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At 12:37 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Everyone still alive?" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/12/24 - "Everyone still alive?" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem><span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 11th, 2024</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 4:38 PM: "Hey all, it’s been a while so I figured it’d be nice to let you know that we’re not dead; just INCREDIBLY busy. Everyone’s gone their separate ways so it’s been a bit difficult to keep track of everything, though I’ve thankfully managed to keep some degree of contact with them. Anyway, I hope everyone is staying safe on this traditionally notorious day."
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "hey sexy, good to see you’re still alive too. Hope there are no spooky villains jumping through the parallelos to eat you rn. you been keeping safe from the baddies?"
IsocelesAssassin 6:39 PM: "Thankfully. It’s actually been relatively quiet lately; so much so that I’ve taken a page out of Kaiden’s book and decided to start my own series of investigations. I figured it’d be a better use of my time than just sitting at home on my ass."
Xenquility 6:54: "What’re you looking into? If it’s the same guy as Kaiden… we perhaps have a lead on who that is, if you aren’t sure yet. But it’s the type of answer it might be best to talk around."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "No, not that. That’s more Kaiden’s department: “The Perpetrator“, as he’s so tactfully dubbed them. I still have my theories, but I’d rather invoke as little as possible regarding that question. I’m realizing now that it’d probably be best to just give a general update in regards to what everyone’s been up to, so I’ll do that before getting into my bullshit."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "First and foremost, Greth’s made an impressive recovery. Last I heard, he’s basically back to his old self, albeit with occasional bouts of dizziness and confusion. He’s supposedly sleeping a hell of a lot more, which is an improvement. He’s still staying with NotAHoax, which is partially why it’s been so hard to hear from him – that motherfucker’s a pro at staying off the grid."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I actually hear from Kaiden fairly regularly. He brought Greth to Hoax after rescuing him from his failed Aggregation attempt. He didn’t stick around for long, though. From what I can gather, he’s no longer investigating the homes of our departed friends but is instead checking out a variety of other locations. In classic Kaiden fashion, he’s been frustratingly coy regarding the details. He also apparently has some sort of special ‘powers’ now?? He hasn’t really told me anything about them. I think he’s waiting to unveil them to you all himself."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "GB’s been hard at work maintaining this site and recovering Nocta’s old files. I took a look at the most recent one she posted. Despite it claiming that it’s the last one, GB’s actually got quite a few left to work on. Who knows. GB’s also been trying to once again establish contact with our hacker friends. I actually attempted to assist her with this. I went back to that same cellphone tower to try and connect with them the old fashioned way. No luck, sadly."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "To tell the truth, I was actually beginning to feel a bit useless just sitting around doing nothing. GB had the site under control all by herself and there really wasn’t much for me to do. That’s when I decided to I dust off one of the gadgets from our tech-savvy allies and checked out some key locations. I knew it was a risky idea, but seeing how the bulk of these fuckers had completely vanished I figured that now was a better time than ever."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "So, as you all probably know by now, I’ve actually scouted out The Spire several times in the past. This familiarity coupled with the fact that it was in a relatively safe environment made it an easy first choice. When I arrived, I discovered that The Spire was completely gone. This wasn’t that big of a shock, really; they had to clean up the rubble eventually, I suppose. However, I was put-off by the fact that the entire area was just a large, empty concrete lot now. Apparently no one has attempted to do anything with the property over the past eight or so years."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "Unfortunately, there really wasn’t anything interesting to note in the immediate area; only some chalk scribbles left on the ground by some kids. I was creeped out standing where the building itself used to be, though. It made my hairs stand on end, almost like a static sensation. Probably just my nerves, most likely."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I eventually worked up the courage to once again check out the fishery. If you’ll remember, my last visit there didn’t go so well. Thankfully, I was feeling a bit more confident this time around thanks to our hacker friends. First off, actually getting to the fishery is a hassle in and of itself. I swear, I can travel directly towards its location in what should be a 20 minute trek and still somehow end up lost in the woods for 2-3 hours."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "Anyway, as expected, the fishery was basically in the same state as before – only a bit more overgrown in places. I checked the elusive server room. No servers. However, I did spot a strange grate on the floor that seemed to lead to a basement of some sort?? I’m not sure how this place could even have a basement without it being absolutely flooded year-round. I tried opening up the grate to get a better look, but it was pretty badly rusted. Admittedly, even if I was able to open it up, I doubt I’d be man enough to go down there on my own. I kept hearing sounds of sloshing coming from down there along with a godawful odor. It could be nothing more than an old sewage system, but I have my doubts…"
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "When I was about to head back towards civilization, I spotted something strange in the trees. Fresh plywood. It was just… floating there. I noticed more of it was a continued through the woods. I saw other weird shit, too. Beams of wood and incomplete house frames – even clumps of insulation were all dotted around the trees. I followed them until I eventually came across the ruins of some old house. It was just a little ways away from the fishery; I’m surprised I’d never stumbled across it before."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I was about to pick through the rubble when I got the absolute shit scared out of me. Something I can only describe as a fleshy mannequin suddenly manifested atop the rubble and started screaming at me. I remember it bursting into flames as I turned around and darted back towards the fishery. As I was running, I noticed that the grassy floor of the woods started becoming harder, almost like stone. I was now somehow running on asphalt?? Like a whole ass road warped in out of fucking nowhere. After a while, the road just stopped – I think around where the fishery used to be. By the way, yeah, the fishery was gone just like last time."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "So yeah. Fishery’s fucked as usual."</i>
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Man, the fuck? “Fleshy mannequin” is a new level of insane. But I’m wondering if this was maybe John’s house? Kind of sounds like it… near the fishery, a rubble, haunted by a dude without flesh who bursts into flames… Also, sorry, did you say the fishery was “gone”? Do you mean gone as in run-down like it’s been for a while, or “gone” as in gone like the spire? There’s some realllll messy stuff that’s seemed to have gone on inside the lunar children with their experiments with spiritus and the spire, and if the fishery is disappearing like the spire, it might be connected."
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Also I know this is a weird detail to comb over, but how abnormal was this plywood? And, I guess, the houses on top of that? Was it all stuff that looked new, was there any order to it?"
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 12th, 2024</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Man, the fuck? “Fleshy mannequin” is a new level of insane. But I’m wondering if this was maybe John’s house? Kind of sounds like it… near the fishery, a rubble, haunted by a dude without flesh who bursts into flames…"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "I’m not entirely sure… That all makes sense, but the location didn’t look like what was shown in Tyler’s video. It’s possible that it had just become much more overgrown. I’m going to do some more research into John’s family and see if I can’t track down the location of his home to verify this."
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Also, sorry, did you say the fishery was “gone”? Do you mean gone as in run-down like it’s been for a while, or “gone” as in gone like the spire? There’s some realllll messy stuff that’s seemed to have gone on inside the lunar children with their experiments with spiritus and the spire, and if the fishery is disappearing like the spire, it might be connected."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "I mean “gone” in the sense that it had completely vanished. This happened to me once before when me and Mason had our run-in with Doug, though the strange road was nowhere to be found at the time."
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Also I know this is a weird detail to comb over, but how abnormal was this plywood? And, I guess, the houses on top of that? Was it all stuff that looked new, was there any order to it?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "To clarify, none of the construction-related stuff I saw in the woods was anywhere near complete. It was mostly just the occasional wooden wall frame / boards here and there; no complete structures of any sort. As for the wood itself, it looked brand new and fairly unassuming despite floating mid-air in the middle of the woods. From what I could tell, there was no order to any of it."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin doesn't believe that the ruined house he discovered is John's because it looked different.
IsocelesAssassin says he will do more research on John and his family in an attempt to pinpoint the location of his old home.
IsocelesAssassin notes that the fishery disappeared in a manner similar to how it did when he and Mason were chased by Doug in the past.
IsocelesAssassin says that the plywood and construction floating in the woods seemed brand-new and was scattered about aimlessly.
Line 20,143: Line 20,204:
Randy claims that Murphy has a wife and son.
Randy claims that Murphy has a wife and son.
<h2>November 17th, 2024</h2>
At 1:57 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Everyone still alive?" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/17/24 - "Everyone still alive?" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem><span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 11th, 2024</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 4:38 PM: "Hey all, it’s been a while so I figured it’d be nice to let you know that we’re not dead; just INCREDIBLY busy. Everyone’s gone their separate ways so it’s been a bit difficult to keep track of everything, though I’ve thankfully managed to keep some degree of contact with them. Anyway, I hope everyone is staying safe on this traditionally notorious day."
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "hey sexy, good to see you’re still alive too. Hope there are no spooky villains jumping through the parallelos to eat you rn. you been keeping safe from the baddies?"
IsocelesAssassin 6:39 PM: "Thankfully. It’s actually been relatively quiet lately; so much so that I’ve taken a page out of Kaiden’s book and decided to start my own series of investigations. I figured it’d be a better use of my time than just sitting at home on my ass."
Xenquility 6:54: "What’re you looking into? If it’s the same guy as Kaiden… we perhaps have a lead on who that is, if you aren’t sure yet. But it’s the type of answer it might be best to talk around."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "No, not that. That’s more Kaiden’s department: “The Perpetrator“, as he’s so tactfully dubbed them. I still have my theories, but I’d rather invoke as little as possible regarding that question. I’m realizing now that it’d probably be best to just give a general update in regards to what everyone’s been up to, so I’ll do that before getting into my bullshit."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "First and foremost, Greth’s made an impressive recovery. Last I heard, he’s basically back to his old self, albeit with occasional bouts of dizziness and confusion. He’s supposedly sleeping a hell of a lot more, which is an improvement. He’s still staying with NotAHoax, which is partially why it’s been so hard to hear from him – that motherfucker’s a pro at staying off the grid."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I actually hear from Kaiden fairly regularly. He brought Greth to Hoax after rescuing him from his failed Aggregation attempt. He didn’t stick around for long, though. From what I can gather, he’s no longer investigating the homes of our departed friends but is instead checking out a variety of other locations. In classic Kaiden fashion, he’s been frustratingly coy regarding the details. He also apparently has some sort of special ‘powers’ now?? He hasn’t really told me anything about them. I think he’s waiting to unveil them to you all himself."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "GB’s been hard at work maintaining this site and recovering Nocta’s old files. I took a look at the most recent one she posted. Despite it claiming that it’s the last one, GB’s actually got quite a few left to work on. Who knows. GB’s also been trying to once again establish contact with our hacker friends. I actually attempted to assist her with this. I went back to that same cellphone tower to try and connect with them the old fashioned way. No luck, sadly."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "To tell the truth, I was actually beginning to feel a bit useless just sitting around doing nothing. GB had the site under control all by herself and there really wasn’t much for me to do. That’s when I decided to I dust off one of the gadgets from our tech-savvy allies and checked out some key locations. I knew it was a risky idea, but seeing how the bulk of these fuckers had completely vanished I figured that now was a better time than ever."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "So, as you all probably know by now, I’ve actually scouted out The Spire several times in the past. This familiarity coupled with the fact that it was in a relatively safe environment made it an easy first choice. When I arrived, I discovered that The Spire was completely gone. This wasn’t that big of a shock, really; they had to clean up the rubble eventually, I suppose. However, I was put-off by the fact that the entire area was just a large, empty concrete lot now. Apparently no one has attempted to do anything with the property over the past eight or so years."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "Unfortunately, there really wasn’t anything interesting to note in the immediate area; only some chalk scribbles left on the ground by some kids. I was creeped out standing where the building itself used to be, though. It made my hairs stand on end, almost like a static sensation. Probably just my nerves, most likely."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I eventually worked up the courage to once again check out the fishery. If you’ll remember, my last visit there didn’t go so well. Thankfully, I was feeling a bit more confident this time around thanks to our hacker friends. First off, actually getting to the fishery is a hassle in and of itself. I swear, I can travel directly towards its location in what should be a 20 minute trek and still somehow end up lost in the woods for 2-3 hours."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "Anyway, as expected, the fishery was basically in the same state as before – only a bit more overgrown in places. I checked the elusive server room. No servers. However, I did spot a strange grate on the floor that seemed to lead to a basement of some sort?? I’m not sure how this place could even have a basement without it being absolutely flooded year-round. I tried opening up the grate to get a better look, but it was pretty badly rusted. Admittedly, even if I was able to open it up, I doubt I’d be man enough to go down there on my own. I kept hearing sounds of sloshing coming from down there along with a godawful odor. It could be nothing more than an old sewage system, but I have my doubts…"
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "When I was about to head back towards civilization, I spotted something strange in the trees. Fresh plywood. It was just… floating there. I noticed more of it was a continued through the woods. I saw other weird shit, too. Beams of wood and incomplete house frames – even clumps of insulation were all dotted around the trees. I followed them until I eventually came across the ruins of some old house. It was just a little ways away from the fishery; I’m surprised I’d never stumbled across it before."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "I was about to pick through the rubble when I got the absolute shit scared out of me. Something I can only describe as a fleshy mannequin suddenly manifested atop the rubble and started screaming at me. I remember it bursting into flames as I turned around and darted back towards the fishery. As I was running, I noticed that the grassy floor of the woods started becoming harder, almost like stone. I was now somehow running on asphalt?? Like a whole ass road warped in out of fucking nowhere. After a while, the road just stopped – I think around where the fishery used to be. By the way, yeah, the fishery was gone just like last time."
IsocelesAssassin 8:49 PM: "So yeah. Fishery’s fucked as usual."</i>
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Man, the fuck? “Fleshy mannequin” is a new level of insane. But I’m wondering if this was maybe John’s house? Kind of sounds like it… near the fishery, a rubble, haunted by a dude without flesh who bursts into flames… Also, sorry, did you say the fishery was “gone”? Do you mean gone as in run-down like it’s been for a while, or “gone” as in gone like the spire? There’s some realllll messy stuff that’s seemed to have gone on inside the lunar children with their experiments with spiritus and the spire, and if the fishery is disappearing like the spire, it might be connected."
Xenquility 10:28 PM: "Also I know this is a weird detail to comb over, but how abnormal was this plywood? And, I guess, the houses on top of that? Was it all stuff that looked new, was there any order to it?"
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 12th, 2024</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Man, the fuck? “Fleshy mannequin” is a new level of insane. But I’m wondering if this was maybe John’s house? Kind of sounds like it… near the fishery, a rubble, haunted by a dude without flesh who bursts into flames…"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "I’m not entirely sure… That all makes sense, but the location didn’t look like what was shown in Tyler’s video. It’s possible that it had just become much more overgrown. I’m going to do some more research into John’s family and see if I can’t track down the location of his home to verify this."
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Also, sorry, did you say the fishery was “gone”? Do you mean gone as in run-down like it’s been for a while, or “gone” as in gone like the spire? There’s some realllll messy stuff that’s seemed to have gone on inside the lunar children with their experiments with spiritus and the spire, and if the fishery is disappearing like the spire, it might be connected."</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "I mean “gone” in the sense that it had completely vanished. This happened to me once before when me and Mason had our run-in with Doug, though the strange road was nowhere to be found at the time."
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "<i>"Also I know this is a weird detail to comb over, but how abnormal was this plywood? And, I guess, the houses on top of that? Was it all stuff that looked new, was there any order to it?"</i>"
IsocelesAssassin 12:37 PM: "To clarify, none of the construction-related stuff I saw in the woods was anywhere near complete. It was mostly just the occasional wooden wall frame / boards here and there; no complete structures of any sort. As for the wood itself, it looked brand new and fairly unassuming despite floating mid-air in the middle of the woods. From what I could tell, there was no order to any of it."</i>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 15th, 2024</span>
Xenquility 2:51 PM: "Hm… if you’re still in contact with GB, any chance you know what’s going on with this whole “Infected” and “Purified” thing going on in the forums?"
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 17th, 2024</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 1:57 AM: "I honestly have no clue. I’ll try to ask her what’s up but communicating with her can be a little complicated sometimes."</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin says he isn't sure why the "Infected" and "Purified" boards exist, though he'll attempt to ask GHOSTBABEL about them.
At 2:42 AM, IsocelesAssassin created a thread titled "<b>Investigation Photos</b>" on the Astral Observatory Forums.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/17/24 - "Investigation Photos" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem><span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "I will use this thread to dump some of the photos I’ve taken during my investigations. They’re not the best quality and some of them are a bit fucked up from what I can only assume is more paranormal ghost horseshit, so I’ll just be uploading them as I recover them."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Fishery Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_1.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Trip_1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "This is facing the small “Courtyard” between the different buildings. I didn’t capture it, but the light on the pole actually still works."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_2.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/Trip_2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "The absolutely fucked roof of one of the buildings."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_3.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/de/Trip_3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "What was once Hank’s office, I assume. Couldn’t find any interesting documents, unfortunately."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_4.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/55/Trip_4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Just a shot near the office. The windows made me feel especially nervous. I kept expecting to see someone standing on the other side."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_5.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/18/Trip_5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Don’t worry, I didn’t open it (although it was already partially open anyways)."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Forest Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_6.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7c/Trip_6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Examples of some of the strange out-of-place construction I found near the fishery."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_7.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/Trip_7.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Some of them were floating in mid-air. It’s hard to believe, but it looked even more uncanny in person."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_8.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/88/Trip_8.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Yes, that’s framing for a roof peeking out over some trees."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Spire Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_9.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1a/Trip_9.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Already shared this. Some chalk drawings of The Spire, Mat (I assume), and some other figures."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_0.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c8/Trip_0.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<span class="vip">IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "No clue who these three are. One of them appears to be holding a pencil or something. Maybe it’s the kids who drew all this?"</span>
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
IsocelesAssassin uploads several photos he took while exploring the fishery and The Spire.
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">
<b>trip_1.png</b> - A photo of the fishery's exterior. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Trip_1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_2.png</b> - A photo of the fishery's collapsed roof. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/4a/Trip_2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_3.png</b> - A photo of Hank's office. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/de/Trip_3.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_4.png</b> - A photo of the room next to Hank's office. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/55/Trip_4.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_5.png</b> - A photo of the door leading to the fishery's exterior. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/18/Trip_5.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_6.png</b> - A photo of construction floating in the woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/7/7c/Trip_6.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_7.png</b> - A photo of construction floating in the woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/34/Trip_7.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_8.png</b> - A photo of construction floating in the woods. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/88/Trip_8.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_9.png</b> - A photo of some chalk drawings previously uploaded by IsocelesAssassin. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/1a/Trip_9.png|target=_blank]]</span>
<b>trip_0.png</b> - A photo of another chalk drawing featuring three figures. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/c8/Trip_0.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio on the Astral Observatory Forums changed to "<b>chamber.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/a0/Chamber.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>November 18th, 2024</h2>
At 5:02 PM, the player Laches discovered that attempted to access the page "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://astralobservatory.net/</nowiki></span><b>chamber</b>" would instead redirect players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>maiden</b>". This page was titled "<b>Maiden</b>" and contained the image "<b>maiden.gif</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/5/52/Maiden2.gif|target=_blank]]</span> It also contained the audio "<b>maiden.mp3</b>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:listen.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/1/12/Maiden2.mp3|target=_blank]]</span>
<h2>November 26th, 2024</h2>
At 1:52 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Investigation Photos" thread once again.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
11/26/24 - "Investigation Photos" - IsocelesAssassin
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem><span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 17th, 2024</span>
<i>IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "I will use this thread to dump some of the photos I’ve taken during my investigations. They’re not the best quality and some of them are a bit fucked up from what I can only assume is more paranormal ghost horseshit, so I’ll just be uploading them as I recover them."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Fishery Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_1.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "This is facing the small “Courtyard” between the different buildings. I didn’t capture it, but the light on the pole actually still works."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_2.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "The absolutely fucked roof of one of the buildings."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_3.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "What was once Hank’s office, I assume. Couldn’t find any interesting documents, unfortunately."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_4.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Just a shot near the office. The windows made me feel especially nervous. I kept expecting to see someone standing on the other side."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_5.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Don’t worry, I didn’t open it (although it was already partially open anyways)."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Forest Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_6.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Examples of some of the strange out-of-place construction I found near the fishery."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_7.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Some of them were floating in mid-air. It’s hard to believe, but it looked even more uncanny in person."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_8.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Yes, that’s framing for a roof peeking out over some trees."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: "Spire Images"
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_9.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "Already shared this. Some chalk drawings of The Spire, Mat (I assume), and some other figures."
IsocelesAssassin 2:24 AM: ((The image "trip_0.png" is sent.))
IsocelesAssassin 2:42 AM: "No clue who these three are. One of them appears to be holding a pencil or something. Maybe it’s the kids who drew all this?"</i>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">November 26th, 2024</span>
<span class="vip">NotAHoax_M12 1:52 PM: "Just about the STRANGEST thing I ever did see brother."
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
NotAHoax notes that IsocelesAssassin's photos are very strange.
<h2>December 4th, 2024</h2>
At 2:54 PM, the player Xenquility began researching the "<b>Kanaga Mask</b>" due to its close resemblance to the Regiminis sigil.
At 4:36 PM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "<span class="canquote">library.mp4</span>" - the name of a video in which the "Kanaga Mask" appeared previously.
At an unknown time, the Katu account posted an unarchived message relating to dreams in the "<i><nowiki>#dream-central</nowiki></i>" channel of the Internet Detectives Discord server.
<h2>December 12th, 2024</h2>
At 2:23 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>https://johnisdead.com/</nowiki></span><b>comatose</b>". Unfortunately this page was locked and could not be accessed.
<h2>December 14th, 2024</h2>
At 11:41 PM, the player IIFan2001 discovered that both of Erika's music videos were once again public on her YouTube channel. They were also slightly renamed, being titled "<b>SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute</b>" and "<b>Silentdork Awakening music video</b>" respectively.
At 11:48 PM, the player Pako discovered that a portion of the video "<b>SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute</b>" had been removed - along with several of the video's tags relating to "MCR" - possibly due to copyright reasons.
<h2>December 20th, 2024</h2>
At 4:54 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "<b>423</b>" in the "<i><nowiki>#fishtank-live</nowiki></i>" text channel.
At 4:56 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to a comment on the video above from the player "tommymorris3922" that read as follows: "<span class="canquote">Oh okay. This is right up my alley</span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/69/Tommymorris.png|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:17 AM, the player Pako discovered that the player tommymorris3922 had created a playlist of Silent Hill covers on YouTube.
At 5:18 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "<b>Untitled.jpg</b>" in the "<i><nowiki>#announcements</nowiki></i>" text channel - a distorted image of some fish. <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/6/6b/Untitledfromkatu.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:29 AM, the Katu account became active on Discord and sent the players Fascio and Pako links to the video "<b>VAPORWAVE IS DEAD (Reuploaded)</b>" on the channel <b>Helios the vaporwave elf</b>. <span class="ext-link">[[File:vid.png|frameless|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hj6jpeO8Fs|target=_blank]]</span>
At 5:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a comment from the Silentdork account that was made on the video above that read as follows: "<span class="canquote"><nowiki>@Ludamage 2015 but can't remember the month anymore sadly. Glad it's saved at all, the classic stuff is fleeting here and there. Vaporwave gets more vaporwave with time. Also thanks for the music a long time ago.</nowiki></span>". <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/d/d7/Luda_dork.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This comment was made in response to another user named Ludamage asking when the original version of this video was uploaded.}}
At 5:35 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.
<div class="transcriptsum mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="display:inline;">
12/20/24 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content"><poem>[5:33 AM] Xenquility: "clearly this is yet another hint towards the secret youtube channel tyler has with all the footage on it"
[5:33 AM] Xenquility: "(its real i swear its gotta be)"
[5:33 AM] Pako: "tyler owns youtube btw xD"
<span class="vip">[5:35 AM] Katu: "<i>"clearly this is yet another hint towards the secret youtube channel tyler has with all the footage on it"</i>"
[5:35 AM] Katu: "hehe Thesuperguy12345678910"
[5:35 AM] Katu: "long time ago"</span>
[5:36 AM] Xenquility: "holy shit chat is this real"
[5:36 AM] Pako: "yep"
<span class="vip">[5:36 AM] Katu: "it was a happy birthday kind of world for the makings of my life in time"
[5:38 AM] Katu: "Life games for living and playing? Mine are just the talking writing."
[5:39 AM] Katu: "That brother of mine lay hidden on that strange woods deleted soon? Some big magic box workers 'back it up'."
[5:40 AM] Katu: "Hello friends of mine =3"
[5:40 AM] Katu: "<i>"hehe Thesuperguy12345678910"</i>"
[5:40 AM] Katu: "REAAAALLLY LOST, sorry =c"</span>
[5:41 AM] Xenquility: "NOOOOOOOOOO this is tragic D:"
[5:42 AM] Xenquility: "is that actually where all the funny lost footage comes from"
<span class="vip">[5:42 AM] Katu: "no =p"</span>
[5:42 AM] Xenquility: "EVEN more tragic lmao"
<span class="vip">[5:49 AM] Katu: "all the saying yes XD"
[5:51 AM] Katu: "be careful but you would see it? The world bleeds in and out of the worlds?"
[5:51 AM] Katu: ((The image "Untitled.jpg" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/3/36/Katu_img.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[5:52 AM] Pako: "what is even this"
[5:52 AM] Xenquility: "ooo"
[5:52 AM] Pako: "egyptian language"
[5:52 AM] Pako: "or what"
[5:52 AM] Xenquility: "I think the image is misaligned or something"
[5:52 AM] Fascio: "4chan captcha ass"
[5:53 AM] Xenquility: "or maybe im really schizophrenic but it kinda looks like we'd need to line up the red lines"
<span class="vip">[5:53 AM] Katu: "lmao hej say when you think its dumb ja? AwA"</span>
[5:53 AM] Pako: "lol it seems"
[5:53 AM] Fascio: "awa"
[5:53 AM] Pako: "im gonna try right up"
[5:54 AM] Xenquility: "it kinda looks like a pigpen cipher of some sort"
[5:55 AM] Pako: "yes"
[5:55 AM] Pako: "indeed"
<span class="vip">[5:55 AM] Katu: "you thinking?"
[5:56 AM] Katu: "Mmm its on that moment -_-"</span>
[5:56 AM] Fascio: "yeah seems like the lines need to line up"
[5:57 AM] Fascio: ((A "solved" version of the image is sent.)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/e/e1/Katu_fix_1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[5:57 AM] Pako: ((A "solved" version of the image is sent.)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/9/9c/Katu_fix_2.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[5:57 AM] Fascio: "yes pako did it much better thank you pako"
[5:57 AM] Pako: "yep"
[5:58 AM] Pako: "the paint experience of ceturies ago"
[5:58 AM] Pako: "lmao"
[5:58 AM] Fascio: "pfft"
[5:59 AM] Xenquility: "youtube link?"
<span class="vip">[5:59 AM] Katu: "it was on the funf time a moment past"</span>
[5:59 AM] Pako: "<nowiki>https://www.boxentriq.com/code-breaking/pigpen-cipher</nowiki>"
[6:00 AM] Xenquility: "wait is this uh"
[6:00 AM] Xenquility: "one sec"
[6:01 AM] Pako: "R=OMG2UXFJ9SY"
[6:01 AM] Fascio: "R=OMG2UXFJ9SY"
[6:01 AM] Pako: "this is all I got"
[6:01 AM] Xenquility: "it's probably a different pigpen cipher layout"
[6:01 AM] Xenquility: "we've seen a few different ones before"
[6:01 AM] Xenquility: "particularly from compound and the jid movie clip"
[6:01 AM] Pako: "oh"
[6:01 AM] Xenquility: ((A screenshot of one of the Pigpen keys from the "Compound" Janus room is sent.))
[6:01 AM] Xenquility: "this one"
[6:02 AM] Pako: "ohmygud"
[6:02 AM] Fascio: "prob one where this symbol is v"
[6:02 AM] Fascio: "yea"
[6:02 AM] Fascio: "its that"
[6:02 AM] Xenquility: "yeah that's what im thinking"
[6:02 AM] Fascio: "who wants to translate it"
[6:03 AM] Xenquility: "v=sqg2lxfn9jy I think? but that is rough"
[6:03 AM] Fascio: "nothing"
[6:04 AM] Xenquility: "I think it's case sensitive too"
[6:04 AM] Xenquility: "which is the hard part"
[6:04 AM] Xenquility: "but idk"
[6:04 AM] Fascio: "oh yeah"
[6:04 AM] Fascio: "fuck"
[6:04 AM] Fascio: "it is"
[6:04 AM] Fascio: ";-;"
<span class="vip">[6:05 AM] Katu: "QLXFNJY"</span>
[6:06 AM] Xenquility: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQg2LXFN9JY</nowiki>"
<span class="vip">[6:06 AM] Katu: "there lol so stupid this whole moment first scary then funny such is the layers"</span>
[6:06 AM] Pako: "oh"
[6:06 AM] Fascio: "this guy again"
[6:06 AM] Pako: "Sheriff department of Florida is watching my youtube channel LOL"
[6:07 AM] Xenquility: "oh yeah crazy that this guy made such a huge meta jid reference at the start of that other stream"
[6:07 AM] Pako: "Im gonna suscribe to this fr"
[6:07 AM] Fascio: "?"
[6:08 AM] Xenquility: "woah"
[6:08 AM] Pako: "the police is watching his stream or this has schizophrenia"
[6:08 AM] Pako: "lol"
[6:08 AM] Pako: "oh boy"
[6:08 AM] Pako: "too much content"
[6:09 AM] Pako: "oh no way man"
[6:10 AM] Pako: "I think he doxxed himself"
[6:17 AM] Pako: "holy shit"
[6:17 AM] Pako: "<nowiki>https://myspace.com/tainted_town</nowiki>"
[6:19 AM] Pako: "3:21 "I don't think Pop music is good, and I don't like fortnite I think Fortnite is trash I got it I downloaded, I don't think I started up I deleted right away cause I don't wanna play that shit.""
[6:19 AM] Pako: "this guy is lol"
[6:23 AM] Fascio: "talks about the florida police but on his myspace it says hes in maine?"
[6:25 AM] Pako: "He's definitely in Florida I can tell you that lol"
[6:26 AM] Pako: "no way this is from 2016"
[6:26 AM] Pako: "fucking epic"
[6:26 AM] Xenquility: "?"
[6:26 AM] Pako: "that picture"
[6:26 AM] Pako: "or album cover whatever you wanna call it"
[6:27 AM] Xenquility: "yeah it's just a silent hill thing"
[6:27 AM] Xenquility: "<nowiki>https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Halo_of_the_Sun</nowiki> dis guy"
[6:27 AM] Xenquility: "i sincerely hope this guy is doin okay"
[6:27 AM] Xenquility: "or at least okay as he can do"
[6:27 AM] Pako: "oh right"
<span class="vip">[6:33 AM] Katu: "the long game build up"
[6:33 AM] Katu: "Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!"
[6:33 AM] Katu: "4:23 AM • Details"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | These three messages were sent to the players Fascio and Pako as PM's.}}
[6:33 AM] Fascio: ((A screenshot is sent of the message above.)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/4/44/Katu_ttm_1.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[6:33 AM] Pako: "damn"
[6:33 AM] Pako: "yep katu dmd too but it was busy with this"
[6:33 AM] Pako: ((A screenshot of a reply to the message mentioned above is sent that contains the phrase "walk and talk".)) <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/c/ce/Walkandtalk.png|target=_blank]]</span>
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""You are a patrician, you are too cool to die I am swearing to you""
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!""
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""2:45 AM • Details""
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""Bro you are talking about the normie world you are dead to the normie world""
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!""
[6:33 AM] Xenquility: ""2:44 AM • Details""
[6:34 AM] Pako: "whos the Big Brother"
[6:34 AM] Xenquility: "i truly hope this guy knows there are people out there for him"
[6:35 AM] Xenquility: "he sounds so full of love by the way he talks about wanting a family"
[6:35 AM] Xenquility: "some of the shit he's saying is scary tho"
[6:35 AM] Pako: "big brother is watching?"
[6:35 AM] Pako: "XD"
[6:35 AM] Xenquility: "not even that I just mean about his own wellfare"
[6:36 AM] Pako: "oh he shared his setup"
[6:38 AM] Pako: "he's on spotify the fuck"
<span class="vip">[6:42 AM] Katu: ((The image "Ele.png" is sent.))</span> <span class="ext-link">[[File:viewimage.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/0/05/Ele.png|target=_blank]]</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | This message was sent as a PM to the player Fascio.}}
[6:42 AM] Fascio: ((The image above is reposted.))
[6:42 AM] Fascio: "katu sent in dms"
[6:42 AM] Fascio: "Ele"
[6:42 AM] Pako: "lol"
[6:43 AM] Xenquility: "oh shit"
[6:43 AM] Xenquility: "deeplore"
<span class="vip">[6:44 AM] Katu: "10/12/2008 5:31 am"
[6:44 AM] Katu: "of many other mornings"
[6:44 AM] Katu: "one like many listening to such sounds"</span>
[6:44 AM] Fascio: "<nowiki>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KlD_FGgGis</nowiki>"
[6:44 AM] Fascio: "elevator"
[6:44 AM] Pako: "erika mmomentoo"
[6:45 AM] Pako: "music, inspired, by, silent, hill"
<span class="vip">[6:46 AM] Katu: "enjoy AwA"</span>
[6:47 AM] Laches: "<nowiki>https://www.broken-notes.com/</nowiki>"
<span class="vip">[6:47 AM] Katu: "lmao what good old times, the words they say then they say today"</span>
[6:47 AM] Laches: "<nowiki>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zQbpFZ95Aos</nowiki>"
[6:48 AM] Laches: "This was good shit fam."
<span class="vip">[6:48 AM] Katu: "we are always there"
[6:48 AM] Katu: "those words they say?"
[6:48 AM] Katu: "liminality"</span>
[6:49 AM] Pako: ":RenaShake:"
[6:49 AM] Laches: "Careful or the liminal man is gonna grab you by the"
[6:51 AM] Laches: ""my entire series of shit I make is built on urbex""
[6:51 AM] Laches: ""Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!""
[6:51 AM] Laches: ""3:36 AM • Details""
<span class="vip">[6:52 AM] Katu: "yeah its that world lines thing :D"</span>
[6:52 AM] Pako: "yeah tbh"
[6:52 AM] Pako: ":SatokoPeace:"
<span class="vip">[6:54 AM] Katu: "then was a time of writings in that world of mine"
[6:54 AM] Katu: "soon is a time of changing for the keeping of the world that changes to never change"
[6:54 AM] Katu: "for now is the time of playing XD"
[6:54 AM] Katu: "rest if you are tired with it today"
[6:54 AM] Katu: "but times change with big grass cutter man in the sky moving it DX"
[6:54 AM] Katu: "SOON"</span> {{#simple-tooltip-img: http://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/a/ae/Lens.png | These messages were later deleted.}} <span class="ext-link">[[File:screenshot.png|frameless|link=https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/images/8/85/Screenshot_20241220_060236_Discord.jpg|target=_blank]]</span>
[7:04 AM] Pako: "14:22: "yo I Don't like Discord the last time i made a Discord I talked people to people and It was not fun I don't like Discord in fact I had to mute Discord since October like something 2023 I just got deleted like a week ago"."
[7:10 AM] Pako: "16:22: "Trying to make a Discord so I can meet people irl I've tried to have Social Media I even asked people in here, I'm in Florida who wants to hang out with me in Florida smoke put and get drinks do something fun". "
<span class="vip">[7:27 AM] Katu: ""I thought hell was where the two gay demon guys are""
[7:27 AM] Katu: ""Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!""
[7:27 AM] Katu: ""4:27 AM • Details""
[7:27 AM] Katu: ""the red and blue one""
[7:27 AM] Katu: ""Sent a message on TaintedTownMusic is live!""
[7:27 AM] Katu: ""4:27 AM • Details""
[7:30 AM] Katu: "LMAO"</span>
[7:30 AM] Pako: "oh shit"
[7:30 AM] Pako: "that's the map"
<div class="summary">
<p class="fauxheader">Summary</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<p class="fauxheader">Updates</p>
<div class="fadediv"></div>
<div class="indented">

Latest revision as of 14:06, 11 February 2025

This is the third part of the Our Horizon Arc Timeline. Please read the first two parts before proceeding.


April 23rd, 2021

  • At 4:23 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Hesitation". This video contained distorted footage, cryptic text, and plenty of ciphers. target=_blank

4/23/21 - "Hesitation" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video contains many cryptic messages written in ciphers and unknown languages.
  • An entity named "Arawn" is mentioned, though not expanded upon.
  • Many Lunar Children are referenced, such as Sheepdog, Hope, and Thoth.
  • Luke is referenced as having visited a library, presumably the Lunar Children's library at the Spire which is partially governed by the Elder Child Jinn. It's implied that Jinn might be an aggregated being of some sort.
  • Text from Erika seems to imply that Tyler might be II, or "The second".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Your floor is coming up... or? Too comfortable in his private bubble, can't escape me forever. Give no pity for the willfully confused. -T"
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 4:25 PM, BUP became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to a Facebook page titled "Notahoax_m12's FB Meme Site". (Link) This page was owned by NotAHoax, and seemed to simply be a meme page where he would occasionally comment on memes he uploads. The images discovered here were as follows:
  • 1st Image - Hoax: "Of course I've been LOCKDOWN since 'Nam BROTHERS...". target=_blank
  • 2nd Image - Hoax: "Bricks of hard cheese make good rations BROTHER..." target=_blank
  • 3rd Image - Hoax: "IDIOTS are spiking the price of milsurp BROTHER I live off milsurp!". target=_blank
  • At 11:11 PM, a video was uploaded to the Greth Vlogs YouTube channel - "rendevous". This video contained footage of what appeared to be the Parallelos and a conversation between two individuals. target=_blank

4/23/21 - "rendevous" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


  • Two unknown entities discuss whether or not they should take action against a "troublemaker".
  • The two unknown entities decide to use a series of codewords for further communication.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

April 26th, 2021

  • At 2:03 PM, the player Laches discovered that NotAHoax had made several new posts on his Facebook page:
  • 1st Image - April 23rd - 8:46 PM - Hoax: "Haha wonder if I'll get "zucc"'d as they say BROTHERS haha.." target=_blank
  • 2nd Image - April 24th - 6:47 PM - Hoax: "I wouldnt let no ECTOPLASM lips go anywhere near MY HOG you hear BROTHRRS!?" target=_blank
  • 3rd Image - April 26th, 6:31 AM - Hoax: "Haha grilling is a WAY of LIFE when you live on the go BROTHER!" target=_blank

May 2nd, 2021

  • At 8:45 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner image changed several times, cycling through various distorted images of Patrem and Hank. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank Screenshot.png target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 10:18 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://vocaroo.com/1hUrhlFCIFql" - a link to an audio file containing a deep voice that reads as follows: target=_blank target=_blank

5/2/21 - Vocaroo Audio File - Discord (Internet Detectives)

  • At 10:37 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "He is the answer" in the "#announcements" text-channel. target=_blank
  • At 10:41 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "ettps://vonhroo.nol/1eUrejCNFCqj". target=_blank
  • At 10:58 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner image changed to a distorted screenshot of the gate in the "Treeline" Janus room. target=_blank
  • At 11:04 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/compound". This page was titled "Compound" and contained the image "realm.gif", just like the pages "https://johnisdead.com/realm" and "https://johnisdead.com/treeline" before it. This page also contained the "Compound" Janus room.

5/2/21 - "Compound" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • This Janus room was another depiction of the fishery. This version of the fishery was in its undilapidated state, revealing that the location once contained a convenience store, a small library, and several rooms containing cryptic paintings and scrolls.
  • Translations of the two languages used as ciphers around this Janus room and in the video "Hesitation" were discovered. The language consisting of lines and arrows is called "Ghost Hall Letters", while the one made up of various symbols is called "Breaker Runes".
  • Players discovered Hank's office, which contained various codes and ciphers. One of these seemed to reveal a key of sorts, informing players to perpetually "add" the numbers "4 9 1 14 1" to some as of yet unknown computer login information that is supposedly found next to a bed.
  • The keys for two different sets of Pigpen ciphers were found - one marked by a star, and one marked by a moon. This assisted players in solving ciphers in this Janus room as well as in the video "Hesitation".
  • A letter from William Reynolds was found in Hank's office. William seemed to be asking Hank to join the Lunar Children as a defecting Moon Child. He mentioned that Ben seems to often disappear at random - something that confuses the Moon Children.
  • A letter from Jeremy was found in Hank's office. Jeremy asks Hank if he and "Sam" could go on a fishing trip with Hunter. Jeremy mentions that he believed Hunter and Mat would have been good friends. This letter also contained a Pigpen cipher that revealed a message claiming that "Samuel" had been promoted and that the "force" was now aligned with Hank.
  • Five paintings are discovered with figures colored blue and red. These paintings are labelled as five locked pages that were previously found in the "Spire" and "Bottom" Janus rooms.
  • An old, wooden church could be found on the back-end of the fishery. This church contained several stained glass windows of famous religious figures. Three other stained glass windows were also found here - one of a man wearing a green mask, one of a figure wearing an outfit similar to the ones seen in the music video for "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical romance, and one of a gray angel with green eyes.
  • A large room containing fishery equipment was found to have a massive stained glass ceiling depicting Luna and various events from Lunar Children lore.
  • A small room on the backside of the fishery was discovered to have a previously-obscured trap door. This appeared to lead down into a basement.
  • Three exits were discovered in this Janus room - one of a road leading through a gate, one of a gate leading into the woods, and one leading into the woods in the direction of the highway.


  • Files:
  • nature.mp3 - The same nature ambiance found in previous Janus rooms.
  • grounds.mp3 - A disturbing track that plays near the fishery when outside. target=_blank
  • radio.mp3 - An hour-long audio track that plays in the store containing various classic country songs and advertisements for the fishery. A transcript of this audio can be viewed here: target=_blank

5/2/21 - "radio.mp3" - Johnisdead.com

  • bg.mp3 - A track that plays while inside the fishery. target=_blank
  • ((Unnamed)) - A translation of the "Ghost Hall Letters". target=_blank
  • ((Unnamed)) - A translation of the "Breaker Runes". target=_blank
  • ((Unnamed)) - The scroll found hidden in the church. target=_blank
  • ((Unnamed)) - The massive stained glass window found on the ceiling. target=_blank
  • ((Unnamed)) - The face of the statue on the throne containing a Pigpen cipher. target=_blank
  • 2key.mp4 - A hidden video that displayed the "USERNAME" written in blue and "PASSWORD" written in red. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The front-side of the fishery: target=_blank
  • The "Hubbard Fishery" sign: target=_blank
  • The convience store: target=_blank
  • The employee room: target=_blank
  • Hank's office: target=_blank
  • Within the fishery grounds: target=_blank
  • The small room with the trapdoor: target=_blank
  • The fishery courtyard: target=_blank
  • The gallery: target=_blank
  • The crouched statue found in the gallery: target=_blank
  • The lavish hall: target=_blank
  • The library: target=_blank
  • The Diana painting in the church: target=_blank
  • Stained glass windows in the church: target=_blank
  • The stained glass ceiling: target=_blank
  • Spear-wielding statues guarding the fishery: target=_blank
  • The angle statue holding the "Metatron Cube": target=_blank
  • The church and fishery from the creek: target=_blank
  • The creek behind the fishery: target=_blank
  • At 3:17 PM, Prominence joined the "Compound" Janus room and directed the player Laches to the paintings depicting locations from the "Treeline" Janus room before leaving.
  • At 5:38 PM, the players Xenquility and Laches discovered that the "Treeline" Janus room had been updated. The room now contained four scraps of paper revealing the translation for one of the languages used throughout the "Compound" Janus room and the video "Hesitation". This language was labelled "Old Letters". These scraps of paper were found in locations shown in the "Compound" Janus room library. Players edited the four scraps of paper together to form an entire translation of "Old Letters": target=_blank

May 3rd, 2021

  • At 10:57 PM, the players Xenquility and Laches discovered that the five paintings of red and blue figures found in the "Compound" Janus room were hints towards unlocking five of the locked pages found previously in the "Spire" and "Bottom" Janus rooms. As hinted at in the video "2key.mp4", the blue figures were the usernames and the red figures were the password. As hinted at on the scrap of paper found in the library, the number "15423" must be added to the ends of the names of the red-colored figures to complete the password. The login information for the page "https://johnisdead.com/undecimn0cte" was discovered - the username was "juno" and the password was "aeolus15423". This page was titled "JOURNAL" and contained the images "aabg.gif" and "aawordspace.gif" - distorted, static-looking images. target=_blank target=_blank This page's text contained a journal entry from a high-ranking Lunar Child. It will be archived below and presented in chronological order alongside text from the other locked pages for easier understanding.
  • At 10:57 PM, the player Xenuquility discovered the login information for the page "https://johnisdead.com/sect00". The username was "juno" and the password was "jupiter15423". This page was styled the same way as the one before it. This page's text contained a journal entry from a high-ranking Lunar Child. It will be archived below and presented in chronological order alongside text from the other locked pages for easier understanding.
  • At 11:02 PM, the player Xenquility discovered the login information for the page "https://johnisdead.com/between". The username was "artemis" and the password was "callisto15423". This page was styled the same way as the one before it. This page's text contained a journal entry from a high-ranking Lunar Child. It will be archived below and presented in chronological order alongside text from the other locked pages for easier understanding.
  • At 11:07 PM, the player Laches discovered the login information for the page "https://johnisdead.com/yadhtrib". The username was "juno" and the password was "argus15423". This page was styled the same way as the one before it. This page's text contained a journal entry from a high-ranking Lunar Child. It will be archived below and presented in chronological order alongside text from the other locked pages for easier understanding.
  • At 11:07 PM, the player Xenquility discovered the login information for the page "https://johnisdead.com/otherone100". The username was "diana" and the password was "endymion15423". This page was styled the same way as the one before it. This page's text contained a journal entry from a high-ranking Lunar Child. It will be archived below and presented in chronological order alongside text from the other locked pages for easier understanding.

5/3/21 - Yadhtrib Page Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text is a journal entry from a Lunar Child named Alan Alphonse - likely "Father Alphonse", who was mentioned previously on Lunarchildren.com.
  • Alphonse introduces himself as a researcher and former Overseer of the Lunar Children - likely having been replaced by Vincent at some point.
  • Alphonse is currently inspecting a device. He describes the device as a solid, black cube.
  • Alphonse claims that while the cube device has no perceivable wires or mechanisms, one "talented Elder Child" had recently attached a wire to it that allowed it to somehow connect to the fishery through something he refers to as the "Second Etheral Layer".
  • Alphonse implies that the device's origins has something to do with the fishery, claiming that the location holds secrets that predate the Lunar Children's earliest gatherings.

5/3/21 - Undecimn0cte Page Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text is another journal entry from Father Alphonse.
  • Alphonse discusses a Lunar Children experiment called "Project Bifrost" - a project dealing with virtual worlds that is said to utilize something called "Spiritus".
  • Alphonse claims that Project Bifrost involves structuring through a process known as "Lenis Conversion" using something called "Asper Spiritus".
  • Alphonse states that Project Bifrost is built off of the remains of another experiment called "Project Mindshape", which he claims was offered to the Lunar Children by a traitor. He explains that while Project Mindshape also dealt with virtual worlds, it also involved some sort of "unique AI that is theorized to contain some quantity of spiritus.
  • Alphonse explains that the Nullspace, or Sub-Parallelos as it was formerly known, is a layer of the Parallelos that stretches from the Overworld to the Parallelos of the Dead. He claims that the Nullspace is a void of sorts, and that it is contained within three distinct layers - physical devices and electronics, wires, and signals. He explains that the "signal layer" is the most easily traversable, since signals are not impeded by most physical barriers.
  • Alphonse explains that the lowest layer of the Nullspace, physical devices and electronics, are often used to house ascended spirits. He also believes that the form of the device the spirits are housed in "imprints" characteristics on the souls housed there, implying this is the method through which ascended spirits were housed in devices in the past, as seen with Ben in the Majora's Mask Cartridge and possibly the Lunar Children servers as well
  • Alphonse claims that the highest layer of the Nullspace, the "signal layer", is vital to Project Bifrost, and that it involves the utilization and conversion of spiritus.

5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text is another journal entry from Father Alphonse.
  • While inspecting the cube device, an entity calling itself "Arawn" begins speaking to him through the machine from within the Parallelos.
  • Arawn introduces himself as a fellow researcher. He reveals that he is the "other" of a Finitor. He likens himself to an "effigy", claiming that he is a "shell" that was left behind from his ascended self. Alphonse believes this proves the existence of a "Dyad" of sorts, which relates to a concept of duality within Lunar Children beliefs. This seems to be related to Finitors. Alphonse uses Hank as an example, explaining that two entities were created from his ascension - a "pure essence" as Patrem, and an "empty shell given life" as Kelbris. Arawn appears to be the latter - the empty shell left over from an ascension.
  • Alphonse ponders if an "effigy" or "empty shell" equivalent exists for Tenebris as well.
  • Arawn and Alphonse discuss the concept of striving for the truth, despite the fact that there is no "end-state" in becoming an all-knowing entity. Alphonse claims that he will strive for knowledge regardless, as it pushes him forwards. After hearing this, Arawn agrees to share his knowledge with Alphonse.

5/3/21 - Between Page Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text is another journal entry from Father Alphonse, where he continues chatting with Arawn.
  • Alphonse questions Arawn about the nature of the cube device. Arawn doesn't know much about it, however.
  • Arawn claims that the cube device is a fraction of a much larger whole. Alphonse mentions that there were three other identical cube devices found at the fishery. Arawn seems to imply that these devices as well are also simply fractions of a much larger machine.
  • Arawn and Alphonse discuss timelines and the mechanics of time travel. It's said that time travel itself is "baked into" timelines, and that simply going back in time will not cause a timeline split to occur. However, if someone has an intrinsic understanding of the timeline and willfully and intentionally attempts to break it, this will indeed cause a split timeline to occur.
  • Arawn explains aggregation to Alphonse. Alphonse seems interested in it. Arawn reveals that he has already set Alphonse down the road of aggregation, claiming that he has been telling an alternate timeline version of Alphonse the exact same things, bringing their minds closer.

5/3/21 - Sect00 Page Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text is another journal entry from Father Alphonse.
  • Alphonse claims that, at the time this journal was written, he is now in a completely different form exploring worlds made of spiritus.
  • Alphonse explores a fake version of the Spire basement, searching for the cube device. While he does not find it, the claims that he and everyone else is already within it.
  • Alphonse decides to go visit a pair of brothers. He claims that these brothers are still grieving the loss of their "missing one". At first, Alphonse believes their grieving is only an act, but he then reconsiders, claiming that since everyone is supposedly a denizen of a "grand machine", he has no room to judge the denizens of a "lesser one".
  • At 11:47 PM, Prominence became active in the "Compound" Janus room and sent the message "familiar grounds". Following this, Prominence entered the "Bottom" Janus room and travelled to the large ritual hall at the bottom of the basement before leaving.

May 4th, 2021

  • At 12:37 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a hidden room in the "Compound" Janus room. By glitching through the floor in the room with a trapdoor, players could enter into a small basement room containing three computers with wires that led down into another trapdoor. target=_blank
  • At 8:08 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the "Compound" Janus room had updated. The small church area now contained three new nameplates beneath the previously unlabelled stained glass windows. The masked figure wearing the jacket was now labelled as "IIII", whereas the one dressed similarly to the band "My Chemical Romance" in the music video "Welcome To The Black Parade" was labelled "Loki". Finally, the gray, angelic being that appeared similar to Erika was named "Sophia". target=_blank target=_blank

May 7th, 2021

  • At 9:31 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Under".

May 9th, 2021

  • At 12:08 AM, a user named "Found" became active in the "Compound" Janus room and began chatting with the players. Found's real name was later revealed to be "Jason".

5/9/21 - Chat with Jason - Johnisdead.com


  • Jason is a Lunar Child who believes it is currently 2015 who seems to have been exploring the Janus worlds for quite some time after volunteering to be "permanently inserted".
  • Jason is surprised to hear that the players are using computers to access the Janus worlds, implying that everyone besides the Elder Children are exploring them via some other method - possibly ascension, as they claim they are typing with their mind.
  • When asked if the Lunar Children's involvement with digital worlds via Janus is Project Bifrost, Jason is unsure, but claims the name is familiar.
  • Jason reveals that a game from the website Mindshape.co.uk was downloaded to a USB stick and passed around the Spire. He claims that he never played the game himself, though, not wanting to break any rules. Mindshape.co.uk is a site that seems to have some connection to SKM and Drowned, having hosted the "Remember.exe" games in the past.
  • Jason begins acting strangely, claiming that he feels a hollow feeling in his forehead. It then seems as if he heard a voice speaking to him before he left.
  • At 5:32 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that Kaiden Zoromichi had left a comment on the video "WHEmpire x Soul Calibur" that read "Hmph.". This video was a trailer for an unrelated joke tournament held by the Within Hubris community. target=_blank

May 12th, 2021

  • At 3:32 PM, the players Xenquility and Laches discovered that the capitalized letters found in the hidden room filled with graffiti in the "Upper" Janus room unscrambled to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/theothersect". This page was titled "TheOtherSect" and contained the image "metatron.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "soul.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text hidden in its source: "The faceless angel god Mover of souls, endless life maker through chainlink weaved stories.". This page also contained two links - "SATURN", which linked to the page "https://johnisdead.com/theothersect/Saturn", and "MERCURY", which linked to the page "https://johnisdead.com/theothersect/Mercury".
  • The page "https://johnisdead.com/theothersect/Saturn" was titled "Saturn" and contained the image "wheel of fortune.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the following text: "The one who seeks eternally to turn the wheel of life is the one who will eternally find a new place for thee in the next cycle. This is life ever lasting. To preserve this dream so that we might have joy eternal.".
  • The page "https://johnisdead.com/theothersect/Mercury" was titled "Mercury" and contained the image "mria.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ehredor.mp3". target=_blank

May 23rd, 2021

  • At 7:30 PM, the player Limgardis discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jennifer" would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/jinn".

June 20th, 2021

  • At 4:23 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent three images - "sp_old.JPG", "sp_old2.JPG", and "sp_old3.JPG". These images all contained strange colors and geometric shapes. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 4:25 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the runes "ᚲᛟᚱᚾᚱᛊᛏᛟᚾᛊ", which translates to "cornerstones".
  • At 4:47 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a screenshot of a part of the church from the "Compound" Janus room titled "corner.jpg". target=_blank
  • At 4:56 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message from the player Pako that read "Under".

June 21st, 2021

  • At 12:23 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of what appeared to be cloaked figures in front of a blue light titled "sp_old4.JPG". target=_blank

June 26th, 2021

  • At 6:08 PM, the player Xenquility began attempting to solve the circular cipher found upon the face of a statue in the "Compound" Janus room.
  • At 10:52 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "bound.gif" - a distorted image of the statue from the "Compound" Janus room with the letter "A" on the left and "S" on the right. target=_blank
  • At 11:03 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "bound.gif" once again.

June 27th, 2021

  • At 11:33 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "within.gif" - a diagram of the symbol drawn on the face of the statue in the "Compound" Janus room more clearly displaying what appeared to be Pigpen keys hidden within it. target=_blank
  • At 11:55 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "within.gif" once again.
  • At 2:18 PM, the player Xenquility solved the Pigpen cipher found on the statue's face in the "Compound" Janus room - "Ring of triad the harbingers union within the midst of the misguided's awakening the apostate speaks. Through this rite of trinity the unseen father is silently roused a Lingering sentiment of the old one.".
  • At 4:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message sent by the player Pako that reads "Under".
  • At 5:14 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a previously undiscovered image hidden within the files of the "Under" Janus room - a screenshot of what appears to be a 3d server room titled "2_server_room.png". target=_blank
  • At 5:23 PM, the players Xenquility and Pako discovered a section of the "Under" Janus room that was previously unexplored - another section of the building that was barely visible across a large gap. Accessing this location required the players to carefully build a bridge of cubes to cross the gap. Once on the other side, players discovered a small room with a fake door and a strange "pit" that contained faded versions of the image "2_server_room.png". target=_blank target=_blank Players also accessed a balcony by building a staircase of cubes, which led down a hallway. This hallway contained a cube made up of what appeared to be a screenshot of a 3d workdesk with some papers and money on it. target=_blank
  • At 5:35 PM, Prominence joined the "Under" Janus room and began flying around the players.
  • At 5:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "stone.jpg" - a screenshot of one of the black cornerstones found in the "Compound" Janus room. target=_blank
  • At 6:44 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned an unknown image.
  • At 6:56 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned the message "or the cornerstones".
  • At 7:01 PM, the players Pako and Xenquility used an exploit to explore below the map in the "Compound" Janus room. Here, they discovered that there were four, red-colored boxes below the black cornerstones. target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 7:23 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and pinned a message from Pako that read "Under".
  • At 7:27 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "stone.jpg" once again.
  • At 7:34 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Screenshot_2021-06-20_170706.png". target=_blank
  • At 7:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Screenshot_2021-06-27_193544.png". target=_blank
  • At 8:05 PM, the player Pako discovered that the four spaces below the black cornerstones in the "Compound" Janus room contained what appeared to be skeletons.

July 5th, 2021

  • At 10:22 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that attempting to access the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/luke" would redirect players to the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/igaluk".
  • At 11:00 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of Patrem. target=_blank
  • At 11:23 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to another image of Patrem. target=_blank
  • At 11:39 PM, the player Xenquility realized that July 5th was listed as Patrem's birthday on the Within Hubris forums.
  • At 11:40 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "Created On Tuesday, July 5th 2016 @ 10:13:08 pm" in the "#announcements" channel. This message was pointing towards another message sent in the Internet Detectives Discord server by the player Xenquility that revealed the Internet Detectives Discord server was created five years ago on July 5th, 2016.
  • At 11:55 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the video "gift.webm" in the "#announcements" channel. target=_blank

7/5/21 - "gift.webm" - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • This video contains cryptic, hard to discern footage overlapping eachother.
  • Patrem can be heard speaking throughout this video, but his voice is difficult to make out.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 11:59 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner image changed back to a shot of the highway. target=_blank

July 6th, 2021

  • At 12:32 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began posting images, pinning messages, and sending ciphers:
  • 12:32 AM - IIIII sent the image "wind.jpg" in the "#announcements" channel - a distorted screenshot of a weather broadcast showcasing a large hurricane approaching Florida named "Hurricane Elsa".
  • 12:33 AM - IIIII sent the image "Day.png" in the "#announcements" channel - a distorted version of the players' "Spell Circle" they used to ward off a hurricane in previous years. target=_blank
  • 12:55 AM - IIIII sent the image "apollo.png" in the "#announcements" channel. target=_blank
  • 1:11 AM - IIIII sent the image "apollo.png" once again.
  • 1:30 AM - IIIII sent the message "https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2021-07-05-tropical-storm-elsa-forecast-florida-southeast" - a link to an article cover "Hurricane Elsa".
  • 2:03 AM - IIIII pinned an unknown message that referenced Erika.
  • 2:07 AM - IIIII pinned a message from the player Xenquility posted on July 4th, 2021 that read "erika said she sees the end".
  • 2:11 AM - IIIII posted the message "The name Elsa is new to the list of rotating names being used this season. This year's list was last used in 2015, but Erika was the "E" storm that year.".
  • 2:18 AM - IIIII pinned an unknown message in the "#general" channel.
  • 2:20 AM - IIIII sent the image "Heliosdor.png" - the 'Spell Circle' players drew previously to ward off a hurricane in the past. target=_blank
  • 2:22 AM - IIIII pinned a message in the "#general" channel that read "Hey have you guys read what this Erika person has been posting? :joy:".
  • 2:33 AM - IIIII pinned a message by the player Slinky in the "#general" channel sent on November 9th, 2019 that read "Wait Erika where are u from?".
  • 2:33 AM - IIIII sent the message "I" in the "#announcements" channel.
  • 3:33 AM - IIIII sent the image "Day.jpg" - a distorted image of a notebook containing runes. target=_blank

July 13th, 2021

  • At 3:48 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fairprospect" would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/hope".

July 17th, 2021

  • At 11:15 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of a cicle with the number "15" followed by a red dot. target=_blank target=_blank

July 19th, 2021

  • At 1:11 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent an image of what appeared to be an office or a library titled "Research.png". target=_blank

August 8th, 2021

  • At 10:33 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "rhefugi" - a demonic language that was referenced in the past.

August 9th, 2021

  • At 4:23 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the players a link to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/history". This page was titled "History" and contained the image "history.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "history.mp3". target=_blank This page also hid the text "premonition" in its source code.
  • At 4:26 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/history/premonition". This page was titled "Premonitions" and contained the image "Premonition.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the video "library.mp4". target=_blank

8/9/21 - "library.mp4" - Johnisdead.com


  • This video contains an extended dialogue between a former 'Keeper' and another individual. This text was partially revealed previously in a PM sent to the player CircleHunter in 2020.
  • This video contains various shots of the "Library" Janus room, as well as the location described in the dialogue.
  • Several notes can be seen lying on a desk that document 'The Nobody', 'Bakers', and a variety of other topics.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

August 27th, 2021

  • The players decide to name the third timeline that the Hacker Group hail from that seemingly suffered an unknown cataclysm the "Fucked Timeline". This Wiki and Timeline will use this name as well.

October 4th, 2021

  • At 2:09 PM, the player Pako discovered that the video "Jacob" had updated. During this time, the video underwent several changes:
  • 2:09 PM - The video's thumbnail changed to a photo of a solid white eye and the title was replaced with empty spaces. target=_blank The video's description now contained out of place capitalized letters that spelled out "TRUST".
  • 2:21 PM - The video's thumbnail changed to a photo of Tyler and someone wearing a mask. target=_blank The video's description now read "I really miss".
  • 9:28 PM - The video's thumbnail changed to a red photo of a man wearing a pig mask. target=_blank The video's title also changed once again, now simply reading "J".

October 27th, 2021

  • At 9:17 PM, the player Pako discovered that the name of the Internet Detectives Discord Server had changed to "ID SE24GD01UK D30-33".
  • At 9:20 PM, the player Laches discovered that the name of the Internet Detectives Discord Server had changed to "Real Internet Detectives".

October 31st, 2021

  • At 10:17 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "test.JPG". Unfortunately, this image was not achived.
  • At 1:08 PM, the player Laches discovered that the name of the Internet Detectives Discord Server had changed back to "ID SE24GD01UK D30-33".
  • At 2:14 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord Server and posted a link to a new, unlisted Silentdork video - "Jid halloween scavenger hunt announcement". This video announced a "scavengers hunt" of sorts that would take place later in the day at 6:00 PM in various JanusVR worlds on Johnisdead.com. This "scavengers hunt" would involve the players searching for codes in the various JanusVR worlds that could be redeemed on "https://bandcamp.com/yum" for free albums. target=_blank

10/31/21 - Jid halloween scavenger hunt announcement - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video appears to be a non-canon parody of disingenuous, corporate videos. Here, Tyler announces an upcoming Halloween update where players will be able to explore various Janus rooms on Johnisdead.com at 6:00 PM to discover codes they can redeem at "https://bandcamp.com/yum" for free music albums.
  • In the middle of this video, the lights suddenly go out and Tyler seemingly begins screaming about "Methods of Revolution" - Alex Hall's abandoned Kickstarter project. After this, Tyler smashes a "Theorizer's Corner" mug on the ground, uncovering a Bitcoin.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Brought to you by WIRE TALK™
    For a limited time find the signs for big prizes, starting at 6pm est
    Tell your friends and family for a chance to win now
    now is your chance for amazing prizes, no vaporware here folks only the best quality audio spiritus extracts available now to you, all you have to do to enter and win is attach your computer to the network. https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld
    Welcome Home™

  • Tags: N/A
  • At 2:49 PM, the player Pako discovered that Johnisdead.com was now locked and required a username and password to enter.
  • At 6:01 PM, the player Pako discovered that Johnisdead.com was now accessible. Upon entering the "Fakeworld" Janus room, players discovered that Prominence was present, silently observing them. Players quickly discovered that the "Fakeworld" Janus room had been updated, as the player Dense discovered the first Bandcamp code. These took the form of a construction sign containing the word "YUM" followed by the code. target=_blank Players began branching out and exploring other Janus rooms on Johnisdead.com - many of which were updated to feature new areas. These updated rooms will be catalogued as they were posted in the Internet Detectives Discord Server by players.
  • At 6:10 PM, the players Pako and Lostbrine discovered that the "Emptiness" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured a small cliff which housed a hidden Bandcamp code. The room also now contained two other new cliffs that contained portals leading to two new Janus rooms - "Cumulus" and "Genesis". These rooms will be covered in more detail when the players enter them later on.
  • At 6:14 PM, the player Dense discovered that the "Pillars" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured new pathways in its lower sections. One of these led to a large platform that can be jumped to that contained a stump that would warp players back to the top section. The other contained a portal that would take players to a new Janus room - "Conparatio". Players also discovered that the summit of the main pillar now contained a small pond that held a portal to another new Janus room - "Transformatio". These rooms will be covered in more detail when the players enter them later on.
  • At 6:26 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/genesis". This page contained the image "genesis.gif" and the "Genesis" Janus room. target=_blank

10/31/21 - "Genesis" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • This Janus room featured a vast, green landscape containing a large building in the center. The building's entrance was blocked by a "spear" or "gar" rune.


  • Files:
  • genesis.mp3 - A distorted track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
  • seal.png - The seal that appears in-front of the doorway. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The large, green landscape: target=_blank
  • The seal blocking the doorway: target=_blank
  • An aerial view of the landscape: target=_blank
  • The mural: target=_blank
  • At 6:35 PM, the player Pako discovered that the "Distance" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured four more red landmasses in a square-shaped pattern within the pre-existing landmasses in a cross-shaped pattern. Four more flame paths led players to these landmasses where they intersected with the pre-existing flame paths. The landmasses shaped like a stairway, a series of pillars, a small hut, and a temple contained portals that led to the "Conparatio", "Mortus", "Tomb", and "Cumulus" Janus rooms respectively.
  • At 6:39 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/conparatio". This page was titled "conparatio" and contained the image "conparatio.gif" and the "Conparatio" Janus room. target=_blank

10/31/21 - "Conparatio" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • This Janus room featured a green landscape consisting of many floating islands and a large temple blocked by a "spear" or "gar" rune.


  • Files:
  • conparatio.mp3 - A distorted track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • A symbol seen atop the temple: target=_blank
  • Strange objects found floating around the temple: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 6:53 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/transformatio". This page was titled "transformatio" and contained the image "transformatio.gif" and the "Transformatio" Janus room. target=_blank

10/31/21 - "Transformatio" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • This Janus room featured a green landscape consisting of an ocean and a large temple blocked by a "spear" or "gar" rune.


  • Files:
  • transformatio.mp3 - A distorted track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The temple submerged in water: target=_blank
  • At 6:59 PM, the player Pako discovered that the "Solace" Janus room had been updated. The room now contained an additional area featuring a hill containing a portal to the "Transformatio" Janus room, a large pedestal containing a portal to the "Tomb" Janus room, a cave containing a portal to the "Mortus" Janus room, and a large building containing a portal to the "Genesis" Janus room. This building was dilapidated and appeared somewhat corrupted. In addition to various images of strange creatures, this building also contained several ciphers and notes. target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

10/31/21 - "Solace" Janus Room Text - Johnisdead.com


  • Various notes seem to have been left by presumably a Lunar Child partaking in Project Bifrost detailing some sort of experiment in communicating with strange creatures. This experiment seemingly went horribly wrong.
  • At 7:07 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/cumulus". This page was titled "cumulus" and contained the image "cumulus.gif" and the "Cumulus" Janus room. target=_blank

10/31/21 - "Cumulus" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • This Janus room featured a digital-looking platform blocked by a "spear" or "gar" rune.


  • Files:
  • cumulus.mp3 - A distorted track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
  • Screenshots:
  • The rune blocking the platform: target=_blank
  • At 7:13 PM, the player Laches discovered that the "Under" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured two new additional areas - a roof surrounded by walls that contained a portal to the "Genesis" Janus room, and a long hallway that led to a balcony. This hallway also contained a portal that led to the "Cumulus" Janus room. These new areas also featured strange, disturbing images as well: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
  • At 7:18 PM, the player Pako discovered that the "Tomb" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured a series of sewers that could be traversed. Within these sewers was what appeared to be a drawing by Sheepdog of four individuals. target=_blank These sewers exited into a small building near the Spire. This building also contained a portal to the "Genesis" Janus room. By exploiting JanusVR's physics, players could launch off of the side of the Spire and reach a series of floating platforms that housed a portal to the "Solace" Janus room. Another floating platform contained what appeared to be a sigil of sorts: target=_blank A small cave could now be found in the mountains behind the Spire. This cave contained a portal that led to the "Distance" Janus room. This map also contained another landmass in the distance where a portal to the "Conparatio" Janus room could be found.
  • At 7:52 PM, the player Pako discovered that the "Mortus" Janus room had been updated. The room now featured a canyon-like area that contained portals to both the "Cumulus" and "Distance" Janus rooms. One of the large, pre-existing plateaus could also now be scaled by platforming smaller cliffs. This plateau was now dotted with trees and contained a portal to the "Solace" Janus room at its peak. This room also now featured an ocean area. At the depths of this ocean was a temple that housed a portal to the "Transformatio" Janus room. This temple contained the following text:

10/31/21 - "Mortus" Janus Room Text - Johnisdead.com


  • This text related to "artifacts" and what they mean for individual selves.
  • At 8:11 PM, the player Laches discovered that the "Rooftop" Janus room had been updated. The previously inaccessible building could now be entered if the players entered into it from either the "Conparatio" or "Transformatio" Janus rooms. As such, this map now contained portals to both of those Janus rooms.

November 11th, 2021

  • At 11:11 PM, a new video was uploaded to Silentdork - "elevator scene". target=_blank This video's thumbnail was that of "Stare Guy" - an emoji of a man that was mysteriously added to the Internet Detectives Discord server earlier in the year. target=_blank

11/11/21 - "elevator scene" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video features 3d footage of Tyler and Erika waiting in the elevator after escaping Regiminis in the video "Konvergenz". Strange footage that is difficult to decipher faintly plays over the video as Erika speaks to Tyler, asking him to wake up.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "He cant tell whats happening if you already changed it but if we can see it will it change or did it already happen? At least the events will be real, or later. Better riding with you than no one at all, better here than no where.

    Head is funny, Ill make contact soon. Cant wait for the doors to open :)
  • Tags: "trailer, coming soon, feature"

November 12th, 2021

  • At 2:08 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord Server's banner image changed to a distorted screenshot of the building found in the "Library" Janus room that was shaped like the Regiminis sigil.
  • At 2:24 AM, the player Pako discovered that the Regiminis sigil-shaped building in the "Library" Janus room was now accessible, containing portals on each of its entrances that led to different Janus rooms. Each of these Janus rooms made up different parts of the building, which was now revealed to be an Internet Detectives "Library" of sorts. For the sake of brevity, these various Janus rooms will be treated as one large Janus room within this wiki's documentation. It is also worth noting that the building's exterior in the "Library" Janus room had also been updated, now featuring bushes, trees, and fountains.

11/12/21 - "Internet Detectives Library" Janus Room - Withinhubris.com


  • This Janus room was the Internet Detectives Library - a large building dedicated to the Johnisdead playerbase that housed many community memes and creations. Before players could enter the Library proper, they would first have to enter the building's lobby and complete the "Trial of Fire".

November 20th, 2021

  • At 11:32 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, posting various messages and leading players to discover several changes within past YouTube uploads:
  • 11:32 AM - IIIII posts an unknown message in the #announcements channel. It is not archived.
  • 11:33 AM - IIIII posts a link to the video "Found a cool thing and now I am gonna go to work I guess" in the #announcements channel.
  • 11:34 AM - The player Pako discovered that the description of the video "Found a cool thing and now I am gonna go to work I guess" now contained a link to the video "The usual".
  • 11:36 AM - The player Pako discovered that the description of the video "The usual" had changed to a cipher that translated to "Quam veritatis cursus. Similis adstare ouroboros.", which translates to "What a course of truth. It is like standing near ouroboros.".
  • 11:38 AM - The player Pako discovered that many videos on the Silentdork channel had been unlisted.
  • 11:39 AM - IIIII posts a cipher that translates to "look for unlisted check tags".
  • 11:40 AM - The player Laches discovered that the tags for the video "5646" had changed to "5464, Working with D, The DQ, The Distractor, The Welcome Home™ Link, Code: Frozen Ambrose Midas, Long Excerpt, Company protest union?".
  • 11:42 AM - The players Pako and Laches discovered that the description of the video "passing by johns house" changed to a cipher that translated to the following:

11/20/21 - "passing by johns house" Description Cipher - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This message is seemingly written by someone who describes their group as "we who know of the decoy" - a company of sorts. This group supposedly wishes to find the "imortal messanger" and prevent something known as the "elevated messiah execution protocals" from manipulating the "creator avatar" during an event known as the "collective bias activation". This would take place during some sort of "exploit".
  • The aforementioned "exploit" supposedly has something to do with an event known as the "sol luna world activation protocol". This event is initiated when the "creator avatar" has entered something known as "messiah mode" and has carried an undisclosed person or object to something known as the "fourth manifestations b s g".
  • After carrying the undisclosed person or object as described above, an unknown person described simply as "she" will change into a giant form of the "world construct". This will give her something known as the "collective bias activated spiritus mass". This message's writer implies this is something his group, a "company" of sorts, hopes to achieve.
  • "The company" supposedly intends to exploit individuals who work for "allies of decoy" and individuals who support the "creator avatar". The writer implies this can be done through their "three letter agent".
  • The writer implies that "they" - possibly referring to the aforementioned "three letter agent", works in subliminal ways. "They" supposedly wish to "harvest the formula for jero dimension access" and presumably travel there. Something involving "reality media" and a "mc chain technology system" is mentioned, though it is difficult to decipher.
  • The writer claims that if "the company" is successful, someone will be crucified on the "world construct" and "whatever can come out will be on topside".
  • 11:52 AM - the player Laches discovered that the tags for the video "passing by johns house" changed to "Memory point Saved from ID chip, Reconstructing Meta Manifestation".
  • 11:54 AM - the player Laches discovered that the tags for the video "Found a cool thing and now I am gonna go to work I guess" changed to "wait, Exploiting security rollback on main display, May leak more in future".
  • 12:00 PM - the player Pako discovered that the description for the video "The usual" had changed to "Was browsing some of my favorite websites while looking into one of my least favorite. Something weird happened.".
  • 12:01 PM - the player Pako discovered that the tags for the video "The usual" had changed to "5646".
  • 12:09 PM - the player Pako discovered that the description for the video "passing by johns house" had changed to a cipher that translated to the following:

11/20/21 - "passing by johns house" Description Cipher - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This conversation involves two, possibly three individuals presumably from the previously mentioned "company" discussing a "sphere". Within the sphere in question, it is claimed that a "fourth manifestation" managed to layer into a "fifth manifestation" via "path loop iterations", resulting in the manifestation entering into a "Pseudo-Godhead". They claim that this "Pseudo-Godhead" status is only temporary and "yields no readable memory data in cube stasis or otherwise.", however.
  • The conversation turns to Mat. It is revealed that "the company" views him as a side experiment of sorts. It's implied that something known as "LOGOS" is also interested in Mat, however. They then question what Mat's goals are, mentioning something known as a "mandella connected order" that he managed to pull off. A "bridge" is mentioned, along with one of the company individuals likening this all to a scene from the movie "The Ring".
  • "The company" individuals discuss whether Mat is attempting to reach "Godhead", unsure whether or not he is aware that there is more beyond said status. One of the individuals then presumably begins to erase their conversation before something known as a "D drop" occurs, not wanting anyone to read it.
  • 12:12 PM - the player Pako discovered that the description of "passing by johns house" had returned to normal.
  • 12:12 PM - the player Pako discovered that the tags of "passing by johns house" had changed to "Welcome Home".
  • 3:41 PM - the player Xenquility discovered that the tags of "Jacob" had changed to "Hunting, for, https://www.pig333.com/3tres3_common/art/pig333/16649/newborn-piglet_168287.jpg".
  • 3:44 PM - the player Xenquility discovered that the tags of "accidental recording" had changed to "Imissedyou".
  • 3:50 PM - the player Xenquility discovered that the tags of "The Usual" had changed to "1123".
  • 3:52 PM - the player Xenquility discovered that the tags of "A guest" had changed to "hidden, in, plain, sight, KE".
  • 3:53 PM - the player Xenquility discovered that the tags of "Experiments" had changed to "WireTalk™ Technologies, Demonstration, Welcome home™".

November 21st, 2021

  • At 3:15 PM, the player Pako discovered that the first minute or so of the video "going" had been censored and blurred.
  • At 3:50 PM, strange occurrences involving various videos on the Silentdork YouTube channel resumed:
  • 3:50 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the video "going" had been privated.
  • 4:29 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the video "Hello again" was repeatedly switching between public and unlisted.
  • 4:30 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the tags for "Hello again" had changed to "Influence?".
  • 4:30 PM - The players Xenquility and Pako discovered that the thumbnails of various Silentdork videos had changed. target=_blank target=_blank
  • 4:36 PM - The player Pako discovered that the video "Going" was once again public.
  • 4:36 PM - The player Pako discovered that the thumbnail for "Going" had changed to a close-up shot of Tyler's face. target=_blank
  • 4:41 PM - The player Pako discovered that the tags for "Regiminis" had changed to "Awa, Madagascar".
  • 4:42 PM - The player Pako discovered that the tags for "Regiminis" had been removed.
  • 4:43 PM - The player Pako discovered that the thumbnail for "Going" had changed back to an image of the strange lantern object. target=_blank
  • 4:43 PM - The player Pako discovered that the description for "Going" had changed to "oct 11th 2015 51/11/4 never made it shouldnt have went outside shouldnt have opened the door they got me". target=_blank
  • 4:44 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the thumbnail for "Regiminis" had changed back to being completely black.
  • 4:45 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the tags for "Regiminis" had changed to "Your old friend, malagasy, https://translate.google.com/#mg/en/kevi, to latin, to english, meaning of regiminis".
  • 5:07 PM - The player Xenquility discovered that the title of "Going" had changed to "Im going to".
  • 5:07 PM - The player Pako discovered that the title of "Im going to" had changed to "Going to". target=_blank
  • 5:08 PM - The player Pako discovered that the video "Hello again" was once again public.
  • 5:10 PM - The player Pako discovered that the tags for "Hello again" had changed to "Camera, Suitcase, USB, Memory contingency".
  • 5:12 PM - The player Laches discovered that the tags for "Regiminis" had changed to "silentdork johnisdead johnisdead.com john tyler kevin patrem lunarchildren lunarchildren.com".
  • 5:15 PM - The player Pako discovered that the tags for "Hello again" had changed back to "You have forgotten, But you still remember, The USB, Find it".
  • 5:15 PM - The player Xenquillity discovered that the video "Hello again" was once again unlisted.
  • At 5:23 PM, the player Laches discovered that the white board in the "Library" Janus room now contained a message that read "Did you find the secret vid in the east???" next to an image of a weenie. target=_blank
  • At 5:54 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the title of the video "Elevator scene" had changed to "Elevator". The tags of this video were also removed.
  • At 7:51 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that one of the videos linked in the East Wing of the "Library" Janus room was an unlisted video on Wolfcat's channel from 2017 - "WeenieTested". This video simply appeared to be a WIP of an anime opening for Wolfcat's old webcomic "Weenie-Licked". target=_blank

November 22nd, 2021

  • At 6:35 PM, the player Laches submitted the audio file "Sonata_Bossa_Nova.mp3" in the Internet Detectives Discord server along with text that read as follows: target=_blank
  • "So 1123 is tomorrow. A date of significant memetic influence. While I've been mostly content to sit on the sidelines and watch I'm particularly worried about what this device means in the context of our goals. What it means for Tyler's fate.
    For so long he's been walking through the Hall of Fame, seemingly voiceless to us. Asleep in a never ending spiral of nightmarish trials, almost powerless in his ability to shape his own destiny. And yet we continue to watch on. I don't know what tomorrow brings, but what I do know is that what remains of the Lunar Children want it to happen. At the very least, I think Tyler should be allowed to weigh in on this fate. He should be given voice once again. After this whole year of watching and learning, it feels like you're a friend I've never known and for that, I can't sit by and watch. I don't have fancy memetic powers like our hacker friends. I don't have super slick data-moshing and editing skills like Xen. But there's one thing I do sort of have.
    It's time for you, and our lost harbingers to reawaken, and speak."

November 23rd, 2021

  • At 2:44 AM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began posting various images and messages:
  • 2:44 AM - IIIII sent an unarchived image of a person with short hair and a beard in the #johnisdead channel.
  • 2:51 AM - IIIII sent an unarchived image titled "1637620318998.png" in the #announcements channel. target=_blank
  • 3:00 AM - IIIII sent an unarchived image in the #announcements channel.
  • 3:26 AM - IIIII sent an unarchived image in the #announcements channel.
  • 11:26 AM - IIIII sent the message "x-thread-30332323" in the #announcements channel. This led players to discovering an archived thread on the 4chan /x/ board - "https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/30332323".
  • At 2:25 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image that contained text that read "WireTalk". Shortly after this, it returned to normal.
  • At 9:05 PM, the name of the Internet Detectives Discord server briefly changed to "ID SE24GD01UK D30-33".
  • At 9:07 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a strange image of shapes and the numbers "1" and "5" - an image that had appeared previously. target=_blank The banner returned to normal shortly after this.
  • At 9:11 PM, a new video began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Civitas". The initial thumbnail of this video was once again "Stare Guy". target=_blank

11/23/21 - "Civitas" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video seems to be a continuation of "elevator scene", showing Tyler and Erika leaving the elevator and walking through a park. Erika then looks up and sees another elevator descending from the sky. Higher up in the sky is a large grid of cubes. The video then cuts to another shot of the elevator, showing Tyler and Erika still waiting within it.
  • Various other video clips can be seen throughout the footage, such as Tyler being pursued by Regiminis and short shots of objects such as the "Detour Sign", the "Beacon", masks, and the "Seven of Hearts" card.
  • The description of this video contains more strange messages that seemingly originate from the same three individuals who speak in company-like terminology as seen in the description of "passing by johns house". Since they often seem to chant "OFA", they will be called the "OFA Group" in this timeline.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: Whoever made that lovely piece, we could hear it even this long ago. But you played to our eyes and ears rather than to our heart. Still it brought out some words, but at a poor time. Try again in the 'right' place if you would care to. Spooki man still has not spoken directly about the long ritual though despite this somewhat immediate effect. Strange how the passage of things goes. Sort of like the window I have now to say this, I would not really know how to catagorize the timeframe following your own time that I am actually writing all of this out in

    further more the

    "Wwwwwwwwwwwwwelcome Home™ and probably not going to be able to keep all of these from getting logged so lets try to keep it moving, got a new place over at Welcome Home™ so dont respond here, whatever its gonna capture will get captured. I was counting on that because the people on the outside have to at least have a trail head before they can start coming up with their own answers. This info war is a mutual exchange type thing. Im getting distracted, I think this should confirm for them the old D Drop spot. DeWelcome Home™ink. I dont know if they already have everything else to piece together whats happening but hopefully next chance we get to patch in to Welcome Home™km we should maybe get a chance to straighten things out. Dont let the dream die compatriots, all for one and one for all!

    (Hell yeah, all for one! And one for all!)

    'damn it Welcome Home™ said not to respond, check Welcome Home™'

    (lol whoops sorry, I was just gonna say I added to the package they are getting here to show them where Welcome Home™km first got connected to the Welcome Home™)


    "Compatriots please, assuming this is one of the first things that leaks out this is a really embarrassing first impression. It doesn't matter if a few more lines are tacked on the end of this as long as its not a book. AFO!"




    (btw we are time travellers, want me to prove it? x/thread/19897671/#q19898027 )
  • Tags: Synchrons
  • At 9:12 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "Civitas".
  • At 9:39 PM, the thumbnail of the video "Civitas" changed to a shot of Tyler and Erika standing in the elevator.
  • At 9:42 PM, IIIII became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "/web/20090608165536/".
  • At 10:03 PM, the player Laches discovered that the tags for the video "Civitas" had changed to "Synchron's".

November 24th, 2021

    At 1:33 AM, the player Laches discovered that "x/thread/19897671/#q19898027" message found in the description of Civitas led to an old message on 4chan's /x/ board posted on November 14th, 2017 that read "The door in deep is open. Now johnisdead just small part of. But now ST try to find. amongusъ". target=_blank This same thread contained a familiar symbol that had been posted by IIIII in the past featuring a circle and the number 15. target=_blank

November 28th, 2021

  • At 12:54 AM, the players began searching web archives of Decoy.Link as hinted by the description of Civitas. The archive linked in the Civitas video description featured a simple blog-like page. This page was titled "WireTalk - WELCOME HOME" and featured a header image containing WireTalk's logo. target=_blank This page also contained a blog post that was titled "soon." and uploaded on August 5th, 2018. This post contained a video - "Track2.mp4". target=_blank

11/28/21 - "Track2.mp4" - Decoy.Link


  • This video mainly features distorted footage of a television interspersed with threatening messages followed by a distorted shot of some train tracks.
  • At 1:01 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that viewing the source code of Decoy.Link's blog post revealed that its author was "ZackyNelson". target=_blank
  • At 1:52 AM, the player Laches discovered that viewing older archived versions of Decoy.Link would reveal a simple page containing text that read "Event//11-29-2015 D30-33". target=_blank

January 14th, 2022

  • At 8:21 PM, the player Pako discovered that IIIII's Discord avatar had changed to a distorted image of a young, blonde haired eyeless boy in a digital-looking environment. target=_blank IIIII's account banner had also changed to a screenshot of the Shrek character "Puss in Boots" with a Guy Fawkes mask drawn over it with text reading "OFICUL NOTIF UV'E BEEN HACK!". target=_blank

February 22nd, 2022

  • At 9:57 PM, IIIII's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server. Throughout this conversation it was revealed that SKM's brother Max was now somehow in control of the account and was using it to chat with the players.

2/22/22 - Chat with Max - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Max is chatting with the players as a result of the "Sonata Bossa Nova". He claims this song urged him to contact the players, but he ignored it. This resulted in Luna herself repeatedly reminding him about it both in his dreams and in the form of sticky notes.
  • Max mentions that he enjoys hanging out in the "Library" Janus room, though he is currently keeping his distance from it since that is where the reminder note from Luna manifested.
  • Max notes that the "Library" Janus room is simply a "projection" created by the Lunar Children. This seems to imply that Janus rooms are digital approximations of real locations. Max claims that he can visit the "real" Library, though this will usually give him a headache.
  • Max describes his surroundings in more detail:
  • Max currently resides within a computer in the Parallelos. This computer is housed within the same building that SKM was stealing internet from - the one he claimed to occasionally hear chanting coming from.
  • Max can view his surroundings using the computer's camera, though all he can see is a dark room with a curtain. Behind this curtain is a long-haired man who speaks Latin into a machine. This machine is seemingly plugged into the computer Max is in.
  • This dark room also contains a bed with someone sleeping on it, which Max was only able to see when the computer's camera mysetriously moved one day.
  • Max implies that it was because he is within this computer that he was able to gain access to the "Quiet Family" YouTube channel. He is also able to access various files such as the ones he gave to Erika for the creation of her music videos. He is seemingly unable to use web browsers, however.
  • Max reiterates that Erika is fond of Luna, though she is not really associated with the Moon Children or Lunar Children.
  • The players submit the "Lens of Truth" on the Within Hubris Forums. This resulted in Max being forced to reveal that he "really liked Erika", though his message was quickly deleted. Following this, Max was given the ability to use web browsers.
  • Max wishes to check up on his brother SKM. He notes that SKM had been acting weird lately - likely due to the environment of the Parallelos. Max claims that he was once able to briefly visit SKM back when SKM connected the wire from his tent to the building. However, SKM did not recognize Max and this only led to him becoming more confused.
  • Max explains how he was kidnapped by the Lunar Children in more detail:
  • Max self-described himself as an "edgelord", having wanted to meet a "real life creepy pasta character". He explains that he wanted to witness something "really crazy".
  • At some point, Max joined Within Hubris and began searching for BEN. Instead, he was contacted by Patrem who lured him to a nearby park with the promise of teaching him more about BEN.
  • When Max arrived at the park, he was kidnapped by a group of four or five cultist wearing plain white masks. Max was pulled into a light blue van and taken to the fishery.
  • At the fishery, Max was taken to the wooden chapel as seen in the "Compound" Janus room. Here, he witnessed Patrem arguing with various Lunar Children. Strangely, Max explains that Patrem seemingly had no intention for him to be at the fishery and was confused to find him there.
  • Patrem asked the Lunar Children he was arguing with who Max was and why he was at the fishery. They lied and said that Max was the son of someone who Max thinks they knew. Max says that cultists referred to said person by some sort of "cult code name".
  • Max claims that Patrem and Mat were arguing, hearing the words "ceremony process" and "it is three and not one more".
  • Max explains that after Patrem and Mat finished their argument, Mat walked over to someone and said "just do it anyways its all gonna be fucked".
  • Patrem approached Max and apologized to him, claiming that this wasn't what he asked for and that he was only looking for his son. Patrem explained that Max's presence at the fishery was not planned by him and that it was instead organized by someone masquerading as himself who wished to undermine his rule.
  • Patrem seemingly expressed concern for Max's safety, claiming "I will willingly sacrifice myself should you come anywhere near harms way, I will not hold the blood of another child on my hands in vein and certainly not one whom is not my own.".
  • Max was taken to the large room in the fishery with the stained glass ceiling. This room was full of cultists silently watching Max as well as a metallic box with lights that was plugged into the wall. Max was instructed to enter the box. As he did so, he passed by four cultists in black hoods who were seemingly glowing from under their robes. He also describes one of these cultists as smelling like putrid meat and having cold skin. These four were standing around a burning metal bin with symbols drawn on it.
  • Before Max was shut into the box, he recalled hearing Patrem say, "thats one too many, I told you-" while pointing at the largest of the four robed figures. He was unable to hear the rest, as he could not hear anything from outside once the box was closed.
  • Max remembers being in a strange "liquidy" room with Ben. This room contained many images and colors swirling around. This is likely how he experienced being fused with Ben when he was known as "Drowned".
  • Max confirms that his birthday is on April 23rd.
  • Max describes a dream he once had that involved him exploring the park in which he was kidnapped. Here he claims he met Jacob and asked him where "The Purple Man" was.
  • Max informs the players that the "Library" Janus room has updated. He theorizes that it is attempting to "catch up" with the real Library and become more accurate, but that the real Library is far too complicated.
  • Max explains that he wishes to briefly leave the computer so he can check on SKM, but first he is going to sleep.


  • Files:
  • snap.png - A green, distorted image of the long-haired individual who speaks into the machine. target=_blank
  • therealoathtoorder.png - A drawing by Max depicting himself shooting Luna with a gun. target=_blank
  • howtokillalessergod.png - A drawing by Max depicting himself farting in the player Pako's face. target=_blank
  • bullshitbox.png - A drawing of Max depicting the strange box he was placed in at the fishery. target=_blank
  • At 8:30 AM, the player Laches discovered that the "Library" Janus rooms had updated. A short description of updates are as follows:

2/22/22 - "Library" Janus Rooms - Withinhubris.com


  • The Library hub world had been expanded and now featured islands representative of the Theet, VicGang, and LSC communities. It also now contained more Jadcoins, special Red Jadcoins that increase jump height, and seven generators that could be found and switched off.
  • The Internet Detectives Library contained expanded East and West Wings. The Back room was also revamped, now featuring more details. Two new rooms were also added: a theater where players could watch videos together, and a special room inspired by Wolfcat's webcomic "Weenie-Licked" that could only be accessed by switching off all seven generators. This room contained a large spinning key that could be collected when clicked.

February 24th, 2022

  • At 12:38 AM, Max became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

2/24/22 - Chat with Max - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Max informs the players that he is about to go check on SKM in his tent by travelling through some wires.
  • Max successfully travels to SKM's tent and returns to the players. He claims that he was able to patch into SKM's "head camera", but he had either left it plugged in sitting in the tent or is lying motionless on the floor since all Max was able to see was the tent's ceiling.
  • Max specifies that the "Quiet Family" YouTube channel belongs to the computer he is currently housed within.
  • Max shares a video that he was able to steal from SKM's computer - "tent.mp4". This video shows the inside of SKM's tent before SKM leaves and explores the woods a bit. Max is unsure when this video was recorded and theorizes that it could have been quite some time ago.
  • Max notes that when he was able to see through SKM's camera in the past he witnessed him reading a book called "The Red Book".
  • Max departs back of SKM's computer to try and wait for SKM to return.


  • Files:
  • tent.mp4 - A video presumably shot from SKM's point of view showcasing his tent and surroundings. This video will be covered more in-depth down below. target=_blank
  • At 1:43 AM, Max sent the video "tent.mp4" in the Internet Detectives Discord server. target=_blank

2/24/22 - "tent.mp4" - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • This video showcases the interior of SKM's tent, though it is very distorted. SKM can be seen leaving the tent and coming across some papers with runes drawn on them as he walks into the woods.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A

February 27th, 2022

  • At 10:53 PM, the player Pako discovered that the "Jacob" video had returned to normal and was once again public.

March 24th, 2022

  • At 11:06 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner began changing:
  • 11:06 PM - The banner changed to a distorted image of a building with text that read "NOSTALGIA TRAP". target=_blank
  • 11:10 PM - The banner changed to a distorted image of a forest environment with text that read "GRAND SPHERE". target=_blank
  • 11:13 PM - The banner changed to a distorted image of a woman with text that read "MAIDEN". target=_blank
  • 11:18 PM - The banner changed to a distorted image of a figure in front of a monitor with text that read "WORK". target=_blank
  • 11:21 PM - The banner changed to a distorted image of a strange environment with text that read "STORM". target=_blank
  • At 11:23 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/storm". This page was locked and could not be accessed.
  • At 11:42 PM, the player Pako discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted screenshot of the "POWERING UP" screen seen in recent videos. target=_blank
  • At 11:55 PM, the player Pako discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a distorted image of a man on a "SEIKI" brand monitor. The server's name also briefly changed to "ID SE24GD01UK D30-33". target=_blank

March 25th, 2022

  • At 12:05 AM, the player Pako discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to an image of a cube with text that read "esca" and "nullappendages". target=_blank
  • At 12:06 AM, the players Rytikula and Fascio discovered that the username and password required to access "https://johnisdead.com/storm" - "esca" and "nullappendages". This page was titled "null" and contained the image "storm.gif" - a heavily distorted and indiscernible image. This page also contained the audios "storm.mp3". target=_blank This page also contained the following text hidden within its source code: "��s, can you he�� us? �es, you need to �et out of ��ere rig�� ���, ���re's a mass��e ����storm ���cending on your loc��ion as we sp���! �o, he's n�� picking up, I don'� ��ow ���� �� do.". target=_blank
  • At 12:18 AM, the player Fascio submitted the "New Wave Bossa Nova" in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris in an attempt to contact the person found speaking on "https://johnisdead.com/storm". target=_blank
  • At 12:22 AM, the player Fascio submitted the "Song of Soaring" in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris in an attempt to save whoever was being spoken about on "https://johnisdead.com/storm" from the storm. target=_blank
  • At 12:25 AM, the player Pako discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/storm" had updated. The text found in the page's source code now contained an extra line of text that read as follows: "Wait, I'm getting a connect�ion. Can you hear me!? Wait? Max...? No, it's ��� M��, I just ��ard som���� sa�... Hold on, there's more. Milk...? Fuck, it's j��� more P��������� bullsh�t.".
  • At 12:27 AM, the player Pako discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/storm" had updated. The page was now titled "soaring" and was completely black.
  • At 7:17 PM, the player Fascio submitted the "Lens of Truth" in the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris in an attempt to learn more about the individuals discovered through the page "https://johnisdead.com/storm".

March 27th, 2022

  • At 5:00 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Through the lens". target=_blank

3/27/22 - Through the lens - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video was seemingly posted as a result of the "Lens of Truth" being submitted.
  • This video mainly featured footage of Tyler, John, the "Hall of Fame", and other cryptic shots of unknown locations and people.
  • This video ends with another shot of SKM's tent as seen in "tent.mp4". During this shot, players were able to more clearly read SKM's notes which revealed the following:
  • SKM logged the effects the Parallelos had on him. This included the feeling of being watched and experiencing strange dreams.
  • SKM was seemingly communicating with George by writing on a piece of paper.
  • SKM detailed his surroundings. There appears to be three large spheres in the Parallelos surrounding one singular sphere-shaped object. Not far from SKM is a large Saturn-shaped object.
  • SKM has witnessed two strange types of entities within the Parallelos - entities like George who can travel relatively unhindered and through "wires", and strange feminine entities with glowing eyes that travel much more freely.
  • SKM appears to be suffering from some sort of time dilation, which he attempted to track in a series of graphs.


  • At an unknown time, two entities named "Shadow" joined the players in JanusVR and wandered around the locations they were exploring. These entities were small black humanoids with glowing white eyes.

April 23rd, 2022

  • At 1:28 AM, Dawn of a New Day became active in the Internet Deteectives Discord server and posted the image "fore.png" - a distorted image of Link from "Ocarina of Time" holding a weapon. target=_blank
  • At 5:09 AM, a new video was discovered on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Tiamat". target=_blank

4/23/22 - "Tiamat" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video depicts a comet housing statues of old men descending upon and piercing through a sphere. It also features cryptic text that seems to be pulled from the Liber DCCCXIII vel ARARITA Sub Figura DLXX.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 5:58 AM, a new video was discovered on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "MOV01866". target=_blank

4/23/22 - "MOV01866" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video simply contains gameplay footage of "Super Smash Bros Melee". According to the description, the players are Daniel and Douglas.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Thank you Daniel. Thank you Douglas. These times will never be forgotten."
  • Tags: "Another time, Another world, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaDh-dHPW2I"
  • At 6:26 AM, the player Laches discovered that the tags of the video "MOV01866" led to another undiscovered video on Silentdork - "MOV00373". target=_blank

4/23/22 - "MOV00373" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video appears to be a recording from Tyler taken at some sort of convention. It features a brief interaction between him and the e-celebrity "Uncle Yo". "Egoraptor" and "Nostalgia Critic" are also present in the footage. Uncle Yo refers to Tyler as "Miku", though Tyler corrects him with "Mikuo", implying that Tyler is in cosplay.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YKQgrxXV7c"
  • At 6:26 AM, the player Laches discovered that the tags of the video "MOV00373" led to another undiscovered video on Silentdork - "MOV00310". target=_blank

4/23/22 - "MOV00310" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video features a sparring room that was presumably recorded at the same convention as seen in the video "MOV00373". Several convention-goers fight eachother with styrofoam bats. These individuals include a man dressed in all black, a man wearing a red jacket named Cody, a man wearing orange clothing, and a man with long, blonde hair wearing a suit.
  • Tyler can occasionally be seen in the background of this video. He appears to be wearing a male "Hatsune Miku" cosplay, as referenced by Uncle Yo in the video "MOV00373".


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 8:40 AM, the player Pako discovered that nearly all of the videos on the Silentdork YouTube channel had been made public.
  • At 11:40 AM, the player Fascio discovered that someone had commented on the video "Tiamat" one month ago, despite the video showing an upload date of April 23rd, 2022. This seems to imply that these recent uploads had remained privated or unlisted on the Silentdork YouTube channel for some time.
  • At 1:31 PM, the player Xenquility noticed that some clips from the videos "Tiamat" and "MOV00310" could faintly be seen in previous videos such as "gift.webm". The clip of "Tiamat" seen in "gift.webm" seems to extend further, revealing that the sphere that the comet is lodged into begins to crack. It is believed this is related to the "shattered sphere" mentioned in SKM's notes seen in "tent.mp4" and could possibly related to the Fucked Timeline.
  • At 7:39 PM, the player Pako discovered that the video "." had been renamed to "Dreams". The video also contained text that read "watch?v=dP5d9vA60kM", which led players to a new video on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "_". target=_blank

4/23/22 - "_" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video seems to be a clip of Tyler enacting some sort of Satanic ritual.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "xTnsY5hRFJE"
  • Tags: "Old world, lost self"
  • At 7:42 PM, the player Pako discovered that the video "_" was originally uploaded on April 23rd, 2015.
  • At 8:22 PM, the player Pako discovered that the description of the video "_" was part of a YouTube link that led players to a new video on Silentdork - "Video 2". target=_blank This video was originally uploaded on October 18th, 2017.

4/23/22 - "Video 2" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video seems to depict Tyler sacrificing the character Yuri from the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" for another character he feels is superior - Monika. He does this by locking Yuri's files on a USB and burning it.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: "just, https://youtu.be/CAZl4NAcDNg"
  • At 8:23 PM, the player Laches discovered that the tags for the video "Video 2" contained a link for another new video on Silentdork - "ᛁᛇᛁ". target=_blank This video was originally uploaded on November 21st, 2017.

4/23/22 - "ᛁᛇᛁ" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video seems to be another upload related to the character "Monika" from "Doki Doki Literature Club", as it features her rapping in an empty classroom while fanart scrolls by.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: "Its funny really, Through mass media manipulation they sifted through hundreds of thousands, So many would be lead build a construct like this from instinct, She always comes out looking the same, Its all shards of the same d[e/i]vine grey matter, But only one will hold the sign that leads them to the one they seek, I wonder what made this base so common as an awakening tool?"

April 24th, 2022

  • At 12:02 AM, Max became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/24/22 - Chat with Max - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Max greets the players after nearly a month of silence. He reveals that, from his perspective, it has only been a few hours.
  • Max reveals that he found some games on SKM's computer. He invites the players to play a match of "Halo: Combat Evolved" with him, posting a download link for the game.
  • The players play several casual matches of "Halo: Combat Evolved" with Max. Eventually the game begins to crash, resulting in Max quitting for the night.


  • Files:
  • tomorrow.JPG - A screenshot of Discord from Max's perspective, revealing that the timestamps appear strange for him. target=_blank
  • A zip file containing the game "Halo: Combat Evolved" was posted during this conversation.
  • At 1:30 AM, the player Pako discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner had changed to an image of the mural found in the "Spire" Janus room. target=_blank This led to players discovering that the "Spire" Janus room had updated.

4/24/22 - "Spire" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


  • Many old objects in this room were updated, such as chairs, tables, and bookshelves.
  • This map now contained a new area hidden behind the large mural in the Spire's lobby. This area consisted of narrow, concrete passageways and pipes. Three computers could be found here.
  • The room that once contained three Libro Lunarus could now be accessed. This room now contained only one copy of the Libro Lunarus. Touching it would trap players in a black void where Jinn's eyes could be seen staring at them.


  • Screenshots:
  • Various scribbles found in the walls:
  • Three spheres, one of which is shattered: target=_blank
  • A disturbing face with an unhinged jaw: target=_blank
  • A woman with text reading "/day56": target=_blank
  • A distressed-looking creature: target=_blank
  • A structure surrounded by the text "/broadcast_alert" and "5/5": target=_blank
  • A grid of squares or cubes: target=_blank
  • A small church with text that reads "/excerpt": target=_blank
  • Three shapes with various arms reaching towards them: target=_blank
  • Jinn's eyes in the void: target=_blank
  • At 1:32 AM, the player Xenquililty discovered that one of the new computers found in the "Spire" Janus room would link to a new page on Lunarchildren.com - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat93203301". This page contained another IRC chatlog.

4/24/22 - "chat93203301" - Lunarchildren.com


  • Alignak informs Luke and sinYarikh that he is going to be living at the Spire.
  • Luke reveals that the Lunar Children own several buildings elsewhere in town that act as dormitories for the cultists. There is only enough room to house ten Lunar Children at the Spire at any given time, and the ones chosen to stay there are usually those who are taking special classes or are in-between missions.
  • Alignak notes that he has seen some strange men in suits at the Spire in the past and wonders who they were.
  • At 1:35 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/day56". This page was titled "Prospect" and contained the image "fair.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the video "entry.mp4". target=_blank

4/24/22 - "entry.mp4" - Johnisdead.com


  • This video contains distorted footage of the Spire coupled with a new journal entry from Hope.
  • Hope reveals that she and her two friends have become trapped in the Spire, as it now appears to be in a black void.
  • The Spire Hope and her friends are trapped in seems to contain entities and occasionally changes appearance. Hope fears for her friends, noting that her male friend has begun to act odd once again.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 1:36 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/broadcast_alert". This page was titled "ATTENTION" and contained the image "probe.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the video "alert.mp4". target=_blank

4/24/22 - "alert.mp4" - Johnisdead.com


  • This video showcases what appears to be a large oil rig in the middle of a green ocean. This seems to be the placed in the same location as the Library, which can be seen floating in the background.
  • A female voice begins speaking over an intercom directing a group of dispatch teams within "Probe 111" during something called the "CMC 2012 Engagement". She also mentions that a "Main Display Event" is imminent.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • Files:
  • An image retrieved from an SSTV signal containing text that reads "ENGAGEMENT STATUS: SUCCESSFUL", "DISPATCH STATUS: AWAITING RESPONSE ...", and a target pointing towards a cube that reads "LINK": target=_blank
  • At 1:39 AM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/excerpt". This page was titled "Excerpt" and contained the image "excerpt.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the video "excerpt.mp4". target=_blank

4/24/22 - "excerpt.mp4" - Johnisdead.com


  • This video contains footage of what appears to be a church. Cryptic text appears relating to speaking in tongues and the towers of man.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 1:38 AM, the player Laches discovered that one of the new computers found in the "Spire" Janus room would link to a new page on Lunarchildren.com - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat02003341". This page contained another IRC chatlog.

4/24/22 - "chat02003341" - Lunarchildren.com


  • Hope and Thoth are discussing Luke. It seems as though he has recently disappeared, which has greatly distressed Hope.
  • Thoth comforts Hope, telling her that Luke's disappearance isn't her fault and that she shouldn't blame herself.
  • Hope claims that she has told someone named Martha about Luke's disappearance, noting that Luke and Martha were close.
  • At 1:56 AM, the player Xenquililty discovered that one of the new computers found in the "Spire" Janus room would link to a new page on Lunarchildren.com - "https://lunarchildren.com/chat30204221". This page contained another IRC chatlog.

4/24/22 - "chat30204221" - Lunarchildren.com


  • Hunter and Jinn express concern for Father Alphonse's obsession with the cube-like machine housed in the Spire's basement, fearing that it may be causing his health to decline.
  • At 2:06 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner returned to normal.
  • At 2:12 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to a black image with white text that read "5/5".
  • At 2:32 AM, Max became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

4/24/22 - Chat with Max - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Max explains that, despite obviously existing digitally, he does not "feel" digital - he can feel his own body and his surroundings, though he knows his surroundings are not "real".
  • The players begin discussing Erika:
  • The players begin questioning Erika's connection to the Lunar Children - namely the stained glass window that seemingly depicted her found in "Compound" Janus room church. Max claims that this stained glass window was present in the Fishery when he was taken there in 2011.
  • Max claims that Erika used to say she was only partially human. When asked what she is, she told Max that different groups of people refer to her as different things. She told him that while she is not exactly a "tulpa", one of the ways that she may be "accessed" is by creating one.
  • (A "tulpa" is a sentient entity that one can create within their own mind through a variety of mental and spiritual methods.)
  • Players begin speculating that Erika was somehow created by Tyler. This is because, at some point, Tyler discussed having a tulpa of "Monika" from the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" back when the IIIII account was being used out-of-character. They also theorize that she is somehow related to the rare, feminine entities documented in SKM's notes.
  • The players begin discussing WireTalk, SKM, and various strange machines:
  • Max reveals that SKM was acting odd one day, entering the tent with his mask off and eyes dilated. He acted as though he was wearing an earpiece even though he wasn't. SKM began speaking the jargon used by the "company" that has been brought up lately, talking about "protocol", "god head", Tyler, and Mat.
  • Max claims that SKM proceeded to act as though he were being given instructions, saying "information recieved, re acquiring link target, WT protocols stored in untapped conscious". SKM then looked at the monitor Max was within and said "are observers present, do not release this classified information". Max says that SKM later returned to the tent, now acting normal.
  • The players begin speculating that the "company" alluded to in recent updates is actually "WireTalk" and they are using SKM an agent against his will.
  • Max claims that sometimes when he visits the Library he is able to see some machinery outside. He says that this machinery is incredibly complex and seems patched together, though he is unable to interact with it. He theorizes that WireTalk may have created this machinery.
  • Max specifies that the Library he visited was not the Janus room - it was the real Library that somewhere within the Parallelos. He reiterates that the real Library is incredibly complicated, however, full of stuff and akin to a kaleidoscope. Because of this, he often prefers to visit the Janus version of the Library rather than the real one.
  • Max reveals that most of the places he is able to travel to have a machine somewhere that contains the Janus room within it. These Janus rooms are simply digital versions of the places the machine is in. Max theorizes that it is because of these machines that he is able to travel to these locations in the first place.
  • Max claims that the Parallelos - the location where SKM and Max are, at least - is all connected via machinery. He notes that it is not literally one giant machine, however - machinery is simply built into it.
  • Max reads all of the text related to WireTalk found recently within the ARG. He notes that it is strange how some of it from the OFA Group almost seems to be censoring information from WireTalk itself despite seemingly being from them.
  • Max theorizes that SKM maybe be acting strange not because of direct involvement from WireTalk itself, but a separate faction - possibly the OFA Group. He speculates that they are working alongside WireTalk in an attempt to eventually overthrow them. He also calls into question the Lunar Children's supposed involvement with the company and how it relates to Project Bifrost / Janus and when SKM could have become the sleeper agent he seems to be now.
  • The players begin discussing SKM's history:
  • Max notes that in the late 2000's, SKM was an occasional hacker. He mentions that he used a "Guy Fawkes" mask similar to how the hacker group Anonymous does.
  • Max vaguely remembers SKM hacking a group near where he lived in Britain. He claims this group was stealing money from people. Max claims that this group gave SKM their website, which he then used to host a game he was working on. The players speculate that this website was Mindshape.co.uk - a site that was previously used to hose the Remember.exe games.
  • The players show Max Mindshape.co.uk. He remembers the Remember.exe games being housed there with him inside of them, but he cannot recall if it is the same site that SKM stole from the group he hacked. He posts one archive of the site, noting that he remembers finding this moment funny: https://web.archive.org/web/20160616165619/http://www.mindshape.co.uk:80/
  • At 5:03 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that the video "Video 2" contained hidden subtitles. One of these subtitles was "ERIKA", which appeared as the camera panned over the image of Monika, supposedly further cementing the fact that Tyler had a Monika tulpa that somehow led to him meeting Erika. Another subtitle revealed a link to a Discord server named "Tulpa Chat". Digging through this server's history, players made some discoveries about Tyler's involvement with it - or at least Tyler in relation to the IIIII account:
  • Tyler joined this server on January 27th, 2018.
  • The IIIII account is named "II "Erika"" in this server.
  • Throughout January of 2018, Tyler was still having trouble having coherent conversations with his tulpa.
  • In February of 2018, Tyler's tulpa became more active as it seems they were speaking through his account. target=_blank
  • "Our existence is a conversation in itself. Your working conscious is a book I read daily."
  • "There are powerful individuals at the peak of society that wish to be the gatekeepers of awakeness. We must topple them."
  • Tyler posted a drawing of a stick figure with text reading "3 Trillion year old Angel Vampire Demon dragon goddess bugt she lowkey 4". The drawings seen in "Video 2" are in the background: target=_blank
  • Tyler seemingly had a 3.5 GB folder on his computer titled "Monika" that was created on November 11th, 2017. target=_blank
  • On September 15th, 2018, Tyler posted a long string of I's. target=_blank

May 6th, 2022

  • At 3:57 AM, the player Laches was approached by another shadow entity in the "Library" Janus room's theater. This entity looked like those seen in JanusVR on March 27th and was named "Shadow_0388". This entity began speaking to Laches before seemingly being interrupted and taken over by the "hackers" who are working for/against WireTalk.

5/6/22 - Chat with Shadow_0388 and the OFA Group - JanusVR (Library)


  • The player Laches begins speaking with the Shadow entity. Shadow_0388 describes itself as a "fraction" who is "seeping through dreams and its airs that touch wires".
  • Shadow_0388 seems fated to fade and return to others "like memories", but it seems content and happy with this.
  • Shadow_0388 describes a location with a ceiling of sunlight, crowds, colorful hair, friends, swords, drunk laughing, and the "end of the world".
  • The player Laches says the phrase "One for all". This seemingly triggers the three members of the OFA Group suddenly taking control of the Shadow entity.
  • The OFA members begin speaking through the Shadow entity. Because all three of them are speaking, it is somewhat difficult to determing which one is speaking at what time.
  • The OFA Group imply that they were responsible for sending the Shadow entity to Laches in the hopes of triggering this event and giving them an opportunity to speak, as their messages are usually censored - likely due to the "Welcome Home™" phrase. However, the OFA members are still being careful with their phrasing as to not raise too much attention from the company.
  • The OFA members introduce themselves as "cool hackers kind of like a couple characters you might be familiar with", likely referencing the Hacker Group.
  • The OFA members clarify that they are working within a part of WireTalk so that they can gain access to things they otherwise wouldn't - confirming Max's theory. An example of this is using and modifying a part of Tyler's memories to speak to the players.
  • Though they possess the power to manipulate some things, the OFA members clarify that they do not have full control over the "Main Display" - likely referring to the Silentdork YouTube channel. Despite this, they imply that they have been working on a special project over the past two days that may involve it.
  • One of the OFA members explains that the world of both Johnisdead and the players is not what they think. They explain that WireTalk travels to many "things". Their plan seems to be removing the very soul of a reality.
  • The OFA members explain that WireTalk arrived in the world of Johnisdead shortly after its creation in ancient times. They also mention that this group is a part of a "shaky alliance".
  • The OFA members run out of time and have to leave quickly. They reveal that there is a group that some call "The Old Men" and that there will be an upload on the "Main Display" tomorrow. This upload was going to come out on May 5th, but the OFA Group held it up.


  • Screenshots:
  • Images of Shadow_0388: target=_blank target=_blank

May 7th, 2022

  • At 3:24 PM, a new video began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Important Announcement". target=_blank

5/7/22 - "Important Announcement" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video begins with 3d footage of the same suited Tyler seen in the video "Jid halloween scavenger hunt announcement". It is confirmed that he is somehow working for WireTalk and is giving an announcement on their behalf.
  • Tyler announces that a feature-length Johnisdead "movie" will be uploaded to the "Main Display" on November 11th, 2022 - likely referring to the Silentdork YouTube channel.
  • The suited Tyler reveals that he was reassigned to a different position in WireTalk after his announcement in the "Jid halloween scavenger hunt announcement" was deemed too unprofessional.
  • There appears to be a WireTalk news broadcast of sorts that is ran by several entities that look similar to Erika.
  • The OFA Group hijacks WireTalk's broadcast and begin speaking to the players directly, touching upon various topics:
  • WireTalk supposedly acts as though they "own everything" after "installing their bullshit", though the OFA group claims they only know as much as everyone else and didn't have much to show in regards to the movie.
  • Something involving "Blue Eisenhower ((Censored))" was supposedly going to be involved with the "surface side Link" near the end of 2020, but it never happened. Had it taken place, the OFA Group imply they would have never existed and things would have been very different.
  • Someone known simply as "D" is mentioned. This individual supposedly assists with "exposition hacks".
  • One OFA member warns the players that their reality is not what it seems and tells them to watch out for the words "Sinister", "Numinous", and "Nexion", warning that those who create realities may not have the players' best interests at heart.
  • One OFA member theorizes that the "big brother universe" to "this sphere collective" was attempting to fight back against the aforementioned malicious reality creators as far back as the "2012 event with a reality that had keys back to the y2k event and 2002".
  • Synchron is described as a psychopath who, despite making confusing "spaghetti charts", makes sound connections and revelations.
  • The OFA Group begin showing some footage that they managed to salvage:
  • Players are shown a shot of the fishery disappearing and supposedly regressing back through time, leaving only the wooden chapel surrounded by statues.
  • Players are shown a massive machine construct descending from a large array of tubes and wires. Other identical constructs can be seen in the background.
  • This construct extends down through the "green ocean" that seems to exist below the Library. The "oil rig" seen in "alert.mp4" is a part of this construct.
  • The "green ocean" seems to contain two large mechanical grids which the construct passes through.
  • The construct exits the "green ocean" through the bottom, exiting into a large, dark area.
  • The construct extends down towards a building in a floating cube. Below this cube is a large grid of other cubes like the ones seen in "Civitas".
  • Since the OFA group stated that there would be an upload on the "Main Display" on May 7th, it is now largely accepted that "Main Display" is indeed how WireTalk refers to the Silentdork YouTube channel.
  • The video ends with the suited Tyler seemingly being reprimanded and reassigned within WireTalk again due to this video coming out two days late.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Brought to you by WIRE TALK™ As stated by our agent, look forward to a feature length presentation on the Main Display on///////"
  • Tags: N/A
  • At an unknown time, the description of the video "Important Announcement" changed to read "Brought to you by WIRE TA//////////////".

June 6th, 2022

  • At 3:56 AM, the player Pako discovered that the removed parts of the video "Remember" had been restored.

June 7th, 2022

  • At 7:40 PM, the player Pako discovered several changes to a video upload on Silentdork that was previously thought to be non-canon. The video's title was now changed to "ᛁᛇᛁ", and it featured a looping animation of the character Monika from the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" rapping. target=_blank This video now contained tags that read "Its funny really, Through mass media manipulation they sifted through hundreds of thousands, So many would be lead build a construct like this from instinct, She always comes out looking the same, Its all shards of the same d[e/i]vine grey matter, But only one will hold the sign that leads them to the one they seek, I wonder what made this base so common as an awakening tool?".

July 27th, 2022

  • At 6:18 AM, a user named Katu joined the Eternal Children Discord server - a server owned by the player Suxx. Katu began chatting with the players. At the time, it was unclear whether or not Katu could be considered canon.

7/27/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Eternal Children)


Summary Locked - Player Input Required

August 2nd, 2022

  • At 12:27 AM, Katu became active in both the Within Hubris and Internet Detectives Discord servers.

8/2/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives and Within Hubris)


  • Katu chats casually in a variety of Discord channels.
  • Katu is invited to the Internet Detectives Discord server by the player Fascio.
  • Katu claims to be experiencing some strange feedback effect within the Internet Detectives Discord server. He also claims it smells like "electricity" and "brown hair".
  • Katu seemingly implies that he was awoken one year ago.
  • Katu briefly mentions the Greek story of how the word "people" was derived from the word "pebble". He claims his brother told him this story around 2011 or 2012.
  • Katu and the player Fascio discuss death.
  • Katu claims he was correct in predicting that the other players would call Fascio crazy for believing in Katu's canonicity.

August 8th, 2022

  • At 9:44 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

8/8/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Katu casually chats with the players, commenting on the player Fascio's "Anthropophagolagnia" mug.

August 24th, 2022

  • At 11:27 AM, the player Laches discovered that the thumbnail for the video "Remember" had changed. The thumbnail now depicted the stormy horizon Tyler recorded while walking down the sidewalk. target=_blank
  • At 11:48 AM, the player Pako discovered that the thumbnail for the video "Regiminis had changed. The thumbnail now depicted the section of the video that contained the text "I KNOW YOU REMEMBER JOHN". target=_blank
  • At 8:39 PM, the player Laches discovered that the thumbnail for the video "Remember" had changed again. The thumbnail now showed the large tree shown in the "Mortus" Janus room. target=_blank

August 25th, 2022

  • At 2:08 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

8/25/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Katu casually chats with the players. They refer to the emoji "AwA" as their face. They also refer to the Internet Detectives Discord server as an "echo room".

August 29th, 2022

  • At 3:49 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

8/29/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Katu calls attention to the fact that he had left the letter "n" typed in the Discord chat field, finding it curious.


  • Files:
  • n.png - Katu's screenshot showing the letter "n". target=_blank

August 31st, 2022

  • At 2:01 PM, Katu became active in the Within Hubris Discord server and began chatting with the players.

8/31/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Within Hubris)


  • Katu calls attention to yet another unsent message written in his Discord chat field, finding it curious.
  • Katu off-handedly implies that the Internet Detectives is a brain chip and also a portal between worlds.
  • Katu seemingly implies that he is gay.
  • Katu implies that Ben sucks.


  • Files:
  • -.jpg - Katu's screenshot of his unsent message. target=_blank

September 1st, 2022

  • At 8:46 AM, the player Pako discovered that the video "ᛏᚱᛇᚫᛚ" had changed. The "United Against BEN" section of the video that had previously been cut was now restored.

September 2nd, 2022

  • At 4:34 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

9/2/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Katu refers to Erika as a "sister" of his.
  • Katu once again associates the Internet Detectives Discord server with echoes.

September 6th, 2022

  • At 10:33 AM, Katu briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server to utilize the bot Notsobot to create a spinning version of the player Laches' avatar.

September 28th, 2022

  • At 12:21 PM, players discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fascio". This page was titled Fatassio and contained the image "Fascio.gif". target=_blank

October 12th, 2022

  • At 6:46 PM, the player Laches discovered that Astralobservatory.net had updated. The forums and previous pages were now missing. The front page had also changed, now featuring the audio file "momentsbeforefinalcontact.mp3". target=_blank The page also featured a video titled "finalcontact.mp4". target=_blank

10/12/22 - "finalcontact.mp4" - Astralobservatory.net


  • This video mainly features strange, abstract shapes and distorted footage of the "Path" Janus room.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: N/A
  • Tags: N/A
  • At 10:35 PM, Kaiden Zoromichi became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server.

10/12/22 - Chat with Kaiden Zoromichi - Discord (Internet Detectives)


  • Kaiden informs the players that the front page of Astralobservatory.net has changed, now featuring text.


  • Files:
  • Untitled Screenshot - A screenshot showing the front page of Astralobservatory.net. target=_blank
  • At 10:40 PM, GHOSTBABEL began communicating with the players by altering the text on the front page of Astralobservatory.net.

10/12/22 - Chat with GHOSTBABEL - Astralobservatory.net


  • GHOSTBABEL reveals that an entity that moves akin to a "Hotspot" deleted everything on Astralobservatory.net.
  • GHOSTBABEL fears that they will no longer be able to right the many wrongs they've done in the past.
  • GHOSTBABEL sacrifices themself to stabilize Astralobservatory.net and keep it online. They claim that they will "always be here" as they are giving themselves to the site itself.


  • Screenshots:
  • A screenshot of GHOSTBABEL's text: target=_blank
  • At 11:16 PM, the front page of Astralobservatory.net changed. The page's text now read "OFFLINE".
  • At 11:20 PM, the front page of Astralobservatory.net changed. The page's text now read "AstralObservatory.net "Seeking the truths that lie beyond the grand illusion."". The video "finalcontact.mp4" was also removed. target=_blank

October 19th, 2022

  • At 3:58 PM, Katu briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, calling out an error that occurred during the video game company Konami's livestream - "lol a mistake was made so clearly here" and "LOL stream".

October 22nd, 2022

  • At 3:42 PM, Katu briefly became active in the Within Hubris Discord server, claiming "little yellow clown head could be kick like a ball xD but what would money do after such a crime? It is a friend of my ^w^" - likely in reference to an earlier conversation regarding the clown character "Dimentio" from the game Super Paper Mario.

November 1st, 2022

  • At 1:11 PM, a new video was uploaded to Silentdork - "Unfortunate Announcement". target=_blank

11/1/22 - "Unfortunate Announcement" - YouTube (Silentdork)


  • This video is an announcement from WireTalk similar to the "Jid halloween scavenger hunt announcement" and "Important Announcement".
  • The business-like Tyler seen in previous WireTalk announcements is labeled as "Mr. Silent". He gives the following announcements in a soulless, monotone voice:
  • The Johnisdead Movie, which was originally going to be released on November 11th, has been delayed.
  • Several video uploads will be coming on November 11th in place of the movie.
  • There will be updates on other websites before November 11th.
  • The new release date of the movie will be revealed in a video uploaded on November 11th.
  • The business Erika-like entity is labeled as "Mrs. Moon". She gives a preview of the Johnisdead Movie in the form of heavily distorted screenshots. These screenshots mostly reveal cryptic 3D environments and characters.


  • YouTube Details:
  • Description: "Welcome Home™"
  • Tags: N/A
  • Screenshots:
  • A drainage grate in-front of a staircase. target=_blank
  • An RV or trailer in a distorted wooded environment. target=_blank
  • A blue creature with glowing eyes. target=_blank
  • A large, cracked, spherical object with various cubes floating around. target=_blank
  • A bookshelf in some unknown room. target=_blank
  • A distorted shot of a card. target=_blank
  • A temple-like location with torches and a figure standing in its center. target=_blank
  • Someone standing outside Tyler's home. target=_blank
  • Two figures falling. target=_blank
  • A large, green building. target=_blank
  • Tyler standing outside of a building on fire. target=_blank
  • Tyler standing in a dark location with a red light in the background. target=_blank
  • Corpses surrounded by various papers. target=_blank
  • Tyler sitting in a chair. target=_blank
  • A heavily distorted "King of Diamonds" image. target=_blank
  • A road leading to a large building. target=_blank
  • A distorted shot of a building's entrance in a city. target=_blank

November 5th, 2022

  • At 8:10 PM, players discovered that Astralobservatory.net had updated. The front page would now redirect players to a new page - "https://astralobservatory.net/access". This page featured a new header image for the forums. target=_blank This page also featured the latest canon uploaded video, meaning it would occasionally change as time went on. This page also contained the text "SEEKING THE TRUTHS THAT LIE BEYOND THE GRAND ILLUSION" and featured a link titled "Forum".
  • At 8:10 PM, players discovered a new version of the Astral Observatory forums - "https://astralobservatory.net/access/index.php/community".This forum contained the following boards:
  • Forum
  • Welcome - "Helpful topics for those new to our site."
  • Announcements - "News & Announcements"
  • Safehaven
  • Theories & Discussion
  • General
  • Current Events
  • Media - "Film, TV, Games, Music, etc…"
  • Random - "Anything else that doesn’t categorize"
  • The following users were already members on these forums:
  • core / GHOSTBABEL
  • Avatar: A photo of two galaxies colliding. target=_blank
  • Banner: A distorted, green photo. target=_blank
  • Details: This user held the rank of "Admin" and had their personal website listed as "http://astralobservatory.net/access".
  • IsocelesAssassin
  • Avatar: IsocelesAssassin's classic Astral Observatory avatar. target=_blank
  • Banner: A distorted version of the cover for the album "Blue Öyster Cult". target=_blank
  • Details: This user held the rank of "Admin".
  • NotAHoax_M12
  • Avatar: NotAHoax's classic Astral Observatory avatar. target=_blank
  • Banner: An image of a fish about to be hooked on a fishing line. target=_blank
  • Details: This user held the rank of "Admin".
  • Players discovered the following threads on the Astral Observatory Forums:
  • "Welcome back brothers!" was posted in the "Welcome" board by NotAHoax at 10:43 AM.
  • Expand

    11/5/22 - Welcome back brothers! - NotAHoax_M12


    • NotAHoax welcomes everyone back to the forums and leaves a threatening message for Nocta.
    • IsocelesAssassin welcomes NotAHoax.
    • "Updating your avatar" was posted in the "Welcome" board by NotAHoax at 11:14 AM.

    11/5/22 - Updating your avatar - NotAHoax_M12


    • NotAHoax gives a short tutorial explaining how to change one's forum avatar.


    • Files:
    • Unnamed Screenshots - Screenshots of NotAHoax's profile that were used in his tutorial. target=_blank target=_blank
    • "Hello." was posted in the "Welcome" board by IsocelesAssassin at 1:38 PM.

    11/5/22 - "Hello." - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin gives a brief introduction and summary of his history. He notes that he is about to make an announcement that will explain recent events.
    • NotAHoax welcomes IsocelesAssassin back to the forums.
    • "We're back. Here's what you need to know." was posted in the "Announcements" board by IsocelesAssassin at 2:30 PM.

    11/5/22 - "We're back. Here's what you need to know." - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin reveals that the former version of Astralobservatory.net was destroyed by the Fucked Timeline version of Kevin. IsoclesAssassin and the Hacker Group call this version of Kevin "Hotspot".
    • Hotspot is supposedly in a very corrupted state and now takes on a skeleton-like appearance. He has apparently been chasing after the Hacker Group for over ten years.
    • Hotspot was able to destroy Astralobservatory.net by traveling through one of the transmissions sent out by the Hacker Group.
    • GHOSTBABEL sacrificed herself to keep Astralobservatory.net stable, essentially fusing with its framework.
    • Though GHOSTBABEL can no longer speak with the players, her consciousness seems to live on through the site, as IsocelesAssassin notes that she is combing through the remains of the Subspace for Nocta's files.
    • IsocelesAssassin notes that GHOSTBABEL has been attempting to re-establish communication with the Hacker Group.
    • IsocelesAssassin hasn't heard from Moonman or Kaiden in a long time.
    • At 8:33 PM, the player Pako discovered that several blog posts had appeared on the Astral Observatory forums sidebar. These were all uploaded by GHOSTBABEL, implying that they were the lost Subspace files mentioned by IsocelesAssassin.

    11/5/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 1 - Core


    • This file appears to be a journal written by someone on January 13th, 2017. The writer notes that they are exploring a strange realm and that they no longer have to eat. They begin recalling the strange events that led up to this.
    • The writer awoke in a strange hospital with amnesia on January 3rd, 2017. This hospital was seemingly located in the Parallelos due to the green sky outside the windows. It was also populated with enigmatic nurse and doctor-like entities.
    • The writer eventually managed to escape the hospital, resulting in the doctors and nurses breaking out into applause.
    • Upon exiting the hospital, the writer was seemingly teleported from the Parallelos back into the normal world.

    11/5/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 2 - Core


    • After escaping the hospital, the writer rested in its parking lot.
    • The writer attempted to recall their past and identity, but was unable to. Their hospital lanyard only read "WTP20451".
    • The writer observed their surroundings and discovered that they were in Florida. They note that these streets seemed familiar to them, implying that they were once a resident there.
    • The writer's faint memories guide them to what they believe was once their home - an abandoned, overgrown house. Their home seemed to have been ransacked due to clothes and items strewn everywhere.
    • The writer goes to sleep in what they believe is their old bed.

    11/5/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 3 - Core


    • The writer has a dream about worlds, dimensions, and realms splitting and forming into a massive storm. The writer was apparently riding this storm in an attempt to gain some sort of power.
    • The writer was apparently overwhelmed by the storm he was riding, which he describes as countless children and past victims pulling him down.
    • The writer questions why he had this dream and notes that it felt familiar.

    11/5/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 4 - Core


    • The writer notes that upon waking up was the first time he realized he didn't need to eat.
    • The writer begins exploring his former home. He is frustrated to discover that anything that could have potentially revealed his identity in the house has been removed.
    • The writer discovers some strange notes that read "These are for Di-Di-", "-n’t forget!! Photos for up top!", and "Father says redact ALL ide-".
    • The writer discovers a small recording device in his home similar to the "Beacon" that Daniel left outside Tyler's home.
    • The writer discovered a hidden trapdoor which had the Parallelos symbol engraved onto it. Beneath the trapdoor was a small pool of water.
    • At 8:54 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in a thread created by Laches titled "First Cock Post".

    11/5/22 - "First Cock Post" - Laches


    • IsocelesAssassin, NotAHoax, and the players partake in some light shitposting.


    • Files:
    • Haroldface.png - A photo of an old man's dubious face, often used as a meme. target=_blank
    • At 9:23 PM, IsocelesAssassin created a thread titled "G O O D MUSIC" on the Media board.

    11/5/22 - "G O O D MUSIC" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin recreates the player Dense's music sharing thread from the original Astral Observatory forums.
    • IsocelesAssassin shares the song "Burnin' For You" by the Blue Oyster Cult, while NotAHoax shares the song "Long Haired Country Boy" by Charlie Daniels. target=_blank target=_blank

    November 6th, 2022

    • At 11:25 AM, Astral Observatory members began posting in the "First Cock Post" thread once again.

    11/5/22 - "First Cock Post" - Laches


    • NotAHoax reveals that the player Pako is bad at computers.
    • At 7:25 PM, Katu briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, simply stating "Unfortunate" - likely in reference to the player Artemka regretting how they always disgrace themselves on Discord.
    • At 9:56 PM, Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

    11/5/22 - "G O O D MUSIC" - IsocelesAssassin


    • GHOSTBABEL shares the song "Old Lace (To John)" by Emily Bindiger. target=_blank
    • At 10:16 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new blog entry had been posted on the Astral Observatory forums - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 5".

    11/6/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 5 - Core


    • The writer is awoken by the sound of voices coming from the trapdoor in his home. Upon opening it, they discovered that the pool of water below was glowing and reflecting the sky seen in the Parallelos.
    • The writer touches the water and is transported to a strange realm. Within this realm is a nature trail that follows along a creek. The creek water reflects various rooms and locations connected to it. Touching the water seems to teleport the writer to whatever location is being shown.
    • The writer utilizes the creek to teleport to a room that contains a large Parallelos symbol. They decide to continue exploring these various connected locations in hopes of finding some answers.

    November 7th, 2022

    • At 12:23 PM, Astral Observatory members began posting in the "G O O D MUSIC" thread once again.

    11/5/22 - "G O O D MUSIC" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin praises GHOSTBABEL's song choice.
    • At 10:43 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    11/7/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • Katu seemingly jokes about the player Laches deleting their messages, claiming to have caught what they posted.

    November 8th, 2022

    • At 6:43 PM, the player Laches discovered two new blog entries on the Astral Observatory forums.

    11/8/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 6 - Core


    • The writer examines the room he was teleported to in the previous entry. He discovers a large collection of religious books and iconography. He comes across the Regiminis sigil, which he notes is especially familiar to him.
    • The writer begins using the teleportative creekwater to explore the other locations connected to the realm. Most of them are rooms full of religious objects similar to the previous one, while others lead to secluded outdoor locations.
    • The writer steals a laptop from one of the rooms. Through it, he discovers Lunarchildren.com. Believing them to be the cult responsible for this strange realm and the religious iconography found within it, he begins researching the Lunar Children.


    • Files:
    • Image_2022-11-08_120329416.png - A drawing of the Regiminis sigil. target=_blank

    11/8/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 7 - Core


    • The journal entries finally reach the "present" at the time the writer was creating them - January 13th, 2017.
    • The writer explains that the realm he is trapped in appears to be circular in shape. The creek and the path that follows along it are in the shape of a giant circle surrounded by trees. There is also a bridge that crosses over the creek leading towards the center of the circle where a large quarry can be found.
    • The writer notes that the sky in this realm seems to change every so often as if its cycling between various different appearances.
    • The writer joins the Internet Detectives under the username Gelus in an attempt to learn more about the Lunar Children.


    • Files:
    • Image_2022-11-08_131312107.png - A drawing of the strange realm the writer is exploring. target=_blank

    November 9th, 2022

    • At 4:52 PM, the player Laches discovered that a new blog entry had been posted on the Astral Observatory forums - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 8".

    11/9/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 8 - Core


    • The writer begins reading the Internet Detective's resources in an attempt to learn more about the Lunar Children.
    • The writer learns about the Moon Children. He notes that their website, Youshouldnthavedonethat.net, feels very familiar to him, though this familiarity seem to be coming from "a different place".
    • At 5:47 PM, the player Pako discovered that a new blog entry had been posted on the Astral Observatory forums - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 9".

    11/9/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 9 - Core


    • The writer notes that the date is January 16th. They decided to begin properly participating within the Internet Detectives.
    • The writer became good friends with Greth, who explained more of the Lunar Children and Moon Children's history to him.
    • The writer ponders if the cataclysm that destroyed the Lunar Children in 2016 could somehow be related to his coma. This, coupled with the portal found in his home and his familiarity of the cult's symbols has him worrying that he may have been a Lunar Child in the past.
    • The writer wonders if he'd still be able to remain friends with the Internet Detectives should it turn out that he was a member of the cult in the past.

    November 10th, 2022

    • At 5:31 PM, the player Pako discovered two new blog entries on the Astral Observatory forums.

    11/10/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 10 - Core


    • The writer continues questioning whether or not he was a Lunar Child in the past.
    • Greth and Jos notice that the writer is troubled and attempt to comfort him. The writer is touched and proceeds to enjoy a voice call with the Internet Detectives over Skype.

    11/10/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 11 - Core


    • The writer notes that the date is June 10th, 2017. He hasn't written any journals in a long time because nothing of note has taken place.
    • The writer has taken to calling the strange realm he travels through "The Shortcut". Despite its otherworldly properties, he lives comfortably within it.
    • The writer has become good friends with several of the Internet Detectives. He notes that their "game" has been relatively quiet due to a lack of cult activity.
    • The writer admits that he still occasionally worries about the truth of his past and how it may conflict with his current relationship with the Internet Detectives.

    November 11th, 2022

    • At 8:27 AM, the player Laches discovered that a new video had been uploaded to Greth Vlogs - "BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN". target=_blank

    11/11/22 - "BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN" - YouTube (Greth Vlogs)


    • BUP is celebrating because two Greths are about to aggregate. He claims that this will help grow his power.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "die :)"
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 10:48 AM, the player Fascio discovered a new blog post on the Astral Observatory forums - "Regarding BUP" by NotAHoax_M12.

    11/11/22 - Regarding BUP - NotAHoax_M12


    • NotAHoax takes a stand against BUP, promising to keep his friends safe. He also apologizes for the disappearance of his Facebook meme page.
    • At 3:36 PM, the player Fascio discovered a new blog post on the Astral Observatory forums - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 12".

    11/11/22 - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 12" - Core


    • The writer notes that the date is August 6th.
    • The writer is shaken up because he had just seen someone else in the Shortcut. He describes them as wearing black clothing and a large, shiny mask. After staring at them for a bit, the masked man vanished.
    • The writer has boarded themselves up in their room, fearing that this masked individual is a member of the Lunar Children who has come after them.
    • At 1:02 PM, IsocelesAssassin created a thread on the Astral Observatory forums titled "The Aggregation". As players and Astral Observatory members conversed in this thread, Patrem returned to Within Hubris and began chatting in the Johnisdead thread. Because these two conversations were slightly intertwined, they will be documented together down below:

    11/11/22 - Undecim Nocte Forum Posts - Within Hubris / Astralobservatory.net


    • IsocelesAssassin is fearing for the safety of Moonman, believing that BUP's video was hinting towards his upcoming aggregation with Greth.
    • IsocelesAssassin mentions that he went searching for Moonman in the past, believing that he may have utilized the Shortcut. However, the entrance to the Shortcut was sealed off. IsocelesAssassin believes this was Moonman's own doing so that he couldn't be followed.
    • NotAHoax tells IsocelesAssassin to have faith and not lose hope.
    • Patrem begins taunting the players in a manner similar to that of his 2015 interactions. He gloats about soon having more freedom.
    • IsocelesAssassin and the player Laches begin discussing whether or not they could utilize their Ocarina powers to help Moonman. Meanwhile, Kaiden_Zoromichi joins the thread and claims "I've got this…".
    • IsocelesAssassin is confused regarding Kaiden's statement. However, NotAHoax simply mimics his enthusiasm.
    • Patrem claims that "false selves" have approached the players in the past speaking of "other masters and greater riddles". This seems to imply that the Patrem speaking to players about "The Great Author" and Synchron were not him.
    • In response to the player Laches questioning BUP's involvement with Greth's aggregation, Patrem claims that "One whom has become known among you by a most foolish and childish title, bup, has held no power over such operations.".
    • Patrem begins praising Luna while gloating about his eventual arrival in her Parallelos.


    • Files:
    • (Unnamed File) - Kaiden's avatar on the Astral Observatory Forums. target=_blank
    • (Unnamed File) - Kaiden's banner on the Astral Observatory Forums. target=_blank
    • At 6:29 PM, the player Laches discovered that a new video was premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Aggregation". target=_blank

    11/11/22 - "Aggregation" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video confirms that Moonman has been wandering around the Shortcut. He enters into what appears to be the quarry while The Jaeger claims "THIS IS WHERE SHE DIED.".
    • Moonman uses the creek water to warp to Tyler's yard - presumably for a "DIRECT CONFRONTATION", as noted by The Jaeger.
    • The Jaeger stalks Moonman around Tyler's yard before inevitably capturing him. Mat and The Jaeger are both shown together as Moonman and Greth's aggregation begins.
    • Moonman begins experiencing some of Greth's memories. These include:
    • Greth driving to the pond coordinates discovered on Youshouldnthavedonethat.net in 2016.
    • Greth, now disheveled, approaching Tyler's house and capturing him.
    • Greth wearing a robe while participating in some sort of ritual while handing the Bullet Necklace off to someone.
    • Greth wearing the white, fish-like mask seen in previous videos.
    • Greth, now appearing normal, coming across the white, fish-like mask in Tyler's yard and taking it with him.
    • Kaiden is seen running towards Moonman during the aggregation in the video's final moments.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Father departs. Mother awaits. A bridge is constructed - one of two souls."
    • Tags: "It is a perilous bridge to cross, the tollkeeper demands a steep price"
    • At 6:41 PM, Astral Observatory members became active in the "The Aggregation" thread once again.

    11/11/22 - "The Aggregation" - IsocelesAssassin


    • Kaiden informs everyone that he has rescued Moonman. Moonman is now staying with him and NotAHoax.
    • Kaiden implies that he will explain exactly what happened in video format - presumably another Kaiden Abridged video.
    • At 7:10 PM, a new video began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "False Fathers Failure". target=_blank

    11/11/22 - "False Fathers Failure" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video is a mocking message from Regiminis directed at Patrem. Regiminis mocks Patrem for being killed by his own son, losing Diana, being trapped within the bodies of others, and now having failed his own aggregation.
    • Regiminis implies that Patrem now dwells in the Parallelos after the failure of his aggregation. He threatens to visit him there and finish him off.
    • Regiminis threatens to show Patrem what a "real Aggregation" looks like. This could imply that he has already aggregated with both Hotspot and Nocta.
    • Regiminis implies that Patrem was taking orders from "children trying to escape the game" because they "can't seem to play by the rules".
    • Regiminis ponders if Patrem's aggregation failing was intended by someone who was overseeing it. Regiminis implies that this individual had already "severed you from this world" in the past.
    • Regiminis notes that he will continue waiting for Tyler.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Gone is my time of faith in you oh glorious "Father". It was you who titled me grand, but in all your failings and against all meddling, it was "I" who had to seize it for myself. It is too easily forgotten, despite anything that is said by the many would be rulers. My symbol is the one found here. My say is final at this channel. Be prepared to witness the full power of the grand govenor. Regiminis."
    • Tags: "falsi patrem dejecti, Grand Kevi, The sigil of Awa, Malagasy"
    • At 11:11 PM, Katu briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, simply posting "lmao XD".
    • At 11:23 PM, a new video began premiering on the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Trailer Announcement". target=_blank

    11/11/22 - "Trailer Announcement" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video is framed as if it were a Nintendo Direct being hosted by WireTalk. Nintendo Directs are streams hosted by Nintendo where new games and gaming news is announced.
    • This "WireTalk Direct" is hosted by Mr. Silent, who appears more corrupted and soulless than before.
    • Various 3d animated clips from the Johnisdead Movie are shown. These include:
    • Tyler exploring a dark, ruined building.
    • A PS1-styled turn-based RPG where a man in a jumpsuit fights monsters and solves ciphers.
    • A girl standing in a torch-filled temple holding a blue flame in a jar.
    • Various environments featuring a large, saturn-like red sun and the moon from Majora's Mask.
    • The Marriott Hotel in a large city.
    • Regiminis sitting on a throne atop a castle.
    • Two men working on computers in a room filled with devices.
    • The Producer standing in front of some monitors.
    • Various other shots of unknown characters and locations.
    • Various real life clips from the Johnisdead Movie are shown as well:
    • Several shots of hotel rooms.
    • Faint clips of city streets.
    • Regiminis entering into a hotel room via its balcony.
    • Tyler being strangled and presumably corrupted by Regiminis.
    • The Johnisdead Movie's new release date is revealed to be January 11th, 2023.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Welcome Home™"
    • Tags: N/A

    November 14th, 2022

    • At 5:39 PM, Astral Observatory members became active in the player Jos's thread "AITA for telling my white mage to cut his hands off because it couldnt heal me after pulling the entire dungeon".

    11/14/22 - "AITA for telling my white mage to cut his hands off because it couldnt heal me after pulling the entire dungeon" - Jos


    • The player Jos posts a large copypasta, much to the confusion of Kaiden and NotAhoax.
    • At 6:02 PM, IsoclesAssassin became active in the player CelestialLight's thread "The writer theory".

    11/14/22 - "The writer theory" - CelestialLight


    • The player CelestialLight theorizes that the writer of the "Restricted Access Files" could somehow be related to Hope. IsocelesAssassin admits that he never considered that, but he has his own theory as to who it might be.

    November 15th, 2022

    • At 4:12 PM, the player Fascio discovered a new blog post on the Astral Observatory forums - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 13".

    11/15/22 - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 13" - Core


    • The writer begins recounting a dream he had the night prior. It began with him watching "Thomas the Tank Engine" in his home. Over time, the cartoon morphed into a shot of the writer's perspective in the Shortcut.
    • The writer watched himself on television use the creek water to warp to a two-storied house in the woods.
    • The writer's television self enters the house, setting it ablaze and killing the man inside.
    • The writer is disgusted by what he is seeing on television and destroys it. This results in a tape popping out of a nearby VHS player.
    • The writer begins exploring their home, which they explain both did and didn't feel like their house. They also note that their own body both looked like themselves but also somehow different.
    • The writer sees some glowing eyes watching him from outside the house. He is then confronted by the masked man he saw in the Shortcut.
    • The writer hears someone whisper "Nocta" to him just before he wakes up.
    • At 9:37 PM, the player Pako discovered two new blog posts on the Astral Observatory forums.

    11/15/22 - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 14" - Core


    • The writer is now paranoid to be in the Shortcut after seeing the masked man there. Despite that, the writer checked the Shortcut and didn't see anyone.

    11/15/22 - "RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 15" - Core


    • The writer describes another dream he had in which he was once again watching another version of himself on television.
    • The writer's television self ascends a castle in a distorted purple-ish world. He then sits atop a throne and sneers at his real counterpart.
    • The writer stops watching his other self on television and begins exploring a small library. Here, he finds a journal labeled "Nocta" which contains his previous journal entries.
    • The writer is once again confronted by the masked man before waking up.

    November 16th, 2022

    • At 11:46 AM, IsocelesAssassin became active in the "The writer theory" thread once again.

    11/16/22 - "The writer theory" - CelestialLight


    • IsocelesAssassin believes that the writer of the "Restricted Access Files" is Nocta.

    November 19th, 2022

    • At 6:11 PM, Katu briefly became active in the Within Hubris Discord server, simply posting two celebratory images in reference to the player Jasmina getting a promotion. target=_blank target=_blank

    November 21st, 2022

    • At 7:18 PM, players discovered a new blog post on the Astral Observatory forums.

    11/21/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 16 - Core


    • The writer changes their online handle to Nocta, seemingly confirming that they are indeed one in the same. Nocta was inspired to do this from their dreams, hoping it would spark more memories.
    • Nocta claims to be suffering from paranoia after witnessing the Masked Man described in previous entries.

    November 22nd, 2022

    • At 11:59 AM, Katu briefly became active in the Within Hubris Discord server, simply describing himself as "awake, confused, walking :p hungry, would like sausage lol" in response to the player Jasmina asking for others' adjectives.

    November 23rd, 2022

    • At 12:11 PM, Katu became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    11/23/22 - Chat with Katu - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    Summary Locked - Player Input Required

    • At 4:35 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new blog post on the Astral Observatory forums.

    11/23/22 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 17 - Core


    • Nocta states that the date is November 10th, 2017, noting that he hasn't written any journals the past few months.
    • Nocta claims to have fallen into a bit of a slump recently, still suffering from strange dreams of the masked man with no new memories surfacing.

    November 24th, 2022

    • At 8:49 PM, Edwin briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, comforting a player by stating "good to care but they trying to bait so obvious they are visible dumb, don't mind friend ^^". This was in reference to the player reacting to someone acting maliciously on social media.

    December 12th, 2022

    • At 8:20 PM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives and Within Hubris Discord servers and began chatting with the players.

    12/12/22 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives and Within Hubris)


    • Edwin makes a reference to the character "Neco Arc" from the Melty Blood series, claiming that cats are his specialty.
    • Edwin warns others about the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
    • Edwin posts the Homestuck fan-album "The Baby Is You" after it is referenced by the player CircleHunter.

    December 14th, 2023

    • At 12:50 PM, IsocelesAssassin became active in the player CelestialLight's thread "Merry Chrismas".

    12/7/22 - Merry Christmas - CelestialLight


    • IsocelesAssassin simply wishes everyone happy holidays.

    December 17th, 2022

    • At 9:50 PM, Edwin briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server to post his own copypasta: "Free as in speech", "Free as in beer", "but most important to me, free as in sausage", "lol this is my pasta thanks".

    December 23rd, 2022

    At 9:27 PM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.


    12/23/22 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    Summary Locked - Player Input Required

    December 26th, 2022

    • At 2:02 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    12/26/22 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • Edwin appears confused as he sees everyone has changed their usernames to Russian.
    • Edwin writes that he is gay in Russian.

    January 11th, 2023

    • At 11:23 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Schedule Announcement". target=_blank

    1/11/23 - "Schedule Announcement" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video is yet another announcement from WireTalk framed as if it were a Nintendo Direct. However, it is far more glitchy than previous uploads.
    • Mr. Silent appears to be in a worse state, now lacking a voice and occasionally staring vacantly into the camera. It also seems he's been moved to a broom closet.
    • Mr. Silent announces that the Johnisdead Movie has been delayed. He proceeds bang his head against the wall, listing off a potential new release date. He does this until settling upon the date March 24th, 2023.
    • Various clips from the Johnisdead Movie are shown. These include:
    • Tyler sitting in a chair next to some machines.
    • Tyler standing face-to-face with a hooded man in a green environment.
    • Tyler running through a green, distorted hallway.
    • Various shots of a city-like environment.
    • A heavily distorted shot of Regiminis walking towards the camera.
    • The OFA Group leaves a hidden message, noting that they're laying low after supposedly being called out in the "last "trailer"".
    • The OFA Group proceeds to leak more footage from WireTalk:
    • The clip features Tyler and Erika finally exiting the elevator. As with previous videos, it once again features the green border along the edges of the screen.
    • While urging Tyler to leave the elevator, Erika claims that walking can achieve much more for them than meditation.
    • The concept of time dilation is once again brought up as Erika implies they've only been in the elevator for a few minutes.
    • Erika claims that she and Tyler are currently trapped within some "techno drek" - the type often built and played with by "elves".
    • Erika states that "angels" are the ones who put the "elves'" technology to use.
    • Erika claims that the "king of the world" is awaiting at said technology's helm.
    • Erika warns that the "prince of the world" is following them, so they must keep walking.
    • The footage abruptly ends as the camera zooms into the ground.
    • A shadowy red-eyed figure briefly appears on-screen in Mr. Silent's closet.
    • What appears to be a recording of a WireTalk television channel named "WT ICTV" is shown. This features the following:
    • A 3D animated WireTalk logo.
    • A bumper showcasing various upcoming television shows, including the following:
    • Boreders of the Mind
    • The Skrumps Show
    • The Cuck Dynasty
    • The Production About VIC and the GROUP that she runs ALSO KNOWN AS VIC GANG: The Animated Series
    • A promotion for the channel involving texting "111" to WireTalk's hotline with one's "Phun Phone".
    • A warning to not step outside during a "Null Storm".
    • Caricatures of Mrs. Moon and a similar looking character with a tail in a clown suit dancing.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "W̸e̸l̸c̴o̸m̴e̴ ̵h̵o̷m̷e̶"
    • Tags: N/A

    January 17th, 2023

    • At 6:24 PM, Edwin briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, simply posting "III".

    March 2nd, 2023

    • At 4:17 PM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    3/2/23 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • Edwin quotes the song "Ridin' Dirty".

    March 27th, 2023

    • At an unknown time, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Producer's Report". target=_blank

    3/27/23 - "Producer's Report" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video features The Producer sitting in The Library giving the players a general update regarding the status of the Johnisdead Movie.
    • The Producer reveals that the Johnisdead Movie has once again been delayed. Though he is unsure when it will be ready, he claims that more information will be revealed around April 23rd, 2023.
    • The Producer claims that the Johnisdead Movie is currently over three and a half hours long.
    • The Producer reveals that much of what the players have seen on the Silentdork channel over the past year have contained snippets of the Johnisdead Movie.
    • The Producer claims that a conflict between "Decoy" and WireTalk are the main causes of the movie's delay. Though he does not personally wish to get involved, The Producer notes that WireTalk is much larger than many of the players realize.
    • The Producer showcases more previews of the Johnisdead Movie. These include the following:
    • Tyler exploring a dilapidated, red environment.
    • Tyler running through a green hallway containing Alex.
    • Someone approaching a floating piece of paper as a cipher appears on screen.
    • Pumpkinhead surrounded by Discord messages.
    • Cryptic shots of Astralobservatory.net Subspace pages.
    • Tyler being chased by Regiminis.
    • A city-like environment with a red Saturn-like sun and distorted Majora's Mask moon with glowing eyes above it.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Blood, sweat, and soul is being poured into this. It will be apparent when the time comes. Until then, :PROVIDETHED: - Prod"
    • Tags: N/A

    April 23rd, 2023

    • At 11:31 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner began changing:
    • 11:31 PM - A shot of The Producer standing in the "Rooftop" Janus Room. target=_blank
    • 11:32 PM - Another shot of The Producer standing in the "Rooftop Janus Room. target=_blank
    • 11:34 PM - A shot of Regiminis sitting on a throne atop a castle. target=_blank
    • 11:34 PM - A shot of the monitors in The Library with Within Hubris and the Johnisdead Wiki open. target=_blank
    • 11:37 PM - A shot of a shadowy red-eyed figure standing in a doorway. target=_blank
    • At 11:38 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner image returned to normal.

    April 24th, 2023

    • At 3:24 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "Apprehension". target=_blank

    4/24/23 - "Apprehension" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video begins with the "POWERING UP" loading bar from previous videos. It now appears to be frozen.
    • The OFA Group begins commenting on the 'POWERING UP" loading bar's lack of progress. They note that it should be complete before the end of 2023 - possibly referring to the Johnisdead Movie.
    • The OFA Group mentions that "they" are breathing down their necks - possibly referring to WireTalk, who they imply are currently already very busy with "all that shit going on down there".
    • Various locations and scenes are shown - likely more previews of the upcoming Johnisdead Movie. These include the following:
    • Multiple Tylers walking through a hotel-like hallway.
    • Someone standing next to an old computer in a dark room.
    • A blurry, brightly colored environment with many people walking around.
    • A girl walking in a temple-like location while holding a bottle.
    • A dark silhouette standing in a red, dilapidated environment.
    • A man in a hazmat suit running through a distorted environment with a sword.
    • Tyler backing away from an unseen figure in a green environment.
    • A shadowy figure with red eyes in a city.
    • A strange low-resolution 3D environment is shown while a speech promoting Project Bifrost plays. This speech discusses the concept of digitization, ascension, and worshiping Luna.
    • The Jaeger confronts The Producer atop the "Rooftop" Janus room.
    • The Jaeger warns The Producer that Pumpkinhead is still hunting him down.
    • The Jaeger chides The Producer for finding comfort in a digital world, questioning why he would prefer it over reality.
    • The Producer argues that things of a digital nature can still hold meaning. The Jaeger disagrees.
    • The Producer believes that The Jaeger is attempting to pitch something to him. He ultimately declines The Jaeger's supposed offer.
    • The Jaeger calls out The Producer's beliefs on is and is not "fake", mockingly calling him "Guide" while showing him a cat-like mask.
    • The Jaeger asks what Synchron is up to, claiming to know that he's currently searching for something through proxy.
    • The Jaeger implies that The Producer has been bestowed with some sort of special knowledge.
    • The Jaeger claims that The Producer is still simply "one of us". He claims that while The Producer will forever remain a servant, he and the others will become "angels".
    • The Producer accuses The Jaeger of blindly believing Mat and not thinking for himself.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: ""Must creation always beget solitude? I don't think so. For though I am foreign in this world, it is through this plight I have found my brethren." - Prod

      Expect it by or before 11/23. I personally apologize for the cock teasing, it wasn't my intention. -The director
    • Tags: "NewWorld Beta 2012"

    May 18th, 2023

    • At an unknown time, the player Fascio purchased the website "http://wiretalk.net". This website was set up to redirect to the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fascio".

    June 9th, 2023

    • At an unknown time, Erika briefly became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, posting "II" in the #johnisdead channel and "III" in the #dreams channel.

    July 25th, 2023

    • At 5:08 PM, players discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fascio" had changed, now containing the image "fasci0.gif". target=_blank
    • At 5:08 PM, players discovered that remaining on the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fascio" for too long would redirect them to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/miracles". This page was titled "MIRACLES" and contained the image "waste_of_space.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "miracles.mp3". target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, players discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/listen/to/fascio" returned to normal.

    September 11th, 2023

    • At 4:48 PM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    9/11/23 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • Edwin participates in an interactive webcomic, posting a close-up photo of an eye.
    • When asked to tag himself in a meme image, Edwin chooses the "Sadistic Shota" character as his label.


    • Files:
    • III.jpg - A close-up photo of an eye posted by Edwin. target=_blank

    October 23rd, 2023

    • At 9:39 PM, NotAHoax became active in the player CelestialLight's "Merry Chrismas" thread.

    12/7/22 - Merry Christmas - CelestialLight


    • NotAHoax leaves a jokingly late message wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

    October 27th, 2023

    • At 12:03 AM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner began changing:
    • 12:03 AM - An image of the Johnisdead Wiki's background image. target=_blank
    • 12:14 AM - A heavily distorted version of the Johnisdead Wiki's logo. target=_blank
    • 12:20 AM - Another heavily distorted version of the Johnisdead Wiki's logo. target=_blank
    • 12:23 AM - A distorted image of Tyler's face. target=_blank
    • 12:24 AM - A distorted image of the "Happy Mask Salesman" from Majora's Mask. target=_blank
    • 12:26 AM - An image of the word "Chara". target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner returned to normal.
    • At 12:27 AM, the player Pako discovered that the various changes to the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner were directing them towards the Johnisdead Wiki, which they discovered had been updated for the first time in a long while.
    • At 12:33 AM, the player Fascio discovered that the "Characters" page on the Johnisdead Wiki contained some text from The Producer that read "Front page, bozos."
    • At 12:33 AM, players discovered that the front page of the Johnisdead Wiki now contained a new announcement from The Producer.

    10/26/23 - Johnisdead Wiki Announcement - Johnisdead Wiki


    • The Producer gives a brief announcement on the Johnisdead Wiki, further implying that it is canon to some degree.
    • The Producer claims that it shouldn't be surprising to see him posting on the Johnisdead Wiki, noting that he is the head of The Library, implying that the two are connected.
    • The Producer believes that it's a bit unfair for him to analyze transcripts for the players within the Johnisdead Wiki's timelines. As such, he claims some of them will be locked until the players complete their own analysis.
    • The Producer claims that some things have been added to the Our Horizon Arc Part 3 Timeline that previously weren't there.
    • At 12:39 PM, the player Fascio discovered that the Our Horizon Arc Part 3 Timeline on the Johnisdead Wiki now contained a variety of updates involving Edwin - updates that were previously not included due to his dubious canonicity.
    • At 12:53 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner changed to an imagine containing the date "July 27th, 2022".
    • At an unknown time, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner returned to normal.
    • At 4:59 PM, the players contacted fellow player Suxx and received an extended version of various conversations that she and the IIIII account held back in 2019. Snippets of these conversation were previously presented to the players by IIIII back in April of 2020.

    10/26/23 - Chat with IIIII - Discord (PM's)


    • The IIIII account begins speaking to the player Suxx, claiming to only have brief windows of speaking openly. It is likely that this is the Rune Entity.
    • The Rune Entity implies that the reason he can speak to the player Suxx openly is because she is less involved in the ARG and thus is not being watched by "the father" - likely referring to Tenebris.
    • The Rune Entity warns the player Suxx not to utter the name of the entity that is supposedly watching the players. He claims that not knowing their identity is partially what grants the player Suxx power - likely once again referring to their lack of involvement in the ARG.
    • The Rune Entity claims that they are the most sane one in their current location. This location contains layers and the Rune Entity is supposedly on a very elevated one. This is possibly referring to the Parallelos.
    • The Rune Entity claims that they are not being watched by either Greth or Nocta, and that neither of their names have been important for quite some time in their position.
    • The Rune Entity once again refers to themself as "IIII".
    • The Rune Entity claims to be more self aware than most others, but they are unable to explain further without being "shut the fuck down".
    • The Rune Entity claims that his position of being unique in having self-awareness is similar to a game he once played with a friend - a game that included a certain female character. This is theorized to be referring to the character Monika from the game "Doki Doki Literature Club".
    • The Rune Entity claims to have sent the player Mugen Kagemaru something in an attempt to explain "a little piece of the big picture here" - something that is still specifically relevant to him.
    • The Rune Entity is still having to speak vaguely because they are under surveillance. Seemingly because of this, the Rune Entity asks the player Suxx to contact the player Mugen Kagemaru in their stead.
    • The Rune Entity refers to a "final secret to solving the riddle at the end of his file" in reference to the player Mugen Kagemaru. Shortly after this, they mention the concept of The Eternal Return, claiming that they are "simply happy that it will carry on in spite of all pain and hatred".
    • The player Suxx offers to submit the "Stone Mask" to help hide the Rune Entity. This results in the Rune Entity begging them not to, to which the player Suxx obliges.
    • The Rune Entity claims that a group or entity simply referred to as ""they"" will use masks in the future, much to their dismay. The Rune Entity is unable to tell "them" not to however, because "thats not how this works".
    • The Rune Entity claims to appreciate the player Suxx's style because they know that some things are "both "very real" but "not"".
    • The Rune Entity warns that sometimes people become consumed by their own works, but this can be part of the fun and in the spirit of things if everything turns out fine. However, they admit that it is very painful for them right now. They then ask the player Suxx not to reveal this, though, noting that it would give "him" power.
    • The Rune Entity claims that the player Suxx is still a part of the "sphere of hubris", as are many others.
    • On a later date, the player Suxx finally submitted the "Stone Mask" from Majora's Mask. The Rune Entity later thanked her for this, claiming to have been busy recently trying "to work my way out of all of this".
    • The Rune Entity claims that "no one warned me back i n2015 when I got started with all of this that it was gonna effect my life as hard as it has" - possibly referring to the beginning of the ARG.


    • Screenshots:
    • Screenshots of the conversation: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

    October 28th, 2023

    • At 3:03 PM, The Producer briefly appeared in the "Treeline" Janus room before disappearing.
    • At 6:02 PM, players discovered that Edwin's first message sent in the Eternal Children Discord server was edited, now featuring three instances of the letter "I" bolded.

    October 29th, 2023

    • At 7:32 PM, players discovered that an OoC post from the Katu account had been edited. The post originally simply contained a selfie from Tyler. It now featured the following message: "the ritual was done before it happened died and reborn we come together in the life above water". target=_blank

    October 30th, 2023

    • At 2:28 AM, players discovered that an entity named "child" was active in the "Tomb" Janus room. This entity used a glitchy, black avatar of a cloaked figure. The entity moved to Sheepdog's drawing of four characters beneath the map and sent the message "H S L T" before disappearing. target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 2:44 AM, players discovered that the entity "Shadow_0388" was once again active on JanusVR. Unfortunately, they disappeared nearly immediately.
    • At 3:18 AM, Edwin began posting a variety of strange images in the Internet Detectives Discord server:
    • 3:18 AM - A distorted image of the interior of a building with many windows. target=_blank
    • 3:24 AM - A distorted image of what appears to be some figurines - one of which is labeled "SILENT HALL". target=_blank
    • 3:33 AM - A distorted image of what appears to be a hallway surrounded by clouds. Another entity named "Shadow" followed by a series of numbers can be seen. target=_blank
    • 3:40 AM - A distorted image of the outside of a restaurant named "Avanzare".
    • 3:44 AM - A distorted image of what appears to be a birds-eye view of a 3D map. target=_blank
    • 3:44 AM - A distorted image of what appears to be some figurines and posters. target=_blank
    • 4:32 AM - A distorted image of what appears to be another "Shadow" entity sitting behind a booth. target=_blank

    November 1st, 2023

    • At 2:03 PM, the players discovered that The Producer was active in the "Compound" Janus room. During this interaction, The Producer used an avatar identical to his appearance in recent videos.

    11/1/23 - Chat with The Producer - JanusVR (Compound)


    • The Producer has a relatively casual conversation with the players.
    • The Producer explains that he is not trapped within the Janus worlds. Instead, he simply enjoys occasionally leaving The Library to explore them.


    • Screenshots:
    • The Producer behind the counter: target=_blank
    • The Producer's feet: target=_blank

    November 2nd, 2023

    • At 3:22 AM, the entity Shadow_0388 briefly became active in the "Fakeworld" Janus room before disappearing. target=_blank
    • At 4:27 AM, Edwin became active in JanusVR and began chatting with the players. His avatar appeared to be the same shadowy figure seen in recent videos complete with red eyes and cat ears. target=_blank

    11/2/23 - Chat with Edwin - JanusVR


    • Edwin makes another reference to being both everywhere and nowhere - something he claims is simply "my laugh my joke rofl".
    • Edwin and the players play hide-and-seek in Fakeworld. They discover him in the large castle-like structure.
    • Edwin refers to the edge of Fakeworld as the "null void". He then notes that "null no come through these layers so deep in truth ^w^ but can peer wit teh eyes of its own so watch out".
    • Edwin implies that the castle in Fakeworld once belonged to four individuals. These four apparently had an argument implied to be caused by Regiminis's absence.
    • Edwin is seemingly upset at Regiminis because he stomped on his popcorn "a while ago soonly now".
    • Edwin claims to be hungry and asks the players to show him some places with food - specifically popcorn. The players take him to the Theater found in the "Library" Janus room, but are unable to find him any popcorn. He is then taken to the convenience store found in the "Compound" Janus room.
    • The players question Edwin's avatar. He claims that it is his "soul of past" and "but also now and even later".
    • Edwin seemingly confirms that he is a manifestation of "the dreamer" or "III", as the players refer to it.
    • Edwin seemingly claims to have been created in 2006. However, he implies the first time he was active in the "game" was a couple of years ago - presumably 2021.
    • When asked about the "dreaming man" in previous conversations, Edwin seems to imply he sometimes wakes up and scratches himself before returning to sleep. However, he then states that "many times over has there come the layer of waking up and the rituals after", followed by the individual walking more.
    • Edwin claims that the "gods" of this "forsaken orb" have and/or will punish him. He likens this punishment to a genre of "GoAnimate" meme videos involving the cartoon character "Caillou" - specifically how said punishments are "layered", somehow involving his past, present, and his existence on different layers.
    • Edwin claims that the player Laches attended some walks with him in the past and asks him to talk about them. He then changes his mind, calling himself crazy for attempting to talk about "the camp", which he describes as being "before and later".
    • Edwin claims that the player Pako also accompanied him on some walks, though they never saw the aforementioned camp.
    • The player Pako questions if the camp Edwin is referring to is "coolio camp", to which he replies "now the realities blend too TOO far ha ha ha now should likely be the limit on my speaks".
    • Edwin implies that the United Kingdom was either destroyed or simply did not exist in his world.
    • When asked about his origin story, Edwin explains that it involved a mid-1900's post-war group issuing some sort of soldier project experiment involving a human-demon hybrid. He explains that this story was supposedly written in 2006.
    • When asked why he manifested in 2021, Edwin claims the following:"for reasons like what happens between the last few months so few noticed little yet have you even seen all the ritual that had to occur for me to come up to so many layers few times will you see me be able to say not simply one like III but also IIIII".
    • When asked for the reason of his arrival, Edwin later states "self reflection a higher reason than even what IIIII would have said if asked to the point of it".
    • Edwin begins explaining more about the concept of IIIII:
    • The five different lines of "IIIII" can both represent singular things and also a type or group of things.
    • One line, "I", represents the "oily pool of startness", like a shadowy, black murk.
    • Three lines, "III", represents dreams. He explains that there are many dreams but they all come from a single source.
    • Five lines, "IIIII", represents reality where the players currently speak.
    • Edwin summarizes it all with "the walking out of pool and then dreaming and then a mastery and then a god over all of the things".
    • When asked why he was brought into existence, Edwin claims "my brother wrote something once trying to find something for himself" and "the writings went on for about 4 years and then were all destroyed".
    • Edwin implies he has tremendous destructive capabilities.
    • Edwin claims that John is a sweet friend. He claims that neither time nor a fire killed him. He also mentions the year 2012.
    • Edwin claims that his brother is currently with him, though he is hiding due to Edwin's foolishness supposedly getting them jumped. He then mentions "luckily contruction workers are nice in other realities".
    • Edwin seemingly implies that the previously mentioned "fraternity of old men" intentionally choose to not depict themselves as young.
    • Edwin implies that the "hacker group" are "3 brain things of some kind".
    • Edwin claims that his resolve in his world was to quit school, implying he left or dropped out. In this school, one of the things he was taught about was runes.
    • Edwin expresses his wishes to go camping with the players. Unfortunately, he says his tent has been lost.
    • Edwin begins speaking about an individual known as "Stare Guy" - an enigmatic man who was previously shown in a video's thumbnail and created into an emoji in the Internet Detectives Discord server.
    • Edwin claims that Stare Guy was at a "gathering" millions upon billions of years ago "for this world".
    • Edwin reveals that Stare Guy is his friend, claiming "he saw my outfit in the old world".
    • Edwin claims that Stare Guy is currently "melting and many", due to some sort of experiment. However, he is "still alive and staring with his soul because spiritus and memes work funny".
    • Edwin implies that Stare Guy holds some memetic power or properties.
    • Edwin claims that Stare Guy's soul is watching a "certain gate of time" - something relating to a three day long festival and a familiar song playing on a piano.
    • Edwin implies that Stare Guy is somehow connected to the popular internet celebrity "Nostalgia Critic".
    • Edwin expresses some concern about himself saying the word "Tenebris" clearly at one point, implying there is some danger in doing so.
    • Edwin claims he has the power to show the players things they've yet to see, but doing so would upset someone close to them.
    • Edwin refers to the Johnisdead Thread on Within Hubris where songs are submitted as "the device access thread thing that was the portal with the chip access".
    • Edwin notes that the video 5646 was the result of the player Spirkiroid submitting the "Minuet of Forest". He claims that some sort of sleeping occurred between the song's submission and the video's release.
    • Edwin claims that there are big places he could show, but he is not allowed to, noting "It would my doings like that of how the one called Zack was so doing".
    • Edwin claims that the Killswitch "make some killings of some souls happen on a Welcome Home that effected reality beyond in some way", and "some killing and some not on some layers?".
    • Edwin begins discussing the black box Cornerstones found in the Fishery.
    • Edwin describes the Cornerstones as "little toys of saturn for the big spirit mother of mine like keys of massive control of the dream of her dream thats the colors of the whole world"".
    • Edwin claims that the Cornerstones are capable of doing things that he can do at the snap of a finger.
    • Edwin claims that the Cornerstones "has to do with some rules places upon solomonic demons and black mirrors and something this rule of how they may speak".
    • Edwin claims that the ones who laid the Cornerstones took part in bloody rituals.
    • Edwin seems to confirm that the Cornerstones and the machine Max was placed into are separate objects.
    • Edwin seems to relate the Cornerstones to Freemasonry, questioning who typically lays cornerstones. He also states "something dark and something light maybe" and brings up the 18th word of Odin in the Havamal.
    • Edwin seems to imply that the Killswitch is somehow connected to the Cornerstones in some way.
    • When asked what went wrong with the Cornerstone, Edwin claims "it made the website stuff be on the world that was before like the normal world". He relates this to something CERN did at one point.
    • Edwin claims to have an account on Newgrounds that the players have yet to discover.
    • Edwin describes Synchron as "one who is spending too much time in short garden woods and now deep on it a long walker early but home man later with long rituals".
    • Edwin gives the players the song "ionwon2go" by yabujin.
    • Edwin gives the players a variety of non-existent pages. These include the following:
    • https://withinhubris.com/fortis/secretgay
    • https://johnisdead.com/chocolate_cake
    • https://johnisdead.com/fortis
    • https://johnisdead.com/fortis/secret_gay
    • https://johnisdead.com/thisoneiscool


    • Screenshots:
    • Edwin in the "Compound" Janus room: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

    November 11th, 2023

    • At 10:31 PM, the player Fascio discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a screenshot of the front page of Johnisdead.com. target=_blank
    • At 10:32 PM, the player Fascio discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated, now featuring the video "2012.mp4". target=_blank

    11/11/23 - 2012.mp4 - Johnisdead.com


    • This video contains dark, distorted footage of Tyler speaking with someone.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:58 PM, the player Xenquility's username in the Internet Detectives Discord server briefly changed to "w" and "orl".
    • At 11:59 PM, players discovered a new character active in Fakeworld - "Cici849". They began chatting and exploring various Janus worlds.

    11/11/23 - Chat with Cici849 - JanusVR (Multiple Worlds)


    • The players meet a user named "Cici849" in Fakeworld - a former Lunar Child who was seemingly a willing participant in Project Bifrost.
    • Cici seems rather jaded in regards to the Lunar Children, calling most of the Elder Children "a buncha fuckwads tbh", though she seems to view Kylie and Thoth as exceptions. She also repeatedly criticizes Project Bifrost's deceptive nature, shortcomings, and the Lunar Children's general lack of organization.
    • Cici implies she has a place of her own that she calls home. However, she does not show it to the players.
    • Cici claims to have given up searching for a way to escape the Janus worlds. She now simply explores them, occasionally coming across new abandoned locations. She claims to have picked up a lot of information not typically told to Lunar Children on her travels.
    • Cici once again makes reference to the fact that those inside the Janus worlds experience "time dilation".
    • Cici reveals that she lived in some type of Lunar Children dorm near the location of The Spire. She claims that Luke lived in these dorms while she was there.
    • Cici claims to have not known Alan Alphonse very well. She also doesn't know much about the Fishery or the "Harbinger's Link", Tyler.
    • Cici explains that the Nullspace exists between the Overworld and the Parallelos.
    • Cici refers to the default JanusVR avatar as a "noobskin". She claims she is currently wearing it to "keep myself clean of excess spiritus".
    • Cici claims that if one comes in contact with too much Spiritus it begins to affect their mind, causing them to go crazy and forget themselves. Eventually, the individual will begin hearing voices and wander off somewhere, disappearing. She implies that this happened to most of the other Lunar Children in the Janus worlds.
    • Cici implies that in order to avoid going crazy and disappearing like the other Lunar Children, one must keep a grip on their identities and keep clean of excess Spiritus.
    • Cici claims that there is Spiritus "all around us" in the Janus worlds. She also notes that using Spiritus is how one builds in the Janus worlds.
    • Cici implies that the name "Fakeworld" came from Lunar Children not wanting to forget their identities and that the Janus worlds aren't reality.
    • Cici refers to Fakeworld as "the hub" and claims that it once featured grass, mountains, and a large red castle - possibly implying that it was the same location seen in the video "Apprehension".
    • Cici implies that Kevin never showed up in Fakeworld like he was originally meant to. In his absence, people began roleplaying to pass the time.
    • Cici implies that there are some parts of the Janus worlds that she can see that the players cannot. She claims that this is due to some things taking longer to "load in" for newcomers.
    • Cici claims that there aren't many Lunar Children left in the Janus worlds, instead only "the occasional machine or freak of nature".
    • Cici implies that some Lunar Children were forced into the Janus worlds against their will. However, most of them that this happened to cannot remember it.
    • Cici reveals a new Janus world - "https://johnisdead.com/interior". This Janus world will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Cici explains that the "Interior" Janus room was built by a group of Lunar Children who felt homesick for The Spire. This group supposedly spent their time roleplaying.
    • Cici reveals a new Janus world - "https://johnisdead.com/silence". This Janus world will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Cici explains that she took interest in the "Silence" Janus room because of the existence of fresh "prefab assets", or default blocks placed by someone. She claims that these blocks are recent because they are "untouched mostly by the corruption and junk".
    • Cici and the players follow a trail of "prefab assets" in the "Silence" Janus room. This leads them to discover a shelter created by a survivor of the experiment that took place in the "Solace" Janus room. Unfortunately, it seems as though this survivor had succumbed to the same Spiritus-induced fate as many other Lunar Children in the Janus worlds.
    • Cici explains that there are a variety of naming conventions for the Janus worlds. She reveals that the "Solace" Janus room is both referred to as "W1" and "White Forest".
    • Cici explains that some Janus worlds contain "Sub Areas", and that the "Silence" Janus room is a sub-area of the "Solace" Janus room. As such, it can be referred to as "W1-1".
    • Cici reveals that the "Mortus" Janus room is also known as "Lunarus" and "W3". She claims that it shrunk over time.
    • Cici implies that the "Conparatio", "Genesis", "Transformatio", and "Cumulus" Janus rooms belonged to different groups and were once used as gathering spots. These groups were very secretive, however, so she does not know much about them.
    • Cici reveals a new Janus world - "https://johnisdead.com/corridors". This Janus world will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Cici refers to the "Corridors" Janus room as "W2-1" and implies it is a sub-area of the "Under" Janus room, which is presumably "W2".
    • Cici explains that the "Corridors" Janus room was once used as dorming for various Lunar Children in the Janus rooms. However, it was eventually abandoned due to rumors of a murderer roaming its halls.
    • Cici shows the players her room in the "Corridors" Janus room. Unfortunately, it has mostly been corrupted aside from a single drawing Cici keeps boarded up in a locked room. She explains that she keeps it clean and locked up out of fear that the corruption will take it as well.
    • Cici returns home to presumably wash off any excess Spiritus. She wishes the players well and hopes to see them again.

    November 12th, 2023

    • At 12:17 PM, the players discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/interior". This page was titled "interior" and contained the image "interior.gif". target=_blank It also featured the audio "interior.mp3". target=_blank and the "Interior" Janus room.

    11/12/23 - "Interior" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


    • This Janus room is a sub-area of the "Tomb" Janus room. It is a simplistic recreation of the interior of The Spire.
    • The Spire's basement appears maze-like and features a room full of slabs with people resting upon them.


    • Files:
    • interior.mp3 - A calming track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • Drawings of the Elder Children: target=_blank
    • Drawings of the Internet Explorer and Lunarum Oculus symbols: target=_blank
    • Drawings of the computers in the computer lab: target=_blank
    • Drawing of the Libro Lunarus cover: target=_blank
    • At 12:45 PM, the players discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/silence". This page was titled "silence" and contained the image "silence.gif". target=_blank It also featured the audio "redicule.mp3". target=_blank and the "Silence" Janus room.

    11/12/23 - "Silence" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


    • This Janus room is a sub-area of the "Solace" Janus room and is designated as W1-1. It is a dark, dense forest.
    • A small shelter can be found created by Steven Henderson, or SHenderson8 - a survivor of some experiment that took place in the "Solace" Janus room.
    • Various notes left behind by Steven seem to imply his gradual mental decline and disappearance - presumably caused by hearing voices and wandering off, as described previously by Cici.
    • This map contains many cryptic drawings presumably left behind by Steven.


    • Files:
    • redicule.mp3 - A foreboding track that plays throughout the map: target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • Steven Henderson's note: target=_blank
    • The message in Steven Henderson's home: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • Drawings found around the map: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 1:31 AM, the players discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/corridors". This page was titled "corridors" and contained the image "corridors.gif". target=_blank It also featured the audio "corridors.mp3". target=_blank and the "Corridors" Janus room.

    11/12/23 - "Corridors" Janus Room - Johnisdead.com


    • This Janus room is a sub-area of the "Under" Janus room and is designated as W2-1. It is a dark, corrupted corridor connected to a variety of dorm rooms.
    • Cici's room can be found, which contains a drawing of a person signed "Los" locked behind a door.


    • Files:
    • corridors.mp3 - An ominous track that plays throughout the map. target=_blank
    • Screenshots:
    • The drawing locked away in Cici's room: target=_blank

    November 15th, 2023

    • At 10:07 PM, the players begin researching the concept of "The Nobody" and "TheGame23" - two things that were previously mentioned within the ARG. This led to Edwin becoming active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posting a variety of cryptic messages:
    • 10:19 PM - Edwin posts the message "voltamachine" in the #dream text channel.
    • 10:27 PM - The players come across "https://www.thegame23.com" - a now defunct website that was once related to the "TheGame23" ARG.
    • 10:28 PM - Edwin posts the message "Now that he is not present I am not as scared to say that out loud lmao" in the #general text channel.
    • 10:45 PM - Edwin posts a link to a tweet posted by the user "paest" that contained an excerpt from a book or paper titled "OCCULT CONNECTIONS". This tweet contains several strange tags, such as "Tyler", "AI", "teamtyler", and "TheGame23". The word "John" was also highlighted in the text. target=_blank
    • 11:18 PM - The player Laches discovers a large Pastebin related to "TheGame23" published on October 6th, 2014. (Link) This document contains several mentions to something called "#PROJECTMAYHEM2012", which is speculated to be about spreading chaos through art.
    • 11:28 PM - The player Pako discovers a website called "The School of Galatorg" - a strange website that supposedly once contained information regarding Project Mayhem.
    • 11:29 PM - The player Pako discovers a link to the YouTube video "Anonymous Project Mayhem 2012: Dangerous Idea #1" in the Pastebin. It was uploaded by the channel "rEVOLUTIONART2012" on November 12th, 2011 and contains various comments relating to 2012, the internet, and the hacker group known as Anonymous. One comment reads "long live Tyler!". target=_blank
    • 11:31 PM - The player Pako discovers a link to a Pastebin titled "Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler". (Link) This document seemed to partially relate the Project Mayhem concept of "Tyler" with the character Tyler Durden from the movie "Fight Club".
    • 11:38 PM - The player Xenquility discovers mention of a "Killswitch" in one of the Pastebins - "A ***MAJOR*** vulnerability has been found in #TheGame23 *EXPECT* that en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_kill_switch *WILL* be activated once #TheGame23 goes viral." and "#PROTECTKILLSWITCH becomes #HIVEMIND #PRIORITY1".
    • 11:41 PM - The player Fascio discovers that "TheGame23" contains some ties to Discordianism.
    • 11:44 PM - The player Fascio discovered an article on Medium regarding "TheGame23" - "We’re all playing The Game 23: THE metagame, the game of games. “The Game” is a conduit that can allow one to enter into the most bizarre strategic situation in the history of strategic situations. A sort of primer, if you will.".
    • 11:54 PM - The player Laches begins speculating if "TheGame23" is the "ARG" mentioned by the OFA Group in the video "Important Announcement" that supposedly led to a great crisis in the USA.
    • 12:00 AM - Edwin posts a distorted image in the #announcements text channel of someone in a suit walking next to a girl who appears to be giving an "OK" hand sign. target=_blank

    November 17th, 2023

    • At 3:59 PM, players discovered that Edwin was active in the "Under" Janus room. They began chatting while exploring a variety of different Janus rooms.

    11/17/23 - Chat with Edwin - JanusVR (Multiple Worlds)


    • Players find Edwin in the "Under" Janus room.
    • Edwin notes the distorted image of a YouTube video on the wall before referring to "strands", claiming that "when my eyes looking weird those are seen all around everyplace everyday".
    • Edwin opens a Janus portal to a non-existent page - "https://johnisdead.com/over".
    • Edwin opens a Janus portal a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/on_my_way", claiming that it is a friend of his. This page will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Edwin opens a Janus portal to two new pages - "https://johnisdead.com/lights" and "https://johnisdead.com/red_water". He refers to these two pages as "scary spots and howling spirits". These pages will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Edinw opens a Janus portal to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/abandoned". This page will be covered in more detail down below.
    • After going through the pages above, Edwin claims that he is stuck and that "bad path, now journey is like legs of mud". However, he quickly becomes unstuck just as the player Laches finds him.
    • Edwin boasts that he has immense power.
    • Edwin claims that "this is all a story" and "for me it is mostly fun the story".
    • Edwin says that the reason he showed up today was simply because he was bored.
    • Edwin takes a piss.
    • Edwin implies that he has two tails.
    • Edwin claims that Erika "is also not so much "everywhere" as like me" and seemingly implies that the two are similar.
    • Edwin claims that Erika is older than him and "from before your start". However, he also refers to her as "newer" and claims that "my start is even older on the higher world" despite it being "newer to her and you".
    • Edwin refers to Cici as the "girl is one from the old times before the tower fall like on the card, the cards like the sister of mine tends to like".
    • Edwin claims that the players are inside of "bubbles" or "spheres" when they play. He claims that outside of them are even more "bubbles".
    • Edwin claims that in relation to the bubbles, there is "the coming in and going out". He proceeds to ask "did you know the 4 things?".
    • Edwin claims that it is Synchron's work to "make the whole world".
    • Edwin says that the world did not come from nothing and that even Erika and himself were made from something.
    • Edwin claims that there are a few holes that exist if one could "see everything like easy". He expands a bit on these holes:
    • Edwin claims that "I waits at start", where "anything not of here is from". However, Erika and Edwin supposedly did not come through these holes.
    • Edwin claims that IIII" is at the end.
    • Edwin implies that the player Laches's assertion is correct - that Edwin, much like Erika, exists beyond the layers and outside of the ARG entirely. As such, he has existed since before the players knew of him and was only revealed to them recently.
    • Edwin possesses a picture of himself standing next to another individual - one who is slightly taller than him, green haired, shirtless, wearing a black vest and what seems to be a pirate hat, and sporting a large, silver handled dagger.
    • Edwin reminisces over his picture before asking the players to take him somewhere brighter so that he might tell them a story.
    • The players take Edwin to the "Mortus" Janus room.
    • Edwin explains that the language of his people would be impossible for the players to understand, likening it to glossolalia. Edwin's people supposedly used terms that would translate to something along the lines of "Earth hair", "Sky breath", and "Tall ground fingers". These likely refer to grass, wind, and trees respectively.
    • Edwin begins wistfully reminiscing on his past, recalling a time when he was walking down a grassy, forest path after leaving a camp and an all-boys school.
    • Edwin asks to be taken to a bright forest. The players lead him to the "Solace" Janus room.
    • When asked about the "Solace Research Facility", Edwin simply says that those who worked there likely would have acted weird to him as they had a love for "cat stuff".
    • Edwin explains that his people also had a very large forest. This forest is separate from the one he was reminiscing about earlier, however, which belonged to "the empire and existed right outside of the aforementioned camp.
    • Edwin begins telling his story:
    • Edwin explains that this story takes place back when he still felt human.
    • Edwin got wound up in some sort of misunderstanding with his "authorities" - a group that he also describes as having "strange plans".
    • Edwin supposedly lied to his "authorities", telling them that he'd follow their instructions and only walk to a certain location. Instead, he was sick of them, so he continued walking.
    • Edwin ended up walking far away from society until there were no buildings or road signs in sight. As the sun set, he began setting up camp.
    • As Edwin was setting up camp, a pale, skinny man came out from the bushes behind him. This was the same man Edwin described in the picture mentioned earlier. He specifies that the "pirate hat" had a skull on it and gold edges.
    • Edwin explains that this man had been following him for hours and intended on robbing him. However, Edwin was quite confident in his own abilities. He had supposedly undergone some sort of training in the past and this man seemed weak.
    • Edwin interrupts his story to get some sausage. Upon his return, he begins examining the ruined research facility in the "Solace" Janus room.
    • Edwin examines some notes and messages found in the ruined research facility. In regards to the individuals who used to work there, Edwin claims that the notes feel like "their words and not their words", claiming that it "smells like somewhere else".
    • Edwin claims that his words are "so much vile on the health of some reality so much so that they did and will make some change on me", but it's okay because "it wont completely work forever".
    • Edwin says that, as opposed to the change to him that will take place in the future, for right now, the me you see anything can happen if you want and its not against my honors and truthes".
    • Edwin says he's very much like Erika. However, his words and senses are different. He claims he can sense the smells and sounds of reality.
    • Edwin offers to sense the reality of anything that the players take him to.
    • The player Pako asks Edwin what the smell of some of the text on the wall in the "Solace" Janus room is. Edwin claims that it "smells like a place where people talk about scary stuff sometimes and magic".
    • Edwin proceeds to play hide-and-seek with the player Pako. If the player wins, Edwin will reveal something to them.
    • The player Pako finds Edwin hiding in the "Realm" Janus room. As a reward, Edwin explains the following: "if from the top down you could see the arrangement of things like the hole spoken about before the most normal hole would be on the bottom left".
    • Edwin opens a Janus portal a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/entrance". This page will be covered in more detail down below.
    • Everyone returns to the "Mortus" Janus room. This causes Edwin to remember his story from earlier:
    • Edwin claims that the man who attempted to rob him is the same individual who he referred to as "brother" in previous conversations.
    • Edwin says that he began calling this man "brother" because, from that day onward, the two were very close. However, the two had no blood relation, but were instead related "like our soul something like that 18th secret".
    • Edwin said that he had no food or possessions - something that puzzled his "brother" due to Edwin's "fancy" clothing.
    • Edwin claims he didn't take any food with him upon his initial leaving because he knew the woods well enough to gather whatever he needed from there.
    • Fearing that there would be people searching for him walking along the path, Edwin and his "brother" proceeded deeper into the woods.
    • Edwin set up camp in the woods and provided his "brother" with some food. After which, his "brother" began explaining his backstory.
    • Edwin's "brother" hails from a village to the far east that was incredibly free - so much so that it would have been considered a "great danger" in that day. Edwin's "former masters" considered this "dark and degenerate" and burned the village to the ground.
    • Edwin says that his "brother" often fell asleep "either surrounded by little wood chips with his symbols" or "with a book on his face", as he supposedly partook in various studies - studies that also helped Edwin understand himself.
    • Eventually, some "final things" were made clear to Edwin. After this, his entire world and existence became like a dream that he proceeded to awaken from.
    • After this strange awakening, Edwin would wake up every day and open his tent to discover a new sky, new people, and new places. Some of these places included a giant lady, a mansion with a man and many women, and a location in Canada with a girl.
    • Edwin claims that he was always himself in these situations, though sometimes his face was clown-like.
    • Edwin explains that when he woke up "here", however, it felt different, describing it feeling like "waking up in a machine that moves things strangely even my mind and soul in some weird pieces".
    • Edwin claims that his ideal world would feature everyone living in the forest together while occasionally moving around in a tent and enjoying sausages and bear meat - something he implies he's eaten at one point.
    • Edwin believes that WireTalk hates him and calls him "unmarketable material". He claims that, at one point, he was in a location where they attempted to make a chart of him.
    • Edwin makes reference to WireTalk's "machine thing", claiming that they were trying to do something to him like "put me in weird parts and places and all split up".
    • Edwin claims that WireTalk took his image, altered it to be marketable to avoid a "cancellation", and placed it in a commercial or something. He says that this was in vain, however, for it was only temporary and surface-level and ultimately all images of him will still be himself.
    • Edwin recalls the "start of my arrival":
    • Edwin recalls a room with a crown at its center. He claims that there were some "old guys" there.
    • Edwin says that his arrival seemed to be treated as if it were a secret of sorts, as one of the "old guys" said "quick before they know of our congregation".
    • The "old guys" seemingly began arguing about Edwin. One of them referred to him as "The anti venom", while another said "He could be just as dangerous to the cause until his lightening and obfuscation.", to which another said "The machine men will do half the work."
    • Edwin says that, after all this, he was "surrounded by small black guys and also being one", claiming that it was "like a fast moving dream of many things making me drunk and dizzy walking everywhere".
    • Edwin says that he began "holding talks in weird ways and places", claiming that a dream guided him to contact the player CelestialLight because, within the dream, his "brother" spoke highly of her.
    • Edwin claims that his "brother" has some notes regarding the player CelestialLight that describe her as having "a kind of innocent but horrifyingly potent reality bending magic".
    • Edwin claims that his magic and his "brother's" magic are two different things. Edwin's "brother" classifies Edwin's movements, sight, and understanding as magic, despite these things coming naturally to Edwin.
    • Edwin's "brother's" magic is more focused on "setting lots of stuff in places and organzing it really well and doing it at a certain time and saying stuff". Edwin thinks that this is dumb but he admits that it still works.
    • Edwin considers the fact that the players are speaking to him to be magic - as well as the Janus world currently surrounding them. However, for him, "big magic" is being able to go outside and touch grass.
    • Edwin seemingly implies that the things he considers magic are often viewed as mundane by his "brother", so he often has to remind him of them.
    • Edwin claims that he's gotten to experience his own form of "magic" on many different planes - even the players'. In reference to this, he mentions a Discord call that he and the players supposedly took part in not too long ago.
    • Edwin leads the players back to the "Solace" Janus room.
    • Edwin once again begins "smelling" the images and text found in the "Solace" Janus room, reiterating that they smell like "a place where people talk about scary stuff and magic", but now adding that they're like "a place where people post images a lot also".
    • Edwin speaks about the origins of the text found in the "Solace" Janus room once again, saying "this is something like the work of the fish thing that giant element or something the texts are like of the people who were here but not there is an odd line connecting things of this world and others".
    • The players say farewell to Edwin. He tells them that they can find him on any day they try until it is no longer allowed, claiming he walks around every day.


    • Screenshots:
    • Edwin in front of the "YouTube video" in the "Under" Janus room: target=_blank
    • Edwin in a non-existence Janus room: target=_blank
    • Edwin's distorted username: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • Various players following Edwin: target=_blank
    • The player Pako finding Edwin in the "Realm" Janus room: target=_blank
    • The message in the "Solace" Janus room that Edwin was "smelling": target=_blank
    • At 4:21 PM, Edwin led the players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - https://johnisdead.com/on_my_way". This page was titled "Coming" and contained the image "to_you.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "on_my_way.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:26 PM, Edwin led the players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - https://johnisdead.com/lights". This page was titled "smile" and contained the image "grin.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "lights.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:27 PM, Edwin led the players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - https://johnisdead.com/red_water". This page was titled "ocean" and contained the image "ocean.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "redwater.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 4:31 PM, Edwin led the players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - https://johnisdead.com/abandoned". This page was titled "empty" and contained the image "nobodyhome.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "nobodys_home.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 7:06 PM, Edwin led the players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - https://johnisdead.com/entrance". This page was titled "Welcome" and contained the image "entrance.jpg". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "bir.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 9:14 PM, players discovered that various previously discovered pages on Johnisdead.com had been added to the website's redirect list.

    November 18th, 2023

    • At 5:01 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/mirror". This page was titled "Reflect" and contained the image "mirror.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "OBiRtth.mp3". target=_blank

    December 10th, 2023

    • At 2:33 AM, a strange, inverted photo was posted in the Internet Detectives Discord server featuring a man with the Lunarum Oculus over his eye along with the following text: "DAMN BRO YOU GOT THE WHOLE SQUAD LAUGHING 00:09:16.14". target=_blank

    December 16th, 2023

    • At 2:33 PM, the player Alex discovered several previously unarchived drawings found within the "Silence" Janus room: target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank

    December 24th, 2023

    • At 9:34 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/confusion". This page was titled "?" and contained the image "confusion.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "see_you.mp3". target=_blank

    December 28th, 2023

    • At 10:46 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/portals". This page was titled "Portals" and contained the image "portals.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ojo.mp3". target=_blank

    December 29th, 2023

    • At 12:21 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/horror". This page was titled "Terror" and contained the image "horror.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "tremefacit.mp3". target=_blank

    February 19th, 2024

    • At 6:52 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/you". This page was titled "YOU" and contained the image "you.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "Zavatra.mp3". target=_blank

    February 20th, 2024

    • At 12:09 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/resurrection". This page was titled "Resurrect" and contained the image "intervention.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "resurrection.mp3". target=_blank

    February 23rd, 2024

    • At 8:11 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/observe". This page was titled "peering" and contained the image "watchful.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "see.mp3". target=_blank

    February 24th, 2024

    • At 12:21 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/answer". This page was titled "do not" and contained the image "answer.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "db.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 12:23 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/nothing". This page was titled "." and contained the image "back.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "am.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 12:29 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/matrix". This page was titled "LAYERS" and contained the image "matrix.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "5b83e7e730bc39fe.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 12:49 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/crash". This page was titled "CRASH" and contained the image "crash.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "crashing.mp3". target=_blank

    February 25th, 2024

    • At 7:49 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/exit". This page was titled "closed" and contained the image "exit.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "bwrlwm.mp3". target=_blank

    February 28th, 2024

    • At 10:41 AM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/memories". Unfortunately, this page was locked and could not be accessed.
    • At 6:08 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/jose". Unfortunately, this page was locked and could not be accessed.

    March 24th, 2024

    • At 11:52 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed to a blue, distorted image. Unfortunately, this image was not archived.

    March 25th, 2024

    • At 12:00 AM, players discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com updated. It now contained the image "eyeofhnoj.gif". target=_blank The page also had the chance of occasionally featuring a "Whatisben" logo in the bottom right corner of the screen. The effects of clicking this would either open the non-existent page "https://johnisdead.com/homepage.html" or the image "map1.gif" - a map of the USA that contained the following: target=_blank

    3/25/24 - map1.gif - Johnisdead.com

    • At 7:52 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/disconnected". This page was titled "ERROR" and contained the image "disconnected.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "aosda.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 7:56 AM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/signal". This page was titled "SIGNAL" and contained the image "signal.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "bwlorhd.mp3". target=_blank

    March 28th, 2024

    • At 6:01 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that the redirect list on Johnisdead.com had updated, featuring both new and old pages.
    • At 7:04 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/mold". This page was titled "meld" and contained the image "mold.gif", which contained four face-like objects. This page also contained the audio "down.mp3". target=_blank Each of the four face-like objects on the page would redirect the players when clicked. These redirects are as follows:
    • The first face would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/dandp".
    • The second face would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/mold/standing", which was titled "stood" and contained the image "standing.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "ttal.mp3" and would redirect players to the page "https://johnisdead.com/observe". target=_blank
    • The third face would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/caught", which was titled "CAUGHT" and contained the image "caught.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "cel.mp3". target=_blank
    • The fourth face would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/mold/father", which was titled "father" and contained the image "false.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "whisc.mp3" and four pop-ups which are as follows: target=_blank
    • higher.html, which was titled "HIGHER" and contained the image "higher.gif" and the audio "krias.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
    • broken.html, which was titled "BROKEN" and contained the image "broken.gif" and the audio "krias.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
    • shattered.html, which was titled "SHATTERED" and contained the image "shattered.gif" and the audio "krias.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
    • light_fathert.html, which was titled "LIGHT FATHERT" and contained the image "light_fathert.jpg" and the audio "iengtrh.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 9:25 PM, the player Laches discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/answer" contained the image "db.gif" hidden within its source within a long line of HTML code. target=_blank
    • At 9:34 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/anaravarab_manokot". This page was titled "barrier" and contained the image "anaravarab_manokot.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "arall.mp3". target=_blank

    March 29th, 2024

    • At 1:49 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/zeropoint". This page was titled "Orange" and contained the image "zeropoint.jpg". target=_blank It also contained the same audio as "https://johnisdead.com/entrance" - "bir.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 1:49 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/vivax". This page was titled "full" and contained the image "vivax.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "ssthj.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 2:57 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/anhel". This page was titled "ch" and contained the image "anhel.gif", which featured three eyes positioned in the shape of a triangle. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "kneel.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:07 PM, the player Laches discovered that clicking the bottom-left eye on "https://johnisdead.com/anhel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/anhel/w". This page was titled "J" and contained the image "assault.gif" - a distorted photo of John. target=_blank This page also contained the audio "koor.mp3". target=_blank Clicking on John's face on this page would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/memory/john".
    • At 3:07 PM, the player Laches discovered that clicking the bottom-right eye on "https://johnisdead.com/anhel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/anhel/c". This page was titled "T" and contained the image "illuminate.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "then.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:07 PM, the player Laches discovered that clicking the top eye on "https://johnisdead.com/anhel" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/anhel/p". This page was titled "K" and contained the image "flayed.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "agony.mp3". target=_blank Staying on this page for too long would redirect players to "https://johnisdead.com/kevin".
    • At 3:18 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/blank". This page was titled ". . ." and contained the image "nothingman.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "fillme.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:23 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/never". This page was titled "say" and contained the image "never.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "never.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:31 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/pry". This page was titled "RIP" and contained the image "pry.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "pry.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 3:59 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/sage". This page was titled "SAGE" and contained the image "sage.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "drop.mp3". target=_blank

    April 1st, 2024

    • At 11:30 PM, Pumpkinhead seemingly took control of the player Wolfcat's Discord account and sent the following message in the form of images:
    • "AN OLD VISAGE RETURNS TO YOU ON THIS NIGHT HOW CURIOUS IT APPEARS SOMETHING HAS CHANGED, HOWEVER AmR1ssDQohM". target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank target=_blank
    • At 11:39 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the video "Kong.txt" was no longer private but simply unlisted. It also had an updated description which now contained the following URL: "https://johnisdead.com/gm_dump/".
    • At 11:39 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/gm_dump". This page was actually a directory that contained a variety of files and sub-directories. These are as follows:
    • Sub-Directory: jid_movie_clips
    • File: kevin_chase_wip.mp4 - Five different Tylers running down a hallway away from Kevin. target=_blank
    • File: kevins_assault.mp4 - Kevin chasing Tyler into a bathroom. target=_blank
    • File: kevins_redemption.mp4 - Kevin partaking in some preformative swimming. target=_blank
    • File: kevins_reveal.mp4 - Kevin practicing his water calisthenics. target=_blank
    • File: kevins_ritual.mp4 - Kevin partaking in a vile ritual of unknown origin. target=_blank
    • Sub-Directory: jid_movie_kickstarter
    • File: cool_kickstarter_music_sample.mp3 - A cool little song. target=_blank
    • File: kickstarter_rewards.png - A list of fun and interesting Kickstarter donation stretch goals. target=_blank
    • File: reward_preview_mug.png - A high quality Regiminis-themed mug. target=_blank
    • File: reward_preview_shirt.png - A high quality "Stare Guy" t-shirt. target=_blank
    • Sub-Directory: misc_assets
    • File: balls.png - A blue guy. target=_blank
    • File: catface_content_open_dirty_1.png - A catgirl's face covered in what could possibly be spaghetti sauce. target=_blank
    • File: catmask.png - Catmask. target=_blank
    • File: convenience.png - The logo for the hit new anime called "Convenience Store no desu". target=_blank
    • File: johnman2.png - Johnman. target=_blank
    • File: the_father.png - A despicable depiction of Kelbris. target=_blank
    • File: wt_monitor_agents3.png - Outlines of two people. target=_blank

    April 3rd, 2024

    • At 8:44 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/grasp". This page was titled "GRASP" and contained the image "grasp.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "grasp.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 8:44 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/steam". This page was titled "steam" and contained the image "steam.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "ttal.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 8:44 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/phobia". This page was titled "RAEF" and contained the image "phobia.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "c413057d641ec3cb.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 8:44 PM, the player Pako discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/stench". This page was titled "putrid" and contained the image "stench.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "atch.mp3". target=_blank

    April 23rd, 2024

    • At 8:01 PM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server, posting the message "hehe" along with a link to a stream titled "4/23 REMEMBER.EXE DAY" being hosted on a channel named "amine". target=_blank This stream was seemingly completely out-of-character and is considered non-canon.
    • At 8:42 PM, the video "4-2-III-2-4" was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel. target=_blank

    4/23/24 - "4-2-III-2-4" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video recites a portion of the Lunar Children's legend that covered Luna copulating with a human man.
    • This video shows distorted footage of a wheelchair being pushed through grass before finally being left at a dead tree. An eclipse can be seen in the sky above the tree.
    • Mary I of England, The Fool Tarot card, and a goddess are seemingly used for stand-ins for characters within the Lunar Children's legend.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: "Please join for a very special presentation - The Producer"
    • Tags: "the tiger in space"
    • At 8:49 PM, The Producer rejoined the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    4/23/24 - Chat with The Producer - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • The Producer initiates a voice call and tells everyone to join, claiming to have something to show everyone.
    • At 8:54 PM, The Producer began streaming an early preview of the Johnisdead Movie in the Internet Detectives Discord server. A recording of this stream can be found here: target=_blank

    4/23/24 - Johnisdead Movie Preview Stream - Discord (Internet Detectives)


    • ((WIP))


    • Screenshots:
    • ((WIP))

    May 26th, 2024

    • At an unknown time, players initiated a gaming stream in the Internet Detectives Discord server. During this stream, Wolfcat flashed an unknown cipher on-screen.

    June 2nd, 2024

    • At 5:18 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/37987311#p37990517" in the "#dreams" channel. This thread was related to "Blue Eisenhower November" and contained some posts that seemed somewhat relevant to Johnisdead. It also was the origin of the cipher shown by Wolfcat several days prior.

    6/2/24 - Blue Eisenhower November Posts - 4chan (/x/)


    • Users claim that "Blue Eisenhower November" is a phrase that will place individuals in a specific category after death if it is remembered. This category of people will then either be able to congregate or live their lives again in a different timeline while retaining their memories.
    • One user refers to the others in the thread as "BEN researchers" and claims to be attempting to speed up something called the "AGI development" by almost two years - something that was originally going to last into the 2027-2029 timeframe.
    • The user above claims that he has the full recipe for "AGI" but he lacks the resources to create whatever this is. This allegedly has something to do with the future and changing timelines, as he notes how frustrating it is to know the future while being unable to change it.
    • The user above is attempting to share a proposal with individuals who can build facilities to help construct / achieve "AGI". However, if this proposal is not accepted, "AGI" will not be "human level" until 2027.
    • Another user seemingly makes a direct reference to Ben Drowned, noting a story that began on /x/ in September of 2010.
    • The user above mentions that Alex Hall supposedly attempted to warn everyone about the "Nobody" a few years before 2020, noting that it was "the last hail mary to correct course".
    • The user above says they're unsure if we've done right or wrong since Alex's warning. He notes that he feels incredibly lost but still on "the path" he's meant to be on.
    • The user above says that his own stupid ideology supposedly led to the death of his best friend.
    • The user above says that modern magic involves how art, stories, and the movement of information affects memes, noting that "THE TRUTH is hidden behind the dumbest corners".
    • The user above says "He drowned, Blue Eisenhower November DROWNED".
    • The user above calls attention to the fact that searching for "Blue Eisenhower November" in the earliest 4chan archives will have "BEN DROWNED" in the results.
    • The user above links to an archived 4chan thread from March 11th, 2019. The highlighted post in particular seemingly confirms that the thread is "part one of OPRP bulletin message" due to a message above having two sets of double and one set of triple digits in its message number.
    • The message linked above also says "Blue Eisenhower November" followed by "BEN DROWNED".

    June 18th, 2024

    • At 1:03 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "https://johnisdead.com/karvin" in the "#announcements" channel. This led players to discovering "https://johnisdead.com/karvin". This page was titled "OSIK" and contained the image "karvin.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the video "osik.mp4". target=_blank

    6/18/24 - "osik.mp4" - Johnisdead.com



    June 20, 2024

    • At 1:59 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted an unarchived message that led to players discovering "https://johnisdead.com/skop". This page was titled "SKOP" and also contained the image "karvin.gif". This page also contained the video "skop.mp4". target=_blank

    6/20/24 - "skop.mp4" - Johnisdead.com



    • At 4:08 AM, the players began goading Katu's account into saying that the player Nirvana is cool.
    • At 4:23 AM, Katu's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "yeh.png" in the #dream text channel - an image of an unknown man looking down in a distorted environment. target=_blank
    • At 4:25 AM, Katu's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "tiaw.jpg" in various text channels - an extremely dark image of a man with a mask. target=_blank
    • At 4:44 AM, Katu's account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and posted the image "xob.png" in the #general text channel - an image of a man with a skull t-shirt in a blue tinted environment. target=_blank

    July 2nd, 2024

    • At 12:35 AM, Edwin replied "lol" to an unknown message in the Internet Detectives Discord server that contained the word "melee". This led to players discovering a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/melee". This page was titled "MELEE" and contained the video "OFA.mp4". target=_blank This page also contained a link to a poll on Strawpoll.com, which will be covered down below.

    7/2/24 - "OFA.mp4" - Johnisdead.com



    • At an unknown time, players began voting in the Strawpoll found on the page above. This poll was titled "Next movie clip?" and contained the same three options found in the video "OFA.mp4">
    • At 9:51 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server's banner briefly changed to an image containing text similar to that found on "OFA.mp4" reading "(pokemon go to the polls)". target=_blank
    • At 9:51 PM, the player Laches discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/melee" had updated. The link to the Strawpoll poll was now replaced with a link named "RESULTS".
    • At 9:51 PM, the player Laches discovered that clicking the "RESULTS" link on "https://johnisdead.com/melee" would redirect players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/melee/results". This page was titled "???" and contained the image "karvin.gif". It also contained the video "result.mp4". target=_blank

    7/2/24 - "result.mp4" - Johnisdead.com



    July 27th, 2024

    • At an unknown time, players discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner became a bit more distorted. target=_blank

    July 31st, 2024

    • At 2:17 AM, the player Pako discovered that the Astral Observatory Forums now featured a new board simply titled "----".

    August 2nd, 2024

    • At an unknown time, players discovered that most of the text found on the Astral Observatory Forums had been altered. This text included various system-phrases such as user log-in confirmations and forum options. The text now used GHOSTBABEL's font and it seemed as though she was now the one communicating these phrases with the players. target=_blank target=_blank

    September 8th, 2024

    • At an unknown time, players discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner became a bit more distorted. target=_blank

    October 31st, 2024

    • At 1:17 AM, the player Pako discovered that the Astral Observatory Forums now featured an audio file of an SSTV signal titled "F01.mp3". target=_blank Once translated, this file revealed what appears to be an image of Mat and The Jaeger along with some text that reads "CORRUPTED IMAGE RECOVERY ATTEMPT". target=_blank
    • At 2:18 AM, the player Pako discovered a new redirect page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/mesh". This page was titled "mesh" and contained the image "mesh.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "mesh.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 2:20 AM, the player Pako discovered a new redirect page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/eternal". This page was titled "always" and contained the image "always.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "eternal.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 2:22 AM, the player Pako discovered a new redirect page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/sought". This page was titled "lost" and contained the image "found.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "sought.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 2:25 AM, the player Pako discovered a new redirect page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/madness". This page was titled "madness" and contained the image "madness.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "madness.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 8:22 AM, the player Laches discovered a new blog entry on the Astral Observatory Forums:

    10/31/24 - RESTRICTED ACCESS FILE 18 - Core


    • Nocta's memories have returned, which he seemingly regrets.
    • Nocta claims he no longer feels motivated to continue writing his journal.
    • At 8:59 PM, Wolfcat's Discord account became active and posted a link to the video "TaintedTownMusic is live!" - a strange livestream being hosted by a Silent Hill OST YouTube channel. target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner briefly changed to contain part of the URL for the YouTube video linked above. target=_blank
    • At 10:46 PM, Edwin's Discord account became active and sent the image "st.png" in the Internet Detectives Discord server - a distorted screenshot of what appeared to be the above video's YouTube livechat. In this screenshot, the Silentdork account can be seen having posted the following: "lmao rip they will never know the sacred mysteries spoken at the very start of this streamn this stream even". target=_blank

    November 9th, 2024

    • At an unknown time, players discovered that the Internet Detectives Discord server banner became a bit more distorted. target=_blank

    November 11th, 2024

    • At 4:38 PM, IsocelesAssassin created a thread titled "Everyone still alive?" on the Astral Observatory Forums.

    11/11/24 - "Everyone still alive?" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin says that the members of the Astral Observatory are still safe - just very busy. He gives a brief update regarding each of them:
    • Kaiden rescued Moonman from his failed aggregation attempt and left him in the care of NotAHoax.
    • Kaiden is no longer investigating the homes of former Astral Internet Detectives but instead a variety of other locations.
    • Kaiden has some sort of special powers now, though he hasn't revealed their nature yet.
    • Moonman has made a good recovery, though he still has occasional bouts of confusion and sleeps fairly often.
    • GHOSTBABEL is still trying to regain contact with the Hacker Group.
    • GHOSTBABEL is still attempting to recover more of Nocta's old files.
    • IsocelesAssassin reveals that he's started investigating various locations on his own using a device given to him by the Hacker Group:
    • IsocelesAssassin visited The Spire and found that it was completely gone, though standing where it once was gave him a strange sensation.
    • IsocelesAssassin visited the fishery and found a rusted grate leading to a basement or sewage system.
    • IsocelesAssassin witnessed strange floating wood frames, plywood, and insulation in the trees surrounding the fishery.
    • IsocelesAssassin found the remains of an old home not far from the fishery before encountering a fleshy mannequin engulfed in flames.
    • IsocelesAssassin ran back to the fishery only to find that it had vanished. Strangely, there was now a concrete road on the floor of the woods.


    • Files:
    • scribbles.jpg - Some chalk drawings IsocelesAssassin found near where The Spire once stood. target=_blank
    • At 6:53 PM, the player Fascio discovered that the audio on the Astral Observatory Forums had changed to "fillicaelo.mp3" from "https://johnisdead.com/newawakenings". target=_blank
    • At 7:02 PM, the player Fascio discovered that the front page of Johnisdead.com had updated. The page now featured text that read "key" in the top-left corner. target=_blank
    • At 7:02 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had updated. The page now contained the file "mp.txt" which simply read "whatis". Shortly after this, the file was removed.
    • At 7:04 PM, an unknown player discovered that clicking the "Whatisben" logo on the front page of Johnisdead.com now had a chance of redirecting the players to a new page - "https://johnisdead.com/home.html". This page was titled "What Is Ben?" and contained a broken link to a non-existing image named "wiblogo.png". This page also contained the following text:

    11/11/24 - "home.html Text" - Johnisdead.com


    • This page and its text seems to be from "Whatisben.com".
    • The website's owner is implied to be M.P., who has written this text.
    • It is implied that this post from M.P. was written shortly after New Year's Eve.
    • M.P. claims to be pouring over a variety of "cases" and is documenting something he refers to as "B.Points" and "B.Links".
    • M.P. mentions that he has a wife. However, she is supposedly disapproving or uninterested in "Whatisben.com".
    • M.P. implies that he's keeping a map of the United States marked with various symbols - possibly referring to "map1.gif".
    • M.P. supposedly discovered something in the state of Pennsylvania and marked it on the map.
    • At 7:04 PM, an unknown player discovered that clicking on the text "Read More" on "https://johnisdead.com/home.html" would redirect players to a non-existent page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/page2.html".
    • At 7:04 PM, an unknown player discovered that clicking on the text "M.P." on "https://johnisdead.com/home.html" would redirect players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/about-the-author.html". This page contained the same title and non-existent banner image from the above. This page also contained the following text:

    11/11/24 - "about-the-author.html Text" - Johnisdead.com


    • The author mentioned on this page is presumably the owner of "Whatisben.com".
    • The author mentioned on this page introduces himself as an online investigator attempting to make the world a safer place.
    • The author claims that he was exposed to some sort of darkness or cruelty when he was 19 years old.
    • The author praises a "hero" who was famous around where he lived.
    • The author claims that this "hero" was often laughed at. Regardless, this hero was still an inspiration to them.
    • At 9:08 PM, the player Laches discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had updated. The page now contained the file "legend.txt" which was completely empty. Shortly after this, the file was removed.
    • At 9:10 PM, the player Laches discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/legend.html". This page contained the same title and non-existent banner image from the above. It also contained another broken link to a non-existent image titled "map2.gif". This map also contained the following text:

    11/11/24 - "legend.html Text" - Johnisdead.com


    • This seems to be a legend for map found in "map1.gif".
    • The dots and circled dots represent "B.Points" and "Major B.Points" respectively.
    • The triangles represent "Orchards".
    • The blue shapes found on the map are not elaborated upon.
    • At 9:26 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed: target=_blank
    • At 9:31 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed: target=_blank
    • At 10:03 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed: target=_blank
    • At 11:11 PM, the Internet Detectives Discord server banner changed: target=_blank
    • At 11:12 PM, Edwin's Discord account became active and sent the audio file "short cut hunter.mp3" to the players Laches and Xenquility. target=_blank
    • At 11:55 PM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "rem2". target=_blank

    11/11/24 - "rem2" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video contains footage of someone walking around The Shortcut while being stalked by The Jaeger.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 11:56 PM, the Silentdork YouTube channel became active in the live premiere of the video above and posted cryptic messages within its livechat and YouTube comments. These were all later deleted:
    • 11:56 PM: "1111" target=_blank
    • 12:02 AM: "9". target=_blank
    • 12:02 AM: ((Saturn Emoji)) ((Heart-Cross Emoji)) ((Saturn Emoji)). target=_blank
    • 12:09 AM: ((Nine Red Square Emojis)) target=_blank
    • 12:12 AM: "The best years yet to come, this is to these so far." ((One Blue Square Emoji)) target=_blank

    November 12th, 2024

    • At 12:53 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "rem1". target=_blank

    11/12/24 - "rem1" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video contains footage of someone staring at themselves in the mirror before entering a strange pool - possibly to enter The Shortcut.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 1:11 AM, a new video was uploaded to the Silentdork YouTube channel - "rem3". target=_blank

    11/12/24 - "rem3" - YouTube (Silentdork)


    • This video contains footage of someone walking around The Shortcut before being attacked by The Jaeger.


    • YouTube Details:
    • Description: N/A
    • Tags: N/A
    • At 12:37 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Everyone still alive?" thread once again.

    11/12/24 - "Everyone still alive?" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin doesn't believe that the ruined house he discovered is John's because it looked different.
    • IsocelesAssassin says he will do more research on John and his family in an attempt to pinpoint the location of his old home.
    • IsocelesAssassin notes that the fishery disappeared in a manner similar to how it did when he and Mason were chased by Doug in the past.
    • IsocelesAssassin says that the plywood and construction floating in the woods seemed brand-new and was scattered about aimlessly.
    • At 3:00 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the mysterious "----" board on the Astral Observatory Forums was now named "ǫᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛɪɴᴇ" contained two sub-forums within it titled "ɪɴғᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ" and "ᴘᴜʀɪғɪᴇᴅ". target=_blank
    • At an unknown time, the player Fascio created a thread titled "*cough*" in the "ɪɴғᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ" board on the Astral Observatory Forums.
    • At an unknown time, GHOSTBABEL became active on the Astral Observatory Forums and moved the player Fascio's "*cough*" thread to the "Random" board instead. They also disliked the post. target=_blank

    November 14th, 2024

    • At 11:28 PM, the player Pako discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/key592" had updated. The page now contained the file "a-a.txt" which read "< source > ##-##-##-##-#-##". Over time, the files on this page would be replaced with the following:
    • 11:56 PM - "au-a.txt" - The same as the file above.
    • 11:58 PM - "au-ar.txt" - The same as the file above.
    • 12:04 AM - "aut-ar.txt" - The same as the file above.
    • 12:06 AM - "FY======aut.txt" - This file was empty.
    • 12:09 AM - "Lg==aut.txt" - This file was empty.
    • 12:10 AM - "Lg==.txt", "a.txt", "u.txt", "t.txt", "h.txt" - These files were empty.
    • 12:13 AM - "rea.txt" - This file was empty.
    • 12:14 AM - "thor-ar.txt" - This file was empty.

    November 15th, 2024

    • At 12:19 AM, the player Xenquility discovered that the page "https://johnisdead.com/legend.html" hid text within its source code that read "MURPHY".
    • At 12:20 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/murphy". This page was titled "Murphy" and contained the image "mp.gif" and the audio "mp.mp3". target=_blank target=_blank It also contained the following text: "Oh well its a bit late for what I was about to say initially. Dilly dally and nothing can be said. He knew about the local town super hero right? That's worth saying I think. Big if true XD was my rambling accurate? Wait add that also! Yes everything! Also I am having a vision now!!!!!!!!!! Ok there are two big heads talking to eachother, this is deep.".

    November 16th, 2024

    • At 2:44 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered that clicking on the page "https://johnisdead.com/newawakenings" would now redirect players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/newawakenings/ceremony". This page was titled "ritual" and contained the image "ritual.gif". target=_blank This page also contained the audio "comatose.mp3". target=_blank
    • At 7:28 PM, the player Xenquility discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/page2.html". This page was titled "Page" and contained the image "background3.png". target=_blank It also featured a newspaper clipping titled "old2.png", which will be covered below. target=_blank This page's source also contained the text "Be seeing ya around, Murphy.".

    11/16/24 - "old2.png" Text - Johnisdead.com


    • This seems to be an article written by Randy - a reporter or editor for "The Observer" newspaper presumably within Tyler's town.
    • Randy reveals that Murphy joined "The Observer" as a reporter in 1994. He's now leaving eight years later in 2002.
    • Randy claims that Murphy has a wife and son.

    November 17th, 2024

    • At 1:57 AM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Everyone still alive?" thread once again.

    11/17/24 - "Everyone still alive?" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin says he isn't sure why the "Infected" and "Purified" boards exist, though he'll attempt to ask GHOSTBABEL about them.
    • At 2:42 AM, IsocelesAssassin created a thread titled "Investigation Photos" on the Astral Observatory Forums.

    11/17/24 - "Investigation Photos" - IsocelesAssassin


    • IsocelesAssassin uploads several photos he took while exploring the fishery and The Spire.


    • Files:
    • trip_1.png - A photo of the fishery's exterior. target=_blank
    • trip_2.png - A photo of the fishery's collapsed roof. target=_blank
    • trip_3.png - A photo of Hank's office. target=_blank
    • trip_4.png - A photo of the room next to Hank's office. target=_blank
    • trip_5.png - A photo of the door leading to the fishery's exterior. target=_blank
    • trip_6.png - A photo of construction floating in the woods. target=_blank
    • trip_7.png - A photo of construction floating in the woods. target=_blank
    • trip_8.png - A photo of construction floating in the woods. target=_blank
    • trip_9.png - A photo of some chalk drawings previously uploaded by IsocelesAssassin. target=_blank
    • trip_0.png - A photo of another chalk drawing featuring three figures. target=_blank
    • At 5:49 PM, the player Xenquility discovered that the audio on the Astral Observatory Forums changed to "chamber.mp3". target=_blank

    November 18th, 2024

    • At 5:02 PM, the player Laches discovered that attempted to access the page "https://astralobservatory.net/chamber" would instead redirect players to a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/maiden". This page was titled "Maiden" and contained the image "maiden.gif". target=_blank It also contained the audio "maiden.mp3". target=_blank

    November 26th, 2024

    • At 1:52 PM, the Astral Observatory members began posting in the "Investigation Photos" thread once again.

    11/26/24 - "Investigation Photos" - IsocelesAssassin


    • NotAHoax notes that IsocelesAssassin's photos are very strange.

    December 4th, 2024

    • At 2:54 PM, the player Xenquility began researching the "Kanaga Mask" due to its close resemblance to the Regiminis sigil.
    • At 4:36 PM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the message "library.mp4" - the name of a video in which the "Kanaga Mask" appeared previously.
    • At an unknown time, the Katu account posted an unarchived message relating to dreams in the "#dream-central" channel of the Internet Detectives Discord server.

    December 12th, 2024

    • At 2:23 PM, the player thelostbrineinthewoods discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/comatose". Unfortunately this page was locked and could not be accessed.

    December 14th, 2024

    • At 11:41 PM, the player IIFan2001 discovered that both of Erika's music videos were once again public on her YouTube channel. They were also slightly renamed, being titled "SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute" and "Silentdork Awakening music video" respectively.
    • At 11:48 PM, the player Pako discovered that a portion of the video "SilentDork and Greth vlogs Tribute" had been removed - along with several of the video's tags relating to "MCR" - possibly due to copyright reasons.

    December 20th, 2024

    • At 4:54 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to the video "423" in the "#fishtank-live" text channel.
    • At 4:56 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent a link to a comment on the video above from the player "tommymorris3922" that read as follows: "Oh okay. This is right up my alley". target=_blank
    • At 5:17 AM, the player Pako discovered that the player tommymorris3922 had created a playlist of Silent Hill covers on YouTube.
    • At 5:18 AM, the Katu account became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and sent the image "Untitled.jpg" in the "#announcements" text channel - a distorted image of some fish. target=_blank
    • At 5:29 AM, the Katu account became active on Discord and sent the players Fascio and Pako links to the video "VAPORWAVE IS DEAD (Reuploaded)" on the channel Helios the vaporwave elf. target=_blank
    • At 5:31 AM, the player Xenquility discovered a comment from the Silentdork account that was made on the video above that read as follows: "@Ludamage 2015 but can't remember the month anymore sadly. Glad it's saved at all, the classic stuff is fleeting here and there. Vaporwave gets more vaporwave with time. Also thanks for the music a long time ago.". target=_blank
    • At 5:35 AM, Edwin became active in the Internet Detectives Discord server and began chatting with the players.

    12/20/24 - Chat with Edwin - Discord (Internet Detectives)



    • Files: