
From Johnisdead Wiki
Revision as of 14:21, 6 May 2023 by Theboys (talk | contribs)
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Welcome. This page exists to help teach newcomers how to contribute to the Johnisdead Wiki. MediaWiki allows for much more freedom than Fandom. However, with this added freedom comes less structure. It's up to the users to create this structure themselves through templates, CSS, and smart design.

Basic Article Functions

The no-brain basic shit Editing the Johnisdead Wiki requires an account. The wiki does not support anonymous editing due to vandalism. Once an account has been created, users can begin contributing to the Wiki. In order to edit a page, simply click the "Edit" tab above an article.

To create a new page, type "https://johnisdead.withinhubris.com/" into your address bar followed by whatever you want the article to be titled. If that page does not already exist you will be able to create it yourself.

The tabs above an article also allow you to view/restore previous page versions or move pages to new URLs.

Article Etiquette

More like edit-quette, am I write?