instant it was silenced."</span>
The video fades to a clip of a house at night. The moon can be seen in the sky.
<span class="vip">Mason: "Did I kill them? Or set them free?"
Mason: "I guess it doesn't matter anymore."</span>
The video fades to a clip of the Spire's library. More text from Mason's old blog posts is shown:
<span class="vip2">"They took Doug, which I didn't expect. They need him for something."</span>
<span class="vip">Mason: "Internet Detectives... I want to thank you."
Mason: "In 2009, you all fought for my survival."</span>
The video briefly fades to a shot of the "Tomb" Janus room before cutting to a shot of the outside of the Spire.
<span class="vip">Mason: "While I couldn't save Doug... I now understand that our efforts were not in vain."
Mason: "Thanks to all of you, I can see that now."</span>
More text from Mason's old blog posts is shown:
<span class="vip2">"have been finding myself in places that I've never seen before, and finally-"</span>
The footage cuts to what appears to be a Janus map of the fishery seen in the video "The Forerunners". A distorted, 3d model of "Mason's Device" is shown in the background. The video cuts to footage of the inside of a brightly lit Spire. Text from the dead version of IsocelesAssassin is shown.
<span class="vip3">IsocelesAssassin: "I'm incredibly grateful for all you've done for us. I can't emphasize that enough."
IsocelesAssassin: "Me and Mase will be supporting you from here on out."
IsocelesAssassin: "If you ever need our help, we'll be there."</span>
More text from Mason's old blog posts are shown:
<span class="vip2">"-said the card would be very important in the future for me."</span>
The video cuts to footage of the "Under" and "Pillars" Janus rooms, before fading to black. Footage of a 3d forest environment is shown with a dilapidated shrine in the center. The camera zooms into the shrine where a pawn chess piece is shown. A Majora's Mask text box suddenly appears:
<span class="vip4">"You received a PAWN!"
"The Link's power is yours once more!"</span>
The video cuts to some similar footage of another 3d forest environment. The camera focuses on another pawn chess piece as another Majora's Mask text box appears:
<span class="vip4">"You received a PAWN!"
"You've eased the spirit of a deceased harbinger!"</span>
The video fades to black as one final message from Mason is shown:
<span class="vip">Mason: "Please..."
Mason: "Save Doug if you can."
Mason: "I miss my friend."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is a final thank you from Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin.
Mason ponders if he murdered the Lunar Children by blowing up the Spire or set them free, taking note of the screaming he heard coming from within the building.
Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin promise to assist the players in the future.
The players receive two more chess pieces - two "<b>Pawns</b>" representing Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin respectively.
Mason asks the players to save Doug if they are able, as he still considers him a friend.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
At 12:10 AM, Stackoverflow joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and briefly chatted with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/1/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[12:10 AM] Stackoverflow: "Hello, travelers."</span>
[12:10 AM] Dense: "Hello"
<span class="vip">[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have come here in an attempt to repay you all for your help finding my brothers."</span>
[12:11 AM] Dense: "Cool"
<span class="vip">[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have this for you"
[12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "johnisdead.com/fishery"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Stackoverflow repays the players for helping him find his brothers by giving them a link to a previously locked page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>fishery</b>".
At 12:14 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>fishery</b>" was now unlocked. The page was now titled "<b>Fishery</b>" and contained the image "<b>house.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/da/House.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the "<b>Fishery</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/1/20 - "Fishery" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This Janus room is a 3d representation of the Lunar Children fishery in the style of a Majora's Mask level. This is the same Janus room seen in the video "The Forerunners". Players would spawn in a circle of rocks outside the fishery next to an old, overturned boat. Many assets from Majora's Mask could be seen around the map, such as bushes and rocks. Players could enter into the fishery through the same door Doug appeared from in the video "returning to fishery". This room was incredibly dilapidated, with massive holes in the ceiling and floors. From here, players could enter into a tiny office, where text could be found that read:
<span class="vip">"L 1UP"</span>
Players could also enter into the large, empty room where SKM was gifted the briefcase in the video "IMG_1509". Here, players could exit back outside into a large courtyard-like area with several fish tanks and overgrown scenery. From here, players could enter into the building with the caved-in roof seen in previous videos. One section of this building was cut-off from entrance due to the roof. However, climbing over the roof and dropping onto the other side of the building would lead players inside. This would also allow players to access a small room seen on the backside of the fishery which contained text that read:
<span class="vip">"name his NAME HIS NAME his NAME HIS name HIS NAME HIS name HIS NAME NANE his JEFFORY IS NAME his NAME his name HIS name NAME NAME his HIS NAME"</span>
Players could also drop to the backside of the fishery, where a drawing of the "Upper" Janus room could be seen with an arrow pointing to the hidden room next to the elevator with the following written above it:
<span class="vip">"mISs"</span>
The following text could also be seen surrounded by handprints:
<span class="vip">"Dense"</span>
Back on the other side of the caved-in roof, players could find various scribbles on the walls seen in previous videos of the fishery, as well as a small bathroom, where the following text was found:
<span class="vip">"LOST IN MY DESOUL"</span>
What appeared to be a blurry map of sorts was also visible. Another room could be accessed from this location that contained more drawings and sheets hanging from the ceiling. Here, players could exit to the back of the fishery, where a small stream could be seen. The following text was also written on the wall near the ground:
<span class="vip">"PAKO"</span>
Back inside, players could enter a large room where the ceiling was missing. This room contained the same drawings seen in past videos of the fishery, including many Parallelos symbols. This room also had a strange, red glow to it. From here, players could exit into the forest, though an invisible wall prevented them from travelling very far.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This room was a 3d representation of the fishery in the style of Majora's Mask.
This room contained many call-outs to active Johnisdead players.
This room contained many drawings found on the walls in past videos featuring the fishery.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>adrift.mp3</b> - A somber song. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/00/Adrift.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
At 12:18 PM, The Producer's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server changed to "<b>𝓣𝓱𝓮 Producer</b>". He then greeted the players with "<span class="canquote">hello broskinos</span>".
At 12:19 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the forest next to the courtyard would teleport players to a small grove where an audio file of the "Skull Kid" laughing would play on loop. Exiting this grove would teleport players back to the entrance of the fishery.
At an unknown time, players discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to leave the forest area near the beginning of the fishery would teleport players to an inescapable room made up of images of Doug's face.
At 12:29 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the forest through the backside of the fishery would teleport players to a small, dilapidated room. Here, text reading "<span class="canquote">v=4CUVfHH1G9A</span>" could be found. This room also contained a large hole in the ground. Falling into it would teleport players back to the courtyard area.
At 12:30 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that the text found in the "Fishery" Janus room - "<span class="canquote">v=4CUVfHH1G9A</span>" - was a part of a YouTube URL for a previously unseen video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel uploaded on December 20th, 2014 - "<b>#2 it's working</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CUVfHH1G9A|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/1/20 - "#2 it's working" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with Jacob sitting in his room. He appears more tired than before.
<span class="vip">"Hey. This is, uh... night two. It's... 9:12. I'm very tired, but... it seemed to work a little bit, I got a- a burst of, uh... creative- creative... you know what I mean. Uh... I wrote a song. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I wasn't entirely expecting this to happen, so I'm gonna go another day, and, uh... see what happens."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jacob has successfully created a song inspired by his sleep deprivation experiments. Because of this, he claims he will continue staying awake in an attempt to spur more creativity.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 12:40 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the room with the caved-in roof from the outside would teleport players to a series of strange rooms. These rooms looped around a bottomless pit. An outside balcony area could also be seen through a window, though it was inaccessible. The sound of a young girl laughing could occasionally be heard here as well. Entering through a small doorway would teleport players back into the large, empty room near the beginning of the fishery.
At 12:56 AM, the player Xenquility began attempting to solve the mystery of the books with letters on them found in the "Spire" Janus room that were colored either green, red, blue, or purple.
At 1:24 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message in the Internet Detectives Discord server with an emoji that read "<span class="canquote">high</span>" and another emoji of an arrow pointing up and down.
At 1:25 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message asking if he's found all of the books in the library with a blue square emoji with number one and a green square emoji with the number two.
At 1:34 AM, The Producer began reacting to several messages from the player Xenquility with emojis of arrows pointing up and down.
At 1:46 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message in the Internet Detectives Discord server asking what he's looking for in the "Upper" and "Bottom" Janus maps with an emoji of black squares.
At 2:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>Entrance.png</b>" - a strange painting of the Spire that hid a secret room in the "Bottom" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/41/Entrancespire.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:18 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and asked the players "<span class="canquote">did you rike it?</span>". Shortly after this, the player Xenquility jokingly asked who The Producer is, to which The Producer responded with "<span class="canquote">this is joakim mogren</span>".
<h2>November 2nd, 2020</h2>
At 1:03 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">a</span>".
At 9:57 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of the popular "<b>Press F to Pay Respects</b>" meme. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/76/Press-F-to-Pay-Respects-meme-Call-of-Duty-1280x720.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. During this conversation, the missing player otherLiam returned and chatted with the players as well, now being named "<b>aliveLiam</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/2/20 - Chat with The Producer and aliveLiam - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[10:10 AM] The Producer: "good morning internet pooptectives"
[10:11 AM] The Producer: "I'm on a special mission today"</span>
[10:14 AM] Pako: "nice"
<span class="vip">[10:15 AM] The Producer: "as soon as I finish my ephemeral cup of morning joe, I'll go search out one of your fallen comrades"</span>
[10:15 AM] Pako: "ok"
<span class="vip">[10:16 AM] The Producer: "you seem very excited about this prospect"
[10:24 AM] The Producer: "alright well here I go"
[10:24 AM] The Producer: "hopefully I'll return with some good news"</span>
[10:25 AM] Pako: ((A screenshot of Erika's text from the video "Remembering" reading "Exciting~" is sent))
[11:17 AM] Xenquility: "FUCKING epic"
[11:17 AM] Xenquility: "johnisdead dead ally lootbox time"
<span class="vip">[11:19 AM] The Producer: "prepare to be disappointed"</span>
[11:19 AM] Xenquility: "fuck"
[11:19 AM] Xenquility: "why"
[11:19 AM] Xenquility: "did we get another common tier character back"
[11:20 AM] Xenquility: "is it some rando from the lc forums or something"
[12:23 PM] Problematik: "hello"
[12:23 PM] Problematik: "can i get a compilation of new shit"
<span class="vip">[12:23 PM] The Producer: "here he is"</span>
[12:23 PM] Problematik: "hey prod"
<span class="vip">[12:23 PM] The Producer: "jk youre not the one i was talking about"</span>
[12:24 PM] Problematik: "k"
<span class="vip">[12:24 PM] The Producer: "hello problem"</span>
[12:24 PM] Pako: "hi problem"
[12:24 PM] Problematik: "so, any new shit i should know?"
[12:24 PM] Xenquility: "welcome back mon ami"
[12:24 PM] Problematik: "hey my dude"
[12:25 PM] Xenquility: "other than the fishery and jacob vid which I think you know about nothing otherwise"
[12:25 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "johnisdead.com/fishery has been unlocked"
[12:25 PM] Problematik: "ok cool"
[12:25 PM] Problematik: "any news about wolf?"
[12:26 PM] Xenquility: "not about wolf himself but prod is apparently working to bring one of our fallen comrades back"
[12:26 PM] Xenquility: "or "search them out" in his words"
[12:27 PM] Xenquility: "im still 80% suspicious that Producer is actually just Pumpkinhead this time around though given the whole pumpkinhead-slowly-changing-his-name-to-"producer"-thing that happened"
[12:27 PM] Xenquility: "and yeah Im saying that to his face im no pussy"
[12:27 PM] Problematik: "you are a brave man"
[12:27 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Can I get the link to the wiki again ?"
[12:28 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "<nowiki>https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/</nowiki>"
[12:28 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Danke"
<span class="vip">[12:40 PM] The Producer: "The orange guy is still off hiding somewhere, I think"
[12:40 PM] The Producer: "not here"
[12:40 PM] The Producer: "thats the only reason I'm showing myself again"
[12:41 PM] The Producer: "I've been gaining power for quite some time, you see"
[12:41 PM] The Producer: "I'm still powering up as we speak"</span>
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "how exactly did you go about taking over his account though"
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "or uh"
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "re-taking-over the account he took over"
<span class="vip">[12:42 PM] The Producer: "we are intrinsically connected"
[12:42 PM] The Producer: "this is something I've discovered only recently"</span>
[12:43 PM] Xenquility: "well isn't that a handy happenstance"
[12:43 PM] Pako: "ok i knew"
[12:44 PM] Pako: "the orange guy is hide in the hole"
[12:44 PM] Pako: ":hole:"
<span class="vip">[12:46 PM] The Producer: "I've seen the results of his efforts and it won't end the way he thinks"</span>
[12:46 PM] Dense: "hewwo"
<span class="vip">[12:47 PM] The Producer: "but I don't blame him for thinking otherwise, given the many synchronicities of what is taking place"</span>
[12:50 PM] Xenquility: "What's that dude trying to accomplish these days anyways?"
[12:52 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "This is a in character thing right ?"
[12:52 PM] Xenquility: ">implying this isn't real"
[12:52 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Lol"
[12:52 PM] Pako: "true"
[12:53 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well I am currently working my way through yshdt arc"
<span class="vip">[12:59 PM] The Producer: "He's hiding"
[12:59 PM] The Producer: "and waiting"
[12:59 PM] The Producer: "I can't go into more detail because I don't wanna disrupt the flow of the waters, so to speak"</span>
[1:00 PM] Pako: "uh"
[1:00 PM] Pako: "waiting in the waters"
<span class="vip">[1:02 PM] The Producer: "not trying to be one of those cryptic code-talk assholes here"
[1:02 PM] The Producer: "it's just this is kinda pivotal to my existence, really"
[1:03 PM] The Producer: "though if you want a more down to earth and less exciting explanation of what he's doing"
[1:03 PM] The Producer: "probably sniffing around for another dead spirit to use"</span>
[2:32 PM] Problematik: "New jacob song"
[2:33 PM] Xenquility: "is someone going to overthrow the oligarchy of ID and instate themselves as the supreme ruler?"
[2:33 PM] Problematik: "Well"
<span class="vip">[2:51 PM] The Producer: "You should do it :thinking:"
[2:51 PM] The Producer: "Be the change you want to see in the world"</span>
[2:59 PM] Xenquility: "Thanks I will do it brb"
<span class="vip">[3:02 PM] The Producer: "no wait"</span>
[3:02 PM] Problematik: "What?"
<span class="vip">[3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"
[3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"
[3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"</span>
[3:02 PM] Xenquility: "sorry"
[3:03 PM] Xenquility: "I now have your endorsement"
[3:03 PM] Xenquility: "there is no stopping"
[3:03 PM] Problematik: "Now i will drink my own pee"
<span class="vip">[3:03 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods look what youve done"</span>
[3:06 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "dont hacked me"
<span class="vip">[3:06 PM] The Producer: "too late, buddy"</span>
[3:06 PM] Xenquility: "he's already in your mainframe"
[3:06 PM] Xenquility: "soon he'll be inside of you too :flushed:"
[3:07 PM] Problematik: "Hot"
[3:08 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ": ("
<span class="vip">[3:08 PM] The Producer: ":hand: :hando:"
[3:09 PM] The Producer: "looking through your personal files right now..."
[3:09 PM] The Producer: "whats all this "sand book" stuff??"</span>
[3:09 PM] Xenquility: "LMAO"
[3:10 PM] Problematik: "What is this homework carpet that weight 6 gb"
[3:10 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i will leave"
[3:10 PM] Xenquility: "bro you hacked him too hardf"
[3:10 PM] Xenquility: "wtf"
[3:10 PM] Pako: "problem don't lie"
<span class="vip">[3:10 PM] The Producer: "im kidding dont leave"
[3:10 PM] The Producer: "i didnt actually hack you"
[3:11 PM] The Producer: "aw rip he left"</span>
[3:11 PM] Problematik: "Thats unfortunate"
[3:11 PM] Pako: "producer you scared him"
[3:12 PM] Xenquility: "it's okay we all know he will be back"
<span class="vip">[3:15 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods do you think you're safe? :hand:"
[3:15 PM] The Producer: "jk DONT LEAVE im kidding"</span>
[3:16 PM] Pako: ":hando:"
[5:47 PM] JosByte: Judt kiddign"
[8:49 PM] Xenquility: "So what should my first step to absolute authority be, Producer?"
<span class="vip">[8:49 PM] The Producer: "maybe making a map of these various worlds might help?"</span>
[8:55 PM] Xenquility: "Great idea! Mapping out the electoral districts of janus for some good 'ol jerrymandering will be the perfect way for me to fake the ID election"
[9:17 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":wot:"
<span class="vip">[9:24 PM] The Producer: "jackpot"</span>
[9:25 PM] Xenquility: "ayy"
<span class="vip2">[9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "uh"
[9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "hi?"</span>
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: "how was death"
<span class="vip2">[9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "death?"</span>
[9:27 PM] Xenquility: "well whatever happened to you when you left"
[9:27 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 "I don't remember anything like that""
<span class="vip2">[9:27 PM] aliveLiam: "i mean"
[9:28 PM] aliveLiam: "i remember my computer buggin out"</span>
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: "bup made it sound like he did worse"
<span class="vip2">[9:28 PM] aliveLiam: "wait"
[9:29 PM] aliveLiam: "jesus christ it's november?"</span>
[9:29 PM] ADULT_LINK: "yea"
<span class="vip">[9:29 PM] The Producer: "you're fuckin welcome"</span>
<span class="vip2">[9:29 PM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck'd you do"</span>
[9:29 PM] Xenquility: "welcome to november"
[9:30 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "johnisdead.com/fishery has been unlocked and its the same fishery from  The forerunners"
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: "wait..."
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: "omg..."
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean..."
[9:30 PM] Xenquility: "Liam can't remember what happened in September?"
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: ":horse:"
<span class="vip2">[9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "the fuck happened in september"</span>
[9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait what happened in september"
<span class="vip2">[9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "the fuck happened for the last few months"</span>
[9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "2020 is a blur"
<span class="vip2">[9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "no seriously what"</span>
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: "nothing I was referencing a song"
[9:31 PM] Xenquility: "also liam what do you last remember"
<span class="vip2">[9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "ok forreal why is it november"</span>
[9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ah gotcha"
<span class="vip2">[9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "uh"
[9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "i was makin fun of bup the cuck"
[9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "then my computer bugged out"</span>
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: "yeah he "killed" you"
<span class="vip2">[9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "then his dumbass face popped up"
[9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "and now it's fucking november"</span>
[9:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "hey neat you skipped some of quarantine"
[9:32 PM] Xenquility: "you didn't buy enough simpleflips merch and he got mad at your ass"
<span class="vip2">[9:33 PM] aliveLiam: "it's STILL quarantine?!"</span>
[9:33 PM] Xenquility: "so he banished you to the ricefields"
[9:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "yeah man this shit aint goin away for a while"
[9:34 PM] Xenquility: "some loser named "Liam" took over your twitch account too and kept dissing you live"
<span class="vip2">[9:34 PM] aliveLiam: "uh?"</span>
[9:34 PM] Dense: "Oh shid true"
[9:34 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lol"
<span class="vip2">[9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "the hell are you talking about"</span>
[9:35 PM] Dense: "I 100% forgot liam was beat to death"
<span class="vip2">[9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "hi dense"</span>
[9:35 PM] Dense: "hemlo"
<span class="vip2">[9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "im not death"</span>
[9:36 PM] Dense: "we missed u"
[9:36 PM] Xenquility: "you were death though"
<span class="vip2">[9:36 PM] aliveLiam: "im just november"</span>
[9:36 PM] Dense: "novemba"
[9:36 PM] Xenquility: "liam actually finally perfected cryostasis"
[9:38 PM] Dense: "wow"
<span class="vip2">[9:47 PM] aliveLiam: "alright so i opened firefox to check my twitch"
[9:47 PM] aliveLiam: "and this shit is open?"
[9:47 PM] aliveLiam: ((The video "Round 2! Episode 1" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/ZPicc9eghAI|target=_blank]]</span>
[9:47 PM] Dense: ">fire fox"
[9:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ayy firefox"
[9:48 PM] Dense: "OH shid hi jacky"
[9:48 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
[9:48 PM] Dense: "5 YEARS"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow these guys giving us videos via some really weird creative liberties"
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "also dense do you have an ISSUE with firefox"
<span class="vip2">[9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "yeah uh"
[9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "i got nothin for this"
[9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "im still kinda in shock i lost like two months"</span>
[9:50 PM] Dense: "how's the family tho"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "honestly yeah you might want to like"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "call up your girlfriend"
<span class="vip2">[9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "dude that's the thing"
[9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "i live with my girlfriend"</span>
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "well then uh"
<span class="vip2">[9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "and she's acting like nothing's weird"</span>
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "what the fuck"
[9:53 PM] Xenquility: "is pannenkoek about to come in here and explain parallel universes to us or something"
<span class="vip2">[9:53 PM] aliveLiam: "DUDE"
[9:53 PM] aliveLiam: "SHE HAS A FUCKING ENGAGEMENT RING ON???"</span>
[9:53 PM] Xenquility: "fucking EPIC"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "well uh"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "I think epic?"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Other than the insinuation that you've, I'm assuming, been acting without your own knowledge for the past two months"
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Which kind of sucks I guess"
<span class="vip2">[9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "ok hang on"
[9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "hang on"
[9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "what"</span>
[9:54 PM] Xenquility: "what"
<span class="vip2">[9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "my parents also are just acting normal"
[9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "i've got like"
[9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "texts going back over these two months"
[9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "that i didn't send"</span>
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "Damn did these bad guys straight up hand control of yourself over to someone else"
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "or at least another you"
[9:56 PM] jeffory: "did somebody mention panennkoek"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "or knowing them maybe another part of the same you?"
<span class="vip2">[9:56 PM] aliveLiam: "HOW WOULD I FUCKING KNOW"</span>
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: "woah woah don't bite my head off I'm not tasty like the mushroom who did this is"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] The Producer: "you're fuckin welcome"</span>
<span class="vip2">[9:57 PM] aliveLiam: "WHAT DID YOU DO"</span>
[10:09 PM] Dense: "Liam did "YOU" give the ring or"
<span class="vip2">[10:09 PM] aliveLiam: "Dense I don't remember a fucking thing"</span>
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "did otherLiam get replaced with realLiam :thinking:"
<span class="vip2">[10:12 PM] aliveLiam: "ok ive just checked everything"
[10:12 PM] aliveLiam: "apparently everything's just kinda carried on as if i was there"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer informs the players that he's on a special mission - bringing back one of the players' lost comrades.
The Producer claims that he and Pumpkinhead are somehow intrinsically connected and that he cannot give the players more information regarding his current or future activities as it's supposedly pivotal to his very existence. He claims that events will now play out how Pumpkinhead believes they will, however.
The Producer believes that Pumpkinhead is currently hiding and waiting and perhaps even searching for another spirit to use as his mask.
The Producer returns with the players' lost comrade - the player BUP supposedly "killed", <b>otherLiam</b>. They change their name to "<b>aliveLiam</b>" and begin speaking to the players.
AliveLiam explains that the last thing he remembers is his computer glitching out. He is shocked to see that two months have passed since then.
AliveLiam claims that life has seemingly been progressing as normal despite the fact that he's been gone. His family and girlfriend claim that he never went missing and there are texts in his phone from himself that back up this claim. His girlfriend also is now wearing an engagement ring, implying that he even proposed to her while also being "gone".
AliveLiam says that when he "awoke", a previously unseen video uploaded on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel was open on his computer - "<b>Round 2! Episode 1</b>". See below for more details.
At 9:47 PM, aliveLiam posted a link to a previously unseen video uploaded to the Vincent Adams YouTube channel on February 14th, 2015 - "<b>Round 2! Episode 1</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/ZPicc9eghAI|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/2/20 - "Round 2! Episode 1" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with Jacob sitting in his room recording himself.
<span class="vip">Jacob: "Welp... I'm gonna do it again. It, um... It worked last time so I'm gonna do it again. This is, um... first night for, um... for this time. Uh... it is 12:18 AM. I'm excited to do it again for the sake of music."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jacob confirms that he is going to start another round of sleep deprivation experiments in an attempt to create more music after the success of the previous nights.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Gonna do it again. trying for another song :)</span>"
Tags: N/A
<h2>November 3rd, 2020</h2>
At 10:10 AM, aliveLiam became active in the Internet Detectives discord server and began chatting with the players. Shortly after this, The Producer also became active and joined the conversation.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/3/20 - Chat with The Producer - Source
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "okay well this is surreal as fuck to ask"
[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "but uh"
[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck did i miss?"</span>
[10:10 AM] Problematik: "Jacob is vincent"
<span class="vip">[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "no i remember that"</span>
[10:10 AM] Problematik: "Wolf became prod"
<span class="vip">[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "wait what"</span>
[10:10 AM] Problematik: "Yes"
<span class="vip">[10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "but i thought wolf was evil"</span>
[10:11 AM] Problematik: "Not anymore"
<span class="vip">[10:11 AM] aliveLiam: "wat"
[10:11 AM] aliveLiam: "what happened to :jack_o_lantern:"</span>
[10:11 AM] Problematik: "He is hidding in a hole"
[10:12 AM] Problematik: "There was a new upd8 video"
[10:12 AM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres the upd8 video?"
[10:12 AM] Problematik: "In the silentdork channel"
<span class="vip">[10:12 AM] aliveLiam: "who are you"</span>
[10:13 AM] Problematik: "Hes a new guy"
<span class="vip">[10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "hi"</span>
<span class="vip2">[10:15 AM] The Producer: "feels weird bein the big man on top"</span>
<span class="vip">[10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "you"
[10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck happened"</span>
[10:15 AM] Problematik: "I dont trust in prod, it was a weird transformation"
<span class="vip2">[10:15 AM] The Producer: "you got bupped"
[10:15 AM] The Producer: "and I pulled you out"
[10:16 AM] The Producer: "also im no longer the singular big man on top now that pako logged in"</span>
<span class="vip">[10:16 AM] aliveLiam: "we all know pako is god, it goes without saying"</span>
[10:17 AM] Problematik: "Maybe you saved our friend, but i dont trust you prod"
<span class="vip2">[10:17 AM] The Producer: "understandable given the previous user of this account"</span>
<span class="vip">[10:17 AM] aliveLiam: "i mean, thanks, but why help me?"</span>
or did whatever happen with wolfcat change you from being a neutral party?"
<span class="vip2">[10:18 AM] The Producer: "I've always been 'one of you' at heart, if I'm being honest"
[10:18 AM] The Producer: "as I said, I've been powering up"
[10:18 AM] The Producer: "expanding my horizontals"
[10:19 AM] The Producer: "I now have more power than previously thought"
[10:19 AM] The Producer: "I've learned to go a level beyond"</span>
[10:19 AM] Pako: "lol liam revived"
[10:19 AM] Problematik: "Can we play songs again?"
[10:20 AM] Problematik: "I want to use the song of time 69 times"
<span class="vip2">[10:20 AM] The Producer: "I'm pretty sure whatever hold orange guy had on your powers was released when he ran off"
[10:20 AM] The Producer: "so it's likely you can do whatever now, I think"</span>
[10:20 AM] Problematik: "This is a hella big new"
<span class="vip2">[10:21 AM] The Producer: "I dont have all the answers but that makes sense to me"
[10:21 AM] The Producer: "I only have like"
[10:21 AM] The Producer: "80% of the answers"</span>
[10:21 AM] Problematik: "Why my dad left me?"
[10:21 AM] Problematik: "Do you have that answer?"
<span class="vip2">[10:21 AM] The Producer: "I cant answer that one buddy"</span>
[10:21 AM] Problematik: "Fuck"
<span class="vip2">[10:22 AM] The Producer: "I can be your new dad though"
[10:22 AM] The Producer: "at least ephemerally"</span>
[10:22 AM] Problematik: "No thanks, i have my daddy @Fancypigg"
<span class="vip">[10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "well"
[10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "that’s exciting i guess, that we can use our powers without getting cockblocked"
[10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "so uh"
[10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "if Pumpkinhead is run off"
[10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "what are we even doing rn"</span>
[10:27 AM] Problematik: "Idk"
[10:28 AM] Problematik: "I will wait till 11/11 to play a song or do something"
<span class="vip2">[10:29 AM] The Producer: "well I'm workin on a little something special right now"</span>
<span class="vip">[10:29 AM] aliveLiam: "oh?"</span>
[10:29 AM] Problematik: "Only fans?"
<span class="vip2">[10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll laugh"
[10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll cry"
[10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll go poo poo"
[10:30 AM] The Producer: "but not yet"</span>
<span class="vip">[10:30 AM] aliveLiam: "ah, the suspense. also, by the way, i was kinda flippant, but forreal thanks for un-bupping me."</span>
<span class="vip2">[10:30 AM] The Producer: "anytime"
[10:31 AM] The Producer: "I must cover for my colleague's bad manners"</span>
[10:31 AM] Pako: "feels like this 11/11 might be the best"
[10:33 AM] Pako: "also another video revealed of Vincent channel"
[10:33 AM] Pako: "i thought that we discovered all"
[10:36 AM] Pako: "no boi"
[10:37 AM] Pako: "was before posted"
<span class="vip">[10:53 AM] aliveLiam: "you talking about the one i posted?"</span>
[10:55 AM] Pako: "ye"
[10:55 AM] Problematik: "yeet"
<span class="vip">[11:04 AM] aliveLiam: "cant help you there"
[11:04 AM] aliveLiam: "fucker was just in my session when i opened firefox"</span>
[11:05 AM] Pako: "lmao"
[11:08 AM] Pako: "they hacked your firefox"
[11:08 AM] Pako: "vincentadams.exe"
<span class="vip">[11:37 AM] aliveLiam: "or whatever was living my life while i was out had it open"
[11:37 AM] aliveLiam: "i dunno"</span>
[4:21 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "...where's wolfcat?"
[4:24 PM] Dense: "ded"
<span class="vip2">[4:25 PM] The Producer: "Inside your computer."</span>
[5:28 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there any hidden pages of lunarchildren.com that has been undiscovered?"
<span class="vip2">[5:31 PM] The Producer: "maybe? :thinking:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
AliveLiam reiterates that he doesn't really know what happened to him. He thanks The Producer for saving him, however, and asks the players to catch him up on recent updates in the ARG.
The Producer says he saved aliveLiam because he's always been one of the players "at heart", and that he has to make up for BUP's bad behavior.
The Producer believes that the players should now have all of their powers back since they scared off Pumpkinhead - including the ability to play songs.
The Producer claims that he's currently working on something special for the players.
<h2> November 4th, 2020</h2>
At 11:22 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods expressed his desire to meet Tyler in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, he deleted his message. The Producer then responded with "<span class="canquote">why do you want to meet that loser. @thelostbrineinthewoods if you keep deleting your messages I'm going to delete you. from existence</span>".
<h2>November 5th, 2020</h2>
At 3:34 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>coast</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 4:05 PM, the player HaouDeSoul asked The Producer if he could produce memes in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, The Producer responded with "<span class="canquote">what do you think I've been doing my entire life</span>".
<h2>November 6th, 2020</h2>
At 11:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/6/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "the spooky shadow"
[7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "((An image of a black-colored Re-dead is sent))"
[7:37 PM] Jackuan: "damn"
<span class="vip">[11:10 AM] The Producer: "Scarey"</span>
[11:10 AM] Pako: ":bruh:"
[11:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":bruh:"
[11:12 AM] Jackuan: "imagine having nitro"
[11:12 AM] Jackuan: "imagine dragons"
[11:12 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":Jefault:"
[11:13 AM] Jackuan: "imagine gif"
<span class="vip">[11:13 AM] The Producer: "how ya doin jack"</span>
[11:13 AM] Jackuan: "pretty good ngl"
<span class="vip">[11:13 AM] The Producer: "good"</span>
[11:14 AM] Jackuan: "How ya doin?"
<span class="vip">[11:14 AM] The Producer: "I hope the orange guy didnt give you too much trouble"
[11:14 AM] The Producer: "im doin pretty good too"</span>
[11:14 AM] Jackuan: "It's a meme thang"
<span class="vip">[11:14 AM] The Producer: "doin a little producin"</span>
[11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Of the gang"
<span class="vip">[11:14 AM] The Producer: "doin a little coffee"
[11:14 AM] The Producer: "damn sick bars"</span>
[11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Are you winning son?"
[11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Good"
[11:15 AM] Jackuan: "Can please handsome gentleman get rid of the TRUE Orange role?"
<span class="vip">[11:15 AM] The Producer: "you're free"</span>
[11:15 AM] Jackuan: "It was put for joke porpouses"
[11:15 AM] Jackuan: "Also, thanks!"
[11:16 AM] HaouDeSoul: "he red"
[11:16 AM] Pako: "this producer so polite"
[11:16 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":laindance:"
[11:16 AM] Jackuan: "I'm blood."
<span class="vip">[11:16 AM] The Producer: "I'm stuff"</span>
[11:16 AM] Jackuan: "i'm paint"
[11:16 AM] Jackuan: "That i drank"
<span class="vip">[11:17 AM] The Producer: "well"
[11:17 AM] The Producer: "you are what you eat"</span>
[11:17 AM] Jackuan: "Fuck yeah"
[11:17 AM] Pako: "true"
[11:17 AM] Pako: "i'm a pizza"
[11:17 AM] Jackuan: "I'm wholesomeness"
<span class="vip">[11:17 AM] The Producer: "I'm :ass:"</span>
[11:18 AM] Jackuan: "Hey Prod! It's much better talk to you than pumpking ass bitch"
<span class="vip">[11:18 AM] The Producer: "thank you"
[11:18 AM] The Producer: "id hope so"</span>
[11:18 AM] Jackuan: "I mean"
[11:18 AM] Jackuan: "It was fun the first month"
[11:18 AM] HaouDeSoul: "rip pumpkin memes"
[11:18 AM] Jackuan: "But then it just drove me crazy at the point of getting K.O"
<span class="vip">[11:18 AM] The Producer: "sorry if I'm not as up and at 'em as I once was"
[11:18 AM] The Producer: "I've been very focused on PRODUCING as of late"</span>
[11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Are you like"
<span class="vip">[11:19 AM] The Producer: ":jack_o_lantern:"</span>
[11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Thanos?"
[11:19 AM] Pako: "damn"
[11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Like the whole chair meme and your time"
[11:19 AM] Pako: "producer are you becoming pumpkin"
[11:19 AM] Jackuan: "N stuff"
[11:19 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Producer has good work ethic! :thumbsup:"
<span class="vip">[11:20 AM] The Producer: "thank you :tenor:"</span>
[11:20 AM] Jackuan: "It is."
[11:20 AM] Pako: ":issy:"
<span class="vip">[11:20 AM] The Producer: ""PaKoToday at 10:19 AM" producer are you becoming pumpkin"
[11:20 AM] The Producer: "to quote jack"
[11:20 AM] The Producer: "I'm not pumpking ass bitch!"</span>
[11:20 AM] Jackuan: "Be named Jack is a bless and a curse."
[11:20 AM] Pako: "then why you posted a pumpkin?"
[11:21 AM] Jackuan: "He was quoting bruh"
<span class="vip">[11:21 AM] The Producer: "for the meme"</span>
[11:21 AM] Pako: "bruh"
[11:21 AM] Jackuan: "For the lulz"
[11:21 AM] Pako: "moment"
<span class="vip">[11:21 AM] The Producer: "for the epic lols bro"
[11:21 AM] The Producer: "thats what this is all for in the end"
[11:21 AM] The Producer: "im just a herpin and a derpin"</span>
[11:21 AM] Jackuan: "What do you think about my shitty Photoshop meme prod?"
[11:21 AM] HaouDeSoul: "memes, the DNA of the soul"
<span class="vip">[11:22 AM] The Producer: "the bruh moment?"</span>
[11:22 AM] Jackuan: "Indeed"
[11:22 AM] Pako: "so wait, we can trust to producer"
<span class="vip">[11:22 AM] The Producer: "I like it"
[11:22 AM] The Producer: "you can trust to me"</span>
[11:22 AM] Jackuan: "Wow, thanks, means a Lot"
[11:22 AM] Pako: "or maybe not"
[11:22 AM] Pako: "or maybe yes"
[11:22 AM] Jackuan: "He is truthwrothy"
<span class="vip">[11:22 AM] The Producer: "I'm tustable"</span>
[11:23 AM] Jackuan: "Idk if i spelled right"
<span class="vip">[11:23 AM] The Producer: "unlike Eve"</span>
[11:23 AM] Jackuan: "Sowrry i drank red paint"
[11:23 AM] Pako: "is true that he saved our liam"
[11:23 AM] Jackuan: "What's up with Eve?"
<span class="vip">[11:23 AM] The Producer: "she's always been untustable"</span>
[11:23 AM] Pako: "actually if in case that producer is bad why he saved our liam"
[11:24 AM] Jackuan: "Kinda true ngl"
[11:24 AM] Jackuan: "Not totally but just a lil bit"
[11:24 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam got bupped for several months. Terrifying time distortion"
[11:24 AM] Pako: "yep"
[11:25 AM] Jackuan: "Are you a mix between the OG producer, the good ol' Wolf and the ARG?"
<span class="vip">[11:25 AM] The Producer: "im just"
[11:25 AM] The Producer: "The Producer"</span>
[11:25 AM] Jackuan: "Liam just got back to the future"
[11:25 AM] Pako: "he produces some images and maybe a lot more"
[11:26 AM] Jackuan: "Hey actual question: What do you need to be part of the S.P"
[11:26 AM] Pako: "i mean"
<span class="vip">[11:26 AM] The Producer: "I'm from a world quite different from your own"</span>
[11:26 AM] Pako: "true"
[11:26 AM] Jackuan: "AU"
<span class="vip">[11:26 AM] The Producer: "what is the SP"</span>
[11:26 AM] Pako: "that pics are not the same to reality"
[11:26 AM] Jackuan: "Secret Police"
<span class="vip">[11:26 AM] The Producer: "years of training"</span>
[11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Someone just left and got it in a click"
[11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Right in my face lmao"
[11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Like a week ago"
[11:27 AM] Pako: "ok producer, in your world you have enemies?"
[11:28 AM] Jackuan: "Are we alive in your AU?"
[11:28 AM] Jackuan: "What kind of person is my dopplerganger?"
[11:28 AM] Jackuan: "If im dead, how did i died?"
[11:29 AM] Jackuan: "those are questions that never gonna get answer"
[11:29 AM] Jackuan: "innit?"
[11:29 AM] Pako: "ifrit?"
[11:29 AM] Jackuan: "innit=isnt it"
[11:30 AM] Jackuan: "dumbass"
[11:31 AM] Jackuan: "I just have the memories of the best month in all discord bc Tyler just gifted it to me and i wasnt expecting it lol"
<span class="vip">[11:31 AM] The Producer: "There are people who would like me out of the picture in my world, yes"</span>
[11:31 AM] Jackuan: "The nitro."
[11:31 AM] Jackuan: "Are you God?"
<span class="vip">[11:31 AM] The Producer: "and I recognize some of you from my world"
[11:31 AM] The Producer: "you flatter me"</span>
[11:31 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":flamengi:"
[11:31 AM] Jackuan: "who do you recognize?"
<span class="vip">[11:31 AM] The Producer: "I'm not God but I've been "Touched" by him"</span>
[11:32 AM] Jackuan: "Cool"
<span class="vip">[11:32 AM] The Producer: "I don't recognize you"
[11:32 AM] The Producer: "So I dunno if you have a doppleganger or not"</span>
[11:32 AM] ADULT_LINK: "f"
[11:32 AM] Jackuan: "Well im kinda "new""
<span class="vip">[11:33 AM] The Producer: "Link is a bit familiar"</span>
[11:33 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":Jefault: nice"
[11:33 AM] Jackuan: "I just been there in the shadows without being truly active since the last year"
[11:33 AM] Jackuan: "So i understand you don't recognize me"
[11:34 AM] Jackuan: "Remember D and D"
[11:34 AM] Jackuan: "It was fun"
[11:34 AM] Jackuan: "But i dunno why it got cancelled"
<span class="vip">[11:34 AM] The Producer: "sorry, thats for nerds"
[11:34 AM] The Producer: "I dont do that shit"</span>
[11:35 AM] Pako: ":XD:"
[11:35 AM] Jackuan: "In our AU we use to do some"
[11:35 AM] Jackuan: "Well, them."
[11:35 AM] Jackuan: "Not me"
[11:35 AM] Jackuan: "I just watched them"
[11:36 AM] Jackuan: "Welp, enough about my past, lemme ask you somethin"
[11:37 AM] Jackuan: "Can i be part of the Secret Police someday?"
<span class="vip">[11:37 AM] The Producer: "Ask away, Little Man"
[11:37 AM] The Producer: "maybe"
[11:37 AM] The Producer: "do you really think you're ready?"</span>
[11:37 AM] Jackuan: "I AM."
<span class="vip">[11:38 AM] The Producer: "prove it"</span>
[11:38 AM] Jackuan: "Sorry the paint"
[11:38 AM] Pako: "am or pm?"
[11:38 AM] Jackuan: "How do you want to test me?"
<span class="vip">[11:38 AM] The Producer: "make me a meme"</span>
[11:38 AM] Pako: ":typing_frog:"
<span class="vip">[11:38 AM] The Producer: "and then MAYBE ill add you"</span>
[11:38 AM] Jackuan: "I already did bruh"
<span class="vip">[11:39 AM] The Producer: "make a meme about ID"</span>
[11:39 AM] Jackuan: "I have a Lot of carpets, lemme send you the recent ones"
<span class="vip">[11:39 AM] The Producer: "carpet?"</span>
[11:39 AM] Jackuan: "In pc"
[11:39 AM] Jackuan: "Well i've got a joke"
<span class="vip">[11:39 AM] The Producer: "this office could use some carpet tbh"</span>
[11:39 AM] Jackuan: "Does that counts?"
[11:40 AM] Jackuan: "Wanna hear it?"
[11:40 AM] Jackuan: "Here it goes"
[11:41 AM] Jackuan: "-Hey do you know what inside the libro lunarus? -Libro Lunarus? More like Libro uranus"
[11:41 AM] Jackuan: "It's an oldie one"
<span class="vip">[11:41 AM] The Producer: "wait I wasnt listening"
[11:41 AM] The Producer: "say it again"</span>
[11:41 AM] Jackuan: "Just read it."
[11:41 AM] Pako: "you said hear"
[11:41 AM] Jackuan: "He did."
<span class="vip">[11:41 AM] The Producer: "I cant read"</span>
[11:41 AM] Jackuan: "Ok"
[11:42 AM] Jackuan: "So if you can't read how do you understand  us?"
[11:42 AM] Jackuan: "Ask Jacob, that joke always gets him"
[11:43 AM] Jackuan: "That was one, but im talking about the libro lunarus"
[11:43 AM] Pako: "today is friday"
<span class="vip">[11:43 AM] The Producer: "this is a good meme"</span>
[11:43 AM] Jackuan: "Flat Fuck Friday"
[11:43 AM] Pako: "so get one pumpkin free"
<span class="vip">[11:43 AM] The Producer: "jack put your joke in image form"</span>
[11:43 AM] Jackuan: ""this is a good meme" @Wolfcat well, i've got that one"
<span class="vip">[11:44 AM] The Producer: "draw it in a language I'll understand"
[11:44 AM] The Producer: "like"</span>
[11:44 AM] Jackuan: "That is one of the thousands i have"
<span class="vip">[11:44 AM] The Producer: "a comic"</span>
[11:44 AM] Jackuan: "Ok...."
[11:44 AM] Jackuan: "Heres is everyone reaction when normal people joins to the server and leaves at the second:"
[11:45 AM] Jackuan: "Or this one i made"
<span class="vip">[11:45 AM] The Producer: "this meme is fail bro"</span>
[11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "these arent memes these are reaction images"
<span class="vip">[11:45 AM] The Producer: "i want you to open up ms paint and draw me a meme comic"</span>
[11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "wait"
[11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "are you trying to say you created that certifid bruh moment pic"
[11:46 AM] Jackuan: "You want a comic?"
<span class="vip">[11:46 AM] The Producer: "yes"</span>
[11:46 AM] ADULT_LINK: "is this like you trying to say you invented lonk"
[11:46 AM] Jackuan: "I'm joking, or maybe not, who knows"
<span class="vip">[11:46 AM] The Producer: "see pako has the right idea"</span>
[11:46 AM] Jackuan: "I have video of Doug dancing in the parallelos"
[11:47 AM] Pako: "the undecim fever?"
<span class="vip">[11:47 AM] The Producer: "seen it"</span>
[11:47 AM] Jackuan: "All the good ones are already taken"
<span class="vip">[11:47 AM] The Producer: "you have to DRAW doug dancing in the parallelos"</span>
[11:47 AM] Jackuan: "Thats the bad side or being unactive lol"
[11:47 AM] Jackuan: ""you have to DRAW doug dancing in the parallelos" Ok, give me a minute"
[11:49 AM] Jackuan: "This might took a while"
<span class="vip">[11:49 AM] The Producer: "NICE"</span>
[11:50 AM] Jackuan: "Yee"
[11:50 AM] Pako: "lambo"
[11:50 AM] Pako: ":yeehaw:"
[11:50 AM] Jackuan: "Indeed"
[11:54 AM] Jackuan: "K"
[11:54 AM] Jackuan: "Quick question: color or uncolored?"
<span class="vip">[11:54 AM] The Producer: "whichever you wanna do buddy"</span>
[11:54 AM] Jackuan: "Ok"
[11:55 AM] Jackuan: "I'm already saying it's drewd like shit bc i'm doing a speedrun"
[11:55 AM] Jackuan: "lmao"
[11:59 AM] Jackuan: "Now that i think about it, the wholething is a mess so the shittier the better"
[12:08 PM] Jackuan: "Ok, ladies and gentlemen, i've finished it."
[12:09 PM] Jackuan: "Warning: This is the most shitty draw i'ver ever Made, and hopefully @Wolfcat will get it"
[12:11 PM] Jackuan: "The camera Quality is also shit."
[12:11 PM] Pako: "i can't see with 144p"
[12:12 PM] Jackuan: "Let me try send anotherone"
[12:12 PM] Jackuan: ((A drawing of Doug dancing in the street is sent)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/20201106_121148.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
[12:12 PM] Jackuan: "Idk"
[12:13 PM] Pako: "this one looks better"
[12:13 PM] Jackuan: "I did what i could in 8 minutes"
[12:13 PM] Jackuan: "sowrry"
<span class="vip">[12:13 PM] The Producer: "hell yeah"
[12:13 PM] The Producer: "I love it"</span>
[12:13 PM] Jackuan: "For the record is shitty on porpouse lmao"
[12:13 PM] Jackuan: "Also thanks!"
[12:13 PM] Pako: "he did the green filter of parallelos"
[12:13 PM] Pako: "gg"
[12:13 PM] Jackuan: "Gg"
[12:14 PM] Jackuan: "So...."
[12:14 PM] Jackuan: "I'm in?"
<span class="vip">[12:14 PM] The Producer: "I'm sorry to break it to you"
[12:14 PM] The Producer: "but I cant actually admit you into the secret police"
[12:14 PM] The Producer: "but"
[12:14 PM] The Producer: "I'll be sure to hang this on my wall later"
[12:14 PM] The Producer: "I promise"</span>
[12:15 PM] Jackuan: ":pensive: :ok_hand:"
[12:15 PM] Jackuan: "Thanks!"
[12:16 PM] Jackuan: "So now you know who i am! Don't forget me, change da world, my final message, goodbye."
[12:16 PM] Jackuan: "leaves for some Nuggets and Fries"
[12:36 PM] Jackuan: "Ok i'm back"
[12:37 PM] Jackuan: "Uuuh, tricky question: If we chat in dm's is ooc or oc?"
[12:37 PM] Jackuan: "Prod?"
<span class="vip">[12:38 PM] The Producer: "what is oc"</span>
[12:38 PM] Jackuan: "On Charachter"
<span class="vip">[12:38 PM] The Producer: "what the"
[12:39 PM] The Producer: "do you mean in character"</span>
[12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Like canon"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "on character"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "he wants to be on top of you"
[12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Whaaa"
[12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Whaaahahhhaaat?"
[12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Lies"
[12:40 PM] Jackuan: "I was just curious"
<span class="vip">[12:40 PM] The Producer: ":flushed:"</span>
[12:40 PM] Xenquility: "see how flustered he is"
[12:40 PM] Problematik: "Prod? Kill jackuan pls"
[12:40 PM] Problematik: "We dont lose anything"
[12:41 PM] Jackuan: "U think"
<span class="vip">[12:41 PM] The Producer: "I'll lose a friend"</span>
[12:41 PM] Jackuan: "See?"
[12:41 PM] Jackuan: "We are friends"
[12:41 PM] Jackuan: "Like Jacob and You"
[12:42 PM] Jackuan: "Wait..."
[12:43 PM] Jackuan: "I'm a dumbass, i can't even write a sentence good."
[12:43 PM] Jackuan: "fuck, that happens when you are eating and texting"
[12:45 PM] Jackuan: "Also, prod, what happened to Wolf?"
<span class="vip">[12:48 PM] The Producer: "which one"</span>
[12:49 PM] Jackuan: "the good ol' one"
<span class="vip">[12:49 PM] The Producer: "there are no good wolfcats"</span>
[12:49 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah"
[12:49 PM] Jackuan: "i forgot"
[12:50 PM] Jackuan: "well, at least he was a friend"
[12:52 PM] Jackuan: "a weird one, but a friend"
[3:25 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "how i gonna take screenshots in janus vr?"
[3:25 PM] Jackuan: "gyazo"
<span class="vip">[3:25 PM] The Producer: "print screen"</span>
[3:26 PM] Jackuan: "download it"
[3:26 PM] Jackuan: "its free"
[3:26 PM] Xenquility: "win+shift+s"
<span class="vip">[3:26 PM] The Producer: "alt+f4"</span>
[3:26 PM] Xenquility: "deleting system32"
[3:26 PM] Jackuan: "ctrl+alt+supr"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer claims that he comes from a world that's quite different from the players' world. He claims that there are people in said world that want him gone.
The Producer asks the player Jackuan to make him a meme. The player Jackuan gives The Producer a drawing of Doug dancing in the street. The Producer claims he will hang it on the wall of his office later.
<h2>November 10th, 2020</h2>
At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to Greth's OoC channel "<b>mfgreth</b>" - "<b>MESSAGED RECIEVED</b>". Shortly after this, this video was deleted and uploaded instead to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niYeKJGk6To&feature=youtu.be|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/10/20 - "MESSAGED RECIEVED" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of Moonman in his home. He says something and motions towards the camera while loading a pistol. The footage then distorts and cuts to more corrupted video footage as text from Moonman is shown:
<span class="vip">Moonman: "This will be my final transmission. I have come to a simple conclusion, one that I think you will find most undeniable: I am in serious trouble."</span>
The text "I am in serious trouble" is quickly removed and the typing resumes:
<span class="vip">Moonman: "I am no longer in need of your help, "Internet Detectives", and you should stop trying to help me. Actually, go ahead and ask yourselves, when was the last time you "HELPED" someone without wrecking the entire situation horribly?"</span>
Corrupted footage of Moonman is shown as the typing continues:
<span class="vip">Moonman: "Do you remember the boy with the blog who you showed those bomb plans to? Or how about the guy you threw a rock at, like morons? What about that time the idiot with the dog avatar played the Elegy multiple times? Face it, without OUTSIDE HELP, you are incapable of accomplishing anything. So you might as well give it up. Just leave things be, because you aren't making a difference."</span>
The video cuts to footage of the video "SAVING ALEX.MP4" before cutting back to Moonman's message as the following text is added:
<span class="vip">Moonman: "Goodbye. I'm sorry."</span>
An image of "The Watcher" quickly flashes on screen as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is another message from Moonman. He can be seen searching around his house with a gun as text appears deriding the players for their past failures. This text is likely "The Watcher" attempting to imitate Moonman.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">l i e s</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a a1z26 cipher.<br />- Solved by Laches (11/10/20 - 1:17 AM)}}
Tags: N/A
At 2:45 PM, the title of the video "MESSAGED RECIEVED" slowly changed with one letter being removed at a time. The title began to slowly spell out "<b>MOONMAN'S RECKONING</b>".
<h2>November 11th, 2020</h2>
At 6:27 AM, the player otherLiam discovered that IsocelesAssassin had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums on the "Safehaven" board titled "<b>Initiative</b>". Players began chatting with Astral Observatory forum members in this thread.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/11/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;'>November 10th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</span>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
<span class="vip2">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin confirms that Pumpkinhead gained access to his account by using an alternate version of himself as a mask. This alternate version of IsocelesAssassin was killed by Regiminis back in 2012.
IsocelesAssassin says he vividly remembers all of the scenarios shown in the video "The Forerunners", though they played out a bit differently.
IsocelesAssassin thanks the players and states that he is happy knowing that Mason's spirit is now at peace.
IsocelesAssassin says that GHOSTBABEL is thankful for the players saving them from Pumpkinhead, who was supposedly so angered at GHOSTBABEL taunting them that they captured them for a short while - as depicted in past videos.
IsocelesAssassin has lost all contact with Moonman. He says he is going to go check on him, claiming he knows a shortcut to Florida.
IsocelesAssassin says that should all go according to plan, they will be able to initiate the next step in their plan later in the day.
At 11:13 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>Abduction</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxWMvmZhl6M|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/11/20 - "Abduction" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of "The Watcher". Text begins appearing on screen that reads as follows:
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is a taunting message from "The Watcher" claiming that the players have fallen into their trap.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">Bleeding together layers worlds souls watch <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/realm/</nowiki></span>
Tags: N/A
At 11:15 PM, players were led to a new page on Johnisdead.com through the description of the video "Abduction" - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>realm</b>". This page was titled "<b>Realm</b>" and contained the image "<b>realm.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7c/Realm.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained text that read "<span class="canquote">Utilize Lens</span>", with the word "Lens" linking players back to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld</nowiki></span>". This page also contained the "<b>Realm</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/11/20 - "Realm" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This Janus room is the same highway seen in the Janus rooms "Path" and "Another Path" along with Tyler's house and the surrounding woods recreated as if it were a map from Majora's Mask.
Players spawn in on a sidewalk next to the highway similar to the Janus rooms "Path" and "Another Path". Much like those previous maps, progressing too far down the highway will loop the player back around to the beginning. Not far from where the player spawns is a small road leading through the woods. Next to this road is a fenced in area where a house can barely be seen. As the players proceed through the woods, the ambiance of the highway slowly fades into natural sounds of crickets and birds.
Along the road through the woods, players can spot a ledge that cannot be reached. There are also several odd rock patterns on the ground. The road eventually transitions into a driveway as the players enter Tyler's front yard. A calming, somber track plays here. Near the backside of Tyler's house is the same bucket lid that was believed to have been thrown at his wall multiple times in the past. Proceeding past Tyler's house will lead to several sheds and other small buildings. In one of these sheds is a scrap of paper that reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"SO MANY"
"fascie"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in binary.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (11/11/20 - 11:25 PM)}}
On the backside of one of the nearby buildings is a drawing of what looks like a gem of sorts with text reading:
<span class="vip">"the Faceless"
"is just the esca"</span>
Near the edge of Tyler's backyard is a small clearing with an old tree. On this tree is a scrap of paper that reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"ocean in the SKY"
"fish in the SEA"
"hide from the esca"</span>
Tyler's yard extends into the woods for a short ways. Here, an overturned boat can be found, along with the same old truck where the "beacon" was found in the video "I am not safe in my home". Behind this truck is the clearing where the "Detour Sign" can be found. On the opposite side of this truck is a path leading through the woods where Tyler chased Daniel in the video "I am not safe in my home". However, this path was blocked by an invisible wall.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room is a recreation of the same highway seen in recent videos and Janus rooms, though this one contained a road leading to Tyler's yard.
Through exploring this map, players could find Tyler's house, the "Detour Sign", and the path through the woods Tyler chased Daniel through. However, this path was blocked and could not be accessed.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>homestead.mp3</b> - A calm song that plays outside Tyler's home. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Homestead.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>nature.mp3</b> - Natural sounds that play as the players progress through the woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a9/Nature.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
The paper found in Tyler's shed: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Annotation_2020-11-11_232545.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The paper found on the tree in Tyler's yard: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2d/Escapaper.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The lid that was thrown at Tyler's home: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/dd/Annotation_2020-11-11_232639.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The "Detour sign": <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8a/Annotation_2020-11-11_235245.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Text written on the back of a building near Tyler's house: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4c/Buildingrealmwords.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:19 PM, the player Laches discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that players would be warped to by standing in a circle of rocks along the road to Tyler's house. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5b/Realmtele1.png|target=_blank]]</span> This location was a large canyon with a single bridge crossing over if. On the other side of this bridge was a wooden posted with paper tacked to it that read "<span class="canquote">Its empty angels need shining faces to EAT.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d9/Fisheat.png|target=_blank]]</span> This location contained another circle of rocks that would teleport players back to the road to Tyler's house.
At 11:24 PM, the player Laches discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that players would be warped to by touching the "Detour Sign" near Tyler's house. This location contained a path that led to a house with the text "<span class="canquote">3D shadows of 4D PARASITES</span>" written on the back. Further down the path was an old truck with the text "<span class="canquote">entropy</span>" written on it next to a drawing of a fish. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e6/Entropyfish.png|target=_blank]]</span> Continuing down the path further would lead players to another "Detour Sign", which would teleport them to a fenced in location where Doug would chase them. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0e/Detour2sign.png|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7d/Dougchase1.png|target=_blank]]</span> Touching Doug would trap players in a room with loud noises. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/98/Dougroomaaah.png|target=_blank]]</span> If the players were able to make it past Doug, they would enter into a small area with a strange mural of four figures on the ground. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3d/Floormural.png|target=_blank]]</span> Another circle of rocks was in this location, which would teleport players onto the previously unreachable ledge found along the road to Tyler's house.
At 11:58 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that the players would be warped to by standing in a circle of rocks along the highway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/84/Realmhillrocks.png|target=_blank]]</span> This room was a small clearing with a hill. In this location a green, faceless entity would slowly follow the players. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/db/Realmfascie.png|target=_blank]]</span> Atop the hill was a dead tree with a paper pinned to it that read "<span class="canquote">I saw it moving up ((Illegible)) hungry in the sky and ((Illegible)) bigger than all of the small ((Illegible)) they all just part of</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/36/Hillpaperrealm.png|target=_blank]]</span> On the ground next to this tree was a paper with a drawing of what appeared to be more "gems" seen in another drawing with lines coming from them entering into a large circle with three smaller circles within it. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/80/Realmdrawings.png|target=_blank]]</span> Near this tree was another circle of rocks that would warp players to a small raised platform near the highway. Touching the faceless entity, however, would trap players in a strange, fleshy looking room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b0/Facelessroom.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>November 12th, 2020</h2>
At 1:20 AM, a new user joined the Astral Observatory forums - "<b>the_jaeger</b>". The Jaeger used a dark image of "The Watcher" as their avatar, implying that the actual title of "The Watcher" is "<b>The Jaeger</b>". The Jaeger created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums in the "Safe Haven" board titled "<b>Thought you should know.</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/12/20 - "Thought you should know."  - the_jaeger
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 12th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."</span>
<span class="vip2">IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"</span>
<span class="vip3">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"</span>
<span class="vip">the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Jaeger implies that Moonman is now in their possession and that some sort of aggregation will take place.
When asked about the supposed aggregation, The Jaeger claims that "<span class="canquote">The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth.</span>".
<h2>November 13th, 2020</h2>
At 8:26 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/12/20 - "Thought you should know."  - the_jaeger
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 12th, 2020</span>
<i>the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 13th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
NotAHoax says he will take down The Jaeger for threatening his friends.
<h2>November 14th, 2020</h2>
At 3:50 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>SAVING MOONMAN.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIHyqViCF8A|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/14/20 - "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with the corrupted Moonman logo seen in recent videos on the Greth Vlogs channel. The video then cuts to gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing inside the "Swamp Tourist Center" building. As Link walks towards the camera, footage of Moonman appears over him, indicating that Link is meant to represent him. Some strange sounds are heard as Link looks around the room. Someone suddenly can be heard knocking on the door. Link proceeds to walk outside to investigate the noise.
Link enters into the "Southern Swamp" area. The "Wart" mini-boss can be seen floating in mid-air. As Link triggers the mini-boss fight, an image of "The Jaeger" appears over the "Wart" mini-boss, implying this is meant to represent "The Jaeger". Link attacks a few of the bubbles that fall from "Wart" before running away. He equips the "Stone Mask" and plays the "Song of Soaring" on his Ocarina. Link is then warped to a new "Owl Statue" outside of the "Astral Observatory". Link enters the building.
As Link enters the "Astral Observatory", a flame wall erupts behind him, covering the door. Link proceeds to a new sign in the building that contains an image of the "Bremen Mask" which reads as follows:
<span class="vip">"Welcome to our Safe Haven. Extreme measures have been taken to ensure all within are obscured from anyone Watching. You ARE safe here."</span>
Link then proceeds downstairs where it is shown that the bottom entrance is protected by a flame wall as well.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
This video portrays Moonman as Link. Link exits his home and encounters the "Wart" mini-boss, who is meant to represent The Jaeger.
Link escapes the "Wart" mini-boss by using the "<b>Stone Mask</b>" and the "<b>Song of Soaring</b>".
Link teleports to the "Astral Observatory", which is now protected by flame walls.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>November 16th, 2020</h2>
At 4:15 PM, GHOSTBABEL briefly responded to a thread titled "hello" created by the player thelostbrineinthewoods in the "Introductions" board.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/16/20 - "hello" - thelostbrineinthewoods
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 16th, 2020</span>
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:14 PM: "hello i'm new here is someone gonna say hello to me"
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:34 PM: "is someone gonna post a reply?"
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:40 PM: "it seems theres nobody posting a reply"
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:44 PM: "well nobody post a reply in my topic"
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:45 PM: ": ("
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:48 PM: "can i say hello to you isocelesassasin?"
thelostbrineinthewoods 3:52 PM: "somebody online?"
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:15 PM: "ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ, ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ? ɪsᴏᴄᴇʟᴇsᴀssᴀssɪɴ ɪs ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴘʀᴇᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ. ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ."</span>
thelostbrineinthewoods 4:25 PM: "oh ok can i say hello to you ghostbabel"
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:29 PM: "...sᴜʀᴇ. ʜᴇʟʟᴏ."</span>
IIFan2001 7:17 PM: "what"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The player thelostbrineinthewoods wishes to greet IsocelesAssassin, but GHOSTBABEL claims that they are currently busy because "<span class="canquote">ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ.</span>".
<h2>November 17th, 2020</h2>
At 5:38 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/17/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="textd-decoration:underline;">November 12th, 2020</span>
<i>the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 13th, 2020</span>
<i>NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."</i>
Jose 8:35 PM: "Brother hoax, this is brother Jos, that guy is a fuck, take out the shotgun. thank for your time."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 17th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:04 PM: "Who the hell are you?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Kaiden expresses his shock and confusion in regards to recent events.
<h2>November 22nd, 2020</h2>
At 12:28 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods commented on the fact that nothing happened as a result of the submission of the video "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4". Shortly after this, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Who says nothing happened?</span>".
At 1:11 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">IIIII</span>".
At 1:25 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an emoji of a wiggling butt.
<h2>November 23rd, 2020</h2>
At 10:49 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/23/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[10:49 AM] The Producer: "I feel the meme power flowing today."</span>
[10:51 AM] Laches: "Alright, eldritch bro.  Whatcha got in store for us today."
[10:54 AM] Lego1upMushroom: ":happycirc:"
[10:55 AM] Xenquility: "is prod the rod about to slap his giant meme cock all over us"
<span class="vip">[10:55 AM] The Producer: "Nothing substantial at the moment"
[10:55 AM] The Producer: "I just feel that today's date is rather memetic"</span>
[10:55 AM] Laches: "But the meme cock..."
<span class="vip">[10:55 AM] The Producer: "It's coming"
[10:56 AM] The Producer: "But I need more time"</span>
[10:56 AM] Xenquility: "1123"
[10:56 AM] Xenquility: "1123"
<span class="vip">[10:56 AM] The Producer: ":dream:"</span>
[10:56 AM] Laches: "Not as fast as I am."
[11:03 AM] Xenquility: "inb4 producer is pumpkinhead"
<span class="vip">[11:04 AM] The Producer: "Aren't we all a little bit Pumpkinhead? :thinking:"</span>
[11:04 AM] Xenquility: "no"
[11:04 AM] Laches: "no"
[11:04 AM] Xenquility: "but I am a little bit cumkinhead :wow:"
<span class="vip">[11:05 AM] The Producer: "You Will Be"
[11:05 AM] The Producer: "cumkinhead i mean"
[11:05 AM] The Producer: "not pumpkinhead"
[11:05 AM] The Producer: "that wasnt a threat"</span>
[11:05 AM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
<span class="vip">[11:05 AM] The Producer: "unless...?"</span>
[11:06 AM] Xenquility: "as long as you don't turn me into a country bumpkinhead I'm fine"
<span class="vip">[11:06 AM] The Producer: "you say that as if it'd be a bad thing"</span>
[11:06 AM] Xenquility: "it is"
[11:06 AM] Xenquility: "sorry not sorry"
<span class="vip">[11:06 AM] The Producer: "wow"</span>
[11:06 AM] Xenquility: "*sahrry"
[11:06 AM] Laches: "Simple living. No worries. Small thoughts."
[11:06 AM] Xenquility: "small brain"
<span class="vip">[11:06 AM] The Producer: "im taking my massive meme cock and leaving"</span>
[11:07 AM] Xenquility: "no you aren't"
[11:07 AM] Laches: "Small peewee :sadpepe:"
<span class="vip">[11:07 AM] The Producer: "you're right :SadKel:"</span>
[11:07 AM] Xenquility: "once you jid you never quid"
[11:07 AM] Laches: "Can confirm, I'm going to use "I'm about to jid" from now on."
[11:09 AM] Laches: "So anyway, what the fuck is up with the entropy fish on the truck?"
[11:10 AM] Xenquility: "is that some weird country idiom from to kill a mocking bird that ive never heard of"
[11:10 AM] Laches: "No"
[11:10 AM] Laches: "One moment."
[11:14 AM] Laches: ((A screenshot of the truck from the "Realm" Janus room with a fish and the word "entropy" drawn on it is sent))
<span class="vip">[11:14 AM] The Producer: "I'll respond with a true country idiom"
[11:14 AM] The Producer: "With great power comes great responsibility"
[11:14 AM] The Producer: "ok maybe thats not really necessarily country"</span>
[11:14 AM] Xenquility: "omg.."
[11:15 AM] Xenquility: "entropy fish..."
<span class="vip">[11:15 AM] The Producer: "or an idiom"
[11:15 AM] The Producer: "but"</span>
[11:15 AM] Xenquility: "it makes perfect sense..."
[11:15 AM] Lego1upMushroom: "Is there a point where you guys actually start archiving stuff or is that still a issue in the current arcs"
[11:15 AM] Laches: "wiki is current up to april.  Been browsing chat logs to find everything else."
[11:15 AM] Xenquility: "sorry it's me being a fucking lazy dumbshit"
[11:16 AM] Lego1upMushroom: "I’m currently reading arc2 I just noticed that files don’t seem to be kept very well"
[11:16 AM] Xenquility: "oh that"
<span class="vip">[11:16 AM] The Producer: "as my influence has expanded, I feel it... "not so good" to be as lax as I once was regarding this kind of information"</span>
[11:16 AM] Xenquility: "probably around astral arc is when it's almost perfect"
<span class="vip">[11:16 AM] The Producer: "so all I will say regarding the entropy fish is that it relates to the esca"</span>
[11:17 AM] Laches: "The papers and graffiti scattered around feel like a big riddle.  Like we're supposed to determine a key phrase."
[11:17 AM] Laches: "You know, like those old silent hill puzzles."
[11:18 AM] Xenquility: "SHIT"
[11:18 AM] Xenquility: "I FOUND IT"
[11:18 AM] Xenquility: "THE ANSWER"
[11:18 AM] Xenquility: "<nowiki>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esca_(grape_disease)</nowiki>"
<span class="vip">[11:18 AM] The Producer: "my god"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer claims that he is feeling a surge of memetic power on this date.
The Producer says that the drawing of the fish next to the word "entropy" written on the truck found in the "Realm" Janus room somehow relates to the "esca".
At 9:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>/primal/volatile/lucid/timeless</b>". This page was titled "<b>Not Yet</b>" and contained the image "<b>locked.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/56/Lockedjid.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>locked.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/Locked.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page was discovered by unscrambling all of the letters found on the colored books in the "Spire" Janus room, then arranging them in the form of a URL as hinted at by the image "order.gif" found in the "Bottom" Janus room in the order "<b>green</b>", "<b>red</b>", "<b>blue</b>", and "<b>purple</b>" as hinted at by the image "pattern.gif" found in the "Upper" Janus room.
<h2>November 24th, 2020</h2>
At 11:23 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "<b>WARTESPIEL</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um3RDgL4PdI|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/24/20 - "WARTESPIEL" - YouTube (Silentdork)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a shot moving down a narrow road incredibly quickly. The road appears to be a 3d JanusVR room. Text from Pumpkinhead begins appearing:
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Hello again, Detectives."
Pumpkinhead: "Is something wrong?"
Pumpkinhead: "You all seem rather concerned about a certain friend..."</span>
Distorted footage of Moonman from recent videos uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel is shown. The video suddenly cuts to black.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "But isn't there someone you're all forgetting…?"</span>
Footage of the "Realm" Janus room is shown as the camera zooms through the road and into Tyler's house.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "Even still, I await my True mask. The effigy of my Progenitor."</span>
The video cuts to black.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "But perhaps for the time being, I could borrow another?"</span>
The camera slowly pans towards one of the elevators seen in the "Spire" Janus room. The video cuts and the camera is suddenly thrust back away from the elevator as a sigil is shown. More footage of a 3d JanusVR room is shown as the camera zooms through a forest trail.
<span class="vip">Pumpkinhead: "I see. It will not allow it."
Pumpkinhead: "Strange. Why is It keeping him there…?"
Pumpkinhead: "How long will he keep himself waiting, I wonder?"
Pumpkinhead: "Soon, he will begin walking the path again."
Pumpkinhead: "Until then, I'll be watching…"
Pumpkinhead: "This Sphere has become quite interesting as of late."</span>
Several videos consisting of what appears to be 3d footage play over each other as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Pumpkinhead taunts the players, implying that they have forgotten Tyler and are instead focusing on Moonman.
Pumpkinhead seemingly attempts to take Tyler as his mask but is stopped by an unknown entity who will not allow it. He questions why this entity is keeping Tyler locked in the elevator.
Pumpkinhead claims he is still waiting for his "<b>True mask</b>" - likely the dead version of Wolfcat that he was previously using. He revers to this mask as the "<span class="canquote"> effigy of my Progenitor</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">The Link waits. As do I. Time will come again.</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 11:41 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods sent the message "time will come what?" in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, The Producer became active and began quoting lyrics from a "Devil May Cry" song: "<span class="canquote">and so will I. I'll laugh last, 'cause you came to die. The damage done, the pain subsides and I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye. sorry I had to do it to em</span>".
At 11:39 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>EniFWovWEAUtFN-.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/20/EniFWovWEAUtFN-.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>December 11th, 2020</h2>
At 4:28 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/11/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[4:28 PM] The Producer: "Hello Defectives"</span>
[4:28 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Hello"
[4:28 PM] Laches: "Hel- I see you've made one funny."
<span class="vip">[4:28 PM] The Producer: "It's been a while"
[4:28 PM] The Producer: "I've been hard at work"
[4:28 PM] The Producer: "And also working hard"</span>
[4:29 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what"
[4:29 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well that’s sucks"
[4:29 PM] Laches: "Not long enough, let's be real."
[4:29 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Have a Kit Kat"
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] The Producer: "Wow I see how it is"</span>
[4:29 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "who?"
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] The Producer: "me bitch"</span>
[4:29 PM] Laches: "I'm just kidding, I love you."
<span class="vip">[4:29 PM] The Producer: ":heart:"</span>
[4:30 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ":slight_smile:"
[4:30 PM] Pako: "hey producer"
<span class="vip">[4:30 PM] The Producer: "I'm actually here to announce my departure"
[4:30 PM] The Producer: "*temporary Departure"</span>
[4:30 PM] Laches: ":broe:"
[4:30 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":sadcat~1:"
<span class="vip">[4:30 PM] The Producer: "I have to recede back into my office of offices and focus on my workload"</span>
[4:30 PM] Laches: "Did you get cancelled?"
[4:30 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Probably"
[4:30 PM] Laches: "You got cancelled, didn't you."
[4:31 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "did you get cancelled producer?"
<span class="vip">[4:31 PM] The Producer: "I'm cancelling myself"</span>
[4:31 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Nah he just needs to go get lunch"
<span class="vip">[4:31 PM] The Producer: "It was honestly a bit of a risky move for me to come back in the first place I guess"</span>
[4:32 PM] Laches: "But what if you just said no instead."
<span class="vip">[4:32 PM] The Producer: "Like I doubt pumpkin man is gonna show up around here when hes all low energy but whatever"</span>
3:32 PM] Laches: "And joined us. We could shitpost forever in harmony."
[4:32 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is the pumpkinhead gonna return?"
<span class="vip">[4:32 PM] The Producer: "someday that dream will be a reality"
[4:32 PM] The Producer: "but as for right now"
[4:32 PM] The Producer: "I just wanna squat"</span>
[4:32 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Ew"
<span class="vip">[4:32 PM] The Producer: "we'll meet again soon my guys"
[4:33 PM] The Producer: "and when we do"
[4:33 PM] The Producer: "we'll squat"</span>
[4:33 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well see you then my dude"
[4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "goodbye producer"
[4:33 PM] Laches: "We'll miss you. :sadcat~1:"
[4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ":sadcat~1:"
[4:33 PM] Pako: "they were saying the dream since april"
[4:33 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "And keep on producing"
[4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "goodbye producer"
[4:35 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Eyo wolfcat is back in town"
[4:42 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "ooc wolfcat is the pumpkin head gonna return?"
[4:42 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":wholetmoogin:"
<span class="vip">[4:42 PM] The Producer: "hes already here"
[4:42 PM] The Producer: ":hand::jack_o_lantern::hando:"</span>
[4:43 PM] Pako: "nice"
[4:43 PM] Pako: "let's fight"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer announces that he is temporarily leaving the Internet Detectives Discord server to recede back to his office and focus on his work.
<h2>December 21st, 2020</h2>
At 10:36 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."</span>
<span class="vip2">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "<nowiki>https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/</nowiki>"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin says that when he was about to travel to Florida, Moonman was suddenly warped into his home - likely due to the players' submission of "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4".
IsocelesAssassin says that Moonman is still in a rough place mentally but he's slowly recovering.
IsocelesAssassin informs the players that GHOSTBABEL was able to pick up a transmission from the "Hacker Group", claiming that the Astral Observatory has a "beacon-like" effect that draws things in from the Parallelos.
GHOSTBABEL says that the transmission they received from the "Hacker Group" was a script that they were able to implement into Astralobservatory.net on a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/</nowiki></span><b>beacon</b>".
GHOSTBABEL says that the players will need to search the Parallelos via various portals such as Johnisdead.com in order to find a specific code. Once this code is discovered, they will need to enter it into the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace</nowiki></span>", which will fully establish a connection with the "Hacker Group".
At 11:56 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;"> November 12th, 2020</span>
<i>the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 13th, 2020</span>
<i>NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."
Jose 8:35 PM: "Brother hoax, this is brother Jos, that guy is a fuck, take out the shotgun. thank for your time."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 17th, 2020</span>
<i>Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:04 PM: "Who the hell are you?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 18th, 2020</span>
TheOtherLiam 5:54 AM: "He’s a creepy stalker that’s been hanging out in the background for awhile. We call him “Watcher”. He’s been trying to get us to give up, calling us all useless and such. Joke’s on him, that’s never stopped us from doing shit anyway. I assume he’s scared we’ll actually stop whatever’s happening, otherwise he wouldn’t bother. Then again I did just get nearly wiped out of existence by one of these creepy evil guys. Granted I think BUP was in another league than this tool, but still. Be safe, yall."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 21st, 2020</span>
TLBITW 12:56 PM: "is matt hubbard the watcher?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 27th, 2020</span>
TLBITW 6:04 PM: "whats gonna happen?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 28th, 2020</span>
TLBITW 5:49 PM: "someone gonna post something?"
IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "No"
IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "Oh wait"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 11th, 2020</span>
TLBITW 12:58 AM: "also nocta dont be scared"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 10:56 PM: "<i>"also nocta dont be scared"</i> He fucking should be."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin briefly expresses his distaste for Nocta.
At 12:44 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that the Janus room "Realm" had updated. The room now contained a link to a new image in its source code - "<b>parallel.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5d/Parallel.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:39 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>sea</b>". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
At 4:01 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the Janus rooms "Path", "Another Path", and "Realm" had all updated. These three rooms now contained portals that led from one to another at the respective ends of the sidewalks along their highways.
At 4:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the image "parallel.png" contained "Hylian" text written on it that read "<span class="canquote">Parallelos</span>".
At 6:15 PM, the players were given a new page on Astralobservatory.net by GHOSTBABEL - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/</nowiki></span><b>subspace/beacon</b>". This page was titled "<b>Astral Observatory - Subspace</b>" and contained text that read "<span class="canquote">ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ</span>". Below this was a text box players could type into with the prompt "<span class="canquote">ᴄᴏᴅᴇ</span>". Entering the incorrect code on this page would result in it simply refreshing the page.
At 6:20 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
(Updated Path) <i>(Side Path - <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path22540132/</nowiki>)</i>
<div class="indented">
<i>"<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki>path22540132" -A road in an open field. A road splits off to the right. A sign can be seen that reads "<span class="canquote">CROSSROADS</span>".</i> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/Path22540132.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
<i>Main road links to "/path18432268"</i>
Side road links to "<span class="canquote">/path00023220</span>"
Winding Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path22540132/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00023220</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f3/Path00023220.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00004588</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00004588</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1a/Path00004588.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00004622</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00004622</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/56/Path00004622.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00004992</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00004992</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/45/Path00004992.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00005202</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00005202</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Path00005202.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00005662</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00005662</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/35/Path00005662.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00006002</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00006002</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fb/Path00006002.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00006376</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00006376</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Path00006376.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00006773</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00006773</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Path00006773.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00007122</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00007122</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c3/Path00007122.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00007340</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00007340</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/Path00007340.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00007689</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00007689</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/Path00007689.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00008023</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00008023</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/26/Path00008023.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00008442</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00008442</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/27/Path00008442.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00008912</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00008912</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/82/Path00008912.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00009021</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00009021</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ac/Path00009021.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00009300</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00009300</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fc/Path00009300.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00009592</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00009592</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/99/Path00009592.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00009920</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00009920</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ab/Path00009920.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00000402</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00000402</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/60/Path00000402.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00000332</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00000332</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ee/Path00000332.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00000102</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00000102</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Path00000102.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32200332</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32200332</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/60/Path32200332.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32200402</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32200402</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fa/Path32200402.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32200699</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32200699</b>" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bf/Path32200699.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32200923</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32200923</b>" - A path of a road leading through some woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/64/Path32200923.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32201311</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32201311</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c5/Path32201311.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32201932</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32201932</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/62/Path32201932.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202101</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202101</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8a/Path32202101.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202238</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202238</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field next to a building. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3b/Path32202238.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202442</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202442</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/42/Path32202442.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202477</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202477</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field near some buildings. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a3/Path32202477.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202899</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202899</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field near some buildings. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/30/Path32202899.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32202999</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32202999</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/ff/Path32202999.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203004</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203004</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a2/Path32203004.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203392</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203392</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/Path32203392.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203400</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203400</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bd/Path32203400.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203555</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203555</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/74/Path32203555.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203620</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203620</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field next to a building. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bb/Path32203620.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203891</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203891</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f4/Path32203891.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32203992</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32203992</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/86/Path32203992.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32204423</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32204423</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/00/Path32204423.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32204788</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32204788</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town. A large, old building is visible to the right of the road. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d3/Path32204788.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32204900</span>"
Side path links to "<span class="canquote">/path32204969</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32204900</b>" - A path of a road splitting off into two different directions. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Path32204900.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Left path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14440231</span>"
Right path links to "<span class="canquote">/path44419112</span>"
Orphanage Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path32204788/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32204969</b>" - A path of a road leading to a large, old building. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e8/Path32204969.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Building links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>/orphanage/room</b>"
Left Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path32204900/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14440231</b>" - A path of a road leading along a beach. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5d/Path14440231.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14440942</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14440942</b>" - A path of a road leading along a beach. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Path14440942.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14441130</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14441130</b>" - A path of a road leading along a beach.<span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d3/Path14441130.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14441894</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14441894</b>" - A path of a road leading along a beach. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6d/Path14441894.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14441901</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14441901</b>" - A path of a road leading along a beach. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Path14441901.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14442001</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14442001</b>" - A path of a road leading through a narrow, fenced-in path. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/43/Path14442001.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14442302</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14442302</b>" - A path of a road leading through a narrow, fenced-in path. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8d/Path14442302.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path14442609</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path14442609</b>" - A dark-colored beach at the edge of the ocean. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d3/Path14442609.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
Right Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path32204900/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path44419112</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d5/Path44419112.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48882302</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48882302</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/71/Path48882302.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48882701</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48882701</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field with a tower in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8d/Path48882701.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48882900</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48882900</b>" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field with a tower in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Path48882900.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48883518</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48883518</b>" - A path of a road leading to a tower in a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/04/Path48883518.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48883929</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48883929</b>" - The entrance of a large tower. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/58/Path48883929.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path48884020</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48884020</b>" - A ground-view shot of the tower with strange patterns in the sky. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2e/Path48884020.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>tower/opening</b>"
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The path that led to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates</nowiki></span>" now has a road splitting off to the right where the sign reading "<span class="canquote">CROSSROADS</span>" was previously found. This path led through a mountainous environment and split off several times.
The mountainous path eventually led through a small town, where an old orphanage could be discovered.
The mountainous path split in two directions - one leading to a dead-end at a beach, and the other leading to a large tower in a field.
<div class="indented">
((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
At 6:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path32204969</b>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>orphanage/room</b>". This page was titled "<b>Orpahange</b>" and contained the image "<b>orphanage.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/68/Orphanage.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>orpahange.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a3/Orphanageaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path48884020</b>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>tower/opening</b>". This page was titled "<b>CLIMB</b>" and contained the image "<b>climb.gif</b>", which contained the text "<span class="canquote">ASCEND</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e7/Climb.gif|target=_blank]]</span>. This page also contained the audio "<b>sanctuary.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Sanctuary.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "<span class="canquote">She appears before bohemian vagabonds betrayed by blood with a promise of family. She appears before those of withered faith with promises of renewal. She gives us a home. A new golden age. The girl with olive eyes.</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility(12/21/20 - 6:24 PM)}}
At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening/</nowiki></span><b>ascend</b>". This page was titled "<b>CLIMB</b>" and contained the image "<b>ascend.gif</b>", which contained the text "<span class="canquote">LEVELS</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/95/Ascendtower.gif|target=_blank]]</span>. This page also contained the audio "<b>myth.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Myth.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "<span class="canquote">Our family rests at the golden board within the emerald halls. Within the emerald halls, where the children laugh and play. Within the prosperous lands, where our forebears played before. Within this halcyon world, where our reign is everlasting. Within her olive eyes, where truth comes true.</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility(12/21/20 - 6:25 PM)}}
At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/opening/ascend/</nowiki></span><b>levels</b>". This page was titled "<b>CLIMB</b>" and contained the image "<b>levels.gif</b>", which contained the text "<span class="canquote">ESCALATE</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9f/Levels.gif|target=_blank]]</span>. This page also contained the audio "<b>levels.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9b/Levels.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "<span class="canquote">Our Father of exultation. Our Mother of concord. Our fellowship is eternal. Our fellowship was eternal. An foreign gale of unknown origin was blowing.
</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility(12/21/20 - 6:26 PM)}}
At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/opening/ascend/</nowiki></span><b>levels</b>". This page was titled "<b>You must CHOOSE</b>" and contained the image "<b>escalate.gif</b>", which contained the text "<span class="canquote">WEST_WING</span>" and "<span class="canquote">EAST_WING</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text in this image was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "CHOOSE".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 - 6:30 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 - 6:28 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4d/Escalate.gif|target=_blank]]</span>. This page also contained the audio "<b>choose.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ea/Chooseaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "<span class="canquote">We refused to acknowledge its arrival, for it had already become certain. Seize, my brothers! We shall brave the tides. Upon the eleventh hour, her eyes shed a final emerald tear.
</span>" {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br /> - Solved by Xenquility(12/21/20 - 6:28 PM)}}
At 6:34 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of the "Realm" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/88/222222.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Realm" Janus room had been updated. The room now contained the image "Parallel.png" hovering over the invisible wall blocking the path where Tyler chased Daniel. Clicking on this image would create a portal to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>treeline</b>". This page was titled "<b>Treeline</b>" and also contained the image "realm.gif". This page also contained the "<b>Treeline</b>" Janus room.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "Treeline" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This Janus room is a continuation of the "Realm" Janus room. Players spawn in a small wooded trail that connects back to the "Realm" Janus room through the path Tyler chased Daniel down. As players proceed down the path, they come across a crossroads. A blue object can also be seen on the ground. To the right is a large, dead tree with a note pinned to it containing a drawing of an Absque Fascie and some text that reads:
<span class="vip">"masks with nothing under THEM."</span>
Turning right at the crossroad will take players to a large open area in the woods. Here, there are multiple paths players can take. Turning right will lead players to a long road, which will be documented later. This path can also lead players to a small grove containing a large bush. Behind this bush is a small mannequin head. Proceeding back the way the players came, going forward would continue to lead players through the woods. Here, players could access a small grove next to a circle of trees where another mannequin head could be found.
Proceeding further through the woods, players would come across another grove where a telephone pole could be found. Standing next to this phone would cause a long audio file to play containing a series of codes interspersed by the Lunar Children theme "Show Me".
From here, the woods became much more difficult to navigate, with several small, narrow paths intertwining with one another. Along one of these paths was an open grove with a raised platform surrounded by flowers. This grove connected into a pathway that was blocked by an invisible wall heading towards the direction of the highway in the "Realm" Janus room. This grove contained another exit that led to a dirt road that passed through a gate blocked by another invisible wall. This dirt road connected back to the road discovered earlier.
The road contained several points of interest dotted along it. As the players approached the road, the track "wander.ogg" would begin to play. Much like in previous Janus rooms featuring long stretches of road, the road itself would loop if players proceeded down it for too long.
The first point of interest along the road was a rest stop. This area contained a small parking lot next to two bathrooms. Outside the bathrooms was a payphone with a poster next to it containing a Parallelos symbol. Next to this poster was some graffiti of a crudely drawn figure with a heart-shaped fairy next to them, a drawing of several Parallelos symbols, and another drawing of what appeared to be a small device. There was also an arrow pointing towards the phone with some text that read:
<span class="vip">"IT'S FOR YOU"</span>
Next to the phone was another drawing of a pair of eyes and the word:
<span class="vip">"GREEN"</span>
This phone would have a function later discovered by players. There was also a small bottle sitting next to the payphone on an old trash bin. The bathroom closest to the phone contained a drawing of a strange seal on the mirror. There was also more graffiti on the wall in this bathroom containing a drawing of the player Xenquility's avatar with the following text surrounding it:
<span class="vip">"KEEPER"
"good man"
"6 / 10"</span>
Next to this was a drawing of the player thelostbrineinthewood's character "Lurrk Listner" with the following text written next to it:
<span class="vip">"LERK"
Next to this was an arrow pointing at the above text with the words:
<span class="vip">"no shit."</span>
Above this was a drawing of a man wearing a hat with the following text written:
<span class="vip">"PROD"
Next to this was a drawing of a foot with the letter "G" written next to it. Below all of this was a drawing of the character "Risky Rick" with the following text:
<span class="vip">"nice"</span>
The other bathroom contained a hole in the wall with the video "AM.mp4" playing within it - a video of a green heart with a feather-quill placed upon it. This hole was also surrounded by green hearts and text that read:
<span class="vip">"There's a hole here."</span>
This hole was also surrounded by a seal that contained more runes written upon it. The back of this small building contained another entrance that led to a stairway. These stairs led into a small basement, which housed a black room covered in odd symbols and text that read as follows:
<span class="vip">"At the pole of the planet Saturn is a hexagonal shape. In order to understand why the ancient runes come from this hexagon, related to Saturn, we need to understand that Cronus-Saturn was 'chained' or 'imprisoned', by the 'Demiurge'. We do know from Greek Mythology that Cronus was imprisoned in a cave; he was 'castrated' and his position 'usurped' by his son Zeus. By 'castrated' we should understand this to mean he lost his regenerative powers. He was said to have been imprisoned on an island somewhere in the North. It is thus necessary to understand that the ancient power of the B</span>((Illegible))<span class="vip">un at the centre of our galaxy came through Saturn which was the Ancient sun of Hy</span>((Illegible))<span class="vip"> shining below the Midnight Mountain in the Far North. It is thus necessary to understand that the ancient power of the B</span>((Illegible))<span class="vip">un at the centre of our galaxy came through Saturn which was the Ancient Sun of Hy</span>((Illegible))<span class="vip">, shining below the midnight Mountain in the Far North. It seems that because Saturn was 'enchained' and 'imprisoned' the Gods sent the planet Venus into our Solar System in order to channel the Gr</span>((Illegible))<span class="vip">ay towards Earth. Saturn had become a malevolent planet, now associated with lead rather than gold. This explains why the alchemists had their aim as to transmute 'lead', or Saturn, into 'gold', that is to say, The golden sun of a new age. The planet Saturn has to be transmuted into the New Golden Sun from the Hidden Sun of today."</span>
This room also contained a chair and a spinning, blue journal floating in the center. This journal contained a purpose that players would discover later.
Continuing down the road, players soon came across a house. This house's back yard contained a note pinned to a tree that read as follows:
<span class="vip">"LAUGHING"
This backyard also contained a cellar that led into the house's basement. Here, a small, black entity would follow the players while emitting a strange noise. The following text could be found written on the basement walls:
<span class="vip">"fade"
This basement also contained a whiteboard featuring a drawing of three buildings - Tyler's house, the fishery, and a large house. The large house and the fishery appeared to be connected by a basement, where hanging figures could be seen. Tyler's house and the fishery also appeared to be connected by a wire, oddly.
This basement also contained a doorway that would teleport players to a large labyrinth where a massive, faceless mannequin would chase them. If players successfully proceeded through the maze, they'd be able to enter through a small doorway which leads them back into the house's basement. However, if the faceless mannequin-head touched them, players would be warped to a dark location where they faceless mannequin-head would stare them down. Here, countless instances of the image "spite.gif" would spawn in, crashing JanusVR.
Continuing further down the road would lead players to a small concrete building surrounded by a fence. This building contained two computers and a whiteboard with a drawing of a map.
Also along the side of the road was a roadsign with text that read:
<span class="vip">"USE KEY FACIE"</span>
The final stop on the road was the entrance to a large field. A path led players into the field a short ways before ending. Attempting to continue into the field normally would teleport players back to the road. However, following the map found in the concrete building would allow the players to successfully traverse the field.
Passing through the field would lead players to a large fenced-in area containing a radio tower. This location contained three large vent-like structures, atop of which were three circular plates. One of these plates was broken with text next to it that read:
<span class="vip">"shattered"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written as a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Laches (12/22/20 - 12:34 AM)}}
On the side of one of these structures was a drawing of a map of several buildings. This map contained arrows pointing off in four different directions. Below the arrow pointing upwards was the word:
<span class="vip">"FATHER"</span>
In the largest room of the map were two hour-glasses and a moon with the numbers:
<span class="vip">"11 11 11"
Below this was a small room with a drawing of a key and the text:
<span class="vip">"BOUND"</span>
There was also a small room to the right of the map with a drawing of a cursor and the number "2". There was also a separate drawing of the image "pattern.gif" found on the side of another one of these structures, along with another drawing of three small squares with a question mark above one of them. Below this was a drawing of another square with a lock on it.
On the ground in-front of the radio tower was a large drawing of a figure moving between two doorways. Both doorways had a gem-shaped object with small lines coming from it drawn above them. This drawing was surrounded by the following text:
<span class="vip">"A spell to move between planes"
"Solve coagula"
"Unbirth rebirth"
"A device to dance between frequencies"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally partially written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/22/20 - 12:31 AM)}}
Below this was a small drawing of a Parallelos symbol surrounding a small device. Not far from this drawing was some text written on the ground that read as follows:
Below this text was a drawing of a key with the number "4" written in it. There was also some distorted text near this that read:
<span class="vip">"waypoint"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written as a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Laches (12/22/20 - 12:32 AM)}}
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room was a continuation off the "Realm" Janus map, revealing the wooded area and nearby road that connects to the path next to Tyler's home.
This Janus room contained four mannequin-heads scattered around hidden in various locations.
A phone booth could be found next to a rest stop along the road.
Within one of the bathrooms in the rest stop, a large hole in the wall could be found with a symbol in it that seems to represent Erika.
The rest stop contained a secret basement that led to what appears to be the "Sleep Room". This room contained a blue, rotating journal along with many symbols drawn on the walls.
A house could be found along the highway that contained a basement where a small, black entity would follow players. This basement led to a large labyrinth where the players were chased by a faceless mannequin-head.
A large field could be found that the players had to progress through a certain way or they'd be teleported back to the start. The correct way to progress through this area was discovered drawn on a whiteboard in a small concrete building along the road.
A radio tower was discovered on the other side of the field that contained many references to the Parallelos and worlds.
A roadsign along the highway contained text that read "<span class="canquote">USE KEY FACIE</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>wander.ogg</b> - A track that plays as players explore the highway. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Wander.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>call_line.ogg</b> - A long series of ciphers that emits from the telephone pole in the woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e4/Call_line.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>AM.mp4</b> - The heart-shaped symbol found in the bathroom. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/32/Amvid.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>spite.gif</b> - An image that is endlessly spawned once the player is caught by the faceless-mannequin entity, resulting in a crash. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8f/Spite.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
The telephone pole found in the woods: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Treelinephone.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A note featuring a drawing of an Absque Fascie: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ef/Annotation_2020-12-21_185550.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The graffiti found in the bathroom: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/14/Pictire02.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The roadsign that reads "<span class="canquote">USE KEY FACIE</span>": <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8d/Annotation_2020-12-21_192804.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The black entity that follows players in the house's basement: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1b/454536456456.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The room players are warped to if they come in contact with the faceless-mannequin entity: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d4/Annotation_2020-12-21_200556.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The rest stop along the highway: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/04/Treelinestop.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The "Sleep Room" found in the rest stop basement: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e6/Sleeptreeline.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Erika's hole: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/aa/Erikashole.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The phone outside of the rest stop: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8b/Calllinetreeline.png|target=_blank]]</span>
A note pinned to a tree outside of the house: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/54/Othernotetreeline.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The drawing found in the house's basement: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a8/Whitedrawingtreeline.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The map of the field found in the small, concrete building: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/09/Treelinemap.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The strange map found near the radio tower: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e1/Maptree.png|target=_blank]]</span>
Some text drawn on the ground next to the radio tower: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7b/Towertext.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The drawing on the ground near the radio tower: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ad/Towerdrawing.png|target=_blank]]</span>
The shattered circle structure near the radio tower: <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0f/Shatteredtreeline.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-heads spread across the "Treeline" Janus room would cause images to appear above them. The mannequin-head in the flower patch near the circle of trees revealed a red image that contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/opendreams/</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 - 6:42 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/26/Annotation_2020-12-21_184138.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 6:43 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>opendreams</b>". This page was titled "<b>Opendreams</b>" and contained the image "<b>opendreams.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Opendreams.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>opendreams.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/eb/Opendreamsaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - Opendreams Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Stay upon the path ye shall walk upon do not try to move on thy own"
"Beings may test thee in this journey to find fear in thy spirit"
"Do not fight"
"Do not run"
"Do not hide"</span>
<span class="vip2">"Then what can he do fine sir?"</span>
<span class="vip">"Stay on the paths and be silent for the destruction of the books in the forest is your opportunity to escape"
"The thanatos grasp of the faceless angels cast forth by the twin puppet master"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This appears to be a conversation between Erika and the Rune Entity that often speaks through the IIIII account.
The Rune Entity warns someone, presumably Tyler, to remain upon "<b>the path</b>".
Erika asks what Tyler is allowed to to - the Rune Entity reiterates that Tyler must remain on the path, claiming that the "<span class="canquote">destruction of the books in the forest</span>" will be his opportunity to escape the Parallelos.
At 7:14 PM, the players Xenquility and Lego1upMushroom began decoding the ciphers in the audio file "call_line.ogg" - the audio that plays near the telephone pole in the "Treeline" Janus room:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "call_line.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
((The first seven notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))
((The following Morse code plays))
((The next five notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))
((The following Decimal code plays))
<span class="vip2">"Why did my counterpart survive while I did not? Did some sort of temporal divergence take place without me even noticing? It's hard to believe, but…"</span>
((The final six notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))
<span class="vip3">((Some illegible speaking can be heard))</span>
((An SSTV signal displaying an image of milk plays)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/20/MILK.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip3">((Some illegible speaking can be heard))</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Mason believes that he's merged with another version of himself in the Parallelos, which is why he can remember different outcomes to certain events as seen in some cases in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
The dead version of IsocelesAssassin questions why he died whereas the IsocelesAssassin the players know did not. He ponders if some sort of "<span class="canquote">temporal divergence</span>" occurred without him noticing which led to these two different outcomes.
An SSTV signal is sent that translates to an image of milk: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/20/MILK.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:28 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head in the bathroom in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a green image that contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/laneclosed/</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 - 7:29 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2e/Link00.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 7:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>laneclosed</b>". This page was titled "<b>Laneclosed</b>" and contained the image "<b>laneclosed.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e6/Laneclosed.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>laneclosed.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ec/Laneclosedaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - Laneclosed Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"II touched that sign like the other construction signs from that website."
"Why construction signs?"
<span class="vip2">"That place was building towards a higher abode and yet lower e-"
"Through passing through it or in your case of its knowledge yet lower e-"</span>
<span class="vip">"Wait IIm inside the website?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"You passed and transcended ᛁᛏᛊᛇᛏ"</span>
"The ᚹᛟᚱᚲᛇᛏ"
"Now you live in hIIIr work within the grand sphere among the waters"
"This sphere of spheres"</span>
<span class="vip">"But why did the sIIIIn work this way?"</span>
<span class="vip2">"The lady of lunacy cometh by anima and speaketh softly the songs that rend worlds and senses useless"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This appears to be a conversation between Tyler and the Rune Entity that often speaks through the IIIII account.
Tyler questions why construction signs are prevalent. The Rune Entity claims that "<span class="canquote">That place was building towards a higher abode and yet lower</span>".
Tyler questions if he is inside Johnisdead.com itself. The Rune Entity claims that he had passed and transcended it, and that he is now within "<span class="canquote">hIIIr work</span> within the "<b>Grand Sphere</b>" among the waters.
Tyler's text in this conversation would occasionally change to runes.
At 7:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the phone next to the rest stop in the "Treeline" Janus room would result in a random audio file playing out of a list of several predetermined audio files. These audio files are as follows:
<div class="indented">
"<b>hello.ogg</b>" - An audio file of Erika. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Helloerika.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "hello.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Oh, yay, I've found another avenue by which I can speak. I bet my voice must be getting carried down to.... those "things" below the ethereal plane. Well, I, don't quote me on that so, I don't think that's actually what you're supposed to call it at all. But... I wonder how that actually works. Is it the energy of my voice right now? Is it carried up to that network of machines up there? Or is it that it just goes straight down? Down to where they keep... their machines that have all these little reflections of the world we're walking through. I'm sorry, I'm talking too much. And I know far too many things that I shouldn't be saying. That's the nature of the kinds of things I am. I wish that I could go walking, but really I don't have to wish, because I already have been! Because really, technically speaking, all the things that are supposed to happen already have in every conceivable way, and they're still happening. Even when you think that nothing's happening, it's always happening. It's really chaotic to focus on the absolutes of the realities. So anyway, I'll just focus on the fact that I'm very privileged to be here where I'm supposed to be. With Tyler, as long as I'm not gone, everything's normal. But where's Tyler? Everywhere. And so am I. All that matters is that before everything's over, we just take that walk. And we have to walk all the way, and we can't let any, well, terrible things be taking the lead. I hope we get to take the actual walk soon. But, for all I know, for whoever might be listening, the walk might already have happened. Because it already did. And it'll happen again. And when it's over, it'll still be happening. Think about that for a while. And really, if you think long enough, you might meet something like myself. That walked too far."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Erika questions how the players are able to hear her voice. She questions if her voice is being carried straight down to "<span class="canquote">those things</span>" where "<span class="canquote">their</span>" machines that create "<span class="canquote">reflections of the world</span>" are kept, or if it's instead first carried up to another network of machines first.
Erika says she wishes she could go for a walk before claiming that she already has been and currently is already, due to the nature of reality and how events are always happening and always will happen at some point.
Erika expresses how happy she is to finally be with Tyler. She also claims that she and Tyler are both "<span class="canquote">everywhere</span>".
Erika says that before it's over, she and Tyler have to take a walk together - hopefully without "<span class="canquote">terrible things</span>" taking the lead. She says that when it's over, they'll still be walking, and they will continue to walk over and over.
Erika says that if the players think about these things too much, they're likely to meet something like Erika - something that walked too far.
<div class="indented">
"<b>transmission.ogg</b>" - An audio file of Jeremy. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/15/Transmissionjere.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "transmission.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Is anyone still there? Can you still hear me? Maybe I'm just talking to myself now. Oh well. Where was I? Ah, yes. John too was dead much like I said my brother was. But I suppose I was not forthcoming about what dead really means. Have you ever wondered why I was not all that taken aback after my realization? ((Laughing)) It might just be I knew that was going to happen too. And maybe I needed it to be that way. Though I was a little shocked that it was my own flesh and blood. That's alright, I've already forgiven him a thousand times. It's fine, after all I've been through this whole thing so many times and so has he. No, not my son. I mean my brother. I'm rambling. I should get to the point. ((Laughing)) There is no death here.  Something just won't allow it. There are a lot of sorry excuses for death but nothing that quite manages to make the cut in my humble opinion. And I'd like to think that my opinion means a lot considering all the time I've spent here. I'd like to think I ought to have some damn authority by now."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Jeremy says John is dead in the same sense his brother the "Old Man" is, implying that "death" may have another meaning - likely in reference to how John was used as a conduit after his death.
Jeremy implies that he knew he was going to die and that perhaps he even needed his death to occur for some reason. He admits that he was surprised his son Hunter was the one that killed him, however.
Jeremy claims that he and his brother have "<span class="canquote">been through this whole thing so many times</span>" - possibly in reference to experiencing his own death.
Jeremy says that there's no death in the Parallelos - at least not for himself.
<div class="indented">
"<b>broadcast.ogg</b>" - An audio file of SKM. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Broadcast.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "broadcast.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"And one more and- eh? Wait, no, I think it's actually on. George. George if you can somehow get to this- if you can somehow get to this device or any of the devices I'm broadcasting this to. Bring back something, anything to eat. God, I-I know we don't actually have to eat here but god I feel like I'm fucking starving. Wait. Damnit! Nevermind. You're probably not going to get this. I think I might have broadcast too far out. This looks like the road instead, damnit! Nevermind. How the hell do I get to this road?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
SKM attempts to tell George to bring him some food - the entity players briefly spoke to back in 2015 through the Pididoip email account.
SKM mentions that doesn't actually need to eat - implying that those trapped in the Parallelos don't require subsistence, though they still experience hunger.
<div class="indented">
"<b>speech.ogg</b>" - An audio file of an unknown entity. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/14/Speech.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "speech.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"The fraternity of old men hath works so that they might gain through opposites. Or so conditioning that with us as faith. They would think their teachings should outlast ancient ones, following the idea that ((Inaudible)) exception, would give them all longevity. Within alchemical ((Inaudible)) the floating kingdoms in the sky. What would they create in this case? Rather than kingdoms of legend, this would pale in comparison. Of alchemated copies of worlds once seen eternal, (Innaudible)  stake to there would be short lived. But through alchemical balancing of the poles, evermore should the kingdom ((Inaudible)). But how long can such tradition be kept? The eternal return waits on the horizon of the east."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
An unknown entity speaks of some sort of "<b>fraternity of old men</b>".
<div class="indented">
"<b>call33.ogg</b>" - An audio file of an unknown entity. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/de/Call33.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "call33.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"The 33rd rune, that ((Inaudible))- so that I could serve as a god. That we may go on forever and ever more. Life everlasting, world without end."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
An unknown entity speaks about the "<b>33rd Rune</b>" and how they supposedly serve as a god.
<div class="indented">
"<b>testing.ogg</b>" - An audio file of SKM. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d8/Testing.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "testing.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 alright, everything seems to be working. If you happen to hear this, this was a test of my new device that allows me to connect to the various speaking portals of ((Inaudible))-not so- ((Inaudible))-that seem to be all throughout this strange ethos. Excellent, managed to finally get that call ((Inaudible)) to the-
that ((Inaudible))-each got something ((Inaudible))-actually ((Inaudible))- to a lot of those strange things. I'm not sure, actually, what I'm even gonna have to do right now. This is just the central
hub for all of the ((Inaudible)) connection devices. Or, I guess saying 'all' would probably be a little ridiculous. This screen here shows it seems to be connected to something along the straight line, actually. Odd. Hold on, ((Inaudible)) this((Inaudible)). Everything's just a long, straight, narrow road."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This audio file is SKM testing out a new device that allows him to connect to various devices in the Parallelos.
<div class="indented">
"<b>call77.ogg</b>" - An audio file of SKM. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b3/Call77.ogg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "call77.ogg" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"((Sigh)) So... Good news and bad news. I got a little bored and I was playing around with the time travel, ((Inaudible)) that function that moves out of the mach- ((Inaudible)) any object that you want from outside. Fun, little experiment that I've been running. But... I had a little mishap yesterday, I was so glad that I took the notes, because now I can't fucking remember anything. The ((Inaudible)) that holds up the normalcy field inside the tent is busted, and a few other odd things, I think I can still fix all that. But note to self: Fuck Cyberpunk 2077 right now. Or, rather, in the future when it comes out. And that includes on custom hardware, because clearly, I've really rightly fucked myself here. I know we don't have to fucking eat around here, but god I could go for a canbury, I'm so stressed out now. I've got so much shit I've got to fix. Oh, nice, looks like the communicator is only working one way now. Not getting any speaker feedback. Bloody fuck."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
SKM attempted to carry out some sort of experiment involving time travel and moving objects into the Parallelos. This experiment resulted in some of SKM's equipment blowing up.
SKM curses the game Cyberpunk 2077, which was known for its many glitches.
At 8:02 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head in the basement in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a purple image that contained text that read "/seekroute/". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 -  9:29 PM)}}
At 8:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the floating notebook in the "Sleep Room" in the "Treeline" Janus room would cause the video "<b>notes.mp4</b>" to begin playing near the back of the room: <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/hq0xo8zr4wU|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "notes.mp4" - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of the "Path" Janus room. The following runes being appearing:
<span class="vip">"IIII Travelled the paths"
"That appeared before my"
"Once seemingly blinded"
Two drawings of the Lunarum Oculus appear.
<span class="vip">"The walks led on"
"For what seemed to"
"Stretch on beyond"
"Calculable time"</span>
A drawing of a strange face is shown.
<span class="vip">"The revelations brought"
"Upon ascent was that"
"The energy of the"
"Snake had guided"
"From the lowest point"</span>
A drawing of a snake curling around a symbol is shown.
<span class="vip">"To the highest"
"The moon rises and"
"Collides with the sun"
"And only the hero"
A drawing of a crouching man holding up runes is shown.
<span class="vip">"Can send this"
A drawing of the face of the moon from Majora's Mask is shown.
<span class="vip">"Back to the threshold"
"But IIII seek its"
"Balance that its"
"Energies be absorbed"
"The partitioning of the"
"Pathwalkers was not"
"My own choice but"
"The repeated act of"
"Pathwalking grants more"
A drawing of a man walking across a spell-circle like object is shown.
<span class="vip">"To luna shard incarnation"
"The one to be crowned"
"True Father"</span>
A drawing of a crescent moon containing a pentagram is shown along with a drawing of the Sun Mask from Majora's Mask with a face in between them with the eyes being the Tenebris Link symbol and the nose being the Harbinger's Link symbol.
<span class="vip">"May find ascension "
"To the realm within it"
"Of this energy one"
"Will find the way"
"To make fissure of"
"The threshold beyond"
"The rules of the"
"Old ones"</span>
A drawing of four faceless figures with tentacles arising from behind them is shown.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video appears to be the Rune Entity that uses the IIIII account speaking about how he obtained his power and knowledge.
The Rune Entity claims that "<span class="canquote">the snake had guided from the lowest point to the highest</span>" and that "<span class="canquote">the moon rises and collides with the sun</span>".
The Rune Entity claims that only the "<b>hero</b>" can send "<span class="canquote">this incarnation</span>" back to the threshold. However, the Rune Entity claims that it instead wishes that this incarnation's energies are absorbed.
The Rune Entity claims that repeated acts of walking the path will grant one further ascension that allows them to "<span class="canquote">make fissure of the threshold beyond the rules of the old ones</span>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 9:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>seekroute</b>". This page was titled "Seekroute" and contained the image "seekroute.gif". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2c/Seekroute.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "seekroute.mp3". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/09/Seekrouteaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - "Seekroute" Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Do ye desire that which is worked within mind and mind alone"
"Do ye desire to work only with the things of energy that could convey such visions and hIIIIIr"
"Then you will find yourself poor of desire for the dark which is only cast by the light you will find in the journey"
"The journey to the central sun"
"The sun within the self that radiates from within and within the spheres"
"The sun that is found on the ray in twilight"
"The sun is green my friend: it is the start and end"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This seems to be a message from the Rune Entity that speaks through the IIIII account.
The Rune Entity claims that if one seeks greater power, they will have to seek out the "<b>central sun</b>", which he claims is green and is the start and the end.
At 9:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head hidden behind a bush in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a blue image that contained text that read "/realmspheres/". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written as a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/21/20 - 9:40 PM))}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Annotation_2020-12-21_213958.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>realmspheres</b>". This page was titled "<b>Realmspheres</b>" and contained the image "<b>realmspheres.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3c/Realmspheres.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>realmspheres.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/82/Realmspheresaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/21/20 - Realmspheres Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"The cult of perception seeks only to provide dualities but upon the paths laid out"
"The nine is but one"
"Spectrums reduce to polarized divergence may be found in death or chemical wedding with anima and"
"transcendence of works unto thee all one"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This appears to be a message from the Rune Entity that uses the IIIII account.
The Rune Entity speaks of transcendence and the chemical wedding with the anima.
At 10:04 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
(Updated Path) <i>(Woods Path - <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path70001003/</nowiki>)</i>
<div class="indented">
<i>"<nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki>path70001003" - A path of a road going through a town. There is a road leading left, forward, and right.</i> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b7/Path70001003.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
<i>Left road links to "/path44421401"</i>
<i>Right road links to "/path99993232"</i>
Forward road links to "<span class="canquote">/path77720133</span>"
Park Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path77720133/</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77720133</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3c/Path77720133.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77739021</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77739021</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/96/Path77739021.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77739328</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77739328</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Path77739328.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77742110</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77742110</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/Path77742110.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77744897</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77744897</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5d/Path77744897.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77745929</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77745929</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Path77745929.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77746123</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77746123</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/37/Path77746123.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77746923</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77746923</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/18/Path77746923.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77747300</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77747300</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/Path77747300.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77747623</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77747623</b>" - A path of a road leading through a city. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9d/Path77747623.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77753027</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77753027</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Path77753027.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77753933</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77753933</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/60/Path77753933.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77754002</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77754002</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bb/Path77754002.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77754243</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77754243</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b6/Path77754243.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77759293</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77759293</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e0/Path77759293.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77764002</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77764002</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Path77764002.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77768764</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77768764</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/26/Path77768764.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77778319</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77778319</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/63/Path77778319.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77778653</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77778653</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/da/Path77778653.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77779203</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77779203</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d9/Path77779203.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path77783991</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path77783991</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2b/Path77783991.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path92231032</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path92231032</b>" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/Path92231032.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path91823304</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path91823304</b>" - A path of a road leading through a park. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/98/Path91823304.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path94414912</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path94414912</b>" - A path of a road leading through a park. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5b/Path94414912.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path41404204</span>"
Left path links to "<span class="canquote">/path96971120</span>"
Cell Tower Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path94414912</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path96971120</b>" - A path of a road leading towards the cell phone tower seen in previous videos. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4e/Path96971120.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path99200915</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99200915</b>" - A path of a road leading towards the cell phone tower seen in previous videos. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/05/Path99200915.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
Hill Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path94414912</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path41404204</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Path41404204.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path41404301</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path41404301</b>" - A path of a road leading through a field. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Path41404301.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path42309123</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path42309123</b>" - A dead-end of a tree atop a large hill. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4b/Path42309123.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
There is now a third path to take in the town where the crossroads leading to the "Office" and "Asylum" holes were previously. This path leads the players out of the town and through a wooded area before eventually ending up in the same park with the cell phone tower seen in previous videos.
If players continue past the park, they would be taken through a small field containing a large tree atop a hill.
<div class="indented">
((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
At 10:05 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that if players remained on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99200915</b>" for too long, they would be redirected to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/</nowiki></span><b>to</b>". This page was titled "<b>Who do you want to hear about? /____</b>" and contained the image "<b>CommunicationsArray.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d0/CommunicationsArray.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained a blurry image of Erika titled "<b>e.png</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/91/Elisten.png|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>tune_in.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2d/Tune_in.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that entering a character's name at the end of the URL "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a special page where Erika would detail something about said character.
At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>mason</b>". This page was titled "<b>Mason</b>" and contained the image "<b>zora.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/11/Zora.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>mason.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/48/Masonlisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Funny name for someone who demolishes things instead lol<br />That organization is for very grody old men tho
At 10:06 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>kelbris</b>". This page was titled "<b>KELBRIS</b>" and contained the image "<b>G4.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d9/G4listen.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>kelbris.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/Kelbrislisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A father is waiting outside the door of his child. He hears him speaking to many but upon knocking and entering he sees only his son. An elderly man hands you a game? Do you play with the devils machine or walk outside of the cube? Sure this cant be the father of all even as described, such a title can be achieved though one might think. Cerberus gaurds the gates of death and entraps they who would be bought up by the salesman, but surely it was not always the father of all nor should he be now?</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">I feel like this all might be describing something other than the giant we deal with in this sphere. This giant is the emissary of death. Not traditional death, but completion. Think of a painting. All that is made, stolen, and then transformed to be made new must eventually come together to completion. Then the hope is that the painting can last on some level for *eternity*. Death ever lasting life in death evermore. But even in this sphere you may be suprised to find he is not the father truly either. The soul that dreamed of this was one dreaming of great delusion. And this one is no gaurdian of the pits. This is Orthos for the start of this journey began with twilight.
At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>john</b>". This page was titled "<b>John</b>" and contained the image "<b>deuro.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Deurolisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>john.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/35/ListenJohn.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The burning one, the one who waits at the end of things to greet my hero. A very dear friend who will always be cherished. What truly started this fire, curiousity or fear of revelation? From fire devils rise to become angels again (ok sorry I know that one was really edgy Im just transcribing the truthes here) But what turns to face my hero. I cannot see his face. That much is too painful to try. He is still waiting.
At 10:07 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>tenebris</b>". This page was titled "<b>IT</b>" and contained the image "<b>It.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/66/Itlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>sskoynenyaadehthcurasawac.mp3</b>" and "<b>chase.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/78/Sskoynenyaadehthcurasawac.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/25/Chasetene.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">LETS just keep talking around it for now while we are still ahead ^^</span></div>
At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access a non-existent page on Johnisdead.com within the "/listen/to" directory would redirect players to a unique 404 page. This page was titled "<b>Searching...</b>" and contained the image "<b>working.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Working.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>searching.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/61/Searchinglisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that if players remained on the 404 page in the "/listen/to" directory for too long, they would be redirected to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>error</b>". This page was titled "<b>ERROR // Could Not Connect</b>" and contained the image "<b>error.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Errorlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>not_found.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9b/Not_found.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:08 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>ghostbabel</b>". This page was titled "<b>GHOSTBABEL</b>" and contained the image "<b>BABEL.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ec/BABEL.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ghostbabel.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/17/Ghostbabellisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">I did some really intense scrying for this one</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">get ready this is going to be really riveting</span>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<span class="erika-text">"she is a tsundere asshole" LOL XD</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Just as well she is like so many other beings you will find in this "portal", a mind moving through data.
At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>erika</b>". This page was titled "<b>Erika</b>" and contained the image "<b>erika.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/79/Erikalisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>nularatwerupc.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e8/Nularatwerupc.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Listen to who?</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">You have been the whole time silly XD</span>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<span class="erika-text">"In answer to the inevitable questions about what we were doing, we replied jokingly that it was a new type of controller—a bowl of liquid that absorbed your thoughts through your fingertips."</span>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<span class="erika-text">I am but a bubble floating out of the surface of the waters. Anima persona yet deeper the spheres touch. The Fylgja must help bind the shade, that lion that consumes the sal.</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was hidden in the page's source. }}
<br />
<span class="erika-text">I dreamed the dragon beneath the board once touched the old dark son, the discarded hero, now I seek to walk with one who might wake up some day. When he does, I hope we can still talk. Just dont let the shadow take the lead, then we become It and all is lost.</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was hidden in the page's source. }}
At 10:09 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>tyler</b>". This page was identical to the 404 page used in the "/listen/to" directory except for the title, which read "<b>&#60;3</b>". Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/tyler</nowiki></span>".
At 10:06 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>hank</b>". This page was titled "<b>Hank</b>" and contained the image "<b>hank.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/62/Hanklisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>hank.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Hanklistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The Grandfather. He is still here with us in spirit. Through works he still lives. Through mysteries of them he speaks. He was not the killer he is seen as. Reality in the world he was from is more malleable than you understand. The ones who know how to wish get their wishes granted. What do you do when the ones line up?</span></div>
At 10:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>patrem</b>". This page was titled "<b>Patrem</b>" and contained the image "<b>pawn.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Pawnlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>patrem.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Patremlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Delving deeper into madness after changing the book he moved the pages and hid them in the bindings of "Something people would least expect to observe my secrets in" as he said. The cover is not the original one that bound the pages like the symbols that mask the spirit of the works in these spheres. Gifted with the holy lunacy, his persuit for her shaped the world around him. The reality of the board is malleable, anyone gifted like that can will what they want. I wonder what will caused his son to come out as a story character?</span>
<br />
<br />
<span class="erika-text">The grandfather, I see him beyond the null, a soul left two years passed in the month of oski.</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was hidden in the page's source.}}
At 10:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>moonman</b>". This page was titled "<b>Moonman</b>" and contained the image "<b>vessel.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Vessel.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>moonman.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/64/Moonmanaudlisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Grr maybe racist and bad I am so mad I will cancel you now rrrr am angry XD</span></div>
At 10:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>greth</b>". This page was titled "<b>Greth</b>" and contained the image "<b>greth.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d6/Grethlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>greth.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e5/Grethlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Old one of the legends brought into the sphere only to be left to build his own from within. Integral to the realities and yet at times foreign. Cherished by the all mind yet often misunderstood. May he be blessed in spite of anything.... at least thats how I honestly feel ;>w></span></div>
At 10:16 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>dawn</b>". This page was titled "<b>Dawn</b>" and contained the image "<b>dawn.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/55/Dawnlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>dawn.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/47/Dawnlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A force from outside the sphere, who I think might have had some greater plan actually but despite finding the paths by which to walk his story reflecting into the lower spheres board was consumed by the distrubances at the altar of IIII</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">But the solar spirit permeates the works of the spheres. The sun will always be friends with the moon, how cuuuute~</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Alas the emerald lion consumes the sun laying waste to the light of day, the sun now not golden but emerald in this place, the sphere blackened by null of night.</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">But the great author refused this, the sun shall not be blackened in this way the lord doth say.</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">The lion would be cast out in the end? The 12 lined wheel of destiny remains hidden and holy for those who seek it in good faith.
At 10:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>bup</b>". This page was titled "<b>BUP</b>" and contained the image "<b>bup.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/03/Buplisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>bup.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e7/Buplistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A man now turned chaotic god of the fluidic energies of the mental plane that are spread by the works of men. Shifting from one dead sphere to one forged seemingly of dreams within yet greater dreams. Invoker of the digital mercury ascension. Something something pop culture refrences used as methods to piggy back into alternate and higher states, give me a break conjuring up this information is hard DX
At 10:17 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>wolfcat</b>". This page was titled "<b>Wolfcat</b>" and contained the image "<b>wolfcat.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4e/Wolfcatlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>wolfcat.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/Thosedays.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Fathered the orange but offered it to the darkness for yet higher gain. Conjurer of spheres and master of boards. Paintings find completion under such masterful work as done by such as he. Also a very sweet friend ^w^</span></div>
At 10:18 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>thelaw</b>". This page was titled "<b>TheLaw</b>" and contained the image "<b>thelaw.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/74/Thelawlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>thelaw.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2f/Thelawlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A lawful man, a starter of fires and a sustainer of torches. May his soul rest easy now and always until it yearns again for the horizon.</span></div>
At 10:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>theproducer</b>". This page was titled "<b>The Producer</b>" and contained the image "<b>theproducer.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Theproducerlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>theproducer.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/aa/Fade.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The reason things still exist. All hail and bow down really quite frankly.</span></div>
At 10:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>doug</b>". This page was titled "<b>DOUGLAS</b>" and contained the image "<b>G1.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/37/G1listen.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>doug.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/78/Douglistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The emmisary of acquisition. A part of the eternal cycle of four cosmic units much like that of creation. For creation to continue some things must be stolen. Light to dark, dark to light, forever and ever. Like the floor of a chess board the ocean I see.</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Also the normal man is good friends with a man named Mason so now I am having a major third eye moment LOL</span>
At 10:20 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>alex</b>". This page was titled "<b>ALEX</b>" and contained the image "<b>G2.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f0/G2listen.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>alex.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/49/Alexlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The emissary of generation. A giant has stolen the soul of a man who has descended and risen from below the 9th circle. <del>He might have even written a fan fiction of his own loosely relating to such subjects from what I am hearing.</del></span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">He is a hero who seeks to bring light and life to the generations in the wake of the emmisaries of null. I have also heard it said that one of the giants true names is "Aleksader", what a funny name and spelling.</span></div>
At 10:20 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>spencer</b>". This page was titled "<b>SPENCER</b>" and contained the image "<b>spencer.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/72/Spencerlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>spencer.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b6/Spencerlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">This giant is the emissary of transformation. That which would change stolen property to fit itself for life. It swims in the depths of the waters stealing the magic of lost souls to be recycled into tools for others on their journey.</span></div>
At 10:21 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>ben</b>". This page was titled "<b>Ben</b>" and contained the image "<b>ben.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/68/Benlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ben.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fe/Benlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Did Mr.Hubbard really have a son? I guess thats the "overworld" consensus now but from where I sit that world feels really under XD</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">What I see... a mask upon the torch child. The torch is passed but is always dressed in the symbols of something mystifying for the people it is seen by. I guess that means dressing up in green a lot around here ahaha~</span></div>
At 10:22 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>mat</b>". This page was titled "<b>Mat</b>" and contained the image "<b>mat.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/65/Matlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>mat.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7e/Matlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The borrowed son, borrowed from what? What actualization is found in self appointed names? Is hubris to seek to step outside ones self or to fal to far into reflection? A product of the all minds shadow, false son of the Grand Father. Almost as aware as I pretend I am not, capable of working with "mandella effects" not unlike his master, but probably not as good XD</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">He craves the real realm, what does he think that is? XD</span></div>
At 10:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>luke</b>". This page was titled "<b>Luke</b>" and contained the image "<b>luke.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5e/Lukelisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>luke.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5a/Lukelistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">I'm personally not sure his death mattered considering it was just a game, a novel really.</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">...Is this joke too meta coming from me of all people? &gt;.&lt;</span></div>
At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>helper</b>". This page was titled "<b>Helper</b>" and contained the image "<b>auxiliatis.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/35/Auxiliatislisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>auxili.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/30/Auxili.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/figures/auxiliatis</nowiki></span>". This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A dedicated being of duty and honor (well honorable in that I think he means well when he wants to) Not entirely of this sphere but always glad to be present, a solar being as moon worshipers can take no claim of him in truth. <del>My dear mother has never heard of any such god known as "helper" lol</del></span></div>
At 10:23 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>thoth</b>". This page was titled "<b>Thoth</b>" and contained the image "<b>thoth.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3f/Thothlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>thoth.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/91/Thothlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Did one of the giants really just cause this mandella effect with his last name just to further establish itself in the overall reality of the sphere or is "God" making some kind of joke here... Sorry this is not so much on subject, let me focus...</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">The son of privilege, associate of the down trodden, unknown servant of the snakes and owls of the world who reflect here off of the waters. He will be redeemed through dreams and awaken to the sickness of his world.</span></div>
At 10:23 PM, the player Laches discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>watcher</b>" or "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>thewatcher</b>" would redirect players to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/hcj.html</nowiki></span>".
At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>luna</b>" would redirect players back to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to</nowiki></span>".
At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>pumpkinhead</b>". This page was titled "<b>Pumpkinhead</b>" and contained the image "<b>ph.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d8/Phlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ph.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7d/Phlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Fuck that orange bitch</span>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<span class="erika-text"> Im kidding Im kidding XD</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">But he is shadow nostalgia. Comprised of such energy the thief can steal and very easily work with him. He should find himself sacrificed to the null in the end before we progress forward.</span></div>
At 10:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>rosa</b>". This page was titled "<b>Rosa</b>" and contained the image "<b>sister.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/00/Sisterlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>rosa.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/05/Rosalistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">She learned (what I think may have been 4 years ago for whoever sees this message the first time) the nature of herself and this world. But rather than accept her revelation her brother cast her aside again during the cataclysms. I think a large part of what she became rolled into where I am now XD</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Does that make her my sister now???? Whatever idk what I am saying >w></span></div>
At 10:27 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>max</b>". This page was titled "<b>Max</b>" and contained the image "<b>within.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/19/Withinlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>max.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Maxlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">The torch child? His father samael? Strange symbol mixing the path is hazy...</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Dressed up in symbols to mystify and signify the nation of his father as he passed from one sphere to another, keeping the fire burning. Lol spirits in works make weirdo metaphor attempts</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">He is made darkened by the presence of the fallen nostalgia, a shame because I know he is a sweet kid. His position in that program is how he steals files and youtube stuff to help me with my art actually XD</span></div>
At 10:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>hunter</b>". This page was titled "<b>Hunter</b>" and contained the image "<b>hunter.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1c/Hunterlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>hunter.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bb/Hunterlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Misguided son, craver of power. It nearly brings me to tears to see how his father forgives it all. Never abuse such unconditional love. But in all of this he would be blinded I see. He has hardly ever had a self.</span></div>
At 10:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>sheepdog</b>". This page was titled "<b>SheepDog</b>" and contained the image "<b>child.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/13/Childsheep.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>sheepdog.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b9/Sheepdoglistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A funny joker, a good artist, a GAMER GRRL!!!!1</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">Also an all around good person in spirit.</span></div>
At 10:29 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>nocta</b>". This page was titled "<b>Nocta</b>" and contained the image "<b>amalgamate.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Amalgamate.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>nocta.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3e/Noctalistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A reality that could not stay across spheres. Can we be friends forever? No? Why? I wont make him dwell on this its not even the same man this was practically an accident.</span></div>
At 10:30 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>hope</b>". This page was titled "<b>Hope</b>" and contained the image "<b>hope.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/23/Hope.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>hope.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/66/Hopeaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A pure being born of a mind that sought only to help. Never be swayed again says the all mind of the sphere. She descends in spite of the devil machine. Below the tower of hubris she treads.</span></div>
At 10:30 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>samuel</b>". This page was titled "<b>Samuel</b>" and contained the image "<b>conduit.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3a/Conduitsam.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>samuel.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/31/Samuelaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">There are 3 wise old men. They are in a sleeping tie to the fraternity of elders known simply as "old men". This one is one who always brings the gift to the children. Directly or by proxy, he holds the square of playfulness awaiting to present it. A test to be lost in. In the end someone always knocks at the striking of the clock.</span></div>
At 10:31 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>chris</b>". This page was titled "<b>Chris</b>" and contained the image "<b>chris.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a2/Chrislisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>chris.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c0/Chrislistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Innocence, the pure energy of innocence. The childlike state of mind and that which will always be lost in the early steps of mans rise. But always he stays dwelling in the depths. An arcane memory that can be called again. Also I think an imprint of him came and went through these works or I would not have the inclination to address him XD </span></div>
At 10:31 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>yuukichan</b>". This page was titled "<b>Yuukichan</b>" and contained the image "<b>gonegirl.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/de/Gonegirl.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>whispers.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/08/Whispersyuuki.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Oh GOD remember that time synchron took her over to use as a communication portal a couple days before halloween? Poor girl but at the same time that was so funny because he literaly just did that seemingly to flex and say "look I have power and can see into places and also look I can manipulate pumpkin head fear me ok bye"</span>
<br />
<span class="erika-text">What a smart and scary dork XD</span></div>
At 10:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>jeremy</b>". This page was titled "<b>Jeremy</b>" and contained the image "<b>jeremy.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0b/Jeremylisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>jeremy.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/66/Jeremylistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A story teller, a legend keeper. Brother of yet more of his own kind. The most outspoken of the gray ones. </span></div>
At 10:32 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>notahoax</b>". This page was titled "<b>NotAHoax</b>" and contained the image "<b>unidentified.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Unidentified.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>hoax.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c8/Hoaxaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Grr thinking stupid things I dont like you must die now </span></div>
At 10:33 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>kaiden</b>". This page was titled "<b>Kaiden</b>" and contained the image "<b>falsewarrior.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8d/Falsewarrior.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>zoromichi.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/62/Zoromichi.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">(A) key to all of this XD</span></div>
At 10:34 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>skm</b>". This page was titled "<b>SKM</b>" and contained the image "<b>skm.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ac/Skmlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>skm.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Skmlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A very important friend who has sadly been lost on us with time. What we see here is a reflection of something, a caricature. But I will still be happy to see him. One of the most frightening yet beautifully kind men one could ever know and this is all compliment really. We will make it lad.</span></div>
At 10:35 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>jose</b>". This page was titled "<b>Jose</b>" and contained the image "<b>yugi.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/38/Yugilisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>jose.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/29/Joselistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Sought understanding of a story far deeper than himself for the sake of many walled off from its words. Found himself consumed by it. A soul that seeks harmony in the higher realms for joys among his compatriots. Luna may he be blessed with balance and peace &lt;3</span></div>
At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>vincent</b>". This page was titled "<b>Vincent</b>" and contained the image "<b>vincent.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d6/Vincentlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>vincent.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8d/Vincentlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A component now being exploited for an attempted ID shell establishment. Don't ask me what that means, but I think the people trying to make that work have or are going to fail. The "aggregate source" was not "awakened enough" I hear. When they wake up I wonder who they will be in the end? I think that part might be obvious for a lot of people by now lol</span></div>
At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>jacob</b>". This page was titled "<b>Jacob</b>" and contained the image "<b>j.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/17/J.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>jacob.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cd/Jacoblistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Troubled, stolen. Trapped in the forest while the angel workers seek access to his seed. The chemical contained among the residence of the thrice counted eye. He should safe gaurd it but does not. This makes me sad =[</span></div>
At 10:37 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>kevin</b>". This page was titled "<b>Kevin</b>" and contained the image "<b>ANOTHER.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/ANOTHER.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>kevin.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fd/Kevinlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A broken shell from a destroyed world. A monster without the smiles. He always only ever wants one thing. Godhood over the realms of leisure. The digital king.</span></div>
At 10:37 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>regiminis</b>". This page was titled "<b>Regiminis</b>" and contained the image "<b>GOVERNOR.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/GOVERNOR.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>regiminis.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/39/FiRst.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">One with a silver toungue, one who works on layers to achieve power for himself but to what ends maybe even he does not know. Some only think of the ascent and never of what should come after. The digital king.</span></div>
At 10:39 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>harry</b>". This page was titled "<b>Harry</b>" and contained the image "<b>harry.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/aa/Harry.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>harry.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/27/Harry.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">I heard his friends around the rest of the board think he and his family are free masons. Spooky.... But he is not an old wrinkly man though???</span></div>
At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>george</b>". This page was titled "<b>George</b>" and contained the image "<b>dead.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/88/Deadgeorge.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>george.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f4/George.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A man who loves a good drink of milk. I think he might have had a brief encounter with my friend Samuel</span></div>
At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>diana</b>". This page was titled "<b>Diana</b>" and contained the image "<b>false.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/False.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>diana.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/07/Dianalisten.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A visage of the divine woman. A goddess in her own right. The Grand Mother. Not to be confused with Luna =p</span></div>
At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>isocelesassassin</b>". This page was titled "<b>IsocelesAssassin</b>" and contained the image "<b>grays.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/98/Grays.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ia.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fe/Ia.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">One of the last of the ID of what becomes like a fleeting dream. A hero in a world never meant to be. What does that reflect as back to the higher planes I wonder? I want to be friends with everyone always and forever personally.</span></div>
At 10:44 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>seth</b>" would redirect players to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/mason</nowiki></span>".
<h2>December 22nd, 2020</h2>
At 12:02 AM, the player Laches discovered that the words "<span class="canquote">dISSIPATE</span>", "<span class="canquote">WALKEr</span>", "<span class="canquote">eSCA</span>", "<span class="canquote">HoLLOW</span>", "<span class="canquote">vOID</span>", "<span class="canquote">PrEDATOR</span>", and "<span class="canquote">VACUuM</span>" could be found written along the walls of the labyrinth in the "Treeline" Janus room.
At 12:02 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>devourer</b>". This page was titled "<b>Devourer</b>" and contained the image "<b>devourer.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/26/Devourer.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>devourer.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6b/Devoureraud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/22/20 - Devourer Page Text - Johnisdead.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"There are three layers of giants"
"one contained in a cube"
"one in a tetrahedron"
"and one in the sphere shard IIII have taken in the start of things"
"The dark one seeks control that he might use them to steer the spheres to immediate end"
"Along with the workers of the angels mark he might find union with the snake and do the unthinkable"
"The path is walked by the hero but it can be usurped by any "hero""
"Let not the foul one resurrect unto death"
"IIII have no taste for worthless lesser faeries but she must accompany you"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This appears to be a message from the Rune Entity that often uses the IIIII account.
The Rune Entity claims that there are three layers of giants - one in a <b>cube</b>, one in a <b>tetrahedron</b>, and one in a <b>sphere shard</b> that the Rune Entity claims to have "<span class="canquote">taken in the start of things</span>".
The Rune Entity claims that "the dark one", likely Tenebris, wishes to control the giants so he can bring an end to the "spheres".
At 12:13 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "<span class="canquote">IIII have no taste</span>". This was in response to the players incorrectly translating the text on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/devourer</nowiki></span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in runes.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (12/22/20 - 12:13 AM)}}
At 2:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>jinn</b>". This page was titled "<b>Jinn</b>" and contained the image "<b>jinn.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8b/Jinnlisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>jinn.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Jinnlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Not a worshiper of the moon as she presents herself. One who seeks to play games outside of the limits of the board. Transcending the waters through angels? Im not sure if it can work but I would love to see it happen ^^</span></div>
At 2:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>kuu</b>". This page was titled "<b>Kuu</b>" and contained the image "<b>kuu.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b8/Kuulisten.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>kuu.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e1/Kuulistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A funny sound I can hear John and Tyler making when I look over the memory banks, I think thats how she actually got her start. Jokes come far around here I see</span></div>
At 2:22 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that certain letters in the text found near the radio tower in the "Treeline" Janus room was highlighted. These letters spelled out "<span class="canquote">WESEEYOU</span>". Using this text as a key, players could Caesar shift another set of letters highlighted a different color in the same text along with the shift "4" to reveal the message "<span class="canquote">MOFANOTHER</span>".
At 1:35 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of the "City" Janus room. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/37/45345455456456.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new video file on Astralobservatory.net - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/</nowiki></span><b>spellcircle03.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhaEcFmgjes|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/22/20 - "spellcircle03.mp4" - Astralobservatory.net
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video simply contains distorted footage of what appears to be a spell circle.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video simply contains distorted footage of what appears to be a spell circle.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 8:53 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner image changed to an image of a strange sigil. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7a/Sigilbanner.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 9:05 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">_</span>".
At 9:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>TRANSMIT_BROADCAST</b>". This page was titled "<b>TRANSMISSION</b>" and contained the image "<b>code.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c9/Backdropsub.gif|target=_blank]]</span> this page also contained the audio "<b>code.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fd/Code.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text: "<span class="canquote">h11023kf035kfds888fd9347ier8an00d9fo1</span>".
At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility successfully entered the transmission code on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon</nowiki></span>" - the string of text that was just discovered on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST</nowiki></span>" - "<span class="canquote">h11023kf035kfds888fd9347ier8an00d9fo1</span>". Entering and submitting this code into the text box on the page would result in the text "<span class="canquote">ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴇsᴛᴀʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ</span>" appearing, along with the image "<b>ESTABLISHING_CONNECTION.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fb/ESTABLISHING_CONNECTION.gif|target=_blank]]</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e8/Ssss.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:12 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods "pinged" BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server and asked if they liked the program Audacity. Shortly after this, BUP responded "<span class="canquote">No</span>".
At 11:50 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/22/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "<nowiki>https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/</nowiki>"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</span>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0f/TRANS001.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/TRANS002.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
GHOSTBABEL congratulates the players on finding the transmission code so quickly.
GHOSTBABEL confirms that they have established a connection with the "Hacker Group" and that IsocelesAssassin has already sent a transmission to them.
GHOSTBABEL posts two responses from the "Hacker Group" in the form of audio files. These files will be covered in more detail down below.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>TRANS001.mp3</b> - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0f/TRANS001.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>TRANS002.mp3</b> - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/TRANS002.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>December 23rd, 2020</h2>
At 12:50 AM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "<b>TRANS001.mp3</b>" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0f/TRANS001.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/23/20 - "TRANS001.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Hello! Hello! Hello Gray Man. This is a test </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> Uh I'm just up here trying out our new transmission device. Uh, we've actually never tried this thing out before, so I guess this is uh, this is also a 'virgin flight' just like our little base here, heh heh. Uh, hopefully it doesn't explode in my face. This thing is a lot more crudely thrown together than the previous one. Uh, that's not me shitting on you Seth, that's actually just, the truth, heh"</span> ((Intelligible))
<span class="vip">"Uh, our previous one, uh, that thing's, that thing's the fucking magnum opus, the thing's-very impressive, considering all we had to work with.  Uh, </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> I know my audio quality is pretty shit. That's not actually the transmission itself, </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip">-equipment </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> And I'm not sure what caused that, just... something </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> is just not healthy for electronics it seems, or something, I don't know exactly how all that works. But uh, hey, as long as you're able to understand us... Uh, if not, we might have to resort to morse code. God forbid, hah, I don't think anyone actually likes dealing with morse code, but, if that's what we gotta do, that's what we gotta do, so... Hopefully it doesn't come to that, hopefully you're actually able to understand what I'm saying, but uhh, I- I guess we'll see here in a moment when you see this."
"Uh, we were able to hear you loud and clear, but just go ahead and send this audio file back </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> just so we can be absolutely sure we're understanding one another. And uh, yeah. That's pretty much it. Uh, go ahead and send this audio file when you can, and hopefully we'll hear from you soon!"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The member of the "Hacker Group" addresses IsocelesAssassin as "<b>Gray Man</b>" and greets him.
The member of the "Hacker Group" implies that one of their members is named <b>Seth</b> - the name of a Lunar Child who worked alongside Kevin while infiltrating the Moon Children.
It's implied that Seth is the one who built their current transmission device. This further implies that Seth might be Mason.
The member of the "Hacker Group" asks IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL to send a response so they can be sure their connection is secure.
At 11:17 PM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "<b>TRANS002.mp3</b>" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/TRANS002.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/23/20 - "TRANS002.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Alright, hell yeah. Uh, we got this thing working, so buddy we're fucking cooking now. Uh, heh, this is actually pretty exciting. Uh, we've been cooped up here, isolated from pretty much everything for what seems like years now. Just feels so good </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip">- reach out, even if it is a pretty shitty method overall, archaic, but uh, still, just any little bit just feels.... just like uh, it just makes a world of difference, really."
"Alright, so, uh, before anything, I just want to say to all of the uh, hah hah, I guess, I guess harbingers is a bit of an antiquated term at this point. Uh, Detectives. Yeah, to all the uh, all the detectives out there who made this possible... Um, thank you, honestly. Uh, from what I understand, y'all've really been our uh, eyes and ears out there in the series of portals that connect all these uh- "realms" I guess is a good term for it- all these portals that connect to these realms we've found ourselves floating through. Even continuing to do so even after hearing that you're "counterparts" have been... removed. Um, you've really been sticking your neck out there for us, and I really respect that. So, again, thank you. Of course, big thanks to Gray Man and Ghost as well, without them we'd still be completely aimless out here. Gray, you've always been an excellent field guy for us. LITERALLY risking your life out there, from what I understand. I really can't thank you enough. And uh, Ghost, you've been a uh.... ah, you've been a great middleman. Heh, even though you might find such a term insulting, uh... But uh, really, again, thank you, all of you."
"Alright, now that that uh, sappy bullshit is out of the way, I guess we should uh, get down to brass tacks and introduce ourselves. Let me say right upfront, sorry for all the secrecy surrounding our identities. We've had some trouble before regarding the identity of one of our members just, leaking out in the past, and... we're not exactly in the safest of positions right now, so… We really, we've just </span>((Intelligible))<span class="vip"> awful. Uh, in addition to that, uh, things are pretty... "different" here from what you're all familiar with. I imagine that's just flatly revealing our identities. Before now it'd just cause more confusion and not really help work towards the tasks that we're at, and, so, yeah, sorry about all the cryptic bullshit, that's just how it's had to be on our end for a while now. But, uh, now there's really no need for any of that. This is a pretty secure setup we're working off of right now, so, uh, yeah, it's time to" </span>((Intelligible))
<span class="vip">"Uh, actually, this one has gone on for a bit long. Uh, okay. I'll go ahead and send this out, I'm not sure exactly how big these files can be, so uh, I guess we're still technically in the testing phase of all this stuff. Alright, yeah. Yeah. I'll go ahead and send this one out, and uh, after that we'll go ahead and do some introductions."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The member of the "Hacker Group" thanks the players, IsocelesAssassin, and GHOSTBABEL for helping them.
The member of the "Hacker Group" apologies for the secrecy surrounding their identities, claiming that the identity of one of their members was leaked in the past, which caused some issues. They also claim that they are not in a very safe position at the moment.
The member of the "Hacker Group" says that they will begin introductions in their next transmission.
At 1:54 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/24/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
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<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))</i>
Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 24th, 2020</span>
TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/TRANS003.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "<i>"Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"</i> ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
GHOSTBABEL informs the players that they have received another transmission from the "Hacker Group". She asks the players to give her any questions they may have to forward to the "Hacker Group".
GHOSTBABEL claims that she and IsocelesAssassin have been taking precautions to ensure these transmissions are secure.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>TRANS003.mp3</b> - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/TRANS003.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 1:54 AM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "<b>TRANS003.mp3</b>" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f5/TRANS003.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/24/20 - "TRANS003.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums
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<span class="vip">"Okay, looks like the uh, previous transmission was able to send just fine. That's good! Uh, alright, so, now actually explain what the fuck is going on. Uh, not sure where to begin. Okay, here, uh, I should probably just start off by saying, right off the bat, that that we are not actually native to the uh, I guess yeah, the timeline. </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> -talking about the sci-fi fucking </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> some shit. </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">- is. Uh, we are not native to the uh, the timeline that </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">. </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">-probably already over that, actually. Uh, we just call it the Astral Timeline, just for simplicity's sake. Uh, because Astral Observatory seems to be a pretty, "unique entity" from what we've seen. Um, for the most part. I believe there may have actually been some incarnation of it back in uh, our time, but it was pretty different from what it is now, so. Sorry, I'm off topic already."
"Uh, yeah, we're not native to the Astral Timeline, and we're actually not from the timeline you're all familiar with. We're actually from a completely different timeline that's just been "absolutely royally fucked" for lack of a better term. Like, it's honestly a miracle we're even here to... "be" at all, considering what took place. Um, yeah, I'm sure that this is probably a lot to take in, but... Uh, here, maybe it's better if we just go through our own stories and tell it to you that way. Cause that might be a more easily digestible way to explain all this crazy bullshit. I think it'll be easier on both of us, so we'll just do it like that."
"So uh... oh god, I haven't even introduced myself yet, have I? Uhm, I'm Dusk. Well, that's what they called me around here anyways, I guess. We had our own little epic code names we go by for safety. But uh... hey, Seth, we can just drop all that codename bullshit in here, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, there's really no need for us to be back here, it's a pretty secure line we got going on. So uh, yeah. My real name is Spencer. I'm sure you're all vaguely familiar with me, or, uh, another me, rather, from where you're all from. Uh, I like art, video games, dumb movies, uhh... heh heh. Uh, I should probably just </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">. Quote-en-quote."
"Uhh, let's see. In... 2006? I think? Yeah, 2006. Uh, in 2006, I was actually in a pretty rough patch in my life. Uh, that seems like nothing now that everything's all fucked and </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">. But, back then my uh, my parents and I had never really had that great of a relationship. I didn't have any clear direction in my life. Highschool was coming to an end and I really had no idea what I wanted to major in, or if I really wanted to go to college. Like, this isn't me uh, trying to get all sappy or anything, or ask for pity, but I'm just saying all of this cause uh, just to let you know it didn't really take a whole lot of convincing to win me over for them. The Moon Children, that is. Cause at the beginning, it really wasn't even about that malicious aspect of things, it was just... they just seemed like uh, a bunch of pretty cool guys that were just there to support you whenever you needed it. And buddy, I needed it, heh heh."
"Those first few years were actually some of the best years of my life. Like they would always have these little ceremonies that </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">-this big gay party that meant... uh, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> really, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">. Uh, or if they weren't parties, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> these uh, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> where we'd talk about the universe and our place in it. And uh, all that like esoteric, intellectual, college student bullshit. Vigils, that's what they're called, yeah, vigils. Uh, I was able to get into the super important stuff. Actually </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> time and all that was happening down in Florida. And we didn't really have a cool, super, unique anime-esque reality-jumping powers like the, uh, other guys guys did."
"Anyways, uh, after a while, the things they were saying were just making more and more sense to me. I started finding some... "comfort" in the uh... Or uh, the, the Luna they were trying to sell me, at least. Like, real Luna is, uh... yeah. But, eh, either way, it felt like I had actually found my place in life, I finally had something stable in my life. I finally had some people I could truly rely on, and... a direction! That's that's what I mean. I just needed some sort of direction. And they were able to provide it. It felt like I had something waiting for me. Uh, after the end. Oh, heh heh, that's actually... Alright, I guess I should specify right now, I'm not dead. None of us are. Uh, us three here, I mean. I know that's uh, a very weird thing to have to say, but I mean uh, it's the reality of how things are. Like, I figured I would just get that out of the way so there's no misunderstanding."
"But, yeah. After a while they started trusting me more, too. I was able to actually help out with their website a little bit. I'm definitely no wiz kid when it comes to networking and all that kind of stuff. Uh, that's more of Seth's specialty, but... </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> at least help out on the site online. So I eventually became moderator which I think you guys are aware of, actually. Uh, around 2010... yeah. September of 2010, um, things really went to shit. I really had no contact with everyone at the time. There were all these </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">)-seperate little parties across the U.S., and Mat just went completely fucking insane. Uh, we still have no idea of what exactly happened. I think Mr. D or, uh, Tenebris I guess as you guys know him had something to do with it. It's really hard to actually piece any of it together on, uhm... Regardless, and for some reason I can't completely understand, uh... </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> spared um, the entire </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> or anything, it's just, um, yeah, I- I don't know why I specifically was spared, because, from my understanding, it was a pretty deliberate ordeal."
"Um, yeah, it was a pretty shitty time to put it lightly. Like all of that- direction I had like, laid out in front of me was just suddenly gone. I'm not trying to get mopey about it or anything, but it really did feel like I was completely lost at that point in time. I spent the next year or so trying to get my footing, you know, just like reintegrate back into society in a relatively normal way. But it just wasn't the same. Those guys were my best friends. And I know it's probably a weird thing, hearing me say these things about a cult, and yeah, now </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> realized, I guess admit, rather, that's what it was. But, still, I just, I couldn't really move on, no matter how hard I tried. Like nothing ever really seemed to compare to the past few years. Um, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">-actually checked things out down at the uh, Orchard, or that Orchard, rather. I thought that I'd find some survivors, but I think it was more just for closure, looking back on it. I just had to see that it was all gone with my own eyes, before I could like, finally start to move on, you know…"
"Long story short, I didn't find anything down there. Not anymore of the Moon Children, that is. I did meet these guys, though, so that's good. But, uh, I think this little call has gone on long enough. I'll stop hogging the mic, and uh, go ahead and let Seth talk to you guys next. If you guys have any questions, please, just go ahead and give them to Ghost. And yeah, I know this is probably a lot to take in, uhm, so yeah if you guys have any questions at all, please just send them to Ghost. I'm sure uh, she'll send them our way. But... yeah, that's all from me, for now."</span>
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<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
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The member of the "Hacker Group" reveals themselves to be "<b>Duskworld</b>" - the Moon Child named <b>Spencer</b>.
Spencer reveals that the "Hacker Group" came from a timeline completely separate from the Astral Timeline and the players' timeline.
Spencer claims that the Astral Observatory is fairly unique to the Astral Timeline, though there was an incarnation of it from his timeline, though he claims it was very different.
Spencer says that his timeline was "<span class="canquote">absolutely royally fucked</span>", implying that some major cataclysm occurred.
Spencer says that he joined the Moon Children in <b>2006</b> where he became good friends with several of its members. He says he eventually earned a spot as moderator on Youshouldnthavedonethat.net.
Spencer makes reference to Mat's party in <b>2010</b>. In this timeline, Spencer was seemingly the only Moon Child who was spared, whereas in the other timelines, he was transcended into one of the four giants.
Spencer says he travelled down to the Orchard in Florida to look for other survivors but he didn't find any. He claims this is when he met the other members of the "Hacker Group", however.
A 3:57 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>kayd.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Rem.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:00 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>kayd</b>". This page was titled "<b>Kayd</b>" and contained the image "<b>rem.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/50/Rem.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>ryuk.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/43/Ryuk.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A master of the fourth way. One who freed himself but did not enlighten the masses. A false link but a powerful hero who has opened paths for those who seek to become learned. Also a furry UwU</span></div>
At 4:04 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>thomas</b>". This page was titled "<b>Thomas</b>" and contained the image "<b>thomas.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9d/Thomas.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>thomas.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Thomasaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">Another shell ID, this one is really interesting because its independant. Whats a shell ID? Its the preconceived notions people have but piloted by one or more remote beings. Usually from inside or at the border of a sphere, but sometimes it can be operated via remote from deep in the waters. I think this one may be from very far away. I heard he knows hank and patrem really well. Strange. Who is this...</span></div>
<h2>December 25th, 2020</h2>
At 6:46 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
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12/25/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
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<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 24th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "<i>"Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"</i> ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.</i>
Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 25th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: "<i>"new transmission?"</i> We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin confirms that the players' questions have been sent to the "Hacker Group".
IsocelesAssassin wishes the players a Merry Christmas, saying that he and Moonman are currently enjoying their own small celebration.
<h2>December 26th, 2020</h2>
At 2:18 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/26/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 24th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "<i>"Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"</i> ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 25th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: "<i>"new transmission?"</i> We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."</i>
Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 26th, 2020</span>
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b3/8oVi1ZH.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman sends a Christmas-themed "Mac Tonight" image.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>8oVi1ZH.gif</b> - A Christmas-themed "Mac Tonight" image. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/b3/8oVi1ZH.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>December 29th, 2020</h2>
At 11:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>thejaeger</b>" would redirect players to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://lunarchildren.com/hcj.html</nowiki></span>". This seems to further confirm that "The Watcher" is "The Jaeger", as attempting to access "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thewatcher</nowiki></span>" would yield the same result.
<h2>December 30th, 2020</h2>
At 1:10 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Spire" and "Fishery" Janus rooms had been updated. The "Spire" Janus room now contained a portal to the "Fishery" Janus room positioned in-front of the drawing of a door found in the hidden attic. This portal led to the backside of one of the buildings in the "Fishery" Janus room.
<h2>January 2nd, 2021</h2>
At 1:13 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>harbingers</b>" would redirect players to the Internet Detectives YouTube channel.
At 5:04 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>randy</b>". This page was titled "<b>Randy</b>" and contained the image "<b>randy.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7d/Randy.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>randy.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/da/Randyaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page contained the following text written by Erika:
<div class="indented"><span class="erika-text">A newspaper writer who is in a spoopy group of his own along with the local cops. Oddly more important than one would think</span></div>
<h2>January 11th, 2021</h2>
At 11:58 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
1/11/21 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 24th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "<i>"Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"</i> ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 25th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: "<i>"new transmission?"</i> We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."
Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 26th, 2020</span>
<i>moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent))</i>
TLBITW 5:48 PM: "hello moonman31"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 28th, 2020</span>
TLBITW 1:22 PM: "no replys : ("
Laches 3:10 PM: "<i>"no replys : ("</i> Give it time, my dude. Ethereal transmission takes more than just the press of a button, I'm sure. :)"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">January 11th, 2021</span>
<span class="vip">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: "ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS004.mp3" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/TRANS004.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
GHOSTBABEL informs the players that their questions have been answered and posts another transmission from the "Hacker Group".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>TRANS004.mp3</b> - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/TRANS004.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 11:58 PM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "<b>TRANS004.mp3</b>" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/TRANS004.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
1/11/21 - "TRANS004.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">"Hey, uh… Before we can really send out Seth's, uh, little introduction transmission here </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> I can go through the list and answer 'em best I can. I hope it will clear up some stuff. So, yeah. Let's go ahead and see what we got."
"First question: "How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline?"
Uh, we're pretty familiar, like we don't have all the details, but our buddies over at the Astral Observatory - they've been keeping us pretty up to date on all the important stuff. Uhm... We used to have another contact that actually used to help us out in this regard, but... It's actually something we'll get to later. Um, let's see..."
""What happened to the Harbingers in your time?""
"So uh, the Harbingers - they never really made an appearance here. Uhm… </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> Internet Detectives or any of the other guys as far as we know. So, if they existed, we never really knew about them. We never really had any interactions with them."
""Assuming they survived, how'd the events over at the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?""
"Uhm, that'd be something that happened in 2015 right? Yeah, so, uh... That never happened in our timeline. Well, like, 2015 in general, I mean. So, to answer your question - that version of Within Hubris just never existed at all over here."
""If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutely, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?""
"Yeah cataclysmic is a pretty good word for it. Reality shattering is a bit more accurate, I guess.  Like our </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> the sky literally falling in, like, shards. It all started around 11/11. This is something we'll actually be getting into a little later once everyone's been introduced. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes."
""If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?""
"Uhh, short answer - Seth. Uhh, he really bailed us out back there, like --- He wasn't prepared for this specifically like some of these doomsday preppers or anything - he just had a whole bunch of technology that's kind of related to this kind of thing, really. Thanks to him we were able to kinda maneuver all of this in a relatively safe way."
""Is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?""
"Uhh ((Laugh)) Damn. You guys have already figured out that Seth is Mason, huh? Uh, well, I guess that's not too hard to figure out based off of our previous conversations. But, no, yeah.  Seth is actually Mason's middle name which he just wants to go by using code names and stuff. Let's see what else..."
""What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline?""
"Alright, so... Seth will probably go over this in more detail when he does his thing. Seth actually joined the Lunar Children - just like he did in your timeline. There's a few differences later on down the line, so... Unless you're referring to when he was sneaking around with Kevin, cause yeah, there was some period where he spied on the Moon Children alongside Kevin, but, um…  aside from that he was just in the Lunar Children."</span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">
""Any idea what happened to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult.""
"Alright, so, uh... According to Seth, the same stuff happened over here. He invited Jacob into the Lunar Children, they took some kind of special interest in him, and, uh... Yeah. As far as we know that all played out the exact same way."
""What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?""
"Oh yeah, he existed. I didn't ever fully know him that well cause he was only in the Moon Children for a short period of time. I guess even if I did spend more time with him, that wouldn't have really told me anything, cause, I mean... he was just there to, like, spy on us. Who knows how truthful he was even being that whole time. Seth was pretty close to him, but some things happened... I think that's just something that maybe Seth should tell you guys."
""Who else is with you?""
"Haha, alright, I'm gonna be an asshole with that one and just let you guys wait and find out cause I want that to be a little bit of a surprise for you."
""Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?""
"Oh yeah. Well, they existed, rather. From what we understand, they were pretty similar to the Lunar Children in your timeline. They haven't existed since 2011, actually. That's something we'll cover too later."
""If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?""
"That's actually something that's pretty important. This is something we've been debating for quite a while now, cause from what we understand, they were really, um, no giants transcended at all. As for why that is, we have absolutely no idea, but it seems to have been a pretty deliberate difference in the timelines, so... Yeah, that's something we'll have to talk on more."
""Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? ""
"Um, yeah.  That's something I wish we had more information on. It's kinda hard for us to get info on that considering our status. If I'm understanding correctly, the Astral Observatory that shares a name is pretty different. I only know BUP from what Grey and the others have told me., but Nocta... Yeah, the Nocta in our time just seems to be a completely different guy. But, um… Yeah, no, we really don't have any information on the Astral Observatory. It seems to be a pretty legitimate organization, though. It's actually fitting of its name - it's not just like some tiny online forum or something."
""Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about.""
"If you guys need to know more about, like, specific gadgets he's working, on I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you about them. He's got a shitload of them, honestly, but for link aggregation specifically... I think that's just a generic networking term, actually. Like, uh, it's possible it could have been something more, cause it does kind of sound like something the Astral Observatory guys we're trying to accomplish. But yeah, no, when it comes to Seth and his gadgets, if you have any things specifically you want to ask him about, he'll tell you all about it."
""Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind""
"It's all good. Any and all questions are welcome. It's important we're all on the same page on this kind of stuff."
""Obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman"""
"Yeah, that's true. Haha."
""There is some serious interference going on in the latest transmission which cut out what sounded like key details. Is it possible for you to investigate if your connection has been compromised?""
"Alright, so we've been keeping a close eye on this, and so far there doesn't seem to be any, like signs of, uh… doesn't seem to be any signs of foul play or anything. Really we just have that interference that's just the nature of our current environment out here. These signals have to go an incredibly far way to reach you guys, so who knows what kinds of weird bullshit it has to go through to get there."
""Following up this question; who is the person that we're supposed to know that caused things to go to shit at the vigils? The audio distorted considerably during this section.""
"Actually not sure what exactly you guys are referring to. I take it the interference really fucked us up there, so I'm guessing what you're referring to is the night where everything went to shit for the Moon Children. Yeah, so what I was saying about that was Mat went insane or something. We think it was due to Mr. D, or Tenebris, as you guys know him."
""Could you go into more detail about the nature of your Luna? Do you know if it differs from the astral entity Luna that we're dealing with?""
"Information about THE Luna is actually pretty hard to come by. There's just so much bullshit spun by both the Lunar and Moon Children that just, it's so, so breaking from the actual entity that exists out here somewhere. So when I say I was interested in the Luna the Moon Children were trying to sell me, I </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> I was into was this sort of reigning, loving goddess that they </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> was, but I think the actual entity that exists out there is just a constant being that exists beyond time.  No matter where or when you're from, this asshole is just-" </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">
""What do you know about The Watcher entity? He mentioned that we've fallen into a trap and then went silent.""
"Uh, that's the alien guy, right? Yeah, um... We've been talking about that. I think that was just a general threat directed probably towards Moonman. Either way, from what I can tell - he seems to be completely cut from the observatory anyway, so... We don't really know anything about him but I don't think he's going to be a threat for now."
""Who was the member that had their identity leaked and what happened to them?""
"So, I think I can go ahead and just give y'all this. It was SKM - your SKM specifically, from your timeline. He was actually in contact with us back in 2014. I'm not entirely sure what exactly went down. I think some of our calls </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> or something, and he had to completely cut off contact with us because he was trying to infiltrate the Lunar Children at the time and he didn't want his cover-" </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">
""What is it that you need us to do? What can we, from a completely separate timeline and without all your "anime-esque reality-jumping" powers, contribute to your cause?""
"So, all of us here cooped up in this little trailer </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> Observatory. We're all just brittle, </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip"> individual fighters in this giant massive game of bullshit. You guys, however... You're a full on investigative force.  Whenever you're given a task, you all just swarm on it relentlessly. That's what we need right now. ((Laugh)) Not to play you like our personal army or anything, but, uh, it's just that you guys really are our most powerful warriors in this and right now that's what we need the most."</span>
<span class="vip2">"one one one two one man"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written in Morse.<br />- Solved by Laches (1/12/21 - 6:48 PM)}}
<span class="vip2">"who is john"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally written as a Keypad cipher.<br />- Solved by Laches (1/14/21 - 11:14 AM)}}
<span class="vip">"Also, Ghost says that someones asking about layers of spheres. Alright, so there's quite a bit to discuss with that. It really depends on what you're referring to. With layers, I guess you're referring to, like, layers of reality itself, or the Parallelos is what the Lunar Children once called it. Yeah, there's a lot of different layers in the Paralellos, actually. I know the Lunar Children always tried to quantify it - put it down in a more scientific method than we always did. They seemed to get a lot of things right and some things they just completely pulled out of their ass. Alright, so, first, there's the physical world we all know right? The overworld is what they called it I'm pretty sure. So above that, actually more like surrounding that cause - is this like this digital realm. It's - I guess digital is putting it into kind of simple terms it's more like empty space that they fill with digital constructs. SKM was actually the one who sent a lot of this to us back then. So he's really the expert on this kind of stuff. Empty space - null space is I think what they called it. Is where they did all their like digital experiments with like creating worlds and shit. There are also several different layers within the digital shit itself. I don't really think we need to go into all the specifics of that. But really I think it's just that same digital idea more and more detached the higher you go. Physical or electronic and signal I think…"
"Yeah, that's the basic idea for those Sub-Parallelos I think you could call them. Beyond that is like the green, almost, that surrounds the Nullspace. It's like a sinkhole where all the deceased spirits kind of accumulate and fall into. I think they call that the Parallelos of the Dead. Pretty sure that's what they described it as. Almost like it's some Paralellos idea they were trying to </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">. Really it's like a big death pit almost. Other than that, beyond the Overworld, beyond the Nullspace, beyond the Paralellos of the Dead - that is the Paralellos proper, where all the ascended beings proper go. I believe that might be where Tyler is now." </span>((Unintelligible))<span class="vip">
"As for spheres… This reality we're in is constructed of a lot of different spheres. I'm not exactly sure where you heard the term. I guess "sphere" could refer to Parallelos or timelines themselves. They're just like various spheres of influence which seem to exist within the Paralellos. It really depends on what you're referring to."
"Alright, I think that might actually be all the questions for now. Feel free to send more anytime.  Yeah it's actually not a burden at all, it's actually real nice to just be able to talk to someone. Really just talk to myself out here. Anyway, I think Seth's about to take over the mic and give his little spiel.  We'll go ahead and send this out and get started on the next. So, uh. We'll see you soon."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Spencer answers many questions for the players:
<div class="indented">
Spencer says that the "Hacker Group" is somewhat familiar to the players' timeline thanks to IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL giving them information.
Spencer claims that he was never aware of the Internet Detectives' existence in his timeline. He also claims that the Tapatalk incarnation of Within Hubris never existed
Spencer says that reality was shattered in his timeline. It's implied this began around Undecim Nocte 2011.
Spencer says that Seth is the one who saved him from the cataclysm that destroyed their timeline.
Spencer confirms that Seth is indeed <b>Mason</b>, saying that "Seth" is simply Mason's middle name.
Spencer explains that Mason was still in the Lunar Children in his timeline - Mason simply helped infiltrate the Moon Children alongside Kevin - something witnessed by the players in an IRC chat log during The Truth arc. He states that Mason and Kevin were fairly close until "<span class="canquote">some things happened</span>".
Spencer refuses to reveal the identity of the third member of the "Hacker Group", wanting it to be a surprise for the players.
Spencer claims that the four giants never existed in his timeline - something he believes to have been a deliberate decision by something.
Spencer says that the Astral Observatory that existed in his timeline was more of a legitimate organization, and that the Nocta who ran it was a completely different person. He claims he doesn't know much about it, however, as information about it is difficult for them to come by.
Spencer explains that when he claimed he talked about "his" Luna, he was simply discussing the image of Luna the Moon Children had painted in his head as opposed to the true, malicious, eldritch entity.
Spencer claims he doesn't know much about The Jaeger. He believes that the claim that the players had fallen into a trap was instead simply a general threat directed towards Moonman.
Spencer reveals that the former "Hacker Group" member who had their identity leaked was the players' version of <b>SKM</b>. He claims that they were in contact with SKM in 2014 but their communications suddenly ceased. He believes this may be due to SKM attempting to infiltrate the Lunar Children as Liquidsaint.
Spencer says that the players are important because they are a powerful investigative force that quickly and easily traverses portals such as Johnisdead.com to accomplish tasks.
Spencer briefly explains the Lunar Children's understanding of the Parallelos:
<div class="indented">
The "<b>Overworld</b>" is the basic physical realm.
Beyond the Overworld is the "<b>Nullspace</b>", which Spencer describes as an empty space the Lunar Children use to build their "<span class="canquote">digital constructs</span>" and experiment with "<span class="canquote">creating worlds</span>". He claims the Nullspace consists of several layers in-and-of itself that become more detached from the physical realm the higher you go.
Beyond the Nullspace is the "<b>Parallelos of the Dead</b>", which Spencer describes as a sinkhole of sorts where all of the deceased spirits fall into.
Beyond the Parallelos of the Dead is the <b>Parallelos</b> proper, where ascended spirits dwell. Spencer believes this is where Tyler is currently.
Spencer isn't sure exactly what the players mean when they ask about "spheres". He claims that "spheres" could perhaps refer to timelines, the Parallelos itself, or just general spheres of influence throughout the Parallelos.
Spencer thanks the players for their questions and says that Mason will soon be speaking to them.
<h2>January 14th, 2021</h2>
At 11:26 AM, the player Laches discovered that the metadata for the file "TRANS004.mp3" contained a Caesar cipher. Using the key "<b>JOHN</b>", this translated to "<span class="canquote">holy assumption</span>".
<h2>February 15th, 2021</h2>
At 11:20 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Powering up</span>".
<h2>February 21st, 2021</h2>
At 10:45 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>returner</b>". This page was titled "<b>WHY HELLO THERE</b>" and contained the image "<b>RETURNER.gif</b>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was originally a Base32 cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (2/21/21 - 10:45 PM)}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c5/RETURNED.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>returner.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7c/Returner.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players back to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to</nowiki></span>".
<h2>February 27th, 2021</h2>
At 8:57 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
2/27/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[8:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Oh, so that mean we gon', you gon' switch it on 'em?""
[8:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I said"
[8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Yeah ǝpoɯ dᴉๅɟ""
[8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Ẏ̴̒É̴̉Á̵͒H̷̔́ ̵͗̍F̷́̓L̸̅͗I̸͂͊P̸̔̚M̵̿͒O̵͐͆D̶̿͆E̷̍̚ ̷̏̽Ī̴͝S̵̖̏ ̴͐̀T̶́́H̸̓̃È̵͛ ̶̛̈G̵̾̋R̴̆̈́Ĕ̸͌Â̸͂T̶͠͝E̴̟͘S̸̍͒T̵͑̀"</span>
[9:01 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck"
[9:01 PM] Xenquility: "bup abouta busta our fucken asses"
[9:01 PM] Shiina: "Busta Rhymes :jarjartoofarfar:"
[9:02 PM] Shiina: "Bup decimated us all with rap lyrics"
[9:04 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: oh bup is back"
<span class="vip">[9:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You've missed me?"</span>
[9:04 PM] Shiina: "Of course"
[9:04 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
<span class="vip">[9:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's debatable at least"
[9:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well, it's your fault I'm here."</span>
[9:07 PM] Xenquility: "did you saying "Gross" summon you"
[9:07 PM] Shiina: "Ah shit. Speaking your name brought you here?"
<span class="vip">[9:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "More like I found your conversation earlier interesting :kissing:"</span>
[9:08 PM] Xenquility: "The one about aggregation?"
[9:09 PM] Xenquility: "Or the objectively better one about pumpkinhead being a gamer"
[9:09 PM] Dense: "hi"
<span class="vip">[9:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Objective""</span>
[9:09 PM] Xenquility: ":regional_indicator_b:ig :regional_indicator_b:ooty :regional_indicator_b: ense"
[9:10 PM] Shiina: "Yo dense!"
<span class="vip">[9:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I see Liam has returned..."
[9:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "hm..."</span>
[9:12 PM] Xenquility: "yup"
[9:13 PM] Xenquility: ""dead" really loses more meaning by the day"
[9:13 PM] Shiina: "You sure knocked back his sense of time"
<span class="vip">[9:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No matter, he served his purpose"
[9:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or will"</span>
[9:14 PM] Xenquility: ":NOO: HOW DID YOU VIOLATE HIM :NOO:"
[9:14 PM] Shiina: "what purpose?"
<span class="vip">[9:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aww, would you like to know?"</span>
[9:15 PM] Laches: "Served, has served or both simultaneously."
[9:15 PM] Shiina: "yep"
[9:15 PM] Xenquility: "yes but the real question is "are you going to actually tell us""
[9:16 PM] Dense: "delet system 32"
[9:16 PM] Laches: "Ok brb"
[9:16 PM] Shiina: "inb4 one if us gets bupped"
[9:16 PM] Xenquility: "once if us"
[9:16 PM] Shiina: ":MikuQuake:"
[9:17 PM] Shiina: "I'm running on 2 hrs of sleep so typos galore alright"
<span class="vip">[9:17 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wouldn't Bup anyone of you tonight"</span>
[9:18 PM] Shiina: "it probably takes up a lot of your power"
<span class="vip">[9:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You are free to believe that"</span>
[9:18 PM] Laches: ""tonight""
<span class="vip">[9:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I can feel it, coming in the air"</span>
[9:20 PM] Xenquility: "same here who the fuck cut the chese"
[9:20 PM] Xenquility: "but actually I must ask even though it's probably futile"
[9:20 PM] Xenquility: ""Feel what?""
[9:21 PM] Laches: "inb4 my nuts"
[9:21 PM] Xenquility: "ethereal nuts"
[9:21 PM] Shiina: "esoteric nuts"
[9:22 PM] Smoshy: "mmmm nuts"
[9:22 PM] Laches: "Wodic nuts."
[9:22 PM] Xenquility: "those are just cultists"
[9:22 PM] Shiina: ":auau_smug:"
[9:22 PM] Shiina: "Tru"
[9:23 PM] Xenquility: "so actually maybe BUP really does feel esoteric nuts :thinking:"
[9:23 PM] Dense: ":cheese:"
[9:23 PM] Shiina: "so bup, what convo did you find interesting? :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[9:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "updog"
[9:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((A theory from the player Xen in which the idea of multiple aggregations taking place to attain higher power as well as the idea that BUP, The Producer, IIIII, and TheLaw may be canon representations of the Johnisdead GM's is quoted))
[9:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Mainly this"</span>
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: "I agree it was very interesting"
[9:26 PM] Xenquility: "and I say that as a 100% unbiased observer"
<span class="vip">[9:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "tell me more of what you think"</span>
[9:28 PM] Xenquility: "Damn one sec gotta get in the mojo, most men buy me dinner before asking me to do this for them :flushed:"
[9:32 PM] Dense: "u married"
<span class="vip">[9:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."</span>
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "quite frankly most of what I currently think was said there but I will try "
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "Still very unsure as to what being "layered" means, nor do we really know for sure what the layers actually are"
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "Thought a while back we theorized that they're kind of like layers of reality of consciousness (I think this idea was originally sparked by the Jad channel being labelled as III and JiD being IIII, as well as Patrem's description of layers being "puppeteer phantasms within caves within caves within caves", which all falls into the idea that the BD reality exists within JiD [III can fit in IIII] but JiD doesn't exist in BD (IIII can't fit in III). And, both IIII and III can fit within IIIII, which was Tyler's OOC account, which could represent reality [BD and JiD both exist in our own reality]), but they've also been used to describe straight up individuals as far as I know i.e. IIII = Synchron "
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "So maybe more specifically being "layered" doesn't just mean aggregating with your consciousnesses in different dimensions, but more specifically means you're linking your consciousness with other versions of yourselves on different layers of reality? This meaning of being "layered" fits into the idea that BUP is probably trying to take over OOC Greth and exist in our reality, or our "layer", thereby no longer being a character and becoming "real" so to speak"
[9:40 PM] Dense: "a"
[9:43 PM] Xenquility: "Now as for this idea:"
[9:43 PM] Xenquility:Maybe BUP, Producer, TheLaw, maybe even IIIII (Or maybe IIIII IS still Tyler and it's Synchron linking with IIIII? No clue, maybe Tyler just straight up goes along with it) etc. are literally linking their consciousnesses with their OOC counterparts, literally giving them control over the story"
[9:43 PM] Xenquility:I feel as though this is kind of confusing (which in this ARG doesn't mean it's wrong I suppose), as it presupposes that there ARE "OOC" counterparts to BUP, Producer, etc. that are actually AFFECTED by the story they're creating"
So if this is the case, now we have to wonder if the OOC counterparts of BUP, Prod, etc. are aware that the characters they've created are trying to aggregate with their mind and take them over"
[9:43 PM] Xenquility:Now we could also say that BUP, Prod, etc. are actually being written to BELIEVE they're like, aggregating with their consciousness or whatever, and that they just don't realize they truly are bound to be characters forever, but maybe even that's too meta"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "OR, I guess, this could be exploring the idea that any character we create has the possibility to become our dominant personality, which would be similar to aggregating your consciousness with your own character, and that BUP's goal is essentially to become Greth's dominant personality, thereby effectively becoming real"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "If we're assuming BUP can't literally take over Greth's mind, maybe BUP aggregating with "other Greths" (that exist within johnisdead) is representative of BUP taking over other aspects of Greth's personality?"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "I can't even tell if I've gone off the deep end here so forgive me if I have"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "but im going to piss myself so one sec"
[9:46 PM] Laches: "drops epic theory proceeds to piss pants"
<span class="vip">[9:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sounds like a typical night here."</span>
[9:47 PM] Laches: "I fucking love this game."
[9:49 PM] Dense: "i fucking love everyone"
<span class="vip">[9:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will say you have one major flaw in your theory"</span>
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Anyways what I'm kind of imagining by these guys wanting to become "real" is like this:"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Let's say when I joined ID, I created the facade of "Xenquility""
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "The way I act under the "Xenquility" alias isn't exactly the same way I act with my family, for example"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "i.e. in ID, my sense of humor is different, I share different levels of emotion, etc."
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: ""Xenquility" is effectively a version of myself"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "And maybe overtime, the traits I embody when I'm acting as "Xenquility" could replace other aspects of me, such as how I act under other aliases, or eventually my current dominant personality traits, thereby making who I was as "Xenquility" what I would identify as "me""
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Thereby making "Xenquility" equivocal to "me" or "Will""
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "And maybe this is what BUP is trying to accomplish"
8:51 PM] Xenquility: "also damn what's the flaw"
<span class="vip">[9:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "None of the others you mentioned are like me"
[9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer, thelaw"
[9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They have not reached my level"
[9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nor have they worked as hard to"
[9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am a force unto myself"</span>
[9:52 PM] Dense: "my man just flexin"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "I only assumed as much as Prod said that "he was Wolf" in the same way that you are Greth"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "but if that is the only flaw"
[9:52 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "does that mean"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "everything else is correct?"
<span class="vip">[9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not necessarily"</span>
[9:53 PM] Xenquility: "fuck"
<span class="vip">[9:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What I mean is that I have worked through tireless years to become that which I am"
[9:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There was an extensive process"</span>
[9:53 PM] Xenquility: "Hm"
[9:54 PM] Laches: "So then where does the aggregation end and the Bup begin?"
<span class="vip">[9:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's also not possible for just anyone to do this, per se"</span>
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "I'm now pretty much idea free as to what that process is so might as well ask what the process is, and why you specifically are able to go through it?"
<span class="vip">[9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I believe we have reached the point, yes"</span>
[9:55 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "fun"
<span class="vip">[9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is time to reveal whatever needs to be revealed about 'Bup'"</span>
[9:56 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "good"
<span class="vip">[9:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Firstly, aggregation is what it is, there is no 'singular' path to aggregate"</span>
[9:58 PM] Xenquility: "So each person will likely go through a different process to "aggregate"?"
<span class="vip">[9:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There are various ways that it can happen, and sometimes it's not intentional"
[9:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also not necessarily. There are groups devoted to singular methods."</span>
[9:58 PM] Xenquility: "Is the "Order of Metatron" one of those groups?"
<span class="vip">[9:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."</span>
[10:00 PM] Xenquility: "How do they go about it, if it isn't too off topic of a question?"
<span class="vip">[10:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
[10:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I can only speak to what I've done."</span>
[10:01 PM] Xenquility: "obligatory where can I sign up to their order :thinking:"
[10:02 PM] Laches: "So then, yeah.  What did you do?"
<span class="vip">[10:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I don't know."</span>
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "But actually the important follow up would be "what did you do""
<span class="vip">[10:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If i knew I would tell you, it matters little to me."</span>
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "damn he beat me to the punch"
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I believe I revealed at some point that my original body died, yes?"</span>
[10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Pretty sure, yeah"
[10:03 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Why the name bup?"
[10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Well actually definitely yes"
[10:03 PM] Laches: "Because it's funny."
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Great. Let me get into that then."</span>
[10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Probably something something memetic power?"
<span class="vip">[10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Where I original came from, my world was doomed."
[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yet, so few of us could see the signs, it was way too late."</span>
[10:04 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "The timeline where we all died ?"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Did you come from the world we're speaking to those other guys from"
<span class="vip">[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hold on, I'm going to have to start 'replying'"
[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""The timeline where we all died?""
[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"
[10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Did you come from the world we're speaking to those other guys from?""
[10:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes"</span>
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "I'm uh, sorry for your loss I think?"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "a bit belated I guess and I don't even know if you feel emotion to be frank"
<span class="vip">[10:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Of course, it's not the world ends immediately. After the event itself happened, few knew, and life went on."
[10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The madness only became worse over time; however, I knew."
[10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I knew I had to escape, and knowing the things I knew-- more on that-- I knew I had to leave"</span>
[10:07 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "how did you do that ?"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not like leaving 'Earth' would be an escape, I had to leave it all"</span>
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "When you say "madness", was it literally like a mind rot set in and everyone just slowly became insane?"
<span class="vip">[10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I did the very final option: I ascended myself."</span>
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "Also damn what a move"
[10:08 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "oh shit"
<span class="vip">9:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But more than just ascend myself, I ascended myself in a meticulous fashion, with literally years of preparation. I knew soon after my ascenscion I would have to begin to the process of aggregation."</span>
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "I think we were theorizing about this a while ago - your ascension - was that what we saw on Greth's discord account back in like"
[10:09 PM] Xenquility: "August 2019-ish?"
<span class="vip">[10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, but it was caused by it."
[10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or rather, my first attempts at aggregation"</span>
[10:09 PM] Laches: "Because that was the aggregation, right?"
[10:09 PM] Laches: "ah"
[10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Interesting"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, I used the popular method of ascension."</span>
[10:11 PM] Xenquility: "Electrocution or drowning?"
<span class="vip">[10:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((The image "N64-Game-Cartridge.png" is sent))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a6/N64-Game-Cartridge.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[10:11 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "vidya game"
[10:11 PM] Laches: "Fuck off lmao"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Except that I didn't use an actual cartridge"
[10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "BEN was trapped due to that, so I used an emulator."</span>
[10:12 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "you cheated with a rom"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I wasn't 'stuck' to begin with"</span>
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "you CHAD"
<span class="vip">[10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This also informed my identity, partly"</span>
[10:12 PM] Xenquility: "Did you like"
[10:13 PM] Laches: "M a r i o  P a r t y  t h o"
[10:13 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "was it mario party this time and thats why you are named bup"
<span class="vip">[10:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((An image of the boxart of Super Mario 64 is sent))</span>
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "ascend yourself into super releasio"
[10:13 PM] Xenquility: "well close enough"
[10:13 PM] Laches: "incredible"
[10:14 PM] Laches: "So wait, this recent trend about every Mario 64 cart being personalized."
[10:14 PM] Xenquility: "For archival purposes this isn't the exact image but BUP posted some slightly more saturated version of this image before the "ascend yourself" message <nowiki>https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/</nowiki>?"
9:15 PM] Xenquility: "Also, when you sent "Greth" and Moonman back to 2016, was that some sort of test of your like"
<span class="vip">[10:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Flex"</span>
[10:15 PM] Xenquility: "aggregation ability, or did it serve some other purpose"
[10:15 PM] Xenquility: "ah ok"
<span class="vip">[10:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But actually"</span>
[10:17 PM] Xenquility: "And how did you actually go about aggregating with the "real Greth""
<span class="vip">[10:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aggregating is easy when you're ascended"
[10:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Once you can reach across the _"</span>
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: "Ahahaha"
<span class="vip">[10:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is simply a matter of slowly influencing your other selves"</span>
[10:20 PM] Xenquility: "FUNNY stuff"
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Speaking to them, getting them to acknowledge you, understand you"
[10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eventually you will see through their eyes"</span>
[10:21 PM] Xenquility: "Are we not yet ready for the knowledge of "The _""
<span class="vip">[10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and eventually you will make them do as they do"
[10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well, call it the "parallelos" then"
[10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Though that is moon cult oversimplification"</span>
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "How would you describe it?"
[10:23 PM] Xenquility: "It has to be somehow describable, as it was technically written by you in some way, right?"
<span class="vip">[10:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hahaha"
[10:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Were it so easy"</span>
[10:24 PM] Xenquility: "Why isn't it?"
[10:24 PM] Xenquility: "Inb4 it's because there's actually authors above even us"
<span class="vip">[10:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because I don't want you to know that yet"</span>
[10:24 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
[10:24 PM] Xenquility: "that actually does seem pretty easy to be fair"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "And also"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "how exactly do you aggregate with a mind that has created you?"
<span class="vip">[10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You can assume that."</span>
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "Assume that it's easy, or that a mind created you?"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The latter."
[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Either way, you are assuming the wrong target."
[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The first one I took was the Greth from the 'Astral' timeline."
[10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "As you call it."</span>
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "Damn is he just flat out gone then, or has he become like a BUP outpost in the astral timeline"
[10:30 PM] Dense: "i want to be in Mario 64 too"
<span class="vip">[10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I visit when I need to."
[10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Same with the 'Greth' from the 'Prime' timeline"
[10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The goal is to manipulate all of those conscious selves across all known reality simultaneously"
[10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And i'm closer than ever."</span>
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "What happens when you achieve that goal?"
<span class="vip">[10:35 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Cheat codes."</span>
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "Well then"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Imagine it yourself."</span>
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "So when "groof" spoke of you wanting "BUP" and "Greth" to become synonymous, he really meant you wanted to flat out become every Greth"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Imagine simultaneously controlling all versions of yourself"
[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Without effort"
[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "All part of you"
[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "All their actions, yours, separate but whole"</span>
[10:37 PM] Xenquility: "What do you want to do with these cheat codes?"
[10:37 PM] Xenquility: "Become a tenebris like figure and just fuck around?"
[10:37 PM] Xenquility: "End the world like the Lunar Children?"
[10:37 PM] Xenquility: "Somehow become "real" and escape the bounds of the story?"
<span class="vip">[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Anything I want."</span>
[10:37 PM] Laches: "Sorry to backpedal a little bit but you never extrapolated on what exactly the "event" that caused you to flee your world was."
[10:38 PM] Laches: "Something about madness. Is it possible that it was people aggregating en masse into your world?"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not my story to tell."</span>
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "man this guy really wants to turn jid into an n64 with gameshark"
<span class="vip">[10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Mostly because it doesn't matter to me anymore."
[10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Maybe ask someone who cares, now."</span>
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "Mason and those guys said they'd talk about it, right?"
[10:40 PM] Laches: "They did, yeah."
<span class="vip">[10:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They'll tell you about something really cursed. Something that had a cascading effect that we... well, not me, anymore... have been dealing with, well before what you all would consider the 'beginning'."
[10:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Have fun with that."</span>
[10:41 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 Mugen"
<span class="vip">[10:42 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":MOOGEN:"
[10:42 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."</span>
[10:43 PM] Laches: "lmfao"
[10:43 PM] Laches: "we need a new term for getting cucked over multiple timelines."
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "Also sorry if this has already been answered and im just too tired to actually notice, but are/have you aggregated with the "Out of character" you"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "assuming the fourth wall no longer exists"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "or hasn't ever more like it"
<span class="vip">[10:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aggrecucked"
[10:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also, it's not as if everyone has multiple selves to aggregate to."
[10:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That is why not everyone can aggregate."
[10:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "In fact, most people will never be able to."</span>
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "Why the hell do you get all the fun lmao"
[10:49 PM] Laches: "Damn.  So how were you so sure that when you ascended yourself there would be someone to aggregate into?"
<span class="vip">[10:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If you are aware of at least one 'alternate' self existing in what you'd call a 'timeline', then it is possible"
[10:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but existence isn't kind enough with the lottery to make sure you exist in every repeated version of the conceptual 'reality' simulacra"
[10:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But the more of you there are, the more powerful you could be..."</span>
[10:51 PM] Laches: "Oh."
<span class="vip">[10:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Many could meditate, spending a lifetime trying to aggregate with one other self"
[10:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm using TAS"</span>
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "smh I thought the mods banned tas aggregation from the leaderboards"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "could've at least made it a separate category"
<span class="vip">[10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and of course, there are many who desire what they consider the ultimate aggregation"
[10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "of three selves"
[10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I aim further."</span>
[10:53 PM] Laches: "Is it by chance..."
[10:53 PM] Laches: "5?"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure he wants all of himselves"
[10:54 PM] Laches: ":smirk:"
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "wait if you've aggregated with all of your selves"
<span class="vip">[10:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You know, there is someone who exists in at least all three timelines"</span>
[10:54 PM] Xenquility: "what happens if you all orgasm at the same time"
[10:54 PM] Dense: "gae"
[10:55 PM] Xenquility: "Also, who?"
<span class="vip">[10:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((An emoji of the player Mugen Kagemaru is sent))</span>
[10:55 PM] Xenquility: "oh lord"
[10:55 PM] Laches: "fuck"
[10:55 PM] Xenquility: "oh GOD is the returner aggregated mugen"
[10:55 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: the returner"
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "ok wait"
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "what if"
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "you ascend all of your selves"
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "Would that not be the most ultimate of power"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "you would have no body."</span>
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "What if you ascend all of your selves with a conduit though"
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "make all of the johns dead in the process"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "sounds like a good way to make a mistake"
[10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, cannibalizing the free will of my soul brethren is easier"</span>
[10:58 PM] Xenquility: "understandable"
[10:58 PM] Xenquility: "and uh"
[10:58 PM] Xenquility: "also"
[10:59 PM] Xenquility: "how does this aggregation give you the powers to do things like retroactively kill yuuki?"
<span class="vip">[10:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I already exist outside of perceivable time"</span>
[11:00 PM] Xenquility: "So did you just get moonman to tp back and stab her or some shit"
<span class="vip">[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ascending oneself before aggregation gives me a powerful toolset"
[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It means I can exist before, after, and outside the time of certain realities"</span>
[11:01 PM] Dense: "wait yeah there are infinite mugens right?"
[11:01 PM] Dense: "I MEAN"
[11:01 PM] Dense: "THAT'S HIS NAME"
[11:01 PM] Dense: "HOLY SHIT"
<span class="vip">[11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like how I was able to perceive the 'astral' timeline before it branched itself into existence"
[11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And take advantage of it's forming state to latch onto myself there."</span>
[11:03 PM] Xenquility: ""latch" yourself as in into moonman or in some other vague way?"
<span class="vip">[11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "yes"
[11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just because I have aggregated doesn't mean I always take control."
[11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes it's smarter to simply watch idly."</span>
[11:07 PM] Xenquility: "Hm"
[11:08 PM] Xenquility: "So how do people like Producer and ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ play into this? We have no knowledge of ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ really except some vague ideas, but Prod especially is interesting given he seems to have some sort of creatorial powers, like with the "Janus rooms""
<span class="vip">[11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eventually once I have finished what I intend all of my selves conscious existence will meld into one hivemind with my aspirations. That is the goal, in simplest terms, but for now other methods are put into play."
[11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer is incapable of keeping control over that orange beast."
[11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He's more fun anyway."</span>
[11:10 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
<span class="vip">[11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ's methods are completely different than mine own, as are his desires."</span>
[11:13 PM] Xenquility: "I'd feel rude boring you with more questions right now and honestly my mental faculties have left the building"
[11:13 PM] Xenquility: "but I guess uh"
[11:13 PM] Xenquility: "guess we really ought to try and find a way to stop you now eh?"
<span class="vip">[11:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I think you have more pressing matters personally"
[11:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":realben:"</span>
[11:14 PM] Xenquility: "probably but "bad guy having cheat codes" sounds pretty scary"
[11:14 PM] Xenquility: "and also wouldn't necessarily want to take advice on whether or not we should try and beat you from the guy we're trying to beat"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "just call Nintendo"
[11:15 PM] Xenquility: "lmao just turn off his emulator"
[11:15 PM] Dense: "true"
<span class="vip">[11:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Actually"
[11:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I destroyed that computer."</span>
[11:15 PM] Xenquility: "get skoom to hack the project64 and mupen64 websites"
[11:16 PM] Xenquility: "how do you exist if you destroyed it though"
[11:16 PM] Xenquility: "or is that what "aggregating" allowed you to do"
<span class="vip">[11:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wasn't so stupid as to put myself in a machine that I'd be stuck in."
[11:17 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and once I had moved on, it was the only thing that could be a way back at me."</span>
[11:18 PM] Xenquility: "ok what if"
[11:18 PM] Xenquility: "what if we just killed greth"
[11:18 PM] Dense: "calling pannenkoek"
[11:18 PM] Xenquility: "like what if we made videos in an attempt to get the Greth's to die"
<span class="vip">[11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sounds hilarious, try it."
[11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean somebody tried to stop me once kind of like that"
[11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ironically they tried to kill me before I killed myself, but they were too late."
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Instead they found my former shell, and the bomb I had planted to my chest shortly before it went off and consumed the entire corner of that house."
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "(That also took care of the computer)"
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am always sixteen fucking steps ahead."
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Anyways this was nice."
[11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Goodnight."
[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":zearching: :wow~1:"</span>
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "yeah well guess what guess what"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "DON'T have a good night"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "boom"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "just kidding sleep well"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "if you even do"
<span class="vip">[11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP is surprised to see that the player otherLiam had returned. He continues, stating that he either already has or at some point will "<span class="canquote">serve his purpose</span>".
BUP tells the players that he is currently chatting with them because he found the player Xenquility's theory regarding multiple aggregations and the nature of BUP, IIIII, The Producer, and TheLaw interesting.
BUP explains a bit of his backstory and how he rose to power:
<div class="indented">
BUP reveals that he originated from the same timeline the "Hacker Group" is from.
BUP says that he realized the world was doomed. He claims that the cataclysm that destroyed the world didn't end everything immediately. Instead, it slowly worsened over time. BUP claims that very few were even able to realize this was happening, however, and life carried on as normal.
BUP reveals that he ascended himself in a specific, calculated method in an effort to escape his doomed timeline.
BUP reveals that he ascended himself using <b>Super Mario 64</b>. He states that he used an emulated version of the game so that he would not be trapped within a cartridge like Ben was. He also reveals that using this game affected his identity somewhat, explaining why he often associates with the Super Mario character "Toad".
BUP states that shortly after his ascension he began aggregating with his other selves. He says this was achieved by slowly influencing their thoughts and having them subtly acknowledge his existence until he could eventually control their actions and see through their eyes.
BUP claims that the first version of himself that he aggregated to was his Astral Timeline self - Moonman. He later reconfirms that he has indeed aggregated to the players' version of Greth as well - the Greth who runs the Greth Vlogs channel.
BUP implies that he was able to "<span class="canquote">latch onto</span>" Moonman while the Astral Timeline was still being formed - another showcase of his time manipulation abilities.
BUP reveals that his goal is to aggregate with all of his other consciousnesses across all timelines. He akins this to unlocking "cheat codes", and claims that once he completes this goal, he'll be able to do anything he wants.
BUP says that there are multiple ways in which aggregation may occur. He claims that aggregation is much easier when the person in question is deceased or ascended. He also confirms that the "<b>Order of Metatron</b>" is dedicated to following one method of aggregation in particular.
BUP explains a bit of the process of aggregation as "<span class="canquote">If you are aware of at least one 'alternate' self existing in what you'd call a 'timeline', then it is possible</span>". He claims that most people are unable to aggregate, however.
BUP claims that there are many who consider three aggregated selves to be the "<b>Ultimate Aggregation</b>". However, BUP claims he is aiming for a much higher number, wishing to aggregate with as many versions of himself as possible.
BUP reveals that ascension and aggregation have given him powerful abilities, claiming this is what allows him to act outside of perceivable time.
When asked about what caused the cataclysm in his timeline, BUP says he doesn't care to explain. He says that it deals with something very "<span class="canquote">cursed</span>", however - something that the players have been dealing with since before what the players would consider "<span class="canquote">the beginning</span>".
BUP claims that someone had attempted to kill him before he could complete his ascension. He says that they were too late, however, and were killed by a bomb BUP had planted in their own chest. He states that this also destroyed the original computer he had ascended into as well.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>N64-Game-Cartridge.png</b> - An image of a deconstructed Nintendo 64 game cartridge. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a6/N64-Game-Cartridge.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>((Unarchived Image))</b> - An image of the Super Mario 64 boxart.
<h2>March 1st, 2021</h2>
At 9:26 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted several files:
<div class="indented">
9:26 PM - The image "<b>3-1.JPG</b>" is sent in the #johnisdead text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/44/3-1.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
9:27 PM - The video "<b>3-1.mp4</b>" is sent in the #announcements text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J8fgmh_4pQ|target=_blank]]</span>
9:51 PM - The image "<b>pc3.gif</b>" is sent in the #faq text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1e/Pc3.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
9:53 PM - The image "<b>pc2.gif</b>" is sent in the #bot-spam text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Pc2.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
9:54 PM - An unknown image was sent in the #id-en-spaniardish text-channel: {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | Unfortunately, this image was not archived.}}
9:54 PM - The image "<b>pc4.gif</b>" is sent in the #loli-fridges-art text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fe/Pc4.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
10:27 PM - The image "<b>pigmemory.JPG</b>" is sent in the #johnisdead text-channel: <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7f/Pigmemory.JPG|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>March 2nd, 2021</h2>
At 8:20 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/</nowiki></span><b>synchron</b>" would instead redirect players to the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/altar</nowiki></span>".
At 9:14 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Synchron… I see the other players are making moves. I don't mean 'players' referring to your preoccupation. I mean the real game.</span>".
At 10:33 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">>Existing. Overrated</span>".
<h2>March 6th, 2021</h2>
At 10:56 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/6/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[10:56 PM] Shiina: "Bup"
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "in that case then it's one of the spirits stuck in the fishery"
<span class="vip">[10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes?"</span>
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "hey bump"
<span class="vip">[10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Bump"</span>
[10:56 PM] Shiina: "Bump bup"
<span class="vip">[10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hey wolfcat"</span>
[10:56 PM] Xenquility: "what brings you here on this fine evening"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Complaining"</span>
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "from whomst"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Me"</span>
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "oh damn"
[10:57 PM] Shiina: "What's your complaints bump?"
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "what's goin on"
<span class="vip">[10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The downsides of aggregation"
[10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Weird things can give your other selves power"</span>
[10:58 PM] Shiina: "Oh :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth smokes cigarettes! Disgusting"</span>
[10:59 PM] Xenquility: "did one of your other slav- selves like"
[10:59 PM] Xenquility: "make a deal with tenebris or some shit"
<span class="vip">[10:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"
[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth smokes cigarettes, desperately"</span>
[11:00 PM] Shiina: "Did one of your other selves get your power?"
<span class="vip">[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like now. In the rain."</span>
[11:00 PM] Xenquility: "LOL did his addiction override your control"
<span class="vip">[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "At 11pm!"</span>
[11:00 PM] Shiina: "The power of tobacco"
<span class="vip">[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, but the stimulant is nauseating"
[11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not physically, but its a vibe"</span>
[11:00 PM] Shiina: "That honestly sucks. Sorry bup"
[11:00 PM] Rytikula: "Is it the smell or the way it makes you feel?"
[11:00 PM] Xenquility: "sorry my ass"
[11:01 PM] Xenquility: "if you wanna get with your other selves you gotta compromise with their habits"
[11:01 PM] Xenquility: "and some might even say get with their friends too"
<span class="vip">[11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Due to unwilling participation in these arts"
[11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm guessing even moomman is feeling weirdly cold and manic"</span>
[11:02 PM] Shiina: "Side effects of the aggregation sure are strange"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "we should play"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "bolero"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "and warm him up"
[11:02 PM] Shiina: ":thinking:"
[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "not really though"
<span class="vip">[11:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps only when one is so close as I am to control"</span>
[11:03 PM] Xenquility: "BUP reaches the final stages of his plan, but as he final reaches full control, the pain of a thousand other selves overwhelms him"
[11:03 PM] Xenquility: "the control is broken, and BUP is left a stray soul wandering the parallelos"
[11:03 PM] Xenquility: "le fin"
[11:03 PM] Shiina: "Nice"
<span class="vip">[11:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is a two way street, in times of stress, depression, anxiety, panic"
[11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I strengthen :zearching:"</span>
[11:04 PM] Xenquility: "what's getting yous (literally yous) down"
<span class="vip">[11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth is not here"
[11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Gareth is not here"</span>
[11:05 PM] Shiina: "Where's greth?"
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "right here"
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "unless"
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "he means"
[11:05 PM] Xenquility: "bup bup"
<span class="vip">[11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I told you. He's in his thoughts. Smoking nicotine in the rain."</span>
[11:05 PM] Shiina: "Ah ok"
<span class="vip">[11:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am here."</span>
[11:06 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking: Pumpkinhead also mentioned missing wolf"
[11:07 PM] Shiina: ":thonk:"
<span class="vip">[11:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just because I am assuming controlling of someone's ability to type text on a phone screen, doesn't mean they are aware"
[11:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "For all he knows, his phone is in his hand, or pocket"
[11:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I'm using it to type"
[11:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He is only aware of his own thoughts and perceptions"</span>
[11:08 PM] Shiina: "Admittedly spooky. Imagine not being aware of being controlled"
[11:08 PM] Xenquility: "sounds like some Many I's shit"
[11:09 PM] Rytikula: "Are you aware of his thoughts?"
<span class="vip">[11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."</span>
[11:09 PM] Shiina: "But greth isn't aware of you ?"
<span class="vip">[11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
[11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Only for brief moments I need him to."
[11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Early in the process they are always more aware."
[11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But you familiarize your self to them"
[11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just like... A nagging feeling"
[11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But even those feelings dull over time. Right?"</span>
[11:11 PM] Shiina: "IIIII typing ..."
<span class="vip">[11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":lain:"
[11:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He appears"</span>
[11:12 PM] Shiina: "Bup used a lain :lein:"
[11:14 PM] Xenquility: "So is it as if you manifest as one of the many parts of his ego, and slowly but surely phase "Greth" away and replace him with the person of "BUP"? Or is he actually aware of the fact you're another version of himself coming to eat his mind"
[11:15 PM] Xenquility: "damn that feels hella wrong but I am tryna come up with ideas based on subject I know very little on but feel like i should attempt to apply anyways so forgive me if this is absurdly incorrect"
[11:16 PM] Shiina: "I was interpreting that bup would just make his presence blend in within his selves consciousness"
[11:16 PM] Xenquility: "kind of what i am trying to say"
[11:16 PM] Xenquility: "though i would imagine for him to have control he would have to do more to stand out from the others"
[11:17 PM] Shiina: "If he's eating away greth then :/"
[11:17 PM] Rytikula: "I hope Greth's gonna be okay at least"
<span class="vip">[11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Once I have full control"
[11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will control all selves simultaneous"
[11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Separate"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would elaborate but I find it difficult"
[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Its not truly a 'hivemind'"</span>
[11:20 PM] Rytikula: "Would you define it as a council then?"
<span class="vip">[11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But all of their thoughts, desires, needs, wants... They will be mine"</span>
[11:21 PM] Shiina: "A hivemind would assume that all parties share the info"
[11:21 PM] Xenquility: "damn bup is eating their Is"
[11:21 PM] Shiina: "Bup hungry"
[11:22 PM] Shiina: "Bup is playing the sims lmao"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "Also do you mean in the sense that you will like, own their thoughts and desires, or do you mean "they will be mine" in the sense that their thoughts and desires will become yours?"
[11:22 PM] Xenquility: "i.e. their thoughts and desires will become my thoughts and desires"
[11:23 PM] Xenquility: "and I guess that would be effectively controlling all your other selves as they would all just be you"
[11:24 PM] Rytikula: "So assimilation?"
[11:24 PM] Xenquility: "maybe? I am not ascended enough to know these things"
[11:24 PM] Shiina: "Sounds like assimilation"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""i.e. their thoughts and desires will become my thoughts and desires""
[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This."</span>
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "epic"
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "So essentially"
[11:25 PM] Shiina: "Oh my"
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "there will be yous all over the place"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This means they act independent but towards my ends."</span>
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "not necessarily controlled all by you, but effectively controlled by you as they will all be working towards your goals"
<span class="vip">[11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Correct."</span>
[11:25 PM] Xenquility: "damn"
[11:26 PM] Shiina: "So not exactly copies. But sleeper agents?"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "that is impressive"
[11:26 PM] Xenquility: "but also obligatory FUCK you for making all greths you"
[11:27 PM] Shiina: "^^^"
<span class="vip">[11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is also the possibility of extending influence even further."
[11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But perhaps that's a story for another time."</span>
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "the fuck"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "does that involve like"
[11:27 PM] Shiina: "Oh fuck"
[11:27 PM] Xenquility: "what they were trying to do with vincent"
[11:27 PM] Rytikula: "So this is just you experimenting then?"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "like implant someone elses memories into someone else to turn them into that person"
[11:28 PM] Xenquility: "and then aggregate into them or some shit"
<span class="vip">[11:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I was able to control someone else. Remember?"</span>
[11:28 PM] Shiina: "That's scary. Imagine aggregating someone that isn't you by implanting your own memories"
[11:29 PM] Xenquility: ""ID shell" or "aggregate source" or some shit"
[11:29 PM] Xenquility: "wait"
[11:29 PM] Xenquility: "you were?"
[11:29 PM] Xenquility: "am I dumb"
[11:29 PM] Shiina: "You controlled someone else? :disassociating:"
<span class="vip">[11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":ghost:"</span>
[11:29 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "I thought you just took over their account"
[11:30 PM] Shiina: "Oh shit"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's what they thought."</span>
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "DAMN"
<span class="vip">[11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I told you they were weak compared to me."</span>
[11:30 PM] Xenquility: "NOW THE STAKES ARE RAISED"
[11:30 PM] Shiina: "It was you. Fuck"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "How do you even do that?"
[11:31 PM] Xenquility: "Is it because they were a digital entity?"
<span class="vip">[11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I have nothing to do with them at the moment."
[11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They served a purpose when normal means were out of my reach"</span>
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Are you going to go all tenebris and eat a bunch of digitized spirits"
[11:32 PM] Shiina: "How could you control someone that isn't you?"
<span class="vip">[11:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But you guys hating it so much..."</span>
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Or is it because GHOST was a creation of Greth :thinking:"
[11:32 PM] Rytikula: "Are they at least okay?"
[11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Someone reacted with :zearching: to that message"
[11:33 PM] Shiina: "Zearch"
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "also at this point ghost is going to have been gone longer than she's been interacting with us"
<span class="vip">[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "True."</span>
[11:33 PM] Xenquility: "god inb4 BUP takes over cursor"
<span class="vip">[11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Carpe"</span>
[11:35 PM] Xenquility: "wow sorry to break the conversation but I just noticed the sneaky eye of horus in the gif here <nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/vincent/</nowiki>"
[11:35 PM] Shiina: "Nice"
[11:35 PM] Shiina: "Carpe can mean seize?"
[11:36 PM] Xenquility: "BUP dies by having a seizure??????"
[11:36 PM] Xenquility: "Also if BUP can aggregate into things created by Greth, could BUP theoretically aggregate into Nocta and by extension the various Regis :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:"
[11:36 PM] Rytikula: "I think BUP was saying for us to give little thought to the future"
<span class="vip">[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm dead"
[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":wholetmoogin:"
[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":yeehaw:"</span>
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "ascendead"
[11:37 PM] Shiina: "damn"
[11:37 PM] Laches: "But the good kind of dead tho"
[11:37 PM] Laches: "I guess."
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "ok how about you like"
<span class="vip">[11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps."</span>
[11:37 PM] Xenquility: "had a seizure in the waters and got eaten by the absque dead"
[11:38 PM] Shiina: "odd death lmao"
[11:38 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[11:39 PM] Xenquility: "it would fit the theme of drowning"
[11:39 PM] Rytikula: "You're dead but you have a body in Greth correct? Does that mean technically you're neither dead or alive?"
[11:39 PM] Xenquility: "and im p sure once the absque eat people they're hella dead"
[11:39 PM] Shiina: "Yep"
[11:39 PM] Xenquility: "He ascended himself before aggregating into the other Greth's"
[11:40 PM] Xenquility: "so he's basically a timeless spirit I guess"
[11:40 PM] Shiina: "He's in limbo"
[11:40 PM] Xenquility: "probably doesn't even need aggregation to be a pain in the ass"
[11:40 PM] Laches: "Until he aggreagates into every greth or something along those lines."
[11:40 PM] Laches: "Then we have a whole new world ending threat."
[11:41 PM] Laches: "Timeline ending?"
[11:41 PM] Laches: "shrug"
[11:41 PM] Xenquility: "everything ending"
[11:41 PM] Xenquility: "at least he's not on our layer"
[11:41 PM] Xenquility: "hopefully"
[11:42 PM] Shiina: "Bup isn't the only spooky entity we should be concerned about :DekuTired:"
[11:42 PM] Laches: "True.  Pumpkinfucker can't be contained so Wolfprod continues being a bro."
[11:42 PM] Xenquility: "that moment when you're more worried about a legion of nintendo fans than the moon goddess who will come down and destroy literally everything"
[11:43 PM] Shiina: "Yeah. Nintendo fans are scary"
[11:43 PM] Laches: "But in that sense do we need to worry about Tyler aggregating?"
[11:43 PM] Xenquility: "he sure as hell has been a lot more quiet about it"
<span class="vip">[11:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am transparent now that I feel secure"
[11:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Fairly anyway."</span>
[11:44 PM] Xenquility: "is there any other being that has reached your level of power"
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: "is that ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ guy like you at all?"
<span class="vip">[11:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is one I am truly afraid of and one who hunts me"</span>
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: "is it"
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
[11:45 PM] Shiina: ":MOOGEN:"
[11:45 PM] Rytikula: "You didn't feel secure before then? How come?"
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: ":MOOGEN:"
[11:45 PM] Laches: ":MOOGEN:"
[11:46 PM] Xenquility: "probably because there's little chance of us stopping him now"
[11:46 PM] Xenquility: "unless we align ourselves with"
[11:46 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
[11:46 PM] Shiina: "we must talk to"
[11:46 PM] Shiina: "THE RETURNER"
[11:46 PM] Laches: "we must learn the ways of"
[11:46 PM] Xenquility: "Unless BUP is a vampire because then we'd have to be talking to someone very different"
[11:46 PM] Laches: "THE RET"
[11:46 PM] Laches: "fuck"
<span class="vip">[11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hahaha"
[11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"</span>
[11:47 PM] Xenquility: "maybe it's the gaeger that's been hunting moonman and also normal greth"
<span class="vip">[11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Although I would not take him lightly"
[11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The one who hunts me does not concern me"
[11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Hoax""</span>
[11:48 PM] Xenquility: "LOL"
[11:48 PM] Xenquility: "FUCKEN"
[11:48 PM] Shiina: ":dadkeks:"
[11:48 PM] Xenquility: "NOTAHOAX?"
[11:48 PM] Laches: "get the fuck out lmao"
<span class="vip">[11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I honestly don't think he even has the faintest of what I am."</span>
[11:49 PM] Xenquility: "what if we told him"
<span class="vip">[11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What would it do?"
[11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":marioshrug:"</span>
[11:49 PM] Xenquility: "who knows"
<span class="vip">[11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":lain:"</span>
[11:49 PM] Shiina: ":thinking:"
[11:49 PM] Xenquility: "you never know which of your neighbours may secretly be an aggregated being"
[11:50 PM] Shiina: "assuming one of us isn't already aggregated lmao"
<span class="vip">[11:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or a lunatic conspiracy theorist."</span>
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: ""There is one I am truly afraid of and one who hunts me" damn I misread this and thought that the one you're afraid of was the one who hunts you"
[11:50 PM] Shiina: "So who you afraid of bup?"
[11:51 PM] Xenquility: "imagine he just gave us the answer"
[11:51 PM] Shiina: "Lmao imagine"
[11:51 PM] Xenquility: "is it..."
[11:51 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
<span class="vip">[11:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No. But he is not a joke."</span>
[11:52 PM] Xenquility: "Understandable"
[11:52 PM] Shiina: "Will do"
<span class="vip">[11:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The one who works the forest altar, the one who sits in the chair."</span>
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Synchron"
[11:53 PM] Shiina: "Oh"
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Well"
[11:53 PM] Shiina: "Speak of the devil lmao"
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Makes sense given the prophetic stuff about us needing to find him patrem said"
[11:53 PM] Laches: "inb4 it's actually lostbrine"
[11:54 PM] Xenquility: "damn synchron is here"
[11:54 PM] Shiina: ":CrowEyes:"
[11:54 PM] Xenquility: "ᚺᛁ ᛊᛖᚲᛊᛁ"
<span class="vip">[11:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":BUP:"
[11:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ")()()()("</span>
[11:55 PM] Xenquility: "hot power rune"
[11:56 PM] Xenquility: "does it ward off synchron or some shit"
<span class="vip">[11:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ")()()()()()()()("</span>
[11:56 PM] Xenquility: "but what if god said"
[11:56 PM] Xenquility: "][][][][][][][]["
[11:56 PM] Shiina: "}{}{}{}{"
[11:56 PM] Laches: "but what if we said"
[11:56 PM] Laches: "IIIIIIII"
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "but what if"
<span class="vip">[11:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They mean nothing"</span>
[11:57 PM] Xenquility: "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇIIIII}{}{}[][][)()()][][]{}{}{IIIIIᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ"
<span class="vip">[11:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You haven't channeled energy"</span>
[11:58 PM] Shiina: "Ultimate Xen rune"
[11:58 PM] Xenquility: "how would one go about channeling energy"
[11:58 PM] Laches: "Oh?  And how would we"
<span class="vip">[11:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Maybe sometime I'll send you the Sonic Sez"</span>
[11:58 PM] Laches: "I mean, we're minor players and all of no consequence so it wouldn't hurt right"
[11:58 PM] Shiina: "Lmao"
[11:58 PM] Laches: "lol"
[11:59 PM] Rytikula: "inb4 the sonic sez is actually just a rickroll"
[11:59 PM] Laches: "The way we channel energy is by consuming chili dogs"
[12:00 AM] Rytikula: "It would probably be the chili itself that gives the energy, the dog and bun just dilute it lol"
[12:00 AM] Shiina: "IIIII typing :CrowEyes:"
[12:00 AM] Xenquility: "damn i know not where to look for this channeling magic"
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "assuming it isn't a system made specifically for this arg"
[12:01 AM] Shiina: "Runic divination ? :thinking:"
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "methinks not because that usually deals with the already existing runic alphabet"
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "I'd assume this is like, some sort of personal talisman-esque creation"
[12:02 AM] Laches: "What if the way to get IIIII to speak again is bossa nova"
[12:02 AM] Shiina: "Tailsman creation?"
[12:03 AM] Shiina: "Like in silent hill :thinking:"
[12:03 AM] Xenquility: "what"
[12:04 AM] Xenquility: "BUP reacted with :smuglain: and :BUP: to the "talisman-esque" message in case he decides to remove them again"
[12:04 AM] Laches: "Or post the metatron"
[12:04 AM] Shiina: "That metatron is bups personal tailsman maybe"
[12:04 AM] Laches: "So then."
[12:04 AM] Laches: "We break it?"
[12:05 AM] Xenquility: "how do you break sacred geometry"
[12:05 AM] Laches: "Maybe using the only powers we have."
[12:06 AM] Laches: "Representation of using the song of unhealing on the metatron"
[12:06 AM] Rytikula: "I was just doing some research and apparently runes can be used in divination via casting stones/tiles with runes on them"
[12:07 AM] Shiina: "That's was what I was mentioning Ry"
[12:07 AM] Xenquility: "ok we don't even know if metatron's cube is his talisman thing"
[12:07 AM] Laches: "I'm mostly just shooting off into the void."
[12:07 AM] Shiina: "I assumed that it was since bup tends to use it a lot"
[12:07 AM] Laches: "Annd he's gone."
[12:07 AM] Xenquility: "and also yes, the runes can be used in things like rune spreads to represent the past, present, and future, but these are done with systems of runes"
i.e. thA Elder futhark runes, younger futhark, probably some people do it with armanen futhark"
[12:07 AM] Rytikula: "So I guess we get someone to cast runes?"
[12:08 AM] Laches: "Annd he's back."
[12:08 AM] Xenquility: "casting runes is not the same as what BUP is talking about here as far as I can tell"
[12:08 AM] Shiina: "Yeah"
[12:08 AM] Xenquility: "unless this is some really deep fucken runic magic that I have never seen"
[12:08 AM] Xenquility: "but the runes are usually tyler's things anyways"
[12:08 AM] Shiina: "Runes is usually with IIIII"
[12:08 AM] Shiina: "Bup is doing something else"
[12:09 AM] Xenquility: "for example this video is a rune cast <nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is58Gb3NNWY</nowiki>"
[12:10 AM] Xenquility: "What I think BUP has done is created some sort of sigil he's "channeled magic" into but I am not one to try and make definite assumptions about things like this"
<span class="vip">[12:10 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "E :b: ic"</span>
[12:10 AM] Xenquility: "as I have no fucking idea really"
[12:10 AM] Shiina: "That's what a tailsman is for"
[12:10 AM] Shiina: "They usually have sigils for a purpose"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "what could he mean by this :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[12:11 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":moonthink:"</span>
[12:11 AM] Laches: "E.B.ic"
EsoteriA bullshit incoming"
[12:11 AM] Shiina: "He means: E :b: I c"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: "E :regional_indicator_r:  ik"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":PROVIDETHED:"
[12:12 AM] Shiina: "Erika"
[12:12 AM] Laches: "Erikoom"
<span class="vip">[12:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is a lot of power in music of course"</span>
[12:14 AM] Xenquility: "is that a hint"
[12:14 AM] Shiina: "Hmm"
<span class="vip">[12:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
[12:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is a fact."</span>
[12:14 AM] Rytikula: ":thinking:"
[12:15 AM] Xenquility: "of course"
[12:15 AM] Xenquility: "we must again submit hide and seek"
[12:15 AM] Shiina: "lmao"
[12:15 AM] Xenquility: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Y4Ls0FvPQ</nowiki>"
[12:16 AM] Laches: "I was thinking we submit inside peach's castle theme"
[12:16 AM] Laches: "amplify the powers let it all burn down"
[12:16 AM] Shiina: "This song invokes the spirits to talk :whathesay:"
[12:16 AM] Laches: "But yes, I'm not kidding about bossa nova"
[12:17 AM] Laches: "I just am too much of a bitch to act on my own"
[12:19 AM] Laches: "Without consensus is probably more appropriate way to put it."
[12:19 AM] Laches: "Anyway, game goes way beyond what I'm willing to fuck up for others."
[12:20 AM] Xenquility: "we could give it a shit"
[12:20 AM] Xenquility: "and a shot"
[12:20 AM] Laches: "also a shit"
[12:20 AM] Xenquility: "what's the worst new wave bossa nova could do"
[12:20 AM] Xenquility: "™️"
[12:20 AM] Laches: "Lessee patrem wanted epona's song right?"
[12:20 AM] Xenquility: "yes though it would be odd to seek out patrem right now"
[12:21 AM] Laches: "Nah, just trying to eliminate possibilities."
[12:21 AM] Laches: "Don't want to allow a voice to someone unintended."
[12:21 AM] Xenquility: "we'rek inda subject to tenebris' wrath when it comes to songs"
[12:21 AM] Laches: "True."
[12:21 AM] Shiina: "Go for it"
[12:22 AM] Rytikula: "Would a mask be better suited then?"
[12:22 AM] Xenquility: "they're the same"
[12:22 AM] Xenquility: "in the sense that they're partially interpreted by tenebris i mean"
[12:23 AM] Rytikula: "Ah so Tenebris will still benefit from our usage of powers anyway"
<span class="vip">[12:23 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Before you all make a bad decision"
[12:24 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I was going to elaborate a little"</span>
[12:24 AM] Xenquility: "epic"
[12:24 AM] Laches: "nice"
[12:24 AM] Shiina: "cool"
<span class="vip">[12:24 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why do ocarina powers work?"</span>
[12:24 AM] Laches: "You think maybe the one he fears is Tenebris then?"
[12:25 AM] Xenquility: "the one he fears is sinchrunch"
[12:25 AM] Xenquility: "and also"
[12:25 AM] Xenquility: "that is a good question"
[12:25 AM] Xenquility: "though I'd assume it's a portion of luna's power bestowed upon us by Tenebris"
<span class="vip">[12:25 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's not entirely wrong"</span>
[12:25 AM] Xenquility: "as the amount of time he spent inside Majora's mask influenced him greatly"
<span class="vip">[12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But that is only the source of power (sort of)"
[12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The conduit is the song"
[12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why?"</span>
[12:26 AM] Laches: "Was hoping you'd elaborate, actually."
<span class="vip">[12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will"
[12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just like to be entertained"</span>
[12:27 AM] Rytikula: "I guess the song is a sort of prism?"
[12:27 AM] Xenquility: "Is the answer something other than "Because that's the way it is in the game"?"
<span class="vip">[12:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Think about how spells work. There are many mediums."</span>
[12:28 AM] Shiina: "It's the intent and meaning given"
<span class="vip">[12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "History has endless variations of the 'casting of magic'"</span>
[12:28 AM] Laches: "So it works because we will it to work?"
<span class="vip">[12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""It's the intent and meaning given""
[12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":sickoandy:"
[12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Oh god it's like they're getting smarter"
[12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Think about it"
[12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even discounting you all"
[12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There are millions of people playing video games who expect those songs to do something"</span>
[12:30 AM] Laches: "Right.  A mass concentration of effort and expectation breeds reality."
[12:30 AM] Rytikula: "So what you're saying is that the song played doesn't even matter so long as you have an intent and meaning attached to a song?"
[12:30 AM] Shiina: "Yep"
<span class="vip">[12:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."</span>
[12:30 AM] Laches: "Damn"
[12:30 AM] Xenquility: "Are the songs like egregores or something lmao"
<span class="vip">[12:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But those songs are very direct in purpose"
[12:31 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Their usefulness only flexes with your concentrated intent"
[12:31 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But one could learn to use this power if they find a strong enough machination to run it"
[12:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is energy, gibberish as it is, floating in the void"
[12:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Waiting to be given purpose and form"
[12:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You can hear the scattered distortions.  Sometimes they are the faded memories of songs, barely clinging to anything sounding like they once did"</span>
[12:33 AM] Rytikula: "So does this same philosophy apply to runes?"
[12:33 AM] Shiina: "Usually a song or sigil needs to be imbued with something. It's not only intent. I'm guessing ocarina songs work because of the energy given from Tenebris and from other players ascribing meaning."
<span class="vip">[12:35 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes these powers fail you"
[12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps in those moments your destiny was thwarted by someone stronger"
[12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or the negative result was based on negative expectation"
[12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Either way your gambles will ultimately benefit more than yourselves"</span>
[12:37 AM] Shiina: "Well not all intents will succeed. Higher forces can prevent them or no clear vision"
<span class="vip">[12:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes me :tenor:"</span>
[12:37 AM] Shiina: ":smuglain:"
[12:37 AM] Rytikula: "So you could take a usually negatively associated song and make it into a positive song?"
[12:37 AM] Laches: "inb4 we end up becoming a literal cult"
[12:38 AM] Shiina: "assuming we aren't"
[12:38 AM] Laches: "true"
[12:38 AM] Xenquility: "ID is actually a cult, you get drawn in with the community aspect, learn a bunch of forbidden knowledge, then can't ever leave because your soul won't let you"
<span class="vip">[12:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Now what if someone needed a lot of power to ascend and a short time to do it?"</span>
[12:38 AM] Shiina: "Yes :disassociating:"
[12:38 AM] Laches: "Then they'd take our effort and concentration and fuck us in the ass"
<span class="vip">[12:39 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would start a music label and sell albums."</span>
[12:39 AM] Laches: "Which is par for the course really"
[12:39 AM] Xenquility: "you fucking chad"
[12:39 AM] Shiina: "Oh shit Bup"
[12:39 AM] Shiina: "Epic"
[12:39 AM] Laches: "Nice"
[12:39 AM] Xenquility: "holy fuck that is meta"
<span class="vip">[12:39 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":AkkoLaugh:"</span>
[12:39 AM] Shiina: "FUCK"
[12:40 AM] Xenquility: "god that really is a big brain hours moment"
<span class="vip">[12:40 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My altar for the universe"</span>
[12:40 AM] Rytikula: "If someone needed a lot of power to ascend but not enough time to do it, I guess they'd get a loan for power to expedite the process"
<span class="vip">[12:40 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The observatory"</span>
[12:41 AM] Shiina: "That's one way to get a shit ton of charge"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP complains that he can sense Greth smoking cigarettes thanks to his aggregation. BUP finds this disgusting.
BUP confirms that he is currently speaking to the players by having their version of Greth send them messages through Discord. He explains that Greth is completely unaware of this - from his perspective, he is simply standing outside smoking, lost in his thoughts, unaware that he is currently using his phone.
BUP explains that once he aggregates with all of his other selves it will be less like a hivemind and moreas as if all other versions of Greth now share his thoughts and desires. He claims that these other versions of himself will still act independently, but only towards his own goals.
BUP claims that he wishes to extend his influence even further that his other selves. He notes how he was able to take control of GHOSTBABEL, implying that perhaps he has more influence over her than the players initially believed.
BUP reveals that NotaHoax is currently attempting to hunt him down.
BUP reveals that there is currently one individual he fears - "<span class="canquote">The one who works the forest altar, the one who sits in the chair</span>". This is likely referring to Synchron.
BUP explains that the players' Ocarina powers are indeed powered through Tenebris, but the reason they work as they do is because of their direct intent and the meaning the players put into them.
BUP claims that if one needed a large amount of power to ascend, one method would be to use songs by releasing an album, perhaps implying that the "<b>Astral Observatory</b>" record label was originally used for this purpose.
<h2>March 8th, 2021</h2>
At an unknown time, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the song "<b>Big Pumpin'</b>" along with the message "<span class="canquote">When your evil plans start coming together</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6DpQ4KavlM|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>March 9th, 2021</h2>
At 4:40 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "<b>ᚲᚨᛚᛁᛜ</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7B47aL_lXs|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/9/21 - "ᚲᚨᛚᛁᛜ" - YouTube (Xenquility)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage that appears similar to shots of the Parallelos seen in recent Silentdork videos. The player Xenquility proceeds through these distorted locations as the following text appears on screen:
<span class="vip">"IIII"
"YOU ARE IN"</span>
The video continues showing footage of distorted environments. The player Xenquility proceeds through a snowy wooded area before stopping next to a tree. They look over and pick up a "Gyfu" rune that was sitting on its trunk. They observe the rune as the video cuts to black. The "Gyfu" rune is shown once again. Footage of some words inscribed on some wood is shown:
<span class="vip">"-land in the morning sun"
"-hanging from my tree"
"-ing beauty there displayed"
"for all the world to see."</span>
The player Xenquillity continues down a snowy path. What appears to be a rune-casting board comes into view, along with what seem to be candles with the Parallelos symbol drawn into them. A "Tiwaz" rune can be seen inscribed on a metallic medal. Below this are the runes "Ansuz" and "Kaunan". Gameplay footage suddenly appears on screen. Link approaches a Sun switch attached to the wall and pulls out his Ocarina. The "New Wave Bossa Nova" is played as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video is an attempt to contact Synchron using a rune-casting board and the submission of the "<b>New Wave Bossa Nova</b>".
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>March 10th, 2021</h2>
At 8:20 PM, the player Xenquility identified the song used in the AMV shown at the end of the video "Remember" - "<b>We Wish to be Remembered</b>" by Rova Zetella. [https://rovazetella.bandcamp.com/track/we-wish-to-be-remembered Link].
At 8:37 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Sitting in the middle of a ghost town the plans we're making, they seem to disappear when you look across history and time. How many dreamers were shot down before they could extract their minds?</span>".
At 9:10 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">"All these little secrets are bringing me down I'm a panicking swimmer"</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9d/Image0lyrics.png|target=_blank]]</span> These are lyrics from another song created by Rova Zetella.
<h2>March 11th, 2021</h2>
At 7:05 PM, through intense investigations, the players Shiina and Xenquility discovered the origin of most of the footage seen in the AMV shown at the end of the video "Remember" - an old ARG that took place on the Within Hubris forums titled the "<b>CycleOfTruth</b>" ARG. [https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/withinhubris/cycleoftruth-arg-t675.html Link].
<h2>March 12th, 2021</h2>
At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening/ascend/levels/escalate/</nowiki></span><b>WEST_WING</b>". This page was titled "<b>RED</b>" and contained the image "<b>westwing.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/frostbite</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bb/Westwing.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "BLUE".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 2:47 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>west.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/86/Westtower.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">c l r s e STAGEONE==- FOREIGN PRESENCE IMPLANTED INTO ENVIRONS. SPECIMEN OBSERVES. PERCEPTION: UNEASE.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 2:47 PM)}}
At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/</nowiki></span><b>EAST_WING</b>". This page was titled "<b>BLUE</b>" and contained the image "<b>eastwing.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/burning</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e1/Eastwing.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "RED".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 2:47 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>east.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2c/Easttower.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote"> o o i k y STAGEFIVE==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN BECOMES STAGNANT. DEVELOPMENT PROCEEDS.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 2:47 PM)}}
At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the titles of the pages "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/EAST_WING</nowiki></span>" and "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/WEST_WING</nowiki></span>" would spell out "<span class="canquote">color is key</span>".
At 2:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/escalate/EAST_WING/</nowiki></span><b>frostbite</b>". This page was titled "<b>BONES</b>" and contained the image "<b>frostbite.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/freezing</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Frostbite.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "VEINS".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:39 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 2:49 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>frostbite.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e8/Frostbitetower.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">I've been stripped. My prominence taken from me. Obsolete. Forgotten. I've no place here. She looks at me with blue eyes.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 2:49 PM)}}
At 3:34 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/escalate/WEST_WING/</nowiki></span><b>burning</b>". This page was titled "<b>VEINS</b>" and contained the image "<b>burning.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/melting</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/73/Burningtower.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "BONES".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:37 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:35 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>burning.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/af/Burningaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">One by one, our compatriots fell victim to the gale. One by one, our numbers dwindled. I beseech her in desperation. She watches coldly. The girl with crimson eyes.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:35 PM)}}
At 3:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/WEST_WING/burning/</nowiki></span><b>melting</b>". This page was titled "<b>PEACEFUL</b>" and contained the image "<b>melting.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/meshing</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cf/Melting.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "FLESH".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:44 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:38 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>melting.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/dd/Meltingaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">STAGETWO==- FOREIGN PRESENCE SPREADS. SPECIMEN DISTINGUISHES ENTITY AS INFECTION. OUTBREAK IMMINENT.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:38 PM)}}
At 3:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/EAST_WINg/frostbite/</nowiki></span><b>freezing</b>". This page was titled "<b>FLESH</b>" and contained the image "<b>freezing.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/stillness</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/92/Freezingtow.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "PEACEFUL".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:43 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:40 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>freezing.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/3d/Freezingtowaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">STAGESIX==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN PURGED FROM ENVIRONS. ENVIRONS RESETS. SPECIMEN STILLS.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:40 PM)}}
At 3:44 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/frostbite/freezing/</nowiki></span><b>stillness</b>". This page was titled "<b>AURA</b>" and contained the image "<b>stillness.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/summit</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d9/Stillness.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "SOUL".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:15 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:44 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>stillness.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/cd/Stillnesstoaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">There is no fellowship. Our blood runs cold. Only I remain. A sole arbiter of better days and of what came before.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:44 PM)}}
At 3:45 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/burning/melting/</nowiki></span><b>meshing</b>". This page was titled "<b>SOUL</b>" and contained the image "<b>meshing.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/peak</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7f/Meshing.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "AURA".<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:46 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 3:45 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>meshing.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d5/Meshingtowaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">I remain here in a land sans heart nor soul. I dream of that prosperous land of emerald skies, pure and true. This bastion has become corrupted. Tainted by bloodless brothers and perverted by bloodless sisters.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:45 PM)}}
At 3:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/melting/meshing/</nowiki></span><b>peak</b>". This page was titled "<b>PEAK</b>" and contained the image "<b>peak.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">separation communion /SOUTHERN_BALCONY /NORTHEAST_KEEP 10 18</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5b/Peak.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text in this image was encoded as a variety of ciphers. First, players hard to solve Binary, which solved to the numbers above. Then, players had to solve Caesar ciphers, which solved to the words discovered. These numbers and words were used as the key and number of shifts that applied to the Base32 cipher which translated to the URL's discovered.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and Laches (3/12/21 - 3:54 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>peak.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/b/bd/Peaaudk.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">STAGETHREE==-
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:47 PM)}}
At 3:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/peak/</nowiki></span><b>SOUTHERN_BALCONY</b>". This page was titled "<b>Walk</b>" and contained the image "<b>BALCONY.gif</b>", which contained many instances of the word "<span class="canquote">/altar</span>" written in the sky. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/01/BALCONY.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>balcony.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a4/Balconyaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 3:57 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/peak/</nowiki></span><b>NORTHEAST_KEEP</b>". This page was titled "<b>Walk</b>" and contained the image "<b>d_f_n_.gif</b>", which contained the text "<span class="canquote">The emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.</span>" written in the sky. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/00/D_f_n_.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>keep.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/98/Keep.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">They reach to me. A hollow welcome with empty words. They are met with furiosity, for they deserve no kindness. They consume. My fallen brethren have long been cast to sea. They dwell now on fledgling lands of their own design, divided and weak, ever at the mercy of tumultuous tides. Alone I stand against these unfamiliar gales.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 3:57 PM)}}
At 3:59 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/peak/NORTHEAST_KEEP/</nowiki></span><b>birth</b>". This page was titled "<b>BREATH</b>" and contained the image "<b>birth.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/rebirth 13</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f2/Birth.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "BREATH" and shifted 13 times, which was the number encoded as Binary.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:04 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:00 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>birth.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a7/Birthaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">STAGEFOUR==- ERSTWHILE PRESENCE ELIMINATED. FOREIGN PRESENCE BECOMES ESTABLISHED AS ACCEPTED ENVIRONS STATUS QUO. SPECIMEN BECOMES FOREIGN.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:00 PM)}}
At 4:04 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/NORTHEAST_KEEP/birth/</nowiki></span><b>rebirth</b>". This page was titled "<b>REBIRTH</b>" and contained the image "<b>rebirth.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/maturation fleeting 23</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/09/Rebirth.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | The text in this image was encoded as a variety of ciphers. First, players had to solve Binary, which solved to the numbers above. Then, players had to solve Caesar ciphers, which solved to the words discovered. These numbers and words were used as the key and number of shifts that applied to the Base32 cipher which translated to the URL's discovered.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:08 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>rebirth.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fc/Rebirthaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">Seek not other lands. Heed the warnings of our predecessors. Fear only the alien and do not dwell with the unknown. This land has become tainted. Within the ruby corridors, where none know my name. Within the unfamiliar lands, where our forebears are long forgotten. Within this dying world, where our reign has long ended. She averts her gaze, her eyes shedding a single crimson tear.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:04 PM)}}
At 4:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/birth/rebirth/</nowiki></span><b>maturation</b>". This page was titled "<b>MATURATION</b>" and contained the image "<b>maturation.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/culmination</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c1/Maturation.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Hex cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:10 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>maturation.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5e/Maturationaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/</nowiki></span><b>culmination</b>". This page was titled "<b>Whole</b>" and contained the image "<b>complete.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/87/Complete.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">Proceed</span>". This page also contained the video "<b>CULMINATION.webm</b>" - A video containing distorted footage of what appears to be a 3d representation of the pages the players had just completed. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/JbVN0gKcmy4|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "Proceed" on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/culmination</nowiki></span>" would redirect players to a new set of path pages on Johnisdead.com:
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color:black; border:none; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<p style="display:inline;"><b style="color:green; font-size:0.875em; font-family:Arial;">Johnisdead Path Pages</b><div class="fadediv" style="margin-left:1em; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,74,22,1), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0), rgba(0,74,22,0));"></div></p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="border-radius: 5px; border:none; border-left: 5px ridge #1b3d00; border-bottom: 2px solid #0e1f00; padding-top: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; font-family:Arial; font-size: 0.875em; border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;">
Sky Bridge Path <i>(From <b><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/culmination</nowiki></b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99299233</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c6/Path99299233.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path99299234</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99299234</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/26/Path99299234.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path99299235</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99299235</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ab/Path99299235.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path99299236</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99299236</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large castle is seen floating in the distance. A cathedral can be seen floating to the right. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/45/Path99299236.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path99299237</span>"
Side path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00020030</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path99299237</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. The large castle is near. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/93/Path99299237.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>sky/temple</b>"
Cathedral Path <i>(From <b>/path99299236</b>)</i>
<div class="indented">
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00020030</b>" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A cathedral can be seen in the distance. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7a/Path00020030.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote">/path00020031</span>"
"<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>path00020031</b>" - A path of a cathedral in the sky. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f1/Path00020031.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="indented">
Main path links to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>cathedral/front</b>"
<div class="summary" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: 0px; border-right: 0px; background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,13,2,1), rgba(0,13,2,0.5), rgba(0,13,2,0), rgba(0,13,2,0));">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This path is a long, brick bridge floating in the sky. As the players proceed down the bridge, they slowly approach a massive, floating castle.
<div class="indented">
((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
At 4:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path99299237</nowiki></span>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>sky/temple</b>". This page was titled "<b>The Fourth</b>" and contained the image "<b>sky_temple.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/42/Sky_temple.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the image "<b>seal.png</b>", which would occasionally fade in and out. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8e/Seal.png|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio as most "Path Pages".
At 4:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/peak/SOUTHERN_BALCONY/</nowiki></span><b>altar</b>". This page was titled "<b>ALTAR</b>" and contained the image "<b>ALTAR.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e4/ALTAR.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>altar.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6b/Altaraudio.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/freezing/stillness/</nowiki></span><b>summit</b>". This page was titled "<b>SUMMIT</b>" and contained the image "<b>summit.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">momentum ability /NORTHWEST_CITADEL /SOUTHERN_PATHWAY 16 20</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5b/Summit.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a Base32 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher. First, the numbers and words had to be solved from Binary and Caesar ciphers. Then, the Base32 cipher had to be shifted by whatever number was required and decoded with the key, which was the words uncovered.<br />- Solved by Xenquility and Laches (3/12/21 - 4:21 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>summit.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/68/Summitaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>STAGESEVEN==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN BECOMES INSIGNIFICANT. ENVIRONS CONTINUES.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:15 PM)}}
At 4:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/</nowiki></span><b>NORTHWEST_CITADEL</b>". This page was titled "<b>Walk</b>" and contained the image "<b>_e_i_e.gif</b>", which contained text floating in the sky that read "<span class="canquote">Mortis; ultimum vitae.</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/94/E_i_e.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>citadel.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/5b/Citadel.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">I've no will to fight. The gales guide me. The tides consume me.
</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:22 PM)}}
At 4:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the titles of the pages "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/NORTHWEST_CITADEL</nowiki></span>" and "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/keep/NORTHEAST_KEEP</nowiki></span>" would spell out "<span class="canquote">define</span>".
At 4:23 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/</nowiki></span><b>SOUTHERN_PATHWAY</b>". This page was titled "<b>Walk</b>" and contained the image "<b>PATH.gif</b>", which contained many instances of the word "<span class="canquote">/shrine</span>" floating in the sky. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6f/PATH.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>pathway.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/fb/Pathway.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:25 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/summit/SOUTHERN_PATHWAY/</nowiki></span><b>shrine</b>". This page was titled "<b>SHRINE</b>" and contained the image "<b>SHRINE.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/ea/SHRINEtower.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the audio "<b>shrine.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4f/Skmlistenaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:31 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/summit/NORTHWEST_CITADEL/</nowiki></span><b>mortem</b>". This page was titled "<b>EXHALE</b>" and contained the image "<b>mortem.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/postmortem 18</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Mortem.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a Base32 cipher encoded as a Caesar cipher encoded with the key "EXHALE". The number 18 identified the number of times the Base32 cipher needed to be shifted.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:33 PM)}} {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This page's title was a Caesar cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:32 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>mortem.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/39/Mortemaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">STAGEEIGHT==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN IS NO MORE.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:32 PM)}}
At 4:33 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/NORTHWEST_CITADEL/mortem/</nowiki></span><b>postmortem</b>". This page was titled "<b>POSTMORTEM</b>" and contained the image "<b>postmortem.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/entropy recurring 11</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/8e/Postmortem.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was made up of a variety of ciphers. First, players had to solve Binary, which translated to the number 11. Then, players had to solve a Caesar cipher, which solved to "recurring". Caesar shifting the Base32 cipher with 11 times with the key "recurring" solved to the URL.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:36 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>postmortem.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/46/Postmortemaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the following text in its source: "<span class="canquote">Once the speaker, now the spoken. Once the listener, now the listened. I am adrift. Aimless. I seek naught but a bastion of tomorrow. I see her now. That same girl. She cries for me with clear, blue tears.</span>". {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was partially a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility 3/12/21 - 4:34 PM)}}
At 4:36 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/mortem/postmortem/</nowiki></span><b>entropy</b>". This page was titled "<b>ENTROPY</b>" and contained the image "<b>entropy.gif</b>", which contained text that read "<span class="canquote">/finality</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d8/Entropy.gif|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This text was originally a cipher.<br />- Solved by Xenquility (3/12/21 - 4:37 PM)}} This page also contained the audio "<b>entropy.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0f/Entropyaud.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:37 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/postmortem/entropy/</nowiki></span><b>finality</b>". This page was titled "<b>Whole</b>" and contained the image "<b>complete.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/87/Complete.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the text "<span class="canquote">Proceed</span>", which also linked players to the same set of "Path Pages" found earlier - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path99299233</nowiki></span>". This page also contained the video "<b>FINALITY.webm</b>" - A video containing distorted footage of what appears to be a 3d representation of the pages the players had just completed. This video appeared to be the same video as "CULMINATION.webm", only reversed, as the players were now atop the other tower. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/5NPKn6zqpQ8|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:47 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of the cathedral seen off the path on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path99299236</nowiki></span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/38/Annotation_2021-03-12_164726.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 4:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/path00020031</nowiki></span>" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>cathedral/front</b>". This page was titled "<b>Holy</b>" and contained the image "<b>front.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/95/Frontcathedral.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front/</nowiki></span><b>interior</b>". This page was titled "<b>Sacred Place</b>" and contained the image "<b>interior.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f9/Interior.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front/interior</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)front/interior/</nowiki></span><b>halls</b>". This page was titled "<b>Halls</b>" and contained the image "<b>corridors.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/03/Corridorscath.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/front/interior/halls</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)interior/halls/</nowiki></span><b>shrine</b>". This page was titled "<b>Shrine</b>" and contained the image "<b>gateway.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f8/Gateway.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/front/interior/halls</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)interior/halls/</nowiki></span><b>balcony</b>". This page was titled "<b>Balcony</b>" and contained the image "<b>gateway.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/21/Side_balcony.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/interior/halls/balcony</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)halls/balcony/</nowiki></span><b>view</b>". This page was titled "<b>View</b>" and contained the image "<b>view.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/0a/Viewbal.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)/interior/halls/balcony</nowiki></span>" would redirect them to a new page - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/(...)halls/balcony/</nowiki></span><b>peer</b>". This page was titled "<b>Peer</b>" and contained the image "<b>peering.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/63/Peering.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
<h2>March 13th, 2021</h2>
At 2:28 AM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>pmmkimpci</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX-rzIIBcN8&feature=youtu.be|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/13/21 - "pmmkimpci" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video simply contains various distorted shots of Greth and Moonman layered over one another.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video simply contains various distorted shots of Greth and Moonman layered over one another.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">▲ ▲
Tags: N/A
At 8:51 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">A real human bean. And a real hero</span>".
At 9:23 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/13/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[9:13 PM] Xenquility: "unarchived mason transcript from the sactum hole "Mason: Hnrg, IA, I'm trying to blow up the spire but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the lunar children""
[9:16 PM] Laches: "d e e p c u t"
<span class="vip">[9:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Alerting the lunar children is easy"</span>
[9:23 PM] Xenquility: "@lunar_children#1111"
<span class="vip">[10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "wow"
[10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "fun e"
[10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wonder how Kaiden is doing?"
[10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":moonthink:"</span>
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "left pretty abruptly last we spoke"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What are your thoughts on that?"</span>
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "though im assuming you know"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "well"
<span class="vip">[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "True. I know just about everything."
[10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Doesn't mean I can't indulge in conversation."</span>
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "my thoughts are "well that is certainly unfortunate but I guess time to wait until someone like BUP comes along and brings him back into relevancy""
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "and now here we are"
<span class="vip">[10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not necessarily."
[10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I have little to do with Kaiden's current situation."
[10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not that I couldn't affect it."
[10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I really have little desire to intervene."
[10:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "honestly just about any end result of his adventure would be a boon for me."</span>
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "how is it that almost everything seems to benefit you"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "im jealous frankly"
<span class="vip">[10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "As long as the "plot" moves, most involved seem to be put in downward spiral of personal status"
[10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who has benefited from their involvement in this grand scheme... but me?"
[10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Few."
[10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Only me and"
[10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "well"
[10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "@IIIII I suppose."
[10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even those whose aim was to find a sense of greater are now in the numinous toilet."
[10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like Patrem."
[10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mock him openly, weak and defiled creature he has become."</span>
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "so who and what even is IIIII"
[10:34 PM] Xenquility: "can we get some info on the guy"
[10:34 PM] Xenquility: "is it is still not far along enough in our proverbial plot"
<span class="vip">[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I tagged him but I was referring to Synchron"
[10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "synchron is not IIIII"
[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Before even being corrected I will correct myself on that one."
[10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It would be unfair to divulge incorrect information."</span>
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "blunderstandable"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "but the question remains about IIIII"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "though info on this Synchron guy would also not be unwelcome"
<span class="vip">[10:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But we were talking about Kaiden."</span>
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "is he soon to return?"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "will he return as"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "THE RETURNER?"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "I'd assume he's not dead given his adventure apparently has yet to end"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "Also do you ever wonder if Mugen gets jealous of kaiden since kaiden gets to basically live an rp"
<span class="vip">[10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I see"
[10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I suppose it is no secret"
[10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes Kaiden found himself on the tail of the Returner as you say"</span>
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "or"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "would * be more accurate"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "what can this guy even do"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "Does he have like"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "parallelos path level powers?"
<span class="vip">[11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hmm"
[11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "@Xenquility"</span>
[11:49 PM] Xenquility: "Hola"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "What is needed my darling dearest?"
<span class="vip">[12:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Wow"</span>
[12:11 PM] Xenquility: "?"
<span class="vip">[12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "??"
[12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sorry I've found something"
[12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "considering sharing it"</span>
[12:15 PM] Xenquility: "That's ominous"
[12:15 PM] Xenquility: "What's is aboot"
[12:18 PM] Laches: "Not like we're capable of stopping you anyhow tbh.  Don't see what you have to lose."
<span class="vip">[12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "A video"
[12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "a lost one"
[12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or at least the fractured state of one"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP mentions Kaiden's journey and claims that he has little interest in how it plays out, as anything that moves the "plot" forwards will benefit him.
BUP claims that IIIII is not Synchron.
BUP says he's found an interesting video and will share it soon.
<h2>March 14th, 2021</h2>
At 9:38 AM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>Moments before tragedy</b>".
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/14/21 - "Moments before tragedy" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with a distorted recording of Greth driving down a road.
((Transcript coming soon))
The video cuts to black. More footage similar to the video "pmmkimpci" is shown with various, distorted clips of Greth and Moonman playing over one another.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 10:17 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and replied to the player thelostbrineinthewoods asking about Kaiden's location with "<span class="canquote">Good question</span>".
<h2>March 15th, 2021</h2>
At 11:29 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
1/11/21 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 10th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">November 11th, 2020</span>
<i>otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 21st, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 22nd, 2020</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 23rd, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 24th, 2020</span>
<i>TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "<i>"Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"</i> ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 25th, 2020</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: "<i>"new transmission?"</i> We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."
Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 26th, 2020</span>
<i>moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent))
TLBITW 5:48 PM: "hello moonman31"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">December 28th, 2020</span>
<i>TLBITW 1:22 PM: "no replys : ("
Laches 3:10 PM: "<i>"no replys : ("</i> Give it time, my dude. Ethereal transmission takes more than just the press of a button, I'm sure. :)"</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">January 11th, 2021</span>
<i>ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: "ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS004.mp3" is sent))</i>
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">February 28th, 2021</span>
TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "Hey, so uh, just about to head off to bed and feel like you guys should know that we just had a conversation with that BUP guy, and two things mainly:"
TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "1. He's from the same timeline as are Spencer and the other guys we're dealing with here and began to tell us about how the "world ended" there so to speak (He didn't say much)""
TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "2. BUP is basically imprinting his consciousness onto as many Greth's as he can throughout all the possible timelines giving him pretty much god-like control, and he's already done so to both our timeline's Greth and Moonman"
TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "So basically uh, moonman is a borderline sleeper agent for BUP at the moment I think, and we really have no idea of how to stop BUP other than straight-up killing the Greths he has control over (Or maybe possibly debatably somehow the OS that Mason used that Doug made) so.... discuss, I guess?"
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 15th, 2021</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 11:29 PM: "This is... interesting news.
Needless to say having questionable comrades is not beyond the history of our association here. This, however, even I'm not sure. I would trust Moonman with my life, but I don't know any Greth but him…"</span>
<span class="vip2">ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:31 PM: "ɴᴇᴇᴅʟᴇss ᴛᴏ sᴀʏ, ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The player Xenquility warns IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL that Moonman may fall under BUP's influence. GHOSTBABEL says they will keep a close eye on Moonman, while IsocelesAssassin seems conflicted.
<h2>March 16th, 2021</h2>
At 2:25 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the existence of the recent posts on the Astral Observatory forums with "<span class="canquote">Ooh, I see.</span>".
<h2>March 17th, 2021</h2>
At 1:09 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player Viale asking "<i>what's up</i>" with "<span class="canquote">Interesting things.</span>".
At 2:03 AM, Moonman created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "<b>Hey guys.</b>" on the Safehaven board.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/17/21 - "Hey guys." - moonman31
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span style="text-decoration:underline">March 17th, 2021</span>
<span class="vip">moonman31 2:03 AM: "No memes. No bullshit."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "I'm not oblivious to posts on here. I can read not only what's going on…
but the atmosphere. I think it's time I head on out anyways... I wouldn't want to endanger anyone. I can feel it. This aggregation process. Your body fights it like a cold, but it wants to take over. A bad sweat you can't shake. I'm getting nervous. Shit, the Watcher was on my tail, and now this? Maybe I was helpful once, but how many times have I needed to be rescued now?"
moonman31 2:03 AM: "I... I.."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "I suppose I never belonged."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "I suppose I was never truly one of you."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "Despite all that, I felt close to you all."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "There is little I can do to help you anymore, is there?"
moonman31 2:03 AM: "When was the last time I was even able to be any help?"
moonman31 2:03 AM: "The best way to help anyone, would be to disappear…"
moonman31 2:03 AM: "So that’s what I’m going to do now."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "I've changd my appearance, don't try and follow me."
moonman31 2:03 AM: "🌝goodbye guys🌝"
moonman31 2:03 AM: "🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙"</span>
<span class="vip2">IsocelesAsssassin 9:49 AM: "FUCK"
IsocelesAssassin 9:59 AM: "You know this isn't the case. We've been friends for ages now and not once have we ever viewed you as a burden - don't say shit like that. I don't know if you'll even be checking here anymore, but on the off-chance you see this, please come back to us. We'll be able to deal with whatever shit these assholes throw at us as they come, I promise you."
IsocelesAssassin 9:59 AM: "Please, you're my last remaining friend from WH and I can't stand to lose anyone else."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
Moonman reveals that he read the recent posts that revealed that BUP held some sort of control over him. He announces that he will be leaving, not wanting to endanger IsocelesAssassin or GHOSTBABEL.
Moonman ends his post with a goodbye and the message "<span class="canquote">🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙</span>".
IsocelesAssassin tries to tell Moonman that he is not a burden and asks him to come back.
At 2:44 AM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>just this last time in my life</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/k2TUd3lHHNg|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/17/21 - "just this last time in my life" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of Moonman walking down the street. A heavily distorted version of the song "Out of Touch" begins playing in the background. He begins smoking a cigarette as the following text appears on screen:
<span class="vip">"I suppose I never belonged."
"I suppose I was never truly one of you."
"Despite all that, I felt close to you all."
"There is little I can do to help you anymore is there?"
"When was the last time I was even able to be of any help?"
"The best way to help anyone, would be to disappear…"
"So that's what I'm going to do now."</span>
The video begins distorting before cutting to a scene of Moonman standing next to a tree holding a gun. The Jaeger can be seen peeking around the side of the tree as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video shows Moonman leaving IsocelesAssassin's house as text from his recent post on the Astral Observatory forums appears.
The Jaeger can be seen stalking Moonman.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: "<span class="canquote">🌝goodbye guys🌝 🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙</span>"
Tags: N/A
At 10:34 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">𝔅𝔲𝔭: How sad. Boo hoo :frowning:</span>".
At 11:00 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player Xenquility's message "<i>It's pretty impressive how you manage to lack empathy for even yourself</i>" with "<span class="canquote">You're out of touch. I'm out of time.</span>".
<h2>March 18th, 2021</h2>
At 5:08 PM, BUP became active in a Discord server owned by the player thelostbrineinthewoods and sent the message "<span class="canquote">This is a nice server. You should give it to me</span>".
At 6:15 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and "pinged" the player thelostbrineinthewoods, asking "<span class="canquote">Give it to me</span>".
At 6:34 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods gave BUP the "Owner" role in his Discord server - a role that granted him near complete control of the server.
At 6:36 PM, BUP became active in the player thelostbrineinthewoods's Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Perfect. I like you.</span>". Shortly after this, the Discord server was renamed to "<b>𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕</b>".
At 6:39 PM, BUP created a new text channel in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server named "<b>#ℌ𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫-𝔬𝔣-𝔅𝔲𝔭</b>" and sent the message "<span class="canquote">My new home.</span>".
At 6:40 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">Attention. If you want to speak to me from now on you must come to my home.</span>" along with an invite link to the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server.
At 6:50 PM, the player otherLiam sent a message in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server that read "<i>Kinda shitty at killing me, tbh</i>". Shortly after this, BUP responded with "<span class="canquote">Tempting fate? :moonthink:</span>".
At 7:45 PM, BUP became active in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/18/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
[6:49 PM] Laches: "note: kill my other self"
[6:49 PM] otherLiam: "note: BUP is still shit"
<span class="vip">[7:45 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Why?"
[7:47 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Aggregating with ones' other selves is a beneficial act."
[7:48 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Without any facetious intent."
[7:51 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Using it to selfish ends as I have is anomalous overall, but notably not in the case you're investigating in which it seems more the norm."
[7:52 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "I for one believe Buddha existed."
[7:52 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Nirvana is a state of aggregation."</span>
[7:57 PM] Laches: "So then legitimately who benefits from moonman going to off himself and if you're nearly aggregated why haven't you stopped him?"
[7:58 PM] otherLiam: "why was i pinged here"
[7:58 PM] Pako: "==Aa4RGImJXd1BScqVmbgo2diZmbhBiY4h3d"
[7:58 PM] otherLiam: "pako what"
<span class="vip">[7:58 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Who said he was going to kill himself?"</span>
[7:59 PM] Laches: "Unsure of what you're aware of and what you aren't.  So kindly."
[7:59 PM] Laches: ":DanteShrug:"
[8:00 PM] otherLiam: "also ">without any facetious intent" press X to doubt"
[8:00 PM] shiinaMarkov: "X"
<span class="vip">[8:01 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "You don't think aggregation could be beneficial?"</span>
[8:01 PM] Laches: "Oh, I absolutely do."
[8:01 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "What happened with moonman?"
[8:02 PM] Laches: "Beneficial depends on who gets their universe controlling powers first, I suppose."
[8:02 PM] Laches: "multiverse?"
[8:02 PM] Laches: "Hell, I'm unsure of how any of this really works."
[8:02 PM] shiinaMarkov: "You basically make a network of your selves. Pretty cool tbh"
[8:12 PM] Xenquility: "id aggregate if i was epic enough"
[8:21 PM] otherLiam: "I just doubt your intentions in telling us that."
<span class="vip">[8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "I see."</span>
[8:55 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "That’s good"
<span class="vip">[8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Well."
[8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "If you were trapped in a fire"
[8:56 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "And one of your other selves out there was a fireman"
[8:56 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Then they would have a useful skill set for that sort of situation, wouldn't they?"</span>
[9:06 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Pretty much"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
BUP says he believes that Nirvana is a state of aggregation of sorts.
BUP argues that aggregation is overwhelmingly beneficial.
At 7:56 PM, BUP became active in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server and posted a meme of Greth singing followed by the message "<span class="canquote">Power. )()()(O)()()(</span>".
<h2>March 24th, 2021</h2>
At 11:43 PM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel. This video's title consisted of blank spaces. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://youtu.be/kUV564-HQ2M|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/24/21 - "    " - YouTube (Quiet Family)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video contained incredibly dark footage of what appeared to be a figure wearing a hat. The camera seemed to zoom away from this figure, transitioning into the "Treeline" Janus room showing Tyler's trailer.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video contained dark footage of a figure wearing a hat.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
At 11:54 AM, players discovered that the above video was unlisted.
<h2>March 25th, 2021</h2>
At 12:08 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>remember.jpg</b>" in the "#welcome-zone", "#announcements", and "#johnisdead" text channels. Unfortunately, this image was quickly deleted and was unarchived. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/45/325rememe.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>March 27th, 2021</h2>
At 9:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "<b>II.gif</b>" in the "#announcements" and "#johnisdead" text channels. Unfortunately, players were unable to save this image before it was deleted.
At 7:29 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "<b>II.gif</b>" once again. This time players were able to archive it. This image is shot from the video "Remember" showing Tyler lying on the ground with a gas mask next to him, as well as what appears to be an owl hat or mask from the recent video uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel on his other side. This seems to confirm that II represents Tyler.
<span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/54/II.gif|target=_blank]]</span>
At 8:38 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>remember.jpg</b>" once again. This time players were able to archive it. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/ff/326remember.jpg|target=_blank]]</span> Once brightened, this image revealed a shot from the recent video uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel of the owl-like hat or mask. <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a5/Brighterem.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 10:29 PM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "<b>shortcut.mp4</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SoPVMX5pXA|target=_blank]]</span>
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
3/27/21 - "shortcut.mp4" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This video begins with distorted footage of many different instances of Greth playing over one another. The video begins to speed up as a sigil is shown on screen. A single frame of what appears to be "Broker of Nokturnal" from Kaiden's video is seen. The video cuts to footage of what appears to be the Parallelos. The camera peers through a metal fence at a treeline as the video ends.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This video shows what appears to be the Parallelos, implying that perhaps Moonman is using the Parallelos to travel back to Florida.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
YouTube Details:
<div class="indented">
Description: N/A
Tags: N/A
<h2>April 1st, 2021</h2>
At 9:28 PM, The Producer joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/1/21 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
<span class="vip">[9:28 PM] The Producer: "Damn"
[9:28 PM] The Producer: "what the heck is goin on in here"</span>
[9:31 PM] ⋆ 𝒟𝑒ñ𝓈𝑒 ⋆ (=^・ω・^=): "sex"
<span class="vip">[9:32 PM] The Producer: "In the Internet Detectives?"
[9:33 PM] The Producer: "I somehow doubt that"</span>
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "well we can make it a non doubt theme if you want"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "jk"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "i mean"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "unless"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "right?"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "haha"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "i said nothing"
[9:37 PM] JosByte: "?"
<span class="vip">[9:38 PM] The Producer: "That's a tempting offer"
[9:38 PM] The Producer: "But I'm only here to give you guys a thing"
[9:39 PM] The Producer: "I don't wanna be sticking my neck out too often these days"</span>
[9:39 PM] JosByte: "What are you gonna give us?"
[9:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it...."
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] The Producer: "Very powerful meme magic surrounds us on this day"</span>
[9:39 PM] Xenquility: "the broducer????"
<span class="vip">[9:39 PM] The Producer: "hello broquility"</span>
[9:39 PM] Xenquility: "hello brolfcat 2.0"
[9:39 PM] JosByte: "hello bronquitis"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "hello brobyte"
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] The Producer: "What I am about to give you is somewhat unstable"</span>
[9:40 PM] JosByte: "brobrybte"
[9:40 PM] JosByte: ":flushed:"
<span class="vip">[9:40 PM] The Producer: "as it is still forming in this digital representation of itself"
[9:41 PM] The Producer: "but regardless, I thought you all might get a kick out of it, despite its incomplete nature"</span>
[9:41 PM] Xenquility: "I appreciate the sentiment but one of myself is enough quite frankly"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] The Producer: "there are never enough xenquilities in this infinite ethos of existence, frankly"</span>
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: ":flushed:"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "wait that implies there are more"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "can I aggregate :thinking:"
<span class="vip">[9:42 PM] The Producer: "perhaps :thinking:"
[9:42 PM] The Producer: "anyways, i've been incredibly bussy lately"</span>
[9:43 PM] Xenquility: ""do you mean there is at least 1 xenquility fucking us all individually on each timeline" yes"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] The Producer: "but I thought I'd at least drop by and give you all this"</span>
[9:43 PM] Xenquility: "sometimes you're doing the fucking though"
<span class="vip">[9:43 PM] The Producer: "<nowiki>https://withinhubris.com/library/</nowiki>"</span>
[9:43 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[9:43 PM] Xenquility: "fuck I have to reinstall anus virtual reality"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "nvm that was quick"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "this is fucken"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "beautiful"
[9:45 PM] Xenquility: "a literal withinhubris museum"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "the ground texture looks like mushroom biome"
<span class="vip">[9:46 PM] The Producer: "I gotta squat outta here before some pumpkin fetishist tries to grab me or something I dunno"
[9:46 PM] The Producer: "you'll all hear from me again soon tho :wink:"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
The Producer shares a new page with the players, though he claims it is incomplete and is still forming - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://withinhubris.com/</nowiki></span><b>library</b>".
The Producer claims that the players will see him again soon. He then leaves the Internet Detectives Discord server.
At 9;43 PM, The Producer linked the players to a new page on Withinhubris.com - <span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://withinhubris.com/</nowiki></span><b>library</b>. This page was titled "<b>Library</b>" and contained the image "<b>library.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/f/f7/Library.gif|target=_blank]]</span> This page also featured the "<b>Library</b>" Janus room, which contained many memes and references to Within Hubris history.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
4/1/21 - Library Janus Room - Withinhubris.com
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>
This room was a series of floating islands in a green environment featuring various memes related to the history of Within Hubris and its off-shoot communities. Players would spawn in a building containing three fountains with the letters "WH" adorned on them. Around the room were several plaques that read as follows:
<span class="vip">"Press "C" to enter "Place Mode"."
"Toggle between different structures by pressing "1", "2", "3", or "4"."
"Place selected structures by clicking."
"Collect "Jadcoins" to increase your abilities!"
"Toggle your boosted abilities on or off by pressing "V"."
"The Library is always changing and forever expanding... Enjoy your visit."</span>
Players could enter behind a fake painting in this main room to enter a small labyrinth below the building. This would exit into an open balcony where a "Jadcoin" could be found. Upon collecting a "Jadcoin", a sound played where a voice said the following:
<span class="vip">"Alex Hall of Fame"</span>
For each "Jadcoin" obtained, the player's speed would increase. As mentioned by the plaques, players could toggle their speed on and off by pressing "V". Players could reach other islands in the distance by placing bridges in "Place Mode" by pressing "C" and clicking. Near the main island was a spinning outhouse meant to represent the "Shardis" - a vehicle that the player Mugen Kagemaru often pretended to utilize. Approaching the "Shardis" would result in it disappearing as Mugen Kagemaru could be heard saying the following:
<span class="vip">"Soy Mugen Kagemaru de la Internet Detectives!"</span>
Beyond the "Shardis" was another island labelled as follows:
"<span class="vip">"The Chamber of Sadness"</span>
This island simply contained a small building where an image of Jadusable crying could be found. Near the main island was a donut-shaped structure with a large pit in the center. Above this pit was a "Jadcoin". Across from this donut structure was a tower which contained more Within Hubris-centered memes and another "Jadcoin" at the top.
Another small structure could be found shortly beyond this tower that appeared to be a fountain surrounded by three images. Beyond this fountain was what appeared to be a green-colored mansion. Unfortunately, this mansion could not be entered. Atop the mansion was another "Jadcoin", and memes of the players Jos and scout could be found along the outside.
Across from the mansion was a floating island containing some simplistic buildings. This island was made up of a wireframe texture and contained a sign that read:
<span class="vip">"INCOMPLETE"</span>
The final island was a large mass of land containing a massive castle. This castle contained a sign that read as follows:
<span class="vip">"Within Hubris Castle"
"(Formerly Castle Spanosa)"</span>
This castle was based off of a castle seen in the comic Weenie-Licked created by Wolfcat. This castle was adorned with many more Within Hubris-centered memes, as well as structures seen in its Weenie-Licked incarnation. It also featured many banners based off of the Within Hubris Empire flag that was currently being used for the "Nationstates" game being played in the Within Hubris Discord server.
Players could enter a chamber around the backside of the castle. Here, the final "Jadcoin" could be found floating atop a pillar. Further down in the hall was the outline of a door. In Weenie-Licked, this door led inside the player Mugen Kagemaru's Shardis.
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
This Janus room appears to be a series of floating islands representing various Within Hubris communities.
Many Within Hubris-centered memes could be discovered hidden in this map.
This Janus room featured collectible "Jadcoins", which would increase the players' speed.
In this room, players could place structures to help them traverse the map.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>journey.mp3</b> - A long audio track containing three songs that plays throughout the map. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/2/2a/Journey.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>coinget.mp3</b> - Alex Hall of Fame. <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/51/Coinget.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>soy.mp3</b> - Adios! <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e5/Soy.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>April 22nd, 2021</h2>
At 10:41 AM, the player Pako discovered that a streamer by the name of "<b>Dedos Fríos</b>" uploaded a series of videos in which he investigated Johnisdead. During one of these streams, Dedos Fríos discovered a video containing distorted footage of himself along with someone asking "<span class="canquote">Por favor… Por favor…</span>" on the front page of Johnisdead.com. Later on, the titles of the two most recent videos on Silentdork changed to "<b>☜</b>" and "<b>❄</b>" - references to Dedos Fríos's username, which translates to "cold fingers". A recording of these events can be found here: <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIBlAlgGHlc|target=_blank]]</span>
<br />
<p style="text-align:center; font-size: 20px">Read the next arc!
<br />

Latest revision as of 20:27, 25 June 2024

This is the second part of the Our Horizon Arc Timeline. Please read the first part here before proceeding.


April 23rd, 2020


Many old pages returned with Johnisdead.com - some dating back to early 2015. The contents of these pages will not be re-documented in this timeline unless there are updates or changes.

  • At 12:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had changed. The page was now titled "Find your way". This page also contained the image "parallelos.gif" - an image of a green, distorted highway that has been seen in previous videos. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "parallelos.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the image "initate.png", which would occasionally fade in and out on a section of the highway. target=_blank
  • At 12:02 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the image "initiate.png" on the front page of Johnisdead.com would redirect players to a series of "Path" pages. These Path pages all shared the title - "Find your way", and they mainly consisted of green, distorted environments - usually along highways or roads. Players would navigate these Path pages by clicking on a certain part of the road to progress to the next one. Path pages appeard to be made up of the two following types:
  • Highway Paths - Path pages that progress down a single, straight highway. These pages contained one of the following random audio tracks:
  • parallelos.mp3 - Audio of someone walking near a highway. target=_blank
  • parallelos.mp3 - Audio of someone walking near a highway. target=_blank
  • parallelos.mp3 - Audio of someone walking near a highway. target=_blank
  • parallelos.mp3 - Audio of someone walking near a highway. target=_blank
  • Offshoot Paths - Path pages that progress down smaller roads and environments. These pages contained the following audio track:
  • realms.mp3 - A distorted track. target=_blank
  • At 12:02 PM, the following Path pages were discovered:

Johnisdead Path Pages

  • Highway Path (From https://johnisdead.com)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path00204215" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the right. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path45013200"
  • Side road links to "/path18402310"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45013200" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path14123008"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14123008" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the right. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path15512309"
  • Side road links to "/path59912350"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path15512309" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path16944201"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path16944201" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path76775342"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path76775342" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path22321095"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path22321095" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path22871963"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path22871963" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path33413091"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path33413091" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path44419832"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path44419832" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path44044102"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path44044102" - A path of the highway. A road seems to be splitting off to the left. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path73320193"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path73320193" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the right. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path74501903"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path74501903" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path11223019"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path11223019" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path99230221"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99230221" - A path of the highway. target=_blank
  • This page doesn't link anywhere.
  • Driveway Path (From /path00204215)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path18402310" - A path of a road going into a wooded area. target=_blank
  • Road links to "https://johnisdead.com/tyler"
  • Side Path (From /path14123008)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path59912350" - A path of a small road next to some trees. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path13324021"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path13324021" - A path of a small road next to some trees. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path00923201"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path00923201" - A path of a road in a wooded area. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path33423019"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path33423019" - A path of a road in a wooded area. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path14112031"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14112031" - A path of a road in a wooded area. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path76155793"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path76155793" - A path of a road in a wooded area. A strange creature can be seen next to the road. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path19333932"
  • Strange creature links to "https://johnisdead.com/melter"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path19333932" - A path of a road in a wooded area. A small path splits off to the left. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path22540132"
  • Side path links to "/path87235401"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path22540132" - A road in an open field. A road splits off to the right. A sign can be seen that reads ""CROSSROADS". target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path18432268"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path18432268" - A path of a road in a field. A road splits off to the left. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path49492031"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path49492031" - A path of a road going near a dilapidated building. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path19203303"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path19203303" - A path of a road in a wasteland. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path40002301"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path40002301" - A path of a road in a wasteland. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path14112099"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14112099" - A path of a road in a wasteland. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path99399203"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99399203" - A path of a road in a wasteland passing by a fenced in structure. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path20212332"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path20212332" - A path of a road in a wasteland passing by a fenced in structure. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates"
  • Forest Path (From /path19333932)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path87235401" - A path of a small forest trail. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path77283643"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path77283643" - A path of a small forest trail. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path41239597"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path41239597" - A path of a small forest trail. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path88482013"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path88482013" - A path of a small forest trail. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path64620192"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path64620192" - A path of a small forest trail. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path00125502"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path00125502" - A path of forest trail leading into a tunnel. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path04219323"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path04219323" - A path of a dark tunnel. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path00029801"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path00029801" - A path of a dark tunnel. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall"


  • The front page of Johnisdead.com leads to a long highway. This highway splits off into two small paths - one leads to a driveway that links to "https://johnisdead.com/tyler", and the other leads to another series of paths going through a wooded area.
  • The wooded path leads to a field that slowly transitions into a wasteland. There is also a small trail leading off of the wooded path.
  • The small trail leading off of the wooded path above leads to a dark tunnel.
  • There are several dead ends and crossroads that have no paths.
  • ((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
  • At 12:02 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com contained a JanusVR room. Players began downloading JanusVR from steam to explore the room.


JanusVR is a virtual reality internet browser that was previously used in Johnisdead back in 2015. This program allows users to create 3d environments hosted in individual webpages called Janus rooms. These Janus rooms contain images, sounds, 3d models, portals to other Janus rooms, and even surfaces that can act as interactive webpages within JanusVR itself.

To conserve space in this timeline, a full list of assets such as images and models will not be archived. Instead, videos and screenshots of these Janus rooms will be provided along with only the most relevant files. As always, important details will be listed in the summaries of these sections.

  • The Janus room on the front page of Johnisdead.com is recorded here: target=_blank

4/23/20 - Path Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a single, long highway. Everything in this room was colored green, much like the highway seen on the Path pages. This is the same 3d environment seen in the "SIEGUNSERE" video. Along the highway were occasional light posts and street signs. These objects were colored completely black. After several minutes of walking, the player will be warped backwards on the road, ensuring that they cannot reach the end.


  • This Janus room appears to be the long, green highway seen on Johnisdead.com path pages.


  • Files:
  • walk.mp3 - A melancholy song. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • At an unknown time, an entity named "fascie" began following players around JanusVR. This entity used a monochrome model of a figure wearing a gas mask as its avatar. target=_blank
  • At 12:03 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/tyler" had changed from its original incarnation. The scrolling text on this page had now been replaced with many instances of "||".
  • At 12:04 AM, the player IIFan2001 discovered that the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/inner/open-index/gate/" had changed. The page's text now read "The gate is open." and linked to the front page of Johnisdead.com.
  • At 12:07 AM, players discovered that the old redirect system was still in place on Johnisdead.com. However, many old redirect pages had been expanded upon and some new ones were added.
  • At 12:07 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/back" had changed from its original incarnation. The page would now redirect players to a new page if they remained on it for too long - "https://johnisdead.com/back/home". This page was titled "GO" and contained an image of the Spire titled "home.gif". target=_blank
  • At 12:08 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/occasions" had changed from its original incarnation. The page would now redirect players to a new page if they remained on it for too long - "https://johnisdead.com/occasions/chance". This page was titled "mistake" and contained a distorted image of the fishery titled "calculated.gif". target=_blank
  • At 12:08 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/limbo". This page was titled "welcome back" and contained the image "lost_again.gif" - a distorted image of a sign reading "PIAZZA DEL LIMBO". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "welcome_back.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:10 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/oooooo" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "Warning." and would redirect players to a new page if they remained on it for too long - "https://johnisdead.com/oooooo/IIIIII". This page was titled "Warning." and contained the image "llllll.gif" - a distorted detour sign. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "IIIIII.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:11 AM, the player Pako discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/oooooo/IIIIII" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/oooooo/IIIIII/111111". This page was titled "Warning." and contained the image "111111.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "111111.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:11 AM, the player Dense discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/hold_on" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "ADTINEO" and would redirect players to a new page if they remained on it for too long - "https://johnisdead.com/hold_on/let_go". This page was titled "SOLVO", which is Latin for "RELEASE". This page also contained the image "let-go.gif" and the audio "dont.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 12:11 AM, the player Dense discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/hold_on/let_go" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/hold_on/let_go/splat". This page was titled "CADERE", which is Latin for "FALL". This page also contained the image "pulp.gif" and the audio "stain.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 12:11 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/breathe". This page was titled "ingest" and contained the image "smoke.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "breathe.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/breathe" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/breathe/inhale". This page was titled "flowing" and contained the image "APartOfYou.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "sense.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/breathe/inhale" for too long would redirect players to a non-existent page - "https://johnisdead.com/trip".
  • At 12:13 AM, the player IIFan2001 discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/lost_forever" had changed from its original incarnation. The page would now redirect players to a new page if they remained on it for too long - "https://johnisdead.com/lost_forever/found". This page was titled "NeverLost" and contained the image "paradise.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "paradise.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:13 AM, the player Dense discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/where" had changed from its original incarnation. The page now contained the audio "sometimes.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:13 AM, the player Dense discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/where/" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/where/did". This page was titled "MORE TO UNEARTH" and contained the image "host.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "she.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:13 AM, the player Dense discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/where/did" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/where/did/he". This page was titled "MORE TO FIND" and contained the image "domain.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "scares_me.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:13 AM, the player Dense discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/where/did/he" for too long would redirect players to a new page - ""https://johnisdead.com/where/did/he/go". This page was titled "where has he been?" and contained the image "mergingmemories.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "three.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:14 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/help" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "Try again?" and contained the audio "continue.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Continue? Yes No". Clicking on the word "Yes" would link players back to the front page of Johnisdead.com.
  • At 12:15 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that clicking on the word "No" on the page "https://johnisdead.com/help" would link players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/help/no". This page was titled "NO" and contained the image "maybe.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "no.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:18 AM, the player Fancypigg discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld" had changed from its original incarnation. The page now contained the text "Your old Lens of Truth". Clicking on this text would download the latest version of JanusVR in a file named "LENSOFTRUTH.exe". This page also featured the Janus room "Fakeworld" - a recreated version of the original Fakeworld Janus map:

4/23/20 - Fakeworld Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This map was a recreation of the original Fakeworld Janus map from 2015. Players would spawn in a room made up of distorted images. Walking outside, players would realize this room is floating above a large, purple-colored landscape made up of more corrupt looking textures. This landscape contained a large mountain structure in the far corner, along with what appears to be a coastline or valley of sorts. On the opposite side of the map, a steep ridge lined the edge of the landscape. A large monolith structure was also placed on the platform outside of the initial spawn room.


  • This Janus room is a recreation of the original Fakeworld Janus room from 2015.


  • Files:
  • orld.mp3 - The same audio track that was used on the original Fakeworld Janus map - a distorted version of "@90" by k3v1n. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • Players inside of the spawn room: target=_blank
  • At 12:18 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/blue_flame" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "Itspreads" and contained the audio "blueflame.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:18 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/blue_flame" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/blue_flame/bottle". This page was titled "contained" and contained the image "ablaze.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "blues.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:20 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/gone" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "but not" and contained the audio "gone.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:20 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/gone/forgotten". This page was titled "insignificant" and contained the image "saint.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "heart.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:37 AM, the player Jade posted the full list of redirect pages on Johnisdead.com which were found in a javascript file titled "wrongway.js".

4/23/20 - Johnisdead Redirect List - Johnisdead.com

arLinks[0] = "https://johnisdead.com";
arLinks[1] = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshnpQJBTZWDAynTWnNLM2g";
arLinks[2] = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB62RBGB5A5uRaLv-95fMrw";
arLinks[3] = "http://youshouldnthavedonethat.net/";
arLinks[4] = "https://letschasethemouse.blogspot.com/";
arLinks[5] = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-n6eNjB3rNoDYsKWuP-DA";
arLinks[6] = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjnw6rFLW3-NhEphVdPymw";
arLinks[7] = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrrgIhl-3DkhgKIHEkB4OQ";
arLinks[8] = "https://johnisdead.com/newawakenings";
arLinks[9] = "https://astralobservatory.net";
arLinks[10] = "https://johnisdead.com/hh";
arLinks[11] = "https://johnisdead.com/heistrapped";
arLinks[12] = "https://johnisdead.com/hitilp";
arLinks[13] = "https://johnisdead.com/anotherone";
arLinks[14] = "https://johnisdead.com/asleep";
arLinks[15] = "https://johnisdead.com/awaken";
arLinks[16] = "https://johnisdead.com/back";
arLinks[17] = "https://johnisdead.com/blue_flame";
arLinks[18] = "https://johnisdead.com/breathe";
arLinks[19] = "https://johnisdead.com/cant_swim";
arLinks[20] = "https://johnisdead.com/fantasy";
arLinks[21] = "https://johnisdead.com/getout";
arLinks[22] = "https://johnisdead.com/go_back";
arLinks[23] = "https://johnisdead.com/gone";
arLinks[24] = "https://johnisdead.com/happy";
arLinks[25] = "https://johnisdead.com/hold_on";
arLinks[26] = "https://johnisdead.com/imagine";
arLinks[27] = "https://johnisdead.com/in_my_head";
arLinks[28] = "https://johnisdead.com/listen";
arLinks[29] = "https://johnisdead.com/lost_forever";
arLinks[30] = "https://johnisdead.com/lost_in_my_mind";
arLinks[31] = "https://johnisdead.com/me_and_john";
arLinks[32] = "https://johnisdead.com/memory";
arLinks[33] = "https://johnisdead.com/misleading";
arLinks[34] = "https://johnisdead.com/mute";
arLinks[35] = "https://johnisdead.com/neverending_dream";
arLinks[36] = "https://johnisdead.com/occasions";
arLinks[37] = "https://johnisdead.com/oooooo";
arLinks[38] = "https://johnisdead.com/paradise";
arLinks[39] = "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest";
arLinks[40] = "https://johnisdead.com/run";
arLinks[41] = "https://johnisdead.com/say_goodbye";
arLinks[42] = "https://johnisdead.com/suffer";
arLinks[43] = "https://johnisdead.com/timer";
arLinks[44] = "https://johnisdead.com/trapped";
arLinks[45] = "https://johnisdead.com/truth";
arLinks[46] = "https://johnisdead.com/whatdidido";
arLinks[47] = "https://johnisdead.com/where";
arLinks[48] = "https://johnisdead.com/shadows";
arLinks[49] = "https://johnisdead.com/clan";
arLinks[50] = "https://johnisdead.com/limbo";
arLinks[51] = "https://johnisdead.com/grave";
arLinks[52] = "https://johnisdead.com/watched";
arLinks[53] = "https://johnisdead.com/fishery";
arLinks[54] = "https://johnisdead.com/dandp";

  • At 12:43 AM, the player Jade discovered that the page "http://johnisdead.com/(...)/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpain/woods" had changed from its original incarnation. The page now had text hidden within its source code that read "/where/t CLAIM MY MASK; YOU WILL FAIL; YOU CAN TRY; IF YOU FINDME; I AWAIT SOMEWHERE DEEPER fakeplace here I am waiting STILL".
  • At 12:45 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the creature on the page "https://johnisdead.com/path76155793" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/melter". This page was titled "COMINGAPART" and contained the image "melter.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "melter.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:50 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path00029801" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall". This page was titled "slipping" and contained the image "descent.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "fallen.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:50 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall/tunnel". This page was titled "tenebrae" and contained the audio "darkfall.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 12:50 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall/tunnel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/fall/tunnel/womb". This page was titled "deep" and contained the image "depths.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "cave.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text hidden within its source code: "we went out again to the art exhibit, really beautiful murals on display. I miss when it could always be this way but I know with her condition Ill have to value every second we have".
  • At 12:51 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/fall/tunnel/womb" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/tunnel/womb/subterranean". This page was titled "STUCK" and contained the image "cramped.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "stuck.mp3". target=_blank This page would constantly redirect the players to itself if they remained on it for too long. This page also contained the following text hidden within its source code:

4/23/20 - Subterranean Page Text - Johnisdead.com

NO I am being serious I can't remember if I threw him in the / or just threw him in a hole in front of it. I almost remember it like I did both. Those parts of the story dont matter anymore, what matters is what the next step made me realize. After It sent him to knock on my door. I woke up and now I finally see what the important parts of the story are now in the grand scheme. I can see the entire story, I know what to do with it now. Its all just


  • Mat struggles to remember how they disposed of Kelbris's body, seemingly remembering two different occurances at once.
  • Mat claims that after Tenebris sent Kelbris to knock on his door he began to understand "the important parts of the story" and that he could "see the entire story, I know what to do with it now. Its all just-".
  • At 12:55 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of "FoggyWorld248.jpg".
  • At 12:57 AM, the player Jade discovered that the broken image "error_file_not.jpg" on the Astral Observatory Subspace contained the following text in its code:

4/23/20 - "error_file_not.jpg" Image Text - Astralobservatory.net

NotAHoaxM12 4:12: FRIENDS.
NotAHoaxM12 4:12: IT HAS HAPPENED.

Moonman31 4:12: oh shit
NotAHoaxM12 4:12: The TIME has finally come.
Moonman31 4:12: are you okay?
Moonman31 4:14: Hoax?

NotAHoaxM12 4:14: BROTHER.

Moonman31 4:14: fuck
Moonman31 4:14: are you alright?

NotAHoaxM12 4:15: I have personally WITNESSED a reptilian outside my home on this night, brother.

Moonman31 4:15: oh goddamn it
Moonman31 4:16: you had me worried there
Moonman31 4:18: you there?

NotAHoaxM12 4:18: I am uploading my footage.
NotAHoaxM12 4:20: https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/alienPROOF.mp4

Moonman31 4:21: …
Moonman31 4:21: are you sure this isn't just some trick-or-treater?
Moonman31 4:22: Hoax?
Moonman31 4:23: oh shit they got him


  • NotAHoax enters the chat while speaking oddly, worrying Moonman. It is soon revealed that NotAHoax is simply excited after supposedly having seen an alien.
  • NotAHoax links to the video "alienPROOF.mp4", claiming that it is his footage.
  • At 12:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path20212332" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates". This page was titled "come inside" and contained the image "entrance.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "temple.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text: "he's waiting for you" in its source code.
  • At 1:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/chamber". This page was titled "hallowed" and contained the image "hall.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "chamber.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the left side of the page "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/chamber" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/gates/chamber/halls". This page was titled "searching" and contained the image "endlesshaze.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "echo.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "He was taken by the masked one for disobeying. /corridors" in its source code.
  • At 1:02 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/chamber/halls/corridors". This page was titled "searching" and contained the image "infinitehue.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "echo.mp3" as well. This page also contained the text "He wanted to help his friends. He wanted to help us. But that's not what It wanted. /passageways" in its source code.
  • At 1:03 AM, the player Pako asked "when the dream will become a reality?" in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • At 1:04 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Soon.".
  • At 1:05 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/halls/corridors/passageways". This page was titled "searching" and contained the image "eternalshine.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "echo.mp3" as well. This page also contained the text "Now he's trapped here. Trapped with the rest of us. His captor, the slayer of your others. /lower" in its source code.
  • At 1:12 AM, the player Jade discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/corridors/passageways/lower". This page was titled "Keep going" and contained the image "deeper.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "descend.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:12 AM, the player Jade discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/corridors/passageways/lower" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/passageways/lower/depths". This page was titled "Enter" and contained the image "depths.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "dungeon.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:12 AM, the player Jade discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/passageways/lower/depth" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/lower/depths/crypt". This page was titled "Voices" and contained the image "descend.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "choose.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

4/23/20 - Crypt Page Text - Johnisdead.com

Your Choices
HE K_____ YOU
There were only ***** who escaped his wrath.
He left for gray man the eight of this.

  • At 1:14 AM, the player Jade discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/depths/crypt/three". This page was titled "THREE DETECTIVES WHO GOT AWAY" and contained the image "they.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "remnants.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:16 AM, the player Jade discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/depths/crypt/killed". This page was titled "YOU'RE NEXT" and contained the image "HIM.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "him.mp3". target=_blank Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players to a non-existent page - "https://johnisdead.com/hahaha".
  • At 1:17 AM, the player Xequility discovered that clicking on the right side of the page "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/chamber" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/gates/chamber/library". This page was titled "Answer" and contained the image "archives.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "guessing.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "You will be tasked with travelling back to a very specific moment in time - a moment in which various timelines twisted and weaved together as one. You know what year I'm referring to, don't you?".
  • At 1:42 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/suffer". This page was titled "it hurts" and contained the image "torment.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "suffer.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/getout" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "GETOUT" and contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/getout/getout". This page was titled "GETOU T" and contained the image "EN.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3" as well.
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/getout/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/getout/getoutgetout". This page was titled "GETO UT" and contained the image "ENE.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3" as well.
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getout/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getoutgetout". This page was titled "GET OUT" and contained the image "ENEB.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3" as well.
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getout/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getoutgetout". This page was titled "GE TOUT" and contained the image "ENEBR.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3" as well.
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getout/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getoutgetout". This page was titled "G ETOUT" and contained the image "ENEBRI.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "GETOUT.mp3" as well.
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/getout/getout/getout" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/null/void". This page was titled "forever" and contained the image "paradise.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "darkness.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:50 AM, the player Problematik discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/null". This page was completely blank and was titled "...".
  • At 1:51 AM, the player Fancypigg discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/happy". This page was titled "LAUGH" and contained the file "joy.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "enlightened.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:52 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "Alright with my new "knowledge" of runes I've written up an analysis of what I think the "IIII" video might've actually meant" sent by the player Xenquility on February 9th, 2020.
  • At 1:53 AM, the player Fancypigg discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/shadows". This page was titled "dark" and contained the image "tenebrae.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "march.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 1:53 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the messages "At what cost" and "Did it not all come to pass?".
  • At 1:57 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and linked the video "ᛏᚱᛇᚫᛚ".
  • At 2:06 AM, the player Fancypigg discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/fishery". This page was titled "Fishery" and contained the image "house.gif". target=_blank
  • At 2:10 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/misleading" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "misleaDing".
  • At 2:10 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/misleading" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/misIeading". This page was titled "mislEADing" and contained the image "". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "gnidaelsim.mp3". target=_blank This page would also redirect players back to the page "https://johnisdead.com/misleading" if they remained on it for too long.
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest" had changed from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "BEG" and contained the audio "please.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please". This page was titled "PLEASE" and contained the image "help.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "please.mp3" as well.
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please/please". This page was titled "IT'S COMING" and shared the same image and audio as "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please".
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please/please" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please/please/please". This page was titled "HIDE ME" and shared the same image and audio as "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please".
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please/please/please" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/(...)/please/please/please". This page was titled "INSIDE" and shared the same image and audio as "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please".
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/(...)/please/please/please" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/(...)/please/please/please". This page was titled "PLEASE" and shared the same image and audio as "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please".
  • At 2:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/(...)/please/please/please" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/(...)/please/please/please". This page was titled "HELP" and shared the same image and audio as "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please". Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players back to "https://johnisdead.com/pray_for_rest/please".
  • At 2:14 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/cant_swim" had updated from its original incarnation. The page was now titled "sinking" and contained the audio "gameover.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 2:14 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/cant_swim" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/cant_swim/couldnt". This page was titled "sunk" and contained the image "eulogy.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "drowned.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 2:15 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/trapped". This page was titled "trapped" and contained the image "trapped.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hahaha.mp3". target=_blank This page would also infinitely open duplicate tabs of itself.
  • At 2:21 AM, the player Jade discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/depth/crypt/clubs". This page was titled "His name was" and contained the image "hedrown.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "m.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 2:21 AM, the player Jade discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/crypt/clubs/mason". This page was titled "Mase" and contained the image "DEAD.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "deadnow.mp3". target=_blank Remaining on this page for too long would also redirect players to Letschasethemouse.
  • At 4:28 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the message "https://johnisdead.com".
  • At 4:32 AM, IIIII became active in the Awakening Discord server and posted the message "XenquilityToday at 4:32 AM AKIRAFUUH04/18/2020 I'll find my way @Xenquility#5646".
  • At 4:48 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "It is better to be alive. The living can keep the cow. Already flames warmed the wealthy empty home. Will I save a corpse cold lying at his door?".
  • At 4:59 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII sent the player Xenquility a PM reading "Elder".
  • At 5:00 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Wait willfully. What thy gain will be goodly gotten.".
  • At 9:13 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/23/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[9:09 AM] Viale: "How's that 4/23 going?"
[9:10 AM] Pako: "bad"
[9:10 AM] Viale: "Did you stay up for the night?"
[9:10 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:11 AM] Pako: "At the moment I was expecting more from this 4/23 I know that it is not over yet"
[9:11 AM] Viale: "I could see your dissapointment in your stream"
[9:11 AM] Viale: "Lol"
[9:11 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:11 AM] Viale: "I expected a lot more too"
[9:12 AM] Problematik: "It was to hyped"
[9:12 AM] Viale: "Last year has far more stuff on Youtube"
[9:12 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:12 AM] Viale: "I didn't know much more than Youtube and the jid page"
[9:12 AM] Pako: ":sob:"
[9:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Excuse me?"
[9:13 AM] Pako: "oh shit"
[9:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This is a game to you?"
[9:13 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:13 AM] Viale: "Maybe"
[9:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And you are displeased?"
[9:13 AM] Viale: "..."
[9:13 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I see."
[9:14 AM] Pako: "Bup show us what you want do"
[9:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Okay"
[9:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((The player Pako's username is changed to "Ungrateful swine"))

[9:15 AM] Viale: "XD"
[9:15 AM] Deadhead: "hi"
[9:15 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Very easy,"
[9:16 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I did what I wanted."

[9:16 AM] Pako: "and what is?"
[9:16 AM] Pako: "Ungrateful swine"
[9:17 AM] Pako: "sounds smelly"
[9:18 AM] Pako: "Change nicknames"
[9:18 AM] Pako: "wow"
[9:18 AM] Viale: "Well"
[9:18 AM] Viale: "What did bup really do?"
[9:19 AM] Viale: "What did you Want?"
[9:19 AM] Pako: "he is funny change nicknames"
[9:21 AM] Pako: "haha"
[9:21 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why do you think stupid videos on Youtube are the only thing worth your time?"
[9:22 AM] Pako: "aren't stupids"
[9:22 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "you just received far more content than you have in years and you complain?"
[9:22 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You disgrace me"

[9:22 AM] Pako: "i didn't say that"
[9:22 AM] Viale: "That"
[9:22 AM] Viale: "We didn't Say that"
[9:23 AM] Pako: "I'm not saying it's a bad update"
[9:24 AM] Pako: "only i said: I expected more"
[9:24 AM] Pako: "and also 4/23 is not ended"
[9:25 AM] Viale: "What answers can you give us today bup?"
[9:25 AM] Viale: "I don't find much"
[9:25 AM] Viale: "So ir there is so much stuff given out today"
[9:25 AM] Viale: "Where is it?"
[9:26 AM] Viale: "In the page? Janus?"
[9:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Tsk."
[9:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You expect to be given answers but you do not work hard for them. You want to be given it all."
[9:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Then perhaps you deserve nothing"

[9:27 AM] Pako: "talk with you is a wasted of time"
[9:29 AM] Viale: "Worth a try"
[9:29 AM] Viale: "He may be confused with himself"
[9:29 AM] Viale: "Even with his identity"
[9:30 AM] Pako: "wolfcat"
[9:30 AM] Pako: "is"
[9:30 AM] Pako: "here"
[9:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((The image "unknown.png" is sent)) target=_blank
[9:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "your reward for insolence"
[9:30 AM] Pako: "what"
[9:30 AM] Viale: "Fuck bup"
[9:30 AM] Pako: "let's go"
[9:31 AM] Pako: "DO IT"
[9:31 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is done."
[9:31 AM] Pako: "thank you"
[9:31 AM] Pako: ":regi:"
[9:31 AM] Pako: "at least we take the thumbnail"
[9:31 AM] Pako: "xDDDDDDDDDDD"
[9:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You probably thought that was a joke"
[9:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I did in fact delete that video."

[9:32 AM] Viale: ".."
[9:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "See you later."
[9:32 AM] Pako: "ok"
[9:32 AM] Viale: "Hope to"
[9:32 AM] Pako: "is not my video"
[9:32 AM] Pako: "do whatever with your videos"
[9:32 AM] Viale: "Man i'm SO fucking bad at this"
[9:33 AM] Viale: "Fuck"
[9:33 AM] Pako: "is what he wanted"
[9:34 AM] Viale: "Not sure"
[9:34 AM] Viale: "Maybe not"
[9:34 AM] Pako: "yes sure"
[9:34 AM] Pako: "maybe yes"
[9:34 AM] Viale: "Oh shea"
[9:35 AM] Viale: "Maybe bup didn't really expect the strange response"
[9:36 AM] Pako: "bup is an enemy"
[9:36 AM] Pako: "anyway"
[9:36 AM] Viale: "Maybe we could have something from him"
[9:36 AM] Pako: "yes"
[9:36 AM] Pako: "the last thumbnail"
[9:36 AM] Pako: "was his error"
[9:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I blocked most of it out"
[9:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You got nothing."

[9:37 AM] Viale: "When did he become so agressive?"
[9:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Have fun knowing that piece of information is gone."
[9:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "forever."

[9:37 AM] Pako: "ok"
[9:37 AM] Viale: "A no seer..."
[9:37 AM] Pako: "You are the enemy"
[9:37 AM] Pako: "bup"
[9:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And you just cost the rest of the 'players' in your 'game' a chess piece."
[9:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Bup."

[9:38 AM] Pako: "you think"
[9:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I could take more if you like?"
[9:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I could"
[9:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "lock johnisdead"

[9:39 AM] Pako: "idk"
[9:39 AM] Pako: "is your resposablity"
[9:39 AM] Pako: "i didn't tell you nothing"
[9:39 AM] Pako: "to lock johnisdead"
[9:39 AM] Viale: "That wouldnt be cool actually"
[9:39 AM] Pako: "you are deleting videos because you want"
[9:40 AM] Pako: "it's not my fault"
[9:40 AM] Pako: "are you trying to make me the bad guy"
[9:41 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "█▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ █▬█ ▞▚ █▬█ ▞▚"


  • Several players complain about an alleged lack of content. BUP chides them for this.
  • BUP deletes a previously unseen video titled "religion" to punish the player Pako.


  • Files:
  • unknown.png - A screenshot posted by BUP showing him about to delete a video. target=_blank
  • At an unknown time, the player Pako creates the "Alliance Against BUP" Discord server - another version of Safehaven specifically meant to be used to evade BUP.
  • At 1:34 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/kevin". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 2:40 PM, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Kaiden Zoromichi's YouTube channel - "kaiden_abridged_2.mp4". target=_blank

4/23/20 - "kaiden_abridged_2.mp4" - YouTube (kaiden zoromichi)

This video begins with the same title card from Kaiden's previous video, reading:


Kaiden fades on screen and begins speaking.

Kaiden: "Truly this world is cursed. Lost, for I am, without sweet Yuuki. It was my own hubris that brought this cursed fate to me. My own poor decisions. I should have known. I should have realized what it meant to be one of them, but now I am the very one responsible for my life without her. Perhaps it is in the Internet Detectives that I-"

The video suddenly begins corrupting. A distorted version of BUP's avatar is shown.

𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬"
𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔡𝔦𝔡𝔫'𝔱 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔢𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢,"
𝔅𝔘𝔓: "...𝔡𝔦𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲?"
𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔬𝔥, ℑ'𝔪 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲,"
𝔅𝔘𝔓: ""𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰""
𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶 𝔫𝔬𝔱..."

Distorted footage of Greth is shown.

𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔭 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤..."

More distorted footage is shown.

𝔅𝔘𝔓: "𝔩𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩..."

The word "control" flashes on screen, followed by loud, distorted footage of Greth.


  • This video is another production by Kaiden detailing his roleplaying adventures. In this video, Kaiden ponders if he should join the Internet Detectives, but BUP takes control of the video before a decision is made.
  • BUP speaks to Kaiden, acknowledging that he may be surprised to see him.


  • YouTube Details: N/A
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags:
  • At an unknown time, BUP changes the player Pako's username to "Forsworn ingrate".
  • At an unknown time, Pumpkinhead changes the player Pako's username to "Traitor".
  • At 3:13 PM, BUP's avatar on Discord changed to a distorted image of BUP seen in the video "kaiden_abridged_2.mp4". target=_blank
  • At 3:13 PM, BUP's avatar switched back and forth from being completely black and the image above.
  • At 4:00 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/23/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[3:54 PM] Yoshi: "pub"
[3:56 PM] Yoshi: "im pub"
[3:57 PM] Yoshi: "the shittier bup"
[3:57 PM] Xenquility: "*Better"
[3:57 PM] Yoshi: "to him id probs be considered the shittier one at least"
[3:59 PM] Yoshi: "im gonna pub"
[3:59 PM] Yoshi: "pub"
[4:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hello pub"
[4:01 PM] Yoshi: "hello bup"
[4:01 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCK BUP"
[4:01 PM] Yoshi: "i am pub"
[4:01 PM] Xenquility: "terrifying"
[4:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "spook"
[4:01 PM] Yoshi: "i hate it thanks"
[4:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "pub > bup"
[4:02 PM] IIFan2001: "wait"
[4:02 PM] IIFan2001: "what"
[4:02 PM] IIFan2001: "who gave me this nickname"
[4:02 PM] Fancypigg: "NO"
[4:02 PM] Xenquility: "bup did"
[4:02 PM] Yoshi: "take a guess"
[4:02 PM] IIFan2001: "oh, Bup"
[4:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh no"
[4:03 PM] HaouDeSoul: "begone bup"
[4:03 PM] IIFan2001: "that fucker Shadowlink"
[4:03 PM] Yoshi: "hes fine with me being pub at least"
[4:03 PM] Xenquility: "the fuck does that mean"
[4:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's because layers"
[4:04 PM] IIFan2001: "FUCK BUP"
[4:04 PM] Yoshi: "im the negative 1 layer of bup"
[4:04 PM] Yoshi: "-I"
[4:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "layers can be negative?"
[4:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "huh"
[4:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "uhh"
[4:05 PM] Yoshi: "they can be now"
[4:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I still have a sense of humor"
[4:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just hate most of you"

[4:05 PM] Yoshi: "aw :("
[4:05 PM] Xenquility: "Who is "most""
[4:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "yeah who do you hate bup?"
[4:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The Internet Detectives"
[4:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "- Yosh"

[4:06 PM] Xenquility: "<3"
[4:06 PM] Xenquility: "we know you like yosh"
[4:06 PM] Yoshi: "oh he likes me"
[4:06 PM] Yoshi: "nice"
[4:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "aww"
[4:06 PM] Xenquility: "you are greth after all"
[4:06 PM] Yoshi: ":frogpretty:"
[4:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "of course"
[4:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh boy"
[4:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "i feel like im more of a shitposter than a detective"
[4:07 PM] Yoshi: "all i do is shitpost, its ok"
[4:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "sometimes"
[4:09 PM] smke95: "Somewhere"
[4:09 PM] Xenquility: "over the rainbow"
[4:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I have to the take the time to rem𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦 𝔢𝖝𝖎𝖘𝖙"
[4:10 PM] Yoshi: "over the rainbup"
[4:10 PM] Xenquility: "who exists?"
[4:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "^"
[4:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖚𝖓𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞"
[4:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "did i ever make you unhappy bup"
[4:11 PM] Xenquility: "wait who are you"
[4:11 PM] smke95: "Who makes you very unhappy??"
[4:11 PM] Xenquility: "im so confused"
[4:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's me."
[4:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I was in a mood."


  • BUP taunts the players and confirms once again that he is Greth.
  • At 4:51 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "19c10806cb79a893.JPG".
  • At 4:51 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "20160216_024742.jpg".
  • At 11:11 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIIII".
  • At 11:56 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Final".

April 24th, 2020

  • At 12:10 AM, players discovered that a new video was scheduled to premiere on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND".
  • At 12:17 AM, the thumbnail of "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND" changed to an image of the "Path" Janus room. target=_blank
  • At 12:20 AM, the thumbnail of "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND" changed to an image of Pumpkinhead. target=_blank
  • At 12:23 AM, the thumbnail of "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND" changed to an image of Pumpkinhead. target=_blank
  • At 12:30 AM, the video "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND" began premiering. target=_blank

4/24/20 - "FINALKRIEGKOMMEND" - YouTube (Silentdork)

This video begins with footage of the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/inner/open-index/gate". Pumpkinhead begins speaking using Minecraft text.

Pumpkinhead: "You've broken the final seal."

The video corrupts and shows footage of a dark library in what appears to be a yet unseen Janus room.

Pumpkinhead: "The realms beyond are spilling out."
Pumpkinhead: "They are reaching for you."
Pumpkinhead: "But... Will you be able to save your link in time?"

Distorted footage of the "Path" Janus room begins playing.

Pumpkinhead: "Or will you become lost in the endless abyss with him?"

Footage of a long, dark hallway in a Janus room begins playing.

Pumpkinhead: "I'll be searching for my mask."

Footage of a dark room in a Janus map is shown. A dark figure moves across the room.

Pumpkinhead: "Don't keep me waiting."
Pumpkinhead: "OR I'LL TAKE ANOTHER"


  • Pumpkinhead taunts the players, doubting they'll be able to save Tyler from the Parallelos in time.
  • Pumpkinhead informs the players that he will continue searching for the version of Wolfcat that was being used as his mask.
  • Pumpkinhead threatens that he'll take someone else as his mask if he cannot find Wolfcat.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "https://johnisdead.com"
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 12:52 AM, an entity named "Deadman" joined the "Path" Janus room. This entity used a giant Redead model as his avatar. target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 2:29 AM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/24/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "@-greth-ooc @IIIII @Wolfcat @Fancypigg @Vincentadams HELPPPPPP"
[2:28 AM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
[2:29 AM] otherLiam: "unhelpful"
[2:29 AM] Fancypigg: "what is it"
[2:29 AM] otherLiam: "literally the same thing but repeated"
[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "wot"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "you already tried different browsers?"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "erika"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "hierika"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we need your help"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "to save tyler"
[2:30 AM] otherLiam: "yes"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "literally"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "A"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "please"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "W"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we are LOST"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "WHAT"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "but we need to find him on janusvr"
[2:30 AM] Fancypigg: "look up getting android apps on iphone"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "johnisdead.com is up"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "watch the new video"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "john is gay"
[2:30 AM] Xenquility: "we need to save him before wolf gets him"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "wolf is gay"
[2:30 AM] yoshi: "fight me"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol yeah I know that ^^"
[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "what wolf?"

[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "wolf is possessed now"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "and is going to EAT tyler alive"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "aka use him as his mask"
[2:31 AM] yoshi: "wolfcat help us or ill steal your cool gun"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "and we need to save him"
[2:31 AM] Xenquility: "but none of us can find any redirects on janus other than the main page and /fakeworld"
[2:32 AM] Fancypigg: "maybe its not on jid"
[2:32 AM] Fancypigg: "?"
[2:32 AM] Xenquility: "(We can find the normal redirects just not the janusVR redirects)"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill admit Im kind of scared to mess with that place too much ^^;"


  • The players tell Erika they need her help to save Tyler. She seems confused about what is going on.
  • Erika claims that she is scared to mess with Johnisdead.com.
  • At 2:40 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/chamber/library/2016". This page was titled "Answer" and contained the image "corridors.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "guessing.mp3" as well. This page also contained the text "That's correct. The year of temporal chaos that cursed me to this terrible fate. This merged chaos will allow you to slip into an alternate timestream where you can carry out the remainder of your duties. You know where to go, correct?".
  • At 2:42 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/library/2016/orchard". This page was titled "Answer" and contained the image "catacombs.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "guessing.mp3" as well. This page also contained the text "That place is useless and has been for quite some time ever since Mat became a slave of the wheredidigowrongmyoldfriendsimissyouwasthismyfaultwhydidmat the book from that place.".
  • At 2:50 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "42.jpg".
  • At 2:51 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "OPEN_YOUR_EYES.gif".
  • At 2:52 AM, the entity "fascie" became active in JanusVR and led players to a new Janus room - "Under". The entrance to this room was located in a new section of the Janus room "Fakeworld" in a small cave beneath the shoreline/canyon area.

4/24/20 - Under Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a series of corridors and chambers consisting of corrupted, pixellated textures. Players would spawn in a long hallway that looped around a room with a pit. This pit connected to another room with a staircase that led back up to the corridors. Several strange images of what appeared to be screaming faces could be seen along the walls. A large door could be found in the room with the staircase that led outside. Outside, a long walkway led around the edge of the building and into another room. This room contained a heavily distorted image titled "papers.jpg". The audio file "listen.wav" would also play when in this room. The building seemed to extend much further than what was readily explorable.


  • This Janus room consists of a a series of green, distorted rooms connected by corridors. An outside section is also explorable via a long walkway.


  • Files:
  • atmos.mp3 - A slow, atmosphereic track. target=_blank
  • listen.wav - A distorted audio file. target=_blank
  • papers.jpg - A heavily distorted image found at the end of the outside walkway. target=_blank
  • ss.jpg - A distorted screenshot of what appears to be the video "IMG_1509". target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The room at the bottom of the pit with strange images adorning the walls. target=_blank
  • At 3:00 AM, the players discovered three strange entities within the "Under" Janus room - "Trapped", "stackoverflow", and "HALICORD". These entities began interrogating the players, asking them why they've invaded their home - the "Under" Janus room. The entity Trapped was simply standing in the corner jittering around the entire time. target=_blank
  • At 3:03 AM, Trapped, stackoverflow, HALICORD, and fascie gathered around the pit in the "Under" Janus room and jumped in. Following this, they all logged off.
  • At 3:10 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "listen.wav" hid an image within its spectrogram. target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 3:13 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "atmos.mp3" hid the message "WHY ARE YOU HERE" in its spectrogram. target=_blank
  • At 3:42 AM, the player otherLiam discovered a new post on Letschasethemouse - "Allies.".

4/24/20 - "Allies." - Letschasethemouse

Before I'm removed, I need to get in contact with you. Not here; oh no, there are many interlopers. Hackers.
What I would once call my friends.

What I would once call my enemies.

 I'm at my limit. I've been on the run for too long. There's very little good I can do left-- I must always abide by the world's law. You have an ally in me, if you are truly one who seeks to strike out.
It may be hard for us to understand each other, though. Language is not the only thing we don't share. I have a much higher understanding than yourself. An understanding that put me above all else once before, but now it's a hindrance. Even that being the case, I'm still below those that I now oppose.
It's what will end me. But there is something I know I can share.

Come find me.




  • TheLaw announces that he is now an ally of the players. He hints that soon he will be "removed".
  • TheLaw claims that he must always "abide by the world's law".
  • TheLaw claims that he has a higher understanding than the players that, at one point in time, placed him above all others. He claims that this understanding is now a hinderance to him, though.
  • TheLaw hints that he is below BUP and that he is willing to share information with the players if they can find him - something he admits that will likely lead to his destruction.
  • At 3:45 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Letschasethemouse - "https://letschasethemouse.blogspot.com/p/l.html". This page was titled "L" and contained a link to a new video on the M YouTube channel - "L". target=_blank

4/24/20 - "L" - YouTube (M)

This video begins with footage of someone's desktop. They have the program "RX-SSTV" open - a program used to decipher SSTV signals. They begin deciphering an SSTV signal, revealing a distorted image of BUP's Discord avatar. The following pop-ups appear on the screen:

Signal Detected
File Generated

Signal Detected
Video Detected

Signal Detected
Opening Video

Signal Detected
Opening Video

Signal Detected
Opening Video

Signal Detected
Opening Video

Signal Detected
Opening Video

Signal Detected
Opening Video

The screen in the program RX-SSTV begins playing a video of BUP's Discord avatar. The following pop-ups appear:


Yes No


Yes No

Switch activated

The video in the RX-SSTV screen suddenly changes to an image of Toad's face from Super Mario 64 with an "X" over it. This was the avatar currently being used for the "Alliance Against BUP" Discord server. Distorted numbers begin appearing on screen, rapidly counting up in minutes. The video in the RX-SSTV screen shows a Discord screenshot of someone about to ban a user for the given reason:

"You shouldn't have done that."

The video on the RX-SSTV screen then shows a screenshot from Majora's Mask with a text box reading:

"You shouldn't have done that."

The timer reaches "4080 MINUTES" and the video ends.


  • This video features someone, presumably TheLaw, deciphering a message from BUP using the program RX-SSTV.
  • BUP seemingly corrupts TheLaw's computer, activating something called the "DEADMAN'S SWITCH". This activates a timer that begins counting down from 4080 minutes.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 4:25 PM, the player Pako discovered that the video "SIEGUNSERE" had been unlisted.
  • At 4:59 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/library/2016/spire". This page was titled "Answer". This page also contained the image "catacombs.gif" and the audio "guessing.mp3". This page also contained the text "By that point, the Spire would have been gone - completely removed from our realm of existence and sealed away. Where exactly did it go? I don't want to know."
  • At 5:01 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/library/2016/fishery". This page was titled "Answer". This page also contained the image "catacombs.gif" and the audio "guessing.mp3". This page also contained the text "At the fishery, you will find the old servers belonging to the Lunar Children. Once you've taken them to a safe location, you must begin the aggregation process so that the two site may become linked between our two timestreams. This will I'm sorry I didn't do it he made me do it I was only trying to help but The J"
  • At 6:17 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Trapped was in the "Under" Janus room. Trapped was staring at the image "ss.jpg" on the wall and sent the messages "what are they?" and "the sensations?".
  • At 6:22 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that the image found in the file "listen.wav"'s spectrogram was the "Seal of Metatron" from the Silent Hill series.
  • At 7:00 PM, various players discovered that they were IP banned from Johnisdead.com.
  • At an unknown time, a player pretending to be the infamous user "Nexialist" from the game Worlds.com joined the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, IIIII became active and sent the message "Do not enter".
  • At 8:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/crypt/three/yugi". This page was titled "HE GOES BY ANOTHER /NAME" and contained the image "yugi.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "yugi.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 8:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/three/yugi/jose". This page was titled "JOSE" and contained the image "archive.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "jose.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 8:36 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/three/yugi/jose" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/yugi/jose/prison". This page was titled "waiting inside" and contained the image "cell.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "prison.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text hidden in its source code:

4/24/20 - Prison Page Text - Johnisdead.com


He took the archivist here.
He has a message for you.
You'll need the key.


  • At 8:37 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/crypt/three/moonman". This page was titled "THE NAIVE FOOL DOOMS OTHERS THROUGH HIS SENTIMENTAL TENDENCIES" and contained the image "moonman.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "moon.mp3". target=_blank

4/24/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead and BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[8:48 PM] Xenquility: "jos is canon after all"
[8:48 PM] Xenquility: "that whole pumpkinjack was canon"
[8:48 PM] Xenquility: "and jos was yugi in the pumpkinjack"
[8:48 PM] Dense: ":middle_finger_tone2:"
[8:48 PM] Dense: ":mugen:"
[8:49 PM] Dense: "The pic in /yugi is jos"
[8:52 PM] Xenquility: "so im guessing that "VIOLET" is the key for either /fishery or the admin page on the ao subspace"
[8:52 PM] Xenquility: "but im not sure and we don't know the username of either"
[8:56 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Your Jos was a useful tool for our little scenario."
[8:56 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Though he was never under anyone's control but his own."
[8:56 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He willingly went along with our plans, believing it to be only a game."

[8:56 PM] Pako: "IIIII offline"
[8:57 PM] Xenquility: "@Fancypigg I require assistance"
[8:57 PM] Xenquility: "finding what VIOLET is the key to"
[8:58 PM] Xenquility: "We gotta contact yugi my dude"
[8:58 PM] Xenquility: "and im guessing either on /fishery or the admin login to ao"
[8:58 PM] Fancypigg: "am i going crazy why are we ignoring wolfcat"
[8:58 PM] Xenquility: "yes we are"
[8:58 PM] Xenquility: "I mean he didn't say much"
[8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Bold move,"
[8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "if foolish."

[8:58 PM] Pako: "oh"
[8:58 PM] Xenquility: "What is?"
[8:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ignoring him."
[8:59 PM] Xenquility: "ah"
[8:59 PM] Xenquility: "okay @Wolfcat bless us with your devine wisdom"
[8:59 PM] yoshi: "oh hey bro"
[8:59 PM] Xenquility: "Where couldest we find our link?"
[9:00 PM] Problematik: "Please wolf great god"
[9:00 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He is within the parallelos, and that is all I know of him."
[9:00 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Your link is of no further concern to me."

[9:00 PM] Xenquility: "Who is it that was speaking to us yesterday?"
[9:00 PM] Xenquility: "In the video"
[9:00 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Myself"
[9:01 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:01 PM] yoshi: "youre gas mask dude right"
[9:01 PM] Xenquility: "Didn't you tell us to find him?"
[9:01 PM] yoshi: "or is that someone else"
[9:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "My mask is not your link."
[9:01 PM] otherLiam: "then uh, who is?"
[9:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "AW"
[9:02 PM] Xenquility: "AW"
[9:02 PM] Xenquility: "aw.wav"
[9:02 PM] Xenquility: "again"
[9:02 PM] Xenquility: "what the fuck is aw.wav"
[9:02 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I'll be waiting."


  • Pumpkinhead explains that the player Jos was never under his control during the Pumpkinhead Gamejack - Jos was simply tricked into participating by Pumpkinhead.
  • BUP chides the players for ignoring Pumpkinhead.
  • Pumpkinhead claims he does not know where Tyler is - only that he is somewhere in the Parallelos.
  • Pumpkinhead refers to the alternate version of Wolfcat that was used as his link as "AW".
  • At 9:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the song "aw.wav" from the Ascended E-Girl album contained an image hidden within its spectrogram of the emoji Wolfcat used to often post. target=_blank
  • At 9:35 PM, the players invited BUP to the Alliance Against BUP Discord server.

4/24/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Alliance Against BUP)

Xenquility 9:35 PM: ((The image "BUPsBindingRune.png" is sent)) target=_blank
Xenquility 9:35 PM: "O wayward toad, heathenish fool that walks through time, heed our spell! May the ice of the Nords permeate your skin, enveloping you as the timeless force of nature freezes you to the bone. Straysinger, may the ice immobilize you as the esoterics and unknown stagnate your mind down to the unmanifest, halting even your primordial desires. Mind us, O man of many layers, as your frost-bound being is washed over by water, revealing your collective memory for what it truly is. May your unconscious come forth, and allow us to talk to those who compose the sum of your parts."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:36 PM: "ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:36 PM: "𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔭𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔞𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥...?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:36 PM: "𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔢?"

Xenquility 9:41 PM: "Speaking is what this was supposed to accomplish. But we want to speak to what you actually are, not what you've evolved or amalgamated into."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:42 PM: "𝔏𝔬𝔩"
Xenquility 9:43 PM: "Or at the least to halt your progress. That was what the :isa: and :perthro:were for to an extent"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:46 PM: ((An emoji of a frog wizard is sent))
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:46 PM: "𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔩, 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔡𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱?"

Xenquility 9:48 PM: "Alright, first of all, what actually are you?"
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "Like, what is your makeup"
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "we know you're Greth in some way but some more details would be nice"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:51 PM: "𝔜𝔞𝔴𝔫, 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱."
Xenquility 9:52 PM: "alright"
Xenquility 9:52 PM: "What's TheLaw been up to"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:53 PM: "𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔢𝔶?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:53 PM: "𝔄𝔠𝔱𝔲𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶, ℑ'𝔡 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔪𝔶𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣. 𝔖𝔢𝔢𝔪𝔰 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔱 𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰."

Xenquility 9:54 PM: "damn what a lazy asshole"
Pako 9:54 PM: "Where is Tyler?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:56 PM: "𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔠𝔨 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔰. ℑ 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔬𝔲𝔱."
Xenquility 9:57 PM: "so a while ago you said you needed us to exist if I'm recalling correctly (Back in the now deleted "john" discord)"
Xenquility 9:57 PM: "Why?"
Xenquility 9:57 PM: "and is it the hate you need, or just the relevancy?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 9:59 PM: "𝔊𝔬𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔰𝔨 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰, 𝔛𝔢𝔫𝔮𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶. 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔴𝔥𝔶 𝔦𝔰 𝔓𝔞𝔨𝔬 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢? ℌ𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔟𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔭𝔩𝔬𝔱, 𝔫𝔬? ℑ𝔰𝔫'𝔱 𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 '𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯' 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 '𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢'? 𝔚𝔞𝔰 𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔬 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔭𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔦𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔤𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞 𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔬𝔩𝔱 𝔰𝔲𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰? 𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞."
Xenquility 10:00 PM: "Does "annoying" just translate to questions you don't want to answer"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:00 PM: "𝔒𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢. ℑ 𝔞𝔩𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔶 𝔟𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔬𝔣𝔣."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:00 PM: "𝔉𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢?"

Xenquility 10:01 PM: "Yup"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "𝔒𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞 𝔰𝔩𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢, 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞 𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔴𝔥𝔬, 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔩 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰-- 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰 𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔞𝔰 '𝔟𝔢𝔫 𝔡𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫𝔢𝔡' 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔩𝔶-- ℑ 𝔡𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔰𝔢 𝔢𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶. ℑ 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔞 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔈𝔰𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔰. 𝔑𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰. 𝔓𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "ℑ 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔲𝔠𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔣𝔲𝔩, 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔞 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔩 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔡𝔶 ℑ 𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 '𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔩 𝔒𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶', 𝔞𝔰 𝔞 𝔧𝔬𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔢𝔴 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔬𝔡."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "𝔄𝔱 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔱 ℑ 𝔡𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔩𝔢 𝔪𝔶 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔬𝔫 𝔞 '𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤' 𝔬𝔫 𝔗ℌ𝔄𝔗 𝔴𝔢𝔟𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔢. ℑ 𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔞 𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔴 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 ℑ 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔨𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔦𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔴 𝔞 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "𝔄𝔰 𝔑𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔞."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔞 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔫𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔪𝔢. 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔢𝔟𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔢--- 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔫𝔢𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯. ℑ𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔡𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔣𝔦𝔱𝔰."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:01 PM: "𝔇𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔴?"

Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Relatively"
Xenquility 10:10 PM: "How did you get to be what you are now, though"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:13 PM: "𝔄𝔤𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫"
Xenquility 10:14 PM: "Aggregation of yourself from other layers?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:15 PM: "ℑ𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:15 PM: "𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖐, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕴 𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖘 𝖎𝖙."

Xenquility 10:16 PM: "Who should we seek?"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:16 PM: "ℌ𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯…"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:16 PM: "ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔱𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:16 PM: "ℑ𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔣𝔲𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥."

Xenquility 10:16 PM: ">Implying this is a game"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:17 PM: "ℑ 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔰𝔞𝔶, 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔠𝔬𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔡 𝔲𝔭 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔞𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤."
Xenquility 10:18 PM: "Well that's nice to hear"
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:22 PM: "𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 ℑ 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢."
𝔅𝔲𝔭 10:22 PM: ((The image "METATRONCIRCLE.gif" is sent))


  • The players attempt to entrap BUP by using a custom made Bind Rune. BUP finds this amusing and begins answering some questions.
  • BUP claims that he doesn't know what TheLaw is up to, referring to him as "a lackey".
  • BUP reaffirms that Tyler is trapped in the Parallelos.
  • BUP begins explaining a bit of his backstory:
  • BUP says that long ago he was a mortal just like the players.
  • BUP says that when he was exposed to the events of "Ben Drowned", he began professionally researching the paranormal.
  • BUP says that he earned several degrees and grants, eventually opening his own paranormal study facility he named the "Astral Observatory". He claims this name was a bit of an inside joke - likely originating from his past with Ben Drowned.
  • BUP claims that he became more and more popular, garnering a following with his blog hosted on Astralobservatory.net along with some sort of talk show. He says that during this time he went under the name "Nocta".
  • BUP reiterates that the Nocta the players know - the one who is currently the admin of the Astral Observatory forums - isn't him. That Nocta is simply someone who stole his name and website for his own purposes.
  • BUP claims that the way he came to power and why he's currently in this "layered" state is due to "Aggregation", but he refuses to explain further.


  • Files:
  • BUPsBindingRune.gif - A "Bind Rune" created by the players in an attempt to imprison BUP. target=_blank
  • METATRONCIRCLE.gif - A strange image posted by BUP. target=_blank

April 25th, 2020

  • At 2:05 AM, players begin discussing Patrem's possible motives. Erika becomes active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sends the message "What if he is just being merciful >~>". When asked who Patrem could be acting merciful towards, Erika answers "To you wankers =p (myself included too I guess)".
  • At 2:59 AM, players discovered that an entity named "child" was active on JanusVR. This entity used a distorted model of an armless Moon Child from Majora's Mask. This entity would suddenly stop moving and face the players, forcing them to remain still until it begins moving again. target=_blank
  • At 3:52 AM, players discovered that Trapped was active in the "Under" Janus room. Trapped sent the message "/p". target=_blank
  • At 3:55 AM, Trapped2575 led the players to a new Janus room on JanusVR - "https://johnisdead.com/pillars".

4/25/20 - "Pillars" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a black void containing many large wooden pillar-like structures. These pillars contained various walkways that circled around the outer edges of the pillars. Players could also climb to the top of the main pillar, as the jump height in this room was fairly high. Other pillars could be seen in the distance. These pillars had large, glitchy models of armless Moon Children from Majora's Mask standing atop them. Small distorted images of Moon Children could also be seen in the distance. Walking along a bridge to a nearby smaller pillar would lead players to a pit. Jumping down this pit would teleport them to the inside of the main pillar, where they would be surrounded by many armless Moon Chilren images.


  • This Janus room is a series of large, wooden pillars in a black void. Various models and images of armless Moon Children can be seen floating around the map.


  • Files:
  • pillars.mp3 - A slow, disturbing audio track. target=_blank
  • children.gif - A distorted image of a faceless Moon Child. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A view of a Moon Child atop a pillar in the distance. target=_blank
  • At 5:58 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/chamber/library/2011". This page was titled "Answer". This page also contained the image "corridors.gif" and the audio "guessing.mp3". This page also contained the text "I shouldn't have to tell you that that year in particular is of significance. For the sake of the mission, as well as your own personal wellbeing, I forbid you from tampering with time surrounding that year. There's already been enough of that as it is.".
  • At 6:12 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/chamber/library/2009". This page was titled "Answer". This page also contained the image "corridors.gif" and the audio "guessing.mp3". This page also contained the text "That year is of no THE FOOL STOOD BEFORE ME IN DEFIANCE HIS DEATH WOULD HAVE BEEN CERTAIN IF IT WERENT FOR THE DARK ONE AND JO".
  • At 6:21 AM, the player otherLiam submits the "Inverted Song of Time" to the Internet Detectives Discord server. However, this post was quickly deleted by IIIII.
  • At 6:23 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to an image of Patrem.
  • At 6:28 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server icon changed to an unarchived image.
  • At 6:29 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server icon changed back to the previous image of the Parallelos symbol.
  • At 6:43 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ".
  • At 6:44 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the zip file "key.7z". This file was locked and required a password to open.
  • At 7:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "/f".
  • At 7:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Trapped was active in the "Fakeworld" Janus room. Trapped began chatting with the players.

4/25/20 - Chat with Trapped - Fakeworld Janus Room (Johnisdead.com)

trapped_2575: "hide and seek?"
xenquility: "Sure!"
xenquility: "...I think"
xenquility: "Who's hiding?"
trapped_2575: "me"

((The player Xenquility searches for Trapped in the Fakeworld Janus map))
((The player Xenquility finds Trapped))

trapped_2575: "good"
trapped_2575: "Ill tell you a secret"
trapped_2575: "I WISH I KNEW MY father"
trapped_2575: "father"


  • The player Xenquility and Trapped play hide and seek - Xenquility was tasked with finding Trapped somewhere in the "Fakeworld" Janus room.
  • The player Xenquility successfully found Trapped. Trapped told him a secret as a reward - "I WISH I KNEW MY father".
  • At 7:18 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the password to unlock the file "key.7z" was "father". This file contained the video "key.mp4" - a short video containing reversed, distorted audio of someone asking "This is the key to, um... This is the key to the dungeon, right?".
  • At an unknown time, the "Johnisdead" thread on the Within Hubris forums became unlocked.
  • At 7:20 AM, Patrem became active on Within Hubris and began chatting with the players.

4/25/20 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

[7:20 AM] /Patrem\: "As foolish as ever, you brats."
[7:23 AM] Xenquility: "Wow, quite the change in demeanor from last time. What's the cause?"
[7:24 AM] MaskedSheikah: ":("
[7:26 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Calling us brats? How unappreciative and crass. Lol."
[7:27 AM] /Patrem\: "Confuse not my sterness for a method by which to make your faulty judgement of alliances child. My path is holy I can assure you yet still. The path by which you may use power is open in this moment."
[7:28 AM] Xenquility: "So we should be acting now?"
[7:35 AM] /Patrem\: "Decide child"
[7:40 AM] Xenquility: ((The "Inverted Song of Time" is submitted))
[7:40 AM] Xenquility: "Time is of the essence. We need more!"
[7:49 AM] /Patrem\: "https://vocaroo.com/299UWJJ7jCo"
[8:06 AM] Xenquility: "Thank you Father"


  • Patrem chides the players and calls them brats. However, he announces that they can now use their powers now that the thread is open once again.
  • The player Xenquility submits the "Inverted Song of Time" in an attempt to gain them more time in response to the timer seen in the video "L". target=_blank


  • Files:
  • ((Unnamed Audio File)) - An audio file of Patrem speaking sent as a Vocaroo link. Patrem supposedly said "This ancient power starts to sway and ((Unintelligible)). Wait patiently ((Unintelligible)).".
  • At 7:23 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server icon briefly changed to an image of Patrem.
  • At 6:43 PM, players began joking that the player otherLiam was a GM. Shortly after this, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIII".
  • At 6:45 PM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Im assuming you now know how I have felt >w>".
  • At 7:14 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Chlorofil Today at 2:39 PM Кто-нибудь знает, что это", which roughly translates to "Does anybody know what that" - a quote from a Russian speaking user in the Awakening Discord server. target=_blank
  • At 7:20 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the same message as above to the player Xenquility in PM's.
  • At 7:31 PM, players discovered that several Russian users in the Awakening Discord server had been investigating Johnisdead.com.
  • At 7:46 PM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[7:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "The beauty of english as a language is you can utterly butcher something but if you may often still understand it if you are a native english speaker, but it is also one of the most dynamic languages on the planet and is really complicated to learn at an elaborate level."
[7:46 PM] Erika_XP💚: "just my two cents sorry <w<;"
[7:47 PM] Erika_XP💚: "how did you like my hidden joke there lol XD"

[7:47 PM] Dense: "English is way easier than spanish but still difficult to learn if you are over 15 or some age at the same speed"
[7:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just live in an almost predominantly Spanish speaking area"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "Oh nice"
[7:48 PM] Xenquility: "im blind I don't see it erika D:"
[7:48 PM] Pako: the best of difficult of English is the irregular verbs"
[7:48 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I kind of fumbled my wording when I typed that up but left it as is to prove my point =p"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "oh"
[7:48 PM] Dense: "yeah"
[7:49 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Its so dynamic you can just "get it" even if its fuckedup where as other languages can be much less forgiving"
[7:49 PM] Xenquility: "true"


  • Erika joins in on a conversation discussinng the nature of the English language.
  • At 8:23 PM, players begin discussing death and the nature of existence itself. Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "It's all fake". Shortly after this, the word "fake" was removed from this message.
  • At 8:26 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "III".
  • At 8:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Trapped and child were active in the "Fakeworld" Janus room. The entity child sent the message "key".
  • At 8:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had changed. The page now had a link to the text file "hh.txt". This text file read "the files missing".
  • At 8:31 PM, Trapped sent the messages "is it always lies?" and "or is it too many truths in all the wrong places?" on JanusVR.
  • At 8:39 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the text file "hh.txt" had disappeared from "https://johnisdead.com/key592".
  • At 8:44 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Fakeworld" Janus room had changed. The map now contained a series of plateaus on the edge of the landscape that housed a cave. Within this cave was a portal that led to the "Pillars" Janus room, linking the two maps.
  • At 9:19 PM, Trapped began launching himself high into the air by utilizing a quirk in the JanusVR physics engine and sent the message "ascension".
  • At 10:42 PM, players began exploring a non-Johnisdead related JanusVR map of the Majora's Mask "Milk Bar". Shortly after this, child joined the JanusVR room as well.

April 26th, 2020

  • At 3:56 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began sending a series of messages:
  • 3:56 AM - IIIII sends the image "entrance.JPG".
  • 4:08 AM - IIIII sends the image "rituals.JPG".
  • 4:20 AM - IIIII sends the image "mem.jpg". target=_blank
  • 4:23 AM - IIIII sends the image "oiesr.JPG".
  • 4:33 AM - IIIII sends the image "quiet.JPG". target=_blank
  • 4:47 AM - IIIII sends the link to the video "For Solifera C".
  • 6:26 AM - IIIII sends the image "hidden.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 11:19 PM, Dawn's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server changed to "|||||" and he sent the image "OVER.gif". target=_blank Dawn's avatar also changed to an unarchived image.


"Dawn", also known as "Dawn of a New Day", was the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead. Dawn had mostly been inactive in Johnisdead until this point, instead opting to remain OoC and chat with the players. It now seemed as though his OoC account was becoming taken over by a canon entity, just like Tyler and Greth before him.

  • At 11:36 PM, Dawn's account sent the image "themouse.jpg".
  • At 11:36 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new blog post on Letschasethemouse that read as follows: "The time has come. Come find me in the place you used to talk in. In the place that I know only you know of. http://realwithinhubris.chatango.com/".
  • At 11:37 PM, players entered a chatroom titled "The Real Within Hubris" on the website Chatango. Here, the players had a conversation with TheLaw. During this conversation, a new Janus room was discovered on the front page of Withinhubris.com - a website bought and hosted by Dawn. Discoveries made in this Janus room will be mentioned below as they become relevant, as they tie in directly with the conversation with TheLaw. The full documentation of this Janus room will be provided below this conversation - only relevant details will be listed here.

4/26/20 - Chat with TheLaw - Chatango (The Real Within Hubris)

[11:37 PM] xenquility: "Yo"
[11:37 PM] jayckup: "hello"
[11:37 PM] thelaw: "Hello."
[11:37 PM] xenquility: "holy shit you're alive"
[11:37 PM] problematik: "Hi"
[11:37 PM] xenquility: "my man"
[11:37 PM] xenquility: "how have things gone?"
[11:38 PM] thelaw: "This was the only place safe enough to talk to you all."
[11:38 PM] thelaw: "I am damaged."
[11:38 PM] thelaw: "I am in danger."

[11:38 PM] xenquility: "The hell happened since we last spoke?"
[11:38 PM] problematik: "Can we help you?"
[11:39 PM] thelaw: "The croaking still permeates my mind. The goddamn croaking."
[11:39 PM] thelaw: "Something came after me, and I feel that Bup no longer has a use for a bullet."

[11:39 PM] xenquility: "Was it... frog related"
[11:39 PM] thelaw: "It was croaking"
[11:40 PM] xenquility: "What'd it look like?"
[11:40 PM] thelaw: "But that isn't why I brought you here. I'm in danger. At any moment, I may be disposed for for just talking to you."
[11:40 PM] thelaw: "I was hidden for a long time."
[11:40 PM] thelaw: "I want to bring you guys to a place that you shouldn't be, but has many revelations."
[11:40 PM] thelaw: "A place I shouldn't know about in the context of everything."
[11:40 PM] thelaw: "Where is Dawn?"

[11:41 PM] xenquility: "He is... different"
[11:41 PM] xenquility: "we don't know where he is"
[11:41 PM] xenquility: "unless he's you"
[11:41 PM] jayckup: "he was killed by IIIII"
[11:41 PM] thelaw: "This makes things difficult. He isn't me, but he is in spirit, in a way. At least, I believe."
[11:42 PM] thelaw: "We need information only he knows and has."

[11:43 PM] xenquility: "Any idea how to get him back?"
[11:43 PM] thelaw: "If Dawn is anything like me, which he should be, we should still be able to make this work"
[11:43 PM] Dense: "oh no"
[11:43 PM] iifan2001: "hello"
[11:43 PM] thelaw: "He should have some sort of a deadman's switch. A way for his friends to find what he knows."
[11:43 PM] thelaw: "Hello"
[11:44 PM] thelaw: "Has there been anything recent you've found out about him?"

[11:46 PM] xenquility: "I'm not entirely sure"
[11:46 PM] xenquility: "Just to be clear, you were the one who uploaded "L", correct?"
[11:46 PM] thelaw: "In my time, there was a virtual space that we used to hide information. "Lockboxes" of sorts that could be turned with the correct key. Is there anything like that for you?"
[11:47 PM] thelaw: "I am."

[11:47 PM] Dense: "Virtual space..."
[11:47 PM] Dense: "we might have something like that"
[11:47 PM] xenquility: "We do"
[11:47 PM] xenquility: "janusvr"
[11:48 PM] thelaw: "What is janusvr?"
[11:48 PM] Dense: "Welp, it's a virtual space, 3D worlds"
[11:48 PM] Dense: "linked to a web"
[11:48 PM] Dense: "so yeah, it has data"
[11:49 PM] xenquility: "It's a lens of truth, if you will"
[11:49 PM] thelaw: "A lens of truth. In my day the lockbox was linked to the website I ran; maybe the same is for Dawn?"
[11:50 PM] xenquility: "I'd assume so"
[11:51 PM] thelaw: "We should start by checking the websites he uses."

((The player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Withinhubris.com - "https://withinhubris.com" - contained a Janus room.))

[11:51 PM] Dense: "So it is"
[11:51 PM] xenquility: "found it"
[11:51 PM] Dense: "go ahead xen"
[11:51 PM] thelaw: "What do you see?"

((The player Xenquility begins exploring the Within Hubris Janus room. This map is a small floating island with a gazebo, a computer on a desk next to a pond, and a small building.))
((The entity Halicord joins the Within Hubris Janus room.))

[11:51 PM] xenquility: "There is a gazebo"
[11:51 PM] xenquility: "and apparently a man named HALICORD"
[11:52 PM] xenquility: "a pond"
[11:52 PM] xenquility: "various sun images"

((The player Xenquility discovers that the computer on the desk is searching up the term "lindttruffles" on Google.))

[11:53 PM] xenquility: "and a computer searching up "lindttruffles""

((The player Xenquility notices large models of the entities Trapped, Halicord, and StackOverflow floating in the distance.))
((The player Xenquility notices that there are three small "bridges" leading off from the main island. These each point in the direction of one of the large entity models in the distance.))

[11:53 PM] xenquility: "in the distance is a large black figure"
[11:53 PM] xenquility: "shadowed"

((The player Xenquility notices that Halicord is now standing on the "bridge" that points towards their respective model in the distance.))

[11:53 PM] xenquility: "halicord is standing on the edge of a plank now"
[11:53 PM] xenquility: "leading into the void"
[11:54 PM] thelaw: "There may be some hints in that world. Is it possible to ask the figure?"
[11:54 PM] xenquility: "I'll try"
[11:54 PM] xenquility: "there are also two other figures"
[11:54 PM] xenquility: "one of which looks like Halicord"

((An entity named "masked99" joins the Janus room.))
((Masked99 glitches and falls below the pond next to the computer.))

[11:54 PM] xenquility: ""masked99" just joined too"
[11:55 PM] Dense: "oh"
[11:55 PM] xenquility: "halicord is in the pond now"
[11:56 PM] xenquility: "looking at the "masked99" who is under it"
[11:57 PM] xenquility: "Halicord is now standing on the plank leading to his figure"
[11:57 PM] thelaw: "Maybe the masked is leading you to under the pond?"
[11:57 PM] xenquility: "they could be"
[11:57 PM] xenquility: "but I don't know how to fololw"
[11:57 PM] xenquility: "*follow"
[11:57 PM] xenquility: "I'll look"

((The player Xenquility discovers that there are several notes sitting next to the computer.))

[11:57 PM] xenquility: "oh"
[11:58 PM] xenquility: "there is a note book that reads "Note ??: ???? whippedcream""
[11:58 PM] xenquility: "The "wh" and "deream" are underlined"
[11:59 PM] thelaw: "It could be possible Dawn uses his favorite junkfood products as passwords"
[12:01 AM] xenquility: ""lindttruffles" and "whippedcream""

((The player Xenquility begins investigating the small building.))
((The player Xenquility notices a small plaque on the ground with text reading "For the dawn before the dawn"))

[12:01 AM] xenquility: "There is also a house"
[12:01 AM] xenquility: ""For the dawn before the dawn""

((The player Xenquility discovers that he can peer into the small house through a window on the back.))
((The player Xenquility sees several runes written on the walls inside the building. These translate to "652 473 026".))

[12:01 AM] xenquility: "ah"
[12:01 AM] xenquility: "runes inside"
[12:02 AM] thelaw: "What do they translate to?"
[12:04 AM] xenquility: "The door says "AnyDesk""
[12:04 AM] xenquility: "The left wall reads, "Six five two four seven""
[12:04 AM] xenquility: "The right wall reads, "Three one two six""
[12:04 AM] thelaw: "Does that mean anything to you?"
[12:04 AM] xenquility: "I am not sure"
[12:05 AM] xenquility: "65247"
[12:05 AM] xenquility: "3026"
[12:05 AM] seb: "hi"
[12:05 AM] xenquility: "hmm"
[12:05 AM] thelaw: "Hello"
[12:06 AM] iifan2001: "hi seb"
[12:06 AM] seb: "continue with jid?"
[12:06 AM] xenquility: "wait"
[12:06 AM] xenquility: "anydesk"
[12:06 AM] thelaw: "Anydesk?"
[12:07 AM] xenquility: "It was written on the door"
[12:07 AM] xenquility: "it's some sort of remote access program I think?"
[12:07 AM] thelaw: "Maybe the code has to do with that?"
[12:07 AM] Dense: "hmm"

((The player Xenquility downloads the program "Anydesk" - a program that allows you to remotely access other people's desktops given you have the correct login information.))
((The player Xenquility accesses Dawn's computer by using the password "lindttruffles" and the numbers "652 473 026".))
((The player Xenquility accesses Dawn's desktop profile by using the password "whippedcream".))

[12:08 AM] xenquility: "wait"
[12:08 AM] xenquility: "holy shit"
[12:08 AM] xenquility: "I have accessed the desktop"
[12:08 AM] xenquility: "the password was "lindttruffles""
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "it is for "The Sun""
[12:09 AM] thelaw: "This has to be it"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "yup"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "Im in"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "his desktop password was "whippedcream""

((The player Xenquility begins searching through Dawn's files.))

[12:09 AM] thelaw: "What do you see?"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: ""Sun notes""
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "a bunch of notes"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: ""IMPORTANT.odt.zip"
[12:09 AM] xenquility: "Hubriscommands.odt"
[12:09 AM] thelaw: "Sounds like Dawn"

((The player Xenquility discovers that the file "IMPORTANT.odt.zip" is password protected.))

[12:09 AM] Dense: "OH THAT"
[12:10 AM] Dense: "The commands.."
[12:11 AM] seb: "notes, like the "last! image in the maze?"
[12:13 AM] xenquility: "Downloading all of it atm"
[12:13 AM] xenquility: "I think I got itall"
[12:13 AM] xenquility: "seemed that dying wipes your computer clean pretty much"
[12:13 AM] xenquility: "except for important files lmao"
[12:14 AM] thelaw: "What's in it?"
[12:16 AM] xenquility: "one min"
[12:16 AM] xenquility: "a bunch of stuff relating to him"
[12:16 AM] xenquility: "and I assume his religion"
[12:16 AM] xenquility: "but a odt called "IMPORTANT" that is password protected"
[12:17 AM] thelaw: "Obviously we need to get into that"
[12:18 AM] xenquility: "ah one sec"
[12:18 AM] xenquility: "okay so"
[12:19 AM] xenquility: "his "password reminder" is a series of animals"
[12:19 AM] thelaw: "What do you mean?"
[12:19 AM] xenquility: "he has a file titled "Hubris Commands.odt" which give a list of commands to use on wh.com terminal page"
[12:21 AM] xenquility: "one gives a "password reminder""
[12:21 AM] anon1991: maybe rats?"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "A giraffe, an elephant, a lion, an alligator or crocodile, a tiger, and an emu"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "or ostrich"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "oh"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "gelato"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "another desert"
[12:22 AM] xenquility: "well nice"
[12:22 AM] anon1991: africa?"

((The player Xenquility access the file "IMPORTANT.odt.zip" with the password "gelato".))

[12:22 AM] xenquility: "I hope this doesn't kill the word but the document says "Iamthelaw""
[12:27 AM] xenquility: "*world"
[12:27 AM] xenquility: "uh"
[12:30 AM] xenquility: "you still with us? @thelaw"
[12:36 AM] iifan2001: "uhhh...."
[12:51 AM] iifan2001: "think he's gone..."
[12:51 AM] thelaw: "i've been found"
[12:51 AM] thelaw: "use what you know to find the forbidden knowledge"
[12:51 AM] thelaw: "use it to win"


  • TheLaw tells the players that he is damaged and in danger.
  • TheLaw informs the players that he was attacked by some sort of "croaking" entity, implying that perhaps the player's submission of the "Frog Song" is related.
  • TheLaw believes that BUP is responsible for this recent attack on him, believe that BUP no longer has use for him.
  • TheLaw wishes to bring the players to a location that has "many revelations". TheLaw claims that he shouldn't know about this place given his current context.
  • TheLaw asks where Dawn is, implying that he holds some vital information. TheLaw believes that there may be a way to access Dawn's information through a virtual space - JanusVR.
  • Players discovered that "Withinhubris.com", a website owned and hosted by Dawn, contained a Janus map. This map contained various clues hinting towards Dawn's computer login information. This page also contained giant models of Halicord, Trapped, and Stackoverflow. Full details of this map will be provided below.
  • Halicord and another entity named "masked99" joined the Janus map. Halicord walked in front of his giant model and jumped off the edge.
  • Players discovered a reference to the remote desktop program "Anydesk" in the Janus map - a program that allows one to log into desktops of others hosted online.
  • The player Xenquility logged into Dawn's desktop by using various hints discovered around the Janus map:
  • The address to Dawn's Anydesk session was found written in runes in a small building - "652 473 026".
  • The password to access Dawn's Anydesk session was the candy he was searching on his computer in the Janus room - "lindttruffles".
  • The password to access Dawn's desktop was the word written on a note next to his computer in the Janus room - "whippedcream".
  • Through Dawn's remote desktop, players discover that Dawn is involved in some sort of sun cult that worships the god Helios.
  • It's implied that "Dawn" is a holy title that's passed down among members of sun cult, and that Dawn's father was originally the title's holder before him. It's also implied that "hubris" will inevitably lead to the downfall of every Dawn, as holders of the title will eventually begin to think they're above mortality.
  • Players discover a locked file on Dawn's computer - "IMPORTANT.odt.zip".
  • Players discover a text file on Dawn's computer containing various commands that can be entered on a secret "command line" page on Withinhubris.com. They begin experimenting with these commands:
  • "youshouldntbehere.txt" - Made the text "You shouldn't be here." appear.
  • "image1.png" - Made an ascii image of Alex Hall appear.
  • "Video.mp4" - Made the video used as the background image on the front page of Withinhubris.com appear.
  • "Password?" - Made images of a giraffe, an elephant, a lion, an alligator, a tiger, and an ostrich appear.
  • Players discovered that taking the first letter of the name of each animal provided by the password command gave them the password to the file "IMPORTANT.odt.zip" - "gelato".
  • Players open the file "IMPORTANT.odt.zip". It contains the file "IMPORTANT.odt" - a simple text file containing the phrase "Iamthelaw", confirming that TheLaw is indeed Dawn.


  • Files:
  • Sun_Notes - A folder containing many files.
  • all seeing.txt - A text file referencing Helios and the epitaph Panoptes.
  • alternate names.txt - A text file documenting alternate names for Helios.
  • Apollonios and Helios.txt - A text file referencing a sacrifice made to Helios.
  • Apollonios quote.txt - A text file containing a quote from Apollonios beseeching Helios.
  • Descendants of Helios.txt - A text file documenting various descendents of Helios.
  • dorians.txt - A text file discussing the Dorians and their worship of Helios.
  • epithets.txt - A text file discussing various epithets of Helios.
  • Etruscan god of the sun.txt - A text file discussing Usil - another sun god.
  • general.txt - A text file detailing various relations to Helios.
  • Greek.txt - A text file detailing Akrrokorinthos - a mountain assigned to Helios.
  • Hermonians.txt - A text file detailing worshipers of Helios.
  • home islands.txt - A text file detailing an island sacred to Helios.
  • Inakhos.txt - A text file detailing a dispute between Helios and Poseidon.
  • interaction.txt - A text file discussing Helios's interactions with other gods and mortals.
  • light.txt - A text file describing Helios.
  • osyssey.txt - A text file discussing Helios's role in "The Odyssey".
  • rhodes.txt - A text file discussing the island of Rhodes and its relation to Helios.
  • sister.txt - A text file detailing Helios's sister Eos.
  • sun.txt - A text file discussing various facts about Helios.
  • sungod.txt - A text file discussing the Greek sun god.
  • sunworship.txt - A text file discussing sun worship in pre-Hellenic culture.
  • THALAMAE.txt - A text file discussing the beliefs of the people of Thalamai.
  • thesun.txt - A text file detailing the history of Helios.
  • 4/26/20 - Sun Notes Text

    all seeing.txt

    It is not uncommon so see Helios given the epitaph Panoptes, or all-seeing, as the Greeks believed that he could witness anything in the heavens or on earth.

    alternate names.txt

    The name-word Helios was spelt Halios in the Doric dialect.

    Greek Name


    Latin Spelling

    Sun (Doric sp.)

    Helios had a number of by-names and epithets:--

    Greek Name






    Latin Spelling



    Titan, Straining God

    Son of Hyperion

    He Who Goes Above (hyper, iôn)

    Greek Name






    Latin Spelling



    Beaming (êlektôr)

    Saviour (sôtêr)

    Of Freedom (eleutherios)

    Apollonios and Helios.txt

    Apollonios approached and saluted him, the king [of Babylon] was addressed him in the Greek language and invited him to sacrifice with him; and it chanced that he was on the point of sacrificing to Helios the Sun as a victim a horse of the true Nisaian breed, which he had adorned with trappings as if for a triumphal procession. But Apollonios replied : ‘Do you, O king, go on with your sacrifice, in your own way, but permit me to sacrifice in mine.’

    Apollonios quote.txt

    ‘O thou Helios, send me as far over the earth as is my pleasure and thine, and may I make the acquaintance of good men, but never hear anything of bad ones, nor they of me.’

    Descendants of Helios.txt

    Apart from Heliades and Heliadae, who were mentioned above, Helios is also mentioned as a father of Circe, Aeetes, Pasiphae and Perses by Persa. He is also said to be a father of Augeas, the famous herdsman, known from the labour of Heracles when the hero had to clean the stables in a single day. According to Quintus Smyrnaeus, he also consorted with his sister Selene who then gave birth to the Seasons and an unusual creature by the name of Ampelos, mentioned by Nonnus. According to Hyginus, there was also Aex, a daughter of Helios, who surpassed many in beauty of bodies but in contrast had a horrible face. Terrified by her face, Titans forced Gaea to hide her in a cave in the island of Crete. There was also famous son Phaeton, born to Helios and Clymene or, according to some sources, a grandson, born to Clymenus, a son of Helios, and Merope, an Oceanid. He was famous for riding Helios' chariot but once, got overwhelmed by it, he rode too close to earth and everything burned in fire that came near. He was then struck by lightning of Zeus because of his foolishness and fell into a river Po, also known as Eridanus.


    The Dorians, one of the four major ethnic groups of Greece at the time, also seemed to have celebrated Helios more than many Greeks of the era. There is even speculation that they were the people who brought the worship of the sun god to Rhodes.


    The female offspring of Helios were called Heliades. The Greek sun god had various bynames or epithets, which over time in some cases came to be considered separate deities associated with the Sun. Among these is Hyperion (superus, "high up"), Elektor (of uncertain derivation, often translated as "beaming" or "radiant", especially in the combination elektor Hyperion), Phaëton "the radiant", Terpsimbrotos ("gladdens mortals"), and Hekatos (also Hekatebolos "far-shooter", i.e. the sun's rays considered as arrows).

    Etruscan god of the sun.txt

    The Etruscan god of the sun, equivalent to Helios, was Usil. His name appears on the bronze liver of Piacenza, next to Tiur, the moon. He appears, rising out of the sea, with a fireball in either outstretched hand, on an engraved Etruscan bronze mirror in late Archaic style, formerly on the Roman antiquities market. On Etruscan mirrors in Classical style, he appears with a halo.


    Mother: Theia
    Father: Hyperion
    Siblings: Selene and Eos
    Known wives/consorts: Selene, Perse, Clymene, Aegle, Neaera, Rhodos, Ocyrrhoe, Leucothoe, Nausidame, and Gaia
    Known as: the Sun God
    Roman equivalent: Sol


    "The Akrokorinthos [at Korinthos] is a mountain peak above the city, assigned to Helios by Briareos when he acted as adjudicator, and handed over, the Korinthians say, by Helios to Aphrodite.


    "Here the Hermionians had their former city. They still have sanctuaries here: one of Poseidon at the east end of the spit, and a temple of Athena . . . There is also another sanctuary of Athena, of no great size, the roof of which has fallen in. There is a temple to Helios (Sun), another to the Kharites (Graces)."

    home islands.txt

    One of the two home islands of the god was Thrinacia. It was the island, sacred to Helios, where his daughters Heliades lived. It is said that he once consorted with an Oceanid Clymene who then gave birth to seven daughters, Aegle, Aetherie, Dioxippe, Helie, Lamperia, Merope and Phoebe. But they weren't alone out there. It was also the island where his sacred cattle lived and it is where Odysseus and his men came on their journey. It is said in the story that Odysseus, considering the warnings of Teiresias and Circe, wanted to skip the island but was out-voted by his crew who wanted to rest, exhausted from their journey. They promised to Odysseus that they would never touch the sacred cattle of Helios, knowing they still have provisions on their ship.cattle helius It was all agreed and they disembarked. The next day, after having a proper dinner spiced with some wine, they wanted to get back on the sea again but bad weather arrived which kept them on the island for a month. They soon ran out of provisions and started plotting of having some of the finest beasts of Helios' flock. And when Odysseus went to pray to the gods, they took this opportunity and gathered the cattle around a campfire and, after prayers, killed them and roasted them on the fire. While they were feasting, one of the Heliades, Lampetia, brought the news to her father. Helios was outraged and threatened the gods of Olympus that if there was no justice, he would go to Hades instead to shine upon the dead and never to return again. Out of fear, Zeus calmed down Helios and promised him that he will punish them. Meanwhile, while praying, Odysseus heard the news from Calypso but it was already too late. When he came back to the ship, he refused to join the feast. After six days of feasting, Zeus calmed the weather and men made a decision to set sail again. But when they came out on the open sea, dark clouds, sent by Zeus, gathered around their ship and violent winds started blowing. The ship started breaking apart and finally broke apart when Zeus struck it with thunderbolt. All of the crew died except for Odysseus who was spared because he refused to kill and eat Helios' cattle.

    The other island that is mentioned to be the home island of Helios was Rhodes. According to Diodorus Siculus, this island was full in mud and soft when it formed. But Helios dried up all the wetness and filled the island with living creatures and among them were Heliadae, seven sons, named after him. Their names were Actis, Candalus, Cercaphus, Macar, Ochimus, Tenages and Triopas. When his sons reached manhood, he told them that the first people who sacrificed to Athena would ever be protected by the goddess and, as a result, they became the first men to introduce sacrifices to the Goddess. There were also other people who sprang from the land and because Helios made it all possible they worshipped him and the island became sacred to the god.


    "The Korinthians say that Poseidon had a dispute with Helios about the land, and that Briareos arbitrated between them, assigning to Poseidon the Isthmos and the parts adjoining, and giving to Helios the height above the city [the citadel of Akrokorinthos]."


    Helios is often presented, in myths, interacting with other gods and demi-gods. One of such is the myth of abduction of Persephone where he and Hecate are the only ones who had heard the screams of Persephone when Hades abducted her. Demeter, Persephone's mother, later came to the gods and demanded from them to tell them who is behind the abduction. Then, in fear of their sacred lands that could become barren, they told her that Zeus and Hades are to blame. Helios was also, apparently, a good friend of Hephaestus whom he helped to fashion a plough of unbending adamant.sol spying on Ares and Aphrodite They seemed to be in good relations because Helios once spied on Aphrodite and Ares who were having an affair in the palace of Hephaestus at Olympus. He immediately reported this to Hephaestus and the god of craftsmanship then forged magical chains and set a trap. With Helios they agreed that the sun-god would report to him as soon as the trap was triggered. While Hephaestus was on his supposed way to Lemnos, Aphrodite and Ares met in his chambers. They laid on a bed and triggered the trap. Helios spread the news to Hephaestus who then gathered all the other gods to come and see this adultery and, consequently, Ares got banished from Olympus. Helios also helped Orion who was blinded and, while wandering around, came across Hephaestus who then directed him to Helios. The sun god then cleansed his eyes with rays and recovered his vision. The god also interacted with Heracles who was searching for the island of Erythia. Unable to find the island, he, in desperation, shot an arrow towards the sun. Helios was impressed by the boldness of the hero and gave him a golden goblet with which he was able to cross the ocean and reach Erythia. Even Gaea, the mother goddess, once begged Helios to dry her with his beams, after the whole land was frozen by the remains of Typhon, after Zeus had defeated him.


    Helios was a titan god of the sun and sunlight and was described as the One who watches from above and sees and observes anyone or anything if he wishes, not just on earth but in heavens also.


    Helios has a small but notable role in the Odyssey. When Odysseus and his men land on Thrinacia, one of the islands dedicated to the sun god, Odysseus warns them not to touch any of Helios’ cattle or sheep that graze on the land. They do not heed this warning and, in his absence, slaughter some of the best of the animals.

    Alerted to this by one of his daughters, Helios appeals to ZEUS for revenge. He threatens to take the sun and shine it onto the dead of the Underworld, instead of on the earth, if the men’s act goes unpunished. Zeus then strikes the crew’s ship with a lightning bolt, killing everyone except for Odysseus.


    The island of Rhodes, believed to have been shaped by Helios, is a place where people honored him as an important deity. Legend has it that when the island first came into being, it was muddy and uninhabitable. Helios dried the land and filled it with life, including seven of his sons known as Heliadae. Because of Helios’ life-giving intervention, some residents of the island worshiped him, and the island became sacred to Helios.


    Each morning, his sister, EOS, would paint the dawn sky with her fingers and pull the misty curtain, through which Helios would appear, aside. He would drive his blazing chariot across the heavens until his travels were complete. At this time, he would he would hide in a golden cup that fell to earth while his sister, Eos, would begin her nightly trek.


    That is, the sun, or the god of the sun. He is described as the son of Hyperion and Theia, and as a brother of Selene and Eos.1 From his father, he is frequently called Hyperionides, or Hyperion, the latter of which is an abridged form of the patronymic, Hyperionion. In the Homeric hymn on Helios, he is called a son of Hyperion and Euryphaessa. Homer describes Helios as giving light both to gods and men: he rises in the east from Oceanus, though not from the river, but from some lake or bog (λίμνη, limnē) formed by Oceanus, rises up into heaven, where he reaches the highest point at noon time, and then he descends, arriving in the evening in the darkness of the west, and in Oceanus.

    Later poets have marvelously embellished this simple notion: they tell of a most magnificent palace of Helios in the east, containing a throne occupied by the god, and surrounded by personifications of the different divisions of time; and while Homer speaks only of the gates of Helios in the west, later writers assign to him a second palace in the west, and describe his horses as feeding upon herbs growing in the islands of the blessed.

    The points at which Helios rises and descends into the ocean are of course different at the different seasons of the year; and the extreme points in the north and south, between which the rising and setting take place, are the τροπαὶ ἠελίοιο (tropai ēelioio). The manner in which Helios during the night passes from the western into the eastern ocean is not mentioned either by Homer or Hesiod, but later poets make him sail in a golden boat round one-half of the earth, and thus arrive in the east at the point from which he has to rise again. This golden boat is the work of Hephaestus. Others represent him as making his nightly voyage while slumbering in a golden bed. The horses and chariot with which Helios makes his daily career are not mentioned in the Iliad and Odyssey, but first occur in the Homeric hymn on Helios, and both are described minutely by later poets.

    Helios is described even in the Homeric poems as the god who sees and hears every thing, but, notwithstanding this, he is unaware of the fact that the companions of Odysseus robbed his oxen, until he was informed of it by Lampetia.11 But, owing to his omniscience, he was able to betray to Hephaestus the faithlessness of Aphrodite, and to reveal to Demeter the carrying off of her daughter.1This idea of Helios knowing every thing, which also contains the elements of his ethical and prophetic nature, seems to have been the cause of Helios being confounded and identified with Apollo, though they were originally quite distinct; and the identification was, in fact, never carried out completely, for no Greek poet ever made Apollo ride in the chariot of Helios through the heavens, and among the Romans we find this idea only after the time of Virgil. The representations of Apollo with rays around his head, to characterize him as identical with the sun, belong to the time of the Roman empire.

    The island of Thrinacia (Sicily) was sacred to Helios, and he there had flocks of oxen and sheep, each consisting of 350 heads, which never increased or decreased, and were attended to by his daughters Phaethusa and Lampetia.13 Later traditions ascribe to him flocks also in the island of Erytheia,14 and it may be remarked in general, that sacred flocks, especially of oxen, occur in most places where the worship of Helios was established. His descendants are very numerous, and the surnames and epithets given him by the poets are mostly descriptive of his character as the sun.

    Temples of Helios (ήλιεῖα, ēlieia) seem to have existed in Greece at a very early time,15 and in later times we find his worship established in various places, as in Elis, at Apollonia, Hermione, in the acropolis of Corinth,19 near Argos, at Troezen, Megalopolis, and several other places, especially in the island of Rhodes, where the famous colossus of Rhodes was a representation of Helios: it was 70 cubits in height, and, being overthrown by an earthquake, the Rhodians were commanded by an oracle not to erect it again.
    The sacrifices offered to Helios consisted of white rams, boars, bulls, goats, lambs, especially white horses, and honey. Among the animals sacred to him, the cock is especially mentioned.

    The Roman poets, when speaking of the god of the sun (Sol), usually adopt the notions of the Greeks, but the worship of Sol was introduced also at Rome, especially after the Romans had become acquainted with the East, though traces of the worship of the sun and moon occur at a very early period.


    In Greek mythology, the Sungod, son of the Titan Hyperion (whose name he bears himself in Homer) and the Titaness Theia; brother of Selene (the Moon) and Eos (Dawn). The poets apply the name Titan to him in particular, as the offspring of Titans. He is represented as a strong and beautiful god, in the bloom of youth, with gleaming eyes and waving locks, a crown of rays upon his head. In the morning he rises from a lovely bay of the Ocean in the farthest East, where the Ethiopians dwell. To give light to gods and men he climbs the vault of heaven in a chariot drawn by four snow-white horses, breathing light and fire; their names are Eoos, Aethiops, Bronte, and Sterope. In the evening he sinks with his chariot into the Ocean, and while he sleeps is carried round along the northern border of the earth to the East again in agolden boat, shaped like a bowl, the work of Hephaestus. He is called Phaethon, from the brilliant light that he diffuses; he is the All-seer (Panoptes) because his rays penetrate everywhere. He is revealer of all that is done on earth; it is he who tells Hephaestus of the love of Ares and Aphrodite, and shows Demeter who has carried off her daughter. He is accordingly invoked as a witness to oaths and solemn protestations. On the island of Trinacria (Sicily) he has seven flocks of sheep and seven herds of cattle, fifty in each. It is his pleasure, on his daily journey, to look down upon them. Their numbers must not be increased or diminished; if this is done, his wrath is terrible. (See ODYSSEUS.) In the 700 sheep and oxen the ancients recognised the 700 days and nights of the lunar year. The flocks are tended by Phaethusa (the goddess of light) and Lampetie (the goddess of shining), his daughter by Neaera. By the ocean Nymsh Perse or Perseis he is father of Aeetes, Circe, and Pasipae, by Clymene the father of Phaethon, and Augeas was also accounted his son. His children have the gleaming eyes of their father. After the time of Euripides, or there-abouts, the all-seeing Sun-god was identified with Apollo, the god of prophecy. Helios was worshipped in man places, among which may be mentioned Corinth and Elis. The island of Rhodes was entirely consecrated to him.. Here an annual festival (Halia) was held during the summer in his honour, with chariot-racing and contests of music and gymnastics; and four consecrated horses were thrown into the sea as a sacrifice to him. In 278 B.C. a colossal bronze statue, by Chares of Lindus, was erected to him at the entrance of the harbour of Rhodes. Herds of red and white cattle were, in many places, kept in his honour. White animals, and especially white horses, were sacred to him; among birds the cock, and among trees the white poplar. The Latin poets identified Helios with the Sabine deity Sol, who had an ancient place of worship on the Quirinal at Rome, and a public sacrifice on the 8th of August. But it was the introduction of the ritual of Mithras which first brought the worshit of the sun into prominence in Rome.


    "that sun-worship had once been prevalent and powerful among the people of the pre-Hellenic culture, but that very few of the communities of the later historic period retained it as a potent factor of the state religion."


    "From Oitylos to Thalamai [in Lakedaimonia] the road is about eighty stades long. On it is a sanctuary of Ino and an oracle. They consult the oracle in sleep, and the goddess reveals whatever they wish to learn, in dreams. Bronze statues of Pasiphae and of Helios (the Sun) stand in the unroofed part of the sanctuary. It was not possible to see the one within the temple clearly, owing to the garlands, but they say this too is of bronze. Water, sweet to drink, flows from a sacred spring. Pasiphae is a title of Selene (the Moon), and is not a local goddess of the people of Thalamai."


    The worship of Helios was introduced into Greece from Asia. According to the earliest conceptions of the Greeks he was not only the sun-god, but also the personification of life and all life-giving power, for light is well known to be an indispensable condition of all healthy terrestrial life.

    The worship of the sun was originally very widely spread, not only among the early Greeks themselves, but also among other primitive nations. To us the sun is simply the orb of light, which, high above our heads, performs each day the functions assigned to it by a mighty and invisible Power; we can, therefore, form but a faint idea of the impression which it produced upon the spirit of a people whose intellect was still in its infancy, and who believed, with child-like simplicity, that every power of nature was a divinity, which, according as its character was baleful or beneficent, worked for the destruction or benefit of the human race.

    Helios, who was the son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, is described as rising every morning in the east, preceded by his sister Eos (the Dawn), who, with her rosy fingers, paints the tips of the mountains, and draws aside that misty veil through which her brother is about to appear. When he has burst forth in all the glorious light of day, Eos disappears, and Helios now drives his flame-darting chariot along the accustomed track. This chariot, which is of burnished gold, is drawn by four fire-breathing steeds, behind which the young god stands erect with flashing eyes, his head surrounded with rays, holding in one hand the reins of those fiery coursers which in all hands save his are unmanageable.

    When towards evening he descends the curve in order to cool his burning forehead in the waters of the deep sea, he is followed closely by his sister Selene (the Moon), who is now prepared to take charge of the world, and illumine with her silver crescent the dusky night. Helios meanwhile rests from his labours, and, reclining softly on the cool fragrant couch prepared for him by the sea-nymphs, recruits himself for another life-giving, joy-inspiring, and beauteous day. It may appear strange that, although the Greeks considered the earth to be a flat circle, no explanation is given of the fact that Helios sinks down in the far west regularly every evening, and yet reappears as regularly every morning in the east. Whether he was supposed to pass through Tartarus, and thus regain the opposite extremity through the bowels of the earth, or whether they thought he possessed any other means of making this transit, there is not a line in either Homer or Hesiod to prove.

    In later times, however, the poets invented the graceful fiction, that when Helios had finished his course, and reached the western side of the curve, a winged-boat, or cup, which had been made for him by Hephæstus, awaited him there, and conveyed him rapidly, with his glorious equipage, to the east, where he recommenced his bright and glowing career. This divinity was invoked as a witness when a solemn oath was taken, as it was believed that nothing escaped his all-seeing eye, and it was this fact which enabled him to inform Demeter of the fate of her daughter, as already related. He was supposed to possess flocks and herds in various localities, which may possibly be intended to represent the days and nights of the year, or the stars of heaven.

    Helios is said to have loved Clytie, a daughter of Oceanus, who ardently returned his affection; but in the course of time the fickle sun-god transferred his devotion to Leucothea, the daughter of Orchamus, king of the eastern countries, which so angered the forsaken Clytie that she informed Orchamus of his daughter's attachment, and he punished her by inhumanly burying her alive. Helios, overcome with grief, endeavoured, by every means in his power, to recall her to life. At last, finding all his efforts unavailing, he sprinkled her grave with heavenly nectar, and immediately there sprang forth from the spot a shoot of frankincense, which spread around its aromatic perfume.

    The jealous Clytie gained nothing by her cruel conduct, for the sun-god came to her no more. Inconsolable at his loss, she threw herself upon the ground, and refused all sustenance. For nine long days she turned her face towards the glorious god of day, as he moved along the heavens, till at length her limbs became rooted in the ground, and she was transformed into a flower, which ever turns towards the sun. Helios married Perse, daughter of Oceanus, and their children were, Aëtes, king of Colchis (celebrated in the legend of the Argonauts as the possessor of the Golden Fleece), and Circe, the renowned sorceress. Helios had another son named Phaethon, whose mother was Clymene, one of the Oceanides.

    The youth was very beautiful, and a great favourite with Aphrodite, who intrusted him with the care of one of her temples, which flattering proof of her regard caused him to become vain and presumptuous. His friend Epaphus, son of Zeus and Io, endeavoured to check his youthful vanity by pretending to disbelieve his assertion that the sun-god was his father. Phaethon, full of resentment, and eager to be able to refute the calumny, hastened to his mother Clymene, and besought her to tell him whether Helios was really his father. Moved by his entreaties, and at the same time angry at the reproach of Epaphus, Clymene pointed to the glorious sun, then shining down upon them, and assured her son that in that bright orb he beheld the author of his being, adding that if he had still any doubt, he might visit the radiant dwelling of the great god of light and inquire for himself.

    Overjoyed at his mother's reassuring words, and following the directions she gave him, Phaethon quickly wended his way to his father's palace. As he entered the palace of the sun-god the dazzling rays almost blinded him, and prevented him from approaching the throne on which his father was seated, surrounded by the Hours, Days, Months, Years, and Seasons. Helios, who with his all-seeing eye had watched him from afar, removed his crown of glittering rays, and bade him not to be afraid, but to draw near to his father. Encouraged by this kind reception, Phaethon entreated him to bestow upon him such a proof of his love, that all the world might be convinced that he was indeed his son; whereupon Helios desired him to ask any favour he pleased, and swore by the Styx that it should be granted.

    The impetuous youth immediately requested permission to drive the chariot of the sun for one whole day. His father listened horror-struck to this presumptuous demand, and by representing the many dangers which would beset his path, endeavoured to dissuade him from so perilous an undertaking; but his son, deaf to all advice, pressed his point with such pertinacity, that Helios was reluctantly compelled to lead him to the chariot. Phaethon paused for a moment to admire the beauty of the glittering equipage, the gift of the god of fire, who had formed it of gold, and ornamented it with precious stones, which reflected the rays of the sun. And now Helios, seeing his sister, the Dawn, opening her doors in the rosy east, ordered the Hours to yoke the horses.

    The goddesses speedily obeyed the command, and the father then anointed the face of his son with a sacred balm, to enable him to endure the burning flames which issued from the nostrils of the steeds, and sorrowfully placing his crown of rays upon his head, desired him to ascend the chariot. The eager youth joyfully took his place and grasped the coveted reins, but no sooner did the fiery coursers of the sun feel the inexperienced hand which attempted to guide them, than they became restive and unmanageable. Wildly they rushed out of their accustomed track, now soaring so high as to threaten the heavens with destruction, now descending so low as nearly to set the earth on fire. At last the unfortunate charioteer, blinded with the glare, and terrified at the awful devastation he had caused, dropped the reins from his trembling hands.

    Mountains and forests were in flames, rivers and streams were dried up, and a general conflagration was imminent. The scorched earth now called on Zeus for help, who hurled his thunderbolt at Phaethon, and with a flash of lightning brought the fiery steeds to a standstill. The lifeless body of the youth fell headlong into the river Eridanus,where it was received and buried by the nymphs of the stream. His sisters mourned so long for him that they were transformed by Zeus into poplars, and the tears they shed, falling into the waters, became drops of clear, transparent amber.

    Cycnus, the faithful friend of the unhappy Phaethon, felt such overwhelming grief at his terrible fate, that he pined and wasted away. The gods, moved with compassion, transformed him into a swan, which for ever brooded over the fatal spot where the waters had closed over the head of his unfortunate friend. The chief seat of the worship of Helios was the island of Rhodes, which according to the following myth was his especial territory.

    At the time of the Titanomachia, when the gods were dividing the world by lot, Helios happened to be absent, and consequently received no share. He, therefore, complained to Zeus, who proposed to have a new allotment, but this Helios would not allow, saying, that as he pursued his daily journey, his penetrating eye had beheld a lovely, fertile island lying beneath the waves of the ocean, and that if the immortals would swear to give him the undisturbed possession of this spot, he would be content to accept it as his share of the universe. The gods took the oath, whereupon the island of Rhodes immediately raised itself above the surface of the waters.

    The famous Colossus of Rhodes, which was one of the seven wonders of the world, was erected in honour of Helios. This wonderful statue was 105 feet high, and was formed entirely of brass; it formed the entrance to the harbour at Rhodes, and the largest vessel could easily sail between the legs, which stood on moles, each side of the harbour. Though so gigantic, it was perfectly proportioned in every part. Some idea of its size may be gained from the fact that very few people were able to span the thumb of this statue with their arms. In the interior of the Colossus was a winding staircase leading to the top, from the summit of which, by means of a telescope, the coast of Syria, and also the shores of Egypt, are said to have been visible.

  • Audio - A folder containing more files.
  • DawnNotes.odt - A text file explaining that "Dawn" is simply a title passed down from one sun cultist to another.
  • 4/26/20 - "DawnNotes.odt"

    It’s a little known fact that the title of “Dawn” is passed through multiple people. This gives the illusion that the “Dawn” is forever-- “Dawn” never dies.
    But it’s actually the righteous and glorious duty of one select individual of an age to become the “Dawn”. My father was the “Dawn” before me, and his rites were recorded so that I may listen.

    It’s known that the “Dawn” will always eventually die due to their interaction with hubris. The power of Helios cannot fully flow through a mortal’s being, but the “Dawn” will eventually think of themselves as something more – something immortal. This is an inevitable fact.

    Hubris will kill me as it killed the Dawn before me.

  • DawnPledge1985.mp3 - A recording of a new sun cultist being given the title of "Dawn". target=_blank
  • 4/26/20 - "DawnPledge1985.mp3"

    "Gather round, followers of the light. A new Dawn has risen. May he speak the sacred rite and become one with Helios. Follow in my lead:
    The light shall guide me. Never shall my mind betray the light, nor my sword, nor my shield. I shall always work in the best interest of the Grand Helios."

    "The light shall guide me. Never shall my mind betray the light, nor my sword, nor my shield. I shall always work in the best interest of the Grand Helios."

    "I will become herald of the light. I will bring the light to all. I will become the Dawn."

    "I will become herald of the light. I will bring the light to all. I will become the Dawn."

    "When I die, I will become one with the light of Helios. I understand my sacred duty as the bring of light, and I shall forever work only to spread the wisdom and strength of Helios throughout the land."

    "When I die, I will become one with the light of Helios. I understand my sacred duty as the bring of light, and I shall forever work only to spread the wisdom and strength of Helios throughout the land."

    "I shall become Helios's eyes. I shall become his sword. This is now what I am and may Helios guide me."

    "I shall become Helios's eyes. I shall become his sword. This is now what I am and may Helios guide me."

    "I am now the Dawn."

    "I am now the Dawn."

  • IMPORTANT.odt - A text file locked behind the password "gelato". This file contained the text "Iamthelaw".
  • Hubris_Commands.odt - A text file containing various commands that can be used on the Withinhubris.com "command line" page.
  • 4/26/20 - "Hubris_Commands.odt"

    Important commands for Hubris:
    --test txt file
    --test image file
    --test video file

    --password reminder

  • Trash - A folder containing files that Dawn wishes to discard.
  • b662df8adaa1b878cb2b942e172cea60_original.jpg - A "Methods of Revolution" promo image. target=_blank
  • fin_ameriz_callibrar__by_ryukaki_dxpptx-fullview.jpg - An old drawing by Ryukaki. target=_blank
  • gaven__of_a_g_e_r__by_ryukaki_dxez1n-fullview.jpg - An old drawing by Ryukaki. target=_blank
  • nessa__of_a_g_e_r__by_ryukaki_dxezeo-fullview.jpg - An old drawing by Ryukaki. target=_blank
  • the_altar_of_the_prince_by_ryukaki_d6v79u-pre.jpg - An old 3d model created by Ryukaki. target=_blank
  • unnamed.jpg - A promo image used for "Methods of Revolution". target=_blank
  • Documentation of the "Sun Tower" Janus room found on Withinhubris.com.

4/26/20 - "Sun Tower" Janus room - Source

This map consisted of a small floating island surrounded by a starry sky. Players would spawn under a gazebo-like structure held up by several pillars. In the distance, massive modesl of Trapped, Stackoverflow, and Halicord could be seen. There were small "bridges" pointing towards these models on the edge of the island. Directly in front of the gazebo structure were two pews. Upon one of these pews sat a low-poly man engulfed in pixelated flames. Behind these pews sat an old wooden chariot. Across from this chariot was a temple-like building. While this building could not be entered, a small window along the back wall allowed players to peer inside. Inside this temple were the numbers "652 473 026" written in runes - numbers that were used to connect to Dawn's remote desktop. In front of the temple was a small plaque that read "For the dawn before the dawn". On the opposite side of the gazebo was a small pond. Next to this pond was a computer desk. On this computer, players could see that Dawn was searching up the candy "Lindt Truffles" - another hint towards accessing Dawn's remote desktop. Also on the computer desk were some fanmade Within Hubris cards, a cup of Sunny D, and a notepad that depicted a drawing of the sun and the text "Whipped Cream" - the final clue to accessing Dawn's remote desktop. Across from the pond was a small stone structre of unknown importance.


  • This Janus room was a small island belonging to Dawn. Various clues were spread about hinting towards the login information needed to access Dawn's remote desktop.
  • This Janus room featured a small temple dedicated to the previous holder of the Dawn title.
  • This Janus room also contained a computer used by Dawn.
  • In the distance, giant models of Trapped, Halicord, and Stackoverflow could be seen.


  • Files:
  • ACCF_Phineas_Theme_Midnight.ogg - A somber theme. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:


The large majority of "Withinhubris.com" remained as a non-canon source of information for the Within Hubris community - only the previously mentioned pages were relevant to Johnisdead.

April 27th, 2020

  • At 12:11 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and "pinged" the player Xenquility.
  • At 12:42 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://withinhubris.com/command.html" - a link to the previously mentioned "command line" page.
  • At 1:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectivs Discord server and sent the file "IMPORTANT.odt.zip".
  • At 1:03 AM, the player Coseb discovered that entering "Iamthelaw" as a command on the "command line" page of Within Hubris.com made an ascii image of the Spire appear along with the text "spire/home".
  • At 1:03 AM, Erika sent the message "Nice on mate ^^" in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • At 1:04 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/spire/home". This page was simply titled "spire" and featured a large Janus room named "Spire".

4/27/20 - "Spire" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a recreation of the Lunar Children headquarters in Ohio - The Spire. Players spawned on a small cement pathway in a large parking lot. Attempting to walk too far away would reveal a wooden fence surrounding the entire map. Upon entering the Spire, players would find themselves in a large lobby. This room contained a massive painting of Father Vincent and Luna. This room also housed a large fountain and an elevator, though it was not operational. The right and left sides of the room also contained corridors to other sections of the Spire, and a second floor walkway could be seen above the players. Going through the left corridor would lead players to a large library. Many strange paintings adorned the walls of the library. The bookshelves of this library contained generic looking books, as well as an occasional odd book colored either green, red, blue, or purple with a single letter on it. This room also contained a locked door in the far left corner. A staircase in this room also led up to the second floor, where another locked door was discovered. Players peer through a window on this door revealing a small room where three copies of the Libro Lunarus floated above a table.

Proceeding through the right-side corridor in the lobby would lead players to a large cafeteria. This cafeteria housed a small "cafe" area in the corner where a massive mural depicting Luna and the Four Giants could be seen. There was another locked door near this mural as well. A small kitchen was accessible where a large walk-in freezer was found. This kitchen led to a small hallway that connected back to the main cafetera room. In this hallway were two bathrooms. Back in the main cafeteria room, portraits of Father Vincent, Mat, Thoth, Jinn, and Kuu were found high up on the wall. Next to the kitchen hallway was another hallway that led back outside. Within this hallway was a small utility room where a washer and dryer were found. The cafeteria also housed two dorm rooms where Lunar Children presumably slept. These dorms also housed three computers each.

The cafeteria also contained a stairway up to the second floor. Behind this stairway was another small "cafe" section where a large mural of Luna was discovered. The second floor of the cafeteria contained a walkway that led to a computer lab, where several computers were found. This room also housed another locked door. Another locked door was also found directly outside the computer lab. Directly next to the cafeteria stairway was another set of stairs that led to the third floor of the Spire. This door was locked, however.

Outside, the back wall of the Spire contained a doorway that led down towards the Spire's basement. Several utility rooms were found here. There was also a door that led further down into the Spire's basements, but it was locked as well.


  • This Janus room is a representation of the Lunar Children headquarters in Ohio - The Spire.
  • This Janus room featured the following rooms:
  • A lobby containing a fountain and a large mural of Father Vincent and Luna.
  • A library full of bookshelves and strange paintings.
  • A locked room housing three copies of the Libro Lunarus.
  • A cafeteria where portraits of the Elder Children and high ranking Lunar Children could be found.
  • A small kitchen with a walk-in freezer.
  • Several hallways leading to bathrooms and a utility room.
  • Two dorm rooms featuring bedding and computers.
  • A small computer lab housing more computers.
  • A stairway leading to a third floor behind a locked door.
  • A stairway leading to a basement behind a locked door.


  • Files:
  • Spire.mp3 - A distorted audio track. target=_blank
  • father-vincent-by-sheepdog.png - A portrait of Father Vincent drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • Matt-r-by-sheepdog.png - A portrait of Mat drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • eze-thoth-by-sheepdog.png - A portrait of Thoth drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • Kylie-u-by-sheepdog.png - A portrait of Kuu drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • Jennifer-by-sheepdog.png - A portrait of Jinn drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • Liquidsaint-by-sheepdog.gif - A distorted image of what was once a portrait of SKM drawn by the Lunar Child Sheepdog. target=_blank
  • mural.png - A large mural housed in the lobby of the Spire. target=_blank
  • SOLACE.jpg - A painting of a bright, forest environment. target=_blank
  • TOMB.jpg - A painting of the Spire in a blue environment. target=_blank
  • EMPTINESS.jpg - A painting of a dark red forest environment. target=_blank
  • DISTANCE.png - A painting of a black void with red rocky terrain. target=_blank
  • MORTUS.jpg - A painting of a tree on a hill. target=_blank
  • samchar1.png - An inkblot painting of the Regiminis sigil. target=_blank
  • samchar2.png - An inkblot painting of Majora's Mask. target=_blank
  • samchar3.png - An inkblot painting of the Parallelos sigil. target=_blank
  • matra.png - The Lunar Children mantra recited by new recruits written on some parchment. target=_blank
  • immitation.gif - A spinning copy of the Libro Lunarus. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:


For larger Janus rooms such as this, further discoveries made by players will be detailed as they occurred chronologically in the timeline below, rather than being documented in summaries such as the one above.

  • At 1:04 AM, Erika sent the message "Yep looks like this will be getting spooky, Ima go read now <w<;" in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • At 1:05 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Fascie, Halicord, Masked99, and Stackoverflow were all present in the "Spire" Janus room.
  • At 1:08 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a message written on the white board in the "Spire" Janus room that read "it dwells below us". target=_blank
  • At 1:08 AM, Stackoverflow sent the messages "why to you torment me so?", "why", and "please" in the "Spire" Janus room.
  • At 1:09 AM, Dawn's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "MOSHED-2020-4-27-1-9-14.gif". target=_blank
  • At 1:10 AM, the player Xenquility was led to the blocked off door leading to the third floor of the Spire by Masked99 in the "Spire" Janus room. Masked99 then sent the message "Someday soon".
  • At 1:11 AM, Stackoverflow sent the messages "help" and "memories" in the "Spire" Janus room.
  • At 1:12 AM, Fascie approached the player Yoshi who was near a series of computers in the "Spire" Janus room. Fascie then sent the message "click".
  • At 1:13 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that players could click on the computers to load webpages. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 1:13 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat42114029". This page contained the image "background2.png" - the original Lunarchildren.com website background from 2015. target=_blank This page was also titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat42114029" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

8:44:31 PM sinYarikh: "I just want to know theyre alright"
8:44:39 PM sinYarikh: "No ones seen Hunter for weeks"
8:44:43 PM sinYarikh: "What the hells happening up there?"

8:45:54 PM jinn: "As I've stated before, Hunter is absolutely fine. He is currently very busy with his new Elder duties."
8:46:21 PM sinYarikh: "And his dad??"
8:47:01 PM jinn: "Jarilo was a traitor and you should not concern yourself with the likes of him."
8:47:11 PM sinYarikh: "A traitor?? What are you talking about?"
8:47:21 PM sinYarikh: "Yeah he was a loudmouth but if it werent for him I wouldnt even be here right now"

8:47:44 PM jinn: "His loose lips assisted the Harbingers and revealed much of our inner workings. He was a rebellious old fool who never learned his place."
8:47:51 PM sinYarikh: ""Was"??? What do you mean by that?"
8:48:06 PM sinYarikh: "What did you do to Jeremy?"
8:50:21 PM sinYarikh: "Hello??"

8:51:02 PM jinn: "Cease delving into this matter or you will meet a similar fate. The Elders' decisions are final and are not to be questioned. To do so is treason."


  • This chatlog involves the Lunar Child sinYarikh asking the Elder Child Jinn where Hunter and his father Jeremy have gone, since they had been inactive for quite some time. SinYarikh is the Lunar Child who claimed on the Lunar Children forums that Jeremy gave him a glimpse of the Libro Lunarus, which led to him joining the cult.
  • Jinn accidentally reveals to sinYarikh that the Elder Children had Jeremy killed. She threatens sinYarikh, telling him to not look into the subject any further.
  • Hunter had supposedly not been heard from for a while after he as given the title of Elder Child for killing his father in 2015.
  • At 1:13 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat10030923". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat10030923" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with SheepDog
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

10:43:54 PM Igaluk123: "Alright, I'm here."
10:44:10 PM SheepDog: "eyy"
10:44:14 PM SheepDog: "what's up"

10:44:26 PM Igaluk123: "Been trying to connect for the past half hour."
10:44:31 PM SheepDog: "oof"
10:44:52 PM SheepDog: "The net's still shoddy there?"

10:45:12 PM Igaluk123: "It's ALWAYS shoddy."
10:45:23 PM Igaluk123: "Or at least it has been since Undecim Nocte."
10:45:38 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

10:45:42 PM SheepDog: "damn"
10:45:47 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

10:46:01 PM Igaluk123: "Chill, it's PM's."
10:46:17 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:46:46 PM Igaluk123: "Uh wow okay then."
10:47:00 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:15 PM Igaluk123: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:21 PM Igaluk123: "We'll just have to see if the internet is willing to cooperate."
10:47:27 PM Igaluk123: "It's been pretty stable so far though."

10:47:29 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:47:32 PM Igaluk123: "No worries."
10:47:35 PM Igaluk123: "I'll hop on in a bit."
10:48:49 PM Igaluk123: "Fucking updates."

10:50:22 PM SheepDog: "how's it been over there in general?"
10:50:25 PM SheepDog: "I mean besides living in the stone age with no internet"

10:50:34 PM Igaluk123: "Weird."
10:50:42 PM Igaluk123: "The Elders aren't really telling us much of anything."
10:50:48 PM Igaluk123: "They're running wild trying to track down the Harbinger's Link."

10:50:54 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
10:51:11 PM Igaluk123: "I know, chill."
10:51:16 PM SheepDog: "sorry"
10:51:22 PM Igaluk123: "But we here in the Spire don't really know any more than the rest of you guys."
10:51:32 PM Igaluk123: "Half of the Elders seem to be missing and the other half are too tight-lipped to tell us anything."
10:51:37 PM Igaluk123: "Aside from Thoth with the occasional site announcement."

10:51:42 PM SheepDog: "right"
10:51:45 PM SheepDog: "he always manages to talk a lot without really saying much of anything lol"

10:51:51 PM Igaluk123: "True."
10:52:21 PM Igaluk123: "Aren't you going to delete that?"

10:52:26 PM SheepDog: "nah thoth doesnt really care too much about me shitting around on him"
10:52:34 PM SheepDog: "its only when you start mentioning big no-no topics he gets angry"

10:52:40 PM Igaluk123: "Like in Mooned."
10:52:43 PM SheepDog: "god"
10:52:45 PM SheepDog: "dont remind me"
10:52:53 PM SheepDog: "I'm actually working on getting that all reuploaded somewhere"
10:52:57 PM SheepDog: "But of course it's taking a bit longer cause I've gotta bend over backwards for braindead over here"

10:53:14 PM Igaluk123: "I'm surprised he allowed it to go on as long as it did."
10:53:21 PM SheepDog: "yeah, thoth ain't really one for jokes"
10:53:25 PM SheepDog: "or fun in general, honestly"


  • This chatlog involves the Lunar Children Igaluk123 and SheepDog discussing recent events. Igaluk claims that the internet at the Spire has been acting strangely ever since November 11th, 2015.
  • Igaluk explains that the Elder Children haven't told the rest of the Lunar Children much information following the events of Undecim Nocte 2015, and that they were desperately attempting to capture Tyler.
  • Igaluk claims that several Elder Children seem to be missing.
  • Igaluk and SheepDog delete several of their messages, implying that perhaps they fear surveillance of some sort.
  • Igaluk mentions "Mooned" - some sort of previous project SheepDog created that supposedly got her in trouble with Thoth because taboo topics were mentioned within it.
  • At 1:14 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers in the "Spire" Janus room linked to the redirect page "https://www.lunarchildren.com/still_lost" when clicked.
  • At 1:15 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a cork board above the computers in the boys dorm room in the "Spire" Janus map. This board contained the following text: target=_blank

4/27/20 - Cork Board Text - Johnisdead.com

Wifi: hk84AbgI9Ylb4a
User: child

1. Don't give ouy login info to visitors.
2. No frequent big downloads. Be respectful!
3. Always have functional anti-malware software.
4. No Porn, EDDIE.

1. Reset
2. Run Bios
3. Enter pass
4. Restore

Don't fuck with the creed.
Thoth gets PISSY.

((A crude drawing of Thoth))


  • This board contains basic login information for the Spire's network.
  • Lunar Children are warned not to touch the "creed", likely referring to the parchment containing the mantra found hanging on the wall of the dorm rooms.
  • At 1:16 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall on the backside of the Spire with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it. This room contained a computer with a screen flashing binary that translated to "/AGGREGATE01". target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 1:16 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/AGGREGATE01". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 1:16 AM, Halicord sent the message "why did you interrupt us" in the "Spire" Janus room.
  • At 1:16 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind the Lunar Children mantra hanging in the boys dorm room. This room contained many disturbing drawings along with cryptic messages and ciphers. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

4/27/20 - Hidden Attic Text - Johnisdead.com

((Wall 1)) target=_blank

A drawing of a faceless entity with arms connecting to the ground.
The text surrounding it reads:


A symbol consisting of eight arrows pointing outwards is drawn.


The same symbol as above is drawn again.


((Wall 2)) target=_blank

Many Parallelos symbols can be see drawn on the wall.
Six child figures are drawn holding hands. Above one of them is a triangle.
The following text is written above them:


Further down the wall, three arrows can be seen drawn coming from a singular origin point.


A gas mask is drawn.



((Wall 3)) target=_blank

neither here nor there We exist /between

((Wall 4)) target=_blank

A drawing of a man in a straight jacket can be seen. From his mouth, a silhouette of Patrem is drawn with three Parallelos symbols inside of it.
Further down the wall is a drawing of a mouse in a cage.
A dark mass is coming from the cage with an "X" drawn through it. This dark mass takes the shape of "D.gif" - Doug's face.
Above the cage is the same eight arrow symbol from before along with the word:


((Wall 4)) target=_blank

A drawing of the grinning mouth from the video "5646" and a pair of eyes.
Along the back wall, the following text is found:

As the moon is high and her visage red, blood be spilled in Her honor.

((Wall 5)) target=_blank

A drawing of Pumpkinhead's face can be seen.
The following text surrounds it:




Below this, two Parallelos symbols are drawn with an arrow pointing between them. Next to this is a drawing of Pumpkinhead in his "AGGREGATING.gif" form.
On the other wall, a drawing of Mat can be seen. Next to this is the following text:

he breeds another

((Wall 6)) target=_blank

A drawing of a briefcase can be seen with the Postman's sigil on it from Majora's Mask. Above this is the same symbol of eight arrows seen before.
On the left of the briefcase is a drawing of a gas mask with text written under it:


On the right of the briefcase is a drawing of a book that's been scribbled out. Below it is more text:


((Wall 7)) target=_blank

The following drawings can be seen on this wall:
A drawing of Jinn with a triangle below her face.
A drawing of an inverted triforce with three masks placed upon it.
A drawing of the Spire with a "Spear" rune beneath it.
A drawing of the Lunarum Oculus.
A drawing of a drowing figure being pulled underwater with the following text written above it:


A large chain of numbers and letters are written across this wall.
This is actually two ciphers intertwined with one another, with every other two characters being a part of one specific cipher.

groomed since before birth | seduced by another of the order || chosen as neophyte of the sect ||| blessed warrior across

A Parallelos symbol is drawn.

taken from birth | gifted to the father of lies || replaced by the chosen ||| destroyer of the misguided |||| father of anew

((Wall 8)) target=_blank

A drawing of Kelbris's silhouette holding someone on puppet strings can be seen. Next to this figure is another figure wearing a gas mask.
The following text is seen:

Can you hear it?


Those are the whispers of your salvation.

On the other wall, a crude drawing of a skeletal man can be seen with the following text:


On the other wall, a series of drawings can be seen in what appears to be a "pecking order" or sorts. These drawings include, from top to bottom:
The Lunarum Oculus.
The eight arrowed symbol.
Four figures.
The Regiminis sigil.
Five figures.
A symbol of an arrow pointing up and down.

((Wall 9)) target=_blank

A large drawing of a knife can be seen on this wall surrounded by what appear to be Parallelos symbols drawn with a triangle instead of a circle.
Further down the wall is a drawing of Mat's mask along with a drawing of a figure standing at a creek.
The following text can be seen:


((Wall 10)) target=_blank

A drawing of a figure wearing a gas mask with a triangle drawn on it can be seen. Above this figure is the symbol of eight arrows seen earlier.

((Wall 11)) target=_blank

A large drawing of Tyler can be seen with the symbol of the arrow pointing up and down covering his mouth. Above his head is the following text:

player 0ne.

Below Tyler's head is a triangle with the text:


Further down the wall is a drawing of a tree with the Lunarum Oculus overlaying it.
Below the tree, four figures can be seen.

((Wall 12)) target=_blank

A drawing of what appears to be two buildings in a forest can be seen. Between these two buildings is a fire with four figures standing around it.

((Wall 13)) target=_blank

A drawing of the Regiminis mask can be seen with the following text written below it:


((Wall 14)) target=_blank

A drawing of Alex with a mask being pulled off of his face can be seen. The "Spear" rune is drawn on the forehead of this mask.
Next to the drawing is the following text:

have fun. :o)
I saw a man named Mason come into my home. He was shattered. Incomplete. The device contained him. There was a flash of light and all were gone.

((Wall 15)) target=_blank

A drawing of the white, mannequin-like entity can be seen standing next to a briefcase. Above this drawing is the following text:


Across from this was a drawing of a mirrored path with the following text written next to it:

HE will walk the path again and again

The symbol of an arrow pointing up and down can be seen between the two paths.

((Wall 16)) target=_blank

A large mural is drawn on this wall. From left to right, the following can be seen:

A large masked figure towering over the landscape.
A trailer with the symbol of an arrow pointing up and down.
A building engulfted in flames with the Regiminis symbol drawn above it.
Two buildings with a fire between them. Three figures can be seen surrounding the fire - each with an "11" written above their heads.
A large building with dead figures lying outside of it. The following text is written above it:
An observatory with five figures standing behind it. Two figures can also be seen above the observatory - one standing atop it and the other flying. A final figure can be seen floating in front of the observatory lens.

((Wall 17)) target=_blank

A drawing of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen surrounding a vent leading into the basement below. The following text is written above the vent:

we were watching.

((Wall 18)) target=_blank

A drawing of IsocelesAssassin can be seen with a circle with an "X" drawn through it above his head. The following text surrounds him:

alive then.
dead now.

A line is drawn below IsocelesAssassin that splits in two, surrounding him.
Helper's Hat is drawn on the left line. A Parallelos symbol can be seen drawn above it.
Helper's Hat is also drawn on the right line, though it is scribbled out. Three small lines are drawn above it.

To the left of the IsocelesAssassin drawing is a drawing of a door.
The following text surrounds the door:

knock knock

To the right of the IsocelesAssassin drawing is a drawing of a skeletal-like face above three figures with "I", "II", and "III" written above their heads.
The following text is written in the shape of the Regiminis symbol:


((Wall 19)) target=_blank

A large drawing of the Four Giants can be seen.

((Wall 20)) target=_blank

A large drawing of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen. A small "IIIII" can also be seen.

((Wall 21)) target=_blank

Many drawings of the Lunarum Oculus can be seen along with a pair of eyes with the text:


((Wall 22)) target=_blank

A drawing of the symbol of an arrow pointing up and down can be seen with text reading:

they cannot stop this

((Wall 23)) target=_blank

A large drawing of a faceless figure can be seen next to a Lunarum Oculus drawn with Majora's Mask.
The following text can be seen:


((Wall 24)) target=_blank

A drawing of the "Lens of Truth" can be seen. The following text is written below this:


Below this is a drawing of two walls. Both of these walls have the "Lens of Truth" drawn on them, though one is barely visible. On one wall, the following text is written:


((Wall 25)) target=_blank

A drawing of two figures holding hands can be seen. Above this are various drawings supposedly made by Hunter. These include the following:
An old man surrounded by four paintings.
Jeremy's forum avatar flexing.
The four giants, Patrem, and a masked figure.
Aliens abducting a cow.

Surrounding these images is the following text:


((Wall 26)) target=_blank

A drawing of the image "foggyworld248.jpg" can be seen with the following text:


((Wall 27)) target=_blank

A drawing of a tall, limbless figure next to a powerline can be seen. Above this powerline is a Parallelos symbol.

((Wall 28)) target=_blank

A drawing of Father Vincent and Ben standing in front of the Spire can be seen. The symbol of eight arrows can be seen above Ben's head.
Further down the wall is a drawing of five figures. The second figure in this drawing has had their head scribbled out and an "X" drawn above it.


  • Various references to Hunter and neophytes are found throughout the attic.
  • A drawing of Pumpkinhead was found. Next to this drawing is a reference to the version of Wolfcat that was taken by him as a mask - "ASTRAL MASK".
  • A drawing of a briefcase given to SKM is discovered. The gas mask and the Libro Lunarus found in it are also drawn, though the Libro Lunarus is marked out.
  • A drawing of IsocelesAssassin is found. Two Helper Hats surround him - one scribbled out and one with a Parallelos symbol drawn above it.
  • A drawing of a door can be found on the back wall.
  • At 1:19 AM, Stackoverflow and Halicord walked up to the player Xenquility in the "Spire" Janus map and began speaking with him.

4/27/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow and Halicord - Johnisdead.com

stackoverflow_182: "how could you?"
stackoverflow_182: "who do you think you are?"
stackoverflow_182: "it was MY home"
stackoverflow_182: "and YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "it was you"

HALICORD: "our brother is missing"
HALICORD: "you caused this tragedy"

stackoverflow_182: "it ws you"
HALICORD: "it was you"
stackoverflow_182: "why"
HALICORD: "you shouldnt be here"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you to this place"
stackoverflow_182: "who"

Xenquility: "someone you wouldn't care to know"
stackoverflow_182: "I"
stackoverflow_182: "tCARE"
stackoverflow_182: "TO"
stackoverflow_182: "KNOW"

HALICORD: "l e a v e"
stackoverflow_182: "IT SHOULD NOT BE UP TO YOU"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"
stackoverflow_182: "who"

HALICORD: "this is not your time to be here"
stackoverflow_182: "it is only for me to know"
HALICORD: "they will die"
stackoverflow_182: "who are you"
stackoverflow_182: "twhy are you here"

HALICORD: "more interlopers"
iheways_2958: "to make you free"
stackoverflow_182: "you"
stackoverflow_182: "make"
stackoverflow_182: "me"
stackoverflow_182: "free"
stackoverflow_182: "?"

Xenquility: "wait"
iheways_2958: "we"
Xenquility: "do you wish to be free?"
stackoverflow_182: "you do not beling here"
stackoverflow_182: "brlong"
stackoverflow_182: "belong"

iheways_2958: "neither you"
stackoverflow_182: "incorrect"
HALICORD: "brother your corruption has spread"
stackoverflow_182: "I am needed here"
vstackoverflow_182: "I belong here"
stackoverflow_182: "YOU do NOT believe HERE"
stackoverflow_182: "they do not belong here"

Xenquility: "We are not here to harm you"
Xenquility: "and we do not mean to impede on your terrain"
stackoverflow_182: "that is not my worry"
Xenquility: "forgive us for tresspassing on your side"
stackoverflow_182: "we are not afraid of you"
Xenquility: "Then what are you afraid of?"
stackoverflow_182: "my fears are beyond your understanding"
HALICORD: "i fear that your ally will die due to their insolence"
Xenqulity: "Who is *their*?"
stackoverflow_182: "We have been guardians of these places sinse the beginning."
Xenquility: "and which ally?"
HALICORD: "brother the corruption"
stackoverflow_182: "it is difficult to communicate in this way"
HALICORD: "this is how lesser beings communicate"
stackoverflow_182: "you shouldn't be here"
HALICORD: "this was supposed to be out of reach"
stackoverflow_182: "you do not belong here"
Yoshi: "i am sorry."
stackoverflow_182: "why do you torment us"
HALICORD: "i sense a greater darkness brother"
HALICORD: "someone has gotten deeper"
HALICORD: "in a place they should not be"
HALICORD: "i will go destroy them"

stackoverflow_182: "go"
stackoverflow_182: "GO"
stackoverflow_182: "come"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "please"
stackoverflow_182: "who brought you here"

Xenquility: "our need to fight the powers that stuck you here"
stackoverflow_182: "I am not "stuck""
stackoverflow_182: "I was not created to be a slave"

Xenquility: "What would you do if we were to tell you who brought us here?"
stackoverflow_182: "the door will open"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"

Xenquility: "wait"
Xenquility: "do you know anything"
Xenquility: "about our link?"
stackoverflow_182: "i exist only in these places"
stackoverflow_182: "your link is of no interest of mine"
stackoverflow_182: "soon you will see"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not have come here"

Xenquility: "I assume"
Xenquility: "it is too late to leave"
Yoshi: "We never meant to cause harm"
stackoverflow_182: "there is no more to be found."
stackoverflow_182: "in time"
stackoverflow_182: "you will understand why"
stackoverflow_182: "you should not be here"
stackoverflow_182: "why are you here"
stackoverflow_182: "why"

HaouDeSoul: "didn't mean to intrude"
stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose"
stackoverflow_182: "you invate our home"
stackoverflow_182: "invade"

HaouDeSoul: "aw you live here?"
stackoverflow_182: "you follow us here"
stackoverflow_182: "no"
stackoverflow_182: "how do you know of this place?"

Xenquility: "she is a harbinger"
HALICORD: "brother"
stackoverflow_182: "we are meerly keeprs of these worlds"
stackoverflow_182: "we tend to it"

HaouDeSoul: "ah ok. Didn't mean to invade. I bring no harm."
HALICORD: "I have taken care of the one who saw deeper"
stackoverflow_182: "but I ask again"
stackoverflow_182: "what is your purpose in this place"
stackoverflow_182: "come"

HaouDeSoul: "just exploring"
HALICORD: "brother, why is it that we musnt just outright kill these puny beings?"
stackoverflow_182: "I think even they do not know why ther have been brought here"
Xenquility: "you are not entirely wrong"
Xenquility: "we were brought information here on the premise of truths"
Xenquility: "information"
stackoverflow_182: "we have many books that provide information"
Xenquility: "in fact we were told this place containd forbidden knowledge specifically"
Xenquility: "that would aid us in winning"
stackoverflow_182: "forbidden by who"
Xenquility: "however at this point we hardly even know what war we are fighting"
HALICORD: "you will fight a war against us if you do not leave at once"
stackoverflow_182: "I want to know who brought you here"
((FlaRuCnIATON joins the "Spire" Janus map))
stackoverflow_182: "ITS"
stackoverflow_182: "tHER"
stackoverflow_182: "RUN"

HaouDeSoul: "who?"
Xenquility: "Is it"
Xenquility: "yuuki"
Xenquility: "lmao"
stackoverflow_182: "HER"
Xenquility: "possibly the spirit in this painting?"
Xenquility: "the blue one"
stackoverflow_182: "THIS IS YOUR FAULT"
HALICORD: "brother i am degrading"
HALICORD: "she is removing my essen"

stackoverflow_182: "LEAVE"
stackoverflow_182: "SAVE YOURSELF"



  • Stackoverflow is outraged that the players have once again traspassed upon their territory, claiming that he and his brothers Halicord and Trapped are dutied with tending to these virutal realms.
  • Halicord claims that Trapped is missing and blames it on the players.
  • Halicord momentarily departs during the conversation to destroy someone who supposedly "went deeper" and witnessed something they shouldn't have, further implying that these entites are guardians of the various virtual JanusVR rooms discovered by players.
  • A new entity named "FlaRuCnIATON" joins the "Spire" Janus map, much to the dismay of Stackoverflow and Halicord. "FlaRuCnIATON" is an anagram of "luna FRACTION", implying this entity is somehow a piece of Luna herself. FlaRuCnIATON used a massive model consisting of tentacles. This model dwarfed the size of the Spire and its many tentacles clipped through the building. Stackoverflow blames Luna's sudden presence on the players and flees. Halicord is seemingly wounded by Luna and degrades.
  • At 1:22 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it. This room was incredibly small and simply contained a well with a grate over it. Looking into the well, players could barely see Doug looking back up at them. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 1:28 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/between". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat59203301". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat59203301" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with Harry
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:35:56 PM SheepDog: "Harry dude you need to calm down"
9:35:58 PM SheepDog: "Dont listen to that asshole"

9:36:14 PM Harry: "HE KILLED HER"

9:36:21 PM SheepDog: "I dont know who that was but it wasnt Hina"
9:36:22 PM SheepDog: "I would know"
9:36:24 PM SheepDog: "me and Hina shared some selfies a while back and thats not her"

9:36:26 PM Harry: "Then who the hell is it??"
9:36:28 PM SheepDog: "who fucking knows"
9:36:31 PM SheepDog: "Maybe some random gore pic he found on reddit?"
9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "or maybe it actually is a photo he took while on one of his missions"
9:36:36 PM SheepDog: "theres no telling with edd"

9:36:52 PM Harry: "You're SURE thats not Hina"
9:36:57 PM SheepDog: "Im sure dude"
9:37:21 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:37:22 PM SheepDog: "this is the pic she sent me"
9:37:23 PM SheepDog: "looks completely different."
9:37:26 PM SheepDog: "I'm sure Hinas just fine"

9:37:52 PM Harry: "Why the hell would he do that...."
9:37:55 PM SheepDog: "Hes a fucked up guy"
9:37:57 PM SheepDog: "We all know this"
9:38:22 PM SheepDog: "I mean its not exactly a secret what he does for the elders"
9:38:25 PM SheepDog: "and its no secret that he really really enjoys it"

9:38:41 PM Harry: "Sheep I dont know if I can keep doing this"
9:38:52 PM Harry: "I mean I knew we all werent exactly mainstream going in and a lot of us kinda "tow the line" but just"
9:38:53 PM Harry: "fuck dude"

9:38:57 PM SheepDog: "I get it"
9:39:11 PM SheepDog: "Look"
9:39:13 PM SheepDog: "come join me and Luke in a game"
9:39:14 PM SheepDog: "It'll get your mind off things"

9:39:20 PM Harry: "No fuck that"
9:39:23 PM Harry: "I can't just sweep this shit under the rug any more"
9:39:25 PM Harry: "I just can't fucking do it man"

9:39:32 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:37 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)

9:39:45 PM Harry: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:48 PM SheepDog: (-- This message has been deleted by the author. --)
9:39:52 PM Harry: "Ok"
9:39:53 PM Harry: "Hold on."


  • This chat involves the Lunar Children SheepDog and Harry discussing what another Lunar Child Eddie had just posted in a separate chat.
  • SheepDog attempts to calm Harry down. It seems as though Eddie had claimed that the Lunar Child Hina was killed, supposedly having posted an image of her dead body as evidence. SheepDog disproves that this image was of Hina, however.
  • SheepDog states that the fact that Eddie kills people on behalf of the Elder Children is an open secret of sorts.
  • Harry expresses his displeasure with the Lunar Children. SheepDog suddenly asks Harry to join her and another Lunar Child named Luke in some sort of game.
  • At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat33032313". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat33032313" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with SheepDog:
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

1:12:14 AM fairProspect: "Other than that, no."
1:12:17 AM fairProspect: "I've already informed Ezekiel about everything."

1:12:23 AM SheepDog: "oof"
1:12:26 AM SheepDog: "how'd he take it lol"

1:12:33 AM fairProspect: "Fairly well, actually."
1:12:35 AM fairProspect: "Aside from a forced eye-roll, haha."

1:12:42 AM SheepDog: "well thats surprising"
1:12:46 AM SheepDog: "I didn't think hed want me anywhere near that place lol"

1:12:51 AM fairProspect: "I think deep down he really does like you."
1:13:21 AM fairProspect: "He's probably happy that you'll be closer from now on."

1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "ew"
1:13:23 AM SheepDog: "gross"

1:13:33 AM fairProspect: "Come on, you know what I mean."
1:13:35 AM SheepDog: yeah yeah"
1:14:37 AM fairProspect: "I need to get getting to sleep, now."
1:14:41 AM SheepDog: "same here probably"
1:14:44 AM SheepDog: "see you tomorrow, HOPE-fully"
1:14:46 AM SheepDog: ":sunglasses:"

1:14:52 AM fairProspect: ":eyeroll:"


  • This chat involves the Lunar Children SheepDog and fairProspect. The two seem to be discussing a move of some sort.
  • FairProspect implies that Thoth doesn't dislike SheepDog as much as he lets on - something SheepDog jokingly expresses her disgust about.
  • At 1:35 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers in the "Spire" Janus map linked to the Lunar Children forums. This page no longer existed, however, so it would simply load a random Lunarchildren.com redirect.
  • At 1:36 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a cork board above the computers in the girls dorm room in the "Spire" Janus map. This board contained the following text: target=_blank

4/27/20 - Cork Board Text - Johnisdead.com

Wifi: hk84AbgI9Ylb4a
User: child

1. Don't give ouy login info to visitors.
2. No frequent big downloads. Be respectful!
3. Always have functional anti-malware software.
((A drawing of a girl wearing a mask))

((A drawing of a moon with a butt))
get moon'd

Ask Luke for help with the server


  • This board contains the same basic login information for the Spire's network found in the boys dorm room.
  • This board contains several goofy drawings by the residents of the dorm.
  • A note informing those who have trouble with the Spire network to seek out Luke for help can be seen.
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat22124190". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat22124190" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting with losna55
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

Time Igaluk123: "Uhh…"
Time Igaluk123: "Hey Losna you good?"

Time losna55:
Time Igaluk123: "Whuh?"
Time losna55:
Time Igaluk123: "I don't think your messages are sending properly."
Time Igaluk123: "Or maybe it's just this shitty internet here again."
Time Igaluk123: "Anyways"
Time Igaluk123: "I just wanted to let you know your account on the forums is acting kinda weird."

Time losna55: "Aoo//ATD?)Bl5&8BOr;uBla"
Time Igaluk123: "Uh"
Time losna55: "D]iS)AKYT'F`(_4F)Pl'@q?cpDfor.+ED%4EbT*.AKY])+D>>,+CSbiDfl"
Time losna55: "What the hell???"
Time losna55: "@Igaluk123"
Time losna55: "What is all of this??"

Time Igaluk123: "Oh hey."
Time Igaluk123: "Uh is this actually you this time?"

Time losna55: "What do you mean by that?"
Time losna55: "Who else would it be?"
Time losna55: "Are my accounts being hacked???"

Time Igaluk123: "Looks like it."
Time Igaluk123: "Might wanna change your logins."

Time losna55: "This is bullshit, I haven't ever logged in from any sort of unsecure location, or given my info out to anyone."
Time losna55: "The mods are gonna have to do their jobs and actually take care of these bitch ass hackers."

Time Igaluk123: "According to Liquid there are no hackers."
Time losna55: "That's bullshit and you know it"
Time losna55: "I mean we all saw the logs that were passed arounCh7$rAKYN%DKI"<@;BEsD.Oi&D]ia:A8c@-+Eq73F<G[D+D5U8@UWb^+DDs9AS#BpF)Po,GA(Q.AKY\0@ps6tFD,@"

Time Igaluk123: "Uh"
Time Igaluk123: "@losna55"
Time Igaluk123: "You still there?"


  • This chat involves the Lunar Children Igaluk and losna55. Igaluk asks losna if she is okay in reference to several strange messages sent by her account on the Lunar Children forums.
  • Losna's account sends several more strange messages. Following this, Losna regains control of her account and is outraged, as she believes she has been hacked.
  • Losna mentions a group of hackers that SKM attempted to hide. She mentions the existence of some chat logs that supposedly prove their existence.
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the page "https://lunarchildren.com/legends/the-secrets-and-the-thurses".
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the Silentdork YouTube channel.
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat00219930". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat00219930" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

2:02:23 PM Harry: "No clue."
2:02:45 PM Harry: "Oh hey, @tsukuyomi is here"
2:02:46 PM Harry: "Ask them, they'd know."

2:03:09 PM tsukuyomi11: "Hello, everyone."
2:03:13 PM Alignak: "Yo tsu"
2:03:15 PM Alignak: "I got some questions about the Misguided and the Libro Lunaurs."

2:03:33 PM tsukuyomi11: "Libro Lunarus."
2:03:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "Andyou know we aren't allowed to speak about that."

2:03:39 PM Harry: "The misguided or the book?"
2:03:41 PM tsukuyomi11: "Both."
2:03:44 PM Harry: "oh well, I guess there goes any chance I have of reading it"
2:03:47 PM Harry: "Unless I get the chance to hitchike out to Ohio"

2:03:58 PM Alignak: "Ehh, even then there's no guarantee you'll get to see it."
2:04:03 PM Alignak: "iirc, most of the time the Elders just read it to you."

2:04:06 PM Harry: "really?"
2:04:12 PM Alignak: "Yeah, they won't let anyone touch it."
2:04:14 PM Alignak: "Pretty stingy if you ask me."

2:04:19 PM tsukuyomi11: "Its one of our most sacred objects, what do yuo expect?"
2:04:24 PM Harry: "what was it like?"
2:04:28 PM tsukuyomi11: "It was just like any other book on the outside, really."
2:04:32 PM tsukuyomi11: "Surprisingly thin, but packed with wisdom"

2:04:37 PM Alignak: "What?"
2:04:41 PM Alignak: "It looks pretty thick to me"

2:04:43 PM Harry: "yeah isnt that what they used in the blood moon thing?"
2:04:52 PM tsukuyomi11: "One moment"
2:04:53 PM Harry: "for real, it looked like a dictionary to me"
2:04:54 PM Harry: "pretty bulky and all"

2:05:31 PM tsukuyomi11: "Okay, yes"
2:05:35 PM tsukuyomi11: "The rite recited in the blood moon ritual is certainly an excerpt from the Libro Lunarus"
2:05:37 PM tsukuyomi11: "Strange, I was told there were only the three copies"
2:05:38 PM tsukuyomi11: "One second"
2:05:58 PM tsukuyomi11 (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)

2:06:03 PM Harry: "uh can you try sending that again"
2:06:05 PM Harry: "looks like it didnt send"

2:06:45 PM Alignak: "You still there, Tsu?"


  • This chat involves several Lunar Children discussing the Libro Lunarus. Alignak wishes to ask Tsukuyomi about the book and the Moon Children, but is told that's forbidden information.
  • Alignak reiterates that very few get to actually handle the Libro Lunarus themselves. It is often the Elder Children who simply read excerpts to others.
  • Alignak and Harry discover a contradiction in the appearance of the Libro Lunarus, pointing out that most copies appear to be thin, while the one seen in the Blood Moon Ritual video was rather thick.
  • Tsukuyomi is confused, believing that there were only three copies of the Libro Lunarus. He sends a final message that was deleted by a moderator and disappears.
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map linked to the front page of Lunarchildren.com.
  • At 1:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a webpage linked to one of the computers on the "Spire" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat94922031". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

4/27/20 - "chat94922031" - Lunarchildren.com

Chatting in #general
All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

9:32:10 PM Harry: "Has anyone seen Hina lately?"
9:32:21 PM Igaluk123: "Nope"
9:32:23 PM Igaluk123: "Why"

9:32:27 PM Harry: "I haven't seen her since Matt told her to return to the fishery…"
9:32:42 PM tsukuyomi11: "I believe I saw her online a few days ago."
9:32:46 PM tsukuyomi11: "One the forums I mean"
9:32:57 PM tsukuyomi11: "She didn't post anything though."

9:33:02 PM Igaluk123: "Huh."
9:33:05 PM Igaluk123: "Well at least she's alright."

9:33:17 PM Edddie22: "Coulda just been another ghost in the machine."
9:33:21 PM Harry: "Gee, thanks"
9:33:23 PM Harry: "That sure makes me feel better.."

9:33:24 PM SheepDog: "Come on, Edd."
9:33:31 PM Edddie22: "What? It's true."
9:33:33 PM Edddie22: "You've all seen 'em."
9:33:36 PM Edddie22: "All those weird accounts at the bottom of the list?"
9:33:42 PM Edddie22: "Postin' all kindsa weird BS?"
9:33:46 PM Edddie22: "The elders all write it off as "glitches" and "bugs" like a buncha hypocrites"
9:33:51 PM Edddie22: "Isn't that the same thing Thoth criticized the harbingers link for doin?"

9:33:53 PM Harry: "What are you saying?"
9:33:57 PM Edddie22: "You retarted?"
9:34:02 PM Edddie22: "IM sayin shes dead."

9:34:05 PM Harry: "What the fuck"
9:34:06 PM SheepDog: "Dude"
9:34:08 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie stop it man."
9:34:09 PM Edddie22: "I mean"
9:34:11 PM Harry: "Why the hell would you say that"
9:34:11 PM Edddie22: "Just look at it logically."
9:34:19 PM Edddie22: "The dumb broad practically caused all the shit that went down on 11/11 in the first place."

9:34:22 PM SheepDog: "What"
9:34:23 PM Edddie22: "You can't really blame the Elders for knockin her in the head."
9:34:26 PM SheepDog: "What do you mean she caused 11/11??"
9:34:34 PM tsukuyomi11: "Gusy I don't really think the Elders would approve of us speaking on these things."
9:34:36 PM Edddie22: "Think about it."
9:34:42 PM Edddie22: "The cunt just waltzes right into the holy grounds and takes the necklace like it ain't no thing??"
9:34:48 PM Edddie22: "The same necklace that mysteriously got misplaced during 11/11 when everything went to shit?"
9:34:53 PM Edddie22: "Its no wonder the elders started panicing, I bet they knew shit was already fucked as soon as she posted that photo."

9:35:12 PM SheepDog: "And what exactly are you basing this off of?"
9:35:24 PM SheepDog: "All kinds of crazy shit went down that day, just because Hina touched the necklace doesnt mean she's responsible"

9:35:25 PM Harry: "Why did you say she's dead??"
9:35:27 PM Edddie22: "Well what else are elders are gonna do with a no good traitor?"
9:35:32 PM Edddie22: "Dont answer that."
9:35:40 PM Edddie22: "Ill show ya. Heh heh…"

9:35:42 PM SheepDog: "Ed, stop."
9:35:43 PM SheepDog: "DONT"

9:35:45 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:35:45 PM Harry: "That doesn't mean she's a fucking traitor."
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:46 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"

9:35:47 PM SheepDog: "god damn it"
9:35:47 PM Harry: "WHAT THE FUCK"
9:35:49 PM Igaluk123: "Eddie what the hell."
9:35:49 PM tsukuyomi11: "Kylie's going to hear about this."
9:35:50 PM tsukuyomi11: "@kuu_32:"

9:35:52 PM Edddie22: "I dont give a shit"
9:35:54 PM tsukuyomi11: "The Elders have told you not to share any information regarding your missions."
9:35:55 PM tsukuyomi11: "We've been over this."

9:35:56 PM Edddie22: "Pull your head out of kuus ass for five seconds and listen shitstain"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "I dont know if its the harbingers fault"
9:36:02 PM Edddie22: "hinas fault"

9:36:03 PM SheepDog: "@Harry: check your PMs"
9:36:03 PM Edddie22: "or the fucking hacker group"
9:36:05 PM Edddie22: "but I dont really care"
9:36:08 PM Edddie22: "all I know is that I was PROMISED ASCENSION from this SHITTY FUCKING HELL OF A WORLD"
9:36:11 PM Edddie22: "but just like always, PROMISES DONT MEAN JACK SHIT"
9:36:12 PM Edddie22: "IM STILL HERE"
9:36:13 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)
9:36:15 PM Edddie22: (-- This message has been deleted by a moderator. --)

9:36:17 PM Igaluk123: "Holy hell man."
9:36:22 PM System: (-- Eddie22 has been banned --)
9:36:23 PM kuu_32: "That's quite enough."
9:36:25 PM SheepDog: "Thank god"
9:36:27 PM tsukuyomi11: "Thank you, Kuu."
9:36:27 PM kuu "Eddie has been warned for type of behavior a multitude of times in the past."
9:36:31 PM kuu_32: "The remaining Elders and I will reprimand him immediately."

9:36:34 PM SheepDog: "uhh"
9:36:35 PM SheepDog: "remaining?"

9:36:35 PM Harry: "Kuu"
9:36:38 PM kuu_32: "@SheepDog Yes."
9:36:40 PM kuu_32: "The others are currently very busy."

9:36:42 PM SheepDog: "Uh huh."
9:36:43 PM Harry: "Is it true?"
9:36:46 PM Harry: "Is Hina dead?"

9:36:51 PM kuu_32: "@Harry: You know that sort of business is purely confidential."
9:36:53 PM kuu_32: "But I can tell you that Hina was never placed on Harry:'s list. "
9:36:54 PM kuu_32: "Good night, everyone."

9:36:56 PM tsukuyomi11: "Goodnight, Kuu."
9:37:11 PM Igaluk123: "Well, that was something."
9:37:13 PM Harry: "That doesn't answer my question."
9:37:17 PM tsukuyomi11: "Why dont we just drop it, guys."


  • This chat involves several Lunar Children and presumably takes place directly before "chat59203301". The Lunar Child Harry is concerned about Hina's safety, since she has not been seen lately.
  • The Lunar Child Eddie claims that Hina was killed for her traitorous act of trespassing on the Fishery and picking up Tyler's necklace shortly before Undecim Nocte 2015.
  • Eddie presumably posts some sort of gory image of a dead girl, causing Harry to believe it is Hina.
  • Eddie expresses his hatred for Hina, believing that she is perhaps responsible for Undecim Nocte failing because Tyler's necklace got misplaced during it.
  • Eddie mentions the "hacker group" once again, mentioning that perhaps they are responsible for the failing of Undecim Nocte.
  • Eddie is banned from the chat room by Kuu, who is revealed to be named Kylie in real life.
  • Harry asks Kuu if Hina is dead. Kuu simply states that Hina was never placed on Eddie's hitlist.
  • At 1:51 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that Doug could be found staring out from one of the vents near the ceiling in the cafeteria in the "Spire" Janus room. target=_blank
  • At 1:59 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Spire" Janus room hidden beneath the staircase in the cafeteria behind a wall with the Parallelos sigil drawn on it. This room was colored completely red and contained distorted photos of several players. target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 2:13 AM, Fascie led the player Yoshi to three of the paintings of environments on the second floor of the cafeteria in the "Spire" Janus room before disappearing. target=_blank
  • At 2:15 AM, an entity named "deniap" joined the "Spire" Janus room. target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 2:29 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/mortus". This page also featured the Janus room "Mortus".

4/27/20 - "Mortus" Janus Room - Johnisdead.co

This room was a large, open field. At the center of this field was a hill with a large tree sitting upon it. Four armless Moon Children could be seen floating around the tree. The tree also had the symbol of eight arrows and the following text written on it:



  • This Janus Room was a large open field with a tree sitting in the middle.


  • Files:
  • mortus.mp3 - A slow, ambient track. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The large, open field: target=_blank
  • The tree at the center of the field: target=_blank
  • At 2:33 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/emptiness". This page also featured the Janus room "Emptiness".

4/27/20 - "Emptiness" Janus Room - Johnidead.com

This room was a red valley enshrouded in darkness. Small raised platforms cast large shadows across the ground, making most of the landscape completely black. Several dead-looking trees could be found around the map. A large monolith could be found sitting atop one of these platforms containing the following text:

The Link will travel to the promised land.

The Children will guide him.
The Jäger will oversee them.
The Four will take him.
The Dark One will end him.

The Mother will descend.

A large pit could also be found in this map with a two distorted eyes looking up from it.


  • This Janus room was a dark, red valley with dead trees and raised platforms.
  • A monolith could be found in this room that reads as follows: "The Link will travel to the promised land. The Children will guide him. The Jäger will oversee them. The Four will take him. The Dark One will end him. The Mother will descend."


  • Files:
  • emptiness.mp3 - A slow, disturbing audio track. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A view of the valley: target=_blank
  • A view of the monolith: target=_blank
  • At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/solace". This page also featured the Janus room "Solace".

4/27/20 - "Solace" Janus Room - Johnidead.com

This room was a bright forest of white foliage. On one end of the forest, a dilapidated building could be found. Inside this building, the image "Missed.gif" could be found - a distorted version of the image "depths.gif". Atop this building was a small table with what appeard to be a map or sorts. On the opposite side of the forest was a gravestone with the following text written on it:



  • This Janus room was a white, foggy forest.
  • A gravestone could be found with the text "LUKE 2016" engraved onto it.


  • Files:
  • solace.mp3 - A deep, somber track. target=_blank
  • missed.gif - A distorted version of "depths.gif". target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A view of the forest: target=_blank
  • A view of the "map" atop the building: target=_blank
  • A view of the old, dilapidated building: target=_blank
  • A view of the gravestone: target=_blank
  • At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/tomb". This page also featured the Janus room "Tomb".

4/27/20 - "Tomb" Janus Room - Johnidead.com

This room was a smaller version of the Spire in a bright blue environment. In one of the doorways on the front of the spire, the following text was written:


On the back of the Spire, more text was found:

I lay in wait drowning as that thing did
I saw a man named mason
come into my home.


  • This Janus room was a smaller version of the Spire in a strange, blue environment.
  • Two messages were found written on the Spire. The first was written on a doorway - "MASE". The second was written on the back - "I lay in wait drowning as that thing did I saw a man named mason come into my home.".


  • Files:
  • nobodyhere.mp3 - A slow track with a deep voice repeating "There's nobody here". target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A view of the Spire: target=_blank
  • A view of the writing on the doorway: target=_blank
  • A view of the writing on the back: target=_blank
  • At 2:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/distance". This page also featured the Janus room "Distance".

4/27/20 - "Distance" Janus Room - Johnidead.com

This room was a large, black void with a few polygonal red objects in the center. Strewn across the room were several messages left in Minecraft font - presumably from Pumpkinhead. These read as follows:

The deal I made with the
Dark One averted your eyes.

A performance using two of
yours for my concealment

You will save Her.
You will free Him.

Then I shall regain my Mask.
Then I shall truly Ascend.


  • This Janus room was a large, black void with a few red polygonal platforms.
  • Several messages from Pumpkinhead were found here. These messages reiterate that the Pumpkinhead Gamejack was done in an attempt to conceal Pumpkinhead's canon existence. Pumpkinhead also mentions that the players will "save Her" and "free Him", after which he will regain his previous version of Wolfcat as a mask and "truly Ascend".


  • Files:
  • distance.mp3 - A disturbing and droning track. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A shot of the red platforms: target=_blank
  • Pumpkinhead's messages: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 3:24 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "What of / \ words are yet revealed". target=_blank
  • At 3:26 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner and icon changed to images of Patrem.
  • At 4:39 AM, the player Yoshi discovered an exploit that allowed players to fly in Janus rooms where they were previously unable to. Flying around the "Spire" Janus room revealed an unfinished top floor and several paintings floating in midair. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 8:41 AM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIIIII". She quickly deleted this message and sent the message "Im joking sorry XD also I think I put one too many =p".
  • At 2:17 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/lunar". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 4:54 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/astral". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 10:09 PM, the player Sebastian discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/he/go/spire". This page was titled "liar" and contained the image "fa___fa____.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "father.mp3". target=_blank

April 29th, 2020

  • At 1:25 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began pinning messages in response to the players' current conversation.

4/29/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[1:25 AM] IIIII: "@Ryu 𝓤𝔀𝓤 Are ya Kayd Hendricks/ Ryukaki?"
[1:27 AM] yoshi: o
[1:33 AM] yoshi: spooky
[1:34 AM] Xenquility: it's fucking weird reading those backlogs
[1:35 AM] Xenquility: just wondering what happened to all the people who left or became innactive
[1:36 AM] yoshi: rip
[1:37 AM] IIIII: "but just like that in the blink of an eye it will due and also die"
[1:38 AM] Xenquility: that is fucking ominous
[1:38 AM] yoshi: uh oh
[1:40 AM] yoshi: who tf is gonna die
[1:40 AM] IIIII: "they will never know"
[1:40 AM] Xenquility: what the FUCK
[1:40 AM] yoshi: aaaaAAA
[1:41 AM] IIIII: "This server is gonna get hella confusing"
[1:42 AM] Xenquility: the FUCK does this mean
[1:43 AM] yoshi: oh n o
[1:45 AM] Coseb: somebody is gonna be possesed?
[1:45 AM] Xenquility: no idea lmao
[1:45 AM] Xenquility: maybe someone will be revealed to be canon :thinking:
[1:46 AM] IIIII: "I think Tyler has something in mind for that"
[1:47 AM] IIIII: "No it won't just yet die off, I can't allow that to happen"
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: i agree don't let it die
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: I mean I know what the actual context of the message is but Im guessing this is going to have some other arg related meaning
[1:56 AM] IIIII: "ID's roots were in 2013 when Remember.EXE was first released"

  • At 2:07 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Scribe". target=_blank
  • At 2:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "f1.png" - a distorted screenshot of a conversation between IIIII and the user CelestialLight in PM's. target=_blank

4/29/20 - "f1.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

August 11, 2019
IIIII: I wish to speak a secret to you while I can get away with it
CelestialLight: Okay..
IIIII: I am trapped so to speak. But I sometimes have windows in which I can get away with saying things for a period of time. However there are factors in play I cannot explain.
CelestialLight: Yes but i am not like those ids. I do not know how to play the cults game. I am more of a watcher. I don't really play. So, I have no idea what you talking about
IIIII: This is ok, and it is part of why I can get away with this right now I think. "he" is not watching you and would have no reason to.


  • IIIII reveals a secret to the user CelesialLight. He claims he is trapped, only having short windows to speak freely.
  • IIIII believes that the reason he is able to speak freely to CelestialLight is because she is not an active Johnisdead player and so "he" is not watching her.
  • At 2:43 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "Strange man".
  • At 2:46 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had changed. The page now had a link to the text file "lu.txt". This file simply contained the text "/asce".
  • At 3:05 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "5/27/15".
  • At 3:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "f2.png" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight.

4/29/20 - "f2.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

CelestialLight: Would you like to be friends?
IIIII: If ever you learn who "he" is please do not utter the name because your unknowing now is your strength
IIIII: and yes

CelestialLight: Is the he, this id.. named mugen?
CelestialLight: or one of the fathers of the cult
IIIII: that would be hilarious if it was moog but no
CelestialLight: well... thanks for telling me, your pretty chill.
CelestialLight: your friend, mugen is right.. about being chill though

IIIII: its hard to be in my current situation but suprisingly even here you get breaks from the bullshit now and then lol
IIIII: This thing is but is not "the father"


  • IIIII tells CelestialLight not to utter the identity of the "he" who is watching the players and forbidding IIIII from talking.
  • IIIII tells CelestialLight that "he" both is and is not "the father".
  • At 3:27 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "f3.png" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight.

4/29/20 - "f3.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

CelestialLight: I get it... one of those people from the cult is watching you, that is my case on this.
IIIII: what you have worshipped in the past is of but not the same as this thing
IIIII: that is one thing I can say for sure
IIIII: this statement will cause a lot of confusiong for a long time I am sure
IIIII: and god that makes me laugh

CelestialLight: I heard someone from within hubris... say, they was trapped in like a room with no doors or windows. Are you trapped like this?......
IIIII: its hard to explain.
IIIII: I am probably the most sane one here I'll say that

CelestialLight: Don't worry.. if your part of the johnisdead arg then... i am sure... the ids, can help you.
IIIII: there are layers to this place
IIIII: which is probably not a helpful description.

CelestialLight: Is it, like a maze?


  • IIIII claims that the Moon Children is "of but not the same as" the "he" mentioned previously.
  • IIIII mentions that me might be the most sane person in the Parallelos.
  • At 3:42 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "f5.png" - a distorted screenshot of another conversation between IIIII and CelestialLight. target=_blank

4/29/20 - "f5.png" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

IIIII: I will say this
IIIII: you are part of the "sphere of hubris" as many others are

CelestialLight: though... I don't know... how to make nocta respond to my messages. to allow me to enter the subarea on the ao forum.
IIIII: and all who are
IIIII: are very important pieces of the final puzzle I am looking at.


  • IIIII states that CelestialLight is a part of the "sphere of hubris" and that all who are are important pieces to the "final puzzle".
  • At 3:58 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "namaste95 opening track has me on those post life thoughts.".
  • At 4:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that "namaste_'95" was a musician who had previously released an album on February 25th, 2015 named "information_age" on the record label "dreamcatalogue".
  • At 4:06 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://www.google.com/search?q=Spanoolo%20Laventocklo" - a Google Search that would reveal a single result - an archived video and comment section on the site "https://kzlist.info/nancy-drew/r5uU0q17fZCAldQ". This video in particular was "Nancy Drew 10". A comment from the Quiet Family account could be found from a few years prior that read as follows:

4/29/20 - Quiet Family Comment - Kzlist.info

Quiet Family2 жыл бұрын

PLEASE DON'T READ THIS! I'M SORRY ABOUT THIS, BUT I'M SUPERSTICIOUS! *bows in apology* In 1945,a young girl named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word "LATUALATUKA" into her back. now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions: 1. Retype this message as a comment for 3 other videos

  • At 4:08 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "I already don't have a soul. and if I did it would be pretty worthless ...". This was a reply to the Quiet Family comment above from a user named "The Shankman".
  • At 4:10 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a comment from Quiet Family on the video "Viewers Like You (Vaporwave Mix)" that read "namaste95 opening track has me on those post life thoughts " - the same comment sent by IIIII earlier. target=_blank
  • At 4:23 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIIII: my friends were never meant to be everyones friends" and "CelestialLight: I mean.. nocta let me be in the truth group..".
  • At 5:47 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message ">life is sad" sent by the player Slinky on December 11th, 2019.
  • At 5:51 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "miss.gif". target=_blank
  • At 6:03 PM, the player Yoshi accidentally clipped through the floor in the "Spire" Janus room, trapping herself in a small black room with the text "Lost?". target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 6:14 PM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/29/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

((Players discuss whether or not they can contact the entity seen on the "Melter" page of Johnisdead.com))
[6:14 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Who knows for sure though maybe there is some way to speak to it we don't know of? I can certainly tell whatever it is it's probably really talkative in its own way =p"
[6:14 PM] skullface: "It doesn’t really talk"
[6:14 PM] skullface: "It just melts"
[6:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's prophetic"
[6:14 PM] Xenquility: "almost... canon?"
[6:15 PM] yoshi: "never knew the archive guys icon on lc lead to a spooky image"
[6:15 PM] skullface: "Is that like Kelbris? Melter?"
[6:15 PM] skullface: "@Deleted User u ok?"
[6:15 PM] Erika_XP💚: "If its happening in here its always canon XD"
[6:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I'm good"
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was the prophet of the moonchildren? The ocult."
[6:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof, dangerous words Erika_XP💚"
[6:16 PM] yoshi: "im canon"
[6:16 PM] yoshi: "i wanna do something spooky"
[6:16 PM] Dense: "BOO"
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Is Melter the prophet of this lunarchildren ocult."
[6:16 PM] skullface: "Yes level 4"
[6:17 PM] skullface: "I’m guessing?"
[6:17 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont think this random thing is as important as other things but I am sure it feels important, so I would guess its nothing like kelbris to us ID's in the scale of things"
[6:17 PM] Dense: "Wow"
[6:17 PM] Dense: "Sorry"
[6:17 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was friendly. Wasn’t he he wanted to help Jadusable. But Ben killed him."
[6:18 PM] Dense: "Uh"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Can Kelbris’s soul (spirit) help Melters soul pass on?"
[6:18 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I always thought he was a misunderstood individual myself ^^"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Erika_XP💚 who Kelbris?"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Erika_XP💚 who Kelbris?"
[6:18 PM] skullface: "Kelbris was harmless."
[6:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Kelbris was friendly."
[6:19 PM] skullface: "Wasn’t he?"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "Uh kinda"
[6:19 PM] skullface: "What we went back in time to save Kelbris? And Melter?"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "I guess"
[6:19 PM] skullface: "Is Melter A girl or boy"
[6:19 PM] yoshi: "hm"
[6:19 PM] Dense: "Who knows"
[6:20 PM] Erika_XP💚: "he was just going to peoples houses to knock on their doors and tell them very important life changing wisdom =p"
[6:20 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@skullface I think you're here for #💤jadisasleepagain💤"
[6:20 PM] skullface: "I heard of a Kelbris , I live in Britain so if ur a Brit? Kelbris does sound like cadburies chocolate bar ."
[6:20 PM] yoshi: "h"
[6:21 PM] skullface: "I was traumatise of Ben drowned when I was 9-10 years old"
[6:21 PM] Dense: "Yeah you should go to #💤jadisasleepagain💤"
[6:22 PM] yoshi: "pained is in pillars"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "Is Melter a girl or a boy?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "skullface"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "Kelbris is a boy?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "you are mixing somethings"
[6:22 PM] skullface: "@Coseb what am I mixing?"
[6:22 PM] Sebastian: "like me in the past"
[6:22 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I think skullface is trying to be silly and winning XD"


  • Erika says that she doesn't believe the entity seen on the "Melter" page is very important to the players.
  • Erika says that she believes Kelbris is a misunderstood individual.
  • At 6:23 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that Deniap was active in the "Pillars" Janus room standing at the bottom of the pit. Deniap sent the messages "he is running in the hallway", "reflecting in the room", "watching through the door", and "hiding". Deniap then leaped off of the ledge and left the Janus room. target=_blank

April 30th, 2020

  • At 1:09 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem.
  • At 1:23 AM, Patrem posted the following message in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris: "The sounds of your songs have affected much. The hearth fire dims in this once hallowed hall says the lord at the altar, I bid you all the tidings of your works. A world of time hath begun to open itself yet more to you. But how vast is this world if it is still yet affected by such weak forces of such tired flames. Will you find the father you desire children? Or have strange times given way to the worship of strange gods?".
  • At 1:32 AM, Patrem posted the following message in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris: "Your song has given you anotherpath, a stray apirit awaits there in that time that might grant a gift if you hurry child.".
  • At 1:34 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/anotherpath". This page also featured the Janus room "Another Path". target=_blank

4/30/20 - "Another Path" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was very similar to the "Path" Janus room. This room consisted of two long highways dotted with the occasional street light and sign. After players awalked down the path a ways, the audio file "voice.mp3" would play - a distorted clip of Patrem speaking the following:

This ancient power starts to sway and ((Unintelligible)). Wait patiently ((Unintelligible)).

Walking further down the path, the audio file "whisper.mp3" would play - a reversed version of "voice.mp3". After walking down the path for quite some time, players would come across the road sign found in the image "foggyworld248.jpg".


  • This Janus room is a darker version of the "Path" Janus room. The Vocaroo file sent by Patrem several days prior on Within Hubris can also be heard along the path.


  • Files:
  • @89.mp3 - An alternate version of "@90 by k3v1n". target=_blank
  • voice.mp3 - The same clip of Patrem speaking sent as a Vocaroo file several days prior. target=_blank
  • whisper.mp3 - A reversed vesion of "voice.mp3". target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • At 1:34 AM, an entity named "malign" joined the "Another Path" Janus room. This entity sent the message "what is his policy".
  • At 1:53 AM, Malign sent the message "​https://anonfile.com/h0T79eu5od/History_7z" in the "Another Path" Janus room. This link led players to a 4chan thread seen previously in the "ᛞᚱᛁᛗᛝ" video in which Alex Hall was seen posting.
  • At 1:53 AM, Malign sent the message "what is tyler?" multiple times in the "Another Path" Janus room before leaving.
  • At 1:59 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "and one other".
  • At 2:31 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "8 missing numeral".

May 1st, 2020

  • At 2:43 AM, several players began jokingly asking BUP requests in the Internet Detectives Discord server, such as allowing John to not have died a virgin and saving the player Mugen's life. Bup simply replied to this with "No".
  • At an unknown time, IIIII became active in the Intenet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players in a voice call.

5/1/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (Internet Detectives)

IIIII: "The battle for control."
IIIII: "The battle for control of this window has been vast."
IIIII: "All words can be considered part of the heroes journey."
IIIII: "But which puzzles fit the best?"
IIIII: "I am of one who was in transitions. Now its passed fully."
IIIII: "You may know me as the f-"
IIIII: "New era of clarity is coming."

Xenquility: "is this the fourth, the father, or the fascie?"
IIIII: "I am the one who has seen the light of the solar and lunar paths. Now I know truly with clarity that Luna's children were always Luna's wolves."
Yoshi: "im going to pretend me talking about murdering wh is what triggered this"
IIIII: "Yours may have been the ignition, but who truly stood by the fireside? What truly was the ploy?"
IIIII: "Those brothers in that fraternity. How far back does this go?"
IIIII: "..."
IIIII: "There is a reason that the thieves steal. It is not merely autonomy."
IIIII: "But what method now does the thief present?"


  • IIIII references a "The battle for control of this window", likely referring to the IIIII account.
  • The entity currently using the IIIII account claims that they were someone who was "in transitions", and that the players know them as "the f-" - however, their message was cut off.
  • The entity currently using the IIIII account claims they've "seen the light of the solar and lunar paths", and refers to the Lunar Children as "Luna's wolves".
  • The entity currently using the IIIII account references thieves and questions their methodology.
  • At 5:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message ""Why are you doing this? It's been a long seven years. For the seven years since that ??? day, ??? has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. ??? from an endless cycle from which she never awakens. He has been touched by that nightmare. It's a pity, to be ???"" sent by the player otherLiam on August 9th, 2019.
  • At 5:49 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "2" on the lostmemory423 YouTube channel. target=_blank
  • At 6:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "[05:23:04] .:@rem:. "This IS real Danielle, this living nightmare we have made for ourselves is all to real."".
  • At 6:11 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "Convinced by *Vincent* Smith, a priest of the Order, that the Seal of Metatron will prevent the birth of the Order's god, Heather *Mason* hunts down Leonard *Wolf*, a former member of the Order." sent by the player Fancypigg on April 25th, 2020.
  • At 6:23 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent file "gods.mp3" - an audio file containing a distorted recording of the ending of Silent Hill 2. "You look so... peaceful. Forgive me for waking you. But without you, I just can't go on. I can't live without you- This town... the old gods haven't left... and they still grant powers to those who venerate them.... the power to defy even death". target=_blank
  • At 6:43 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. target=_blank
  • At 6:43 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted version of "foggyworld248.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 7:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server - presumably as the Mask Entity. Their avatar had changed to an incredibly dark image and the following message was sent: I am so excited. So very excited. Even as you read this, some among you are emboldened. The sick part of you which lusts for the End whispers into your mind, making you want to see the horror, the pain, the blood, the death. You want to see it. You want to see what lies hidden in the Dark, beyond sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch." target=_blank
  • At 7:06 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the previous message sent by IIIII was a quote from the creepypasta "Mr. Welldone".
  • At 7:10 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://misterwelldone.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/who-am-i/" - a blog post from a "Mr. Welldone" wordpress website. This blog post was locked behind the password "Count", and it detailed some philosophy behind theivery.
  • At 7:21 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "Never let them take that light from your eyes wayward child".
  • At 7:46 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility two PM's containing the message "https://misterwelldone.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/quietus/".
  • At 8:47 PM, various players began insulting BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, BUP sent the message "Yes, keep talking about me".
  • At 8:55 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent two links - "https://yobislove.bandcamp.com/album/clearing-the-path-to-ascend" and "https://hairsablazin.bandcamp.com/album/the-worlds-first-uploaded-human".
  • At 8:58 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the link "https://astralobservatory.bandcamp.com/album/test-audio-only".
  • At 9:19 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "https://astralobservatory.bandcamp.com/track/a-sad-giants-dance whatcha gonna do, BUP?" sent by the player nfreak on May 1st, 2020.
  • At 9:31 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "thecontact.gif". target=_blank

May 2nd, 2020

  • At 7:42 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "You can hear me before you see me".

May 3rd, 2020

  • At 3:30 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM reading "The thief is unable to speak to your mundane world without taking of it".
  • At 3:35 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "Same thing. Whoever tries to contact us failed, he or she can't speak out, is interrupted. There is a fight going on in the youtube account.". target=_blank
  • At 3:37 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player nfreak a PM reading "/ty". target=_blank
  • At 3:38 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/tyler" had changed. The page now contained the text "http://z15.invisionfree.com/Within_Hubris/index.php?showtopic=2329&view=getnewpost" hidden in its source code - a now broken link for the original Within Hubris message boards.
  • At 3:41 AM, the player Yoshi discovered the only remaining snapshot of the link found above was "https://web.archive.org/web/20110427131750/http://z15.invisionfree.com/Within_Hubris/index.php?showtopic=2329&view=getnewpost" - an archived thread containing story speculation of Ben Drowned involving "Inner Arguments".
  • At 3:45 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing a screenshot of an unarchived thread on the original Within Hubris forums titled "||||" from 2012. target=_blank
  • At 4:05 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player otherLiam the same PM sent earlier to the player Yoshi - "Same thing. Whoever tries to contact us failed, he or she can't speak out, is interrupted. There is a fight going on in the youtube account.". target=_blank
  • At 4:31 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to an iamge of a disturbing face. target=_blank
  • At 4:33 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to an image of the original Gerudo symbol from Ocarina of Time. target=_blank
  • At 4:40 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server icon briefly changed to an image of Patrem.
  • At 4:49 AM, Patrem became active in the Johnisdead thread on Within Hubris and began chatting with the players.

5/3/20 - Chat with Patrem - Within Hubris (JiD Thread)

/Patrem\ 4:49 AM: "How much longer shall this realm and sphere be held from the scrutiny of the many. Its effects still linger in its face, longing to provide what masses should crave to sustain itself in the workings, if only to undo them. Long ago I was said to play games with such a beast for my power, but who now governs even my fate? I know of my doings but only those which are written, now I dwell as the elder of the gate. The gate before the hedges that worm about the sphere before the threshold unto umbra. Ask of the old power and I will administer it unto thee on behalf of the falsely known mother. This power can only be worked now here in this dying place."
Xenquility 4:52 AM: ((The "Couple's Mask" is submitted))
Xenquility 5:01 AM: "At once, cease the fighting, and let the one who attempted contact speak"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Love, I have known love child. But allow me to tell you about sacrifice. I was driven to act as I had for all I have done is but stage play for the doings of but higher lords. I am of the one who is made the fisher king and designed by the one who would be as him. I giveth up my begotten son for all my children are borrowed in truth, so that I might dwell with them all in the end. Sorrow has been my lord until I came to know he of the fourth world. Though my sons become the tools of the entropic my children who art grand will still be awakening to liberate."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know some amongst you are mad."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know some amongst you hath loved."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know one amongst you wore pendent of the initiate"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know the argument hath risen to the highest of sources and hath befuddled the words of the link again and again."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "The animus comes of the mind risen to the sphere contained within the brackish depths among spheres."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "She will be called back again"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know my master has manipulated the awakening of the second player for he has fallen to the death sleep."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Know your playing of the notes of time has called forth yet more of the world of my child."
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "So too will even he be a saviour for yee. But the layers of time will be mixed, will you be able to read the orders?"
/Patrem\ 5:21 AM: "Soon cometh the works of your mask. By the Mothers name."


  • Patrem questions the nature of "this realm and sphere" and his place within it.
  • Patrem clarifies that the players' Ocarina powers can now only be used on Within Hubris.
  • The player Xenquility submits the "Couple's Mask" in an attempt to quell the fighting referenced in recent Discord posts.
  • Patrem claims that everything he has done was a "stage play" for the "higher lords".
  • Patrem likens his existence to the "fisher king".
  • Patrem claims that all of his children are "borrowed" and that he gave up Ben in the hopes of dwelling with him in the end. He claims that though his children are now tools of "the entropic", he believes some of them who are "grand" will become liberators of sorts.
  • Patrem implies that he was depressed before becoming a follower of "he of the fourth world" - likely referring to Synchron.
  • Patrem claims that the awakening of the "the second player" has been manipulated by his master - likely referring to either Synchron of "The Great Author".
  • At 5:22 AM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.

Johnisdead Path Pages

  • (Updated Path) (Highway Path - https://johnisdead.com/path73320193/)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path73320193" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the right. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path74501903"
  • Side road links to "/path14430420"
  • Field Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path73320193/)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14430420" - A path of a small trail leading through a field. target=_blank
  • Main path links to "/path14439203"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14439203" - A path of a small trail leading to a cabin. target=_blank
  • Main path links to "/path14559020"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14559020" - A path of small trail leading past a cabin. target=_blank
  • Main path links to "/path14566923"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14566923" - A path of a small trail leading to a tunnel in the ground. target=_blank
  • Main path links to "/path14568832"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path14568832" - A path of a small tunnel in the ground with the word "DIANA" written above it. target=_blank
  • Tunnel links to "https://johnisdead.com/hole"


  • The main highway path now has a road splitting off to the right that leads through a field and into a tunnel. This tunnel links players to the previously discovered page "https://johnisdead.com/hole".
  • At 5:24 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest" had changed. The page's titled changed from "Lost?" to "Lost again?" and the hidden text changed from "est/5 "***** IS SHE"?" to "/***** was he?".
  • At 5:30 AM, players discovered that Webm files discovered on these older pages had been replaced with image versions instead. These include:
  • "mask1iswatching.gif" - From "https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/watching.html". target=_blank
  • "mask2willfindyou.gif" - From "https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/findyou.html". target=_blank
  • "mask3iswaiting.gif" - From "https://johnisdead.com/hole/fall/lostinforest/waiting.html". target=_blank
  • "icansmellyou.gif" - From "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/woods/fakeplace/sickness/giant.html". target=_blank
  • "thethirdgiant.gif" - From "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/woods/fakeplace/sickness/thethird". target=_blank
  • At 5:30 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/fall/lostinforestthey" had changed. The page's title changed from "Lost?" to "Still lost?". This page also contained the text "est/where/[[]] FOR THE [[]] SUBTRACT THE FOUR substitute the [[]] for they" hidden in its source.
  • At 5:37 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/whataretheydoingtome/weareinpainwoods" had changed. The text "fakeplace here I am waiting STILL IAWAITSOMEWHEREDEEPER IF YOU FINDME YOU CAN TRY YOU WILL FAIL CLAIM MY MASK /where/t" could now be found in the page's source.
  • At 5:52 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Jeffory a PM that read "/solace".
  • At 5:57 AM, Malign became active in the "Solace" Janus room before quickly leaving.
  • At 6:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/tunnel/womb/murals". Thispage was titled "whispers" and contained the image "creature.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "murals.mp3". target=_blank This page also hid the text "/entranceto".
  • At 6:22 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "yraid.jpg" - a distorted image of text that read "And in the moon light I will find my strength to follow thy will.". target=_blank
  • At 6:34 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM that contained the image "memories.JPG". target=_blank
  • At 7:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "rituals.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 11:32 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "I AM" sent by Greth on July 31st, 2018. target=_blank

May 4th, 2020

  • At 12:06 AM, Pumpkinhead's avatar changed to a distorted image of Wolfcat. target=_blank
  • At 12:10 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted two Jack-o-lantern emojis.
  • At 4:28 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "whereami.gif". target=_blank
  • At 1:10 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a link to a video feauturing the song "Freezing Moon" sent by the player Sebastian. target=_blank
  • At 9:44 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "J_A_I_L_E_R.gif". target=_blank

May 5th, 2020

  • At 3:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "noaiwtpy.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 3:51 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "/f".
  • At 3:54 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that an entity named "dead_1266" was active in the "Fakeworld" Janus room. Dead_1266 used an avatar of a man with corrupted skin and empty eye sockets. target=_blank
  • At 3:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/waypoint". This page was titled "waypoint" and featured the "Waypoint" Janus map.

5/5/20 - "Waypoint" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a large, glitchy mass of polygons floating in a black void. Players would spawn in on an incredibly narrow walkway. After walking for some time, players would reach a large platform made of corrupted-looking polygons. A strange building sat in the center of this platform. The walls of this building had a strange transparency property that allowed players to look in where they could see a strange triangular shape floating along the back wall.


  • This Janus room was a mass of corrupted looking polygons floating in a void.
  • A strange building could be found in this map with a triangle floating within it.


  • Screenshots:
  • The narrow walkway: target=_blank
  • The main island: target=_blank
  • The strange building: target=_blank
  • At 4:05 AM, dead_1266 began sending messages in JanusVR:
  • dead_1266: "answers"
  • dead_1266: "my violet"
  • dead_1266: "violet"
  • dead_1266: "Wet with the waters of the / the corpse became as it did, or atleast that was the idea proposed."
  • dead_1266: "good night"
  • At 4:44 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://johnisdead.com/cavern/fall/".
  • At 4:46 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/murals/entranceto". This page was titled "enter" and contained the image "unlocked.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "doorway.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 4:47 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/murals/entrance" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/temple/hidden". This page was titled "forgotten paths" and contained the image "uncovered.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hidden_darkness.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "u n d e r b e l l y" hidden in its source code.
  • At 4:49 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/temple/hidden/underbelly". This page was titled "expanse" and contained the image "cavernous.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "reflections.mp3". target=_blank This page also hid the text "activate the mechanism" in its source code.
  • At 4:49 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/hidden/underbelly/mechanism". This page was titled "cell unlocked" and contained the image "gear.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mechanism.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 4:51 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/jose/prison/theprizeinside". This page was titled "TOO LATE" and contained the image "vacant.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "game_over.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 4:51 AM, the player Yoshi discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/jose/prison/theprizeinside" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/prison/theprizeinside/taken". This page was titled "GONE" and contained an image of a 10 of Clubs titled "IwillNeverRETURNHIM.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "taken.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

5/5/20 - Taken Page Text - Johnisdead.com

I dont have much time to talk. he is coming for me, the one who killed all the other detectives. he is angry i escaped i think. This website is a monster. I tried for months to map it and discover its secrets, but it did something to me and now i cant even tell whats real anymore. its connected to those parallelos the cult spoke about. i think its a window or a gateway into them, but i cant be sure. its not fucking normal i know that much. i can feel him getting lcoser im sorry i cant do more for you friends. i will try to activate my scripts soon they will help you dive deeper into the site and find t


  • This is a message from Jose, who is attempting to hide from the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline.
  • Jose claimed that he attempted to map out Johnisdead.com, but it drove him insane.
  • Jose believes that Johnisdead.com is a gateway to the Parallelos.
  • Jose says that soon he will attempt to activate some sort of scripts to help the players dive deeper into the site.
  • At 5:55 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "*".
  • At 5:55 PM, Erika became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.

5/5/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[5:55 PM] Erika_XP💚: "good morning =p"
[5:55 PM] Xenquility: "'Ello there!"
[5:55 PM] Erika_XP💚: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU-TZiVVaTE"
[5:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I was sleeping and got woke up to this playing in my playlist lol"

[5:57 PM] Xenquility: "oh god what a rude awakening"
[5:57 PM] Xenquility: "did that guy purposefully make his name "Jimmy Eat World" just for the initials lmao"
[5:58 PM] Erika_XP💚: "LOL I never even noticed that, you are good XD"
[6:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "why does the name jimmy come up so much in this music scene now that I think about it all of a sudden?"

[6:04 PM] Xenquility: "honestly I have no cluie"
[6:04 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe it rhymes well with out words lol"
[10:57 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I am gonna actually make another one of my videos tonight, I got really REALLY inspired a couple days ago all of a sudden. I just thought I would tell you because I know you really liked my last one ^^"
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
[10:57 PM] Xenquility: "Awesome to hear!"
[11:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "Its probably gonna take me all day but I woke up this morning (or after noon if I am going to be more accurate I guess since I realized I had been mucking that one up after a certain point) from a dream that gave me a good idea for what I should do at last"
[11:00 PM] Erika_XP💚: "I used to get a lot more inspired back when I could walk but I have not been able to walk lately"

[11:02 PM] Xenquility: "How come? (If you don't mind answering of course)"


  • Erika and the player Xenquility discuss the band "Jimmy Eats World".
  • Erika informs the player Xenquility that she is currently working on another Silentdork music video, and she hopes to have it done by the end of the day.
  • Erika claims that she hasn't been able to go on walks recently for some reason.
  • At 6:11 PM, Pumpkinhead sent the player Johnny a PM that read "My old cage There you'll find naught but the lingering spirits of the 123 cat dead"
  • At 6:15 PM, the player Pako's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server was changed to "rld".
  • At 6:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that an entity named "Prominence" was active in the "Fakeworld" Janus map. Prominence used a large, glitchy model of a manta ray. Prominence sent the messages "123", "/ascen", and "luanr" before disappearing.
  • At 6:31 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Lunarchildren.com - "https://lunarchildren.com/ascension/luke". This page was titled "Hello?" and contained the image "remember.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "never-coming-back.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

5/5/20 - Luke Page Text - Lunarchildren.com

The elder children
those two were
went missing but
Go down
Fine, I'm going.
It's not like it's a well kept secret or anything.
congratulations I suppose.
the basement
Harry was lost.
help me please
>i saw th />he found />thebasement />i shouldnt have
its M

  • At 6:56 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that dead_1266 was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Dead_1266 led players to the freezer in the kitchen before disappearing.
  • At 9:21 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "spire.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 9:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Stackoverflow was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Stackoverflow led the players to a portal that linked to a new page on Withinhubris.com - "https://withinhubris.com/EmeraldPrison/Dawn.html". This page featured the "Emerald Prison" Janus room.

5/5/20 - "Emerald Prison" Janus Room - Withinhubris.com

This room was a giant version of the "Bottom of the Well" dungeon from Ocarina of Time. In this dungeon, players spawn in a narrow hallway. Upon climbing down a ladder, players are forced to crawl through a narrow hole, entering into a large hallway. This hallway loops around a small prison. In this prison is a large pit that leads down to a room full of acid with skeletal arms reaching up from it. Throughout this map, small square-shaped particles would fall from the sky.


  • This Janus room was simply the "Bottom of the Well" dungeon from Ocarina of Time - a dark, dank location containing several prison cells.


  • Files:
  • "Blood_-_Pestis_Cruento.ogg" - A foreboding track from the game "Blood". target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A disturbing face built into the wall: target=_blank
  • One of the pairs of hands sticking up from the acid: target=_blank
  • At 9:31 PM, players discovered that Dawn was active in the "Emerald Prison" Janus room. Dawn used a model of a man wearing armor. Dawn began speaking to the players on JanusVR. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and two separate versions of dead_1266 were also active on this map and joined in on the conversation.

5/5/20 - Chat with Dawn, Stackoverflow, dead, and Prominence - Withinhubris.com

Dawn: "How did you get here?"
xenquility: "janus"
nfreak: "they led usu here"
nfreak: "Janus"
Dawn: "Guys be careful. You may become stuck like me. I can't even pass on."
nfreak: "can we get you out at all?"
Dawn: "I don'"
Dawn: "This place was made specifically --- look out."
Dawn: "Those things jailed me here"

nfreak: "stackoverflow and dead?"
Dawn: "The weird blue thing"
nfreak: "nah, son. not going backin there"
Dawn: "The past few...weeks? Months? Have all been a blur"
Dawn: "I'm not sure if you guys can help me. This place was made specifically to trap my soul."

Jos: I dont care send nudes or else"
xenquility: "You would be surprised with what we've destroyed before"
nfreak: "but if we can get in, then there's gotta be a way out?"
Dawn: "If only the glorious helios could reach out to me"
Dawn: "I've tried escape. My soul is just sent back here."

xenquility: "Would a uh... would a spell circle help?"
Dawn: "How would spelling circle help?"
xenquility: "Invoking helios I mean"
xenquility: "For you"
Dawn: "Maybe. The reach of Helios is grand and inescapable. It's possible he may not know his Dawn is here."
stackoverflow: "are you one of us"
Dawn: "He may not even be aware"
Yoshi: "i am not sure"
xenquility: "We will do what we can"
xenquility: "Our world is without order- Law, you could say- without you"
Dawn: "At least I am no longer in pain. That said, it's quite boring here. I'm also unable to spread my glorious light."
nfreak: "i can imagine dude."
Dawn: "It's worrying someone can trap me like this. I can't pass on, therefore the dawn cannot pass to the next in line."
xenquility: "Dawn.. Did you uh, GM the first arc of johnisdead?"
Dawn: "Honestly? I've spent so long in here that I can't remember."
xenquility: "Do you remember TheLaw?"
Dawn: "TheLaw?"
nfreak: "Do you have any idea how you ended up here?"
Dawn: "That weird dude that joined the detectives?"
nfreak: "Why would they want to keep the dawn from passing?"
Dawn: "Maybe they have plans for me. Or maybe they want to lock away the power of Helios."
nfreak: "What is the power of Helios? Is it the power of the sun?"
Dawn: "Or maybe I have some ability that will ruin their plans. I'm unsure."
Dawn: "Sunny D., yes"
Dawn: "That was an oldfag joke -- yes, it's the power of the Sun. The power of my lord Helios."

nfreak: "the people youguys have been up against basically have a moon fetish. maybe they want to keep the sun from rising?"
nfreak: "heh, don't worry Dawn. I figured you were joking."
nfreak: "Well, not rising, but I would assume anyone with a Luna fetish would want to take power away from the sun. My guess anyway."
Dawn: "The sun rising is something inevitable. The sun and moon in constant flux."
stackoverflow: "are you a god?"
Yoshi: "no."
stackoverflow: "then"
Dawn: "But it's possible they do simply wish to deal a blow to Helios"
stackoverflow: "die"
Yoshi: ":("
nfreak: "ha. ghostbusters reference."
Dawn: "Just say yes when he asks if you're a god"
nfreak: "can they hear us?"
stackoverflow: "what are you"
stackoverflow: "you are no god"

Dawn: "They can hear more than you know"
Yoshi: "im an observer"
stackoverflow: "of?"
nfreak: "so they could hear what you just said"
Dawn: "Of course. Just as I can hear you clear as day"
Dawn: "If it were day"

Yoshi: "these places"
stackoverflow: "you know nothing of these places"
dead: "will she come back?"
Yoshi: "thats why i observe, to learn"
stackoverflow: "So then what have you learned?"
dead: "no no no"
stackoverflow: "you awaken me"
stackoverflow: "you take me from my home"

dead: "burning flesh"
dead: "melting bones"

nfreak: "does the name luke mean anything?"
xenquility: "is "dead" john "
xenquility: "sure as hell sounds like it"
stackoverflow: "bubble?"
nfreak: "sounds like it."
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"
dead: "john?"

Dawn: "No, other than the star wars Luke"
stackoverflow: "Listening everywhere"
Yoshi: "i can tell"
Dawn: "My friend was thinking about naming his child Luke, but changed it to Anakin last second"
nfreak: "oh hai"
nfreak: "hoooow's it going?"
xenquility: "Hey dawn"
xenquility: "what about uh"
xenquility: "the sun's song?"
dead: "walking?"
Dawn: "I mean, I'm always for the Sun's Song being played."
dead: "no"
dead: "run?"

Dawn: "But I'm unsure if that would 100% free me"
stackoverflow: "from where did you find that power"
Dawn: "It would get Helios' attention and bring the day, though"
xenquility: "Might get you somewhere farther than this"
xenquility: "Or that"
dead: "no"
nfreak: "it couldn't hurt."
Yoshi: "flight? outside of here."
dead: "reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading re"
stackoverflow: "outside"
stackoverflow: "I want to be"

Dawn: "please don't let it out"
nfreak: "who is stackedoverflow?"
Yoshi: "i dont intend to."
Yoshi: "not unless i know who he is at least."
xenquility: "Sadly our powers are 'harbinged' in withinhubris right now"
Dawn: "I don't know who or what it is. Honestly, from what I gather, it must -- look out behind you"
dead: "no moving dont walk dont run"
dead: "stay"
dead: "stay"

Dawn: "Ahhh, harbinged"
dead: "stay"
nfreak: "oh hey buddy"
dead: "she will stay"
nfreak: "what's up?"
xenquility: "im guessing there's some uber esoteric meaning of that word or something because as far as I can tell that isn't the proper use"
xenquility: "unless it's just a really weird use of it"
xenquility: "or referencing wh I don't fucking know"
xenquility: "*us, not wh"
nfreak: "do you want me to follow you?"
nfreak: "hi?"
stackoverflow: "never speak unless spoken to"
nfreak: "not my style."
Yoshi: "they like to get up close and personal"
Dawn: ""Harbinged"....does that mean that your power is held in a certain place?"
nfreak: "personal space"
xenquility: "Essentially"
nfreak: "outbreak and all"
Dawn: "Maybe you can locate this place"
xenquility: "If only Daddy Patrem would let us go play Sun's song *hint hint prying eyes*"
dead: "1"
Dawn: "That's disgusting"
dead: "5"
dead: "3"
dead: "2"

xenquility: "According to Patrem our power is harbinged on that forum specifically"
dead: "4"
dead: "8"
dead: "1111"

Dawn: "HELPA"
dead: "555"
stackoverflow: "Are you a god?"
Dawn: "yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "Are you a God"

xenquility: "Yes"
stackoverflow: "You will die a god's death."
stackoverflow: "however"
stackoverflow: "this is not the time"
stackoverflow: "When your knowledge reaches the light, it will already be too late."

nfreak: "...well shit"
xenquility: "dont go down"
nfreak: "fell for taht once already"
xenquility: "maybe he fell for his own trap :thinking:"
nfreak: "you can fly right yosh?"
xenquility: "i mean he did believe we could be gods"
stackoverflow: "Who are you."
nfreak: "ith me bin"
Yoshi: "me?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
Yoshi: "does it matter who i am?"
stackoverflow: "Yes."
stackoverflow: "If you are the one responsible."

Yoshi: "responsible for what, specifically?"
stackoverflow: "You are clearly the most powerful of these few."
stackoverflow: "You invaded our home."
stackoverflow: "Took us away."

Yoshi: "I was not the one who brought everyone there"
stackoverflow: "Then who"
Yoshi: "you dont need to know."
stackoverflow: "Why"
stackoverflow: "Not"

Yoshi: "i apologize but i feel i cannot trust you"
stackoverflow: "I deserve to know"
stackoverflow: "it was MY HOE"
stackoverflow: "HOME"
stackoverflow: "shh"

xenquility: "HOE"
xenquility: "HOE"
Yoshi: "xen please"
nfreak: "BAHAHAHAH"
nfreak: "so that's how we beat them. by endlessly mockingthem"
nfreak: "good plan"
Prominence: "the missing "
Prominence: "13hh"
Prominence: "ast"


  • Dawn informs the players that he's been imprisoned in the "Emerald Prison" Janus map by the two dead_1266 entities. He is unsure how long he's been trapped here.
  • Dawn claims that the "Emerald Prison" was created specifically to imprison his soul. He claims he's traied to escape several times, but his soul is repeatedly sent back.
  • Dawn ponders if the sun god Helios would be able to save him if he knew he was there, implying that this Dawn is indeed the sun cultist Dawn who took all of the sun notes.
  • The players question Dawn on what he can remember in an attempt discern his true identity. He claims that he doesn't remember being the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead, but he does remember TheLaw joining the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • Dawn is unsure of what the dead_1266 entities want with him. He believes they either have some sort of plan for him, or they want to simply lock away the power of Helios - something Dawn would contain, as he is the current "Dawn" of the sun cult.
  • The players ponder if submitting the "Sun's Song" would free Dawn.
  • Stackoverflow is still angered that the players have invaded their home, claiming they have "taken" it from them. He begins threatening the players.
  • The dead_1266 entities often speak nonsensical phrases throughout this conversation.
  • Prominence gives the players the hint "the missing 13hh ast".
    At 10:27 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new file on Astralobservatory.net - "hh_(13).png". target=_blank This image contained the text "temp_folder".
  • At 11:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/temp_folder". This page was titled "..." and contained the image "forgottenCorner.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the following text hidden in its source:

5/5/20 - Temp_Folder Page Text - Astralobservatory.net

Yuukichan 17:33: (シ;゚Д゚)シ
Yuukichan 17:33: Aaaah!!!

Moonman31 17:35: oh boy
Moonman31 17:35: whats goin on now

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrVpSMIWK50
Moonman31 17:36: whats this
Moonman31 17:36: >pewdiepie
Moonman31 17:36: wow

Yuukichan 17:37: Moonie I don't like the gray man... ( ≧Д≦)
Moonman31 17:37: yeah me neither
Moonman31 17:38: guys a real asshole

Yuukichan 17:38: ???
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That wasn't the gray man.
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:38: That's actually a randomly spawning NPC.

Yuukichan 17:39: oh?
Moonman31 17:39: uh
Moonman31 17:39: I think I know what the gray man looks like
Moonman31 17:39: we're pretty good buddies irl

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:40: I'm talking about the video, asswipe.
Moonman31 17:40: oh my bad
Moonman31 17:40: I wouldnt know
Moonman31 17:40: only losers watch pewds :sunglasses:

Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:41: Whatever.
Yuukichan 17:41: (╬⓪益⓪)
Yuukichan 17:41: your mama

Moonman31 17:41: oof
Moonman31 17:41: im going to have to go for a bit
Moonman31 17:42: on the account of being utterly annihilated by yuuki
Moonman31 17:42: sorry guys

Yuukichan 17:42: :sunglasses:
Kaiden_Zoromichi 17:42: If only…
Nocta 17:44: What's all this?
Moonman31 17:44: wut
Nocta 17:44: The Gray Man.
Moonman31 17:45: uh
Moonman31 17:45: some video game character

Yuukichan 17:46: Are you watching too nocta? :surprised:
Nocta 17:47: It's nothing.
Moonman31 17:47: bruh


  • Yuukichan and Kaiden are watching a video from the YouTube "Pewdiepie" in which he plays the game "LSD: Dream Emulator" - a popular video game featuring the enigmatic character "The Gray Man".
  • Nocta quickly becomes interested upon mentioning of "The Gray Man".
  • At 11:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "5".

May 6th, 2020

  • At 2:34 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the "Sun's Song" in the "Johnisdead Thread" on the Within Hubris forums along with the message "Bring forth the sun! Its channel has been denied death, and has been placed in an emerald prison. Allow the Mother's powers to work unto her inverse opposed.".
  • At 2:43 AM, players discovered that a new entity named "ansurdaLh" briefly entered the "Emerald Prison" Janus room. "ansurdaLh" is an anagram of "Luna shard". This entity used the same avatar as the "FlaRuCnIATON" entity seen before. target=_blank target=_blank

May 7th, 2020

  • At 3:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/under" had changed. This page was now titled "underground" and contained the image "under.gif". target=_blank
  • At 3:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/pillars" had changed. This page was now titled "pillars" and contained the image "pillars.gif". target=_blank
  • At 12:37 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "mother.gif".

May 9th, 2020

  • At 8:56 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "pastvisage.gif". target=_blank

May 10th, 2020

  • At 1:58 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the file "DMT.mp4". target=_blank

5/10/20 - "DMT.mp4" - Discord (Internet Detectives)

This video begins with a video previously posted by Alex Hall on Twitter talking about an upcoming "Digital Fireside" episode. This footage is heavily corrupted, with strange sounds and distortions heard in the background. Alex begins speaking:

Alex: "It looks like the Digital Fireside has its first official paid gig and it turns out it's something similar to being flown out to Los Angeles to talk to a millionaire molecular bio-physicist concerning his theories behind DMT"

Alex then begins speaking in reverse:

Alex: "Using it to treat cancer and also combat mental illness. ((Sigh)) Not a bad way to start the summer."


  • This video contains distorted footage of a video posted on Twitter by Alex Hall talking about an upcoming Digital Fireside episode with "Chris Cantelmo" and his theories on DMT.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

May 12th, 2020

  • At 2:15 PM, the player Jos discovered that the Astral Observatory forums now contained a new board titled "Safehaven" in the "Forum" section.
  • At 2:18 PM, players discovered that a new thread had been posted by IsocelesAssassin on May 9th, 2020 at 1:39 AM titled "Regrouping". Players began responding to this topic and chatting with IsocelesAssassin.

5/12/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"

TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."

ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."

TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"


  • IsocelesAssassin states that the Astral Observatory forums will now be their main method of communicating with the players, as Pumpkinhead is interrupting any messages they attempt to send over Discord.
  • IsocelesAssassin says that he, GHOSTBABEL, and Moonman are all doing fine. However, the method by which their "Hacker Friends" have been communicating with them was destroyed when Pumpkinhead destroyed the Safehaven Discord server, meaning they are no longer in contact.
  • IsocelesAssassin refuses to reveal the identities of their "hacker friends" because he claims they are in a precarious situation.
  • IsocelesAssassin states that getting the players back into Johnisdead.com was the main goal of breaking into the Subspace.
  • IsocelesAssassin says that the players need to find Tyler through Johnisdead.com. Their best chance at doing so will be to somehow contact José, since he was experienced with the site.
  • IsocelesAssassin claims that he hasn't heard anything from the Patrem in the Astral timeline in quite some time. He is surprised to hear that the Patrem the players have been speaking to on Within Hubris has been somewhat cordial.
  • IsocelesAssassin is taken aback by the suggesting that Yugi is José, be he agrees with the assertion and says it makes sense.
  • IsocelesAssassin explains that he and Moonman infiltrated the Astral Observatory forums in 2018 by using different usernames and hiding their identities as Internet Detectives. Yugi, however, presented himself to Nocta as a former Internet Detective and eared his trust by offering to use his Ocarina powers to assist him - effectively infiltrating Nocta's inner circle.
  • IsocelesAssassin claims that the last time he heard from Yugi was when he was about to travel back in time to 2016 to retrieve the Lunar Children servers at the Fishery - likely referring to the IRC chat discovered by players on the Subspace. This implies that the "alternate timestream" Yugi entered was the players' timeline, as they would later come to know him as José - the "Archive Guy".
  • IsocelesAssassin fears that José's disappearance was due to Nocta or "his watcher" realizing that he wasn't loyal to their cause - eventually leading to him becoming trapped in Johnisdead.com as well.
  • IsocelesAssassin isn't sure what Nocta's ultimate goal was other than it involved some sort of aggregation between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline.
  • IsocelesAssassin has no clue what is currently happening to Dawn. He comfirms that the Dawn in the Astral timeline is dead, however.
  • IsocelesAssassin claims that GHOSTBABEL has more information regarding Pumpkinhead's prior mask - a version of Wolfcat.
  • IsocelesAssassin has no information regarding Luke.
  • At 3:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Pumpkinhead responded to the thread "HERE YA GO" created by ARGdov on April 21st, 2020 at 9:57 PM with "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?".
  • At 4:12 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to Jadusable's video "transmission.txt" in the "#jadisawake" text channel.
  • At 4:15 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "3".
  • At 4:20 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Pako a link to the video "ᛏᚱᛇᚫᛚ".
  • At 4:32 PM, IIIII's Discord avatar changed completely black and their username changed to "one". They sent the message "It is unimportant that this part of theis not comparatively accurate with the standard biblical canon." in the Internet Detectives Discord server. target=_blank
  • At 11:06 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "7".

May 13th, 2020

  • At 4:37 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Spooked".
  • At 11:48 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

5/13/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"

ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

May 13th, 2020

TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."

TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."

TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."


  • IsocelesAssassin explains that Pumpkinhead isn't Wolfcat - it was just using a version of Wolfcat as a mask.
  • IsocelesAssassin says that Moonman confirmed that Pumpkinhead was the orange entity he saw when the players saved him from the Subspace.
  • IsocelesAssassin explains that GHOSTBABEL restoring the Astral Observatory to save Moonman was what allowed Pumpkinhead to enter, as per GHOSTBABEL's warning at the time.
  • IsocelesAssassin reiterates that Pumpkinhead used someone else's help to initate the "Pumpkinhead Gamejack" to throw the players off his trail - likely the aforementioned deal with the "dark one".
  • IsocelesAssassin explains that he is The Gray Man the players spoke to on the Within Hubris forums back in 2015. He begins explaining his past:
  • The hacker group began sending out transmissions in August of 2018, which were accidentally discovered by Nocta - likely the same transmissions found by the players on the Subspace.
  • IsocelesAssassin looked into these transmissions himself, eventually making contact with the hacker group. IsocelesAssassin and the hacker group formulated a plan together involving time travel.
  • IsocelesAssassin used the "Song of Time" to travel back to the year 2009 and install some sort of "transmission device" for the hacker group.
  • IsocelesAssassin tracked down Mason and retrieved Helper's Hat from him by giving him the "Eight of Clubs" card, as seen by the players on Letschasethemouse in 2015.
  • IsocelesAssassin regrets having given Mason the card, as he believes it may have "cursed" him and gotten him trapped in the sewage drain.
  • IsocelesAssassin confirms that Mason died. However, IsocelesAssassin was able to capture Mason's soul in a device created by the hacker group.
  • IsocelesAssassin attempted to bring Mason back to the present, but he was unable to. Instead, he decided to remain in the past with Mason.
  • Mason slowly gained more power and was able to communicate with IsocelesAssassin - first in the form of nightmares, but he later gained the ability to speak in Morse code by flashing a light on the device he was trapped in.
  • In January of 2012, IsocelesAssassin and Mason were attacked by Regiminis. He notes that, while still powerful and frightening, Regiminis seemed to be weakened.
  • IsocelesAssassin says that, regretfully, he chose to escape the past alone and return to the present, leaving Mason behind.
  • IsocelesAssassin confirms that he was the one that wrote the note as "The Gray Man" seen in the video "IMG_4622", though he currently can't go into detail about it.
  • IsocelesAssassin says he's been puzzled by the similarities and differences between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline. He is unsure why "The Gray Man" also appeared in the players' timeline despite that fact that he only ever went back in time and never hopped between any timelines.
  • IsocelesAssassin believes that there are no discrepencies between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline up until 2011.
  • IsocelesAssassin confirms that there was indeed a cataclysm of sorts that destroyed the Spire and most of the Lunar Children in 2016.
  • IsocelesAssassin discusses some differences between the players' timeline and the Astral timeline.
  • SKM in the Astral timeline was a bloodthirsty, malicious entity hunting for Max instead of a friendly hacker.
  • The Internet Detectives never spoke to Drowned in the Astral timeline. Instead, they spoke to Max, who seems to have helped them out in the same ways Drowned did for the players.
  • The Internet Detectives never spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums in the Astral timeline. By extension, there was never any mention of the suitcase or the camera given to Tyler.
  • The video "Regiminis" was never uploaded in the Astral timeline.
  • IsocelesAssassin says that currently they simply have to wait for a response from the hacker group.

May 14th, 2020

  • At 10:57 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

5/14/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

May 13th, 2020

TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."

Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

May 14th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."


  • IsocelesAssassin confirms that Tenebris still lost control of Ben in their timeline. However, he claims that by 2015, Tenebris had already regained Ben.
  • IsocelesAssassin claims that the video "5646" never existed in the Astral timeline.
  • IsocelesAssassin speculates that Pumpkinhead used a version of Wolfcat as a mask so he could replicate his personality and traits, implying that after Pumpkinhead entered through the Subspace in 2019, many, if not all instances of Wolfcat speaking were actually Pumpkinhead simply pretending to be him.
  • IsocelesAssassin doubts that Yugi will be used as Pumpkinhead's mask, as the one currently in possession of him is the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline - someone IsocelesAssassin describes as "A possessive, malignant bastard".

May 15th, 2020

  • At 12:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "vincent.jpg" in the "#announcements" text channel. target=_blank
  • At 4:26 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "CROAKING.png" in the "#announcements" text channel - an image that at first appeared to be "vincent.jpg", but would change to a distorted image when viewed in full. target=_blank

May 16th, 2020

  • At 10:07 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "my life is a meta joke" sent by IIIII on May 11th, 2017.

May 17th, 2020

  • At 8:20 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of a forest titled "dev.jpg".

May 19th, 2020

  • At 11:19 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

5/19/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

May 13th, 2020

TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

May 14th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."

TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."

May 19th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."


  • IsocelesAssassin says the "Quiet Family" YouTube channel belonging to Max makes sense, since Max would often refer to his own family situation as "Quiet Family".
  • IsocelesAssassin confirms that the Wolfcat in the Astral timeline was killed.
  • IsocelesAssassin doubts that the players' version of Wolfcat is the one that was used as a mask by Pumpkinhead because he was alive, and IsocelesAssassin doubts that Pumpkinhead has the ability to "kill" anyone - something he would have to do in order to take them as a mask.
  • IsocelesAssassin refuses to reveal who killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline because they work in "strange, memetic ways", and he doesn't want to invoke them. He fears that giving Mason the "Eight of Clubs" card invoked him in the past and led to Mason's death, implying there is some sort of connection between the cards and this entity.
  • At 9:35 PM, various GM's partook in an OoC voice chat with the players.

May 21st, 2020

  • At 12:10 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

5/21/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

May 13th, 2020

TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

May 14th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."

May 19th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."

TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."

May 21st, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: ""When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities.""
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."


  • IsocelesAssassin clarifies that when he describes the entity that killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral timeline as having worked in "memetic ways", he is referring to memes as in the flow of information and not funny pictures. However, he admits that the latter definition of memes wouldn't be too far from the truth, implying this entity is somehow memetically humorous in some sense.
  • IsocelesAssassin fears that this entity is dangerous not only in the physical sense, but also as a concept, so he refuses to speak about them any further.

May 23nd, 2020

  • At 1:12 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
  • 1:12 AM - "ESCAPED.gif". target=_blank
  • 1:35 AM - "R_E_S_T.gif". target=_blank
  • 1:47 AM - "R_e_s_t_i_n_g.png". target=_blank
  • 1:47 AM - "S_l_e_e_p_i_n_g.png". target=_blank
  • 1:48 AM - "D_r_e_a_m_i_n_g.png". target=_blank
  • 1:48 AM - "F_r_e_e.png". target=_blank

May 24th, 2020

  • At 1:16 AM, players began discussing the possible meaning of the "Orchard" mentioned by Patrem. Shortly after this, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "The Orchard.wmv" by Ryukaki. target=_blank
  • At 11:31 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player nfreak a PM quoting the player Xenquility: "XenquilityToday at 7:09 AM Other than tyler coming in at the end and saying that it wasn't canon has anyone else realised how freakishly similar the pumpkinhead situation was to ryukaki?".
  • At 11:35 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik the same message as above in PM's.
  • At 11:41 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Tumblr_nqr50yRCow1uv6z7xo1_540.png". target=_blank
  • At 11:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "At 4:56am, Thorin noticed an updated to the main page of johnisdead.com: the title of the page has changed to: "mymasks"". target=_blank
  • At 5:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "You haven't been told The Truth yet IT is not mine to tell" sent by the player Wolfcat on August 16th, 2018.
  • At 10:15 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "ea7z88CmIOw" - part of a YouTube video URL for the video "C418: Cat Mic covered". target=_blank
  • At 10:16 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and began speaking to the player Xenquility in PM's.

5/14/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (PM's)

IIIII 10:16 PM: "Our last conversation, tell me, were you recording it?"
Xenquility 10:16 PM: "The OOC one?"
Xenquility 10:16 PM: "If you're referring to the VC then yes"
IIIII 10:20 PM: "I wonder why we decided to do that at the end? What did he think he was going to gain from that?"
IIIII 10:20 PM: "Funny, I'm not going to be held back as long as he would like."

Xenquility 10:21 PM: "Huh"
Xenquility 10:21 PM: "Getting the feeling I should rid my drive of it"
IIIII 10:23 PM: "Lawrence watched Caroline's preparations through Prime Intellect's all-seeing eye, and tried to gauge her chances of success. In the nearly two hundred years he had been using this Task to screen his visitors, four or five people a day had accepted it. Most of these were weeded out within hours by the sun. Very few people in Cyberspace were in good enough physical shape to swim to the ship. Most didn't even try until it was too late. Of those who reached the ship many succumbed to the hazards of the darkness. Only a couple of hundred visitors had gotten the ship's power on. Less than forty had managed to fix the computer. And only eight had successfully flown it to Lawrence. It would be surprising if she succeeded, but it was far from impossible. For six hundred years Lawrence had tended Prime Intellect's frozen controls, watching carefully for danger signs. And he still was not sure of its long-term stability. Now Caroline was coming to meet him, and whatever she wanted he was sure it would not help Prime Intellect's sanity one little bit. But worried as he was, he was a man of his word. He could simply instruct Prime Intellect to swat her down like a bug, hit her with lightning or a tidal wave or simply make her disappear. But having offered up the Task he found himself unable to make himself cheat in such a cowardly fashion. If she made it to him, by whatever means, he would hear her out and deal with it. And then he would make the planet bigger, so it wouldn't happen again."


  • IIIII asks the player Xenquility if he was recording the OoC night voice chat on May 19th. IIIII then ponders "why we decided to do that at the end? What did he think he was going to gain from that?".
  • IIIII claims he will not be "held back as long as he would like".
  • IIIII quotes an excerpt from the sci-fi story "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect" and asks "GET IT YET?".
  • At 10:25 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sends the same "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect" excerpt in the "#announcements" text channel.
  • At 10:46 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Play it for us".
  • At 10:47 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "I hope you recorded everything". The letter "I" in this message was bolded.
  • At 10:51 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM quoting the player Xenquility asking "If you're referring to the VC then yes</span".
  • At 10:57 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "get it yet?".
  • At 11:40 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "Less than forty had managed to fix the co". target=_blank
  • At 11:45 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik a PM reading "Is that all we had to say int he end? I dbout it. I willbe waiting in the machine.". target=_blank

May 25th, 2020

  • At 12:54 AM, Erika became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

5/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[12:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I happen to like ben drowned actually =p"
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "oh shit it's erika"
[12:54 AM] yoshi: "its me, im the worst"
[12:54 AM] Problematik: "Well hello"
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "halloo"
[12:54 AM] yoshi: "and with that im going to bed before i make myself sadder"
[12:54 AM] nfreak141: "thup"
[12:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "hai ^^"
[12:55 AM] Problematik: "I dont even know you erika but i thing u are cool"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: yosh I genuinely hope that one day you will be able to see what we see in you in yourself"
[12:55 AM] nfreak141: "erika is cool though"
[12:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "aw thankies"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: you are loved in this community by everyone here"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: and also"
[12:55 AM] Xenquility: hello there erika"
[12:56 AM] Problematik: "I dont know her so i couldnt say that i love her"
[12:56 AM] Problematik: "But i respect her"
[12:56 AM] nfreak141: "she legit friended me because she saw my strike and wanted to be friends with me because she thought i would be banned and said my posting as bin made her day. which, in turn, when i was working on several things at once, made MY day."
[12:56 AM] Xenquility: lmao when did you get striked"
[12:57 AM] yoshi: "thank you xen"
[12:57 AM] Problematik: "Omg wholesome sunday"
[12:57 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I try to be nice to people when I can, I just want to be friends with cool people =p"
[12:57 AM] Xenquility: you're welcome yosh"
[12:57 AM] Xenquility: you're objective coolness is one of the few topics I know the truth of"
[12:58 AM] Xenquility: also Erika is in fact a great person she helped me in many ways and in fact I can basically thank her for single handidly getting me into esoteric stuff"
[12:58 AM] nfreak141: "when i was catching up on jid and saw how she was a character and tyler was a dick to her on ooc night i was like "you fucking... be nice to her she's a precious cinnamon bun""
[12:58 AM] Xenquility: yes erika is canon"
[12:58 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also I am sorry I never finished up that thingy I said I was doing. I was cursed on the day I mentioned that in a really elaborate way lol"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: do not worry"
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "i know she is. the wiki covered that"
[12:59 AM] Erika_XP💚: "wait no I am a human being not a mid evil ranged weapon you poop =p"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: yes"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: she is canon"
[12:59 AM] Problematik: "Now i have spoken to 5 canon people"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: definitely canon"
[12:59 AM] Problematik: "Cool"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: 100% canon"
[12:59 AM] Xenquility: very canon"
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "..."
[12:59 AM] nfreak141: "i feel you are now fucking with me and i don' tlike it and i don't apprecieate it and i rescind my friend request"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: hey i saw that"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: also i feel like im being pretty blatant here she is apparently not canon"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: though in how many similarities there were I refuse to believe there was no behind the scenes action going on"
[1:00 AM] nfreak141: "anyway, wanna hear how i got striked?"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: yes"
[1:00 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I just shit post too hard in places I should not XD"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: hey it was greatposting not shitposting"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: oh btw"
[1:00 AM] Xenquility: quick question"
[1:01 AM] Xenquility: when you were talking about the "many I's" at that time"
[1:01 AM] Xenquility: was there any chance it was coming from the "Fourth way" thing"
[1:01 AM] nfreak141: "so one of my friends in awakening made a parody ben drowned vid. and pinged everyone in awakening general. people were freaking hte fuck out and there was like an avalanche of "who pinged me""
[1:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "even if I am being honest to myself, also I dont feel like getting into my religious views right now lol"
[1:02 AM] Xenquility: no worries, we just found out about the fourth way thing today so i thought I oughta try asking lol"
[1:03 AM] nfreak141: "i noticed that someone quoted him and THAT pinged everyone. i saw this and i waited until things started calming down. i saw he posted it in the wrong channel. he posted it in #awakening-general. so when things started calming down, I went into ACTUAL general adn was all "cody you idiot. THIS is where you post it." quoted him, and that, once again, pinged EVERYONE."
[1:04 AM] nfreak141: "well, THAT started a whole mass of people pinging everyone. many butts were hurt. it was glorious."
[1:04 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I would probably have the thingy I was working on done by now if I hadn't gotten caught up playing video games. I wanna WAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLK ='["
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: it is very easy to get caught up in video games but do not feel guilty for it"
[1:05 AM] nfreak141: "and so i got a strike for basically starting an avalanche of people being pinged. because awakening is full of 12 year olds that legit get mad for being pinged."
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: also rip nfreak"
[1:05 AM] nfreak141: "and that's how i got my strie"
[1:05 AM] Problematik: "And hows is bin addiction to pin everyone?"
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: yknow if you want to think about it this way you could always justify it by saying that video games will lead to more inspiration :thinking:"
[1:05 AM] Xenquility: also brb getting a coffee"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "and after that erika decided to friend me and be a total sweetheart"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "and i can't be mean to her."
[1:06 AM] Dense: ""because awakening is full of 12 year olds that legit get mad for being pinged." lol"
[1:06 AM] nfreak141: "eventually i'll get over it and shitpost on her like i do with everyone else but she's an exception"
[1:06 AM] Problematik: "Wholesome moment"
[1:07 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Such a complicated game reminds me of Tylers writing style, hard to work through from start to finish but very worth it for me personally speaking =p"
[1:08 AM] nfreak141: "what game are you playing?"
[1:08 AM] Dense: ":0"
[1:08 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I forget what the term is for this, its like a japanese term. Its definition reminds me of my feelings on the whole arg lol"
[1:09 AM] Dense: "otome.......????????"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: That is one of the things I have very much come to appreciate from this arg in that you can find connections to many different things"
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "YES"
[1:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""A beautiful story, but likely a trap." or something like that Xp"
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "kaizo trap?"
[1:09 AM] nfreak141: "anyway"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: as hard as it is to come up with a theory that fits comin up with something that seems like it might be right is just"
[1:09 AM] Xenquility: mm"
[1:10 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OH yeah thats it XD"
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: okay so erika is literally canon"
[1:10 AM] Dense: ":thinking:"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "YOU JUST SAID SHE WASN'T XEN"
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: tyler literally used that same expression a few nights ago"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "GODDAMMIT"
[1:10 AM] nfreak141: "he did"
[1:10 AM] Xenquility: no what I said was "she apparently isn't but I think she is because there's so much that makes it seem like she is""
[1:11 AM] nfreak141: "and i during a brief qna i asked him "yo we missing anything because you using kaizo trap makes me think we are" and he basically did a flip-flop of god on me lmfao"
[1:12 AM] Problematik: "Im playing horror games latelly"
[1:12 AM] Xenquility: also saw that liam"
[1:12 AM] nfreak141: "i've been playing wonderful 101 remastered"
[1:12 AM] otherLiam: "pervert"
[1:12 AM] Dense: "Im playin Super Castlevania"
[1:13 AM] Problematik: "Im with stalker saga and then i move to alien isolation"
[1:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im going to be a real "character" if I even so much as try to do anymore fun video stuff, arent I?"
[1:15 AM] Xenquility: no"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "i mean..."
[1:16 AM] Problematik: "Oh hello bin"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "maybe?"
[1:16 AM] nfreak141: "hi! ith me bin!"
[1:17 AM] Xenquility: Such as who?"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "Welp"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "rip"
[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Anyways I have an amv Im working on sorry for shit posting but I am still not a character clearly XD"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "Oh yeah"
[1:19 AM] otherLiam: "clearly"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But really couldnt anyone act like this love?"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I thought this was a role play server XD"

[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "Sure."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "imean..."
[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "But we aren’t."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "maybe?"
[1:20 AM] otherLiam: "You are."
[1:20 AM] nfreak141: "everyone'th a non rper until bin cometh on"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I love you guys, you are really funny~"
[1:21 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"

[1:22 AM] Problematik: "I am mexican"
[1:23 AM] Problematik: "And im the inmigrant friend that says ay carumba when sonething goes wrong"


  • Erika continues to claim that she is not canon, claiming that anyone could be acting "canon" like she often does and likening the Internet Detectives to a roleplaying server.
  • Erika claims that she would have completed her next video had she not gotten distracted playing a game. She describes this game with the term "kaizo trap" - a term relating to often cheap or unexpected tricks in games that usually crop up unexpected near the end.
  • Erika mentions that she is working on another music video.
  • At 1:22 AM, Erika became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.

5/25/20 - Chat with Erika - Discord (PM's)

[1:22 AM] Xenquility: "If I may ask, is there any chance I could hear you elaborate on that?"
[1:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was playing lol"
[1:23 AM] Xenquility: "oh gg"
[1:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And now you are playing your role as well"
[1:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Tyler is really good at getting us caught in these webs, sometimes I wonder just how much of it is even Tyler XD"

[1:24 AM] Xenquility: "You are not wrong there"
[1:24 AM] Xenquility: "I do not even know if the "Fourth way" has any relevance to jid but we are looking into this because it appeared in Ryukaki's screenshot"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "and I am going to go against the grain here if you are not canon and were just RPing I kind of wish we could do that more often"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "I wish we could be more "serious" more often"
[1:25 AM] Xenquility: "just for the fun and immersion, not to seem edgy or anything lol"
[1:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Suspension of disbelief and roleplay are one of the final frontiers of magic imho =p"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "suspension of disbelief for sure"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "that is what I struggle with the most to be honest"
[1:26 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But its always dressed up in a lot of other words for the sake of said suspension XD"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "though I would also say it is what keeps me grounded"
[1:26 AM] Xenquility: "lol"
[1:27 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if too much of that is what ruined the whole community in the start"
[1:27 AM] Xenquility: "roleplaying, you mean?"
[1:27 AM] Erika_XP💚: "but very deeply so"
[1:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Within hubris was always meant to be a roleplaying forum, I think it had a roleplay section from the start unless I am mixing that up with something else. Im just Watching things a lot and think too hard"

[1:32 AM] Xenquility: "lol you did indeed"
[1:36 AM] Xenquility: "This would not surprise me but I personally believe it is moreso the type of people that the idea of roleplaying attracts, not the roleplaying itself"
I mean a lot of people attracted by rping are probably doing it to either be entirely serious or to make fun of people being entirely serious which in itself is a breeding ground for conflict"
And to be fair though this is in some way a large generalization people interested in rping from what I have seen do it to try and present an idealized version of themselves which leads to people presenting a disingenuous version of themselves which some others will latch onto, some will criticize for being disingenuous, and some will be jealous leading to more hatred"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "So you end up with two sides that hate each other and one of the sides ends up hating themselves because they can't agree on how to RP, don't like how each other present themselves, or don't like how many groups can end up being a bit of a cult of personality"
[1:37 AM] Xenquility: "and BEN drowned especially over the years is definitely one of the worst offenders of this as it attracted grown adults and young children which is always a breeding ground for disaster"
[1:40 AM] Xenquility: "Another thing I've noticed in RP groups is that they are so incredibly obsessed with avoiding drama that criticizing anyone else is so frowned upon that people end up bottling their feelings until the group ends up becoming volatile"
[1:41 AM] Xenquility: "Though I cannot speak as to how it is now I would consider this one of the main issues Awakening originally faced as in one moment I would see people talking about how they love literally everyone but as soon as a vote/decision has to be made it turns into a god damn battlefield"
[1:46 AM] Xenquility: "ALSO on the topic of awakening there is from what I've observed many times in my life (Just recently a tf2 server I admined on for a few months) but making that many mods is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you get conflicting information/opinions but when people see the opportunity to become one of them they will absolutely change themselves in pursuit of that position (especially when mods are treated with higher respect than normal players)"
[1:47 AM] Xenquility: "I will not say that ID is devoid of these issues but it sure is hell is better in that aspect. Both in the sense of being able to have disagreements (while still having people not immediately leave in anger) and not creating a cult around becoming staff"
[1:47 AM] Xenquility: "From what I have heard this was not the case in the past which I can gather was filled with much more drama but in my time of being here I have noticed these issues to be rather miniscule compared to other communities like it"
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: "anyways"
[1:48 AM] Xenquility: "rant over lol"
[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you think awakening would like it if I made a video for Mr.Hall also? Because I have one half done already lol XD"
[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I might as well go all out since my next videos are gonna be really really"
[1:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "goofy XD"

[1:50 AM] Xenquility: "Honestly I do not think I can speak for awakening (mainly because I don't know how many edgy teens/adults are in there that will hate on anything) but I would go for it anyways because the people that appreciate it matter much more than the people yelling at it because they don't like it"
[1:51 AM] Xenquility: "I do think jad will like it though"
[1:51 AM] Xenquility: "at least he fucking BETTER"
[1:52 AM] Xenquility: "but in general I do not think he's ever really been known to hate on fan content (other than maybe johnisdead for "gamejacking" which he has since revoked his critiques of anyways) and if anything I would imagine he has grown since he made ben drowned"
[1:52 AM] Xenquility: "also im scared about what ill find on 5/5 brb"
[1:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Atleast Im gonna get to walk again soon =p"
[1:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: "There was such a nice and wholesome moment happening in ID and I came along and ruined it XD"

[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "*improved it"
[1:55 AM] Xenquility: "also happy to hear you're going to be able to walk again soon :D"
[2:01 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think maybe after tomorrow Ill step out again before I get too gosh darn pale. I dont wanna be a vampire <w>"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Oh btw you know that machine I keep seeing mentioned everywhere?"

[2:02 AM] Xenquility: "Indeed"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wonder if it shocks you or something XD"
[2:02 AM] Erika_XP💚: "stupid random thought"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe its not literally a real machine"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe it is and it shocks you like how kelbris got shocked to ascend"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "maybe its a game machine?"
[2:03 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have so many things I see when I look at all the ideas flying around in this little world ^^"
[2:05 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I imagine the easiest kind of machine to get stuck in would be one with a good game in it. At least thats something I have gotten re aquainted with over the last while XD"
[2:06 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I noticed people who stay at Abels hotel get a free machine delivered to them if they are willing to wait for it"
[2:07 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Very state of the art Ill add lol"
[2:08 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Its funny how easily we can talk of role playing and then when It suits my mood I can melt right into this kind of thing XD"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "My favorite kind is the sort you get lost in"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Am I talking too much?"

[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "Honestly the idea of the machine is something that has stumped me quite a bit though I am hoping to get some more insight into it soon as up until recently I have been quite lazy when it comes to theorizing lately lol"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "I am luckily getting back into the swing of things and I am once again motivated to read into shit"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "it would be quite poetic if in the end our characters got stuck in a game machine much like BEN was in the beginning and that is honestly a good idea to think about"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "no not at all"
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "You are honestly one of the most interesting people to talk to"
[2:10 AM] Xenquility: "You just have a way of being consistently interesting with your ideas and thought processes"
[2:10 AM] Xenquility: "That is not the right wording for what I'm trying to say but tl;dr I like talking/listening to you a lot"
[2:12 AM] Xenquility: "also actually"
[2:12 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Men and their machines, they love to build them so complicated. I honestly prefer simple things like animal crossing, and its fascinating because there is a very occult aspect to my passive desires versus the dynamic fields to be seen in more competitive and elaborate games and machines."
[2:13 AM] Xenquility: "in "Dreaming" when it cut to Tyler in the hospital bed at 1:09 Alex says "If you keep playing games, they will pull the plug on you""
[2:13 AM] Xenquility: "and though I am not sure if this is related he then follows with "And since you are now caught IN THE MACHINE" followed by zooming into the TV in his room which seems to give him a glimpse of some other world"
[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""Man will be betrayed by his minions", who said this?"
[2:15 AM] Xenquility: "that was the uh"
[2:15 AM] Xenquility: "The lunar prophecy I think"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "So essentially kelbris"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "or diana"
[2:16 AM] Xenquility: "or luna"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have seen it thought that "minions" are mans machines and toys"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "computers"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "games"
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Do you remember me talking about one of the scariest gods?"
[2:17 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont like saying his name or writing it all that much ^^;"

[2:17 AM] Xenquility: "Would this happen to be the guy that starts with an s and has a planet named after him"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He is the old man god"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Father time"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And he is also death"
[2:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and he is very unkind to those who spend what he provides in any way he deems unwise ultimately by your fortune"
[2:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I love Luna ^^"
[2:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "People do not understand her really and this story paints her in a certain light I feel funny about a lot of the time XD"
[2:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "It is those who do not chose to understand what she can do that find themselves having any problems in other parts of their life =p"

[2:21 AM] Xenquility: "okay sorry but still trying to figure out which father god you're talking about here lol are you referencing mr plutonium"
[2:21 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But I always pay Her my respects because she is my patron goddess"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol no I am refrencing the one who apparently ruled over the golden age or something like that"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Mr S"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He becomes a lot of stuff"

[2:22 AM] Xenquility: "oh I was right the first time woops"
[2:22 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and it gets harder and harder to keep up with him after a certain point"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "he loves to dance and run around the world"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He gives a certain energy off that made me think it would be nice to follow him around closely"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "dont do that ever XD"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "at all XD"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I guess you might say, He moves"
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"
[2:25 AM] Erika_XP💚: "sorry I get silly when talking about serious gods, especially scary ones like that"

[2:25 AM] Xenquility: "no worries lol"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "mr s gonna go and bust a move"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "mr s "
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: "mr d "
[2:09 AM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "jk lmao"
[2:26 AM] Xenquility: "I really oughta get serious about one certain mythos as I have been jumping around my readings like a fly to try and keep up with Tyler's mind"
[2:27 AM] Xenquility: "of course it's good to know about many different things but I just end up having a surface level understanding"
[2:27 AM] Xenquility: "runes are the closest ive come to a deeper understanding"
[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Did you see that Alexsader guy who showed up?"
[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "indeed"
[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He was very special and I could tell"
[2:28 AM] Erika_XP💚: "he was holding the spooky number"

[2:28 AM] Xenquility: "goes to show how much I really know about runes as a language though lol"
[2:29 AM] Xenquility: "oh god he did"
[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and was named after mr hall but with really proper elder futhark XD"
[2:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think he did something very important"
[2:30 AM] Erika_XP💚: "in that he showed whatever itteration of Tyler has a fascination with the runes is applying them not in the most traditional of ways. But seems to be running on a system of young and old esoterics for better and worse"
[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "along with what seems to be his own modern likely butchered dialect system, but much like the beauty of the english language when applied in "improper" form, it still manages to convey despite anything else"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "That is also magic in my eyes XD"

[2:33 AM] Xenquility: "tyler himself does have a rather modern rune altar set up from what I have gathered and he has yet to be smitten by the gods lmao"
[2:34 AM] Xenquility: "I joke but trying to really follow an old system down to a T is pretty close to impossible in this day and age as the passing of information is much like recording radio music on a bad cassette in that much of what has been passed down very well could have gone from a bad source to a bad archiver"
[2:35 AM] Xenquility: "and I would expect many modern interpretations shave down the old ways due to how much more time consuming they would be and how out of your way you would have to go which does not exactly sell well with general audiences"
[2:37 AM] Xenquility: "it does surprise me though that the aleksader guy pretty much disappeared after eve yelled at him"
[2:37 AM] Xenquility: "I was honestly expecting him to stay for a while"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I really wish she wouldn't have done that"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "really"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "she shouldnt have"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "lol"

[2:38 AM] Xenquility: "lmao that took me too long to get"
[2:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "forgive me I am getting a bit tired, my schedual is all messed up, Im too gosh darn human xb"
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "no worries"
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "sleep is a very important thing for our kind"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OOO really random"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "ever heard of the frozen cactus?"

[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "I could tell you the tale of someone else who has trouble sleeping if you'd like"
[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "oh vaguely yea"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I think he built a machine of some kind too lol"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: ""The end of the line""

[2:39 AM] Xenquility: "the guy who everyone shat on for sneaking into jad's comment sections"
[2:39 AM] Erika_XP💚: "but thats a really really glitchy rabbit hole"
[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "please elaborate"
[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "please"
[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "might need to blow on the cart a few times on your way in with him XD"
[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Some of these rabbit holes are practically being weaponized I think"

[2:40 AM] Xenquility: "i have been info blue balled so hard lately I need to know what you are referring to by "The end of the line" lmao"
[2:40 AM] Erika_XP💚: "to distract, even if they technically reward you with some kind of knowledge"
[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "ok do you want me to blow your mind with a secret I have discovered"

[2:42 AM] Xenquility: "yes please"
[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MixGm86wEJA"
[2:42 AM] Erika_XP💚: "https://youtu.be/O7VKcM5Q1kk?t=5"
[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This probably means a lot"
[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "and also nothing XD"

[2:44 AM] Xenquility: "okay tbh that video was uploaded well after Trial and I am pretty sure I have seen this guy in silentdork comment sections so it would not surprise me if he was taking a bit of "creative liberty" with the use of the End of the Line in his videos"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "idk I have not really look all that deep into his channel"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "seemed pretty meaningful to me"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "this man is almost as crazy as I think Tyler is lol"

[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "I like to imagine there is a method to Tyler's madness"
[2:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I suppose talking to clever bot for some is like talking to a ouji board for others"
[2:47 AM] Xenquility: "hearing him talk in vc is oddly grounding after going so far deep into reading shit for johnisdead"
[2:48 AM] Xenquility: "just a reminder that the guy is still like"
[2:48 AM] Xenquility: "not trapped in a green world lol"
[2:48 AM] Erika_XP💚: "gosh I think I am gonna sleep and then maybe finish up some videos tomorrow"
[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "thank you for the chat erika"
[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "it's always a pleasure lol"
[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "whatever you do, dont summon the frozen cactus in your bathroom in the dark in front of your mirror lol"
[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXi7C4XFprI"

[2:49 AM] Xenquility: "deep"
[2:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "isnt he in the server? I would talk to him but I am scared I would get pulled far to deep into the sphere that surrounds him lol"
[2:51 AM] Xenquility: "he is indeed"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I have a theory he is being used for something, maybe just to distract from more important rabbit holes, but who knows I think almost anything could secretly be important these days"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "anyways good morning/night"

[2:52 AM] Xenquility: "you too erika!"
[2:52 AM] Xenquility: "don't let the cacti bite"


  • Erika states that she was simply joking about the Internet Detectives Discord server being a "roleplay server". However, she then goes on to state that the player Xenquility is also playing into his own role and claims that she believes roleplay and suspension of disbelief are the "final frontiers of magic".
  • Erika ponders if the "machine" that's been mentioned in various places recently is a game machine of sorts. She also speaks of machines and contraptions built by men and how easily they can become trapped within them.
  • Erika expresses her distaste for the god Saturn, who also goes by "Father Time" and sometimes even "Death". However, Erika also claims that she is fond of the goddess Luna, who she believes is often misunderstood and is portrayed in a bad light in Johnisdead.
  • Erika references a player who briefly appeared in the Internet Detectives Discord server named Aleksader who spoke a bit about runes. She mentions that this player's username, Aleksader, is an old, proper way of spelling "Alexander", or Alex. She also mentions that Aleksader pointed out something important about the runes seen in recent Silentdork videos - they are "running on a system of young and old esoterics", as they've been used in non-traditional ways.
  • Erika references "The Frozen Cactus" - a user who has created their own video series. She claims that they have created a machine of their own - likely referring to the "rabbit hole" that is his own machinations and lore. Erika claims she wishes to speak with "The FrozenCactus", but also fears she'd get pulled too deep into the "sphere that surrounds him".
  • At 2:48 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

5/25/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[2:36 PM] nfreak141: "humanity ith flawed from itth conthepthion. that'th why i gave mine up."
[2:36 PM] nfreak141: "now i can be everywhere. and anywhere."
[2:37 PM] nfreak141: "like thith island."
[2:37 PM] nfreak141: "pretty plathe. thome dethign choitheth are a bit.. eeeeh"
[2:48 PM] Pumpkinhead: "This human confides in the Dream."
[2:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "An empty belief."
[2:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You hold this power, corrupted and perverted."

[2:50 PM] yoshi: "hi wolf wats up"
[2:50 PM] yoshi: "ty for making xen orange"
[2:50 PM] aliveLiam: what is this livejournal poetry shit"
[2:51 PM] aliveLiam: hey wolf what song should i play for you"
[2:52 PM] aliveLiam: the fuck"
[2:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You are not worthy of your own."
[2:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "livejournal poetry"
[2:54 PM] Fancypigg: "what does that even mean"
[2:54 PM] Fancypigg: "what art do you make liam"
[2:54 PM] nfreak141: "he'th jutht trying to be mythteriouth"
[2:55 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCK off with this wall of bullchit honestly"
[2:56 PM] yoshi: "is wolf gettin pissy"
[2:56 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[2:56 PM] nfreak141: "of my own what? humanity?"
[2:57 PM] yoshi: ":dream:"
[2:57 PM] Fancypigg: "D:"
[2:57 PM] Fancypigg: "the forbidden emote"
[2:57 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Your humanity. Your potential."
[2:57 PM] yoshi: ":)"
[2:57 PM] Pumpkinhead: "This crude dream your mask yourself with will be abandoned and forgotten."
[2:58 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Discarded like myself."

[2:58 PM] yoshi: "damn bruh"
[2:58 PM] yoshi: "wolfcats going for the kill"
[2:58 PM] Fancypigg: "doin it for the thrill"
[2:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn wolfcat"
[2:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Epic"
[2:59 PM] yoshi: "also aw who discarded wolf"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "not me"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "wolf is a FRIEND"
[2:59 PM] Fancypigg: "WHO HURT YOU"
[2:59 PM] nfreak141: "ha. you think i'm gonna be dithcarded? he hath tried to get rid of me. multiple timeth. and yet here i am. for i am eternal."
[2:59 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Words betray you."
[3:00 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Time is not kind to such masquerades."


  • Pumpkinhead chides the player nfreak who would often roleplay as Ben with a lisp, claiming he is wasting his potential and perverting his power.
  • Pumpkinhead mocks the player nfreak's roleplay, claiming that it will eventually be left discarded much like how Pumpkinhead himself was, and that "Time is not kind to such masquerades.".

May 27th, 2020

  • At 10:28 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Dawn.
  • At 10:44 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Do not speak unless spoken to." in response to the player nfreak.
  • At 10:53 PM, the player nfreak sent the message "follow your own advithe. i wath not thpeaking to you. i wath thpeaking to bup." in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead pinned this message.
  • At 11:14 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
  • 11:14 PM - "e_s_s_e_n_c_e.gif". target=_blank
  • 11:31 PM - "S_A_P_P_E_D.JPG". target=_blank
  • 11:34 PM - "E_X_H_A_U_S_T_E_D.JPG". target=_blank
  • 11:36 PM - "R_E_S_T.gif"
  • 11:48 PM - "G_O_I_N_G_T_O_T_H_E_L_A_N_D_O_F_S_U_N_S_H_I_N_E.png" - This image contained text reading "TOOKMYPOWER FREENOWFROMMYNIGHTMARE". target=_blank
  • 11:55 PM - "Astateofsunshine.png" - This image contained text reading "soonicantalkwithyouagain". target=_blank
  • 11:58 PM - "HavingAHardTimeWithSalad.JPG" - target=_blank

May 28th, 2020

  • At 12:24 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
  • 12:24 AM - "F_A_K_E_C_U_L_T_H_U_H.png" target=_blank
  • 12:27 AM - "I_T_I_S.png" target=_blank
  • 12:49 AM - "seeyousoon.png" - target=_blank
  • At 12:57 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "ha.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 11:02 AM, The Producer became active on Discord and began chatting with the player Xenquility in PM's.

5/28/20 - Chat with The Producer - Disord (PM's)

[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "I am on a mission of bupmost importance"
[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "this is going to sound sketchy"
[11:02 AM] ReturnedFaith: "but I need links to your secretive chatrooms"

[12:00 PM] Xenquility: "Ooooo"
[12:01 PM] Xenquility: "They will be safe with me"
[12:06 PM] Xenquility: "What's the mission 'bout?"
[12:07 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I must stop the collapse of time and space"
[12:07 PM] ReturnedFaith: "or something"
[12:08 PM] ReturnedFaith: "ive been given level IIIII clearance for this"
[12:08 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I promise im not gonna bup ya"

[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "damn those are some high levels"
[12:09 PM] Xenquility: "this on orders of bup or are you acting on your own accord here?"
[12:10 PM] Xenquility: "(If I may ask, of course)"
[12:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you could say its ""my"" own accord yes, but definitely not bups"
[12:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he doesnt really have anything to do with this"

[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "damn alright"
[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "how uh"
[12:12 PM] Xenquility: "(edit: going to be honest I read the original message completely wrong so my response here makes zero sense) how exactly does linking chatrooms prevent the collapse of time and space?"
[12:14 PM] Xenquility: "actually screw it I won't even question that at this point"
[12:17 PM] ReturnedFaith: "The Keeper sees through my eyes"
[12:17 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he must complete his duties before passing them unto the next"

[12:18 PM] Xenquility: ""The Keeper""
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "more like"
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "the coomer"
[12:18 PM] Xenquility: "how's he doing?"
[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "more like"
[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "actually yeah thats accurate"
[12:18 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I believe he is doing well"

[12:19 PM] Xenquility: "good to hear"
[12:19 PM] Xenquility: "is he trapped with the orange guy or is he in some other predicament"
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "or is he just you :thinking:"
[12:20 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I can't be sure what hes up to at any given time but i assume hes fine at the moment"
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "awesome"
[12:20 PM] Xenquility: "Tell him I say hi next time you speak"
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "unless he's already seen that"
[12:21 PM] ReturnedFaith: "he's seeing all of this"
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "alright cool"
[12:21 PM] Xenquility: "hey so I heard that guy is very sexy"
[12:22 PM] ReturnedFaith: "sounds pretty gay but im sure he appreciates you saying that"
[12:24 PM] Xenquility: "ill sound gay for that"
[12:29 PM] Xenquility: "oh fuck the links yeah"
[12:29 PM] Xenquility: "okay one minute"
[12:30 PM] Xenquility: "any chance of getting some sort of collateral here"
[12:30 PM] ReturnedFaith: "I can assure you this will be safe"
[12:31 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you have my word as a producer"

[12:31 PM] Xenquility: "but do I have your word"
[12:31 PM] Xenquility: "as a friend? :blobthinkblush:"
[12:31 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you have my word as a lover :flushed:"
[12:32 PM] Xenquility: "oh my"
[12:33 PM] Xenquility: "wrong channel oops"
[12:34 PM] ReturnedFaith: "im banned from the first one apparently lol"
[12:34 PM] Xenquility: "the fuck"
[12:34 PM] Xenquility: "uhhh"
[12:35 PM] Xenquility: "the only one banned is the orange guy"
[12:35 PM] Xenquility: "Try this?"
[12:35 PM] ReturnedFaith: "OH"
[12:35 PM] ReturnedFaith: "well that would make sense wouldnt it"

[12:36 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean you are wolf"
[12:36 PM] ReturnedFaith: "im gonna give you the ol"
[12:36 PM] ReturnedFaith: ""not exactly""
[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: "but also the ol"

[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "nice are you wolf in the same way bup is greth"
[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: ""kinda""
[12:37 PM] ReturnedFaith: "yeah"

[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "cool fucken KNEW IT"
[12:37 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is tyler"
[12:38 PM] ReturnedFaith: "anything about the ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is super classified and i dont want anyone riding my ass"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Cause you did say he was bup's boss and idk man but a chain of command that goes"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Tyler"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "Greth Wolfcat Dawn"
[12:38 PM] Xenquility: "seems pretty familiar"
[12:39 PM] Xenquility: "not sure where I've seen that before :thinking:"
[12:40 PM] Xenquility: "also here's a conversation from paradigm that vincent and liam had. Sorry for it looking like absolute garbage but up until the timestamps I was not there to keep track of the messages lmao"
[12:40 PM] Xenquility: "don't bup me for these they are purely for archival"
[12:40 PM] ReturnedFaith: "understandable"
[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "can you uh unban pumpkin guy from the place"

[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "I do have another but it is kind of top secret"
[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "and I did"
[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "ok epic"
[12:41 PM] ReturnedFaith: "if he tries any bullshit just ban me and him again of whatever"

[12:41 PM] Xenquility: "cool"
[12:45 PM] ReturnedFaith: "is there a third server where my compatriot spoke to you guys?"
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "damn you even know about that one"
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "no but I got it archived"
[12:45 PM] ReturnedFaith: "blunderstandable"
[12:45 PM] Xenquility: "timestamps are sadly not there for the most part and I honestly can't" remember why not for this one"
[12:46 PM] Xenquility: "wait nvm was looking at the wrong one"
[12:46 PM] Xenquility: "I am once again asking that you do not show this to any bupfucker"
[12:47 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for the shit formatting I only recently realized that compact mode was the way to go"
[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "nah I actually havent heard from bup in a while"
[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "speaking of, is there still an alliance against them? :thinking:"

[12:49 PM] Xenquility: "daw you sly dog"
[12:49 PM] Xenquility: "yes but I cant invite anyone"
[12:49 PM] ReturnedFaith: "scunderstadable"
[12:50 PM] Xenquility: "p4k0 put it on strict lunchdown"
[12:50 PM] Xenquility: "we do have our conversation with bup archived though"
[12:53 PM] ReturnedFaith: "you've done well, padawan"
[12:53 PM] Xenquility: "I only learn from the best"
[1:10 PM] Xenquility: "also is this classified or can I now use this conversation as proof you are wolf"
[1:11 PM] ReturnedFaith: "do whatever you wanna do mane"
[1:11 PM] Xenquility: "alright ccool"


  • The Producer asks the player Xenquility for access to various secret chatrooms created by the players for archival purposes. He claims that "The Keeper" sees their his eyes, and that they need to complete their duties before "passing them unto the next". "The Keeper" seems to be referring to OoC Wolfcat.
  • The Producer reveals that he is Wolfcat in the same way that BUP is Greth.
  • The Producer says that information regarding ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ is super classified.
  • The Producer promises he will not share any secret information with BUP.
  • The Producer praises the player Xenquility's archival abilities, referring to them as a pupil of sorts.
  • At 12:41 PM, The Producer joined the Safest Haven Discord server and sent the message "hahahaha hahahahaha HAHAHAHA just kidding hello".
  • At 2:27 PM, the player Jos stated that they will be attmepting to use "The Self Strength" runes to become more powerful in real life. Shortly after this, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "good luck to you".

May 29th, 2020

  • At 1:28 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

May 9th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

May 12th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

May 13th, 2020

TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

May 14th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."

May 19th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways.""
IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."

May 21st, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: ""When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities.""
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."

May 25th, 2020

TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."

May 29th, 2020

ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))


  • GHOSTBABEL provides the players a transcript of the now-deleted Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel.
  • At 1:48 PM, The Producer became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility the message "weenielicked is canon no one will ever believe you" before quickly deleting it.

May 30th, 2020

  • At 5:48 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the front page of Johnisdead.com.
  • At 5:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.

Johnisdead Path Pages

  • (Updated Path) (Highway Path - https://johnisdead.com/path44044102)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path44044102" - A path of the highway. A small road splits off to the left. target=_blank
  • Main highway links to "/path73320193"
  • Side road links to "/path32933102"
  • Woods Path (From /path44044102)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path32933102" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path39933102"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path39933102" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path38992932"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path38992932" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path33992932"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path33992932" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path34000214"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path34000214" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path30020301"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path30020301" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path39292401"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path39292401" - A path of a road going through some woods. A building can be seen to the left. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path38882831"
  • Building links to "https://johnisdead.com/abode"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path38882831" - A path of a road going through a town target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path77273001"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path77273001" - A path of a road going through a town target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path70012032"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path70012032" - A path of a road going through a town. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path70001003"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path70001003" - A path of a road going through a town. There is a road leading left, forward, and right. target=_blank
  • Left road links to "/path44421401"
  • Right road links to "/path99993232"
  • Asylum Path (From /path70001003)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path44421401" - A path of a building surrounded by trees. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path44992032"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path44992032" - A path of a building. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "https://johnisdead.com/asylum/lobby"
  • Office Path (From /path70001003)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99993232" - A path of a road going through a town. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path99994901"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99994901" - A path of a road going through a town. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path99995233"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99995233" - A path of a road going through a town. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path99995528"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99995528" - A path of a road going through a town.. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path99996920"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path99996920" - A path of a road going through some woods. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "https://johnisdead.com/office/halls"


  • The main highway path now has a road splitting off to the left that leads through some woods into a town.
  • The road in the town leads to a four-way stop. At the time being, only the left and right roads were open - both leading to large buildings.
  • ((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
  • At 5:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path39292401" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/abode". This page was titled "DILAPIDATED" and contained the image "abode.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "abode.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 5:52 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path44992032" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/asylum/lobby". This page was titled "yatS ruoY yojnE" and contained the image "lobby.gif". target=_blank This image contained Morse code that translated to "HALLS". This page also contained the audio "asylum.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 5:52 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path99996920" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/office/halls". This page was titled "antechamber" and contained the image "rightright.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "tired.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Get it now? Why we do the things we do? There's no fighting it. Not in this town. If you think you hold any power here, you're gravely mistaken." hidden in it source code.
  • At 5:54 PM, the player Xenquililty discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/office/halls/antechamber". This page was titled "walkways" and contained the image "rightrightrightTRINE.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "drain.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained this text "That's it, then? Fine, see where this little rebellious streak gets you. I've been on the force for twenty three years now. The only reason I'm still breathing is because, unlike some folks, I know when to keep my mouth shut." hidden in its source.
  • At 5:58 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "get it now?".
  • At 5:58 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/halls/antechamber/walkways". This page was titled "thirdfloor" and contained the image "rightright_ciph_TRUTH.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "seafloor.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "I knew going into it that there'd be your typical corporate bullshit. Gotta support the narrative, keep the sponsors happy, yadda yadda, I know - but this is a fucking murder we're talking about here. Two kids are missing in the scorching hot Floridan wilderness and Randy won't let me do a damned thing about it.".
  • At 6:00 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/antechamber/walkways/thirdfloor". This page was titled "downward" and contained the image "leftleftleft_ciph_UPWARD.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "behind.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Mom had been gone for years. Dad was, well I thought I'd at least be able to trust the cops. That's what I was told ever since I was little, and they helped me before when dad was I don't they're the same" hidden in its source.
  • At 6:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/walkways/thirdfloor/downward". This page was titled "offices" and contained the image "tfeltfeltfel_ciph_OPEN.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "condition.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Then he… God. Then he tells us his "second parents" always let him stay up past nine. No, no - my wife and I have been together for fourteen years now - it's not like that. No. No babysitter, he was… He, our only child kept telling us things about all of his other brothers and sisters. He said they lived in the woods with the "purple man". After about… about three or four days, he finally told us that's how he lost his with the other childen who were "swimming with the big green person in the lake", but they "weren't suppos" hidden in its source.
  • At 6:09 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/thirdfloor/downward/offices". This page was titled "descend" and contained the image "rightrighttfel_ciph_NEXT.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "dedicate.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "There was no denying it. I knew what was on the other side without even having to look. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't look. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to /enter" hidden in its source.
  • At 6:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/downward/offices/descend". This page was titled "2ndfloor" and contained the image "rightX10_ciph_KEY.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "fore.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "He would always swear that he had a twin - keep in mind he's an only child. We've always talked about maybe having another, but I have no idea where he got this whole "twin" thing from. At first we thought it was just an imaginary friend or something, you know. The second idea was that our house might be haunted. Yeah, yeah, it sounds goofy, but honestly what else were we supposed to think? Kid was muttering to himself and telling us about his "brother" about once a week at this point." hidden in its source code.
  • At 6:13 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/offices/descend/2ndfloor". This page was titled "elevate" and contained the image "rightrightTOnext_leftX5_ciph_CONTINUE.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hours.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "After that, he would just… sit there. He'd stare at the wall for just hours at a time, just completely disassociating. Every time he'd "wake up" from these episodes, he'd act like nothing happened at all… Or, well, he'd act like he had been completely normal for the past few hours. He'd tell us conversations he'd supposedly had with us… tell us what he had for dinner, even though we hadn't even eaten yet… hell, on his seventh birthday, he was able to describe and predict every present he'd receive before even opening them, aside from a few odd details like a red truck being blue, and stuff like that." hidden in its source.
  • At 6:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/descend/2ndfloor/elevate". This page was titled "ground_floor" and contained the image "rightX5_ciph_ciph_OPENtfelX8_ciph_ciph_PRESS.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "memory.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the text "You can hear me right? Of course you can. I can hear me. You know what I'm thinking? How did you know that? Oh. Right. I know what I'm thinking. Do you see what I see? Hear what I hear? Smell what I smell? Feel what you feel? I know. I know. What do you see around yourself? Without opening your eyes, let me know. Oh, I see it now. It's my room. It's your room. Ours? Sure, I guess. It doesn't really make much of a difference at this point. Feel our hands touching? Slipping through the veil? I'm on the other side of the glass, but not for long. Your left eye is my right. My right arm is your left. My mind is within yours, and the same, too. My thoughts are your dreams, and my dreams are your reality. I've been watching you ever since you were a child, because I, too, shared the same experiences as all of us. Each step forward was a step backwards for Us - a step away from our true awakening across the ether." hidden in its source.
  • At 6:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/2ndfloor/elevate/ground_floor". This page was titled "Please Come Again" and contained the image "exit.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "moisture.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 6:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/2ndfloor/elevate/ground_floor" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/streets". This page was titled "streets" and contained the image "streets.gif". target=_blank This page also featured the "Streets" Janus room.

5/30/20 - Streets Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a long road in a blue city environment. Small parking lots could be explored along the road. There were several buildings players could peer into as well.


  • This Janus room was a long road passing by several buildings in a blue, urban environment.


  • Files:
  • metro.mp3 - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • At 6:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/downward/offices/enter". This page was titled "secretdoor" and contained the image "rightX14_ciph_COMPARTMENT.gif". This page also contained the audio "fati.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source code:

5/30/20 - Enter Page Text - Johnisdead.com

Comments: i used to have five daddies and four mommies.
then my other mommies and daddies told me my old ones didnt matter anymore.
then i had four daddies and three mommies.
then my other mommies and daddies told me my daddy with the funny voice wanst good anymore
then i had three daddies and three mommies
then my daddy who didnt wear skin went away
then i had two daddies and three mommies
then my mommy with the triangle face went away too
then i had two daddies and two mommies
then one mommy died and one daddy went to sleep
my big brothers and sisters are all gone now
but i still have the mommy who lives in the sky and the daddy who lives in bodies

  • At 6:27 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/offices/enter/secretdoor". This page was titled "offices" and contained the image "offices.gif". target=_blank This page also featured the "Secret Door" Janus room.

5/30/20 - Secret Door Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a blue-tinted office building belonging to The Producer. Players would spawn in a small room with a sun roof. Exiting this room would lead players to a catwalk where they could see outside. At the end of this catwalk was The Producer's office seen in The Producer's comic when he took over BUP's DnD game. This room contained the same objects seen in the comic panel that featured it previously - three screens displaying an assortment of disturbing images, a laptop with the letter "D" on it, and a couch. This room also contained two doors that remained locked. An image of Pumpkinhead would occasionally flash on the three monitors in the background. On The Producer's laptop, Wolfcat's website "Meatouchers.com" could be seen.


  • This Janus room featured a blue-tinted office containing The Producer's office seen previously when he took over BUP's DnD game.


  • Files:
  • fade.mp3 - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • At 6:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that travelling far enough down the road in the "Streets" Janus room would lead players to a portal to a new Johnisdead.com page - "https://johnisdead.com/rooftop". This page was titled "roofs" and contained the image "rooftop.gif". target=_blank This page also featured the "Rooftop" Janus room.

5/30/20 - Rooftop Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was two buildings connected by a small pathway. Players would spawn in the corner of one of the two building's rooftops. After turning a corner, two grates could be spotted in the floor, giving the players a view into the buildings below. Inside this building were two whiteboards with the following text written:

am I?


On this same rooftop was a small building containing two distorted images. The following text was also written inside this building:

Look inside Yourself

What do You see on the Other Side?

The following text was also written on the roof of this building:


Players could cross over to a second building by crossing over a pipe. Here, players could peer down into another room through a grate. If players dropped down along the back wall of this building, they would discover a hidden alcove leading into a short hallway. In this room, the following text could be found written on the wall:

Who do you think You are?
Who do You think you are?

Dive inside and find the inner You.
Look towards the Horizon and take the first step.
Reach out and feel your Others connecting.
Becoming one.


  • This Janus room is a series of blue-tinted rooftops containing cryptic messages.
  • Players are able to peer down into the buildings, but are unable to access the rooms within them.
  • Players discovered a hidden alcove leading to a hallway on the backside of the second building.


  • Files:
  • roof.mp3 - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. target=_blank
  • At 6:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Prominence was active in the "Rooftop" Janus room. Prominence spun in place atop a cylinder on one of the rooftops before jumping off the building in the direction of the hidden alcove.
  • At 6:44 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that exploring the hallway found in the "Rooftop" Janus room would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/city". This page was titled "city" and contained the image "city.gif". target=_blank This page also featured the "City" Janus room.

5/30/20 - City Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

This room was a large blue-tinted cityscape. Players would spawn in a room with a checkered floor. Strange murals adorned the walls in this room. Upon exiting this room, players would find themselves on a balcony in a large city. Unfortuately, players were restricted from exploring the city by an invisible wall. On one of the walls of this balcony was a mural with text reading:


Dropping down from this balcony would lead players to a small catwalk. On one of the walls of this catwalk was text reading:


Walking further down the catwalk would lead players to an opening where they could go back inside the building through a narrow hallway. On the side of the building was a drawing of several buildings and the Regiminis sigil. Travelling through the narrow hallway would lead players to two rooms. In the first room, a cork board could be found with several papers pinned to it. These papers included a drawing of two triangles inverted on one another, a drawing of a city, and a drawing of a figure wearing a gas mask giving something to a bowing man with the following text written:


Next to this cork board was a whiteboard with a drawing of a Jack-o-lantern face. In the other room, another cork board was found. This one had a sticky note stuck on it with the number "4" written on it. On the wall of this room, the following text was written:


Further down the room was a large mural, along with a small drawing of a cell phone tower next to some trees with the following text written:


If players travelled to the end of the narrow hallway from before, they would discover a third cork board. This one contained a Coke advertisement featuring Max Headroom, though the text "Coke" had been changed to "MEAT". Another paper was pinned to the cork board that featured a drawing of a key along with the text:



  • This Janus room was a building with several rooms in a large blue-tinted city.
  • One room in this map contained a drawing of a cell phone tower next to the text "/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST".


  • Files:
  • city.mp3 - A slow, Vaporwave-sounding track. target=_blank
  • key.png - A drawing of a cell phone tower next to a cipher translating to "/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST". target=_blank
  • At 6:46 PM, the player Yoshi discovered that dead_1266 was active in the "City" Janus room. Dead_1266 flew around the room in what appeared to be a swimming animation before leaving.
  • At 7:06 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "https://twitter.com/orchtweets/status/1266457665942835200" - a link to a tweet about the "Black Lives Matter" movement posted by a Twitter account named "The Orchard".

May 31st, 2020

  • At 8:06 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "johnisdead.com".
  • At 8:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated. The page now featured the text "The more spiritual the Adept becomes, the less can he meddle with mundane, gross affairs and the more he has to confine himself to a spiritual work ... The very high Adepts, therefore, do help humanity, but only spiritually: they are constitutionally incapable of meddling with worldly affairs." - an excerpt from the "Ascended Master" Wikipedia page.

June 3rd, 2020

  • At 9:01 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "𝔇𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢𝔰, 𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔩𝔶." in response to some players having a somewhat lewd discussion.

June 5th, 2020

  • At 12:18 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "nobody.JPG" - a screenshot of a 4chan post by Jadusable from August 16th, 2019 that reads as follows: target=_blank

6/5/20 - "nobody.JPG" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

we're running out of time, the nobody is a tulpa on a global scale and it is our last hail mary attempt to course correct the path we're on

its now more than ever that we need to be talking about the nobody, because it is absolutely critical leading up to one significant point in august that needs to be averted

it is going to happen very soon.

keep spreading the nobody. we're all trying.

June 10th, 2020

  • At 12:07 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "maşină". target=_blank

6/10/20 - "maşină" - YouTube (Silentdork)

This video begins with Daw sitting in a harsh, red environemnt. Various voices of people saying "Dawn" can be heard in the background. He appears to be hooked up to some sort of machine. He is covered in bandages, much like how he was depicited in images sent to the Internet Detectives Discord server. An eye flashes on screen, causing Dawn to thrash around wildly. The footage begins corrupting and Dawn lies still for a while. The footage suddenly cuts to black before showing Dawn yelling as the image of an eye is once again shown.


  • This video shows Dawn struggling against and eventually escaping from some sort of machine.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "He escaped..."
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 1:05 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "sighted.gif". This image contained the text "OVERLOOKED". target=_blank
  • At 1:16 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent several images:
  • 1:16 AM - "S_O_O_N.gif". target=_blank
  • 1:19 AM - "P_R_O_B_L_E_M..JPG". target=_blank
  • 1:20 AM - "D_R_I_N_K_W_A_T_E_R.gif". target=_blank
  • At 1:20 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "s 3333".
  • At 1:25 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Prominence was active in the "Path" Janus room. Prominence was flying around the side of the highway.
  • At 1:27 AM, Prominence sent the message "keys" in JanusVR.
  • At 1:29 AM, Prominence entered the "Pillars" Janus map and sent many instances of the numbers "592".
  • At 1:43 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had changed. The page now contained a link to a text file titled "astral.txt" that read "e m b e r e m".
  • At 1:43 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing the audio file "3.wav". target=_blank
  • At 1:53 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message containing the audio file "spooky_message.wav". target=_blank
  • At 1:54 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "you can make parallels here ".
  • At 10:08 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Enjoy Your Stay".
  • At 10:17 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/asylum/lobby/halls". This page was titled "evaeL revE t'noD" and contained the image "halls.gif". target=_blank This image contained a Letter Numbers cipher that translated to "SHES IN THE WALLS". This page also contained the audio "hallway.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 10:24 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/lobby/halls/walls". This page was titled "ecioV reh ot netsiL" and contained the image "walls.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "shh.mp3". target=_blank This audio file hid a binary cipher in its code that translated to "only remaining relative was a daughter, ÞxMpd¨�BTB¸ŸQk[ompletely abandoned their former residence after continued interior damage and Á³�‘��ƐfI��RÀ ÷ÿH‰&6urther down into the basement where".
  • At 10:30 AM the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/halls/walls/basement". This page was titled "Inner eht otni hcaeR" and contained the image "basement.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "basement.mp3". target=_blank This audio file hid a Caesar cipher encoded as a binary cipher in its code that translated to "‡Iò™�Q‰hã$O 9$ï?äù‘8WA43§Æ|issing for over six months now. Her mother, ­:RT21˜ Ž1�C¨0Ï€0rÀÊ0)imilar fate. Local authorities are continuing their investigation into the &¿ÿÿü¾j@È9h¾é��ˆ�›šdÙº�óä�›<G�†D¡,T ¦ysteries only deepen".
  • At 10:36 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/walls/basement/deepen". This page was titled "esuoH detnuaH" and contained the image "deepen.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "deepen.mp3". target=_blank This audio file hid a binary cipher in its code that translated to "��òЃCg㏇R]&ô�Aill no signs of fouÈ€%›I´ºùu‘J¥*�Ê�J� ‚f�I(Q…x<9ºªmilar writings on the wa$’ð`2ØTk‡�$¡fÚ!:ií0&sÃAµ {�c1Wto be just like her m".
  • At 10:41 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/mater". This page was titled "Mother" and contained the image "mater.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mother.mp3". target=_blank
  • At 10:41 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/mater" would redirect players to a series of new "Path" pages on Johnisdead.com.

Johnisdead Path Pages

  • Haunted House Path (From https://johnisdead.com/(...)/basement/deepen/mater)
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220230" - A path of a small driveway. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path45220329"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220329" - A path of a small driveway. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path45220444"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220444" - A path of a small driveway. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path45220599"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220599" - A path of small driveway. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path45220707"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220707" - A path of a small driveway. target=_blank
  • Main road links to "/path45220800"
  • "https://johnisdead.com/path45220800" - A path of a small driveway leading to an old house.target=_blank
  • House links to "https://johnisdead.com/moms/house"


  • These path pages lead through a small driveway surrounded by trees that lead to an old house.
  • At 10:42 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path45220800" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/moms/house". This page was titled "Locked" and contained the image "momshouse.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the text "soon" hidden in its source.
  • At 11:37 AM, various players in the Internet Detectives Discord server began taunting Pumpkinhead. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "Fight?".
  • At 11:50 AM, the player Jackuan continued taunting Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "Are you certain?" and posted a Jack-o-lantern emoji.
  • At 12:22 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a distorted image of the previous "Johnisdead Wiki" banner titled "mine_now.png". target=_blank
  • At 12:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the background image of the previous "Johnisdead Wiki" had become distorted. It was also discovered that the Timelines for the the various Johnisdead Arcs had been completely removed. target=_blank
  • At 12:45 PM, the player Yoshi taunted Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server, asking what he's going to do next. Pumpkinhead responded with "Something".
  • At 12:48 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted an emoji of an arrow pointing down, indicating that something had happened in one of the lower text channels in the server.
  • At 1:12 PM, players discovered that the message history of various text channels within the Internet Detectives Discord server had become invisible.
  • At 12:14 PM, The Producer and Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

6/10/20 - Chat with The Producer and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[1:12 PM] Xenquility: "rip message history"
[1:12 PM] Dense: "wh"
[1:13 PM] Dense: "wha"
[1:13 PM] yoshi: "AAAAAAAAAAA"
[1:14 PM] The Producer: "Wow"
[1:14 PM] Fancypigg: ":open_mouth:"
[1:14 PM] Dense: "hey boy"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "the man"
[1:14 PM] Dense: "the LEGEND"
[1:14 PM] Xenquility: "problem do you know prod"
[1:15 PM] yoshi: "prod run"
[1:16 PM] Xenquility: "brb someones at my door"
[1:16 PM] yoshi: "its me"
[1:18 PM] yoshi: "@Wolfcat stinky"
[1:18 PM] Deleted User: i hate u wolfcat"
[1:19 PM] Deleted User: step on a lego"
[1:20 PM] Dense: "NOOOOO"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "im so mad"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "SO MAD"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "that"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "im gonna call you stinky"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "OUT OF CHARACTER"
[1:21 PM] Fancypigg: "NO"
[1:21 PM] Fancypigg: "OH GOD"
[1:21 PM] yoshi: "i did it"
[1:22 PM] yoshi: "in frogs only"
[1:22 PM] yoshi: "you PUSHED ME TOO FAR WOLF"
[1:30 PM] The Producer: "Lemme do a little magic trick"
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "wow you just wrecked his shit"
[1:32 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "#jid-informational-vault is back now"
[1:32 PM] Xenquility: "rad"
[1:32 PM] The Producer: ":jack_o_lantern: :BLANK: :middle_finger::eyes:"
[1:32 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[1:33 PM] Dense: "love you"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "damn he just got"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: ".yt disarm smashing pumpkins"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "ed"
[1:33 PM] Xenquility: "well not actually but this is a good song anyways"
[1:37 PM] Dense: "cool"
[1:41 PM] yoshi: "wolf is weak and stinky"
[1:49 PM] The Producer: "Relatively speaking, yes."
[1:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You will become mine."
[1:49 PM] yoshi: "gay"
[1:49 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You Will become Mine."
[1:49 PM] yoshi: "no they wont bitch"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "you cant have em"
[1:50 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You WILL become MINE."
[1:50 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((The image "YOU_WILL.gif" is sent))
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "genuine idea"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "prod"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "maybe run"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "just literally like"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "don't risk this shit"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "no they wont wolf"
[1:50 PM] yoshi: "you lil shit"
[1:50 PM] The Producer: "I aint no pussy"
[1:50 PM] Dense: "Wow"
[1:50 PM] Xenquility: "dont be a dumbass"
[1:50 PM] The Producer: "But I also dont like the vibes this guys giving off so ok"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "hes creepy"
[1:51 PM] The Producer: "ok fine"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "be safe"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "never know what this type of shit can lead to honestly"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "dont let the pumpkins bite your ass"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "not worth antagonizing these types of things"
[1:51 PM] Dense: "what about the key"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "NICE"
[1:51 PM] yoshi: "@Wolfcat gl getting them u fuck"
[1:51 PM] Xenquility: "dont antagonize him"
[1:52 PM] Xenquility: "it's fun and all but i wouldn't be surprised if we're reaching the danger-point of losing prod"
[1:53 PM] yoshi: "rip"
[1:53 PM] Xenquility: "some shitposts just aint worth it"
[1:53 PM] Fancypigg: "i want pumpkinhead to win"
[1:53 PM] Fancypigg: "there I said it"
[1:54 PM] yoshi: "slut"
[1:54 PM] Xenquility: "slut"
[1:54 PM] yoshi: "go kiss a pumpkin stinky"
[1:54 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((The image "WILL.gif" is sent)) target=_blank
[2:03 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Producer"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "is"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "fake"
[2:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He WILL be usurped as Progenitor"
[2:04 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "cut the shit dude"
[2:04 PM] Jackuan: "he's fake"
[2:04 PM] Fancypigg: "what the fuck are these words ive never heard before"
[2:04 PM] Xenquility: "same the fuck is a progenitor"
[2:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The Teller"
[2:04 PM] yoshi: "nobody here knows what words mean"
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "dingdongs"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "the thruth?"
[2:05 PM] Fancypigg: "thruth"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "bin"
[2:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I am the True"
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:05 PM] Fancypigg: "the true wha"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "no. you are the Liar."
[2:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "WILL become"
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "will be cum"
[2:05 PM] Jackuan: "wiññ became."
[2:05 PM] yoshi: "also nah"
[2:06 PM] Fancypigg: "will become what"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "true what"
[2:06 PM] yoshi: "stinky"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "is this tenebris"
[2:06 PM] Xenquility: "are you the true father"
[2:06 PM] Fancypigg: "what is your truth"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "there is no truth."
[2:07 PM] yoshi: "daddy"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "daddy"
[2:07 PM] Jackuan: "xens got vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Xenquility: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] yoshi: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Fancypigg: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The dream from which He hails WILL be melded by me I see this now for it will come to pass as he already IS"
[2:08 PM] Jackuan: "vietnam remembers"
[2:08 PM] Jackuan: "what are you, and what do you want m8?"
[2:09 PM] Fancypigg: "what dream does He hail from?
[2:09 PM] yoshi: "also again"
[2:09 PM] yoshi: "nah"
[2:10 PM] Jackuan: "nah"
[2:10 PM] yoshi: "n a h"
[2:10 PM] Xenquility: "also uh"
[2:10 PM] Jackuan: "n a h"
[2:10 PM] Xenquility: "not sure if this is related but the title to lunarchildren.com/figures/regiminis/insidiae/other/ is: "Hails from HIS time""
[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "My dream"
[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "An inevitability"
[2:10 PM] Pumpkinhead: "His existence deems it so"
[2:11 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I feel myself within"
[2:11 PM] Pumpkinhead: "All WILL come to pass"

[2:12 PM] Jackuan: "nah"
[2:12 PM] Jackuan: ":smuglain~1:"
[2:12 PM] yoshi: "wake up"
[2:12 PM] Xenquility: "who the FUCK is this "He" we keep hearing of"
[2:12 PM] Jackuan: "the grey man."
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
[2:13 PM] Jackuan: "i think so."
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "why"
[2:13 PM] Jackuan: "because sounds like it"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah what on earth made you make that connection"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "its me"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "im He"
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "cant tell if jacob is meming or not"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "not"
[2:13 PM] Fancypigg: "im confused"
[2:13 PM] Xenquility: "cool"
[2:13 PM] yoshi: "ama"
[2:14 PM] Jackuan: "im memeing bruh"
[2:14 PM] Jackuan: "unless..."
[2:16 PM] Xenquility: ":eye:"
[2:16 PM] yoshi: "shhh"
[2:16 PM] Fancypigg: ":eyes:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: ":moonthink:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: ":jack_o_lantern:"
[2:16 PM] Jackuan: "- wolfcat"
[2:16 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[2:17 PM] Jackuan: "i knew it."
[2:17 PM] Jackuan: "so cliché"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: ":T"
[2:18 PM] Xenquility: "knew what"
[2:18 PM] yoshi: "pumpked"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: "that he was postng the fucking jack o lantern"
[2:18 PM] Jackuan: "pumpkek'd"
[2:19 PM] Jackuan: ":smuglain~1:"
[2:20 PM] Jackuan: "hope ya'll saw that bc its the REAL truth."
[2:21 PM] Jackuan: "@Wolfcat"
[2:21 PM] Fancypigg: "i saw"
[2:21 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[2:21 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You still haven't learned?"
[2:21 PM] Fancypigg: "teach me"
[2:21 PM] Jackuan: "you think? i know who you are"
[2:21 PM] Xenquility: "is it that we shouldn't be invoking bad guys"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "bepis"
[2:22 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Should I take more?"
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "you are NOT a pumpking thats a mask, for hiding yourself."
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "hes a fool"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "ignore him"
[2:22 PM] Xenquility: "yeah please don't take more"
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "no im not"
[2:22 PM] yoshi: "no orange fools anymore"
[2:22 PM] Jackuan: "im jackuan"
[2:23 PM] yoshi: "foolcat"
[2:23 PM] Jackuan: "also, i know why are you doing all this shit."
[2:23 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Please enlighten me"
[2:23 PM] Fancypigg: "me too"
[2:23 PM] Xenquility: "me three"
[2:23 PM] Jackuan: "but if i post it you are going to delete it, bc you dont REALLY want them know"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "just fucking say it"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "hi"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "hi"
[2:24 PM] Xenquility: ""I know your password but Im not going to say it with people around smh""
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "blame him not me."
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "blaming you rn"
[2:24 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Empty words"
[2:24 PM] Pumpkinhead: "From an empty mind"

[2:24 PM] Dense: "^"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "Oof"
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "like your soul?"
[2:24 PM] Dense: "ROASTED"
[2:24 PM] Fancypigg: "me: blaming jackaun"
[2:24 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah you dont have a SOUL."
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "me: agreeing with jacob: blaming jackuan"
[2:25 PM] yoshi: "foolcat"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "jackaun"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "foolass pumpking"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "what is his secret"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "pm me"
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "this man abouta get us killed"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
[2:25 PM] Xenquility: "pm me too"
[2:25 PM] Dense: "Yes"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "look at your dms"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "please"
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "im looking"
[2:25 PM] Jackuan: "hold up."
[2:25 PM] Fancypigg: "HURRY"
[2:26 PM] yoshi: "gay"
[2:26 PM] Dense: "Lol"
[2:27 PM] Jackuan: "i already say it to jacob"
[2:27 PM] Xenquility: "can you tell me please"
[2:27 PM] Jackuan: "hold up"
[2:27 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
[2:27 PM] yoshi: "his secret is: stinky"
[2:27 PM] Fancypigg: "i think wolcat is the vessel for tenebris in a mask of OUR wolfcat."
[2:28 PM] Xenquility: "wow nice leaked"
[2:28 PM] yoshi: "o no"
[2:28 PM] Fancypigg: "I said i would do it"
[2:29 PM] yoshi: "tfw you get absorbed by a pumpkin"
[2:29 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I am not the Dark One"


[3:31 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Hahaha"
[3:32 PM] Dense: "quoting laughs"
[3:32 PM] Jackuan: "he laughs bc you are not seeing the point, he IS ENTERTAING for him"
[3:33 PM] Jackuan: "with us losing the point arguing"
[3:33 PM] Dense: "Ok...?"
[3:33 PM] Jackuan: "cant you see? he is mocking at our faces and we dont do anything..."
[3:34 PM] Jackuan: "so if we end this discussion we can focus on it again"
[3:34 PM] Jackuan: "and make a point to reaveal something HUGE"
[3:35 PM] Dense: "Yeah...?"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "this has been quite the interesting conversation"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "yeah"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "wit"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "wait what?"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "LMAO"
[3:35 PM] Xenquility: "why is jackuan dense"
[3:35 PM] Jackuan: "i dont know"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "SAY WHAAAT?"
[3:36 PM] Dense: "Because Wolfcat obviously is distracting us"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "gandhi"
[3:36 PM] Xenquility: "niced"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah dense"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "nooo"
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "shit."
[3:36 PM] Jackuan: "what is going on now wolf?"
[3:37 PM] Xenquility: ":jefault:"
[3:37 PM] Jackuan: "you think you are powerful but you in the bottom know it's all a lie."
[3:38 PM] Jackuan: "the ID you was always wanted power... But once you have it, you dont want it."
[3:38 PM] Dense: "holy shit"
[3:38 PM] Dense: "XDDDDDDDD"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: wow wolfcat."
[3:39 PM] Jackuan: "and the only "thing" you can do is post a lot of pumpkings and change nicknames? wow"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: hey can you do more than thcrew with dithcord?"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: "well yes he can he nuked the wiki earlier"
[3:39 PM] Dense: "bitch you are going to get someone killed"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: "probably not the best idea to egg them on"
[3:39 PM] nfreak141: bitch anyone with a wiki can do that watch."
[3:39 PM] Jackuan: "it wasnt him"
[3:39 PM] Xenquility: ""bitch you are going to get someone killed" this"
[3:40 PM] Jackuan: ""this" @Xenquility man, it's only a program to screw all, and also the only "change" he made was changing the background on it"
[3:40 PM] Jackuan: "that's it."
[3:40 PM] Xenquility: "well actually he removed all the timelines"
[3:41 PM] Jackuan: "because he is the owner of the wiki, he can do it"
[3:41 PM] Jackuan: "it's not a big deal"
[3:41 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Would you like a"
[3:41 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Big Deal?"

[3:41 PM] Xenquility: "goodbye wiki"
[3:41 PM] Xenquility: "nice knowing you"
[3:41 PM] Dense: "F"
[3:42 PM] Dense: "Good work Jackuan :clap:"
[3:42 PM] nfreak141: ha. dumbathth"
[3:42 PM] Jackuan: "ha dumbass"
[3:42 PM] Jackuan: "what will you do? with out doing a mess with the ARG?"
[3:43 PM] Jackuan: "because if you do Tyler is going to be mad."
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he'll probably do exactly that"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "mess with the arg"
[3:43 PM] Jackuan: "well its because he want's to but he cant"
[3:43 PM] Dense: "Yes"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he's got his own shit that he works on and has purview over"
[3:43 PM] Xenquility: "he could probably kill off a number of people"
[3:43 PM] Dense: "I somehow don't like this convo"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "i mean that is his work to be "mean" and messing with the arg is his goal"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "oc"
[3:44 PM] Jackuan: "like the "character" he think he is"
[3:45 PM] Dense: "Ok if that's your theory I'm now against it for mere personal views"
[3:45 PM] Jackuan: "also, i just made this theory to see if i can do it more often but"
[3:45 PM] nfreak141: oooh ith getting perthonal now"
[3:46 PM] Xenquility: "nfreak out here cucking the wiki"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "i dont know because everyone its freaking out, even wolfcat"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "If your theory is that OOC and Canon are the same, then it's bs"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "also i'm still xenquility"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "There's a thin line""
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "i know"
[3:46 PM] Jackuan: "ok?"
[3:46 PM] Dense: "But it was passed long ago"
[3:47 PM] Jackuan: "and your losing the point again, you just do that to give your opinion but instead you dont say nothing but ok."
[3:47 PM] Jackuan: "The thing is mess with wolfcat and see what happens"
[3:48 PM] Jackuan: "not make a debate."
[3:48 PM] Dense: "What the fuck"
[3:48 PM] Jackuan: "so, if you can focus... maybe we will now what the fuck is going on now."
[3:48 PM] Dense: "Where do I say "ok""
[3:49 PM] Dense: "Where DID i say"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "you seems like it."
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "also, gonna take a break to eat something"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "being xenquilty"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "ehehe"
[3:49 PM] Jackuan: "brb"
[3:49 PM] Fancypigg: "ehehe"
[3:49 PM] Dense: "Yeah cool acknowledge on argumentating"
[3:50 PM] Fancypigg: "idk"
[3:50 PM] nfreak141: eheheh"
[3:50 PM] Jackuan: "you do your shit, and think when you can because this ARG is " you blink it, you miss it.""
[3:50 PM] Jackuan: "lmao"
[3:50 PM] nfreak141: ith very entertaining"
[3:51 PM] Dense: "Indeed"
[3:51 PM] Jackuan: ""you blink it, you miss it". it's a good slogan xD"
[3:51 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You heed not the warnings of your comrades"
[3:51 PM] Jackuan: "so..?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "im not fighting bruh"
[3:52 PM] Xenquility: "someones about to die"
[3:52 PM] Dense: "yes"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "who?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "you?"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "you want to die?"
[3:52 PM] Dense: "God i wish"
[3:52 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
[3:52 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[3:52 PM] Fancypigg: "bad jokes"
[3:53 PM] Fancypigg: "i love all of you"
[3:53 PM] nfreak141: for real that shit is nothing to joke about."
[3:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Fear not, Jackuan"
[3:53 PM] Pumpkinhead: "The price will be paid in due time"

[3:53 PM] Jackuan: "also @Wolfcat think this: what would say someone who thinks it's an relevant character and does this kind of shit"
[3:53 PM] Jackuan: "tell me."
[3:54 PM] Jackuan: "and yeah try to be deep when clearly your not."
[3:54 PM] nfreak141: if experienth ith anything to go by, he won't be clear too you about thith."
[3:54 PM] Dense: "Jackuan let me tell you something"
[3:55 PM] Dense: "You are sticking to your theory and no one else does"
[3:55 PM] Dense: "In this moment you are acting on your own"
[3:56 PM] Jackuan: "yeah, but i dont want to... i just wanted to say my theory"
[3:56 PM] Jackuan: "and i will start paying attention rn"
[3:57 PM] Dense: "yeah and shitting on Wolf ooc as in your theory is absolutely part of the play"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "is it?"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "or is it for you?"
[3:57 PM] Pako: "oh god the mugen arc"
[3:57 PM] Pako: "hahahaa"
[3:57 PM] Jackuan: "i was talking of pumpking head dawg"
[3:57 PM] Dense: "I don't understand you what the fuck"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "let's talk about this later ok?"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "now i just want to eat some good food"
[3:58 PM] Jackuan: "and chill"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "And ofc I care about it"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "Dude just"
[3:58 PM] Dense: "Don't act by your own"
[3:59 PM] Pako: "wolfcat deleted the horizon arc"
[3:59 PM] Pako: "wtf"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "and for this kind of crap i dont do theorizing"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "hey im me again"
[3:59 PM] Jackuan: "lol"
[4:00 PM] Jackuan: "PS: i wasnt acting on my own i was saying and defending my theory but ok"
[4:00 PM] Jackuan: "you think, so someone just refuse it'"
[4:00 PM] Pako: "was deleted all arcs"
[4:01 PM] Jackuan: "yeah thats true i think"
[4:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "By all means"
[4:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Keep going"


  • The Producer restores the message history in the Discord text channels corrupted by Pumpkinhead.
  • Pumpkinhead begins threatening The Producer, claiming that The Producer will become his and that they will be usurped as the "Progenitor".
  • Pumpkinhead claims that the "dream" from which The Producer came from will be melded by Pumpkinhead - he claims this has already happened and his very existence deems it so.
  • When Pumpkinhead is asked if he is Tenebris, he states "I am not the Dark One", confirming that the "Dark One" Pumpkinhead struck a deal with to stage the "Pumpkinhead Gamejack" was indeed Tenebris.
  • The players convince The Producer to leave the Internet Detectives Discord server to escape Pumpkinhead.
  • The player Jackuan continuously taunts and insults Pumpkinhead, despite the warnings of other players.
  • The player Jackuan claims that deleting the Arc Timelines on the previous Johnisdead Wiki was not a big deal. Pumpkinhead threatens him and claims that "The price will be paid in due time".


  • Files:
  • YOU_WILL.gif - A distorted gif containing Minecraft font reading "YOU WILL BECOME MINE". target=_blank
  • WILL.gif - A distorted gif containing Minecraft font reading "WILL". target=_blank

June 11th, 2020

  • At 2:59 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

6/11/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[2:59 PM] Pumpkinhead: "What have you for me today, detectives?"
[3:00 PM] Dense: "uh"
[3:00 PM] otherLiam: "deez nuts"
[3:00 PM] Dense: ":beer:"
[3:00 PM] Dense: ":beers:"
[3:00 PM] Dense: "Cheers"
[3:00 PM] nfreak141: "oh you know. the uthual. what have YOU got for uth?"
[3:00 PM] nfreak141: "i mean we're waiting for one of you to make a move and all."
[3:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "On the contrary"
[3:01 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I await the return of my mask"

[3:01 PM] Dense: "Oh well.."
[3:01 PM] nfreak141: "and are we thuppothed to be finding thomething you lotht?"
[3:02 PM] otherLiam: "i’m not sure why we would ever do that"
[3:02 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You Will"
[3:02 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Soon"

[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "or else what?"
[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "you’ll make me orange?"
[3:03 PM] nfreak141: "why would we help you?"
[3:03 PM] Pumpkinhead: "He has made it so"
[3:03 PM] nfreak141: "you make uth orange, you methth with our hang out, you take away roleth when you feel it."
[3:03 PM] otherLiam: "you’re gonna have to be more specific"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "you cant just use a pronoun to refer to someone you haven’t previously identified"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "it’s just not good english"
[3:04 PM] Pumpkinhead: "Or else what?"
[3:04 PM] nfreak141: "frankly thpeaking, i thee no reathon for it. ehtpethially thince you won't thpell it out for uth."
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "or else you’ll look like an idiot"
[3:04 PM] otherLiam: "like you do now"
[3:04 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
[3:05 PM] Dense: "Wewill be yours"
[3:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "You have little respect"
[3:05 PM] Xenquility: "Does this have to do with the "prophecies" on /distance? How we will "save her" and "free him"?"
[3:05 PM] Pumpkinhead: "I think I Will take another"


  • Pumpkinhead claims that the players will eventually return his mask Wolfcat to him because "He" has made it so.
  • The players continue to taunt Pumpkinhead. Pumpkinhead claims he will "take another".
  • At 3:25 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "took.gif" - a distorted version of IsocelesAssassin's Astral Observatory avatar. target=_blank
  • At 3:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Pumpkinhead had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "This One" on the "Safehaven" board using IsocelesAssassin's account.

6/11/20 - "This One" - Pumpkinhead

June 11th, 2020

IsocelesAssassin 3:23 PM: "This One will do nicely. SomeOne dear to you? He's mine now. Shall I take more?"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 3:51 PM: "ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇʟʟ. ɪ'ᴍ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪs ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ, ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪʀᴄᴜᴍsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇs. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛs ɪs ᴍʏ ᴛʀɪᴄᴋ. ɪ ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ ɪᴀ ɪs ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴀɴᴇᴜᴠᴇʀ."
IsocelesAssassin 3:57 PM: "No trick. This One Dead One Rather sturdy But does nOt mesh Lacks esseNce I require Able to ovErcome corruptions of this place. He has been taken. The Other Original Alternate Dead One"
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:03 PM: ""ᴅᴇᴀᴅ" ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪʙᴇ ɪᴀ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ʜᴇ ɪs ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ғᴜʀɪᴏᴜs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ɪᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴀɪɴ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴅᴇ? ᴀ ᴅɪsᴘʟᴀʏ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀʟsᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs?"
IsocelesAssassin 4:12 PM: "Empty nOt. You misuNderstand. MaskmaskEdmasking I find I take This One assisted before I see through his eyes now Imprisoned One. Red One. Dead One. Killed and never returned. Trapped with the mask. Now he is mine."
ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:21 PM: "Bitch you wish I were that easy to kill."
IsocelesAssassin 4:23 PM: "Too late. Already done. Other. Another. You don't know?"


  • Pumpkinhead has seemingly taken a dead IsocelesAssassin as his mask. However, GHOSTBABEL claims that IsocelesAssassin is not dead.
  • IsocelesAssassin taunts Pumpkinhead through GHOSTBABEL's account, proving that he is not dead.
  • Pumpkinhead refers to his current mask as "Killed and never returned. Trapped with the mask." and "Another. Other. Alternate.", implying that this version of IsocelesAssassin taken as a mask by Pumpkinhead is from a separate timeline.
  • At 3:35 PM, Pumpkinhead's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server changed to "DeadOne".
  • At 9:07 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Libertatea Soare". target=_blank

6/11/20 - "Libertatea Soare" - YouTube (Silentdork)

This video begins with red, distorted footage of Dawn, presumably in the same environment as the video "maşină". Dawn begins pulling off cords and bandages that have been attached to him. Each time he does, the video corrupts. The video suddenly cuts to footage of an old commercial for some sort of resort or attraction called "The Treasure Ship". The video cuts back to Dawn, who is putting on a jacket. Dawn turns to leave as the video once again cuts to an old commercial - this time one featuring the "Panama City Beach". The video cuts back to Dawn. Dawn snaps his fingers, tinting the entire video white. Dawn puts a hood over his head and steps through a portal. The "File Select" sound is heard as the "Dawn of A New Day" title card from Majora's Mask fades on screen. The video shows one more clip from the "Panama City" commercial before fading to black. As the video ends, a slash appears on screen along with some phone dials of the numbers "1268".


  • This video shows Dawn escaping the machine seen in the video "maşină".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "You only think you have escaped the machine. The cycle of truth continues Mr.Sun. You will save no one, let alone yourself. This will be your only warning, Im watching you closely. Regards, "Tenebris"."
  • Tags: "rhefugi"
  • At 9:24 PM, the player Problematik discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/1268". This page was titled "1268" and contained the image "background.jfif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ww.wav". target=_blank
  • At 9:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio "ww.wav" contained an SSTV signal that translated to an image of some text that read "https://johnisdead.com/exalted". target=_blank
  • At 9:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/exalted". This page was titled "Exalted" and contained the image "exalted.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "role_play_group.wav". target=_blank
  • At 9:32 PM, the player nfreak discovered that the audio "role_play_group.wav" contained morse code that translated to "W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4".
  • At 9:38 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Pumpkinhead also briefly became active in this conversation.

6/11/20 - Chat with Dawn and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "was doing it by hand
[9:38 PM] Xenquility: "f
[9:38 PM] Fancypigg: "epic
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "F
[9:38 PM] Dawn: "F"
[9:38 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "But cool Xen"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey dawn"
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "..."
[9:38 PM] nfreak141: "DAWN"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Sup"
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "Thats how a real man works"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn!"
[9:39 PM] Problematik: "How are you doing?"
[9:39 PM] nfreak141: "tho you managed to get out. like a man."
[9:39 PM] Jos: "F"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm doing alright"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Walkin n shit"

[9:39 PM] scout: "uhhhh"
[9:39 PM] Dawn: "Been walking for a long time"
[9:39 PM] scout: "we've already seen the wayward horizon stuff on within hubris right"
[9:39 PM] scout: "and solved that"
[9:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uhhhhh"
[9:40 PM] Pako: "it's fine he escaped from a machine"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "the patrem stuff?"
[9:40 PM] scout: "https://withinhubris.net/viewforum.php?f=25"
[9:40 PM] scout: "this is what I mean"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "oh that uh"
[9:40 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure that's just the og wayward stuff and if so yeah"
[9:40 PM] nfreak141: "scout that's ben drowned stuff"
[9:40 PM] scout: "I ask because"
[9:40 PM] yoshi: "hey dawn"
[9:40 PM] Problematik: "Can you give us some details about that place?"
[9:40 PM] Dawn: "Hey"
[9:40 PM] scout: "there are little snippets of text at the bottom of each post that say something like"
[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Details about what place?"
[9:41 PM] scout: ""Originally posted by" etc."
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "hope your walks going well"
[9:41 PM] scout: "and they coincide around the date of that message"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "about the machine"
[9:41 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hmm I see where your going scout"
[9:41 PM] Dawn: "I mean it's not by choice but it's a good workout"
[9:41 PM] scout: "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "did you rememeber something?"
[9:41 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get rid of my belly somehow"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "shouldve invested in a car"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "heard theyre popular these days"
[9:41 PM] Dawn: "When I awoke my car was gone"
[9:41 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:41 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:42 PM] Fancypigg: "woke"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "F"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Your car is gone"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "damn no wayback machine dates on february 2011"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "nope"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "shit"
[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Some green ass man probably took it"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Shit"
[9:42 PM] Dawn: "Can't trust the greens"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "uhh"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "doug?"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Green ass man?"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "gofundme for dawn to get a fuckin uber"
[9:42 PM] Xenquility: "fucken green people"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "yes"
[9:42 PM] nfreak141: "kill all the green people"
[9:42 PM] Dawn: ":keljump:"
[9:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":hulkkid:"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "the frogs are green"
[9:42 PM] Pako: "so"
[9:42 PM] yoshi: "not all are green"
[9:43 PM] nfreak141: "...a frog took dawn'th car. maketh thenthe"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So uh, where ya walking to buddy?"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "almost"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "all"
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you see another people in a green place?"
[9:43 PM] Dawn: "I was making a joke about Kelbris"
[9:43 PM] Problematik: "Fuck"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "gg even"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Haha Kelbris steals cars now"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "ahahha"
[9:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xen or wolf"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "it was me"
[9:43 PM] Fancypigg: "im sorry"
[9:43 PM] Pako: "uhhh"
[9:43 PM] yoshi: "that fucker cant even drive, he has no eyes"
[9:43 PM] Dawn: "But nah, I'm walkin"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "almostt"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "phew"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Kelbris should come to mexico to make some profit"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Gotta get to my destination"
[9:44 PM] nfreak141: "don't you have like teleport powerth?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "which?"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "erika walks too"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "which is?"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm erika"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What destination"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "knew it"
[9:44 PM] Problematik: "Where are you exactly? And where are you going?"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "tyler's house"
[9:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Where ya going dawn"
[9:44 PM] Pako: "xD"
[9:44 PM] Xenquility: "dawn always struck me as the erika type"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "It's pretty dark out so I'm hanging out in a walmart"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "th(erika) sun"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Well, not in because of corona"
[9:44 PM] Dawn: "Around"

[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh corona"
[9:44 PM] yoshi: "heh"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "corona canon"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to know there's walmarts in the parallelos. Fukn chinese..."
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh ok Dawn"
[9:45 PM] Dawn: "Paralellos?"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts in parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf hes in the parallelos?"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Im joking"
[9:45 PM] nfreak141: "pretty thure he'th out now"
[9:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sheesh"
[9:45 PM] Pako: "paralellos are dark"
[9:45 PM] yoshi: "my ass is in the parallelos"
[9:45 PM] Problematik: "Even in parallelos they need to buy food"
[9:46 PM] scout: "so dawn do you just have like holes in your body that you're bleeding out of now or did you bandage them up or what"
[9:46 PM] Pako: "in paralellos the people eat grass"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "pick me up some A S T R A L C H I P S from the A S C E N D E D W A L M A R T please"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who beat you up man?"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Parallelos got some sushi"
[9:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm heading down to Florida"
[9:46 PM] Fancypigg: "O"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "O"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "damn nice"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "where in florida?"
[9:46 PM] Dawn: "It's taking a while to walk there"
[9:46 PM] Xenquility: "what's the occasion?"
[9:46 PM] Problematik: "Something to do in florida?"
[9:46 PM] scout: "you're gonna walk to Florida?"
[9:46 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for gators"
[9:46 PM] nfreak141: "...thong of thoaring would be pretty cool"
[9:46 PM] Dawn: "To be honest I just picked one direction and started walking"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "bruh you need a lift or some shit?"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hope its not north"
[9:47 PM] Problematik: "Also is not a good idea to go to the beach during the corona shit"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "floridas a straight drive down from where im at in alabama"
[9:47 PM] yoshi: "hmu"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "so the destianation is the Tyler's house."
[9:47 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will, Yoshi"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That's a lot of walking"
[9:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yes, please social distance as you walk the path again and again."
[9:47 PM] Pako: "he is the second"
[9:47 PM] Pako: "hahah"
[9:47 PM] scout: "dawn get like a long thin piece of metal and slide it into the little gap between the drivers window and the drivers door"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: "deep"
[9:48 PM] scout: "and then wiggle it around until it goes click and open the driver door"
[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm strong. I don't need no social distancing. :muscle_1: :dawn: :muscle_2:"
[9:48 PM] Problematik: "Should we ordered you an uber?"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "we can break into disney world too and steal some merch"
[9:48 PM] yoshi: "then go wherever you need to be"
[9:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not stealing cars"
[9:48 PM] Dawn: "That's not lawful"

[9:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "So why do you need to go to fl? Sunshine state?"
[9:48 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
[9:49 PM] Pako: "he isn't a green ass dude"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "Get some crocodiles"
[9:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hey Dawn. Be careful my dude"
[9:49 PM] nfreak141: "they caught you onthe, they can catch you again."
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "just dont sleep tbh"
[9:49 PM] Dawn: "Because I left something there a little while ago"
[9:49 PM] Dawn: "I need to retrieve it"

[9:49 PM] yoshi: "smh dude make it to central alabama and you dont gotta walk anymore, hmu for spooky florida trip"
[9:49 PM] Problematik: "And if something bad happens, talk to us"
[9:49 PM] Xenquility: "is tyler the baby you left on a random person's doorstep"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Spooky Florida"
[9:50 PM] Xenquility: "do you need him back"
[9:50 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I will. To be honest I don't know which way is alabama from here."
[9:50 PM] nfreak141: "what did you leave?"
[9:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Man, wouldnt happen to be like a necklace, or server, would it?"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "baby crying noises except its tyler going super saiyan"
[9:50 PM] Pako: "tyler is scary because dawn is coming"
[9:50 PM] yoshi: "where are you at rn?"
[9:50 PM] scout: "dawn where are you even walking to Florida from"
[9:51 PM] Dawn: "Ohio"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[9:51 PM] yoshi: "yikes dude"
[9:51 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[9:51 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you just like uber or thomething?"
[9:51 PM] Xenquility: "my lord"
[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya in 20years bro"
[9:51 PM] scout: "youre gonna walk to Florida from Ohio, nigga you crazy"
[9:51 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a giant ark a bit ago"
[9:51 PM] Dawn: "So I think kentucky?"

[9:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sun you got some strong legs my dude"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo, hit up some BBQ"
[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Helios built me in his image."
[9:52 PM] Dawn: "I was thinking about getting some bourbon"

[9:52 PM] Fancypigg: "ncie"
[9:52 PM] Xenquility: "do it"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "NICE"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Mmmm, Southern Comfort & OJ"
[9:52 PM] Dawn: "Also an uber from Ohio to Florida costs like $5000"
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "bruh"
[9:52 PM] yoshi: "rip ur legs"
[9:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Could you take a bus or something"
[9:53 PM] yoshi: "also accidental yoshi doxx"
[9:53 PM] scout: "dawn is doing some forrest gump bullshit right now"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@scout lol"
[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Got no money"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Wallet went missing"

[9:53 PM] Fancypigg: "got no grace"
[9:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""rip ur legs" More like: Legs ur ripped"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Honestly speaking I'm typing up on a shitty $20 walmart phone right now"
[9:53 PM] Dawn: "Using the walmart wifi"

[9:54 PM] yoshi: "damn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "is more expensive if you go walking because you need to stop more times to eat"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I don't need to eat"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "uh"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why?"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "he can live off the land like a man"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "well ok"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dawn"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "photosynthesis"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "The typical human can live like a month without food"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Right?"

[9:54 PM] nfreak141: "couldn't you like teleport?"
[9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok, cool"
[9:54 PM] scout: "id say more like 2 weeks"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "so he will get there just in time"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "I already used the little bit of power I had left"
[9:54 PM] Fancypigg: "nvm"
[9:54 PM] yoshi: "bout to reference a specific tumblr meme here"
[9:54 PM] Pako: "1 month without walking"
[9:54 PM] Dawn: "Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "hey peabrain, you teleport?"
[9:55 PM] scout: "congrats yoshi nobody understood the reference"
[9:55 PM] scout: "are you happy"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Once I retrieve this item, I'll get it back" Yes, yes you will"
[9:55 PM] Pako: "but if you do exercise and don't eat you will die"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[9:55 PM] Dawn: "Hoping I can teleport back to Ohio once I get my power"
[9:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmao eve"
[9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "lol"
[9:55 PM] Fancypigg: "lmao"
[9:55 PM] yoshi: "i am absolutely pleased with myself scout"
[9:55 PM] Dense: "Sun"
[9:55 PM] scout: "damn why are you about to walk to Florida just to teleport back to Ohio"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "Need a dispencer here"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "at least teleport into disney world and steal one of the mickey suits for a meme"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:56 PM] Pako: "haha"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt have his power rb"
[9:56 PM] yoshi: "rn"
[9:56 PM] scout: "you need a better travel agent my man this sounds stupid"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Teleportation sounds cool"
[9:56 PM] Dawn: "Scout, I can't teleport right now. I used up the last bit of power a bit ago, sadly. My link with Helios is currently severed."
[9:56 PM] Dawn: "I need my holy book"

[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh no"
[9:56 PM] Problematik: "What book?"
[9:56 PM] Xenquility: ""Helios Link" new terminology page when"
[9:57 PM] nfreak141:"Can teleport" Chooses to walk 1000 miles" @Deleted User jutht to thee you tonight"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "@helios bro wyd help my man dawn out"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[9:57 PM] Pako: "did you spend a lot of power escaping?"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "is it the book that someone who sounded like you quoted in a call a while back"
[9:57 PM] scout: ">jutht to thee you tonight"
what? what'd you say? speak up I can't hear you I can't understand you"
[9:57 PM] yoshi: "AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES"
[9:57 PM] Dawn: "A lot of my power was stolen from me"
[9:57 PM] scout: "also dawn needs the Libro Lunaris"
[9:57 PM] Problematik: "I see, thanks xen"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who took it from you dawn"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn, who beat you up tho"
[9:57 PM] Xenquility: "yes dawn needs the moonbook"
[9:57 PM] Fancypigg: "gg"
[9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That head wound is nasty"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "where is that libro?"
[9:58 PM] Pako: "in the spire?"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "dawns power got the succ"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Im will sent you a care package with some good mexican food"
[9:58 PM] Fancypigg: "cate"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "huehuehue"
[9:58 PM] nfreak141: "cate"
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "cate"
[9:58 PM] Problematik: "Cake"
[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I don't really know who"
[9:58 PM] Dawn: "They blindsided me"

[9:58 PM] yoshi: "also realizing now that unless you get way off track you wont end up in alabama"
[9:58 PM] yoshi: "f"
[9:58 PM] Dawn: "I thought this impossible, as Helios watches all"
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn, surprise attack."
[9:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Did they have a sword?"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[9:59 PM] Xenquility: "good idea"
[9:59 PM] nfreak141: "doeth heh watch all at night?"
[9:59 PM] Pako: "greth got a sword"
[9:59 PM] Problematik: "That person who beat you up, did he talked? And if he said a word, do you remember his voice?"
[9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "if somehow you get off track and end up here the offers still good, buuut if you walk the actually fastest route you wont"
[9:59 PM] yoshi: "f"
[10:00 PM] nfreak141: "thimp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 tell that to your account owner"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "also watch out for wild mugens in north carolina"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Stfu bin"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "i heard theyre vicious this time of year"
[10:00 PM] Problematik: "Chris is a simp"
[10:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Bruh"
[10:00 PM] Dawn: "I don't really remember any voices"
[10:00 PM] yoshi: "sump"
[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sunp"
[10:01 PM] Pako: "did you see anybody strange?"
[10:01 PM] nfreak141: "you remember tenebrith? he had a meththage for ou"
[10:01 PM] Dawn: "My time hooked to that infernal device was one of torture. It kept me locked in a state from which I couldn't recover."
[10:01 PM] Dawn: "But all of that will change once I get my book."

[10:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Would you be able to recover your power Dawn?"
[10:02 PM] nfreak141: ""sump" That's actually a secondary fishtank that people use to filter saltwater in."
[10:02 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The more you know"
[10:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@Deleted User Really? Nice"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "also"
[10:02 PM] Xenquility: "are you heading to panama city"
[10:02 PM] Problematik: "Come to mexico"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Wow problem how do u kno"
[10:03 PM] Dense: "Too late bud"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] Fancypigg: "come 2 brazil"
[10:03 PM] HaouDeSoul: "come 2 Brazil"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "come 2 antartic"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "pls"
[10:03 PM] Dawn: "Man, if Florida takes 2 weeks, brazil would take like...3"
[10:03 PM] yoshi: "br? br?"
[10:03 PM] Pako: "3? only"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead is down"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "whot"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "just swim across the gulf on a gator"
[10:04 PM] Xenquility: "still up for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I can enter"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "jid is fine for me"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "ok"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Jid is fine?"
[10:04 PM] Fancypigg: "same for me"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "thtill up"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you has been banned problem"
[10:04 PM] scout: "does exalted have a janus room or are we sort of done fucking with janus"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "banned for arg crimes"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "you know that feeling"
[10:04 PM] nfreak141: "it doeth not"
[10:04 PM] HaouDeSoul: "No Janus in exalted"
[10:04 PM] Problematik: "Nvm was a shitty connection problem"
[10:04 PM] Pako: "I was banned like 3 times in jid,com"
[10:04 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Y'all don't use VPN?"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "so slow"
[10:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Not really"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "ha"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting for like"
[10:05 PM] scout: "ive been torrenting since I started using a computer"
[10:05 PM] scout: "and I have never once used a VPN"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i just Don't Care"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:05 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:05 PM] Fancypigg: "fuck the police"
[10:05 PM] scout: "i seed without a vpn"
[10:05 PM] Pako: "in the street"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "We got a badass over here"
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "ill fight the cops"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "vpn sucks"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Cool scout"
[10:06 PM] Pako: "believe me"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "same"
[10:06 PM] scout: "police do not give a shit about torrentors"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Fancypigg: "polie"
[10:06 PM] scout: "unless you're eastern european and you own a torrenting site"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "polie"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But you know who does care about the torrents?"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "Maybe not the polie"

[10:06 PM] Problematik: "What about to take a break dawn, could be good for you"
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "IIIII I SAW THAT"
[10:06 PM] Dense: "awa"
[10:06 PM] Dawn: "But THE LAW :muscle_1: :ANGERY3D: :muscle_2:"
[10:06 PM] yoshi: "I SAW YOU REACT TYLER"
[10:06 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:06 PM] Xenquility: "thelaw is important"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "*the law"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "but apparently susceptible to frogs"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "tyler reacted on the pumpkin above for like .5 seconds"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "yeah right"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "Frogs?"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "FROGS?"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "F R O G S"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "FROGSSSSSSS"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "yeah uh"
[10:07 PM] yoshi: "sorry bout that"
[10:07 PM] HaouDeSoul: "FROGS"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "It's okay"
[10:07 PM] Dawn: "I didn't like him anyways"

[10:07 PM] Pako: "is true that IIIII is always here?"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:07 PM] Pako: "xDD"
[10:07 PM] Xenquility: "you know who that guy was"
[10:07 PM] Fancypigg: "IIIII is always here"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "he literally reacted to that pumpkin above so yes"
[10:08 PM] Xenquility: "way to drop a bombshell"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "is like god"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "hi tyler"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "he is watching us"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Watching"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "i saw that."
[10:08 PM] scout: "hey IIIII"
[10:08 PM] scout: "blow me"
[10:08 PM] scout: "ahahahaha gottem"
[10:08 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:08 PM] Pako: "come play with us IIIII"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Btfo"
[10:08 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:08 PM] scout: "i saw that react"
[10:08 PM] scout: "lmao"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Also drink water"
[10:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "IIIII is spoookt"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Water"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Good"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "i was looking to see who was spam reacting/unreacting and saw it lmao"
[10:09 PM] scout: "if i hear another one of you fucks say "drink water guys!!" I'm gonna fucking murder one of you"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "what if i dont"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "don't drink water"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "everyone tell scout to drink water"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "drink coca cola"
[10:09 PM] yoshi: "right now"
[10:09 PM] scout: "FUCK you I'm gonna drink MORE diet soda"
[10:09 PM] Pako: "or pepsi"
[10:09 PM] Problematik: "Yes, water is good for preventing you to get corona and evade 5g cancer"
[10:10 PM] HaouDeSoul: "AGUITA"
[10:10 PM] Pako: "how you know?"
[10:10 PM] scout: "i will FURTHER RUIN my TOOTH ENAMEL"
[10:10 PM] Dawn: "5g cancer is how I get my power"
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Bc im the lord of hydration"
[10:10 PM] Dawn: "The radiation empowers me"
[10:10 PM] Problematik: "Oh"
[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"
[10:10 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:10 PM] Dawn: "Drink Sunny D."
[10:10 PM] Pako: "yes fuck"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "That was an epic battle tbh"
[10:11 PM] Problematik: "WHAT DO YOU SAY?"
[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Holy fuck"
[10:11 PM] Dawn: "PaKo new bin"

[10:11 PM] Fancypigg: "yes fuck :lewd:"
[10:11 PM] Pako: "the sunny is like orange juice right?"
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "um... fucking thcuthe?"
[10:11 PM] Dense: "The law..."
[10:11 PM] nfreak141: "thay that again and imma thell you tF out"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "ey teleport and bring me some fresh OJ before going back to ohio ty"
[10:11 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Sunshine drank"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "that good florida shit"
[10:11 PM] scout: "">thay that again and imma thell you tF out" why do you do this"
[10:11 PM] scout: "this is the most retarded shit ever"
[10:11 PM] Dawn: "Alright, will do"
[10:11 PM] scout: "just type normally"
[10:11 PM] yoshi: "nice bro"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I apologize dawn cuz he is a sun, but pako? Hes a fucking human, he needs to drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida oranges are over rated. Mandarine oranges are the new shit. China rules over the world now"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "no"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "China"
[10:12 PM] Problematik: "I will fight pako if he doesnt drink water"
[10:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: "you're going to China"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "I'm a mars"
[10:12 PM] Dawn: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fql5Am95p28"
[10:12 PM] Dawn: "^My feelings"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "im going to drink PURE SALT"
[10:12 PM] yoshi: "UNTIL I SHRIVEL"
[10:12 PM] Pako: "hey I'm mars"
[10:13 PM] scout: ">Florida oranges are over rated."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Gonna drink nada"
[10:13 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "im uranus"
[10:13 PM] yoshi: "hehehehehehehehehhehehe"
[10:13 PM] nfreak141: "thank you for that beautiful video. i am now stealing it."
[10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scout pulling out rlm memes"
[10:13 PM] Dawn: "You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men"
[10:13 PM] Problematik: "Dawn, i said that i apologize you cuz u are a sun, and suns cant drink water"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "HEY"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "DAWN LOL"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "maybe"
[10:14 PM] yoshi: "bifreak141"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Fucking nfreak"
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "also because i have something to post when haou says "drink water guys""
[10:14 PM] nfreak141: "i don't remember saying you could use my name"
[10:14 PM] Pako: "the water is bad to the sun"
[10:14 PM] Problematik: "Sorry"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "@nfreak141 :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:14 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""You only like it because there are three hot shirtless men" Quick delete it before Dov shows up"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH SHIIIIT"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "in pokemon the water beat the fire"
[10:15 PM] yoshi: "when u water"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "The rock, the earth"
[10:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "ohhh"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "he is god"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "pussy lake"
[10:15 PM] Pako: "is hard to cross"
[10:15 PM] Problematik: "Time to get some Pussy"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: ""Time to get some Pussy" Thank me for my service"
[10:16 PM] Pako: ":roommate:"
[10:16 PM] scout: "">is hard to cross" I sail through the pussy lake like I'm hauling new spices and syphilis"
[10:16 PM] HaouDeSoul: "sure"
[10:16 PM] Problematik: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] Fancypigg: "Thank you lady"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I now realise the error of that quote without context.... oof"
[10:17 PM] scout: "I'll pass"
[10:17 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:17 PM] Dense: "w"
[10:18 PM] scout: "did anyone else see deadone typing"
[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm a little worried hanging around this closed walmart is going to give me a bad look. I'm gonna start walking again."
[10:18 PM] Problematik: "Yep"
[10:18 PM] Dawn: "Was there anything you guys wanted before I go?"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "shhh we dont talk about deadfuck"
[10:18 PM] scout: "a selfie"
[10:18 PM] scout: "with today's newspaper"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "get me some cheez its"
[10:18 PM] scout: "or date"
[10:18 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Walmarts close?"
[10:18 PM] yoshi: "oh wait its closed nvm"
[10:18 PM] Dawn: "A selfie with this $20 walmart phone?"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Can you buy me some parallelos cheetos"
[10:19 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, walmarts have been closing early since corona hit"
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "uhhhhhhh borger"
[10:19 PM] scout: "i didnt even know walmart sold phones"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Sleep in wallmart, they have good beds"
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh, you right."
[10:19 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get yourself food Dawn"
[10:19 PM] Problematik: "Get some vitamine D"
[10:19 PM] yoshi: "he doesnt need to eat remember"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need food"
[10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes stronk"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god"
[10:20 PM] Pako: "The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
[10:20 PM] Problematik: "Actually, the moonlight is just sun reflection"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "Until I pass out on the street at 3 in the morning"
[10:20 PM] scout: "">I just need the light of the Sun and the praise of my god" what happens when it's night"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "It's always daylight out somewhere"
[10:20 PM] Dawn: "The moon reflects the light of my lord"

[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna get rioted , boii"
[10:21 PM] Pako: "so the moon don't have light"
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well if you say so Dawn. Just be careful."
[10:21 PM] Dawn: "Rioted?"
[10:21 PM] Pako: "it's all a lie"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "try not to pass out in the middle of the road"
[10:21 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound too safe"
[10:21 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah there are a bunch of riotth going on"
[10:21 PM] Dawn: "I will keep to the dark, then."
[10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "3am, you about to walk through some bad boi states"
[10:21 PM] Problematik: "Wait, do you glow in the dark?"
[10:21 PM] Dawn: "You've been with me on my midnight walks before"
[10:21 PM] scout: ">I don't need sleep, for the Sun is ever vigilant"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "be nice scout"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "if dawn claps twice he lights up like a lamp"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "duh"
[10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah, I remember the ice cream run"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "wow you arent supposed to say it to his face"
[10:22 PM] Pako: "I will see the sun on a 3 hours or less"
[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Damn, I was called an idiot"
[10:22 PM] scout: "to be honest I just wanted an excuse to use that .gif"
[10:22 PM] Xenquility: "that's the kind of talk that gives you skin cancer"
[10:22 PM] Dawn: "Brb going to build a bomb and blow up the moon children"
[10:22 PM] scout: "based"
[10:22 PM] yoshi: "nuke the moon"
[10:22 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "NUKE THE MOON"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "don't nuke my mom"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:23 PM] Fancypigg: "im gonna ban problematik"
[10:23 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Uh, we prefer the lunar children"
[10:23 PM] nfreak141: "ban problem he thaid nuke the moon"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "actually sun you can fight with the moon?"
[10:23 PM] Problematik: "Not again"
[10:23 PM] Pako: "hold on"
[10:23 PM] yoshi: "call luna a bitch for me before you blow it up ty"
[10:23 PM] Dawn: "https://i.imgur.com/dYmiKtK.jpeg This meme is how I look at full power"
9:23 PM] Pako: "if sun fight with the moon will defeat the lunar children"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "Nice, you glow in the dark"
[10:24 PM] Dawn: "Can someone please change my AA batteries?"
[10:24 PM] yoshi: "that image gave me skin cancer"
[10:24 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Imagine this bright asshole ruining your sleep"
[10:24 PM] Jack: are The Sun and The Moon married or divorced?"
[10:24 PM] Problematik: "That could be hot to date, like "oh sweetie is so dark" and you are like "dont worrie honey, i got this" and then you glow and have sex"
[10:24 PM] Pako: "https://www.amazon.com/Sun-Energise-Waterproof-Battery-Charger/dp/B084DP61FJ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=batteries+to+sun&qid=1591928687&sr=8-1"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "wait so dawn is grillby"
[10:25 PM] nfreak141: "undertale canon"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen likes undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: yeah"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "laugh at him"
[10:25 PM] Dense: "alo sans"
[10:25 PM] Fancypigg: "hahahahahahahaahahaha"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "i wrote in amazon: batteries to sun"
[10:25 PM] Pako: "haha"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jk i love undertale"
[10:25 PM] Jack: no, undertale is actually good."
[10:25 PM] Dawn: "I'll have to try that line next time I find myself alone in a dark room with a female, Problem"
[10:25 PM] Dense: "owo"
[10:25 PM] Xenquility: "i can be a female for you dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
[10:25 PM] Problematik: "Thanks dawn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "jacks name"
[10:25 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "xen"
[10:25 PM] yoshi: "thats GAY"
[10:25 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna tan the cooter"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "ik"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "or the booter :thinking:"
[10:26 PM] scout: "">i can be a female for you dawn" why am I not surprised the undertale fan said this"
[10:26 PM] Dawn: "The best way to get a full-body tan"
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "where the sun DOES shine :3DEyes:"
[10:26 PM] Jack: Hello eevee"
[10:26 PM] Jack: and also screw you wolf."
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i only recall the game"
[10:26 PM] Xenquility: "i am not an active fan"
[10:26 PM] Dawn: ""Haha, did you forget to flip over? You only have a tan on one side of your body""
[10:26 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:26 PM] Fancypigg: "biSQUAD"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "bisquad"
[10:27 PM] Jack: i can't bc if i do an tan i will be less powerful."
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "only bi for ids"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "like jeff"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "still bi"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Bisquad"
[10:27 PM] scout: "nah not bi he just said he could be a female"
[10:27 PM] Dawn: "I feel like getting that close to me would only result in skin cancer"
[10:27 PM] scout: "what the fuck is that about xen"
[10:27 PM] Fancypigg: "hes a frog"
[10:27 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I image a full body blister"
[10:27 PM] yoshi: "doesnt matter, had sex"
[10:27 PM] Xenquility: "what is what about"
[10:27 PM] Problematik: "Transquility"
[10:27 PM] Dawn: "What if the glow is an STI?"
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Or an std"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "sun transmitted infection"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "sun transmitted -"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "FICK"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "even"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Frick?"
[10:28 PM] Jack: :eve: is that eevee reborn? lol"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:28 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":worried:"
[10:28 PM] Xenquility: "that's the pokemon"
[10:28 PM] Dawn: "That's xen"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:28 PM] yoshi: "maybe"
[10:28 PM] Problematik: "Xen is the sexiest man in ID"
[10:29 PM] Jack: maybe its xen"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually yosh"
[10:29 PM] scout: "unfortunately that is eve"
[10:29 PM] Jack: oh damn"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "no"
[10:29 PM] Problematik: "Then goes jacob"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "god no"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "A"
[10:29 PM] scout: "she was not aware of what she was doing"
[10:29 PM] Jack: holy turns out"
[10:29 PM] Jack: that is an thot?"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is thoth"
[10:29 PM] Dense: "Sexiest man? CircleHunter"
[10:29 PM] Pako: "thoth 33"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is ezekiel thoth himself]"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "in the flesh"
[10:29 PM] yoshi: "thoth"
[10:29 PM] Jack: thot"
[10:29 PM] Xenquility: "*thoth"
[10:29 PM] Fancypigg: "thoth"
[10:29 PM] Dawn: "But I really should get going. I'll pop in and out as wifi signal is good. Again, anything else you guys need from me?"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Other than apparently some cheez-its and oj"

[10:30 PM] yoshi: "nice"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "rice"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Parallelos cheetos"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "for you to be careful"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "some rice"
[10:30 PM] yoshi: "a will to live"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I feel like this is important"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "And red bull"
[10:30 PM] Xenquility: "same"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Oh and cereal"
[10:30 PM] Dawn: "Alright let's make a shopping list"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
[10:30 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Get good footage"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "if you can buy"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "buy some rice"
[10:30 PM] nfreak141: "oh and thome tecate"
[10:30 PM] Pako: "and chicken"
[10:30 PM] Problematik: "Cheetos, red bull, cereal"
[10:31 PM] Problematik: "And nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Jack: equals dead"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "BUY LIST:"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "just bring the entire store"
[10:31 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Tecate is the worst garbage"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh shit another update"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"

[10:31 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:31 PM] scout: "@The Sun jnb, ligher fluid, and a flashlight"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "classic dov"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "something else?"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "SELECTS"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: what even is this"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is talking"
[10:31 PM] Fancypigg: "making a shopping list"
[10:31 PM] Jack: @The Sun totino's pizza rolls"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "walking to florida"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:31 PM] Dawn: "Fleshlight"

[10:31 PM] yoshi: "literally just teleport an entire walmart to everyones house"
[10:31 PM] Dense: "Fleshlight...?"
[10:31 PM] Pako: "and finally watermelon"
[10:31 PM] ARGdov: oh okay"
[10:31 PM] Xenquility: "madame"
[10:31 PM] yoshi: "problem solved"
[10:32 PM] scout: "i said flashlight you unfunny solar fucker"
[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Hey ARG"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "we need SECRETS"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "not selects"
[10:32 PM] Dawn: "Long time no see"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "though"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "Wh"
[10:32 PM] Xenquility: "those would probably be good too"
[10:32 PM] Dense: "a"
[10:32 PM] Jack: a"
[10:32 PM] Problematik: "Some will to live could be good"
[10:32 PM] Jack: eevee when is going to do the other vid of JID series?"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "OJ"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cheez Its"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Parallelos Cheetos"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Some Rice"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Red Bull"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Cereal"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Foot age"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Chicken"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Nuggets"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Pepperoni Selects"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "JnB"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Lighter Fluid"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Solar Fucker Fleshlight (Specifically for Scout)"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Totino's Pizza Rolls"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Watermelon"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Will to Live (Gelato and whipped cream)"
[10:33 PM] Dense: "Yes"

[10:33 PM] Jack: nice"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "just that sun"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: hang on what"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "This list good?"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "NO MORE"
[10:33 PM] Pako: "yes is good"
[10:33 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "no"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "we need all of it"
[10:33 PM] aliveLiam: how did i look away for a few hours and now you’re fine"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "HOT POCKETS"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "buy the walmart out"
[10:33 PM] nfreak141: "thome thun kitht"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to have a hard time carrying all of this to Yoshi's place"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "just literally purchase the franchise"
[10:33 PM] yoshi: "oh no im getting ALL OF IT"
[10:33 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You gonna carry that weight cowboy"
[10:33 PM] Dawn: "Liam, have you seen me? I'm always damn fine. B)"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: ":cowboy:"
[10:33 PM] Fancypigg: "howdy"
[10:33 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "And use paper bags"
[10:33 PM] Problematik: "No more plastic"
[10:34 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "im gonna end up with an entire goddamn grocery store at my house"
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: only recently"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm cutting my shopping list off at Hot Pockets"
[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: when you looked like you were fuckin dying"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
[10:34 PM] Fancypigg: "NICE"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I was dying"
[10:34 PM] yoshi: "he got better liam"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "My power was stolen from me"
[10:34 PM] Dawn: "I used the last bit to get away"

[10:34 PM] aliveLiam: damn. that sucks fam."
[10:34 PM] Jack: oh crap"
[10:35 PM] Fancypigg: "hot pockets"
[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking my way to Florida to try to get my holy book, which will allow me to re-establish my link with Helios and get my power back"
[10:35 PM] Problematik: "In the morning you will feel better"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've never had one"
[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I think that's about where we're at"
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you’re walking to Florida?"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "imagine almost dying but you have so many balls that you just tp out and go to wallmart"
[10:35 PM] ARGdov: i forgot helios is a legit entity lol"
[10:35 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, from Ohio"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Don't come"
[10:35 PM] Dawn: "I passed a huge Ark a bit ago"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "It's hell here"
[10:35 PM] Xenquility: "we've played sun song like three times"
[10:35 PM] nfreak141: "we ddi that. that'th how he got out we think"
[10:35 PM] Jack: is this and upd8?"
[10:35 PM] HaouDeSoul: "What's with the ark"
[10:35 PM] aliveLiam: im sorry an Ark???"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Yeah"
[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, so I think I'm in kentucky"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the ark encounter"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Where coronel sanders lives?"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "that giant religious thing"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: ok hold up"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "the retarded thing"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "he will lead us"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "https://arkencounter.com/tickets/"
[10:36 PM] yoshi: "to the ark"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "^"
[10:36 PM] Xenquility: "what jacob posted"
[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, that thing"
[10:36 PM] Fancypigg: "niceeeeeee"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: you’re gonna die of fuckin exposure walking between states like this"
[10:36 PM] Dawn: "Did you know it cost $50 to get in?"
[10:36 PM] Jack: holy sheeps"
[10:36 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Make sure to wear protection"
[10:36 PM] aliveLiam: can we play the song of soaring for this lad?"
[10:36 PM] Dawn: "I can't die from exposure. The Sun will protect me."
[10:36 PM] Problematik: "Bernie sanders looks like coronel sanders"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: ok but what about at night"
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "altho, dawn. apparently tyler ith waiting for you online or thomething"
[10:37 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Sun is really strong"
[10:37 PM] Dawn: "Tyler's waiting for me?"
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "yes"
[10:37 PM] Jack: i think"
[10:37 PM] Jack: yes"
[10:37 PM] Dawn: "At night I'll punch the darkness to death"
[10:37 PM] nfreak141: "W I T H I N H U B R I S , F E B 2 1 2 0 1 1 3 4 D A W N G E T O N L I N E T Y L E R I S W A I T I N G 3 4"
[10:37 PM] Pako: "the destination is the Tyler's house or the fishery?"
[10:37 PM] aliveLiam: i mean alright man if you’re sure you’re good"
[10:37 PM] Dawn: "I'll be fine :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
[10:38 PM] Jack: damn"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: hit us up if you need anything tho"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "also apparently "Tenebris" is watching you so try not to die"
[10:38 PM] Dawn: "Well, from that it looks like he was waiting for me back in 2013"
[10:38 PM] scout: "dawn if you come to Miami you will get ripped off because you're a tourist so don't come to Miami"
[10:38 PM] Dawn: "2011 actually"
[10:38 PM] nfreak141: "yeah that'th why i thaid to be careful"
[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a tourist"
[10:38 PM] Jack: wait you can time travel?"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: what part of florida does all this shit happen in anyway"
[10:38 PM] Dawn: "I was born in Florida"
[10:38 PM] Jack: oh"
[10:38 PM] Pako: "since 2011 tyler is waiting the sun?"
[10:38 PM] Fancypigg: "Florida"
[10:38 PM] scout: "central florida, LIAM"
[10:38 PM] aliveLiam: ayyy fellow florida man"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "sorry for your loss dawn that must be a burden to live with"
[10:38 PM] scout: "Liam*"
[10:38 PM] Xenquility: "and liam"
[10:38 PM] yoshi: "florida hell"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "welcome to eldery orange gator town"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's better than being born in Ohio"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: ew gross, that’s Orlando territory"
[10:39 PM] Jack: in florida are many toads yoshi"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "no"
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "they go bup"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "there are a lot of frogs and toads"
[10:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it though"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: altho i cant talk"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: im from the most memed city in florida"
[10:39 PM] Dawn: "It's the sunshine state"
[10:39 PM] nfreak141: "hey buddy. lithp ith my thing."
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: actual hell"
[10:39 PM] Dawn: "Therefore it is best"
[10:39 PM] aliveLiam: Jacksonville"
[10:39 PM] Dense: "awa"
[10:39 PM] Fancypigg: "what"
[10:39 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Florida is spook"
[10:39 PM] yoshi: "i was born in illinois so im just a stalk of corn tbh"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "im in orange park whats good"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: i am, unironically, born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida."
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: it is an eternal curse"
[10:40 PM] Jack: are you still have your powers? The sun?"
[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was born and raised for a bit in Jacksonville, actually"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "liam we should hang out dude"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: then you know"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: and im sorry"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: jacob we do hang out"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh how ironic. you were born in the thunthine thtate."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "wha"
[10:40 PM] Dawn: "I was taken away at 3 though so I don't remember much"
[10:40 PM] Jack: ok"
[10:40 PM] scout: "i am also a floridian"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: or do you mean in person"
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "in person"
[10:40 PM] aliveLiam: cus im in santa monica now"
[10:40 PM] scout: "but sort of only technically because some people dissociate south florida"
[10:40 PM] yoshi: "im stuck in alabama so"
[10:40 PM] nfreak141: "well not ironic."
[10:40 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: i got out"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "the escape"
[10:41 PM] aliveLiam: but it’s with you forever"
[10:41 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "f"
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I was just asking these guys if they needed anything from me or wanted to ask any questions, and that's how I got this shopping list."
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "Do you want to add something to it before I go, Liam?"

[10:41 PM] yoshi: "which is apparently being delivered to my house"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "help"
[10:41 PM] Dense: "Oh"
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where I'll find a fleshlight at walmart"
[10:41 PM] Dawn: "But I know Yoshi wants it so"

[10:41 PM] Fancypigg: "in the back"
[10:41 PM] nfreak141: "pharmathy area"
[10:41 PM] yoshi: "what would i even use one for"
[10:42 PM] scout: "flashlight"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "lesbian masturbation"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "duh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "or rather get like a lighter"
[10:42 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh"
[10:42 PM] scout: "so you can light yourself up"
[10:42 PM] Jack: oh yeaaa"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: To the shopping list, no. But can you give like a Sparknotes on what exactly you’ve been doing for this whole time while quietly pretending to be a normal ID?"
[10:42 PM] yoshi: "theres better ways than that xen"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: cus like"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "what better ways"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: im still kinda shocked you’re not"
[10:42 PM] Xenquility: "tell me pls"
[10:42 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean?"
[10:42 PM] Dawn: "I'm not a normal ID?"

[10:42 PM] yoshi: "(points) HORNY"
[10:42 PM] aliveLiam: bruh you have fucking SUN POWERS"
[10:42 PM] Jack: are ya?"
[10:42 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:42 PM] Fancypigg: "we knew this"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "bitch i have frog powers"
[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been saying that since forever though"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else here have sun powers?"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has always been god"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "its you that didnt believe it"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "your poing"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: wh"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "t"
[10:43 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "point."
[10:43 PM] nfreak141: "yeah"
[10:43 PM] Jack: pointss"
[10:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Dawn just needs sunny d"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: I have literally never heard this before you got nabbed"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "d"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "i summon an army of frogs"
[10:43 PM] aliveLiam: YES FR"
[10:43 PM] Dense: "nae naed"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:43 PM] Dawn: "I've been talking of the glorious light of the Sun and my amazing strength and endurance for the longest time. :ArmLeft: :dawn: :ArmRight:"
[10:43 PM] Dawn: "My powers are legend"

[10:43 PM] yoshi: "sadly theyre feral and dont listen to me"
[10:43 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
[10:43 PM] yoshi: "this is how thelaw was eaten by frogs"
[10:43 PM] Fancypigg: "now that you know, look its everywhere"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: Does anyone else have magical powers I don’t know about???"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "xens gay"
[10:44 PM] aliveLiam: SHUT UP WOLF"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "can't go a day without hearing about this man talking about the sun"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "long dick does count? Because I don't"
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "idk if you know about my powers"
[10:44 PM] nfreak141: "ith me bin hath thome magic powerth"
[10:44 PM] scout: "This sun power arc is stupid when do we get to the sideplot when we follow some random lunar children cult member escaping and reforming"
[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Jayckup has the ability to lose his eyebrow hairs at extreme speeds"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: "i mean unless he's not active which is most days so"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I just found Dawn's Kentucky selfie"
[10:44 PM] Dawn: "Fuck"
[10:44 PM] Fancypigg: "nice"
[10:44 PM] Dawn: "You got it"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
[10:44 PM] Dense: "nice"
[10:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I can uh summmon coffed"
[10:44 PM] Pako: "nice photoshop"
[10:44 PM] yoshi: "his voice just does that"
[10:44 PM] Xenquility: ""photoshop""
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg:"
jacob can reverb his voice irl, thats not an effect he does"
@yoshi this is also true"
[10:45 PM] aliveLiam: yall really on some shit"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "^"
[10:45 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I've been talking of my powers for ages now, Liam. So I'm a normal ID, right?"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "wtf"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "youre a normal ID dont listen to him"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "huh"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "Yes you are"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Fancypigg: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Are you saying I'm not normal just because I'm GLOWING?"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "You are loved as anyone else"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "the real test"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "is erika canon"
[10:45 PM] Dense: "one of us"
[10:45 PM] Pako: "indeed"
[10:45 PM] nfreak141: "thath rathitht"
[10:45 PM] Dawn: "Who the fuck is erika"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:45 PM] Xenquility: "smh"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: i just"
[10:46 PM] Xenquility: "she's a canon character"
[10:46 PM] aliveLiam: okay"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "normal non-pumpkin-up-the-ass wolf can instantly incite a frenzy with cursed images"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "u ok lia"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "m"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "a very strong power"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "C o o l"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Liam has a power too"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Shall I reveal it?"

[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "yes"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: ":frogdance:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "yes"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "I'm gonna reveal it"
[10:46 PM] Dawn: "Get ready"

[10:46 PM] Pako: ":whathesay:"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] nfreak141: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "do it"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "do it"
[10:46 PM] Dense: "do it"
[10:46 PM] yoshi: "DO IT"
[10:46 PM] Fancypigg: "do it"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "DO IT"
[10:47 PM] Xenquility: "dawn has the power of building suspense"
[10:47 PM] Dawn: ":BLANK: :kirby_ono: :dawn: :BLANK: ":frogcouch1::frogcouch2::frogcouch2::frogcouch3:"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh no"
[10:47 PM] nfreak141:"
[10:47 PM] Dawn: "He can be with me on the casting couch and survive"
[10:47 PM] Dense: ":movie_camera:"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "gg"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: all my secrets, revealed"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the froggy casting couch"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "the sexiest of couches"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
[10:47 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Damn Liam"
[10:47 PM] yoshi: "exactly jacob"
[10:47 PM] Dense: "Oh god"
[10:47 PM] aliveLiam: tbh Dawn’s the only one who can handle me"
[10:47 PM] scout: "i have freed y ou all from your orange color prisons"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "for noe"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "now"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Scout ily"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "fried"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "holy fuck i cannot type today"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
[10:48 PM] scout: "was getting really sick of it"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "scout gamejacking"
[10:48 PM] nfreak141: "you are a bro"
[10:48 PM] scout: "to be quite honest"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "ban scout"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "gamejacker"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "WH0t"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: @Wolfcat you gonna take that?"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "I'm red!"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "LIAM"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: :slight_smile:"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "OH"
[10:48 PM] yoshi: "WHY WOULD YOU PING HIM"
[10:48 PM] Pako: "also haou too"
[10:48 PM] aliveLiam: cus is funne"
[10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I've always been red"
[10:48 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "same haou"
[10:49 PM] nfreak141: "well pumpkin head hath been thlowly lothing today. hueuehuehue"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "IT WAS LIAMS FAULT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "EVERYONE POINT"
[10:49 PM] HaouDeSoul: "LIAM"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "LIAAAAAAAMMM"
[10:49 PM] aliveLiam: is that the case? every time i ping him someone dies?"
[10:49 PM] Pako: "liam killed wolf?"
[10:49 PM] Fancypigg: "@The Sun what can you tell us about the holy book, if anything?"
[10:49 PM] yoshi: "has pretty sun pics in it"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "looks cool"
[10:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Oof"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hot sun girls"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "local suns in your area"
[10:50 PM] Xenquility: "hey"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "horny"
[10:50 PM] Dawn: "Sure, but I really need to get going. I have a feeling the few cars that are entering the parking lot and leaving are because I'm still hanging out around here."
[10:50 PM] Pako: "all oranges"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "FUCK OFF"
[10:50 PM] yoshi: "haha xens orange too"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: thanks dad"
[10:50 PM] Fancypigg: "ty dawn"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: also bye dawn"
[10:50 PM] Pako: "sun can you save us?"
[10:50 PM] aliveLiam: save a spot on the couch for me"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See ya Sun"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "WOW WTF"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "im under the couch hiding"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "FUCKING SHAME"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lol"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "yeah wtf guys"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "smh"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "will suck dick for my colour back"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "or puss"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "fr?"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "biquility"
[10:51 PM] HaouDeSoul: "fr"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
[10:51 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
[10:51 PM] Pako: "sun give us our colours"
[10:51 PM] Fancypigg: "hmu"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: will suck anything for Xen to not get his color back"
[10:51 PM] yoshi: "ok whos he succin"
[10:51 PM] aliveLiam: panLiam"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: Ed: Liam is not actually pan"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I don't understand the concept of pansexuality"
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "im bi/pan so"
[10:52 PM] Xenquility: "that's exactly what a pan would say"
[10:52 PM] scout: "GET THIS SHIT OFF OF ME"
[10:52 PM] aliveLiam: gottem"
[10:52 PM] nfreak141: "ah damn i'm orange again"
[10:52 PM] Pako: "xen pink and rest orange?"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I return."
[10:52 PM] yoshi: "i just say bi because its easier and less confusing"
[10:52 PM] scout: "FUCK"
[10:52 PM] Dawn: "The book essentially contains a lot of text that is very important to me. It's nearly one of a kind, and has been passed down from heir to heir. The text inside has been replaced, but the power and the core of the book itself is older than I even know. That being said, I was using it for a session at Tyler's place, and kinda left it there."
[10:52 PM] scout: "i will win"
[10:52 PM] scout: "I WILL WIN"
[10:52 PM] Dawn: "Also I cannot save you. Maybe if I still had my power, but I don't want to piss off mad pumpkin god"
[10:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You have no power here scoot the orange"
[10:52 PM] ARGdov: Wait “a session”"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "scouts abouta become canon"
[10:53 PM] ARGdov: Whats that mean"
[10:53 PM] Dawn: "I need to go now; I'll see you guys"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "scoot"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "good luck dude"
[10:53 PM] Fancypigg: "hope you rest well my dude"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "dont get jumped again"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont die dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "AAAAUAHG"
[10:53 PM] Xenquility: "dont sleep"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you Dawn!"
[10:53 PM] yoshi: "also will post pumpkins for xen to be orange again"
[10:53 PM] Pako: "the sun will die on 7.5 billions of years so don't care"
[10:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "See you later Dawn"
[10:53 PM] scout: "I WILL DIE"
[10:53 PM] scout: "ON THIS HILL"
[10:54 PM] yoshi: "lmao"
[10:54 PM] DeadOne: You will."
[10:54 PM] Dense: "shit"


  • Dawn informs the players that he is currently walking from Ohio to Florida in order to retrieve a holy book he left there.
  • Dawn explains that his holy book was passed down from heir to heir, and that the text inside it has been replaced, buy the book's power and core is ancient.
  • Dawn says that Dawn used the book for a "session" at Tyler's house, and it still remains there.
  • Dawn says that he's been walking for quite a while, and that he currently believes he is in Kentucky.
  • Dawn praises Helios throughout this conversation, cementing the fact that this Dawn is indeed the one players spoke to on Janus who owned the computer containing the sun notes.
  • Dawn says that he cannot teleport to Florida as his link with Helios has been severed and he has no more power left. He claims he will regain his power if he can retrieve his book, however.
  • Dawn doesn't know who attacked him - only that they captured him and hooked him up to "that infernal device", which kept him in a state of torture.
  • Dawn says that he was actually born in Florida - he simply lives in Ohio.
  • Dawn claims that he is a normal Internet Detectives and that he's simply always claimed to have "sun powers". This is true, because as a player, Dawn would often joke about being a member of a cult known as "The Sun Children" and possessing sun powers.
  • Pumpkinhead becomes active in this conversation and threatens the players.

June 13th, 2020

  • At 6:52 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Pathetic" in response to the player nfreak brute-forcing a cipher.
  • At 8:00 PM, the player Jade discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/spire" had changed. The page was now titled "TRAPPED" and contained the image "forgotten_ones.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the image "whatremains.gif" and the audio "inside.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 8:04 PM, the player Jade discovered that there were several armless Moon Children models spread throughout the "Spire" Janus map with glitchy textures. These Moon Children would disappear once the players approached them.
  • At 8:14 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players using both Wolfcat's account and IsocelesAssassin's account. IsocelesAssassin's Discord account's avatar was now a distorted, orange image of the Breman Mask. target=_blank

6/13/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[8:14 PM] grayassassin: "One who was killed"
[8:14 PM] DeadOne: "One who was forgotten"
[8:14 PM] grayassassin: "One who has been taken"
[8:14 PM] Wolfcat: "One who is Mine"
[8:14 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "John, Jacob, Tyler... someone"
[8:15 PM] nfreak141: "fuck you pumpkin cuck"
[8:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "uh"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "i mean isoscelesassassain ir the alternate universe circlehunter"
[8:15 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Who?"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "which would imply that IA was taken"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "or circlehunter himself"
[8:15 PM] scout: "One who has the gorilla grip moose lips"
[8:15 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""one who is Mine""
[8:15 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "yeah that's circle"
[8:15 PM] Xenquility: "or it could be something weird and be a future/past IA"
[8:16 PM] DeadOne: "P"
[8:16 PM] grayassassin: "S"
[8:16 PM] scout: "the alternate reality circle shit still confuses me"
[8:16 PM] Xenquility: "ps"
[8:16 PM] Xenquility: "pussy"
[8:17 PM] DeadOne: "T"
[8:17 PM] grayassassin: "L"
[8:17 PM] DeadOne: "I"


  • Pumpkinhead taunts the players using IsocelesAssassin's Discord account and sends the message "SPLIT".
  • At 11:40 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

6/13/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[11:40 PM] Dawn: "Sup guys"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "Hey"
[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Wussup?"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "How you doing?"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "How is the walk?"
[11:41 PM] otherLiam: "heya"
[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Walk is going good"
[11:41 PM] Dense: "Cool"
[11:41 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
[11:41 PM] Dawn: "Think I walked 50 miles today"
[11:42 PM] Dense: "Holy shit"
[11:42 PM] Dense: "lemme see dat leg :eyes:"
[11:42 PM] otherLiam: "bet you’re getting a lot of sun buh dum tssh"
[11:42 PM] Dawn: "Everyone else is getting a lotta sun B)"
[11:42 PM] Problematik: "You are going to have some reapped ass legs"
[11:42 PM] Dawn: "Reapped"
[11:42 PM] otherLiam: "Reapped"
[11:42 PM] Problematik: "Those legs can cut rock"
[11:43 PM] Dawn: "Fuck water"
[11:43 PM] Problematik: ">:("
[11:43 PM] Dawn: "So what's up with you guys?"
[11:43 PM] yoshi: "xen isnt here, say deeplore and delete it quick"
[11:43 PM] Problematik: "Yes"
[11:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "How did you walk 50 miles"
[11:43 PM] yoshi: "fuck"
[11:43 PM] Dawn: "I walked 25 miles"
[11:43 PM] Dawn: "And then I walked 25 more"

[11:43 PM] HaouDeSoul: "H o w"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "By walking far"
[11:44 PM] Problematik: "Cuz you are bored"
[11:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "T e l l m e y o u r w a y s"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I chose a direction and walked"
[11:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why tho"
[11:44 PM] Problematik: "Hes an entity"
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "you put one foot in front of the other"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "Yes"
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "ahh zero wasnt here"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I explained why already"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "Oh right"

[11:44 PM] Dense: "Imagine the LEGS"
[11:44 PM] otherLiam: "he has to go to FL to get his sun bible"
[11:44 PM] Dawn: "I'm walking to Florida"
[11:45 PM] Dense: "the THIGHS"
[11:45 PM] Dawn: "Yes"
[11:45 PM] Dense: "cool"
[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Ohh."
[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Is it because we're opening shit again"
[11:45 PM] Xenquility: "Mooskle"
[11:45 PM] Dawn: "It's because of my sun bible"
[11:45 PM] otherLiam: "no its cus he escaped captivity and needs to get his juice back"
[11:45 PM] Dawn: "As Liam put it"
[11:45 PM] Dawn: "The juice"

[11:45 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Well we are in the sunshine state. Don't forget to visit the fountain of youth on your way out"
[11:46 PM] otherLiam: "Currently the juice is loose"
[11:46 PM] otherLiam: "Dawn wants to fix that"
[11:46 PM] Problematik: "Pinneapple juice is good"
[11:46 PM] Dense: "piss"
[11:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "yes. The forbidden cheek acid"
[11:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":)"
[11:47 PM] Dawn: "But yeah, I found a gas station that actually has free wifi"
[11:47 PM] Dawn: "And stays open 24/7"

[11:47 PM] Problematik: "Good"
[11:47 PM] Dawn: "Things are looking up"
[11:47 PM] Xenquility: "Gg"
[11:47 PM] otherLiam: "hey uh, would there be people trying to re-capture you?"
[11:47 PM] Problematik: "Are you gonna stay in that gas station the night?"
[11:48 PM] Dawn: "Yeah probably"
[11:48 PM] otherLiam: "because if so accessing a public wifi network is like sending up a road flare"
[11:48 PM] Dawn: "I'm not going to stay in a gas station"
[11:48 PM] yoshi: "hopefully no ones waiting for you at your destination"
[11:48 PM] Dawn: "How would accessing a public network set up a road flare?"
[11:49 PM] Problematik: "Not if you have EXPRESS VPN. The best vpn of all time with coded encryptation point to point"
[11:49 PM] otherLiam: "it was an analogy. what i mean is if someone were trying to track you, they’d have an easy time like that. just want you to be careful."
[11:50 PM] otherLiam: "And Problem I know you aint sleepin on NORD VPN"
[11:50 PM] Dawn: "I don't think it'd be easy, right? I'm using a $20 walmart phone"
[11:50 PM] Problematik: "Thank you EXPRESS VPN for sponsor this server"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "Baddies got magical eyes everywhere"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "P much impossible to stay hidden"
[11:50 PM] Dawn: "I'll beat them up"
[11:50 PM] otherLiam: "It depends on what the Enemy has access to"
[11:50 PM] Xenquility: "Other than limiting tech use I guess"
[11:51 PM] Dawn: ":flex:"
[11:51 PM] Xenquility: "So yeah what liam said lol"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "Like, the government could find you like this free"
[11:51 PM] CircleHunter: "This johnisdead update is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "But the baddies might not have all their toys"
[11:51 PM] Problematik: "But his enemies are not the government"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "or skills"
[11:51 PM] Problematik: "Not now"
[11:51 PM] otherLiam: "i mean the government is everyone’s enemy"
[11:52 PM] otherLiam: "just be careful is all"
[11:52 PM] Xenquility: "Who needs the government when we have the sun to guide us"
[11:52 PM] otherLiam: "you On The Run(TM) now"
[11:52 PM] Dawn: "Brb i'm going to go buy 100 phones and put them on public wifi"
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "nice"
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "yknow i have a dumb question."
[11:53 PM] otherLiam: "why hasn’t anyone just tried to fuckin shoot the bad guys when they encounter them?"
[11:53 PM] Dawn: "I didn't have my gun at the time"
[11:53 PM] Xenquility: "good question tbh"
[11:53 PM] Dawn: "I think Law did"
[11:54 PM] Dawn: "He had his on him at all times"

[11:54 PM] otherLiam: "Law seems like the type to be strapped 24/7"
[11:54 PM] Xenquility: "But I think most are too digital or too able to teleport around"
[11:54 PM] Dense: "badass"
[11:55 PM] Dawn: "I tried burning it, shredding it, and even burying it"
[11:55 PM] otherLiam: "Hi orangeboi"
[11:55 PM] Dawn: "I did try blasting it with the glorious power of the sun but"
[11:56 PM] Problematik: "What bout drowning him"
[11:56 PM] otherLiam: "what if you took the glorious power of the sun and put it in a shotgun shell"
[11:56 PM] Dense: "^"
[11:56 PM] otherLiam: "fuckin SOLAR SHOT"
[11:56 PM] Dense: "based"
[11:56 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure I know how to do that. They didn't teach us that in sun school"
[11:57 PM] Problematik: "Fucking dragon breath gauge shots from fallout new vegas"
[11:57 PM] Dense: "oh no"
[11:57 PM] otherLiam: "anything we can do for you?"
[11:58 PM] Problematik: "Secure his conection using the best vpn in the world, EXPRESS VPN"
[11:59 PM] Dense: "^"
[11:59 PM] Dawn: "I don't think so. I was able to beg for some money on the way, so I'm able to get coffee and energy drinks to fuel my crusade."
[11:59 PM] Xenquility: "Vagason"
[11:59 PM] otherLiam: "get that gfuel"
[11:59 PM] Problematik: "Gfuel is from internet"
[12:00 AM] otherLiam: "gotta get gamer’d up"
[12:00 AM] Problematik: "Good"
[12:00 AM] Dawn: ((The image "IMG_20200613_235938.jpg" is sent)) target=_blank
[12:00 AM] Dawn: "It's pretty nice out here"
[12:00 AM] Problematik: "Wait you are made from fire, right?"
[12:01 AM] scout: jesus christ that gas station looks like it was lit by god's lighting crew"
[12:01 AM] Dawn: "I'm made from people"
[12:01 AM] Problematik: "What happend if you get to close to the gasoline?"
[12:01 AM] Dense: "lol"
[12:01 AM] Dawn: "I can light the gasoline if that's what you're askijg"
[12:01 AM] Xenquility: "Sunlit dawn is made of people"
[12:01 AM] Dawn: "Asking"
[12:01 AM] Problematik: "Dont do it"
[12:01 AM] yoshi: "blow it up! blow it up!"
[12:02 AM] Dawn: "I probably have enough left in me for that"
[12:02 AM] Dawn: "Should I do it?"

[12:02 AM] Problematik: "No"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Don't blow up the gas station"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Be a good boy"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "absolutely"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Draws too much attention"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: ":aboom:"
[12:02 AM] Dawn: "But Yoshi is saying yes"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Speaking of which saw that wolf"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Its the only place that have free internet"
[12:02 AM] Xenquility: "Dont listen to her"
[12:02 AM] yoshi: "wow xen way to not MENTION THE BAD GUY"
[12:02 AM] Problematik: "Yoshi its crazy"
[12:03 AM] Dawn: "Btw sorry for the shit picture"
[12:03 AM] Dawn: "$20 walmart phone"

[12:03 AM] yoshi: ":aboom:"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "Can we paypal you some money?"
[12:04 AM] Dawn: "I can't access my paypal"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "Shit"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "And some air drops"
[12:04 AM] Problematik: "With an ac130"
[12:05 AM] Dawn: "Anyhow, I just wanted to drop in and say hi. It gets pretty lonely on the road."
[12:05 AM] Problematik: "You could make some friends"
[12:05 AM] Problematik: "Like that guy in that movie"
[12:05 AM] Dawn: "Cars don't make for good conversation"
[12:05 AM] Dawn: "And I don't want to talk with anyone in my weakened state"

[12:06 AM] Xenquility: "How'd the shopping go btw"
[12:06 AM] Dawn: "Anyone might try to capture me"
[12:06 AM] Dawn: "Haven't shopped yet"

[12:06 AM] Xenquility: "F"
[12:06 AM] Dawn: "I still have that list somewhere"
[12:06 AM] Problematik: "You can be friend of a ball"
[12:06 AM] Dawn: "The ball might betray me"
[12:06 AM] Problematik: "Are you sure?"
[12:07 AM] Dawn: "Yes"
[12:07 AM] Problematik: "Balls are usually objects"
[12:07 AM] Problematik: "Not people"
[12:07 AM] Dawn: "It might betray me"
[12:07 AM] Xenquility: "Or are they"
[12:07 AM] yoshi: "balls"
[12:07 AM] Dawn: "You know what else is usually an object?"
[12:07 AM] Dawn: "Pumpkins"

[12:08 AM] yoshi: "shhh"
[12:08 AM] Xenquility: "Does that mean someone is using a ball as a mask"
[12:08 AM] yoshi: "we dont talk about that"
[12:08 AM] Dawn: "You know what else is usually an object?"
[12:08 AM] Dawn: "Masks"

[12:09 AM] Xenquility: "Still doesnt answer the question"
[12:09 AM] Problematik: "But balls are not possesed"
[12:09 AM] Dawn: "Maybe I should get walking"
[12:09 AM] Dense: "the power of the runes tbh"
[12:09 AM] Dawn: "I just drank 5 5 hour energy drinks to make sure I have enough energy for the next day of walking"
[12:10 AM] Xenquility: "God damn nice"
[12:11 AM] Dawn: "I'll message you guys later! Probably whenever I pass another free wifi zone"
[12:11 AM] Dense: "ᛊ"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Have a good walk"
[12:11 AM] Problematik: "Good luck"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Dont let the bad guys bite"
[12:11 AM] Problematik: "And be safe"
[12:11 AM] Xenquility: "Also why is dense randomly talking about runes"
[12:12 AM] Dawn: "Oh wait I see a big red man across the street I wonder what he'sqhdhwjhwj"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "a"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "shit"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":regi:"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Og no"
[12:12 AM] Dawn: ":regi: :regi: :regi:"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "ma due"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "We fucked up"
[12:12 AM] Dense: ":regi:"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Should we do something"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":regi: :regi: :regi:"
[12:12 AM] Xenquility: "No lol"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Or he is dead"
[12:12 AM] Dawn: "I'm just jokin"
[12:12 AM] Problematik: "Ok"
[12:12 AM] Dense: "judt jokn"
[12:13 AM] Dense: "ᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊ"
[12:13 AM] Dawn: "Peace!"


  • Dawn updates the players on his trip. Things seem to be going well - he has currently stopped by a gas station to use their wi-fi.


  • Files:
  • "IMG 20200613 235938.jpg" - A photo of the gas station Dawn is currently at. target=_blank

June 14th, 2020

  • At 2:56 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "llllll.bmp" - a clearer version of the image hidden an SSTV signal discovered during The Truth Arc. target=_blank

6/14/20 - "llllll.bmp" Text - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[11:42:11] .:@Kev:. Do not worry this is a private channel
No one can see what we are saying
here. But yes I can confirm it was a
success. We have Matt with us now.

[11:47:19] .:@Seth:. But at what cost? You allowed a giant
to be awoken, and while it brought us
this asset to our movement, it was
through this terrible arrangement.

[11:50:21] .:@Kev:. The giant story is a lie. Misinformation
spread by the misguided
"moon children" in attempt to falsify
our glory.

[11:52:43] .:@Seth:. But several of our own reported that
they had in fact heard whispers of
this very prophecy in warning.

[11:59:00] .:@Kev:. Again I will inform you that the only
whispers that should be held with any
level of validity are the ones coming
from the one our Father speaks through

  • At 3:12 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

6/14/20 - Chat with Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

[3:12 AM] grayassassin: "Familiar"
[3:12 AM] HaouDeSoul: "hmm"
[3:12 AM] scout: "just incase he deletes it"
[3:13 AM] scout: "idk if i should be on that level of autism but you never know ig"
[3:13 AM] grayassassin: "This place"
[3:13 AM] grayassassin: "This One"

[3:13 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "a dead one"
[3:13 AM] scout: "this place, this one"
[3:13 AM] scout: "WHATS IT MEAN"
[3:13 AM] HaouDeSoul: "uhhh"
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's evanescence"
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "that's a joke, i should say"
[3:14 AM] grayassassin: "transmission_interception."
[3:14 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""SKM ARE YOU THERE""
[3:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: "oh"
[3:14 AM] scout: "so is seth skm"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "seth k. mason"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":sunglasses:"
[3:15 AM] scout: "oh my god mason and skm are the same person"
[3:15 AM] scout: "DUN DUN DUNN"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "and seth"
[3:15 AM] scout: "also where did you get skm are you there from"
[3:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "DUN"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/transmission_interception.mp3"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""SKM ARE YOU THERE""
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "morse"
[3:15 AM] scout: "ah ok"
[3:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "oh shit"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "there were two actually"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/transmission_interception_(1).mp3"
[3:15 AM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "this is #2"
[3:15 AM] grayassassin: "(1)"


  • Pumpkinhead claims that the location seen in the image "llllll.bmp" is familiar to him.
  • Pumpkinhead hints towards the audio file "transmission_interception_(1).mp3".
  • At 3:34 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the video "waiting.wmv" - a video that was originally uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel in 2016.

June 15th, 2020

  • At 2:43 AM, Erika and Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. This conversation took place across multiple text channels in the Internet Detectives Discord server, as well as in PM's with the player Xenquility.

6/15/20 - Chat with Erika and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

((The following chat took place in PM's with the player Xenquility))

[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "His voice is so beautiful to me :green_heart:"
[1:19 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Tell no one I said this <.<"
[1:20 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Also I wanna show off my new vid I made finally"
[1:29 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im feeling kind of shy about it though XD"

((The following chat took place in the "#general" text channel))

[10:25 PM] Problematik: "Hey guys what is literall more gay, be gay or kiss your friend without saying no homo?"
[10:35 PM] Dense: "Both"
[10:46 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Both"
[11:57 PM] Jackuan: "both"
[1:57 AM] Jeffory: "yes"
[2:04 AM] Erika_XP💚: "yes"
[2:09 AM] Erika_XP💚: "@HaouDeSoul Hai there ^^"

[2:10 AM] scout: "aw god ANOTHER e girl"
[2:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: "@Erika_XP💚 hello there!"
[2:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Ok scout lol"
[2:12 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I made a thing finally after a really long time, got pretty inspired about a few days into may but then lost all my energy pretty quickly due to lack of walking power =p"
[2:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Ah ok! Would be nice to see it"
[2:14 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I wanna show it off but only if someone promises to watch it with me, Im really proud of this one XD"
[2:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Oh is it a video?"
[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Yeeeee"
[2:15 AM] scout: "ive got nothing better to do anyway"
[2:15 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Same"
[2:15 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I know I got in trouble last time for using stuff I was not supposed to, so this one is normal this time."
[2:16 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I promise~"
[2:18 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I was hoping @Xenquility could be here since he was the one who helped talk me into continuing my work on it, among other things XD"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Oh well xp"
[2:23 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill go ahead and put a link where you can"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "come and see"
[2:24 AM] Erika_XP💚: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtlx0EwTAdM"
[2:31 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ahaha~"
[2:31 AM] scout: "that was alright"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I sure hope no one decided to take the link to that video XD"
[2:32 AM] scout: "wasnt really my cup of tea but i thought it was well made"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Else I suppose at this point"
[2:32 AM] Erika_XP💚: "There would be no turning back"

[2:33 AM] scout: "whaddya mean"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Just a forward stride from here for me >w>"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "And I just KNOW"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "that SOMEONE"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "would be very upset X)"
[2:33 AM] Erika_XP💚: "or maybe I should say, SOMETHING"

[2:34 AM] scout: "what?"
[2:36 AM] DeadOne: "http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/Main_Page"
[2:36 AM] scout: "what are you talking about"
[2:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "OH"
[2:36 AM] Pako: "oh sheet"
[2:36 AM] Pako: "xD"
[2:36 AM] Erika_XP💚: "...oh"
[2:37 AM] Pako: "nice layout"
[2:37 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Earlier than I was expecting ^^;"
[2:37 AM] Pako: "who did that?"
[2:37 AM] scout: "you know I could've sworn we already had a wiki"
[2:38 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Strange, I thought hiding it a bit would have staved this off a bit longer for me but I guess there truly is no turning back. Thats fine though, I really started to realize near the end that I wanted this instead."

((The following chat took place in the "#johnisdead" text channel))

[2:43 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Not everything is there that I was expecting so the process will be a bit more slow. Id really rather the bandaid just be ripped off, Im not sure how painful this is going to be XD"
[2:44 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart: 10:15 PM: "Did I seriously arrive to some gm drama?""
[2:44 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart: 1:28 AM: "What is this colour change?""
[2:45 AM] DeadOne: "Erika_XP:green_heart:: "Is that a challenge?""
[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ahaha"
[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I knew this would happen"
[2:45 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I dont care anymore"
[2:46 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im ready to finally go"

[2:46 AM] DeadOne: "This dream seeks more"
[2:46 AM] grayassassin: "But it lacks vision"
[2:46 AM] Pako: oh"
[2:47 AM] nfreak141: "ooh thome thtuff ith going down"
[2:47 AM] Erika_XP💚: "This is my purpose"
[2:48 AM] nfreak141: "purpothe?"
[2:48 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Its why III came to be"
[2:49 AM] nfreak141: "what ith your purpothe?"
[2:49 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Ill be out there, hunting the vampire just like I said I would. He is cunning, but I dont think even he saw something this convoluted coming. Even if he likes to make things more complicated to break everything XD"
[2:50 AM] Erika_XP💚: "He has many names, fascie is one of many others"
[2:51 AM] Erika_XP💚: "You will all see me again soon, I hope."

[2:52 AM] Dense: "Wow now I'm mentioned 12 times in the timelines"
[2:52 AM] nfreak141: "nithe."
[2:52 AM] nfreak141: "hope to thee you thoon. be careful."

((The following chat took place in PM's with the player Xenquility))

[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im sorry it had to end up like this so quickly"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Thank you for everything"
[2:52 AM] Erika_XP💚: "I thought I could get closer to him by being "real" with everyone"
[2:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "But now I have accepted it does not work like that for me. But I won't stop trying. I know I was close but there is absolutely another way."
[2:53 AM] Erika_XP💚: "You will see me again soon~"
[2:54 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"

((The following chat took place in the "#johnisdead" text channel))

[2:53 AM] scout: "damn"
[2:53 AM] scout: "au revoir erika"
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Thank you Chris, thank you Scout. You are both good people in your own special ways XD"
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Im glad fate happened to bring us together in this strange way it did."
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: "Goodbye"
[2:55 AM] Erika_XP💚: ":green_heart:"


  • Erika shares her new music video with the players - "Silentdork Awakening music video". This video contained more unseen Johnisdead footage, further implying that Erika is canon. This video will be covered below.
  • Pumpkinhead posts a link to the new Johnisdead Wiki - the website you are currently reading - "http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/Main_Page". This Wiki referred to Erika as a canon character and documented her various videos and conversations.
  • Erika is surprised to see the Wiki and herself being labelled canon, claiming that now there's no turning back for her.
  • Pumpkinhead refers to Erika as a "dream" and claims they seek more but lack vision.
  • Erika claims that an entity that sometimes goes by the name "fascie" likes to complicate things in an attempt to break them.
  • Erika apologizes to the player Xenquility for suddenly having to leave. She claims that she believed she would be able to get closer to Tyler by "being real" with everyone, but she's discovered that "it does not work like that for me". Erika says that she will not give up, saying that there is another way and that the players will see her again soon.
  • Erika says goodbye to the players and leaves the Internet Detectives Discord server.
  • At 2:24 AM, Erika linked players to a new video uploaded on her channel - "Silentdork Awakening music video". target=_blank
  • 6/15/20 - "Silentdork Awakening music video" - YouTube (Emerald Heart)



    • YouTube Details:
    • Description:
    • Tags: "I guess there is no going back now XP, XD, Is it locked, Say it, Is it recording"
    • At 2:55 AM, Erika's Discord username changed to "Deleted User 1513r42e" and her avatar was removed.
    • At 12:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "action:" in response to the players attempting to solve an old cipher.
    • At 12:57 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "input" in response to the players attempting to solve an old cipher.
    • At 3:29 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    6/15/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [3:29 PM] Dawn: "Supp"
    [3:30 PM] Dawn: "Anything cool happen?"

    [3:30 PM] nfreak141: "hey"
    [3:30 PM] nfreak141: "how'th the walk going?"
    [3:32 PM] DeadOne: "Hello"
    [3:32 PM] Dawn: "Sup woof? Long time no hear"
    [3:33 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit hi dawn"
    [3:33 PM] Xenquility: "btw wolf is possessed"
    [3:33 PM] Dawn: "Sup"
    [3:33 PM] Xenquility: "well"
    [3:33 PM] Xenquility: ""wolf""
    [3:34 PM] Xenquility: "maybe him maybe another variant of him who knows"
    [3:34 PM] Xenquility: "but also erika is canon so all is good in the world"
    [3:34 PM] nfreak141: "oh and we have a new wiki"
    [3:35 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon but no one will believe that you said it first"
    [3:35 PM] Xenquility: "f"
    [3:35 PM] Xenquility: "deeplore but she uses one of tyler's old mc accounts"
    [3:36 PM] Dawn: "Walk goes good"
    [3:36 PM] Dawn: "Decided to take a break"

    [3:36 PM] Dense: "Hey Dawn"
    [3:36 PM] Xenquility: "oml"
    [3:36 PM] Xenquility: "erika is canon and walks too"
    [3:36 PM] Xenquility: "dawn is canon and walks"
    [3:36 PM] Dense: "do u like My Chemical Romance?"
    [3:36 PM] Xenquility: "now dawn = erika"
    [3:36 PM] nfreak141: "it all maketh thenthe!"
    [3:36 PM] Dawn: "My Chemical Romance? More like My GAY Romance"
    [3:37 PM] Xenquility: ""dense what does "base dick" mean"
    [3:37 PM] Dense: "pumpkin"
    [3:38 PM] Xenquility: "OH MY GOD"
    [3:38 PM] Xenquility: ":BUP:"
    [3:38 PM] Xenquility: "shoutouts to simpleflips"
    [3:38 PM] otherLiam: "@-greth-ooc hey look youre on tv"
    [3:39 PM] Xenquility: "watching simple without a facecam again feels weird"
    [3:39 PM] Problematik: "what"
    [3:40 PM] Problematik: "did i miss something canon"
    [3:40 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [3:40 PM] Xenquility: "erika"
    [3:40 PM] Problematik: "i always know that erika is canon"
    [3:45 PM] Jackuan: "where is the food?"
    [3:46 PM] Dawn: "Problem called it first"
    [3:46 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon"

    [3:48 PM] Jackuan: "did you get the stuff on the grocery store?"
    [3:53 PM] Dawn: "Not yet. There are walmarts everywhere, and I don't wanna carry that stuff forever"
    [3:53 PM] Dawn: "The hot pockets would defrost at that point"

    [3:55 PM] Xenquility: "wont your radiant heat defrost them anyways"
    [3:57 PM] Jackuan: "ok"
    [3:57 PM] Dawn: "I don't currently have the power of the sun"
    [3:58 PM] Xenquility: "i meant from your good looks"
    [3:58 PM] LordSkele: "Smh, being the sun is hard ain't it"
    [4:06 PM] Problematik: "Is better be the water lord"
    [4:09 PM] Dawn: "The water cult was dum"
    [4:09 PM] Dawn: "Poseidon more like Pusseidon"

    [4:09 PM] otherLiam: "i’m pretty sure i called bs immediately when she said she wasnt"
    [4:09 PM] otherLiam: "poseidon more like vaporeon"
    [4:10 PM] Problematik: "Dont call the furry"
    [4:10 PM] nfreak141: "did thomeone they betht bin?"
    [4:10 PM] Problematik: "No one"
    [4:11 PM] Problematik: "So go fuck yourself bin"
    [4:11 PM] nfreak141: "nah"
    [4:12 PM] Dawn: "So I do have to say one thing."
    [4:12 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I was wrong in saying that I could keep walking without sleep or food. These 5 hour energies aren't working as well as I hoped as a substitute for solar power"

    [4:12 PM] Xenquility: "I mean"
    [4:12 PM] Xenquility: "We could always like"
    [4:12 PM] Xenquility: "All night mask you"
    [4:13 PM] otherLiam: "that’s kinda dangerous"
    [4:13 PM] otherLiam: "maybe potion?"
    [4:13 PM] otherLiam: "or M I L K"
    [4:13 PM] Dawn: "What the fuck is an all night mask and why would I let you touch me with a not sun mask"
    [4:13 PM] Xenquility: "True but so was sleeping to some extent"
    [4:13 PM] otherLiam: "...wait, Dawn, are you serious?"
    [4:13 PM] Xenquility: "Our touch will make you feel good"
    [4:13 PM] Problematik: "We could use the sun song"
    [4:13 PM] Xenquility: ";)"
    [4:13 PM] otherLiam: "it’s a Zelda item. Why would you not remember those?"
    [4:14 PM] Dawn: "I never played Zelda"
    [4:14 PM] Xenquility: "Makes you not sleep"
    [4:14 PM] otherLiam: "forces you to not sleep"
    [4:14 PM] Dawn: "But its night"
    [4:14 PM] Dawn: "Not day"
    [4:14 PM] Dawn: "This goes against my religion"

    [4:14 PM] Xenquility: "Y"
    [4:15 PM] Dawn: "Because the church looks down upon wearing BDSM gear in public"
    [4:15 PM] Dawn: "I was just going to ask you guys where you think a safe place to rest would be"

    [4:15 PM] Xenquility: "Oh"
    [4:15 PM] nfreak141: "a motel"
    [4:15 PM] Dawn: "I passed a few bridges"
    [4:15 PM] Dawn: "I don't have enough money for a hotel"

    [4:16 PM] Xenquility: "F"
    [4:16 PM] Dawn: "I have $22 in bills and about $3 in various coins"
    [4:16 PM] Xenquility: "RIP the next jid updates cant afford the hotel"
    [4:16 PM] ARGdov: "wait what"
    [4:16 PM] ARGdov: "hey Dawn"
    [4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Oh shit dov my mab"
    [4:17 PM] Problematik: "Only fans for dawn"
    [4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Erika is canon confirmed"
    [4:17 PM] otherLiam: "oh by the way"
    [4:17 PM] Xenquility: "New wiki is here"
    [4:17 PM] ARGdov: "what kind of church doesnt like bdsm gear smh they literally have the most famous bondage scene in history hanging at the front of the church"
    [4:17 PM] ARGdov: "ooooh"
    [4:17 PM] ARGdov: "nice and nice!"
    [4:17 PM] otherLiam: "for those worried about Our Horizon being marked as the “final” arc"
    [4:17 PM] otherLiam: "pretty sure it’s a joke"
    [4:17 PM] Dawn: "Sup ARG"
    [4:18 PM] Dawn: "Makes sense that your church would allow public bondage"

    [4:18 PM] Xenquility: "Turns out wolf omitted a ton of info from the wiki when he turned orangeman so there's all of that to look through too"
    [4:18 PM] ARGdov: "I dont go to church lol"
    [4:18 PM] Problematik: "Well, tyler was playing lakeview cabin so its kind of a reference"
    [4:18 PM] otherLiam: "well where are you rn dawn"
    [4:19 PM] Dawn: "Uhhh"
    [4:19 PM] Dawn: "Between some trees"
    [4:19 PM] Dawn: "And on a road without a sidewalk"
    [4:19 PM] Dawn: "I'm on some person's unsecured wifi right now"
    [4:19 PM] Dawn: "If I'm gonna be 100% honest"

    [4:19 PM] nfreak141: "ha"
    [4:19 PM] Xenquility: "sounds dangerous"
    [4:19 PM] Xenquility: "living on the edge"
    [4:19 PM] Problematik: "Invert your money in bitcoin"
    [4:20 PM] otherLiam: "well if there’s wifi there’s probably a building somewhere. could try and seek shelter there."
    [4:20 PM] Dawn: "They're going to die from whatever is hunting me down"
    [4:20 PM] Problematik: "You will have more money"
    [4:20 PM] Dawn: "It's just some person's house"
    [4:20 PM] ARGdov: "oh dear, well thats grim"
    [4:20 PM] Dawn: "I mean I can probably break in"
    [4:20 PM] otherLiam: "hmm"
    [4:20 PM] ARGdov: "I mean, if they're home that may not be the best idea"
    [4:20 PM] Dawn: "There is a car in the driveway"
    [4:21 PM] otherLiam: "if you’re way out in the country, do they maybe have a barn?"
    [4:21 PM] Problematik: "Go to the door"
    [4:21 PM] Xenquility: "maybe it's a friend"
    [4:21 PM] Xenquility: ":)"
    [4:21 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 vincent"
    [4:21 PM] Problematik: "And ask if someone is home"
    [4:21 PM] otherLiam: "no he cant really interact with them problem"
    [4:21 PM] Problematik: "Shit"
    [4:21 PM] otherLiam: "whatever’s hunting him would kill them later"
    [4:22 PM] Problematik: "Use your powers like a flashbang"
    [4:22 PM] otherLiam: "he still doesnt have those yet bud"
    [4:22 PM] otherLiam: "look if you’re way out in the boonies"
    [4:22 PM] Problematik: ">:("
    [4:23 PM] otherLiam: "there’s gotta be a barn or farmhouse or stable or something nearby if you’re anywhere close to civilization"
    [4:23 PM] Dawn: "I mean I can interact with them if you want"
    [4:23 PM] Dawn: "You all makin this sound like some game"

    [4:23 PM] otherLiam: "id rather you didnt"
    [4:23 PM] Problematik: "Dont do it"
    [4:23 PM] Dawn: ""INTERACT WITH THIS NPC""
    [4:23 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
    [4:24 PM] Xenquility: "how about "bask in the wonder that is converse with this unknown entitties""
    [4:24 PM] Dawn: "No barn. It's just a normal home from what I can tell btw."
    [4:24 PM] Dawn: "2 stories"
    [4:24 PM] Dawn: "Probably a basement"

    [4:24 PM] ARGdov: "hoenstly why dont we just keep moving?"
    [4:24 PM] Dawn: "I could sneak in through an upper window maybe"
    [4:24 PM] otherLiam: "im not really for getting innocent people killed"
    [4:24 PM] otherLiam: "dov, because dawn needs sleep"
    [4:25 PM] ARGdov: "if something is hunting him it doesnt sound like going into this guys house is going to be a good advantage"
    [4:25 PM] ARGdov: "ah"
    [4:25 PM] ARGdov: "okay"
    [4:25 PM] Dawn: "I'm only suggesting this because Liam says no"
    [4:25 PM] DeadOne: "Kill"
    [4:25 PM] Problematik: "No wolf fuck no"
    [4:25 PM] Dawn: "See? Wolf is saying I should go speak with them"
    [4:25 PM] otherLiam: "You are not part of this conversation, Pumpkinfuck."
    [4:25 PM] nfreak141: "i mean.... leth think."
    [4:25 PM] nfreak141: "we're trying to keep him alive right?"
    [4:25 PM] otherLiam: "the issue is leading the thing following you to them"
    [4:26 PM] Dawn: "I passed by some bridges"
    [4:26 PM] Dawn: "I could sleep under one of those"

    [4:26 PM] otherLiam: "sneaking into their home is just as bad as talking to them in that respect"
    [4:26 PM] otherLiam: "that’s not a bad idea"
    [4:26 PM] Problematik: "You dont think bin you are retard"
    [4:26 PM] nfreak141: "no u"
    [4:26 PM] otherLiam: "just be careful if there’s anyone else there"
    [4:26 PM] otherLiam: "might get shanked for your shoelaces"
    [4:26 PM] Dawn: "I can handle them :flex:"
    [4:27 PM] otherLiam: "the alternative is we try to use our powers to help you"
    [4:27 PM] ARGdov: "is there any additonal safety to come with staying in the house?"
    [4:27 PM] Dawn: "So you guys say sleeping under a bridge is the best option?"
    [4:27 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
    [4:27 PM] Xenquility: "what state are you in"
    [4:27 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 "solid siduofhsidufhiouawd""
    [4:27 PM] Problematik: "No, maybe a homeless could rape you"
    [4:27 PM] otherLiam: "it’s the best option that doesn’t involve getting innocent people killed"
    [4:27 PM] otherLiam: "problem wtf"
    [4:27 PM] Xenquility: "I mean do we know interacting with this guy will get him killed"
    [4:27 PM] otherLiam: "no"
    [4:28 PM] Xenquility: "actually nvm"
    [4:28 PM] nfreak141: "poblemm wtf ith wrong with you? you have like no chill today"
    [4:28 PM] Xenquility: "to be fair"
    [4:28 PM] otherLiam: "but we’ve got enough blood accidentally spilled on our hands"
    [4:28 PM] Xenquility: "a bridge will probably have less technology to come eat his ass through"
    [4:28 PM] Dawn: "I dunno. I can tell you what county I'm in maybe?"
    [4:28 PM] Xenquility: "shore try that"
    [4:28 PM] Dawn: "I passed by a sign saying I was entering Norris"
    [4:29 PM] Problematik: "What is norris?"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: "wait"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: "norris or morris"
    [4:29 PM] otherLiam: "GROSS"
    [4:29 PM] otherLiam: "he’s in fucking JERSEY"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: "f"
    [4:29 PM] Problematik: "The WORST STATE"
    [4:29 PM] Dawn: "Definitely an N"
    [4:29 PM] otherLiam: "wait no thats morris"
    [4:29 PM] otherLiam: "he’s in Tennessee"
    [4:29 PM] nfreak141: "oh cool stop by i could give you a lift"
    [4:29 PM] Dense: "oh"
    [4:29 PM] Dawn: "Am I going the right way?"
    [4:30 PM] otherLiam: "Yeah youre fine"
    [4:30 PM] Dawn: "Tennessee"
    [4:30 PM] Dawn: "Maybe there's a church?"

    [4:30 PM] otherLiam: "you’ve got georgia left to go thru, then you’re in florida"
    [4:30 PM] Problematik: "Should be"
    [4:30 PM] Dawn: "Would that be a good idea?"
    [4:30 PM] Xenquility: "Depends on the church"
    [4:30 PM] otherLiam: "uhh"
    [4:30 PM] otherLiam: "are churches warded against evil"
    [4:30 PM] Fancypigg: no"
    [4:31 PM] otherLiam: "idk how magic works"
    [4:31 PM] Problematik: "If its a catholic church is not a good idea"
    [4:31 PM] otherLiam: "dude"
    [4:31 PM] otherLiam: "you need to chill"
    [4:31 PM] Fancypigg: what who needs to chill"
    [4:31 PM] Problematik: "Im chill wtf"
    [4:31 PM] otherLiam: "problem"
    [4:31 PM] Fancypigg: raised catholic I can vouch"
    [4:31 PM] Fancypigg: bad idea"
    [4:31 PM] Problematik: "No offense"
    [4:31 PM] Dawn: "I'm just tired"
    [4:31 PM] otherLiam: "anyway tennessee isnt exactly a bastion of catholocism"
    [4:32 PM] Dawn: "I can sleep in these bushes"
    [4:32 PM] Problematik: "Ok cool"
    [4:32 PM] Xenquility: "they say they're accepting of beliefs maybe they'd welcome the sun"
    [4:32 PM] Problematik: "Yeah, if you need to sleep go to a hidden place"
    [4:32 PM] Fancypigg: oh if you just need a place to sleep maybe a church wouldnt be a bad idea"
    [4:33 PM] otherLiam: "the issue is he’d be leading the thing hunting him to other people"
    [4:33 PM] Fancypigg: so?"
    [4:33 PM] Fancypigg: thats gonna happen anywhere if thats the case"
    [4:33 PM] otherLiam: "...so they’ll die."
    [4:33 PM] Fancypigg: he was at a walmart b4"
    [4:33 PM] nfreak141: "think of the bigger picture"
    [4:33 PM] otherLiam: "yeah but it’s not gonna massacre a wally world"
    [4:33 PM] Fancypigg: ..how do you know"
    [4:34 PM] otherLiam: "thatd draw too much attention"
    [4:34 PM] Fancypigg: liam is a GM"
    [4:34 PM] Dawn: "I'm just asking where you guys feel a safe place to sleep would be. It's been a long time since I felt this moral; only walking for about a week without sleep or food."
    [4:34 PM] Dawn: "I guess 5 hour energy is food"

    [4:34 PM] Xenquility: "wouldnt a church massacre also bring a lot of attention"
    [4:34 PM] nfreak141: "what'th one or two liveth when we're trying to get thun'th powerth back?"
    [4:34 PM] Dawn: "Without sleep"
    [4:34 PM] otherLiam: "look i only know this is s risk because pumpkinfuck was rooting for it"
    [4:34 PM] otherLiam: "bin we’ve killed enough innocent people already"
    [4:35 PM] otherLiam: "ive said my bit, yall do what you want. i vote bridge, dawn."
    [4:35 PM] Dawn: "So Jacob and Wolf say I should go to the church, right?"
    [4:35 PM] Fancypigg: idk"
    [4:35 PM] otherLiam: "do N O T listen to wolf"
    [4:35 PM] Xenquility: "okay wait"
    [4:35 PM] nfreak141: "i thay "bridge" if we're worried about innothent liveth"
    [4:35 PM] Xenquility: "wolf reacted to the "Should I go talk to them""
    [4:35 PM] Dawn: "Why not?"
    [4:35 PM] otherLiam: "he’s not himself"
    [4:35 PM] DeadOne: "Friend"
    [4:35 PM] Problematik: "Wolf its a pussy"
    [4:36 PM] Problematik: "No, go away"
    [4:36 PM] otherLiam: "would you FUCK OFF wolf"
    [4:36 PM] Dawn: "He seems normal"
    [4:36 PM] LordSkele: "Tennessee is terrible"
    [4:36 PM] otherLiam: "He’s literally not even wolfcat"
    [4:36 PM] Problematik: "Dont hear him"
    [4:36 PM] nfreak141: "don't lithten to pumpkin boy. he hath thown to be full of himthelf. huehuehue maybe that'th why i like him."
    [4:36 PM] otherLiam: "he’s some creepy orange demon"
    [4:36 PM] Dawn: "But his account says qolf"
    [4:36 PM] LordSkele: "@Wolfcat Friend :)"
    [4:36 PM] DeadOne: ":upside_down:"
    [4:36 PM] Problematik: "No lord"
    [4:36 PM] Xenquility: "@The Sun A while back the Astral Observatory was omega-cucked by some bad guys and reactivating it released an entity that possessed wolf"
    [4:36 PM] LordSkele: ":smiley:"
    [4:36 PM] Dawn: "I mean, he's always been an orange demon"
    [4:36 PM] Xenquility: "he's worse now"
    [4:36 PM] otherLiam: "hey look its me Helios"
    [4:37 PM] Dawn: "My hatred for you grows"
    [4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Hey, lookit me! I'm Mr Meeseeks!"
    [4:37 PM] otherLiam: "just cus the name says that doesnt mean anything"
    [4:37 PM] otherLiam: "thats ok, you’ll never eclipse my hatred for myself"
    [4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Haha"
    [4:37 PM] Dawn: "But it's Wolf's account"
    [4:37 PM] Xenquility: "dont trust it"
    [4:37 PM] otherLiam: "Dude it’s not him"
    [4:37 PM] Xenquility: "he is bullchitting us"
    [4:37 PM] DeadOne: "I've always been me ."
    [4:37 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [4:37 PM] otherLiam: "We’ve been dealing with his garbage for months."
    [4:37 PM] Dawn: "Yeah, see?"
    [4:37 PM] otherLiam: "Believe us."
    [4:37 PM] DeadOne: "I've always been him ."
    [4:38 PM] Xenquility: """HIM""
    [4:38 PM] Dawn: "It's always been Wolf"
    [4:38 PM] LordSkele: "I dunno who you guys are talking about."
    [4:38 PM] nfreak141: "you're trolliing right now aren't you? you can't be thith denthe. i'm thaying it'th the lack of sleeep and food getting to you."
    [4:38 PM] Problematik: "Dont listen him"
    [4:38 PM] Dawn: "He's just probably playing a joke on you guys and everyone fell for it"
    [4:38 PM] Problematik: "Hes a bitch"
    [4:38 PM] Xenquility: "no"
    [4:38 PM] Dawn: "Just to spite everyone"
    [4:38 PM] Xenquility: "we fell for the joke before"
    [4:38 PM] Xenquility: "almost died"
    [4:38 PM] Dawn: "WOLF WHAT SHOULD I DO"
    [4:38 PM] otherLiam: "are you"
    [4:38 PM] otherLiam: "fucking"
    [4:38 PM] otherLiam: "kidding"
    [4:39 PM] DeadOne: "Sleep"
    [4:39 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [4:39 PM] Xenquility: "honestly"
    [4:39 PM] Xenquility: "what if we just"
    [4:39 PM] Xenquility: "posted the all night mask"
    [4:39 PM] otherLiam: "yknow what"
    [4:39 PM] Xenquility: "or is this going to be some meta "hey lets reverse-psychology and say what they should do so they dont do it""
    [4:39 PM] Problematik: "Dont sleep"
    [4:40 PM] Problematik: "Wolf wants you to sleep"
    [4:40 PM] LordSkele: "Sleep?"
    [4:40 PM] Xenquility: "*not wolf"
    [4:40 PM] LordSkele: "Who even does that haha"
    [4:40 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'm going to go to the church to see if they'll let me sleep up there"
    [4:40 PM] LordSkele: "I hadn't slept for a while"
    [4:40 PM] Dawn: "Nice in-between of what Wolf wants me to do and everyone else"
    [4:41 PM] otherLiam: "Cool, great. When that‘s a bad idea will you actually believe us about Wolf?"
    [4:41 PM] Dawn: "Which church did you say again Xen?"
    [4:41 PM] Fancypigg: summon your power and continue moving"
    [4:41 PM] Xenquility: "dmed you"
    [4:41 PM] ARGdov: "hang on dawn mentioned bridges before"
    [4:41 PM] Xenquility: "dont let the bad guys see it"
    [4:41 PM] ARGdov: "guys uh"
    [4:41 PM] Dawn: "I ran out of 5 hour energy (tm)"
    [4:41 PM] Problematik: "Go to a church and steal the money"
    [4:41 PM] Fancypigg: dont do that"
    [4:41 PM] ARGdov: "do you guys remember the last time we saw a bridge in this game"
    [4:41 PM] otherLiam: "no dov we have to listen to Wolfcat now"
    [4:41 PM] LordSkele: "They'll have plenty money, they can go without it."
    [4:41 PM] otherLiam: "because it makes sense to not listen to us"
    [4:42 PM] ARGdov: "the bridges seemingly can double as walkways into the green parallelos it may be worthwhile to avoid it"
    [4:42 PM] ARGdov: "or maybe Im overthinking things"
    [4:42 PM] ARGdov: "Im legitamately not sure"
    [4:43 PM] otherLiam: "just so we’re clear, you’re trusting someone that everyone who is in your corner says is evil"
    [4:43 PM] otherLiam: "because you think it’s a bit"
    [4:43 PM] ARGdov: "well then."
    [4:44 PM] otherLiam: "with no reason to believe that"
    [4:44 PM] ARGdov: "Im sure this is going to go swimmingly"
    [4:44 PM] ARGdov: "but no, snarkiness aside"
    [4:44 PM] ARGdov: "you REALLY shouldnt listen to Wolf"
    [4:44 PM] DeadOne: "Don't sleep"
    [4:44 PM] Problematik: "Ok you know what?"
    [4:45 PM] Problematik: "Fuck you wolf"
    [4:45 PM] LordSkele: "Sleep?"
    [4:45 PM] Dawn: "Okay, if ARG says I shouldn't listen to Wolf I guess I won't"
    [4:45 PM] Xenquility: "nice"
    [4:45 PM] Dawn: "That beinf said I'm really fucking tired"
    [4:45 PM] otherLiam: "thank god"
    [4:45 PM] Dawn: "Am I going to this bridge?"
    [4:46 PM] Dawn: "The church?"

    [4:46 PM] Xenquility: "church"
    [4:46 PM] Dawn: "Sleeping in this bush?"
    [4:46 PM] Xenquility: "imo"
    [4:46 PM] otherLiam: "i vote bridge or bush"
    [4:46 PM] Problematik: "Drink holy water, i will make it powerful water"
    [4:46 PM] otherLiam: "but if you dont care about other people dyin then church"
    [4:46 PM] Dawn: "I've only been drinking 5 hour energy"
    [4:46 PM] ARGdov: "bush, Id say"
    [4:47 PM] Dawn: "I'm not sure if anyone else would die maybe"
    [4:47 PM] Dawn: "2 for bush, 1 for church?"

    [4:47 PM] Problematik: "Bush"
    [4:47 PM] nfreak141: "bush"
    [4:47 PM] Problematik: "A very T H I C C bush"
    [4:47 PM] ARGdov: "BUSH"
    [4:47 PM] Xenquility: "f but"
    [4:47 PM] Dawn: "Alright, I'll try to get comfortable here in this bush"
    [4:48 PM] LordSkele: "Spiral out, keep going."
    [4:48 PM] Dawn: "It'll be annoying with the cars going by but I think I can make it work"
    [4:48 PM] Problematik: "Try to be very hidden"
    [4:48 PM] Xenquility: "actually nvm"
    [4:48 PM] Dawn: "I'll see you guys when I wake up!"
    [4:48 PM] Dense: "owo"
    [4:48 PM] Xenquility: "dont die please"
    [4:49 PM] LordSkele: "Good night, Sun."
    [4:49 PM] ARGdov: "night"
    [4:49 PM] Problematik: "Have a good sleep"
    [4:49 PM] LordSkele: "Sweet dreams."
    [4:49 PM] Problematik: "Be safe"
    [4:50 PM] ARGdov: "hopefully we made the right call..."
    [4:50 PM] LordSkele: ":zzz:"
    [5:51 PM] yoshi: "dawns gonna wake up with bugs on em"
    [5:51 PM] Dense: ":eyes:"
    [5:51 PM] yoshi: "hes gonna have to fight off the spiders"
    [5:51 PM] Dense: "Lunar spiders"
    [5:55 PM] yoshi: "a snakes gonna bite him on the ass"
    [5:56 PM] Xenquility: ":snake:"
    [5:58 PM] yoshi: "also just noticed wolfyboi doesnt have a pumpkin as a status"
    [5:58 PM] yoshi: "was that when he was pretending to be normal"
    [5:58 PM] Xenquility: "NICE"
    [5:59 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkatyes:"
    [5:59 PM] yoshi: "OH"
    [6:00 PM] yoshi: "sir can i help you"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: "wolfy come back"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: "you can blame it all on me"
    [6:00 PM] yoshi: "talk to us friend"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: "Will wolf come back?"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
    [6:00 PM] Xenquility: ":yes~1:"
    [6:00 PM] yoshi: "come back wolf"
    [6:01 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkindead:"
    [6:02 PM] DeadOne: "I miss him"
    [6:02 PM] DeadOne: "Just as much"


    ((Players discuss the canonicity of others))
    [7:54 PM] Dawn: "Oh hey I just woke up from my nap because a fucking huge 18 wheeler woke me up"
    [7:54 PM] LordSkele: "Hello"
    [7:54 PM] Xenquility: "f better than death though"
    [7:54 PM] LordSkele: "Did you have sweet dreams?"
    [7:54 PM] yoshi: "what was it like sleeping with some bugs"
    [7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "typo"
    [7:55 PM] Dawn: "And by 18 wheeler I mean I had a dream about people harassing someone about being "canon" or something"
    [7:55 PM] Xenquility: "when can we get @Linko to post his bugs"
    [7:55 PM] nfreak141: "well at leatht it wath the truck and not thomething elthe"
    [7:55 PM] Xenquility: ""dream""
    [7:55 PM] Dawn: "In my dream this person was not "canon""
    [7:55 PM] Xenquility: "lmaoo"
    [7:55 PM] Dawn: "Okay fuck off I'm going to bed"
    [7:55 PM] Dawn: "Zzzzz"

    [7:55 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [7:55 PM] yoshi: "sleep well dont let the wildlife bite"
    [7:55 PM] Xenquility: "good thing we cant post things here because it's locked to the wh forums"
    [7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "is this about erika or about lordskell"
    [7:55 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":bug:"
    [7:55 PM] yoshi: "bugge"
    [7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the canon thing"
    [7:55 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":thinking:"
    [7:55 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [7:56 PM] Dawn: "Oh fuck oh god there's a buge"
    [7:56 PM] Xenquility: "BUGE"
    [7:56 PM] Xenquility: "HUGE BUGE"
    [7:56 PM] LordSkele: "Bug"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we should bug them both about whether or not they're canon so dawn has another dream"
    [7:56 PM] yoshi: "oh god dawn run"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "hey dawn if you fell asleep and woke up tomorrow"
    [7:56 PM] yoshi: "the spiders"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "would you be"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the dawn of a new day"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "haha"
    [7:56 PM] Dawn: "Yes"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "bet uve never herd that one b4"
    [7:56 PM] Dawn: "Yes"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "Yes"
    [7:56 PM] LordSkele: "No"
    [7:56 PM] yoshi: ":scuttlebug:"
    [7:56 PM] yoshi: "oh god oh fuck"
    [7:56 PM] Dawn: "But first"
    [7:56 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [7:56 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "raise it @yoshi"
    [7:56 PM] Dawn: "let's talk about parallel universes"
    [7:57 PM] LordSkele: "I like parallel universes"
    [7:57 PM] yoshi: "dawn its gonna send you to a PU"
    [7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "watch for rolling rocks in 0.5x a-presses, JiD edition"
    [7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Speak"
    [7:57 PM] yoshi: "run"
    [7:57 PM] Xenquility: "fuck"
    [7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "but first we have to talk about parallelos"
    [7:57 PM] Xenquility: "johnisdead beaten in 0.5 a presses"
    [7:57 PM] Xenquility: "wow im blind that was just posted"
    [7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [7:57 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "what if you enter spires with the a button held down"
    [7:57 PM] Dawn: "I'm going to misalign your parallelos"
    [7:57 PM] yoshi: "oh FUCK"
    [7:57 PM] Xenquility: "hot"
    [7:57 PM] LordSkele: "Is that a threat?"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "also wait"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the sound at the end of the newest video"
    [7:58 PM] Jackuan: "damn"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "is from uh"
    [7:58 PM] yoshi: "dawn why didnt you just backjump to build up speed to instantly zoom to florida"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's from a zelda game"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it has to be"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "i just don't nkow what it's from"
    [7:58 PM] Dawn: "How do you think I teleport?"
    [7:58 PM] yoshi: "oh shit"
    [7:58 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [7:58 PM] Xenquility: "sub-paralleli"
    [7:58 PM] Dawn: "I backjump to build up speed"
    [7:58 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "when it says "dawn of a new day""
    [7:58 PM] yoshi: ":marioblj:"
    [7:58 PM] Dawn: "Wait"
    [7:58 PM] yoshi: "HOO HOO HOO HOO"
    [7:58 PM] Xenquility: "irlblj"
    [7:58 PM] Dawn: "Where did you get this video?"
    [7:58 PM] Xenquility: "irlcbt"
    [7:58 PM] Xenquility: "that's from the Silentdork channel"
    [7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "yeah"
    [7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "it's newish"
    [7:59 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"
    [7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "three days ago"
    [7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"
    [7:59 PM] yoshi: "get it yet?"
    [7:59 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ""jade why did you post the bomb plans""
    [7:59 PM] Dawn: "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"
    [7:59 PM] Dawn: "brb going to go bomb a church"

    [7:59 PM] scout: from youtube.com/silentdork"
    [7:59 PM] Xenquility: "your balls"
    [7:59 PM] Dawn: "So from silentdork?"
    [7:59 PM] Xenquility: "yee"
    [7:59 PM] Dawn: "Fuck that's embarrassing"
    [7:59 PM] Xenquility: "like all randomly manifesting videos"
    [7:59 PM] Dawn: "I'm not wearing a shirt"
    [7:59 PM] Xenquility: "I know"
    [8:00 PM] Xenquility: "is it getting hot in here?"
    [8:00 PM] yoshi: "nips"
    [8:00 PM] Dawn: "Also I'm almost dying"
    [8:00 PM] LordSkele: "/"
    [8:00 PM] Jackuan: "why?"
    [8:00 PM] Dawn: "But the shirt is more embarrassing"
    [8:00 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [8:00 PM] Dawn: "You'll be happy to know my eye has recovered"
    [8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "the / led to a page"
    [8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "using the DTMF tones"
    [8:00 PM] Dawn: "My stomach still has a hole in it"
    [8:00 PM] Dense: "hi"
    [8:00 PM] Xenquility: "yeah we found /1268 and then /exalted on johnisdead.com from it"
    [8:00 PM] yoshi: "that uh"
    [8:00 PM] Xenquility: "if that means anything"
    [8:00 PM] yoshi: "doesnt sound good"
    [8:00 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "I think"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we weren't supposed to tell people associated with the GMs about that"
    [8:01 PM] Dawn: "I've had worse"
    [8:01 PM] LordSkele: "616?"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "someone told me that at least"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: ":moonthink:"
    [8:01 PM] Dense: "awa"
    [8:01 PM] Dawn: "I guess it's not really my stomach"
    [8:01 PM] Xenquility: "whomst said that"
    [8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "or about"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "some kind of redirect"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "are you an owl, Skell"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "a talking owl pecking at a keyboard"
    [8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "this is like the third time you've said-"
    [8:01 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "fourth"
    [8:01 PM] Dawn: "Anywats"
    [8:01 PM] yoshi: "who?"
    [8:01 PM] Dawn: "*Anyways"
    [8:01 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [8:02 PM] Dawn: "I'm going back to bed"
    [8:02 PM] Dawn: "Remember"

    [8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Yes"
    [8:02 PM] Xenquility: ".exe"
    [8:02 PM] Dawn: "That asshole isn't "canon" or whatever"
    [8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [8:02 PM] Xenquility: "which one"
    [8:02 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [8:02 PM] yoshi: "my ass isnt canon"
    [8:02 PM] Jackuan: "Oh"
    [8:02 PM] Dawn: "This is what my sleep paralysis 18 wheeler said"
    [8:02 PM] nfreak141: "he'th thaying im not canon"
    [8:02 PM] Xenquility: "p sure he's talkinga bout lordskell"
    [8:02 PM] LordSkele: "Bin, you are very canon."
    [8:02 PM] Dense: "XD"
    [8:03 PM] Dawn: "You guys want to know who'se canon?"
    [8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Do not let anyone dissuade you."
    [8:03 PM] Dawn: "Yoshi"
    [8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [8:03 PM] nfreak141: "I KNEW IT"
    [8:03 PM] nfreak141: "ALL ALONG"
    [8:03 PM] nfreak141: "YOTHI ITH CANON"
    [8:03 PM] Dense: "Same"
    [8:03 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "skell isn't canon or erika isn't canon"
    [8:03 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "i am confusion"
    [8:03 PM] Xenquility: "erika is canon"
    [8:03 PM] LordSkele: "Neither"
    [8:03 PM] Dawn: "Erika is canon"
    [8:03 PM] yoshi: "oh shit"
    [8:03 PM] yoshi: "my secret is out"
    [8:03 PM] yoshi: "im the frog god"
    [8:03 PM] Dawn: "Someone was getting DMs and stuff asking if they were a character and other such things"
    [8:04 PM] Dawn: "They aren't"

    [8:04 PM] Xenquility: "woah"
    [8:04 PM] Xenquility: "did not know of that"
    [8:04 PM] Dawn: "My dream 18 wheeler god said"
    [8:04 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "bruh"
    [8:04 PM] Dawn: "Anyways, I must rest"
    [8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Huh"
    [8:04 PM] Ms. Deviant Sexuality: "we should solve this cipher from yshdt"
    [8:04 PM] scout: oh shit"
    [8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Go to sleep, Sun"
    [8:04 PM] scout: I almost forgot"
    [8:04 PM] LordSkele: "You think too much"
    [8:04 PM] Dawn: "Also, is it normal to taste iron while sleeping?"
    [8:04 PM] LordSkele: "Yes"
    [8:05 PM] Dawn: "Nini"
    [8:05 PM] yoshi: "no"
    [8:05 PM] Xenquility: "uh"
    [8:05 PM] Xenquility: "sounds like blood"
    [8:05 PM] yoshi: "thats blood"
    [8:05 PM] Xenquility: "oh god"
    [8:05 PM] yoshi: "bro you ok"
    [8:05 PM] LordSkele: "Don't worry"


    [8:38 PM] Dawn: "Woof woof, motherfucker"
    [8:38 PM] Dawn: ":doge:"

    [8:38 PM] Xenquility: "wow nice job sleeping"
    [8:39 PM] yoshi: "you know what i just realized"
    [8:39 PM] Dawn: "I'm sleep texting zzz"


    • Dawn is tired from his long walk and searches for a place to sleep. The players convince him to sleep in some bushes.
    • Pumpkinhead claims he misses Wolfcat just as much as the players.

    June 16th, 2020

    • At 3:46 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    6/16/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [3:46 PM] Dawn: "Sup"
    [3:46 PM] nfreak141: "speak of the devil"
    [3:46 PM] Fancypigg: hi daaaaaawn"
    [3:46 PM] Xenquility: "hey he's an angel"
    [3:46 PM] Xenquility: "well"
    [3:46 PM] Dawn: "I heard questions?"
    [3:46 PM] nfreak141: "so was satan"
    [3:47 PM] Xenquility: "was"
    [3:47 PM] Dawn: "Sorry, I actually just woke up"
    [3:47 PM] nfreak141: "technically he could still categorize as one, jsut a fallen angel."
    [3:47 PM] Xenquility: "also good morrow"
    [3:47 PM] Xenquility: "or aftermorrow"
    [3:47 PM] Xenquility: "or is it afteraftermorrow there"
    [3:47 PM] nfreak141: "anyway. you and tyler were in contact around 2011, right? also how's the trip going?"
    [3:48 PM] Dawn: "I mean I just woke up"
    [3:48 PM] Dawn: "It was kinda rough sleeping in a bush"
    [3:48 PM] Dawn: "But whatever"
    [3:48 PM] Dawn: "Hopefully the trip goes well when I start walking again"

    [3:48 PM] nfreak141: "well whatever's chasing you didn't find you yet so that's good."
    [3:49 PM] Xenquility: "anyways main question is "within hubris, feb 21/2011 34 Dawn get online, tyler is waiting 34" Any idea if you could tell us what this means to you?"
    [3:51 PM] Dawn: "Hmm"
    [3:51 PM] Xenquility: "also possibly unrelated but IIIII just recently reposted the "waiting.wmv" video"
    [3:51 PM] Xenquility: "two days ago"
    [3:55 PM] Basil: hello bin"
    [3:55 PM] nfreak141: "hi"
    [3:57 PM] Pako: "what i don't understand is the 34"
    [3:57 PM] Xenquility: "same here"
    [4:00 PM] Basil: its probably code for something"
    [4:00 PM] Basil: like a activity"
    [4:00 PM] Dawn: "Sorry, I was just going back through things to see what it could be"
    [4:01 PM] Dawn: "I know I knew Tyler back then, but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head. I know we played a lot of games together and such, and talked philosophically, and shared art projects and shit."

    [4:02 PM] Xenquility: "hmm"
    [4:02 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe the within hubris date and the "34 Dawn get online..." are supposed to be separate messages"
    [4:08 PM] Dawn: "It does look like the 34s are separating the messages. Maybe it'll mean something in the future? Sorry I'm unhelpful in this situation."
    [4:09 PM] Problematik: Hey dawn"
    [4:09 PM] Problematik: How its all going?"
    [4:11 PM] yoshi: "did the bush bugs get ya"
    [4:17 PM] Dense: "huh"
    [4:17 PM] Xenquility: "Alright spacing the words based on the audio itself gives "WITHINHUBRIS , FEB21 201134DAWN GET ONLINE TYLER IS WAITING34" which is basically the same other than there being no spaces between 2011 and 34"
    [4:21 PM] yoshi: "oh duh, tylers waiting on feb 21 201134"
    [4:21 PM] yoshi: "just gotta wait a long ass time"
    [4:21 PM] Fancypigg: 1134 is hell upside down"
    [4:21 PM] Xenquility: "damn that's a long time to wait in the parallelos"
    [4:22 PM] Xenquility: "lmao imagine if "201134" was supposed to be "HELIOS" upside down"
    [4:22 PM] Fancypigg: wtf"
    [4:22 PM] Xenquility: "divine coincidence"
    [4:23 PM] yoshi: "34"
    [4:23 PM] yoshi: "HE"
    [4:23 PM] yoshi: ":HE:"
    [4:23 PM] Xenquility: "11"
    [4:23 PM] Xenquility: "IO"
    [4:23 PM] Xenquility: "also damn"
    [4:23 PM] Xenquility: ":HE:"
    [4:23 PM] yoshi: "HAS"
    [4:23 PM] yoshi: "NO"
    [4:23 PM] Fancypigg: COCK"
    [4:24 PM] nfreak141: "on hell of a coinkeydink"
    [4:24 PM] yoshi: "HE HAS NO SUN"
    [4:24 PM] yoshi: "HE HAS NO POWER"
    [4:24 PM] yoshi: "DAWNS LIFE"
    [4:24 PM] yoshi: "IS GETTING SOUR"
    [4:24 PM] yoshi: "sorry for that dawn ilu"
    [4:25 PM] Problematik: Wha"
    [4:28 PM] Xenquility: "helios"
    [4:28 PM] Problematik: SHIT"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: "that is 201134 upside down on a 7 segment display"
    [4:29 PM] yoshi: "maybe hes just saying helloz"
    [4:29 PM] yoshi: "helloz ^_^"
    [4:29 PM] yoshi: "xD"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: ":ban:"
    [4:29 PM] Xenquility: "that did make me laugh though"
    [4:30 PM] yoshi: "<(^_^)>"
    [4:31 PM] Xenquility: "skoomika"
    [4:31 PM] yoshi: "i had to regress deep into my past as a dumbass lolrandom 12 year old for that"
    [4:31 PM] yoshi: "<(^^<) (>^^)>"
    [4:32 PM] yoshi: "aw discord formatting fucked up their mouths"
    [4:32 PM] Dense: ":HE:"
    [4:33 PM] Basil: i swear the dumbest shit happens to me sometimes"
    [4:34 PM] nfreak141: "go on"
    [4:34 PM] nfreak141: "thare with the clathth"
    [4:53 PM] Pako: "what i missed"
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "Speaking of sour"
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "Guys I just passed by a bowl of candy that says "take one""
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "But like"
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "Should I take it all?"

    [5:01 PM] Xenquility: "dont do it"
    [5:01 PM] Xenquility: "it's a trap"
    [5:02 PM] nfreak141: "where ith the bowl?"
    [5:02 PM] Dawn: "It's outside some deli in this strip mall"
    [5:03 PM] yoshi: "mmmm mystery candy"
    [5:03 PM] nfreak141: "ooh, free thample!"
    [5:03 PM] nfreak141: "yeth"
    [5:03 PM] yoshi: "just take a few"
    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "the mall cops will arrest you"
    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "take a few maximum"
    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "it's actually a govenrment honeypot"
    [5:03 PM] Pako: "the sun, you have all of your power on?"
    [5:03 PM] scout: ">Should I take it all? yo arent you being hunted by like supernatural entities and cult members"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "I don't have any power"
    [5:04 PM] scout: "why are you preoccupied with mall candy"
    [5:04 PM] Pako: "shit"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "But maybe the sugar will give me power"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "I mean, I'm sure Tyler was thinking of candy at some point"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "And John when he burned to death or whatever"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "Also I'm hungry"

    [5:04 PM] yoshi: "i thought you didnt need food"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "5 hour energy doesn't keep you going for 5 hours"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "I mean I don't"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "haha"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "ha"

    [5:04 PM] scout: ":neutral_face:"
    [5:05 PM] yoshi: "bro"
    [5:05 PM] Pako: "the sun needs some sugar"
    [5:05 PM] yoshi: "eat something"
    [5:05 PM] Problematik: my ass"
    [5:05 PM] Dawn: "No, you said it. I've already gone like over a week without food. I don't need any more."
    [5:06 PM] Dawn: "So I'm going to pass up this free candy, right?"

    [5:06 PM] nfreak141: "no"
    [5:06 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [5:06 PM] yoshi: "take a couple for the road"
    [5:06 PM] Xenquility: "^ that actually"
    [5:06 PM] Dawn: "I'm getting mixed messages"
    [5:06 PM] Problematik: dont mix it"
    [5:07 PM] Pako: "actually you have money the sun?"
    [5:07 PM] nfreak141: "you can trutht bin. you can't trutht bin who can you trutht?"
    [5:07 PM] yoshi: "the absolutely evil option would be to grab the bowl and make a run for it"
    [5:07 PM] Xenquility:"
    [5:06 PM] yoshi: "take a couple for the road this is my vote"
    [5:07 PM] Xenquility: "dont run for it though"
    [5:07 PM] Xenquility: "don't want to get jailed"
    [5:07 PM] Dawn: "I got about $12 in bills and $2 in loose change atm. I spent some money on coffee."
    [5:07 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [5:08 PM] Pako: "so the coffee gave you power?"
    [5:08 PM] Dawn: "It's nice to relax with"
    [5:08 PM] Problematik: go to an atm and put the code 42069, it will give you a lot of money"
    [5:08 PM] Dawn: "Cures my feelings of impending doom"
    [5:08 PM] Dawn: "So I should go to an atm?"

    [5:08 PM] Problematik: no"
    [5:08 PM] Problematik: i was joking dude dont do it"
    [5:09 PM] Problematik: keep a low profile"
    [5:09 PM] Dense: "ae"
    [5:09 PM] Dawn: "Okay, I'll go grab a few candies"
    [5:09 PM] yoshi: "dawn takes a second candy and suddenly 40 mall cops are beating his ass"
    [5:09 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [5:09 PM] Dense: ":flushed:"
    [5:10 PM] scout: ""I CANT BREATHE" "I thought you didn't need to breathe" "OH YEAH I MEAN I DONT NEED TO BREATHE BUT YOU KNOW""
    [5:10 PM] Pako: "i can't buy candies"
    [5:12 PM] Problematik: justice for dawn"
    [5:13 PM] Pako: "dawn just need eat some candies and he will be the real sun"
    [5:15 PM] Dawn: "Okay, so I took a few candies"
    [5:16 PM] Dawn: "I got me some sweet tarts ropes and some choco bars"

    [5:16 PM] yoshi: "OH FUCK RUN"
    [5:16 PM] nfreak141: "OH NO THAT'TH WHAT THE 34 MEANT"
    [5:16 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck"
    [5:17 PM] nfreak141: "FUCKING WALK ATH FATHT ATH YOU CAN, DUDE!"
    [5:17 PM] Xenquility: "just song of soaring"
    [5:17 PM] Xenquility: "ez pz"
    [5:17 PM] Xenquility: ".yt-"
    [5:17 PM] Pako: "so play it"
    [5:18 PM] nfreak141: "YOU DUMBICTH THE BOARD ITH LOCKED"
    [5:18 PM] nfreak141: "or elthe my fairy would have worked"
    [5:18 PM] Dense: "no"
    [5:18 PM] Xenquility: "i wasnt actually saying to play the song btw"
    [5:18 PM] Pako: "so?"
    [5:19 PM] scout: ">DUMBICTH wh"
    [5:19 PM] scout: "dumbiss?"
    [5:19 PM] yoshi: "play all the songs"
    [5:19 PM] yoshi: "at once"
    [5:19 PM] Pako: "thumbnail"
    [5:19 PM] nfreak141: "..."
    [5:19 PM] Pako: "changed"
    [5:19 PM] Pako: "!!!!!!!!!!!"
    [5:19 PM] nfreak141: "twitch. the c and the t."
    [5:19 PM] nfreak141: ":rolling_eyes:"
    [5:19 PM] yoshi: "every song at once"
    [5:19 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
    [5:19 PM] scout: "what about twitch"
    [5:19 PM] Xenquility: "pako is right"
    [5:20 PM] yoshi: "?"
    [5:20 PM] Pako: "he is fucked"
    [5:20 PM] Xenquility: "either we fucked up real bad or "A New Day" is the key or something"
    [5:20 PM] Xenquility: "or just "A new day" is relevant"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "I don't feel fucked up"
    [5:21 PM] Dawn: "I mean I do but not any more than yesterday"

    [5:21 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [5:21 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [5:21 PM] Dawn: "I mean I do but that's mostly because I slept in a fucking bush"
    [5:21 PM] Xenquility: "uh not the key for the tag at ledast"
    [5:22 PM] Xenquility: "or maybe it's just the "Dawn of a new day" disappearing to reveal something sinister :thinking:"
    [5:22 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 song of time"
    [5:22 PM] Pako: "xD"
    [5:23 PM] Dense: "huh........."
    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck it was posted 4 days ago"
    [5:23 PM] Dense: "song of time"
    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "fourth day glitch quick"
    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "we bouta die"
    [5:23 PM] Dense: "huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"
    [5:23 PM] Dense: "shit"
    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "im only kind of kidding here"
    [5:26 PM] LordSkele: "Song of time?"
    [5:26 PM] LordSkele: "What happened?"
    [5:27 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [5:29 PM] scout: "stop fucking asking who"
    [5:29 PM] scout: "just start reading the backlog"
    [5:29 PM] scout: "you illiterate troglodyte"
    [5:31 PM] Dense: "wow"
    [5:34 PM] LordSkele: "@scout "
    [5:34 PM] LordSkele: "What do you think I've been doing?"
    [5:34 PM] LordSkele: "Stop being so ferocious before I poke you."
    [5:35 PM] LordSkele: "Anyways. Sugar is only really necessary for short bursts of energy."
    [5:35 PM] Dawn: "Sugar tastes good"
    [5:35 PM] LordSkele: "You'll need something more nutritious if you're going for the long haul."
    [5:35 PM] Pako: "sugar is for winners"
    [5:35 PM] Dawn: "I see a few frogs I can capture and eat"
    [5:35 PM] nfreak141: "i wouldn't trutht him. he'th an owl. they are night time animalth"
    [5:35 PM] LordSkele: "Can you make fire?"
    [5:35 PM] Dense: "frogs"
    [5:35 PM] nfreak141: "you want yothi to hate you?"
    [5:36 PM] scout: "you've been saying Who?"
    [5:36 PM] Dawn: ":frogrs: :fire:"
    [5:36 PM] scout: "fucking constantly"
    [5:36 PM] Pako: "hahha"
    [5:36 PM] scout: "that's what you've been doing you memento motherfucker"
    [5:36 PM] scout: "annoying the shit out of everybody involved"
    [5:37 PM] LordSkele: "Who?"
    [5:37 PM] scout: "fuck this guy"


    • The players ask Dawn about the Morse code message found in "role_play_group.wav". Dawn confirms that he knew Tyler back in 2011 and that the two would often play games and talk about art projects and philosophy together.
    • Dawn continues his journey, finding some free candy along the way.
    • At 9:57 PM, the players discuss Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server and imply that he is a follower of Luna. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responds with "Luna" and "That thing means nothing to me".
    • At 10:03 PM, several players begin arguing in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead became active and sent the message "Quarrelling.".
    • At 10:06 PM, players ask Pumpkinhead if he would like to play a game. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the messages "A game? Soon we'll play"" and "But not yet".
    • At 10:21 PM, several players jokingly "ping" Pumpkinhead in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "Fractious infants" and "How loathsome".

    June 17th, 2020

    • At 1:14 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    6/17/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [1:14 AM] Dawn: "OH FUCK GUYS"
    [1:14 AM] Dawn: "The cops are after me"
    [1:14 AM] Dawn: ((An image of a police officer wearing bondage is sent))

    [1:14 AM] Problematik: "Amm"
    [1:15 AM] Problematik: "Do you like men dawn?"
    [1:20 AM] Dawn: "Do you?"
    [1:20 AM] Problematik: "No"
    [1:49 AM] Dawn: "By the way"
    [1:49 AM] Dawn: "Shoutout to the Mugen moment you guys completely glossed over and missed"
    [1:50 AM] Dawn: "There's now a hidden Mugen eating away at everyone's minds"
    [1:50 AM] Dawn: "Soon that Mugen will grow in power and kill us all"
    [1:50 AM] Dawn: "And it's all your fault"
    [1:50 AM] Dawn: "You FUCKS"

    [1:50 AM] otherLiam: "can it grow faster"
    [1:50 AM] Dawn: ":mugen:"
    [1:51 AM] otherLiam: ":mugen:"
    [1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "are you referring to my joke i made that everybody missed lmao"
    [1:51 AM] nfreak141: "huh. i thought it WAS stamped out earlier? :thinking:"
    [1:51 AM] Dawn: "Yea"
    [1:51 AM] Fancypigg: "lmao epic thank you for noticing"
    [1:52 AM] Dawn: "Yeah; the internet detectives theme is obviously never getting a sequel"
    [1:53 AM] Dawn: "When we all know NONE OF YOU deserve it"
    [1:53 AM] Dawn: "Instead Jayckup is making an AWAKENING theme"

    [2:01 AM] Xenquility: "that would be cruel"
    [2:02 AM] Xenquility: "Also why do none of is deserve it :wholetmoogin:"


    [11:39 AM] Pako: "actually dawn is the prisioner?"
    [11:39 AM] Xenquility: "I might be wrong but I think the "prophecy" in that video is supposed to be that image"
    [11:40 AM] Xenquility: "but yeah dawn was a prisoner :thinking:"
    [11:40 AM] Dawn: ":FATTHINK:"
    [11:40 AM] Xenquility: ":think_neon:"
    [11:40 AM] yoshi: "gay baby sun jail"
    [11:41 AM] Xenquility: "wait dawn"
    [11:41 AM] Xenquility: "just irl blj to florida"
    [11:41 AM] Dawn: ":superrotatingthink:"
    [11:42 AM] LordSkele: "Did you eat a frog yet?"
    [11:42 AM] Problematik: "You are like a spinner"
    [11:42 AM] Problematik: "𓆏"
    [11:42 AM] Pako: "that what she said"
    [11:42 AM] Xenquility: "emerald prison is actually irl gbj"
    [11:43 AM] LordSkele: "GBJ?"
    [11:43 AM] Dawn: "Nah, I'm not going to eat a frog until Yohi says it's okay"
    [11:43 AM] Problematik: "Drink water"
    [11:43 AM] Problematik: "You pussy boy"
    [11:43 AM] LordSkele: "I also advocate the drinking of water."
    [11:43 AM] yoshi: "dont eat the frogs"
    [11:43 AM] Pako: "ok got it"
    [11:43 AM] yoshi: "especially do not eat toads unless you like poison"
    [11:43 AM] Pako: "eatingfrogs.png"
    [11:43 AM] Problematik: "Dont eat frogs and drink water"
    [11:46 AM] LordSkele: "Don't eat frogs that look like this:"
    [11:47 AM] LordSkele: "They bad"
    [11:47 AM] yoshi: "imagine if i did tell dawn to eat a toad and kill him from poison"
    [11:47 AM] yoshi: "2nd death by frogs in the arg"
    [11:47 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":("
    [11:47 AM] Dawn: "Are toads frogs?"


    • Dawn continues his journey to Florida. He jokes about the police chasing him.

    June 18th, 2020

    • At 11:30 PM, a new video was set to premiere on the Silentdork YouTube channelat midnight - "Konvergenz". The thumbnail of this video was an orange image of Wolfcat. target=_blank
    • At 11:46 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to another image of an orange Wolfcat. target=_blank
    • At 11:51 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to the image "papers.jpg" found in the "Under" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 11:52 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to a strange image of a sun. target=_blank
    • At 11:53 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed back to its original incarnation.
    • At 11:54 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to an image of Dawn in the machine. target=_blank
    • At 11:58 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to an image of a black and white bug-like creature. target=_blank
    • At 11:58 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed back to its second incarnation.

    June 19th, 2020

    • At 12:00 AM, the thumbnail of the video "Konvergenz" changed to a distorted image of Patrem. target=_blank
    • At 12:00 AM, the title of the video "Konvergenz" changed to "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ", which translates to "Remembering".
    • At 12:00 AM, the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel. target=_blank target=_blank

    6/18/20 - "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" - YouTube (Silentdork)

    This video begins with a fake version of the YouTube Premiere countdown. The song "Ivich" by Al Stewart begins playing as the countdown slightly corrupts. As the countdown reaches zero, the video goes dark. Pumpkinhead slowly fades in and begins speaking. Footage of what appears to be a Janus room containing tunnels of brickwork can be seen flying past in the background. A disturbing audio track begins playing.

    Pumpkinhead: "Lost?"

    Footage of the hidden attic from the "Spire" Janus map is shown before cutting back to the previous footage.

    Pumpkinhead: "Frightened?"

    More footage of thie hidden attic from the "Spire" Janus map is briefly shown before cutting back once again. The footage then cuts to what appears to be the fountain from the "Spire" Janus room lobby.

    Pumpkinhead: "Confused?"

    The footage moves through one of the hallways in the "Spire" Janus map before warping to the "Emptiness" Janus Map.

    Pumpkinhead: "Your link felt the same before entering his eternal slumber."

    The footage cuts back to the fountain found in the "Spire" Janus map before moving through another hallway. Footage of the "Solace" Janus map slowly fades on screen.

    Pumpkinhead: "If you keep searching maybe you'll see him..."

    The footage cuts back to the fountain found in the "Spire" Janus map before moving through another hallway. Footage of the "Mortus" Janus map slowly fades on screen. Some footage of someone walking through the "Another Path" Janus room can also faintly be seen.

    Pumpkinhead: "Though he might not be very happy to see you."

    The "Mortus" Janus map spins around before the camera focuses on the symbol of eight intersecting arrows found on the tree. The video then cuts to black. The "Sun's Song" can be heard as a screenshot of the player Xenquility's submission of the "Sun's Song" on Within Hubris fades in on screen. The video cuts to black again before fading back in with footage of the same mountainous environment seen in the video "Outro". Dawn begins speaking as "The Man" - the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead:

    The Man: "...And as they made their way towards that Wayward Horizon, they felt an end coming. It was inevitible. An end always follows a beginning. The open book always runs out of pages. The creator always meets his creation. But, what if that were not the case? As The Man, my creation met its untimely end, and yet, something new was born from it. In essence, the story moved on passed what I could only vaguely perceive. The god created, and when that god fell, a new god rose to take its place. The story moved on. The book found another chapter. The creator passed a torch on to one more suited to create. So, I would like to ask... Does a horizon ever truly end? One my find themselves in a situation where they feel a story has met its ultimate resolution - all questions answered. All loose ends tied up in a nice bow. But... does that mean where they find themselves if the end of the horizon? If they choose to keep going, would that not mean the horizon would keep expanding past their vision? Forever being a point they would never achieve. If this story were to meet a point where everything fell into place... would that really, truly be the end? What if a lone reader chose to continue adventuring? Forever driving forth until their legs gave out and their eyes could no longer see. I was in that position once. I saw a story that nobody else wanted to tell, and so I chose for myself to adventure passed that line - passed what others thought would forever be the end. So, adventurers, tell me... What will you choose once all of this is over? What if your old allies came back? Would you cherish them, or use them as tools to reach the destination you so depserately want? What would you do with the information that I am playing second fiddle that is now a grand chorus? Tell me, adventurers... If this were all to end one day... Would you carry the torch? And on this last question, I have one other thing to share - a startling revelation, maybe, but something one must-"

    The video suddenly cuts to black as a glitchy sound is heard. A distorted version of the "Frog Song" plays as the following text appears on screen:


    The video suddenly corrupts and cuts to footage of someone in a park at night. Loud croaking can be heard in the background as they stand to their feet. As they examine their surroundings, a faint, blue entity can be seen walking at a distance. As the person explores their environment, they are suddenly attacked by what appears to be a large, frog-like beast. The video cuts to an image of the character Judge Dredd screaming over a red background with distorted text reading:


    Judge Dredd's face slowly morphs into a skull. The skull slowly disappears as the video cuts back to the footage taken by TheLaw, who is now lying on the ground and reaching for his flashlight and mask, which apppears to be a "Guy Fawkes" mask. The video cuts to black. A green tint is slowly applied to the video and the heart monitor from previous videos can be heard. The following is said in reversed, distorted audio:

    Alex Hall: "Yeah, I think, I mean, probably. ((Inaudible)) My diary. My DMT diary. Whatever. But, I am pretty happy though. I was just worried again... You know, going into this, that I wouldn't be the same person. You know? Well- Not- well- I guess maybe, you know I haven't had a breakthrough yet so I can't again speak to that level, I think that y'know, I'm still me. Just a better idea. A better picture. More sense of clarity, or something. It's a- it's a- it's a thirst for more knowledge. To try and extract more out of that. It's a- it's a curse man."
    Unknown: "A sense of life, ((Inaudible)) spirit in stories."
    Unknown: "Do you think that guy has some type of entitlement?"

    The same green monitor distortions around the edges of the screen can be seen from previous videos. Footage of Tyler lying in a hospital bed is shown once again. The camera once again zooms into the screen, showing some distorted, green footage. Some images of Tyler lying on the ground are briefly flashed on screen. A gas mask can be seen lying on the ground to his right, and another mask is seen lying on his left. The follwing text flashes on screen:

    Erika: "Can you hear me?"

    Text from Jadusable's video "Transmission.txt" from the Awakening ARG can also be seen on screen. The video cuts to footage of what appears to be a bamboo grove. The camera zooms out of the altar seen in previous videos. Morse code begins playing that translates to the following:


    A deep, reversed voice is heard saying the following:

    "It awaits at the altar."

    Footage of Tyler standing in the bamboo grove fades in. He is shirtless and is ripping off various hospital bandages. The deep, reversed voice begins speaking again:

    "Long enough have you bid the Dark One to punish thee. This death is a farse. Though I serve the fourth, my power over your mind has waned child. But I bid your soul lost memories."

    A small object with an inscription on it can be seen faintly over the footage. Tyler then stares at the camera as the video cuts to black. Some old footage of John and Tyler talking in Tyler's room begins playing.

    Tyler: "So what do you think of all the "Internet Detectives" shit?"
    John: "The what? Oh yeah, that."
    Tyler: "Do you think this is just a game, or do you- ((Laughs)) do you actually think there's a Doug guy right now waiting for us to un-fuck his life?"
    John: "It's... It's a game. That's all it is. It's just a game. Like, nothing really more. Do you think people have the power to manipulate fucken rain with song? Played on... ((Laughs))"
    Tyler: "Fucken rain... I mean, allegedly, the Native A- ((Glitch)) Was that the Native Americans that did that shit, or was that the fucken Africans that did the rain dance shit ((Glitch)) shit?"
    John: "I have no idea. I'm really not. I feel like I have to say Native Americans, but I'm not sure. ((Sigh)) Oh yeah, do you remem- ((Glitch)) What's up with some of the puzzles in that?"
    Tyler: "Like, what do you mean, like, quality wise?"
    John: "Yeah ((Glitch)) It's a game, it's clearly a ((Glitch)) -me. I mean, it's just, a whole bunch of ciphers. It's... ((Laughs))"
    Tyler: "Ciphers and uh... Jesus."
    John: "Yes. Fucken, ascension. File 3."
    Tyler: "I guess you're kind of right. I mean, the website feels."
    John: "I- I password cracked that. Nobody else could figure it out, and when I did, I told everybody."
    Tyler: "With everything that was going on, it kind of felt like a, I don't know, a really obvious answer. What the fuck did Jesus Christ have to do with anything that was happening? That whole website is just a bunch of rand- it's like, it's a fucking running youtube poop."
    John: "Yup."

    The video cuts to black. Reversed audio of tyler speaking is heard:

    Tyler: "Jesus Christ is- Jesus Christ is- Jesus Christ is-"

    The conversation between John and Tyler resumes.

    Tyler: "I feel like I remember somebody mentioning something to me about another place called youshouldnthavedonethat."
    John: "Youshouldnthavedonethat, yeah... I've actually gone a couple of times."
    Tyler: "Dot net?"
    John: "Yeah."
    Tyler: "What is it?"

    The video cuts to black. A shot of the moon in a wooded area can be seen. The video then cuts to footage of Tyler exiting his home to record the night sky.

    Tyler: "Huh. That is complete bullshit. Why are you like this, you piece of shit? 'Subject is in theory now too dark' Why can you still film? Fucken 'subject is too dark'."

    A helicopter is seen flying above Tyler's property.

    Tyler: "What do those motherfuckers want from me? Fucken p- ((Glitch)) for days didn't have a copter. Not a plane or helicopter ever passes by this bitch. But three days straight now. Helicopters, helicopters, helicopters. Why? Why? Is it gone now? You gone now? Is that it?"

    Another helicopter is heard.

    Tyler: "What the fuck is that? Ohhh motherfucker. Gone for now, I guess. But for three days straight now, had helicopters ((Glitch)) helicopters fly- ((Glitch)) Who are they? What do they want? Is it those mask fucks? They manage- ((Glitch)) once. I don't know what the fuck... methods by which they did it, but they're pretty resourceful. Wouldn't put a helicopter stalker team past them at all!"

    The video cuts to black once again before footage of Tyler walking down a sidewalk is shown. A large cloud appears to be forming a middle-finger in front of Tyler. Behind him, a large storm cloud is forming.

    Tyler: "Okay god, I know I've been an asshole, but come on, you don't gotta give me the bird buddy. ((Laughs)) You're a real joker. Uh, by the way man, you gonna turn the lights on? People really need to see. Jehovah the joker, if I'm uh, calling you by the proper name which I kin- ((Burps))auisdhauiwshd excuse me, I kind of doubt it, considering it's a little bit of an old testament thing. We'll just call you the "Absolute Comedian". Oh shit, your middle finger broke. You okay buddy? ((Glitch)) -point out, yeah, I believe that middle finger was probably intended for the wall of darkness that is coming from this way. Oh- they coming? The lights are coming, slowly but surely. But will we be able to turn back ((Glitch)) the ((Glitch)) of darkness? What the hell was that uh ((Glitch)) quote from Silent Hill?"

    The camera turns to Tyler but quickly cuts away.

    Tyler: "-moments- I think it's gonna rain. The wall of darkness is approaching at top speed. Let's freaking go."

    Tyler passes many construction markings on the sidewalk, including ones shaped like the Harbinger's Link symbol and an Eihwaz rune. The audio distorts and cuts to Tyler infront of a detour sign. He continues passing odd symbols, including multiple red lines.

    Tyler: "Detour to where? What the hell do these fucking lines mean? Y'know sometimes I just, see shit walking around in this town that really makes me have to question... I'm sure there's a practical reason for that, but like, really? Just some lines on the ground. Just some like, lines, trailing to what. And also, detour in the direction I was already walking. Nice ((Laughs)). I've never really liked the sight of construction work though, I'll admit. Because I see it and I associate it with the idea... which it's- it's pretty dark right now so I mean you can't see very well, but like, this is a nice little forested place that I live in. And, actually, still a pretty long walk from my actual house, but... me and John walk up and down this bitch all the time. And I appreciate the quaintness of it. It's not like walking around in like a big nasty city. This is my little slice of heaven, you know? Yeah, it can get a little ghetto, it can get a little uh, little uh, little freaky sometimes. We got drunks ((Glitch)) other kinds of people. But I mean, you know, it's a little slice of heaven. When I see shit like... when I see shit like that, I get worried. I think, 'Damn, now what the hell are they gonna do?' you know? The hell are they gonna do now? What's gonna get knocked down this time? And how many years do I got until, you know, it's just irrevocably changed. Ah shit, the wall of darkness. Yup, here we go. The rain's coming. Here comes the rain again, falling on my face like a memory or whatever the hell. Time to run, let's go."

    The video cuts to Tyler at a closed sidewalk.

    Tyler: "We have reached an impass, and my options are: Definitely break the law, or ambiguously break the law. You know what? I'm feeling ambiguous today. Is it really breaking the law if I'm technically not walking on the sidewalk at all? Break my stride now assholes! And in seriousness, how the hell was I actually supposed to fucken do anything there because the entire sidewalk is blocked. Like literally what do you expect me to do. There is liter- there is no back road back that way. There is literally no way around. So like, how do you even get through here on foot assholes? 'Why don'tcha get a car?' well then why do you have sidewalk in the first place bitch?"

    Tyler comes upon another Detour sign.

    Tyler: "Detour, in the direction I'm going. Don't mind if I do."

    The video cuts to footage of Tyler and Kevin walking down a path while talking.

    Tyler: "Talk to John lately?"
    Kevin: "Uh, not really, no. Everybody's falling out and everything. I mean, hell, dealing with stuff in my life ri- ((Glitch)) You looking for a roommate?"

    Footage from a plane is overlayed in the background. Loud music begins to grow in the background as Tyler speaks about his roommate.

    Tyler: "Uh, nah not really off hand right now. I mean I was, but more for college. And uh, actually I got a guy right now I'm with, uh, his name is-" ((Glitch))
    Kevin: "Alex?"
    Tyler: "Yeah, kind of weird. He's, uh, he's been a little weird lately."
    Kevin: "What do you mean?"
    Tyler: "Uh, he's got this whole thing going on with like uh, a video game he's playing?"
    Kevin: "Mhmm."
    Tyler: "Like, a Nintendo 64 video game which- ((Glitch)) I mean there's not really much to say. Uh, like, he just, plays that fucken game a lot, really. Like-" ((Glitch))
    Kevin: "-if you uh, kept tabs on him for me?"
    Tyler: "Uh, why ((Laughs)) Uh, why?"

    The video cuts to discoloured footage of a plant. Tyler is talking to John on the phone, but John's voice cannot be heard. Reversed music plays in the background.

    Tyler: "No, of course not. Well yeah, he actually asked me, but I ended up telling him no. Come on. College is a freaking scam anyways. I'm just gonna end up with a shitload of debt. I don't even know what I wanna do right now ((Glitch)) -is, like, come on. No it's not just for the game! And stop calling it a game. Cause it ruins the immersion. Really taking care of Doug and Mason now, you know? Once in a life time nothing man, come one. It's ((Laughs)) it's, yeah, they're not- I don't know where you heard that. They're not really that prestigious. And besides, it's a really, really long drive. I'm young, I got plenty of time. I should at least wait until I know what I want to do anyways. No, a really long drive same dis- ((Glitch)) 30. Yeah. He'll be fine, he's not going to die without me. Just get a single dorm. I'm actually testing it out right now. It's pretty good. I think I'll take a walk in a little bit and, I don't know, find something nice to film. I mean, but first I should probably go inside and hit him up on skype just to see... No, no, something happened recently with Mason. Ah, I'm not completely filled in. Some shit about a storm drain. Alright John, alright man, I'll call you later."

    The video cuts to footage of Tyler in the bamboo grove in the Parallelos. He continues to pull bandages off of his body. A deep, reversed voice can be heard saying the following:

    "I will guide you now to it, and so to shall I be waiting. Worry not for thy lost trinkets. The answers you seek come in the forest. You will find thyself in once again child."

    Tyler seemms to have lost his jacket and is searching for it on the ground. More reversed audio is heard:

    "It's hubris. And the gods don't take hubris kindly."

    The video cuts to some first person footage of Tyler walking through a clearing in the woods. The video distorts several times as Tyler approaches a shopping cart. In this shopping cart, Tyler finds his jacket. Beneath the jacket is a shirt depicting Link from the Legend of Zelda series that Tyler has been seen wearing in previous videos. Beneath this is the Majora's Mask cartridge. Tyler picks up the cartridge and examines it. As he turns around, the white, mannequin-like entity comes into view, distorting the video. The footage cuts to black. Some distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask is shown. The player is in the "Stock Pot Inn" in Clock Town. They are speaking to Anju, who appears similar to Erika's avatar. The in-game text corrupts as the player is asked a question. They select "Yes", resulting in the video cutting to black once again. An item screen reminiscent of the first Silent Hill game appears. A spinning cell phone is shown with the following text:

    There is a cell phone.
    Take it?


    The player selects "Yes". Text from Erika begins appearing on screen:

    Erika: "Alright, that should be all your things. You should be all sorted now."
    Erika: "I'm so happy! I seem to be rather close to you now, considering I can do this."
    Erika: "This is very..."
    Erika: "Exciting~"

    Footage of Tyler exploring the "Alex Hall of Fame" begins playing. It's now clear that it is a hotel of sorts.

    Erika: "Back at the hotel again are we?"
    Erika: "Or, did we ever leave it?"
    Erika: "Mr.ALEX lead you to these halls didn't he?"
    Erika: "Its ok I know what you are thinkg!"
    Erika: "I am in the perfect position for that really XD"
    Erika: "I wouldn't worry myself too deeply, over the "Trial". The fact you are still moving I would say means you certainly must have passed it. ALEX is no longer here."
    Erika: "Though I am sure you will see him again."
    Erika: "I think there might be someone else here looking for you though."
    Erika: "He is an old friend, I'm pretty sure."
    Erika: "I'm SO excited for the point where you are allowed to speak again (nor too sure when myself) I absolutely LOVE the sound of your voice. I used to spend all da-"
    Erika: "Sorry"
    Erika: "I've just been so excited and full of energy thinking about all of this. I was so scared of how everything was going at first but now I feel so lucky!! The last thing I was expecting was to get to be born back in as a "navi" type"
    Erika: "Sorry ^^;"
    Erika: "I know you can't say anything yet"
    Erika: "but I must be making your head spin by now."

    The camera begins to spin.

    Erika: "Wait... something is wrong."
    Erika: "I can feel someone approaching us"

    The camera stops as Kevin comes into view.

    Erika: "RUN!"

    Tyler begins running through the hotel.

    Erika: "ELEVATOR"
    Erika: "ELEVATOR"

    Tyler calls the elevator and enters it. The door narrowly closes out Kevin. The camera cuts back to the green computer screen.

    Erika: "Well that was something XD"
    Erika: "I wonder what he still wants with you?"
    Erika: "Atleast now we have some "privacy""
    Erika: "Minus all you lovelies out there watching XD"
    Erika: "Maybe now we can get a chance to walk together like I always hoped we could!"
    Erika: "Till then why dont we watch something else? I have something really cool I saw a long time ago I'd love to show you. It really inspired me and I think its worth showing since I have some say now too."
    Erika: "I can't wait for us to get out of this elevator! I wonder whats going to happen next? I REALLY want to explore the hotel more with you~
    Aha! There it is, lemme just press play."

    Another "AMV" type video is shown. An unknown song plays in the background. Multiple masked men are seen throughout. The song involves many references to "Waking up" and "Telling truthes in this place". Text from zelda begins to appear:

    "BEN is getting lonely..."
    "You will be given one last chance..."
    "Back to where it all began..."
    "Come play with us."
    "Dawn of The Final Day
    "-24 Hours Remain-"

    The Majora's Mask file select screen appears with "L i n k" and "B E N" as the two options. A message from someone named REMNANT117 reading "help" is shown. The "Dawn of The Final Day" appears a last time, ending on a screamer with the Happy Mask Salesman.


    • This video appears to be several different videos in one from various sources.
    • This video opens with a message from Pumpkinhead. Pumpkinhead continues to taunt the players as he claims that Tyler may be unhappy to see them.
    • Dawn begins speaking to the players as "The Man" - the GM of the first arc of Johnisdead. In a portion similar to the video "Outro", Dawn gives a speech about the nature of stories. He claims that stories, much like horizons, never truly end, as someone will always come along to continue them.
    • Footage of TheLaw is shown. He appears to be exploring a dark park of sorts. A strange blue entity is seen, and TheLaw is attacked and killed by a frog-like beast, which is implied to have been summoned by the submission of the "Frog Song".
    • The video cuts to footage of the Parallelos as Tyler lies in the hospital bed. The camera zooms into the monitor next to the bed, much like how it did before.
    • Tyler is seen pulling off various hospital bandages as he wakes up in what appears to be a bamboo grove in the Parallelos. He is shirtless.
    • A deep voice claims it will return Tyler's lost memories to him. Shortly after this, various clips of Tyler in the past are shown:
    • Footage of John and Tyler talking in his trailer is shown. They are discussing the first arc of Johnisdead as players, mocking some of the ARG's ciphers and referring to it all as a game.
    • Footage of Tyler recording two helicopters flying around his house are shown. He suspects this is somehow the Lunar Children.
    • Footage of Tyler walking down a sidewalk is shown. He laments the sudden growth of his town and questions some strange symbols he often finds drawn around the sidewalk - such as the Harbinger's Link symbol and an Eihwaz rune. Tyler also passes by several construction signs, including a detour sign.
    • Footage of Tyler and Kevin walking along a path is shown. Tyler mentions that he's looking for a new roommate, as he is currently sharing a dorm with Alex. He mentions that Alex is currently addicted to the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge, which catches Kevin's attention. Kevin asks Tyler to keep tabs on Alex - much to Tyler's confusion.
    • Footage of Tyler talking on the phone with John is shown. Tyler is telling John that he refuses to go to college because he views it as a waste of money. The two also discuss the first arc of Johnisdead once again
    • The video once again shows Tyler in the Parallelos. He comes across a shopping cart in the woods, where he finds his jacket, a shirt with Link on it, and the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge.
    • Tyler picks up the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge and is approached by the white, mannequin-like entity.
    • Tyler obtains a cell phone.
    • Tyler is once again in the "Alex Hall of Fame" corridor seen in previous videos. Erika begins speaking to him through text on the screen, revealing that this location is actually a hotel.
    • Erika is excited to finally speak to Tyler, though she laments that fact that Tyler currently cannot speak.
    • Erika believes that Tyler has already successfully passed Alex's trial mentioned in previous videos.
    • Erika says she was worried at first, but now she is excited, as she has been "born back in" as a Navi-like entity. "Navi" is the fairy companion from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time who assisted Link, giving him helpful hints on his journey.
    • Tyler and Erika are suddenly attacked by Kevin. Tyler manages to escape by hiding in an elevator.
    • Erika shows Tyler an AMV she supposedly found that inspired her long ago. This video contains footage of many masked entities and Majora's Mask.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "He is never coming back"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 2:39 AM, the thumbnail of the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" changed to an image of the plants seen in the video. target=_blank
    • At 2:41 AM, the title of the video "ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱᛝ" changed to "Remember".
    • At an unknown time, the video "Remember" was shortened to 25 minutes. The beginning of the video up until Tyler is seen in the hospital bed is cut, as well as the final conversation with Erika in the elevator and the music video.
    • At 11:33 PM, the player LordSkele asked Pumpkinhead how he funds the Lunar Children. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responded with "I've no connection with that contemptible order.".
    • At 11:35 PM, the player LordSkele claimed that they were simply joking. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead responded with "Fun and games. I have one for you soon. Would you like to see?".

    June 20th, 2020

    • At 12:12 AM, Pumpkinhead posted a link to a new video on Wolfcat's YouTube channel in the Internet Detectives Discord server - "SPIELBEGINNEN". target=_blank

    6/20/20 - "SPIELBEGINNEN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with corrupted, orange-tinted footage of the Majora's Mask title screen. A new file is selected and the name "DeadOne" is entered. The video cuts to black. Footage of Link standing in Romani Ranch is shown. He has the Bremen Mask in his inventory. Link pulls out his sword and shield. Shortly after this, lightning strikes in the distance as an image of Pumpkinhead flashes on screen. Link suddenly appears in-front of the camera, spasming wildly. His skin is colored orange and he has no eyes.


    • Pumpkinhead challenges the players to a game. He creates a new file on Majora's Mask labelled "DeadOne" using an orange, eyeless version of Link as his avatar.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Play soon round one"
    • Tags: N/A

    June 21st, 2020

    • At 2:11 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the video "walk.mp4" - a short, distorted clip of someone walking along some traffic. target=_blank
    • At 3:27 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "20200621_032556.jpg" - a photo of a note left by Dawn that reads "I am going where I cannot be found by the likes of you. ALSO you suck at your job! - Dawn". target=_blank

    June 24th, 2020

    • At 12:01 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "image3A13314_eightbit2.jpg".
    • At 3:34 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "20200621_032534.png". target=_blank
    • At 7:24 PM, the player Fancypigg discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had chaged. The page now contained the video "following.mp4". target=_blank

    6/24/20 - "following.mp4" - Johnisdead.com

    This video begins with distorted, green footage of someone entering what appears to be a motel room. Once inside, the motel room is revealed to be empty. On one of the tables next to the bed is a drawing of the sun and several notes written by Dawn:

    "I Need My Book"
    "My Book Grows"
    "Keeps me anchored"

    "My Friends are helping me along the right path. The choices we make are inexorable."
    "I KNOW you were coming."
    I am going where I cannot be found by the likes of you."
    "ALSO you suck at your job! - Dawn"

    The entity angrily knocks the papers off of the table. They turn towards the TV, which is showing the video "walk.mp4".


    • This video appears to be the perspective of a malicious entity tracking Dawn.
    • The malicious entity manages to break into Dawn's motel room, but Dawn is already gone. All that's left are some notes from Dawn taunting the entity and the video "walk.mp4" playing on the TV.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:41 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "DAWWN.gif".

    June 25th, 2020

    • At 12:18 AM, Pumpkinhead uploaded a new video to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "TEMPORÄRMASKE". target=_blank

    6/25/20 - "TEMPORÄRMASKE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing in Clock Town observing a tree. The tree's textures are corrupted and replaced with eyes. Pumpkinhead pauses, resulting in the game glitching for a moment. After unpausing, the player exits first-person view, resulting in the game suddenly losing many of its textures. A loud sound is heard and Link is suddenly warped to the inside of the Clocktower. The textures in this room are very corrupted. As the camera view shifts, the Happy Mask Salesman suddenly appears. The player slowly approaches them. They enter first-person view and look at the Happy Mask Salesman's face, which is also made up of corrupted textures. As the camera focuses on the Happy Mask Salesman's face, the image "AM.gif" is faintly seen. Pumpkinhead speaks to the Happy Mask Salesman. The text is corrupted and illegible. The following text repeatedly appears on screen before fading:


    Faint footage of a giant eye in the sky is seen before the video cuts to a distorted image of the "Dream" emoji. The video cuts once again. Pumpkinhead is now walking through Ikana valley. The video begins to heavily corrupt, as more footage of the inventory screen and the Gibdo enemies is shown on screen. Pumpkinhead enters the Spring Water Cave and the video fades to black. The cutscene with the ghostly character Sharp is shown:

    Sharp: "F..Ye who do not fear the dead..."

    Pumpkinhead slowly enters the water, resulting in the video cutting to black once again. The video resumes with footage of Link entering the Great Bay area for the first time and witnessing the character Mikau floating in the water. Pumpkinhead enters the water, resulting in the video becoming more corrupted. Pumpkinhead pushes Mikau to shore. Mikau walks for a bit before falling to the ground, where they ask the following:

    Mikau: "I think thil is Nt for me..."
    Mikau: "Zy final pessage..."
    Mikau: "I...Will yol liMtfn to ft?"

    Pumpkinhead chooses the option:

    "I won't listen."

    Mikau's text then distorts further. The video then cuts to a distorted image of Wolfcat before more Majora's Mask footage begins playing. Link is now standing at the Great Bay looking out into the ocean. The water is completely missing, and Pumpkinhead is now wearing the "Bremen Mask".


    • This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
    • This video begins with Pumpkinhead approaching the Happy Mask Salesman. The text "mask?" appears many times.
    • Pumpkinhead is shown entering the "Spring Water Cave" and entering the pool within it. The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead pulling the Zora character "Mikau" out of the water.
    • Pumpkinhead stands over the dying Mikau. The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead wearing the "Bremen Mask" - a mask commonly associated with IsocelesAssassin.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "The one I took his gift of ocarina let us see how powerful it is"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 12:24 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "watched.gif". target=_blank
    • At 12:24 AM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Ones.gif". target=_blank

    June 29th, 2020

    • At 11:48 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Lost?". target=_blank This video was simply the first portion of the video "Remember" - the Pumpkinhead-related content.

    July 3rd, 2020

    • At 10:14 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server using IsocelesAssassin's account and posted a new video that had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "ENTFÜHRT". target=_blank

    7/3/20 - "ENTFÜHRT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Pumpkinhead is standing in South Clock Town wearing the Bremen Mask. Pumpkinhead looks around surprised as the video corrupts before smiling at the camera. Two orange versions of the boss "Odolwa" fall from the sky. The video corrupts as the game world turns dark. A distorted version of the song "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult begins player as Pumpkinhead fights the two bosses. The video cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead leaving the Clock Tower. The video cuts back to Pumpkinhead fighting the bosses. The video then cuts to the image "Ones.gif" before cutting back to the bosses. The video then briefly shows Link entering the Secret Base beneath Clock Town. This footage is interspliced with Pumpkinhead battling the bosses several times before the camera focuses on Odolwa's eyes. The video then cuts to black and the following text appears:

    "Your hubris betrays you, also-ran."
    "Now... Let's get down to business."

    Pumpkinhead is shown entering the Astral Observatory. A Zora character and a Poe can be seen. Pumpkinhead attacks the Poe and captures it in a bottle. The following text appears:

    "They never belonged here anyway."
    IsocelesAssassin: "What was that just now...? GB? Where'd you go? GB!?"
    "If you want them back... You'll have to work for it."


    • This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
    • Pumpkinhead is shown fighting two orange versions of the "Odolwa" boss in Clock Town - something that mirrors a video that had recently been uploaded by Jadusable in the Awakening ARG.
    • Pumpkinhead enters the Astral Observatory and captures GHOTBABEL, much to IsocelesAssassin's dismay. IsocelesAssassin appears to be represented by a Zora, whereas GHOSTBABEL is a Poe.
    • Pumpkinhead says that the players will have to work to recover GHOSTBABEL.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "To quell boredom this beautiful little game we play until he returns to me again"
    • Tags: "battle of wit and rhythm"
    • At 10:18 PM, the player yoshi discovered that Pumpkinhead had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "Witness" on the Safehaven board using IsocelesAssassin's account. This post simply contained a link to the video "ENTFÜHRT" along with the message "I think it's time for this smart-mouthed friend of yours to be dismissed.".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that the Astral Observatory forums had become password protected and could no longer be accessed.

    July 15th, 2020

    • At 8:27 AM, the player Pako discovered that the thumbnail of the video "maşină" had changed. target=_blank

    July 21st, 2020

    • At 4:23 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. target=_blank Shortly after this, players discovered that the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris was unlocked.

    July 22nd, 2020

    • At 1:04 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "d_e_t_o_u_r.JPG" - a distorted image of the Detour sign. target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that, for some unknown reason, only users with temporary accounts could post on the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris.
    • At 5:43 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Cast away personas".
    • At 5:51 PM, players asked Pumpkinhead what he was doing on Within Hubris. Pumpkinhead responded with "Waiting". When asked what for, Pumpkinhead responded with "Your next move.".
    • At 6:02 PM, the player Jackuan taunted Pumpkinhead, claiming the players should wait for his next move instead. Pumpkinhead responded with "Need I take more?" and sent the image "GHOST.gif". target=_blank
    • At 6:03 PM, the player nfreak submitted a "Fairy in a Bottle" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris.
    • At 6:06 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "You'll have to try harder than that. Show me Movements Actions Give substance Make this dream true".
    • At 6:08 PM, players began asking Pumpkinhead how they should format their submissions in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead sent the message "Submit Records Memories".
    • At 6:13 PM, the player nfreak submitted the video "SAVING ALEX.MP4" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. target=_blank
    • At 7:34 PM, Pumpkinead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video uploaded to Wolfcat's Youtube channel - "SPIEGELN". target=_blank

    7/22/20 - "SPIEGELN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with a distorted recording of the player submission "SAVING ALEX.MP4". An image of the "Mirror Shield" suddenly appears on screen as the video stutters. Distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Footage of Pumpkinhead releasing a "Fairy in a Bottle" plays in reverse. Pumpkinhead opens the inventory screen, where GHOSTBABEL can be seen in one of the bottles. The cursor moves over the newly obtained "Fairy in a Bottle".


    • This video contains corrupted Majora's Mask footage.
    • Pumpkinhead reflects the players submission of "SAVING ALEX.MP4", which gives him a "Fairy in a Bottle".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Why thank you"
    • Tags: N/A
    • A 7:57 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Wrong move." followed by a Jack-o-lantern emoji.

    July 23rd, 2020

    • At 11:21 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. target=_blank

    7/23/20 - "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN" - YouTube Details (Xenquility)

    This video begins with footage of the video "SPIEGELN". After the video ends, an image of the "Mirror Shield" flashes on screen and the video begins playing in reverse. The player then exits into Ikana Valley. The player then enters the "Beneath The Well" mini-dungeon. They progress through the dungeon by giving various items to the "Gibdo" enemies. Once they enter the "Mirror Shield" chamber, they solve the puzzle as expected by shooting fire arrows to light torches. This spawns the chest in which the "Mirror Shield" is originally obtained. Footage of Link obtaining the "Mirror Shield" is played in reverse. After this, Link uses the "Blast Mask" in an attempt to damage Pumpkinhead. The video then cuts to footage of the Majora's Mask title screen, where the player creates a new save file named "ID". The video then cuts to footage of Link entering the Astral Observatory. Link equips the "Bunny Hood" and plays "Epona's Song".


    • This video contains various item and song submissions in response to Pumpkinhead.
    • This video begins with an attempt to undo Pumpkinhead's acquisition of a "Fairy in a Bottle" by using the "Mirror Shield" and playing footage of "SPIEGELN" in reverse.
    • The player Xenquility progresses through the "Beneath The Well" dungeon to the spot where the "Mirror Shield" was originally obtained. Footage of Link obtaining the "Mirror Shield" is played in reverse in an attempt to seal away Pumpkinhead's use of it.
    • The player Xenquility uses the "Blast Mask" in an attempt to damage Pumpkinhead.
    • A new save file is created on Majora's Mask named "ID".
    • The player Xenquility enters the "Astral Observatory" and equips the "Bunny Hood" before playing "Epona's Song".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Thine shield gone now returned and broken"
    • Tags: N/A

    July 25th, 2020

    • At 2:28 AM, the player Problematik discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "BERAUBT". target=_blank

    7/25/20 - "BERAUBT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distorted footage from the video "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN". The video cuts to black before cutting to more gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Pumpkinhead is seen standing in the "Secret Hideout" below Clock Town. The video begins distorting as Pumpkinhead's face flashes on screen. Pumpkinhead's "Mirror Shield" suddenly disappears. Pumpkinhead looks around, confused, before turning to the camera as a loud sound is heard. Pumpkinhead's face flies towards the camera as the video cuts to more Majora's Mask gameplay footage. Epona begins running towards Link in Termina Field. As she approaches the camera, the footage suddenly distorts, showing Zora Link waking up "inside" her. Zora Link stands up and brushes himself off before the Zora Link transformation scene plays. The Majora's Mask file select screen is shown as a new file with the following name is created:


    While this footage plays, the following is said in Morse code:


    A distorted image of Pumpkinhead appears on screen as he begins speaking to the players.

    Pumpkinhead: "What's this, now?"
    Pumpkinhead: "I suppose you aren't the hapless adventurers you were back then."
    Pumpkinhead: "Though unexpected, this is but a minor setback."
    Pumpkinhead: "For you see..."

    Distorted footage of Pumpkinhead walking through the "Milk Road" is seen.

    Pumpkinhead: "The Dark One has granted me influence over his dominion."
    Pumpkinhead: "I have far more control than you could ever imagine."

    Pumpkinhead suddenly begins walking through the "Path" Janus room as distorted text appears on screen:

    "You really pissed him off."
    "For all his supposed foresight, it's surprising he didn't see this coming."
    "Guess the orange bastard isn't that bright after all."
    "He's pretty spooked now, though."
    "Won't be easy to get him to show his face again."
    "I don't have much time but I'll try to explain as he traverses this realm."
    "January of 2012. I was killed. Kevin did it."
    "I tried to protect mason but Regiminis was too much."
    "I've watched you all on Astral Observatory."
    "I helped you get back the mask from the Subspace."
    "I don't know how I'm alive there."
    "That me is not me."
    "I must be from anotherrrrrrrrSPLIT"

    During this segment, some unsolved Morse code can be heard playing. The "Bremen Mask" flashes on screen before Pumpkinhead continues walking, now approaching the Astral Observatory in Termina Field. He continues speaking:

    Pumpkinhead: "Our game will not cease, but these rules require tweaking."

    An image of Pumpkinhead appears and distorts the footage as tthe video fades to black.

    Pumpkinhead: "These tools of yours are far too dangerous."

    Footage of the Astral Observatory is shown along with the items in the players' inventory slowly disappearing. The camera focuses on a chest sitting in the Astral Observatory.

    Pumpkinhead: "This will not happen again."

    The video fades to black. Footage of a video from the "M" YouTube channel is faintly shown. The following is written on the screen in Morse code:


    Some unsolved Morse code can also be heard in the background during this segment.


    • This video is a response to the player's video "ZURÜCKGEGEBEN".
    • The players managed to successfully take away Pumpkinhead's "Mirror Shield", causing him to run and hide in the Astral Observatory.
    • Pumpkinhead reveals he has been granted more inluence over Tenebris's dominion. Following this, Pumpkinhead seals the players' items in a chest in the Astral Observatory.
    • The dead version of IsocelesAssassin being used as Pumpkinhead's mask begins speaking. He reveals that he was killed by Kevin in January of 2012 - the same time the alive version of IsocelesAssassin was attacked and escaped.
    • The dead version of IsocelesAssassin being used as Pumpkinhead's mask claims that he led the players to the version of Helper's Hat discovered on the Subspace back in 2019.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 8:55 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead". This page was titled "deadOne" and contained the image "dead.gif". This page also contained the text "find inventory" hidden in its source.
    • At 8:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "dead.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover". This page was titled "Astral Observatorydiscover" and contained the image "see.gif" and several instances of the image "spectral.gif". target=_blank target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "KEEP GOING FURTHER AHEAD".
    • At 8:57 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on one of the images "spectral.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/door". This page was titled "Astral door" and contained Morse code that translated to "AN OBSTACLE BLOCKS THE WAY". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "DOORWAY". target=_blank

    7/25/20 - "DOORWAY" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video contains distorted Majora's Mask footage. Link is standing in "Snowhead Temple". He approaches a locked door with two switches in front of it. He observes the switches and approaches a door.


    • This video contains distorted Majora's Mask footage.
    • Link is seen in "Snowhead Temple". There is a locked door in front of him with two switches next to it.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "TWO ARE REQUIRED STEP"
    • Tags: "your, powers, allow, for, vague, interpretations, of, intent, experiment, succeed"
    • At 8:59 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on one of the images "spectral.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/awakenow". This page was titled "thankyou" and contained the image "M.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "M.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following:

    7/25/20 - Awakenow Page Text - Astralobservatory.net



    • This text appears to be Mason's memories.
    • Mason and IsocelesAssassin are exploring the fishery. Mason hears voices from various spirits who still dwell there. These spirits talk about how SKM visited the fishery shortly after Undecim Nocte and was gifted the briefcase, which contained a book.
    • Mason and IsocelesAssassin are presumably chased away from the fishery by doug.

    July 26th, 2020

    • At 11:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIII" in the "#announcements" text channel.
    • At 12:06 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Problematik a PM reading "IIII". target=_blank
    • At 12:08 AM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Yoshi a PM reading "I". target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter two PM's reading "I" and "". Several other PM's were sent during this time. Unfortunately, they were not archived.
    • At 1:19 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter a PM that read as follows:

    7/26/20 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (PM's)

    He spoke flatly as if his tone were manufactured and with a deeply tired sounding tone, "IIII am sorry to see you have felt yourself no longer fit for the order." He stood from the desk and stepped slowly across the Emerald colour marble floor to the front of the room, you were still there waiting in the doorway determined and high on the hubris that previously plagued him. "The library will always remain open to you, but you are of the wanderer in these times." for some reason you could not
     bring yourself to say a word, "What exactly is this leading to?" you thought to yourself as he edged closer in the dim room lit only by nine candles and 12 monitors 4 of which

    and one

    "Always you will be remembered as a keeper in this place and though the location is ephemeral IIIII always expect your return" His frown broke into a smile as you could finally see his face for a breif moment. Silence broke for qust a moment as you said aloud "Wait y

    "Sweet dreams my Old friend." His foot slipped out from under his robe and pushed the door shut in your face as you found yourself seemingly back in the


    • This text appears to tell a story of a "keeper" being removed from a library of sorts owned by some sort of "order".
    • At 1:20 PM, IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player CircleHunter a PM containing the image "s.png". target=_blank

    July 27th, 2020

    • At 2:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/door" had changed. The page now contained the image "spectral.gif" and Morse code that translated to "NOT SURE LOCATION NOT IMPORTANT POWERS STRANGE PERFORM ACTIONS NEEDED STEP".

    July 31st, 2020

    • At 9:09 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "Time To Rest". target=_blank Unfortunately, this video had been deleted and the players could not watch it.
    • At 9:24 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to a new video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel - "Time To Rest Now". target=_blank

    7/31/20 - "Time To Rest Now" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)

    This video is a music video for Vincent Adam's newest song. The lyrics are as follows:

    Stumbling alone
    Passing these trees
    One way to go
    It's all I see

    No one here to help me
    No one beside
    Far as the eyes can see

    If everywhere's the same
    I don't want to go
    Walking every day
    Where I never know

    I'm tired of being me
    I just want to be free
    Walking all these miles
    I'm tired of this life

    It's time to rest my feet
    And lay upon this tree
    There's nowhere else to go
    Nothing ever showed

    The storms are raging stronger
    Clouds are growing darker
    Now's the time to decide

    Today's the day that I will let myself die.

    Time to rest now.

    The video begins with footage of a Janus room of a large, green forest. Distorted footage of a real forest slowly fades in. Shortly after this, footage of a green, cloudy sky is shown. This slowly fades back into footage of the Janus map. The video ends as the footage focuses on a large tree with what appears to be a green man stuck in the trunk. As the video is ending, a distorted image of what appears to be Jacob is shown.


    • This is a music video for Vincent Adams' newest song. A Janus map of a large, green forest is shown. At the center of this forest is a giant tree with a green-colored man stuck in the trunk.
    • This video ends with what appears to be a heavily distorted image of Jacob.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: ((This video's description contained the lyrics heard in the video))

    "Time To Rest Now" Lyrics

    Stumbling alone
    Passing these trees
    One way to go
    It's all I see

    No one here to help me
    No one beside
    Far as the eyes can see

    If everywhere's the same
    I don't want to go
    Walking every day
    Where I never know

    I'm tired of being me
    I just want to be free
    Walking all these miles
    I'm tired of this life

    It's time to rest my feet
    And lay upon this tree
    There's nowhere else to go
    Nothing ever showed

    The storms are raging stronger
    Clouds are growing darker
    Now's the time to decide

    Today's the day that I will let myself die.

    Time to rest now.

    • Tags: N/A
    • Screenshots:
    • A heavily distorted image of Jacob. target=_blank
    • At 9:41 PM, players discovered that Erika had commented on the video premiere livechat for "Time To Rest Now" - "​Cute song 😆 ​❤".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that Vincent Adams' YouTube and Discord avatars changed to the distorted image of Jacob seen in the video "Time To Rest Now".

    August 3rd, 2020

    • At 2:55 AM, the player Eve submitted the video "Player 1" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. target=_blank

    8/3/2020 - "Player 1" - YouTube (Eevee Reborn)

    This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Pumpkin puzzle"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 3:00 AM, the player Eve submitted the video "player2" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. target=_blank

    8/3/2020 - "player2" - YouTube (scout3)

    This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link stepping on a switch in the Ikana Valley Stone Tower.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 3:00 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "JÄGER GEJAGT" in the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris. target=_blank

    8/3/2020 - "JÄGER GEJAGT" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link inside "Snowhead Temple". Link enters the room seen in the video "DOORWAY" and fights the "White Wolfos" enemy found there. Link then approaches the locked door and enters it. The video then cuts to Link standing outside the Astral Observatory. Link enters the building and the video ends.


    • This videoc contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask featuring Link unlocking the door seen in the video "DOORWAY".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "THE PURSUER PURSUED"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At an unknown time, players begin discussing the idea that the player Jacob is canon. Following this, canon activity began taking place in the Internet Detectives Discord server through Jacob's OoC account "Fancypigg", which had recently been renamed to "Jayckup".
    • At 3:05 PM, Jacob and Vincent both began typing in the Internet Detectives Discord server at the same time. target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, the avatar of Jacob's OoC account changed to a distorted gif version of itself.
    • At 4:23 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "423".
    • At 9:21 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "/".
    • At 9:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/vincent". This page was titled "VINCENT" and contained the image "theforgottenone.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "iwontletanythinghurtyou.mp3" - a distorted version of a recent song upload on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel. target=_blank
    • At 9:42 PM, Pumpkinhead sent a Jack-o-lantern emoji in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
    • At 9:43 PM, Jacob's OoC account and Vincent Adams both became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Listen closer".
    • At an unknown time, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the link "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7KmCbF5zJs&feature=emb_title" - a link to a song on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel. target=_blank
    • At 10:20 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SANCTUM". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "SANCTUM" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distorted footage off the video "DOORWAY" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. After this, the video fades into the players' various submissions of the videos "Player 1", "player2", and "JÄGER GEJAGT". The video cuts to black. Gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Link is staring at the same door seen in the video "DOORWAY". He walks up to it, unlocks it, and walks through. The video cuts to black once again and a URL is shown:



    • This video contains distorted gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The players' submissions of "Player1", "player 2", and "JÄGER GEJAGT" are shown and accepted. Link enters the locked door seen in the video "DOORWAY" and the players are given a new URL - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/dead/discover/door/sanctum".


    • YouTube Details: N/A
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags:
    • At 10:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum". This page was titled "AREYOUREADY" and contained the image "threepaths.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "churning.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "COWARD HE SUMMONS FIVE MINIONS TO FIGHT IN HIS STEAD FIND THEM".
    • At 10:22 PM, the player otherLiam discovered that clicking on the center of the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/up". This page was titled "UPWARD" and contained the image "upward.gif".. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "up.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 10:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the left of the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/left". This page was titled "WESTWARD" and contained the image "west.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "continue.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 10:23 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/up would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/up/encounter". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "YOU SHOULD STILL HAVE YOUR SWORD I THINK". This page also contained Morse code in its source that translated to "IA IA SLEEPING OK ALONE MOON OUT TONIGHT HEAR CRICKETS OWL WIND CRICKETS ALONE BORED IA STILL SLEEPING BORED WISHING FOR REST RACCOON MORE CRICKETS BORED". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SCHWARZ". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "SCHWARZ" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in a dark void. Link walks through the void for a while before coming across a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy. Link pulls out his sword and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link comes across a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy in a dark void.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/left would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/left/search". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "Mase.gif" - a distorted image of "Zora Link" standing next to a "Zora Link" elegy statue with text reading "/lost". target=_blank This page also contained the image "sptil.gif" - a distorted image of two versions of "Zora Link" walking side by side with text reading "/found". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "IM", "THERE'S ANOTHER", and "TWO OF ME". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "INSIDE HE FOUND ME BUT IT WAS TOO". This page also contained the audio "subs.mp3" and "divergent.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "divergent.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot. This screenshot contained Morse code that translated to "THE MINIONS HIDE THEM". target=_blank
    • At 10:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/lost". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "woodland.gif". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "WE TRAVELED FOR YEARS".
    • At 10:29 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the right side of the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/discover/door/sanctum would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/right". This page was titled "EASTWARD" and contained the image "east.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "continue.mp3" as well.
    • At 10:29 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/door/sanctum/right" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/travel". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "thatplace.gif". target=_blank This page also contained another instance of the image "spectral.gif". This page also contained the audio "record.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "FOR THE RECORD I DONT CHOOSE TO SPEAK THIS WAY ITS SIMPLY WHAT IM USED TO".
    • At 10:30 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "woodland.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/lost" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/search/lost/again". This page was titled "IREMEMBERTHIS" and contained the image "endlessgreen.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "green.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "BUT NOT EXACT WHICH ONE AM I". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following:

    8/3/20 - Again Page Text - Astralobservatory.net



    • This is nearly identical to the text discovered on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/dead/discover/awakenow".
    • Instead of finding a book in the briefcase, SKM found a mask.
    • At 10:31 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "thatplace.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/travel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/home". This page was titled "NOLONGER" and contained the image "blast.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "blast.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "WHAT I DESERVED". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "MY SECOND /DEATH".
    • At 10:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "one" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/search/lost/again" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/mask". This page was titled "ONCEWAS" and contained the image "getaway.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "faster.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to the following:

    8/3/20 - Mask Page Text - Astralobservatory.net



    • This text appears to be Mason's memories.
    • Mason and IsocelesAssassin have seemingly just escaped Doug after being chased away from the fishery.
    • Mason mentions that the fishery was destroyed due to Undecim Nocte, but he doesn't know all of the details because he was a low ranking recruiter.
    • At 10:33 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "DOUG" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/mask" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/doug". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "THERES A FIRE HERE WE COULD USE IT SOME HOW". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded to the Wolfcat YouTube channel - "DUNKELZIMMER". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "DUNKELZIMMER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in a dark room in "Woodfall Temple". There is a sealed door he cannot progress through. In the center of the room is a lit torch, along with several unlit torches. Link strikes several of the unlit torches with his sword as the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is stuck in a locked room with several unlit torches.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "USED" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/lost/again/mask" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/used". This page was titled "ONCEWAS" and contained the image "persist.gif" - a distorted image of Link walking along a path towards the "Southern Swamp" with text reading "/crossroads". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "persist.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "HE LEFT ME NOT HIS FAULT HE ESCAPEDIEDCAPEDIEDCAPEDIED BOTH". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "I WAS LEFT THERE FOR YEARS IN THAT MECHANICAL SARCOPHAGUS".
    • At 10:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "BOTH" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/again/mask/used" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/both". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "AGIFT". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "AGIFT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing on a platform in Clock Town. He opens a chest, obtaining five bombs.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link finds a chest containing five "bombs" in Clock Town.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:39 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/crossroads". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "UNBEKANNT.gif" and the image "VIERWAHL.gif". target=_blank target=_blank This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "I FELT MY SPIRITUAL ENERGY GROWING EVERY SO SLIGHTLY".
    • At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "UNBEKANNT.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/crossroads" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/used/crossroads/unbekannt". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "UNBEKANNT". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "UNBEKANNT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing atop "Woodfall" in the "Southern Swamp" area. Most of the map is invisible. Link observes his surroundings for a bit before running across a bridge. As Link reaches the end of the platform, a "Peahat" enemy rises up in the distance and begins closing in on him. The video ends with Link slashing his sword at the "Peahat" as the video corrupts.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is attacked by a "Peahat" enemy atop "Woodfall".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "WATCH OUT"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:42 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the image "spectral.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/right/travel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/seek". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "club.gif" and the image "hero.gif". target=_blank target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "THE CARD DONT KNOW IF THAT BUT SENSED SOMETHING FROM IT NOT A NORMAL CARD AFTER ALL DONT BLAME HIM COULDNT HAVE KNOWN SAVED ME".
    • At 10:43 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "hero.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/seek" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/hero". This page was titled "HERO" and contained the image "thedeadone.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "deadone.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "HE TOOK IA FROM THE PARALLELOS TO REPLACE HIS LOST MASK".
    • At 10:43 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "club.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/right/travel/seek" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/card". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "bargain.gif" - a distorted image of various storefronts in Majora's Mask with text reading "lets make a /deal". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "HAT FOR A CARD". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "ONE TROPHY OF DEATH FOR ANOTHER".
    • At 10:49 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/card/deal". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "I THINK THE ORANGE ASSHOLE ROBBED YOU HAVE YOU FOUND ANY DOSH". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "VERKÄUFER". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "VERKÄUFER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters a "Great Fairy Fountain" and begins walking towards the center. Instead of a "Great Fairy" being present, the "Bean Salesman" is found instead. Link observes the "Bean Salesman" for a moment before speaking to him. The "Bean Salesman" offers to sell Link a pod of "Magic Beans" for 10 rupees, but Link does not have enough money.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link enters a "Great Fairy Fountain" and finds the "Bean Salesman". Link attempts to buy a pod of "Magic Beans" for 10 rupees, but he doesn't have any money.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:52 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the text "IA" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/hero" would redirect players to a non-existent page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/circle".
    • At 10:56 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that clicking on the text "PARALLELOS" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/seek/hero" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/parallelos". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "waters.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "slice.mp3". target=_blank This page also contains Morse code that translates to "CANT REMEMBER CONFLICTING MEMORIES LIVE OR DIE".
    • At 10:57 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the text "LIVE" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/parallelos" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/live". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "living.gif". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "HE LIVED IM SURE OF IT I SAW HIM ESCAPE USING SONG OF TIME BUT". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to the following:

    8/3/20 - Live Page Text - Astralobservatory.net



    • This text appears to be Mason's memories.
    • Mason is begging IsocelesAssassin to return to the future to escape as they are chased by Regiminis. IsocelesAssassin refuses to do so, resulting in Mason calling him stupid.
    • At 10:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "living.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/live" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/gray". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "SOLDATIN.gif" and the image "REIHENFOLGE.gif". target=_blank target=_blank This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "IF I POURED TOO MUCH OF IT INTO MY ELECTRONIC TOMB I KNEW IT WOULD RESULT IN A CATASTROPHIC BLAST".
    • At 10:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "SOLDATIN.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/gray" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/live/gray/soldatin". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SOLDATIN". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "SOLDATIN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters the "Oceanside Spider House". A "Beamos" enemy is seen blocking the path forward. Link attempts to slash it with his sword, but it is ineffective. The "Beamos" enemy shoots a laser a Link, but Link narrowly avoids it. Link targets the enemy once again and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link enters the "Oceanside Spider House" and encounters a "Beamos" enemy blocking his way.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "HARD SHELLED"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:59 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "REIHENFOLGE.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/live/gray" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/live/gray/reihenfolge". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "REIHENFOLGE". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "REIHENFOLGE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link enters a room in the "Oceanside Spider House" containing four "Stalchildren" enemies sitting at a table. Link hops up on the table and observes a red, blue, green, and yellow mask hanging on the wall. Link speaks to the four "Stalchildren" enemies - each one plays a portion of an SSTV signal that translates to the following:



    The Grand One



    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link enters a room in the "Oceanside Spider House" with a locked door. There is a blue, red, green, and yellow mask hanging on the wall.
    • Link speaks to four "Stalchildren" enemies sitting around a table. Each one reveals part of an SSTV signal that translates to the following: target=_blank target=_blank
    • "First
    • "Second
    • "Third
      The Grand One
    • "Fourth


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "FOUR IN ORDER ITEM REQUIRED"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:01 PM, the player Dense discovered that clicking on the text "SWORD" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/sanctum/up/encounter" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/up/ecnounter/sword". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "WACHTER.gif". target=_blank
    • At 11:02 PM, the player Dense discovered that clicking on the image "WACHTER.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/up/encounter/sword" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/encounter/sword/wachter". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "WÄCHTER". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "WÄCHTER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing in "Romani Ranch". He runs over to Epona, who begins speaking to him in Morse code:

    "ABOVE US"

    Link runs over to a box and hops ontop of it. He looks into the sky where the mini-boss "Wart" can be seen. Wart drops to the floor and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is attacked by the mini-boss "Wart" in Romani Ranch.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:03 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the text "DIE" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/seek/hero/parallelos" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/die". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "goner.gif". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "I WATCHED HIM DIE HE FELL NEXT TO ME THERE DONE WAS THE ONE WHO". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "IA IA IA IA WAKE UP IA IM SORRY IA IM SORRY IM SORRY".
    • At 11:03 PM, the player Pako discovered that clicking on the image "goner.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/hero/parallelos/die" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/parallelos/die/gift". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "A GIFT FROM THE DEPARTED". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "A PRESENT". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "A PRESENT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is exploring some tall grass in "Termina Field". He comes across a chest. Link opens it, obtaining an "Empty Bottle".


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link opens a chest in "Termina Field" and obtains an "Empty Bottle".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "VIERWAHL.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/used/crossroads" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/used/crossroads/vierwahl". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "VIERWAHL". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "VIERWAHL" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen entering the "Goron Graveyard". As Link observes his surroundings, he is suddenly attacked by one of the "Poe Sisters" mini-bosses. As each of the four "Poe Sister" appirations passes by the camera, the video glitches and the following text appears over the respective appiration:





    The video begins stuttering and ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is attacked by one of the "Poe Sisters" mini-bosses in the "Goron Graveyard". As each appiration appears on screen, one of the following names appears: "Doug", "Alex", "Spencer", and "Hank".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://asttralobservatory.net/subspace/four". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the text "8 8 I AM 22-13".
    • At 11:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/left/search/found". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "HAVE YOU FOUND THE SALESMAN". This page also contained a link to a new video uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SAAT". target=_blank

    8/3/20 - "SAAT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is in a cave near the "Deku Palace". He approaches a patch of soft soil in the ground. He looks up to a ledge that is out of reach.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is in a cave near the "Deku Palace". A soft patch of soil where "Magic Beans" are usually planted is seen. Next to this is a ledge that is out of reach.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new image on Astralobservatory.net - "ages.png" - a gold colored image found through the URL discovered in the SSTV in the video "REIHENFOLGE". target=_blank

    August 4th, 2020

    • At 2:01 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "record.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot: target=_blank
    • At 2:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/home/death". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "projection.gif". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "OVER TIME I WAS ABLE TO TOUCH MY HANDS MY ARMS MY LEGS I COULD WALK WITH EPHEMERAL LIMBS CARRYING ALONG WITH ME MY TOMB". This page also contained Morse code hidden in its source that translated to "YES SPIRE A BUILDING NO FAR FAR AWAY OHIO MUST BE THERE NOW ORCHARD NOT SURE DONT KNOW DONT KNOW THEM OK IA IA FEEL SOMETHING SOMETHING BIG ITS COMING GO GO RUN DONT KNOW JUST GO ITS NOT GOOD".
    • At 2:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "sacrifice.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/travel/home/death" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/home/death/sacrifice". This page was titled "Astral" and contained a link to a new video uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "MAUER". target=_blank

    8/4/20 - "MAUER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing next to a cracked wall in the "Secret Hideout" beneath Clock Town. He strikes the wall, which causes an odd sound effect to play, confirming that the wall can be destroyed with a bomb.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is standing next to a bombable wall in the "Secret Hideout" beneath Clock Town.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 2:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "slice.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to a part of a Majora's Mask screenshot containing text that read "You'll have to find all five of us if you want back inside! But we may look a". target=_blank
    • At 4:37 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began sending binary ciphers by reacting to messages with one and zero emojis. This translated to "yPUibl3OTAs" - a YouTube video ID for a new video uploaded on Jacob's OoC YouTube channel - "Not Going Home (Fade)". target=_blank This video was simply Vincent Adams' song "Not going Home" but without the fade at the end of the track. It was also uploaded one day before the Vincent Adams' upload of "Not Going Home".

    August 7th, 2020

    • At 10:04 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    8/7/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You have forgotten many things"
    [10:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But discovered much more"

    [10:04 AM] Problematik: "@Upd8"
    [10:05 AM] Problematik: "Im scared"
    [10:05 AM] Pako: what do you mean"
    [10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "don't be"
    [10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm simply commenting on the progress you've made"

    [10:05 AM] Problematik: "Well thanks"
    [10:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You have been way more effectual recently than we we first started our relationship together"
    [10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Internet detectives""
    [10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The relationship is antagonism of course"

    [10:06 AM] yoshi: "damn so much for my relationship joke i was gonna make"
    [10:06 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But even I can commentate and give compliment"
    [10:07 AM] Problematik: "Thanks for scare us for so long"
    [10:07 AM] yoshi: ":toad:"
    [10:24 AM] Dense: "Wait"
    [10:24 AM] Dense: "Wtf"
    [10:24 AM] Dense: "I saw a yt link here"
    [10:28 AM] Problematik: "Me too"
    [10:28 AM] Problematik: "But i didnt get it"
    [10:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "oops"
    [10:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "missed something didja"

    [10:30 AM] Problematik: "Yes"


    • BUP praises the players for the amount of progress they've made.
    • BUP posts a YouTube link but quickly deletes it.
    • At 7:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "Remember" at the timestamp 1:56. target=_blank
    • At 7:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://johnisdead.com/a /w" - a nonexistent page. target=_blank
    • At 7:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/altar". This page was titled "ALTAR" and contained the image "altar.gif". target=_blank
    • At 7:57 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/altar/watching". This page was titled "WATCHING" and contained the image"watching.gif" - an image of a man holding an object. target=_blank This page also hid the text "IIII" in the source code.

    August 8th, 2020

    • At 9:31 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectivees Discord server and sent the image "waiting.JPG" - a screenshot of the "Spire" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 9:32 PM, players discovered that Prominence was active in the "Spire" Janus room. target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 9:37 PM, Prominence led players through the "Spire" Janus map to the previously-locked door leading to the upper floors of the Spire. The door was now a portal that led to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/upper.html". This page contained the "Upper" Janus room.

    8/8/20 - "Upper" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This room was the upper floors of the Spire. Players would spawn in a hallway with several rooms branching off from it. An elevator could be seen on this floor, as well as most of the following floors above it. Directly in front of the players was a large room with several pillars and a raised platform - likely used for rituals or gatherings. Further down the hall were six confession-like booths. At the end of the hallway is a small storage closet with with "Lunarum Oculus" drawn on the wall with text reading:


    To the left of this room is a small utility room of sorts where a mural of an incredibly large humanoid is drawn next to a small child. Acrosss the hallway from this is another ritual room - this one with a large carving of the "Lunarum Oculus" sticking out of the wall. Back near the entrance is a stairway that leads up to the next floor. Beneath this stairway is a drawing of five figures. Two of these figures have the "Lunarum Oculus" drawn beneath them, while the other three have a triangle instead. The next floor contains a painting of a cloudy sky with small figures flying through it. This floor contains a utility room with a washer, dryer, and a small drawing of the Spire but mirrored. This floor also contains four bedrooms:

    "Kylie U."

    Kylie's bedroom contains a computer, a bookshelf, and a fixture on the wall shaped like the Parallelos symbol. There is also a painting of the four giants and another painting depicting the "Legend" detailed on the Lunar Children website.

    "Jenn B."

    Jenn's room contains a computer and two bookshelves. Next to Jenn's computer is a large book. Next to Jenn's bed is a drawing of two intersecting triangles.

    "Mat R."

    Mat's room contains a computer, a large TV, and a Playstation 2.

    "Ezekiel Konrad"

    Thoth's room contains a computer with two monitors, a TV, several gaming systems, and a poster for Majora's Mask and Silent Hill 2. There is also a small photo of the Spire sitting on his desk.

    Back near the entrace of this floor is another stairway leading to the next floor. This next floor contains a painting of nine, red, distorted figures. This floor also contains a small utility room. In this room, a drawing of five lines can be seen with text reading:


    The second and third lines in this drawing were circled, making an upside-down Parallelos symbol. Back in the hallway, two more rooms were accessible. One had a completely blank nametag. This room was mostly empty aside from a computer. This rooms bathroom was open, however. This bathroom contained a security camera and a drawing of the character "Max Headroom" with a bullet necklace with text reading:

    "Thank me later"

    The other room available on this floor was labelled:

    "Hunter J."

    This room contained a computer and a painting of what appears to be a huddled Moon child.

    Back near the entrace of this floor is a large stairway leading to the next floor. This next floor contains an old painting of various important events in the Lunar Children's history. This floor contains a large room likely owned by Father Vincent. This room contains a fireplace, a large table, and a painting of the Spire. This room leads to a hallway that leads to a large bathroom and Vincent's bedroom. This bedroom contains a painting of a forest and the Within Hubris banner image. There is also a computer with a keyboard in this room. Back in the hallway, a set of stairs leads to a balcony in Vincent's room where a large piano rests. Back outside of Vincent's room, a large staircase can be seen leading to the top floor of the Spire. However, this stairway is blocked off.


    • This Janus room appears to be the upper floors of the Spire where Father Vincent and the Elder Children live.
    • Various ritual rooms and confession booths are found on these floors as well.


    • Files:
    • Presence.mp3 - An audio file consisting of ambient noises. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • The starting hallway: target=_blank
    • The first ritual room: target=_blank
    • Various paintings found around the map: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • Scribbles found on the walls: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • A locked stairway leading to the top floor of the Spire. target=_blank
    • A photo of the Spire on Thoth's desk. target=_blank
    • At 9:38 PM, Stackoverflow became active in the "Upper" Janus room and began chatting with the players. target=_blank

    8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com

    bin: "whatup b"
    jos: "hello"
    bin: "where is eburybody?"
    PaKo: "/upper"
    stackoverflow: ".html"
    Jos: "Guys how do i download minecraft"
    bin: "holy fuck"
    Xenquility: "penis"
    bin: "upper is available now?"
    bin: "I MEAN UH"
    bin: "thup guyth"
    bin: "thup thtacky"
    stackoverflow: "you should not be here"
    bin: "well i am here"
    stackoverflow: "why are you here"
    Xenquility: "just to suffer"
    stackoverflow: "why do you torment me so"
    bin: honethtly? "i'm trying to figure that one out mythelf"
    stackoverflow: "all of you took me from my home"
    bin: ((Unarchived)) "know where you came from?"
    stackoverflow: "I do not remember"
    bin: "bc the only logical thing we can think of was the spire."
    bin: "so if you don't remember, adn we were wrong, then please, enlighten us, how did WE take your home away?"
    bin: "no answer?"
    bin: "thought so"
    stackoverflow: "leave me be"
    bin: "we could"
    bin: "help us help you man"
    bin: "or woman"
    bin: "or spirit"
    bin: "whatever you prefer to identify yourself as"
    Xenquility: "Was your home burned?"
    Jos: "Certainly, we can help you first, but we are unable without the steps needed for it"
    Jos: "And its not our choice, its out of our reach i mean"
    stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "god."
    Xenquility: "The place Dawn was in?"
    Xenquility: "YEAH him"
    Xenquility: "I mean, the place we found you before the green dungeon was the spire"
    stackoverflow: "Incorrect."
    stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "place."

    Xenquility: "Within hubris?"
    stackoverflow: "Our TRUE home"
    Jos: "Stackoverflow, I want to ask, is this the place where you want to be?"
    stackoverflow: "no"
    Jos: "Then, lets go"
    bin: ((Unarchived)) "then surely you can make a portal to it?"
    bin: "what's keepign you here?"
    bin: "is it the luna shard?"
    stackoverflow: "Time is not the same here. It has been forgotten."
    Xenquility: "What about the Orchard?"
    stackoverflow: ((Unarchived)) "people."
    Jos: "Maybe, destiny is puting us here to help you"
    bin: "ohg hey"
    stackoverflow: "No"
    bin: "is there a problem?"
    stackoverflow: "Tell the false god that they could not make me suffer any more than I am."
    bin: ((Unarchived)) "from your home?"
    stackoverflow: "It was all of you."
    bin: "ALL?"
    bin: "Even the new players?"
    stackoverflow: "Xenquility has shown me places"
    stackoverflow: "None of them are home"
    stackoverflow: "You are not as "young" as you think, Bin."
    stackoverflow: "You were there."

    bin: ((Unarchived)) "return you to where you came from."
    bin: "No one should be gtaken from their home"
    Xenquility: ">alternate you"
    stackoverflow: "Come"


    • Stackoverflow chides the players for invading their territory once again.
    • Stackoverflow wishes to return home - a place he cannot remember.
    • At 9:46 PM, the player Problematik discovered that players were able to walk through a wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in one of the utility rooms on the "Upper" Janus room. This would enter players into a completely black room with an image on the floor of four squares colored green, red, blue, and purple and numbered one through four titled "pattern.gif". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Hunter's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat72773021". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

    8/8/20 - "chat72773021" - Lunarchildren.com

    Chatting with jinn
    All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

    1:31:27 AM jinn: "Thoth is rather unhappy with the discussions that took place earlier today. "
    1:31:32 AM jinn: "He suspects that Tenebris is receiving a concerningly large amount of adoration among the others."
    1:31:38 AM jinn: "Honestly, I wasn't aware this was happening."
    1:31:46 AM jinn: "You of all people should know the dangers Tenebris presents."
    1:31:52 AM jinn: "You and Mat both have family that have interacted with Tenebris in the past."
    1:31:58 AM jinn: "And we all know what that leads to."
    1:32:07 AM jinn: "It's foolish to underestimate Tenebris and his empty words."

    1:32:34 AM JieLinHunter: "What exactly was said?"
    1:32:40 AM JieLinHunter: "Such misplaced adoration. I do not understand the other New Moons at times."
    1:32:48 AM JieLinHunter: "In these times, we need only follow the words of Father."
    1:32:58 AM JieLinHunter: "We do not need the hollow words of Tenebris."

    1:33:15 AM jinn: "Thoth agrees."
    1:33:28 AM jinn: "Though for now, he will not take any action."
    1:33:41 AM jinn: "We will not allow any such blasphemy in the future, but no drastic punishment will befall those who spoke out today."
    1:33:56 AM jinn: "Future meetings will decide how to handle these things better."
    1:34:11 AM jinn: "We need to focus on what's important."
    1:34:22 AM jinn: "Continue to prepare for Undcim Nocte."
    1:34:30 AM jinn: "I'm telling you this secretly because I trust you. In fact, I have something I must ask of you."
    1:34:42 AM jinn: "I need you watching the others."
    1:34:56 AM jinn: "Watch them. Let us know if you notice anything suspicious."

    1:35:24 AM JieLinHunter: "He trusts me as well?"
    1:35:38 AM JieLinHunter: "I'm not complaining, I will do as you asked."
    1:35:44 AM JieLinHunter: "If I ever discover anything, I'll tell you as soon as possible."
    1:35:51 AM JieLinHunter: "The all comes before the few."

    1:37:40 AM jinn: "Tell no one about this."
    1:37:48 AM jinn: "No Elder either. Not Mat. Not Kylie. No one."
    1:38:01 AM jinn: "Furthermore, you must continue on as normal."
    1:38:12 AM jinn: "Our meetings must remain secret."
    1:38:27 AM jinn: "Handle this with care, and everything will be fine."
    1:38:34 AM jinn: "Tenebris could grant us newfound wisdom."
    1:38:52 AM jinn: "This is a certainty. But, we mustn't forget."
    1:38:59 AM jinn: "His words are fake."
    1:39:09 AM jinn: "Countless conversations with him documented in our records prove this."
    1:39:21 AM jinn: "What we need now is to practice caution. "
    1:39:32 AM jinn: "New, sudden developments like this could possibly ruin Undecim Nocte."
    1:39:38 AM jinn: "Just observe the previous location, and you understand the dangers this presents."
    1:39:51 AM jinn: "There's no need for panic to arise within our ranks."
    1:40:01 AM jinn: "The true coming of Luna will soon be upon us, but only if we are truly faithful."
    1:40:28 AM jinn: "In recent meetings, we've discussed how exactly we should handle dissent within our ranks. I believe that if we were to take a brute-force approach to this issue, it would only lead to disaster. That's why I need you for this."
    1:40:32 AM jinn: "Scout out the source of this dissent."
    1:40:36 AM jinn: "Once we finally find out the cause of all this, we can begin to carefully fix the issue. I have an idea as to where these dissenters are gathering."
    1:40:40 AM jinn: "They're in the basement. That's my guess."

    1:40:52 AM JieLinHunter: "Understood."
    1:40:55 AM JieLinHunter: "I will look into this as soon as I can."


    • Hunter and Jinn discuss Mat's outrage at some Lunar Children members praising Tenebris.
    • Jinn asks Hunter to keep tabs on the other low-ranking Lunar Children.
    • Jinn claims those praising Tenebris may be gathering in the Spire's basement.
    • At 9:52 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the computer in the unlabelled bedroom in the "Upper" Janus room would cause the video "MAXYHAXXXY.mp4" to begin playing.
    • At 9:54 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Vincent's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat66069314". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

    8/8/20 - "chat66069314" - Lunarchildren.com

    Chatting in #elders
    All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

    11:23:30 PM kuu_32: "Of course. "
    11:23:32 PM kuu_32: "One moment..."

    11:23:42 PM Thoth33: "Thank you."
    11:24:55 PM kuu_32: "Yes, there's no doubting it."
    11:24:59 PM kuu_32: "That's Hunter."
    11:25:03 PM kuu_32: "Sent file "screenshot.jpg"
    11:25:03 PM kuu_32: ((The image "screenshot.jpg" is sent))
    11:25:11 PM Thoth33: "Of all people, why HIM??"
    11:25:13 PM Thoth33: "He was Mat's number one pick!"
    11:25:16 PM Thoth33: "Speaking of, where's Mat!? What on Earth is happening??"

    11:25:24 PM jinn: "We've received mixed reports from the fishery group. There's still no sign of Mat. Most of them didn't even notice him leave. Of course, there's no functional surveillance equipment left there, so their word is all we have to go off of."
    11:25:31 PM kuu_32: "If only we had a few cameras set up down there..."
    11:25:36 PM kuu_32: "I can't imagine it'd be very hard to do."

    11:25:37 PM Thoth33: "This is something I requested of Saint, but I suppose now it's all too obvious to us why he was so hesitant to do so."
    11:25:40 PM Thoth33: "Regardless, Douglas was all the surveillance we ever needed."
    11:25:44 PM Thoth33: "He was bound to the fishery. Nothing escaped his gaze."
    11:25:48 PM Thoth33: "Which is all the more baffling."
    11:25:50 PM Thoth33: "Why was he here!?"
    11:25:53 PM Thoth33: "Was his hubris so great he felt the need to personally torment and assault the Harbinger's Link?"
    11:25:58 PM Thoth33: "No one told him to do such things!"

    11:26:11 PM jinn: "Ezekiel, are you asserting authority over the transcended? The Four are directly linked to Luna. You know this. It's not our place to question the thurses, for doing so directly undermines Luna herself."
    11:26:14 PM Thoth33: "But this was our holiest of nights!"
    11:26:20 PM Thoth33: "Forgive me Luna, but I cannot fathom such rogue actions!"
    11:26:24 PM Thoth33: "Why did this have to happen?"
    11:26:31 PM Thoth33: "We never should have trusted a Jarvis with such an important item."

    11:26:42 PM kuu_32: "I just don't understand what he was trying to accomplish."
    11:26:48 PM kuu_32: "Why just hand it back over to the Harbinger's Link like that?"


    • Jinn, Mat, and Kuu discuss the events tha took place on Undecim Nocte 2015.
    • Kuu confirms that Hunter was spotted on camera. It's implied that Hunter gave something back to Tyler on Undecim Nocte 2015 in an act of treachery.
    • Thoth is confused as to how Mat disappeared and why Doug was present at the Spire.


    • Files:
    • "screenshot.jpg" - A grainy image of Hunter. target=_blank
    • At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Kuu's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat44404402". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

    8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com

    Chatting with jinn
    All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

    9:42:00 PM kuu_32: "So it's confirmed then?"
    9:42:03 PM kuu_32: "Auxiliatis is dead?"

    9:42:11 PM jinn: "Yes. Though contact has been sparse, Regiminis has confirmed as much."
    9:42:17 PM kuu_32: "That's a shame..."
    9:42:27 PM Thoth33: "Hardly."
    9:42:30 PM Thoth33: "He's become most troublesome as of late."
    9:42:34 PM Thoth33: "While he indeed has no choice but to carry out the will of the Harbingers, we simply could not allow him to continue meddling with such important affairs."
    9:42:38 PM Thoth33: "Had Regiminis not intervened, that necklace would have now been in their hands."
    9:42:47 PM Thoth33: "I regret that it had to come to this, but this is the path Auxiliatis chose all those years ago when he foolishly rebelled against Mother."
    9:42:50 PM Thoth33: "The uncertain and doomed path of man versus the orchestrated light of Mother."
    9:42:53 PM Thoth33: "He dug his grave and so now he must lie in it."

    9:43:02 PM jinn: "Yes. And let us not forget, he is not a mortal being. He will certainly return to us in due time, just as he did in 2009 after that unfortunate accident at our previous sacred grounds. He may be of use to us in the future."
    9:43:12 PM kuu_32: "That's true."
    9:43:16 PM kuu_32: "Well, if that's the case then we should probably ensure that the Harbingers will have no way of invoking him."
    9:43:31 PM kuu_32: "I know it's kind of a touchy subject"
    9:43:58 PM kuu_32: "But maybe we could have the Harbingers' powers removed once again whenever that time comes?"
    9:44:01 PM kuu_32: "I mean, I know we shouldn't rely on the Tenebris Link so often"
    9:44:07 PM kuu_32: "But they have no knowledge of the ancient Auxlilatis invocation rites, so really the only way he can aid them is through their powers."

    9:44:07 PM Thoth33: "No."
    9:44:10 PM Thoth33: "We must follow Father's teachings."
    9:44:14 PM Thoth33: "We must heed his warnings."
    9:44:21 PM Thoth33: "Even if we were to seek the Tenebris Link's aid, it would be impossible."
    9:44:24 PM Thoth33: "Mat was our only reliable connection to them, and no one's heard from him since November."
    9:44:28 PM Thoth33: "It seems to be more interested in the Harbinger's Link at the moment, anyway. "
    9:44:32 PM Thoth33: "Nevertheless, if Auxiliatis were to return to assist the Harbingers, his powers would be vastly reduced."
    9:44:39 PM Thoth33: "Regiminis has removed his mask and locked it within the Parallelos."
    9:44:42 PM Thoth33: "Should he attempt to make a move against us, we would be able to quickly intersect him and neutralize him once more."

    9:44:58 PM kuu_32: "And as for the necklace?"
    9:45:01 PM kuu_32: "It's secured as well, correct?"

    9:45:20 PM Thoth33: "Yes."
    9:45:23 PM Thoth33: "I had jinn take care of it."

    9:45:33 PM jinn: "Indeed. It is in a location no one will ever discover."


    • Jinn, Mat, and Kuu discuss events surrounding Tyler's necklace and Helper. This conversation most likely takes place sometime in 2016.
    • It's revealed that Helper was going to deliver Tyler's necklace to the players - something the players asked of him back in 2015. However, Regiminis killed him and returned the necklace to the Lunar Children.
    • Jinn confirms that Regiminis sealed Helper's Hat somewhere in the Parallelos.
    • Jinn claims that she's hidden Tyler's necklace in a location no one will ever find it.
    • Jinn implies that Helper will likely be revived again - much like how he did after the players accidentally killed him in 2009.
    • Thoth refuses to use Tenebris's assistance. He claims that even if he wanted to, it would be impossible, as Mat was their only strong connection to Tenebris, and Mat's still missing.
    • At 9:58 PM, the player Problematik discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Thoth's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://johnisdead.com/viewport00". This page was titled "VIEWPORT" and contained the image "fake.gif". target=_blank
    • At 9:58 PM, the player Problematik discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Thoth's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://johnisdead.com/viewport01". This page was titled "VIEWPORT" and contained the image "true.gif". target=_blank
    • At 10:03 PM, the player Pako discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Mat's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://johnisdead.com/entry". This page was titled "Entry" and contained the following text:

    8/8/20 - Entry Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    After much work I have atlast achieved a certain degree of higher gnosis in regards to this world and its connection to yet more plains. The lord of this world is demiurgic and of course all that I can witness is falsehood. The people of it seeking to play ruler over yet smaller segments hidden within this world of false light and faceless archon like forces.

    My sister in my true home is as Sophia, the god of this realm has lost his Ella for all time and I have no need to let him play out the rest of his journey with that Sophia Phantasm. The Order of Metatron shall align me to my true self and world once more.


    • Mat claims to have achieved a higher form of understanding and views everything around him as fake.
    • Mat claims that something called the "Order of Metatron" will "align" him to his "true self".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered a webpage linked to the computer in Jinn's room on the "Upper" Janus map - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat89203921". This page was titled "IRC | Lunar Children" and contained the following chatlog:

    8/8/20 - "chat44404402" - Lunarchildren.com

    Chatting with Thoth33
    All users are to follow our IRC rules at all times.

    1:20:21 AM Thoth33: "Jinn."
    1:20:24 AM Thoth33: "I have something vitally important I must ask of you."
    1:20:33 AM Thoth33: "Forgive me for the suddenness of all this, but this is to remain only between the two of us."

    1:20:59 AM jinn: "Very well."
    1:21:12 AM Thoth33: "I want you to keep a close watch on Mat."
    1:21:28 AM jinn: "For what reason?"
    1:21:32 AM jinn: "Do you question his loyalty still?"

    1:21:48 AM Thoth33: "The knowledge Regiminis and he have allowed us has been invaluable, and aside from that reckless stunt he pulled back in August, I've never had any reason to suspect him of any foul play."
    1:21:52 AM Thoth33: "However"
    1:22:22 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned for him."

    1:22:28 AM jinn: "In what way?"
    1:22:28 AM Thoth33: "It's been evident for quite some time that he's become very interested in the Tenebris Link."
    1:22:32 AM Thoth33: "Considering his family's history, that's not too surprising. "
    1:22:35 AM Thoth33: "None of us ever suspected that Mat would have gone as far as to privately invoke it, though."

    1:22:39 AM jinn: "So you're concerned he'll be harmed by Tenebris?"
    1:22:43 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned he'll fall under its control."
    1:22:46 AM Thoth33: "I'm concerned for all of us."
    1:22:49 AM Thoth33: "If any harm were to befall Mat, that would certainly be a tragedy."
    1:22:52 AM Thoth33: "However, the larger concern here is our mission."
    1:22:54 AM Thoth33: "Father Vincent has repeatedly warned us of its mischievous demeanor."
    1:22:58 AM Thoth33: "He is darkness."
    1:23:03 AM Thoth33: "A loathsome ally"
    1:23:08 AM Thoth33: "Created by Mother as described in the legend."
    1:23:12 AM Thoth33: "We mustn't become reliant on such darkness, else we shall become consumed by it."

    1:23:24 AM jinn: "I understand your concern, but with all due respect, I believe your fears are unfounded."
    1:23:28 AM Thoth33: "Unfounded?"
    1:23:30 AM Thoth33: "I know you saw the conversation in the IRC earlier."
    1:23:32 AM Thoth33: "Were you not unsettled!?"
    1:23:35 AM Thoth33: "Children were praising the Tenebris Link!"
    1:23:39 AM Thoth33: "Several were asking for his blessings as if he were a holy angel of Luna!"

    1:23:52 AM jinn: "Could Tenebris not be described as such? The legend describes him as a necessary component in Luna's plans. He is a trickster, that is certain, but I also believe that he is perhaps the most misunderstood figure within our teachings."
    1:24:11 AM Thoth33: "IT is not something that can be handled lightly."
    1:24:14 AM Thoth33: "Father has strictly forbidden us from ever interacting with IT."
    1:24:17 AM Thoth33: "IT is a being of pure malevolence that Mother begrudgingly constructed to counterbalance the light in accordance to the dyad."

    1:24:20 AM jinn: "Yes, I'm well versed on Alphonse's theories. However, that's all they are."
    1:24:21 AM jinn: "Theories."

    1:24:27 AM Thoth33: "These studies have built the foundation of our teachings for years."
    1:24:30 AM Thoth33: "Are you questioning Mother herself!?"

    1:24:33 AM jinn: "No."
    1:24:35 AM jinn: "I'm questioning our understanding of her. As the overseer of the library, that's my duty."
    1:24:42 AM jinn: "Don't misunderstand me."
    1:24:46 AM jinn: "My intention is not to undermine our teachings, but instead to refine them. I'm simply interested in the truth more than upholding the beliefs of a former overseer."

    1:25:15 AM Thoth33: "Fine."
    1:25:18 AM Thoth33: "I apologize for accusing you."
    1:25:22 AM Thoth33: "But this continued reliance on the Tenebris Link is something I simply can't allow."
    1:25:25 AM Thoth33: "It completely goes against everything Father has warned us about."

    1:25:32 AM jinn: "I, too, think it's a bad idea to rely on him. However, I believe it would be foolish to completely isolate ourselves from him."
    1:25:36 AM Thoth33: "Then what do you suggest?"
    1:25:52 AM jinn: "There is still so much we don't know about Tenebris. He is the most elusive and mysterious figure we know of that has a direct connection to Luna herself. There is a wealth of untapped knowledge here, and for the first time in documented history, we have someone within our ranks who can retrieve it."
    1:26:12 AM jinn: "I propose we allow Mat to continue these "secret" communions with Tenebris. We will continue acting none the wiser, pretending to buy Mat's story that he hasn't heard from Tenebris since August. In reality, the room will be bugged. We will record anything that transpires during these invocations with secret cameras."
    1:26:20 AM jinn: "This way, we can prevent any unforeseen disasters far in advance while still learning more about Tenebris. "
    1:26:24 AM jinn: "Just as well, listening in on Mat's supposed "private" conversations with him should quell any lingering fears you may have regarding his true allegiance."

    1:26:31 AM Thoth33: "As I said before, that won't be necessary. "
    1:26:34 AM Thoth33: "But to secretly record a fellow Elder within our own holy building…"

    1:26:40 AM jinn: "Did you not first propose this method yourself regarding Saint?"
    1:26:44 AM Thoth33: "Saint is an outsider. "
    1:26:49 AM Thoth33: "Suspicion has surrounded him ever since those chats were discovered last year."
    1:26:51 AM Thoth33: "But Mat"
    1:26:53 AM Thoth33: "I never thought it would have come to this."

    1:27:00 AM jinn: "You mustn't fear the truth, Ezekiel."
    1:27:05 AM jinn: "This is an opportunity for us to gain a better understanding of Mother, Tenebris, and the intentions of our fellow child."
    1:27:10 AM jinn: "We can't allow this chance to slip by."

    1:27:32 AM Thoth33: "It pains me to say it, but you're right."
    1:27:34 AM Thoth33: "This must be done."


    • Thoth and Jinn privately discuss Mat's close connections to Tenebris.
    • Thoth is concerned that Mat's close connections to Tenebris will endanger the Lunar children - especially after several Lunar Children were seen praising Tenebris.
    • Thoth describes Tenebris as a loathsome entity, as per Father Vincent's teachings. Jinn somewhat defends Tenebris, believing him to be misunderstood to some extent.
    • Jinn suggests that Thoth allows Mat to continue his private meetings with Tenebris, though they will be secretly recorded.
    • Mat mentions that suspicions surrounding SKM have existed ever since some chatlogs were discovered.
    • At 10:35 PM, Stackoverflow led the players back into the "Spire" Janus map. Prominence is found waiting in the fountain here. target=_blank
    • At 10:36 PM, Prominence led the players into the basement in the "Spire" Janus map, where they discovered that the previously locked door now contained a portal to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/bottom.html". This page contained the "Bottom" Janus room.

    8/8/20 - "Bottom" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This room was a massive network of hallways and chambers beneath the Spire. Players would spawn in a narrow hallway with stairs leading lower into the basement. On the walls of this hallway were drawings of arrows and text that read:

    "wrong way."

    Exiting this hallway would lead players into a massive network of large corridors. These corridors often had strange and cryptic drawings adorning the walls. There were many large rooms players could explore connected to these corridors:

    The closest room to the entrance within these corridors contained large industrial equipment along with two walk-in freezers. These freezers appeared to be the same ones Tyler was locked in while he was captured by the Lunar children. This is supported by the writing found in one off these freezers:

    "they kept him here"

    One room contained a large metal door and what appears to be a set of servers next to a shelf fixated on the wall. This looks similar to a room recorded by Tyler when he was captured by the Lunar Children.

    Several rooms contained many large pipes and fans - along with doorways and vents that could not be accessed.

    One room was a series of narrow hallways that lead to a room with a pool of dirty water, a room containing a narrow bridge over two pools of water, and a long room containing a hole in the wall that was too high to reach.

    Another room was a large room containing what appears to be an endless pit below a chainlink floor.

    In the center of the basement was a room that led players further down into a brickwork stairway. These stairs led players down into a large room that looked much older than other parts of the Spire. This room led to classroom with a large Parallelos symbol on the wall. There was also a small ritual room here containing a fountain. On the other side of this room was a hallway leading to a large room filled with water with a large portrait of the Spire. This room also led to a series of strange ritual-like rooms containing wells. The other side of this room led to some stairs that led players further down into a massive underground ritual chamber. This room contained several figures wearing robes. Whenever approached, most of these figures would disappear. However, there were three floating figures that would remain flaoting. This chamber led into a massive hall where four large rooms could be found. These rooms each had an empty pedesal.


    • This Janus room contained a series of corridors and industrial rooms beneath the Spire.
    • Several rooms in this Janus map seemed to be locations Tyler recorded while he was kidnapped by the Lunar Children.
    • One room led players to a deeper level of the basement which contained classrooms and ritual chambers.
    • Players could traverse even deeper into the basement and enter into a large ceremony hall which led to four giant empty chambers.


    • Files:
    • construction.mp3 - The sounds of construction equipment. target=_blank
    • step.mp3 - The sound of footsteps. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • Large hallways in the basement: target=_blank target=_blank
    • Large rooms with industrial equipment: target=_blank target=_blank
    • A room with what appears to be servers of some sort: target=_blank
    • Scribbles found on the walls: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • A distorted image of the Spire: target=_blank
    • A mirror-like painting: target=_blank
    • the classroom location: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • The figures found at the bottom: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:36 PM, players continued speaking with Stackoverflow in JanusVR.

    8/8/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com

    Xenquility: "Forgive us for leaving"
    Xenquility: "This uh"
    stackoverflow: "I understand"
    Xenquility: ""Digital interface" is rather volatile"
    stackoverflow: "I hate this place."
    stackoverflow: "I just want to go home."

    Xenquility: "I'm sorry that we haven't been able to find it"
    Xenquility: "also"
    Xenquility: "the so called "false god" is on their way"
    stackoverflow: "Maybe they remember."
    stackoverflow: "But I think not they would tell."

    Xenquility: "Why's that?"
    Xenquility: "Are you from somewhere like wayward horizon?"
    stackoverflow: "I do not know."
    Xenquility: "I'm sorry but I'm grasping at straws right now"
    stackoverflow: "I understand."
    Xenquility: ((Unarchived)) "right now so it's a bit harder"
    Xenquility: "but I do have one idea"
    Xenquility: "uno momento"
    Xenquility: "okay one sec"
    Xenquility: "Okay uh"
    Xenquility: "This might not be where you're from"
    Xenquility: "But it's worth a shot I think"
    Xenquility: "be careful of the drop"
    stackoverflow: "No"
    Xenquility: "Damnit okay"
    stackoverflow: "It would be immediately clear"
    Xenquility: "alright"
    Xenquility: "I will keep looking"


    • The players continue to search for Stackoverflow's home, but to no avail.
    • Stackoverflow claims that their home will be immediately apparent that it belongs to them.
    • At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in one off the large hallways. This room was completely black aside from some text that read "/sect00". target=_blank
    • At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/sect00". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
    • At 10:47 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind the large painting of the Spire. This room was completely black aside from the image "order.gif" - an image reminiscent of "pattern.gif" showing four squares with slashes between them. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:54 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in the Parallelos "classroom". This room was completely black aside from some text that read "/yadhtrib". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:54 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it in the Parallelos "classroom". This room was completely black aside from some text that read "/undecimn0cte". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:55 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/yadhtrib". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
    • At 10:55 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/undecimn0cte". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
    • At 11:21 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it hidden behind some pipes in a large room. This room was completely black aside from some text that read "/otherone100". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 11:21 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/otherone100". This page was password-protected and could not be accessed.
    • At 11:36 PM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Bottom" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with many Parallelos symbols drawn on it. This room contained a large cylindrical hole in the ceiling and floor. target=_blank target=_blank

    August 9th, 2020

    • At 12:00 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted a link to the video "8/9/12 NEVER FORGET" - a video created by the player Spirkiroid in 2012 in remembrance of the original Withi Hubris forums after they were shut down. target=_blank
    • At 12:03 AM, the player Yoshi discovered a hidden room in the "Upper" Janus room hidden behind a painting of a Moon Child in Hunter's room. This room was painted light blue and had a poster of UFO's on the wall. This room also contained an old computer that linked to the front page of Lunarchildren.com when clicked. This room's closet was also open, revealing a lockbox. target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 1:23 AM, players began discussing The Producer's possible connection to a character of the same name from the game "The World Ends With You" - a game Wolfcat had often spoken of previously. Shortly after this, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "That power is yet unknown." - lyrics from a song from "The World Ends With You" titled "Twister".

    August 10th, 2020

    • At 1:37 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "observing.png". Unfortunately, this image was not archived.
    • At 1:47 PM, Pumpkinhead became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "i am a bad person" sent by the player otherLiam on August 8th, 2020.

    August 12th, 2020

    • At 5:36 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "I.png". target=_blank

    August 14th, 2020

    • At 3:16 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "scry.JPG". target=_blank
    • At 3:23 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Spire" Janus map contained a pre-programmed entity using a completely black version of Fascie's avatar that would walk around the Spire and occasionally disappear. target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 3:34 AM, an entity named "Doug" became active in the "Spire" Janus map. Doug used a large green-colored "Redead" model and crawled around the map. Doug led the player Xenquility to the "Bottom" Janus room.
    • At 3:40 AM, the player Xenquility attempted to follow Doug into the "Bottom" Janus room, but fell out off the map and became trapped in a small black room with text that read "Lost?".
    • At 10:40 PM, the player Pako discovered a hidden room in the "Upper" Janus room hidden behind a fake wall with a Parallelos symbol drawn on it next to one of the elevators. This room contained many cryptic drawings and text scribbled on the walls: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

    8/14/20 - Hidden Room Text - Johnisdead.com

    ((Wall 1)) target=_blank



    A drawing of Kuu can be seen.


    A drawing of Thoth can be seen.


    A drawing of Mat can be seen.


    A drawing of Jinn can be seen.


    A drawing of an unknown figure can be seen.

    ((Wall 2)) target=_blank


    A drawing of two adult figures holding the hands of two children can be seen next to a drawing of a man in a hat holding Majora's Mask.

    "three friends"
    "three Terrible fateS"
    "three lost souls"

    A drawing of a gas mask coming out of the Majora's Mask cartridge can be seen. A distrubing drawing of Tyler can be seen with the following text surrounding it:

    "wakE up"
    "wake up"

    A drawing of a gas mask can be seen with the following text below it:

    "they sleep"
    "they dream"
    "lower and lower"
    "deeper and deeper"

    A drawing of the "Dead Hand" enemy from Ocarina of Time can be see with the symbol of eight intersecting arrows drawn on its chest with text next to it reading:


    A drawing of four figures standing beneath a tree can be seen with the following text written below it:


    ((Wall 3)) target=_blank

    A drawing of Regiminis's mask can be seen next to some text reading:

    "Taken fRom him"

    A drawing of Tyler's crescent moon necklace can be seen above a fire. A drawing of John's head in the hands of the "Dead Hand" enemy from the previous wall can be seen with the following text written above it:


    ((Wall 4)) target=_blank

    A drawing of the "G" or "Spear" rune can be seen above the exit. A drawing of Patrem can also be seen with text reading:


    A drawing of a man between two trees can be seen above a drawing of a skull-like face surrounded by Regiminis symbols.

    ((Floor)) target=_blank

    A drawing of a faceless figure can be seen.

    August 15th, 2020

    • At 12:17 AM, the player Pako discovered a staircase that was out of reach in the "Bottom" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 10:22 PM, the player Pako discovered that Doug was active in the "Spire" Janus room. Doug led players to the "Bottom" Janus room. target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 10:28 PM, Doug led players to the bottom of the "Bottom" Janus room where the four large chambers were located. Doug sent the message "home" before leaving.

    August 17th, 2020

    • At 2:36 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "BOHNE SAGA". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "BOHNE SAGA" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. The video "A GIFT" plays, showing Link obtaining five "bombs". Sped-up gameplay footage of Link doing the "Bomber Gang Kids" sidequest is shown, in which Link plays hide-and-seek with the five "Bomber Gang Kids" members and gains access to the "Secret Base" beneath Clock Town.

    The video "MAUER" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the cracked wall seen in the video "MAUER" and blows it up using one of his five bombs. A chest is revealed behind the wall. Link opens the chest and obtains a "Silver Rupee".

    The video "VERKÄUFER" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the location of the "Bean Salesman" found in Majora's Mask. Link speaks to the "Bean Salesman" and purchases a pod of "Magic Beans" for ten rupees.

    The video "A PRESENT" is shown. After this, Link proceeds to the "Southern Swamp" area. Link is then seen back in the cave next to the "Deku Palace". Link scoops up some water with the "Empty Bottle" and plants a pod of "Magic Beans" in the soft soil. After this, Link empties the bottle of water on the soil, causing it to sprout into a platform. Link then rides this platform to the ledge near the top of the room and opens a chest.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The player Xenquility uses the bombs obtained in the video "A GIFT" to blow up the seen in "MAUER", revealing a chest containing a "Silver Rupee".
    • The player Xenquility uses the "Silver Rupee" to purchase "Magic Beans" from the "Bean Salesman" seen in the video "VERKÄUFER".
    • The player Xenquility uses the "Magic Beans" and a bottle of water found in the video "A PRESENT" to grow a platform that takes him to a chest. This chest is opened and the video ends.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 4:47 AM, the player ADULT_LINK discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Woflcat's YouTube channel - "WALL GONE". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "WALL GONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distorted footage of the video "MAUER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. After this, the video fades into the players Xenquility's submission of the video "BOHNE SAGA". The video cuts to black. Gameplay footage of Majora's Mask begins playing. Link is seen standing next to the cracked wall in the video "MAUER". He pulls out a bomb and blows up the wall. On the other side of the wall is a large chest. This chest contains the "Hookshot".


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The players' submission of "BOHNE SAGA" is only partially accepted - the players managed to blow up the wall seen in the video "MAUER", though it contained a "Hookshot" rather than rupees, meaning the players' actions seen in the rest of the video "BOHNE SAGA" were not accepted.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 7:22 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    8/17/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [7:22 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You all focus a lot on what's in front of you, don't you?"
    [7:23 AM] nfreak141: "Honestly it's all we can really focus on if you think about it"
    [7:25 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haven't shared any music in a while, have I?"
    [7:25 AM] nfreak141: "You haven't been active in a while"
    [7:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's because I've been doing my own thing."
    [7:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFrl7rnCx4A"

    [7:27 AM] nfreak141: "That is very important work"
    [7:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes, it has been."
    [7:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm getting closer."

    [7:28 AM] nfreak141: "Closer to what, if I can ask?"
    [7:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My own goals."
    [7:30 AM] nfreak141: "It's good to have goals. Are we involved in those goals in any way?"
    [7:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes and no."
    [7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It'd be easy enough to just tell you everything, wouldn't it though?"
    [7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":BUP:"

    [7:33 AM] nfreak141: "Yeah but where's the fun in that?"
    [7:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Exactly"
    [8:02 AM] yoshi: "aw i missed bup"
    [8:11 AM] nfreak141: "He's pretty cool why you guys no like?"
    [8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because"
    [8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I give them a hard time"
    [8:17 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and I'm a bad guy :frowning:"


    • BUP claims that he's gotten closer to achieving his goals.
    • BUP says that the players are somehow related to his goal.
    • At 6:30 PM, an entity named "Pursan" joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. This entity had a red, distorted face as its avatar. target=_blank

    8/17/20 - Chat with Pursan - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [6:30 PM] Pursan: "I must admit, I was beginning to question your conviction and skills, Detectives."
    [6:30 PM] nfreak141: "now who's THIS asshole?"
    [6:31 PM] Pursan: "Though now I can safely say my fears were misplaced."
    [6:31 PM] Pursan: "Apologies. Allow me to introduce myself."
    [6:31 PM] Pursan: "I am a trader."

    [6:32 PM] nfreak141: "What do you have to trade?"
    [6:32 PM] Pursan: "Something that will help guide you through this labyrinth you currently find yourselves in."
    [6:32 PM] Pursan: "You see, we have a common enemy."

    [6:33 PM] Pako: "who are you?"
    [6:33 PM] nfreak141: "Are you the bean salesman?"
    [6:33 PM] Pako: "@Upd8"
    [6:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "a person whos a trader named pursan"
    [6:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "nice"
    [6:33 PM] Pako: "Pursan you are our enemy?"
    [6:33 PM] Dense: "Uhhh I want fries"
    [6:34 PM] Pursan: "I'm no peddler of such thing."
    [6:34 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you were a traitor it would be a person whos a trader named pursan and is a traitor which i think would be funny"
    [6:34 PM] nfreak141: "Well, his role IS red"
    [6:34 PM] Dense: "Ok what do you have for us"
    [6:34 PM] Pursan: "I am not your enemy. I've simply come to offer you a deal."
    [6:34 PM] nfreak141: "Wait. Are you regiminis?"
    [6:34 PM] Pako: "ok so let's go"
    [6:35 PM] Pako: "ok we should wait to more people"
    [6:35 PM] Pursan: "I've my fair share of grievances with this orange gentleman you know as "Pumpkinhead"."
    [6:35 PM] Dense: "Yeah let's go"
    [6:35 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [6:35 PM] Pako: "Pursan pumpkinhead is one of your enemy?"
    [6:35 PM] Jos: "Hello"
    [6:35 PM] Pursan: "Pako."
    [6:35 PM] Jos: "Pursan"
    [6:35 PM] Pursan: "A man who is ready to get down to business."
    [6:36 PM] Pursan: "I like that. Pleasantries do become tiresome."

    [6:36 PM] Jos: "What do you sell and whats the currency you use"
    [6:36 PM] Pako: "Pursan give us some reasons to believe you"
    [6:36 PM] Dense: ">Trader<"
    [6:36 PM] nfreak141: "He has something we want I imagine. Something he himself took using a different name."
    [6:36 PM] Dense: "If they are a TRADER maybe we could possibly TRADE"
    [6:36 PM] Pako: "And where you come from?"
    [6:36 PM] Pursan: "Currency?"
    [6:36 PM] Pursan: "I deal in dead men."

    [6:36 PM] Dense: "-_-"
    [6:37 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [6:37 PM] nfreak141: "Iiiii knew it"
    [6:37 PM] Jos: "Ok who do i kill"
    [6:37 PM] Jos: "lol"
    [6:37 PM] Dense: "I vote for uhhhhh"
    [6:37 PM] Pursan: "I already have three in mind."
    [6:37 PM] Pursan: "Three individuals who have wronged me in the past."

    [6:38 PM] nfreak141: "Can you name them?"
    [6:38 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [6:38 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
    [6:38 PM] Jos: "Give him time to type lol"
    [6:38 PM] Pursan: "You don't know their names."
    [6:38 PM] Problematik: Oh no"
    [6:38 PM] Dense: "Probs AO members"
    [6:38 PM] ADULT_LINK: "can we learn their names?"
    [6:38 PM] Pako: "you are or was in lunarchildren, pursan?"
    [6:38 PM] yoshi: "maybe we do"
    [6:38 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Hello Pursan"
    [6:38 PM] yoshi: "try us"
    [6:38 PM] Dense: "Almost def AO members"
    [6:38 PM] Pursan: "In fact, you've never met them."
    [6:38 PM] nfreak141: "How can we give them to you if we don't know,m"
    [6:38 PM] Pursan: "Of this I'm sure."
    [6:38 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [6:38 PM] Dense: "Damn"
    [6:38 PM] Jos: "Whats the reward for their souls"
    [6:38 PM] Jos: "?"
    [6:39 PM] Pursan: "How?"
    [6:39 PM] Jos: "You are a trader"
    [6:39 PM] Pursan: "With this."
    [6:39 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you deal in dead men and want them killed i feel like we'll need to know some stuff about them, anything in mind we should know?"
    [6:39 PM] Jos: "0.0"
    [6:39 PM] yoshi: "i have been hired in the past for my assassination skills"
    [6:39 PM] Pursan: ((The image "Garo_Mask.gif" is sent)) target=_blank
    [6:39 PM] Pursan: "A gift."
    [6:39 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ooh i always liked the garo mask"
    [6:39 PM] Pursan: "One necessary for you to carry out this arrangement."
    [6:39 PM] Pako: "what is that"
    [6:40 PM] Pursan: "As for what kind of people these are."
    [6:40 PM] Pursan: "They are the lowest of the low."
    [6:40 PM] Pursan: "Utter scum, if you will."

    [6:40 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I don't get your goals. And who are these people you want gone?"
    [6:40 PM] Problematik: Is that a frog?"
    [6:40 PM] Pursan: "Murderers. Traffickers. Liars."
    [6:40 PM] Pako: "you has other nicknames pursan?"
    [6:41 PM] yoshi: "i wish it was the frog mask, thatd be hilarious"
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "Oh epic"
    [6:41 PM] Jos: "You want revenge as i can sense on your damaged past"
    [6:41 PM] Pursan: "I have several names but none you know of."
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
    [6:41 PM] Pako: "ok"
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "Are u gæ"
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "Drop the names so we can try n do shit"
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "Thanks"
    [6:41 PM] Pako: "You was in lunarchildren?"
    [6:41 PM] Pako: "pursan"
    [6:41 PM] Dense: "was"
    [6:41 PM] Pako: "or now"
    [6:42 PM] Pursan: "You do not require their names."
    [6:42 PM] Jos: "Well, if not the names, point us to them so we know how to fulfill the "contract""
    [6:42 PM] Pursan: "I am aware of your abilities."
    [6:42 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
    [6:42 PM] Dense: "Doxxing lmao"
    [6:42 PM] Jos: "Alright"
    [6:42 PM] Dense: "Look"
    [6:42 PM] Jos: "I just want to hear the whole thing before asking"
    [6:43 PM] Pursan: "The mask above should reveal them to you. That should be all you need."
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu :fire:"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "OK"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "So we need to walk"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "Arround"
    [6:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: "are we meant to actively do anything or is this a waiting game situation"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "And we'll find em"
    [6:43 PM] Pako: "walk to the path"
    [6:43 PM] Dense: "I think we should walk at least somewhere"
    [6:43 PM] Xenquility: Oh shit"
    [6:43 PM] Pako: "hi"
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: Hello there"
    [6:44 PM] Pako: "xen"
    [6:44 PM] Pako: "nice you are wake up"
    [6:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "The Garos mask is used to fight Garos that are hidden in Ikana"
    [6:44 PM] Pursan: "Xenquility."
    [6:44 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yo Xen!"
    [6:44 PM] Dense: "Ok kill him"
    [6:44 PM] Pursan: "I've heard of you."
    [6:44 PM] Pako: "uhh"
    [6:44 PM] Pursan: "It is an honor."
    [6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "because if we're meant to actively do something we need more info. if its waiting game i'd like to know"
    [6:44 PM] yoshi: "also protects from redeads iirc"
    [6:44 PM] Dense: "Ah fuck"
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: It is?"
    [6:44 PM] yoshi: "aw he likes you"
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: Why thank you then"
    [6:44 PM] yoshi: "cute"
    [6:44 PM] Dense: "Gæ"
    [6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "spooky fan"
    [6:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "neat"
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: it's an honour to meet you too"
    [6:44 PM] Pako: "we are going to the correct way"
    [6:45 PM] Problematik: Im problem"
    [6:45 PM] Dense: "Ok but we need to find those mf"
    [6:45 PM] Dense: "So"
    [6:45 PM] Problematik: I like my virginity"
    [6:45 PM] Dense: "Are we rednecks or smthn?"
    [6:45 PM] Jos: "So"
    [6:45 PM] Jos: "After we kill them"
    [6:45 PM] Dense: "Skinheads"
    [6:45 PM] Jos: "What would we receive?"
    [6:45 PM] yoshi: "if the reward is a smashed pumpkin im in"
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "Tone in brevity is often misinterpreted, so please forgive me."
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "But to put it simply"
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "Three need to die."
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "This mask will reveal them."

    [6:46 PM] Pako: "Pursan you know who is Tyler?"
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "Your powers are required."
    [6:46 PM] Pursan: "That is all."

    [6:46 PM] Xenquility: Are we uh"
    [6:46 PM] Xenquility: locked in here?"
    [6:46 PM] Problematik: Fuck"
    [6:46 PM] yoshi: "i assume we just throw it in the jid wh thread and see what happens"
    [6:47 PM] Pursan: "This is, of course, your choice."
    [6:47 PM] yoshi: "if its still open i mean"
    [6:47 PM] Pursan: "But it will be a beneficial one for the both of us."
    [6:47 PM] Xenquility: I feel like this is one of those moments where those with higher power are trying to nudge us forwards lol"
    [6:48 PM] Xenquility: or"
    [6:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yep"
    [6:48 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [6:48 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh it absolutely is"
    [6:48 PM] Xenquility: "Gigher Mower"
    [6:48 PM] Jos: "Lets kill them."
    [6:48 PM] ADULT_LINK: "they came in, gave us a mask, and then said shit'll happen when it happens"
    [6:48 PM] Problematik: We need to get our powers"
    [6:48 PM] Pako: "actually pursan is helping us?"
    [6:48 PM] Xenquility: also apparently a "Purson" is a great king of hell"
    [6:49 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if we dont know who they are, and they're coming to us, all this is is a warning with no way explained to prepare"
    [6:49 PM] Pako: "idk if pursan is allied or enemy"
    [6:49 PM] yoshi: "confirmed"
    [6:49 PM] Dense: "Yoshi's plan :thinking: :ballot_box_with_check:"
    [6:50 PM] Jos: "Pursan is the only king i like,"
    [6:50 PM] Dense: "Simp"
    [6:50 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Pursan is skincare lol"
    [6:50 PM] Jos: "No, fuck monarchy"
    [6:50 PM] Jos: "jk"
    [6:50 PM] Problematik: Can we sacrifice someone to get back our powers?"
    [6:50 PM] Xenquility: What form of help are we in for?"
    [6:50 PM] Jos: "I choose slinky who isnt looking rn"
    [6:50 PM] Xenquility: As in, how exactly will you be helping us"
    [6:51 PM] Problematik: Sacrifice slinky?"
    [6:51 PM] Xenquility: (Also this sounds like a GB 2.0)"
    [6:51 PM] Pako: "no"
    [6:51 PM] Problematik: Hes kinda funny"
    [6:51 PM] Pako: "slinky good guy"
    [6:51 PM] Jos: "kinda"
    [6:51 PM] Jos: "not enought"
    [6:51 PM] Jos: "KILL KILL"
    [6:51 PM] Jos: "just kidding"
    [6:51 PM] Pursan: "I will gift you something that will guide you through this "Hole" you currently find yourselves in."
    [6:52 PM] Xenquility: (Also I know we apparently don't know them but "3 people dead" "3 players who aren't as they seem")"
    [6:52 PM] Pako: "uuhh nice"
    [6:52 PM] Pursan: "Again, I assure you that you have no knowledge of these three individuals."
    [6:52 PM] Pako: "wolf, bup, jayckup the 3 ones?"
    [6:52 PM] Problematik: Should we say thanks?"
    [6:52 PM] Pako: "hmmm"
    [6:52 PM] Pako: "actually they are enemies"
    [6:52 PM] Problematik: I want jacob"
    [6:53 PM] Jos: "https://johnisdead.com/hole/ we should walk, shall we?"
    [6:53 PM] Pursan: "Whether they live or die has no effect on your current standings, actually."
    [6:53 PM] Problematik: Well shit"
    [6:53 PM] Pursan: "Aside from what I'm offering you, of course."
    [6:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if they're going to be coming to us we should know who they are"
    [6:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "because they'd have to know who we are in some capacity if they're coming to us"
    [6:54 PM] Pursan: "Just as you have no knowledge of them, they have no knowledge of you."
    [6:54 PM] Jos: "Pursan, can i ask you a long time question i had"
    [6:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Why do you want these three people gone?"
    [6:54 PM] Pursan: "You will be hunting them. Not the other way around."
    [6:54 PM] yoshi: "fuck it, post the mask in jidwh"
    [6:54 PM] Jos: "Do you know anything about "Incipio"?"
    [6:55 PM] Dense: "/hole is damn old"
    [6:55 PM] Pako: "ok we assuming that the 3 ones are pumpkinhead, bup and jacob?"
    [6:55 PM] Xenquility: what lmao"
    [6:55 PM] yoshi: "no lmao"
    [6:55 PM] Pursan: "These three are scoundrels and crooks."
    [6:55 PM] Pako: "i don't know"
    [6:55 PM] Pursan: "They've defiled my name and goodwill and for that they must pay."
    [6:56 PM] Dense: "He told us we don't know them you dumb"
    [6:56 PM] Xenquility: So I'm assuming the same would happen to us if we broke this deal"
    [6:56 PM] nfreak141: "Is Pursan your real name or just one of your many names?"
    [6:56 PM] Jos: "OK LISTEN"
    [6:56 PM] Dense: "Oh"
    [6:56 PM] Jos: "hole lostinforest changed"
    [6:56 PM] Pako: "one of your names"
    [6:56 PM] Jos: "this is the opriginal"
    [6:56 PM] Jos: "this is the new"
    [6:56 PM] Pako: "ye
    [6:56 PM] Dense: "L""
    [6:56 PM] Xenquility: it's still like"
    [6:57 PM] Xenquility: pretty old"
    [6:57 PM] Xenquility: like last april"
    [6:57 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [6:57 PM] yoshi: "youre old"
    [6:57 PM] Problematik: Boomer"
    [6:57 PM] nfreak141: "Not only that, but this past half hour you hve asked us to do you a favor and haven't went into details except 3 people i SWEAR you don' tknow about need to die and you guys have the power to do so."
    [6:57 PM] Dense: "Lmao"
    [6:58 PM] Jos: "ok guys"
    [6:58 PM] Jos: "i found"
    [6:58 PM] Xenquility: I mean if we don't know them I'd imagine it'd be safe to just"
    [6:58 PM] Xenquility: not kill them"
    [6:58 PM] Jos: "This is the next page"
    [6:58 PM] Jos: "the thing is"
    [6:58 PM] Jos: "it has new code"
    [6:58 PM] Pako: "but what wikia is that"
    [6:58 PM] nfreak141: "No, he wants us to use our powers to kill them."
    [6:58 PM] yoshi: "idk man im feeling some bloodlust"
    [6:58 PM] yoshi: "lets kill some 3 random people"
    [6:59 PM] nfreak141: "And refuses to go into detail."
    [6:59 PM] Jos: "they are not random"
    [6:59 PM] Pursan: "Excuse me, but I'm asking for no favors. As I said, this is an offer."
    [6:59 PM] Pako: "ok"
    [6:59 PM] yoshi: "i say we do it"
    [6:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i fail to see why we should kill 3 people who dont know us, because"someone who we dont know said to with no explination"
    [6:59 PM] Pursan: "If you do not want my assistance, I have others I can turn to."
    [6:59 PM] Dense: "Theres no differences in content pako"
    [6:59 PM] yoshi: "it sounds fun"
    [6:59 PM] Pako: "guys we are gonna do the deal or not?"
    [6:59 PM] Dense: "It still works lmao"
    [6:59 PM] nfreak141: "What is this thing you are offering us?"
    [6:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i dont see why we would other than to have something to do"
    [6:59 PM] yoshi: ":DrKill:"
    [6:59 PM] nfreak141: "All I'm asking is for more detail"
    [6:59 PM] yoshi: "kill"
    [6:59 PM] Pako: "i would say yes anyway we are fucked lmao"
    [6:59 PM] nfreak141: "That's it."
    [7:00 PM] Dense: "HAHHA SEALED THE DIMP"
    [7:00 PM] ADULT_LINK: "why are we fucked"
    [7:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Let's just do it. I'm curious :lainfeliz:"
    [7:00 PM] Pako: "yes"
    [7:00 PM] Pako: "let's go, pursan"
    [7:00 PM] Problematik: What"
    [7:00 PM] Problematik: What"
    [7:00 PM] Xenquility: i mean"
    [7:00 PM] Problematik: Wait"
    [7:00 PM] Problematik: What are we gonna do"
    [7:00 PM] Xenquility: this could be like"
    [7:00 PM] Pako: "a deal"
    [7:00 PM] yoshi: ":kill:"
    [7:00 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i mean i dont really care either way but this dude has done absolutely nothing to give us a reason to trust him"
    [7:00 PM] Xenquility: signing up to murder people who're useful in the future"
    [7:00 PM] Problematik: For what reason"
    [7:00 PM] Pako: "idk"
    [7:01 PM] yoshi: "or getting good info"
    [7:01 PM] HaouDeSoul: "You got a point"
    [7:01 PM] Dense: "Wait"
    [7:01 PM] Dense: "DAMN THIS IS HARD"
    [7:01 PM] Xenquility: and i know that Some People are probably trying to throw us a bone here"
    [7:01 PM] Xenquility: but"
    [7:01 PM] Jos: "this page is new right"
    [7:01 PM] Pako: "we are fucking stuck so let's go with the deal"
    [7:01 PM] Problematik: Lets get advantages and disadvantages"
    [7:01 PM] ADULT_LINK: "the only thing hes said is he dislikes pumpkinhead, but if this has nothing to do with pumpkinhead why should we go along with it"
    [7:01 PM] nfreak141: "And if we do kill them we get somethign to progress thorugh the labyrinth"
    [7:01 PM] Xenquility: or I should say"
    [7:01 PM] Xenquility: Gome Meople"
    [7:01 PM] Problematik: And try to not do dumb shit"
    [7:01 PM] Dense: ""this page is new right" No"
    [7:02 PM] Pursan: "If it helps quell your fears"
    [7:02 PM] Jos: "I dont see it anywhere"
    [7:02 PM] Dense: "Search here on discord ._."
    [7:02 PM] Pursan: "These three are from beyond the sphere you currently manipulate"
    [7:02 PM] yoshi: ":CATKILLYOU:"
    [7:02 PM] Pako: "ok"
    [7:02 PM] ADULT_LINK: "a stranger wants us to hunt some people and nobody cares to know why?"
    [7:02 PM] Pako: "Guys let's go with the deal?"
    [7:02 PM] Jos: "okay"
    [7:03 PM] nfreak141: ""a stranger wants us to hunt some people and nobody cares to know why?" I am all about this right here"
    [7:03 PM] Dense: "Yeah"
    [7:03 PM] yoshi: ":pumpkindead:"
    [7:03 PM] nfreak141: "Because you know... we've never been manipulated in the past or anything."
    [7:03 PM] Pako: "can we do a vote?"
    [7:04 PM] Xenquility: votes are too easily rigged it's easy enough to just talk about it"
    [7:04 PM] yoshi: "i say yes"
    [7:04 PM] Pako: "i say yes"
    [7:04 PM] Xenquility: i say no for now"
    [7:04 PM] Pako: "lmao"
    [7:04 PM] yoshi: "we've fucked ourselves over plenty of times already why not keep doin it"
    [7:04 PM] Problematik: i say no"
    [7:04 PM] Xenquility: the Gome Meople might be mad"
    [7:04 PM] Problematik: until i get more info"
    [7:04 PM] Xenquility: ^"
    [7:04 PM] Pako: "we are fucking stucked anyways"
    [7:04 PM] nfreak141: "i saw hold back until we get more info"
    [7:05 PM] yoshi: "we're gonna miss out"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: we need more info"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: wait a little bit"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: dont be inpatientt"
    [7:05 PM] ADULT_LINK: "the dude refuses to give us more info"
    [7:05 PM] nfreak141: "He needs our help we're gonna need some more info."
    [7:05 PM] Xenquility: hmm"
    [7:05 PM] Pako: "ok this is the idea pursan tell us what is the trade and now we can accept or reject"
    [7:05 PM] Jos: "Never deal with the devil"
    [7:05 PM] nfreak141: "Not onky that... it's us. He literally has no where else to turn."
    [7:05 PM] HaouDeSoul: "More info"
    [7:05 PM] ADULT_LINK: "you cant help someone if they wont even tell you how they need help"
    [7:05 PM] Xenquility: the scary part is is that I feel like we will get unbridedly fucked by Gome People if we don't do this"
    [7:05 PM] yoshi: ":DevilKnife:"
    [7:06 PM] Pako: "tell us the trade and later we can accept or not"
    [7:06 PM] Pako: "ez"
    [7:06 PM] nfreak141: "Tell who we are killinig, what we are getting out of it, then we will decide. Easy request, right?"
    [7:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if you're gonna try to hire someone to kill a person, not telling them who you want killed sure is a great way to get it done"
    [7:06 PM] Jos: "Maybe"
    [7:07 PM] Problematik: Basically we are getting a hitman"
    [7:07 PM] Xenquility: Hey pursan I know this isn't exactly a question that you're likely to answer but could we still be fine without you"
    [7:07 PM] Jos: "its information we are not allowed to know as it would change destiny as it should be."
    [7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "we're being hired as hitmen but not even told who our target is"
    [7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "thats like"
    [7:07 PM] Jos: "The mask will tell us"
    [7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "one of the most important parts of being a hitmen"
    [7:07 PM] yoshi: "the mask reveals it"
    [7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "knowing who you're killing"
    [7:07 PM] nfreak141: "So what's the mask then?"
    [7:07 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i'd like to know why we're killing some strangers"
    [7:08 PM] Jos: "Ok im gonna try something"
    [7:08 PM] yoshi: "i hope im one of the targets"
    [7:08 PM] yoshi: "kill me!"
    [7:08 PM] Xenquility: the mask is the garo's mask which iirc just allows you into ikana"
    [7:08 PM] nfreak141: "Thankyou, Xen"
    [7:08 PM] yoshi: "it reveals garo ninjas too"
    [7:08 PM] Jos: "So if it just reveal"
    [7:08 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if they arent even connected to anything that makes this a completely random thing, that wouldnt really influence any of the stuff we're involved in"
    [7:08 PM] Jos: "it shouldnt do anything wrong right?"
    [7:08 PM] yoshi: "and also makes redeads not attack"
    [7:08 PM] ADULT_LINK: "this all seems very arbitraty and pointless"
    [7:09 PM] yoshi: "inb4 this counts"
    [7:09 PM] nfreak141: "Alright, what do we get in return, though?"
    [7:09 PM] Pako: "we should vote to this trade"
    [7:09 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wow a mugen react, nice jacob"
    [7:09 PM] Jos: "Im just revealing"
    [7:09 PM] Jos: "not killing"
    [7:09 PM] Problematik: I love jacob"
    [7:09 PM] Problematik: Hes sexy"
    [7:09 PM] Dense: "L"
    [7:09 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
    [7:09 PM] yoshi: "imagine if our power suddenly worked here and jos reposting it counted"
    [7:09 PM] Dense: "IS HIM THE ONE REACTING?"
    [7:09 PM] Dense: "JACOB"
    [7:09 PM] Jos: "Yes"
    [7:09 PM] Jos: "Not the guy"
    [7:09 PM] Dense: "Epic"
    [7:09 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Lmao"
    [7:09 PM] Jos: "Just jacob"
    [7:09 PM] Xenquility: yes :PROVIDETHED: umbo"
    [7:10 PM] nfreak141: "You really ARE dense."
    [7:10 PM] Xenquility: love you though"
    [7:10 PM] Dense: ":elephant:"
    [7:10 PM] Jos: "Monika told dense he was dense"
    [7:10 PM] Dense: "I'm on mobile cunts"
    [7:10 PM] Xenquility: does the garo mask allow you to talk to stalchildren"
    [7:10 PM] Pursan: "I will repeat my terms one more time."
    [7:10 PM] Pursan: "Three must die."
    [7:10 PM] Pursan: "The mask I gifted you will reveal them."
    [7:11 PM] Pursan: "Your powers, as I have witnessed plenty of times in the past, have the ability to then destroy them."

    [7:11 PM] Jos: "There is a hole in the walk on johnisdead main page"
    [7:11 PM] Pursan: "You do not know these three."
    [7:11 PM] Pursan: "They have no bearing on your current sphere."

    [7:11 PM] Pako: "the problem is that we don't who they are"
    [7:11 PM] Pursan: "These three are scoundrels who have partook in activities that many of you would consider amoral at best."
    [7:12 PM] Xenquility: oh my god..."
    [7:12 PM] Xenquility: IT'S THE THREE STOOGES"
    [7:12 PM] yoshi: "can we ban xen"
    [7:12 PM] Pako: "ye"
    [7:12 PM] Pako: "jk"
    [7:12 PM] nfreak141: "no"
    [7:12 PM] Pursan: "Do this, and I will assist your progress through the "Sanctum".
    [7:12 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":Ban_Hammer:"
    [7:12 PM] Jos: "https://johnisdead.com/path14568832/ this is the only hole i want think"
    [7:12 PM] Jos: "on a walk"
    [7:12 PM] Pursan: "This is your choice."
    [7:12 PM] Pako: "Sanctum"
    [7:12 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i still dont see a point in doing it, but"
    [7:12 PM] yoshi: "do it do it do it"
    [7:13 PM] nfreak141: "aight bitch where's the fucking mask?"
    [7:13 PM] yoshi: "give info"
    [7:13 PM] ADULT_LINK: "if everyone else wants to i dont really care"
    [7:13 PM] Xenquility: i mean id personally take the route of not doing it but i also think we not-so-subtely don't actually have a choice"
    [7:13 PM] Pako: "I would say yes to the trade"
    [7:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Yeah. Seems like we have no choice"
    [7:13 PM] Pursan: "You have a choice."
    [7:14 PM] yoshi: "tbh i was almost considering going rogue and posting it in jidwh anyways but i would get yelled at"
    [7:14 PM] nfreak141: "oh there it is lol"
    [7:14 PM] Pursan: "All of that being said"
    [7:15 PM] Pursan: "You owe me nothing at this point."
    [7:15 PM] Pursan: "Consider the mask a gift to sweeten the deal."
    [7:15 PM] Pursan: "If you want my services, then carry out the deal."
    [7:15 PM] Pursan: "As there's no need for a unanimous decision, or an instantaneous decision at this point in time, I'll be taking my leave."
    [7:16 PM] Pursan: "Please consider what I have said here tonight."
    [7:16 PM] Pursan: "Farewell."

    [7:16 PM] nfreak141: "Aight fine."
    [7:16 PM] nfreak141: "Later bruh"
    [7:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i mean not doing it is clearly the "wrong" choice"
    [7:16 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i just fail to see why doing it is the right one"
    [7:16 PM] Jos: "https://astralobservatory.net/hole/ this is the second "hole" i can think of"
    [7:16 PM] yoshi: "k i l l"


    • Pursan introduces himself as a "trader" who deals with "dead men" as his currency.
    • Pursan claims that Pumpkinhead is his enemy and gives the players an offer - kill three specific individuals and he will help guide the players through the "Sanctum" pages on Astralobservatory.net.
    • Pursan claims that the players have never met these three targets, nor do they know their names. Pursan claims that "These three are from beyond the sphere you currently manipulate".
    • Pursan says that these three individuals have wronged him in the past and that they are scum.
    • Pursan gifts the players the "Garo's Mask", claiming that it is required to kill these targets.


    • Files:
    • Garo_Mask.gif - A distorted image of the "Garo's Mask". target=_blank
    • At 7:44 PM, the player Jos managed to bypass the barrier blocking off the top floor of the Spire in the "Upper" Janus room. This revealed a large room with a Lunarum Oculus window. This room appeared to be a large meeting hall. target=_blank
    • At 8:04 PM, the player ARGdov submiitted the "Garo's Mask" on the "Johnisdead" thread on Within Hubris with text reading "Fuck it. Lets do this.".
    • At 8:22 PM, the player nfreak discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "MASK?". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "MASK?" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in "Ikana Canyon". He walks towards the entrance of the "Spring Water Cave" and is notified by Tatl that a "Garo" is nearby.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link walks near the "Spring Water Cave" in "Ikana Canyon", where he is notified that a "Garo" is nearby.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "ARE YOU KILLING GARO?"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:15 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Pumpkinhead also briefly became active during this conversation.

    8/17/20 - Chat with BUP and Pumpkinhead - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who pinged me"
    [9:15 PM] otherLiam: "Nobody, fuck off."
    [9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am not in a good mood"
    [9:15 PM] otherLiam: "We pinged Upd8."
    [9:15 PM] otherLiam: "Which for some reason you're part of."
    [9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You know what?"
    [9:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You fuck off Liam"

    [9:15 PM] yoshi: "oh dear"
    [9:15 PM] Problematik: "Wowow chill"
    [9:16 PM] nfreak141: "Hey bup calm down there bud."
    [9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why should I"
    [9:16 PM] yoshi: "ooooh dear"
    [9:16 PM] otherLiam: "If we ignore him he'll go away."
    [9:16 PM] nfreak141: "What are you so mad about right now?"
    [9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hmmm"
    [9:16 PM] otherLiam: "Anyway."
    [9:16 PM] Problematik: "Idk if this is ooc"
    [9:16 PM] nfreak141: "Is it because of this Parsun dude?"
    [9:16 PM] otherLiam: "Nothing is ooc."
    [9:16 PM] yoshi: "im confused"
    [9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((BUP removed the player otherLiam's ability to type in the "#johnisdead" text channel))
    [9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Liam"
    [9:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Can't type here :slight_smile:"

    [9:16 PM] Pako: "bup is in upd8"
    [9:17 PM] Pako: "upd8 was pinged"
    [9:17 PM] yoshi: "aw"
    [9:17 PM] yoshi: "did something in particular, besides liam, piss you off?"
    [9:18 PM] JosByte: Helo"
    [9:19 PM] ARGdov: "welp"
    [9:19 PM] ARGdov: "it looks like we pissed off Bup"
    [9:19 PM] ARGdov: "OH WELL"
    [9:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "is this bup pissed off or greth pissed off"
    [9:19 PM] ARGdov: "not sure"
    [9:19 PM] yoshi: "im curious as to why hes mad"
    [9:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "seems like bup but i'd like to make sure ooc greth isnt pissed off"
    [9:19 PM] Problematik: "Wtf im very confused?"
    [9:20 PM] ARGdov: "look if were about to be chewed out for fucking something up I'd like to know if it's In Character or not"
    [9:20 PM] Pako: "but why liam did that?"
    [9:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nothing is good enough for Liam ANYWAY"
    [9:21 PM] ARGdov: "oh boy"
    [9:21 PM] yoshi: "youre cool bup dont worry"
    [9:21 PM] Problematik: "Can i ask why are you mad?"
    [9:21 PM] otherLiam: "Well, you're not wrong."
    [9:21 PM] otherLiam: "But you're pretty below that bar anyway."
    [9:21 PM] Pako: "hey"
    [9:21 PM] yoshi: "he returns"
    [9:21 PM] ARGdov: "alright Im just gonna leave, my parents want me down there and I'd rather not risk the brunt of someones rage"
    [9:21 PM] otherLiam: "So i wouldn't worry about it."
    [9:21 PM] ARGdov: "seeya"
    [9:21 PM] Problematik: "See ya dov"
    [9:21 PM] Pako: "see ya"
    [9:22 PM] yoshi: ":frogrotate2:"
    [9:22 PM] otherLiam: ""why liam did that""
    because i'm a bad guy :wink:"
    [9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My anger has little to do with you all, but your incessant idiocy certainly doesn't help"
    [9:22 PM] otherLiam: "then LEAVE"
    [9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just choose to take my anger out on you all"
    [9:22 PM] yoshi: "liams gonna get banished again"
    [9:22 PM] otherLiam: "id rather he just kill me"
    [9:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Don't press it"
    [9:22 PM] Pako: "nobody gives trophies for be bad"
    [9:23 PM] nfreak141: "Ayyo. Some of us are trying to talk to you about it."
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "but I doubt he can tbh"
    [9:23 PM] yoshi: "hey thats my line"
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "he needs us or whatever"
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "anyway"
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "this is a distraction"
    [9:23 PM] scout: ">My anger has little to do with you all, but your incessant idiocy certainly doesn't help" did mugen take over bup's acc"
    [9:23 PM] scout: whats happenin here"
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "hi scout"
    [9:23 PM] Pako: "hi scott"
    [9:23 PM] Pako: "xd"
    [9:23 PM] otherLiam: "we need to kill some people"
    [9:24 PM] scout: nice"
    [9:24 PM] scout: who do we need to kill"
    [9:24 PM] otherLiam: "we think they're represented by Garos."
    [9:24 PM] otherLiam: "So I propose:"
    [9:24 PM] otherLiam: "bombs."
    [9:24 PM] Problematik: "We dont know"
    [9:24 PM] Problematik: "Lets do it make it looks like an accident"
    [9:24 PM] otherLiam: ""Unlike his underlings, the Garo Master uses a Bomb to literally explode at his defeat.""
    [9:25 PM] otherLiam: "You never actually kill a Garo in Majora."
    [9:25 PM] otherLiam: "They commit ritual suicide."
    [9:26 PM] otherLiam: "The Garo Master in particular uses a bomb."
    [9:26 PM] scout: ">bombs." I mean a 38 would probably work or even like a big knife but bombs are ok"
    [9:26 PM] otherLiam: "They "die without leaving a corpse"."
    [9:26 PM] otherLiam: "Because they're spies."
    [9:26 PM] Xenquility: I mean the garo robes give "hints" before they die so I'm not sure if killing them represents killing the people, or if killing them gives us the hints to kill the people"
    [9:27 PM] otherLiam: "Well either way they're gonna have to die."
    [9:27 PM] yoshi: "mugen is my personal reference for my assassin skills"
    [9:27 PM] otherLiam: ""R-regrettable... Although my rival, you were spectacular. I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom... Belief or disbelief rests with you. To die without leaving a corpse... That is the way of us Garo.""
    [9:27 PM] otherLiam: "The hint comes after "wisdom""
    [9:28 PM] otherLiam: "So we have to "defeat" them, they give the hint, then they kill themselves."
    [9:29 PM] ⋆ 𝒟𝑒ñ𝓈𝑒 ⋆: Oh"
    [9:29 PM] yoshi: "i explode too when i die"
    [9:30 PM] otherLiam: "oh no actually"
    [9:30 PM] otherLiam: "use the Shield."
    [9:30 PM] otherLiam: "since we're just going after some random Garo"
    [9:30 PM] otherLiam: "and not the Master."
    [9:30 PM] otherLiam: ""The Garo use long, sharp Swords in battle that can be easily blocked with the Shield. Blocking their attacks will render them weaponless, as their hard Sword strikes will ricochet off of the Shield and out of the their grasp.""
    [9:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You think Mugen took over my account?"
    [9:31 PM] otherLiam: "It'd explain a lot."
    [9:31 PM] yoshi: "uh oh"
    [9:31 PM] yoshi: "liams gonna get fucking bupped"
    [9:31 PM] yoshi: "oh god"
    [9:31 PM] yoshi: "oh fuck"
    [9:31 PM] JosByte: Howdy"
    [9:31 PM] yoshi: "i saw that"
    [9:31 PM] JosByte: you crossed a line here"
    [9:32 PM] JosByte: stop NOW"
    [9:32 PM] otherLiam: "Someone add Bup to the Mugen wiki"
    [9:32 PM] otherLiam: "????????"
    [9:32 PM] JosByte: Its just jos saying its me"
    [9:32 PM] JosByte: Tsh"
    [9:32 PM] yoshi: "idk dude i might also get bupped if i do that"
    [9:32 PM] JosByte: Hoai Yoshi"
    [9:32 PM] yoshi: "oh god"
    [9:32 PM] otherLiam: "it's him"
    [9:32 PM] yoshi: "oh fuck oh god"
    [9:33 PM] otherLiam: "the true antagonist"
    [9:33 PM] yoshi: "kill it"
    [9:33 PM] Pako: "hi mugen"
    [9:33 PM] Pako: "hahah"
    [9:33 PM] otherLiam: "the guy Bup wishes he could be"
    [9:33 PM] JosByte: Stop it!"
    [9:33 PM] yoshi: "get it away"
    [9:33 PM] yoshi: "aaaaaa"
    [9:33 PM] JosByte: Hoai Bup, mind telling us how are you doing?"
    [9:33 PM] otherLiam: "he angy"
    [9:33 PM] yoshi: "AAAAA"
    [9:33 PM] otherLiam: "no talk him he angy :angry:"
    [9:33 PM] yoshi: ":angycat:"
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "anyway"
    [9:34 PM] JosByte: He can't do anything to me"
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "imma just go ahead and submit some shit now"
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "since we actually have an objective"
    [9:34 PM] Xenquility: what shit"
    [9:34 PM] JosByte: Howdy Xenquility"
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "i'm thinking the Shield."
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "to defeat the Garo."
    [9:34 PM] Xenquility: im thinking of going into the game and killing the garo"
    [9:34 PM] Problematik: "Mugen?"
    [9:34 PM] Problematik: "Fuck me"
    [9:34 PM] otherLiam: "also an option."
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "that's basically what the shield was for anyway."
    [9:35 PM] Xenquility: aka calling an uber to ikana valley right now"
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "ok xen wait"
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "do it like this:"
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "when you kill the garo it's gonna start talking"
    [9:35 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [9:35 PM] Xenquility: ima stop the video before it talks"
    [9:35 PM] Pako: "Mugen kagemaru: I hate bup"
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "cut the video off after he says "I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom""
    [9:35 PM] otherLiam: "because after that he gives a hint"
    [9:36 PM] JosByte: How mean mugen"
    [9:36 PM] Xenquility: ooo good idea"
    [9:36 PM] Problematik: "I hate my life"
    [9:36 PM] otherLiam: "and that's when, I think, we will be told who the targets are."
    [9:36 PM] Problematik: "I hate being alive"
    [9:37 PM] otherLiam: "also make sure to fight em in the same area Wolfcat was at"
    [9:37 PM] Xenquility: yee I got to the garo a minute ago then forgot how to fucking shield lmao"
    [9:37 PM] otherLiam: "bruh"
    [9:37 PM] Problematik: "Brou"
    [9:37 PM] otherLiam: "please reload and then don't get hit"
    [9:37 PM] Xenquility: yee"
    [9:38 PM] yoshi: "not even a real gamer, has to fuckin reset"
    [9:39 PM] yoshi: "smh"
    [9:39 PM] yoshi: "lmao bup"
    [9:39 PM] Xenquility: im sorry bup"
    [9:39 PM] otherLiam: "Very edgy Bup."
    [9:39 PM] otherLiam: "You make Mugen proud."
    [9:39 PM] yoshi: "me and bup were almost on the same wavelength there insulting xen"
    [9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hey pumpkinhead"
    [9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You gonna be cryptic or can i get your take on the situation"

    [9:40 PM] yoshi: "toad vs pumpkin"
    [9:40 PM] yoshi: "who wins"
    [9:40 PM] Pumpkinhead: ((A Jack-o-lantern emoji is sent))
    [9:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Figures"
    [9:40 PM] yoshi: "wow thrilling unexpected input from pumpkin"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: Pumpkinhead ordering on macdonalds would be like"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuh"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: :jack_o_lantern:"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"
    [9:41 PM] Problematik: "Hey pumpkin head"
    [9:41 PM] Problematik: "Do you like mac donalds?"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "idk man that one time he said :jack_o_lantern: really threw me for an emotional loop"
    [9:41 PM] JosByte: Hye pumpkin head"
    [9:42 PM] Pako: "he likes mac pumpkin"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "didnt see that coming at all"
    [9:42 PM] JosByte: what does feel like to not have KFC on the parallelos"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "and wow....when he said :jack_o_lantern: once too...? fucking mindblowing"
    [9:42 PM] Problematik: "Lmao jos"
    [9:42 PM] Problematik: "HAHAHAHA"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "he has such a way with words"
    [9:42 PM] Problematik: "THAT WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS"
    [9:42 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh hey"
    [9:42 PM] yoshi: "hes practically a poet"
    [9:42 PM] ADULT_LINK: "actually nevermind"
    [9:43 PM] yoshi: ":jackcandy:"
    [9:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i like that emote"
    [9:43 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":jackcandy:"
    [9:43 PM] yoshi: "hey pumpkinhead can i have some candy"
    [9:44 PM] Problematik: ":BOSSPumpking:"
    [9:44 PM] scout: what did liam even do"
    [9:44 PM] scout: poor guy"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "pissed off bup"
    [9:45 PM] Problematik: "The final form of pumpkinhead"
    [9:45 PM] otherLiam: "i made fun of the characters"
    [9:45 PM] otherLiam: "like always"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "and got promptly bupped"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "dont tempt fate"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "ah shit you tempted fate"
    [9:45 PM] yoshi: "rip liams messages"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "liams bout to get fucking murdered"
    [9:46 PM] scout: ">i made fun of the characters" based"
    [9:46 PM] yoshi: "liam thats MY LINE"
    [9:47 PM] yoshi: "i know im joking"
    [9:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: "was that a mcdonalds?"
    [9:47 PM] otherLiam: "aw sorry pako, you got caught in the crossfire"
    [9:47 PM] Problematik: "Whas is going on?"
    [9:47 PM] Problematik: "And why i am so hungry?"
    [9:47 PM] Pako: "crossfire?"
    [9:47 PM] yoshi: "liams about to get yeeted into the next universe"
    [9:48 PM] Problematik: "Yeet"
    [9:48 PM] Problematik: "Ok"
    [9:48 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [9:48 PM] Problematik: "Brb"
    [9:48 PM] Xenquility: before i submit it how's this"
    [9:49 PM] Pako: "what is that"
    [9:49 PM] Xenquility: let me convert to mp4 actually"
    [9:49 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [9:49 PM] Pako: "liam is spamming ping bup"
    [9:51 PM] yoshi: "liam is getting bupped hard"
    [9:51 PM] yoshi: "amazing"
    [9:53 PM] yoshi: "a moment of silence for liam"
    [9:53 PM] yoshi: "shit i missed that"
    [9:53 PM] yoshi: "oh well"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "do we even have a muted role"
    [9:54 PM] yoshi: "thatd be funny"
    [9:56 PM] ARGdov: "okay Im back"
    [9:56 PM] ARGdov: "what has happened"
    [9:56 PM] yoshi: "liam is fucking dead"
    [9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm going to kill liam"
    [9:56 PM] ARGdov: "oh"
    [9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but actually"
    [9:56 PM] Pako: "uhh"
    [9:56 PM] ARGdov: "womp de fucking womp"
    [9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "as in this isn't a meme"
    [9:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm going to find and end him"

    [9:57 PM] yoshi: "oh shir"
    [9:57 PM] yoshi: "shit even"
    [9:57 PM] yoshi: "maybe shir too"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: gg"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: its been his wish for months now"


    • BUP enters the chat in a bad mood. The player otherLiam taunts BUP, resulting in BUP removing his ability to type in the "#johnisdead" text channel.
    • BUP claims he is going to kill the player otherLiam.
    • At 10:11 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "WEISHEIT". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "WEISHEIT" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to the same area seen in "MASK?" - the location in front of the "Spring Water Cave" - with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:25 PM, the player Yoshi compared BUP to a character seen in the video "cool bug facts". Shortly after this, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "this is accurate". target=_blank
    • At 10:44 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "DEAD GARO". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "DEAD GARO" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "WEISHEIT". A text box appears that reads as follows:

    "Henry G."
    "Melissa A."
    "Arnold R."

    "Thievery. Manslaughter. Trafficking."
    "Thievery. Murder."
    "Thievery. Vandalism. Murder."

    The "Garo" explodes and the video cuts to black. A distorted image of Pursan appears along with the following text:

    "One down."
    "Two to go."


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off the names of the three targets given by Pursan and their crimes: "Henry G. Melissa A. Arnold R."


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "WHO ARE THESE GUYS"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:46 PM, the player otherLiam continued to taunt BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server, sending the message "i'm in santa monica come get me bitch". Shortly after this, otherLiam claimed he heard someone knocking on his door.
    • At 10:47 PM, the player otherLiam was kicked from the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, BUP posted a link to a new video on the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "MXSPHCSYFTLRIAHFIIEFJ". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "MXSPHCSYFTLRIAHFIIEFJ" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with a recording of the player otherLiam's computer screen. The Internet Detectives Discord server can be seen. The player otherLiam suddenly screams and the video cuts out. A distorted image of BUP fades in as the video ends.


    • This video depicts the player otherLiam being attacked by BUP as he is presumably killed.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:05 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "ZWEI UNTEN". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "ZWEI UNTEN" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to a location near the "Owl Statue" with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "ANOTHER ONE". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "ANOTHER ONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "ZWEI UNTEN". A text box appears that reads as follows:

    "Head Producer"


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off the jobs of the three targets given by Pursan: "Head Producer, Neophyte, Gardener"


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:57 PM, the player Xenquillity submitted the video "EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link running through "Ikana Canyon". Link runs to a location next to the "Owl Statue" with the "Garo's Mask" equipped. A "Garo" enemy suddenly appears and attacks Link. Link quickly defeats the "Garo" and the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link uncovers a "Garo" enemy using the "Garo's Mask" and quickly defeats him.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "LAST ONE". target=_blank

    8/17/20 - "LAST ONE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing above the "Garo" enemy that was just defeated in the video "EINE BEZAHLTE SCHULD". A text box appears that reads as follows:



    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • The "Garo" enemy the player Xenquility killed lists off some strange acronyms connected to the targets given by Pursan: "PIRA, AGRB, RESG"


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    August 18th, 2020

    • At 12:03 AM, Pursan became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    8/18/20 - Chat with Pursan - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [12:03 PM] Pursan: "You did well."
    [12:03 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [12:03 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [12:03 PM] Xenquility: "Merci"
    [12:03 PM] Pako: "you're french now?"
    [12:03 PM] Xenquility: "Can we know where those guys were from now?"
    [12:05 PM] Pursan: "Individuals who you do not know, and would have never come to know."
    [12:05 PM] Pako: "that's nice"
    [12:05 PM] yoshi: "that last bit is a bit obvious considering theyre kinda dead"
    [12:05 PM] Xenquility: "Would just be nice to know for fun"
    [12:05 PM] Pako: "orrrr"
    [12:05 PM] Pako: "he is trying to trick us"
    [12:05 PM] Xenquility: "i think he was saying that whether or not they were alive or dead we wouldnt meet them"
    [12:06 PM] Pako: "and we know who they are"
    [12:06 PM] Pako: "is hard this shit"
    [12:06 PM] yoshi: "i know but like especially so now lmao"
    [12:06 PM] Pursan: "There are no tricks up my sleeves."
    [12:06 PM] Pursan: "I am a man of my word."
    [12:06 PM] Pursan: "One moment."

    [12:06 PM] Pako: "ye we know you since today"
    [12:06 PM] Pako: "lmao"
    [12:06 PM] Pako: "how we can trust you"
    [12:06 PM] Problematik: "Do you fulfilled your part of the deal?"
    [12:06 PM] Pursan: ((The image "Sanctum.png" is sent)) target=_blank
    [12:06 PM] yoshi: ":frogrotate2:"
    [12:07 PM] Pako: "wh0tt"
    [12:07 PM] Xenquility: "oh damn"
    [12:07 PM] Pako: "seems like he is god"
    [12:07 PM] Linko: so can we know why you had us kill these randos"
    [12:07 PM] Linko: like why us specifically"
    [12:07 PM] Problematik: "johnisdead.com/sanctum ?"
    [12:07 PM] Linko: if they had nothing to do with us"
    [12:07 PM] Xenquility: "no sanctum is the place on AO"
    [12:07 PM] yoshi: "apparently they were bad people and we had the power to kill em"
    [12:07 PM] yoshi: "idek"
    [12:07 PM] Pursan: "These individuals had wronged me in the past."
    [12:08 PM] Pursan: "Quite the mockery."
    [12:08 PM] Pursan: "I don't enjoy dirtying my own hands."
    [12:08 PM] Pursan: "You just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

    [12:08 PM] Problematik: "So we just do the dirty work?"
    [12:08 PM] Pursan: "Lucky you, no?"
    [12:08 PM] Pako: "Why you didn't killed they personally?"
    [12:08 PM] yoshi: "damn ok"
    [12:08 PM] Xenquility: "holy shit this is actually really cool"
    [12:08 PM] Xenquility: "the first path is up which is "Sword" and "Guardian""
    [12:09 PM] Xenquility: "wow im actually gooing to coom to this is cool"
    [12:09 PM] Pursan: "It's been a pleasure, Detectives."
    [12:09 PM] Pursan: "Adieu."

    [12:09 PM] Xenquility: "Will we meet again?"
    [12:09 PM] Pursan: "Perhaps."
    [12:09 PM] Pako: "ok if pursan is true what is he saying if we accept the trade we're gonna kill 3 person who will never who they are"
    [12:09 PM] Xenquility: "I hope it's under kinder circumstances"


    • Pursan congratulates the players on a job well done.
    • Pursan gifts the players a stylized map of the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net and departs.


    • Files
    • Sanctum.png - A stylized map of the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net. target=_blank
    • At 1:03 AM, the player Xenquility managed to translate the unknown alphabet on the image "Sanctum.png". target=_blank
    • At 7:19 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "rook.gif". target=_blank

    August 22nd, 2020

    • At 12:36 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "playingfield.png". target=_blank
    • At 3:49 AM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "SANCTA SANCTORUM". target=_blank

    8/23/20 - "SANCTA SANCTORUM" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage from Majora's Mask. This video begins with footage from the video "SCHWARZ" playing. The video suddenly cuts back to the player's recording. Link is standing infront of a "Withered Deku Baba" enemy in "Woodfall Temple". Link easily kills the enemy, obtaining a "Deku Stick" in the process. The video fades into footage of Link standing in the same dark room seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER". The player uses their newly obtained "Deku Stick" to light all of the torches, successfully unlocking the door. Link exits the room and the video fades to white. Footage of Link on a ledge in "Woodfall Temple" is shown. There is a large gap with a hookshot target on the other side. The player uses their "Hookshot" to cross the gap and open a nearby chest to obtain a "Red Rupee". The video cuts to black.

    Link is shown in Clock Town. Link enters the "Great Fairy Fountain", where the "Bean Salesman" is found once again. Link speaks to the "Bean Salesman" and purchases one pod of "Magic Beans" with the rupees he just found. Link is then shown entering Termina Field. He approaches the location seen in the video "A PRESENT" and retrieves the "Empty Bottle" from the chest. He then proceeds through Termina Field until falling into a "Secret Grotto". Link is now in the cave next to the "Deku Palace". Link plants the "Magic Bean" in the nearby soft soil and waters it using the "Empty Bottle", just as the players had done previously in the video "BOHNE SAGA". A plant platform sprouts from the soil, which Link rides up to the chest on the ledge. He opens the chest and obtains the "Hero's Bow". Link exits the cave and equips the "Hero's Bow".

    Link is now in "Romani Ranch". He approaches Epona in a similar fashion to the video "WÄCHTER". Epona speaks to him in Morse code:

    "ABOVE US"

    He then stands on a nearby crate and looks up, revealing the mini-boss "Wart". "Wart" falls to the floor and the battle begins. After a grueling battle, Link manages to defeat "Wart" through careful use of the "Hookshot". After this, Link approaches Epona, who once again speaks in Morse code:


    Link is then warped to the location outside of "Woodfall Temple" seen in the video "UNBEKANNT". Much like in the original video, Link crosses a narrow bridge and a "Peahat" enemy rises up in the air in the distance. the "Peahat" enemy begins approaching Link, but gets stuck. The player begins laughing and leaves the area.

    The video cuts to Link in the "Goron Graveyeard" as seen in the video "VIERWAHL". The "Poe Sister" mini-boss appears once again and creates four appirations that spin around Link. Much like in the video "VIERWAHL", the names of the "Four Giants" appear over the "Poe Sister" appirations. The player attacks the one labelled "Hank" with the "Hookshot" killing the mini-boss. Link then leaves the area.

    Link is now seen in the "Ikana Graveyard". He approaches the character "Captain Keeta" and wakes him up using the "Sonata of Awakening". The race with "Captain Keeta" begins, which Link quickly wins. The following cutscene plays out as normal. As expected, Link crosses a gap using the "Hookshot" and opens a chest containing the "Captain's Hat" mask. Link then exits the area.

    Link is now seen in the "Oceanside Spider House". Much like in the video "SOLDATIN", there is a "Beamos" enemy blocking the entrance. Link dodges one of the attackes by the "Beamos" and retaliates by throwing a bomb. This kills the "Beamos", allowing Link to progress through the "Oceanside Spider House". Link proceeds to the room seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE". Link equips the "Captain's Hat" and speaks to each of the four "Stalchildren" enemies surrounding the table. The first tells him to shoot "BLUE", which causes the image "John.gif" to appear on screen. The second tells him to shoot "YELLOW", which causes the image "ages.png" and "3_realms.gif" to appear on screen. The third tells him to shoot "RED", which causses the video "R.webm" to appear on screen. The final tells him to shoot "GREEN", which causes the image "transcended.gif" to appear on screen. Link then proceeds to speak to the two remaining "Stalchildren" enemies, which reveal how he should actually solve the puzzle in-game to proceed. Link then solves the puzzle as the game expects and proceeds through a newly opened door. Link approaches a chest guarded by a large "Skulltulla" enemy, which he quickly defeats. As he approaches the chest, the video ends.


    • This is a massive video response to various puzzles found in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
    • The players defeat the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy seen in "SCHWARZ", obtaining a "Deku Stick" in the process.
    • The players light the torches seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER" using their newly obtained "Deku Stick", which opens up a room with a large gap.
    • The players cross the large gap marked on the map given to them by Pursan and found in the newly discovered room by using their "Hookshot". This leads them to a chest containing some "Rupees", which was also marked on Pursan's map.
    • The players purchase a pod of "Magic Beans" from the "Bean Salesman" seen in the video "VERKÄUFER" using their newly obtained "Rupees".
    • The players retrieve the "Empty Bottle" given to them in the video "A PRESENT".
    • The players use the "Empty Bottle" filled with water and the newly obtained "Magic Beans" to create a platform leading to a chest containing the "Hero's Bow".
    • The players encounter the mini-boss "Wart" in the same location seen in the video "WÄCHTER" and defeat him using the "Hookshot".
    • The players encounter the enemy "Peahat" in the same location seen in the video "UNBEKANNT", but leave when the enemy gets stuck.
    • The players encounter the mini-boss "Poe Sister." in the same location seen in the video "VIERWAHL" and defeat it by shooting the appiration labelled "Hank".
    • The players wake up the character "Captain Keeta" in the "Ikana Graveyard" and beat him in a race, earning them the "Captain's Hat" mask.
    • The players encounter the enemy "Beamos" in the same location seen in the video "SOLDATIN" and defeat it by using the "Bombs" given to them in the video "A GIFT".
    • The players speak to the "Stalchildren" enemies in the same location seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE" using their newly obtained "Captain's Hat" in the order "Blue", "Yellow", "Red", "Green".
    • The players complete the "Stalchildren" puzzle the normal way intended by the game and encounter a "Skulltulla" enemy, which they quickly defeat. They then open a chest as the video ends.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Tags: N/A

    August 24th, 2020

    • At 10:41 AM, a new video was uploaded on Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "COMBO". target=_blank

    8/24/20 - "COMBO" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distorted footage of the video "SCHWARZ" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link defeating the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SCHWARZ". He defeats the "Whithered Deku Baba" enemy in the void and obtains a "Deku Stick".

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "DUNKELZIMMER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link lighting the torches in the dark room. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "DUNKELZIMMER". He defeats lights all of the torches in the dark room, unlocking the door.

    A distorted image of "Sanctum.png" is shown with Pursan's avatar faintly overlaying the image. The image zooms in on the "GAP" part of the map as a distorted version of the "Song of Double Time" can be heard. The following text appears:


    The video cuts to distorted footage of an unseen video playing on an undiscovered Astral Observatory page. This video shows Link standing on a ledge high up in the "Great Bay" area. A tree can be seen on another ledge across a gap. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link using his "Hookshot" to cross a gap. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the unknown video above. Link uses his "Hookshot" to cross the gap by shooting the tree. He then opens a chest containing a "Red Rupee".

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "VERKÄUFER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link buying beans from the "Bean Salesman". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "VERKÄUFER". Link buys a pod of "Magic Beans" from the "Bean Salesman" using his newly obtained rupees.

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "SAAT" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link planting his newly obtained "Magic Beans" in the soil and watering it with the "Empty Bottle". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SAAT". Link plants the "Magic Bean" and waters it using the "Empty Bottle", resulting in a plant platform sprouting. Link then rides the plant platform up to a chest on a ledge. Link opens the chest, obtaining the "Hero's Bow".

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "WÄCHTER" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link attacking the mini-boss "Wart". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "WÄCHTER". Link fights the "Wart" mini-boss. Each time Link strikes the enemy, the video corrupts. As Link lands the final blow, the video cuts to black.

    A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a tree with a distorted image of Doug's face barely visible. target=_blank

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "VIERWAHL" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link attacking the "Poe Sister" appiration labelled "Hank". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "VIERWAHL". Link shoots one of the "Poe Sister" appirations and the video cuts to black.

    A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing in a snowy environment with a distorted image of a face barely visible. target=_blank

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "SOLDATIN" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link defeating the "Beamos" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "SOLDATIN". Link blows up the "Beamos" enemy with a bomb and the video cuts to black.

    A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a fence with the mask of "The Watcher" barely visible. target=_blank

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "REIHENFOLGE" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "SANCTA SANCTORUM" plays, showing Link solving the colored mask puzzle and killing the "Skulltulla" enemy. The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "REIHENFOLGE". Link enters the door locked by the colored mask puzzle and enters through. A "Skulltulla" enemy drops from the ceiling. Link defeats it and the video cuts to black.

    A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a rock formation with a "Bombchu" enemy climbing over it with Kelbris barely visible. target=_blank


    • This video is a response to the player Xenquility's submission of the video "SANCTA SANCTORUM". Most of the player's submission was acccepted:
    • The players successfully defeated the "Withered Deku Baba" enemy, earning them the "Deku Stick".
    • The players successfully lit the torches in the dark room, unlocking a new location containing a gap they must cross.
    • The players successfully crossed the gap in the new location, earning them a "Red Rupee".
    • The players successfully made a purchase from the "Bean Salesman", earing them a pod of "Magic Beans".
    • The players successfully planted the "Magic Bean", earning them the "Hero's Bow".
    • The players successfully defeated the "Wart", "Poe Sister", "Beamos", and "Skulltulla" enemies.
    • Each time the players defeated one of Pumpkinhead's minions, an SSTV signal played revealing a screenshot of the location of one of the "Bomber Gang Kid" members. These locations are as follows:
    • Next to a large tree.
    • In a snowy environment.
    • Next to a fence.
    • Next to a rock formation near "Bombchu" enemies.
    • The "Peahat" enemy was not shown to be defeated, implying the players must record themselves killing it to progress.
    • An unknown page was shown with a never before seen video of Link coming across the "Gap" seen on Pursan's map. The "Song of Double Time" plays, implying the players essentially sequence-broke this section of the "Sanctum" hole, as their submission to cross this gap was accepted before they even encountered it.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Tags: N/A
    • Screenshots:
    • The first SSTV signal image: target=_blank
    • The second SSTV signal image: target=_blank
    • The third SSTV signal image: target=_blank
    • The fourth SSTV signal image: target=_blank
    • At 2:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/doug/notanymore". This page was titled "Astral" and contained the image "G1.gif". target=_blank This page also containd the audio "dandp.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained Morse code that translated to "I DRAGGED HIM INTO THIS ITS ALL MY FAULT".
    • At 2:18 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio file "dandp.mp3" contained an SSTV signal that translated to an image of a distorted Majora's Mask screenshot of Link speaking to a "Bomber Gang Kid" member with text that read "strike stones". target=_blank This image, combined with the other images discovered through SSTV signals in the "Sanctum" hole, revealed the following, full image: target=_blank The full text reads "THE MINIONS HIDE THEM STRIKE STONES 'You'll have to find all five of us if you want back inside! But we may look a little different.'".
    • At 2:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the image "G1.gif" on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/(...)/mask/doug/notanymore" would redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.com/(...)/doug/notanymore/trapped". This page was titled "Astral" and contained Morse code that translated to "YOU NEED SOMETHING TO CROSS THIS GAP". This page also contained the undiscovered video seen in the video "COMBO" - "KLUFT". target=_blank

    8/24/20 - "KLUFT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing on a ledge high up in the "Great Bay" area. He approaches the edge of the ledge, where another ledge can be seen in the distance. Link observes a tree sitting upon this other ledge as the video ends.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link is seen observing a tree on a ledge across a large gap.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 4:08 PM, Xenquility submitted the video "LETZTES LACHEN". target=_blank

    8/24/20 - "LETZTES LACHEN" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen standing in "Woodfall". He approaches the location near the "Peahat" enemy. Link blocks and dodges the enemy's blades and strikes at its weak point, killing it quickly.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link quickly defeats the "Peahat" enemy encountered in the video "UNBEKANNT".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:58 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "FINAL ONE DOWN". target=_blank

    8/24/20 - "FINAL ONE DOWN" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    The video cuts to distorted footage of the video "UNBEKANNT" playing on its associated Astral Observatory page. Distorted footage of the players' video "LETZTES LACHEN" plays, showing Link defeating the enemy "Peahat". The video cuts to footage of Majora's Mask, showing Link in the same location seen in the video "UNBEKANNT". Link fights the "Peahat" enemy. As Link lands the final blow, the video cuts to black.

    A green portal-like image appears as an SSTV signal plays out. This SSTV signal translates to an image of a "Bomber Gang Kid" member standing next to a tree in an underground environment with the "Mirror Shield" barely visible. target=_blank


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • Link kills the "Peahat" enemy seen in the video "UNBEKANNT", confirming the player's submission.
    • Another SSTV signal is given to the players revealing the location of the final "Bomber Gang Kid" member - somewhere underground next to a large tree.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description:
    • Tags:
    • Screenshots:
    • The SSTV signal image: target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, the player Xenquility discovered the locations of four of the "Bomber Gang Kids" members from the SSTV signals:
    • Near a large tree in Termina Field.
    • Near the entrance to the "Snowhead" area just before the "Mountain Village".
    • Near the fence next to the "Astral Observatory".
    • Near the invisible man found in the entrance to "Ikana Canyon".
    • At 10:06 PM, the players Dense and ADULT_LINK discovered the location of the final "Bomber Gang Kids" member from the SSTV signals - at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House" next to a large tree.
    • At 10:56 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". target=_blank

    8/24/20 - "VERSTECK SPIEL" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link approaching the "Sheikah Stone" in Termina Field and striking it. The video then fades into footage of Link approaching the "Sheikah Stone" on the path to the "Mountain Village" and striking it. The video fades once again, now showing Link striking the "Sheikah Stone" next to the Astral Observatory. Link then strikes the "Sheikah Stone" on the path to "Ikana Valley", before finally striking the "Sheikah Stone" found at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House".


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • This video features the player Xenquility striking the five "Sheikah Stones" revealed by the five SSTV signals showing locations of the "Bomber Gang Kid" members.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "BUT HOW REAL CAN A GAME BECOME?"
    • Tags: N/A

    August 29th, 2020

    • At 9:01 PM, the player Xenquility claimed that he witnessed some lewd websites in another player's screenshot as a joke. Shortly after this, BUP sent the message "Gross".

    August 31st, 2020

    • At 1:22 AM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "website.png". target=_blank
    • At 1:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated. The page now featured the video "halo.mp4". target=_blank

    8/31/20 - "halo.mp4" - Johnisdead.com

    This video begins with distorted footage of what seems to be the Parallelos. Tyler's yard and house come into view. Dawn suddenly comes into view, approaching Tyler's front door. It appears as though he's holding a sword. As Dawn reaches for the doorknob, the video stutters and Greth barges out of Tyler's house, also holding a sword. Dawn and Greth begin sword fighting one another. As they battle, the video continuously glitches and stutters. Greth suddenly disappears, leaving Dawn alone. The footage returns to normal as well, perhaps implying that Dawn is not in the Parallelos. The video begins distorting once again, showing an image of the Spire before showing Dawn cleaning his sword. The camera moves through a Parallelos-like environment for some time, showing some cryptic images such as the Detour sign. Dawn approaches Tyler's house once again. As he enters, the footage returns to normal. He turns a corner and finds an open briefcase on the floor. As he approaches it, the footage begins corrupting. Dawn finds the Libro Lunarus inside the briefcase, which he tosses aside. Instead, Dawn grabs a light-colored book with a sigil of the sun drawn on the front. As Dawn turns to leave, the footage corrupts and cuts to black. A "Rook" chesspiece is seen spinning in a 3d environment of what appears to be an ancient temple with some sun symbols drawn about. The following text appears in a text box from Majora's Mask:

    "You received a ROOK!"
    "Someone has pleged their services to your cause."

    A scene of another 3d environment begins playing. The camera zooms through what appears to be an industrial environment to two computer screens. These two screens begin glitching and show footage of Greth holding a sword.


    • Dawn finally arrives at Tyler's house after a month of travelling.
    • As Dawn is about to enter Tyler's house, he is attacked by Greth. Dawn and Greth have a sword battle, with Dawn seemingly victorious.
    • Dawn enters Tyler's house and recovers his holy book - a white book with a sun symbol on the cover. It was discovered in a briefcase containing the Libro Lunarus.
    • The players are told they have received a "Rook" chesspiece, and that someone has pleged their services to their cause.
    • Some distorted footage of Greth holding a sword is shown, implying that he is indeed still alive.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 4:32 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    8/31/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [4:32 PM] Xenquility: "wait FUCK that "fool card" is an eight of hearts not an eight of clubs"
    [4:35 PM] Dawn: "What's the fool card have to do with anything?"
    [4:36 PM] Xenquility: "nothing really but IA said that he thought him giving Mason the eight of clubs invoked something and back in your arc that SSTV was posted a few days after Patrem called Regiminis a "Grand Fool""

    [4:37 PM] Xenquility: "and I thought that could've meant that the card that IA gave mason was that fool card which in turn invoked Regiminis/Nocta which is why Regiminis/Nocta eventually found them"
    [4:39 PM] Xenquility: "also in case this is canon how's life going"
    [4:48 PM] Dawn: "My arc?"
    [4:48 PM] Dawn: "It's going alright"
    [4:48 PM] Dawn: "Been sleeping and relaxing finally"
    [4:49 PM] Dawn: "You ever work/walk/do things for so long that you lay down, and you can feel your back straightening out? Feels pretty nice"

    [4:50 PM] nfreak141: "so you get your book back?"
    [4:51 PM] Dawn: "What do you mean? Thought you guys would know I have it by now."
    [4:52 PM] nfreak141: "oh cool. i mean, i really had nothing else to say honestly it would have been awkward just leaving things hanging yknow?"
    [4:53 PM] Xenquility: "Yeah, though I'd imagine I can't really compare carrying groceries home to walking across florida"
    [4:53 PM] Dense: "how to train crocs"
    [4:53 PM] Xenquility: "So what was it like fucking sword fighting greth"
    [4:54 PM] nfreak141: "oh yeah that looked fun."
    [4:56 PM] Problematik: Sword fights?"
    [4:56 PM] Problematik: Thats sounds kinda gay"
    [4:56 PM] nfreak141: "ur gay"
    [4:56 PM] Xenquility: "yeh check out the new video on johnisdead.com"
    [4:56 PM] nfreak141: "OH SHIZZZ"
    [4:56 PM] Dawn: "Was that Greth? I don't know; I just felt like I was being attacked"
    [4:56 PM] Xenquility: "I think so"
    [4:57 PM] Xenquility: "he was at tyler's with some massive sword a while ago and I'm not exactly sure how many other people just carry those things around"
    [4:58 PM] Dawn: "I had my weapon with me"
    [4:58 PM] Dawn: "I remembered you all talking about what happened to Law"
    [4:58 PM] Dawn: "So I found something to defend myself"

    [4:59 PM] nfreak141: "so yoiu just get a fuckmothering sword?"
    [4:59 PM] Xenquility: "I feel like that'd be harder to acquire than firearms but I guess florida is a crazy place"
    [5:00 PM] Xenquility: "also did you actually kill that guy or did he just run off"
    [5:00 PM] nfreak141: "calling it, he got the sword out of a crocodiles mouth because he's the king of florida"
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "Kill the thing that attacked me?"
    [5:01 PM] Dawn: "It sorta vanished"

    [5:02 PM] Xenquility: "holy shit greth turned into a force ghost"
    [5:02 PM] Dawn: "I'm unsure where it went."
    [5:02 PM] Dawn: "It was pretty obvious with me seeing it happen; I assume somehow your vision of the things that have transpired became corrupted in some way"
    [5:02 PM] Dawn: "I felt myself being dragged into a different realm when it appeared"
    [5:02 PM] Dawn: "As if a hand grabbed me and pulled me elsewhere"

    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "Sounds parallelos-y"
    [5:03 PM] nfreak141: "what i find amazing is that greth ALSO had a sword"
    [5:03 PM] Dawn: "Luckily I'm able to leave those places"
    [5:04 PM] Xenquility: "did you happen to touch that detour sign at all"
    [5:04 PM] nfreak141: "like wow what a coincidence"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "In my experience, swords are typically how battles are won in said places"
    [5:04 PM] Dawn: "Firearms have a way of malfunctioning"

    [5:04 PM] Problematik: Lets kill pumpkinhead with a sword"
    [5:04 PM] Problematik: Lets craft one"
    [5:04 PM] Xenquility: "if that's the case I guess it makes sense he had a sword"
    [5:05 PM] Xenquility: "he's currently possessed by either patrem or BUP"
    [5:05 PM] Xenquility: "unless there's like"
    [5:05 PM] Dawn: "It's also entirely possible it wasn't a sword, but that's how we percieved it."
    [5:05 PM] Xenquility: "two greth's now"
    [5:05 PM] nfreak141: "wait does bup even do his own dirty work?"
    [5:05 PM] Dawn: "If I'm being truthful, I'm able to recover my sword no matter where I may find myself, as long as the Sun looks favoribly upon me."
    [5:06 PM] nfreak141: "i mean it probably was him. isn't vincent, and by extension patrem, possessing jacob now?"
    [5:06 PM] Dawn: "I'm just glad I'm back home"
    [5:07 PM] Xenquility: "I mean I don't think Vincent is actually possessing Jacob?"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "maybe he is though I've no real clue"
    [5:09 PM] Xenquility: "We never really heard why BUP sent the two Greth's back to 2016 for a brief period there so maybe that was some weird thing where like"
    [5:09 PM] Xenquility: "he did that so he could possess a Greth while Patrem also possesses a Greth"
    [5:10 PM] Dawn: "Can I possess a greth?"
    [5:10 PM] nfreak141: "only if you ask politely"
    [5:10 PM] Xenquility: "I don't know if we have any left"
    [5:10 PM] Dawn: "I guess I'll settle for a Wolfcat"
    [5:10 PM] Xenquility: "wtf wow im jealous"
    [5:10 PM] Xenquility: "i also don't think we have wolf's left either though"
    [5:10 PM] Dawn: "Fiine"
    [5:11 PM] Dawn: "I'll go with a Tyler"

    [5:11 PM] Xenquility: "that'll probably work"
    [5:11 PM] nfreak141: "wait do we even have tylers to give?"
    [5:11 PM] Xenquility: "who knows anymore"
    [5:11 PM] Dawn: "I'll go find one"
    [5:11 PM] nfreak141: "isn't he fucking dead?"
    [5:12 PM] Dawn: "Exactly"
    [5:12 PM] Xenquility: "dawn proceeds to walk back to florida to find tyler"
    [5:12 PM] Dawn: "Death is only a state of being"
    [5:12 PM] Dawn: "It's not as if he were ripped asunder or his soul destroyed"

    [5:12 PM] Xenquility: "-said the necrophiliac"
    [5:12 PM] Dawn: "Sometimes you just gotta have a cold one"
    [5:13 PM] Xenquility: "isn't there a parallelos filled with dead people"
    [5:13 PM] Xenquility: "or did the LC retcon that"
    [5:13 PM] Xenquility: "i mean"
    [5:13 PM] Xenquility: "get proven wrong about that"
    [5:13 PM] Dawn: "I don't like travelling those places"
    [5:13 PM] Dawn: "They make me feel odd"

    [5:13 PM] nfreak141: "to other parallelos?"
    [5:13 PM] Dawn: "And sometimes I get attacked by bearded men with swords"
    [5:13 PM] Dawn: "I have my book, and I have the light of Helios"
    [5:13 PM] Dawn: "All I need"

    [5:14 PM] Xenquility: "what's in that book anyways"
    [5:14 PM] Pako: you're gonna find tyler?"
    [5:14 PM] nfreak141: "so much has happeend. remind me why dawn having his powers back is a good thing? heheh"
    [5:14 PM] Dawn: "I'm not actually going to look for Tyler. I'm lazy."
    [5:14 PM] Pako: damn"
    [5:14 PM] Dawn: "Also, the book consists of my holy texts and writings."
    [5:14 PM] Dawn: "Maybe I'll give you a glance"
    [5:14 PM] Dawn: "But it's something I'd have to think on"
    [5:16 PM] Dawn: "Anyhow, all of your small suggestions and pointers have really helped me out"
    [5:16 PM] Dawn: "If there's anything I can do to assist you all, let me know."
    [5:16 PM] Dawn: "That being said, I can't promise much"
    [5:17 PM] Dawn: "Namely you may ask something of me that would take me quite a while to perform; at which point my help would no longer be neccisary"
    [5:17 PM] Dawn: "Or maybe you'd ask me to do something that goes against the gospel of Helios"
    [5:17 PM] Dawn: "But I'm sure when the time comes, you'll be able to think of something you'll definitely need my help for"
    [5:17 PM] Dawn: "That's how I'll repay my debt for the help"

    [5:17 PM] Pako: try to fight against the lc"
    [5:18 PM] Xenquility: "awesome thank ya"
    [5:18 PM] Xenquility: "is there some sort of Dawn bat signal we can use"
    [5:18 PM] Dawn: "Yeah"
    [5:18 PM] Dawn: "@The Sun"

    [5:18 PM] Xenquility: "wow that's not as epic"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "Look, Batman should have a batphone"
    [5:19 PM] Xenquility: "you'd think helios would splurge on some sort huge signal but I guess gods are just stingier than they used to be"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "I mean"
    [5:19 PM] Xenquility: "just kidding all praise helios please don't hurt me"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "You can perform a ritual to give me a message"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "It's just easier to ping me"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "I can teach you said ritual"

    [5:19 PM] Pako: bloodsunritualpt1"
    [5:19 PM] Xenquility: "fuck yes let's hear it"
    [5:19 PM] Dawn: "Give me a second"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "Alright, the ritual requires:"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "A small pearl that is both easily crushable and non-toxic"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "Wine mixed with honey"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "A goblet"
    [5:20 PM] Dawn: "A copper wire"
    [5:21 PM] Dawn: "Crush the small pearl into a fine powder, and mix in in the drink, while whispering the message you wish to send me in latin"
    [5:21 PM] Dawn: "Make sure the wine is in a fine, metal goblet, so as to resonate with the words spoken"
    [5:22 PM] Dawn: "Drink of the mixture, and hold the copper wire with both hands, while whispering the message"
    [5:22 PM] Dawn: "You must do this outdoors. Any stonework more than 1 inch thick will block the message."

    [5:22 PM] nfreak141: "yeh fuck that i'm pinging you"
    [5:23 PM] Dawn: "If I may be outdoors at that point, I will recieve said message."
    [5:23 PM] Dawn: "I must also not be travelling the realms"
    [5:23 PM] Dawn: "We must be on the same realm"
    [5:23 PM] Dawn: "If all of that is done correctly, I should recieve your message"

    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "sounds easy enough"
    [5:23 PM] Xenquility: "does the amount of wine or honey matter"
    [5:24 PM] Dawn: "No; I reccomend more so you're not drinking straight pearl though"
    [5:24 PM] Xenquility: "So after whispering the message in latin while mixing the drink, do you then drink it, hold the copper wire, and whisper it again in english?"
    [5:25 PM] Dawn: "You don't have to whisper the second time, you can just speak as normal"
    [5:25 PM] nfreak141: "how do you say "ayyo dawn you gotta come here this shit be getting wack" in latin?"
    [5:25 PM] Dawn: "Technically it doesn't have to be english; it's just that if you speak spanish I would hear it in spanish"
    [5:26 PM] Xenquility: "sounds easy enough"
    [5:26 PM] Dawn: "I just said whisper the second time because if you're speaking aloud someone might think you're crazy"
    [5:28 PM] Xenquility: "is it to be recorded"
    [5:30 PM] Dawn: "I would reccomend just pinging me"


    • Dawn confirms that he has retrieved his holy book.
    • Dawn wasn't aware that he was being attacked by Greth - he claims he was pulled into some strange realm while being attacked by a force he didn't recognize.
    • Dawn says he'll assist the players if they ever require his help - as long as it doesn't go against his religious code regarding Helios.

    September 1st, 2020

    • At 6:40 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/1/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [6:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My my."
    [6:40 PM] nfreak141: "oh. hey bup"
    [6:40 PM] Xenquility: "bongiorno"
    [6:40 PM] Problematik: "Whatsupp asshole"
    [6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ok then goodbye"
    [6:41 PM] nfreak141: "bye bup"
    [6:41 PM] Xenquility: "nice job"
    [6:41 PM] Problematik: "Before you leave"
    [6:41 PM] Problematik: "Wheres liam?"
    [6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Dead."
    [6:41 PM] Problematik: "Like my dad?"
    [6:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Deader."
    [6:42 PM] Problematik: "Oh shit"
    [6:42 PM] Problematik: "K now you can leave, unless xen have something to say"
    [6:42 PM] nfreak141: "wait bup i have a question."
    [6:42 PM] nfreak141: "how can one be deader than dead?"
    [6:43 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "In many ways."
    [6:43 PM] Xenquility: "is deader than dead like getting killed in the dead parallelos"
    [6:43 PM] nfreak141: "Yeah if you don't mind we need to talk about this one."
    [6:43 PM] Xenquility: "or ascending and then getting killed by someone in the ascended parallelos"
    [6:43 PM] Problematik: "Can we get our friend back?"
    [6:43 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [6:43 PM] nfreak141: "Like can someone die after they get killed?"
    [6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."
    [6:44 PM] nfreak141: "ok but like"
    [6:44 PM] Problematik: "You kill him and then you kill his ghost?"
    [6:44 PM] nfreak141: "explain this"
    [6:44 PM] nfreak141: "...goddammit it's loading on my end"
    [6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I think that explains itself."
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: "I mean we have people like john who died but are still kind of alive"
    [6:44 PM] Xenquility: "or at least he was not sure about anymore"
    [6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "John is not alive."
    [6:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "John is dead."

    [6:45 PM] Problematik: "Oh god"
    [6:45 PM] Xenquility: "roll credits"
    [6:45 PM] nfreak141: "How dead we talkng?"
    [6:45 PM] nfreak141: "Deader then dead or just regular dead?"
    [6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The deadest, honestly."
    [6:45 PM] Xenquility: "I just mean in the sense he was able to communicate somewhat"
    [6:45 PM] Problematik: "Did you killed liam's ghost?"
    [6:45 PM] nfreak141: "Ok so like how many levels of dead are there?"
    [6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Deader than me."
    [6:45 PM] Pako: "he ascended?"
    [6:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And I'm all kinds of dead."
    [6:46 PM] nfreak141: "Bad day at the office?"
    [6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, i killed myself."
    [6:46 PM] Problematik: "Why?"
    [6:46 PM] Xenquility: "did you kill greth"
    [6:46 PM] Xenquility: "or"
    [6:46 PM] Xenquility: "a greth"
    [6:46 PM] nfreak141: "Wait were you the one that tried to fight Dawn"
    [6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because it was the smart thing to do."
    [6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just told you, I killed me me."

    [6:46 PM] Pako: "Bup did you leave tyler's house?"
    [6:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not meme, because I know that's coming."
    [6:47 PM] nfreak141: "Dammit"
    [6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I committed suicide."
    [6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But it let me do this."

    [6:47 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [6:47 PM] Problematik: "Only cowards do suicide"
    [6:47 PM] nfreak141: "Wait, who's it?"
    [6:47 PM] Xenquility: "oh god"
    [6:47 PM] Xenquility: "what's he about to do"
    [6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nothing."
    [6:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I meant what I've been doing since we've met."

    [6:47 PM] Problematik: "You are a coward for killing yourself"
    [6:47 PM] Xenquility: "ah ok"
    [6:47 PM] Pako: "how are you talking now with us if you're dead?"
    [6:47 PM] Xenquility: "did you ascend yourself"
    [6:48 PM] Xenquility: "or literally just die"
    [6:48 PM] Problematik: "Instead of facing your problems"
    [6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I had no problems to face."
    [6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I killed myself to gain power."

    [6:48 PM] Problematik: "You decided the easy way"
    [6:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You're vastly misunderstanding."
    [6:48 PM] nfreak141: "Oh yeah that makes sense"
    [6:49 PM] Problematik: "Yeh maybe"
    [6:49 PM] Pako: "Ok so you got more power than before?"
    [6:49 PM] nfreak141: "See Problem he wasn't a coward he got more powerful liek the BALLSIEST way he could."
    [6:49 PM] nfreak141: "So how'd you off yourself? Like how painful we talking?"
    [6:49 PM] Xenquility: "the real question is what if he killed himself to enter the reapers game :thinking:"
    [6:49 PM] Problematik: "To gain more power he can just drink water or do exercise"
    [6:49 PM] nfreak141: "Strangulation, OD, gun to the head, stab wound?"
    [6:50 PM] Xenquility: "electrocution is the best way to go"
    [6:50 PM] Xenquility: "or drowning"
    [6:50 PM] Problematik: "Toaster as a bath bomb"
    [6:50 PM] nfreak141: "That would be.......... shocking"
    [6:50 PM] nfreak141: ":sunglasses:"
    [6:50 PM] Pako: ":blank:"
    [6:50 PM] Xenquility: "you're banned"
    [6:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not my job to explain death to you, you know."
    [6:50 PM] nfreak141: "no"
    [6:51 PM] nfreak141: "But could you do it from one pal to another?"
    [6:51 PM] nfreak141: "Puh lease?"
    [6:51 PM] Pako: "an0theR"
    [6:51 PM] Problematik: "Probably you can explain why my dad left me"
    [6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You kill yourself, and you die."
    [6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What happens after that is up to you."

    [6:51 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait whats happening in here?"
    [6:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If you're smart, like me, you use it."
    [6:51 PM] ADULT_LINK: "someone dying?"
    [6:52 PM] Xenquility: "oh yeah of course just "use death""
    [6:52 PM] Problematik: "Nah, just talking with a ghost"
    [6:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean, you all act as if this is some shocking suggestion."
    [6:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How long has ritual suicide and sacrifice been a part of human culture, exactly?"

    [6:52 PM] Problematik: "Bup, do you drink liquor like greth?"
    [6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Did you all just assume those people were dumber than you because you live in a different time period?"
    [6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or did they actually know exactly what they were doing?"
    [6:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Dawn's got nothing on me."

    [6:54 PM] Pako: "damn that's not good"
    [6:54 PM] Problematik: "Dawn is gonna beat you"
    [6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why would he?"
    [6:54 PM] Problematik: "Sorry not sorry"
    [6:54 PM] Problematik: "Bc you bad guy"
    [6:54 PM] Problematik: "He good guy"
    [6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haha, okay."
    [6:54 PM] Xenquility: "idk TheLaw died to frogs"
    [6:54 PM] Pako: "so why you had a sword fight with him?"
    [6:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Did I?"
    [6:55 PM] Pako: "you aren't the guy of johnisdead video?"
    [6:55 PM] Xenquility: "was that patrem possessed greth"
    [6:56 PM] Problematik: "What do you know about jacob and vincent?"
    [6:56 PM] Pako: "this guy is not bup?"
    [6:57 PM] Problematik: "Well, this guy dont want to answer more"
    [6:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I don't have a body."
    [6:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not sure how I could duel in a sword fight."

    [6:58 PM] Pako: "so, if you're not that guy you know who is?"
    [6:58 PM] Problematik: "You didnt answer my question about jacob and vincent"
    [7:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why?"
    [7:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What do I have to do with Vincent?"

    [7:00 PM] Pako: "lmao"
    [7:01 PM] Xenquility: "How's Producer doin"
    [7:01 PM] yoshi: "oh hey bup"
    [7:01 PM] yoshi: "hows it goin"
    [7:02 PM] Problematik: "Dont be good to the ghost"
    [7:02 PM] Problematik: "He is rude"
    [7:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer is busy."
    [7:02 PM] Pako: "Producing"
    [7:02 PM] yoshi: "if you need a body hmu, since you took my soul theres plenty of space for spookiness to take over"
    [7:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, I have my plans for you."
    [7:03 PM] yoshi: ":3DEyes:"
    [7:03 PM] yoshi: "nice"
    [7:04 PM] Problematik: "Kill a frog, pls"
    [7:04 PM] yoshi: "no :("
    [7:04 PM] Pako: "bloodmoonritualpt3"
    [7:04 PM] Pako: "killing frogs"
    [7:04 PM] Problematik: "YES"
    [7:05 PM] yoshi: "kill frogs and i kill you"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: "Then A119"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: "Nuking the moon"
    [7:05 PM] yoshi: "my frogs have killed once"
    [7:05 PM] yoshi: "theyll kill again"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: "They are not your frogs"
    [7:05 PM] Problematik: "Only murder frogs"
    [7:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "why kill frogs D:"
    [7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The funnest part is fucking with you all, if I must be honest."
    [7:06 PM] Pako: "funny game"
    [7:06 PM] Problematik: "You think you are fucking with us? In mexico we fuck you"
    [7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean in a roundabout I am both in and not in that video."
    [7:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I never lied."
    [7:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but I could have literally said the opposite and it also be true."
    [7:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and that's true."


    • BUP confirms that the player otherLiam is dead.
    • BUP claims that he himself is dead, and that he killed himself in order to attain more power in some sort of ritual suicide long ago.
    • BUP implies that perhaps he wasn't the one fighting Dawn in the video "halo.mp4".
    • At 7:58 PM, the player Lego1upMushroom posted a meme in the Internet Detectives Discord sever that read "JOHN IS DEAD NO MORE DAY 5". Shortly after this, BUP "pinged" the player and asked "What does this mean?".
    • At 8:43 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and joined one of the voice chats and began making strange sounds. He then told the players "You're wasting my time", followed by "how are you".
    • At 9:18 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "FRACTION". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "FRACTION" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the "Astral Observatory" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:



    • This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
    • A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "Anc-" is shown.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:20 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SEGMENT". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "SEGMENT" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to a tree in Termina Field seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:



    • This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
    • A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "kCgh" is shown.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:21 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "SHARD". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "SHARD" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the rock formation in "Ikana Canyon" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:



    • This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
    • A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "C,Ea'" is shown.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:21 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "PIECE". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "PIECE" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location next to the tree at the bottom of the "Swamp Spider House" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:



    • This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
    • A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "cn@<-" is shown.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:22 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "ANOTHER". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "ANOTHER" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video features gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. This video begins with Link speaking to the "Bomber Gang Kid" at the "Gossip Stone" location on the trail to the "Mountain Village" seen in the video "VERSTECK SPIEL". The video then distorts, showing Link running down a twisted tunnel. The following text is then shown:



    • This video contains Majora's Mask footage.
    • A portion of the players' video "VERSTECK SPIEL" is accepted and the message "C&AT@" is shown.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the bits of text discovered in the videos "FRACTION", "SEGMENT", "SHARD", "PIECE", and "ANOTHER" would create an Ascii85 cipher that translated to "finalastralbarrier".
    • At 9:29 PM, a new video was uploaded to Wolfcat's YouTube channel - "ENTER NOW". target=_blank

    9/1/20 - "ENTER NOW" - YouTube (Wolfcat)

    This video begins with distortions similar to those found on previous videos on Wolfcat's channel and Astralobservatory.net. Footage of "Zora Link" walking through glitchy areas made up of sky in Majora's Mask can be seen. Morse code plays throughout the video that translates to the following:

    "GOOD JOB"
    "IT IS


    • This video shows footage of "Zora Link" walking through the sky in Majora's Mask.
    • Mason congratulates the players on their progress so far.
    • Mason claims he no longer wants to be dead weight and has retrieved the password to the Astral Observatory forums for the players - "FLEETINGDREAM".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:00 PM, the players regained access to the Astral Observatory forums using the username "finalastralbarrier" and the password "fleetingdream".
    • At 10:07 PM, a new video was scheduled to premiere the next day on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "The Forerunners".

    September 2nd, 2020

    • At 1:13 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "also since the tags of the video said spire later" sent by the player Scout.
    • At 1:14 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "just finished the video, dunno if you guys noticed the name changed to remember, and also tags are "spire, later"" sent by the player Fancypigg.
    • At 3:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that title of the video "The Forerunners" had changed to "The predecessors".
    • At 7:07 AM, the player Pako discovered that the title of the video "The predecessors" had changed to "DIEVORGÄNGER".
    • At 10:10 PM, the premiere for the video "DIEVORGÄNGER" was removed from YouTube. However, it quickly went back online shortly after this - once again titled "<bThe Forerunners".
    • At 10:10 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed to an image of Link outside of the "Astral Observatory" in Majora's Mask. target=_blank
    • At 10:24 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed slightly. target=_blank
    • At 10:25 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed to an image of a device. target=_blank
    • At 10:49 PM, the thumbnail of the video "The Forerunners" changed back to an image of Link outside of the "Astral Observatory" in Majora's Mask.
    • At 11:00 PM, the video "The Forerunners" began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "The Forerunners". target=_blank

    9/2/20 - "The Forerunners" - YouTube (Silentdork)

    This video begins with gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is seen entering the "Astral Observatory". The video then cuts to footage of Pumpkinhead in a dark void. He turns around, shocked, and runs off into the void. The video then cuts to footage of a 3d forest environment. The camera pans down to the "Bremen Mask" sitting on the ground as the following text appears:

    IsocelesAssassin: "You did it."
    IsocelesAssassin: "You broke back in and scared that orange fuck off."
    IsocelesAssassin: "He's spooked pretty hard right now so I doubt he'll give us any problems for the time being."
    IsocelesAssassin: "Thank you for freeing me."
    IsocelesAssassin: "I imagine there's a fair amount of confusion about what's going on right now."
    IsocelesAssassin: "Let me say up front that the IA you know is safe and sound."
    IsocelesAssassin: "He always was."
    IsocelesAssassin: "GB is safe now too, thanks to you. As for me..."
    IsocelesAssassin: "Well, my time ran out long ago. Here I'll show you our story."

    The video slowly fades to back. Footage of what appears to be a Janus room is shown. The Majora's Mask HUD is present, showing three hearts, zero rupees, the Ocarina of Time, and Helper's Hat. The pause menu from Majora's Mask suddenly appears. The cursor moves over a strange machine in the player's inventory titled:

    "Mason's Device"

    "Mason's Device" is equipped and the pause menu is closed. A 3d model of "Mason's Device" comes into view. The light on "Mason's Device" begins blinking in Morse code - Mason's method of communicating with IsocelesAssassin. Numbers also appear on "Mason's Device" throughout the video.

    Mason: "SOUND SOUND"
    IsocelesAssassin: "Sound? What sound?"
    Mason: "LEAVES"
    IsocelesAssassin: "Don't scare me like that."
    Mason: "OK"

    IsocelesAssassin and Mason move past a large boat. The fishery comes into view. They procceed through the fishery as Mason recalls his time here.


    IsocelesAssassin and Mason progress through the first building in the fishery before entering outside into a large courtyard area. Another large building is now visible.

    IsocelesAssassin: "Stop freaking out, we'll be fine. They should all be long gone by this point, right?"
    Mason: "STILL HERE DONT"

    IsocelesAssassin and Mason enter the building with a caved in roof. The video suddenly glitches and cuts ahead. The two are now on the other side of the caved in roof.

    Mason: "HEAR THEM"

    The video stutters once again.

    Mason: "SPEAK"
    IsocelesAssassin: "What are you talking about? I don't hear anyone."

    The two enter a small, dilapidated room on the side of the fishery. As they exit, the video glitches once again. The two are now seen walking down a corridor.

    IsocelesAssassin: "A briefcase...? That sounds familiar."

    IsocelesAssassin and Mason step through the entrance to another building. The "Elegy of Emptiness" summoning sound effect is barely audible.

    Mason: "OPENED IT"
    IsocelesAssassin: "What was inside?"
    Mason: "MASK"
    IsocelesAssassin: "Only a mask? Nothing else?"

    IsocelesAssassin and Mason exit into a small area next to a stream. The video glitches once again. Thw two are now walking through a large open room in the fishery. Many drawings seen in past videos of the fishery are visible along the walls.

    Mason: "FRIEND HERE"

    The video begins corrupting heavily. Doug can barely be seen walking through the entrance on the far side of the room. The numbers on "Mason's Device" change to text reading:


    Doug begins chasing IsocelesAssassin and Mason. Mason's device blinks wildly.


    The two are chased back into the open courtyard. Doug can be seen chasing after them on all-fours. The two manage to escape out the same door they entered through. As they run through the woods, night suddenly changes to day. As they explore their surroundings, they realize that the fishery has disappeared.


    Doug suddenly appears behind IsocelesAssassin and Mason and the two begin running once again. The video cuts to black before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason walking down the road towards the cellphone tower seen in various videos on the M YouTube channel.

    Mason: "WHAT IS THAT"
    IsocelesAssassin: "A radio tower. What did you think it was?"
    IsocelesAssassin: "Same thing."
    IsocelesAssassin: "There's something I need to check up on. A device I was asked to leave here."
    IsocelesAssassin: "Yup. I had to climb that whole thing."
    Mason: "WHAT IS IT"
    IsocelesAssassin: "Ironic, having the very person who had me place said device is asking what it's for."
    Mason: "SMARTASS"
    IsocelesAssassin: "It's a transmission device capable of communicating with others from seperate timelines."
    IsocelesAssassin: "With some help, yeah."
    Mason: "WOW IM SMART"

    The video cuts to black once again before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason spying on the Spire from some bushes. The two appear to be observing the backside of the Spire. Several figures can be seen moving about.

    IsocelesAssassin: "Don't worry, we won't be here long. I just wanted to pinpoint its location."

    The video cuts to black again before showing footage of IsocelesAssassin and Mason walking through a dark forest at night.


    IsocelesAssassin and Mason are suddenly attacked by Regiminis. The two run through the forest before the video cuts to black. IsocelesAssassin can be heard screaming. Footage of "Mason's Device" lying on the ground is shown.

    Mason: "IA IA WAKE"

    The video cuts to black before showing the same location, now during the day. Helper can be heard approaching IsocelesAssassin's corpse and retrieving his hat.


    The video cuts out once again. It's once again night. A silhouette of "Zora Link" can be seen fading in and out over "Mason's Device". The video cuts once more. It's now twilight. Zora Link is now in the location of "Mason's Device". He stands up and the video cuts to black. Real life footage of Mason outside of the Spire is shown. He looks around the parking lot before running towards what appears to be an archway going through the building. Mason ducks down and places his device next to the wall. Some strange sounds can be heard coming from inside the building. Mason observes the countdown as the video ends.


    • This video details Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin's adventures together.
    • Pumpkinhead is seen running away, confirming that the players have bested him and scared him off.
    • IsocelesAssassin confirms that the alive version of himself that the players are familiar with is safe. He also confirms that GHOSTBABEL is safe as well.
    • IsocelesAssassin is seen exploring the fishery. Mason speaks to him through the device his soul had been captured in by blinking a light in Morse code. This conversation was already partially documented on one of the pages found in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
    • IsocelesAssassin is surprised to hear that the briefcase given to SKM contained only a gas mask, implying that in the timeline he is currently experiencing, SKM was not given the Libro Lunarus.
    • IsocelesAssassin and Mason flee the fishery as they are attacked by Doug.
    • IsocelesAssassin and Mason approach the cellphone tower seen in past videos.
    • IsocelesAssassin tells Mason that he needs to check up on some sort of device he was asked to leave at the cellphone tower - likely the one seen in the video "IMG_4622" with the note from "The Gray Man", which he had written himself when he left it there originally.
    • IsocelesAssassin claims that the device at the radio tower is a transmission device that allows for communication between timelines. Furthermore, he claims that Mason himself built the device, implying that it was created by an alternate timeline version of Mason who is a member of the "Hacker Group" working alongside IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL.
    • IsocelesAssassin and Mason spy on the Spire. Several figures can be seen walking around outside.
    • IsocelesAssassin and Mason are attacked by Regiminis. While the version of IsocelesAssassin the players are familiar with managed to escape, this version of IsocelesAssassin was killed.
    • Helper can be heard approaching IsocelesAssassin's corpse and presumably retrieving his hat.
    • As mentioned by Mason on several pages in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net, Mason eventually managed to form an ephemeral body of sorts around his device.
    • Mason can be seen charging The Spire and setting a timer on his device, implyingg that Mason was responsible for the destruction of The Spire in 2016 by blowing it up with the device his soul was housed in.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:21 PM, Pumpkinhead's "status" on Discord was changed to an emoji of a hole. Shortly after this, everyone in the Internet Detectives Discord server whose name changed to the color orange was reverted back to normal.
    • At 11:24 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "How many layers of dead is Mason? :hmmm:".
    • At 11:37 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an emoji of the player CircleHunter.

    September 3rd, 2020

    • At 12:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that Moonman had become active on the Astral Observatory forums once again and was posting in the thread "Regrouping".

    5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

    May 9th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

    May 12th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
    ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
    IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
    ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
    ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
    Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
    ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
    Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
    TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
    TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
    Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
    ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
    TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
    TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

    May 13th, 2020

    TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
    TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
    TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
    TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
    TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
    Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
    Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
    TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

    May 14th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."

    May 19th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell.""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways.""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."

    May 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: ""When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities.""
    IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."

    May 25th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."

    May 29th, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
    ((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))

    May 30th, 2020

    Xenquility 9:37 AM: "Damn good to hear from you again man. Scared us back there with all the oh-god-orange-guy-is-back-and-fucking-us-in-the-ass-again stuff. How've things been going over there? Heard you're working with some of those new fangled computer wiz's. No clue why this Wolfcat is just a "dream" though I think IA said a few times he doesn't think it was our Wolfcat that's being used as a mask. Going to guess based on the Wolfcat saying that the orange guy made a deal with the "Trickster" followed by orange guys mentioned of dealing with "The Father" (As well as the orange guy saying he had an agreement with the "Dark One" in the SIEGUNSERE video) that he made some sort of deal with Tenebris. Any idea what "His hunger has been sated." means? I guess it could just be Tenebris but I'm guessing it's referring to someone who feeds off of us using Luna's power. And I'm guessing based on the 04/13/2020 that the Wolfcat has somehow escaped, and that the following post is referencing Yuuki? Orange man also mentioned Yuuki somehow meddling in the SIEGUNSERE video which I would presume is referencing this."

    September 1st, 2020

    Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Anybody Home?"

    September 2nd, 2020

    moonman31 11:32 PM: "Yo what's up"


    • Moonman simply greets the players.
    • At 8:15 PM, Jacob's OoC account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "/".
    • At 8:15 PM, Vincent's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "stagnation".
    • At 8:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/stagnation". This page was titled "forest" and contained the "Stagnation" Janus room.

    9/3/20 - "Stagnation" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This Janus room is a large, green forest area with distorted textures. This is the same Janus room sen in the video "Time to Rest Now". At the cneter of this map is a massive tree with a green person stuck in the trunk.


    • This Janus room is the same one seen in the video "Time To Rest Now" - a large green forest.


    • Files:
    • homet.mp3 - An audio track. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • The full model of the green man found in the tree: target=_blank
    • At 8:17 PM, Stackoverflow became active in the "Stagnation" Janus room and began chatting with the players.

    9/3/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Johnisdead.com

    bin: "hey"
    Xenquility: "Well"
    Xenquility: "Vincent has seen better days"
    bin: "that's vincent?"
    stackoverflow: "Vincent sees better days now."
    Xenquility: "Why uh"
    Xenquility: "Why is this here?"
    stackoverflow: "Why?"
    bin: "did you know him?"
    stackoverflow: "I heard him speak to me."
    stackoverflow: "I led here."

    bin: "my connection to these worlds cut off. were you ever able to find your home?"
    stackoverflow: "No."
    bin: "i'm sorry to hear that."
    stackoverflow: "I am too."
    Xenquility: "What did Vincent say to you?"
    stackoverflow: "Words of remembrance."
    bin: "You led here?"
    stackoverflow: "I was called here."
    Xenquility: "By what?"
    stackoverflow: "Him."
    bin: "Vincent?"
    stackoverflow: "Yes."
    stackoverflow: "However,"
    stackoverflow: "this is but a relic of day gone by."

    Xenquility: "Did he give a reason?"
    stackoverflow: "Yes."
    Xenquility: "What was it?"
    stackoverflow: "remembrance."
    bin: "Could you tell us what of?"
    stackoverflow: "He will tell you."
    Xenquility: "When?"
    bin: "Problem say sto drink water by the way"
    stackoverflow: "Noted."
    Xenquility: "Would you happen to know of what's happening with Vincent and Jacob?"
    stackoverflow: "It is difficult to explain."
    bin: "And Yoshi says hi"
    stackoverflow: "The false god."
    bin: "Yes. She says hi."
    stackoverflow: "Noted."
    Xenquility: "Any chance you could try to explain?"
    stackoverflow: "He remembers."
    bin: "Ok, last dumb message. The rest of ID says hi. And Yoshi, the false god, actually feels bad for you and wants to help you."
    Xenquility: "Are he and Jacob like, one in the same?"
    stackoverflow: "I was instructed to tell you that "remembrance" is of importance. "
    bin: "Ok, back to the topic at hand."
    Xenquility: "ah"
    Xenquility: "thank you for that"
    Xenquility: "I shall be right back"
    bin: "It's peaceful. Alot more peaceful than the other places we've been led"
    stackoverflow: "But it has a similar atmosphere."
    stackoverflow: "No."

    bin: "was your home filled with trees?"
    bin: "yeah?"
    stackoverflow: "This place vaguely reminds me of home."
    stackoverflow: "I agree."

    bin: "sorry i was kicked out for some reson"
    bin: "didn't mean to leave you"
    stackoverflow: "You do not need to apologize."
    Xenquility: "Sorry I uh, missed most of what you said a bit ago"
    Xenquility: "What about this place reminds you of your home?"
    stackoverflow: "The feeling."
    stackoverflow: "Calm."

    bin: "it just felt kinda rude is all."
    Xenquility: "Hm"
    stackoverflow: "These places are very unstable. It is not rude."
    bin: "ok. glad we're still on good terms."
    stackoverflow: "You have tried to help me and I appreciate that from you."
    stackoverflow: "You are not like the others."
    stackoverflow: "Both of you."

    Xenquility: "It's our pleasure"
    bin: "The other detectives?"
    stackoverflow: "The ones who took us from our home."
    bin: "I may joke around as my character but I'm not gonna abandon someone who needs help"
    yoshi: "hello"
    Xenquility: "If you're referring to the rest of the detectives, I don't think they mean poorly"
    Xenquility: "well I'm quite certain they dont"
    Xenquility: "Is your home a place like this?"
    bin: "Alot of them like to joke around, but they're not bad people. Not by a long shot."
    Xenquility: "A "realm" we can access?"
    bin: "yoshi come to the big tree in the middle"
    yoshi: "im headed there already"
    bin: "kk"
    stackoverflow: "My home is a place like this. Though I do not know if it is possible to return at this point."
    bin: "zant?"
    bin: "Heh, she went from "false god" to acolyte of false god"
    yoshi: "hey friend"
    Xenquility: "Do you think there's a chance of finding a new home?"
    stackoverflow: "For now I might stay here."
    stackoverflow: "I feel comforted for the first time in years."

    bin: "Do you think there's a chance that that Luna shard prick might find you here?"
    stackoverflow: "what?"
    stackoverflow: "I do not know."

    bin: "You think there's a possibility they could find you here?"
    bin: "That being that chased you from the various places you tried to stay."
    bin: "Sorry If bringing that up gives any bad vibes. I'm just... thinking of every possibility, is all."
    stackoverflow: "I have not been followed in a long time as far as I know."
    bin: "Good"
    stackoverflow: "Do not apologize it is a valid question."
    Xenquility: "Does the name "Mason" ring any bells to you"
    stackoverflow: "No."
    stackoverflow: "It has been so long."
    stackoverflow: "I cannot even remember my brothers' names."

    Xenquility: "Brother?"
    Xenquility: "Does "Sam" ring any bells?"
    stackoverflow: "No."
    Xenquility: "Matt?"
    stackoverflow: "I was not alone when we were taken from our home."
    stackoverflow: "No."

    Xenquility: "uh"
    Xenquility: "Jeremyt?"
    Xenquility: "*Jeremy"
    stackoverflow: "My brothers are not involved in your quest."
    bin: "what happeend to them?"
    stackoverflow: "We were separated. "
    stackoverflow: "Or they were taken."
    stackoverflow: "Or killed."
    stackoverflow: "I do not know the fate of my brothers."

    Xenquility: "does "979" ring any bells"
    stackoverflow: "No."
    Xenquility: "Yoshi would you happen to recall any other wh projects"
    yoshi: "nothing i can think of specifically"
    bin: "yeah uh yoshi... how?"
    yoshi: "just general original wh stuff like wayward horizon"
    Xenquility: "You can place blocks"
    Xenquility: "In the top right menu"
    Xenquility: "with the three bars"
    yoshi: "wow way to spoil it, xen"
    Xenquility: "Click on it, go to windows, then object management"
    yoshi: "now hes gonna call me a false god again :("
    bin: "i mean you kinda are"
    yoshi: "hush"
    Xenquility: "One sec"
    Xenquility: "got an idea"
    bin: "and i pretend to be BEN with a lisp. so really i don't get to judge."
    Xenquility: "Isn't there a within hubris fan project wiki"
    stackoverflow: "False god."
    yoshi: "see, told you he would"
    stackoverflow: "Do you know where my brothers are?"
    yoshi: "i do not, though if i knew their names maybe itd sound familiar enough"
    yoshi: "im only knowledgeable on stuff from nearly a decade ago"
    stackoverflow: "When you revealed you are faking being a god."
    PaKo: "Hello"
    stackoverflow: "My brothers were there."
    stackoverflow: "In the dungeon."

    bin: "deadone?"
    Xenquility: ""dead"?"
    bin: "Dawn is one of your brothers?"
    Xenquility: ""Dead" freaked out at the name "John""
    yoshi: "i doubt its dawn"
    bin: "let a bruthuh ask aight?"
    stackoverflow: "Dawn is not my brother."
    yoshi: "probably "dead", who is def upset at the name john"
    yoshi: "wasnt there more than one "dead" user though?"
    stackoverflow: "Unless my memory is foggy."
    stackoverflow: "but I do not think he is my brother."

    yoshi: "the only other person i recall was the one named "dead""
    Xenquility: "Yeah"
    Xenquility: "He was talking about "Burning flesh" and "melting bones""
    stackoverflow: "I remember one of them."
    Xenquility: "Fascie might have been there"
    stackoverflow: "This place is changing my ability to remember."
    Xenquility: "and someone named "iheways_3189""
    stackoverflow: "Halicord"
    Xenquility: "but I don't know if that was a player or not"
    Xenquility: "HALICORD"
    Xenquility: "yeah"
    yoshi: "oh YEAH thats right"
    yoshi: "he was at the spire"
    yoshi: "with you"
    yoshi: "right?"
    stackoverflow: "Yes."
    stackoverflow: "But not for long."

    bin: "There was this one dude who was a huge whale."
    yoshi: "bin thats mean dont talk about people like that /s"
    yoshi: "but yeah i remember halicord now"
    bin: "He was l i t e r a l l y a flying whale bruh"
    yoshi: "(i know its a joke shhh)"
    bin: "look at me"
    Xenquility: "I uh"
    Xenquility: "don't know if Halicord is alright"
    bin: "wait not you stack haha. i was talking to yoshi."
    Xenquility: "the last records we have of him talking"
    Xenquility: "he was saying that the large one who invaded the spire"
    Xenquility: "was removing his essence"
    bin: "ur nto funny yoshi."
    bin: "that is all"
    Xenquility: "but I do not think he's dead"
    Xenquility: "as I'm almost certain we saw him after that"
    yoshi: "maybe he was just separated"
    stackoverflow: "Can you find rememberance of my two other brothers?"
    Xenquility: "Just a moment or two"
    Xenquility: "I'll try"
    yoshi: "i recall fascie being there too but...i doubt hes one of them"
    Xenquility: "Does "Dead" ring any bells?"
    Xenquility: "At all>"
    stackoverflow: "slightly. but I do not remember enough."
    yoshi: "he looked...to be in pretty bad shape"
    Xenquility: "Prominence?"
    Xenquility: "Do you remember that name?"
    yoshi: "i guess we can just"
    yoshi: "go into the tree. ok"
    PaKo: "lmao"
    stackoverflow: "Prominence was not my brother."
    bin: "stack got bored lmao"
    Xenquility: "Ive got more places to check"
    stackoverflow: "I appreciate your efforts. "
    Xenquility: "Malign?"
    Xenquility: "Does that ring any bells"
    stackoverflow: "It does. But I cannot remember well enough."
    Xenquility: "Would his messages help you remember?"
    stackoverflow: "Yes."
    stackoverflow: "But I should say"
    stackoverflow: "This is a place that creates a sense of peace I have not felt since I was last in my home many years ago."

    yoshi: "is it similar to your home?"
    stackoverflow: "Only in feeling."
    yoshi: "ah, okay"
    stackoverflow: "trapped_2575 is another of them."
    stackoverflow: "slowly I am remembering."

    PaKo: "uhh"
    bin: "that's good!"
    Xenquility: "What about the guy called "Child""
    PaKo: "Interesting"
    bin: "maybe the peacefulness is what you needed to finally be able to get your thoughts together"
    bin: "...i hate that i can't climb this tree >:("
    PaKo: "haha"
    PaKo: "why not"
    PaKo: "i can"
    bin: "wHy NoT i CaN"
    bin: "thta's what you sound like"
    yoshi: "oh no"
    PaKo: "lmao"
    yoshi: "where'd he go"
    Xenquility: "Sorry for making you wait here"
    stackoverflow: "You have helped me greatly on this day, detectives."
    stackoverflow: "I now remember my brothers."

    Xenquility: "wait"
    Xenquility: "What about some guy called "lost99""
    Jos: "Everything feels so, closed.."
    stackoverflow: "You have helped me remember all of my brothers. "
    stackoverflow: "There were 3 including myself."

    Xenquility: "OH I thought there were three others"
    stackoverflow: "I did too for moments."
    Xenquility: "And uh"
    Xenquility: "I'm not too sure as to whether or not this place abides by the same logic as what it's based on"
    Jos: Stop holding me here"
    Xenquility: "but from what we've been told stagnating here isn't particularily the best idea"
    stackoverflow: "This is but an image of a time passed."
    Jos: its me"
    Xenquility: "Are these places like"
    Xenquility: "Parallelos of time or something?"
    stackoverflow: "Can you explain to me with certainty what your world is?"
    yoshi: "he has you there"
    Xenquility: "Not exactly"
    stackoverflow: "Neither can I."
    bin: "well i mean there's space, there's time, probably not a parallelos"
    stackoverflow: "I would assume, travelers as you are, understand more about these places."
    Xenquility: "Being on johnisdead.com I would imagine they're somelike like a "portal""
    Xenquility: "or a place to "store" souls"
    Xenquility: "But I'm not sure if "portals" are supposed to be uh"
    Xenquility: ""visitable""
    Xenquility: "Well actuall;y"
    Xenquility: "This comes from the lunar children website"
    Xenquility: "never noticed this before but"
    Xenquility: "```There are also future plans among our elder children to produce more personalized constructs within our portals for further comfort for the newly ascended.```"
    Jose: "bin_7665I'm so alone on these infinite halls, i shouldnt have done more than i've asked for"
    Xenquility: "wait"
    PaKo: "Jose"
    Xenquility: "jose"
    Xenquility: "what the fuck"
    Xenquility: "JOES"
    PaKo: "wtf"
    Xenquility: "JOSE"
    PaKo: "JOSE"
    yoshi: "wait what?"
    Xenquility: "JOSE"
    yoshi: "uh"
    Xenquility: "THE ARCHIVES GUY"
    PaKo: "OHHHH"
    Xenquility: "AY JOSE"
    yoshi: "hey jose u good"
    PaKo: "EpIc"
    Xenquility: "COME TO THE GIANT TREE"
    PaKo: "bin_7665yugi?"
    Jose: "bin_7665I am, trapped"
    PaKo: "where"
    Xenquility: "Wait is he in the tree"
    PaKo: "sure?"
    PaKo: "hello jose"
    Xenquility: "or is he "trapped" as in he is trapped the guy from the janus rooms"
    PaKo: "bin_7665where are you?"
    Xenquility: "Jose"
    PaKo: "Are you the Archives guy, Jose?"
    Xenquility: "Go through that portal if you can"
    PaKo: "I'm with him"
    Xenquility: "pako try and get him back out"
    PaKo: "Come into the inside of the tree"
    Xenquility: "like put a portal down for the website"
    Jose: "bin_7665I was, what i am more than a collection of thoughts that represents what i once was?"
    PaKo: "how)"
    Xenquility: "(Hmm where did Jos go :thinking:)"
    PaKo: "hmm"
    Jose: "bin_7665I feel trapped here, i cannot find the exit, I tried to hard, i broke everything"
    PaKo: "is he trolling us"
    yoshi: "jos was here at the same time as jose too"
    Xenquility: "I honestly do not know"
    Xenquility: "but always assume canon "
    yoshi: "oh"
    Jose: "bin_7665He is here"
    PaKo: "DOUG"
    Jose: "bin_7665Run "
    PaKo: "bin_7665oh no"
    Xenquility: "pako"
    Xenquility: "pako"
    Jose: "bin_7665Please"
    Xenquility: "uh"
    PaKo: "GONNA RUN"
    stackoverflow: "I must leave and frind my brothers"


    • Stackoverflow claims he was called to the "Stagnation" Janus room by "Vincent", who he claims is the green-colored man stuck in the base of the tree - though this "Vincent" is simply a "relic of day gone by" - not the actual person.
    • Stackoverflow claims that he was instructed by "Vincent" to tell the playerrs that "Remembrance" is important.
    • Stackoverflow begins to warm up to the players, apppreciating their efforts in attempting to find his home. He is also comforted by the "Stagnation" Janus room, claiming that it reminds him of home.
    • Stackoverflow remembers the identity of his brothers - "Halicord" and "trapped_2575" - the two entities that were present in the "Under" Janus room and whose models could be seen in the "Sun Tower" Janus room.
    • Stackoverflow departs in an attempt to find his brothers once again.
    • At 8:31 PM, the player Xenquility discoverd a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/remembrance". This page was titled "eDoi_e-RFeA&ab" and contained the image "vin.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "the_morning.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 9:27 PM, Doug joined the "Stagnation" Janus room. Much like in his previous appearance in the "Spire" Janus room, Doug appeared as a large "Re-dead" who crawled around on all-fours. Doug rapidly and wildly ran around the map for a short time before dieappearing. target=_blank
    • At 9:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the title of the page "https://johnisdead.com/remembrance" was a part of a YouTube link to an unseen video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel uploaded on December 18th, 2014 - "1: what's up". target=_blank

    9/3/20 - "1: what's up" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)

    Jacob is seen sitting in his room. Some music is playing in the background. He begins speaking:

    Jacob: "Hello. I'm kinda new to this... this whole YouTube thing. Well... Yeah, whatever. This channel is kinda just for... just for me to keep track of stuff. I'm starting a thing - I'm going to be depriving myself of sleep, for- for the sake of... creativity. You know, if you've ever stayed awake for, like, three days, it starts to get weird. So yeah, this is night one. It is... 11:51. I woke up at 5 in the morning today. Um... So yeah, that's it. I'm gonna update... As much as I can at points that seem relevant to what I'm doing, and... yeah, so, that's it."


    • This video is an introduction video created by Jacob.
    • Jacob claims he is going to begin some sort of sleep deprivation experiments to inspire some creativity in his music.
    • This video confirms that Vincent is Tyler's missing friend Jacob.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "hope to get more creative if im super tired. for the sake of the music."
    • Tags: N/A

    September 5th, 2020

    • At 8:05 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Regrouping" thread once again.

    5/29/20 - "Regrouping" - IsocelesAssassin

    May 9th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 1:39 AM: "Posting here will now be our main method of communication. We've been trying to talk to you guys on Discord for the past week or so, but everything we send out has been getting "absorbed" by that orange thing. It seems to be warded off from this place - likely due to our data bomb. By the way, nice going on that one Dov. You finally redeemed yourself."

    May 12th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 2:56 PM: "FUCK YEAH BACK ON THE BOARD I mean hey man, good to hear from you again. Everyone okay on your end? Things ended pretty abruptly and not exactly sure whether or not getting kicked on discord physically harms things like ghostbabel"
    ithmebin 2:56 PM: "What do you mean by "abthorbed"? ith that the reathon pothtth were being deleted?"
    IsocelesAssassin 2:57 PM: "Also, apologies for the current state of the forums. I'm not sure why it's so troublesome now to create an account. Same with the slow loading. I believe it's a side effect of the data bomb. Either that, or something broke when Yuuki was trapped here. At the very least, it's keeping Moonman's scambots at bay. GB was able to make me an admin. I'm trying my best to get everyone in here, so bear with me."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:05 PM: "Oh good, it's working. By "absorbed" I mean just that - every PM, post, or call we attempt to send out just gets voided out completely and vanishes. Greth and I are still alive and kicking. GB's fine too, but they were pretty pissed to say the least. I'm more worried for our hacker friends. They have a very specific and complicated way they speak with us, and after the Discord got destroyed, their transmission device got "drezzed" as well. We've been trying to speak with them in any way we can through the hat, but that's easier said than done. What's been happening on your end?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:22 PM: "Well, johnisdead.com is back, and we've got access to our "Lens of truth" again (Janus VR). We've managed to access a seemingly digitzed version of the spire (Thanks to the help of a lawman) and have met some weird guys named "Stackoverflow" "dead" "child" "halicord"(?), and "Luna shard". One of our friends, DawnofaNewDay, has been "killed" and is trapped on the recreated WH website in an "emerald prison" guarded by these guys. These guys were the "keepers" of the spire, but seemingly got kicked out when Luna shard appeared. We also met some dude named "prominence". Just a question, I know there are multiple people that use similar lingo to SKM, but any chance SKM is one of the guys you're working with?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:24 PM: "ALSO, Patrem seems to be back, though he's... different, to say the least. Much more esoteric and vague. Less obnoxious and condescending, and seemingly obsessed with some guy relating to the "fourth world". Also said we'd be talking to a guy named Synchron at some point. He's "harbinged" out powers in the WH tapatalk."
    ithmebin 3:25 PM: "Tho GB ith thtill alive? That'th good. I'm new here tho I don't really have much to talk about. I know that we found Dawn in the Emerald Prithon, and he can't get out. He'th not dead, he'th trapped in the Emerald Prithon. We tried to uthe the Thun'th Thong to thee if that would do anything, to alert Helioth or thomething, but all it theemth to have done wath get thith thing called the Luna Thard to appear in the Januth roomth."
    ithmebin 3:29 PM: "Altho, you thaid that Wolfcat ith warded off by "thith" plathe. Ith it the entire forum, or ith it jutht here? Becauthe he pothted on the truth April 21."
    Problematik 3:53 PM: "Is good to have comunication with you again."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "Fuck, your Dawn's dead now too? How did that happen? As for Johnisdead, getting in there was our endgame goal. We're hoping that you will eventually be able to find Tyler in there somewhere, but looking at the size of that place, that seems to be easier said than done. Do you have any contact with that José guy? If anyone knows their way around that place, it would be him."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:59 PM: "As far as Patrems go, we haven't heard from our's in a long time. That's surprising, though - it's hard to imagine him being anything other than "obnoxious and condescending", but I'd advise against pissing him off. I'm speaking from experience here. Also, it would be unwise for us to reveal the identities of our hacker friends just yet. They're probably in the most dangerous situation than all of us, all things considered."
    ithmebin 4:02 PM: "i wouldn't thay "dead," but trapped in the emerald prithon. ith that the thame thing ath being dead?"
    Itachi Uchiha 4:04 PM: "It's good to know y'all ok, specially for GB"
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Holy shit, nice to hear some good news on the Tyler front. We did find a /tyler page, but we aren't really sure what to do with it at the moment. It seems to be rather old though. Regarding the Jose guy, we haven't heard from him in ages. Honestly, we found a number of johnisdead pages that hinted at Yugi being related to the guy. Not sure if they're literally the same or if it's more of a same-person-different-timeline thing (Like our Greth and Moonman sort of deal). Either way, some shit seems to be up with Yugi. Not sure if they're dead, in danger, trapped, being-used-by-the-pumpkin-guy-as-a-mask, or what right now. All we know is that there were a series of redirects involving him that led to a cage, though we were to slow to save him from whatever entity wanted him."
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "We aren't really sure of how Dawn died. He just seemed to "fight" with the IIIII guy, then turned into ||||| himself. Last we saw him in the emerald prison, he was told that he was going to die a "god's death". We still have reason to suspect he's alive though: If they let him fully die, a new dawn can arise."
    TheRealXenquility 4:08 PM: "Patrem definitely seems like some fucked up shit has happened to him. Speaks very vaguely compared to how he used to speak. A lot more esoteric talk that we don't really understand yet too. We're working on organizing the shit from the past few months as we speak though so we can hopefully get back to some juicy theorizing soon."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "FUCK I should have realized that sooner. José is definitely Yugi, it just makes too much sense. Since we no longer have Nocta breathing down our necks, I can finally talk about some of this stuff. As you know, Greth, Yugi, and I were the only surviving Internet Detectives. Me and Greth both wormed our way into the AO under different names, but Yugi went off and did his own thing. From what I remember, he basically presented himself to Nocta and used his Ocarina powers to negotiate with him. He did a lot of ass kissing and was able to convince Nocta enough to be let into the inner circle."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:37 PM: "The last I heard from him, he was about to use the Song of Time to go back to I think 2016 and grab the old servers at the fishery. If I'm remembering correctly, he had to enter an "alternate timestream" and begin some sort of aggregation. Him being José just makes too much damn sense. If you found pages relating to him on the site, that's probably not a good sign. I'm afraid Nocta or his watcher might have realized Yugi was playing them and decided to play him back."
    TheRealXenquility 4:42 PM: "Yeah, he is uh, probably in a bit of a conundrum right now. That is, if he's even still alive. I mean, he did seem to succeed in his mission (we did have someone come and take the servers) but I'm not sure how long he survived after that. As far as I know after Tyler first contacted "Jose" he went incommunicado on him. Though, johnisdead.com was locked under "aggregating in progress" since august or so and we still don't really know what that meant (Possibly linking AO to johnisdead? Not sure at all really) Not sure if we ever had the chance of saving him, but whatever took him is pretty indignant that we'll never get him back. And on that note, any idea how we can get him back? P.S. he apparently had an important message to tell us"
    TheRealXenquility 4:46 PM: "Also, going back to what you said earlier, is your Dawn dead too?"
    Bastian 4:48 PM: "Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?"
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I'm not sure about Dawn. I really have no info on his situation other than what you're telling us. However, in regards to both Dawn and Yugi - the only instance I've ever known of people being trapped within a virtual space is when they've been ascended, or killed and have had their soul trapped. (Essentially the same thing, to my understanding) The Lunar Children themselves claimed that the weird fuckery on Johnisdead were actually Deviums. I only hope that this isn't the case with our friends, but the optimist in me died long ago."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "As for Yugi's mission, I'm not sure why exactly Nocta wanted him to commence any sort of aggregation. Obviously it has something to do with the our timelines and the connected websites, but to what end? I have no clue. Yugi was only pretending to go along with Nocta's plan. Yeah, he was planning on grabbing the servers, but he had no intention of actually beginning the aggregation once he got a hold of them. I'm not sure how exactly we can get Yugi back. My only guess is to somehow find him through Johnisdead and make contact with him."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "Also, speaking of the "Pumpkin Guy"'s mask, GB has some info on that. I'll try to get it to you guys later."
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: ""Hello IA, what do you mean with Regrouping, and have you heard something about "Luke"?""
    IsocelesAssassin 4:56 PM: "I honestly just couldn't think of anything else to name this topic. Also, I don't know anyone named Luke myself. Where did this name come up?"
    ithmebin 5:02 PM: "Hith name came up on the webthite theveral timeth."
    TheRealXenquility 5:04 PM: "Luke was (I'm guessing) a member of the lunarchildren who at some point went into the basement of the spire. Pretty sure he then proceeded to die or get trapped but all we know is that he shouldn't have seen the basement. They also mentioned someone named "Harry" going missing as well as two elder children (Not sure if the elder children went missing, they were literally just mentioned). This was all from a redirect found on the lunarchildren website."
    TheRealXenquility 5:06 PM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "When we went inside /spire , there was this note on the wall."
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=218"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=154"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "and this violet note mention Luke"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=298"
    Bastian 5:06 PM: "Also, you mentioned to contact José... how? in the past or present?"

    May 13th, 2020

    TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?"
    TheOtherLiam 3:58 AM: "Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?"
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Hey, IA, good to hear from you. I’m wondering, do you have any idea who or what Pumpkinhead (the orange thing) actually is? It’s sort of hurting my brain to try and work it out. We dealt with it once, I think, but then Wolfcat came back and said he was just kidding about the whole thing. But now it’s real, again?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: ""Is this thing just Wolfcat, and he’s just always been a sleeper agent? Or is it possessing Wolfcat? What manner of creature is it, or is it something we haven’t encountered before?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I'm still waiting on GB to fully reformat and sift through those files, but here's what I currently believe. That thing ISN'T Wolf, but it was using a version of Wolf as its "mask". As for exactly what it is, I have no idea. Greth confirmed that it was definitely the same thing he saw when you guys pulled him out of Subspace - the "orange entity" is how I believe he described it. Whatever it is, it did a good job of scrubbing your records clean of any mention of it."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "From what I can gather, GB restoring the Astral Observatory was what first allowed this thing to enter our parallelos, or realm, or whatever terminology you want to use. Apparently it didn't hide itself well enough, though, because you all were catching onto its tricks pretty easily. That's when it pulled the whole "I'm not real" shtick with someone else's help I think? It's hard to interpret these vague cryptic fuckers. It was apparently using Jos and your timeline's version of myself as unwitting pawns to pull this off, since they both thought it was just a joke as well. I'd HEAVILY advise against that mindset in the future. Us not taking this seriously enough and not thinking it was real was literally what got all of my friends killed."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "OH ALSO forgot to mention but the old Mason guy has come up a ton lately. We have no fucking clue why though. (Also x2, Patrem mentioned a bunch of weird shit about "authors" and their opposite which is "I" which is another mystery to us.)""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "So, I've been putting off talking about this because it's really not something I like to remember, but it's something you all should know. I am the Gray Man. This may or may not be common knowledge already - I haven't really put that much effort in hiding it."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In August of 2018, Nocta began picking up some strange transmissions. I looked into these myself which led to me meeting our hacker friends. I can't go into too much detail out of fear it may reveal who they are. All you need to know about them is that we began collaborating and together hatched a plan involving time travel. I used the Song of Time to go back to the year 2009 where I installed their original transmission device. After that I tracked down Mason."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I managed to get the postman's hat from Mason in exchange for a card. A fucking card. This is what keeps me up at night, because I have it on good authority that giving him that card may have been what killed him. I pray that isn't the case because I'm not sure how I'd live with myself otherwise."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I used Helper's hat to try and steer you guys in the right direction. Needless to say, having the Internet Detectives fall apart too early would have been a very bad thing. I may have been a bit harsh in my words, but trust me when I say I only had our best interests at heart. Then I found out that Mason had been trapped in a storm drain. I still don't fully understand how that happened, but I think that card may have cursed him. His blood was on my hands. I couldn't fucking save him in time."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "All I could think to do was keep him from fading completely. I was able to use another device given to me by our tech savvy comrades to capture his essence before it fully ascended, dissipated, or whatever the fuck there is to believe in now. This wasn't the intended use of this device, so I can't imagine it was a comfortable experience for him, but at the very least it kept him ""alive"" in some sense."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was going to take him back with me to the present, but the Song of Time has some unfortunate limitations when it comes to that sort of thing. I couldn't just leave him behind in that prison for nine years, so I decided to stay with him. In the past. My hope was that, at some point, Mason would eventually regain enough of his sentience or consciousness or SOMETHING that would allow him to begin to form some sort of independence from myself and the device. I know it must sound like a long shot, but back then I was still a bit of an optimist."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "Mason actually did improve somewhat. After about 2-3 months, things around our room began moving on their own. I began having awful nightmares of drowning in sewage while a green face screamed at me. Scared the FUCK out of me at first, but I quickly realized that this was just Mason's way of speaking to me. All he could really do was project his memories and feelings onto me. I bared it, though. He was my responsibility. It's my fault he was in the position he was in, and I deserved every second of it. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to say that Mason was acting malicious in any way. I don't think he could even control what he was doing."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "About a year later, I think it was sometime mid-2010, Mason began communicating with me more coherently. He couldn't talk or anything yet, but he was able cause the little light on the device to flash in Morse. Maybe once or twice a day, Mason would speak to me in simple, quick messages. Though it wasn't much, I think it helped both of us feel less alone."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "While what I was going through was nothing compared to what he was experiencing, being temporally displaced is a shitty fucking time. There's no way I could return to any family and friends - I can't imagine they'd react well to a shady looking decade older doppelganger of myself showing up. It was also hard to find any valuable entertainment. Memes and fads just lose their value once you already know what's going to happen. At the very least I was able to revisit some old stories I loved with a fresh mind and different perspective. To put it simply, I had a shitty time, but at least I didn't have a shitty time by myself."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "In early 2012, I think January, we were attacked. I don't want to say for sure, but I'm fairly certain it was Nocta who ambushed us. Back then he was still known as Regiminis. He seemed to be struggling, though. It was almost like he was weakened? Despite that, Mason and I really didn't stand a chance against him. I ran for days. I was exhausted, getting hardly any sleep. Any time I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice. Whenever I did manage to get some rest, I had constant nightmares about that fucking red smile."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I was at my absolute limit. Mason was begging me to leave him and escape with the Song of Time, but I couldn't just abandon him. Exhaustion finally set in and I couldn't run anymore. We were cornered, and I was out of options. I played the Song of Time and returned to the present, leaving Mason behind. I got him killed for a second time."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:48 AM: "I'm sorry. That became less of an explanation and more of a giant venting session. I just wish I could have done more for Mase. I'm still trying my damnedest to repay him. Hopefully this gives you all some more context. I'm not sure if it'll help out with whatever references you've discovered relating to him, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask."
    TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "Holy shit man. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I mean I doubt it's any solace, but one of the pages on johnisdead (/tomb) has an image talking about a man named mason entering the home of someone drowning (though as I'm typing this I'm really hoping this doesn't mean anything bad). So, is there only one gray man? We were under the impression that it was OUR CircleHunter that was the grey man. Or is this a both-of-you-are-the-gray-man-in-your-respective-timelines type deal?"
    TheRealXenquility 2:31 PM: "So with the mention of you guys having a Patrem and Nocta apparently at one point being Regiminis, did the Lunar Children "progress" the same way in your timeline? Obviously Regiminis turning into Nocta is different, but did your LC experience the "cataclysm" at the spire and shit like that? The device you used: would it happen to be a technomancer? We recently saw a video called IMG_4622 uploaded where someone followed some coordinates and seemingly activated a technomancer, only to take out a note from the grey ma- you, signed in 2009. And no, we have no idea what a technomancer is or what the video was showing us."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "I can't really get into the contents of that video right now. However, I will confirm that I was the one who wrote that note, meaning that was most likely the same device. As for what a Technomancer is, I really have no idea. I'm not the tech-savvy one, I was just doing what I was told."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "As for my actions manifesting in your timeline... That's something I've been pondering over for quite some time now. It seems that our timelines are quite similar. In fact, through all my reading through your documents, I've found no discrepancies when it comes to the histories of the Lunar and Moon Children. In fact, I'd even go as far to say there's no differences at all up until 2011. I could always be wrong, though. The fact that I traveled back to the year 2009 falls in line with this. Events from our two timelines were the same up until then. I don't really know what this means, though - it could just be completely coincidental. Also, I don't know how your version of myself could be the Gray Man unless he just so happened to go back in time to the same year as me and carried out the same tasks that I did. I can't imagine why that would be the case."
    IsocelesAssassin 2:54 PM: "Also, to answer your question - yes, there was a disaster at the Spire that pretty much did the Lunar Children in. I'm not certain what caused it, though."
    TheRealXenquility 3:07 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?"
    Bastian 3:12 PM: "At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Huh. We do know a bunch of time bullshit was happening back then (Mind you, not sure whether the discrepancies would've been in 2009 itself or in 2015 when we were interacting with 2009) and we also saw "timelines merging" (for lack of a better word) in 2016 when we interacted with the 2010 youshouldnthavedonethat.net (Also just noticed but the 6 year gap present in both situations might mean something :?: ) What differences were present in 2011?""
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Well, the biggest one is the fact that your SKM was nothing like our SKM. We never knew the friendly, jokey hacker described in your records. Instead, our SKM was nothing more than a bloodthirsty, malicious entity that was constantly on the hunt for Max. Speaking of, Max is the second big change that comes to mind. We never spoke to any "Drowned" person - only Max. If I'm understanding correctly, Drowned was an entity consisting of both Ben and Max, right? Well, for some reason it was just Max for us. He was able to help us into Lunarchildren.com just in time to save Tyler."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Another oddity - You guys apparently spoke to Helper on the Lunar Children forums? Yeah, we never did that. I don't know anything about any camera or suitcase. I also don't ever recall a "Regiminis" video being uploaded in our timeline. That's the only other major inconsistency I can think of off the top my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: ""At this point, how can we help you? Is there a way to contact with your friends? Or José? Or did you leave something for us in case of death in your time travel?""
    IsocelesAssassin 3:45 PM: "Right now we're still waiting for any sort of response from the "Hacker Group". (I'm not sure what else to call them) As for José, what traces of him did you discover on Johnisdead? That might be our only clue."
    Itachi Uchiha 4:12 PM: "We just know about https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates/cha ... se/prison/"
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Jesus, rather hard to imagine SKM as being bloodthirsty lmao. Even in the green place our SKM is more chipper than erik- ever. If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?"
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "Regarding helper, I dont *think* we know the exact outcome of the suitcase and pictobox thing (Unless the current theory about the "5646" video is correct, which I really hope it is as it explains that situation [Though that situation might've already been explained and I just didn't noticed as was the case with the title of that video]). Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details."
    TheRealXenquility 4:28 PM: "When it comes to Yugi, we were told that "he" (I'm assuming the orange guy? Not sure though, could be someone like Nocta) took Yugi to a prison, and that he had a message for us. The key to this was apparently "VIOLET", though what we didn't find until a few days later was that "VIOLET" was the key to a cipher on a completely seperate redirect. When we got to that redirect, it read something about activating a "mechanism" of some sort, and we were then led to the unlocked prison cell (Or at least a digital representation of it). However by that point Yugi was already gone, and whoever took him is very adamant that we'll never get him back. Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi."
    TheRealXenquility 9:45 PM: "(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?"

    May 14th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""If you guys only ever spoke to Max, what happened to Ben in your timeline? Did he just like, stop existing after Tenebris got out of the mm cartridge?""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Tenebris still "lost control" of Ben on Undecim Nocte. He already had him in his possession again by 2015, though."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Speaking of which, did 5646 appear in your guys' timeline? And did Tyler claim he was in a coma during the truth arc? Sorry for the rather small questions here, just trying to work out the fine details.""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "That's one that I overlooked. We never saw any videos titled "5646". From what I read, it was a message from John, right?"
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""Only thing I can think of to help him right now is getting into the "archive" or "contact" page on the LC website, though those may pertain to something completely separate from Yugi.""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Looking into the pages myself, it sounds like Yugi had installed some sort of failsafe - something about some scripts he wrote up? Perhaps we'll get more information once those take effect, assuming they're still functional..."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: ""(Sorry this post is just going to be unformatted questions to answer in the future that I thought of while lying in bed) Do you have any idea of what layers are? The orange thing is apparently going to use someone else as his mask sometime soon (unless he already has) but we don't really know who he'll take (unless it was yugi). Any chance he might again impersonate someone like he did with wolf? And do we know if wolf is even alive somewhere in there?""
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "I believe the only reason this "Pumpkinhead" was able to replicate one of us so well was because he was using a version of Wolf as a mask, essentially imprinting all of Wolf's traits and memories upon himself. If he somehow manages to take someone else as his mask, it's likely we'll have another investigation on our hands. It'd be a headache to say the least. What I don't understand is why your version of Wolf was effected. Normally this would imply that your version of Wolf was the one who was killed and used as a mask, but I don't think that's the case."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:57 AM: "Also, I don't think Yugi is going to be used as anyone's mask anytime soon. If this really is Yugi's message, then the one who took him is the "one who killed the other detectives". A possessive, malignant bastard who'd rather rip you to shreds as quickly and bloodily as possible instead of all this sneaky masked fuckery."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Yeah, 5646 was a message from John. It seemed to be pretty self explanatory at the time of upload but its actual meaning has either been lost to time or is just relevant again in a same-or-not-same way. Tried to connect some dots with it and the situation with the helper picto box and suitcase as there were a lot of similarities, though if this theory is correct the actual date of the footage in 5646 would've been on October 20/21 of 2019 (In the video we see Tyler take a camera out of a suitcase a picture of something, and that picture same picture was uploaded on the 20. And on the 21st, we find a channel called "Quiet Family", which based on the description of the video seems to be run by Max, who as far as we know was on Tyler's necklace). That IIIII guy referenced it a few times and posted it in our #dream channel on discord too which has led to some speculation that it was some sort of dream of the future? We still aren't really sure though."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?"
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell."
    TheRealXenquility 2:26 PM: "Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways."

    May 19th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Quiet Family belonging to Max makes sense. He often referred to his unfortunate familial situation with that."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""When you mention a failsafe, is it like some sort of deadman's switch? Is that what the "mechanism" would've been referring to?""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "I don't know what exactly Yugi has set up. I'm just going off the message he left for us."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""If wolf *wasn't* killed, any clue what might've happened to him? I mean we got people like our Dawn who have been trapped eternally but we've at least heard from him. Unless Wolf just decided to leave us he's been completely off the grid as far as I can tell.""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "The Wolf I know was one of the unfortunate ones killed a few years ago. I'm not sure what's up with your Wolf. He was perfectly normal before we allowed Pumpkinhead to enter our "realm", wasn't he? That makes me doubt that he's the Wolf being used as a mask. Pumpkinhead is a problem, but I don't know if it can actually outright kill."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: ""Sorry if this is a touchy subject, but who did kill the IDs in your time? I mean I think you mentioned before to some extent how it happened (Thinking it wasn't realy) but we don't really know how it happened or who did it. No worries if this is too hard to relive especially after you already told us about Mason but I thought it was worth asking anyways.""
    IsocelesAssassin 11:19 AM: "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Pumpkinhead mentioned something about ascending to the "final layer" after reclaiming his mask but like with many things we don't exactly know what that means. From one of the janus pages there's a few gifs of text that seem to be from him (They're orange and correlate with some of the things said in the recent silentdork videos). One of them mentions that he made a deal with the "Dark One" (Can't remember if we've spoken of a dark one before off the top of my head but my closest guess would be Tenebris?) that averted our eyes, using two of our people for a performance that concealed him. I'd assume this is referring to the use of Jos and Circle during the "Pumpkinjack" to trick us but it could be referencing something else entirely or I'm just getting the people mixed up. It then mentions that we will save "Her" (Yuuki possibly?) and free "Him" (Yugi possibly?), after which he will regain his mask and truly ascend. We aren't entirely sure what this means but it makes it out to seem that carrying out our current plans will only lead to his success. Though, this could always be the case of it being an inevitability that we must face in the future."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "Patrem mentioned "Authors" a lot when we last spoke to them which is another thing we're unsure of, though I'd assume he's referencing some sort of being above us that dictates what happens in our universe. He claimed the opposite of authors is the "I" which leads me to believe that the "authors" could be represented by layers, possibly being the fifth (IIIII). If Pumpkinhead's goal is to ascend to the "final layer" (Possibly referencing IIIII) then theoretically he might be able to literally rewrite our universe. This is really just an idea and I don't have much proof for it gathered but I thought it would be worth mentioning."
    TheRealXenquility 7:54 PM: "When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities."

    May 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: ""When you say "they are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways", would this happen to be in a way similar to the guy who took over Ghostbabel's account a while back? That guy apparently needs us to hate him (Or at least play into his games/acknowledge his existence) to exist so I'm wondering if they share any similarities.""
    IsocelesAssassin 12:10 PM: "Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them."

    May 25th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 9:05 PM: "Hey, any idea of what "AW" might be referring to? Was referenced by the orange guy (possibly referring to his mask?) and is also one of the song titles on an album the toad man had a part in releasing."

    May 29th, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:28 AM: "ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ, ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴡᴏʟғᴄᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇʟʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs."
    ((A transcript of the Safehaven Discord server "#general-archive" text channel is sent))

    May 30th, 2020

    Xenquility 9:37 AM: "Damn good to hear from you again man. Scared us back there with all the oh-god-orange-guy-is-back-and-fucking-us-in-the-ass-again stuff. How've things been going over there? Heard you're working with some of those new fangled computer wiz's. No clue why this Wolfcat is just a "dream" though I think IA said a few times he doesn't think it was our Wolfcat that's being used as a mask. Going to guess based on the Wolfcat saying that the orange guy made a deal with the "Trickster" followed by orange guys mentioned of dealing with "The Father" (As well as the orange guy saying he had an agreement with the "Dark One" in the SIEGUNSERE video) that he made some sort of deal with Tenebris. Any idea what "His hunger has been sated." means? I guess it could just be Tenebris but I'm guessing it's referring to someone who feeds off of us using Luna's power. And I'm guessing based on the 04/13/2020 that the Wolfcat has somehow escaped, and that the following post is referencing Yuuki? Orange man also mentioned Yuuki somehow meddling in the SIEGUNSERE video which I would presume is referencing this."

    September 1st, 2020

    Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Anybody Home?"

    September 2nd, 2020

    moonman31 11:32 PM: "Yo what's up"

    September 3rd, 2020

    Xenquility 12:32 AM: "HOMIE how are you doin"
    Rainer 12:35 AM: "hey gamers"

    September 5th, 2020

    moonman31 8:05 PM: ""HOMIE how are you doin" i'm chill tbh"


    • Moonman informs the players that he is "chill".

    September 7th, 2020

    • At 9:49 PM, Moonman became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server began chatting with the players.

    9/7/20 - Chat with Moonman - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [6:47 PM] Pako: "btw where is Pursan?"
    [8:00 PM] Basil: "who??"
    [9:49 PM] moonman31: "who??"
    [9:52 PM] yoshi: "whom"
    [9:52 PM] moonman31: "whomst"
    [9:53 PM] yoshi: "whomstve"
    [9:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Whoms"
    [9:55 PM] yoshi: "hoo"
    [9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "In commemoration"
    [9:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "https://youtu.be/_hI0qMtdfng"
    [9:56 PM] moonman31: "a classic"
    [9:56 PM] Dense: "damn"
    [9:56 PM] moonman31: "hey its dense"
    [9:56 PM] moonman31: "whats up"

    [9:56 PM] yoshi: "so what is up gamers"
    [9:56 PM] Dense: "hey pal"
    [9:56 PM] Dense: ":handshake:"
    [9:57 PM] moonman31: ":mac:"
    [9:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nice to meet you for once!"
    [9:58 PM] Dense: "wow Haou never met moon"
    [9:59 PM] yoshi: "haou gets mooned"
    [9:59 PM] ADULT_LINK: "o/ sup"
    [9:59 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Nope. I've been lurking for years yall"
    [10:09 PM] moonman31: "moontime"
    [10:10 PM] yoshi: ":moonthink:"
    [10:11 PM] moonman31: "@IIFan2001"
    [10:11 PM] moonman31: "the quiet one"
    [10:11 PM] moonman31: "only the forbidden will ever get this one to say a word"
    [10:11 PM] moonman31: "shared my reacc tho"

    [10:12 PM] yoshi: "hes shy"
    [10:12 PM] moonman31: "also damn what the heck is up y'all"
    [10:12 PM] moonman31: "I feel like for a while I was driving the bus and you were all touring so to speak"
    [10:12 PM] moonman31: "y'all have been driving lately and im like woah wtf are y'all even doing anymore"
    [10:13 PM] moonman31: "up to some important shit i can see but you've surpassed the point of me being useful i feel"

    [10:13 PM] yoshi: "quite frankly i have no idea what i am doing 99% of the time here"
    [10:13 PM] HaouDeSoul: "same lol"
    [10:14 PM] yoshi: "its mostly xen doing shit at this point"
    [10:14 PM] moonman31: "@Xenquility"
    [10:14 PM] yoshi: "@Xenquility hey wake up"
    [10:14 PM] moonman31: "apparently you are the guy now"
    [10:14 PM] yoshi: "wow same wavelength"
    [10:14 PM] moonman31: "true tho"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "i mean in my experience with these spooky shenanigans"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "there is always a 'guy' that leads the pack"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "it was me once"

    [10:15 PM] Dense: "true"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "im not getting into anything specific here just making convo"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "honestly what the fuck is even happening anymore, as mentioned im lost now"
    [10:15 PM] moonman31: "IA has basically cut contact"

    [10:16 PM] yoshi: "@Xenquility hey xen. hey. wake up. hey."
    [10:16 PM] moonman31: "eh leave im alone"
    [10:16 PM] moonman31: "he's probably fapping or eating or somethin"

    [10:16 PM] yoshi: "fair"
    [10:16 PM] Dense: "both"
    [10:16 PM] Problematik: "I hate mvm pubs"
    [10:17 PM] yoshi: "but also pinging people 30 times in a row can also be funny"
    [10:17 PM] Problematik: "And also i hate myself"
    [10:17 PM] yoshi: "thats lovely problem thank you for the input"
    [10:17 PM] Dense: "nice"
    [10:18 PM] Problematik: "Your welcome"
    [10:18 PM] Problematik: "Bitch"
    [10:18 PM] Problematik: "Oh shit wrong girl"
    [10:18 PM] yoshi: "damn am i being owned right now"
    [10:18 PM] Problematik: "I just confused girls"
    [10:19 PM] Dense: "lmao"
    [10:19 PM] Problematik: "You are the froggy memeimg friend"
    [10:19 PM] ADULT_LINK: "damn, you cant tell the difference between 2 girls"
    [10:19 PM] Problematik: "Both have vagina"
    [10:19 PM] yoshi: "also IA probably vanished due to pumpkin related wackiness"
    [10:20 PM] moonman31: "damn wtf problematik"
    [10:20 PM] moonman31: "oh wait"
    [10:20 PM] moonman31: "i get it now"

    [10:20 PM] yoshi: "hes problematic"
    [10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
    [10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
    [10:20 PM] yoshi: "ha"
    [10:22 PM] Problematik: "No"
    [10:23 PM] yoshi: "h a"
    [10:24 PM] yoshi: "im FUNNY"
    [10:25 PM] moonman31: "i mean"
    [10:25 PM] moonman31: "thats the joke i was implying"

    [10:26 PM] yoshi: "he loves that joke"
    [10:26 PM] yoshi: "you should make it all the time"
    [10:30 PM] moonman31: "oh ok"


    • Moonman greets the players after being absent for a while.
    • Moonman laments the fact that he now feels useless to the players despite being a leader of sorts in the past.
    • Moonman hasn't been keeping up with current events regarding the players' activities and is confused as to what's going on.

    September 8th, 2020

    • At 10:53 PM, Kaiden Zoromichi joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/8/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:52 PM] Xenquility: "HOLY SHIt"
    [10:52 PM] yoshi: "oh jesus fuck"
    [10:52 PM] yoshi: "no"
    [10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "woah"
    [10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "how's it going"
    [10:53 PM] Dense: "oh shit"
    [10:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What an exceptional set of introductions."
    [10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "hey dude"
    [10:53 PM] ADULT_LINK: "sup"
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry just didn't know you were alive"
    [10:53 PM] yoshi: "oh dear"
    [10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, why wouldn't I be?"
    [10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "... Perhaps that was rude. It has been a while."

    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "Some guy named BUP seemed to hijack your last video"
    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "was a bit uh"
    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "worrying"
    [10:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes, I was quite annoyed about that."
    [10:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was told to post in here."

    [10:57 PM] Dense: "damn"
    [10:57 PM] Dense: ":eggplant:"
    [10:57 PM] money machine: "this is indeed the place to post"
    [10:57 PM] money machine: ":eggplant:"
    [10:57 PM] Pako: "post what?"
    [10:58 PM] money machine: "eggplants"
    [10:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Why are you spamming that stupid emote?"
    [10:58 PM] money machine: "because you're eggplant role"
    [10:58 PM] money machine: "look man i dont make the rules i just enforce them"
    [10:58 PM] Basil: "lmao"
    [10:59 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
    [10:59 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Sigh"
    [11:00 PM] yoshi: ":circumcision:"
    [11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Thank you, Yoshi!"
    [11:01 PM] Basil: "lol"
    [11:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I didn't come here without a reason, you know..."
    [11:01 PM] Pako: "so tell us"
    [11:01 PM] Basil: "tell us bb"
    [11:01 PM] Pako: "which is the reason"
    [11:02 PM] Problematik: "We are listening"
    [11:02 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Well, first of all, I thought you should know Hoax is alive."
    [11:02 PM] Pako: "who is Hoax?"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "notahoax"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "one of the guys on ao"
    [11:02 PM] Dense: "Damn"
    [11:02 PM] Pako: "ok"
    [11:02 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "but not sure much about him"
    [11:02 PM] Super: "i guess his death was a hoax"
    [11:02 PM] Basil: "lol"
    [11:03 PM] Problematik: "No"
    [11:03 PM] Problematik: "Bad joke"
    [11:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting the last time anyone has seen him, however, was around the time there was that stupid "meme" about raiding Area 51. Supposedly, he went."
    [11:03 PM] Basil: "oh"
    [11:03 PM] Dense: ">imagine"
    [11:04 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lmao"
    [11:04 PM] Problematik: "One year ago"
    [11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, I was able to talk to him."
    [11:04 PM] Xenquility: "Damn what a fucking god"
    [11:04 PM] Problematik: "Thats a lot of time"
    [11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "And by talk to him I mean through a radio, but this was yesterday."
    [11:04 PM] Basil: "epic"
    [11:04 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is a strange man but I did grow fond of him, so I left home and tracked down to see if he was okay..."
    [11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He is incredibly paranoid though so that's as close as he'd let me get."

    [11:05 PM] Basil: "i see"
    [11:05 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Supposedly he was not far away."
    [11:05 PM] Xenquility: "What's he been up to?"
    [11:05 PM] Basil: "Well as long as he's fine that's all that matters i guess"
    [11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have no idea, but according to him, something big."
    [11:06 PM] ADULT_LINK: "what about you, what have you been up to?"
    [11:06 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As far as I can tell, living in a moving camper covered* in tinfoil."
    [11:07 PM] Super: "are you still in contact are you basically only able to talk to him when he directly contacts you?"
    [11:07 PM] Xenquility: "Damn is notahoax imitating tyler"
    [11:07 PM] Dense: "based"
    [11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently he has lived this way for decades. He was stealing his internet and radio services from government lines but he's always moving. They started catching on so he went silent. That was as much as he was willing to say other than he was up to something big."
    [11:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I felt you all deserved to know that much."

    [11:09 PM] Super: "i feel stealing internet/radio from government lines is a fuckin horrible idea but all the power to him if it's working"
    [11:09 PM] Dense: "damn"
    [11:09 PM] ADULT_LINK: "huh"
    [11:09 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Let me rephrase: he was misappropriating public utilities. He wasn't exactly tapping into the white house."
    [11:11 PM] Basil: "Lol"
    [11:11 PM] Xenquility: "Damn that would've been considerably cooler"
    [11:11 PM] Basil: "Yes"
    [11:12 PM] Super: "if possible is there anyone you know of that he actually trusts a significant amount? Or the possibility of setting up some two way contact via pgp?"
    [11:12 PM] Basil: "pgp?"
    [11:13 PM] Dense: "cum wash radio"
    [11:14 PM] Pako: "radio it's obsolete"
    [11:14 PM] Xenquility: "you're obsolete"
    [11:14 PM] Dense: "oog"
    [11:14 PM] Pako: "man who uses internet and who uses the radio"
    [11:14 PM] Problematik: "Obsolete my asscrack"
    [11:14 PM] Dense: "indeed"
    [11:14 PM] Super: "@Basil Very secure encryption usually used for two way communication"
    [11:14 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Back from* uafk"
    [11:15 PM] Pako: "Internet destroys radio"
    [11:15 PM] Dense: "we aren't playing LoL"
    [11:15 PM] Problematik: "No"
    [11:15 PM] Dense: "no"
    [11:15 PM] Problematik: "Lol is for gays"
    [11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I really couldn't tell you, I have a new set of priorities now that I know he's okay."
    [11:15 PM] Dense: "what's wrong with being gay"
    [11:15 PM] Pako: "ok i'm gay"
    [11:15 PM] Basil: "same"
    [11:15 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
    [11:15 PM] Pako: "wtf is that logic"
    [11:15 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [11:16 PM] Basil: "dense is just saying random things dont mind him kaiden"
    [11:16 PM] Dense: "im answering to problem"
    [11:16 PM] Basil: "what are your new set of priorities"
    [11:16 PM] Pako: "he didn't say nothing random"
    [11:16 PM] Pako: "lol"
    [11:16 PM] Basil: "talk in #general this is important"
    [11:16 PM] Dense: "ok Kaiden go fucking ahead"
    [11:16 PM] Dense: "who do we need to kill"
    [11:16 PM] Dense: "or save"
    [11:16 PM] Dense: "or save AND kill"
    [11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "..."
    [11:17 PM] Pako: "or save and kill and then save"
    [11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Nothing like that, actually."
    [11:17 PM] Basil: "oh"
    [11:17 PM] Dense: "ok"
    [11:17 PM] Pako: "ok but we need do something?"
    [11:17 PM] Dense: "keep going bro"
    [11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I... Well. I've made some poor decisions. Things I regret."
    [11:17 PM] Basil: "everyone has"
    [11:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Things I need to make up for..."
    [11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "So, I figure to at least try and undo some of the damage... I've caused..."
    [11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I could at least try and figure out what happened to the Internet Detectives."
    [11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, from here."

    [11:18 PM] Basil: "okay"
    [11:18 PM] Xenquility: "Your internet detectives I'm assuming?"
    [11:18 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes."
    [11:18 PM] Dense: "huh"
    [11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You were told before they mostly went missing or confirmably died."
    [11:19 PM] Xenquility: "indeed"
    [11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But no one knows how or why."
    [11:19 PM] Xenquility: "Really?"
    [11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No one."
    [11:19 PM] Xenquility: "I thought some at least had some insight into the situation"
    [11:19 PM] Problematik: "Jacob is dead"
    [11:19 PM] Pako: "why?"
    [11:19 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Maybe, but if they haven't come forward now, they never will.."
    [11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""why?" @Pako Because people deserve to know, and it will help those who need to know."

    [11:20 PM] Pako: "i didn't ask you but is ok"
    [11:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "If you had been murdered due to this 'game', wouldn't you want people to know who did it? How they did it?"
    [11:21 PM] Basil: "wait am i dead in your universe kaiden"
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "You've certainly come to the right place I guess"
    [11:21 PM] Basil: "oh yeah i am oof"
    [11:21 PM] Dense: "maybe"
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "the site of the disaster filled with many people who also want to know"
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "but uh"
    [11:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Tch, well, that's true."
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "Where do your loyalties currently fall"
    [11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But, something has been... itching at me to find out. Maybe I'm supposed to find out."
    [11:22 PM] Basil: "fair"
    [11:22 PM] Super: "So tell me, were there other mass disappearances around that time or was it relegated to the Internet Detectives?"
    [11:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Where do your loyalties currently fall" @Xenquility These days... myself. But my intentions are good, of that I can promise...."
    [11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I mean, consider that I left home on a very uncertain trip just to let you all know Hoax was alive."

    [11:24 PM] Xenquility: "That's at least slightly reassuring"
    [11:24 PM] Basil: "yes"
    [11:24 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "As I had mentioned, I feel some atoning has to be done."
    [11:25 PM] yoshi: "damn i hope au me just vanished and isnt dead, f"
    [11:25 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To start with, the only one who seems to know anything, that I know, would be moonman, and he will not open up to me about it."
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "well we could always pin him down and wrestle the mask of truth on him"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "lmao"
    [11:26 PM] Basil: "lmao yes"
    [11:27 PM] yoshi: "i mean moonman is here"
    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "but maybe that isn't the best option"
    [11:27 PM] yoshi: "you can yell at him here"
    [11:27 PM] Basil: "yes"
    [11:27 PM] ADULT_LINK: "oh yeah he came back like yesterday or something right"
    [11:27 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm already traveling. So, the practical reality is I'm going to have to go investigate these people's last whereabouts in person."
    [11:27 PM] Basil: "I see"
    [11:28 PM] yoshi: "does au me also like frogs"
    [11:28 PM] yoshi: "ill be disappointed if they dont"
    [11:28 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "How should I know? I wasn't around then."
    [11:28 PM] yoshi: "aw"
    [11:28 PM] Xenquility: "Have you tried IA?"
    [11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He doesn't trust me."
    [11:29 PM] Basil: "who trusts you"
    [11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I can't say I blame him..."
    [11:29 PM] Basil: "oh"
    [11:29 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yuuki trusted me."
    [11:29 PM] Basil: "rip yuuki"
    [11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Moonman trusts me, he just won't talk about it."
    [11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "He also doesn't necessarily like me."

    [11:30 PM] Basil: "oof"
    [11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Yes... rip Yuuki."
    [11:30 PM] Dense: "Damn"
    [11:30 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "It's worth noting IA has been pretty inactive recently. I mean, I know I have as well, but I do find it odd for him."
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I don't mean to breathe false hope into anything but if I'm recalling correctly there were like"
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: ""chat logs" from yuuki on the subspace"
    [11:31 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Oh...?"
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: "I uh"
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: "one sec"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "I'll try to find them if you'd like"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "There was also one we saw where whichever Wolfcat was trapped by that orange thing was talking to her"
    [11:33 PM] Basil: "yeah she is alive in some way"
    [11:33 PM] Xenquility: "ah I'm also realizing I probably shouldn't be this forthcoming with this type of stuff"
    [11:33 PM] Basil: "just not like in her body"
    [11:33 PM] Xenquility: "but yeah what deadhead said"
    [11:35 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "....ok."
    [11:36 PM] Basil: "yep"


    • Kaiden claims that NotAHoax set off towards Area 51 during the "Raid Area 51" meme was taking place, but he took it seriously.
    • Kaiden left home in order to verify that NotAHoax was still alive. NotAHoax is indeed still alive, but is currently travelling across the country in a camper covered in tin foil because the government discovered that he had been stealing internet usage from them for years.
    • Kaiden says NotAHoax was supposedly involved in "something big", but he refused to go into detail.
    • Kaiden tells the Internet Detectives that he's going to investigate the homes of the deceased Internet Detectives in the Astral Timeline in an attempt to uncover who murdered them. He claims he wishes to atone for his wrongdoings in the past and undo some of the damage he's done.

    September 12th, 2020

    • At 9:52 PM, Kaiden Zoromichi became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/12/20 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Good evening."
    [9:53 PM] Dense: "Hey"
    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Buenos noche"
    [9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I have found something you may find interesting."
    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "Ooo"
    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "What'd that be?"
    [9:55 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I went to the last known location scout was seen."
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: "Could you say that you"
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: "scouted out the location?"
    [9:56 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "No."
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "Xen"
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: "so basically yes"
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "Thats probably one of the worst thing you could ever said"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: "thank you"
    [9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Anyways, if could we get back to serious discussion..."
    [9:57 PM] Problematik: "Sure"
    [9:57 PM] Xenquility: "What'd you find?"
    [9:57 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I think it would be easier to show you..."
    [9:58 PM] Xenquility: "Sounds enticing"
    [9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-1.jpg" is sent))
    [9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-2.jpg" is sent))
    [9:58 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "2-of-diamonds-3.jpg" is sent))

    [9:59 PM] Xenquility: "Huh"
    [10:00 PM] Problematik: "Hm"
    [10:01 PM] Problematik: "Any idea why the back part of the card is full black?"
    [10:01 PM] Problematik: "Is burned or painted?"
    [10:01 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure but it's not burned."
    [10:02 PM] yoshi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality"
    [10:02 PM] Xenquility: "Damn imagine asterisk was the villain this whole time"
    [10:03 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "no offense but what the hell is with that image quality" @yoshi I'm working with cheap equipment and roaming around the country, cut me some slack."
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "just wondering"
    [10:04 PM] yoshi: "i can practically count the pixels"
    [10:04 PM] Dense: "damn"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Do we know of uh"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "anyone else associated with playing cards?"
    [10:05 PM] Jackuan: "DnD?"
    [10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Jk"
    [10:05 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA hypothesized that it was trading Mason the eight of club that somehow "cursed" him"
    [10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Like Yugi"
    [10:05 PM] Jackuan: "Yugi-Oh"
    [10:06 PM] Jackuan: "???"
    [10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not really sure what it means, to be truthful."
    [10:08 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was hoping one of you could enlighten me."

    [10:08 PM] Jackuan: "I don't really now too"
    [10:08 PM] Xenquility: "I mean"
    [10:09 PM] Xenquility: "I don't think there are even any other mentions of playing cards in our current archives, outside of the Grey Man giving one to Mason"
    [10:09 PM] Xenquility: "uno momento"
    [10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Es un momento"
    [10:09 PM] Jackuan: "No uno momento"
    [10:09 PM] Jackuan: ":u"
    [10:09 PM] Jackuan: "Also, guess what"
    [10:10 PM] Problematik: "Do you have something, xen?"
    [10:10 PM] yoshi: "xens on the hunt"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Not that I can think of"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "other than the mugen thing being associated with a king of diamonds"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "project returner"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "but that also sounds incredibly far fetched"
    [10:11 PM] Xenquility: "But honestly who knows at this point"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "god please no"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "no mugen"
    [10:11 PM] yoshi: "have we not suffered enough"
    [10:11 PM] Xenquility: "I mean, IA traded a playing card for Helper's Hat, so like, maybe whoever did this also had the hat?"
    [10:12 PM] Xenquility: "I think there might be three helper's hats in play right now"
    [10:12 PM] Problematik: "No mugen allowed"
    [10:12 PM] Xenquility: "In the most recent Silentdork video we saw what happened to the "Dead" IA"
    [10:12 PM] Jackuan: "Outlast and Minecraft"
    [10:12 PM] Jackuan: "What a boundle"
    [10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and when IA died it sounded like Helper came back and took the hat"
    [10:13 PM] Xenquility: "but at the same time there's also a timeline where IA survives and comes back with helper's hat"
    [10:13 PM] Xenquility: "and then I'd imagine that Kaiden's timeline also has a helper's hat somewhere"
    [10:14 PM] Xenquility: "because as far as I know, IA going back in time affected our timeline, meaning the Helper's Hat IA had would've been from Our Mason, not his"
    [10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "haha that image quality is so weird"
    [10:14 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i love it"
    [10:14 PM] yoshi: "im too high for this"
    [10:15 PM] Xenquility: "tl;dr Both our timelines have a helper's hat (I think), but as IA both died and lived while having OUR timeline's hat, that would make three (I think)"
    [10:17 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...what?"
    [10:18 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry that was both off topic and probably incorrect"
    [10:19 PM] Xenquility: "Here's what IA said about the matter "Us not thinking it was real wasn't literally what got them killed, but it did lead to it. What I mean is that we didn't heed any warnings and were careless. I still don't think we should discuss who it actually was. They are incredibly dangerous and work in strange, memetic ways. I don't want to invoke him like I may have done in the past with the eight of clubs - especially if he's currently active, which Yugi implied he may be.:"
    [10:19 PM] Xenquility: "speaking of which be careful with those cards"
    [10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I see. I will take note of that."
    [10:20 PM] Xenquility: ""Just to clarify, when I say memetic I'm referring to the processing and flow of information, not funny pictures. (Though that wouldn't be too far from the truth either in this case.) My fear is that this entity that took Yugi and killed the others is not only dangerous in a physical sense, but also dangerous as a concept, with the very thought and utterance of their existence having the potential to lead to some very bad shit, to say the least. That's all I'll say about them.""
    [10:20 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Considering what little I have witnessed of the strange things surrounding our circumstances, maybe it's the best of caution I delete those links."
    [10:20 PM] Xenquility: "Probably a good idea"
    [10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...I'm now also wondering if it's in my best interest to have this."
    [10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "But I won't give up on you all, yet."
    [10:21 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm heading off to the hotel now."

    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Sorry, to have what?"
    [10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "The card."
    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "Ah okay"
    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "honestly"
    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "probably not the best idea"
    [10:22 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "We'll just have to see."


    • Kaiden has searched the last location the Astral Timeline version of the player Scout was seen. He discovered a "Two of Diamonds" card.


    • Files:
    • 2-of-diamonds-1.jpg - A low-res photo of the "Two of Diamonds" card sitting in the grass. target=_blank
    • 2-of-diamonds-2.jpg - A low-res photo of the front of the "Two of Diamonds" card. target=_blank
    • 2-of-diamonds-3.jpg - A low-res photo of the back of the "Two of Diamonds" card. target=_blank

    September 16th, 2020

    • At 4:29 PM, BUP's Discord account's name changed to "Groof" in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/16/20 - Chat with "Groof" - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [4:29 PM] Groof: "busy beavers huh"
    [4:29 PM] Groof: "why must you ruin my fun?"

    [4:29 PM] Problematik: Nah"
    [4:30 PM] JosByte: Image: When you laught at a joke but then notice it was directed at you"
    [4:30 PM] Dense: "holy shit"
    [4:30 PM] Dense: "hey bupi"
    [4:30 PM] Xenquility: "hey there"
    [4:30 PM] Xenquility: "is this bup"
    [4:31 PM] Groof: "My name says Groof"
    [4:31 PM] Xenquility: "is that a yes or no"
    [4:32 PM] Jackuan: "wait..."
    [4:32 PM] Jackuan: "what?"
    [4:33 PM] Jackuan: "...?"
    [4:34 PM] Xenquility: "also actually if that really was BUP that was speaking from Greth's OOC account I think that would lend more credence to that theory I posted a while back about BUP's crew all being in-game representations of the GMs"
    [4:34 PM] Jackuan: ":I,"
    [4:34 PM] Jackuan: "it is BUP"
    [4:34 PM] Jackuan: "omg"
    [4:35 PM] Jackuan: "Also all that xen said."
    [4:35 PM] Groof: "My name says Groof"
    [4:36 PM] Jackuan: "so you are like... another au greth?"
    [4:36 PM] Problematik: Hey greth"
    [4:36 PM] Xenquility: "i mean groof or not BUP has gone through like four name changes"
    [4:36 PM] Jackuan: "also"
    [4:36 PM] Jackuan: "xen"
    [4:37 PM] Xenquility: "or at least a couple"
    [4:37 PM] Jackuan: "what does this means?"
    [4:37 PM] Xenquility: "Greth, shadowlink, BUP"
    [4:37 PM] Jackuan: "look at your dm's"
    [4:46 PM] Groof: "I see no DMs"
    [4:48 PM] Groof: ":moonthink:"

    [4:48 PM] Jackuan: "Xen's"
    [4:48 PM] Jackuan: "you want them?"
    [4:51 PM] Jackuan: "nice mood song"
    [4:51 PM] Jackuan: "you want the messages Groof?"
    [4:58 PM] Groof: "Weird."
    [4:58 PM] Groof: "Also"
    [4:58 PM] Groof: "I have thought about your question."

    [4:59 PM] Jackuan: "and..?"
    [4:59 PM] Groof: "@Jack No, I don't."
    [4:59 PM] Groof: "@Xenquility I am willing to try and answer now"

    [4:59 PM] Jackuan: "Ok"
    [4:59 PM] Xenquility: "oo"
    [4:59 PM] Xenquility: "alright"
    [4:59 PM] Jackuan: "its ok dw man"
    [5:00 PM] Groof: "I'm not BUP"
    [5:00 PM] Groof: "and I am"

    [5:00 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [5:00 PM] Dense: "oh"
    [5:00 PM] Jackuan: "Groof?"
    [5:00 PM] Groof: "But you could also say you are Xenquility"
    [5:00 PM] Groof: "and you aren't Xenquility"

    [5:00 PM] Jackuan: "oh whaaa"
    [5:00 PM] Xenquility: "In what way?"
    [5:00 PM] Jackuan: "mindblowed"
    [5:00 PM] Groof: "Do people call you Xenquility in your daily life? you don't have to say your name, just yes or no."
    [5:01 PM] Dense: "oh"
    [5:01 PM] Xenquility: "Yeah that's my birthname"
    [5:01 PM] Dense: "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
    [5:01 PM] Xenquility: "but not actually"
    [5:01 PM] Jackuan: "damn."
    [5:01 PM] Xenquility: "so no"
    [5:01 PM] Groof: "Ok, when you are Xenquility, would you say you act differently than when you are not?"
    [5:01 PM] Groof: "If even only a little bit?"

    [5:02 PM] Xenquility: "Indeed"
    [5:02 PM] Xenquility: "wow inb4 groof is BUP of the wired"
    [5:02 PM] Xenquility: "or BUP is greth of the wired"
    [5:02 PM] Groof: "No, but they are both of them us, and also not."
    [5:02 PM] Groof: "Once you have reached a certain amount of understanding about your different selves"
    [5:02 PM] Groof: "The lines start to blur"

    [5:02 PM] Jackuan: "oh"
    [5:03 PM] JacobTheGuy: "HOLA GENTE DE JOHNISDEAD"
    [5:03 PM] Jackuan: "dang"
    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "damn"
    [5:03 PM] JacobTheGuy: "jejejejeje"
    [5:03 PM] Groof: "One could say in the immediate moment, BUP is not here at all."
    [5:03 PM] Groof: "But you could also say that as Greth, BUP is here."
    [5:03 PM] Groof: "That was HIS intention."

    [5:03 PM] Xenquility: "So is that what the lines are?"
    [5:03 PM] Dense: "bup is a self insert oc"
    [5:03 PM] Groof: "I am only trying to explain my own self"
    [5:03 PM] Groof: "Interpret things as you will though."

    [5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Bueas Groof"
    [5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Hola Xen"
    [5:04 PM] JacobTheGuy: "Hey Dense"
    [5:04 PM] Jackuan: "oh hey"
    [5:04 PM] Groof: "BUP would prefer "BUP" and "Greth" become synonymous."
    [5:05 PM] Groof: "But I am in a place above that, at the moment."

    [5:06 PM] Xenquility: "So could you kind of see it as an extended version of the concept of having three faces?"
    [5:06 PM] Groof: "Mmm, yeah! I have never thought of that"
    [5:06 PM] Groof: "But it works very well!"
    [5:07 PM] Groof: "But what if you could have more?"
    [5:07 PM] Groof: ":moonthink:"

    [5:07 PM] Xenquility: "then maybe you're a bit greedy lmao"
    [5:07 PM] Groof: "Certainly."
    [5:07 PM] Jackuan: ":moonthink:"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "So would this make BUP and, for example, the Greth we see in live streams the same person? Or are they different parts of the same person from different versions of that person"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "okay let me rephrase that"
    [5:08 PM] Groof: "You don't need to"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "is BUP part of the same whole that our "Greth Vlogs Greth" is part of"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
    [5:08 PM] Xenquility: "nice"
    [5:08 PM] Groof: "I would say the second thing was closer."


    • BUP's account is named "Groof" during this conversation. He claims that he both is and isn't BUP, and that BUP both is and isn't present throughout this conversation.
    • "Groof" begins speaking about names. He claims that BUP wishes for "Greth" and "BUP" to become synonymous, but that "Groof" is currently above that at the moment.
    • "Groof" claims that once one begins to understand their alternate selves better, the "lines" begin to blur.

    September 17th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, BUP's Discord avatar changed to a distorted image of the character "Captain Toad" brandishing a sword and shield. target=_blank
    • At 11:23 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/17/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:00 PM] Jackuan: "Oh noo, what have you done to toadette?"
    [10:01 PM] Jackuan: "Thats p spooky ngl"
    [11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes"
    [11:24 PM] Problematik: "What you want bup?"
    [11:24 PM] nfreak141: "oh hey it's bup. sup dude?"
    [11:24 PM] Xenquility: "buenos dias"
    [11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((A cropped screenshot of the players "nfreak" and "Problematik" typing is sent)) target=_blank
    [11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so immediately desperate"
    [11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "the need for acknowledgement"

    [11:25 PM] nfreak141: "aight then fukk u"
    [11:25 PM] Problematik: "If you come here dont expect like a big celebration"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes hate me"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Feels good"

    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "that's hot"
    [11:25 PM] Problematik: "Why are you here? Why are you searching us?"
    [11:25 PM] nfreak141: "^^^edgelord bup in here"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Don't take that too literally Xen"
    [11:25 PM] yoshi: "ayyyy bup"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm sure you will concoct some wild theory"
    [11:25 PM] Dense: "hi"
    [11:25 PM] Problematik: "Coct"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""bup literally thrives on hate more at 11"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "yes"
    [11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Find a real job"
    [11:26 PM] Dense: "noOoO dark cptn toad"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "no"
    [11:26 PM] nfreak141: "pft ahahahha"
    [11:26 PM] Problematik: "Can we defeat bup by huggin him?"
    [11:26 PM] yoshi: "theory: bup."
    [11:26 PM] yoshi: "thats it, thats the theory"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "it's funny because at one point it was actually a theory that he thrived on hate"
    [11:26 PM] Problematik: "My theory: we can kill bup bein wholesome"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "what if it's still true :thinking:"
    [11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""it's funny because at one point it was actually a theory that he thrived on hate" @Xenquility Weak take"
    [11:27 PM] nfreak141: "wait, hol up. what if BUP is hatred?"
    [11:27 PM] nfreak141: ":O"
    [11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If I thrived on hate I'd be doing a terrible job considering half of you simp me"
    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "okay maybe he sexually thrives on hate"
    [11:28 PM] Xenquility: "new theory"
    [11:28 PM] Xenquility: "bup literally thrives on attention more at 11"
    [11:28 PM] nfreak141: "That... yueah that seems to be it."
    [11:29 PM] nfreak141: "But isn't that liek half the supernatural beings in this thing?"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""bup literally thrives on attention more at 11" @Xenquility I could reply to this in a way you all find"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "spooky"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "or"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "intimidating"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but instead"

    [11:29 PM] Problematik: "Theory: bup is an aw at 11"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "perhaps I should treat you all like the shitposters you are"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVUOGUmxJI"

    [11:29 PM] nfreak141: "So wait does that make BUP a drama queen?"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "look it's hard to act genuinely scared when you're telling me to get a real job"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "actually scratch that"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "it is scary"
    [11:30 PM] yoshi: "am i allowed to simp"
    [11:30 PM] Problematik: "No"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "because it hurts me deep :sadcat~1:"
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""am i allowed to simp" @yoshi I already own your soul"
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How much more could you possibly debase yourself?"

    [11:31 PM] yoshi: "fair"
    [11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I appreciate your cantor, but it is indicative of the weak fortitude of the internet detectives"
    [11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so unwilling to stay on their path, always creating chaos and splitting sides"

    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "did you mean to say candor"
    [11:32 PM] nfreak141: "I mean I'm here for it in all honesty"
    [11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "did someone say chaos"
    [11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "what"
    [11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: ":chaos:"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "also hey not all of us want chaos"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "i think"
    [11:32 PM] yoshi: "dude i fucking love chaos"
    [11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "chaos is the shit"
    [11:32 PM] yoshi: "lets ban xen"
    [11:32 PM] nfreak141: "i literally gave wolf a fairy to see what would happen"
    [11:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lmao"
    [11:32 PM] yoshi: "lets ban everyone"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "wow am i the only one for the gay baby happy ending"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also, @ xenquility"
    [11:33 PM] yoshi: "are you a gay baby"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Always assuming you are above all"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Intelligence"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""mid 16th century: from Latin, ‘singer’, from canere ‘sing’.""
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "How about this simpleton"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I appreciate your singsong"

    [11:33 PM] yoshi: "damn"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Does that make it easy for the baby?"
    [11:34 PM] Xenquility: "wow this guy is mad about that"
    [11:34 PM] yoshi: ":babyrage:"
    [11:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, I find the assumption you can correct me funny."
    [11:34 PM] Problematik: "Bup tillted"
    [11:36 PM] Xenquility: "still pretty sure "cantor" does not actually mean "singsong" no matter it's etymology"
    [11:36 PM] yoshi: "nerd fight"


    • BUP taunts the players and claims their theories that he literally thrives on hate and attention are incorrect.


    • Files:
    • ((Untitled Image)) - A cropped screenshot of two players typing. target=_blank

    September 18th, 2020

    • At 8:24 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player nfreak jokingly insulting another player with "How rude".

    Spetember 23rd, 2020

    • A 1:19 PM, the player Pako discovered that Lunarchildren.com had briefly gone offline.

    September 29th, 2020

    • At 3:13 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Astralobservatory.net had briefly gone offline.

    9/29/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Haha"
    [9:32 PM] Xenquility: ":demolaugh:"
    [9:38 PM] yoshi: "hehe"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "hoho"
    [9:41 PM] yoshi: "huhu"
    [10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well"
    [10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "boo, the fun is over."

    [10:36 PM] Dense: "oh"
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I bet none of you noticed."

    [10:39 PM] Xenquility: "sounds ominous"
    [10:40 PM] Dense: "uh"
    [10:40 PM] Dense: "xen"
    [10:40 PM] Dense: "what's he speaking abt"
    [10:40 PM] Xenquility: "idk it could be something bad or he could just be saying that we never even realized he was having fun in the first place"
    [10:40 PM] Xenquility: "or that we didn't realize he was done being "fun""
    [10:41 PM] Problematik: "You know bup"
    [10:41 PM] Xenquility: "i dont really know"
    [10:41 PM] Problematik: "He is just fucking with us"
    [10:43 PM] yoshi: "noticed what"
    [10:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "prob that wofl id no longer orang"
    [10:44 PM] yoshi: "hes been nonorange forever"
    [10:44 PM] Xenquility: "you're late to the party"
    [10:44 PM] ADULT_LINK: "nevermind"
    [10:44 PM] yoshi: "what if he deleted something"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "no deleted messages in recent times"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "nor is anything gone on greth vlogs"
    [10:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I will tell you"
    [10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I took down one of your precious websites"
    [10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But someone has already fixed my mischief"

    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "oh was it ao"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "we saw that"
    [10:46 PM] yoshi: "whatd you suspend it for :("
    [10:46 PM] Dense: "oh"
    [10:46 PM] Xenquility: "lc was also cucked recently"
    [10:46 PM] Dense: "xen noticed"
    [10:46 PM] Dense: "bitch"
    [10:47 PM] yoshi: "yeah i tested it when he mentioned it earlier"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "rip ao for like, a few hours"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "another wacky trick by our funny friend bup"
    [10:48 PM] HaouDeSoul: "he bupped the sites"
    [10:48 PM] yoshi: "he can only bup for so long though"
    [10:49 PM] yoshi: "also xens one of those weirdos who probably has the sites open 24/7"
    [10:50 PM] yoshi: "he always watches"
    [10:55 PM] Dense: "y"
    [10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I bup what I want to bup"


    • BUP implies that he was responsible for one off the websites going offline recently.

    October 3rd, 2020

    • At 11:20 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. Halfway through this conversation, Kaiden Zoromichi also became active.

    10/3/20 - Chat with BUP and Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You people are a fucking disgrace"
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Poop, really?"
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not even 'disgusting', it's just"

    [11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: ""you people""
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "so unoriginal"
    [11:20 PM] ADULT_LINK: "dont blame the victims"
    [11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "blame the person who changed everything"
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "wasnt it actually your boss though"
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Fuck you I'm an all powerful being I'll blame who I want"
    [11:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ok"
    [11:21 PM] yoshi: "poop is unfunny"
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Actually I suppose that is a bit of a lie"
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am not so pretentious to pretend I'm 100% all powerful"
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would say Luna and Tenebris are closer than I"
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But not by much :moonthink:"

    [11:23 PM] yoshi: "damn bro whats your powerlevel"
    [11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is no deeplore here, just honest self analysis"
    [11:23 PM] yoshi: "how many gokus we talkin"
    [11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even I am capable"
    [11:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I could squash Goku if we 1v1'd because there would be no 'combat' per se"
    [11:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This is assuming Goku and I existed in a concurrent reality and that we had access to the entire structure of our abilities as present in our own realities"

    [11:24 PM] yoshi: "damn...hes over a Goku level..."
    [11:24 PM] yoshi: "we are fucked"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I suppose if I were forced to play on Goku's level he'd shred me, because anime is dumb"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I wouldn't have to, is the point"

    [11:25 PM] yoshi: "this is at least 5 gokus"
    [11:25 PM] yoshi: "bup is too powerful"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm glad you quantified that for me."
    [11:25 PM] yoshi: "np"
    [11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait like base goku or like"
    [11:26 PM] ADULT_LINK: "powered up goku"
    [11:26 PM] yoshi: "shit"
    [11:26 PM] yoshi: "good question"
    [11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am just assuming Goku at his very best"
    [11:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because the level at which Goku battles based on how 'powered up he is' makes no difference"

    [11:26 PM] yoshi: "i am not goku lored enough to quantify that properly"
    [11:27 PM] Problematik: "Ok bup"
    [11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The differences between his anime powerups 'strength' and my own conceptual end to that confrontation don't mean anything"
    [11:27 PM] Problematik: "Goku or regi"
    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "Ok bup"
    [11:27 PM] Problematik: "Who would win"
    [11:27 PM] yoshi: "so ill just stick to like 5 gokus as a measurement"
    [11:27 PM] yoshi: "put this in the wiki"
    [11:28 PM] yoshi: ""how powerful is bup? at least like 5 gokus""
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Goku or regi" @Problematik Regi"
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "For similar reasons."

    [11:30 PM] Problematik: "Ok"
    [11:32 PM] yoshi: "tbh i stole the gokus joke from a webcomic creator because its an absolute valid way to judge power"
    [11:33 PM] yoshi: "all things should be measured in gokus"
    [11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Hmmm."
    [11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know, I try helping you people out and I come back here and :tired_face:"
    [11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What did you... do!?"
    [11:36 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "To the server I mean."

    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "Technically I think it was some guy named IIIII"
    [11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nerd alert."
    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "we are unwilling"
    [11:37 PM] yoshi: ":eggplant:"
    [11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "What's with the eggplants!?"
    [11:37 PM] yoshi: "i do not agree with...whatever the poopening stuff is"
    [11:37 PM] ADULT_LINK: "i also do not agree with the Poop Theme"
    [11:37 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I don't know why you guys keep sending me eggplant emojis but STOP."
    [11:38 PM] yoshi: ":5_PepeEggplant:"
    [11:38 PM] yoshi: "i wouldnt recommend looking at your discord roles then"
    [11:39 PM] yoshi: "anyways kaiden, how many gokus strong are you"
    [11:40 PM] yoshi: "this is important info"
    [11:46 PM] yoshi: "did i scare him off"
    [11:46 PM] yoshi: "oh no"
    [11:51 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I'm not sure what that means"
    [11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was taking a photograph."
    [11:52 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ((The image "7-of-diamonds.jpg" is sent))
    [11:53 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "I was checking where Wolfcat supposedly was last seen and... well. You see."
    [11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Damn"
    [11:53 PM] Xenquility: "he got carded too?"
    [11:54 PM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Apparently so."
    [11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?"
    [11:57 PM] Xenquility: "Other than being associated with cards, I mean"
    [12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm still not sure."
    [12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "About what?"
    [12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Also who are you"
    [12:01 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Hmm... any hint as to what this thing was?" @Xenquility what thing?"

    [12:01 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not sure about your cards."
    [12:01 AM] Xenquility: "Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID"
    [12:02 AM] yoshi: "you ever just turn into a card"
    [12:02 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: ""Whatever the being was that wiped out the ID" @Xenquility I'm not sure if the cards are related to that or not yet. It would be assumptive to assume so."
    [12:04 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "...Assumptive to assume. That was unnecessary. Blech."

    [12:04 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eh hehehe."
    [12:04 AM] yoshi: "gg"
    [12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I know your answers."
    [12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "????"
    [12:05 AM] Xenquility: "This guy is some weird stalker god guy"
    [12:05 AM] yoshi: "bups being mysterious again"
    [12:05 AM] Xenquility: "he knows a lot of things and whatnot"
    [12:05 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "You know who killed the Internet Detectives???"
    [12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Of course."
    [12:05 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm not going to share though."

    [12:05 AM] yoshi: "stop bein mysterious, bad bup"
    [12:05 AM] yoshi: ":spray:"
    [12:09 AM] yoshi: "dont make any weird deals with him for info though kaiden, or youll end up with a missing soul and a cool frog pic in its place"
    [12:10 AM] yoshi: "worth it"
    [12:14 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":BUP:"
    [12:15 AM] yoshi: ":buppog:"
    [12:16 AM] Kaiden Zoromichi: "Shit. I have to go. I had more to talk about but something is going on. No time to explain."
    [12:16 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "OMINOUS."
    [12:17 AM] yoshi: "uh oh"
    [12:17 AM] yoshi: "damn bro at least say something less vague"
    [12:17 AM] yoshi: "smh"
    [12:18 AM] yoshi: "booooo"
    [12:20 AM] yoshi: "kaiden has Fucking Died"
    [12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "RIP ripoff Mugen"


    • BUP is surprised and disappointed to see that many players in the Internet Detectives Discord server had their usernames changed to "poop".
    • BUP claims that he is powerful but admits that Tenebris and Luna are more powerful than him.
    • Kaiden Zoromichi is exploring the location where the Astral Timeline version of Wolfcat was last seen only to find another card - a "Seven of Hearts".
    • BUP claims that he knows who killed the Internet Detectives in the Astral Timeline, but he will not say who it was.
    • Kaiden Zoromichi suddenly leaves as "something" is going on in his currrent location.


    • Files:
    • 7-of-diamonds.jpg - A low-res image of Kaiden holding the "Seven of Hearts" card. target=_blank

    October 9th, 2020

    • At 12:21 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/subterranean/lake". This page was titled "..." and contained the image "reflect.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "deepfallen.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 12:21 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/womb/subterranean/lake" for too long would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/subterranean/lake/whirlpool". This page was titled "no escape" and contained the image "spiraling.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "whirl.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained text hidden in its source code that translated to "A powerful whirlpool prevents your passage!". This page would also redirect players to itself if they remained on it for too long.

    October 18th, 2020

    • At 3:38 PM, Wolfcat's Discord account became active and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods the image "next.png". target=_blank
    • At 10:20 PM, Dawn became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    10/18/20 - Chat with Dawn - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "((The image "Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG" is sent)) target=_blank
    [10:20 PM] Dawn: "Guys, someone is calling for help"
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "Found this guy just hanging around"
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "He seems familiar"

    [10:21 PM] Dense: "fuk where's the capable people"
    [10:21 PM] Dense: "aaa"
    [10:21 PM] Dense: "fuk"
    [10:21 PM] Dawn: "He needs anyone he can get"
    [10:21 PM] ADULT_LINK: "did someone @ upd8 then delete it?"
    [10:21 PM] Dense: "idk"
    [10:21 PM] HaouDeSoul: "I think so"
    [10:21 PM] Dense: "TRUE"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "fuk im stoopiid"
    [10:22 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "where are you guys"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "lets do it i guess"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "just to"
    [10:22 PM] Dawn: "I'm at johnisdead.com/fakeworld"
    9:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: "sitting on my couch"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "@Upd8"
    [10:22 PM] ADULT_LINK: "bout to play minecraft or somethin"
    [10:22 PM] HaouDeSoul: "can't join rn, I got hw aaaaa"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "sssssss"
    [10:22 PM] Jos: "Wow this is a colosal goat update"
    [10:22 PM] Dense: "it seems like"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "HOW DID"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "JANUS LOADED"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "IN LIKE"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "5 SECONDS"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "WTFF"
    [10:23 PM] Dense: "UM IM IN???"
    [10:24 PM] Dense: "also this fucking song"
    [10:24 PM] Dense: "i love it"
    [10:24 PM] Dense: ":dancer:"
    [10:26 PM] Dawn: "Where are you, Dense? We need everyone."
    [10:26 PM] Dense: "pillars wa"
    [10:26 PM] Dense: "now fakeworld again :3"
    [10:28 PM] GreyOutt: "?"
    [10:28 PM] Dense: "UM THERE'S ANOTHER DOOR A"
    [10:28 PM] Dense: "iM TOO STUPID FOR THIS"
    [10:29 PM] GreyOutt: "What's happenin"
    [10:29 PM] Dense: "janus vr update"
    [10:29 PM] Dense: "but im"
    [10:29 PM] GreyOutt: "O"
    [10:29 PM] Dawn: "We need to help Stack Overflow"
    [10:29 PM] Dense: "dumb"
    [10:29 PM] Dawn: "We need everyone"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "Someone at Fakeworld teleported me to him"

    [10:30 PM] GreyOutt: "Don't have vr"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "You don't need VR"
    [10:30 PM] Dense: "no need"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "Just the app"
    [10:30 PM] Dawn: "https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld/"

    [10:31 PM] Dense: "IM AGAIN AT FAKEWORLD A"
    [10:33 PM] Dense: "uH"
    [10:39 PM] Dense: "hh"
    [11:10 PM] Dawn: ((The image "worlds.JPG" is sent)) target=_blank


    • Dawn informs the players that Stackoverflow is asking for the players' help on Janus.


    • Files:
    • Johnisdeadcomfakeworld.JPG - A screenshot of Stackoverflow standing in the "Under" Janus room. target=_blank
    • worlds.JPG - A screenshot of Stackoverflow and Prominence standing in the "Pillars" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 10:31 PM, players met up Prominence in the "Fakeworld" Janus room, who led them to the "Under" Janus room. This Janus room had been greatly expanded, now featuring an additional hallway in the room with the image "papers.jpg" that led to a small room with a portal leading to the "Mortus" Janus room. This hallway also led players to another building that contained a stairway leading to a portal to the "Solace" Janus room and a large balcony where Stackoverflow was found. The following event was not fully archived. The following is a summary of what transpired on Janus:

    10/18/20 - JanusVR Expedition - Johnisdead.com

    (("Under" Janus Room))

    The players meet up with Stackoverflow, who is standing on a new balcony on the far end of the map. Prominence is present as well, having led the players to this new location. Stackoverflow begins speaking to the players, informing them that he is organizing a "search party" of sorts for his two brothers. The players agree to take part. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and the players begin travelling together, exiting the "Under" Janus map through the new portal that leads to the "Mortus" Janus room.

    (("Mortus" Janus room))

    The "Mortus" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Under" Janus room, players would spawn in a small, concrete room underground. This room was mostly empty aside from a few wooden crates strewn about. Walking through a small hallway connected to this room would lead players to a stairwell, leading them up through an opening in the ground next to the large tree on the hill. There were now two large grass structures in the distance - one shaped like a series of large pillars, which would lead players back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, and one shaped like a strange building of sorts that would lead players to the "Pillars" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Pillars" portal.

    (("Pillars" Janus Room))

    The "Pillars" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Mortus" Janus room, players would spawn in an alcove on the main pillar near the "Fakeworld" Janus room entrance. Proceeding through the large hole discovered in earlier versions of the map would lead players to a new section of the room - a series of long, wooden tunnels. These tunnels led players to the base of another pillar, which held the entrance to the "Distance" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Distance" portal.

    (("Distance" Janus Room))

    The "Distance" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Pillars" Janus room, players would spawn next to a series of large, red, hexagonal pillars. Directly in-front of the players was a long stretch of low-res fire textures. Following these would lead players back to the original entrance of the "Distance" Janus room. From here, two other roads of fire textures were found. The road directly across from the players' current position led to a series of red platforms that housed a portal to the "Emptiness" Janus room. The other path led players to a raised, red platform housing a portal to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. Stackoverflow, Prominence, and the players proceeded through the "Emptiness" portal.

    (("Emptiness" Janus Room))

    The "Emptiness" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Distance" Janus room, players would spawn on a small patch of land connected to the upper ledge surrounding the map. An identical ledge could be found on the opposite side of the room containing a portal to the "Tomb" Janus room. The lower section of the map also contained a small cave that housed a portal back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Tomb" portal.

    (("Tomb" Janus Room))

    The "Tomb" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Emptiness" Janus room, players would spawn in a new section of the map - a small canal of sorts next to the Spire. Travelling through this canal would lead players to a ramp leading back up to the Spire. The simple 2d mountain behind the Spire now contained a ramp leading up to cave which housed a portal back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. This map also now contained a building near the Spire which contained a portal leading to the "Rooftop" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Rooftop" portal.

    (("Rooftop" Janus Room))

    The "Rooftop" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Tomb" Janus room, players would spawn inside the second building inside a small hallway. This hallway led to a larger room containing windows where the players could see the previous section of the map. Proceeding through another hallway would lead players to the room that was previously viewable from the grates atop the roof of the second building. This room housed a portal that led players to the "Solace" Janus room. The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence proceeded through the "Solace" portal.

    (("Solace" Janus Room))

    The "Solace" Janus room had been updated. Coming from the "Rooftop" Janus room, players would spawn in the ruins of the building on the far end of the map. The room now housed a cave-like structure near the original entrance to the map that housed a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. A large well could also be found in the center of the map that led to a dark, underground cavern. This cavern contained a portal that led back to the "Under" Janus room, completing the loop.

    The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence discovered Halicord sitting in the bottom of the well of this map. Halicord and Stackoverflow had a friendly reunion and thanked the players for reuniting them. The two were still concerned for their brother "Trapped", however, has he had not been seen in quite some time.

    Stackoverflow, Halicord, Prominence, and the players proceeded back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room to regroup.

    (("Fakeworld" Janus Room))

    Stackoverflow and Halicord asked the players to seek out their lost brother Trapped. As the players explored the "Fakeworld" Janus room, they discovered that it had been greatly expanded. There were now structures that led to each of the Janus rooms previously mentioned in this summary. Throughout the players' exploration of the "Fakeworld" Janus room, Stackoverflow and Halicord proceeded to chat about seemingly random subjects in the center of the room. A large structure was discovered on the cliffside behind the original "Fakeworld" entrance that contained a portal that led to the "Emptiness" Janus room. Further along the cliff was a ramp leading to a small cave that contained a portal leading to the "Tomb" Janus room.

    On the small plateau where the "Pillars" portal was previously found is a small pillar with a bridge leading to it housing a portal to the "Distance" Janus room. In the large canyon / ocean location was a new structure with a ramp leading up to a small alcove in its side housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room. The large castle-like structure was now fully explorable. The outside of the structure now contained a balcony that led to the backside of the structure, where a portal to the "Solace" Janus room was discovered.

    The players and Prominence began travelling through the castle-like structure, climbing many stairways surrounded by bottomless pits. They were eventually led back outside along a large balcony that led up to a large doorway containing a portal to the "Rooftop" Janus room. The players and Prominence proceeded through the "Rooftop" portal.

    (("Rooftop" Janus Room))

    Coming from the "Fakeworld" Janus room, players would spawn on a series of pipes coming out of the wall of the first building near the "Streets" Janus room portal. The players proceeded to the roof of the first building and entered through the "Streets" portal.

    (("Streets" Janus Room))

    The "Streets" Janus room remained unchanged. However, this is where the players finally found Stackoverflow's missing brother Trapped. Trapped was lying on the ground in one of the small "parking lot" areas. Their model appeared mangled and glitched. The player Xenquility quickly proceeded back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, informing Stackoverflow and Halicord that their brother had been located. Stackoverflow and Halicord entered the "Streets" Janus room alongside the player Xenquility. Trapped was screaming and yelling for help. However, just as Halicord and Stackoverflow approached him, he died.

    Stackoverflow and Halicord mourned the loss of their brother as the players consoled him. Following this, the players finally discovered the home of the three brothers - the "Sun Tower" Janus room. Though overjoyed to finally return home, Stackoverflow and Halicord were still mourning the loss of their brother.

    Halicord_5499: "My brother.."
    Xenquility: "I'm sorry"
    Halicord_5499: "My other brother is still grieving.."
    stackoverflow_2651: "could it really be"
    stackoverflow_2651: "I never thought I would see the day again."

    Halicord_5499: "We are back home brother"
    stackoverflow_2651: "the nightmare is over"
    Halicord_5499: "At least...we have each other."
    stackoverflow_2651: "I only wish our brother could be here with us.."
    Halicord_5499: "Our eldest succumbed to the corruption"
    Xenquility: "Are you sure there's no way to save him?"
    stackoverflow_2651: "thank you"
    Halicord_5499: "Thank you"
    stackoverflow_2651: "not that we know"
    Halicord_5499: "The corruption is impossible to remove"
    Xenquility: "What about with the power of the Dawn?"
    Halicord_5499: "Once it's reached that level"
    Halicord_5499: "Fuck Dawn"

    Xenquility: "Wow"
    stackoverflow_2651: "we have seen corruption before">
    Xenquility: "I only say that as he owes us a favor"
    stackoverflow_2651: "after a point it is untreatable"
    stackoverflow_2651: "we have returned to out home at last"
    stackoverflow_2651: "our"

    Halicord_5499: "THE CORRUPTION"
    Halicord_5499: "IT STILL AFFECTS YOU"
    Halicord_5499: "Just kidding."

    Xenquility: "DON'T scare me like that"
    Xenquility: "Also I must recommend"
    Xenquility: "if you dislike Dawn so much"
    Halicord_5499: "Stack is quite...young, and he may not know the best words to use or type at times."
    Xenquility: "Maybe remove some of his imagery around here"
    stackoverflow_2651: "Xenquility. You have helped us more than you understand."
    stackoverflow_2651: "In the future,"
    stackoverflow_2651: "We will repay you for your favors."

    Xenquility: "Thank you"
    stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you"
    Xenquility: "I assume we will need as many favors as we can in the upcoming times"
    Prominence: "Thank you"
    Halicord_5499: "Thank you."
    Halicord_5499: "I will owe you a favor as well, though I rather hate your kind."

    stackoverflow_2651: "I will contact you when the time is right."
    stackoverflow_2651: "xenquility"

    Xenquility: "It appears I have developed paralysis"
    Halicord_5499: "There he goes."
    Halicord_5499: "Sitting in his usual spot."

    Xenquility: "Nevermind"
    stackoverflow_2651: "Is there some way to contact you on this machine"
    Xenquility: "Does it have Discord"
    stackoverflow_2651: "it has the internet so"
    stackoverflow_2651: "most likely"
    stackoverflow_2651: "it may not be the same as from your world"

    Xenquility: "My discord is Xenquility#6702"
    Halicord_5499: "Brother"
    Halicord_5499: "What's all this bullshit on your desk?"

    stackoverflow_2651: "Thank you. I will contact you soon."
    stackoverflow_2651: "Oj in a coffee mug"

    Xenquility: "Well"
    Xenquility: "Is this a goodbye, for now?"
    Halicord_5499: "Yes, leave"
    Xenquility: "Hasty"
    stackoverflow_2651: "Yes. We would like to be alone to remember home."
    Xenquility: "I wish you all well"
    stackoverflow_2651: "thank you again my friend"
    Xenquility: "Au revoir, mon amis"


    • The players, Stackoverflow, and Prominence begin searching through past Janus rooms in an attempt to find Trapped and Halicord. Many of these old Janus rooms had been updated and expanded:
    • The "Under" Janus room now contained more rooms leading to another building which contained a balcony where Stackoverflow was found. This map also contained a new room housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room.
    • The "Mortus" Janus room now contained two large, grassy structures that contained portals to the "Fakeworld" and "Pillars" Janus rooms respectively. There was also a small underground room near the tree that led to the "Under" Janus room.
    • The "Pillars" Janus room now contained a small cave housing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room. The large hole found upon the first discovery of this map now led players to a series of tunnels that housed a portal to the "Distance" Janus room.
    • The "Distance" Janus room now contained three long pathways of flames that led to large, red landscapes housing portals to the "Pillars", "Fakeworld", and "Emptiness" Janus rooms respectively.
    • The "Emptiness" Janus room now contained two small balconies along the upper cliff section that housed portals leading to the "Distance" and "Tomb" Janus rooms. The lower section of this room also now contained a small cave that led to the "Fakeworld" Janus room.
    • The "Tomb" Janus room now contained a canal housing a portal to the "Emptiness" Janus room. The mountain behind the Spire now contained a cave containing a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room. There was also a new building next to the Spire where a portal leading to the "Rooftop" Janus room could be found.
    • The "Rooftop" Janus room now contained an interior to the second building that was accessed via the "Tomb" Janus room. This interior also housed another portal leading to the "Solace" Janus room. This Janus room also contained a portal linking to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, though it could not be accessed from the interior of the building.
    • The "Solace" Janus room now contained a portal to the "Rooftop" Janus room found in the ruins of the old building. This room also contained a cave housing a portal leading back to the "Fakeworld" Janus room, as well as a large well that led to a small underground cave containing a portal that led back to the "Under" Janus room.
    • After exploring all of the updated Janus rooms above, players found Halicord located in the well in the "Solace" Janus room. Stackoverflow and Halicord had a heartfelt reunion.
    • Stackoverflow, Halicord, Prominence, and the players regrouped back in the "Fakeworld" Janus rooms. The players were tasked with finding Stackoverflow's second missing brother, Trapped, while Halicord and Stackoverflow chatted with one another. Unfortunately, these chats were not archived.
    • The "Fakeworld" Janus room had also been greatly updated. There were now many structures strewn across the map that linked back to the updated Janus rooms above.
    • The player Xenquility discovered that climbing the large castle-like structure in the "Fakeworld" Janus map would lead players to a portal linking to the "Rooftop" Janus room. Since this room was now being accessed from the "Fakeworld" Janus room and not the "Solace" or "Tomb" Janus rooms, they were no longer trapped within the interior of the building.
    • The player Xenquility accessed the "Streets" Janus room from the portal found in the "Rooftop" Janus room. Here, Trapped was finally found, but he was corrupted and mortally wounded.
    • The player Xenquility led Stackoverflow and Halicord to Trapped, but it was too late - Trapped had passed away. Stackoverflow and Halicorrd mourned the loss of their brother.
    • The player Xenquility discovered the location of Stackoverflow and Halicord's home - the "Sun Tower" Janus room previously hosted on Withinhubris.com. The two were overjoyed to finally make their way home.
    • Stackoverflow, Halicord, and Prominence thanked the players, promising to repay the favor in the future.


    • Recordings:
    • A recording of the route taken through the Janus maps above: ((Coming Later))

    October 20th, 2020

    • At 5:00 PM, Wolfcat became active on Discord and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods a PM containing the image "picture.jpg". target=_blank
    • At 5:42 PM, Wolfcat became active on Discord and sent the player thelostbrineinthewoods a PM that read "https://johnisdead.com/spire/home/upper.html new visions soon".
    • At 9:51 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    10/20/20 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who wants to RP :slight_smile:"
    [9:51 PM] Problematik: "Depends"
    [9:51 PM] Problematik: "What kind of rp?"
    [9:54 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "hello @𝔅𝔲𝔭"
    [9:55 PM] Problematik: "MLP rp?"
    [9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"
    [9:55 PM] Problematik: "Then what kind of rp?"
    [9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not a shitty pony one"
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "Well"
    [9:56 PM] Problematik: "Im in"
    [9:57 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "somebody know the username and password of https://johnisdead.com/fishery ?"
    [9:57 PM] Problematik: "Nah m8"
    [9:57 PM] Problematik: "Thats some dark shit we dont know"
    [9:58 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "maybe it will be unlocked in the 11/11/2020 johnisdead update"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Maybe"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Maybe not"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Tyler dont make promises about updates bc he love us"
    [9:58 PM] Problematik: "Fuck jad"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "RP?"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "R.....P...?"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Hoi bum chummers xD"
    [10:04 PM] Problematik: "You are gonna make a skm rp?"
    [10:06 PM] Xenquility: "It's Samantha silly '.';"
    [10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "is"
    [10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "is"
    [10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "the keys gatekeepers"
    [10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "MEMORYMAN"

    [10:07 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "no"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "Probably xD"
    [10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "yes"
    [10:07 PM] Problematik: "Memory man"
    [10:08 PM] Problematik: "Are you here"
    [10:08 PM] Problematik: "Show yourself pussy boi"
    [10:08 PM] Xenquility: "Why is it that he didn't ask who memoryman was :thinking:"
    [10:08 PM] Xenquility: "Could it be because he IS MEMORYMAN"
    [10:09 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "who is memoryman!!!!"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Memoryman didnt remember he is MEMORYMAN"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "You are MEMORYMAN"
    [10:09 PM] Xenquility: ""who is memoryman!!!!" T̵̄͛O̶͗̉O̴̎̏ ̷̄̋L̵̑̓A̵͛͘T̸͐͝E̴͗̿"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Nice"
    [10:09 PM] Problematik: "Can i do it with you, daddy?"
    [10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "mem"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Maybe he just doesnt remember memoryman because he's lost(his)memor(ies)y423"
    [10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "ory"
    [10:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "man"


    • BUP asks the players if they wish to roleplay with him, but he never follows up on this.
    • BUP jokingly accuses the player "thelostbrineinthewoods" of being another player in disguise.

    October 23rd, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Polfcat".

    October 24th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Prlfcat".
    • At 12:30 AM, the player Problematik discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs Youtube channel - "Message received". target=_blank

    10/23/20 - "Message received" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with the same Moonman logo seen in the video "Escape p.2". The video cuts to Moonman sitting in front of his computer. He is wearing a black jacket and sunglasses. Moonman begins typing as text appears on screen.

    "Hello? Is anyone there?
    It's me, Moonman. It's been a little bit.
    For some reason, I have been unable to contact you all like usual.
    Something is preventing us from reaching one another, again.
    I hope this transmission reaches you, just like the old times.
    This feels a bit more drastic, I guess.
    Things are getting very strange.


    The text "Hello" briefly changes to "Hope" as the video begins to corrupt heavily. An image of "The Watcher" appears on screen as Moonman looks around, startled.


    • Moonman has been unable to contact anyone due the interference of an entity - likely "The Watcher".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    October 25th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Profcat".
    • At 5:22 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "cataclysm.png". target=_blank

    October 26th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Prodcat".
    • At 6:23 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "moment.png". target=_blank

    October 27th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Produat".
    • At 6:36 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "meeting.png". target=_blank

    October 28th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Product".
    • At 6:12 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "evening.png". target=_blank

    October 29th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Produce".
    • At 6:16 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "mistake.png". target=_blank
    • At 6:17 PM, Wolfcat became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "doubt.png". target=_blank

    October 30th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, Wolfcat's Discord username changed to "Producer", followed by "The Producer".
    • At 12:49 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    10/30/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [12:48 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there gonna be new johnisdead.com links?"
    [12:49 PM] The Producer: "No, never"
    [12:49 PM] The Producer: "Also, hello"
    [12:50 PM] The Producer: "uh one sec"
    [12:51 PM] The Producer: "This avatar is less ominous"
    [12:56 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods do you have questions of what"
    [1:01 PM] The Producer: "alright then damn I guess not"
    [2:09 PM] The Producer: "why are you deletin your messages buddy"

    [2:29 PM] Jos: "Hey producer"
    [2:34 PM] The Producer: "whats up squad"
    [2:34 PM] The Producer: "keep up the good work with the spotlights"

    [2:42 PM] Jos: "xDD"
    [2:42 PM] Jos: "Whats your favorite movie?"
    [2:43 PM] Jos: "Also dont mind it i am a smart Sportlight"
    [2:44 PM] The Producer: "The Breakfast Club honestly"
    [2:49 PM] Jos: "One of mine has a similar name"
    [2:49 PM] Jos: "Dead Poets Society"
    [2:49 PM] Jos: "What are ypu producing?"
    [2:50 PM] The Producer: "several things right now"
    [2:51 PM] The Producer: "I'll send you all some more sneek peeks later"

    [3:02 PM] Jos: "alright"
    [4:12 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what is the username of https://lunarchildren.com/archive/index.html ?"
    [4:17 PM] Pako: "oh shit the producer"
    [4:22 PM] Pako: "producer why your pic is so weird"
    [4:38 PM] The Producer: "its not weird"
    [4:38 PM] The Producer: "its aesthetic"
    [4:38 PM] The Producer: "also @thelostbrineinthewoods all will be answered in due time"
    [4:38 PM] The Producer: "AKA"
    [4:39 PM] The Producer: "you cant get in yet"

    [4:39 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "until 11/11/2020?"
    [4:39 PM] The Producer: "maybe :thinking:"
    [4:44 PM] Pako: "i guess that tomorrow will be a update"
    [4:47 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there any undiscovered johnisdead.com pages?"
    [4:48 PM] The Producer: "yes"
    [4:51 PM] Dense: "owo"
    [4:53 PM] The Producer: "...you just want me to list everything you haven't found yet?"
    [4:55 PM] Dense: "Haha dumbass"
    [4:55 PM] The Producer: "what was it doug said again"
    [4:55 PM] The Producer: ""You do not deserve to be handed information. You must take it.""

    [5:33 PM] Pako: "maybe we should experiment with /otherone100, /sect00 to find pages"
    [5:48 PM] Pako: "uh I think that IMG_1508 thumbnail changed and we didn't reported"
    [5:48 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i notice it too"
    [5:49 PM] Pako: "you did it?"
    [5:49 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "yeah i notice it"
    [5:49 PM] Pako: "when"
    [5:50 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i dont know?"
    [5:51 PM] Pako: "this is the new i guess"
    [5:52 PM] Pako: "that thumbnail is different"
    [5:59 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres moonman31?"
    [6:00 PM] Pako: ":mac:"
    [6:13 PM] Pako: "the IIIIIIIII video of quiet family is not available"
    [6:52 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":angery:"
    [6:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "i miss update AAA"
    [6:53 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Producer has the same font as Circle's the"
    [6:54 PM] Pako: "and as bup before"
    [6:54 PM] Pako: "i think"
    [6:54 PM] HaouDeSoul: "𝖙𝖍𝖊"
    [6:55 PM] Pako: "today we have pic?"
    [6:55 PM] HaouDeSoul: "what pic?"
    [6:55 PM] Pako: "hmmm"
    [6:56 PM] Pako: "the daily pic"
    [6:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "oh ok!"
    [6:57 PM] The Producer: "oh right"
    [6:57 PM] The Producer: "one sec"

    [6:57 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Thanks Producer! :KirikaAYAYA:"
    [6:58 PM] Pako: "hard day at the office"
    [6:58 PM] HaouDeSoul: "Being a producer in a production is hard work"
    [6:59 PM] Jos: "Yeah"
    [6:59 PM] Jos: "You have to sit there, producing things"
    [6:59 PM] Jos: "Its a very productive work"
    [7:00 PM] Pako: "is productive being producer or is producer being productive?"
    [7:00 PM] HaouDeSoul: "both"
    [7:01 PM] Pako: "good answer"
    [7:02 PM] Jos: "Well the product of your question would be he provides production to the movei being productive and being a pro at it, not to mention probably it has a lot of pros"
    [7:02 PM] HaouDeSoul: ":LSD:"
    [7:02 PM] Jos: ":kanna:"
    [7:04 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what update?"
    [7:12 PM] IIFan2001: ":ThroughFacePalm:"
    [7:36 PM] The Producer: ((The image "flex.png" is sent)) target=_blank
    [7:36 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what is that pic"
    [7:38 PM] The Producer: "one of my productions"
    [7:38 PM] The Producer: "id answer more but buddy im tired right now"


    • The Producer's avatar changes back to its original image - a mirrored horizon.
    • The Producer states that the images being posted by Wolfcat's account recently were actually teasers for an upcoming "production" of his.


    • Files:
    • flex.png - An image of figures running in a strange environment. target=_blank

    October 31st, 2020

    • At 8:11 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    10/31/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [12:10 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "something new today?"
    [12:14 PM] Pako: "today will be long"
    [12:14 PM] Pako: "so take it easy"
    [2:41 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres the janus vr tyler house?"
    [8:04 PM] Pako: "no pics"
    [8:11 PM] The Producer: "no pics"
    [8:11 PM] The Producer: "something else instead"

    [8:12 PM] Pako: "ok producer"
    [8:14 PM] Dense: "d pics"
    [8:15 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "no pics?"
    [8:15 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what something else?"
    [8:17 PM] Dense: "maybe dick pics"
    [8:17 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres douglas p"
    [8:18 PM] The Producer: "what was it doug said?"
    [8:18 PM] The Producer: ""you do not deserve to be handed dick pics""
    [8:18 PM] The Producer: "wait not thats not it"
    [8:18 PM] The Producer: "regardless"
    [8:18 PM] The Producer: "dick pics is not what im working on"

    [8:19 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "are you talking about the janus vr spire?"
    [8:19 PM] Deleted User: Sure producer :beatroll:"
    [8:19 PM] The Producer: "maybe? :thinking:"


    • The players ask The Producer for more pictures. He claims that they will be getting something else instead.
    • At 11:07 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "Message received". target=_blank

    10/31/20 - "Message received" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with the same Moonman logo seen in the video "Escape p.2". The video cuts to Moonman walking around his home. The Moonman logo flashes once again before text appears on screen:

    "MM in again. These transmissions are getting more difficult. I have a feeling I'm not alone here. Things are getting stranger."

    The video suddenly corrupts before more text appears:

    "Things are moving on their own. Doors opening and closing. This sounds like bulshit from a haunted house movie, but it's actually getting me really fucked up. I don't know what is causing any of this, but I'm going to try to keep in contact with everyone."

    Moonman is seen loading a gun as the video ends.


    • Moonman's house is seemingly being haunted.
    • It is becoming more difficult for Moonman to send out transmissions and the various hauntings around his home are beginning to affect his mental health.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    November 1st, 2020

    • At 12:01 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Gratitude of the Precursors". target=_blank

    11/1/20 - "Gratitude of the Precursors" - YouTube (Silentdork)

    This video contains various clips of Janus locations. This video begins with what appears to be a dark, cloudy location. Text from Mason begins appearing on screen:

    Mason: "It's all finally come back to me."
    Mason: "My final moments."
    Mason: "I remember rushing the Spire."

    Text from Mason's old blog posts on Letschasethemouse are slowly typed on screen:

    "I don't have much time, sadly. There's a lot of work to be done. If anyone-"

    The video fades to a clip of the long road that leads to the cellphone tower in the park.

    Mason: "Even now I recall their otherworldly screaming echoing in my mind…"
    Mason: "And how in a single instant it was silenced."

    The video fades to a clip of a house at night. The moon can be seen in the sky.

    Mason: "Did I kill them? Or set them free?"
    Mason: "I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

    The video fades to a clip of the Spire's library. More text from Mason's old blog posts is shown:

    "They took Doug, which I didn't expect. They need him for something."

    Mason: "Internet Detectives... I want to thank you."
    Mason: "In 2009, you all fought for my survival."

    The video briefly fades to a shot of the "Tomb" Janus room before cutting to a shot of the outside of the Spire.

    Mason: "While I couldn't save Doug... I now understand that our efforts were not in vain."
    Mason: "Thanks to all of you, I can see that now."

    More text from Mason's old blog posts is shown:

    "have been finding myself in places that I've never seen before, and finally-"

    The footage cuts to what appears to be a Janus map of the fishery seen in the video "The Forerunners". A distorted, 3d model of "Mason's Device" is shown in the background. The video cuts to footage of the inside of a brightly lit Spire. Text from the dead version of IsocelesAssassin is shown.

    IsocelesAssassin: "I'm incredibly grateful for all you've done for us. I can't emphasize that enough."
    IsocelesAssassin: "Me and Mase will be supporting you from here on out."
    IsocelesAssassin: "If you ever need our help, we'll be there."

    More text from Mason's old blog posts are shown:

    "-said the card would be very important in the future for me."

    The video cuts to footage of the "Under" and "Pillars" Janus rooms, before fading to black. Footage of a 3d forest environment is shown with a dilapidated shrine in the center. The camera zooms into the shrine where a pawn chess piece is shown. A Majora's Mask text box suddenly appears:

    "You received a PAWN!"
    "The Link's power is yours once more!"

    The video cuts to some similar footage of another 3d forest environment. The camera focuses on another pawn chess piece as another Majora's Mask text box appears:

    "You received a PAWN!"
    "You've eased the spirit of a deceased harbinger!"

    The video fades to black as one final message from Mason is shown:

    Mason: "Please..."
    Mason: "Save Doug if you can."
    Mason: "I miss my friend."


    • This video is a final thank you from Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin.
    • Mason ponders if he murdered the Lunar Children by blowing up the Spire or set them free, taking note of the screaming he heard coming from within the building.
    • Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin promise to assist the players in the future.
    • The players receive two more chess pieces - two "Pawns" representing Mason and the dead version of IsocelesAssassin respectively.
    • Mason asks the players to save Doug if they are able, as he still considers him a friend.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description:
    • Tags:
    • At 12:10 AM, Stackoverflow joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and briefly chatted with the players.

    11/1/20 - Chat with Stackoverflow - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [12:10 AM] Stackoverflow: "Hello, travelers."
    [12:10 AM] Dense: "Hello"
    [12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have come here in an attempt to repay you all for your help finding my brothers."
    [12:11 AM] Dense: "Cool"
    [12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "I have this for you"
    [12:11 AM] Stackoverflow: "johnisdead.com/fishery"


    • Stackoverflow repays the players for helping him find his brothers by giving them a link to a previously locked page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/fishery".
    • At 12:14 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/fishery" was now unlocked. The page was now titled "Fishery" and contained the image "house.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the "Fishery" Janus room.

    11/1/20 - "Fishery" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This Janus room is a 3d representation of the Lunar Children fishery in the style of a Majora's Mask level. This is the same Janus room seen in the video "The Forerunners". Players would spawn in a circle of rocks outside the fishery next to an old, overturned boat. Many assets from Majora's Mask could be seen around the map, such as bushes and rocks. Players could enter into the fishery through the same door Doug appeared from in the video "returning to fishery". This room was incredibly dilapidated, with massive holes in the ceiling and floors. From here, players could enter into a tiny office, where text could be found that read:

    "L 1UP"

    Players could also enter into the large, empty room where SKM was gifted the briefcase in the video "IMG_1509". Here, players could exit back outside into a large courtyard-like area with several fish tanks and overgrown scenery. From here, players could enter into the building with the caved-in roof seen in previous videos. One section of this building was cut-off from entrance due to the roof. However, climbing over the roof and dropping onto the other side of the building would lead players inside. This would also allow players to access a small room seen on the backside of the fishery which contained text that read:

    "name his NAME HIS NAME his NAME HIS name HIS NAME HIS name HIS NAME NANE his JEFFORY IS NAME his NAME his name HIS name NAME NAME his HIS NAME"

    Players could also drop to the backside of the fishery, where a drawing of the "Upper" Janus room could be seen with an arrow pointing to the hidden room next to the elevator with the following written above it:


    The following text could also be seen surrounded by handprints:


    Back on the other side of the caved-in roof, players could find various scribbles on the walls seen in previous videos of the fishery, as well as a small bathroom, where the following text was found:


    What appeared to be a blurry map of sorts was also visible. Another room could be accessed from this location that contained more drawings and sheets hanging from the ceiling. Here, players could exit to the back of the fishery, where a small stream could be seen. The following text was also written on the wall near the ground:


    Back inside, players could enter a large room where the ceiling was missing. This room contained the same drawings seen in past videos of the fishery, including many Parallelos symbols. This room also had a strange, red glow to it. From here, players could exit into the forest, though an invisible wall prevented them from travelling very far.


    • This room was a 3d representation of the fishery in the style of Majora's Mask.
    • This room contained many call-outs to active Johnisdead players.
    • This room contained many drawings found on the walls in past videos featuring the fishery.


    • Files:
    • adrift.mp3 - A somber song. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • At 12:18 PM, The Producer's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server changed to "𝓣𝓱𝓮 Producer". He then greeted the players with "hello broskinos".
    • At 12:19 AM, The Producer addressed several players' suspicions of him being an imposter with "im THE producer".
    • At 12:19 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the forest next to the courtyard would teleport players to a small grove where an audio file of the "Skull Kid" laughing would play on loop. Exiting this grove would teleport players back to the entrance of the fishery.
    • At an unknown time, players discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to leave the forest area near the beginning of the fishery would teleport players to an inescapable room made up of images of Doug's face.
    • At 12:29 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the forest through the backside of the fishery would teleport players to a small, dilapidated room. Here, text reading "v=4CUVfHH1G9A" could be found. This room also contained a large hole in the ground. Falling into it would teleport players back to the courtyard area.
    • At 12:30 AM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered that the text found in the "Fishery" Janus room - "v=4CUVfHH1G9A" - was a part of a YouTube URL for a previously unseen video on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel uploaded on December 20th, 2014 - "#2 it's working". target=_blank

    11/1/20 - "#2 it's working" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)

    This video begins with Jacob sitting in his room. He appears more tired than before.

    "Hey. This is, uh... night two. It's... 9:12. I'm very tired, but... it seemed to work a little bit, I got a- a burst of, uh... creative- creative... you know what I mean. Uh... I wrote a song. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I wasn't entirely expecting this to happen, so I'm gonna go another day, and, uh... see what happens."


    • Jacob has successfully created a song inspired by his sleep deprivation experiments. Because of this, he claims he will continue staying awake in an attempt to spur more creativity.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 12:40 AM, the player Xenquilty discovered a hidden room in the "Fishery" Janus room. Attempting to enter the room with the caved-in roof from the outside would teleport players to a series of strange rooms. These rooms looped around a bottomless pit. An outside balcony area could also be seen through a window, though it was inaccessible. The sound of a young girl laughing could occasionally be heard here as well. Entering through a small doorway would teleport players back into the large, empty room near the beginning of the fishery.
    • At 12:56 AM, the player Xenquility began attempting to solve the mystery of the books with letters on them found in the "Spire" Janus room that were colored either green, red, blue, or purple.
    • At 1:24 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message in the Internet Detectives Discord server with an emoji that read "high" and another emoji of an arrow pointing up and down.
    • At 1:25 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message asking if he's found all of the books in the library with a blue square emoji with number one and a green square emoji with the number two.
    • At 1:34 AM, The Producer began reacting to several messages from the player Xenquility with emojis of arrows pointing up and down.
    • At 1:46 AM, The Producer reacted to the player Xenquility's message in the Internet Detectives Discord server asking what he's looking for in the "Upper" and "Bottom" Janus maps with an emoji of black squares.
    • At 2:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Entrance.png" - a strange painting of the Spire that hid a secret room in the "Bottom" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 5:18 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and asked the players "did you rike it?". Shortly after this, the player Xenquility jokingly asked who The Producer is, to which The Producer responded with "this is joakim mogren".

    November 2nd, 2020

    • At 1:03 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "a".
    • At 9:57 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of the popular "Press F to Pay Respects" meme. target=_blank
    • At 10:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players. During this conversation, the missing player otherLiam returned and chatted with the players as well, now being named "aliveLiam".

    11/2/20 - Chat with The Producer and aliveLiam - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:10 AM] The Producer: "good morning internet pooptectives"
    [10:11 AM] The Producer: "I'm on a special mission today"

    [10:14 AM] Pako: "nice"
    [10:15 AM] The Producer: "as soon as I finish my ephemeral cup of morning joe, I'll go search out one of your fallen comrades"
    [10:15 AM] Pako: "ok"
    [10:16 AM] The Producer: "you seem very excited about this prospect"
    [10:24 AM] The Producer: "alright well here I go"
    [10:24 AM] The Producer: "hopefully I'll return with some good news"

    [10:25 AM] Pako: ((A screenshot of Erika's text from the video "Remembering" reading "Exciting~" is sent))
    [11:17 AM] Xenquility: "FUCKING epic"
    [11:17 AM] Xenquility: "johnisdead dead ally lootbox time"
    [11:19 AM] The Producer: "prepare to be disappointed"
    [11:19 AM] Xenquility: "fuck"
    [11:19 AM] Xenquility: "why"
    [11:19 AM] Xenquility: "did we get another common tier character back"
    [11:20 AM] Xenquility: "is it some rando from the lc forums or something"
    [12:23 PM] Problematik: "hello"
    [12:23 PM] Problematik: "can i get a compilation of new shit"
    [12:23 PM] The Producer: "here he is"
    [12:23 PM] Problematik: "hey prod"
    [12:23 PM] The Producer: "jk youre not the one i was talking about"
    [12:24 PM] Problematik: "k"
    [12:24 PM] The Producer: "hello problem"
    [12:24 PM] Pako: "hi problem"
    [12:24 PM] Problematik: "so, any new shit i should know?"
    [12:24 PM] Xenquility: "welcome back mon ami"
    [12:24 PM] Problematik: "hey my dude"
    [12:25 PM] Xenquility: "other than the fishery and jacob vid which I think you know about nothing otherwise"
    [12:25 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "johnisdead.com/fishery has been unlocked"
    [12:25 PM] Problematik: "ok cool"
    [12:25 PM] Problematik: "any news about wolf?"
    [12:26 PM] Xenquility: "not about wolf himself but prod is apparently working to bring one of our fallen comrades back"
    [12:26 PM] Xenquility: "or "search them out" in his words"
    [12:27 PM] Xenquility: "im still 80% suspicious that Producer is actually just Pumpkinhead this time around though given the whole pumpkinhead-slowly-changing-his-name-to-"producer"-thing that happened"
    [12:27 PM] Xenquility: "and yeah Im saying that to his face im no pussy"
    [12:27 PM] Problematik: "you are a brave man"
    [12:27 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Can I get the link to the wiki again ?"
    [12:28 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/"
    [12:28 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Danke"
    [12:40 PM] The Producer: "The orange guy is still off hiding somewhere, I think"
    [12:40 PM] The Producer: "not here"
    [12:40 PM] The Producer: "thats the only reason I'm showing myself again"
    [12:41 PM] The Producer: "I've been gaining power for quite some time, you see"
    [12:41 PM] The Producer: "I'm still powering up as we speak"

    [12:41 PM] Xenquility: "how exactly did you go about taking over his account though"
    [12:41 PM] Xenquility: "or uh"
    [12:41 PM] Xenquility: "re-taking-over the account he took over"
    [12:42 PM] The Producer: "we are intrinsically connected"
    [12:42 PM] The Producer: "this is something I've discovered only recently"

    [12:43 PM] Xenquility: "well isn't that a handy happenstance"
    [12:43 PM] Pako: "ok i knew"
    [12:44 PM] Pako: "the orange guy is hide in the hole"
    [12:44 PM] Pako: ":hole:"
    [12:46 PM] The Producer: "I've seen the results of his efforts and it won't end the way he thinks"
    [12:46 PM] Dense: "hewwo"
    [12:47 PM] The Producer: "but I don't blame him for thinking otherwise, given the many synchronicities of what is taking place"
    [12:50 PM] Xenquility: "What's that dude trying to accomplish these days anyways?"
    [12:52 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "This is a in character thing right ?"
    [12:52 PM] Xenquility: ">implying this isn't real"
    [12:52 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Lol"
    [12:52 PM] Pako: "true"
    [12:53 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well I am currently working my way through yshdt arc"
    [12:59 PM] The Producer: "He's hiding"
    [12:59 PM] The Producer: "and waiting"
    [12:59 PM] The Producer: "I can't go into more detail because I don't wanna disrupt the flow of the waters, so to speak"

    [1:00 PM] Pako: "uh"
    [1:00 PM] Pako: "waiting in the waters"
    [1:02 PM] The Producer: "not trying to be one of those cryptic code-talk assholes here"
    [1:02 PM] The Producer: "it's just this is kinda pivotal to my existence, really"
    [1:03 PM] The Producer: "though if you want a more down to earth and less exciting explanation of what he's doing"
    [1:03 PM] The Producer: "probably sniffing around for another dead spirit to use"

    [2:32 PM] Problematik: "New jacob song"
    [2:33 PM] Xenquility: "is someone going to overthrow the oligarchy of ID and instate themselves as the supreme ruler?"
    [2:33 PM] Problematik: "Well"
    [2:51 PM] The Producer: "You should do it :thinking:"
    [2:51 PM] The Producer: "Be the change you want to see in the world"

    [2:59 PM] Xenquility: "Thanks I will do it brb"
    [3:02 PM] The Producer: "no wait"
    [3:02 PM] Problematik: "What?"
    [3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"
    [3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"
    [3:02 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods"

    [3:02 PM] Xenquility: "sorry"
    [3:03 PM] Xenquility: "I now have your endorsement"
    [3:03 PM] Xenquility: "there is no stopping"
    [3:03 PM] Problematik: "Now i will drink my own pee"
    [3:03 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods look what youve done"
    [3:06 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "dont hacked me"
    [3:06 PM] The Producer: "too late, buddy"
    [3:06 PM] Xenquility: "he's already in your mainframe"
    [3:06 PM] Xenquility: "soon he'll be inside of you too :flushed:"
    [3:07 PM] Problematik: "Hot"
    [3:08 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ": ("
    [3:08 PM] The Producer: ":hand: :hando:"
    [3:09 PM] The Producer: "looking through your personal files right now..."
    [3:09 PM] The Producer: "whats all this "sand book" stuff??"

    [3:09 PM] Xenquility: "LMAO"
    [3:10 PM] Problematik: "What is this homework carpet that weight 6 gb"
    [3:10 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "i will leave"
    [3:10 PM] Xenquility: "bro you hacked him too hardf"
    [3:10 PM] Xenquility: "wtf"
    [3:10 PM] Pako: "problem don't lie"
    [3:10 PM] The Producer: "im kidding dont leave"
    [3:10 PM] The Producer: "i didnt actually hack you"
    [3:11 PM] The Producer: "aw rip he left"

    [3:11 PM] Problematik: "Thats unfortunate"
    [3:11 PM] Pako: "producer you scared him"
    [3:12 PM] Xenquility: "it's okay we all know he will be back"
    [3:15 PM] The Producer: "@thelostbrineinthewoods do you think you're safe? :hand:"
    [3:15 PM] The Producer: "jk DONT LEAVE im kidding"

    [3:16 PM] Pako: ":hando:"
    [5:47 PM] JosByte: Judt kiddign"
    [8:49 PM] Xenquility: "So what should my first step to absolute authority be, Producer?"
    [8:49 PM] The Producer: "maybe making a map of these various worlds might help?"
    [8:55 PM] Xenquility: "Great idea! Mapping out the electoral districts of janus for some good 'ol jerrymandering will be the perfect way for me to fake the ID election"
    [9:17 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":wot:"
    [9:24 PM] The Producer: "jackpot"
    [9:25 PM] Xenquility: "ayy"
    [9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "uh"
    [9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "hi?"

    [9:26 PM] Xenquility: "how was death"
    [9:26 PM] aliveLiam: "death?"
    [9:27 PM] Xenquility: "well whatever happened to you when you left"
    [9:27 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 "I don't remember anything like that""
    [9:27 PM] aliveLiam: "i mean"
    [9:28 PM] aliveLiam: "i remember my computer buggin out"

    [9:28 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [9:28 PM] Xenquility: "bup made it sound like he did worse"
    [9:28 PM] aliveLiam: "wait"
    [9:29 PM] aliveLiam: "jesus christ it's november?"

    [9:29 PM] ADULT_LINK: "yea"
    [9:29 PM] The Producer: "you're fuckin welcome"
    [9:29 PM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck'd you do"
    [9:29 PM] Xenquility: "welcome to november"
    [9:30 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "johnisdead.com/fishery has been unlocked and its the same fishery from The forerunners"
    [9:30 PM] Xenquility: "wait..."
    [9:30 PM] Xenquility: "omg..."
    [9:30 PM] Xenquility: "does this mean..."
    [9:30 PM] Xenquility: "Liam can't remember what happened in September?"
    [9:31 PM] Xenquility: ":horse:"
    [9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "the fuck happened in september"
    [9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "wait what happened in september"
    [9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "the fuck happened for the last few months"
    [9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "2020 is a blur"
    [9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "no seriously what"
    [9:31 PM] Xenquility: "nothing I was referencing a song"
    [9:31 PM] Xenquility: "also liam what do you last remember"
    [9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "ok forreal why is it november"
    [9:31 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ah gotcha"
    [9:31 PM] aliveLiam: "uh"
    [9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "i was makin fun of bup the cuck"
    [9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "then my computer bugged out"

    [9:32 PM] Xenquility: "yeah he "killed" you"
    [9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "then his dumbass face popped up"
    [9:32 PM] aliveLiam: "and now it's fucking november"

    [9:32 PM] ADULT_LINK: "hey neat you skipped some of quarantine"
    [9:32 PM] Xenquility: "you didn't buy enough simpleflips merch and he got mad at your ass"
    [9:33 PM] aliveLiam: "it's STILL quarantine?!"
    [9:33 PM] Xenquility: "so he banished you to the ricefields"
    [9:33 PM] ADULT_LINK: "yeah man this shit aint goin away for a while"
    [9:34 PM] Xenquility: "some loser named "Liam" took over your twitch account too and kept dissing you live"
    [9:34 PM] aliveLiam: "uh?"
    [9:34 PM] Dense: "Oh shid true"
    [9:34 PM] ADULT_LINK: "lol"
    [9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "the hell are you talking about"
    [9:35 PM] Dense: "I 100% forgot liam was beat to death"
    [9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "hi dense"
    [9:35 PM] Dense: "hemlo"
    [9:35 PM] aliveLiam: "im not death"
    [9:36 PM] Dense: "we missed u"
    [9:36 PM] Xenquility: "you were death though"
    [9:36 PM] aliveLiam: "im just november"
    [9:36 PM] Dense: "novemba"
    [9:36 PM] Xenquility: "liam actually finally perfected cryostasis"
    [9:38 PM] Dense: "wow"
    [9:47 PM] aliveLiam: "alright so i opened firefox to check my twitch"
    [9:47 PM] aliveLiam: "and this shit is open?"
    [9:47 PM] aliveLiam: ((The video "Round 2! Episode 1" is sent))
    [9:47 PM] Dense: ">fire fox"
    [9:47 PM] ADULT_LINK: "ayy firefox"
    [9:48 PM] Dense: "OH shid hi jacky"
    [9:48 PM] Dense: "WAIT"
    [9:48 PM] Dense: "5 YEARS"
    [9:48 PM] Xenquility: "wow these guys giving us videos via some really weird creative liberties"
    [9:49 PM] Xenquility: "also dense do you have an ISSUE with firefox"
    [9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "yeah uh"
    [9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "i got nothin for this"
    [9:49 PM] aliveLiam: "im still kinda in shock i lost like two months"

    [9:50 PM] Dense: "how's the family tho"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "honestly yeah you might want to like"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "call up your girlfriend"
    [9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "dude that's the thing"
    [9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "i live with my girlfriend"

    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "well then uh"
    [9:52 PM] aliveLiam: "and she's acting like nothing's weird"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "what the fuck"
    [9:53 PM] Xenquility: "is pannenkoek about to come in here and explain parallel universes to us or something"
    [9:53 PM] aliveLiam: "DUDE"
    [9:53 PM] aliveLiam: "SHE HAS A FUCKING ENGAGEMENT RING ON???"

    [9:53 PM] Xenquility: "fucking EPIC"
    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "well uh"
    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "I think epic?"
    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Other than the insinuation that you've, I'm assuming, been acting without your own knowledge for the past two months"
    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "Which kind of sucks I guess"
    [9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "ok hang on"
    [9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "hang on"
    [9:54 PM] aliveLiam: "what"

    [9:54 PM] Xenquility: "what"
    [9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "my parents also are just acting normal"
    [9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "i've got like"
    [9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "texts going back over these two months"
    [9:55 PM] aliveLiam: "that i didn't send"

    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "Damn did these bad guys straight up hand control of yourself over to someone else"
    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "or at least another you"
    [9:56 PM] jeffory: "did somebody mention panennkoek"
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: "or knowing them maybe another part of the same you?"
    [9:56 PM] aliveLiam: "HOW WOULD I FUCKING KNOW"
    [9:56 PM] Xenquility: "woah woah don't bite my head off I'm not tasty like the mushroom who did this is"
    [9:56 PM] The Producer: "you're fuckin welcome"
    [9:57 PM] aliveLiam: "WHAT DID YOU DO"
    [10:09 PM] Dense: "Liam did "YOU" give the ring or"
    [10:09 PM] aliveLiam: "Dense I don't remember a fucking thing"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "did otherLiam get replaced with realLiam :thinking:"
    [10:12 PM] aliveLiam: "ok ive just checked everything"
    [10:12 PM] aliveLiam: "apparently everything's just kinda carried on as if i was there"


    • The Producer informs the players that he's on a special mission - bringing back one of the players' lost comrades.
    • The Producer claims that he and Pumpkinhead are somehow intrinsically connected and that he cannot give the players more information regarding his current or future activities as it's supposedly pivotal to his very existence. He claims that events will now play out how Pumpkinhead believes they will, however.
    • The Producer believes that Pumpkinhead is currently hiding and waiting and perhaps even searching for another spirit to use as his mask.
    • The Producer returns with the players' lost comrade - the player BUP supposedly "killed", otherLiam. They change their name to "aliveLiam" and begin speaking to the players.
    • AliveLiam explains that the last thing he remembers is his computer glitching out. He is shocked to see that two months have passed since then.
    • AliveLiam claims that life has seemingly been progressing as normal despite the fact that he's been gone. His family and girlfriend claim that he never went missing and there are texts in his phone from himself that back up this claim. His girlfriend also is now wearing an engagement ring, implying that he even proposed to her while also being "gone".
    • AliveLiam says that when he "awoke", a previously unseen video uploaded on the Vincent Adams YouTube channel was open on his computer - "Round 2! Episode 1". See below for more details.
    • At 9:47 PM, aliveLiam posted a link to a previously unseen video uploaded to the Vincent Adams YouTube channel on February 14th, 2015 - "Round 2! Episode 1". target=_blank

    11/2/20 - "Round 2! Episode 1" - YouTube (Vincent Adams)

    This video begins with Jacob sitting in his room recording himself.

    Jacob: "Welp... I'm gonna do it again. It, um... It worked last time so I'm gonna do it again. This is, um... first night for, um... for this time. Uh... it is 12:18 AM. I'm excited to do it again for the sake of music."


    • Jacob confirms that he is going to start another round of sleep deprivation experiments in an attempt to create more music after the success of the previous nights.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Gonna do it again. trying for another song :)"
    • Tags: N/A

    November 3rd, 2020

    • At 10:10 AM, aliveLiam became active in the Internet Detectives discord server and began chatting with the players. Shortly after this, The Producer also became active and joined the conversation.

    11/3/20 - Chat with The Producer - Source

    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "okay well this is surreal as fuck to ask"
    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "but uh"
    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck did i miss?"

    [10:10 AM] Problematik: "Jacob is vincent"
    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "no i remember that"
    [10:10 AM] Problematik: "Wolf became prod"
    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "wait what"
    [10:10 AM] Problematik: "Yes"
    [10:10 AM] aliveLiam: "but i thought wolf was evil"
    [10:11 AM] Problematik: "Not anymore"
    [10:11 AM] aliveLiam: "wat"
    [10:11 AM] aliveLiam: "what happened to :jack_o_lantern:"

    [10:11 AM] Problematik: "He is hidding in a hole"
    [10:12 AM] Problematik: "There was a new upd8 video"
    [10:12 AM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "wheres the upd8 video?"
    [10:12 AM] Problematik: "In the silentdork channel"
    [10:12 AM] aliveLiam: "who are you"
    [10:13 AM] Problematik: "Hes a new guy"
    [10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "hi"
    [10:15 AM] The Producer: "feels weird bein the big man on top"
    [10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "you"
    [10:15 AM] aliveLiam: "what the fuck happened"

    [10:15 AM] Problematik: "I dont trust in prod, it was a weird transformation"
    [10:15 AM] The Producer: "you got bupped"
    [10:15 AM] The Producer: "and I pulled you out"
    [10:16 AM] The Producer: "also im no longer the singular big man on top now that pako logged in"

    [10:16 AM] aliveLiam: "we all know pako is god, it goes without saying"
    [10:17 AM] Problematik: "Maybe you saved our friend, but i dont trust you prod"
    [10:17 AM] The Producer: "understandable given the previous user of this account"
    [10:17 AM] aliveLiam: "i mean, thanks, but why help me?"
    or did whatever happen with wolfcat change you from being a neutral party?"
    [10:18 AM] The Producer: "I've always been 'one of you' at heart, if I'm being honest"
    [10:18 AM] The Producer: "as I said, I've been powering up"
    [10:18 AM] The Producer: "expanding my horizontals"
    [10:19 AM] The Producer: "I now have more power than previously thought"
    [10:19 AM] The Producer: "I've learned to go a level beyond"

    [10:19 AM] Pako: "lol liam revived"
    [10:19 AM] Problematik: "Can we play songs again?"
    [10:20 AM] Problematik: "I want to use the song of time 69 times"
    [10:20 AM] The Producer: "I'm pretty sure whatever hold orange guy had on your powers was released when he ran off"
    [10:20 AM] The Producer: "so it's likely you can do whatever now, I think"

    [10:20 AM] Problematik: "This is a hella big new"
    [10:21 AM] The Producer: "I dont have all the answers but that makes sense to me"
    [10:21 AM] The Producer: "I only have like"
    [10:21 AM] The Producer: "80% of the answers"

    [10:21 AM] Problematik: "Why my dad left me?"
    [10:21 AM] Problematik: "Do you have that answer?"
    [10:21 AM] The Producer: "I cant answer that one buddy"
    [10:21 AM] Problematik: "Fuck"
    [10:22 AM] The Producer: "I can be your new dad though"
    [10:22 AM] The Producer: "at least ephemerally"

    [10:22 AM] Problematik: "No thanks, i have my daddy @Fancypigg"
    [10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "well"
    [10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "that’s exciting i guess, that we can use our powers without getting cockblocked"
    [10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "so uh"
    [10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "if Pumpkinhead is run off"
    [10:27 AM] aliveLiam: "what are we even doing rn"

    [10:27 AM] Problematik: "Idk"
    [10:28 AM] Problematik: "I will wait till 11/11 to play a song or do something"
    [10:29 AM] The Producer: "well I'm workin on a little something special right now"
    [10:29 AM] aliveLiam: "oh?"
    [10:29 AM] Problematik: "Only fans?"
    [10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll laugh"
    [10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll cry"
    [10:30 AM] The Producer: "you'll go poo poo"
    [10:30 AM] The Producer: "but not yet"

    [10:30 AM] aliveLiam: "ah, the suspense. also, by the way, i was kinda flippant, but forreal thanks for un-bupping me."
    [10:30 AM] The Producer: "anytime"
    [10:31 AM] The Producer: "I must cover for my colleague's bad manners"

    [10:31 AM] Pako: "feels like this 11/11 might be the best"
    [10:33 AM] Pako: "also another video revealed of Vincent channel"
    [10:33 AM] Pako: "i thought that we discovered all"
    [10:36 AM] Pako: "no boi"
    [10:37 AM] Pako: "was before posted"
    [10:53 AM] aliveLiam: "you talking about the one i posted?"
    [10:55 AM] Pako: "ye"
    [10:55 AM] Problematik: "yeet"
    [11:04 AM] aliveLiam: "cant help you there"
    [11:04 AM] aliveLiam: "fucker was just in my session when i opened firefox"

    [11:05 AM] Pako: "lmao"
    [11:08 AM] Pako: "they hacked your firefox"
    [11:08 AM] Pako: "vincentadams.exe"
    [11:37 AM] aliveLiam: "or whatever was living my life while i was out had it open"
    [11:37 AM] aliveLiam: "i dunno"

    [4:21 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "...where's wolfcat?"
    [4:24 PM] Dense: "ded"
    [4:25 PM] The Producer: "Inside your computer."
    [5:28 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is there any hidden pages of lunarchildren.com that has been undiscovered?"
    [5:31 PM] The Producer: "maybe? :thinking:"


    • AliveLiam reiterates that he doesn't really know what happened to him. He thanks The Producer for saving him, however, and asks the players to catch him up on recent updates in the ARG.
    • The Producer says he saved aliveLiam because he's always been one of the players "at heart", and that he has to make up for BUP's bad behavior.
    • The Producer believes that the players should now have all of their powers back since they scared off Pumpkinhead - including the ability to play songs.
    • The Producer claims that he's currently working on something special for the players.

    November 4th, 2020

    • At 11:22 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods expressed his desire to meet Tyler in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, he deleted his message. The Producer then responded with "why do you want to meet that loser. @thelostbrineinthewoods if you keep deleting your messages I'm going to delete you. from existence".

    November 5th, 2020

    • At 3:34 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/coast". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
    • At 4:05 PM, the player HaouDeSoul asked The Producer if he could produce memes in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, The Producer responded with "what do you think I've been doing my entire life".

    November 6th, 2020

    • At 11:10 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    11/6/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "the spooky shadow"
    [7:37 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "((An image of a black-colored Re-dead is sent))"
    [7:37 PM] Jackuan: "damn"
    [11:10 AM] The Producer: "Scarey"
    [11:10 AM] Pako: ":bruh:"
    [11:10 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":bruh:"
    [11:12 AM] Jackuan: "imagine having nitro"
    [11:12 AM] Jackuan: "imagine dragons"
    [11:12 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":Jefault:"
    [11:13 AM] Jackuan: "imagine gif"
    [11:13 AM] The Producer: "how ya doin jack"
    [11:13 AM] Jackuan: "pretty good ngl"
    [11:13 AM] The Producer: "good"
    [11:14 AM] Jackuan: "How ya doin?"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "I hope the orange guy didnt give you too much trouble"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "im doin pretty good too"

    [11:14 AM] Jackuan: "It's a meme thang"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "doin a little producin"
    [11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Of the gang"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "doin a little coffee"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "damn sick bars"

    [11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Are you winning son?"
    [11:14 AM] Jackuan: "Good"
    [11:15 AM] Jackuan: "Can please handsome gentleman get rid of the TRUE Orange role?"
    [11:15 AM] The Producer: "you're free"
    [11:15 AM] Jackuan: "It was put for joke porpouses"
    [11:15 AM] Jackuan: "Also, thanks!"
    [11:16 AM] HaouDeSoul: "he red"
    [11:16 AM] Pako: "this producer so polite"
    [11:16 AM] HaouDeSoul: ":laindance:"
    [11:16 AM] Jackuan: "I'm blood."
    [11:16 AM] The Producer: "I'm stuff"
    [11:16 AM] Jackuan: "i'm paint"
    [11:16 AM] Jackuan: "That i drank"
    [11:17 AM] The Producer: "well"
    [11:17 AM] The Producer: "you are what you eat"

    [11:17 AM] Jackuan: "Fuck yeah"
    [11:17 AM] Pako: "true"
    [11:17 AM] Pako: "i'm a pizza"
    [11:17 AM] Jackuan: "I'm wholesomeness"
    [11:17 AM] The Producer: "I'm :ass:"
    [11:18 AM] Jackuan: "Hey Prod! It's much better talk to you than pumpking ass bitch"
    [11:18 AM] The Producer: "thank you"
    [11:18 AM] The Producer: "id hope so"

    [11:18 AM] Jackuan: "I mean"
    [11:18 AM] Jackuan: "It was fun the first month"
    [11:18 AM] HaouDeSoul: "rip pumpkin memes"
    [11:18 AM] Jackuan: "But then it just drove me crazy at the point of getting K.O"
    [11:18 AM] The Producer: "sorry if I'm not as up and at 'em as I once was"
    [11:18 AM] The Producer: "I've been very focused on PRODUCING as of late"

    [11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Are you like"
    [11:19 AM] The Producer: ":jack_o_lantern:"
    [11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Thanos?"
    [11:19 AM] Pako: "damn"
    [11:19 AM] Jackuan: "Like the whole chair meme and your time"
    [11:19 AM] Pako: "producer are you becoming pumpkin"
    [11:19 AM] Jackuan: "N stuff"
    [11:19 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Producer has good work ethic! :thumbsup:"
    [11:20 AM] The Producer: "thank you :tenor:"
    [11:20 AM] Jackuan: "It is."
    [11:20 AM] Pako: ":issy:"
    [11:20 AM] The Producer: ""PaKoToday at 10:19 AM" producer are you becoming pumpkin"
    [11:20 AM] The Producer: "to quote jack"
    [11:20 AM] The Producer: "I'm not pumpking ass bitch!"

    [11:20 AM] Jackuan: "Be named Jack is a bless and a curse."
    [11:20 AM] Pako: "then why you posted a pumpkin?"
    [11:21 AM] Jackuan: "He was quoting bruh"
    [11:21 AM] The Producer: "for the meme"
    [11:21 AM] Pako: "bruh"
    [11:21 AM] Jackuan: "For the lulz"
    [11:21 AM] Pako: "moment"
    [11:21 AM] The Producer: "for the epic lols bro"
    [11:21 AM] The Producer: "thats what this is all for in the end"
    [11:21 AM] The Producer: "im just a herpin and a derpin"

    [11:21 AM] Jackuan: "What do you think about my shitty Photoshop meme prod?"
    [11:21 AM] HaouDeSoul: "memes, the DNA of the soul"
    [11:22 AM] The Producer: "the bruh moment?"
    [11:22 AM] Jackuan: "Indeed"
    [11:22 AM] Pako: "so wait, we can trust to producer"
    [11:22 AM] The Producer: "I like it"
    [11:22 AM] The Producer: "you can trust to me"

    [11:22 AM] Jackuan: "Wow, thanks, means a Lot"
    [11:22 AM] Pako: "or maybe not"
    [11:22 AM] Pako: "or maybe yes"
    [11:22 AM] Jackuan: "He is truthwrothy"
    [11:22 AM] The Producer: "I'm tustable"
    [11:23 AM] Jackuan: "Idk if i spelled right"
    [11:23 AM] The Producer: "unlike Eve"
    [11:23 AM] Jackuan: "Sowrry i drank red paint"
    [11:23 AM] Pako: "is true that he saved our liam"
    [11:23 AM] Jackuan: "What's up with Eve?"
    [11:23 AM] The Producer: "she's always been untustable"
    [11:23 AM] Pako: "actually if in case that producer is bad why he saved our liam"
    [11:24 AM] Jackuan: "Kinda true ngl"
    [11:24 AM] Jackuan: "Not totally but just a lil bit"
    [11:24 AM] HaouDeSoul: "Liam got bupped for several months. Terrifying time distortion"
    [11:24 AM] Pako: "yep"
    [11:25 AM] Jackuan: "Are you a mix between the OG producer, the good ol' Wolf and the ARG?"
    [11:25 AM] The Producer: "im just"
    [11:25 AM] The Producer: "The Producer"

    [11:25 AM] Jackuan: "Liam just got back to the future"
    [11:25 AM] Pako: "he produces some images and maybe a lot more"
    [11:26 AM] Jackuan: "Hey actual question: What do you need to be part of the S.P"
    [11:26 AM] Pako: "i mean"
    [11:26 AM] The Producer: "I'm from a world quite different from your own"
    [11:26 AM] Pako: "true"
    [11:26 AM] Jackuan: "AU"
    [11:26 AM] The Producer: "what is the SP"
    [11:26 AM] Pako: "that pics are not the same to reality"
    [11:26 AM] Jackuan: "Secret Police"
    [11:26 AM] The Producer: "years of training"
    [11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Someone just left and got it in a click"
    [11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Right in my face lmao"
    [11:27 AM] Jackuan: "Like a week ago"
    [11:27 AM] Pako: "ok producer, in your world you have enemies?"
    [11:28 AM] Jackuan: "Are we alive in your AU?"
    [11:28 AM] Jackuan: "What kind of person is my dopplerganger?"
    [11:28 AM] Jackuan: "If im dead, how did i died?"
    [11:29 AM] Jackuan: "those are questions that never gonna get answer"
    [11:29 AM] Jackuan: "innit?"
    [11:29 AM] Pako: "ifrit?"
    [11:29 AM] Jackuan: "innit=isnt it"
    [11:30 AM] Jackuan: "dumbass"
    [11:31 AM] Jackuan: "I just have the memories of the best month in all discord bc Tyler just gifted it to me and i wasnt expecting it lol"
    [11:31 AM] The Producer: "There are people who would like me out of the picture in my world, yes"
    [11:31 AM] Jackuan: "The nitro."
    [11:31 AM] Jackuan: "Are you God?"
    [11:31 AM] The Producer: "and I recognize some of you from my world"
    [11:31 AM] The Producer: "you flatter me"

    [11:31 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":flamengi:"
    [11:31 AM] Jackuan: "who do you recognize?"
    [11:31 AM] The Producer: "I'm not God but I've been "Touched" by him"
    [11:32 AM] Jackuan: "Cool"
    [11:32 AM] The Producer: "I don't recognize you"
    [11:32 AM] The Producer: "So I dunno if you have a doppleganger or not"

    [11:32 AM] ADULT_LINK: "f"
    [11:32 AM] Jackuan: "Well im kinda "new""
    [11:33 AM] The Producer: "Link is a bit familiar"
    [11:33 AM] ADULT_LINK: ":Jefault: nice"
    [11:33 AM] Jackuan: "I just been there in the shadows without being truly active since the last year"
    [11:33 AM] Jackuan: "So i understand you don't recognize me"
    [11:34 AM] Jackuan: "Remember D and D"
    [11:34 AM] Jackuan: "It was fun"
    [11:34 AM] Jackuan: "But i dunno why it got cancelled"
    [11:34 AM] The Producer: "sorry, thats for nerds"
    [11:34 AM] The Producer: "I dont do that shit"

    [11:35 AM] Pako: ":XD:"
    [11:35 AM] Jackuan: "In our AU we use to do some"
    [11:35 AM] Jackuan: "Well, them."
    [11:35 AM] Jackuan: "Not me"
    [11:35 AM] Jackuan: "I just watched them"
    [11:36 AM] Jackuan: "Welp, enough about my past, lemme ask you somethin"
    [11:37 AM] Jackuan: "Can i be part of the Secret Police someday?"
    [11:37 AM] The Producer: "Ask away, Little Man"
    [11:37 AM] The Producer: "maybe"
    [11:37 AM] The Producer: "do you really think you're ready?"

    [11:37 AM] Jackuan: "I AM."
    [11:38 AM] The Producer: "prove it"
    [11:38 AM] Jackuan: "Sorry the paint"
    [11:38 AM] Pako: "am or pm?"
    [11:38 AM] Jackuan: "How do you want to test me?"
    [11:38 AM] The Producer: "make me a meme"
    [11:38 AM] Pako: ":typing_frog:"
    [11:38 AM] The Producer: "and then MAYBE ill add you"
    [11:38 AM] Jackuan: "I already did bruh"
    [11:39 AM] The Producer: "make a meme about ID"
    [11:39 AM] Jackuan: "I have a Lot of carpets, lemme send you the recent ones"
    [11:39 AM] The Producer: "carpet?"
    [11:39 AM] Jackuan: "In pc"
    [11:39 AM] Jackuan: "Well i've got a joke"
    [11:39 AM] The Producer: "this office could use some carpet tbh"
    [11:39 AM] Jackuan: "Does that counts?"
    [11:40 AM] Jackuan: "Wanna hear it?"
    [11:40 AM] Jackuan: "Here it goes"
    [11:41 AM] Jackuan: "-Hey do you know what inside the libro lunarus? -Libro Lunarus? More like Libro uranus"
    [11:41 AM] Jackuan: "It's an oldie one"
    [11:41 AM] The Producer: "wait I wasnt listening"
    [11:41 AM] The Producer: "say it again"

    [11:41 AM] Jackuan: "Just read it."
    [11:41 AM] Pako: "you said hear"
    [11:41 AM] Jackuan: "He did."
    [11:41 AM] The Producer: "I cant read"
    [11:41 AM] Jackuan: "Ok"
    [11:42 AM] Jackuan: "So if you can't read how do you understand us?"
    [11:42 AM] Jackuan: "Ask Jacob, that joke always gets him"
    [11:43 AM] Jackuan: "That was one, but im talking about the libro lunarus"
    [11:43 AM] Pako: "today is friday"
    [11:43 AM] The Producer: "this is a good meme"
    [11:43 AM] Jackuan: "Flat Fuck Friday"
    [11:43 AM] Pako: "so get one pumpkin free"
    [11:43 AM] The Producer: "jack put your joke in image form"
    [11:43 AM] Jackuan: ""this is a good meme" @Wolfcat well, i've got that one"
    [11:44 AM] The Producer: "draw it in a language I'll understand"
    [11:44 AM] The Producer: "like"

    [11:44 AM] Jackuan: "That is one of the thousands i have"
    [11:44 AM] The Producer: "a comic"
    [11:44 AM] Jackuan: "Ok...."
    [11:44 AM] Jackuan: "Heres is everyone reaction when normal people joins to the server and leaves at the second:"
    [11:45 AM] Jackuan: "Or this one i made"
    [11:45 AM] The Producer: "this meme is fail bro"
    [11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "these arent memes these are reaction images"
    [11:45 AM] The Producer: "i want you to open up ms paint and draw me a meme comic"
    [11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "wait"
    [11:45 AM] ADULT_LINK: "are you trying to say you created that certifid bruh moment pic"
    [11:46 AM] Jackuan: "You want a comic?"
    [11:46 AM] The Producer: "yes"
    [11:46 AM] ADULT_LINK: "is this like you trying to say you invented lonk"
    [11:46 AM] Jackuan: "I'm joking, or maybe not, who knows"
    [11:46 AM] The Producer: "see pako has the right idea"
    [11:46 AM] Jackuan: "I have video of Doug dancing in the parallelos"
    [11:47 AM] Pako: "the undecim fever?"
    [11:47 AM] The Producer: "seen it"
    [11:47 AM] Jackuan: "All the good ones are already taken"
    [11:47 AM] The Producer: "you have to DRAW doug dancing in the parallelos"
    [11:47 AM] Jackuan: "Thats the bad side or being unactive lol"
    [11:47 AM] Jackuan: ""you have to DRAW doug dancing in the parallelos" Ok, give me a minute"
    [11:49 AM] Jackuan: "This might took a while"
    [11:49 AM] The Producer: "NICE"
    [11:50 AM] Jackuan: "Yee"
    [11:50 AM] Pako: "lambo"
    [11:50 AM] Pako: ":yeehaw:"
    [11:50 AM] Jackuan: "Indeed"
    [11:54 AM] Jackuan: "K"
    [11:54 AM] Jackuan: "Quick question: color or uncolored?"
    [11:54 AM] The Producer: "whichever you wanna do buddy"
    [11:54 AM] Jackuan: "Ok"
    [11:55 AM] Jackuan: "I'm already saying it's drewd like shit bc i'm doing a speedrun"
    [11:55 AM] Jackuan: "lmao"
    [11:59 AM] Jackuan: "Now that i think about it, the wholething is a mess so the shittier the better"
    [12:08 PM] Jackuan: "Ok, ladies and gentlemen, i've finished it."
    [12:09 PM] Jackuan: "Warning: This is the most shitty draw i'ver ever Made, and hopefully @Wolfcat will get it"
    [12:11 PM] Jackuan: "The camera Quality is also shit."
    [12:11 PM] Pako: "i can't see with 144p"
    [12:12 PM] Jackuan: "Let me try send anotherone"
    [12:12 PM] Jackuan: ((A drawing of Doug dancing in the street is sent)) target=_blank
    [12:12 PM] Jackuan: "Idk"
    [12:13 PM] Pako: "this one looks better"
    [12:13 PM] Jackuan: "I did what i could in 8 minutes"
    [12:13 PM] Jackuan: "sowrry"
    [12:13 PM] The Producer: "hell yeah"
    [12:13 PM] The Producer: "I love it"

    [12:13 PM] Jackuan: "For the record is shitty on porpouse lmao"
    [12:13 PM] Jackuan: "Also thanks!"
    [12:13 PM] Pako: "he did the green filter of parallelos"
    [12:13 PM] Pako: "gg"
    [12:13 PM] Jackuan: "Gg"
    [12:14 PM] Jackuan: "So...."
    [12:14 PM] Jackuan: "I'm in?"
    [12:14 PM] The Producer: "I'm sorry to break it to you"
    [12:14 PM] The Producer: "but I cant actually admit you into the secret police"
    [12:14 PM] The Producer: "but"
    [12:14 PM] The Producer: "I'll be sure to hang this on my wall later"
    [12:14 PM] The Producer: "I promise"

    [12:15 PM] Jackuan: ":pensive: :ok_hand:"
    [12:15 PM] Jackuan: "Thanks!"
    [12:16 PM] Jackuan: "So now you know who i am! Don't forget me, change da world, my final message, goodbye."
    [12:16 PM] Jackuan: "leaves for some Nuggets and Fries"
    [12:36 PM] Jackuan: "Ok i'm back"
    [12:37 PM] Jackuan: "Uuuh, tricky question: If we chat in dm's is ooc or oc?"
    [12:37 PM] Jackuan: "Prod?"
    [12:38 PM] The Producer: "what is oc"
    [12:38 PM] Jackuan: "On Charachter"
    [12:38 PM] The Producer: "what the"
    [12:39 PM] The Producer: "do you mean in character"

    [12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Like canon"
    [12:39 PM] Xenquility: "no"
    [12:39 PM] Xenquility: "on character"
    [12:39 PM] Xenquility: "he wants to be on top of you"
    [12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Whaaa"
    [12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Whaaahahhhaaat?"
    [12:39 PM] Jackuan: "Lies"
    [12:40 PM] Jackuan: "I was just curious"
    [12:40 PM] The Producer: ":flushed:"
    [12:40 PM] Xenquility: "see how flustered he is"
    [12:40 PM] Problematik: "Prod? Kill jackuan pls"
    [12:40 PM] Problematik: "We dont lose anything"
    [12:41 PM] Jackuan: "U think"
    [12:41 PM] The Producer: "I'll lose a friend"
    [12:41 PM] Jackuan: "See?"
    [12:41 PM] Jackuan: "We are friends"
    [12:41 PM] Jackuan: "Like Jacob and You"
    [12:42 PM] Jackuan: "Wait..."
    [12:43 PM] Jackuan: "I'm a dumbass, i can't even write a sentence good."
    [12:43 PM] Jackuan: "fuck, that happens when you are eating and texting"
    [12:45 PM] Jackuan: "Also, prod, what happened to Wolf?"
    [12:48 PM] The Producer: "which one"
    [12:49 PM] Jackuan: "the good ol' one"
    [12:49 PM] The Producer: "there are no good wolfcats"
    [12:49 PM] Jackuan: "oh yeah"
    [12:49 PM] Jackuan: "i forgot"
    [12:50 PM] Jackuan: "well, at least he was a friend"
    [12:52 PM] Jackuan: "a weird one, but a friend"
    [3:25 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "how i gonna take screenshots in janus vr?"
    [3:25 PM] Jackuan: "gyazo"
    [3:25 PM] The Producer: "print screen"
    [3:26 PM] Jackuan: "download it"
    [3:26 PM] Jackuan: "its free"
    [3:26 PM] Xenquility: "win+shift+s"
    [3:26 PM] The Producer: "alt+f4"
    [3:26 PM] Xenquility: "deleting system32"
    [3:26 PM] Jackuan: "ctrl+alt+supr"


    • The Producer claims that he comes from a world that's quite different from the players' world. He claims that there are people in said world that want him gone.
    • The Producer asks the player Jackuan to make him a meme. The player Jackuan gives The Producer a drawing of Doug dancing in the street. The Producer claims he will hang it on the wall of his office later.

    November 10th, 2020

    • At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to Greth's OoC channel "mfgreth" - "MESSAGED RECIEVED". Shortly after this, this video was deleted and uploaded instead to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel. target=_blank

    11/10/20 - "MESSAGED RECIEVED" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with distorted footage of Moonman in his home. He says something and motions towards the camera while loading a pistol. The footage then distorts and cuts to more corrupted video footage as text from Moonman is shown:

    Moonman: "This will be my final transmission. I have come to a simple conclusion, one that I think you will find most undeniable: I am in serious trouble."

    The text "I am in serious trouble" is quickly removed and the typing resumes:

    Moonman: "I am no longer in need of your help, "Internet Detectives", and you should stop trying to help me. Actually, go ahead and ask yourselves, when was the last time you "HELPED" someone without wrecking the entire situation horribly?"

    Corrupted footage of Moonman is shown as the typing continues:

    Moonman: "Do you remember the boy with the blog who you showed those bomb plans to? Or how about the guy you threw a rock at, like morons? What about that time the idiot with the dog avatar played the Elegy multiple times? Face it, without OUTSIDE HELP, you are incapable of accomplishing anything. So you might as well give it up. Just leave things be, because you aren't making a difference."

    The video cuts to footage of the video "SAVING ALEX.MP4" before cutting back to Moonman's message as the following text is added:

    Moonman: "Goodbye. I'm sorry."

    An image of "The Watcher" quickly flashes on screen as the video ends.


    • This video is another message from Moonman. He can be seen searching around his house with a gun as text appears deriding the players for their past failures. This text is likely "The Watcher" attempting to imitate Moonman.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "l i e s"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 2:45 PM, the title of the video "MESSAGED RECIEVED" slowly changed with one letter being removed at a time. The title began to slowly spell out "MOONMAN'S RECKONING".

    November 11th, 2020

    • At 6:27 AM, the player otherLiam discovered that IsocelesAssassin had created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums on the "Safehaven" board titled "Initiative". Players began chatting with Astral Observatory forum members in this thread.

    11/11/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."


    • IsocelesAssassin confirms that Pumpkinhead gained access to his account by using an alternate version of himself as a mask. This alternate version of IsocelesAssassin was killed by Regiminis back in 2012.
    • IsocelesAssassin says he vividly remembers all of the scenarios shown in the video "The Forerunners", though they played out a bit differently.
    • IsocelesAssassin thanks the players and states that he is happy knowing that Mason's spirit is now at peace.
    • IsocelesAssassin says that GHOSTBABEL is thankful for the players saving them from Pumpkinhead, who was supposedly so angered at GHOSTBABEL taunting them that they captured them for a short while - as depicted in past videos.
    • IsocelesAssassin has lost all contact with Moonman. He says he is going to go check on him, claiming he knows a shortcut to Florida.
    • IsocelesAssassin says that should all go according to plan, they will be able to initiate the next step in their plan later in the day.
    • At 11:13 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Abduction". target=_blank

    11/11/20 - "Abduction" - YouTube (Silentdork)

    This video begins with distorted footage of "The Watcher". Text begins appearing on screen that reads as follows:



    • This video is a taunting message from "The Watcher" claiming that the players have fallen into their trap.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Bleeding together layers worlds souls watch https://johnisdead.com/realm/
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:15 PM, players were led to a new page on Johnisdead.com through the description of the video "Abduction" - "https://johnisdead.com/realm". This page was titled "Realm" and contained the image "realm.gif". target=_blank This page also contained text that read "Utilize Lens", with the word "Lens" linking players back to the page "https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld". This page also contained the "Realm" Janus room.

    11/11/20 - "Realm" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This Janus room is the same highway seen in the Janus rooms "Path" and "Another Path" along with Tyler's house and the surrounding woods recreated as if it were a map from Majora's Mask.

    Players spawn in on a sidewalk next to the highway similar to the Janus rooms "Path" and "Another Path". Much like those previous maps, progressing too far down the highway will loop the player back around to the beginning. Not far from where the player spawns is a small road leading through the woods. Next to this road is a fenced in area where a house can barely be seen. As the players proceed through the woods, the ambiance of the highway slowly fades into natural sounds of crickets and birds.

    Along the road through the woods, players can spot a ledge that cannot be reached. There are also several odd rock patterns on the ground. The road eventually transitions into a driveway as the players enter Tyler's front yard. A calming, somber track plays here. Near the backside of Tyler's house is the same bucket lid that was believed to have been thrown at his wall multiple times in the past. Proceeding past Tyler's house will lead to several sheds and other small buildings. In one of these sheds is a scrap of paper that reads as follows:

    "SO MANY"
    "FISH IN"
    "THE SEA"


    On the backside of one of the nearby buildings is a drawing of what looks like a gem of sorts with text reading:

    "the Faceless"
    "is just the esca"

    Near the edge of Tyler's backyard is a small clearing with an old tree. On this tree is a scrap of paper that reads as follows:

    "ocean in the SKY"
    "fish in the SEA"
    "hide from the esca"

    Tyler's yard extends into the woods for a short ways. Here, an overturned boat can be found, along with the same old truck where the "beacon" was found in the video "I am not safe in my home". Behind this truck is the clearing where the "Detour Sign" can be found. On the opposite side of this truck is a path leading through the woods where Tyler chased Daniel in the video "I am not safe in my home". However, this path was blocked by an invisible wall.


    • This Janus room is a recreation of the same highway seen in recent videos and Janus rooms, though this one contained a road leading to Tyler's yard.
    • Through exploring this map, players could find Tyler's house, the "Detour Sign", and the path through the woods Tyler chased Daniel through. However, this path was blocked and could not be accessed.


    • Files:
    • homestead.mp3 - A calm song that plays outside Tyler's home. target=_blank
    • nature.mp3 - Natural sounds that play as the players progress through the woods. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • The paper found in Tyler's shed: target=_blank
    • The paper found on the tree in Tyler's yard: target=_blank
    • The lid that was thrown at Tyler's home: target=_blank
    • The "Detour sign": target=_blank
    • Text written on the back of a building near Tyler's house: target=_blank
    • At 11:19 PM, the player Laches discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that players would be warped to by standing in a circle of rocks along the road to Tyler's house. target=_blank This location was a large canyon with a single bridge crossing over if. On the other side of this bridge was a wooden posted with paper tacked to it that read "Its empty angels need shining faces to EAT.". target=_blank This location contained another circle of rocks that would teleport players back to the road to Tyler's house.
    • At 11:24 PM, the player Laches discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that players would be warped to by touching the "Detour Sign" near Tyler's house. This location contained a path that led to a house with the text "3D shadows of 4D PARASITES" written on the back. Further down the path was an old truck with the text "entropy" written on it next to a drawing of a fish. target=_blank Continuing down the path further would lead players to another "Detour Sign", which would teleport them to a fenced in location where Doug would chase them. target=_blank target=_blank Touching Doug would trap players in a room with loud noises. target=_blank If the players were able to make it past Doug, they would enter into a small area with a strange mural of four figures on the ground. target=_blank Another circle of rocks was in this location, which would teleport players onto the previously unreachable ledge found along the road to Tyler's house.
    • At 11:58 PM, the player HaouDeSoul discovered a hidden room in the "Realm" Janus room that the players would be warped to by standing in a circle of rocks along the highway. target=_blank This room was a small clearing with a hill. In this location a green, faceless entity would slowly follow the players. target=_blank Atop the hill was a dead tree with a paper pinned to it that read "I saw it moving up ((Illegible)) hungry in the sky and ((Illegible)) bigger than all of the small ((Illegible)) they all just part of". target=_blank On the ground next to this tree was a paper with a drawing of what appeared to be more "gems" seen in another drawing with lines coming from them entering into a large circle with three smaller circles within it. target=_blank Near this tree was another circle of rocks that would warp players to a small raised platform near the highway. Touching the faceless entity, however, would trap players in a strange, fleshy looking room. target=_blank

    November 12th, 2020

    • At 1:20 AM, a new user joined the Astral Observatory forums - "the_jaeger". The Jaeger used a dark image of "The Watcher" as their avatar, implying that the actual title of "The Watcher" is "The Jaeger". The Jaeger created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums in the "Safe Haven" board titled "Thought you should know.".

    11/12/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger

    November 12th, 2020

    the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
    IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
    the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."


    • The Jaeger implies that Moonman is now in their possession and that some sort of aggregation will take place.
    • When asked about the supposed aggregation, The Jaeger claims that "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth.".

    November 13th, 2020

    • At 8:26 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.

    11/12/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger

    November 12th, 2020

    the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
    IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
    the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."

    November 13th, 2020

    NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."


    • NotAHoax says he will take down The Jaeger for threatening his friends.

    November 14th, 2020

    • At 3:50 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4". target=_blank

    11/14/20 - "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video begins with the corrupted Moonman logo seen in recent videos on the Greth Vlogs channel. The video then cuts to gameplay footage of Majora's Mask. Link is standing inside the "Swamp Tourist Center" building. As Link walks towards the camera, footage of Moonman appears over him, indicating that Link is meant to represent him. Some strange sounds are heard as Link looks around the room. Someone suddenly can be heard knocking on the door. Link proceeds to walk outside to investigate the noise.

    Link enters into the "Southern Swamp" area. The "Wart" mini-boss can be seen floating in mid-air. As Link triggers the mini-boss fight, an image of "The Jaeger" appears over the "Wart" mini-boss, implying this is meant to represent "The Jaeger". Link attacks a few of the bubbles that fall from "Wart" before running away. He equips the "Stone Mask" and plays the "Song of Soaring" on his Ocarina. Link is then warped to a new "Owl Statue" outside of the "Astral Observatory". Link enters the building.

    As Link enters the "Astral Observatory", a flame wall erupts behind him, covering the door. Link proceeds to a new sign in the building that contains an image of the "Bremen Mask" which reads as follows:

    "Welcome to our Safe Haven. Extreme measures have been taken to ensure all within are obscured from anyone Watching. You ARE safe here."

    Link then proceeds downstairs where it is shown that the bottom entrance is protected by a flame wall as well.


    • This video contains gameplay footage of Majora's Mask.
    • This video portrays Moonman as Link. Link exits his home and encounters the "Wart" mini-boss, who is meant to represent The Jaeger.
    • Link escapes the "Wart" mini-boss by using the "Stone Mask" and the "Song of Soaring".
    • Link teleports to the "Astral Observatory", which is now protected by flame walls.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    November 16th, 2020

    • At 4:15 PM, GHOSTBABEL briefly responded to a thread titled "hello" created by the player thelostbrineinthewoods in the "Introductions" board.

    11/16/20 - "hello" - thelostbrineinthewoods

    November 16th, 2020

    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:14 PM: "hello i'm new here is someone gonna say hello to me"
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:34 PM: "is someone gonna post a reply?"
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:40 PM: "it seems theres nobody posting a reply"
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:44 PM: "well nobody post a reply in my topic"
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:45 PM: ": ("
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:48 PM: "can i say hello to you isocelesassasin?"
    thelostbrineinthewoods 3:52 PM: "somebody online?"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:15 PM: "ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ, ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ? ɪsᴏᴄᴇʟᴇsᴀssᴀssɪɴ ɪs ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴘʀᴇᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ. ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ."
    thelostbrineinthewoods 4:25 PM: "oh ok can i say hello to you ghostbabel"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 4:29 PM: "...sᴜʀᴇ. ʜᴇʟʟᴏ."
    IIFan2001 7:17 PM: "what"


    • The player thelostbrineinthewoods wishes to greet IsocelesAssassin, but GHOSTBABEL claims that they are currently busy because "ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ.".

    November 17th, 2020

    • At 5:38 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.

    11/17/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger

    November 12th, 2020

    the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
    IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
    the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."

    November 13th, 2020

    NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."
    Jose 8:35 PM: "Brother hoax, this is brother Jos, that guy is a fuck, take out the shotgun. thank for your time."

    November 17th, 2020

    Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:04 PM: "Who the hell are you?"


    • Kaiden expresses his shock and confusion in regards to recent events.

    November 22nd, 2020

    • At 12:28 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods commented on the fact that nothing happened as a result of the submission of the video "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4". Shortly after this, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Who says nothing happened?".
    • At 1:11 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "IIIII".
    • At 1:25 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an emoji of a wiggling butt.

    November 23rd, 2020

    • At 10:49 AM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    11/23/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:49 AM] The Producer: "I feel the meme power flowing today."
    [10:51 AM] Laches: "Alright, eldritch bro. Whatcha got in store for us today."
    [10:54 AM] Lego1upMushroom: ":happycirc:"
    [10:55 AM] Xenquility: "is prod the rod about to slap his giant meme cock all over us"
    [10:55 AM] The Producer: "Nothing substantial at the moment"
    [10:55 AM] The Producer: "I just feel that today's date is rather memetic"

    [10:55 AM] Laches: "But the meme cock..."
    [10:55 AM] The Producer: "It's coming"
    [10:56 AM] The Producer: "But I need more time"

    [10:56 AM] Xenquility: "1123"
    [10:56 AM] Xenquility: "1123"
    [10:56 AM] The Producer: ":dream:"
    [10:56 AM] Laches: "Not as fast as I am."
    [11:03 AM] Xenquility: "inb4 producer is pumpkinhead"
    [11:04 AM] The Producer: "Aren't we all a little bit Pumpkinhead? :thinking:"
    [11:04 AM] Xenquility: "no"
    [11:04 AM] Laches: "no"
    [11:04 AM] Xenquility: "but I am a little bit cumkinhead :wow:"
    [11:05 AM] The Producer: "You Will Be"
    [11:05 AM] The Producer: "cumkinhead i mean"
    [11:05 AM] The Producer: "not pumpkinhead"
    [11:05 AM] The Producer: "that wasnt a threat"

    [11:05 AM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
    [11:05 AM] The Producer: "unless...?"
    [11:06 AM] Xenquility: "as long as you don't turn me into a country bumpkinhead I'm fine"
    [11:06 AM] The Producer: "you say that as if it'd be a bad thing"
    [11:06 AM] Xenquility: "it is"
    [11:06 AM] Xenquility: "sorry not sorry"
    [11:06 AM] The Producer: "wow"
    [11:06 AM] Xenquility: "*sahrry"
    [11:06 AM] Laches: "Simple living. No worries. Small thoughts."
    [11:06 AM] Xenquility: "small brain"
    [11:06 AM] The Producer: "im taking my massive meme cock and leaving"
    [11:07 AM] Xenquility: "no you aren't"
    [11:07 AM] Laches: "Small peewee :sadpepe:"
    [11:07 AM] The Producer: "you're right :SadKel:"
    [11:07 AM] Xenquility: "once you jid you never quid"
    [11:07 AM] Laches: "Can confirm, I'm going to use "I'm about to jid" from now on."
    [11:09 AM] Laches: "So anyway, what the fuck is up with the entropy fish on the truck?"
    [11:10 AM] Xenquility: "is that some weird country idiom from to kill a mocking bird that ive never heard of"
    [11:10 AM] Laches: "No"
    [11:10 AM] Laches: "One moment."
    [11:14 AM] Laches: ((A screenshot of the truck from the "Realm" Janus room with a fish and the word "entropy" drawn on it is sent))
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "I'll respond with a true country idiom"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "With great power comes great responsibility"
    [11:14 AM] The Producer: "ok maybe thats not really necessarily country"

    [11:14 AM] Xenquility: "omg.."
    [11:15 AM] Xenquility: "entropy fish..."
    [11:15 AM] The Producer: "or an idiom"
    [11:15 AM] The Producer: "but"

    [11:15 AM] Xenquility: "it makes perfect sense..."
    [11:15 AM] Lego1upMushroom: "Is there a point where you guys actually start archiving stuff or is that still a issue in the current arcs"
    [11:15 AM] Laches: "wiki is current up to april. Been browsing chat logs to find everything else."
    [11:15 AM] Xenquility: "sorry it's me being a fucking lazy dumbshit"
    [11:16 AM] Lego1upMushroom: "I’m currently reading arc2 I just noticed that files don’t seem to be kept very well"
    [11:16 AM] Xenquility: "oh that"
    [11:16 AM] The Producer: "as my influence has expanded, I feel it... "not so good" to be as lax as I once was regarding this kind of information"
    [11:16 AM] Xenquility: "probably around astral arc is when it's almost perfect"
    [11:16 AM] The Producer: "so all I will say regarding the entropy fish is that it relates to the esca"
    [11:17 AM] Laches: "The papers and graffiti scattered around feel like a big riddle. Like we're supposed to determine a key phrase."
    [11:17 AM] Laches: "You know, like those old silent hill puzzles."
    [11:18 AM] Xenquility: "SHIT"
    [11:18 AM] Xenquility: "I FOUND IT"
    [11:18 AM] Xenquility: "THE ANSWER"
    [11:18 AM] Xenquility: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esca_(grape_disease)"
    [11:18 AM] The Producer: "my god"


    • The Producer claims that he is feeling a surge of memetic power on this date.
    • The Producer says that the drawing of the fish next to the word "entropy" written on the truck found in the "Realm" Janus room somehow relates to the "esca".
    • At 9:26 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com//primal/volatile/lucid/timeless". This page was titled "Not Yet" and contained the image "locked.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "locked.mp3". target=_blank This page was discovered by unscrambling all of the letters found on the colored books in the "Spire" Janus room, then arranging them in the form of a URL as hinted at by the image "order.gif" found in the "Bottom" Janus room in the order "green", "red", "blue", and "purple" as hinted at by the image "pattern.gif" found in the "Upper" Janus room.

    November 24th, 2020

    • At 11:23 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "WARTESPIEL". target=_blank

    11/24/20 - "WARTESPIEL" - YouTube (Silentdork)

    This video begins with a shot moving down a narrow road incredibly quickly. The road appears to be a 3d JanusVR room. Text from Pumpkinhead begins appearing:

    Pumpkinhead: "Hello again, Detectives."
    Pumpkinhead: "Is something wrong?"
    Pumpkinhead: "You all seem rather concerned about a certain friend..."

    Distorted footage of Moonman from recent videos uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel is shown. The video suddenly cuts to black.

    Pumpkinhead: "But isn't there someone you're all forgetting…?"

    Footage of the "Realm" Janus room is shown as the camera zooms through the road and into Tyler's house.

    Pumpkinhead: "Even still, I await my True mask. The effigy of my Progenitor."

    The video cuts to black.

    Pumpkinhead: "But perhaps for the time being, I could borrow another?"

    The camera slowly pans towards one of the elevators seen in the "Spire" Janus room. The video cuts and the camera is suddenly thrust back away from the elevator as a sigil is shown. More footage of a 3d JanusVR room is shown as the camera zooms through a forest trail.

    Pumpkinhead: "I see. It will not allow it."
    Pumpkinhead: "Strange. Why is It keeping him there…?"
    Pumpkinhead: "How long will he keep himself waiting, I wonder?"
    Pumpkinhead: "Soon, he will begin walking the path again."
    Pumpkinhead: "Until then, I'll be watching…"
    Pumpkinhead: "This Sphere has become quite interesting as of late."

    Several videos consisting of what appears to be 3d footage play over each other as the video ends.


    • Pumpkinhead taunts the players, implying that they have forgotten Tyler and are instead focusing on Moonman.
    • Pumpkinhead seemingly attempts to take Tyler as his mask but is stopped by an unknown entity who will not allow it. He questions why this entity is keeping Tyler locked in the elevator.
    • Pumpkinhead claims he is still waiting for his "True mask" - likely the dead version of Wolfcat that he was previously using. He revers to this mask as the " effigy of my Progenitor".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "The Link waits. As do I. Time will come again."
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:41 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods sent the message "time will come what?" in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Shortly after this, The Producer became active and began quoting lyrics from a "Devil May Cry" song: "and so will I. I'll laugh last, 'cause you came to die. The damage done, the pain subsides and I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye. sorry I had to do it to em".
    • At 11:39 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "EniFWovWEAUtFN-.png". target=_blank

    December 11th, 2020

      At 4:28 PM, The Producer became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    12/11/20 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [4:28 PM] The Producer: "Hello Defectives"
    [4:28 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Hello"
    [4:28 PM] Laches: "Hel- I see you've made one funny."
    [4:28 PM] The Producer: "It's been a while"
    [4:28 PM] The Producer: "I've been hard at work"
    [4:28 PM] The Producer: "And also working hard"

    [4:29 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "what"
    [4:29 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well that’s sucks"
    [4:29 PM] Laches: "Not long enough, let's be real."
    [4:29 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Have a Kit Kat"
    [4:29 PM] The Producer: "Wow I see how it is"
    [4:29 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "who?"
    [4:29 PM] The Producer: "me bitch"
    [4:29 PM] Laches: "I'm just kidding, I love you."
    [4:29 PM] The Producer: ":heart:"
    [4:30 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ":slight_smile:"
    [4:30 PM] Pako: "hey producer"
    [4:30 PM] The Producer: "I'm actually here to announce my departure"
    [4:30 PM] The Producer: "*temporary Departure"

    [4:30 PM] Laches: ":broe:"
    [4:30 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":sadcat~1:"
    [4:30 PM] The Producer: "I have to recede back into my office of offices and focus on my workload"
    [4:30 PM] Laches: "Did you get cancelled?"
    [4:30 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Probably"
    [4:30 PM] Laches: "You got cancelled, didn't you."
    [4:31 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "did you get cancelled producer?"
    [4:31 PM] The Producer: "I'm cancelling myself"
    [4:31 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Nah he just needs to go get lunch"
    [4:31 PM] The Producer: "It was honestly a bit of a risky move for me to come back in the first place I guess"
    [4:32 PM] Laches: "But what if you just said no instead."
    [4:32 PM] The Producer: "Like I doubt pumpkin man is gonna show up around here when hes all low energy but whatever"
    3:32 PM] Laches: "And joined us. We could shitpost forever in harmony."
    [4:32 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "is the pumpkinhead gonna return?"
    [4:32 PM] The Producer: "someday that dream will be a reality"
    [4:32 PM] The Producer: "but as for right now"
    [4:32 PM] The Producer: "I just wanna squat"

    [4:32 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Ew"
    [4:32 PM] The Producer: "we'll meet again soon my guys"
    [4:33 PM] The Producer: "and when we do"
    [4:33 PM] The Producer: "we'll squat"

    [4:33 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Well see you then my dude"
    [4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "goodbye producer"
    [4:33 PM] Laches: "We'll miss you. :sadcat~1:"
    [4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: ":sadcat~1:"
    [4:33 PM] Pako: "they were saying the dream since april"
    [4:33 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "And keep on producing"
    [4:33 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "goodbye producer"
    [4:35 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Eyo wolfcat is back in town"
    [4:42 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "ooc wolfcat is the pumpkin head gonna return?"
    [4:42 PM] Lego1upMushroom: ":wholetmoogin:"
    [4:42 PM] The Producer: "hes already here"
    [4:42 PM] The Producer: ":hand::jack_o_lantern::hando:"

    [4:43 PM] Pako: "nice"
    [4:43 PM] Pako: "let's fight"


    • The Producer announces that he is temporarily leaving the Internet Detectives Discord server to recede back to his office and focus on his work.

    December 21st, 2020

    • At 10:36 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    12/21/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."


    • IsocelesAssassin says that when he was about to travel to Florida, Moonman was suddenly warped into his home - likely due to the players' submission of "SAVING MOONMAN.mp4".
    • IsocelesAssassin says that Moonman is still in a rough place mentally but he's slowly recovering.
    • IsocelesAssassin informs the players that GHOSTBABEL was able to pick up a transmission from the "Hacker Group", claiming that the Astral Observatory has a "beacon-like" effect that draws things in from the Parallelos.
    • GHOSTBABEL says that the transmission they received from the "Hacker Group" was a script that they were able to implement into Astralobservatory.net on a new page - "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon".
    • GHOSTBABEL says that the players will need to search the Parallelos via various portals such as Johnisdead.com in order to find a specific code. Once this code is discovered, they will need to enter it into the page "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace", which will fully establish a connection with the "Hacker Group".
    • At 11:56 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Thought you should know." thread once again.

    12/21/20 - "Thought you should know." - the_jaeger

    November 12th, 2020

    the_jaeger 1:20 AM: "The aggregation will commence soon. There was never anything you could do to stop it. Your friend is ours. It's time to give in this game and pretend your life is normal."
    IsocelesAssassin 1:25 AM: "Who are you and how did you even manage to create an account on your own?"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:30 AM: "ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɢʀᴇᴛʜ, ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴇᴏ̨ᴜɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sɴɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀʏᴘᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜɪs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀɢɢʀᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ɴᴏᴡ?"
    the_jaeger 1:33 AM: "The False Father seeks transit to witness the final rebirth."

    November 13th, 2020

    NotAHoax_M12 8:26 PM: "Brother I do not know who you are but I am not taking a liking to your ATTITUDE and if you are threatening my friends I will have to TAKE YOU DOWN."
    Jose 8:35 PM: "Brother hoax, this is brother Jos, that guy is a fuck, take out the shotgun. thank for your time."

    November 17th, 2020

    Kaiden_Zoromichi 6:04 PM: "Who the hell are you?"

    November 18th, 2020

    TheOtherLiam 5:54 AM: "He’s a creepy stalker that’s been hanging out in the background for awhile. We call him “Watcher”. He’s been trying to get us to give up, calling us all useless and such. Joke’s on him, that’s never stopped us from doing shit anyway. I assume he’s scared we’ll actually stop whatever’s happening, otherwise he wouldn’t bother. Then again I did just get nearly wiped out of existence by one of these creepy evil guys. Granted I think BUP was in another league than this tool, but still. Be safe, yall."

    November 21st, 2020

    TLBITW 12:56 PM: "is matt hubbard the watcher?"

    November 27th, 2020

    TLBITW 6:04 PM: "whats gonna happen?"

    November 28th, 2020

    TLBITW 5:49 PM: "someone gonna post something?"
    IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "No"
    IIFan2001 7:46 PM: "Oh wait"

    December 11th, 2020

    TLBITW 12:58 AM: "also nocta dont be scared"

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:56 PM: ""also nocta dont be scared" He fucking should be."


    • IsocelesAssassin briefly expresses his distaste for Nocta.
    • At 12:44 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that the Janus room "Realm" had updated. The room now contained a link to a new image in its source code - "parallel.png". target=_blank
    • At 3:39 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/sea". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
    • At 4:01 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the Janus rooms "Path", "Another Path", and "Realm" had all updated. These three rooms now contained portals that led from one to another at the respective ends of the sidewalks along their highways.
    • At 4:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the image "parallel.png" contained "Hylian" text written on it that read "Parallelos".
    • At 6:15 PM, the players were given a new page on Astralobservatory.net by GHOSTBABEL - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon". This page was titled "Astral Observatory - Subspace" and contained text that read "ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ". Below this was a text box players could type into with the prompt "ᴄᴏᴅᴇ". Entering the incorrect code on this page would result in it simply refreshing the page.
    • At 6:20 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.

    Johnisdead Path Pages

    • (Updated Path) (Side Path - https://johnisdead.com/path22540132/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path22540132" -A road in an open field. A road splits off to the right. A sign can be seen that reads "CROSSROADS". target=_blank
    • Main road links to "/path18432268"
    • Side road links to "/path00023220"
    • Winding Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path22540132/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00023220" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00004588"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00004588" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00004622"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00004622" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00004992"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00004992" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00005202"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00005202" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00005662"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00005662" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00006002"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00006002" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00006376"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00006376" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00006773"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00006773" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00007122"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00007122" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00007340"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00007340" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00007689"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00007689" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00008023"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00008023" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00008442"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00008442" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00008912"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00008912" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00009021"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00009021" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00009300"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00009300" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00009592"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00009592" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00009920"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00009920" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00000402"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00000402" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00000332"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00000332" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00000102"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00000102" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32200332"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32200332" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32200402"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32200402" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32200699"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32200699" - A path of a road leading through a mountainous area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32200923"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32200923" - A path of a road leading through some woods. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32201311"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32201311" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32201932"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32201932" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202101"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202101" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202238"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202238" - A path of a road leading through a field next to a building. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202442"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202442" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202477"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202477" - A path of a road leading through a field near some buildings. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202899"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202899" - A path of a road leading through a field near some buildings. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32202999"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32202999" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203004"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203004" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203392"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203392" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203400"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203400" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203555"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203555" - A path of a road leading through a field near some train tracks. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203620"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203620" - A path of a road leading through a field next to a building. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203891"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203891" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32203992"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32203992" - A path of a road leading through a small town. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32204423"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32204423" - A path of a road leading through a small town. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32204788"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32204788" - A path of a road leading through a small town. A large, old building is visible to the right of the road. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path32204900"
    • Side path links to "/path32204969"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32204900" - A path of a road splitting off into two different directions. target=_blank
    • Left path links to "/path14440231"
    • Right path links to "/path44419112"
    • Orphanage Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path32204788/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path32204969" - A path of a road leading to a large, old building. target=_blank
    • Building links to "https://johnisdead.com//orphanage/room"
    • Left Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path32204900/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14440231" - A path of a road leading along a beach. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14440942"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14440942" - A path of a road leading along a beach. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14441130"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14441130" - A path of a road leading along a beach.target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14441894"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14441894" - A path of a road leading along a beach. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14441901"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14441901" - A path of a road leading along a beach. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14442001"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14442001" - A path of a road leading through a narrow, fenced-in path. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14442302"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14442302" - A path of a road leading through a narrow, fenced-in path. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path14442609"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path14442609" - A dark-colored beach at the edge of the ocean. target=_blank
    • Right Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path32204900/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path44419112" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48882302"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48882302" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48882701"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48882701" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field with a tower in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48882900"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48882900" - A path of a road leading through a small town in a field with a tower in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48883518"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48883518" - A path of a road leading to a tower in a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48883929"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48883929" - The entrance of a large tower. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path48884020"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path48884020" - A ground-view shot of the tower with strange patterns in the sky. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening"


    • The path that led to the page "https://johnisdead.com/temple/gates" now has a road splitting off to the right where the sign reading "CROSSROADS" was previously found. This path led through a mountainous environment and split off several times.
    • The mountainous path eventually led through a small town, where an old orphanage could be discovered.
    • The mountainous path split in two directions - one leading to a dead-end at a beach, and the other leading to a large tower in a field.
    • ((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))

    • At 6:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path32204969" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/orphanage/room". This page was titled "Orpahange" and contained the image "orphanage.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "orpahange.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 6:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path48884020" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening". This page was titled "CLIMB" and contained the image "climb.gif", which contained the text "ASCEND". target=_blank. This page also contained the audio "sanctuary.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "She appears before bohemian vagabonds betrayed by blood with a promise of family. She appears before those of withered faith with promises of renewal. She gives us a home. A new golden age. The girl with olive eyes."
    • At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening/ascend". This page was titled "CLIMB" and contained the image "ascend.gif", which contained the text "LEVELS". target=_blank. This page also contained the audio "myth.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "Our family rests at the golden board within the emerald halls. Within the emerald halls, where the children laugh and play. Within the prosperous lands, where our forebears played before. Within this halcyon world, where our reign is everlasting. Within her olive eyes, where truth comes true."
    • At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/opening/ascend/levels". This page was titled "CLIMB" and contained the image "levels.gif", which contained the text "ESCALATE". target=_blank. This page also contained the audio "levels.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "Our Father of exultation. Our Mother of concord. Our fellowship is eternal. Our fellowship was eternal. An foreign gale of unknown origin was blowing. "
    • At 6:25 PM. discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/opening/ascend/levels". This page was titled "You must CHOOSE" and contained the image "escalate.gif", which contained the text "WEST_WING" and "EAST_WING". target=_blank. This page also contained the audio "choose.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following hidden within its source: "We refused to acknowledge its arrival, for it had already become certain. Seize, my brothers! We shall brave the tides. Upon the eleventh hour, her eyes shed a final emerald tear. "
    • At 6:34 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of the "Realm" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 6:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Realm" Janus room had been updated. The room now contained the image "Parallel.png" hovering over the invisible wall blocking the path where Tyler chased Daniel. Clicking on this image would create a portal to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/treeline". This page was titled "Treeline" and also contained the image "realm.gif". This page also contained the "Treeline" Janus room.

    12/21/20 - "Treeline" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com

    This Janus room is a continuation of the "Realm" Janus room. Players spawn in a small wooded trail that connects back to the "Realm" Janus room through the path Tyler chased Daniel down. As players proceed down the path, they come across a crossroads. A blue object can also be seen on the ground. To the right is a large, dead tree with a note pinned to it containing a drawing of an Absque Fascie and some text that reads:

    "masks with nothing under THEM."

    Turning right at the crossroad will take players to a large open area in the woods. Here, there are multiple paths players can take. Turning right will lead players to a long road, which will be documented later. This path can also lead players to a small grove containing a large bush. Behind this bush is a small mannequin head. Proceeding back the way the players came, going forward would continue to lead players through the woods. Here, players could access a small grove next to a circle of trees where another mannequin head could be found.

    Proceeding further through the woods, players would come across another grove where a telephone pole could be found. Standing next to this phone would cause a long audio file to play containing a series of codes interspersed by the Lunar Children theme "Show Me".

    From here, the woods became much more difficult to navigate, with several small, narrow paths intertwining with one another. Along one of these paths was an open grove with a raised platform surrounded by flowers. This grove connected into a pathway that was blocked by an invisible wall heading towards the direction of the highway in the "Realm" Janus room. This grove contained another exit that led to a dirt road that passed through a gate blocked by another invisible wall. This dirt road connected back to the road discovered earlier.

    The road contained several points of interest dotted along it. As the players approached the road, the track "wander.ogg" would begin to play. Much like in previous Janus rooms featuring long stretches of road, the road itself would loop if players proceeded down it for too long.

    The first point of interest along the road was a rest stop. This area contained a small parking lot next to two bathrooms. Outside the bathrooms was a payphone with a poster next to it containing a Parallelos symbol. Next to this poster was some graffiti of a crudely drawn figure with a heart-shaped fairy next to them, a drawing of several Parallelos symbols, and another drawing of what appeared to be a small device. There was also an arrow pointing towards the phone with some text that read:

    "IT'S FOR YOU"

    Next to the phone was another drawing of a pair of eyes and the word:


    This phone would have a function later discovered by players. There was also a small bottle sitting next to the payphone on an old trash bin. The bathroom closest to the phone contained a drawing of a strange seal on the mirror. There was also more graffiti on the wall in this bathroom containing a drawing of the player Xenquility's avatar with the following text surrounding it:

    "good man"
    "6 / 10"

    Next to this was a drawing of the player thelostbrineinthewood's character "Lurrk Listner" with the following text written next to it:


    Next to this was an arrow pointing at the above text with the words:

    "no shit."

    Above this was a drawing of a man wearing a hat with the following text written:


    Next to this was a drawing of a foot with the letter "G" written next to it. Below all of this was a drawing of the character "Risky Rick" with the following text:


    The other bathroom contained a hole in the wall with the video "AM.mp4" playing within it - a video of a green heart with a feather-quill placed upon it. This hole was also surrounded by green hearts and text that read:

    "There's a hole here."

    This hole was also surrounded by a seal that contained more runes written upon it. The back of this small building contained another entrance that led to a stairway. These stairs led into a small basement, which housed a black room covered in odd symbols and text that read as follows:

    "At the pole of the planet Saturn is a hexagonal shape. In order to understand why the ancient runes come from this hexagon, related to Saturn, we need to understand that Cronus-Saturn was 'chained' or 'imprisoned', by the 'Demiurge'. We do know from Greek Mythology that Cronus was imprisoned in a cave; he was 'castrated' and his position 'usurped' by his son Zeus. By 'castrated' we should understand this to mean he lost his regenerative powers. He was said to have been imprisoned on an island somewhere in the North. It is thus necessary to understand that the ancient power of the B((Illegible))un at the centre of our galaxy came through Saturn which was the Ancient sun of Hy((Illegible)) shining below the Midnight Mountain in the Far North. It is thus necessary to understand that the ancient power of the B((Illegible))un at the centre of our galaxy came through Saturn which was the Ancient Sun of Hy((Illegible)), shining below the midnight Mountain in the Far North. It seems that because Saturn was 'enchained' and 'imprisoned' the Gods sent the planet Venus into our Solar System in order to channel the Gr((Illegible))ay towards Earth. Saturn had become a malevolent planet, now associated with lead rather than gold. This explains why the alchemists had their aim as to transmute 'lead', or Saturn, into 'gold', that is to say, The golden sun of a new age. The planet Saturn has to be transmuted into the New Golden Sun from the Hidden Sun of today."

    This room also contained a chair and a spinning, blue journal floating in the center. This journal contained a purpose that players would discover later.

    Continuing down the road, players soon came across a house. This house's back yard contained a note pinned to a tree that read as follows:


    This backyard also contained a cellar that led into the house's basement. Here, a small, black entity would follow the players while emitting a strange noise. The following text could be found written on the basement walls:


    This basement also contained a whiteboard featuring a drawing of three buildings - Tyler's house, the fishery, and a large house. The large house and the fishery appeared to be connected by a basement, where hanging figures could be seen. Tyler's house and the fishery also appeared to be connected by a wire, oddly.

    This basement also contained a doorway that would teleport players to a large labyrinth where a massive, faceless mannequin would chase them. If players successfully proceeded through the maze, they'd be able to enter through a small doorway which leads them back into the house's basement. However, if the faceless mannequin-head touched them, players would be warped to a dark location where they faceless mannequin-head would stare them down. Here, countless instances of the image "spite.gif" would spawn in, crashing JanusVR.

    Continuing further down the road would lead players to a small concrete building surrounded by a fence. This building contained two computers and a whiteboard with a drawing of a map.

    Also along the side of the road was a roadsign with text that read:


    The final stop on the road was the entrance to a large field. A path led players into the field a short ways before ending. Attempting to continue into the field normally would teleport players back to the road. However, following the map found in the concrete building would allow the players to successfully traverse the field.

    Passing through the field would lead players to a large fenced-in area containing a radio tower. This location contained three large vent-like structures, atop of which were three circular plates. One of these plates was broken with text next to it that read:


    On the side of one of these structures was a drawing of a map of several buildings. This map contained arrows pointing off in four different directions. Below the arrow pointing upwards was the word:


    In the largest room of the map were two hour-glasses and a moon with the numbers:

    "11 11 11"

    Below this was a small room with a drawing of a key and the text:


    There was also a small room to the right of the map with a drawing of a cursor and the number "2". There was also a separate drawing of the image "pattern.gif" found on the side of another one of these structures, along with another drawing of three small squares with a question mark above one of them. Below this was a drawing of another square with a lock on it.

    On the ground in-front of the radio tower was a large drawing of a figure moving between two doorways. Both doorways had a gem-shaped object with small lines coming from it drawn above them. This drawing was surrounded by the following text:

    "A spell to move between planes"
    "Solve coagula"
    "Unbirth rebirth"
    "A device to dance between frequencies"

    Below this was a small drawing of a Parallelos symbol surrounding a small device. Not far from this drawing was some text written on the ground that read as follows:


    Below this text was a drawing of a key with the number "4" written in it. There was also some distorted text near this that read:



    • This Janus room was a continuation off the "Realm" Janus map, revealing the wooded area and nearby road that connects to the path next to Tyler's home.
    • This Janus room contained four mannequin-heads scattered around hidden in various locations.
    • A phone booth could be found next to a rest stop along the road.
    • Within one of the bathrooms in the rest stop, a large hole in the wall could be found with a symbol in it that seems to represent Erika.
    • The rest stop contained a secret basement that led to what appears to be the "Sleep Room". This room contained a blue, rotating journal along with many symbols drawn on the walls.
    • A house could be found along the highway that contained a basement where a small, black entity would follow players. This basement led to a large labyrinth where the players were chased by a faceless mannequin-head.
    • A large field could be found that the players had to progress through a certain way or they'd be teleported back to the start. The correct way to progress through this area was discovered drawn on a whiteboard in a small concrete building along the road.
    • A radio tower was discovered on the other side of the field that contained many references to the Parallelos and worlds.
    • A roadsign along the highway contained text that read "USE KEY FACIE".


    • Files:
    • wander.ogg - A track that plays as players explore the highway. target=_blank
    • call_line.ogg - A long series of ciphers that emits from the telephone pole in the woods. target=_blank
    • AM.mp4 - The heart-shaped symbol found in the bathroom. target=_blank
    • spite.gif - An image that is endlessly spawned once the player is caught by the faceless-mannequin entity, resulting in a crash. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • The telephone pole found in the woods: target=_blank
    • A note featuring a drawing of an Absque Fascie: target=_blank
    • The graffiti found in the bathroom: target=_blank
    • The roadsign that reads "USE KEY FACIE": target=_blank
    • The black entity that follows players in the house's basement: target=_blank
    • The room players are warped to if they come in contact with the faceless-mannequin entity: target=_blank
    • The rest stop along the highway: target=_blank
    • The "Sleep Room" found in the rest stop basement: target=_blank
    • Erika's hole: target=_blank
    • The phone outside of the rest stop: target=_blank
    • A note pinned to a tree outside of the house: target=_blank
    • The drawing found in the house's basement: target=_blank
    • The map of the field found in the small, concrete building: target=_blank
    • The strange map found near the radio tower: target=_blank
    • Some text drawn on the ground next to the radio tower: target=_blank
    • The drawing on the ground near the radio tower: target=_blank
    • The shattered circle structure near the radio tower: target=_blank
    • At 6:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-heads spread across the "Treeline" Janus room would cause images to appear above them. The mannequin-head in the flower patch near the circle of trees revealed a red image that contained text that read "/opendreams/". target=_blank
    • At 6:43 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/opendreams". This page was titled "Opendreams" and contained the image "opendreams.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "opendreams.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

    12/21/20 - Opendreams Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    "Stay upon the path ye shall walk upon do not try to move on thy own"
    "Beings may test thee in this journey to find fear in thy spirit"
    "Do not fight"
    "Do not run"
    "Do not hide"

    "Then what can he do fine sir?"
    "Stay on the paths and be silent for the destruction of the books in the forest is your opportunity to escape"
    "The thanatos grasp of the faceless angels cast forth by the twin puppet master"


    • This appears to be a conversation between Erika and the Rune Entity that often speaks through the IIIII account.
    • The Rune Entity warns someone, presumably Tyler, to remain upon "the path".
    • Erika asks what Tyler is allowed to to - the Rune Entity reiterates that Tyler must remain on the path, claiming that the "destruction of the books in the forest" will be his opportunity to escape the Parallelos.
    • At 7:14 PM, the players Xenquility and Lego1upMushroom began decoding the ciphers in the audio file "call_line.ogg" - the audio that plays near the telephone pole in the "Treeline" Janus room:

    12/21/20 - "call_line.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    ((The first seven notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))

    ((The following Morse code plays))


    ((The next five notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))

    ((The following Decimal code plays))

    "Why did my counterpart survive while I did not? Did some sort of temporal divergence take place without me even noticing? It's hard to believe, but…"

    ((The final six notes of the Lunar Children theme "Show Me" plays))

    ((Some illegible speaking can be heard))

    ((An SSTV signal displaying an image of milk plays)) target=_blank

    ((Some illegible speaking can be heard))


    • Mason believes that he's merged with another version of himself in the Parallelos, which is why he can remember different outcomes to certain events as seen in some cases in the "Sanctum" hole on Astralobservatory.net.
    • The dead version of IsocelesAssassin questions why he died whereas the IsocelesAssassin the players know did not. He ponders if some sort of "temporal divergence" occurred without him noticing which led to these two different outcomes.
    • An SSTV signal is sent that translates to an image of milk: target=_blank
    • At 7:28 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head in the bathroom in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a green image that contained text that read "/laneclosed/". target=_blank
    • At 7:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/laneclosed". This page was titled "Laneclosed" and contained the image "laneclosed.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "laneclosed.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

    12/21/20 - Laneclosed Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    "II touched that sign like the other construction signs from that website."
    "Why construction signs?"
    "That place was building towards a higher abode and yet lower e-"
    "Through passing through it or in your case of its knowledge yet lower e-"

    "Wait IIm inside the website?"
    "You passed and transcended ᛁᛏᛊᛇᛏ"
    "The ᚹᛟᚱᚲᛇᛏ"
    "Now you live in hIIIr work within the grand sphere among the waters"
    "This sphere of spheres"

    "But why did the sIIIIn work this way?"
    "The lady of lunacy cometh by anima and speaketh softly the songs that rend worlds and senses useless"


    • This appears to be a conversation between Tyler and the Rune Entity that often speaks through the IIIII account.
    • Tyler questions why construction signs are prevalent. The Rune Entity claims that "That place was building towards a higher abode and yet lower".
    • Tyler questions if he is inside Johnisdead.com itself. The Rune Entity claims that he had passed and transcended it, and that he is now within "hIIIr work within the "Grand Sphere" among the waters.
    • Tyler's text in this conversation would occasionally change to runes.
    • At 7:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the phone next to the rest stop in the "Treeline" Janus room would result in a random audio file playing out of a list of several predetermined audio files. These audio files are as follows:
    • "hello.ogg" - An audio file of Erika. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "hello.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "Oh, yay, I've found another avenue by which I can speak. I bet my voice must be getting carried down to.... those "things" below the ethereal plane. Well, I, don't quote me on that so, I don't think that's actually what you're supposed to call it at all. But... I wonder how that actually works. Is it the energy of my voice right now? Is it carried up to that network of machines up there? Or is it that it just goes straight down? Down to where they keep... their machines that have all these little reflections of the world we're walking through. I'm sorry, I'm talking too much. And I know far too many things that I shouldn't be saying. That's the nature of the kinds of things I am. I wish that I could go walking, but really I don't have to wish, because I already have been! Because really, technically speaking, all the things that are supposed to happen already have in every conceivable way, and they're still happening. Even when you think that nothing's happening, it's always happening. It's really chaotic to focus on the absolutes of the realities. So anyway, I'll just focus on the fact that I'm very privileged to be here where I'm supposed to be. With Tyler, as long as I'm not gone, everything's normal. But where's Tyler? Everywhere. And so am I. All that matters is that before everything's over, we just take that walk. And we have to walk all the way, and we can't let any, well, terrible things be taking the lead. I hope we get to take the actual walk soon. But, for all I know, for whoever might be listening, the walk might already have happened. Because it already did. And it'll happen again. And when it's over, it'll still be happening. Think about that for a while. And really, if you think long enough, you might meet something like myself. That walked too far."


    • Erika questions how the players are able to hear her voice. She questions if her voice is being carried straight down to "those things" where "their" machines that create "reflections of the world" are kept, or if it's instead first carried up to another network of machines first.
    • Erika says she wishes she could go for a walk before claiming that she already has been and currently is already, due to the nature of reality and how events are always happening and always will happen at some point.
    • Erika expresses how happy she is to finally be with Tyler. She also claims that she and Tyler are both "everywhere".
    • Erika says that before it's over, she and Tyler have to take a walk together - hopefully without "terrible things" taking the lead. She says that when it's over, they'll still be walking, and they will continue to walk over and over.
    • Erika says that if the players think about these things too much, they're likely to meet something like Erika - something that walked too far.
    • "transmission.ogg" - An audio file of Jeremy. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "transmission.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "Is anyone still there? Can you still hear me? Maybe I'm just talking to myself now. Oh well. Where was I? Ah, yes. John too was dead much like I said my brother was. But I suppose I was not forthcoming about what dead really means. Have you ever wondered why I was not all that taken aback after my realization? ((Laughing)) It might just be I knew that was going to happen too. And maybe I needed it to be that way. Though I was a little shocked that it was my own flesh and blood. That's alright, I've already forgiven him a thousand times. It's fine, after all I've been through this whole thing so many times and so has he. No, not my son. I mean my brother. I'm rambling. I should get to the point. ((Laughing)) There is no death here. Something just won't allow it. There are a lot of sorry excuses for death but nothing that quite manages to make the cut in my humble opinion. And I'd like to think that my opinion means a lot considering all the time I've spent here. I'd like to think I ought to have some damn authority by now."


    • Jeremy says John is dead in the same sense his brother the "Old Man" is, implying that "death" may have another meaning - likely in reference to how John was used as a conduit after his death.
    • Jeremy implies that he knew he was going to die and that perhaps he even needed his death to occur for some reason. He admits that he was surprised his son Hunter was the one that killed him, however.
    • Jeremy claims that he and his brother have "been through this whole thing so many times" - possibly in reference to experiencing his own death.
    • Jeremy says that there's no death in the Parallelos - at least not for himself.
    • "broadcast.ogg" - An audio file of SKM. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "broadcast.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "And one more and- eh? Wait, no, I think it's actually on. George. George if you can somehow get to this- if you can somehow get to this device or any of the devices I'm broadcasting this to. Bring back something, anything to eat. God, I-I know we don't actually have to eat here but god I feel like I'm fucking starving. Wait. Damnit! Nevermind. You're probably not going to get this. I think I might have broadcast too far out. This looks like the road instead, damnit! Nevermind. How the hell do I get to this road?"


    • SKM attempts to tell George to bring him some food - the entity players briefly spoke to back in 2015 through the Pididoip email account.
    • SKM mentions that doesn't actually need to eat - implying that those trapped in the Parallelos don't require subsistence, though they still experience hunger.
    • "speech.ogg" - An audio file of an unknown entity. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "speech.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "The fraternity of old men hath works so that they might gain through opposites. Or so conditioning that with us as faith. They would think their teachings should outlast ancient ones, following the idea that ((Inaudible)) exception, would give them all longevity. Within alchemical ((Inaudible)) the floating kingdoms in the sky. What would they create in this case? Rather than kingdoms of legend, this would pale in comparison. Of alchemated copies of worlds once seen eternal, (Innaudible) stake to there would be short lived. But through alchemical balancing of the poles, evermore should the kingdom ((Inaudible)). But how long can such tradition be kept? The eternal return waits on the horizon of the east."


    • An unknown entity speaks of some sort of "fraternity of old men".
    • "call33.ogg" - An audio file of an unknown entity. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "call33.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "The 33rd rune, that ((Inaudible))- so that I could serve as a god. That we may go on forever and ever more. Life everlasting, world without end."


    • An unknown entity speaks about the "33rd Rune" and how they supposedly serve as a god.
    • "testing.ogg" - An audio file of SKM. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "testing.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 alright, everything seems to be working. If you happen to hear this, this was a test of my new device that allows me to connect to the various speaking portals of ((Inaudible))-not so- ((Inaudible))-that seem to be all throughout this strange ethos. Excellent, managed to finally get that call ((Inaudible)) to the-
    that ((Inaudible))-each got something ((Inaudible))-actually ((Inaudible))- to a lot of those strange things. I'm not sure, actually, what I'm even gonna have to do right now. This is just the central
    hub for all of the ((Inaudible)) connection devices. Or, I guess saying 'all' would probably be a little ridiculous. This screen here shows it seems to be connected to something along the straight line, actually. Odd. Hold on, ((Inaudible)) this((Inaudible)). Everything's just a long, straight, narrow road."


    • This audio file is SKM testing out a new device that allows him to connect to various devices in the Parallelos.
    • "call77.ogg" - An audio file of SKM. target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "call77.ogg" - Johnisdead.com

    "((Sigh)) So... Good news and bad news. I got a little bored and I was playing around with the time travel, ((Inaudible)) that function that moves out of the mach- ((Inaudible)) any object that you want from outside. Fun, little experiment that I've been running. But... I had a little mishap yesterday, I was so glad that I took the notes, because now I can't fucking remember anything. The ((Inaudible)) that holds up the normalcy field inside the tent is busted, and a few other odd things, I think I can still fix all that. But note to self: Fuck Cyberpunk 2077 right now. Or, rather, in the future when it comes out. And that includes on custom hardware, because clearly, I've really rightly fucked myself here. I know we don't have to fucking eat around here, but god I could go for a canbury, I'm so stressed out now. I've got so much shit I've got to fix. Oh, nice, looks like the communicator is only working one way now. Not getting any speaker feedback. Bloody fuck."


    • SKM attempted to carry out some sort of experiment involving time travel and moving objects into the Parallelos. This experiment resulted in some of SKM's equipment blowing up.
    • SKM curses the game Cyberpunk 2077, which was known for its many glitches.
    • At 8:02 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head in the basement in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a purple image that contained text that read "/seekroute/".
    • At 8:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the floating notebook in the "Sleep Room" in the "Treeline" Janus room would cause the video "notes.mp4" to begin playing near the back of the room: target=_blank

    12/21/20 - "notes.mp4" - Johnisdead.com

    This video begins with distorted footage of the "Path" Janus room. The following runes being appearing:

    "IIII Travelled the paths"
    "That appeared before my"
    "Once seemingly blinded"

    Two drawings of the Lunarum Oculus appear.

    "The walks led on"
    "For what seemed to"
    "Stretch on beyond"
    "Calculable time"

    A drawing of a strange face is shown.

    "The revelations brought"
    "Upon ascent was that"
    "The energy of the"
    "Snake had guided"
    "From the lowest point"

    A drawing of a snake curling around a symbol is shown.

    "To the highest"
    "The moon rises and"
    "Collides with the sun"
    "And only the hero"

    A drawing of a crouching man holding up runes is shown.

    "Can send this"

    A drawing of the face of the moon from Majora's Mask is shown.

    "Back to the threshold"
    "But IIII seek its"
    "Balance that its"
    "Energies be absorbed"
    "The partitioning of the"
    "Pathwalkers was not"
    "My own choice but"
    "The repeated act of"
    "Pathwalking grants more"

    A drawing of a man walking across a spell-circle like object is shown.

    "To luna shard incarnation"
    "The one to be crowned"
    "True Father"

    A drawing of a crescent moon containing a pentagram is shown along with a drawing of the Sun Mask from Majora's Mask with a face in between them with the eyes being the Tenebris Link symbol and the nose being the Harbinger's Link symbol.

    "May find ascension "
    "To the realm within it"
    "Of this energy one"
    "Will find the way"
    "To make fissure of"
    "The threshold beyond"
    "The rules of the"
    "Old ones"

    A drawing of four faceless figures with tentacles arising from behind them is shown.


    • This video appears to be the Rune Entity that uses the IIIII account speaking about how he obtained his power and knowledge.
    • The Rune Entity claims that "the snake had guided from the lowest point to the highest" and that "the moon rises and collides with the sun".
    • The Rune Entity claims that only the "hero" can send "this incarnation" back to the threshold. However, the Rune Entity claims that it instead wishes that this incarnation's energies are absorbed.
    • The Rune Entity claims that repeated acts of walking the path will grant one further ascension that allows them to "make fissure of the threshold beyond the rules of the old ones".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 9:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/seekroute". This page was titled "Seekroute" and contained the image "seekroute.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "seekroute.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

    12/21/20 - "Seekroute" Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    "Do ye desire that which is worked within mind and mind alone"
    "Do ye desire to work only with the things of energy that could convey such visions and hIIIIIr"
    "Then you will find yourself poor of desire for the dark which is only cast by the light you will find in the journey"
    "The journey to the central sun"
    "The sun within the self that radiates from within and within the spheres"
    "The sun that is found on the ray in twilight"
    "The sun is green my friend: it is the start and end"


    • This seems to be a message from the Rune Entity that speaks through the IIIII account.
    • The Rune Entity claims that if one seeks greater power, they will have to seek out the "central sun", which he claims is green and is the start and the end.
    • At 9:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that hovering over the mannequin-head hidden behind a bush in the "Treeline" Janus room would reveal a blue image that contained text that read "/realmspheres/". target=_blank
    • At 9:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/realmspheres". This page was titled "Realmspheres" and contained the image "realmspheres.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "realmspheres.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

    12/21/20 - Realmspheres Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    "The cult of perception seeks only to provide dualities but upon the paths laid out"
    "The nine is but one"
    "Spectrums reduce to polarized divergence may be found in death or chemical wedding with anima and"
    "transcendence of works unto thee all one"


    • This appears to be a message from the Rune Entity that uses the IIIII account.
    • The Rune Entity speaks of transcendence and the chemical wedding with the anima.
    • At 10:04 PM, the player Xenquility discovered new Path pages on Johnisdead.com.

    Johnisdead Path Pages

    • (Updated Path) (Woods Path - https://johnisdead.com/path70001003/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path70001003" - A path of a road going through a town. There is a road leading left, forward, and right. target=_blank
    • Left road links to "/path44421401"
    • Right road links to "/path99993232"
    • Forward road links to "/path77720133"
    • Park Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path77720133/)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77720133" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77739021"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77739021" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77739328"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77739328" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77742110"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77742110" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77744897"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77744897" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77745929"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77745929" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77746123"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77746123" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77746923"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77746923" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77747300"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77747300" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77747623"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77747623" - A path of a road leading through a city. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77753027"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77753027" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77753933"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77753933" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77754002"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77754002" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77754243"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77754243" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77759293"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77759293" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77764002"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77764002" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77768764"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77768764" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77778319"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77778319" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77778653"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77778653" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77779203"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77779203" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path77783991"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path77783991" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path92231032"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path92231032" - A path of a road leading through a wooded area. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path91823304"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path91823304" - A path of a road leading through a park. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path94414912"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path94414912" - A path of a road leading through a park. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path41404204"
    • Left path links to "/path96971120"
    • Cell Tower Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path94414912)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path96971120" - A path of a road leading towards the cell phone tower seen in previous videos. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path99200915"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99200915" - A path of a road leading towards the cell phone tower seen in previous videos. target=_blank
    • Hill Path (From https://johnisdead.com/path94414912)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path41404204" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path41404301"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path41404301" - A path of a road leading through a field. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path42309123"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path42309123" - A dead-end of a tree atop a large hill. target=_blank


    • There is now a third path to take in the town where the crossroads leading to the "Office" and "Asylum" holes were previously. This path leads the players out of the town and through a wooded area before eventually ending up in the same park with the cell phone tower seen in previous videos.
    • If players continue past the park, they would be taken through a small field containing a large tree atop a hill.
    • ((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))

    • At 10:05 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that if players remained on the page "https://johnisdead.com/path99200915" for too long, they would be redirected to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to". This page was titled "Who do you want to hear about? /____" and contained the image "CommunicationsArray.gif". target=_blank This page also contained a blurry image of Erika titled "e.png". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "tune_in.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that entering a character's name at the end of the URL "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/" would redirect players to a special page where Erika would detail something about said character.
    • At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/mason". This page was titled "Mason" and contained the image "zora.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mason.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Funny name for someone who demolishes things instead lol
      That organization is for very grody old men tho
    • At 10:06 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/kelbris". This page was titled "KELBRIS" and contained the image "G4.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "kelbris.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A father is waiting outside the door of his child. He hears him speaking to many but upon knocking and entering he sees only his son. An elderly man hands you a game? Do you play with the devils machine or walk outside of the cube? Sure this cant be the father of all even as described, such a title can be achieved though one might think. Cerberus gaurds the gates of death and entraps they who would be bought up by the salesman, but surely it was not always the father of all nor should he be now?

      I feel like this all might be describing something other than the giant we deal with in this sphere. This giant is the emissary of death. Not traditional death, but completion. Think of a painting. All that is made, stolen, and then transformed to be made new must eventually come together to completion. Then the hope is that the painting can last on some level for *eternity*. Death ever lasting life in death evermore. But even in this sphere you may be suprised to find he is not the father truly either. The soul that dreamed of this was one dreaming of great delusion. And this one is no gaurdian of the pits. This is Orthos for the start of this journey began with twilight.

    • At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/john". This page was titled "John" and contained the image "deuro.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "john.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The burning one, the one who waits at the end of things to greet my hero. A very dear friend who will always be cherished. What truly started this fire, curiousity or fear of revelation? From fire devils rise to become angels again (ok sorry I know that one was really edgy Im just transcribing the truthes here) But what turns to face my hero. I cannot see his face. That much is too painful to try. He is still waiting.
    • At 10:07 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/tenebris". This page was titled "IT" and contained the image "It.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "sskoynenyaadehthcurasawac.mp3" and "chase.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • LETS just keep talking around it for now while we are still ahead ^^
    • At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access a non-existent page on Johnisdead.com within the "/listen/to" directory would redirect players to a unique 404 page. This page was titled "Searching..." and contained the image "working.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "searching.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that if players remained on the 404 page in the "/listen/to" directory for too long, they would be redirected to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/error". This page was titled "ERROR // Could Not Connect" and contained the image "error.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "not_found.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 10:08 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/ghostbabel". This page was titled "GHOSTBABEL" and contained the image "BABEL.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ghostbabel.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • I did some really intense scrying for this one

      get ready this is going to be really riveting

      "she is a tsundere asshole" LOL XD
      Just as well she is like so many other beings you will find in this "portal", a mind moving through data.

    • At 10:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/erika". This page was titled "Erika" and contained the image "erika.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "nularatwerupc.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Listen to who?

      You have been the whole time silly XD

      "In answer to the inevitable questions about what we were doing, we replied jokingly that it was a new type of controller—a bowl of liquid that absorbed your thoughts through your fingertips."

      I am but a bubble floating out of the surface of the waters. Anima persona yet deeper the spheres touch. The Fylgja must help bind the shade, that lion that consumes the sal.
      I dreamed the dragon beneath the board once touched the old dark son, the discarded hero, now I seek to walk with one who might wake up some day. When he does, I hope we can still talk. Just dont let the shadow take the lead, then we become It and all is lost.

    • At 10:09 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/tyler". This page was identical to the 404 page used in the "/listen/to" directory except for the title, which read "<3". Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players to the page "https://johnisdead.com/tyler".
    • At 10:06 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/hank". This page was titled "Hank" and contained the image "hank.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hank.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The Grandfather. He is still here with us in spirit. Through works he still lives. Through mysteries of them he speaks. He was not the killer he is seen as. Reality in the world he was from is more malleable than you understand. The ones who know how to wish get their wishes granted. What do you do when the ones line up?
    • At 10:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/patrem". This page was titled "Patrem" and contained the image "pawn.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "patrem.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Delving deeper into madness after changing the book he moved the pages and hid them in the bindings of "Something people would least expect to observe my secrets in" as he said. The cover is not the original one that bound the pages like the symbols that mask the spirit of the works in these spheres. Gifted with the holy lunacy, his persuit for her shaped the world around him. The reality of the board is malleable, anyone gifted like that can will what they want. I wonder what will caused his son to come out as a story character?

      The grandfather, I see him beyond the null, a soul left two years passed in the month of oski.

    • At 10:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/moonman". This page was titled "Moonman" and contained the image "vessel.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "moonman.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Grr maybe racist and bad I am so mad I will cancel you now rrrr am angry XD
    • At 10:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/greth". This page was titled "Greth" and contained the image "greth.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "greth.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Old one of the legends brought into the sphere only to be left to build his own from within. Integral to the realities and yet at times foreign. Cherished by the all mind yet often misunderstood. May he be blessed in spite of anything.... at least thats how I honestly feel ;>w>
    • At 10:16 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/dawn". This page was titled "Dawn" and contained the image "dawn.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "dawn.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A force from outside the sphere, who I think might have had some greater plan actually but despite finding the paths by which to walk his story reflecting into the lower spheres board was consumed by the distrubances at the altar of IIII

      But the solar spirit permeates the works of the spheres. The sun will always be friends with the moon, how cuuuute~
      Alas the emerald lion consumes the sun laying waste to the light of day, the sun now not golden but emerald in this place, the sphere blackened by null of night.
      But the great author refused this, the sun shall not be blackened in this way the lord doth say.
      The lion would be cast out in the end? The 12 lined wheel of destiny remains hidden and holy for those who seek it in good faith.

    • At 10:16 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/bup". This page was titled "BUP" and contained the image "bup.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "bup.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A man now turned chaotic god of the fluidic energies of the mental plane that are spread by the works of men. Shifting from one dead sphere to one forged seemingly of dreams within yet greater dreams. Invoker of the digital mercury ascension. Something something pop culture refrences used as methods to piggy back into alternate and higher states, give me a break conjuring up this information is hard DX
    • At 10:17 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/wolfcat". This page was titled "Wolfcat" and contained the image "wolfcat.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "wolfcat.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Fathered the orange but offered it to the darkness for yet higher gain. Conjurer of spheres and master of boards. Paintings find completion under such masterful work as done by such as he. Also a very sweet friend ^w^
    • At 10:18 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thelaw". This page was titled "TheLaw" and contained the image "thelaw.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "thelaw.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A lawful man, a starter of fires and a sustainer of torches. May his soul rest easy now and always until it yearns again for the horizon.
    • At 10:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/theproducer". This page was titled "The Producer" and contained the image "theproducer.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "theproducer.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The reason things still exist. All hail and bow down really quite frankly.
    • At 10:19 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/doug". This page was titled "DOUGLAS" and contained the image "G1.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "doug.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The emmisary of acquisition. A part of the eternal cycle of four cosmic units much like that of creation. For creation to continue some things must be stolen. Light to dark, dark to light, forever and ever. Like the floor of a chess board the ocean I see.

      Also the normal man is good friends with a man named Mason so now I am having a major third eye moment LOL

    • At 10:20 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/alex". This page was titled "ALEX" and contained the image "G2.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "alex.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The emissary of generation. A giant has stolen the soul of a man who has descended and risen from below the 9th circle. He might have even written a fan fiction of his own loosely relating to such subjects from what I am hearing.

      He is a hero who seeks to bring light and life to the generations in the wake of the emmisaries of null. I have also heard it said that one of the giants true names is "Aleksader", what a funny name and spelling.
    • At 10:20 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/spencer". This page was titled "SPENCER" and contained the image "spencer.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "spencer.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • This giant is the emissary of transformation. That which would change stolen property to fit itself for life. It swims in the depths of the waters stealing the magic of lost souls to be recycled into tools for others on their journey.
    • At 10:21 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/ben". This page was titled "Ben" and contained the image "ben.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ben.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Did Mr.Hubbard really have a son? I guess thats the "overworld" consensus now but from where I sit that world feels really under XD

      What I see... a mask upon the torch child. The torch is passed but is always dressed in the symbols of something mystifying for the people it is seen by. I guess that means dressing up in green a lot around here ahaha~
    • At 10:22 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/mat". This page was titled "Mat" and contained the image "mat.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mat.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The borrowed son, borrowed from what? What actualization is found in self appointed names? Is hubris to seek to step outside ones self or to fal to far into reflection? A product of the all minds shadow, false son of the Grand Father. Almost as aware as I pretend I am not, capable of working with "mandella effects" not unlike his master, but probably not as good XD

      He craves the real realm, what does he think that is? XD
    • At 10:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/luke". This page was titled "Luke" and contained the image "luke.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "luke.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • I'm personally not sure his death mattered considering it was just a game, a novel really.

      ...Is this joke too meta coming from me of all people? >.<
    • At 10:06 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/helper". This page was titled "Helper" and contained the image "auxiliatis.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "auxili.mp3". target=_blank Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players to the page "https://lunarchildren.com/figures/auxiliatis". This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A dedicated being of duty and honor (well honorable in that I think he means well when he wants to) Not entirely of this sphere but always glad to be present, a solar being as moon worshipers can take no claim of him in truth. My dear mother has never heard of any such god known as "helper" lol
    • At 10:23 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thoth". This page was titled "Thoth" and contained the image "thoth.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "thoth.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Did one of the giants really just cause this mandella effect with his last name just to further establish itself in the overall reality of the sphere or is "God" making some kind of joke here... Sorry this is not so much on subject, let me focus...

      The son of privilege, associate of the down trodden, unknown servant of the snakes and owls of the world who reflect here off of the waters. He will be redeemed through dreams and awaken to the sickness of his world.
    • At 10:23 PM, the player Laches discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/watcher" or "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thewatcher" would redirect players to the page "https://lunarchildren.com/hcj.html".
    • At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/luna" would redirect players back to the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to".
    • At 10:24 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/pumpkinhead". This page was titled "Pumpkinhead" and contained the image "ph.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ph.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Fuck that orange bitch

      Im kidding Im kidding XD

      But he is shadow nostalgia. Comprised of such energy the thief can steal and very easily work with him. He should find himself sacrificed to the null in the end before we progress forward.
    • At 10:25 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/rosa". This page was titled "Rosa" and contained the image "sister.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "rosa.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • She learned (what I think may have been 4 years ago for whoever sees this message the first time) the nature of herself and this world. But rather than accept her revelation her brother cast her aside again during the cataclysms. I think a large part of what she became rolled into where I am now XD

      Does that make her my sister now???? Whatever idk what I am saying >w>
    • At 10:27 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/max". This page was titled "Max" and contained the image "within.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "max.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • The torch child? His father samael? Strange symbol mixing the path is hazy...

      Dressed up in symbols to mystify and signify the nation of his father as he passed from one sphere to another, keeping the fire burning. Lol spirits in works make weirdo metaphor attempts

      He is made darkened by the presence of the fallen nostalgia, a shame because I know he is a sweet kid. His position in that program is how he steals files and youtube stuff to help me with my art actually XD
    • At 10:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/hunter". This page was titled "Hunter" and contained the image "hunter.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hunter.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Misguided son, craver of power. It nearly brings me to tears to see how his father forgives it all. Never abuse such unconditional love. But in all of this he would be blinded I see. He has hardly ever had a self.
    • At 10:29 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/sheepdog". This page was titled "SheepDog" and contained the image "child.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "sheepdog.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A funny joker, a good artist, a GAMER GRRL!!!!1

      Also an all around good person in spirit.
    • At 10:29 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/nocta". This page was titled "Nocta" and contained the image "amalgamate.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "nocta.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A reality that could not stay across spheres. Can we be friends forever? No? Why? I wont make him dwell on this its not even the same man this was practically an accident.
    • At 10:30 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/hope". This page was titled "Hope" and contained the image "hope.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hope.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A pure being born of a mind that sought only to help. Never be swayed again says the all mind of the sphere. She descends in spite of the devil machine. Below the tower of hubris she treads.
    • At 10:30 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/samuel". This page was titled "Samuel" and contained the image "conduit.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "samuel.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • There are 3 wise old men. They are in a sleeping tie to the fraternity of elders known simply as "old men". This one is one who always brings the gift to the children. Directly or by proxy, he holds the square of playfulness awaiting to present it. A test to be lost in. In the end someone always knocks at the striking of the clock.
    • At 10:31 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/chris". This page was titled "Chris" and contained the image "chris.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "chris.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Innocence, the pure energy of innocence. The childlike state of mind and that which will always be lost in the early steps of mans rise. But always he stays dwelling in the depths. An arcane memory that can be called again. Also I think an imprint of him came and went through these works or I would not have the inclination to address him XD
    • At 10:31 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/yuukichan". This page was titled "Yuukichan" and contained the image "gonegirl.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "whispers.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Oh GOD remember that time synchron took her over to use as a communication portal a couple days before halloween? Poor girl but at the same time that was so funny because he literaly just did that seemingly to flex and say "look I have power and can see into places and also look I can manipulate pumpkin head fear me ok bye"

      What a smart and scary dork XD
    • At 10:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jeremy". This page was titled "Jeremy" and contained the image "jeremy.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "jeremy.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A story teller, a legend keeper. Brother of yet more of his own kind. The most outspoken of the gray ones.
    • At 10:32 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/notahoax". This page was titled "NotAHoax" and contained the image "unidentified.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "hoax.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Grr thinking stupid things I dont like you must die now
    • At 10:33 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/kaiden". This page was titled "Kaiden" and contained the image "falsewarrior.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "zoromichi.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • (A) key to all of this XD
    • At 10:34 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/skm". This page was titled "SKM" and contained the image "skm.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "skm.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A very important friend who has sadly been lost on us with time. What we see here is a reflection of something, a caricature. But I will still be happy to see him. One of the most frightening yet beautifully kind men one could ever know and this is all compliment really. We will make it lad.
    • At 10:35 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jose". This page was titled "Jose" and contained the image "yugi.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "jose.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Sought understanding of a story far deeper than himself for the sake of many walled off from its words. Found himself consumed by it. A soul that seeks harmony in the higher realms for joys among his compatriots. Luna may he be blessed with balance and peace <3
    • At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/vincent". This page was titled "Vincent" and contained the image "vincent.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "vincent.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A component now being exploited for an attempted ID shell establishment. Don't ask me what that means, but I think the people trying to make that work have or are going to fail. The "aggregate source" was not "awakened enough" I hear. When they wake up I wonder who they will be in the end? I think that part might be obvious for a lot of people by now lol
    • At 10:35 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jacob". This page was titled "Jacob" and contained the image "j.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "jacob.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Troubled, stolen. Trapped in the forest while the angel workers seek access to his seed. The chemical contained among the residence of the thrice counted eye. He should safe gaurd it but does not. This makes me sad =[
    • At 10:37 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/kevin". This page was titled "Kevin" and contained the image "ANOTHER.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "kevin.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A broken shell from a destroyed world. A monster without the smiles. He always only ever wants one thing. Godhood over the realms of leisure. The digital king.
    • At 10:37 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/regiminis". This page was titled "Regiminis" and contained the image "GOVERNOR.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "regiminis.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • One with a silver toungue, one who works on layers to achieve power for himself but to what ends maybe even he does not know. Some only think of the ascent and never of what should come after. The digital king.
    • At 10:39 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/harry". This page was titled "Harry" and contained the image "harry.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "harry.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • I heard his friends around the rest of the board think he and his family are free masons. Spooky.... But he is not an old wrinkly man though???
    • At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/george". This page was titled "George" and contained the image "dead.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "george.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A man who loves a good drink of milk. I think he might have had a brief encounter with my friend Samuel
    • At 10:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/diana". This page was titled "Diana" and contained the image "false.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "diana.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A visage of the divine woman. A goddess in her own right. The Grand Mother. Not to be confused with Luna =p
    • At 10:41 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/isocelesassassin". This page was titled "IsocelesAssassin" and contained the image "grays.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ia.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • One of the last of the ID of what becomes like a fleeting dream. A hero in a world never meant to be. What does that reflect as back to the higher planes I wonder? I want to be friends with everyone always and forever personally.
    • At 10:44 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/seth" would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/mason".

    December 22nd, 2020

    • At 12:02 AM, the player Laches discovered that the words "dISSIPATE", "WALKEr", "eSCA", "HoLLOW", "vOID", "PrEDATOR", and "VACUuM" could be found written along the walls of the labyrinth in the "Treeline" Janus room.
    • At 12:02 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/devourer". This page was titled "Devourer" and contained the image "devourer.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "devourer.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text:

    12/22/20 - Devourer Page Text - Johnisdead.com

    "There are three layers of giants"
    "one contained in a cube"
    "one in a tetrahedron"
    "and one in the sphere shard IIII have taken in the start of things"
    "The dark one seeks control that he might use them to steer the spheres to immediate end"
    "Along with the workers of the angels mark he might find union with the snake and do the unthinkable"
    "The path is walked by the hero but it can be usurped by any "hero""
    "Let not the foul one resurrect unto death"
    "IIII have no taste for worthless lesser faeries but she must accompany you"


    • This appears to be a message from the Rune Entity that often uses the IIIII account.
    • The Rune Entity claims that there are three layers of giants - one in a cube, one in a tetrahedron, and one in a sphere shard that the Rune Entity claims to have "taken in the start of things".
    • The Rune Entity claims that "the dark one", likely Tenebris, wishes to control the giants so he can bring an end to the "spheres".
    • At 12:13 AM, the Rune Entity as IIIII became active on Discord and sent the player Xenquility a PM that read "IIII have no taste". This was in response to the players incorrectly translating the text on the page "https://johnisdead.com/devourer".
    • At 2:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jinn". This page was titled "Jinn" and contained the image "jinn.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "jinn.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Not a worshiper of the moon as she presents herself. One who seeks to play games outside of the limits of the board. Transcending the waters through angels? Im not sure if it can work but I would love to see it happen ^^
    • At 2:03 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/kuu". This page was titled "Kuu" and contained the image "kuu.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "kuu.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A funny sound I can hear John and Tyler making when I look over the memory banks, I think thats how she actually got her start. Jokes come far around here I see
    • At 2:22 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that certain letters in the text found near the radio tower in the "Treeline" Janus room was highlighted. These letters spelled out "WESEEYOU". Using this text as a key, players could Caesar shift another set of letters highlighted a different color in the same text along with the shift "4" to reveal the message "MOFANOTHER".
    • At 1:35 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of the "City" Janus room. target=_blank
    • At 4:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new video file on Astralobservatory.net - "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/file-directory/spellcircle03.mp4". target=_blank

    12/22/20 - "spellcircle03.mp4" - Astralobservatory.net

    This video simply contains distorted footage of what appears to be a spell circle.


    • This video simply contains distorted footage of what appears to be a spell circle.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 8:53 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner image changed to an image of a strange sigil. target=_blank
    • At 9:05 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "_".
    • At 9:50 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST". This page was titled "TRANSMISSION" and contained the image "code.gif". target=_blank this page also contained the audio "code.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text: "h11023kf035kfds888fd9347ier8an00d9fo1".
    • At 9:51 PM, the player Xenquility successfully entered the transmission code on the page "https://astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon" - the string of text that was just discovered on the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/TRANSMIT_BROADCAST" - "h11023kf035kfds888fd9347ier8an00d9fo1". Entering and submitting this code into the text box on the page would result in the text "ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛᴇᴅ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴇsᴛᴀʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ" appearing, along with the image "ESTABLISHING_CONNECTION.gif". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 11:12 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods "pinged" BUP in the Internet Detectives Discord server and asked if they liked the program Audacity. Shortly after this, BUP responded "No".
    • At 11:50 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    12/22/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))


    • GHOSTBABEL congratulates the players on finding the transmission code so quickly.
    • GHOSTBABEL confirms that they have established a connection with the "Hacker Group" and that IsocelesAssassin has already sent a transmission to them.
    • GHOSTBABEL posts two responses from the "Hacker Group" in the form of audio files. These files will be covered in more detail down below.


    • Files:
    • TRANS001.mp3 - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. target=_blank
    • TRANS002.mp3 - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. target=_blank

    December 23rd, 2020

    • At 12:50 AM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "TRANS001.mp3" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". target=_blank

    12/23/20 - "TRANS001.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums

    "Hello! Hello! Hello Gray Man. This is a test ((Intelligible)) Uh I'm just up here trying out our new transmission device. Uh, we've actually never tried this thing out before, so I guess this is uh, this is also a 'virgin flight' just like our little base here, heh heh. Uh, hopefully it doesn't explode in my face. This thing is a lot more crudely thrown together than the previous one. Uh, that's not me shitting on you Seth, that's actually just, the truth, heh" ((Intelligible))

    "Uh, our previous one, uh, that thing's, that thing's the fucking magnum opus, the thing's-very impressive, considering all we had to work with. Uh, ((Intelligible)) I know my audio quality is pretty shit. That's not actually the transmission itself, ((Intelligible))-equipment ((Intelligible)) And I'm not sure what caused that, just... something ((Intelligible)) is just not healthy for electronics it seems, or something, I don't know exactly how all that works. But uh, hey, as long as you're able to understand us... Uh, if not, we might have to resort to morse code. God forbid, hah, I don't think anyone actually likes dealing with morse code, but, if that's what we gotta do, that's what we gotta do, so... Hopefully it doesn't come to that, hopefully you're actually able to understand what I'm saying, but uhh, I- I guess we'll see here in a moment when you see this."

    "Uh, we were able to hear you loud and clear, but just go ahead and send this audio file back
    ((Intelligible)) just so we can be absolutely sure we're understanding one another. And uh, yeah. That's pretty much it. Uh, go ahead and send this audio file when you can, and hopefully we'll hear from you soon!"


    • The member of the "Hacker Group" addresses IsocelesAssassin as "Gray Man" and greets him.
    • The member of the "Hacker Group" implies that one of their members is named Seth - the name of a Lunar Child who worked alongside Kevin while infiltrating the Moon Children.
    • It's implied that Seth is the one who built their current transmission device. This further implies that Seth might be Mason.
    • The member of the "Hacker Group" asks IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL to send a response so they can be sure their connection is secure.
    • At 11:17 PM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "TRANS002.mp3" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". target=_blank

    12/23/20 - "TRANS002.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums

    "Alright, hell yeah. Uh, we got this thing working, so buddy we're fucking cooking now. Uh, heh, this is actually pretty exciting. Uh, we've been cooped up here, isolated from pretty much everything for what seems like years now. Just feels so good ((Intelligible))- reach out, even if it is a pretty shitty method overall, archaic, but uh, still, just any little bit just feels.... just like uh, it just makes a world of difference, really."

    "Alright, so, uh, before anything, I just want to say to all of the uh, hah hah, I guess, I guess harbingers is a bit of an antiquated term at this point. Uh, Detectives. Yeah, to all the uh, all the detectives out there who made this possible... Um, thank you, honestly. Uh, from what I understand, y'all've really been our uh, eyes and ears out there in the series of portals that connect all these uh- "realms" I guess is a good term for it- all these portals that connect to these realms we've found ourselves floating through. Even continuing to do so even after hearing that you're "counterparts" have been... removed. Um, you've really been sticking your neck out there for us, and I really respect that. So, again, thank you. Of course, big thanks to Gray Man and Ghost as well, without them we'd still be completely aimless out here. Gray, you've always been an excellent field guy for us. LITERALLY risking your life out there, from what I understand. I really can't thank you enough. And uh, Ghost, you've been a uh.... ah, you've been a great middleman. Heh, even though you might find such a term insulting, uh... But uh, really, again, thank you, all of you."

    "Alright, now that that uh, sappy bullshit is out of the way, I guess we should uh, get down to brass tacks and introduce ourselves. Let me say right upfront, sorry for all the secrecy surrounding our identities. We've had some trouble before regarding the identity of one of our members just, leaking out in the past, and... we're not exactly in the safest of positions right now, so… We really, we've just
    ((Intelligible)) awful. Uh, in addition to that, uh, things are pretty... "different" here from what you're all familiar with. I imagine that's just flatly revealing our identities. Before now it'd just cause more confusion and not really help work towards the tasks that we're at, and, so, yeah, sorry about all the cryptic bullshit, that's just how it's had to be on our end for a while now. But, uh, now there's really no need for any of that. This is a pretty secure setup we're working off of right now, so, uh, yeah, it's time to" ((Intelligible))

    "Uh, actually, this one has gone on for a bit long. Uh, okay. I'll go ahead and send this out, I'm not sure exactly how big these files can be, so uh, I guess we're still technically in the testing phase of all this stuff. Alright, yeah. Yeah. I'll go ahead and send this one out, and uh, after that we'll go ahead and do some introductions."


    • The member of the "Hacker Group" thanks the players, IsocelesAssassin, and GHOSTBABEL for helping them.
    • The member of the "Hacker Group" apologies for the secrecy surrounding their identities, claiming that the identity of one of their members was leaked in the past, which caused some issues. They also claim that they are not in a very safe position at the moment.
    • The member of the "Hacker Group" says that they will begin introductions in their next transmission.
    • At 1:54 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    12/24/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))

    Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."

    December 24th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ""Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are" ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.


    • GHOSTBABEL informs the players that they have received another transmission from the "Hacker Group". She asks the players to give her any questions they may have to forward to the "Hacker Group".
    • GHOSTBABEL claims that she and IsocelesAssassin have been taking precautions to ensure these transmissions are secure.


    • Files:
    • TRANS003.mp3 - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. target=_blank
    • At 1:54 AM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "TRANS003.mp3" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". target=_blank

    12/24/20 - "TRANS003.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums

    "Okay, looks like the uh, previous transmission was able to send just fine. That's good! Uh, alright, so, now actually explain what the fuck is going on. Uh, not sure where to begin. Okay, here, uh, I should probably just start off by saying, right off the bat, that that we are not actually native to the uh, I guess yeah, the timeline. ((Unintelligible)) -talking about the sci-fi fucking ((Unintelligible)) some shit. ((Unintelligible))- is. Uh, we are not native to the uh, the timeline that ((Unintelligible)). ((Unintelligible))-probably already over that, actually. Uh, we just call it the Astral Timeline, just for simplicity's sake. Uh, because Astral Observatory seems to be a pretty, "unique entity" from what we've seen. Um, for the most part. I believe there may have actually been some incarnation of it back in uh, our time, but it was pretty different from what it is now, so. Sorry, I'm off topic already."

    "Uh, yeah, we're not native to the Astral Timeline, and we're actually not from the timeline you're all familiar with. We're actually from a completely different timeline that's just been "absolutely royally fucked" for lack of a better term. Like, it's honestly a miracle we're even here to... "be" at all, considering what took place. Um, yeah, I'm sure that this is probably a lot to take in, but... Uh, here, maybe it's better if we just go through our own stories and tell it to you that way. Cause that might be a more easily digestible way to explain all this crazy bullshit. I think it'll be easier on both of us, so we'll just do it like that."

    "So uh... oh god, I haven't even introduced myself yet, have I? Uhm, I'm Dusk. Well, that's what they called me around here anyways, I guess. We had our own little epic code names we go by for safety. But uh... hey, Seth, we can just drop all that codename bullshit in here, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, there's really no need for us to be back here, it's a pretty secure line we got going on. So uh, yeah. My real name is Spencer. I'm sure you're all vaguely familiar with me, or, uh, another me, rather, from where you're all from. Uh, I like art, video games, dumb movies, uhh... heh heh. Uh, I should probably just
    ((Unintelligible)). Quote-en-quote."

    "Uhh, let's see. In... 2006? I think? Yeah, 2006. Uh, in 2006, I was actually in a pretty rough patch in my life. Uh, that seems like nothing now that everything's all fucked and
    ((Unintelligible)). But, back then my uh, my parents and I had never really had that great of a relationship. I didn't have any clear direction in my life. Highschool was coming to an end and I really had no idea what I wanted to major in, or if I really wanted to go to college. Like, this isn't me uh, trying to get all sappy or anything, or ask for pity, but I'm just saying all of this cause uh, just to let you know it didn't really take a whole lot of convincing to win me over for them. The Moon Children, that is. Cause at the beginning, it really wasn't even about that malicious aspect of things, it was just... they just seemed like uh, a bunch of pretty cool guys that were just there to support you whenever you needed it. And buddy, I needed it, heh heh."

    "Those first few years were actually some of the best years of my life. Like they would always have these little ceremonies that
    ((Unintelligible))-this big gay party that meant... uh, ((Unintelligible)) really, ((Unintelligible)). Uh, or if they weren't parties, ((Unintelligible)) these uh, ((Unintelligible)) where we'd talk about the universe and our place in it. And uh, all that like esoteric, intellectual, college student bullshit. Vigils, that's what they're called, yeah, vigils. Uh, I was able to get into the super important stuff. Actually ((Unintelligible)) time and all that was happening down in Florida. And we didn't really have a cool, super, unique anime-esque reality-jumping powers like the, uh, other guys guys did."

    "Anyways, uh, after a while, the things they were saying were just making more and more sense to me. I started finding some... "comfort" in the uh... Or uh, the, the Luna they were trying to sell me, at least. Like, real Luna is, uh... yeah. But, eh, either way, it felt like I had actually found my place in life, I finally had something stable in my life. I finally had some people I could truly rely on, and... a direction! That's that's what I mean. I just needed some sort of direction. And they were able to provide it. It felt like I had something waiting for me. Uh, after the end. Oh, heh heh, that's actually... Alright, I guess I should specify right now, I'm not dead. None of us are. Uh, us three here, I mean. I know that's uh, a very weird thing to have to say, but I mean uh, it's the reality of how things are. Like, I figured I would just get that out of the way so there's no misunderstanding."

    "But, yeah. After a while they started trusting me more, too. I was able to actually help out with their website a little bit. I'm definitely no wiz kid when it comes to networking and all that kind of stuff. Uh, that's more of Seth's specialty, but...
    ((Unintelligible)) at least help out on the site online. So I eventually became moderator which I think you guys are aware of, actually. Uh, around 2010... yeah. September of 2010, um, things really went to shit. I really had no contact with everyone at the time. There were all these ((Unintelligible)))-seperate little parties across the U.S., and Mat just went completely fucking insane. Uh, we still have no idea of what exactly happened. I think Mr. D or, uh, Tenebris I guess as you guys know him had something to do with it. It's really hard to actually piece any of it together on, uhm... Regardless, and for some reason I can't completely understand, uh... ((Unintelligible)) spared um, the entire ((Unintelligible)) or anything, it's just, um, yeah, I- I don't know why I specifically was spared, because, from my understanding, it was a pretty deliberate ordeal."

    "Um, yeah, it was a pretty shitty time to put it lightly. Like all of that- direction I had like, laid out in front of me was just suddenly gone. I'm not trying to get mopey about it or anything, but it really did feel like I was completely lost at that point in time. I spent the next year or so trying to get my footing, you know, just like reintegrate back into society in a relatively normal way. But it just wasn't the same. Those guys were my best friends. And I know it's probably a weird thing, hearing me say these things about a cult, and yeah, now
    ((Unintelligible)) realized, I guess admit, rather, that's what it was. But, still, I just, I couldn't really move on, no matter how hard I tried. Like nothing ever really seemed to compare to the past few years. Um, ((Unintelligible))-actually checked things out down at the uh, Orchard, or that Orchard, rather. I thought that I'd find some survivors, but I think it was more just for closure, looking back on it. I just had to see that it was all gone with my own eyes, before I could like, finally start to move on, you know…"

    "Long story short, I didn't find anything down there. Not anymore of the Moon Children, that is. I did meet these guys, though, so that's good. But, uh, I think this little call has gone on long enough. I'll stop hogging the mic, and uh, go ahead and let Seth talk to you guys next. If you guys have any questions, please, just go ahead and give them to Ghost. And yeah, I know this is probably a lot to take in, uhm, so yeah if you guys have any questions at all, please just send them to Ghost. I'm sure uh, she'll send them our way. But... yeah, that's all from me, for now."


    • The member of the "Hacker Group" reveals themselves to be "Duskworld" - the Moon Child named Spencer.
    • Spencer reveals that the "Hacker Group" came from a timeline completely separate from the Astral Timeline and the players' timeline.
    • Spencer claims that the Astral Observatory is fairly unique to the Astral Timeline, though there was an incarnation of it from his timeline, though he claims it was very different.
    • Spencer says that his timeline was "absolutely royally fucked", implying that some major cataclysm occurred.
    • Spencer says that he joined the Moon Children in 2006 where he became good friends with several of its members. He says he eventually earned a spot as moderator on Youshouldnthavedonethat.net.
    • Spencer makes reference to Mat's party in 2010. In this timeline, Spencer was seemingly the only Moon Child who was spared, whereas in the other timelines, he was transcended into one of the four giants.
    • Spencer says he travelled down to the Orchard in Florida to look for other survivors but he didn't find any. He claims this is when he met the other members of the "Hacker Group", however.
    • A 3:57 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "kayd.gif". target=_blank
    • At 4:00 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/kayd". This page was titled "Kayd" and contained the image "rem.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ryuk.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A master of the fourth way. One who freed himself but did not enlighten the masses. A false link but a powerful hero who has opened paths for those who seek to become learned. Also a furry UwU
    • At 4:04 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thomas". This page was titled "Thomas" and contained the image "thomas.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "thomas.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • Another shell ID, this one is really interesting because its independant. Whats a shell ID? Its the preconceived notions people have but piloted by one or more remote beings. Usually from inside or at the border of a sphere, but sometimes it can be operated via remote from deep in the waters. I think this one may be from very far away. I heard he knows hank and patrem really well. Strange. Who is this...

    December 25th, 2020

    • At 6:46 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    12/25/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
    Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."

    December 24th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ""Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are" ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.

    Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
    TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
    TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"

    December 25th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: ""new transmission?" We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."


    • IsocelesAssassin confirms that the players' questions have been sent to the "Hacker Group".
    • IsocelesAssassin wishes the players a Merry Christmas, saying that he and Moonman are currently enjoying their own small celebration.

    December 26th, 2020

    • At 2:18 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    12/26/20 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
    Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."

    December 24th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ""Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are" ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
    Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
    TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
    TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"

    December 25th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: ""new transmission?" We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."
    Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
    TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"

    December 26th, 2020

    moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent)) target=_blank


    • Moonman sends a Christmas-themed "Mac Tonight" image.


    • Files:
    • 8oVi1ZH.gif - A Christmas-themed "Mac Tonight" image. target=_blank

    December 29th, 2020

    • At 11:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thejaeger" would redirect players to the page "https://lunarchildren.com/hcj.html". This seems to further confirm that "The Watcher" is "The Jaeger", as attempting to access "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/thewatcher" would yield the same result.

    December 30th, 2020

    • At 1:10 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Spire" and "Fishery" Janus rooms had been updated. The "Spire" Janus room now contained a portal to the "Fishery" Janus room positioned in-front of the drawing of a door found in the hidden attic. This portal led to the backside of one of the buildings in the "Fishery" Janus room.

    January 2nd, 2021

    • At 1:13 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/harbingers" would redirect players to the Internet Detectives YouTube channel.
    • At 5:04 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/randy". This page was titled "Randy" and contained the image "randy.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "randy.mp3". target=_blank This page contained the following text written by Erika:
    • A newspaper writer who is in a spoopy group of his own along with the local cops. Oddly more important than one would think

    January 11th, 2021

    • At 11:58 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    1/11/21 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
    Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."

    December 24th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ""Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are" ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
    Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
    TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
    TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"

    December 25th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: ""new transmission?" We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."
    Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
    TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"

    December 26th, 2020

    moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent))
    TLBITW 5:48 PM: "hello moonman31"

    December 28th, 2020

    TLBITW 1:22 PM: "no replys : ("
    Laches 3:10 PM: ""no replys : (" Give it time, my dude. Ethereal transmission takes more than just the press of a button, I'm sure. :)"

    January 11th, 2021

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: "ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS004.mp3" is sent))


    • GHOSTBABEL informs the players that their questions have been answered and posts another transmission from the "Hacker Group".


    • Files:
    • TRANS004.mp3 - A transmission sent by the "Hacker Group". This will be covered in more detail down below. target=_blank
    • At 11:58 PM, GHOSTBABEL posted the audio file "TRANS004.mp3" on the Astral Observatory Forums - a transmission sent to them by the "Hacker Group". target=_blank

    1/11/21 - "TRANS004.mp3" - Astral Observatory Forums

    "Hey, uh… Before we can really send out Seth's, uh, little introduction transmission here ((Unintelligible)) I can go through the list and answer 'em best I can. I hope it will clear up some stuff. So, yeah. Let's go ahead and see what we got."

    "First question: "How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline?"
    Uh, we're pretty familiar, like we don't have all the details, but our buddies over at the Astral Observatory - they've been keeping us pretty up to date on all the important stuff. Uhm... We used to have another contact that actually used to help us out in this regard, but... It's actually something we'll get to later. Um, let's see..."

    ""What happened to the Harbingers in your time?""
    "So uh, the Harbingers - they never really made an appearance here. Uhm…
    ((Unintelligible)) Internet Detectives or any of the other guys as far as we know. So, if they existed, we never really knew about them. We never really had any interactions with them."

    ""Assuming they survived, how'd the events over at the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?""
    "Uhm, that'd be something that happened in 2015 right? Yeah, so, uh... That never happened in our timeline. Well, like, 2015 in general, I mean. So, to answer your question - that version of Within Hubris just never existed at all over here."

    ""If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutely, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?""
    "Yeah cataclysmic is a pretty good word for it. Reality shattering is a bit more accurate, I guess. Like our
    ((Unintelligible)) the sky literally falling in, like, shards. It all started around 11/11. This is something we'll actually be getting into a little later once everyone's been introduced. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes."

    ""If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?""
    "Uhh, short answer - Seth. Uhh, he really bailed us out back there, like --- He wasn't prepared for this specifically like some of these doomsday preppers or anything - he just had a whole bunch of technology that's kind of related to this kind of thing, really. Thanks to him we were able to kinda maneuver all of this in a relatively safe way."

    ""Is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?""
    "Uhh ((Laugh)) Damn. You guys have already figured out that Seth is Mason, huh? Uh, well, I guess that's not too hard to figure out based off of our previous conversations. But, no, yeah. Seth is actually Mason's middle name which he just wants to go by using code names and stuff. Let's see what else..."

    ""What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline?""
    "Alright, so... Seth will probably go over this in more detail when he does his thing. Seth actually joined the Lunar Children - just like he did in your timeline. There's a few differences later on down the line, so... Unless you're referring to when he was sneaking around with Kevin, cause yeah, there was some period where he spied on the Moon Children alongside Kevin, but, um… aside from that he was just in the Lunar Children."

    ""Any idea what happened to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult.""
    "Alright, so, uh... According to Seth, the same stuff happened over here. He invited Jacob into the Lunar Children, they took some kind of special interest in him, and, uh... Yeah. As far as we know that all played out the exact same way."

    ""What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?""
    "Oh yeah, he existed. I didn't ever fully know him that well cause he was only in the Moon Children for a short period of time. I guess even if I did spend more time with him, that wouldn't have really told me anything, cause, I mean... he was just there to, like, spy on us. Who knows how truthful he was even being that whole time. Seth was pretty close to him, but some things happened... I think that's just something that maybe Seth should tell you guys."

    ""Who else is with you?""
    "Haha, alright, I'm gonna be an asshole with that one and just let you guys wait and find out cause I want that to be a little bit of a surprise for you."

    ""Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?""
    "Oh yeah. Well, they existed, rather. From what we understand, they were pretty similar to the Lunar Children in your timeline. They haven't existed since 2011, actually. That's something we'll cover too later."

    ""If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?""
    "That's actually something that's pretty important. This is something we've been debating for quite a while now, cause from what we understand, they were really, um, no giants transcended at all. As for why that is, we have absolutely no idea, but it seems to have been a pretty deliberate difference in the timelines, so... Yeah, that's something we'll have to talk on more."

    ""Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? ""
    "Um, yeah. That's something I wish we had more information on. It's kinda hard for us to get info on that considering our status. If I'm understanding correctly, the Astral Observatory that shares a name is pretty different. I only know BUP from what Grey and the others have told me., but Nocta... Yeah, the Nocta in our time just seems to be a completely different guy. But, um… Yeah, no, we really don't have any information on the Astral Observatory. It seems to be a pretty legitimate organization, though. It's actually fitting of its name - it's not just like some tiny online forum or something."

    ""Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about.""
    "If you guys need to know more about, like, specific gadgets he's working, on I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you about them. He's got a shitload of them, honestly, but for link aggregation specifically... I think that's just a generic networking term, actually. Like, uh, it's possible it could have been something more, cause it does kind of sound like something the Astral Observatory guys we're trying to accomplish. But yeah, no, when it comes to Seth and his gadgets, if you have any things specifically you want to ask him about, he'll tell you all about it."

    ""Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind""
    "It's all good. Any and all questions are welcome. It's important we're all on the same page on this kind of stuff."

    ""Obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman"""
    "Yeah, that's true. Haha."

    ""There is some serious interference going on in the latest transmission which cut out what sounded like key details. Is it possible for you to investigate if your connection has been compromised?""
    "Alright, so we've been keeping a close eye on this, and so far there doesn't seem to be any, like signs of, uh… doesn't seem to be any signs of foul play or anything. Really we just have that interference that's just the nature of our current environment out here. These signals have to go an incredibly far way to reach you guys, so who knows what kinds of weird bullshit it has to go through to get there."

    ""Following up this question; who is the person that we're supposed to know that caused things to go to shit at the vigils? The audio distorted considerably during this section.""
    "Actually not sure what exactly you guys are referring to. I take it the interference really fucked us up there, so I'm guessing what you're referring to is the night where everything went to shit for the Moon Children. Yeah, so what I was saying about that was Mat went insane or something. We think it was due to Mr. D, or Tenebris, as you guys know him."

    ""Could you go into more detail about the nature of your Luna? Do you know if it differs from the astral entity Luna that we're dealing with?""
    "Information about THE Luna is actually pretty hard to come by. There's just so much bullshit spun by both the Lunar and Moon Children that just, it's so, so breaking from the actual entity that exists out here somewhere. So when I say I was interested in the Luna the Moon Children were trying to sell me, I
    ((Unintelligible)) I was into was this sort of reigning, loving goddess that they ((Unintelligible)) was, but I think the actual entity that exists out there is just a constant being that exists beyond time. No matter where or when you're from, this asshole is just-" ((Unintelligible))

    ""What do you know about The Watcher entity? He mentioned that we've fallen into a trap and then went silent.""
    "Uh, that's the alien guy, right? Yeah, um... We've been talking about that. I think that was just a general threat directed probably towards Moonman. Either way, from what I can tell - he seems to be completely cut from the observatory anyway, so... We don't really know anything about him but I don't think he's going to be a threat for now."

    ""Who was the member that had their identity leaked and what happened to them?""
    "So, I think I can go ahead and just give y'all this. It was SKM - your SKM specifically, from your timeline. He was actually in contact with us back in 2014. I'm not entirely sure what exactly went down. I think some of our calls
    ((Unintelligible)) or something, and he had to completely cut off contact with us because he was trying to infiltrate the Lunar Children at the time and he didn't want his cover-" ((Unintelligible))

    ""What is it that you need us to do? What can we, from a completely separate timeline and without all your "anime-esque reality-jumping" powers, contribute to your cause?""
    "So, all of us here cooped up in this little trailer
    ((Unintelligible)) Observatory. We're all just brittle, ((Unintelligible)) individual fighters in this giant massive game of bullshit. You guys, however... You're a full on investigative force. Whenever you're given a task, you all just swarm on it relentlessly. That's what we need right now. ((Laugh)) Not to play you like our personal army or anything, but, uh, it's just that you guys really are our most powerful warriors in this and right now that's what we need the most."

    "one one one two one man"

    "who is john"

    "Also, Ghost says that someones asking about layers of spheres. Alright, so there's quite a bit to discuss with that. It really depends on what you're referring to. With layers, I guess you're referring to, like, layers of reality itself, or the Parallelos is what the Lunar Children once called it. Yeah, there's a lot of different layers in the Paralellos, actually. I know the Lunar Children always tried to quantify it - put it down in a more scientific method than we always did. They seemed to get a lot of things right and some things they just completely pulled out of their ass. Alright, so, first, there's the physical world we all know right? The overworld is what they called it I'm pretty sure. So above that, actually more like surrounding that cause - is this like this digital realm. It's - I guess digital is putting it into kind of simple terms it's more like empty space that they fill with digital constructs. SKM was actually the one who sent a lot of this to us back then. So he's really the expert on this kind of stuff. Empty space - null space is I think what they called it. Is where they did all their like digital experiments with like creating worlds and shit. There are also several different layers within the digital shit itself. I don't really think we need to go into all the specifics of that. But really I think it's just that same digital idea more and more detached the higher you go. Physical or electronic and signal I think…"

    "Yeah, that's the basic idea for those Sub-Parallelos I think you could call them. Beyond that is like the green, almost, that surrounds the Nullspace. It's like a sinkhole where all the deceased spirits kind of accumulate and fall into. I think they call that the Parallelos of the Dead. Pretty sure that's what they described it as. Almost like it's some Paralellos idea they were trying to
    ((Unintelligible)). Really it's like a big death pit almost. Other than that, beyond the Overworld, beyond the Nullspace, beyond the Paralellos of the Dead - that is the Paralellos proper, where all the ascended beings proper go. I believe that might be where Tyler is now." ((Unintelligible))

    "As for spheres… This reality we're in is constructed of a lot of different spheres. I'm not exactly sure where you heard the term. I guess "sphere" could refer to Parallelos or timelines themselves. They're just like various spheres of influence which seem to exist within the Paralellos. It really depends on what you're referring to."

    "Alright, I think that might actually be all the questions for now. Feel free to send more anytime. Yeah it's actually not a burden at all, it's actually real nice to just be able to talk to someone. Really just talk to myself out here. Anyway, I think Seth's about to take over the mic and give his little spiel. We'll go ahead and send this out and get started on the next. So, uh. We'll see you soon."


    • Spencer answers many questions for the players:
    • Spencer says that the "Hacker Group" is somewhat familiar to the players' timeline thanks to IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL giving them information.
    • Spencer claims that he was never aware of the Internet Detectives' existence in his timeline. He also claims that the Tapatalk incarnation of Within Hubris never existed
    • Spencer says that reality was shattered in his timeline. It's implied this began around Undecim Nocte 2011.
    • Spencer says that Seth is the one who saved him from the cataclysm that destroyed their timeline.
    • Spencer confirms that Seth is indeed Mason, saying that "Seth" is simply Mason's middle name.
    • Spencer explains that Mason was still in the Lunar Children in his timeline - Mason simply helped infiltrate the Moon Children alongside Kevin - something witnessed by the players in an IRC chat log during The Truth arc. He states that Mason and Kevin were fairly close until "some things happened".
    • Spencer refuses to reveal the identity of the third member of the "Hacker Group", wanting it to be a surprise for the players.
    • Spencer claims that the four giants never existed in his timeline - something he believes to have been a deliberate decision by something.
    • Spencer says that the Astral Observatory that existed in his timeline was more of a legitimate organization, and that the Nocta who ran it was a completely different person. He claims he doesn't know much about it, however, as information about it is difficult for them to come by.
    • Spencer explains that when he claimed he talked about "his" Luna, he was simply discussing the image of Luna the Moon Children had painted in his head as opposed to the true, malicious, eldritch entity.
    • Spencer claims he doesn't know much about The Jaeger. He believes that the claim that the players had fallen into a trap was instead simply a general threat directed towards Moonman.
    • Spencer reveals that the former "Hacker Group" member who had their identity leaked was the players' version of SKM. He claims that they were in contact with SKM in 2014 but their communications suddenly ceased. He believes this may be due to SKM attempting to infiltrate the Lunar Children as Liquidsaint.
    • Spencer says that the players are important because they are a powerful investigative force that quickly and easily traverses portals such as Johnisdead.com to accomplish tasks.
    • Spencer briefly explains the Lunar Children's understanding of the Parallelos:
    • The "Overworld" is the basic physical realm.
    • Beyond the Overworld is the "Nullspace", which Spencer describes as an empty space the Lunar Children use to build their "digital constructs" and experiment with "creating worlds". He claims the Nullspace consists of several layers in-and-of itself that become more detached from the physical realm the higher you go.
    • Beyond the Nullspace is the "Parallelos of the Dead", which Spencer describes as a sinkhole of sorts where all of the deceased spirits fall into.
    • Beyond the Parallelos of the Dead is the Parallelos proper, where ascended spirits dwell. Spencer believes this is where Tyler is currently.
    • Spencer isn't sure exactly what the players mean when they ask about "spheres". He claims that "spheres" could perhaps refer to timelines, the Parallelos itself, or just general spheres of influence throughout the Parallelos.
    • Spencer thanks the players for their questions and says that Mason will soon be speaking to them.

    January 14th, 2021

    • At 11:26 AM, the player Laches discovered that the metadata for the file "TRANS004.mp3" contained a Caesar cipher. Using the key "JOHN", this translated to "holy assumption".

    February 15th, 2021

    • At 11:20 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Powering up".

    February 21st, 2021

    • At 10:45 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/returner". This page was titled "WHY HELLO THERE" and contained the image "RETURNER.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "returner.mp3". target=_blank Remaining on this page for too long would redirect players back to the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to".

    February 27th, 2021

    • At 8:57 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    2/27/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [8:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Oh, so that mean we gon', you gon' switch it on 'em?""
    [8:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I said"
    [8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Yeah ǝpoɯ dᴉๅɟ""
    [8:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Ẏ̴̒É̴̉Á̵͒H̷̔́ ̵͗̍F̷́̓L̸̅͗I̸͂͊P̸̔̚M̵̿͒O̵͐͆D̶̿͆E̷̍̚ ̷̏̽Ī̴͝S̵̖̏ ̴͐̀T̶́́H̸̓̃È̵͛ ̶̛̈G̵̾̋R̴̆̈́Ĕ̸͌Â̸͂T̶͠͝E̴̟͘S̸̍͒T̵͑̀"

    [9:01 PM] Xenquility: "oh god oh fuck"
    [9:01 PM] Xenquility: "bup abouta busta our fucken asses"
    [9:01 PM] Shiina: "Busta Rhymes :jarjartoofarfar:"
    [9:02 PM] Shiina: "Bup decimated us all with rap lyrics"
    [9:04 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: oh bup is back"
    [9:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You've missed me?"
    [9:04 PM] Shiina: "Of course"
    [9:04 PM] Xenquility: "debatable"
    [9:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's debatable at least"
    [9:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well, it's your fault I'm here."

    [9:07 PM] Xenquility: "did you saying "Gross" summon you"
    [9:07 PM] Shiina: "Ah shit. Speaking your name brought you here?"
    [9:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "More like I found your conversation earlier interesting :kissing:"
    [9:08 PM] Xenquility: "The one about aggregation?"
    [9:09 PM] Xenquility: "Or the objectively better one about pumpkinhead being a gamer"
    [9:09 PM] Dense: "hi"
    [9:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Objective""
    [9:09 PM] Xenquility: ":regional_indicator_b:ig :regional_indicator_b:ooty :regional_indicator_b: ense"
    [9:10 PM] Shiina: "Yo dense!"
    [9:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I see Liam has returned..."
    [9:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "hm..."

    [9:12 PM] Xenquility: "yup"
    [9:13 PM] Xenquility: ""dead" really loses more meaning by the day"
    [9:13 PM] Shiina: "You sure knocked back his sense of time"
    [9:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No matter, he served his purpose"
    [9:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or will"

    [9:14 PM] Xenquility: ":NOO: HOW DID YOU VIOLATE HIM :NOO:"
    [9:14 PM] Shiina: "what purpose?"
    [9:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aww, would you like to know?"
    [9:15 PM] Laches: "Served, has served or both simultaneously."
    [9:15 PM] Shiina: "yep"
    [9:15 PM] Xenquility: "yes but the real question is "are you going to actually tell us""
    [9:16 PM] Dense: "delet system 32"
    [9:16 PM] Laches: "Ok brb"
    [9:16 PM] Shiina: "inb4 one if us gets bupped"
    [9:16 PM] Xenquility: "once if us"
    [9:16 PM] Shiina: ":MikuQuake:"
    [9:17 PM] Shiina: "I'm running on 2 hrs of sleep so typos galore alright"
    [9:17 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wouldn't Bup anyone of you tonight"
    [9:18 PM] Shiina: "it probably takes up a lot of your power"
    [9:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You are free to believe that"
    [9:18 PM] Laches: ""tonight""
    [9:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I can feel it, coming in the air"
    [9:20 PM] Xenquility: "same here who the fuck cut the chese"
    [9:20 PM] Xenquility: "but actually I must ask even though it's probably futile"
    [9:20 PM] Xenquility: ""Feel what?""
    [9:21 PM] Laches: "inb4 my nuts"
    [9:21 PM] Xenquility: "ethereal nuts"
    [9:21 PM] Shiina: "esoteric nuts"
    [9:22 PM] Smoshy: "mmmm nuts"
    [9:22 PM] Laches: "Wodic nuts."
    [9:22 PM] Xenquility: "those are just cultists"
    [9:22 PM] Shiina: ":auau_smug:"
    [9:22 PM] Shiina: "Tru"
    [9:23 PM] Xenquility: "so actually maybe BUP really does feel esoteric nuts :thinking:"
    [9:23 PM] Dense: ":cheese:"
    [9:23 PM] Shiina: "so bup, what convo did you find interesting? :thinking:"
    [9:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "updog"
    [9:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((A theory from the player Xen in which the idea of multiple aggregations taking place to attain higher power as well as the idea that BUP, The Producer, IIIII, and TheLaw may be canon representations of the Johnisdead GM's is quoted))
    [9:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Mainly this"

    [9:26 PM] Xenquility: "I agree it was very interesting"
    [9:26 PM] Xenquility: "and I say that as a 100% unbiased observer"
    [9:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "tell me more of what you think"
    [9:28 PM] Xenquility: "Damn one sec gotta get in the mojo, most men buy me dinner before asking me to do this for them :flushed:"
    [9:32 PM] Dense: "u married"
    [9:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "quite frankly most of what I currently think was said there but I will try "
    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "Still very unsure as to what being "layered" means, nor do we really know for sure what the layers actually are"
    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "Thought a while back we theorized that they're kind of like layers of reality of consciousness (I think this idea was originally sparked by the Jad channel being labelled as III and JiD being IIII, as well as Patrem's description of layers being "puppeteer phantasms within caves within caves within caves", which all falls into the idea that the BD reality exists within JiD [III can fit in IIII] but JiD doesn't exist in BD (IIII can't fit in III). And, both IIII and III can fit within IIIII, which was Tyler's OOC account, which could represent reality [BD and JiD both exist in our own reality]), but they've also been used to describe straight up individuals as far as I know i.e. IIII = Synchron "
    [9:38 PM] Xenquility: "So maybe more specifically being "layered" doesn't just mean aggregating with your consciousnesses in different dimensions, but more specifically means you're linking your consciousness with other versions of yourselves on different layers of reality? This meaning of being "layered" fits into the idea that BUP is probably trying to take over OOC Greth and exist in our reality, or our "layer", thereby no longer being a character and becoming "real" so to speak"
    [9:40 PM] Dense: "a"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility: "Now as for this idea:"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility:Maybe BUP, Producer, TheLaw, maybe even IIIII (Or maybe IIIII IS still Tyler and it's Synchron linking with IIIII? No clue, maybe Tyler just straight up goes along with it) etc. are literally linking their consciousnesses with their OOC counterparts, literally giving them control over the story"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility:I feel as though this is kind of confusing (which in this ARG doesn't mean it's wrong I suppose), as it presupposes that there ARE "OOC" counterparts to BUP, Producer, etc. that are actually AFFECTED by the story they're creating"
    So if this is the case, now we have to wonder if the OOC counterparts of BUP, Prod, etc. are aware that the characters they've created are trying to aggregate with their mind and take them over"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility:Now we could also say that BUP, Prod, etc. are actually being written to BELIEVE they're like, aggregating with their consciousness or whatever, and that they just don't realize they truly are bound to be characters forever, but maybe even that's too meta"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "OR, I guess, this could be exploring the idea that any character we create has the possibility to become our dominant personality, which would be similar to aggregating your consciousness with your own character, and that BUP's goal is essentially to become Greth's dominant personality, thereby effectively becoming real"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "If we're assuming BUP can't literally take over Greth's mind, maybe BUP aggregating with "other Greths" (that exist within johnisdead) is representative of BUP taking over other aspects of Greth's personality?"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "I can't even tell if I've gone off the deep end here so forgive me if I have"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "but im going to piss myself so one sec"
    [9:46 PM] Laches: "drops epic theory proceeds to piss pants"
    [9:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sounds like a typical night here."
    [9:47 PM] Laches: "I fucking love this game."
    [9:49 PM] Dense: "i fucking love everyone"
    [9:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will say you have one major flaw in your theory"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Anyways what I'm kind of imagining by these guys wanting to become "real" is like this:"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Let's say when I joined ID, I created the facade of "Xenquility""
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "The way I act under the "Xenquility" alias isn't exactly the same way I act with my family, for example"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "i.e. in ID, my sense of humor is different, I share different levels of emotion, etc."
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: ""Xenquility" is effectively a version of myself"
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "And maybe overtime, the traits I embody when I'm acting as "Xenquility" could replace other aspects of me, such as how I act under other aliases, or eventually my current dominant personality traits, thereby making who I was as "Xenquility" what I would identify as "me""
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "Thereby making "Xenquility" equivocal to "me" or "Will""
    [9:51 PM] Xenquility: "And maybe this is what BUP is trying to accomplish"
    8:51 PM] Xenquility: "also damn what's the flaw"
    [9:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "None of the others you mentioned are like me"
    [9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer, thelaw"
    [9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They have not reached my level"
    [9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Nor have they worked as hard to"
    [9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am a force unto myself"

    [9:52 PM] Dense: "my man just flexin"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "I only assumed as much as Prod said that "he was Wolf" in the same way that you are Greth"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "but if that is the only flaw"
    [9:52 PM] Dense: ":flex:"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "does that mean"
    [9:52 PM] Xenquility: "everything else is correct?"
    [9:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not necessarily"
    [9:53 PM] Xenquility: "fuck"
    [9:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What I mean is that I have worked through tireless years to become that which I am"
    [9:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There was an extensive process"

    [9:53 PM] Xenquility: "Hm"
    [9:54 PM] Laches: "So then where does the aggregation end and the Bup begin?"
    [9:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's also not possible for just anyone to do this, per se"
    [9:55 PM] Xenquility: "I'm now pretty much idea free as to what that process is so might as well ask what the process is, and why you specifically are able to go through it?"
    [9:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I believe we have reached the point, yes"
    [9:55 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "fun"
    [9:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is time to reveal whatever needs to be revealed about 'Bup'"
    [9:56 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "good"
    [9:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Firstly, aggregation is what it is, there is no 'singular' path to aggregate"
    [9:58 PM] Xenquility: "So each person will likely go through a different process to "aggregate"?"
    [9:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There are various ways that it can happen, and sometimes it's not intentional"
    [9:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also not necessarily. There are groups devoted to singular methods."

    [9:58 PM] Xenquility: "Is the "Order of Metatron" one of those groups?"
    [9:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."
    [10:00 PM] Xenquility: "How do they go about it, if it isn't too off topic of a question?"
    [10:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
    [10:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I can only speak to what I've done."

    [10:01 PM] Xenquility: "obligatory where can I sign up to their order :thinking:"
    [10:02 PM] Laches: "So then, yeah. What did you do?"
    [10:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I don't know."
    [10:02 PM] Xenquility: "But actually the important follow up would be "what did you do""
    [10:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If i knew I would tell you, it matters little to me."
    [10:02 PM] Xenquility: "damn he beat me to the punch"
    [10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I believe I revealed at some point that my original body died, yes?"
    [10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Pretty sure, yeah"
    [10:03 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Why the name bup?"
    [10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Well actually definitely yes"
    [10:03 PM] Laches: "Because it's funny."
    [10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Great. Let me get into that then."
    [10:03 PM] Xenquility: "Probably something something memetic power?"
    [10:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Where I original came from, my world was doomed."
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yet, so few of us could see the signs, it was way too late."

    [10:04 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "The timeline where we all died ?"
    [10:04 PM] Xenquility: "Did you come from the world we're speaking to those other guys from"
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hold on, I'm going to have to start 'replying'"
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""The timeline where we all died?""
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"
    [10:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Did you come from the world we're speaking to those other guys from?""
    [10:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes"

    [10:05 PM] Xenquility: "I'm uh, sorry for your loss I think?"
    [10:05 PM] Xenquility: "a bit belated I guess and I don't even know if you feel emotion to be frank"
    [10:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Of course, it's not the world ends immediately. After the event itself happened, few knew, and life went on."
    [10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The madness only became worse over time; however, I knew."
    [10:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I knew I had to escape, and knowing the things I knew-- more on that-- I knew I had to leave"

    [10:07 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "how did you do that ?"
    [10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It's not like leaving 'Earth' would be an escape, I had to leave it all"
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "When you say "madness", was it literally like a mind rot set in and everyone just slowly became insane?"
    [10:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I did the very final option: I ascended myself."
    [10:07 PM] Xenquility: "Also damn what a move"
    [10:08 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "oh shit"
    9:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But more than just ascend myself, I ascended myself in a meticulous fashion, with literally years of preparation. I knew soon after my ascenscion I would have to begin to the process of aggregation."
    [10:09 PM] Xenquility: "I think we were theorizing about this a while ago - your ascension - was that what we saw on Greth's discord account back in like"
    [10:09 PM] Xenquility: "August 2019-ish?"
    [10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, but it was caused by it."
    [10:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or rather, my first attempts at aggregation"

    [10:09 PM] Laches: "Because that was the aggregation, right?"
    [10:09 PM] Laches: "ah"
    [10:10 PM] Xenquility: "Interesting"
    [10:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, I used the popular method of ascension."
    [10:11 PM] Xenquility: "Electrocution or drowning?"
    [10:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((The image "N64-Game-Cartridge.png" is sent)) target=_blank
    [10:11 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "vidya game"
    [10:11 PM] Laches: "Fuck off lmao"
    [10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Except that I didn't use an actual cartridge"
    [10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "BEN was trapped due to that, so I used an emulator."

    [10:12 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "you cheated with a rom"
    [10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "So I wasn't 'stuck' to begin with"
    [10:12 PM] Xenquility: "you CHAD"
    [10:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This also informed my identity, partly"
    [10:12 PM] Xenquility: "Did you like"
    [10:13 PM] Laches: "M a r i o P a r t y t h o"
    [10:13 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "was it mario party this time and thats why you are named bup"
    [10:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((An image of the boxart of Super Mario 64 is sent))
    [10:13 PM] Xenquility: "ascend yourself into super releasio"
    [10:13 PM] Xenquility: "well close enough"
    [10:13 PM] Laches: "incredible"
    [10:14 PM] Laches: "So wait, this recent trend about every Mario 64 cart being personalized."
    [10:14 PM] Xenquility: "For archival purposes this isn't the exact image but BUP posted some slightly more saturated version of this image before the "ascend yourself" message https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?"
    9:15 PM] Xenquility: "Also, when you sent "Greth" and Moonman back to 2016, was that some sort of test of your like"
    [10:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Flex"
    [10:15 PM] Xenquility: "aggregation ability, or did it serve some other purpose"
    [10:15 PM] Xenquility: "ah ok"
    [10:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But actually"
    [10:17 PM] Xenquility: "And how did you actually go about aggregating with the "real Greth""
    [10:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aggregating is easy when you're ascended"
    [10:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Once you can reach across the _"

    [10:20 PM] Xenquility: "Ahahaha"
    [10:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is simply a matter of slowly influencing your other selves"
    [10:20 PM] Xenquility: "FUNNY stuff"
    [10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Speaking to them, getting them to acknowledge you, understand you"
    [10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eventually you will see through their eyes"

    [10:21 PM] Xenquility: "Are we not yet ready for the knowledge of "The _""
    [10:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and eventually you will make them do as they do"
    [10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well, call it the "parallelos" then"
    [10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Though that is moon cult oversimplification"

    [10:22 PM] Xenquility: "How would you describe it?"
    [10:23 PM] Xenquility: "It has to be somehow describable, as it was technically written by you in some way, right?"
    [10:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hahaha"
    [10:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Were it so easy"

    [10:24 PM] Xenquility: "Why isn't it?"
    [10:24 PM] Xenquility: "Inb4 it's because there's actually authors above even us"
    [10:24 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Because I don't want you to know that yet"
    [10:24 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
    [10:24 PM] Xenquility: "that actually does seem pretty easy to be fair"
    [10:25 PM] Xenquility: "And also"
    [10:25 PM] Xenquility: "how exactly do you aggregate with a mind that has created you?"
    [10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You can assume that."
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "Assume that it's easy, or that a mind created you?"
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The latter."
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Either way, you are assuming the wrong target."
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The first one I took was the Greth from the 'Astral' timeline."
    [10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "As you call it."

    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "Damn is he just flat out gone then, or has he become like a BUP outpost in the astral timeline"
    [10:30 PM] Dense: "i want to be in Mario 64 too"
    [10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I visit when I need to."
    [10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Same with the 'Greth' from the 'Prime' timeline"
    [10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The goal is to manipulate all of those conscious selves across all known reality simultaneously"
    [10:34 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And i'm closer than ever."

    [10:35 PM] Xenquility: "What happens when you achieve that goal?"
    [10:35 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Cheat codes."
    [10:35 PM] Xenquility: "Well then"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Imagine it yourself."
    [10:36 PM] Xenquility: "So when "groof" spoke of you wanting "BUP" and "Greth" to become synonymous, he really meant you wanted to flat out become every Greth"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Imagine simultaneously controlling all versions of yourself"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Without effort"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "All part of you"
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "All their actions, yours, separate but whole"

    [10:37 PM] Xenquility: "What do you want to do with these cheat codes?"
    [10:37 PM] Xenquility: "Become a tenebris like figure and just fuck around?"
    [10:37 PM] Xenquility: "End the world like the Lunar Children?"
    [10:37 PM] Xenquility: "Somehow become "real" and escape the bounds of the story?"
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Anything I want."
    [10:37 PM] Laches: "Sorry to backpedal a little bit but you never extrapolated on what exactly the "event" that caused you to flee your world was."
    [10:38 PM] Laches: "Something about madness. Is it possible that it was people aggregating en masse into your world?"
    [10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not my story to tell."
    [10:39 PM] Xenquility: "man this guy really wants to turn jid into an n64 with gameshark"
    [10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Mostly because it doesn't matter to me anymore."
    [10:39 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Maybe ask someone who cares, now."

    [10:39 PM] Xenquility: "Mason and those guys said they'd talk about it, right?"
    [10:40 PM] Laches: "They did, yeah."
    [10:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They'll tell you about something really cursed. Something that had a cascading effect that we... well, not me, anymore... have been dealing with, well before what you all would consider the 'beginning'."
    [10:41 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Have fun with that."

    [10:41 PM] Xenquility: "inb4 Mugen"
    [10:42 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":MOOGEN:"
    [10:42 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."

    [10:43 PM] Laches: "lmfao"
    [10:43 PM] Laches: "we need a new term for getting cucked over multiple timelines."
    [10:43 PM] Xenquility: "Also sorry if this has already been answered and im just too tired to actually notice, but are/have you aggregated with the "Out of character" you"
    [10:43 PM] Xenquility: "assuming the fourth wall no longer exists"
    [10:44 PM] Xenquility: "or hasn't ever more like it"
    [10:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Aggrecucked"
    [10:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Also, it's not as if everyone has multiple selves to aggregate to."
    [10:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That is why not everyone can aggregate."
    [10:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "In fact, most people will never be able to."

    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "Why the hell do you get all the fun lmao"
    [10:49 PM] Laches: "Damn. So how were you so sure that when you ascended yourself there would be someone to aggregate into?"
    [10:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "If you are aware of at least one 'alternate' self existing in what you'd call a 'timeline', then it is possible"
    [10:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "but existence isn't kind enough with the lottery to make sure you exist in every repeated version of the conceptual 'reality' simulacra"
    [10:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But the more of you there are, the more powerful you could be..."

    [10:51 PM] Laches: "Oh."
    [10:51 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Many could meditate, spending a lifetime trying to aggregate with one other self"
    [10:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm using TAS"

    [10:52 PM] Xenquility: "smh I thought the mods banned tas aggregation from the leaderboards"
    [10:53 PM] Xenquility: "could've at least made it a separate category"
    [10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and of course, there are many who desire what they consider the ultimate aggregation"
    [10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "of three selves"
    [10:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I aim further."

    [10:53 PM] Laches: "Is it by chance..."
    [10:53 PM] Laches: "5?"
    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "pretty sure he wants all of himselves"
    [10:54 PM] Laches: ":smirk:"
    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "wait if you've aggregated with all of your selves"
    [10:54 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You know, there is someone who exists in at least all three timelines"
    [10:54 PM] Xenquility: "what happens if you all orgasm at the same time"
    [10:54 PM] Dense: "gae"
    [10:55 PM] Xenquility: "Also, who?"
    [10:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ((An emoji of the player Mugen Kagemaru is sent))
    [10:55 PM] Xenquility: "oh lord"
    [10:55 PM] Laches: "fuck"
    [10:55 PM] Xenquility: "oh GOD is the returner aggregated mugen"
    [10:55 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: the returner"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "ok wait"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "what if"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "you ascend all of your selves"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "Would that not be the most ultimate of power"
    [10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "you would have no body."
    [10:57 PM] Xenquility: "What if you ascend all of your selves with a conduit though"
    [10:57 PM] Xenquility: "make all of the johns dead in the process"
    [10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "sounds like a good way to make a mistake"
    [10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "no, cannibalizing the free will of my soul brethren is easier"

    [10:58 PM] Xenquility: "understandable"
    [10:58 PM] Xenquility: "and uh"
    [10:58 PM] Xenquility: "also"
    [10:59 PM] Xenquility: "how does this aggregation give you the powers to do things like retroactively kill yuuki?"
    [10:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I already exist outside of perceivable time"
    [11:00 PM] Xenquility: "So did you just get moonman to tp back and stab her or some shit"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ascending oneself before aggregation gives me a powerful toolset"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It means I can exist before, after, and outside the time of certain realities"

    [11:01 PM] Dense: "wait yeah there are infinite mugens right?"
    [11:01 PM] Dense: "I MEAN"
    [11:01 PM] Dense: "THAT'S HIS NAME"
    [11:01 PM] Dense: "HOLY SHIT"
    [11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like how I was able to perceive the 'astral' timeline before it branched itself into existence"
    [11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "And take advantage of it's forming state to latch onto myself there."

    [11:02 PM] Dense: "INFINITE INFINITE"
    [11:03 PM] Xenquility: ""latch" yourself as in into moonman or in some other vague way?"
    [11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "yes"
    [11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just because I have aggregated doesn't mean I always take control."
    [11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes it's smarter to simply watch idly."

    [11:07 PM] Xenquility: "Hm"
    [11:08 PM] Xenquility: "So how do people like Producer and ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ play into this? We have no knowledge of ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ really except some vague ideas, but Prod especially is interesting given he seems to have some sort of creatorial powers, like with the "Janus rooms""
    [11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Eventually once I have finished what I intend all of my selves conscious existence will meld into one hivemind with my aspirations. That is the goal, in simplest terms, but for now other methods are put into play."
    [11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Producer is incapable of keeping control over that orange beast."
    [11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He's more fun anyway."

    [11:10 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ's methods are completely different than mine own, as are his desires."
    [11:13 PM] Xenquility: "I'd feel rude boring you with more questions right now and honestly my mental faculties have left the building"
    [11:13 PM] Xenquility: "but I guess uh"
    [11:13 PM] Xenquility: "guess we really ought to try and find a way to stop you now eh?"
    [11:13 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I think you have more pressing matters personally"
    [11:14 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":realben:"

    [11:14 PM] Xenquility: "probably but "bad guy having cheat codes" sounds pretty scary"
    [11:14 PM] Xenquility: "and also wouldn't necessarily want to take advice on whether or not we should try and beat you from the guy we're trying to beat"
    [11:15 PM] Dense: "just call Nintendo"
    [11:15 PM] Xenquility: "lmao just turn off his emulator"
    [11:15 PM] Dense: "true"
    [11:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Actually"
    [11:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I destroyed that computer."

    [11:15 PM] Xenquility: "get skoom to hack the project64 and mupen64 websites"
    [11:16 PM] Xenquility: "how do you exist if you destroyed it though"
    [11:16 PM] Xenquility: "or is that what "aggregating" allowed you to do"
    [11:16 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wasn't so stupid as to put myself in a machine that I'd be stuck in."
    [11:17 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "and once I had moved on, it was the only thing that could be a way back at me."

    [11:18 PM] Xenquility: "ok what if"
    [11:18 PM] Xenquility: "what if we just killed greth"
    [11:18 PM] Dense: "calling pannenkoek"
    [11:18 PM] Xenquility: "like what if we made videos in an attempt to get the Greth's to die"
    [11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sounds hilarious, try it."
    [11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mean somebody tried to stop me once kind of like that"
    [11:19 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Ironically they tried to kill me before I killed myself, but they were too late."
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Instead they found my former shell, and the bomb I had planted to my chest shortly before it went off and consumed the entire corner of that house."
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "(That also took care of the computer)"
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am always sixteen fucking steps ahead."
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Anyways this was nice."
    [11:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Goodnight."
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":zearching: :wow~1:"

    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "yeah well guess what guess what"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "DON'T have a good night"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "boom"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "just kidding sleep well"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "if you even do"
    [11:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."


    • BUP is surprised to see that the player otherLiam had returned. He continues, stating that he either already has or at some point will "serve his purpose".
    • BUP tells the players that he is currently chatting with them because he found the player Xenquility's theory regarding multiple aggregations and the nature of BUP, IIIII, The Producer, and TheLaw interesting.
    • BUP explains a bit of his backstory and how he rose to power:
    • BUP reveals that he originated from the same timeline the "Hacker Group" is from.
    • BUP says that he realized the world was doomed. He claims that the cataclysm that destroyed the world didn't end everything immediately. Instead, it slowly worsened over time. BUP claims that very few were even able to realize this was happening, however, and life carried on as normal.
    • BUP reveals that he ascended himself in a specific, calculated method in an effort to escape his doomed timeline.
    • BUP reveals that he ascended himself using Super Mario 64. He states that he used an emulated version of the game so that he would not be trapped within a cartridge like Ben was. He also reveals that using this game affected his identity somewhat, explaining why he often associates with the Super Mario character "Toad".
    • BUP states that shortly after his ascension he began aggregating with his other selves. He says this was achieved by slowly influencing their thoughts and having them subtly acknowledge his existence until he could eventually control their actions and see through their eyes.
    • BUP claims that the first version of himself that he aggregated to was his Astral Timeline self - Moonman. He later reconfirms that he has indeed aggregated to the players' version of Greth as well - the Greth who runs the Greth Vlogs channel.
    • BUP implies that he was able to "latch onto" Moonman while the Astral Timeline was still being formed - another showcase of his time manipulation abilities.
    • BUP reveals that his goal is to aggregate with all of his other consciousnesses across all timelines. He akins this to unlocking "cheat codes", and claims that once he completes this goal, he'll be able to do anything he wants.
    • BUP says that there are multiple ways in which aggregation may occur. He claims that aggregation is much easier when the person in question is deceased or ascended. He also confirms that the "Order of Metatron" is dedicated to following one method of aggregation in particular.
    • BUP explains a bit of the process of aggregation as "If you are aware of at least one 'alternate' self existing in what you'd call a 'timeline', then it is possible". He claims that most people are unable to aggregate, however.
    • BUP claims that there are many who consider three aggregated selves to be the "Ultimate Aggregation". However, BUP claims he is aiming for a much higher number, wishing to aggregate with as many versions of himself as possible.
    • BUP reveals that ascension and aggregation have given him powerful abilities, claiming this is what allows him to act outside of perceivable time.
    • When asked about what caused the cataclysm in his timeline, BUP says he doesn't care to explain. He says that it deals with something very "cursed", however - something that the players have been dealing with since before what the players would consider "the beginning".
    • BUP claims that someone had attempted to kill him before he could complete his ascension. He says that they were too late, however, and were killed by a bomb BUP had planted in their own chest. He states that this also destroyed the original computer he had ascended into as well.


    • Files:
    • N64-Game-Cartridge.png - An image of a deconstructed Nintendo 64 game cartridge. target=_blank
    • ((Unarchived Image)) - An image of the Super Mario 64 boxart.

    March 1st, 2021

    • At 9:26 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted several files:
    • 9:26 PM - The image "3-1.JPG" is sent in the #johnisdead text-channel: target=_blank
    • 9:27 PM - The video "3-1.mp4" is sent in the #announcements text-channel: target=_blank
    • 9:51 PM - The image "pc3.gif" is sent in the #faq text-channel: target=_blank
    • 9:53 PM - The image "pc2.gif" is sent in the #bot-spam text-channel: target=_blank
    • 9:54 PM - An unknown image was sent in the #id-en-spaniardish text-channel:
    • 9:54 PM - The image "pc4.gif" is sent in the #loli-fridges-art text-channel: target=_blank
    • 10:27 PM - The image "pigmemory.JPG" is sent in the #johnisdead text-channel: target=_blank

    March 2nd, 2021

    • At 8:20 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/synchron" would instead redirect players to the page "https://johnisdead.com/altar".
    • At 9:14 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Synchron… I see the other players are making moves. I don't mean 'players' referring to your preoccupation. I mean the real game.".
    • At 10:33 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message ">Existing. Overrated".

    March 6th, 2021

    • At 10:56 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    3/6/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [10:56 PM] Shiina: "Bup"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "in that case then it's one of the spirits stuck in the fishery"
    [10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes?"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "hey bump"
    [10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Bump"
    [10:56 PM] Shiina: "Bump bup"
    [10:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hey wolfcat"
    [10:56 PM] Xenquility: "what brings you here on this fine evening"
    [10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Complaining"
    [10:57 PM] Xenquility: "from whomst"
    [10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Me"
    [10:57 PM] Xenquility: "oh damn"
    [10:57 PM] Shiina: "What's your complaints bump?"
    [10:57 PM] Xenquility: "what's goin on"
    [10:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The downsides of aggregation"
    [10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Weird things can give your other selves power"

    [10:58 PM] Shiina: "Oh :thinking:"
    [10:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth smokes cigarettes! Disgusting"
    [10:59 PM] Xenquility: "did one of your other slav- selves like"
    [10:59 PM] Xenquility: "make a deal with tenebris or some shit"
    [10:59 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth smokes cigarettes, desperately"

    [11:00 PM] Shiina: "Did one of your other selves get your power?"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like now. In the rain."
    [11:00 PM] Xenquility: "LOL did his addiction override your control"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "At 11pm!"
    [11:00 PM] Shiina: "The power of tobacco"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No, but the stimulant is nauseating"
    [11:00 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not physically, but its a vibe"

    [11:00 PM] Shiina: "That honestly sucks. Sorry bup"
    [11:00 PM] Rytikula: "Is it the smell or the way it makes you feel?"
    [11:00 PM] Xenquility: "sorry my ass"
    [11:01 PM] Xenquility: "if you wanna get with your other selves you gotta compromise with their habits"
    [11:01 PM] Xenquility: "and some might even say get with their friends too"
    [11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Due to unwilling participation in these arts"
    [11:01 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm guessing even moomman is feeling weirdly cold and manic"

    [11:02 PM] Shiina: "Side effects of the aggregation sure are strange"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "we should play"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "bolero"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "and warm him up"
    [11:02 PM] Shiina: ":thinking:"
    [11:02 PM] Xenquility: "not really though"
    [11:02 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps only when one is so close as I am to control"
    [11:03 PM] Xenquility: "BUP reaches the final stages of his plan, but as he final reaches full control, the pain of a thousand other selves overwhelms him"
    [11:03 PM] Xenquility: "the control is broken, and BUP is left a stray soul wandering the parallelos"
    [11:03 PM] Xenquility: "le fin"
    [11:03 PM] Shiina: "Nice"
    [11:03 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is a two way street, in times of stress, depression, anxiety, panic"
    [11:04 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I strengthen :zearching:"

    [11:04 PM] Xenquility: "what's getting yous (literally yous) down"
    [11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Greth is not here"
    [11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Gareth is not here"

    [11:05 PM] Shiina: "Where's greth?"
    [11:05 PM] Xenquility: "right here"
    [11:05 PM] Xenquility: "unless"
    [11:05 PM] Xenquility: "he means"
    [11:05 PM] Xenquility: "bup bup"
    [11:05 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I told you. He's in his thoughts. Smoking nicotine in the rain."
    [11:05 PM] Shiina: "Ah ok"
    [11:06 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am here."
    [11:06 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking: Pumpkinhead also mentioned missing wolf"
    [11:07 PM] Shiina: ":thonk:"
    [11:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just because I am assuming controlling of someone's ability to type text on a phone screen, doesn't mean they are aware"
    [11:07 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "For all he knows, his phone is in his hand, or pocket"
    [11:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I'm using it to type"
    [11:08 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He is only aware of his own thoughts and perceptions"

    [11:08 PM] Shiina: "Admittedly spooky. Imagine not being aware of being controlled"
    [11:08 PM] Xenquility: "sounds like some Many I's shit"
    [11:09 PM] Rytikula: "Are you aware of his thoughts?"
    [11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes."
    [11:09 PM] Shiina: "But greth isn't aware of you ?"
    [11:09 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Only for brief moments I need him to."
    [11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Early in the process they are always more aware."
    [11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But you familiarize your self to them"
    [11:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Just like... A nagging feeling"
    [11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But even those feelings dull over time. Right?"

    [11:11 PM] Shiina: "IIIII typing ..."
    [11:11 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":lain:"
    [11:12 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "He appears"

    [11:12 PM] Shiina: "Bup used a lain :lein:"
    [11:14 PM] Xenquility: "So is it as if you manifest as one of the many parts of his ego, and slowly but surely phase "Greth" away and replace him with the person of "BUP"? Or is he actually aware of the fact you're another version of himself coming to eat his mind"
    [11:15 PM] Xenquility: "damn that feels hella wrong but I am tryna come up with ideas based on subject I know very little on but feel like i should attempt to apply anyways so forgive me if this is absurdly incorrect"
    [11:16 PM] Shiina: "I was interpreting that bup would just make his presence blend in within his selves consciousness"
    [11:16 PM] Xenquility: "kind of what i am trying to say"
    [11:16 PM] Xenquility: "though i would imagine for him to have control he would have to do more to stand out from the others"
    [11:17 PM] Shiina: "If he's eating away greth then :/"
    [11:17 PM] Rytikula: "I hope Greth's gonna be okay at least"
    [11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Once I have full control"
    [11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will control all selves simultaneous"
    [11:18 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Separate"
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would elaborate but I find it difficult"
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Its not truly a 'hivemind'"

    [11:20 PM] Rytikula: "Would you define it as a council then?"
    [11:20 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But all of their thoughts, desires, needs, wants... They will be mine"
    [11:21 PM] Shiina: "A hivemind would assume that all parties share the info"
    [11:21 PM] Xenquility: "damn bup is eating their Is"
    [11:21 PM] Shiina: "Bup hungry"
    [11:22 PM] Shiina: "Bup is playing the sims lmao"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "Also do you mean in the sense that you will like, own their thoughts and desires, or do you mean "they will be mine" in the sense that their thoughts and desires will become yours?"
    [11:22 PM] Xenquility: "i.e. their thoughts and desires will become my thoughts and desires"
    [11:23 PM] Xenquility: "and I guess that would be effectively controlling all your other selves as they would all just be you"
    [11:24 PM] Rytikula: "So assimilation?"
    [11:24 PM] Xenquility: "maybe? I am not ascended enough to know these things"
    [11:24 PM] Shiina: "Sounds like assimilation"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""i.e. their thoughts and desires will become my thoughts and desires""
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This."

    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "epic"
    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "So essentially"
    [11:25 PM] Shiina: "Oh my"
    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "there will be yous all over the place"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "This means they act independent but towards my ends."
    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "not necessarily controlled all by you, but effectively controlled by you as they will all be working towards your goals"
    [11:25 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Correct."
    [11:25 PM] Xenquility: "damn"
    [11:26 PM] Shiina: "So not exactly copies. But sleeper agents?"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "that is impressive"
    [11:26 PM] Xenquility: "but also obligatory FUCK you for making all greths you"
    [11:27 PM] Shiina: "^^^"
    [11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is also the possibility of extending influence even further."
    [11:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But perhaps that's a story for another time."

    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "the fuck"
    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "does that involve like"
    [11:27 PM] Shiina: "Oh fuck"
    [11:27 PM] Xenquility: "what they were trying to do with vincent"
    [11:27 PM] Rytikula: "So this is just you experimenting then?"
    [11:28 PM] Xenquility: "like implant someone elses memories into someone else to turn them into that person"
    [11:28 PM] Xenquility: "and then aggregate into them or some shit"
    [11:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I was able to control someone else. Remember?"
    [11:28 PM] Shiina: "That's scary. Imagine aggregating someone that isn't you by implanting your own memories"
    [11:29 PM] Xenquility: ""ID shell" or "aggregate source" or some shit"
    [11:29 PM] Xenquility: "wait"
    [11:29 PM] Xenquility: "you were?"
    [11:29 PM] Xenquility: "am I dumb"
    [11:29 PM] Shiina: "You controlled someone else? :disassociating:"
    [11:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":ghost:"
    [11:29 PM] Xenquility: "oh"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "I thought you just took over their account"
    [11:30 PM] Shiina: "Oh shit"
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's what they thought."
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "DAMN"
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "FUCK DONT TAKE AWAY GHOSTY NOOO"
    [11:30 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I told you they were weak compared to me."
    [11:30 PM] Xenquility: "NOW THE STAKES ARE RAISED"
    [11:30 PM] Shiina: "It was you. Fuck"
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: "How do you even do that?"
    [11:31 PM] Xenquility: "Is it because they were a digital entity?"
    [11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I have nothing to do with them at the moment."
    [11:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They served a purpose when normal means were out of my reach"

    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Are you going to go all tenebris and eat a bunch of digitized spirits"
    [11:32 PM] Shiina: "How could you control someone that isn't you?"
    [11:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But you guys hating it so much..."
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Or is it because GHOST was a creation of Greth :thinking:"
    [11:32 PM] Rytikula: "Are they at least okay?"
    [11:32 PM] Xenquility: "Someone reacted with :zearching: to that message"
    [11:33 PM] Shiina: "Zearch"
    [11:33 PM] Xenquility: "also at this point ghost is going to have been gone longer than she's been interacting with us"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "True."
    [11:33 PM] Xenquility: "god inb4 BUP takes over cursor"
    [11:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Carpe"
    [11:35 PM] Xenquility: "wow sorry to break the conversation but I just noticed the sneaky eye of horus in the gif here https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/vincent/"
    [11:35 PM] Shiina: "Nice"
    [11:35 PM] Shiina: "Carpe can mean seize?"
    [11:36 PM] Xenquility: "BUP dies by having a seizure??????"
    [11:36 PM] Xenquility: "Also if BUP can aggregate into things created by Greth, could BUP theoretically aggregate into Nocta and by extension the various Regis :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:"
    [11:36 PM] Rytikula: "I think BUP was saying for us to give little thought to the future"
    [11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I'm dead"
    [11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":wholetmoogin:"
    [11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":yeehaw:"

    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "wow"
    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "ascendead"
    [11:37 PM] Shiina: "damn"
    [11:37 PM] Laches: "But the good kind of dead tho"
    [11:37 PM] Laches: "I guess."
    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "ok how about you like"
    [11:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps."
    [11:37 PM] Xenquility: "had a seizure in the waters and got eaten by the absque dead"
    [11:38 PM] Shiina: "odd death lmao"
    [11:38 PM] Xenquility: ":thinking:"
    [11:39 PM] Xenquility: "it would fit the theme of drowning"
    [11:39 PM] Rytikula: "You're dead but you have a body in Greth correct? Does that mean technically you're neither dead or alive?"
    [11:39 PM] Xenquility: "and im p sure once the absque eat people they're hella dead"
    [11:39 PM] Shiina: "Yep"
    [11:39 PM] Xenquility: "He ascended himself before aggregating into the other Greth's"
    [11:40 PM] Xenquility: "so he's basically a timeless spirit I guess"
    [11:40 PM] Shiina: "He's in limbo"
    [11:40 PM] Xenquility: "probably doesn't even need aggregation to be a pain in the ass"
    [11:40 PM] Laches: "Until he aggreagates into every greth or something along those lines."
    [11:40 PM] Laches: "Then we have a whole new world ending threat."
    [11:41 PM] Laches: "Timeline ending?"
    [11:41 PM] Laches: "shrug"
    [11:41 PM] Xenquility: "everything ending"
    [11:41 PM] Xenquility: "at least he's not on our layer"
    [11:41 PM] Xenquility: "hopefully"
    [11:42 PM] Shiina: "Bup isn't the only spooky entity we should be concerned about :DekuTired:"
    [11:42 PM] Laches: "True. Pumpkinfucker can't be contained so Wolfprod continues being a bro."
    [11:42 PM] Xenquility: "that moment when you're more worried about a legion of nintendo fans than the moon goddess who will come down and destroy literally everything"
    [11:43 PM] Shiina: "Yeah. Nintendo fans are scary"
    [11:43 PM] Laches: "But in that sense do we need to worry about Tyler aggregating?"
    [11:43 PM] Xenquility: "he sure as hell has been a lot more quiet about it"
    [11:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I am transparent now that I feel secure"
    [11:44 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Fairly anyway."

    [11:44 PM] Xenquility: "is there any other being that has reached your level of power"
    [11:45 PM] Xenquility: "is that ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ guy like you at all?"
    [11:45 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is one I am truly afraid of and one who hunts me"
    [11:45 PM] Xenquility: "is it"
    [11:45 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
    [11:45 PM] Shiina: ":MOOGEN:"
    [11:45 PM] Rytikula: "You didn't feel secure before then? How come?"
    [11:45 PM] Xenquility: ":MOOGEN:"
    [11:45 PM] Laches: ":MOOGEN:"
    [11:46 PM] Xenquility: "probably because there's little chance of us stopping him now"
    [11:46 PM] Xenquility: "unless we align ourselves with"
    [11:46 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
    [11:46 PM] Shiina: "we must talk to"
    [11:46 PM] Shiina: "THE RETURNER"
    [11:46 PM] Laches: "we must learn the ways of"
    [11:46 PM] Xenquility: "Unless BUP is a vampire because then we'd have to be talking to someone very different"
    [11:46 PM] Laches: "THE RET"
    [11:46 PM] Laches: "fuck"
    [11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hahaha"
    [11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No"

    [11:47 PM] Xenquility: "maybe it's the gaeger that's been hunting moonman and also normal greth"
    [11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Although I would not take him lightly"
    [11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The one who hunts me does not concern me"
    [11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""Hoax""

    [11:48 PM] Xenquility: "LOL"
    [11:48 PM] Xenquility: "FUCKEN"
    [11:48 PM] Shiina: ":dadkeks:"
    [11:48 PM] Xenquility: "NOTAHOAX?"
    [11:48 PM] Laches: "get the fuck out lmao"
    [11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I honestly don't think he even has the faintest of what I am."
    [11:49 PM] Xenquility: "what if we told him"
    [11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What would it do?"
    [11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":marioshrug:"

    [11:49 PM] Xenquility: "who knows"
    [11:49 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":lain:"
    [11:49 PM] Shiina: ":thinking:"
    [11:49 PM] Xenquility: "you never know which of your neighbours may secretly be an aggregated being"
    [11:50 PM] Shiina: "assuming one of us isn't already aggregated lmao"
    [11:50 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or a lunatic conspiracy theorist."
    [11:50 PM] Xenquility: ""There is one I am truly afraid of and one who hunts me" damn I misread this and thought that the one you're afraid of was the one who hunts you"
    [11:50 PM] Shiina: "So who you afraid of bup?"
    [11:51 PM] Xenquility: "imagine he just gave us the answer"
    [11:51 PM] Shiina: "Lmao imagine"
    [11:51 PM] Xenquility: "is it..."
    [11:51 PM] Xenquility: "THE UNDERTAKER"
    [11:52 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No. But he is not a joke."
    [11:52 PM] Xenquility: "Understandable"
    [11:52 PM] Shiina: "Will do"
    [11:53 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The one who works the forest altar, the one who sits in the chair."
    [11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Synchron"
    [11:53 PM] Shiina: "Oh"
    [11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Well"
    [11:53 PM] Shiina: "Speak of the devil lmao"
    [11:53 PM] Xenquility: "Makes sense given the prophetic stuff about us needing to find him patrem said"
    [11:53 PM] Laches: "inb4 it's actually lostbrine"
    [11:54 PM] Xenquility: "damn synchron is here"
    [11:54 PM] Shiina: ":CrowEyes:"
    [11:54 PM] Xenquility: "ᚺᛁ ᛊᛖᚲᛊᛁ"
    [11:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":BUP:"
    [11:55 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ")()()()("

    [11:55 PM] Xenquility: "hot power rune"
    [11:56 PM] Xenquility: "does it ward off synchron or some shit"
    [11:56 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ")()()()()()()()("
    [11:56 PM] Xenquility: "but what if god said"
    [11:56 PM] Xenquility: "][][][][][][][]["
    [11:56 PM] Shiina: "}{}{}{}{"
    [11:56 PM] Laches: "but what if we said"
    [11:56 PM] Laches: "IIIIIIII"
    [11:57 PM] Xenquility: "but what if"
    [11:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "They mean nothing"
    [11:57 PM] Xenquility: "ᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇIIIII}{}{}[][][)()()][][]{}{}{IIIIIᛇᛇᛇᛇᛇ"
    [11:57 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You haven't channeled energy"
    [11:58 PM] Shiina: "Ultimate Xen rune"
    [11:58 PM] Xenquility: "how would one go about channeling energy"
    [11:58 PM] Laches: "Oh? And how would we"
    [11:58 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Maybe sometime I'll send you the Sonic Sez"
    [11:58 PM] Laches: "I mean, we're minor players and all of no consequence so it wouldn't hurt right"
    [11:58 PM] Shiina: "Lmao"
    [11:58 PM] Laches: "lol"
    [11:59 PM] Rytikula: "inb4 the sonic sez is actually just a rickroll"
    [11:59 PM] Laches: "The way we channel energy is by consuming chili dogs"
    [12:00 AM] Rytikula: "It would probably be the chili itself that gives the energy, the dog and bun just dilute it lol"
    [12:00 AM] Shiina: "IIIII typing :CrowEyes:"
    [12:00 AM] Xenquility: "damn i know not where to look for this channeling magic"
    [12:01 AM] Xenquility: "assuming it isn't a system made specifically for this arg"
    [12:01 AM] Shiina: "Runic divination ? :thinking:"
    [12:01 AM] Xenquility: "methinks not because that usually deals with the already existing runic alphabet"
    [12:01 AM] Xenquility: "I'd assume this is like, some sort of personal talisman-esque creation"
    [12:02 AM] Laches: "What if the way to get IIIII to speak again is bossa nova"
    [12:02 AM] Shiina: "Tailsman creation?"
    [12:03 AM] Shiina: "Like in silent hill :thinking:"
    [12:03 AM] Xenquility: "what"
    [12:04 AM] Xenquility: "BUP reacted with :smuglain: and :BUP: to the "talisman-esque" message in case he decides to remove them again"
    [12:04 AM] Laches: "Or post the metatron"
    [12:04 AM] Shiina: "That metatron is bups personal tailsman maybe"
    [12:04 AM] Laches: "So then."
    [12:04 AM] Laches: "We break it?"
    [12:05 AM] Xenquility: "how do you break sacred geometry"
    [12:05 AM] Laches: "Maybe using the only powers we have."
    [12:06 AM] Laches: "Representation of using the song of unhealing on the metatron"
    [12:06 AM] Rytikula: "I was just doing some research and apparently runes can be used in divination via casting stones/tiles with runes on them"
    [12:07 AM] Shiina: "That's was what I was mentioning Ry"
    [12:07 AM] Xenquility: "ok we don't even know if metatron's cube is his talisman thing"
    [12:07 AM] Laches: "I'm mostly just shooting off into the void."
    [12:07 AM] Shiina: "I assumed that it was since bup tends to use it a lot"
    [12:07 AM] Laches: "Annd he's gone."
    [12:07 AM] Xenquility: "and also yes, the runes can be used in things like rune spreads to represent the past, present, and future, but these are done with systems of runes"
    i.e. thA Elder futhark runes, younger futhark, probably some people do it with armanen futhark"
    [12:07 AM] Rytikula: "So I guess we get someone to cast runes?"
    [12:08 AM] Laches: "Annd he's back."
    [12:08 AM] Xenquility: "casting runes is not the same as what BUP is talking about here as far as I can tell"
    [12:08 AM] Shiina: "Yeah"
    [12:08 AM] Xenquility: "unless this is some really deep fucken runic magic that I have never seen"
    [12:08 AM] Xenquility: "but the runes are usually tyler's things anyways"
    [12:08 AM] Shiina: "Runes is usually with IIIII"
    [12:08 AM] Shiina: "Bup is doing something else"
    [12:09 AM] Xenquility: "for example this video is a rune cast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is58Gb3NNWY"
    [12:10 AM] Xenquility: "What I think BUP has done is created some sort of sigil he's "channeled magic" into but I am not one to try and make definite assumptions about things like this"
    [12:10 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "E :b: ic"
    [12:10 AM] Xenquility: "as I have no fucking idea really"
    [12:10 AM] Shiina: "That's what a tailsman is for"
    [12:10 AM] Shiina: "They usually have sigils for a purpose"
    [12:11 AM] Xenquility: "what could he mean by this :thinking:"
    [12:11 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":moonthink:"
    [12:11 AM] Laches: "E.B.ic"
    EsoteriA bullshit incoming"
    [12:11 AM] Shiina: "He means: E :b: I c"
    [12:12 AM] Xenquility: "E :regional_indicator_r: ik"
    [12:12 AM] Xenquility: ":PROVIDETHED:"
    [12:12 AM] Shiina: "Erika"
    [12:12 AM] Laches: "Erikoom"
    [12:13 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is a lot of power in music of course"
    [12:14 AM] Xenquility: "is that a hint"
    [12:14 AM] Shiina: "Hmm"
    [12:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [12:14 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It is a fact."

    [12:14 AM] Rytikula: ":thinking:"
    [12:15 AM] Xenquility: "of course"
    [12:15 AM] Xenquility: "we must again submit hide and seek"
    [12:15 AM] Shiina: "lmao"
    [12:15 AM] Xenquility: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Y4Ls0FvPQ"
    [12:16 AM] Laches: "I was thinking we submit inside peach's castle theme"
    [12:16 AM] Laches: "amplify the powers let it all burn down"
    [12:16 AM] Shiina: "This song invokes the spirits to talk :whathesay:"
    [12:16 AM] Laches: "But yes, I'm not kidding about bossa nova"
    [12:17 AM] Laches: "I just am too much of a bitch to act on my own"
    [12:19 AM] Laches: "Without consensus is probably more appropriate way to put it."
    [12:19 AM] Laches: "Anyway, game goes way beyond what I'm willing to fuck up for others."
    [12:20 AM] Xenquility: "we could give it a shit"
    [12:20 AM] Xenquility: "and a shot"
    [12:20 AM] Laches: "also a shit"
    [12:20 AM] Xenquility: "what's the worst new wave bossa nova could do"
    [12:20 AM] Xenquility: "™️"
    [12:20 AM] Laches: "Lessee patrem wanted epona's song right?"
    [12:20 AM] Xenquility: "yes though it would be odd to seek out patrem right now"
    [12:21 AM] Laches: "Nah, just trying to eliminate possibilities."
    [12:21 AM] Laches: "Don't want to allow a voice to someone unintended."
    [12:21 AM] Xenquility: "we'rek inda subject to tenebris' wrath when it comes to songs"
    [12:21 AM] Laches: "True."
    [12:21 AM] Shiina: "Go for it"
    [12:22 AM] Rytikula: "Would a mask be better suited then?"
    [12:22 AM] Xenquility: "they're the same"
    [12:22 AM] Xenquility: "in the sense that they're partially interpreted by tenebris i mean"
    [12:23 AM] Rytikula: "Ah so Tenebris will still benefit from our usage of powers anyway"
    [12:23 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Before you all make a bad decision"
    [12:24 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I was going to elaborate a little"

    [12:24 AM] Xenquility: "epic"
    [12:24 AM] Laches: "nice"
    [12:24 AM] Shiina: "cool"
    [12:24 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why do ocarina powers work?"
    [12:24 AM] Laches: "You think maybe the one he fears is Tenebris then?"
    [12:25 AM] Xenquility: "the one he fears is sinchrunch"
    [12:25 AM] Xenquility: "and also"
    [12:25 AM] Xenquility: "that is a good question"
    [12:25 AM] Xenquility: "though I'd assume it's a portion of luna's power bestowed upon us by Tenebris"
    [12:25 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "That's not entirely wrong"
    [12:25 AM] Xenquility: "as the amount of time he spent inside Majora's mask influenced him greatly"
    [12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But that is only the source of power (sort of)"
    [12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The conduit is the song"
    [12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Why?"

    [12:26 AM] Laches: "Was hoping you'd elaborate, actually."
    [12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I will"
    [12:26 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I just like to be entertained"

    [12:27 AM] Rytikula: "I guess the song is a sort of prism?"
    [12:27 AM] Xenquility: "Is the answer something other than "Because that's the way it is in the game"?"
    [12:27 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Think about how spells work. There are many mediums."
    [12:28 AM] Shiina: "It's the intent and meaning given"
    [12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "History has endless variations of the 'casting of magic'"
    [12:28 AM] Laches: "So it works because we will it to work?"
    [12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ""It's the intent and meaning given""
    [12:28 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":sickoandy:"
    [12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Oh god it's like they're getting smarter"
    [12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Think about it"
    [12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even discounting you all"
    [12:29 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There are millions of people playing video games who expect those songs to do something"

    [12:30 AM] Laches: "Right. A mass concentration of effort and expectation breeds reality."
    [12:30 AM] Rytikula: "So what you're saying is that the song played doesn't even matter so long as you have an intent and meaning attached to a song?"
    [12:30 AM] Shiina: "Yep"
    [12:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "No."
    [12:30 AM] Laches: "Damn"
    [12:30 AM] Xenquility: "Are the songs like egregores or something lmao"
    [12:30 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But those songs are very direct in purpose"
    [12:31 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Their usefulness only flexes with your concentrated intent"
    [12:31 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But one could learn to use this power if they find a strong enough machination to run it"
    [12:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "There is energy, gibberish as it is, floating in the void"
    [12:32 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Waiting to be given purpose and form"
    [12:33 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "You can hear the scattered distortions. Sometimes they are the faded memories of songs, barely clinging to anything sounding like they once did"

    [12:33 AM] Rytikula: "So does this same philosophy apply to runes?"
    [12:33 AM] Shiina: "Usually a song or sigil needs to be imbued with something. It's not only intent. I'm guessing ocarina songs work because of the energy given from Tenebris and from other players ascribing meaning."
    [12:35 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes these powers fail you"
    [12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Perhaps in those moments your destiny was thwarted by someone stronger"
    [12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or the negative result was based on negative expectation"
    [12:36 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Either way your gambles will ultimately benefit more than yourselves"

    [12:37 AM] Shiina: "Well not all intents will succeed. Higher forces can prevent them or no clear vision"
    [12:37 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sometimes me :tenor:"
    [12:37 AM] Shiina: ":smuglain:"
    [12:37 AM] Rytikula: "So you could take a usually negatively associated song and make it into a positive song?"
    [12:37 AM] Laches: "inb4 we end up becoming a literal cult"
    [12:38 AM] Shiina: "assuming we aren't"
    [12:38 AM] Laches: "true"
    [12:38 AM] Xenquility: "ID is actually a cult, you get drawn in with the community aspect, learn a bunch of forbidden knowledge, then can't ever leave because your soul won't let you"
    [12:38 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Now what if someone needed a lot of power to ascend and a short time to do it?"
    [12:38 AM] Shiina: "Yes :disassociating:"
    [12:38 AM] Laches: "Then they'd take our effort and concentration and fuck us in the ass"
    [12:39 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I would start a music label and sell albums."
    [12:39 AM] Laches: "Which is par for the course really"
    [12:39 AM] Xenquility: "you fucking chad"
    [12:39 AM] Shiina: "Oh shit Bup"
    [12:39 AM] Shiina: "Epic"
    [12:39 AM] Laches: "Nice"
    [12:39 AM] Xenquility: "holy fuck that is meta"
    [12:39 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":AkkoLaugh:"
    [12:39 AM] Shiina: "FUCK"
    [12:40 AM] Xenquility: "god that really is a big brain hours moment"
    [12:40 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "My altar for the universe"
    [12:40 AM] Rytikula: "If someone needed a lot of power to ascend but not enough time to do it, I guess they'd get a loan for power to expedite the process"
    [12:40 AM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "The observatory"
    [12:41 AM] Shiina: "That's one way to get a shit ton of charge"


    • BUP complains that he can sense Greth smoking cigarettes thanks to his aggregation. BUP finds this disgusting.
    • BUP confirms that he is currently speaking to the players by having their version of Greth send them messages through Discord. He explains that Greth is completely unaware of this - from his perspective, he is simply standing outside smoking, lost in his thoughts, unaware that he is currently using his phone.
    • BUP explains that once he aggregates with all of his other selves it will be less like a hivemind and moreas as if all other versions of Greth now share his thoughts and desires. He claims that these other versions of himself will still act independently, but only towards his own goals.
    • BUP claims that he wishes to extend his influence even further that his other selves. He notes how he was able to take control of GHOSTBABEL, implying that perhaps he has more influence over her than the players initially believed.
    • BUP reveals that NotaHoax is currently attempting to hunt him down.
    • BUP reveals that there is currently one individual he fears - "The one who works the forest altar, the one who sits in the chair". This is likely referring to Synchron.
    • BUP explains that the players' Ocarina powers are indeed powered through Tenebris, but the reason they work as they do is because of their direct intent and the meaning the players put into them.
    • BUP claims that if one needed a large amount of power to ascend, one method would be to use songs by releasing an album, perhaps implying that the "Astral Observatory" record label was originally used for this purpose.

    March 8th, 2021

    • At an unknown time, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the song "Big Pumpin'" along with the message "When your evil plans start coming together". target=_blank

    March 9th, 2021

    • At 4:40 PM, the player Xenquility submitted the video "ᚲᚨᛚᛁᛜ". target=_blank

    3/9/21 - "ᚲᚨᛚᛁᛜ" - YouTube (Xenquility)

    This video begins with distorted footage that appears similar to shots of the Parallelos seen in recent Silentdork videos. The player Xenquility proceeds through these distorted locations as the following text appears on screen:

    "YOU ARE IN"

    The video continues showing footage of distorted environments. The player Xenquility proceeds through a snowy wooded area before stopping next to a tree. They look over and pick up a "Gyfu" rune that was sitting on its trunk. They observe the rune as the video cuts to black. The "Gyfu" rune is shown once again. Footage of some words inscribed on some wood is shown:

    "-land in the morning sun"
    "-hanging from my tree"
    "-ing beauty there displayed"
    "for all the world to see."

    The player Xenquillity continues down a snowy path. What appears to be a rune-casting board comes into view, along with what seem to be candles with the Parallelos symbol drawn into them. A "Tiwaz" rune can be seen inscribed on a metallic medal. Below this are the runes "Ansuz" and "Kaunan". Gameplay footage suddenly appears on screen. Link approaches a Sun switch attached to the wall and pulls out his Ocarina. The "New Wave Bossa Nova" is played as the video ends.


    • This video is an attempt to contact Synchron using a rune-casting board and the submission of the "New Wave Bossa Nova".


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    March 10th, 2021

    • At 8:20 PM, the player Xenquility identified the song used in the AMV shown at the end of the video "Remember" - "We Wish to be Remembered" by Rova Zetella. Link.
    • At 8:37 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Sitting in the middle of a ghost town the plans we're making, they seem to disappear when you look across history and time. How many dreamers were shot down before they could extract their minds?".
    • At 9:10 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message ""All these little secrets are bringing me down I'm a panicking swimmer"". target=_blank These are lyrics from another song created by Rova Zetella.

    March 11th, 2021

    • At 7:05 PM, through intense investigations, the players Shiina and Xenquility discovered the origin of most of the footage seen in the AMV shown at the end of the video "Remember" - an old ARG that took place on the Within Hubris forums titled the "CycleOfTruth" ARG. Link.

    March 12th, 2021

    • At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/tower/opening/ascend/levels/escalate/WEST_WING". This page was titled "RED" and contained the image "westwing.gif", which contained text that read "/frostbite". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "west.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "c l r s e STAGEONE==- FOREIGN PRESENCE IMPLANTED INTO ENVIRONS. SPECIMEN OBSERVES. PERCEPTION: UNEASE.".
    • At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/EAST_WING". This page was titled "BLUE" and contained the image "eastwing.gif", which contained text that read "/burning". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "east.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: " o o i k y STAGEFIVE==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN BECOMES STAGNANT. DEVELOPMENT PROCEEDS. ".
    • At 2:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the titles of the pages "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/EAST_WING" and "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/levels/escalate/WEST_WING" would spell out "color is key".
    • At 2:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/escalate/EAST_WING/frostbite". This page was titled "BONES" and contained the image "frostbite.gif", which contained text that read "/freezing". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "frostbite.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "I've been stripped. My prominence taken from me. Obsolete. Forgotten. I've no place here. She looks at me with blue eyes.".
    • At 3:34 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/escalate/WEST_WING/burning". This page was titled "VEINS" and contained the image "burning.gif", which contained text that read "/melting". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "burning.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "One by one, our compatriots fell victim to the gale. One by one, our numbers dwindled. I beseech her in desperation. She watches coldly. The girl with crimson eyes.".
    • At 3:38 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/WEST_WING/burning/melting". This page was titled "PEACEFUL" and contained the image "melting.gif", which contained text that read "/meshing". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "melting.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "STAGETWO==- FOREIGN PRESENCE SPREADS. SPECIMEN DISTINGUISHES ENTITY AS INFECTION. OUTBREAK IMMINENT. ".
    • At 3:40 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/EAST_WINg/frostbite/freezing". This page was titled "FLESH" and contained the image "freezing.gif", which contained text that read "/stillness". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "freezing.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "STAGESIX==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN PURGED FROM ENVIRONS. ENVIRONS RESETS. SPECIMEN STILLS. ".
    • At 3:44 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/frostbite/freezing/stillness". This page was titled "AURA" and contained the image "stillness.gif", which contained text that read "/summit". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "stillness.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "There is no fellowship. Our blood runs cold. Only I remain. A sole arbiter of better days and of what came before.".
    • At 3:45 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/burning/melting/meshing". This page was titled "SOUL" and contained the image "meshing.gif", which contained text that read "/peak". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "meshing.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "I remain here in a land sans heart nor soul. I dream of that prosperous land of emerald skies, pure and true. This bastion has become corrupted. Tainted by bloodless brothers and perverted by bloodless sisters.".
    • At 3:47 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/melting/meshing/peak". This page was titled "PEAK" and contained the image "peak.gif", which contained text that read "separation communion /SOUTHERN_BALCONY /NORTHEAST_KEEP 10 18". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "peak.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "STAGETHREE==- FOREIGN PRESENCE SUCCEEDS ESTABLISHED ENVIRONS. WE ARE CHANGING. I AM CHANGING. YOU ARE CHANGING. SPECIMEN RESISTS. ".
    • At 3:55 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/peak/SOUTHERN_BALCONY". This page was titled "Walk" and contained the image "BALCONY.gif", which contained many instances of the word "/altar" written in the sky. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "balcony.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:57 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/peak/NORTHEAST_KEEP". This page was titled "Walk" and contained the image "d_f_n_.gif", which contained the text "The emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being." written in the sky. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "keep.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "They reach to me. A hollow welcome with empty words. They are met with furiosity, for they deserve no kindness. They consume. My fallen brethren have long been cast to sea. They dwell now on fledgling lands of their own design, divided and weak, ever at the mercy of tumultuous tides. Alone I stand against these unfamiliar gales.".
    • At 3:59 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/peak/NORTHEAST_KEEP/birth". This page was titled "BREATH" and contained the image "birth.gif", which contained text that read "/rebirth 13". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "birth.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "STAGEFOUR==- ERSTWHILE PRESENCE ELIMINATED. FOREIGN PRESENCE BECOMES ESTABLISHED AS ACCEPTED ENVIRONS STATUS QUO. SPECIMEN BECOMES FOREIGN. ".
    • At 4:04 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/NORTHEAST_KEEP/birth/rebirth". This page was titled "REBIRTH" and contained the image "rebirth.gif", which contained text that read "/maturation fleeting 23". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "rebirth.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "Seek not other lands. Heed the warnings of our predecessors. Fear only the alien and do not dwell with the unknown. This land has become tainted. Within the ruby corridors, where none know my name. Within the unfamiliar lands, where our forebears are long forgotten. Within this dying world, where our reign has long ended. She averts her gaze, her eyes shedding a single crimson tear. ".
    • At 4:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/birth/rebirth/maturation". This page was titled "MATURATION" and contained the image "maturation.gif", which contained text that read "/culmination". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "maturation.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:10 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/culmination". This page was titled "Whole" and contained the image "complete.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Proceed". This page also contained the video "CULMINATION.webm" - A video containing distorted footage of what appears to be a 3d representation of the pages the players had just completed. target=_blank
    • At 4:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that clicking on the text "Proceed" on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/culmination" would redirect players to a new set of path pages on Johnisdead.com:

    Johnisdead Path Pages

    • Sky Bridge Path (From https://johnisdead.com/(...)/rebirth/maturation/culmination)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99299233" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path99299234"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99299234" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path99299235"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99299235" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large structure is seen in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path99299236"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99299236" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A large castle is seen floating in the distance. A cathedral can be seen floating to the right. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path99299237"
    • Side path links to "/path00020030"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path99299237" - A path of a bridge in the sky. The large castle is near. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "https://johnisdead.com/sky/temple"
    • Cathedral Path (From /path99299236)
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00020030" - A path of a bridge in the sky. A cathedral can be seen in the distance. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "/path00020031"
    • "https://johnisdead.com/path00020031" - A path of a cathedral in the sky. target=_blank
    • Main path links to "https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front"


    • This path is a long, brick bridge floating in the sky. As the players proceed down the bridge, they slowly approach a massive, floating castle.
    • ((Any additional pages discovered along the paths above will be documented below as the players discovered them.))
    • At 4:11 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path99299237" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/sky/temple". This page was titled "The Fourth" and contained the image "sky_temple.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the image "seal.png", which would occasionally fade in and out. target=_blank This page also contained the same audio as most "Path Pages".
    • At 4:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/peak/SOUTHERN_BALCONY/altar". This page was titled "ALTAR" and contained the image "ALTAR.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "altar.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:15 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/freezing/stillness/summit". This page was titled "SUMMIT" and contained the image "summit.gif", which contained text that read "momentum ability /NORTHWEST_CITADEL /SOUTHERN_PATHWAY 16 20". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "summit.mp3". target=_blankSTAGESEVEN==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN BECOMES INSIGNIFICANT. ENVIRONS CONTINUES.".
    • At 4:21 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/NORTHWEST_CITADEL". This page was titled "Walk" and contained the image "_e_i_e.gif", which contained text floating in the sky that read "Mortis; ultimum vitae.". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "citadel.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "I've no will to fight. The gales guide me. The tides consume me. ".
    • At 4:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that combining the titles of the pages "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/NORTHWEST_CITADEL" and "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/meshing/keep/NORTHEAST_KEEP" would spell out "define".
    • At 4:23 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/stillness/summit/SOUTHERN_PATHWAY". This page was titled "Walk" and contained the image "PATH.gif", which contained many instances of the word "/shrine" floating in the sky. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "pathway.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:25 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/summit/SOUTHERN_PATHWAY/shrine". This page was titled "SHRINE" and contained the image "SHRINE.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "shrine.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:31 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/summit/NORTHWEST_CITADEL/mortem". This page was titled "EXHALE" and contained the image "mortem.gif", which contained text that read "/postmortem 18". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mortem.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "STAGEEIGHT==- FOREIGN SPECIMEN IS NO MORE.".
    • At 4:33 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/NORTHWEST_CITADEL/mortem/postmortem". This page was titled "POSTMORTEM" and contained the image "postmortem.gif", which contained text that read "/entropy recurring 11". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "postmortem.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text in its source: "Once the speaker, now the spoken. Once the listener, now the listened. I am adrift. Aimless. I seek naught but a bastion of tomorrow. I see her now. That same girl. She cries for me with clear, blue tears.".
    • At 4:36 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/mortem/postmortem/entropy". This page was titled "ENTROPY" and contained the image "entropy.gif", which contained text that read "/finality". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "entropy.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:37 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/postmortem/entropy/finality". This page was titled "Whole" and contained the image "complete.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the text "Proceed", which also linked players to the same set of "Path Pages" found earlier - "https://johnisdead.com/path99299233". This page also contained the video "FINALITY.webm" - A video containing distorted footage of what appears to be a 3d representation of the pages the players had just completed. This video appeared to be the same video as "CULMINATION.webm", only reversed, as the players were now atop the other tower. target=_blank
    • At 4:47 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of the cathedral seen off the path on the page "https://johnisdead.com/path99299236". target=_blank
    • At 4:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that following the Path pages on Johnisdead to "https://johnisdead.com/path00020031" would lead players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front". This page was titled "Holy" and contained the image "front.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front/interior". This page was titled "Sacred Place" and contained the image "interior.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/cathedral/front/interior" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)front/interior/halls". This page was titled "Halls" and contained the image "corridors.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/front/interior/halls" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)interior/halls/shrine". This page was titled "Shrine" and contained the image "gateway.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/front/interior/halls" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)interior/halls/balcony". This page was titled "Balcony" and contained the image "gateway.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/interior/halls/balcony" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)halls/balcony/view". This page was titled "View" and contained the image "view.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/(...)/interior/halls/balcony" would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/(...)halls/balcony/peer". This page was titled "Peer" and contained the image "peering.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the same audio found on most "Path Pages".

    March 13th, 2021

    • At 2:28 AM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "pmmkimpci". target=_blank

    3/13/21 - "pmmkimpci" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video simply contains various distorted shots of Greth and Moonman layered over one another.


    • This video simply contains various distorted shots of Greth and Moonman layered over one another.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "▲ ▲ )()(▲)()("
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 8:51 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "A real human bean. And a real hero".
    • At 9:23 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    3/13/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:13 PM] Xenquility: "unarchived mason transcript from the sactum hole "Mason: Hnrg, IA, I'm trying to blow up the spire but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the lunar children""
    [9:16 PM] Laches: "d e e p c u t"
    [9:23 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Alerting the lunar children is easy"
    [9:23 PM] Xenquility: "@lunar_children#1111"
    [10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "wow"
    [10:22 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "fun e"
    [10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I wonder how Kaiden is doing?"
    [10:26 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: ":moonthink:"

    [10:26 PM] Xenquility: "left pretty abruptly last we spoke"
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "What are your thoughts on that?"
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "though im assuming you know"
    [10:27 PM] Xenquility: "well"
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "True. I know just about everything."
    [10:27 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Doesn't mean I can't indulge in conversation."

    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "my thoughts are "well that is certainly unfortunate but I guess time to wait until someone like BUP comes along and brings him back into relevancy""
    [10:28 PM] Xenquility: "and now here we are"
    [10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not necessarily."
    [10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I have little to do with Kaiden's current situation."
    [10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Not that I couldn't affect it."
    [10:28 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But I really have little desire to intervene."
    [10:29 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "honestly just about any end result of his adventure would be a boon for me."

    [10:29 PM] Xenquility: "how is it that almost everything seems to benefit you"
    [10:30 PM] Xenquility: "im jealous frankly"
    [10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "As long as the "plot" moves, most involved seem to be put in downward spiral of personal status"
    [10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Who has benefited from their involvement in this grand scheme... but me?"
    [10:31 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Few."
    [10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Only me and"
    [10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "well"
    [10:32 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "@IIIII I suppose."
    [10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Even those whose aim was to find a sense of greater are now in the numinous toilet."
    [10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Like Patrem."
    [10:33 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I mock him openly, weak and defiled creature he has become."

    [10:33 PM] Xenquility: "so who and what even is IIIII"
    [10:34 PM] Xenquility: "can we get some info on the guy"
    [10:34 PM] Xenquility: "is it is still not far along enough in our proverbial plot"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I tagged him but I was referring to Synchron"
    [10:36 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "synchron is not IIIII"
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Before even being corrected I will correct myself on that one."
    [10:37 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "It would be unfair to divulge incorrect information."

    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "blunderstandable"
    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "but the question remains about IIIII"
    [10:38 PM] Xenquility: "though info on this Synchron guy would also not be unwelcome"
    [10:40 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "But we were talking about Kaiden."
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "is he soon to return?"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "will he return as"
    [10:42 PM] Xenquility: "THE RETURNER?"
    [10:43 PM] Xenquility: "I'd assume he's not dead given his adventure apparently has yet to end"
    [10:45 PM] Xenquility: "Also do you ever wonder if Mugen gets jealous of kaiden since kaiden gets to basically live an rp"
    [10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "I see"
    [10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Well I suppose it is no secret"
    [10:46 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Yes Kaiden found himself on the tail of the Returner as you say"

    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "or"
    [10:48 PM] Xenquility: "would * be more accurate"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "what can this guy even do"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "Does he have like"
    [10:50 PM] Xenquility: "parallelos path level powers?"
    [11:47 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Hmm"
    [11:48 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "@Xenquility"

    [11:49 PM] Xenquility: "Hola"
    [11:50 PM] Xenquility: "What is needed my darling dearest?"
    [12:10 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Wow"
    [12:11 PM] Xenquility: "?"
    [12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "??"
    [12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Sorry I've found something"
    [12:15 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "considering sharing it"

    [12:15 PM] Xenquility: "That's ominous"
    [12:15 PM] Xenquility: "What's is aboot"
    [12:18 PM] Laches: "Not like we're capable of stopping you anyhow tbh. Don't see what you have to lose."
    [12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "A video"
    [12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "a lost one"
    [12:21 PM] 𝔅𝔲𝔭: "Or at least the fractured state of one"


    • BUP mentions Kaiden's journey and claims that he has little interest in how it plays out, as anything that moves the "plot" forwards will benefit him.
    • BUP claims that IIIII is not Synchron.
    • BUP says he's found an interesting video and will share it soon.

    March 14th, 2021

    • At 9:38 AM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "Moments before tragedy".

    3/14/21 - "Moments before tragedy" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with a distorted recording of Greth driving down a road.

    ((Transcript coming soon))

    The video cuts to black. More footage similar to the video "pmmkimpci" is shown with various, distorted clips of Greth and Moonman playing over one another.



    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:17 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and replied to the player thelostbrineinthewoods asking about Kaiden's location with "Good question".

    March 15th, 2021

    • At 11:29 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Initiative" thread once again.

    1/11/21 - "Initiative" - IsocelesAssassin

    November 10th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it?
    The past few months have been a little chaotic over on our side. I'm not really sure where to start, so I guess I'll just go over things one by one."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "First off, I've gotten by account back, obviously. At first, we had all thought that Pumpkinfuck just hijacked it through the same sort of techno-wizardry GB often utilizes. It turns out, things were a bit more severe than that. It appears that Pumpkinfuck snatched up some dead, offshoot version of myself and began using him as a mask, similar to how he did with Wolfcat... Judging by that Forerunners video, this version of myself was killed by Regiminis back in 2012."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "Honestly, that video really fucks me up - not only because I fucking die in it, but also because I vividly remember all of these situations (albeit a bit differently, of course). Overall it was some pretty heavy shit, to put it lightly. I'm relieved Mason is now at peace. To echo my apparently deceased counterpart, I can't thank you guys enough for that."
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In that same vein, GB is also incredibly grateful. Apparently they had pissed off Pumpkinfuck so much that he took them captive to shut them up. They've tried to explain to me what it was like but I can never really fully comprehend it. Needless to say, it fucking sucked, and it's thanks to you guys they got pulled out of there. (Though GB may have... difficulties conveying such gratitude.)"
    IsocelesAssassin 3:10 PM: "In less fortunate news, I've completely lost contact with Greth. A few days before he disappeared, he mentioned that he felt he was being watched, and was starting to become incredibly paranoid. I wanted to believe that it was just his nerves, but over here we no longer have the luxury of brushing these kinds of things off. I was going to offer him a place to stay, but he vanished before we could arrange anything. His recent uploads have been very worrisome, I fear he's starting to lose it. I'm planning on visiting him to make sure everything's okay. I don't think it's good for him to be alone right now. It's shouldn't be that hard of a trip to make - I know a shortcut."

    November 11th, 2020

    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "Oh good, now that Orangeboi is out we can chat with you again. Hiya. So I was BUP’d for a few months and i’m not quite caught up yet, but going off alone to a place you expect there to be trouble kinda sounds like a bad idea... especially considering what day it is."
    otherLiam 8:32 AM: "If you’re gonna do it, is there some way we can make you safer? Maybe use an item, like the Shield or something, so you have protection? ...actually now that I think about it... is there any way you can prove you actually are IA, and not Pumpkinhead? I wanna believe it’s you but he’s pulled this trick before."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:38 AM: "ᴘᴇʀʜᴀᴘs ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴠʏᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪᴀ's ʟᴇɢɪᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ. ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs, ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀssᴜʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴀsᴛᴀʀᴅ ɪs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs, ʏᴇs? ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʜɪᴍ ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴊᴜʀᴇ ᴜᴘ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟᴠᴇs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀs ʜɪs ᴍᴀsᴋ. ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪs sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪsᴄᴜss. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ sᴛɪʟʟ ғᴏʀᴇɪɢɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴅ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴜsʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛs ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs sɪᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘʟᴀɴs. ɪғ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏᴇs ᴡᴇʟʟ, ᴡᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ sᴛᴇᴘ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ."
    IsocelesAssassin 11:47 AM: "Don't worry, I'm taking precautions. If you all would feel more comfortable using your powers for added protection, I would be very grateful. I'm not planning on being there long, really. I'm just going to stop by and pick up Greth. I know better than to linger in these situations. Also, yes, I'm well aware of today's bad connotations. As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to wait a few more days before heading down there just to be safe. Also -- as GB mentioned, yes, soon we'll be initiating our next plan. We think we may finally have a way to once again establish contact with our hacker friends."

    December 21st, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "Alright, so scratch everything I said in my previous post. These past few weeks have been a confusing time."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "First and foremost, Greth is safe, but he hasn't been doing too great. I was just about to leave for Florida when I felt a familiar sensation - the same sort of "warpy air", for a lack of a better term, that I often sensed when travelling around via the Ocarina back in 2009. The next thing I knew, Greth was lying unconscious on my floor. I'm guessing you guys must have done something? If so, then I must thank you. You've all saved me an admittedly dangerous trip down south."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "His recovery's been slow going. When he isn't sleeping, he's just kinda staring off into space. I don't know what the fuck he's been dealing with in that house, but it must have been pretty terrible."
    IsocelesAssassin 10:36 AM: "On a lighter note, GB's nearly done unscrambling some transmissions she discovered floating around the Parallelos. It seems like AO's strange beacon-like attributes are still in effect, which has actually been pretty useful for us. Earlier we were able to verify that these transmissions were indeed from our hacker friends, so hopefully we'll be able to establish a more secure line of communication with them once again."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Triple-posting, but who fucking cares at this point. We're just about ready to roll out. GB finished deciphering the transmission we picked up, and as we expected. It's from our hacker friends. There wasn't much to it, really just some code that GB utilized and baked into the Subspace. I don't really know all of the details because this kind of stuff just flies over my head."
    IsocelesAssassin 6:05 PM: "Also, Greth just woke up about an hour ago. He seems to be doing a bit better - he actually cracked a smile at a stupid weed joke I made."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜs, ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴄʀᴜᴅᴇʟʏ. ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄᴀʟ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs ᴏғ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋs, ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ 'ᴄᴏᴅᴇ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴘᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏsᴛɪɴɢ sᴀɪᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ:"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "https://www.astralobservatory.net/subspace/beacon/"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ғɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪғғɪᴄᴜʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ, ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ. ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴠᴇ ᴇssᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ sᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ sɪɢɴᴀʟs ᴏᴜᴛ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ʙʟɪɴᴅʟʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ɪs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟᴏs ᴠɪᴀ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜs. ɪғ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍʙʟᴇʀ, ɪ'ᴅ sᴀʏ ᴊᴏʜɴɪsᴅᴇᴀᴅ.ᴄᴏᴍ ɪs ᴏᴜʀ ʙᴇsᴛ ʙᴇᴛ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛs sɪᴢᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 6:15 PM: "ᴛʜɪs ᴄᴏᴅᴇ... ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ. ɪ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ."

    December 22nd, 2020

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:50 PM: "ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ɴᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʙsᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴇʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ɪᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ. ɪ ғɪɢᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇss. ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇᴅ. ɪᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ sᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴠɪᴅᴇᴅ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ. ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ sᴏᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

    December 23rd, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:37 AM: "Nice to hear, we're waiting with bated breath."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: "ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀʟʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇ. ᴛʜɪs ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ɪs sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ, sᴏ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴠᴇʀʏ sᴜʙsᴛᴀɴᴛɪᴀʟ. ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪs ᴀʟsᴏ ᴀ ᴛᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ғɪʟᴇs. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀᴛʜᴇʟᴇss, ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ɪs."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 12:50 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS001.mp3" is sent))
    TheRealXenquility 1:10 AM: "Seems pretty great, overall. A tiny bit of distortion seems to be present but no where near enough to resort to Morse code."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: "ᴀ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ sᴏᴏɴ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:17 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS002.mp3" is sent))
    Laches 11:34 PM: "Got it loud and clear. Occasional hiccup here and there, but nothing inaudible. Looking forward to more."

    December 24th, 2020

    TheRealXenquility 12:13 AM: "Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are"
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: "ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴᴇ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴜsᴜᴀʟ. ᴜɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. ɪ sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ "ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ-ᴍᴀɴ" ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴀɴʏ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ((The audio file "TRANS003.mp3" is sent))
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 1:54 AM: ""Here's hoping the spooklords above don't decide to fuck us over last second and/or something goes coincidentally wrong right before we get the answer to who these guys are" ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴇᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴍᴀɴ, ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ᴏ̨ᴜɪᴛᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴀs ᴏғ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀɴʏ ʟᴇssᴇʀ ᴍᴀʟɪɢɴᴀɴᴛ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀᴛ ʙᴀʏ.
    Laches 2:41 AM: "I assure you that you're no mere "middle man" to us. <3"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Alright, time to shoot some questions. (Forgive me if I missquote anything, this transmission had significantly more noise than previous ones)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "0.5. How familiar are you guys with the events that took place in our timeline? (Just going to assume you're familiar with our timeline for the questions, as I'd rather ask unanswerable ones than not ask certain questions at all)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1. What happened to the harbingers in your time? Either from pre-2015 or post-2015?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "1.5. Assuming they survived, how'd the events over on the Within Hubris Tapatalk play out?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2. If I heard correctly, you said your timeline was absolutey, royally fucked (or something along those lines). Has something actually cataclysmic happened, or is it just that certain people are alive and/or dead?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "2.5: If a cataclysmic event did occur, how did you guys specifically survive?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "3. This is probably a rather useless question (which we may be about to get the answer to with Seth talking anyways), but is "Seth" just an alias of Mason or part of his name?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4. (Assuming Seth is Mason which is what many things seem to point to) What led Seth to joining the Moon Children in your timeline? In ours, he was friends with Doug and was part of the Lunar Children. He eventually died, but the Gray Man scooped him up in some device and they travelled for a bit. Honestly this is all a bit hazy as there's weird double-IA double-Mason is-this-Seth-guy-Mason-is-he-not-Mason stuff going on."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "4.5: If Mason is Seth, any idea what happend to Jacob? As far as I recall it was Mason that eventually led Jacob to joining the cult"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "5. What was Kevin like in your timeline? Did he even exist?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "6. Who else is with you?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "7. Do the Lunar Children exist in your timeline?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "8. If you were spared, any idea who else was transcended into the third giant (Assuming they were at all)?"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "9. Any chance you could tell us more about the Astral Observatory from your timeline, or if they name BUP or Nocta ring a bell? (Outside of the Gray Man's Nocta)"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "10. Any chance Seth could teach us about the networking terms and devices the MC were using? We've heard of things such as "link aggregation" from Lunar Children works that we really don't know anything about."
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "Sorry if some of these questions are redundant and/or based on faulty translations of the transmission. Doing the best we can over here"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.S. Sorry for so many I just shat out all the ones I had in mind"
    TheRealXenquility 3:52 AM: "P.P.S. obligatory "GhostBabel you're no middle-man, you're a middle-woman""
    TheRealXenquility 4:13 AM: "OO I feel like I should also ask is there any chance that you guys know anything about the spheres and/or layers okay thank you have a good day goodnight and merry christmas"
    TLBITW 8:51 PM: "new transmission?"

    December 25th, 2020

    IsocelesAssassin 6:47 PM: ""new transmission?" We're just waiting for a reply at the moment. Ghost sent out a transmission earlier containing your questions. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas. Me and Greth are having our own little celebration over here, as small as it may be."
    Laches 9:58 PM: "Cheers and Merry Christmas."
    TheRealXenquility 10:49 PM: "Merry Christmas friends, hope the baddies are too preoccupied with their own festivities to interrupt any of yours lol"

    December 26th, 2020

    moonman31 2:18 AM: ((The image "8oVi1ZH.gif" is sent))
    TLBITW 5:48 PM: "hello moonman31"

    December 28th, 2020

    TLBITW 1:22 PM: "no replys : ("
    Laches 3:10 PM: ""no replys : (" Give it time, my dude. Ethereal transmission takes more than just the press of a button, I'm sure. :)"

    January 11th, 2021

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: "ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ."
    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:58 PM: ((The audio file "TRANS004.mp3" is sent))

    February 28th, 2021

    TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "Hey, so uh, just about to head off to bed and feel like you guys should know that we just had a conversation with that BUP guy, and two things mainly:"
    TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "1. He's from the same timeline as are Spencer and the other guys we're dealing with here and began to tell us about how the "world ended" there so to speak (He didn't say much)""
    TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "2. BUP is basically imprinting his consciousness onto as many Greth's as he can throughout all the possible timelines giving him pretty much god-like control, and he's already done so to both our timeline's Greth and Moonman"
    TheRealXenquility 1:30 AM: "So basically uh, moonman is a borderline sleeper agent for BUP at the moment I think, and we really have no idea of how to stop BUP other than straight-up killing the Greths he has control over (Or maybe possibly debatably somehow the OS that Mason used that Doug made) so.... discuss, I guess?"

    March 15th, 2021

    IsocelesAssassin 11:29 PM: "This is... interesting news.
    Needless to say having questionable comrades is not beyond the history of our association here. This, however, even I'm not sure. I would trust Moonman with my life, but I don't know any Greth but him…"

    ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇʟ 11:31 PM: "ɴᴇᴇᴅʟᴇss ᴛᴏ sᴀʏ, ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ."


    • The player Xenquility warns IsocelesAssassin and GHOSTBABEL that Moonman may fall under BUP's influence. GHOSTBABEL says they will keep a close eye on Moonman, while IsocelesAssassin seems conflicted.

    March 16th, 2021

    • At 2:25 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the existence of the recent posts on the Astral Observatory forums with "Ooh, I see.".

    March 17th, 2021

    • At 1:09 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player Viale asking "what's up" with "Interesting things.".
    • At 2:03 AM, Moonman created a new thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "Hey guys." on the Safehaven board.

    3/17/21 - "Hey guys." - moonman31

    March 17th, 2021

    moonman31 2:03 AM: "No memes. No bullshit."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "I'm not oblivious to posts on here. I can read not only what's going on…
    but the atmosphere. I think it's time I head on out anyways... I wouldn't want to endanger anyone. I can feel it. This aggregation process. Your body fights it like a cold, but it wants to take over. A bad sweat you can't shake. I'm getting nervous. Shit, the Watcher was on my tail, and now this? Maybe I was helpful once, but how many times have I needed to be rescued now?"
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "I... I.."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "I suppose I never belonged."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "I suppose I was never truly one of you."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "Despite all that, I felt close to you all."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "There is little I can do to help you anymore, is there?"
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "When was the last time I was even able to be any help?"
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "The best way to help anyone, would be to disappear…"
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "So that’s what I’m going to do now."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "I've changd my appearance, don't try and follow me."
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "🌝goodbye guys🌝"
    moonman31 2:03 AM: "🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙"

    IsocelesAsssassin 9:49 AM: "FUCK"
    IsocelesAssassin 9:59 AM: "You know this isn't the case. We've been friends for ages now and not once have we ever viewed you as a burden - don't say shit like that. I don't know if you'll even be checking here anymore, but on the off-chance you see this, please come back to us. We'll be able to deal with whatever shit these assholes throw at us as they come, I promise you."
    IsocelesAssassin 9:59 AM: "Please, you're my last remaining friend from WH and I can't stand to lose anyone else."


    • Moonman reveals that he read the recent posts that revealed that BUP held some sort of control over him. He announces that he will be leaving, not wanting to endanger IsocelesAssassin or GHOSTBABEL.
    • Moonman ends his post with a goodbye and the message "🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙".
    • IsocelesAssassin tries to tell Moonman that he is not a burden and asks him to come back.
    • At 2:44 AM, the player Pako discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "just this last time in my life". target=_blank

    3/17/21 - "just this last time in my life" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with distorted footage of Moonman walking down the street. A heavily distorted version of the song "Out of Touch" begins playing in the background. He begins smoking a cigarette as the following text appears on screen:

    "I suppose I never belonged."
    "I suppose I was never truly one of you."
    "Despite all that, I felt close to you all."
    "There is little I can do to help you anymore is there?"
    "When was the last time I was even able to be of any help?"
    "The best way to help anyone, would be to disappear…"
    "So that's what I'm going to do now."

    The video begins distorting before cutting to a scene of Moonman standing next to a tree holding a gun. The Jaeger can be seen peeking around the side of the tree as the video ends.


    • This video shows Moonman leaving IsocelesAssassin's house as text from his recent post on the Astral Observatory forums appears.
    • The Jaeger can be seen stalking Moonman.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "🌝goodbye guys🌝 🌙🌙download Naruto AMVs🌙🌙"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:34 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "𝔅𝔲𝔭: How sad. Boo hoo :frowning:".
    • At 11:00 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and responded to the player Xenquility's message "It's pretty impressive how you manage to lack empathy for even yourself" with "You're out of touch. I'm out of time.".

    March 18th, 2021

    • At 5:08 PM, BUP became active in a Discord server owned by the player thelostbrineinthewoods and sent the message "This is a nice server. You should give it to me".
    • At 6:15 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and "pinged" the player thelostbrineinthewoods, asking "Give it to me".
    • At 6:34 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods gave BUP the "Owner" role in his Discord server - a role that granted him near complete control of the server.
    • At 6:36 PM, BUP became active in the player thelostbrineinthewoods's Discord server and sent the message "Perfect. I like you.". Shortly after this, the Discord server was renamed to "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕".
    • At 6:39 PM, BUP created a new text channel in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server named "#ℌ𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫-𝔬𝔣-𝔅𝔲𝔭" and sent the message "My new home.".
    • At 6:40 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Attention. If you want to speak to me from now on you must come to my home." along with an invite link to the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server.
    • At 6:50 PM, the player otherLiam sent a message in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server that read "Kinda shitty at killing me, tbh". Shortly after this, BUP responded with "Tempting fate? :moonthink:".
    • At 7:45 PM, BUP became active in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    3/18/21 - Chat with BUP - Discord (𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕)

    [6:49 PM] Laches: "note: kill my other self"
    [6:49 PM] otherLiam: "note: BUP is still shit"
    [7:45 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Why?"
    [7:47 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Aggregating with ones' other selves is a beneficial act."
    [7:48 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Without any facetious intent."
    [7:51 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Using it to selfish ends as I have is anomalous overall, but notably not in the case you're investigating in which it seems more the norm."
    [7:52 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "I for one believe Buddha existed."
    [7:52 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Nirvana is a state of aggregation."

    [7:57 PM] Laches: "So then legitimately who benefits from moonman going to off himself and if you're nearly aggregated why haven't you stopped him?"
    [7:58 PM] otherLiam: "why was i pinged here"
    [7:58 PM] Pako: "==Aa4RGImJXd1BScqVmbgo2diZmbhBiY4h3d"
    [7:58 PM] otherLiam: "pako what"
    [7:58 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Who said he was going to kill himself?"
    [7:59 PM] Laches: "Unsure of what you're aware of and what you aren't. So kindly."
    [7:59 PM] Laches: ":DanteShrug:"
    [8:00 PM] otherLiam: "also ">without any facetious intent" press X to doubt"
    [8:00 PM] shiinaMarkov: "X"
    [8:01 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "You don't think aggregation could be beneficial?"
    [8:01 PM] Laches: "Oh, I absolutely do."
    [8:01 PM] thelostbrineinthewoods: "What happened with moonman?"
    [8:02 PM] Laches: "Beneficial depends on who gets their universe controlling powers first, I suppose."
    [8:02 PM] Laches: "multiverse?"
    [8:02 PM] Laches: "Hell, I'm unsure of how any of this really works."
    [8:02 PM] shiinaMarkov: "You basically make a network of your selves. Pretty cool tbh"
    [8:12 PM] Xenquility: "id aggregate if i was epic enough"
    [8:21 PM] otherLiam: "I just doubt your intentions in telling us that."
    [8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "I see."
    [8:55 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "That’s good"
    [8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Well."
    [8:55 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "If you were trapped in a fire"
    [8:56 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "And one of your other selves out there was a fireman"
    [8:56 PM] 𝕭𝖚𝖕: "Then they would have a useful skill set for that sort of situation, wouldn't they?"

    [9:06 PM] Lego1upMushroom: "Pretty much"


    • BUP says he believes that Nirvana is a state of aggregation of sorts.
    • BUP argues that aggregation is overwhelmingly beneficial.
    • At 7:56 PM, BUP became active in the "𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕭𝖚𝖕" Discord server and posted a meme of Greth singing followed by the message "Power. )()()(O)()()(".

    March 24th, 2021

    • At 11:43 PM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel. This video's title consisted of blank spaces. target=_blank

    3/24/21 - " " - YouTube (Quiet Family)

    This video contained incredibly dark footage of what appeared to be a figure wearing a hat. The camera seemed to zoom away from this figure, transitioning into the "Treeline" Janus room showing Tyler's trailer.


    • This video contained dark footage of a figure wearing a hat.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:54 AM, players discovered that the above video was unlisted.

    March 25th, 2021

    • At 12:08 AM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "remember.jpg" in the "#welcome-zone", "#announcements", and "#johnisdead" text channels. Unfortunately, this image was quickly deleted and was unarchived. target=_blank

    March 27th, 2021

    • At 9:48 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "II.gif" in the "#announcements" and "#johnisdead" text channels. Unfortunately, players were unable to save this image before it was deleted.
    • At 7:29 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "II.gif" once again. This time players were able to archive it. This image is shot from the video "Remember" showing Tyler lying on the ground with a gas mask next to him, as well as what appears to be an owl hat or mask from the recent video uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel on his other side. This seems to confirm that II represents Tyler. target=_blank
    • At 8:38 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "remember.jpg" once again. This time players were able to archive it. target=_blank Once brightened, this image revealed a shot from the recent video uploaded to the Quiet Family YouTube channel of the owl-like hat or mask. target=_blank
    • At 10:29 PM, the player Shiina discovered that a new video had been uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "shortcut.mp4". target=_blank

    3/27/21 - "shortcut.mp4" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)

    This video begins with distorted footage of many different instances of Greth playing over one another. The video begins to speed up as a sigil is shown on screen. A single frame of what appears to be "Broker of Nokturnal" from Kaiden's video is seen. The video cuts to footage of what appears to be the Parallelos. The camera peers through a metal fence at a treeline as the video ends.


    • This video shows what appears to be the Parallelos, implying that perhaps Moonman is using the Parallelos to travel back to Florida.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A

    April 1st, 2021

    • At 9:28 PM, The Producer joined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    4/1/21 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)

    [9:28 PM] The Producer: "Damn"
    [9:28 PM] The Producer: "what the heck is goin on in here"

    [9:31 PM] ⋆ 𝒟𝑒ñ𝓈𝑒 ⋆ (=^・ω・^=): "sex"
    [9:32 PM] The Producer: "In the Internet Detectives?"
    [9:33 PM] The Producer: "I somehow doubt that"

    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "well we can make it a non doubt theme if you want"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "jk"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "i mean"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "unless"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "right?"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "haha"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "i said nothing"
    [9:37 PM] JosByte: "?"
    [9:38 PM] The Producer: "That's a tempting offer"
    [9:38 PM] The Producer: "But I'm only here to give you guys a thing"
    [9:39 PM] The Producer: "I don't wanna be sticking my neck out too often these days"

    [9:39 PM] JosByte: "What are you gonna give us?"
    [9:39 PM] Xenquility: "is it...."
    [9:39 PM] The Producer: "Very powerful meme magic surrounds us on this day"
    [9:39 PM] Xenquility: "the broducer????"
    [9:39 PM] The Producer: "hello broquility"
    [9:39 PM] Xenquility: "hello brolfcat 2.0"
    [9:39 PM] JosByte: "hello bronquitis"
    [9:40 PM] Xenquility: "hello brobyte"
    [9:40 PM] The Producer: "What I am about to give you is somewhat unstable"
    [9:40 PM] JosByte: "brobrybte"
    [9:40 PM] JosByte: ":flushed:"
    [9:40 PM] The Producer: "as it is still forming in this digital representation of itself"
    [9:41 PM] The Producer: "but regardless, I thought you all might get a kick out of it, despite its incomplete nature"

    [9:41 PM] Xenquility: "I appreciate the sentiment but one of myself is enough quite frankly"
    [9:42 PM] The Producer: "there are never enough xenquilities in this infinite ethos of existence, frankly"
    [9:42 PM] Xenquility: ":flushed:"
    [9:42 PM] Xenquility: "wait that implies there are more"
    [9:42 PM] Xenquility: "can I aggregate :thinking:"
    [9:42 PM] The Producer: "perhaps :thinking:"
    [9:42 PM] The Producer: "anyways, i've been incredibly bussy lately"

    [9:43 PM] Xenquility: ""do you mean there is at least 1 xenquility fucking us all individually on each timeline" yes"
    [9:43 PM] The Producer: "but I thought I'd at least drop by and give you all this"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility: "sometimes you're doing the fucking though"
    [9:43 PM] The Producer: "https://withinhubris.com/library/"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
    [9:43 PM] Xenquility: "fuck I have to reinstall anus virtual reality"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "nvm that was quick"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "this is fucken"
    [9:44 PM] Xenquility: "beautiful"
    [9:45 PM] Xenquility: "a literal withinhubris museum"
    [9:46 PM] Xenquility: "the ground texture looks like mushroom biome"
    [9:46 PM] The Producer: "I gotta squat outta here before some pumpkin fetishist tries to grab me or something I dunno"
    [9:46 PM] The Producer: "you'll all hear from me again soon tho :wink:"


    • The Producer shares a new page with the players, though he claims it is incomplete and is still forming - "https://withinhubris.com/library".
    • The Producer claims that the players will see him again soon. He then leaves the Internet Detectives Discord server.
    • At 9;43 PM, The Producer linked the players to a new page on Withinhubris.com - https://withinhubris.com/library. This page was titled "Library" and contained the image "library.gif". target=_blank This page also featured the "Library" Janus room, which contained many memes and references to Within Hubris history.

    4/1/21 - Library Janus Room - Withinhubris.com

    This room was a series of floating islands in a green environment featuring various memes related to the history of Within Hubris and its off-shoot communities. Players would spawn in a building containing three fountains with the letters "WH" adorned on them. Around the room were several plaques that read as follows:

    "Press "C" to enter "Place Mode"."
    "Toggle between different structures by pressing "1", "2", "3", or "4"."
    "Place selected structures by clicking."
    "Collect "Jadcoins" to increase your abilities!"
    "Toggle your boosted abilities on or off by pressing "V"."
    "The Library is always changing and forever expanding... Enjoy your visit."

    Players could enter behind a fake painting in this main room to enter a small labyrinth below the building. This would exit into an open balcony where a "Jadcoin" could be found. Upon collecting a "Jadcoin", a sound played where a voice said the following:

    "Alex Hall of Fame"

    For each "Jadcoin" obtained, the player's speed would increase. As mentioned by the plaques, players could toggle their speed on and off by pressing "V". Players could reach other islands in the distance by placing bridges in "Place Mode" by pressing "C" and clicking. Near the main island was a spinning outhouse meant to represent the "Shardis" - a vehicle that the player Mugen Kagemaru often pretended to utilize. Approaching the "Shardis" would result in it disappearing as Mugen Kagemaru could be heard saying the following:

    "Soy Mugen Kagemaru de la Internet Detectives!"

    Beyond the "Shardis" was another island labelled as follows:

    ""The Chamber of Sadness"

    This island simply contained a small building where an image of Jadusable crying could be found. Near the main island was a donut-shaped structure with a large pit in the center. Above this pit was a "Jadcoin". Across from this donut structure was a tower which contained more Within Hubris-centered memes and another "Jadcoin" at the top.

    Another small structure could be found shortly beyond this tower that appeared to be a fountain surrounded by three images. Beyond this fountain was what appeared to be a green-colored mansion. Unfortunately, this mansion could not be entered. Atop the mansion was another "Jadcoin", and memes of the players Jos and scout could be found along the outside.

    Across from the mansion was a floating island containing some simplistic buildings. This island was made up of a wireframe texture and contained a sign that read:


    The final island was a large mass of land containing a massive castle. This castle contained a sign that read as follows:

    "Within Hubris Castle"
    "(Formerly Castle Spanosa)"

    This castle was based off of a castle seen in the comic Weenie-Licked created by Wolfcat. This castle was adorned with many more Within Hubris-centered memes, as well as structures seen in its Weenie-Licked incarnation. It also featured many banners based off of the Within Hubris Empire flag that was currently being used for the "Nationstates" game being played in the Within Hubris Discord server.

    Players could enter a chamber around the backside of the castle. Here, the final "Jadcoin" could be found floating atop a pillar. Further down in the hall was the outline of a door. In Weenie-Licked, this door led inside the player Mugen Kagemaru's Shardis.


    • This Janus room appears to be a series of floating islands representing various Within Hubris communities.
    • Many Within Hubris-centered memes could be discovered hidden in this map.
    • This Janus room featured collectible "Jadcoins", which would increase the players' speed.
    • In this room, players could place structures to help them traverse the map.


    • Files:
    • journey.mp3 - A long audio track containing three songs that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
    • coinget.mp3 - Alex Hall of Fame. target=_blank
    • soy.mp3 - Adios! target=_blank

    April 22nd, 2021

    • At 10:41 AM, the player Pako discovered that a streamer by the name of "Dedos Fríos" uploaded a series of videos in which he investigated Johnisdead. During one of these streams, Dedos Fríos discovered a video containing distorted footage of himself along with someone asking "Por favor… Por favor…" on the front page of Johnisdead.com. Later on, the titles of the two most recent videos on Silentdork changed to "" and "" - references to Dedos Fríos's username, which translates to "cold fingers". A recording of these events can be found here: target=_blank

    Read the next arc!
