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Name Fakeworld
Date 6/2/15
URL https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld/

Fakeworld is a Janus room discovered on Johnisdead.com. Acting as a general hub world for various other Janus rooms, Fakeworld was the first Janus room discovered by players. Over the course of Johnisdead, Fakeworld has greatly expanded.


On June 2nd, 2015, players discovered a new page on Johnisdead.com - "https://johnisdead.com/fakeworld". At the time, the players simply believed this page contained only some cryptic text and files. Shortly after this page's discovery, however, the players were contacted by Tyler, who was currently staying at a motel. Tyler explained that he heard a strange man shouting "152". This led players to discovering another page - "https://johnisdead.com/152". This page contained a link to "https://janusvr.com" - their first encounter with JanusVR. Players used the program on the Fakeworld page, leading to them discovering the Fakeworld Janus room.

At the time, Fakeworld was fairly simple, consisting of only a single room with strange images dotted along the walls. Fakeworld later updated on June 11th when a portion of the wall was removed. This revealed a skybox that appeared to be a green landscape with hills. Fakeworld updated again on July 8th. The small room was now missing a wall. This allowed players to explore a large, distorted, purple-colored landscape. Fakeworld updated once again on July 23rd with more land. On August 6th, the room underwent a final update which enshrouded the entire map in darkness. At this point, players could barely see in-front of them.

After this, Fakeworld stopped receiving updates for several years. Sometime in 2017, the page was completely removed. Upon the return of Johnisdead.com on April 23rd, 2020, however, the page and Janus room returned. The map appeared as it had before with slight alterations, such as reduced fog. Fakeworld updated again the next day, now containing a small cave in a canyon-like location which housed a portal to the Under Janus Room.


